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What is Post Partum

Causes Types of Post Partum

Hemorrhage ?
Early Post-partum Hemorrhage
It is an excessive blood loss dur- The cause of postpartum hemorrhage can
Occurs during the first 24 hrs after delivery.
ing or after the third stage labor. be remembered easily by using the mne-
The most dangerous time at monic 4T’s. Causes
which hemorrhage is likely oc- 1. Clotting Defect
cur during the first hour post par- 2. Lacerations of birth canal
tum. Blood Loss more than 500 TONE refers to the failure of the urine my-
ometrial muscle fibers to contact and re- 3. Hypofibirinogemia
cc. Leading cause od maternal
mortality associated with tract.
childbearing. Late Postpartum Hemorrhage
Occurs from 24 hours after birthnto 4 weeks
TISSUE Presence of retained placental tis-
I am Dr. Mike. Here is the sues prevents full time contractions resulting
Incidence and Cause of Causes
in failure to seal off bleeding vessels.
Post Partum Hemorrhage. 1. Infection
2. Subinvolution of the uterus
TRAUMA 20% of postpartum hemorrhage is
3. Retained Placental Fragments
due to trauma anywhere in the genital
Incidence tract.
Nursing Care Management
Vaginal delivery is associated with
3.9 % incidence of postpartum THROMBOSIS clot formation and fibrin dep- 1. Fundal massage
hemorrhage. osition on the placental. Preexistent coagu- 2. Obtain vital signs frequently
Cesarean delivery is associated lation disorder-thrombocytopenic purpura.
3. Supine position to allow adequate blood
with 6.4 % incidence of postpartum flow to her brain and kidneys.
4. Offer a bedpan or assist with ambulating
to the bathroom, at least every 4 hours to
keep of the woman’s bladder empty.

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