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CAPE Communication Studies Module One

Model Essay for Module One

The article addresses the causes, consequences and solutions to the issue of teenage
‘sexting’ (the sending and receiving of explicit photographs via social media). Stephen Balkham
aims to inform teenagers and their affiliates of the dangers of sexting. He also attempts to
convince his audience of alternative solutions to the issue. The author utilizes various
organizational strategies and language techniques to convey the intended message and achieve
his purpose.
Firstly, the author uses definitions in the article. This is clearly noted in the opening line
of the text, where ‘sexting is defined. This strategy allows for greater reader comprehensibility,
ensuring the author achieves his purpose of informing on the issue.
Secondly, Stephen Balkham, employs the cause and effect strategy in his piece. On a
micro level, he states the cause of Jessica Logan’s demise (sexting) and follows immediately
with the effects (cyberbullying and suicide). On the macro level, the article gives the causes of
the ‘phenomenon’ as well as the effects it results in. This strategy highlights the dangers of
‘sexting’ to the audience through clear and logical reasoning. It also makes the message easy to
Thirdly, hypohora is also utilized by the writer, as seen in the opening line of paragraph
three: “But what accounts for this disturbing phenomenon?” This strategy enhances the clarity of
the message being conveyed as it clearly outlines the issue in question.
In addition, Stephen Balkham, uses: analogy, rhetorical question and cliché in the article.
These techniques appeal to the reader and conveys the intended message in an interesting way.
Firstly, analogy is used in the first paragraph: “A Pandora’s box of embarrassment and
disgrace.” This emphasizes the seriousness and great extent of the consequences of ‘sexting’ to
the reader. It effectively conveys the main idea of the author.
Secondly, the final line of the second paragraph shows evidence of a rhetorical question.
This further highlights the extent of the issue on the audience, helping Balkham to achieve his
Thirdly, the author effectively employs the cliché: “It makes no sense to throw away the
baby with the bath water” to assert the intended message that present solutions to the problem are
largely influenced.
In summation, the author effectively utilizes organizational strategies and language
techniques to convey hi message and achieve his purpose.
CAPE Communication Studies Module One

Word Count: 385

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