ADC Module 3 Final

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• Many Signals in Modern Communication Systems are digital . Also, analog signals are
transmitted digitally.
• Reduced distortion and improvement in signal to noise ratios.
• PAM, PWM , PPM , PCM and DM.
• Data transmission, digital transmission, or digital communications is the physical transfer of
data (a digital bit stream or a digitized analogue signal) over a point-to-point or point-to-
multipoint communication channel.

Ex: optical fibers, wireless channels, computer buses....


Fig.Block diagram of Digital Communication

1. Discrete Information Source: It generates message to be transmitted. Examples are the data
from computers, text data or tele type data.

2. Source Encoder: It assigns codes to the symbols (samples) generated from discrete
information source. The code word having n number of bits. Each distinct sample having

distinct(unique) code word. If code word length is 8 bit(n), we can have 256 distinct

3. Channel Encoder: We know that channel is the major source of notice due to that there are
more chance of getting errors while propagating through channel. To avoid that channel
encoding is required. In that extra bits are added to the binary sequence generated by the
source encoder. These extra bits are called as redundant bits. These bits are defined with
proper logic. The redundant will be helpful to detect the errors at the receiver bit sequence.

4. Digital Modulator: In digital modulator the message signal is digital data and carrier is
analog one, in most cases we use sinusoidal waves. Some examples are ASK,FSK,PSK.MRI

5. Channel: It provides the link between transmitter and rceiver. Channel may be wired or
wireless channel.

❖ Problems associated with channel:

1. Addictive Noise: This noise is occur due to internal solid state devices or resistors used in

2. Ampltude and Phase Distortion: This noise is occurred due to non-linear characteristics of the

3. Attenuation: This is due to internal resistance of the channel.

6. Demodulator: This device is used to detect the digital message signal from the
modulated signal.

7. Channel Decoder: This is used to detect and correct the errors that occur in the digital
message signal.

8. Source Decoder: This produces the sampling signal from the given digital message signal.

9. Destination: The sampled signal is converted into audio signal or video signal or any text signal
depending on the signal.

Fig. Basic block diagram of an A/D converter

Advantages of digital communication systems

1. Easy way of transmission of signals

2. Connection of more calls through one channel i.e., Multiplexing is possible using Digital
3. Source Encoding and Channel Encoding can be used to detect errors at the received

4. Using repeaters between source and destination, we can reproduce the original signal
with less distortions.
5. Security is the major advantage of digital communication compared to Analog
6. Transmitting analogue signals digitally allows for greater signal processing capability.
7. Digital communication can be done over large distances through internet and other
8. The messages can be stored in the device for longer times, without being damaged.
9. Advancement in communication is achieved through Digital Communication.

Disadvantages of digital communication systems

1. Sampling Error
2. Digital communications require greater bandwidth than analogue to transmit the same
3. The detection of digital signals requires the communications system to be synchronized,
whereas generally speaking this is not the case with analogue systems.
4. Digital signals are often the approximation of voice signals, ie, we don‟t get the exact
analogue signal.


In Continuous Wave modulation schemes some parameter of modulated wave varies

continuously with message.
In Analog pulse modulation some parameter of each pulse is modulated by a particular sample
value of the message.

Pulse modulation of two types
1. Analog Pulse Modulation
• Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
• Pulse width Modulation (PWM)
• Pulse Position Modulation (PPM)
2. Digital Pulse Modulation
• Pulse code Modulation (PCM)
• Delta Modulation (DM)

1. Analog Pulse Modulation

Analog pulse modulation results when some attribute of a pulse varies continuously in one-to-one
correspondence with a sample value. In analog pulse modulation systems, the amplitude, width, or
position of a pulse can vary over a continuous range in accordance with the message amplitude at
the sampling instant, as shown in Figure 6.2. These lead to the following

Three types of pulse modulation:

1. Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
2. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
3. Pulse Position Modulation (PPM)

PAM: In this scheme high frequency carrier (pulse) is varied in accordance with sampled value
of message signal.

PWM: In this width of carrier pulses are varied in accordance with sampled values of message
signal. Example: Speed control of DC Motors.

PPM: In this scheme position of high frequency carrier pulse is changed in accordance with the
sampled values of message signal.

Fig. Representation of Various Analog Pulse Modulations

2. Digital Pulse Modulation

In systems utilizing digital pulse modulation, the transmitted samples take on only discrete
values. Two important types of digital pulse modulation are:
1. Delta Modulation (DM)

2. Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)


1. Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM):

In pulse amplitude modulation, the amplitude of regular interval of periodic pulses or

electromagnetic pulses is varied in proposition to the sample of modulating signal or message
signal. This is an analog type of modulation. In the pulse amplitude modulation, the message
signal is sampled at regular periodic or time intervals and this each sample is made proportional to
the magnitude of the message signal. These sample pulses can be transmitted directly using wired
media or we can use a carrier signal for transmitting through wireless.

