Present Perfect Tense - 21861

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a) Fill in the blanks with the verbs given in

the box and match the sentences with the

1) I _____ already _______ the dishes.
2) We ___________ in that company for ten
3) _____ you ever ______ to Paris?
4) Serkan ___________ his homework.
5) We _____ just _______ the house.
Everywhere is clean.
6) My brother _________ a book since ten
7) I _____ already ______ for the party. Now I
can go out.
8) We ___________ TV at home for hours.
9) My mother ___________ a delicious meal for
us. It smells good.
10) Sevgi _____ never ______ in her exams.
11) Yeliz ___________ the piano for five years.
12) ____ you _______ the letters yet?
13) I _____ just ______ the flowers.
14) My parents _____ just ______ on holiday.
15) She _____ just ______ the vase.

b) Fill in the blanks with “just-already-yet” c) Rewrite the sentences by using the words
1) I have ________ finished washing up. My given.
hands are stil wet and cold. 1) I have taken shower. ( just )
2) My father _______ gone out. If you shout he  _______________________
can hear. 2) We have played football. ( never )
3) We haven’t covered the books ________.  _______________________
4) Selen has ________ got up. She will be late 3) My parents have gone to cinema. ( ever )
for the school.  _______________________ ?
5) We have ________ done the shopping. I will 4) I have finished the Project. ( already )
cook in a few minutes.  _______________________
6) Hakan hasn’t studied for the exam ________. 5) Kerem has washed his face. ( just )
7) Ali has ________ had his breakfast. He is full  _______________________
now. 6) We have visited the new museum. ( yet )
8) I have ________ drunk two cups of coffee. So  _______________________
I don’t want anymore. 7) Sevgi has prepared the table for us. ( already )
9) She has ________ got up. Now she is washing  _______________________
her hands and face. 8) She has seen a dolphin. ( never )
10) Have you cooked the meal ________ ?  _______________________
11) We have ________ watered the flowers. 9) I have been to Antalya. ( ever )
Everywhere is wet.  _______________________ ?
12) Alkan hasn’t tidied his room ________. 10) I have got ready for the dinner. ( yet )
 _______________________

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