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11 Vitamins and Related

Compounds: Microbial Production

Kyoto, Japan

1 Introduction 320
2 Water-Soluble Vitamins 320
2.1 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and Related Coenzymes 320
2.2 Nicotinic Acid, Nicotinamide, and Related Coenzymes 323
2.3 Pantothenic Acid and Coenzyme A 325
2.4 Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 327
2.5 Biotin 328
2.6 Vitamin B12 328
2.7 L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 328
2.8 Adenosine Triphosphate and Related Nucleotides 330
2.9 S-Adenosylmethionine and Related Nucleosides 331
2.10 Miscellaneous 331
3 Fat-Soluble Vitamins 332
3.1 Vitamin A (Retinoids) and -Carotene (Provitamin A) 332
3.2 Vitamin D 333
3.3 Tocopherols (Vitamin E) 334
3.4 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (Vitamin F Group) 335
3.5 Vitamin K Compounds 335
3.6 Ubiquinone Q (Coenzyme Q) 336
4 Concluding Remarks 336
5 References 337
320 11 Vitamins and Related Compounds: Microbial Production

1 Introduction 2 Water-Soluble Vitamins

Vitamins are defined as essential micronu- 2.1 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and
trients that are not synthesized by mammals.
Most vitamins are essential for the metabolism Related Coenzymes
of all living organisms, and they are synthe-
sized by microorganisms and plants. Coen- Riboflavin is used for human nutrition and
zymes (and/or prosthetic groups) are defined therapy and as an animal feed additive. The
as organic compounds with low molecular crude concentrated form is also used for feed.
weight that are required to show enzyme ac- It is produced by both synthetic and fermenta-
tivity by binding with their apoenzymes. Many tion processes [major producers, Hoffmann-
coenzymes are biosynthesized from vitamins La Roche (Switzerland), BASF (Germany),
and contain a nucleotide (or nucleoside) ADM (USA), Takeda (Japan)]. The current
moiety in their molecules. Besides their func- world production of riboflavin is about
tions as vitamins and coenzymes, most of vit- 2,400 t aP1, of which 75% is for feed additive
amins and coenzymes have been shown to and the remaining for food and pharmaceuti-
have various other biofunctions. Accordingly, cals. Two closely related ascomycete fungi,
it is more appropriate to understand both as Eremothecium ashbyii and Ashbya gossypii,
effective biofactors (see FRIEDRICH, 1988 for are mainly used for the industrial production
basic information). (OZBAS and KUTSAL, 1986; STAHMANN et al.,
Most vitamins and related compounds are 2000). Yields much higher than 10 g of ribo-
now industrially produced and widely used as flavin per liter of culture broth are obtained in
food or feed additives, medical or therapeutic a sterile aerobic submerged fermentation with
agents, health aids, cosmetic and technical aids, a nutrient medium containing molasses or
and so on. Thus, vitamins and related com- plant oil as a major carbon source. Yeasts
pounds are important products for which (Candida flaeri, C. famata, etc.) and bacteria
many biotechnological production processes can also be used for the practical production.
(i.e., fermentation and microbial/enzymatic Riboflavin production by genetically engi-
transformation) as well as organic chemical neered Bacillus subtilis and Corynebacterium
synthetic ones have been reported; some of ammoniagenes which overexpress genes of the
them are now applied for large-scale produc- enzymes involved in riboflavin biosynthesis
tion. Industrial production methodology, an- reach 4.5 g LP1 and 17.4 g LP1, respectively
nual production amounts, and fields of appli- (KOIZUMI et al., 1996; PERKINS et al., 1999).
cation for these vitamins and related com- D-Ribose is used as the starting material in the
pounds are summarized in Tabs. 1–3. chemical production processes, in which it is
In this chapter, some of the vitamins and re- transformed to riboflavin in three steps.
lated compounds are described from the view- D-Ribose is obtained directly from glucose by
point of their microbial production. Previous fermentation with a genetically engineered
reviews, from a similar viewpoint, may be use- Bacillus strain which is transketolase-de-
ful for further information (DE BAETS et al., fective and overexpresses the gluconate
2000; EGGERSDORFER et al., 1996; FLORENT, operon (DE WULF and VANDAMME, 1997).
1986; SHIMIZU and YAMADA, 1986; VANDAM- Flavin mononucleotide (FMN), a coenzyme
ME, 1989). form of riboflavin, is synthesized from ribo-
flavin by chemical phosphorylation, after
which FMN is crystallized as the diethanol-
amine salt to separate isomeric riboflavin
phosphates and unreacted riboflavin.
The other coenzyme form of riboflavin, fla-
vin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), is used in
pharmaceutical and neutraceutical applicati-
ons. Several tons of FAD are annually pro-
2 Water-Soluble Vitamins 321