Fig. Pulse Amplitude Modulation Signal

There are two types of sampling techniques for transmitting messages using pulse amplitude
modulation, they are
• FLAT TOP PAM: The amplitude of each pulse is directly proportional to instantaneous
modulating signal amplitude at the time of pulse occurrence and then keeps the amplitude
of the pulse for the rest of the half cycle.

Fig. Flat Top PAM
• Natural PAM: The amplitude of each pulse is directly proportional to the instantaneous
modulating signal amplitude at the time of pulse occurrence and then follows the amplitude
of the modulating signal for the rest of the half cycle.

Fig. Natural PAM

Flat top PAM is the best for transmission because we can easily remove the noise and we can also
easily recognize the noise. When we compare the difference between the flat top PAM and natural
PAM, flat top PAM principle of sampling uses sample and hold circuit. In natural principle of
sampling, noise interference is minimum. But in flat top PAM noise interference maximum. Flat
top PAM and natural PAM are practical and sampling rate satisfies the sampling criteria.

There are two types of pulse amplitude modulation based on signal polarity
1. Single polarity pulse amplitude modulation

2. Double polarity pulse amplitude modulation

In single polarity pulse amplitude modulation, there is fixed level of DC bias added to the
message signal or modulating signal, so the output of modulating signal is always positive. In the
double polarity pulse amplitude modulation, the output of modulating signal will have both
positive and negative ends.


Advantages of Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM):

• It is the base for all digital modulation techniques and it is simple process for both
modulation and demodulation technique.
• No complex circuitry is required for both transmission and reception. Transmitter and
receiver circuitry is simple and easy to construct.
• PAM can generate other pulse modulation signals and can carry the message or information
at same time.

Disadvantages of Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM):

• Bandwidth should be large for transmitting the pulse amplitude modulation signal. Due to
Nyquist criteria also high bandwidth is required.
• The frequency varies according to the modulating signal or message signal. Due to these
variations in the signal frequency, interferences will be there. So noise will be great. For
PAM, noise immunity is less when compared to other modulation techniques. It is almost
equal to amplitude modulation.
• Pulse amplitude signal varies, so power required for transmission will be more, peak power
is also, even at receiving more power is required to receive the pulse amplitude signal.

Applications of Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM):

• It is mainly used in Ethernet which is type of computer network communication, we know

that we can use Ethernet for connecting two systems and transfer data between the systems.
Pulse amplitude modulation is used for Ethernet communications.
• It is also used for photo biology which is a study of photosynthesis.
• Used as electronic driver for LED lighting.
• Used in many micro controllers for generating the control signals etc.


Modulation is the process of varying one or more parameters of a carrier signal in accordance
with the instantaneous values of the message signal.


The message signal is the signal which is being transmitted for communication and the carrier
signal is a high frequency signal which has no data, but is used for long distance transmission.
There are many modulation techniques, which are classified according to the type of modulation
employed. Of them all, the digital modulation technique used is Pulse Code Modulation
A signal is pulse code modulated to convert its analog information into a binary sequence, i.e., 1s
and 0s. The output of a PCM will resemble a binary sequence. The following figure shows an
example of PCM output with respect to instantaneous values of a given sine wave.

Instead of a pulse train, PCM produces a series of numbers or digits, and hence this process is
called as digital. Each one of these digits, though in binary code, represent the approximate
amplitude of the signal sample at that instant.
In Pulse Code Modulation, the message signal is represented by a sequence of coded pulses. This
message signal is achieved by representing the signal in discrete form in both time and

Basic Elements of PCM

The transmitter section of a Pulse Code Modulator circuit consists of Sampling,

Quantizing and Encoding, which are performed in the analog-to-digital converter section. The
low pass filter prior to sampling prevents aliasing of the message signal.
The basic operations in the receiver section are regeneration of impaired signals,
decoding, and reconstruction of the quantized pulse train. Following is the block diagram of
PCM which represents the basic elements of both the transmitter and the receiver sections.

➢ Low Pass Filter

This filter eliminates the high frequency components present in the input analog signal which
is greater than the highest frequency of the message signal, to avoid aliasing of the message
➢ Sampler
This is the technique which helps to collect the sample data at instantaneous values of message
signal, so as to reconstruct the original signal. The sampling rate must be greater than twice the
highest frequency component W of the message signal, in accordance with the sampling
➢ Quantizer
Quantizing is a process of reducing the excessive bits and confining the data. The sampled
output when given to Quantizer reduces the redundant bits and compresses the value.

