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This chapter includes the summary, findings, conclusions, and recommendations based on the result
presented in the Chapter IV.

Summary of Findings

1. The results showed that the frequency distribution according to Sex of Grade 12 students,
30% of respondents is Male and 70% is Female with the total of 100%.
2. The results showed that the frequency distribution according to Age of Grade 12 students,
40% of respondents is 17 and below, 60% is 18 to 20 years old, and 0% is 21 and above
for the total of 100%.
3. The results showed that the frequency distribution according to Strand of Grade 12
students, ABM (Accountancy and Business Management) and HUMMS (Humanities and
Social Sciences) got the same percentage which is 32% and the remaining 36% is GAS
(General Academic Strand) for the total of 100%.
4. The results showed that the frequency distribution according to Daily Allowance of
Grade 12 students, below 10 is 0%, 11 to 20 is 10%, 21 to 30 is 24 %, 31 to 40 is 16%, 41
to 50 is 10% and, 51 and above is 30% for the total of 100%.
5. The results showed that the frequency distribution according to Employment Status of
Grade 12 students, 94% is student only, 6% is working student and 0% is self-employed
student for the total of 100%.
6. In terms of Source of Allowances, It showed that Majority of respondents rated strongly
agree to the question no.1 of Source of Allowances which got the highest mean 3.40 and
no.5 which got 3.06;for the questions no. 2 which got 1.88 and no.3 which got 1.54, they
rated it disagree and question no.4 agree.
7. In terms of Taste, It showed that Majority of respondents rated agree to the questions
no.1 (2.48), no.3 (2.44), no.4 (2.56) and no.5 (2.66) of Taste and rated disagree to the
question no. 2 which got the lowest mean 1.86.
8. In terms of Preferences, It showed that Majority of respondents rated agree to the all the
questions of Preferences which no.1 got 2.14 which is the lowest mean, no.2 got 2.50,
no.3 got 2.12, no.4 got 2.76 which is the highest mean and no.5 got 2.74.
9. In terms of Price of goods and services, it showed that Majority of Grade 12 respondents
rated strongly agree to the questions no.1 which got the highest mean 3.20 and no. 2
which got 3.10; for the questions no.3 which got 2.74, no.4 which got 2.80 and no.5
which got the lowest mean 2.20, the respondents rated it agree.

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