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What is Electronic mail (e-mail)?

E-mail, a common resource provided by/on/through the internet is a worldwide system of
sending and receiving messages. It is a method of exchanging digital messages from a sender
(or author) to one or more recipients (receivers).
An e-mail is like a letter written and sent to somebody through the post office system. It is a
message sent through a computer network. It is an electronic messaging system. As soon as a
message (mail) is sent, through the e-mail system, it is transferred or transmitted from the
sender’s computer which is connected to the internet. An e-mail message can reach its
destination anywhere in the world in few seconds or minutes.
It is a very popular modern technology of communication because of the speed and ease with
which sends and delivers messages.
The e-mail system has other services apart from sending and receiving electronic messages.
Other services provided are:
1. Chatting: this is a service that allows one to send and receive instant messages
to/from friends, family and colleagues.
2. Sharing updates, photos, links, news, etc.
3. Making and receiving phone calls to any land line or mobile phone number.
4. Creating task list.
5. Sending and receiving e-mails.
1. Cost: The cost of electronic mail seems to be cheaper than all other mails.
2. Value added service: information that are useful are usually received through the e-
mail system.
3. Efficiency: There is a great reduction of paper work because not all information may
be printed out.
4. Speed: It is much faster to deliver thanks other mail.
5. Security: It is more secure, especially when encrypted with password, than
conventional mail.
6. Flexibility: It enhances the flexibility (such as making corrections) while working.
7. It allows one to send a mail to multiple recipients at once.
The e-mail address/ account is obtained mainly for identification. It is a unique name or
address chosen by an internet user for the purpose of communication through the net. An e-
mail address consists of two main parts separated by @ symbol.
i. Account name (username).
ii. Address of the system or domain name used.
The username (which is a person's unique name) is first written, followed by an @ symbol,
then the domain name e.g.:
[email protected]
In the first example, 'busyolaide' is the username or account name, while 'yahoo' is the e-mail
service provider, 'com' is a code for the type services the e-mail service provider provides or
the type of organisation it is.
The following are codes used for type of services and organisations.
i. .edu-for educational institutions
ii. .com- for commercial
iii. .asn- for association
iv. .org- for organisation.
v. .net- for network services
vi. .gov- for government agency
vii. .mil- for military
viii. .int-- for international
ix. .tv- for television broadcast, etc.
There are also codes for counting identifiers
i. us - for United States of America
ii. .ng - for Nigeria
iii. .ca - for Canada
iv. .uk - for United Kingdom
v. .fr - for France
vi. .it - for Italian
vii. .gh- for Ghana, etc.
There are a number of sites where e-mail address or accounts can be created (open) free of
charge. Some of them are:
1. Gmail which has
2. Yahoo which has
3. Hotmail which has, etc.
i. Launch the internet explorer icon by clicking it on the desk top (or any other internet
browser of your choice).
ii. Enter the website address of the e-mail service provider of your choice, e.g.: on the address bar.
iii. Locate and click on the 'E-mail' icon at the top of the web page that appears next.
iv. Click the 'Sign up' button in the next screen display.
v. Follow the instructions and enter all the required data to complete the form
(registration form) displayed on the next screen.

vi. Scroll down the page to complete the form. It is required to supply or enter a username
chosen by another user. If the username has been chosen by another user. Yahoo will
prompt you to change it.
vii. Also a code known as password, that is a secret code known to you and you alone will
be required. This is to prevent other users from gaining access to your account.
viii. Click on the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the form after all data/ information have
been entered.
If all the information entered are correct, a welcome page will be displayed indicating that
you have successfully registered with the yahoo free mail account.
To send a message or mail to somebody, one must know his or her e-mail address and then
type the message.
i. Click on the 'mail' icon on yahoo home page.
ii. Locate and click on the 'sign in' button in the next display.
iii. Click on the 'Yahoo ID' field box to enter your username.
iv. Click on the 'password' field box to enter your password.
v. Then click the 'Sign in' button below or strike the 'Enter ' key on the keyboard.
vi. On the next screen display, click on the 'Compose' button.
vii. In the 'To' section of the next screen display, type in the e-mail address for more
people you want to send message to.
viii. The 'CC' section is for typing more than one e-mail address for more people you want
to send the message.
ix. In the 'Subject' field box, type in the subject, topic or title of the message.
x. Type in your message in the field provided a large space.
xi. Then click the 'Send' button after you have finished typing your message.
xii. Click on the 'Sign out' button. to sign out completely.
To receive e-mail is to check e-mail
To open e-mail box, follow steps 1 to 5 in the sections above to check or receive e-mail,
i. Follow steps 1 to 5 in the section above.
ii. In the next screen display, click on 'Check mail' or 'Inbox' button.
iii. Locate and click on the particular message (mail) title you wish to read.
iv. Click on the 'Sign out' button to sign out completely.
To write a correct e-mail address:
i. write the username or account name
ii. type the at (@) symbol
iii. followed by the domain name.
1. [email protected]
2. [email protected]
3. [email protected]
4. [email protected], etc.
1. A website address is a particular website that can be viewed for various types of
information while an email address is a personal electronic mail program that can be
used to communicate with friends, family and associates.
2. A website address is a link to a certain website while an email address is used for e-
3. A website is public chatting while e-mail is private.

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