And Sa Tath Heraildt: Bitifittt

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"Here is the patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Hey. 14 : 12.


bitifittt 6c, 1)tt* isthey

nevertheless true that, generally speaking,
have been good men. It will be per-
ceived that this could hardly be otherwise,
the studious reader of commentaries has al-
ready been made acquainted with nearly every
one of the corrections which will thus be made,
which learned men have given of these writ-
ings. Should he attempt to preach without this
acquaintance, we venture to say he would find
IS ISSUED WEEKLY BY when it is recollected that they have volun- and therefore is free from the danger which himself balked at every turn by questions from
The Seventh-Bay Adventist Publishing Association. tarily given their lives to the study of a book would result from a lack of knowledge on old and young, of which, perhaps, he had
which could have no charms for them suffi- this subject. never dreamed, and to which he would be
ELDER JAMES WHITE, President. cient to stimulate such labors unless they But, finally, one not only needs assistance incapable of giving an intelligent answer.
M. J. CHAPMAN, Secretary, H. W. KELLOGG, Treasurer. had accepted its teachings as the embodiment in the matter of verbal interpretation, but he Take, for example, the genealogy of Christ
AIV". TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or One Dol- of the will of God. Not only is it true that also requires aid in the work of deducing as a single specimen. The light now shining
lar a Volume of 25 numbers. they have been men of good intentions, but from given passages the exact meaning they upon that subject is ample; but that light is
Address, Review & Herald, Battle Creek, Micli. it is also manifest that they have been men were designed to convey. It not infrequently the result of the labor of many minds. Per-
of great learning. Combining, therefore, as occurs that the English reader loses nearly haps there is not a man living at the present
ISAIAH 10:3. they have, both knowledge and piety, it is the entire force of a passage from the want time who would be able to elucidate that
difficult to conceive why it is not as probable of acquaintance with some Jewish custom or question satisfactorily from the Bible merely,
OH 1 where will ye fly in that burning day
When the rolling heavens shall pass away, that they should be led by the Holy Spirit to ancient maxim upon which it was based, and without appealing to Jewish customs and
And the trembling sinner in vain shall may a right understanding of the word, as it is a knowledge of which is necessary to its un- usages which have been made known to us
For the covering rocks to fall, that one possessing no more devotion than derstanding. through the patient study of men of letters.
That they may be hid from the face of Him they, and wholly wanting in their literary With most of these customs and maxims, From these considerations we think it is
Who sits enthroned 'mid the seraphim, and scientific attainments, should reach a learned expositors have acquainted them- clear; first, that every minister should read
The terrible Judge of all ?
more correct understanding of the Scriptures. selves by years of hard labor, and the fruits of and reread habitually our English version of
Oh ! where will ye fly when the angels bright In fine, it has seemed to me at times that their toil are offered to us as they are set forth the word of God ; secondly, that when it is pos-
Shall gather the saints to those realms of light Y the difference between those who reject all most clearly in their written productions. sible he should acquire a knowledge of the
What dark despair like the shades of night Again, in the settlement of doctrinal points,
On thy trembling heart shall roll? exegetical writings as of no value whatever, Hebrew and Greek languages ; thirdly, that
" Depart, depart, for I know you not." and those who exalt them above the word of the common mind is liable to fasten upon one whether he have this knowledge or not, he
Thy fearful doom is the scoffer's lot, God, is simply the difference between those or two texts and make them the ground of should read the Bible; in connection with the
The loss of the priceless soul. who worship themselves and those who wor- faith, instead of taking in the whole scope of best commentaries which are accessible to
ship others. Turning, therefore, from both the subject by comparing all texts which may him; fourthly, that from the beginning to the
Thy gold and silver shall not avail—
The cherished hopes of thy life shall fail, these classes as unworthy of either admiration be found in the different portions of the Script- end of his ministry he should draw to himself,
And sad indeed is the bitter wail or imitation, let us consider a few reasons ures bearing upon the question. In the con- from every direction, all information which
That rings from the anguished heart I which favor a just appreciation and proper flicts of past years, however, this tendency has could be of service to him in expounding the
Flee, sinner, flee from the wrath to come, use of those helps in the study of the word been counteracted by discussion, until all the book of God.
Ere the mighty Judge shall have sealed thy doom, of God which may be found in the best com- features of the various subjects, one way or
By the terrible word, "Depart."
MRS. L. D. A. STUTTLE. mentaries of our time. another, have been quite fully brought out.
Vernon, Mich. To begin with, there is no one man who If, consequently, we would enjoy the benefit OUR SAVIOUR'S NEW LAW.
can be supposed, no matter how learned he of the experience of the past, and be saved from THE pertinacity with which people cling to
may be, to possess all the resources for Bible the danger of falling into the errors which " teachings of men " and reject the teachings
Our Grattriltufraf. study which are available. Those resources
are continually enlarging, and the lifetime of
have been heretofore exploded, we must do so
by appropriating to ourselves the results of
of the Bible—even the very plainest decla-
rations of the Saviour himself—would be in-
one man would be hardly sufficient, even the labors of others. But this cannot be explicable but for the prophecy describing
THE UTILITY OF COMMENTARIES were they all within his reach, to enable him done without consulting such books as those the condition of the world in our day.
to acquaint himself with them. Those who '
the value of which we are insisting upon in " Now go, write it before them in a table,
suppose that the King James' or any other this article. and note it in a book, that it may be for the
BY ELI). W. H. LITTLEJOHN. translation of the Scriptures has within itself While it cannot be expected that laymen time to come [margin, the latter day] forever
No book has ever been published concern- a key to all the mysteries it contains, but should be able to read in course a very large and ever ; that this is a rebellious people, ly-
ing which so much has been written and said displays his own ignorance of the subject.' percentage of the numerous works on Bible ing children, children that will not hear the
as has been done with reference to the Rely Saying nothing about errors in translation, criticism, still they can possess themselves of law of the Lord." Isa. 30 : 8, 9.
Scriptures. Were we to employ the exagger- there are in our version forms of expression one or more of these productions, which can It is with great confidence asserted that
ated language of the East, as did the "be- which have become obsolete in some cases, be read in order, so as to obtain a general we are no longer to respect or heed God's
loved disciple " on one occasion, we might and in others diametrically opposed in the knowledge of the Scriptures from beginning holy, perfect law—the ten commandments,
well say that should all these productions 'be present signification to that which they for- to end. We know a family in which it is which were given for the conversion of the
in existence at any one time, the world would merly bore. The words prevent and let, for the unvarying practice to read a portion of soul, but that A NEW AND BETTER LAW ie. taught
not contain them. example, now mean respectively to thwart and the Scriptures and the comments thereupon us by our Saviour ; namely, that we should
Concerning the value and character of allow. Formerly the first almost always sig- at family prayers. Owning, as they do, love the Lord our God with all our heart,
these writings there is a wide difference of nified to anticipate, and the latter to hinder. Clarke's Commentary, they make it a point and our neighbor as ourself, and that this,
opinion. While some regard them as alto- If the reader would discover the effect to read two pages of the commentary each being a new and better law, supersedes the
gether indispensable, others look upon them which the ignorance of these facts would pro- day at their morning and evening devo- law of God. That so many religious, wise,
not only as useless, but actually pernicious. duce in the mind of the student, let him turn tion. By this means they accomplish four and prudent people can honestly be so much
The one class would, perhaps, be in danger of to 2 Thess. 2 : 7, and there he will find Paul ends : 1. They read the Scriptures them- in error is really marvelous, and would seem
exalting them even above the Bible itself ; declaring, respecting the rise of the Papacy, selves ; 2. they obtain many side lights impossible but for God's declaration : " Where-
while the other would not only treat their that " he who now letteth will let, until he therefrom ; 3. the practical lessons found in fore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people
authority with contempt, but also inculcate be taken out of the way." Accepting the the observations of the commentator serve to draw near me with their mouth, and with
the idea that the use of them on any occasion modern signification of the term, the unin- impress the Scripture lesson, and to lend an their lips do honor me, but have removed
would be culpable. formed would suppose that Paul meant to interest to family prayers which otherwise their heart far from me, and their fear toward
Between these two extremes of opinion, it teach the very opposite of that which he they would not possess ; 4. They thus secure me is taught by the precept of men ; there-
seems to me, the golden mean of truth will really does; i. e., as it now stands he speaks system in their reading, and each day ad- fore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvel-
be found. He who would- accept the opinion of the power as allowing, whereas in the vances them toward the completion of a work ous work among this people, even a marvel-
of any given commentator as authoritative in original he declared that it should hinder, which at the outset seemed so vast as to be ous work and a wonder ; for the wisdom of
settling questions of Scripture teachings, for- which is the very opposite of the former ; the almost unattainable. their wise men shall perish, and the under-
gets that the individual whose authority he reason of the discrepancy being found in the As for the ministers, it is unnecessary to standing of their prudent men shall be hid."
thus receives so implicitly is, like himself, a fact that in this, as in many other cases, the say that they, being public teachers, should Isa. 29 : 13, 14.
mere man, writing without the aid of Divine meaning of the English is the very reverse of be much better informed in regard to Bible That this lack of wisdom and failure to
Inspiration, and, consequently, liable to come what it was when our translation was made. literature than are those who are to be in- understand is especially in regard to the
to wrong conclusions and inculcate unsound Again, a sample of forms of expression now structed by them. It is not enough that they keeping of the ten commandments, we have
views of that which he is seeking to elucidate. nearly obsolete will be found in Judg. 5 : have read the Scriptures through once or the positive declaration of Jesus : " Why do
If, therefore, he would be freed from the il- 17, in these words : "Asher abode in his even twice. It were better they should be ye also transgress the commandment of God
lusion which has taken possession of his breaches." Ex. 34 : 21 : " In earing time and reading them by course continually. It is by your tradition '?" " Ye hypocrites, well
mind, he will find the remedy in a larger ac- in harvest thou shalt rest." In the first case our fortune to be acquainted with one who did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This peo-
quaintance with the works of learned men the average reader, without the aid of expla- has read the Bible through as many as forty ple draweth nigh unto me with their mouth,
upon these subjects; for he will thereby as- nation, would hardly comprehend the fact times. People not aware of this fact are as- and honoreth me with their lips ; but their
certain that they differ very widely in their that breaches was there used to indicate ha- tonished at his familiarity with the book of heart is far from me. But in vain do they
opinions of any given passage ; consequently vens ; in the latter instance he could hardly God. But he, like every other thinking man, worship me, teaching for doctrines the com-
that they cannot all be right. He will read- be supposed to understand that in the old is aware that the mere reading of the Bible mandments of men." Matt. 15 : 3, 7-9.
ily discover, furthermore, that it is no easy English the phrase " earing time " was syn- texts over and over again--while beneficial To prove that we are now under our Sav-
task to determine who are right and who are onymous with plowing time. But these il- in itself in a certain degree—is not to be iour's new law we are referred to ,Matt. 22 :
wrong. On the other hand, if those who lustrations must suffice in the line of obsolete compared in its results with the reading of it 36-40 : " Master, which is the great com-
have entertained a superstitious fear of con- terms, though many others might be adduced. a much less number of times in connection mandment in the law '1 Jesus said unto him,
sulting the writings of others upon such sub- So far also as translations which would be with those Bible helps which should be found Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all
jects would take pains to become more famil- very likely to lead astray in some cases are in the library of every minister; hence he thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all
iar with those writings, they would discover concerned, it will be sufficient to say that has not failed to consult such helps very thy mind. This is the first and great com-
that when properly used they can be made of scholars are generally agreed that such inaccu- largely in connection with his daily reading. mandment. And the second is like unto it,
great service to one who labors to avail him- rate renderings do exist. In fact, it is well Even though a preacher should be able to Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On
self of all the information they can impart.
known that one of the objects of the New read the sacred Book correctly in the original these two commandments hang all the law
While it is nct to be admitted that com- Version is the correction of the more palpable he could not afford to allow• lf and the prophets."
mentators have in any sense been insnir ' Ie
122 THE EVIEW AND IlE,RALD. [VOL. 54, No. 16.

you to offer us I but, Which is the great com- mandmentl " A new commandment I give gave in substance the following historical text and context that a parable or figure is
mandment in, the law ?—in the law already unto you, that ye love one another; as I sketch of his people : As early as 1845 two employed. Hence they understand the plain.
existing. In the parallel text, Mark 12 : 28, have loved you, that ye also love one an- of the ablest first-day Adventist ministers declarations of the word of God relative to
31, our Saviour quotes the very words of other." John 13 : 34. This certainly was a examined the claims of the Sabbath of the second appearing of Jesus Christ as mean-
Moses. In Deut. 5, Moses recites the ten `new commandment to the Jews—to love as the fourth commandment, and finding no ing word for word just what they say. And
commandments ; in chapter 6 he sums them Christ loved. Jesus came not to change, divine authority in the New Testament for applying the rule, of biblical interpretation to
up. alter, or to make void, the law, but to mag- the change of the Sabbath from the seventh the fourth precept of the moral code, the ten
Let us compare the words of Jesus and nify and make it honorable •' to teach its to the first day of the week, they began to commmandents, they are shut up to the observ-
Moses. depth and breadth. Let us learn from the teach their people in harmony with the dec- ance of the seventh day, the only day of the
MOSES. beloved disciple John, who gives us this laration of the divine law, that "the seventh week commanded to be sacredly observed as
" Hear, 0 Israel : The
record, in what sense it was a new command- day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God." the Sabbath in all the Bible. These two prom-
" Hear, 0 Israel : The ment " Ile that saith he abideth in Hint But the pressure brought to bear against inent features of their religious faith dis-
Lord our God is one Lord our God is one
Lord. And thou shalt Lord. And thou shalt ought himself also so to walk, even as he them by their brethren for what was regard-
tinguish them from other denominations;.
love the Lord thy God love the Lord thy God walked. Brethren, I write no new com- ed as practical heresy, was such that they hence they have taken the name, Seventh-
with all thy heart, and with all thine heart, and mandment unto you, but an old command- soon abandoned the original Sabbath of Je- day Adventists."
with all thy soul, and with all thy soul, and ment which ye had from the beginning. The hovah. Eld. Joseph Bates of Fairhaven,
with all thy mind, and with all thy might."
with all thy strength ; Deut, 6: 4, 5. old commandment is the word which ye have Massachusetts, was the first LAST-DAY SCOFFERS.
this is the first com- heard from the beginning. Again, a new Adventist minister who remained firm to the
mandment." Mark 12: commandment I write unto you, which thing advocacy of the Sabbatarian views. He em- DAVID SOTS, " Happy is that people whose
29, 30. "Thou shalt not is true in him and in you; because the dark- braced the Sabbath from reading the produc- God is the Lord." And Peter addresses this
"And the second is avenge, nor bear any ness is past, and the true light now shineth. tions of Elders Preble and Cook upon the class as follows : "This second epistle, be-
like, namely this, Thou grudge against the chil- loved, I now write unto you ; in both which
shalt love thy neighbor dren of thy people, but He that saith he is in the light, and hateth subject, and in 1846 published a pamphlet
as thyself. There is thou shalt love thy his brother, is in darkness even until now. in defense of the Sabbath of the fourth com- I stir up your pure minds by way of remem-
none other command- neighbor as thyself. I He that loveth his brother abideth in the mandment. The writings and discourses of brance : that ye may be mindful of the words
ment greater than amtheLord." Lev.19: light, and there is none occasion of stumbling Eld. Bates called the attention of Eld. James which were spoken before by the holy proph-
these." Mark 12:31. 18. in him." 1 John 5 : 6-10. " For this is the White and his wife, Mrs. E. G. White, to the ets, and of the commandment of us the apos-
" And the scribe said unto him, Well, message [or commandment—see margin] that Sabbath question in 1846, since which time tles of the Lord and Saviour : knowing this
Master, thou hast said the truth : for there ye heard from the beginning, that we should they have been able and ardent advocates of the first, that there shall come in the last days
is one God; and there is none other but he; love one another. Not as Cain, who was of doctrines now held by Seventh-day Advent- scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and
and to love him with all the heart, and with that wicked one, and slew his brother." 1 ists. Mr. and Mrs. White have traveled saying, Where is the promise of his coming
all the understanding, and with all the soul, John 3 :11, 12. and preached extensively. Their field of la- for since the fathers fell asleep, all things
and with all the strength, and to love his John here shows what he means by the bor has extended from Maine to California, continue as they were from the beginning of
neighbor as himself, is more than all whole command we had from the beginning, that it and from Dakota to Texas, embracing twenty- the creation."
