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Let’s Check

Let us try the following activities to check your understanding in this unit.

Activity 1. Identification. In the space provided, write the term/s being asked in the following
statements: (One point each)

Act 1.Is any person accused or otherwise charged of crime either through or omissions act

Crime 2.Refers to the contention that someone had committed something wrong o mistake

Presumption of Innocence 3.Is based on the principle that every person subjected to a criminal case is
deemed considered innocent unless to be guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

Criminal Responsibility 4.Is the obligation of the person for the charges as a result of his criminal

Moral Certainly 5.This term suggests that a person is proven guilty based on how the court appreciated
the evidence presented during trial which produces a conviction

Beyond Reasonable Doubt 6. Is a principle which states that a person is guilty based on moral certainly

Substantive criminal Investigation 7. Refers to the knowledge, nature, and implication of the different
crimes that investigator should know and possess.

Prima Facie Evidence 8. It is an evidence offered which may produce a conviction if no rebuttal evidence
can be shown.

Cumulative Evidence 9. Are evidences with which have a similar nature and character to the one
previously offered.

Positive Evidence 10. Is an evidence offered by a witness in which he is not certain whether an event or
scenario exists or did not exist.

Activity 2. True or False. In the space provided, write T if the given statement is true and F if false.
(One point each).

T 1.Special Laws are those law which makes an act as a result of enactment of law as crafted by the
congress in the form of republic acts.

T 2.There are cases in which a country or its culture dictates whether or not an act is a crime.
T 3.In the course of the investigation, all available must be exhausted to prove the guilt that will be
before the trial court against the victim.

T 4. The criminal responsibility of the person who killed someone as a result of vengeance may shift the
blame to the first actor who committed wrong first.

F 5. Investigators must b brought e alert as there could be someone using the defense to manipulate a
proven nd control someone to commit a crime.

F 6. Moral certainty is subjected to a criminal case that is deemed to be considered innocent unless to
be guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

T 7. Crime Scene is a simply the area where the crime took place and where all physical evidence were
gathered and collected.

F 8. Evidence must be competent to the matter under investigation if it has a logical connection to the
fact in issue brought before the court.

T 9. Circumstantial evidence are those combinations of different events which is combine maybe
produce conviction.

T 10. Prima facie evidence is an evidence offered which may produce a conviction if no rebuttal
evidence can be show

Let’s Analyze

Let us try the following activities to know how deep your understanding about the topics of

This unit.

1. How do you define crime?

Crime is an unlawful act punishable by a state or other authority. And also it is an offense that
merits community condemnation and punishment, usually by way of fine or imprisonment.

2. Does the definition of the term crime vary from place to place? Elaborate.
Because Crime is a behavior involving the use or distribution of drugs that violates the criminal
law designates as crime vary from location to the next and across time.
3. What is the importance of evidence in criminal investigation?
It is a legal requirement that the police and prosecutor share not only the exculpatory
evidence but also the exculpatory evidence with the defendants attorney through the
discovery process.

In a Nutshell

In this part you are going to jot down what you have learned in this unit. The said statement

Of yours could be in a form of concluding statements, arguments, or perspective you have


From this lesson. I have indicated my arguments or lessons learned.

1. The study of criminal investigation is indeed vital in becoming a quality law enforcer. Hence,

Is imperative that criminology students must have a strong foundation regarding basic

Principles in criminal investigation as it will be one of their guiding tool in their future profession.

2. Criminal Investigation requires a lot of expertise especially in the field of scientific aspect as

Is very necessary in proving that evidences are of value once it is being presented in the court.

Now it’s your turn!

Criminal investigation Is an unequivocal obligation under international law. It is also necessary to repair
our country’s damaged moral authority and prevent similar abuses from occurring again. And finally,The
purpose of the investigation is to explore in detail the allegations, to examine the evidence in depth, and
to determine specifically whether academic research misconduct has been committed, and if so, the
responsible person and the seriousness of the misconduct.
Let’s Check

Let us try the following activities to check your understanding in this unit.

