P1: Discuss The Benefits and Constraints of Different Network Types and Standards

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Task 1

P1: Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.
Here in this assignment, I am going to discuss about the different network types and standards
along with benefits and constraints as well as figure as shown below on the task. I will also like
to talk about the models as the OSI model, TCP/IP.

OSI, the acronym of Open System Interconnection, is a reference model which delineates how
the software application in one computer is transfer to software application in another computer
by means of physical medium. The OSI model epitomize communication functions of
telecommunication and computing system. OSI model was introduced by International
Organization for Standardization in 1984. OSI model crave up the whole task into smaller and
doable parts. OSI model consists of seven layer and each layer are confined to perform their
particular tasks.


OSI model is splits up into two group layer – upper layer and lower layer. The upper layer
involves only interaction with the end users and hence concerned with the issue of the related to
software side of application layers. The lower layer entails the interaction with the physical
medium of the devices. Also, it is concerned with the issue of both software and hardware of
transmitted data.
The layers of OSI Model are stated below-
 Physical Layer
 Data Link Layer
 Network Layer
 Transport Layer
 Session Layer
 Presentation Layer
 Application Layer

Physical Layer:
The Physical Layer is the lowest layer in OSI layer and its main task is to transfer the individual
bits from one node to another node. It also controls the transmission rate of bits per second. It
ascertains the data flow in the connected devices. The identification of the physical layer is
engaged in the standard of #Bluetooth, #Ethernet and #USB. The layer can also be termed in
Network Topology.

Data Link Layer:

The Data Link Layer is liable of transmitting error free data from one connected device to the
other device through node to node. It states the formats of the data on the network. It look up for
the unique identification of each and every devices which is located on a local network. It is also
considered as the reliable communication between two or more devices. It has two sub layers
which are as follows –
a) Logical Link Control Layer:
The Logical Link Control Layer main aim is to transfer the packets of data to the
Network layer of the receiver who is receiving. It is designed to identifies the address of
the network layer protocol from the header.
b) Media Access Control Layer:
Media Access Control Layer acts as a bridge between the Logical Link Control layer and
network ‘s physical Layer. It is mainly designed to transfer the packets over network.

Network Layer:
The Network Layer is the third layer in the OSI Model and is responsible for routing and
transferring the packets functionally. It manages device addressing and also tracks the location of
device on network. It finds the best way to move the data from source to the destination on the
network condition and is called as routing. Routers are the layer three device and they are
designed in this layer where they are used to give the routing services within an internetwork. It
also pointed the source and destination from the header to find the device networks. It also gives
logical connections between computing devices. The protocols which are designed and used to
route the network traffic are known as Network Layer Protocols. Examples of protocols are IP
and IPv6

Transport Layer:
The Transport Layer is the fourth layer which gives us prove that the messages are transmitted in
the sequential order in which they are sent and there is no replication of data. The main aim of
Transport Layer is to transfer the data completely. It also receives the data from the upper layer
and then those data are converted into a smaller unit which are called as segments. The transport
Layer is also known as end-to-end layer because it gives the point-to-point connection between
source and destination to carry the data securely.
This Layer used two protocols which are as follows:
a. Transmission Control Protocol:
The Transmission Control Protocol is a standard protocol which maintains a connection
between the hosts and permit the system to communicate under the internet. When data is
sent through the TCP Connection, the TCP protocols grave up data into smaller units
which are known as segments. Each segment are capable of travelling over the internet
by using multiple routes and finally they will arrive in the destination in divergent order.
The TCP reorders the packets sequentially in the receiver ends.
b. User Datagram Protocol:
User Datagram Protocol is also known to be transport layer protocol. This Protocol is
undependable transport protocol as the receiver does not address any concession on
receiving the packets and sender also does not wait for the concession, which makes the
protocol unreal.

Session layer:
The Session layer is the fifth layer of OSI Model. This layer is used for establishing and
maintaining the interaction between two or more communicating devices. The main function of
this layer is, this layer acts as a dialog controller which is responsible for creating dialog between
two processes or it permits the communication between two processes which may either be half-
duplex or full-duplex.
Another function of Session Layer is synchronization where this layer provides some
checkpoints when traitting the data in a sequence. If any fallacy is seen in the course of
transmission of data, then the transmission will again start up from the checkpoint. This process
is known as Synchronization and recovery.

Presentation Layer:
The Presentation Layer is the sixth Layer which deals mainly with the syntax and semantics of
the information interchanged between the two systems. Therefore, it is also known as syntax
Layer. It proceeds as a data translator for a network. This system is the integral part of operating
system which change data from one presentation format to the other.
The main Function of this layer is it provides encryption. Encryption is the process of encoding
the sender transmitted information into the other form and sending the message over the
Another function of this layer is data compression. In data compression the number of bits to be
transmitted is reduced. Data compression plays a important role in the multimedia world such as
text, audio, video.

