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Models for Punching Shear Capacity in

Concrete Slabs

Ingeborg Skarholt Bølviken

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Submission date: June 2013
Supervisor: Jan Arve Øverli, KT

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Department of Structural Engineering
Department of Structural Engineering ACCESSIBILITY
Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology Open
NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology



Structural Engineering 4.6.2013 164


Models for Punching Shear Capacity in Concrete Slabs

Beregningsmodeller for konsentrerte laster på betongkonstruksjoner

Ingeborg Skarholt Bølviken

Model Code 2010 was published in the spring of 201 2 by the International Federation for Structural Concrete
(fib ), and presents a whole new model for punching shear design. Whereas the method for punching shear
design in Eurocode 2 is mainly empirical, the method in Model Code 2010 is grounded in a physical mo del
called the Critical Shear Crack Theory. The method for punching shear design in Model Code 2010 makes
the foundation for the punching shear design procedure in the next edition of Eurocode 2.

In the first part of the thesis the background to shear and cracking, an introduction to punching shear and a
presentation of the punching shear design procedure in Eurocode 2 is presented. Then a literature study is
carried out, where the physical model behind the punching shear design in Model Code 2010 is prese nted in
detail. This leads to the final formulations for the punching shear design in Model Code 2010. The next part of
the thesis consists of design examples according to Model Code 2010 on an existing project in Oslo ,
originally designed according to Eurocode 2. The purpose of the calculations is to demonstrate the use of
Model Code 2010 and to compare the results from this method to the results by Eurocode 2. Further on,
linear analyses in a FEM program are performed, in terms of verifying some of the models used in the design
in Eurocode 2. The models investigated are the shear distribution at the basic control perimeter defined in
Eurocode 2 and the effect of openings in the slab close to the column edge.

The results from the design examples show how Eurocode 2 often underestimates the punching shear
capacity. For slabs with large spans however, the capacity seems to be overestimated by Eurocode 2
compared to the results by Model Code 2010. The chance of obtaining too high capacities and therefore risk
using a too low amount of shear reinforcement is one of the reasons why further research should be done on
slender slabs in the future. The results from the linear analyses are satisfying concerning both models
investigated. The shear stresses are conservative in Eurocode 2 compared to the analyses, but the values
are quite close and the results by Eurocode 2 are on the safe side.


SUPERVISOR(S): Jan Arve Øverli

CARRIED OUT AT: Department of Structural Engineering, NTNU

Institutt for konstruksjonsteknikk

Masteroppgave i konstruksjonsteknikk 2013

Ingeborg Skarholt Bølviken

Beregningsmodeller for konsentrerte laster på betongkonstruksjoner

Models for Punching Shear Capacity in Concrete Slabs


Modeller og regler for beregning av konsentrerte laster på plater er ofte en kombinasjon

mellom empiriske og teoretiske modeller. I 2010 ble den nye Model Code fra fib utgitt.
Der behandles konsentrerte laster med en helt ny beregningsmodell.

Oppgaven skal først og fremst avdekke bakgrunnen og øke forståelsen for

beregningsmodeller for dimensjonering av punktlast på plate. En viktig del av oppgaven
er å sammenligne Model Code 2010 med Eurokode 2.

Oppgaven kan deles opp som følger:

 Grunnleggende om konsentrert last på plate

 Formelverk og bakgrunn for konsentrert last med fokus på Model Code
 Sammenligninger med Eurokode 2
 Lineære FEM analyser som verifikasjon av modeller

Oppgaven skal være gjennomført innen den 10. juni 2013.

Trondheim den 31.01.2013

Jan Arve Øverli

Førsteamanuensis / Faglærer

This report is written as a Master Thesis at the Department of Structural Engineering

at the Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology at the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology. The thesis is written over a period of 20 weeks during the spring
semester of 2013.

The report covers the phenomenon of punching shear, a failure mechanism as a result
of concentrated loads on concrete slabs. The main focus has been on the theoretical
background to the design procedure for punching shear in the Model Code from 2010,
which forms the foundation for the next edition of Eurocode 2. From previous courses
in concrete structures, I have seen how today’s design rules in the Eurocode are difficult
to use, and that the formulas are based on experiments. The punching shear design
procedure in the Model Code is based on a physical model, and may therefore present
more accurate results and at the same time give the designer a better understanding of
the calculations during the design.

The report is divided in two parts, where the first part is a literature study that covers
the background to shear and cracking, presents the calculation method used in today’s
Eurocode and the theoretical background to the design procedure for punching shear in
Model Code 2010. Part two consists of calculation examples based on the method in the
Model Code and verifications of some of the models used in the design in Eurocode 2 by
modelling in the FEM-program DIANA.

I would like to thank my supervisor Jan Arve Øverli for good guidance throughout the
semester and for always taking the time to answer my questions. I would also like to thank
Max Hendrix for help with the part concerning the FEM-program DIANA. In addition
to this I would like to thank Svein Barstad and Hans Auver Lahus in Multiconsult AS
for the help of finding an appropriate project to base my calculations on and for general
assistance during the semester.

Ingeborg Skarholt Bølviken


Model Code 2010 was published in the spring of 2012 by the International Federation
for Structural Concrete (fib), and presents a whole new model for punching shear design.
Whereas the method for punching shear design in Eurocode 2 is mainly empirical, the
method in Model Code 2010 is grounded in a physical model called the Critical Shear
Crack Theory. The method for punching shear design in Model Code 2010 makes the
foundation for the punching shear design procedure in the next edition of Eurocode 2.

The first part of the thesis consists of the background to shear and cracking in 2D, an
introduction to punching shear and a presentation of the punching shear design procedure
in Eurocode 2. The main part of the assignment contains of a literature study, where the
physical model behind the punching shear design in Model Code 2010, the Critical Shear
Crack theory, is presented in detail. This leads to the final formulations for the punching
shear design in Model Code 2010.

The next part of the thesis consists of design examples according to the formulations in
Model Code 2010 on an existing project in Bjørvika in Oslo. The design of the building
in this project has already been performed by Multiconsult AS, and the design is done
according to the approach in Eurocode 2. The calculations in this master thesis are
performed in terms of demonstrating the use of the design procedure in Model Code 2010
and to compare the results from this method to the results by the design approach in
Eurocode 2.

Further on, linear analyses are performed on models of a slab-column connection in a

FEM program, in terms of verifying some of the models used in the design in Eurocode 2.
The models investigated are the shear distribution at the basic control perimeter defined
in Eurocode 2 and the effect of openings in the slab close to the column edge.

The results from the design examples show how Eurocde 2 often underestimates the
punching shear capacity, which confirms theories described in the literature study. For
slabs with large spans however, the capacity seems to be overestimated by Eurocode 2
compared to the results by Model Code 2010. The design of all concrete structures in
Norway today has to follow the design procedure in Eurocode 2, and the chance of obtain-
ing too high capacities and therefore risk using a too low amount of shear reinforcement
is one of the reasons why further research should be done on slender slabs in the future.

The results from the linear analyses in the FEM program are satisfying concerning both
the shear stress distribution and the effect of slab openings. The values of the shear
stresses are a little conservative in Eurocode 2 compared to the calculated values from
the analyses, but the values are quite close and the results by Eurocode 2 are on the
safe side. Still, more analyses should be performed in terms of concluding on anything
here, although the results seem to be satisfying for the particular slab-column connection
modelled in this thesis.


Model Code 2010 ble publisert våren 2012 av the International Federation for Struc-
tural Concrete (fib), og presenterer en helt ny metode for dimensjonering for gjennom-
lokking. Mens beregningsmetoden for gjennomlokking i Eurocode 2 hovedsakelig er em-
pirisk, baserer metoden i Model Code 2010 seg på en fysisk modell, the Critical Shear
Crack Theory. Dimensjoneringsmetoden i Model Code 2010 legger grunnlaget for beregn-
ingsmetodene for konsentrerte laster som skal inkluderes i den neste utgaven av Eurocode

Den første delen av oppgaven inneholder bakgrunnsteorien til skjær og riss i 2D, en in-
troduksjon til begrepet gjennomlokking og presenterer metoden for dimensjonering for
konsentrerte laster på betongplater i Eurocode 2. Hoveddelen av oppgaven består av en
litteraturstudie, der den fysiske modellen bak metoden for gjennomlokkingsberegninger i
Model Code 2010 er beskrevet i detalj. Denne modellen leder frem til de endelige formu-
leringene for dimensjoneringsprosedyren i Model Code 2010.

Neste del av oppgaven består av beregningseksempler basert på metodene i Model Code

2010 på et eksisterende prosjekt i Bjørvika i Oslo. Prosjekteringen av bygningen har blitt
utført av Multiconsult AS, og dimensjoneringen er gjort i henhold til fremgangsmåten i
Eurocode 2. Beregningene i denne masteroppgaven er utført for å demonstrere bruken
av dimensjoneringsmetoden i Model Code 2010 og for å kunne sammenligne de oppnådde
resultatene med resultatene etter Eurocode 2.

Videre er lineære analyser i et elementmetodeprogram utført på modeller av en forbindelse

mellom søyle og dekke, for å kunne vurdere om et utvalg av modellene som er brukt til
gjennomlokkingsdimensjonering i Eurocode 2 er rimelige. Modellene som undersøkes er
fordelingen av skjærspenninger rundt den aktuelle kontrollomkretsen definert i Eurocode
2, samt effekten av åpninger i dekket i nærheten av søylekanten.

Resultatene fra beregningseksemplene viser hvordan Eurocode 2 ofte undervurderer gjen-

nomlokkingskapasiteten, hvilket bekrefter teorier beskrevet i litteraturstudien. For dekker
med store spennvidder derimot, kan det ofte virke som Eurocode 2 overestimerer kapa-
siteten sammenlignet med resultatene basert på metoden i Model Code 2010. Alle be-
tongkonstruksjoner i Norge må i dag dimensjoneres etter Eurocode 2, og da sjansen er
tilstede for at kapasiteten i noen tilfelles kan bli overestimert og man dermed risikerer å

tilføre for lite skjærarmering til systemet, er det nødvendig med mer forskning på slanke
betongdekker i fremtiden.

Resultatene fra de lineære analysene i elementprogrammet er tilfredsstillende, både når det

gjelder fordelingen av skjærspenninger langs den aktuelle kontrollomkretsen og effekten
av åpninger i dekket nær søylekanten. De beregnede skjærspenningene etter Eurocode 2
er noe konservative sammenlignet med resultatene fra analysene, men verdiene avviker
ikke så mye fra hverandre og resultatene fra Eurocode 2 er på den sikre siden. Før man
kan konkludere med noe er det allikevel nødvendig å gjøre ytterligere analyser, selv om
resultatene i dette tilfellet er av tilfredsstillende art.

1 Introduction 1

2 Background 3

2.1 Shear in Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.2 Cracking of Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.3 Punching Shear in General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.4 Punching Shear Design in Eurocode 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.4.1 Critical Control Perimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4.2 Shear Force from Concentrated Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4.3 Punching Shear Capacity in Slabs Without Punching Shear Rein-
forcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.4.4 Punching Shear Capacity in Slabs With Punching Shear Reinforce-
ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4.5 Punching Shear Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3 The Critical Shear Crack Theory 21

3.1 The Fundamentals of the CSCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.2 Punching Shear Strength by the CSCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.3 Load-rotation Relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.3.1 The Quadrilinear Expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.3.2 The Bilinear Expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3.3 Comparison of Expressions for the Load-rotation Relation . . . . . 32

3.4 Application of the CSCT to Punching of Flat Slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.4.1 Application to Slabs Without Shear Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4.2 Application to Slabs With Shear Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4 Punching Shear in Model Code 2010 47

4.1 Formulations for Slabs Without Shear Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.1.1 Shear-resisting Effective Depth and Control Perimeter . . . . . . . . 47

4.1.2 Punching Shear Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.1.3 LoAs for Calculation of Rotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.1.4 Integrity Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4.2 Formulations for Slabs With Shear Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4.2.1 Crushing Shear Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.2 Punching Shear Capacity Within the Shear Reinforced Zone . . . . 56
4.2.3 Punching Shear Capacity Outside the Shear Reinforced Zone . . . . 58
4.2.4 Punching Shear Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

5 Design Examples 61

5.1 Properties of the Slab-column Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

5.2 Results by Multiconsult AS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

5.2.1 Punching Shear Compression Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.2.2 Punching Shear Tension Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

5.3 Design According to MC2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

5.3.1 Column Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.3.2 Column Type 2 and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

5.4 Comparison of EC2 and MC2010 for Punching Shear Design . . . . . . . . 81

5.4.1 Punching Shear Compression Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.4.2 Required Amount of Punching Shear Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . 82

6 Verification of Models in EC2 85

6.1 Shear Distribution at the Control Perimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

6.1.1 Structure of the Model in DIANA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.1.2 Results from the Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
6.1.3 Comparison to Results by EC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

6.2 Loaded Areas Close to Slab Openings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

6.2.1 Structure of the Model in DIANA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.2.2 Results from the Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.2.3 Comparison to Results by EC2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

7 Discussion 99

7.1 Punching Shear Capacity and Required Shear Reinforcement . . . . . . . . 99

7.2 Shear Distribution and the Effect of Openings in the Slab . . . . . . . . . . 101

8 Conclusions 103

Bibliography 105

Appendix A Design Examples by EC2 109

Appendix B Design Examples by MC2010 117

Appendix C DIANA Input Files 137

List of Figures
2.1 Simply supported beam with uniformly distributed load . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Horizontal section of the lower and upper part of the beam . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Cracked cross-section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 Cracking of beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 Mohr’s circle for an element in the tension zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.6 Mohr’s circle for an element in the compression zone . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.7 Global collapse of structure due to punching shear failure . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.8 Typical shear failure in form of a truncated cone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.9 Basic control perimeter used for punching shear control in (a) Eurocode 2
and (b) Model Code 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.10 Critical control section for punching shear design [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.11 Control area for punching shear design [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.12 Typical critical control perimeters around loaded areas [1] . . . . . . . . . 11
2.13 Critical control perimeter around loaded area close to slab opening [1] . . . 11
2.14 Critical control perimeters around loaded areas close to edges or corners [1] 12
2.15 Slab supported by column with enlarged column head, for lH < 2hH [1] . . 12
2.16 Slab supported by column with enlarged column head, for lH > 2hH [1] . . 13
2.17 Shear distribution from an unbalanced moment at connection between slab
and inner column [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.18 Recommended simplified values of β for internal column, edge column and
corner column [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.19 Simply supported beam with applied shear load at the distance 2.5d from
the support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.20 Spacing of link legs [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1 Accuracy as a function of time for the different levels of approximation [2] 22
3.2 Position of critical shear crack developing through compression strut [2] . . 22
3.3 Aggregate interlock activation [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.4 Development of elbow-shaped strut [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.5 Radial strains in slab as a function of applied load [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.6 (a) Results from tests by Guidotti [2], (b) 99 experimental results by Mut-
toni, based on figure from [4], and (c) comparison of failure band and results
from 99 punching shear tests [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.7 (a) 99 experimental results by Muttoni, based on figure from [4], and (b)
load-rotation curves for tests by Kinnunen and Nylander [4] . . . . . . . . 26
3.8 Rotation of slab with geometrical parameters [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.9 (a) External and (b) internal forces acting on slab [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.10 (a) Distribution of radial curvature and radial moment [4] and (b) distri-
bution of tangential curvature and tangential moment [4] . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.11 Quadrilinear and bilinear moment-curvature relation [4] . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.12 Bilinear moment-curvature relation, based on figure from [4] . . . . . . . . 31
3.13 Comparison of load-rotation curves for tests and for proposed expressions,
based on figure from [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.14 (a) Geometry of the specimens PG-3 and PG-10 and (b) geometric and
mechanical parameters for the specimens PG-3 and PG-10 [4] . . . . . . . 33
3.15 Quadrilinear and bilinear load-rotation curves, and load-rotation curve and
failure criteria for test specimens PG-3 and PG-10, based on figure from [4] 34
3.16 Load-rotation relations based on equation (3.20) for various reinforcement
ratios and failure criteria for various slab thicknesses, based on figure from
[4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.17 Load-rotation relations for tests by Kinnunen and Nylander compared to
equations (3.20) and (3.28), based on figure from [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.18 Comparison of test results by various researchers to (a) the combination
of equations (3.4) and (3.20), (b) the combination of equations (3.4) and
(3.28) and (c) the formulations in EC2 [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.19 Design approach for control of the punching shear capacity [4] . . . . . . . 38
3.20 Comparison of how the different methods and results from various tests are
affected by (a) the reinforcement ratio, (b) the punching shear perimeter,
(c) the effective depth of the slab, (d) the concrete strength, (e) the yield
strength of the steel and (f) the slenderness of the slab, based on figure
from [4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.21 (a) Crushing of compression struts in the concrete, (b) failure within the
shear reinforced area, (c) failure outside the shear reinforced area, (d) de-
lamination of concrete core and (e) flexural yielding [5] . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.22 Comparison of the design approach in EC2 and the actual behaviour, based
on figure from [6] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.23 (a) Compression struts near the supported area, (b) development of flexural
crack, (c) development of shear crack and (d) development of delamination
crack [5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.24 (a) Localization of strains within the shear reinforced zone and (b) contri-
butions from the concrete and shear reinforcement [6] . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.25 Shear strength contribution from the concrete and the reinforcement [5] . . 44

3.26 (a) Parameters of the critical shear crack and the shear reinforcement [6],
(b) crack opening and relative displacements of crack lips [6] and (c) con-
tribution from the shear reinforcement [5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.27 Effective depth and control perimeter outside the shear reinforced zone for
(a) studs, (b) stirrups, (c) bonded reinforcement with anchorage plates and
(d) shearheads [5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.1 Effective depth for (a) support penetration and (b) bending calculations [7] 47
4.2 Basic control perimeters [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.3 Basic control perimeters around walls [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.4 Basic control perimeters for slabs with various depth [7] . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.5 Maximum value of the shear force per unit length perpendicular to the
control perimeter [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.6 Reduction of basic control perimeter, b1,red [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.7 Reduction of basic control perimeter due to (a) slab openings or (b) pipes [7] 50
4.8 Resultant of shear forces with respect to (a) position of centre of loaded
area and (b) approximated basic control perimeter for calculation of centre
position [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.9 Support strip dimensions [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.10 Example of sections for integration of support moments [7] . . . . . . . . . 54
4.11 Integrity reinforcement of (a) straight bars and (b) bent-up bars [7] . . . . 55
4.12 Example of arrangement of integrity reinforcement [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.13 Shear reinforcement [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.14 Reduced control perimeter and effective depth for punching outside the
shear reinforced zone [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.15 Arrangement rules for the punching shear reinforcement in (a) radial and
(b) tangential direction [7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

5.1 3D model of the Barcode B13 building [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

5.2 3D model of the slab over the lowest basement floor [8] . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.3 Columns with type specifications [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.4 Spans in x- and z- direction for (a) column type 1, (b) column type 2 and
(c) column type 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.5 Reinforcement arrangement of Ø10 reinforcement bars for (a) column type
1, (b) column type 2 and (c) column type 3 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.6 Applied shear reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

6.1 Shear distribution from an unbalanced moment at connection between slab

and inner column [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.2 Model of slab-column connection in DIANA with loading and constraints . 86

6.3 (a) CQ40S curved shell element and (b) CHX60 solid brick element [9] . . 87
6.4 Distribution of shear stresses (a) Qxz and (b) Qyz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.5 Points along the perimeter with given numbers from 1 to 32 . . . . . . . . 89
6.6 Shear stress distribution at the control perimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.7 Critical control perimeter around loaded area close to slab opening [1] . . . 92
6.8 Model of slab-column connection in DIANA with loading and constraints . 92
6.9 Dimensions of slab openings and ineffective parts of the perimeter . . . . . 93
6.10 Shear stress distribution at the control perimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

List of Tables
2.1 Values of k for rectangular loaded areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4.1 Values of ke for different types of columns and wall corners [7] . . . . . . . 51
4.2 Maximum diameter φmax as a function of the effective slab thickness [7] . . 59

5.1 Cross-section dimensions of the columns [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

5.2 Material parameters for the concrete and the reinforcement [8] . . . . . . . 63
5.3 Load combinations for column type 1 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.4 Load combinations for column type 2 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.5 Load combinations for column type 3 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.6 Shear compression capacity for column type 1 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.7 Shear compression capacity for column type 2 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.8 Shear compression capacity for column type 3 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.9 Shear tension capacity for column type 1 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.10 Shear tension capacity for column type 2 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.11 Shear tension capacity for column type 3 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.12 Required and applied amount of shear reinforcement for the critical load
combinations for the three columns [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.13 Parameters for column type 1 [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.14 Results for column type 2 and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.15 Punching shear compression capacity utilization according to EC2 and
MC2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.16 Distance to outer reinforcement perimeter, required reinforcement amount
and applied reinforcement amount according to EC2 and MC2010 for col-
umn type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.17 Distance to outer reinforcement perimeter, required reinforcement amount
and applied reinforcement amount according to EC2 and MC2010 for col-
umn type 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.18 Distance to outer reinforcement perimeter, required reinforcement amount
and applied reinforcement amount according to EC2 and MC2010 for col-
umn type 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

6.1 Material parameters for the DIANA model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

6.2 Shear stresses at the points around the perimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.3 Shear stresses at the points around the perimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

6.4 Shear stresses at the points around the perimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Chapter 1


The use of concrete slabs supported by columns is today very common in buildings in
Norway. Both for design purposes, economy reasons and to maximize the use of a storey
in a building, it has become more and more requested that the slabs are as thin as possible
and that the columns have small cross-sections. This causes the phenomenon of punching
shear to become important, as the chance of this failure mechanism occurring increases
as the column and slab dimensions decreases. Earlier, capitals were often used for load
transfer from the slab to the column, but as the use of these capitals decreased, a lot of
research has been done on the topic of punching shear.

All over the world today, different design codes are used for designing for punching shear.
In Norway the design of concrete structures has to follow the design rules presented in
Eurocode 2, where special rules for punching shear design are presented. Eurocode 2 is
based on the Model Code from 1990, and most of the formulas presented are based on
experiments and therefore empirical.

Model Code 2010 was published in the spring of 2012, and presents new methods for the
punching shear calculations on concrete structures. The punching shear design method in
this design code is based on a physical model, and gives the designer a better understand-
ing of the phenomenon behind the calculation approach compared to using the empirical
formulas in Eurocode 2. The punching shear approach in Model Code 2010 makes the
foundation for the new design approach that is going to be included in the next version
of Euroode 2.

The thesis is divided in two parts, and the first part covers the background to shear
and cracking in beams, a brief introduction to the phenomenon of punching shear and
a presentation of the calculation method used in Eurocode 2. After the background is
presented, the Critical Shear Crack Theory and how this theory can be applied to slabs
with and without shear reinforcement is described. The Critical Shear Crack Theory
forms the background to the design approach used in Model Code 2010, so after the
theoretical background and the use of the method are described, the final formulations in


Model Code 2010 are presented.

In the second part of the thesis calculations are performed according to the design ap-
proach in Model Code 2010, on a slab in a building in Oslo designed by the Norwegian
consulting engineer firm Multiconsult AS. The design by Multiconsult AS follows the de-
sign procedures in Eurocode 2, as all buildings in Norway should, and the calculations
done by the approach in Model Code 2010 are therefore compared to the results obtained
by Multiconsult AS and the calculation procedure in Eurocode 2. The second part of the
thesis also consists of verifications of two models used in the punching shear design in
Eurocode 2. The models of interest are the model for the shear distribution at the basic
control perimeter and the model used for punching shear control for loaded areas near
slab openings. For the verifications of the two models in Eurocode 2, the FEM program
DIANA is used for the modelling of a slab-column connection.

Chapter 2


A general introduction to punching shear will be given in Section 2.3. However, the
concept of punching shear is a complex problem in three dimensions. Before describing
this problem in more detail, it is reasonable to start by describing the two dimensional
theory of shear and cracks. In Sections 2.1 and 2.2 the general theories of shear and cracks
in 2D are therefore presented. In Section 2.4 the design methods used in Eurocode 2 will
be presented.

2.1 Shear in Beams

To illustrate the effect of 2D shear, a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed
load is considered, as shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Simply supported beam with uniformly distributed load

The general theory used to describe the effect of shear on a material is the same for all
homogeneous materials. Concrete however, is a non-homogeneous material, where the
tension capacity is about ten percent of the compression capacity. This is the reason why
cracks often develop in areas with tension in the concrete. The shear distribution in the
cracked zones will therefore differ from the shear distribution in the uncracked zones [10].


