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The Mathematics of Growth Rates

Michael Bar
July 9, 2018

1 Measuring Rates of change. 1
1.1 Discrete time variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Continuous time variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Logarithmic scale 4

3 Important Approximations 5
3.1 Rate of change of a product and ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Rule of 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Rates of Change of sum and di¤erence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

De…nition 1 Time series - the values of a variable recorded at di¤erent points in time
constitutes a time series.

Time series is collected by a number of di¤erent agencies in the economy. For example
the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) collects data about National Income and Product.
Federal Reserve System collects data on Monetary aggregates and Interest rates. The Bureau
of Labor Statistics collects data on Employment and wages. Data are also measured in
di¤erent time intervals, so we have annual data , which is recorded once a year, quarterly
data recorded four times a year. We also have data recorded every minute such as stock
prices on the NYSE.

1 Measuring Rates of change.

We distinguish between two types of variables. Discrete time variable is a variable that
we can measure only countable times per year. GDP is an example of such variable, it is
measured 4 times a year. Continuous time variable is a variable that can be measured at
any instant. For example, the temperature in Minneapolis can be measured continuously. It
is important to distinguish between the nature of the variable and our ability to measure it.
San Francisco State University, department of economics.

The GDP is continuous by nature since every instant something is being produced. However,
we are not able to measure the GDP in the economy at every instant. The BEA can estimate
the output only after it was sold to the buyers. Therefore, we are going to treat economic
variables such as GDP as discrete variables.

1.1 Discrete time variables

Let yt = value a variable at time t.
yt+1 = value of GDP at time t + 1:
The rate of change in y from period t to t + 1 is given by
yt+1 yt
y^ = (1)

Example 1 Suppose the price of a good was $76 at 2000 and $87 at 2001. What is the rate
of change in the price from 2000 to 2001?
pt+1 pt 87 76
= = 0:14474 = 14:474%
pt 76

Consider the special case when the rate of growth is a constant over time, say g. That is
yt+1 yt
= g for all values of t. This implies that yt+1 = (1 + g)yt . Hence, we can express the
value of y at time t in the following way

yt = (1 + g)t y0 (2)

where y0 = Initial value y at time t = 0.

Example 2 Suppose that you invest $1000 in a trust fund that promises 5% annual interest
rate. How much money will you have in the fund after 10 years?

yt = (1 + 0:05)10 1000 = $1628:9

Example 3 US GDP per capita grows at constant rate of 2% per year. After how many
years will it double?

2y0 = (1 + 0:02)t y0
2 = (1:02)t
ln(2) = t ln(1:02)
t = t 35

Example 4 Korea grows at 4%. How long would it take for Korea to catch up with the US
if the US GDP grows at a constant rate of 2% per annum and the Korean GDP is just half
the size of US GDP?

(1 + 0:02)t 2yo = (1 + 0:04)t yo

(1 + 0:02)t 2 = (1 + 0:04)t
t ln(1:02) + ln(2) = t ln(1:04)
t = t 35:7
ln(1:04) ln(1:02)

1.2 Continuous time variables

Now we assume that the variable y is a di¤erentiable function of time, y(t). This implies
that it is continuous function. The following formula gives the rate of change of a continuous
variable. This is the continuous time analog to formula 1.

d ln(y(t))
To show why this gives the rate of change, use the chain rule to get

d ln(y(t)) 1 dy(t)
dt y(t) dt

The term dy(t)

(or in Newton’s notation y) _ gives the change in y per ”small”unit of time and
it is analogous to the numerator in equation 1, yt+1 yt : The denominator in both formulas
is the same.
Example: suppose that the population of …sh at time t is given by y(t) = 0:01t: Find the
rate of growth of the …sh population at time t = 7 and t = 8.
d ln(y(t)) d ln(0:01t) d[ln(0:01) + ln(t)] 1
= = =
dt dt dt t
1 1
Hence, after 7 periods the growth rate is 7 and after 8 years it is 8 (we have diminishing
growth rate).
Example: Same as before, but now the population at time t is y(t) = e0:05t y0 :
d ln(y(t)) d[0:05t + ln(y0 )]
= = 0:05 = 5%
dt dt
Here we got constant growth rate. This example leads us to the continuous time analog
to formula 2. This formula gives the value of y at time t under the constant growth rate
y(t) = egt y(0) (4)
where g is the constant growth rate.

2 Logarithmic scale
Suppose that a variable y grows at constant rate g and has initial value of y0 . Then the
value of y at time t is given by
yt = y0 (1 + g)t
Now, if we take the natural logarithm of yt , we get that ln (yt ) is a linear function of time:

ln(yt ) = ln(y0 ) + t ln(1 + g)

This is a linear function of time, with slope of ln(1 + g) and intercept ln(y0 ). Now we can
show that the slope of this function is approximately equal to the growth rate, for small g,
i.e. ln(1 + g) t g
Proof. We need to prove that
ln (1 + g)
lim =1
g!0 g
Notice that when g ! 0, both the numerator and the denominator in the limit go to zero.
In other words, we have a limit of the form of 00 . Using L’Hopital’s rule we get

ln (1 + g) 1= (1 + g)
lim = lim =1
g!0 g g!0 1

Example. Suppose that you deposit $1000 in a savings account, with interest rate
of 3%. The amount of money you have in the in the savings account at any time t is
st = 1000 (1 + 0:03)t , and is shown in the next graph.