Application Layer:
An application layer is the seventh layer in the OSI Model which assist as a window for users
and application processes for accessing the network service. It also take care of the issues related
to network transparency, resource allocation etc. This layer also serves the network services to
the end users.
The main function of the application layer is it permits a user to access the files in a remote
computer so that the files in the computer can be recover and also helps to manage files in
computer. Application Layer also helps in the mail services by providing the provision for email
forwarding and storing. Another function of Application Layer is it issue the distributed database
sources and also used to access the global information about various subject.

TCP/ IP Model
TCP / IP is the acronym of Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol which assists us
about data transmission on the specific computer when connected to internet. Its main motto is to
provide communication over large distance. It was first developed by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) during 1960s. The TCP/ IP Model has the similar to that of
the Open System Interconnection Model. However, the framework and structure are different
than that in the OSI Model

 The connection is entrenched before the data transmission.
 It gives guarantee that every all data is transmitted and accepted by the remote devices.
 To entrach the connection, it requires SYN and ACK messages.
The layers of TCP/ IP are grave up into fours parts which are stated as below:
 Application Layer
 Transport Layer
 Internet Layer
 Network Interface

Application layer which is the highest level of OSI Model involves the interaction with the
application program. It involves the node-to-node communication based on user interface. In this
layer multiple protocols are presents which are as follows:
 HTTP:  HTTP is the acronym of Hypertext Transfer Protocol which is designed to
superintend the communication between the server and web browsers.
 NTP: NTP which is the acronym of Network Time Protocol can only put one standard
time source in computer, which authorize sync between the server and the user.
 TELNET: TELNET which is the sort form of Telecommunication Network is designed
to access to files which exists in the Telnet network and govern them on internet.
 FTP: FTP, the acronym of File Transfer Protocol is used to permit the file transferring in
the easy way.
Other protocols of Application layer include Network File System (NFS), Secure Shell (SSH),
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), etc. 

The Transport layer plays an important role for maintaining end-to-end communications across
the network. Communications between hosts are manage by TCP and it also contribute to the
flow control, multiplexing and reliability. The transport protocols also comprise of TCP and User
Datagram Protocol (UDP), which is rarely used during special purpose instead of TCP.
There are two main protocols included in this layer are stated below:
 TCP: The Transmission Control Protocol is a calculable and secure type of
communication protocol. It governs the flow of data, i.e., it controls the sequence and
breakdown of the data.
 UDP: It is a connection-free protocol where connection is not required. Due to this
reason, this protocol is cost-effective and are also less reliable.

Internet Layer is the second layer of the TCP/IP model and this layer resembles to the Network
Layer of the OSI Model, in terms of the structure. The main function of this layer is to send the
data packets to their destination network. In this layer the logical transmission of data is
executed. This layer consists of three different protocols which are stated as below:
 IP:  IP stands as Internet Protocol. It is One of the most important protocols as it is
responsible to discern the IP address of a device. These are later used for internet work
connections. The purpose of using this protocol is to locate and finalize the path for a
data which will be transmitted. There are two common IP versions which are commonly
been used, they are IPv4 and IPv6
 ARP: ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol. The main function of this Protocol is
to locate physical address from the IP address.
 ICMP: ICMP is the acronym of Internet Control Message Protocol. It is mainly use to
send back datagram problem notification to the users. Also, if any issue or defect is
observed in the network then ICMP immediately notified to the user. But the sad part is
that it can only inform or notify the problem to the user but can not solve the problems
and issue.


Network Access layer involves the study of structure of the data on the cable and helps in
handing the monitoring 1s and 0s physically.  Ethernet is considered as the most common local
area network technology which is most commonly used for observing the physical view of the
data at the network interface layer. Ethernet are divided into three sub layers which are as
 LLC (Logic Link Control Layer): LLC sub-layer involves in determining the protocol
of the frame and send it through MAC.
 MAC (Media Access Control): MAC add up their own headers to data and also create a
complete frame structure.
 Physical: Physical sub-layer helps to transform the frame to electrical signal or wireless
signal. It is also the bottom-most layer of the TCP/IP model. This layer combined the
Data Link and Physical Layer of the OSI Model. In this layer the physical transmission of
data. In this layer, the Ip address are mapped into the physical address. Finally, the main
function of this layer is to passes the data between two devices which are connected to
the network connection.

OSI Model: Characteristics, Layers, and Functions (learnelectronicsindia.com)
OSI Model: Layers, Characteristics, Functions - java point

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