burnt offerings and sacrifices." Mark 12: was from creation, and was known to Cain. four States and Territories, besides the Can-. Peter has told us what the last-day scoffers
32, 33. We know this law must have existed from adas. And in connection with their public would say. And we present the following
This identifies the law of the ten command- the beginning and before the creation of the labors as speakers, they have been among the quotation to show what they are now saying,
ments, and separates it from the ceremonial earth ; for when God created the first angelic most prominent writers and authors in the and how perfectly it fulfills this prophecy of
law. It proves that the law to which Jesus intelligence in Heaven itself, the first duty denomination. Eld. White has acted the Peter. There appeared recently in the Daily
referred was the same law referred to by of that intelligence was to love its Creator ; part of editor and publisher since 1849, and Republican, of Wilmington, Del., ,an editorial
Moses, the ten commandments, to which God and when the second intelligence was created, Mrs. White has 5,000 pages of her own in which the writer says :—
added no more. his duty must have been to love his Creator writings in the field. In 1861 a publishing "The earth shows no sign of loss of power
" These words the Lord spake unto all and the other created being. association was incorporated according to the or vigor. The sun gives forth its light and,
your assembly in the mount, out of the Christ, the Son of God, twice positively laws of the State of Michigan, and located at heat, the moon waxes and wanes, the stars
midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the declares that if we would have eternal life, Battle Creek. Its growth has been rapid, twinkle in the firmament, and the earth re-
thick darkness, with a great voice; and he the first great essential is to keep the com- and its influence wide-spread and powerful. volves on its axis with as great precision as
added no more. And he wrote them in two mandments—not nine-tenths of them, not It is said to be as complete a publishing at the beginning. There is no lack of pro-
tables of stone, and delivered them unto me." some new and better law, but the ten com- house as exists on the continent. Period- ductive powers. The seasons come and go ;
Deut. 5 : 22. mandments which God spake ; which he icals and publications are issued here in six winter succeeds summer, and summer, win-
In Matt. 19 : 16, 17, we read that the wrote with his own finger, and added no languages besides the English. ter. Children are born, live, and die.;
young man asked the all-important question, more. Keep the law as it is written, as you In 1875 a publishing association was by and for aught we can see there is no sign
" What good thing shall I do that I may read it. "This do, and thou shalt live." them incorporated according to the laws of whatever of any probable change of the
have eternal life ?" And Jesus answered, CHAS. B. REYNOLDS. the State of California, and located in the course of events. . . . Thousands of genera-
" If , thou wilt enter into life, keep the com- beautiful city of Oakland. This publishing tions, if not untold millions, are just as likely
mandments." The young man, like the law- UNDER THE CANVAS. house has a complete outfit of steam presses, to pass away as those which have preceded
yer, asks, " Which 7" Not which one of the type and bindery, and also has a type found- them."
ten commandments—but which code—the THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CRUSADING ry where stereotyping, electrotyping, and, This is the "peace and safety" cry which
moral or the ceremonial I Christ said, "Keep DENVER. the manufacture of type are extensively car- the apostle refers to in 1 Thess, 5 : 3, when
the commandments," and identifies the code THE Denver (Col.) daily Tribune, under ried on. From their California publishing sudden destruction is about to come upon
of ten commandments to which God added no the above heading, gives the following ac- house is issued a weekly paper entitled The those who are willingly ignorant of these
more, quoting from the second table. It is count of an interview with Eld. Corliss, while Signs of the Times, which has a circulation in things. 2 Peter 3 : 5-7. They give no heed
asserted that Jesus did not mention the Sab- engaged in the tent-meeting he has just held all the States and Territories, the British unto the things which were written for their
bath, therefore obedience to the fourth pre- in that city :— Provinces, and in Europe wherever the Eng- admonition, which things are able to make
cept is not a condition of eternal life. Christ A reporter of the Tribune, while walking lish language is read. They regard the press them wise unto salvation. They close their
did not mention idolatry or profanity. Did up Sixteenth street the other evening, ob- as the right arm of their strength, and circu- eyes to the gracious warnings of the Almighty,
he therefore teach that we can obtain eternal served, on the corner of Sixteenth and Glen- late their reading matter through tract and and heap odium upon his works.
life while worshiping idols, blaspheming, and arm streets, a mammoth tent. On entering missionary societies which are organized Again the editor says : " The Millerite de-
swearing? Christ had already declared that he learned that it was a tabernacle or cotton wherever they extend their work. Their lusion and other similar movements prove
every jot and tittle of this code of ten com- church, erected for the purpose of holding a ministers are all evangelists. In the warmer the absurdity and folly of such predictions."
mandments must remain in full force till series of advent meetings. Entering into con- seasons they extend their work by means This is the way they talk about a message
heaven and earth should pass away. Matt. versation with Eld. Corliss, the minister in of portable cotton meeting-houses like the from God in their own (la/ ; and like the
5 :18, and Luke 16 :17. charge, the following, in substance, passed be- one we have here in Denver. There are not scribes and Pharisees of old, they " build the
The young man claimed to have kept this tween them :— less than eighty of these in operation the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepul-
code • but Jesus proved to him that he had " For what object is this tent here " present season in the United States and Can- chers of the righteous, and say, If we had
not kept the very first precept; for he had " We hold religious services here each adas, besides one in England and another in been in the days of our fathers, we would
other god's before the true God —he loved his evening." Norway. not have been partakers with them in the,
possessions more than he loved God ; for- he "How are these services conducted ?" Seventh-day Adventists are a most thor- blood of the prophets." The world will see,:
could not part with them, and so turned sor- " We are giving a series of biblical lect- ough temperance people. They regard it after it is too late to profit by it, that Wm.
rowfully away. ures. Each service is opened with singing necessary to observe strict temperance in all Miller's message was of God. The time will
Our Saviour gave no new law, nor left out and prayer, then follows a discourse upon their habits of life in order to enjoy health soon come when they will no longer call it,
a jot or tittle of the old law which we had some interesting Bible theme." and clear mental and spiritual vision. From the " Millerite delusion." But some will ask,
from the beginning. In proof of this, let us " What denomination do you represent 1 " their first existence this work of reform has If this message was of God, why did not
place his two answers to the same question " That body of Christians known as Seventh- been progressing among them, until they Christ come in 18441 I would answer that
side by side. day Adventists." have, as a denomination, put alcoholic drinks, that was no part of the message which Wm.
TO THE YOUNG MAN. TO THE LAWYER. "At what point of time do you look for tobacco, tea and coffee out of the camp. Miller was authorized to proclaim. The re-
"And, behold, one " And, behold, a cer- the end of the world 1 " This great work has not been accomplished ligious world knows so little about this mes-
came and said unto him, tain lawyer stood up, " We do not preach the definite time of the by rigid rules, making abstinence from these sage, that this declaration will doubtless be
Good Master, what good and tempted him, say- second coming of Christ. From the fulfill- useless and hurtful things a test of Christian startling news to many. Rightly informed,
thing shall I do that I ing, Master, what shall ment of prophecy, and the signs of the times, fellowship, but by enlightening the mind and they will understand the burden of Wm.
may have eternal life? I do to inherit eternal however, we regard that eventful day near." earnestly appealing to the conscience. In Miller's message to be the one announced by
And he said unto him, life ? He said unto him, 1867 a legally incorporated association was the angel of Rev. 14 : 6 : " Fear God, and
Why callest thou me What is written in the " But have not your people set the time for
good? there is none kw ? How readest thou ? the end of the world 7" formed by them, to more fully carry out give glory to him ; for the hour of his judg-,
good but one, that is, And he answering said, " We have not. Mr. Miller and his as- health and temperance principles. This has ment is come." Verse 7. This was the truth
God; but if thou wilt Thou shalt love the Lord. sociates and followers, who were Adventists, resulted in a mammoth institution known he preached besides the " everlasting gospel,"
enter into life, keep the Thy God with all thy
commandments." Matt. heart, and with all thy did set the time, and were disappointed.
as the Battle Creek Sanitarium for the cure which made his message the present truth for
of the sick. The main building is 150x137 this generation. And this was based on the
19:16, 17. soul, and with all thy But Seventh-day Adventists have arisen
strength, and with all since the passing of Mr. Miller's time in feet, four stories in height above the base- prophecy of Dan. 8 :14. The angel who was,
thy mind; and thy 1844. And while there have been branches ment. Besides this 'there are seyen large commissioned to make Daniel understand the
neighbor as thyself. of Adventists who have set different times, cottages, in all capable of entertaining three vision, said unto him : " Unto two thowiand
And he said unto him, hundred patients. In 1874 the Seventh-day and three hundred days [years], then shall the
Thou hast answered and have as often been disappointed, Seventh-
right; this do, and thou day Adventists have from their earliest ex- Adventists formed an educational association sanctuary be cleansed."
shalt live." Luke 10: istence repudiated definite time-setting." under the laws of Michigan. They have a No prophet except Christ ever fully under-
25-25. " Does Freeman, of the Pocasset tragedy, neat school building of brick, 37x71, with stood all parts of his own prophecy. Noah,
" What is written in the law ? how read est belong with your branch of Adventists 1 " two hall wings, each 17x37, three stories high Daniel, and John the Baptist were all left
thou 1" In reply, the lawyer quotes the " He does not. That company being inter- above the basement, capable of accommodating for a time in the dark in reference to the tub
words of Moses when summing up the ten viewed a few weeks since by Eld. D. A. Rob- five hundred students. The annual attend- fillment of some portion of their own words;.,
commandments—the very same words Jesus inson, of Massachusetts, confessed ignorance ance is five hundred. This school is known and this was the case with Wm. Miller. Ile
quoted when asked which was the greatest of of the existence of such a people as the as the Battle Creek College. declared the hour of God's judgment come;
these commandments. Our Saviour says to Seventh-day Adventists." " In the presentation of their religious Rev. 14 : 7 ; that time should be no longer.;
the young man, " Keep the commandments."' " From what point of time do the people sentiments, Seventh-day Adventists adopt the Rev. 10 : 6 ; and that the sanctuary should
To the lawyer, after he hail quoted them in holding your distinctive views date their ex- literal interpretation of the sacred Scriptures. be cleansed in 1844.
part, he said, " This do, and thou shalt live." istence 1 what are your religious sentiments 7 They hold that every text should be under- His message was in fulfillment of all these
But did not Christ give us a new command- and what are your people doing 7 " stood as meaning what it says, excepting scriptures ; the proof of which, when given,,
ment 1 Did he not himself call it a new coin Here Eld. Corliss became talkative, and those passages where it is evident from the is so plain that even a child can comprehend,:
it. Although these scriptures do not de- them to take their stand on the command- DEBTS PAID. nevolent agencies, missions, need be managed
clare that Christ would come at that time, ments of God and the faith of Jesus. May on a high-toned, scrupulous, unquestionable
Wm. Miller concluded that he would ; yet we all awake and seek God with agonizing I DESIRE to'relate one of many incidents in sense of honor, without evasion or partisan-
that was no part of the message. The time earnestness for ourselves and those around my experience in answer to prayer. In Sep- ship, or overmuch of the serpent's cunning.
(Oct. 22, 1844) passed, and Christ did not us, remembering that no toil or self-denial tember, 1871, my wife and myself were taken The hand that gives away the Bible must be
come. A_h ! bitter indeed was that disap- is too great to endure in the Master's cause. ill with fever, and brought near death's door. unspotted from the world. The money that
pointment. Be it understood that at that S. M. B.
Our sickness lasted more than two months. sends the missionary to the heathen must be
time there was no separate, organized body of We have a family of eight ; and during our honestly earned.—Banner of Holiness.
Adventists,—they were scattered among all ENDURE, long illness, became involved in a debt of
denominations. Those who really loved the I WENT for consolation to the sea, about one hundred and seventy-five dollars,
Lord from the heart would not lightly cast Hoping its song my grief might cure ; for the support of the family, doctor's bill, "WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN AM I
But all the waves there said to me and other expenses. On November 7, 1871,
away their confidence in God's word and Was only this one word, " Endure." STRONG."
work, which has great recompense of reward, I wrote in my diary : " I am resolved by the
This, as stating a fact in the Christian life,
Rut alas! many drew back unto perdition, Then to the woods in haste I went— grace of God to live differently than I have,
Pain from my heart they oft would lure; and will try to keep my body under, and
means that when I am conscious of my own
giving up all hope, instead of waiting for the
salvation that was afterward to be revealed.
The trees were by a tempest bent, overcome appetite ; will try to show more love want of strength for spiritual purposes, so as
They bowed to me and said, " Endure." to feel compelled to rely upon the power of
But as I have before stated, Wm. Miller and patience at home and everywhere, and
God, as put forth in the established modes 'of
endeavor to bear, and hold up the cross of gospel
did not fully understand the truths he de. Up to the mountains did I go— influence, then am I strong, then
Glared. He supposed that the earth was the Within their heights sublime and pure, Christ before men, and to overcome the
through faith I feel confident of overcoming
sanctuary, and that it would be cleansed by Surely some spring of hope did flow— world, the flesh, and the devil. The late sick-
Upon their brows was graved, "Endure. all hindrances to my spiritual life; and,
fire at the revelation of our Lord from ness of myself and wife has involved me in
debt about one hundred and seventy-five dol-
again, I have all the strength that I need in
I:leaven. But a further examination of the I flew to books—within their leaves
Scriptures showed that the cleansing of the All my dull sorrow would immure— lars. I have commenced to-day to ask the my work. I can do nothing directly and of
my own native energy to subdue my evil af-
,sanctuary was the work of our great High I read, " A coward only grieves Lord to give me this sum between this and
but I can learn divine truth, medi-
Priest in Heaven,—the cleansing of the heav- At life's allotted ills"—" Endure." March 1, 1872, that I may be free from debt." fections,
I continually brought this matter before the
tate upon it, turn my thoughts to the person
enly or anti-typical sanctuary, or the great No consolation there I found—and then and work of Christ, pray and resort to all, di-
day of atonement, the investigative judg- Lord in secret prayer. February 29, I was
absent from home, and told a friend I vine ordinances, and by such means secure
That one I took where help was sure;
ment, the blotting out of the sins of God's In words of fire—again, again, the gracious helps promised in the use of the
people. This work is accomplished by Jesus On every page was writ, " Endure." expected some money the next day ; and
Christ in the second apartment or "most
--Selected. though nearly the last day had expired, and means appointed for the exercise of God's
power in the work of our redemption.
holy place " of the true tabernacle, which God no money had come, yet I still expected the
WHAT THE CATECHISM SAYS. t Lord would send it. I can do nothing effectively for the conver-
pitched, and not man (see Heb. 8 and 9), sion of men to Christ, or for their growth in
just prior to his laying off his priestly robes THE following questions and answers are I went home the first day of March; and
grace ; but I can proclaim the truths of the
and putting on his kingly apparel. When taken from "The Larger Catechism," pre- before I got into the house, my youngest boy gospel, point out the way of everlasting life,
this work is accomplished, he returns to this pared by William Nast, with the " Official came running out, and said to me, " Some bring men into the sphere of God's grace, and
earth to reward his people,—to resurrect the Sanction of the General Conference " of the money for you at the express office ! " On get-
thus really employ the very power that is
righteous dead and translate the fighteOuS Methodist Episcopal Church, of the German ting the money, I found it was one hundred wanted for the highest purposes of Christian
living. Then will be fulfilled Eze. 37 :12-14. Edition. The work is written also in Eng- and eighty dollars. I paid the debts, and activity. The result is as if I had in naysdf
The declaration of the angel of Rev. 10 6, lish, published by the " Book Concern" of the heartily thanked the Lord for so signally an- all the forces required for such operations.
that time should be no longer," did not refer M. E. church, and highly recommended to the swering my prayers. The money was left me My weakness is thus replaced by God's
to probationary time, as many SUppose, birtpro- denomination by the official papers. by a deceased relative, and it came just in
strength. In a sense of this I feel strong,
phetic time of Dan. 8 :14, contained in the 349. Will, then, the wicked be raised up C., in the Christian.
and the work accomplished makes me appear
little book which the angel held in his hand. again as well as the righteous I really so. For practical purposes, it is as if
This is evident from the fact that the angel Yea, verily ; for there shall be a resurrec- OPEN VISION. I had in myself the power of doing all the
tells John that he must prophesy again be- tion of the dead, both of the just and the un- great works proposed in the life of the disci-
IT is said in 1 Sam. 3 : 1, that " the word of
fore many peOples, and nations, and tongues, just. ple or minister of Christ. —A. S. C.
