Afl2602 Ass English Ass 10

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| 63368129 UNISA
AFL2602 ASS 01 63368129 E.B MAHEGO

1. Women exercise great power in African societies regarding

leadership roles. Discuss this statement with reference to the role of
woman in the management of an African community. Illustrate your
discussion with examples from main African literary texts.

It is accepted that African societies formally restrict the access of

women to a leadership role. However, it has been realized that
women exercise great power in societies that restrict their access to a
leadership role. They influence their husbands, brothers, and children
in important matters that influence the management of the families,
tribes, and nations. Many women today fight for equal rights and most
of them has managed to achieve this, however some women are
abused by men. In my culture, women and men are both treated
equally. Although in India the men feel more superior to woman.

The woman must show respect to her husband by touching his feet
when he leaves home and when he returns, serve food and water to
him wherever he may be seated and take a wash bowl for him to
wash his hands before and after eating. Some men feel that they own
women or their wives. They do not have influence on their husbands.
These women are very inferior to men but in most parts of India,
people have changed and both men and women respect each other

2. Riddling plays a major role in child development in African traditional

society. In what way does riddling boost child development in African

They assist the children to acquire knowledge in depth from

observation of the physical environment, human behavior, on how
society is organized and operates on how animals and other living
organisms behave. They assist the children to become innovators
who know their surroundings well and to be able to solve problems.
They are also used as seeds that refine the cultural norms and values
of a particular society. They also improve the ability of young
members of a community to interact with other people in a sociable
and harmonious manner, thereby promoting unity and group
AFL2602 ASS 01 63368129 E.B MAHEGO

A wide array of knowledge would be acquired through riddling. This

included knowledge of human physiology, certain plants and trees,
behavioral patterns of certain animals, mathematical concepts, color
terms, language skills and life in general. All riddles deal with
language skills. Children are taught how to form meaningful
sentences in simple language as well as in poetic language when
they pose riddle questions. Children are also introduced to a variety
of vocabulary items. Riddles also have the potential to introduce new
onomatopoeic words in a language. Onomatopoeia provides the
means for the expression of shades of meaning that words like
nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs alone cannot convey.

3. Kings in African context play a vital role in the administration of

societal duties. Discuss the role of the King with special reference to
an African language of your choice. In your discussion, mention a
brief history of the kingdom, where it is located and all that involves
such kingdom.

The leadership of the tribe is provided by the chief with the assistance
of a group of adult males and the village headmen, who constitute a
tribal council. These adults are the guardians of the tribal customs
and oral tradition of law. The tribal council is responsible for
implementing the law. The chief’s role is to implement
recommendations by the tribal council regarding the management of
the society. Both males and females can be installed as leaders of
tribal communities. However, in many African societies, the position
of a chief is male dominated. The chief administers the law, resolves
tribal disputes, appoints headmen of villages, practices ritual
performances and protects the tribe.

Africans, like other societies, are characterized by different types of

disputes in their daily life. In the event that disputes arise among
members of the tribe, the chief is responsible for resolving them.
These disputes might be of a political, social, religious, or responsible
for resolving them. These disputes might be of a political, social,
religious, or economic nature. Many authors of indigenous African
AFL2602 ASS 01 63368129 E.B MAHEGO

languages literature have reflected much on the involvement of the

chief regarding these types of disputes, for example, members
accusing one another of witchcraft.

The responsibilities of a king are not different from those of a chief,

except that his status is higher than that of a chief. The chiefs are
under his authority. As a ruler of the society, the king’s power extends
to everything pertaining to the life of the society. He is viewed as the
possessor of supernatural power. He is responsible for maintaining
the welfare and order of the society. He is expected to provide food,
fertility, weather, protection against enemies and misfortune and all
forms of communal life. He solves chieftainship disputes and installs
chiefs in his nation.

4. African literature abounds stories of repetition of children by the head

of the family as far as decision making that affects their lives is
concerned. Discuss this statement with reference to literacy texts in
your main African language.

The head of the family has a role to play in the management of the
family. He is responsible for making decisions regarding the
management of the family in many matters among which is the
choice of spouses of his sons and daughters. He provides for the
spouses and children and gives them security and manages ritual
performances. On behalf of his children he may also choose their
In some African families, children are have no say at all regarding the
choice of wives and husbands. Children are oppressed about taking
decisions affecting their lives. In Sesotho sa Leboa there is a proverb
which states: “Namakgapeletswa e phuma pitsa” (The meat is forced
in breaks the pot), which is used to deprecate coercion. The protest
leads to conflict between father and daughter. Just like the conflict
between a young girl, whose name was Elelwani and her father,
when she is forced to marry a man of her father’s choice whom she
does not love. She protest against that decision.
AFL2602 ASS 01 63368129 E.B MAHEGO

The head of the family provides for his wives and children. Each wife
should be provided with her own hut and a field. He must also make
sure that all the children are clothed, attends modern schools and
attends initiation school. If the provider’s decision is not carried out,
punishment is given to the children. Sometimes the head of the family
is abusive to the children. Conflicts arise under such circumstances.
AFL2602 ASS 01 63368129 E.B MAHEGO

By: Katalin Vargha
In: Encyclopedia of Humor Studies
Edited by: Salvatore Attardo
Subject:General Media, Communication & Cultural Studies, Sociology of




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