The simply supported beam in Figure 2.1 is assumed to be reinforced only on the lower
edge of the beam. If an assumption that the concrete has no ability to transfer ten-
sile forces is made, all the tensile forces will be transferred by the reinforcement, and a
distribution of forces as shown in Figure 2.2 is gotten.

Figure 2.2: Horizontal section of the lower and upper part of the beam

From horizontal equilibrium of the cross-section below the neutral axis, the following
relation is obtained:

τ · b · dx = dS = (2.1)

dM V
τ= = (2.2)
dx · z · b z·b

After establishing the expression in Equation (2.2), the area above the neutral axis is eval-
uated. Horizontal equilibrium of the forces acting on the cross-section gives the relation
given in Equation (2.3).

τ · b · dx = dF (2.3)

dM dM Z
dF = dσdA = ydA = ydA (2.4)
A2 A2 Ic Ic A2

In Equation (2.4), A2 is the area of the cross-section above the dotted line in the upper
edge of the beam and Ic is the second moment of area of the uncracked cross-section with


reinforcement. Rewriting of Equation (2.3) gives the expression for τ given in Equation

dM · SM V · SM
τ= = (2.5)
dx · Ic · b Ic · b
SM = ydA = yst · A2 (2.6)

Here, SM is the static moment of the cross-section and yst is the distance from the neutral
axis to the centre of gravity of the area A2 .

For a rectangular cross-section the expressions for yst , A2 and SM become as given in
Equations (2.7), (2.8) and (2.9).

αd − y 1
yst = y + = (αd + y) (2.7)
2 2

A2 = b (αd − y) (2.8)

1 1 2 2 
SM = (αd + y) (αd − y) b = α d − y2 b (2.9)
2 2

The distance αd is shown in Figure 2.2 and defined as the distance from the neutral axis
to the top of the compression zone of the beam. For a rectangular cross-section, the
following expression for τ is obtained:

V 1 2 2 
τ= · α d − y2 (2.10)
Ic 2

Further on, an expression for the second moment of area of the uncracked cross-section
with reinforcement, Ic , must be found. From Figure 2.3 the value of Ic can be found, with
the assumptions that there are no stresses in the concrete in the tension zone.

From the material mechanics and Figure 2.3, the following relations are obtained:

σc = αd (2.11)

1 α
M = Tc · z = σc bαd 1 − d (2.12)
2 3


Figure 2.3: Cracked cross-section

1 α
σc α 1 − bd2
σc = 2 3 · αd (2.13)

Restructuring of Equation (2.13) gives the expression for the second moment of area of
the uncracked cross-section, Ic , given in Equation (2.14) [10].

1 α
Ic = α2 1 − bd3 (2.14)
2 3

2.2 Cracking of Beams

In the following section, a brief introduction to the theory behind cracking of beams will
be presented. Figure 2.4 shows both the diagonal cracks from the shear forces and the
vertical cracks due to bending moment in the beam from Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.4: Cracking of beam

When the largest principal stress, σ1 , reaches the value for the characteristic tension
capacity of the material, cracks in the concrete may propagate with an angle normal to
σ1 . The direction of σ1 depends on the sizes of the normal stress σx and the shear stress
τ [10].


First, an element situated in the tension zone of the beam is evaluated. With the assump-
tions made in Section 2.1, the normal stresses in x- and y-direction, σx and σy , are both
equal to zero. Figure 2.5 shows the stress distribution and the crack angle in a Mohr’s
circle for an element in the tension zone.

Figure 2.5: Mohr’s circle for an element in the tension zone

As is seen in Figure 2.5, the cracks form an angle of 45 ◦ .

Then, an element situated in the compression zone of the beam is evaluated. Here, σx
and τ are both unlike zero, and σy is equal to zero. This gives the Mohr’s circle given in
Figure 2.6 [10].

Figure 2.6: Mohr’s circle for an element in the compression zone

The crack angle is now smaller than 45 ◦ , and the crack angle will continue to decrease


as the value of σx increases. This explains why the crack angle becomes more and more
horizontal as we move from the starting point of the compression zone and upwards in
direction of the upper part of the beam, as shown in Figure 2.4.

2.3 Punching Shear in General

When a flat slab is exposed to a concentrated load larger than the capacity, the effect on
the slab is referred to as punching shear. In these slabs, the shear force per unit length
can become high close to the area of loading. If the capacity for shear punching in the
slab is exceeded, a punching shear failure may occur within the discontinuity regions (D-
regions) of the flat slab. This type of failure is a brittle failure mechanism, and may cause
a global failure of the structure. Punching shear failure is a typical failure for slab-column
connections [11]. Figure 2.7 shows an example of a global failure of a structure due to
punching shear.

Figure 2.7: Global collapse of structure due to punching shear failure

Punching shear failure is a local failure mechanism, where diagonal tensile cracks form a
failure surface around the loaded area of the slab. The failure occurs along a truncated
cone shape in the structure, as shown in Figure 2.8 [11].

Concrete slabs supported by columns were first introduced in the US and Europe in the
beginning of the 20th century. Capitals were often used to transfer the forces from the slab
to the column. In the mid 50’s, columns without these capitals became more demanded,
since this simplified both the construction and the use of the building. Slabs supported
directly on columns without capitals presented new problems concerning punching shear,
and over the last 60 years many different methods for calculating the punching shear effect


Figure 2.8: Typical shear failure in form of a truncated cone

on slabs have been presented [4].

A control perimeter at some distance from the loaded area defines the section for punching
shear calculations. This control perimeter varies in the different methods for calculating
punching shear [11]. Figure 2.9 shows basic control perimeters for two different design
codes, Eurocode 2 and Model Code 2010.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.9: Basic control perimeter used for punching shear control in (a) Eurocode 2 and (b)
Model Code 2010

Normal design practice is to always control for punching shear in cases where the structure
functions as a flat slab. This means that the column has such dimensions that a shear
control must be performed for the structure. If the critical section for punching shear for
example cuts into a neighbouring beam structure, a shear control that differs from the
pure punching shear check might be the designing control. In this case a punching shear
check combined with a normal shear control in the beam might be necessary.


2.4 Punching Shear Design in Eurocode 2

The method used in designing for shear punching in "Eurocode 2: Design of concrete
structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings", from now on referred to as
EC2, is based on the Model Code from 1990. The method in EC2 is based on experiments,
and most of the formulas are therefore empirical. The next sections will briefly present
the calculation method used in EC2. The formulas given in this section are gotten from
Sections 6.4 and 9.4.3 in EC2 [1], and are mainly given for cases with uniformly distributed
loading. This section will only cover the effect of punching shear on slabs, and punching
shear on foundations will not be discussed.

Figure 2.10: Critical control section for punching shear design [1]

Figure 2.11: Control area for punching shear design [1]

A calculation model for control of the punching shear capacity in the ultimate limit state
is shown in Figures 2.10 and 2.11, where Acont is the basic control area, u1 is the basic
control perimeter, Aload is the loaded area and rcont is the further control perimeter. The
shear capacity is to be controlled at the edge of the column and at the basic control
perimeter u1 .


2.4.1 Critical Control Perimeter

The critical control perimeter u1 can normally be evaluated at the distance 2d from
the loaded area, and should be constructed to minimize the length of the perimeter.
Figure 2.12 shows examples of typical critical control perimeters around loaded areas.

Figure 2.12: Typical critical control perimeters around loaded areas [1]

The effective thickness of the slab, deff , is assumed to be constant and is normally given
by the expression in Equation (2.15).

dy + dz
deff = (2.15)

In Equation (2.15), dy and dz are the effective thicknesses for the reinforcement in two
orthogonal directions.

If the loaded area is close to an opening in the slab, and the distance between the edge
of the loaded area and the edge of the opening does not exceed 6d, the critical control
perimeter must be reduced. This reduction is done by assuming the part of the control
perimeter contained between two tangents drawn from the centre of the loaded area to
the outline of the opening to be ineffective, as shown in Figure 2.13.

Figure 2.13: Critical control perimeter around loaded area close to slab opening [1]

For columns situated near a corner or an edge, this must be taken into account when
defining the critical control perimeter. Figure 2.14 shows the critical control sections for
different situations where a column is situated near a corner or an edge. The section


including continuation to the edge of the slab must be smaller than the one defined by
Figure 2.12.

Figure 2.14: Critical control perimeters around loaded areas close to edges or corners [1]

Figure 2.15 shows the location of the control perimeter for a column with an enlarged
circular column head. For lH < 2hH , as shown in Figure 2.15, the punching shear capacity
must only be controlled at a critical control section outside the column head. The distance
from the centre of the cross-section to the critical section, rcont , can be defined as given
in Equation (2.16) for a circular column.

rcont = 2d + lH + 0.5c (2.16)

In Equation (2.16), lH is the distance from the column edge to the edge of the column
head and c is the diameter of a circular column.

Figure 2.15: Slab supported by column with enlarged column head, for lH < 2hH [1]

For a rectangular column with a rectangular column head, lH < 2hH and edges with
lengths l1 and l2 , the value of rcont can be given as the smallest of the values given in
Equations (2.17) and (2.18).

rcont = 2d + 0.56 l1 l2 (2.17)


rcont = 2d + 0.69l1 (2.18)

In Equations (2.17) and (2.18), l1 = c1 + 2lH1 , l2 = c2 + 2lH2 and l1 ≤ l2 .

For lH > 2hH , as shown in Figure 2.16, the punching shear capacity must be controlled
at a critical section outside the column head as well as inside the column head.

Figure 2.16: Slab supported by column with enlarged column head, for lH > 2hH [1]

For circular columns the distance from the centre of the cross-section to the control section
within the column head can be assumed as given in Equation (2.19).

rcont,int = 2(d + hH ) + 0.5c (2.19)

The distance from the centre of the cross section to the control section outside the column
head can be assumed as in Equation (2.20).

rcont,ext = lH + 2d + 0.5c (2.20)

2.4.2 Shear Force from Concentrated Loading

The controls given in Equations (2.21) and (2.22) must be performed for a slab with
concentrated loading.

vEd ≤ vRd,max (2.21)

vEd ≤ vRd,c (2.22)


In Equations (2.21) and (2.22), vEd is the maximum shear stress from the concentrated
loading, vRd,c is the design value of the punching shear stress resistance along the control
section for a slab without punching shear reinforcement and vRd,max is the design value
of the maximum punching shear stress resistance along the cross-section. If the condition
in Equation (2.22) is not fulfilled, shear reinforcement has to be added to the section
according to Section 2.4.4.

For an eccentric support reaction force, VEd , the value of vEd can be defined as given in
Equation (2.23) for a rectangular column.

vEd = β (2.23)
ui d

Here, ui is the length of the considered control section, and β is given by Equation (2.24).

MEd u1
β =1+k (2.24)
VEd W1

In Equation (2.24), u1 is the length of the critical control perimeter, k is a coefficient that
depends on the sizes of the column edges, as shown in Table 2.1, and W1 corresponds to
a shear distribution, as shown in Figure 2.17. W1 is given by Equation (2.25), where dl
is a length increment of the perimeter and e is the distance from dl to the axis where the
moment MEd acts.

Table 2.1: Values of k for rectangular loaded areas

c1 /c2 ≤ 0.5 1.0 2.0 ≥ 3.0

k 0.45 0.60 0.70 0.80

Figure 2.17: Shear distribution from an unbalanced moment at connection between slab and
inner column [1]

Z ui
W1 = |e| dl (2.25)


The expression for W1 , and therefore β, for rectangular columns differs from the expression
for β for circular columns. The expressions also depend on whether there is eccentricity
in one or two directions, and whether the column is an inner column, en edge column or
a corner column. These expressions will not be given in detail here.

Where the adjacent spans do not differ in length by more than 25%, and the lateral
stability does not depend on the frame action between the slab and the column, simplified
expressions for β, as presented in Figure 2.18, may be used.

Figure 2.18: Recommended simplified values of β for internal column, edge column and corner
column [1]

2.4.3 Punching Shear Capacity in Slabs Without Punching Shear


The punching shear capacity in slabs without punching shear reinforcement, vEd , is to be
controlled at the critical section, as described in Section 2.4.2, and can be calculated by
Equation (2.26).

vRd,c = CRd,c k (100 ρl fck )1/3 + k1 σcp ≥ (vmin + k1 σcp ) (2.26)

The value given for CRd,c varies for different countries, and is in Norway set to be as in
Equation (2.27).

CRd,c = (2.27)


The values for k, ρl , σcp and vmin are given in Equations (2.28), (2.29), (2.30) and (2.31).

k =1+ ≤ 2d (2.28)

ρl = ρly · ρlz ≤ 0.02 (2.29)

NEd,y NEd,z
(σcy + σcz ) Acy Acz
σcp = = (2.30)
2 2

vmin = 0.035 k 3/2 fck (2.31)

ρly and ρlz are the reinforcement ratios in y- and z-direction. σcy and σcz are the normal
stresses in the concrete in y- and z-direction, resulting from the normal forces over the
concrete areas Acy and Acz . fck is the characteristic compressive strength of the concrete.

The derivation of the formulation for the minim value of the punching shear capacity,
vmin , given in Equation (2.31), is not presented in EC2. The derivation of this expression
may be done by looking at a simply supported beam in 2D with an applied shear load V ,
as shown in Figure 2.19.

Figure 2.19: Simply supported beam with applied shear load at the distance 2.5d from the

For the beam in Figure 2.19, the shear force is applied at the distance 2.5d from the
support. The shear force is placed here, as it may be shown that the shear capacity in
a beam is smallest at this particular distance from the support. The shear capacity will


increase as the shear force moves closer to the support, as a larger fraction of the force
will be transferred directly to the support.

At the distance 2.5d from the support, the moment may be given as:

M = V · 2.5 · d (2.32)

As the distance 2.5d is the distance for which the shear capacity is smallest, this will also
be the loading situation that in theory could give shear failure and failure due to lack of
sufficient moment capacity at the same time. By inserting the expressions for the moment
capacity MRd and the shear capacity VRd,c into Equation (2.32), it is possible to find the
reinforcement ratio that will result in this situation. Expressions for the moment capacity
and the shear capacity are presented in Equations (2.33) and (2.34). The value of MRd
is an approximated value, as the value of the compression arm of the cross-section is not
given and assumed equal to 0.9d.

MRd = As · fyk · 0.9 · d (2.33)

VRd,c = CRd,c k (100 ρl fck )1/3 b d (2.34)

The expression in Equation (2.34) is gotten from Equation (6.2.a) in EC2. In the com-
mentary to EC2 it is described how the value of CRd,c changes for different tests on
concrete with different strengths, effective depths, reinforcement ratios and column diam-
eters. Based on the test results described in the commentary, the value of 0.15 may be
chosen as a lower bound for CRd,c [12]. It should be noted that the material factor has
not been included in this value. Based on this the following relation is obtained:

VRd,c · 2.5 · d = MRd

→ 0.15 · k · (100 · ρl · fck )1/3 · b · d · 2.5 · d = As · fyk · 0.9 · d (2.35)

→ k · (100 · ρl · fck )1/3 = · fyk · 2.4

Knowing that the reinforcement ratio ρl = As / (b · d), the expression may be rewritten as
presented in Equation (2.36).

1/3 1/3
k · 1001/3 · ρl · fck = ρl · fyk · 2.4 (2.36)


By separating ρl to one side of the equality sign, the following relation is obtained:

2/3 1001/3 k · fck
ρl = ·
2.4 fyk
3/2 1/2
10 k · fck
ρl = · 3/2
2.43/2 fyk

Inserting the final obtained expression for ρl into the expression for the punching shear
capacity given in Equation (2.34), and now using the relation CRd,c = 0.18/γc , the final
expression for vmin presented in Equation (2.31) is obtained as follows:

vmin = · k · (100 · ρl · fck )1/3

 1/3
0.18 10 k 3/2 · fck
= · k · 100 · · 3/2
· fck 
1.5 2.43/2 fyk

= 0.12 · k · · k 3/2 · fck
2.43/2 · 5003/2

= 0.035 · k 3/2 · fck

Here, the value of 500 MPa is used at the yield strength of reinforcement steel, as this is
the common steel quality used in Norway.

2.4.4 Punching Shear Capacity in Slabs With Punching Shear


In cases where punching shear reinforcement is shown to be necessary, the design value of
the punching shear stress resistance for a slab with punching shear reinforcement, vRd,cs ,
can be calculated by the expression given in Equation (2.39).

d 1
vRd,cs = 0.75vRd,c + 1.5 Asw fywd,ef sin α (2.39)
sr u1 d


In Equation (2.39) Asw is the area of one perimeter of shear reinforcement around the
column, sr is the radial spacing of perimeters of shear reinforcement, d is the mean value
of the effective depth in orthogonal directions, α is the angle between the plane of the slab
and the shear reinforcement and fywd,ef is the effective design strength of the punching
shear reinforcement, given by Equation (2.40).

fywd,ef = 250 + 0.25d ≤ fywd (2.40)

At the edge of a column, the punching shear capacity must be smaller than vRd,max , as
given in Equation (2.41).

vEd = ≤ vRd,max (2.41)
u0 d

In Equation (2.41), β is as given in Section 2.4.2 and u0 is the control perimeter at the
edge of the column. The value of vRd,max varies for different countries, and is in Norway
set to be like the expression given in Equation (2.42).

vRd,max = min 0.4 · ν · fcd ; 1.6 · vRd,c · (2.42)
β u0

The control section where shear reinforcement is not necessary is given by Equation (2.43).

βVEd u1
uout,ef = ≤ 1.6 · vRd,c · (2.43)
vRd,c d β u0

2.4.5 Punching Shear Reinforcement

If punching shear reinforcement is shown to be necessary, the punching shear reinforcement

should be placed between the loaded area and the length kd within the perimeter where
shear reinforcement is not necessary, uout,ef . The value of k varies for different countries,
and can in Norway be set equal to 1.0.

Link legs should be provided in at least two perimeters, and the spacing of the link leg
perimeters should not exceed sr,max = 0.75d. The spacing of link legs around a perimeter,
st,max , should not exceed 1.5d within the first perimeter and should not exceed 2d outside
the first perimeter. The criteria for spacing of link legs are shown in Figure 2.20.


Figure 2.20: Spacing of link legs [1]

Where punching shear reinforcement is provided, the area of a link leg is given by Equation

Asw,min · (1.5 · sin α + cos α) / (sr · st ) ≥ 0.008 (2.44)

Here, α is the angle between the shear reinforcement and the main reinforcement, sr is
the spacing of shear links in radial direction and st is the spacing of links in tangential

The spacing of bent-up bars will not be described in this thesis.

Chapter 3

The Critical Shear Crack Theory

When designing new structures by looking at the strength of existing ones, a levels-of-
approximation (LoA) approach have often been used by engineers over the world. This
makes it possible to do very simple and not too time consuming analyses for preliminary
design, and more time consuming analyses in more detailed design [2]. These methods
are on the other hand not always possible to follow, as they require refining of parameters
used in the design, which in some cases are impossible. Examples of this are empirical
formulas, like the ones used in the punching shear design in EC2.

Although empirical formulas often give satisfying results in structural design, a mechanical
representation of a phenomenon is often wanted, as it gives the designer a better physical
understanding of the problem. In addition to this, mechanical models are often more
consistent than the empirical methods [3].

In 1960 in Sweeden, Kinnunen and Nylander developed the first rational approach based
on a physical model for designing for punching shear. Although this approach described
the behaviour of punching shear in concrete well, the formulas presented for the calcu-
lations were somewhat complicated. This resulted in a low degree of implementation of
this procedure in different designing codes over the world. Thorough research has been
done on the topic since Kinnunen and Nylander presented their theory in 1960, and today
physical models rather than empirical models have been implemented to different codes
over the world, including "Model Code 2010 - Final draft - Volume 1 & 2", from now on
referred to as MC2010 [2].

The method for designing for punching shear in MC2010 is based on a physical model
called the Critical Shear Crack Theory (CSCT), considering punching shear behaviour in
structures with and without transverse reinforcement. The principles of the CSCT in the
design for punching shear were introduced by Muttoni and Schwarts in 1991 [2]. A lot of
research has been done on the use of this method, and it is shown to be satisfying both
in terms of calculation simplicity and precision [3].


Figure 3.1: Accuracy as a function of time for the different levels of approximation [2]

Since the accuracy of the strength estimated by the CSCT depends on the levels of
approximation of the hypothesis used in the model, MC2010 uses a LoA approach in
calculating the shear strength. Figure 3.1 shows the different LoAs in a graph, with time
devoted to the analysis represented on the x-axis and the accuracy represented on the
y-axis. As an example, LoA I would require shorter calculation time but would also give
a lower degree of accuracy, compared to LoAs II, III and IV. LoA I would therefore be
quite effective in for example preliminary design, where a lower degree of accuracy is often
requested. As the project evolves from preliminary design to a construction project, more
time is often allowed as the precision is more important [2].

3.1 The Fundamentals of the CSCT

The CSCT is based on the assumption that the shear strength in a concrete member
without transverse reinforcement is governed by the roughness and the opening of the
critical crack developed in a compression strut in the structure, as is shown in Figure 3.2
[2] [3].

Figure 3.2: Position of critical shear crack developing through compression strut [2]

Further on, by assuming a free-body with kinematics at failure defined by the rotation


of the slab, the shear strength can be calculated. With this assumption we get a devel-
opment of tensile stresses and stresses due to aggregate interlock along the critical shear
crack. Aggregate interlock can be described as the aggregate’s effect on load transfer in
compression and shear, and the size of the aggregate interlock effect is affected by the
roughness of the aggregate. The concept of aggregate interlock is show in Figure 3.3. The
shear strength is found by integrating the contributions of the tensile stresses and the
stresses due to aggregate interlock along the critical shear surface [2].

Figure 3.3: Aggregate interlock activation [3]

3.2 Punching Shear Strength by the CSCT

The theory that critical cracks in the slabs play an important role in the punching shear
strength of a slab has been widely supported in the literature. It has been shown that,
after reaching a maximum for a certain load level, the radial compressive strain in the
bottom of the slab near the column begins to decrease again. Further on, a development
of an elbow-shaped strut with a tensile member along the bottom of the member is caused
by the development of the critical shear crack. This is the reason why tensile strains may
be observed shortly before punching [4]. The development of the elbow-shaped strut and
the radial compressive strain as a function of load level is shown in Figures 3.4 and 3.5.

The scheme of integrating the contributions of the tensile stresses and the stresses due to
aggregate interlock along the critical shear surface to find the shear strength, with different
variations of the mechanical parameters, was done by Guidotti. Figure 3.6a shows the
results from the numerical integration procedure [13]. In Figure 3.6b the results from
99 punching shear tests by Muttoni are shown, and in Figure 3.6c the failure band from
Figure 3.6a and the results presented in Figure 3.6b are compared to each other.

The shear strength decreases as the crack angle, shown in Figures 3.2 and 3.3, increases.
This is logical, since both the tensile stresses in the concrete and the aggregate interlock
effect is reduced as the angle increases. An increased opening of the critical crack will
have the same effect; the shear strength will decrease as the crack opening increases.


Figure 3.4: Development of elbow-shaped strut [4]

Figure 3.5: Radial strains in slab as a function of applied load [4]

From Figure 3.6a it is observed that the failure occurs in a narrow band for all cases.
In many cases, the somewhat complicated and time consuming integration scheme is
therefore not necessary. Based on this, Muttoni proposed the simplified failure criterion
given in Equation (3.1) [3].

VR q
= fc · f (w, dg ) (3.1)
b0 · dv

In Equation (3.1) the punching shear strength is a function of the opening and roughness
of the critical shear crack. Further on, VR is the shear strength, dv the shear-resisting
effective depth of the member, fc the compressive strength of the concrete, w the width
of the critical shear crack, dg the maximum size of aggregate accounting for the roughness
of the cracks’ lips and b0 is the shear-resisting control perimeter. b0 is set at the distance
dv /2 from the edge of the support region [5].


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3.6: (a) Results from tests by Guidotti [2], (b) 99 experimental results by Muttoni,
based on figure from [4], and (c) comparison of failure band and results from 99
punching shear tests [2]

In terms of evaluating the size of the critical shear crack, w, Muttoni and Schwartz as-
sumed it to be proportional to the rotation of the slab, ψ, multiplied with the depth of
the member, d, as shown in Figure 3.2.

w ∝ ψ·d (3.2)

The assumptions that lead to Equation (3.2), lead to the semi empirical failure formulation
given in Equation (3.3).

