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——Grisham Tiwari
[email protected]
The Green Investment Bank
An Overview
The Green Investment Bank (“GIB”) was created by the UK Government in
October 2012 to invest capital in the UK green infrastructure sector
1. Target sectors: Energy Efficiency (“EE”), Waste and Bioenergy (“W&B”),
Offshore Wind (“OSW”), and Onshore Renewables (“OR”)
2. Flexible capital: Ability to invest in equity and debt
3. Build a team of the industry’s leading talents including 80 investment
specialists in a wider team of c. 130 personnel
4. Raised and managed the largest renewable energy fund in the UK: the
GIB OSW fund (£1.1bn AUM
Scenario :2
All for one & one for all
The Green Investment Bank acquisition was a large and complex deal,
subject to high levels of public interest due to the fact that the entity was
publicly owned.

Macquarie is considering approaching potential partners to co-invest in

GIB assets.
What should Macquarie do?

Answer: A - A Pension Fund

The statutory state pension system
consists of a basic state pension and
an earnings-related additional
pension known as the state second
pension.The entity is publicly owned,
and so to ‘invest in the public sector
employees’ is making the most out of
that current situation.

As a result, Partner A (a pension fund)

is the best scenario forward. In
addition, Macquarie could purchase
the equity off the pension fund’s
managers hands when the pension
fund ends and he/she seeks to divest.
Scenario 3 - The Price is Right:
• The GIB portfolio is characterised by assets at mixed stages in their life
cycles. Some assets are operational and working well; a number of GIB
assets are still under construction; additionally, some assets are still in
the “pre-construction” phase, meaning a number of permits and
contracts have been signed but no tangible asset actually exists yet.
• For a handful of assets, the UK Government puts forward an offer
price that reflects confidence in the fact that these assets will by and
large reach a stage where they are generating healthy and stable
What should Macquarie do?
• Answer: A - Hire specialists
− Possible Rationale: Hiring specialists will in turn increase the
value, and so a decision can finally be made,
− In addition, by developing the assets, the value would not only
increase, but more healthy and stable returns will be achieved

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