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Angles of Elevation and Angles of Depression

Name:______________________________ Section:___________ Score:_____________

MELC: The learner:

1.illustrates angles of elevation and angles of depression. (M9GE-lVd-1)
2.uses trigonometric ratios to solve real-life problems involving right triangles.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
1. define and illustrate angle of elevation and angle of depression;
2. distinguish between angle of elevation and angle of depression; and
3. solve problems involving angle of elevation and angle of depression using
trigonometric ratios.

In your previous lesson you were able to define the six trigonometric ratios of
acute angles and special angles of a right triangle. Using these trigonometric ratios,
you were able to find the unknown parts of the right triangle. After having learned
fully the concept of trigonometric ratios you are now ready to use these concepts in
real life situation.

Suppose you are at the Guingona Park looking up at the tip of the flagpole,
how will you directly measure the height of the flagpole? You are at the fourth floor
of the ANHS ABB building looking down at your classmate at the ground, is it
possible to find the height of the building using a meter stick? The trigonometric
ratios that you have learned from your previous lesson will help you answer these

Angles of Elevation and Angles of Depression

Solving real-life problems involving right triangles requires knowledge of some

significant terms such as line of sight, angle of elevation, and angle of depression.
Let’s study the following terms.

Line of Sight- an imaginary line that connects the eye of an observer to the object
being observed.

Angle of Elevation- is the angle from the horizontal to the line of sight of the observer
to the object above.
Author: Mercedita D. Gonzaga Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo
Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]
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Angle of Depression- is the angle from the horizontal to the line of sight of the
observer to the object below.


1. If you are looking straight ahead and

then you move your eyes up to look at the
approaching plane, the angle that your eyes
pass through is an angle of elevation.

2. If the pilot of the plane is looking forward

and then looks down at the runway of the airport,
the pilot’s eyes pass through an angle of

3. While at the Guingona Park and you are

looking up at the tip of the flagpole, the angle formed by
your line of sight towards the tip of the flagpole and the
horizontal line is an angle of elevation.
Angle of et=1&usg=AI4

Author: Mercedita D. Gonzaga Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo

Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]
Page |3

4. You are at the fourth floor of the ANHS ABB building looking down at your
classmate at the ground, your eyes pass through an angle of depression.

Activity 1. Identify Me!

Directions: In each of the following figures, identify the segment that represents the
line of sight, and identify the angles that represent the angle of elevation or angle of
depression. Answer the questions that follow. The first is done for you.

Author: Mercedita D. Gonzaga Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo

Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]
Page |4

Mathematics Learners Material- Grade 9 page 459


1. How did you identify the line of sight, angle of elevaton and angle of depression?

2. What ideas have you learned from this activity?

3. Give and illustrate at least two situations in real life involving angle of elevation
and angle of depression.

You have just learned how to identify and describe line of sight, angle of
elevation and angle of depression. You are now ready to apply these concepts in
solving real life problems.

The study of trigonometric ratios originated from geometric problems involving

triangles. In solving a triangle means finding the lengths of the sides and the
measures of the angles of the triangle. Trigonometric ratios may be used to solve
problems involving angles of elevation and depression. Consider the following
illustrative examples.

Author: Mercedita D. Gonzaga Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo

Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]
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Example 1.

If a 75 ft. flagpole casts a shadow of 40 ft. long, what is the angle of

elevation of the sun from the tip of the shadow?


Draw the diagram of the situation.

Let 𝜃 = angle of elevation
𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
Tan 𝜃 =
𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
75 𝑓𝑡
Tan 𝜃 =
40 𝑓𝑡 Use calculator:
Tan 𝜃 = 1.875
𝜃 =tan-1 (1.875) Press 2ndF tan 1.875 = 61.92
𝜃 = 61.920
The angle of elevation of the sun from the tip of the shadow is 61.920 . G

A trigonometric ratio often helps us set up an equation, which can then be
solved for the missing measurement. If two legs of the triangle are part of the
problem, then it is a tangent ratio. If the hypotenuse is part of the problem,
then it is either a sine or cosine ratio.

Example 2.

An airplane is flying at a height of 6 kilometers above the ground. The distance along
the ground from the airplane to the airport is 6 kilometers. What is the angle of
depression from the airplane to the airport?

Make a diagram of the situation.
Let 𝜃 = angle of depression.