350. When shall the dead arise? the Lord was precious in those days; there
and kings. Rev. 10 : 1L And it was not until
When Jesus, who was seen of his disciples was no open vision."
After John had taken the " little book " out We have fallen upon such highly favored
of the angel's hand and eaten it up (which ascending into heaven, shall again be seen by
indicates digeSting--comprehencling its teach- all eyes, descending from heaven in glory to
times, it is claimed, that " open vision " is not Onti eaatif.
now needed. But we find the world at the
ings), that he (the church) understood that complete his work of redemption. " A little hahn, and a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts
present time full of sin and crime, full of hy-
the definite day was hid from mortal eyes. 351. Has God revealed to us in his word
pocrisy and deceit. The professed people of
and almonds." Gen. 43;
But although we may not know the day or the day of the second coming of Christ I
God are divided into hundreds of contending
hour, yet we may know when it is near, even No ; although various signs will precede —VENTURE not to the utmost bounds of
at the door, according to the parable of the his second advent, yet his day will come as a sects and factions ; and of these each calls it- even lawful pleasures ; the limits of good
fig tree, Matt. 24 : 32. thief in the night. self the true and genuine church. Amid all and evil join.—Fuller.
this confusion of sentiments, all or nearly all
But another sign of the soon coming of the 352. Who will rise from the dead first --THE world honors a fearless and out-
agree in this, that there is no need of " open
Lord is these scoffers themselves. For Peter They that are Christ's. spoken advocate of any cause. Let your
tells us that they shall come in the last days; 353. But how will it be with those who vision," as there was in the days of the
prophet Samuel. No ; all this is out of date, light shine, throw away your bushel.
and it would be difficult to imagine any days shall then be alive ? —THERE is a promise in the Bible for
and passed away. We live in an age of such
later than the last days. Now all candid They shall not die, but their bodies shall be
consummate wisdom (?) that the gift of "open every want, and trial, and difficulty. God
people must acknowledge according to this changed. has no poor children; they are all rich.
vision " is not only not needed, but it is actu-
prophecy that the second coming of Christ is 354. What will take place after the resur-
Any one of God's promises is a rich inherit-
ally past. We have the word of God ; that
very near. Please mark this solemn fact, all rection of the dead ?
is sufficient. Does the present state of the
you who claim that the. Bible is the only rule of The last and general Judgment upon all
—‘‘ LET us watch awhile the sowers, let us mark
world and the church favor the view which
faith and practice, and are scoffing at the idea apostate angels and unrenewed men by the their tiny grain,
we have described as the common opinion?
of the advent near. True believers in Christ Lord Jesus Christ, who having come in the Scattered oft in doubt and trembling, sown in
Do we not need the gift of open vision now
will discern the signs of the times ; Luke flesh to save the world, is ordained by the weakness or in pain ;
12 : 56 ; and they will be found giving meat Father to judge the same.
as much as the church needed it in the days
Then let faith, with radiant finger, lift the veil
355. Shall they that are Christ's appear of' Samuel? J. CLARKE.
from unseen things,
in due season, while waiting and 'watching ef Where the golden sheaves are bending, and the
for him. G, S. HONEYWELL' with the ungodly before the bar of God ? harvest anthem rings."
No • at their glorious resurrection, which THE Two STRONG ARMS.—A great scholar
in Germany went one day to church. On —CHRIST looked upon the world as upon a
precedes that of the wicked, they will be ac-
mighty harvest, field after field ready for the
THE ENCHANTED GROUND. knowledged by their Lord as his own, and his way he met a poor old man, to whom he sickle. He and his apostles seemed like a
WE hear much concerning the perils of themselves take a part in the Judgment. wished " Good morning." The poor man
band of reapers; but what are they to such a
the last days ; but do we realize that they 356. Whom will the Lord use as ministers thanked him, but he added that he did not
exactly remember ever having a bad one. harvest? There is a striking resemblance
are right upon us, and that we are already to execute judgment between this day and Christ's day. Our
The holy angels. " Well, then, I wish you much luck,"
in the sifting time ? While increasing light
is being shed upon the word of God, Satan is * "I thank you, sir; but, to tell the truth, cities and villages are crowded like those of
Galilee, and the faithful ministers are indeed
making renewed efforts to .bring temptation 361. What will be the closing act of the I never yet have had bad luck. I have
never had yet a sorrowful morning ; for if I nothing to such a harvest. In most places
and 'discouragement upon God's peeple. Judgment ? the people are willing and eager to hear the
Evidences of this are increasing on every God will destroy with fire the world, pol- am hungry, I praise God ; if I am cold, I
words of eternal life, which shows the harvest
hand. Yet we read, in 1 Cor. 10: 13, that luted by the fall of men and angels, and cre- praise God; if it rain or snow, thunder or
lighten, I praise the Lord, and am always to be indeed ripe.—R. DT M'Cheyne.
the Lord is faithful, who will not allow us to ate a new earth and a new heaven.
be tempted above that we are able ; but will The author then quotes Peter, and John in joyful. And I have never had a bad week. —SHORT as life is, it is the seed time for
with the temptation also make a way to es- Revelation, to show that the renewed earth
I resign myself to my dear Lord and Saviour, eternity. Whatsoever a man sows here, he
cape, that we may be able to bear it. Blessed will become " the eternal abode of redeemed and am sure he does nothino. wrong." shall reap to all eternity. If he sows to the
The scholar was astonished
6 at the faith of wind, he shall reap the whirlwind. If he
promise And what is this way of escape I and glorified humanity."
In Mark 14 : 38, we read, " Watch ye Following each answer as given above are the poor man, and asked again what he would sows to the flesh, he shall reap corruption.
and pray, lest ye enter into temptation." the scriptures from which the answers are de- do if God should thrust him into hell at last. If he sows in righteousness, he shall reap in
These words were addressed to the disciples of duced, but I have omitted them. " Thrust me into hell ? that he will never mercy. If he sows to the Spirit, he shall
do," answered the poor man ; " but if he reap life everlasting. This life is the day of
'Christ under peculiar circumstances, when a—
their greatest danger was in being overcome should, I have two arms—the arm of faith grace, the season of mercy, when enduring
with sleep. Is not one of our greatest -dan- BIBLE HISTORY CONFIRMED. and the arm of love—with them I would riches may be secured. Many have seized
THE following is an extract from " An- hold him so fast that he must go with me; the moments as they passed, and become im-
gers at this time that of being overcome by
and where my Lord and my guide is, there is mensely rich in faith, in good works, in
a spiritual lethargy that benumbs our cient Literature," by J. D. Quackenbos, A.
so that we do not realize the sinful- M., M. D., pp. 111, 112 :— my heaven."—Christian at Work, bright hopes, and in a blessed inheritance be-
mess of 'sin / " But the mounds that so long covered the AIM yond the skies.—New York Evangelist.
If we could but realize what it has cost to site of Nineveh have recently surrendered WHAT Is WANTED.—WO want in you a —THE trials which befall us are the very
redeem us, even the death of God's dear their treasures. Clouds that environed the Christianity that is Christian across counters, trials which we need. The little daily ex-
:Son, would not a sense of love and gratitude history of the past have been dissipated ; an- over dinner tables, behind the neighbor's coriations of temper speedily heal themselves ;
awaken us to renewed zeal and earnestness in cient nations, for ages wrapped in obscurity, back as in his face. We want in you a but when the pain lasts, they have an errand
his service ? Each day as it passes leaves we no longer see through a glass darkly ; ' Christianity that we can find in the temper- to accomplish, and they accomplish it. These
us one day less to prepare for the Judgment, and the narrative of the inspired writers of ance of the meal, in moderation of, dress, in as well as greater sufferings, are ordered.
one less to labor for those around us, and one the Bible has been in many places confirmed respect for authority, in amiability at home, They must be submitted to with patience,
less to struggle with the temptations of' Satan. by the inscriptions disentombed in the East. in veracity and simplicity in mixed society. resignation, and meekness ; and if they en-
Time is short, and oh, what a work must be able us to see ourselves, and gain a victory
Among the most interesting fragments found Rowland Hill used to say that he would give
accomplished for God'i; professed people. scattered through the ruined Chambers of very little for the religion of a man whose over our pride, they, are of great value. In-
Many of us have friends who are already Records' of the Assyrian palace, are the tab- very dog and cat were not the better for his stead of vain and impotent wishes to fly from
convinced on the main points of present lets relating to the creation, the fall of man, religion. We want fewer gossiping, slander- them, or the circumstances which occasion
truth, but yet stand halting. Oh, for the and the deluge, copied from Babylonian rec- ing, gluttonous, peevish, conceited, bigoted them, it is the part of manly virtue to bear
power of the Spirit of God to set the truth ords hundreds of years older than, the Penta- Christians. To make them effectual, all our and forbear, and by grace to wax stronger
.home to the heart and conscience, and enable public religious measures, institutions, be- and stronger.
124 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. [VoL. 54, No. 16.

distinct congregations. The results were excel- According to St. Peter it is one of the graces of us in the effort to rescue our fellow-men from
Aptitut c Vrra%, lent. the Spirit, which we are to use all diligence in the evils of intemperance. V. N. ANDREWS.
The preaching at the Lyons camp-meeting was acquiring. 2 Pet. 1 : 6. Temperance is well Bale, Suisse, Aug. 31, 1879.
"Sanctify them through Thy Truth Thy Word is Trtith." generally practical and close, and the social ex- defined by St. Paul when he says, Whether
ercises were free and spirited. As usual at such ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all to
BATTLE CREEK, MICH., OCT. 9, 1879. meetings in Michigan, harmony prevailed. The the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10 : 31; and again
Sabbath-school, the temperance movement, and when he says, But I keep under my body, A SKEPTICAL friend presents the following
JAMES WHITE, , Corresponding „Editors. the tract and missionary work, received their and bring it into subjection ; lest, when I have queries, which, as we give him credit for candor
Smrrn, . , . , Residene Editor. proportion of attention, and moved off in an en- preached to others, I myself should be a casta- in asking, we are happy to answer, trusting that
couraging manner. way. 1 Cor. 9 : 27, and also when he says, the answers will be candidly considered.
In the business reports, Michigan appears to They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh 1. How do you reconcile the genealogical records
HOME AGAIN. concerning Christ, as given by Matthew and Luke ?
great disadvantage. Michigan is really one of with the affections and lusts. Gal. 5 : 24.
PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. the most destitute fields in point of laborers. These passages show that to be temperate ANs. Matthew gives es the genealogy of
WE reached Battle Creek the night of the 6th, We read in the list of the preachers of the men we must govern our appetites and passions Christ through the line of Joseph, his reputed
after being absent from Michigan one year, with Michigan Conference the names of Waggoner, by the principles of the New Testament. We father, and Luke through the line of Mary, his
the exception of two Sabbaths. Of our sojourn 13yington, Van Horn, Burrill, Smith, Corliss, must eat and drink to the glory of God. To do mother. These lines come together twice, in
in Texas last winter we have reported through Sawyer, S. H. Lane, J. White, and Mrs. E. G. this we must use with moderation such things Zorobabel, and David, before reaching back to
the REVIEW. We have also given brief state- White. as are beneficial to man, and must abstain Abraham. The matter is explained and illus-
ments of attending camp-meetings in Kansas, But Eld. Waggoner has labored in California wholly from those things which are injurious to trated by a beautiful diagram in the Religious
Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Dakota, since the last General Conference. Eld. Van him. We cannot use to the glory of God any Encyclopedia. It is likewise fully explained in
and of our brief sojourn and labors in Colorado. Horn is president of the Oregon Conference, hurtful thing, and those things which God has Dr. Clarke's notes. See also the REVIEW, Vol.
Returning, we have since labored in camp-meet- and has not labored in Michigan for several designed for man's good must be used within 51, No. 21.
ings in Ohio, Massachusetts, Maine, two in years. Eld. S. H. Lane has labored in Indi- the limits of man's wants. Christian temper- 2. How comes the account of the taking of the
city of Jericho to be accredited to Moses, as he was
New York, in Michigan, and Indiana. ana a number of years as president of that State ance therefore consists in the moderate and rea- then dead (or had been translated). What authority
We need not say that we are worn and weary. Conference. Elds. Corliss and Burrill are labor- sonable use of that which is good, and in total did has the Bible writer for giving that account? If Mooed
not give it, who did?
Mrs. W. feels th'e labors of the past year more ing in Colorado, and have labored out of their abstinence from that which is injurious and evil.
than the writer. God has been very good in Conference much of the time for several years. ANs. The account of the taking of Jericho is
We cannot be moderate in the use of evil not accredited to Moses, but to Joshua. Moses
preserving us, and giving us a good degree of Eld. Sawyer labors among the Swedes from things. It was intemperance, on the part of
health and strength during the past year of care Maine to Kansas. Eld. Byington, at the age Eve, to even taste the forbidden fruit. To be was not translated. We had never supposed
and toil. In many respects Mrs. W.'s general of eighty, does his work well, and counts one temperate we must govern our appetites. These but that Joshua, the successor of Moses, was
health is in advance of what it was a year ago, among the ministers of the Michigan Confer- principles are sustained both by reason and by able to write. We fear our friend has not suffi-
and the writer is able to report better health ence. Had Eld. Canright not been transferred the Scriptures. But it is evident that many, ciently informed himself in regard to the facts
of the narrative.
than for several years. God is good. to Ohio, he would count only one. Eld. Smith who consider themselves patterns of temper-
Of the future, in point of locality and labors, is nearly shut up to his labors in the REVIEW ance, have no just idea of what constitutes this of3. What authority had Moses for giving an account
the fall of man, etc., since he lived about midway
we are not prepared to speak definitely. Our Office and at the College, and Eld. White and• excellent virtue. between Adam's day and our day?
friends will please address us at Battle Creek, wife have spent only two Sabbaths in Michigan The attention of the Seventh-day Adventists Aris. Inspiration.
