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Module #7 - External Recruitment

1. List and briefly describe each of the administrative issues that needs to be addressed
in the planning stage of external recruitment.
-The list of the administrative issues that needs to be addressed in the planning stage of
external recruitment are:
Requisition process The act of preparing and issuing a requisition is the step that
identifies the specifications for thehire (in terms of the KSAOs, salary, and other details
of the hire) and requests top managementto proceed with the hire.
Recruitment costs The process should be conducted within the guidelines of a
recruitment budget. The budget canbe established by a top-down method, whereby top
management sets the budget based on thebusiness plan for the organization and on the
basis of projected revenues. Alternatively, a bottomup approach can be used. This is a
method that starts y costing out the budget based on thespecific needs of each
business unit.

2. List 10 sources of applicants that organizations turn to when recruiting. For each
source, identify needs specific to the source, as well as pros and cons of using the
source for recruitment.
- Using the current employees in an organization to fill job positions in the same
company, for example through promotions. The advantage of this is that it motivates
employees as the disadvantage remains to be that of not being applicable to starting
· Advertising jobs which is done though the use of magazines for example.
Advantage, it may end up working by attracting the right candidate for a job.
Disadvantage, it is expensive especially of televisions are used.
· The use of the internet which is commonly used today, it is a digital way of getting
employees. Advantage, it has a number of applicants to choose from. Disadvantage, it
can be tiresome to select the best from so many applicants.
· The use of referrals from other organization employees to get qualified candidates
for a job. Advantage; it is easy and simple to use. Disadvantage; it may give an
organization unqualified employees.
· Outsourcing is when an organization seeks external employees to do work for
them as third parties. Advantage it is cheap for organizations. Disadvantage; it brings
insecurity and an extra pair of management to a company.
· Use of networks with the general public or various industries which provide
candidates for a job. Advantage it gives opportunities to small businesses that are
starting to use it. Disadvantage; it cannot be applied by a company with a bad
reputation or bad relations.
· Use of interviews, this is the commonly used method to recruit employees.
Advantage it uses screening and background checks to ensure the right person is
recruited. Disadvantage it is time consuming and expensive.

· Use of institutions for example colleges and universities to get job candidates.
Advantage, it gets fresh minds with updated knowledge and skills. Disadvantage; It
gives a company people with zero or minimal experience hence requiring detailed
induction process.
· Private agencies can be used which give an organization employees. Advantage
they work during emergencies. Disadvantage, they are expensive since it is a business
one needs to be paid for.
· Associations can be used where two or more companies come together and
exchange its employees. Advantage it can demoralize employees as they will feel 'sold
out'. Disadvantage, a company might give another company poor performing employees.

3. What are the advantages of conveying a realistic recruitment message as opposed to

portraying the job in a way that the organization thinks that job applicants want to hear?
- Realistic Recruitment Message offers various advantages to the organization as
opposed to simply portraying the job according to the willingness of applicants. It assists
the organization to influence the job attitude of the applicants, which further assists it to
acquire competent and highly motivated personnel.

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