Itec 3100 m11 Multimedia Video Lesson Idea - Emma Stall

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Multimedia Tools: Video

Lesson Idea Name: Beginning to Understand the Basic Needs of Life

Grade Level/Content Area: First Grade - Science

Content Standard Addressed: S1L1 - Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the basic needs
of plants and animals including designing a solution to ensure that a plant or animal has all of its needs met

Technology Standard Addressed: ISTE Student Standard 6C – Students communicate complex ideas clearly
and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models, or simulations.

Guiding question or statement: How can we use what we know about the needs of plants and animals to
design solutions to ensure those needs are met?
Set a goal that you want to achieve with this plan for learning with the use of multi-media tools? Will
you use your video as a sample of what students will design or will you use the video for meaningf ul
learning about a topic? Be sure to mention what tool you/your students will use.
- The goal of this lesson is to begin by teaching students about the basic needs of plant and animal life by
showing them the original video I created, then, familiarize students with Adobe Spark Video, and aid
students in the creation of their own project using Spark Video, regarding solutions to ensure all plant
and animal life have those basic needs met.

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):


Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration:

☒ Inf usion Level: Students may work at a higher Bloom’s Level, but they do not have any “Voice or Choice”
during the activity and most of the decisions are made by the teacher.

☐ Integration Level: We would like to see ALL lessons/activities reach this level. The project is
student-driven. Students have “Voice and Choice” in the activities, selecting the topic of study and
determining the technology tool to demonstrate mastery of the standard. The teacher becomes more of a

☐ Expansion Level: The projects created are shared outside of the classroom, publishing student work and
promoting authorship. This could be reached by showcasing the project on the school’s morning newscast,
posting the project to the classroom blog, or publishing via an outside source.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL):
This lesson supports the UDL framework by providing accessibility through the website students will be
utilizing. Students will be utilizing Adobe Spark, which provides the option to add narration to each slide, which
can benefit those who are auditory learners, as well as those who may have visual impairments. Similarly, Adobe
Spark allows you to include text on the slide, which can benefit visual learners as well as those with auditory

Stall, 2021
Multimedia Tools: Video
impairments. Students will be actively engaged and more present in this lesson as students will be allowed to split
themselves into groups and choose their own topic of study during this. Students will also be tackling real,
authentic issues with this project which will motivate students even more. Students will also participate in
whole-group instruction, individual instruction, and small-group instruction throughout the lesson which will
allow for maximum engagement.
Lesson Idea Implementation:
Beginning this lesson, students will be first introduced to the standard listed above and shown the original video I
created for this lesson. Students will participate in the video through whole-group instruction, as it asks for
students to pause and reflect and think about some potential answers to questions asked, in which students will
be prompted to raise their hands to answer questions. After the video, students will be instructed that they are
going to complete a video of their own (similar to the one shown). Students will then be instructed to split into
eight, even groups based on what topic interests them. Students will be able to choose from animal needs (food,
water, shelter, air) or plant needs (water, lights, nutrients, air). Once students are in the groups, students will be
instructed that they are going to create their own video project detailing how exactly we can provide solutions to
ensure that each need of plant life and animal life are met. Students will work together in their small groups for
one class period brainstorming ideas for solutions, how they want their presentation to look, and writing a script
to include in their presentation. Over the course of the next two days, the teacher will come around to each
group and work alongside them to help them create their own video and narrate it. After all groups are finished
and each video is revised and ready for submission, students will then present their solutions to the class to
demonstrate their knowledge over the basic needs and demonstrate their ability to apply that knowledge learned
and make a project. To extend learning to a higher level, students will be provided a list of questions they must
answer in their presentation. To conclude the lesson and project, and even extend their projects outside of the
classroom, students will vote on their favorite solution presented to them and the winning presentation will be
emailed to the Georgia Wildlife Federation.
Importance of Technology:
Technology is so crucial to this project because not only does it allow the students to practice autonomy by
making their own choices regarding the theme, images, transitions, etc. but also this project will help connect
students outside of the classroom. By authoring their own video and narrating it, it will bring meaning to the
students’ work and help keep them engaged knowing this is a project they are completing themselves. With this
type of project, students could also utilize podcasts, although it may not be as effective presentation-wise.
Technology enhances student learning with this project because students are able to create their own
visualization regarding their solution, present it to the class, and have the chance to potentially present and email
it to the Georgia Wildlife Federation.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy:
When students are working online and creating their own projects, it is important to consider Internet safety and
student privacy. When publishing the final version of the student’s work, it is important to make sure parents
have submitted release forms that allows the student’s work to be published, as well as allowing their name to be
published as well. It is also important to make sure that the website is in compliance with COPPA, which is set
into place to protect children under 13. This website also does not have any two-way communication, which
allows for another element of safety to alleviate any concerns with parents.

Stall, 2021
Multimedia Tools: Video
Reflective Practice:
This lesson, I believe, is great for student learning. Students are able to tackle an authentic issue, which makes
learning more meaningful and relevant to them. Students are able to maximize their potential while learning by
practicing autonomy and making choices regarding the topic of study, how to best showcase their ideas in their
presentation, etc. To extend this lesson even further, students could be challenged to think on a global scale and
think of endangered species whose needs aren’t being met and research a specific species with ways to provide
solutions and create a project regarding that.

Stall, 2021

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