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The result of this study will be beneficial to the following:

 To the students: It helps the students to further expand their knowledge about the
opinion and other academic performance of their co-students. This will also help
them to discover how the distance learning works during this pandemic.

 To the teachers: This will help the teachers to also tacle their opinions on the
studetns nowadays during distance learning. Also, they are witnessing the
progress of their students and lastly, this is the chance that our teacher will hear
our voices of opinions about this situations.

 To the community: The community will be enlightned enough about he struggles

and advantages of distance learnng for them to be able to understand the situations
of every students during this pandemic.

 To the government: This is one of the way that the government will hear the
students' insights and academic performances despite the pandemic that is
happening to us. If there is a problem, their is a chance that they will provide an
action about this.

 To the future researchers: They will use it as reference or base if they will talk
about this topic, and this study focuses on the academic performances of the
Filipino students during the crisi of COVID-19.

Purpose of the Study


The main goal of this research is to identify the effectiveness of blended learning to
the students. The problems and advantages of this issue will be clarified and
disscussed. The purpose of the research is to find out the capability of students to cope
up with the lesson during pandemic.

Research Questions

 How many students agreed in the online/modular distance learning? How
many disagreed?

 Did their performance leveled up or not? In what aspects?

 What are the impacts of the distance learning to students? Good or bad? Why?

Theoretical Lens

Blended learning, hybrid learning, integrated learning, multi-method learning,

and mixed method learning are various terms for the same concept and
technique of learning, in which two different forms of interaction are used to
facilitate learning.Graham (2006) describes blended learning as the
combination of direct learning settings, in which students and instructors meet
in the same place, usually a classroom, to study, and settings based on
communication technologies, in which students and instructors may interact
across long distances.

Thorne (2003), on the other hand, defines blended learning as an educational

approach that combines e-learning with all of its advances and additions of
new technical breakthroughs with conventional learning to facilitate classroom
engagement. Driscoll (2002) also distinguishes four types of blended learning:
first, a combination of web-based technology modes; second, a combination of
various pedagogical approaches; third, the combination of any instructional
technology with face-to-face instruction and fourth, the combination of
instructional technology with actual job tasks.

However, the researcher prefers to describe blended learning as a teaching

style that combines the use of technology in the learning environment with
conventional learning settings and instruments to enhance learning by shifting
the focus away from the instructor and onto the students. This aids in the
enhancement of the teaching-learning process' outputs, as well as the creation
of new opportunities.

Delimitations and Limitations

From August 1, 2020, the entire country was put on lockdown. In the interim, people
were permitted to roam around, workplaces reopened, schools and colleges reopened
for certain levels, while others continued with online classes. The lack of online
teaching infrastructure, instructors' limited experience to online teaching, the
knowledge gap, a non-conducive environment for studying at home, equity, and
academic quality in higher education are all highlighted in the research. The influence
of the COVID-19 epidemic on the teaching and learning process throughout the world
is examined in this article. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the difficulties and
potential of online and continuing education are highlighted, and a path ahead is given.
Many countries have significant challenges in terms of maintaining a stable Internet
connection and gaining access to digital gadgets. While many economically
disadvantaged students in developing nations cannot afford online learning gadgets,
online education increases the learner's exposure to screen time. As a result, offline
activities and self-exploratory learning have become critical for pupils. Because both
parents work, there is a lack of parental direction, especially for young learners. There
are practical concerns about physical workplaces that are favorable to various learning
styles.Inherently motivated learners are largely unaffected in their learning since they
require little supervision and assistance, but pupils who are deficient in learning have
challenges. Some academically qualified students from low-income families are
unable to access or afford online instruction.
Due to fewer contact hours for learners and a lack of communication with teachers
when learning/understanding challenges, students' academic performance is likely to
suffer in courses held for both year-end and internal examinations. Children have been
exposed to potentially hazardous and violent information, as well as a higher risk of
cyberbullying, as a result of increased and unstructured time spent on online learning.
More families are relying on technology and digital solutions to keep their children
engaged in learning, entertained, and connected to the outside world as a result of
school closures and strict containment measures, but not all children have the
necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to keep themselves safe online. Students
assist their parents with agricultural operations such as agriculture, livestock care, and
home tasks. Some students even requested that their exams be moved to the afternoon
since they needed to work in the fields in the morning.

