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Republic of the Philippines


City of Santa Rosa, Laguna



A. Answer the following questions as precisely yet as thoroughly as possible.

1. What art form/ artwork has changed something in your life? Why? Account for the
The art form/ artwork that has changed something in my life would probably be
music, dancing and crafting. Ever since I was young, I often sing or dance as a hobby of
mine. I became a member of our children’s choir in our church which my mother said is a
talent that God has given me. Music is a form of art in which it expresses an individual’s
feelings and emotion. I remember, me and my best friend started composing random songs
together when I was in Grade 6. It was out of fun and fortunately it became a habit that up
until now I’m still doing that as I am not really an expressive person. Therefore, leaving me
no chance but to express my hidden feelings into words and turn them into a beautiful song.
Unfortunately, I could only depend on my writing skills as I am not well-equipped in using
instruments so far. This and listening to music are my comfort zones that I feel calm
whenever I engage myself in them— that everything will be fine somehow.
As for dancing, I can’t say that I am good but I could say this became our bonding
time with my girl best friends in my high school days. It was so much fun whenever we
dance together. When we joined the dance competition during our foundation day regardless
of our loss, it is still a memorable moment for me because it brought us closer together.
Crafting, I believe is another form of art. I only make crafts whenever I’m in a mood
for it and mostly given them as a gift to my loved ones. I love the feeling of accomplishment
and satisfaction when the person who received them loves it. I can’t help but think that at
least the struggle is worth it, as long as they liked it. The thought of I want to create
something that requires my full effort and creativity is what I prefer the most. I feel motivated
by thinking of the person who will receive it. I really didn’t know that I have a talent for these
three. As long as I am enjoying what I’m doing and I am able to express myself freely, then I
don’t think of stopping doing it.
2. Does art always have a function? Why? Support your response. Provide your own
Yes. We can agree that art is everywhere and we might not notice it but art has been
a part of our lives. I believe that the function of art is to be felt by the viewer and not just by
merely appreciating them. Yes, art should be appreciated in some way but it really isn’t what
the function of art is, it goes beyond that. If art would only mean for people to appreciate it,
then some works would possibly have no function at all. People are born differently, as well
as our perspectives in life. We may not appreciate other kinds of art but it doesn’t mean that
it has no function at all. There will be arts in which we can’t grasp or feel its function but it
doesn’t mean it has no function, it’s just that we are the ones who decide whether to use its
function or not. I personally think that once we appreciate an art, it means that it served its
one of the main functions as an art – just like how we appreciate decorations in our room, an
interior design of an establishment, a song that has been release a few weeks ago, etc.
What’s beyond its function is how we wholeheartedly felt upon seeing, hearing, making, etc.
them, if the artists’ purpose in making them have really reached us. After all, art does not
exist to be viewed as beautiful or ugly, but it functions as a form of expression to be felt by
the viewer who is meant to understand its depth. In terms of an artist’s perspective, I think
the function of art has to do with them being able to showcase their abilities by putting all
their emotions that they want to convey through them, especially if they are not good in
words and art would be the only place they can be who they really are.

3. If an artwork ceased to have a function, will it remain an art? Why?

There are some artworks which will remain artworks no matter what like ‘mona lisa’
and some artworks which did not start as art, but have been considered as one as time
passes by like ancient ceramics which is seen in museums. Mostly of the artworks that we
know serves a utilitarian purpose which is either an important history or because of its
aesthetic qualities. Poetry, music, drawings, etc. have no use for physical functioning but it is
still considered as artworks. Art always has a function, for the artist producing it in the first
place and the person who appreciates the artist’s work– be it a physical function or a
psychological function. Art connects us to other human minds through empathy with a
variety and wonderful experience of thoughts, memories, and feelings together. This function
never leaves and art no matter how bad or good we may think it to be. Although function is
inseparable with art, they are distinct with each other. Everything in this world has a function,
but not everything is art. An artwork can remain an art as long as it fulfills its function of
communicating emotions and conveying ideas to its audience.
B. Look around your house and identify a product of art. Paste a picture of that product of art
in your household. Trace the beginnings of this item and identify what functions it has played
in history (e.g., a painting of the Last Supper in your dining room or a spoon).


Golden Venture Folding (also called Chinese Paper Folding or 3D Origami) is a type
of modular origami. Here, small pieces of paper are folded into triangular units which are
then assembled into large models. Hundreds of these units are inserted into one another to
create elaborate sculptures. The number of units needed depend on the level of complexity
and the size of the model. Typically, it would take 250 to 500 units to make a swan or a

The art form was popularized in 1993 when a ship called the Golden Venture brought
illegal Chinese immigrants into USA. While the Chinese refugees applied for political asylum,
they were put in prison. To pass their time, the Chinese prisoners folded and assembled
paper models. Some of the models were given as gifts to those who helped their cause;
others were sold and the monies used to pay for legal fees. Some models were displayed in
a traveling exhibit. In 2006, a movie was made depicting the conditions the illegal immigrants

Name: _Añonuevo, Danielle B.________________________________________________

Date Submitted: _May 16, 2021_______________________________________________

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