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Sea of Dead Men

Joe Adkisson
“The sea’s a cruel mistress, mark my words. There are whispers of ancient ruins half-buried beneath forgotten
What she offers is freedom – a chance to carve
The Characters islands, and of strange, impossible creatures – mermaids and
The characters begin as the crew of a fledgling pirate ship – an
out a new life for yourself, away from the rules sirens, giant serpents and tentacled monsters. Old sailors tell
untested, ragtag band of outlaws. They attempt to build themselves
and laws of the land. It’s a powerful thing, to stories of ghostly ships roaming the face of the sea, and vast
up to a serious force in the Carrascan Sea, by taking prizes, building
live on the sea’s bounty. But her price is steep, leviathans lurking beneath it. They say that there are some among
alliances, striking back at their enemies, and staying a step ahead
and sooner or later she always takes what’s the island tribes who can mix drugs to bewitch a sailor, or restore
of the law.
due.” a dead body to life. The official statements from back north say
– Reza Pearce, captain of the Falcon that such tales are superstitious nonsense – but the seafarers of
The Crew the Carrascan know all too well how true they can be.
In addition to creating characters, you’ll also create the crew by
Summary choosing what kind of pirates you’re interested in playing. This Amidst it all sail the pirates, brigands, corsairs, and privateers who
Sea of Dead Men is a Blades hack about a crew determines the general aesthetic of the crew, and makes a couple have made the Carrascan their home. Far from the harsh reality
of pirates making their fortune in the lawless decisions about your ship. The crew (and by extension the ship) gets of laws and hard labor, pirates ply their trades freely, harassing
Carrascan Sea. There are pitched naval its own sheet, just like a player character. merchant vessels and bringing home holds full of plunder. The
battles, chases, camaraderie, betrayals, laws of the old world are thin around its edges, and no country can
deception, swashbucklery, strange magic and
lost treasure.
The Setting spare the resources to stamp out piracy for good. As long as they
The game takes place in the Carrascan Sea, a tropical ocean lying stay beneath the notice of the law, there’s plenty of opportunity
We play to find out if our pirate crew can on the southern edge of the so-called civilized world. It’s dotted by for pirate crews to make a fortune in the Carrascan.
survive and flourish amidst the rival pirates, small islands, which range in climate from warm and hospitable
dark spirits, powerful merchant companies, beaches to barren rocks and jagged cliffs. Imperialist nations from Caveat Lector
and royal navies of the Carrascan, or if they the northern continents have been colonizing the Carrascan for the Sea of Dead Men is not a complete game. It’s a hack of Blades
will fall beneath the waves as have so many past few decades, and most of the larger and more hospitable islands in the Dark, by John Harper; as such, it leaves out a lot of rules
before them. are home to port towns, plantations and fortresses flying the flag and gameplay information that you’ll need to play. If you
of some country or other. already have a copy of Blades, go on ahead – this PDF will
Touchstones Wars spring up between nations as easily as brawls in a dockside
provide you with the rules changes, playbooks and setting info
Film & TV: Captain Blood, directed by you need to play a crew of daring pirates in a bountiful and
bar, and their effects are felt even as far south as the Carrascan: dangerous ocean. If not, you can grab a copy of Blades at
Michael Curtiz; Black Sails, by Robert Levine navies skirmish over resources and territory, and privateers armed
and Jonathan E. Steinberg; Disney’s Pirates DriveThruRpg or your local game store. I’m working on a
with official letters of marque harass trade routes. Politics aren’t standalone version of Sea of Dead Men that includes all the
of the Caribbean series. the only source of conflict, though: several merchant companies
Games: Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, by necessary rules, but it may be a while before that comes to
have arisen to exploit the bountiful resources of the Carrascan, and fruition.
Ubisoft; Sid Meier’s Pirates! they have as much influence and power in the Sea as any nation’s
Books: Treasure Island, by Robert Lewis navy. Roll20 character sheets for Sea of Dead Men are available here,
Stevenson; Red Seas under Red Skies, by Scott
though you will need a Roll20 pro account to import them into
Lynch; The Scar, by China Mieville. The islands not filled with colonies and ports are home to the your own games. They’re based on the Blades sheets made by
indigenous tribes of the Carrascan. Some of these tribes trade Jakob Oesinghaus.
Theme Song happily with colonial merchants, while others attack any ship that
Privateering by Mark Knopfler, though any enters their territory. For the most part, they don’t have access to If you end up playing this, I’d love to hear about it; leave a
good shanty will do in a pinch. the forged steel and gunpowder with which battles at sea and on post in the Blades forum or subreddit with any questions,
land are usually won, but their resourcefulness and knowledge of feedback, comments, or tales of swashbuckling adventure that
the Carrascan make them formidable opponents – and valuable you might have.
Actions & Rules Changes
Rules Changes Action Ratings Downtime Actions
For the most part, Sea of Dead Men either uses the same Attune to the ocean's currents and the dark forces beneath Acquire Asset: Acquire temporary use of an asset. Roll the
rules as Blades in the Dark or has fairly large-scale changes, the sea; perceive supernatural entities; read the winds and Crew’s Tier. The result indicates the quality of the asset
but there are a few subtle differences that are easy to miss. the tides. (1-3: Inferior (Tier-1), 4-5: Standard (Tier), 6: Fine (Tier+1),
Below is a list of changes to the basic Blades rules; most of Crit: Exceptional (Tier+2). You may spend coin to bump this
Blast your enemies with cannon-fire, guns, or explosives;
these are explained further on in the rulebook, but make result beyond exceptional, but it costs 2 coin per level to do so.
break through an obstacle with chaos and force.
sure you understand all of them before you play.
Long-Term Project: Work on a long-term project, if you
Brawl with an opponent in close quarters; assault or defend
have the means. Roll a trait and mark 1 segment on the
● The crew starts at Tier 1, not Tier 0. a position; hold your own in a melee.
project clock per level (1-3: one, 4-5: two, 6: three, Crit:
● There are no claims or turf.
Command obedience with your force of personality; five).
● Characters can take out coin from their stash directly,
intimidate or threaten; lead your crew on a mission.
1 for 1, but must spend a downtime action to visit the Recover: Get treatment to tick your healing clock (like a
stash (either to take coin out or to put it in) Consort with connections from your heritage, background, long-term project). When you fill the clock, each harm is
● The crew has separate heat with each of five nations friends, or rivals to gain access to resources, information, reduced by one level.
(collections of factions), and rolls entanglements based people, or places.
Repair: As Recover, but tick the ship’s Repair clock rather
on heat with the Nation who controls the region they Finesse an item from someone's pocket; employ subtle than your own healing clock.
are in. misdirection or sleight-of-hand; formally duel an opponent.
● Wanted level is now a binary (you’re either Wanted Reduce Heat: Say how you reduce Heat on the crew and
or you’re not). Like heat, it’s tracked separately for each Navigate your vessel across the high seas; keep your sense roll the appropriate action. Reduce heat according to the
nation. of direction in unfamiliar areas; maneuver your ship in result level (1-3: one, 4-5: two, 6: three, Crit: five).
● The crew has a flagship, which functions as a cohort combat and pursue fleeing enemies.
Train: Mark 1xp for an attribute or your playbook (2xp if
in addition to any experts or ships they may employ Patch up a sail or rigging; keep the ship running despite you have the appropriate crew training upgrade). You can
● It costs coin to make long journeys between regions, damage. train a given xp track only once per downtime.
and the crew risks danger or complications when doing
Skulk around unseen and undetected; ambush with close Visit Stash: Take out, or put in, any amount of coin from
violence; get the jump on an unsuspecting foe. your stash.
Scan your surroundings for danger; perceive a threat before Indulge Vice: Visit a purveyor of your vice and roll dice
it strikes; study a document, person or situation. equal to your lowest attribute. Clear stress equal to your
Sway someone with charm, logic, deception, disguise, or highest dice result. If you clear more stress levels than you
bluff; change attitudes or behavior with manipulation or had marked, you overindulge (see below). If you do not or
seduction. cannot indulge your vice during downtime, you take stress equal
to your Trauma.
Vault over obstacles; swing across ropes and climb riggings;
perform great athletic feats. Overindulge: You make a bad call because of your vice - in
acquiring it, or while under it’s influence. What did you do?
● Attract Trouble: Select or roll an additional
● Brag about your exploits: Take +2 heat.
● Lost: Play a different character until this one returns
from their bender.
● Tapped: Your current vice purveyor cuts you off. Find
a new source for your vice.
Character Creation
0. Choose Crew Type 7. Choose Your Vice Vices
Your characters will be greatly influenced by which Pick your preferred kind of vice, and detail it with - Faith: You are dedicated to a god, spirit, ancestor, etc.
crew playbook you select, so discuss your choice of a short description. - Gambling: You crave risky decisions and games of chance.
crew type before you start building individual - Luxury: Expensive and/or ostentatious displays of opulence.
characters. 8. Record Name and Look - Obligation: You’re devoted to a family, cause, charity, etc.
Choose a name or alias for your character, and jot - Pleasure: Gratification from lovers, food, drink, drugs, etc.
1. Choose a Playbook down a few words about your look. - Stupor: You seek oblivion in the abuse of drugs, drinking to excess,
Your playbook determines your character’s reputation getting beaten to a pulp in tavern brawls, etc.
and specialties, their special abilities, and how they - Weird: You experiment with strange rituals, observe bizarre taboos or
advance. Multiple characters can choose the same
Loadout customs, consort with spirits, etc.
You have access to all of the items on your character
sheet. For each score, decide what your character’s
load will be. During the operation, you may say that
2. Choose a Heritage Abdul, Acanorex, Adelaide, Ahari, Albin, Amani, Amira, Antoni, Aramoca,
your character has an item on hand by checking the
Detail it with a note about your upbringing and family Archibald, Areida, Arunei, Atuadi, Bagamu, Baruna, Bashir, Bastien,
box for the item you want to use – up to a number
history. For instance: Revelle: Poor Laborers, or Belen, Benjamin, Bianca, Biautex, Brigid, Brooke, Bryson, Cacimar,
of items equal to our chosen load. Your load also
Waturey: Chieftain’s Daughter. Add one point to an Canimao, Carina, Casiguaya, Daguao, Charles, Charlotte, Conrad,
determines your movement speed, weight, and
action that reflects your heritage (max starting action Constance, Dante, Derrick, Edward, Eleanor, Emeni, Emma, Eregu, Faisal,
rating is 2). Farida, Florian, Gari, Guaraca, Guruna, Gwendolyn, Heather, Henry,
● 1-3 load: Light. You’re faster, less conspicuous;
Horace, Imotonex, Irichau, Isaac, Isabelle, Jack, Jameson, Kariun, Khalid,
you look like a normal sailor or citizen.
3. Choose a Background Layla, Leonard, Lynn, Mabo, Macuya, Malena, Maniquatex, Marion,
● 4/5 load: Normal. You look like a pirate, ready
Detail it with your specific history. For instance: Marise, Miranan, Mireia, Nohemi, Numan, Nuria, Orrin, Sagana, Saragu,
for trouble.
Underworld: Smuggler, or Labor: Career Sailor. Add one Sebastian, Shaheen, Sibyl, Stefan, Sumadi, Susanne, Theresa, Tobias,
● 6 load: Heavy. You’re slower, weighed down.
point to an action that reflects your background (max Toussaint, Uganu, Urayoan, Victor, Wagundan, Yabura, Yacaguex, Zahra
You look like an operative on a mission. It’s
starting action rating is 2)
harder for you to swim.
● 7-9 load: Encumbered. You’re overburdened
Family Names
4. Assign Action Dots Barnes, Brown, Byrd, Campbell, Carver, Castria Chandler, Cole, Corrigan,
and can’t do anything except move very slowly.
Assign two additional action dots, however you like. Cormac, Drake, Fielder, Frakes, Gates, Greene, Hardy, Harland,
No action may begin with a rating higher than two. Some items count as two items for load (they have Harrington, Hayward, Jansen, Levine, Mallory, Manderly, March, Morgan,
(During play, action ratings can advance to three dots, two connected boxes). Items in italics don’t count Neilson, Nelson, O'Malley, Redd, Rivers, Ryder, Schmidt, Shepherd,
or four with the Mastery crew upgrade) towards your load. Shrike, Singer, Starr, Underwood, Vance, Waller, Waters