Mich., until further notice is given. during the past Conference year. has in the providence of God been particularly 4. If the gospel writers were inspired, why do they
The institutions we have labored to build up Noble Michigan has parted with her most effi- called to this subject. Believing that the Judg- not agree regarding the writing above the cross?
They all mention it, and no two agree.
at Battle Creek are very dear to us, and they cient ministers, and last year gave the General ment of the great day is at hand, they have felt
need the fostering care that we can give them Conference the sum of $3,000 to support them it to be of the highest importance to study the Ales. Our friend again misapprehends the
when not called to other duties. We must give in other fields. In this, Michigan has done well ; Scriptures with respect to a preparation for facts in the case ; for they agree perfectly. Let
more time to writing for our periodicals, and but there is such a thing as doing wrong in lov- that event. They have sought to take just and us see how they each record it : Matthew :
we still have unfinished books to complete. We ing neighbors better than self. The Michigan reasonable views of their teachings on this sub- "This is Jesus, the King of the Jews." Mark :
may remain in Michigan during the winter, ex- Conference is waking up to the importance of ject. They have not overlooked those passages " The King of the Jews." Luke : " This is the
cepting the few coldest weeks, when we may en- the State where most of our institutions are lo- which relate to the work of God's grace in the King of the Jews." John : "Jesus of Nazareth,
ter an opening made for us in central or south- cated, standing ahead in point of an able minis- heart, and they have also given attention to the King of the Jews." Constructing out of all
ern Indiana. J. W. try and a devoted, thorough-going membership. those passages which teach us the necessity of these an inscription which shall embrace every-
4.1111.1. In this respect the Michigan Conference should, governing the appetites and passions. They thing that any of them have mentioned, we have
be a model for others. have learned that the body is the temple of the this : " This is Jesus of Nazareth, the King of
This subject was quite thoroughly canvassed Holy Spirit, and that if any man defile the tem- the Jews." This is doubtless just what was
WE are happy to report that all our Confer- at the Lyons camp-meeting, and the wants of
ple of God, him shall God destroy. 1 Cor. 3 : written. Now mark : It was not necessary for
ences, from Maine to Minnesota, and from the cause were carefully considered. The sub- each evangelist to give the entire title, unless
16, 17 ; 6 :19, 20.
Michigan to California, are taking hold of the ject of dividing the State into three Conferences
They have clearly seen that men cannot use to he was moved to do so. But if he gives only a
work in good earnest to raise for themselves a received considerable attention. But it was
the glory of God that which destroys the nervous part, he does not contradict the fact that some-
fund by loans and donations for the relief of finally decided to elect an executive committee
system, and for this reason they have wholly thing more was written.. For instance, Matthew
those young men who wish to educate them- of five, instead of three as is usual in our State discarded the use of tea and coffee. Many who omits the words, " of Nazareth," which John
selves for useful positions in the work of God. Conferences, four of them ministers, three to
used these things to relieve sick headache and uses, simply saying, " This is Jesus, the King of
Liberal pledges have been made by those who preside over as many divisions of the State nervous diseases, have been surprised to find the Jews." What Matthew says was all there,
were accessible at our camp-meetings. But under the supervision of a president of the that these difficulties disappeared soon after they was it not ? Yes. And that is all that he af-
these include but a portion of the friends of ed- whole. It may be thought best, at the next an-
had wholly ceased to use these stimulants, and firms. He does not say that the words "of
ucation in the ranks of S. D. Adventists. All nual Conference, to divide this large Conference Nazareth," which John uses, were not there.
must have a chance to do what they can in this of more than one hundred congregations of S. thus they learned that the supposed remedy for So there is no contradiction between him and
noble w ork. Therefore an appeal will be made these diseases was the real cause of their exist-
D. Adventists. ence. John. On the other hand John omits the
to all our people, accompanied by pledge papers. words " this is," which Matthew uses, simply
The auditing committee claimed much of our The Seventh-day Adventists believe the use
These will be sent to every church with a re-
time ; and we were glad to see that the follow- of tobacco a great evil in the sight of God and saying, " Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the
quest that they be circulated, and the entire
ing measures were regarded with favor by the man. They therefore bear an outspoken testi- Jews." But he does not say that the words of
field canvassed by the proper persons as solicit-
ors of pledges and payments. J. W.
several members of this committee :- mony against its use in any form. They also Matthew, " this is," were not there ? No.
1. That those ministers who are wearing out consider it a great wrong to use as beverages Then where is the contradiction ? There is
with successful labor should be well supported. any liquor capable of producing intoxication, none. None of them affirm that what they pre-
LYONS CAMP-MEETING. 15 2. That young men of promise should be en- They understand that there is but one safe sent was the entire title, and they were not
THE Lyons camp-meeting was held near the couraged by proper remuneration for what they ground to occupy with respect to such things, obliged to give that.. But all which any one
village of Lyons, Michigan, Sept. 25-30. This do accomplish. and that is total abstinence. The great army of gives was in the title just as he says. So they
was the third meeting in the State the pres- 3. That those ministers of ability belonging drunkards is recruited from the ranks of moder- are all absolutely correct, and there is no con-
ent season. A large gathering was not expected, to the Conference, who are laboring in other ate drinkers, but never is a recruit drawn from tradiction between them.
and preparations were made according to expec- Conferences, be encouraged to labor in Michigan the ranks of those who totally abstain. The 5. In reference to David's sin of numbering Israel,
it is, once said that he was influenced by God, and
tations. The center of the mammoth tent was so far as consistent. entire denomination takes the highest temper- again that he was influenced by Satan. How are these
left at Battle Creek, under the impression that 4. That if Michigan be drawn upon for min- ance ground, and this has been their position statements reconciled ?
it would not be needed. isterial help for less important fields than at always. ANs. A misapprehension again of the facts in
The suffering endured by the congregation on home, where our institutions are located, if any Recently a new interest has been awakened the case ; for God did not stir David up to num-
Sunday, and the risk of life to the speaker in are spared, it should be those who can leave with on this subject among our people at Battle ber the people. This was Satan, as is plainly
consequence of the intense heat in the crowded the least loss, and who are better adapted to Creek, Michigan. To extend these principles stated in 1 Chron. 21 : 1 ; but in the parallel
audience, may suggest to the minds of our good posts of duty of less importance to the general everywhere, a general temperance society has passage in Kings it is simply the pronoun " he "
camp-meeting th that great risks should cause than those at or near head-quarters. been formed, and agents have been appointed to that is used. And while, if we look at the ap-
not be run in the e line of comfort to the people, Twenty-five were baptized, and Brn. Sis- carry forward this work in other countries. parent grammatical construction, the word
and the life of those speakers attending their ley and Wellman were set apart to the work of The members of this society solemnly pledge " Lord " in the preceding clause would seem at
twelfth camp-meeting for the season. That the gospel ministry at the closing morning meet- themselves before each other that they will ab- first sight to be the antecedent of the pronoun
portion of the tent on the ground was literally ing on third 'day. Thus closed the good camp- stain from the use of these hurtful things. he, it is not necessarily so ; and when we look at
packed, and a dense wall of men stood around, meeting at Lyons, Michigan. J. W. Regular meetings of this society are held from the sense, we see at once that it cannot be so.
excluding the least breath of pure air from with- time to time, and many persons are taking a For this act of numbering Israel was the very
out, shutting up both hearers and speaker to deep interest in the temperance work. thing that caused the anger of the Lord to be
THE TEMPERANCE WORK The state of things on the continent of Eu- kindled against David. But we cannot suppose
impure air, literally hot, which had been
breathed over a hundred times. Mrs. W. risked AMONG THE S. D. ADVENTISTS OF AMERICA, rope calls loudly for earnest effort in behalf of that any writer who was capable of framing
her life to address the audience. We refused. THE Seventh-day Adventists believe that the temperance reform. Tobacco and wine or beer words into a correct sentence, would be guilty
With this exception, ample preparations were advent of Christ will soon take place, and that are used everywhere and by all classes. If any of saying in the same breath that God moved
made for both speakers and hearers. all men should keep the commandments of God. person thinks that God is glorified by these David to number Israel, and then was angry
Sabbath was a good day on the Lyons camp- Like Paul, they preach righteousness, temper- things, let him pass the drinking saloons and with him for so doing. We therefore, taking
ground. At the close of Mrs. W.'s discourse in ance and the Judgment to come. Acts 24 : 25. listen to the revelry of the drinkers. Those the account in Chronicles which admits of no
the afternoon, not less than four hundred came Righteousness, according to St. John, is right who resort to these evil places, contracted the ambiguity, conclude that Satan was the one who
forward for prayers. It was an occasion of deep doing. I John 2 : 29 ; 3 : 7. In the Judgment to appetite for strong drink at the table of their moved David to number Israel ; and that conse-
feeling. After prayers were offered, testimo- come, God will decide on all human conduct, and own parents. quently, the pronoun " he " in the account in
nies, brief and to the point, were given by those on every secret thing, whether it be good or It must be evident to any person who will Kings, refers to Satan, as an antecedent under-
seeking the Lord. This service reached to whether it be evil. Eccl. 12 :13, 14. consider these things that both by precept and stood. To reason otherwise on this, would be to
nearly dark, when it was closed to spend an Temperance is a Christian virtue strongly in- example we should cast our influence against manifest a desire to find a contradiction in the
hour in the family tents where the same work sisted on in the New Testament. Paul calls it the use of spirituous liquors, and we earnestly Scriptures, and whoever cherishes such a desire)
of seeking God could be carried on in scores of one of the fruits of the Spirit. Gal. 5 : 22. invite the readers of this journal to unite with approaches them under the influence of a bias
which will almost certainly prevent his arriving tracts. Of these we have 800 left. We send and finally remarked to him that one of three vals between the yearly meetings, to license
at the truth. out and sell more than 800 copies of Tidernes things would have to transpire immediately. He ministers who may be raised up in mission
6. It is once said that after. David had numbered the Tegn every two weeks when it is published. looked at me in astonishment, and asked what fields.
people, he paid fifty shekels of silver for the thresh- Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the ministers
ing floor of Araunah, and in another place that he Now I desire to say that all these branches of they were. " Well," said I, " I shall become
paid six hundred shekels of gold. How can these the work are young and tender plants, and they very sick, or I shall get out of this coach, or you and others in the employ of the General Con-
statements be harmonized? ference to make a written report to each annual
must be carefully nourished. If left now, they will stop that smoking." "Oh, excuse me, sir,"
ANS. It will be noticed that the expression
will soon wither. The Lord has given us a wide said he. " When I got in I saw there were no meeting thereof of each day's occupation during
in 1 Chron. 21 is much more comprehensive missionary field in this city and vicinity. New ladies, and I supposed a man coming from the the Conference year, or such portion of the
than that in 2 Sam. 24. In the latter place would of course be a smoker." year as they may have been in the employ of
souls are becoming interested every week. He town of
simply the threshing, floor proper and the oxen the Conference.
has mercifully suffered our printing work to be " Just a few puffs more," said I, " and you will
are spoken of, for which he paid fifty shekels
located here. And he has taught our fingers to have a very sick man on your hands." " I wish Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Confer-
of silver ; but in 1 Chron. 21 everything is in- ence to select a committee of two laymen to act
do even such work as we did not understand be- it would use me so," was his reply, as he
cluded, the threshing-floor, the oxen, the in- with the Executive Committee in the examin-
fore, and has filled our hearts with love for the tossed his half-consumed idol out of the door.
struments of wood, the wheat for the meat of- work. Pray for us, that his name may be glori- After some further conversation on the filthi- ation and settlement of accounts.
fering, and " the place," which is taken to fied and many souls saved. ness and expensiveness of such a habit, I asked Art. VI. Each State Conference shall be en-
mean quite a large extent of adjoining territory, Sept. 9. J. G. MATTESON. him what his tobacco cost him a year. " Well," titled to one delegate in the General Conference,
for which he paid six hundred shekels of gold. said he, "let us see,—four, twenty-eight, hun- and one additional delegate for every twenty
And that this comprehensive view is taken in dred and twelve,—well, about $5.50 a month, delegates in the State Conference, such dele-
1 Chron. 21, is evident from the first verses of CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA, CAMP- gates to the General Conference to be chosen by
not over that. I don't use half as much as some
the next chapter, which declare that David called MEETING. men I know." the State Conferences or their Committees :
that place the house of the Lord, and im- THIS camp-meeting was the smallest of the I began to reflect. Over $60.00 a year burned Provided, That the delegates to such State Con-
mediately commenced preparation for the build- four held in the State this season, no doubt be- up by a youth who at the same time is trying to ferences be elected according to the following
ing of the temple upon the ground which he cause of its location away from the center of the get an education. Let us see. There are about ratio, to wit : Each church to the number of
had purchased, which would require much State, and in that corner of it least populated by three million souls in the States included in this twenty members or under shall be entitled to
more ground than a mere threshing-floor. See our people. It was held here because other sec- Conference. Allowing that one in every 500 is one delegate, and one delegate for every ad-
Barrett's, Synopsis of Criticisms on 2 Sam. 24. tions of the State had camp-meetings in June, a tobacco devotee, and granting them just one- ditional fifteen members.
.11111. and this part of the State had none. This was half as much as the above young man used, and Art. VII. The officers shall be elected at
CHRISTIANA, NORWAY. 14:1 the time for the annual meeting of the different we have $180,000. the regular meetings of the Conference, and
MANY countries of Europe seem to be almost societies, and hence we had many business mat- It is distressing to hear some poor souls who shall hold their offices for the term of one year,
ters to attend to which interfered somewhat profess to be S. D. Adventists try to belittle the or until their successors are chosen,
forsaken by the Lord, and to have become the
stronghold of evil spirits : yet the Lord has a with the devotional exercises ; yet these were temperance move that has been inaugurated Art. VIII. Sec. 1. The regular meetings of
very good. The spirit of the meeting was ex- among us. We should blush for shame when we the Conference shall be held annually, and the
people among the different nations, who prosthe
cellent. Union and love generally prevailed, find ourselves indifferent over this matter. time and place of the same shall be deter-
called out by the message, and who will prepare
to meet him. The Spirit of God is still working and in several of our meetings the blessing of the Brethren and sisters, we may make our influ- mined by the Executive Committee, by whom
on hearts here as well as in America. - For this Lord came in sweet, melting power, which was ence felt on this question of temperance if we due notice thereof shall be given through the
truly refreshing to our waiting hearts. In last REVIEW.
we praise God and take.courage. will, and through it open a door for the last
year's camp-meeting there were elements of dis- message of mercy. Oh, for eye-salve to see Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called at
We are deeply interested in Bro. Loughbor-
ough's mission in England, and rejoice in the cord which threatened serious trouble. This when good comes. May God help us to under- the option of the committee.
year these did not exist. There has been an im- stand the nature of this great work. Art. IX. This Constitution may be altered
success which so far has attended the triith
provement in the tone and spirit of the Confer- D. A. Ronsusox. or amended by a three-fourths vote of the mem-
there. And our prayers ascend for our dear Bro.
