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CPA Trinity

Thanks for grabbing CPA Trinity. Inside of this

course, I am going to teach you about 3 of the awesome
traffic sources I have been using to crush CPA in a variety
of ways. The great thing about this combination of traffic
sources is that they each have different strengths features so
you can diversify to the fullest.
When it comes to CPA, it is good to diversify your
traffic sources, niches, offers, and CPA networks. This is
especially true for traffic sources. If you rely completely on
one traffic source, then your income takes a complete
nosedive if something happens to your account or the
network goes downhill (decrease in volume, quality, etc.)
CPA Trinity is all about giving you options to
diversify with high quality, hidden gem traffic sources.

Upgrades (limited)
Before we get started, I want to make sure you had a
chance to see the upgrades I have available. These all have
limited availability so be sure to jump in as soon as you
CPA Trinity DFY Package – Get started fast with this
complete DFY package containing proven profitable
campaigns you can simply copy and paste

CPA Trinity Power Up Package – Use these additional

strategies to boost and maximize your CPA Trinity
campaigns to the fullest. Without this, you are leaving
money on the table with every campaign you run

Level Up CPA - My innovative high end training

content/coaching/DFY program that I have masterfully
designed to take CPA marketers of ANY level, including
beginners, to full time income with CPA. Limited spots
What You Need
• Adnium advertising account
• advertising account
• PropellerAds advertising account
• Autoresponder (optional) – I recommend Aweber
• Landing page builder (optional) – Instabuilder,
Leadpages, and Instapage are good options. You can
use standalone Wordpress as a free option.
• CPA or affiliate offers to promote

We will be using the ad networks of Adnium,, and PropellerAds.
Here’s a little summary about each of these traffic
• Adnium – This network has volume in a variety of
niches and specializing in adult/dating traffic
• – Allows you to run auto-optimizing
ads with massive volume in every niche
• PropellerAds – An innovative platform that has unique
ad formats
I will be showing you how I run my campaigns on each of
these traffic sources for the best results.

Here are some of the niches that each of these traffic
sources have performed best in from my experience:
• Adult
• Dating
• Gaming
• Fitness/Weight Loss
• eCommerce
• Auto
• Real estate
• Survival
• Mobile
• Gaming
I want to emphasize that these are simply the niches that I
perform the best in my experience. So they are good
starting points if you do not know what to work with.
However, I do encourage you to do your own tests if you
are interested in a specific niche.

Landing Page Creation

While it is possible to direct link on these networks, I
do recommend against it. Always make sure you are in
compliancy with their terms of service so you do not get
your account banned. With direct linking, you are not in
control of the landing page so you have a higher risk of
raising red flags.
When creating a landing page, do not complicate
things too much. It is simple and should take you no longer
than 5 minutes to set up. Here is what should be included:
• Have a clear headline highlighting the main benefit of
the offer.
• Have a big call to action that immediately draws the
attention of the viewer.
• Fill your page with relevant content and information
of value
• Make sure you have a privacy policy and disclaimer
links in the footer. This is the bare minimum I
recommend. The more terms of service links you
have, the better.
You can also grab some done for you landing pages I have
used inside of the CPA Trinity Done For You package here
(if it is still available):

Running Camapaigns
In this section, I will go over how to run campaigns
with each of these traffic sources with strategies that have
worked best for me. All of these ad networks are easy to
sign up for and create an account. There is no approval
necessary so you would simply go to the website and fill in
the basic information.
After adding funds to your account, simply go to the
“Advertisers” tab at the top of the page.

This will create a dropdown menu for you to choose from.

We are going to use “New Campaign”
Once you click on “New Campaign” you will be taken to
this page
As you can see, this is simply basic stuff for you to fill in
based on your offer.
Name: This is whatever you want to name your campaign
for your own organization.
Max Daily Budget: Make sure you keep this low if you do
not want to overspend.
Bid Type: You can choose flat bidding or smart bidding. I
prefer flat bidding as it gives you complete control over
you ad spend.
Zone Format: There are many options here for you to
choose from. The formats that have worked best for me are
Desktop 300x250 and Mobile 300x250. However, feel free
to experiment and test other formats as well.
User Frequency: This is where you can essentially put a cap
on how many times your ad will be shown to a specific
user. When starting a campaign, I usually leave this off.
Retargeting: Once you have campaigns going, you can use
Retargeting to laser in on your most active viewers.
Site White/Black Listing: This is where you can block
certain sites so your ads do not show up there. It is very
useful so you do not waste ad spend on sites that do not
send converting traffic.
CPM (right hand side): This is where you put your max
CPM, meaning your cost per 1000 impressions. Start low
with this. $0.01 is the lowest you can start with, which is
great cost. At this cost, just $10 will get you 1 million
impressions. That’s how cost effective this traffic source is.
The next page will have more options for targeting:
Countries, Regions, and Cities: Just make sure you choose
only locations in which your offer allows traffic. You do
not want to waste money sending traffic to countries where
the offer does not allow traffic.
Carriers: When first starting out, choose all carriers. You
can then optimize this once you have data on which carriers
convert best.
Languages: For most campaigns, you want to only target
English unless your offer is written in a different language.
OS & Devices: Just like Carriers, start out by targeting all
OS and Devices then optimize later
Day Parting: This option allows you to choose specific
times of the day when you want to run your campaign.
When starting out, I recommend simply running it all day.
Once you gather data, you will be able to see the times
when your campaign performs best.
This page is where you will upload your banners for your
ad. After that, you simply submit your campaign and wait
for approval.
Once you log into PropellerAds, click on the campaigns tab
on the left-hand side

