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Metals and Engineering, Land and Transportation

Basic Competency:

Unit of Competency:
Receive and Respond in Workplace Communications

Module Title:
Receiving and Responding in Workplace Communications

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Welcome to the module in Receiving and Responding to Workplace

Communication. This module contains training materials and activities for you to
The unit of competency “Receive and Respond to Workplace
Communication” contains knowledge, skills and attitudes required for “Receiving
and Responding Workplace Communication”.
You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to
complete each learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome there are
Information Sheets, Resource Sheets and Reference Materials for further reading to
help you better understand the required activities. Follow these activities on your own
and answer the self-check at the end of each learning outcome. Get the answer key
from your instructor and check your work honestly.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your facilitator for
assistance. Your facilitator will always be a available to assist you during the training.
The goal of this course is the development of practice skills. To gain these
skills, you must learn basic concepts and terminology. For the most part, you’ll get
this information from the Information Sheets and TESDA Website,
This module was prepared to help you achieve the required competency
“Receive and Respond to Workplace Communication”.
This will be the source of information for you to acquire knowledge and skills
in this particular competency independently and at your own pace, with minimum
supervision or help from your instructor.
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Remember to:
Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section.
Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Suggested references are
included to supplement the materials provided in this module.
Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager. He / she is
there to support you and show you the correct way to do things.
You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice on the
job. Make sure you practice your new skills during regular work shifts. This way you
will improve both your speed and memory and also your confidence.

Use the Self-checks, Operation Sheets or Job Sheets at the end of each section to
test your own progress.

When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask your Trainer
to evaluate you. The results of your assessment will be recorded in your Progress
chart and Accomplishment Chart.
You need to complete this module before you can perform the next module
Provide Room Service.

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List of Basic Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title

Receive and Respond to Workplace Receiving and Responding to

1. Communication Workplace Communication

Work with Others Working with Others

Demonstrate work values Demonstrating Work Values

Practice Housekeeping Procedures Practicing Housekeeping

4. Procedures

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How To Use This Competency Based Learning Materials: 2

Summary of Competency Based Learning Materials 4

Unit of Competency 6

1. Learning Outcome 1: Follow Routinary Spoken Message 7

2. Learning Experiences 8

3. Information Sheet 1: The Art of Listening 11

4. Information Sheet 2: Reading Information/Details 19

5. Information Sheet 3: Fact and Opinion 27

6. Information Sheet 4: Writing a Travelogue 35

7. Information Sheet 5: Organizational Policies and Guidelines 42

8. Learning Outcome 2: Perform Workplace Duties Following

Written Notices 50

9. Learning Experiences 51

10. Information Sheet 1: Phraseology and Telephone Personality 52

11. Information Sheet 2: Performance Boost and Feedback 73

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Receive and Respond to Workplace Communication
Receiving and Responding to Workplace

This unit covers with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in workplace



1. Follow routine spoken messages

2. Perform workplace duties and following written notices

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Assessment Criteria:

1. Instructions/information are properly recorded

2. Instructions are acted upon in accordance with information received
3. Clarification is sought from workplace supervisor on all occasions when any
instructions/procedure is not understood.


1. Performance Test
2. Written examination
3. Oral Questioning

Learning Outcome 1 Follow Routine Spoken Messages


1. The Art of Listening

2. Reading Information/Details
3. Note-Taking Skills
4. Organizational Policies and Guidelines


1. Required information is gathered by listening attentively and correctly

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interpreting or understanding information/instructions
2. Instructions/information are properly recorded
3. Instructions are acted upon immediately in accordance with information
4. Clarification is sought from workplace supervisor on all occasions when
any instruction/information is not clear


Trainees must be provided with the following”

 References (books)
 Manuals
 Note Pads
 Pens


1. Written Test
2. Direct Observation
3. Oral Questioning

Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 1: Explain Routinary Speaking and Messages in a Workplace

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Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet 1.1-1 If you have some problem on the content of the
on “The Art of Listening” information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the content
of the information sheet, you can now answer self
check provided in the module.

2. Answer Self-Check 1.1-1 Compare your answers to the answer keys on 1.1-1
on “The Art of Listening” “The Art of Listening” You are required to get all
answers correct. If not, read the information sheets
again to answer all the questions correctly.

3. Read Information Sheet 1.1-2 If you have some problem on the content of the
on “ Reading Information/Details” information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your

If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the content

of the information sheet, you can now answer self
check provided in the module.

4. Answer Self-Check 1.1-2 Compare your answers to the answer keys on 1.1-2
on “Reading Information/Details” You are required to get
“Reading Information/Details” all answers correct. If not, read the information sheets
again to answer all the questions correctly.

If you have some problem on the content of the

information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the content
of the information sheet, you can now answer self
check provided in the module.

5. Read Information Sheet 1.1-3 If you have some problem on the content of the
on “ Fact and Opinion” information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your

If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the content

of the information sheet, you can now answer self
check provided in the module.

4. Answer Self-Check 1.1-2 Compare your answers to the answer keys on 1.1-3
on “Fact and Opinion” “Fact and Opinion” You are required to get all answers
correct. If not,Document
read theNo.
information sheets again to
answer allIssued
the questions correctly.
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Workplace information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your
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by: check provided in the module.
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5. Read Information Sheet 1.1-3 If you have some problem on the content of the
on “ Writing a Travelogue” information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your
Learning Outcome 1 – Follow Routine Spoken Messages
Information Sheet 1: The Art of Listening

I. Learning Outcomes

You are expected to:

1. identify the types of listening styles
2. demonstrate the listening process
3. develop teamwork, cooperation with the team

II. Subject Matter

The Art of Listening

A. Key Concepts: Listening

III. Materials:

Laptop, blackboard, chalk

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Chaves, J. D,, Creative Oral Communication for Filipino Students: A

Practical Application

Values Statement:

Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm

IV. Procedure:

a. Motivation:

How important is listening in your daily lives?

What do you think will happen when no one listens?

When you listen, do you pay attention to the one talking?

b. Presentation:

Listening is a skill and it comprises a wide area of activity. It is

believed that “the act of listening comprises a significant portion of our daily
activities. It is the other half of the communication process since, without
listeners, we cannot communicate orally. Yet few us pay attention to
improving our abilities to listen,” (Chavez, 2012, pp. 129-130).

c. Lesson Proper

According to Chavez, (2012, p. 129) The International Listening

Association defines listening “the process of receiving, constructing
meaning from, and responding to and/or nonverbal messages”.

While hearing is a biological activity, listening is an intellectual

one because it requires more than just ears. In fact, it has been
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said that you hear with your ears, but you listen with your brain (your
mind, your eyes, your ears, your memory.)

Listening Styles

1. Critical Listening Style

- The listener evaluates what he has heard.

2. Emphatic listening style

- The listener recognizes the speaker’s feelings and shows empathy.

3. People listening style

- The listener is concerned with other person’s feelings. It involves couples,

families and best friends.

4. Action Listening style

- The listener wants precise, error-free presentations and is likely to be

impatient with disorganization.

5. Content listening style

- The listener prefers complex and challenging information. A doctor might,

for example ask for information from his colleagues on how a particular
patient should be treated. Because of his training and experience he will
not have difficulty understanding a complex medical explanation.

6. Time-style listening

- The listener prefers a hurried and brief interaction with others and often lets
the communicator know how much time he or she has to make the point.

Types of Listeners

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1. The Controlling Listeners

They always look for a way to talk about themselves and their

2. The Passive Listeners

They believe that listening involves no work. “I do not have to do

anything. I can just sit back and listen.” to “If it’s not going to the test.
I don’t have to listen.

3. The Appreciative Listeners

They respond positively by smiling or looking at the speaker, uttering

encouraging remarks to show that they are interested in the speaker’s

4. The Critical Listeners

They tend to analyze critically everything that they hear, which is in

fact encouraged to develop one’s critical thinking skills.

Reasons for Listening

1. To enjoy
2. To become informed
3. To understand
4. To express sympathy
5. To evaluate
Barriers to Effective Listening

1. Weak extrinsic motivation

- People need to know why they have to listen to the speaker. What will
make students for example, listen to the teacher well if they can expect a
decent grade? If the extrinsic motive is not very strong, you will simply
become a passive listener.

2. Environmental constraints

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- The physical setting can also affect communication.

3. People constraint

- The presence or absence of an internal desire to listen will affect how well
you pay attention to a message.

4. Poor timing

- This is also called “fitting timing” for speech.