Since two legs of a right triangle are given as

shown in the illustration, tangent rato is used. Let
us also use the fact that the measures of angle of
depression and angle of elevation are the same (by
Parallel Alternate Interior Angle Theorem)

𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
Tan 𝜃 =
𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
Tan 𝜃 = Use calculator:
Tan 𝜃 = 1
𝜃 = tan-1 ( 1) Press 2ndF tan 1 = 45
𝜃 = 450
Author: Mercedita D. Gonzaga Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo
Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]
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The angle of depression from the airplane to the airport is 450

Example 3.

A tower is 12 meters high . At a certain distance away from the tower, an observer
determines that the angle of elevation to the top is 35 0. How far is the observer from
the base of the tower?


Make a diagram of the situation.

𝜃 = 350 angle of elevation
Let d = distance of the observer from the base
of the tower.
Since the legs of the right triangle are part of
the problem, then tangent ratio is used.

𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
Tan 𝜃 =
𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒

12 𝑚
Tan 350 =

d=12m(tan 350) Use calculator:

d= 12m(0.7002) Press tan 35 = 0.7002
d= 8.4 m

The distance of the observer from the base of the tower is 8.4 meters.

Activity 2. Illustrate Me!

Directions: Using a ruler, protractor, and drawing materials, draw the pictures
presented by the information in the problem given on the space provided. (These
problems do not ask for answer.) Assume that buildings, ladders, etc. are all on level
gound. Clear, neat , and accurate illustrations are necessary. (Label the parts).
Answer the questions that follow.

Problems Diagram/ Illustration

1. The angle of elevation of the top of the

building from a point 30 meters away
from the building is 65°.

Author: Mercedita D. Gonzaga Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo

Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]
Page |7

2. The angle of depression of a boy from

a point on a lighthouse 30.5 meters
above the surface of the water is 3°.

3. If an airplane that is cruising at an

altitude of 9 km wants to land at
Bancasi Airport, it must begin its
descent so that the angle of depression
to the
airport is 7°.
4. A bird sits on top of a 5-meter lamp
post. The angle of depression from the
bird to the feet of an observer standing
away from the lamppost is 35°.
5. Two points on the same side of a tree
are 19.8 meters apart. The angles of
elevation of the top of the tree are 21°
from one point and 16° from the other

Mathematics Learners Material- Grade 9 page 462


1. How did you find the activity?

2. Did you encounter any difficulty in illustrating the problem? Why?

3. What mathematical concepts did you apply to have an accurate illustrations?

4. Based on the drawings you have, how will you define angle of elevation and angle
of depression in your own words?

Author: Mercedita D. Gonzaga Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo

Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]
Page |8

You have just learned and practiced how to draw pictures based on the information
given in the problems. Use this skill to illustrate and solve similar problems involving
angles of elevation and depression by doing the activity below.

Activity 3. Illustrate and Solve!

Directions: Illustrate and solve the following problems. Use the template below to
answer each problem. Answer the questions that follow. (Use extra sheet for your

Draw the diagram

What is/are given?

What is to be determined?

Formula used


The final answer must be in

complete sentence.
Mathematics Learners Material- Grade 9 page 463-464


1. A 12-meter high post casts a 19-meter shadow. Find the angle of elevation to the

2. The angle of elevation from a boat to the top of a 92-meter hill is 12°. How far is
the boat from the base of the hill?

3. From the top of the control tower 250 m tall, an airplane is sighted on the ground
below. If the airplane is 170 m from the base of the tower, find the angle of depression
of the airplane from the top of the control tower.

4. From the top of a cliff 280 meters high, the angle of depression of a boat is 25°.
How far from the base of the cliff is the boat?

5. From an airplane at an altitude of 1200 m, the angle of depression to a rock on

the ground measures 28°. Find the horizontal distance from the plane to the rock.


1. What have you noticed about the given problems?

2. How did you illustrate the information presented in the problem?

3. How did you solve them and what mathematical concepts did you apply?
Author: Mercedita D. Gonzaga Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo
Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]
Page |9

4. How are these concepts important in your daily life?

5. Give one example in which you have experienced using these concepts in your life.


Merden L. Bryant, et al, Mathematics 9 Learners Material , Department of Education, (DepEd-IMCS),

Orlando Oronce and Marilyn Mendoza, Worktext in Mathematics e-Math, Rex Book Store pp 435-

Author: Mercedita D. Gonzaga Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo

Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]
P a g e | 10

Answer Key

Activity 1.

Activity 2

Activity 2 Mercedita D. Gonzaga

Author: Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo
Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]
P a g e | 11

Activity 3:

Author: Mercedita D. Gonzaga Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo

Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]
P a g e | 12

Author: Mercedita D. Gonzaga Reviewers: 1. Hermie O. Suazo

Agusan National High School 2. Mary Ann M. Gozon
Butuan City Division
Email: [email protected]

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