Tab. 1. Industrial Production of Vitamins and Coenzymes

Compound Production Method World Production Use

[t aP1]

Biotechno- Chem- Extrac- 1980sa 1990sb

logical ical tion

Thiamin (B1) c 1,700 4,200 food, pharmaceutical

Riboflavin (B2) c 2,000 2,400 feed, pharmaceutical
FAD c c 10 pharmaceutical
Nicotinic acid, c c 8,500 22,000 feed, food, pharmaceutical
NAD, NADP c technical
Pantothenic acid cc c 5,000 7,000 feed, food, pharmaceutical
Coenzyme A c technical, neutraceutical
Pyridoxine (B6) c 1,600 2,550 feed, food, pharmaceutical
Biotin (c)d c 2.7 25 feed, pharmaceutical
Folic acid c 100 400 feed, food, pharmaceutical
Vitamin B12 c 12 10 feed, food, pharmaceutical
Vitamin C cc 40,000 60,000 feed, food, pharmaceutical
ATP c pharmaceutical, technical
S-Adenosyl- c pharmaceutical, nutraceutical
Lipoic acid c pharmaceutical
Pyrroloquinoline c c technical
Vitamin A c 2,500 2,700 feed, food, pharmaceutical
-Carotene c c 100 400 feed, food
Ergosterol c 25 38 feed, food
Vitamin D3 c c 5,000 feed, food
-Tocopherol (E) (c)d c c 6,800 22,000 feed, food, pharmaceutical,
PUFAse c c feed, food, pharmaceutical,
Phylloquinone (K1) c 3.5 pharmaceutical
Menaquinone (K2) c 500 pharmaceutical
Ubiquinone-10 c feed, food, pharmaceutical
Values were taken from FLORENT (1986).
Values were taken from EGGERSDORFER et al. (1996).
Hybrid of microbial and chemical reactions.
Parentheses indicate pilot scale process.
PUFAs, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

duced by chemical synthesis or by microbial (see Sect. 2.8). In a similar fashion using the
transformation. The latter uses FMN and C. ammoniagenes ATP generating system, ge-
adenosine 5b-triphosphate (ATP) as the sub- netically engineered strains of Escherichia coli
strates and C. ammoniagenes cells as a source which overexpress flavokinase, and FMN
of FMN adenylyltransferase. In this trans- adenylyltransferase can be used as the catalyst
formation, ATP is generated from adenine and in the transformation from riboflavin (KITA-
phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate is de novo syn- TSUJI et al., 1992) (Fig. 1).
thesized from glucose by the same organism
322 11 Vitamins and Related Compounds: Microbial Production

Tab. 2. Microbial and Enzymatic Processes for the Production of Water-Soluble Vitamins and Coenzymes

Vitamin, Coenzyme Enzyme (Microorganism) Method

Vitamin C 2,5-diketo-D-gulonic acid reductase enzymatic conversion of 2,5-

(2-Keto-L-gulonic acid) (Corynebacterium sp.) diketo-D-gluconate obtained
through fermentative process to 2-
keto-L-gulonic, followed by chemi-
cal conversion to L-ascorbic acid

Biotin fermentation (Serratia marcescens) fermentative production from glu-

cose by a genetically engineered
multiple enzyme system conversion from diaminopimelic
(Bacillus sphaericus) acid using the biotin biosynthesis
enzyme system of a mutant of
B. sphaericus

Pantothenic acid lactonohydrolase resolution of D,L-pantolactone to

(D-Pantoic acid) (Fusarium oxysporum) D-pantoic acid and L-pantolactone
by stereoselective hydrolysis

Coenzyme A multiple enzyme system conversion by enzymatic coupling

(Brevibacterium ammoniagenes) of ATP-generating system and
coenzyme A biosynthesis system
of B. ammoniagenes (parent strain
or mutant) with D-pantothenic
acid, L-cysteine, and AMP (or
adenosine, adenine, etc.) as

