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A PPG Brand

Durable finish range

The SigmaDur TM

Durable Finish Range

PPG Protective & Aggressive environments demand highly durable systems.

Incorporating innovative technology, the SigmaDur range meets
Marine Coatings these requirements and offers exceptional protection for the
life of the structure. As evidence of our word-class product
Unrivalled performance and protection capability, various systems have been tested to meet and
exceed the highest international standards, such as ISO 12944,
NORSOK M501, and Florida testing according to ACQPA.
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings (PMC) is a
world leader in protective and marine coatings. The SigmaDur range of atmospheric, abrasion and
corrosion-resistant coatings cure down to -5°C/23°F, providing
outstanding performance in durability, color and gloss retention.
We create proven products that protect customers’ They’re tried and trusted to look good and work hard over many
years, with optimum resistance to the splash of mineral and
assets in some of the world’s most demanding vegetable oils, paraffins, aliphatic petroleum products and mild
markets including:
SigmaDur applications
• Civil building The SigmaDur range is widely used and respected in all key industry
sectors, meeting the extreme challenges required to protect major
• Infrastructure assets throughout the world.
• Offshore
• Petrochemical Offshore Power
• Power l C oastal inland structures lM  echanical and electrical
• Rail lD  rilling rigs
l Power
l F PSOs
• Marine new-build l Offshore
 platforms l S teel and concrete tanks
• Marine dry dock l TLPs l Wind turbines
• Marine sea stock
Petrochemical Infrastructure
l Jetty
 protection l Bridges

Our coatings are unrivalled in performance and
l Pipelines l P ort and harbor structures
protection among asset owners, contractors, l Stadiums and airports
lP  rocess equipment
fabricators and applicators across the globe, lR  efineries l T anks
helping customers meet the challenges they l S torage facilities
face today, and tomorrow.

Experience, innovation and integrity – that’s

what makes PMC the ideal coatings partner.
Performance you can trust
All products are manufactured according to world-leading standards to
ensure consistent performance throughout the entire SigmaDur range.

Resistance to:
l Abrasion l Aliphatic petroleum
l Humidity products spills
l Impact l Chemical spills
l Long-term weathering l Oil spills
l Salt spray

Product performance
PSX 700

SigmaDur 1800

SigmaDur 590

SigmaDur 580

SigmaDur 550

SigmaDur 540

SigmaDur 520

SigmaDur 500

0 5 10 15 20 25
durability in years
The SigmaDur Range

SigmaDur 1800
Product performance New generation, polymeric urethane finish
lG  loss
lD  urability up to 20 years
lH  igh-solids
lV  OC-compliant
lO  utstanding color and gloss

50 retention due to styrene-free

l E xcellent resistance to atmospheric
l L ow application costs due to
reduced number of coats
0 lM  eets the requirements of
0 5 10 15 20 ISO 12944, NORSOK M501,
and Florida testing according
exposure to ACQPA
SigmaDur 1800

Conventional polyurethane
Conventional polysiloxane
SigmaDur 590 SigmaDur 580 SigmaDur 550
Polyurethane finish Polyurethane finish Aliphatic acrylic polyurethane finish

l Gloss l Semi-gloss lG
l Durability up to 12 years l Durability up to 12 years lD
 urability up to 10 years
l High-solids l High-solids lG
 ood color and gloss retention
l VOC-compliant l VOC-compliant lG
 ood atmospheric resistance
l Good color and gloss retention l Good color and gloss retention lM
 eets the requirements of
l E xcellent resistance to atmospheric l Good atmospheric resistance ISO 12944, NORSOK M501 and
exposure Florida testing according to ACQPA
l Meets the requirements of
l Low application costs due to ISO 12944 and Florida testing
reduced number of coats according to ACQPA
l Direct to metal
l Meets the requirements of
ISO 12944
SigmaDur 540 SigmaDur 520 SigmaDur 500TM

Epoxy acrylic finish Aliphatic acrylic polyurethane finish Aliphatic acrylic polyurethane finish

l Semi-gloss l Semi-gloss lG  loss

l Durability up to 10 years l Durability up to 10 years lD  urability up to 7 years
l Good color and gloss retention l Good color and gloss retention lG  ood color and gloss retention
compared to standard epoxy coatings l Good atmospheric resistance lG  ood atmospheric resistance
l Good atmospheric resistance l Meets the requirements of l C ost-effective
l Isocyanate-free ISO 12944, NORSOK M501, and
l Meets the requirements of Florida testing according to ACQPA
The SigmaDur
SigmaDur 1800
l New generation, polymeric urethane gloss finish

SigmaDur 590
l Polyurethane gloss finish (Amershield)

SigmaDur 580
l Polyurethane semi-gloss finish

SigmaDur 550
l Aliphatic acrylic polyurethane gloss finish

SigmaDur 540
l Epoxy acrylic semi-gloss finish

SigmaDur 520
l Aliphatic acrylic polyurethane semi-gloss finish

SigmaDur 500
l Aliphatic acrylic polyurethane gloss finish
PPG Protective
& Marine Coatings
PPG Protective & Marine Coatings brings unrivalled levels
of innovation, experience and expertise in coatings technology,
supported through our expanding global supply and distributors’
network in over 80 countries.

We have in-depth knowledge of the industry, our customers’

day-to-day challenges and the environmental, health and
safety standards in the marketplace. By working in close
partnership with customers, our technical service
representatives are able to offer an unsurpassed level of
market knowledge. This enables us to respond quickly with
efficient, economic solutions in all environments and

The result – performance-enhancing coating systems that

can be applied more easily, resist the elements more
effectively, and deliver maximum performance with
minimum downtime.

No rights can be derived from the

content of this publication. Unless
otherwise agreed upon in writing, all
products and technical advice given
are subject to our standard conditions PPG Protective & Marine Coatings
of sale, available on our website P.O. Box 58034, 1040 HA Amsterdam, The Netherlands All rights
Tel: +31 (0)20 407 5050, Fax: +31 (0)20 407 5059
reserved. All trademarks or registered
trademarks are the property of their Email: [email protected]
respective owners. Website: 942396/10-09

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