Suggestion for honing your ability to listen:

1. Develop your vocabulary

2. Concentrate on the message
3. Keep an open and objective mind
4. Read the speaker
5. Put yourself in the speaker’s place.
6. Take notes
7. Compensate for a speaker’s flawed delivery
8. Get ready for wrap-up.

Filling in A Form

This listening will help you practice listening for details. Study the form before you
listen so you will know what information to listen. Listen to your Trainor


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First Name _____________________________________

Middle Name____________________________________
Date of Birth_____________________________________
Do you read books in languages other than English? If so, which language?
E-mail address for electronic notification of reserves or
Home Phone No.________________________________
Daytime Contact No._____________________________


Cocoa several omelette chocolate

Massachusetts Connecticut Arkansas Babylon

New Hampshire Thailand Shanghai Greenwich

Morgue pomade Xerox chassis

V. Activity

Group yourselves by four, list down some of advises that you follow from your
parents and some advises that you do not care about.
Write your answers from the table below.

Advises that I follow from my parents Advises that I do not care about
1. 1.

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2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.


How important is listening as a skill? Do you believe that hearing is a passive

biological function?

VI. Evaluation

I. Identification

_______________1. They always look for a way to talk about themselves and their

_______________2. They believe that listening involves no work. “I do not have to do

anything. I can just sit back and listen.” to “if it’s not going to the test. I don’t have to

_______________3. They respond positively by smiling looking at the speaker,

uttering encouraging remarks to show that they are interested in the speaker’s message.

_______________4. They tend to analyze critically everything that they hear, which is
in fact encouraged to develop one’s critical thinking skills.

_______________5. The listener recognizes, and identifies the speaker’s feelings, and
tries to put himself/herself in the shoes of the speaker.

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Answer Key:

1. Controlling Listener

2. Passive Listener

3. Appreciative Listener

4. Critical Listener

5. Emphatic Style

VII. Task:

Interview at least two oldies in your place on the old beliefs that they do follow the
present. Share your ideas to the class,

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Information Sheet 2: Reading Information/Details

I. Learning Outcomes

You are expected to:

1. sing the song “Anak ng Pasig”
2. answer the questions being asked on the topic by noting details
3. analyze the stanza of the song “Anak ng Pasig”
4. write a vacation paper entitled “Experience Panay”
5. develop teamwork, creativity and speaking skills by presenting and sharing
ideas in the class

II. Subject Matter

Reading Information/Details
Key Concepts: Details, Information

III. Materials:

Laptop, soundbox, blackboard, chalk


Baraceros, E.L (2005). Communication Skills I:Improving Study and Thinking

Skills I, Rex Printing Company

Bethge, Wolfgang (2006). Retrieved July 31, 2017 from

KeyTrain Reading for Information (2000). Retrieved August 1, 2017 from

Maranga, M.A (n.d), Pasig River blog, Retrieved July 30, 2017 from

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Anak ng Pasig (n.d) Retrieved August 1, 2017 from Source:

Photos retrieved through Google Images

Values Statement:

Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm

IV. Procedure:

b. Motivation: You will sing the song.

“Anak ng Pasig”

Ako'y umusbong sa tabi ng Pasig

Nagisnan ang ilog na itim ang tubig
Lumaking paligid ng bundok na umuusok
Langhap na langhap ang amoy ng basurang bulok

Ito ang buhay ng anak ng Pasig

Pa-swimming swimming sa itim na tubig
Playground lang ang bundok ng basura mo
Musika'y ugong ng kotse at bangka n'yo

Anak ng Pasig naman kayo

Kalat doon, kalat dito
Natakpan na ang langit kong ito
Nilason din ang Ilog ko
Akala ko'y ganoon talaga ang mundo
Hanggang nakakita ako ng lumang litrato
Di maniwalang Pasig din ang tinitignan ko
Kaibigan ano ang nangyari dito
(Anong nangyari? Anong nangyari?)

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Anak ng Pasig naman kayo
Kalat doon, kalat dito
Natakpan na ang langit kong ito
Nilason din ang Ilog ko
Anak ng Pasig naman kayo
Tapon doon, tapon dito
Di n'yo alam ang tinatapon n'yo
Ay bukas ko at ng buong mundo

Huli na ba ang lahat

Patay na ba ang ilog at dagat
Kapag Pasig ay pinabayaan
Parang bukas ang tinalikuran
Anak ng Pasig naman kayo
Kalat doon, kalat dito
Natakpan na ang langit kong ito
Nilason din ang Ilog ko
Anak ng Pasig naman kayo
Tapon doon, tapon dito
Di n'yo alam ang tinatapon n'yo
Ay bukas ko at ng buong mundo
Anak ng Pasig naman kayo
May bukas pa ang ating mundo.
Source: ng-pasig-

What are your thoughts about the song? What message does
the songs conveys?

c. Presentation:

Reading Information or knowing details of a story or an event is important to

gather facts or information. Through reading an article it helps build
comprehension skills and vocabulary.

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d. Lesson Proper

According to Baraceros (2005, p. 69), the term details are “particular facts, or
ideas related to the topic, to the events, and to the character presented by the author
into the selection. To understand the selection easily, you must know how to
identify the details and which of these are essential to the story”.

He added that identifying details can be done through:

1. perceiving clearly or identifying the information or details presented by the

2. identifying the subject matter of the topic; and
3. determining those things that are closely related to the topic.

For Example:

Steven Smith, a Nigerian citizen, tall, dark and a good looking man, rides on a
ferry boat for fun experience of his trip to the Philippines.

*The sentence shows the details about the characteristics of Steven Smith that are a
Canadian citizen, tall and a good looking man.

KeyTrain Reading Information (2000, p.3), Reading for Information Skills is

grouped into four categories:

a. Choosing Main Ideas or Details

You should be able to determine the main idea of a document. You should be
able to identify important data. These main ideas and details may need to
separated from unimportant information

b. Understanding Word Meanings

You should be able to understand the meaning of words in the document.

c. Applying Instructions
You should be able to follow instruction given in a document.

d. Applying Information and Reasoning

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You should be able to judge when and where to apply instructions given in a

d.Drill (setting for the Purpose of Reading)

Vocabulary: Fill in the synonyms of the given words inside the concept map.
Choose your answers from the jumbled words.

d1.Reading Selection

Pasig River

Pasig River is known as Ilog Pasig in Filipino, a popular river that connects
Manila Bay in Manila and Laguna de Bay in Laguna. It stretches 25 kilometers
and serves as a major transport route and source of water. In early 1500s,
commerce and daily needs of people have pressed Pasig River and its tributaries
into a tireless service (Maranga, n.d.)

During the Spanish period, the Pasig River has functioned as a means of
transportation and has become a source of people’s livelihood. The Spanish
settlers established Manila. They built the City of Intramuros where one can see
the churches like Manila Cathedral, San Agustin Church, Plaza de Roma, Palacio

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del Gobernador and Plaza de Santa Isabela. The Fort Santiago and Rizal Shrine,
are the nearest places to the southern bank of Pasig River near its mouth

After World War II, the population in Manila began to grow and construction
of infrastructures has affected and started to contaminate near the river. Large
amount of garbage has been dumped in the river daily which has caused
destruction and has been declared as a dead river (Maranga, n.d).

Bethge (2006, para 1) pointed out that in the novel of Jose Rizal “El
Filibusterismo,” he describes how a captain navigates “Tabo” on the Pasig River to
the Laguna Bay. The Pasig River is rich in fish, mangroves grow and bamboo
bushes. In 1820, a Cholera epidemic broke out causing a big damage of the river

However, the port of Manila was extended further at the end of the 19 th century
and Pasig River was canalized. It enabled a safer and more productive use of
waterway to the Laguna de Bay (Bethge, 2006, para 6).

Later, industrialization started to grow and more business was opened causing
water pollution of the river. People’s livelihood was affected and 30 years later,
the ferry transportation has stopped.

In the late 1980s, the rehabilitation of Pasig River has started with the help of
Denmark. The so-called Pasig River Rehabilitation Program (PRRP) was
established together with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) as the main agency with the coordination of the Danish International
Development Assistance (DANIDA). The community, local governments,
professional associations and business groups establish cooperation with the
PRRP. In 1999, President Joseph Estrada signed the Executive Order No. 54
constituting the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission (PRRC) to replace the old

Private organizations such as Clean and Green Foundations implemented the

Sagip Pasig Movement and Piso para sa Pasig campaign, the Belgian government
also offered P20 million for dredging the waterways.

