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Technology and Livelihood Education

Industrial Arts Q4WEEK5

Module 6: Constructing A Project Plan
Name : __________________________________ Section: ______________________

Lesson 1: Policies on sustainable development in constructing project plan

What is the importance of a project plan?

In planning for a project and getting it materialized, one must know

how to be resourceful in the preparation and accomplishment of a project
plan. It is important to properly manage the different elements that we can
associate in preparation and of a workable project.
Why do we need to construct a project plan? Project planning is
essential in making and implementing a project that we desire. Starting a
project requires careful planning on what to prepare, on how to do it and what
to do with the finished product. It enables you to organize your ideas, save
time, money and effort.
A Project plan is a formal document designed to guide in the execution
of a project. It must be prepared before starting because it serves as the key to
a successful project.

Parts of a Project Plan

a. Project Proponent - indicates the owner of the project

b. Project Title - tells what the project is all about
c. Project Objectives - tell the purpose of the project
d. Working Drawing - shows the scale drawing of an object to be made or structure to be built
intended for direct use by the workman.
e. Bill of Materials - tell the materials to be used. This part contains the unit, quantity,
description, the unit price and the total cost for every item needed.
f. Tools Needed: tells the different carpentry or industrial tools, machines or gadgets needed
in making the project
g. Procedure: tells the exact steps in the preparation of the project. This will serve as the guide
in project making.

Lesson 2: Resourcefulness and Management skills in the use of Time,

Materials,Money, and Effort
Resourcefulness, effective and efficient management of the following
elements are also considered in the preparation of a project, based on
prepared plan: Time, Materials, Money and Effort.

A resourceful person can achieve maximal results from minimal

resources. Wise utilization of available resources on hand to implement a
propose project. Being resourceful means one can find effective and efficient
ways of doing things; they tend to be innovative and imaginative.
Resourcefulness is the ability to find a way to achieve your goal or to make

Resourcefulness and Management skills in the use of the following:

1. Time – Time management is essentially the ability to organize and plan

the time spent on activities in a day. It increases effectiveness and
productivity. It is a key aspect of project management and involves skills
such as planning, setting goals and prioritizing for a better performance.

Time is an important element in the accomplishment of a

project. Poor management of time will result to delayed
accomplishment of project or task. Manage your time effectively and
you will achieve your goals successfully.
Time Management includes:

1. Effective Planning
2. Setting goals and objectives
3. Setting deadlines
4. Delegation of responsibilities
5. Prioritizing activities as per their importance
6. Spending the right time on the right activity

Effective time management allows individuals to assign specific time slots to

activities as per their importance.
2. Money – One of the most important thing in the accomplishment of a
project or plan. Managing money or finances well will result to a better
project implementation thus, make sure that is managed wisely to avoid
wastage of materials.
3. Effort – The result of an action to achieve your goal. You must be persistent
in pursuing your goal and achieving your desired project. Investing energy
also sometimes means investing physical strength to do something. Follow
strictly what is written in the plan to go away of errors and repetitions.
4. Materials – The supplies that you will need in making your project. Materials
may include apparatus, equipment, tools, gears, machinery and other physical
resources that are necessary for completing the different processes in project

Lesson 3: Assessing Product Using Rubrics

The preparation of a product is a long way process. One must be resourceful enough in the choice of his
materials to be used and he/or she must have a concrete plan in order to make it successful.

In assessing learners’ output or project, an assessment tool called Rubrics.

What is a rubric?
Rubric is a “guide” that states what is expected in an assignment or project and helps to evaluate the
learners’ performance. It is also a tool used to measure learners’ work, a working guide for learners and

What is the importance of a Rubric?

Rubrics help learners, parents and teachers identify what quality work is. Learners can judge their own
work and accept more responsibility of the final product.

Why use Rubrics?

Rubrics improve learners end products and help increase learning. When learners received rubrics
beforehand, they understand what is expected and how they will be evaluated, and they can prepare

What are the parts of a rubric?