VE 1
√ = !2 (3.3)
b0 · d3v fc ψ·d
4 mm

In Equation (3.3) all the parameters are given in SI-units. The amount of shear that
can be transferred over a critical shear crack depends on the size and the roughness of
the crack, which again is a result of the size of the aggregate. According to Walraven
and Vecchio and Collins, this can be accounted for by dividing the crack width to the
sum of the maximum aggregate size, dg , and the aggregate reference size, dg0 . These
assumptions led to Muttoni’s formulation of the criterion for punching shear failure for
members without transverse reinforcement given in Equation (3.4) [4].

VRd 3/4
√ = (3.4)
b0 · d v f c ψ·d
1 + 15
dg0 + dg

In Equation (3.4), dg0 is the reference aggregate size equal to 16 mm, and all the units


are input in the equation as SI-units [5].

In Figure 3.6b the dotted line symbolizes the simplified failure criterion given in Equation
(3.4), and the criterion makes a good match with the test results from the 99 punching
shear tests.

3.3 Load-rotation Relation

Figure 3.7a was presented in Section 3.2 and presents the results from 99 punching shear
tests done by Muttoni. The dotted line symbolizes the punching shear failure criterion
given in Equation (3.4). Figure 3.7b presents the load-rotation relation for punching test
by Kinnunen and Nylander done on slabs for different reinforcement ratios [4].

(a) (b)

Figure 3.7: (a) 99 experimental results by Muttoni, based on figure from [4], and (b) load-
rotation curves for tests by Kinnunen and Nylander [4]

The behaviour for the different reinforcement ratios varied. In Figure 3.7b the horizontal
line for the reinforcement ratio of ρ = 0.5% shows the ductile behaviour of the slab, with
yielding of the entire flexural reinforcement. This causes the strength to be dominated by
the flexural capacity, and punching failure occurs after large plastic deformations, and at
the end of the plastic area.

For reinforcement ratios up to ρ = 1.0%, punching shear failure occurs before yielding of
the entire flexural reinforcement, and for reinforcement ratios up to ρ = 2.0%, punching
occurs before any reinforcement has started to yield.

Figure 3.7b clearly shows that the punching shear capacity is influenced by the reinforce-
ment ratio, and increasing the reinforcement causes a higher punching shear strength.
On the other hand, an increased reinforcement ratio reduces the ductility of the slab and
therefore reduces the deformation capacity [4].


Figure 3.7 shows that punching shear failure occurs at the intersection point of the failure
criterion and the load-rotation curve. To evaluate the punching shear strength, the con-
nection between the applied load V and the rotation ψ must be defined. The load-rotation
relation can often be found by a numerical simulation of the slab, and in axis-symmetric
cases an integration of the relationship between the moment and curvature can be done
directly numerically [4].

Figure 3.8: Rotation of slab with geometrical parameters [4]


Figure 3.9: (a) External and (b) internal forces acting on slab [4]

Numerical integration can in many cases be relatively time consuming and is often not
necessary. For the use in design codes, simplifications may be done such that the load-
rotation relation can be calculated without the use of numerical integration [4].

Figure 3.8 shows a flat slab with geometrical parameters and the rotation ψ, and Figure 3.9
shows the forces acting on the slab. r0 is assumed to be at a distance d from the column
and rs is the radius of the slab. Near the column, the radial curvature and the tangential
cracks are concentrated, and as we move further away from r0 , the radial curvature and
moment decreases, as shown in Figure 3.10a.

For the tangential distribution of moments, Figure 3.10b shows both the quadrilinear
moment-curvature relation and the bilinear moment-curvature relation (dashed line). The
two models used in describing the moment-curvature relation is shown in more detail


(a) (b)

Figure 3.10: (a) Distribution of radial curvature and radial moment [4] and (b) distribution
of tangential curvature and tangential moment [4]

Figure 3.11: Quadrilinear and bilinear moment-curvature relation [4]

in Figure 3.11. As is seen in Figure 3.11, the bilinear approach is simpler than the
quadrilinear approach. The derivation of the expressions for the quadrilinear and the
bilinear moment-curvature relation will be described in detail in the next two sections [4].

3.3.1 The Quadrilinear Expression

First, the curvature distribution from Figure 3.10b is being evaluated. In terms of being
able to evaluate the load-rotation relation, the deflected slab outside the critical shear
crack is assumed to be conically shaped. The curvature in tangential direction then
follows the expression given in Equation (3.5), for r > r0 [4].

χt = − (3.5)

Along the cross-sections defined by the inclining cracks in the slab, the forces in the
reinforcement remain constant. Equilibrium is obtained along these cross-sections, and
the curvatures and moments are therefore constant within r0 in both directions. On these
assumptions, the expression in Equation (3.6) is obtained for r ≤ r0 [4].

χr = χt = − (3.6)


In Figure 3.11 two different stiffnesses are defined, EI0 before cracking and EI after
cracking. In addition to this, the figure shows the cracking moment mcr , the moment
capacity mR and the tension stiffening effect χT S .

The expressions in Equations (3.7), (3.8) and (3.9) are obtained according to Figure 3.11,
neglecting the effect of the reinforcement before cracking.

fct · h2
mcr = (3.7)

Ec · h3
EI0 = (3.8)

mcr 2 · fct
−χcr = = (3.9)
EI0 h · Ec

In Equations (3.7), (3.8) and (3.9), fct is the tensile strength of the concrete, h is the slab
thickness and Ec is the Young’s modulus of the concrete.

After cracking a linear-elastic behaviour of the reinforcement and concrete is assumed,

and the relation in Equation (3.10) is obtained.

c c
EI1 = ρ · β · Es · d · 1 − · 1− (3.10)
d 3d

s !
Es 2 · Ec
c = ρ·β · ·d· 1+ −1 (3.11)
Ec ρ · β · Es

In Equations (3.10) and (3.11), ρ is the reinforcement ratio, β is the efficiency factor,
Es is the Young’s modulus of the reinforcement steel, d is the distance from the extreme
compression element to the centre of the longitudinal tensile reinforcement and c is the
depth of the compression zone. The efficiency factor β accounts for the reduction in the
ratio of bending and torsional stiffness after cracking and the layout of the reinforcement

After defining the cracking moment, the two stiffnesses and the curvature, the moment
capacity mR must be defined. After yielding, the reinforcement is assumed to have perfect
plastic behaviour. In addition to this, compressive stresses in the reinforcement are ne-
glected and a rectangular stress block is assumed for the concrete in the compression zone


c. The expression for mR given in Equation (3.12) is then obtained under the assumptions
given in [4].

2 ρ · fy
mR = ρ · fy · d · 1 − (3.12)
2 · fc

In Equation (3.12), fy is the yield strength of the reinforcement steel and fc is the average
compressive cylinder strength of the concrete.

Further on, tension stiffening makes the behaviour stiffer and therefore decreases the
curvature in the slab. Tension stiffening is activated by bond slip between the concrete
and reinforcement, and refers to the capacity of intact concrete to carry a limited amount
of tensile forces between neighbouring cracks [14]. The decrease in curvature caused by
tension stiffening can be approximated by the constant contribution given in Equation

fct 1 mcr
χT S = · ≈ 0.5 · (3.13)
ρ · β · Es 6 · h EI1

The expressions for the curvatures at the beginning of the stabilized cracked area, χ1 , and
at yielding, χy , can then be expressed by Equations (3.14) and (3.15).

−χ1 = − χT S (3.14)

−χy = − χT S (3.15)

The different curvatures given in the Equations (3.9), (3.14) and (3.15) represent a zone
in Figure 3.10b, and have corresponding radii delimiting the zones, rcr , r1 and ry . These
radii can be calculated by the expressions given in Equations (3.16), (3.17) and (3.18).

ψ ψ · EI0
rcr = − = ≤ rs (3.16)
χcr mcr

ψ ψ
r1 = − = mcr ≤ rs (3.17)
χ1 − χT S

ψ ψ
ry = − = mR ≤ rs (3.18)
χy − χT S


rcr represents the zone up to where the concrete is cracked, r1 is the zone for which
cracking is stabilized and ry represents the plastic radius for which the reinforcement is
yielding [4].

Equilibrium of the part of the slab shown in Figure 3.9b gives the expression given in
Equation (3.19).

∆ϕ Z rs
V· · (rq − rc ) = −mr · ∆ϕ · r0 − ∆ϕ · mq · dr (3.19)
2π r0

rc is the radius of a circular column, rq is the radius of the load introduction, mr is the
radial moment at r = r0 and mq is the moment at r = rq .

Finally, the expression in Equation (3.20) is obtained, where the operator hxi is x for
x ≥ 0 and 0 for x < 0 [4].

2π −mr · r0 + mR · hry − r0 i + EI1 · ψ · hln (r1 ) − ln (ry )i+
V = (3.20)
rq − rc EI1 · χT S · hr1 − ry i + mcr · hrcr − r1 i + EI0 · ψ · hln (rs ) − ln (rcr )i

3.3.2 The Bilinear Expression

The bilinear expression for the load-rotation relation is a simpler expression than the
quadrilinear relation, and is obtained by neglecting the effect of tension stiffening and the
tensile strength of the concrete. The moment-curvature relation for the bilinear law is
shown in Figure 3.12.

Figure 3.12: Bilinear moment-curvature relation, based on figure from [4]

For the elastic zone, ry ≤ r0 , the expression in Equation (3.21) describes the relation
between load and curvature in the slab.

2π rs
V = · EI1 · ψ · 1 + ln (3.21)
rq − rc r0


For the elastic-plastic zone, r0 ≤ ry ≤ rs , we get the expression given in Equation (3.22).

2π rs
V = · EI1 · ψ · 1 + ln (3.22)
rq − rc ry

When the yielding zone of the slab has the same radius as the slab, the flexural strength
of the slab is reached. Almost all the operators in Equation (3.20) is then equal to zero,
and the expression for Vf lex becomes as given in Equation (3.23) [4].

Vf lex = 2π · mR (3.23)
rq − rc

3.3.3 Comparison of Expressions for the Load-rotation Relation

Figure 3.13 shows a comparison of the punching shear tests by Kinnunen and Nylander
presented in Figure 3.7b and the proposed analytical expressions presented in Equations
(3.20), (3.21), (3.22) and (3.23). The dotted line symbolizes the failure criterion given in
Equation (3.4).

Figure 3.13: Comparison of load-rotation curves for tests and for proposed expressions, based
on figure from [4]

As is seen in Figure 3.13, both the quadrilinear and the bilinear expression predict the
punching shear failure load with good accuracy for all the different reinforcement ratios.
The two different expressions give almost the same graphs for large reinforcement ratios,
but for smaller reinforcement ratios the two solutions differ more from one another for
smaller loads. The quadrilinear expression still gives a good accuracy for small loads,
while the bilinear expression is less accurate. This can be explained by the fact that


the effect of tension stiffening and the tensile strength of the concrete is neglected in the
bilinear expression, and these two effects have a bigger impact on the total strength for
smaller reinforcement ratios [4].

Even though the quadrilinear approach is more accurate for all general cases, both meth-
ods describe the actual rotation capacity in the slab, and the punching shear strength can
be obtained by substituting the expressions for the quadrilinear or the bilinear case into
Equation (3.4).

Further on, the thickness of the slab affects the precision of the quadrilinear and the bilin-
ear approach. Guandalini and Muttoni performed tests on slabs with various thicknesses
to study the effect of the thickness of the slab. The geometry as well as the geometri-
cal and mechanical parameters for the slabs PG-3 and PG-10 in the tests are given in
Figure 3.14.


Figure 3.14: (a) Geometry of the specimens PG-3 and PG-10 and (b) geometric and mechan-
ical parameters for the specimens PG-3 and PG-10 [4]

Both tests had the same reinforcement ratio ρ = 0.33% and the same maximum aggre-
gate size dg = 16 mm, but different dimensions, as defined in Figure 3.14b. Figure 3.15
shows the load-rotation curves for these two tests, with the actual slab rotation without
correction for aggregate size and size effect on the x-axis. The failure criteria calculated
according to Equation (3.4) for the two different slab thicknesses are also defined in the

While the load-rotation relation for the two test specimens is quite similar, the failure
criterion differs as the thicknesses are not the same for the two specimens. This causes the
quadrilinear and the bilinear approaches to achieve different preciseness in defining the
punching shear capacity. The bilinear expression underestimates the capacity for both
test specimens, but especially for the thickest specimen. The quadrilinear expression on
the other hand describes the behaviour for all loading stages in a precise and satisfying
manner [4].


Figure 3.15: Quadrilinear and bilinear load-rotation curves, and load-rotation curve and fail-
ure criteria for test specimens PG-3 and PG-10, based on figure from [4]

Figure 3.15 also shows how the size of the slab affects the type of failure and the general
behaviour of the slab. The size effect causes the thick slab to have a lower rotation
capacity than the thin slab, and the thick slab will therefore experience a more brittle
failure. The thin slab will experience a much more ductile behaviour.

Figure 3.16 shows the load-rotation relation according to the quadrilinear expression given
in Equation (3.20) for various reinforcement ratios along with the failure criteria for many
different slab thicknesses.

Figure 3.16: Load-rotation relations based on equation (3.20) for various reinforcement ratios
and failure criteria for various slab thicknesses, based on figure from [4]

Figure 3.16 shows that the behaviour of the slab becomes more brittle as the reinforcement


ratio increases, as described earlier in this section. This gives that although thicker slabs
experience a more brittle failure in general, brittle failure may also occur for thinner
slabs for large reinforcement ratios. This coincides well with the results from the tests by
Kinnunen and Nylander presented in Figure 3.7b.

3.4 Application of the CSCT to Punching of Flat


In this section the application of the CSCT to reinforced concrete flat slabs will be pre-
sented. The section will cover the application to slabs both with and without shear

3.4.1 Application to Slabs Without Shear Reinforcement

The method for defining the punching shear strength of a slab by looking at the inter-
section between the failure criterion and the load-rotation relation coincide well with the
actual behaviour of the slab, as described in earlier sections. However, the expressions
used in the calculation are somewhat complicated and may become too time consuming
for general use. Some simplifications to the bilinear expressions may be done in terms of
simplifying the calculation method.

The value of the plastic radius for which the reinforcement is yielding, ry , was in Section
3.3.1 defined by Equation (3.18). By neglecting the effect of tension stiffening χT S , a
simplified expression for the bilinear relation is defined according to Equation (3.24).

ψ ψ
ry = − = mR ≤ rs (3.24)

The expression for EI1 under the assumption of linear-elastic behaviour of the reinforce-
ment and concrete is given in Equation (3.10), and the expression for mR presented in
Equation (3.12) is assumed. In addition to these two assumptions it is assumed that the
flexural strength, Vf lex , is reached for a radius of the yielded zone equal to 75% of the
radius of the isolated slab element, as given in Equation (3.25).

ry = 0, 75 rs (3.25)


Rewriting of Equation (3.24) then gives the expression for ψ given in Equation (3.26).

mR mR
ψ = ry · = 0.75 rs · (3.26)

By inserting the expressions for mR and EI1 given in Equations (3.12) and (3.10), we get
the expression for ψ given in Equation (3.27).

! !
2 ρ · fy ρ · fy
ρfy d · 1 − 1−
2 · fc 0.75 rs fy 2 · fc
ψ = 0.75 rs · 
 = · 
ρβEs d · 1 −
3 · 1− βdE s 1− · 1−
d 3d d 3d

The expression obtained for ψ is still somewhat complicated and to simplify the expression
further, β is assumed to have the value 0.5. Further on, the assumption that the rotation
ψ is proportional to the ratio V /Vf lex with the exponent 3/2 is made, and finally the
expression for ψ given in Equation (3.28) is obtained [4].

rs f y V
ψ = 1, 5 · · (3.28)
dEs Vf lex

A comparison of the four tests by Kinnunen and Nylander presented in Figure 3.7b,
the quadrilinear load-rotation relation presented in Equation (3.20) and the simplified
expression in Equation (3.28) are presented in Figure 3.17.

The simplified expression predicts a smaller punching failure load than the quadrilinear
expression and is therefore conservative. Considering the simple formulation of the sim-
plified expression, the predicted punching failure load is close to the real failure load. The
value for the punching shear load for the simplified equation is most conservative for large
reinforcement ratios. The simplicity of the expression makes it more suitable in many
general cases.

Figures 3.18a and 3.18b show plots of test results by various researchers for a total of
87 tests compared to the solutions of Equations (3.20) and (3.28). In addition to this,
Figure 3.18c compares the test results to the results obtained by the formulations in EC2.

The y-axis shows the safety factors obtained in the different calculation methods gotten
from dividing the results from the tests by the theoretical value, and the x-axis represents
test results divided by the flexural strength.

A safety factor of 1.0 gives that the results from the tests are equal to the ones obtained
by the chosen formulation. All values larger than 1.0 describe conservative results, and


Figure 3.17: Load-rotation relations for tests by Kinnunen and Nylander compared to equa-
tions (3.20) and (3.28), based on figure from [4]

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3.18: Comparison of test results by various researchers to (a) the combination of equa-
tions (3.4) and (3.20), (b) the combination of equations (3.4) and (3.28) and (c)
the formulations in EC2 [4]

all values smaller than 1.0 describe non-conservative results. A non-conservative ratio
smaller than 1.0 means that the actual strength can be lower than the one predicted by
the different formulations [4].

The safety factors gotten from the tests are in general close to the value of 1.0, and the
smallest safety factor for all the three plots have the value of 0.86.

Based on the presented equations for calculating the rotation of the slab and the failure
criterion presented in Equation (3.4), a simple design approach in terms of checking the
punching shear capacity of a slab may be done as shown in Figure 3.19.


Figure 3.19: Design approach for control of the punching shear capacity [4]

First, the acting shear force on the slab, Vd , must be found. Based on this value, the rota-
tion of the slab may be found by the simplified formulation in Equation (3.28). Inserting
this value of ψ into Equation (3.4) gives the corresponding punching shear strength of the
slab. If this value is larger than the shear force acting on the slab, the slab has sufficient
punching shear capacity. If the value of the calculated punching shear strength is smaller
than the shear force acting on the slab, the slab has insufficient capacity. If the latter
turned out to be the case, the slab thickness, flexural reinforcement amount or the size of
the column needs to be increased.

The punching shear strength found according to the method described will give the shear
force value at point B in Figure 3.19. This is a conservative value and is in most cases
sufficient enough. If the actual punching shear capacity represented at point A is desired
found, iterative methods can be used [4].

Figure 3.20 shows how the different parameters affect the punching shear capacity for
the refined method based on Equations (3.4) and (3.20), the simplified method based on
Equations (3.4) and (3.28), the formulations in EC2 and for various tests [4].

An increase of the reinforcement ratio ρ will, as described earlier, increase the punching
shear capacity. This effect is also included in the formulations in EC2, but the solution
is a little conservative compared to the other solution methods presented, as shown in
Figure 3.20a. The results from the different methods presented in Figures 3.20b, 3.20c
and 3.20d also make a good match with the test results available.

The effect of the yield strength of the steel to the punching shear capacity is as expected,
as increasing the strength of the steel increases the capacity, as is shown in Figure 3.20e.
The results from the formulations in EC2 show the same tendency, but again EC2 is a
little conservative compared to the other methods.

Figure 3.20f presents the relation between the span-depth ratio and the punching shear
capacity of the slab. The method in EC2 does not take this into account, and in this


Figure 3.20: Comparison of how the different methods and results from various tests are af-
fected by (a) the reinforcement ratio, (b) the punching shear perimeter, (c) the
effective depth of the slab, (d) the concrete strength, (e) the yield strength of the
steel and (f) the slenderness of the slab, based on figure from [4]

method the punching shear capacity seams unaffected by the span-depth ratio. This is a
problem, since the curve representing the results from EC2 presents larger capacities for
slender slabs than the curves for both the refined and the simplified method, which makes
it seem like EC2 in these cases can be non-conservative.

3.4.2 Application to Slabs With Shear Reinforcement

For a slab with distributed shear reinforcement, a punching shear failure may occur by
either crushing of the compression struts in the concrete near the column, punching shear
failure within the shear reinforced area, punching shear failure outside the shear reinforced
area, delamination of concrete core or flexural yielding. These five failure mechanisms are
shown in Figure 3.21 [5].

Crushing of compression struts, shown in Figure 3.21a, may occur in systems with a large
amount of bending and transverse reinforcement, where large compressive struts develop


Figure 3.21: (a) Crushing of compression struts in the concrete, (b) failure within the shear
reinforced area, (c) failure outside the shear reinforced area, (d) delamination of
concrete core and (e) flexural yielding [5]

in the concrete near the column [5].

Punching shear failure within the shear reinforced area, shown in Figure 3.21b, happens
for low amounts of shear reinforcement by yielding of the shear reinforcement with crack
localization of the strain in the shear reinforced zone [5].

Punching shear failure outside the shear reinforced area, shown in Figure 3.21c, may be
governing when the shear reinforcement is arranged over a small region outside the column

Delamination of the concrete core, shown in Figure 3.21d, is a punching shear failure that
may occur if the shear reinforcement is arranged such that it does not enclose around the
flexural reinforcement. This failure mechanism is not common, as shear reinforcement
that does not enclose the flexural reinforcement is not used in most design codes [5].

The last failure mechanism, shown in Figure 3.21e, is not really a punching shear failure
mechanism. This type of failure occurs for a low amount of flexural reinforcement, and
the strength of the system is therefore determined by the bending strength [5].

Since delamination is prevented in most codes of practice, and flexural yielding is not a
punching shear failure mechanism, only the alternatives (a), (b) and (c) form the expres-
sion for the minimum strength of the slab, presented in Equation (3.29) [6].

VR = min (VR,crush ; VR,in ; VR,out ) (3.29)

The crushing strength is in most codes usually evaluated by either considering the com-
pressive strength near the column to be reduced or by defining that the maximum shear


strength should not be greater than the punching shear strength of a slab without shear
reinforcement [6].

When controlling the punching shear strength outside the shear reinforced area it is
common to use a similar formulation as the one defined for the punching shear strength
without shear reinforcement. In this case, the control perimeter and the shear strength
should be modified to appropriate values for the case of a shear reinforced system [6].

The punching shear strength within the shear reinforced zone is often determined on the
basis that both the concrete and the reinforcement contribute to the total capacity, as
formulated in Equation (3.30).

VR,in = ηc · Vc0 + ηs · Vs0 (3.30)

Here, ηc · Vc0 is the contribution of the concrete, ηs · Vs0 is the contribution of the shear re-
inforcement and the η-parameters are factors of a value of 1.0 or lower. Vc0 is the punching
shear strength without shear reinforcement and Vs0 is the strength of the reinforcement
within the punching cone [6].

In most design codes the ratio of the contribution of the concrete to the punching shear
capacity, ηc , is assumed constant. This assumption is in many codes made independent of
the flexural reinforcement ratio, the amount of shear reinforcement and the bond condition
of the shear reinforcement. Figure 3.22 shows a comparison of the design approach in EC2
and the actual behaviour [6].

Figure 3.22: Comparison of the design approach in EC2 and the actual behaviour, based on
figure from [6]

In the following section, the design approaches based on the CSCT for the failure mech-
anisms (a), (b) and (c) in Figure 3.21 will be presented in more detail.


Crushing Shear Failure

The crushing shear strength of a slab is mainly influenced by the compressive strength of
the concrete and the transverse strains.

Figure 3.23 shows different types of transverse cracks that may develop in the compres-
sion zone near the column. These cracks may be caused by either bending, shear or
delamination of the concrete core [5].

Figure 3.23: (a) Compression struts near the supported area, (b) development of flexural crack,
(c) development of shear crack and (d) development of delamination crack [5]

The transverse cracks influence the crushing shear strength of the concrete, as they reduce
the strength in the critical region for crushing. Therefore, the type of shear reinforcement
used plays an important part in the crushing shear strength, as different types of shear
reinforcement influence the position, development and size of the cracks in different ways

The equation for the crushing shear strength obtained based on the CSCT can be esti-
mated as given in Equation (3.31).

3 b0,col · d · fc
VR,crush = λ· · (3.31)
4 ψ·d
1 + 15
dg0 + dg

This expression is equal to the one proposed for the failure criterion in Equation (3.4),
but multiplied with a factor λ. This factor depends on the type of shear reinforcement
used. It is set equal to 3.0 for well-anchored shear reinforcement, and is limited to 2.0 for
all types of reinforcement [6].


The strength of the slab is, as in previous described cases, found where the load-rotation
relation intersects with the failure criterion.

Failure Within the Shear Reinforced Zone

The punching shear strength within the shear reinforced zone can be given as in Equation

VR,in = Vc + Vs (3.32)

The shear reinforcement is activated as the rotations of the slab increase and the critical
shear cracks open. A fraction of the shear force can then still be carried by the concrete,
limited by the roughness and the opening of the shear cracks. The rest of the shear force
has to be carried by the reinforcement, as given in Equation (3.32). Figure 3.24 shows
the localization of the strains within the shear reinforced zone and the contributions from
the concrete and reinforcement, and Figure 3.25 shows the total shear strength and the
strength carried by the concrete and the reinforcement respectively [6].