Although there have been several problems for educators, schools, institutes, and the
government in regards to online education, the COVID-19 epidemic has offered
multiple chances for those who are unprepared or have long-term intentions to deploy
an e-learning system. It has strengthened the bond between instructors and parents like
never before. Homeschooling necessitates parents' financial and intellectual support
for their children's education. During this continuing disaster, children with disabilities
require additional and specialized assistance. For the first time ever, online platforms
such as Google Classroom, Zoom, virtual learning environments, social media, and
numerous group forums such as Telegram, Messenger are studied and attempted for
teaching and learning. Even once face-to-face instruction resumes, this may be
explored further, and these platforms may give extra materials and coaching to the
learner. Teachers are expected to come up with innovative ideas to help overcome the
constraints of virtual teaching.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined in order to have a better

understanding of this study. [Note: list alphabetically]

 Academic performance: the assessment of a student's ability in a variety of

academic topics. Classroom performance, graduation rates, and standardized

test scores are commonly used by teachers and education administrators to

assess student accomplishment.

 Achievement: defined as "something which is completed effectively,

especially via labor, skill, practice, or perseverance," according to Farlex

(2007)'s Free Online Dictionary. Observing a person's performance, Algarabel

and Dasi (2001) define achievement as a person's competency in connection

to a subject of knowledge.

 Blended Learning: Graham (2006) describes blended learning as "a mix of

instruction from two historically independent forms of teaching and learning:


modular learning systems and computer-mediated learning," in theory (p1). It

may also be characterized as the combination of e-learning technologies such

as a virtual learning environment with face-to-face instruction (Welker and

Berardino, 2006).


Despite the problems faced by both educators and learners, online learning, distant
learning, and continuing education have proven a remedy for an unprecedented
worldwide epidemic. Transitioning from traditional face-to-face learning to online
learning may be a very different experience for students and teachers, one that they
must adjust to with few or no other options.During the pandemic, e-learning tools
were critical in assisting schools and universities in facilitating student learning during
the shutdown of colleges and schools. Staff and student preparedness must be assessed
and supported while adapting to the new adjustments. Learners with a fixed mentality
have a hard time adapting and adjusting, but learners with a growth mentality adapt
easily to new situations.
For online learning, there is no one-size-fits-all methodology. There are a range of
disciplines to choose from, each with its own set of requirements. Various disciplines
and age groups necessitate various ways to online learning. Physically challenged
students can also benefit from online learning since it allows them to participate in
learning in a virtual environment with limited movement. Students, parents, and
educators throughout the world have felt the unanticipated rippling impact of the
COVID-19 epidemic as schools have been shuttered to deal with the worldwide
epidemic. While governments, frontline workers, and health authorities do their
utmost to contain the spread, educational institutions strive to provide high-quality
education to all students during these tough times. Many students have experienced
psychological and emotional hardship at home/living environment and have been
unable to interact successfully. Unified communication and collaboration systems like
Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, Canvas, and Blackboard have been utilized thus
far to allow teachers to design educational courses, training, and skill development

Level 1 Heading

Although there have been several problems for educators, schools, institutes,

and the government in regards to online education, the COVID-19 epidemic has

offered multiple chances for those who are unprepared or have long-term intentions to

deploy an e-learning system. Students are assessed online, which involves a lot of trial

and error, as well as doubt and confusion among teachers, students, and parents. The

method used to administer online exams differs depending on the convenience and

skill of the instructors as well as the compatibility of the students. Aside from being

enjoyable for the children, school time helps them develop social skills and awareness.

While kids are away from their regular school schedule, they face economic, social,

and psychological consequences. Many of these kids are now taking online classes and

spending more time on virtual platforms, putting them at risk of online abuse.


