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Assessment of Student Learning 1

Nature and Roles of Assessment 1

Module 001 Nature and Roles of Assessment

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify terms related to the nature and roles of assessment.
2. Determine the difference as well as the relationship among the
process of measurement, testing, assessment, and evaluation
3. Analyze basic concepts and principles of the nature and roles
of assessment

Nature and Roles of Assessment

At the core of the learning process, assessment is there. Assessment is done for gauging
and enhancing student learning. Teachers, students, and stakeholders of education should
understand what assessment is really all about, why it is needed and how it is connected to
measurement, testing, and evaluation.

An important element in the curriculum development process is the assessment. It is

used to determine students' learning needs, monitor their progress, and examine their
performance against the identified student learning outcomes. Assessment is implemented at
the following phases of instruction:
 Pre-assessment (before instruction)
 Formative assessment ( during instruction)
 Summative assessment (after instruction)

According to De Guzman, Estefania.S., Adamos, Joel L. (2015), Assessement of

Learning 1. Manila: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc., it is imperative that educators are aware of the
emphasis of Outcome-based education (OBE) in terms of assessment because it is the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to implement OBE across all programs.

What is the Outcome-based Curriculum all about? According to OBE Principles and
Process. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2018, from
based-education/institutional-resources/obe-principles-and-process#1, outcome-based
education refers to the process of clearly focusing and organizing everything in the system of
education around what is important for all students to be able to do successfully at the end of
their learning experiences.

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Likewise, according to OBE Principles and Process. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2018,
resources/obe- principles-and-process#1, outcome-based education curriculum means
starting with a clear
picture of what is relevant for students to be able to do, then organizing the curriculum,
instruction and assessment so as to ensure that the said learning ultimately happens. OBE
curriculum has the following principles according to the same source, and these are the
1. Clarity of focus
Focus on what the teachers should be on what the said teachers want students to
know, understand, and do. Helping others develop the knowledge, skills, personalities,
and attitudes of students will enable them to achieve the intended outcome that has been
clearly articulated should be the focus of teachers.

2. Designing down
Curriculum design should start with a clear definition of the intended outcomes
in which students are to be achieved by the end of the program. All instructional
decisions are then made to achieve the desired end result once this has been done.

3. High expectations
In order to encourage students to engage deeply in what they are learning,
teachers should establish high and challenging performance standards. Successful
learning promotes more successful learning, and so students should be helped to achieve
high standards.

4. Expanded opportunities
Teachers should strive so as to provide expanded opportunities for all students.
This is based on the idea that not all learners can learn the same thing simultaneously
and in the same way. If students are given appropriate opportunities, said students could
achieve high standards.

Measurement, Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation

According to De Guzman, Estefania.S., Adamos, Joel L. (2015) Assessment of Learning
1. Manila: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc, page 2, measurement comes from the Old
French word 'mesure' meaning “limit or quantity”. Measurement basically is a
quantitative description of characteristic or attribute of an object. In education,
measurement refers to what do teachers measure and what instruments do they use in
measuring. In determining how much learning a student has acquired compared to a
standard or criterion or in reference to other students in a group (norm-referenced),
teachers are interested. Teachers usually measure the particular elements of learning,
like students' readiness to learn, demonstration of specific skills, recall of facts, or their
ability to analyze and solve applied problems. To obtain pertinent information, teachers
utilize tools or instruments like oral presentations, written reports, portfolios, and
Assessment of Student Learning 1
Nature and Roles of Assessment

What is testing According to Testing Definition in the Cambridge English

Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28,
2018, from , testing refers to the
practice or act of giving tests to measure someone's knowledge or ability according to
De Guzman, Estefania.S., Adamos, Joel L. (2015) Assessement of Learning 1. Manila:
Adriana Publishing Co., Inc., pp. 2-3, testing refers to a systematic and formal procedure
for gathering information. A tool that consists of a set of questions given during a fixed
period of time under comparable conditions for all students is called TEST. It is utilized
to measure a construct and make decisions. Educational tests may be used to measure
student's learning, which is formative in purpose or summative, a comprehensive one
that covers a more extended time frame. In order to obtain numerical descriptions of the
performance of students, teachers score tests.