In October 10, 2010, the “Run for Pasig River” has reached an estimated of
116,000 Filipinos to race fund for Pasig River and has put into Guinness World
Record as the most numbered of participants in a footrace set by San Francisco’s
“Bay to Breakers” race in 1988.

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Pasig River is back into its business operation in February 14, 2007, with 14-
air conditioned ferry stations designed by Robert Cole. It has 150 seating capacity,
air conditioned room and high-definition television on board, bar and a comfort
room (Maranga, n.d)

Now, Pasig River is back to life. People enjoy cruising for a fun ferry
experience. More tourists are coming to see not just the beauty of the river but also
the beauty of Manila.

Blog Source:
Mark Anthony Maranga from river/
Wolfgang Bethger from

d2.Comprehension Questions

1. What is the main idea of the article?

2. What was the cause why Pasig River has stopped its ferry transport operation?
3. Who are responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of Pasig River?
4. What do you think are the contributions of ferry transportation among people?
5. Now, do you consider Pasig River as a tourist attraction? Why?

IV. Activity

Group yourselves by two. Analyze the first and second stanza

of the song. How does the songwriter describe Smokey Mountain? Do you
think people have fears especially the children living nearby? Share your ideas
in the class.
Ako'y umusbong sa tabi ng Pasig
Nagisnan ang ilog na itim ang tubig
Lumaking paligid ng bundok na umuusok
Langhap na langhap ang amoy ng basurang bulok

Ito ang buhay ng anak ng Pasig

Pa-swimming swimming sa itim na tubig
Playground lang ang bundok ng basura mo
Musika'y ugong ng kotse at bangka n'yo

a. Generalization

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Based on the selection are the three things you like most
about the article?

What are the two things that muddle you?

What is one thing you like to ask about?

V. Application

You will work for an activity called Experience Panay.

You will create or plan out their trip in any of the places in Panay Island they would
like to visit. Use any indigenous or colorful materials to make their vacation paper

Courtesy of Google Images

VI. Assignment

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In a one piece index card (3x5), elaborate why the title of the song is called
“Anak ng Pasig”. You are only given 3 minutes to present your ideas in the class.
Below is the rubric point system for your presentation rating.
Point System:
Clarity 15%
Organization of Ideas 15%
Grammar 25%
Content 25%
Presentation 20%
Total 100%

Answer Key:

Answers for this activity vary

Information Sheet 3 – Fact and Opinion

I. Learning Outcomes

You are expected to:

1. differentiate fact from opinion

2. perform an activity by airing information to the public
3.develop speaking, teamwork and leadership skills through presentation of
simulation activity

II. Subject Matter

Fact and Opinion

B. Key Concepts: Fact, Opinion
III. Materials:
Handouts, blackboards, microphone, camera, pen, chalk
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Baraceros, E.L (2005). Communication Skills I:Improving Study and Thinking
Skills I, Rex Printing Company

Jalaur River Wikipedia. Retrieved August 2, 2017 from

Jomilla, M. L, et. Al (2006). Study and Thinking Skills in English. Central

Philippine University

Integrated River Basin Management and Development Master Plan (IRBMDMP),

LOT-1- IRBMDMP-JRB Jalaur River Basin (2014), Engineering and
Development Corporation of the Philippines in Association with PRIMEX,
Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Values Statement:

Cooperation, Appreciation, Love for town

IV. Procedure:

a. Motivation:

Read the following sentences. Analyze the characteristics of the given statements.

A. Jalaur River is the second longest river in Panay Island.

Jalaur River has an abundant water supply.

B. Jalaur River ranked the 17th largest river system in the Philippines in terms of
drainage basin size.

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I believe that Jalaur River has benefited the Passinhon’s and other towns
through livelihood resources.


When will you say when a statement is a Fact or an Opinion?

Write your answers below the table.

Fact Opinion

e. Lesson Proper

Fact is a statement than can be proven true or false by unbiased evidence while
Opinion is a statement which expresses a personal bias or a point of view. It cannot
be proven objectively. It is a statement an individual or group feels, thinks, or
believes (Baraceros, 2005, p. 87)

The reader should know the difference between a fact and an opinion so that he can
make judgments based on facts.

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Jomilla (2006, p. 47) “Facts are statements that tell what really happened or
what really the case is. A fact is based on direct evidence. It is something known
by actual experience or observation”.

He also defines opinion as a statement of belief, judgment, or feeling. Below are

five ways to distinguish fact from opinion.


1. Look for words that interpret.

Examples are pretty, ugly, safe, dangerous, evil, good.
2. Look for words that serve as clues to statement of opinion. Some words like
probably, perhaps, usually, often, sometimes are used to limit a statement of
fact and to indicate the possibility of other opinions. Other words say clearly
than an opinion will follow; these are words like I believe, I think, in my
opinion, I feel, I suggest.
3. Before you accept a statement of fact and before you agree with a statement of
opinion, question that skill of the author. Is he reliable? Why should you take
his word?
4. Test the writer’s opinion by asking whether different opinion is possible.
5. Some authors include statements from other writers or authorities in order to
illustrate their own ideas. Make sure you tell the source of any statement that
appears in what you read.

d. Drill (Setting for the Purpose of Reading)

The teacher will ask a question.

Here in Passi City, what do you know about Jalaur River?

Have you tried to swim in Jalaur River? Or visit during Sinadya sa
Suba? Share your thoughts in the class.

D1. Reading Selection

Jalaur River Basin Project

by Engineering and Development Corporation of the Philippines in Association

with PRIMEX, Department of Environment and Natural Resources

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Jalaur River is known as Jalaud River, is the second longest river in the island
of Panay. It is the second largest river by drainage basin, the longest and largest
river system in Panay River in Capiz.

Jalaur River ranked 17th in the largest river system in the Philippines in terms
of the size of drainage basin. It has an estimated are of drainage system of 1,503
square kilometers (580 square miles ) and travels 123 kilometers (76 miles) from it
source to the mouth in the Guimaras strait. It traverses through Calinog, Passi
City, San Enrique, Duenas, Dingle, Pototan, Barotac Nuevo, Dumangas, Leganes
and Zarraga.

The river is of great importance since it provides economic activities as well as

the source of portable water inhabitants to the people

One of the major programs of the Department of Environment and Natural

Resources (DENR) is the preparation of an Integrated River Basin Management
and Development Master Plan for the eighteen (18) major river basins in the
country. One of the major river basins in the Jalaur River Basin (JRB) located
in Region VI, Western Visayas.

The Engineering and Development Corporation of the Philippines (EDCOP)

and Pacific Rim Innovation and Management Exponents, Inc. (PRIMEX) were
commissioned by the DENR to prepare the Integrated River Basin Management
and Development Master Plan for the Jalaur River Basin.

The Jalaur River Basin encompasses almost entirely the province of Iloilo,
with small portions lying within the province of Capiz and Antique. The river
basin has a total area of 176, 500 hectares.

Ten sub-basins comprise the entire Jalaur River Basin. These sub-basins are:
Abangay-Mananiw (16,062 ha), Alibunan (27, 141 ha), Asisig-Lamunan (33, 092
ha), Dingle (9, 614 ha), Jalaud (5, 344 ha), Janipaan-Jelicuon (17, 643 ha),
Magapa-Suague (28, 438 ha), Sigangao (3,023 ha), Agutayan TULIP (8, 664 ha),
and Ulian (27, 479 ha).

In 2010 census, Jalaur River Basin has a total population of over 3 million in
75 cities and municipalities covered.

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Agriculture and fishery are the primary industries in the Jalaur River Basin. It
is envisioned that Iloilo, with the development of JRB, will maintain its status as a
rice-surplus producing Province to sustain the food demands of its population with
substantial surplus to augment the neighboring provinces.

The on-going project is being undertaken by government and non-government

agencies to address the issues, concerns and challenges prevailing in the basin were
identified and analyzed.

The proposed projects are classified into two major components, namely soft
and hard. The soft components are classified into several categories such as River
Basin Rehabilitation to include reforestation cum enrichment planting, coastal/,
mangrove reforestation, enhanced soil conversation on upland farms and
ecotourism development.

Second is the River Basin Protection and the third is development of support
system and institutions to include benefit transfer mechanism development,
infrastructure development, research and development and preservation of
traditional tribal culture and practices.

The hard components of the proposed projects are Jalaur High Dam (JRMP
II), Water Supply and Sanitation Projects and Sanitary Landfill.

