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A. Order the words to make questions.

1. I Should her tell I feel how ?
Should I tell her how I feel?
2. friend known long best have How you your ?
How long have you known your best friend?
3. Tell when you train next leaves the could me?

Could you tell me when the next train leaves?

4. housework family in Who you’re the does?
Who does the housework in your family?
5. are What about you thinking?
What are you thinking about?
6. on don’t weekend you What doing the like?
What don't you like doing on the weekend?
7. music to does What fane kind like listening of?
What kind of music does Jane like listening to?
8. you time movie know ends Do what the ?
Do you know what time the movie ends?
9. class students yesterday to many came How ?
How many students came to class yesterday?
10. you remember is where Do the restaurant ?
Do you remember where the restaurant is?
B. Complete the questions with the words in parentheses.
1. Where did you go on vacation last year? (you / go)
2. How often do you usually do yoga? (you / usually do
3. Who wrote The Great Gatsby? (write)
4. Could you tell me how much this book cots ? (this book / cost
5. I can’t remember where I parked my car this morning. (I park)
6. Did you enjoy your trip to Pari.s last weekend? (you / enjoy)
7. What kind of work does your sister do ? (your sister / do)
8. Who ate the last cookie? (eat)
9. Do you know what time the swimming pool opens on a Saturday? (the swimming pool / open)
10. Doesn’t your sister like the present you gave her? (your sister / not like)
11. Do you have to play your music so loud? I can’t concentrate, (you / have to)

GRAMMAR question formation

a. Right ( ) or wrong ()? Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases.

1. A You have ever been to Thailand? Have you ever been
B Yes, a couple of times.
2. A Why didn’t you tell me the truth? Correct
B Because I thought you’d be angry.
3. A Where you usually go on vacation? Where do you usually go on
B We usually go to Mexico.
4. A Haven’t you done the homework? Correct
B No, I haven’t, fm sorry.
5. A What did happen at the meeting yesterday? Correct
B We discussed the sales figures. It was kind of boring.
6. A Who is Jack going out with? Correct
B He’s going out with his best friend’s sister.
7. A How long time have you been learning English? How long have you been
learning English?
B For about three years.
8. A Whose jacket did you borrow for the wedding? Correct
B My dad’s. It was a little big for me.
9. A Excuse me. Can you tell me where is the bathroom? Can you tell me where the
bathroom is?
B It’s down the stairs on the right.
10. A For who are you waiting? Who are you waiting for?
B fm waiting for my brother,

b. Write indirect questions.

1. “Where does Natalie live?”
I wonder where Natalie lives.
2. “Where is the elevator?”
Could you tell me where the elevator is?
3. “Where did we park the car?”
I can’t remember where we parked the car.
4. “Are there any tickets left for the concert tonight?”
Do you know if there are any tickets left for the concert tonight ?
5. “What time does the game start?”
Can you tell mewhat time the game start?
6. “When’s Anna's birthday?”
Can you remember when Ana’s birthday is?
c. Write the questions.
1 when / your brother / pass / his driver’s test
When did your brother pass his driver’s test?
2 who / cook / in your family
Who cooks in your family?
3 how long / you / spend / in Brazil last summer
Who long did you spend in Brazil last summer?
4 you know / who / go / to the party tonight
Do you know who's going to the party tonight?
5 you remember / where / I / leave / my keys
Can you remenber where I left my keys.?
6 what / make / you angry
what makes you angry?
7 who / drink / the milk / I / leave / in the refrigerator
Who has drunk the milk I left in the refrigerator?
8 how long / it / take / to get to Boston from here
How does it take to get to Boston from here?

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