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At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
1. compare light and heavy objects;
2. tell the importance of cooperation;
3. arrange objects based on what is asked using light, lighter, lightest and heavy, heavier,
Subject Matter: Comparing objects using light, lighter, lightest and heavy, heavier, heaviest
References: M1ME-IVc-19, TG page 68-71, LM page 261-266
Materials: Pictures, real object, and visual aids
Value Focus: Cooperation
Strategy: Explicit Teaching



A. Preliminary Activity

1. Drill Good morning too, Teacher!

Good morning pupils!
We’re good teacher!
How are you this morning?

“Twinkle 2x Little Star Tune”

Learning math is so much fun. There is joy for

everyone. Lessons from our class. Challenges for all
of us!

Math games used in our drill

Makes learning math a thrill.

Join the fun and be wise

Come to our math, math, math class.

2. Review
Yesterday, we talked about comparing heights using
tall, taller, tallest and high, higher, highest.
Let us see if you Cn still remember our previous

1. 2.


1.tall 2. high
taller higher
tallest highest
3. Motivation
I have here a mystery box. All you have to do is to get 1
object inside the box then determine its weight whether
it is easy/difficult to lift. Then put each object into the box
where it belongs. Yes, teacher!
Am I understood?

I need one representative to come in front and get one (The pupil starting to determine the objects)

Mystery Box

easy to lift difficult to lift

What can you say about this objects that are easy to lift? The objects are light. The objects are not heavy.

How about this one, what can you say the objects that The objects are not light. The objects are heavy
are difficult to lift?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the new lesson
Our topic for today is all about comparing objects using
light, lighter, lightest.

2. Presentation of Objectives
Today, you are expected to:
compare light and heavy objects, arrange objects using
light, lighter, lightest and heavy, heavier, heaviest and tell
how important cooperation is

3. Setting of Standards
Pupils, what will you do if somebody or your teacher is We will listen and stop talking to my seatmates.
talking in front of you?

Can I expect that from you? Yes, you can teacher!

4. Lesson Proper

Look at the set of pictures. Tell me what is the object

light, lighter and lightest.

It is light, lighter and lightest, teacher!

When we say:
Light It is a weight of an object that are easy to
Lighter It is a weight of an object that are easy to
lift than other. We compare only two objects.
Lightest It is a weight of an object that are easy to
lift compared the rest of the objects. We compare 3
or more than objects.

Look at another set of pictures. Tell me where it is

heavy, heavier, heaviest.

It is heavy, heavier and heaviest, teacher!

When we say:
Heavy It is a weight of an object that are difficult
to lift
Heavier It is a weight of an object that are difficult
to lift than the other
Heaviest It is a weight of an object that are difficult
to lift compared to more than objects

To measure your understanding let us have a group

activity. I will group you into three groups, the first
will be dog group, second will be horse group and
last will be cat group. You have only 5 minutes to
answer the following questions. The first group who
will finish their work will clap the “let’s go clap” then
make the sounds of their group name.
Before we will start I will show you the rubrics as
your basis on how I will rate your group activity.

Rubrics Yes, teacher!
5 points(3star) 4 points(2stars) 3points(1star)
> All members > All members >One or more
contribute contribute, but members do
equally some contribute not contribute.
more than > More
others. incorrect
> All answers are > Not all answers answers than
correct. are correct correct
> Group
>Group works > Group works
neat and well incomplete.
neat and well-
presented presented most
of a time
Dog Group
Direction: Arrange the pictures. Write A-C from light
to lightest and heavy to heaviest.

Light to lightest heavy to heaviest

Horse Group
Direction: Arrange the pictures from heavy to
heaviest light to lightest. Write 1 to a light object, 2
to lighter, 3 to lightest object.
light to lightest heavy to heaviest

Cat Group

Direction: Paste the pictures on the first box if an

objects are light and on the second box if it is heavy.