➢ Encoder

Encoder assigns code words to quantized sampled values. This coding techniques uses bits 0 and
1. If number of quantized levels are 16 then each sample is assigned with 4 bit code word.

➢ Regenerative repeater:

The PCM has an ability to control the distortion and noise caused by the transmission of bits along
the channel. This ability is accomplished by several regenerative repeaters located at sufficient
placing along channel.

Regenerative repeaters have three functions.

1. Equalizing
2. Timing circuits
3. Decision making device

Equalizer shapes the received pulse so as to compensate amplitude and phase distortion caused by the

Timing circuits provides periodic pulse trains.

• Decision making device compares amplitude of equalized pulse plus noise to the pre-defined
threshold levels to make decisions whether the pulse is present or not.
• If the pulse is present (i.e. decision is yes), clean new pulse is generated and transmitted
through channel to next regenerative pulse. If the pulse is not present (i.e. the decision is no),
it generates clean base line to next regenerative repeater, provided the noise too large caused
bit error by taking the wrong decision

➢ Decoder

Decoder reboots all the received bits to make more words then it decodes as quantized PAM signals.

➢ Reconstruction Filter:
All coded words are passed through low pass filter so that analog signal can be reconstructed from
quantized PAM signal.The cut off frequency of low pass filter is fm Hz which is equal to band width
of message signal.

➢ Destination
It receives the signal from the reconstructive filter output is analog signal.

Fig.PCM waveform

Bit rate and bandwidth requirements of PCM :

➢ The bit rate of a PCM signal can be calculated form the number of bits per sample × the
sampling rate. Bit rate =𝑛𝑏×𝑓𝑠 The bandwidth required to transmit this signal depends on
the type of line encoding used.
➢ A digitized signal will always need more bandwidth than the original analog signal. Price
we pay for robustness and other features of digital transmission.

Important Relations
• Quantization Noise (𝑁𝑞)=Δ2/2
• Signal to Noise ratio
(𝑆𝑄𝑁𝑅)=32.22𝑛 𝑜𝑟 𝑆𝑄𝑁𝑅 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝐵=1.76+6.02𝑛≅(1.8+6𝑛)𝑑𝐵
• 𝐵𝑖𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒=𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒×𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒=𝑛𝑓𝑠
• Bandwidth for PCM signal
n – No. of bits in PCM code
Fm – signal bandwidth
fs – sampling rate

1. Sampling
• Definition: Sampling is defined as ―The process of measuring the instantaneous
values of continuous-time signal in a discrete form.‖
• Sample is a piece of data taken from the whole data which is continuous in the time domain.

When a source generates an analog signal and if that has to be digitized, having 1s and 0s i.e., High
or Low, the signal has to be discretized in time. This discretization of analog signal is called as
The following figure indicates a continuous-time signal x (t) and a sampled signal xs (t). When x (t)
is multiplied by a periodic impulse train, the sampled signal xs (t) is obtained.

Sampling Rate
To discretize the signals, the gap between the samples should be fixed. That gap can be
termed as a sampling period Ts.
Sampling Frequency fs=1/Ts
Ts is the sampling time
fs is the sampling frequency or the sampling rate

Sampling frequency -is the reciprocal of the sampling period. This sampling frequency, can be
simply called as Sampling rate. The sampling rate denotes the number of samples taken per
second, or for a finite set of values.
For an analog signal to be reconstructed from the digitized signal, the sampling rate should be
highly considered. The rate of sampling should be such that the data in the message signal should
neither be lost nor it should get over-lapped. Hence, a rate was fixed for this, called as Nyquist

Nyquist Rate
Suppose that a signal is band-limited with no frequency components higher than W Hertz.
That means, W is the highest frequency. For such a signal, for effective reproduction of the
original signal, sampling rate should be twice the highest frequency.
This means,
fs is the sampling rate
W is the highest frequency
This rate of sampling is called as Nyquist rate.
A theorem called, Sampling Theorem, was stated on the theory of this Nyquist rate.

Sampling Theorem
The sampling theorem, which is also called as Nyquist theorem, delivers the theory of sufficient
sample rate in terms of bandwidth for the class of functions that are band limited.

The sampling theorem states that, ― a signal can be exactly reproduced if it is sampled at the rate
fs which is greater than twice the maximum frequency W.

