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ु े द:
(With Original Sanskrit Text, Transliteration &
Lucid English Translation in the Aarsh Tradition
of Maharshi Yaska and Swami Dayananda)

English translation by
Dr. Tulsi Ram M.A., Ph.D. (London, U.K.)
(Professor, Administrator, Researcher and Writer)
Sanskrit Text as per publication of

Paropakarini Sabha, Ajmer

Read Vedas and spread the knowledge.

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forefront and support the cause of humanity.

© Dr. Tulsi Ram

YAJURVEDA by Dr. Tulsi Ram M.A., Ph.D.

( v )

P Dedication
The Mother’s Gift
For all her children

Your path is up and onwards,
Never downwards

( vi )

Homage, Thanks and Acknowledgements

Homage to Jyeshtha Brahma, the Eternal Guru.
Homage to Immanent Brahma and Will Divine.
Homage to Mother Trinity of Ida, Saraswati, Mahi with
Homage to the °Rshis from Brahma to Dayananda.
Homage to parents for inspiration and blessings.
Homage to the sacred memory of my wife Maya Jyoti
who waited until the last word of this project was written.
Thanks and best wishes to my son Gianendra Sharma for
his relentless and indispensable dedication to the management of
this project till the completion.
Thanks and best wishes to my daughter Indira Sharma
and son-in-law Gulab Sharma and my brother Ram Kishan
Sharma, wishing, waiting and assuring, with Gianendra Sharma,
the publication of this work.
Thanks to Sarvshri Amar Erry, Bhai Anand Roop Narain,
Aditya Kumar, Amar Uma Das, Ramesh Gupta, and the other
members of Arya Samaj Markham, Toronto and North America.
Thanks and homage of gratitude to the teachers, scholars
and translators of the Vedas from Swami Dayananda to the present
day: Shripad Damodar Satavalekara, Pandit Jaya Deva, Pt. Tulsi
Ram Swami, Pt. Kshema Karana Das Trivedi, Prof. Vishwa Nath
Vidyamartanda, Pt. Dharma Dev Vidyamartanda, Acharya
Vaidyanath Shastri, Swami Satya Prakash, Pt Devi Chand and a
lot many others.
Thanks to Shri Dharampal Arya, of Arsh Sahitya Prachar
Trust, for the publication of this work.
—Tulsi Ram
( vii )

S. No. Particulars Page
Homage, Thanks &
Acknowledgements –Dr. Tulsi Ram vi
1. About the Author ix
2. From the Publishers Desk xi
3. Foreword –Dr. Subhash Vedalankar xii
4. About Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma’s
English translation of the
Yajurveda –Dr. Krishan Lal xiv
5. English Translation of Vedic
Hymns : An Opinion–Dr. Bhawanilal Bhartiya xv
6. Message –Dr. Balvir Acharya xvi
7. Message –Prof. Mahavir xvii
8. Appreciation –Dr. Baldev Singh xviii
9. Sadbhavana(Good wishes)
–Dr. Umakant Upadhyaya xix
10. To the Reader –Dr. Tulsi Ram xx
11. Introduction –Dr. Tulsi Ram xxix
12. Diacritical Marks of Transliteration xxxvi
13. Yajurveda
Chapter–I ................................................................ 1-18
Chapter–II ............................................................ 19-39
Chapter–III ........................................................... 40-65
Chapter–IV ........................................................... 66-86
Chapter–V ........................................................... 87-114
Chapter–VI ....................................................... 115-136
Chapter–VII ...................................................... 137-169
Chapter–VIII..................................................... 170-206
( viii )
Chapter–IX ....................................................... 207-236
Chapter–X ........................................................ 237-260
Chapter–XI ....................................................... 261-302
Chapter–XII...................................................... 303-357
Chapter–XIII .................................................... 358-390
Chapter–XIV .................................................... 391-416
Chapter–XV ...................................................... 417-454
Chapter–XVI .................................................... 455-486
Chapter–XVII ................................................... 487-533
Chapter–XVIII .................................................. 534-578
Chapter–XIX .................................................... 579-624
Chapter–XX ..................................................... 625-664
Chapter–XXI .................................................... 665-704
Chapter–XXII ................................................... 705-725
Chapter–XXIII ................................................. 726-754
Chapter–XXIV.................................................. 755-773
Chapter–XXV ................................................... 774-800
Chapter–XXVI.................................................. 801-814
Chapter–XXVII ................................................ 815-833
Chapter–XXVIII ............................................... 834-863
Chapter–XXIX ................................................. 864-893
Chapter–XXX................................................... 894-907
Chapter–XXXI ................................................. 908-917
Chapter–XXXII ................................................ 918-926
Chapter–XXXIII .............................................. 927-968
Chapter–XXXIV ............................................... 969-995
Chapter–XXXV .............................................. 996-1004
Chapter–XXXVI ........................................... 1005-1014
Chapter–XXXVII ......................................... 1015-1027
Chapter–XXXVIII ........................................ 1028-1042
Chapter–XXXIX .......................................... 1043-1050
Chapter–XL .................................................. 1051-1060
( ix )

About the Author

Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma
Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma M.A. English (Delhi, 1949), Ph.D.
(London, 1963) has been a university professor, academic administrator,
researcher, and writer of long standing with prestigious assignments:
Lecturer in English, Hans Raj College, Delhi
Reader in the Department of English, Kurukshetra University,
Kurukshetra (Haryana)
Principal Shivaji College, Delhi
Principal Swami Shraddhanand College, Delhi
Visiting Ford Foundation Scholar, University of Leeds, Leeds
Professor of English, Department of Languages, B.I.T.S. Pilani
Professor Head of the Department of English, Maharshi
Dayanand University, Rohtak (Haryana)
Besides his professional studies of secular literature in English,
Hindi, Sanskrit and Urdu, Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma has devoted his life
and time to the study and discipline of Sacred literature, specially Vedas,
Upanishads, Darshan Philosophy, Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata
with concentration on the Bhagwad Gita, Greek, Roman, Sumerian
and English Epics, Gathas of Zarathustra, Bible, Quran, and the writings
of Swami Dayananda and Swami Vivekananda, in search of the essential
values of Sanatan Vedic Dharma with reference to their realisation in
life and literature through social attitudes, collective action, customs,
traditions, rituals and religious variations across the fluctuations of
Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma’s research and publications include:
The Neo-Classical Epic: an Ethical Interpretation (Delhi, 1971)
Trading in Language: The Story of English in India 1781-1981
(Delhi, 1983)
( x )
The Original Philosophy of Yoga: Commentary on the Yoga-
Sutras of Patanjali (Gurukul Jhajjar, Haryana, 1989)
Bharat Main Angrezi: Kya Khoya Kya Paya (Delhi, 1997)
Swami Dayananda’s Vision of Truth (Delhi, 2002)
Translation of Nine Upanishads (Delhi, 1992)
Translation of Swami Dayananda’s Sanskar Vidhi (Delhi, 1995)
Translation of Swami Dayananda’s short writings in Dayananda
Granth Mala (paropakarini Sabha, Ajmer, Rajasthan, 1999)
Translation of Swami Satya Pati’s God Realisation through
Simple Yoga (Delhi, 2000)
And a number of articles such as:
“Swami Vivekananda’s Vision of Man” (Prabuddha Bharat,
“G.D. Birla: Gandhi’s child”, in Birla Felicitation Volume (BITS,
Pilani, Rajasthan,1984)
“Search for a Medium of Instruction in India”, in Mitra
Felicitation Volume (BITS, Pilani, Rajasthan,1984)
“Shakespeare as a Creative Yogi” in Shakespeare, the Indian
Icon Ed. Vikram Chopra for Jay L. Halio (2011)
And now: English translation of all the four Vedas, in the Arsha
tradition of Maharshi Yaska and Swami Dayananda.

Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma has spent the last ten years on this
translation of the four Vedas, all the time saying: “I came for this”.
While English has been the language of his professional communication,
Sanskrit is the voice of his life and living.
( xii )

Veda Bhashya by Prof. Tulsiram - A step to make Vedas
available to the English World
I have had the privilege of going through some of the
chapters of Yajurveda Bhashya written by Prof. Tulsiram, a well
known Vedic scholar and author of English language and
literature. I congratulate him because he has done this translation
for an average English reader who is keen to know the Vedas.
Knowledge of the Vedas is like the knowledge of science. Vedic
language is a scientific language and nobody can understand that
without the profound knowledge of Vedangas, especially Nirukta
of Maharshi Yaska and the grammar of Panini and Patanjali.
Nobody can interpret the Veda mantras without these two. This
translation proves that Prof. Tulsiram has done this insightful
translation after doing hard work in both Vedangas.
In translating the Vedas, only literal meaning is just not
sufficient, sometimes it may create confusion and contradiction.
Prof. Tulsiram deeply merges himself into Vedic Mantras,
thinking deeply about words, derivatives and analyzes the hidden
nuances of meaning in their context. For example, 'Sumitriya na
aapa oshadhayah santu…..Yajur. 36, 23': If we take literal meaning
in the ordinary sense, "may the waters, vital forces of life, and
herbs be friendly to us and may they be enemies to those who
hate us and whom we hate", it will not make acceptable sense.
After raising some questions, he says, "How can we accept this?"
So, after going deeply into the words and context he gives this
meaning of the said mantra: May waters, tonics, pranic energies
and medicinal herbs be good friends of our health system and
immunity and let the same waters, tonics, pranic energies herbal
medicines act against those ailments, diseases and negativities
which injure us, which we hate to suffer and which we love to
destroy, moreover let them have no side effects because side
effects too help the negativities and injure us.
After giving the actual sense of the Mantra he writes that
this Mantra is a reasonable prayer for the health programme of an
( xiii )
advanced society, and then, logically in the next Mantra, follows
the prayer for a full hundred years and more of life and healthy
living (Tacchakshurdevahitam purastat-Yajur.36, 24).
The translation by Prof. Tulsiram is without any extraneous
motive and without any extra-academic intention. The translation
has been done purely as communication of the Vedic message
for the welfare of mankind.
While giving his opinion on the Vedas Prof. Tulsiram writes
in his Introduction….Veda is the Voice of God revealed in
scientific Vedic Sanskrit free from local color and historical facts,
therefore Vedic language is to be interpreted and understood
according to its own laws and structure, and the only key available
for such interpretation is the Nirukta of Maharshi Yaska and the
grammar of Panini & Patanjali. According to Maharshi Dayananda
Saraswati, 'without reference to these bases of Vedic interpretation
certain words have been given a distorted meaning in the
translations of Max Muller, Griffith, Whitney and even Sayana.'
Actually the torch light for proper translation today, as Aurobindo
says, is the Arsha tradition followed by Maharshi Dayananda
At the end I will say that this translation of Yajurveda, based
on Nirukta and Grammar, follows the known ancient Indian
tradition. It is factual, without prejudice or hidden motive. Prof.
Tulsiram thinks deeply on every word of the mantra, looks into
the context and etymology according to Nirukta and then does
the translation. I congratulate him on this one more pioneering
step to make the knowledge of Vedas available to the western
world and the average English knowing reader. May God give
him long and healthy life so that he continues to do this kind of
stupendous work.
Prof. Dr. Subhash Vedalankar;
Ex-Prof. and Chairman of Sanskrit Department,
Rajasthan University, Jaipur, India.
Presently Chairman,
Dept. of Sanskrit and Vedic Vangmaya,
Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati University,
Ajmer, Rajasthan, India.
( xiv )

About Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma's English translation

of the Yajurveda
I feel myself fortunate and blest with the Grace of God that
I received a few pages of the English translation by Dr. Tulsi
Ram Sharma with introduction of the Yajurveda. The comparative
views expressed by him about the Vedas are essential for every
student of the Veda since it is a further pointer to scientific research
in the field of Vedic interpretation.
Its conclusion is true: "In short Veda is an eternal articulation
of omniscience, the voice of God". Each work of Prasthana Trayi
i.e. Vedanta, Upanishads and Gita is not a take off from the Vedas
but a continuation of Vedic studies in its own context of
meditation, meditative teaching and a rousing call to action in a
situation of karmic crisis. This English translation is a welcome
addition to Vedic studies opening truly a new path establishing
with ease the Vedas in the service of humanity.

Dr. Krishna Lal

Former Professor and Head
of Sanskrit Department,
University of Delhi. Delhi.
( xv )

English Translation of Vedic Hymns: An Opinion

Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma has taken an uphill task of translating
all the four Vedas in lucid and thought provoking English. Most
of the translations of Vedas by European scholars depend on the
ritualistic meaning given by the medieval commentators like
Sayana and others. But Dr. Sharma has taken a new course of
translation. He agrees with the idea that the Yajurveda basically
propounds the theory of Karma which it explains as Yajna, which
neither denotes sacrifice nor mere ritual (Agnihotra etc.). The
term Yajna carries a threefold meaning: the worship of God,
unification of diverse factors of human society, selfless charity
and replenishment of nature and the environment.
The hymns of the Yajurveda carry lofty ideas of spiritual
and ethical significance. Most of these mantras are, however,
complicated and tough. It is difficult to make out useful meaning
and draw important conclusion out of the text. But Dr. Sharma
has fully succeeded in drawing out the natural and meaningful
content of these mantras. In brief I can say that the present
translation of the Vedas will be appreciated by the scholars of
this Vedic lore as well as by the lay man who wants to understand
the deep meaning of the Vedic texts or at least the basic knowledge
hidden in these ancient works. It is all the more satisfying that
Dr. Sharma has followed the dicta laid down by Maharshi Yaska
and Swami Dayananda Saraswati in translating and explaining
the inner wisdom of the sacred mantras.

–Bhawani Lal Bhartiya

Ex. Chairman and Professor
Dayananda Chair for Vedic Studies
Punjab University; Chandigarh
( xvi )

It has been gratifying to go through the English translation
of the Vedas rendered by Dr Tulsi Ram Sharma in as much as it
conveys to the English-knowing world effectively the profound
meaning and transcendental secrets enshrined in the Vedas. The
most salient feature of this translation is its simple and lucid
English. The Vedic words have been expounded here following
the yaugik method of the Arsh tradition set up by Yaska, Panini
and Patanjali (as opposed to the rudhi method which takes only
the historically fixed meanings of words caring little for the context
and the subject). As per the Arsh tradition name words like Agni,
Vayu, Indra, Marut, etc., are synonyms indicating the various
attributive names of the One that is the greatest and the most
comprehensive 'Tattva' of existence, the Cosmic Spirit. It was
Maharshi Dayananda who for the first time after Yaska and
Patanjali advocated and followed this principle of interpretation
on the basis of ancient supporting material. Dr. Sharma has
religiously stuck to this theory while unfolding the truths enshrined
in the Vedas. Obviously Dr Sharma's interpretation of Vedic
hymns enjoys the authenticity of the Arsh tradition and challenges
the western Vedic perspective and the medieval Indian
interpretations of the Vedas which now need to be seriously
reviewed in our present day context of science and inter-cultural

–Dr Balvir Acharya

Professor & Head
Department of Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrit
Maharshi Dayananda University
Rohtak - 124001, Haryana (India)
( xvii )

Above the narrow boundaries of country, time, caste and
creed, the Vedas have been a treasure house of eternal universal
knowledge and spiritual wisdom. There have been numerous
attempts by Indians and foreigners to make the knowledge of
these Vedas available to the people at large. Among them the
Vedic commentaries of the great social and spiritual leader,
Maharshi Dayananda are the best works in this field. Inspired by
Swami Dayananda, the translation of the Yajurveda into English
by Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma is a commendable work in this line.
Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma has been a great devotee of sacred literature,
especially Vedas, Upanishads, and various philosophies. His life
long study of the Vedas has given him deep insight into Vedic
philosophy. His translation of the Yajurveda reveals it fully. Here
he has translated the Yajurveda, the Veda of Karma, in such a
way that even a common reader can grasp its essence. He has
very effectively brought out how this Veda teaches us to apply
spiritual knowledge in practical life. Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma
deserves our congratulations and best wishes for having done
translation of all the four Vedas in simple and clear English for
the international community.

–Prof. Mahavir
Acharya & Pro-Vice Chancellor
Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya
Haridwar-249404, Uttarakhand, India
( xviii )
I have gone through some chapters of the English translation
of Yajurveda by Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma. As he has stated at the
very beginning of the Introduction, this translation of Yajurveda
is meant for an average English-knowing reader who is keen to
know: What is Veda? What is it about? Is it old or new? To achieve
this object, he has followed the Arsh method of interpretation.
Accordingly, for example, he has mostly followed the
etymological method of literal translation. But whenever he finds
that the literal is not helpful in achieving his intended objective,
he adds the implied explanation so that the essence of the Vedic
hymn is quite clear. For example, his translation of, 'Yathemam
Vacham Kalyanimavadani janebhyah' is rendered as follows-'Just
as I speak (reveal) this auspicious holy Word of the Veda for all
people (without discrimination of high or low), so should you
too communicate it to all people of the world, whosoever,
whatsoever, where so ever they be'. That is the technique of Swami
Dayananda also.
I regard Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma as one in the commendable
line of Pundit Damodar Satavalekara who studied Sanskrit at a
mature age and did unique work in that language. Dr. Sharma has
also mastered the Sanskrit language after his retirement and done
full justice to the translation of the Veda. He richly deserves our
gratefulness, our expression of gratification and our appreciation
for succeeding in his sacred mission of presenting an
understandable, logical and above all sensible English translation
of Vedas which hitherto was unavailable. Thus a long felt need
has been fulfilled. I am sure Dr Sharma's method of translation
will not only be widely approved but will also be followed by
others while translating the Vedas in other languages.

–Dr. Baldev Singh

Formerly Professor of Sanskrit
Himachal Pradesh University,
Shimla (India)
( xix )
Sadbhavana (Good wishes)
Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma, is a profound scholar of English,
Hindi, Sanskrit and Urdu. But his heart felt devotion goes to sacred
literature, especially Vedas, Upanishads, Darshan Philosophy,
Puranas, Ramayana, and Mahabharata with concentration on the
Bhagwad Gita, Greek, Roman, Sumerian and English Epics,
Gathas of Zarathustra, Bible, Quran and the writings of Swami
Dayananda and Swami Vivekananda, in search of the essential
values of Veda and Sanatan Vedic Dharma. It seems his real spirit
and scholarly interest lies in the interpretation of the Vedas. I
have gone through some portions of his English translation of
Yajurveda and on perusal of this translation, I have marked two
characterizing features:
1. His language is perfectly lucid and
2. His translation is faithful to the word and spirit of the
Dr. Tulsi Ram Sharma has very correctly observed, "Veda
is knowledge of existence, pure and simple, as Science is
knowledge. Science is the knowledge of nature as nature is and
as it works according to its own laws. In Science, there is no
story, no history. Similarly, in the Vedas, there is no story, no
history. And just as Science is knowledge in Scientific language,
free from local colour and historical variations of form and
meaning, so Veda too is knowledge in scientific language, free
from local colour and historical variations."
Veda is 'Knowledge' and knowledge is eternal. The
interpretation of the Vedas requires the knowledge of the Arsh
technique as explained by the Rshis like Yaska, Panini, Patanjali,
Dayananda and Aurobindo.
As Veda is pure knowledge, so is this translation in theArsh
tradition, free from myth and history with no local colour, no
attitude, no motive, except pure communication of the Original
for all.
With best wishes to the author and specially to the readers,
–Umakant Upadhyaya
Formerly Professor of Economics,
Calcutta University.
( xx )

To the Reader
This translation of the ‘Hymns of Yajurveda’ is an English
Version of the Yajurveda for the common reader who wants to
acquaint himself or herself with the content of this divine message
of the dynamics of Karma, both human and divine, in the context
of the nature, structure and purpose of the universe and the
condition and position of the human being in it. While the opening
mantra launches the human being on life with the exhortation:
“Be vibrant as the winds”, the closing mantra seals the success of
vibrant humanity in action with the final achievement of “Om
Kham Brahma” with Grace Divine.
Life according to the Yajurveda is a journey from the
beginning-less beginning to the endless end with the message:
Immortal child of Divinity,
Your roots go deep to Eternity,
Your reach is unto Infinity.
And your path is up and onwards,
Never never downwards.
This version is a scientific translation of the text within the
parameters of Yaska and Dayananda with rational understanding
of Sayana at the one end and the western scholars at the other.
Sayana’s translation is ritualistic especially with reference to yajna.
It came at a time when the “Renaissance, Re-awakening of
Learning” was far off, not yet just at the next door. Even
communication between the East and the West was not as hectic
as it became after the advent of the East India Company into India.
Thus mutual criticism and appreciation too was silent rather than
vocal. Hence Ritualism was just the thing acceptable to a society
settled on the side of stagnation more than of fermentation.
Ritual, of course, is sacred. It is the most meticulous
programme of action in pursuit of a holistic plan of life and living
( xxi )
which arises from a spiritual vision of Divinity. It is conducted
with unreserved commitment of will in faultless action, and
completed with total surrender in absolute faith. For this reason
yajna in Veda and Upanishad, is described as the highest human
action, “Shreshthatamam karma”. This view is accepted in this
translation too. But in addition, an extended interpretation of the
same view of yajna is incorporated and followed in the light of
Swami Dayananda, and also as warranted by the exhortation in
the opening mantra: “Apply yourself to the highest form of action,
yajna, in the service of Indra, lord of the universe, for the glory of
the human nation”. The highest actions in the world of existence,
the creative evolution of the universe under the immanent
presiding presence of Divinity, and the total corporate action of
humanity for progress, peace and freedom, all this is yajna. And
this idea leads us to discover for ourselves and understand the
science, art and technology of participative living for progress,
from the individual level, through the social, to the cosmic, as
universal Yajna, human, natural and divine.
There may or may not be an escape from Sayana, but there
is no possible escape from Dayananda, and even from westerners
especially for the sake of caution and self correction.
I respect the western translators for their clarity and their
art of communication. In addition, I find that they did recognise
that the ideal way to interpret and explain the Sanskrit words of
Indian scriptures such as Vedas was to trace back every word to
its root, deconstruct and reconstruct it with the addition of the
affixes, and then structurally explain its meaning. That precisely
was the approach of Yaska, Panini, Patanjali and Swami
Dayananda. Monier Williams, author of the well known Sanskrit
English Dictionary, himself admired the Indians for their scientific
approach to language, specially Sanskrit:
“I draw attention at the very threshold to the fact that
the Hindus are perhaps the only nation, except for the Greeks,
who have investigated, independently and in a truly scientific
manner, the general laws which govern the evolution of
( xxii )
language.” (Introduction, p. xii)
He continues in relation to Sanskrit: “The synthetical
process which comes into operation in the working of those laws
may be well called Samskarana, ‘putting together’, by which I
mean that every single word in the highest type of language (called
Sanskrita) is first evolved out of a primary ‘Dhatu’—a Sanskrit
term usually translated as ‘Root’, but applicable to any primordial
constituent substance, whether of words, or rocks, or living
organisms, and then, being so evolved, goes through a process of
‘putting together’ by the combination of other elementary
constituents.” [Sanskrit, thus, becomes a language correspondence
of the evolution, structure and dynamics of the world of reality,
and Veda as articulation of the reality of existence.]
“Furthermore, the process of ‘putting together’ implies, of
course, the possibility of a converse process of vyakarana. by
which I mean ‘undoing’ or decomposition (deconstruction), that
is to say, the resolution of every root-evolved word into its
component elements. So that in endeavouring to exhibit these
processes of synthesis and analysis, we appear to be engaged,
like a chemist, in combining elementary substances into solid
forms, and again in resolving these forms into their constituent
ingredients.” (p. xii). And in respect of this special character,
Sanskrit, he says, is a different language from the Semitic
languages (of which the Bible and the Quran are expressions).
And yet, in spite of this clear understanding of Sanskrit, an
Arsha dictionary remained with him only “a beautiful philological
dream, a dream, however, which could not receive practical shape
without raising the Lexicon to a level of scientific perfection
unsuited to the needs of ordinary students.” (p. xiii)
Why unsuited? The answer lies in his mission and the
main object of his mission. The scientific way of interpretation
and explanation was counter to the purpose for which Monier
WiIliams was appointed Professor of Sanskrit at Oxford where
he occupied the Boden Chair after H.H.Wilson who had been a
( xxiii )
member of the Committee of Public Instruction in India under
Lord Macaulay as Chairman and Lord William Bentinck as
Governor General of India. And then English had been accepted
and introduced as the medium as well as the content of Education.
Monier Williams says: “One consideration which led my
predecessor (Professor H.H.Wilson) to pass on to me his project
of a root-arranged Lexicon was that, on being elected to the Boden
Chair, he felt that the elaboration of such a work would be
incompatible with the practical objects for which the Boden
Professorship was founded. . . The main object was really a
missionary one, as I have shown in the Preface of this volume.”
(p. xi)
The object, Professor Williams explains in the Preface to
his Dictionary (p. ix): “I must draw attention to the fact that I am
only the second occupant of the Boden Chair, and that its founder,
Colonel Boden, stated most explicitly in his will (dated August
15, 1811) that the special object of his munificent bequest was to
promote the translation of the Scriptures (that is, the Bible) into
Sanskrit, so as ‘to enable his countrymen to proceed in the
conversion of the natives of India to the Christian Religion’.
“Surely then it need not be thought surprising, if
following in the footsteps of my venerated master, I have made
it the chief aim of my professional life to provide facilities for
the translation of our sacred Scriptures into Sanskrit, and
for the promotion of a better knowledge of the religions and
customs of India as the best way to a knowledge of the religious
needs of our great Eastern Dependency (India). My very first
public lecture delivered after my election (to the Boden Chair)
in 1860 was on ‘The Study of Sanskrit in Relation to
Missionary Work in India’ (published in 1861)”. (pp. xxi)
For any student of Veda, specially in India, in fact anywhere,
it is difficult to overlook the words of Monier Williams in the
Preface and Introduction to his Dictionary of Sanskrit, for the
reason that from translation of Christian Scriptures into
( xxiv )
Sanskrit with a missionary motive, the translation of Sanskrit
Scriptures into English was but the next and ‘logical’ step
with that same missionary motive of conversion, one to extol,
the other to denigrate:
One example, of extolment, is the following translation of
the Bible, ‘The Gospel according to John’:
Yohana-likhita¨ Susamvåda¨;
∫shvarasya våkyam Yishor mahatvam avatåra kathå ca.
Jesus here is presented as an Avatara, someone a very God
for the traditional Hindu, although the Gospel does not mention
the incarnation at all. (The translation of The Bible in Sanskrit by
J.Wenger is available on the internet.)
The other example, of denigration, is given here below from
W.D. Whitney’s translation of the Atharvaveda (7, 107, 1) edited
and revised by K.L. Joshi, published by Parimal Publications,
Delhi, 2004:
Namaskætya dyåvåpæthiv∂bhyåmantarik¶åya mætyave.
Mek¶åmyμurdhvasti¶¢han må må hinsi¶hur∂‹varå¨.
“Having paid homage to heaven and earth, to the
atmosphere, to Death, I will urinate standing erect; let not the
Lords (Ishvara) harm me.”
I give below an English rendering of the same mantra
translated by Pundit Satavalekara in Hindi:
“Having done homage to heaven and earth and to the middle
regions and Death (Yama), I stand high and watch (the world of
life). Let not my masters hurt me.”
An English rendering of the same mantra translated by
Pundit Jai Dev Sharma in Hindi is the following:
“Having done homage to heaven and earth (i.e. father and
mother) and to the immanent God and Yama (all Dissolver),
standing high and alert, I move forward in life. These masters of
mine, pray, may not hurt me.”
( xxv )
I would like to quote my own translation of the mantra now
under print:
“Having done homage to heaven and earth, and to the middle
regions, and having acknowledged the fact of death as inevitable
counterpart of life under God’s dispensation, now standing high,
I watch the world and go forward with showers of the cloud. Let
no powers of earthly nature hurt and violate me.”
‘Showers of the cloud’ is a metaphor, as in Shelley’s poem
‘the Cloud’: “I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers”,
which suggests a lovely rendering.
The problem here arises from the verb ‘mekshami’ from
the root ‘mih’ which means ‘to shower’ (sechane). It depends on
the translator’s sense and attitude to sacred writing how the
message is received and communicated in an interfaith context
with no strings attached (or unattached).
This extolment and denigration was happening around the
time when the English language, English education and missionary
work had been introduced into India and was raging on top. Swami
Dayananda faced this challenge with boldness and caution, still
with an open mind, all prepared even for correction. He based his
interpretation of the Vedas on Nirukta and the etymological
principles of word interpretation, and interpretation of the word
in the context, both local and total, because the local is an integral
part of the total whole.
We are living in an age of science and reason, democracy
and freedom, globalism and global communication, and we feel
the need for a free and frank interfaith dialogue. In such an age,
ritualism and mythology is not enough. If we want to understand
and present Veda as a body of universal knowledge and
articulation of divine awareness of existence, there is no escape
from Yaska, Panini, Patanjali, Dayananda and Aurobindo, because
they provide the key principles and practice of scientific
interpretation of an ancient scientific language such as Vedic
Sanskrit which has no historical parallel for comparison. The
( xxvi )
language of science tells no stories, no myths. It states the truth
pure and simple. Hence the resort to Swami Dayananda, either
before or after Sayana and the western scholars, is indispensable.
There is one observation I must make on Swami Dayananda.
Swami Dayananda has given a socio-economic orientation to the
Vedic mantras because he underscores the relevance of the Vedas
to the social, economic and political situation of humanity,
especially in India, which was necessary and highly meaningful.
For example, the Ashwins, in general, are the complementary
powers of nature and humanity working as twin forces like the
positive and negative currents of electricity, or like the theoretician
and the laboratory man, or the curative and recuperative powers
of medicine and nature’s powers of rejuvenation. Swami
Dayananda often explains such powers in the interest of practical
understanding: he defines them as teacher and preacher, or father
and mother, sun and moon, fire and water, prana and Apana
energy, ruler and council, scientist and engineer, and so on,
depending on the mantra context. Sometimes it appears as if he
is delimiting the open-ended general meaning of the Veda. But
we should be careful before we say so, and realise that the
definiteness of his meaning is illustrative and in no way
exhaustive. In this translation such situations have been
appreciated and the meaning has been kept open ended, inclusive
of the meanings given by Swami Dayananda, as suggested by
Yaska and the etymology of the terms. In short, this translation
has been done with cautious reference to Sayana, under the
guidance of Swami Dayananda, with respect for Pundit
Satavalekara and with very careful observance of the western
Pundit Satavalekara comes in between Sayana and swami
Dayananda for his excellent syntactic structures of mantra
meanings in continuous Hindi. But he explains words such as
Indra, Agni, Ashwins, Vrtra, Trita, Bhujyu, Kashyapa, Jamadagni,
etc. as proper names so that the mantra appears to be a mythical
or historical statement of either fact or fiction. But Swami
( xxvii )
Dayananda interprets these terms in the yaugic manner and
explains them as scientific terms of the forms, functions, orders
and attributes of the powers of existence representing the
manifestive diversity of one Divinity and one Prakrti in the state
of objective existence. These words are not historical names,
because the time context of the creation of the Vedas remains
unknown beyond history and imagination as even Max Muller
confessed in his Gifford lectures in 1890.
This translation respects the entire tradition of Vedic
interpretation, and under the guidance of this tradition takes Vedic
interpretation to the original level of scientific rationality in the
context of modern consciousness, modern language and global
culture, a message both sanatan and, at the same time, modern
(ref. Atharva, 10,8,23).
Take just one example of the problem I have faced, with
the solution I have suggested: Yajurveda (36, 23) says, if we take
the literal meaning in the ordinary sense: “May the waters, pranic
energies and herbs be friendly to us and may they be enemies to
those who hate us and whom we hate.” How can we accept this?
How can the same waters, tonics and herbs be good friends to us
and enemies to those we hate or those who hate us? Medicine is
medicine after all. This is excellent stuff for a translator who
believes that Vedic poetry is nothing but the voice of a tribal
society in the barbaric, not civilized, state of social evolution.
But let us think deeply. What is the context? Who are our enemies
in that context? Who or what are those that injure us? What are
those we hate or want to injure and destroy? The context is health.
In the context of health, they are the ailments, diseases, germs
and bacteria, viruses, negativities and side effects of medicines
in our system. So the correct and scientific interpretation in the
context of health would be: “May waters, tonics, pranic energies
and medicinal herbs be good friends of our health and immunity
system and let the waters, tonics, pranic energies and herbal
medicines act against those ailments, diseases and negativities
which injure us, which we hate to suffer and which we love to
( xxviii )
destroy. Moreover let them have no side effects because side
effects too aggravate the negativities and injure us.” This is the
reasonable prayer and health programme of an advanced society.
And then, logically in the next mantra, follows the prayer for a
full hundred years and more of life and healthy living (Yajurveda,
36, 24). Veda thus is food for thought.
In human terms: If a legendary celebrity can admire another
human figure as “inscrutable, apocalyptic, a mysterious poem
written in flesh and blood”, how much more – infinitely more–
mysterious, inscrutable, apocalyptic would be the Cosmic Poem
(Devasya Kavyah) created in the language of the Ultimate Vision?
Veda is a Cosmic Poem: the more we know, the more we
know the Veda, and the more we know the Veda, the more we
Indeed, every reader should stand before the Veda, every
verse of It in fact, as Arjuna stood before the Cosmic Krishna,
waiting and watching intently, for the burst of a thousand suns,
for the Dawn on top of the Earth, for the Revelation.
May the light burst forth, I pray.

—Tulsi Ram
( xxix )

This translation of Yajurveda is meant for an average
English knowing reader who is keen to know:
What is Veda? What is it all about? Is it old or new?
If it’s old, what is its relevance today? And if it is relevant, is it
relevant to me also? Or is it relevant only to some particular
community in some particular country at some particular time.
These are relevant questions especially in an age of
science, democracy and globalism.
Veda is Knowledge. The very word ‘Veda’ means
knowledge. It is derived from the root ‘vid’, which means: ‘to be,
to know, to think, and to benefit from’.
So whatever is, is Veda, the very world of existence is
Veda. The knowledge of the world of existence is Veda. The
extension of knowledge through thought and research further is
Veda. And to use that knowledge for the benefit of mankind with
the protection and preservation of nature and environment, without
hurting any form of life, that is Veda.
Veda is knowledge pure and simple as science is
knowledge. Science is knowledge of nature as nature is and as it
works according to its own laws. In science, there is no story, no
history. Similarly in the Veda, there is no story, no history. And
just as science is knowledge in scientific language free from local
colour and historical variations of meaning, so Veda too is
knowledge in scientific language free from local colour and
historical variations. Therefore Vedic language has to be
interpreted and understood according to the laws and technique
of its own structure as stated by seers such as Yaska, Panini and
Patanjali and as explained by Swami Dayananda in his
grammatical works and his notes on Vedic words in his
commentary on the Vedas.
( xxx )
But there is a difference between scientific knowledge
and Vedic knowledge: While science is knowledge of nature to
the extent that man has been able to discover it, Veda is the
quintessential knowledge of all that is, including Nature, all that
happens, all that we are, all that we do, and all that we reap in
consequence of our action. It is the Original and Universal
knowledge of the Reality of Existence and the Ideality of our
aspirations, covering the facts and processes of existence, their
interaction and the laws that operate in the interaction. In short,
Veda is an eternal articulation of Omniscience, The Voice of God.
Vedic knowledge is classified thematically into three:
Stuti, Prarthana and Upasana. Stuti is, praise, solemn reverential
remembrance and description and celebration of the attributes,
the nature, character and function of divine powers. Prarthana,
prayer, is an autosuggestive resolution to realise our limitations
and rise above those limitations by calling on Divinity for aid
and blessings when we have exhausted our effort and potential.
Upasana is meditation, the surrender of our limited identity to
participate in the Divine Presence. Stuti implies knowledge
(Janana), Prarthana implies humility and action (Karma), and
Upasana implies total love and surrender (Bhakti). So formally
Vedic knowledge is divided into four:
Rgveda is the Veda of Knowledge, Yajurveda is the Veda
of Karma, Samaveda is the Veda of Bhakti, and Atharva-veda is
Brahma Veda, an umbrella, celebrating the Divine Presence as in
Book 10, hymns 7 and 8.
Yajurveda is Karma Veda, knowledge of the application
of knowledge in practical living in a positive, creative and
constructive manner at both the individual and the collective level.
This way of living and working is “Yajna” which, in simple words,
means a selfless and participative way of life and thereby creating
the maximum out of the minimum for all, including nature,
humanity, the environment and the whole universe, with complete
faith in the living, breathing, self-organising, self-conscious,
Sovereign System. Living the yajnic way, we realise that Nature
( xxxi )
is a tree, Ashwattha, and the entire cosmos including ourselves is
a Purusha, and we as human beings are but cells in this Divine
Purusha. Without living this way in a state of full awareness, we
cannot realise that you and I, Mother Nature and the Supreme
Brahma are all together, one in union and communion.
Vedic knowledge then is the Divine knowledge of
existence from the dimensionless point and particle unto Infinity.
And prayerful living and communion in meditation and yoga
means: Self-integration of the particle, Re-integration of the part
with the whole, and Re-Union of the finite with the Infinite.
This is the climactic close of Yajurveda: The light and life
that shines in and beyond the sun is that Supreme Purusha. That
is there, and that is here in me.
Om is the saviour. Om is Brahma. Brahma is Infinite,
The message of Yajurveda begins with the rousing divine
call to live: “Be vibrant as the winds!” But we must be gratefully
vibrant: “O Lord we pray for and thank thee for the gift of food
and energy for life, for the health and efficiency of body, mind
and soul.” All of us must dedicate ourselves to Savita, giver of
life and light, with devotion to the highest, yajnic action, we must
not hurt the cosmic ‘Cow’, and we must not allow a thief to boss
over us and deprive us of our freedom of thought, word and deed.
As you open the text of Yajurveda, you find the words:
Savita Devata, Prajapati Parameshthi Rshi. ‘Devata’ here means
the subject which is dealt with in the mantra. ‘Devata’ as a Vedic
term means a presence, a power, a force, which is brilliant,
illuminative, and generous. The ‘Devata’ of a mantra may be God,
the One Sacchidananda Brahma as in the closing mantra quoted
above, or Savita, the same One self-refulgent God as in the
opening mantra; or it can be a generous divine power of Nature
such as the sun, moon, earth; or it can be a noble person of brilliant
quality of nature, character and performance as a ruler, leader,
commander, teacher, etc. What the ‘Devata’ means in any
( xxxii )
particular mantra depends on the total context that emerges from
the mantra.
Prajapati Parameshthi is the Rshi of the opening mantra.
The Rshi in the Arsh tradition is not the author of the mantra,
Rshi is the exponent of the meaning of the mantra. As Maharshi
Yaska says in the Nirukta, Rishis are the ‘seers of the mantras’:
they are the sages who went into deep meditation unto the
universal frequency of the Cosmic Mind and experienced the voice
of Divinity speaking in the mantra; the mantra, a Semantic
correspondence of the Divine Voice; the Divine Voice, a sound
correspondence of Divine Awareness of the Reality of Existence
in the modes of Being and Becoming.
Who then is the poet of the Vedas? The answer is in
Yajurveda 40, 8: That Cosmic Spirit which pervades and rules
every moving particle in the moving universe is “the poet, thinker,
all-comprehending, and self-existent”. That is the Lord who
creates the world of existence, ordains the Laws of its dynamics,
and reveals the poetry of its beauty and majesty, the Vedas. “From
that Lord of universal yajna were born the Rks and Samans. From
Him were born the chhandas of Atharva-veda and from Him were
born the Yajus” (Yajurveda 31, 7). The Vedic lore comes in Pura-
kalpa, the beginning of the world of humanity
(Shvetashvataropanishad, 6, 22) and when its function is over at
the end of the kalpa, one cycle of existence, it retires into Brahma-
loka (Atharva-veda 19, 71, 1).
The Vedas were revealed by the Lord Omniscient to four
primeval Rshis: Rgveda to Agni, Yajurveda to Vayu, Samaveda
to Aditya, and Atharva-veda to Angira, directly in their spiritual
consciousness. The Sage Brahma received and collected the four
from them and passed them on to other sages.
When were the Vedas revealed? What is their age? How
old are they? As old as the age of humanity on earth. The Lord
who creates humanity leaves them not to nature like animals. He
enlightens them with the knowledge of existence and their place
in the world, with the vision of their journey, and its culmination.
( xxxiii )
Swami Dayananda works out the age of the Vedas on the basis of
Surya Siddhanta which in the year 2010 A.D. comes to
1,96,08,53,110 years. If someone does not accept it and insists
on historical proof, we learn the problem but no possibility of
solution on scientific and historical grounds from Max Muller, a
world renowned Vedic scholar and exegesist of the West: Max
Muller once ventured to pronounce a purely arbitrary date based
on unproven assumptions that around 1200 B.C. was the date of
the Rgveda. Later, he himself warned his students that “Whether
the Vedic Hymns were composed in 1000 or 1500 or 2000 B.C.,
no power on earth could ever fix .... Whatever may be the date of
the Vedic hymns... they have their own unique place and stand
by themselves”. The daring presumptions of western scholars
about the date of the Vedas are exposed by Graham Hancock in
his latest researches, in his book: Underworld : The Mysterious
Origins of Civilization (2002). If no history, no Science, no human
imagination can help, better follow the sages, tradition, Surya
Siddhanta, and the daily sankalpa of the dedicated Brahmanas,
and lastly follow the internal evidence of the Vedas themselves:
Vedas are the Original, Universal, Eternal articulation of Divinity,
by Divinity, for humanity at the beginning of human creation.
Since Vedas are the oldest recorded knowledge of the
world, no one can guess how much time, even ages, might have
passed between the Vedas and the next work in Sanskrit. If so,
there is no other work in Sanskrit comparable to the Vedas.
Consequently the language of any other work would not provide
any clue for the interpretation of Veda mantras. Vedic language
then has to be interpreted on its own, and the only key available
for such independent interpretation is the Nirukta and Nighantu
of Maharshi Yaska, the grammatical works of Pinini and Patanjali,
and Swami Dayananda’s notes in his commentary on Vedic verses
explaining the structure and meaning of words. Without reference
to these bases of Vedic interpretation, certain words have been
given a very twisted meaning in other translations, by Max Muller,
Griffith, Whitney, and even Sayana. The torch light for proper
( xxxiv )
translation today is the Arsh tradition followed by Swami
The Arsh way is the only right way, the key, to discover
the truth of the Vedas. According to Shri Aurobindo, Swami
Dayananda alone, in modern times, possessed this key to the secret
of the Vedas. Interpreted this way the Vedas shine in their essential
scientific refulgence. As science is pure knowledge, no story, no
history, no mythology, so are the Vedas, pure knowledge:
knowledge of nature, mind, spirit, human society, Dharma, the
dynamics of existence and the right way of living as individuals
and as members of organised society upto the international level.
Even Max Muller, though he was once committed to uprooting
the religion of India by his arbitrary translation of Rigveda, had
to admit in his Biographical Essays that: “To Swami Dayanand,
everything contained in the Vedas was not only perfect truth, but
he went one step further and, by their interpretation, succeeded
in persuading others that everything worth knowing, even the
most recent inventions of modern science, were alluded to in the
Vedas. Steam Engines, Electricity, Telegraphy and Wireless
Marconogram were shown to have been at least in the germ known
to the poets of the Vedas”. In fact Shri Aurobindo in his essay on
“Dayananda and the Veda” goes even further: “There is nothing
fantastic in Dayananda’s idea that Veda contains truth of science
as well as truth of religion (i.e., Dharma). I will even add my
own conviction that Veda contains other truths of a Science
the modern world does not at all possess, and in that case,
Dayananda has rather understated than overstated the depth
and range of the Vedic wisdom”. (see Bankim, Tilak,
Dayananda, p. 57).
The basic requirement of scriptural interpretation for us
is faith and intellingential solemnity, not doubt and cynicism. This
way, if we want to confirm our faith in the scientific vision of the
Veda, refer to Rgveda 1, 34, 7 and 9 for three-stage rocket chariot
of the Ashwins, to 1, 36, 18 for Agni missile, to 1, 37, 3 for winds
and communication, to 1, 46, 10 for concentration of light, to 1,
( xxxv )
52, 1 and 1, 36, 1 for the science of missile defence and space-
craft, to 6, 46, 11 for missiles and war heads, and so on. Position
of the solar system with planets and satellites, earth’s and sun’s
gravitation, solar healing, parliamentary democracy,
organisational structure of the nation and the international world,
water and electric energy, and so many other subjects are hinted
at in Vedic verses. We need serious research to work out the
details. Had even Einstein read the Purusha Sukta of the Vedas
and Brahma Sutras and Sankhya Vaisheshika philosophy,
probably he would have found clues to his Unified Field theory
of the universe.
Beyond faith and intelligential solemnity we need vision,
potential Darshan of the Vedic Rshis. Once you have had the
vision of truth, doubts disappear and questions recede into silence
because then, nothing shines but the Truth, and Divinity Itself
reveals It’s Reality with showers of Grace. In this mood and in
this spirit, I suggest, you start your search for Vedic Truth and
the Mystery of Existence.
Lastly, if the Vedic lore is as old as humanity itself, what
is its relevance today in the modern world? Ask yourself other
questions: What is the relevance of Galileo or Newton or the
Theory of Relativity, two plus two makes four, Swaraj, the Vedic
word for freedom and self-discipline? Truth is truth, when the
statement was made is irrelevant. Vedic truth, if you find it
convincing and acceptable, is relevant not only for today but also
for all time, to every person, everywhere.
Yajurveda itself says (26, 2):
“Yathemam vacham kalyanim avadani janebhyah”:
Just as I speak (reveal) this auspicious holy Word of the
Veda for all people (without any discrimination of high or low),
so should you too communicate it to all people of the world
whoever, whatever, wherever they be.
—Tulsi Ram
( xxxvi )


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Zs %
1. (Savita Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
bÆ"ks RoksÆTtsZ Rok¼ okÆ;o¼ LFk nÆsoks o¼% lfOÆkÆrk izkiZ ×;rqÉ
Js"Br ¼ ek;Æ deZ×.kÆ¿vkI;k¼;èoe?U;kÆ¿bUæk; ¼ HkkÆxa izt ¼ h&
Æ kor
juehÆok¿v¼;Æ{ek ek o¼ LrsÆu¿bZ×'krÆ ek?k'k¼§lks /zqÉok¿&
vÆfLeu~ xksi¼rkS L;kr cÆàh;Zt¼ekuL; iÆ'kwu~ ik¼fg AAûAA
I¶e tvorje två våyava stha devo va¨ savitå prå-
rpayatu ‹re¶¢hatamåya karmaƒaí åpyåyadhva-
maghnyåíindråya bhågam prajåvat∂ranam∂våí
ayak¶må må va stenaí ∂‹ata mågha‹a~mso dhruvåí
asmin gopatau syåta bahv∂ryajamånasya pa‹μun
Be vibrant as the winds and thank the Lord
Creator, Savita, for the gifts of food and energy, light
and life, for the body, mind and soul. Pray that you
dedicate yourself to the noblest action, yajna, and play
your part in the service of the Lord. Be blest with the
best of health and wealth in plenty, cows, healthy, strong
and fertile, sacred, not to be killed. No thief to rule over
you, no sinner to boss over you ! Growing in power and
prosperity, be firm and loyal to this Lord of the Nation
and protect the wealth and honour of the yajamana.
2. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
olks¼% iÆfo=k¼efLÆkÆ |kSj¼fl i`fFÆkÆO;~fl ekrÆfj'o¼uks ?kÆeksZ~¿fl
fOÆkÆ'o/k¼¿vfl A iÆjÊes.kÆ /kEukÆ n`§g¼LoÆ ek àÉkÉekZ rs¼
;ÆKi¼fràkZ"khZr~ AAüAA
Vaso¨ pavitramasi dyaurasi pæthivyasi måta-
ri‹vano gharmoísi vi‹vadhåíasi. Parameƒa
dhåmnå dæ~ m hasva må hvårmå te yaj¤a-
Yajna is sacred. It is the light of the sun, the life
of the earth, the breath of air, the holy warmth of life
that sustains and sanctifies existence. Go on, expand
and raise the joy of life to the heights of heaven. Neglect
not yajna. May the Lord of yajna never forsake you.

3. (Savita Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R

° shi)

olks¼% iÆfo=k¼efl 'kÆr/k¼jaÊ olks¼% iÆfo=k¼efl lÆgϼ/kje~ A

nsÆoLRok¼ lfOÆkÆrk iq¼ukrqÉ olks¼% iÆfo=ks¼.k 'kÆr/k¼js.k lqÉIok¨
dke¼/q{k% AAýAA
Vaso¨ pavitramasi ‹atadhåram vaso¨ pavitra-
masi sahasradhåram. Devastvå savitå punåtu
vaso¨ pavitreƒa ‹atadhåreƒa supvå kåma-
Yajna is the sustainer and purifier of countless
worlds. It is the sustainer and purifier of the universe in
countless ways. May the lord creator Savita sanctify
yajna. May the Lord purify and sanctify us with yajna
and the knowledge of the Veda. What message do you
hope to receive ?
4. (Vishnu Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
lk fOÆkÆ'ok;qÉ% lk fOÆkÆ'oo¼QekZÆ lk fOÆkÆ'o/k¼;k% A
bUæ¼L; Rok HkkÆx§lksesÆukr¼ufPÆEÆkÆ fo".kks¼ gÆO;§j¼{k AAþAA
Så vi‹våyu¨ så vi‹vakarmå så vi‹vadhåyå¨.
Indrasya två bhåga~ m somenåtanacmi vi¶ƒo
havya~m rak¶a.
Yajna: it is the life of the world. It is the science
and structure of the universe. It is the law and sustenance
of the system. It is the very act of the Lord of Creation.
I stand by it fast and firm with the light of knowledge
and the joy of life.
5. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
vXus¼ ozrirs oÆzra p¼fj";kfEÆkÆ rPN¼osQ;aÆ rUes¼ jkè;rke~ A
bÆneÆgeu`¼rkr~ lÆR;eqiS¼fe AAÿAA
Agne vratapate vratam cari¶yåmi tacchakeyam
tanme rådhyatåm. Idamahamanætåtsatyamupaimi.
Lord of the fire of yajna, Lord of Law and vows
of faith, I take to the vow of commitment to truth and I
give up the untruth. Bless me that I may be able to keep
the vow. Bless me that I may realize it.
6. (Prajapati Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
dLRok¼ ;qufÙÆkÆQÆ l Rok¼ ;qufÙÆkÆQÆ dLeS¼ Rok ;qufÙÆkÆQÆ rLeS¼
Rok ;qufÙkQ A deZ×.ks okaÆ os"kk¼; oke~ AAöAA
Kastvå yunakti sa två yunakti kasmai två yunakti
tasmai två yunakti. Karmaƒe våm ve¶åya våm.
Who enjoins you? He enjoins you. Unto what
does he enjoin you? Unto That/Himself (yajna) does
He enjoin you. He enjoins you for karma (action)
knowledge and virtue (through yajna).
7. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)

izR;q¼"VƧj{kÆ% izR;q¼"VkÆ¿vjk¼r;ksÆ fu"V¼IrƧj{kÆksÆ fu"V¼IrkÆ¿&

vjk¼r;%A mÆoZ¨Urfj¼{kÆeUos¼fe AA÷AA
Pratyu¶¢a~m rak¶a¨ pratyu¶¢åí aråtayo ni¶¢apta~m
rak¶o ni¶¢aptåí aråtaya¨. Urvantarik¶amanvemi.
Evil is uprooted, the selfish are eliminated. The
lawless are punished and corrected. The selfish and anti-
socials have suffered and converted. Let us be generous,
as vast as space.

8. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R

° shi)
/wj¼fLÆkÆ /woZÊ /wO kZ ¼UraÆ /woZÆ ra ;ksÆ¿Leku~ /woZ ×fRÆkÆ ra /w¼oZÊ ;a oÆ;a
/woZk¼e% A nsÆokuk¼efÊL ÆkÆ ofɼreƧlfLu¼reaÆ ifiz¼reaÆ tq"V¼rea
nsoÆgwr¼ee~ AAøAA
Dhμurasi dhμurva dhμurvantam dhμurva tam
yoísmån dhμurvati tam dhμurva yam vayam
dhμurvåma¨. Devånåmasi vahnitama~m sasnita-
mam papritamam ju¶¢atamam devahμutamam.
Fire of yajna, you are destroyer and preserver
both. You save by burning up the evil and the dross.
Destroy that which destroys. Destroy him who
desecrates the yajna. Destroy what our yajna burns to
destroy. To the good you are the quickest and the fieriest,
greatest purifier, giver of highest fulfilment, most
reverenced and worshipped by the good and noble
9. (Vishnu Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
vßq¼refl gfOÆkÆ/kZuÆa n`§g¼LoÆ ek àÉkÉekZ rs¼ ;ÆKif¼ ràkZ"khZr~ A
fo".kq¼LRok ØerkeqÉ# okrkÆ;kig ¼ rƧj{kÆkÆs ;PNU¼ rkÆa i×p¼AAùAA
Ahrutamasi havirdhånam dæ~mhasva må hvårmå
te yaj¤apatirhvår¶∂t. Vi¶ƒustvå kramatåmuru
våtåyåpahata~m rak¶o yacchantåm pa¤ca.
Lord of yajna, Vishnu, yajna is simple, straight
and natural. Bless and increase the materials of yajna.
Neglect not yajna, O man. May the master of yajna never
forsake it. Lord Vishnu, the sun, expands yajna to space
to purify the air, to cleanse the environment of evil and
pollution. Apply your mind and senses to purify the
yajna (and augment its power).
10. (Savita Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q il
¼z Æo¿¨s f'ouksc
¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
vÆXu;sÆ tq"Va¼ x`ÊkE;ÆXuh"kksek¼H;kaÆ tq"Va¼ x`Êkfe AAûúAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí‹vinorbåhubhyåm
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Agnaye ju¶¢am gæhƒåmya-
gn∂¶omåbhyåm ju¶¢am gæhƒåmi.
In this yajna of the creator, Lord Savita, I perform
the yajna with the heat of the sun and the cool energy of
the moon, and with the two-way motion of the pranic
energy of the air for the sake of the knowledge of fire
and of fire and water in the service of the Lord and his
11. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
HkwÉrk;¼ RokÆ ukjk¼r;sÆ Lo~jfHÆkfÆ o[;s"¼ kaÆ n`§gU¼ rkaÆ nq;kZ×% i`fFÆkOÆ ;k&
eqÉoZ¨Urfj¼{kÆeUos¼fe i`fFÆkÆO;kLRokÆ ukHkkS¼ lkn;kÆE;fn¼R;k¿&
mÆiLFks¿Xus¼ gÆO;§j¼{k AAûûAA
Bhμutåya två nåråtaye svarabhivikhye¶am
dæ~mhantåm duryå¨ pæthivyåmurvantarik¶a-
manvemi. Pæthivyåstvå nåbhau sådayåmyadityåí
upastheígne havya~m rak¶a.
I set the vedi of yajna on the navel of the earth
and in the centre of the sky for the prosperity of living
beings and eradication of poverty and selfishness. Open
the doors of the homes on earth and let us rise to the
sky for visions of heavenly bliss. Lord of yajna, Agni,
protect our yajna and the holy materials for oblations.
12. (Ap-Savita Devate, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
iÆfo=ks ¼ LFkks oS".kÆO;kS~ lfOÆkÆrqO kZ ¼% izlÆo mRiq¼uÊkÆE;fPN¼æs.k
iÆfo=ks¼.kÆ lw;Z×L; jÊf'efHk¼% A nsohj¼ kiks¿vxzx s o
q ks¿vxzi s qÉoks¿&
xz¼¿bÆeeÆ| ;ÆKa u¼;Ærkxzs¼ ;ÆKi¼fr§ lqÉ/kRakq¼ ;ÆKi¼¯r nsoÆ&
;qo¼e~ AAûüAA
Pavitre stho vai¶ƒavyau saviturva¨ prasava
utpunåmyacchidreƒa pavitreƒa sμ u ryasya
ra‹mibhi¨. Dev∂råpoí agreguvoí agrepuvoígraí
imamadya yaj¤am nayatågre yaj¤apati~ m
sudhåtum yaj¤apatim devayuvam.
In this cosmic yajna of Lord Savita, holy fire and
wind are two carriers of yajna, sanctified by the ceaseless
showers of the purest rays of the sun. The holy waters
electrified by the sun, raised by the fire and carried by
the wind travel through space and sky and shower on
the earth to feed the growth of life. May the same divine
rays of the sun, fire and wind, and the holy water carry
the yajna ever forward, and may these and the yajna
bless the yajnapati to move ever onward with health,
wealth and noble virtue.
13. (Indra Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
;q"É ek¿bUæks¼¿o`.khr o`=kÆr;
w ×Zs ;w; ¼ o`.khèoa o`=kÆr;
É feUæe w ÆZs izkfs {k¼rk
LFk A vÆXu;s¼ RokÆ tq"VaÆ izks{kk¼E;ÆXuh"kksek¼H;ka RokÆ tq"VaÆ
izks{kk¼feA nSO;k¼;Æ deZ×.ks 'kqU/èoa nso;ÆT;k;SÆ ;}ks¿'kq¼¼k%
ijktÆ?uqfjÆna oÆLrPNq¼U/kfe AAûýAA
Yu¶måí indroívæƒ∂ta vætratμurye yμuyamindrama-
væƒ∂dhvam vætratμurye prok¶itå stha. Agnaye två
ju¶¢am prok¶åmyagn∂¶omåbhyåm två ju¶¢am
prok¶åmi. Daivyåya karmaƒe ‹undhadhvam
devayajyåyai yadvoí‹uddhå¨ paråjaghnuridam
In the cloud-break-up, Indra, the sun, raises the
waters. On the break-up, the waters act under Indra,
Sun and wind. The waters are holy and you are sanctified
by the showers. I consecrate yajna for the sake of agni,
fire. I sanctify yajna for the sake of agni and soma, fire
and water. Be pure and seasoned for noble action, for
godly yajna. If there be things gone impure and polluted,
I purify the same with yajna for you.
14. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
¼ rw §Ê j{kks¿o¼/rw kÆ¿vjkr¼ ;
'kekZLÆ ;o/ Æ ks¿fnR¼ ;kÆLRoxf¼ LÆkÆ izfRÆkÆ Rok&
fn¼frosZÙkq A vfæ¼jfl okuLiÆR;ks xzkok¼fl i`ÉFkqcq¼èuÆ% izfR°ÆkÆ
Rokfn¼R;kÆLRoXos¼Ùkq AAûþAA
›armåsyavadhμuta~m rak¶oívadhutåíaråtayo-
dityåstvagasi prati tvåditirvettu. Adrirasi
vånaspatyo gråvåsi pæthubudhna¨ prati två-
The home of yajna is blessed. Evil is washed off.
Selfishness and want is eliminated. Yajna is the shield
of the earth, this home is the shield of the earth. Know
this and the earth knows this and responds in covenant.
Yajna is the cloud in the vast sky, replete with water for
the earth. It feeds and is fed by the greenery. It is the
preserver of the earth and the sky. Know this and the
yajna responds in covenant.
15. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
vÆXusLrÆuwj¼fl okÆpks fOÆkÆlT ¼kZ ua nsÆooh¼r;s Rok x`Êkfe c`Égn~
xzk¼okfl okuLiÆR;% l¿bÆna nsÆosH;ks¼ gÆfo% 'k¼eh"o lqÉ'kfe¼
'keh"o A gfo¼"ÑÉnsfgÆ gfo¼"ÑÉnsfg¼ AAûÿAA
Agnestanμurasi våco visarjanam devav∂taye två
gæhƒåmi bæhadgråvåsi vånaspatya¨ saíidam
devebhyo havi¨ ‹am∂¶va su‹ami ‹am∂¶va.
Havi¶kædehi havi¶kædehi.
Yajna is the metaphor of Agni in fire, wood and
soma stone, speaking in the divine voice. I do it for the
gods to receive the gift of divine bliss. Prepare, prepare
the holy food for the fire. Offer it to the gods and receive
the divine bliss. Come, come fragrance of life, from the
flames of yajna-fire.
16. (Vayu Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
oqÉQDoqÉQVks~¿fLÆkÆ e/q¼ftàÉ¿b"kÆewtZÆeko¼nÆ Ro;k¼ oÆ;§l¼†kr§&
l¼†kra ts"e oÆ"kZo`¼¼efLÆkÆ izfr¼ Rok oÆ"kZo¼`¼a osÙkqÉ
ijk¼irw ʧj{kÆ% ijk¼ir ¼ Æ;ks¿i¼grƧj{kks¼ okÆ;o
w kÆ vjkr ¼ ÙkQq
q ksÆZ fofou
nsÆoks o¼% lfOÆkÆrk fgj¼.;ikf.ÆkÆ% izfr¼x`H.kkÆRofPN¼æs.k
ikÆf.kuk¼ AAûöAA
Kukku¢oísi madhujihvaíi¶amμurjamåvada tvayå
vaya~m samghåta~m samghåtam je¶ma var¶a-
væddhamasi prati två var¶avæddhaΔ vettu
paråpμuta~m rak¶a¨ paråpμutå aråtayoípahata~m
rak¶o våyurvo vivinaktu devo va¨ savitå hiraƒya-
påƒi¨ pratigæbhƒåtvacchidreƒa påƒinå.
You are the voice of the dawn soaked in honey-
dew. Bring us the taste of life, strength of energy and
the light of wisdom and, with you, we’ll win the battles
of the world. Lord of rain as you are, open for us the
flood-gates of showers. Sin is washed off, miseries are
gone, evil is eliminated. May the wind refine and carry
your gifts around. May the Lord of life and light hold
you fast and bless you with his hand of gold.
17. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
/`f"Vj¼ LÊ ;ik¿¼ Xus¿vÆfXuekÆekna¼ tfgÆ fu"ØÆO;kn¼§ls/ ¼ Æ;Tak¼
Æ k nso
og A /zqÉoe¼fl i`fFÆkÆoha n`¼§g czãÆofu¼ Rok {k=kÆofu¼
ltkrÆoU;qi¼n/kfEÆkÆ Hkzkr`¼O;L; oÆ/k;¼ AAû÷AA
Dh涢irasyapåígneí agnimåmåda≈ jahi
ni¶kravyåda~ m sedhå devayajam vaha.
Dhruvamasi pæthiv∂m dæ~mha brahmavani två
k¶atravani sajåtavanyupadadhåmi bhråtævyasya
Agni, Lord of yajna, bold and fearless you are,
come and blow out the fire that consumes flesh cooked
or raw; light the fire that brings holy men together for
common good. Firm as you are, hold the earth steady
and advancing. Protect the Brahmana for knowledge,
protect the Kshatriya for justice and peace, protect all
mankind and living beings. I call upon you for the protection
of life, for the destruction of the enemies of life.
18. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
vXusÆ czã¼ x`"o /Æ#.k¼eL;ÆUrfj¼{ka n`§g czãÆofu¼ Rok
{k=kÆofu¼ ltkrÆoU;qi¼n/kfEÆkÆ Hkzkr`¼O;L; oÆ/k;¼ A /Æ=kZe¼fLÆkÆ
fnOak¼ n`§g czãÆofu¼ Rok {k=kÆofu¼ ltkrÆoU;qi¼n/kfEÆkÆ
Hkzkr`¼O;L; oÆ/k;¼ A fo'ok¼H;ÆLRok'kk¼H;Æ¿mi¼n/kfEÆkÆ fpr¼
LFkksèoZÆfprksÆ Hk`xw¼.kkÆefX¼jlkaÆ ri¼lk rI;èoe~ AAûøAA
Agne brahma gæbhƒ∂¶va dharuƒamasya-
ntarik¶am dæ~mha bæahmavani två k¶atravani
sajåtavanyupadadhåmi bhråtævyasya vadhåya.
Dhartramasi divam dæ~mha brahmavani två
k¶atravani sajåtavanyupadadhåmi bhråtæ-
vyasya vadhåya. Vi‹våbhyastvå‹åbhyaíupa-
dadhåmi cita sthordhvacito bhægμuƒå-maΔgi-
rasåm tapaså tapyadhvam.
Lord of yajna, Agni, you are the centre-hold of
the universe. Accept our hymns of praise and worship.
Expand the light and love in our heart. I hold on to you
for the protection of knowledge, justice and love for all
like myself and for the elimination of the enemies of
the joy of life. Lord of the cosmic dance of existence,
protect and extend our vision of higher knowledge,
justice and love of life as ourselves, and eliminate the
enemies of the joy of life. We hold on to you for freedom
and fearlessness from all directions in time and space.
Children of the earth, be sanctified in freedom and
fearlessness in your heart and soul, be consecrated in
the bright and blazing discipline of the energy of life
and the law of existence.
19. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
'kekZÆL;o¼/wrƧ j{kks¿o¼/wrkÆ¿vjk¼rÆ;ks¿fn¼R;kÆLRox¼fLÆkÆ izfRÆkÆ
Rokfn¼frosZÙkq A fèÆkÆ"k.kk¼fl ioZÆrh izfRÆkÆ Rokfn¼R;kÆLRoXos¼Ùkq
fnÆo Lo¼QEHkÆuhj¼fl fèÆkÆ"k.kk¼fl ikoZrsÆ;h izfr¼ Rok ioZÆrh
os¼Ùkq AAûùAA
›armåsyavadhμuta`m rak¶oívadhμutåíaråtayoí-
dityåstvagasi prati tvåditirvettu. Dhi¶aƒåsi
parvat∂ prati tvådityåstvagvettu divaskambha-
n∂rasi dhi¶aƒåsi pårvatey∂ prati två parvat∂
Yajna is the source of joy, it is joy itself. Evil is
eliminated, selfishness is eliminated. It is the protective
cover of the earth. Let the children of the earth know
this. The chant is the voice of omniscience. It is the
light of heaven and main-stay of the stars. The chant is
the music of the showers and the thunder of the clouds.
Let the children of the earth know, let the beneficiaries
of heaven know and realize.
20. (Savita Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
/kÆU;~efl f/uqÉfg nsÆoku~ izkÆ.kk;¼ RoksnkÆuk;¼ Rok O;kÆuk;¼
Rok A nhÆ?kkZeuqÉ izfl¼fRÆkÆek;q¼"ks /ka nsÆoks o¼% lfOÆkÆrk
fgj¼.;ikf.ÆkÆ% izfr¼x`H.kkÆRofPN¼æs.k ikÆf.kukÆ p{kq¼"ks Rok
eÆghukaÆ i;ks¼¿flAAüúAA
Dhånyamasi dhinuhi devån pråƒåya tvo-
dånåya två vyånåya två. D∂rghåmanu prasiti-
måyu¶e dhå≈ devo va¨ savitå hiraƒyapåƒi¨
pratigæbhƒåtvacchidreƒa påƒinå cak¶u¶e två
mah∂nåm payoísi.
It is food consecrated by yajna, water purified by
yajna. It is food for the gods, our body, senses, mind
and soul. Take it for strength and energy, for smartness
and vitality, for virtue and action toward a long and full
life. May the Lord Savita, with His unstinted and
generous hand, bless us with the gifts of light and life
on the earth in abundance.
21. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkr
Æ %q iz¼lÆo¿¨s f'ouksc¼ kZÆgHq ;ak¼ iwÉ".kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
la o¼ikfEÆkÆ lekiÆ¿vks"k/ ¼ hfHÆkÆ% leks"k/ ¼ ;ksÆ jlsu¼ A l§jÊo s rhÆ&
tZxr¼ hfHk% i`P;UrkƦ la e/qe ¼ rhÆe/ ¼q rhfHk% i`P;Urke~ AAüûAA
Z e
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí‹vinorbåhubhyåm
pμ u ¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Sam vapåmi samåpaí
ío¶adh∂bh∂¨ samo¶adhayo rasena. Sa~m revat∂r-
jagat∂bhi¨ pæcyantå~m sa≈ madhumat∂r-madhu-
mat∂bhi¨ pæcyantåm.
With the joint action of the light of the sun and
the vital warmth of the earth, and with the up and down
movement of the breath of air, I carry on a triple yajna
in this creation of Lord Savita. The waters join and
nourish the herbs, and the herbs join to produce the
juices. The juices are mixed with the soothing herbs,
and the soothing herbs with the honey-sweet juices. The
yajna goes on. Keep it up and on for the sake of life and
good health.
22. (Yajna Devata, Antyasya Aagni Sautram Devate
Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
tu¼;R;S RokÆ la;kS¼ehÆneÆXusfÊjÆneÆXuh"kkse; ¼ ksfjÊ"ks Rok¼ ?kÆeksZ~¿fl
Æ iz¼Fkk¿ mÆ# iz¼FkLoksÆ#A rs¼ ;ÆKif¼ r% izFkrke†fXu"VsÆ
RopaÆ ek fg¼§lhísÆoLRok¼ lfOÆkÆrk J¼i;rqÉ o£"ÆkÆ"Bs¿fèÆkÆ
Janayatyai två sa≈yaum∂damagneridamagn∂-
¶omayori¶e två gharmoísi vi‹våyururuprathåí
uru prathasvoru. Te yaj¤apati¨ prathatå-
magni¶¢e tvaca≈ må hi~ms∂ddevastvå savitå
‹rapayatu var¶i¶¢heídhi nåke.
The yajna I perform is for the well-being and
prosperity of all on earth. The materials I offer is for
Agni, to atomize in the fire. It is for Agni and Soma,
generative powers of nature, for the production of food.
The fire of yajna is the life of the earth, it is universal.
Expand it, O man, and join the generative powers of
nature. May the Lord of Yajna, Agni, expand it for
universal happiness. May the fire never injure your
protection of body and wealth. May Lord Savita mature
and perfect your yajna and bring about a very heaven
of bliss on the earth.
23. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
ek HksÆekZ lafo¼DFkkÆ¿vr¼es#;ZÆKks¿r¼es#Æ;Zt¼ekuL; izÆtk
Hkw¼;kr~ f=ÆkÆrk;¼ Rok f}Ærk;¼ RoSdÆrk;¼ Rok AAüýAA
Må bhermå sa≈vikthåí atameruryaj¤oítamerur-
yajamånasya prajå bhμuyåt. Tritåya två dvitåya
tvaikatåya två.
Fear not, be firm in faith. Yajna is an act of faith.
May the yajaman’s children and other people be faithful.
Keep it up for three: fire, action and the materials; for
the purification of air and rain; and for the sole aim of
happiness and well-being.
24. (Dyauvidyutau Devate, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q iz¼lo Æ ¿¨s f'ouks¼ckZÆgHq ;ak¼ iwÉ".kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
vknn ¼ ¿s èojÊÑRak¼ nsÆoHs ;Æ¿bUæ¼L; ckÆgjq ¼fLÆkÆ nf{k¼.k% lÆgϼ&
Hk`f"V% 'kÆrrs¼tk okÆ;qj¼fl fRÆkÆXers¼tk f}"kÆrks oÆ/% AAüþAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí‹vinorbåhubhyåm
pμ u ¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Ådadeídhvarakætam
devebhyaí indrasya båhurasi dak¶iƒa¨ sahasra-
bh涢i¨ ‹atatejå våyurasi tigmatejå dvi¶ato
In this world of Lord Savita’s creation, I perform
the sacred act of yajna for the well-being of the holy
ones, for benefit from the light of the sun, soothing peace
of the moon and the vital breath of air. It is the mighty
arm of the sun working with a hundred thousand rays
maturing the vegetation on earth. It is the caressing
power of the wind and the generative shower of the
clouds on all forms of life for growth and energy. It is
the death of mutual opposition, the elimination of hate
and resolution of contradictions.
25. (Savita Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
i`fFk¼fo nso;tÆU;ks"k¼è;kLrsÆ ewyaÆ ek fg¼§fl"ka ozÆta x¼PN
xksÆ"BkuaÆ o" k¼ Zrq rsÆ |kSC k¼ Z/kÆu ns¼o lfor% ijÊeL;¼ka i`fFÆkÆO;k¦
'kÆrsuÆ ik'kSÆ;ksZ¨¿LekU}sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a f}É"eLrerksÆ ek
ekSo¼ Q~ AAüÿAA
Pæthivi devayajanyo¶adhyåste mμ u lam må
hi~msi¶am vrajam gaccha go¶¢hånam var¶atu
te dyaurbadhåna deva savita¨ paramasyåm
pæthivyå~m ‹atena på‹airyoísmåndve¶¢i yam cha
vayam dvi¶mastamato må mauk.
Lord Savita of light and glory, I shall never do
violence to the fertility of the earth, mother of
vegetation. The earth is sacred, seat of yajna for the
holiest of the holy. May the fragrance of yajna rise to
the clouds and reach the sun and shower rain and light
on the earth from heaven. On this holy seat of yajna,
whoever oppresses us, and whom we oppose, bind him
down with a hundred bonds and leave him not.
26. (Savita Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
vikÆj#¼ a i`fFÆkÆO;S ns¼oÆ;t¼uk}è;kla ozÆta x¼PN xksÆ"BkuaÆ o"kZ×rq
rsÆ |kScZ×/kÆu ns¼o lfor% ijÊeL;ak¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k¦ 'kÆrsuÆ
ik'kSÆ;ksZ¨¿LekU}sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a f}Æ"eLrerksÆ ek ekS¼o~Q A
vj¼jksÆ fnoaÆ ek i¼Irks æÆIlLrsÆ |ka ek Lo¼Qu~ ozt Æ a x¼PN
¼ lfor% ijÊeL;ak¼ i`fFÆkOÆ ;k¦
xks"Æ BkuaÆ o"kZ×rq rsÆ |kScZ×/kÆu nso
'kÆrsuÆ ik'kSÆ;ksZ¨¿LekU}sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a f}Æ"eLrerksÆ ek
ekS¼o~Q AAüöAA
Apårarum pæthivyai devayajanådvadhyåsam
vrajam gaccha go¶¢hånam var¶atu te dyau-
rbadhåna deva savita¨ paramasyåm pæthivyå~m
‹atena på‹airyoísmåndve¶¢i yam cha vayam
dvi¶mastamato må mauk. Araro divam må papto
drapsaste dyåm må skan vrajam gaccha
go¶¢hånam var¶atu te dyau-rbadhåna deva
savita¨ paramasyåm pæthivyåm ‹atena på‹airyoí-
småndve¶¢i yam cha vayam dvi¶mastamato må
I destroy the evil from the earth which is the holy
seat of yajna. Go to the congregation for knowledge,
and shower the rain of knowledge and light of heaven
on the earth. Lord Savita of light and glory, who ever
opposes our yajna and whoever we oppose, bind him
with a hundred bonds and leave him not. The wicked
must not stop the light of heaven. The bubbles of his
drink must not vitiate the nectar. Keep going to the
congregation, bring the light of heaven on earth.
27. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
xkÆ;Æ=ks.k¼ RokÆ NUn¼lkÆ ifj¼x`ÊkfEÆkÆ =kS"Vq¼qHksu RoÆkÆ NUn¼lÆkÆ
ifj¼x`ÊkfEÆkÆ tkx¼rsu RokÆ NUn¼lkÆ ifj¼x`ÊkfeA lqÉ{ek pkfl¼
f'ÆkÆok pk¼fl L;ksÆuk pkfl¼ lqÉ"knk¼ pkÆL;wtZ×LorhÆ pkfLÆkÆ
i;¼Lorh p AAü÷AA
Gåyatreƒa två chandaså parigæhƒåmi trai¶¢u-
bhena två chandaså parigæhƒåmi jågatena två
chandaså parigæhƒåmi. Suk¶må cåsi ‹ivå cåsi
syonå cåsi su¶adå cåsyμurjasvat∂ cåsi payasvat∂ ca.
The earth is beautiful, kind and gracious, rich in
comfort and security, food and energy, overflowing with
the honey-sweet juices of fruits. It is so by virtue of
yajna. I dedicate myself to yajna with the inspiring music
of gayatri, ecstatic freedom of trishtubh, and illuminating
expansiveness of jagati.

28. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R

° shi)

iqÉjk ozwQjÉ L;¼ foÆl`iks¼ fojfI'kUuqnkÆnk;¼ i`fFÆkÆoha thÆonk¼uqe~A

;keSj¼;'¡ pÆUæe¼fl LoÆ/kfHÆkÆLrkeqÉ /hjkl ¼ ks¿vuqfÉ n';¼ ;tUrsA
izks{k¼.khÆjklk¼n; f}"kÆrks oÆ/ks~¿fl AAüøAA
Purå krμurasya visæpo virap‹innudådåya pæthiv∂m
j ∂vadånum. Yåmairaya≈‹candramasi svadhå-
bhiståmu dh∂råsoí anudi‹ya yajante. Prok¶aƒ∂r-
åsådaya dvi¶ato vadhoísi.
Lord of virtue and power, having taken up the
earth with its generative power, you placed it in the
region of the moon in life-friendly space. Brave men of
honour and virtue take up mighty arms and eliminate
the destructive, and restore its powers and dignity. Pious
men in advance perform yajna with oblations of
rejuvenating materials and restore the generative powers
of the earth. Men of virtue perform yajna, fight
negativities and keep the balance of nature. Yajna is the
death of the enemies of life.

29. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R

° shi)

izR;q¼"VƧj{kÆ% izR;q¼"VkÆ¿vjk¼r;ksÆ fu"V¼IrƧj{kksÆ fu"V¼IrkÆ¿&

vjk¼r;%A vfu¼f'krks¿fl liRuÆf{k}kÆftUak¼ Rok oktsÆè;k;SÆ
lEek¼£Te A izR;q¼"VƧj{kÆ% izR;q¼"VkÆ¿vjk¼r;ksÆ fu"V¼IrƧj{kksÆ
fu"V¼IrkÆ¿vjk¼r;% A vfu¼f'krk¿fl liRuÆf{k}kÆftuha× Rok
oktsÆè;k;SÆ lEek¼£Te AAüùAA
Pratyu¶¢a~m rak¶a¨ pratyu¶¢åíaråtayo ni¶¢apta~m
rak¶o ni¶¢aptåíaråtaya¨. Ani‹itoísi sapatnak¶i-
dvåjina≈ två våjedhyåyai sammårjmi. Pratyu¶¢am
rak¶a¨ pratyu¶¢åí aråtayo ni¶¢apta~m rak¶o
ni¶¢aptåí aråtaya¨. Ani‹itåísi sapatnak¶idvåjin∂m
två våjedhyåyai sammårjmi.
Yajna is not a sharp-edged weapon of destruction
but a peaceful mode of regeneration. The lawless are
uprooted, the selfish are driven out. I take up the yajna
materials for the recuperative purpose and consecrate
these for the offering. The force of yajna is positive, of
love and non-violence, but it is most effective in
operation. It corrects the lawless, converts the selfish
and eliminates the destructive. I honor this power for
the sustenance of nature, life and humanity.
30. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
vfn¼R;SÆ jkLuk¼fLÆkÆ fo".kks¼oZsÆ"iks~¿L;wÉTtsZ Rok¿n¼C/su RokÆ
p{kqÉ"kko¼i';kfe A vÆXus£tÆàkfl¼ lqÉgwnsZÊosH;ksÆ /kEus¼ /kEus es
HkoÆ ;tq¼"ks;tq"ks AAýúAA
Adityai råsnåsi vi¶ƒorve¶poísyμurje tvåí-
dabdhena två cak¶u¶åvapa‹yami. Agnerjihvåsi
suhμ u rdevebhyo dhåmne dhåmne me bhava
yaju¶e yaju¶e.
Yajna, you are the nectar of life for the earth. You
are the presence of Vishnu, the creative power of yajna.
You are life on the earth and light in the sky. You are the
tongue of Agni, tasting the sweets of life. I see this
presence in truth with steady and blessed eye for the
sake of food, energy, and the light of life, in every place
and in every chant of mantra. You are so close, invoked
so freely, so be gracious for me too.
31. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
lÆfOÆkÆrLq Rok¼ izlÆo¿mRiqu ¼ kÆE;fPNæ¼ .s k iÆfo=ks.¼ kÆ lw;×Z L; jÊf'efHk%¼ A
lÆfOÆkrÆ oq Z×% izlÆo¿mRiq¼ukÆE;fPNæ ¼ .s k iÆfo=ks.kÆ lwÕkZ ¼L; jÊf'efHk¼%A
rstks¼¿fl 'kqÉØe¼L;Æer ` ¼efLÆkÆ /keÆ ukek¼fl fIÆkzÆ;a nsÆokukÆeuk¼&
/`"Va nsoÆ;t¼uefl AAýûAA
Savitustvå prasavaí utpunåmyacchidreƒa
pavitreƒa sμ u ryasya ra‹mibhi¨. Saviturva¨
prasavaí utpunåmyacchidreƒa pavitreƒa
sμuryasya ra‹mibhi¨. Tejoísi ‹ukramasyamæta-
masi dhåma nåmåsi priyam devånåmanå-
dh涢am devayajanamasi.
Yajna, I consecrate you in the creation of Savita
with a ceaseless shower of the purest rays of the sun. I
consecrate you all in this cosmic yajna of Savita with a
ceaseless shower of the purest rays of the light of
Divinity. You are the light and fire. You are the life and
immortality. You are the heaven, you are the Word, you
are the darling of the gods, fearless and inviolable, you
are the lord of worship for the pious, you are the light
and life for humanity.