Nicotinamide nitrile hydratase hydration of 3-cyanopyridine

(Rhodococcus rhodochrous)

Nicotinic acid nitrilase hydrolysis of 3-cyanopyridine to

(Rhodococcus rhodochrous) form corresponding acid (nicotinic
acid) and ammonia

NAD multiple enzyme system conversion by enzymatic coupling

(Corynebacterium ammoniagenes) of ATP-generating system and
NAD biosynthesis enzymes of
B. ammoniagenes with adenine
and nicotinamide as substrates

NADP NAD kinase (Brevibacterium sp., phosphorylation of NAD with

Corynebacterium sp., etc.) ATP as the phosphate group

NADH formic acid dehydrogenase reduction of NAD with formic

(Arthrobacter sp., Candida boidinii, etc.) acid as the hydrogen donor

NADPH glucose dehydrogenase reduction of NADP with glucvose

(Bacillus sp., Gluconobacter sp., etc.) as the hydrogen donor

Riboflavin fermentation (Eremothecium ashbyii, fermentative production from

Ashbya gossypii, Bacillus sp., etc.) glucose
2 Water-Soluble Vitamins 323

Tab. 2. Continued

Vitamin, Coenzyme Enzyme (Microorganism) Method

FAD FAD synthetase (Corynebacterium sp., enzymatic pyrophosphorylation

Arthrobacter sp., etc.) of ATP and flavin mononucleotide
synthesized chemically

ATP multiple enzyme system (baker’s yeast, ribotidization of adenine (or

methylotrophic yeasts, Corynebacterium adenosine) under coupling of the
ammoniagenes, etc.) glycolysis system or methanol oxi-
dation system

S-Adenosylmethionine S-adenosylmethionine synthetase conversion of L-methionine by

(Saccharomyces saké) S. saké mutant

S-Adenosylhomocysteine S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase condensation of adenosine and

(Alcaligenes faecalis) homocysteine

L-Carnitine -oxidation-like enzymes conversion of butyrobetaine to

(Agrobacterium sp.) L-carnitine
aldehyde reductase enzymatic asymmetric reduction
(Sporobolomyces salmonicolor) of 4-chloroacetoacetic acid ester
to R-(P)-3-hydroxy-4-chloro-
butanoic acid ester, followed by its
chemical conversion to L-carnitine

Pyridoxal-5b-phosphate pyridoxamine oxidase oxidation of chemically

(Pseudomonas sp.) synthesized pyridoxine-5b-phos-

CDP-choline, CDP-choline pyrophosphorylase, pyrophosphoric acid condensation

GDP-glucose, etc. NDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, etc. of choline (or glucose, etc.) and
(yeasts, etc.) nucleotide triphosphate (or the
corresponding nucleoside)

Vitamin B12 fermentation fermentative production from

(Propionibacterium shermanii, glucose
Pseudomonas denitrificans, etc.)

Pyrroloquinoline fermentation (methanol-utilizing fermentative production from

quinone (PQQ) bacterium) methanol

2.2 Nicotinic Acid, Nicotinamide, of 3-cyanopyridine are used for nicotinic acid
production. Bacterial nitrilase has been shown
and Related Coenzymes to be useful for the same purpose (Fig. 2a). For
example, 3-cyanopyridine is almost stoichio-
The world production of nicotinic acid and metrically converted to nicotinic acid
nicotinamide is estimated to be 22,000 t aP1 (172 g LP1) on incubation with the nitrilase-
[major producers, BASF, Lonza (Switzerland) overexpressed Rhodococcus rhodochrous J1
and Degussa (Germany)]. The major use (ca. cells (NAGASAWA and YAMADA, 1989). The
75%) is for animal nutrition and the remaining same R. rhodochrous enzyme can be used for
for food enrichment and pharmaceutical appli- the production of p-aminobenzoic acid from
cation. Chemical processes involving oxidation p-aminobenzonitrile.
of 5-ethyl-2-methylpyridine or total hydrolysis
324 11 Vitamins and Related Compounds: Microbial Production

Tab. 3. Microbial and Enzymatic Processes for the Production of Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin Enzyme (Microorganism) Method

Vitamin E and K1 side chains multiple enzyme system enzymatic conversion from
(Geotrichum candidum) (E)-3-(1b,3b-dioxolane-2b-yl)-2-butene-1-ol
[(S)-2-methyl--butyrolactone] reductase bakers’ yeast, asymmetric reduction of ethyl-4,4-
[(S)-3-methyl--butyrolactone] (Geotrichum sp., etc.) dimethoxy-3-methylcrotonate
[(S)- or (R)--hydroxy- multiple enzyme system stereoselective oxidation of isobutyric acid
isobutyric acid] (Candida sp., etc.)