To understand this sampling theorem, let us consider a band-limited signal, i.e., a signal
whose value is non-zero between some –W and W Hertz.
Such a signal is represented as x(f)=0for|f|>W

For the continuous-time signal x (t), the band-limited signal in frequency domain, can be
represented as shown in the following figure.


We need a sampling frequency, a frequency at which there should be no loss of information,

even after sampling. For this, we have the Nyquist rate that the sampling frequency should be
two times the maximum frequency. It is the critical rate of sampling.

If the signal x(t) is sampled above the Nyquist rate, the original signal can be recovered, and if it
is sampled below the Nyquist rate, the signal cannot be recovered.
The following figure explains a signal, if sampled at a higher rate than 2w in the frequency domain.

The above figure shows the Fourier transform of a signal xs(t). Here, the information is
reproduced without any loss. There is no mixing up and hence recovery is possible.

The Fourier Transform of the signal

xs(t) is Xs (w)=1Ts∑n=−∞∞X(w−nw0)
Where Ts = Sampling Period and w0=2πTs

Let us see what happens if the sampling rate is equal to twice the highest
frequency (2W) That means,
Fs =2W
Fs is the sampling frequency
W is the highest frequency

The result will be as shown in the above figure. The information is replaced without any loss.
Hence, this is also a good sampling rate.
Now, let us look at the condition,
Fs <2W
The resultant pattern will look like the following figure

We can observe from the above pattern that the over-lapping of information is done, which
leads to mixing up and loss of information. This unwanted phenomenon of over-lapping is
called as Aliasing


Aliasing can be referred to as ―the phenomenon of a high-frequency component in the

spectrum of a signal, taking on the identity of a low-frequency component in the spectrum of
its sampled version.‖
The corrective measures taken to reduce the effect of Aliasing are −
• In the transmitter section of PCM, a low pass anti-aliasing filter is employed, before the
sampler, to eliminate the high frequency components, which are unwanted.
• The signal which is sampled after filtering, is sampled at a rate slightly higher than the
Nyquist rate.
This choice of having the sampling rate higher than Nyquist rate, also helps in the easier
design of the reconstruction filter at the receiver.

Scope of Fourier Transform

It is generally observed that, we seek the help of Fourier series and Fourier transforms in
analyzing the signals and also in proving theorems. It is because −

• The Fourier Transform is the extension of Fourier series for non-periodic signals.
• Fourier transform is a powerful mathematical tool which helps to view the signals in
different domains and helps to analyze the signals easily.
• Any signal can be decomposed in terms of sum of sines and cosines using this Fourier
transform. The digitization of analog signals involves the rounding off of the values which are
approximately equal to the analog values. The method of sampling chooses a few points on the
analog signal and then these points are joined to round off the value to a near stabilized
value. Such a process is called as Quantization.

Quantizing an Analog Signal

The analog-to-digital converters perform this type of function to create a series of digital values out of
the given analog signal. The following figure represents an analog signal. This signal to get converted into
digital has to undergo sampling and quantizing

The quantizing of an analog signal is done by discretizing the signal with a number of
quantization levels.

Quantization is representing the sampled values of the amplitude by a finite set of levels, which
means converting a continuous-amplitude sample into a discrete-time signal.
The following figure shows how an analog signal gets quantized. The blue line represents analog
signal while the brown one represents the quantized signal.

Both sampling and quantization result in the loss of information. The quality of a Quantizer
output depends upon the number of quantization levels used. The discrete amplitudes of the
quantized output are called as representation levels or reconstruction levels. The spacing
between the two adjacent representation levels is called a quantum or step-size.
The following figure shows the resultant quantized signal which is the digital form for the given
analog signal.

This is also called as Stair-case waveform, in accordance with its shape.

Types of Quantization
There are two types of Quantization - Uniform Quantization and Non-uniform Quantization.

1. The type of quantization in which the quantization levels are uniformly spaced is termed as a
Uniform Quantization.
2. The type of quantization in which the quantization levels are unequal and mostly the relation
between them is logarithmic, is termed as a Non-uniform Quantization.

There are two types of uniform quantization.

1. Mid-Rise type
2. Mid-Tread type.

The following figures represent the two types of uniform quantization

Figure 1 shows the mid-rise type and figure 2 shows the mid-tread type of uniform quantization.

1. The Mid-Rise type is so called because the origin lies in the middle of a raising part
of the stair- case like graph. The quantization levels in this type are even in number.
2. The Mid-tread type is so called because the origin lies in the middle of a tread of the
stair-case like graph. The quantization levels in this type are odd in number.

