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Teacher/s Weekly Work Plan

(Grade Level)
Week 6.2 Quarter 1
November 9-12, 2020

Day & Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Specialized Subject: 12 HUMSS A,B and C
Monday- Creative Analyze factual/nonfictional Learners answer the following:  Send outputs to
Thursday Nonfiction elements. (Answer on the separate sheets provided.) Facebook page and
2:30 -4:00 SAQ-1: Do you think imagery helps set any other platform
PM  Distinguish dialogue, scene, the mood of a reader when reading a recommended by
other elements and devices as nonfiction? the school.
elements of literature. SA Q-2: How important is the functions
 Analyze elements of literature and appeal of dialogue and a scene in a  Answer sheets will
using factual/nonfictional nonfiction? be retrieved on
interpretation. November 26,2020.
(HUMSS_CNF11/12-le-f-10) Let’s Practice!
(Answer on the separate sheets provided.)
Directions: Read Kristian Somera’s “The
Might of Stories” and answer the questions
that follow.

1.) Can you point out the imagery use

by the author in his personal
essay? Cite Examples.
2.) What effect will it do to the essay
if the author did not make use of
imagery? Explain.
3.) Is there any dialogue in the essay?
Mention part of the essay where
this was evident.
4.) Are there any words with more
than one meaning?
5.) What is the theme of his personal
Let’s see how much have you learned
Directions: Read each item carefully
and answer the questions. Write the
letter of the correct answer.
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and
Assessment sheets.)

1. Words that have visual or auditory

appeal will help your readers
experience what is happening in
your narrative.
a. False
b. True
c. Maybe
2. Does imagery support the theme of
a. No
b. Maybe
c. Yes
3. The theme of a literary works is
not its primary purpose.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
4. When determining a theme, the
reader should first consider;
a. The illustrations
b. The title
c. The subject or topic
5. When can imagery be used?
a. In a novel or poem
b. In a scientific paper
c. None of the above
6. Should a writer mention an
idiomatic expression in a
a. Maybe
b. Yes
c. No

7. It is a written or spoken
conversational exchange between
two or more people, and a literary
and theatrical form that depicts
such an exchange.
a. Setting
b. Figurative
c. Dialogue
8. The speaker is very important in
an essay. While fiction has a
narrator and poetry has a persona.
a. Maybe
b. False
c. True
9. Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.
What is the central theme of this
a. Nature and Man
b. Innocence cannot last
c. Nature and Beauty
10. The theme is the author’s opinion.
It is how he or she perceives truth.
a. False
b. Maybe
c. True

(Note: The learners continue answering

the test questions).
Prepared by: Approved by:

Language English Teachers JAMES RYAN M. AMAMNGPANG

Assistant, Secondary School Principal II

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