Andrews, as he has once more reached Switzer- ence the past year, which I hope will result in bers present at any meeting.
much good in the future. The four camp-meet-
land. May the Lord comfort him in all his sor- CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL
ings held in the State this season have enabled
rows, and give new strength after so much sick- CONFERENCE. THE CHRISTIAN GENTLEMAN.
ness and affliction. It is wonderful to hear from a large number of our people to attend. I AS AMENDED.
[MR.. GOUVERNEUR MORRIS on being asked
the southern countries, of Italians and Greeks think nearly twelve hundred availed themselves FOR the purpose of securing unity and effi- for his definition of a gentleman, replied by
of these privileges.
and Arabians who are stretching out their hands ciency in labor, and promoting the general in- repeating Poet-Laureate Tates' paraphrase of
to the Lord, and studying the truth for our The temperance work was taken up as usual terests of the cause of present truth, and of
this season, and a large part of those present perfecting the organization of the Seventh-day the fifteenth psalm
times. Soon the Lord will unite them and 'Tis he who every thought and deed
who had not signed the pledge before, did so at
us (Scandinavians of the northern countries) Adventists, we, the delegates from the several By rules of virtue moves ;
with our dear American brethren, from whom this meeting, 130 signers being obtained, 85 of State Conferences, hereby proceed to organize a Whose generous tongue disdains to speak
whom paid the initiation fee. A State Temper- The thing his heart disproves.
the Lord has been pleased to cause the light to General Conference, and adopt the following Who never did a slander forge,
ance society was formed, with G. I. Butler for
shine forth, and who are so faithfully planting constitution for the government thereof :— His neighbor's fame to wound ;
president, and Sr. Sarah Nicola for secretary. Nor hearken to a false report
the seeds of truth in the. east and west, in the Article 1. This Conference shall be called the
Iowa has been well canvassed on this subject at By malice whispered 'round.
south and north. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Who vice, in all its pomp and power,
our camp-meetings, though many in the churches
Bro. Jasperson has returned from Demisark. and shall be composed of delegates from the Can treat with just neglect;
are still behind. These we shall try to reach And piety, though clothed in rags,
He with another young brother, will enter a new different State Conferences, and such ministers
with our local organizations. Religiously respect
field next week, the Lord willing. The -mission as shall have been employed as missionaries
Sabbath morning we had a most interesting Who to his plighted vows and trust
here is onward, and the light goes out from here during any part of the year. Has ever firmly stood ;
Sabbath-school under the management of Bro.
to many other places. Some more have .'been Art. II. The officers of this Conference shall And, though he promise to his loss,
L. T. Nicola. The Sabbath-school work in the He makes his promise good.
added to our numbers since last report. , be a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and an
State gives promise of much good. Whose soul in usury disdains
The tract society is at - Work so suceesiftilly Executive Committee of three, of whom the His treasure to employ ;
Our tract and missionary work is now in a
that we have reason to hope for like societles in President shall be one. Whom no rewards can ever bribe
condition to accomplish much, if all can be The guiltless to destroy."
other places as, the .truth shill' spread, .It is Art. III. The duties of the President and
started on a cash basis. Tracts are bought: at a Persuaded to go to work. The State society is Secretary shall be such respectively as usually This psalm was copied by Thomas Jeffer-
low rate with all the means that are obtained by nearly, out of debt, with subscriptions to the re- pertain to those offices. son, in the smallest hand-writing and neatest
serve fund of between $1500 and $2000 (unless manner, into a common-place book which he
membership, donations and sales. The last Art. IV. It shall be the duty of the Treas-
very recent purchases of books have changed was in the habit of frequently consulting,
three weeks they have sold tracts and papers5for urer to receive and disburse means under the
about 20 Kroner ($5.33) each week. Last Sab- this), and a good stock of books on hand. Our direction of the Executive Committee, and keep and we find it at the end of a letter on moral
s. s., however, has fallen off considerably this an account of the same, and make a full report conduct which he wrote to T. Jefferson Smith,
bath we rejoiced in greeting four new Sabbath-
year ; still we had enough to settle all claims thus entitled, " The portrait of a good man,
keepers gained directly by the tracts. One of thereof to the regular meetings of the Confer-
against the treasury after paying the tithe to the by the most sublime of poets, for your imita-
them joined the society next evening, and is at ence. tion." —Charles Edwards.
Gleneral Conference. There is great need of a
work among his Christian friends. A number Art. V. Section 1. It shall be the duty of
general awakening of our people throughout the
of tracts are sold to people on the steamers and the Executive Committee to take the general
State to work for the Lord. Our efforts in new ONE great principle which we should lay
ships in the harbor. supervision of all ministerial labor, and see
fields have not been as successful as in some down as immovably true, is, that if a good
Last Sabbath our Sabbath-school numbered that the same is properly distributed ; and they
former years. We regret to say that the health work cannot be carried on by the calm, self-
more than 120 membera, 113 being two's*. shall take the special supervision of all mission-
of Eld. Farnsworth was such that he could not controlled, benevolent spirit of Christianity,
The interest is increasing as well as the Mein ary labor, and as a missionary board shall have
labor as hard as usual in our meeting, and it then the time for doing it has not come. God
ship. This blessed interest is due, with 4141i-ell:, the power to decide where such labor is needed,
was not thought safe to place the burden of the asks not the aid of our vices. He can overrule
of God, to the American Salabath-sehooleyatere. and who shall go as missionaries to perform the
cause upon him till he could have time to im- them for good, but they are not the chosen in-
We have never before had suitable lessons in same; and they shall audit and settle accounts struments of human happiness.
prove. Under the circumstances the brethren
our language. In fact, we hairs never had any thought they could do no better than to with ministers and others in the employ of the
lesson books at all. For this reason the,- Sab- me president of the Iowa Conference and T. and Conference. Ir is common to speak of the house of public
bath-school work has moved languidly among Sec. 2. Means for missionary operations may worship as a holy place ; but it has no exclusive
M. Society, though I could give them no assur-
the Scandinavians. The work Of publiShing ances of how much I could labor in the State. be received by donation from State Conferences, sanctity. The holiest spot on earth, is where the
such lessons in good shape, has seemed UM much churches or individuals ; and the committee are soul breathes its purest vows, and forms or ex-
for me. I did not venture to begin nor to' pro- authorized to call for means when needed. ecutes its noblest purposes ; and on this ground,
pose it. Somehow circumstances laVe com- 1 '14 Sec. 3. When any State Conference desires
FIVE DOLLARS A MONTH. were I to seek the holiest spot in your city, I
pelled me to undertake it now, and L see 'no ministerial labor from a minister not a resident should not go to your splendid sanctuaries, but
other way than to work diligently and trust the FOR what ? To liquidate the monthly tobacco within the bounds of such Conference, their re- to closets of private prayer. Perhaps the " Holy
Lord for strength. 141 of a young man only seventeen years of age. quest shall be made to the General Conference
of Holies" among you is some dark, narrow
We are now situated so that we can print our Not long since, as I was riding in a stage coach, Executive Committee, and ministers sent by room, from which most of us would shrink as
own tracts and papers; and although we n young man stepped aboard, who was well said Committee shall be considered under the unfit for human habitation ; but God dwells
but an old, cheap hand press, and it takes snore dressed, and looked and acted like a gentleman, jurisdiction of the Conf. Committee of such there. He hears there music more grateful
time, yet we can do the work ourselves without only that he had in his mouth that intolerable State : Provided, 1. That if such minister con- than the swell of all your organs ; sees there a
asking help from those outside. nuisance—a cigar. He looked around, and see- sider the State Committee inefficient, or their
beauty such as nature, in her robes of spring,
After having tried for about eight months to ing that there were no ladies aboard, went on action so far wrong as to render his labor in- does not unfold ; for there he meets, and sees,
get the truth published by unbelievers and with great satisfaction to enjoy his luxury. The effectual, he may appeal to the General Con- and hears, the humblest, most thankful, most
handled by unsanctified hands and prayerless wind for a time blew the smoke from me, so of ference Executive Committee : Provided, 2. trustful worshiper ; sees the sorest trials
hearts, I consider it a very great favor of the course I made no complaint ; but after riding a That if such State Committee consider such serenely borne, the deepest injuries forgiven ;
Lord, that we now are able to send out tracts mile or two, our coach turned its course suffi- minister inefficient, they may appeal to the Gen- sees toils and sacrifices cheerfully sustained,
and papers from this office, and do all the work ciently to bring the cloud of poison squarely into eral Conference Committee, who shall decide and death approached, through a lonely illness,
ourselves. We printed 3,000 small tracts (2 pp. my face. I dodged it as I would a bullet, and on the matter of complaint, and take such with a triumphant faith. The consecration
with notice of our tracts' usel papers as well as put my head outside the coach, thinking that action as they may think proper. which such virtues shed over the obscurest
spot is not and cannot be communicated by any
meetings) three weeks ago. They are all sold. the young man would take the hint and refrain. Sec. 4. The General Conference Executive of those outward rites by which our splendid
The next week we printed 2,000 four-page But no, not he. At last I became 'desperate, Committee shall have power during the inter- structures are dedicated to God.
126 T E REVIEW AND HERALD, [Vol. 54, No. 16.

SOWING AND REAPING, school-house four miles east of this place, where, thumbs at one sweep, and then goes to work decide in favor of truth and right, and at last
though the attendance is not large, considerable and sticks on eight of them. In his reply to have a home in his kingdom. Pray for the
Sow with a generous hand,
Pause not for toil or pain ; interest is shown. We need the prayers of our this he said that "God cut off all ten of the success of the cause at Windsor.
Weary not through the heat of summer, brethren and sisters, that our work may not be commandments and did not re-instate one of H. WOODRUFF.
Weary not through the cold spring rain ; in vain. PAUL E. GRos. them ; for he had no use for them whatever." If
But wait till the autumn comes .11111a0 this be true, the flood-gates of crime are opened
to a fallen, sinful race, and God will have no GOOD!
For the sheaves of golden grain. MICHIGAN. means of bringing man to judgment. Rom. AN aged German brother, who formerly was a
Scatter the seed, and fear not, Mason, Tent No. 3, Sept. 29.—We have 5:13 ; James 2 : 12 ; Eccl. 12 : 13, 14. This soldier in the German army, on the reception -
A table will be spread : made some progress here the past week. Some was a stronger dose than is generally adminis- of a number of our German paper, responds at
What matter if you are too weary tered by D. D.'s, so it must be sugar coated by
To eat your hard-earned bread? have united with us who never made a profes- follows :—
saying that "this is a dispensation of grace, not
Sow while the earth is broken, sion before. The Lord met with us on the Sab- bondage ; of principles, not law." But the " I send twenty-five cents as the subscription
For the hungry must be fed. Elder failed to give us chapter and verse where price for the Stimme der Wahrheit to be sent to
bath, and moved upon the hearts of the uncon- Emperor William of Germany, my former
verted. Three who had never before made a God has said that he will judge men by princi-
Sow :—while the seeds are lying ples, and leave them to decide what those prin- earthly lord, to whom have often presented
start, took their stand with us. At the close of
In the warm earth's bosom deep, the meeting we took an expression to see how ciples shall be. His effort only served to arms when a Soldier. I now wish, as a soldier
And your warm tears fall upon it, many would keep the commandments, and strengthen the cause. in the cause of my Master, to present to him a
They will stir in their quiet sleep ; copy of the Stimme der Wahrheit."
And the green blades rise the quicker, some twenty arose. Then eighteen united with The interest at North Solon remains good.
Perchance for the tears you weep. us in covenant. Yesterday a large company of One family have decided to obey, and others are
us went eight miles west to Grand River, where on the point of decision. Pray for us.
Then sow,—for the hours are fleeting, six were baptized. We had a very pleasant and R. A. UNDERihrOOD. NEBRASKA CAMP-MEETING. '
And the seed must fall to-day; solemn scene at the water. The weather being J. C. BARTLETT. THIS meeting was held according to appoint-
And care not what hands shall reap it, more favorable, we shall keep our tent up an- ment at Beaver City, and commenced Thursday
Or if you have passed away other week, hoping that others will accept the
Before the waving corn-fields truth. Pray for us. T. M. STEWARD. Bolivia°, Oct. 2.--We have had a good Sab- evening, Sept. 18, with a general attendance of
Shall gladden the sunny day, E. P. DANIELS. bath-school here since Bro. Reavis visited us in the Sabbath-keepers in this part of the State,
1.40.11, the spring. Although we are surrounded by A shady grove on Beaver Creek afforded one of
Sow ; and look onward, upward, opposition, yet one after another is joining our the best localities in Nebraska. The weather
Where the starry light appears, COLORADO. ranks, and taking the sword of the present truth was beautiful. Scarcely a cloud covered the sun
Where, in spite of the coward's doubting, by day, or hid the stars by night.
Or your own heart's trembling fears, Denver, Sept. 23.—We closed our effort in hand, and wielding it victoriously. Our
Less than two years since the first course of
You shall reap in joy the harvest with the tent to-day, and we can number about school is increasing in numbers, and I believe in lectures was given in this vicinity, which is sep-
You have sown, to-day, in tears. the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. The
thirty who observe the Sabbath. brethren of this class are very punctual in at- arated by nearly two hundred miles from Sab-
—Adelaide Proctor. The temperance people are beginning a cru- tending and holding their social meetings. Pray bath-keepers in other parts of the State. About
sade, and we sold them our tent for enough, for us. one hundred of like faith here assembled. The
lacking twenty dollars, to buy a new one, al- We are all on a journey together, one great object from the commencement of the
Proyr of fIr though it had been run two years. The tent
expenses have been met to within one dollar,
Hand in hand to the same mansion bound;
Then whatever the wind or the weather,
meetings seemed to be to earnestly seek the Lord,
Sabbath morning we engaged in Sabbath-school
and this is doing well, considering how expen- Pressing on let us ever be found. exercises, in which a commendable interest wai
sive it is to live here. In Michigan, sixty-six Sometimes our blue sky is clouded, manifested. A discourse on the subject of the
00:iT:;:;Zit ftesfsVoi:rb7=1.111T:111,4 Witt11".?; Sometimes storms of sorrow arise sanctuary was then given, setting forth the sol-
cents will buy as much as one dollar her e.
Brother Corliss has labored under great dis- Yet onward, still onward, our motto, emn hour of God's judgment now come. After
MINNESOTA. couragements, but God has blessed his faithful To our beautifulthome in the skies. engaging for a little time in social exercises and
labors, and he now begins to see good results. prayer, sinners and backsliders were invited for-
Oromoco, Oct. 1.—The interest has contin- He remains here to close up the work, and I go There is ever more sunshine than shadow, ward. About forty responded. Some of those
ued good here. Eight have taken a firm stand, to-morrow to Longmont, to help the young In all lives, more pleasure than pain ; were souls for whom many prayers have been of-
There's never a year without summer, fered ; while others were for the first time in
Others are in "the valley of decision." Breth- company there. This will be my address until And sunshine is brighter for rain.
ren, pray for us. N. BA TTIN. further notice. Brethren and sisters, pray for our midst. Sixteen were baptized, and with
The roses have budded and blossomed, others united with the church.