With this proposed project, one of the major considerations is the adaptation
and mitigation measures to address the negative impacts of climate change. All of
the proposed projects will have Information and Education Campaign (IEC),
Monitoring and Evaluation System (MES) and Human Resources Development

The proposed projects when fully implemented should address the issues,
concerns, challenges and enhance its potentials to achieve sustainable productive
and protective river basin for present and future generations of llonggo.

D2. Comprehension Question

Think/Pair and Share Ideas

Group yourselves by four. Discuss the following questions and choose one
representative to share insights in the class.
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1. From the reading selection, what are some of the statements that are FACTS?
What about OPINION?

2. As a Trainee, do you agree that the proposed program of DENR on the

Integrated River Basin Management and Development Master Plan would
benefit the people? Why?

3. Do you believe that majority of the people living in nearby Jalaur River would
agree to this plan? Would it cause harm to the environment and livelihood?

IV. Activity

Group yourselves by 4 to 5 members. As a group perform this task.

Scenario: The construction of the Jalaur Mega Dam along Jalaur River in Calinog
has threatened the lives of people most especially their source of living, homes and
preservation of the indigenous cultural communities. As a local, what are your
opinions or reactions on the construction of the mega dam?

Role Play: The members of the team will play the following roles:
1 – reporter 1 – member of the Indigenous Community
1 – Calinog concerned citizen 1 – teacher

a. Generalization:
Jalaur River is the second longest river in the island of Panay and the second
largest by drainage basin in Panay River in Capiz.

V. Application
Write F if the statement is a FACT and O if its an Opinion.
_____1. There are ten sub-basins that comprise the Jalaur river.
_____2. The indigenous people are worried on the construction of the mega dam.
_____3. The Philippine government should make considerations on proposed
project without coerce, bribery and false promises.
_____4. Jalaur River is also known as Jalaud River.
_____5. People will benefit the proposed project through employment.
_____6. Some of the Tumandok members of the community did not approve the
proposed project.
_____7. Jalaur River has an estimated drainage area of 1, 053 square kilometers.
_____8. Jalaur River experienced seasonal flooding.
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_____9. I believe that the Mega Dam would help improve the reforestation of the
_____10. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources is hands-on for
the construction of the project making sure it will not cause damage to the

VI. Assignment

Read the newsPH

item below MEAT
out the factual
FROMand opinionated
BRAZIL statements.
by: Karl R. Ocampo @kocampo

The Philippine government has slapped temporary ban on the importation of

meat from Brazil after salmonella was detected in some of the shipments from the
Latin American country.
The Department of Agriculture (DA) issued Memorandum Order 32,
authorizing the ban on Brazilian meat products, repealing the earlier memorandum
stating that the temporary ban was only issued to 25 DA-accredited foreign meat
establishments from Brazil.
The temporary suspension comes after a total of 264nout of 492 containers
from Brazil were sampled by the DA-attached agency Bureau of Animal Industry
(BAI). Out of the sampled, 18 containers or 7 percent tested positive for
salmonella species.
According to BAI Assistant Director Simeon Amurao, the agency can
assure the public that there is no rotten meat that has reached Philippine markets.
Meat imports tainted with salmonella have already been confiscated by the National
Meat Inspection Service.
All meat imports from Brazil were subjected to mandatory inspection and
laboratory tests to ensure that these are safe for consumption, Amurao said. INQ

Source: Ocampo, K.R. , August 8, 2017. PH STOPS MEAT IMPORTS FROM

BRAZIL, Vol. 32 No. 241, A17. Philippine Daily Inquirer

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Information Sheet 4 – Writing a Travelogue

I. Learning Outcomes

You are expected to:

1. define the meaning of travelogue

2. watch a short video documentary on “Cagayan River”
3. discuss the benefits of the Cagayan River using the semantic web
4. create a travelogue photo collage with teammates
5. develop cooperation and appreciation of the artwork

II. Subject Matter

Writing a Travelogue
C. Key Concepts: Travelogue
III. Materials:

Indigenous materials, laptop, colored papers, sound box


Bilasano, J.B and Iglesias, J.E.V (2016) Writing Manual 7 for K to 12,
Educational Resources Corporation, Quezon City
Photo Images Retrieved from Google Images

Video Clip by mchuidem (2008). Retrieved August 3, 2017 from

Vigattintourism (2017) Retrieve August 1, 2017 from
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Values Statement:

Creativity, Cooperation, Fun

IV. Procedure:

f. Motivation:

Are you the type of person who likes to travel and take photos?
Do you share memorable moments through Instagram or Facebook?
Do you travel alone or with a set of friends?
When you are on a vacation, what are some of the activities you mostly do?

g. Presentation:

Travelling means getting experiences and enjoying the moments with your
friends and family. Some people travel because they wanted to relax, write a blog
and they wanted to have a peace of mind. Others, they travel because they wanted
to be familiar with the culture of the place and meet people along the way. From
your travels, what lessons have you learned?

h. Lesson Proper
Writing a Travelogue

“A Travelogue is a movie, book, booklet, or an illustrated lecture about the

places visited and experiences encountered by a traveller (Bilesano and Iglesias,
2016, p. 42)”.
People like to read travelogue to know the information of a particular place
before deciding to visit. A travelogue gives detailed information about a specific
place, the wonderful attractions and beautiful areas to visit so that tourists will be
tempted to go on for a vacation.
Sinha (as cited in Bilesano and Iglesias, 2016, p. 42) suggested seven tips in
writing a travelogue.
1. Research about the place. Before writing a particular story of a place, be sure to
ask complete information. You can interview locals or have a sight visit if it’s
near to you. Read books or surf the internet.
2. Give a photographic description of the place. Describe the place in such a
manner that the reader can visualize it.
3. Highlight Various Tourist Attractions.
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4. Mention the ways and means to reach the destination. A traveller must know
how to get to the place he would like to visit. You can give details of the
transportation fee, the transportation arrangement or any detail that you need.
5. Name a few good hotels. You can suggest a cheaper hotel near the location of
the place you would like to visit, the costs per room.
6. Aside from the tourist attractions, you can also pay a visit to places such as a
souvenir shop, museum, local winery, shops, bargain or elusive items sold at
the local market.
7. Give some cultural background. Giving some information would give the
information richer in content.

c1. Task: Read the following selection and answer the questions that follow.

Cagayan River: The longest and largest river in the Philippines

The Cagayan River is also known as the Rio Grande de Cagayan, is the
longest, largest, and widest river in the country. It is located in the Cagayan Valley
Region in the northeast part of Luzon Island and traverses the provinces of Nueva
Viscaya, Quirino, Babela and Cagayan (Vigattintourism, 2017).

The small stream from Balele Pass, Cordillera, Caraballo and Sierra Madre
Mountains meet other streams and river and flew to the Cagayan River.

Photo taken by Bert Balonzo of, Retrieved on August 3, 2017 from

The river passes through one of the few remaining primary forests in the
country and its biodiversity is truly remarkable. It supports the endemic and

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endangered species like the Luzon bleeding-heart pigeon (Gallicolumba Luzonica),
Philippine Eagle (Pilhecophaga Jeffreyi) and a rare rivervine fish ludong (Estreaus

Courtesy of Google Image

Cagayan River has a total length approximately 350 kilometres (220 mi) and
a drainage basin which covers 27, 753 square kilometres (10, 715 sq. mi). It is
located in the Cagayan Valley Region in the northeast part of Luzon Island. It
traverses the provinces of Nueva Vizcaya, Quirino, Isabela and Cagayan

The rivers headwater is at the Caballo Mountains of Central Luzon at an

elevation of approximately 1, 524 meter (5000 ft). The river flows north for some
350 kilometers (220 mi) to its mouth at the Babuyan Channel near the twon of
Aparri Cagayan.

Courtesy of Google Image

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Many tourists and locals are visiting the place because of its clean river and
greenery surroundings. Aside from visiting Cagayan River, tourist can also enjoy
white water rafting and kayaking. clip Presentation

Here is a short video clip of Cagayan River by mchuidem (2008). Retrieved August
3, 2017 from
How to get there:
By Plane – Airline Companies
 Airphil Express, Cebu Pacific routes to the Provincial Capitol of Tuguegarao
from Manila

By Bus – Bus Companies

 Florida
 Baliwag Transit Inc.
 Victory Liner
 Dominion

Scheduled Trips: Manila to Tuguegarao

Travel Time: 8 to 12 hrs.