Both the mid-rise and mid-tread type of uniform quantizer are symmetric about the origin.
Δ= (𝑚𝑎𝑥−𝑚𝑖𝑛)𝐿

Quantization Error

For any system, during its functioning, there is always a difference in the values of its input and output.
The processing of the system results in an error, which is the difference of those values.The difference
between an input value and its quantized value is called a Quantization Error.

A Quantizer is a logarithmic function that performs Quantization (rounding off the value). An
analog-to- digital converter (ADC) works as a quantizer.

The following figure illustrates an example for a quantization error, indicating the difference
between the original signal and the quantized signal.

Quantization Noise

It is a type of quantization error, which usually occurs in analog audio signal, while quantizing it
to digital. For example, in music, the signals keep changing continuously, where a regularity is
not found in errors. Such errors create a wideband noise called as Quantization Noise.


The word Companding is a combination of Compressing and Expanding, which means that it does both.
This is a non-linear technique used in PCM which compresses the data at the transmitter and expands the
same data at the receiver. The effects of noise and crosstalk are reduced by using this technique

Fig. Companding
Companding means it amplifies the low level signals as well as attenuate high level at the
transmitter side. At the receiver side reverse operation done. It attenuates the low level signals and
amplifies the high level signals you get the original signal. Non-uniform quantization cannot be
applied directly by using companding technique.

Fig Companding curves for PCM

Companding is used to maintain constant Signal to Noise Ratio throughout dynamic quantization

Fig. Non Uniform Quantization

There are two types of Companding techniques. They are –

1.A-law Companding Technique

i. Uniform quantization is achieved at A = 1, where the characteristic curve is linear
and no compression is done.
ii. A-law has mid-rise at the origin. Hence, it contains a non-zero value.
iii. A-law Companding is used for PCM telephone systems.

Y= A│x│ ; where 0≤ x ≤ 1/A 1+ln(A)

= 1+ln A│x│ ; 1/A≤ x ≤ 1 1+ln(A)

practically A=87.56

if A=1 we get uniform quantization

2.µ-law Companding Technique

i. Uniform quantization is achieved at µ = 0, where the characteristic curve is linear and
no compression is done.
ii. µ-law has mid-tread at the origin. Hence, it contains a zero value.
iii. µ-law companding is used for speech and music signals.

Y= ±ln(1+µ│x│) ;│x│≤1 ln(1+µ)

Practically µ value is 256

For the samples that are highly correlated, when encoded by PCM technique, leave
redundant information behind. To process this redundant information and to have a better
output, it is a wise decision to take a predicted sampled value, assumed from its previous
output and summarize them with the quantized values. Such a process is called as
Differential PCM (DPCM) technique.


Due to the increased use of computers in all engineering applications, including signal
processing, it is important to spend some more time examining issues of sampling. In this
chapter we will look at sampling both in the time domain and the frequency domain.

We have already encountered the sampling theorem and, arguing purely from a trigonometric-
identity point of view, have established the Nyquist sampling criterion for sinusoidal signals.
However, we have not fully addressed the sampling of more general signals, nor provided a
general proof. Nor have we indicated how to reconstruct a signal from its samples. With the tools
of Fourier transforms and Fourier series available to us we are now ready to finish the job that
was started months ago.

To begin with, suppose we have a signal x(t) which we wish to sample. Let us suppose further
that the signal is bandlimited to B Hz. This means that its Fourier transform is nonzero for −2πB
< ω < 2πB. Plot spectrum.

We will model the sampling process as multiplication of x(t) by the “picket fence” function

δT(t) = Xδ(t − nT).

We encountered this periodic function when we studied Fourier series. Recall that by its Fourier
series representation we can write

where . The frequency fs = ωs/(2π) = 1/T is the sampling frequency in samples/sec.

Suppose that the sampling frequency is chosen so that fs > 2B, or equivalently, ωs > 4πB.


If x(t) is bandlimited to B Hz then it can be recovered from signals taken at a sampling rate fs >
2B. The recovery formula is


Show what the formula means: we are interpolating in time between samples using the sinc

We will prove this theorem. Because we are actually lacking a few theoretical tools, it will
take a bit of work. What makes this interesting is we will end up using in a very essential way
most of the transform ideas we have talked about.

1. The first step is to notice that the spectrum of the sampled signal,

is periodic and hence has a Fourier series. The period of the function in frequency is ωs, and the
fundamental frequency is

By the fourier.Series. we can write

where the cn are the F.S. coefficients

But the integral is just the inverse F.T., evaluated at t = −nT:


2. Let g(t) = sinc(πfst). Then


3. Let

We will show that y(t) = x(t) by showing that Y (ω) = X(ω). We can compute the F.T. of
y(t) using linearity and the shifting property:

Observe that the summation on the right is the same as the F.S. we derived in step 1:

Now substituting in the spectrum of the sampled signal (derived above)

since x(t) is bandlimited to −πfs < ω < πfs or −fs/2 < f < fs/2.