L. H. ELLS. the cause in Colorado. A. 0. BURRILL. The leaves in their time all turned brown, On Monday especial attention, was paid to'the
-41K11. Then after the blossoms, the winter; tract and missionary work. Three church socie-
NEBRASKA. PENNSYLVANIA. But after the trials—the crown. ties were formed, and the proper officers elected,
Arapahoe.—Our meetings closed here Sept. Keeneyville, Tent No. 5, Oct. 2.—We par- And whatever here is our portion, About two hundred and seventy-five dollars were
Be it grief or bright pleasure that flows, pledged, a part of which was paid in on the
14. We had several good Sabbath meetings. tially presented the Sabbath question before at- ground. Considering the hard times in this
tending the camp-meeting at Hornelleville. We All work for the good of the pilgrim
Fifteen signed the covenant. A vote of thanks Who loveth the Hand that bestows. newly settled country, this liberality shows that
was tendered us for our efforts in the children's left our tent standing, the people assuring us Without faltering let us press onward, the cause of present truth lies near the hearts of
temperance work. Received a cash donation of that it would be perfectly safe in our absence. Whether life may be gloomy or bright; the people, and the work, supported by such
$5.00, and disposed of about $45.00 worth of We found their word verified on our return. In the morn of the first resurrection, souls, if they are connected with Heaven, must
books and periodicals. We praise God for the Commenced meetings again the 26th, and found In Heaven we all shall unite. prosper.
constant interest and attendance throughout the people anxiously waiting to learn more HENRY R. BURKHOLDER. About one hundred Sabbath-keepers attended
over five weeks of meetings. of the present truth." Three or four were 0 the meeting ; and although a considerable part,
GEO. B. STARR. keeping the Sabbath, which number has now of this number have lately come from other
A. J. CUDNEY. increased to nine or ten. The people here, as a
MISSOURI. churches and from the world, all were of one
class, are kind, orderly, and intelligent. Those Henkin's Grove, Caldwell Co.—Monday, mind, there being no' divisions on the funda-
who have taken a stand on the commandments mental principles of our faith. That which pro-
ILLINOIS. Sept. 29, after having remained here five weeks, duces such union must be of God. May God,
are among the best in the place, and are all
Farmington.—Sept. 25, we commenced heads of families. Others have expressed them- took down and packed the tent for the season. speed onward the message.
meetings at the Webster school-house, three selves as " almost persuaded." Bro. Chaffee was with me the greater part of CHAS. L. BOYD.
miles south of this place. The attendance is There is a large field opened here for labor, the last week, and rendered good service in
and requests for meetings are coming in from preaching. One family came out decided on the IOWA STATE CONFERENCE. "
good. There seems to be an increasing desire all quarters. We consider this an important Sabbath. Others say that this is the truth, and
to hear. We hope that some will come out on point in this new Conference, not only on ac- there is reason to believe that more will be led THE Iowa Conference held its sixteenth an-
the Lord's side, and keep all of his command- count of location, but the freedom from to obey ; but oh ! how hard it is to give up tra- nual session at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in connec-
ments. We need divine help. Will you pray prejudice that exists here. We earnestly re- dition and take God at his word. tion with the camp-meeting, Sept. 25-30, 1879..
for us ? DENNIS MORRISON. quest the Pa. Conference committee to provide I scarcely ever before encountered such deep- The first meeting convened Sept. 25 at 11
this place with suitable help. set prejudice, or saw such a manifestation of the A. is., and was opened with prayer by the pres-
MILTON C. WILCOX. stay-away argument as was exhibited by the
Parkersburg and West Salem, Sept. 25. J. E. ROBINSON. Baptists and Presbyterians of this place. Some
ident, E. W. Farnsworth.
—After camp-meeting I held a few meetings in The following churches were represented
of the best citizens who are non-professors, are delegates : Sigourney, Winterset, West Dayton,
the vicinity of Parkersburg. One family has disgusted with them for acting so cowardly in Belvidere Cedar Falls, Denison, Laporte City,
commenced the observance of the Sabbath.
OHIO. defending their position on the Sunday question. Lisbon, Wes
t Union, Sandyville, Adel, State
Clarksfield.—We have packed our tent in We referred them to 2 Tim. 4 : 3, 4. The truth Center, Indianola, arshalltown, Mt. Pleasant,
Others are interested, and we have reason to
will test the people. At Kingston and this place Marion, Waukon, Altamouth, Pilot Grove, Davis
believe they will obey. fine condition for the winter. Our meetings still there are three whole families keeping the Sab-
Sept. 10, commenced a tent-meeting at continue in the Congregationalist church, just City, Olin, Osceola, Elkhorn, Lansing, Knox-
bath as the result of nine weeks' labor. A large ville, and Clarence.
West Salem, and have held meetings every across the street from where our tent was field is opened for future labor.
evening since, also on Sundays. Have had a After reading the minutes of the last State
_pitched. We expect to continue in this house J. H. ROGERS. Conference, the usual committees were ap-
good hearing. Some have decided for the
truth. G. F. SHONE. until after our district quarterly meeting, which pointed.
we have decided to hold here instead of at Windsor, Henry Co.—We have now been On motion, the church at Olin was received
Wakeman, as first appointed. Since the weather here over four weeks. Bro. Wood, assisted by into the Conference ,• also the churches at In-
Bloomington, Oct. 2.—As the result of is better our average attendance is about one dianola, Magnolia, Garden Grove, and Bona-
our efforts here, twenty have signed the cove- hundred and fifty. Occasionally we hear of a Bro. Allee, has canvassed the prophecies and parte.
nant. Regular Sabbath meetings and Tuesday , new one deciding to obey the truth. People the Sabbath question. The interest still re- SECOND MEETING called to order by the
evening prayer-meetings are established. A. here move very cautiously. Four members mains good, congregations averaging about two president, Sept. 28. Prayer by J. H. Mor-
Sabbath-school is organized with over thirty were added to the Wakeman church last Sab- hundred. We have had to meet determined rison.
members. The tithing system is accepted, and bath. and persistent opposition from those that were On motion, the church at Victor was drop-
the brethren have determined to carry it out Our brethren in this vicinity are taking act- considered strong men. Eld. Hallam, of the ped from the minutes of the Conference; also
practically. There is much opposition, and a ive measures to erect a meeting-house this fall, Disciple church, a man that claims to have dis- the church at Anamosa.
bitter sectarian feeling against us. Four of the on the site where our tent was first pitched cussed the Sabbath question with Eld. Lough- The committee on nominations reported as
most prominent ministers have preached against this summer. We expect to hold our next borough in Santa Rosa, Cal., some ten years follows : For president, Geo. I. Butler ; secre-
us, and have been reviewed. In the minds of series of meetings in the meeting-house in New ago, preached against us twice. The Lord gave tary, Ira J. Hankins ; treasurer, A. R. Henry,;
the unprejudiced, and those really hungering Haven village. H. A. ST. JOHN. liberty in reviewing him each time, and a com- executive committee, Geo. I. Butler, J. H.
for the truth, 'the effort of the opposition has plete victory was gained for the truth. Morrison, and C. A. Washburn ; camp-meeting
tended to strengthen rather than weaken them Solon, Sept. 30.—Eld. Vogel came on the This, of course, did not satisfy the opposition, committee, A. J. Stuffier, W. H: Hankins, and
in the truth. We are of good courage. and the Baptist champion, Eld. Ray of St. S. M. Holly.
20th, and spoke twice on the Sabbath question. Louis, editor of the American Baptist Play, was On motion, they were separately voted upon,
a G4 We announced a review for the two following telegraphed for. He came, and delivered four and duly elected.
Hoopeston, Sept. 30.—I designed to reach evenings. The Disciples kindly offered us their discourses against us. His forte was slang and The report of the committee on licenses and
abuse, denouncing us as false teachers, Juda- credentials was received and adopted by the
this place Sabbath before last, but was detained house, and Eld. Vogel remained to reply, which
he did at the close of each discourse. izers, void of the Spirit of God, opposed to Conference, recommending that the creden-
at Pittwood by the death of Bro. Paquette's Eld. IT. stated that he had learned some Christ, etc. Bro. Wood reviewed him in one tials of the following persons be renewed z Geo.
daughter, who, though only eight years old, was things by his discussion with Eld. Waggoner, discourse, before a large audience, our fifty-foot I. Butler, J. H. Morrison, R. M. Kilgore,
one of the Lord's jewels, and is laid away to and that some of the positions taken by himself tent being crowded, while many remained out- C. L. Boyd, E. W. Farnsworth, J. F. Hanson,
rest till the Lifegiver comes'. Miinday P. m,, in that debate were not correct. He made a la- side. Bid. Ray delivered a tirade of abuse to an C. A. Washburn, Henry Nicola, J. T. Mitchell,
wife and I wore greeted by Bro. Chrisman's bored effort to uproot the Sabbath in Eden, by audience of about sixty. His discourse was J. Bartlett, Geo. V. Kilgore, L. Mc Coy, and
family, at whose house Bro. Groshens lay very trying to show that the days of creation were pe- short. When he closed he took the train, and H. D. Hollenbeck ; and that the licenses of the
sick. He has now nearly recovered. riodO)f thousands of years. He stated that the many of his hearers came to the tent to hear following persons be renewed : A. W. H. Mill-
We found but little interest 'in the town, not- second and fourth commandments were not bind- what they could of ' the review. The Lord ard, J. S. Hart, R. A. Hart, J. D. Pegg, Ira
withstanding the faithful labors of Bro. Baur- ing, because not found in the New Testament,— blessed, and we claim a glorious victory, which J. Hankins, W. H. Hankins, L. T. Nicola, and
dean, Meetings have been held nearly every thus giving, us the liberty to make and worship many of his own people admit ; some of them E. J. Waggoner.
day since the tent was put up, Last Sunday I idols of gold, silver, wood, and stone ; for are keeping' the Sabbath, and we expect others On motion, the Chair appointed Geo. I. But-
was requested to address the the where there is no law, there is no transgression. will yet do so. The sympathy of the community ler, J. H. Morrison, and C. A. Washburn,
Christian church. Though new in the work, I Rom. 4 :15 ; 5 13. His position upon the law at large is with the ministers at the tent. They as a committee to recommend some action in re-
decided to leave my testinsoits with them, and ,placed God in the same light as that of a man say the Adventists have been abused, and have gard to proper distribution of labor in our Con-
by the help of God succeeded in keeping their who, having a disaffected finger or two that met it like Christian gentlemen. Some have ference.
earnest attention. :must' be amputated in order to save his life, signed the covenant ; many others are in the On motion, A. R. Henry was appointed to'
A series of lectures has been' commenced at a, slash4- ,,off the whole ten of his fingers and valley of decision. May the Lord help them to procure reduction of fare on railroads in con-
nection with our Conferences and camp-meet- find to impart just such instruction as we so We shall expect to see a general turnout of
ings and to recommend '11,. R. companies to much need. Dear brethren, you cannot afford all our brethren and sisters at this meeting.
granti passes to our ministers. to lose this golden opportunity to learn the way Remember, the first meeting will be held
On motion, the Conference voted to pay a tithe of the Lord more perfectly. Come prepared, and Wednesday, Nov. 5, at, 7:30 P. M., and the last —LoNooN, Sept. 30.—A Berlin dispatch says the
of its receipts to the General Conference. with a determination to work for the Master one early Tuesday morning, Nov. 11. Come so elections show a proportion of 28 to 3 in favor of the
After remarks by Eld. Butler with reference wherever you can. Come to seek God, and a as to be present at the first, and let none go away Liberals.
to young men attending school and obtaining more thorough conversion, that we may be till the meeting closes. We shall make applica-
—0am:its were issued Sept. 29, to the treasurer of
an education to fit them for labor in the cause, more fully imbued with the spirit of good relig- tion for reduced rates on the H. & T. C. and the United States, and to the assistant treasurers,
Geo. I. Butler, E. W. Farnsworth, and J, ion. Bring your unconverted children and T. P. R. R. If obtained, instruction will be
to pay out both gold and silver upon all government
H. Morrison were appointed as a committee to neighbors with you. Do your part, and the given in due time. Provisions for man and obligations.
recommend some plan to assist worthy young blessing of God will rest upon you ; while a beast will be found on the grounds at the lowest
—Tun people of' Deadwood are pluckily rebuild-
men without means, to obtain an education. curse will follow the neglect of duty. possible rates. Let all who can, provide them-
Tema, MEETING, Sept. 29. Prayer by J. T. All are acquainted with the fact that our fi- selves with tents and bedding. One of the ing their town, in the neighborhood of a hundred
shanties and inclosures of some sort having already
Mitchell. nances are not in a flattering condition, on ac- large tents will be on the grounds to shelter been put up, while the saw-mills in the vicinity are
The committee on distribution of labor re- count of hard times, and the short crops caused those who have no tents. So let all come. running day and night without being able to supply
ported, recommending that J. D. Pegg lebor in by the drouth we are experiencing. Yet we R. M. KILGORE. the demand for lumber.
Dist. No. 1 ; J. T. Mitchell and D. Hollen- should remember that while the crops were bet- — A CABLE dispatch brings the information, that in
beck in Dist. No. 2 • W. H. Hankins in Diet, ter last year, sickness and death were on our consequence of the discovery of the foot and mouth
No. 3 ; and that E. W. Farnsworth labor in track, and many of us were prostrated by dis- WHO ARE CHRISTIANS
disease in a lot of sheep, recently arrived at Liver-
Dists. 1, 2, and 3 ; Ira J. Hankins and C. A. ease. The yellow fever threatened our borders, WHILE trying to procure a house for Bro. M. pool from this country, the Privy Council is about
Washburn in Dist. No. 4 • J. II. Morrison in bringing discouragement and gloom upon us. E. Cornell to preach in, I asked one of the trus- to issue an order placing the importation of Ameri-
Dists. 5, 6, and 7 ; A. *. H. Millard, Dist. This summer the health of our neighbors and can sheep under the same restrictions as are put
No, 6 ; E; J.. Waggoner, Dist. No. 7 ; J. Bart- of our own families has been remarkably good. tees of the United Presbyterian church for the upon the importation of American cattle.
lett, Dists. 8 and 11; R. A. Hart, Dist. No, 9 ; The Lord has wonderfully blessed the labors of use of their house. He asked, " Whit order or —Tee fair grounds at Adrian, Mich., were the
G. V. Kilgore, Dist. No. 10 ; J. S. Hart, Diet. his servants, so that nearly a hundred persons what society is to occupy the house ? " I re- scene of a dreadful disaster, Oct. 2. The grand
No. 13 ; and that J. F."Hanson labor among the have embraced the truth during this summer. plied, S. D. Adventists. Said he, "No ; I will stand collapsed under eight hundred men, women
Scandinavians throughout the State. With this snore cheering aspect in view, let us and children. It is reported that thirteen deaths
On motion, the report was adopted. look up, and lift up our heads, realizing that not consent to let any one who is not Christian have occurred, and that two hundred and twenty-
Moved, that it be left in the hands of the God has not left us to go alone. (?) preach in our house. Any one that denies four of the injured are uncler medical treatment in
committee to make any change which would If we live economically and within our means, the fundamental principles of our holy religion, the city, besides numbers who have been removed
seem advisable. we shall always have something with which to or Christianity, cannot use the house." I in- to their homes in the country.