5. Comprehension Check-up

May I request the members of the group to be in front &

share your output to the class. (They start reporting their works on the board)

Dog Group
In the first picture, why you come up with this answer? We answered letter C because the picture itself is
lightest to the two objects.
How about in the third picture which belong from heavy to
heaviest objects? We answered letter B which is heavier.

Horse Group
Why did you put No. 3 to a carabao’s picture? We answered 3 to a carabao because it is heaviest
than the two objects.

How about to the third picture which is the shoes? We answered no.2 which is lighter.

Cat Group The lightest is ruler and the heaviest is bus.

What picture is the lightest and heaviest?

How about the light and heavy?

The light is Coca Cola and the heavy is bicycle.

Let us give them a “let’s go clap and the animal

sounds of the winning group”

6. Valuing

How did you find our activity today? Is it easy or difficult? Easy teacher!
Why it’s easy? It is easy because our answers are correct.

Okay, what’s your technique in answering questions easy We finished it immediately because our member
and finished it immediately? helps together.

Alright, because everybody cooperates in the activity.

If our members did not cooperate, we will not
How about if your members did not cooperate? What will
finish it immediately and maybe we will have
more mistake answers.
Yes, that’s why in every group activity it must have a
cooperation so that your group will get a high score and
will finish it fast.

7. Generalization

Before we will have an individual activity, what is our Our topic is all about comparing objects using
topic all about? light, lighter, lightest and heavy, heavier, heaviest

Great! When we can say that objects are light, lighter, It is light if an object is easy to lift.
lightest? It is lighter if one object is more easy to lift than
It is lightest if an object is most easy to lift
compared two more than objects.
It is heavy if an object is difficult to lift.
It is heavier if one object is more difficult to lift
than other.
How about heavy, heavier, heaviest? It is heaviest if an object is most difficult to lift
compared two more than objects.
C. Concluding Activities

1. Application

I need representative to answer the given exercises

on the board. I will give you words that tells about
the weight of the objects in the picture. Just paste it
where it corresponds to.

light, lightest, lighter
Correct! Let us give them a “very good clap” heavy, heavier, heaviest


I. Encircle the lightest/heaviest object.

II. Number the objects from lightest to heaviest.

I. Compare the weight of each object and answer the

a. Chocolate bar is ______ compare to coca

b. The chocolate bar is_________ but the
candy _________ than chocolate bar.

c. The candy is ______________ of the three


II. Compare the weight of each object and answer

the following.

a. The rice cooker is______________ but the

refrigerator is ___________ than rice cooker.
b. The pale with water is _________ but the
refrigerator __________ than the pale with water.
c. The refrigerator is___________ of the three

I. Lingini ang mga butang nga kinagaanan o kinabug-atan. Dependi sa gipangutana sa ubos.

1. Lingini ang kinabug-atan nga butang.

2. Lingini ang kinagaanan nga butang.

3. Lingini ang kinabug-atan nga butang.

II. Isunod-sunod ang mga hulagaway pina-agi sa pagsulat sa numero 1,2,3 gikan sa kinagaanan hangtud sa

Buluhaton sa Balay

I. Ikumpara ang mga butang gikan sa gaan hangtud sa kinagaan.

a. Ang tsokolate bar kay______________ kumpara sa coca cola.
b. Ang tsokolate bar kay______________pero ang kendy_____________kaysa tsokolate bar.
c. Ang kendy kay ______________kumpara sa duha.

II. Ikumpara ang mga butang gikan sa bug-at hangtud sa kinabug-atan.

a. Ang rice cooker kay ___________ apan ang refrigerator kay___________ sa rice cooker.
b. Ang balde nga puno sa tubig kay ________________apan ang refrigerator _____________sa balde ng puno
sa tubig.
c. Ang refrigerator kay _______________nilang tulo.

Integrated Detailed Lesson Plan

Teaching Mathematics
Values Education
Grade One

Prepared by:

Teacher Applicant

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