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At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Apply organization theories for effective business management

Lesson Proper
Organizational theory can be explained in terms of a rational edifice or
prescriptions built by people to explain human behavior in the organization.
In other words, it implies the body of knowledge and principles which
provides the touchstone for effective administrative action in organizations.
Put more succinctly, organizational theory enables people to describe,
explain, and predict a wide range of human behavior within organizations.
Several theories on organization have emerged, all in all attempt to
explain that no organization operates in a vacuum. According to Scott and
Mitchell (1972), the origins of organizational theory are traceable to Europe.
Frederick Winslow Taylor, Henri Fayol, Max Weber, Henry Gantt, Frank and
Lillian Gilbert were major contributions to organization theory. The
development of the various organizational theories proposed by this
individuals were based on their experiences in the organizations where they
worked. According to Hills, the main feature of Greenfield’s organizational
theory are as follows:

 The function of the organizational theory is to describe and not to

 The aim of organizational theory is to explain and enlighten.
 The data for the theory can only be obtained from within the
specific organization.
 Scientists who study the human being cannot make statements
about the structure of human behavior in every context.
 Organizational theory does not only concern what is explained but
also to whom it is explained and by what means.
 Organizational theory provides insight into human behavior.
 Organizational theories are as diverse as the individuals within an
 No universal theory about organization exists.

It may be important to note that organizing comes from different
theories that many organizations today come into being. These theories
came as an upshot of many studies on how organization can be effective

instrument to gain profit and acceptability to its various stakeholders. These
1. THE CLASSICAL THEORY- it puts emphasis on rational,
efficiency, work accomplishment, and balance in the size of its
department. Under this concept of division of labor is
emphasized. Mastery of skills was given importance in the work
environment. Labor became mechanical and activities are
carefully defined.
2. THE NEOCLASSICAL THEORY – the concentration of this
theory is attention to human relation and balance in the size of
its behavior, recognition of informal group and improvement of
intergroup relationships. It recognizes human worth and dignity
through effective communication. This gain wide acceptance
importance in most organization. It nevertheless requires
managerial skill in human behavior and improvements in
technology application.
3. THE FUSION THEORY – it stresses the importance of improve
organizational climate through the process of socialization.
These are mostly found in formal and informal organization.
Reward and recognition are given to good work performance and
sanction for utter disregard and violation of group policies and
4. THE SYSTEM THEORY – it view organizing as a system of
variables that are dependent upon one another. The basic
components are individuals in the normal organization, its
reciprocal patterns of behavior, organizational goals and
objective, and its effect on the physical environment. The
system extends within and outside the organizational structure.
Good communications system is maintained, as it links
harmoniously with the different public.
5. THE QUANTITATIVE THEORY – this covers a limited aspect of
the management process that should be qualified that directly
affects the work or organizing. It emphasis is on qualified
decisions of

Another important of organizing is the issue of delegation of authority.
Manger should not be given responsibility without the necessary authority;
neither should authority be given without responsibility. That is to say that
both authority and responsibility should go hand in hand. Centralization of
authority is a rare case because absolute centralization means that there is
no organization.

Delegation of Authority – authority and responsibility always go together
and they cannot be separated. If for any reason, there is a separation, the
work will suffer. The manager will authority but no responsibility becomes a
director and a tyrant and it is dangerous because the final outcome of their
actions will not be to the interest of the organization. On the other hand, the
manager with responsibility but no authority cannot take decisions; neither
will he be able t make of organizational resources. It is frustrating situation.
That is why in designing the environment, it must be conductive. And one
way to make it conductive is to equate authority with responsibility.


In management there are two types of organizations. These types of
organization are simply called formal organization and informal
A formal organization which is a social system has its role
deliberately created so that the objectives of the organization can be
achieved. Consequently there are features associated with formal
organizations and these are:
1. There must be policies and objectives. These policies must be
consciously created. And there must be bearable objectives
which are formulated taking the policies into consideration.
These objectives are not only for the entire education but also
for the departments and sections.
2. The activities of individuals in a formal organization are
coordinated. This means that one activity must be linked up
with one another activity. Through this process the entire
activities being carried out in the organization move in the same
3. The persons in a formal organization must be able to
communicate with one another through the appropriated
channels which have been created. Consequently, the issue of
keeping malice with the fellow workers is ruled out because
nothings work in a formal organization without communication
taking place.
4. The employees in a formal organization must share a purpose.
The purpose is the reason why the organization is in existence.
Such purpose is usually reflected in the mission statement of
the organization.
5. The workers in the formal organization on the receipt of
necessary directive from their manager must be willing to act.
But in acting, it should not be on individual level; the whole
workers must cooperate with one another in their actions.

The informal organization is a network of personal and social
relations not established or required by the formal organization but
arising spontaneously as people associate or come together. That is
why organizations exists in a formal organization. The features of an
informal organization are:
1. The association exists merely as social interactions.
2. There is no common or consciously coordinated joint purpose
among members even though they may be contributing to joint
3. Compatibility is a major criterion for such a grouping. Since the
informal groups exist in a formal group they can assist or
interfere with the enterprise interests.
4. The form of punishment that the informal group members can
give to a member is to ostracize him. This means that members
of the informal group will refrain from talking and interacting
with the members under punishment until he turns a “new leaf”

1. Discuss the different elements of delegation. Cite specific application.
2. Differentiate formal and informal organization.


Checked by:

Robert Francisco Virginia Gulinao Roldan Liwanag Antonio Basco

Principal Principal Principal Principal
JPI Sta. Maria JPI Muzon JPI Plaridel JPI San Jose

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