The treasurer made the following report for help advance the cause of God. When we have quired what it was that S. D. Adventists denied. —CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept, 30,--The ambassadors
the year ending Sept. 25, 1879 :— a heart to sacrifice, and are willing to bestow His answer was, "They deny the Christian of the great powers here and at Athens have been
A. R. Henry in account with the Iowa Confer- liberally where snort needed, God will bless in Sabbath,' or first day of the week." I asked instructed to make a joint and identical representa-
ence of S. D. Adventists. basket and store, so that we shall have more to him if there was any proof in the Bible that the tion, with a view of bringing about an understand-
Dr. give. Anciently God required the first fruits ; first day was called a Sabbath. He said there ing between Turkey and Greece. The situation in
To amount received from all sources can anything be more reasonable than that the was plenty of proof. I then requested him to eastern Roumelia, is considered very critical, and the
53954. 11 Porte has sounded the great powers touching the
to Sept. 29, 1879, same should be rendered to him now ? All the produce one single instance where Christ or any
recall of Governor-General Alike Pasha, but Russia
Cr. blessings which we enjoy come from his bounti- of the apostles ever held a religious meeting on and some others of the powers oppose such a meas-
By payment of past indebted- ful mid merciful hand. The tenth he claims as the first day of the week. This he failed to do. ure.
ness, $. 301.09 his ; it is not ours. " It is holy unto the Lord." Let us consider for a moment who are Chris-
In appropriating that which is the Lord's to our tians according to the word of God. John line —Tun terror that reigns in Russia is indicated in a
By orders toministers, 323L86 the cablegrams October '2, with a graphic
By cash paid to Gen. Conf., 395.40 oven use, are we not " robbing God " ? The says, " And the dragon was wroth with the forceinthat no words could increase. During the
Lord says we have robbed him. How ? " In woman [church], and went to make war with the summer, from the central prison at Moscow, 10,447
$3928.34 tithes and offerings." Read carefully Mal. 3, remnant of her seed, which keep the command- persons have been sent into exile in Siberia. And
Cash on hand to balance, 26.77 and then render unto God that which is his. ments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus yet Nihilism is unchecked, and continues its work
Some of our,brethren and sisters are doing Christ." Rev. 12 :17. Again he says, "Blessed .a undermining the empire, which, with its condem-
$3954.11 nobly in this respect, perhaps all that they can are they that do His [the Father's] command- nation of conspirators by the thousand, but makes
and should do ; while others do not realize the ments, that they may have right to the tree of public confession at once of its alarm and incapac-
Moved, that this Conference extend a vote extent of their obligations in this matter, and life, and may enter in through the gates into the ity to deal with the situation.
of thanke to the B. C. & N. R. R. Co., for therefore have not yet come up to the Bible city." Rev. 22 :14. Thus we find that Chris- —Tire effect of the business depression in Eng-
their courtesy in granting reduction of fare standard. Our isolated brethren and sisters tians are those that keep the commandments of land is further manifest in the strike, Sept. 29, of all
aver their road. Carried. should not feel that they are released because God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, as S. D. the workmen in the shipbuilding trade at Grimsby.
It was recommended that the Conference be they do not have the same privileges that others Adventists are trying to do. May the Lord The strike was not for an increase of wages—the.-
held next year in Des Moines, providing this enjoy, nor because they do not have a church pity those who are willingly ignorant. workmen evidently realize that that cannot by any
shall meet the minds of the camp-meeting com- treasurer to call on them and receive their tithes G. W. ROGERS. means be brought about—but against an increase of
mittee at the end of the year. and offerings. God's claim is the same every- Loveland, Col. four hours and a half a week 'in the time of labor. By
Adjourned sine die. where and upon all. Of the poor he requires this increase of the working `hours of the week the
E. W. FARNSWORTH, Pres. masters sought to sustain themselves against the
no more than they are able to give ; and he asks CONSCIENTIOUS COURTESY.
IRA J. Ileerietets, Sec. competition that is undermining their trade. The
no more than this of the rich. But we are not to
• 11,
serve ourselves first, and give to the Lord and his THE little things of life, after all, are its great success of the strikers would be a serious blow to
the trade. Their failure would signify a material
MICHIGAN H. AND T. SOCIETY. cause the remnant, or nothing at all. It is pos- things ; at least on them greatly depends its addition to their tasks without any additional com-
sible for every one to do something, and every pleasure and its pain. The whole day is pensation.
A MEETING was held at Lyons, Mich., in con- little helps.
At the coming Conference the ministers who brightened by a cheery " Good morning ! " or Out, on Milk River, Montana Territory, in which
nection with the camp-meeting, Sept. 29,, for —ANOTHER Indian war is reported to have broken
the purpose of electing officers for the State have been laboring in the State will be expected darkened by the surliness or snappishness of Major Thornburg and others were slain, and his
Health and Temperance &Eddy; The president, to bring in their reports of labor, of time em- one member of the home circle. My little two- forces repulsed by the Ute Indians. For several
Eld. M. B. Miller, in therehair, Some stirring ployed, and such expenses as they have neces- year-old neighbor, toddling through the gate weeks this tribe, who had heretofore been friendly
songs were sung, such as "Hold " te* sarily incurred to carry on the work in their re- to the whites,'have manifested an insurrectionary
perance Rally," etc. Prayer by Eld. E. B. spective fields. With an empty treasury, as ours which separates my home from his, in which spirit. Their grievances were that for a year and a
Lane. Solicitors immediately went to world cffi- is now, what shall we do ? I do not believe it the small, sweet courtesies of life are almost half they have not had enough to eat. The Ute
taining pledges. Eld. James White in the is your mind that the message should stop, and unknown, replies to my accustomed " Good agent was accused of withholding supplies; and the
meantime made strong appeals to the multithde,e that the ministers should retire from the field, morning !" " It's .a dood thing to say Dood Indians, in order to save themselves from starving,
giving many most intereeeing peetionla,ee O - n and engage in other work to support themselves mornin. ' Yes, my little man, it is a good were at times forced to leave their reservation.
coming the great movement. D. H. Lamson and families. Then let the church treasurers thing to open the day with a benediction, Sept. 10, the Indian Agent at White River was as-
was called to act as seoretery pro teem. collect the tithes, and the T. and M. officers as- spoken as well as thought. saulted by Indians, and further work prohibited,
gist in gathering up the offerings ; and let the There are a thousand little courtesies which Sept. 14 the agency buildings were burned, raids
Moved, That a committee on nolffinatiOne !lee
appointed by the Chair. Carried. brethren and sisters bring in all the tithes and make home-life pleasant, and which cost noth- were made, several prospectors shot, and the woods
That committee was appointed as follew-Ei offerings, and prove the Lord if he will not pour ing. Why not make it a matter of conscience around the agency set on fire. It was to punish
E. H. Root, Wm. Ostrander, and W. C. White. them out a blessing. Send these contributions to observe them? Surely nothing which gives the ringleader and restore peace that the expedi-
tion under Major Thornburg was sent to the Ute
Pending the action of the nominating commit- by your delegate to the Conference ; and let the pleasure to those we love can be too slight a Agency. It was feared some time ago by the mili-
tee, Eld. White again made quite extended re- scattered ones come and bring their offerings, or thing for an appeal to conscience. We believe tary authorities that the whole Ute tribe would be
marksgrelating experience and incidents of his send them in advance to the treasurer, James these little courtesies are neglected, not from driven to the war-path, and the bloodiest of Indian
Gage, Peoria, Hill Co., Texas. any lack of kindly feeling in the heart, but
own life, or such as had come under his observa- wars be inaugurated. The disaster to the Thorn-
tion, all of whichevas lietened 'to with intense in- All who have made pledges to the T. and M. so- from sheer heedlessness. We surely do wish burg command seems to indicate that a large num-
terest. In fact,- it proved a most stirring ad- ciety should remember that the time is drawing that our children or parents, our husband or ber of warriors are in the field.
dress on the subject of -temperance. near when they will be due. Do all you can to wife, our brothers or sisters, may have a good
The report of the noMinating committee being meet the obligation •' and let not those who have morning, a good day. Doubtles s in our cham
not pledged to help lift the debt off the society, ber, on bended knee, we have asked the dear
tolled for, the chairman reported; for president;
IL B. Miller ; for secretary; Jennie Theyer. think that no responsibility rests upon them Father to grant it to them,—why not, then, Ottifunq
On motion, these persons were eleeted. in this matter. None of us are released. Do express " good morning" to them, as naturally,
the best you can, and help lift now, when help as heartily, as we do to any chance aquaint- " Blessed arc the dead which die in the Lord, from hence-
The following resolutions -were' adopted by forth.” Rev. 14:13.
the association :— , is most needed. Ten dollars given now is worth ance I—Our Home Monthly.
Resolved, That the thanks of the H. endeL more than one hundred will be by-and-by.
Won are due Bid. J. and ,Mrs.K,!0.:WhitO, for Cotton season will soon be over ; and now, BANNISTER.—Died in Watson, N. Y., Sept. 5,
their earnest, untiring, and: -effectiVe - efferts-, he °lir while you are very careful to pay the debts you GEMS FROM CHANNING. 1879, of cholera-infantum, Alvah P. Bannister, a
meetings in favor of the temperance-dense. owe to your fellow-men, do not forget that .the ONE great and kindling thought from a retired twin son of Geo, L. Bannister, aged 2 months and
Whereas, We can distinctly see the eetrvideetee.of debt you owe to God is the highest obligation and obscure man, may live when thrones are 26 days. May the consolations of the gospel sus-
God in the present health .and .temperence snore- you have resting upon you. "Pay thy vows to fallen, and the memory of those who filled them tain the bereaved relatives. J. Wienea.
ment, therefore the Most High." Please read and ponder well obliterated, and like an undying fire may
Resolved, That we hereby etpresis- our geittetude the story of faith in 1 Kings 17 : 8-16, and ap- illuminate and quicken all future generations. A ;mess—Died of diabetes, in Hamilton, New
to him for the movement; elSo that we Oprephite propriate to our present circumstances here in York, Sept. 9, 1879, Alonzo Abbey, aged 61 years.
the influence the Conference has gIc7en us. by the the State, the principle taught in verse 13. He He had been a strict observer of the Bible Sabbath
resolution passed on health and temperanee‘deie did not ask for a large loaf, but for a "tittle cake A HUMBLE spire, pointing heavenward from since about 1846, was a firm believer in the third
ing its presant session. • , first ; " and because she complied, her supplies an obscure church, speaks of man's nature, of message and kindred truths, and cherished a hope
man's dignity, man's destiny, more eloquently a part in the first resurrection. Remarks, at the
K B.W.erCeite 434. were exhaustless. funeral, from Job 14: 14. J. Q, For.
D. H. LAMSON, Sec.-prO.teYn. The librarians of the different church societies than all the columns and arches of Greece and
should send in their reports, with all money col- Rome, the mausoleums of Asia, or the pyra- MORRISON.—Died of typhoid fever and spinal af-
lected, to the State secretary, Maggie J. Dick- mids of Egypt, fection, at Centerville, Linn Co., Kansas, Sept. 23,
TO THE FRIENDS IN TEXA erson, Peoria, Hill Co., Texas. Both district 1879, George J. Morrison, son of Frank and Mary
DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS : The time of secretaries are absent from home ; therefore GOD be thanked for books! They are the Morrison, aged 8 years, 7 months, and 28 days.
our annual camp-meeting and the sessions of the send direct to the State secretary immediately, voices of the distant and the dead, and make us While in health he loved to read the Instructor and
different State organizations is dra,wing near. that es summary of all the work may be made heirs of the spiritual life of past ages. Books to attend the Sabbath-school. He patiently bore all
out. At our annual meeting in November, are the true levelers. They give to all who his sufferings. He expressed his faith in Christ,
The appointments please read in another col- we shall want a full report, from the State sec- will faithfully use them, 'the society, the spiritual and said that he was not afraid to die. Funeral dis-
umn. We have selected Dalltikas the plaee,for retary, of the standing of the society,—the presence, of the best and greatest of our race. No course by Eld. Blake, United Brethren.
our general meeting, because it ifs the most e'en- amount of books on hand in each church, as matter how poor I am. No matter though the F. AND M. MORRISON.
tral and important points The gtounde upon well as in the general depository. The libra- prosperous of my own time will, not enter my
rians, district secretaries, church clerks, and obscure dwelling. If the sacred writers will BIILLOCK.—Died of scrofulous consumption, at his
which we expect to hold the meeting are two
treasurers should bring their books with them enter and take up their abode under my roof, residence near Waukoh, Iowa, Sept. 21, 1879, Lewis
Bullock, aged 63 years, 6 months, and 11 days. He
miles southeast of Dallas, about a half ; mile to the camp,-meeting. The secretaries of the if Milton will cross thy threshold to sing to me professed faith in Christ in his youth, and united
south of the Texas Pacific R. R., near the. Clear different Sebbath-schools should do the same. of Paradise, or Shakspeare to open to me the with the M. E. church. In the spring of 1860, un-
Springs, where ample supplies of water and Each church will be supplied with the proper worlds of imagination and the workings of the der the labors of J. N. Andrews, he embraced the
good protection from the winds are afforded. blanks to be filled by the clerks and treasurers. human heart, and Franklin to enrich me with truths held by S. D. Adventists. He leaves a wife
Although the time is .two weeks earlier;th'an Let these blenks be properly and promptly his practical wisdom, I shall not pine for want and two daughters to mourn his loss ; but we mourn
was expected, yet we Wipe that this will not filled, and placed in the hands of your delegate. of intellectual companionship ; and I may be- not as those without hope ; for we believe that he
hinder any from attending. We have solicited Each church is entitled to one delegate if it has come a cultivated man, though excluded from sleeps in Jesus. Funeral services were held in the
help from the :General ,Cenference, and they a membership of twenty or less, and to one what is called the best society in the place S. D. A. church, and conducted by 0. E. Hart,
r, who is well gush-
send to us Eld. Geo, L Bittle more for every additional fifteen members. where I live. Presbyterian. J. AND S. A. COLE.

A TEACHER'S Institute will be held in the interest

Elm RatInt traRt. WEAT SOUND I TIS? of the Sabbath-schools in Dist. No. 1, in connec-
tion with the annual meeting of the Maine T. and M.
society, which will be held with the church at South
-•_ _.14--1- - - P p i 1st fp - a ilp (120---1 -71- 1 ft; 1;-• -0-1 OP- -V 0-60-0- ft, 1 -1-r-r f Norridgewock, Oct. 18, 19, commencing Friday at
Battle Creek, Mich., Fifth-Day, Oct. '9, 1879. 6)2- P. M. It is desired that every Sabbath-school
teacher and officer in the district should be pres-
1 What gond is this salutes my ear? Ts Gabriel's trump methinks I hear, 'Tie Gabriel's trump methinks I hear; The expected day has cone. ent, as it is hoped that the Sabbath-school cause
REMAINING CAMP-MEETINGS may receive attention which will have an especial
FOR 1879. 41.,.
. 1 influence for good upon the Sabbath-schools through-
r_.4- 7--H--1-1 --/ out the entire district. W. H. BLAISDELL, Pres,
KANSAS, No. 3, El Dorado, Oct. 16-20. 4-• 4
4‘ " 4, Parsons, " 23-27. 2 Be - hold the fair Je - ru - ea - lam, ll - lu - mi - Rat - ed by the Lamb, ll - lu - mi- not - ed by the Lamb, In glo - ry (loth ap - pear. THE next annual meeting of the Maine T. and M.