According to the same source, the most dominant form of assessment is the test.
It is a traditional assessment and may not be the best way to measure how much
students have learned, but they still provide valuable information about students'
learning and progress.
What are the purposes of the test? According to Francisco, M. (2015, December
07). Type of Test. Retrieved August 28, 2018, from, the purposes of the test
are the following:
1. To assess understanding of students to the given topic within a subject and
determine what they have learned;
2. To evaluate the progress of students in the subject within a given period of
3. To assess the strengths and weaknesses of students for focus, assistance, or
individual instructions;
4. To identify who will receive awards, scholarships, and recognition;
5. To provide a basis of qualification for entry into a program, school, higher
education, scholarship, or internship;
6. To gain college credit-advanced placement exam;
7. To measure the effectiveness of a teacher or school as part of teacher evaluation,
high stakes testing.

According to The Role of Measurement and Assessment in Teaching (n.d.)
Retrieved August 28, 2018 from
informs-teaching.pdf , assessment refers to procedures used to gain information about the
learning of students and the value judgment formation concerning learning progress.
The general principles of assessment, according to the same source, are the following:

1. The highest priority is clearly stating what is to be assessed.

Course Module
2. The relevance of the assessment procedure to the characteristics or
performance to be measured should be selected.
3. A variety of procedures is required in a comprehensive assessment.
4. An awareness of the limitations of assessment procedures is required in the
proper use of the said procedures.
5. Assessment is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Information about
assessment aids us in making decisions about students, instructions, and
curriculum. It should never be utilized just to give a grade even if that is the
purpose. Everyone should know and understand what the purpose of a
specific type of assessment is.


According to Differences between Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation (n.d.).

Retrieved August 28, 2018, from, evaluation refers to the process of
making judgments based on criteria and evidence.

Likewise, according to De Guzman, Estefania.S., Adamos, Joel L. (2015),

Assessment of Learning 1. Manila: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc., p. 10, after the data
had been collected from an assessment task, evaluation comes in. It is the process
of judging the quality of performance or course of action. The teacher's assessment
data have to be interpreted to make sound decisions about the students and the
teaching-learning process. To uncover how the learning process is developing,
evaluation is carried out both by the teacher and his students.


According to Bhat, T. R. (2017, February 15). Introduction to test measure and
evaluation. Retrieved August 29, 2018, from, the
three – measurement, test, and evaluation are interrelated. Specific measurement
instrument is the test. It is the specific measurement instrument, and test administration
is a measurement process; without a test, measurement is not possible. A technique
necessary for evaluation is the measurement. It represents the status of certain properties
or attributes and is a terminal process. A situation is described by measurement and
evaluation judges its worth of value. A technique of evaluation is called measurement,
and tests are a tool of measurement. The term measurement, test, and evaluation are
distinct but related. The teacher obtained measures from tests to make a fair evaluation
of the students' specific characteristics or traits. One or more tests are involved in the
evaluation, and test is involved in one or more measurements.
Assessment of Student Learning 1
Nature and Roles of Assessment

Figure 1 – Relationship among Measurement. Test and Evaluation

PhạmPhúcKhánh Minh Follow. (2015, March 31). Fundamental concepts and principles in Language Testing. Retrieved August
29, 2018, from