(a) (b)

Figure 3.24: (a) Localization of strains within the shear reinforced zone and (b) contributions
from the concrete and shear reinforcement [6]

Assuming that a single crack develops in the failure zone, the concrete contribution can be
estimated according to the CSCT, which gives the formulation given in Equation (3.33).

3 b0,int · d · fc
Vc = · (3.33)
4 ψ·d
1 + 15
dg0 + dg

The control perimeter b0,int is defined at the distance d/2 beyond the tip of the crack, and
the rest of the parameters are as defined for Equation (3.4).


Figure 3.25: Shear strength contribution from the concrete and the reinforcement [5]

The assumptions made in Section 3.2 that the crack opening is proportional to the rotation
of the slab multiplied with the effective depth, given in Equation (3.2), can be rewritten

w = κ·ψ·d (3.34)

The constant κ is in the background to MC2010 proposed to have the value 0.5. Assuming
that the cracks are straight and that the crack’s rotation centre is located at the tip of the
crack, Equations (3.35) and (3.36) describe the relative displacements of the crack lips.

wbi = κ · ψ · hi · cos · α + βi − (3.35)

δbi = κ · ψ · hi · sin · α + βi − (3.36)

Here, wbi and δbi are the relative displacements parallel and perpendicular to the shear
reinforcement respectively, hi is the vertical distance between the point where the rein-
forcement crosses the shear crack and the crack tip, α is the critical shear crack angle and
β is the angle between the shear reinforcement and the slab. The parameters in Equations
(3.35) and (3.36) are defined in Figure 3.26 [6].

For neglected dowel action, σsi may be evaluated as a function of ψ. As is given in Fig-
ure 3.26c, the value of the axial force in the shear reinforcement is given by the expression
in Equation (3.37).

Nsi = σsi (ψ) · Asi (3.37)


(a) (c)

Figure 3.26: (a) Parameters of the critical shear crack and the shear reinforcement [6], (b)
crack opening and relative displacements of crack lips [6] and (c) contribution
from the shear reinforcement [5]

Here, Asi is the cross-sectional area of one shear reinforcement bar. The vertical compo-
nent of Nsi represents the contribution of the shear reinforcement to the punching shear
strength, and is given by Equation (3.38).

Vsi = σsi (ψ) · Asi · sin (βi ) (3.38)

For all the reinforcement bars crossing the critical crack, the expressions of Ns and Vs can
be given according to Equations (3.39) and (3.40).

Ns = σsi (ψ) · Asi (3.39)

Vs = σsi (ψ) · Asi · sin (βi ) (3.40)

As in earlier cases, the punching shear strength is now found at the intersection of the
load-rotation curve and the failure criterion. The failure criterion has now contributions
from both the concrete and the shear reinforcement, given in Equations (3.33) and (3.40).
This intersection point is given as point D in Figure 3.25 [5].

Failure Outside the Shear Reinforced Zone

Failure outside the shear reinforced zone occurs by the development of a single critical
crack localizing strains. The expression for the punching shear strength outside the shear
reinforced zone is similar to the expression for the punching shear capacity contribution


from the concrete given in Equation (3.33), and is given by Equation (3.41).

3 b0,out · d · fc
VR,out = · (3.41)
4 ψ·d
1 + 15
dg0 + dg

Equations (3.33) and (3.41) differ from each other in the definition of the control perimeter
b0 . While b0,int is defined at the distance d/2 beyond the tip of the crack, b0,out is defined
at the distance d/2 beyond the outer layer of shear reinforcement. 4d is considered as the
maximum distance between two shear reinforcement bars.

The effective depth of the slab dv considers that the cracks develop around the shear
reinforcement, and the type and geometry of the shear reinforcement bars influence the
size of the effective depth, as shown in Figure 3.27.

Figure 3.27: Effective depth and control perimeter outside the shear reinforced zone for (a)
studs, (b) stirrups, (c) bonded reinforcement with anchorage plates and (d) shear-
heads [5]

The expression in Equation (3.41) makes a good match with test results, although the
results from this method are somewhat conservative.

Chapter 4

Punching Shear in Model Code 2010

"Model Code 2010 - Final draft - Volume 1 & 2", referred to in this thesis as MC2010, was
published in the spring of 2012 by The International Federation for Structural Concrete
(fib). Previous versions of the Model Code were published in 1978 and 1990 [7]. In
MC2010 the punching shear design method is grounded in a physical model based on the
CSCT, and the calculation models presented in MC2010 are used as a foundation in the
work of developing a new edition of EC2. In the following section the final formulations
in MC2010 Sections 7.3.5 and will be presented [7].

4.1 Formulations for Slabs Without Shear Reinforce-


In this section, the final formulations in MC2010 for slabs without shear reinforcement
will be presented. The formulations are based on the CSCT, described in Chapter 3.

4.1.1 Shear-resisting Effective Depth and Control Perimeter

(a) (b)

Figure 4.1: Effective depth for (a) support penetration and (b) bending calculations [7]


The shear-resisting effective depth of a slab, dv , is defined as the distance from the sup-
ported area to the centre of the reinforcement layers, as shown in Figure 4.1. The effective
depth for bending calculations, d, is also defined in the figure. In many cases these two
values are the same.

The basic control perimeter b1 is usually taken at the distance 0.5dv from the edges of the
supported area. The length of the perimeter is defined such that the length is minimized,
depending on the type of cross-section. If the supported area is close to an edge or a corner,
the basic perimeter is limited by these edges. Basic control perimeters for different types
of columns are shown in Figure 4.2. Basic control perimeters around walls are shown in
Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.2: Basic control perimeters [7]

Figure 4.3: Basic control perimeters around walls [7]

If the slab does not have a constant thickness, the control perimeter may be defined at a
section at a greater distance from the supported area, as shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4: Basic control perimeters for slabs with various depth [7]

The shear-resisting control perimeter b0 is defined for a non-uniform distribution of shear

forces along the basic control perimeter and is defined according to Equation (4.1), where


vperp,d,max is the shear force per unit length perpendicular to the control perimeter, as
shown in Figure 4.5.

b0 = (4.1)

Figure 4.5: Maximum value of the shear force per unit length perpendicular to the control
perimeter [7]

For concentrations of shear forces at the corners of the supported areas, the effect can
be approximated by reducing the basic control perimeter. The reduced control perimeter
b1,red is then obtained. The length of its straight areas should not exceed 3dv , as shown
in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6: Reduction of basic control perimeter, b1,red [7]

For discontinuities near the loaded area, for example cast-in pipes, pipe bundles or slab
openings, the basic control perimeter is to be reduced according to Figure 4.7, given that
the discontinuity is at a distance less than 5dv form the loaded area.

If the loaded area is subjected to a moment, the shear-resisting control perimeter can be
approximated by introducing the eccentricity coefficient ke , as given in Equation (4.2).

b0 = ke · b1,red (4.2)


(a) (b)

Figure 4.7: Reduction of basic control perimeter due to (a) slab openings or (b) pipes [7]

The value of the eccentricity coefficient may be approximated according to Figure 4.8.

(a) (b)

Figure 4.8: Resultant of shear forces with respect to (a) position of centre of loaded area and
(b) approximated basic control perimeter for calculation of centre position [7]

The eccentricity coefficient may be approximated by the expression given in Equation

(4.3), where bu is the diameter of a circle with the same surface as the area inside the
basic control perimeter and eu is defined according to Figure 4.8.

ke = (4.3)
1 + eu /bu

Approximated values for the eccentricity coefficient may be adapted in cases where the
lateral stability does not depend on frame actions of slabs and columns. In addition to
this, adjacent spans must not differ in length by more than 25%. Values for different
types of columns and wall corners are given in Table 4.1.


Table 4.1: Values of ke for different types of columns and wall corners [7]

Column type ke
Inner columns 0.90
Edge columns 0.70
Corner columns 0.65
Corners of walls 0.75

4.1.2 Punching Shear Strength

The punching shear resistance for slabs without shear reinforcement is given by Equation

VRd = kψ b0 d v (4.4)

The parameter kψ depends on the rotations of the slab and γc is the material factor for
concrete. kψ is given by Equation (4.5).

kψ = ≤ 0.6 (4.5)
1.5 + 0.9kdg ψd

In Equation (4.5) kdg is a factor that takes into account the maximum aggregate size dg .
If the value of dg is not less than 16 mm, the value of kdg can be set equal to 1.0. If
the value of dg on the other hand is less than 16 mm, the value of kdg can be estimated
according to Equation (4.6).

kdg = ≥ 0.75 (4.6)
16 + dg

4.1.3 LoAs for Calculation of Rotations

As described in the introduction to Chapter 3, the CSCT uses a levels-of-approximation

(LoA) approach in the design. There are four different LoAs defined in MC2010, where
LoA I is the simplest and LoA IV is the most intricate. All the different LoAs are based
on the simplified expression given in Equation (3.28), but the relation between the acting
shear force and the flexural shear strength is replaced with the relation between the
average moment per unit length, mEd , and the moment capacity per unit length, mRd .
For all LoAs, the design yield strength of the reinforcement steel fyd is used.



For the first level, the rotation of the slab may be determined by the expression given in
Equation (4.7).

rs fyd
ψ = 1.5 · (4.7)
d Es

Here, the relation between the average moment and the moment capacity is set equal
to 1. The value rs defines where the radial bending moment is equal to zero, and can
be approximated as 0.22Lx or 0.22Ly for the two directions of the slab, for ratios 0.5 ≤
Lx /Ly ≤ 2.0. Here, Lx and Ly are the lengths of the slab span in x- and y-direction
respectively. The maximum value of rs has to be considered in Equation (4.7).

This level is primarily used in preliminary design, as it gives an indication of whether the
capacity is sufficient, but is highly simplified and therefore not very accurate.


For the second level, the rotation of the slab may be determined by the expression given
in Equation (4.8).

rs fyd mEd

ψ = 1.5 · · (4.8)
d Es mRd

The value of the average moment per unit length for calculation of the flexural reinforce-
ment in the support strip varies for different column types and different reinforcement
directions, and has to be calculated along the two main directions of the reinforcement.
For inner columns with top reinforcement in each direction the expression for mEd is given
by Equation (4.9), for edge columns considering the tension reinforcement parallel to the
edge the expression is given by Equation (4.10), for edge columns considering the tension
reinforcement perpendicular to the edge the expression is given by Equation (4.11) and
for corner columns with tension reinforcement in each direction the expression is given by
Equation (4.12).

1 |eu,i |
mEd = VEd · + (4.9)
8 2 · bs

1 |eu,i | VEd
mEd = VEd · + ≥ (4.10)
8 2 · bs 4


1 |eu,i |
mEd = VEd · + (4.11)
8 bs

1 |eu,i | VEd
mEd = VEd · + ≥ (4.12)
8 bs 2

In Equations (4.9), (4.10), (4.11) and (4.12), eu,i is the eccentricity of the resultant shear
force in the two main reinforcement directions and bs is defined according to Equation

bs = 1.5 · rs,x · rs,y ≤ Lmin (4.13)

The width of the strip is defined according to Figure 4.9, and rs,x and rs,y are the positions
where the radial bending moment is zero in x- and y-direction respectively. The same
values for rs as in LoA I may be used.

Figure 4.9: Support strip dimensions [7]

For prestressed slabs, the rotation of the slab may be expressed according to Equation
(4.14). Effects due to shrinkage, creep and relaxation must be taken into account.

rs fyd mEd − mP d

ψ = 1.5 · · (4.14)
d Es mRd − mP d

Here, mP d expresses the average decompression moment due to prestressing over bs .



In LoA III a linear elastic analysis of an uncracked model of the slab must be performed.
This analysis will present values for rs and mEd , and mEd is determined at the edge of the
loaded area. Since this level is more accurate than LoA II, the factor 1.5 may be replaced
with 1.2. This gives the expressions for the rotation of the slab given in Equations (4.15)
and (4.16), for regular and prestressed reinforcement respectively.

rs fyd mEd

ψ = 1.2 · · (4.15)
d Es mRd

rs fyd mEd − mP d

ψ = 1.2 · · (4.16)
d Es mRd − mP d

The value of rs is limited by Equation (4.17), and may be calculated as in LoA II.

rs ≥ 0.67 bsr (4.17)

An example of sections for integration of support moments is shown in Figure 4.10.

Figure 4.10: Example of sections for integration of support moments [7]

LoA III is recommended in cases where the ratio Lx /Ly is not between 0.5 and 2.0.


The last LoA, LoA IV, is performed by a non-linear analysis of the slab in terms of
determining the slab rotation. All relevant non-linear behaviour must be included, for
example cracking and yielding of the reinforcement.


4.1.4 Integrity Reinforcement

If shear reinforcement is not required, the slab still needs to be reinforced with integrity
reinforcement in terms of avoiding collapse of the structure. Integrity reinforcement with
straight and bent-up bars is shown in Figure 4.11.

(a) (b)

Figure 4.11: Integrity reinforcement of (a) straight bars and (b) bent-up bars [7]

The resistance of the integrity reinforcement after punching is given by Equation (4.18).

X 0.5 fck
VRd,int = As fyd (ft /fy )k sin αult ≤ dres bint (4.18)

Here, As is the total cross-sectional area of the integrity reinforcement, fyd is the de-
sign yield strength of the integrity reinforcement, (ft /fy )k is a factor depending on the
ductility class of the reinforcement, αult is the angle between the integrity reinforcement
and the slab after failure, dres is shown in Figure 4.11 and is the distance between the
integrity reinforcement and the flexural reinforcement and bint is the control perimeter
after punching activated by the integrity reinforcement.

Figure 4.12: Example of arrangement of integrity reinforcement [7]

The value of bint is given by Equation (4.19), where sint is as defined in Figure 4.12 and


equal to the width of the group of bars.

X π

bint = sint + dres (4.19)

4.2 Formulations for Slabs With Shear Reinforcement

In this section, the final formulations in MC2010, based on the CSCT, for slabs with
shear reinforcement will be presented. The formulations cover the calculations of the
crushing shear capacity, the capacities within and outside the shear reinforced zone and
the requirements for the arrangement of the shear reinforcement bars.

4.2.1 Crushing Shear Capacity

The capacity of the slab is limited by the crushing of the compression struts in the
concrete. This capacity may be determined by the expression in Equation (4.20).

√ √
fck fck
VRd,max = ksys kψ b0 dv ≤ b0 dv (4.20)
γc γc

This expression is somewhat similar to the expression in Equation (3.31), except that in
Equation (4.20) the rotation is implemented in the factor kψ , and the material factor γc
and the factor ksys are introduced. In many cases the value of 2.0 may be used for the
factor ksys , and the value may be increased to 2.4 for stirrups with sufficient development
length at the compression side of the slab and no compression length at the tension side
and to 2.8 for studs.

4.2.2 Punching Shear Capacity Within the Shear Reinforced


The punching shear strength is, as described in Section 3.4.2, defined as a combination of
the strength carried by the concrete and the strength carried by the shear reinforcement.
The contribution from the concrete is the same as the total shear strength for a slab
without shear reinforcement as defined in Equation (4.4) in Section 4.1.2. This gives:

VRd,c = kψ b0 d v (4.21)


Figure 4.13: Shear reinforcement [7]

The shear reinforcement contribution may be calculated by the expression given in Equa-
tion (4.22) for inclined shear reinforcement or bent-up bars, as shown in Figure 4.13.

VRd,s = Asw ke σswd sin α (4.22)

This expression is similar to the expression presented in Equation (3.40) in Section 3.4.2,
but in Equation (4.22) the factor ke is introduced. The value for ke is as presented in
Table 4.1. Note that the angle previously defined as β is now called α. The angle is, as
shown in Figure 4.13, the angle between the shear reinforcement and the slab. Asw
is the sum of the cross-sectional area of the reinforcement from the distance 0.35dv to
dv from the loaded area. The stress activated in the shear reinforcement, σswd , can be
calculated by the expression in Equation (4.23).

Es ψ fbd d
σswd = (sin α + cos α) · sin α + · ≤ fywd (4.23)
6 fywd φw

φw is the diameter of the reinforcement bars, fywd is the yield strength of the shear
reinforcement and fbd is the bond strength. In many design cases the value of fbd may be
set equal to 3 MPa.

For vertical stirrups the expressions for the shear reinforcement contribution and σswd
become as given in Equations (4.24) and (4.25).

VRd,s = Asw ke σswd (4.24)

Es ψ fbd d
σswd = 1+ · ≤ fywd (4.25)
6 fywd φw


As a minimum amount of shear reinforcement, the expression in Equation (4.26) is used.

Asw ke fywd ≥ 0.5VEd (4.26)

4.2.3 Punching Shear Capacity Outside the Shear Reinforced


The punching shear capacity outside the shear reinforced zone is calculated as described in
Section 3.4.2, but with some modifications. The control perimeter is defined at a distance
d/2 beyond the outer layer of the reinforcement, and 3d is considered as the maximum
distance between two shear reinforcement bars, see Figure 4.14.

Figure 4.14: Reduced control perimeter and effective depth for punching outside the shear
reinforced zone [7]

The capacity is hence given by Equation (4.27), where b2 defines the new control perimeter
outside the shear reinforced zone.

VRd,out = kψ b2 dv,out (4.27)


4.2.4 Punching Shear Reinforcement

There are several requirements given in MC2010 for the arrangement of the reinforcement.
First, the development length of the flexural reinforcement should not be located closer
than at the minimum of the distance of 2.5dv from the control perimeter of the loaded
area and the distance to which the radial bending moment is zero.

There has to be a minimum of two reinforcement bars in radial direction, and the type
of shear reinforcement must be chosen such that sufficient anchorage at both ends is
obtained. The distance from the edge of the loaded area to the first reinforcement bar
should be larger than 0.35dv and smaller than 0.75dv , as shown in Figure 4.15a.

(a) (b)

Figure 4.15: Arrangement rules for the punching shear reinforcement in (a) radial and (b)
tangential direction [7]

Figure 4.15a also shows how the maximum spacing of the shear reinforcement bars in
radial direction should not exceed the smallest value of 0.75dv and 300 mm, and that
the maximum cover at the compression side should not exceed the value of dv /6. The
maximum distance in tangential direction between the reinforcement bars in the second
radial row should not exceed 1.5dv , as shown in Figure 4.15b.

Table 4.2: Maximum diameter φmax as a function of the effective slab thickness [7]

dv φmax
< 160 -
160-180 14
181-220 16
221-260 18
261-340 20
341-600 25
> 600 30

Table 4.2 presents the maximum diameters allowed as a function of dv .

Chapter 5

Design Examples

The Norwegian consulting engineer firm Multiconsult AS has performed the design of the
slabs in the building "Barcode B13", from now on referred to as B13, in Bjørvika in Oslo.
This design includes the punching shear design of the slabs by the design procedure given
in EC2. A 3D model of the B13 building is shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: 3D model of the Barcode B13 building [8]

In this chapter, the results from the punching shear design by Multiconsult AS of the slab-
column connection for selected columns in the slab over the lowest basement floor in the
B13 building is presented and compared to the results from the design by the procedures
for punching shear design in MC2010. The slab is highlighted in red in Figure 5.1.
Figure 5.2 shows the slab with attached columns and load-carrying walls.

All the necessary information about the design by Multiconsult AS is gotten from the
design report "Barcode B13 - kjeller vest: Dekke over K3" [8].


Figure 5.2: 3D model of the slab over the lowest basement floor [8]

5.1 Properties of the Slab-column Connections

Three different column cross-sections are used in the building. All the columns are rect-
angular, but they differ from one another in the dimensions. The cross-section dimensions
of the columns are presented in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: Cross-section dimensions of the columns [8]

Type width · height [mm2 ]

1 700 · 700
2 450 · 700
3 400 · 550

An overview of the columns that were proven to need shear reinforcement and the type
they represent is shown in Figure 5.3. The figure also shows corners of slab openings that
need to be shear reinforced, but as punching shear is not the case for these areas, it will
not be discussed in more detail.

Figure 5.3: Columns with type specifications [8]

The calculations presented in the following sections are only presented for one column from


each of the three column types. These columns are marked with triangles in Figure 5.3.

The slab has the same material parameters for the concrete and the reinforcement for all
the column connections. The slab is reinforced with Ø16cc150 in both x- and z-direction,
and in addition to this, extra reinforcement of Ø16cc150 in both directions is added around
the three columns marked with triangles in Figure 5.3. This gives the total reinforcement
amount of Ø16cc75 around all the three columns. All material parameters are given in
Table 5.2.

Table 5.2: Material parameters for the concrete and the reinforcement [8]

Parameter Value Unit

Characteristic concrete strength, fck 35 MPa
Design concrete strength, fcd 19.83 Mpa
Material factor concrete, γc 1.5 -
Mean E-modulus concrete, Ecm 34 077 MPa
Maximum aggregate size, dg 20 mm
Mean tensile concrete strength, fctm 3.21 MPa
Design tensile concrete strength, fctd 1.27 MPa
Characteristic yield strength of steel, fyk 500 MPa
Design yield strength of steel, fyd 434.8 MPa
Material factor steel, γs 1.15 -
E-modulus steel, Es 200 000 MPa
Slab thickness, t 300 mm
Effective depth, dv 239 mm
Flexural reinforcement per unit length in x-direction, As,x 2680.8 mm2
Flexural reinforcement per unit length in z-direction, As,z 2680.8 mm2
Reinforcement ratio in x-direction, ρx 0.01122 -
Reinforcement ratio in z-direction, ρz 0.01122 -
Reiforcement ratio, ρ 0.01122 -

The punching shear tests were done in two different computer programs, G-PROG and
FEM-design. Both programs use EC2 in the punching shear controls.

In FEM-design the building is modelled in 3D with all relevant load combinations. This
program then finds the most critical load combination and performs a punching shear test
based on the shear force acting on the slab-column connection. This force includes the
contribution from the moment acting on the slab-column connection.

In the analyses in G-PROG, different combinations of shear force and moment are imple-
mented, and the different loads are gotten from the model in FEM-design. Based on the
forces implemented, G-PROG performs a punching shear design check. Only the loads
implemented in the G-PROG analyses will be used in the calculations in Section 5.3.

The spans in x- and z-direction for the three columns are shown in Figure 5.4. These are


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.4: Spans in x- and z- direction for (a) column type 1, (b) column type 2 and (c)
column type 3

taken from design sketches of the slab in the Multiconsult AS report.

The load combinations used in the G-PROG analyses for the three columns are shown in
Tables 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. The value of MEd represents the vector addition of the moment
in x- and z-direction.

Table 5.3: Load combinations for column type 1 [8]

Load combination VEd [kN] MEd,x [kNm] MEd,z [kNm] MEd [kNm]
1 -850 0 0 0
2 -860 0 0 0
3 -1027 34 24 41.62
4 -1260 0 0 0

Table 5.4: Load combinations for column type 2 [8]

Load combination VEd [kN] MEd,x [kNm] MEd,z [kNm] MEd [kNm]
1 -785 0 0 0
2 -790 0 0 0
3 -969 1 52 52.01
4 -1035 0 0 0

Table 5.5: Load combinations for column type 3 [8]

Load combination VEd [kN] MEd,x [kNm] MEd,z [kNm] MEd [kNm]
1 -725 0 0 0
2 -730 0 0 0
3 -1038 0 0 0
4 -963 7 46 46.53


5.2 Results by Multiconsult AS

In this section, the results in the report by Multiconsult AS for the three columns will
be presented. It should be noted that for the punching shear analyses i G-PROG the
reinforcement amount implemented was Ø16cc150. The reason why Ø16cc75 was not
used, although this is the correct reinforcement amount around the columns, was that the
punching shear controls were performed before the additional reinforcement amount was
shown necessary. The capacities presented in this section are therefore a little lower than
they should. Calculations with the correct flexural reinforcement amount can be found
in Appendix A. The appendix does not include calculations by EC2 of the necessary
punching shear reinforcement amount, so the values from the Multiconsult AS report are
used for that case.

5.2.1 Punching Shear Compression Capacity

At the edge of the columns, the shear compression capacity must be sufficient according
to the criterion presented in Equation (2.21). Tables 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 show the calculated
capacities and the shear force acting on the perimeter at the edge of the three columns
for the different loading combinations.