Vitamin K2 multiple enzyme system conversion of quinone- and side chain-

(Flavobacterium sp.) precursors to the vitamin

Arachidonic acid fermentation fermentative production from glucose

(Mortierella alpina)

Dihomo--linolenic acid fermentation fermentative production from glucose by

(Mortierella alpina) a 5-desaturase-defective mutant

Mead acid fermentation fermentative production from glucose by

(Mortierella alpina) a 12-desaturase-defective mutant

Eicosapentaenoic acid multiple enzyme system 17-desaturation of arachidonic acid or

(Mortierella alpina) conversion from -linolenic acid

Fig. 1. Schematic representation for the FAD pro- Fig. 2. Transformation of 3-cyanopyridine to nicoti-
duction from riboflavin (RF) coupled with bacterial nic acid by nitrilase a and nicotinamide by nitrile hy-
ATP-generating system (see also Fig. 8). dratase b.

Nicotinamide is available from partial hy- of nitrile hydratases, especially Co- and Fe-
drolysis of 3-cyanopyridine, which is perform- containing enzymes, in various bacteria (KO-
ed by both chemical and enzymatic processes. BAYASHI et al., in press). The Co-containing en-
The enzymatic process uses nitrile hydratase zyme from R. rhodochrous J1 hydrates various
as the catalyst (Fig. 2b). This novel enzyme ca- kinds of aliphatic and aromatic nitriles to the
talyzing a simple hydration reaction was dis- corresponding amides and has been shown to
covered as one of the responsible enzymes for be useful for the production of useful amides
the two-step transformation of nitriles to acids (YAMADA and KOBAYASHI, 1996). For example,
via amides (ASANO et al., 1980). Extensive stu- using the bacterial cells containing highly ele-
dies of this enzyme as well as screening of the vated amounts of this enzyme exceeding 50%
enzyme from a variety of microbial strains re- of the total cellular proteins, 1.23 kg of 3-cya-
vealed the presence of several different types nopyridine suspended in 1 liter of water are
2 Water-Soluble Vitamins 325

stoichiometrically converted to 1.46 kg of ni- of glucose and a catalytic amount of NADP