Fig. Sampling
Notice that the reconstruction filter is based upon a sinc function, whose transform is a rect
function: we are really just doing the filtering implied by our initial intuition.In practice, of course,
we want to sample at a frequency higher than just twice the bandwidth to allow room for filter


Quantization approximates the sampled value to nearest discrete value from the set of finite
discrete levels. Quantizers are of two types.

1. Mid treed quantizer

2. Mid rise quantizer

Quantizing step size, Δ=(xmax-xmin)/q

Q=number of quantized level

Where n is number of bits used to represent each level

1. Mid treed Quantizer

Fig. Mid tred Quantizer

Error is ± Δ/2

Quantization error=quantized value-actual sampled value
In mid treed quantization the input values lies between ± Δ/2, ± 3Δ/2, ± 5Δ/2, . . . in that output
values are quantized values at ± Δ,± 2Δ,±3Δ,……. Suppose the input (i.e. sampled value) lies
between ± Δ/2 which is approximated as zero. If the input values lies between Δ/2 to 3Δ/2 this
quantizer approximates sampled value as Δ. Here the origin of treed of stair case lies at midpoint
so the name is called mid treed quantizer. In that maximum quantization error is Δ/2 and
minimum quantization error is -Δ/2.

2. MidRise Quantizer:-

Fig. MidRise Quantizer

In mid rise quantizer the input values are ± Δ,± 2Δ,± 3Δ,….. the quantized values are ± Δ/2,±
3Δ/2,± 5Δ/2,…. The quantization error is ± Δ/2

Quantization error

Fig. Quantization effect in PCM

In mid treed quantization the input values lies between ± Δ/2, ± 3Δ/2, ± 5Δ/2, . . . in that output
values are quantized values at ± Δ,± 2Δ,±3Δ,……. Suppose the input (i.e. sampled value) lies
between ± Δ/2 which is approximated as zero. If the input values lies between Δ/2 to 3Δ/2 this
quantizer approximates sampled value as Δ. Here the origin of treed of stair case lies at midpoint
so the name is called mid treed quantizer. In that maximum quantization error is Δ/2 and
minimum quantization error is -Δ/2.


DPCM Transmitter

The DPCM Transmitter consists of Quantizer and Predictor with two summer circuits.
Following is the block diagram of DPCM transmitter.

The signals at each point are named as −

i. x(nTs) is the sampled input
ii. x^(nTs) is the predicted sample
iii. e(nTs) is the difference of sampled input and predicted output, often called as
prediction error
iv. v(nTs) is the quantized output
v. u(nTs) is the predictor input which is actually the summer output of
the predictor output and the quantizer output

The predictor produces the assumed samples from the previous outputs of the transmitter
circuit. The input to this predictor is the quantized versions of the input signal x(nTs).
Quantizer Output is represented as −
q (nTs) is the quantization error

Predictor input is the sum of quantizer output and predictor output,
Ts) u(nTs)=x(nTs)+q(nTs)

The same predictor circuit is used in the decoder to reconstruct the original input

DPCM Receiver

The block diagram of DPCM Receiver consists of a decoder, a predictor, and a summer circuit.
Following is the diagram of DPCM Receiver.

The notation of the signals is the same as the previous ones. In the absence of noise, the
encoded receiver input will be the same as the encoded transmitter output.As mentioned before,
the predictor assumes a value, based on the previous outputs. The input given to the decoder is
processed and that output is summed up with the output of the predictor, to obtain a better output.
The sampling rate of a signal should be higher than the Nyquist rate, to achieve better
sampling. If this sampling interval in Differential PCM is reduced considerably, the sampleto-
sample amplitude difference is very small, as if the difference is 1-bit quantization, then the
step-size will be very small i.e., Δ (delta).

Advantages of DPCM

1) Bandwidth Requirement Of DPCM Is Less Compared To PCM

2) Quantization Error Is Reduced Because Of Prediction Filter.

3) Numbers Of Bits Used To Represent .One Sample Value Are Also Reduced Compared To PCM


The sampling rate of a signal should be higher than the Nyquist rate, to achieve better sampling.
If this sampling interval in Differential PCM is reduced considerably, the sample-to-sample
amplitude difference is very small, as if the difference is 1-bit quantization, then the step-size
will be very small i.e., Δ (delta).

The type of modulation, where the sampling rate is much higher and in which the step size after
quantization is of a smaller value Δ, such a modulation is termed as delta modulation.