Table 5.6: Shear compression capacity for column type 1 [8]

Load combination u0 [mm] vEd,c [MPa] vRd,max [MPa] Utilization

1 2800 1.27 2.06 0.62
2 2800 1.29 2.06 0.63
3 2800 1.60 1.97 0.81
4 2800 1.88 2.06 0.92

Table 5.7: Shear compression capacity for column type 2 [8]

Load combination u0 [mm] vEd,c [MPa] vRd,max [MPa] Utilization

1 2300 1.43 2.29 0.62
2 2300 1.44 2.29 0.63
3 2300 1.87 2.15 0.87
4 2300 1.88 2.29 0.82


Table 5.8: Shear compression capacity for column type 3 [8]

Load combination u0 [mm] vEd,c [MPa] vRd,max [MPa] Utilization

1 1900 1.60 2.56 0.62
2 1900 1.61 2.56 0.63
3 1900 2.29 2.56 0.89
4 1900 2.25 2.41 0.93

Here, vEd,c is the shear force for shear compression failure control and vRd,max is the
maximum shear compression capacity at the edge of the columns. The shear compression
capacity is, as is shown in the tables, sufficient for the three columns.

5.2.2 Punching Shear Tension Capacity

The shear tension capacity must also be sufficient according to EC2. In Tables 5.9, 5.10
and 5.11, the critical shear force, vEd,t , at a perimeter at the distance 2d from the edge of
the column is presented for the three columns for the four different loading combinations.
The concrete contribution to the punching shear capacity, vRd,c , is calculated by Equation
(2.26). Based on the maximum shear force and the concrete contribution, the value of
the amount of shear that must be carried by the shear reinforcement, vRd,s , is calculated
according to Equation (2.39).

Table 5.9: Shear tension capacity for column type 1 [8]

Load combination vEd,t [MPa] vRd,c [MPa] vRd,s [MPa] Asw,tot,1 [mm2 ]
1 0.61 0.62 - -
2 0.62 0.62 0.16 1208
3 0.77 0.62 0.31 1359
4 0.91 0.62 0.44 1963

Table 5.10: Shear tension capacity for column type 2 [8]

Load combination vEd,t [MPa] vRd,c [MPa] vRd,s [MPa] Asw,tot,1 [mm2 ]
1 0.62 0.62 - -
2 0.62 0.62 0.16 1286
3 0.81 0.62 0.35 1746
4 0.82 0.62 0.35 1746


Table 5.11: Shear tension capacity for column type 3 [8]

Load combination vEd,t [MPa] vRd,c [MPa] vRd,s [MPa] Asw,tot,1 [mm2 ]
1 0.62 0.62 - -
2 0.62 0.62 0.16 1441
3 0.89 0.62 0.42 2328
4 0.87 0.62 0.41 2217

Asw,tot,1 is the necessary total amount of shear reinforcement. This is not the same as
the actual amount of shear reinforcement, as there are several requirements for maximum
centre distances. The outer perimeter at which shear reinforcement is not necessary,
uout,ef , is equal to the perimeter at a distance 2d from the edge of the column for all three
columns, and is 5803 mm for column type 1, 5303 mm for column type 2 and 4903 mm
for column type 3.

Shear reinforcement is shown to be necessary for all load combinations except load com-
bination 1.

For practical reasons with respect to the arrangement of the longitudinal reinforcement,
the three columns are shear reinforced as shown in Figure 5.5, where each X represents a
reinforcement bar. All the reinforcement bars have diameters of 10 mm.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.5: Reinforcement arrangement of Ø10 reinforcement bars for (a) column type 1, (b)
column type 2 and (c) column type 3 [8]

As is seen in Figure 5.5, the actual amount of punching shear reinforcement applied
to each slab-column connection is much larger than the calculated necessary amount
shown in Tables 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11. The reason for this is the requirements for maximum
centre distances for the reinforcement bars. The total necessary amount of punching
shear reinforcement accounting for requirements for maximum centre distances of the


reinforcement bars along with the actual applied shear reinforcement area according to
Figure 5.5 for the critical load combination for each column is shown in Table 5.12.

Table 5.12: Required and applied amount of shear reinforcement for the critical load combi-
nations for the three columns [8]

Column type Load combination Asw,tot,2 [mm2 ] Asw,applied [mm2 ] SR [mm]

1 4 5958 11310 828
2 4 5756 10053 828
3 3 6368 9425 753

In Table 5.12, Asw,tot,2 denotes the required amount of shear reinforcement accounting for
requirements, Asw,applied is the actual applied amount of shear reinforcement and SR the
distance from the column centre to where shear reinforcement is not required.

One of the reasons why the applied amount of reinforcement is so much larger than the
required value is that the value of the centre distance between the reinforcement bars is
chosen such that it matches the centre distance between the flexural reinforcement bars,
which is a convenient and preferable way to arrange the shear reinforcement bars.

5.3 Design According to MC2010

In the following sections, calculations on the slab-column connections in the report by

Multiconsult AS will be done according to the design approach in MC2010, presented in
Chapter 4. All the calculations are also presented in detail in Appendix B.

Since LoA III depends on a linear elastic analysis to present the value of rs , this method
will not be used in the calculations in this section. LoA IV depends on a non-linear
analysis of the slab, and is therefore not discussed further either. It might be noted
that since the span lengths are not symmetric on each side of the columns, as presented
in Figure 5.4a, LoA III or LoA IV might give more accurate results. Nevertheless, for
calculation simplicity reasons the calculations in this section will focus on LoA I and LoA

Since the slab-column connection has the same material parameters, presented in Ta-
ble 5.2, both the flexural strength mRd and the aggregate size factor kdg is the same for
all the three column types. kdg is calculated according to Equation (7.3-62) in MC2010:

32 32
kdg = = = 0.89 (5.1)
16 + dg 16 + 20


Since the value of dg is larger than 16 mm the value 1.0 could have been used as well,
which would have given more conservative results. Here however, the calculated value of
kdg will be used.

The flexural strength is calculated according to Equation (3.12) in Section 3.3.1, assuming
a rigid-plastic behaviour of concrete and steel, which gives:

2 ρ · fyd
mRd = ρ · fyd · d · 1 −
2 · fcd

0.01122 · 434.8 (5.2)

= 0.01122 · 434.8 · 2392 · 1 −
2 · 19.83

= 244.3 kNm/m

For all the three columns, both the punching shear resistance and the maximum punching
shear resistance limited by crushing of concrete struts must be larger than the applied
load. The punching shear resistance is calculated according to Equation (5.3)/MC2010
(7.3-69) and the maximum punching shear resistance is limited by crushing according to
Equation (5.4)/MC2010 (7.3-60).

√ √
fck fck
VRd,max = ksys kψ b0 dv ≤ b0 dv (5.3)
γc γc

fck X
VRd = VRd,c + VRd,s = kψ b 0 dv + Aswi ke σswd sin α (5.4)

For LoA I the capacity of the concrete contribution will be controlled against the total
applied loads for the different load combinations. If the contribution from the concrete is
not large enough to carry the shear force alone, punching shear reinforcement is necessary.
A more accurate approach is in this case appropriate in terms of determining the amount
of punching shear reinforcement, as the LoA I approach is highly conservative. The
punching shear reinforcement detailing will therefore only be performed according to the
calculated capacities by LoA II. In LoA II the capacity is determined by looking at acting
moments and the moment capacity on a unit length in the support strip.

Since it is obvious from Tables 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 that load combination 1 and 2 will not
be governing, calculations will only be performed on load combination 3 and 4 for LoA I
and LoA II.


5.3.1 Column Type 1

The lengths of the spans in x- and z-direction for the column are presented in Figure 5.4a.
In terms of maximizing the value of rs , as suggested in MC2010, the largest values of
the spans in x- and z-direction respectively are used as the span lengths. The column
dimensions, the span lengths and the design loads for column type 1 are presented in
Table 5.13.

Table 5.13: Parameters for column type 1 [8]

Parameter Value Unit

Column dimensions, wc · hc 700 · 700 mm2
Span length in x-direction, Lx 10.705 m
Span length in y-direction, Lz 7.550 m
Design shear force in LC3, VEd,3 1027 kN
Design moment in LC3, MEd,3 41.62 kNm
Design shear force in LC4, VEd,4 1260 kN
Design moment in LC4, MEd,4 0 kNm

LoA I for Load Combination 3

In terms of determining the punching shear capacity, first the control section b0 must be
defined. This is calculated according to Section 4.1.1, and is dependent of the value of
the eccentricity coefficient ke . The approximated values of ke in Table 4.1 may be used if
the adjacent spans do not differ in length by more than 25%. In this case the adjacent
spans differ more in length than 25%, as is shown in Figure 5.4a. The value of ke must
therefore be determined by Equation (4.3)/MC2010 (7.3-59).

The value of eu in the expression for ke may be determined by Equation (5.5).

MEd 41.62 · 106

eu = = = 40.5 mm (5.5)
VEd 1027 · 103

The value of bu in the expression for ke is the diameter of a circle with the same surface
as the region inside the basic control perimeter, Aper . Aper , bu and ke are calculated in
Equations (5.6), (5.7) (5.8).

Aper = wc · hc + 2 · 0.5 · d · wc + 2 · 0.5 · d · hc + π · (0.5 · d)2

= 700 · 700 + 2 · 0.5 · 239 · 700 + 2 · 0.5 · 239 · 700 + π · (0.5 · 239)2 (5.6)
= 869462.7 mm2


s s
4 · Aper 4 · 869462.7
bu = = = 1052.2 mm (5.7)
π π

1 1
ke = eu = 40.5 = 0.96 (5.8)
1+ 1+
bu 1052.2

Now, the length of the shear-resisting control perimeter may be calculated by Equation

b0 = ke · (2 · (wc + hc ) + π · d) = 0.96 · (2 · (700 + 700) + π · 239) = 3419 mm (5.9)

According to MC2010, the value of rs can be approximated as the largest value of
0.22 Lx and 0.22 Lz , which is given by Equations (5.10), (5.11) and (5.12).

rs,x = 0.22 · Lx = 0.22 · 10.705 = 2.36 m (5.10)

rs,z = 0.22 · Lz = 0.22 · 7.55 = 1.66 m (5.11)

rs = max (rs,x ; rs,z ) = 2.36 m (5.12)

Then, the angle is calculated according to Equation (7.3-70) in MC2010, which gives the
value of the angle given in Equation (5.13).

rs fyd 2360 434.8

ψ = 1.5 · = 1.5 · = 0.0321 (5.13)
d Es 239 200000

Further on, the value of kψ given in Equation (7.3-63) in MC2010, is calculated as given
in Equation (5.14).

1 1
kψ = = = 0.13083 (5.14)
1.5 + 0.9 · kdg · ψ · d 1.5 + 0.9 · 0.89 · 0.0321 · 239

The concrete contribution to the punching shear capacity according to Equation (5.4) is
then obtained as:

√ √
fck 35
VRd,c = kψ b0 dv = 0.13083 · · 3419 · 239 = 421.7 kN (5.15)
γc 1.5


Since the contribution from the concrete to the punching shear capacity is smaller than
the design shear force for load combination 3, punching shear reinforcement is necessary.

The punching shear compression capacity is expressed by Equation (5.3)/MC2010 (7.3-

69). It is possible to check what type of reinforcement system that can be used by evalu-
ating the factor ksys , which accounts for the performance of punching shear reinforcement

V γ VEd 1027
VRd,max ≥ VEd → ksys ≥ √Ed c = = = 2.44 (5.16)
kψ fck b0 dv VRd,c 421.7

According to MC2010 the value ksys = 2.0 may be adopted, but higher values
up to ksys = 2.8 may be used if more restrictive detailing rules are adopted and if the
arrangement of the shear reinforcement is checked at the construction site.

LoA I for Load Combination 4

The calculation procedure for load combination 4 at LoA I is naturally the same as for
load combination 3. Since the design moment for load combination 4 is zero, there is
no eccentricity for this load combination, and the value of eu is zero. This gives the
expressions for ke and b0 given in Equations (5.17) and (5.18).

1 1
ke = eu = 0 = 1.0 (5.17)
1+ 1 +
bu 1052.2

b0 = ke · (2 · (wc + hc ) + π · d) = 1.0 · (2 · (700 + 700) + π · 239) = 3551 mm (5.18)

Further on, the value of rs is the same as for load combination 3, which also gives the
same values for the rotation ψ and the rotation factor kψ . The final expression for the
concrete contribution to the punching shear capacity by LoA I for load combination 4
then becomes as given in Equation (5.19).

√ √
fck 35
VRd,c = kψ b0 dv = 0.13083 · · 3551 · 239 = 437.9 kN (5.19)
γc 1.5

This value is slightly larger than the value for load combination 3, which is a result of
the fact that there is no eccentricity for load combination 4. The larger design shear
force VEd for load combination 4 however, causes larger compressive shear forces at the


shear-resisting control perimeter, which might be critical in comparison to the punching

shear compression capacity.

The expression for ksys for load combination 4 becomes as given in Equation (5.20).

VEd 1260
ksys ≥ = = 2.88 (5.20)
VRd,c 437.9

This value of ksys is slightly larger than the allowed value of 2.8, but as LoA I is only
for preliminary design, this value is sufficient enough for this approximation level. If
the punching shear compression capacity determined by LoA II is larger than the design
shear load, the punching shear compression capacity is sufficient for the slab, as this
approximation level is much more accurate as it accounts for the moment capacity of the
slab in the calculation of the rotation.

LoA II for Load Combination 3

The calculation method in LoA II is quite similar to the LoA I approach. The main
difference in the two methods is that the critical rotation angle is calculated based on the
design moment per unit length of the support strip and the moment capacity, given in
Equation (5.2).

The expression for calculation of the rotation of the slab according to LoA II is given
by Equation (4.8)/MC2010 (7.3-75). In terms of calculating the value of the rotation
according to this expression, the design moment per unit length of the support strip must
be calculated. For inner columns, this expression was presented in Equation (4.9)/MC2010
(7.3-71). This value is dependent of the width of the support strip bs and the eccentricity
coefficient eu .

Since the eccentricity coefficient is only dependent of the ratio between the moment and
the shear force acting on the system, the value will be equal to the one obtained for LoA
I. The width of the support strip is dependent of the values of rs,x and rs,z , and they will
also be the same in LoA II as in LoA I, as they only depend on the span lengths of the
slab. The width of the support strip may be calculated by Equation (5.21).

√ √
bs = 1.5 · rs,x · rs,z = 1.5 · 2.36 · 1.66 = 2.97 m (5.21)

Now that the value of bs is known, the value of the design moment per unit length may


be calculated by Equation (5.22).

1 |eu | 1 40.5
mEd = VEd · + = 1027 · + = 135.4 kNm/m (5.22)
8 2 · bs 8 2 · 2970

The values of the rotation angle and the rotation factor may then be determined by
Equations (5.23) and (5.24).

3/2 3/2
rs fyd mEd 2360 434.8 135.4
ψ = 1.5 · · = 1.5 · · = 0.0133 (5.23)
d Es mRd 239 200000 244.3

1 1
kψ = = = 0.24787 (5.24)
1.5 + 0.9 · kdg · ψ · d 1.5 + 0.9 · 0.89 · 0.0133 · 239

The concrete contribution to the punching shear capacity according to Equation (5.4) is
then obtained as:

√ √
fck 35
VRd,c = kψ b0 dv = 0.24787 · · 3419 · 239 = 798.9 kN (5.25)
γc 1.5

This value is much larger than then value obtained by LoA I, but it is still not large
enough to carry the applied shear force without shear reinforcement, which means that
punching shear reinforcement is necessary.

The punching shear compression capacity must be sufficient according to Equation (5.3).
The value of ksys may, as earlier described, be set equal to 2.0 unless it is proven that a
larger value may be used. In this case the value of 2.0 is adopted. This gives the value of
the punching shear compression capacity given in Equation (5.26).

√ √
35 35
VRd,max = 2.0 · 0.24787 · · 3419 · 239 ≤ · 3419 · 239
1.5 1.5
→ 1597.8 kN ≤ 3223.0 kN
→ VRd,max = 1597.8 kN

VRd,max ≥ VEd = 1027 kN (5.27)

As is shown in Equation (5.27), the punching shear compression capacity is sufficient

according to LoA II. This means that the slab will have sufficient capacity with suffi-


cient amount of shear reinforcement. The utilization of the punching shear compression
capacity is given by Equation (5.28).

VEd 1027
uRd,max = = = 0.64 (5.28)
VRd,max 1597.8

The amount of shear force that must be taken by the shear reinforcement is given in
Equation (5.29).

VRd,s = VEd − VRd,c = 1027 − 798.9 = 228.1 kN (5.29)

LoA II for Load Combination 4

The same values for ke and b0 are obtained for LoA II as for LoA I for load combination
4, and the same value as for LoA II on load combination 3 is obtained for the width of
the support strip bs .

With LoA II on load combination 4, the expressions for mEd in Equation (5.30), the
rotation ψ in Equation (5.31) and the rotation factor kψ in Equation (5.32) are obtained.

1 |eu | 1 0
mEd = VEd · + = 1260 · + = 157.5 kNm/m (5.30)
8 2 · bs 8 2 · 2970

3/2 3/2
rs fyd mEd 2360 434.8 157.5
ψ = 1.5 · · = 1.5 · · = 0.0166 (5.31)
d Es mRd 239 200000 244.3

1 1
kψ = = = 0.21368 (5.32)
1.5 + 0.9 · kdg · ψ · d 1.5 + 0.9 · 0.89 · 0.0166 · 239

The concrete contribution to the punching shear capacity for load combination 4 becomes
as given in Equation (5.33).

√ √
fck 35
VRd,c = kψ b0 dv = 0.21368 · · 3551 · 239 = 715.2 kN (5.33)
γc 1.5

The slab will have sufficient capacity with punching shear reinforcement if the punching
shear compression capacity is sufficient. The expression for the compression capacity is


given by Equation (5.34). The value of ksys = 2.0 is adopted, as for load combination 3.

√ √
35 35
VRd,max = 2.0 · 0.21368 · · 3551 · 239 ≤ · 3551 · 239
1.5 1.5
→ 1430.4 kN ≤ 3347.1 kN
→ VRd,max = 1430.4 kN

VRd,max ≥ VEd = 1260 kN (5.35)

The compression capacity is sufficient, and the slab will have sufficient punching shear
capacity with the necessary amount of shear reinforcement applied. The utilization of the
punching shear compression capacity is given by Equation (5.36).

VEd 1260
uRd,max = = = 0.88 (5.36)
VRd,max 1430.4

The amount of shear force that must be taken by the punching shear reinforcement is
given by Equation (5.37).

VRd,s = VEd − VRd,c = 1260 − 715.2 = 544.8 kN (5.37)

Required Punching Shear Reinforcement by LoA II

Since the value of the necessary punching shear reinforcement contribution to the capac-
ity is much larger for load combination 4, this load combination will be governing for
the choice of a proper shear reinforcement amount. Therefore, only the results for load
combination 4 will be presented.

The expression for the shear reinforcement contribution presented in Equation (5.4)/MC2010
(7.3-64) gives the following expression for vertical reinforcement bars, i.e. α = 90◦ :

Aswi ke σswd sin (90◦ ) =

VRd,s = Aswi ke σswd (5.38)

The required value of the amount of shear that must be taken by the punching shear
reinforcement, VRd,s , inserted into Equation (5.38) gives the expression for the required


amount of shear reinforcement within the zone bounded by 0.35dv and dv given in Equation

X VRd,s
Asw = Aswi = (5.39)
ke σswd

Equation (7.3-67) in MC2010 presents a requirement for the minimum amount of rein-
forcement given in Equation (5.40).

X 0.5VEd
Aswi ke fywd ≥ 0.5VEd → Asw,min = (5.40)
ke fywd

The value of σswd is given by Equation (7.3-65) in MC2010, which gives the following
expression with vertical stirrups:

Es ψ fbd dv
σswd = 1+ · ≤ fywd (5.41)
6 fywd φw

Here, the bond strength fbd may be set equal 3 MPa according to MC2010 φw is
the diameter of the shear reinforcement bars, which is 10 mm, and fywd is the yield strength
of the reinforcement bars, equal to 434.8 MPa. The value of σswd is then calculated in
Equation (5.42).

200000 · 0.0166 3 239

σswd = 1+ · = 645.8 MPa (5.42)
6 434.8 10

This value is larger than the value of fywd , which gives that the final value of σswd becomes:

σswd = fywd = 434.8 MPa (5.43)

After determining the value of σswd , the value of the required amount of reinforcement


may be calculated by Equation (5.44).

Asw,tot,1 = max (Asw ; Asw,min )

VRd,s 0.5VEd
= max ;
ke σswd ke fywd

544.8 0.5 · 1260

= max ;
1.0 · 434.8 1.0 · 434.8
= max 1253 mm2 ; 1449 mm2

= 1449 mm2

This is the amount of shear reinforcement that must be placed within the zone bounded
by 0.35dv and dv . In addition to this, the slab must be shear reinforced according to
requirements for minimum reinforcement amounts out to the outer perimeter b2 . The
calculation of b2 is done according to Equation (4.27) in Section 4.2.3, where dv,out is the
effective depth of the slab minus the cover at the lower edge of the slab. The cover at the
lower edge should according to MC2010 not exceed dv /6 = 239/6 = 39.8 mm.
The cover in the Multiconsult AS report is 45 mm, and with shear reinforcement bars of
10 mm included, this gives a cover of 35 mm, given that the shear reinforcement bars are
placed outside the flexural reinforcement. This gives the value of b2 given in Equation

V γ 1260 · 1.5
b2 = √ Ed c = √ = 7328.7 mm (5.45)
kψ fck dv,out 0.21368 · 35 · 204

Since there is no eccentricity of loading in load combination 4, the factor ke is still equal
to 1.0. This gives the expression for the outer perimeter where shear reinforcement is not
necessary given in Equation (5.46).

b2 7328.7
bout = = = 7328.7 mm (5.46)
ke 1.0

The centre distance between the shear reinforcement bars was in the Multiconsult AS
report chosen as 150 mm in both directions. This is an appropriate value, as it matches
the centre distance of the flexural reinforcement, which is common for design purposes.
The same value of the centre distance is therefore chosen here. The reinforcement ratio


with the chosen centre distances and shear reinforcement diameters becomes as given in
Equation (5.47), where ccw,x and ccw,z denotes the centre distances of the reinforcement
bars in x-and z-direction.

π · φ2w π · 102
ρsw = 4 = 4 = 0.35% (5.47)
ccw,x · ccw,z 150 · 150

The area within the zone bounded by 0, 35dv and dv and the reinforcement amount within
this zone with the calculated reinforcement ratio become as given in Equations (5.48) and

Awithin = 2 · d · (wc + hc ) + π · d2 − 2 · 0.35 · d · (wc + hc ) − π · (0.35 · d)2

= 2 · 239 · (700 + 700) + π · 2392 − 2 · 0.35 · 239 · (700 + 700) − π · (0.35 · 239)2
= 592448 mm2

Asw,within = ρsw · Awithin = 0.0035 · 592448 = 2068 mm2 (5.49)

The calculated area within the zone is larger than the required area calculated in Equation

In addition to the amount given in Equation (5.49), the slab must be reinforced out to
the perimeter bout , calculated in Equation (5.46). In addition to this, the requirements
presented in Section 4.2.4 must be fulfilled. After applying the detailing requirements of
this section, and using a rectangular reinforcement arrangement, a total amount of 160
reinforcement bars is shown to be necessary. This is shown in Figure 5.6, and gives the
total reinforcement area given in Equation (5.50).

π · 102
Asw,applied = 160 · = 12566 mm2 (5.50)

As is seen in Figure 5.6, within the zone bounded by 0.35dv and dv , the area marked in
grey, there is a total of 24 reinforcement bars, which gives an area of 1885 mm2 , which is
higher than the required amount of 1449 mm2 . This reinforcement area is the area that
should be included in the calculations.

It should be noted that the total reinforcement amount of 12566 mm2 and the amount
of 1885 mm2 that should be included in calculations are approximate values after the
most important requirements are fulfilled. A detailed design of the reinforcement bars


Figure 5.6: Applied shear reinforcement

will not be performed as it is not necessary in terms of performing a simple comparison

of the method in EC2 and the method in MC2010. The design presented in Figure 5.6 is
sufficient enough for this purpose.

5.3.2 Column Type 2 and 3

Since the calculation procedure for column type 2 and 3 is the same as for column type 1,
the calculations of the strengths and the required amount of punching shear reinforcement
for column type 2 and 3 will not be presented in detail. These are shown in detail in
Appendix B. The important governing results from the calculations on column type 2
and 3 are shown in Table 5.14.