cotinamide crystals (NAGASAWA and YAMADA, (SHIMIZU and KATAOKA, 1999a; SHIMIZU et al.,
1989). Based on these studies, Lonza (Switzer- 1997).
land) has constructed a plant for the commer-
cial production of nicotinamide in China in
1997. This enzymatic process surpasses the 2.3 Pantothenic Acid and
chemical process in regard to several points Coenzyme A
such as stoichiometric conversion of high con-
centration of the substrate and the quality of About 6,000 t of calcium D-pantothenate are
the product actually with zero contents of by- produced annually. It is mainly used as an ani-
products. The same enzyme has been used for mal feed additive (80%). It is also used for
the industrial production of acrylamide from pharmaceutical, health care and food prod-
acrylonitrile by Nitto (Japan) since 1991. ucts. D-Pantothenyl alcohol (1,000 t aP1) is also
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) used for the same purposes. The commercial
is used in pharmaceutical application and as a production process involves reactions yielding
reagent for clinical analysis. Nicotinamide racemic pantolactone from isobutyraldehyde,
adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) is formaldehyde, and cyanide, optical resolution
also used for analysis. Practical production of of the racemic pantolactone to D-pantolac-
NAD is carried out by extraction. Yeasts such tone, and condensation of D-pantolactone with
as Saccharomyces cerevisiae are favorable -alanine to form D-pantothenic acid. 3-Ami-
sources of NAD. It is also produced by micro- nopropanol is used for D-pantothenyl alcohol
bial transformation utilizing the salvage path- [major producers, Hoffmann-La Roche, Fuji
way for the biosynthesis of NAD from nico- (Japan), and BASF]. The conventional optical
tinamide (or nicotinic acid) and ATP. On culti- resolution which requires expensive alkaloids
vation of Corynebacterium ammoniagenes as resolving agents is troublesome. Recently,
with the precursors, nicotinamide and adenine, an efficient enzymatic method has been intro-
the amount of NAD in the medium reaches duced into this optical resolution step (SHIMI-
2.3 mg mLP1 (NAKAYAMA et al., 1968). For the ZU et al., 1997). This enzymatic resolution uses
mechanism involved in the transformation it a novel fungal enzyme, lactonohydrolase, as
has been suggested that both precursors are the catalyst. The enzyme catalyzes stereospe-
first ribotidated to nicotinamide monophos- cific hydrolysis of various kinds of lactones.
phate and ATP, respectively, which are then D-Pantolactone is a favorable substrate of this
converted to NAD by pyrophosphorylation enzyme, but the L-enantiomer is not hydrolyzed
(for ATP generation, see Sect. 2.8). NADP can
be prepared by enzymatic phosphorylation.
Reduced forms of these coenzymes, NADH
and NADPH, can be obtained by both chem-
ical and enzymatic methods. The latter uses
formate dehydrogenase from methanol-utiliz-
ing yeasts for NADH. Glucose dehydrogenase
from Bacillus sp. is also used for both NADH
and NADPH. In situ regeneration of these
coenzymes is currently attracting more atten-
tion for the production of chiral alcohols from
prochiral carbonyl compounds with carbonyl
reductases (Fig. 3). For example, genetically
engineered E. coli cells overexpressing glucose
dehydrogenase from Bacillus sp. and aldehyde
reductase from Sporobolomyces salmonicolor
effectively catalyze stereospecific reduction of Fig. 3. In situ NAD(P)H regeneration with glucose de-
ethyl 4-chloro-3-oxobutanoate to ethyl R(P)- hydrogenase (GDH) for the stereospecific reduction
4-chloro-3-hydroxybutanoate in the presence of prochiral carbonyl compounds to chiral alcohols.
326 11 Vitamins and Related Compounds: Microbial Production

Fig. 4. Principle of the optical resolution

of D,L-pantolactone by fungal lactonase.
PL, pantolactone; PA, pantoic acid.

at all (SHIMIZU et al., 1992). Thus, the racemic reaction for 180 times (i.e., 180 d), the immobi-
mixture can be separated into D-pantoic acid lized cells retained about 90% of their initial
and L-pantolactone (Fig. 4). As this lactonase activity (SHIMIZU and KATAOKA, 1996, 1999b;
reaction is an intermolecular ester bond hy- SHIMIZU et al., 1997). The overall process for
drolysis, the pantolactone as the substrate this enzymatic resolution is compared with the
needs not to be modified for resolution, which conventional chemical process in Fig. 5. The
is one of the practical advantages of the use of enzymatic process can skip several tedious
this enzyme. Several filamentous fungi of the steps which are necessary in the chemical reso-
genera Fusarium, Gibberella, and Cylindro- lution. Based on these studies, Fuji (Japan)
carpon show high activity of this enzyme. On changed over their chemical resolution with
incubation with Fusarium oxysporum cells for this enzymatic resolution in 1999.
24 h at pH 7.0, D-pantolactone in a racemic Several enzymatic methods to skip this reso-
mixture (700 g LP1) is almost completely hy- lution step have also been reported. The two-
drolyzed to D-pantoic acid (96% ee) (KATAO- step chemicoenzymatic method, which in-
KA et al., 1995a, b). Practically, this stereospe- volves a one-pot synthesis of ketopantolactone
cific hydrolysis is carried out by F. oxysporum and its stereospecific reduction to D-pantolac-
cells immobilized with calcium alginate gels. tone (SHIMIZU and YAMADA, 1989b; SHIMIZU
When the immobilized cells were incubated in et al., 1997) is practically promising. The chem-
a racemic mixture (350 g LP1) for 21 h at 30 °C, ical synthesis is performed in one step from
90–95% of the D-pantolactone was hydrolyzed isobutyraldehyde, sodium methoxide, diethyl
to D-pantoic acid (90–97% ee). After repeated oxalate, and formalin at room temperature