 Ivory Hotel and Suites located at Buntun Highway/Tuguegarao, Cagayan
Valley, Isabela
 Villa Blanca Hotel can be found at 13 Pattaui St. Ugac
 Norte, Tuguegarao, Cagayan Valley, Isabela
 Mango Suites located at 1 Rizal St St., corner Balzain Road, Tuguegarao,
Cagayan Valley, Isabel

Source: Vigattintourism (2017) Retrieve Augut 1, 2017 from
C2.Comprehesnsion Question
Answer the following questions:

1. How would you describe Cagayan River?

2. From the reading selection, are you interested to visit the place?

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3. If you are a foreigner reading the travelogue, would you like to visit Cagayan
4. Can you consider Cagayan River as one of the tourist attractions in Cagayan
Valley Region?
5. What do you think will local do to promote Cagayan River in the whole

IV. Activity

From the reading selection, what are the benefits of Cagayan River to the lives of
people in terms of tourism, economic, social and domestic aspects?

a. Generalization:

Cagayan River known as Rio Grande de Cagayan is the longest, largest

and widest river in the country. It has rich and abundant water supply. It has
benefited the people in the community as well as the tourism industry of
Cagayan Valley Region.

V. Application

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Work by pairs. Create your own travelogue story by describing your
hometown or any place you have travelled in Visayas. Describe the beautiful
attractions you can see or the activities you can enjoy while on a trip. You can use
pictures and any creative materials to make your travelogue collage fun and

VI. Assignment

Choose a place you would like to visit in the Philippines or abroad. Place a
picture why would you like to visit the place? Write your output in a short size

Information Sheet 5 – Organizational Policies and Guidelines

I. Learning Outcomes

You are expected to:

1. define the term “service”

2. identify the elements of a good organization
3. perform a role play
4. develop work values and integrity

II. Subject Matter

Organizational Policies and Guidelines

D. Key Concepts: Policies and Guidelines
III. Materials:

Module, balckboard, chalk, laptop


Mukhi, L. (2005). Smart Moves in the Workplace. Anvil Publishing, Inc. , Pasig
City, Philippines.
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Values Statement:

Cooperation, Teamwork, Honesty

IV. Procedure:

a. Motivation:

In the semantic web below, write the qualities of a good service.

Good Service

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b. Presentation:

A good deed and service is not just full of words, but it has to be
coupled with a sense of commitment.

Making a commitment to something makes people more hesitant to

make changes. When a person has shown his commitment to
something he will tend to carry it out.

Just like in your chosen job, in your area of specialization, in your

trainings, you have chosen the “one” because you have a purpose to
attain a certain goal.

Behind that commitment, are the code of ethics that will guide us in
our organization policies and guidelines.

c. Lesson Proper

Elements of a Good Organization

1. Clarity – clearness of one’s goal and complete understanding of the

organizational policies.

2. Recognition – a feeling that you are appreciated and recognized.

3. Responsibility – a feeling that you are capable of the job.

4. Teamwork – You work as a team with trust, warmth and support.

5. Motivation – You motivate yourself and your group mates to work for the

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According to Mukhi (2005, p. 46-50), there are certain roles a good manager
should possess.

“A ship will remain balance and steady if the captain knows how to manage his
people with the right crew and passengers.”

It is the job of the manager to achieve the desired goal. It is on his capacity to
motivate his people. To achieve his clear goal, he must have an effective management

Sometimes a Manager is Like a Juggler…

Being a balanced professional today is little like being a juggler. The reward is seeing
them spin in the air.

Question: What balls do you juggle? Business, career, husband (or wife), children,
friends, community service, some of us have more up in the air than others.

The Scope of Management: It’s a big job!

Paradigms Planning
Choices Organizing
Our responses Controlling
Values Evaluating
Decision Making

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The Scope of management covers three areas: SELF, TASKS and OTHERS

Managing means managing yourself, the tasks you oversee and the people you get
involved with.

Which among these three do you find most challenging? Nine times out of ten, the
response I get is managing others. For some reason, most of us feel that we can handle
the work itself, but not the people we work with.

“So when you start wanting to change jobs to get away from the people you work with,
ask yourself: “What can I change about myself so that I can cope better with my
present situation?” Learn to manage diversity and conflict. You will have these two
concerns anyway, anywhere you go.

Effective self-management will lead to more accomplishments. Start with little things
you can improve about yourself.


1. What do you find most difficult to manage in yourself?

2. How will you gain better self-mastery in this area?

Example of Procedures and Instructions

A. Cooking and Baking

Food Handling Tips

1. Food should be stored properly. The FIRST-IN, FIRST-OUT method
should be practiced.

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2. Food should be prepared carefully, keeping in mind to maintain cleanliness
and sanitation.
3. Kitchen personnel should be neat and clean. Proper grooming and hygiene
should always be observed.
4. Frozen foods should be thawed properly.
5. Proper cooling and reheating of food should be practiced.
6. Cleaning and sanitizing should be done.

B. Food and Beverage Service Procedures

Before proceeding to the proper order of service, some basics must first be
Service Basic 1: Ladies and gentlemen
Service Basic 2: Old before young
Service Basic 3: hug your customers
Service Basic 4: Walk forward

Service Basic 3: Hug your customers

Hug your customers is a shorthand way of saying “don’t reach in front of your
customers” and “face your customers as your serve them.”
Service Basic 4: Walk forward
1. If you are serving food American style , from the left side of a person with the
left hand , walk counter clockwise.
2. If you are serving food French style, from the right side of a person with the
right hand, walk clockwise around a freestanding table.

Serving Orders to Your Customers

Delivering orders is important because everyone’s eyes are on the server as he

places the orders on the table. Use the guidelines below to serve order correctly.
1. Ensure guests are aware of your presences before you start to set dishes on the
2. If guests are in conversation, remove items from the table without reaching
across a guest. If unavoidable, say “Excuse me.”
3. Whenever possible, remove items from the table without reaching across a
guest. If unavoidable, say “Excuse me.”
4. Present the orders.

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a. Use the following serving sequence: women and children first and host last.
If your are serving guests seated in a booth, serve the farthest guests first.

b. Position plates approximately 2.5 cm (1 inch) from the edge of the table.

5. Ask if anything else is needed

6. Be sure to say to the guests, “enjoy your dinners,” or something else to bid
them pleasure while dining.
7. Perform a quality check after the guests have had time to taste their meals.
8. Take prompt action on requests or problems. Follow the house rules on how to
handle problem.

E. Computer Operations

Exploring a Web Browser

The Web browser consists of a title bar, a toolbar, a menu bar, a status and scroll bars.
In addition, it includes an address bar.

1. Start the web browser.

2. Type

3. Read the information and use the vertical or horizontal scroll bars to
view any txt not visible on the screen.

4. Click on any hyperlink (word, picture, or object linked to other


5. Click on the Back/Go Back one page button to go back to the previous

Search Engines:

Some search engines that are used widely are:

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Email(or email) is short for “electronic mail.” It is a modern day tool used to send and
receive messages using the Internet.

Creating an Email Account:

1. Start the web browser or double-click the web browser icon on the

2. Type on the address or location bar.

3. Click on “Create an Account” create a new email account.

4. Fill in the appropriate information in the form.

5. Click I accept. Create my Account Button.

6. Record your username and Password in the space provided below.

Remember that the password is not supposed to be shared with anyone.



7. Click Show me my account to see your account details.

8. Take a look at the table below and learn about the basic features of

Sending an Email

1. Click compose mail.

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2. In the To Box, type the email address of the person to whom you would like to
send the message.

To: [email protected]

Add Cc|Add Bcc

3. Type an appropriate subject in the Subject box.

4. Type the message you would like to send.

5. Click Send.

6. Click the down arrow ahead beside your email address and click Sign out from
the drop down men.

Self- Check 1.1-4


1-3 Give at least 3 safety handling procedures on food hygiene.

4-6 Give at least 3 procedures in serving guests

7-10 What are the role of the manager in making an efficient management

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Learning Outcome 2 Perform Workplace Duties Following Written Notices

1. Phraseology and Telephone Personality

2. Performance Evaluation Scale and Feedback


1.Written notices and instructions are read and interpreted correctly in

in accordance with organizational guidelines.
2.Routine written instruction are followed in sequence
3. Feedback is given to workplace supervisor based on the
instructions/information received


Trainees must be provided with the following”

 Reference (books)
 Manuals
 Note Pads
 Pens
 Dictionar


1. Written Test
2. Direct observation
3. Oral Questioning

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Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 2: Perform Workplace Duties Following Written Notices

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read Information Sheet 2.1-1 on If you have some problem on the content of the
“Phraseology and Telephone information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your
Personality” facilitator.
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
content of the information sheet, you can now
answer self check provided in the module.