bfr izFkeks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati R
° shi)
Ñ".kks¿¼ L;k[kjsÊ"B¨k¿s Xu;s¼ RokÆ tq"VaÆ izk{s kkf¼ EÆkÆ osfn¼jfl cÆfgZ"ks¼
RokÆ tq"VkaÆ izk{s kkf¼ e cÆfgZj¼fl ÏqXÉ H;LRokÆ tq"VaÆ izk{s kkf¼ eAAûAA
K涃oísyåkhare¶¢hoígnaye två ju¶¢a≈ prok¶åmi
vedirasi barhi¶e två ju¶¢åm prok¶åmi barhirasi
srugbhyastvå ju¶¢a≈ prok¶åmi.
Yajna is seated in the vedi carved out on the
ground, and it is carried to the sky by the window. I
refine and consecrate the holy offerings for the fire in
the vedi. The fragrance rises to the sky for the higher
vedi there for the formation of waters. I refine and enrich
the holy materials/offerings consecrated by the fire for
the yajna in the sky. The yajna is holy waters floating in
the sky for showers on the earth. I refine, enrich and
consecrate the holy materials of oblations, offered with
ladles into the fire, for yajna from the sky.
2. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
vfn¼R;SÆ O;qUnu ¼ efLÆkÆ fo".kks¼ LrqÉik¨ ¿s L;w.kZ×en
z la Rok Lr`.kkfe
LoklÆLFkka nsÆosH;ksÆ Hkqo¼ir;sÆ LokgkÆ Hkqo¼uir;sÆ Lokgk¼
HkwÉrkukaÆ ir¼;sÆ Lokgk¼ AAüAA
Adityai vyundanamasi vi¶ƒo¨ stupoísyμurƒa-
mradasam två stæƒåmi svåsasthåm devebhyoí
bhuvapataye svåhå bhuvanapataye svåhå
bhμutånåm pataye svåhå.
Yajna is shower of life for the earth. It is the fiery
flag-pole of Vishnu. I refine the offerings with the stony
grinder and cover the snug and beautiful vedi with food
for the gods. The yajna is for the Lord of the earth, it is
for the Lord of the world, it is for the Lord of all the
creatures, it is for the best creative souls among
3. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
xÆU/ÆoLZ Rok¼ fOÆk'Æ okol ¼ %Éq ifjn¼ /krqÉ fo'oÆL;kfj"¼ VÔSÆ ;te ¼ kuL;
ifjÆf/j¼L;ÆfXufjÆM¿bZ×fMÆr% A bUæ¼L; ckÆgqj¼fLÆkÆ nf{k¼.kksÆ
fo'oÆL;kfj¼"VÔSÆ ;t¼ekuL; ifjÆf/j¼L;ÆfXufjÆM¿bZ×fMÆr%A
fEÆk=Æ kko#¼ .kkS RoksÙkjÊr% ifj/ ¼ Ùkka /zo
Éq .s kÆ /eZ×.kkÆ fo'oÆL;kfj"¼ VÔSÆ
;t¼ekuL; ifjÆf/j¼L;ÆfXufjÆM¿bZ×fMÆr% AAýAA
Gandharvastvå vi‹våvasu¨ paridadhåtu vi‹va-
syåri¶¢yai yajamånasya paridhirasyagni-
riŒaí∂Œita¨. Indrasya båhurasi dak¶iƒo
vi‹vasyåri¶¢yai yajamånasya paridhirasyagni-
riŒaí∂Œita¨. Mitråvaruƒau tvottarata¨ pari-
dhattåm dhruveƒa dharmaƒå vi‹vasyåri¶¢yai
yajamånasya paridhirasyagniriŒaí∂Œita¨.
Agni, Lord Supreme of the light and life of the
universe, worthy of worship and worshipped through
yajna, is Gandharva, the rest and haven of the world
that holds the earth and the Divine Word. It is Agni, the
fire and the sun, and Indra, the wind and rain of the
cosmic energy that feeds and sustains the dynamics of
existence. It is Mitra and Varuna, complementary
motions of the cosmic circuit which feed and maintain
the vitality of life. May Gandharva uphold the yajna
and be all-round protector of the yajaman for the welfare
of the world. May yajna, the right hand of Indra, provide
for all-round protection of the yajaman toward the
welfare and advancement of humanity. May Mitra and
Varuna by their natural and inviolable dharma, provide
for the yajaman’s protection from above for the peace
and progress of the world. Agni, worthy of worship,
study and meditation, and worshipped, studied and
researched through yajna, is the ultimate haven of the
world, and yajna is the highest creative and productive
action of humanity performed individually and
4. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
ohÆfrgks¼=ka Rok dos |qÉeUrƧlfe¼/hefg A
vXus¼ c`ÉgUr¼eèoÆjs AAþAA
V∂tihotra≈ två kave dyumanta~m samidh∂mahi.
Agne bæhantamadhvare.
Agni, Lord Omniscient, may we, in this act of
love and non-violence, light the fire of yajna, great and
blazing giver of the gift of joy and prosperity, and may
we, through this yajna, worship, study and meditate on
you, Lord Almighty, greater than the greatest, most
glorious and most generous giver of the light of
5. (Yajna Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
lÆfen¼fLÆkÆ lwÕ;Z ×LRok iqÉjLrk¼r~ ikrqÉ dL;k¼f'pnÆfHk'k¼LR;S A
Æ c
q kZg
Æ w LFkÆ¿mQ.kZ×en
z la Rok Lr`.kkfe LoklÆLFka nso
Æ Hs ;Æ¿vk
RokÆ ol¼oks #Ææk¿vk¼fnÆR;k% l¼nUrq AAÿAA
Samidasi sμ u ryastvå puraståt påtu kasyå-
‹cidabhi‹astyai. Saviturbåhμ u sthaíμ u rƒa-
mradasa≈ två stæƒåmi svåsastham devebhyaí å
två vasavo rudråíådityå¨ sadantu.
Yajna: you are samidha, food of Agni, for the
illumination of rare qualities. May the sun, with its two-
fold power of illumination and rejuvenation, protect and
prepare you in advance for the sacrifice and higher life.
May all the eight Vasus (abodes of life), eleven Rudras
(sustainers of life) and twelve Adityas (lights and
durations of life in time) come and participate in the
rejuvenation as in the spring session of yajna. For this
refinement and advancement of life I cover the yajna-
vedi, snug, beautiful and pleasing, with holy offerings.
6. (Vishnu Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
É kP;f¼ l tqg
?k`r É u
w kZEukÆ lsna fIÆkÆ;
z . s kÆ /kEuk¼ fIÆk; Æz § lnÆ¿vklh¼n
É kP;L¼ ;qiHÆ k`UukEukÆ lsna fIÆkzÆ;.
?k`r s kÆ /kEuk¼ fIÆk; ¼
Æz § lnÆ¿vklhn
É kP;f¼ l /zo
?k`r Éq k ukEukÆ lsna fIÆk; Æz .s kÆ /kEuk¼ fIÆk;
Æz § lnÆ¿vklhn ¼ A
fIÆkzÆ;s.kÆ /kEuk¼ fIÆ kzÆ;§ lnÆ¿vklh¼n A /zqÉok¿v¼lnUu`ÉrL;Æ
;ksukSÆ rk fo¼".kks ikfg ikÆfg ;ÆKa ikÆfg ;ÆKi¼¯r ikÆfg eka
;¼KÆU;~eA~ AöAA
Ghætåcyasi juhμurnåmnå sedam priyeƒa dhåmnå
priya~m sadaí ås∂da ghætåcyasyupabhænnåmnå
sedam priyeƒa dhåmnå priyam sadaí ås∂da
ghætåcyasi dhruvå nåmnå sedam priyeƒa
dhåmnå priya~m sadaíås∂da priyeƒa dhåmnå
priya~m sadaí ås∂da. Dhruvåí asadannætasya
yonau tå vi¶ƒo påhi påhi yaj~nam påhi yaj¤apatim
påhi måm yaj¤anyam.
You are an instrument of yajna, Juhu by name,
the ladle to offer oblations into the fire. With your own
dear place and position in the yajna, enrich this home
with all the gifts of plenty. You are Upabhrta by name,
close by to carry offerings for the fire. With your own
dear position and power, bless this happy home with
all the gifts of joy. You are Dhruva by name, firm and
inviolable in yajna. With your own dear power and
potential grace this blessed home with all the gifts of
peace, freedom and progress. Be with this happy place,
dwell here with all power, potential and grace, firm,
secure, inviolable, in this blessed home of yajna, the
seat of truth and righteousness. Vishnu, Lord
Omnipresent and Universal yajna, protect all these,
preserve and advance the yajna, protect and bless the
yajnapati, save me and protect and advance the
organization and system of yajna.
7. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
vXus¼ oktftÆn~ okta × Rok lfjÆ";URak¼ oktÆftrƧ lEek¼£TeA
ueks¼ nsÆosH;¼% LoÆ/k fIÆkÆr`H;¼% lqÉ;es¼ es Hkw;kLre~ AA÷AA
Agne våjajid våjam två sari¶yanta≈ våjajita~m
sammårjm. Namo devebhya¨ svadhå pitæbhya¨
suyame me bhμuyåstam.
Agni is the Lord of light and life, it is fire both
physical and vital. It is the giver and purifier of food
and the secret of victory and glory. It is fast in motion
and action, burning up the libations and sending them
up into the sky. I worship Agni and refine agni through
yajna for food and energy, light and victory. Salutations
to the Devas, celestial powers of light; food for the Pitris,
powers of nourishment. May they both help us with food
and energy to win honour and glory for us.
8. (Vishnu Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
vLo¼QUueÆ| nsÆosH;Æ¿vkT;Ƨ lafHkz¼;klÆefÄ~ ?kz¼.kk fo".kksÆ
ek Roko¼Øfe"kaÆ olq¼erheXus rs PNkÆ;keqi¼LFks"kaÆ fo".kksÆ
LFkku¼elhÆr¿bUæks¼ ohÆ;Z~eÑ.kksnwÉèoks~Z¿èoÆj¿vkLFkk¼r~ AAøAA
Askannamadya devebhyaí åjya~m sambhriyåsa-
maΔghriƒå vi¶ƒo må tvåvakrami¶a≈ vasumat∂-
magne te cchåyåmupasthe¶a≈ vi¶ƒo sthånam-
as∂taí indro v∂ryamakæƒodμ u rdhvoídhvaraí
Vishnu, Lord Omnipresent, universal yajna, I
bring libations of ghee, pure and secure, for the devas
through the fire of the vedi. Agni, Lord of Yajna, may I
never neglect or violate yajna, and I pray I may always
live in your protective shade. The fire in the vedi is the
seat of Vishnu. It rises from the vedi to the vast sky and
from there the sun and wind carry it all round and
convert it into the noblest acts of the devotees.
9. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
vXusÆ osgksZÆ=ka osnÉRwZ ;¨eo¼rkaÆ Roka |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh¿voÆ Roa
|kok¼if` FÆkÆoh fLo¼"VÆÑíso ¼ gÆfo"kk¼ HkwÉRLokgkÆ
Æ Hs ;Æ¿bUæÆ¿vkT;su
la T;ksfr¼"kkÆ T;ksfr¼% AAùAA
Agne verhotra≈ verdμ u tyamavatå≈ två≈
dyåvåpæthiv∂í ava tva≈ dyåvåpæthiv∂ svi¶¢akæd-
devebhyaí indraíåjyena havi¶å bhμutsvåhå sa≈
jyoti¶å jyoti¨.
Agni, Lord of light and life, protect the act of
yajna into the fire, protect the fiery rise of fragrance
into the sky, protect the heaven and the earth, and may
the heaven and the earth carry on your blessed purpose
of yajna. May the sun, light of the world, with its
radiance convert the libation of holy materials into the
richest food for nature and for holy men. This is the
voice of Divinity.
10. (Indra Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
e;hÆnfeU漿bfUÆæÆ;a n¼/kRoÆLeku~ jk;ks¼ eÆ?kok¼u% lpUrke~ A
vÆLekoQ¼ § lURokÆf'k"k%¼ lÆR;k u%¼ lURokÆf'k"kÆ¿mig ¼ rw k i`fFÆko
Æ h
ekÆrksiÆ eka i`¼fFÆko ¼ rkeÆfXujkXuh/
Æ h ekÆrk à; ¼ kz rÆ ~ Lokgk¼ AAûúAA
May∂damindraíindriyam dadhåtvasmån råyo
maghavåna¨ sacantåm. Asmåkam ` santvå‹i¶a¨
satyå na¨ santvå‹i¶aíupahμutå pæthiv∂ måtopa
måm pæthiv∂ måtå hvayatåmagnirågn∂-dhråt
May Indra, Lord Supreme of power and glory,
in-vest me with the powers of sense and mind. May He
enrich us all with the knowledge wealth and prosperity
of the world. May all our hopes and aspirations come
true and turn into blessings for all of us. May the mother
earth invoked and served by us be kind and bless us.
May Agni bless us from the vedi, the seat of yajna, with
the gifts of fire. This is the voice of Divinity.
11. (Dyavaprithivi Devate, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
mig ¼ rw ksÆ |kSf"ÆIkÆ rÆ ksiÆ eka |kSf"ÆIkÆ rÆ k à¼;rkeÆfXujkXuh/ ¼ kz Ær~ LokgkA¼
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl ¼ Æo¿¨s f'ouksc ¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
izfr¼x`ÊkE;ÆXus‹kÉL;s~uÆ izk'uk¼fe AAûûAA
Upahμuto dyau¶pitopa må≈ dyau¶pitå hvayatå-
magnirågn∂dhråt svåhå. Devasya två savitu¨
prasaveí‹vinorbåhubhyå≈ pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm.
Pratigæhƒåmyagne¶¢våsyena prå‹nåmi.
Heavenly Father, invoked and worshipped! May
the Heavenly Father receive me into His care and bless
me with the gifts of fire from the vedi, the seat of yajna.
In this blessed world of Savita’s creation, you receive a
free flow of good health and nourishment from the arms
of Ashwinis and the hands of Pusha, nature’s currents of
energy and the motions of vital air. Yes, with my own
mouth, I take in the food and inhale the breath of life
from the vital fire of the Lord’s yajna. This is the voice
of Divinity.
12. (Savita Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
,Æra rs¼ nso lfor;ZÆKa izkgqÉc`ZgÆLir¼;s czÆã.ks¼ A
rsu¼ ;ÆKe¼oÆ rsu¼ ;ÆKi¼¯RÆkÆ rsuÆ ekeo ¼ AAûüAA
Eta≈ te deva savitaryaj¤a≈ pråhurbæhaspataye
brahmaƒe. Tena yaj¤amava tena yaj¤apati≈
tena måmava.
Lord Savita, this is the yajna of creation, the
dynamics of existence and the paths of living in Dharma
with knowledge, action and worship together in yajna.
This yajna is for thee, they say. It is for Brihaspati, man
of knowledge, and Brahma, man of faith and vision, to
know and receive the highest gifts of yajna. Lord of
existence, save yajna by yajna, save yajnapati by yajna,
save me by yajna.
13. (Brihaspati Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
euks¼ twÉfrtqZ×"krkÆekT;L¼ ;Æ c`gLÆ ifr;
¼ KÆZ fEÆke ¼ ksÆRofj¼"Va ;ÆK§
Æ a ru
lfEÆke ¼ krq A fo'os¼ nso
Æ a n/ Æ kl¼¿bÆg ekn¼ ;UrkÆeksýEizfr"¼ BAAûýAA
Mano jμutirju¶atåmåjyasya bæhaspatiryaj¤a-
mima≈ tanotvari¶¢a≈ yaj¤am samima≈
dadhåtu. Vi‹ve devåsaíiha mådayantåmom
The mind is fast, instant in motion. May my mind
benefit from the offerings of yajna. May Brihaspati,
Lord of the wide world, expand the yajna of existence.
May the Lord sustain this yajna of ours in love and peace
without violence. May the powers of nature be ever fresh,
may all good people ever rejoice by yajna. Be firm by
Om, the voice of existence, the Eternal Word, the very
name of the Divine. Om and yajna is our haven. Let it be
so in our heart.
14. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
,É"kk rs¼¿vXus lÆfeÙk;kÆ o/Z×LoÆ pk p¼ I;k;Lo A oÆ£èÆk"Æ khÆefg¼
p oÆ;ek p¼ I;kfl"khefg A vXus¼ oktftÆ}kta × Rok
ll`Éok¦Lak¼ oktÆftrƧlEek¼£Te AAûþAA
E¶å teíagne samittayå vardhasva cå ca
pyåyasva. Vardhi¶∂mahi ca vayamå ca
pyåsi¶∂mahi. Agne våjajidvåja≈ två Sasævåmsa≈
våjajita`m sammårjmi.
Agni, Lord of the fire of Yajna, this samidha (fuel
wood) is food for you. Burn with it, grow, expand and
illuminate. With the growth of yajna, expand us too in
body, mind and soul. We shall grow, and we shall
expand in body, mind and soul. Agni, you are food.
You are knowledge, speed and motion. You are the lord
of knowledge, speed and progress and the winner of
victories. For the growth of food and knowledge, for
the acceleration of speed and motion, and for the sake
of victory over want and evil in life, we study, refine
and multiply the power of fire through yajna for the
common good.
15. (Agni-Shomau Devate, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
¼ ksÆ#fTt¼fRÆkÆeuwTts¼"kaÆ okt¼L; ek izlÆou
vÆXuh"kkse; s Æ izkg s kf¼ eA
vÆXuh"kksekSÆ rei¼uqnrkaÆ ;ks¨¿Leku~ }sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a f}É"eks
okt¼L;Sua izlo s kiks¼gkfe A bÆUækÆXU;ks#fTt¼fRÆke
Æ u Æ uwTts¼"kaÆ oktL¼ ;
ek izlÆosuÆ izksgk¼fe A bÆUækÆXuh rei¼uqnrkaÆ ;ks¨¿Leku~ }sf"ÆVÆ
;a p¼ oÆ;a f}É"eks okt¼L;Sua izlÆosukiks¼gkfe AAûÿAA
Agn∂¶omayorujjitimanμ u jje¶am våjasya må
prasavena prohåmi. Agn∂¶omau tamapanu-
datå≈ yoísmån dve¶¢i yam ca vayam dvi¶mo
våjasyainam prasavenåpohåmi. Indrågnyo-
rujjitimanμ u jje¶am våjasya må prasavena
prohåmi. Indrågn∂ tamapanudatå≈ yoísmån-
dve¶¢i yam ca vayam dvi¶mo våjasyainam
Let us follow Agni and Soma, lords of fire and
water and win whatever this duo has won. With
inspiration for growth and development, we dedicate
ourselves to study and work. May Agni and Soma ward
off whoever hates us. For the sake of growth and
development, we reject whatever we don’t approve. Let
us follow Indra and Agni, lords of power and fire, and
win what this duo can win. With inspiration for growth
and development, we dedicate ourselves to study and
research. May Indra and Agni ward off whatever/
whoever hates us. For the sake of growth and
development, we reject whatever we all hate.
16. (Dyavaprthivi and Mitravarunau Devate, Parameshthi
Prajapati °Rshi vyantu iti Uttrardhasy Agni Devata)
olqH¼ ;LRok #ÆæHs ;L¼ RokfnÆR;sH;L¼ RokÆ latk¼ukFkka |koki`fFkoh
fEÆkÆ=kko#¼ .kkS RokÆ o`"VÔk¼orke~ A O;UrqÉ o;ksÆÙkQ§fjgk¼.kk
eÆ#rkaÆ i`"k¼rhxZPN oÆ'kk i`f'u¼HkwZÉRok fnOak¼ xPNÆ rrks¼ uksÆ
o`f"ÆVÆeko¼g A pÆ{kqÉ"ik¿v¼Xus¿fLÆkÆ p{kq¼esZ ikfg AAûöAA
Vasubhyastvå rudrebhayastvådityebhyastvå
sa≈jånåthå≈ dyåvåpæthiv∂ mitråvaruƒau två
v涢yåvatå≈. Vyantu vayokta`m rihåƒå marutå≈
pæ¶at∂rgaccha va‹å pæ‹nirbhμutvå divam gaccha
tato no v涢imåvaha. Cak¶u¶påíagneísi
cak¶urme påhi.
Yajna is dedicated to the study of eight Vasus,
supports of life, eleven Rudras, catalytic agents of the
justice of existence, and twelve Adityas, centres of
gravity and balance of nature. May we, with science
and reason, know with reference to the sun and the earth
what we can achieve with the yajna extended in space.
May Mitra and Varuna, currents of vital energy, protect
and enrich the world with rain. May the oblations in
yajna rise to the sky with the wind, and from the sky to
the sun with the cosmic currents, and bring down from
there showers of rain to feed the rivers of earth. Just as
birds go to rest in their nests, so do we, devotees of the
Lord, meditate on the secrets of vaidic hymns to discover
the mysteries of yajna. Agni, Lord of light and life, you
are the giver of vision. Protect my eye and bless me
with vision.
17. (Agni Devata, Devala °Rshi)
;a if¼ jƯ/ iÆ;/
Z R¼ FkkÆ¿vXus¼ nsoiÆf.kfHk¼xá
ÉqZ ek¼u% A ra r¿¼ ,ÉreuqÉ
tks"ak¼ HkjkE;sÆ"k usÙon¼ipsÆr;k¼rk¿vÆXus% fizÆ;a ikFkks¿&
ih¼re~ AAû÷AA
Yam paridhi≈ paryadhatthåíagne deva-
paƒibhirguhyamåna¨, Tam taíetamanu jo¶am
bharåmye¶a nettvadapacetayåtåíagne¨ priya≈
Agni, Lord of light and life, you hold and sustain
the law of Dharma observed by the powers of nature
and celebrated in the songs of the seers. I accept and
act within the bounds of that law and feed upon the
foods provided by nature and yajna. May I never neglect
or violate that law. May I never be ungrateful to the
Lord. May I never lose the vision of Divinity.
18. (Vishvedeva Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
lƦÏÆoHkk¼xk LFksÆ"kk c`ÉgUr¼% izLrjsÊ"Bk% i¼fjÆ/;
s k¼'p nsÆok%A
bÆeka okp¼eÆfHk fo'os¼ x`É.kUr¼¿vkÆl|kÆfLeu~ cÆ£gf"k¼
ekn;èoƦLokgkÆ okV~ AAûøAA
Sa`msravabhågå sthe¶å bæhanta¨ prastare¶¢hå¨
paridheyå‹ca devå¨. Imå≈ våcamabhi vi‹ve
gæƒantaíåsadyåsmin barhi¶i mådayadhva `m
svåhå vå¢.
Stay firm, dedicated children of the earth, on the
rock-bed foundations of knowledge and justice, and,
great and expansive within the bounds of Divine law,
sit around this yajna fire on seats of grass, chanting the
holy songs of praise, offering the honey-sweets of your
produce to the fire and receiving from agni, in return,
the nectar of life. Thus you celebrate the Lord’s gift of
life. Thus you enjoy in unison. Surrender and play your
part, this is the voice of Divinity.
19. (Agni-Vayu Devate, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
?k`Érkph¼ LFkksÆ /q;kSZ× ikr§ lqÉEus LFk¼% lqÉEus ek¼ /Ùke~ A ;KÆ
ue¼'p rÆ¿mi¼ p ;ÆKL;¼ f'ÆkÆos lfUr¼"BLoÆ fL~OÆkÆ"Vs esÆ
lfUr¼"BLo AAûùAA
Ghætac∂ stho dhuryau påta`m sumne stha¨ sumne
må dhattam. Yaj¤a nama‹ca taíupa ca yaj¤asya
‹ive santi¶¢hasva svi¶¢e me santi¶¢hasva.
Fire and wind are foremost movers of the wheels
of yajna. Replete in nutriments such as ghee and water,
they are nature’s agents of the growth and sustenance
of humanity in comfort and joy. Yajna and humility are
auspicious for you. Be firm in your devotion and
performance and you will live happy in the protective
shade of the Divine.
20. (Agni-Sarasvati Devate, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
vXus¿¼ nC/k;ks¿'khre ikÆfg ek¼ fnÆ|ks% ikÆfg izfl¼R;S ikÆfg
nqfj¼"VÔS ikÆfg nqj¼ÁÆU;k¿v¼fOÆkÆ"ka u¼% fIÆkÆrqa o`¼Q.kq A lqÉ"knkÆ
;ksukSÆ LokgkÆ okMÆXu;s¼ laosÆ'ki¼r;sÆ LokgkÆ lj¼LoR;S
;'kksHkÆfxU;SÆ Lokgk¼ AAüúAA
Agneídabdhåyoí‹∂tama påhi må didyo¨ påhi
prasityai påhi duri¶¢yai påhi duradmanyåí
avi¶a≈ na¨ pitum kæƒu. Su¶adå yonau svåhå
våŒ-agnaye sa≈ve‹apataye svåhå sarasvatyai
ya‹obhaginyai svåhå.
Agni, Lord of universal yajna, giver of life, free
and without fear, save yajna from evil and violence,
save me from suffering, save me from bondage, make
our food free from poison and inedibles, may our home
be a blessed place of peace and happiness. This oblation
is for Agni, protector of the home and the earth, this is
for Sarasvati, voice of the Divine, sister of honour.
21. (Prajapati Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
osÆnks~¿fLÆkÆ ;suÆ Roa ns ¼o osn nsÆosH;ks¼ osÆnks¿Hk¼oÆLrsuÆ eá¯
osÆnks Hkw¼;k%A nsok¼ xkrqfonks xÆkÆrqa fOÆkÆÙok xkÆrqfe¼r A
eu¼lLir¿bÆea ns¼o ;ÆK¦LokgkÆ okrs¼ /k% AAüûAA
Vedoísi yena tva≈ deva veda devebhyo vedoí-
bhavastena mahya≈ vedo bhμ u ya¨. Devå
gåtuvido gåtum vittvå gåtumita. Manasaspataí
ima≈ deva yaj¤a`m svåhå våte dhå¨.
Prajapati, Lord of the universe, omniscient, you
are Veda, Divine Word Itself. The knowledge by virtue
of which you are omniscient for the seers and sages,
who know the Veda and the ways of the world, is the
knowledge for me too. Enlighten me with that. The seers,
having realized that knowledge of existence, sing the
hymns and follow the paths of virtue. Lord of mind and
knowledge, take this yajna with the winds to the heights
of heaven and place it there. Our oblations for that yajna.
22. (Indra Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
¼ ~ Drk¦gÆfo"kk¼ ?k`rÉ us Æ lekf¼ nÆR;Sol
la cÆ£gjÄ Z f¼q HÆk%Æ lEeÆ#f‰¼%A
lfeUæks¼ fOÆkÆ'ons¼osfHkjÄ~Drka fnÆO;a uHkks¼ xPNrqÉ ;r~
Sa≈barhiraΔktå`m havi¶å ghætena samådityair-
vasubhi¨ sammarudbhi¨. Samindro vi‹vadeve-
bhiraΔktå≈ divya≈ nabho gacchatu yat svåhå.
Let the yajna-vedi be covered with havan
materials seasoned with ghee and offered by the best of
devotees and let the fragrance, carried by fire, wind and
currents of energy, rise to the heights of the sky with
Adityas, Vasus and Maruts and, there in the regions of
light, the sun would mix the fragrance with its rays and
convert it into vital vapour to shower on earth as water.
23. (Prajapati Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
dLRokÆ foeq¼×pfRÆkÆ l RokÆ foeq¼×pfRÆkÆ dLeS¼ RokÆ foeq×¼ pfRÆkÆ
rLeS ¼ RokÆ foeq¼×pfr A iks"kk¼;Æ j{k¼lka HkkÆxks~¿fl AAüýAA
Kastvå vimu¤cati sa två vimu¤cati kasmai två
vimu¤cati tasmai två vimu¤cati. Po¶åya
rak¶aså≈ bhågoísi.
(i) Who leaves (offers) the oblations into the
fire? Who releases nature-materials into the cosmic
yajna of creation? The yajnapati. Prajapati, Lord Creator
and father of His creatures. For what purpose? For self
realization. For His purpose of creation. For
nourishment, for preservation and protection, for
destruction of the destroyers.
(ii) Who gives you away/up? He gives you away/
up. For what purpose/to what end? For self-realization/
self-negation. For nourishment: you are the share of the
good and the protectors; even of the wicked and the
destroyers, but, for their punishment and destruction.
24. (Tvashta Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
la opZ×lkÆ i;¼lkÆ lUrÆuwfHÆkÆjx¼UefgÆ eu¼lkÆ l§f'ÆkÆosu¼ A
Ro"Vk¼ lqn ¼ krqÉ jk;ks¿uq¼ek"VqZ rÆUo¨ks ;f}fy"¼ Ve~AAüþAA
É =kksÆ fon/
Sa≈ varcaså payaså santanμubhiraganmahi
manaså sam
` ‹ivena. Tva¶¢å ‹udatro vidadhåtu
råyoínumår¶¢u tanvo yadvili¶¢am.
May Lord Tvashta, eternal maker and generous
giver, bless us with lustre of character and light of
knowledge, food for body, mind and senses, peace and
nobility of mind, good and glowing health of body. May
the Lord grant us all kinds of wealth and stability. May
He complete and perfect whatever is wanted in our body
and mind and refine us with culture and virtue.
Let us advance with holy light and lustre, honey-
sweets of food and blooming health, and a mind at peace
with noble aspirations, and attain all round prosperity.
And may Tvashta, Eternal Maker and generous giver,
complete what is lacking in our life and refine us to a
state of perfection.
25. (Vishnu Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
fnÆfo fo".kqÉO;Z~ئLrÆ tkx¼rsuÆ PNUn¼lkÆ rrksÆ fuHkZ×ÙkQÆksÆ
;ks¨¿LekU}sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a f}Æ"eks¨¿Urfj¼{ksÆ fo".kqÉO;Z~ئLrÆ
=kS"Vq¼HksuÆ PNUn¼lkÆ rrksÆ fuHkZ×ÙkQÆksÆ ;ks¨¿LekU}sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a
f}É"e% i`¼fFÆkÆO;ka fo".kqÉO;Z~ئLr xk;Æ=ks.kÆ PNUn¼lkÆ rrksÆ
fuHkZ×ÙkQÆksÆ ;ks¨¿LekU}sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a f}É"eks¨¿LeknÂk¼nÆL;S
iz¼fRÆkÆ"Bk;kÆ¿vx¼UeÆ Lo¨% la T;ksfr¼"kkHkwe AAüÿAA
Divi vi¶ƒurvyakra`msta jågatena chandaså tato
nirbhakto yoísmåndve¶¢i yam ca vayam dvi¶moí
ntarik¶e vi¶ƒurvyakra ` msta trai¶¢ubhena
chandaså tato nirbhakto yoísmåndve¶¢i ya≈ ca
vayam dvi¶ma¨ pæthivyåm vi¶ƒurvyakra~msta
gåyatreƒa chandaså tato nirbhakto yoísmån-
dve¶¢i ya≈ ca vayam dvi¶moísmådannåd asyai
prati¶¢håyåí aganma sva¨ sa≈ jyoti¶åbhμuma.
Vishnu, yajna, performed with the ecstatic chant
of jagati verses, reached the regions of the sun, and from
there eliminated all that opposes us and all that we
oppose for the sake of life. Vishnu, yajna, performed
with the spontaneous chant of trishtubh verses, rose up
to the middle regions of the sky, and from there
eliminated all that opposes us and all that we oppose
for the sake of life. Vishnu, yajna, performed with the
joyous chant of gayatri verses, went over the earth, and
from there eliminated all that opposes us and all that
we oppose for the sake of life. Feeding on the gifts of
nature purified by yajna, let us rejoice, and in the service
of the balance and harmony of life and existence, let us
rise to the heights of heaven and we’ll be one with the
light of knowledge and Dharma.
26. (Ishvara Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
LoÆ;aÆHkwj¼fLÆkÆ Js"Bks¼ jÊf'eoZ×pksZÆnk¿v¼fLÆkÆ opks×Z es nsfg A
lw;×Z L;kÆo`rÆeUoko¼rsZ AAüöAA
Svayambhμurasi ‹re¶¢ho ra‹mirvarcodåí asi
varco me dehi. Sμuryasyåvætamanvåvarte.
Lord of the universe, self-existent, self-refulgent,
greatest of all, giver of light and honour, give me light
and honour. I follow the path of the sun in orbit, the
path of Dharma revealed by you.
27. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vXus¼ x`girs lqx`giÆfrLRo;k¼¿XusÆ¿ga x`Égi¼fruk Hkw;kl§&
lqx`giÆfrLRoa e;k¼¿Xus x`Égi¼fruk Hkw;k% A vÆLFkwÉfj .kkSÆ
xkgZ×iR;kfu lUrq 'kÆr§fgekÆ% lw;×Z L;kÆo`rÆeUoko¼rsZ AAü÷AA
Agne gæhapate sugæhapatistvayåígneíha≈
gæhapatinå bhμ u yåsa ` m sugæhapatistva≈
mayåígne gæhapatinå bhμuya¨. Asthμuri ƒau
gårhapatyåni santu ‹atam
` himå¨ sμuryasyåvæta-
Agni, Lord of the House of Existence, Master of
knowledge and the fire of yajna, great as you are as the
keeper and sustainer of the world, so may I too, with
you as the ideal, be a good and efficient house holder.
And you too, over me, head of this family, be the
protector and sustainer of this household. May we two,
husband and wife, together perform the duties of the
home for a good hundred years. May I follow the path
of life like the sun in orbit, the path of Dharma revealed
by you.
28. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vXus¼ ozrirs ozÆre¼pkfj"kaÆ rn¼'koaÆQ rUes¼¿jk/hÆneÆga ;
,Éok¿fLÆE ÆkÆ lks~¿fLe AAüøAA
Agne vratapate vratamacåri¶a≈ tada‹aka≈
tanmeí rådh∂ídamaham yaí evåísmi soísmi.
Agni, Lord of vows in the discipline of Dharma
and Truth, whatever vows at your behest I have followed
or would follow, I have followed and would follow
because you made it possible and would make it
possible. This me here, whatever I am, I am. Whatever
I sow, so shall I reap.
29. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vÆXu;s¼ dO;Æokg¼uk;Æ LokgkÆ lksek¼; fir`ÉersÆ Lokgk¼ A
vi¼grkÆ¿vlq¼jkÆ j{kk¼¦fl osfnÆ"kn¼% AAüùAA
Agnaye kavyavåhanåya svåhå somåya pitæmate
svåhå. Apahatåí asurå rak¶å~msi vedi¶ada¨.
This oblation is for Agni, Lord of knowledge and
giver of the gifts of knowledge and yajna through the
science of yajna-fire. This is for Soma, lord of peace
and prosperity and the beauty of the seasons and powers
of nourishment. In truth and according to the voice of
the Veda, the ignorant, the wicked, the cruel and unjust,
robbers and grabbers of the vedi, seat of yajna, asuras
of the earth are eliminated by righteous action for
30. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
;s :Æikf.k¼ izfreqÉ×pek¼ukÆ¿vlq¼jkÆ% lUr¼% LOÆkÆ/;kÆ pj¼fUrA
iÆjkÆijq ks¼ fUÆki
Æ jq ksÆ ;s HkjU¼ R;ÆfXu"Vk¡Yyksd ¼ kR;ÆLekr~AAýúAA
Æ kr~ iz.kqn
Ye rupåƒi pratimu¤camånåíasurå¨ santa¨
svadhayå caranti. Paråpuro nipuro ye
bharantyagni¶¢å~mllokåt praƒudåtyasmåt.
And who are the asuras? They are masters of
hypocrisy and the art of changing faces. Friends and
allies of the wicked, they encroach upon the rights of
others and fill their coffers with ill-gotten wealth.
Enemies of humanity, they roam around the world like
giants. Agni, Lord of light, justice and social yajna, let
them be thrown out and eliminated from the face of the
31. (Pitaras Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
v=k¼ firjks ekn;èoa ;FkkHkkÆxeko`¼"kk;èoe~ A
vehe ¼ nUr fIÆkÆrjks¼ ;FkkHkkÆxeko`¼"kkf;"kr AAýûAA
Atra pitaro mådayadhva≈ yathåbhågamå-
væ¶åyadhvam. Am∂madanta pitaro yathåbhåga-
Trustees and guardians of society, men of
knowledge and wisdom, justice and merit, take your
share as you deserve and, in your own right and proper
place here, rejoice and celebrate the victory of yajna.
Make all others happy and, as they deserve on merit, let
them too rejoice and celebrate.
32. (Pitaras Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
ueks¼ o% firjksÆ jlk¼;Æ ueks¼ o% firjÊ% 'kks"kk¼;Æ ueks¼ o%
firjks thÆok;Æ ueks¼ o% firj% LoÆ/k;SÆ ueks¼ o% firjks
?kksjÆ k;Æ ueks¼ o% firjks eÆU;osÆ ueks¼ o% firjÊ% fir¼jksÆ ueks¼
oks x`Égk¼% firjks nÙk lÆrks o¼% firjks ns"eSÆr}¼% firjksÆ
okl¼% AAýüAA
Namo va¨ pitaro rasåya namo va¨ pitara¨
‹o¶åya namo va¨ pitaro j∂våya namo va¨ pitara¨
svadhåyai namo va¨ pitaro ghoråya namo va¨
pitaro manyave namo va¨ pitara¨ pitaro namo
vo gæhånna¨ pitaro datta sato va¨ pitaro
de¶maitadva¨ pitaro våsa¨.
Salutations to the seniors of knowledge for the
joy of learning. Salutations to those seniors who fight
out exploitation. Salutations to the guardians of society
for the joy of life and the means of the good life.
Salutations for economic, social and political justice.
Salutations for the fight against suffering for the advent
of happiness. Salutations for righteous anger against
the wicked. Salutations to the seniors, leaders and the
guardians of knowledge, justice and well-being, life of
good health, prosperity and happiness. Come to our
homes and institutions and bless us with your gifts.
Come that we may offer you the best we have. Come
and accept our hospitality and gifts of clothes as mark
of gratitude.
33. (Pitaras Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vk/¼Ùk firjksÆ xHk± × oqQekÆja iq"o¼QjÏte~ A
;FksÆg iq#Æ"kks¿l¼r~ AAýýAA
Ådhatta pitaro garbha≈ kumåra≈
pu¶karasrajam. Yatheha puru¶oísat.
Teachers of knowledge, masters of wisdom,
admit into your house of learning this boy wearing a
lotus garland as a mark of desire for education. Accept
him and hold him here as a mother bears the foetus in
her womb so that he grows and is shaped into a brave
and cultured young man.
34. (Apo Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
mQt±Æ og¼UrhjÊe`R ka ¼ ?k`Éra i;¼% dhÆykYak¼ ifjÆÏqr¼e~ A
LoÆ/k LFk¼ rÆiZ;¼r es fIÆkÆr¤u~ AAýþAA
ªUrja≈ vahant∂ramæta≈ ghæta≈ paya¨ k∂låla≈
parisrutam. Svadhå stha tarpayata me pit¿n.
Be masters of your own wealth and power and
manage it well with justice and in virtue. Offer liberal
hospitality with love and reverence to the senior
benefactors of society, men of knowledge, experience
and wisdom. Offer them delicious drinks of water and
nourishing juices, health giving milk and ghee,
sumptuous foods and honey-sweet fruits to their
bfr f}rh;ks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Agni Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
lÆfe/kƯXu nq¼oL;r ?k`ÉrScksZ ×/;Ærkfr¼fFke~ A
vkfLe¼u~ gÆO;k tq¼gksru AAûAA
Samidhågni≈ duvasyata ghætairbodhayatåthim.
Åsmin havyå juhotana.
Light up the fire and raise it with fuel, serve it
like an honourable guest with pure ghee, and offer rich
oblations of samagri into it, with love and faith.
2. (Agni Devata, Sushruta °Rshi)
lql¼fe¼k; 'kksÆfp"ks¼ ?k`ra rhÆoza tq¼gksru A
vÆXu;s¼ tkÆros¼nls AAüAA
Susamiddhåya ‹oci¶e ghæta≈ t∂vra≈ juhotana.
Agnaye jåtavedase.
To the fire, omnipresent, lit up, rising bright and
blazing, sanctifying everything around, offer libations
of ghee, pure, inflammable and purifying.
3. (Agni Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
ra Rok¼ lÆfef‰¼jfXjks ?k`Érsu¼ o¼Z;kefl A
c`ÉgPNks¼pk ;fo"BÔ AAýAA
Ta≈ två samidbhiraΔgiro ghætena vardhayå-
masi. Bæhacchocå yavi¶¢hya.
O agni, bright and beautiful, young and powerful,
generous giver of things, we offer samidhas and ghee
and raise you to the heights.
4. (Agni Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
mi¼ RokXus gÆfo"e¼rh?k`ZÉrkph¼;ZUrq g;Zr A
tqÉ"kLo¼ lÆfe/ksÆ ee¼ AAþAA
Upa tvågne havi¶mat∂rghætåc∂ryantu haryata.
Ju¶asva samidho mama.
O fire, bright and beautiful, generous giver, here
come to you my samidhas soaked in ghee and fragrant
things. Accept them, accept them.
5. (Agni Vayu Surya Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
HkwHkqZoÆ% Lo¨j~ |kSÆfj¼o HkwÉEuk i`¼fFÆkÆoho¼ ofjÆE.kk A rL;k¼Lrs
i`fFkfo nso;tfu i`É"Bs̈¿fXue¼ÂkÆneÆÂk|kÆ;kn¼/s AAÿAA
Bhμur bhuva¨ svar dyauriva bhμumnå pæthiv∂va
varimƒå. Tasyåste pæthivi devayajani pr¶¢heí
In expanse as vast as the bright heaven, in virtue
as firm and generous as the earth, agni is ever present
on the earth, in the sky and in heaven. Earth Mother,
seat of yajna by the devas (noble people and the powers
of nature) for the devas (good people and the powers of
nature), here on the ground in the vedi on your surface,
I place the sacred fire, consumer of the oblations of food,
for the sake of food and energy.
6. (Agni Devata, Sarparajni Kadru °Rshi)
vk;a xkS% i`f'u¼jØehÆnl¼nu~ ekÆrj¯ iqÉj% A
fIÆkÆrj¯ p izÆ;URLo%AAöAA
Åya≈ gau¨ pæsnirakram∂dasadan måtara≈
pura¨. Pitara≈ ca prayantsva¨.
This earth, child of the sun and waters in space
— solid concentration of agni (fire) and apah (waters)
— revolves in its orbit round the sun, its father and
sustainer in heaven, through the presence of its mother,
the waters in space.
7. (Agni Devata, Sarparajni Kadru °Rshi)
vÆUr'p¼jfr jkspÆukL; izkÆ.kkn¼ikuÆrh A
O;¼[;u~ efgÆ"kks fno¼e~ AA÷AA
Anta‹carati rocanåsya pråƒådapånat∂.
Vyakhyan mahi¶o divam.
The power of Agni is light and energy/electricity
which creates and produces the circuitous currents-
going up as prana in the universe as well as in the body,
and the complementary current going down as apana in
the body as well as in the universe. This universal energy
of Agni is a mighty power which is the light of heaven
and burns in the sun.
8. (Agni Devata, Sarparajni Kadru °Rshi)
f=ÆkƧ'k¼keÆ fojk¼tfRÆkÆ oko~Q i¼rÆXk;¼ /h;rs A
izfRÆkÆ oLrksÆjgÆ |qfHk¼% AAøAA
Tri`m‹addhåma viråjati våk pataΔgåya dh∂yate.
Prati vastoraha dyubhi¨.
Vak, the speech mode of Agni, dominates thirty
abodes of life (out of thirty-three) and is used in the service
of its lord, Agni, for the expression of the light of
knowledge with which the omniscient and omnipresent
power illuminates the world.
9. (Agni-Surya Devate, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆfXuT;ksZfRÆkÆT;ksZfr¼jÊfXu% LokgkÆ lw;ksÆZ T;ksfRÆkÆT;ksZfRÆkÆ% lw;ZÆ%
Lokgk¼ A vÆfXuoZpksZÆ T;ksfRÆkÆoZpZÆ% LokgÆkÆ lw;ksZÆ oPpksZÆ
T;ksfRÆko Z %ZÆ Lokgk¼ A T;ksfRÆk%Æ lw;Æ%Z lw;ksÆZ T;ksfRÆk%Æ Lokgk¼AAùAA
Æ p
Agnirjyotirjyotiragni¨ svåhå -sμuryo jyotirjyoti¨
sμurya¨ svåhå. Agnirvarco jyotirvarca¨ svåhå
sμuryo varco jyotirvarca¨ svåhå. Jyoti¨ sμurya¨
sμuryo jyoti¨ svåhå.
Agni, Supreme Spirit, is the light (jyoti) of
existence, and Light (jyoti), Eternal Consciousness, is
the identity of the Spirit. Vak, the virtual speech of
Eternity is the common attribute of both spirit and
Sun, the Lord of Life, is the light (jyoti) of the
world, and Light (jyoti), Omniscience, is the identity of
the Sun, the Divine teacher of teachers. Veda, the
universal voice of Divinity is the common attribute of
both the knower (sun) and knowledge (Omniscience).
Fire is the power and prosperity of the world, and
power and prosperity from the heat energy of fire is
converted to power by science and technology.
Tecknowledge with its language is for the common
benefit of both, the fire and the user.
The sun is the power and prosperity of the world,
and power and prosperity flows from the vital energy of
the sun converted to power by science and technology.
Tecknowledge with its language is for the common
benefit of both, solar energy and the user.
Light is the Lord and the Lord is Light. Light
and the Lord are one. Veda, knowledge, is coexistent
with both in unison. We offer the oblations to the Lord
for the Light in faith with reverence.
10. (Agni-Surya Devate, Prajapati °Rshi)
lÆtwnÊo sZ su¼ lfOÆkÆ=kk lÆtw jk=;sUæ¼oR;k A tqÉ"kkÆ.kks¿vÆfXuosZ×rqÉ
Lokgk¼ A lÆtwnÊo sZ su¼ lfOÆkÆ=kk lÆt#
w Ê"klsUæ¼oR;k A tqÉ"kkÆ.k%
lw;ksZ × osrqÉ Lokgk¼ AAûúAA
Sajμ u rdevena savitrå sajμ u råtryendravatyå.
Ju¶åƒoí agnirvetu svåhå. Sajμurdevena savitrå
sajμuru¶asendravatyå. Ju¶aƒa¨ sμuryo vetu svåhå.
May Agni, along with Savita in His creation and
the dark night of energy, receive this oblation.
May the Sun, along with Savita in His creation
and the dawn of morning energy, receive this oblation.
11. (Agni Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
mÆiÆizÆ;Urks¼¿vèoÆja eU=ak¼ okspsekÆXu;s¼ A
vkÆjs¿vÆLes p¼ Ük`.oÆrs AAûûAA
Upaprayantoí adhvara≈ mantra≈ vocemå-
gnaye. Åreí asme ca ‹æƒvate.
Close to the vedi, while we are performing this
sacred yajna, we chant the mantras for Agni who hears
the chant near at hand as well as far away.
12. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
vÆfXuewZɼkZ fnÆo% oÆQoqQRifr¼% i`fFÆkÆO;k¿vÆ;e~ A
vÆik¦jsrk¼¦fl ftUofr AAûüAA
Agnirmμurdhå diva¨ kakutpati¨ pæthivyåí ayam.
Apå~m retå~msi jinvati
This Lord of the earth, Agni, who rules on high on
top of heaven, constantly refreshes the generative powers
of the waters for the earth.
13. (Indragni Devate, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
mÆHkk ok¼feUækXuh¿vkgqÉoè;k¼¿mÆHkk jk/¼l% lÆg ek¼nÆ;è;S¼A
mÆHkk nkÆrkjk¼fOÆkÆ"kk¦j¼;hÆ.kkeqÉHkk oktL¼ ; lkÆr;s¼ gqos
oke~ AAûýAA
Ubhå våmindrågn∂íåhuvadhyåí ubhå rådhasa¨
saha mådayadhyai. Ubhå dåtåråvi¶å~ m
ray∂ƒåmubhå våjasya såtaye huve våm.
Indra (wind and electric energy) and Agni (heat
and fire), givers of energy, food, power and wealth, I
call upon you both and invoke you for the gift of
knowledge, energy, and food for joy and well-being.
14. (Agni Devata, Devavata and Bharata Rshis)
vÆ;a rsÆ ;ksfu¼ÍÆZ fRo;ksÆ ;rks¼ tkÆrks¿vjks¼pFkk% A
ra tkÆu¼XuÆ¿vkjksÆgkFkk¼ uks o¼Z;k jÊf;e~ AAûþAA
Aya≈ te yonirætviyo yato jåtoí arocathå¨. Ta≈
jånannagnaí årohåthå no vardhayå rayim.
Agni, Lord of the Universe, the fire is born of vayu,
wind and electric energy, and, according to the seasons,
rises and shines and, like the suns, brightens the world.
Knowing that, and with the knowledge of that, raise us
and develop our power and wealth.
15. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
Æ iz¼FkÆeks /kf¼ ; /kÆrf` HÆkÆgksr
vÆ;fEÆkg Z kÆ ;ft¼"Bks¿vèoÆj"s ohMÔ¼%A
;eIuo¼ kuksÆ Hk`xo
¼ ks fo##Æpo q u Z "¼s kq fPÆk=Æ ka fOÆkHÆ oa~ fOÆk'Æ ksfo¼'ksAAûÿAA
Ayamiha prathamo dhåyi dhåtæbhirhotå
yaji¶¢hoí adhvare¶v∂Œya¨. Yamapnavåno
bhægavo virurucurvane¶u citra≈ vibhva≈
Here in the world of Lord Agni, the fire, placed
and lighted in the vedi by the devotees, is the first and
foremost agent of yajna for production and
development. Adorable and worthiest of pursuit in study
and research through collective action of the most
cherished kind as it is, scholars of the science of heat
and energy should maintain and continue through their
disciples the tradition of research and development of
this wonderful and versatile power in laboratories and
institutions in every country for every community.
16. (Agni Devata, Avatsara °Rshi)
vÆL; izÆRukeuqÉ |qr¼§'kqÉØa nq¼nqßs¿É vß¼;% A
i;¼% lgÏÆlke`f"k¼e~ AAûöAA
Asya pratnåmanu dyuta~m ‹ukra≈ duduhreí
ahraya¨. Paya¨ sahasrasåmæ¶im.
The Rishis and scholars dedicated to the study of
the heat and light of agni in yajna have discovered and
received the purest showers of the waters of life from
this timeless source-power of a thousand gifts of
achievement (just as you tend and milk the mother cow
and receive the gift of the purest nourishment for life).
17. (Agni Devata, Avatsara °Rshi)
rÆuwÉik¿v¼Xus¿fl rÆUOka~ es ikák;qÉnkZ¿v¼XusÆ¿L;k;q¼esZ nsfg
opksÆnZ k¿v¼Xus¿fLÆkÆ opksZ× es nsfg A vXusÆ ;Ues¼ rÆUok~¿mQÆua
rUeÆ¿vki`¼.k AAû÷AA
Tanμupåí agneísi tanva≈ me påhyåyurdåíagneí-
syåyurme dehi varcodåí agneísi varco me dehi.
Agne yanme tanvåí μuna≈ tanmaí åpæƒa.
Agni, you are protector of the body with health
and nourishment. Protect my body. You are the giver of
life. Give me full life. You are the giver of lustre and
glory. Give me lustre and glory. Whatever is short and
wanting in me, that, I pray, fulfil and complete and
18. (Agni Devata, Avatsara °Rshi)
bU/k¼ukLRok 'kÆr§fgek¼ |qÉeUrƧlfe¼/hefg A o;¼LoUrks
o;ÆLÑrƧ lgLoUr% lgÆLÑr¼e~ A vXus¼ liRuÆnEHk¼uÆe&
n¼C/klks¿Æ vnkH¼ ;e~ A fp=kko
¼ lks LoÆfLr rs¼ ikÆje'¼ kh;AAûøAA
Indhånåstvå ‹ata~m himå dyumanta~m samidh∂-
mahi. Vayasvanto vayaskæta~m sahasvanta¨
sahaskætam. Agne sapatnadambhanama-
dabdhåsoí adåbhyam. Citråvaso svasti te
Agni, wonderful lord and treasure-home of the
wealth of the world, we, men of full life and vigour,
strong yet forbearing, fearless and irresistible, having
lighted the fire of yajna in worship of you — you, bright
and blazing, giver of life and health, strength and
forbearance, irresistible destroyer of enemies —we pray
that we keep the fire of yajna burning and bright in
honour and service of you. May we, by your grace and
blessing, overcome the want and hurdles of life and
attain prosperity and happiness. May we thus live on
for a hundred years and more.
19. (Agni Devata, Avatsara °Rshi)
la Roe¼XusÆ lwÕ ¼kZL;Æ oPP ¼kZlkxFkkÆ% le`"kh¼.kk¦LrqÉrsu¼ A la
fIÆkzÆ;s.kÆ /kEukÆ leÆgek;q¼"kkÆ la oP ¼kZlkÆ la izÆt;kÆ l§
jkÆ;Liks"ks¼.k fXe"kh; AAûùAA
Sam tvamagne sμ u ryasya varcasågathå¨
samæ¶∂ƒå~ m stutena. Sa≈ priyeƒa dhåmnå
samahamåyu¶å sa≈ varcaså sa≈ prajayå sa~m
råyaspo¶ena gmi¶∂ya.
Agni, celebrated by the Rishis’ songs of praise,
come full well with the light and glory and energy of
the sun to your own home of celebrity. Come that I may
also, with the same songs of praise and the pranic energy
of the sun, come to attain a happy home, full age, honour
and lustre, a good family and liberal means of life.
20. (Apo Devata, Yajnavalkya °Rshi)
vU/Æ LFkkU/ks¼ oks Hk{kh;Æ eg¼ LFkÆ egks¼ oks Hk{khÆ;kstZÆ
LFkksT¼k± oks Hk{kh; jkÆ;Liks"k¼ LFk jkÆ;Liks"ka ¼ oks Hk{kh;AAüúAA
Andha sthåndho vo bhak¶∂ya maha stha maho
vo bhak¶∂yorja sthorja≈ vo bhak¶∂ya råyaspo¶a
stha råyaspo¶am vo bhak¶∂ya.
There are foods for health — herbs, vegetables,
grains, etc. — I would feed upon these to be strong.
There are foods for greatness — agni, vayu, electricity,
knowledge, etc. —I would feed upon these and be great.
There are foods for energy — water, milk, ghee, honey,
etc. — I would take these and be smart and energetic.
There are rich tonics — invigorating, rejuvenating — I
would take these to increase my competence and
(Know the quality of foods and drinks and take
what is good to maintain your health and efficiency).
21. (Vishvedeva Devata, Yajnavalkya °Rshi)
jso¼rhÆ jeè¼ oeÆfLeU;ksuko
¼ fÆ Leu~ xks"Æ B¨¿s fLe¡Yykso
Æ Q¨s ¿fLeu~ {k;sA¼
bÆgSo LrÆ eki¼xkr AAüûAA
Revat∂ ramadhvamasminyonåvasmin go¶¢heí-
sminllokeí smin k¶aye. Ihaiva sta måpagåta.
Revati — all the variety of wealth, good health,
sense and mind, knowledge, ethics, good conduct, cows,
etc. — may abound in this life, this body, this home,
this farm-house, everywhere in this world. Rejoice,
never forsake these. May these too never forsake you.
22. (Agni Devata, Vaishvamitra Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
lƧfgÆrkfl¼ fo'o:ÆI;w¨tkZ ekfo¼'k xkSiÆR;su¼ A mi¼ RokXus
fnÆofs n¼oÆs nks"kk¼oLr£èÆkÆ;k oÆ;e~ A ueksÆ Hkj¼UrÆ¿,ef¼ lAAüüAA
Sa~mhitåsi vi‹varμupyμurjå måvi‹a gaupatyena.
Upa tvågne divedive do¶åvastardhiyå vayam.
Namobharantaí emasi.
Immanent in all the forms of existence, universal
energy, come, inspire and bless me, as a protector and
sustainer. Agni, dispeller of darkness of the night, we
come to you for light day in and day out. With all our
wealth of food and energy, mind and intelligence, in all
humility and faith, we come to you.
23. (Agni devata, Vaishvamitra Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
jkt¼UreèoÆjk.kak¼ xksÆike`ÉrL;Æ nhfn¼foe~ A
o¼Z ×ekuƦLos nes¼ AAüýAA
Råjantamadhvaråƒåm gopåmætasya d∂divim.
Vardhamåna~m sve dame.
With all our wealth and power, in all faith and
humility, we come to Agni, bright and blazing, protector
and sustainer of yajnas, illuminater of Truth, Right and
the Law of existence, thriving in His own state of bliss.
24. (Agni Devata, Vaishvamitra Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
l u¼% fIÆkÆrso¼ lwÉuos¿Xus¼ lwik;Æuks Hk¼o A
lp¼Lok u% LoÆLr;s¼ AAüþAA
Sa na¨ piteva sμunaveígne sμupåyano bhava.
Sacasvå na¨ svastaye.
Agni, as father to the child, be the father, guardian
and protector for all of us. Be with us always, for
happiness and well-being.
25. (Agni Devata, Subandhu °Rshi)
vXusÆ Roa uksÆ¿vUr¼e¿mÆr =kkÆrk f'ÆkÆoks Hk¼ok o:ÆF;~% A
olq¼jÊfXuoZlq¼JokÆ¿vPNk¼ uf{k |qÉeÙk¼e§jʯ; nk¼% AAüÿAA
Agne tvam noí antamaí uta tråtå ‹ivo bhavå
varμuthya¨. Vasuragnirvasu‹ravåí acchå nak¶i
dyumattama~m rayim då¨.
Agni, life of our life, saviour, kind and gracious,
be an intimate friend and giver of goodness. Vast abode
of all, brilliant and all-percipient, bless us richly with
the brightest wealth and knowledge of the world.
26. (Agni Devata, Subandhu °Rshi)
ra Rok¼ 'kksfp"B nhfno% lqÉEuk;¼ uwÉueh¼egsÆ lf[k¼H;% A l
uks¼ cksf/ JqÉ/h go¼e#
q "Æ ;k .kks¼¿v?kk;Ær% l¼eLekr~ AAüöAA
Ta≈ två ‹oci¶¢ha d∂diva¨ sumnåya nμunam∂mahe
sakhibhya¨. Sa no bodhi ‹rudh∂ havamuru¶yå
ƒoí aghåyata¨. samasmåt.
Lord of the universe, Light of life, purest of the
pure and self-luminous, we pray sincerely for happiness
for us and our friends. May the Lord enlighten us and
hear our chant of yajna, may He save us from sin and
27. (Agni Devata, Shrutabandhu °Rshi)
bMÆ¿,áfn¼rÆ¿,fgÆ dkE;kÆ¿,r¼ A
ef;¼ o% dkeÆ/j¼.ka Hkw;kr~ AAü÷AA
Idaíehyaditaí ehi kåmyåí eta. Mayi va¨
kåmaŒharaƒa≈ bhμuyåt.
Come earth, come freedom, justice and
abundance. May all desires come true wholly. May the
Lord in-vest me with the stability of ambition and
fulfilment thereof.
28. (Brihaspati Devata, Prabandhu °Rshi)
lksÆekuƦLoj¼.ka Ñ.kqÉfg cz¼ã.kLirs A
dÆ{kho¼UraÆ ;¿vkS¼f'ÆkÆt% AAüøAA
Somåna~m svaraƒa≈ kæƒuhi brahmaƒaspate.
Kak¶∂vanta≈ yaíau‹ija¨.
Lord of Eternal knowledge, keen as I am for
knowledge and learning like a very child of Wisdom,
shape me into a scholar with a sense of ethical values, a
persuasive speaker and a teacher and maker of
rejuvenating tonics.
29. (Brihaspati Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
;ks jsÊoku~ ;ks¿v¼ehoÆgk o¼lqÉfoRiq¼f"ÆVÆo¼Z×u% A
l u¼% fl"kDrqÉ ;LrqÉj% AAüùAA
Yo revån yoíam∂vahå vasuvitpu¶¢ivarddhana¨.
Sa na¨ si¶aktu yastura¨.
May He who is Lord of wealth and knowledge,
who destroys pain, grief and disease, who is the knower
of all the good things of the world, who gives all physical
and spiritual strength, who is keen and instant in doing
and having things done, may He bless us with all virtues
and good actions.
30. (Brahmanaspati Devata, Varuni Saptadhriti °Rshi)
ek uÆ% 'k§lksÆ¿vj¼#"kks /wÉ£r% iz.kÆÄ~ eR;Z ×L; A
j{kk¼ .kks czã.kLirs AAýúAA
Må na¨ ‹a ` msoí araru¶o dhμ u rti¨ praƒaΔ
martyasya. Rak¶å ƒo brahmaƒaspate.
May our songs of praise never be lost. Lord of the
universe and of the Divine Word, save us against the
selfishness and violence of the mrtals.
31. (Aditya Devata, Varuni Saptadhriti °Rshi)
efg¼ =khÆ.kkeoks¼¿Lrq |qÉ{ka fEÆkÆ=kL;k¼;ÆEZ .k% A
nÉqjkÆ/"k±Æ o#¼ .kL; AAýûAA
Mahi tr∂ƒåmavoístu dyuk¶a≈ mitrasyåryamƒa¨
Durådhar¶am varuƒasya.
Lord of the universe, may the generous and
inviolable protection of the three, Mitra (pranic energy
both internal and external), Varuna (air and water), and
Aryama (sun and stability) be ours for the divine
knowledge of the Veda, illuminating, irresistible, and
32. (Aditya Devata, Varuni Saptadhriti °Rshi)
uÆfg rs"kk¼eÆek pÆu ukèo¼lq okjÊ.ks"kq¼ A
bZ'ks¼ fjÊiqjÊ?k'k¼§l% AAýüAA
Nahi te¶åmamå cana nådhvasu våraƒe¶u. ∫‹e
Never in their homes, nor in their paths of life, nor
ever in their defences, shall there be any enemy or a
supporter of evil. The Lord is in command of the life of
the pious devotees.
33. (Aditya Devata, Varuni Saptadhriti °Rshi)
rs fg iqÉ=kklksÆ¿vfn¼rsÆ% iz thÆolsÆ eR;Zk¼; A
Te hi putråsoí adite¨ pra j∂vase martyåya.
Mitra, pranic energy, Varuna, air and water, and
Aryama, the sun, they are the children of Imperishable
Nature. They provide inexhaustible light and energy for
the life and sustenance of the mortals on earth.
34. (Indra Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
oÆQnk pÆu LrÆjhj¼fLÆkÆ usUæ¼ l'pfl nkÆ'kq"ks¼ A
s q e¼?koÆu~ Hkw;Æ¿bÂq rsÆ nkUak¼ nsÆoL;¼ i`P;rs AAýþAA
Kadå cana star∂rasi nendra sa‹casi då‹u¶e.
Upopennu maghavan bhμuyaí innu te dånam
devasya pæcyate.
Indra, lord of generosity and well-being, when is
it that you don’t wholly favour the man of charity,
overwhelming him with gifts of knowledge and joy?
Lord giver of power and prosperity, your gifts of reward
for karma (action), again and again, constantly, follow
upon the philanthropists’ acts of charity.
35. (Savita Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
rr~ l¼fOÆkÆrqoZjs¼.;aÆ HkxksZ × nsÆoL;¼ /hefg A
f/;ksÆ ;ks u¼% izpksÆn;k¼r~ AAýÿAA
Tatsaviturvareƒyam bhargo devasya dh∂mahi.
Dhiyo yo na¨ pracodayåt.
Let us meditate on the blazing glory of Savita, Lord
Creator, pure and generous giver of light and happiness
— glory which is magnificent, most worthy of our choice.
And may the Lord with His grace inspire our mind and
will to dedicate ourselves to noble actions.
36. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
ifj¼ rs nwÉMHkksÆ jFkksÆ¿Lek¡üAA¿v¼'uksrq fOÆkÆ'or¼% A
;suÆ j{k¼fl nkÆ'kq"k¼% AAýöAA
Pari te dμuŒabho rathoísmå~mí a‹notu vi‹vata¨.
Yena rak¶asi då‹u¶a¨.
That formidable chariot of knowledge by which
you protect and redeem the man of charity in all ways
from all sides, by that very chariot protect us too, Lord
of the Universe, and let us cross the panorama of
37. (Prajapati Devata, Vamedeva °Rshi)
HkwHkqZoÆ% Lo~% lqizÆtk% izÆtkfHk¼% L;k¦lqÉohjks¼ ohÆjS% lqÉiks"kÆ%
iks"kS¼% A u;Z× izÆtka es¼ ikfgÆ 'k¦L;¼ iÆ'kwu~ es¼ ikÆáFk¼;Z fIÆkÆraq
es¼ ikfg AAý÷AA
Bhμurbhuva¨ sva¨ suprajå¨ prajåbhi¨ syå `m
suv∂ro v∂rai¨ supo¶a¨ po¶ai¨. Narya prajåm me
påhi ‹a~msya pa‹μun me påhya-tharya pitum me
Lord Existent, Intelligent and Blissful, merciful to
the noble people, protect my people, Lord worthy of
praise, protect my wealth and cattle, Lord firm and
irresistible, protect my food, I pray, may I be a happy
family man with noble people and children, nobly brave
with heroic friends around generously supportive, blest
with rich means of health and support.
38. (Agni Devata, Asuri °Rshi)
vkx¼Ue fOÆkÆ'oos ¼nleÆLeH;¯ olqÉfoÙk¼ee~ A
vXus¼ lezkMÆfHk |qÉEueÆfHk lgÆ¿vk;¼PNLo AAýøAA
Åganma vi‹vavedasamasmabhyam vasuvitta-
mam. Agne samråŒabhi dyumnamabhi
Agni, Lord of the Universe, blesses with all round
honour and glory, all round enduring strength. Light of
the world, may we realize and attain to the spirit
omniscient of the universe, to the power omnipresent in
the abodes of life in the world.
39. (Agni Devata, Asuri °Rshi)
Z i¼fRÆkÆxkZgZ ×iR;% izÆtk;k¼ olqÉfoÙk¼e%A
vXus¼ x`girsÆ¿fHk |qÉEueÆfHk lgÆ¿vk;¼PNLo AAýùAA
Aymagnirgæhapatirgårhapatya¨ prajåyå
vasuvittama¨. Agne gæhapateíbhi dyumnamabhi
This agni that resides in the home with the inmates
is the sustainer of the home and brings all kinds of wealth
to the family. Agni, Lord of Light and Energy, bless us
with honour and glory all round and bless us with
enduring strength all round.
40. (Agni Devata, Asuri °Rshi)
vÆ;eÆfXu% iq¼jhÆ";ks~ jfÕÆkÆeku~ iq¼f"ÆVÆo/Z×u% A
vXus¼ iqjh";kÆfHk |qÉEueÆfHk lgÆ¿vk;¼PNLo AAþúAA
Ayamagni¨ pur∂¶yo rayimån pu¶¢ivardhana¨.
Agne pur∂¶yåbhi dyumnamabhi sahaí-
This agni is the source of wealth, with it we grow
and develop in health and prosperity, it helps to complete
our plans and projects, to make up all our wants and to
grow further. Agni, Lord of Light and Energy, bless us
with all round honour and prosperity, bless us with
strength and endurance all round.
41. (Vastu Agni Devata, Asuri °Rshi)
x`gkÆ ek fc¼HkhrÆ ek os¼ièoÆewt±Æ fcHkz¼r¿,e¼fl A
¼ % lqe
mQt±Æ fcHkz} É uk¼% lqe/ ¼ kÆ eksne
Æs k x`ÉgkuSfEÆkÆ eul ¼ ku%AAþûAA
Gæhå må bibh∂ta må vepadhvamμurjam bibhrataí
emasi. ªUrjam bibhradva¨ sumanå¨ sumedhå
gæhånaimi manaså modamåna¨.
Masters of the house, inmates of the home, fear
not, tremble not. Bubbling with energy and power, go
forward. With energy, power and enthusiasm, with a
happy heart and high intelligence, I come home rejoicing
at heart, for you.
42. (Vastupati Agni Devata, Shamyu °Rshi)
;s"kk¼eƼ Ôsfr¼ izÆolÆu~ ;s"kq¼ lkSeuÆlks cÆgq% A
x`Égkuqi¼à;kegsÆ rs uks¼ tkuUrq tkuÆr% AAþüAA
Ye¶åmadhyeti pravasan ye¶u saumanaso bahu¨.
Gæhånupahvayåmahe te no jånantu jånata¨.
The man far away, the visiting guest, remembers
the homes abundant with happiness of the mind and
open doors of welcome. We, the guests and chance
visitors call at such homes. They know us, may they
continue to know.
43. (Vastupati Devata, Barhaspatya Shamyu °Rshi)
mi¼gwrk¿bÆg xkoÆ¿mi¼gwrk¿vtkÆo;¼% A vFkÆksÆ¿v¼L;
dÆhÆykyÆ¿mi¼gwrks x`Égs"kq¼ u% A {ksek¼; oÆ% 'kkUR;SÆ izi¼|s
f'ÆkÆo§'kÆXe§'kaÆ;ks% 'kaÆ;ks% AAþýAA
Upahμutåí iha gåvaí upahμutåíajåvaya¨. Athoí
annasya k∂lalaí upahμuto gæhe¶u na¨, K¶emåya
va¨ ‹åntyai prapadye ‹iva~m ‹agma~m ‹amyo¨
The cows are brought and called in, sheep and
goats are brought and called in, and then, plenty of food
is brought in and stored in our homes for your comfort
and safety and for our comfort and protection. With all
the means of comfort in safety, I am at peace with the
joy of well-being. Peace! peace! and joy!
44. (Maruts Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
izÆ?kkÆfluks¼ gokegs eÆ#r¼'p fjÆ'kkn¼l% A
oÆQjÊEHks.k¼ lÆtks"k¼l% AAþþAA
Praghåsino havåmahe maruta‹ca ri‹ådasah.
Karambheƒa sajo¶asa¨.
We home-keepers invite and treat guests and
learned men dedicated to yajna who, free from
ignorance, are men of universal love, who fight evil
and remove human weakness, and who welcome our
hospitality and love and enjoy good food.
45. (Maruts Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;n~ xzkesÆ ;nj¼.;sÆ ;r~ lÆHkk;kaÆ ;fn¼fUÆæÆ;s A
;nsu¼'pÑÉek oÆ;fEÆkÆna rno¼;tkegsÆ Lokgk¼ AAþÿAA
Yadgråme yadaraƒye yatsabhåyå≈ yadindriye.
yadena‹cakæmå vayamidam tadavayajåmahe
Whatever wrong we have done or might do in
our village community, in the forest among the foresters
(Vanaprasthis), in the assembly or in the mind with our
senses, that we abjure and give up, and whatever is
true and good, to that we commit ourselves and dedicate.
46. (Indra and Maruts Devate, Agastya °Rshi)
eks "kw .k¿¼ bÆUæk=k¼ i`RÉ lq nsÆojS fLÆRÆkÆ fg "ek¼ rs 'kqf"eÂoÆ;k%A
eÆgf'ÆPÆkÆ|L;¼ ehÆ<"q kks¼ ;ÆO;k gÆfo"er ¼ ks eÆ#rksÆ oUnr¼ Æs xh%AAþöAA
Mo ¶μu ƒaí indråtra pætsu devairasti hi ¶må te
‹u¶minnavayå¨. Maha‹cidyasya m∂Œhu¶o yavyå
havi¶mato maruto vandate g∂¨.
Mighty Indra, in the battles of this life, protect
us well along with the learned and the wise, hurt us not.
Lord of infinite power, surely the high and divine voice
of yours reveals the nature and virtue of those who, in
every season, with appropriate samagri, perform the
yajnas. The yajamana, host-performer of yajna, with his
offerings sings the songs of praise in honour of the lord
of rain and the carriers of the yajna, the winds.
47. (Agni Devata, Agastya °Rshi)
vØÆu~ deZ × deZÑr¼% lÆg oÆkÆpk e¼;ksÆHkqok¼ A
nsÆosH;Æ% deZ × ÑÉRokLrÆa izsr¼ lpkHkqo% AAþ÷AA
Akran karma karmakæta¨ saha våcå mayobhuvå.
Devebhya¨ karma kætvåsta≈ preta sacåbhuva¨.
Men of noble action, yajna, who act together in
the company of the pious and dedicated people, using
the delightful language of love in communication in
accordance with the sacred Word of the Divine, Veda,
having played their part, go home and retire from life
in peace and tranquillity.
48. (Yajna Devata, Aurnavabha °Rshi)
vo¼Hk`Fk fupqEiq.k fupsÆ#j¼fl fupqEiqÉ.k% A vo¼ nsÆon S ZsÆo&
o`¼QrÆesuks¼¿;kfl"kÆeoÆ eR;SZÆeZ R;Z×Ñra iq#ÆjkO.kks¼ nso fjÆ"k&
Lik¼fg AAþøAA
Avabhætha nicumpuƒa nicerurasi nicumpuƒa¨.
Ava devairdevakætamenoíyåsi¶amava martyair-
martyakæta≈ pururåvƒo deva ri‹aspåhi.
Cleansed and purified by knowledge and Dharma,
I am calm and constant. You are calm and constant too.
I collect and arrange the Samidhas (fuel wood for yajna)
and through yajna, give up the sins committed with the
mind and senses as well as the evil done with the body.
You too save yourself from sin and evil. Lord Supreme,
save us from violence, sin and evil, the cause of long
49. (Yajna Devata, Aurnavabha °Rshi)
iwÉ.kkZ n¼£OÆkÆ ijk¼ irÆ lqiw¼.kkZÆ iquÆjki¼r A
oÆLusoÆ foØh ¼.kkogkÆ¿b"kÆet w Zק 'krØrks AAþùAA
Pμurƒå darvi parå pata supμurƒå punaråpata.
Vasneva vikr∂ƒåvahåí i¶amμurja~m ‹atakrato.
The ladle, full with ghee and samagri, goes up
(to the sky from the vedi). It comes down to the earth,
full again (with water). Lord of infinite vision and a
thousand yajnas, may we too, yajamana and the priest,
give and take, as in exchange,yajna, food, energy and
other things.
50. (Indra Devata, Aurnavabha °Rshi)
nsÆfg esÆ nnk¼fe rsÆ fu es¼ /sfgÆ fu rs¼ n/s A
fUÆkÆgkj¯ pÆ gjk¼fl es fUÆkÆgkjaÊ fug¼jkf.k rsÆ Lokgk¼ AAÿúAA
Dehi me dadåmi te ni me dhehi ni te dadhe.
Nihåram ca haråsi me nihåram niharåƒi te
In truth of word: you give me, I give you. You
use what I give you, I use what you give me. Give me
for a price, I pay the price to you.
51. (Indra Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
v{kÆUueh¼enUrÆ áo¼ fIÆkÆ; ¼ "w kr A vLrks"¼ krÆ LoHkk¼uokÆs
z k¿v/
foizkÆ ufo¼"B;k eÆrh ;kstkÆ fUo~Uæ rsÆ gjh¼ AAÿûAA
Ak¶annam∂madanta hyava priyåíadhμ u ¶ata.
Asto¶ata svabhånavo viprå navi¶¢hayå mat∂ yojå
nvindra te har∂.
Lord of the world/assembly, Indra, your people,
learned and wise, brilliant in their own right, with latest
application of their mind and discovery/invention, sing
in praise of the Lord, celebrate their success, feast and
enjoy themselves and, dear even to others who are
opposed, shake the enemies of humanity. Saddle your
horses fast, Indra. Rise up, nation, with all your might
and mind.
52. (Indra Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
lqÉlÆUn`'ak¼ Rok oÆ;a e?k¼ou~ ofUn"khÆefg¼A iz uwÉua iwÉ.kZc¼U/qj
LrqÉrks ;k¼fLÆkÆ o'kk¡ÆüAA¿vuqÉ ;kstkÆ fUO~kÆUæ rsÆ gjh¼ AAÿüAA
Susandæ‹am två vayam maghavan vandi¶∂mahi.
Pra nμuna≈ pμurƒabandhura stuto yåsi va‹å~mí
anu yojå nvindra te har∂.
Lord of the world/President of the assembly.
Indra, lord of all the wealth and power, brilliant and
blissful to the eye, we sing songs of praise for you. Sung
and celebrated, full of love and kindness, everything in
bond with you, you proceed to us with all the gifts and
blessings for us. Saddle your horses fast, Indra. Rise
up, nation, with all your might and mind.
53. (Mana Devata, Bandhu °Rshi)
euksÆ Uokàk¼egs ukjk'kƧlsuÆ Lrkses¼u A
fIÆkÆr¤É.kka pÆ eUe¼fHk% AAÿýAA
Mano nvåhvåmahe nårå‹a~ m sena stomena.
Pit¿ƒåm ca manmabhi¨.
With the contribution of our predecessors,
continuous sacrifice and dedication of our colleagues,
and the generous resources of our seniors, we
concentrate on the mind to develop its power and
potential all round.
54. (Mana Devata, Bandhu °Rshi)
vk u¼¿,rqÉ euÆ% iquÆ% ØRosÆ n{kk¼; thÆols¼ A
T;kso~Q pÆ lw;± × n`É'ks AAÿþAA
Å naí etu mana¨ puna¨ kratve dak¶åya j∂vase.
Jyok ca sμuryam dæ‹e.
May the mind, seat of memory, come to us whole
and entire, again and again, from birth to birth across
time, for continuous and cumulative retention of
knowledge, karma and sanskaras — seeds and
impressions of thoughts, actions and ideas — for
growing strength and competence, for increasing health
and longevity of life and for a constant vision of the
Sun, the Supreme Spirit of life and the universe.
55. (Mana Devata, Bandhu °Rshi)
iqu¼uZ% firjksÆ euksÆ nnk¼rqÉ nSO;ksÆ tu¼% A
thÆoa ozkr¼§lpsefg AAÿÿAA
Punarna¨ pitaro mano dadåtu daivyo jana¨.
J∂vam vråta`m sacemahi.
May this wonderful sagely man, with the
blessings of our forefathers who protected, prepared and
shaped him, help us regain, here and hereafter, a noble
mind and intelligence, so that with him we live a virtuous
life of discipline and holy vows.
56. (Soma Devata, Bandhu °Rshi)
oÆ;§lks¼e ozÆrs roÆ eu¼LrÆuw"kqÉ fcHkz¼r% A
izÆtko¼Ur% lpsefg AAÿöAA
Vaya~m soma vrate tava manastanμu¶u bibhrata¨.
Prajåvanta¨ sacemahi.
Soma, Lord of peace and creator of the universe,
giver of health and vitality, may we, biding within the
holy bonds of your discipline and our vows, with alert
minds and healthy bodies, live on in peace and joy with
our children and the community.
57. (Rudra Devata, Bandhu °Rshi)
,É"k rs¼ #æ HkkÆx% lÆg LoÏkfEc¼d;kÆ ra tq¼"kLoÆ A
LokgSÆ"k rs¼ #æ HkkÆx¿vkÆ[kqLrs¼ iÆ'kq% AAÿ÷AA
E¶ate rudra bhåga¨ saha svasråmbikayå ta≈
ju¶asva svåhai¶a te rudra bhågaí åkhuste pa‹u¨.
Man of justice, Rudra, this is your share of
knowledge. Take it with its sister, companion, the vision
of the Veda. Serve it with reverence. Extend it in creative
action through yajna. Man of justice and power, this is
your share of wealth. Take it with its sister, companion,
the voice of the Veda. Serve it with reverence. Use and
enjoy it with restraint. Take up the tool, the spade, and
dig your garden. Work is wealth and worship. Use the
tool and the wealth with the voice of the Veda.
58. (Rudra Devata, Bandhu °Rshi)
vo¼ #Ææe¼nheÆáo¼ nsoÆ a =;E¼ cde~ A ;Fkk¼ uksÆ oL;¼lLÆ djÊ|Fkk¼
uÆ% Js;¼lÆLdjÊ|Fkk¼ uks O;olkÆ;;k¼r~ AAÿøAA
Ava rudramad∂mahyava deva≈ tryambakam.
Yathå no vasyasaskaradyathå na¨ ‹reyasas-
karadyathå no vyavasåyayåt.
We worship Rudra, Lord of justice, destroyer of
evil, brilliant and generous, constant in vision and
awareness in the three phases of time, past, present and
future. We worship him so that we eliminate want and
suffering, so that he may bless us with comfortable
homes, greatness and honour, and firm resolution in hard
work and industry.
59. (Rudra Devata, Bandhu °Rshi)
HksÆ"kÆte¼fl Hks"kÆta xos¿'ok¼;Æ iq#¼ "kk; Hks"kÆte~ A
lqÉ[ka esÆ"kk;¼ esÆ";S AAÿùAA
Bhe¶ajamasi bhe¶aja≈ gaveí‹våya puru¶åya
bhe¶ajam. Sukha≈ me¶åya me¶yai.
You are the panacea, universal cure for the
ailments of the body, mind and soul, saviour against
the evils of ignorance, injustice and poverty. You are
the healer for the cows, horses, humans, rams and their
females. You are health and happiness for all.
60. (Rudra Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
=;¼EcoaQ ;tkegs lqxƯU/ iq¼f"ÆVÆo/Z ×ue~ A mÆokZÆ#Ædfe¼oÆ
cU/¼ukUe`ÉR;kseqZ×{kh;Æ ek¿e`rk¼r~ A =;¼EcoaQ ;tkegs lqxƯU/
s ¼ue~ A mÆokZÆ#Ædfe¼oÆ cU/u
¼ kfnÆrks eq¼{kh;Æ ekeqr%¼ AAöúAA
Tryambaka≈ yajåmahe sugandhi≈ pu¶¢i-
vardhanam. Urvårukamiva bandhanån-
mrtyormuk¶∂ya måímætåt. Tryambka≈ yajåmahe
sugandhi≈ pativedanam. Urvårukamiva
bandhanådito muk¶∂ya måmuta¨.
We worship Rudra, Lord of the Universe,
constant and invariable in all the three phases of time,
and the first cause of health, growth, prosperity and
happiness. May we, with His grace, be released from
the bonds of death into freedom, immortality and eternal
joy (ananda), just as the ripe fruit of melon falls off
from the stalk on the branch to fullness and freedom.
And may we never fall off from the state of freedom,
immortality and eternal joy in the company of the Lord.
We worship the Lord, Rudra, constant and invariable
through time, purest and purifying, sustainer and
protector who reveals Himself to His devotees. May
He with His grace release us from the bonds of mortality
here just as the melon fruit is released from the stalk,
but we may never fall off from freedom, immortality,
ananda and the presence of the Lord.
61. (Rudra Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
,ÉrÙks¼ #ækoÆla rsu¼ iÆjks ewt¼oÆrks¿rh¼fg A vo¼rr/UokÆ
fiuk¼dkolÆ% ÑfÙk¼oklkÆ¿vfg¼§lÂ% f'ÆkÆoks¿rh¼fg AAöûAA
Etatte rudråvasa≈ tena paro mμujavatoít∂hi.
Avatatadhanvå pinåkåvasa¨ kættivåsåí
ahi~msanna¨ ‹ivoít∂hi.
Rudra, warrior of the bow in readiness, strong in
position with shield and armour, this is the way you
defend and protect. Come down from the mountain
heights and be with us wholly. Hurt us not, be good and
kind and gracious.
62. (Rudra Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
=;kÆ;É"q ka tÆen¼Xus% dÆ';i¼L; =;k;qÉ"ke~ A
;ísÆos"kq¼ =;k;q"É ka rUuks¼¿vLrq =;k;qÉ"ke~ AAöüAA
Tryåyu¶a≈ jamadagne¨ ka‹yapasya tryåyu¶am.
Yaddeve¶u tryåyu¶a≈ tannoí astu tryåyu¶am.
Bless us with the threefold life — of the body,
mind and spirit, for the three stages of life - childhood,
youth, and age, upto 300-400 years, for all the ashrams
(functional periods), and all the varnas (professional
communities). Give us the threefold life of the eye,
internal and external, of knowledge of the body, mind
and soul, and of the world. Give us the threefold life of
creativity for service, growth and spirituality. Give us
the threefold life of the devas, the learned, wise,
generous people, for excellence, contribution and
removal of ignorance, injustice and poverty.
63. (Rudra Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
f'ÆkÆoks ukek¼fLÆkÆ Lof/¼frLrs fIÆkÆrk ue¼Lrs¿vLrqÉ ek ek¼
fg§lh%A fuo¼ÙkZ;kÆE;k;q¼"ksÆ¿Âk|k¼; izÆtu¼uk; jkÆ;Liks"kk¼;
lqiztkÆLRok;¼ lqÉoh;Zk¼; AAöýAA
›ivo nåmåsi svadhitiste pitå namasteíastu må
må hi~ m s∂¨. Nivarttayåmyåyu¶eínnådyåya
prajananåya råyaspo¶åya suprajåstvåya
Rudra, Lord and father, Shiva you are by name,
saviour, giver of knowledge, peace and prosperity.
Salutations to you in reverence and worship. Hurt me
not, father. I abide and pray for life and health, food
and sustenance, virility, children, family, strength and
prowess, prosperity, and freedom from suffering.
bfr r`rh;ks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Apah and Oshadhis Devate, Prajapati °Rshi)
,ne¼xUe nsoÆ;t¼ua i`fFÆkÆO;k ;=k¼ nsÆoklksÆ¿vtq¼"kUrÆ fo'os¼A
ÍÆDlkÆekH;k¦¼ lÆUrjU¼ rksÆ ;tq¼HkhZ jkÆ;Liks"ks.¼ kÆ lfEÆkÆ"kk e¼ne
s A
bÆek¿vkiÆ% 'keq¼ es lUrq nsÆohjks"k¼/sÆ =kk;¼LoÆ Lof/¼rsÆ
eSu¼§fg§lh% AAûAA
Edamaganma devayajana≈ pæthivyå yatra
devåsoí aju¶anta vi‹ve. ° R ksåmåbhyå~ m
santaranto yajurbh∂ råyaspo¶eƒa sami¶å
madema. Imåí åpa¨ ‹amu me santu dev∂ro¶adhe
tråyasva svadhite maina~m hi~ms∂¨.
Lo! here we come to this holy place of yajna for
the gods, powers of health, where the noblest of the
world collected and delighted in their sacred enterprise.
With joyous recitation of Riks, Yajus and Samans (with
knowledge and action in the hope of joyous benefits)
we offer food for the fire with libations of rich materials
energetically and enthusiastically and cross the hurdles
and suffering. May the holy waters bring health and
peace. Noble herb, cure and save; unfailing power, do
not hurt or kill this person.
2. (Apah Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vkiks¼¿vÆLeku~ ekÆrj¼% 'kqU/;Urq ?k`Érsu¼ uks ?k`rÆIo~% iquUrq A
fo'oƧfg fjÆiaz izÆog¼fUr nso Æ h#fnnk¼H;Æ% 'kqfPÆkÆjk iwÉr¿,¼feA
nhÆ{kkÆrÆilks¼LrÆuwj¼fLÆkÆ rka Rok¼ f'ÆkÆok¦'kÆXeka ifj¼n/s HkÆæa
oÆ.k± iq";¼u~ AAüAA
Åpoí asmån måtara¨ ‹undhayantu ghætena no
ghætapva¨ punantu. Vi‹va~ m hi ripram
pravahanti dev∂rudidåbhya¨ ‹ucirå pμutaí emi
D∂k¶åtapasostanμurasi tå≈ två ‹ivå~m ‹agmå≈
pari dadhe bhadra≈ varƒa≈ pu¶yan.
Mother waters purify us: with their essence and
efficacy, they sanctify us. The waters are sacred powers
of nature: they wash off the entire dirt and let all the
wanted health and knowledge flow in. Pure and
sanctified by the waters, I come up. This body is a gift
of Diksha and Tapas, commitment to health and laws
of nature, and hard discipline of body, mind and soul.
That body I bear as a blessing, lovely, strong and
graceful, shining with the golden glow of good health.
3. (Megha Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
eÆghukaÆ i;ks¼¿fl opksZÆnk¿v¼fLÆkÆ opksZ× es nsfg A
o`É=kL;k¼fl oÆQuhud
¼ 'p{kqÉnkZ¿v¼fLÆkÆ p{kq¼esZ nsfg AAýAA
Mah∂nå≈ payoísi varcodåíasi varco me dehi.
Vætrasyåsi kan∂naka‹cak¶urdåíasi cak¶urme
The waters of life flow to the earths from the sun.
The life of the cloud radiates from the sun. The sun is
the giver of light and lustre. Give me the light and lustre
of life. The sun is the giver of the light of the eye. Give
me the light of the eye internal as well as external.
4. (Paramatma Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
fPÆkÆRifr¼ekZ iqukrq okÆDifr¼ekZ iqukrq nsÆoks ek¼ lfOÆkÆrk
¼ kÆRofPNæ¼ .s k iÆfo=ks.¼ kÆ lw;Z×L; jÊf'efHk%¼ A rL;¼ rs ifo=kirs
iÆfo=k¼iwrL;Æ ;Rdk¼e% iqÉus rPN¼osQ;e~ AAþAA
Citpatirmå punåtu våkpatirmå punåtu devo må
savitå punåtvacchidreƒa pavitreƒa sμuryasya
ra‹mibhi¨. Tasya te pavitrapate pavitrapμutasya
yatkåma¨ pune tacchakeyam.
Lord of intelligence and awareness, I pray,
enlighten me. Lord of the Divine Vak, I pray, sanctify
me with the voice of the Veda. Savita, Lord Creator of
the universe, I pray, consecrate me with a ceaseless
shower of the purest rays of the sun. Lord of purity,
purest of the pure, whatever the desire for which I pray
for purity, that desire may be fulfilled. Bless me that I
may make it possible.
5. (Yajna Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vk oks¼ nsokl¿bZegs okÆea iz¼;ÆR;~èoÆjs A
vk oks¼ nsokl¿vkÆf'k"kk¼s ;ÆfK;k¼lks gokegs AAÿAA
Å vo devåsaí ∂mahe våma≈ prayatyadhvare.
Å vo devåsaí å‹i¶o yaj¤iyåso havåmahe.
Devas of Yajna, mother powers of nature, learned
and wise men, experts of the science of yajna, through
the performance of this yajna, we pray for virtues of
character, competence and of noble action. We, devotees
of yajna, ask for your blessings that our desires and
projects may be fulfilled and completed with success.
6. (Yajna Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
Lokgk¼ ;ÆKa eu¼lÆ% LokgksÆjksjÊUrfj¼{kÆkÆr~ A LokgkÆ
|kok¼i`fFÆkÆohH;kƦLokgkÆ okrkÆnkj¼HksÆ Lokgk¼ AAöAA
Svåhå yaj¤a≈ manasa¨ svåhororantarik¶åt.
svåhå dyåvåpæthiv∂bhyå~m svμåhå våtådårabhe
With the voice of the Veda, in the language of
expertise through education and training for the
illumination of knowledge, with the sentiments of truth
and love in togetherness for the sanctity of dealings in
the business of living, I begin the yajna from the purity
and sincerity of the mind, from the wind, and then from
the vastness of the sky and space, in the service of the
earth and heaven.
7. (Agni-Ap-Brihaspati Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vko¼wQR;S izÆ;qtsÆ¿Xu;sÆ Lokgk¼ esÆ/k;SÆ eu¼lsÆ¿Xu;sÆ Lokgk¼
nhÆ{kk;SÆ ri¼lÆ¿s Xu;sÆ LokgkÆ lj¼LoR;S iwÉ".ks¨¿Xu;sÆ Lokgk¼ A
vkiks¼ nsohc`g
Z rh£o'o'kEHkqoksÆ |koki¼ f` FkohÆ¿mjks¼¿vUrfj{kA
c`gÆLir¼;s gÆfo"kk¼ fo/seÆ Lokgk¼ AA÷AA
Åkμ u tyai prayujeígnaye svåhå medhåyai
manaseígnaye svåhå d∂k¶åyai tapaseígnaye
svåhå sarasvatyai pu¶ƒeígnaye svåhå. Åpo
dev∂rbæhat∂rvi‹va-‹ambhuvo dyåvåpæthiv∂í uroí
antarik¶a. Bæhaspataye havi¶å vidhema svåhå.
This oblation is for lighting of the fire for the
resolution and dedication of the mind to virtue and the
voice of the Veda. This is for the development of
intelligence and the study of science and electricity for
the general good in the language of common
understanding. This is for commitment to Dharma and
the teaching and learning of solar energy and the original
universal heat in the language of universal
understanding. This is for knowledge and education and
the study of nourishment and vital heat of the body with
scientific language for all. We study the heavenly waters
of great and universal good and peace, earth and heaven
and the vast middle regions of the sky. And we study
all these with oblations of appropriate samagri materials
with the chants of the divine revelations of the Vedas.
8. (Ishvara Devata, Atreya °Rshi)
fo'oks¼ nsÆoL;¼ usÆrqeZrksZ× oqjhr lÆ[;e~ A
fo'oks¼ jkÆ;¿b¼"kqè;fr |qÉEua o`¼.khr iqÉ";lsÆ Lokgk¼ AAøAA
Vi‹vo devasya neturmarto vur∂ta sakhyam. Vi‹vo
råyaí i¶udhyati dyumna≈ væƒ∂ta pu¶yase svåhå.
May all mankind choose and pray for the love
and friendship of the Lord and Ruler of the world, and
may all, with prayers to Him, try for the attainment of
wealth and prosperity for health and growth.
9. (Vidvan Devata, Angiras °Rshi)
ÍÆDlkÆe;ksÆ% f'kYis¼ LFkÆLrs okÆekj¼HksÆ rs ek¼ ikrÆekL;
;ÆKL;ksÆn`p¼%A 'keZk¼fLÆkÆ 'keZ× es ;PNÆ ue¼Lrs¿vLrqÉ ek ek¼
fg§lh% AAùAA
°Rksåmayo¨ ‹ilpe sthaste våmårabhe te må
påtamåsya yaj¤asyodæca¨. ›armåsi ‹arma me
yaccha namasteí astu må må hi~ms∂¨.
After the study of Rigveda and Samaveda, both
treasures of science and technology, in which study the
content of the verses is actually realized, I begin this
practical yajna of science and technology (in the
laboratory and the workshop). May the two protect me
and bless me. Reverence and salutations to you, to the
teacher, to the Lord. Accept my salutations. Hurt me
not, put me not off. You are peace and comfort. Give
me peace and comfort of mind.
10. (Yajna Devata, Angiras °Rshi)
mQxZ×L;kfXjÊL;w.kZ×en z kÆ¿mQt±Æ ef;¼ /sfg A lkse¼L; uhÆfoj¼fLÆkÆ
fo".kksÆ% 'keZk¼fLÆkÆ 'keZÆ ;t¼ekuÆL;sUæ¼L;Æ ;ksfu¼jfl lqlÆL;k%
o`ÉQ"khLo`Q¼ f/ A mPNª¼;Lo ouLir¿mÆQèoksZ ek¼ ikÆá§g¼l¿Æ vkL;
ªUrgasyåΔgirasyμurƒamæadåí μurjam mayi dhehi.
Somasya n∂virasi vi¶ƒo¨ ‹armåsi ‹arma
yajamånasyendrasya yonirasi susasyå¨
kæ¶∂skædhi. Ucchrayasva vanaspataí μurdhvo må
påhya~mhasaíåsya yaj¤asyodæca¨.
You are tecknowledge, giver of wealth and power,
realized with the energy of fire (heat), revealer of the
secrets of energy and cover of safety for the creations
of power. Give me energy and power.
You are the source of comfort and prosperity,
gifted by yajna created by the man of knowledge, meant
for the people devoted and dedicated to yajna by the
grace of Indra. Increase and multiply the products of
agriculture. Herbs and trees, grow and increase. Nourish,
protect and help me to grow and rise high. Nourish and
protect the man of yajna who has realized the mysteries
of the power of the divine knowledge of nature. Save
us from sin and evil.
11. (Agni Devata, Angiras °Rshi)
ozÆra o`¼Q.kqrkÆfXuczZãkÆfXu;ZÆKks ouÆLifr¼;ÆfZ K;¼% A nSohaÆ f/;¯
eukegs lqe`MhÆdkeÆfHk"V¼;s opksZÆ/ka ;ÆKok¼gl§lqrhÆFkkZ
uks¼¿vlÆ}'ks¼ A ;s nsÆok euks¼tkrk euksÆ;qtksÆ n{k¼ØroÆLrs
uks¼¿oUrqÉ rs u¼% ikUrqÉ rsH;Æ% Lokgk¼ AAûûAA
Vratam kæƒutågnirbrahmågniryaj¤o vanaspatir-
yaj¤iya¨. Daiv∂m dhiyam manåmahe
sumæŒ∂kåmabhi¶¢aye varcodhåm yaj¤avåhasa~m
sut∂rthå noíasadva‹e. Ye devå manojåtå
manoyujo dak¶akratavaste noívantu te na¨
påntu tebhya¨ svåhå.
Keep the vow of yajnagni, the fire of yajna. Agni
is Brahma, the ultimate existent, omniscient, blissful
Reality. Agni is yajna, individual, collective and
ultimate act of creation. Agni is the nourishing and
sustaining power of the forests, and must be served
through yajna. We work and pray for sacred intelligence
— excellent instrument of the knowledge and pursuit
of science and spirituality, source of brilliance and
power and the means of the extension and development
of yajna — for the sake of happiness and well-being.
May this intelligence, bright and gracious, saviour as a
‘tirtha’ for pilgrimage, ever shine in our mind and faith.
May the masters of the science of yajna, men of genius,
dedication and application of mind protect us, nourish
us, advance us. Theirs is the language of enlightenment.
They have it for us, for yajna, for Agni, for Brahma.
Keep up the vow.
12. (Apah Devata, Angiras °Rshi)
'okÆ=kk% ihÆrk Hk¼or ;wÉ;ek¼iks¿vÆLeko¼QeÆUr#Ænjs¼ lqÉ'ksok¼%A
rk¿vÆLeH;e ¼ ;Æ{ek¿vu¼ ehÆok¿vukx¼ lÆ% LonU¼ rq nsÆohjÊer` k¿¼ &
½rkÆo`/¼% AAûüAA
›våtrå¨ p∂tå bhavata yμuyamåpoí asmåkama-
ntarudare su‹evå¨. Tåí asmabhyamayak¶måí
anam∂våí anågasa¨ svadantu dev∂ramætåí
Taste and drink deep of the celestial waters of
immortality, so sweet and agreeable to assimilate and
internalize. Free from sickness, disease and sin, peace-
giving and replete with knowledge and wisdom for all
of us, they extend the frontiers of our knowledge of
truth and divine law. They protect you against diseases
like fever, dysentery and tuberculosis.
13. (Apah Devata, Angiras °Rshi)
bÆ;a rs¼ ;ÆfK;k¼ rÆuw jÊiks eq¼×pkfEÆkÆ u izÆtke~ A vƧgksÆeqpÆ%
Lokgk¼Ñrk% i`fFÆkÆohekfo¼'kr i`fFÆkÆO;k lEHk¼o AAûýAA
Iyam te yaj¤iyå tanμurapo mu¤cåmi na prajåm.
A ` mhomuca¨ svåhåkætå¨ pæthiv∂måvi‹ata
pæthivyå sambhava.
This body of yours is for yajna by yajna. I release
the waters but not my creation and my people — I save
my people. Mix the waters — sterilized, purified,
reinforced, invigorated — wholly and fully with the
earth, and you too be one with the earth (to regain health
and vigour).
14. (Agni Devata, Angiras °Rshi)
vXusÆ Ro§ lq tk¼x`fg oÆ;§ lq e¼fUn"khefg A
j{kk¼ .kksÆ¿viz¼;qPNu~ izÆcq/s¼ uÆ% iqu¼LÑf/ AAûþAA
Agne tva~m su jågæhi vaya~m sumandi¶∂mahi.
Rak¶å ƒoí aprayucchan prabudhe na¨
Agni is universal, ever awake. It is awake while
we are awake. It is awake while we are asleep. Never
relenting, it protects and preserves us. And after our
sleep it wakes us up again.
15. (Agni Devata, Angiras °Rshi)
Z Æ% iquÆjk;q¼eZÆ¿vkxÆUiqu¼% izkÆ.k% iqu¼jkÆRek eÆ¿vkxÆu~&
iquÆ'p{kqÉ% iquÆ% Jks=ak¼ eÆ¿vkx¼u~ A oSÆ'okÆuÊjks¿vn¼C/&
LruwÉik¿vÆfXuuZ×% ikrq nqfjÆrkn¼oÆ|kr~ AAûÿAA
Punarmana¨ punaråyurmaí ågan puna¨ pråƒa¨
punaråtmå maí ågan puna‹cak¶u¨ puƒa¨
‹rotra≈ maí ågan. Vai‹vanaroí adabdha-
stanμupåí agnirna¨ påtu duritådavadyåt.
After sleep, after death, after Pralaya, annihilation,
we get back the mind, we get back the life, we get back
the vital pranic energy, we get back the spirit, we get
back the eye, the ear, and all other senses. May Agni,
immanent life and lord of the earth, irresistible and
indomitable, save and protect us from despicable evil
and sin.
16. (Agni Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
Roe¼Xus ozrÆik¿v¼fl nsÆo¿vk eR;sÆ"Z ok A Roa ;ÆKs"ohMÔ¼% A
jkLos;¼RlkÆsek Hkw;ks¼ Hkj nsÆoks u¼% lfOÆkÆrk olks¼nÆkÆZrk
oLo¼nkr~ AAûöAA
Tvamagne vratapåíasi devaí å martye¶vå. Tva≈
yaj¤e¶v∂Œya¨. Råsveyatsomå bhμuyo bhara devo
na¨ savitå vasordåta vasvadåt.
Agni, Lord of the universe, immanent vitality and
energy of the world, you are the guardian and preserver
of our spiritual vows, moral commitments and projects
and resolutions in the mortal human world. You are
worthy of adoration, of study, service and development,
through yajna and collective enterprises. Soma, lord
giver of honour and glory through art and industry, give
us the wealth of success and honour again and again.
Savita, Lord Creator of the world, giver of stability and
security of home, give us inspiration, security and
stability of the good life.
17. (Agni Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
,É"kk rs¼ 'kqØ rÆuwjsÊr}pZÆLr;kÆ lEHk¼oÆ Hkzkt¼XPN A
twj¼fl /`Érk eu¼lkÆ tq"VkÆ fo".k¼os AAû÷AA
E¶å te ‹ukra tanμuretadvarcastayå sambhava
bhråja≈gaccha. Jμurasi dhætå manaså ju¶¢å
O man, virile and brave, this body is yours, borne
with love and service and maintained for Vishnu,
sustainer of the world, and for yajna, noble action. It is
your honour and glory. Be with it, act with mind and
soul and achieve the glory of life. You are fast in action
and vibrant in spirit. Act fast with your mind and soul
and achieve the brilliance of knowledge and wonder of
succes in enterprise.
18. (Vak & Vidyut Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
rL;k¼Lrs lÆR;l¼ol% izlÆos rÆUoks~ ;ÆU=ke¼'kh;Æ Lokgk¼ A
'kqÉØe¼fl pÆUæe¼L;Æer
` ¼efl oS'onsÆoe¼fl AAûøAA
Tasyåste satyasavasa¨ prasave tanvo yantra-
ma‹∂ya svåhå. ›ukramasi candramasyamæta-
masi vai‹vadevamasi.
Lord Creator, true and glorious, in the yajna of
creation of yours, with electric energy and the divine
knowledge of the Veda in unison, I pray, I may design
an instrument and apparatus of the form and structure
which would be faultless and a source of comfort, peace
and happiness for all in general, and a matter of pride
and satisfaction for the scholars.
19. (Vak & Vidyut Devate, Vatsa °Rshi)
fpn¼fl eÆukfLÆkÆ /hjf¼ LÆkÆ nf{k¼.kkfl {kÆf=k;k¼fl ;ÆfK;kÆL;&
fn¼frjL;qHk;r% 'khÆ".khZ A lk uÆ% lqizk¼phÆ lqiz¼rhP;sf/
fEÆk=Æ kLRok¼ iÆfn cè¼ uhrka iw"É kk¿èou
¼ LikÆfRoUækÆ;kè;{¼ kk; AAûùAA
Cidasi manåsi dh∂rasi dak¶iƒåsi k¶atriyåsi
yaj¤iyåsyaditirasyubhayata¨ ‹∂r¶ƒ∂. Så na¨
supråc∂ suprat∂cyedhi mitrastvå padi badhn∂tå≈
Lord of truth and glory, in this creation of yours,
great is the use of the vision and power of the language
of Divinity, Veda, in the development of human society.
So is the use of the power of universal electric energy.
It gives us an awareness of knowledge, which makes
thought and communication possible. It is a tool and
instrument of intelligence and will. It facilitates
expertise and the business of governance. It augments
yajna and production, which is efficacious and powerful
both internally and externally. It is permanent and
indestructible, and a source and means of comfort and
well-being before and after. We pray that Pusha, the
powers of nourishment and development friendly to
mankind, may hold and control the use of these powers
in the way of their application in the service of the Lord
Supreme, observer and controller of the wealth of the
world, and may the Lord protect humanity in the course
of their progress.
20. (Vak & Vidyut Devate, Vatsa °Rshi)
vuq¼ Rok ekÆrk e¼U;rkÆeuq¼ fIÆkÆrk¿uqÉ HkzkrkÆ lxÆH;ks¿Z uqÉ l[kkÆ
l;w¼F;% A lk ns¼fo nsÆoePNsÆghUæk¼;Æ lkse¼§#ÆæLRok¼oÙkZ;rq
LoÆfLr lkse¼l[kkÆ iquÆjsfg¼ AAüúAA
Anu två måtå manyatåmanu pitåínu bhråtå
sagarbhyoínu sakhå sayμ u thya¨. Så devi
devamaccheh∂ndråya soma~ m rudrastvå
varttayatu svasti somasakhå punarehi.
May your mother approve and bless your pursuit
of energy and the literature of knowledge. May your
father permit and bless and help, may your brother agree
and support, may your friend in the community consent
and cooperate in your project. May that goddess of light
and energy come and bless you with sweet success in
your programme for the glory of Indra and the happiness
of humanity with beneficent means of comfort and well-
being. May the Lord of justice and love inspire you.
May the scholar of Rudra discipline and knowledge
guide you. May success and honour come to you again
and again, friend of humanity and devotee of the Lord
Supreme, for the sake of life and the environment.
21. (Vak & Vidyut Devate, Vatsa °Rshi)
oLO;ÆL;fn¼frjL;kfnÆR;kfl¼ #Æækfl¼ pÆUækfl¼ A
c`gÆLifr¼"V~ok lqÉEus j¼E.kkrq #Ææks olq¼fHÆkÆjkp¼osQAAüûAA
Vasvyasyaditirasyådityåsi rudråsi candråsi.
Bæhaspati¶¢vå sumne ramƒåtu rudro vasubhi-
This energy and the language (which you pursue)
pertains to the heat of agni that supports life on earth,
pursued by scholars of twenty four years discipline. It
relates to the pranic energy of life, pursued by scholars
of forty-four years discipline. It pertains to the solar
radiation, pursued by scholars of forty-eight years
discipline. It is blissful as the light of the moon. It is
correct and beneficent like the justice and love of Rudra,
it is brilliant like the glory of the sun. And this energy is
indestructible, eternal. May the great lord of knowledge,
Brihaspati, inspire you; may Rudra, lord of love and
correctness, dedicate you; may they bless you to enjoy
this noble pursuit of yours and shine with the scholars
dedicated to life-energies of nature.
22. (Vak & Vidyut Devate, Vatsa °Rshi)
vfn¼R;kLRok ewɼZÂkft¼?k£e nsoÆ;t¼us i`fFÆkÆO;k¿&
bMk¼;kLiÆne¼fl ?k`ÉroÆr~ Lokgk¼ A vÆLes j¼eLokÆLes rsÆ
cU/qÉLRos jk;ksÆ es jk;ksÆ ek oÆ;§ jkÆ;Liks"ks¼.kÆ fo;kS¼"eÆ rksrksÆ
jk;¼% AAüüAA
Adistyåstvå mμurddhannåjigharmi devayajane
pæthivyåí iŒåyåspadamasi ghætavat svåhå. Asme
ramasvåsme te bandhustve råyo me råyo må
vaya~m råyaspo¶eƒa viyau¶ma toto råya¨.
Energy and Word of the Divine, you are on top of
the sky, in the middle of the earth, and in the chant of the
divine verses in celebration of the devas in yajna. I light
up and activate the energy and the Divine voice with
rich libations of ghee and chant of the vaidic hymns. You
too light up and activate this energy and the Divine voice.
Come with us and rejoice. It is our brother, our love,
yours too. Wealth is yours. Mine too. The wealth of
knowledge, power and materials you gain. We too.
Knowing, resolving and doing, we may never be void
of this wealth of life for health and happiness.
23. (Vak & Vidyut Devate, Vatsa °Rshi)
le¼[;s nsÆO;k fèÆkÆ;k la nf{k¼.k;ksÆ#p¼{klk A ek eÆ¿vk;qÉ%
izeks¼"khÆeksZ¿vÆga ro¼ ohÆja fo¼ns;Æ ro¼ nsfo lÆUn`f'k¼ AAüýAA
Samakhye devyå dhiyå sa≈ dak¶iƒayo-
rucak¶aså. Må maíåyu¨ pramo¶irmoí aha≈ tava
v∂ra≈ videya tava devi sandæ‹i.
With a vision and intelligence, inspired,
enlightened and versatile, precise, scientific and practical,
I clearly see the divine gifts of natural energy and the
voice of the Veda, and describe and show them applied
and enacted in actual life. May this energy and this voice
never hurt my life. May I never neglect or lose it. May I
never be unfair to your heroes. You too never be unjust to
my heroes.
24. (Yajna Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
,É"k rs¼ xk;Æ=kks HkkÆx¿bfr¼ esÆ lksek¼; czwÉrknsÆ"k rsÆ =kS"Vq¼Hkks
HkkÆx¿bfr¼ esÆ lksek¼; czÉr
w knsÆ"k rsÆ tkx¼rks HkkÆx¿bfr¼ esÆ lksek¼;
czwrkPNUnksukÆekukƦlkezk¼T;XÉPNsfr¼ esÆ lksek¼; czwÉrknk&
LekÆdks~¿fl 'kqÉØLrsÆ xzáks¼ fOÆkÆfpr¼LRokÆ fofp¼UoUrq AAüþAA
E¶a te gåyatro bhågaíiti me somåya brμutåde¶a
te trai¶¢ubho bhågaíiti me somåya brμutåde¶a te
jågato bhågaí iti me somåya brμutåcchando-
nåmånå~ m såmråjya≈gaccheti me somåya
brμutådåsmåkoísi ‹ukraste grahyo vicitastvå
“This is that part of Soma-Yajna which you can
realize for yourself with the Gayatri verses”, say this
for me, to the seeker of the chemistry of Soma. “This is
that part of Soma-Yajna which you can realize for
yourself with the Trishtubh verses”, say this for me, to
the seeker of the manufacture of Soma. “This is that
part of Soma-Yajna which you can realize for yourself
with the Jagati Verses”, say this for me, to the seeker of
the value of Soma. “Perform the Soma-Yajna with the
specific verses for social management and governance
and be on top of success”, say this for me, to the seeker
of the power of Soma. You are pure, specialist of Soma-
Yajna, you are purifier, you are ours, so wise,
knowledgeable, so adorable. We, the seekers of
knowledge and discrimination, accept you, support you
and advance the yajna.
25. (Savita Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
vÆfHk R;a nsÆo§l¼fOÆkÆrkj¼eks.Æ ;ks~% oÆQfooz¼Qrqe
É pZk¼fe lÆR;l¼o§
jRuÆ/keÆfHk fIÆkzÆ;a eƯr oÆQfoe~ A mÆQÆèokZ ;L;kÆefRÆkÆHkkZ¿
vfn¼|qÉrÆRloh¼efUÆkÆ fgj¼.;ikf.kjfeehr lqÉØrq¼% o`ÉQik
Lo¼%A izÆtkH;¼LRok izÆtkLRok ¼¿uq Éizk.k¼Urq izÆtkLRoe¼uqÉ&
izkf.k¼fg AAüÿAA
Abhi tyam deva~m savitåramoƒyo¨ kavikratu-
marcåmi satyasava~m ratnadhåmabhi priyam
matim kavim. Urdhvå yasyåmatirbhåí
adidyutatsav∂mani hiraƒyapåƒiramim∂ta
sukratu¨ kæpå sva¨. Prajåbhyastvå
prajåstvåínupråƒantu prajåstvamanupråƒihi.
For the love of the people I adore the lord of light,
creator of earth and heaven and the middle regions of
the skies, the eternal poet who composed this wonderful
world of paradisal beauty and truth adorned with the
jewels of life from His inexhaustible treasure of nature,
lord so dear to the learned and the wise, the brilliant
manifestation of whose existential form blazes in the
heaven above and the earth below which He made. With
His infinite mercy He created the regions of bliss for
the people, the creatures He created and loved. The
people adore you, lord, with their breath of life. Lord of
the golden bough in both hands, bless the people with
the breath and energy of life existential as well as eternal.
26. (Yajna Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
'kqÉØa Rok¼ 'kqÉØ.s k¼ Øh.kkf¼ e pÆUæa pÆUæs.kkÆer ¼ Æer
` e ` s¼u A lÆXes
rsÆ xksjÊLes rs¼ pÆUækf.ÆkÆ ri¼lLrÆuwj¼fl izÆtki¼rsÆoZ.Zk¼% ijÊes.k¼
iÆ'kquk¼ Øh;ls lgÏiksÆ"ka iq¼"ks;e~ AAüöAA
›ukra≈ två ‹ukreƒa kr∂ƒåmi candra≈
candreƒåmætamamætena. Sagme te gorasme te
candråƒi tapasastanμurasi prajåpatervarƒa¨
parameƒa pa‹unå kr∂yase sahasrapo¶a≈
Yajna, you are a symbol of the discipline of fire.
You are the golden choice of Prajapati, father of the
creatures. Your gifts are begot for the price of the highest
wealth. You are pure and immaculate, begot in return
for the purest offering of mine. Golden and blissful you
are, I offer the richest gold of my life for the celestial
bliss. You are the nectar of life. I get you with the offering
of the immortal knowledge I have. Your wealth is in the
womb of the moving earth and the environment. May
that wealth be ours too with yajna. You nourish life in a
thousand ways. May I, by the grace of Prajapati,
participate in the nourishment.
27. (Vidvan Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
fEÆk=Æ kks uÆ¿,fgÆ lqfe=¼ k/Æ¿bUæL¼ ;ksÆ#ekfo'¼ kÆ nf{k.¼ keq'É kÂq'É kUr¦
¼ &
L;ksÆu% L;ksÆue~ A LokuÆ Hkzktk†k¼ jsÊ cEHkk¼ jsÊ gLrÆ lqg¼LrÆ
Ñ'kk¼uosÆrs o¼% lkseÆØ;¼.kkÆLrkuz¼{kèoaÆ ek oks¼ nHku~ AAü÷AA
Mitro naíehi sumitradhaí indrasyorumåvi‹a
dak¶iƒamu‹annu‹anta~m syona¨ syonam. Svåna
bhråjåΔghåre bambhåre hasta suhasta
kæ‹ånavete va¨ somakrayaƒåstånrak¶adhva≈
må vo dabhan.
Friend of friends, man of knowledge and wisdom,
come, be friends with us. Pleasant and aspiring, come
along, sit on the right side of Indra, lord of power and
wealth and knowledge. Gentle and decent, come to the
gentle and the decent. Persuasive teacher, guardian of
Soma, brilliant, fearsome to the wicked and the non-
serious wasters, smiling, versatile, dominant master,
defend and protect those who value the gifts of Soma
and knowledge. Let no one bully you.
28. (Agni Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)

ifj¼ ekXusÆ nq'p¼fjrkn~ ck/ÆLok ekÆ lqp¼fjrs Hkt A

mnk;q¼"kk LokÆ;q"kksn¼LFkkeÆe`rk¡Æü¿vuq¼ AAüøAA
Pari mågne du‹caritåd bådhasvå må sucarite
bhaja. Udåyu¶å svåyu¶odasthåmamætå~mí anu.
Agni, Lord of light and life, save me all round from
evil, drive off from me all that is bad in character and
conduct. Establish me firmly in good character and
conduct. Help me stay up there for a long age of
goodness and high immortal virtue.
29. (Agni Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)

izfRÆkÆ iUFkk¼eiÁfg LofLÆRÆkÆxke¼usÆgl¼e~ A

;suÆ fo'okÆ% ifjÆ f}"kk¼s o`É.kfDr¼ fOÆkÆUnrsÆ olq¼ AAüùAA
Prati panthåmapadmahi svastigåmanehasam.
Yena vi‹vå¨ pari dvi¶o væƒakti vindate vasu.
Agni, lord of light and life, may we all follow the
path of goodness, love and non-violence by which the
good man keeps off all hate and fear and attains to the
safe haven of happiness and freedom.
30. (Varuna Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)

vfn¼R;kÆLRoxÆL;fn¼R;SÆ lnÆ¿vklh¼n A vLr¼HukÆn~ |ka

o`¼"kÆHkks¿vÆUrfj{¼ kÆefee
¼ hr ofjÆek.k¼Ei`fFÆkOÆ ;k%A vklh¼nÆf}'okÆ
Hkqo¼ukfu lÆezkM~ fo'osÙkkfUÆkÆ o#¼ .kL; ozÆrkfu¼ AAýúAA
Adityåstvagasya-dityai sadaíås∂da. Asta-bhnåd
dyå≈ væ¶abhoí antarik¶amamim∂ta varimåƒam
pæthivyå¨. Ås∂dadvi‹vå bhuvanåni samråŒ
vi‹vettåni varuƒasya vratåni.
Varuna, Lord of the universe and power of the
sun and wind, you are the protective cover of the earth
and the presiding presence of its order. Omnipotent
Lord, you keep the heaven and the sky in position and
maintain the excellence of life on earth. Glorious ruler
of the world, you are the absolute centre and
circumference of all the spheres of the universe, and all
of them move in observance of the inexorable law of
the divine power.
31. (Varuna Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)

ous¼"kqÉ O;¨Urfj¼{ka rrkuÆ oktÆeoZ×RlqÉ i;¼¿mÆfÏ;k¼lq A âÆRlq

ØrqaÉ o#¼ .kks fOÆkÆ{o¨fXua fnÆfo lw;Z×en/kÆr~ lkseÆeækS¼ AAýûAA
Vane¶u vyantarik¶a≈ tatåna våjamarvatsu
payaí usriyåsu. Hætsu kratu≈ varuƒo vik¶vagni≈
divi suryamadadhåt somamadrau.
Varuna, Lord Supreme, put expanse into waves
and forests, velocity in the motion (of waves and winds),
speed in the horses, milk in the cows, vision and will in
the hearts, heat and desire in the living creatures, sun in
heaven, nectar of life in the cloud, juice in the soma
plant, and the soma plant on the mountain.
32. (Agni Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)

lw;Z×L;Æ p{kqÉjkjks¼gkÆXusjÊ{.k% oÆQuhu¼de~ A

;=kSr¼'ksfHÆkÆjh;¼lsÆ Hkzkt¼ekuks foiÆf'prk¼ AAýüAA
Sμuryasya cak¶urårohågnerak¶ƒa¨ kan∂nakam.
Yatraita‹ebhir∂yase bhråjamåno vipa‹citå.
Ascend to the eye (light) of the sun, and enter into
the pupil of the eye of agni (light of fire) where, self-
illuminating with the rays of your light, you would be
approached and pursued by the discriminative scholar of
33. (Surya & Vidvan Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)

mÏkÆosr¯ /w"kkZgkS ;qÉT;sFkk¼euÆJw¿voh¼jg.kkS czãÆpksn¼ukS A

LoÆfLr ;t¼ekuL; x`Égku~ x¼PNre~ AAýýAA
Usråveta≈ dhμur¶åhau yujyethåmana‹rμuí av∂ra-
haƒau brahmacodanau. Svasti yajamånasya
gæhån gacchatam.
Scholars dedicated to science and spirit in search
of the good life should commit themselves to the study
and application of the energy of the sun and vayu (wind
and electricity), both treasures of scientific power and
means of comfort, to be specifically investigated and
used just like two bullocks bearing the burdens for life’s
comfort to the house of the master without tears or hurt
to anybody but supporting the young and the brave. The
scholars also, for guidance, should reach the senior man
of knowledge who, too, silently bears the burdens of
life for the knowledge and comfort of others. Let the
joy and comfort of this scientific yajna, in consequence,
reach the home of the yajamana.
34. (Yajamana Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
HkÆæks es¼¿fLÆkÆ izP;o
¼ Lo HkqoLirsÆ fo'ok¼U;ÆfHk /kek¼fu A ek
Rok¼ ifjiÆfj.kks¼ fonÆUek Rok¼ ifjiÆfUFkuks¼ fonÆUek RokÆ
o`dk¼¿v?kkÆ;oks¼ fonu~ A ';sÆuks HkwÉRok ijk¼irÆ ;t¼ekuL;
x`Égku~ x¼PNÆ rÂkS¼ l¡Lo`ÉQre~ AAýþAA
Bhadro meísi pracyavasva bhuvaspate
vi‹vånyabhi dhåmåni. Må två paripariƒo vidan
må två paripanthino vidan må två vækåí
aghåyavo vidan. ›yeno bhμ u två paråpata
yajamånasya gæhån gaccha tannau sa~mskætam.
Lord of the earth, master of knowledge, you are a
blessing for me. With the product of your study and my
effort and support, reach any part of all the regions of the
world shooting to your destination as an eagle. May no
robber, no thief, no wolfish highway man, no man of evil
pursuit, meet you on the way. May no one rob or deceive
you or steal anything. Let the product of your yajna and
mine reach the house of the yajamana fast.
35. (Surya Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
ueks¼ fEÆkÆ=kL;Æ o#¼ .kL;Æ p{k¼ls eÆgks nsÆok;Æ rn`Ér§l¼i;Zr A
Ês '` ks¼ nsÆotk¼rk; osÆQros¼ fnÆoLiqÉ=kk;Æ lw;kZ ¼; 'k§lr AAýÿAA
Namo mitrasya varuƒasya cak¶ase maho devåya
tadæta~m saparyata. Dμuredæ‹e devajåtåya ketave
divasputråya sμuryåya ‹a~msata.
Salutations in reverence, recognition and
gratitude to the Sun, best friend, highest, all-seeing,
great, brilliant, far-seeing light of the world, self-
luminant,child of heaven. Sing in praise of him, serve
his law of right and truth in life.
36. (Surya Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
o#¼ .kL;ksÆÙkEHku
¼ efLÆkÆ o#¼ .kL; LdEHkÆltZ×uh LFkksÆ o#¼ .kL;¿
½rÆln¼U;fLÆkÆ o#¼ .kL;¿ÍrÆln¼uefLÆkÆ o#¼ .kL;¿ÍrÆ&
ln¼uÆeklhn¼ AAýöAA
Varuƒasyottambhanamasi varuƒasya skambha-
sarjan∂ stho varuƒasyaí ætasadanyasi varuƒasyaí
ætasadanamasi varuƒasyaí ætasadanamås∂da.
You are the bond and ultimate pillar of the
universe. You are the centre and sustenance of vayu’s
hold on things and the sun’s two-fold power to move
the waters in space. You are the mainstay of the world’s
phenomenal reality of Satyam and the seat and working
of Rtam, the universal law of Right and Truth. By your
grace only, we realize the meaning of existence and
follow the divine law of Dharma.
37. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;k rsÆ /kek¼fu gÆfo"kkÆ ;t¼fUÊR ÆkÆ rk rsÆ fo'ok¼ ifjÊHkwj¼Lrq
;ÆKe~ A xÆ;LÆ iQku¼% izÆrj¼.k% lqÉohjks¿oh¼jgkÆ izp¼jk lkseÆ
nq;kZ ¼u~ AAý÷AA
Yå te dhåmåni havi¶å yajanti ta te vi‹vå
paribhμurastu yaj¤am. Gayasphåna¨ prataraƒa¨
suv∂roív∂rahå pracarå soma duryån.
Lord of the universe, whatever places are
sanctified by the performance of yajna with oblations
in your honour, all such places, O Soma, yajna may
grace and sanctify for us too — yajna, promoter of the
home, family and wealth, saviour from suffering, maker
of the brave, redeemer of the weak, all-round generous
and universal, may sanctify us too. Soma, scholar wise
and dedicated, go round, speak for, propagate and
perform yajna in every home.
bfr prqFkksZ¿è;k;% AA

