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TOPIC : WEEK 1: MODULE 1 – Philosophy of Sports Coaching
Lesson 1: Introduction to Philosophy
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Discuss and understand the definition of sports coaching.
2. Discuss the primary aim of sports coaching.

1. Music (sustain for 10 seconds then fade out)

2. Good morning to our beloved students of Sports Track GRADE 11. Welcome to Capas
National High School!
3. This is your school-on-air in Sports Officiating and Activity Management, your favorite
radio program, DWRY 103 FM, Your Dream Radio. Thank you for tuning in
4. For the next 20 minutes you get to listen and learn more about introduction to philosophy
in sports coaching, this lesson script is prepared by sir Ernesto A. Diaz. This is your host
teacher Benjie, signing in.

6. "Sports are wonderful; they can bring you comfort and pleasure for the rest of
your life. Sports can teach you so much about yourself, your emotions and
character, how to be resolute in moments of crisis and how to fight back from the
brink of defeat. In this respect, the lessons of sports cannot be duplicated easily;
you quickly discover your limits but you can also build self-confidence and a
positive sense of yourself. Never think of yourself as being above sports."
— Arthur Ashe, Days of Grace, (1993)

7. So sit back, relax and enjoy while listening attentively to our broadcast. Get Ready
SPORTS TRACK G11, prepare your copy of Fundamental of Coaching- Module 1
Lesson 1, grab a pen and your answer’s sheet.
9. Once again you are tuning in to… School-on-the-air in Fundamental of Coaching.
10. Before proceeding, open your module 1 lesson 1, What’s New and share your idea by
writing it on the space provided, WHO IS YOUR INSPIRATIONAL COACH? And Give at
least five reason why.
12. That was a good start…You will have enough time to think about it anyway, make sure
that you write down your idea on the provided space.
14. For our lesson today, enumerate and discuss the definition of sports coaching.
15. Go to page 3, WHAT IS IT in your module and lets START!
16. First Explain and define sports coaching.

17. Sports Coaching means different things to different people. For some, sports coaching
is their job, for others it is a pastime that they willingly give up their time to do on a
voluntary basis. Some pursue the academic study of sports coaching for personal
attainment or for sharing ideas and information; others pursue the vocational study of
sports coaching to acquire certification that demonstrates a particular level of
competence. Individuals and teams are the consumers of sports coaching. Often
coaching is all about improving individual or collective performance, however, receiving
sports coaching also offers the space to enjoy participation in sport. This module will
enhance your understanding of sports coaching by challenging you to explore some of
the assumptions surrounding the study and practice of sports coaching.

18. In addition in our discussion about sports coaching, you know what, Sport plays an
incredibly important role in modern British life. As well as boosting the economy by
billions every year, sport also encourages community spirit, gives players and spectators
a greater sense of purpose, teaches young people fundamental life skills and improves
the physical and psychological health of millions who participate.

19. Now, sports track, what is your basic reason in playing sports or to play game?

20. What my point is, some people participate in sports simply for fun, while others view it as
a fundamental part of their lives and strive constantly to do better. Whatever your
motivations for taking part in sport, a coach can help you, not only excel but can also
maximize your level of enjoyment in whichever activity you choose.

21. Through expert tutoring, constructive criticism, motivation and on-hand support, sports
coaches can help individuals focus their minds, hone their bodies and learn the
disciplines to ensure they have the best possible chance of succeeding.

22. The question is, what is sports coaching is all about.

23. To differ our discussion about sports coaching, the use of the term sport can be
problematic. Sport is often defined in terms of team sports (for example, hockey, netball,
football, rugby and volleyball) or individual sports (for example, tennis, badminton, golf,
athletics and fencing). The definition is usually refined by adding that sport is normally
associated with being physical, requiring skill, involving competition with clearly
identifiable winners and losers, and that sport is played or performed according to set
rules. This definition of sport often leads to intense discussions about whether or not a
particular activity is a sport or not.

24. In addition, in adopting, and not questioning, this narrow definition of sport, we limit our
understanding of what sports coaching is by restricting it to working with athletes in a
selection of mainly games-based activities that meet a set of rigid criteria. This module
embraces an understanding of sport to incorporate any physical activity that is
undertaken for any reason (including competition but expanded to include other purposes
such as enjoyment, social activity, weight management, friendships and developing self-
esteem). Activities that are brought under the banner of a broader physical definition of
sport, to sit alongside ‘sports’ include exercise, health related activities, exert gaming,
dance and activities of daily living.
25. According to Lyle (2002), An example of a widely accepted definition of sports coaching
is it “centres on the improvement of an individual’s or team’s sporting ability, both as a
general capacity and as specific performances”.

26. While, Kidman and Hanrahan (2004) state that “one of the primary roles of a coach is to
help athletes improve their performance”.

27. So, in general point of view, sports coaching can be defined as the process of motivating,
guiding and training an individual in preparation for any sporting hobby, career, or event.

28. While, most professional sports people have coaches to help them train and compete -
but you don't have to be a pro to hire a coach. It’s a common misconception that only elite
athletes can benefit from the guidance of a sports coach. All you need is a desire either to
learn a sport or to enhance your performance in the sports you like.

29. To end up this part of discussion, to achieve great things in sport, we don’t necessarily
have to put our bodies and minds through extensive training programmes, either. The
most important aspect of improving sporting performance is to strive every day to be
fitter, faster, stronger and sharper than we were the day before.

30. To conclude to our discussion for today, Coaching a team or individual sports is one of
the most demanding and rewarding jobs you will ever attempt. Along the way, you will
experience a wide range of emotions from exasperation to exhilaration, and everything in
between. Beyond the highs and lows from game to game and season to season, you will
have the opportunity to play an influential role in the development of your players, both
athletically and in their “off the field” lives as well. Many of the lessons you teach your
players will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

31. Once again you are tuning in to SCHOOL-ON-THE-AIR…

32. Are you still with me, Grade 11 Sports Track students. As we move to our next activity,
question and answer?
34. Here are the questions.

1. The process of motivating, guiding and training an individual in preparation for any
sporting hobby, career, or event.
a. Role of Coach b. Sports Coaching
c. Fountain of Knowledge d. Aim of a Coach
2. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Basketball b. Tennis
c. Hockey d. Baseball
3. Who said this, “One of the primary roles of a coach is to help athletes improve their
performance”. ?
a. Kidman & Hanrahan b. BrianMAC Blog
c. SkillsActive d. Lyle
35. To conclude our lesson, look for WATCH AND LEARN ACTIVITY – SPORTS
COACHING in your module, just copy the link then go to youtube so that you can watch
the videos.

36. Once again, this is teacher Benjie on School-on-the-air.

37. A blessed day everyone!

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