2. Answer Self-Check 2.1-1 Compare your answers to the answer keys on 2.1-
on “Phraseology and Telephone 1”Phraseology and Telephone Personality” You
Personality” are required to get all answers correct. If not, read
the information sheets again to answer all the
questions correctly.

4. Answer Self-Check 2.1-2 If you have some problem on the content of the
on “Performance Boost and Feedback” information sheet don’t hesitate to approach your

If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the

content of the information sheet, you can now
answer self check provided in the module.
4. Answer Self-Check 2.1-2 Compare your answers to the answer keys on 2.1-
on “Performance Evaluation Scale and 1 “Performance Boost and Feedback”” You are
Feedback” required to get all answers correct. If not, read
the information sheets again to answer all the
questions correctly.

Congratulations on a Job well done!!! You have now successfully completed the last
competency for this qualification and is now ready for the National Assessment. Good
luck and use what you have learned here Datewell!!! Document No.
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Learning Outcome 2: Perform Workplace Duties Following Written Notice

Information Sheet 1: Phraseology and Telephone Personality

I. Learning Outcomes

You are expected to:

1. identify the elements of a good telephone personality

2. perform role play on phraseologies
3. develop teamwork

II. Subject Matter

Phraseology and Telephone Personality

A. Key Concepts: Phraseology, Telephone Personality

III. Materials:

Laptop, blackboard, chalk, script


Flores, Carmelita S, and Lopez, Evelyn B. (2008). “Effective Speech

Communication, Fifth Edition.” National Book Store, pp. 5-9; 241-261

Values Statement:

Participation, Cooperation, Enthusiasm

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IV. Procedure:

a. Motivation:

Would you like to work as Customer Service Representative in a Call Center?

How do you handle irate customers?

b. Presentation:

In any workplace situation, there is a need to interact, converse and

communicate with one another. However, there are also proper greetings we
need to consider when dealing with customers.

c. Lesson Proper

Food and Beverage Services Phrases:

Topic: Room Service

Room Service Attendant: Thank you for calling Room Service Department.
This is ___________ speaking, How may I help you?

Guest: May I order for 1 set of Breakfast?

Room Service Attendant: Before that Sir/Maam, May I know your name and
your Room Number please?

Guest: I’m____________________of RoomNumber 201.

Room Service Attendant: Thank you ___________ of Room 201. May I

offer you our set of breakfast. We have Continental, American and Filipino
breakfast. What would you like to have it?

Guest: I will order one set of Continental breakfast.

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Room Service Attendant: Okey Sir/Maam for Continental Breakfast, we
have fruit juice with the selection of orange juice, pineapple and iced tea.
Which one will you take sir/Maam? How about your bread? We have
plain bread and toasted bread? Which one will you have sir/maam?

Guest: Toasted bread

Waiter: Our bread is served with butter and jam. Which one will you
take sir/maam?

Guest: Butter only

Waiter: I think hot steaming coffee is good for you sir/ma’am?

Would you like to have it ma’am/sir? Is that all your order ma’am/sir?
Would you mind to repeat your order? Okay ma’am/sir, you ordered 1 set of
continental breakfast. It goes along with 1 orange juice, toasted bread
with butter and hot coffee. Did I get your order right ma’am/sir? By the
way ma’am/sir your bill is P200.00 How will you settle your bill? Cash?
Charge? Or Credit card?

Cash – How much cash do you have? so that I will bring a change to your
Charge – ok ma’am/sir, I will bring the bill for you to sign.
Credit card – sir may I know the name of your credit card?

Sir/ma’am, what time your breakfast be delivered?

Guest: Please deliver at seven o’clock.

Waiter: Sure sir/ma’am, your breakfast will be delivered in your

room 201 at 7:00 o’clock in the morning. That you sir/ma’am, if there
is anything more you need, please feel free to call Room Service,
thank you and have a nice day!

Telephone Personality

Nowadays, people in different walks of life have learned to adopt change. The
use of communications in many forms and have brought literacy and
personal awareness to themselves. Any individual must learn how to use

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the gadgets (computers, telephone, cell phones and other devices for

a. Cell phones
b. Tablets
c. Telephone
d. Fax Machine
e. Computers ( Surfing, Creating an E-mail Account)

B. Tablets

A tablet computer, or simply tablet, is a mobile

computer with display, circuitry and battery in a single unit. Tablets are equipped with
sensors, including cameras, microphone, accelerometer and touch screen, with finger
or stylus gestures replacing computer mouse and keyboard. Tablets may include
physical buttons, e.g., to control basic features such as speaker volume and power and
ports for network communications and to charge the battery. An on-screen, pop-
up virtual keyboard is usually used for typing. Tablets are typically larger than smart
phones or personal digital assistants at 7 inches (18 cm) or larger, measured

Today's tablets use capacitive touch screens with multi-touch, unlike earlier

stylus-driven resistive touch screen devices. After 2007 with the access to capacitive
screens and the success of the iPhone, multi-touch and other natural user
interface features, as well as flash memory solid state storage and "instant on" warm-
booting; external USB and Bluetooth keyboards defined tablets. Some have 3G mobile
telephony applications.

Most tablets released since mid-2010 use a version of an ARM processor for

longer battery life. The ARM Cortex family is powerful enough for tasks such
as internet browsing, light production work and mobile games.

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As with smart phones, most mobile tablet apps are supplied through online
distribution, rather than boxed software or direct sales from software vendors. These
sources, known as "app stores", provide centralized catalogues of software and allow
"one click" on-device software purchasing, installation and updates. The app store is
often shared with smart phones that use the same operating system.

Apple is often credited for defining a new class of consumer device. It shaped
the commercial market for tablets in the following years. iPads and competing devices
have been tested by the US military. The most successful tablet is the Apple iPad,
using the iOS operating system. Its debut in 2010 pushed tablets into the mainstream.
Samsung's Galaxy Tab and others followed, continuing the trends towards the features
listed above.

In 2013, Samsung announced a tablet running Android and Windows

8 operating systems concurrently; switching from one operating system to the other
and vice versa does not require restarting the device, and data can be synchronized
between the two operating systems. The device, named ATIV Q, was scheduled for
release in late 2013 but has since been delayed. Meanwhile, Asus has announced it
will soon release its Transformer Book Trio, a tablet that is also capable of running the
operating systems Windows 8 and Android.


Writing slatewith sponge (~1950).

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A slate's size may vary, starting from 7 inches (approximately 18 cm).[61] Some of the
models in the larger than 10-inch category reside the Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2 at
12.2 inches, the Toshiba Excite at 13.3 inches and the Dell XPS 18 at 18.4 inches. As
of March 2013, the thinnest tablet on the market was the Sony Xperia Tablet Z only
0.27 inches (6.9 mm) thick. In October 2013, HP announced HP Slate 21 All-in-One
(Hybrid) with 21.5" IPS display complete with keyboard and mouse. It runs on
Android, but has no internal battery.

Mini tablets

Comparison of several mini tablet computers: Amazon Kindle Fire (left), iPad

Mini(center) and Google Nexus 7 (right)

Mini tablets are smaller and lighter than standard tablets. The first successful ones
were introduced by Samsung (Galaxy Tab 7-inch), Barnes & Noble (the Nook
Tablet), Blackberry Playbook, and Amazon (the Kindle Fire) in 2011, and by Google
(the Nexus 7) in 2012. Most of them work like a larger tablet, though some do not
have all the features, functions, or capacity found in bigger tablet computers.

In 2012, Apple released the iPad Mini. Its size is 7.9 inches, about 2 inches
smaller than the regular size iPad tablet. Apple announced the new smaller-sized tablet
on October 23, 2012.

Amazon released an upgraded version of the Kindle Fire, called the Kindle Fire
HD, on September 14, 2012, with higher resolution, more features, and a higher
capacity than the original Kindle Fire. The Kindle Fire HD mini is 7 inches in size.

Google also released an upgraded version of the Nexus 7 on 24 July 2013, with
FHD display, dual cameras, stereo speakers, more color accuracy, performance

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improvement, built-in inductive Qi wireless charging, and alternative variant with 4G
LTE unlocked support for AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon.