Savings over time











0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Now the ln of savings is ln (st ) = ln (1000) + t ln (1 + 0:03) and shown in the next graph.








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Notice that ln of savings is a linear function of time. Also observe that the slope of ln (st ) is
approximately equal to
7:5 6:9 0:6
= = 3%
20 20
The properties of logarithmic scale are very useful every time we look at data that is
growing over time. By looking at the original data we cannot tell whether it is growing
at constant rate or not. But when we plot the ln of the variable, we can see right away if
the variable is growing at constant rate or not. That is, if the ln of the variable looks like
linear function of time, we conclude that the original variable is growing at constant rate.
Moreover, we can immediately compute the approximate growth rate of the original variable
from the slope of the ln, as shown in the previous example.

3 Important Approximations
In this section we prove important approximation rule, for small growth rates.1

3.1 Rate of change of a product and ratio

There are two important approximations for the growth rate of a product of two variables
and for the growth rate of ratio of two variables. Let a "hat" on top of the variable denote
b = xt+1xt xt = xxt+1
its rate of change, i.e., x t
1. Then the two rules are:
1. The growth rate of a product is approximately the sum of the growth rates, i.e.
x x^ + y^

2. The growth rate of the ratio is approximately the di¤erence of the growth rates
x^ y^
The approximations are in general good for growth rates g 10%.

Proof. 1. From the de…nition of growth rate, we have
xt+1 yt+1
cy =
xt yt
Taking ln of both sides

xt+1 yt+1 xt+1 yt+1

cy) = ln
ln (1 + x = ln + ln = ln (1 + x^) + ln (1 + y^)
xt yt xt yt

Recall that ln (1 + g) g for small g. Thus, the above equation is approximately

cy = x^ + y^

2. From the de…nition of growth rate, we have

x xt+1 xt xt+1 yt xt+1 yt+1
1+ = = = = =
y yt+1 yt yt+1 xt xt yt

Taking ln of both sides

x xt+1 yt+1
ln 1 + = ln ln = ln (1 + x^) ln (1 + y^)
y xt yt

Recall that ln (1 + g) g for small g. Thus, the above equation is approximately

= x^ y^

Remark: The above can be proved without resorting to the logarithms.

Proof. 1. From the de…nition of growth rate, we have
xt+1 yt+1
cy =
1+x = (1 + x^) (1 + y^) = 1 + x^ + y^ + x^y^
xt yt
For small growth rates, the product x^y^ is negligible (e.g. 2% 3% = 0:0006), so we have

x x^ + y^

2. Omitted.

3.2 Rule of 70
Proposition 1 Suppose that a variable is growing at constant rate g per period. Then, for
small g, the approximate doubling time is
100 g

Proof. Let the initial value be y0 . Then after t periods we have:
y0 (1 + g)t = 2y0
(1 + g)t = 2
Notice that y0 cancels out, so the doubling time is independent of the initial value. Taking
logs and solving for t:
t ln (1 + g) = ln 2
ln 2 0:69315 70
t =
ln (1 + g) g 100 g

3.3 Rates of Change of sum and di¤erence

xt+1 + yt+1 xt yt
+y =
xt + yt
xt+1 xt xt yt+1 yt yt
= +
xt + yt xt xt + yt yt
xt+1 xt xt yt+1 yt yt
= +
xt xt + yt yt xt + yt
xt yt
= x^ + y^
xt + yt xt + yt

xt+1 yt+1 xt + yt
x[y =
xt yt
xt+1 xt xt yt+1 yt yt
xt yt xt xt yt yt
xt+1 xt xt yt+1 yt yt
xt xt yt yt xt yt
xt yt
= x^ y^
xt yt xt yt
Example 5 Suppose that during the last year, the price of a product increased by 2% and
the quantity sold increases by 1:5%. What is the approximate growth rate of the revenue?
P[ Q P^ + Q^ = 2% + 1:5% = 3:5%
Remark: If we wanted the exact growth rate of the revenue, then letting the initial values of
price and quantity be P0 and Q0 we have
new price new quantity
z }| { z }| {
(1 + 0:02) P (1 + 0:015) Q
1 + P[Q= = (1 + 0:02) (1 + 0:015) = 1:0353
Thus, the exact growth rate is 3:53%, and the approximate growth rate is 3:5%.

Example 6 Suppose that during the last year, the real GDP is grew at 2:5% and population
grew at 1%. What is the approximate growth rate of GDP per capita?
Y^ N ^ = 2:5% 1% = 1:5%
Remark: if we wanted the exact growth rate, then letting the initial levels of GDP and
population be Y0 and N0 , we have

Y Y (1 + 0:025) Y
= = 1:014851485
N new N (1 + 0:01) N

Thus, the exact growth rate is 1:485%, and the approximate growth rate is 1:5%.

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