Once you get there, click on Create Campaign

You will land on the campaign creation page

Campaign Name: This is for your own organizational
Choose Advertising Format: I have had the most success
running OnClick (Popunder) campaigns
Pricing Model: I prefer using CPM to begin with for more
complete control of my spend
Target URL: This is where you are sending traffic to along
with the parameters you want to test.

Frequency/Capping: I choose to use this in the beginning

with a visitor seeing my ad 1 time per 24 hours.
Traffic Options: Start off with All Traffic
User Activity: Keep all of these checked during the
beginning of your campaign to gather as much data as
Countries & Bid: This is where you choose the locations
you want to run your offer in. Remember to make sure
which locations your offer allows.
CPM: Here you will choose your bid for CPM. A box will
popup on the right with a recommended bid depending on
your previous ad settings. For example, recommended bids
will be lower in most other countries besides the United
States. I would start out with the recommended bid and
increase/decrease it as you gather data for your campaign.

Advertising Budget (USD): Simply input what your budget

is per day and for the entirety of the campaign.
Audience: This option is for when you have a retargeting
list built up for future campaigns.
Campaign Schedule: Here you get to choose when you
want your ad running. Unless you are familiar with your
niche/offer, I recommend starting with “Distributed”
Platform: Choose Desktop and Mobile
OS: Choose every OS by simply repeatedly hitting the
space bar
Browser: Choose every browser by repeatedly hitting the
space bar
Browser language: Choose the language your offer is in.
Most likely will be English
Connection type: Choose All
Mobile ISP & Zone limitation: These can be left alone
You are now ready to submit your campaign for approval,
which should take less than 24 hours with PropellerAds.
When you log into click on “Manage
Campaigns” on the lefthand side

Click on “New Campaign”

From here, you will see 2 big button options. Choose this
one then click “Next” at the bottom of the page

This will bring you to the first page of campaign creation

Campaign Name: This is for your own organizational

Brand Name of Site: This is how you want your site to
appear on your ad
Device Targeting: Choose “All Devices”
GEO Targeting: Depending on your offer, choose all
locations which are allowed
IAB Categories: This is basically where you choose your
niche. Your ad will run on all sites inside of that niche.
Click “Next” to go to the next page

Bid Price – CPC: This is how much you are bidding per
click. The suggested bid will vary depending on the
targeting settings from the previous page. I recommend
starting on the lower end of the bid range they suggest.
Spending Period: This is the time period for which you
want to set your budget. I recommend daily, especially
when first starting out.
Spending Cap: This is the maximum amount you will
spend per day
Click “Next” to go to the next page
Campaign Schedule: Here you will choose when your
campaign will run.
Click “Next” to go to the next page

If you want the platform to optimize the campaign for you,

then select “Yes”
I personally prefer analyzing data myself and making
adjustments to my campaigns manually. However, if you
want a hands off approach, you can simply let the platform
do it for you
If you want to start generating massive amounts of
conversions from your CPA offers, any combination of
these 3 traffic sources can do wonders for you. You can
focus on 1 or on all 3 and be crushing CPA with minimal
ad spend and high quality targeting.
Remember, there are upgrades you can grab to take
CPA Trinity to the next level:

CPA Trinity DFY Package – Get started fast with this

complete DFY package containing proven profitable
campaigns you can simply copy and paste

CPA Trinity Power Up Package – Use these additional

strategies to boost and maximize your CPA Trinity
campaigns to the fullest. Without this, you are leaving
money on the table with every campaign you run

Level Up CPA - My innovative high end training

content/coaching/DFY program that I have masterfully
designed to take CPA marketers of ANY level, including
beginners, to full time income with CPA. Limited spots

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