Rubric is a scoring guide use to evaluate performance, a product, or a project. It has three parts.
Performance criteria – describe the key elements of the learners’ work or product.
Rating scale – identifies levels of performance

Indicators – provide examples or concrete descriptors of the level of performance. This could be found
under each sections of the rating scales.

ACTIVITY 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer or term found inside
the box.
In making a Project Plan. The first thing you have to consider is to have your

quantity objective money procedure tools

(1) where you will determine the purpose of the project. The List
of Materials contains the (2) , unit, and description of
materials. The
(3) will serve as your guide in making your project. (4)____ is
also important in purchasing your material and other expenses. Following the
plan and using appropriate (5) will give you not only quality output of the
project but also keep you safe from any accident.

ACTIVITY 2: A. Directions: Read the situations below. Tell whether it

tells about wise use of Time, Money, Materials or Effort. Write
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

_____1. Mr. Cruz always consider the amount she will be using in the preparation of his project.
_____2. Nancy always prepares delicious and nutritious merienda for her younger siblings. She uses
her strength to make them happy and satisfied.

____ 3. Mang Adong always arrive fifteen minutes before the scheduled meeting.
____ 4. Lando check the kind and the quality of wood he will use in the construction of their side
____ 5. Linda always prepare her daily plan of activities ahead. This serves as her daily guide.

B. Directions: Write Yes in your answer sheet if the following situation is essential in the
preparation a project plan and No if not.

1. The amount to be used in the preparation of the project should be given consideration.
2. Prepare workable and attainable target.
3. The kind and quality of materials need to be check before the start of a project.
4. The bill of materials contains the unit, quantity and procedure in the preparation of the
_____5. A project plan is needed only in project costing ten thousand pesos or more.

ACTIVITY 3: Directions:Write True if the statement is right and False if it is wrong.

Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Assessing a project plan will include list of workable criteria.

2. Time is an important factor in the

preparation and accomplishment of a plan.
3. Any kind of materials can be used in making a project.

4. Score or rating is essential in the final decision if the

project passed or failed.

5. Checking current prices of materials can be of help in

selecting low cost but durable resources.
6. Rubric is an essential tool in assessing a finish project.

7. Performance in the rubric will tell the learners his or her

score in the preparation of the output

8. Parents and learners will not be guided on how their

output will be rated using rubrics.

9. There are at least 3 indicators in a rubric.

10. Rubrics should not be shared or provided to the learners

before doing their output, it should be given during the
rating of the output or project.

I. Directions: Read and answer each question. Encircle the letter of your

1. What do you call a document designed to guide you in the execution of a project
A. Building Plan C. Project Plan
B. Action Plan D. Project Proponent

2. Which part of the project plan contains the quantity of the materials to be used?
A. Working Drawing C. Procedure
B. Tools Needed D. Bill of Materials

3. It shows you the purpose of the plan.

A. Project Proponent C. Objective
B. Procedure D. Materials

4. Scissors, glue gun, pliers and cutter are examples of .

A. Materials C. Furniture
B. Tools D. Machine

5. The illustration of the structure to be built or made can be found in

A. Procedure C. Bill of Materials
B. List of Tools D. Working Drawing

II. Directions: Match column A with the simple description of terms

found in column B. Write the letter of correct answer on your answer


1. Money A. supplies that you will need in making your project

2. Effort B. effective, efficient and innovative ways of doing things

3. Resourcefulness C. It means investing physical strength to do something

4. Materials D. It should be managed wisely to avoid wastage or

additional budget.

5. Time E. It is a key aspect of project management and involves

skills such as planning, setting goals and prioritizing
for a better performance

III. Directions:

1. Rubrics help the teachers evaluate and give accurate ratings to the learners.
2. Parents have a clear understanding of what is expected of their children’s
3. A Rubric is a tool in acquiring mastery of the lesson.
4. Rubrics can only be used by teachers and not the learners.
5. A Rubric is used to measure learners work, a working
guide for learners and teachers.

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