According to De Guzman, Estefania.S., Adamos, Joel L. (2015), Assessment of

Learning 1. Manila: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc., page 10 , tests provide quantitative
measures; results of the test may be used for evaluation or otherwise. In the figure above,
area 1 is an evaluation that does not involve tests or measurements. An example is the
utilization of qualitative descriptions to describe the performance of students. Non-test
procedures which can be used to diagnose learning problems among students are
observations. Area 2 is the non-test measures for evaluation. An example of a non-test
measure for evaluation used by teachers in assigning grades is the ranking. Area 3 is where
all three converge. Examples of these are the teacher-made tests. Area 4 pertains to
non-evaluative test measures. Examples of these are the test scores utilized in
correlational studies. Also, are 5 pertains to non-test measures and non-evaluative like
assigning numerical codes to research study responses. Nominal scales used in labeling
educational attainment are an example of these.
Assessment: Nature and Purposes

According to De Guzman, Estefania.S., Adamos, Joel L. (2015) Assessment of Learning

1. Manila: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc., pp 7-10, the term assessment comes from the Latin
word, assidere which means “to sit beside a judge.” It signifies that assessment is tied up
Course Module
with an evaluation. What’s the other meaning of assessment? Aside from the definitions
given beforehand, the assessment also refers to the information collected about learners'
performance using different methods and tools. It can be classified according to the
following categories:
1. Maximum performance
When students are motivated to perform well, maximum performance is
achieved. Results of assessments form maximum performance shows what
students can do at their level best - their achievements and abilities. Students are
encouraged to aim for a high score in this category. Examples of measures of
maximum performance are aptitude and achievement tests.

2. Typical performance
Typical performance measure manifests what students will do or choose
to do. It assesses how the ability of learners is evident if demonstrated on a
regular basis. It is more focused on the level of motivation of the learner rather
than his optimal ability. Measures for this are interest, attitude and personality
inventories, peer appraisals, and observation techniques—insights into the
learner's interests, personality traits, and potential career preferences.

According to the same source, purposes of assessment are given, and these are
the following:
1. Assessment for Learning
It pertains to assessment tasks that are diagnostic and formative in nature
and utilized to identify the learning needs, monitor students' progress
academically during a unit or block of instruction, and guide instructions. On-
going and immediate descriptive feedback concerning their performance are
given to students. Teachers can make adjustments based on assessment results,
when necessary, in their teaching methods and strategies to support learning.
They can decide whether there is a need to differentiate instruction or design
learning activities that are more appropriate to clarify and consolidate students'
knowledge, understanding, and skills.
 Pre-tests
 Quizzes
 Written assignments
 Focused questions
 Concept maps
2. Assessment as Learning
It employs activities or tasks that allow students to monitor and further their
own learning – to think about their personal learning habits and how to adjust their
learning strategies to achieve their goals. Metacognitive processes like self-
regulation and self-reflection are involved here to allow students to use their
strengths and work on their weaknesses by directing and regulating their learning.
Students are accountable and responsible for their own learning. It is also
formative, which may be given at any learning process phase.
Assessment of Student Learning 1
Nature and Roles of Assessment

 Self- assessment rubrics
 Peer assessment rubrics
 Portfolios

3. Assessment of Learning
It is summative in nature. It is done at the end of a task, unit, process, or
period. To provide evidence of the level of achievement of students in relation to
curricular outcomes is its purpose. It is used for purposes of grading, evaluation,
and reporting. The concerned students, his parents, and other stakeholders are
given evaluative feedback. The Foundation for decisions on placement and
promotion of students is provided by assessment of learning.
 Unit tests
 Final projects

In the same source, it was discussed that assessment has importance and work for
the following:
1. Students
Students become actively engaged in the process of learning through
different constructive and learner-centered assessment tasks. Because of these,
students take responsibility for their own learning and learn to monitor changes
in their learning patterns with the teacher's guidance. Such assessments lead to
better student achievement.

2. Teachers
Assessment gives information to teachers about the knowledge and
performance-based of students. Because of it, the most effective teaching
methods and approaches can be revealed. The direction is provided as to how
teachers can help learners more and what they should do next. Assessment
procedures also support instructors' decisions on managing instructions, assessing
students' competence, placing students to levels of education programs, assigning
grades to learners, guidance, and counseling, certifying competence and selecting
students for education opportunities.