TENNESSEE, Edgefield Junction, Oct. 10-16. Society will be held with the church at South Nor-
TEXAS, Dallas, Nov. 5-11. ::12,:477.*:--V,..---T-r1- 7:71:-17[!.
ridgewock, Oct. 18, 19, commencing Friday at 6f
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../..__a 1---- P. M. As the election of officers for the ensuing year
will take place at this time, we request a general
Oa-We publish this week the Constitution of gathering of our people. Let every church be rep-
resented. All should be interested in this branch
the General Conference, as it has been amended _:
-.24, 1 0-0--r-'----
0..75 •_ • • Fi,,,N ,_• ,6At 0j4, • ' • • [. R 0 [0
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to date. A close examination of all its articles r---1- i... 6,,..._____,L 1___:.-r=_—r—T . • . e" • We also want a report from each district secre-
and sections is requested, and criticisms invited, tary ; each secretary should have a report from each
Be - hold the heav'es, the earth, the sea, Proclaim the year of Jubilee, Proclaim the year of Ju - bi - lee, Re - turn, ye ex - ilea, home. church librarian ; and each church librarian, a re-
preparatory to its publication, with other like
A f, port from each member of the society in his church.
matter, in a manual for S. D. Adventists. Every member of the church should be a member of
ay r*---(V'!--•d-,__--,-,1--1--r-t-- zi___Er=e
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0 g d o. [I= the T. and M. society. This is an important meet-
ing. Let none excuse themselves and stay at home,
OP' The
The piece of music and accompanying Fair Zion rising from the tombs, To meet the Bridegroom, lo! he comes, To meet the Bridegroom, lo! he comes, And hails the festise year. T. B. GOODRICH, Pre8.
hymn which we give this week, have been sung
with powerful effect in years past, especially in
connection with the first message. The hymn
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THE annual meeting of the Wisconsin T. and M.
society, for the election of officers and the transaction
is still in general use, and the music is worthy
of other business, will be held at Hundred Mile Grove,
Wis., commencing Thursday evening, Oct. 16, and
to be revived ; we therefore reprint it. 8 My soul is striving to be there; 4 Fly, lingering moments, fly, oh, fly; continuing one week. Steps having been taken for
I long to rise and wing the air, thirst, I pant, I long to try, the division of our State into sections to be placed
And trace the sacred road. Angelic joys to prove! under the charge of our several ministers, it is ex-
../gr' We again call the attention of corre- Adieu, adieu, all earthly things; Soon shall I quit this house of clay,. pected that they will assume their duties soon after
spondents to the fact that we cannot notice Oh, that I bad an angel's wings, Clap my glad wings and soar away, this meeting. For the benefit of all who may attend,
I'd quickly see my God. And shout redeeming love. a special drill in business and matters of organize,
anonymous communications, nor those which tion will be given. The health and temperance
are signed with initials only. Some of these cause will receive especial attention. All ordained
we would answer by mail, but cannot reach the NOTICE, WISCONSIN. Dm. No. 8, Kan., with the Sterling church, near ministers in the Conference are requested to be
Sterling, Oct. 12. Hope there will be a general at- present. All our directors should be there, and as
persons through the post-office, not having their THOSE coming to the Wisconsin T. and M. tendance. Cannot Bro. Dawson be with us? many of our brethren as can attend.
names. meeting on the N. W. R. R., will stop at Dane JOHN C. EVANS, Director. H. W. DECKER, Pres.
Station. Those coming on the C. M. and St. DIST. No. 1, Mich., at Jefferson: This being an
P. R. R., will stop at Morrison. Teams will important meeting for the district, a good attend-
SPECIAL NOTICE TO AGENTS. ance is desired. If my health will permit, I will CHANGE OF APPOINTMENTS.
meet all passenger trains at these places Thurs- attend the meeting. M. B. MILLER. By request, I change my appointment at Rockford
THE books, Bible from Heaven, Systematic day and Friday, the 16th and 17th. to Belvidere, and the one at Belvidere to Rockford.
Benevolence, and the engraving The Way of H. W. DECKER. Dist. No. 6, Mich.. at Lakeview. The Lakeview The appointment will now stand as follows:—
Life have all been ordered and sent out from church is a new church, and as this is the first Belvidere, Oct. 11, 12.
meeting of the kind that will be held with them Rockford, " 18, 19.
the Office of the REVIEW AND HERALD. We it is hoped that, for their encouragement, all in the C. H. Bniss.
learn, however, that there are several hundreds No books astonish me like the Gospels. district will make an effort to attend. Come pre-
of copies of these works in the hands of agents. Jesus, the hero of the story, is a more extraor- pared to remain through both days. Eld. J. Fargo FOR good and sufficient reasons we think, we
and other ministerial help is expected. Let the li- change the district meeting for Clyde district, Ohio,
We therefore request that those persons who dinary being than imagination has feigned, and brarians come prepared to make a full report ; re- from Wakeman to Clarksfield, to be held in the
have copies of Bible from Heaven, Systematic yet his character has an impress of nature, con- port the amount of books you have on hand. Congregationalist church. H. A. ST. Jens.
Benevolence, and Way of Life on hand, imme- sistency, and truth, never surpassed. You F. Howe, Director.
diately report to REVIEW AND HERALD, Battle have all seen portraits, which, as soon as seen,
Creek, Mich., stating the number of copies on you felt to be likenesses, so living were they, TEXAS CAMP-MEETING.. Prjtaillutt/tif,
hand, and also the number they wish to retain. so natural, so true. Such is the impression THE annual camp-meeting for the State will be "Not slothful in business." Rom. : rx.
JAMES WHITE. made on my mind by the Gospels. I believe held two miles southeast of the city of Dallas, Texas, - • -
that you or I could lift mountains or create a November 5--11, 1879.
world as easily as fanaticism or imposture The first annual session of the Texas Seventh-
trip Notice of expiration of subscription will be given by
special stamp on the margin of the.paper. We should be
ARE WE IN HEAVEN could have created such a character and history day Adventist Conference will be held in connection pleased to receive your renewal at once.
YES ; if the following piece of theological as that of Jesus Christ.—Channing. with the camp-meeting near Dallas, Texas, Nov. NOTICE.—The change of figures on the address labels will be
5-11. Each church should be represented by at in all cases a sufficient receipt for money sent for the paper,
teaching, sent forth to the world by a journal If these changes do not in due time appear, and if books or,
least one delegate, who should bring with him cre- dared by mail are not received, notice should be given. All
calling itself " The Christian Reformer," is —THE loan the Russian Government is about to dentials, and all the particulars and reports per- other business is acknowledged below.
correct :— taining to the church he represents.
put upon the London market is ostensibly for the The first annual session of the Texas tract and My address, until further notice, will be Battle
Heaven is a moral state, not a place. advancement of railroad construction. That next missionary society, will be held in connection with Creek, Mich. D. M. CaenueRT,
You cannot go in a straight line through space to be placed upon the market,it is already announced, the camp-meeting near ,,Dallas, Nov. 6-11. The
to Heaven—but you can reach Heaven by con- NOTICE. — We would like to have all the Sabbath-
usual business, election of officers, etc., will be taken keepers living in our section of the State, send us their
stantly approaching toward God's righteousness will be for a much larger sum, and will be avowedly up. names with their P. 0. address. Also state what is the
in a line of moral rectitude. This is self-evident. for war material. The first annual session of the Texas S. S. Asso- opening for meetings in their respective neighborhoods.
God is here as truly as anywhere else in space. —Or the Hebrew race there are, according to re- ciation will be held in connection with the camp-
Our permanent address will be Bloomington, Mc Lean
Heaven and hell are also. The pure in spirit cent estimates, about 7,000,000-5,000,000 are in Co., Ill., care of Daniel Hildreth. E. 0.
meeting at Dallas, Nov. 5-11, 1879. The usual HAMMOND.
see God, and are in Heaven. The impure in Europe, 200,000 in Asia, 100,000 in Africa, and business will be transacted. Let each school be J. F. BALLENGER.
spirit are in darkness and hell. The boun- represented by a delegate. The lessons for Divis-
daries of moral character are the boundaries of about 1,500,000 in America. It will be seen that ions 2, 3, and 4, will be those designed and pre- Books Sent by Empress.
the spiritual universe.—Quoted in the Chris- the Jewish population is about the same as it was pared for the second Sabbath in November, and the T M Steward $14.70, M A Kerr 8.00, Geo C Tenney
tian Reformer of Aug., 1879. in the days of King David. In many respects, and lesson for the First Division will be the first review 14.40, S N Haskell 10.50, C 71 Bliss 4.65.
lesson in " Bible Lessons for Little Ones." Let Books Sent by Freight.
How could the idea of God be more effectually even in all respects, the Hebrews are the wonder of each school be well represented and ready to act its S II Lane $61.69.
dispelled than by such language as this ? Alas ! history. They have filled a large and honored part. R. M. KILGORE, Pres. Texas Conf. Gash Reed on Account.
if this is all the Heaven we are to have. And place in the chronicles of nations, and are the same J D Pegg $19.00, John Sisley 51.73, A H & T Asso-
peculiar people they were three thousand years ago. ciation Lyons camp-meeting 61.25, Vassar 21.50, H
the wicked would utter a war-whoop of joy if Kenyon 13.48, Gen S S A Lyons camp- meeting per
they thought they were in all the hell they KANSAS CAMP-MEETINGS. G H Bell 27.48, A H& T A, Carson City 7.00, L A
Kellogg 20.00, M S Burnham 5.89, D H Lamson 4.98,
were going to have. The drunkard, gambler, The south-western camp-meeting will be held in a Dennis Morrison 5.00, J 0 Corliss per Geo A King 2.00,
and debauchee want nothing better than to grove near El Dorado (the county-seat of Butler Co.), S H Lane 57.47, J NI Rees 84.68, W W Sharp 14.86,
at the terminus of that branch of the A. T. & S. Fe Wm Covert 41,68, J P Henderson 5.00, John Sit*
revel in their low dens of vice. It is their "And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is R. R., Oct. 16-20. 51.78, Texas T & M Society 111 S 100.00, Collins & Rich-
heaven, and they would shout hallelujah over at hand." Matt. to :7. The southeastern camp-meeting will be held at ards 18.17, G 11. Gilbert 83.23, Am H & T Association
from Me /1 & T Association per W H Blaisdell 27.79,
the idea that that was all the hell they were Parsons, at the Junction of the M. K. & T. R. IL, Am H & T Association from Vt H & T Association per,
ever to have. This is what the devil would Oct. 23-27. F Porter 25.00, H Peebles 18.60, Wm P Potter 14.08,
DISTRICT QUARTERLY MEETINGS. These meetings will begin Wednesday evening, at Richard Sisley 21.97, Gen S S Association Vt S S As-
like to have men believe. And of what use is 7:30 o'clock. Let every tent be pitched, and every- sociation tithe 73c, NYT&M Society per W C White
the Bible with all its teachings about God and
To be held Oct. 11, 12. thing in, readiness to begin at that time. 125.00.
DIST. No. 8, Mich., at St. Charles. KAN. CONF. COM. Gen. Conf. Fund.
Heaven and hell, if the view above stated is JOHN MCGREGOR. E B Andrews $4.00, Maine Conf tithe per W C W
correct ? None at all; it is a cheat and a fraud, 111.00, J P Hunt 8.00, W E Ground (s m) 1.00.
Dim No. 4, Iowa, at Bonaparte. Preaching at THe general quarterly meeting of the Dakota T. . Mich. Conf. Fund.
and had better be sunk in the depths of the sea. 10 A. Si., Sabbath. We hope to have a full attend- and M. society will be held Oct. 18, 19, at Sunny Hart per John Leland $5.50, Jacob Jacobson 2.00,
Don't ask us to be astonished that people are ance. JAS. S. HOUSEMAN, Director. Side. Come one and all to seek the Lord, and pre- Eliza Margerson 1,50, Orange 8.00, Lakeview 25.00,
losing their respect for the Bible, and that infi- pared to work for yourselves and others. Spring Arborper A L King 14,18, Blendon per A
DISTRICT quarterly meeting with the church at M. M. 01.suN, Vice-Pres. Smith 5.00, Orleans per L B Kneeland 52.50, Carson
delity is increasing, when men who profess to Lancaster, Erie Co , N. Y. R. F. COTTRELL. City per J Fargo 9.65, Potterville per J Fargo 25.00,
WARREN, Vt., Oct. 18, 19. Come to this meeting Orange par E H Jones 31.00, Greenville per J Fargo
be Christian instructors and expounders of the DIST. No. 4, Pa., at Randolph, N. Y. praying Heaven's blessing upon all who attend. 80.00. Lapeer per J Fargo 111.10, Bushnell 62.00, Mt
word of God, gravely put forth such' rarefied 0. F. BOWEN, Director. A. S. BUTCHINS4 Pleasant per L A Kellogg 99.81, Seville per L A K 9.00,
bosh, as the teaching, or rather in spite of the Dim No. 2, N. Y., at Roosevelt. Holly 43.00, Netherton 38.30, Locke, A Avery, & wife
THE Lord willing, I will meet with the church at 11.78, Rapid River per John Sisley 89.23, Kalamatoo
teaching, of that word. S. N. WRIGHT, Director. Lake City, Minn., Oct. 23-27. We want to meet all per E R J 10.90, Bronson per D Lynd 3.11, Marshall
DIST. No. 5, Pa. Conference, Blockville, N. Y. the friends in that vicinity. I also hope to meet per S M Gilbert 1.50, Hickory, Corners per E Edson
Bro. Grant there. 0. A. OLSEN. 2.00, Muir & Lyons per F Howe 55.62,
J. B. STOW, Director.
NOTICE, ILLINOIS. ' Mich. & M. Soviets
DIST. No. 10, Iowa, at Marshalltown. J. D. Pegg THE next State quarterly meeting for Illinois will Dist 8 widow & orphan's fund per John Sisley $5.00,
IT is our earnest wish that the district di- will be present to preach the word. Hope for a full be held at Pittwood, Oct. 18, 19. We desire a gen- Dist 5 per J S Wicks 37.50, Dist 7 per W Reynolds
rectors carry out at their district meetings the attendance. S. M. HOLLY, Director. eral attendance, as important matters in connection 82.42, Dist 8 per E S Griggs 10.00, Dist 6 per .7 Fargo
with our T. and M. work will be considered. 61.50, Dist 3 Kalamazoo added 6.23, Dist 8 A Kel-
practical instructions they have received from Dom. No. 14, Mich., at Dimondale. Bro. Fargo R. F. ANDREWS. logg on Signs 2.56, Dist 6 per F Howe 26.62.
is expected to attend this meeting. There will be M. C. Reserve _Fund.
our T. and M. secretary. Let there be a gen- opportunity for baptism. DIST. No. 5 of the Minn. Conference will hold a Sarah Beach 410.00, R J Lawrence 10,00
eral waking up all along the line. The long J. F. CAnMAN, Director. general meeting at the Linch school-house, Lucas, 8. D. A. E. Social
evenings are before us. Let us make our calcu- DIST. No. 4, Mich., with the church at Douglas. Wis., Oct. 17-21. A Sabbath-school convention T K Henry $5.00, Harriet Nelson 5.00.
lations to give all an opportunity to read for Bro. and Sr. Lane will be present. will be held in connection with this meeting, and European Mission.
ALEX. CARPENTER, Director. other matters of interest will receive due attention. L M Sisley $6.00, A Friend 5.00, Betsey Wilson 1.00,
themselves the reasons of our faith. We wish We request a full attendance from all the district. Catherine Wilson 5.00, Cyrus Cartwright 21.00.
each director to see that evety church in his DIST. No. 9, Mich., at Vassar. Hope to see Brethren, come prepared with plenty of clothing and English Mission.
district has a circulating library of Sr. White's every T. and M. member in the district present, as provisions. Places for lodging will be prepared by Jane A Crofoot $1.00, E S Walker & wife 8.00, David
this is to be an important meeting. Let all the the brethren living near. • II. GRANT. Randall 20.00, R J Lawrence 25.00.
works. This is a most important matter, and librarians bring their books for examination. I. OLIVE. Donation to Publishing Association.
should not be neglected. R. F. A. WM. OSTRANDER, Director. S. FULTON. Mrs P D Nye (deceased) $50.00.

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