Table 5.14: Results for column type 2 and 3

Parameter Column type 2 Column type 3

VRd,s , LoA I 558.4 kN 628.2 kN
uRd,max , LoA II 0.59 0.68
Asw,tot,1 , LoA II 1190 mm2 1194 mm2
Asw,within , LoA II 1797 mm2 1580 mm2
SR, LoA II 665 mm 673 mm

In Table 5.14, Asw,tot,1 is the calculated required amount of shear reinforcement within
the zone bounded by 0.35dv and dv and Asw,within is the area of reinforcement bars within
this zone when the centre distance of 150 mm is adopted. uRd,max is the utilization of the


punching shear compression capacity, VRd,s is the amount of shear that must be taken by
the shear reinforcement for LoA I and SR is the distance from the centre of the column
to the perimeter where shear reinforcement is not necessary.

Both these two columns have a lower utilization of the punching shear compression capac-
ity than column type 1. This is caused by the fact that column type 2 and 3 are subjected
to smaller loads, which makes the rotations around these slab-column connections smaller,
and the capacities larger.

5.4 Comparison of EC2 and MC2010 for Punching

Shear Design

In this section, the results from the Multiconsult AS report, based on EC2, and the
calculations done according to MC2010 are compared, with respect to punching shear
compression capacity and amount of reinforcement required.

5.4.1 Punching Shear Compression Capacity

The calculated maximum utilizations of the punching shear compression capacity accord-
ing to EC2 and LoA II in MC2010 are shown in Table 5.15.

Table 5.15: Punching shear compression capacity utilization according to EC2 and MC2010

Design approach Column type 1 Column type 2 Column type 3

EC2 0.73 0.70 0.74
MC2010, LoA II 0.88 0.59 0.68

The utilizations according to EC2 in Table 5.15 have been updated according to the
correct amount of flexural reinforcement presented in calculations in Appendix A, and
are therefore smaller than the values presented in Tables 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8. This is caused
by the fact that the governing value of the punching shear compression capacity in this
case is dependent of the concrete contribution to the punching shear capacity, which again
is dependent of the reinforcement ratio in the slab. How the reinforcement ratio influences
the punching shear capacity was thoroughly described in Section 3.3. The influence of
the reinforcement ratio according to EC2 is more conservative than in MC2010.

For column type 1 the approach in MC2010 gives a higher utilization than the approach
in EC2. For the other two column types, the utilizations are smaller for the approach in
MC2010. The reason for this might be that the punching shear compression capacity in
MC2010 depends a lot on the value of the rotation factor, which again depends on the


rotation of the slab. This rotation is almost twice as large for column 1 as for column type
2 and 3. The rotation depends on the size of the largest span length, and since the span
length in x-direction is much larger for column type 1, this might be one of the reasons
for the large rotation value. The approach in EC2 does not account for the length of
the spans. The only factors in the governing expression in this example for the punching
shear compression capacity in EC2 is the length of the control perimeter and the factor
β, and these two values do not differ too much in size for the different column types. In
other words, the influence of the length of the span in the calculation approach in MC2010
might be the reason why the punching shear compression capacity varies much more in
value for the different column types by the MC2010 approach, while it is almost the same
for all the columns according to EC2. For large span lengths, as for column type 1, the
slab may be defined as slender. EC2 might in some cases become non-conservative for
slender slabs, as shown in Figure 3.20f in Section 3.4.1. This will be discussed later, in
section 5.4.2.

For column type 2 and 3, where the span lengths are not so large, the capacities calculated
according to EC2 are more conservative than the ones calculated by MC2010.

If the value 1.0 for kdg had been used, the utilizations obtained for all the columns from
the calculations by MC2010 had become slightly larger, but they would still be larger for
column type 1 and smaller for column type 2 and 3 than the utilizations calculated by

It should be noted that the two different approaches uses different control perimeters for
calculation of the punching shear compression capacity, as the method in EC2 uses the
edge around the column, while MC2010 uses a section at a distance of 0.5dv from the
edge of the column.

In addition to this, a change in the formulas for calculating the punching shear compression
capacity according to EC2 is under progress. Too much focus on the comparison of the
results for the punching shear compression capacity according to EC2 is therefore not

5.4.2 Required Amount of Punching Shear Reinforcement

Tables 5.16, 5.17 and 5.18 show the maximum distances from the centre of the column
to the perimeter where shear reinforcement is not necessary, SR, the calculated necessary
reinforcement amount that should be included in the calculations, Asw , and the actual
applied reinforcement amount, Asw,applied , for the three column types.


Table 5.16: Distance to outer reinforcement perimeter, required reinforcement amount and
applied reinforcement amount according to EC2 and MC2010 for column type 1

Design approach SR [mm] Asw [mm2 ] Asw,applied [mm2 ]

EC2 828 5958 11310
MC2010, LoA II 1166 1449 12566

Table 5.17: Distance to outer reinforcement perimeter, required reinforcement amount and
applied reinforcement amount according to EC2 and MC2010 for column type 2

Design approach SR [mm] Asw [mm2 ] Asw,applied [mm2 ]

EC2 828 5756 10053
MC2010, LoA II 665 1190 -

Table 5.18: Distance to outer reinforcement perimeter, required reinforcement amount and
applied reinforcement amount according to EC2 and MC2010 for column type 3

Design approach SR [mm] Asw [mm2 ] Asw,applied [mm2 ]

EC2 753 6368 9425
MC2010, LoA II 673 1194 -

All the values according to EC2 are the same as the ones given in Section 5.2, and they
have not been corrected for a higher flexural reinforcement amount.

The value of Asw for EC2 is the value after requirements of maximum centre distances are
fulfilled, defined as Asw,tot,2 in Section 5.2.2. The reason why the values for Asw differ as
much as they do for the two different design approaches is that in MC2010 this is merely
the required amount that has to be placed within the zone bounded by 0.35dv and dv .
These two are therefore not comparable.

The distance from the centre of the column to where shear reinforcement is not necessary
is larger for the results by MC2010 than for EC2 for column type 1. This is why the total
applied amount of shear reinforcement, Asw,applied , is larger for MC2010 than EC2. The
reason for this might be that the large length of the span in x-direction for column type
1 causes the calculated rotation to become very large. The large rotation causes a small
rotation factor, which causes the required outer perimeter to become very large. This is
not accounted for in EC2.

The total amount of punching shear reinforcement used after all requirements in MC2010
are fulfilled has not been calculated for column 2 and 3, as the calculation procedure
would be the same as for column type 1. However, the distance from the centre of the
column out to the point where punching shear reinforcement is no longer necessary has


been calculated, and are shown in Tables 5.16, 5.17 and 5.18. The calculations are shown
in detail in Appendix B. The distance out to the point where shear reinforcement is no
longer necessary was for both column types 2 and 3 calculated to be smaller than the
value of the distance to the outer reinforcement bar in the Multiconsult AS report. This
gives that the total reinforcement amount used around column type 2 and 3 would become
smaller by the requirements in MC2010 than the calculated amount by Multiconsult AS.

It is in most cases expected that the required amount of reinforcement would be smaller by
the approach in MC2010, as the required outer perimeters often become smaller because
the value of the capacity is larger, as for column type 2 and 3. This is also documented
in the Master’s thesis by Bjørnar Foldøy Byberg [15]. For column type 1 this was not the
case, because of large rotations of the slab.

As shown in Figure 3.20f in Section 3.4.1, EC2 might become non-conservative in cases
with large span lengths, as the slab then is defined as more slender. In this case, it might
mean that the results obtained by the approach in EC2 are non-conservative, which means
that EC2 might have overestimated the punching shear capacity. As non-conservative
results are highly unwanted in design, this is a topic that requires further research in the

In this case, fortunately, the total amount of reinforcement around column type 1 for the
two methods is not that different, which means that the applied reinforcement amount
by Multiconsult AS is satisfying. Both methods require 4 reinforcement bars i radial
direction and the centre distance of 150 mm is used in both x- and z-direction.

If it had not been for the rectangular arrangement of the reinforcement bars for both
methods, the applied reinforcement area would have been much lower, as both design
approaches suggests a circular arrangement of the reinforcement bars.

Chapter 6

Verification of Models in EC2

EC2 uses different approximated models in the design for punching shear. In this chapter,
slabs are modelled in the finite element program DIANA in terms of checking whether the
assumptions made in some of the models in EC2 are reasonable. The models examined
are the shear distribution at the perimeter at the distance 2d from the edge of a column,
presented in Figure 2.17, and the assumptions for calculation of the reduced control
perimeter for columns close to a slab opening, presented in Figure 2.13. The input files
from DIANA are presented in Appendix C.

6.1 Shear Distribution at the Control Perimeter

The distribution of shear stresses in a slab due to a moment in the column for a slab-
column connection is in EC2 assumed to have a constant value at the perimeter 2d from
the column edge, both in compression and tension, as is shown in Figure 2.17 in Section
2.4. The same figure is presented in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1: Shear distribution from an unbalanced moment at connection between slab and
inner column [1]


It is interesting to find out whether this distribution at the perimeter 2d from the column
edge in fact corresponds to the correct distribution of shear stresses at this perimeter
caused by an unbalanced moment in the column. By modelling a slab-column connection
with an acting moment on the column in a finite element method program, it is possible
to find the distribution of the shear stresses at this particular perimeter. This section
will describe the results obtained by a linear analysis of a slab-column connection with a
given thickness and effective depth.

6.1.1 Structure of the Model in DIANA

A model of the slab-column connection is shown in Figure 6.2.

Figure 6.2: Model of slab-column connection in DIANA with loading and constraints

The model is constrained against rotations at all the edges, which makes the slab equal
to a slab with twice as large span lengths between the columns. Two of the edges are
constrained against translations in the x- and y- directions respectively, and the column is
constrained against translations in the z-direction, in terms of making the model statically

The bottom of the column is subjected to a horizontal load with the size of 1 kN in the
x-direction, which along with the height of the column of 3 meters, gives a moment of 3
kNm acting on the slab-column connection.

In the model, eight-node quadrilateral isoparametric curved shell elements of the type
CQ40S are used for the slab, and twenty-node isoparametric solid brick elements of the
type CHX60 are used for the column [9]. Both element types are shown in Figure 6.3.


(a) (b)

Figure 6.3: (a) CQ40S curved shell element and (b) CHX60 solid brick element [9]

Since only linear analyses are run on the model, and the stress distribution at the perime-
ter 2d from the edge of the column is the only requested result from the analyses, the
theoretical meaning of the choice of elements will not be discussed any further.

The model is meshed using automatic mesh divisions, but with defined points around the
perimeter 2d from the column, in terms of making it simpler to contract the values of the
shear stresses in these points. The model contains a total of 1356 elements.

The model is defined with the parameters given in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1: Material parameters for the DIANA model

Parameter Value Unit

Length of slab in x-direction, Lx 7.0 m
Length of slab in x-direction, Ly 7.0 m
Length of column, Lc 3.0 m
Moment acting on slab, MEd 3.0 kNm
Column dimensions, c1 · c2 400 · 400 mm2
Thickness of slab, t 300 mm
Effective depth of slab, d 239 mm
E-modulus concrete, Ec 34 000 MPa
Poisson’s ratio, ν 0.2 -

6.1.2 Results from the Analysis

First, a regular linear analysis was run on the slab, in terms of obtaining an idea of the
distribution of shear stresses around the control perimeter. Figure 6.4 shows the contours
of the shear stresses Qxz and Qyz in the slab, where x denotes the shear stresses at the
surface perpendicular to the x-axis and y at the surface perpendicular to the y-axis.


(a) (b)

Figure 6.4: Distribution of shear stresses (a) Qxz and (b) Qyz

The distributions in Figure 6.4 clearly show a similarity to the distribution presented
in Figure 6.1, as the shear force Qxz is almost constant along the vertical part of the
perimeter close to the column and the shear force Qyz goes from certain values in tension
to the same values in compression along the horizontal part of the perimeter.

To obtain more accurate values for the shear distribution around the column, the analysis
was then run again, this time as tabulated, which means that tabulated values of the
requested parameters are obtained. The analysis presented values for both Qxz and Qyz
for all the nodes in the slab. The only interesting nodal values however are the values at
the nodes along the perimeter 2d from the column edge.

For the circular areas of the perimeter, there are not any nodes in the model situated
exactly on the perimeter. For these cases, the average value of the stresses in the two
nodes situated closest to the perimeter is used. Since these nodes are arranged with an
angle to the axis, the sums of Qxz sin α + Qyz cos α for the average value of the two nodes
closest to the parameter are calculated. For the nodes situated along the y-axis, the values
of Qxz are collected, and the values of Qyz are collected for the nodes situated along the

In Figure 6.5 the points along the perimeter for which the values for the shear stresses are
collected are given values from 1 to 32. Table 6.2 shows the corresponding values of the
shear stresses in the points 1 to 32. Since the slab has a thickness of 300 mm, the values
gotten from the analysis are divided by this thickness in terms of obtaining the value for
the shear stress v. All the values are scaled by the factor 1000. Since the loading causes
a symmetric distribution, many points will have the same value of v.


Figure 6.5: Points along the perimeter with given numbers from 1 to 32

Table 6.2: Shear stresses at the points around the perimeter

Point numbers v [MPa] · 1000

3 -3.2
2, 4 -2.9
1, 5 -2.5
6, 32 -2.3
7, 31 -2.1
8, 30 -3.1
9, 29 -1.8
10, 28 -0.9
11, 27 0
12, 26 0.9
13, 25 1.8
14, 24 3.1
15, 23 2.1
16, 22 2.3
17, 21 2.5
18,20 2.9
19 3.2


The final result for the shear stress distribution at the perimeter 2d from the edge of the
column is presented in Figure 6.6.

Figure 6.6: Shear stress distribution at the control perimeter

6.1.3 Comparison to Results by EC2

Figure 6.6 shows that the calculated shear stress distribution at the perimeter makes a
good match with the presented distribution in Figure 6.1. The values of the shear stresses
by the results from the analysis are not constant around the perimeter, but a constant
distribution is a good approximation as the values do not differ that much from each
other. Along the x-axis, the shear stress according to the analysis decreases linearly from
one value in tension to the same value in compression and opposite. This differs from
Figure 6.1, as the shear stress here goes directly from one value in tension to the same
value in compression without the gradually linear decrease. The distribution in Figure 6.1
is only an approximated distribution, and the linear decrease shown in Figure 6.6 is more
likely in reality.

As presented in Section 2.4, and given in Equation (6.38) in EC2, the expression for the
shear stress at the perimeter u1 at the distance 2d from the edge of the column can be
given by the expression in Equation (6.1).

vEd = β (6.1)
u1 d


In Equation (6.1), β is given by the expression in Equation (6.2).

MEd u1
β = 1+k· · (6.2)
VEd W1

The value of k is in Table 6.1 in EC2 given the value of 0.6 for the quadratic cross-sectional
area of the column. The value of W1 is given in Equation (6.41) in EC2 and is calculated
in Equation (6.3).

W1 = + c1 c2 + 4c2 d + 16d2 + 2πdc1

4002 (6.3)
= + 400 · 400 + 4 · 400 · 239 + 16 · 2392 + 2π · 239 · 400

= 2137008.5 mm2

By inserting Equation (6.2) into Equation (6.1) and knowing that the value of VEd is zero
in the model, the value of vEd at the control perimeter is obtained in Equation (6.4).

MEd u1 VEd VEd MEd

vEd = 1+k· · · = +k·
VEd W1 u1 d u1 d W1 d

MEd 3 · 106 (6.4)

= k· = 0.6 ·
W1 d 2137008.5 · 239

= 3.5 · 10−3 MPa

If this value is scaled by the factor 1000 like the results from the analysis, the value
becomes equal to 3.5. This value is larger than the largest value obtained in points 3
and 19 in Figure 6.5, which means that the value from EC2 is on the conservative side.
The values of 3.2 and 3.5 are quite close, which means that the expression in EC2 gives
a nice approximation to the actual values of the shear stresses around the perimeter at
the distance 2d from the column edge. If the values in the analysis had been divided by
239 mm instead of 300 mm, the maximum shear stress would have become 4.0, which is
in fact larger than the value calculated by EC2.


6.2 Loaded Areas Close to Slab Openings

The model for calculations of the reduced control perimeter due to an opening in the slab
near the column was presented in Figure 2.13 in Section 2.4. A similar model is used
in MC2010 for columns near slab openings. The figure from EC2 is presented again in
Figure 6.7.

Figure 6.7: Critical control perimeter around loaded area close to slab opening [1]

According to Figure 6.7 the effect of openings in the slab closer than 6d from the column
edge may be accounted for by assuming that the part of the perimeter between two tangent
lines drawn from the centre of the column to the corner of the slab opening is ineffective.
This causes the total shear stress along the perimeter to become larger.

6.2.1 Structure of the Model in DIANA

Figure 6.8: Model of slab-column connection in DIANA with loading and constraints


To find out whether the effect of a slab opening can be approximated as suggested in
EC2, a slab-column connection is modelled. Both the slab and the column have the same
dimensions as the slab presented in Section 6.1, and the same element types are used.
The model is shown in Figure 6.8.

This model is, in addition to the constraints described in Section 6.1, also constrained
against translations in x- and y-direction at the bottom of the column. In addition to this,
the loading situation is different. Where the model in Section 6.1 was loaded with a point
load at the bottom of the column, this model has a uniformly distributed load over the
entire slab surface, with the size of 0.1 MPa. The slab in Figure 6.8 has also two openings
located at each side of the column in x-direction. The dimensions of the slab openings
and the distances from the openings to the column edges are shown in Figure 6.9.

Figure 6.9: Dimensions of slab openings and ineffective parts of the perimeter

6.2.2 Results from the Analysis

For a tabulated linear analysis on the model, the results for the shear stresses along the
perimeter are obtained. These values are collected in the same way as in Section 6.1, but
since the loading now is much larger, the values are not scaled by a factor 1000, as they
were in Section 6.1. The values for the shear stresses in the points given in Figure 6.5 are
presented in Table 6.3.


Table 6.3: Shear stresses at the points around the perimeter

Point numbers v [MPa]

3, 19 4.1
2, 4, 18, 20 3.4
1, 5, 17, 21 3.0
6, 16, 22, 32 3.6
7, 15, 23, 31 3.3
8, 14, 24, 30 3.5
9, 13, 25, 29 3.4
10, 12, 26, 28 3.6
11, 27 3.7

Based on the values given in Table 6.3, the final result for the shear stress distribution at
the perimeter 2d from the column edge is presented in Figure 6.10.

Figure 6.10: Shear stress distribution at the control perimeter

As expected, the analysis presents largest values at the points 3 and 19, which are situated
closest to the slab opening.

6.2.3 Comparison to Results by EC2

It is obvious that the values of the shear stresses along the perimeter become larger when
there are openings in the slab near the column edge. To compare the values from the
analysis to the method described in EC2, the shear stress according to the rules for slabs
with openings in EC2 must be calculated.


The part of the perimeter that can be assumed ineffective in the calculations of the shear
stress, given as uineff in Figure 6.9, can be calculated with some simple triangle equalities.
The calculations of the ineffective part of the perimeter uineff and the reduced perimeter
u1,red are presented in Equations (6.5) and (6.6). It should be noted that two times the
value of uineff should be subtracted from the perimeter, as there are two openings in the

uineff /2 200
678 878

uineff 200 (6.5)

→ = 678 · = 154.4 mm
2 878

→ uineff = 2 · 154.4 = 308.9 mm

u1,red = u1 − 2 · uinef f = 4 · 400 + 2 · π · 478 − 2 · 308.9 = 3985.6 mm (6.6)

The loading on the column, VEd , may easily be calculated according to Equation (6.7).
Then the final value for the shear stress with the reduced perimeter taken into account,
vEd,red , may be calculated according to Equation (6.8).

VEd = q · Aslab = 0.1 · (7000 · 7000 − 202 · 400 · 2) = 4883840 N = 4883.8 kN (6.7)

VEd 4883840
vEd,red = β · = 1.0 · = 5.1 MPa (6.8)
u1,red · d 3985.6 · 239

The calculated value of the shear stress along the perimeter is larger than the maximum
of the values in Table 6.3. Again, the method in EC2 is conservative compared to the
value gotten from the analysis. The value from EC2 is, however, not that much larger
than the value obtained in the analysis.

To be able to compare the results in more detail, the results for a slab without slab
openings, but with the same loading situation as the slab in this section, are evaluated.
Table 6.4 shows the values for the shear stresses at the points around the perimeter for
the slab without openings.


Table 6.4: Shear stresses at the points around the perimeter

Point numbers v [MPa]

3, 11, 19, 27 3.7
2, 4, 10, 12, 18, 20, 26, 28 3.6
1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29 3.4
6, 8, 14, 16, 22, 24, 30, 32 3.4
7, 15, 23, 31 3.3

Table 6.4 shows that the values are more evenly distributed around the perimeter than
for the model with openings in the slab. The maximum value around the perimeter is
3.7 MPa. This value must be compared to the value calculated according to EC2. The
calculated values of the perimeter u1 , the shear force in the column, VEd,without , and the
shear stress around the perimeter, vEd,without , for the case without openings in the slab
are given in Equations (6.9), (6.10) and (6.11).

u1 = 4 · 400 + 2 · π · 478 = 4603.4 mm (6.9)

VEd,without = q · Aslab = 0.1 · 7000 · 7000 = 4900000 N = 4900.0 kN (6.10)

VEd,without 4900000
vEd,without = β · = 1.0 · = 4.5 MPa (6.11)
u1 · d 4603.4 · 239

The maximum value from Table 6.4 is approximately 82% of the value calculated according
to EC2. For the slab with openings near the column edge the maximum value from the
analysis was approximately 80% of the value calculated by EC2. This means that EC2
overestimates the size of the maximum shear stress with almost the same percentage both
for the slab with and the slab without openings. This means that the assumptions made
in EC2 make a good match with the results from the analyses.

The differences in the values from EC2 and the analyses may be caused by the fact that
the values obtained from the analyses are divided by the slab thickness of 300 mm, while
the method in EC2 divides the shear force on the effective depth of 239 mm.

By dividing the results from the analyses by 239 mm instead of 300 mm, we get the values
in Equations (6.12) and (6.13) for the maximum shear stress at the perimeter for the slabs
with and without opening respectively.

vEd,d,with = 4.1 · = 5.1 MPa (6.12)


vEd,d,without = 3.7 · = 4.6 MPa (6.13)

Now, by distributing the shear force over the effective depth instead of the whole thickness
of the slab, the results from EC2 and the analyses become almost identical for both cases;
with and without slab openings. For the slab without openings, the maximum value from
the analysis even becomes slightly larger than the calculated value according to EC2. The
assumptions made in EC2 are therefore satisfying. It may be noted that EC2 assumes
an approximately even distribution of shear stresses around the perimeter, whereas in
the analyses, the distribution is not constant, especially not for the situation with slab

Chapter 7


The method in EC2 for punching shear design is empirical, and it usually presents con-
servative results. This was among others shown in Section 3.4.1, where it was described
how most of the results in the tests described presented higher capacities than the ones
calculated by EC2. In most cases, the results by the approach that MC2010 is based on
also gave higher capacities than the approach in EC2. The punching shear design of a
structure according to the approach in EC2 should therefore be conservative and safe in
most cases.

The method in MC2010 is based on a physical model, and the results are therefore assumed
to become more accurate for this method than for the method in EC2. This is confirmed
in Section 3.4.1, where the results from both the refined method and the simplified method
according to the CSCT match the test results in a satisfying manner.

Design examples according to MC2010 were presented in Chapter 5 and the results from
the FEM analyses were described in Chapter 6, in terms of comparing the results by EC2
to the results by MC2010 and to find out whether EC2 in fact always present accurate
and conservative calculation models.

7.1 Punching Shear Capacity and Required Shear


The simplified expression based on the rotation of the slab obtained in Section 3.4.1 gave
more accurate results than EC2 for most cases. This simplified expression is very similar
to the expression for the rotation of the slab in LoA II in MC2010. The results by the
simplified expression for the rotation were in most cases conservative compared to the
test results, but not as conservative as the results according to EC2.


These observations cause the assumptions that MC2010 would give more accurate and
less conservative results for the design examples presented in Chapter 5 than the results
according to EC2. For column type 2 and 3 this turned out to be the case. For column
type 1 on the other hand, the utilization of the punching shear capacity turned out to be
higher according to the method in MC2010.

As shown in Figure 3.20f in Section 3.4.1, there were no relevant test results available
for the comparison of how the slenderness of a slab affects the capacity. In this case
it is therefore assumed that the results from the refined method give accurate enough
results for comparison with EC2. In EC2, the slenderness of the slab is not included in
the calculations of the capacity, and it will therefore not affect the results. Figure 3.20f
clearly shows how the capacity according to the refined and simplified methods decreases
as the slab becomes more slender. This causes the calculated capacity according to EC2
to become larger than for the two other methods for sufficient slender slabs.