3. Parents
Education is a shared partnership. In the assessment process, parents
should be involved. They have valued sources of assessment information on their
children's learning habits and educational history, especially for preschoolers
Course Module
don't understand their developmental progress yet. Needs of children for
appropriate intervention are also identified through assessment data.

4. Administrators and program staff

In identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the program, administrators
and school planners utilize assessment. Administrators and school planners are
able to designate program priorities, assess options, and lay down improvement
plans. Assessment data are utilized to make decisions regarding the promotion or
retention of students and faculty development program arrangements.
5. Policymakers
Information about students' achievements, which in turn reflects the quality
of education being provided by the school, is provided by the assessment. Different
government agencies can set or do some modifications to standards with the said
information, give rewards or sanction schools, and direct educational resources.
Results of the assessment also serve as a basis for new law formulation. A
good example is the RA 10533 or the K to 12 Enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013 are the National Achievement Test (NAT) and the Trends in International
Mathematics Study (TIMSS), wherein one of the rationales for the said law
implementation was the low scores obtained by Filipino pupils in standardized

Types of Test

According to De Guzman, Estefania.S., Adamos, Joel L. (2015), Assessment of

Learning 1. Manila: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc., pp. 3-5 tests can be classified according to
the following:
A. Mode of response
1. Oral test – answers to this test are spoken. Oral communication skills can
be measured using this type of test. Understanding of theories, concepts,
and procedures of students may be checked using this.

2. Written tests – students select or provide a response to a prompt. A

written test has its positive points and can be administered to a large
group at one time. Written tests can
measure students' written communication skills. Lower and higher
cognition levels can be assessed by using written tests, provided that
questions are phrased appropriately. Assessment of a wide
range of topics is enabled through this type of test.
 Multiple choice
 True or false (alternate response)
 Matching type
 Completion
 Identification
 Short-answer
 Essays
Assessment of Student Learning 1
Nature and Roles of Assessment

3. Performance tests – These are usually called as performance assessments.

These require learners to demonstrate their ability or skills to perform
specific actions. These include inquiry tasks, problem-based learning,
exhibits, demonstration tasks, presentation tasks, and capstone
performances. These tasks are designed to be meaningful, authentic, in-
depth, and multidimensional. Some of the drawbacks are cost and efficiency.

B. Ease of qualification of response

1. Objective tests – Objective tests can be corrected and quantified easily.
Items in the test have a specific or single convergent response. It includes
multiple-choice, completion, true-false, and matching type.

2. Subjective tests – Varied responses are elicited by a subjective test. Here,

a certain question may have more than one answer. These include
extended and restricted-response essays. This type of test is not easy to
check because students have the liberty to write their answers to a test
question. Test answers are usually different—usually, personal opinion or
judgment by the person doing the scoring influences the scores in these

C. Mode of administration
1. Individual test – It is a test given to one person at a time. To gather
information extensively about each student’s cognitive functioning and his
ability to process and perform specific tasks, individual cognitive and
achievement tests.

2. Group test – It is administered to a group of examinees or a class of students

simultaneously. The reason why it was developed is to address the practical
need for testing.

D. Test constructor
1. Standardized tests- Specialized who are versed in the assessment
principles are the ones who prepared these tests. These are administered to
a large group of examiners or students under similar conditions. Scoring
procedures and interpretation are consistent. To aid in the administration
and interpretation of test results, available and guides are available.

2. Non-standardized tests - These tests are usually prepared by teachers and

usually administered to one or a few classes to measure the course or
subject achievement.

E. Mode of interpreting results

1. Tests that yield norm-referenced interpretations–In these tests, students'
performance is measured in relation to the performance of a group on the
same tests. Comparisons are made, and the student’s relative position is

Course Module
2. Tests that allow criterion-referenced interpretations – In these tests, a
student's performance is described against an agreed-upon or pre-
established performance level or criterion. The criterion is the subject
matter domain, which is the range of well-defined instructional outcomes
or objectives.