Fig. Block diagram of delta modulator and demodulator

Features of Delta Modulation

Following are some of the features of delta modulation.
• An over-sampled input is taken to make full use of the signal correlation.
• The quantization design is simple.
• The input sequence is much higher than the Nyquist rate.
• The quality is moderate.
• The design of the modulator and the demodulator is simple.
• The stair-case approximation of output waveform.
• The step-size is very small, i.e., Δ (delta).
• The bit rate can be decided by the user.
• This involves simpler implementation.

Delta Modulation is a simplified form of DPCM technique, also viewed as 1-bit DPCM scheme.
As the sampling interval is reduced, the signal correlation will be higher.
➢ Delta Modulator
The Delta Modulator comprises of a 1-bit quantizer and a delay circuit along with two summer
circuits. Following is the block diagram of a delta modulator.

The predictor circuit in DPCM is replaced by a simple delay circuit in DM.

From the above diagram, we have the notations as −

• x(nTs) = over sampled input
• ep(nTs) = summer output and quantizer input
• eq(nTs) = quantizer output = v(nTs)
• x^(nTs) = output of delay circuit
• u(nTs) = input of delay circuit

Using these notations, now we shall try to figure out the process of delta modulation.
ep(nTs)=x(nTs)−xˆ(nTs) ------------------(1)
=x(nTs)−[xˆ[[n−1]Ts]+v[[n−1]Ts]] ---------------(2)
v(nTs)=eq(nTs)=S∑.[ep(nTs)]------------------ (3)
xˆ(nTs) = the previous value of the delay circuit

eq(nTs) = quantizer output = v(nTs)
u(nTs)=u([n−1]Ts)+v(nTs)---------------------- (4)
The present input of the delay unit = (The previous output of the delay unit) + (the present
quantizer output)
Assuming zero condition of Accumulation,
u(nTs)=S∑j=1n∑ [ep(jTs)]
Accumulated version of DM output = ∑j=1nv(jTs)--------------------(5)
Now, note that
xˆ(nTs)=u([n−1]Ts)=∑j=1n−1v(jTs) ------------(6)
Delay unit output is an Accumulator output lagging by one sample

From equations 5 & 6, we get a possible structure for the demodulator.

A Stair-case approximated waveform will be the output of the delta modulator with the step-size
as delta (Δ). The output quality of the waveform is moderate

Delta Demodulator
The delta demodulator comprises of a low pass filter, a summer, and a delay circuit. The
predictor circuit is eliminated here and hence no assumed input is given to the demodulator.
Following is the diagram for delta demodulator.

From the above diagram, we have the notations as −

• v^(nTs) is the input sample

• u^(nTs) is the summer output
• x¯(nTs) is the delayed output
A binary sequence will be given as an input to the demodulator. The stair-case approximated
output is given to the LPF.
Low pass filter is used for many reasons, but the prominent reason is noise elimination for out-
of-band signals. The step-size error that may occur at the transmitter is called granular noise,
which is eliminated here. If there is no noise present, then the modulator output equals the
demodulator input.

Advantages of DM Over DPCM

• 1-bit quantizer
• Very easy design of the modulator and the demodulator However, there exists some noise in DM.
• Slope Over load distortion (when Δ is small)
• Granular noise (when Δ is large)

Advantages of Delta Modulation

• In Delta modulation electronic circuit requirement for modulation at transmitter and for
demodulation at receiver is substantially simpler compare to PCM.
• In delta modulation, amplitude of speech signal does not exceed maximum sinusoidal
• Signaling rate and bandwidth of DPCM or delta modulation is less than PCM technique.

Disadvantages of Delta Modulation

• If changes in signal is less than the step size, then modulator no longer follow signal.
Thus produces train of alternating positive and negative pulses.
• Modulator overloads when slope of signal is too high.
• High bit rate.
• It requires predictor circuit and hence it is very complex.
• Its practical usage is limited.

Delta modulation has two major drawbacks that are
1. Slope overload distortion

This distortion arises because of large dynamic range of input signal.

Fig.1: Quantization Errors in Delta Modulation

We can observe from fig.1 , the rate of rise of input signal x(t) is so high that the staircase signal
can not approximate it, the step size ‗Δ‘ becomes too small for staircase signal u(t) to follow the
step segment of x(t).Hence, there is a large error between the staircase approximated signal and
the original input signal x(t).This error or noise is known as slope overload distortion .To reduce
this error, the step size must be increased when slope of signal x(t) is high. Since the step size of
delta modulator remains fixed, its maximum or minimum slopes occur along straight lines.
Therefore, this modulator is known as Linear Delta Modulator (LDM).