Looks Bandanna Leathers Scavenged Uniform

5. Choose a Special Ability
Man, woman, ambiguous, concealed Bone Necklace Light Tunic Sharp Trousers
Pick a starting ability from the column on the character
Bulky Coat Long Coat Soft Boots
sheet. If you can’t decide, choose the first ability on
Affable, Athletic, Bony, Branded, Bright, Brooding, Elaborate Dress Long Scarf Tall Boots
the list; it’s placed there as a good all-around choice.
Calm, Chiseled, Cold, Dark, Delicate, Fair, Fierce, Fine Jewelry Loose Silks Tricorn Hat
Half-Cape Nautical Tattoos Waxed Coat
6. Choose a Close Friend and a Rival Grimy, Handsome, Huge, Hunched, Languid,
Lovely, Open, Plump, Rough, Sad, Scarred, Slim, Heavy Cloak Ostentatious Jewelry Wide Belt
Mark a contact who is a close friend, long-time ally,
Soft, Squat, Stern, Stout, Striking, Twitchy, Heavy Jacket Plain Tunic Wide-Brimmed Hat
family relation or lover (the upward-pointing triangle).
Weathered, Wiry, Worn. Hooded Coat Polished Rings Work Boots
Mark one who is a rival, enemy, scorned lover, betrayed
Hooded Cape Rags & Tatters Worn Trousers
shipmate, etc. (the downward-pointing triangle).
Knit Cap Rolled Sleeves Vest or Waistcoat
“Every crewman fights just a little different - Climbing Gear: Rope, grappling hooks, iron Mariner Items Manacles & chain: A set of heavy manacles
cutlass and pistol, brass knuckles, hammers, pitons. Nothing too fancy, but it'll get you Fine carpenter's tools: A well-made set of and chain, suitable for restraining a prisoner
clubs, you name it. Those soldiers are trained up a cliff or over a wall. sturdy and reliable tools, molded to your or as an improvised weapon in battle.
for battling other soldiers, everybody fighting
Carpenter's Tools: A hammer and nails, a hand by years of use. Scoundrel Items
the same - so when we climb over the rail,
saw, a small coil of rope, a jar of pitch. Good Fine bottle of rum: A few steps up from the
they’ve got no idea what’s coming at them.” Fine concealed weapon: A small dagger or
for repairing a ship, or sabotaging one. swill that most of the crew drinks. Great for pistol, easily hidden about your person.
- Esra Sherazi, first mate of the Zephyr
Bandages: Enough loose cloth to stop a making friends quickly.
Loaded dice: A set of bones subtly altered
Standard Items wound from bleeding. A needle and thread Fine climbing gear: Sturdy rope and
to favor particular outcomes.
A Blade or Two: A standard set of one- for stitching up cuts. grapnels. A harness allowing you to easily
handed melee weapons. A heavy cleaver, a Lockpicking tools: Picks, skeleton keys,
A Torch or Lantern: A simple oil lantern, hang in place during a climb.
rapier and dagger, a pair of cutlasses, a and assorted other devices to disable and
or a torch. It's held in one hand, it burns
serrated knife. Occultist Items circumvent locks.
slowly, and it gives off light.
A Firearm: A heavy gun, meant to be held Fine whalebone knife: A razor-sharp Sleeping powder: Tasteless, colorless
Warding Talisman: A bracelet or amulet,
in two hands. A musket or rifle, with slightly blade, carved from the bones of some long- powder that puts someone to sleep when
strung with beads, feathers, and bits of gold.
greater accuracy; or a blunderbuss, with dead sea creature. slipped into their food or drink. Enough
Superstitious types say it wards against the
slightly greater stopping power. strange things that dwell in the depths. Fine warding talisman: Not necessarily doses for a dozen or so targets.
A Pistol: A heavy, single-shot firearm. Slow made with exceptional material quality or Swashbuckler Items
Trained Pet: A small animal, perhaps a
to reload, but still useful as a club once it's craftsmanship, but certainly more effective
monkey or parrot, trained to respond to Fine blade: A sword crafted by an expert
been fired. than the usual baubles and trinkets.
commands. smith, well-balanced and finely sharpened.
A Large Weapon: A melee weapon meant Fanciful map: An old map that charts out
Commander Items impossible locations, pointing out creatures Fine set of clothes: A well-tailored outfit,
for two hands. A battle-axe, a pike, a big
Fine rifle: A finely crafted rifle, accurate at and treasure that can't possibly exist. expensive enough to impress common folk
long range but slow to reload and relatively or blend in with nobility.
An Unusual Weapon: A curiosity or tool useless in close quarters. Occult Focus: A small trinket that helps you
focus and direct your magic. Fine bottle of wine: A particularly excellent
turned into a weapon. A whip, an oar, a
Fine pair of pistols: Handguns crafted for vintage. Smells and tastes exquisite.
belaying pin, a length of chain, an anchor,
accuracy and efficiency. Quicker to reload Reaver Items
steel-toed boots. Improvised weapons: Whatever’s at hand
than normal pistols, and they’ll never Fine hand weapon: A finely crafted one-
when a fight breaks out.
Armor: A thick leather tunic, worn under a misfire. handed melee weapon of your choice.
coat or shirt.
Fine navigational tools: Tools crafted by a Perhaps a brightly sharpened cutlass, a
Navigational Tools: A sextant, a compass, master cartographer, with a much higher trusty hammer or axe, or a sharp dagger?
a spyglass, a collection of maps. degree of accuracy than normal instruments. Fine brace of pistols: A staggering quantity
A Bottle of Rum: Good for celebrating Documents & Books: Documents are writs of guns - you won't need to worry about
victories, steadying nerves, or drowning of sale, important correspondences, royal reloading.
sorrows. Safer to drink than water, in most proclamations, and other papers - forged or Scary weapon or tool: A scary-looking
cases. otherwise. Books are heavier volumes, hand weapon or tool. This item grants
usually hardbound. increased effect when you intimidate,
A Crude Explosive: A simple grenade that
generally explodes when you want it to. Personal memento: A memory of the life though not increased harm in combat.
Suitable for throwing in combat, or hiding you’ve left behind. Perhaps a locket, a signet
somewhere with a timed charge. ring, an old diary, a unique piece of jewelry.
“All these flags? They're just a convenience, a pretty lie that
we tell so we can get close to our prey. There's only one
banner I've ever been proud to sail under, and the Valdesian The city-states of Meghra worship the Twin Goddesses,
navy sure as hell ain't flying it.” Nasra and Ilqala, and look down on the monotheistic faiths
- Francesca Cook, gunnery officer on the Gadfly of the other nations. They periodically weather raids from
ambitious Revellan nobles, and in return send fleets of
The Carrascan Sea is a bold new frontier, and every country corsairs to disrupt trade in the Carrascan.
in the world wants something from it. Sailors, townsfolk
and merchants from all over the world have sailed to the Segamba
Carrascan to make their fortunes, and countries squabble A fallen desert kingdom, the once-great nation of Segamba
over territory and trade. Pirate crews tend to be especially has been pushed to the breaking point by a series of brutal
diverse; as long as you know how to sail, few captains will civil wars and Valdesian raids. Many Segambans have left
care what country you came from. their home in search of a better life in the Carrascan, only
to find themselves easy pickings for raiders from other
Below is a list of the various countries and tribes from which nations.
player characters might claim descent.

Valdesia Waturey Tribes

The empire of Valdesia once spanned practically the entire Most indigenous people in the Carrascan come from one of
world, though in recent years its star has begun to fall. the Waturey tribes. The Waturey live quiet, peaceful lives,
Valdesians are raised to value discipline and hard work, and each tribe led by a chief and a small council of elders and
their merchant and naval vessels enforce a strict hierarchy. shamans. With the arrival of other nations, though, many
tribes have been displaced from their homes into less
Revelle hospitable islands, and more than a few have had their
A small kingdom rapidly gaining power on the world stage, people captured and sold as slaves.
Revelle is known for its beautiful craftsmanship. Its nobility
and priesthood are hotbeds of politics and intrigue, while Ourogan Tribes
the common folk of Revelle instead value honor and The Ourogan tribes are warlike seafarers, resistant to
forthrightness. colonization and hostile to most outsiders. Most sailors
believe the Ourogans eat the corpses of their fallen enemies,
Sallice though the few who have lived in Ourogan villages claim
The people of Sallice venerate explorers and adventurers, that this is no more than superstition.
and seek to win renown for themselves and their families.
The merchant princes who rule the Sallice stay out of other
nations’ affairs, but compete bitterly amongst themselves.
Crew Creation
1. Choose Crew Type 6. Assign Crew Upgrades
The crew type determines the general Your crew has two upgrades pre-selected;
Crew Upgrades
aesthetic of your pirate crew, their special choose two more. These represent the work ● Armor: Your hull is reinforced with ● Overgunned: The decorative railings
abilities, and how they advance. You begin you’ve done to improve the ship and train iron plating, rendering it significantly on the upper deck have been replaced
at Tier 1, with weak hold and 0 rep. You start your crewmates. Record faction status more durable. This functions the same with another row of cannons.
with 2 coin. changes due to your upgrades: as Armor for a character. ● Prow Ram: The prow of your ship is
- One faction helped you get an upgrade. Gain ● Boltholes: Your ship is filled with reinforced with metal and hardened
2. Choose an Initial Reputation +1 status with them, or spend 1 coin to make it nooks and crannies useful for wood, allowing you to ram enemy
Decide how other sailors and pirates of the +2. concealing illicit cargo. Plunder you’re vessels while taking only minimal
Carrascan view you: Ambitious, Brutal, - One faction was harmed when you got an carrying can be hidden to thwart all but damage yourself.
Daring, Honorable, Professional, Savvy, Subtle, upgrade. Take -2 status with them, or spend 1 the most thorough searches. ● Specialty Shot: Your ship is stocked
or Strange. Your crew gains experience when coin to make it -1 instead. ● Coffers: Your ship has a secure with specialty cannon ammunition -
you bolster your reputation. strongbox, allowing you to store up to chain shot, shrapnel, etc - in addition
7. Choose a Favorite Contact 8 coin. A second upgrade increases to the standard cannonballs. A second
3. Choose a Special Ability Mark the contact on your sheet who is a close your storage capacity to 16. upgrade provides a portable furnace
Choose a starting special ability from the friend, long-time ally, or partner in crime. capable of preparing heated shot.
● Cohort: A cohort is a crew of NPCs, or
crew sheet. If you can’t decide, choose the Record faction status changes related to your
a single expert, in your employ. A crew ● Retractable Keel: Your ship’s keel can
first ability on the list; it’s placed there as a contact:
starts out with enough sailors to crew be raised to give it a smaller draft,
good all-around choice. - One faction is friendly with your contact. Take
a single ship; you can spend an upgrade allowing it to sail through reefs or
+1 status with them.
to expand their scale into a fleet. For shallow waters that would otherwise
4. Describe Your Flagship - One faction is unfriendly with your contact.
more details on cohort rules, see the ground a vessel of its size.
You start the game with one ship under your Take -1 status with them.
following page. ● Royal Covenant: A pact made with
command; even if you end up amassing a Optionally, increase the intensity of these
whole fleet, that ship – your flagship – will factions’ relationships with your contact and ● Elite: Your cohorts gain +1d when one of the colonial nations, allowing
still be an important part of your crew. take +2 and -2 status instead. performing actions that match the you safe passage through their waters
Decide what its original purpose was, and given type. in exchange for your services.
how you acquired it. Figure out the look of The Loyalists playbook doesn’t specify ● Hidden Cannons: Some or all of your ● Quality: Each upgrade increases the
the ship - what does the figurehead look like? names for the contacts, since that will gunports are concealed, allowing your quality of the PCs' equipment, or a
What flag do you fly? How well maintained is depend on which nation you’re loyal to. Feel ship to pass for one less heavily armed. particular part of the ship, past the
it? Assign the ship two edges and one flaw free to fill in names all at once now, or you normal levels based on Tier and fine
● Letter of Marque: You bear a letter
from the ones listed on the crew sheet. These can leave them blank and add them as needed. items. You can upgrade the PCs’
marking you as a privateer for one of
represent the basic qualities of the ship, for the colonial nations. Charts, Tools, or Weapons, and the
instance it’s nimble and fast but the quarters 8. Choose Hunting Grounds ship’s Cannons, Hull, Sails, or
Look at the map and pick a region to be your ● Mastery: Your crew have become
are cramped, or it’s sturdy and imposing but Rudder.
hunting grounds. You’ll get a bonus die when tremendously skilled, allowing you to
heavy. ● Training: This upgrade represents the
you seek out a prize in that region. advance to action ratings of 4 rather
than the normal maximum of 3. This natural skills and inclinations of your
5. Describe Your Crew crew. When you train an XP track for
costs 4 upgrades to take.
Create the ship’s crew using the cohort rules 8. Name Your Flagship which you have the training upgrade,
on the following page: decide their type, and This could be the name it was first given, or you gain 2xp rather than just 1.
assign them 1 or 2 edges and an equal a name that your crew gave it once it was
number of flaws. yours.
“Let’s see here…one share per sailor, two for repairs, two for
the captain, and another one for the captain’s ego.”
Flagship Cohort Harm & Healing
Every crew starts with a flagship, which is treated for all Cohorts suffer harm similarly to PCs. Harm to a ship cohort
- Malcolm Graves, quartermaster of the Hammerhead
intents and purposes as a ship cohort, and created in the can represent either damage to the ship itself, or injuries
A cohort represents either a ship and its crew, or a single same way. In addition to the standard cohort rules, the taken by its crew. A cohort can suffer four levels of harm,
expert, working under your command. Recruiting a new flagship has a special set of edges and flaws, listed on the which parallel the PCs’ harm track:
cohort costs two crew upgrades. In addition, acquiring a playbook sheet, that flesh it out in a little more detail. ● Weakened: The cohort has reduced effect.
ship costs 4 coin; you don’t need to pay this cost if you Flagship edges grant a free assist (bonus die) whenever ● Impaired: The cohort has reduced quality (-1d).
already have the ship, for instance a prize you’ve captured they’re relevant, while flaws affect the ship’s fictional ● Broken: The cohort can’t do anything until they
and plan to retrofit. positioning and can be used for devil’s bargains. recover.
● Dead: The cohort is destroyed.
Every cohort has a type, which determines their particular See the following page for more details about flagships. Unless prevented by unfavorable circumstances, cohorts
specialty, and one or more edges and flaws. You can spend recover by one level of harm each downtime. A PC may
two crew upgrades to add another type to a cohort, up to a Edges & Flaws spend a downtime action to remove an additional harm level.
maximum of two; edges and flaws cannot be changed. When you create a cohort (of any variety), assign them one Any PC aboard a ship may resist harm to that ship, not just
or two edges and an equal number of flaws. Note that these the PC who rolled the relevant action roll.
Ships are different from the ship edges and flaws that describe the
A ship refers to both the crew of a ship and the ship itself. flagship; the details of ships sailed by cohorts are less If a cohort is destroyed, it may be replaced. Replacing a
one or more ships working for the players. When you recruit important than the personalities of the cohorts themselves. cohort costs coin equal to your Tier+2, plus two downtime
sailors for the ship, choose their type from the list below: actions; it does not require spending any crew upgrades.
● Adepts: Shamans, arcanists, and soothsayers Edges:
● Killers: Butchers, brawlers, and cut-throats ● Fearsome: The cohort is terrifying in aspect and
● Knaves: Rogues, adventurers, and jacks of all trades reputation.
Using Cohorts
● Independent: The cohort can be trusted to make good When you send your cohorts off to do something, roll
● Rovers: Seafarers, voyagers, and navigators
decisions and act on their own initiative in the absence their quality to see how it goes. If a PC is overseeing
All ship cohorts, regardless of their type, are proficient
of direct orders. them, treat it as a group action: have the PC roll
sailors capable of manning a ship under normal conditions.
● Loyal: The cohort can’t be bribed or turned against you. Command if they’re directing the cohort, or whatever the
A ship cohort has quality equal to your current Tier. Some ● Tenacious: The cohort won’t be deterred from a task. appropriate action is if they’re joining in and leading by
crew upgrades make your ships of a certain type “Elite”, for Flaws: example.
instance “Elite Rovers” or “Elite Knaves”; this grants ships ● Gutless: The cohort is soft-hearted and cowardly.
When the action a cohort performs matches its type, it
of that type an extra die when performing actions that fit ● Savage: The cohort is excessively violent and cruel.
rolls using its full quality rating (Tier for fleets, Tier+1 for
their specialty. ● Wild: The cohort is drunken, debauched, and loud-
experts). Otherwise, it rolls with dice equal to half the
crew’s current Tier, rounded down.
Experts ● Unreliable: The cohort isn’t always available, due to
An expert is a single specialist in the crew’s employ. There other obligations or interests.
isn’t a fixed list of types for experts; instead, when recruiting
an expert, decide on a type that fits their specialty. For
instance: marksman, surgeon, or spy.

An expert has quality equal to your current Tier plus 1, and

a fixed scale of zero (a single person).
The Flagship
“Oh, she’s expensive, all right - but don’t fret, once you get her immediate mechanical impact; instead, they should be used To gain a new flagship, you must have access to it in the
in the water, she’ll be worth her weight in gold. And don’t as fodder for devil’s bargains or to adjust the fictional fiction. It doesn’t matter how the crew acquires the new
worry, those bloodstains will scrub right off.” positioning of a roll. flagship – it could be a ship sailed by one of your cohorts, a
- Laura Tamm, dockmaster at Pelican Rock new vessel that you seize from another pirate crew, or
The flagship has Quality equal to the crew’s Tier, and the simply a beached wreck that your crew spends time
Ship Quality players can spend crew advances on various upgrades to it. repairing – but it can’t be simply pulled out of thin air.
These upgrades represent both additions and modifications Unlike other ship cohorts, you can’t just spend 4 coin to
In general, the overall capability and strength of a ship is
to the ship, for instance a smuggling compartment, or acquire a new flagship; you need to determine how you get
determined by its Quality. This will vary for individual
improvements to the Quality of a specific part of the ship. it within the confines of the fictional scenario.
ships, but a good baseline is the Tier of the ship’s owners.
For instance, a fledgling crew of pirates (Tier 1) going up The flagship has the same kind of harm track that the player
When you take on a new flagship, simply choose new edges
against a Valdesian navy vessel (Tier 6) will likely find characters do, which tracks physical damage to the ship. If
and flaws for it from the list on the crew sheet. It
themselves at a significant disadvantage. the flagship takes level 1 harm, it might have torn sails or automatically gains the ship upgrades possessed by its
leaks in the hull; if it takes level 4 harm, it’s sunk outright. predecessor; some, like Coffers or Specialty Shot, can be
Ships may have different Quality values for different
Harm to the flagship can be repaired in downtime by filling easily transferred to the new ship, and it's assumed that the
attributes and capabilities. The player characters can
a repair clock, which functions like an individual ship is refit and upgraded over the course of the next
upgrade their flagship (see below) to increase the quality
characters’ recovery clock. If the flagship is destroyed, it downtime.
of specific parts of the ship (its rudder, or hull, or sails),
cannot be replaced; the crew must claim a new flagship (see
which can improve their effect when performing various
Changing Flagships, below) It isn't compulsory for a crew to have a ship at all times, nor
tasks. At the GM’s discretion, NPC ships can have similar
do scores have to take place at sea; even without a ship, a
(though less formalized) adjustments in Quality. A The consequences for harm to the ship (reduced effect, pirate crew is a force to be reckoned with, and scores
merchant ship, for example, may be well-armed and stout, dice penalties) apply to all relevant rolls taken by executed on land (sowing chaos in an enemy port, for
but sluggish and slow to maneuver due to all its cargo. characters on board. If a character would take the same instance, or laying a beachside ambush) can be just as
penalty twice due to both character and ship harm, they interesting as adventures at sea. If your ship is destroyed,
Player characters, of course, can make up for differences in
instead take the next highest harm penalty for that roll. For it's perfectly okay to spend a few scores without one - and
quality with action rolls - Blasting the enemy's mast or
instance, if a ship’s navigator has level 1 harm, Splitting stealing or bartering for a replacement ship makes for a
rudder, doing some tricky Navigating, Swaying the enemy
Headache, as she steers a ship with a Broken Mast (also level fantastic score in its own right.
with a false flag, or anything else that feels reasonable.
1 harm), the two penalties would combine to give her
reduced effect, the equivalent of level 2 harm. Stash
The Flagship
The PCs may build up an entire fleet of ships over time, but The sailors aboard the flagship are treated as a cohort in A character’s stash is where they store their ill-gotten gains,
unless it’s specified otherwise in the fiction they’re assumed their own right, with their own edges, flaws, and harm track. safe from prying eyes and thieving hands. This isn’t an
to all sail together on a single flagship. The flagship gets a Harm to the crew is inflicted and healed separately from abstract measure of assets and investments, as it is in Blades
little more mechanical depth than other ships; it has edges harm to the ship, though it’s likely that the two will go hand in the Dark, but a literal stash of gold, gems, and other
and flaws that describe the physical vessel in addition to in hand. valuables, hidden somewhere in the Carrascan.
the normal cohort mechanics that flesh out its crew, and it
Accessing your stash costs a downtime action; it takes time
has its own harm track and repair clock. Changing Flagships and effort to securely reach where you’ve stored your loot.
It’s said that nothing lasts forever, especially not in the Taking the downtime action lets you convert between coin
Each of the flagship’s edges gives the ship a free assist
Carrascan, and the ships that sail its waters are no and stash on a one-for-one basis, as you either put money
whenever it comes into play: for instance, a flagship with
exception. Whether a flagship is sunk by enemy cannons or into your hoard or take it back out. There is no limit to how
the Fast edge would gain an extra die when trying to outrun
simply grows obsolete, there will come a day when every much coin can be added or removed from the stash in a
an enemy, and an Inconspicuous flagship would get an assist
crew moves on to a new vessel. single downtime.
sneaking into port. Flaws, on the other hand, have no
Battle at Sea
“When you take a prize, it’s never about sinking them; it’s
about showing them that you could sink them, as fast as
Scale and Spotlight Adjust as Needed
Any situation in a ship combat can have exciting things The factors that go into position and effect for action rolls
possible, and letting them realize that they’d rather be robbed
happen at either of two different scales: there’s the ship in a naval battle can be pretty simple or very complicated,
than drowned.”
scale, where ships are maneuvering around each other, depending on your group’s understanding of naval tactics
- Marise Lapointe, boatswain of the Plain Devil
exchanging broadsides, etc, and the character scale, which and the nuances of sailing ships. If you want to factor in
encompasses the events going on with the characters on things like wind speed and direction, or firing on the
Ship Mechanics board the ships. This includes things like a fire going on upwards vs downwards roll, that’s great; if you aren’t an
In short, there are none. The standard rules for action rolls belowdecks, a boarding action, or a character trying to pick expert in naval combat, though, there’s nothing forcing you
and fictional positioning apply the same to ship maneuvers off enemy officers at range. to worry about those details. If anything, you can run a much
as they do to individual actions; while the flagship’s edges more exciting and cinematic battle if you don’t spend time
and flaws affect the fictional positioning and may provide All characters should have at least something they can do worrying about the minutia of sailing.
bonus dice, the focus is still on the characters and what they on either level, but they’ll often be specialized to focus on
do in the battle rather than an abstracted view of ships one or another. A Mariner or Commander will usually thrive Like in any other situation, there is room to zoom in or out
moving around on a map. at the ship scale; they’re the natural fits for steering the shipon a battle as much as you’d like. Most ships should require
or readying a barrage of cannonfire. A Swashbuckler or filling a clock before they can be considered subdued (either
That said, ship combat can be much more prescribed than Reaver, on the other hand, might not have any obvious by sinking them, immobilizing them, or just putting them
a normal action scene on land, and characters may find that things to do that affect the ship as a whole, but they’re really in an unwinnable tactical position), but that isn’t a hard
they don’t have very much to do in a naval battle. good at taking down enemy sailors. rule: you could have a ship be eliminated with a single Blast
of cannonfire, or you could provide a series of clocks that
Set the Stage Ideally, the action should move back and forth between the must be filled before the enemy ship is brought down.
It’s all too easy to stage a battle by putting two ships down two scales. Actions taken at the ship level can become
in the open sea, with absolutely nothing around and no abstract and boring in a vacuum; by giving them You can also avoid focusing on the high-level tactical
weather to speak of. That may be historically accurate, and consequences that fall out at the character scale, you can element of a ship battle. If your players are built for combat
it lets the PCs’ strategies and maneuvers take the spotlight provide excitement and give the whole group something to with cutlasses and pistols rather than chain shot and
over other environmental factors, but it can get very boring do. Failing a desperate Navigate check, for instance, might cannons, consider abstracting the nautical elements of the
very quickly. mean that the enemy gets an opening and fires some chain score to just a few rolls and spending the bulk of the time
shot that cripples the mast (level 2 Harm). Not only is this on a cinematic boarding maneuver.
Bad weather can make a fight much more dynamic: fog can an issue on a tactical level, but it provides opportunities for
limit line of sight and allow for subtler maneuvers, and drama on a personal scale. Suddenly there are shattered
storms or high wind mean that both sides are fighting the pieces of wood everywhere, sailors tangled up in the
weather as much as they are each other. riggings, and the Scoundrel who was up in the crow’s nest
with a rifle is now freefalling as the mast collapses.
Battles also don’t need to happen far out at sea. You can add
shallows, cliffs, or dangerous rocks to the scene, or have the It’s a little harder to have actions taken at a character level
fight take place near an island, within spitting distance of roll back up to affect the bigger picture, but just as
a well-armed fortress. Naval combat doesn’t lend itself to important. Besides dealing with the consequences of events
interesting terrain quite as well as a battle on land, but at the ship scale, characters can pick off important enemies
whatever environmental factors you can add will make the on board other ships, raise fake signal flags, or perform
battle much more engaging. setup and teamwork actions to help out their teammates.
Heat & Entanglements
“Stick your neck out too far, and pretty soon you’re liable to
find it in a noose.” Entanglements
- Grace Corrigan, captain of the Revenge After calculating payoff and heat, decide on the region in which your crew is spending their downtime. Roll dice equal to
your Tier, and read the result off the table below. If your crew is Wanted by any nation, read the result from the Wanted
column; if not, decide which nation controls the region your crew is in, and read from the column matching your crew’s
Factions & Nations Heat with that nation.
All factions in Sea of Dead Men belong to a specific nation,
a powerful sovereign state or collection of factions with
interests in the Carrascan. Nations don’t have faction status, Heat 0-3 Heat 4-5 Heat 6+ Wanted
though the factions they contain still do; instead, the crew Crew Troubles or Ship Crew Troubles or Flipped or Show of
1-3 1-3 1-3 Flipped or Patrol 1-3
has a heat track for each nation. The active nations in the Disrepair Threats Force
Carrascan are as follows: Pirates, Valdesia, Revelle, Sallice, Restless Depths or Restless Depths or Restless Depths or
Occuult, and Outcasts. 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 Leviathan or Bounty
Cooperation Rivals Show of Force
6 Probing 6 Show of Force 6 Outnumbered 6 Assault
After a score or conflict, the crew takes heat with the nation Assault: A nation decides that it's time to put you down. Probing: An enemy faction snatches up a cohort, vice
most hurt or annoyed by their actions. They send a small fleet, or comparable force, to do away purveyor or crew member and interrogates them about your
● 0 heat for a smooth and quiet score, with low exposure with you once and for all. crew's movements and weaknesses. Make a fortune roll to
● 2 heat for a contained score with standard exposure Bounty: A nation puts a hefty bounty on your head -- find out if they resist questioning, or try to get them back
● 4 heat for a loud and chaotic score, with high exposure enough money to make even hardened pirates consider before they can spill anything.
● 6 heat for a wild score with devastating exposure turning you over. Restless Depths: A supernatural creature finds its way to
Add +1 heat if the score's target is high-profile or well- your ship. Find a priest or an occultist to banish it, or deal
Cooperation: An allied faction asks you for a favor. Agree
connected; add +2 heat if you dealt a serious blow to the with it yourself.
to do it or lose 1 status with them. If you don't have any
nation’s interests. Take -1 heat for the score (minimum 0)
allied factions, you avoid entanglements for the moment. Rivals: An enemy faction makes a move against you (or a
if the score took place in or near waters controlled by that
Crew Troubles: Your crew, or one of your other cohorts, vice purveyor, contact or ally). Pay them off, allow them to
nation. If the score helped the interests of another nation,
causes trouble. Lose face, make an example of a crew mess with you, or fight back.
reduce heat with that nation by 2 ticks.
member, or find some other way to deal with the situation. Ship Disrepair: The ship is damaged by rocks or bad
If you fill up your heat track with a nation, you become Flipped: One of your contacts or allies switches allegiances weather and needs maintenance. Pick a part of the ship
Wanted. Your heat with that nation can no longer be due to the heat on you. They're loyal to another faction (hull, sails, rudder, etc); that part has -1 quality until it is
reduced, except by executing a score specifically to appease now. repaired.
or redirect their ill-will. If the score is successful, the Leviathan: A great beast rises from the sea, its intentions Show of Force: An enemy faction launches an outright
Wanted status is cleared and heat with that nation is unclear. attack. Either back down from the fight (lose 1 hold) or go
reduced to three ticks (plus any heat gained in the score). Outnumbered: Two or more enemy factions put aside their to war with them.
grievances to deal with you, launching a combined attack. Threats: A neutral faction tries to throw their weight
The reduce heat downtime action applies only to heat with around. They threaten you, a friend or contact, or one of
a single nation; you decide which nation’s heat you reduce. Patrol: An enemy faction sends ships to patrol your last your vice purveyors.
Likewise, in most cases a crew should gain heat with only seen location. Hide in port until they lose interest, evade
one power per score; however, some particularly far- them, or confront them directly.
reaching scores may impact the crews' heat with multiple
factions at once.
The Carrascan Sea
“There’s no law out there, nothing close to civilization. It’s
complete barbarism. If the cannibals don’t get you, then by
god the pirates will.”
- Lieutenant Matthew Carver, Valdesian naval officer

The Carrascan is divided into several regions, each of which
has its own personality and political situation.

Agostine Islands (Sallician, disputed): The colonial seat

of Sallician power, filled with bountiful gold mines and
thriving farmland.

Brightwater Isles (Valdesian): A prosperous trade center,

the first port most ships dock at when they reach the

Carrowan (Outcasts): A large and overgrown island,

rumored to hold ancient treasures.

The Castaways (Valdesian): A formerly influential region

struggling to deal with slave uprisings and pirate raids.

Greater Cuiverra (Revellan): Home away from home for

Revellan colonists, filled with all the culture and riches of
the old world.

Lesser Cuiverra (Revellan, disputed): Backwater port

towns and plantations, in territory disputed by Revelle and

The Hollows (Occult): A rocky and desolate island chain.

home to drowners, sea demons, and worse.

New Valdesia (Valdesian): The seat of Imperial power in

the Carrascan.

Southern Reach (Pirates, Outcasts): The far edge of

civilization. Inhabited by pirates, natives, escaped slaves,
and other outcasts.

Vespoli’s Gate (Sallician): Trading hubs and colonies

divided up amongst Sallice’s various merchant families.

Windward Islands (Outcasts): Small clusters of islands

patrolled by Meghran corsairs.
Sailing the Seas
“I don’t care if you’ve got every pirate hunter in the world In addition, ratings for each region may be adjusted or
breathing down your neck - you don’t sail into the Hollows. ignored at the GM’s discretion. For instance, if the crew
Sometimes your crew won’t have a specific target in mind
Least not if you want to live.” hires an occultist to give them safe passage through the
- they just want to sail out looking for a prize.
- Edward Bellows, captain of the Razor Hollows, the GM might reduce the Weather rating there to
2 dice, or ignore it entirely.
When you haunt a trade route or sail a region looking for a
Travel Costs prize to take, select the region in which you are hunting.
The Morningstar’s journey takes them through four regions:
The Carrascan sea is roughly divided into regions. The GM makes a fortune roll based on the Opportunity trait
the Southern Reach, the Agostine Isles, Lesser Cuiverra, and
Travelling within a single region can be done without paying of that region. If the crew is Wanted, take -1d to that roll;
Greater Cuiverra. The GM scans through the Weather and
any coin, but travelling across multiple regions. requires if the crew is operating in their Hunting Grounds, take +1d.
Security ratings for each region, and sees values up to 3 dice
supplies and provisions, worth 1 coin for each new region
(Security in the Agostine Isles and Greater Cuiverra, and
entered. This must be paid before embarking on the journey. 1-3: Desperate position. Perhaps a particularly dangerous
Weather in Lesser Cuiverra).
prize, or an enemy ambush.
The Mariner’s ability Shipshape reduces the cost for a 4-5: Risky position. A standard prize, not exceptionally well
journey by 1 coin. This applies to both legs of a round-trip The Travel Roll guarded.
voyage. Sailing in the Carrascan is a risky business, especially for 6+: Controlled position. A lucrative or easily taken prize.
those outside the law. Whenever the crew makes a
The crew of the Morningstar set out from the Southern Reach, voyage, the GM may make a fortune roll to see how the This roll operates as a sort of extended engagement roll; it
travelling to Greater Cuiverra. Their path takes them through journey goes. The dice for the fortune roll are determined determines what sort of prize or opportunity the crew finds,
3 new regions (the Agostine Isles, Lesser Cuiverra, and Greater by the danger of the route (see above) - a more harrowing as well as their starting position for the score.
Cuiverra itself), so they pay 3 coin. The return journey back to journey should have more dice associated with it.
Each region description contains a list of potential prizes,
the Reach will cost them the same amount. Had one of the
1-3: The voyage goes smoothly; perhaps even a small obstacles, and opponents characteristic to that region; the
Morningstar’s officers taken the Shipshape ability, each leg
benefit is gained. GM can choose something from that list, or simply improvise.
would have cost 2 coin, for a total cost of 4 rather than 6.
4-5: A minor complication; a few hours’ delay
6: A moderate complication; a few days’ delay
Calculating Danger Critical: A serious complication or delay - something that
The danger of a route is determined by looking at the must be immediately dealt with
Weather and Security ratings of each region, displayed on
the map on the following page. A high Weather rating The results of this roll shouldn’t usually create a whole
represents chronic storms, doldrums, rocks, and other session’s worth of adventure - presumably the players are
natural obstacles; a high Security rating represents sailing somewhere for a reason, and a bit of trouble along
presence by the region’s authorities. the way shouldn’t distract from their destination. That said,
if the players are blindly sailing into a dangerous region -
To come up with a number of dice to roll, quickly scan don’t hesitate to make them pay for it.
through the route; find the region with the highest value
in either of the two ratings, and roll that many dice. The GM rolls 3 dice for the Morningstar’s journey - a 5 and two
3’s. That means a moderate complication or delay. The GM
Some crew abilities affect the danger ratings. If the crew thinks for a second, then describes how an unexpected wind
has a Letter of Marque for the nation controlling a pulls the Morningstar off course and forces them to duck
region, they can ignore that region’s Security; if the crew around a Sallician patrol.
has the Phantoms ability Seven Seas, they can ignore
Weather ratings; and the Phantoms upgrade Hidden Ways
reduces Security by 1 for all regions.
Travel Rules Reference
Travelling within a region is free; longer voyages cost 1 coin
per new region entered.

Danger Ratings:
Take the maximum of Weather and Security ratings for all
regions along the route.

● Ignore a region’s Security if the crew has a Letter of

Marque with that region’s rulers
● Ignore all Weather ratings if the crew has the Seven Seas
● Adjust or ignore ratings at the GM’s discretion

Travel Roll:
Fortune roll using the journey’s Danger rating.

1-3: The voyage goes smoothly; perhaps even a small

benefit is gained.
4-5: A minor complication; a few hours’ delay
6: A moderate complication; a few days’ delay
Critical: A serious complication or delay - something that
must be immediately dealt with.

Complications/delays from the travel roll should generally

not overshadow the destination/score itself.

Used when the players are looking out for a prize, and don’t
have a specific score in mind. Make a fortune roll using the
target region’s Opportunity score. +1d if it’s in the crew’s
Hunting Grounds, -1d if they’re Wanted. Result
determines the prize, and the starting position.

1-3: Desperate position. Perhaps a particularly dangerous

prize, or an enemy ambush.
4-5: Risky position. A standard prize, not exceptionally well
6+: Controlled position. A lucrative or easily taken prize.
Pirate Factions Valdesian Factions The Seeker’s Guild (2S): An organization of explorers and
adventurers, searching for glory and renown.
The Council (4S): The five most influential captains of Pelican Imperial Navy (6S): Fleets of disciplined sailors and skilled
House Carrascos (2W): A separatist movement to create an
Rock, who maintain order on the island. officers.
independent Carrascan territory.
The Shipwrights (4W): Experienced carpenters and sailors, Langdon & Grey (4S): An established Valdesian trading
Brightflower Guild (1S): Agents of House Camillieri who scour the
responsible for the maintenance of Flotsam. company, with a monopoly on trade in the Carrascan Sea.
Carrascan for orchids and other valuable flora.
The Ospreys (3S): Flotsam’s peacekeeping force. They live up in Brightwater Isles Citizens (4S): Inhabitants of the Brightwater
Cascabel Guild (1S): Skilled blacksmiths renowned for the cannons
the crow’s nests and riggings of the city. Isles.
they forge.
The Razor (3S): A notorious pirate ship known for daring raids The Redcliff Company (3S): A company trading in gunpowder
and cunning ambushes. and cannons, looking to expand into other markets.
The Retribution (3S): A Segamban crew that targets slaving ships. New Valdesia Citizens (3W): Inhabitants of New Valdesia. Occult Factions
The Red-Handers (3W): Mercenaries and killers for hire. The Viceroy (3W): A veteran crew tasked with maintaining law Drowners (4W): Dead sailors returned to life for some unknown
The Silver Hand (3W): A privateering vessel bolstered by and order in Valdesia's colonies. purpose.
informants and spies throughout the world. The Wolves (3W): A savage band of pirate hunters. The Circle (3S): A collection of shamans and occultists working
The Windrunner (3W): A carefree crew of rovers who swoop in The Torn Banner (2S): A navy ship posing as pirates to spy on together to influence events in the Carrascan.
after storms to snatch up weakened targets. other nations’ privateers. The Maelstrom (2S): A ghost ship perpetually surrounded by storms.
The Armistice (2S): A veteran crew of pirates seeking revenge Castaways Citizens (2W): Valdesian inhabitants of the The Undying (2S): Waturey tribes who claim to be inhabited by the
for their slain captain. Castaways. spirits of their ancestors.
The Falcon (2S): An upstart crew seeking renown and influence The Sisterhood (2S): A coven of sea-witches from noble families
by any means necessary. Revellan Factions across the various nations.
The Requiem (2S): An honorable crew led by a priest-turned The Fair Chance (2W): A ship crewed by insane sailors, who attack
Revellan Navy (5S): A rapidly growing fleet of loyal Revellan
pirate. other vessels on sight.
The Revenge (2S): A Valdesian navy ship whose crew was left to Fort Crimson (2W): A former slave colony whose prisoners swore a
The Seven Stars (5S): A chamber of priests and governors that
die after a battle, now sworn enemies of the crown. dark pact in exchange for their freedom.
steers Revellan policy in the Carrascan Sea.
The Bleeding Dove (2W): A ship crewed by vicious killers, who The Terminus (2W): A crew of ghostly sailors roaming the Hollows.
Greater Cuiverra Citizens (3S): Inhabitants of Greater Cuiverra.
fly a distress flag to lure their victims in. The Harbingers (1S): An apocalyptic cult that worships leviathans.
Knights of Abrandus (3S): An order of zealots fighting a war
The Hammerhead (2W): A hard-bitten crew with ties to various against Meghran corsairs.
maroon camps. Golden Lilies (3W): An elite naval squadron, composed of highly Outcast Factions
The Hangman’s Noose (2W): A crew that preys on other pirates trained nobility. The Makote Pact (3W): An organization of Waturey tribes, banding
and corrupt merchants. Colonial Wardens (2S): A group of Revellan ships who extort together for survival and mutual defense.
The Plain Devil (2W): Enterprising privateers holding a letter of protection money from various islands. Meghran Corsairs (3W): Zealots launching raids and disrupting trade
marque from every nation Lesser Cuiverra Citizens (2W): Inhabitants of Lesser Cuiverra. routes throughout the Carrascan.
Wreckers (2W): A gang of former pirates who loot the wrecks of Starlight Vigil (2W): Missionaries spreading Revellan religious Southshore Maroons (2S): Segamban and Ourogan refugees claiming
ships lured in by their false lights. doctrine throughout other nations’ territories. territory in southern New Valdesia.
The Zephyr (2W): A swift ship with impossibly good luck in The Cuiverran Resistance: Spies and saboteurs plotting to expel The Storm’s Children (2S): Ourogan raiders targeting the colonists
picking its targets. Sallician forces from Lesser Cuiverra. who settled in their former homes.
The Gadfly (1S): A privateering ship that habitually lurks near The Whispers (2W): A network of native spies who infiltrate
Revellan trade routes. plantations and rescue the slaves working there.
The Laughing Bastard (1S): An unpredictable crew of merry
Sallician Factions
Castaways Natives (1S): Indigenous inhabitants of the Castaways.
House Pavoni (5S): The powerful family that controls most of
swashbucklers. The Woodworms (1S): Waturey saboteurs who rob and capsize ships
Sallice’s colonies.
The Sirena (1S): A crew of pirates that recruits new hands from docked on nearby islands.
House Camillieri (4W): A disgraced noble family trying to regain
the ships they capture. Carrowan Natives (1W): Indigenous inhabitants of Carrowan.
power by controlling Carrascan trade.
The Furie (1W): Inexperienced pirates looking for a score.
The Monarchi (3S): High-end bounty hunters. Very expensive,
The Northern Wind (1W): Fugitives running from the crown’s
very thorough.
justice on a stolen ship.
Vespoli's Gate Citizens (3W): Inhabitants of Vespoli's Gate.
Agostine Isles Citizens (2W): Inhabitants of the Agostine Isles.
Pirate Havens
“Sure, you’ll probably get a knife to the kidney as soon as you
Pelican Rock
walk into the place, but at least the one giving it to you won’t
Legend has it that Pelican Rock was founded when a group The floating city of Flotsam, as far as most folk outside the
be wearing a damn uniform.”
of pirates, pursued by Sallician bounty hunters, made a mad Carrascan are concerned, is nothing but a legend - an old
- Lizzie Bellows, scavenger and criminal
scramble into the harsh waters of the Southern Reach. wives’ tale meant to scare children away from the sea. No
The rule of law is inconsistent, at best, in the Carrascan; There, past jagged rocks and sharp cliffs, they found a small, government acknowledges its existence, after all, and the
there are islands filled with rich nobles and merchants who defensible cove and decided to claim it as their own. explorers who go out searching for it every year come back
pay through the nose for protection from their navies, and Now, decades later, Pelican Rock is the largest pirate haven empty-handed.
there are places that are just more trouble to patrol than in the Carrascan. It’s filled with pirates returned from their
In truth, Flotsam is very real: a veritable armada of ships
they’re worth. latest voyage, sailors looking to join up with a crew, and
lashed together into a floating colony of scoundrels and
enough fences, carpenters, and purveyors of various vices
And then there are the pirate havens: areas tucked away in to keep the island’s economy running. Anything a pirate ne’er-do-wells. It’s home to the largest black market in the
the far reaches of the Carrascan, too obscure or too might need - rope, lumber, ale, information - can be found Carrascan, where goods and services of all kinds - no matter
dangerous for any navy to properly assault, where the fences somewhere in the Rock. how dangerous or illegal - are sold.
and criminals of the sea have made their own governments.
The city is rumored to be protected by powerful magic that
They’re places where pirate crews gather to sell their loot The pirates who call Pelican Rock home are governed by the
Council, an informal collective of five pirate captains. They keeps away unwanted intruders. Many enemies of Flotsam
and drink away their coin.
cooperate to ensure that the Rock’s operations run - naval officers chasing down pirate crews, or fences looking
Pirate havens make a natural starting point and home base smoothly, and oust anybody who causes the wrong kind of to cut out their rivals - have tried to locate the floating city,
for a crew of scoundrels; they’ll have easy fictional access trouble. Membership in the Council is fluid, and enforced but none have had any success. Long-term residents of the
to fences and merchants, and rubbing elbows with other only by the strength of those holding it: to join the council, city, however, gain an intuitive sense of direction that
pirate crews means an immediate jump into factional one must simply claim a seat at the table, and keep anyone allows them to find their way back no matter how far it has
politics. That said, there’s no reason why a crew necessarily else from taking it. drifted.
needs to start in one of these places; Loyalist crews in The Council holds its meetings in a cave dug into the side
Flotsam operates under a cheerful anarchy: there are no
particular may well make port in their nations’ colonies, for of a cliff - once a natural formation, now a carved-stone
laws or governments, just decrees passed down from
instance, and a crew that sails from an Ourogan outpost is room furnished with all the comforts of a palace. There are
whatever crews or factions are strongest. Murder, theft and
an equally interesting concept. six stone seats set around the central table. Five are simple sabotage are commonplace events, barely considered
and utilitarian, made for the Council to sit in; the sixth is notable by the city’s residents.
an elaborately carved throne, with inscriptions that reserve
it for a “Pirate King”. That seat has sat practically untouched The one unwritten rule that every resident of Flotsam
since its carving; if any ambitious soul tries to claim it, the follows, though, is a strict taboo against open flame. There
usual ban on violence during Council meetings is set aside are no torches, candles, or fireplaces in Flotsam; instead,
and the offender is unceremoniously shot. its residents carry thick metal lanterns, which leave no
chance of breaking and lighting the ship on fire.
Opportunities & Rumors
“There’s always money to be made here in the Carrascan - you ● A young slave child on a nearby plantation has
just need to know where to look.”
Marauder Opportunities manifested supernatural powers.
Marauders are built for violence - to threaten it, and to
- Alain Marchand, captain of the Silver Hand ● Another crew has caught the attention of some dark
inflict it. Opportunities should involve the incentive for
power, and they want you to deal with it.
Below are a few opportunities for each crew type, to throw violence, or prey that’s been rendered vulnerable. ● A crew's sailors complain that their ship is followed by
in on the fly if the PCs are looking for a score. Not every ● A crew of Meghran corsairs has washed up onshore after swarms of sea creatures whenever it leaves port.
score needs to be built on a golden opportunity - the hunting a battle with Revellan troops - they're looking for allies ● A group of explorers has unearthed a strange relic and
rules are there for when the players just want to find to help in a counterattack. plans to carry it back to the old world for study.
somebody and rob them - but these offer interesting ● A colony was recently struck by a great plague, ● Deep beneath the waves, some long-slumbering
situations to plant the crew into. rendering it nigh-defenseless. creature is waking up.
● War is brimming between two nations, and both sides ● Another occultist reaches out to your crew, offering an
Loyalist Opportunities are looking for privateers. exchange of services.
Opportunities for Loyalists should be tied into the nation ● A colony is stockpiling powder and cannons in their
they serve, one way or another. These can be missions fort in preparation for launching a raid.
handed out from navy officers, or rumors that the crew ● A naval officer has arrived in the Carrascan, vowing to Renegade Opportunities
happens to stumble upon. put an end to piracy once and for all. Renegade opportunities are a grab-bag of plot hooks and
● A Maroon colony wants help raiding a plantation. tip-offs, chances to outwit other factions or go on bold and
● Your nation’s navy is planning a large offensive; they
● A small fleet of merchant ships are headed to a Sallician daring adventures.
need an independent force to harass lines of
gold mine to pick up a shipment. ● Another pirate crew is bragging about a lucrative score
communication leading up to the attack.
● An influential merchant is preparing for a voyage, they're about to go on.
● One of your nation’s spies has been uncovered by an
escorted by a huge and well-armed convoy. Nobody ● Word is a pirate captain is a spy selling intelligence to
enemy nation. A pirate raid would be the perfect cover
knows what cargo they’re carrying. pirate hunters. The powers that be want them dealt
to extract them without risking a diplomatic incident.
● Another crew has a tip on the location of a treasure with.
● Privateers loyal to another nation have been mouthing
fleet, but they don't have the firepower to take it on ● Two pirate captains have started feuding, and their
off to your crew, all but challenging you to a fight.
alone. crews are brawling in the streets.
● A convoy of diplomats is headed to the Carrascan to
● A band of explorers is headed to a remote island to
work out a truce between two of your nation’s enemies.
search for orchids and other treasures. They're in need
● A rival in your nation’s military comes to you with a Phantom Opportunities of protection, but all the legitimate colonies have
potential score that’s too good to be true. Scores for Phantoms will vary widely depending on what the turned them away.
● One of your navy’s ships has recently deserted and crew’s purpose is - a ship sworn to the protection of a ● The governor of a colony harassed by Ourogan raids is
turned to piracy. certain relic will care about vastly different things than one fleeing to safer shores, along with their family and
● A recent treaty means your nation is forced to move whose goal is simple devastation. These opportunities valuables.
some of its navy out of a contested region, and they mostly introduce new occult events or powers, which the ● The lone survivor of an navy raid needs passage to go
need a few deniable ships to pick up the slack. PCs can either oppose or try to exploit. back and retrieve their crew’s stash of hidden loot.
● Pirate hunters from another nation have started making ● A castaway rescued from a deserted isle is covered in ● A powerful pirate captain is willing to pay good money
a point of tracking down and destroying enemy strange tattoos and scars, and keeps babbling about a for a lost artifact, hidden somewhere on a distant island.
privateers. "great storm". ● An aristocrat from the old world is fleeing to a colony
● A fortress belonging to your nation has just been seized ● A ship that was lost at sea years ago suddenly returns, in the Carrascan sea.
by an enemy. its crew haggard and sunken-eyed. ● A friendly pirate ship was just captured, and its crew is
● The howling winds that haunt the Turtleshell Island due to be hanged in a week.
channel have suddenly gone silent.

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