F. Nature of answer
1. Personality tests–These tests measure one’s personality and behavioral
style. There are no right or wrong answers in these tests. It is utilized in
recruitment as it helps employers to determine how a potential employee
will respond to different work-related activities.

2. Achievement tests – These measure the learning of students as a result of

instruction and training experiences. They serve as a basis for promotion to
the next level or grade.

3. Aptitude tests – These tests determine the potential of students to learn and
do new tasks. These aids in choosing the best line of work for an individual
based on his interests and skills.

4. Intelligence tests – Learner's mental ability or innate intelligence are

measured in these tests.

5. Sociometric tests – Interpersonal relationships in a social group

are measured in these tests.

6. Trade or vocational tests - These tests assess an individual's knowledge,

skills, and competence in a particular occupation. Trade tests may consist
of practical tests and theory tests.

Roles of Assessment

According to De Guzman, Estefania.S., Adamos, Joel L. (2015), Assessment of

Learning 1. Manila: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc., pp. 21-24, the roles of assessment are the
1. Placement assessment
It is basically utilized to determine the entry performance of the
learner. At the beginning of the instruction, assessment is done by the teacher.
This assessment is done through a pre-test whether students possess pre-
requisite skills needed prior to instruction. The teacher can provide learning
experiences to help students when the pre-requisite skills are insufficient. If
the students are ready, the teacher can proceed with the planned instruction.
Example: Arithmetic test for students who are about to take elementary
Assessment of Student Learning 1
Nature and Roles of Assessment

It is also utilized to see if the students have already acquired the

intended outcomes. Items that measure students' knowledge and skills in
reference to the learning targets are the contents of a placement pre-test.

2. Formative assessment
It mediates the teaching and learning process. It is both teacher-
centered and learner-centered. It occurs during instruction and context-
specific. It is utilized as feedback to enhance teaching and improve the
learning process. Formative assessment results are recorded for the
monitoring learning progress of student purposes.

3. Diagnostic assessment
To identify learning difficulties during instruction is the intention of
diagnostic assessment. Commonly held misconceptions in a subject can be
detected using a diagnostic test. It is utilized to detect causes of persistent
learning difficulties despite the teacher's pedagogical remedies, and it no not
part of the mark of students' achievement.

4. Summative assessment
To determine the extent to which the students have attained the
learning outcomes, it is done at the end of instruction. It is utilized for
assigning and reporting grades or used to certify the mastery of concepts and
skills. A written examination at the end of the school year to determine who
passes and who fails is an example of this assessment.

Course Module
References and Supplementary Materials
Books and Journals
1. De Guzman, Estefania.S., Adamos, Joel L. (2015) Assessement of Learning 1.
Manila: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.
2. Outcome -Based Education: Critical Issues and Answers (n.d.) Retrieved
August 28, 2018 from
3. OBE Principles and Process. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2018, from
4. The Role of Measurement and Assessment in Teaching (n.d.) Retrieved
August 28, 2018 from
5. Testing Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved
August 28, 2018, from
6. Francisco, M. (2015, December 07). Type of Test. Retrieved August 28,
2018, from
7. Differences between Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation(n.d.).
Retrieved August 28, 2018, from
8. Bhat, T. R. (2017, February 15). Introduction to test measure and
evaluation. Retrieved August 29, 2018, from

Online Supplementary Reading Materials

1. A. (n.d.). An Overview of Outcome-Based Education. Retrieved August 28,
2018, from
2. Role of Assessment in Teaching & Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved August 29,
2018, from

Online Instructional Videos

1. Measurement ,assessment& evaluation; Certain basics part 1. (2017, November
02). Retrieved August 30, 2018, from
2. What Is Meant By Measurement Testing And Evaluation? (2017, August
21). Retrieved August 30, 2018, from
3. Testing, evaluation and assessment. (2016, December 28). Retrieved August
30, 2018, from

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