Fig. 5. Comparison of chemical and enzymatic methods for the optical resolution of D,L-pantolactone.
For abbreviations, see Fig. 4.
2 Water-Soluble Vitamins 327

with a yield of 81%. The bioreduction is per- ATP abundantly occur, as the catalyst, and
formed in the presence of glucose as an energy these three precursors as the substrates (SHI-
source for the reduction and Candida parapsi- MIZU and YAMADA, 1986, 1989b). On cultiva-
losis cells with high carbonyl reductase activity tion of the bacterium in a medium containing
as the catalyst. In this bioreduction, ketopanto- glucose (10%), D-pantothenic acid, L-cysteine
lactone is stoichiometrically converted to D- and AMP (or adenine), from which ATP is ef-
pantolactone (90 g LP1, 94% ee) with a molar fectively generated by the same bacterium
yield of 100% (HATA et al., 1987). Alternative- (see Sect. 2.8), the yield of CoA was 3–6 g LP1.
ly, ketopantoic acid, which is easily obtained Higher yields (ca. 20 g LP1) were obtained
from ketopantolactone by spontaneous hydro- when 4b-phosphopantothenic acid was used in
lysis under mild alkaline conditions, can be place of D-pantothenic acid or oxypantetheine-
used as the substrate for the stereospecific bio- resistant mutants which were free from the
reduction. In this case, Agrobacterium sp. cells feedback inhibition of pantothenate kinase by
with high activity of ketopantoic acid reduct- CoA were used as the catalyst (SHIMIZU et al.,
ase are used as the catalyst. The yield of 1984). In a similar manner, all the intermedi-
D-pantoic acid was 119 g L (molar yield, ates involved in the biosynthesis of CoA from

90%; optical purity, 98% ee) (KATAOKA et al., D-pantothenic acid, i.e., 4b-phosphopanto-
1990). The chemical step can be replaced by an thenic acid, 4b-phosphopantothenoylcysteine,
enzymatic one using L-pantolactone dehydro- 4b-phosphopantetheine, and 3b-dephospho-
genase of Nocardia asteroides. The enzyme CoA, can be prepared (SHIMIZU and YAMADA,
specifically oxidizes the L-isomer in a racemic 1986, 1989b).
pantolactone mixture to ketopantolactone,
which is then converted to D-pantolactone or
D-pantoic acid by the above mentioned reduc- 2.4 Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
tion with C. parapsilosis or Agrobacterium sp.,
respectively (KATAOKA et al., 1991a, b; SHIMI- Vitamin B6 compounds, mainly pyridoxine
ZU et al., 1987) (Fig. 6). and pyridoxal 5b-phosphate, are exclusively
A direct fermentation process for D-pantoic produced by chemical synthesis [ca. 2,500 t
acid and/or D-pantothenic acid is also promis- aP1; major producers, Takeda, Hoffmann-La
ing. A genetically engineered strain of E. coli Roche, Fuji/Daiichi (Japan)]. They have many
overexpressing pantothenic acid biosynthesis pharmaceutical and feed/food applications.
enzymes produced 65 g LP1 D-pantothenic Recent chemical and molecular biology stu-
acid from glucose upon addition of -alanine dies revealed that 1-deoxy-D-xylulose and 4-
as a precursor (HIKICHI et al., 1993). hydroxy-L-threonine are the precursors for the
Coenzyme A (CoA) is used as an analytical biosynthesis of pyridoxine (TAZOE et al.,
reagent and for pharmaceutical, neutraceuti- 2000), but its complete biosynthetic pathway is
cal, and cosmetic applications. A successful not known in detail. Screening for vitamin B6
microbial transformation method uses Brevi- producers among microorganisms found sev-
bacterium ammoniagenes cells, in which all five eral potential strains, such as Klebsiella sp.,
enzymes necessary for the biosynthesis of Flavobacterium sp., Pichia guilliermondii, Ba-
CoA from D-pantothenic acid, L-cysteine, and cillus subtilis, Rhizobium meliloti and so on.

Fig. 6. Enzymatic routes for the synthesis of D-pan-

tolactone via ketopantolactone. KPL, ketopantolac-
tone; KPA, ketopantoic acid. For other abbrevia-
tions, see Fig. 4.

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