The chance of EC2 overestimating the capacity in some cases is therefore present and the
design example on column type 1 in Chapter 5 certified this theory further. Column type
1 had large span lengths, much larger than column type 2 and 3.

Luckily, the requirements for spacing are more conservative in EC2 than in MC2010. This
caused the total applied reinforcement amount for column type 1 not to differ too much
for the two different approaches, although EC2 originally required a shorter distance to
the outer shear reinforcement perimeter than MC2010.

In the case of column type 1, the total applied reinforcement amount did not differ too
much for the two different approaches. However, for another given case with a structure
with a very slender slab, the difference in the applied amount for the two methods might
have become larger. The idea that EC2 might sometimes underestimate the required
amount of shear reinforcement makes it clear that this is a topic that needs to be further
investigated in the future. It is necessary to perform punching shear tests on slender slabs,
in terms of finding out how non-conservative EC2 in reality is for these types of slabs.
These tests would also help verifying if the simplifications in the approach in MC2010 are
reasonable and the results satisfying.

As for the LoA I approach in MC2010, this method is overly conservative as it predicts
a very large rotation of the slab. This is logical as the amount of flexural reinforcement
applied to the system is not accounted for in this LoA. The large amount of flexural
reinforcement used in the design examples in Chapter 5 causes the slab to have decreased
rotations, and the capacity predicted by LoA I for the system without shear reinforcement
is therefore too low. However, this level of approximation gives a nice prediction of whether
shear reinforcement is necessary or not for preliminary design. In terms of finding the
required amount of shear reinforcement, LoA II will be more appropriate in terms of not
exaggerating the amount of reinforcement, as this is neither practical nor economical.

Although the LoA II approach in the design examples gave quite satisfying results, more


slab-column connections should be examined before drawing any conclusions on whether

the method is accurate enough. By examining more slab-column connections it would
also be possible to find out for which cases EC2 presents non-conservative results.

7.2 Shear Distribution and the Effect of Openings in

the Slab

When it comes to the shear stress distribution around a column that is subjected to a
moment, EC2 assumes it to be constant at the basic control perimeter 2d from the column
edge. The results from the analysis presented in Section 6.1 showed that the shear stress
distribution at the basic control perimeter is not exactly constant. However, a constant
distribution is an appropriate simplification, as the values do not vary too much around
the perimeter.

According to EC2 the value of the shear stress goes directly from one value in tension to
the same value in compression and opposite along the sides parallel to the x-axis when the
moment is applied about the y-axis. The results from the linear analysis gives that the
shear stress distribution in x-direction has a linear decrease from tension to compression
and opposite. This is a more realistic distribution, and it is reasonable to assume that the
model in EC2 is just approximate and that this linear decrease is not taken into account.

The calculated value of the shear stress along the basic control perimeter according to EC2
gave a value quite close to the maximum value obtained from the analysis. This means
that, although the distribution does not appear to be constant in reality, the maximum
value is almost the same for the analysis and for the method in EC2, and the procedure
in EC2 may therefore be satisfying for design purposes.

The effect of openings near the column edge is according to EC2 being accounted for
by assuming that a part of the perimeter is ineffective for carrying shear stresses. The
loading situation described in Section 6.2 gave a value of the maximum shear stress in the
analysis of approximately 80% of the value calculated based on the assumptions in EC2.
These values are very close, and the assumption in EC2 is therefore quite satisfying.

The calculated values according to EC2 were in both cases in Chapter 6 higher than the
values obtained by the analyses. This means that the design procedure in EC2 is on the
safe side and that the results will be conservative when using this approach.

It must be noted that for the shear distribution in Section 6.1 only one model was used
for the comparison to EC2. The results might have become different for other column
dimensions, slab thicknesses and spans. These are examples of analyses that should be
performed in the future in terms of making additional verifications to the models in EC2.
The same variations in the dimensions of the slab and the column could have been done


for the analysis in Section 6.2. For this analysis it might also have been interesting to look
at the effect of placing the slab openings closer or further away from the column edge,
but within the distance of 6d from the column edge, as described in EC2.

Chapter 8


The design approach for punching shear in EC2 is based on empirical formulations. The
design approach in MC2010 on the other hand is based on a physical model, with some
simplifications for the use in design. The method in MC2010 also presents different LoAs,
where LoA I is easiest to use but also the least accurate level, and LoA IV is most intricate
to use and very accurate.

Results from the theory that the punching shear design in MC2010 is based on are shown
to make a good match to the results by different tests on slabs. LoA I is not as accurate
as LoA II and underestimates the capacity, especially in the cases where a large amount
of flexural reinforcement causes the moment capacity of the slab to become large, as the
moment capacity is not included in the calculation of the rotation in LoA I.

Design examples on column type 2 and 3 according to LoA II in MC2010 presented

higher values for the concrete contribution to the capacity than EC2, and would therefore
also have given a lower required shear reinforcement amount. For column type 1, with
large span lengths, the result was opposite, as EC2 presented a lower required shear
reinforcement amount. This is probably caused by the fact that the span length is not
included in the calculations of the punching shear capacity in EC2. EC2 might therefore
predict too high capacities for cases where the slab has large spans. Before concluding on
anything concerning the punching shear capacity and the required reinforcement amount,
further analyses and tests on slender slabs should be performed, as it is clear that EC2
both overestimates and underestimates the capacities for different slab dimensions. Where
is the limit of the span length for which EC2 goes from underestimating the capacity to
overestimating it?

LoA II and higher LoAs in MC2010 take the slenderness of the slab into account, and
are therefore more reliable for design cases. Still, more tests should be done on slender
slabs in terms of verifying the method in MC2010 as there are not sufficient test results
available on these types of slabs.


When it comes to the shear stress distribution at the perimeter 2d from the column edge,
the model in EC2 that assumes a constant distribution of shear stresses makes a good
match to the results obtained by a linear analysis. The distribution in the analysis is
not precisely constant, but a constant distribution is a good approximation. In addition
to this, the calculated value of the shear stress around the perimeter according to the
method in EC2 and the maximum value from the analysis were quite close.

The effect of openings in the slab near the column edge may according to EC2 be accounted
for by assuming a part of the perimeter to be ineffective. This approximation turned out
to fit the real stress distribution situation according to a linear analysis quite well. The
value of the shear stress around the perimeter according to EC2 was, also in this case,
close to the maximum value gotten from the analysis.


[1] Standard Norge, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules
and rules for buildings, 2004+NA:2008.

[2] A. Muttoni and M. F. Ruiz, “The levels-of-approximation approach in mc 2010:

application to punching shear provisions,” Structural Concrete 13 (2012), pp. 32–41,
September 2011.

[3] fib technical report buletin 57, “Shear and punching shear in rc and frc elements,”
tech. rep., The International Federation for Structural Concrete, Salò, Italy, Work-
shop 15-16 October 2010.

[4] A. Muttoni, “Punching shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs without transverse
reinforcement,” ACI Structural Journal, vol. 105, pp. 440–450, July-August 2008.

[5] A. Muttoni and M. F. Ruiz, “Performance and design of punching shear reinforcement
systems,” 3rd fib International Congress, 2010.

[6] A. Muttoni and M. F. Ruiz, “Applications of critical shear crack theory to punching
of reinforced concrete slabs with transverse reinforcement,” ACI Structural Journal,
vol. 106, pp. 485–494, July-August 2009.

[7] The International Federation for Structural Concrete, Model Code 2010 Final draft
Volume 2, April 2012.

[8] Multiconsult AS, Barcode B13 - kjeller vest: Dekke over K3, February 2012.

[9] TNO DIANA,, Users’s

Manual, Accessed May 2013.

[10] S. I. Sørensen, Betongkonstruksjoner - Beregning og dimensjonering etter Eurocode

2, ch. 4, pp. 55–77. Tapir Akademiske Forlag, 2010.

[11] S. I. Sørensen and J. A. Øverli, TKT4222 Concrete Structures 3, ch. 4 - Punching of

concrete slabs. Departement of Structural Engineering, NTNU, Autumn 2012.


[12] European Concrete Platform ASBL, Commentary Eurocode 2, June 2008.

[13] R. Guidotti, Punching of flat slabs subjected to very large column loading. PhD thesis,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2010.

[14] L. Grepstad, “Numerisk simulering av betongkonstuksjonar med fem-programmet

diana,” Master’s thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2006.

[15] B. F. Byberg, “Konsentrerte laster på betongkonstruksjoner,” Master’s thesis, Nor-

wegian University of Science and Technology, Juni 2012.


Appendix A

Design Examples by EC2

In this appendix, the design of the three column types according to EC2 is shown. The cal-
culations are only presented for load combinations 3 and 4, as the two other combinations
are clearly not governing.

Only the calculations without applied punching shear reinforcement are attached, in terms
of finding an updated punching shear compression capacity with the correct flexural rein-
forcement amount. The calculations with applied shear reinforcement has been performed
by Multiconsult AS, and these calculations have not been updated, as the required rein-
forcement amount will not increase much with the updated amount of flexural reinforce-

Column 1, EC2
Load Combination 3
Material factor, concrete yc 1,5
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension wc 700 mm
Column dimension hc 700 mm
c1/c2 1
Dimension coefficient k 0,6 EC2 Table 6.1
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, x-direction As,x 2680,82 mm
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, z-direction As,y 2680,82 mm
Design shear force VEd 1027 kN
Design moment, x-direction MEd,x 34 kNm
Design moment, z-direction MEd,z 24 kNm
Critical control section u1 5803,362577 mm EC2 Fig. 6.13
Basic control section u0 2800 mm EC2 6.4.5(3)
Eccentricity, x-direction ex 33,10613437 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Eccentricity, z-direction ez 23,36903603 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, x-direction bx 1656 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, z-direction bz 1656 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Factor for incresed loadin β 1,044046933 EC2 (6.43)
Size for calculation of VRd,max,1 υ 0,516 EC2 (6.6N)
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k kcalculated 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k calculated against maximum value k 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Punching shear tension capacity, calculated vRd,c,calculated 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity, min vRd,c,min 0,32 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity vRd,c 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear compression capacity, max vRd,max,1 4,09 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Punching shear compression capacity vRd,max,2 2,48 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Capacity at the section u1 VRd,u1 1037,456793 kN EC2 (6.38)
Capacity at the section u0 VRd,u0 1589,900623 kN EC2 (6.53)

Punching shear compression capacity OK? 1589,90 kN 0,65 OK
Punching shear tension capacity OK? 1037,46 kN 0,99 OK
Load Combination 4
Material factor, concrete yc 1,5
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension wc 700 mm
Column dimension hc 700 mm
c1/c2 1
Dimension coefficient k 0,6 EC2 Table 6.1
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, x-direction As,x 2680,82 mm
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, z-direction As,y 2680,82 mm
Design shear force VEd 1260 kN
Design moment, x-direction MEd,x 0 kNm
Design moment, z-direction MEd,z 0 kNm
Critical control section u1 5803,362577 mm EC2 Fig. 6.13
Basic control section u0 2800 mm EC2 6.4.5(3)
Eccentricity, x-direction ex 0 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Eccentricity, z-direction ez 0 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, x-direction bx 1656 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, z-direction bz 1656 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Factor for incresed loadin β 1 EC2 (6.43)
Size for calculation of VRd,max,1 υ 0,516 EC2 (6.6N)
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k kcalculated 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k calculated against maximum value k 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Punching shear tension capacity, calculated vRd,c,calculated 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity, min vRd,c,min 0,32 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity vRd,c 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear compression capacity, max vRd,max,1 4,09 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Punching shear compression capacity vRd,max,2 2,59 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Capacity at the section u1 VRd,u1 1083,153583 kN EC2 (6.38)
Capacity at the section u0 VRd,u0 1733,045733 kN EC2 (6.53)

Punching shear compression capacity OK? 1733,05 kN 0,73 OK
Punching shear tension capacity OK? 1083,15 kN 1,16 NOT OK
Column 2, EC2
Load Combination 3
Material factor, concrete yc 1,5
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension wc 450 mm
Column dimension hc 700 mm
c1/c2 0,642857143
Dimension coefficient k 0,492857143 EC2 Table 6.1
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, x-direction As,x 2680,81 mm
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, z-direction As,y 2680,81 mm
Design shear force VEd 969 kN
Design moment, x-direction MEd,x 1 kNm
Design moment, z-direction MEd,z 52 kNm
Critical control section u1 5303,362577 mm EC2 Fig. 6.13
Basic control section u0 2300 mm EC2 6.4.5(3)
Eccentricity, x-direction ex 1,031991744 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Eccentricity, z-direction ez 53,66357069 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, x-direction bx 1406 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, z-direction bz 1656 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Factor for incresed loadin β 1,068710741 EC2 (6.43)
Size for calculation of VRd,max,1 υ 0,516 EC2 (6.6N)
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,011216778 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,011216778 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,011216778 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k kcalculated 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k calculated against maximum value k 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Punching shear tension capacity, calculated vRd,c,calculated 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity, min vRd,c,min 0,32 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity vRd,c 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear compression capacity, max vRd,max,1 4,09 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Punching shear compression capacity vRd,max,2 2,70 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Capacity at the section u1 VRd,u1 926,1918205 kN EC2 (6.38)
Capacity at the section u0 VRd,u0 1386,630503 kN EC2 (6.53)

Punching shear compression capacity OK? 1386,63 kN 0,70 OK
Punching shear tension capacity OK? 926,19 kN 1,05 NOT OK
Load Combination 4
Material factor, concrete yc 1,5
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension wc 450 mm
Column dimension hc 700 mm
c1/c2 0,642857143
Dimension coefficient k 0,492857143 EC2 Table 6.1
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, x-direction As,x 2680,82 mm
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, z-direction As,y 2680,82 mm
Design shear force VEd 1035 kN
Design moment, x-direction MEd,x 0 kNm
Design moment, z-direction MEd,z 0 kNm
Critical control section u1 5303,362577 mm EC2 Fig. 6.13
Basic control section u0 2300 mm EC2 6.4.5(3)
Eccentricity, x-direction ex 0 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Eccentricity, z-direction ez 0 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, x-direction bx 1406 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, z-direction bz 1656 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Factor for incresed loadin β 1 EC2 (6.43)
Size for calculation of VRd,max,1 υ 0,516 EC2 (6.6N)
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k kcalculated 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k calculated against maximum value k 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Punching shear tension capacity, calculated vRd,c,calculated 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity, min vRd,c,min 0,32 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity vRd,c 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear compression capacity, max vRd,max,1 4,09 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Punching shear compression capacity vRd,max,2 2,88 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Capacity at the section u1 VRd,u1 989,8323776 kN EC2 (6.38)
Capacity at the section u0 VRd,u0 1583,731804 kN EC2 (6.53)

Punching shear compression capacity OK? 1583,73 kN 0,65 OK
Punching shear tension capacity OK? 989,83 kN 1,05 NOT OK
Column 3, EC2
Load Combination 3
Material factor, concrete yc 1,5
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension wc 400 mm
Column dimension hc 550 mm
c1/c2 0,727272727
Dimension coefficient k 0,518181818 EC2 Table 6.1
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, x-direction As,x 2680,82 mm
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, z-direction As,y 2680,82 mm
Design shear force VEd 1038 kN
Design moment, x-direction MEd,x 0 kNm
Design moment, z-direction MEd,z 0 kNm
Critical control section u1 4903,362577 mm EC2 Fig. 6.13
Basic control section u0 1900 mm EC2 6.4.5(3)
Eccentricity, x-direction ex 0 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Eccentricity, z-direction ez 0 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, x-direction bx 1356 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, z-direction bz 1506 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Factor for incresed loadin β 1 EC2 (6.43)
Size for calculation of VRd,max,1 υ 0,516 EC2 (6.6N)
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k kcalculated 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k calculated against maximum value k 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Punching shear tension capacity, calculated vRd,c,calculated 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity, min vRd,c,min 0,32 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity vRd,c 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear compression capacity, max vRd,max,1 4,09 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Punching shear compression capacity vRd,max,2 3,22 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Capacity at the section u1 VRd,u1 915,1754132 kN EC2 (6.38)
Capacity at the section u0 VRd,u0 1464,280661 kN EC2 (6.53)

Punching shear compression capacity OK? 1464,28 kN 0,71 OK
Punching shear tension capacity OK? 915,18 kN 1,13 NOT OK
Load Combination 4
Material factor, concrete yc 1,5
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension wc 400 mm
Column dimension hc 550 mm
c1/c2 0,727272727
Dimension coefficient k 0,518181818 EC2 Table 6.1
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, x-direction As,x 2680,82 mm
Flexural reinforcement per unit lenght, z-direction As,y 2680,82 mm
Design shear force VEd 963 kN
Design moment, x-direction MEd,x 7 kNm
Design moment, z-direction MEd,z 46 kNm
Critical control section u1 4903,362577 mm EC2 Fig. 6.13
Basic control section u0 1900 mm EC2 6.4.5(3)
Eccentricity, x-direction ex 7,268951194 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Eccentricity, z-direction ez 47,76739356 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, x-direction bx 1356 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Dimension control section, z-direction bz 1506 mm EC2 6.4.3(3)
Factor for incresed loadin β 1,064000479 EC2 (6.43)
Size for calculation of VRd,max,1 υ 0,516 EC2 (6.6N)
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01121682 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k kcalculated 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Value of k calculated against maximum value k 1,914778707 EC2 6.4.4(1)
Punching shear tension capacity, calculated vRd,c,calculated 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity, min vRd,c,min 0,32 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear tension capacity vRd,c 0,78 N/mm EC2 (6.47)
Punching shear compression capacity, max vRd,max,1 4,09 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Punching shear compression capacity vRd,max,2 3,03 N/mm EC2 N.A.6.4.5
Capacity at the section u1 VRd,u1 860,1268811 kN EC2 (6.38)
Capacity at the section u0 VRd,u0 1293,423299 kN EC2 (6.53)

Punching shear compression capacity OK? 1293,42 kN 0,74 OK
Punching shear tension capacity OK? 860,13 kN 1,12 NOT OK
Appendix B

Design Examples by MC2010

In this appendix the calculations according to the design procedure in MC2010 are shown
for all the three column types. The calculations only include load combination 3 and 4
as the other two load combinations are obviously not governing.

The calculations include both LoA I and LoA II for all the three column types, and for LoA
II the calculations of the required shear reinforcement amount are also performed. The
final applied amount of shear reinforcement after all requirements of maximum distances
are fulfilled is not included in the calculations, as this has to be done manually.

Column 1, MC2010 LoA I

Load Combination 3
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 7.3-62
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 700 mm
Column dimension hs 700 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm2
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 10,705 m
Span in y-direction Ly 7,55 m
Design shear force VEd 1027 kN
Design moment MEd 41,62 kNm
Area within control section Aper 869462,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces eu 40,5 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 1052,2 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 0,96 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 3419 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 2,36 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,661 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 2,36 m MC2010
Rotation, x-direction ψx 0,0321 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation, y-direction ψz 0,0227 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation ψ 0,0321 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation factor, x-direction kψ,x 0,13083 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor, z-direction kψ,z 0,17144 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor kψ 0,13083 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 421,65 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES

Minimum value of reinforcement system parameter ksys 2,44 MC2010 (7.3-69)

Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 605,35 kN
Load Combination 4
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 7.3-62
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 700 mm
Column dimension hs 700 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm2
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 10,705 m
Span in y-direction Ly 7,55 m
Design shear force VEd 1260 kN
Design moment MEd 0 kNm
Area within control section Aper 869462,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces eu 0,0 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 1052,2 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 1,00 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 3551 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 2,36 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,661 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 2,36 m MC2010
Rotation, x-direction ψx 0,0321 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation, y-direction ψz 0,0227 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation ψ 0,0321 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation factor, x-direction kψ,x 0,13083 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor, z-direction kψ,z 0,17144 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor kψ 0,13083 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 437,89 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES

Minimum value of reinforcement system parameter ksys 2,88 MC2010 (7.3-69)

Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 822,11 kN
Column 2, MC2010 LoA I

Load Combination 3
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 7.3-62
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 450 mm
Column dimension hs 700 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm2
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 7,35 m
Span in y-direction Ly 7,9 m
Design shear force VEd 969 kN
Design moment MEd 52,01 kNm
Area within control section Aper 634712,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces eu 53,7 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 899,0 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 0,94 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 2879 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 1,62 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,738 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 1,74 m MC2010
Rotation, x-direction ψx 0,0221 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation, y-direction ψz 0,0237 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation ψ 0,0237 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation factor, x-direction kψ,x 0,17488 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor, z-direction kψ,z 0,16573 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor kψ 0,16573 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 449,75 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES

Minimum value of reinforcement system parameter ksys 2,15 MC2010 (7.3-69)

Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 519,25 kN
Load Combination 4
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 7.3-62
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 450 mm
Column dimension hs 700 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm2
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 7,35 m
Span in y-direction Ly 7,9 m
Design shear force VEd 1035 kN
Design moment MEd 0 kNm
Area within control section Aper 634712,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces eu 0,0 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 899,0 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 1,00 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 3051 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 1,62 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,738 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 1,74 m MC2010
Rotation, x-direction ψx 0,0221 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation, y-direction ψz 0,0237 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation ψ 0,0237 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation factor, x-direction kψ,x 0,17488 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor, z-direction kψ,z 0,16573 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor kψ 0,16573 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 476,61 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES

Minimum value of reinforcement system parameter ksys 2,17 MC2010 (7.3-69)

Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 558,39 kN
Column 3, MC2010 LoA I

Load Combination 3
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 7.3-62
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 400 mm
Column dimension hs 550 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm2
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 7,35 m
Span in y-direction Ly 8,01 m
Design shear force VEd 1038 kN
Design moment MEd 0 kNm
Area within control section Aper 491912,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces eu 0,0 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 791,4 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 1,00 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 2651 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 1,62 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,7622 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 1,76 m MC2010
Rotation, x-direction ψx 0,0221 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation, y-direction ψz 0,0240 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation ψ 0,0240 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation factor, x-direction kψ,x 0,17488 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor, z-direction kψ,z 0,16401 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor kψ 0,16401 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 409,83 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES

Minimum value of reinforcement system parameter ksys 2,53 MC2010 (7.3-69)

Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 628,17 kN
Load Combination 4
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 7.3-62
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 400 mm
Column dimension hs 550 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm2
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 7,35 m
Span in y-direction Ly 8,01 m
Design shear force VEd 963 kN
Design moment MEd 46,53 kNm
Area within control section Aper 491912,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces eu 48,3 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 791,4 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 0,94 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 2498 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 1,62 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,7622 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 1,76 m MC2010
Rotation, x-direction ψx 0,0221 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation, y-direction ψz 0,0240 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation ψ 0,0240 MC2010 (7.3-70)
Rotation factor, x-direction kψ,x 0,17488 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor, z-direction kψ,z 0,16401 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Rotation factor kψ 0,16401 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 386,25 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES

Minimum value of reinforcement system parameter ksys 2,49 MC2010 (7.3-69)

Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 576,75 kN
Column 1, MC2010 LoA II

