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Ethics: The
Foundation for
Relationship in
Making Ethical Decisions

Ethics are the system

of moral principles;
the rules that direct
our conduct and
moral judgments.
Making Ethical Decisions

Making ethical decisions is a daily reality in personal


There is no uniform code of ethics for all salespeople.

Many organizations have written “Code of Ethics” to

encourage salespeople/ professionals towards ethical
Selling with Integrity
Ron Willingham says a
salesperson’s ethics and
values contribute more
to sales success than do
techniques and

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 5-4

Factors Determining Ethical
Behavior of Salespeople
Laws, Contract and Agreement
Legal environment plays a role in preventing unethical

Laws control and penalize for wrongdoing.

There are laws regarding price competition, land sales

disclosure, truth in advertising and many more.
Top Management as Role Model

Ethical standards filter down from the top.

Organization’s moral tone, set by management, is most

important determinant of employee ethics

Managers must infuse ethical

values in subordinates

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Company Policies and Practices

Company policies and practices can have a major

impact on conduct.

Developing ethical policy statements forces company

to “take a stand. For Example:
● Openness And Trust
● Honesty and Integrity
● Customer Focus

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Policy Areas

Sharing Confidential
Information: Maintaining
confidentiality is critical

Reciprocity: When a firm buys

products from its own
customers. It is illegal when it
turns into professional

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Policy Areas

Bribery is often illegal and

unethical. There is a thin line
between Bribery and Gift giving.

Gift Giving:

◦ Gift giving should be a goodwill gesture

◦ No gifts before business.
◦ Do not “buy” business with gifts.
◦ Follow company’s gift giving policy.

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Policy Areas

Entertainment is a highly individualized process.

Business defamation:
1. Business slander: Untrue/Unfair oral statement
2. Business Libel: Untrue/Unfair written statement
3. Product Disparagement: False claim about product.

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Sales Manager as Role Model
A salesperson’s actions often mirror those of the sales
Sales managers are responsible for interpreting
company policy
Values such as integrity
and honesty must receive constant
manager support

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Personal Values

Values are deep personal beliefs and preferences,

representing the ultimate reasons people have for
acting as they do.

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Personal Values

Customers have a very

negative view of
salespeople who lack
integrity and honesty

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When Values Conflict
You have three basic choices:

1. Ignore the influence of your values and engage in the

unethical behavior.

2. Voice strong opposition to the practice that is in conflict

with your value system.your objective is to influence
supervisor’s decision

3. Refuse to compromise your values and be prepared to deal

with the consequences

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A Personal code of Ethics

Some general guidelines:

Use an honest approach.

Put your customers interest first.
Avoid misleading sales claims
Avoid attacking competitors
Avoid misuse of company resources.
Practice honesty after sales.

Review the movie:

“Rocket Singh: Salesman of the year”

Make a 2 minutes presentation on your learning from

the perspective of ethics in personal selling.

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