In this study quasi-experimental method was used in collecting and

analyzing data

Research Design

This study uses a quantitative approach in which descriptive statistics

are used for student characteristics and design features data, t-tests are used
to see if age and gender variables are significant in blended learning
effectiveness, and regression is used to find predictors of blended learning

The study contains the following variables:

-Independent variables:

-Blended learning strategy

-Traditional teaching method.

-Dependent variables:

-Students' achievement.

-Attitudes toward blended learning method.

The study adopts the following design: pre-post test control group design.

Role of the Researcher

This research examines the link between student characteristics/background,

design elements, and learning outcomes in order to determine the efficacy of a
blended learning environment. Its goal is to discover the most important
determinants of blended learning efficiency, using student
characteristics/background and design elements as independent factors and
learning outcomes as dependent factors.
Data Collection Procedure

Learner performance was assessed using the end-of-semester results. The

intrinsic motivation assessment (Deci & Ryan, 1982) and the online self-
regulated learning questionnaire (Barnard, Lan, To, Paton, & Lai, 2009) were
used to examine the dimensions of self-regulation in student characteristics
and motivation in learning outcome components. For the other variables of
attitudes, computer competence, workload management, social and family
support, satisfaction, knowledge production, technology quality, interactions,
learning management system tools and resources, and face-to-face
assistance, different self-developed instruments were utilized.

Data Analysis

Learners grew proficient in accessing the learning management system (79%)

and found it simple to discover course information, tools, and resources such
as course works, news, conversations, and diary materials. They utilized
communication technologies efficiently (60%) and collaborated with peers by
creating postings (57 percent ). To determine the variations in performance
across age groups, a one-way between individuals was used. Finally, multiple
regression analysis was used to evaluate the key drivers of blended learning
success by comparing student factors and design features to learning

Ethical Considerations

Teachers are expected to come up with innovative ideas to help

overcome the constraints of virtual teaching. On a local level, teachers are

actively cooperating with one another to develop online teaching approaches.

As instructors, parents, and children have similar experiences, there are

unparalleled potential for collaboration, innovative solutions, and openness to

learn from others and try new techniques. Many educational organizations are

making their tools and solutions available for free in order to assist and
support teaching and learning in a more dynamic and engaging manner.

Online learning has allowed teachers and students to teach and learn in new

ways that are not possible in a traditional classroom setting.

Trustworthiness of the Study

The current study's significance stems from its topic, blended learning, and it
is being conducted to consider blended learning as an invented technique in
teaching and developing teaching methods by providing a new method of
teaching that incorporates information technology and communication without
requiring a radical change in traditional methods. The reason for this is that
the blended learning technique does not rely on old techniques, but rather
aims to better them by combining them with technological means.


As of July 2020, the epidemic has infected 98.6% of learners globally, or 1.725
billion children and youth in 200 nations, from pre-primary through higher
education (United Nations, 2020). As a result, making learning viable and
accessible through homeschooling has become a pressing need. Online
learning does not allow for the use of pedagogy that is available and used for
face-to-face learning. Despite the fact that a variety of methodology has been
developed for online and remote learning, instructors who are technologically
illiterate require appropriate professional development and training in order to
align themselves with their pupils. Authentic evaluations and timely feedback
are critical parts of the learning process. The provision of helpful formative
evaluations and fast feedback to online learners is a critical component of
online distance learning (Doucet et al., 2020).
This has been shown to be difficult for instructors and the educational system.
Due to bigger class sizes, a lack of online teaching infrastructure and
professional development, and the students' non-participative character, it is
more difficult in Bhutan. The relative success of adopting a blended vs a
"conventional" strategy to presenting course information in a master's-level
public health course was investigated in this study, which showed some
noteworthy characteristics of efficacy. First, student outcomes during the
blended learning semester were generally better than those during the
conventional learning semester — both test performance and overall course
performance were better in the blended learning strategy than in the traditional
classroom delivery strategy. Second, the majority of student response on the
blended learning strategy was good. There were far more positive comments
about the blended learning approach than negative comments about the
blended learning techniques, and the negative feedback was mostly about the
details of how the blended learning components were implemented rather than
the blended learning techniques themselves. Students' casual responses point to a
Several students said they preferred the online presentation of lecture content because
it allowed them to pause when their attention was fading, rewind when they wanted to
hear something again, and revisit after a class session if they needed to clarify a
muddled topic. As a result, the blended learning strategy may change how students
interact with lecture material in ways that improve learning. There are a lot of
promising avenues for further research on this subject. Given that blended learning is
defined as any combination of in-person and online course components, it seems
acceptable to inquire about the appropriate degree of blending for a particular course.
Level 1 Heading

