Chapter 5 Quiz /20 Name:: NO CALCULATORS Permitted! Rationalize Denominators Where Necessary

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MCR3U5a May 2021 CHAPTER 5 QUIZ /20 NAME:

NO CALCULATORS permitted! Rationalize denominators where necessary.

1. Determine the exact simplified value for the trigonometric expression:
(sin 60otan 30o)2 + cos2 60osin2 45o

2.Two angles between 0o and 360o have 3. An angle in the third quadrant has a sine of 3
-1 -1
a sine of . Determine the angles. . Determine the cosine of this angle. ______ 2
2 2
_______ and ______ Include a labelled diagram
in standard position.
Include a labelled
diagram in standard

4. Use the unit circle to determine the 5. If 0 o £ J £ 360 o , determine all angles that 4
primary trigonometric ratios for 270 . O

have an undefined secant. ______________

sin 270o = ___________ 2
Include a labelled
cos 270o = __________ diagram in standard
tan 270o = ___________

Include a labelled diagram.

6. If 0 £ J £ 360 , state all value(s) of J that
o o
7. If 0 £ A £ 360 , and cos A = -
o o
have an equivalent trigonometric ratio: 2 3
Include a labelled diagram. find all possible measures

cos 35o = ____________ of Ð A. _________________

Include a labelled diagram.

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