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18. Igual vs.

Javier, 254 SCRA 416

Atty. Javier (Respondent) was hired by complainant to handle Civil Case No. 2188-LRC No.
215, pending with the Regional Trial Court of Aklan. On appeal by the adverse party,
Respondent offered to collaborate in the appealed case stating that through sweet talk and
pretense of influence to several justices of the Court of Appeal . . . that he could be of great
help in expediting speedy disposition of the case. Complaint-Affidavit] complainant gave
respondent P10,000,00 with the understanding that the money is for "safekeeping and as
proof, according to him, . . . promising to return my money should my mother and her
lawyer Atty. Ibadlit disagree in his collaborating in the case" Then complainant wrote
respondent demanding P7,000.00 balance since P3,000.00 had already been refunded by
respondent. Instead of filing an Answer, respondent filed an Affidavit alleging that he "gave
back the P3,000.00 not as a settlement.
A Complaint-Affidavit was filed by complainant with the Integrated Bar of the Philippines
(IBP) against the respondent, "for malpractice, deceit, dishonesty, (and) gross misconduct
in his office as attorney and/or for violation of his lawyer's oath. Respondent was accused
of having unlawfully withheld and misappropriated complainant's money in the amount of
P7,000.00, allegedly paid by way of acceptance fee for a matter which respondent never
performed any work on.
In the Resolution passed by the IBP Board of Governors, they resolved to recommend to the
Supreme Court that the respondent be suspended from the practice of law for one (1)
month and restitution of the seven thousand pesos (P7,000.00) acceptance fee.
Whether or not respondent violated his lawyer’s oath and unlawfully withheld
complainant’s money.
Held: Yes
Respondent not only unjustifiably refused to return the complainant's money upon
demand, but he stubbornly persisted in clinging to what was not his and to which he
absolutely had no right.
The lawyer-client relationship is characterized as fiduciary. Respondent, like all other
members of the Bar, was and is expected to always live up to the standards embodied in
the Code of Professional Responsibility, particularly the following canons:
CANON 15 — A lawyer shall observe candor, fairness and loyalty in all his dealings
and transactions with his client
CANON 16 — A lawyer shall hold in trust all moneys properties of his client that
may come into his possession
CANON 17 — A lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client, and he shall be
mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him
CANON 20 — A lawyer shall charge only fair and reasonable fees.
for the relationship between an attorney and client is highly fiduciary in nature and
demands utmost fidelity and good faith.
Respondent should have set aside his personal feelings and should have pursued diligently
the cause of his client within the bounds of reason, justice, and fair play. Public interest
requires that an attorney exert his best efforts and ability in the prosecution or defense of
his client's cause

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