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Lesson Exemplar in ENGLISH Using the IDEA Instructional Process

SDO Rizal Grade Level Nine

LESSON Name of Teacher Krizia Mae D. Pineda Learning Area English
Teaching Date and Time 4 days Quarter First

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-
American literature and other text types serve as means of
enhancing the self; also, how to use processing, assessing,
summarizing information, word derivation and formation
strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and
interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in a
speech choir.
B. Performance Standard The learner actively participates in a speech choir through
using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on
the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial
Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various
(if available write the indicated MELC) situations (intimate, casual, conversational, consultative,
D. Enabling Competencies EN9V-IIa-27: Employ the appropriate communicative styles
(if available write the attached enabling competencies) for various situations (intimate, casual, conversational,
consultative, frozen).
II. CONTENT Communicative Styles
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages A Journey through Anglo- American Literature pp.75-76
b. Learner’s Guide Pages A Journey through Anglo- American Literature pp.119-120
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials from Learning Resources 1.
B. List of Learning Resources for Development and
Engagement Activities
Connecting Lives!
o The class will be grouped into four (4).
o In Online Distance Learning, the teacher will ask or
share his/her screen to learners to consider the
given situation:

A student received academic recognition

from the school. How do you think a
A. Introduction supportive parent would speak to the child?
Would others, such as a friend or a teacher,
speak to the child in the same manner?

o Use the grid and picture to create a possible

dialogue between the following: student-parent,
student-friend, student-teacher.

o Groups 1-4 will be given five (5) minutes to

accomplish the task.
o Each group will present their dialogues to the class.
Each member has to take a role.
o Meanwhile, other groups will listen to the
presentation of the group assigned to them. After
the presentation, they will be asked to give their
comments in the chat section of the platform.
Use this guide:
~ Group 1 – Group 2
~ Group 2 – Group 1
~ Group 3 – Group 4
~ Group 4 – Group 3
o Each group will be graded based on the given
Content - 50%
Creativity - 25%
Presentation - 25%

Goal Orientation
o Ask the students to reflect on the following question:
What is the degree of formality in each
o The students will answer the question based on the
given grid and justify their answer.

B. Development Student-Teacher

On Vibe!
o The teacher will share his/her screen and present
the dialogue and the video clip to the class.
o Let the students read and listen to the tools
presented by the teacher; afterwards, they will
answer the questions provided.

Processing Questions:
1. What is the video about?
2. What is the comic strip about?
3. What do you think are the differences between
the two tools presented?
4. How does our relationship with others influence
the way we communicate with them?
Let’s talk more!
o The learners will be provided with different scenarios
and pictures on the different styles of
o To strengthen their understanding and further
develop their knowledge about Communication
Styles the teacher will share his/her screen and for
the online distance learning, they may access the
link provided.

A. Consultative D. Intimate
B. Casual E. Frozen
C. Formal

o The learners will try to guess the styles used in the

scenario or pictures. They will choose in the word
pool provided.
o To make it interactive, they will try to define the
following terms using their online dictionary.
o Afterwards, the teacher will share his/her screen
and present the key concepts and definition of
terms in Communication Styles. The learners can jot
down the meaning of the following terms.
o Example situation and dialogues will be provided
for the learners to understand the different styles in
Let’s do more!
o The learners will do the activity indicated in the
PowerPoint Presentation.
o For Online Distance Learning, the teacher will send
it through their Google e-mail account or in Google

Activity #1
Directions: There are some phrases that belong to different
communicative situations, such as ‘greetings’, ‘complaints’,
‘encouragement’. Write or copy then paste it into the right
Frozen Formal Consultative Casual Intimate

Thanks for You’re so good. Whoa, way to

following-up on I’m crazy about go! Nice catch!
the Aguirre’s you!
account. Great
I’m sick and tired I offer You all my How's my little
of this thing! prayers, works, snuggy wuggy?
joys and suffering
of this day….
Welcome to the Oh, Juan. Just a This is a
Bagumbayan moment! Listen, complaint for
Industrial Center. you know… damages and
Where well… what was injunctive relief
tomorrow’s world with that arising out of
C. Engagement meets todays. Facebook manipulative
Please comment last activities in the
remember that night? gold market from
no flash 2019 to the
photography is present time...
allowed during
this tour…
Hey, Raul. What’s Hello, Mr. Good morning.
up? Santiago. How May I speak to
are you this the manager,
morning? please?
Thank you for Excuse me Ms. I hope you don't
applying for this Catameo. As I mind my stating
position. we’ll let understand the that the
you know within task, we need to service is
a week if you focus on unsatisfactory. I
have been improving our would like a
chosen for an delivery in J&T refund.
interview. rather than
blaming our

Open for Improvement!

o The learners will perform a real-life task using the
given activity:

Activity #2:
Directions: Based on the five styles of Communication. Think
of an example dialogue for each of it then prepare for the
presentation in front of the class.
1. Frozen
- Language that does not change:
Prayers and pledges, "set" speech which is
often scripted
2. Formal
- Complete sentences and specific word
Formal English often used to show respect
used in places such as work, school and
public offices
3. Consultative
- Formal register used in conversation:
Language of conversations with
colleagues, peers, etc.
4. Casual
- Language used in conversation with
Idiomatic and often full of slang, used to
signal belonging to a given group
5. Intimate
- Language between close family members:
"Private" language full of code words only
known to the members

Be More Active!
o After they accomplished the given task, the learners
will prepare a summary of the Activity #2.
o For Online Distance Learning, they may send their
accomplished summary through Google
o The summary must comprise what are the
differences between the Communicative Styles;
and which styles they commonly use at school.
D. Assimilation On Point!
o In formulating information reflective of what they
have learned, the learners will create a short
skit/dialogue about on how they will disseminate
the important points in terms of Coronavirus COVID-
19 ; they will only choose one (1) in the five (5)
Communicative Style.
Be Mindful!
o The teacher will ask the learners to give situations as
to where the five (5) Communicative Styles becomes
relevant and important. They will make their own
Comic strip for each of the Communicative Style, this
will set as their Output.
o For Online Distance Learning, they will have some
recordings of their Output and they may send it
through Google Classroom.
o They will be graded according to the given rubrics:

Content - 50%
Creativity - 25%
Presentation - 25%

The learners will write on their notebooks and portfolio their

reflection using the prompts below:

My journey through this lesson enabled me to learn

It made me realize that ___________________________________

I therefore, commit to ____________________________________


Prepared by:

Krizia Mae D. Pineda

Teacher I

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