The advantages of a mixed learning strategy include the fact that

students have no set schedule for studying and can access as many

resources as they need. Students can also choose an assignment that best

matches their learning level and style. Reviewers are provided via teacher

resources such as vodcasts. Blended learning, which has become the new

normal as a result of COVID 19, may be able to salvage the country's

educational system.

Teachers will find it easy to apply the proposed strategy with adequate

preparation and strategy, and kids will enjoy studying throughout the epidemic.

However, the government must give the necessary infrastructures in order to

execute the BL.



According to the findings, the Philippine education system employed B in all

courses in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. However, having
access to technology and being able to connect is critical, as is instructors'
understanding of how to adopt this strategy. In the Philippines, no study has
documented the use of BL in basic education. however, big schools in the
cities with complete facilities and equipment are already adopting the
approach but unaware that it will be the trend in new standards during the
pandemic. Parents who wanted to provide quality education find ways to buy a
cellphone, tablets, and even desktops. However, local government units
(LGUs) worldwide and other private individuals and organizations pledged to
help distribute Filipino learners' gadgets.

The Department of Education also declared that both instructors and students
would be given access to online learning resources, and that
telecommunication firms would be contacted to improve connections. The
assistance of numerous stakeholders assures DepEd that it is on the correct
route to embrace BL in the new normal. In addition, the agency should provide
training to assist instructors in implementing the specified tactics and methods.
Despite its limitations, blended learning techniques have a wide range of
effects in the education system across the world. Above all, BL allows
students to set their own learning pace. Students can also seek for as many
materials and resources as they need.

Because there were few instructors to lead and assess learning during the
epidemic, the Department of Education plans to recruit para-teachers as a
backup to implement blended learning. However, this adds to the department's
workload because employing these para-teachers would take time and require
training. This study recommended that researchers look into the application of
blended learning in the classroom.
Level 1 Heading


Face-to-face and online education experiences are a new trend in

graduate programs, although they are accorded less weight. Combining

classic and new trends provides an operational education system that

maximizes the benefits of various educational paradigms. Additionally, online

gadgets and equipment provide an alternate assistance from the graduate

school's student-centered approach to studying. Because all students'

assignments and exams are completed from home, instructors have a difficult

time determining the validity of the work and the real learning that is taking

place. Furthermore, many parents guide and encourage their children through

the learning process, with varying degrees of success. Grading pupils is a

different field of research since no adequate standards have been devised.

Concluding Remarks

Although various studies have been conducted, the study on the impact of the COVID-
19 pandemic on teaching and learning around the world concludes that, in the case of
developing countries, appropriate pedagogy and platforms for different class levels of
higher secondary, middle, and primary education need to be explored further. Internet
bandwidth is limited, with fewer connection points, and data packages are expensive
in contrast to people's income in many developing nations, limiting accessibility and
affordability. To ameliorate the situation, policy involvement is essential. More
research and inquiry into effective pedagogy for online teaching and learning is
Another topic of research is the need for developing methods for authentic evaluations
and quick feedback. The cost and accessibility of educational tools for all learners
from all economic backgrounds has been noted as a difficulty, for which educational
tool developers might concentrate on personalization. Making online teaching
creative, innovative and interactive through user-friendly tools is the other area of
research and development. This would assist and prepare the education system for
such uncertainties in the future.
The COVID-19 epidemic has shown us that instructors and students/learners should be
educated on how to use various online educational technologies. When normal courses
resume following the COVID-19 epidemic, instructors and students should be
encouraged to continue using online technologies to improve teaching and learning.

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