2. Granular noise

Granular noise occurs when step size is too large compared to small variations in the input
signal. This means that for very small variations in the input signal, the staircase signal is
changed by large amount because of large step size. The error between the input and
approximated signal is called granular noise. The solution to this problem is to make step size
small. Adaptive Delta Modulation
To overcome the quantization error due to slope overload distortion and granular noise, the
step size (Δ) is made adaptive to variations in input signal x(t). Particularly in the step segment
of the x(t) , the step size is increased. Also, if the input is varying slowly, the step size is
reduced. Then this method is known as Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM).
The adaptive delta modulators can take continuous changes in the step size or discrete changes
in the step size

In digital modulation, we have come across certain problem of determining the step-size, which
influences the quality of the output wave.
A larger step-size is needed in the steep slope of modulating signal and a smaller step size is
needed where the message has a small slope. The minute details get missed in the process. So, it
would be better if we can control the adjustment of step-size, according to our requirement in
order to obtain the sampling in a desired fashion. This is the concept of Adaptive Delta
The performance of a delta modulator can be improved significantly by making the step size
of the modulator assume a time-varying form. In particular, during a steep segment
of the input signal the step size is increased. Conversely, when the input signal is
varying slowly, the step size is reduced.
In this way, the size is adapted to the level of the input signal. The resulting
method is called adaptive delta modulation (ADM).
There are several types of ADM, depending on the type of scheme used for adjusting
the step size. In this ADM, a discrete set of values is provided for the step size.

A large step size was required when sampling those parts of the input waveform of steep slope. But a
large step size worsened the granularity of the sampled signal when the waveform being sampled was
changing slowly. A small step size is preferred in regions where the message has a small slope. This
suggests the need for a controllable step size - the control being sensitive to the slope of the sampled

The Implementation of ADM Modulator

The audio signal will pass through a low-pass filter, which can remove all the unwanted signal and only
obtain the audio signal. The input signals of the comparator are the audio signal and triangle wave signal, and
then the output of the comparator is the square wave signal. The D type flip flop is used as sampling

and then the output signal of the flip flop is the modulated ADM signal. After that the signal will
feedback to tunable gain amplifier and level adjuster. In accordance with the different between the input
signal x(t) and the reference signal X (t), we can change the magnitude of the gain of the tunable
amplifier. If the different of the input signal and the reference signal is very large, then the level adjuster
will change the gain of the t unable amplifier so that the value of Δ(t ) will become large. On the other
hand, if the different of the input signal and the reference signal is very small, then the level adjuster
will change the gain of the tunable amplifier so that the value of Δ( t ) will become small. With this
advantage, when the frequency variation of the input signal is large, then we can increase the value of
Δ(t) to prevent the occurrence slope overload. And when the frequency variation of the input signal is
small, then we can decrease the value of Δ(t) to reduce the error.

Fig. Waveforms of ADM


When the analog signal is sampled, it can be quantized and encoded by any one of the
following techniques-
b. Pulse code modulation (PCM)
c. Delta Modulation (DM)
d. Differential pulse code modulation (DPCM)

a. PCM: The analog speech waveform is sampled and converted directly into a multi bit
digital code by an A/D converter. The code is stored and subsequently recalled for playback
b. DM: Only a single bit is stored for each sample. This bit 1 or 0, represents a greater than or
less than condition, respectively as compared to the previous sample. An integrator is then
used on the output to convert the stored nit stream to an analog signal.
c. DPCM: Stores a multibit difference value. A bipolar D/A converter is used for playback to
convert the successive difference values to an analog waveform.
These techniques convert an analog pulse to its digital equivalent. The digital information is then
transmitted over the channel. The major difference among the techniques are given below-

Noise in PCM and DM systems

Signal to Quantization Noise ratio in PCM:

The signal to quantization noise ratio is given as:

The number of quantization value is equal to:

Putting this value in eqn (6), we get

Substitute this value in eq, we get

Let the normalized signal power is equal to P then the signal to quantization noise will be given by


S.No Parameter Pulse Code Modulation Delta Modulation

1 Number of bits Very high, It can use 4,8 It uses one bit per
or 16 bits per sample sample
2 Quantization levels It depends on number of One bit quantizer is
bits q=2v used
3 Type of error Quantization error Slope overload error
and granular noise
4 Signal to Noise Ratio Very high Moderate
5 Bandwidth Highest bandwidth is Lowest bandwidth is
needed since the number enough
of bits are high
6 Complexity Complex system to Simple to
implement implement


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