Activity 1. Identification. In the space provided, write the term/s being asked in the following
statements: (One point each)

Method of Identification 1. Refers to the ways and means employed to uncover the personality
of the person who may have committed an act in which under the existing law is regarded as a crime.

Investigation 2.Is a term one inclined with actual or practical exercises and demonstrations.

Tampered evidence 3.It is a pieces of evidences which by its nature are false, altered or otherwise
questionable in its existence or production.

Dying Declaration 4.A statement made by a person who is under the impending death in which such
declaration is related to the facts in which the person is competent to testify.

Collection of Evidence 5.Refers to the actual gathering and lifting of evidence from the crime scene to
nuthe custody of appropriate office.

Finish Sketch 6.A sketch drawn by an artist for the court presentation and is commonly done in the

Transient Evidence 7.These evidences may diminish or lose its value when not collected at appropriate

Releasing of Evidence 8.The person who take charge of the responsibility and control in handling nd
disposal of evidence.

Crime Scene 9. Refer to the information gathered from people especially those who are within the
immediate area where the crime took place.

Good Communication 10. Refers to the capability of the investigator to interact well both in written and

Let’s Analyze

Let us try the following activities to know how deep your understanding about the topics
Of this unit. At this juncture, you will be required to ELABORATE your answers about the

Following questions:

1. What will you do to know that the person had actually witnessed the commission of a crime?

If he/she has a knowledge or information on the commission of a crime and has testified as a

2. Who is considered as witness?

In a law, witness is someone who has knowledge about matter, and it is a person who saw or
heard the crime take place or may have an important information about the crime or the

3 As a first responder, what is the initial step that must be done to secure the crime scene?
Arriving at the scene , initial response, prioritization of efforts, and they have responsibility for
protecting crime scenes like putting rope or sign do not across, and they careful to observe ,
avoid disturbing any possible evidences.

Let’s Analyze

Let us try the following activities to know how deep your understanding about the topics of

This unit. At this juncture, you will be required to ELABORATE your answers about the

Following questions:

1. How does rogues gallery aids in establishing the modus operandi of criminals and/or criminal

In a way of Distinct pattern or manner of working that comes to be associated with a particular criminal.
Criminologists have observed that, whatever his specialty—burglary, auto theft, or embezzling—the
professional criminal is very likely to adhere to his particular way of operating. If, for example, a burglar
begins his career by entering houses from the roof, he will, in all probability, continue this method for as
long as he is able to work. Some burglars become so attached to their modus operandi that they
burglarize the same places or people again and again.

2. What do you think happens when the person arrested??

Once arrested, you’ll be booked. During this part of the arrest process, the police will ask for
basic information about yourself (such as your address and birthdate), and fingerprint and
photograph you. You may also be asked to participate in a line-up, or provide a handwriting

Let’s Check

Let us try the following activities to check your understanding in this unit.

Activity 1. Identification. In the space provided, write the term/s being asked in the following
statements: (One point each)

Catergraphic Sketch 1.A composite drawing of the suspect face done by an artist to assist police
investigators in establishing the identity of the person who might have committed the crime.

Custodial Investigation 2.It is the issuance of an invitation to the person suspected to have committed a
crime who at the same time brought before the custody of law in order to answer matters regarding the
commission of a crime without jeopardy to the liability of the person for any violations he may commit.
Warrantless Arrest 3 . An arrest made by any law enforcer without the benefit of a warrant. Profiling 4.
Refers to the psychological process of establishing the characteristics of the most likely individual who
might committed the crime base on the evaluation of the crime scene.

Rogues Gallery 5. Refers to the compilations of photographs of known criminals.

Arbitary Detention 6. It is a crime against the fundamental law committed by any public officer or

Releasing of Evidence 7.The person who take charge of the responsibility and control in handling
disposal of evidence.

Chain of custody 8.Known as the transfer of evidence from one person to another who holds
supervision or care of such evidence.

Custodial Investigation Report 9.A document prepared by the confession of the person brought before
the custody of law.

Execution of warrant 10.It is carrying out the duty to find the person whose name was written in the a
warrant and cause his arrest and detention.

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