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MARKETING STRATEGY FOR the Resource Information Serving

Everyone (R.I.S.E.) project


Business Strengths
The South Jersey RC&D Council provides comprehensive weather data used in various
USDA and Rutgers Cooperative Extension irrigation scheduling and pest management
programs, watershed monitoring/modeling programs, lawn watering programs, and other
resource information.

Business Weaknesses
We need to increase our marketing effort to reach new clients in a number of counties.


To earn a minimum $20,000 per year to be used to hire one weather station technician
and gain complete financial freedom from searching for grants to maintain and improve
the network as needed.

To increase individual sales accounts of weather data to over 100 yearly users. To
increase engineering sales accounts to over 25 yearly users. To develop 10 water
suppliers accounts for summer lawn watering programs.

To become the dominate weather data delivery organization in New Jersey.


Description of Our Customers

This will be done elswhere and will include information from the latest census reports,
GIS maps of the farm community relative to the location of our weather stations, and

Our Customers’ Needs

Our farmers need timely access to accurate weather data that is used to help schedule
irrigation water application and scheduling and pest management processes.
Homeowners need access to easy to use lawn management information. Engineers
need access to accurate, local weather data for their clients. Watershed
monitoring/modeling individuals and organizations need access to highly detailed
accounts of local ainfall within the specific watershed.

Why Our Customers Choose Us

We offer timely, accurate weather data that meets or exceeds their primary needs. Our
system is locally located near our clients. This local aspect gains trust in data captured
and presented. Our electronic system removes much of the human error. Our data is
available 24/7 via our Web site at
Marketing Strategy for the R.I.S.E. project

What Sets Us Apart From the Competition

No one else has the weather station network we do.



Goals of the Campaign

To increase sales of weather data to the identified audiences.

Campaign Focus: Specific Products or General Promotion?

We wish to market the sale of our weather data specifically for farm, homeowner, and
engineering uses.

Products to be Advertised
Irrigation water management, pest management, homeowner lawn watering, and
watershed monitoring/modeling.

Measurements of Success
We will measure the success of this campaign by the number of registered users to our
web site.

Evaluation of Effectiveness
We will evaluate our campaign every three months. If we see a portion of the campaign
is not meeting our expected goal, we will review and revise that campaign as needed.
Our evaluation will be based on the number of registered users to our web site for each
identified audience.


Our Marketing Message:

We have local weather data available 24/7 for any project in South Jersey.


Campaign Start Date

We will launch this campaign by March 2001

Length of Campaign
one year


Annual Marketing Budget


Budget For This Campaign


Cost-Saving Measures

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Marketing Strategy for the R.I.S.E. project

We will market at various meetings, by targeted mailings, and via the Internet. We will
provide copy to our partners for inclusion in their mailings. We will put together press
releases for TV and newspaper.

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