Load Combination 3
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 (7.3-62)
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 700 mm
Column dimension hs 700 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Cover outer reinforcement layer c 45
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm2
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 10,705 m
Span in y-direction Ly 7,55 m
Design shear force VEd 1027 kN
Design moment MEd 41,62 kNm
Flexural strength per unit length mRd 244,32 kNm/m Eq. (3.12)
Area within control section Aper 869462,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces, LC4 eu 40,5 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 1052,2 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 0,96 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 3419 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 2,36 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,661 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 2,36 m MC2010
Width of support strip bs 2,97 m MC2010 (7.3-76)
Design moment per unit length mEd 135,39 kNm MC2010 (7.3-71)
Rotation ψ 0,0133 MC2010 (7.3-75)
Rotation factor kψ 0,24787 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Performance coefficient of reinforcement system ksys 2,0 MC2010
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 798,89 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 1 VRd,max1 1597,78 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 2 VRd,max2 3222,99 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity VRd,max 1597,78 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Sufficient cunching shear compression capacity? YES
Utilization of punching shear compression capacity uRd,max 0,64
Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 228,11 kN
Design bond strength fbd 3 N/mm MC2010
Diameter of shear reinforcement bars Øw 10
Shear reinforcement angle to the slab plane α 90 degrees
Centering of shear reinforcement bars, in both directions cc 150
Cover of shear reinforcement c 35 mm
Activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd,1 514,69 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Activated stress in the shear reinforcement, without bond σswd,2 441,83 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd 434,78 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, without bond σswd 434,78 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Calculated necessary shear reinforcement outside 0,35 d v and within 1dv Asw 544,86 mm MC2010 (7.3-64)
Minimun shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw,min 1226,54 mm MC2010 (7.3-68)
Design shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw 1226,54 mm
Effective depth, outer dv,out 204,00 mm MC2010
Length of outer perimeter for calculation of k e b2 5149,54 mm MC2010
Radius of a circle with perimeter b2 rout 819,58 mm MC2010
Approximate value of ke for outer perimeter ke 0,98 MC2010
Length of outer perimeter where shear reinforcement is not needed bout 5276,86 mm MC2010
Reinforcement density ρsw 0,35 %
Area outside 0,35 dv and withing 1dv Areinforce 592448,18 mm
Calculated shear reinforcement amount with chosen centering included Asw,calc 2068,03 mm
Sufficient shear reinforcement within the area YES
Load Combination 4
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 (7.3-62)
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 700 mm
Column dimension hs 700 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Cover outer reinforcement layer c 45
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm2
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 10,705 m
Span in y-direction Ly 7,55 m
Design shear force VEd 1260 kN
Design moment MEd 0 kNm
Flexural strength per unit length mRd 244,32 kNm/m Eq. (3.12)
Area within control section Aper 869462,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces, LC4 eu 0,0 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 1052,2 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 1,00 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 3551 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 2,36 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,661 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 2,36 m MC2010
Width of support strip bs 2,97 m MC2010 (7.3-76)
Design moment per unit length mEd 157,50 kNm MC2010 (7.3-71)
Rotation ψ 0,0166 MC2010 (7.3-75)
Rotation factor kψ 0,21368 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Performance coefficient of reinforcement system ksys 2,0 MC2010
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 715,22 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 1 VRd,max1 1430,44 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 2 VRd,max2 3347,12 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity VRd,max 1430,44 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Sufficient cunching shear compression capacity? YES
uRd,max 0,88
Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 544,78 kN
Design bond strength fbd 3 N/mm MC2010
Diameter of shear reinforcement bars Øw 10
Shear reinforcement angle to the slab plane α 90 degrees
Centering of shear reinforcement bars, in both directions cc 150
Cover of shear reinforcement c 35 mm
Activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd,1 645,79 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Activated stress in the shear reinforcement, without bond σswd,2 554,37 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd 434,78 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, without bond σswd 434,78 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Calculated necessary shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw 1252,99 mm MC2010 (7.3-64)
Minimun shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw,min 1449,00 mm MC2010 (7.3-68)
Design shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw 1449,00 mm
Effective depth, outer dv,out 204,00 mm MC2010
Length of outer perimeter for calculation of ke b2 7328,74 mm MC2010
Radius of a circle with perimeter b2 rout 1166,41 mm MC2010
Approximate value of ke for outer perimeter ke 1,00 MC2010
Length of outer perimeter where shear reinforcement is not needed bout 7328,74 mm MC2010
Reinforcement density ρsw 0,35 %
Area outside 0,35 dv and withing 1dv Areinforce 592448,18 mm
Calculated shear reinforcement amount with chosen centering included Asw,calc 2068,03 mm
Sufficient shear reinforcement within the area YES
Column 2, MC2010 LoA II

Load Combination 3
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 (7.3-62)
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 450 mm
Column dimension hs 700 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Cover outer reinforcement layer c 45
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 7,35 m
Span in y-direction Ly 7,9 m
Design shear force VEd 969 kN
Design moment MEd 52,01 kNm
Flexural strength per unit length mRd 244,32 kNm/m Eq. (3.12)
Area within control section Aper 634712,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces, LC4 eu 53,7 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 899,0 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 0,94 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 2879 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 1,62 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,738 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 1,74 m MC2010
Width of support strip bs 2,51 m MC2010 (7.3-76)
Design moment per unit length mEd 131,47 kNm MC2010 (7.3-71)
Rotation ψ 0,0094 MC2010 (7.3-75)
Rotation factor kψ 0,30399 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Performance coefficient of reinforcement system ksys 2,0 MC2010
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 824,96 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 1 VRd,max1 1649,93 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 2 VRd,max2 2713,78 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity VRd,max 1649,93 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Sufficient cunching shear compression capacity? YES
Utilization of punching shear compression capacity uRd,max 0,59
Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 144,04 kN
Design bond strength fbd 3 N/mm MC2010
Diameter of shear reinforcement bars Øw 10
Shear reinforcement angle to the slab plane α 90 degrees
Centering of shear reinforcement bars, in both directions cc 150
Cover of shear reinforcement c 35 mm
Activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd,1 363,44 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Activated stress in the shear reinforcement, without bond σswd,2 311,99 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd 363,44 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, without bond σswd 311,99 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Calculated necessary shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw 419,97 mm MC2010 (7.3-64)
Minimun shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw,min 1180,88 mm MC2010 (7.3-68)
Design shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw 1180,88 mm
Effective depth, outer dv,out 204,00 mm MC2010
Length of outer perimeter for calculation of ke b2 3961,78 mm MC2010
Radius of a circle with perimeter b2 rout 630,54 mm MC2010
Approximate value of ke for outer perimeter ke 0,96 MC2010
Length of outer perimeter where shear reinforcement is not needed bout 4130,40 mm MC2010
Reinforcement density ρsw 0,35 %
Area outside 0,35 dv and withing 1dv Areinforce 514773,18 mm
Calculated shear reinforcement amount with chosen centering included Asw,calc 1796,90 mm
Sufficient shear reinforcement within the area YES
Load Combination 4
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 (7.3-62)
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 450 mm
Column dimension hs 700 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Cover outer reinforcement layer c 45
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 7,35 m
Span in y-direction Ly 7,9 m
Design shear force VEd 1035 kN
Design moment MEd 0 kNm
Flexural strength per unit length mRd 244,32 kNm/m Eq. (3.12)
Area within control section Aper 634712,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces, LC4 eu 0,0 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 899,0 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 1,00 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 3051 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 1,62 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,738 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 1,74 m MC2010
Width of support strip bs 2,51 m MC2010 (7.3-76)
Design moment per unit length mEd 129,38 kNm MC2010 (7.3-71)
Rotation ψ 0,0091 MC2010 (7.3-75)
Rotation factor kψ 0,30797 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Performance coefficient of reinforcement system ksys 2,0 MC2010
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 885,67 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 1 VRd,max1 1771,34 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 2 VRd,max2 2875,81 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity VRd,max 1771,34 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Sufficient cunching shear compression capacity? YES
uRd,max 0,58
Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 149,33 kN
Design bond strength fbd 3 N/mm MC2010
Diameter of shear reinforcement bars Øw 10
Shear reinforcement angle to the slab plane α 90 degrees
Centering of shear reinforcement bars, in both directions cc 150
Cover of shear reinforcement c 35 mm
Activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd,1 354,80 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Activated stress in the shear reinforcement, without bond σswd,2 304,57 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd 354,80 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, without bond σswd 304,57 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Calculated necessary shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw 420,88 mm MC2010 (7.3-64)
Minimun shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw,min 1190,25 mm MC2010 (7.3-68)
Design shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw 1190,25 mm
Effective depth, outer dv,out 204,00 mm MC2010
Length of outer perimeter for calculation of ke b2 4176,90 mm MC2010
Radius of a circle with perimeter b2 rout 664,77 mm MC2010
Approximate value of ke for outer perimeter ke 1,00 MC2010
Length of outer perimeter where shear reinforcement is not needed bout 4176,90 mm MC2010
Reinforcement density ρsw 0,35 %
Area outside 0,35 dv and withing 1dv Areinforce 514773,18 mm
Calculated shear reinforcement amount with chosen centering included Asw,calc 1796,90 mm
Sufficient shear reinforcement within the area YES
Column 3, MC2010 LoA II

Load Combination 3
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 (7.3-62)
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 400 mm
Column dimension hs 550 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Cover outer reinforcement layer c 45
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 7,35 m
Span in y-direction Ly 8,01 m
Design shear force VEd 1038 kN
Design moment MEd 0 kNm
Flexural strength per unit length mRd 244,32 kNm/m Eq. (3.12)
Area within control section Aper 491912,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces, LC4 eu 0,0 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 791,4 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 1,00 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 2651 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 1,62 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,7622 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 1,76 m MC2010
Width of support strip bs 2,53 m MC2010 (7.3-76)
Design moment per unit length mEd 129,75 kNm MC2010 (7.3-71)
Rotation ψ 0,0093 MC2010 (7.3-75)
Rotation factor kψ 0,30496 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Performance coefficient of reinforcement system ksys 2,0 MC2010
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 762,03 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 1 VRd,max1 1524,07 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 2 VRd,max2 2498,76 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity VRd,max 1524,07 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Sufficient cunching shear compression capacity? YES
Utilization of punching shear compression capacity uRd,max 0,68
Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 275,97 kN
Design bond strength fbd 3 N/mm MC2010
Diameter of shear reinforcement bars Øw 10
Shear reinforcement angle to the slab plane α 90 degrees
Centering of shear reinforcement bars, in both directions cc 150
Cover of shear reinforcement c 35 mm
Activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd,1 361,31 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Activated stress in the shear reinforcement, without bond σswd,2 310,16 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd 361,31 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, without bond σswd 310,16 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Calculated necessary shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw 763,80 mm MC2010 (7.3-64)
Minimun shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw,min 1193,70 mm MC2010 (7.3-68)
Design shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw 1193,70 mm
Effective depth, outer dv,out 204,00 mm MC2010
Length of outer perimeter for calculation of ke b2 4230,34 mm MC2010
Radius of a circle with perimeter b2 rout 673,28 mm MC2010
Approximate value of ke for outer perimeter ke 1,00 MC2010
Length of outer perimeter where shear reinforcement is not needed bout 4230,34 mm MC2010
Reinforcement density ρsw 0,35 %
Area outside 0,35 dv and withing 1dv Areinforce 452633,18 mm
Calculated shear reinforcement amount with chosen centering included Asw,calc 1579,99 mm
Sufficient shear reinforcement within the area YES
Load Combination 4
Material factor, concrete gc 1,5
Material factor, steel gs 1,15
Characteristic concrete strength fck 35 N/mm
Design concrete strength fcd 19,83 N/mm
Mean tensile concrete strength fctm 3,21 N/mm
Design tensile concrete strength fctd 1,27 N/mm
Maximal aggregate size dg 20 mm
Aggregate size factor kdg 0,89 MC2010 (7.3-62)
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk 500 N/mm
Design yield strength of steel fyd 434,8 N/mm
Young's modulus steel Es 200000 N/mm
Slab thickness h 300 mm
Effective depth dv 239 mm
Column dimension ws 400 mm
Column dimension hs 550 mm
Diameter of flexural reinforcement Ø 16 mm
Centering of flexural reinforcement bars cc 75 mm
Cover outer reinforcement layer c 45
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, x-direction As,x 2680,83 mm
Flextural reinforcement per unit length, z-direction As,z 2680,83 mm
Reinforcement ratio, x-direction ρx 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio, z-direction ρz 0,01122
Reinforcement ratio ρ 0,01122
Span in x-direction Lx 7,35 m
Span in y-direction Ly 8,01 m
Design shear force VEd 963 kN
Design moment MEd 46,53 kNm
Flexural strength per unit length mRd 244,32 kNm/m Eq. (3.12)
Area within control section Aper 491912,7 mm MC2010
Eccentricity of resultant forces, LC4 eu 48,3 mm MC2010
Diameter of circle with same surface Ac bu 791,4 mm MC2010
Eccentricity coefficient, approximated ke 0,94 MC2010 (7.3-59)
Shear-resisting control perimeter b0 2498 mm MC2010
Distance to zero moment, x-direction rs,x 1,62 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, z-direction rs,z 1,7622 m MC2010
Distance to zero moment, design value rs 1,76 m MC2010
Width of support strip bs 2,53 m MC2010 (7.3-76)
Design moment per unit length mEd 129,56 kNm MC2010 (7.3-71)
Rotation ψ 0,0093 MC2010 (7.3-75)
Rotation factor kψ 0,30532 MC2010 (7.3-63)
Performance coefficient of reinforcement system ksys 2,0 MC2010
Shear capacity, concrete contribution VRd,c 719,03 kN MC2010 (7.3-61)
Shear reinforcement necessary? YES
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 1 VRd,max1 1438,06 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity, 2 VRd,max2 2354,98 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Maximum punching shear compression capacity VRd,max 1438,06 kN MC2010 (7.3-69)
Sufficient cunching shear compression capacity? YES
uRd,max 0,67
Amount that must be taken by shear reinforcement VRd,s 243,97 kN
Design bond strength fbd 3 N/mm MC2010
Diameter of shear reinforcement bars Øw 10
Shear reinforcement angle to the slab plane α 90 degrees
Centering of shear reinforcement bars, in both directions cc 150
Cover of shear reinforcement c 35 mm
Activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd,1 360,53 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Activated stress in the shear reinforcement, without bond σswd,2 309,49 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, with bond σswd 360,53 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Design activated stress in shear reinforcement, without bond σswd 309,49 N/mm MC2010 (7.3-67)
Calculated necessary shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw 718,03 mm MC2010 (7.3-64)
Minimun shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw,min 1175,06 mm MC2010 (7.3-68)
Design shear reinforcement outside 0,35 dv and within 1dv Asw 1175,06 mm
Effective depth, outer dv,out 204,00 mm MC2010
Length of outer perimeter for calculation of ke b2 3920,08 mm MC2010
Radius of a circle with perimeter b2 rout 623,90 mm MC2010
Approximate value of ke for outer perimeter ke 0,96 MC2010
Length of outer perimeter where shear reinforcement is not needed bout 4071,87 mm MC2010
Reinforcement density ρsw 0,35 %
Area outside 0,35 dv and withing 1dv Areinforce 452633,18 mm
Calculated shear reinforcement amount with chosen centering included Asw,calc 1579,99 mm
Sufficient shear reinforcement within the area YES
Appendix C

DIANA Input Files

This appendix includes the input files for the DIANA model used in Section 6.1 and the
DIANA model used for the analysis with slab openings in Section 6.2. For the analysis
in Section 6.2 without slab openings the input file is almost equal, the only difference is
that some elements are removed in the model with slab openings.

The dotted lines in the input files symbolize where some lines are removed from the
appendix in terms of not using too much space. The complete input files, the output files
and the tabulated files for the values of the shear stresses for all the analyses in Chapter
6 are presented in the electronic appendices.

DAT-file for model in Section 6.1
ANALYSIS TYPE : Structural 3D
1 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
2 2.015714E+02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
4482 3.600000E+03 3.700000E+03 -4.000000E+02
4483 3.600000E+03 3.700000E+03 -2.000000E+02
1 CQ40S 1 226 2 241 17 255 16 240
2 CQ40S 2 227 3 242 18 256 17 241
1295 CQ40S 3625 4004 3626 4018 3640 4032 3639 4017
1296 CQ40S 3626 4005 3627 4019 3641 4033 3640 4018
1297 CHX60 4069 4098 4055 4141 4127 4184 4170 4213 4113 4084 4156 4199
1754 1781 1775 1998 1997 1999 1990 1993
1298 CHX60 4068 4097 4054 4140 4126 4183 4169 4212 4112 4083 4155 4198
4069 4098 4055 4141 4127 4184 4170 4213
1355 CHX60 4114 4305 4262 4441 4427 4470 4324 4338 4143 4291 4456 4353
4115 4306 4263 4442 4428 4471 4325 4339
1356 CHX60 4037 4218 4215 4425 4424 4426 4320 4322 4142 4290 4455 4352
4114 4305 4262 4441 4427 4470 4324 4338
/ 1-1356 / 1
/ 1-1296 / 1
1 YOUNG 3.400000E+04
POISON 2.000000E-01
1 THICK 3.000000E+02
1 SLAB1 / 1-504 /
2 SLAB1_N / 1-1613 /
3 SLAB2 / 505-612 /
4 SLAB2_N / 211-225 632-645 688-690 775-777 792 821 836 865 908-910
995-997 1194-1207 1600-1943 /
5 SLAB3 / 613-648 /
6 SLAB3_N / 1644-1658 1732-1745 1752-1754 1770-1772 1775 1781
1784 1790 1797-1799 1815-1817 1846-1859 1930-2053 /
7 SLAB4 / 649-684 /
8 SLAB4_N / 1944-1958 1974-1990 1994-1997 1999 2000 2002-2005
2009-2025 2040-2163 /
9 SLAB5 / 685-792 /
10 SLAB5_N / 2054-2068 2084-2100 2104-2107 2109 2110 2112-2115
2119-2135 2150-2493 /
11 SLAB6 / 793-1296 /
12 SLAB6_N / 2194-2208 2282-2295 2302-2304 2320-2322 2325 2331
2334 2340 2347-2349 2365-2367 2396-2409 2480-4033 /
13 SLAB / 1-1296 /
14 SLAB_N / 1-4033 /
15 COLUMN / 630 631 666 667 1297-1356 /
16 COLUMN_N / 1754 1775 1781 1784 1790 1990 1993 1997-2002 2100
2103 2107-2112 4034-4483 /
/ 1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136 151 166 181 196 211 240 269 298
327 356 385 414 443 472 501 530 559 588 617 1614 1629 1644 1659
1688 1717 1944 1959 2054 2069 2164 2179 2194 2209 2238 2267 2494
2509 2524 2539 2554 2569 2584 2599 2614 2629 2644 2659 2674 2689
2704 2733 2762 2791 2820 2849 2878 2907 2936 2965 2994 3023 3052
3081 / TR 1
/ 1-15 226-239 646-648 691-693 778 793 822 837 866-868 911-913
998-1011 1208-1221 2689-2703 3096-3109 3149-3151 3233-3235 3249
3277 3291 3319 3359-3361 3443-3445 3628-3641 4020-4033 / RO 1
/ 2689-2703 3096-3109 3149-3151 3233-3235 3249 3277 3291 3319 3359-3361
3443-3445 3628-3641 4020-4033 / TR 2
/ 1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136 151 166 181 196 211 240 269 298
327 356 385 414 443 472 501 530 559 588 617 1011 1025 1039 1053
1067 1081 1095 1109 1123 1137 1151 1165 1179 1193 1207 1235 1263
1291 1319 1347 1375 1403 1431 1459 1487 1515 1543 1571 1599 1614
1629 1644 1659 1688 1717 1831 1845 1859 1873 1901 1929 1944 1959
2025 2039 2054 2069 2135 2149 2164 2179 2194 2209 2238 2267 2381
2395 2409 2423 2451 2479 2494 2509 2524 2539 2554 2569 2584 2599
2614 2629 2644 2659 2674 2689 2704 2733 2762 2791 2820 2849 2878
2907 2936 2965 2994 3023 3052 3081 3459 3473 3487 3501 3515 3529
3543 3557 3571 3585 3599 3613 3627 3641 3655 3683 3711 3739 3767
3795 3823 3851 3879 3907 3935 3963 3991 4019 / RO 2
/ 4037 / TR 3
4037 FORCE 1 0.100000E+04
1 1.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
2 0.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
3 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 1.000000E+00
DAT-file for model in Section 6.2
ANALYSIS TYPE : Structural 3D
1 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
2 2.015714E+02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
4482 3.600000E+03 3.700000E+03 -4.000000E+02
4483 3.600000E+03 3.700000E+03 -2.000000E+02
1 CQ40S 1 226 2 241 17 255 16 240
2 CQ40S 2 227 3 242 18 256 17 241
1295 CQ40S 3625 4004 3626 4018 3640 4032 3639 4017
1296 CQ40S 3626 4005 3627 4019 3641 4033 3640 4018
1297 CHX60 4069 4098 4055 4141 4127 4184 4170 4213 4113 4084 4156 4199
1754 1781 1775 1998 1997 1999 1990 1993
1298 CHX60 4068 4097 4054 4140 4126 4183 4169 4212 4112 4083 4155 4198
4069 4098 4055 4141 4127 4184 4170 4213
1355 CHX60 4114 4305 4262 4441 4427 4470 4324 4338 4143 4291 4456 4353
4115 4306 4263 4442 4428 4471 4325 4339
1356 CHX60 4037 4218 4215 4425 4424 4426 4320 4322 4142 4290 4455 4352
4114 4305 4262 4441 4427 4470 4324 4338
/ 1-1356 / 1
/ 1-1296 / 1
1 YOUNG 3.400000E+04
POISON 2.000000E-01
1 THICK 3.000000E+02
1 SLAB1 / 1-504 /
2 SLAB1_N / 1-1613 /
3 SLAB2 / 505-612 /
4 SLAB2_N / 211-225 632-645 688-690 775-777 792 821 836 865 908-910
995-997 1194-1207 1600-1943 /
5 SLAB3 / 613-624 626-635 637-648 /
6 SLAB3_N / 1644-1658 1732-1745 1752-1754 1770-1772 1775 1781
1784 1790 1797-1799 1815-1817 1846-1859 1930-2053 /
7 SLAB4 / 649-660 662-671 673-684 /
8 SLAB4_N / 1944-1958 1974-1990 1994-1997 1999 2000 2002-2005
2009-2025 2040-2163 /
9 SLAB5 / 685-792 /
10 SLAB5_N / 2054-2068 2084-2100 2104-2107 2109 2110 2112-2115
2119-2135 2150-2493 /
11 SLAB6 / 793-1296 /
12 SLAB6_N / 2194-2208 2282-2295 2302-2304 2320-2322 2325 2331
2334 2340 2347-2349 2365-2367 2396-2409 2480-4033 /
13 SLAB / 1-1296 /
14 SLAB_N / 1-4033 /
15 COLUMN / 630 631 666 667 1297-1356 /
16 COLUMN_N / 1754 1775 1781 1784 1790 1990 1993 1997-2002 2100
2103 2107-2112 4034-4483 /
/ 1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136 151 166 181 196 211 240 269 298
327 356 385 414 443 472 501 530 559 588 617 1614 1629 1644 1659
1688 1717 1944 1959 2054 2069 2164 2179 2194 2209 2238 2267 2494
2509 2524 2539 2554 2569 2584 2599 2614 2629 2644 2659 2674 2689
2704 2733 2762 2791 2820 2849 2878 2907 2936 2965 2994 3023 3052
3081 4037 / TR 1
/ 1-15 226-239 646-648 691-693 778 793 822 837 866-868 911-913
998-1011 1208-1221 2689-2703 3096-3109 3149-3151 3233-3235 3249
3277 3291 3319 3359-3361 3443-3445 3628-3641 4020-4033 / RO 1
/ 2689-2703 3096-3109 3149-3151 3233-3235 3249 3277 3291 3319 3359-3361
3443-3445 3628-3641 4020-4033 4037 / TR 2
/ 1 16 31 46 61 76 91 106 121 136 151 166 181 196 211 240 269 298
327 356 385 414 443 472 501 530 559 588 617 1011 1025 1039 1053
1067 1081 1095 1109 1123 1137 1151 1165 1179 1193 1207 1235 1263
1291 1319 1347 1375 1403 1431 1459 1487 1515 1543 1571 1599 1614
1629 1644 1659 1688 1717 1831 1845 1859 1873 1901 1929 1944 1959
2025 2039 2054 2069 2135 2149 2164 2179 2194 2209 2238 2267 2381
2395 2409 2423 2451 2479 2494 2509 2524 2539 2554 2569 2584 2599
2614 2629 2644 2659 2674 2689 2704 2733 2762 2791 2820 2849 2878
2907 2936 2965 2994 3023 3052 3081 3459 3473 3487 3501 3515 3529
3543 3557 3571 3585 3599 3613 3627 3641 3655 3683 3711 3739 3767
3795 3823 3851 3879 3907 3935 3963 3991 4019 / RO 2
/ 4037 / TR 3
/ 1-196 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 197-238 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 239-252 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 253-266 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 267-308 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 309-504 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 613-624 626 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 627-629 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 630 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 631 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 632-634 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 635 637-648 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 649-660 662 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 663-665 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 666 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 667 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 668-670 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 671 673-684 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 685-726 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 727-735 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 736-738 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 739-741 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 742-750 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 751-792 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 793-988 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 989-1030 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 1031-1044 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 1045-1058 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 1059-1100 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 1101-1296 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 505-546 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 547-555 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 556-558 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 559-561 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 562-570 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
/ 571-612 /
FORCE -0.100000E+00
1 1.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
2 0.000000E+00 1.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
3 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 1.000000E+00

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