Samsung's Galaxy Note series were the first commercially successful "phablet"


Since 2010, crossover touch-screen mobile phones with screens greater than 5-
inches have been released. That size is generally considered larger than a
traditional smartphone, creating a hybrid category called
a phablet by Forbes and Engadget. Phablet is aportmanteau of phone and
tablet. Examples of phablets are the LG Optimus Vu, Samsung Galaxy Note and Dell
Streak. Samsung announced they had shipped a million units of the Galaxy Note
within two months of introducing it.

Dedicated keyboards

Tablets with dedicated keyboards form the boundary between slate tablets and laptop


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A Lenovo X61 in slate mode

Convertible tablets have a slate tablet top-half with a (sometimes detachable)

keyboard bottom-half. They more closely resemble laptops, and are heavier and larger
than slates. While some convertibles (such as the Asus Transformer series) run
Android, the release of Windows 8 increased the prominence of this form factor
among the laptop market.

Typically, the base of a convertible attaches to the display at a single joint

called a swivel hinge or rotating hinge. The joint allows the screen to rotate through
180° and lie against the back of the keyboard to provide a flat writing surface. This
design, although the most common, creates a physical point of weakness.

The Panasonic Tough book 19, for example, is advertised as a more durable

convertible notebook. The HP Elite Book 2760p convertible notebook uses a
reinforced hinge that protrudes slightly from the rear of the unit. And the Acer Travel
Mate C210, has a sliding design in which the screen slides up from the slate-like
position and locks into place to provide the laptop mode.

The first tablet to have a sliding screen was the Samsung Sliding PC7 Series,
 a tablet with Intel Atom processor and a sliding screen that allows it to be used as a
laptop or slate tablet when the screen is locked in place covering the whole keyboard.
It is intended to combine the virtues of tablet PCs with those of notebooks.
The Inspiron Duo from Dell rotates the screen horizontally when opened.



1. GREETING. Answer the call promptly and say your appropriate greeting.

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1. Thank you for calling (name of company). This is (your name) speaking. How may
I help you?
2. Thank you for calling (name of company). My name is (your name).
How may I help you?
3. Thank you for calling (name of company). My name is (your name).
And your zip code is?
4. Thank you for calling (name of company). My name is (your name). I’m glad you
called. And your first name is?

The four components of greeting include: 

1. Acknowledgement 
2. Company name 
3. Introducing oneself 
4. Services 

A call center agent should answer the telephone with a maximum of two rings.
Answering the call promptly will show you are glad that they called.

2. BUILDING RAPPORT. Means setting a comfortable communication line between

you and your customer where you want to establish trust. This will develop your
awareness on the importance of building rapport in order to have long-term customers.
3. TURN ON YOUR TELEPHONE PERSONALITY. Always project friendliness
regardless of how you feel. This will allow you to act appropriately when dealing with
customers when not in the best mood.
4. ACTIVELY LISTEN. Give customers your undivided attention and listen to your
customer’s specific needs. Do not interrupt your customer when talking.

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AND PROBLEMS. Empathizing doesn’t mean you have to take the sides with your
customer. You just need to put yourself in the position of the customer to understand
the situation they are into.


with positive attitude. A positive attitude on “we-can-do-it” character is always an
asset. A positive attitude is your ability to THINK, ACT, REACT and SPEAK in a
purely positive way. Other term for problem solver is SOLUTION PROVIDER. 

7. PERSONALIZE YOUR TRANSACTIONS. Use your customer’s name. Ask

permission if you can call your customer by his/her first name. You may also use Miss
or Mrs. or Mr. and the last name and not the first name. Example: Miss Johnson, Mr.
Smith, Mrs. Bush and not Miss Noemi, Mr. Gideon or Mrs. Rebecca.

8. KEEP CONTROL OF THE CALL. Each call should be goal oriented. Ask
specific questions to prevent the customer from rambling and getting confused. This
lets you finish on time and this would avoid confusing your customer during the call.

9. CONFIRM ESSENTIAL INFORMATION. Verify important information such as

credit card number, name that appears on the credit card or spelling of street name.
Use phonetics. This will assure you that you got the correct information.
Give American names/words that correspond to the English alphabet that could be
used as Phonetics. 
A – Adam B – Bob C – Cathy D – David E – Edward F – Frank


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STILL ON THE LINE TO AVOID CALL BACKS. We actually do not want to do
call backs since this is an extra job on the part of the call center agent plus extra
expense for the company.


1. Call Opening 
2. Ask Necessary Information 
a. Billing Address 
b. Customer’s Information 
c. Order 
d. Mode of Payment 
e. Credit Card/Checking Account information 
3. Give Shopping Options. 
4. Give Total Amount 
5. Give order Number, Customer Service Contact Number 
6. Do The Closing 


whether you like it or not, there are still some things that you just can’t answer. But
don’t just leave your customers hanging.


1. LANGUAGE - Do not use slang words and fillers like um, yeah, nah, say what,
come again. You should sound conversational but you have to keep your professional
1. PITCH - The pitch of your voice communicates your confidence level and
your age. 

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2. COURTESY RITUALS – Say please, thank you, may I. Address customers
by their first name and title. 
3. PROJECT PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDE – For every call, you are
representing a very large corporation. Your customer do not see you as a Call
Center Agent, for them you are the company itself. 
4. PACE – Average pace of talking is approximately 180 words per minute. The
suggestion is to follow your customer’s pace and phone style. 
5. TONE – The tone of your voice tells the customer your mood: your level of
enthusiasm, your attitude. Smiling when talking on the phone makes your
voice sound friendly. Remember that 86% of the message customers receive on
the phone comes from the tone of your voice. 


Goal: Learn what to say and how to say the phrases being used in the call center.
With mastery and constant practice, you are expected to sound spontaneous,
conversational, and relaxed. 
Note: Call Center Agents should be aware of phraseologies to be used per client
they represent. 

Thank you for calling (name of company). This is (your name) speaking. How may
I help you?
Thank you for calling (name of company). My name is (your name). How may I
help you?
Thank you for calling (name of company). My name is (your name). And your zip
code is?
Thank you for calling (name of company). My name is (your name). I’m glad you
called. And your first name is?

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Would you be placing this order through a credit card?
How are you going to pay for your orders today, through check or credit card?
Will you be using a credit card to pay for the item?
May I have the first item code of your order today?
And the item number is?
How many for that item?
How many will you need?
May I have the product description?
What color are you looking for?
Let me check if that one is available.
How do you want your item to be personalized?
And your next order please?
In what size and color?


May I have the name as it appears on the credit card?
And the zip code of your billing address is?
How about the rest of the billing address as it appears on the credit card statement?
What is your bank’s name?
In which city is this branch located?
Do you bank in the same city you are in?


May I have your telephone number starting with the area code please?
Is your daytime phone number the same as your night phone number?
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And your e-mail address is?
Do you have an e-mail address that you would like to share with us?


Which credit card will you be using today?
As of the moment, we are accepting major credit cards which are Visa, Master and
American Express. Do you have any of the credit cards that I just mentioned?
May I have your credit card number please?

And the credit card number is?

How about the expiration date?
Just to verify, your credit card number is… (read in 4 digit increments.)
How about the last four digits of your Credit Card Verification Value or CVV? (It
can be found at the back of the card above the signature line).
You will receive your items within the next ___ business days.
The fastest option we have right now is ___ business days with an addition of
We can rush your shipment for only an addition of $___. And you will receive
your items within ___ business days. 
May I rush your shipment?
Standard delivery takes ___ business days.

The total amount of your order today including the shipping and handling is $___.
The total value of your order today is $___.
The total amount of your order is $___. This already includes your shipping and

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Kindly take note of your order number. That is …
Do you have a pen and paper ready? Kindly take note of your order number. That
is …
Please write down your order number. That is…
Would you like to take note of your order number?

Thank you for calling! Have a great day!
Thank you for shopping with us!
Thank you for ordering. Bye!
Is there anything else I could help you with?
Have a nice day!
We hope to hear from you again!
Thank you for doing business with us! Enjoy you catalogue!

ASSIGNMENT: Pair the students and let them practice doing the transaction using
the order entry call flow and the call center phraseologies. Do constructive

Goal: Awareness on the positive and negative effects of script reading. Develop
students not to sound scripted but spontaneous and upbeat, not mechanical or

Effects of Script Reading

The call center agents are the most empowered people in the company. On every
call they are making or unmaking your business. Every call center agent needs
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specific instructions on how to begin, conduct, and end each call that is where
scripts come in.