1. (Vishnu Devata, Gotama °Rshi)

vÆXusLrÆuwj¼fLÆkÆ fo".k¼os RokÆ lkse¼L; rÆuwj¼fLÆkÆ fo".k¼osÆ

RokÆ¿fr¼FksjkfRÆkÆF;e¼fLÆkÆ fo".k¼os Rok ';sÆuk;¼ Rok lkseÆHk`rÆs
fo".k¼os RokÆ¿Xu;s¼ Rok jk;Liks"kÆns fo".k¼os Rok AAûAA
Agnestanμurasi vi¶ƒave två somasya tanμurasi
vi¶ƒave tvåítitheråtithyamasi vi¶ƒave två
‹yenåya två somabhæte vi¶ƒave tvåígnaye två
råyaspo¶ade vi¶ƒave två.
Yajna (Yajna materials), you are the body of fire
(heat and electricity) dedicated to Vishnu for the
completion of the noble act of service. You are the body
of Soma (life-juice of the created phenomena) dedicated
to Vishnu, for the purification of the air and the
environment. You are the hospitality for the chance-
visitor, dedicated to Vishnu for the attainment of
knowledge. I do the yajna and offer the libations for
Vishnu, for the ‘eagle’, fastest carrier of Soma to the
Yajamana, for rapid advancement of the science and
power of yajna. I offer the libations to the fire for the
development of wealth and energy, for Vishnu, the
powerful giver of virtue, for knowledge and the ability
for action.
2. (Vishnu, Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)

vÆXustÆfZ u=ke ¼ fLÆkÆ o`"k.¼ kkS LFk¿mÆo'Z ;L¼ ;kÆ;jq ¼fl iq:Æjok¿¼ vflA
xkÆ;=Æ ks.k¼ RokÆ NUn¼lk eUFkkfEÆkÆ =kS"Vq¼Hksu RokÆ NUn¼lk eUFkkfEÆkÆ
tkx¼rsu RokÆ NUn¼lk eUFkkfe AAüAA
Agnerjanitramasi væ¶aƒau sthaí urva‹yasyå-
yurasi purμuravåí asi. Gayatreƒa två chandaså
manthåmi trai¶¢ubhena två chandaså manthåmi
jågatena två chandaså manthåmi.
Yajna (yajna materials), you are the birth-place
of fire, source power of fire-arms. You are the food of
the cosmic agents of rain, air and the sun. You are the
producer and provider of various comforts of life. You
are the secret of the knowledge of the Shastras through
learned gatherings. I refine and kindle the fire with the
inspiring chant of the Gayatri verses. I invigorate you
and raise the fire with the exhilarating chant of the
Trishtubh verses. I boost you and rouse the fire with
the ecstatic chant of the jagati verses.
3. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
Hko¼ra uÆ% le¼ulkSÆ lps¼rlkojsÊilkS¼ A ek ;ÆK§fg¼§fl"VaÆ
ek ;ÆKi¼¯r tkrosnlkS f'ÆkÆokS Hk¼oreÆ| u¼% AAýAA
Bhavata≈ na¨ samanasau sacetasåvarepasau.
Må yaj¤a ` m hi ` m si¶¢am må yaj¤apatim
jåtavedasau ‹ivau bhavatamadya na¨.
May the teacher and the disciple of the science
of yajna be of equal mind in teaching and learning,
harmonious in knowledge and instructions, gentle and
free from coarseness in manners and communication.
May these two devotees of the fire of yajna be auspicious
harbingers of peace and happiness for us. May they not
disturb or ruin the yajna. May they not hurt the yajnapati.
4. (Agni Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
vÆXukoÆfXu'p¼jfRÆkÆ izfo¼"VÆ¿½"kh¼.kka iqÉ=kks¿vf¼ Hk'kfLÆRÆkÆikok¼A
l u¼% L;ksÆu% lqÉ;tk¼ ;tsÆg nsÆosH;ks¼ gÆO;§lnÆeiz¼;qPNÆUr~
Lokgk¼ AAþAA
Agnåvagni‹carati pravi¶¢aí æ¶∂ƒåm putroí
abhi‹astipåvå. Sa na¨ syona¨ suyajå yajeha
devebhyo havyam` sadamaprayucchantsvåhå.
Agni (fire) present in agni (electricity) is
universally active and operative. Deeply involved in the
study of agni, child of the rshis of scholarship, one with
his subject, graceful, enlightened, serious and dedicated,
the teacher and researcher roams around with his love.
May he, for us here, carry on the yajna of his project
with the libations of his special materials and create
new knowledge and food for further yajna.
5. (Vidyut Devata, Gotama °Rshi)

vki¼r;s RokÆ ifj¼ir;s x`ÊkfEÆkÆ ruwÉuI=ks¼ 'kkDoÆjk;Æ

'kDo¼uÆ¿vksft¼"Bk; A vuk¼/"` VeL;uk/`É";a nsÆokukÆekstks¿&
uf¼ Hk'kLR;fHk'kfLÆRkÆ Æik¿ vu
¼ fHk'kLrsUÆ ;e×tl
¼ k lÆR;eq¼ixs"k¦&
fLÆOÆkÆrs ek¼ /k% AAÿAA
Åpataye två paripataye gæhƒåmi tanμunaptre
‹åkvaråya ‹akvanaí oji¶¢håya. Anådhr¶¢am-
asyanådhæ¶yam devånåmojoínabhi‹asty-
abhi‹astipåí anabhi‹astenyama¤jaså satyam-
upage¶a~m svite må dhå¨.
Lord/Energy and Power of the universe,
indestructible, dauntless and undaunted, light and lustre
of the powers of nature, faultless and protector against
misfortune, beyond calumny and condemnation, I
accept/take you for all-over protection from all sides,
for a blooming body, for the gift of ability, strength and
power, prowess and lustre, so that you help to put me in
a state of comfort and welfare in a straight and natural
way and I celebrate in song the true and eternal cause
of the good life.
6. (Agni Devata, Gotama °Rshi)

vXus¼ ozriÆkÆLRos oz¼rikÆ ;k ro¼ rÆuwfjÆ;§lk efÕÆkÆ ;ks ee¼

rÆuwjsÊ"kk lk Rof;¼ A lÆg ukS¼ ozrirs ozÆrkU;uq¼ es nhÆ{kka
nhÆ{kki¼fRÆkÆeZU;¼rkÆeuqÉ riÆLri¼LifRÆkÆ%AAöAA
Agne vratapåstve vratapå yå tava tanμuriya~m så
mayi yo mama tanμure¶å så tvayi. Saha nau
vratapate vrtånyanu me d∂k¶åm d∂k¶åpati-
rmanyatåmanu tapastapaspati¨.
Agni, Lord/Power of light and energy,
omnipresent protector and keeper of the vows of
discipline, I take the vow of discipline and study and
come in to you. This presence of yours is in me, and the
same presence in me is in you. You and I are together,
the preceptor and the disciple are together. Lord
protector of the vows of discipline and pursuit, Lord of
commitment and consecration, Lord of fire and
relentless exercise of discipline, recognize and permit
our vow of discipline and study, approve and consecrate
my commitment, accept and bless my dedication and
pursuit of the undertaking and programme.
7. (Soma Devata, Gotama °Rshi)

vƧ'kqj¼§'kq"Vs nso lksÆekI;k¼;rkÆfeUæk¼;Sd/uÆfons¼ A vk

rqH;ÆfeUæÉ% I;k;¼rkÆek RofeUæk¼; I;k;Lo A vkI;k¼;;kÆ&
LekURl[kh¼URlÆUU;k esÆ/;k¼ LoÆfLr rs¼ nso lkse lqÉR;ke¼'kh;
¼ ¿ÍÆre`r¼ okÆfnH;ksÆ ueksÆ |koki
,"VkÆ jk;Æ% iz"s ks Hkxk; ¼ f` FÆko
Æ h&
H;k¼e~ AA÷AA
A~m‹ura~m‹u¶¢e deva somåpyåyatåmindråyaik-
adhanavide. Å tubhyamindra¨ pyåyatåmå
tvamindråya pyåyasva. Åpyåyayåsmånt-
sakh∂ntsannyå medhayå svasti te deva soma
sutyåma‹∂ya. E¶¢å råya¨ pre¶e bhagåyaí
ætamætavådibhyo namo dyåvåpæthiv∂bhyåm.
Soma, Lord and spirit of life, power brilliant,
omnipresent in nature, master of unique knowledge and
promoter of wealth, nurture the growth bit by bit, wave
on wave, for the glory of Indra, the power of nature,
and may Indra, the power, grow for you, the spirit. And
may the seeker (the master and the disciple) grow for
the joy of life. Help us grow, help our friends and
comrades grow by virtue of your penetrating
intelligence. Let joy and comfort grow. May success
greet you! Man of brilliance dedicated to the spirit of
life, joining you in your creative efforts for the
production of food and energy, and the achievement of
honour and prosperity, may we obtain the wanted power
and wealth of life. To the speakers (and discoverers) of
the Law (of nature), knowledge (of truth and law)! To
earth and heaven, salutations (in gratefulness for fire
and light and growth)!
8. (Agni Devata, Gotama °Rshi)

;k rs¼¿vXus¿;%'kÆ;k rÆuwoZ£"k×"Bk xàjsÊ"Bk A

mÆxza opksÆ¿vik¼o/hÙosÆ"ka opksÆ¿vik¼o/hÆr~ Lokgk¼ A
;k rs¼¿vXus jt%'kÆ;k rÆuwoZ£"k×"Bk xàjsÊ"Bk A
mÆxza opksÆ¿vik¼o/hÙosÆ"ka opksÆ¿vik¼o/hÆr~ Lokgk¼ A
;k rs¼¿vXus gfj'kÆ;k rÆuwoZ£"k×"Bk xàjsÊ"Bk A
mÆxza opksÆ¿viko/hÙosÆ"ka opksÆ¿vik¼o/hÆr~ Lokgk¼ AAøAA
Yå teíagneíya¨‹ayå tanurvar¶i¶¢hå gahvare¶¢hå.
Ugram vacoí apåvadh∂ttve¶am vacoí apåvadh∂t
svåhå. Yå teí agneí raja¨‹ayå tanμurvar¶i¶¢hå
gahvare¶¢hå. Ugram vacoí apåvadh∂ttve¶am
vacoí apåvadh∂t svåhå. Yå teí agne hari‹ayå
tanμ u rvar¶i¶¢hå gahvare¶¢hå. Ugram vacoí
apåvadh∂ttve¶am vacoí apåvadh∂t svåhå.
Agni, Lord of fire and speech, your presence (in
the devotee), silent but potential as in the metals of the
earth, generous and deep in the caverns of the mind,
defeats the cruellest and most fearsome words of the
opponent. Your presence (in the devotee), loud and
powerful as in the air and waters of the sky, generous
and deep as in the caverns of the clouds, defeats the
strongest and most passionate words of the opponent.
Your presence (in the devotee), clear and brilliant as in
the rays of light, generous and deep as in the implosions
of the sun, overwhelms the most brilliant and most
formidable speech of the opponent. This is the voice of
nature. This is the voice of the Veda. This is the voice
of the Divine.
9. (Agni Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
rÆIrk;¼uh es¿fl fOÆkÆÙkk;¼uh es¿Æ L;or ¼ kUek ukfFÆkÆrkno¼rkUek
O;fFÆkr s ÆfXuuZHkksÆ ukekXus¿¼ vfXjÊ¿vk;qu
Æ kr~ A fOÆkÆnn ¼ kÆ ukEusfgÆ
;ks¨¿L;ka i`¼fFÆkÆO;kefLÆkÆ ;Ùks¿uk¼/`"VaÆ uke¼ ;ÆfK;aÆ rsuÆ Rok
n¼/s fOÆkÆnsnÆfXuuZHkksÆ ukekXus¼¿vfXjÊ¿vk;q¼ukÆ ukEusfgÆ ;ks
f}Érh;¼L;ka i`fFÆkÆO;kefLÆkÆ ;Ùks¿uk¼/`"VaÆ uke¼ ;ÆfK;aÆ rsuÆ Rok
n¼/s fOÆkÆnsnÆfXuuZHkksÆ ukekXus ¼¿vfXjÊ¿vk;q¼ukÆ ukEusfgÆ
;Lr`Érh;¼L;ka i`fFÆkÆO;kefLÆkÆ ;Ùks¿uk¼/`"VaÆ uke¼ ;ÆfK;aÆ rsuÆ
Rok n¼/s A vuq¼ Rok nsÆooh¼r;s AAùAA
Taptåyan∂ meísi vittåyan∂ meísyavatånmå
nåthitådavatånmå vyathitåt. Videdagnirnabho
nåmågneí aΔgiraí åyunå nåmnehi yoísyå≈
pæthivyåmasi yatteínådh涢a≈ nåma yaj¤iya≈
tena två dadhe videdagnirnabho nåmågneí
aΔgiraíåyunå nåmnehi yo dvit∂yasyåm
pæthivyåmasi yatteínådh涢am nåma yaj¤iyam
tena två dadhe videdagnirnabho nåmågneí
aΔgiraíåyunå nåmnehi yastæt∂yasyåm
pæthivyåmasi yatteí nådh涢am nåma yaj¤iyam
tena två dadhe. Anu två devav∂taye.
Agni (fire, electricity and light) is the bringer of
home for the homeless and wealth for all. It saves from
destitution and exploitation, and from fear and
deprivation. Know this agni: it is water from the sky,
lives in the body parts as vital heat and comes bearing
the name of health and longevity. It lives in this earth
and that is its yajnic and indestructible form. For that
reason, we light it in the vedi, raise it and feed it for the
attainment of noble virtues.
Know the agni: it is in the vapours in the sky, the
second region of space, in its yajnic and indestructible
form. It comes bearing the name of health, longevity
and comfort. For that reason, we light it in the vedi of
science, raise it and feed it for the attainment of noble
Know the agni: it is light which illuminates
various regions of the universe and lives in the moving
sun in heaven, the third region of space, in its yajnic
and indestructible form. It comes bearing the name of
health, logevity, prosperity, light and life. For that
reason, we light it in the vedi of technology, raise it and
feed it for the attainment of noble virtues.
10. (Vak Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
fLÆkƦá~fl liRulkÆgh nsÆosH;¼% dYiLo fLÆkƦá~fl
liRulkÆgh nsÆoHs ;¼%A 'kqU/Lo fLÆk¦
Æ á~fl liRulkÆgh nsÆoHs ;¼%
'kqEHkLo AAûúAA
Si~ m hyasi sapatnasåh∂ devebhya¨ kalpasva
si~mhyasi sapatnasåh∂ devebhya¨. ›undhasva
si~mhyasi sapatnasåh∂ devebhya¨ ‹umbhasva.
Speech is powerful, as powerful as a lioness.
Develop it for the good people so that they can face a
rival and prevail. Purify it so that the noble people can
resist an adversary and defeat him. Beautify it so that
the holy people can fight out the enemy and win over
darkness and evil.
11. (Vak Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
bÆUæÆ?kks"Æ kLRokÆ olq¼fHk% iqÉjLrkR¼ ikrqÉ izp¼r
s kLRok #Ææ%S iÆ'pkRik¼rÉq
euks¼tokLRok fIÆkÆrf` Hk¼nfZ {k.kÆr% ik¼rq fOÆk'Æ oo¼QekZ RokfnÆR;S&
#¼ ÙkjÊr% ikf¼ RÆOÆkn
Æ eÆga rÆIra okcZ×fgÆ/kZ ;ÆKkfÂ%l`¼tkfe AAûûAA
Indragho¶astvå vasubhi¨ puraståt påtu
pracetåstvå rudrai¨ pa‹cat påtu manojavåstvå
pitæbhirdak¶iƒata¨ påtu vi‹vakarmå
tvåídityairuttarata¨ påtvi-damaha≈ taptam
vårbahirdhå yaj¤ånni¨ sæjåmi.
(Speech is a sacred trust to be developed and
preserved.) The voice of the Divine Power, Veda, and
the scholars of the Veda, with the observation of the
external world of the Vasus such as the earth and work
of the ‘vasu’ scholars of 24 years standing may develop
the language of science from the front, taking it forward.
Pracheta, the man of awareness and illumination, with
insight into the internal world of the pranas and the spirit
and work of the scholars of 36 years standing may
extend it and preserve it from behind. The man of
judgement and valuation as fast as the mind (manojawa),
with the senior scholars past and present, should
maintain the clarity and acceptability of its meaning and
refinement on the right side of it. Vishwakarma, scholar
of the world of existence and the structure of language,
with the work of the scholars of 48 years standing,
should maintain the overall beauty and effectiveness of
it. (This is the yajna of creative speech.) With the
fragrance of this yajna I breathe out the vapours of Vak
(universal language) to be crystallized into the objective
speech of communication.
12. (Vak Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
Æ á~fLÆkÆ Lokgk¼ fLÆkƦá~L;kfnR;ÆofUÆkÆ% Lokgk¼ fLÆkƦá~fl
czãÆofu ¼% {k=kÆofUÆkÆ% Lokgk¼ fLÆk Ʀá ~fl lqiztkÆouh ¼
jk;Liks"kÆofUÆkÆ% Lokgk¼ fLÆkƦá¨L;kog
¼ nso
Æ kU;te¼ kuk;Æ Lokgk¼
HkwÉrsH;¼LRok AAûüAA
Si~mhyasi svåhå si~mhyasyådityavani¨ svåhå
si~ m hyasi brahmavani¨ k¶atravani¨ svåhå
si~mhyasi suprajåvan∂ råyaspo¶avani¨ svåhå
si~ m hyasyåvaha devån yajamånåya svåhå
Language is sacred and it is power. It is the
treasure of science, science of the stars and light
especially of the sun in the zodiacs. It is the language
of the Veda and eliminates ignorance. It is the language
of governance, administration and military science and
fights out injustice and crime. It is the language of
economics, commerce, finance and management and
removes poverty and suffering. It is the language of
social science and human welfare and eliminates anti-
social forces. For the yajamana it brings spiritual
knowledge and noble virtues. I serve and develop this
noble language through yajna for the enlightenment and
happiness of all the living beings.
13. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
/zÉo Æ ha n`¼§g /zo
q ks~¿fl i`fFÆko q Æf{kn¼L;ÆUrfj¼{ka n`§gkP;qrÆf{kn¼fLÆkÆ
fnOak¼ n`§gkÆXus% iqjh¼"kefl AAûýAA
Dhruvoísi pæthiv∂m dæ~ m ha Œhruvak¶idasy-
antari¶am dæ~mhåcyutak¶idasi divam dæ`mhå-
agne¨ pur∂¶amasi.
Yajna is firm and immovable, the centre of
movement. It develops the earth and enriches its wealth.
Develop yajna. It is the treasure-home of knowledge
and prosperity. It expands the sky and increases its
wealth and waters. Develop yajna. It is the seat of
indestructible wealth. It expands radiation of light and
energy from the regions of the sun and brings the light
of knowledge. It supplements and sharpens the powers
of nature. Develop yajna. Expand. Accelerate. Intensify.
It is the completion, the finale.
14. (Savita Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;qÉ×trsÆ eu¼¿mÆr ;q¼×trsÆ f/;ksÆ foizkÆ foiz¼L; c`gÆrks
fo¼iÆf'pr¼% A fo gks=kk¼ n/s o;qukÆfonsdÆ¿bUeÆgh nsÆoL;¼
lfOÆkÆrq% ifj¼"VqfRÆkÆ% Lokgk¼ AAûþAA
Yu¤jate manaí uta yu¤jate Œhiyo viprå viprasya
bæhato vipa‹cita¨. Vi hotrå dadhe vayunåvidekaí
inmah∂ devasya savitu¨ pari¶¢uti¨ svåhå.
Great are the songs of celebration in praise of
Savita, the Creator, Omnipresent Lord Supreme of
infinite knowledge and Karma. Wise and dedicated men
of multiple orders of yajna concentrate their mind and
intelligence on that One Universal Presence. Knowing
that language of celebration and Karma I meditate on
the presence of the Lord all alone by myself.
15. (Vishnu Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
bÆna fo".kqÉ£op¼Øes =ksÆ/k fun¼/s iÆne~ A
lew¼<eL; ik¦lqÉjs Lokgk¼ AAûÿAA
Idam vi¶ƒurvicakrame treŒhå nidadhe padam.
SamμuŒhamasya på~msure svåhå.
Vishnu, Lord omnipresent sustainer of this
dynamic world, visible and invisible, created it in three
fold order — earth (prithivi), skies (antariksha) and
heaven (dyu), or sattva (mind), rajas (motion) and matter
(tamas) — and, alongwith the mystery that it is, set it in
space. This is the divine voice.
16. (Vishnu Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
bjk¼orh /suÉe q rhÆ fg HkwÉr§lw¼;oÆfluhÆ eu¼os n'kÆL;k A
O;L¼ dHukÆ jksn¼lh fo".kosÆrs nkÆ/RFkZ× i`fFÆkÆoheÆfHkrks¼ eÆ;[
w kSÆ%
Lokgk¼ AAûöAA
Iråvat∂ dhenumat∂ hi bhμuta~m sμuyavasin∂ manave
da‹asyå. Vyaskabhnå rodas∂ vi¶ƒavete
dådharttha pæthiv∂mabhito mayμukhai¨ svåhå.
The earth full of grain, rich in cows, covered with
grass and greenery so pleasing to man, this earth with
all her creatures held fast all round in orbit by the waves
of gravitation, and the heaven above well-sustained in
position, Vishnu, Lord immanent of the world, you
maintain both of these and, of course, the divine word
of the Veda.
17. (Vishnu Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
nsÆoÆJqrkS¼ nsÆos"ok?kks¼"kraÆ izkphÆ izsr¼eèoÆja oÆQYi;¼Urh¿mQÆèo±
;ÆKa u¼;raÆ ek ftà ¼ jre~ A Loa xks"Æ Beko ¼ nra nsoh nq;Æ¿Zs vk;qe
É+ kZ
fuoZk¼fn"Va izÆtka ek fuoZk¼fn"VÆe=k¼ jesFkkaÆ o"eZ×u~
i`fFÆkOÆ ;k%AAû÷AA
Deva‹rutau deve¶vågho¶ata≈ pråc∂ pretam-
aŒhvara≈ kalpayant∂íμurdhva≈ yaj¤a≈ nayata≈
må jihvaratam. Svam go¶¢hamåvadatam dev∂
duryeí åyurmå nirvådi¶¢a≈ prajåm må
nirvådi¶¢amatra ramethå≈ var¶man pæthivyå¨.
Scholars well-versed in the science of yajna go
forward to the noble people and proclaim that they
strengthen and extend the yajna over the earth and to
the sky so that they receive, like the two fold movements
of prana and apana, the fragrance of the yajna of love
and non-violence and send it onward to the heavens.
Take the yajna high, never take it down. Pious men of
virtue stay in their home and look after the cows fully
well. Abuse not life. Revile not the people. Enjoy life
on the earth under the showers of peace and joy.
18. (Vishnu Devata, Autathya Dirghatama °Rshi)
Æ qZ oaQ¼ ohÆ;kZf~ .ÆkÆ izoks¼pÆa ;% ik£Fk¼okfu foeÆes jtk¦
fo".kksu ¼ flA
;ks¿vLo¼QHkk;ÆnÙq kj¼ §lÆ/LFk¯ fopØekÆ.kL=ks/ Æ ks#¼ xkÆ;ks fo".ko
¼ s
Rok AAûøAA
Vi¶ƒornuka≈ v∂ryåƒi pravoca≈ ya¨ pårthivåni
vimame rajå~ m si. Yoí askabhåyaduttara≈
sadhastha≈ vicakramåƒastredhorugåyo vi¶ƒave
Let us celebrate the wonderful exploits of Vishnu
who makes the threefold order of the heaven, the earth
and the sky with the original materials of nature.
Immanent with the later forms of the dynamic universe
which He made and makes, He sustains the world.
Celebrated in the hymns of the Veda, Lord, we worship
you for the sake of the universal yajna of creation and
pray for inspiration to perform yajna in our life.
18. (Vishnu Devata, Autathya Dirghatama °Rshi)
fnÆoks ok¼ fo".k¿mÆr ok¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k eÆgks ok¼ fo".k¿&
mÆjksjÊUrfj¼{kkr~A mÆHkk fg gLrkÆ olq¼uk i`É.kLok iz;¼PNÆ
nf{k¼.kkÆnksr lÆO;kf}".k¼os Rok AAûùAA
Divo vå vi¶ƒaí uta vå pæthivyå maho vå vi¶ƒaí
urorantarik¶åt. Ubhå hi hastå vasunå pæƒasvå
prayaccha dak¶iƒådota savyåd vi¶ƒave två.
Vishnu, Lord omnipresent of the universe, we
worship you with yajna for the gifts of yajna. We pray:
from the regions of heaven bless us with energy and
light. From the vast sky and from the earth, and from
the great womb of nature — the ‘mahat’ form of the
creative mode — bless us and fill our life to the full
with materials of joy and peace with both hands, from
both sides, right and left.
20. (Vishnu Devata, Autathya Dirghatama °Rshi)
iz rf}".kq¼ Lrors ohÆ;~sZ.k e`Éxks u HkhÆe% oq¼QpÆjks fx¼fjÆ"Bk%A
;L;ksÆ#"kq¼ f=ÆkÆ"kq fOÆkØ
Æ e¼.ks"of/f{ÆkÆ;fUÆRkÆ Æ Hkqou
¼ kfUÆkÆ fo'ok¼AAüúAA
Pra tadvi¶ƒu statvate v∂ryeƒa mægo na bh∂ma¨
kucaro giri¶¢hå¨. Yasyoru¶u tri¶u vikramaƒe-
¶vadhik¶iyanti bhuvanåni vi‹vå.
Like an awful mountain lion that roams around in
his sole majesty, Vishnu, the omnipresent Lord of
tremendous power and glory rules the world and
commands the homage of His creatures. All the regions
of the world rest in the vast spaces of the three orders
of His wonderful creation — the earth, the sky and the
21. (Vishnu Devata, Autathya Dirghatama °Rshi)
fo".kks¼ jÊjkV¼efLÆkÆ fo".kksÆ% 'uI=ks¼ LFkksÆ fo".kksÆ% L;wj¼fLÆkÆ
fo".kks¼/zqZÉoks~¿fl A oSÆ".kÆoe¼fLÆkÆ fo".k¼os Rok AAüûAA
Vi¶ƒo rarå¢amasi vi¶ƒo¨ ‹naptre stho vi¶ƒo¨
syμurasi vi¶ƒordhruvoísi. Vai¶ƒavamasi vi¶ƒave
The world is a manifestation of Vishnu’s glory
at two levels of existence, the animate and the inanimate.
The elements of existence have been integrated into
form by the presence of Vishnu. The form is one, firm,
inviolable and organismic. The world is divine, it
belongs to Vishnu. It is yajna. It is for yajna in
celebration of the maker.
22. (Vishnu Devata, Autathya Dirghatama °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl
¼ o ¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrk¼H;ke~A
Æ ¿¨s f'ouksc
vkn¼nÆs uk;Z×lhÆneÆg§j{kl ¼ ka xzho
Æ k¿vfi¼ ÑUrkfe A c`ÉgÂf¼ l
c`Égæ¼ok c`gÆrhfeUæk¼;Æ okp¯ on AAüüAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prsaveí‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Å dade nåryas∂damaha`m
rak¶aså≈ gr∂våí api kæntåmi. Bæhannasi
bæhadravå bæhat∂mindråya våcam vada.
In this world of Lord Savita’s creation and
blessedness, with the double strength of Ashwini’s arms
(nature’s powers of health, prana and apana) and the
double gifts of nourishment from Pusha (earth’s powers
of gravitation and stability), I accept and undertake to do
yajna. Yajna is a noble work for humanity. With this, we
can drive away the forces of evil even by the neck. It is
great and growing. It is the voice of divinity loud and
clear. Proclaim this great voice of truth for the glory of
Indra, ruler of the earth.
23. (Yajna Devata, Autathya Dirghatama °Rshi)
jÊ{kksÆg.ak¼ cyxÆgu¯ oS".kÆohfEÆkÆneÆga ra c¼yÆxeqfRo¼QjkfEÆkÆ ;a
esÆ fu"VÔksÆ ;eÆekR;ks¼ fupÆ[kkusÆneÆga ra c¼yÆxeqfRo¼QjkfEÆkÆ ;a
es¼ lekÆuks ;el¼ekuks fupÆ[kkusÆneÆga ra c¼yÆxeqfRo¼QjkfEÆkÆ
;a esÆ lc¼U/qÉ;Zel¼cU/q£upÆ[kkusÆneÆga ra c¼yÆxeqfRo¼QjkfEÆkÆ
;a esÆ ltkÆrks ;el¼tkrks fupÆ[kkuksRo`ÉQR;kfV¼jkfe AAüýAA
Rak¶ohaƒa≈ balagahana≈ vai¶ƒav∂m
idamaha≈ ta≈ balagamutkiråmi ya≈ me ni¶¢yo
yamamåtyo nicakhanedamaha≈ ta≈
balagamutkiråmi ya≈ me samåno yamasamåno
nicakhånedamaha≈ ta≈ balagamutkiråmi ya≈
me sabandhuryamasabandhurnicakhåneda-
maha≈ ta≈ balagamutkiråmi ya≈ me sajåto
yamasajåto nicakhånotkætyå~m kiråmi.
Just as I perform, refine and expand this yajna —
an act that gathers strength, bestows strength of power,
prosperity and happiness, and destroys negativity and
evil, an act performed with the voice of the divine (Veda)
for the divine — just as I do the yajna, you too do the
same for advancement.
What my dedicated friend or my chief assistant
has done to dig up the vedi for knowledge of the earth,
and as he has performed the yajna of research, so I do
the act for enlightenment and you too do the same for
What my equal or my unequal has done and does
in the field of education, the same I do for development
and you too do the same for refinement.
What the equal of my brother or the unequal of
my brother has done and does for the advancement of
the science of yajna, I do the same developmental act,
and you too do the same — for expansion.
What my brother, colleague or another higher or
lower has done and does regularly for heightening the
possibilities of yajna for the advancement of knowledge,
prosperity and happiness, I do the same inspiring act
and you too do the same for the higher life.
24. (Surya & Vidvan Devate, Autathya Dirghatama °Rshi)
LoÆjkM¼fl liRuÆgk l¼=kÆjkM¼L;fHkekfRÆkÆgk
t¼uÆjkM¼fl j{kÆksÆgk l¼oZÆjkM¼L;fe=kÆgk AAüþAA
Svarådasi sapatnahå satraråŒasyabhimåtihå
janaråŒasi rak¶ohå sarvarådasyamitrahå.
You are self-disciplined, self-luminous, free, able
to defeat the rivals. You are ruled by the sessions of the
community-yajna; you shine in the community sessions
and you suppress the proud. You are ruled by the people,
you shine among the people, and you eliminate the
wicked. You are ruled by all, you shine among all and
you win over those who are not your friends.
You are the individual, self-disciplined, self-
enlightened, free, able to defeat the rivals. You are the
community, autonomous, enlightened, able to keep down
the insidious. You are the nation, governed by the people,
nationally enlightened, free, able to suppress the wicked.
You are the united nations of the world, governed by the
united people, humanly enlightened, sovereign, able to
win over the opposition and non-friends.
25. (Yajna Devata, Autathya Dirghatama °Rshi)
jÆ{kksÆg.kks¼ oks cyxÆguÆ% izks{kk¼fe oS".kÆokuz¼{kÆksÆg.kks¼ oks
cyxÆguks¿o¼u;kfe oS".kÆokuz¼{kÆksÆg.kks¼ oks cyxÆguks¿&
oL¼ r`.kkfe oS".kÆokuz{¼ kÆkg
Æs .kkS¼ oka cyxÆgukÆ¿min
¼ /kfe oS".kÆoh
j¼{kÆksÆg.kk¼S oka cyxÆgukSÆ i;wZ×gkfe oS".kÆoh oS¼".kÆoe¼fl
oS".kÆok LFk¼ AAüÿAA
Rak¶ohaƒo vo balagahana¨ prok¶åmi vai¶ƒavån
rak¶ohaƒo vo balagahanoívanayåmi vai¶ƒavån
rak¶ohaƒo vo balagahanoí vastæƒåmi vai¶ƒavån
rak¶ohaƒau vå≈ balagahanåí upa-dadhåmi
vai¶ƒav∂ rak¶ohaƒau vå≈ balagahanau
paryμuhåmi vai¶ƒav∂ vai¶ƒavamasi vai¶ƒavå stha.
You are fighters against suffering and destroyers
of evil while I rout the force of the enemy. You are devotees
of Vishnu, Lord of the universe, and dedicated to yajna,
a life of positive creative and constructive action. I bless
and sanctify you. You are the destroyers of the wicked. I
gauge the strength of the enemy and drive them away
from you, friends of yajna. You are fighters against human
poverty and misfortune. I know the powers of the
exploiters. I shower success and prosperity on you,
friends of social and economic well-being through yajna.
President of the council and master of yajna, you are
crusaders against ignorance and injustice and you face
the power of the adversaries. By virtue of your dedication
to Vishnu and to yajna, I take you close to me for success.
Eliminators of sin and pollution, you break down their
power in the service of society. I know your faith and I
strengthen your faith and resolve. Yajna is holy, it is a
Godly mission. Stay firm in your dedication to yajna, to
God, to nature and to society.
26. (Yajna Devata, Autathya Dirghatama °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl
¼ o ¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrk¼H;ke~A
Æ ¿¨s f'ouksc
vknn ¼ s uk;Z×lhÆneÆg§j{k¼lka xzhÆok¿vfi¼ÑUrkfe A ;oks¼¿fl
;Æo;kÆLen~ }s"kks¼ ;Æo;kÆjkr ¼ h£nÆos RokÆ¿Urfj¼{kk; Rok i`fFÆkÆO;S
RokÆ 'kqU/¼Urk¡YyksÆdk% fi¼r`É"kn¼uk% fir`É"kn¼uefl AAüöAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveísvinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Å dade nåryas∂damaha`m
rak¶aså≈ gr∂våí api kæntåmi. Yavoísi
yavayåsmad dve¶o yavayåråt∂rdive tvåí-
ntarik¶åya två pæthivyai två ‹undhantåmllokå¨
pitæ¶adanå¨ pitæ¶adanamasi.
In this world of Savita’s creation, with the
strength and vigour of prana and apana, and with the
power and prowess of the bold and the brave I do
homage to the man of learning and dedication and accept
yajna as a mission so that I may catch the wicked and
the evil by the neck and eliminate them head and foot
from life and society. You are young and fast, speed
itself. Drive away hate and fear from us. Eliminate
poverty, adversity and failure. May all the people
cooperate and join in the yajna in the search for the
light of truth and universal Dharma, for exploration of
the sky and space and for enrichment of the earth and
the environment. This is the assembly of the wise and
the learned people. May all the people join these men
of knowledge and be enlightened. O woman, you are
strong and bold. You too join in this venture.
27. (Yajna Devata, Autathya Dirghatama °Rshi)
mfío¼¦LrHkkÆukUrfj¼{ka i`.kÆ n`§g¼Lo i`fFÆkÆO;ka |q¼rkÆuLRok¼
ek#Ærks fe¼uksrq fEÆkÆ=kko#¼ .kkS /zqÉos.kÆ /eZ×.kk A czÆãÆofu¼ Rok
{k=kÆofu¼ jk;Liks"kÆofUÆkÆ i;wZ×gkfe A czã¼ n`§g {kÆ=ka n`§É gk;q¼n§Z` g
izÆtka n`¼§g AAü÷AA
Uddiva~m stabhånåntarik¶a≈ pæƒa dæ`mhasva
pæthivyå≈ dyutånastvå måruto minotu
mitråvaruƒau dhruveƒa dharmaƒå. Brahmavani
två k¶atravani råyaspo¶avani paryμ u håmi.
Brahma dæ~mha k¶atra≈ dæ~mhåyurdæ~mha prajå≈
Yajna, man of knowledge, president of the
assembly, reach the regions of light and reveal the
secrets of knowledge. Rise to the skies and fill the space
there for knowledge. Reach into the earth and strengthen
it. May the wind join you and help with the light of
energy. May the two-fold movements of wind-energy,
prana and apana, help you with their firm and unfailing
power. I know and appreciate your dedication to
knowledge and education, to governance and
organization, to the economic system and wish you well.
Promote knowledge, strengthen the social system, enrich
the economic system. Promote life and health. Promote
the welfare of the people.
28. (Yajna Devata, Autathya Dirghatama °Rshi)
/zÉoq kfl¼ /zÉo ¼ kuks¿Æ fLeUukÆ;r¼us izt
q k¨ ¿s ;a ;te Æ ;k¼ iÆ'kqfHkH¼ kw;
Z kr~ A
?k`Érsu¼ |koki`fFkoh iw;sZFkkÆfeUæ¼L; NÆfnj¼fl fo'otÆuL;¼
NkÆ;k AAüøAA
Dhruvåsi dhruvoíya≈ yajamånoísminnåyatane
prajayå pa‹ubhirbhμuyåt. Ghætena dyåvåpæthiv∂
pμuryethåm indrasya chadirasi vi‹vajanasya
Lady of the house, hostess of yajna, you are firm
and strong. May the yajamana, your husband, also be
firm in this yajna, in this home, in this world, with his
family, his people and his wealth. May both of you fill
the earth and the sky with the fragrance of ghee and
fertility. You are the protective shade of Indra, lord of
power and prosperity. You too be the protective cover
for all the people of the world.
29. (Ishvara and Sabhadhyaksha Devate, Autathya
Dirghatama °Rshi)
ifj¼ Rok fxoZ.kksÆ fxj¼¿bÆek Hk¼oUrq fOÆkÆ'or¼% A
o`ɼk;qÉeuqÉ o`¼¼;ksÆ tq"Vk¼ HkoUrqÉ tq"V¼;% AAüùAA
Pari två girvaƒo giraíimå bhavantu vi‹vata¨.
Væddhåyumanu væddhayo ju¶¢å bhavantu
Lord President, adorable in songs of praise, may
these chants of celebration reach you whole and from
all sides, and may these praises, ever loved, increase
and grow in their truth and value alongwith the lord,
first in time and oldest in wisdom.
30. (Ishvara and Sabhadhyaksha Devate, Madhuchhanda
bUæ¼L;Æ L;wjÊlhUæ¼L; /zqÉoks~¿fl A
,sÉUæe¼fl oS'onsÆoe¼fl AAýúAA
Indrasya syμuras∂ndrasya dhruvoísi Aindramasi
You are the life-link of the world’s beauty and
grandeur. You are the centre-pin of the wheel of
existence. You are the power and the glory. You are the
ultimate rest and haven of the universe.
31. (Agni Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)

fOÆkÆHkwj¼fl izÆokg¼.kksÆ ofɼjfl gO;Æokg¼u% A

'okÆ=kks~¿fLÆkÆ izps¼rkLrqÉFkks~¿fl fOÆkÆ'oos¼nk% AAýûAA
Vibhμurasi pravåhaƒo vahnirasi havyavåhana¨.
›våtroísi pracetåstuthoísi vi‹vavedå¨.
Agni, you are vast as space, flowing as a river
and rolling as the sea, the fire that carries the fragrance
of yajna across the world. You are the lord giver of
knowledge and awareness and promoter of wisdom, and
you are the vision of the world.
32. (Agni Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)

mÆf'kx¼fl oÆQfoj†k¼fjjfLÆkÆ cEHkk¼fjjoÆL;wj¼fLÆkÆ nqo¼Lok&

×NqÉUè;wj¼fl ektkZÆyh;¼% lÆezkM¼fl o`ÉQ'kkuq¼% ifjÆ"k|ks¼¿fLÆkÆ
io¼ekuksÆ uHkks¼¿fl izÆrDok¼ e`É"Vks~¿fl gO;Ælwn¼u¿ÍÆr&
/k¼ekfLÆkÆ Lo~T;ksZfr% AAýüAA
U‹igasi kaviraΔghårirasi bambhårir-avasyμurasi
duvasvån chundhyμurasi mårjål∂ya¨ samråŒasi
kæ‹ånu¨ pari¶adyoísi pavamåno nabhoísi
pratakvå-m涢oísi havyasμudanaí ætadhåmåísi
Agni, you are the lord of light, eternal poet of
vision and creation, enemy of sin and evil, deliverer
from bondage, protector from suffering, adorable,
edifying purifier and sanctifier. Self-refulgent, you burn
away the dirt, wash away and dry up pollution; centre-
presence of the assembly, you emanate joy; light of the
sky, you refine the yajna and carry it in space. Light of
heaven and abode of the eternal law of Dharma, you
are the spirit of patience and the power of endurance.
33. (Agni Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)

lÆeqÉæks~¿fl fOÆkÆ'oO;¼pk¿vÆtks¨¿L;so¼QikÆnfg¼jfl cqÉèU;ks¨

okx¼L;SÆUæe¼fLÆkÆ lnksÆ¿L;`r¼L; }kjkSÆ ek ekÆ lUrk¼IRÆkÆ&
eèo¼ukeèoirsÆ iz ek¼ frj LoÆfLr esÆ¿fLeu~ iÆfFk ns¼oÆ;kus¼
Hkw;kr~ AAýýAA
Samudroísi vi‹vavyacåí ajoísyekapåd ahirasi
budhnyo vågasyaindramasi sadoísi ætasya
dvårau må må santåptam adhvanåmadhvapate
pra må tira svasti meísmin pathi devayåne
Agni, vast and deep as the ocean, unfathomable
as space, immanent and omnipresent, you are the
original power and motion of existence. Unborn and
eternal, spirit of all knowledge, the world is but one
vibration of this eternal consciousness, and the Veda is
just one Word of its articulation.
Man of wisdom and learning, path-maker and
guardian of advancement in knowledge, Dharma and
science, Agni, Lord of Life, is the lord of knowledge
and power. He opens the doors of internal and external
knowledge. You too keep the doors open, extend the
paths, do not cause any suffering, help us cross the
hurdles and lead us on in this noble pilgrimage of divine
life on earth. Lord of life, knowledge and action, bless
us that we may succeed.
34. (Agni Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)

fEÆkÆ=kL;¼ ekÆ p{kq¼"ks{kèoÆeXu¼;% lxjkÆ% lx¼jk LFkÆ lx¼ js.kÆ

ukEukÆ jkSæ.sÆ kkuh¼oQs u ikÆr ekX¼ u;% fii`Ér ek¼Xu;ks xksikÆ;r¼
ekÆ ueks¼ oks¿LrqÉ ek ek¼ fg§fl"V AAýþAA
Mitrasya må cak¶u¶ek¶adhvam agnaya¨
sagarå¨ sagarå stha sagareƒa nåmnå
raudreƒån∂kena påta måígnaya¨ pipæta måí
gnayo gopåyata må namo voístu må må hi~msi¶¢a.
Men of knowledge, worthy of praise,
broadminded as the sky, voracious as fire for knowledge
and passionate for work, look at me favourably with
the eye of friends. Remain broad-minded and liberal.
Liberal and gracious as you are, protect me with the
fiery passion for knowledge and power in growth and
development. May the men of the fire of yajna and
science fill and full me with plenty and let me grow in
safety and peace. Salutations to you! Pray hurt me not,
destroy me not.
35. (Agni Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
T;ksfr¼jfl fOÆkÆ'o:¼ iaÆ fo'os¼"kka nsÆokuk¼¦lÆfer~ A Ro§lks¼e
ruwÉÑn~H;ksÆ }s"kksH¼ ;ks¿Æ U;o`¼QrsH;¿mÆ# ;ÆUrkfLÆkÆ o:¼ FkƦLokgk¼
tq"kkÆ.kks¿vÆIrqjkT;¼L; osrÉq Lokgk¼ AAýÿAA
Jyotirasi vi‹varμupa≈ vi‹ve¶å≈ devånå~m samit.
Tva~m soma tanμukædbhyo dve¶obhyoí nyakæte-
bhyaíuru yantåsi varμ u tha~ m svåhå ju¶åƒoí
apturåjyasya vetu svåhå.
Agni, you are the light of universal knowledge, a
flame of fire for the scholars of the world to light up and
reveal the form and structure of the world. Soma you are
the vast power of order and control over the envious, the
self-expansive servers of the flesh, the negative and
uncreative people. May the lover of tecknowledge, fast
and anxious, choose to dedicate himself to the great and
valuable secrets and powers of agni, and know and
confirm the divine voice of the Veda.
36. (Agni Devata, Agastya °Rshi)

vXusÆ u;¼ lqi É Fkk¼ jkÆ;¿s vÆLekfUo'okf¼ u nso oÆ;u q kf¼ u fOÆk}
Æ ku~A
;qÉ;ksÆè;¨LeTtqg¼ jq kÆ.kesuksÆ Hkwf;¼"Bka rsÆ ue¿¼ m¯Dr fo/se AAýöAA
Agne naya supathå råyeí asmånvi‹våni deva
vayunåni vidvån. Yuyodhyasmajjuhuråƒameno
bhμuyi¶¢hå≈ te namaíuktim vidhema.
Agni, light of the world and treasure-home of all
the power and wealth, lord of all the knowledge, karma
and paths of life, lead us on by the right path, simple
and straight, to the highest goal of life, Moksha, through
right knowledge, right action and right wealth. Fight
out and ward off from us all that is evil and leads to
suffering — crookedness, deviousness, intrigue and
deceit. We bow in thanks and surrender to you and sing
the sweetest songs in praise of you.
37. (Agni Devata, Agastya °Rshi)

vÆ;a uks¼¿vÆfXuoZfj¼oLÑ.kksRoÆ;a e`/¼% iqÉj¿,¼rq izfHÆkÆUnu~ A

vÆ;a oktk¼×t;rqÉ okt¼lkrkoÆ;§'k=kw¼×t;rqÉ tâZ ×"kk.kÆ%
Lokgk¼ AAý÷AA
Ayam noí agnirvarivaskæƒotvaya≈ mædha¨
puraí etu prabhindan. Aya≈ våjå¤jayatu
våjasåtåvaya~m ‹atrμu¤jayatu jarhæ¶åƒa¨ svåhå.
May this Agni, this fiery man of courage and
prowess, make the way to safety, security, wealth and
bliss. May he, breaking through the lines of the envious,
go forward. May he defeat the enemy in battles and win
the victories. May he, in joyous song, celebrate the
victory for Agni.
38. (Vishnu Devata, Agastya °Rshi)
mÆ# fo¼".kksÆ fooz¼QeLoksÆ# {k;k¼; uLÑf/ A
?k`Éra ?k`¼r;ksus ficÆ iziz¼ ;ÆKi¼¯r frjÆ Lokgk¼ AAýøAA
Uru vi¶ƒo vikramasvoru k¶ayåya naskædhi.
Ghæta≈ ghætayone piba prapra yaj¤apati≈ tira
Vishnu, lord of life and sustenance/Man of
knowledge, power and wealth, go far and forward in
your exploits and enable us to expand with our homes,
wealth, knowledge and happiness. Born of ghee and
rising with ghee the fire devours its food and blazes. You
too light the fire with knowledge and action and grow
continuously in knowledge, action, wealth and happiness.
Take the master of yajna across the fields of life, chanting
the hymns of yajna, to a safe haven of joy.
39. (Soma & Savita Devate, Agastya °Rshi)
nso¼ lforjsÊ"k rsÆ lkseÆLr§j¼{kLoÆ ek Rok¼ nHku~ A ,ÉrÙoa
¼ lkse nsÆoks nso
nso Æ k¡ü¿mikx¼ k¿bÆneÆga e¼uÉ"q ;k~URlÆg jkÆ;Liks"ks.¼ kÆ
LokgkÆ fuoZ#¼ .kL;Æ ik'kk¼UeqP;s AAýùAA
Deva savitare¶a te somasta~m rak¶asva må två
dabhan. Etattvam deva soma devo devå `m
upågåí idamaha≈ manu¶yåntsaha råyaspo¶eƒa
svåhå nirvaruƒasya på‹ån muchye.
Savita, lord of life and growth, Head of the
people, this is your Soma, honour, strength and power.
Protect it. Don’t be cowed down. Let none injure,
deceive or destroy you. Soma, man of energy and
inspiration, shining with strength and intelligence,
bright as you are, go to the men of virtue and wisdom. I
too approach them to be with them. Thus with the wise
and the virtuous people, with friends and comrades, with
wealth and growth, I get free of the chains of Varuna,
the powers of worldly bondage.
40. (Agni Devata, Agastya °Rshi)

vXus¼ ozrikÆLrs oz¼rikÆ ;k ro¼ rÆuweZÕ;Hkw¼nsÆ"kk lk RofÕÆkÆ ;ks

ee¼ rÆuLw RoÕ;Hkw¼fnÆ;§lk ef;¼ A ;ÆFkkÆ;FÆ ka ukS¼ ozrirs ozr
Æ kU;uq¼
es nhÆ{kka nhÆ{kki¼fRÆkÆjeƦLrkuqÉ riÆLri¼Lifr% AAþúAA
Agne vratapåste vratapå yå tava tanμurmayya-
bhμude¶å så tvayi yo mama tanμustvayyabhμudiyam
så mayi. Yathåyatha≈ nau vratapate vratånyanu
me d∂k¶å≈ d∂k¶åpati-rama`mstånu tapastapa-
Agni, man of light and brilliance, man of truth,
man of knowledge, teacher, man of discipline on oath
as you are, so may I be as your disciple. Your body of
knowledge, truth and faith may be in me too. And my
body of growing knowledge may be in you. Man of
discipline and commitment, you and I both shall observe
common vows corresponding to each other. May my
initiation and dedication on oath be accepted and
approved by my master of initiation. May my discipline
and austerity be in accord with the discipline and
austerity of the master of tapas, austere discipline.
41. (Vishnu Devata, Agastya °Rshi)

mÆ# fo¼".kksÆ fooz¼QeLoksÆ# {k;k¼; uLÑf/ A

?k`Éra ?k`¼r;ksus ficÆ iziz¼ ;ÆKi¼¯r frjÆ Lokgk¼ AAþûAA
Uru vi¶ƒo vikramasvoru k¶ayåya naskæŒhi.
Ghæta≈ ghætayone piba prapra yaj¤apatim tira
Vishnu, man of courage and knowledge wide
expansive as the wind, equip yourself with the knowledge
of science and technology and expand our comfort and
happiness. Man sipping holy water just as fire consumes
ghee and electricity in the sky consumes water in the
clouds, drink deep at the fount of knowledge. Help the
master of yajna to overcome the hurdles and swim across
the seas with the chant of the Veda.
42. (Agni Devata, Agastya °Rshi)
vR;ÆU;k¡üAA¿vxkaÆ ukU;k¡üAA¿mik¼xkeÆokZoQ~ RokÆ ijsÊH;ks¿fo¼na
iÆjks¿o¼jsH;% A ra Rok¼ tq"kkegs nso ouLirs nso;ÆT;k;S¼
nsÆokLRok¼ nso;ÆT;k;S¼ tq"kUrkaÆ fo".k¼os Rok A vks"k¼/Æs =kk;¼LoÆ
Lof/¼rsÆ eSu¼§fg§lh% AAþüAA
Atyanyå`mí agå≈ nånyå`mí upågåmarvåk två
parebhyoívidam paroívarebhya¨. Tam två
ju¶åmahe deva vanaspate devayajyåyai devåstvå
devayajyåyai ju¶antåm vi¶ƒave två. O¶adhe
tråyasva svadhite maina`m hi~ms∂¨.
Agni/Master of knowledge, I won’t go to the
fools. I would go to the others, to the wise, yes, to the
wise only. You are higher than the highest (in
knowledge), and closer than the closest (in love). I
would be with you, know you, attain to you.
Lord/Master of herbs, brilliant and generous, we
love you and adore you for the sake of gifts of knowledge
and life’s inspiration. May all the devas, noble ones,
love you and adore you for the same gifts of knowledge
and blessings for the sake of Vishnu, lord of yajna.
Life-giving herbs, power of the lord, save this
man, save this yajna, hurt not, kill not.
43. (Yajna Devata, Agastya °Rshi)
|ka ek ys[¼ khjÊUrfj{¼ kaÆ ek fg§¼ lh% i`fFÆkOÆ ;k lEHk¼o A vÆ;§fg
RokÆ Lof/¼fRÆkÆLrsfrt
¼ ku% izf.ÆkuÆ k;¼ egÆrs lkSHkx ¼ k; A vrÆLRoa
ns¼o ouLirs 'kÆro¼Y'kksÆ fojks¼g lÆgϼoY'kkÆ fo oÆ;§
#¼ gse AAþýAA
Dyå≈ må lekh∂rantarik¶a≈ må hi~ms∂¨ pæthivyå
sambhava. Aya~ m hi två svadhitistetijåna¨
praƒinåya mahate saubhagåya. Atastva≈ deva
vanaspate ‹ataval‹o viroha sahasraval‹å vi
vaya~m ruhema.
Don’t breach the regions of light, let the heavens
be. Hurt not the skies, pollute them not. Be with the
earth and the environment. This yajna is a great power,
a weapon sharp and tempered, come to you for a great
good fortune. Lord of herbs/Greenery of the earth,
generous power of the Divine, grow from a hundred
roots, spread and rise. We too may, by the grace of the
Lord of yajna, grow and rise from a thousand roots,
from a thousand shoots, through a hundred years,
through a thousand years.

bfr i×peks¿è;k;% AA


1. (Savita Devata, Agastya °Rshi)

nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl ¼ Æo¿¨s f'ouksc ¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
vkn¼ns uk;Z×lhÆneÆg§ j{kl ¼ ka xzho
Æ k¿vfi¼ÑUrkfe A ;oks¼¿fl
;Æo;kÆLen~ }s"kks¼ ;Æo;kjk¼rhj~ fnÆos RokÆ¿Urfj¼{kk; Rok
i`fFÆkÆO;S RokÆ 'kqU/U¼ rk¡YyksÆdk% fi¼r"É` kn¼uk% fir`"É knu ¼ eflAAûAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí ‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Å dade nåryas∂damaha~m
rak¶aså≈ gr∂våí api kæntåmi. Yavoísi
yavayåsmad dve¶o yavayåråt∂r-dive tvåí
ntarik¶åya två pæthivyai två ‹undhantå≈llokå¨
pitæ¶adanå¨ pitæ¶adanamasi.
In this world of lord Savita’s creation, with both
the arms of Ashwinis (the wind’s energy of prana and
udana) and both the hands of Pusha (the earth’s gift of
strength and prowess), I accept you and consecrate you,
Head of the people and President of the assembly and
your life-partner, in this social yajna. With this
acceptance and investiture, I catch the evil and the
wicked by the neck and destroy them. You are the power
to join and disjoin. Remove the envious from us. Drive
out all poverty and suffering from here. This is the
august assembly of the noble people. May the noble
people sitting in this assembly accept and consecrate
you for the heavens (the light of knowledge), for the
skies (internal purity of conduct), and for the earth
(earthly prosperity and well-being). You are the centre-
seat of the great and the noble ones.
2. (Savita Devata, Shakalya °Rshi)
vÆxÆ.sz khj¼fl Lokos'Æ k¿mÂ
¼ rs .ɤ kkesÆrL;¼ foÙkkÆnf/¼ Rok LFkkL;fr
nsÆoLRok¼ lfOÆkÆrk eèok¼uDrq lqfiIiÆykH;ÆLRokS"k¼/hH;% A
|kexzs¼.kkLi`{kÆ¿vkUrfj¼{kaÆ eè;s¼ukizk% i`fFÆkÆoheqi¼js.kk&
n`§gh% AAüAA
Agreƒ∂rasi svåve‹aí unnet¿ƒåmetasya vittådadhi
två sthåsyati devastvå savitå madhvånaktu
supippalåbhyastvau¶adh∂bhya¨. Dyåm-
agreƒåspæk¶aí åntarik¶a≈ madhyenåprå¨
You are the leader on top of all those taking this
polity high. Settled with confidence in your Dharma,
know well this polity, this economy, and the people.
Savita, blazing lord of power, light and generosity,
would shower His blessings and protection from above.
May the Lord anoint you with honey and bless you with
nectarious herbs. With top initiative, touch the heaven
(in matters of justice and enlightenment). At the middle
level, fill the sky with peace, security and Dharmic
conduct. At the ground level, strengthen the earth (with
food, planning and employment).
3. (Vishnu Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
;k rsÆ /kek¼U;qÉ'efLÆkÆ xe¼è;SÆ ;=kÆ xkoksÆ Hkwfj¼Ük`Xk¿vÆ;kl¼%A
v=kkgÆ rnq¼#xkÆ;L;Æ fo".kks¼% ijÊea iÆneo¼HkkfjÆ Hkwfj¼ A
czÆãÆofu¼ Rok {k=kÆofu¼ jk;Liks"kÆofUÆkÆ i;wZ×gkfEÆkÆ A czã¼
n`§g {kÆ=ka n`ɧgk;q¼n`Z§g izÆtka n`¼§g AAýAA
Yå te dhåmånyu‹masi gamadhyai yatra gåvo
bhμuri‹ængåí ayåsa¨. Atråha tadurugåyasya
vi¶ƒo¨ parama≈ padamava bhåri bhμ u ri.
Brahmavani två k¶atravani råyaspo¶avani
paryμ u håmi. Brahma dæ ` mha k¶atra≈
` `mha prajå≈ dæ~mha.
The houses of the government we would wish to
visit are those which are bright with the light of Lord
Vishnu’s glory of human art and awareness so that we
exclaim spontaneously: “Ah! here is the place where
the highest offices in Vishnu’s dispensation are wholly
and exclusively held by learned and meritorious people”.
I know your Brahma system of education and research,
your Kshatra system of defence, justice and peace, your
economic system of production and distribution.
Strengthen and extend education and enlightenment,
consolidate and advance governance and administration,
improve and promote health and age, strengthen and
expand the welfare of the people.
4. (Vishnu Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
fo".kksÆ% deZk¼f.k i';rÆ ;rks¼ ozÆrkfu¼ iLiÆ'ks A
bUæ¼L;Æ ;qT;Æ% l[kk¼ AAþAA
Vi¶ƒo¨ karmåƒi pa‹yata yato vratåni paspa‹e
indrasya yujya¨ sakhå.
Watch the divine acts of Vishnu, omnipresent lord
of the universe, acts of creation, sustenance and
annihilation of the world, wherein are manifested the
inviolable laws of His dominion operative in nature.
Therein I see the sacred rules of conduct and
administration of my dominion too and I bind myself
irrevocably as a friend of the lord of universal power
and as an instrument of His will. Watch, meditate, learn
and bind yourselves too to the rules of this dominion
and His.
5. (Vishnu Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
rf}".kks¼% ijÊea iÆn§lnk¼ i';fUr lwÉj;¼%A
fnÆoh~oÆ p{kqÉjkr¼re~ AAÿAA
Tadvi¶ƒo¨ paramam pada~ m sadå pa‹yanti
sμuraya¨. Div∂va cak¶uråtatam.
Men of courage and divine knowledge, the Veda,
always have a vision of that highest glory of Vishnu
manifested everywhere and blazing like the light of the
sun in heaven, which you too should see.
6. (Vidvans Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
iÆfjÆohj¼fLÆkÆ ifj¼ RokÆ nSohÆ£o'kks¼ O;;UrkaÆ ijhÆea ;t¼ekuƧjk;ks¼
euq"É ;k~.kke~ A fnÆo% lwu É jq L¼ ;sÆ"k rs¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k¡YyksÆd¿vk¼jÊ.;Lrs¼
iÆ'kq% AAöAA
Pariv∂rasi pari två daiv∂rvi‹o vyayantå≈
par∂ma≈ yajamåna~m råyo manu¶yåƒåm. Diva¨
sμunurasye¶a te pæthivyå≈llokaí åraƒyaste pa‹u¨.
You are the centre of attraction, reverence and
homage. You are the child of heaven like the sun. May
the brilliant in knowledge and merit come to you in
reverence. Yajamana as you are of the social yajna of
this dominion, may the people of wealth all round be at
your command in homage. The people of this land and
the foresters are yours, so is the animal wealth of the
7. (Twashta Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
mÆikÆohjÊL;qi¼ nsÆokUnSohÆ£o'kÆ% izkxq¼#Æf'ktksÆ ofɼreku~ A
nso¼ Ro"VÆoZlq¼ je gÆO;k rs¼ LonUrke~ AA÷AA
Upåv∂rasyupa devån daiv∂rvi‹a¨ pråguru‹ijo
vahnitamån. Deva tva¶¢arvasu rama havyå te
Close to the people, you are their protector.
Brilliant in power and virtue, you are the destroyer of
suffering. Just as meritorious people of quality and
character approach the most lovable benefactors, so may
they come to you. Abide in delight by your dominion
and may the people enjoy what they offer for the social
yajna and what they receive from it.
8. (Brihaspati Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
jso¼rhÆ je¼èoaÆ c`g¼Lirs /kÆj;kÆ olw¼fu A
ÍÆrL;¼ Rok nsogfOÆkÆ% ik'ksu¼ Æ izfre
¼ ×q pkfEÆkÆ /"kkZÆ ekuq"¼ k%AAøAA
Revat∂ ramadhva≈ bæhaspate dhårayå vasμuni.
°Rtasya två devahavi¨ på‹ena prati mu¤cåmi
dhar¶å månu¶a¨.
(People of the land), happy and prosperous, abide
(by the law) and enjoy the good life. Brihaspati, master
of knowledge and wisdom, teacher, accept the gifts
offered by us. Take the brahmacharis.
You are an oblation for the Divine and the laws
of universal truth in the yajna of education. I invest you
with the bond of truth and the law of Dharma. Be a full
man and be strong.
9. (Savita, Aswinau, Pushacha Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl
¼ Æo¿¨s f'ouksc ¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
vÆXuh"kksek¼H;kaÆ tq"VaÆ fu;q¼ufTe A vƉ ÔLRokS"k¼/hÆH;ks¿uq¼
Rok ekÆrk eU¼ ;rkÆeuq¼ fIÆkr
Æ kuqÉ HkzkrkÆ lxÆH;ks¿Z uqÉ l[kkÆ l;w¼F;%A
vÆXuh"kksek¼H;ka RokÆ tq"VaÆ izks{kk¼fe AAùAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Agn∂¶omåbhyå≈ ju¶¢am
niyunajmi. Adbhyastvau¶adh∂bhyoínu två måtå
manyatåmanu pitånu bhråtå sagarbhyoínu
sakhå sayμuthya¨. Agn∂¶omåbhyå≈ två ju¶¢a≈
In this yajna of the creation of the refulgent and
generous Lord Savita, with the arms of Ashvinis (powers
and virtues of the sun and moon), and with the generous
hands of Pusha (the fertility and sustenance of the earth’s
gravitation and stability), I accept you, favoured as you
are as a child by Agni, lord of light and heat, and Soma,
lord of life and peace. I enjoin you to the discipline of
brahmacharya with waters and herbs to enjoy and
consecrate you, loved as you are by Agni and Soma.
May your mother agree, your father approve, your
brother support and your friends of the group cooperate.
10. (Apah Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)

vÆika isÆ#jÊL;kiks¼ nsÆoh% Lo¼nUrq LokÆÙka fPÆkÆRlís¼ogÆfo% A la

rs¼ izkÆ.kks okrs¼u xPNrkƦ leXk¼fUÆkÆ ;t¼=kSÆ% la ;ÆKi¼fr&
jkÆf'k"kk¼ AAûúAA
Apåm perurasyåpo dev∂¨ svadantu svåttam
citsaddevahavi¨. Sa≈ te pråƒo våtena
gacchatå≈ samaΔgåni yajatrai¨ sa≈
You are a protector of the waters (through yajna).
May all the living beings taste and enjoy the sweet and
celestial waters and other things of their own like the
blessed gifts from yajna. May you, with all your body
and will, and by my blessings (i.e., the teacher’s
blessings) help and cooperate with those who are
dedicated to yajna. May your very breath rise with the
wind carrying the fragrance. Be a master of yajna.
11. (Vatah Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
?k`Éru ¼ Fs kkƦ jso¼fRÆkÆ ;t¼ekus fIÆkÆ;
s kÆDrkS iÆ'kwL¡ =kk; z a /k¿vkfo¼'kA
mÆjksjÊUrfj¼{kkRLÆkÆtwnsZÊou s Æ okrs¼ukÆL; gÆfo"kÆLReuk¼ ;tÆ le¼L;
rÆUok~ Hko A o"kksÆZ o"khZ×;lh ;ÆKs ;ÆKi¼¯r /kÆ% Lokgk¼
nsÆosH;ks¼ nsÆosH;Æ% Lokgk¼ AAûûAA
Ghætenåktau pa‹μu~nstråyethå~m revati yajamåne
priyam dhåí å vi‹a. Urorantarik¶åt sajμurdevena
våtenåsya havi¶astmanå yaja samasya tanvå
bhava. Var¶o var¶∂yas∂ yaj¤e yaj¤apati≈ dhå¨
svåhå devebhyo devebhya¨ svåhå.
Anointed with ghee, both of you, the priest and
the yajaka, protect and promote the animals. Betake
yourself to the prosperous yajamana, perform yajna with
oblations of rich materials and, joining the celestial wind
like a friend, bring from the vast skies all that is loved
and wanted by the yajamana. With your very heart and
soul, be one with the body of yajna. You are the shower
of joy through yajna, establish the yajamana in yajna, a
very shower and treasure-house of joy. This is the divine
voice. Chant the divine voice with the generous and the
wise for the attainment of divine virtues.
12. (Vidvans Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
Z kZ i`nk¼oqÉQuZe¼Lr¿vkrkukuÆokZ izsfg¼ A
?k`ÉrL;¼ oqÉQY;k¿mi¼ ¿½ÆrL;Æ iF;kÆ¿vuq¼ AAûüAA
Måhirbhμurmå pædåkur namastaí åtånånarvå
prehi. Ghætasya kulyåí upaí ætasya pathyåí anu.
Man of knowledge, promoter of joy, never be like
a snake or violent as a hunter or tiger. Come irresistibly
like a stream of ghee close by the path of truth and the
law of Dharma. Salutations to you. Gifts of food and
hospitality for you in plenty.
13. (Apah Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)

nsoh¼jki% 'kqɼk oks¼M~<~oƧ lqi¼fjfo"Vk nsÆos"kqÉ

lqi¼fjfo"Vk oÆ;a ifjosÆ"Vkjks¼ Hkw;kLe AAûýAA
Dev∂rapa¨ ‹uddhå voŒŒhva~m suparivi¶¢å deve¶u
suparivi¶¢å vaya≈ parive¶¢åro bhμuyåsma.
Women, pure and cool as celestial waters, marry
by choice and settle with noble men in security and
protection all round. So should we, men, settled and
secure with the women, be their guardians and all-round
protectors, in love and duty.
14. (Vidvans Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)

okPak¼ rs 'kqU/kfe izkÆ.ka rs¼ 'kqU/kfEÆkÆ p{kq¼Lrs 'kqU/kfEÆkÆ Jks= ka ¼

rs 'kqU/kfEÆkÆ uk¯Hk¼ rs 'kqU/kfEÆkÆ es<¯ª rs 'kqU/kfe ikÆ;qa rs¼
'kqU/kfe pÆfj=k¡k¼Lrs 'kqU/kfe AAûþAA
Våca≈ te ‹undhåmi pråƒa≈ te ‹undhåmi
cak¶uste ‹undhåmi ‹rotra≈ te ‹undhåmi nåbhi≈
te ‹undhåmi meŒhra≈ te ‹undhåmi påyu≈ te
‹undhåmi caritråΔste ‹undhåmi.
I purify your speech, I purify your breath, I purify
your eye, I purify your ear, I purify your navel, I purify
your organ of generation, I purify your organs of
excretion, I purify all your character and conduct. (Be a
pure and complete person by education.)
15. (Vidvans Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
euL¼ rÆ¿vkI;k¼;rkaÆ oko~Q rÆ¿vkI;k¼;rka izkÆ.kLrÆ¿vkI;k¼;rkaÆ
p{kq¼LrÆ¿vkI;k¼;rkƦ Jks=ka ¼ rÆ¿vkI;k¼;rke~ A ;Ùks¼ owzQÉja
;nkfLFk¼rÆa rÙkÆ¿vkI;k¼;rkaÆ fu"VÔk¼;rkaÆ rÙks¼ 'kqè;rqÉ
'kegks¼H;%A vks"k¼/sÆ =kk;¼LoÆ Lof/¼rsÆ eSu¼§fg§lh% AAûÿAA
Manastaí åpyåyatå≈ våk taí åpyåyatå≈
pråƒastaí åpyåyatå≈ cak¶ustaí åpyåyatå~m
‹rotra≈ taí åpyåyatåm. Yatte krμ u ra≈
yadåsthita≈ tattaí åpyåyatå≈ ni¶tyåyatå≈ tatte
‹udhyatu ‹amahobhya¨. O¶adhe tråyasva
svadhite maina~m hi~ms∂¨.
(Through education, study and practice) may your
mind grow full and strong. May your speech be pure
and perfect. May your breath be full and strong May
your eye be clear and perfect. May your ear be strong
and sensitive. Whatever be wrong and hurtful, that be
cast out. Whatever be decided for sure that be
accomplished. May everything be pure and strong and
ever grow stronger. May all be peace and blessed day
by day. Man of knowledge and science, save and
strengthen this disciple. Spirit of knowledge, power and
nourishment, save the inmate of the school, hurt not
her/him. Save, strengthen, perfect.
16. (Dyava prithivi Devate, Medhatithi °Rshi)

j{k¼lka HkkÆxks~¿fLÆkÆ fujL¼ rƧj{k¿¼ bÆneÆg§j{kksÆ¿fHkfr"¼ BkehÆneÆg§

j{kks¿o¼ck/¿bÆneÆg§j{kks¼¿/Æea reks¼ u;kfe A ?k`Érsu¼
|koki`fFkohÆ izks.kqZ×okFkkaÆ ok;ksÆ os LrksÆdkuk¼eÆfXujkT;¼L;
osrÉq LokgkÆ A Lokgk¼Ñrs¿mÆQÆèoZu¼Hkla ek#Æra xP¼ Nre~ AAûöAA
Rak¶aså≈ bhågoísi nirasta~m rak¶aí idamaha~m
rak¶oíbhi ti¶¢håm∂damaha≈ rak¶oívabådhaí
idamaha~ m rak¶oídhama≈ tamo nayåmi.
Ghætena dyåvåpæthiv∂ prorƒuvåthå≈ våyo ve
stokånåmagniråjyasya vetu svåhå svåhåkæteí
μurdhvanabhasa≈ måruta≈ gacchatam.
Young man of education, the evil and the wicked,
want, poverty, injustice and ignorance fall to your lot
of responsibility. Say this and do this: “You are of the
party of the devil. Off you go.” Be determined: Here I
confront the anti-social devils. I neutralize them, drive
them off and eliminate them. I send them to the lowest
dungeons of the dark.
Seeker of discriminative knowledge, know the
properties and behaviour of the finest materials and,
with refined and rarefied vapours of ghee, fill the earth
and the sky with waters. Let the scholars of science know
the processes and results of your oblations in the yajna.
Let the earth and the sky, replete with the vapours of
ghee and waters sent up with the chant of vedic verses,
send them onward to the winds (for the completion of
17. (Apah Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)

bÆnek¼iÆ% izo¼grkoÆ|a pÆ ey¯ pÆ ;r~ A ;Ppk¼fHknqÉæksgku`¼raÆ

;Pp¼ 'ksÆi¿s vH¼ khÆ#.k¼e~ A vkiks¼ ekÆ rLekÆnu
s ¼l%Æ io¼eku'p
eq×prq AAû÷AA
Idamåpa¨ pravahatåvadya≈ ca mala≈ ca yat.
Yaccåbhidudrohånæta≈ yacca ‹epeíabh∂ruƒam.
Åpo må tasmådenasa¨ pavamåna‹ca mu¤catu.
Whatever is despicable (in me), whatever is dirty
(such as ignorance and illusion), whatever is wrong,
false or anti-social, whatever execrable (I have uttered)
toward the innocent, these waters may wash off that sin
from me, the purifying wind may dry that off from me,
the holy men of wisdom may absolve me of that and
release me from self-bondage.
18. (Agni Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
la rsÆ euksÆ eu¼lkÆ la izkÆ.k% izkÆ.ksu¼ xPNrke~ A jsM¼L;ÆfXu‹k¼
Jh.kkÆRoki ¼LRokÆ le ¼fj.kÆUokr ¼L; RokÆ /zkT;S¼ iwÉ".kks
j§ák¼¿mQÆ"e.kks¼ O;fFk"kÆRiz;q¼raÆ }s"k¼% AAûøAA
Sa≈ te mano manaså sa≈ pråƒa¨ pråƒena
gacchatåm. ReŒasyagni¶¢vå sr∂ƒåtvåpastvå
samariƒanvåtasya två dhråjyai pμu¶ƒo ra~mhyåí
μu¶maƒo vyathi¶at prayuta≈ dve¶a¨.
Young warrior, may your mind be full of strength
and knowledge, and your spirit full of courage and high
morale. You are a destroyer of the enemy. May the fire
season and temper you, may the waters inspire you to
the speed of the winds and the velocity of the sun-rays.
Full of ardour and passion, send the enemy-army of
crores into disarray.
19. (Vishvedeva Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
É a ?k`¼rikoku% ficrÆ olak¼ olkikoku% ficrkÆUrfj¼{kL;
gÆfoj¼fLÆkÆ Lokgk¼ A fn'k¼% izÆfn'k¼¿vkÆfn'kks¼ fOÆkÆfn'k¼¿mÆfí'kks¼
fnÆXH;% Lokgk¼ AAûùAA
Ghæta≈ ghætapåvåna¨ pibata vaså≈
vasåpåvåna¨ pibatåntaæk¶asya havirasi svåhå.
Di‹a¨ pradi‹aíådi‹o vidi‹aí uddi‹o digbhya¨
Protectors and lovers of waters, protect and drink
of the nectar of the waters. Protectors of homes and
policy, protect the homes, and protect and benefit from
the policy. Commander of the forces, you are the
oblation of the defence-yajna rising to the sky for every
warrior. Command the forces in the language of power
for the defence of all the directions, interdirections,
directions in front and back, and the directions of the
target. Command others too so that they may also plan
and conduct the defence with similar language and
20. (Twashta Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
,sÉUæ% izkÆ.kks¿vXs¼¿vXsÉ funh¼è;nSÆUæ¿m¼nkÆuks¿vXs¼¿vXsÉ
fu/h¼r% A nso¼ Ro"VÆHkwZfj¼ rsÆ l§l¼esrÉq ly¼{ekÆ ;f}"kq¼:iaÆ
Hkok¼fr A nsÆoÆ=kk ;UrÆeo¼lsÆ l[kkÆ;ks¿uq¼ Rok ekÆrk fIÆkÆrjks¼
enUrq AAüúAA
Aindra¨ pråƒoíaΔgeí aΔge nid∂dhyadaindraí
udånoíaΔgeíaΔge nidh∂ta¨. Deva tva¶¢arbhμuri te
sa~m sametu salak¶må yadvi¶urμupa≈ bhavåti.
Devatrå yantamavase sakhåyoínu två måtå
pitaro madantu.
Commander, you are the breath and spirit of
divine power (Indra) throbbing in every part of the army.
You are the current of passion and enthusiasm
overflowing in every section of the force. Twashta,
router of the enemy, brilliant and powerful, may your
army of various form and formation march on as one
body with one mark and one target. And while you
march on your noble mission of defence, may your
mother, father and other seniors, and your friends exhort
you on your way and wish you all success.
21. (Senapati Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
lÆeqÉæa x¼PNÆ LokgkÆUrfj¼{ka xPNÆ Lokgk¼ nsÆo§l¼fOÆkr Æ kj¯ xPNÆ
Lokgk¼ fEÆk=Æ kko#¼ .kkS xPNÆ Lokgkg
¼ ksjkÆ=ks xP¼ NÆ LokgkÆ NUnk¦ ¼ fl
xPNÆ LokgkÆ |k¼oki`fFÆkÆoh x¼PNÆ Lokgk¼ ;ÆKa x¼PNÆ LokgkÆ
lksEak¼ xPNÆ Lokgk¼ fnÆO;a uHkks¼ xPNÆ LokgkÆfXua oS¼'okuÆja
x¼PNÆ LokgkÆ euks¼ esÆ gk£n× ;PNÆ fno¯ rs /wÉeks x¼PNrqÉ
Lo¨T;ksZfr¼% i`fFÆkÆoha HkLeÆuki`¼.kÆ Lokgk¼ AAüûAA
Samudra≈ gaccha svåhåntarik¶a≈ gaccha
svåhå deva~ m savitåra≈ gaccha svåhå
m∂tråvaruƒau gaccha svåhåhoratre gaccha
svåhå chandå~msi gaccha svåhå dyåvåpæthiv∂
gaccha svåhå yaj¤a≈ gaccha svåhå soma≈
gaccha svåhå divya≈ nabho gaccha svåhåí-
gni≈ vai‹vånara≈ gaccha svåhå mano me
hårddi yaccha diva≈ te dhμ u mo gacchatu
svarjyoti¨ pæthiv∂≈ bhasmanåípæƒa svåhå.
Man of knowledge, in service of the government,
with the knowledge of navigation and ship-building,
go to explore the seas. With the knowledge of aviation,
fly to the skies. With the knowledge of space and space
dynamics, go to the brilliant regions of light. With the
knowledge of yoga, explore the secret of the pranic
energy of breath and vitality of the inner spirit. With
the knowledge of astronomy, know the motions of the
sun and planets and the formation of day and night. With
the knowledge of grammar and versification, study,
interpret and apply in practice the four Vedas. With the
knowledge of geology and astrophysics, go deep into
earth and space. With the science of yajna, know and
practice the yajna of science and technology in the socio-
practical economic and spiritual fields. With the
knowledge of herbs, pursue the science of health and
life. With the knowledge of water and gases, explore
their celestial presence and formation of water and rain.
With the science of energy, study heat, light, electricity
and all-pervasive agni (fire), and harness it for use in
life. Know all this, do all this, follow up all this and
justify all that I have taught, to my heart-felt joy and
satisfaction. Let the fumes and vapours of your yajna
rise to the sky. Let the light of it reach the sun. Fill and
cover the earth with the essence and alchemy of your
yajna for valuable products. This is the divine voice.
22. (Varuna Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)

ekiks ekS"k¼/h£g§lhÆ/kZEuks¼ /kEuks jkt¡LÆ rrks¼ o#.k uks eq×pA

;nkÆgqjÊ?U;k¿bfRÆkÆ o#Æ.ksfRÆkÆ 'kik¼egsÆ rrks¼ o#.k uks eq×pA
lqÉfEÆkÆf=ÆkÆ;k uÆ¿vkiÆ¿vks"k¼/;% lUrq nq£ef=ÆkÆ;kLrLeS¼ lUrqÉ
;ks¨¿Leku~ }sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a f}É"e% AAüüAA
Måpo mau¶adh∂rhi~ m s∂rdhåmno dhåmno
råja≈stato varuƒa no mu¤ca. Yadåhuraghnyåíiti
varuƒeti ‹apåmahe tato varuƒa no mu¤ca.
Sumitriyå naíåpaío¶adhaya¨ santu durmitriyå-
stasmai santu yoísmån dve¶¢i ya≈ ca vaya≈
Head of the republic, pollute not the waters,
destroy not herbs and trees: From this, from any other
place, leave us not out, except no one from this. Let
things like water and refreshment be available anywhere,
Lord of justice, water, herbs and trees, cows are
sacred, they are not to be destroyed: This you vouchsafe,
we too take the oath. Back not out. We too will not
back out. Under your governance, may waters and herbs
be like friends to us. And they would be unfriendly to
those elements which injure us and our sanctity, and to
those ailments which we oppose, they would be enemies.
23. (Ap-yajna Surya Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)

gÆfo"e¼rhfjÆek¿vkiks¼ gÆfo"ek¡ÆüAA¿vkfo¼oklfrA
gÆfo"ek¼UnsÆoks¿v¼èoÆjks gÆfo"e¡k¼üAA¿vLrqÉ lw;Z×% AAüýAA
Havi¶mat∂rimåí åpo havi¶må~ n í åvivåsati.
Havi¶mån devoí adhvaro havi¶må~ní astu sμurya¨.
The waters are a blessing carrying the purity and
joy of yajna. May the wind too bless us with the gifts of
yajna. May yajna, non-violent, a very god of love and
peace, overflow with life-giving fragrance. May the sun
be replete and generous with the light and life of yajna.
24. (Apah Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
vÆXusoksZ¿i¼Âx`gL;Æ ln¼fl lkn;kehUækÆXU;ksHkZk¼xÆ/s;h¼ LFk
fEÆkÆ=kko#¼ .k;ksHkkZxÆ/s;h¼ LFkÆ fo'os¼"kka nso
Æ kuak¼ HkkxÆ/s;h¼ LFkA
vÆew;kZ¿miÆ lw;ÆsZ ;kfHk¼okZÆ lw;Z×% lÆg A rk uks¼ fgUoURo&
èoÆje~ AAüþAA
Agnervoípannagæhasya sadasi sådayåm∂-
ndragnyor-bhågadhey∂ stha mitråvaruƒa-
yorbhågadhey∂ stha vi‹ve¶å≈ devånå≈
bhågadhey∂ stha. Amμuryåí upa sμurye yåbhirvå
sμurya¨ saha tå no hinvantvadhvaram.
Brahmacharini/s, unmarried graduands, I settle
you in the home/s (refined and cultured with education
and learning) of the unmarried graduate/s bright as Agni
in marriage according to your own choice. You know
the virtues and advantages of sun and fire. You know
the properties of prana and udana (forms of pranic
energy). You know the nature and learning of the
scholars and you know the properties of the powers of
nature such as earth and others. Be partners in their
blessings in your life. And those who imbibe the virtues
of the sun and whom the light and life of the sun has
already blessed, we invite to grace this marital yajna of
25. (Soma Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
âÆns RokÆ eu¼ls Rok fnÆos RokÆ lw;Zk¼; Rok A
mQÆèoZfEÆkÆee¼èoÆja fnÆfo nsÆos"kqÉ gks=kk¼ ;PN AAüÿAA
Hæde två manase två dive två sμuryaya två.
ª U rdhvamimamadhvara≈ divi deve¶u hotrå
Brahmacharini, just as we perform the yajna in
the company of our noble and learned men, so you too
perform yajna with your man after marriage. We have
taught you and we teach you for joy of the heart, for
clarity of the mind, for the value of happiness and peace,
and for the life and light from the sun, so you too, in the
company of your man, send up your invocations and
oblations of this auspicious yajna, so peaceful and
lovely, for the sake of joy and enlightenment.
26. (Soma Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
lkse¼ jktÆfUo'okÆLRoa izÆtk¿mÆiko¼jksgÆ fo'okÆLRoka izÆtk&
¿mÆiko¼jksgUrq A 'k`É.kksRoÆfXu% lÆfe/kÆ go¯ es Ük`É.oURokiks¼
fèÆkÆ"k.kk¼'p nsÆoh%A Jksrk¼ xzkok.kks fOÆkÆnq"kksÆ u ;ÆK§Ük`É.kksrq¼
nsÆo% l¼fOÆkÆrk go¯ esÆ Lokgk¼ AAüöAA
Soma råjan vi‹våstva≈ prajåí upåvaroha
vi‹våstvå≈ prajåí upåvarohantu. Sæƒotvagni¨
samidhå hava≈ me ‹æƒvantvåpo dhi¶aƒå‹ca
dev∂¨. ›rotå gråvåƒo vidu¶o na yaj¤a`m ‹æƒotu
deva¨ savitå hava≈ me svåhå.
Soma (ruler of the republic), lord of majesty, stay
close to the entire people and rule like a father. So should
the entire people be close to you and grow like children
of the father. Like the fire of yajna grown by samidha
fuel, listen to my prayer, listen to the people. So may
intelligent, educated and cool-minded women listen, like
mothers, to the prayers of women. Man of reverence
and wisdom, listen to our prayers like the yajnic chants
of learned and faithful devotees. May Savita, lord of
power and light, listen to my prayers and words of praise.
27. (Apah Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
nsohj¼ kiks¿vikÂikÆ|ks o¿¼ mQÆ£egZ×fOÆk"Æ ;~¿bfUÆæ; Æ koku¼ ~ eÆfnUre
¼ %A
ra nsoÆ Hs ;ks¼ nso=Æ kk nÙ¼ k 'kqØi
Æ Hs ;ksÆ ;s"kak¼ HkkÆx LFkÆ LokgkA¼ Aü÷AA
Dev∂råpoíapåmnapådyo vaí μ u rmirhavi¶yaí
indriyåvån madintama¨. Ta≈ devebhyo devatrå
datta ‹ukrapebhyo ye¶å≈ bhåga stha svåhå.
Noble and intelligent people, to one who, among
you, is of good and constant character, strong of sense
and will, happiest and most inspiring, like a wave on
the ocean of existence, worthy of reverence and homage,
defender and supporter of the virtuous, to him, for the
gods among men, the noblest preservers, protectors and
promoters of life’s vitalities, give your share of the social
yajnic offering. You too are a part of the noble ones.
Accept him in good grace with words of love and
reverence — the one of you and for all of you.
28. (Praja Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
dk£"k ¼jfl leqÉæL;Æ Rok f{k¼R;kÆ¿m¼;kfe A
lekiks¼¿vÆf‰j¼XerÆ leks"k¼/hfHÆkÆjks"k¼/h% AAüøAA
Kår¶irasi samudrasya två k¶ityåí unnayåmi.
Samåpoí adbhiragmata samo¶dh∂bhiro¶adh∂¨.
You are the farmer. I exhort you to fill the sky
with the vapours of water for the enrichment of the earth
and the sea. With the oblations of herbs into the fire,
get the herbs. With the oblations of water into the sky
(through the fire) get the waters.
29. (Agni Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
;e¼Xus i`ÉRlq eR;ZÆeokÆ okts¼"kqÉ ;a tqÉuk% A
l ;UrkÆ 'k'o¼rhÆfj"kÆ% Lokgk¼ AAüùAA
Yamagne pætsu martyamavå våje¶u ya≈ junå¨.
Sa yantå ‹a‹vat∂ri¶a¨ svåhå.
Agni, lord of power and virtue, the man you
protect in battles and the man you send to the fields for
farming, such a man gets lasting food and progeny.
30. (Savita Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl
¼ o ¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrk¼H;ke~A
Æ ¿¨s f'ouksc
vkn¼nsÆ jkok¼fl xHkhÆjfEÆkÆee¼èoÆja o`ÉQ/hUæk¼; lqÉ"kwr¼ee~ A
s ¼ iÆfoukstZ ×LoUraÆ e/q¼eUraÆ i;¼LoUra fuxzkÆH;k~ LFk
nsoÆJqr¼LrÆiZ;¼r ek AAýúAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Ådade råvåsi gabh∂ramima-
madhvara≈ kædh∂ndråya su¶μutamam. Uttamena
pavinorjjasvanta≈ madhumanta≈ payasvanta≈
nigråbhyå stha deva‹rutastarpayata må.
In this world of Lord Savita’s creation, with both
the arms of Ashvinis (power and vitality of sun and
moon) and with both the hands of Pusha (the nourishing
virtues of mother earth’s herbs), I accept you. You are
the giver. In the service of Indra, lord and ruler of this
land, with the best and most graceful words of piety,
enrich and expand this non-violent social yajna of love
and good fellowship, so deep and full with blessings,
so generous with milk and honey, health and energy
and the joy of life. You have heard the words of the
wise. Worthy you are of acceptance and welcome. Come
and give me the pleasure of fulfilment.
31. (Praja, Sabhyas, Raja Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
euks¼ es riZ;rÆ okp¯ es riZ;r izkÆ.ka es¼ riZ;rÆ p{kq¼esZ es
riZ;rÆ Jks=ak¼ es riZ;rkÆRekUak¼ es riZ;r izÆtka es¼ riZ;r
iÆ'kwUes¼ riZ;r xÆ.kkUes¼ riZ;r xÆ.kk esÆ ek for`¼"ku~ AAýûAA
Mano me tarpayata våca≈ me tarpayata pråƒa≈
me tarpayata cak¶urme tarpayata ‹rotra≈ me
tarpayatåtmåna≈ me tarpayata prajå≈ me
tarpayata pa‹unme tarpayata gaƒånme
tarpayata gaƒå me må vitæ¶an.
People of the land, with your character and
performance satisfy my mind with a sense of fulfilment.
Satisfy me with your response to my words. Satisfy and
fulfil my energy and ambition. Satisfy my eye that I see
no wrong. Satisfy my ear that I hear nothing evil. Satisfy
my soul. Satisfy my people. Satisfy my animals. Keep
my subordinates happy. Let them not suffer any hardship
and frustration.
32. (President-Raja Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
bUæk¼; RokÆ olq¼ers #Ææo¼rÆ¿bUæk¼; RokfnÆR;o¼rÆ¿bUæk¼;
RokfHkekfRÆkÆ?us A ';sÆuk;¼ Rok lkseÆHk`rsÆ¿Xu;s¼ Rok jk;&
Liks"kÆns AAýüAA
Indråya två vasumate rudravataí indråya två-
dityavataí indråya tvaíbhimatighne. ›yenåya två
somabhæteígnaye två råyaspo¶ade.
We elect and appoint you for Indra, honour and
glory of the land, for the creation of Vasus, young men
of 24 years standing of education, and for Rudras, young
men of 44 years education who can rout the enemy. We
appoint you for the honour and glory of education and
creation of Adityas, heroes of 48 years education and
training who can shatter the pride of the enemies of the
land. We accept and appoint you for the force of eagle-
like commandos of defence, for the lovers of peace and
good health, for the development of energy and
electricity and for the producers of wealth and
33. (Soma Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
;Ùks¼ lkse fnÆfo T;ksfRÆkÆ;ZRi`¼fFÆkÆO;ka ;nqjkoÆUrfj¼{ks A
rsukÆLeS ;t¼ekuk;ksÆ# jkÆ;s o`ÉQè;f/¼ nkÆ=ks oks¼p% AAýýAA
Yatte soma divi jyotiryatpæthivyå≈ yaduråv-
antarik¶e. Tenåsmai yajamånåyoru råye
kædhyadhi dåtre voca¨.
Soma, blessed lord of the land, the light of your
power and glory shines over the earth, in the sky and in
the heaven above. By virtue of that, and for the sake of
this generous man of yajna of the social order, make it
richer, expand it further, and proclaim: He shall grow
happier and more prosperous.
34. (Yajna Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
'okÆ=kk LFk¼ o`=kÆrqjksÆ jk/ks¼xwÙkkZ¿vÆer` ¼L;Æ iRuh¼% A
rk ns¼ohnsZoÆ=ksea ;ÆKa u;¼ Ærksi¼gwrkÆ% lkseL¼ ; ficr AAýþAA
›våtrå stha vætraturo rådhogμurttåí amætasya
patn∂¨. Tå dev∂rdevatrema≈ yaj¤a≈
nayatopahμutå¨ somasya pibata.
Women, brilliant and virtuous, quick to learn and
instant in action like thunder in the clouds, life-partners
of your men, be strong, join the men in this holy yajna
and take it forward to the heights. Invited to the vedi,
have your fill of the immortal drink of soma, the nectar
of life and joy.
35. (Dyava-prithivi Devate, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
ek HksÆekZ lafo¼DFkkÆ¿mQt± × /RLoÆ f/"k¼.ks ohÆM~oh lÆrh
oh¼M;sFkkÆewt± × n/kFkke~ A ikIek gÆrks u lkse¼% AAýÿAA
Må bhermå sa≈vikthåíμurja≈ dhatsva dhi¶aƒe
v∂Œv∂ sat∂ v∂Œayethåmμurja≈ dadhåthåm. Påpmå
hato na soma¨.
Woman, wise and intelligent, fear not, nor
tremble; take heart and be bold of heart and soul. You
being strong and standing by your husband, both of you
collect strength and firmness of body, mind and soul.
Eliminate evil and sin, and shine happy and blessed like
the moon.
36. (Soma Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
izkxikÆxqn¼x/ÆjkDlÆoZr¼LRokÆ fn'kÆ¿vk/k¼oUrq A
vEcÆ fu"i¼jÊ leÆjh£o¼nke~ AAýöAA
Prågapågudagadharåksarvatastvå di‹aí
ådhåvantu. Amba ni¶para samar∂rvidåm.
Mother, all your children and others, keen to make
you feel happy and comfortable, may run to you eagerly
from east, west, north and south and all round. Love
them, protect them, and may they too know you, be with
you, and love you well.
37. (Indra Devata, Gautama °Rshi)
RoeÆX iz'k¼§fl"kks nsÆo% 'k¼fo"BÆ eR;Z×e~ A
u RonÆU;ks e¼?koÂfLr e£MÆrsUæÆ czoh¼fe rsÆ op¼% AAý÷AA
TvamaΔga pra‹amsi¶o
` deva¨ ‹avi¶¢ha martyam.
Na tvadanyo maghavannasti marŒitendra
brav∂mi te vaca¨.
Dearest Indra, brilliant and generous, lord
mightiest of power and wealth, truth, honour and glory,
there is no one else other than you to love, appreciate
and approve the human being, no one more
compassionate and more gracious than you to vouchsafe
for man. I say this for truth — it is the very word of
yours !

bfr "k"Bks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Prana Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
okÆpLir¼;s ioLoÆ o`".kks¼¿vƧ'kqH;kaÆ xHk¼fLriwr% A
nsÆoks nsÆosH;¼% ioLoÆ ;s"kak¼ HkkÆxks¿fl¼ AAûAA
Våcaspataye pavasva v涃oí a ` m‹ubhyå≈
gabhastipμuta¨. Devo devebhya¨ pavasva ye¶å≈
Be pure for the Lord of Divine speech, purged as
you are by the rays of the sun and the moon, two arms
of the Creator whereby He showers life with vitality
and purity. You are a part of the brilliant and the
generous, a darling of the gods. Be pure for them.
2. (Soma Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
e/q¼erhuZÆ¿b"k¼LÑfèÆkÆ ;Ùks¼ lksÆeknk¼H;aÆ ukeÆ tkx`¼fOÆkÆ rLeS ¼ rs
lkseÆ lksek¼;Æ LokgkÆ Lokgkso Æ Z¨Urfj¼{kÆeUos¼fe AAüAA
Madhumat∂rnaí i¶askædhi yatte somådåbhya≈
nåma jågævi tasmai te soma somåya svåhå
Soma, Lord of knowledge and vitality, bless us
with honey-sweet food and energy. Lord of inspiration,
great, universal and imperishable is your name. To that
name, to the Divine Word, to the universal acts of the
Divine, and for the sake of knowledge, good action and
honour, I dedicate myself to the universal presence of
the Divine.
3. (Vidvans Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
LokÄ~ oQ`¼ rks¿fLÆkÆ fo'os¼H;¿bfUÆæÆ;Hs ;ks¼ fnÆO;sH;Æ% ik£Fko ¼ Hs ;ksÆ
euL¼ Rok"VqÉ Lokgk¼ Rok lqHkoÆ lw;kZ ; ¼ nso Æ Hs ;¼LRok ejhfPÆkiÆ Hs ;ksÆ
nsok¼¦'kksÆ ;LeSÆ RosMsÆ rRlÆR;eq¼ifjÆizqrk¼ HkÆXsu¼ gÆrks¨¿lkS
iQV~ izkÆ.kk;¼ Rok O;kÆuk;¼ Rok AAýAA
SvåΔkætoísi vi‹vebhyaí indriyebhyo divyebhya¨
pårthivebhyo manastv嶢u svåhå två subhava
sμuryåya devebhyastvå mar∂cipebhyo devå~m‹o
yasmai tveŒe tatsatyamupariprutå bhaΔgena
hatoísau pha¢ pråƒåya två vyånåya två.
Man, bright and virtuous, with all your earthly
but excellent and celestial senses, you are self-made,
self-existent and autonomous. Bless you with a pious
mind and the voice of divinity, the Veda. Light of the
Spirit, of auspicious birth, your life is dedicated to the
Lord of Light, mother-powers of nature, and all the noble
servants of the life-divine. This is why I praise you.
May this praise come true. With one blow of truth from
above, the evil is destroyed. You are for the breath of
life, for vitality, joy and virtue.
4. (Maghava Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿L;ÆUr;Z ×PN e?kou~ ikÆfg lkse¼e~ A
mÆ#Æ"; jk;Æ¿,"kks¼ ;tLo AAþAA
Upayåmagæh∂toísyantaryaccha maghavan påhi
somam. Uru¶ya råyaí e¶o yajasva.
Man, you are the power and the glory of the self,
placed and accepted in the law of existence. Preserve
and promote the inner life and dedicate the innermost
self to the Law of the Divine. With yoga, eliminate
suffering and grow, and obtain the higher wealth and
power of the soul.
5. (Ishvara Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
vÆUrLrsÆ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh n¼/kE;ÆUrnZ×/kE;qÉoZ̈Urfj¼{ke~ A
lÆtnw ZsÆofs HÆkÆjo¼ jÊ%S ijS'¼ pkUrÕ;kZÆes e¼?kou~ ekn;Lo AAÿAA
Antaste dyåvåpæthiv∂ dadhåmyantardadhå-
myurvantarik¶am. Sajμ u rdevebhiravarai¨
parai‹cåntaryåme maghavan mådayasva.
Man of power and glory of the self, in pursuit of
yoga, I place the heaven and the earth within you, and
the vast intervening spaces of the sky too. Friends with
the noblest powers of nature and humanity, rejoice
within by yourself in a state of divine bliss and spread
the joy around.
6. (Yogi Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
LokÄ~o`¼Qrks¿fLÆkÆ fo'os¼H;¿bfUÆæÆ;Hs ;ks¼ fnÆO;sH;Æ% ik£Fk o¼ Hs ;ksÆ
eu¼LRok"VqÉLokgk¼ Rok lqHkoÆ lw;kZ ¼; nso Æ Hs ;¼LRok ejhfPÆkÆiHs ;&¼
¿mnkÆuk;¼ Rok AAöAA
SvåΔkætoísi vi‹vebhyaí indriyebhyo divyebhya¨
pårthivebhyo manastv嶢u svåhå. Två subhava
sμuryåya devebhyastvå mar∂cipebhyaí udånåya
Man of yoga, of noble birth and noble life, self-
existent and self-made, endowed with all the wonderful
powers of sense, blessed be your mind with the voice
of the divine, the Veda. I consecrate you and dedicate
you to the love and service of all the noblest powers of
earth and heaven, to the lord of light and the protectors
and servants of the light and life divine for the attainment
of the higher life.
Man of yoga, self-existent and free with excellent
powers of sense, of noble birth and noble living, blessed
be your mind with the divine voice, the Veda. I
consecrate and dedicate you to the love and service of
all the noblest powers of earth and heaven, to the lord
of light, and the servants and protectors of the light and
life divine, for the attainment of the higher life.
7. (Vayu Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
vk ok; ¼ ks Hkw"k 'kqfpikÆ¿mi¼ u% lgÏa × rs fUÆkÆ;r
q ks¼ fo'ookjA
miks¼ rsÆ¿vU/ksÆ e|¼e;kfEÆkÆ ;L;¼ nso nfèÆkÆ"ks iw¼oÆi Z Õs ka ¼ okÆ;os¼
Å våyo bhμu¶a ‹ucipåí upa na¨ sahasra≈ te
niyuto vi‹vavåra. Upo teí andho madyamayåmi
yasya deva dadhi¶e pμurvapeya≈ våyave två.
Vayu, preserver, protector and promoter of purity,
yogin, versatile master of all virtue, loved, adored and
cherished by all, strengthen and edify us with a thousand
noble virtues. I come up to you for the sumptuous food
of yoga with insatiable appetite — for the gift of that
power and vision of the spirit which our forefathers
attained and which you have attained and preserved.
8. (Indra-Vayu Devate, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
bUæ¼ok;w¿bÆes lqÉrk¿miÆ iz;ks¼fHÆkÆjkx¼re~ A bUn¼oks okeqÉ'kfUÆRÆkÆ
fg A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl okÆ;o¿¼ bUæokÆ;Hq ;ak¼ RoS"Æ k rsÆ ;ksfu¼%
lÆtks"kks¼H;ka Rok AAøAA
Indravåyμuí ime sutåí upa prayobhirågatam.
Indavo våmu‹anti hi. Upayåmagæh∂toísi våyavaí
indravåyubhyå≈ tvai¶a te yoni¨ sajo¶obhyå≈
Indra and Vayu (teacher and student of yoga),
you are like the sun and pranic energy. These essences,
joys of spiritual experience, distilled from the soma of
yoga, are anxious to reach you. Come by these, come to
us. Disciple of yoga, accepted you are in the discipline
of yoga for success like the wind. Yoga is your home
alongwith Indra and Vayu (power of the mind and purity
of the soul). You are the favourite of both Indra and
Vayu. With the love and power of these two, I love you
too with reverence.
9. (Mitra-Varuna Devate, Gritsamada °Rshi)
vÆ;a oak¼ fe=kko#.kk lqÉr% lkse¼¿Írko`/k A eesfnÆg
Jq¼rƧgo¼e~ A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl fEÆk=Æ kko#¼.kkH;ka Rok AAùAA
Aya≈ vå≈ mitråvaruƒå suta¨ somaí ætåvædhå.
Mamediha ‹ruta~m havam. Upayåmagæh∂toísi
mitråvaruƒåbhyå≈ två.
Mitra and Varuna, practitioners of yoga, seekers
of the law of universal truth and the existence of the
Universal Spirit, both of you dynamic in action like
prana and udana energies of the breath of life, the Soma
of your search, the joy of successful yoga, is realized.
Here, then, listen to my praise and accept the homage
of an admirer.
Yajamana, master of the yajna of yoga, accepted
and sanctified you are in yoga in the discipline of yama
and niyama (social and personal ethics of purity). With
your realization of the powers of prana and udana, I do
reverence and homage to you.
10. (Mitra-Varuna Devate, Trisadasyu °Rshi)
jkÆ;k oÆ;§l¼lÆok¦lks¼ ense gÆO;su¼ nsÆok ;o¼lsuÆ xko¼% A
rka /sÆuaq fe¼=kko#.kk ;qÉoa uks¼ fOÆkÆ'okgk¼ /ÙkÆeu¼iLiqQjUrhesÆ"k
rsÆ ;ksfu¼ÍZrkÆ;qH;ak¼ Rok AAûúAA
Råyå vaya~m sasavå~mso madema havyena devå
yavasena gåva¨. Tå≈ dhenu≈ mitråvaruƒå
yuva≈ no vi‹våhå dhattamanapasphurant∂m-e¶a
te yonirætåyubhyå≈ två.
Noble men of discriminative knowledge and
wisdom, let us rejoice on wealth fit to be offered to the
gods for food, rejoice just as cows enjoy the green grass.
Teachers and students of yoga, friends like pranic
energies, both of you attain and preserve for us the voice
of divine knowledge, Veda, versatile and eternal giver
of universal knowledge, revealed in the state of
Yajamana, this knowledge is your element, your
very home of existence. We do homage to you alongwith
the seekers of divine law through yoga.
11. (Ashvinav Devate, Medhatithi °Rshi)
;k okaÆ d'kkÆ e/q¼eÆR;f'o¼uk lwÉu`rk¼orh A r;k¼ ;ÆKa
fef¼ e{kre~A mÆi; ¼ hrks¿L;Æf'oH;ak¼ RoS"Æ k rsÆ ;ksfUÆke
Æ kÆex`g Æ kZèohH¼ ;ka
Rok AAûûAA
Yå vå≈ ka‹å madhumatya‹vinå sμunætåvat∂. Tayå
yaj¤a≈ mimik¶atam. Upayåmagæh∂toí
sya‹vibhyå≈ tvai¶a te yonirmådhv∂bhyå≈ två.
Teacher and seeker of yoga, bright as Ashwins
(sun and moon), advance your yajna of yoga in the light
of the divine voice of the Veda, so sweet, so true, so
Seeker of yoga, sanctified in the discipline of
yama and niyama (social and personal ethics of purity),
this yoga is your element, your very home of existence.
Teacher and seeker, with your control over the
vital energies of prana and apana, and for the sweetness
and light of your spiritual awareness, we do reverence
and homage to you.
12. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)

ra izRÆ uFkk¼ iwo

É FZ kk¼ fOÆk'Æ oFksÆeFkk¼ T;sÆ"Brkf¼ ra c£gÆ"kn§¼ LoÆ£on¼eA~
izÆrhÆpÆhÆua o`ÉtUak¼ nksglsÆ /qfu¼ekÆ'kqa t;¼UrÆeuqÉ ;klqÉ o/Z ×ls A
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ 'k.Mk¼; RoS"Æ k rsÆ ;ksfu¼ohZjÆ rak¼ ikÆáie ¼ "` VÆ%
'k.Mk ¼s nsÆokLRok¼ 'kqØÆik% iz.k¼;ÆURouk¼/`"Vkfl AAûüAA
Ta≈ pratnthå pμ u rvathå vi‹vathemathå
jye¶¢hatåti≈ barhi¶adam
` svarvidam. Prat∂c∂na≈
væjana≈ dohase dhunimå‹u≈ jayantamanu yåsu
vardhase. Upayåmagæh∂toísi ‹aƒŒåya tvai¶a te
yonirv∂ratå≈ påhyapam涢a¨ ‹aƒŒo devåstvå
‹ukrapå¨ praƒayantvanådh涢åísi.
Yogi, established you are in the rules of yamas
and niyamas, the discipline of social and personal purity.
This is your natural element, a very home and blessed
state of being.
Cleansed of ignorance and suffering, peaceful at
heart, you explore, follow and advance in that state of
yoga which, like that of the ancient Rshis and yogis old
and new, is supreme, powerful, instant and victorious,
remover of negativities, shaker of sin and giver of
strength, and which is the light residing in the deepest
cave of the heart. Man of love and peace, protect this
state of strength and purity invincible for yourself. And
may the powers of the divine, saviours and protectors
of life and energy, be with you and lead you on.
13. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)
É hjks¼ ohÆjku~ iz¼tÆu;Æu~ ijh¼áÆfHk jkÆ;Liks"ks¼.kÆ ;t¼ekue~ A
lÆ×tÆXekÆuks fnÆok i`¼fFÆkÆO;k 'kqÉØ% 'kqÉØ'kks¼fp"kkÆ fuj¼LrÆ%
'k.M¼% 'kqÉØL;k¼fèÆkÆ"Bku¼efl AAûýAA
Suv∂ro v∂rån prajanayan par∂hyabhi
råyaspo¶eƒa yajamånam. Sa¤jagmåno divå
pæthivyå ‹ukra¨ ‹ukra‹ociså nirasta¨ ‹aƒŒa¨
You are good and bold, make others good and
bold, and come to the yajamana with all the wealth and
honour. Going forward in harmony with the earth and
heaven, shining bright and virtuous as by the light of
the sun, drive out the dark, attain peace of mind, and be
the haven and life-support of the creative and purifying
energy of humanity.
14. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)
vfPN¼UuL; rs nso lkse lqÉoh;Z×L; jkÆ;Liks"kL¼ ; nfnÆrkj¼%
L;ke A lk iz¼FkÆek l¡Lo`¼Qfr£OÆkÆ'ook¼jkÆ l iz¼FkÆeks o#¼ .kks
fEÆkÆ=kks¿vÆfXu% AAûþAA
Acchinnasya te deva soma sμuv∂ryasya råya-
spo¶asya daditåra¨ syåma. Så prathamå
sa~mskætirvi‹vavårå sa prathamo varuƒo mitroí
Seeker of yoga, cool and excellent, bright and
brave, we are the generous source, givers of continuous
undisturbed stream of the wealth of life and yoga to
you. May that first original and universal culture of life
bless you. May the teacher, bright as Agni, deep as the
ocean, and benevolent as the sun be your foremost
15. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)
l iz¼FkÆeks c`gÆLifr¼f'pfOÆkÆQÆRok¡LrLekÆ¿bUæk¼; lqÉrektq¼gksrÆ
Lokgk¼A r`ÉEiUrqÉ gks=kkÆ eèoksÆ ;k% fLo¼"VkÆ ;k% lqizh¼rkÆ%
lqgq¼rkÆ ;RLokgk;k¼MÆXuhr~ AAûÿAA
Sa prathamo bæhaspati‹cikitvå~nstasmåíindråya
sutamåjuhota svåhå. Tæmpantu hotrå madhvo
yå¨ svi¶¢å yå¨ supr∂tå¨ suhutå yatsvåhåí-
The first friend, master of knowledge, worshipper
of the Divine Voice, Veda, is Brihaspati, lord of the
power and vision of yoga. For him and in his honour,
speak the most sacred words and offer him the sweetest
distilled soma. Go to him as you approach agni, the
sacred fire, and in the spirit of yajna treat him with the
most wanted, most loved, most cherished offering with
the utmost courtesy and respect in words of the highest
16. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)
vÆ;a osÆu'pksn¼ ;Ær~ i`f'u¼xHkkZÆ T;ksfr¼tZjk;wÉ jt¼lks fOÆkÆekus¼A
bÆeeÆik¦l¼XÉes lw;Z ×L;Æ f'k'kaqÉ u foizk¼ eÆfrHkh¼ fjgfUr A
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ edkZ×; Rok AAûöAA
Aya≈ vena‹codayat pæ¶nigarbhå jyotirjaråyμu
rajaso vimåne. Imamapå~m saΔgame sμuryasya
‹i‹u≈ na viprå matibh∂ rihanti. Upayåma-
gæhitoísi markåya två.
This ruler of the republic, like the bright moon in
the womb of the vast space covering other lights in the
celestial regions, inspires and moves about in orbit
majestically, powerful as the sun in the battle of the
waters. Men of knowledge and wisdom advise him with
the gift of knowledge and policy just as freely as a
teacher teaches the disciple. Accepted (by will),
consecrated (through yajna), positioned in the laws and
structure of the republic, we accept and honour you for
the defence of the society and elimination of the
17. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)
euksÆ u ;s"kqÉ go¼us"kq fRÆkÆXea foiÆ% 'kP;k¼ ouqÉFkks æo¼Urk A
vk ;% 'k;Zk¼fHkLrqfou`ÉE.kks¿vÆL;kJh¼.khrkÆfn'kaÆ xHk¼LrkosÆ"k
rsÆ ;ksfu¼% izÆtk% ikÆái¼e`"VksÆ edksZ × nsÆokLRok¼ efUÆFÆkÆik%
iz.k¼;ÆURouk¼/`"Vkfl AAû÷AA
Mano na ye¶u havane¶u tigmå≈ vipa¨ ‹acyå
vanutho dravantå. Å ya¨ ‹aryåbhistuvinæmƒoí
asyå‹r∂ƒ∂tådi‹a≈ gabhaståve¶a te yoni¨ prajå¨
påhyapam涢o marko devåstvå manthipå¨
Ruler and Head of the republic, lord of power
and wealth, this land and its governance is your haven,
the very meaning of your existence.
The enlightened ruler and the people, both
dynamic and intelligent, working at the speed of the
mind, sharp as an arrow and strong as adamant, think
hard and plan for the nation. In the light of his glory
shining in all directions and under the protection of the
fighters of this man of a mighty host working at his
command, they shine in peace and burn in war.
Protect and serve the people. Free of the enemies
as you are, may the divine powers who protect the brave
help and lead you on. Be invincible.
18. (Prajapati Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)
lqÉizÆtk% izÆtk% iz¼tÆu;Æu~ ijh¼á~fHk jkÆ;Liks"ks¼.kÆ ;t¼ekue~ A
lÆ×tÆXekÆuks fnÆok i`¼fFÆkÆO;k eÆUFkh eÆfUFk'kks¼fp"kkÆ fuj¼LrksÆ
edksZ× eÆfUFkuks¼¿fèÆkÆ"Bku¼efl AAûøAA
Suprajå¨ prajå¨ prajanayan par∂hyabhi
råyaspo¶eƒa yajamånam. Sa¤jagmåno divå
pæthivyå manth∂ manthi‹oci¶å nirasto marko
Just and enlightened head of the nation, enlighten
the people as reborn, and shower the yajamanas of this
social and development yajna with all-round wealth and
nourishment. Dynamic and inspiring, going along with
earth and heaven in harmony, with the light of
discrimination, you are the ideal and ultimate resort of
the enlightened. And by the dazzling brilliance of your
discrimination, the enemies are overthrown.
19. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)
;s ns¼oklks fnÆO;sdk¼n'kÆ LFk i`¼fFÆkÆO;keè;sdk¼n'kÆ LFk A
vÆIlqfÉ {krks¼ efgÆud ¼ 'kÆ LFk rs nso
S kn ¼ klks ;ÆKfEÆke
Æ a tq"¼ kèoe~AAûùAA
Ye devåso divyekåda‹a stha pæthivyåm-
adhyekåda‹a stha. Apsuk¶ito mahinaikåda‹a
stha te devåso yaj¤amima≈ ju¶adhvam.
Eleven vital powers are there above, existing by
their own virtue (prana, apana, vyana, udana and
samana, naga, kurma, krikala, devadatta and
dhananjaya: these are the vital pranic energies, and the
eleventh is the soul). There are eleven on the earth
existing by their own virtue (earth, water, fire, air and
space: these are the elements; sun, moon, nakshatra
ahankara, mahat and prakriti: these are objects and
modes of nature). There are eleven in the vital energy
(prana), existing by their own virtue (ear, skin, eye,
tongue, nose, speech, hands, legs, two organs of
excretion, and mind: these are organs of perception and
volition). May all these powers of life and nature join
and contribute to this common yajna of the ruler and
the people.
20. (Yajna Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿L;kxz;Æ.kks~¿fLÆkÆ Lok~x; z .k% A ikÆfg ;ÆKa ikÆfg
;ÆKi¼ ¯RÆkÆ fo".kqLÉ Rokfef¼ UÆæ;
Æ .s k¼ ikrqÉ fo".kqÉa Roa iká
¼ f~ Hk lou¼ kfu
ikfg AAüúAA
Upayåmagæh∂toí syågrayaƒoísi svågrayaƒa¨.
Påhi yaj¤a≈ påhi yaj¤apati≈ vi¶ƒustvåm-
indriyeƒa påtu vi¶ƒu≈ tva≈ påhyabhi savanåni
You are accepted, sanctified and positioned in the
laws and structure of this social yajna of the nation.
(By virtue of your political wisdom and humility) you
are the first and best oblation of this social yajna, self-
sacrificing promoter of thought, science and economy.
Protect and advance this yajna. Support and advance
the yajnapati, men of law and justice, polity and
economy. Protect and advance Vishnu, man of science
and spiritual knowledge, and may Vishnu strengthen
you with the virtues of mind and character and advance
you in social and economic progress. Protect and
promote all the creative, constructive and productive
activities of this national yajna.
21. (Soma Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)
lkse¼% iorsÆ lkse¼% iorsÆ¿LeS czã¼.ksÆ¿LeS {kÆ=kk;kÆLeS lq¼UoÆrs
;t¼ekuk; ior¿bÆ"k¿mÆQÆtsZ i¼orsÆ¿n~H;¿vks"k¼/hH;% iorsÆ
|kok¼i`fFÆkÆohH;ak¼ iors lqHkwÉrk;¼ iorsÆ fo'os¼H;LRok
nsÆosH;¼¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆ£o'os¼H;LRok nsÆosH;¼% AAüûAA
Soma¨ pavate soma¨ pavateísmai brahmaƒeí
smai k¶atråyåsmai sunvate yajamånåya pavataí
i¶aí μurje pavateídbhyaí o¶adh∂bhya¨ pavate
dyåvå pæthiv∂bhyå≈ pavate subhμutåya pavate
vi‹vebhyastvå devebhyaí e¶a te yonirvi‹ve-
bhyastvå devebhya¨.
Soma flows. Soma flows and is purified. Soma
is purified and is offered for sacrifice. So does the ruler
flow, issues in action, and, through action, is purified,
sanctified, self-sacrificed.
The ruler is sanctified and dedicated to the
Brahamana sub-system (learning, education and
research), to the Kshatra sub-system (defence and
governance), to the devoted yajamana, participant in
the creative activities of the system, for food and energy,
for waters, herbs and vegetation, for earth and heaven,
for good life and conduct, for all the noble people of
the land.
Ruler of the nation, this life, this land, this socio-
political system is your haven and your justification.
You are accepted, sanctified and honoured for all the
noble people.
22. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)
mÆi;kÆex`¼ghrksÆ¿lhUæk¼; Rok c`Ég}¼rsÆ o;¼Lor¿mDFkkÆO;a~
x`ÊkfeA ;Ùk¼¿bUæ c`g É };ÆLrLeS¼ RokÆ fo".k¼os RoSÆ"k rsÆ ;ksfu&¼
#ÆDFksH;L¼ Rok nso
Æ Hs ;¼LRok nsokÆO;a~ ;ÆKL;k;q"¼ ks x`Êkfe AAüüAA
Upayåmagæh∂toís∂ndråya två bæhadvate
vayasvataí ukthåvya≈ gæhƒåmi. Yattaí indra
bæhadvayastasmai två vi¶ƒave tvai¶a te yoni-
rukthebhyastvå devebhyastvå devåvya≈ yaj¤a-
syåyu¶e gæhƒåmi.
Indra, meritorious man of arms, self-controlled
and established in the rules of law, good conduct and
service of the nation, I appoint you as commander of
the army in the service of Indra, lord of the land —
great is he, long-lived he be! Great is your work, a life-
time undertaking. For that you are appointed. For
Vishnu, lord supreme, for yajana, for the nation you are
consecrated. For the lord’s songs of praise, to the noble
people, to the health and continuance of the social yajna
of the land, to the defence and advancement of the noble
powers, you are dedicated. This is now your haven, your
very being, the meaning and justification of your
23. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vatsara Kashyapa °Rshi)
fEÆkÆ=kko#¼ .kkH;ka Rok nsokÆO;a~ ;ÆKL;k;q¼"ks x`ÊkÉehUæk¼; Rok
nsokÆO;a~ ;ÆKL;k;q"¼ ks x`ÊkÉehUækÆfXuH;ak¼ Rok nsokÆO;a~ ;ÆKL;k;q"¼ ks
x`ÊkÉehUækÆo#¼.kkH;ka Rok nsokÆO;a~ ;ÆKL;k;q¼"ks x`ÊkÉehUækÆ&
c`gÆLifr¼H;ka Rok nsokÆO;a~ ;ÆKL;k;q¼"ks x`ÊkÉehUækÆfo".kq¼H;ka
Rok nsokÆO;a~ ;ÆKL;k;q¼"ks x`Êkfe AAüýAA
Mitråvaruƒåbhyå≈ två devåvya≈ yaj¤asyåyu¶e
gæhƒåm∂ndråya två devåvya≈ yaj¤asyåyu¶e
gæhƒåm∂ndrågnibhyå≈ två devåvyam yaj¤asy-
åyu¶e gæhƒåm∂ndråvaruƒåbhyå≈ två devåvya≈
yaj¤asyåyu¶e gæhƒåm∂ndråbæhaspatibhyå≈ två
devåvya≈ yaj¤asyåyu¶e gæhƒåm∂ndråvi¶ƒu-
bhyå≈ två devåvya≈ yaj¤asyåyu¶e gæhƒåmi.
Head of the council, protector of the good and
the noble people, I select you for the progress of this
social yajna (from agnihotra upto the governance of the
land) for the noble people of love, friendship and
Protector of the men of knowledge, I appoint you
in the service of Indra, the ruler, man of power, majesty
and grace, for the advancement of this social yajna of
unity and cooperation.
Man of science and technology, protector of
higher and astral sciences, I welcome you for the
progress of this technological yajna for the realization
of the power of heat and light.
Man of science and industry, protector of the men
of scientific and industrial enterprise, I sanctify you for
the promotion of the yajnic realisation of electric and
water power.
Teacher and man of education, promoter of
education and yoga-vidya, I consecrate you for the
promotion of social and ethical education as a yajna for
the improvement of administration and the collective
yoga of ethical governance of the land.
Man of knowledge, friend of the spiritual people,
I dedicate you to the advancement of the sacred yajna
of moral and spiritual values for the realization of
Divinity and knowledge of the shastras.
24. (Vishvedeva Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
É kZu¯ fnÆoks¿v¼jʯr i`f¼ FÆkÆO;k oS'¼ okuÆje`Ér¿vktkÆreÆfXue~A
oÆQfo§lÆekz tÆefr¼¯FÆkÆ tuk¼ukekÆlÂk ik=ak¼ tu;Ur nso Æ k%AAüþAA
Mμurddhåna≈ divoí arati≈ pæthivyå vai‹vånara-
mætaí å jåtamagni≈. Kavi~m samråjamatithim
janånåmåsannå påtra≈ janayanta devå¨.
Men of knowledge (of defence science) study and
light the fire — refulgent and universal presence,
forehead of the light of heaven come down to join the
earth with its properties, born of the truth and force of
the universal law and reality, given to the comfort and
joy of the world, a guest of honour for all the people,
source of power for industrial enterprises, the light that
reveals everything to man. (Light the fire, use it for
defence and progress).
25. (Vaishwanara Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl /zqÉoks~¿fl /zqÉof{k¼fr/zqZÉok.kak¼ /zqÉorÆeks¿&
P;q¼rkukeP;qrÆf{kÙk¼e¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfu¼oSZ'okuÆjk;¼ Rok A
/zqÉoa /zqÉos.kÆ eu¼lk okÆpk lkseÆeo¼u;kfe A vFkk¼ uÆ¿bUæÆ&
¿bf}'kks¼¿liÆRuk% le¼ulÆLdj¼r~ AAüÿAA
Upayåmagæh∂toísi dhruvoísi dhruvak¶itir-
dhruvåƒå≈ dhruvatamoícyutånåmacyut-
ak¶ittamaí e¶a te yonirvai‹vånaråya två.
Dhruva≈ dhruveƒa manaså våcå somamava-
nayåmi. Athå naí indraí idvi‹oísapatnå¨
Vaishwanara, Lord Supreme of the world, Indra,
Lord of power and glory, Soma, Lord Creator and giver
of peace and joy, you can be reached through the
discipline of ‘yamas’ and ‘niyamas’, rules of social and
personal ethics ranging from love and non-violence to
total surrender to you. You are firm, inviolable base of
the stability of the stars and planets, firmest of the firm,
most imperishable of the imperishables (i.e., above the
original prakrti and the souls). This universe and the
laws of existence are pervaded by you — they are like
your universal home. Life and light of the world, Lord
of peace and joy, firm and eternal, to you, with a mind
of inviolable faith, in words of sincerity, we surrender
in obedience and homage. Lord of power and glory, let
our people be free of all enemies, let our nation be of
one and equal mind.
26. (Yajna Devata, Devashrava °Rshi)
;Lrs¼ æÆIl LdUn¼fRÆkÆ ;Lrs¼¿vƧ'kqxzkZo¼P;qrks fèÆkÆ"k.k¼;ks&
#ÆiLFkk¼r~ A vÆèoÆ;ksZokZÆ ifj¼ okÆ ;% iÆfo=kkÆÙka rs¼ tqgksfEÆkÆ
eu¼lkÆ o"k¼V~ÑrƦLokgk¼ nsÆokuk¼eÉR+q Øe¼.kefl AAüöAA
Yaste drapsa skandati yasteí a~m‹urgråvacyuto
dhi¶aƒayorupasthåt. Adhvaryorvå pari vå ya¨
pavitråttam te juhomi manaså va¶a¢kæta~m svåhå
Host and master of yajna, whatever part of yajna
offerings goes over the earth and to the sky with the
wind, and whatever part gone up from the sacred lap of
the earth and the womb of space is released from the
clouds, and whatever part goes up from the hota and
the adhvaryu (the priests) and proclaims the virtues of
the performance, all that, in words of truth, with sincerity
of mind and honest conviction, I say, comes to bless
you. All the devotees of yajna and men of learning and
wisdom rise in lustre and look up to you.
27. (Yajnapati Devata, Devashrava °Rshi)
izkÆ.kk;¼ es opksÆnZ k opZ×ls ioLo O;kÆuk;¼ es opksÆnZ k
opZ×ls ioLoksnkÆuk;¼ es opksÆn Z k opZ×ls ioLo okÆps es¼
opksÆnZ k opZ×ls ioLoÆ ØrwÉn{kk¼H;ka es opksÆnZ k opZ ×ls
ioLoÆ Jks=kk¼; es opksZÆnk opZ×ls ioLoÆ p{kq¼H;k± es
opksÆnZ lkSÆ opZ×ls iosFkke~ AAü÷AA
Pråƒåya me varcodå varcase pavasva vyånåya
me varcodå varcase pavasvodånåya me varcodå
varcase pavasva våce me varcodå varcase
pavasva kratμudak¶åbhyå≈ me varcodå varcase
pavasva ‹rotråya me varcoda varcase pavasva
cak¶urbhyå≈ me varcodasau varcase pavethåm.
Lord and giver of the light of life, bless me with
the light of knowledge and sanctify the pranic energy
of my heart. Lord and giver of lustre, bless me with the
glow of health and nourishment and energize the vyana
vitality of my body. Lord and giver of vigour, bless me
with the passion for action through the udana energy in
my mind. Lord and giver of the force of truth and
conviction, bless me with the courage of conviction and
the power of speech. Lord and giver of the ambition of
enlightenment and strength of the spirit, bless me with
the light of self-knowledge and brilliance of intelligence.
Lord of omniscience and giver of speech, bless me with
the revelation of the voice divine and consecrate my
ear. Lord and giver of light and beauty (like the sun and
moon), venerable teacher of the teachers, bless me with
the celestial vision of the eyes to see and reveal the
beauty of the mystery of existence.
28. (Yajnapati Devata, Devashrava °Rshi)
vkÆReus¼ es opksZÆnk opZ×ls ioÆLokSt¼ls es opksZÆnk opZ×ls
ioÆLok;q¼"ks es opksÆn
Z k opZ×ls ioLoÆ fo'okH¼ ;ks es izÆtkH;ks¼
Z lkSÆ opZ×ls iosFkke~ AAüøAA
Åtmane me varcodå varcase pavasvaujase me
varcodå varcase pavasvåyu¶e me varcodå
varcase pavasva vi‹våbhyo me prajåbhyo
varcodasau varcase pavethåm.
Lord and giver of the light of the soul, bless me
with the light of the soul and awareness of the self. Lord
and giver of the brilliance of personality, bless me with
the light of knowledge and power of yoga. Lord and
giver of life, bless me with the glow of health and gift
of longevity. Lord and giver of brilliance, and you,
teacher and seeker of brilliance, both of you, bless the
entire people with the strength and ambition to be great
and glorious.
29. (Prajapati Devata, Devashrava °Rshi)
dks¼¿fl drÆeks~¿fLÆkÆ dL;k¼fLÆkÆ dks ukek¼fl A ;L;¼ rsÆ
ukeke¼UefgÆ ;a RokÆ lksesÆukrh¼r`ike A HkwHkqZoÆ% Lo~% lqizÆtk%
izÆtkfHk¼% L;k¦lqÉohjks¼ ohÆjS% lqÉiks"kÆ% iks"kS¼% AAüùAA
Koísi katamoísi kasyåsi ko nåmåsi. Yasya te
nåmåmanmahi ya≈ två somenåt∂tæpåma.
Bhμurbhuva¨ sva¨ suprajå¨ prajåbhi¨ syå~m
suv∂ro v∂rai¨ supo¶a¨ po¶ai¨.
Who are you? Which one (in rank/position) are
you? Whose (son/appointee) are you? What name are
you, the name by which we would know you, and the
one we would serve with sumptuous entertainment on
I love and want the beauty of the earth, the
vastness of the sky and the light of heaven. I want to
have many noble people by the people. I want to be a
great hero of heroes by the heroes. I want to be well-
provided, with nourishments (of the land).
(I am none by myself alone, I am one and many
at once, by virtue of the people.)
30. (Prajapati Devata, Devashrava °Rshi)
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ e/¼os Roksi;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ ek/¼ok;
Roksi;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl 'kqÉØk;¼ Roksi;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ 'kqp¼;s
Roksi;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ uHk¼ls Roksi;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl uHkÆL;k~;
Roksi;kÆex`¼ghrks¿lhÆ"ks Roksi¼;kÆex`¼ghrks¿L;wÉtsZ Roks¼i&
;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ lg¼ls Roksi;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl lgÆL;k~;
Roksi;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ ri¼ls Roksi;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl riÆL;k~;
Roksi;kÆex`¼ghrks¿L;§glLiÆr;s¼ Rok AAýúAA
Upayåmagæh∂toí si madhave tvopayåmagæh∂toí-
si mådhavåya tvopayåmagæh∂toísi ‹ukråya tvo-
payåmagæh∂toísi ‹ucaye tvopayåmagæh∂toísi
nabhase tvopayåmagæh∂toísi nabhasyåya tvo-
payåmagæh∂toís∂¶e tvo-payåmagæh∂toísyμurjje
tvo-payåmagæh∂toísi sahase tvopayåmagæhitoísi
sahasyåya tvopayåmagæh∂toísi tapase tvo-
payåmagæh∂toísi tapasyåya tvopayåmagæh∂toí-
sya~mhasaspataye två.
Lord/People of the land, accepted, sanctified and
positioned you are in the laws and the structure of the
land. Therefore I/we accept you for the month of Chaitra,
for the month of Vaishakha, for the month of Jyeshtha,
for the month of Ashadha, for the month of Shravana,
for the month fo Bhadra, for the month of Ashwina, for
the month of Kartika, for the month of Marga-shirsha,
for the month of Pausha, for the month of Magha, for
the month of Phalguna for the defence and security of
the power and safety of all (within the laws of the state
through monthly meetings of the Head of the state and
the representatives of the people).
31. (Indragni Devate, Vishwamitra °Rshi)
bUæk¼XuhÆ¿vkx¼r§lqÉra xhÆ£HkuZHkksÆ ojs¼.;e~ A vÆL; ik¼ra
fèÆkÆ;sf"ÆkÆrk A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿lhUækÆfXuH;ak¼ RoSÆ"k rsÆ ;ksfu¼&
fjUækfXuH;ak¼ Rok AAýûAA
Indrågn∂í ågata~ m suta≈ g∂rbhirnabho
vareƒyam. Asya påta≈ dhiye¶itå. Upayåma-
gæh∂toís∂ndrågnibhyå≈ tvai-¶a te yonirindrågni-
bhyåm två.
Ruler and the Councillors, both brilliant and
powerful as Indra and Agni (power and fire), come and,
with words of enlightenment, create for us the wanted
joy and prosperity. With your knowledge and mind, and
our suggestions and request, guard this land and protect
the prosperity of the people.
People of the land/Ruler and the Councillors,
accepted and positioned you are in the laws and
constitution of the state. You (the people) are dedicated
to Indra and Agni (the ruler and the council), and
accepted in law. You, the ruler and the councillors, are
dedicated to Indra and Agni, Lord of Power and
knowledge, and Lord of the people and the land. This
constitution and this land is your mainstay, the meaning
and justification of your being and position.
32. (Vishvedeva Devata, Trishoka °Rshi)
vk ?kkÆ ;s¿vÆfXufe¼U/Ærs Lr`É.kfUr¼ cÆ£gjk¼uÉ"q ko~Q A ;s"kkÆfeUæksÆ
;qokÆ l[kk¼ A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿L;XuhÆUækH;ak¼ RoSÆ"k rsÆ
;ksfu¼jXuhÆUækH;ak¼ Rok AAýüAA
Å ghå yeí agnimindhate stæƒanti barhirånu¶ak.
Ye¶åmindro yuvå sakhå. Upayåmagæh∂toí
syagn∂ndråbhyåm tvai¶a te yoniragn∂ndrå-
bhyåm två.
The scholar councillors light the fire of scientific
yajna and, working in proper form, cover the sky with
fragrance (machines and missiles). Youthful and friendly
is their ruler who is accepted and honoured in the land
for his qualities of Dharma, knowledge and man-
management. President and ruler, this land and its
governance is your mainstay and you are here for the
service of Indra and Agni, power and enlightenment of
the people.
33. (Vishvedeva Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
vksek¼l'p"`rksÆ fo'os¼ nsoklÆ¿vkx¼r A nkÆ'ok¦lks¼
nkÆ'kq"k%¼ lqÉre~ A mÆi;
Æ kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ fo'os¼H;LRok nso
Æ Hs ;¼¿,Æ"k
rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆ£o'os¼H;LRok nsÆosH;¼% AAýýAA
Omåsa‹car¶aƒ∂dhæto vi‹ve devåsaí ågata.
Då‹vå~nso då‹u¶a¨ sutam. Upayåmagæh∂toísi
vi‹vebhyastvå devebhyaí e¶a te yonirvi‹vebhya-
stvå devebhya¨.
Men and women of learning and wisdom, best
minds of the land, supporters and protectors of the
people, generous benefactors of the generous givers,
come to this yajna of education and receive this child
for instruction.
Young learner, you are initiated and consecrated
in the discipline of this sacred institution by the
venerable teachers. This institution, these teachers, this
programme, this now is your home and life. You are
dedicated and committed to the service and support of
the good and the enlightened people with reverence.
34. (Vishvedeva Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
fo'os¼ nsoklÆ¿vkx¼r Ük`.kqÉrk e¼ bÆe§go ¼e~ A ,na
cÆ£g£u"khn ¼ rA mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ fo'os ¼H;L¼ Rok nsÆoHs ;¼¿,É"k
rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆ£o'os¼H;LRok nsÆosH;¼% AAýþAA
Vi‹ve devåsaí ågata ‹æƒutå ma ima~m havam.
Eda≈ barhirni¶∂data. Upayåmagæh∂toísi
vi‹vebhyastvå devebhyaí e¶a te yonirvi‹vebhya-
stvå devebhya¨.
Learned and wise people, come and sit on this
seat, and listen to my prayer.
Young learner, you are accepted and consecrated
in the rules of this institution by the learned teachers.
This is now your home. You are dedicated to the support
and service of the good and the wise in faith and
35. (Prajapati Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
bUæ¼ e#Ro¿bÆg ik¼fgÆ lkseÆa ;Fkk¼ 'kk;kZÆrs¿vfi¼c% lqÉrL;¼A
roÆ iz.kh¼rhÆ ro¼ 'kwjÊ 'keZÆÂkfo¼oklfUr oÆQo;¼% lq;ÆKk% A
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrksÆ¿lhUæk¼; Rok eÆ#Ro¼r¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk¼;
Rok eÆ#Ro¼rs AAýÿAA
Indra marutvaíiha påhi soma≈ yathå ‹åryåteí
apiba¨ sutasya. Tava praƒ∂t∂ tava ‹μura ‹arm-
annåvivåsanti kavaya¨ suyaj¤å¨. Upayåma-
gæh∂toí s∂ndråya två marutvataí e¶a te yoni-
rindråya två marutvate.
Glorious ruler of this noble and powerful people,
support, protect and advance this yajna of education in
this world as you have already tasted the sweets of your
efforts in this field. Hero of the land, dedicated people
of vision, poets and scholars of yajna, follow your
policies and enjoy your protection under your
benevolent rule. Accepted and consecrated you are in
the laws of this land for the glory of the nation and the
welfare of the people. We dedicate you to the glory of
the nation and welfare of the people.
36. (Prajapati Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
eÆ#Ro¼Ura o`"kÆHka ok¼o`/kÆueo¼Qok¯j fnÆO;§'kkÆlfeUæ¼e~ A
fOÆk'Æ okÆlkgÆeol¼ Æs uwru¼ k;ksx ¼ Ækn
Æ §z lg Æ r§gq¼oe
Æs kfEÆkg s A mÆi;
Æ kÆe&
¼ hrksÆ¿lhUæk¼; Rok eÆ#Ro¼r¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkfÆ jUæk;
x`g ¼ Rok eÆ#Ror¼ As
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl eÆ#rkaÆ RokSt¼ls AAýöAA
Marutvanta≈ væ¶abha≈ våvædhånamakavåri≈
divya~ m ‹åsamindram. Vi‹våsåhamavase
nμ u tanåyogra~ m sahodåmiha ta~ m huvema.
Upayåmagæh∂toí s∂ndråya två marutvataíe¶a te
yonirindråya två marutvate. Upayåmagæh∂toí si
marutåm tvaujase.
We, men of vision, poets and scholars, call upon
and praise you for new modes of defence and protection,
Indra, glorious ruler of the land, leader of a great people,
first and best of all, dynamic and progressive saviour
against suffering and evil, celestially virtuous, able
administrator, formidably patient, nobly passionate,
inspiringly courageous.
Ruler, you are accepted and consecrated in the
rules and structure of the state for the glory of Indra
and Maruts, glory of the land and welfare of the people.
This land and its protection, now, is your home and
justification. We dedicate you to the glory of the land
and the welfare of its people. We accept and honour
you, a man of law, discipline and commitment as you
are, for the strength and glory of the people.
37. (Prajapati Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
lÆtks"kk¼¿bUæÆ lx.¼ kks eÆ#f‰É% lksEka ¼ fic o`=kÆgk 'kwj¼ fOÆkÆ}ku~A
tÆfg 'k=kw¡ÉûAA¿jiÆ e`/ks¼ uqnÆLokFkkHk¼;a Ñ.kqfg fOÆkÆ'orks¼
u%A mÆi; ¼ hrks¿Æ lhUæk;
Æ kÆex`g ¼ Rok eÆ#Ror¼ ¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk;
Rok eÆ#Ro¼rs AAý÷AA
Sajo¶åí indra sagaƒo marudbhi¨ soma≈ piba
vætrahå ‹μura vidvån. Jahi ‹atrμu~ní rapa mædho
nudasvåthåbhayam kæƒuhi vi‹vato na¨.
Upayåmagæh∂toí s∂ndråya två marutvataí e¶a te
yonirindråya två marutvate.
Man of love for all, joy and power, Indra,
commander of the army, attended with forces swift as
the wind, scholarly, fearless and brave, destroyer of the
enemy, wipe out the enemy host, eliminate those who
destroy happiness and cause suffering to mankind, and
make us free and fearless from all sides. And, just as
the sun pours out the waters when it breaks the cloud
Vritra with the winds and drinks to the health of the
earth and her people, so do you drink with your friends
and allies to the joy of Soma and success.
Accepted and consecrated you are in the rules of
the army and the laws of the land. I appoint you in the
service of the lord of the land and head of her people.
Now the rules, the law, the army, defence of the land
and freedom of the people: this is your home and haven,
the very meaning and purpose of your life. You are
consecrated and dedicated to the people and the lord of
the land.
38. (Prajapati Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
eÆ#Ro¡k¼üAA¿bUæ o`"kÆHkks j.kk¼;Æ fickÆ lksee
¼ uq"oÆ/a enk¼; A
vkfl¼×pLo tÆBjsÊ eèo¿¼ mQƲe Ro§jktkf¼ LÆkÆ izfr¼iRlqr ¼ A~
É kuke
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrksÆ¿lhUæk¼; Rok eÆ#Ro¼r¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk¼;
Rok eÆ#Ro¼rs AAýøAA
Marutvå~ní indra væ¶abho raƒåya pibå soma-
manu¶vadha≈ madåya. Åsi¤casva ja¢hare
madhvaí μurmi≈ tva~m råjåí si pratipatsutånåm.
Upayåmagæh∂toí s∂ndråya två marutvataí e¶a te
yonirindråya två marutvate.
Indra, head of the council/commander of the
army, leader of the people/army, first and best among
all, you are a man of honour and power. For joy and for
the battles, drink soma according to your taste and
capacity with every meal. Stimulate your appetite with
draughts of the best and the choicest sweets of juices.
You are intelligent and brilliant for every occasion of
Accepted and consecrated you are in the laws of
the land and rules of the council/army. We honour and
celebrate you in the service of the lord of the land and
head of the people. You are dedicated and committed to
the honour of the land and the welfare of the people for
the development of airy weapons and missiles (marut-
weapons). This commitment, this dedication, now is
your haven, the very meaning and purpose of your
39. (Prajapati Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
eÆgk¡üAA¿bUæks¼ u`o
É nkp"¼ kZf.Æki
Æ kz ¿mÆr f}ÉcgZk¼¿vfEÆku Æ % lgksf¼ Hk%A
vÆLeÆæÔ~Xoko`/s ohÆ;kZ~;ksÆ#% i`ÉFkq% lqo`¼Qr% oÆQr`ZfHk¼HkwZr~ A
Æ kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl egsÆUæk;¼ RoS"Æ k rsÆ ;ksfue
mÆi; ¼ gZ UÆs æk;¼ RokAAýùAA
Mahå~ní indro nævadå car¶aƒipråí uta dvibarhåí
amina¨ sahobhi¨. Asmadryagvåvædhe
v∂ryåyoru¨ pæthu¨ sukæta¨ kartæbhirbhμ u t.
Upayåmagæh∂toísi mahendråya tvai¶a te
yonirmahendråya två.
Lord of the universe, you are great and adorable,
compassionate and so close to humans, giver of bliss to
the people, lord of knowledge secular and sacred, of
unique power, infinite, more expansive than space,
omniscient knower of us all, just and kind with those
who do good. We grow and rise in strength, power and
prowess and honour only with His grace.
Lord of light, you can be realised only through
the rules of yama and niyama and the discipline of yoga.
He resides in the light of the heart. For the realisation
of the glory of that light we worship Him. For His
Greatness we worship Him.
40. (Prajapati Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
eÆgk¡üAA¿bUæksÆ ;¿vkst¼lk iÆtZU;ks¼ o`f"ÆVÆek¡üAA¿b¼o A
LrkseS¼oÆRZ lL;¼ oko`/s A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl egsÆUæk;¼ RoSÆ"k rsÆ
;ksfu¼eZgsÆUæk;¼ Rok AAþúAA
Mahåní indro yaíojaså parjanyo væ¶timå~níiva.
Stomairvatsasya våvædhe. Upayåmagæh∂toísi
mahendråya tvai¶a te yonirmahendråya två.
The Lord is great, Lord of power and glory who,
like the cloud laden with rain, showers the worshipper—
who sends up his songs of praise natural as a child’s—
with light and lustre. In the light of that glory, we grow
in body, mind and soul.
Lord of us all, you can be reached only through
the discipline of yoga. You reside in the light of your
glory revealed in the heart. We worship you for the
realization of that glory, for the attainment of that infinite
love and compassion.
41. (Surya Devata, Praskanva °Rshi)
mnqÉ R;a tkÆros¼nla nsÆoa o¼gfUr osÆQro¼% A
n`É'ks fo'ok¼;Æ lw;ƧZ Lokgk¼ AAþûAA
Udu tya≈ jåtavedasa≈ deva≈ vahanti ketava¨.
Dæ‹e vi‹våya sμurya~m svåhå.
Just as the rays of the sun carry the light of the
sun to the world to reveal the glory of the sun for all to
see and realise, so do the manifestation of the Supreme
Light and Spirit reveal the glory of the Lord for all to
see and realise the presence of the power and the spirit.
So also do the words of the Rishi reveal the truth
of existence and the glory of the creator to help us realise
the presence of the Lord of Creation.
42. (Surya Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)

q ¼xknuh¼oÆaQ p{kq¼£EÆkÆ=kL;Æ o#¼ .kL;kÆXus% A vk

fPÆkÆ=ka nsÆokukÆen
izkÆ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh¿vÆUrfj¼{kƧlw;Z׿vkÆRek tx¼rLrÆLFkq"k¼'pÆ
Lokgk¼ AAþüAA
Citra≈ devånåmudagådan∂ka≈ cak¶urmitrasya
varuƒasyågne¨. Å prå dyåvåpæthiv∂í antarik¶a~m
sμuryaí åtmå jagatasthu¶a‹ca svåhå.
There arises the sun, wonderful splendour of the
gods, the light and eye of Mitra, Varuna and Agni, filling
the earth, the sky and the heaven with its glory, and
soul of the world moving and unmoving. This is the
divine voice. This is the oblation for him.
So is the Lord Creator and Supreme Spirit of the
universe, the light of lights, life of life and the real power
of the gods. That alone is the object of worship.
43. (Antaryami jagadeeshwara Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
vXusÆ u;¼ lqiÉ Fkk¼ jkÆ;¿s vÆLekfUo'ok¼fu nso oÆ;uq kf¼ u fOÆk}
Æ ku~A
;qÉ;ksÆè;¨LeTtq¼gqjkÆ.kesuksÆ Hkwf;¼"Bka rsÆ ue¼¿m¯Dr fo/seÆ
Agne naya supathå råyeí asmån vi‹våni deva
vayunåni vidvån. Yuyodhyasmajjuhuråƒameno
bhμuyi¶¢hå≈ te nama uktim vidhema svåhå.
Agni, Lord of light and knowledge, you know
all the paths of the world into the treasures of wealth,
(the science of yoga also). Take us, lead us on by the
right path to the wealth of life, and remove from our
heart all the sin and evil. We sing in praise of divine
glory in all humility from the core of our heart. Bless us
with success in Dharma, artha, kama and moksha
through yoga and the divine voice, the Veda.
44. (Prajapati Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
vÆ;a uks¼¿vÆfXuoZfj¼oLÑ.kksRoÆ;a e`/¼% iqÉj¿,¼rq izfHÆkÆUnu~ A
vÆ;a oktk¼×t;rqÉ okt¼lkrkoÆ;§'k=kw¼×t;rqÉ tâZ ×"kk.kÆ%
Aya≈ noíagnirvarivaskæƒotvaya≈ mædha¨ puraí
etu prabhindan. Aya≈ våjå¤jayatu
våjasåtåvaya~m ‹atrμu¤jayatu jarhæ¶åƒa¨ svåhå.
May this warrior, agni, clear the path for us. May
this warrior, breaking through the enemy lines in front,
advance on and on. May this one, fighting in the thick
of battle, win the battles one after another. And may
this one win the victory over the enemies and rejoice.
(May one look after the wounded and treat them with
45. (Prajapati Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
:Æis.k¼ oks :ÆieÆH;kxak¼ rqÉFkks oks¼ fOÆkÆ'oos¼nkÆ foHk¼trq A
ÍÆrL;¼ iÆFkk izsr¼ pÆUæn¼f{k.kkÆ fo LoÆ% i';Æ O;¨Urfj¼{kaÆ
;r¼Lo lnÆL;S~% AAþÿAA
Rupeƒa vo rμupamabhyågå≈ tutho vo vi‹vavedå
vibhajatu. °Rtasya pathå preta candradak¶iƒå vi
sva¨ pa‹ya vyantarik¶a≈ yatasva sadasyai¨.
With a descerning eye, I see the various grades
of ability among you. The one who knows you all and
knows the world may form you into different classes
and councils for appropriate jobs. The highest in
intelligence may touch the skies — realise the divine
presence and the eternal values of life and action. Ruler
of the people, with the members of the council, by the
path of truth, act and move on. Men of golden
generosity, go ahead on the path of Dharma with charity.
(The ruler should constitute three councils: The Council
of Education, Vidyarya Sabha, The Council of
Governance, Rajarya Sabha, and the Council of Dharma,
Dharmarya Sabha, to assist and advise him in the
governance and administration of the country.)
46. (Vidvans Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
czkÆãÉ.keÆ| fo¼ns;a fir`ÉeURak¼ iSr`eÆR;e`f"k¼ek"ksÆ;
Z §lqÉ/krq¼&
nf{ A vÆLeækr¼ k nso=Æ kk xP¼ Nr iznkÆrkjÊekfo'¼ krAAþöAA
Bråhmaƒamadya videya≈ pitæmanta≈
paitæmatyamæsimår¶eya~m sudhåtudak¶iƒam.
Asmadråtå devatrå gacchata pradåtårm-
I go and meet a Brahmana, a virtuous man of
divinity and divine knowledge, of illustrious parentage
with a heart of parental love, venerable man of vision
and discrimination who has realized the soul of the
Veda-mantras, a man of real gifts of gold — generous,
obliging, giving, redeeming all those who reach him.
Go to the generous man of knowledge, wisdom
and virtue, give freely, and the gifts will turn to blessings
and come back to you to enrich your soul.
47. (Varuna Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
vÆXu;s¼ RokÆ eáaÆ o#¼.kks nnkrqÉ lks~¿e`rÆRoe¼'khÆ;k;qn
¼ kZÆ=k¿,¼fèÆkÆ
e;ksÆ eᯠizfrxzghÆ=ks #Ææk;¼ RokÆ eáaÆ o#¼ .kks nnkrqÉ
lks~¿e`rÆRoe¼'kh; izkÆ.kks nkÆ=k¿,¼fèÆkÆ o;ksÆ eᯠizfrxzghÆ=ks
c`gÆLir¼;s RokÆ eáaÆ o#¼ .kks nnkrqÉ lks~¿e`rÆRoe¼'kh;Æ
RoXnkÆ=k¿,¼fèÆkÆ e;ksÆ eᯠizfrxzghÆ=ks ;Æek;¼ RokÆ eáaÆ o#¼ .kks
nnkrqÉ+ lks~¿e`rÆRoe¼'kh;Æ g;ks¼ nkÆ=k¿,¼fèÆkÆ o;ksÆ eᯠizfr&
xzghÆ=ks AAþ÷AA
Agnaye två mahya≈ varuƒo dadåtu soí-
mætatvama‹∂yåyurdåtraí edhi mayo mahya≈
pratigrah∂tre rudråya två mahya≈ varuƒo
dadåtu soímætattvama‹∂ya pråƒo dåtraí edhi
vayo mahyam pratigrah∂tre bæhaspataye två
mahva≈ varuƒo dadåtu soí mætattvama‹∂ya
tvagdåtraí edhi mayo mahya≈ pratigrah∂tre
yamåya två mahya≈ varuƒo dadåtu soí
mætatvama‹∂ya hayo dåtraí edhi vayo mahya≈
May Varuna, man of knowledge and
discrimination, assign me to a teacher of Vasu’s standing
of 24 years so that I become a Vasu brahmachari
(graduate) of agni’s brilliance and have the joy of
scientific truth and reality. May health and longevity
come to the giver, the teacher. May comfort and
prosperity come to the receiver, the disciple.
May Varuna, man of knowledge and
discrimination, assign me to a teacher of Rudra’s
standing of 44 years so that I become a Rudra
brahmachari (graduate) of Rudra’s justice and power
and have the joy of eternal knowledge of the world and
heaven. May the strength of pranic vitality come to the
giver, the teacher, and a life-time of health and
prosperity to the receiver, the disciple.
May Varuna assign me to a teacher of the Aditya
order of 48 years standing so that I become an Aditya
graduate of Brihaspati’s knowledge of the Vedas and
have the bliss of eternal vision of life. May the sensitivity
of tactual and all other senses come to the giver, and
the eternal joy of life and vision come to the receiver,
to me.
May Varuna assign me to a preceptor who has,
through yoga practice, transcended the ups and downs
of worldly existence so that I realise in practice the
pleasures of home-life and their value against a
comprehensive picture of life and death and attain,
through living, the eternal ananda of Moksha. May
divine realisation come to the giver, the preceptor, and
the joy of life and ultimate bliss of eternity come to the
receiver, to me.
48. (Atma Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
dks¼¿nkÆRdLek¼¿vnkÆRdkeks¼¿nkÆRdkek¼;knkr~ A
dkeks¼ nkÆrk dke¼% izfrxzghÆrk dkeSÆrÙks ¼ AAþøAA
Koídåtkasmåíadåtkåmoídåtkåmåyådåt. Kåmo
dåtå kåma¨ pratigrah∂tå kåmaitatte.
Who gives? For whom ....? Desire gives. Gives
for desire. Desire is the giver. Desire is the receiver. It
is all desire. Love for you! For fulfilment.
Who gives the fruit of karma? To whom does the
giver give the fruit of karma? Ishwara, Divine love and
desire, gives the fruit of karma. He gives the fruit of
karma to the jiva, the soul, who desires and acts the
karma. Ishwara is the object of love and desire for the
yogis. He is the giver. The jiva desires and acts out of
desire. He is the receiver of the fruit. It is all desire.
This is for you — the knowledge. It is for you to know.
(You cannot live without desire, and you cannot survive
only with desire. Integrate desire (kama) with Dharma
and Artha, and you’ll have both life and freedom

bfr lIreks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Brihaspati-Soma Devate, Angirasa °Rshi)
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿L;kfnÆR;sH;¼LRok A
fo".k¼¿m#xk;SÆ"k rsÆ lkseÆLr§j¼{kLoÆ ek Rok¼ nHku~ AAûAA
Upayåmagæh∂toísyådityebhyastvå. Vi¶ƒaí
urgåyai¶a te somasta~m rak¶asva må två dabhan.
Young man, Brahmachari of the Aditya order,
selected and accepted by me for marriage, you are now
bonded and consecrated in the sacred code of marriage
for a life-time. Observe the rules and discipline of
wedlock according to the Dharma-shastras meticulously
like the sun through the zodiacs in the year. Noble in
nature, culture, habit and conduct, this home, the life of
grihastha, is your paradise to live in and grow. Preserve
it, protect it, and let nothing violate or destroy this sweet
life and home.
2. (Grihapati Maghava Devate, Angirasa °Rshi)
oÆQnk pÆu LrÆjhj¼fLÆkÆ usUæ¼ l'pfl nkÆ'kq"ks¼ A miksÆisÂq
e¼?koÆUHkw;Æ¿bÂq rsÆ nkUak¼ nsÆoL;¼ i`P;r¿vkfnÆR;s¼H;LRok AAüAA
Kadå cana star∂rasi nendra sa‹casi då‹u¶e.
Upopennu maghavan bhμuyaí innu te dånam
devasya pæcyataí ådityebhyastvå.
Dear husband, man of excellence and power,
wealth and generosity, you are never dry or stingy or
non-obliging. You are always and readily with the
generous Giver. Your gifts in cash and kind, instruction
or advice, multiply and mature in no time and may they
come to me too! I dedicate myself to you for a life-time
year after year.
3. (Aditya Grihapati Devate, Angirasa °Rshi)
oÆQnk pÆu iz;q¼PNL;qÉHks fuik¼fLÆkÆ tUe¼uh A rqjh¼;kfnR;Æ
lo¼ua r¿bfUÆæÆ;ekr¼LFkkoÆer
` ¯ fnÆO;k~fnÆR;sH;¼LRok AAýAA
Kadå cana prayucchasyubhe nipåsi janman∂.
Tur∂yåditya savana≈ taí indriyamåtasthåva-
mæta≈ divyådityebhyastvå.
Aditya, man of brilliance and discipline, you are
never funny or neglectful. Bright, generous and holy,
superior in wisdom and character, you are doing full
and fair justice to your life both present and future, just
as you would do to the transcendent state of your mind
and consciousness. If your sex-life and your mind and
senses are stable under control, free from indulgence,
you will enjoy the supreme bliss of happiness in a state
of enlightenment. Man of light and virtue, I accept you
and dedicate myself to you for a lifetime.
4. (Aditya Grihapati Devate, Kutsa °Rshi)
;ÆKks nsÆokukaÆ izR;s¼fr lqÉEuekfn¼R;klksÆ Hko¼rk e`MÆ;Ur¼% A
vk oksÆ¿okZph¼ lqeÆfroZ×o`R;knƧgksf'ÆPÆkÆ|k o¼fjoksÆfoÙkÆjk&
lnkfnÆR;sH;¼LRok AAþAA
Yaj¤o devånå≈ pratyeti sumnamådityåso
bhavatå mæŒayanta¨. Å voírvåc∂ sumatirvavætyå-
da~mho‹cidyå varivovittaråsadå-dityebhyastvå.
The home-yajna of a noble husband and noble
wife brings joy and grace of the gods to the family.
Noble and brilliant people of wisdom and virtue, be
kind and and bless the home with peace and happiness.
May your wisdom, auspicious and blissful, which gives
the knowledge of right conduct and behaviour, come
hither and always abide with us to guide us and protect
us from sin and evil. I accept you for dedication to the
noble and the brilliant people for a life-time.
5. (Grihapatis Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
foo¼LoÂkfnR;SÆ"k rs¼ lkseihÆFkLrfLeu ¼ ~ eRLo A Jn¼LeS ujksÆ
op¼ls n/kruÆ ;nk¼'khÆnkZ nEi¼rh okÆee¼'uqÉr + % A iqek¼u~
iqÉ=kks tk¼;rs fOÆkÆUnrsÆ oLo/k¼ fOÆkÆ'okgk¼jÊi¿,¼/rs x`Égs AAÿAA
Vivasvannådityai¶a te somap∂thastasmin matsva.
›radasmai naro vacase dadhåtana yadå‹∂rdå
dampat∂ våmama‹nuta¨. Pumån putro jåyate
vindate vasvadhå vi‹våhårapaí edhate gæhe.
Brilliant young man, settled in this new home
with your wife, after leaving the ‘gurukul’, the school-
home, this family home is the yajna-vedi of your
grihastha where you will drink the ‘soma’ of joy for a
long long time. Man in this home life should observe
truth of word and conduct to make the married life happy
and successful. The home in which the husband and
wife observe the ethics and discipline (Dharma) of
marriage is blessed with wealth, growing prosperity and
the birth of a noble and virtuous son who helps and
protects his parents and fulfills their wishes.
6. (Grihapatis Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
okÆeeÆ| l¼forokZÆeeqÉ 'oks fnÆosfn¼os okÆeeÆLeH;¼§lkoh%A
okÆeL;Æ fg {k;¼L; nsoÆ Hkwjj¼s Ê;k fèÆkÆ;k ok¼eHÆ kkt%¼ L;keAAöAA
Våmamadya savitarvåmamu ‹vo dive-dive
våmamasmabhya~m såv∂¨. Våmasya hi k¶ayasya
deva bhμurerayå dhiyå våmabhåja¨ syåma.
Lord Savita, creator of this wonderful world of
joy and beauty, create for us a life of joy, joy today, joy
to morrow, and joy from day to day so that, doing good
actions, with our intelligence we may enjoy a happy
and prosperous family life in this home.
7. (Savita Grihapati Devate, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
Æ kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl lkfOÆkÆ=kks~¿fl puks/
mÆi; Æ k'p¼uks/
Æ k¿vf¼ LÆkÆ puksÆ
ef;¼ /sfg A ftUo¼ ;ÆKa ftUo¼ ;ÆKi¯¼ RÆkÆ Hkxk¼; nsÆok;¼ Rok
lfOÆkÆ=ks AA÷AA
Upayåmagæh∂toísi såvitroísi canodhå‹canodhåí
asi cano mayi dhehi jinva yaj¤a≈ jinva
yaj¤apati≈ bhagåya devåya två savitre.
Accepted you are (as me) and consecrated in the
ethics and discipline of matrimony (grihastha dharma).
A devotee you are of Savita, creator of the universe,
and so gracious a giver of food and the wealth of life.
Give me the food for life and joy. Promote yajna,
promote the master devotee of yajna, for wealth, for
honour and generosity, for the grace of Savita, lord of
generation — for health, wealth and procreation — for
you and me.
8. (Vishwedeva Grihapatis Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl lqÉ'keZk¼fl lqizfr"BkÆuks c`Égnq¼{kk;Æ
ue¼%A fo'os¼H;LRok nsÆosH;¼¿,Æ"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆ£o'os¼H;LRok
nsÆosH;¼% AAøAA
Upayåmagæh∂toísi su‹armåísi suprati¶¢håno
bæhaduk¶åya nama¨. Vi‹vebhyastvå devebhyaí
e¶a te yonirvi‹vebhyastvå devebhya¨.
Dear husband, accepted you are (by me) and
consecrated in the sacramental law and discipline of
marriage and firmly settled in a beautiful home. Healthy,
virile and handsome, salutations to you and good food
and drink. This home, this family, is now your haven
for life, the meaning and purpose of grihastha. I dedicate
you to all the noble people of the world and to all the
godly powers of nature, yes to all the great and noble
9. (Grihapatis Vishvedevas Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ c`gLÆ ifr¼lqrL; nso lkse rÆ¿bUnks¼&
Æ kor¼ %Æ iRuho
¼ rksÆ xzgk¡ ü
¼ AA¿Íè;kle~ A vÆga iÆjLrk¼ngÆ eÆ&
oLrkÆ|nÆUrfj{¼ kaÆ rnq¼ es fIÆkr ¼ ~ A vÆg§lw;×Z eHq kÆ;rks ¼ nn'kkZgÆ a
Æ kHkwr
nsÆokuak¼ ijÊea xqgkÆ ;r~ AAùAA
Upayåmagæh∂toísi bæhaspatisutasya deva soma
taí indorindriyåvata¨ patn∂vato grahå~ n í
ædhyåsam. Aha≈ parastådahamavastådyad-
antarik¶a≈ tadu me pitåbhμut. Aha~m sμurya-
mubhayato dadar‹åha≈ devånå≈ parama≈
guhå yat.
Accepted and consecrated you are (along with
me) in the matrimonial Dharma. Noble man of peace
and brilliance, happy at heart, blest with wealth of men
and material, son of a mighty vaidic scholar, and blest
with a noble wife, I pray I (we) abide by the vows and
promises of wedlock and grow stronger and more and
more dedicated. And may all that is upfront and present
and may come hereafter and all the knowledge and
wisdom and all the mysteries hidden deep in the mind
of the saints and sages, may all this, like a father, nourish
my mind and soul. And with all this knowledge and all
their blessings, may I, both of us together, realise the
presence of the light of life, the Supreme Soul of the
universe, here and hereafter.
10. (Grihapatis Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
vXukýAA¿b iRuh¼oURlÆtwnsZÆosuÆ Ro"VªkÉ lksEak¼ ficÆ Lokgk¼ A
izÆtki¼fRÆkÆo`Z"kk¼fl jsrksÆ/k jsrksÆ ef;¼ /sfg izÆtki¼rsLrsÆ o`".kks¼
jsrksÆ/lks¼ jsrksÆ/ke¼'kh; AAûúAA
Agnåíi patn∂vantsajμurdevena tva¶¢rå soma≈
piba svåhå. Prajåpatirvæ¶åsi retodhå reto mayi
dhehi prajåpateste v涃o retodhaso retodhåm-
Manly man of a darling wife, lord of brilliance
and joy, come and, with the inspiring poetry of Veda in
honour and praise of the Creator, and eliminater of
suffering, Twashta, drink the elixir of life with me.
Husband of an admirable wife, virile and generous like
the rain-god cloud, lover and guardian of people and
children, rain the shower of life and joy on me. Replete
with the seeds of life, sow the seed in me. Would-be
father of your child, virile and lustrous, I shall receive
and hold the seed and bear your son and spirit — the
Lord bless him — as brave and lustrous as you.
11. (Grihapatis Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ gfj¼jfl gkfj;kstÆuks gfj¼H;ka Rok A
g;skZ ¼¼kZÆuk LFk¼ lÆglks¼ekÆ¿bUæk¼; AAûûAA
Upayåmagæh∂toísi harirasi håriyojano hari-
bhyå≈ två. Haryordhånå stha sahasomåí
Accepted and consecrated you are in the
sacramental dharma of marriage and the household,
carry on the business of the home like a leader, using
all the resources with joy and satisfaction to everybody.
Drive on this chariot of grihastha with the steeds of Indra
(i.e., men and materials) for the glory of Indra, Head of
the universal family. Manage your horses (resources)
and ever be strong, drinking the joy of life to the honour
and glory of the Lord of Bliss (Soma).
12. (Grihapatis Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
;Lrs¼¿v'oÆlfu¼HkZÆ{kks ;ks xksÆlfUÆkÆLrL;¼ r¿bÆ"V;¼tq"k
LrqÉrLrks¼eL; 'kÆLrksDFkÆL;ksig
¼ r
w LÊ ;ksi¼gr
w ks Hk{k;kfe AAûüAA
Yasteí a‹vasanirbhak¶o yo gosanistasya taí
i¶¢ayaju¶a stutastomasya ‹astokthasyopa-
hμutasyopahμuto bhak¶ayami.
Invited by you, blessed soul, to the celebration
of your power of horses, your wealth of land and cows,
and your culture of the divine voice, the Veda, admirer
of the Rks, lover of the Yajus and singer of the Samans,
I am delighted to enjoy what you have so generously
13. (Grihapatis Vishvedeva Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
nsÆoo`¼QrÆL;Su¼lks¿oÆ;tu ¼ efl euq"É ;~ÑrÆL;Su¼lks¿oÆ;tu¼ efl
fIÆkr ` `¼QrÆL;Sul
Æ o ¼ ks¿oÆ;tu¼ eL;kÆReo`¼QrÆL;Sul
¼ ks¿oÆ;tu¼ eÆL;sul
¼ ¿&
,ulks¿oÆ;t¼uefl A ;PpkÆgesuks¼ fOÆkÆ}k¡'pÆdkjÊ ;Ppk&
fo¼}Æk¡ÆLrL;Æ loZÆL;Su¼lks¿oÆ;t¼uefl AAûýAA
Devakætasyainasoívayajanamasi manu¶ya-
kætasyainasoívayajanamasi pitækætasyainasoí
namasyeínasaíenasoívayajanamasi. Yaccåha-
meno vidvåΔ‹cakåra yaccå-vidvåΔstasya
You are the redeemer from the sin committed by
the generous superman; you are the saviour from the
sin committed by the ordinary person; you are the
redeemer from the sins committed by the forefathers; you
are the redeemer from the sin committed by one’s own
self; you are the redeemer from the sins begotten of sin.
Whatever the sin I have committed in a state of
knowledge, or I have committed in a state of ignorance
(or I might commit in future), you are the saviour from
all that.
14. (Grihapatis Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
la opZ×lkÆ i;l ¼ kÆ la rÆufw HÆkÆjx¼UefgÆ eul ¼ kÆ l§f'ÆkÆous ¼A
Ro"Vk¼ lqn
É =kksÆ fon/ ¼ krqÉ jk;ks¿uq¼ek"VqZ rÆUo¨ks ;f}fy"¼ Ve~AAûþAA
Sa≈ varcaså payaså sa≈ tanμubhiraganmahi
manaså sa~m ‹ivena. Tva¶¢å sudatro vidadhåtu
råyoí numår¶¢u tanvo yadvili¶¢am.
Twashta, refiner of manners, behaviour, method,
and culture and generous giver of health, wealth and
knowledge, let us go forward with a noble mind, able
body, plenty of food and drink and the vigour and lustre
of life. Give us all-round wealth of life, and whatever is
wanting in us in health of body and mind, be gracious
to make up and complete.
15. (Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
lfe¼Uæ .kksÆ eu¼lk usf"ÆkÆ xksfHÆk%Æ l§lwfÉ jfHke
¼ ?Z koÆURl§LoÆLR;kA
la czã.¼ kk nsÆoo`¼QraÆ ;nfLÆRÆkÆ la nsÆokuk¦¼ lqeÆrkS ;ÆfK;k¼ukƦ
Lokgk¼ AAûÿAA
Samindra ƒo manaså ne¶i gobhi¨ sa~ m
sμuribhirmaghavant sa~m svastyå. Sa≈ brahmaƒå
devakæta≈ yadasti sa≈ devåna~ m sumatau
yaj¤∂yånå~m svåhå.
Indra, Lord of power and honour, Maghavan,
Lord of wealth and knowledge, take us forward in a
healthy state of mind and sense at peace, comfortably,
with men of wisdom and brilliant intelligence, with the
vaidic voice of universal knowledge, and with our cows,
into the way of whatever is nobly done in the vaidic
tradition of universal values, and whatever is good
according to the noble genius of the superior people of
yajnic dedication and culture.
16. (Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
la opZ×lkÆ i;¼lkÆ la rÆufw HÆkÆjx¼UefgÆ eu¼lkÆ l§f'ÆkÆou s ¼A
Ro"Vk¼ lqÉn=kksÆ fon/
¼ krqÉ jk;ks¿uqe
¼ k"VqÉZ rÆUo¨ks ;f}fy"¼ Ve~AAûöAA
Sa≈ varcaså payaså sa≈ tanμubhiraganmahi
manaså sa~m ‹ivena. Tva¶¢å sudatro vidadhåtu
råyoí numår¶¢u tanvo yadvili¶¢am.
Follow as we do the noble genius of superior
people among us, bless us Twashta, remover of the veils
of ignorance and giver of knowledge. By the bright day
and in the night, with the help and guidance of healthy
and intelligent scholars and sages, and with the gift of a
noble mind and concentration, bless us with the wealth
of life, knowledge, wisdom, health and culture, and
cleanse us of all the negativities and impurities of body
and mind.
17. (Vishvedeva Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
/kÆrk jkÆfr% l¼fOÆkÆrn
s a tq"¼ kUrka izt
Æ ki¼fr£ufèÆkÆik nso
Æ ks¿vÆfXu%A
Ro"VkÆ fo".kq¼% izÆt;k¼ l§jjkÆ.kk ;t¼ekuk;Æ æfo¼.ka n/krÆ
Lokgk¼ AAû÷AA
Dhåtå råti¨ saviteda≈ ju¶antå≈ prajå-
patirnidhipå devoí agni¨. Tva¶¢a vi¶ƒu¨ prajayå
sa~ m raråƒå yajamånåya draviƒa≈ dadhåta
Men and women of household, maintain the culture
and institutions of the family, give peace and comfort to
all, produce wealth for prosperity, look after your children
and others, protect and promote wealth and knowledge,
be brilliant and victorious, eliminate darkness with light,
create joy and happiness around, expand your noble
presence through noble works, and, through charity and
generosity, through good manners and good deeds, enjoy
life with your family and friends. Create wealth with good
work and keep it for the yajamana, the host-organizer of
18. (Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)

lqÉxk oks¼ nsokÆ% lnu

¼ k¿vdeZÆ ;¿vkt
¼ XÆ esn§lo¼ua tq"kkÆ.kk%A
Hkj¼ek.kkÆ og¼ekuk gÆoh¦";ÆLes /¼Ùk oloksÆ olw¼fUÆkÆ
Lokgk¼ AAûøAA
Sugå vo devå¨ sadanåí akarma yaí åjagmeda~m
savana≈ ju¶åƒå¨. Bharamåƒå vahamånå
hav∂~m¶yasme dhatta vasavo vasμuni svåhå.
Auspicious powers of nature/ Noble men of
brilliance, wisdom and generosity, efficient in creation,
production and management, conducting, maintaining
and enjoying this social yajna of production and
prosperity, we have created and obtained these
comfortable homes and valuable materials for you. Take
these and hold these for us for onward creation and
19. (Vishvedeva Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
;k¡üAA¿vko¼g¿m'kÆrks ns¼o nsÆok¡Lrku~ izsj¼;Æ Los¿v¼Xus
lÆ/LFks¼ A tÆf{ÆkÆok¦l¼% ifIÆkÆok¦l¼'pÆ fo'os¿lq¯ ?kÆeZ§
LoÆjkfr¼"BÆrkuqÉ Lokgk¼ AAûùAA
Yå~ní åvaha u‹ato deva devå~nstån preraya sveí
agne sadhasthe. Jak¶ivå~msa¨ papivå~msa‹ca
vi‹veísum gharma~m svaråti¶¢hatånu svåhå.
O brilliant and generous Lord of yajna, Agni/man
of knowledge, inspire to high acts of dharma and yajna
all those who come to your house anxious to receive
higher wealth and virtue.
Men of the household, all of you, eating and
drinking, enjoy the sacred voice of divinity, the food of
yajna and Dharma, the spirit of life and the bliss of
heaven on earth.
20. (Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
oÆ;§fg Rok¼ iz;Æfr ;ÆKs¿vÆfLeÂXusÆ gksrk¼jÊeo`¼.kheghÆg A
Í/¼x;kÆ¿Í/¼xÉr q k'k¼fe"Bk% iztkÆuu~ ;ÆKeqi;
¼ kfg fOÆk}Æ kUR&
Lokgk¼ AAüúAA
Vaya~ m hi två prayati yaj¤eí asminnagne
hotåramavæƒ∂mah∂ha. °Rdhagayå ædhagutå‹a-
mi¶¢hå¨ prajånan yaj¤am upayåhi vidvåntsvåhå.
Agni, man of knowledge and brilliance, we, the
house-holders in this family yajna of the household
going on here, we select and accept you as the priest (to
conduct and guide it). Expert man of yajna, knowing
the spirit and essence of it, come close, join and enrich
this yajna which is the creator and giver of prosperity.
And not only join and conduct, but also come again
and be blest with peace and prosperity.
21. (Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
nsok¼ xkrqfonks xkÆrqa fOÆkÆÙok xkÆrqfe¼r A
eu¼lLir¿bÆea ns¼o ;ÆK§LokgkÆ okrs¼ /k% AAüûAA
Devå gåtuvido gåtu≈ vittvå gåtumita. Mana-
saspataí ima≈ deva yaj¤am
` svåhå våte dhå¨.
Man of the household, brilliant and generous,
knowing the nature, properties and movements of the
dynamic earth, having known the movements, know
further and go further, and deeper inside it know the
wealth and attain prosperity.
Man of the household, brilliant and generous,
master of your sense and mind, with the voice of the
Veda and virtuous action, bring yajna into the practical
scientific acts of life and hold on to the yajnic way of
22. (Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
;K¼ ;ÆKa x¼PN ;ÆKi¼¯r xPNÆ Loka ;ks¯u ¼ xPNÆ Lokgk¼ A
,É"k rs¼ ;ÆKks ;¼Kirs lÆglw¼DrokoÆQ% loZ×ohjÊLra tq¼"kLoÆ
Lokgk¼ AAüüAA
Yaj¤a yaj¤a≈ gaccha yaj¤apati≈ gaccha svåm
yoni≈ gaccha svåhå. E¶a te yaj¤o yaj¤apate
sahasμuktvåkå¨ sarvav∂rasta≈ ju¶asva svåhå.
House-holder, man of yajna, with the voice of
the Veda and virtuous acts of dharma, do the yajna of
hospitality to the learned. Observe the collective yajna
of loyalty and reverence to the head of the nation. Be
true to your inner self.
House-holder, observer of the ritual and the social
yajna, this household yajna of yours, performed with
the hymns of the Veda, inspiring to the young heroes of
the nation, is for the safety and education of the people.
Observe it with the voice of truth and justice in the
business of the nation.
23. (Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)

ekfg¼HkwZÉekZ i`nk¼oqQ% A mÆ#§fg jktkÆ o#¼ .k'pÆdkjÊ lw;kZ ¼;Æ

iUFkkÆeUos¼rÆok¿m¼ A vÆinsÆ iknkÆ izfr¼/kros¿d#Ærki¼oÆDrk
â¼n;kÆfo/¼f'pr~ A ueksÆ o#¼ .kk;kÆfHkf"B¼rksÆ o#¼ .kL;Æ
ik'k¼% AAüýAA
Måhirbhμurmå pædåku¨. Uru~m hi råjå varuƒa-
‹cakåra sμuryåya panthåmanve-tavåíu. Apade
pådå pratidhåtaveíkarutåpavaktå hædayå-
vidha‹cit. Namo varuƒåyåbhi¶¢hito varuƒasya
Ruler and President of the Council, be not angry
and poisonous as a snake, nor ferocious as a serpent.
Be not false, hurtful and heart-breaking in speech. Be a
ruler shining brilliant, supreme in virtue. Do excellently
as behoves your chosen status. Make the highways of
justice broad in honour and worship to the sun, the
supreme light of the world, for all to see and follow the
light so that none may stray into the paths of evil. Let
the rule of law and the penal code be as firm and
inviolable as the chains of Varuna and the thunderbolt
of Indra.
24. (Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)

vÆXusjuh¼deÆi¿vkfo¼o's kkÆikÂik¼r~ izfRÆkÆj{k¼ÂlqÉ;~e

Z ~ A nes¼nes
lÆfe/¯ ;{;XusÆ izfr rs ftÆàk ?k`ÉreqPp¼j.;Ær~ Lokgk¼ AAüþAA
Agneran∂kamapaí å vive‹åpåm-napåt prati-
rak¶annasuryam. Damedame samidha≈
yak¶yagne prati te jihvå ghætamuccaraƒyat
Agni, brilliant and generous house-holder, enter
the flames of fire and the depth of waters and know
their secrets of power. Protector of the waters, digging
into and protecting the material wealth of the earth and
ocean, go from house to house, and light the fire of
material knowledge of energy and its applications. Let
the tongue of the truthful man taste the sweets of life
and proclaim.
25. (Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
lÆeÉæ ¼ eÆILo¨Ur% la Rok¼ fo'kÆURoks"k/
q s rsÆ ân; ¼ h#Ærki¼%A ;ÆKL;¼
Rok ;Kirs lwD É rksDrkS¼ ueksokÆosQ fo¼/seÆ ;r~ LokgkA¼ AüÿAA
Samudre te hædayamapsvanta¨ sa≈ två
vi‹antvo¶adh∂rutåpa¨. Yaj¤asya två yaj¤apate
sμuktoktauí namovåke vidhema yat svåhå.
Yajnapati, pursuant of yajna, we put your heart
and mind in touch with vital energies and dynamic
modes of social conduct and behaviour revealed in the
hymns of the Vedas dealing with foods, source
materials, and yajnic cooperation of the community. Let
your searching mind go deep down into the ocean and
rise up into the waters of space. And then celestial waters
and rejuvenating herbs would emerge into your mind’s
eye of discovery (for common good).
26. (Grihapati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
nsoh¼jki¿,Æ"k oksÆ xHkZLÆ r§lqihz ¼rƧlqHk`¼ra fcHk`r A nso¼ lkseSÆ"k
rs¼ yksÆdLrfLÆEÆkÆ×N×pÆ o{oÆ ifj¼ p o{o AAüöAA
Dev∂råpaí e¶a vo garbhasta~m supr∂ta~m subh-
æta≈ bibhæta. Deva somai¶a te lokastasmi¤-
cha≈ca vak¶va pari ca vak¶va.
Women, bright, educated and meritorious, this
grihasthashram, sacred family-home, is your real world
of existence. Keep it, maintain it, manage it well with
love and competence.
Noble man of peace, love and honour, this family-
home is your intimate world of existence. Find peace
and fulfilment here. Keep it, maintain it. Guard it. Guard
it all-round.
27. (Dampati Devate, Atri °Rshi)
vo¼Hk`Fk fupqEiq.k fupsÆ#j¼fl fupqEiqÉ.k% A vo¼ nsÆon S ZsÆo&
s ks¿¼ ;kfl"kÆeoÆ eR;SÆe
Z RZ ;Z×Ñra iq#jÆ kO.kks¼ nso fjÆ"kLikf¼ gA
nsÆokuk¼¦lÆfen¼fl AAü÷AA
Avabhætha nicumpuƒa nicerurasi nicumpuƒa¨.
Ava devairdevakætamenoí yåsi¶amava
martyairmartyakæta≈ pururåvƒo deva ri¶aspåhi.
Devånå≈ samidasi.
Initiated and consecrated couple in grihastha,
gentle, noble and lovable virtuous producers of wealth,
you are one of the bright, meritorious and generous
community. You are an instrument of the devas.
Deva, lord of the bright and the generous, living
with the noble ones and the ordinary people, I pray,
that I keep away from any sin or misconduct or
misbehaviour committed with the mind and senses, or
with the body, or by the ordinary people or even by the
superior ones. Save me from violence to Dharma —
such violence is the root of all sin and crime.
28. (Dampati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
,t¼rqÉ n'k¼ekL;ksÆ xHkksZ× tÆjk;q¼.kk lÆg A ;FkkÆ;a okÆ;qjst¼fRÆkÆ
;Fkk¼ leqÉæ¿,t¼fr A ,Éok;a n'k¼ekL;ksÆ¿vϼTtÆjk;q¼.kk
lÆg AAüøAA
Ejatu da‹amåsyo garbho jaråyuƒå saha. Yathåí-
yam våyurejati yathå samudraí ejati. Evåya≈
da‹amåsyoí asrajjaråyuƒå saha.
May the foetus of the tenth month stir with its
membrane-cover just as this wind moves, just as the
sea moves. And may this foetus of the tenth month be
born (safe and alive) with the membrane cover.
29. (Dampati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
;L;S¼ rs ;ÆfK;ksÆ xHkksÆZ ;L;SÆ ;ksfu¼£gjÊ.;;h¼ A
vXkÉU;ßq¼rkÆ ;L;Æ ra ekÆ=kk le¼thxeƧLokgk¼ AAüùAA
Yasyai te yaj¤iyo garbho yasyai yonirhiraƒyay∂.
AΔgånyahrutå yasya ta≈ måtrå samaj∂gama~m
Dear wife, for whom your sacred foetus is meant,
for whom the pure and perfect womb of yours is meant,
by that mother — you partner — may I beget a child
with full and perfect limbs of the body through the
sacred procreative yajna.
30. (Dampati Devata, Atri °Rshi)
Æ ÆLeks fo"kq¼:iÆ¿bUnq¼jUÊ reZ×fgÆeku¼eku×tÆ /hj¼% A ,o¼Qinha
f}Éinh ¼ a f=ÆkÆinhaÆ prq¼"inheÆ"Vki¼nhaÆ HkqoÆukuq¼ izFkUrkƦ
Purudasmo vi¶urμupaí indurantarmahimåna-
måna¤ja dh∂ra¨. Ekapad∂≈ dvipad∂≈ tripad∂≈
catu¶pad∂ma¶¢åpad∂≈ bhuvanånu prathantå~m
The man of mighty deeds, who eliminates
suffering and creates joy, of versatile attainments, bright
and honourable, constant and resolute, should wait for
the great new arrival.
Men of the household, cultivate the vaidic culture
of one, two, three, four and eight steps of attainment:
one: Aum; two: worldly fulfilment and the freedom of
moksha; three: the joy of the truth of word and the health
of body and mind; four: the attainment of Dharma,
wealth, fulfilment of desire, and moksha; eight: the joy
of all the four classes and all the four stages of life
(Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra,
Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa).
Build homes for the people and advance in life.
31. (Dampati Devate, Gotama °Rshi)
e#¼ rksÆ ;L;Æ fg {k;s¼ ikÆFkk fnÆoks fo¼egl% A
l lq¼xksÆikr¼eksÆ tu¼% AAýûAA
Maruto yasya hi k¶aye påthå divo vimahasah.
Sa sugopåtamo jana¨.
Married couples, brilliant and great in many ways,
blest with beauty, wealth, yajna and knowledge,
wherever in a home you find superior people of noble
nature, character and action, that family is most
dedicated to mother earth and the Veda.
32. (Dampati Devate, Medhatithi °Rshi)
eÆgh |kS% i`¼fFÆkÆoh p¼ u¿bÆea ;ÆKa fe¼fe{krke~ A
fIÆkÆi`Érka uksÆ Hkjh¼efHk% AAýüAA
Mah∂ dyau¨ pæthiv∂ ca naí ima≈ yaj¤a≈
mimik¶atåm. Pipætå≈ no bhar∂mabhi¨.
Married couples, you are like the vast and brilliant
sky and the rich, fertile and forbearing earth. Bless this
home-yajna of our grihastha with all the joys and fill
this home with nourishment and familial support of the
33. (Grihapatis Devata, Gotama °Rshi)

vkfr¼"B o`=kgÆuFz ka ¼ ;qÉDrk rsÆ czã¼.kkÆ gjh¼ A vÆokZÆphuƧlq rsÆ

euksÆ xzkok¼ Ñ.kksrq oÆXuquk¼ A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrksÆ¿lhUæk¼; Rok
"kksMÆf'ku¼¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk¼; Rok "kksMÆf'kus¼ AAýýAA
Å ti¶¢ha vætrahan ratha≈ yuktå te brahmaƒå har∂.
Arvåc∂na~m su te mano gråvå kæƒotu vagnunå.
Upayåmagæh∂toí s∂ndråya två ¶oda‹inaí e¶a te
yonirindråya två ¶oda‹ine.
Man of the household, destroyer of the enemy,
come and sit in this chariot of grihastha in which are
yoked two ‘horses’, Draw and Hold (attraction and
preservation or yoga and kshema). And if your mind
sometime is down, then, with the voice of the Veda bring
it up to peace, stand as a rock, and shower like a cloud
with joy. You are accepted and consecrated in the
matrimonial dharma for the sixteenfold honour and
glory of life. This grihastha is now your haven. You are
given up and dedicated to this sixteenfold programme
of the family life.
34. (Grihapati Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
;q{ok fg osÆQf'kukÆ gjhÆ o`"k¼.kk d{;Æizk A vFkk¼ u¿bUæ
lkseik fXÆkÆjkeqi¼Jq¯r pj A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrksÆ¿lhUæk¼; Rok
"kksMÆf'ku¼¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk¼; Rok "kksMÆf'kus¼ AAýþAA
Yuk¶vå hi ke‹inå har∂ væ¶aƒå kak¶yaprå. Athå
naí indra somapå giråmupa‹ruti≈ cara.
Upayåmagæh∂toí s∂ndråya två ¶oda‹inaí e¶a te
yonirindråya två ¶oda‹ine.
Indra, hero of the household, man of honour and
protector of your happy home, yoke your horses of
beautiful hair, strong and fast, shooting to the destination
And then listen to our voice and act accordingly.
You are accepted and consecrated in the sacred
discipline of marriage for the sixteenfold honour and
sanctity of life in marriage. This grihastha is now your
haven of existence. You are dedicated and given up to
the sixteenfold programme of family honour.
35. (Grihapati Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
bUæÆfe¼jh¼ ogÆrks¿iz¼fr/`"V'kole~ A Í"kh¼.kka p LrqÉrh#i¼
;ÆKa pÆ ekuq¼"kk.kke~ A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrksÆ¿lhUæk¼; Rok
"kksMÆf'ku¼¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk¼; Rok "kksMÆf'kus¼ AAýÿAA
Indramiddhar∂ vahatoí pratidh涢a‹avasam.
°R¶∂ƒå≈ ca stut∂rupa yaj¤am ca månu¶åƒåm.
Upayåmagæh∂toís∂ndråya två ‹oda‹inaí e¶a te
yonirindråya två ¶oda¶ine.
Two horses (yoga and kshema) carry Indra, hero
of inviolable honour and power and head of the nation-
family. Indra, protector of the honour of the land, listen
to the Rishis’ songs of the praise of the heroes, go close
to the yajna-assemblies of the people, listen and act
You are anointed and consecrated in the sacred
law and constitution of the land for the sixteenfold
honour and glory of the nation: This honour and glory
now is your haven of life, the very purpose and meaning
of your office and existence. The people look up to you
for the sixteen-fold honour and prosperity of the nation.
36. (Parameshwara Devata, Vivaswan °Rshi)
;LekÆ tkÆr% ijks¼¿vÆU;ks¿vfLÆRÆkÆ ;¿vk¼fOÆkÆos'kÆ Hkqo¼ukfUÆkÆ
fo'ok¼ A izÆtki¼fr% izÆt;k¼ l§jjkÆ.kL=khf.ÆkÆ T;ksrh¼¦f"k
lprsÆ l "kks¼MÆ'kh AAýöAA
Yasmånna jåta¨ paroí anyoí asti yaí åvive‹a
bhuvanåni vi‹vå. Prajåpati¨ prajayå sa~ m -
raråƒastr∂ƒi jyot∂~m¶i sacate sa ¶oda‹∂.
None other ever existent is beyond Him, Him who
pervades and transcends all the worlds of the universe.
Father of His creation, ever rejoicing with His children,
Lord of sixteen powers, full and complete, He
illuminates the three lights of the world and reigns —
the One sole and absolute Lord existent, omniscient and
blissful. (The three lights are fire, electricity and the
sun. The sixteen powers are: will, energy, faith, earth,
water, fire, air, space, sense, mind, food, vitality,
austerity, Word, life (jiva) and language).
37. (Samrat & Mandalika Devate, Vivaswan °Rshi)
bUæ'¼ p lÆekz M~ o#¼ .k'pÆ jktkÆ rkS rs¼ HkÆ{ka p¼ØrqÉjxz¿¼ ,Ére~ A
r;ks¼jÊgeuq¼ HkÆ{ka Hk{¼ k;kfEÆkÆ okXnsÆoh tq"¼ kkÆ.kk lkse¼L; r`I;rq
lÆg izkÆ.ksuÆ Lokgk¼ AAý÷AA
Indra‹ca samråŒ varuƒa‹ca råjå tau te bhak¶a≈
cakraturagraí etam. Tayorahamanu bhak¶a≈
bhak¶ayåmi vågdev∂ ju¶åƒå somasya tæpyatu
saha pråƒena svåhå.
Indra, the sovereign, reigns supreme over all.
Varuna, the ruler, rules in specific areas. Those two first
provide this food for you.
I eat my share of the food after those two. Both
of you, the people and the government, with the sacred
voice of the Veda which reveals the secrets of living
together in love and cooperation, be happy and
prosperous with full vigour.
38. (Raja, Grihapati Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
vXusÆ io¼LoÆ Loik¼¿vÆLes opZ×% lqÉoh;Z×e~ A n/¼æƯ; efÕÆkÆ
iks"ke¼ ~ A mÆi; ¼ hrks¿L;ÆXu;s¼ RokÆ opZ×l¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfu¼jÊXu;s¼
Æ kÆex`g
RokÆ opZ×ls A vXus¼ opZfLÆOkÆ ÆUopZ×Lok¡LÆ Roa nso
Æ "s ofLÆkÆ opZ×LokuÆga
e¼uqÉ";s~"kq Hkw;kle~ AAýøAA
Agne pavasva svapåí asme varca¨ suv∂ryam.
Dadhadrayi≈ mayi po¶am. Upayåmagæh∂toí-
syagnaye två varcasaí e¶a te yoniragnaye två
varcase. Agne varcasvinvarcasvå~nstva≈ deve-
¶vasi varcasvånaha≈ manu¶ye¶u bhμuyåsam.
Agni/Ruler, lord of knowledge and power, you
are noble with noble actions, first among all of noble
achievement. Purify us, and bless us with lustre, noble
vitality and prowess, wealth and good health with
nourishments of body and mind.
Noble ruler, accepted you are and consecrated in
the laws and constitution of the nation for the honour
and brilliance of the people and the land. This honour
and prestige, the nation, is now your haven, the reason
and justification of your being. We dedicate you to the
achievement of honour and glory.
Agni, lord of light and brilliance of action, you
are lustrous and honourable among the brilliant and the
generous rulers. I pray I be brilliant and honourable
among the people.
39. (Raja, Grihapati Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
mÆfÙk"BÆÂkst¼lk lÆg ihÆRoh f'kiz¿¼s vosi;% A lksef¼ eUæ pÆew
Æ kÆex`¼ghrks¿Æ lhUæk¼;Æ RokStl
lqÉre~ A mÆi; ¼ ¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk;
¼ Æ
RokSt¼ls A bUækS¼ftÆ"BkSft¼"BÆLRoa nsÆo"s oL;ksft¼"BksÆ¿ga e¼uÉ"q ;s~"kq
Hkw;kle~ AAýùAA
Utti¶¢hannojaså saha p∂tv∂ ‹ipreí avepaya¨.
Somamindra camμu sutam. Upayåmagæh∂toí-
s∂ndråya tvaujasaí e¶a te yonirindråya tvaujase.
Indrauji¶¢hauji¶¢hastva≈ deve¶vasyoji¶¢hoíha≈
manu¶ye¶u bhμuyåsam.
Indra, ruler of the land, lover and achiever of
honour, rising in lustre (with the strength of body, mind
and soul and the power of the council and the army),
having drunk the soma of victory over the enemies,
shake the visors of your helmet with joy and self-esteem.
Accepted you are by us for the governance and
administration of the nation, and consecrated you are
in the laws and constitution for the achievement of light
and glory like that of the sun. This consecration now is
the home and haven of your life, the very meaning of
your existence. We dedicate you to the light of the world,
the sun, and the glory of the nation.
Lord of the land, brilliant in knowledge and
justice, most shining you are among the noble and the
generous personalities of the country. I pray that I may
be brilliant and most shining among the people.
40. (Grihapati, Raja Devata, Praskanva °Rshi)
vn`¼JeL; osÆQroksÆ fo jÊ'e;ksÆ tuk¡Æü¿vuq¼ A Hkzkt¼Urks
vÆXu;ks¼ ;Fkk A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ lw;kZ ¼; Rok HkzkÆtk;SÆ"k rsÆ
;ksfUÆkÆ% lw;kZ ¼; RokÆ HkzkÆtk;¼ A lw;Z× Hkzkft"BÆ Hkzkft¼"BÆLRoa
nsÆos"ofLÆkÆ Hkzkft¼"BksÆ¿ga e¼uqÉ";s~"kq Hkw;kle~ AAþúAA
Adæ‹ramasya ketavo vi ra‹mayo janå~ní anu.
Bhråjanto agnayo yathå. Upayåmagæh∂toí si
sμuryåya två bhråjåyai¶a te yoni¨ sμuryåya två
bhråjåya. Sμurya bhråji¶¢ha bhråji¶¢hastva≈
deve¶vasi ëbhråji¶¢hoíha≈ manu¶ye¶u bhμuyå-
Just as the bright rays of light (fire, sun, and
electricity) shine on things to show them to the world,
similarly, I pray, I may see the people and other things
in the divine light of the Lord.
Accepted and sanctified you are in the rules and
laws of the land to shine in the business of the nation
like the sun. This is now your haven and home. You are
dedicated to the Sun, Lord Supreme of the universe, to
shine in life.
Ruler of the land, bright and sunny in knowledge
and justice, you are the brightest among the brilliant. I
pray I may shine the brightest among the people.
41. (Surya Devata, Praskanva °Rshi)
mnqÉ R;a tkÆros¼nla nsÆoa o¼gfUr osÆQro¼% A n`É'ks fo'ok¼;Æ
lw;Z×e~ A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ lw;kZ ¼; Rok HkzkÆtk;S"Æ k rsÆ ;ksfUÆk%Æ
lw;kZ ¼; Rok HkzÆkÆtk;¼ AAþûAA
Udu tyam jåtavedasa≈ deva≈ vahanti ketva¨.
Dæ‹e vi‹våya sμuryam. Upayåmagæh∂toísi sμuryåya
två bhråjåyai¶a te yoni¨ sμuryåya två bhråjåya.
Just as the rays of the sun carry the light of the
sun for the world to see the sun, surely so the lights of
creation and the eyes of the seers reveal the light of the
Lord Creator, refulgent and omniscient of all that is born,
for the world to see.
Lord of the universe, you are acceptable, and
perceiveable through the discipline of yama and niyama
and the inner eye, for the realisation of your glory and
universal presence. This universe is your home of
presence and we dedicate ourselves to you for the
attainment of your glory and the Light of Life.
42. (Patni Devata, Kusuruvindu °Rshi)
vkft¼?kz oÆQy'ak¼ eÆák Rok¼ fo'kÆfURoUn¼o% A iqu¼:ÆtkZ
fuo¼ÙkZLoÆ lk u¼% lÆgϯ /q{oksÆ#/k¼jkÆ i;¼LorhÆ iquÆekZ&
fo¼'krkæÆf;% AAþüAA
Åjighra kala‹a≈ mahyå två vi‹antvindava¨.
Punarμ u rjå nivarttasva så na¨ sahasra≈
dhuk¶vorudhårå payasvat∂ punarmå vi‹atåd-
Generous and venerable as mother earth, come,
fill the pitcher and smell it to taste. May sweet juices
come to you in plenty and fill the home. Versatile in
virtue, rich in food and overflowing with milk, come
again and fill us with vigour and energy. And then,
again, with your love and grace, may I be enriched with
the wealth of life.
43. (Patni Devata, Kusuruvindu °Rshi)
bMsÆ jUrsÆ gO;sÆ dkE;sÆ pUæsÆ T;ksrs¿fn¼rsÆ lj¼LofRÆkÆ efgÆ
foJq¼fr A ,Érk rs¼¿v?U;sÆ ukek¼fu nsÆosH;ks¼ eka lqÉÑr¯
czwrkr~ AAþýAA
IŒe rante havye kåmye candre jyoteídite
sarasvati mahi vi‹ruti. Etå teíaghnye nåmåni
devebhyo må≈ sukæta≈ brμutåt.
Blessed woman, mistress of the home: Voice of
the divine worthy of praise, love abiding in the heart,
libation for the gods and fragrance of yajna, love and
desire incarnate, beauty of the moon, brilliance of virtue,
unbreakable and boundless, inexhaustible stream of
knowledge and generosity, forbearance of mother earth,
celebrity of the world: these are your names, dear wife,
inviolable, which describe woman’s nature and
character. Speak to me of the good things I ought to do.
44. (Indra Devata, Shasa °Rshi)
fo u¿¼ bUæÆ e`/ks¼ tfg uhÆpk ;P¼ N i`rU;Ær% A ;ks¿vÆLek¡üAA¿&
v¼fHÆkÆnklÆR;/¼ja xe;kÆ re¼% A mÆiÆ;kÆex`g ¼ hrksÆ¿lhUæk¼; Rok
fOÆkÆe`/¼¿,Æ"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk¼; Rok fOÆkÆe`/s¼ AAþþAA
Vi na indra mædho jahi n∂cå yaccha pætanyata¨.
YoíasmåΔíabhidåsatyadhara≈ gamayå tama¨.
Upayåmagæh∂toís∂ndråya två vimædhaíe¶a te
yonirindråya två vimædhe.
Indra, commander of the army, destroy our
enemies, keep the enemy hoards down. Him who wants
to beat us into slavery, throw down into the dark.
Accepted you are by the people and consecrated
in the rules and tactics of the army for the defence of
the land and destruction of the enemy. This is now your
haven and home, the sole purpose of your office. We
dedicate you to the defence and security of the land and
to the honour of the nation.
45. (Ishwara, President/Raja Devata, Shasa °Rshi)
okÆpLi¯r× fOÆkÆ'oo¼QekZ.kewÉr;s¼ euksÆtqoÆa okts¼¿vÆ|k gq¼oseA
l uksÆ fo'ok¼fUÆkÆ go¼ukfu tks"kf}É'o'k¼EHkwÉjo¼ls lkÆ/o q ¼QekZ A
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿Æ lhUæk;
¼ Rok fOÆkÆ'ooQ¼ eZ.k¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkfÆ jUæk;
Rok fOÆkÆ'oo¼QeZ.ks AAþÿAA
Våcaspati≈ vi‹vakarmmåƒamμutaye manojuva≈
våjeí adyå huvema. Sa no vi‹våni havanåni
jo¶advi‹va‹ambhμ u ravase sådhukarmmå.
Upayåmagæh∂toís∂ndråya två vi‹vakarmaƒaí e¶a
te yonirindråya två vi‹vakarmaƒe.
To-day, for our defence and advancement in yajna
(and battles of life), we invoke (call upon) Vishwakarma,
lord of speech and knowledge, lord of all actions and
dharmas, universal benefactor and lord of noble
performance, in action, hitting the mark fast as the mind.
May he listen and accept all our prayers and offerings
and come for our protection and support.
President of the council/commander of the army/
man of yajna/head of the family, accepted and
consecrated you are in the rules and discipline of life in
the service of the lord of action and lord of glory, for
the people and the land. This service, this yajna, this
action, is now your haven and home, the very meaning
and purpose of your life. We dedicate you to the service
of the lord of glory, the lord of action and progress.
46. (Vishvakarma Indra Devate, Shasa °Rshi)
fo'o¼deZu~ gÆfo"kkÆ o/Z×usu =kkÆrkjÊfeUæ¼eÑ.kksjoÆè;e~ A
rLeSÆ fo'kÆ% le¼ueUr iwÉohZjÊ;eqÉxzks fOÆkÆgO;ksÆ ;Fkkl¼r~ A
¼ hrks¿Æ lhUæk;
mÆiÆ;kÆex`g ¼ Rok fOÆk'Æ ooQ¼ eZ.k¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkfÆ jUæk;
Rok fOÆkÆ'oo¼QeZ.ks AAþöAA
Vi‹vakarman havi¶å vardhanena tråtåra-
mindram-akæƒoravadhyam. Tasmai vi‹a¨
samanamanta pμ u rv∂rayamugro vihavyo
yathåsat. Upayåmagæh∂toís∂ndråya två
vi‹vakarmaƒaí e¶a te yoniridråya två vi‹va-
Vishvakarma, lord of all actions and dharmas,
with vitalizing materials of yajna, strengthen the ruler
and make him an invincible protector of the people.
Let him grow mighty with ample means and materials.
To him, the people, as taught by the forefathers, bow in
Ruler, president of the council, accepted you are
by the people, and consecrated in the laws of the land
for service to the lord of action, Vishwakarma, and
honour of the nation (Indra). This service and this
honour now is your haven and home. You are dedicated
to the lord of action and dharma and the honour and
glory of the nation.
47. (Vishvakarma Indra Devate, Shasa °Rshi)

mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿L;ÆXu;s¼ Rok xk;Æ=kPN¼Unla x`ÊkÉehUæk¼; Rok

f=ÆkÆ"VqIN¼Unla x`ÊkfEÆkÆ fo'os¼H;LRok nsÆosH;ksÆ tx¼PNUnla
x`ÊkE;uqÉ"VqIrs¼¿fHkxÆj% AAþ÷AA
Upayåmagæh∂toísyagnaye två gåyatra-
cchandasa≈ gæhƒåm∂-ndråya två tri¶¢up-
chandasa≈ gæhƒåmi vi‹vebhyastvå devebhyo
jagacchandasa≈ gæhƒåmyanu¶¢upteíbhigara¨.
Vishvakarman : Accepted and honoured you are
in reverence as a teacher. Enlightening are your songs
of praise in the Anushtubh metre. Scholar of Gayatri
verses, I come to you to learn the science of fire. Master
of Trishtubh verses, I come to you for the secrets of
life’s glory and prosperity. Scholar of Jagati verses, I
come to you to learn the nature, character and actions
of the noble, brilliant and generous leaders of the world.
48. (Prajapatis Devata, Devas Rshis)
oz's kh¼uka RokÆ iReÆÂk/w¼uksfe oqQowQÉuuk¼uka RokÆ iReÆÂk/w¼uksfeA
HkÆUnuk¼uka RokÆ iReÆÂk/w¼uksfe eÆfnUr¼ekuka RokÆ iReÆÂk&
/wu ¼ ksfe A eÆ/qUr¼ekuka RokÆ iReÆÂk/w¼uksfe 'kqÉØa Rok¼ 'kqÉØ¿&
vk/w¼uksÆE;Éks¼ :Æis lw;Z×L; jÊf'e¼"kq AAþøAA
Vre‹∂nå≈ två patmannådhμunomi kukμunanånå≈
två patmannå dhμ u nomi. Bhandanånå≈ två
patmannådhμ u nomi madintamånå≈ två
patmannådhμ u nomi. Madhuntamånå≈ två
patmannådhμunomi ‹ukra≈ två ‹ukraí ådhμuno-
myahno rμupe sμuryasya ra‹mi¶u.
Dear husband, if amongst the pure and spotless
people, you ever happen to waver, I shake you out of
that fickleness.
If amongst the gentle folk in speech and language,
love and manners, you happen to falter, I shake you out
of that embarrassment.
If amongst the graceful and the beatifying, you
happen to err toward roughness, I shake you out back
into self-awareness.
If in the company of the rejoicing folks in
festivity, you waver from self-control, I shake you out
back to temperance.
If amongst the sweetest and the most lovable folks
you waver from decency, I shake you back to civility.
You are pure and immaculate. I would always
warn you against going astray and urge upon you to
stay untainted in character as the day in the rays of the
49. (Vishvedeva Prajapatis Devata, Devas Rshis)
oÆQoqÉQHk§:Æia o`¼"kÆHkL;¼ jksprs c`ÉgPNqÉØ% 'kqÉØL;¼ iqjksÆxk%
lkseÆ% lkse¼L; iqjksÆxk% A ;Ùks¼ lksÆeknk¼H;aÆ ukeÆ tkx`¼fOÆkÆ
rLeS¼ Rok x`ÊkfEÆkÆ rLeS¼ rs lkseÆ lksek¼;Æ Lokgk¼ AAþùAA
Kakubha ` m rμ u pa≈ væ¶abhasya rocate
bæhacchukra¨ ‹ukrasya purogå¨ soma¨
somasya purogå¨. Yatte somådåbhya≈ nåma
jågævi tasmai två gæhƒåmi tasmai te soma
somåya svåhå.
The excellence of the man’s image shines
everywhere. Bright and generous, purest of the pure on
top, noblest of the kind and beneficent, first among the
great leaders of men, joyous and gracious, the glory of
your name and reputation is irresistible. It is for that I
accept and elect you. For that dedication of yours to the
Lord of light and grandeur, blessed man, all hail and
success to you! This is the divine voice.
50. (Prajapatis Devata, Devas Rshis)
mÆf'ko~Q Roa ns¼o lksekÆXus% fIÆkzÆ;a ikFkks¿ih¼fg oÆ'kh Roa ns¼o
lksÆeUs æL¼ ; fIÆkÆ; ¼ ÆLeRl¼[kÆkÆ Roa ns¼o lkseÆ fo'os"¼ kka
z a ikFkks¿ihá
nsÆokuak¼ fIÆkzÆ;a ikFkks¿ih¼fg AAÿúAA
U‹ik tvam deva somågne¨ priya≈ påthoíp∂hi
va‹∂ tvam deva somendrasya priya≈ påthoí
p∂hyasmatsakhå tvam deva soma vi‹ve¶å≈
devånå≈ priya≈ påthoíp∂hi.
(Ruler and president of the council), brilliant man
of peace and honour, loving and lovable, be sure you
follow the path of love and greatness shown by the
learned and the wise leaders.
Brilliant man of generosity and grandeur, self-
controlled, be sure you follow the path of love and
greatness shown by the leaders of power and prosperity.
Brilliant man of knowledge and grace, friend of
ours, be sure you follow the path of goodness and virtue
loved by the noblest and the wisest men of the world.
51. (Prajapatis Grihasthas Devata, Devas Rshis)
bÆg jfr¼fjÆg j¼eèofEÆkÆg /`fr¼fjÆg Lo/`¼fRÆkÆ% Lokgk¼ A mÆi&Æ
l`ÉtU/Æ#.ak¼ ekÆ=ks /Æ#.kks¼ ekÆrjaÊ /;¼u~ A jkÆ;Liks"k¼eÆLeklq¼
nh/jÊr~ Lokgk¼ AAÿûAA
Iha ratiriha ramadhvamiha dhætiriha svadhæti¨
svåhå. Upasæjan dharuƒam måtre dharuno
måtaram dhayan. Råyaspo¶amasmåsu d∂dharat
Here in the home is love and joy. Live and rejoice.
Here is constancy and autonomy. Be here with self-
control and self-dependency in truth of word and deed.
Beget a child for the mother, and may the child
sucking the mother, growing up among us, create wealth
and provide nourishment and hold it for us all in truth
of word and action.
52. (Prajapati Devata, Devas Rshis)
lÆ=kL;Æ¿Íf¼¼jÊL;x¼UeÆ T;ksfr¼jÊe`rk¼¿vHkwe A
fno¯ i`fFÆkÆO;k¿vè;k#¼ gkÆekfo¼nke nsÆokURLoÆT;ksfZ r¼% AAÿüAA
Satrasyaí æddhirasyaganma jyotiramætåí
abhμuma. Divam pæthivyåí adhyå ruhåmåvidåma
You are the wealth and abundance of yajna-
session. Let us, through this session of yajna, expand
over the earth and rise above to reach the lights of
heaven and attain to immortality. Let us arise and reach
the regions of space to get super-terrestrial knowledge
and bring the joys of heaven on earth.
53. (Grihapatis Devata, Devas Rshis)
;qÉoa rfe¼UækioZrk iqjksÆ;q/kÆ ;ks u¼% i`rÆU;kniÆ rUrfe¼¼raÆ
otzs ¼.kÆ rUrÆfe¼¼re~ A nwÉjs pÆÙkk;¼ NURlÆn~ xg¼uaÆ ;fnu¼{kr~A
vÆLekoQƧ'k=kwÉu~ ifj¼ 'kwj fOÆkÆ'orks¼ nÆekZ n¼"khZ"V fo'or%¼ A
HkwHkqo z k% izÆtkfHk¼% L;ke lqÉohjk¼ ohÆj%S lqÉiks"kkÆ%
Z Æ% Lo~% lqiÆt
iks"kS¼% AAÿýAA
Yuvam tamindråparvatå puroyudhå yo na¨
pætanyådapa tantamiddhata≈. Vajreƒa
tantamiddhatam. Dμ u re cattåya chantsad
gahana≈ yadinak¶at. Asmåka~m ‹atrμunpari ‹μura
vi‹vato darmå dar¶∂¶¢a vi‹vata¨. Bhμurbhuva¨
sva¨ suprajå¨ prajåbhi¨ syåma suv∂rå v∂rai¨
supo¶å¨ po¶ai¨.
You two, commander and personnel of the forces,
front-line fighters, attacking as lighting and defending
as rock, whosoever attack us with his army, destroy him
with the thunderbolt. And if the enemy force happen to
contact us, arise with force and drive them off. Valiant
hero, all round destroyer of the enemy, eliminate our
enemies totally from the face of the earth. On the earth,
in the sky, in heaven, anywhere, let us be strong in
manpower with brave people, heroic with noble heroes
rich in food, energy and materials, with plenty of good
food, energy and materials. (Let us be well-provided:
justify our existence, defend our self-awareness and
culture, and work for universal happiness.)
54. (Parameshthi Prajapati Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
iÆjÊeÆ"s BÔ¨fHk/h¼r% izÆtkif¼ rokZÆfp O;kâ¼rk;kÆeU/ksÆ¿vPNs¼r%A
lfOÆkÆrk lÆU;ka fOÆkÆ'ooQ¼ ekZ nhÆ{kk;ak¼ iwÉ"kk lks¼eØ
Æ ;.¼ ;ke~AAÿþAA
Parame¶¢hyabhidh∂ta¨ prajåpatirvåci
vyåhætåyåmandhoí accheta¨. Savitå sanyå≈
vi‹vakarmå dik¶åyå≈ pμu¶å somakrayaƒyåm.
(What is the secret of happiness?) Prajapati, father
of His creatures, self-existent in eternal bliss, and self-
revealed in the divine voice of the Veda, worshipped in
meditation, good food honestly and amply obtained,
Savita, creator of life realized in truth, Vishwakarma,
maker of the world and lord giver of science and
technology, at heart, through all our commitments to life
and dedication to duty, and Pusha, giver of health and
vitality thanked in herbal treatment, all this with you,
and happiness is assured.
55. (Indra & others Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
bUæ¼'p eÆ#r¼'p ozÆQ;k;ksÆiksfRÆFÆkÆrks¿lq¼j% iÆ.;ek¼uks fEÆkÆ=k%
ØhÆrks fo".kq¼% f'kfifOÆk"Æ V¿mQÆjkokl¼ÂksÆ fo".kqu
¼ jÆZ fU/"¼ k% AAÿÿAA
Indra‹ca maruta‹ca krayåyopotthitoísura¨
paƒyamåno mitra¨ kr∂to vi¶ƒu¨ ‹ipivi¶¢aí
μuråvåsanno vi¶ƒurnarandhi¶a¨.
(Know the powers of nature, what has been
realized or ought to be realized by learned men) for
practical projects : Electricity, earth power, wind, steam
and cloud so close, magnetic energy that sustains the
worlds together, universal pranic energy, the unifying
universal soul immanent in humans and other creatures
enveloping the whole creation — all to be researched
and realized with reverence, faith, love, and the
investment of mind, energy and money — (powers for
power, and soul for value).
56. (Vishvedeva Grihasthas Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
Æs ek.¼ kÆ% lkse¿Æ vkxr
izká ¼ ksÆ o#.¼ k¿vklÆU|keklÂ
¼ ks¿Æ fXujkXuh/
¼ &Æz
¿bUæks¼ gfOÆkƼkZus¿Fk¼oksZikofßÉ;ek¼.k% AAÿöAA
Prohyamåƒa¨ somaí ågato varuƒaí åsandyå-
måsannoígnirågn∂dhraíindro havirddhåneí-
Conducted by scientific logic, carried through
special experiments, and seated in special cars, Soma,
wealth of energy, power and prosperity, has arrived.
Varuna, mighty water power, is here. Agni, heat energy,
is come in special fuels. Indra, electricity, is here potent
in yajna materials. Atharva, special energy, has arrived.
57. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
fo'os¼ nsÆok¿vƧ'kq"kqÉ U;q~IrksÆ fo".kq¼jkizhrÆik¿vk¼I;kÆÕ;ek¼uks
;Æe% lwÉ;ek¼uksÆ fo".kq%¼ lfEÆHÆkÆ;z ek¼.kks okÆ;%q iwÉ;ek¼u% 'kqÉØ%
iwÉr% A 'kqÉØ% {kh¼jÊJheZÆUFkh l¼DrqÉJh%AAÿ÷AA
Vi‹ve devåí a~m‹u¶u nyupto vi¶ƒuråpr∂tapåí
åpyåyyamåno yama¨ sμ u yamåno vi¶ƒu¨
sambhriyamåƒo våyu¨ pμ u yamåna¨ ‹ukra¨
pμuta¨. ‹ukra¨ k¶∂ra ‹r∂r-manth∂ saktu‹r∂¨.
Learned and wise scholars of the world, the energy
stored in particles and radiated in the sunrays, which is a
preservative power and source of comfort (Vishnu), the
explosion of energy from the sun (Yama), the cosmic
energy being created constantly (Vishnu), the vibrations
of pranic vitality (Vayu), generative particles of matter
and energy (shukra), and the pure seeds of life (shukra),
anyone who explores and analyses these is blest with
the secrets of life’s existence and nourishment.
58. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
fo'os¼ nsÆok'p¼eÆls"kwÂhÆrks¿lqÉgksZekÆ;ks|¼rks #Ææks gwÉ;ek¼uksÆ
¼ ks u`p
okrksÆ¿H;ko`r ¼ ;krks HkÆ{kks HkÆ{;ek.¼ k% fIÆkrÆ jks¼
É {kkÆ% izfr[
ukjk'kƧlk% AAÿøAA
Vi‹ve devå‹camase¶μunn∂toísurhomåyodyato
rudro hμ u yamåno våtoíbhyåvæto næcak¶å¨
pratikhyåto bhak¶o bhak¶yamåƒa¨ pitaro
Learned, wise and generous people of the world,
those who raised the libations in the ladles for the fire
and sent up the fragrance to the clouds, who dedicated
and raised their mind’s energy for sacrifice and service,
who respected and served life as sacred, who spoke in
praise of the divine omnipresence of the all-seeing eye
of the Lord of existence, who enjoyed the soothing touch
of the air around and received the food sanctified by
yajna, they are the noble and brilliant ‘devas’, learned
and parental seniors, and reverential friends of humanity.
59. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
lÆÂ% flU/q¼joHk`ÉFkk;ks|¼r% leqÉæks~¿H;ofßÉ;ek.k% lfYÆky Æ %
izIyq¼rksÆ ;;ksÆjkst¼lk LdfHÆkÆrk jtk¼¦fl ohÆ;sZ~fHkohZÆjr¼ekÆ
'kfo¼"Bk A ;k iR;sr ¼ sÆ¿ viz¼rhrkÆ lgks¼fHÆkÆ£o".kw¼¿vxÆUo#¼ .kk
iwÉoZgw¼rkS AAÿùAA
Sanna¨ sindhuravabhæthåyodyata¨ samudroí-
bhyavahriyamåƒa¨ salila¨ prapluto yayorojaså
skabhitå rajå~nsi v∂ryebhirv∂ratamå ‹avi¶¢hå. Yå
patyeteí aprat∂tå sahobhirvi¶ƒμuíaganvaruƒå
Hosts and participants of yajna who dig, design
and construct canals for sacramental bath, who launch
upon the sea for voyaging, who fill the sky with yajna
vapour, who stabilize people and their regions with their
power and lustre, who are most heroic with exploits of
their superior prowess, who are men of constancy and
forbearance, who are unostentatiously social and
universally friendly : these venerables are invited and
welcomed by people. Meet them. Those who do so are
happy and fortunate.
60. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
nsÆoku~ fno¼exU;ÆKLrrks¼ ekÆ æfo¼.ke"Vq euq"É ;k~uÆUr&
fj¼{kexU;ÆKLrrks¼ ekÆ æfo¼.ke"Vq fIÆkÆr¤u~ i`¼fFÆkÆohe¼xU;ÆKLrrks¼
ekÆ æfo.¼ ke"VqÉ ;a oaQ p¼ yksÆdexU¼ ;ÆKLrrks¼ es HkÆæe¼HkwrA~ AöúAA
Devån divamagan yaj¤astato må draviƒama¶¢u
manu¶yånantarik¶amaganyaj¤astato må
draviƒama¶¢u pit¿n pæthiv∂maganyaj¤astato må
draviƒama¶¢u ya≈ ka≈ ca lokamagan yaj¤astato
me bhadramabhμut.
Yajna rises to the heights of heaven and reaches
the ‘devas’, the powers of light, and may I, from there,
receive the light and wealth of knowledge.
Yajna rises to middle regions of the clouds and
reaches humanity, and may I, from there, receive the
gifts of material wealth.
Yajna goes over across the earth and the seasons
of nature through the year and reaches the senior and
fatherly people, and may I, from there, receive the
comforts of the seasons and the blessings of the seniors.
Whichever region yajna reaches, from there, I
pray, I may receive the gifts of the true, the good and
the beautiful.
61. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
¼ ksÆ ;s for¼ fRÆUÆkÆjs ;¿bÆea ;ÆK¦LoÆ/;kÆ nn¼UrsA
rs"kak¼ fNƧlEosÆrí¼/kfEÆkÆ Lokgk¼ ?kÆeks¿Z vI;s¼rq nsÆoku~ AAöûAA
Catustri~ m ‹attantavo ye vitatnire yaí ima≈
yaj¤a≈ svadhayå dadante. Te¶å≈ chinna~m
samvetaddadhåmi svåhå gharmoí apyetu devån.
Thirty four fibres (eight Vasus, eleven Rudras,
twelve Adityas, Indra, Prajapati and Nature) join, weave
and extend this yajnic web of creation, and feed it with
materials. And where nature leaves off, there, surely, I
take it on with the truth of word and action. And, I pray,
this yajna reach the devas, the learned and the wise.
62. (Yajna Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
;ÆKL;Æ nksgksÆ for¼r% iq#Æ=kk lks¿v¼"VÆ/k fno¼eÆUokr¼rku A
l ;¼K /q{oÆ efg¼ es izÆtk;k¼¦jkÆ;Liks"kaÆ fo'oÆek;q¼j'kh;Æ
Lokgk¼ AAöüAA
Yaj¤asya doho vitata¨ purutrå soí a¶¢adhå
divamanvåtatåna. Sa yaj¤a dhuk¶va mahi me
prajåyå~m råyaspo¶a≈ vi‹vamåyura‹∂ya svåhå.
The gifts of yajna spread out in many ways. They
expand in all the eight directions and reach the heights
of heaven.
That same yajna may bless my people with great
wealth and nourishments. And may I, with sacred speech
and good acts of Dharma, enjoy the blessing of a full and
happy life.
63. (Yajna Devata, Kashyapa °Rshi)
vk i¼oLoÆ fgj¼.;oÆn'o¼oRlkse ohÆjo¼r~ A
oktaÆ xkse¼UrÆekHk¼jÊ Lokgk¼ AAöýAA
Å pavasva hiraƒyavada‹vavatsoma v∂ravat.
Våja≈ gomantamåbhara svåhå.
Soma, man desirous of the honour and joy of life,
man of gold, speed and brave heroes, dedicate yourself
to yajna, treasure-home of universal nourishment, cows
and self-control over mind and senses. Cleanse yourself,
cleanse the environment, and enrich the world.

bfr v"Veks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Savita Devata, Indra & Brihaspati Rshis)

nso¼ lforÆ% izlq¼o ;ÆKa izl¼qo ;ÆKi¼¯RÆkÆ Hkxk¼; A fnÆO;ks

x¼U/ÆoZ% os ¼QrÆiw% osQRa k¼ u% iqukrq oÆkp
Æ LifRÆkÆokZTak¼ u% LonrqÉ
Lokgk¼ AAûAA
Deva savita¨ prasuva yaj¤a≈ prasuva yaj¤a-
pati≈ bhagåya. Divyo gandharva¨ ketapμu¨
keta≈ na¨. punåtu våcaspatirvåja≈ na¨ svadatu
Deva Savita, lord of life, light the yajna (of Raj
Dharma), consecrate and promote yajna, inspire,
consecrate and promote the yajnapati (ruler of the land)
for honour and prosperity. Brilliant sustainer of the earth,
lord of the divine voice, purifier of intelligence, purify
and inspire our intelligence with the divine voice of Veda.
Generous purifier of food, purify and consecrate our
yajnic food and taste it with favour and pleasure.
2. (Indra Devata, Brihaspati °Rshi)
q Æln¯ Rok u`"É kn¯ eu%ln¼ei
/zÉo ¼ hrksÆ¿lhUæk¼; RokÆ tq"V¯
q ;kÆex`g
x`ÊkE;sÆ"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk¼; RokÆ tq"V¼ree~ A vÆIlqÉ"kn¯ Rok
?k`rlÆ n¯ O;kseÆlne ¼ i ¼ hrksÆ¿lhUæk;
q ;kÆex`g ¼ RokÆ tq"V¯ x`ÊkE;s"k
rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk¼; RokÆ tq"V¼ree~ i`ÉfFÆkÆfOÆkÆln¯ Rok¿Urfj{ÆkÆln¯
fnfOÆklÆ n¯ nsol Æ n¯ ukdÆlne ¼ i
q ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿Æ lhUæk¼; RokÆ tq"V¯
x`ÊkE;sÆ"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk¼; RokÆ tq"V¼ree~ AAüAA
Dhruvasada≈ två næ¶ada≈ mana¨sadam-
upayåmagæh∂toís∂ndråya två ju¶¢a≈ gæhƒåmye-
¶a te yonirindråya två ju¶¢atamam. Apsu¶ada≈
två ghætasada≈ vyomasadam-upayåmagæh∂toí-
s∂ndråya två ju¶¢a≈ gæhƒåmye¶a te yanirindråya
två ju¶¢atamam. Pæthivisada≈ tvåíntarik¶a-
sada≈ divisada≈ devasada≈ nåkasadam-
upayåmagæh∂toí s∂ndråya två ju¶¢a≈ gæhƒamye-
¶a te yonirindråya två ju¶¢atamam.
Ruler of the land, firmly settled (with knowledge,
humility, yoga and Dharma) among the people, in their
heart and awareness, you are accepted and consecrated
in the rules and discipline of the state for the honour
and prosperity of the people. Loved and thus accepted,
I accept and elect you. This office now is your very life
and purpose. Most highly loved and respected, you are
now dedicated to Indra, honour and prosperity of the
Ruler of the country, saddled with the
management of water, food (milk, ghee and other
nourishments), and aviation, you are accepted by the
people by virtue of your discipline and respect for law
and constitution of the nation for the defence and honour
of the people. Loved and respected thus, I accept and
elect you. This office now is your very life and existence.
Most highly loved and respected, you are now
committed to the honour and glory of the nation.
President of the nations of the world, committed
as you are to the earth and its environment, to the skies,
to exploration of space, powers of nature and the brilliant
people, and the freedom and happiness of humanity,
you are accepted and consecrated by the people of the
world in the universal Dharma and nation’s law for
absolute freedom and prosperity of the people of the
world. Accepted, loved and respected thus, I accept and
elect you. This office and its Dharma now is the very
meaning and purpose of your existence. Most highly
loved, respected and elected, we commit and dedicate
you to the honour and prosperity of humanity and to
the glory of the Lord of the universe.
3. (Indra Devata, Brihaspati °Rshi)
vÆik¦jlÆeq}¼;lƧlw;sZÆ lUr¼§lÆekfg¼re~ A vÆik¦jl¼L;Æ
;ks jlÆLra oks¼ x`ÊkÉE;qÙkÆeeq¼i;kÆex`¼ghrksÆ¿lhUæk¼; RokÆ tq"V¯
x`ÊkE;sÆ"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk¼; RokÆ tq"V¼ree~ AAýAA
Apå`m rasamudvayasa~m sμurye santa~m samå-
hitam. Apå`m rasasya yo rasasta≈ vo gæhƒå-
myuttamamupayåmagæh∂toís∂ndråya två ju¶¢a≈
gæhƒåmye¶a te yonirindråya två ju¶¢atamam.
For the sake of Indra, lord of glory, and for you,
I take the life-giving essence of the waters (juices)
collected and ripened in the sun. And I take the finest
essence of the essences of waters and hold the
quintessence of vitality for the glow of health and life.
By virtue of your discipline and values and the
means at your command, you are accepted and
consecrated for the sake of honour and prosperity of
the nation. Loved and respected as you are, I accept
and elect you. This choice and consecration is now your
haven and home. Most loved and respected, you are
now committed and dedicated to the glory of Indra and
his people.
4. (Raja, Rajadharma Devata, Brihaspati °Rshi)
xzgk¿¼ mQtkZgr ¼ eÆfre~ A rs"kkaÆ fof'k¼fiz;k.kka
q ;ksÆ O;UrksÆ foizk;
oksÆ¿gfe"kÆewtZƧle¼xzHkeqi;kÆex`¼ghrksÆ¿lhUæk¼; RokÆ tq"V¯
x`ÊkE;sÆ"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjUæk¼; RokÆ tq"V¼ree~ A lÆEi`pkS¼ LFkÆ% la
ek¼ HkÆæs.k¼ i`ƒa fOÆkÆi`pkS¼ LFkksÆ fo ek¼ ikÆIeuk¼ i`ƒe~ AAþAA
Grahåí uμ rjåhutayo vyanto vipråya matim. Te¶å≈
vi‹ipriyåƒå≈ voíhami¶amμurja~m samagrabham
upayåmagæhitoís∂ndråya två ju¶¢a≈ gæhƒåmye-
¶a te yonirindråya två ju¶¢atamam. Sampæcau
stha¨ sa≈ ma bhadreƒa pæΔkta≈ vipæcau stho
vi må påpmanå pæΔktam.
Men and women of the land, who have collected
strength and energy from yajna-ahutis and knowledge
from the Vedas, communicate with the intelligent and
the inspired people and share with them the common
wisdom. For you and the dear members of their
community, I have procured ample food and energy.
With means and materials for the nation, you are
accepted and consecrated in the laws and values of the
nation for the honour and prosperity of the people.
Loved of the people and favourite of the Lord as you
are, I accept and elect you. This nation and this choice
now is your haven and home. Most loved and honoured,
you are now totally committed and dedicated to Indra,
lord of the people, the land and the world.
Ruler and the people, remain united for good
work. Join me to goodness and prosperity. Stay away
from evil, both of you. Keep us away from the evil-
5. (Savita Devata, Brihaspati °Rshi)
bUæ¼L;Æ oTkzks¼¿fl oktÆlkLRo;kÆ¿;a okt¼§lsr~ A okt¼L;Æ uq
izlÆos ekÆrj¯ eÆghefn¼¯r ukeÆ op¼lk djkegs A ;L;k¼fEÆkÆna
fo'oaÆ Hkqo¼uekfOÆkÆos'kÆ rL;ak¼ uks nsÆo% l¼fOÆkÆrk /eZ×
lkfo"kr~ AAÿAA
Indrasya vajroísi våjasåstvayåíya≈ våjå~m set.
Våjasya nu prasave måtara≈ mah∂maditi≈
nåma vacaså karåmahe. Yasyåmida≈ vi‹va≈
bhuvanamåvive‹a tasyåm no deva¨ savitå
dharma såvi¶at.
You are the thunder-bolt of lightning for the enemy.
This man, the commander/ruler would plan and win the
battle with you, the thunderous hero. In the business of
the battle we sing songs of praise, in noble words, in
honour of the mother, the great earth, one and indivisible.
On the earth where this whole world finds its haven and
home, on that same earth, we pray, Lord Savita, creator
of the world, may establish the rule of universal Dharma
for us.
6. (Ashva Devata, Brihaspati °Rshi)
vÆILo¨UrjÊer ¼ IÆ lq Hks"¼ kÆteÆikeqÉr iz'kf¼ LÆRkÆ Æ"o'okÆ Hko¼r okÆftu%¼ A
` e
nsoh¼jkiksÆ ;ks o¼¿mQÆ£e% izrw¼£r% dÆoqQUek¼UoktÆlkLrsukÆ;a
okt¼§lsr~ AAöAA
Apsvantaramætamapsu bhe¶ajamapåmuta
pra‹asti¶va‹vå bhavata våjina¨. Dev∂råpo yo vaí
μurmi¨ pratμurti¨ kakunmån våjasåstenåyam
våja~m set.
There is nectar in the waters, there is vitality of
health and longevity in the pranas. There is magical drug
power in the waters, top efficacy by which horses
become coursers flying like feathered arrows. Sacred
waters, may this man, ruler of the land, by virtue of
your fertile waves, moving fast and lofty, provide the
land and people with wanted food and energy. Men and
women of the land, with your power and prowess, fast,
lofty and tempestuous like the waves of the sea, with
the vitality of your pranic energy, and the fertility and
efficacy of the waters, be fast, passionate and ambitious
for the honour and progress of the land in war and peace
7. (Senapati Devata, Brihaspati °Rshi)
okrks¼ okÆ euks¼ ok xU/ÆokZ% lÆIrfo¼§'kfr% A
rs¿vxzs¿'o¼e;q×t¡ÆLrs¿v¼fLeu~ tÆoekn¼/q% AA÷AA
Våto vå mano vå gandharvå¨ saptavi~m‹ati¨. Teí
agreí ‹vamayu¤ja~msteí asmi¤ javamådadhu¨.
Twenty-seven gandharvas (universal wind, the
mind and five main pranas, five subpranas, five organs
of sense, five organs of volition, and five subtle
elements) these possess and operate with speed in nature.
May these bless this man, commander of the forces,
with speed.
8. (Prajapati Devata, Brihaspati °Rshi)
okr¼j§gk Hko okftu~ ;q ÉT;ek¼uÆ¿bUæ¼L;soÆ nf{k¼.k%
füÆkÆ;Sf/¼ A ;qÉ×tUrq¼ Rok eÆ#rks¼ fOÆkÆ'oos¼nlÆ¿vk rsÆ Ro"Vk¼
iÆRlq tÆoa n¼/krq AAøAA
Våtara~mhå bhava våjinyujyamånaíindrasyeva
dak¶iƒa¨ ‹riyaidhi. Yu¤jantu två maruto
vi‹vavedasaí å te tva¶¢å patsu java≈ dadhåtu.
Ruler, swift in response and action, be as fast as
the speed of wind, be efficient and expert, concentrative
in the service of the nation, move and achieve honour
and glory as that of Indra, lord of the world. May the
Maruts, universal winds (men of encyclopaedic
knowledge), and Twashta, lord of refinement and
sophistication (the specialist) inspire your feet with
instant speed of motion.
9. (Vira Devata, Brihaspati °Rshi)
tÆoks ;Lrs¼ okftÆfÂfg¼rksÆ xqgkÆ ;% ';sÆus ijh¼ÙkÆksÆ¿vp¼jPpÆ
okrs¼ A rsu¼ uks okftÆu~ cy¼okÆu~ cys¼u oktÆftPpÆ HkoÆ
le¼us p ikjfÕÆk"Æ .kq% A okftu¼ ks oktftrksÆ okt¼§lfjÆ";UrksÆ
c`gÆLirs¼HkkZÆxeo¼ft?kzr AAùAA
Javo yaste våjinnihito guhå ya¨ ‹yene par∂ttoí
acaracca våte. Tena no våjin balavån balena
våjajicca bhava samane ca pårayi¶ƒu¨. Våjino
våjajito våja ` m sari¶yanto bæhaspater-
Man of power and speed (Vajin), man of
knowledge and ruler of the land, the speed and passion
that’s deep in your heart, that’s entered in the wings of
the eagle and in the velocity of the wind, by that speed
and passion, man of power and prowess, be the victor
of battles, and through fight and struggle, cross the
sufferings of life and the land.
Warriors of the land, fighting and doing your duty
in the service of the protector of a great people, winning
battles and achieving plenty and prosperity, taste the
fragrance of the sweets of life.
10. (Indra and Brihaspati Devate, Brihaspati °Rshi)
nsÆoL;kÆg§l¼fOÆkÆrq% lÆos lÆR;l¼olksÆ c`gÆLirs¼#ÙkÆea uko¼Q§
#gs;e~A nsÆoL;kÆg§l¼fOÆkÆrq% lÆos lÆR;l¼oÆl¿bUæ¼L;ksÙkÆea
uko¼Q§#gs;e~ A nsÆoL;kÆg§l¼fOÆkÆrq% lÆos lÆR;iz¼lolksÆ
c`gÆLirs¼#ÙkÆea uko¼Qe#ge~ A nsÆoL;kÆg§l¼fOÆkÆrq% lÆos
lÆR;iz¼lolÆ¿bUæ¼L;ksÙkÆea uko¼Qe#ge~ AAûúAA
Devasyåha~ m savitu¨ save satyasavaso
bæhaspateruttama≈ nåka~ m ruheyam.
Devasyåha~m savitu¨ save satyasavasaíindra-
syottama≈ nåka ` m ruheyam. Devasyåha ` m
savitu¨ save satyaprasavaso bæhaspateruttama≈
nåkamaruham. Devasyåha~ m savitu¨ save
satyaprasavasaí indrasyottama≈ nåkama-
In this yajnic creation of glorious Savita, Lord of
light and life, may I ascend to the highest heaven of
freedom, knowledge and divine realization by the grace
of Brihaspati, great and inviolable lord of truth and
In this yajnic creation of glorious Savita, Lord of
light and life, may I ascend to the highest heaven of
freedom, justice and prosperity by the grace of Indra,
inexorable lord of truth, justice and magnificence.
In this yajnic creation of glorious Savita, Lord of
light and life, I have risen to the highest realization of
freedom, knowledge and divine presence by the grace
of Brihaspati, great and generous lord promoter of truth
and existence.
In this yajnic creation of glorious Savita, Lord of
light and life, I have risen to the highest realization of
freedom, justice and prosperity by the grace of Indra,
generous and unfailing Lord promoter of truth, justice
and magnificence.
11. (Indra and Brihaspati Devate, Brihaspati °Rshi)
c`g¼LirsÆ okt¯ t;Æ c`gÆLir¼;sÆ okp¯ onrÆ c`gÆLi¯RÆkÆ
okt¯ tki;r A bUæÆ okt¯ tÆ;sUæk¼;Æ okp¯ onÆrsUæaÆ okt¯
tki;r AAûûAA
Bæhaspate våja≈ jaya bæhaspataye våca≈
vadata bæhaspati≈ våja≈ jåpayata. Indra våja≈
jayendråya våca≈ vadatendra≈ våja≈ jåpayata.
Brihaspati, leader and master of knowledge and
enlightenment, fight and win the battle for knowledge
and education. Teachers and scholars, proclaim, speak
and teach the language of knowledge for the ruler, and
help him to fight and win the battle.
Indra, ruler, leader and admirer of knowledge and
enlightenment, fight the battle against ignorance.
Scholars and teachers, proclaim, speak and teach the
language of enlightenment for the ruler and make him
win the battle for education.
12. (Indra and Brihaspati Devate, Brihaspati °Rshi)
,É"kk oÆ% lk lÆR;k laoÆ kxH¼ kwÉ|;kÆ c`gÆLi¯RÆkÆ oktÆetht
¼ iÆrkth&¼
tirÆ c`gÆLi¯RÆkÆ oktaÆ ou¼Lir;ksÆ foeq¼P;èoe~ A ,É"kk oÆ%
lk lÆR;k laÆokx¼HkwÉ|;sUæaÆ oktÆeth¼tiÆrkth¼tiÆrsUæaÆ oktaÆ
ou¼Lir;ksÆ foeq¼P;èoe~ AAûüAA
E¶å va¨ så satyå sa≈vågabhμudyayå bæhaspati≈
våjamaj∂japatåj∂japata bæhaspati≈ våja≈
vanaspatayo vimucyadhvam. E¶å va¨ så satyå
sa≈vågabhμudyayendra≈ våjamaj∂japatåj∂ja-
patendra≈ våja≈ vanaspatayo vimucyadhvam.
Men bright as sunbeams, this national language
of yours should be true, good, common and one by
which Brihaspati, ruler of the great land and leader of
education and enlightenment may win the battle of unity
and education. Men of plenty and abundance, cooperate
and help Brihaspati win the battle and free the nation
from ignorance, disunity and suffering.
Men bright as sunbeams, the language of yours
should be true, good, common and one by which Indra,
lord of national glory, may win his battle. Men of plenty
and abundance, cooperate and help Indra win the battle
and free the nation from ignorance and suffering.
13. (Savita Devata, Brihaspati °Rshi)
Æ %q lÆos lÆR;iz¼lolksÆ c`gÆLirs¼okZtÆftrksÆ okt¯
ts"ke~ A okft¼uks oktftÆrks¿èo¼u LdHuqÉoUrksÆ ;kst¼ukÆ
feek¼ukÆ% dk"Bak¼ xPNr AAûýAA
Devasyåha~ m savitu¨ save satyaprasavaso
bæhaspatervåjajito våja≈ je¶am. Våjino våjajitoí-
dhvana skabhnuvanto yojanå mimånå¨ k嶢hå≈
In the world, the cosmic yajna of Savita, Lord of
light and life, the great lord creator and promoter of
truth, Brihaspati, victor of wars I wish and pray I may
win the battles of life.
Great warriors, winners of battles, stem the routes
of the enemy’s advance, and, crossing leagues of virgin
territory, spread over the directions.
14. (Brihaspati Devata, Dadhikrava °Rshi)
,É"k L; okÆth f{k¼iƯ.k rqj¼ .;fr xzho
Æ k;ak¼ cƼks¿v¼fidÆ{k¿&
vkÆlfu¼ A Ørq¯ nfèÆkÆØk¿vuq¼ lƧlfu¼";nRiÆFkkeVkÉ ¦ É
L;UokÆiuh¼iQ.kÆr~ Lokgk¼ AAûþAA
E¶a sya våj∂ k¶ipaƒim turaƒyati gr∂våyå≈
baddhoí apikak¶aí åsani. Kratu≈ dadhikråí anu
Just as that horse, tied neck, flanks and mouth,
still galloping past the distance-marks and hurdles on
its course, carries the rider to the battle, similarly this
warrior, in spite of all the hurdles in his path, passionate
and impetuous in the business (yajna) of battle,
commands his soldiers in the sacred voice of truth, to
pounce upon the enemy.
15. (Brihaspati Devata, Dadhikrava °Rshi)
mÆr Lek¼L;Æ æo¼rLrqj.;Ær% iÆ.k± u osjuq¼okfr izxÆ£/u¼% A
';sÆuL;s¼oÆ /zt¼rks¿vVl
É a ifj¼ nfèÆkØ
Æ kO.k¼% lÆgkstkZ rfj¼=krÆ%
Lokgk¼ AAûÿAA
Uta småsya dravatasturaƒyata¨ parƒam na
veranuvåti pragardhina¨. ›yenasyeva dhrajatoí
aΔkasa≈ pari dadhikråvƒa¨ sahorjå taritrata¨
The warrior who, like a bird on the wing, eager,
hastening, pressing on, sweeping, and pouncing upon
its prey like an eagle, presses on the flanks of his flying
horse, and sweeping on and closing upon the enemy,
exhorts his cohorts with passion in the true voice, wins
the battle.
16. (Brihaspati Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
'kÂks¼ HkoUrq okÆftuksÆ gos¼"kq nsÆork¼rk fEÆkÆræ¼o% LoÆdkZ% A
¼ fLÆkÆ lusE¼ ;ÆLe|q;
tÆEHk;ÆUrks¿¯gÆ o`d§Æ j{kk¦ ¼ ÆoÂ
Æ keh¼ok% AAûöAA
›anno bhavantu våjino have¶u devatåtå
mitadrava¨ svarkå¨. Jambhayantoíhi≈ vækamí
rak¶å~msi sanemyasmadyuyavannåm∂vå¨.
Passionate but controlled, brilliant, esteemed and
well-maintained warriors with their horses, swift in
action, seizing by the neck the serpents, wolves and
demons of the society, be good and auspicious to us,
saving us from social pollution and giving us lasting
peace and security in the noble men’s yajnas and battles
of life for development and progress.
17. (Brihaspati Devata, Nabhanedishtha °Rshi)
rs uksÆ¿voZ×Urks gouÆJqrksÆ goaÆ fo'os¼ Ük`.oUrq okÆftuks¼
fEÆkr ¼ %A lÆgÆÏl
Æ æo Æ lk¼rk lfUÆkÆ";oks¼ egks ;s /u§¼ lfEÆkÆFks"kq¼
Æ k es/
tfHÆkzÆjs AAû÷AA
Te noíarvanto havana‹ruto hava≈ vi‹ve
‹æƒvantu våjino mitadrava¨. Sahasraså
medhasåtå sani¶yavo maho ye dhana~ m
samithe¶u jabhrire.
Men of knowledge, wisdom and vision, dynamic
and self-disciplined, expert men of a thousand themes
and subjects, who have heard and meditated on the
shastras, who deserve,desire, offer and receive their
share in the national yajna, may all listen to our
suggestions and prayers in national projects and may
promote and maintain our great wealth and honour.
18. (Brihaspati Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
okts¼okts¿or okftuks uksÆ /us¼"kq foizk¿ve`rk¿ÍrKk% A
vÆL; eèo¼% ficr ekÆn;¼èoa r`ÉIrk ;k¼r iÆfFkfHk¼nsZo&Æ
;kuS¼% AAûøAA
Våje-våjeí vata våjino no dhane¶u vipråí amætåí
ætaj¤å¨. Asya madhva¨ pibata mådayadhva≈
tæptå yåta pathibhirdevayånai¨.
Heroes of the land, defend us in battle after battle.
Men of virtue and wisdom, free and immortal in nature
and character, visionaries of eternal truth and universal
law, protect and promote us in our wealth and honour,
drink of the nectar sweets of this life to your heart’s
content, rejoice, and, by the paths of the noble and the
great men of the world, go forward.
19. (Prajapati Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
vk ekÆ okt¼L; izlo ¼ E;kÆne
Æ ks tx s s |kok¼if` FÆkÆoh fOÆkÆ'o:¼ isA
vk ek¼ xUrka fIÆkÆrjk¼ ekÆrjkÆ pk ekÆ lkseks¼¿ve`rÆÙosu¼
xE;kr~ A okft¼uks oktftrksÆ okt¼§ll`Éok¦lksÆ c`gÆLirs¼&
HkkZÆxeo¼ft?kzr fue`tkÆuk% AAûùAA
Å må våjasya prasavo jagamyådeme dyåvå-
pæthiv∂ vi‹varμupe. Å må gantå≈ pitarå måtarå
cå må somoí amætattvena gamyåt. Våjino
våjajito våja~m sasævå~nso bæhaspaterbhågama-
vajighrata nimæjånå¨.
May the knowledge of the Vedas and shastras
come to me. May the knowledge and wealth of the
boundless forms of earth and heaven come to me. May
the fatherly and motherly seniors bless me. May the
secrets of soma herb with the gift of health and longevity
open to me. Heroes of the land, victors of wars, tempered
and purified, fight the battles and do your part of service
and honour to Prajapati, great lord and guardian spirit
of this earth.
20. (Prajapati Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
vkÆi;sÆ Lokgk¼ LokÆi;sÆ Lokgk¼fIÆkÆtk;Æ LokgkÆ Ør¼osÆ LokgkÆ
ol¼osÆ Lokgk¼¿gÆiZr¼;s LokgkÉs¼ eqÉX/k;Æ Lokgk¼ eqÉX/k;¼
oSu§f'ÆkÆuk;Æ Lokgk¼ fouƧf'ku¼¿vkUR;k;Æuk;Æ Lokgk¿¿&
UR;k¼; HkkSoÆuk;Æ LokgkÆ Hkqo¼uL;Æ ir¼;sÆ Lokgk¿f/¼ir;sÆ
Lokgk¼ AAüúAA
Åpaye svåhå svåpaye svåhåípijåya svåhå
kratave svåhå vasave svåhåíharpataye svåhåí-
hne mugdhåya svåhå mugdhåya vaina~m‹inåya
svåhå vina~m‹inaí åntyåyanåya svåhåîntyåya
bhauvanåya svåhå bhuvanasya pataye svåhåí-
dhipataye svåhå.
For comprehensive knowledge, honest work; for
universal happiness, virtuous action ; for sure success,
relentless effort; for creative intelligence, ceaseless
study; for the expression of knowledge, living language;
for lord of the day, sun, astronomy; for the glorious
dawn of the day, science; for the self-deluded fool, words
of warning; for the self-destructive mean, reformative
advice; for the earthly born eternal soul, vision of reality;
for vision of the Lord of the universe, divine intelligence;
for honour to the President, language and manners of
21. (Yajna Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
vk;q¼;ZÆKsu¼ dYirka izkÆ.kks ;ÆKsu¼ dYirkaÆ p{kq¼;ZÆKsu¼
dYirkƦJks=ak¼ ;ÆKsu¼ dYirka i`É"Ba ;ÆKsu¼ dYirka ;ÆKks
s ¼ dYirke~ A izÆtki¼rs% izÆtk¿v¼HkweÆ Lo~nsZok¿vxUekÆ&
e`rk¼¿vHkwe AAüûAA
Åyuryaj¤ena kalpatå≈ pråƒo yaj¤ena kalpatå≈-
cak¶uryaj¤ena kalpatå~ m ‹rotra≈ yaj¤ena
kalpatå≈ pr¶¢ha≈ yaj¤ena kalpatåm yaj¤o
yaj¤ena kalpatåm. Prajåpate¨ prajåí abhμuma
svardevåí aganmåmætåíabhμuma.
May your life grow strong and stable by yajna,
obedience to Ishwara; may your vitality grow stronger
by yajna, pursuit of knowledge; may your eye grow in
vision by yajna, right seeing; may your ear grow in
hearing by yajna, hearing the sacred voice; may your
faculty of enquiry grow efficient by yajna, mutual
dialogue; may your yajna — reverence, society and
charity — grow by yajna, performance in action.
May we continue to be the children of Prajapati,
father of humanity (and of the ruler of the nation). May
we become noble and virtuous and attain eternal
freedom, happiness and immortality.
22. (Dishah Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
vÆLes oks¼¿vfLRofUÆæÆ;eÆLes u`ÉE.keqÉr Ørq¼jÊLes opZk¼¦fl
lUrq o% A ueks¼ ekÆ=ks i`¼fFÆkÆO;S ueks¼ ekÆ=ks i`¼fFÆkÆO;k¿bÆ;a rsÆ
jkMÔÆUrkfLÆkÆ ;e¼uks /zqÉoks~¿fl /Æ#.k¼% A ÑÉ";S RokÆ {ksek¼;
Rok jÊÕ;S RokÆ iks"kk¼; Rok AAüüAA
Asme voí astvindriyamasme næmƒamuta kratu-
rasme varcåΔsi santu va¨. Namo måtre pæthivyai
namo måtre pæthivyåí iyam te råŒyantåsi
yamano dhruvoísi dharuƒa¨. Kæ¶yai två
k¶emåya två rayyai två po¶åya två.
May our mind and perception, power and force,
be for you and yours for us; all our wealth, thought and
action, brilliance and achievement be yours, and yours
for us. Reverence to the mother earth. The wealth and
glory of the earth is yours for the mother. You are for
the mother, for farming, for protection and growth, for
production of wealth, for health and nourishment. You
are the leader, disciplined controller, firm and constant,
support of all, for the mother.
23. (Prajapati Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
okt¼L;sÆea iz¼lÆo% lq¼"kqÉos¿xzÆs lkseƧjktk¼uÆeks"k¼/h"oÆIlq A
rk¿vÆLeH;aÆ e/qe ¼ rhHkZoUrq oÆ;§jkÆ"Vªs tk¼x`;ke iqÉjksfg¼rkÆ%
Lokgk¼ AAüýAA
Våjasyema≈ prasava¨ su¶uveígre soma ` m
råjånamo¶aŒh∂¶vapsu. Tåí asmabhya≈
madhumat∂rbhavantu vaya~m r嶢re jågæyåma
purohitå¨ svåhå.
This illustrious creator of the food of yajna, the
Sun, first generated the shining soma, vitality, in the
herbs and waters. May these waters and herbs be honey-
sweet invigorating for us and we remain wakeful and
watchful in the front ranks of the realm with noble
speech and virtuous acts.
24. (Prajapati Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
okt¼L;sÆeka iz¼lÆo% f'k¼fJ;sÆ fno¼fEÆkÆek pÆ fo'okÆ Hkqo¼ukfu
lÆezkV~ A vfn¼RlUra nki;fr iztkÆuURl uks¼ jÊf;§loZ×ohjaÊ
fu;¼PNrqÉ Lokgk¼ AAüþAA
Våjasyemå≈ prasava¨ ‹i‹riye divamimå ca vi‹vå
bhuvanåni samrå¢. Aditsanta≈ dåpayati
prajånantsa no rayi`m sarvav∂ra≈ niyacchatu
The illustrious generator of the food of yajna fills
the heavens and all the regions of the world with light
and therein abides. That glorious lord/ruler, knowing
well the evaders of oblations/taxes, makes them give/
pay their share of the yajna/social yajna of the land.
25. (Prajapati Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
okt¼L;Æ uq iz¼lÆo vkc¼HkwosÆek pÆ fo'okÆ Hkqo¼ukfu lÆoZr¼%A
lus¼fEÆkÆ jktkÆ ifj¼;kfr fOÆkÆ}ku~ izÆtka iq¯"V¼ oÆ/;
Z ¼ekuks¿vÆLes
Lokgk¼ AAüÿAA
Våjasya nu prasava å babhμuvemå ca vi‹vå
bhuvanåni sarvata¨. Sanemi råjå pariyåti vidvån
prajå≈ pu¶¢i≈ vardhayamånoíasme svåhå.
The illustrious creator of the food of yajna pervades
all the regions of the world/land wholly and from all sides.
That lord/ruler, master of eternal knowledge, increasing
and promoting the material wealth and human resources
(people) of the nation provides total protection all round.
26. (Soma, Agni, Aditya, Vishnu, Surya, Brihaspati Devata,
Tapasa °Rshi)
lkseƧjktk¼uÆeo¼lsÆ¿fXueÆUokj¼Hkkegs A
vkÆfnÆR;kfUo".kqɧlw;± × czÆãk.ak¼ pÆ c`gÆLifRÆkƧLokgk¼ AAüöAA
Soma~m råjånamavaseí gnimanvårabhåmahe.
Ådityånvi¶ƒu ` m sμ u rya≈ brahmåƒa≈ ca
bæhaspati~m svåhå.
Let us, in truth of word and deed, follow the ruler,
man of auspicious virtue, sun-like brilliant scholar of
the Vedas, guardian of the noble seniors of wisdom,
and aditya-brahmacharis of 48 years, and, by the grace
of Vishnu, omnipresent lord of the world, let us begin
the action.
27. (Aryama & Others Devata, Tapasa °Rshi)
vÆ;ZÆe.kaÆ c`gÆLifRÆkÆfeUæaÆ nkuk¼; pksn; A
okpaÆ fo".kqɧlj¼Lorh¦lfOÆkÆrkj¯ p okÆftuƧLokgk¼ AAü÷AA
Aryamaƒa≈ bæhaspatimindra≈ dånåya codaya.
Våca≈ vi¶ƒu`m sarasvat∂`m savitåra≈ ca våjinam
O ruler, for the sake of growth with creative
contribution to life and happiness (dana), in truth of
word and deed, and as a matter of principle and policy:
protect, promote and exhort Aryama, the man of justice,
Brihaspati, the man of knowledge, and Indra, the man
of honour and prowess. Protect and promote the study
of sacred literature and language of knowledge. Advance
the man of universal honour and recognition (Vishnu).
Protect and promote women of knowledge and vision
(Saraswati). Honour the brilliant man of light and
creativity (Savita), and recognize and encourage the man
of instant response and swooping action (vajin).
28. (Agni Devata, Tapasa °Rshi)
vXusÆ¿vPNk¼ onsÆg uÆ% izfr¼ u% lqÉeuk¼ Hko A
iz uks¼ ;PN lgÏftÆr~ Ro§fg /¼uÆnk¿vfLÆkÆ Lokgk¼ AAüøAA
Agneíacchå vadeha na¨ prati na¨ sumanå
bhava. Pra no yaccha sahasrajit tva~ m hi
dhanadåí asi svåhå.
Lord of the land/world, Agni, be kind and generous
to us and, in truth of word and thought, give us the
message of knowledge and wisdom for all. Vanquisher
of a thousand adversaries, you alone are the generous
giver of wealth. Be gracious, lord, and bless us with all
we need for fulfilment.
29. (Aryama & Others Devata, Tapasa °Rshi)
iz uks¼ ;PNÆRo;ZÆek iz iwÉ"kk iz c`gÆLifr¼% A
iz okXnsoÆ h n¼nkrq uÆ% Lokgk¼ AAüùAA
Pra no yacchatvaryamå pra pμ u ¶å pra
bæhaspati¨. Pra vågdev∂ dadåtu na¨ svåhå.
May Aryama, man of justice (Kshatriya) give us
justice for all. May Pusha (Vaishya), producer of food
and wealth, give us food and prosperity. May Brihaspati
(Brahmana) man of knowledge, wisdom and virtue, give
us knowledge and the sacred word. And may the pious
and brilliant women of knowledge and vision give us
instruction in the meaning of life and conduct. All these
and all this be in truth of word and action.
30. (Samrat Devata, Tapasa °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl
¼ Æo¿¨s f'ouksc
¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
ljL¼ oR;S okÆpks ;ÆUrq;fZÆ U=k;s¼ n/kfEÆkÆ c`gLÆ irs¼"V~okÆ lkezkT¼ ;s&
ukÆfHkf"k¼×pkE;lkS AAýúAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμ u ¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Sarasvatyai våco
yanturyantriye dadhåmi bæhaspate¶¢vå
In this world of Lord Savita’s creation, with the
arms of the Ashwinis, that is, with the fiery brilliance of
the sun and the soothing serenity of the moon, with the
hands of Pusha, that is, with the nourishment and
sustenance of the vital air, I anoint and consecrate you
as the illustrious ruler of the land for the advancement
of language and literature in the service of Saraswati
(learning), for the promotion of science and technology,
and invest you with the earthly regality of Brihaspati,
the glorious lord of the mighty world.
31. (Agni etc. Devata, Tapasa °Rshi)
vÆfXujsdk¼{kjs.k izkÆ.keqn¼t;ÆÙkeqTts¼"keÆf'oukSÆ }Ô~{kjs.k
f}Æinks¼ euq"É ;k¨un ¼ ;rkaÆ rkuqTts¼"kaÆ fo".kqÉL=;~{kjs.kÆ =kh¡Yyks&Æ
q t
dkuqn¼t;ÆÙkkuqTts¼"kƧ lkse'Æ prq¼j{kjs.kÆ prq"¼ in% iÆ'kwun ¼ &
q t
;ÆÙkkuqTts¼"ke~ AAýûAA
Agnirekåk¶areƒa pråƒamudajayattamujje¶ama-
‹vinau dvyak¶areƒa dvipado manu¶yånu-
dajayatå≈ tånujje¶a≈ vi¶ƒustryak¶areƒa
tr∂Δllokånudajayattånujje¶a~ m soma‹catu-
rak¶areƒa catu¶pada¨ pa‹μ u nudajaya-
Agni, with one akshara, syllable, Om and Gayatri
verse conquered prana, vitality. So should I win that.
(The ruler, bright as Agni, should win the heart of the
people with good policies and advance them. So should
the people support him).
The Ashwinis, sun and moon, with two-syllabic
Ushnik verse, conquered the bipeds, humans. So should
I win them. (The ruler and his officers should help and
support the people. So should the people support them).
Vishnu, with three-syllabic Ushnik verse,
conquered the three worlds. So should I win them. (The
ruler, like Vishnu, should win and promote the regions
with a name, a history and a location, and so should the
regions support him).
Soma, with four-syllabic Brihati verse conquered
the quadrupeds, animals. So should I win them (the ruler,
eager for honour, should protect and promote the
animals, wild as well as domestic. So should the people).
32. (Pusha etc. Devatas, Tapasa °Rshi)
iwÉ"kk i×pk¼{kjs.kÆ i×pÆ fn'kÆ¿mn¼t;ÆÙkk¿mTts¼"k§lfOÆkÆrk
"kM¼{kjs.kÆ "kM`Érwuqn¼t;ÆÙkkuqTts¼"ka eÆ#r¼% lÆIrk{k¼js.k lÆIr
q ¼t;¡ÆLrkuqTts"¼ kaÆ c`gÆLifr¼jÊ"Vk{kj¼ .
xzkÆE;ku~ iÆ'kwun s k xk;Æ=kh&
eqn¼t;ÆÙkkeqTts¼"ke~ AAýüAA
Pμu¶å pa¤cåk¶areƒa pa¤ca di‹aí udajayattåí
ujje¶a~ m savitå ¶aŒak¶areƒa ¶aŒætμ u nuda-
jayattånujje¶a≈ maruta¨ saptåk¶areƒa sapta
gråmyån pa‹μ u nudajaya~ n stånujje¶a≈ bæha-
spatira¶¢åk¶areƒa gåyatr∂mudajayattåm-
Pusha, the moon, with five-syllable Pankti verse,
won and sustains the five directions (east, west, north,
south and up and down), so should I win and support
them. (The ruler should maintain and sustain nature in
all directions and so should the people support the ruler
and preserve nature).
Savita, the sun, with six-syllable Trishtup verse,
generates and lights the six seasons, so should I light
and enrich them. (The ruler should keep the seasons of
nature clean and unpolluted, and so should the people.)
The Maruts, winds, with seven-syllable Jagati
verse sustain and support seven domestic animals. So
should I protect and promote them. (The ruler should
protect and promote the domestic animals, and the
people should support the ruler and promote animal life.)
Brihaspati, lord of the divine voice and knowledge,
with eight-syllable yajushi anushtup verse conquered
gayatri. So should I too master and serve that. (The ruler
of the people should honour and preserve value-based
policy of governance and administration and the people
should support the ruler and maintain the policies of value
and the values of right policies.)
33. (Mitra & Others Devatas, Tapasa °Rshi)
fEÆkÆ=kks uok¼{kjs.k f=ÆkÆo`ÙkƧLrkseÆeqn¼t;ÆÙkeqTts¼"kaÆ o#¼ .kksÆ
n'kk¼{kjs.k fOÆkÆjktÆeqn¼t;ÆÙkkeqTts¼"kÆfeUæÆ¿,dk¼n'kk{kjs.k
f=Æk"Æ VqHkÆen ¼ ;ÆÙkkeqTts¼"kaÆ fo'os¼ nsÆok }kn¼'kk{kjs.kÆ tx¼rhÆ&
q t
eqn¼t;¡ÆLrkeqTts¼"ke~ AAýýAA
Mitro navåk¶areƒa trivætta ` m stomamuda-
jayattamujje¶a≈ varuƒo da‹åk¶areƒ viråja-
tri¶¢ubhamudajayattåmujje¶a≈ vi‹ve devå
dvåda‹åk¶areƒa jagat∂mudajaya~nståmujje¶am.
Mitra, universal friend of all, with nine-syllable
yajushi brihati verse, won the three dimensional yajna
of knowledge, action and worship. I too should
accomplish the same. (The ruler should live an
enlightened life of action and piety, and every citizen
should follow the ruler and support him.)
Varuna, the Supreme, worthy of choice, with the
ten-syllable yajushi pankti verse, conquered the spirit
and content of Virat, policy of sovereignty. I too should
realize the same.
(The ruler should honour the sovereignty of his
office, commit himself to policies of eternal values and
be the guardian of his people. The people should honour
and follow him in his foot-steps.)
Indra, Lord of glory, with eleven-syllable asurya
pankti verse, won the spirit and content of trishtup, and
I should realize the same.
(The ruler should pursue the values and policies
of magnanimity and excellence, and the people should
emulate and support him.)
Vishve-devas, noble spirits of the world, with
twelve-syllable gayatri verse, realized the spirit and
content of jagati, and I should realize the same.
(The ruler should commit himself to the highest
policies of social life and universal good, and the people
should follow and support him.)
34. (Vasus and Others Devatas, Tapasa °Rshi)
olo ¼ LÆ =k;ksn
¼ 'kk{kjs.k =k;ksnÆ'k§Lrksee q ¼t;¡ÆLreqTts"¼ k§ #Ææk&
Æ n
'prqn ¼ 'Z kk{kjs.k prqnÆ'Z k§LrkseÆen
q t¼ ;¡ÆLreqTts"¼ ke~ vkfnÆR;k%
i×p¼n'kk{kjs.k i×pnÆ'k§LrkseÆen q ¼t;¡ÆLrkeqTts¼"kÆefn¼fRÆkÆ%
"kksM¼'kk{kjs.k "kksMÆ'k§ Lrkseeqn¼t;ÆÙkeqTts¼"ka izÆtki¼fr%
lÆIrn¼'kk{kjs.k lIrnÆ'k§LrkseÆen q ¼t;ÆÙkeqTts¼"ke~ AAýþAA
Vasavastrayoda‹åk¶areƒa trayoda‹a~m stomam-
udajaya~n stamujje¶am
` rudrå‹caturda‹-åk¶areƒa
pa¤cada‹åk¶areƒa pa¤cada‹a~ m stomam-
udajaya~nståmujje¶amaditi¨ ¶oŒa‹å-k¶areƒa
¶oda‹a~m stomamudajayattamujje¶a≈ prajå-
pati¨ saptada‹åk¶areƒa saptada‹a~m stomam-
Vasus, brahmacharis of the 24 year order of study
and training, with 13 syllable asuri-anushtup verse, have
achieved the 13-point programme of life (i.e., ten pranic
energies, jiva or soul, creative nature or mahat-tattva,
and original/virtual nature). So should I achieve the
Rudras, brahmacharis of 44 year order of study
and training, with 14 syllable samniushnik verse, have
achieved the 14 point programme of life (i.e., ten organs
of perception and volition, mind, intellect, memory and
the sense of individual self). So should I achieve the
Adityas, brahmacharis of 48 years of study and
training, with 15 syllable asuri-gayatri verse, have
achieved the 15 point programme of life, (i.e., four
Vedas, four sub-vedas, six auxiliary studies, and
practical expertise). So should I achieve the same.
Aditi, Great-Council of Governance, with 16
syllable samni anushtup verse, has achieved the 16 point
programme of life, (i.e., sixteen steps/constituents of
the science of logic). So should I achieve the same.
Prajapati, ruler of the nation, with 17 syllable
nichrid-arshi gayatri verse, has achieved the 17 point
programme of life (i.e., four varnas, four ashramas, four
steps of study, four steps of asset building, and final
freedom. So should I achieve the same.
Note: In the four mantras above, from 31 to 34, a
comprehensive programme of living has been given for
the ruler and the people, of any locality, region, country
or, in fact, of the world. It ranges from a one-point
programme to 17 point programme. The whole
programme is summarized below :-
1. Om (one - syllable Word, the one essential
name of God, Ishwara), the One and Only One Supreme
Lord of the universe who creates, sustains and ultimately
withdraws the world of existence: This is the Word,
Akshara, eternal, imperishable, constant Reality which
is Existent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, just
and merciful, infinite and of infinite power and bliss.
The one-point programme is: His service and worship
and the service of His creation.
2. The service of humanity, the bipeds.
3. Name, history (birth and the course of life/
existence) and location of any community, nation, or
region, the service of the same.
4. The service, protection and development of
the life of the quadrupeds, the animals, wild and
5. The service, protection, cleaning and
development of the environment in all the five directions
(east, west, north, south and up and down).
6. The service of nature and the environment in
all the six seasons of the year.
7. The service, promotion and development of
the seven classes of animals: cow, horse, buffalo, camel,
goat, sheep, and pony.
8. Practice of an eight-point social policy in the
service of the community and the country to be
positively worked out for development, i.e., yajna, and
not for mere power display.
9. Nine orders or qualities of worship, action
and knowledge, three each, the orders being high,
middling and low (noble and saintly, average and
human, and selfish and negative/evil and devilish).
10. Practice of a ten-point political policy of
service and development in a positive and progressive
11. Practice of an eleven-point policy of service
and development in a positive and progressive direction.
12. Practice of a twelve-point policy of service
and development of the community and the
The points are to be worked out by the
enlightened ruler and the enlightened people in mutual
cooperation in the local context with reference to the
past, present and the future.
13-17 have been explained in mantra no. 34 above.
35. (Vishvedeva Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
,É"k rs¼ fuÍZrs HkkÆxLra tq¼"kLoÆ LokgkÆ¿fXuus¼=ksH;ks nsÆosH;¼%
iqjÊ%ln~H;Æ% Lokgk¼ ;Æeus¼=ksH;ks nsÆosH;ks¼ nf{k.kkÆln~H;Æ%
Lokgk¼ fOÆkÆ'ons¼ous=ksH;ks nsÆosH;¼% i'pkÆRln~H;Æ% Lokgk¼
fEÆkÆ=kko#¼ .kus=ksH;ks ok eÆ#Âs¼=ksH;ks ok nsÆoHs ;¼¿mÙkjkÆln~H;Æ%
LokgkÆ lkse¼us=ksH;ks nsÆosH;¼¿mifjÆl‰ ÔksÆ nqo¼Lon~H;Æ%
Lokgk¼ AAýÿAA
E¶a te niræte bhågastam ju¶asva svåhåí-
gninetrebhyo devebhya¨ pura¨sadbhya¨ svåhå
yamanetrebhyo devebhyo dak¶iƒåsadbhya¨
svåhå vi‹vadevanetrebhyo devebhya¨ pa‹cåt-
sadbhya¨ svåhå mitråvaruƒanetrebhyo vå
marunnetrebhyo vå devebhyaí uttaråsadbhya¨
svåhå somanetrebhyo devebhyaí uparisadbhyo
duvasvadbhya¨ svåhå.
Man of felicity beyond reproach, this is your share
of Raj Dharma, governance, administration and service
of the republic, your power-and-responsibility, assets-
and-liabilities integrated. Serve it with words and acts
of truth. Serve it with words and acts of Dharma, by the
noble people of the very eyes and leadership of light
and fire sitting in front of you in the council.
Serve it with words and acts of charity, by the
people of the speed and guidance of the wind itself on
your right side.
Serve it with words and acts of courage, by the
noble people of the eyes and leadership of the world
heroes on your back.
Serve it with words and acts of saints and sages
of knowledge and wisdom, by the noble people of the
eyes and leadership of the best, the friendliest, the wisest
and the most dynamic yajnic souls of the nation on your
left side.
Serve it with words and acts of peace and love
under the protective bliss of the noble people of the
light and leadership of the soothing serenity of the moon
itself, servants of knowledge, humility, Dharma and
36. (Vishvedeva Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
;s nsÆok¿vÆfXuus=¼ kk% iqj%Ê lnÆLrsH;Æ% LokgkÆ ;s nsÆok ;Æeus=¼ kk
nf{k.kkÆlnÆLrsH;Æ% LokgkÆ ;s nsÆok fOÆkÆ'ons¼ous=kk% i'pkÆr& ~
lnÆLrsH;Æ% LokgkÆ ;s nsÆok fEÆkÆ=kko#¼ .kus=kk ok eÆ#Âs¼=kk
oksÙkjkÆlnÆLrsH;Æ% LokgkÆ ;s nsÆok% lkse¼us=kk¿mifjÆlnksÆ
nqo¼LoUrÆLrsH;Æ% Lokgk¼ AAýöAA
Ye devåí agninetrå¨ pura¨sadastebhya¨ svåhå
ye devå yamanetrå dak¶iƒåsadastebhya¨ svåhå
ye devå vi‹vadevanetrå¨ pa‹cåtsadastebhya¨
svåhå ye devå mitråvaruƒanetrå vå marunnetrå
vottaråsadastebhya¨ svåhå ye devå¨ somanetråí
uparisado duvasvantastebhya¨ svåhå.
Honour and salutations in truth of word and
sincerity of heart to those men of knowledge and nobility
in the eastern quarters of the republic who are dedicated
to light and electricity.
Honour and salutations in truth of word and
sincerity of action to those noble men of justice in the
southern quarters of the republic who are dedicated to
the practice and discipline of the social and personal
ethics of yoga.
Honour and salutations in truth of word and
reason to those noble men of knowledge in the western
quarters of the republic whose science and philosophy
shines in the scholars of the nation.
Honour and salutations in truth of word and
gratitude to those noble men of peace and bliss in the
northern quarters of the republic who deal with everyone
equally and justly as the wind touches all equally and
who guide the nation to Dharma and strength as the
circuit of prana and apana energy strengthens and
ennobles the body and mind.
Honour and salutations in truth of word and
reverence to those noble men of knowledge and Dharma
in the upper quarters of the republic who bless the nation
with the gift of soma and good health and longevity.
37. (Agni Devata, Devavata °Rshi)
vXusÆ lg¼LoÆ i`r¼uk¿vÆfHkek¼rhÆjik¼L; A
nqÉ"VjÊLrjÊÂjk¼rhÆoZpksZ× /k ;ÆKok¼gfl AAý÷AA
Agne sahasva pætanåí abhimåt∂rapåsya.
Du¶¢arastarannaråt∂rvarco dhå yaj¤avåhasi.
Agni, enlightened ruler, face and defeat the enemy,
remove the proud, overcome poverty and selfishness, and,
hero of invincible prowess, fill this land with honour and
38. (Rakshoghna Devata, Devavata °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkr Æ %q iz¼lÆo¿¨s f'ouks¼ckZÆgHq ;ak¼ iwÉ".kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
mÆikƦ'kksohZÆ;sZ~.k tqgksfe gÆr§jÊ{k% LokgkÆ j{k¼lka Rok
oÆ/k;ko¼f/"eÆ j{kks¿o¼f/"ekÆeqeÆlkS gÆr% AAýøAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu‹ƒo haståbhyåm. Upå~m‹orv∂ryeƒa juhomi
hata~m rak¶a¨ svåhå rak¶aså≈ två vadhåyå-
vadhi¶ma rak¶oí vadhi¶måmumasau hata¨.
Ruler of the republic, in this sacred land of Lord
Savita’s creation, in truth of word and action, I accept,
consecrate and celebrate you, protected by the arms of
the Ashwinis, the fiery brilliance of the sun and the
soothing serenity of the moon, blest by the generous hands
of Pusha, the powers of health and nourishment, and
supported by the prowess of your close associates, the
council and the army.
I accept and consecrate you for the destruction
of evil. The evil is destroyed. We must punish the
wicked, destroy him. Yes, he is destroyed.
39. (Rakshoghna Devata, Devavata °Rshi)
Æ k Rok¼ lÆokuk¦
lÆfOÆkr ¼ lqorkeÆfXux`gÉZ i¼rhukƦlkseksÆ ouÆLirh&¼
uke~ A c`gÆLi¼frokZÆp¿bUæÆksÆ T;S"BÔk¼; #Ææ% iÆ'kqH;ks¼ fEÆkÆ=k%
lÆR;ks o#¼ .kksÆ /eZ×irhuke~ AAýùAA
Savitå två savånå~m suvatåmagnirgæhapat∂nåm
somo vanaspat∂nåm. Bæhaspatirvåcaí indro
jyai¶¢hyåya rudra¨ pa‹ubhyo mitra¨ satyo
varuƒo dharmapat∂nåm.
Ruler of the land, may Savita, creator and promoter
of honour and prosperity, inspire you. You are like the
fire of the householders’ yajna, sap and life of the herbs
and trees, truth of the heart of the good, friend and
favourite of the servants and protectors of Dharma. For
the advancement of learning, you are like Brihaspati, lord
of knowledge. For the greatness and glory of the land,
you are like Indra, lord of glory. For the animals, you are
like Rudra, lord protector of the animals.
40. (Yajamana Devata, Devavata °Rshi)
bÆea ns¼ok¿vliÆRu§lq¼oèoa egÆrs {kÆ=kk;¼ egÆrs T;S"BÔk¼;
egÆrs tkuj¼ kT;kÆ;Us æ¼L;sfUÆæÆ;k;¼ A bÆeeÆe"q ;¼ iqÉ=keÆe"q ;S¼ iq=É keÆL;S
fOÆkÆ'k¿,É"k oks¼¿eÆh Æ jktkÆ lkseksÆ¿LekoaQ¼ czkãÆ.kkukƦ
jktk¼ AAþúAA
Ima≈ devåí asapatna~m suvadhva≈ mahate
k¶atråya mahate jyai¶¢hyåya mahate jånaråjyå-
yendrasyendriyåya. Imamamu¶ya putram-
amu¶yai putramasyai vi‹aí e¶a voím∂ råjå somoí
småka≈ bråhmaƒånå≈ råjå.
Noble people of the land/world, this man (first
among us all), son of a noble father, son of a noble
mother, graceful as the moon and inspiring as soma,
accepted and anointed as he is as the ruler, yours, ours,
and others’, Brahmanas, all, cooperate and render him
free from conflict and opposition for the sake of a mighty
republic, supreme sovereignty, the highest government
of the people, the glory of the order of the world.

bfr uoeks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Apah Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
vÆiks nsÆok e/q¼erhjx`H.kÆUuwtZ×Lorh jktÆLo¨f'prk¼uk%A
;kfHk£¼ EÆk=Æ kko#¼ .kkoÆH;f"k×¼ pÆu~ ;kfHÆkfÆ jUæÆeu;
¼ ÆUuR;jk¼rh% AAûAA
Apo devå madhumat∂ragæbhƒannμ u rjasvat∂
råjasva‹citånå¨. Yåbhirmitråvaruƒåvabhya-
¶i¤can yåbhir-indramanayannatyaråt∂¨.
Noble men of wisdom and virtue obtain waters/
energies, sweet, invigorating, illuminating and
enlightening by which they strengthen, cleanse and
consecrate their prana, udana, and electric vitalities and
ward off all conflicts and negativities of life.
2. (Vrisha Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
o`".k¼¿mQÆ£ejf¼ l jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nsfgÆ LokgkÆ o`".k¼¿mQÆ£ejf¼ l
jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼ nsfg o`"klsÆuks~¿fl jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼
nsfgÆ Lokgk¼ o`"klsÆuks~¿fl jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼ nsfg AAüAA
V涃aíμurmirasi r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me dehi svåhå
V涃aíμurmirasi r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai dehi
væ¶asenoísi r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me dehi svåhå
væ¶asenoísi r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai dehi.
Mighty lord, shower of generosity, bringer of
prosperity wave on wave, maker of the nation and
builder of the republic, give me a sovereign republic of
human values and just policies.
Illustrious lord of generosity, ocean of knowledge
of polity, harbinger of prosperity and comfort to the
people, bless him (bless all of them) with the unity of
the nation and dignity of the republic with truth of word
and action.
Generous lord of a mighty force, maker of the
republic, give me a world republic of universal values
and universal peace.
Generous lord of universal power of love and
Dharma, maker of the world, give us all a world state of
universal love and universal Dharma.
3. (Apampati Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
vÆFksZr¼ LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ LokgkÆFksZr¼ LFk jk"VªÉnk
jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼ nÆÙkkSt¼Lorh LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ
LokgkStL¼ orh LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆe"q eS¼ nÆÙkki¼% ifjokÆfg.kh¼
LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ Lokgki¼% ifjokÆfg.kh¼ LFk
jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼ nÙkkÆika ifr¼jfl jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nsfgÆ
LokgkÆ¿ika ifr¼jfl jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS ¼ nsáÆika xHkksZ׿fl
jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nsfgÆ LokgkÆika xHkksZ׿fl jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªee
Æ "q eS¼
nsfg AAýAA
Artheta stha r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me datta svåhåí-
rtheta stha r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai dattau-
jasvat∂ stha r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me datta svåhau-
jasvat∂ stha r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai dattå-í
pa¨ parivåhiƒ∂ stha rå¶tradå r嶢ra≈ me datta
svåhåípa¨ parivåhiƒ∂ stha r嶢radå r嶢ram-
amu¶mai dattåípå≈ patirasi r嶢radå r嶢ra≈
me dehi svåhåípå≈ patirasi r嶢radå
r嶢ramamu¶mai de¨yapå≈ garbhoísi r嶢radå
r嶢ra≈ me dehi svåhåípå≈ garbhoísi r嶢radå
r嶢ramamu¶mai dehi.
Men of the country striving for wealth, builders
of the nation, keep on striving, build a republic of truth
in word and action for me. Men of wealth, go on striving
for prosperity, contributing to the republic, and give
him and all a great republic.
Brilliant women of the republic, maintain your
vigour and brilliance, contributing to the republic, and
build for me a nation of love and justice. Keep up your
genius and vigour contributing to the republic, and give
him and all a great nation.
Married women of the nation, dear as water and
the breath of life to your partners, stay good and faithful
in your love to your home, contributing to the families
of the nation and give me a state of true discipline and
virtue. Keep the channels of the nation flowing,
contributing to the growth of the nation’s life, and give
him and all a dynamic state of brilliant leaders.
Lord of the waters of the state, builder of a
progressive state, give me a dynamic state of governance
in truth of word and action. Lord of the national
movements, keep the flow on for the nation and give
him and all a state of clean governance and
Protector of the waters, generous giver of the
republic, give me an affluent state of prosperity with
values of truth and honesty. Protector of national
progress, contributing to management and development,
give him and all a republic, a state and a nation marching
ahead and onward.
4. (Surya etc. Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
lw;Z×Ropl LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ LokgkÆ lw;Z×Ropl LFk
jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼ nÙkÆ lw;×Z opZl LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ
LokgkÆ lw;Z×opZl LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼ nÙkÆ ekUnk¼ LFk
jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ LokgkÆ ekUnk¼ LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼
nÙk oztÆf{kr¼ LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ Lokgk¼ oztÆf{kr¼ LFk
jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼ nÙkÆ ok'kk¼ LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ
LokgkÆ ok'kk¼ LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼ nÙkÆ 'kfo¼"Bk LFk
jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ LokgkÆ 'kfo¼"Bk LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼
nÙkÆ 'kDo¼jh LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ LokgkÆ 'kDo¼jh LFk
jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼ nÙk tuÆHk`r¼ LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ
Lokgk¼ tuÆHk`r¼ LFk jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"VªeÆeq"eS¼ nÙk fo'oÆHk`r¼ LFk
jk"VªÉnk jkÆ"Vªa es¼ nÙkÆ Lokgk¼ fo'oÆHk`r¼ LFk jk"VªnÉ k jkÆ"VªeÆe"q eS¼
nÆÙkki%¼ LoÆjkt¼ LFk jk"Vªn Æ "q eS¼ nÙkA e/qe
É k jkÆ"Vªee ¼ rhÆe/Z &¼q
erhfHk% i`P;UrkaÆ efg¼ {kÆ=ka {kÆf=k;k¼; oUokÆuk¿vuk¼/`"Vk%
lhnr lÆgkSt¼lksÆ efg¼ {kÆ=ka {kÆf=k;k¼;Æ n/¼rh% AAþAA
Sμuryatvacasa stha r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me datta
svåhå sμuryatvacasa stha r嶢radå r嶢ram-
amu¶mai datta sμuryavarcasa stha r嶢radå
r嶢ra≈ me datta svåhå sμuryavarcasa stha
r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai datta måndå stha
r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me datta svåhå måndå stha
r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai datta vrajak¶ita stha
r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me datta svåhå vrajak¶ita stha
r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai datta vå‹å stha
r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me datta svåhå vå‹å stha
r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai datta ‹avi¶¢hå stha
r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me datta svåhå ‹avi¶¢hå stha
r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai datta ‹akvar∂ stha
r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me datta svåhå ‹akvar∂ stha
r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai datta janabhæta stha
r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me datta svåhå janabhæta stha
r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai datta vi‹vabhæta stha
r嶢radå r嶢ra≈ me datta svåhå vi‹vabhæta stha
r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai datta åpa¨ svaråja
stha r嶢radå r嶢ramamu¶mai datta. Madhu-
mat∂rmadhumat∂bhi¨ pæcyantå≈ mahi k¶atra≈
k¶atriyåya vanvånå anådhæ¶¢å¨ s∂data sahaujaso
mahi k¶atra≈ k¶atriyåya dadhat∂¨.
Members of the Council, bright as the sun in your
bearing, makers of the nation, give me a great republic
with the values of truth and justice. Stay firm in your
brilliance of bearing contributing to the nation, and give
the common man a republic of truth and justice.
Leaders of the land, men of learning, illustrious
in character as the sun, makers of the nation, be firm in
your brilliance of learning, and give me a state of
learning and enlightenment in truth of word and values.
Stay firm in your brilliance, contributing to the nation,
and give to the citizen a nation of learning and wisdom.
Men of vision and arts, creating joy in words of
vision and light, be happy makers of the nation and give
me a nation of happy people. Stay firm and strong in
joy contributing to the nation, and create for the common
man a nation of happiness and joy in truth of value and
Farmers, living in your farms with the wealth of
animals, makers of the nation in truth of word and
simplicity of character, give me a nation rich in food
and milk. Farmers and husbandmen, stay firm,
contributing to the nation, and give to the common man
a nation of happy and satisfied people.
Be men of will and ambition, makers of the
nation, and give me a nation of courage and action in
truth of word and deed. Stay firm in your will,
contributing to the nation, and inspire the people to be
a nation with passion for development and progress.
Be men of strength and prowess, makers of the
nation, and give me a nation of power and prestige in
truth of word and sincerity of character. Stay firm in your
determination, contributing to the nation, and give to
the citizens a nation of strength and dignity.
Women of the land, makers of the nation, be
strong and powerful, and give me a nation of disciplined
and virtuous young heroes of truth and honesty of word
and action. Stay firm in your strength and dignity,
contributing to the nation, and build up a nation of strong
and heroic people for the citizens.
Be sustainers of the people, makers of the nation
in words of truth and action in discipline, and give me a
nation of happy and disciplined people. Stay firm in
your generosity, supporting the people, contributing to
the nation, and give the citizens a state of happy and
disciplined people.
Be sustainers of the world, makers of a world-
state in truth of word and action, and give me a universal
nation of common human values. Stay firm, supporting
the people of the world, contributing to the world state,
and give to humanity one order of governance and
organization of freedom for every citizen of the world.
People of knowledge, Dharma and universal
values, brilliant in your own right of character and
wisdom, makers of a world nation in truth of word and
action, stay brilliant and firm and give to every citizen
of the world a world order of governance and universal
Women of the world, sweet as honey and deeply
loving, meet with others equally sweet and loving, keen
and anxious for a grand world order and conscientiously
working for a supreme sovereign world state, stay fearless
and, holding and sustaining that great world order for
the sovereign rulers, sit and participate with men of equal
power and brilliance.
5. (Agni & Others Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
lkse¼L;Æ fRof"k¼jfLÆkÆ ros¼o esÆ fRof"k¼HkwZ;kr~ A vÆXu;sÆ LokgkÆ
lksek¼;Æ Lokgk¼ lfOÆkÆ=ks LokgkÆ lj¼LoR;SÆ Lokgk¼ iwÉ".ks LokgkÆ
c`gÆLir¼;Æs LokgsUæk¼;Æ LokgkÆ ?kks"kk¼;Æ LokgkÆ 'yksdk¼;Æ
Lokgk¦'kk¼;Æ LokgkÆ Hkxk¼;Æ Lokgk¼;ÆEZ .ks Lokgk¼ AAÿAA
Somasya tvi¶irasi taveva me tvi¶irbhμ u yåt.
Agnaye svåhå somåya svåhå savitre svåhå
sarasvatyai svåhå pμu¶ƒe svåhå bæhaspataye
svåhendråya svåhå gho¶åya svåhå ‹lokåya
svåhåí~m‹åya svåhå bhagåya svåhåíryamƒe
Ruler of the land, you are the brilliance of Soma,
light of the nation’s glory. May my light of dignity be
like yours. For the knowledge and power of fire and
electricity for the nation, let there be specific and factual
language and study of science. For Soma, life-sciences,
knowledge of biology and medicine; for the sun,
astronomy and cosmology; for Saraswati (Veda and
education), grammar and Vedanga, i.e., auxiliary studies
on the subject; for Pusha (pranic vitality and material
growth), yoga and economics; for Brihaspati (lord of
the universe), spiritual knowledge ; for Indra (lord of
the senses, jivatma, the soul), intelligence and inner
light; for language and communication, effective
teaching and discussion; for poetry and composition,
poetics; for the subtle elements of nature, science of
atoms; for honour and prosperity, industry and dedication;
for Aryama (leader of justice), politics of value and
6. (Apah Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
iÆfo=ks¼ LFkks oS".kÆO;kS~ lfOÆkÆrqoZ×% izlÆo¿mRiq¼ukÆE;fPN¼æs.k
iÆfo=ks¼.kÆ lw; Z ×L; jÊf'efHk¼% A vfu¼Hk`"Vefl okÆpks
cU/q¼LriksÆtk% lkse¼L; nkÆ=ke¼fLÆkÆ Lokgk¼ jktÆLo~% AAöAA
Pavitre stho vai¶ƒavyau saviturva¨ prasavaí
utpunåmyacchidreƒa pavitreƒa sμ u ryasya
ra‹mibhih. Anibh涢amasi våco bandhustapojå¨
somasya dåtramasi svåhå råjasva¨.
Ruler of the land/President of the council, free
from pollution of mind and character, seasoned and
tempered in the discipline of austerity, dedicated as a
brother to the sacred voice of knowledge, you are an
instrument of Soma, nature’s power of health and
Both of you (ruler and people, teachers and
students, boys as well as girls), endowed with universal
virtues of mind and character, stay pure and unsullied.
In this holy world of Lord Savita’s creation, I sanctify
you all with a ceaseless flow of the purest rays of the
sun and the light of higher knowledge. Act in truth of
word and deed and create noble heroes for the nation.
7. (Varuna Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
lÆ/Æeknks¼ |qfÉ EuuhÆjki¼¿,Érk¿vuk¼/"` Vk¿viÆL;¨ks olk¼uk%A
iÆLR;k~lq pØsÆ o#¼ .k% lÆ/LFk¼eiÆ k¦f'k'kqe¼ kZÆrr
` ¼ekLoÆUr%AA÷AA
Sadhamådo dyumnin∂råpaí etaí anådh涢åí
apasyo vasånå¨. Pastyåsu cakre varuƒa¨
sadhasthamapå`m ‹i‹urmåtætamåsvanta¨.
The ruler, best choice of the people, should send
the children of the mothers/nation to residential schools
of the most affectionate and motherly teachers —
mothers/nation, free and fearless, intelligent and
educated, cool as water, smart at work, shining in
prosperity, brilliant in achievement, living happy and
together in beautiful homes.
8. (Yajamana Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
{kÆ=kL;ksYo¼efl {kÆ=kL;¼ tÆjkÕo¼fl {kÆ=kL;Æ ;ksfu¼jfl {kÆ=kL;Æ
ukfHk¼jÊlhUæ¼L;Æ ok=kZ×?uefl fEÆkÆ=kL;k¼fLÆkÆ o#¼ .kL;kfLÆkÆ Ro;kÆ;a
o`É=ka o¼/sr~ A n`Éokfl¼ #Ætkfl¼ {kqÉekfl¼ A ikÆrSuaÆ izk×p¯
ikÆrSu¯ izÆR;×p¯ ikÆrSu¯ fRÆkÆ;Z×p¯ fnÆXH;% ik¼r AAøAA
K¶atrasyolvamasi k¶atrasya jaråyvasi
k¶atrasya yonirasi k¶atrasya nåbhiras∂ndrasya
vårtraghnamasi mitrasyåsi varuƒasyåsi tvayåí-
yam vætra≈ vadhet. Dævåísi rujåsi k¶umåsi.
Patainam prå¤ca≈ påtaina≈ pratya¤ca≈
påtaina≈ tirya¤ca≈ digbhya¨ påt.
Ruler of the nation, you are the strength and shield
of the people, first cover of the republic, creator of its
honour and dignity, and centre-pin of its governance.
You are like the thunderbolt of lightning for the clouds
of the enemy. You are friends with the friends and best
with the good. By you and with you the nation would
eliminate the simulators, the evaders and the hypocrites.
You are a destroyer of the forts of evil and a plague
upon the enemy.
Defend him in all directions, from all directions,
front, back and cross-wise.
9. (Prajapati Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
vkÆfoeZ ×;kZÆ¿vkfo¼Ùkks¿vÆfXux`g ÉZ i¼fRÆkÆjkfo¼ÙkÆ¿bUæks¼ o`¼ ¼ kÆ¿&
É Jo
vkfo¼ÙkkS fEÆkÆ=kko#¼ .kkS /`Éroz¼rkÆokfo¼Ùk% iwÉ"kk fOÆkÆ'oos ¼nkÆ¿&
vkfoÙ¼ kÆs |koki¼ f` FÆko
Æ h fOÆkÆ'o'kE¼ HkqokÆokfOÆkÆÙkkfnf¼ r#Æ#'k¼EekZAAùAA
væddha‹ravåí åvitau mitråvaruƒau dhætavratå-
våvitta¨ pμu¶å vi‹vavedåíåvitte dyåvåpæthiv∂
All ye mortals, men and women, if the fire,
sustainer of the home, or the man of knowledge and
wisdom brilliant as agni (light) is well-known, and
beneficent to you, if the man who has heard and attained
the knowledge of all the Shastras is well-known and
beneficent, if Indra, the man of power commanding the
forces is well-known and committed to you, if friends
and noble people dedicated to vows of goodness and
virtue are close to you and kind, if Pusha, versatile man
of medicine, giver of health and longevity is well-known
and kind, if the heavens and electric energy and the earth
are well-known and generous, if the mother and mother
nature, generous givers of abundant love and joy, are
well known, loved with reverence, and generous to you
— if you know, love and respect all these and they are
kind and generous to you, then happiness is assured for
10. (Yajamana Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
vos"¼ Vk nUnÆ'kwdkÆ% izkphÆekjks¼g xk;Æ=kh Roko¼ rq jFkUrÆj§lke¼
f=ÆkÆo`r~ Lrkseks¼ olÆUr¿ÍÆrqczZãÆ æfo. ¼ ke~ AAûúAA
Ave¶¢å danda‹μukå¨ pråc∂måroha gåyatr∂ tvåvatu
rathantara~ m såma trivæt stomo vasantaí
æturbrahma draviƒam.
Cross the hurdles on the way, eliminate the deadly
biters, go forward (east) and rise to the heights. And while
you drive on the chariot of life, may the light of Gayatri
lead you on; the music of the Samans inspire you ; the
triple strength of body, mind and speech empower you;
the three fold voice of the Veda (knowledge, action and
prayer) exhort you; and may the beauty of the spring
season, the vision of the universe and the wealth of
existence bless you on the way.
11. (Yajamana Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
nf{k¼.kkÆekjks¼g f=ÆkÆ"Vqi~ Rok¼orq c`ÉgRlke¼ i×pnÆ'k Lrkseks¼
xzhÆ"e¿ÍÆrq% {kÆ=ka æfo¼.ke~ AAûûAA
Dak¶iƒåmåroha tri¶¢up tvåvatu bæhatsåma
pancada‹a stomo gr∂¶maí ætu¨ k¶atra≈
Go forward on the right (south) and rise to the
heights. And while you are on the way, the light of
science contained in the Trishtup verses would reveal
to you; the fifteenfold strength of great Samans (five
pranas, five senses, and five elements) would empower
you; the heat of the summer season would hasten your
speed, and the splendour of governance and the wealth
of existence would bless you.
12. (Yajamana Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
izÆrhphÆekjks¼gÆ tx¼rh Rokorq oS:Æi§lke¼ lIrnÆ'k Lrkseks¼
oÆ"kkZ¿ÍÆrq£oM~ æfo¼.ke~ AAûüAA
Prat∂c∂måroha jagat∂ tvåvatu vairupa~m såma
saptada‹a stomo var¶åí æturviŒ draviƒam.
Go forward west, and rise high, and the various
science of wealth contained in the Jagati verses would
reveal to you; the seventeen-fold power of the Samans
(five organs of volition, five objects of volition, five subtle
elements and the science of cause and effect of
materials) would enrich you; and the showers of the
rainy season and the economic wealth of the world
would bless you.
13. (Yajamana Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
mnh¼phÆekjks¼gkuqÉ"Vqi~ Rok¼orq oSjkÆt§lkeS¼dfOÆkƧ'k Lrkse¼%
'kÆjn`Érq% iQyaÆ æfo¼.ke~ AAûýAA
Ud∂c∂mårohanu¶¢up tvåvatu vairåja`m såmaika-
vi~m‹a stoma¨ ‹aradætu¨ phala≈ draviƒam.
Go forward north and rise high, and the art of
communication of knowledge contained in Anushtup
verses would reveal to you; the twenty-one-fold various
brilliance of the Samans (sixteen potentials, faculties
of the soul, four-fold effort for fulfilment in life and the
freedom of action) would enlighten you; and the length
of winter years and wealth of the fruits of service would
bless you.
14. (Yajamana Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
mQÆèokZekjks¼g iÆfƒLRok¼orq 'kkDojjSoÆrs lke¼uh f=k.ko&
=k;fLÆ=ÆkƧ'kkS LrksekS¼ gseUrf'kf'ÆkÆjko`Érw opksZÆ æfo.¼ kaÆ izR;¼LraÆ
ueq¼pÆ%s f'kj¼% AAûþAA
ªUrdhvåmaroha paΔktistvåvatu ‹åkvararaivate
såman∂ triƒavatrayastri~msau stomau hemanta-
‹i‹∂råvætμu varco draviƒam pratyastam namuce¨
Move up and rise high, and the knowledge
contained in the Pankti verses, Shakvara and the Raivata
parts of the Samans, the knowledge of the three divisions
of time (past, present and future), the science of nine
numbers (1-9), and of the thirty-three powers of nature
(8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, 12 Adityas, Indra, i.e., electric
energy, and yajna, i.e., cosmic chemistry) would reveal
to you; the lustre of knowledge and discipline and the
wealth of life would bless you. The heads of the sinner,
the thief and the preventer would be down.
15. (Paramatma Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
lkse¼L;Æ fRof"k¼jfLÆkÆ ros¼o esÆ fRof"k¼HkwZ;kr~ A
e`ÉR;ks% ikÆákstks¼¿fLÆkÆ lgks¼¿L;Æer ` ¼efl AAûÿAA
Somasya tvi¶irasi taveva me tvi¶irbhμ u yåt.
Mætyo¨ påhyojoísi sahoísyamætamasi.
You are the light of majesty and magnificence. May
your light be mine too. You are the lustre of life, the
constancy of courage, and the immortality of existence.
Save me from mortality.
16. (Mitra-Varuna Devate, Varuna °Rshi)
fgj.¼ ;:ik¿mÆ"klks¼ fojksÆd¿mÆHkkfo¼UækÆ¿mfn¼FkÆ% lw;Z×'p A
vkjks¼gra o#.k fEÆkÆ=k xÙk±Æ rr¼'p{kkFkkÆefn¼¯RÆkÆ fn¯r× p
fEÆkÆ=kks~¿fLÆkÆ o#¼ .kks¿fl AAûöAA
Hiraƒyarμ u påí u¶aso virokaí ubhåvindråí
uditha¨ surya‹ca. Årohata≈ varuƒa mitra
gartam tat‹cak¶åthåmaditi≈ diti≈ ca mitroísi
You are Mitra, friend of all. You are Varuna, the
best of all and subduer of the enemies. Both of you are
bright and powerful like gold, like the sun, like Indra.
And just as the sun and the moon with their light light
up the night and the dawn, so you too, with your
illuminating actions, rise and enlighten the world around
you. Ascend your chariot of knowledge, watch the world
of permanence and impermanence, and spread the light.
17. (Kshatrapati Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
lkse¼L; Rok |qÉEusukÆfHkf"k¼×pkE;ÆXusHkzkt Z ¼lkÆ lw;Z×L;Æ opZl
Æ Us æ&¼
L;sfUÆæÆ;s.k¼ {kÆ=kk.kak¼ {kÆ=ki¼frjsÊè;fr¼ fnÆ|wu~ ik¼fg AAû÷AA
Somasya två dyumnenåbhi‹i¤camyagnerbh-
råjaså sμ u ryasya varcaseíndrasyendriyeƒa
k¶atråƒå≈ k¶atrapatiredhyati didyμun påhi.
I anoint and consecrate you as the ruler with the
light and grace of the moon, the brilliance of fire, the
glory of the sun, and the swiftness of sense and mind
like the velocity of electricity. Ascend the throne of the
republic to do more than justice to the seat of
governance. Develop the missiles of defence and protect
and promote knowledge, Dharma and prosperity of the
18. (Yajamana Devata, Devavata °Rshi)
bÆea ns¼ok¿vliÆRu§lq¼oèoa egÆrs {kÆ=kk;¼ egÆrs T;S"BÔk¼;
egÆrs tkuj¼ kT;kÆ;Us æ¼L;sfUÆæÆ;k;¼ A bÆeeÆe"q ;¼ iqÉ=keÆe"q ;S¼ iq=É keÆL;S
fOÆk'Æ k¿,É"k oks¿¼ ehÆ jktkÆ lkseks¿Æ LekoaQ¼ czkãÆ.kkukƦ jktkA¼ AûøAA
Ima≈ devåí asaptana~m suvadhva≈ mahate
k¶atråya mahate jyai¶¢hyåya mahate jåna-
råjyåyendrasyendriyåya. Imamamu¶ya putra-
mamu¶yai putramasyai vi‹aí -e¶avoím∂ råjå
somoísmåka≈ brahmaƒånå≈ råjå.
This brilliant man of knowledge and virtuous
character, son of a noble father and of a noble mother is
our ruler, yours, ours and of all others, all Brahmanas,
i.e., the learned community of the land.
Noble and educated men of the land and senior
members of the army, all support him for the
establishment of a grand world order of governance,
for a great enlightened and meritorious community, for
a great democracy of the people and for the dignity and
honour of a mighty state. Let us render him universally
acceptable so that he has to face no rival, no adversary,
no enemy.
19. (Yajamana Devata, Devavata °Rshi)
iz ioZ×rL; o`"kÆHkL;¼ i`"É BkÂko¼'pjfUr LoÆflp¼¿b;kÆuk% A
rk¿vko¼o`=kÂ/Æjkxqn¼DrkÆ¿v¯g× cqÉèU;¨euqÉ jh;¼ek.kk% A
fo".kks¼£OÆkÆØe¼.kefLÆkÆ fo".kksÆ£oØk¼UrefLÆkÆ fo".kks¼% ØkÆUr&
e¼fl AAûùAA
Pra parvatasya væ¶abhasya p涢hånnåva‹caranti
svasicaí iyånå¨. Tåí åvavætrannadharågudaktåí
ahi≈ budhnyamanu r∂yamåƒå¨. Vi¶ƒorvikra-
maƒamasi vi¶ƒorvikråntamasi vi¶ƒo¨ krånta-
From the top of the cloud, over the top of clouds,
flying boats, fuelled and driven, roam around in the sky
like boats on the sea. Piloted from down below on earth,
soaring up like clouds into the sky, they pursue the
clouds as Indra pursued Vritra. Master-maker of the
nation, in the wide spaces of Lord Vishnu, you are
capable of creating various kinds of motion. You are
capable of creating special and definite steers of motion
as the wind’s. You are the cause and source of motion
and speed by the power of energy.
20. (Prajapati Devata, Devavata °Rshi)
iztk¼irsÆ u RonsÆrkU;ÆU;ks fo'ok¼ :Æikf.ÆkÆ ifjÆ rk c¼Hkwo A
;Rdk¼ekLrs tqgqÉeLrÂks¼¿vLRoÆ;eÆeq";¼ fIÆkÆrklkoÆL; fIÆkÆrk
oÆ;§L;k¼eÆ ir¼;ks j;hÆ.kk¦Lokgk¼ A #æÆ ;ÙksÆ fØfOÆkÆ ijaÊ
ukeÆ rfLe¼u~ gqÉre¼L;esÆ"Ve¼fLÆkÆ Lokgk¼ AAüúAA
Prajåpate na tvadetånyanyo vi‹vå rupåƒi pari
tå babhμ u va. Yatkåmåste juhumastanno
astvayamamu¶ya pitåísåvasya pitå vayam` syåma
patayo ray∂ƒå~m svåhå. Rudra yatte krivi para≈
nåma tasmin hutamasyame¶¢amasi svåhå.
Prajapati, Lord Supreme, father and protector of
created beings, there is none other than you over, above
and beyond, to be, to know, and to reveal all the forms
of existence in the world.
Whatever the aim, object or desire for which we
worship you, may that be fulfilled for us.
Father and guardian as you are of the seen and
the unseen world, so may we be masters and guardians
of the riches of life in truth of word and action.
Rudra, Lord of justice and punishment, destroyer
as you are of evil, that is the supreme name by which
we worship you and celebrate you in the home in truth
of word with honest action.
21. (Kshatrapati Devata, Devavata °Rshi)
bUæL¼ ;Æ otzk¼¿s fl fEÆk=Æ kko#.¼ k;ksLRok iz'kkÆL=kks% izfÆ 'k"kk¼ ;qufTeA
vO;¼Fkk;S Rok LoÆ/k;SÆ Rokfj¼"VksÆ vtqZ×uks eÆ#rak¼ izlÆosu¼
tÆ;kik¼eÆ e¼ulkÆ lfe¼fUÆæÆ;s.k¼ AAüûAA
Indrasya vajroísi mitråvararuƒayostvå pra‹å-
stro¨ pra‹i¶å yunajmi. Avyathåyai två svadhåyai
tvåíri¶¢o arjuno marutå≈ prasavena jayå -påm
manaså samindriyeƒa.
Ruler of the land, you are like the thunderbolt of
Indra (lightning) in power, inviolable, clean and
spotless. I appoint you by the advice of the Governor of
the council and the commander of the army for the
exercise of your official powers freely and
constructively without pain or fear or tyranny. Act with
the inspiration, advice and support of the positive yajnic
people of dynamic spirit and win your victories/goals.
We are with you with all our will and power.
22. (Indra Devata, Devavata °Rshi)
ek r¼¿bUæ rs oÆ;a rq¼jk"kkÆM;q¼Drklks¿vczÆãrkÆ fon¼lke A
fr"BkÆ jFkÆefèÆkÆ ;a o¼tzgÆLrk jÊ'ehUns¼o ;elsÆ Lo&
'ok¼u~ AAüüAA
Må taí indra te vaya≈ turå¶åŒayuktåso
abrahmatå vidasåma. Ti¶¢hå rathamadhi ya≈
vajrahastå ra‹m∂n deva yamase sva‹vån.
Indra, Ruler of the land, hero of the thunderbolt in
hand, swift as you are in action and victory over the
enemy, may we, your officers and people, never,
disaffected, fall off from you. May you too never suffer
disaffection from Ishwara and never fall off from your
Hero of the people, thunderbolt in hand, ascend
and ride the chariot, take the reins in hand by which
you drive the steeds and, swift in action, achieve your
23. (Agni & Others Devatas, Devavata °Rshi)
vÆXu;s¼ x`Égir ¼ ;sÆ LokgkÆ lksek¼;Æ ouÆLir; ¼ Æs Lokgk¼ eÆ#rkÆekstl
¼ s
LokgsUæL¼ ;sfUÆæ;Æ k;Æ Lokgk¼ A i`fFkf¼ o ekrÆekZ ek¼ fg§lhÆeks¿Z vÆga
Roke~ AAüýAA
Agnaye gæhapataye svåhå somåya vanaspataye
svåhå marutåmcjase svåhendrasyendriyåya
svåhå. Pæthivi måtarmå må hi~ms∂rmoí aham
Ruler and chiefs of the nation, provide and
promote for agni, the enlightened householder, a true
policy of value and virtue; for soma, herbs and trees,
forestry and knowledge of Botany; for the strength,
energy and lustre of the most dynamic people (maruts),
yoga and peace-giving words; for the honour of Indra,
ruler, right conduct and good reading; for the working
efficiency of the soul (Indra), good instruction and
practice. Mother earth, hurt me not. Nor shall I hurt
you. Mother mine, ruin me not with wrong instruction.
Nor must I hurt you (with ingratitude).
24. (Surya Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
gƧl% 'kq¼fPÆkÆ"k}lq¼jUrfj{kÆl¼ksrk¼ osfnÆ"knfr¼fFknqjZ ks.kÆlr~ A
u`É"k}¼jÊln`¼rÆl}Ôks¼eÆlnÆCtk xksÆtk¿½¼ rÆtk¿v¼fæÆtk¿½Æra
c`Égr~ AAüþAA
Ha~ n sa¨ ‹uci¶advasurantarik¶asaddhotå
vedi¶adatithirduroƒasat. Næ¶advarasdæta-
sadvyomasadabjå gojåí ætajå adrijå æta≈ bæhat.
Ishvara, the Supreme Soul of the Universe, is the
maker of forms from elements, present in all forms of
purity, universal abode of all, present in the sky, creator
of the universal yajna, present in and on the earth, holy
as a sacred visitor, present in the homes, humans, the
best of things, eternal nature and its law, and in all space,
creator of the waters, stars and planets, giver of the light
of eternal knowledge of the Veda, creator of the clouds,
mountains and forests, the very Truth and Law Itself,
and the greatest and highest of existence.
25. (Surya Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
b;¼nÆL;k;q¼jLÊ ;k;qÉefZ ;¼ /sfgÆ ;qÄ~ļ fLÆkÆ opksZ׿fLÆkÆ opksÆZ ef;¼
/sÆáwxÆLZ ;wTt±Æ ef;¼ /sfg A bUæL¼ ; oka oh;ZÆÑrks¼ ckÆgw¿&
v¼H;qÉiko¼gjkfe AAüÿAA
Iyadasyåyurasyåyurmayi dhehi yuΔΔasi varcoí
si varco mayi dhehyurgasyμurjja≈ mayi dhehi.
Indrasya vå≈ v∂ryakæto båhμ u í abhyupåva-
You are so vast, so far, so great, wherever my eye
goes. You are life Itself. Give me life and longevity.
You join me with you in samadhi. You are the light and
lustre of existence. Give me that lustre. You are Energy
Itself. Give me energy.
Ruler and people of the land, you are the arms of
the Lord of Power, creator of virility. I take you both
close to Him.
26. (Asandi Rajapatni Devate, Vamadeva °Rshi)
L;ksÆukfl¼ lqÉ"knk¼fl {kÆ=kL;Æ ;ksfu¼jfl A
L;ksÆukeklh¼n lqÉ"knkÆeklh¼n {kÆ=kL;Æ ;ksfUÆkÆeklh¼n AAüöAA
Syonåsií su¶adåsi k¶atrasya yonirasi. Syonåmå-
s∂da su¶adåmås∂da k¶atrasya yonimås∂da.
Woman of power: You are the beauty and grace of
life, giver of peace and joy, and mother-maker of the
nation. Come, take up your office of dignity to create
joy and comfort for the people around and do justice to
the judgement seat of the nation.
27. (Varuna Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
fu"k¼lkn /`Éroz¼rksÆ o#¼ .k% iÆLR;k¨Lok A
lkezk¼T;k; lqÉØrq¼% AAü÷AA
Ni¶asåda dhætavrato varuƒa¨ pastyåsvå.
Såmråjyåya sukratu¨.
The man committed to national vows of Dharma,
dedicated to noble actions, first and best of choice for
justice, should occupy the offices of power and
administration for the governance of the republic.
28. (Yajamana Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
vÆfHÆkÆHkwj¼L;sÆrkLrsÆ i×pÆ fn'k¼% dYiUrkaÆ czã¡ÆLRoa czÆãkfl¼
lfOÆkr Æ kfl¼ lÆR;iz¼loksÆ o#¼ .kks¿¼ fl lÆR;kStkÆ¿bUæks¼¿fLÆkÆ fo'kkS ¼tk
#Ææks¿~ fLÆkÆ lq'É kso¼% A cgq¼dkjÊ Js;¼LdjÊ Hkw;¼LdÆjUs æ¼L;Æ otzk¼¿s fLÆkÆ
rsu¼ es jè; AAüøAA
Abhibhμ u rasyetåste Pa¤ca di‹a¨ kalpantå≈
brahma~ m stva≈ brahmåísi savitåísi satya-
prasavo varuƒoísi satyaujå indrosi vi‹aujå
rudroísi su‹eva¨. Bahukåra ‹reyaskara
bhμuyaskarendrasya vajroísi tena me radhya.
Subduer of the evil and the wicked, you are the
dominant ruler. May all the five directions be favourable
to you. Man of spiritual vision and knowledge, you are
a scholar of the Vedas and creator of all comfort and
joy, light and honour with noble actions of truth. Man
of first and best choice, possessed of excellence, truth
is your real power and lustre. Man of dignity and
majesty, your greatness lies in the strength and support
of the people. Man of justice, destroyer of sin and crime,
harbinger of various kinds of happiness, doer of good
over and over again, you are the thunderbolt of lightning
action. With that instant power, protect me, save me,
perfect me.
29. (Agni Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
vÆfXu% i`FÉ kq/e ¼ "Zq kkÆ.kks¿vÆfXu% i`ÉFkq/e
Z Z×.kÆLifrt Z Z×.kÆLifRÆkjÆ kT;L¼ ;
osrqÉ LokgkÆ A Lokgk¼ÑrkÆ% lw;Z×L; jÊf'efHk¼;r Z èo§ltkÆrkuak¼
eè;Æes"BÔk¼; AAüùAA
Agni¨ pæthurdharmaƒaspatirju¶åƒoí agni¨
pæthurdharmaƒaspatiråjyasya vetu svåhå.
Svåhåkætå¨ sμ u ryasya ra‹mibhiryatadhva~ m
sajåtånå≈ madhyame¶thyåya.
Just as agni (fire), great and expansive, observer
of Dharma, served in yajna, receives the libations and,
sitting in the midst of its associate created materials and
living beings, atomizes the materials and, with the rays
of the sun radiates them into space, so should the ruler,
brilliant, great and expansive like fire, observe his/her
Raj Dharma, and in truth with justice, serve the nation.
So should also the noble and honest members of the
Council, in truth of word and action, observe their
Dharma and try to serve the nation.
30. (Savita & Others Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
lÆfOÆkÆ=kk iz¼lfOÆkÆ=kk lj¼LoR;k okÆpk Ro"Vªk¼ :ÆiS% iwÉ".kk
iÆ'kqfHÆkÆfjUæs¼.kkÆLes c`gÆLifr¼ukÆ czã¼.kkÆ o#¼.ksÆukSt¼lkÆfXuukÆ
rst¼lkÆ lkse¼u s Æ jkKkÆ fo".kq¼uk n'kÆE;k nsÆor¼;kÆ izlw¼rÆ%
izl¼ikZfe AAýúAA
Savitra prasavitrå sarasvatyå våcå tv¶¢rå rμupai¨
pμ u ¶ƒapa‹ubhirindreƒåsme bæhaspatinå
brahmaƒå varuƒenaujasåígninå tejaså somena
råj¤å vi¶ƒunå da‹amyå devatayå prasμuta¨ pra
Inspired by Lord Savita, the creator of life, for
creativity, enlightened by the sacred word of the Veda
by the grace of Saraswati, the Lord’s spirit of
omniscience, projecting various forms of development
by the grace of Twashta, the Lord’s power of art,
breathing the generosity of the earth (Pusha) to nourish
the animals and other living creatures, realizing the
possibilities of growth through electric energy by the
grace of Indra, the Lord’s power and force of nature,
with the magnanimity of Brihaspati, the Lord’s
immanence in the universe and His eternal wisdom
revealed in the Veda, with a sense of honour and
obligation by the grace of Varuna, the Lord’s majesty
and glory, with the heat of fire by the grace of Agni, the
Lord’s light and refulgence, with the soothing vitality
and beneficence of mind like the vitality of Soma and
beauty of the moon, and with broadness of mind
inspired by the Lords omnipresence in the universe, the
tenth attribute of the Lord as Vishnu, and finally,
supported by the will and words of our people —
inspired, shaped and committed thus I (the ruler) move
on in the business of governance.
31. (Kshatrapati Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
vÆf'oH;ak¼ iP;LoÆ lj¼LoR;S iP;ÆLosUæk¼; lqÉ=kkE.ks¼ iP;LoA
okÆ;q% iwÉr% iÆfo=ks¼.k izÆR;Ä~ DlkseksÆ vfr¼Ïqr% A bUæ¼L;Æ
;qT;Æ% l[kk¼ AAýûAA
A‹vibhyå≈ pacyasva sarasvatyai pacyasve-
ndråya sutråmƒe pacyasva. Våyu¨ pμ u ta¨
pavitreƒa pratyaΔksomo atisruta¨. Indrasya
yujya¨ sakhå.
Ruler/officer/citizen, develop and be mature by
the instructions of the teacher and the preceptor. Be
mature for the attainment of knowledge and wisdom,
and for decent communication. Develop yourself and
prepare for the honour and defence of the nation.
Seasoned and sanctified as the pure wind through noble
conduct and performance, be worthy of respect and
admiration. Rise in knowledge, dignity and grace, be
lovable as soma and the moon, and you would be a
chosen companion of Indra, the ruler, and the Supreme
Lord of life.
32. (Kshatrapati Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
oqÉQfonÆX ;o¼eUrksÆ ;o¯ fPÆkÆ|FkÆkÆ nkUR;¼uqiwÉo± fOÆkÆ;w;¼ A
bÆgsgS¼"kka Ñ.kqfgÆ Hkkst¼ukfUÆkÆ ;s cÆ£g"kksÆ ue¼¿m|DÆRÆ akÆ ;t¼fUr A
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿L;Æf'oH;ak¼ RokÆ lj¼LoR;SÆ RosUæk¼; Rok
lqÉ=kkE.ks¼ AAýüAA
KuvidaΔga yavamanto yava≈ cidyathå
dåntyanupμurva≈ viyμuya. Ihehai¶å≈ kæƒuhi
bhojanåni ye barhi¶o namaí uktim yajanti.
Upayåmagæh∂toí sya‹vibhyå≈ två sarasvatyai
tvendråya två sutråmƒe.
Ruler/Man of knowledge and honour, seasoned
and sanctified you are in the discipline of education by
teachers and preceptors. We accept you for the sake of
knowledge and effective speech, in the service of the
republic, for the honour and defence of the nation.
Senior men of knowledge sitting around the fire
on seats of grass chant words of homage in praise of
the divine. Treat them to food and liberal hospitality
with reverence.
The farmers harvest barley in a certain order, sift
the grain from the chaff and keep it safe. Protect the
farmers, and, like them, sift the grain of truth from the
chaff of untruth and protect the truth.
33. (Ashwinau Devate, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
;qÉo§lqÉjke¼ef'oukÆ ueq¼pkoklqÉjs lpk¼ A
fOÆkÆfIÆkÆikÆuk 'kq¼HkLirhÆ¿bUæaÆ deZ×Lokore~ AAýýAA
Yuva~m suråmama‹vinå namucåvåsure sacå.
Vipipånå ‹ubhaspat∂í indra≈ karmasvåvatam.
President of the council and commander of the
forces, bright and beneficent as the sun and the moon,
dedicated to truth, protectors of the republic, and
promoters of good social developments, both of you
safeguard and advance the man of power and prosperity
(such as the producer or the ruler or the administrator)
who is whole heartedly and unfailingly dedicated to
generous acts of public good (like the cloud showering
rain for humanity).
34. (Ashwinau Devate, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
iqÉ=kfe¼o fIÆkr ¼ Æf'ouksHÆ ksUækÆoFkq%É dkO;Sn
Æ jko ¼ §ÆZ luk¼fHk% A ;RlqjÉ keaÆ
O;fi¼cÆ% 'kph¼fHÆkÆ% lj¼Lorh Rok e?koÂfHk".ko~Q AAýþAA
Putramiva pitaråva‹vinobhendråvathu¨
kåvyairda~msanåbhi¨. Yatsuråma≈ vyapiba¨
‹ac∂bhi¨ sarasvat∂ två maghavannabhi¶ƒak.
Ruler of the land/President of the council, you
have enjoyed the delightful exhilaration of life by virtue
of noble intelligence and wonderful exploits worthy of
celebration in song. May your wife, with the vision and
wisdom of Saraswati, spirit of poetry, serve and
celebrate you in the home.
President of the council, and Commander of the
forces, both of you, with the order and approval of the
ruler, and with actions worthy of song in poetry, defend
the nation and the land as parents guard and promote
their children.
bfr n'keks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;qÉ×tkÆu% iz¼FkÆea e¼uLrÆÙok; lfOÆkÆrk f/;¼%A
vÆXusT;ksZfr¼£UÆkÆpkÕ;¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k¿vè;kHk¼jr~ AAûAA
Yu¤jåna¨ prathama≈ manastattvåya savitå
dhiya¨. Agnerjyotirnicåyya prithivyåíadhyå-
The man desirous of spiritual vision and earthly
brilliance in search of the essence of spirit and matter,
should concentrate his senses, mind and memory, direct
it all on the universal energy immanent in nature, collect
the light of Agni, Supreme Spirit and universal power,
and bring that knowledge of experience down to the
2. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;qÉDrsuÆ eu¼lk oÆ;a nsÆoL;¼ lfOÆkÆrq% lÆos A
LoÆX;kZ~;Æ 'kDR;k¼ AAüAA
Yuktena manaså vaya≈ devasya savitu¨ save.
Svargyåya ‹aktyå.
We men of yoga, in this world of Lord Savita’s
creation, with all our mind and energy collected,
concentrated and directed on the Spirit/on the object of
our search, bring the light of heaven to the earth to turn
it into a very paradise.
3. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;qÉDRok;¼ lfOÆkÆrk nsÆokURLo¼;Ær
Z ks fèÆkÆ;k fno¼e~ A
c`ÉgTT;ksfr¼% dfj";Ær% l¼fOÆkÆrk izlo q¼ kfRÆkÆ rku~ AAýAA
Yuktvåya savitå devåntsvaryato dhiyå divam.
Bæhajjyoti¨ kari¶yata¨ savitå prasuvåti tån.
The yogis, noble people, trying to reach the
regions of light and heavenly bliss with their mind and
sense, refine their faculties as instruments of divination
into the light and mystery of infinity. Savita, Lord of
light and generator of life, inspires their mind and soul
and helps them to join with the object of their love and
4. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;qÉ×trsÆ eu¼¿mÆr ;q¼×trsÆ f/;ksÆ foizkÆ foiz¼L; c`gÆrks
fo¼iÆf'pr¼% A fo gks=kk¼ n/s o;qukÆfonsdÆ¿bUeÆgh nsÆoL;¼
lfOÆkÆrq% ifj¼"Vqfr% AAþAA
Yu¤jate manaíuta yu¤jate dhiyo viprå viprasya
bæhato vipa‹cita¨. Vi hotrå dadhe vayunåvidekaí
inmah∂ devasya savitu¨ pari¶¢uti¨.
Great is the glory and high the praise of Savita,
generous creator of light and life, the one mighty,
infinite, all seeing, all-knowing lord of the universe.
He alone receives all our prayers and sacrifices. Thereon
do yogis, men of wisdom and vision, concentrate their
mind and intelligence — only there and nowhere else.
5. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;qÉts okaÆ czã¼ iwÉO;± ueks¼fHÆkÆ£o 'ykso¼Q¿,rq iÆF;s~o lwÉjs% A
Ük`É.oUrqÉ fo'os¿¼ vÆer
` L¼ ; iqÉ=kk¿vk ;s /kekf¼ u fnÆO;kfu¼ rÆLFkq%AAÿAA
Yuje vå≈ brahma pμurvya≈ namobhir vi‹lokaíetu
pathyeva sμure¨. ›æƒvantu vi‹veíamætasya putråí
å ye dhåmåni divyåni tasthu¨.
I join, and join you both, with the eternal lord of
the universe with hymns of praise and prayer as did the
yogis of old. May our song of prayer reach its divine
destination by the sure path of the great and the wise
seers. Listen all ye children of Immortality who inhabit
the holy worlds of the Lord’s creation and join to reach
the goal.
6. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;L;¼ izÆ;k.kÆeUoÆU;¿b|Æ;qnsZÆok nsÆoL;¼ efgÆekuÆekst¼lk A
;% ik£Fk¼okfu foeÆes l¿,r¼'kksÆ jtk¼¦fl nsÆo% l¼fOÆkÆrk
e¼fgRoÆuk AAöAA
Yasya prayåƒamanvanyaíidyayurdevå devasya
mahimånamojaså. Ya¨ pårthivåni vimame saí
eta‹o rajå|msi deva¨ savitå mahitvanå.
The great Lord Savita with His own power and
majesty has created all the regions of the earth and
heaven. He is the lord of light omnipresent in this world
whose great path of Dharma and yoga all the noble
people and others have followed with all their power
and potential.
7. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
nso¼ lforÆ% izlq¼o ;ÆKa izl¼qo ;ÆKi¼¯RÆkÆ Hkxk¼; A fnÆO;ks
x¼U/ÆoZ% os ¼QrÆiw% osQr¼Â% iqukrq oÆkÆpLifRÆkÆokZp¯ u%
Lonrq AA÷AA
Deva savita¨ prasuva yaj¤a≈ prasuva
yaj¤apati√ bhagåya. Divyo gandharva¨ ketapμu¨
keta≈ na¨ punåtu våcaspatirvåca≈ na¨ svadatu.
Savita, lord of light and glory, light our yajna
and promote our action for the attainment of happiness
and prosperity. Bless and promote the yajnapati to
achieve honour and wealth. Lord sustainer of the earth,
brilliant and holy, giver and purifier of life and
knowledge, purify our science and consecrate our
pursuit. Lord giver and purifier of speech, purify and
elevate our speech with sweetness and grace.
8. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
bÆea uks¼ nso lfor;ZÆKa iz.k¼; nsokÆO;~§lf[ÆkÆfon¼§l=kkÆftr¯
/uÆftr¼¦LoÆ£tr¼e~ A ÍÆpk LrkseƧle/ ¼ ;
Z xk;Æ=ks.k¼ jFkUrÆja
c`Égn~ xk¼;Æ=ko¼ÙkZfUÆkÆ Lokgk¼ AAøAA
Ima≈ no deva savitar yaj¤a≈ praƒaya devåvya|m
sakhivida|m satråjita≈ dhanajita|m svarjitam.
° R cå stoma| m samardhaya gåyatreƒa
rathantara≈ bæhad gåyatravarttani svåhå.
Savita, lord of life and inspiration, light, promote
and expand this yajna of ours which protects our noble
people and the virtues of our character, favours our
friends, wins our yajnic sessions of truth and gives us
wealth and happiness. Let it prosper with the chants of
Rgvedic hymns and advance into the wealth of Dharma
and knowledge with the truth of word and honesty of
action. Let it rise with the gayatri verses revealing the
paths of progress and prosperity to be covered and won
through the scientific gifts of rathantara, modes of speed
and progress.
9. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl
¼ o ¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrk¼H;ke~A
Æ ¿¨s f'ouksc
vkn¼ns xk;Æ=ks.kÆ NUn¼lkfXjÊLoRi`¼fFÆkÆO;k% lÆ/LFkk¼nƯXu
iq¼jhÆ";~efXjÊLonkHk¼jÊ =kS"Vq¼HksuÆ NUn¼lkfXjÊLor~ AAùAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí ‹vinorbåhubhya≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Ådade gåyatreƒa chandaså-
Δgirasvatpæthivyå¨ sadhasthådagni≈ pur∂¶ya-
maΔgirasvadåbhara trai¶¢ubhena chandaså-
Man of knowledge and vision, I accept and
welcome you as a man initiated by fire in this world of
Savita’s creation alongwith the force and attraction of
the energy of prana and the attraction and retention of
the life-giving air.
Take up the study of agni (heat and electricity)
immanent in the earth and revealed in the gayatri verses,
and discover and develop for us its energy value like
that of prana, the breath of life. Discover the energy-
potential of the waters revealed in the trishtubh verses,
and develop it like the blazing ambers of fire.
10. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vfHkz¼jfLÆkÆ uk;Z×fLÆkÆ Ro;k¼ oÆ;eÆfXu§'k¼osQeÆ [kfu¼rq§lÆ/LFkÆ
vk A tkx¼rsu NUn¼lkfXjÊLor~ AAûúAA
Abhrirasi nåryasi tvayå vayamagni|m ‹akema
khanitu|m sadhastha å. Jågatena chandaså-
Man of scholarship and imagination, you are a
tool of discovery and development of yajnic value for
humanity. Living together with you, let us be able to
discover the secrets and then develop the power of agni
(fire and electricity) with the help of the jagati verses
of the Veda — agni which is like the very breath of life.
11. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
gLr¼¿vkÆ/k;¼ lfOÆkÆrk fcHkzÆnfHkz¼§fgjÊ.;;h¼e~ A vÆXus&
T;ksZfr¼£UÆkÆpkÕ;¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k¿vè;kHk¼jÊnkuq¼"VqHksuÆ NUn¼lkfXjÊ&
Lor~ AAûûAA
Hasta ådhåya savitå bibhradabhri|m hiraƒyay∂m.
Agnerjyotirnicåyayya pæthivyåíadhyåbharadå-
nu¶¢ubhena chandasåΔgirasvat.
Savita, the creative man of science, having taken
up and holding a golden spade, should dig out and
collect the light and power of agni (electricity) with the
help of the anushtubh verses of the Veda and bear it on
the earth like the life-breath of humanity.
12. (Vaji Devata, Nabhanedishta °Rshi)
izrw¼r± okftÆÂkæ¼oÆ ofj¼"BkÆeuq¼ laÆor¼e~ A fnÆfo rsÆ tUe¼
ijÊeeÆUrfj¼{ksÆ roÆ ukfHk¼% i`fFÆkÆO;kefèÆkÆ ;ksfUÆkÆfjr~ AAûüAA
Pratμ u rta≈ våjinnådrava vari¶¢håmanu
sa≈vatam. Divi te janma paramamantarik¶e
tava nåbhi¨ pæthivyåmadhi yonirit.
Warlike man of heroic knowledge, come flying
on the wings at top speed, best and well-controlled. You
are a child of the region of the sun, your navel, centre
hold, is in the middle regions of the sky, and your home
and values are on the ground.
13. (Vaji Devata, Kushri °Rshi)
;qÉ×tkFkkƦjkl¼Hka ;qÉoeÆfLeu~ ;kes ¼ o`"k.olw A
vƯXu Hkj¼UreLeÆ;qe~ AAûýAA
Yu¤jåthå| m råsabha≈ yuvam asmin yåme
væ¶aƒvasμu. Agni≈ bharantamasmayum.
Man of science and man of technology, both of
you creators of a shower of wealth, yoke this horse-
power of fire/electricity to this carriage bearing and
taking us to our destination.
14. (Kshatrapati Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
;ksxs¼ ;ksxs rÆoLr¼jaÊ okts¼ okts gokegs A
l[kk¼;Æ¿bUæ¼er wÉ ;s¼ AAûþAA
Yoge yoge tavastara≈ våje våje havåmahe.
Friends, in project on project, and battle after
battle, we call upon Indra, our powerful ruler, to protect
us and defend the country.
15. Ganapati Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
izÆrwoÆÂZ sá¼oÆØkeÆÂ'k¼Lrh #ÆæL;Æ xk.k¼iR;a e;ksÆHkwjsfg¼ A
mÆoU¨Z rfj{¼ kaÆ oh~fg LoÆfLrx¼O;wfRÆkÆjHk;
¼ kfu o`QÉ .ou~ iw"É .kk lÆ;t
q k¼
lÆg AAûÿAA
Pratμ u rvannehyavakråmanna‹ast∂ rudrasya
gåƒapatya≈ mayobhμurehi. Urvantarik¶a≈ v∂hi
svasti gavyμutirabhayåni kæƒvan pμu¶ƒa sayujå
Overpowering the enemies, crushing the
oppositions, go forward and, creating peace and well-
being, come on top of the forces of the lord of justice
Creating fearlessness all round, moving on the
paths of peace and welfare, with strengthening and
supporting comrades, rise to the vast skies.
16. (Agni Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
¼ ¯Æ Xu iqj¼ hÆ";~efXjÊLonkHk¼jkƯXu iqj¼ hÆ";~efX&
i`fÉ FÆkOÆ ;k% lÆ/LFkkn
jÊLonPNs¼eksÆ¿¯Xu iq¼jhÆ";~efXjÊLo‰¼fj";ke% AAûöAA
Pæthivyå¨ sadhasthådagni≈ pur∂¶yamaΔgira-
svadåbharågni≈ pur∂¶yamaΔgirasvada-
cchemoígni≈ pur∂¶yamaΔgirasvad bhari-
Man of knowledge and vision, from the surface
of the earth/from the midst of the sky, isolate and collect
heat/magnetic/electric energy, a source of comfort like
the light of the sun. From the surface of the earth/from
admidst the sky, we collect in abundance heat/electric/
magnetic energy, a source of comfort like the breath of
air. From the depths of the earth/heights of the sky, we
shall collect heat/magnetic/electric energy in abundance,
a source of comfort and prosperity like the breath of
17. (Agni Devata, Purodha °Rshi)
vUoÆfXu#Æ"klkÆexz¼e[;ÆnUogk¼fu izFkÆeks tkÆros¼nk% A vuqÉ
lw;Z×L; iq#Æ=kk p¼ jÊ'ehuuqÉ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh¿vkr¼rUFk AAû÷AA
prathamo jåtavedå¨. Anu sμuryasya purutrå ca
ra‹m∂nanu dyåvåpæthiv∂íåtatantha.
The original agni (fire) is present in every thing
that is born in the universe. It is there before the dawn,
and with the dawn it proclaims the day. It is there before
the sun, and with the sun it pervades the rays of light
across the earth, the skies and the heavens.
(As the original fire pervades the heat and light
of existence, so should the learned man spread the light
of knowledge everywhere).
18. (Agni Devata, Mayobhu °Rshi)
vkÆxR;¼ okÆT;èok¼uƧlokZÆ e`/ksÆ fo/w¼uqrs A
vÆfXu§lÆ/LFks¼ egÆfr p{kq¼"kkÆ fufp¼dh"krs AAûøAA
Ågatya våjyadhvåna|m sarvå mædho vidhμunute.
Agni|m sadhasthe mahati cak¶u¶å nicik∂¶ate.
The war-horse, having come on the course, shakes
the enemy in battle. The house-holder, in his extensive
home, loves to collect, light and watch the fire.
(So should the ruler of the land shake the enemies,
light the fire of yajna and enlighten the people with
19. (Agni Devata, Mayobhu Rishi)
vkÆØE;¼ okftu~ i`fFÆkÆoheÆfXufe¼PN #Æpk Roe~ A
HkwE;k¼ o`ÉRok;¼ uks czwfgÆ ;rÆ% [kus¼eÆ ra oÆ;e~ AAûùAA
Åkramya våjin pæthiv∂magnimiccha rucå tvam.
Bhμumyå vætvåya no brμuhi yata¨ khanema ta≈
Hero of light, speed and power, having shaken
the enemies and having settled the earth in peace, you
take up agni (power and gold) with interest and
excitement, and ask us to go over the land so that we
may dig out and develop the same.
20. (Kshatrapati Devata, Mayobhu °Rshi)
|kSLrs¼ i`É"Ba i`¼fFÆkÆoh lÆ/LFk¼ekÆRekUrfj¼{k§leqÉæks ;ksfu¼% A
fOÆkÆ[;k;Æ p{kq¼"kkÆ RoeÆfHk fr¼"B i`rU;Ær% AAüúAA
Dyauste p涢ham pæthiv∂ sadhasthamåtmå-
ntarik¶a|m samudro yoni¨. Vikhyåya cak¶u¶å
tvamabhi ti¶¢ha pætanyata¨.
Enlightened ruler of the land, your past is as bright
as the sun, your present seat is firm as the earth, your
soul is magnanimous as the vast sky, your origin is as
deep as the ocean. Look round with your eye and be
firm and strong to face the challenges.
21. (Dravinoda Devata, Mayobhu °Rshi)
mRØk¼e egÆrs lkSHk¼xk;kÆLeknkÆLFkkuk¼n~ æfo.kksÆnk ok¼ftu~A
oÆ;¦L;k¼e lqeÆrkS i`¼fFÆkÆO;k¿vƯXu [ku¼Ur¿mÆiLFks¼¿&
vL;k% AAüûAA
Utkråma mahate saubhagåyåsmådåsthånåd
draviƒodå våjin. Vaya| m syåma sumatau
pæthivyåí agni≈ khanantaí upastheí asyå¨.
Man of power and action, giver of wealth, rise
up from this place of ours for the sake of great good
fortune so that, digging out the wealth of the earth
hidden in her womb (that is agni, gold and energy), we
may be prosperous and feel secure in our proper mind.
22. (Dravinoda Devata, Mayobhu °Rshi)
mn¼Øehn~ æfo.kksÆnk okÆT;okZdÆ% lqyksÆd§lqo`¼Qra i`fFkÆ&
O;ke~ A rr¼% [kuse lqizrh¼deÆfXu¦LoksÆ #gk¼.kkÆ¿vfèÆkÆ
uko¼QeqÙkÆee~ AAüüAA
Udakram∂d draviƒodå våjyarvåka¨ suloka|m
sukæta≈ pæthivyåm. Tata¨ khanema suprat∂kam-
agni|m svo ruhåƒåí adhi nåkamuttamam.
Man of science and technology, producer of
wealth, just as a powerful impetuous steed gallops fast
and high on its course, so you rise and advance to win a
beautiful, well-deserved state of joy, the best, a very
paradise on earth. And then we too, desiring and
working for a life of joy, shall dig out and collect from
earth and air a wonderful golden wealth of energy and
create a very heaven for all.
23. (Prajapati Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
vk Rok¼ ft?k£EÆkÆ eu¼lk ?k`Érsu¼ izfrf{ÆkÆ;UraÆ Hkqo¼ukfUÆkÆ
fo'ok¼ A i`ÉFkqa fr¼jÊ'pk o;¼lk c`ÉgUraÆ O;fp¼"BÆeÂS¼ jHkÆla
n`'kk¼ue~ AAüýAA
Å två jigharmi manaså ghætena pratik¶iyanta≈
bhuvanåni vi‹vå. Pæthu≈ tira‹cå vayaså
bæhanta≈ vyaci¶¢hamannai rabhasa≈ dæ‹ånam.
I take you up, O fire/wind, to study and celebrate
with all my mind, besprinkled with the fragrance of
ghee, co-existent with all things and all regions of the
world, extensive, moving in all directions in waves,
grown powerful with food, and so beautiful to perceive.
24. (Agni Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
vk fOÆkÆ'or¼% izÆR;×p¯ ft?kE;ZjÊ{klkÆ eu¼lkÆ rTtq¼"ksr A
eÕ;Z×Jh Li`gÆ;}¼.kks¿Z vÆfXuukZfHÆkÆe'` ks¼ rÆUok¨ tHkqZ×jk.k%AAüþAA
Å vi‹vata¨ pratya¤ca≈ jigharmyarak¶aså
manaså tajju¶eta. Marya‹r∂ spæhayadvarƒoí
agnirnåbhimæ‹e tanvå jarbhuråƒa¨.
I perceive agni (fire and vital air) directly in and
from all directions. It is the beauty and wealth of
humanity, lovely in form and colour, and, vibrating by
and through the body, it is soothing and auspicious to
feel and endure. Just as I take it up for study and
celebration with an honest mind full of love and
reverence, so you too all take it up and enjoy.
25. (Agni Devata, Somaka °Rshi)
ifjÆ okt¼ifr% dÆfojÊfXugZÆO;kU;¼Øehr~ A
n/ÆæRuk¼fu nkÆ'kq"ks¼ AAüÿAA
Pari våjapati¨ kaviragnirhavyånyakram∂t.
Dadhadratnåni då‹u¶e.
Agni, creator, producer, preserver and giver of
food and energy, omniscient eye of the universe, holds
and wields the wealth of the world for the generous and
the deserving people. Through the fire, He receives and
universally disperses the materials offered in yajna by
the house-holders.
26. (Agni Devata, Payu °Rshi)
ifj¼ RokXusÆ iqj¯ oÆ;a foiz¼§lgL; /hefg A
/`É"k}¼.k± fnÆos fn¼os gÆUrkj¯ HkÄ~xqÉjko¼rke~ AAüöAA
Pari tvågne pura≈ vaya≈ vipra|m sahasya
dh∂mahi. Dhæ¶advarƒa≈ dive dive hantåra≈
Agni/Commander of the forces, brilliant,
courageous, enduring, awesome, pious and
knowledgeable, defender of the weak and destroyer of
the wicked, day in and day out we honour you, praise
you, thank you in gratitude.
27. (Agni Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
RoeX¼ usÆ |qfHÆkLÆ Roek'¼ kq'kqÉ{kf.ÆkÆLRoe¼nH~ ;LRoe'e¼uÆLifj¼ A Roa
ous¼H;ÆLRoeks"k¼/hH;ÆLRoa u`É.kka u`¼irs tk;lsÆ 'kqfp¼% AAü÷AA
Tvamagne dyubhistvamå‹u‹uk¶aƒistva-
madbhyastvama‹manaspari. Tva≈ vanebhya-
stvamo¶adh∂bhyastva≈ næƒå≈ næpate jåyase
Agni/Ruler/Yajamana, guardian and protector of
the people, brilliant as daylight, instant in action against
evil and darkness, from the waters and air, herbs, forests
and sunbeams, thunder, cloud and granite, you take the
best and rise pure and purer, strong and stronger among
the people every day every way.
28. (Agni Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl
¼ Æo¿¨s f'ouksc
¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
i`ÉfFÆkÆO;k% lÆ/LFkk¼nƯXu iq¼jhÆ";~efXjÊLor~ [k¼ukfe A
T;ksfr¼"eUra RokXus lqÉizrh¼dÆet¼Ïs.k HkkÆuqukÆ nh|¼re~ A
f'ÆkÆoa izÆtkH;ks¿fg¼§lUra i`fFÆkOÆ ;k% lÆ/LFkk¼nƯXu iq¼jhÆ";~e&
fXjÊLor~ [k¼uke% AAüøAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Pæthivyå¨ sadhasthådagni≈
pur∂¶yamaΔgirasvat khanåmi. Jyoti¶manta≈
tvågne suprat∂kamajasreƒa bhånunå d∂dyatam.
›iva≈ prajåbhyoíhi| m santa≈ pæthivyå¨
sadhasthådagni≈ pur∂¶yamaΔgirasvat
In this yajnic world of Lord Savita’s creation, (in
the field of science and technology), with the attraction-
sustenance power of the earth and the sun, and the
positive-negative circuit of universal energy, from the
womb of the earth and the sky, I discover and develop
the heat and light of agni, immanent and beneficent
power of nature present like air everywhere.
Agni, lord of light, by your grace we discover
and develop the power of agni, electricity from the midst
of the sky, since it is present universally like the breath
of air — agni which is a source of light, bright and
beautiful, blazing by the splendour of the eternal sun,
injuring none, and a means of comfort and happiness
for all the people.
29. (Agni Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
vÆika i`É"Be¼fLÆkÆ ;ksfu¼jÊXus% l¼eÉæ
q eÆfHkrÆ% fiUo¼ekue~ A
o/Z×ekuks eÆgk¡üAA¿vk pÆ iq"o¼Qjs fnoks ek=k¼;k ofjÆE.kk
iz¼FkLo AAüùAA
Apa≈ p涢hamasi yoniragne¨ samudramabhita¨
pinvamånam. Vardhamåno mahå|níå ca pu¶kare
divo måtrayå varimƒå prathasva.
Agni, universal electric energy, you are the carrier
of the waters and the mother of fire. Expanding the
oceans (on earth and in the sky), yourself expanding on
all sides, go on expanding with the expansive space of
the heavens in the great womb of eternity.
30. (Dampati Devate, Gritsamada °Rshi)
'keZ× pÆ LFkks oeZ× pÆ LFkks¿fPN¼æs cgqÉys¿mÆHks A
O;p¼LorhÆ lao¼lkFkka Hk`ÉreƯXu iq¼jhÆ";~e~ AAýúAA
›arma ca stho varma ca sthoíchidre bahuleí
ubhe. Vyacasvat∂ sa≈vasåthå≈ bhætamagni≈
Man and wife, both of you live together in a
comfortable home of peace and plenty, safety and
security, in a state of abundance and uninterrupted
happiness. Live together a long age with yajna which,
well-maintained, is the best guardian-source of conjugal
31. (Jayapati Devate, Gritsamada °Rshi)
lao¼lkFkk¦LoÆ£onk¼ lÆehphÆ¿mj¼lkÆ Reuk¼ A
vÆfXueÆUrHkZ×fjÆ";Urh T;ksfr¼"eÆUret¼Ïfer~ AAýûAA
Sa≈vasåthå|m svarvidå sam∂c∂íuraså tmanå.
Agnimantarbhari¶yant∂ jyoti¶mantamajasramit.
Man and wife, come together with heart and soul
in unison, fully caring for each other and all, attaining
a state of conjugal bliss, and live in peace and joy a
long age with yajna fire, eternal light immanent in all,
giving life and energy to all — and extended through
the yajna of technology to be a source of new power
and comfort.
32. (Agni Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
iqÉjh";ks~¿fl fOÆkÆ'oHk¼jkÆ¿vFk¼okZ Rok izFkÆeks fuj¼eUFknXus A
Roke¼XusÆ iq"o¼QjkÆnè;Fk¼okZÆ fuj¼eUFkr A ewÉèuksZ fo'o¼L;
okÆ?kr¼% AAýüAA
Pur∂¶yoísi vi‹vabharåíatharvå två prathamo
niramanthadagne. Tvåmagne pu¶karådadhy-
atharvå niramanthata. Mμ u rdhno vi‹vasya
Agni, fire/electric energy, present in everything,
you are the sustainer of the world. The first man of
highest knowledge of reality, ‘Atharva’, explores you
on top of the world, collects you and brings you down
from the sky.
33. (Agni Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
req¼ Rok nÆè;Ä~ Ä`f"k¼% iqÉ=k¿bZ ×/sÆ¿vFk¼oZ.k% A
o`É=kÆg.ak¼ iqjUnÆje~ AAýýAA
Tamu två dadhyaΔΔæ¶i¨ putraí ∂dheíatharvaƒa¨.
Vætrahaƒa≈ purandaram.
Then ‘Dadhyang’, man of science and
technology, and son-like disciple of the man of vision
and science, ‘Atharva’, further lights and develops you,
‘Indra’, i.e., electric energy, breaker of the clouds and
shatterer of the hidden sources.
34. (Agni Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
req¼ Rok ikÆF;ks o`"kkÆ leh¼/s nL;qÉgUr¼ee~ A
/ÆuÆ×tÆ;§ j.ks¼ j.ks AAýþAA
Tamu två påthyo væ¶å sam∂dhe dasyuhantamam.
Dhana¤jaya|m raƒe raƒe.
Agni, energy existing in water and air, shower-
like source of power, winner of wealth in project after
project, destroyer of evil and wickedness, I develop you
in a positive and constructive manner.
35. (Hota Devata, Devashrava & Devavata R
° shis)
lhn¼ gksrÆ% Lo¿m¼ yksÆoQs fp¼fOÆkÆQÆRokURlkÆn;k¼ ;ÆK§lq¼o`ÉQrL;Æ
;ksukS¼ A nsÆokÆohnsZÆoku~ gÆfo"kk¼ ;tkÆL;Xus¼ c`Ég|t¼ekusÆ o;ks¼
/k% AAýÿAA
S∂da hota¨ svaíu loke cikitvåntsådayå yaj¤a|m
sukætasya yonau. Devåv∂rdevån havi¶å yajå-
syagne bæhadyajamåne vayo dhå¨.
Hota, expert of the science of yajna, take your
seat of bliss on the vedi, light and complete the yajna in
the home of the noble yajamana. Agni, presiding power
of yajna, developed and protected by the noble sages,
feed the devas, powers of nature, with yajna materials
and bless the yajamana with the great gift of health and
36. (Agni Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
fu gksrk¼ gksrÉ"` knu
¼ Æs fonk¼uLRosÆ"kks nhf¼ nÆok¡üAA¿v¼lnRlqÉn{k¼%A
vn¼C/ozrizefRÆkÆoZfl¼"B% lgÏEHkÆj% 'kqfp¼ftàks¿&
vÆfXu% AAýöAA
Ni hotå hotæ¶adane vidånastve¶o d∂divå|ní asadat
sudak¶a¨. Adabdhavratapramatir vasi¶¢ha¨
sahasrambhara¨ ‹ucijihvoí agni¨.
The young disciple, participant in the yajna of
education, sits close to his teacher in the house of
learning. Eager to learn and shine brilliant in virtue and
Dharma, smart and strong in performance, he is
dedicated fearlessly to the vows and values of his own
conscious choice. Blest is he with a thousand virtues of
generosity, with a tongue of purity like fire itself.
37. (Agni Devata, Praskanva °Rshi)
l§lh¼nLo eÆgk¡üAA¿v¼fLÆkÆ 'kksp¼Lo nsoÆohr¼e% A
fo /wÉee¼Xus¿v#Æ"ka fe¼;sè; l`Ét iz¼'kLr n'kZÆre~ AAý÷AA
Sa|m s∂dasva mahå|ní asi ‹ocasva devav∂tama¨.
Vi dhμumamagneíaru¶a≈ miyedhya sæja pra‹asta
Agni, venerable teacher, participating in the yajna
of education, great indeed you are and most eminent of
noble scholars. Shine and burn with the light of
knowledge and purity. Take your preceptorial seat,
remove the dark and create a full human being,
handsome and brilliant as the day.
38. (Apah Devata, Sindhudweepa °Rshi)
vÆiks nsÆoh#i¼l`tÆ e/q¼erhj;Æ{ek;¼ izÆtkH;¼% A
rklk¼ekÆLFkkukÆnqfTt¼grkÆeks"k¼/;% lqfiIiÆyk% AAýøAA
Åpo dev∂rupa sæja madhumat∂rayak¶måya
prajåbhya¨. Tåsåmåsthånådujjihatåmo¶adhaya¨
Man of science and medicine, create excellent
waters of spirituous efficacy and with their use in
horticulture produce medicinal herbs and fruits for
treatment of the people against consumptive diseases.
39. (Vayu Devata, Sindhudweepa °Rshi)
la rs¼ okÆ;e
q kZ ¼rÆfj'ok¼ n/krwÙkkÆuk;kÆ ân¼;aÆ ;f}oQ¼ Lre~ A ;ks
nsÆokukaÆ pj¼fl izk.Æ kFks¼uÆ dLeS¼ nsoÆ o"k¼MLrqÉ rqH;¼e~ AAýùAA
Sa≈ te våyurmåtari‹vå dadhåtμuttånåyå hædaya≈
yadvikastam. Yo devånå≈ carasi pråƒathena
kasmai deva va¶aŒastu tubhyam.
Lady of the home, generous and broadminded,
may the fragrant air of yajna sailing in the mother-sky
support and inspire your liberal heart beaming with joy.
Lord of home, noble and generous, moving in
the company of the blessed and the brilliant people with
spirit and enthusiasm, may all my effort and action be
for your good.
40. (Agni Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
lqtk¼rksÆ T;ksfr¼"kk lÆg 'keZÆ o:¼ FkÆekl¼nÆRLo~% A
oklks¼¿vXus fOÆkÆ'o:¼ iƧlaO;¼;Lo foHkkolks AAþúAA
Sujåto jyoti¶å saha ‹arma varμuthamåísadatsva¨.
Våsoíagne vi‹varμupa|m sa≈vyayasva vibhåvaso.
Agni/Grihastha, well-arisen with light and lustre,
abide in peace and security in your happy home. Shining
with beauty and prosperity, live decently, enjoy all forms
and modes of dress and ornaments, without vanity.
41. (Agni Devata, Vishvamana °Rshi)
mnq¼ fr"B LoèoÆjkok¼ uks nsÆO;k fèÆkÆ;k A n`É'ks p¼ HkkÆlk
c`¼gÆrk lq¼'kqÉDofUÆkÆjkXus¼ ;kfg lq'kÆfLrfHk¼% AAþûAA
Udu ti¶¢ha svadhvaråvå no devyå dhiyå. Dæ‹e
ca bhåså bæhatå su‹ukvanirågne yåhi
Agni, worthy house-holder of yajnic work and
conduct of love and non-violence, arise, and, with noble
and virtuous intelligence, advance and protect us.
Brilliant as fire and the sun, go forward with great
splendour and fame, doing laudable work for all to see.
42. (Agni Devata, Kanva °Rshi)
mQÆèoZ¿mQÆ "kq .k¼¿mQÆr;sÆ fr"Bk¼ nsÆoks u l¼fOÆkÆrk A
mQÆèoksZ oktL¼ ;Æ lfur
¼ kÆ ;nÆf×tfHk¼okZÆ?kf‰¼£OÆkÆà;ke
¼ gs AAþüAA
ªUrdhvaíμu ¶u ƒaíμutaye ti¶¢hå devo na savitå.
ª U rdhvo våjasya sanitå yada¤jibhir-
Learned teacher, of high quality of mind and
intelligence, brilliant as the sun, stay firm for our
protection and progress. Eminent scholar of science and
technology as you are, you procure for us means of
power and defence. We call upon you and honour you
with the scholars of distinction and penetrative vision
sharp as the beams of sunlight.
43. (Agni Devata, Trita °Rshi)
l tkÆrks xHkksZ׿vfLÆkÆ jksn¼L;ksÆjXusÆ pk#Æ£oHk`¼rÆ¿vks"k¼/h"kq A
fPÆkÆ=k% f'k'kqÉ% ifjÆ rek¼¦L;ÆDrwu~ iz ekÆrH` ;ksÆ¿vfèÆkÆ dfu¼&
Ønn~ xk% AAþýAA
Sa jåto garbhoíasi rodasyoragne cårurvibhætaí
o¶adh∂¶u. Citra¨ ‹i‹u¨ pari tamå|msyaktμun pra
måtæbhyoí adhi kanikradadgå¨.
Learned teacher, man of knowledge, just as the
morning sun, rising between the heaven and earth,
beautiful, of various wonders, as its warmth is absorbed
in the herbs, dispels the shades of darkness from the
heaven and earth and moves on rising in its glory, so
should the child grow up gaining the light of knowledge
to shine in the life of its parents in the home.
44. (Agni Devata, Trita °Rshi)
fLÆFÆkÆjks Hk¼o ohÆMo
~ ~X¿vkÆ'kqHkZ×o okÆT;~oZu~ A
i`ÉFkqHkZ×o lqÉ"knÆLRoeÆXus% iq¼jh"kÆokg¼.k% AAþþAA
Sthiro bhava v∂ŒvaΔgaíå‹urbhava våjyarvan.
Pæthurbhava su¶adastvamagne¨ pur∂¶avåhaƒa¨.
Child, keen for knowledge, be firm in the matter
of education. Strong of body, sharp and smart in action,
fast in learning and doing, gain practical knowledge of
life’s affairs. Bright as fire and light, create a place of
dignity for yourself. Enjoy great prosperity and support
the people around.
45. (Agni Devata, Chitra °Rshi)
f'ÆkÆoks Hk¼o izt Æ kH;ksÆ ekuq¼"khH;ÆLRoe¼fXj% A
ek |koki ¼ f` FÆkÆoh¿vÆfHk 'kksp
¼ hÆekZUrfj{¼ kaÆ ek ouÆLirhu¼ ~ AAþÿAA
›ivo bhava prajåbhyo månu¶∂bhyastvam-
aΔgira¨. Må dyåvåpæthiv∂íabhi ‹oc∂rmåí-
ntarik¶a≈ må vanaspat∂n.
Sonny, dear as my breath of life, be good to the
people, to all human creations. Damage not the earth
and the environment, pollute not the sky, do not
desecrate the heavens. Do not destroy the trees and the
46. (Agni Devata, Trita °Rshi)
izSr¼q okÆth dfu¼ØnÆÂku¼nÆækl¼HkÆ% iRok¼ A Hkj¼ÂƯXu iq¼jhÆ";a¨
ek ikÆ|k;q"¼ k% iqjÉ k A o`"kkƯXu o`"k¼.kaÆ HkjÂ
¼ Æika xHkZקleqÉfæ;e
¼ A~
vXuÆ¿vk;k¼fg ohÆr;s¼ AAþöAA
Praitu våj∂ kanikradannånadadråsabha¨ patvå.
Bharannagni≈ pur∂¶yam må pådyåyu¶a¨ purå.
Væ¶ågni≈ Væ¶aƒa≈ bharannapå≈ garbha|m
samudriyam. Agnaíå yåhi v∂taye.
Dear son, educated and enlightened, vibrating,
fast and fiery with electric energy, rushing, roaring,
giving, shooting to the goal, fall not before the full years
of your life are attained.
Potent, creative, procreative, bearing and using
the versatile energy of electricity, bring the showers of
rain, child of the sea, sky and solar power, down to earth
for the good of all.
47. (Agni Devata, Trita °Rshi)
ÍÆr§lÆR;e`Ér§lÆR;eƯXu iq¼jhÆ";~efXjÊLo‰¼jke%A vks"k¼/;Æ%
izfr¼eksnèoeÆfXuesÆr§f'ÆkÆoekÆ;Ur¼eÆH;=k¼ ;qÉ"ek%A O;L;Æu~
fo'okÆ¿vfuj¼ kÆ¿veh¼ok fUÆkÆ"khn¼ÂksÆ¿vi¼ nqeZƯr t¼fgAAþ÷AA
° R ta| m satyamæta ` m satyamagni≈ pur∂¶yam-
aΔgirasvadbharåma¨. O¶adhaya¨ prati-
modadhvamagnimeta|m ‹ivamåyantamabhyatra
yu¶må¨. Vyasyan vi‹våí aniråí am∂vå ni¶∂dannoí
apa durmati≈ jahi.
Children of the nation, we know the Divine Law,
simple, straight, constant and eternal. We observe it in
life and conduct. We know the truth of existence, real
and dynamic. We follow it in thought, word and deed.
We bear and use ‘agni’, the energy of nature, life’s mode
of preservation and promotion, and scientific means of
protection and prosperity. It blesses herbs, trees and
other vegetation, and these give us health and energy.
Listen you all, this agni is come, so good and
blissful. Welcome it in response and rejoice.
Be seated, man of science and medicine. Drive
off all that is enervating and infectious. Throw off all
that is stupid and ill-disposed.
48. (Agni Devata, Trita °Rshi)
vks"k¼/;Æ% izfr¼x`H.khrÆ iq"i¼orh% lqfiIiÆyk% A
vÆ;a oksÆ xHkZ׿ÍÆfRo;¼% izÆRu§lÆ/LFkÆekl¼nr~ AAþøAA
O¶adhaya¨ pratigæbhƒ∂ta pu¶pavat∂¨
supippalå¨. Aya≈ vo garbhaíætviya¨ pratna|m
Come would be mothers (in response to the
generosity of nature), take the soothing beauty of the
herbal flowers and the nectar-sweets of fruit so that the
timely arrival of the coming guest to the maternal womb
may be auspicious.
49. (Agni Devata, Utkeela °Rshi)
fo ikt¼lk i`ÉFkqukÆ 'kks'kqpk¼uksÆ ck/¼Lo f}É"kks jÊ{klksÆ¿veho ¼ k%A
lqÉ'keZ×.kks c`gÆr% 'keZ×f.k L;keÆXusjg É oL¼ ;Æ iz.kh¼rkS AAþùAA
Ê §lqg
Vi påjaså pæthunå ‹o‹ucåno bådhasva dvi¶o
rak¶asoí am∂vå¨. Su‹armaƒo bæhata¨ ‹armaƒi
syåmagneraha|m suhavasya praƒ∂tau.
Dear husband, blest with various strength and
power, bright and pure as agni (light), great, prosperous
and generous, dedicated to yajna and social life, stop
and remove the jealous, hostile and wicked enemies of
our married life, and I would live happy in your beautiful
home of love and peace, observing your noble values
of life.
50. (Apah Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
vkiksÆ fg "Bk e¼;ksÆHkqoÆLrk u¼¿mÆQÆtsZ n¼/kru A
eÆgs j.kk¼;Æ p{k¼ls AAÿúAA
Åpo hi ¶¢hå mayobhuvastå naíμurje dadhåtana.
Mahe raƒåya cak¶ase.
Women, pure, cool and generous like holy waters,
creators of domestic peace and conjugal joy, stay firm
and constant and hold on with strength and energy to
face the great and memorable battles of life with us.
51. (Apah Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
;ks o¼% f'ÆkÆor¼eksÆ jlÆLrL;¼ Hkkt;rsÆg u¼% A
mÆ'kÆrhfj¼o ekÆrj¼% AAÿûAA
Yo va¨ ‹ivatamo rasastasya bhåjayateha na¨.
U‹at∂riva måtara¨.
Women, the most blissful pleasure and happiness
of life that is yours and ours, create and share the same
here in the home with us with the love and passion for
52. (Apah Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
rLekÆ¿vj¯ xeke oksÆ ;L;Æ {k;k¼;Æ ftUo¼Fk A
vkiks¼ tÆu;¼Fkk p u% AAÿüAA
Tasmåíara≈ gamåma vo yasya k¶ayåya
jinvatha. Åpo janayathå ca na¨.
Women, cool, pure and generous like holy waters,
be active and happy and create conjugal peace and joy
for a happy home for us and yourselves. And we too
shall be wholly and exclusively with you with all our
heart and soul.
53. (Mitra Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
fEÆkÆ=k% lƧl`T;¼ i`fFÆkÆoha Hkw¯e× pÆ T;ksfr¼"kk lÆg A
lqtk¼ra tkÆros¼nle;Æ{ek;¼ RokÆ l§l`t ¼ kfe izÆtkH;¼%AAÿýAA
Mitra¨ sa|msæjya pæthiv∂≈ bhμumi≈ ca jyoti¶å
saha. Sujåta≈ jåtavedasamayak¶måya två sa|m
sæjåmi prajåbhya¨.
Just as Mitra, the sun, joining the earth and the
sky, illumines the two with its light, similarly I join you,
Agni (yajna fire), brilliant and beautiful, and light you
for the health and well-being of the people.
Just as you, husband and dear friend, having
joined the earth and home with the light of your
knowledge and sense of justice, give me love and joy
for the health and happiness of the family and the people,
so do I join and help you, man of noble birth and
education, in the life of the home and the people.
54. (Rudra Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
#Ææk% lƧl`T;¼ i`fFÆkÆoha c`ÉgTT;ksfRÆkÆ% leh¼f/js A
rs"kak¼ HkkÆuqjt¼ÏÆ¿bPNqÉØks nsÆos"kq¼ jksprs AAÿþAA
Rudrå¨ sa|msæjya pæthiv∂≈ bæhajjyoti¨ sam∂dhire.
Te¶åm bhånurajasraí icchukro deve¶u rocate.
Rudras (creative energies of the universe) create
the earth and light it with the sun. The sun is the
concentration of their energy and shines among the
luminous objects continuously.
Similarly, men and women of knowledge and
justice create the light and joy of life among the people
and shine like the sun.
55. (Sineewalee Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
l§l`¼"VkaÆ olq¼Hkh #ÆæS/hZjS¼% deZÆ.;ka¨ e`n¼e~ A
gLrk¼H;ka e`É}ha o`QÉ Rok fl¼uhokÆyh o`¼Q.kksrqÉ rke~ AAÿÿAA
Sa|ms涢å≈ vasubh∂ rudrairdh∂rai¨ karmaƒyå≈
mædam. Haståbhyå≈ mædv∂≈ kætvå sin∂val∂
kæƒotu tåm.
Young man, just as an artist refines and softens
his plastic material with his hands and creates a beautiful
form, so a girl, soft and gentle, dexterous of hand and
efficient in yajna ritual, shaped and refined by serious
teachers of Vasu and Rudra (of twenty-four and thirty-
six years) standing is worthy of your love. Win her love
and take her to wife.
56. (Aditi Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
fLÆkÆuhÆokÆyh lq¼diÆnkZ lq¼oqQjhÆjk LokS¼iÆ'kk A
lk rqH;¼efnrs eÆáks[kka n¼/krqÉ gLr¼;ks%AAÿöAA
Sin∂vål∂ sukapardå sukur∂rå svaupa‹å. Så
tubhyamadite mahyokhå≈ dadhåtu hastayo¨.
Aditi, infinite creative power, mother of the
universe, the young woman inspired with love, of
beautiful hair, handsome of body, wearing beautiful
ornaments, virtuous in action and expert in food
preparation carries in her hands a tray of delicious foods
and waits on you.
57. (Aditi Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
mÆ[kka o`¼Q.kksrqÉ 'kDR;k¼ ckÆgqH;kÆefn¼fr£èÆkÆ;k A ekÆrk iqÉ=ka
Æ LFksÆ lk¯Xu fcH¼ kÙkqÉZ xHkZÆ¿vk A eÆ[kL;Æ f'kjks¿¼ flAAÿ÷AA
Ukhå≈ kæƒotu ‹aktyå båhubhyåmaditirdhiyå.
Måtå putra≈ yathopasthe sågni≈ bibharttu
garbhaí å. Makhasya ‹iroísi.
Young householder, you are the head of yajna.
With her power, skill and intelligence, and, with her
own hands, may Aditimake a tray of yajna materials for
Just as a mother holds her baby in her lap, so
may your wife hold agni, a bright and vibrating foetus,
in her womb in grihastha yajna.
58. (Vasu, Rudra, Aditya, Vishvedeva Devata,
Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
ol¼oLRok Ñ.oUrq xk;Æ=ks.kÆ NUn¼lkfXjÊLon~ /zÉo q kfl¼
i`fFÆkÆO;~fl /kÆj;kÆ ef;¼ izÆtk¦jkÆ;Liks"ka ¼ xkSiÆR;§ lqÉoh;Zק
ltkÆrkU;t¼ekuk; #ÆækLRok¼ Ñ.oUrqÉ =kS"Vq¼HksuÆ NUn¼&
lkfXjÊLon~ /zo Éq kL;ÆUrfj{¼ kefl /kÆj;kÆ ef;¼ izt
Æ k¦jkÆ;Liks"ka ¼
xkSiÆR;§lqÉoh;Z ק ltkÆrkU;t¼ekuk;kfnÆR;kLRok¼ Ñ.oUrqÉ
tkx¼rsuÆ NUn¼lkfXjÊLon~ /zqÉokfLÆkÆ |kSj¼fl /kÆj;kÆ ef;¼
izÆtk¦jkÆ;Liks"ka ¼ xkSiÆR;§lqÉoh;ZקltkÆrkU;t¼ekuk;Æ fo'os¼
Rok nsÆok oS¼'okuÆjk% o`¼Q.oÆURokuq¼"VqHksuÆ NUn¼lkfXjÊLon~
/zoqÉ kfLÆkÆ fn'kks¼¿fl /kÆj;kÆ ef;¼ izÆtk¦jkÆ;Liks"ka ¼ xkSiÆR;§&
lqÉoh;ZקltkÆrkU;t¼ekuk; AAÿøAA
Vasavastvå kæƒvantu gåyatreƒa chandasåí-
Δgirasvad dhruvåísi pæthivyasi dhårayå mayi
prajå| m råyaspo¶a≈ gaupatya| m suv∂rya| m
sajåtånyajamånåya rudråstvå kæƒvantu
trai¶¢ubhena chandasåíΔgirasvad dhruvåí-
syantarik¶amasi dhåryå mayi prajå| m
råyaspo¶a≈ gaupatya| m suv∂rya| m sajåtån-
yajamånayådityåstvå kæƒvantu jågatena
chandasåíΔgirasvad dhruvåísi dyaurasi dhåryå
mayi prajå|m råyaspo¶am gaupatya|m suv∂rya|m
sajåtånyajamånåya vi‹ve två devå vai‹vånarå¨
kæƒvantvånu¶¢ubhena chandasåíΔgirasvad
dhruvåísi di‹oísi dhåryå mayi prajå|m råyas-
po¶a≈ gaupatya| m suv∂rya| m sajåtån-
Virgin girl, firm and strong you are like the breath
of vitality, blissful and generous as earth. May the
teachers of the Vasu order of 24 years prepare you with
the inspiring gayatri verses to be my wife and give you
unto me.
Bachelor youth, unshakeable as the vital air and
tolerant as the earth, may the teachers of the Vasu order
of 24 years prepare you with the inspiring gayatri verses
to be my husband and give you unto me. Bless me with
children, wealth of life, good health, economic
prosperity, and honour and lustre. And the children
would be for the yajamana, the teacher, for study.
Young woman, you are firm like the sky, full of
love like the space between earth and heaven. May the
teachers of the Rudra order of 36 years prepare you with
the trishtup verses to be my wife and give you unto me.
Young man, you are firm like the sky, full of love
like the space between earth and heaven. May the
teachers of the Rudra order of 36 years prepare you with
the trishtup verses to be my husband and give you unto
me. Get me children, wealth of life, good health,
economic prosperity, and social honour and lustre. And
the children would be for the yajamana, the teacher, for
Young and learned woman, you are inviolable like
the light of the sun, brilliant and enlightening. May the
teachers of the Aditya order of 48 years, with the jagati
verses, give you unto me as wife.
Young man of learning, you are firm and
invincible like the light of the sun, brilliant in character
and behaviour. May the teachers of the Aditya order of
48 years, with the jagati verses, give you unto me as
husband. Give me children, world fame, good health,
economic prosperity and brilliance of well-being. And
the children would be for the yajamana, a brilliant
teacher, for study.
Blessed girl, you are firm and strong as the
universal spirit of life among living beings, darling of
space in all the directions. May all the learned sages
and brilliant leaders of the world, with the anushtup
verses, give you unto me as wife.
Blessed young man, firm and strong as the vital
link of life among living beings, admired of everybody
in all the directions, may all the learned sages and
brilliant leaders of the world, with the anushtup verses,
give you unto me as husband. Bless me with children,
glory, health, economic prosperity and intellectual
brilliance, and the pride of heroic motherhood. And the
children would be for the yajamana, the teacher
preceptor of truth, for study.
59. (Aditi Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
vfn¼R;SÆ jkLukÆL;fn¼fr"VsÆ fcy¯ x`H.kkrq A o`ÉQRok;Æ lk
eÆgheqÉ[kka e`ÉUe;haÆ ;ksfu¼eÆXu;s A iqÉ=ksH;Æ% izk;¼PNÆnfn¼fr%
JÆi;kÆfufr¼ AAÿùAA
Adityai råsnåsyaditi¶¢e bila≈ gæbhƒåtu Kætvåya
så mah∂mukhå≈ mænmay∂≈ yonimagnaye.
Putrebhya¨ pråyacchadaditi¨ ‹rapayåniti.
Mother teacher, you are the giver of knowledge
for the girl-child, your disciple. Let the disciple receive
your body of knowledge with observance of the
discipline of ‘brahmacharya’ (celibacy and austerity).
Let the mother give the big, sacred, earthen
sacrificial tray to the disciples to mix and cook the
materials and prepare these for the fire of yajna.
60. (Vasus and others Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
ol¼oLRok /wi;Urq xk;Æ=ks.kÆ NUn¼lkfXjÊLon~ #ÆækLRok¼
/wi;UrqÉ =kS"VqH¼ ksuÆ NUn¼lkfXjÊLonkf¼ nÆR;kLRok¼ /wi;UrqÉ tkx¼ru
s Æ
NUn¼lkfXjÊLon~ fo'os¼ Rok nsÆok oS'¼ okuÆjk /w¼i;ÆURokuq"¼ VqHksuÆ
NUnl¼ kfXjÊLofnUæL¼ Rok /wi;UrqÉ o#¼ .kLRok /wi;rqÉ fo".kq&¼
LRok /wi;rq AAöúAA
Vasavastvå dhμupayantu gåyatreƒa chandaså-
Δgirasvad rudråstvå dhμupayantu trai¶¢ubhena
chandasåΔgirasvadådityåstva dhμ u payantu
jågatena chandasåΔgirasvad vi‹ve två devå
vai‹vånarå dhμupayantvånu¶¢ubhena chandaså-
Δgirasvad indrastvå dhμupayatu varuƒastvå
dhμupayatu vi¶ƒustvå dhμupayatu.
Brahmachari/Brahmacharini, may the teachers of
the first order of Vasus of 24 years standing, with gayatri
verses, like the vitality of pranas, strengthen you with
nourishing and delicious foods.
May the scholars of the higher order of Rudras
of 36 years standing, with trishtup verses, like science,
enlighten you with scientific method and discriminative
May the scholars of the highest order of Adityas
of 48 years standing, with jagati verses, like the purest
air of the sky, temper you with right conduct and
May the versatile scholars and men of wide
experience of the world, with anushtup verses, like the
vibrations of electric currents, vitalize you with inspiring
advice and discussion.
May Indra, man of power in governance, train
you in the art of management and administration. May
Varuna, man of right choice, give you the right vision
and will in practical ethics and politics of value. May
Vishnu, man of comprehensive knowledge and yoga,
train you in the practice of personal and collective yoga
and yajna of cooperation and common pursuits.
61. (Aditi & others Devata, Sindhudveepa °Rshi)
vfn¼fr"V~ok nsÆoh fOÆkÆ'ons¼O;korh i`fFÆkÆO;k% lÆ/LFks¼¿&
vfXjÊLor~ [k¼uRooV nso Æ kuak¼ RokÆ iRuh¼no ÆZs h£OÆk'Æ ons¼O;korh%
i`fFÆkOÆ ;k% lÆ/LFks¼¿vfXjÊLoí/ ¼ rw[ks fèÆk"Æ k.kkL¼ Rok nso Æ h£OÆk'Æ o&
ns¼O;korh% i`fFÆkÆO;k% lÆ/LFks¼¿vfXjÊLonÆHkh~U/rkeq[ksÆ
o:¼=kh"V~ok nsÆoh£OÆkÆ'ons¼O;korh% i`fFÆkÆO;k% lÆ/LFks¼¿&
vfXjÊLoPNªi ¼ ;Urw[ksÆ XukLRok¼ nso Æ h£OÆk'Æ onsO¼ ;korh% i`fFÆkOÆ ;k%
lÆ/LFks¼¿vfXjÊLoRip ¼ Urw[ksÆ tu; ¼ ÆLRokfPN ¼ i=kk nso Æ h£OÆk'Æ o&
ns¼O;korh% i`fFÆkÆO;k% lÆ/LFks¼¿vfXjÊLoRi¼pUrw[ks AAöûAA
Aditi¶¢vå dev∂ vi‹vadevyåvat∂ pæthivyå¨
sadhastheíaΔgirasvat khanatvava¢a devånå≈ två
patn∂rdev∂rvi‹vadevyåvat∂¨ pæthivyå¨ sadhasthe
aΔgirasvaddadhatμukhe dhi¶aƒåstvå dev∂rvi‹va-
devyåvat∂¨ pæthivyå¨ sadhasthe aΔgirasvad-
abh∂ndhatåmukhe varμ u tr∂¶¢vå dev∂rvi‹va-
devyåvat∂¨ pæthivyå¨ sadhasthe aΔgirasv-
acchrapayantμukhe gnåstvå dev∂rvi‹vadevyåvat∂¨
pæthivyå¨ sadhasthe aΔgirasvatpacantμ u khe
janayastvåchinnapatrå dev∂rvi‹vadevyåvat∂¨
pæthivyå¨ sadhasthe aΔgirasvat pacantμukhe.
Innocent child, may the noble teachers,
distinguished among the scholars of the world, at a
settled place on the earth probe and open out your mind
for development like the heat of fire.
Intelligent girl, may the wives of scholars,
distinguished among scholars of the world, at a
distinguished school on the earth, hold you in their care
like the breath of life.
Ambitious girl, may the women of science and
word-power, distinguished among scholars of the world,
light up your will and intelligence like the vitality of
their own life.
Industrious girl, keen for the wealth of knowledge
like a yajna vessel, may the noble teachers, eminent
among distinguished scholars of the world in the field
of science, in a reputed school of the world, enlighten
you and temper you to perfection like the light of the
Brilliant girl, may the scholars of Vaidic
knowledge, noble and distinguished among scholars of
the world, in some reputed institution of the world,
enlighten you to fullness of resistance and action like
the currents of electricity.
Dedicated girl, may the noble women of
distinction, eminent among the scholars of the world,
most meritorious and flying high in achievement,
generous as teachers refine you and distil your human
quality to perfection like the nectar of juices in the lap
of mother earth in an ideal institution.
Dear girl, be with them and learn, and grow to
human perfection.
62. (Mitra Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
fEÆkÆ=kL;¼ p"kZ.khÆ/`rks¿oks¼ nsÆoL;¼ lkuÆfl A
|qÉEua fPÆkÆ=kJ¼oLree~ AAöüAA
Mitrasya car¶aƒ∂dhætoívo devasya sånasi.
Dyumna≈ citra‹ravastamam.
Lady of the house, honour and safeguard the old
and auspicious wealth and reputation of your noble
husband, friend and supporter of all and an admirable
man of generosity and hospitality.
63. (Savita Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
nsÆoLRok¼ lfOÆkÆrks}¼irq lqikÆf.k% Lo¼Ä~xÉfq j% lq¼ckÆgq#Ær 'kDR;k¼A
vO;¼Fkekuk i`fFÆkÆO;kek'kkÆ fn'kÆ¿vki`¼.k AAöýAA
Devastvå savitodvapatu supåƒi¨ svaΔguri¨
subåhuruta ‹aktyå. Avyathamånå pæthivyåmå‹å
Lady of the house, your noble husband, brilliant
and generous like the sun, of long arms, beautiful hands
and lovely fingers, with his strength and potency may
bless you with conjugal joy and children. You too,
without fear or trouble, may fill the earth in all direction
with hope and expectation.
64. (Mitra Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
mÆRFkk;¼ c`gÆrh HkÆoksnq¼ fr"B /zqÉok Roe~ A
fe=kSÆrka r¼¿mÆ[kka ifj¼nnkÆE;fHk¼Ù;k¿,É"kk ek Hks¼fn AAöþAA
Utthåya bæhat∂ bhavodu ti¶¢ha dhruvå tvam.
Mitraitå≈ taíukhå≈ pari dadåmyabhittyåíe¶å
må bhedi.
Enlightened girl, arise, and having risen, be great
and stay firm.
Friend, dear groom, I give unto you this noble
and generous girl for wife wholly and exclusively for a
free and fearless life. Never have any reservations with
her, never entertain any differences with her as a matter
of faith and trust.
65. (Vasus & others Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
olo ¼ LÆ RokPN`¼UnUrq xk;Æ=ks.kÆ NUnl ¼ kfXjÊLoæqÉækLRokPN`U¼ nUrqÉ
=kS"Vq¼HksuÆ NUn¼lkfXjÊLonk¼fnÆR;kLRokPN`¼UnUrqÉ tkx¼rsuÆ
NUnl ¼ kfXjÊLof}'os¼ Rok nso Æ k oS'¼ okuÆjk¿vkPN`U¼ nÆURokuq"¼ VqHksuÆ
NUn¼lkfXjÊLor~ AAöÿAA
Vasavastvåîchændantu gåyatreƒa chandaså-
Δgirasvadrudråstvåîchændantu trai¶¢ubhena
jågatena chandasåΔgirasvadvi‹ve två devå
May the scholars of the first order of Vasus, with
the inspiring gayatri verses, kindle you like fire. May
the scholars of the higher order of Rudras, with the
enlightening trishtup verses, enlighten and firm you up,
like pranic energy, in the triple discipline of knowledge,
action and worship. May the scholars of the highest
order of Adityas, like the sun, brighten you up with the
jagati verses of world vision. May all the noble saints
and sages of the world, with the elevating anushtup
verses, enliven and sanctify you like the distilled
essences of nature’s powers.
66. (Agni & others Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
vkow¼QfreƯXu izÆ;t Æ LokgkÆ euks¼ esÆ/keƯXu izÆ;t
q ¦ Æ Lokgk¼
q ¦
fPÆkÆÙka foKk¼reƯXu izÆ;qtƦLokgk¼ okÆpks fo/`¼freƯXu
izÆ;qtƦLokgk¼ izÆtki¼r;sÆ eu¼osÆ LokgkÆXu;s¼ oS'okuÆjk;Æ
Lokgk¼ AAööAA
Åkμutimagni≈ prayuja|m svåhå mano medhåm-
agni≈ prayuja|m svåhå citta≈ vij¤åtamagni≈
prayuja|m svåhå våco vidhætimagni|m prayuja|m
svåhå prajåpataye manave svåhåígnaye
vai‹vånaråya svåhå.
With truth of word and action, light the fire which
inspires to courageous thinking and collective decision.
With truth and honesty of social behaviour, light
up the inner vitality which inspires the mind to will and
the intellect to analyse and understand the problems of
With honest social action, promote the agni,
social will, which inspires chitta, instrument of
knowledge, to think and preserve the knowledge already
With truth of word and honesty of commitment,
maintain the fire which inspires you to proclaim the
truth in speech and to safeguard it in memory and
Keep up the fire of inspiration, action and
enthusiasm for the preservation and promotion of agni
(fire and energy, both physical and mental), lighted, used
and applied in personal yoga and collective action in
the service of Prajapati, lord of the created world, Manu,
men of thought, research and meditation, Agni, the
enlightened leaders of the world, and Vaishwanara, the
omnipresent Life of existence — the Supreme.
(Keep up the fire, for the fire, in the service of
Fire, Agni).
67. (Savita Devata, Atreya °Rshi)
fo'oks¼ nsÆoL;¼ usÆrqeZrksZ× oqjhr lÆ[;e~ A
fo'oks¼ jkÆ;¿b¼"kqè;fr |qÉEua o`¼.khr iqÉ";lsÆ Lokgk¼ AAö÷AA
Vi‹vo devasya neturmarto vur∂ta sakhyam. Vi‹vo
råyaíi¶udhyati dyumna≈ væƒ∂ta pu¶yase svåhå.
Let the people of the world opt for the love and
friendship of the leading Light of the world. Let them
all gird up their loins, take up arms for the wealth of the
world and win the prize of honour and prosperity with
truth of word and deed. This is how you flourish.
68. (Amba Devata, Atreya °Rshi)
ek lq fHk¼RFkkÆ ek lq fjÆ"kks¿Ec¼ /`"É .kq ohÆj;¼LoÆ lq A
vÆfXu'psÆna o¼Qfj";Fk% AAöøAA
Må su bhitthå må su ri¶oímba dh涃u v∂rayasva
su. Agni‹ceda≈ kari¶yatha¨.
Mother, alienate us not from learning. Hurt us
not to ruin. Proud and bold, be valiant and take us to
the end of the job with success. Mother and father/
Mother and child, doing thus bold and fine together
like Agni, fire and the sun, you will accomplish the task
on hand.
69. (Amba Devata, Atreya °Rshi)
n`§g¼Lo nsfo i`fFkfo LoÆLr;¼¿vklqÉjh ekÆ;k LoÆ/;k¼
o`ÉQrkfl¼ A tq"V¯ nsÆosH;¼¿bÆne¼Lrq gÆO;efj¼"VkÆ Roeqfn¼fg
;ÆKs¿vÆfLeu~ AAöùAA
Dæ`mhasva devi pæthivi svastayaíåsur∂ måyå
svadhayå kætåísi. Ju¶¢a≈ devebhyaíidamastu
havyamari¶¢å tvamudihi yaj¤eíasmin.
Noble woman of knowledge and brilliance,
generous as mother earth, be strong and firm for the
sake of peace and joy. By your own virtue, with food
and water, you have realized the power vibrant in pranic
energy. Pure and unsullied, rise in this home yajna and
help us grow. The food you have prepared for the yajna
and the knowledge you have gathered,may it be a gift
for all the people.
70. (Agni Devata, Somahuti °Rshi)
æ~o¼Â% lÆ£ijk¼lqfr% izÆRuks gksrkÆ ojs¼.;% A
lg¼lLiqÉ=kks¿v‰q¼r% AA÷úAA
Drvanna¨ sarpiråsuti¨ pratno hotå vareƒya¨.
Sahasasputroí adbhuta¨.
Noble young man, living on herbs and fruits for
food, and the fragrance of distilled ghee from yajna for
‘drink’ (breathing), a yajnic of long standing, choice of
the good, son of a bold and courageous man, wonderful
of nature, character and performance, rise in this home
yajna of the family for growth in peace and joy.
71. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
ij¼L;kÆ¿vf/¼ laÆorks¿o¼jk¡üAA¿vÆH;kr¼j A
;=kkÆgefLÆEÆkÆ rk¡üAA¿v¼o AA÷ûAA
Parasyåíadhi sa≈vatoívarå| n í abhyåtara.
Yatråhamasmi tå|ní ava.
Virgin girl of excellence, on marriage, leave those
you have departed from, and come, join those who are
here on this side. Support and defend those wherever I
am. If there was anything low or mean earlier, give up
that, and adopt and uphold the values of our family.
72. (Agni Devata, Varuni °Rshi)
iÆjÊeL;k¼% ijkÆorks¼ jksÆfgn¼'o¿bÆgkx¼fg A
iqÉjhÆ";~% iq#fIÆkzÆ;ks¿XusÆ Roa r¼jkÆ e`/¼% AA÷üAA
Paramasyå¨ paråvato rohida‹vaíihågahi.
Pur∂¶ya¨ purupriyoígne tva≈ tarå mædha¨.
Agni, young man of excellence, best of social
supporters, most loved of the people, come here from
afar on a chariot of fire for this excellent girl, join her,
and with her overcome the hurdles of your life.
73. (Agni Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
;n¼XusÆ dkfUÆkÆ dkfu¼ fPÆkÆnk rsÆ nk#¼ f.k nÆèefl¼ A
lo±Æ rn¼Lrq rs ?k`Éra rTtq¼"kLo ;fo"BÔ AA÷ýAA
Yadagne kåni kåni cid å te dåruƒi dadhmasi.
Sarva≈ tadastu te ghæta≈ tajju¶asva yavi¶¢hya.
Young man/woman, brilliant like fire, whatever
things are for you, all those we place on the shelf. Accept
and take all that as fire accepts the oblations of ghee.
All that is ours is yours. All that is yours is ours too.
74. (Agni Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
;nÙ;q¼iÆftfà¼dkÆ ;n~ oÆezks¿v¼fRÆkÆliZ×fr A
lo±Æ rn¼Lrq rs ?k`Éra rTtq¼"kLo ;fo"BÔ AA÷þAA
Yadattyupajihvikå yad vamro atisarpati. Sarva≈
tadastu te ghæta≈ tajju¶asva yavi¶¢hya.
Young man/woman of excellence, brilliant as fire,
whatever the woman/man of controlled taste and tongue
eats, and howsoever her/his breath flows in and out, all
that is yours, for you. That is for your love and joy.
Take all that as fire consumes the oblations.
75. (Agni Devata, Nabhanedishtha °Rshi)
vg¼jgÆjiz¼;koaÆ HkjÊUrks¿'ok¼;soÆ fr"B¼rs ?kkÆle¼LeS A
jkÆ;Liks"ks¼.kÆ lfEÆkÆ"kk enÆUrks¿XusÆ ek rsÆ izfro
¼ 's kk fj"kkeAA÷ÿAA
Aharaharaprayåva≈ bharantoí ‹våyeva ti¶¢hate
ghåsamasmai. Råyaspo¶eƒa sami¶å madantoí-
gne må te prative‹å ri¶åma.
Agni, learned man of justice and brilliance, just
as we bear lovely green grass for a horse in the stables
every day, so we bear good and wholesome food and
other things to this fair and just house-holder as his
partners in good deeds of Dharma. May we, enjoying
ourselves with plenty of food and energy, health and
wealth with him, never injure the honour and reputation
of this noble man out of jealousy.
76. (Agni Devata, Nabhanedishtha °Rshi)
ukHkk¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k% l¼fe/kÆus¿vÆXukS jkÆ;Liks"kk¼; c`gÆrs g¼ok&
egs A bÆjÊEeÆna c`Égnq¼DFkaÆ ;t¼=kaÆ tsrk¼jeƯXu i`r¼uklq
lklÆfge~ AA÷öAA
Nåbhå pæthivyå¨ samidhåneíagnau råyaspo¶åya
bæhate havåmahe. Irammada≈ bæhaduktha≈
yajatra≈ jetåramagni≈ pætanåsu såsahim.
When the fire is lit in the vedi in the heart of the
land and the battle is raging for abundance and
prosperity and for high national honour, we call upon
agni, a fiery leader with electric action, victorious in
battle and of tremendous endurance, himself a man of
plenty and prosperity, admirable of character and
adorable in performance. (We call upon such a man to
lead the nation.)
77. (Agni Devata, Nabahanedishtha °Rshi)
;k% lsuk¼¿vÆHkhRo¼jhjkO;kÆf/uhÆ#x¼.kk¿mÆr A
;s LrsÆuk ;s pÆ rLo¼QjkÆLrk¡Lrs¼¿vÆXus¿fi¼n/kE;kÆL;s~ AA÷÷AA
Yå¨ senåí abh∂tvar∂råvyådhin∂rugaƒåíuta. Ye
stenå ye ca taskaråstå|nsteíagneípi dadhåmyåsye.
There are the forces up against in arms, large,
swift and ready to strike. There are the thieves and the
smugglers. All these that are there, I throw into the
flames of fire. President of the Council, commander of
the army, you do the same.
78. (Agni Devata, Nabhanedishtha °Rshi)
n¦"Vªk¼H;ka eÆfyEywÉ×tEH;SÆLrLo¼Qjk¡üAA¿mÆr A
guq¼H;k¦LrsÆuku~ Hk¼xoÆLrk¡LRoa [kk¼nÆ lq[kk¼fnrku~ AA÷øAA
Da|m¶¢råbhyå≈ malimlμu¤jambhyaistaskara|ní
uta. Hanubhyå|m stenån bhagavastå|nstva≈
khåda sukhåditån.
Ruler of the land, Chief of law and order, tear
the night-walkers and highway men with the fangs of
punishment, crush the robbers and smugglers with the
jaws of justice. Seize and hold the thieves and grabbers
of others’ rights and property with the chains of law.
You eliminate them all.
79. (Senapati Devata, Nabhanedishtha °Rshi)
;s tus¼"kq eÆfyEy¼o LrsÆuklÆLrLo¼QjkÆ ous¼ A
;s d{ks"¼ o?kkÆ;oÆLrk¡Lrs¼ n/kfEÆkÆ tEHk¼;ks% AA÷ùAA
Ye jane¶u malimlava stenåsastaskarå vane. Ye
kak¶e¶vaghåyavastå|nste dadhåmi jambhayo¨.
Chief of law and order, those who commit
despicable acts in the public, rob and smuggle in the
forests, and commit crimes in high and hiding places
and live a life of sin and crime, all these I put into the
court of your justice.
80. (Adhyapaka-Upadeshika Devata, Nabhanedishtha R
° shi)
;ks¿vÆLeH;¼ejkrhÆ;k|'p¼ uksÆ }s"k¼rsÆ tu¼% A
fuUnkÆ|ks¿vÆLeku~ f/Ilk¼PpÆ lo±Æ ra Hk¼LeÆlk oq¼Q# AAøúAA
Yoíasmabhyamaråt∂yådya‹ca no dve¶ate jana¨.
Nindådyoí asmån dhipsåcca sarva≈ ta≈
bhasmaså kuru.
Ruler of the land, if a person maligns us out of
hostility, or hates us out of jealousy, or speaks ill of us
out of contempt, or deceives us to injure and destroy
us, reduce all that hate, anger and negativity to ashes.
81. (Purohita & Yajamana Devata, Nabhanedishtha °Rshi)
l§f'k¼ra esÆ czãÆ l§f'k¼ra ohÆ;±¨ cy¼e~ A
l§f'k¼ra {kÆ=ka ftÆ".kq ;L;kÆgefLe¼ iqÉjksfg¼r%AAøûAA
Sa|m‹ita≈ me brahma sa|m‹ita≈ v∂rya≈ balam.
Sa|m‹ita≈ k¶atra≈ ji¶ƒu yasyåhamasmi puro-
I am the high-priest of the yajamana, foremost in
his creative and constructive projects. May the
yajamana’s knowledge of the Veda and mine be
commendable. May his strength and prowess and mine
be admirable. May his power and dominion and mine
be great and praise-worthy.
82. (Sabhapati & Yajamana Devata, Nabhanedishtha °Rshi)
mns¼"kka ckÆgw¿v¼frjÊeq}pksZÆ¿vFkksÆ cy¼e~ A
f{ÆkÆ.kksfEÆkÆ czã¼.kkÆfe=kkÆuq¼;kfEÆkÆ Lok¡üAA¿vÆge~ AAøüAA
Ude¶å≈ båhμuí atiramudvarcoí atho balam.
K¶iƒomi brahmaƒåímitrånunnayåmi svå| n í
I am the high-priest of the yajamana. With my
knowledge and science of the Veda, I overcome the
strength of arms, power and valour, honour and lustre
of the others, i.e., thieves, robbers and cut-throats, etc.,
reduce their strength to nullity, and raise our honour
and lustre high.
83. (Yajamana & Purohita Devata, Nabhanedishtha °Rshi)
v¼iÆrs¿Â¼L; uks nsáuehÆoL;¼ 'kqÉf"e.k¼% A
iziz¼ nkÆrkj¯ rkfj"kÆ¿mQt±× uks /sfg f}ÉinsÆ prq¼"ins AAøýAA
Annapateínnasya no dehyanam∂vasya ‹u¶miƒa¨.
Pra pra dåtåra≈ tåri¶aí u
μ rja≈ no dhehi dvipade
Lord of food and energy, bless us with food,
nourishing, invigorating, free from pollution and
pleasing to taste. Bless the giver, the yajamana, to
advance and attain fulfilment and prosperity. Give us
energy both for humans and the animals.

bfr ,dkn'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Agni Devata, Vatsapri °Rshi)
n`É'kkÆuks #ÆDe¿mÆO;kZ O;¼|kSn~ nqÉeZ"kZÆek;q%¼ fJÆ; s #¼ pkÆu%A
vÆfXujÊe`rks¼¿vHkoÆ};ks¼fHÆkÆ;Zns¼uaÆ |kSjt¼u;RlqÉjsrk¼% AAûAA
Dæ‹åno rukmaíurvyå vyadyaud durmar¶amåyu¨
‹riye rucåna¨. Agniramætoíabhavadvayo-
bhiryadena≈ dyaurajanayatsuretå¨.
Agni, Lord of Light, Light Itself, the Sun,
explodes into light and illuminates the earth and reveals
all the objects on the earth. The self-luminous lord,
Himself the immortal seed of life, for His own glory
and joy of the creatures, creates forms of indestructible
life with foods as means and support of life. And He it
is who creates the man of knowledge and vision (to
show the divine path of life to others).
2. (Agni Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
uDrks"Æ kklkÆ le¼ulkÆ fo:¼ is /kÆi;s¼rsÆ f'k'kqÉeo
s ¼Q§ lehÆph A
|kokÆ{kkek¼ #ÆDeks¿vÆUr£oHkk¼fr nsÆok¿vƯXu /k¼j;u~
æfo.kksÆnk% AAüAA
Natko¶åså samanaså virμ u pe dhåpayete
‹i‹umeka| m sam∂c∂. Dyåvåk¶åmå rukmoí
antarvibhåti devå íagni|m dhårayan draviƒodå¨.
The night and the dawn, one dark, the other
luminous, both different in form but of equal mind,
together nurse one child, the sun, like two mothers. The
self-luminous agni, light and life of the universe — of
which the sun is a child — pervades both the earth and
the heavens. All the powers of nature which sustain and
invigorate life hold on to agni, the central life and spirit.
3. (Savita Devata, Shyavashva °Rshi)
fo'ok¼ :Æikf.ÆkÆ izfr¼eq×prs dÆfo% izklk¼ohn~ HkÆæa f}ÉinsÆ
prq¼"insA fo uko¼Qe[;RlfOÆkÆrk ojsÊ.;ks¿uq¼ izÆ;k.k¼eÉ"q klksÆ
fojk¼tfr AAýAA
Vi‹vå rμ u påƒi pratimu¤cate kavi¨ pråsåv∂d
bhadra≈ dvipade catu¶pade. Vi nåkamakhyat
savitå vareƒyoínu prayåƒamu¶aso viråjati.
Savita, lord of light and life, the sun, choice of
all, watches all and inspires all. It lights up the dawn
and illuminates and reveals all the forms of existence.
It creates the means of life and support for the humans
and the animals, and lights up the heavens above.
4. (Garutman Devata, Shyavashva °Rshi)
lqÉiÆ.kksZ~¿fl xÆ#Re¡k¼fLÆ=ÆkÆo`ÙksÆ f'kjks¼ xk;Æ=ka p{kq¼c`ZgæFkUrÆjs
iÆ{kkS A Lrkse¼¿vkÆRek NUnkƦL;kXk¼fUÆkÆ ;tw¼¦f"ÆkÆ uke¼ A
lke¼ rs rÆuwokZ ¼ensÆO;a ;¼Kk;ÆfK;aÆ iqPNaÆ f/".;k¼% 'kÆiQk% A
lqÉiÆ.kksZ~¿fl xÆ#RekÆfUno¯ xPNÆ Lo~% ir AAþAA
Suparƒoísi garutmå|nstrivætte ‹iro gåyatra≈
cak¶urbæhadrathantare pak¶au. Stomaí åtma
chandå| m syaΔgåni yajμ u | m ¶i nåma. Såma te
tanμurvåmadevya≈ yaj¤åyaj¤iya≈ puccha≈
dhi¶ƒyå¨ ‹aphå¨. Suparƒoísi garutmån diva≈
gaccha sva¨ pata.
Man of knowledge and of the power of
knowledge, you are like a celestial bird with beautiful
wings and a high-flying soul: threefold virtue of
knowledge, action and divine worship is your head and
brain by which you ward off the miseries of others. The
knowledge of gayatri verses is your eye and vision.
Brihad-rathantara sama verses are like your wings,
something like a chariot by which you can cross the
rivers of misery. Rigveda is your soul. The chhanda
verses of the Veda are like the limbs of your body. The
verses of Yajurveda are like your name and identity.
Samaveda is like your body. The do’s and dont’s of the
Vamadevya Samans are like your back bone. The roll
of your voice is like your claws. You are like the divine
eagle, Garuda, majestic and magnanimous. You are the
sun, master of grandeur. Rise to the heavens. Find the
bliss of heaven.
5. (Vishnu Devata, Shyavashva °Rshi)
fo".kksÆ% Øeks¼¿fl liRuÆgk xk¼;Æ=ka NUnÆ¿vkjks¼g i`fFÆko
Æ heuqÉ
fooz¼QeLoÆ fo".kksÆ% Øeks¼¿L;fHkekfRÆkÆgk =kS"Vq¼HkaÆ NUnÆ¿&
vkjks¼gkÆUrfj¼{kÆeuqÉ fooz¼QeLoÆ fo".kksÆ% Øeks¼¿L;jkrh;Ærks
gÆUrk tkx¼raÆ NUnÆ¿vkjks¼gÆ fnoÆeuqÉ fooz¼QeLoÆ fo".kksÆ%
Øeks¼¿fl 'k=kw;Ærks gÆUrkuq¼"VqHkaÆ NUnÆ¿vkjks¼gÆ fn'kks¿uqÉ
fooz¼QeLo AAÿAA
Vi¶ƒo¨ kramoísi sapatnahå gåyatra≈ chandaíå
roha pæthiv∂manu vikramasva vi¶ƒo¨ kramoí
syabhimåtihå trai¶¢ubha≈ chanda íårohå-
ntarik¶amanu vikramasva vi¶ƒo¨ kramoísya-
råt∂yato hantå jågata≈ chanda íåroha divamanu
vikramasva vi¶ƒo¨ kramoísi ‹atrμ u yato
hantånu¶¢ubha≈ chandaíåroha di‹oínu
Brilliant man of expansive knowledge, you are
an instrument of Vishnu, omnipresent lord of the world,
born to eliminate the jealous rivals. Study the gayatri
verses, use the power revealed in there, go and expand
over the earth, cooperate with the earth, work on its
resources, and develop the wealth and prosperity of the
Noble scientist, you are a co-worker with
omnipresent nature, born to defeat the proud and jealous
forces inimical to growth. Study the trishtubh verses
for knowledge and power for threefold comfort of body,
mind and soul and, flying on the wings of that
knowledge, cover the skies to explore and exploit the
resources of the sky.
Tempestuous scientist and astronaut, you are a
friend of agni, universal electric energy, born to
eliminate the failures and adversities of the internal and
external life. Study the jagati verses for the knowledge
of light and space and, on the wings of that knowledge,
reach the heavens. Cooperate with space and light
energy, cooperate with universal energy and conquer
the inner darkness with the light, and external failures
with knowledge.
Steady man of technology, you are an instrument
of eternal energy meant to serve as well as exploit the
natural resources of the environment and eliminate the
enemies who stem your growth. Go forward in and over
all the directions on the earth and around on the wings
of anushtubh verses, work with and on the currents of
wind and energy and dominate over the directions to
create one world on the earth in a healthy environment.
6. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
vozQ¼ UnnÆfXu LrÆu;¼fÂoÆ |kS% {kkekÆ jsfjg
¼ n~ ohÆ#/%¼ leÆ×tu~ A
lÆ|ks t¼KkÆuks fo ghfEÆkƼks¿v[;Ænk jksn¼lh HkkÆuquk¼
Akrandadagni stanayanniva dyau¨ k¶åmå
rerihad v∂rudha¨ sama¤jan. Sadyo jaj¤åno vi
h∂middhoí akhyadå rodas∂ bhånunå bhåtyanta¨.
Agni roars like thunder in the sky and proclaims
itself. Colourfully vitalizing the trees it caresses and
blesses the earth with beauty and fruit. Properly lighted,
it shines bright and immediately makes itself known.
Between the earth and the heavens it blazes with its
own splendour like the sun.
(Just as agni is radiant and benevolent with its
own majesty, so should the ruler/President of the
republic be brilliant with his own qualities of nature,
character and actions and bless the people with his grace
and benevolence. Only a person of benevolence and
brilliance deserves to be the ruler.)
7. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
vXus¼¿H;ko£ÙkUuÆfHk ekÆ fuo¼ÙkZÆLok;q¼"kkÆ opZ ×lk izÆt;kÆ
/us¼u A lÆU;k esÆ/;k¼ jÊÕ;k iks"ks¼.k AA÷AA
Agneíbhyåvarttinnabhi må nivarttasvåyu¶å
varcaså prajayå dhanena. Sanyå medhayå rayyå
Agni, brilliant and blazing presence abiding
before us, generous man of knowledge, come blessing
us with health and longevity, lustre of life, children and
family, wealth and prosperity, acquisition and
fulfilment, discriminative intelligence, beauty and
dignity of life, and all-round growth and progress.
8. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
vXus ¼¿vfXj% 'kÆra rs¼ lURokÆo`r¼% lÆgϯ r¿mikÆo`r¼%A
v/kÆ iks"k¼L;Æ iks"ks¼.kÆ iqu¼uksZ uÆ"Veko`¼QfèÆkÆ iqu¼uksZ jÊf;ek&
o`¼Qf/ AAøAA
AgneíaΔgira¨ ‹ata≈ te santvåvæta¨ sahasra≈ taí
upåvæta¨. Adhå po¶asya po¶eƒa punarno
na¶¢amåkædhi punarno rayimå kædhi.
Agni, lord of light, knowledge and power/Man
of natural and material science, come and visit us a
hundred times with your acts and gifts. And may the
blessings of your visits and gifts be a thousandfold for
us. With the strength and support of your promoters,
recreate and supplement for us whatever we might have
lost in knowledge or natural and material wealth.
Rebuild and regain for us whatever honour and prestige
we might have lost or compromised.
9. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
iqu¼:ÆtkZ fuo¼ÙkZLoÆ iqu¼jXu¿bÆ"kk;q¼"kk A
iqu¼uZ% ikÆá§g¼l% AAùAA
Punarμurjå nivarttasva punaragnaí i¶åyu¶å.
Punarna¨ påhya|mhasa¨.
Agni, brilliant power of light and knowledge/Man
of knowledge and science, come, return your visits with
the gifts of food and energy, health and age. Save us
from sin and evil deeds again and again, and inspire us
to do great things.
10. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
lÆg jÊÕ;k fuo¼ÙkZÆLokXusÆ fiUo¼LoÆ /kj¼;k A
fOÆkÆ'oILU;k¼ fOÆkÆ'orÆLifj¼ AAûúAA
Saha rayyå nivarttasvågne pinvasva dhåryå.
Vi‹vapsnyå vi‹vataspari.
Agni, brilliant power/Enlightened sages, come
with all the wealth, come with gifts of that language
and that intelligence which holds for us all the means
and materials of comfort and prosperity. Come, and help
us grow in all directions of life.
11. (Agni Devata, Dhruva °Rshi)
vk Rok¼gk"kZeÆUrj¼Hkw/zqZÉofLÆRÆkÆ"Bkfo¼pkpfy% A
fo'k¼LRokÆ loZk¼ ok×NUrqÉ ek RoækÆ"Vªef/¼Hkz'kr~ AAûûAA
Å tvåhår¶amantarabhμurdhruvasti¶¢håvicåcali¨.
Vi‹astvå sarvå vå¤chantu må tvadr嶢ram-
Agni/Ruler of the land, we accept you and
conduct you to the council as the ruler. Grace the seat
of your office, be firm and stay inviolable. All the people
accept and honour you. Let the land and the nation,
under your control, never fail and fall to ruin.
12. (Varuna Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
mnq¼ÙkÆea o¼#.kÆ ik'k¼eÆLenok/
¼ Æea fo e¼è;Æe¦J¼Fkk;A
vFkk¼ oÆ;ek¼fnR; ozÆrs rokuk¼xlksÆ¿vfn¼r;s L;ke AAûüAA
Uduttama≈ varuƒa på‹amasmadavådhama≈ vi
madhyama≈ ‹rathåya. Athå vayamåditya vrate
tavånågaso aditaye syåma.
Varuna, lord of freedom and bondage, Ruler of
the land, power of law and liberty, loosen and untie our
chains of bondage of the highest, medium and the lowest
order and let them drop from us. And then O Sun, lord
of majesty, we shall be free from evil, crime and sin
and, dedicated to the vows of your discipline and law,
we shall serve our land of inviolable freedom and
13. (Agni Devata, Trita °Rshi)
vxzs ¼ c`ÉgÂqÉ"klk¼eèÉw oks¿Z vL¼ FkkfÂtZxÆUoku~ rel
¼ ksÆ T;ksfRÆkÆ"kkxkr¼ A~
vÆfXuHkkZÆuuq kÆ #'kr ¼ kÆ LoXÉ¿vk tkÆrks fo'okÆ lÁk¼U;izk%AAûýAA
Agre bæhannu¶asåmμurdhvoí asthånnirjaganvån
tamaso jyoti¶ågåt. Agnirbhånunå ru‹atå svaΔgaí
å jåto vi‹vå sadmånyaprå¨.
Agni, the sun, great, first and foremost, positioned
over and above the dawn, comes forth from the dark
and rises with all its glory. Resplendent with its
wonderful beams which adorn it like brilliant limbs of
its personality, it expands over the regions of the world,
dispels the darkness and illuminates them all over with
its light. (So should the ruler, first and great among the
brilliant people of the land, come forth with the greatness
of his personality, illuminate the land and glorify all
the people.)
14. (Jiva & Ishwara Devata, Trita °Rshi)
gƧl% 'kq¼fPÆkÆ"k}lq¼jUrfj{kÆl¼ksrk¼ osfnÆ"knfr¼fFknqjZ ks.kÆlr~ A
u`É"k}¼jÊln`¼rÆl}Ôks¼eÆlnÆCtk xksÆtk¿½¼ rÆtk¿v¼fæÆtk¿½Æra
c`Égr~ AAûþAA
Ha| m sa¨ ‹uci¶ad vasurantarik¶asaddhotå
vedi¶adatithirduroƒasat. Næ¶ad varasad ætasad
vyomasadabjå gojåí ætajåí adrijåí æta≈ bæhat.
Hansa is the great soul that destroys evil. It exists
in purity. It lives in all and all live in it. It fills the skies
and expresses in holy work. It is the giver and receiver
of oblations in yajna. It sits in the vedi and in the earth.
It is rambling around as a venerable visitor. It stays in
the home and in the sky and all through the seasons. It
rules over people and commands the commanders. It is
with and above the best of people. It lives in truth and
in virtuous conduct. It is in space and in the heart. It is
in the waters and in the vitality of prana, and it creates
the waters and the vitality. It activates the senses, moves
the animals and magnetizes the earth. It creates the
universal law and abides in it. It forms the mountains
and the clouds and it showers with the rain. It is the
truth and dynamic reality of existence, and it is great
over all.
(It is the man of such an individual soul, inspired
by the attributes of the great supreme soul, who deserves
to be the ruler.)
15. (Agni Devata, Trita °Rshi)
lhnÆ Roa ekÆrqjÊL;k¿mÆiLFksÆ fo'ok¼U;Xus oÆ;quk¼fu fOÆkÆ}ku~ A
eSukaÆ ri¼lkÆ ek£p"kkÆ¿fHk'kks¼phjÊUrj¼L;k¦'kqÉØT;ks¼fRÆkÆ&
£oHkk¼fg AAûÿAA
S∂da tva≈ måturasyåíupasthe vi‹vånyagne
vayunåni vidvån. Mainå√ tapaså måírci¶åíbhi-
‹oc∂rantarasyå|m ‹ukrajyotirvibhåhi.
Agni/Ruler/individual soul, you know all the
ways of the world. Sit in the lap of this mother earth/
mother-land/mother. Don’t hurt her with the heat of your
power and passion. Don’t dazzle her with the beams of
your knowledge. Light of knowledge and power of
vitality, be in the heart of the mother and shine there
with the light of life.
16. (Agni Devata, Trita °Rshi)
vÆUrj¼Xus #Æpk RoeqÉ[kk;kÆ% ln¼usÆ Los A
rL;kÆLRo§gj¼lkÆ riÆ×tkr¼osn% f'ÆkÆoks Hk¼o AAûöAA
Antaragne rucå tvamukhåyå¨ sadane sve.
Tasyåstva|m haraså tapa¤jåtaveda¨ ‹ivo bhava.
Omniscient Agni/All knowing wide-awake ruler
of the land, brilliant with your own light in your place
in the world/dominion, blazing with your power and
glory, be good and kind to the people.
17. (Agni Devata, Trita °Rshi)
f'ÆkÆoks HkwÉRok eá¼eXusÆ¿vFkks¼ lhn f'ÆkÆoLRoe~ A
f'ÆkÆok% o`ÉQRok fn'kÆ% lokZÆ% Loa ;ksfu¼fEÆkÆgkl¼n% AAû÷AA
›ivo bhμutva mahyamagne atho s∂da ‹ivastvam.
›iva¨ kætvå di‹a¨ sarvå¨ sva≈ yonimihåsada¨.
Agni, ruler of the land, having been good and
kind to us, the people, sit at peace undisturbed. And
then, having rendered all the regions of the land in all
directions safe and secure in the good life, be
comfortable with satisfaction in your own office of
justice and governance.
18. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
fnÆoLifj¼ izFkÆea t¼Ks¿vÆfXujÊLen~ f}Érh;aÆ ifj¼ tkÆros¼nk%A
r`r ¼ IÆ lq u`e
É h;e É .kkÆ¿vt¼ÏfÆ eU/ku
¼ ¿,ua tjrs LokÆ/h% AAûøAA
Divaspari prathama≈ jaj¤eí agnirasmad
dvit∂ya≈ pari jåtavedå¨. Tæt∂yamapsu næmaƒåí
ajasramindhåna ena≈ jarate svådh∂¨.
Agni, the sun, first rises over the heavens. Then
it rises over us all illuminating our world. Third, it
emerges in the pranic energies of nature, in the waters
and in the mind of humanity — thus illuminating and
activating everything and every mind from within. The
pious and the devout people invoke, light and worship
Agni, perpetual power, spirit and light of the world.
(Just as Agni is the power, spirit and light of the
world, so should the ruler be. And so should he/she
vitalize and illuminate the people, and so should the
people adore him/her.)
19. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
fOÆkÆÁk rs¼¿vXus =ksÆ/k =kÆ;kf.k¼ fOÆkÆÁk rsÆ /keÆ foHk`¼rk
iq#Æ=kk A fOÆkÆÁk rsÆ uke¼ ijÊea xqgkÆ ;f}ÉÁk reqRlaÆ ;r¼¿&
vktÆxUFk¼ AAûùAA
Vidmå teíagne tredhå trayåƒi vidmå te dhåma
vibhætå purutrå. Vidmå te nåma parama≈ guhå
yad vidmå tamutsa≈ yataí åjagantha.
Agni, light, energy and power of the world, let
us know the three orders of the three powers of yours
(heat, light and electricity). Lord of majesty, love and
favourite of all, let us explore and know the various
forms and places where you exist, which you support
and which support you. Let us know that supreme name
and the thing you are in the essence which is hidden in
a mysterious cave. Let us discover the spring, the water
and the cloud from where you issue forth in formal
existence (so that we may be blest with the power and
prosperity which follows the discovery and the
20. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
q s Rok¼ u`Ée.kk¼¿vÆILo¨Uru`ZÉp{kk¼¿bZ/s fnÆoks v¼XuÆ¿&
mQ/¼u~ A r`Érh;s¼ RokÆ jt¼fl rfLÆFÆkÆok¦l¼eÆikeqÉiLFks¼
efgÆ"kk¿v¼o/Zu~ AAüúAA
Samudre två næmaƒåíapsvantarnæcak¶åí∂d¨e
divo agnaíμudhan. Tæt∂ye två rajasi tasth∂vå|m-
samapåmupasthe mahi¶åí avardhan.
Agni, light and life of the world, a leader of
thought among men, as I am, I discover and light you in
the oceans. A visionary of humanity, I discover you in
the foods, in the vapours and in the clouds. In the third
region of the heavens of light, abiding in the solar
sphere, in the dawn and in the heart of steam and flowing
waters, great men discover, light and develop you.
21. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
voz¼QUnnÆfXu LrÆu;¼fÂoÆ |kS% {kkekÆ jsfj¼gn~ ohÆ#/¼%
leÆ×tu~ A lÆ|ks t¼KkÆuks fo ghfEÆkƼks¿v[;Ænk jksn¼lh
HkkÆuquk¼ HkkR;ÆUr% AAüûAA
Akrandadagni stanayanniva dyau¨ k¶åmå
rerihad v∂rudha¨ sama¤jan. Sadyo jaj¤åno vi
h∂middhoí akhyadå rodas∂ bhånunå bhåtyanta¨.
Agni, light and energy of life, roaring as lightning,
reverberates in the skies with an explosion. Lighted well
all-round and immediately blazing, it shines and
illuminates everything. Between the heaven and the
earth it shines with the beams of its own brilliance. The
light reaches the earth, energizes the soil and emerges
in the beauty of vegetation.
22. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
JhÆ.kkeq¼nkÆjks /Æ#.kks¼ j;hÆ.kka e¼uhÆ"kk.kkaÆ izkiZ×.kÆ% lkse¼xksik%A
olq%¼ lwÉu%q lgl¼ ks¿vÆIlq jktkÆ foHkkÆR;xz¼¿mÆ"klkf¼ e/kÆu%AAüüAA
›r∂ƒåmudåro dharuƒo ray∂ƒå≈ man∂¶åƒå≈
prårpaƒa¨ somagopa¨. Vasu¨ sμunu¨ sahasoí
apsu råjå vibhåtyagra u¶asåmidhåna¨.
Generous lord of the light and glory of life, spirit
of the graces of nature, sustainer of wealth and beauty,
source of desire and fulfilment, guardian of the
sweetness, joy and greenery of the earth, haven and
mainstay of the world, child of the very force and victory
of life, brilliant in the dynamics of existence, He blazes
in splendour before the dawns. Such is Agni. (Such
should be the ruler.)
23. (Agni Devata, Vatsapri °Rshi)
fo'oL¼ ; osQr Z ¼uL;Æ xHkZÆ¿vk jksn¼lh¿vi`.kkÆTtk;¼eku%A
Æ Hq kqo
ohÆMqa fPÆkÆnfæ ¼efHkur~ ijkÆ;u~ tukÆ ;nÆfXue;¼tUrÆ
i×p¼ AAüýAA
Vi‹vasya keturbhuvanasya garbha íå rodas∂í
apæƒåjjåyamåna¨. V∂Œu≈ cidadrimabhinat
paråyan janå yadagnimayajanta pa¤ca.
Light of the world, going everywhere, seed of
life, rising as the sun, illuminating the earth and heaven,
breaker of the darkest cloud, hallowed and consecrated
by the people and the energies of nature, such is Agni.
(Such should be the ruler in his domain.)
24. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
mÆf'ko~Q ik¼oÆdks v¼jÊfr% lq¼esÆ/k eR;sZ ×"oÆfXujÊe`rksÆ fu /k¼f;A
b;¼£Ùk /we
É e#¼ "Æ ka HkfjH¼ kzn
Æ Pq NqÉØ.s k¼ 'kksfÆ p"kkÆ |kfeu{¼ ku~ AAüþAA
U‹ik påvako arati¨ sumedha martye¶vagnir-
amæto ni dhåyi. Iyartti dhμ u mamaru¶a≈
bharibhraducchukreƒa ‹oci¶å dyåminak¶an.
Immortal agni, lovely and lovable, pure and
purifier, intelligent and self-conscious, a holy presence,
is existent in men and women. The same throws up the
fiery smoke upward and with instantaneous light
illuminates the sun and heaven.
25. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
n`É'kkÆuks #ÆDe¿mÆO;kZ O;¼|kSíqÉeZ"kZÆek;q¼% fJÆ;s #¼pkÆu% A
Z s¼uÆa |kSjt¼u;r~ lqÉjrs k¼% AAüÿAA
Dæ‹åno rukmaíurvyå vyadyauddurmar¶amåyu¨
‹riye rucåna¨. Agniramætoí abhavadvayobhir-
yadena≈ dyaurajanayatsuretå¨.
Agni, immortal light and vitality of existence,
brilliant, golden glorious, explodes in heaven and
illuminates everything with the earth. In love, as if, with
the beauty of the world, it assumes various forms of
self-assertive and inviolable life. And yet that Heavenly
Power which creates this agni and brings it into
existence is another, the Eternal Life of life and Light
of light.
26. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
;Lrs¼¿vÆ| o`ÉQ.ko¼‰æ'kksps¿iwÉia ns¼o ?k`Éro¼UreXus A
iz ra u¼; izrÆja oL;ks¿Æ vPNkÆfHk lqEÉ ua nso ¼ ra ;fo"BAAüöAA
Yasteíadya kæƒavadbhadra‹oceípμupa≈ deva
ghætavantamagne. Pra ta≈ naya pratara≈
vasyoí acchåbhi sumna≈ devabhakta≈ yavi¶¢ha.
Agni, brilliant and blissful lord of light, generous
and ever youthful, whosoever may well prepare and
faithfully offer for you rich and sumptuous food as
sacrifice to-day, shower on him/her the gift of your light
and take that favourite of the gods across to the world
of joy.
27. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
vk ra Hk¼t lkSJoÆls"o¼Xu¿mÆDFk¿m¼DFkÆ¿vkHk¼t 'kÆL;&
ek¼us A fIÆkzÆ;% lw;sZ× fIÆkzÆ;ks¿vÆXuk Hk¼okÆR;qTtkÆrsu¼ fHÆku
Æ nÆ&
nqTtfu¼RoS% AAü÷AA
Å ta≈ bhaja sau‹ravase¶vagnaíukthaíuktha å
bhaja ‹asyamåne. Priya¨ sμurye priyoí agnå
bhavåtyujjåtena bhinadadujjanitvai¨.
Men of knowledge, wisdom and expertise,
celebrate agni and promote it among the famous and
the prosperous. Sing of it in verses of praise on the
auspicious and admirable occasions of yajna. It is dear
to the men of heat and light and the sun. Promote it
with the hopes and actions of your children. Promote it
with the hopes and aspirations of those who are yet to
be born.
28. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
Roke¼XusÆ ;t¼ekukÆ¿vuqÉ |wu~ fo'okÆ olq¼ nf/jsÊ ok;Zk¼f.k A
Ro;k¼ lÆg æfo¼.kfEÆkÆPNek¼uk ozÆta xkseU¼ reqÉf'ktksÆ
foo¼ozq% AAüøAA
Tvåmagne yajamånåí anu dyμun vi‹vå vasu
dadhire våryåƒi. Tvayå saha draviƒa-
micchamånå vraja≈ gomantamu‹ijo vivavru¨.
Agni, lord of fire and science, the experts of yajna
dedicated to you, with the use of fire and your blessings,
daily pursue and achieve all the desired objects of the
world. Men of reason, intelligence and will, desirous
of wealth, choose for research and work on the cowshed
and the cloud with the rays of the sun for the realisation
of progress and prosperity.
29. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
vLrkO¼ ;ÆfXuuZÆjk¦lqÉ'ksoks¼ oS'okuÆj¿Íf"k¼fHÆkÆ% lkse¼xksik%A
vÆ}"És ks |kok¼if` FÆkÆoh gqo
¼ e
s Æ nsok¼ /ÆÙk jÊf;eÆLes lqo ¼ A~ AüùAA
É hje
Aståvyagnirnarå|m su‹evo vai‹vånaråíæ¶ibhi¨
somagopå¨. Adve¶e dyåvåpæthiv∂ huvema devå
dhatta rayimasme suv∂ram.
Agni, worshipped by seers and sages, is the
darling of humanity, auspicious and adorable.
Omnipresent, universal and all-commanding, it is the
guardian and promoter of the means of life, peace and
joy. We invoke the powers of earth and heaven —
powers free of hate and jealousy and sources of bliss.
Great men of the world, brilliant and generous,
guardians of the peace and prosperity of life, generate
and hold for us the wealth and power of life and polity
which creates a great nation and fearless humanity.
30. (Agni Devata, Virupaksha °Rshi)
lÆfe/kƯXu nq¼oL;r ?k`ÉrScksZ ×/;Ærkfr¼fFke~ A
vkfLe¼u~ gÆO;k tq¼gksru AAýúAA
Samidhåígni≈ duvasyata ghætairbodhayatå-
tithim. Åsmin havyå juhotana.
(Agni is an ‘atithi’, a chance guest, which comes
at its own will whenever it comes. Serve it with the best
of offerings you have.)
Light and serve agni (fire) with fuel and fragrant
materials. Wake it up, raise it with ghee and other
sumptuous offerings as you would feed a venerable
chance visitor. Offer the best of yajna into the fire.
(Like the fire of yajna, serve the man of light and
knowledge with the best you can offer for food and gifts
whenever such a venerable person happens to visit you.)
31. (Agni Devata, Tapasa °Rshi)
mnq¼ RokÆ fo'os¼ nsÆok¿vXusÆ Hkj¼UrqÉ fpfÙk¼fHk%A
l uks¼ Hko f'ÆkÆoLRo§lqÉizrh¼dks fOÆkÆHkko¼lq%AAýûAA
Udu två vi‹ve devåíagne bharantu cittibhi¨. Sa
no bhava ‹ivastva|m suprat∂ko vibhåvasu¨.
Agni, of lovely forms of manifestation and lord
of infinite light and wisdom, may all the noble and
generous people of the world serve and celebrate you
with the best of intention, devotion and acts of worship.
May Agni, light of the universe, be good and kind to us
all. (May the man of knowledge and wisdom be good
and kind to us all as such persons are agni in human
32. (Agni Devata, Tapasa °Rshi)
izsn¼XusÆ T;ksfr¼"eku~ ;kfg f'ÆkÆofs Hk¼jÊ£pfHÆkÆ"V~oe~ A
c`Égf‰¼HkkZÆuqfHÆkÆHkkZlÆu~ ek fg¼§lhLrÆUo~kÆ izÆtk% AAýüAA
Predagne jyoti¶mån yåhi ‹ivebhirarcibhi¶¢vam.
Bæhadbhirbhånubhirbhåsan må hi|ms∂stanvå
Agni, lord of light and life, come forth to bless
us with the gracious beams of light and warmth of life.
Burning and blazing with the mighty flames of fire, hurt
not our people and our children.
(As Agni, so should the ruler and the commander
of the army be mighty and blazing with splendour,
always protective but never unjust and hurtful.)
33. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
vozQ¼ UnnÆfXu LrÆu;f¼ ÂoÆ |kS% {kkekÆ jsfjg
¼ n~ ohÆ#/%¼ leÆ×tu~A
lÆ|ks t¼KkÆuks fo ghfEÆkƼks¿v[;Ænk jksn¼lh HkkÆuquk¼
HkkR;ÆUr% AAýýAA
Akrandadagni stanayanniva dyau¨ k¶åmå
rerihadv∂rudha¨ sama¤jan. Sadyo jaj¤åno vi
h∂middho akhyadå rodas∂ bhånunå bhåtyant¨.
Agni roars and thunders like lightning in the sky
as it proclaims its presence on the earth. Joining every
bit of life and vegetation, it inspires all forms of
existence with passion and vitality and thus manifests
itself, protecting and promoting life. And it goes on
blazing with its mighty splendour from the earth below
to the highest heaven.
(So does the scholar with his knowledge, the ruler
with his power, and the commander with his force, shine
and blaze all round, protecting, promoting and inspiring
the nation and the environment with freedom, passion
and enthusiasm).
34. (Agni Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
izizkÆ;eÆfXuHkZ×jÊrL;¼ 'k`.osÆ fo ;Rlw;ksZÆ u jksp¼rs c`Ég‰k% A
vÆfHk ;% iwÉ#a i`r¼uklq rÆLFkkS nhÆnk;Æ nSO;ksÆ¿vfr¼fFk%
f'ÆkÆoks u¼% AAýþAA
Pra pråyamagnirbharatasya ‹æƒve vi yatsμuryo
na rocate bæhadbhå¨. Abhi ya¨ pμurum pætanåsu
tasthau d∂dåya daivyoí atithi¨ ‹ivo na¨.
This agni, ruler/commander of the forces, attends
to the affairs of the state, and, distinguished with great
knowledge and brilliance of character, shines forth like
the sun. He stands firm every way by the state and the
nation in the battles of life and defence. Dear and favourite
of the good, intelligent and generous people, moving
around among the people like a visitor, may he be good,
kind and beneficent to us and shine.
35. (Apah Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
vkiks¼ nsohÆ% izfr¼x`H.khrÆ HkLeSÆrRL;ksÆus o`¼Q.kqèo§lqjÊHkk¿m¼
Æ Qs A rLeS¼ ueUrkaÆ tu¼;% lqÉiRuh¼ekZÆro
ykso s ¼ iqÉ=ka fc¼Hk`rkÆILos~&
ur~ AAýÿAA
Åpo dev∂¨ pratigæbhƒ∂ta bhasmaitatsyone
kæƒudhva|m surabhåíu loke. Tasmai namantå≈
janaya¨ supatn∂rmåteva putra≈ bibhætåpsvenat.
Celestial waters, receive this light of agni, this
ray of light, this seed of life. Keep it and nourish it in
some soft, fragrant and beautiful region of freedom.
Wives of the most virtuous order of character, honour
and bow to it to receive it. Bear it in the vapours of
space as a mother bears a child in the womb.
36. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
vÆILo~XusÆ lfèÆkÆ"VoÆ lkS"k¼/hÆjuq¼ #è;ls A
xHksZÆ lu~ tk¼;lsÆ iqu¼% AAýöAA
Apsvagne sadhi¶¢ava sau¶adh∂ranu rudhyase.
Garbhe san jåyase puna¨.
Agni, seed of life, the soul with the subtle and
the causal body, your home is in the celestial waters of
space. You love to grow in existence with the herbs,
and thence, placed in the mother’s womb, are born
37. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
xHkksZ׿vÆL;ks"k¼/hukaÆ xHkksÆZ ouÆLirh¼uke~ A
xHkksZÆ fo'o¼L; HkwÉrL;kXusÆ xHkksZ׿vÆike¼fl AAý÷AA
Garbhoí asyo¶adh∂nå≈ garbho vanaspat∂nåm.
Garbho vi‹vasya bhμutasyågne garbhoí apåmasi.
Agni, light of life, seed with the subtle and the
causal body, you are a child of the herbs. You are a child
of the plants and trees. You are a child of the entire forms
of life in existence. You are a child of the waters of earth
and heaven.
38. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
izÆl|Æ HkLe¼ukÆ ;ksfu¼eÆi'p¼ i`fFÆkÆohe¼Xus A
lƧl`T;¼ ekÆr`fHÆk"Æ V~oa T;ksfr¼"ekÆu~ iquÆjkl¼n%AAýøAA
Prasadya bhasmanå yonimapa‹ca pæthiv∂-
magne. Sa| m sæjya matæbhi¶¢va≈ jyoti¶mån
Soul, light of consciousness and seed of life,
through the ashes of the funeral pyre you rise to a new
home in the celestial waters of space. Then you come
down to the earth to be with the forms of herbs. And
then you come in to the mother’s womb and are born
again in a new body.
39. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
iqu¼jkÆl|Æ ln¼ueÆi'p¼ i`fFÆkÆohe¼Xus A
'ks"ks¼ ekÆr;
q FZ kksÆiLFksÆ¿Urj¼L;k¦f'ÆkÆor¼e%AAýùAA
Punaråsadya sadanamapa‹ca pæthiv∂magne.
›e¶e måturyathopastheíntarasyå|m ‹ivatama¨.
Agni, soul with the desire and will to live in the
forms of existence, again and again you come to find a
place in the celestial waters of space. Again and again
you descend to the earth to attain herbal forms of life.
Then again you enter the mother’s womb and rest there
to grow as a part of her life within. When you are born,
you sleep in her lap in peace and joy. Noble soul, be
good to the mother, be the darling of her love, joy and
40. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
iqu¼:ÆtkZ fuo¼ÙkZLoÆ iqu¼jXu¿bÆ"kk;q¼"kk A
iqu¼uZ% ikÆá§g¼l% AAþúAA
Punarμurja nivarttasva punaragnaíi¶åîyu¶å.
Punarna¨ påhya|mhasa¨.
Agni, come again with energy, come with food,
come with health and vitality for a long age. Come again
and again, save us from sin and evil.
41. (Agni Devata, Vatsapree °Rshi)
lÆg jÊÕ;k fuo¼ÙkZÆLokXusÆ fiUo¼LoÆ /kj¼;k A
fOÆkÆ'oILU;k¼ fOÆkÆ'orÆLifj¼ AAþûAA
Saha rayyå nivarttasvågne pinvasva dhårayå.
Vi‹vapsnyå vi‹vataspari.
Agni, come with wealth and honour. Come with
a shower of all round nourishment and universal energy
to the point of satisfaction and satiation for all and help
us grow, develop and progress. Come with food for body
and mind.
42. ((Agni Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
cks/k¼ es¿vÆL; op¼lks ;fo"BÆ e§fg¼"BL;Æ izHk`¼rL;
Lo/ko% A ih;¼fr RoksÆ¿vuq¼ Roks x`.kkfr oÆUnk#¼"Vs rÆUoa~
oUns¿vXus AAþüAA
Bodhå meíasya vacaso yavi¶¢ha ma|mhi¶¢hasya
prabhætasya svadhåva¨. P∂yati tvo anu tvo gæƒåti
vandåru¶¢e tanva≈ vande agne.
Agni, intent listener, most youthful man/woman
of independent and comfortable means, understand the
sense and meaning of this great word of mine, important,
worthy of attention and expressive of deep meaning with
further implications. Let anyone denigrate you, let
someone praise you, I am your admirer, and I appreciate
and value your health of body and intelligence of mind.
43. (Agni Devata, Somahuti °Rshi)
l cks¼f/ lwÉfjeZÆ?kokÆ olq¼irsÆ olq¼nkou~ A
;qÉ;ksÆè;¨Len~ }s"kk¼¦fl fOÆkÆ'oo¼QeZ.ksÆ Lokgk¼ AAþýAA
Sa bodhi sμurirmaghavå vasupate vasudåvan.
Yuyodhyasmad dve¶å|msi vi‹vakarmaƒe svåhå.
Agni, man of wealth and honour, creator and
generous giver of power and prosperity, intelligent lord
of knowledge, know for us the truth of life and existence
and, in truth of word and deed, fight out our negativities
and eliminate our hostilities for the achievement of
success in all the affairs of life.
44. (Agni Devata, Somahuti °Rshi)
iquL¼ Rok¿¿fnÆR;k #Ææk olo ¼ %Æ lfeU¼ /rkÆa iquc
¼ Æã
Zz k.kks¼ olquhFk
;ÆKS% A ?k`ÉrsuÆ Roa rÆUoa~ o/Z;Lo lÆR;k% l¼UrqÉ ;t¼ekuL;Æ
Punastvåîdityå rudrå vasava¨ samindhatå≈
punarbrahmåƒo vasun∂tha yaj¤ai¨. Ghætena
tva≈ tanva≈ vardhayasva satyå¨ santu
yajamånasya kåmå¨.
Agni, creator and giver of wealth and honour,
may the brahmacharis and scholars of the Vasu, Rudra
and Aditya order light you up in the vedi again and
again. May the devotees of the lord of existence and
masters of the science of yajna promote your gifts with
the performance of yajna. Agni, power of light and life,
grow on in your operations with the oblations of ghee
and fragrant materials so that the plans and ambitions
of the yajamana be fulfilled.
45. (Pitarah Devata, Somahuti °Rshi)
vis¼rÆ o~hÆrÆ fo p¼ liZÆrkrksÆ ;s¿=kÆ LFk iq¼jkÆ.kk ;s pÆ
uwr¼uk%A vnk¼|Æeks~¿oÆlku¯ i`fFÆkÆO;k¿voz¼QfUÆUÆkÆea fIÆkr
Æ jks¼
yksÆde¼LeS AAþÿAA
Apeta v∂ta vi ca sarpatåto yeítra stha puråƒå ye
ca nμutanå¨. Adåd yamoívasåna≈ pæthivyåí
akrannima≈ pitaro lokamasmai.
The teachers who are old and those who are new
and the parents and other seniors who are here on the
earth, all should realise and actualise for young aspirants
the knowledge of this world. The judge of the aspirants’
performance may grant them the certificate of completion
and graduation in achievement. Hence keep away from
Adharma (injustice and untruth), go on firmly with
Dharma (truth and justice), and realise it without delay
here and now.
46. (Agni Devata, Somahuti °Rshi)
laÆKku¼efl dkeÆ/j¼.kaÆ ef;¼ rs dkeÆ/j¼.ka Hkw;kr~ A
vÆXusHkZLekL¼ ;ÆXus% iqjh¼"kefLÆkÆ fpr¼ LFk ifjÆfpr¼¿mQèoZÆfpr¼%
J;èoe~ AAþöAA
Sa≈j¤ånamasi kåmadharaƒa≈ mayi te
kåmadharaƒa≈ bhμuyåt. Agnerbhasmåsyagne¨.
pur∂¶amasi cita stha paricitaí μurdhvacita¨
Agni, man of knowledge, having passed through
the crucibles of fire like ash, you are knowledge itself,
full and complete like the orb of the sun and powerful
like the force of electricity. May your plans, intentions
and aspirations pass on to me as mine.
Be wide-awake, collect knowledge from all round,
go forward and take it to the heights. Be cooperative,
mutually dependent, collectively self-dependent. Take to
knowledge and to the teachers.
47. (Agni Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
vÆ;§lks¿vÆfXu;ZfLÆEÆkÆURlkseÆfeUæ¼% lqÉra nÆ/s tÆBjs¼ oko&
'kkÆu%A lÆgÆfÏ;aÆ oktÆeR;aÆ u lfIr¼§llÆokURlURLrw¼;ls
tkrosn% AAþ÷AA
Aya| m soíagniryasmintsomamindra¨ suta≈
dadhe ja¢hare våva‹åna¨. Sahasriya≈
våjamatya≈ na sapti|m sasavåntsantstμuyase
This is that agni, vital heat of life, in which Indra,
the sun, as if in love with life, places the nectar of life,
Soma, like the distilled and delicious food for a thousand
people. Life of life, Jataveda, generous giver as you are,
you are worshipped by the devotees in your own right.
It is for the love of life that I absorb the same nectar of
life into my body system. It is for the same love of life
that I hold on to my darling wife and I enjoy my food
and drink.
48. (Agni Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
vXusÆ ;Ùks¼ fnÆfo opZ×% i`fFÆkÆO;ka ;nks¼"k/h"oÆILok ;¼t=k A
;sukÆUrfj¼{keqÉokZ~rÆrUFk¼ RosÆ"k% l HkkÆuqj¼.kZÆoks u`Ép{kk¼% AAþøAA
Agne yatte divi varca¨ pæthivyå≈ yado¶adh∂-
¶vapsvå yajatra. Yenåntarik¶amurvåtatantha
tve¶a¨ sa bhånurarƒavo næcak¶å¨.
Agni, light of the universe, life of existence,
power and presiding presence of the world, lord of yajna
and friend of the yajniks, the glory that is yours shines
in the heavens, vibrates in the earth, blooms in the herbs
and breathes in the waters. It is the same by which the
skies are pervaded and expanded. It blazes as the sun, it
rolls as the oceans of space, and it watches our human
performance as the universal eye.
(Let the scholar and the teacher attain the
knowledge of the universal spirit, nature and life in
existence and, like agni among human beings, impart the
same to his/her disciples.)
49. (Agni Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
vXus¼ fnÆoks¿v.kZÆePNk¼ ftxkÆL;PNk¼ nsÆok¡üAA¿m¼Qfp"ksÆ
f/".;kÆ ;s A ;k jks¼pÆus iÆjLrkÆr~ lw;Z ×L;Æ ;k'pkÆoLrk¼nqiÆ&
fr"B¼UrÆ¿vki¼% AAþùAA
Agne divo arƒamacchå jigåsyacchå devå|níμuci¶e
dhi¶ƒyå ye. Ya rocane paraståt sμ u ryasya
Agni, man of knowledge and light of the world,
your knowledge reaches unto the waters of heaven and
you proclaim that knowledge to the bold and the best
among intelligent people who impart it to their disciples.
It covers the waters which float in the luminous sphere
of the sun and studies the vapours and energy vibrant on
this side of the sun and beyond.
50. (Agni Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
iqÉjhÆ";k~lks¿vÆXu;¼% izkoÆ.ksfHk¼% lÆtks"kl
¼ %A
tqÉ"kUrak¼ ;ÆKeÆæqgks¼¿uehÆok¿b"kks¼ eÆgh%AAÿúAA
Pur∂¶yåsoíagnaya¨ pråvaƒebhi¨ sajo¶asa¨.
Ju¶antå≈ yaj¤amadruhoí nam∂våíi¶o mah∂¨.
All men and women of the world, experts in
knowledge and blest with virtue, brilliant and energetic
like agni (fire and electricity), living together with mutual
love and shared qualities of enlightenment, free from hate,
jealousy, fear and all physical and mental ailments,
dedicate themselves to yajna (creative and constructive
cooperative activities) and enjoy great plenty and
prosperity of high order in life.
51. (Agni Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
bMk¼eXus iq#Æn§l¼§lƯu xks% 'k¼'oÙkÆe§go¼ekuk; lk/ A
L;k¼% lwÉuLq ru;
¼ ks fOÆkt
Æ kok¿XusÆ lk rs¼ lqefÆ rHkwZ×RoÆLes AAÿûAA
IŒåmagne puruda|msa|m sani≈ go¨ ‹a‹vattama|m
havamånåya sådha. Syånna¨ sμ u nustanayo
vijåvågne så te sumatirbhμutvasme.
Agni, light of life/brilliant man of knowledge,
may your light, knowledge and intelligence be for our
share. Create for us and help us create wealth of cows,
plenty of milk, food and energy, divine speech, vision
and wisdom for all time for the sake of yajna and the
yajniks. May we beget children capable of mighty deeds
and achievements. And may the brilliant teacher bless
our children with universal wealth of existence and the
vision of divinity.
52. (Agni Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
vÆ;a rsÆ ;ksfu¼ÍZÆ fRo;ksÆ ;rks¼ tkÆrks¿vjks¼pFkk%A
ra tkÆu¼XuÆ¿vk jksÆgkFkk¼ uks o/Z;k jÊf;e~ AAÿüAA
Aya≈ te yonirætviyo yato jåtoíarocathå¨. Ta≈
jånannagnaíå rohåthå no vardhayå rayim.
Agni, man of pure soul and brilliant character
like light and fire, dear son, this is your place/home of
birth where, born at the right auspicious time, you shine
by your life and conduct. Know this, rise high and help
us advance in wealth, prosperity, honour and happiness.
53. (Agni Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
fpn¼fLÆkÆ r;k¼ nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zqÉok lh¼n A
ifjÆfpn¼fLÆkÆ r;k¼ nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zÉo
q k lh¼n AAÿýAA
Cidasi tayå devatayåíΔgirasvad dhruvå s∂da.
Paricidasi tayå devatayåíΔgirasvad dhruvå s∂da.
Son/Daughter, you are knowledgeable, well
aware and intelligent. Stay firm in this place of yours
sitting close with that noble soul like the breath of life.
Master/Mistress you are all round versatile. Stay firm
in your place sitting close with the noble spirit of your
Dharma and Karma. Be firm with the spirit of
omniscience, giver of all wealth and joy.
54. (Agni Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
yksÆoaQ i`¼.k fNÆæa i`É.kkFkks¼ lhn /zÉo
q k Roe~ A
bÆUækÆXuh RokÆ c`gÆLifr¼jÊfLeu~ ;ksuk¼olh"knu~ AAÿþAA
Loka≈ pæƒa chidra≈ pæƒåtho s∂da dhruvå tvam.
Indrågn∂ två bæhaspatirasmin yonåvas∂¶adan.
Fill up, serve and complete this life. If there is
any loophole, plug it. If there is any short-coming,
overcome it, advance and excel. In this field of
knowledge and action, may Indra and Agni, father and
mother, nurture you with instruction and advice. May
Brihaspati, the teacher, guardian of divine knowledge
and good conduct, guide and confirm you in virtue. Be
strong and stay firm in your place.
55. (Apah Devata, Priyamedha °Rshi)
rk¿v¼L;Æ lwn¼nksglÆ% lkse¼¦Jh.kfUÆRÆkÆ i`'u¼;%A
tUe¼UnsÆokukaÆ fo'k¼fLÆ=ÆkÆ"ok jks¼pÆus fnÆo%AAÿÿAA
Tåíasya sμudadohasa¨ soma|m ‹r∂ƒanti pæ‹naya¨.
Janmandevånå≈ vi‹astri¶vå rocane diva¨.
Blooming women of beauty and grace, wives of
noble people, in this wonderful paradisal phase of their
cultured home life, milk the dappled cows and prepare
and season delicious foods with the dressing of soma.
They create sweetness and joy in all the three phases of
time, past, present and future, and are blest with noble
and promising children.
56. (Indra Devata, Sutajetra Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
bUæaÆ fo'ok¼¿voho`/URleqÉæO;¼plaÆ fxj¼% A
jÊFkhr¼e§jÊFkhukÆa oktk¼ukƦ lRi¼¯rÆ ifr¼e~ AAÿöAA
Indra≈ vi‹våí av∂vædhantsamudravyacasa≈
gira¨. Rath∂tama|m rath∂nå≈ våjånå|m satpati≈
All the sacred voices of truth inspire and exalt
Indra, man of power and glory, wide and rolling as the
sea, supreme hero of the chariots and battles of life,
protector of truth and Dharma, and promoter of life and
its prosperity.
(The brahmacharis and brahmacharinis, who
complete their education with the sacred voice of the
Veda and the words of truth written and spoken by the
Rishis, rise in life, and when they marry in the vaidic
way, they raise families which grow in happiness and
57. (Agni Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
lfe¼rƧla o¼QYisFkkƦlafiz¼;kS jksfPÆkÆ".kw lq¼euÆL;ek¼ukS A
b"kÆewtZ×eÆfHk laÆolk¼ukS AAÿ÷AA
Samita|m sa≈ kalpethå|m sa≈priyau roci¶ƒμu
sumanasyamånau. I¶amμurjamabhi sa≈vasånau.
Wedded couple, two-in-one joined in love,
brilliant in health and lustre, of equal and enlightened
mind, decent and graceful in clothes and ornaments,
both of you together plan, act and realise your goal in
food, energy, prosperity, honour and glory.
58. (Agni Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
la okaÆ euk¼¦fLÆkÆ la ozÆrk leq¼ fPÆkÆÙkkU;ko¼Qje~ A
vXus¼ iqjh";kfèÆkÆik Hk¼oÆ Roa uÆ¿b"kÆet
w Ʊ ;t¼ekuk; /sfg AAÿøAA
Sa≈ vå≈ manå|msi sa≈ vratå samu cittånyå-
karam. Agne pur∂¶yådh∂på bhava tva≈ na
i¶amμurja≈ yajamånåya dhehi.
Wedded couple, I join you as two-in-one in life
and sanctify you with identical thoughts, intentions and
operations, identical vows of plans, actions and
achievements, and identical memories, values and
Agni, noble teacher, high-priest of yajna, be our
super-guide and guardian. Create, hold and sustain for
the yajamana couple nourishment, energy, honour and
59. (Agni Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
vXusÆ Roa iq¼jhÆ";~ksÆ jfÕÆkÆeku~ iq¼f"ÆVÆek¡üAA¿v¼fl A
f'ÆkÆok% o`ÉQRok fn'kÆ% lokZÆ% Loa ;ksfu¼fEÆkÆgkl¼n%AAÿùAA
Agne tva≈ pur∂¶yo rayimån pu¶¢imå|n asi. ›ivå¨
kætvå di‹a¨ sarvå¨ sva≈ yonimihåsada¨.
Agni, Lord of knowledge, light and power of
yajna, rich in spirit, science and materials, and presiding
priest of all round growth, you are dedicated to the earth
and the laws of life. Rise, move abroad and, having
created peace and prosperity in all directions, come and
grace your super-seat of guidance.
60. (Dampati Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
Hko¼ra uÆ% le¼ulkSÆ lps¼rlkojsÊilkS¼ A ek ;ÆK§fg¼§fl"VaÆ
ek ;ÆKi¼¯r tkrosnlkS f'ÆkÆokS Hk¼oreÆ| u¼% AAöúAA
Bhavata≈ na¨ samanasau sacetasåvarepasau.
Må yaj¤a| m hi| m si¶¢a≈ må yaj¤apati≈
jåtavedasau ‹ivau bhavatamadya na¨.
Wedded couple, both of you be of good mind
and thought toward us. Be of noble equanimity and
blissful intention for us. Be free of pride, arrogance and
negativity. Violate not yajna, nor Dharma, nor the
yajnapati. Reborn as master and mistress of the
knowledge of creation (as children of Agni), be good
and kind to us right now.
61. (Patni Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
ekÆrso¼ iqÉ=ka i`¼fFÆkÆoh iq¼jhÆ";~eÆfXu¦Los ;ksuk¼oHkk#Æ[kk A
rka fo'oS¼nsZÆoSÍZÆ rqfHk¼% lafonkÆu% izÆtki¼fr£OÆkÆ'oo¼QekZÆ fo
eq¼×prq AAöûAA
Måteva putra≈ pæthiv∂ pur∂¶yamagni| m ísve
yonåvabhårukhå. Tå≈ vi‹vairdevairætubhi¨
sa≈vidåna¨ prajåpatirvi‹vakarmå vi mu¤catu.
Just as the earth like a mother holds the vital heat
for the nourishment of life in her womb, so does a woman
worthy of love and recognition hold a brilliant soul in
her womb till maturity. May Lord Vishwakarma (maker
of the world), father and guardian of His children
(Prajapati), with gifts and nourishment from all the
seasons and powers of nature, deliver her of a noble
62. (Nirriti Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
vlq¼UoUrÆe;¼tekufePN LrsÆuL;sÆR;kefUo¼fgÆ rLo¼QjL; A
vÆU;eÆLefn¼PNÆ lk r¼¿bÆR;k ueks¼ nsfo fuÍZrsÆ rqH;¼&
eLrq AAöüAA
Asunvantamayajamånamiccha stenasyetyå-
manvihi taskarasya. Anyamasmadiccha så taí
ityå namo devi niræte tubhyamastu.
Nir-riti, spirit of adversity, desire to catch the
stingy and the miserly who does not perform the yajna
and does not extract the soma for libations. Pursue the
thief and the smuggler and catch him on the way. Go to
someone other than me. That is your desired object and
action. Salutations to you, power of justice.
63. (Nirriti Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
ueÆ% lq rs¼ fuÍZrs frXerstks¿;ÆLe;aÆ fop`¼rk cÆU/esÆre~ A
s Æ Roa ;ÆE;k l¯fonkÆuksÙkÆes ukosQÆ¿vf/¼jksg;Sue~ AAöýAA
Nama¨ su te niræte tigmatejoíyasmaya≈ vicætå
bandhametam. Yamena tva≈ yamyå sa≈vidån-
ottame nåkeíadhi rohayainam.
Power of eternal law, eternal felicity and
adversity, your splendour is awful. You go with the law
and are one with the law. Salutations to you. Undo the
iron-chains of slavery and take this yajamana to the
heights of heavenly bliss.
64. (Nirriti Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
;L;k¼Lrs ?kksj¿vkÆl×tqÉgksE;sÆ"kka cÆU/kuk¼eoÆltZ×uk; A ;ka
RokÆ tuksÆ HkwfEÆkÆfjfr¼ izÆeUn¼rsÆ fuÍZ ׯr RokÆga ifj¼osn
fOÆkÆ'or¼% AAöþAA
Yasyåste ghoraíåsa¤juhomye¶å≈ bandhånå-
mavasarjanåya. Yåm två jano bhμ u miriti
pramandate niræti≈ tvåíha≈ pariveda vi‹vata¨.
Awful spirit of adversity, eternal felicity, ever-
abiding with the law, I offer the oblations into your mouth/
in the yajna vedi for the breaking of the chains of
existence. Ordinary folks play with you in a state of
wanton negligence, feeling that you are the all forbearing
earth. But I know you well for what you are, spirit of
justice, as the mother of felicity as well as the power of
65. (Yajamana Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
;a rs¼ nsÆoh fuÍZ× frjkcÆcU/Æ ik'ak¼ xzhÆokLo¼fop`ÉR;e~ A ra rsÆ
fo";kÆE;k;q¼"kksÆ u eè;kÆnFkSÆra fIÆkÆre
q ¼f¼Æ izlw¼r% A ueksÆ HkwR;SÆ
;sna pÆdkj¼ AAöÿAA
Ya≈ te dev∂ nirætiråbabandha på‹a≈ gr∂vå-
svavicætyam. Ta≈ te vi ¶yåmyåyu¶o na madhyåd-
athaita≈ pitumaddhi prasμuta¨. Namo bhμutyai
yeda≈ cakåra.
Yajamana, the inexorable chain which the spirit
of adversity, in full justice, had tied round your throat
for want of yajna, I undo from the centre of your life
right away. Regenerated through yajna, eat of this holy
food. The spirit of generosity has done this miracle.
Salutations to the spirit of generosity.
66. (Agni Devata, Vishvavasu °Rshi)
Æ 's k¼u% lÆXe¼uksÆ olw¼ukaÆ fo'ok¼ :Æik¿fHkp¼"VsÆ 'kph¼fHk%A
nsÆo¿b¼o lfOÆkr Æ k lÆR;/ÆeUZs æksÆ u rL¼ FkkS leÆjs i¼FkhÆuke~AAööAA
Nive‹ana¨ saΔgamano vasμunå≈ vi‹vå rμupåíbhi-
ca¶¢e ‹ac∂bhi¨. Devaíiva savitå satyadharmendro
na tasthau samare path∂nåm.
Who is a noble yajamana? A successful house-
holder (grihasthi)? The man of vitality who takes a wife,
makes a home, creates wealth and contributes to life like
Savita, the creator; who watches and illuminates all forms
of life on earth with his eyes like the sun, and manages
various developments with his acts like Indra, the leader;
who is firm in true Dharma and stands inviolable in the
battles of the pathmakers of the world — such a man is
the right yajamana and a noble house-holder.
67. (Krishivala Kavayah Devata, Vishvavasu °Rshi)
lhjk¼ ;q×tfUr dÆo;ks¼ ;qÉxk for¼UorsÆ i`Fk¼o~Q A
/hjk¼ nsÆos"kq¼ lqEuÆ;k AAö÷AA
S∂rå yu¤janti kavayo yugå vi tanvate pæthak.
Dh∂rå deve¶u sumnayå.
Men of vision and intelligence use the plough
and the yoke. The men of constancy among the brilliant
and the generous separately as well as together devoutly
in peace expand the beauty and graces of life and
68. (Krishivala Kavaya Devata, Vishvavasu °Rshi)
;qÉuÙkQÆ lhjkÆ fo ;qÉxk r¼uqèoa o`ÉQrs ;ksukS¼ oirsÆg cht¼e~ A
fXÆkÆjk p¼ JqfÉ "V% lHk¼jkÆ vl¼ÂksÆ usnh;
¼ ¿Æ bRl`.É ;~% iÆDoes;k¼rA~ Aöø
Yunakta s∂ra vi yugå tanudhva≈ kæte yonau
vapateha b∂jam. Girå ca ‹ru¶¢i¨ sabharå asanno
ned∂yaí it sæƒya¨ pakvameyåt.
Work with the plough and yoke the horses/
bullocks. Expand the agriculture and its methods, tools
and knowledge. Prepare the soil and sow the seed. In
accordance with the knowledge of agriculture develop
many kinds of produce of the richest order. And when
the grains are ripe for harvesting, reap and bring the
harvest home for all of us.
69. (Krishivala Devata, Kumaraharita °Rshi)
'kqÉu§lq iQkykÆ foo`¼Q"kUrqÉ Hkwfe¼§'kqÉua dhÆuk'kk¼¿vÆfHk;¼Urq
okÆgS%A 'kquk¼lhjk gÆfo"kkÆ rks'k¼ekuk lqfiIiÆyk¿vks"k¼/h%
dÙkZukÆLes AAöùAA
›una|m su phålå vi kæ¶antu bhμumi|m ‹una≈
k∂nå‹åíabhi yantu våhai¨. ›unås∂rå hav∂¶å
to‹amånå supippalå o¶adh∂¨ kartanåsmai.
Let the plough-shares turn the soil well. Let the
farmers merrily follow the bullocks while they till the
land and sow the seeds. May the sun and the air
supplemented by the oblations of rich materials bless the
herbs and plants with delicious fruit and nourishing
70. (Krishivala Devata, Kumaraharita °Rshi)
?k`ÉrsuÆ lhrkÆ e/q¼ukÆ le¼T;rkaÆ fo'oS¼nsZÆoSjuq¼erk eÆ#f‰¼% A
mQtZ ×LorhÆ i;¼lkÆ fiUo¼ekukÆLekURlh¼rsÆ i; ¼lkÆH;ko ¼&
o`RLo AA÷úAA
Ghætena s∂tå madhunå samajyatå≈ vi‹vair-
devairanumatå Marudbhi¨. ªUrjasvat∂ payaså
pinvamånåsmånts∂te payasåíbhyå vavætsva.
Let the furrow in the field, made by the plough-
share and levelled and refined by the leveller, accepted
and approved by all the noble and generous people and
vitalized by winds and rain, be enriched with water, ghee,
sugar and honey. Energized and enriched thus with food,
the field may yield for us a wealth of delicious
71. (Krishivala Devata, Kumaraharita °Rshi)
ykX¼yaÆ ioh¼joRlqÉ'kso¼§lkseÆfiRl¼# A rnq}¼ifRÆkÆ xke¯o×
iziQÆO;±~ pÆ ihoj¼ ha izÆLFkko¼æFkÆokg¼ue~ AA÷ûAA
LåΔgala≈ pav∂ravat su‹eva|m somapitsaru.
Tadudvapati gåmavi≈ prapharvya≈ ca p∂var∂≈
The plough, fitted with the share, symbol of peace
and joy, a tool of soma—plenty, prosperity and happiness
— drawn by horses or bullocks and held firmly by the
hilt, turns up the crust of the kind and generous earth to
make it ready for sowing.
72. (Mitra & others Devata, Kumaraharita °Rshi)
dkEak¼ dkenq?ks /q{o fEÆkÆ=kk;Æ o#¼ .kk; p A
bUæk¼;kÆf'oH;ak¼ iwÉ".ks izÆtkH;Æ¿vks"k¼/hH;% AA÷üAA
Kåma≈ kåmadughe dhuk¶va mitråya varuƒåya
ca. Indråyå‹vibhyå≈ pμ u ¶ƒe prajåbhyaí
Mother of fulfilment and source of satisfaction,
generous earth/furrow of the field/holy cow, let the desires
be fulfilled for friends, noble scholars and guests,
persons of power and glory, the people, powers of health
and pranic energies, and for the growth of herbs and
73. (Aghnya Devata, Kumaraharita °Rshi)
foeq¼P;èoe?U;k nso;kukÆ¿vx¼UeÆ re¼lLikÆjeÆL; A
T;ksfr¼jkike AA÷ýAA
Vimucyadhvamaghnyå devayånåíaganma
tamasaspåramasya. Jyotiråpåma.
Be free from poverty, ill-health and ignorance.
Let us be rich with the holy inviolable cows for
nourishment and prosperity. May we cross this darkness
and attain to the light of the sun and the glory of life.
74. (Ashvins Devata, Kumaraharita °Rshi)
lÆtwjCnksÆ¿v;¼oksfHk% lÆt#w Æ"kk¿v#¼ .khfHk% A lÆtks"k¼lk&
oÆf'oukÆ n§lks¼fHk% lÆt%w lwjÊ¿,r'¼ ksu lÆto
w SZ×'okuÆj¿bM¼;k
?k`ÉrsuÆ Lokgk¼ AA÷þAA
Sajμ u rabdoíayavobhi¨ sajμ u ru¶åí aruƒ∂bhi¨.
Sajo¶asåva‹vinå da|msobhi¨ ‹ajμu¨ sμuraí eta‹ena
sajμurvai‹vånaraí iŒayå ghætena svåhå.
The year goes with the divisions of time, the dawn
is one with the ruddy morning, the pranic energies
express themselves in the actions of nature and of living
beings, the sun shines and radiates light with its rays,
the vital heat loves the earth, the libations of yajna and
the voice of the Veda.
(So should the people live together with one
another. So should the husband and wife live a common
shared life, complementing and supplementing each other
in an integrated life.)
75. (Vaidya Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
;k vks"k¼/hÆ% iwoZk¼ tkÆrk nsÆosH;¼fL=k;qÉxa iqÉjk A
euSÆ uq cÆHkzw.kk¼eÆg§'kÆra /kek¼fu lÆIr p¼ AA÷ÿAA
Yå o¶adh∂¨ pμurvå jåtå devebhyastriyuga≈ purå.
Manai nu babhrμuƒåmaha|m ‹ata≈ dhåmåni
sapta ca.
Earlier, three years before in the three seasons,
whatever herbs such as soma etc. grew out of the earth
with other natural powers such as water, air and sunlight,
I should know: the hundred and seven varieties of these
brown ones for the treatment of hundred and seven
ailments which affect hundred and seven vital spots in
the body.
76. (Vaidya Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
'kÆra oks¼¿vEcÆ /kek¼fu lÆgϼeÉrq oksÆ #g¼% A
v/k¼ 'krØRoks ;wÉ;fEÆkÆea es ¼¿vxÆna o`¼Qr AA÷öAA
›ata≈ voíamba dhåmåni sahasramuta vo ruha¨.
Adhå ‹atakratvo yμuyamima≈ meíagada≈ kæta.
Mother earth, mother of herbs, hundreds are the
places where the herbs grow, and thousands are the roots
by which they grow into innumerable varieties. Then, O
physicians of a hundred specialities of ailments and
scholars of a hundred varieties of herbs, come you all
and render this body and community of mine free from
all disease.
77. (Vaidyas Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
vks"k¼/hÆ% izfr¼eksnèoaÆ iq"i¼orh% izÆlwo¼jh% A
v'ok¼¿bo lÆftRojhohZÆ#/¼% ikjfÕÆkÆ".o~% AA÷÷AA
O¶adh∂¨ pratimodadhva≈ pu¶pavat∂¨
prasμ u var∂¨. A‹våíiva sajitvar∂rv∂rudha¨
All of you men and women, herbs, creepers and
plants such as soma, in full bloom, rich in fruit and
medicine, fast and victorious over disease take you across
all ailments and sorrow. Use them, be healthy and strong
and, like the victorious men of horse, rejoice and be
grateful to them.
78. (Chikitsu Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
vks"k¼/hÆfjfr¼ ekrjÊLr}ks¼ nsohÆ#i¼ czqos A
s Æe'oaÆ xka okl¼¿vkÆRekuaÆ ro¼ iw#"k AA÷øAA
O¶adh∂riti måtarastadvo dev∂rupa bruve.
Saneyama‹va≈ gå≈ våsaíåtmåna≈ tava pμuru¶a.
Herbs and medicinal plants, as mothers, are of
divine efficacy. They nourish and save like mothers.
Hence I pray for you all: Lord of Life, Supreme Soul,
may I by divine grace have the gift of horses, cows,
clothes and home, and a healthy body.
79. (Vaidyas Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
vÆ'oÆRFks oks¼ fUÆkÆ"kn¼ua iÆ.ksZ oks¼ olÆfr"ÑÉrk A
xksÆHkktÆ¿br~ fdyk¼lFkÆ ;r~ lÆuo¼FkÆ iw#¼ "ke~ AA÷ùAA
A‹vatthe vo ni¶adana≈ parƒe vo vasati¶kætå.
Gobhåjaí itkilåsatha yat sanavatha pμuru¶am.
Men and women of the earth, you reside in a body
which may or may not last till to morrow. Your life rests
like a drop of dew on the leaf. Take the gifts of the earth
and look after the soul in the body with herbs and
medicines to live a full life.
80. (Oshadhaya Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
;=kkS"k¼/h% lÆeXe¼rÆ jktk¼uÆ% lfe¼rkfoo A
foizÆ% l¿m¼P;rs fHÆkÆ"kxz¼{kksÆgkeh¼oÆpkr¼u% AAøúAA
Yatrau¶adh∂¨ samagmata råjåna¨ samitåviva.
Vipra¨ saíucyate bhi¶ag rak¶ohåm∂vacåtana¨.
Wherever medicinal herbs such as soma grow,
there go as brave warriors go to the battlefield against
the enemy. That person of intelligence and expertise who
fights disease and destroys the anti-life forces is called
the physician, the person who cures.
81. (Vaidya Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
vÆ'okÆoÆrh¦lks¼ekoÆrhewÉtZ;¼UrhÆeqnks¼tle~ A
vkfo¼fRÆLÆkÆ lokZÆ¿vks"k¼/hjÊLek¿v¼fjÆ"Vrk¼r;s AAøûAA
A‹våvat∂|m somåvat∂mμurjayant∂mudojasam. Å
vitsi sarvåí o¶adh∂rasmåíari¶¢atåtaye.
Medicinal herb is that which is powerfully
efficacious, nourishing and rejuvenating, strengthening
and lustrously invigorating. Physician, know and find all
such herbs for the health and immunity of the sick and
the needy.
82. (Oshadhaya Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
mPNq"ekÆ¿vks"k¼/hukaÆ xkoks¼ xksÆ"Bkfn¼osjrs A
/u¼§ lfUÆkÆ";Urh¼ukekÆRekuaÆ ro¼ iw#"k AAøüAA
Ucchu¶måío¶adh∂nå≈ gåvo go¶¢hådiverate.
Dhana|m sani¶yant∂nåmåtmåna≈ tava pμuru¶a.
O man, the invigorating power and fragrance of
vitality of the herbs which are ever keen to give health
and lustre to your body and soul issues forth from them
just as cows issue forth from the cow-shed (anxious to
feed their calves).
83. (Vaidyas Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
b"o`¼QfRÆkÆukZe¼ oks ekÆrkFkks¼ ;wÉ;¦LFkÆ fu"o`¼Qrh%A
lhÆjk% i¼rÆf=k.kh¼ LFkuÆ ;nkÆe;¼fRÆkÆ fu"o`¼QFk AAøýAA
I¶kætirnåma vo måtåítho yuya|m stha ni¶kæt∂¨.
S∂rå¨ patatriƒ∂ sthana yadåmayati ni¶kætha.
Know the medicine which, as mother, serves your
life with healing and, like the flowing streams, repay the
debt by completing the development of the science of
healing by herbs. Whatever causes disease and loss of
health, remove from the paths of life.
84. (Vaidyas Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
vfRÆkÆ fo'ok¼% ifjÆ"Bk LrsÆu¿b¼o ozÆte¼Øeq%A
vks"k¼/hÆ% izkpq¼P;oqÉ;ZfRoaQ p¼ rÆUoks¨ ji¼%AAøþAA
Ati vi‹vå¨ pari¶¢hå stenaíiva vrajamakramu¨.
O¶adh∂¨ pråcucyavuryatki≈ ca tanvo rapa¨.
When a thief attacks a cowpen, he is challenged
and warded off by the master. So do medicinal herbs,
universal in their growth and presence, challenge
whatever ailment attacks the body like sin and destroy
the ailments.
85. (Vaidyas Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
;fnÆek okÆt;¼ÂÆgeks"k¼/hÆgZLr¼¿vknÆ/s A
vkÆRek ;{e¼L; u';fr iqÉjk th¼oÆx`Hkks¼ ;Fkk AAøÿAA
Yadimå våjayannahamo¶adh∂rhastaíådadhe.
Åtmå yak¶masya na‹yati purå j∂vagæbho yathå.
When I refine and strengthen these medicines and
hold them in my hand, the very root of the consumptive
ailment grabbing the vitality of the sick person is
86. (Vaidyas Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
;L;kS¼"k/h% izÆliZÆFkkX¼eXaÉ i#¼ "i#% A
rrksÆ ;{eaÆ fock¼/èo¿mÆxzks e¼è;eÆ'khfj¼o AAøöAA
Yasyau¶adh∂¨ prasarpathåΔgamaΔga≈ paru¶-
paru¨. Tato yak¶ma≈ vi bådhadhvaíugro
When the medicines spread over every part and
every joint of the sick person, then, mighty and powerful,
present in every cell of the body, they drive away the
consumptive forces of disease, eliminating, as if, the
enemy intruders of the body.
87. (Vaidyas Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
lkÆoaQ ;¼{eÆ iz i¼rÆ pk"ks¼.k fdfdnhÆfouk¼ A
lkÆoaQ okrL¼ ;Æ /zkT;k¼ lkÆoaQ u¼'; fUÆkÆgko¼Q;k AAø÷AA
Såka≈ yak¶ma pra pata cå¶eƒa kikid∂vinå.
Såka≈ våtasya dhråjyå såka≈ na‹ya nihåkayå.
Physician, let the consumptive disease go off with
every dose of medicine, with every new prescription,
with every motion of the breath, and let it be eliminated
along with the last trace of pain.
88. (Vaidyas Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
vÆU;k oks¼¿vÆU;ke¼oRoÆU;kU;L;kÆ¿mik¼or A
rk% loZk¼% lafonkÆuk¿bÆna esÆ izko¼rkÆ op¼%AAøøAA
Anyå vo anyåmavatvanyånyasyåíupåvata. Tå¨
sarvå¨ sa≈vidånå ida≈ me pråvatå vacha¨.
Physicians, of your medicines, let one supplement
and protect the other and let the other in turn support and
protect the former. Let all of them be thus mutually
agreeable in proper proportion. Keep this word of mine
as true and hold on to it.
89. (Vaidyas Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
;k% iQÆfyuhÆ;kZ¿v¼iQÆyk¿v¼iqÉ"ik ;k'p¼ iqÉf"i.kh¼%A
c`gÆLifr¼izlwrkÆLrk uks¼ eq×pÆURo§g¼l%AAøùAA
Yå¨ phalin∂ryåí aphalåíapu¶på yå‹ca pu¶piƒ∂¨.
Bæhaspatiprasμutåstå no mu¤cantva|mhasa¨.
All the medicinal herbs which are rich in fruit
and those which are without fruit, those which are rich
in flowers and those which are without flowers, all of
them are created by the Lord Creator. Let all of them,
with proper treatment and preparation by the physician,
protect us and free us from disease and pain.
90. (Vaidyas Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
eqÉ×pUrq¼ ek 'kiÆF;k¨nFkks¼ o#Æ.;k~nqÉr A
vFkks¼ ;ÆeL;Æ iM~oh¼'kkÆRloZ×Lekn~ nsofdfYÆOÆkÆ"kkr~ AAùúAA
Mu¤cantu må ‹apathyådatho varuƒyåduta. Atho
yamasya paŒv∂‹åt sarvasmåd devakilvi¶åt.
May the physicians and the medicines protect us
against ill-will, anathema and self-guilt. May they free
us from water-borne diseases and those which are
peculiar to the prosperous and the distinguished persons.
May they release us from ailments caused by acts of
indiscipline and breach of the rules of health and the good
life. May they save us from all diseases caused by neglect
or indulgence of the senses and the mind and those caused
by frustration of the intellectuals.
91. (Vaidyas Devata, Bhishak °Rshi)
vÆoiÆ r¼UrhjonfUÆnÆo¿vks"k¼/;ÆLifj¼ A
;a thÆoeÆ'uok¼egSÆ u l fj¼";kfRÆkÆ iw#¼ "k% AAùûAA
Avapatant∂ravadan divaí o¶adhayaspari. Ya≈
j∂vama‹navåmahai na sa ri¶yåti pμuru¶a¨.
The medicinal herbs come from heaven, the
region of light and life. So say the wise. The person
who feeds upon them never comes to any suffering.
92. (Vaidyas Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
;k¿vks"k¼/hÆ% lkse¼jkKhcZÆàh% 'kÆrfo¼p{k.kk%A
rklk¼efLÆkÆ Roeq¼ÙkÆekjaÊ dkek¼;Æ 'k§âÆns AAùüAA
Yåío¶adh∂¨ somaråj¤∂rbahv∂¨ ‹atavicak¶aƒå¨.
Tåsåmasi tvamuttamåra≈ kåmåya ‹a|m hæde.
Physician, of the many herbal medicines which
are efficacious with a hundred properties and of which
soma is the chief on top, you are the best judge for the
peace of mind and achievement of the desired result.
93. (Vaidyas Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
;k¿vks"k¼/hÆ% lkse¼jkKhÆ£of"B¼rk% i`fFÆkÆoheuq¼ A
c`gÆLifr¼izlwrk¿vÆL;S la n¼Ùk ohÆ;Z~e~ AAùýAA
Yåío¶adh∂¨ somaråj¤∂rv∂¶¢hitå¨ pæthiv∂manu.
Bæhaspatiprasμutåíasyai sa≈datta v∂ryam.
The many herbal medicines with life-giving
properties like soma, specially grown on the earth, are
the blessed gifts of the Lord-giver of life, Brihaspati.
Refined and vitalized by the physician, they may, we
wish and pray, give health and vigour to this woman/
94. (Bhishaja Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
;k'psÆneq¼i'k`É.ofUÆRÆkÆ ;k'p¼ nwÉja ijk¼xrk%A
loZk¼% lÆXR;¼ oh#/ksÆ¿L;S la n¼Ùk ohÆ;Z~e~ AAùþAA
Yå‹cedamupa‹æƒvanti yå‹ca dμura≈ parågatå¨.
Sarvå¨ sa≈gatya v∂rudhoísyai sa≈datta v∂ryam.
Men and women of medicine, these herbs of
which you and others hear around us, or which are close
by, or those which come from afar, all these herbs,
plants, creepers and trees together, we wish and pray,
may give her/him the gift of health and vitality.
95. (Vaidyas Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
ek oks¼ fj"kr~ [kfUÆkÆrk ;LeS¼ pkÆga [kuk¼fe o%A
f}ÉikPprq¼"iknÆLekdƧloZ×eLRoukrqÉje~ AAùÿAA
Må vo ri¶at khanitå yasmai cåha≈ khanåmi va¨.
Dvipåccatu¶pådasmåka|m sarvamastvanåturam.
Whoever digs you (roots/minerals) out, may he/
she never injure/destroy you, nor should he/she come to
any harm. Nor should the person for whom I (the
physician) dig you out come to any harm. May all the
bi-peds (humans) and all the quadrupeds (animals) of
ours be free from suffering and disease.
96. (Vaidyas Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
vks"k¼/;Æ% le¼onUrÆ lkses¼u lÆg jkKk¼ A
;LeS¼ o`ÉQ.kksfr¼ czkãÆ.kLr§jk¼tu~ ikj;kefl AAùöAA
O¶adhaya¨ samavadanta somena saha råj¤a.
Yasmai kæƒoti bråhmaƒasta|m råjan pårayåmasi.
Herbs and medicines alongwith their chief, soma,
power of vitality, say: O Soma, king of herbs, whoever
the patient for whom the learned physician has prepared
the cure, let us take the person across the pain of
97. (Bhishagvara Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
ukÆ'kÆfÕÆkÆ=kh cÆyklÆL;k'kZ ×l¿miÆfprk¼efl A
vFkks¼ 'kÆrL;Æ ;{ek¼.kka ikdkÆjksj¼fLÆkÆ uk'k¼uh AAù÷AA
Nå‹ayitr∂ balåsasyår‹asaí upacitåmasi. Atho
‹atasya yak¶måƒå≈ påkårorasi nå‹an∂.
Herbal medicine is a destroyer, sure cure, of
phlegmatic consumption, piles, hemorrhoids, swellings,
chronic sores and numerous types of pulmonary disease.
98. (Vaidyas Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
Roka x¼U/ÆokZ¿v¼[ku¡ÆLRokfeUæÆLRoka c`gÆLifr¼%A
Rokeks¼"k/sÆ lkseksÆ jktk¼ fOÆkÆ}ku~ ;{ek¼neqP;r AAùøAA
Två≈ gandharvåí akhana|nstvåmindrastvå≈
bæhaspati¨. Tvåmo¶adhe somo råjå vidvån
O Gandharva, herbal medicine, the singer and
artist searches for and discovers you. So does Indra,
man of power and virility, Brihaspati, man of universal
Vaidic lore, Soma, man of peace and blessed virtue, the
ruler and the scholar. They all search for, discover, use
and benefit from herbal medicines and free themselves
from consumptive ailments.
99. (Oshadhi Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
lg¼Lo esÆ¿vjk¼rhÆ% lg¼Lo i`ruk;Ær% A
lg¼LoÆ lo±× ikÆIekuƧlg¼ekukL;ks"k/s AAùùAA
Sahasva meíaråt∂¨ sahasva pætanåyata¨.
Sahasva sarva≈ påpmåna| m sahamånåsy-
Herbal medicine challenges disease. It resists the
anti-life forces and overthrows the enemies of good health
: Let the medicine resist all that causes sin and disease.
It resists, fights out, defeats and eliminates the negativities
and builds up the vitality and invincibility of the system
for longevity.
100. (Vaidyas Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
nhÆ?kkZ;q¼Lr¿vks"k/s [kfUÆkÆrk ;LeS¼ p RokÆ [kuk¼E;Æge~ A
vFkksÆ Roa nhÆ?kkZ;q¼HkwZÉRok 'kÆro¼Y'kkÆ fojks¼grkr~ AAûúúAA
D∂rghåyustaío¶adhe khanitå yasmai ca två
khanåmyaham. Atho tva≈ d∂rghåyurbhμutvå
‹ataval‹a virohatåt.
Medicinal herb, may the person who searches,
discovers, digs out and prepares the medicine be of long
life. May the patient for whom I, the physician, prescribe,
prepare and administer the medicine be of long life. May
you (the herb) too be of long life and grow to rise into a
hundred roots, shoots and branches.
101. (Bhishaja Devata, Varuna °Rshi)
Roeq¼ÙkÆekL;ks¼"k/sÆ ro¼ o`É{kk¿mi¼Lr;% A
mif¼ LrjLrqÉ lks¿¨ LekoaQÆ ;ks¿vÆLek¡üAA¿v¼fHÆkn
Æ klf¼ r AAûúûAA
Tvamuttamåsyo¶adhe tava væk¶åíupastaya¨.
Upastirastu soísmåka≈ yoí asmå|ní abhidåsati.
Herbal medicine/Physician, you are supreme. All
the trees (such as peepal and banyan) are subordinate to
you as sources of medicine. Anyone who tries to suppress
us, any disease that might weaken us, let that be under
our control. (Strengthen us with health, vitality and
courage of spirit.)
102. (Kah Devata, Hiranyagarbha °Rshi)
ek ek¼ fg§lhTtfUÆkÆrk ;% i`¼fFÆkÆO;k ;ks okÆ fno¼§lÆR;/¼ekZÆ
O;ku¼V~ A ;'pkÆi'pÆUæk% iz¼FkÆeks tÆtkuÆ dLeS¼ nsÆok;¼
gÆfo"kk¼ fo/se AAûúüAA
Må må hi|msijjanitå ya¨ pæthivyå yo vå diva|m
satyadharmå vyåna¢. Ya‹cåpa‹candrå¨
prathamo jajåna kasmai devåya havi¶å vidhema.
The Lord who is the creator of the earth, who is
the lord of the universal law of truth, who is the first of
all and creator of the air, waters and the moons, and
who pervades the heavens, whom we worship with the
best homage of fragrant oblations, that lord of life may
never hurt us with disease and ill-health.
103. (Agni Devata, Hiranyagarbha °Rshi)
vÆH;ko¼ÙkZLo i`fFkfo ;ÆKsuÆ i;¼lk lÆg A
oÆika rs¼¿vÆfXufj¼f"ÆkÆrks¿v¼jksgr~ AAûúýAA
Abhyåvartasva pæthivi yaj¤ena payaså saha.
Vapåm teíagniri¶itoíarohat.
Come earth, revolving with yajna and water, milk
and food, again and again, continuously. And may agni,
vital life-generating heat of nature, activated by the Lord
creator of life, bless your fertility and increase your power
of production.
104. (Agni Devata, Hiranyagarbha °Rshi)
vXusÆ ;Ùks¼ 'kqÉØa ;PpÆUæa ;RiwÉra ;Pp¼ ;ÆfK;¼e~ A
rísÆosH;ks¼ Hkjkefl AAûúþAA
Agne yatte ‹ukra≈ yaccandra≈ yatpμuta≈ yacca
yaj¤iyam. Taddevebhyo bharåmasi.
Agni, vital energy of the universe, may we imbibe
and internalize that power of your nature, character and
function which is immaculate and generative, beautiful
and blissful, pure and sacred, and worthy of service and
worship through yajna for growth and development.
105. (Vidvan Devata, Hiranyagarbha °Rshi)
b"kÆewtZ×eÆgfEÆkÆr¿vkn¼eÉr ` L;Æ ;ks¯u× efgÆ"kL;Æ /kjk¼e~ A
vk ekÆ xks"kq¼ fo'kÆRok rÆu"w kqÉ tgkf¼ e lsfÆ nefuj¼ kÆeeho
¼ ke~ AAûúÿAA
I¶amμurjamahamitaí ådamætasya yoni≈ mahi¶-
asya dhåråm. Å må go¶u vi‹atvå tanμu¶u jahåmi
From Lord Agni and the fire of yajna (spiritual,
mental and physical) I receive and imbibe food for life
and energy for action. I receive and internalize the fluent
voice of the mother of truth and Dharma. May all this
food, energy and spirit enter, vitalize and strengthen my
body, mind and sense, and may it invigorate my cows
with fertility.
With all this food, energy and vitality I’d fight
out and eliminate all pain, suffering, disease and debility.
106. (Agni Devata, Pavakagni °Rshi)
vXusÆ roÆ JoksÆ o;ksÆ efg¼ HkzktUrs¿vÆpZ;ks¼ foHkkolksA
c`g¼‰kuksÆ 'ko¼lkÆ okt¼eÉD q F;a¨ n/k¼fl nkÆ'kq"ks¼ dos AAûúö
Agne tava ‹ravo vayo mahi bhråjanteí arcayo
vibhåvaso. Bæhadbhåno ‹avaså våjamukthya≈
dadhåsi då‹u¶e kave.
Agni, lord of lustre, light of universal knowledge,
man of supernal vision, let the adorable message of yours,
youthful brilliance and splendid beams of light shine and
radiate across the world. Whosoever celebrates you in
yajna, you bless the yajamana giver with holistic
nourishments and fullness of energy and vitality with
additional food for yajna.
107. (Vidvan Devata, Pavakagni °Rshi)
ikÆoÆdop ¼ kZ% 'kqÉØop¼ kZÆ¿vuw¼uopkZÆ¿mfn¼;£"k HkkÆuu
q k¼ A
iqÉ=kks ekÆrjk¼ fOÆkÆpjÊÂqik¼ofl i`É.kf{ÆkÆ jksn¼lh¿mÆHks AAûú÷AA
Påvakavarcå¨ ‹ukravarcåíanμunavarcåíudiyar¶i
bhånunå. Putro måtarå vicarannupåvasi pæƒak¶i
Agni, lord of light and splendour, pure as fire,
clear and bright as sunbeams, full and complete, rising
to the heights with the sun and pervading the spaces
protects the heaven and earth like the son protecting
the father and mother.
(Similarly the young brahmachari or
brahmacharini, roaming around the sacred premises of
his/her institute, grows high in the light and lustre of
knowledge, pure as fire, clear as sunbeams, full and
complete, and rises high like the sun. He/she protects
his/her father and mother as the sun protects the heaven
and earth.)
108. (Agni Devata, Pavakagni °Rshi)
mQtksZ× uikTtkrosn% lq'kÆfLrfHÆkÆeUZ nL¼ o /hÆfrfHk¼£gr%A
Ros¿b"kÆ% lUn¼/qÉHkwfZ jo
¼ iZlf'ÆPÆkÆ=kksr¼;ks okÆetk¼rk% AAûúøAA
ª U rjo napåjjåtaveda¨ su‹astibhirmandasva
dh∂tibhirhita¨. Tveí i¶a¨ sandadhurbhμurivarpa-
sa‹citrotayo våmajåtå¨.
Agni, child and protector of energy, lord of wealth
and intelligence, lover and well-wisher of all, invoked,
lighted and raised with devotion and hymns of praise,
receive the libations, rejoice and grow. People of various
hue, wonderfully favoured and secure in life, children of
love and beauty, and sweet and dear by nature, offer food
to you for growth and development.
(As fire is invoked with love and devotion and
fed with libations, so should the child be fed, nourished
and helped to grow by parents and teachers with all the
love and faith at their command so that the child not
only lives and learns but also rejoices while he/she lives
and learns.)
109. (Agni Devata, Pavakagni °Rshi)
bÆjÊT;¼Xus izFk;Lo tÆUrqfHk¼jÊLes jk;ks¼¿veR;Z A
l n'¼ kZr
Æ L;Æ oiq"¼ kksÆ fojkt
¼ fl i`.É kf{k¼ lkuƯl Ørq¼e~ AAûúùAA
Irajyannagne prathayasva jantubhirasme råyoí
amartya. Sa dar‹atasya vapu¶o vi råjasi pæƒak¶i
sånasi≈ kratum.
Immortal Agni/man of action, invoked/inspired
and rising in glory, rejoicing with people, create and
expand the wealth of life for us all. Shining in the beauty
and grace of your form in life, protect, promote and
perfect the yajna of life which brings happiness,
prosperity and all the blessings of existence.
110. (Vidvan Devata, Pavakagni °Rshi)
bÆ"dÆÙkkZj¼eèoÆjL;Æ izps¼rlaÆ {k;¼UrƧjk/¼lks eÆg% A jkƯr
okÆeL;¼ lqÉHkxak¼ eÆghfe"kaÆ n/k¼fl lkuÆfl§jÊf;e~ AAûûúAA
I¶kartårmadhvarasya pracetasa≈ k¶ayanta|m
rådhaso maha¨. Råti≈ våmasya subhagå≈
mah∂mi¶a≈ dadhåsi sånasi|m rayim.
Agni, lord of power and sustenance, you uphold
who performs and promotes the yajnic programmes of
creation, construction and development. You sustain the
person who is intelligent and wide-awake. You protect
the person who is settled in a peaceful home. You
maintain the person who gives liberal amounts in
charity. You are the preserver of the great and generous
earth and its environment. You maintain a steady supply
of food and energy. And it is you who protect and
promote the ancient and traditional wealth of existence.
111. (Agni Devata, Pavakagni °Rshi)
ÍÆrkoku¼ a efgÆ"ka fOÆk'Æ on¼'kZreÆfXu§lqEÉ uk;¼ nf/js iqÉjks tuk¼%A
JqRo¼Q.kZ§lÆizFk¼Lrea Rok fXÆkÆjk nSO;aÆ ekuq¼"kk ;qÉxk AAûûûAA
° R tåvåna≈ mahi¶a≈ vi‹vadar‹atam agni| m
sumnåya dadhire puro janå¨. ›rutkarƒa| m
saprathastama≈ två girå daivya≈ månu¶å yugå.
For the sake of peace, prosperity and joy, the
people of former times have honoured and followed the
human traditions of ages and you, Agni, lord of light
and life, man of vision and excellence dedicated to Truth
and Dharma, great, possessed of universal knowledge
and experience, discreet listener and practical achiever
and master of divine qualities of character.
112. (Soma Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
vkI;k¼;LoÆ les¼rq rs fOÆkÆ'or¼% lkseÆ o`".;¼e~ A
HkokÆ okt¼L; lXÉFks AAûûüAA
Å pyåyasva sametu te vi‹vata¨ soma V涃yam.
Bhavå våjasya saΔgathe.
Soma, ruler, man of grace and blessedness, rise
and grow to excellence to win the glory of life. May the
vitality, virility and grandeur of life come to you from all
sides, and, in the battles of life and the nation, be great.
113. (Soma Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
la rsÆ i;k¼¦fLÆkÆ leq¼ ;UrqÉ oktkÆ% la o`".;k¼U;fHkekfRÆkÆ"kkg%¼ A
vkÆI;k;¼ekuks¿vÆe`rk¼; lkse fnÆfo Jok¼¦L;qÙkÆekfu¼
f/"o AAûûýAA
Sa≈ te payå| m si samu yantu våjå¨ sa≈
V涃yånyabhimåti¶åha¨. Åpyåyamåno amætåya
soma divi ‹ravå|msyuttamåni dhi¶va.
Soma, man of peace, power and joy, may all
delicious waters, milk and juices come to you. May all
vigour, virility and vitality come to you. May all food,
energy and means of speedy and powerful defence be
yours to break down the pride of the enemy forces.
Growing mighty and mightier, and rising towards heaven
and immortality, hold on to the highest words, thoughts
and visions as food for the mind and soul.
114. (Soma Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
vkI;k¼;Lo efnUreÆ lkseÆ fo'os¼fHkjʧ'kqfHk¼% A
Hkok¼ u% lÆizFk¼LreÆ% l[kk¼ o`É/s AAûûþAA
Å pyåyasva madintama soma vi‹vebhira|m-
‹ubhi¨. Bhavå na¨ saprathastama¨ sakhå vædhe.
Soma, man of widest fame and highest honour,
happiest at heart and creator of joy all round, rise and
shine with the beams of your excellence and be friends
so that we all together may rise and advance in all
115. (Agni Devata, Vatsara °Rshi)

vk rs¼ oÆRlks euks¼ ;eRijÊekfPp¼RlÆ/LFkk¼r~ A

vXusÆ Roka dk¼e;k fXÆkÆjk AAûûÿAA
Å te vatso mano yamat paramåccit sadhasthåt.
Agne tvåΔkåmayå girå.
Agni, lord of life, light and love, the devoted
yajamana as a child of yours would divert his mind even
from the most exciting places and, with the sweetest
words of praise, come to concentrate on you as a calf
runs to the mother cow even from the richest pasture.
116. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
rqH;aÆ rk¿v¼fXjLreÆ fo'ok¼% lqf{ÆkÆr;Æ% i`Fk¼o~Q A
vXusÆ dkek¼; ;sfejs AAûûöAA
Tubhya≈ tå aΔgirastama vi‹vå¨ suk¶itaya¨
pæthak. Agne kåmayå yemire.
Agni, most brilliant power of the universe, the
entire humanity, even though they might be very well
placed in life, converge on you, each for the fulfilment
of his/her own special desire.
(Just as the children of the Lord creator approach
Him with prayers for the fulfilment of their desires, so
do the people of the land, even though well-placed in life
otherwise, approach the ruler for the fulfilment of their
117. (Agni Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆfXu% fIÆkzÆ;s"kqÉ /ke¼lÉq dkeks¼ HkwÉrL;Æ HkO;¼L; A
lÆezkMsdksÆ fojk¼tfr AAûû÷AA
Agni¨ priye¶u dhåmasu kåmo bhμ u tasya
bhavyasya. SamråŒeko vi råjati.
Agni, sole and sovereign lord of the world, loved
and worshipped by all that is born and all that is yet to be
born, rules and blazes in his glory across the dearest
and most beautiful regions of the universe.
(Just as Agni, bright and blazing with His glory,
is the lord of the universe, so that person alone is worthy
of being the ruler of a country who is brilliant by virtue
of his/her mind and character, unique in performance,
loved and respected by all and shining across the present
and the possible future in all regions of the land.)

bfr }kn'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Agni Devata, Vatsara °Rshi)
ef;¼ x`ÊkÉE;xzs¼¿vÆfXu§jkÆ;Liks"kk;
¼ lqit
z kÆLRok;¼ lqÉoh;Zk¼;A
ekeq¼ nso
Æ rk¼% lpUrke~ AAûAA
Mayi gæhƒåmyagreíagni|m råyaspo¶åya suprajå-
stvåya suv∂ryåya. Måmu devatå¨ sacantåm.
First of all I dedicate my mind and soul to the
Lord Almighty, Agni, lord of light and life, power and
prosperity, and I instal the yajna-fire in my home for
the gifts of vigour and valour, wealth and prosperity
and a noble family. May all the divine powers, for sure,
favour and bless me.
(Just as a house-holder or a student is dedicated
to Agni, the Lord Almighty, and to agni, the yajna-fire,
so too should he/she be dedicated to the agnis among
the community, leading men and women of knowledge,
wisdom and virtue who have specialised in various
fields of knowledge and development.)
2. (Agni Devata, Vatsara °Rshi)
vÆika i`É"Be¼fLÆkÆ ;ksfu¼jÊXus% l¼eÉæ
q eÆfHkrÆ% fiUo¼ekue~ A
o/Z×ekuks eÆgk¡üAA¿vk pÆ iq"o¼Qjs fnÆoks ek=k¼;k ofjÆE.kk
iz¼FkLo AAüAA
Apå≈ p涢hamasi yoniragne¨ samudramabhita¨
pinvamånam. Vardhamåno mahå|ní å ca pu¶kare
divo måtrayå varimƒå prathasva.
Lord Almighty, infinite spirit and life of the
universe, you are the centre-hold of waters and energy.
You are the original cause of heat and light. Surrounding
and feeding the expansive oceans on earth and in space
from all sides, you are great and ever greater in the
intervening spaces between earth and heaven. And you
reveal your glory by the measure and immensity of the
light of heaven.
3. (Aditya Devata, Vatsara °Rshi)
czã¼ tKkÆua iz¼FkÆea iqÉjLrkÆf} lh¼eÆr% lqÉ#pks¼ osÆu¿vk¼o% A
l cqÉèU;k~¿miÆek¿v¼L; fOÆkÆ"Bk% lÆr'pÆ ;ksfUÆkÆel¼r'pÆ
foo¼% AAýAA
Brahma jaj¤åna≈ prathama≈ puraståd vi
s∂mata¨ suruco venaíåva¨. Sa budhnyåíupamåí
asya vi¶¢hå¨ sata‹ca yonimasata‹ca vi va¨.
Brahma, infinite spirit of the universe, all-creator
and omniscient, is the first and greatest reality of
existence. Worthy of love and adoration, It is the highest
object of desire for the wise. The great and glorious
objects (such as the sun, the moon, the earth) which fill
the skies in various regions of space are exemplary
revelations of Its creative power.
In the beginning of creation, that Brahma, from
the potential and law of Its own existence, invokes
Prakriti, the original Nature which is the cause of all
that is come into existence and also that which is yet to
come into existence.
4. (Prajapati Devata, Hiranyagarbha °Rshi)
fgÆjÊ.;ÆxÆHkZ% le¼oÙkZÆrkxzs¼ HkwÉrL;¼ tkÆr% ifRÆkÆjso¼Q¿vklhr~ A
l nk¼/kj i`fFÆkÆoha |keqÉrseka dLeS ¼ ns Æok;¼ gÆfo"kk¼
fo/se AAþAA
Hiraƒyagarbha¨ samavartatågre bhμutasya jåta¨
patirekaíås∂t. Sa dådhåra pæthiv∂≈ dyåmutemå≈
kasmai devåya havi¶å vidhema.
The One Lord of Light and the sole creator of
lights such as the sun existed before creation (as He
ever exists). He alone was and is the lord and sustainer
of all forms of created being. He holds and sustains the
earth and heaven and supports this whole universe. We
worship the same one lord and offer Him homage with
libations of fragrant materials.
5. (Ishwara Devata, Hiranyagarbha °Rshi)
æÆIl'p¼LdUn i`fFÆkÆoheuqÉ |kfEÆke Æ a pÆ ;ksfUÆkÆeuqÉ ;'pÆ iwoZ×%A
lÆekÆua ;ksfUÆkÆeuq¼ laÆpj¼Ura æÆIla tq¼gksÆE;uq¼ lÆIr gks=kk¼% AAÿAA
Drapsa‹caskanda pæthiv∂manu dyåmima≈ ca
yonimanu ya‹ca pμurva¨. Samåna≈ yonimanu
sa¤caranta≈ drapsa≈ juhomyanu sapta hotrå¨.
That eternal, perfect and primordial joy (Ananda)
which blesses and coexists with the earth, the heaven
and the original cause of existence, Prakriti, the same
joy which universally subsists with its origin, the sole
creator, I adore with all my breath of life (five pranas),
mind and soul.
6. (Hiranyagarbha Devata, Hiranyagarbha °Rshi)
ueks¼¿Lrq lÆisZH;ksÆ ;s osQ p¼ i`fFÆkÆoheuq¼ A
;s¿vÆUrfj¼{ksÆ ;s fnÆfo rsH;¼% lÆisZH;ksÆ ue¼% AAöAA
Namoístu sarpebhyo ye ke ca pæthiv∂manu. Ye
íantarik¶e ye divi tebhya¨ sarpebhyo nama¨.
For all those that move in space, and those which
move on the earth, which move in the regions of heaven
and those which move about in the sky between earth
and heaven, for all these moving forms of existence
Nature has provided food, the means of sustenance.
7. (Hiranyagarbha Devata, Hiranyagarbha °Rshi)
;k¿b"k¼oks ;krqÉ/kuk¼ukaÆ ;s okÆ ouÆLirh¡ûAA¿juq¼ A
;s ok¼oÆVs"kqÉ 'ksj¼rsÆ rsH;¼% lÆisZH;ksÆ ue¼% AA÷AA
Yåíi¶avo yåtudhånånå≈ ye vå vanaspat∂|ní ranu.
Ye våva¢e¶u ‹erate tebhya¨ sarpebhyo nama¨.
For all the arrows of the enemies of life, and those
who damage the herbs and trees, being poachers and
parasites, and those who sleep and wait in the obscure
paths for victims, for all these surreptitious forms of
moving life, a challenge and a thunderbolt!
8. (Surya Devata, Hiranyagarbha °Rshi)
;s okÆeh jks¼pÆus fnÆoks ;s okÆ lw;Z×L; jÊf'e"kq¼ A
;s"kk¼eÆIlq ln¼Lo`ÉQra rsH;¼% lÆisZH;ksÆ ue¼% AAøAA
Ye våm∂ rocane divo ye vå sμuryasya ra‹mi¶u.
Ye¶åmapsu sadaskæta≈ tebhya¨ sarpebhyo
Or those negative forces that are in the heat of
the solar region, or those in the rays of the sun, or those
which have taken abode in the waters, to these moving
forms of existence, a challenge to counter, overpower
or destroy!
9. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
o`ÉQ.kqÉ"o iktÆ% izfl¯¼ RÆkÆ u i`ÉFoha ;kÆfg jktsÆoke¼ok¡ÆüAA¿bHks¼uA
r`É"oheuqÉ izfl¼¯r æw.kkÆuks¿Lrkf¼ LÆkÆ foè;¼ jÊ{klÆLrfi¼"BS% AAùAA
Kæƒu¶va påja¨ prasiti≈ na pæthv∂≈ yåhi
råjevåmavå| n í ibhena. Tæ¶v∂manu prasiti≈
drμuƒånoíståísi vidhya rak¶asastapi¶¢hai¨ .
Agni, ruler, your influence is fast, far and wide.
Increase your strength and power and make it felt. Go
like a shot over the earth as a king with his attendant
forces. Cast your net of law instantly against the
destructive elements and punish them with inescapable
10. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
ro¼ HkzÆekl¼¿vk'kqÉ;k i¼rÆUR;uq¼Li`'k /`"kÆrk 'kks'kqp
¼ ku%A
¼ ";Xus tqÉàk irÆXkulf¼ UnrksÆ fol`t
riw¦ ¼ Æ fo"ox ¼ YÉq dk%AAûúAA
Tava bhramåsaíå‹uyå patantyanuspæ‹a dhæ¶atå
‹o‹ucåna¨. Tapμ u | m ¶yagne juhvå pataΔgå-
nasandito vi sæja vi¶vagulkå¨.
Agni (ruler, commander of the forces, lord of
justice), the flames of your fire blaze with awe. Pure
and purifying with might and daring, fall upon the forces
which burn and destroy life and society, and with
libations unrestrained, release a rain of lightning terror
striking in all directions.
11. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
izfRÆkÆ Li'kksÆ fol`¼tÆ rw£.k¼reksÆ Hkok¼ ikÆ;q£OÆkÆ'kks¿vÆL;k
vn¼C/%A ;ks uks¼ nwÉjs¿vÆ?k'k¼§lksÆ ;ks¿vUR;XusÆ ekfo¼Q"VsÆ
O;fFÆkÆjkn¼/"khZr~ AAûûAA
Prati spa‹o visæja tμurƒitamo bhavå påyurvi‹oí
asyå adabdha¨. Yo no dμureíagha‹a|mso yoí
antyagne må ki¶¢e vyathirå dadhar¶∂t.
Agni, instant in action, bold and inviolable, if
there is a tormentor or a wicked maligner or a supporter
of sin and crime far or near against you or against us,
release the forces to seize him and remove the obstacles.
Be the protector and guardian of this people/community.
Let none bully or terrorize you and us.
12. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
mn¼Xus fr"BÆ izR;kr¼uq"oÆ U;¨fe=k¡k¼üAA¿vks"krkfÙkXegsrs A
;ks uksÆ¿vjk¼fr§lfe/ku pÆozsQ uhÆpk ra /¼{;rÆla u
'kq"o¼Qe~ AAûüAA
Udagne ti¶¢ha pratyå tanu¶va nyamitrå| n í
o¶atåttigmahete. Yo noíaråti|m samidhåna cakre
n∂cå ta≈ dhåk¶yatasa≈ na ‹u¶kam.
Agni, lord of heat and light, leader of an
advancing humanity, rise and grow. Let the light spread
around. Wielder of the sharpest weapons and inviolable
power, burn the enemies of life and human values.
Blazing lord of fire and justice, if someone creates,
supports or advances the selfish, ungenerous and
ungracious forces, scorch him like a patch of dry shrubs.
13. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
mQÆèoksZ Hk¼oÆ izfr¼ fOÆkÆè;kè;ÆLenkÆfo"o`¼Q.kq"oÆ nSO;k¼U;Xus A
vo¼ fLÆFÆkÆjk r¼uqfg ;krqÉtwuak¼ tkÆfeetk¼¯EÆkÆ ize`¼.khfgÆ 'k=kw¼uA~
vÆXus"V~okÆ rst¼lk lkn;kfe AAûýAA
ª rdhvo bhava prati vidhyådhyasmadåvi¶kƒu¶va
daivyånyagne. Ava sthirå tanuhi yåtujμunå≈
jåmimajåmi≈ pra mæƒ∂hi ‹atrμun. Agne¶¢vå tejaså
Agni, lord of light and power, leader of humanity,
rise and stay on top. Counter and ward off the enemies
of mankind. Develop the best things which our saints
and scholars have discovered and invented. Resist and
reduce the strength of the opponents to nil. Eliminate
the natural, traditional and customary enemies of
society. I instal you in your seat with the baptism of
light and fire.
14. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vÆfXuewZɼkZ fnÆo% dÆoqQRifr¼% i`fFÆkÆO;k¿vÆ;e~ A vÆik¦-
jsrk¼¦fl ftUofr A bUæ¼L;Æ RokSt¼lk lkn;kfe AAûþAA
Agnirmμurdhå diva¨ kakutpati¨ pæthivyåíayam.
Apå| m retå| m si jinvati. Indrasya tvaujaså
This Agni, the sun, is the chief and summit of
heaven. It is the father and sustainer of the earth and its
life. It vitalizes and refreshes the waters of life for the
earth and her children. So should you be, Ruler of the
land. I anoint and consecrate you with the radiant power
of Indra, the sun.
15. (Agni Devata, Trishira °Rshi)
Hkqoks¼ ;ÆKL;Æ jtl
¼ 'p usÆrk ;=kk¼ fUÆkÆ;fq ‰Æ% lpl
¼ s f'ÆkÆokfHk¼%A
fnÆfo ewɼkZu¯ nf/"ks LoÆ"kk± ftÆàke¼Xus pÑ"ks gO;Æ&
okg¼e~ AAûÿAA
Bhuvo yaj¤asya rajasa‹ca netå yatrå niyudbhi¨
sacase ‹ivåbhi¨. Divi mμ u rdhåna≈ dadhi¶e
svar¶å≈ jihvåmagne cakæ¶e havyavåham.
Agni is the leader and mover of the earth and its
life, of the motions of wind and energy in the middle
sphere, and of the cosmic yajna of creation. And there
everywhere it is one with the blissful dynamics of
existence. As it sends up its flames of fire bearing the
light and fragrance of yajna, it holds its head high and
wields the light of the sun in heaven.
(Similarly, O king, be the leader of the nation’s
life on earth and the dignity and dynamics of the polity.
Be the path-maker of the policies of peace, justice and
happiness and hold your head high with words of
enlightenment, creativity and joy for the people.)
16. (Agni Devata, Trishira °Rshi)
q kfl¼ /Æ#.kkLr`¼rk fOÆkÆ'oo¼QeZ.kk A ek Rok¼ leqÉæ¿&
m}¼/hÆUek lq¼iÆ.kksZ¿O;¼Fkekuk i`fFÆkÆoha n`§¼ g AAûöAA
Dhruvåsi dharuƒåstætå vi‹vakarmaƒå. Må två
samudraíudvadh∂nmå suparƒoívyathamånå
pæthiv∂≈ dæ|mha.
Spirit of the human nation, polity of the world,
you are the centre-hold of dharma, enlightenment and
peace, created, completed and blest by the Lord-maker
of the world, Vishvakarma. Let not the seas hurt you.
Let not the sky, sun and moon and the clouds hurt you.
Unhurt, free and peaceful, develop, beautify and beatify
the earth.
17. (Prajapati Devata, Trishira °Rshi)
izÆtki¼fr"V~ok lkn;RoÆika i`É"Bs l¼eqÉæL;se¼u~ A
O;p¼LorhaÆ izFk¼LorhaÆ izFk¼Lo i`fFÆkÆO;~fl AAû÷AA
Prajåpati¶¢vå sådayatvapa≈ p涢he samudra-
syeman. Vyacasvat∂≈ prathasvat∂≈ prathasva
Spirit of humanity, mother of the common-
wealth, lady of the polity, be open, free and
accommodative, be expansive and celebrated. And may
the creator of life, father of humanity, Prajapati, establish
you with His blessings on the currents of rivers, on the
paths of the seas, and over the currents of air in the sky.
18. (Agni Devata, Trishira °Rshi)
Hkwj¼fLÆkÆ Hkwfe¼jÊL;fn¼frjfl fOÆkÆ'o/k¼;kÆ fo'o¼L;Æ Hkqo¼uL;
/Æ=khZ A i`fFÆkÆoha ;¼PN i`fFÆkÆoha n`¼§g i`fFÆkÆoha ek fg¼§&
lh% AAûøAA
Bhμurasi bhμumirasyåditirasi vi‹vadhåyå vi‹vasya
bhuvanasya dhartr∂. Pæthiv∂≈ yaccha pæthiv∂≈
dæ|mha pæthiv∂≈ må hi|ms∂¨.
Agni, light of the universe, vitality of nature, you
are the being and existence, you are the mother-support,
whole, inviolable, all sustaining and all-nourishing,
centre-hold and wielder of all the regions of the world.
Sustain, guide and raise the world, develop and expand
the life on earth. Do not hurt the earth nor violate the
life of her children. (As Agni is the life and support of
the earth, so is the woman the mother of the home.)
19. (Agni Devata, Trishira °Rshi)
fo'o¼LeS izkÆ.kk;ki
¼ kÆuk;¼ O;kÆuk;ks¼nkÆuk;¼ izfRÆkÆ"Bk;S¼ pÆfj=kk¼;A
vÆfXu"V~okÆfHkik¼rq eÆák LoÆLR;k NÆ£n"kkÆ 'kUr¼eu s Æ r;k¼
nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zÉo q k lh¼n AAûùAA
Vi‹vasmai pråƒåyåpånåya vyånåyodånåya
prati¶¢håyai caritråya. Agni¶¢vaíbhi påtu mahyå
svastyå chardi¶å ‹antamena tayå devatayåí-
Δgirasvad dhruvå s∂da.
Lady of the home, may Agni, lord of light and
life/your husband, the presiding presence of the home,
fully protect and support you in every way for all the
energy of life, prevention of suffering, best manners
and behaviour, inner strength, dignity and recognition
and virtuous conduct. In a state of perfect peace and
well-being, with all the joys of life in a good home, stay
firm and secure with Agni, the lord of life, and your
husband, like Prakriti with Purusha and the light of the
dawn with the day.
20. (Patni Devata, Agni °Rshi)
dk.Mk¼Rdk.MkRizÆjksg¼UrhÆ i#¼"k% i#"kÆLifj¼ A
,Éok uks¼ nwosZÆ izr¼uq lÆgÏs¼.k 'kÆrsu¼ p AAüúAA
K僌åt k僌åt prarohant∂ paru¶a¨ paru¶aspari.
Evå no dμurve pra tanu sahasreƒa ‹atena ca.
Lady of the home, delicate and graceful as the
durva grass, just as the grass grows from one section of
the stalk to another, from one knot of joint to another,
so you too, grow in life, and let us grow and help us
advance in life a hundred-fold and from thereon a
thousand fold.
21. (Patni Devata, Agni °Rshi)
;k 'kÆrsu¼ izrÆuksf"k¼ lÆgÏs ¼.k fOÆkÆjksg¼fl A
rL;k¼Lrs nsoh"VosQ fOÆkÆ/se¼ gÆfo"kk¼ oÆ;e~ AAüûAA
Yå ‹atena pratano¶i sahasreƒa virohasi.
Tasyåste dev∂¶¢ake vidhema havi¶å vayam.
Lady light of the home, root and foundation of
the yajna of family life, as you grow a hundred-fold
and then you rise a thousand-fold, O noble and generous
mother, we offer you love and reverence in homage with
the best fragrant offerings.
22. (Agni Devata, Indragani Rshis)
;kLrs¼¿vXusÆ lw;sZÆ #pksÆ fno¼ekrÆUofUr¼ jÊf'efHk¼%A
rkfHk¼uksZ¿vÆ| loZk¼Hkh #Æps tuk¼; uLÑf/ AAüüAA
Yåsteíagne sμurye ruco divamåtanvanti ra‹mi-
bhi¨. Tåbhirnoíadya sarvåbh∂ ruce janåya
Agni, those lights of yours which, in the solar
region, illuminate the heavenly spaces with the sun-
beams, with all those lights to-day bless us with
enlightenment for the sake of our people.
(As Agni illuminates the heavens with the light
of the sun, so should the teachers of men and women
enlighten them with the light of their knowledge. What
is the secret of Agni turning into light, and into light of
the sun?)
23. (Brihaspati Devata, Indragani Rshis)
;k oks¼ nsokÆ% lw;sZÆ #pksÆ xks"o'os¼"kqÉ ;k #p¼%A
bUæk¼XuhÆ rkfHÆkÆ% loZk¼HkhÆ #p¯ uks /Ùk c`gLirs AAüýAA
Yå vo devå¨ sμurye ruco go¶va‹ve¶u yå ruca¨.
Indrågn∂ tåbhi¨ sarvåbh∂ ruca≈ no dhatta
Divine powers of nature, your energy and vitality
illuminates the sun and vitalizes the lives of animals
like cows and horses. It also works in the motions of
objects and the perceptions of the senses.
O Brihaspati, Lord omniscient of this mighty
universe, may the heat and light of natural energy in-
vest our vitality with all that power and energy.
Brihaspati, noble teacher and master of
knowledge and education, may our teachers like Indra
and Agni in-form and in-vest our deep interest in life
and nature with the hidden secrets of light, power and
sensation as expressions of one universal natural energy
24. (Prajapati Devata, Indragani Rshis)
fOÆkÆjkM~ T;ksfr¼j/kj;r~ LoÆjkM~ T;ksfr¼j/kj;r~ A
izÆtki¼fr"V~ok lkn;rq i`É"Bs i`¼fFÆkÆO;k T;ksfr¼"erhe~ A
fo'o¼LeS izkÆ.kk;k¼ikÆuk;¼ O;kÆuk;Æ fo'oaÆ T;ksfr¼;ZPN A
vÆfXu"Vs¿f/i ¼ fRÆkÆLr;k¼ nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zqÉok lh¼n AAüþAA
ViråŒ jyotiradhårayat svaråŒ jyotiradhårayat.
Prajåpati¶¢vå sådayatu p涢he pæthivyå jyoti-
¶mat∂m. Vi‹vasmai pråƒåyåpånåya vyånåya
vi‹va≈ jyotiryaccha. Agni¶¢eídhipatistayå
devatayåí Δgirasvad dhruvå s∂da.
The cosmic forms of the universe bear the light
of the Lord. Self-luminant stars such as the sun bear the
light as their own.
O lady of light and knowledge, noble teacher and
torch-bearer, may the father of created beings, Prajapati,
instal you in your seat on the face of the earth. Give full
light of knowledge to others for the sake of full energy,
safeguard against suffering, and all good qualities of
nature, character and action. Agni, lord of light and life,
is your master and guardian. Stay firm and secure with
that noble and gracious lord as the soul with the body,
Prakriti with Purusha and the light of dawn with the
25. (Ritava Devata, Indragani Rshis)
e/q¼'pÆ ek/¼o'pÆ okl¼fUrdko`Érw¿vÆXusj¼Ur%'ysÆ"k~ksÆ¿fLÆkÆ
dYisr ¼ kÆa |kok¼if` FÆko
Æ h dYiU¼ rkÆekiÆ¿vks"k/
¼ ;Æ% dYiU¼ rkeÆXu;Æ%
i`FkÆÄ~ eeÆ T;S"BÔk¼;Æ loz¼rk% A ;s¿vÆXu;Æ% le¼ulks¿UrÆjk
|kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh¿bÆes A okl¼fUrdko`Érw¿v¼fHÆkÆdYi¼ekukÆ¿bUæ¼&
feo nsÆok¿v¼fHÆkÆlafo¼'kUrqÉ r;k nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zqÉos
lh¼nre~ AAüÿAA
Madhu‹ca mådhava‹ca våsantikåvætμuí agne-
ranta¨ ‹le¶oísi kalpetå≈ dyåvåpæthiv∂ kalp-
antåmåpaí o¶adhaya¨ kalpantåmagnaya¨
pæthaΔmama jyai¶¢hyåya savratå¨. Yeíagnaya¨
samanasoíntarå dyåvåpæthiv∂íime. Våsanti-
kåvætμ u í abhikalpamånåíindramiva devåí
abhisa≈vi‹antu tayå devatayåíΔgirasvad dhruve
Chaitra is a honey-sweet month. Vaishakha is a
month of honey-sweets. These are the months of spring.
Both these, born of agni, are closely connected to
summer. May the earth and heaven be favourable to us
for the gift of excellence, may the waters be favourable,
may the herbs and trees be favourable, may all the orders
of agni (heat and light each), committed to its own law
and function, be favourable to us. May all the forms of
vital fire in earth and heaven, integrated and mutually
harmonious, supporting and energizing the two spring
months like all the powers of nature serving and working
for the omnipotent lord Indra, bless and vitalize us in
all ways.
Just as the earth and heaven abide firm and secure
with the Supreme Lord of the universe, just as the spring
months abide by the vital fire of earth and heaven, so
should we all abide firm and secure by the lord of the
universe, nature and spring, as breath abides by life, as
Prakriti abides by Purusha, and as part abides by the
26. (Kshatrapati Devata, Savita °Rshi)
v"kk¼<kfLÆkÆ lg¼ekukÆ lgÆLokjk¼rhÆ% lg¼Lo i`ruk;Ær% A
lÆgϼoh;kZfLÆkÆ lk ek¼ ftUo AAüöAA
A¶åŒhåísi sahamånå sahasvåråt∂¨ sahasva
pætanåyata¨. Sahasrav∂ryåísi så må jinva.
Ruling power, Shakti, you are tolerant,
challenging and invincible. Challenge the mean, the
ungenerous and the destructive forces. Face, fight and
defeat those who are bent upon violence. You have the
strength and prowess of a thousand powers. Be good to
me, be good and gracious to all.
27. (Vishvedeva Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
e/qÉ okrk¼¿Írk;Ærs e/q¼ {kjfUÆRÆkÆ flU/¼o% A
ekèoh¼uZ% lÆURoks"k¼/h% AAü÷AA
Madhu våtåíætåyate madhu k¶aranti sindhava¨.
Mådhv∂rna¨ santvo¶adh∂¨.
The winds blow cool and sweet as honey. The
streams and ocean-currents flow cool and sweet as
honey. May the herbs and trees be as sweet and pleasant
as honey. (Let us too be good and sweet in our conduct
as the winds, the streams and the herbs and trees,
observing the law and ethics of value.)
28. (Vishvedeva Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
e/qÉ uDr¼eÉrq ks"klksÆ e/q¼eÆRik£Fk¼oƧjt¼% A
e/qÉ |kSj¼Lrq u% fIÆkÆrk AAüøAA
Madhu naktamuto¶aso madhumat pårthiva|m
raja¨. Madhu dyaurastu na¨ pitå.
May the nights and the dawn be honey-sweet,
soothing and inspiring. May the dust of mother-earth
be sweet and fragrant. And may the light of the sun be
honey-sweet and kind as father for us all. (Let us too
follow the honey-sweets of nature in life.)
29. (Vishvedeva Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
e/q¼ekÂksÆ ouÆLifRÆkÆeZ/q¼ek¡üAA¿vLrqÉ lw;Z ×% A
ekèohÆxkZoks¼ HkoUrq u% AAüùAA
Madhumånno vanaspatirmadhumå| n í astu
sμurya¨. Mådhv∂rgåvo bhavantu na¨.
May the herbs with their juices and the trees with
their fruit be honey-sweet for us. May the sun be kind,
sweet and invigorating. May the cows be sweet and
rejuvenating as honey with their milk. May the saints,
scholars, seniors and teachers be kind and affectionate
as the sun, the mother earth and the mother cow.
30. (Prajapati Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
vÆika xEHk¼URlhnÆ ek RokÆ lw;ksZÆ¿fHkrk¼IlhÆUekfXuoSZ×'okuÆj%A
vfPN¼Âi=kk% izt Æ k¿v¼uqÉoh{kÆLokuq¼ Rok fnÆO;k o`f"V¼%
lprke~ AAýúAA
Apå≈ gambhants∂da må två sμuryoíbhi tåps∂n
måígnirvai‹vånara¨. Acchinnapatrå¨ prajåí
anuv∂k¶asvånu två divyå v涢i¨ sacatåm.
Be in the centre of the waters deep as in the clouds
so that the heat of the sun may not injure you nor the
earthly heat, Vaishwanara, hurt you. Look round so that
the people, free and fully protected from heat, are
favourable to you. May the showers of celestial rain
bless you.
31. (Varuna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
=khURl¼eÉæ q kURle¼l`ir~ LoÆxkZuÆika ifr¼oZ̀"kÆHk¿b"V¼dkuke~ A
iqjh"¼ kaÆ olku¼ % lqoQÉ` rL;¼ ykso
Æ Qs r=k¼ xPNÆ ;=kÆ iwoÆZs ijsr
¼ k%AAýûAA
Tr∂ntsamudråntsamasæpat svargånapå≈ patir-
væ¶abhaí i¶¢akånåm. Pur∂¶a≈ vasåna¨ sukætasya
loke tatra gaccha yatra pμurve paretå¨.
The master controller of pranic energies of life,
through karma, crosses the three oceans of time and
space leading to the paradisal abode of the blessed in
the sphere of the sun. Abiding with the Spirit of the
universe he/she brightens up the earth and showers it
with all the objects of sweetness and desire.
Man/Woman on earth, go thither to the region of
the blessed where your noble ancestors have gone. (And
that is the spring of the life of supernal joy.)
32. (Dyavaprithivi Devatas, Gotama °Rshi)
eÆgh |kS% i`¼fFÆkÆoh p¼ u¿bÆea ;ÆKa fe¼fe{krke~ A
fIÆkÆi`Érka uksÆ Hkjh¼efHk% AAýüAA
Mah∂ dyau¨ pæthiv∂ ca naíima≈ yaj¤a≈
mimik¶atåm. Pipætå≈ no bhar∂mabhi¨.
May the great earth and high heaven bless and
promote this yajna of our life. So may they and our
parents join and bless our yajna of the household with
their active blessings.
33. (Vishnu Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
fo".kksÆ% deZkZ ¼f.k i';rÆ ;rks¼ ozÆrkfu¼ iLiÆ'ks A
bUæ¼L;Æ ;qT;Æ% l[kk¼ AAýýAA
Vi¶ƒo¨ karmåƒi pa‹yata yato vratåni paspa‹e.
Indrasya yujya¨ sakhå.
Behold the great acts of the omnipresent lord of
the universe, Vishnu, acts like the creation, sustenance
and dissolution of the world. Therein I see the essence,
the ultimate blueprint of the discipline and actions for
living. He is the great friend and lover of the human
soul. He is the giver of bliss.
34. (Jataveda Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
/zqÉokfl¼ /Æ#.ksÆrks t¼Ks izFkÆeesÆH;ks ;ksfu¼H;ksÆ¿vf/¼ tkÆr&
os¼nk%A l xk¼;Æ=;k f=ÆkÆ"VqHkk¼uqÉ"VqHkk¼ p nsÆosH;ks¼ gÆO;a o¼grq
iztkÆuu~ AAýþAA
Dhruvåsi dharuƒeto jaj¤e prathamamebhyo
yonibhyoí adhi jåtavedå¨. Sa gåyatryå
tri¶¢ubhånu¶¢ubhå ca devebhyo havya≈ vahatu
Mother of the universe, Prakriti, firm and
inviolable power, bearer of the world’s forms in
existence as you are, it was through your oceanic womb
that Agni, the omniscient creative consciousness first
manifested Itself. And He, knowing and manifesting
through everything born, moved the materials of the
cosmic yajna to the evolutionary powers of nature and
communicated the cosmic knowledge through gayatri,
trishtup and anushtup verses to the visionary sages.
(In the context of the home, grihastha, the wife is
the Prakriti-like centre-hold of the organisation and the
mother of the familial creation. The husband is agni,
jataveda, father and yajamana of the home-yajna.)
35. (Jataveda Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
bÆ"ks jkÆ;s j¼eLoÆ lg¼ls |qÉEu¿mQÆtsZ¿vi¼R;k; A
lÆezkM¼fl LoÆjkM¼fl lkjLoÆrkS RoksRlkSÆ izko¼rke~ AAýÿAA
I¶e råye ramasva sahase dyumnaíμurjeíapatyåya.
SamråŒasi svaråŒasi sårasvatau tvotsau
Master/Mistress of the home, you are the ruler,
brilliant, self-enlightened and self-disciplined. Be stead-
fast, live well and abide in the home for the sake of
food, energy, courage, wealth, honour and children. May
the noble and gracious Brahmanas and the learned and
eloquent scholars guide and protect you in your homely
36. (Agni Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
vXus¼ ;qÉ{ok fg ;s rok'ok¼lks nso lkÆ/o¼% A
vjaÊ og¼fUr eÆU;os¼ AAýöAA
Agne yuk¶vå hi ye tavå‹våso deva sådhava¨.
Ara≈ vahanti manyave.
Agni, lord of power and science, those horses of
yours which are swift and accurate to carry you to the
target of your ardour and ambition like an arrow and
thunder bolt, are wonderful. Lord of speed, rise and yoke
the horses to your chariot.
37. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
;qÉ{ok fg ns¼oÆgwr¼ek¡ÆüAA¿v'o¡k¼üAA¿vXus jÊFkhfj¼o A
fu gksrk¼ iwÉO;Z% l¼n% AAý÷AA
Yuk¶vå hi devahμutamå|nía‹vå|níagne rath∂riva.
Ni hotå pμurvya¨ sada¨.
Agni, lord of light and power, veteran leader and
generous man of yajna, rise and yoke to the chariot of
your mission the horses/powers trained by the gods and,
like a glorious ruler and expert master, take your seat
on the chariot.
38. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
lÆE;o~Q ϼofUr lÆfjrksÆ u /suk¿¼ vÆUrâZÆnk eu¼lk iwÉ;eku
¼ k%A
?k`ÉrL;Æ /kjk¼¿vÆfHkpk¼d'khfe fgjÊ.;;ks¼ osrÆlks eè;s¼¿&
vÆXus% AAýøAA
Samyak sravanti sarito na dhenåí antarhædå
manaså pμuyamånå¨. Ghætasya dhåråí abhi
cåka‹∂mi hiraƒyayo vetaso madhyeí agne¨.
Like streams, soft, sweet and ceaseless glides the
flow of words distilled and purified by the heart and
mind within. And I, wrapped in gold, in the midst of
the light and fire of Agni, turned to a flute of reed, hear
the murmur of the showers of benediction.
39. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
ÍÆps Rok¼ #Æps Rok¼ HkkÆls RokÆ T;ksfr¼"ks Rok A vHkw¼fnÆna
fo'o¼L;Æ Hkqo¼uL;Æ okft¼ueÆXusoZS ×'okuÆjL;¼ p AAýùAA
° ce två ruce två bhåse två jyoti¶e två. Abhμudida≈
vi‹vasya bhuvanasya våjinam agnervai‹vå-
narasya ca.
To you Agni, lord of knowledge and speech,
thanks and salutations for the knowledge of truth, love
and lustre of life, light of science, and brilliance of
justice and rectitude! By virtue of you alone, this soul
has become aware of the entire world and of the
universal presence of agni, the vital energy of life and
nature active in the earthly sphere. By virtue of Agni
alone this scholar and teacher can propagate this
knowledge of reality among the people around.
40. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
vÆfXuT;ksZfr¼"kkÆ T;ksfr¼"eku~ #ÆDeks opZ ×lkÆ opZ×Loku~ A
lÆgÆÏÆnk¿v¼fl lÆgÏk¼; Rok AAþúAA
Agnirjyoti¶å jyoti¶mån rukmo varcaså
varcasvån. Sahasradåí asi sahasråya två.
Agni, Lord of light and life, agni, man of science,
is brilliant with the light of knowledge, illustrious with
the lustre and splendour of power, golden lovable and
blissful, and giver of a thousand gifts. We do homage
to you for the innumerable gifts of prosperity, comfort
and happiness.
41. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
vkÆfnÆR;a xHk±Æ i;¼lkÆ le¼Ä~f/ lÆgϼL; izfRÆkÆeka fOÆkÆ'o&
:¼ ie~ A ifj¼oÄ` ~ fèÆkÆ gj¼lkÆ ekfHk e¦
¼ LFkk% 'kÆrk;q¼"ka Ñ.kqfg
phÆ;ek¼u% AAþûAA
Åditya≈ garbha≈ payaså samaΔdhi sahasrasya
pratimå≈ vi‹varμ u pam. ParivæΔdhi haraså
måíbhi ma|msthå¨ ‹atåyu¶a≈ kæƒuhi c∂yamåna¨.
With oblations of milk, honour the rising sun
which holds in its womb and reveals innumerable forms
and images of the world. With the heat, light and
fragrance of the fire, ward off a host of ailments and
grow. Growing in health and knowledge, help people
to live a hundred years. Never never be proud.
42. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
okr¼L; twɯr o#¼ .kL;Æ ukfHÆkÆe'o¯ tKkÆu§l¼fjÆjL;Æ eè;s¼ A
f'k'ak q ¼ uÆnhukƦgfjÆefæ¼cqèuÆeXusÆ ek fg ¼§lh% ijÊes
O;ks¼eu~ AAþüAA
Våtasya jμ u ti≈ varuƒasya nåbhima‹va≈
jaj¤åna≈ sarirasya madhye. ›i‹u≈ nad∂nå≈
harimadribudhnamagƒe må hi|ms∂h parame
Agni, universal power, man of knowledge and
power, hurt not the velocity of the wind and the centre
of the water and vapours. Hurt not anything that is
creative and procurative in the midst of the world. Injure
not the produce of rivers, the clouds and anything grown
on the mountains. Kill not the birds and aquatic
creatures. Kill not anything that saves from suffering
and evil.
43. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
vt¼ÏÆfeUnq¼e#Æ"ka Hkq¼jÊ.;qeÆfXueh¼Ms iwÉoZfp¼¯ÙÆkÆ ueks¼fHk%A l
¼ kuksÆ xka ek fg§¼ lhÆjfn¯¼ r fOÆkjÆ kt¼eA~ AþýAA
ioZ×fHkÍZrq'É k% dYie
Ajasramindumaru¶a≈ bhuraƒyumagnim∂Œe
pμurvacitti≈ namobhi¨. Sa parvabhirætu‹a¨
kalpamåno gå≈ må hi|ms∂raditi≈ viråjam.
I worship Agni, eternal power, bright and fiery,
lord of peace and bliss, and giver of health and vigour.
With all means and materials I study and develop
the power of fire and electricity collected and developed
by the ancients. I proceed season by season, planning
and achieving stage by stage.
Agni, man of science and power, do not kill,
destroy or injure the productive cow, the creative earth
so bright and unviolated, and the restorative
44. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
o:¼ =khaÆ Ro"Vqo
É Z#¼ .kL;Æ ukfHÆkÆe¯o ¼ tKkÆuk¦jt¼lÆ% ij¼Lekr~A
eÆgh¦lk ¼g ÆÏhelq¼jL; ekÆ;keXusÆ ek fg ¼§lh% ijÊes
O;ks¼eu~ AAþþAA
Varμutr∂≈ tva¶¢urvaruƒasya nåbhimavi≈ jaj¤å-
nå| m rajasa¨ parasmåt. Mah∂| m såhasr∂m-
asurasya måyåmagne må hi| m s∂¨ parame
Agni, man of knowledge and power, do not
injure, do not destroy, the protective power of the sun,
the binding power of water, the lightning energy of the
cloud born of regions beyond the sky, and the great,
generous and regenerative earth, giver of a thousand
45. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
;ks¿vÆfXujÊXusjè;tk¼;rÆ 'kksdkR¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k¿mÆr ok¼ fnÆoLifj¼A
;su¼ izÆtk fOÆkÆ'oo¼QekZ tÆtkuÆ re¼XusÆ gsMÆ% ifj¼ rs
o`.kDrq AAþÿAA
Yo agniragneradhyajåyata ‹okåt pæthivyåíuta vå
divaspari. Yena prajå vi‹vakarmå jajåna
tamagne heŒa¨ pari te væƒaktu.
Agni, man of science and power, the vital fire
and creative energy that was born of the flames of the
cosmic yajna of Agni, Lord of life and light, illuminates
the wide world and heaven, and with it Vishwakarma,
the Lord Maker of all forms, makes the various forms
of life in existence. May your passion for knowledge
and power spare that creative energy from hurt and
46. (Surya Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
fPÆk=Æ ka nso Æ kukÆen ¼ kÆnuho
q x ¼ QÆa p{kq¼£EÆkÆ=kL;Æ o#.¼ kL;kÆXus% A vkizkÆ
|koki ¼ f` FÆkÆoh¿vÆUrfj{¼ kƧlw;Z׿vkÆRek tx¼rLrÆLFkq"k'¼ p AAþöAA
Citra≈ devånåmudagådan∂ka≈ cak¶urmitrasya
varuƒasyågne¨. Å prå dyåvåpæthiv∂ antarik¶a≈
sμurya åtmå jagatastasthu¶a‹ca.
The Lord Supreme Creator is the wonderful life
and splendour of the gods, universal powers of nature.
He is the Eye, light and vitality, of the sun, the oceans
of waters, and agni, the vital fire. He pervades and fills
the heaven, the earth and the middle regions of the
universe. He is the sole universal sun, the soul of the
moving and the unmoving world and, like the sun,
manifests Himself — ever risen, ever rising, never
47. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
bÆea ek fg¼§lh£}Éikn¯ iÆ'kq§l¼gÏkÆ{kks es/k¼; phÆ;ek¼u% A
eÆ;qa iÆ'kqa es/¼eXus tq"kLoÆ rsu¼ fpUokÆuLrÆUoks̈ fu"kh¼n A eÆ;aq
rsÆ 'kqx`¼PNrqÉ ;a f}É"eLra rsÆ 'kqx¼P` Nrq AAþ÷AA
Ima≈ må hi|ms∂rdvipåda≈ pa‹u|m sahasråk¶o
medhåya c∂yamåna¨. Mayu≈ pa‹u≈ medha-
magne ju¶asva tena cinvånastanvo ni¶∂da.
Mayu≈ te ‹ugæcchatu ya≈ dvi¶masta≈ te
Agni/Ruler/Noble man or woman, growing and
progressing in happiness, watchful with the vision of a
thousand eyes, hurt not the humans, kill not the animals.
Love and look after the wild as well as the domestic
animals, both holy and serviceable. Working and
progressing by that animal wealth, feel settled, be at
peace with yourself. Let your concern address the wild
animals, or let it be directed to those who hurt us.
48. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
bÆea ek fg¼§lhÆjsd'k¼iaQ iÆ'kqa o¼QfuØÆna okÆftuaÆ okft¼us"kq A
xkSÆjek¼jÊ.;euq¼ rs fn'kkfEÆkÆ rsu¼ fpUokÆuLrÆUoks¨ fu"kh¼n A
xkSÆja rsÆ 'kqx`¼PNrqÉ+ ;a f}É"eLra rsÆ 'kqx¼P` Nrq AAþøAA
Ima≈ må hi|ms∂reka‹apha≈ pa‹u≈ kanikrada≈
våjina≈ våjine¶u. Gauramåraƒyamanu te di‹åmi
tena cinvånastanvo ni¶∂da. Gaura≈ te
‹ugæcchatu ya≈ dvi¶masta≈ te ‹ugæcchatu.
Do not kill this one-hoofed animal, fastest among
the fast, roaring in the battles. I advise you, turn your
attention to the white, yellow and brown animals, the
wild ones, and growing by this animal wealth, sit at
peace with yourself. Let your concern address the wild
animals. Let it be directed to those who hurt us.
49. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
bÆe§lk¼gÆϧ'kÆr/k¼jÊeqRl¯ O;ÆP;ek¼u§lfjÆjL;Æ eè;s¼ A ?k`Éra
nqgk¼ukÆefn¼¯RÆkÆ tukÆ;kXusÆ ek fg¼§lh% ijÊes O;ks¼eu~ A
xÆoÆ;ek¼jÊ.;euq¼ rs fn'kkfEÆkÆ rsu¼ fpUokÆuLrÆUoks¨ fu"kh¼n A
xÆoÆ;a rsÆ 'kqx¼P` NrqÉ ;a f}É"eLra rsÆ 'kqx`¼PNrq AAþùAA
Ima|m såhasra|m ‹atadhåramutsa≈ vyacya-
måna|m sarirasya madhye. Ghæta≈ duhånåm-
aditi≈ janåyågne må hi|ms∂¨ parame vyoman.
Gavayamåraƒyamanu te di‹åmi tena cinvåna-
stanvo ni¶∂da. Gavaya≈ te ‹ugæcchatu ya≈
dvi¶masta≈ te ‹ugæcchatu.
Agni, enlightened ruler, in the world even in the
best of places, do not kill the cow and the bull, infinitely
useful, and spring of a hundred streams and showers of
milk and ghee for the people. It is holy and worthy of
protection and development. I advise you, turn your
attention to the wild cow and the bull and other animals.
Growing and developing the economy with animal and
forest wealth, feel settled with yourself and your land.
Let your attention be directed to the wild cow and the
forest wealth. Let your concern take on those who hurt
50. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
bÆeew¼.kkZÆ;aq o#¼ .kL;Æ uk¯HÆkÆ Rop¯ i'kwÉuka f}ÉinkaÆ prq¼"inke~A
Ro"Vq¼% izÆtkuak¼ izFkÆea tÆfu=kÆeXusÆ ek fg¼§lh% ijÊes O;ks¼eu~A
m"Vª¼ekjÊ.;euq¼ rs fn'kkfEÆkÆ rsu¼ fpUokÆuLrÆUoks¨ fu"kh¼n A
m"Vª¯ rsÆ 'kqx¼P` NrqÉ ;a f}É"eLra rsÆ 'kqx¼P` Nrq AAÿúAA
Imamμ u rƒåyu≈ varuƒasya nåbhi≈ tvaca≈
pa‹μ u nå≈ dvipadå≈ catu¶padåm. Tva¶¢u¨
prajånå≈ prathama≈ janitramagne må hi|ms∂¨
parame vyoman. U¶¢ramåraƒyamanu te di‹åmi
tena cinvånastanvo ni¶∂da. U¶¢ra≈ te ‹ugæcchatu
ya≈ dvi¶masta≈ te ‹ugæcchatu.
Agni, noble ruler, in the wonderful world of the
Supreme Lord, do not hurt, do not kill the sheep and
other such animals, one of the first creations of Twashta,
the maker of the world, and source of comfort and
providers of woollen cover to the human beings and
the animals. I point out to the wild camel and other wild
animals. Growing and developing the economy with
that animal wealth, be at peace with yourself in your
land. Let your concern turn to the camel. Let it be
directed to those who hurt us.
51. (Agni Devata, Virupa °Rshi)
vÆtks áÆXusjt¼fu"VÆ 'kksdkÆRlks¿v¼i';TtfUÆkÆrkjÊexzs¼ A
rsu¼ nsÆok nsÆorkÆexz¼ek;¡ÆLrsÆu jksg¼ek;ÆÂqiÆ esè;k¼l% A
'kÆjÊHkek¼jÊ.;euq¼ rs fn'kkfEÆkÆ rsu¼ fpUokÆuLrÆUoks¨ fu"kh¼n A
'kÆjÊHka rsÆ 'kqx¼P` NrqÉ ;a f}É"eLra rsÆ 'kqx`¼PNrq AAÿûAA
Ajo hyagnerajani¶¢a ‹okåt soíapa‹yajjanitåra-
magre. Tena devå devatåmagramåya|nstena
rohamåyannupa medhyåsa¨. ›arabhamåraƒya-
manu te di‹åmi tena cinvånastanvo ni¶∂da.
›arabha≈ te ‹ugæcchatu ya≈ dvi¶masta≈ te
The unborn individual soul was born in this world
from the flame of the Supreme Lord’s cosmic yajna of
creation. It grew conscious and had a vision of the
creator right there. By virtue of the vision and grace of
the Lord, the pious souls, purified by the vision, realise
the divine powers and rise to the heights of existence.
Agni, noble ruler/noble man, I point out to the wild
sharabha (fabulous antelope of the snowy forest,
mightier than the lion and the elephant). Like that,
defend yourself and grow, and growing thereby, be
happy and feel satisfied and settled by yourself. Let your
concern address the sharabha. Let your concern be
directed to those who hurt us.
52. (Agni Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
Roa ;¼fo"B nkÆ'kq"kksÆ u¡¤% ik¼fg Ük`.kqÉ/h% fxj¼% A
j{kk¼ rksÆdeqÉr Reuk¼ AAÿüAA
Tva≈ yavi¶¢ha då‹u¶o n¿|n¨ påhi ‹æƒudh∂ gira¨.
Rak¶å tokamuta tmanå.
Young man/woman of superlative energy and
character, listen to the voice of Divinity. Protect and
promote the people who give with faith and generosity.
With your very heart and soul, protect and promote the
child — human, animal and all.
53. (Apah Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
vÆi ka Ros e ¼U Rlkn;kE;Æi ka Roks Á ¼ U Rlkn;kE;Æi ka RokÆ
HkLe¼URlkn;kE;Æika RokÆ T;ksfr¼f"k lkn;kE;Æika Rok;¼us
lkn;kE;.kZÆos RokÆ ln¼us lkn;kfe leqÉæs RokÆ ln¼us
lkn;kfe A lfjÆjs RokÆ ln¼us lkn;kE;Æika RokÆ {k;s¼
lkn;kE;Æika RokÆ lf/f¼ "k lkn;kE;Æika RokÆ lnu ¼ s lkn;kE;Æika
Rok¼ lÆ/LFks¼ lkn;kE;Æika RokÆ ;ksukS¼ lkn;kE;Æika RokÆ
iqjh¼"ks lkn;kE;Æika RokÆ ikFk¼fl lkn;kfe A xk;Æ=ks.k¼ RokÆ
NUnl ¼ k lkn;kfEÆkÆ =kS"Vq¼Hksu RokÆ NUn¼lk lkn;kfEÆkÆ tkx¼ru
RokÆ NUn¼lk lkn;kÆE;kuq¼"VqHksu RokÆ NUn¼lk lkn;kfEÆkÆ
ikƒs¼ u RokÆ NUn¼lk lkn;kfe AAÿýAA
Apå≈ tvemantsådayåmyapå≈ tvodmant-
sådayåmyapå≈ två bhasmantsådayåmyapå≈
två jyoti¶∂ sådayåmyapå≈ tvåíyane sådayåmy-
arƒave två sadane sådayåmi samudre två sadane
sådayåmi. Sarire två sadane sådayåmyapå≈ två
k¶aye sådayåmyapå≈ två sadhi¶i sådayåmy-
apå≈ två sadane sådayåmayapå≈ två sadhasthe
sådayåmyapå≈ två yonau sådayåmyapå≈ två
pur∂¶e sådayåmyapå≈ två påthasi sådayåmi.
Gåyatreƒa två chandaså sådayåmi trai¶¢ubhena
två chandaså sådayåmi jågatena två chandaså
sådayåmyånu¶¢ubhena två chandaså sådayåmi
påΔtkena två chandaså sådayåmi.
For the protection of life and the production and
management of energy, I place/initiate you:
in the waterways management, and study of the
source of water, the spatial wind;
in the movement of water into the herbs;
in the concentration of energy in ash;
in the flash of light in lightning;
in the currents of energy in the sky, and the orbits
of the stars and planets;
in the source and centre of pranic energy, and
concentrations of air in space;
in the secret motions of the mind, and the depths
of the sea;
in the power and source of speech, and storms of
heaving oceans in space;
in the faculty of vision and the science of light;
in the faculty of hearing and the transmission of
in the science of radiation and the solar region,
the source of energy;
in the sources of energy in the middle regions;
in the original sources of energy, the universal
ocean of motion of the Rajas mode of Nature (Prakriti);
in the sands of earth and rivers and the waste
in water, air and food, the sources of vital energy.
I initiate you with the visions of nature and spirit
contained in the gayatri verses, I initiate you with the
pure knowledge contained in the trishtup verses,
I initiate you with the knowledge contained in
the inspiring jagati verses,
I initiate you with the knowledge contained in
the enlightening anushtup verses,
I initiate you with the knowledge contained in
the clear exhilarating pankti verses of the Veda.
54. (Pranas Devatas, Ushana °Rshi)
vÆ;a iqÉjks HkqoÆLrL;¼ izkÆ.kks HkkS¼ok;Æuks o¼lÆUr% izk¼.kk;Æuks
xk¼;Æ=kh ok¼lÆUrh xk¼;Æ=;S xk¼;Æ=ka xk¼;Æ=kknq¼ikƦ'kq#¼ ikƦ&
'kksfLÆ=ÆkÆo`fRÆ=ÆkÆo`rks¼ jFkUrÆja ofl¼"BÆ¿Íf"k¼% izÆtki¼frx`ghr;kÆ
Ro;k¼ izkÆ.ka x`¼Êkfe izÆtkH;¼% AAÿþAA
Aya≈ puro bhuvastasya pråƒo bhauvåyano
vasanta¨ pråƒåyano gåyatr∂ våsant∂ gåyatryai
gåyatra≈ gåyatrådupå| m ‹urupå≈‹ostrivæt
trivæto rathantara≈ vasi¶¢haí æ¶i¨ prajåpati-
gæh∂tayå tvayå pråƒa≈ gæhƒåmi prajåbhya¨.
This Agni, universal spirit, is the first and
foremost in existence, the eastern horizon of the world.
Its offspring is prana, vital energy, life-breath of
existence. The offspring of prana is spring. The song of
spring is gayatri, joy. Joy is the music of spring from
gayatri, the gayatra saman, soft, sweet and low. From
gayatra, the upanshu, the receiver of soma, ladle for
libation. And from the upanshu, creation of trivrit, the
person dedicated to trivrit, threefold integrated Dharma
of knowledge, action and prayer. From trivrit, the
successful man, sociable, visionary and saviour.
Woman of knowledge, virtue and love, blest by
Prajapati, lord of creation, alongwith you I receive the
vital energy of prana for the sake of children and family.
55. (Prajapati Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
vÆ;a n¼f{ÆkÆ.kk fOÆkÆ'oo¼QekZÆ rL;Æ euks¼ oS'odeZÆ.ka xzhÆ"eks
ek¼uÆlfLÆ=ÆkÆ"VqCxzS"eh¼ f=ÆkÆ"VqHk¼% LokÆje~ A LokÆjkn¼Ur;kZÆe~ksÆ¿&
Ur;kZÆekRi¼×pnÆ'k% i¼×pnÆ'kkn~ c`Égn~ HkÆj}k¼tÆ¿Íf"k¼%
izÆtki¼frx`ghr;kÆ Ro;kÆ euks¼ x`Êkfe izÆtkH;¼% AAÿÿAA
Aya≈ dak¶iƒå vi‹vakarmå tasya mano vai‹va-
karmaƒa≈ gr∂¶mo månasastri¶¢ubgrai¶m∂
tri¶¢ubha¨ svåra| m . Svårådantaryåmoí-
ntaryåmåt pa¤cadasa¨ pa¤cadasåd bæhad
bharadvåjaíæ¶i¨ prajåpatigæh∂tayå tvayå mano
gæhƒåmi prajåbhya¨.
On the right (south) is the spirit and power of the
divine, Vishwakarma, like vayu, wind and electric
energy, the divine agency by which is accomplished
every action and movement of the world. The offspring
of Vishwakarma is the mind, desire and action. The
offspring of mind is summer. Trishtup meter is the
expression of summer. From trishtup is born swara-sama
of heat and lustre as the mid-day. From swara comes
the antaryama, the silent libation of soma with self-
control. From antaryama comes/is born the fifteen-phase
stoma (pancha-dasha-stoma), expression of joy and
hilarity. From pancha-dasha stoma comes Brihat-saman,
the great saman song of jubilation and celebration. The
seer expert of Brihat-saman is Bharadwaja, man of full
knowledge and prosperity.
Woman of knowledge, virtue and love, blest by
Prajapati, alongwith you I receive mana, mind, that is,
love and desire for the sake of family and community.
56. (Prajapati Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
vÆ;a iÆ'pkn~ fOÆkÆ'oO;¼pkÆLrL;Æ p{kq¼oSZ'oO;pÆla oÆ"kkZ&
'pk¼{kqÉ";ks̈ tx¼rh okÆ"khZ tx¼R;kÆ¿ÍDl¼eÆe~ ½Dl¼ekPNqÉØ%
'kqÉØkRl¼IrnÆ'k% l¼IrnÆ'kk}S¼:Æia tÆen¼fXÆUÆkÆÍZf"k¼% izÆtki¼fr&
x`ghr;kÆ Ro;kÆ p{kq¼xZ`Êkfe izÆtkH;¼% AAÿöAA
Aya≈ pa‹cad vi‹vavyacåstasya cak¶ur-
vai‹vavyacasa≈ var¶å‹cåk¶u¶yo jagat∂ vår¶∂
jagatyåí æksamam. °Rksamåcchukra¨ ‹ukråt
saptada‹a¨ saptada‹ådvairμupa≈ jamadagnir-
æ¶i¨ prajåpatigæh∂tayå tvayå cak¶urgæhƒåmi
In the west (on the back) this sun is the divine
power that illuminates and covers the whole world with
light. The offspring of the sun is the light and the vision
of the eye. The product of light and heat is the rain. The
joy of rain is expressed in the jagati verse. In jagati metre
are composed the Rik-samans. From the joy of Rik-
Samans is born ‘shukra’, the lustre and vitality of life.
From shukra is born the sapta-dasha (seventeen) stoma
and the seventeen faculty subtle body. From this
seventeen-element living life is born the diversity of
living forms, of which the seer and visionary expert is
jamadagni, man of light and lustre.
Woman of knowledge, virtue and love blest by
Prajapati, along with you I receive light and vision for
family and the people.
57. (Prajapati Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
bÆneq¼ÙkÆjkr~ LoÆLrL;Æ Jks=k¼§lkSÆo§'kÆjPNªkSÉ=;~uqÉ"Vqi~ 'kk¼jÊ|~&
uqÉ"VqHk¼¿ ,sÉMeSÆMkUeÆUFkh eÆfUFku¿¼ ,dfOÆkƧ'k¿,¼dfOÆkƧ& 'kkn~
oS¼jkÆta fOÆkÆ'okfe¼=kÆ¿Íf"k¼% izÆtki¼frx`ghr;kÆ Ro;kÆ Jks=ak¼
x`Êkfe izÆtkH;¼% AAÿ÷AA
Idamuttaråt svastasya ‹rotra|m sauva|m ‹ara-
cchrautryanu¶¢up ‹åradyanu¶¢ubhaíaiŒm aiŒån
manth∂ manthinaí ekavi| m ‹aí ekavi| m ‹ad
vairåja≈ vi‹våmitraí æ¶i¨ prajåpatigæh∂tayå
tvayå ‹rotra≈ gæhƒami prajåbhya¨.
On the north is this spirit of bliss and joy. The
instrument of joy is the ear, and sharad, autumn, is the
season for ear and music. The metre for sharad is
anushtup. In anushtup is composed the aida-saman
which is the song of beauty and sweetness. From aida
is the ‘manthi’, churner, who churns out hilarity and
virility. From manthis comes the twenty-one part stoma
which constitutes an integrated programme of twenty
one branches of learning. From twenty one stoma comes
vairaja saman, a body of knowledge, of which the seer-
master is Vishwamitra, friend of the whole world.
Woman of knowledge, virtue and love, blest by
Prajapati, alongwith you I receive the ear and the voice
that gives me the songs of joy and virility for the sake
of the family and the community.
58. (Prajapati Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
É fj¼ eÆfrLrL;SÆ okÄ~ ekÆR;k gs¼eÆUrks okÆP;% iÆfƒgSZ ×eÆUrh
iÆÄ~DR;S fUÆkÆ/u¼ofUÆuÆ/uo ¼ r¿vkxz;.Æ k¿vk¼x; z Æ.kkr~ f=k¼.ko&
=k;fLÆ=Æk§Æ 'kkS f=k.¼ ko=k;fLÆ=kÆ Æ§'kkH;k¦
¼ 'kkDojjSorÆ s fOÆkÆ'oo¼QeZ¿Æ &
Íf"k%¼ izt Æ ki¼frx`ghr;kÆ Ro;kÆ okp¯ x`Êkfe izÆtkH;%¼ AAÿøAA
Iyamupari matistasyai våΔmåtyå hemanto
våcya¨ paΔktirhaimant∂ paΔktyai nidhanavan-
nidhanavataíågrayaƒaíågrayaƒat triƒavatraya-
stri|m‹au triƒavatrayastri|m‹åbhyå|m ‹åkvara-
raivate vi‹vakarma æ¶i¨ prajåpatigæh∂tayå tvayå
våca≈ gæhƒåmi prajåbhy¨.
Up above is this intelligence. From intelligence
and for it is speech. With speech goes the season of
‘hemanta’, winter, and pankti is the metre for hemanta.
Nidhanavat, the choric finale of a saman about hemanta,
winter-song, is composed in pankti metre. From
nidhanavat, the finale, is born the agrayana, first soma
libation in agnishtoma yajna for the attainment of plenty
of wealth and knowledge. From agrayana, there are
twelve and thirty three saman hymns of praise. From
these twelve and thirty three, we have shakvara and
rewata, means to wealth, honour and power. The person
who is an expert visionary of these hymns is a master
of all arts and actions leading to wealth, power and
Woman of knowledge, virtue and love, blest by
Prajapati, alongwith you I receive the gift of speech
(knowledge, wisdom and expertise) for the sake of
children, family and the community.

bfr =k;ksn'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Ashvinis Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
Éq f{kf¼ r/zÉo
/zo Zq ;ksf¼ u/zo
ÉZq kfl¼ /zo
Éq a ;ksfUÆkÆeklh¼n lk/q;
É k A m[;¼L;
osQÆrqa iz¼FkÆea tq¼"kkÆ.kkf'ouk¼èoÆ;wZ lk¼n;rkfEÆkÆg Rok¼ AAûAA
Dhruvak¶itirdhruvayonirdhruvåísi dhruva≈
yonimås∂da sådhuyå. Ukhyasya ketu≈
prathama≈ ju¶åƒåí‹vinåídhvaryμu sådayatåmiha
Lady of the house, your family and community
is settled and strong. Your home is settled and secure.
You yourself are firm and inviolable. Settle in peace
and security firmly in your home, observing the duties
of the household and tasting the first flavours of the
heart. May the Ashwins (guides of the day) and the
adhvaryus (guides of the familial yajna), teachers and
advisors see you firmly settled.
2. (Ashvinis Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
oqÉQykÆf;uh¼ ?k`Éro¼rhÆ iqj¼fU/% L;ksÆus lh¼nÆ ln¼us i`fFÆkÆO;k% A
vÆfHk Rok¼ #Ææk ol¼oks x`.kfUÆRÆOÆkÆek czã¼ ihfifgÆ A
lkSHk¼xk;kÆf'ouk¼èoÆ;wZ lk¼n;rkfEÆkÆg Rok¼ AAüAA
Kulåyin∂ ghætavat∂ purandhi¨ syone s∂da sadane
pæthivyå¨. Abhi två rudrå vasavo gæƒåntvimå
brahma p∂pihi saubhagåyå‹vinåídhvaryμ u
sådayatåmiha två.
Gentle lady, sweet and decent, blest with a noble
family, abundance of milk and honey, and the wealth
of a generous mind, take your abode in a beautiful
comfortable home on the earth. May the scholars and
men of justice and generosity appreciate and praise you
without reservation. Be generous and kind to these
people of knowledge and wisdom for the sake of
conjugal bliss and prosperity. May the Ashwinis
(guiding stars of the day) and adhvaryus (guides of the
home yajna) bless you with a happy and prosperous
home and family life.
3. (Ashvinis Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
Æ {Z kf¼ irsÆg lh¼n nso
LoSn{Z kSn ¼ lqÉEus c`g¼ rÆ s j.kk;
Æ kuk¦ ¼ A fIÆkÆro
s ¼fS /
lwÉuoÆ¿vk lqÉ'ksok¼ LokosÆ'kk rÆUok¨ lafo¼'kLokÆf'ouk¼èoÆ;wZ
lk¼n;rkfEÆkÆg Rok¼ AAýAA
Svairdak¶airdak¶apiteha s∂da devånå|m sumne
bæhate raƒåya. Pitevaidhi sμunavaíå su‹evå
svåve‹å tanvå sa≈vi‹asvå‹vinåídhvaryμ u
sådayatåmiha två.
Noble woman, like a master controller of his
personal powers and expertise and guardian of his
people, settle here in this noble family for the great joys
and battles of life. As a father protects and promotes
his child, so, happy with your self and serving your
family, live and advance in your life’s mission.
Master controller and promoter of faculties of
intelligence, settle here with all your virtues and
expertise for the peace and joy of the noble people.
Noble woman, come like a father to the child and live
in peace and comfort, comely and graceful, happy with
yourself and serving the family.
4. (Ashvinis Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
i`ÉfFÆkÆO;k% iqjh¼"keÆL;IlksÆ ukeÆ rka RokÆ fo'os¼¿vÆfHkx`¼.kUrq
nsÆok%A Lrkse¼i`"Bk ?k`Éro¼rhÆg lh¼n izÆtko¼nÆLes æfOÆkÆ.kk
;¼tLokÆf'ouk¼èoÆ;wZ lk¼n;rkfEÆkÆg Rok¼ AAþAA
Pæthivyå¨ pur∂¶amasyapso nåma tå≈ två vi‹ve
abhi gæƒantu devå¨. Stomap涢hå ghætavat∂ha
s∂da prajåvadasme draviƒåî- yajasvå‹vinåí-
dhvaryμu sådayatåmiha två.
Noble lady of the house, you are the protector of
the earth (fulfilment of this earthly home). You are sweet
and liquid as the waters of life. May all the noble and
enlightened people appraise, approve and honour you
whole heartedly. Blest with plenty and prosperity of
means and materials, keen lover of ritual hymns and
yajna sessions, take your rightful place here. Blest with
progeny, wealth and honour, win for us the best of life
and joy. May the saints and sages of light and the guides
of yajna consecrate you here in this home.
5. (Ashvinis Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
vfn¼R;kLRok i`É"Bs lk¼n;kE;ÆUrfj¼{kL; /Æ=kh± fOÆkÆ"VEHk¼uha
fnÆ'kkef/i¼ RuhaÆ Hkqo¼ukuke~ A mQÆ£eæZÆIlks¿vÆike¼fl fOÆk'Æ ooQ¼ ekZ
rÆ¿Íf"k¼jÊf'ouk¼èoÆ;wZ lk¼n;rkfEÆkÆg Rok¼ AAÿAA
Adityåstvå p涢he sådayåmyantarik¶asya
dhartr∂≈ vi¶¢ambhan∂≈ di‹åmadhiptn∂≈
bhuvanånåm. U ª rmirdrapsoíapåmasi vi‹vakarmå
taí æ¶ira‹vinåídhvaryμu sådayatåmiha två.
On the floor of this earth (in this home) I seat
and consecrate you, lady of the inner world of the heart,
firm support of the home-life in all directions, mistress
and presiding presence of all the residences. You are
the ripples of joy on the streams of life. Indeed you are
conceived and created by Vishwakarma, the cosmic
artist. May the Ashwinis, torch bearers of life, and the
adhvaryus, experts of yajnic life, guide and sanctify you
6. Grishma Ritu Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
'kqÉØ'pÆ 'kqfp¼'pÆ xzS"ek¼o`Érw¿vÆXusj¼Ur%'ysÆ"kks~¿fLÆkÆ dYis¼rkaÆ
|kok¼if` FÆkÆoh dYi¼UrkÆekiÆ¿vks"k/ ¼ ;Æ% dYiU¼ rkeÆXu;Æ% i`FkÆÄ~
eeÆ T;S"BÔk¼;Æ loz¼rk% A ;s¿vÆXu;Æ% le¼ulks¿UrÆjk |kok¼&
Æ h¿bÆes A xz"S ek¼oÉr
i`fFÆko ` ¿w v¼fHÆkd
Æ Yi¼ekukÆ¿ bUæ¼feo nsÆok¿&
v¼fHÆkÆlafo¼'kUrqÉ r;k¼ nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zqÉos lh¼nre~ AAöAA
›ukra‹ca ‹uci‹ca grai¶måvætμuíagneranta¨‹le¶oí-
si kalpetå≈ dyåvåpæthiv∂ kalpantåmåpaí
o¶adhaya¨ kalpantåmasgnaya¨ pæthaΔ mama
jyai¶¢hyåya savratå¨. Yeí agnaya¨ samanasoí-
ntarå dyåvåpæthiv∂í ime. Grai¶måvætμuí abhi-
kalpamånå indramiva devå abhisa≈vi‹antu tayå
devatayåíΔgirasvad dhruve s∂datam.
Jyeshtha and Ashadha are the two months of
summer. Two-month summer, you are a temporal
offspring of the internal (essential) power of agni,
universal fire. May all the modes of agni, each with its
natural power, be favourable to me toward honour and
excellence. May the earth and heaven be favourable and
make it (honour and excellence) possible. May the
waters be favourable. May the herbs and trees make it
possible. May all the forms of agni, heat, light,
electricity, etc., working in earth and the heaven toward
one end and maturing the summer season, be firm and
steady in nature. Just as all the devas, powers of nature,
subserve Indra, the essential and central energy of nature
and life, so should the two months of summer faithfully
and inviolably serve the power of agni as part subserves
the whole.
7. (Vasus & Others Devata, Vishvedeva Rshis)
lÆtÍw Z Æ rqfHk¼% lÆt£w OÆkÆ/kfHk¼% lÆtn
w ZsÊo%S lÆtn S Z×;ksukÆ/jS ÊXu;s¼
w ZsÊoo
Rok oS'okuÆjk;kÆf'ouk¼èoÆ;Zw lk¼n;rkfEÆkÆg Rok¼ lÆtwÍZÆrqfHk¼%
lÆtw£OÆkÆ/kfHk¼% lÆtwoZlq¼fHk% lÆtwnsZÆoSoZ ×;ksukÆ/SjÊXu;s¼ Rok
oS'okuÆjk;kÆf'ouk¼¿èoÆ;wZ lk¼n;rkfEÆkÆg Rok¼ lÆtwÍZÆrqfHk¼%
lÆtw£OÆkÆ/kfHk¼% lÆtw #ÆæS% lÆtwnsZÆoSoZ×;ksukÆ/SjÊXu;s¼ Rok
oS'okuÆjk;kÆf'ouk¼èoÆ;wZ lk¼n;rkfEÆkÆg Rok¼ lÆtwÍZÆrqfHk¼%
lÆtw£OÆkÆ/kfHk¼% lÆtwjk¼fnÆR;S% lÆtwnsZÊoSoZ ×;ksukÆ/SjÊXu;s¼ Rok
oS'okuÆjk;kÆf'ouk¼èoÆ;wZ lk¼n;rkfEÆkÆg Rok¼ lÆtwÍZÆrqfHk¼%
lÆtw£OÊkÆ/kfHk¼% lÆtw£o'oS¼nsZÆoS% lÆtwnsZÆoSoZ×;ksukÆ/jS ÊXu;s¼ Rok
oS'okuÆjk;kÆf'ouk¼èoÆ;wZ lk¼n;rkfEÆkÆg Rok¼ AA÷AA
Sajμ u rætubhi¨ sajμ u rvidhåbhi¨ sajμ u rdevai¨
sajμ u rdevairvayonådhairagnaye två vai‹v-
ånaråyå‹vinåídhvaryμ u sådayatåmiha två
sajμurætubhi¨ sajμurvidhåbhi¨ sajμurvasubhi¨
sajμ u rdevairvayonådhairagnaye två vai‹v-
ånaråyå‹vinåídhvaryμ u sådayatåmiha två
sajμ u rætubhi¨ sajμ u rvidhåbhi¨ sajμ u rudrai¨
sajμ u rdevairvayonådhairagnaye två vai‹vå-
naråyå‹vinåídhvaryμ u sådayatåmiha två
sajμ u rætubhi¨ sajμ u rvidhåbhi¨ sajμ u rådityai¨
sajμ u rdevairvayonådhairagnaye två vai‹vå-
naråyå‹vinåídhvaryμ u sådayatåmiha två
sajμurætubhi¨ sajμurvidhåbhi¨ sajμurvi‹vairdevai¨
sajurdevairvayonådhairagnaye två vai‹vå-
naråyå‹vinåídhvaryμu sådayatåmiha två.
Noble man, gentle lady, be in tune with the
seasons and the waters, receiving the blessings of nature
and breathing the generous vitalities of pranic energy.
May the leading lights of life and the guides of the yajna
of home life establish you in this home and consecrate
you to Agni, the Spirit of life pervasive in and on the
Noble man, gentle lady, love the seasons, love
the waters of the earth and sky, love all the eight Vasus
(supports of life), and love all the heavenly gifts of life’s
vitality. May the path-makers of life and the geniuses
of the advancement of humanity establish you in this
home for the service of Agni, Lord of life who blesses
all his creatures with all they need for total fulfilment.
Noble man, gentle lady, favourite of the seasons,
blest with the vitalities of mind and energy, favoured
by all the eleven Rudra supports of life-breath, and
supported by all the enlightened people of divine
knowledge, may the torch-bearers of the day and the
experts of yajna establish and bless you here in this home
in the service of Agni, lord of light and knowledge, for
the happiness and prosperity of humanity.
Noble man, gentle lady, friend of the seasons,
master of mind and intellect, favourite of the sun round
the year, friend and associate of the scholars and teachers
of science, may the leading lights of the day and the
specialists of the constructive projects consecrate you
here in this life in the service of Agni, Lord of light and
prosperity, for the enlightenment and advancement of
Noble man of knowledge and education,
generous lady of enlightenment, be friends with the
seasons, support the creative and constructive
programmes, join all the brilliant and generous leaders,
cooperate with the powers that promote life and
happiness. May the leading lights of knowledge and
progress and the leaders of social yajna consecrate you
in this home and dedicate you to Agni, Lord of life and
light, for the well-being of all the earth’s children and
the environment.
8. (Dampati Devate, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
izkÆ.kEes¼ ikáikÆuEes¼ ikfg O;kÆuEes¼ ikfgÆ p{kq¼eZ ¿ mÆO;kZ
foHkk¼fgÆ Jks=k¼Ees 'yksd; A vÆi% fIÆkÆUokS"k/
¼ h£tUo f}Éikn¼oÆ
prq¼"ikRikfg fnÆoks o`f"ÆVÆejs ¼; AAøAA
Pråƒa≈ me påhyapåna≈ me påhi vyåna≈ me
påhi cak¶urmaí urvyå vibhåhi ‹rotra≈ me
‹lokaya. Apa¨ pinvau¶adh∂rjinva dvipådava
catu¶påt påhi divo V涢imeraya.
With the earth and the environment, protect and
strengthen my pranic energy, protect and strengthen the
apana air going down and out, protect and strengthen
my vyana air circulating in the body-system. Give the
divine light to my eye, the divine voice to my ear. Protect
and promote the waters. Refresh and promote the
greenery. Protect the bipeds (humans and birds). Protect
the four-footed (animals). Bring the showers of rain
from heaven.
9. (Prajapati & Others Devata, Vishvedeva Rshis)
ewÉ/kZ o;%¼ izÆtki¼fRÆkÆ'NUn% {kÆ=ka o;ksÆ e;¼UnaÆ NUnks¼ fo"VÆEHkks
o;ks¿f/¼ifRÆkÆ'NUnks¼ fOÆkÆ'oo¼QekZÆ o;¼% ijes"Æ Bh NUnks¼ oÆLrks
o;ks¼ focÆya NUnksÆ o`f"Æ.kÆ Æo;
Z ks¼ fo'kkÆya NUnÆ% iq#¼ "kksÆ o;L¼ rÆUæa
NUnks¼ O;kÆ?kzks o;ks¿uk¼/`"VaÆ NUn¼% ¯LÆkƧgks o;¼'NÆfn'NUn¼%
i"BÆokM~ o;ks¼ c`gÆrh NUn¿¼ mÆ{kk o;¼% dÆoQq i~ NUn¼¿Í"kÆHkks
o;¼% lÆrksc¼g ` rhÆ NUn¼% AAùAA
Mμurdhå vaya¨ prajåpati‹chanda¨ k¶atra≈ vayo
mayanda≈ chando vi¶¢ambho vayoídhipati‹-
chando vi‹vakaramå vaya¨ parame¶¢h∂ chando
vasto vayo vibala≈ chando v涃irvayo vi‹åla≈
chanda¨ puru¶o vayastandra≈ chando vyåghro
vayoínådh涢a≈ chanda¨ si|mho vaya‹chadi‹-
chanda¨ pa¶¢havåŒ vayo bæhat∂ chandaíuk¶å
vaya¨ kakup chanda r¶abho vaya¨ satobæhat∂
Like Prajapati, protector and sustainer of His
children, try to attain the holiest qualities of knowledge,
Dharma and peace of mind.
Get to the Kshatriya class of regal virtues, justice,
honour, magnanimity and courtesy.
Like the guardian and supporter of the people,
cultivate the economic values of freedom, justice,
liberality and humility.
Like Vishwakarma, maker of the world and lord
of His creatures, try to be free and win the love of the
Like a master of social and political activities,
try to be a strong and independent expert of all socio-
political developments.
Like a mighty generous leader, be an independent
harbinger of freedom, joy and prosperity.
Like a great man of action and endeavour, take
initiative in lovable action, family bonding and strong
Like a tiger among men, be a man of invincible
force and inviolable protection.
Like the royal lord of excellence, be a man of
light, regality, prowess and prosperity.
Like a carrier of historic burdens, be a man of
strength, greatness and endurance.
Like the cloud laden with vapours, be strong and
generous, go round in all the quarters and bring showers
of joy.
Like a flood of life-giving waters, come with a
living message of freedom, holiness, fertility and
10. (Vidvans Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
vÆuM ~ kUo;%¼ iÆfƒ'NUnks¼ /su
Æ o Æ o
q ; ¼ hÆ NUnÆL=;fOÆko
Z ksÆ txr Z f¼ LÆ=kÆ &Æ
Æ ;
"Vqi~ NUnks¼ fnR;ÆokM~ o;ks¼ fOÆkÆjkV~ NUnÆ% i×pk¼fOÆkÆoZ;ks¼
xk;Æ=kh NUn¼fL=koÆRlks o;¼¿ mÆf".ko~Q NUn¼Lrq;ZÆokM~
o;ks¼¿uqÉ"Vqi~ NUn¼% AAûúAAA
AnaŒvån vaya¨ paΔkti‹chando dhenurvayo
jagat∂ chandastryavirvayastri¶¢up chando
dityavåŒvayo virå¢ chanda¨ pa¤cåvirvayo
gåyatr∂ chandastrivatso vayaí u¶ƒik chandas-
turyavåŒvayoínu¶¢up chand¨.
Like the bull, be a man of strength, open, free
and productive.
Like the cow, be generous and create joy and
fulfilment all-round.
Like the trinity of life-support and the cow, sheep
and goat, be generous, a man of knowledge, action and
worship, and be blest with progeny.
Like the carrier of harvested grain, be a man of
plenty and joy unbounded.
Like a master controller of the five senses, sing
ecstatic songs of yajna and have the joy of scientific
Like a holy man of knowledge, action and
worship, find the blessings of strength with freedom
from suffering.
Like a visionary of the four Vedas and master of
the four states of consciousness, be blest with
knowledge, worship and divine communion.
11. (Indragni Devate, Vishvedeva Rshis)
bUæk¼XuhÆ¿vO;F¼ kekukÆfe"Vd ¼ ka n`§gra ;qÉoe~ A
i`É"BsuÆ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh¿vÆUrfj¼{ka pÆ fock¼/ls AAûûAA
Indrågn∂íavyathamånåmi¶¢akå≈ dæ| m hatå≈
yuvam. P涢hena dyåvåpæthiv∂íantarik¶a≈ ca vi
May Indra and Agni (the sun and universal
electric energy), both of you, firm up the unshaken
foundation of the yajna of earthly life. And may the
heaven and the earth between themselves bind and hold
the middle regions of the sky.
(The husband and wife both should strengthen
the foundations of home-life-yajna beyond disturbance
and, with their intelligence and character, bind their love
and yajnic life in stability.)
12. (Vayu Devata, Vishvakarma °Rshi)
fOÆk'Æ ooQ¼ ekZ Rok lkn;RoÆUrfj{¼ kL; i`"É Bs O;pL¼ orhaÆ izFkL¼ orh&
eÆUrfj{¼ ka ;PNkÆUrfj¼{ka n`§gkÆUrfj¼{kaÆ ek fg¼§lh% A fo'o¼LeS
izkÆ.kk;k¼ikÆuk;¼ O;kÆuk;ks¼nkÆuk;¼ izfRÆkÆ"Bk;S¼ pÆfj=kk¼; A
okÆ;q"V~okÆfHkik¼rq eÆák LoÆLR;k NÆ£n"kkÆ 'kUr¼eu s Æ r;k¼
nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zÉo q k lh¼n AAûüAA
Vi‹vakarmå två sådayatvantarik¶asya p涢he
vyacasvat∂≈ prathasvat∂mantarik¶a≈ yacchånt-
arik¶a≈ dæ|mhåntarik¶a≈ må hi|ms∂¨. Vi‹vasmai
pråƒåyåpånåya vyånåyodånåya prati¶¢håyai
caritråya. Våyu¶¢vaíbhipåtu mahyå svastyå
chardi¶å ‹antamena tayå devatayåí Δgirasvad
dhruvå s∂da.
May Vishwakarma, lord maker of the world/your
husband, seat you firmly on top of the sky. Do not
pollute, do not injure, the sky. Growing expansive,
encompassing, enrich the sky, strengthen the sky for
the sake of prana, apana, vyana and udana energy, and
for honour and strength of character.
May Vayu, wind and universal energy/your
husband, protect and promote you in all ways with great
good fortune, light, peace and well-being. Stay firm with
that divine power like the breath of life.
13. (Dishah Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
jk®;¼fLÆkÆ izkphÆ fnfXÆOÆkÆjkM¼fLÆkÆ nf{k¼.kkÆ fno~Q lÆezkM¼fl
izÆrhphÆ fno~Q LoÆjkMÆL;qnh¼phÆ fnxf/¼iRU;fl c`gÆrh
fno~Q AAûýAA
Råj¤yasi pråc∂ dig viråŒasi dak¶iƒå dik samråŒ-
asi prat∂c∂ dik svaråŒasyud∂c∂ digadhipatnyasi
bæhat∂ dik.
You are the mistress of the rising light of the east.
You are the lady of universal light of the south direction.
You are the noble and peaceful power of light in the
west. You are the self-refulgent light of the north. You
are the great lady of the top and foundation of the home-
land, the great sustaining mother earth of the family.
14. (Vayu Devata, Vishvedeva Rshis)
fOÆkÆ'oo¼QekZ Rok lkn;RoÆUrfj¼{kL; i`É"Bs T;ksfr¼"erhe~ A
fo'o¼LeS izkÆ.kk;k¼ikÆuk;¼ O;kÆuk;Æ fo'oaÆ T;ksfr¼;ZPN A
okÆ;q"Vs¿f/¼ifRÆkÆLr;k¼ nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zqÉok lh¼n AAûþAA
Vi‹vakarmå två sådayatvantarik¶asya p涢he
jyoti¶mat∂m. Vi‹vasmai pråƒåyåpånåya vyånåya
vi‹va≈ jyotiryaccha. Våyu¶¢eídhipatistayå
devatayåíΔgirasvad dhruvå s∂da.
Lady of light (mistress of the house), may
Vishwakarma, lord of noble actions/your husband
consecrate you on top of the sky for the sake of total
prana, apana and vyana energy (of family life). Receive
universal light and radiate the light of joy and peace.
Vayu/your husband, is your lord sustainer. Stay firm
with that divine power, dear as the breath of life, and be
steadfast as the light of the sun.
15. (Ritava Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
uHk'¼ p uHkÆL;~'pÆ ok£"k¼dko`Ér¿w vÆXusj¼Ur%'ysÆ"k~kÆ¿s fLÆkÆ dYisr
¼ kaÆ
|kok¼if` FÆkÆoh dYiU¼ rkÆekiÆ¿vks"k¼/;Æ% dYiU¼ rkeÆXu;Æ% i`FkÆÄ~
eeÆ T;S"BÔk¼;Æ loz¼rk% A ;s¿vÆXu;Æ% le¼ulks¿UrÆjk |kok¼&
¼ ko`Ér¿w vf¼ HÆkd
i`fFÆkÆoh¿bÆes A ok£"kd ¼ kukÆ¿bUæf¼ eo nso
Æ Yie Æ k¿&
v¼fHÆkÆlfa o¼'kUrqÉ r;k¼ nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zÉo q s lh¼nre~ AAûÿAA
Nabha‹ca nabhasya‹ca vår¶ikåvætμu agneranta¨-
‹le¶oísi kalpetå≈ dyåvåpæthiv∂ kalpantåmåpa
o¶adhaya¨ kalpantåmagnaya¨ pæthaΔmama
jyai¶¢hyåya savratå¨. Yeí agnaya¨ samanasoí-
ntarå dyåvåpæthiv∂í ime. Vår¶ikåvætμuí abhikalpa-
månåí indramiva devåí abhisa≈vi‹antu tayå
devatavåíΔgirasvad dhruve s∂datam.
Cloudy Shravana and misty humid Bhadra, two
months of the rainy season, you are touched at heart by
the passion of Agni. May heaven and earth be favourable
to us for the gift of excellence, may the waters be
favourable, may the herbs and trees be favourable, may
all the orders of agni (heat and light), each committed
to its own law and function, be favourable to us. May
all the vital fires in earth and heaven, integrated and
harmonious, supporting and energizing the months of
rains, like the power of nature serving the omnipotent
lord, Indra, bless and vitalize us in all ways.
Just as earth and heaven abide by God, as rains
abide by vital fire, so should we abide by the Lord,
nature, and the rains like life and breath, Prakriti and
Purusha, and part and the whole.
16. (Ritava Devata, Vishvedeva Rshis)
bÆ"k'pksÆtZ'p¼ 'kkjÊnko`Érw¿vÆXusj¼Ur%'ysÆ"kks~¿fLÆkÆ dYis¼rkaÆ
|koki ¼ f` FÆkÆoh dYiU¼ rkÆekiÆ¿vks"k¼/;Æ% dYiU¼ rkeÆXu;Æ% i`FkÆÄ~
eeÆ T;S"BÔk; ¼ Æ loz¼rk% A ;s¿vÆXu;Æ% le¼ulks¿UrÆjk |kok¼&
i`fFÆkÆoh¿bÆes A 'kkÆjn É ¿w v¼fHÆkÆdYie
Ê ko`r ¼ kukÆ¿ bUæ¼feo nsÆok¿&
v¼fHÆkÆlfa o¼'kUrqÉ r;k¼ nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zÉo ¼ re~ AAûöAA
q s lhn
I¶a‹corja‹ca ‹åradåvætμuíagneranta¨‹le¶oísi
kalpetå≈ dyåvåpæthiv∂ kalpantåmåpaí
o¶adhaya¨ kalpantåmagnaya¨ pæthaΔmama
jyai¶¢hyåya savratå¨. Yeí agnaya¨ samanasoí-
ntarå dyåvå-pæthiv∂íime. Såradavætμu abhikalpa-
månåíindra-miva devåí abhisa≈vi‹antu tayå
devatayåíΔgirasvad dhruve s∂datam.
The lovely Ashwin and vigorous Kartika are
months of the autumn season. You have the warmth of
agni at heart. May the earth and heaven, the waters, the
herbs and trees, and all the orders of agni (heat and light),
each according to its own law and function, be
favourable to us for the gift of excellence. May all the
vital fires in earth and heaven, integrated and
harmonious, energizing the months of autumn like
powers of nature serving the Lord, Indra, bless and
vitalize us in all ways.
Just as heaven and earth abide by God, as autumn
abides by agni, so should we abide by the Lord, nature
and autumn like life with breath, Prakriti with Purusha
and part with the whole.
17. (°Rtavo Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
vk;q¼esZ ikfg izkÆ.ka es¼ ikáikÆua es¼ ikfg O;kÆua es¼ ikfgÆ
p{kq¼esZ ikfgÆ Jks=ak¼ es ikfgÆ okp¼Ees fiUoÆ euks¼ es
ftUokÆReku¼Ees ikfgÆ T;ksfr¼esZ ;PN AAû÷AA
Åyurme påhi pråƒa≈ me påhyapåna≈ me påhi
vyåna≈ me påhi cak¶urme påhi ‹rotra≈ me påhi
våca≈ me pinva mano me jinvå tmåna≈ me påhi
jyotirme yaccha.
Light and Law of the Universe, protect my life.
Energize my breath. Clear and strengthen my cleansing
system and eliminate the wastes. Strengthen the
circulation of energy in my body. Protect and sharpen
my eye. Protect and sensitize my ear. Guard and enliven
my speech. Regenerate and broaden my mind. Save and
strengthen my soul. Give me light, give me the light to
see and realize.
18. (Chhandans Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
ek PNUn¼% izÆek PNUn¼% izfRÆkÆek PNUnks ¼¿vÏhÆo;Æ'NUn¼%
iÆfƒ'NUn¿¼ mÆf".ko~Q NUnks¼ c`gÆrh NUnks¿¼ uqÉ"Vqi~ NUnks¼ fOÆkjÆ kV~
NUnks¼ xk;Æ=kh PNUn¼fLÆ=ÆkÆ"Vqi~ PNUnksÆ tx¼rhÆ PNUn¼% AAûøAA
Må chanda¨ prama chanda¨ pratima chandoí
asr∂vaya‹chanda¨ paΔkti‹chandaíu¶nik chando
bæhat∂ chandoínu¶¢up chando virå¢ chando
gåyatr∂ chandas tri¶¢up chando jagat∂ chanda¨.
Measure is the secret of happiness. Reason is the
measure of intelligence. Freedom is the condition of
truth incarnate. Practical science is the means of
strength, prosperity and brightness. Five-fold yoga is
the giver of light. Nature is the sustenance of life.
Attachment to pleasure is bhoga (sufferance). The light
of knowledge is science. The protector of gayatri is its
realization. The well-being of body, mind and soul is
happiness. The dynamics of existence lies in
And these are the themes of Vaidic verses.
19. (Prithivi & Others Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
i`fFÆkÆoh PNUnks¿Æ Urfj{¼ kaÆ NUnksÆ |kS'NUnÆ% lekÆ'NUnksÆ u{k=¼ kkf.ÆkÆ
PNUnksÆ oko~Q NUnksÆ euÆ'NUn¼% o`ÉQf"k'NUnksÆ fgj¼.;aÆ NUnksÆ
xkS'NUnksÆ¿tkPNUnks¿'oÆ'NUn¼% AAûùAA
Pæthiv∂ chandoíntarik¶a≈ chando dyau-
‹cahnda¨ samå‹chando nak¶atråƒi chando våk
chando mana‹chanda¨ kæ¶i‹chando hiraƒya≈
chando gau‹chando ëjåcchandoísva‹chanda¨.
Earth is the seat of freedom. Sky is the symbol of
joy. Light is knowledge and science. Year is the
understanding and measure of time. Stars are free in
their orbits. Speech is the medium of truth. Mind is the
seat of honesty. Farming is the source of production.
Gold leads to pleasure. Cow is the mother of joy and
plenty. Goat gives joy. Horse loves freedom. Know this
and follow.
And these are the themes of Vaidic verses.
20. (Agni & Others Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
vÆfXunsÆoZ rkÆ okrks¼ nsÆorkÆ lw;ksZ × nsÆork¼ pÆUæek¼ nsÆorkÆ
olo ¼ ks nsÆork¼ #Ææk nsÆorkf¼ nÆR;k nso Æ rk¼ eÆ#rks¼ nsÆorkÆ fo'os¼
nsÆok nsÆorkÆ c`gLÆ ifr¼nÆo
sZ rsUæks¼ nsÆorkÆ o#¼.kks nso
Æ rk¼ AAüúAA
Agnirdevatå våto devatå sμuryo devatå candramå
devatå vasavo devtå rudrå devatåîdityå devatå
maruto devatå vi‹ve devå devatå bæhaspatir-
devatendro devatå Varuƒo devatå.
Agni (fire) is a divine power and value. It is a
god. Vayu (air) is god. Sun is god. Moon is god. Vasus
(sustainers of life) are divine. Rudras (powers of law
and justice) are divine. The winds are divine.
Vishwedevas, the great, brilliant and generous powers
of the world, are divine. Lord of the great universe is
God. Indra (universal energy) is divine. Varuna
(universal waters) are divine.
Know the divine powers and inculcate their
qualities in your character and conduct.
21. (Vidushi Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
ewɼkZfLÆkÆ jkM~ /zqÉokfl¼ /Æ#.kk¼ /Æ=;Z~fLÆkÆ /j¼.kh A
vk;q¼"ks RokÆ opZ×ls Rok o`ÉQ";S RokÆ {ksek¼; Rok AAüûAA
Mμurdhåí si råŒ dhruvåí si dharuƒå dhartryasi
dharaƒ∂. Åyu¶e två varcase två kæ¶yai två
k¶emåya två.
Noble woman of knowledge and virtue, you are
brilliant on top and firm, the support, sustenance and
foundation of life like the earth. I accept and honour
you for the sake of life and health, light and lustre, food
and farming, and protection and presence of the home.
22. (Vidushi Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshis)
;U=khÆ jkM~ ;ÆU=;~fLÆkÆ ;e¼uh /zÉo q kfLÆkÆ /fj¼=kh A
Æ Zs Rok¼ jÊÕ;S RokÆ iks"kk¼; Rok yksoQa rk¿bUæe~AAüüAA
bÆ"ks Rokst
Yantr∂ råŒ yantryasi yaman∂ dhruvåísi dharitr∂.
I¶e tvorje två rayyai två po¶åya två loka≈ tå
Gentle lady, faultlessly discipline0d and brilliant,
going by rule and leading others to rule, you are firm
and sustaining like the earth. I accept and honour you
for food and energy and for wealth and nourishment.
23. (Yajna Devata, Vishvedeva Rshis)
vkÆ'kqfLÆ=ÆkÆo`‰kÆUr% i¼×pnÆ'kks O;ks¼ek lIrnÆ'kks /Æ#.k¼¿&
,dfOÆkƧ'k% izr¼£w rj"VknÆ'kLriks¼ uonÆ'kks~¿HkhoÆÙkZ% l¼fOÆkƧ'kks
opks×Z }kfOÆk§Æ 'k% lÆEHkj.¼ kL=k;ksfOÆk§Æ 'kks ;ksfu¼'prq£OÆk§Æ 'kks xHkkZ×%
i×pfOÆkƧ'k¿vkstf¼ L=k.kÆo% Ørqj¼ d s f=Æk§Æ 'k% izf¼ RÆk"Æ Bk =k;
¼ fLÆ=kÆ Æ§'kks
czèÆ uL;¼ fOÆkÆ"Vi¯ prqfLÆ=Æk§Æ 'kks ukoQ¼ % "kV~f=ÆkƧ'kks fo¼oÙÆ kks¿~Z "Vk&
pRokfjƧ'kks /Æ=k± p¼rq"VksