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Properties of NeoMTA Plus and MTA Plus cements

for endodontics

F. Siboni1 , P. Taddei2, C. Prati3 & M. G. Gandolfi1

Laboratory of Biomaterials and Oral Pathology, Dental School; 2Unit of Biochemistry; and 3Endodontic Clinical Section, Dental
School, Department of Biomedical and NeuroMotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Abstract Results NeoMTA Plus had a prolonged setting time

(315 min) and a satisfactory radiopacity (3.76 mm
Siboni F, Taddei P, Prati C, Gandolfi MG. Properties
Al). Calcium and hydroxyl ion release was signifi-
of NeoMTA Plus and MTA Plus cements for endodontics.
cantly greater and more prolonged in comparison
International Endodontic Journal, 50, e83–e94, 2017.
with MTA Plus (P < 0.05). Both NeoMTA Plus and
Aim To test a novel calcium silicate cement mixed MTA Plus had high values of open porosity and solu-
with a water-based gel (NeoMTA Plus) with regard to bility. ESEM-EDX and micro-Raman confirmed the
chemical–physical properties and apatite-forming abil- ability to nucleate calcium phosphates on their sur-
ity. face after immersion in HBSS.
Methodology NeoMTA Plus (Avalon Biomed Inc. Conclusion NeoMTA Plus is a new calcium sili-
Bradenton, FL, USA; lot. 2014090301) and a com- cate-based cement for root filling with an adequate
mercial MTA-based material with similar properties radiopacity and prolonged setting time. The ion
(MTA Plus, Prevest Denpro Limited, Jammu, India; release and CaP-forming ability could increase stabil-
lot. 41001) were tested for ion-releasing ability, initial ity of the root filling and promote endodontic and
and final setting times, radiopacity, open and impervi- periodontal tissue regeneration, enhancing the bioac-
ous porosity and apparent porosity, water sorption, tivity and biocompatibility of the material.
weight loss, solubility, ability to nucleate calcium
Keywords: apatite nucleation, biointeractivity,
phosphates (CaP) after immersion in HBSS (Hank’s
calcium silicate endodontic cements, MTA Plus,
Balanced Salt Solution) by ESEM-EDX and micro-
NeoMTA Plus, porosity.
Raman spectroscopy. The results were analysed statis-
tically with the ANOVA test (P < 0.05). Received 7 November 2016; accepted 25 April 2017

Torabinejad 2010, Vitti et al. 2013, Prati et al. 2014,

Prati & Gandolfi 2015, Zhou et al. 2015, Carvalho
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) cements are et al. 2017). The leaching of calcium and hydroxyl
hydrophilic materials developed for a number of clini- ions allows MTA to promote regeneration and rem-
cal applications in endodontic therapy such as pulp ineralization of hard tissues and enhance its sealing
capping, pulpotomy, apexification, apicogenesis, repair ability by deposition of calcium and phosphate crys-
of furcation perforations, root perforations, root-end tals into voids and potential spaces between dentine
filling and recently for orthograde canal filling (Tora- and the root filling material (Martin et al. 2007, Gan-
binejad & Chivian 1999, Hegde 2009, Parirokh & dolfi et al. 2013a). Moreover, the high solubility and
the enhancement of environmental pH (>11.0) may
create antibacterial activity reducing the bacteria in
unior et al. 2013, Kim et al. 2015).
biofilms (Faria-J
Correspondence: Prof. Maria Giovanna Gandolfi, Laboratory of
Biomaterials and Oral Pathology, Department of Biomedical However, the difficult handling and challenges in
and NeuroMotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Via San adapting the original MTA-based products to the root
Vitale 59, 40125 - Bologna, Italy (e-mail: mgiovanna.gandolfi@ canal prevented the achievement of the low film

© 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 50, e83–e94, 2017 e83
Novel endodontic polymeric-gel MTA Siboni et al.

thickness needed for endodontic sealers (Soheilipour (pH 6.8) in polypropylene sealed containers and
et al. 2009). stored at 37 °C. The storage water was replaced at
NeoMTA Plus is a new finer powder tricalcium silicate each end-point (3 h and 1, 3, 7, 14, 28 days), and
material and has tantalum oxide (Ta2O5) as a radiopaci- the collected water was analysed for pH by a poten-
fying agent that is mixed with a water-based gel that tiometric method under magnetic stirring at room
imparts good handling properties (Avalon Biomed temperature (24 °C) using a selective electrode (Sen
2017). The powder-to-gel mixing ratio can be varied and Tix Sur; WTW, Weilheim, Germany) connected to a
a thin consistency can be used as an orthograde sealer or multiparameter laboratory meter (inoLab 750;
a thick mixture for root-end filling. The manufacturer WTW) previously calibrated with standard solutions.
states the indications include the application of this The amount of calcium ions was measured using a
material for vital pulp therapies (pulp capping, pulpo- calcium probe (calcium ion electrode; Eutech Instru-
tomy or cavity liner/base), root apexification, root repair ments Pte Ltd, Singapore) after addition of 0.200 mL
(resorption or perforation), root-end filling and sealing of (2%) of ionic strength adjuster (ISA; 4 mol L 1 KCl;
root canals (Avalon Biomed 2017). WTW).
As reported in a previous study, bismuth oxide
(Bi2O3), a radiopacifying agent contained in most Physical properties
MTA-based cements such as MTA Plus (Gandolfi et al. The initial and final setting time were measured by
2014), plays a crucial role in the hydration processes evaluating the absence of indentation caused by Gill-
of calcium silicates (Camilleri 2008) as well as in more needles (initial Gillmore tip 113.4 g weight and
potential tooth discoloration, especially when in con- 2.12 mm diameter and final Gillmore tip 453.6 g
tact with sodium hypochlorite (Camilleri 2014). weight and 1.06 mm diameter) on the cement paste
The present study compared the calcium and stored at 37 °C and 99  5% relative humidity in a
hydroxyl ion release, solubility, water sorption, poros- polyvinyl mould of 10 mm diameter and 2 mm
ity, surface morphology and apatite-forming ability of thickness in accordance with ASTM C 226-07
two current MTA-based cements, i.e. NeoMTA Plus (Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Additions
and MTA Plus, containing different radiopacifying for Use in the Manufacture of Air-Entraining Hydrau-
agents, namely Ta2O5 and Bi2O3, respectively. The lic Cement).
null hypothesis was that despite the different composi- The radiopacity was measured following ISO
tion, the two tested materials have the same physi- 6876:2012 (Dental root canal sealing materials), and
cal–chemical properties and apatite-forming ability. completely set samples (10  0.1 mm diameter;
1.0  0.1 mm height) were radiographed using a X-
Materials and methods ray (Myray Cefla, Imola, Italy) with a reference alu-
minium step wedge (60 mm long, 10 mm wide). The
Materials radiographic unit was set at 3 cm distance, 0.13 s
exposure at 70 KVp and 8 mA. The film (Kodak den-
NeoMTA Plus (Avalon Biomed Inc. Bradenton, FL,
tal film, Eastman Kodak Company, Carestream Health
USA; lot. 2014090301) and MTA Plus (Prevest Denpro
Inc., Rochester, New York, NY, USA) was processed
Limited, Jammu, India; lot. 41001) were tested. Both
(automatic developer, 4 min at 30 °C) and scanned.
the materials are commercial cements proposed for
The radiographic density (colour intensity) data were
sealing and filling root canals. NeoMTA Plus and MTA
converted (software Image J) into aluminium step-
Plus were mixed according to the manufacturer
wedge equivalent thickness (mm Al). A radiopacity
instructions (one scoop of powder and one small drop
equal or higher than 3 mm Al is required by the ISO
of gel) for 30 s on a glass slab.
For the porosity assessments, the freshly mixed
Calcium release and alkalizing activity (pH of
pastes were compacted into polyvinyl chloride moulds
storage water)
(8  0.1 mm diameter; 1.6  0.1 mm height), and
The freshly mixed pastes were compacted into the excess was removed. The filled moulds (n = 10
polyvinyl chloride moulds (8  0.1 mm diameter; samples for each material) were placed at 37 °C and
1.6  0.1 mm height), and the excess was removed. 99% relative humidity for a period of 50% longer
The filled moulds (n = 10 for each material) were than the final setting time according to ISO
immediately immersed in 10 mL of deionized water 6876:2012, then demoulded.

e84 International Endodontic Journal, 50, e83–e94, 2017 © 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Siboni et al. Novel endodontic polymeric-gel MTA

Each sample was weighed to determine the initial unhydrated powders, freshly mixed samples and sam-
mass (I) and immediately immersed vertically in ples after immersion in simulated body fluid in wet
20 mL of distilled water at 37 °C. After 24 h of conditions without any previous preparation.
immersion, the specimens were removed from the Freshly mixed materials were immersed upright in
water, and the specimen mass whilst suspended in 20 mL of Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS, Lonza
water (S) was measured. The excess water from the Walkersville, Inc., Walkersville, MD, USA) and stored
surface of each sample was removed using a moist- at 37 °C for 28 days following ISO 23317. The HBSS
ened filter paper, and the saturated mass (M) was was replaced weekly. Operating conditions: low vac-
recorded. Finally, the samples were dried at 37 °C uum (100 Pascal), accelerating voltage of 20 kV,
until the weight was stable, and the final dry mass working distance 8.5 mm, 0.5 wt% detection level,
(D) was recorded. Each weight measurement was 133 eV resolution, amplification time 100 ls, mea-
repeated three times using an analytic balance (Bel suring time of 60 s for spectra.
Engineering series M, Monza, Italy) and determined to EDX provided microchemical spectra and semi-
the nearest 0.001 g. quantitative compositional data (weight % and atomic
The water sorption A (A = [(M D)/D] 9 100) % of the elemental composition).
and the solubility S (S = [(I D)/D] 9 100) were cal- Micro-Raman spectra were measured on the surface
culated as percentage of the original weight. ISO of the powders, fresh samples and samples after ageing
4049 (polymer-based restorative materials) was used in HBSS for 28 days. The spectra were obtained using
because both materials are hydraulic self-curing mate- a Jasco NRS-2000C instrument (Jasco Inc., Easton,
rials and their setting is achieved by the water in the MD, USA) in back-scattering conditions with 4 cm 1
mixing liquid. spectral resolution, using the 532-nm green diode-
The exterior volume V (V = M S), the volume of pumped solid state (DPSS) laser driver (RgBLase LLC,
open pores VOP (VOP = M D), the volume of the Fremont, CA, USA) with a power of ca. 25 mW, prop-
impervious portion VIP (VIP = D S) and the appar- erly filtered. A 160 K cooled digital CCD (Spec-10:
ent porosity P (P = [(M D)/V] 9 100) were calcu- 100B; Roper Scientific Inc., Trenton, NJ, USA) was
lated in cm3 and in percentage, following used as the detector. A microscope of 1009 magnifica-
Archimedes’ principle (ASTM C373-88, Unosson et al. tion with a confocal pinhole with an aperture diameter
2015, Gandolfi et al. 2015, Hea et al. 2016), as vol- of 3000 lm was utilized. All the Raman measurements
ume of fluid displaced by the immersed sample. were made in a fully nondestructive way, without sam-
All the porosity, solubility and water sorption tests ple manipulation. All the reported spectra are an aver-
were repeated after ageing the samples for 7 days at age of at least five measurements.
37 °C and 99% RH, to allow setting and strengthen-
ing of the specimens.

Statistical analysis Alkalizing activity (pH of storage water) and

calcium release
A two-way ANOVA followed by RM Student–Newman–
Keuls test (P < 0.05) was used for the ion release test Both materials induced the alkalization of the storage
and a one-way ANOVA followed by Student–Newman– water (>11.0) after 3 h of immersion. The pH
Keuls test (P < 0.05) for setting time, radiopacity, sol- decreased starting at 3 days (Table 1) continuing
ubility, water sorption and porosity. until the last test at 28 days. No significant differ-
ences were detected between the materials during the
first hours after immersion; MTA Plus was associated
Surface characterization and test of calcium
with a more rapid decrease in alkalization activity.
phosphate nucleation in simulated body fluid:
Similarly, the release of Ca2+ ions began immedi-
SEM-EDX and micro-Raman spectroscopy
ately after sample immersion and after only 3 h, the
An environmental scanning electron microscope greatest amount of calcium leakage was recorded
(ESEM, Zeiss EVO 50; Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Ger- (Table 1). As shown in Table 1, NeoMTA Plus pro-
many) connected to a secondary electron detector for duced a significantly greater (P < 0.05) amount of
elemental dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX; Oxford leached Ca2+ during the first 3 days of immersion.
Instruments, Abingdon, UK) was used to examine the Calcium release decreased for both materials after

© 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 50, e83–e94, 2017 e85
Novel endodontic polymeric-gel MTA Siboni et al.

Table 1 pH of soaking water and calcium released. Different capital letters represent significant differences (P < 0.05) in the
same line, whilst different small letters represent differences in the same-column (two-way ANOVA followed by RM Student–New-
man–Keuls with P < 0.05, n = 10 samples per group)

pH and Calcium released in soaking water

3h 1 day 3 days 7 days 14 days 28 days

NeoMTA Plus 11.2  0.2Aa 11.6  0.2Aa 11.2  0.5Aa 10.8  0.4Aa 9.1  0.3Ba 8.7  0.1Ba
MTA Plus gel 11.9  0.4Ab 11.7  0.8Aa 10.6  0.8Ba 8.7  0.7Cb 8.7  0.5Ca 8.4  0.4Ca

0–3 h 3 h–1 day 1 day–3 days 3–7 days 7–14 days 14–28 days
Calcium released
NeoMTA plus 142.9  27.2Aa 126.0  20.7Ba 71.4  21.2Ca 27.1  10.9 Da 17.8  9.6 Da 10.7  1.8 Da
MTA Plus gel 115.6  22.6Ab 46.2  17.8Bb 51.3  19.7Bb 25.2  6.2Ca 18.5  9.0Ca 15.7  6.6Ca

7 days, but was still occurring at 28 days to demon- (Al), silicon (Si), sulphur (S), calcium (Ca) and bis-
strate long-term activity. muth (Bi). The Ca/Si atomic ratio calculated by
EDX was 3.71.
The freshly mixed paste had a surface where the
Physical properties
powder granules were still noticeable and displayed
MTA Plus had a final setting time significantly shorter an increase of C and the appearance of nitrogen
than NeoMTA Plus (55 min vs. 315 min, P < 0.05 (N), deriving from the organic phase of the mixing
Table 2). gel.
MTA Plus had a radiopacity value significantly After soaking in HBSS, a coating of small spheru-
higher than NeoMTA Plus (P < 0.05 Table 2); how- lites was observed on the surface; EDX detected
ever, both materials met the ISO requirement for sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), chlo-
more than 3 mm of equivalent Al. rine (Cl) and a marked decrease in Si and Bi (unde-
The values for porosity and solubility were high tectable). The Ca/P atomic ratio was 2.48 after
when the material was tested at setting time plus 28 days.
50% (Table 3); significantly lower values were mea- As seen in Fig. 1b, NeoMTA Plus dry powder had
sured after 7 days of pre-setting. A similar amount of more regular granules approximately smaller than 10
water sorption was detected for both test conditions microns, EDX revealed C, O, Al, Si, S, Ca and Tan-
(P < 0.05 Table 3). talum (Ta) as radiopacifying agent. The Ca/Si atomic
ratio calculated by EDX was 2.95.
The freshly mixed paste of NeoMTA Plus had a sur-
Surface characterization and test of calcium
face where the powder granules were still noticeable
phosphate nucleation in simulated body fluid:
and displayed an increase of C, derived from the
SEM-EDX and micro-Raman spectroscopy
organic component of the mixing gel.
Figure 1a shows dry MTA Plus powder with gran- After soaking in HBSS, a homogenous and thick
ules that varied in size from 2 to 10 lm; EDX spec- coating of small aggregated spherulites was observed
tra included carbon (C), oxygen (O), aluminium on the surface; EDX detected N, Na, high Mg, P, Cl
and a marked decrease of Si and Ta. The Ca/P atomic
Table 2 Initial, final setting time (min) and radiopacity (mm
ratio was 5.28 at 28 days.
Al). Different letters represent significant differences
Figure 2 shows the average micro-Raman spectra
(P < 0.05) in the same-column (one-way ANOVA followed by
for the powder and freshly mixed MTA Plus
RM Student–Newman–Keuls with P < 0.05, n = 3 samples
per group) cement. Both the samples had bands ascribable to
crystalline alite and belite (Conjeaud & Boyer
Radiopacity 1980), calcium sulphate as anhydrite and gypsum
Initial setting Final setting (mm Al)
(Sarma et al. 1998), calcite (Martinez-Ramirez et al.
time (min) time (min) (ISO > 3)
2003) and bismuth oxide. The freshly mixed sample
NeoMTA Plus 130  5a 315  5a 3.76  0.13a had bands of the organic component present in the
MTA Plus gel 45  5b 55  5b 6.94  0.72b

e86 International Endodontic Journal, 50, e83–e94, 2017 © 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Siboni et al. Novel endodontic polymeric-gel MTA

After ageing in HBSS (Fig. 3), calcite (Martinez- Figure 4 shows the average micro-Raman spectra
Ramirez et al. 2003) and apatite (Nelson & Featherstone recorded on the NeoMTA Plus, powder and freshly
1982) deposits were observed; the bands due to the mixed cement. The spectra of the powder as well as of
underlying cement were still detectable. the freshly mixed cement were similar to those of MTA

Table 3 Porosity, water sorption and solubility after 50% setting time (ISO 6876) and after 7 days at 37 °C 99%RH. Different
letters represent statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) in the same-column (one-way ANOVA followed by Student–New-
man–Keuls with P < 0.05, n = 10 samples per group)

Exterior volume Volume of open Volume of impervious Apparent Water sorption Solubility
(V, cm3) pores (Vop, cm3) portion (Vip, cm3) porosity (P %) (A %) (S %)

Setting time + 50% at 37 °C 99% RH before test

NeoMTA plus 0.0983  0.0227a 0.0483  0.0097a 0.0500  0.0108a 49.1  2.6a 35.6  3.7a 16.7  2.4a
MTA plus 0.1052  0.0132a 0.0582  0.0060b 0.0469  0.0062a 45.41  1.6a 40.0  2.5a 18.5  2.7a
7 days at 37 °C 99% RH before test
NeoMTA plus 0.0919  0.0105a 0.0476  0.0035a 0.0421  0.0098a 44.6  5.7a 36.7  4.1a 8.9  1.9b
MTA plus 0.1036  0.0058a 0.0448  0.0047a 0.0587  0.0063a 43.3  4.8a 39.7  3.6a 8.1  1.3b

Figure 1 (a) ESEM images and EDX microanalysis of MTA Plus powder, freshly mixed and after 28 days in HBSS. The image shows
the surface morphology and the composition of the powder and freshly mixed cement; the QBSD reveals the presence of the radiopaci-
fying agent (Bi). After immersion in HBSS the coating of small spherulites of Ca and P appears on the sample surface. (b) ESEM images
and EDX microanalysis of NeoMTA Plus powder, freshly mixed and after 28 days in HBSS. The surface morphology showed the pres-
ence of granules in the powder and freshly mixed paste, and the presence of the radiopacifying agent (Ta) in the QBSD. After immer-
sion in HBSS a homogenous and thick coating of small aggregated spherulites of Ca and P appears on the sample surface.

© 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 50, e83–e94, 2017 e87
Novel endodontic polymeric-gel MTA Siboni et al.

Figure 1 Continued.

Plus with bands of crystalline alite and belite (Con- the ability to release ions, the physical stability (solu-
jeaud & Boyer 1980), anhydrite (Sarma et al. 1998), bility, water sorption) and the porosity of the material
calcite (Martinez-Ramirez et al. 2003). However, no after immersion.
bismuth oxide was observed, although tantalum oxide The ESEM and micro-Raman analysis revealed that
bands were seen (Dobal et al. 2000). The organic com- both MTA Plus and NeoMTA Plus contain a fine pow-
ponent detectable in the fresh cement had bands anal- der of tricalcium silicate (alite), dicalcium silicate (be-
ogous to those observed in fresh MTA Plus. After lite), calcium sulphate (as anhydrite). However,
ageing in HBSS (Fig. 5), a calcite (Martinez-Ramirez bismuth oxide is present in MTA Plus, as confirmed
et al. 2003) deposit was observed; the bands due to by Gandolfi et al. (2014), and tantalum oxide (Ta2O5)
the underlying cement were hardly detectable. is the radiopacifying agent in NeoMTA Plus. The
water-based gel contains accelerators for setting and
film-forming polymers, but no salts (Govindaraju et al.
2016). Silica, which is reported in the EDX of MTA
This study compared the physical and chemical Plus powder, was not detected by micro-Raman spec-
properties of two MTA-based materials modified troscopy, as its main band (at about 500 cm 1) was
with a polymer gel when observed in a laboratory set- obscured by a stronger band of bismuth oxide. Both
ting. cements contained a small amount of calcite, proba-
A surface characterization of both materials after bly due to a certain hydration in storage that leads to
immersion in HBSS was performed by Camilleri the formation of calcium hydroxide, which forms cal-
(2015) with similar results, but in this study, the cium carbonate when exposed to air. The exposure to
superficial changes and bioactivity were correlated to humidity previously reported (Taddei et al. 2011) also

e88 International Endodontic Journal, 50, e83–e94, 2017 © 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Siboni et al. Novel endodontic polymeric-gel MTA

Figure 2 Average micro-Raman spectra recorded on the MTA Plus powder and freshly mixed cement. The bands ascribable to
the organic component (OR), alite (A), belite (B), anhydrite (An), gypsum (G), calcite (C) and bismuth oxide (Bi) are indicated.

explains the presence of gypsum in MTA Plus (formed Alkaline pH promotes antibacterial activity
upon hydration of anhydrite or hemihydrate). (Siqueira & Lopes 1999, Al-Hezaimi et al. 2006,
Despite the use of different radiopacifying agents, Reston & Souza Costa 2009, Poggio et al. 2015,) and
both materials had a radiopacity greater than 3 mm accelerates apatite nucleation (Gandolfi et al. 2013b).
Al as required by ISO 6876:2012. As shown by the As shown in Fig. 1a–b, after soaking for 28 days in
EDX and micro-Raman analyses, MTA Plus contains HBSS, both test materials formed a Ca-P layer. Micro-
bismuth oxide in the powder as a radiopacifier (Gan- Raman spectroscopy gave more insight into the bioac-
dolfi et al. 2014), which plays an active role in tivity of the two cements. Figure 3 shows that the
cement hydration (Camilleri 2008), but has been deposit formed on MTA Plus was composed of calcite
reported to discolour in contact with sodium (main component) and apatite, whilst only calcite
hypochlorite (Camilleri 2014). NeoMTA Plus contains was found on NeoMTA Plus (Fig. 5). This result is in
tantalum oxide as radiopacifier, but its influence on agreement with Camilleri (2015), who disclosed a
hydration is unknown. more extensive calcium phosphate deposit on MTA
The study confirmed that the ion release values Plus than on NeoMTA Plus. On the other hand, that
(Ca2+ and OH ) were higher than conventional study reported the presence of calcium hydroxide on
MTA (Gandolfi et al. 2014, 2015). The continued the surface of the latter cement. This phase was not
release of calcium ions over 28 days has been revealed in the present study, in agreement with pre-
demonstrated to be a key factor in promoting vious investigations (Taddei et al. 2009a,b, 2011),
endodontic and periodontal tissue regeneration which have detected this component only in the inte-
(Bonson et al. 2004, Al-Rabeah et al. 2006, Hakki rior of the specimens, due to its release into the age-
et al. 2009, Matsumoto et al. 2013) that will ing medium.
enhance the bioactivity and biocompatibility of the The EDX data agree with micro-Raman analyses.
material (Prati & Gandolfi 2015). After ageing in HBSS, both cements had Ca/P molar

© 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 50, e83–e94, 2017 e89
Novel endodontic polymeric-gel MTA Siboni et al.

Figure 3 Average micro-Raman spectra recorded on the MTA Plus cement before (i.e. fresh) and after ageing in HBSS for
28 days. The bands ascribable to the organic component (OR), alite (A), belite (B), anhydrite (An), gypsum (G), bismuth oxide
(Bi), calcite (C) and apatite (Ap) are indicated.

ratio higher than hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6 37 °C and 98–100% relative humidity for 7 days to
(OH)2, Ca/P = 1.67), indicating the contribution of allow more complete hydration. As reported in
calcite (CaCO3), revealed on both cements by micro- Table 3, the solubility decreased significantly after
Raman spectroscopy (Gandolfi et al. 2011b). Actually, 7 days of setting, which parallels the ion release, but
the presence of this phase determines an increase in no significant differences were recorded for porosity
the Ca/P ratio. It is interesting to note that the and water sorption between the two test conditions.
NeoMTA Plus cement had more calcite after soaking This result may be explained by considering that the
in HBSS and had a higher Ca/P ratio (i.e. 5.28); on hydration and setting of both the materials do not
the other hand, the MTA Plus cement had detectably affect the morphology and allow the same superficial
higher apatite by micro-Raman spectroscopy, with a porosity and liquid sorption when immersed in dis-
lower Ca/P ratio (2.48). tilled water.
The use of a finer Ca-Si-O powder and the applica- The solubility of set hydraulic calcium silicate mate-
tion of an organic gel increased the porosity, water rials depends on several factors, including porosity
sorption, ion release and solubility when compared (Gandolfi et al. 2015). Both NeoMTA Plus and MTA
with traditional MTA materials (Gandolfi et al. 2014). Plus (Gandolfi et al. 2014) had high values of open
In the present study, the solubility was calculated as porosity; in the past, this finding has been related to
weight loss, according to the ISO 6876 standard for voids and structural defects in set endodontic sealers
root canal sealers, leaving the samples to set at 37 °C which, associated with a high solubility, have been
and 98–100% relative humidity for a period 50% linked to a lack of integrity, stability, durability and
longer than the final setting time before testing. The impermeability of the sealer, a pivotal component of
same test was performed leaving the samples at root fillings (Mutal & Gani 2005, Uyanik et al. 2010).

e90 International Endodontic Journal, 50, e83–e94, 2017 © 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Siboni et al. Novel endodontic polymeric-gel MTA

Figure 4 Average micro-Raman spectra recorded on the NeoMTA Plus gel, powder and freshly mixed cement. The bands ascrib-
able to the organic component (OR), alite (A), belite (B), anhydrite (An), calcite (C) and tantalum oxide (Ta) are indicated.

However, Gandolfi et al. (2011a) demonstrated that such materials under in vivo conditions. This is a limi-
the solubility of calcium silicate-containing materials tation of the present study and in general of all labo-
immersed in biological-like saline solutions is lower ratory studies. In addition, the international
compared to its solubility in deionized water as inter- specifications for testing materials (such as ISO or
national standards recommend. ASTM) are not always ideal, as often the test methods
The translation to the clinic of laboratory studies are different from the clinical situation. Longer times
and particularly for tests such as solubility requires of setting and different soaking media could be helpful
some consideration. A high value of solubility in dis- to investigate their in vivo physical properties.
tilled water of the early set materials is associated
with high Ca2+ and OH release, which leaves voids.
On the other hand, when immersed in body fluids,
the calcium and hydroxyl ions from the materials NeoMTA Plus is a new calcium silicate-based
combine with the phosphate of the surrounding fluids cement with an adequate radiopacity and prolonged
(Gandolfi et al. 2013b) causing the precipitation of a setting time for root filling. The calcium and hydro-
superficial layer of calcium phosphate able to fill the xyl ion release was greater and more prolonged in
open voids. This apatite-forming ability may improve comparison with MTA Plus, maintaining the ability
the sealing ability at the dentine–cement interface to form a calcium phosphate layer. This CaP-form-
(Gandolfi et al. 2013a). ing ability could be helpful to increase the stability
For these reasons, the solubility and porosity of tri- in the root canal, but further studies are necessary
calcium silicate (MTA-type) materials in distilled to investigate the sealing ability associated with
water do not predict the real stability and integrity of gutta-percha.

© 2017 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 50, e83–e94, 2017 e91
Novel endodontic polymeric-gel MTA Siboni et al.

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28 days. The bands ascribable to the organic component (OR), alite (A), belite (B), anhydrite (An), tantalum oxide (Ta) and
calcite (C) are indicated.

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