Script reading provides degree of: management, control, and consistency.
Word-for-word scripting is turn-off for customers.
Customer hears difficulty in responding to things not anticipated in script.
Leaves little opportunity for people to be adaptive or flexible to responses.


This will develop your awareness on the phrases not to be used during transaction
and the rationale behind each.
1. It’s our company policy 
2. What seems to be the problem? 
3. I can’t… 
4. We don’t… 
5. What do you expect me to do? 
6. What was that again? 
7. I’ve done all I can. 
8. That’s not my job. 
9. Our computers are down. 
10. We have a technical problem. 
11. I’m sorry? 
12. They don’t pay me enough. 
13. If you keep on doing this, I will hang up. 
14. You’re not the only one with this concern. 
15. I’m busy right now. 
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16. Sorry, I can’t help you. 
17. I’m afraid that is not possible. 
1. Although we can’t offer that, we do offer alternatives which you might want to
2. Since I don’t have the answer to that, would you be willing to hold while I find
that for you? 
3. As of the moment, we are not offering that but we have this… 
4. In order to be fair to everyone, I suggest that you take advantage of this… 
What to say when…
1. … the line is choppy or something is wrong with the line? 
Hello! I am sorry but I can’t hear you. If you can hear me please hung up and try to
dial the number again. And the number is (give out the number). Thank you for
calling (name of company). Enjoy the rest of the day. 
2. … appreciating customer? 
That’s a great choice!
3. … offering assistance? 
Will there be anything else I could help you with? 
4. … asking something about the catalog? 
Do you have a catalog with you? 
5. … asking the customer to repeat the information? 
Kindly say that again a little louder this time. 
6. … customer asks for personal information? 
We are in no liberty to give out personal information other than our first name. 
7. … you don’t know the answer? 
I do not have the specifics regarding that but I can find out for you if you don’t
mind holding for just a moment. 
8. … customer asks for the weather? 
I couldn’t see from where I am seated. 
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9. …customer asks if you used the item before? 
Absolutely! It’s one of the best in the market. 
10. …customer is complaining about a wrong delivery? 
Have you tried calling the customer service department for this concern?
11. … customer is asking for the supervisor? 
Before I pass this call to my supervisor, may I know first your concern because
probably I could help you out. If you still want to speak with the supervisor
afterwards, I would gladly transfer this call to him. 
12. …customer doesn’t want to use credit card as a mode of payment? 
We are accepting major credit cards as of the moment, which are Visa, Master and
Express. Do you have any of the credit cards that I just mentioned? (

D. Fax Machine

Though the use of fax machines has steadily declined since the advent of email,
there are still many reasons why a company would want a fax machine. From
meeting communication demands to providing a quick copy or print, fax machines
continue to hold a place in business operation.

Some companies rely on faxes to communicate with their vendors, suppliers,
customers and contractors. Since fax technology is inexpensive compared with
computer networks, many companies work with vendors or suppliers who only
communicate via fax. When this is the case, a company must rely on fax machines
to communicate with others.
As mentioned, several companies and home-based business operators may not
have made the large investment in a computer network. They need to rely on the
inexpensive fax machine to send and receive hard copy documents. An important
example is a signature page, which often provides confirmation of acceptance.
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Using fax machines to prospect is still an effective method for some
companies. Whether it is a restaurant sending out daily specials to local businesses or
an office-equipment dealer sending out exciting promotions, fax machines allow
businesses another way to spread the word.
Printing And Copying
Though using a fax machine for printing and copying is not the most
economical decision, fax machines can be used for both. For a fax to be used as a
printer it must either be connected to a computer via a parallel cable or to a computer
network via a CAT 5 cable. Most fax machines have a "Copy" mode, which scans in a
hard copy and delivers a copy to the exit tray.

Self-Check 2.1-2

Group yourselves by two. Write a script on a certain Filipino product and try to sell it
like the casual call center informercials.

Answer Key 2.1-2

Generalization: What have you learned in today’s session. How important is

telephone personality?


Choose one item you wish to sell. Make a script about that item for 2 minutes.
Share what you have written in the class.

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Information Sheet 2 – Performance Boost and Feedback

I. Learning Outcomes

You are expected to:

1. identify the motivational tools in the workplace

2. define the term feedback
3. perform a role play
4. develop work values and integrity

II. Subject Matter

Performance Boost and Feedback

A. Key Concepts: Feedback
III. Materials:

Module, balckboard, chalk, laptop

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Mukhi, L. (2005), Smart Moves in the Workplace. Anvil Publishing Inc.

Values Statement:

Cooperation, Teamwork, Honesty

IV. Procedure:

a. Motivation:

When you see someone performing on stage, how do you give your

When your teacher praises you for a good performance in the class,
how do you feel?

Give Your Performance a Boost!

It happens to the best of us. Inspite of all empowering self-talk, there

are times when your enthusiast, at work begins to drop. Give your
performance a boost with these career tips!

1. Remember your vision for your work. Remain true to your vision and
uphold excellence and creativity.

2. Dream up better ways of doing things. A change of routine helps.

Something new will perk you up.

3. Persevere in your commitments. If you deliver your commitments and

fulfill obligations, the payback is greater self-esteem and a sense of
accomplishments. The recognition of your effort will also fuel your
energy to keep doing a great job.
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4. Keep moving forward! There will always be difficult moments,
pressures and tensions. Address issues and concerns as part of the
process and growth.

End each day with thanksgiving and a renewed commitment to keep growing.

Getting better is what it’s all about. Then you feel like celebrating!

Remember , motivation is willingness to exert higher levels of effort to achieve

better results.

So next time you get the blues at work, and there’s no extra cash in sight, perk
up your motivation by making the work itself more interesting.

Motivational tools ad ranked were:

4 – promotion
5 – good working conditions
6 – tactful discipline
7 – loyalty to employees
8 – full of appreciation of work done
9 – feeling of being on things
10 – help with personal problems.


1. What causes your enthusiasm to drop?

2. What are your three main work motivators?
3. What are the things that are working for you which you can be thankful


The Four Types of Feedback

Negative feedback, or corrective comments about past behavior. These are things that

didn’t go well.

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Positive feedback, or affirming comments about past behavior. These are things that

went well and need to be repeated.

Negative feedforward, or corrective comments about future behavior. These are things

that don’t need to be repeated next time.

Positive feedforward, or affirming comments about future behavior. These are things

that would improve performance in the future.

The distinction that is largely missing for most people is the focus on the future or feed


As you begin to understand the power of balancing both positive and negative input
with observations about the past (which can’t be changed) and advice for the future
(which can be changed), you have a new paradigm for the feedback and coaching

Here are five balancing strategies to help you use these four types of feedback in a way

to help the other person receive and use your insights to improve performance.

Five Balancing Strategies

 Make sure you use them all. Which means you must understand the

importance of each, and have insights in each area to share. The starting point

must always be usefulness. Your challenge is to look for examples in all four

areas, not make something up or be overly generic.

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 Ask the other person his/her opinion, first. Ask questions about all four

areas. Do it without it being an interrogation – ask something like “How do you

think it went?” Or, more specifically, “What did you think went well?” “What

do you wish you had done differently?” Then ask about the future with

questions like, “Knowing what you know now, what would you do differently

next time?” “What will you avoid next time? “What do you plan to make sure

you do next time?”

 Tie it all together. Connect the dots for people between past performance and

how that relates to the future. This may require generalizing out an idea or

behavior. Tying together past and future can help keep people from being

defensive or spending their energy trying to justify the past – which can’t be

changed anyway.

 More ‘and,’ less ‘but.’ When you tie ideas together, do it with “and” not

“but.” “But” erases everything said prior to using the word “but.” “And” is

inclusive and draws people forward emotionally.

 Focus on the future. While you want the feedback to be balanced, the overall

focus needs to be on the future. Remember no one can change the past – its

value in a feedback situation is for context, consequences and concrete

examples, not for dwelling, hand-wringing or excessive blame.

Self-Check 2.1-2

Give the Types of Feedback and explain its importance

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Answer Key 2.1-2

1. Negative feedback, or corrective comments about past behavior. These are

things that didn’t go well.

2. Positive feedback, or affirming comments about past behavior. These are things
that went well and need to be repeated.

3. Negative feedforward, or corrective comments about future behavior. These are

things that don’t need to be repeated next time.

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4. Positive feedforward, or affirming comments about future behavior. These are
things that would improve performance in the future.

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QA System by: Revision
Justiniani, # 3, s.
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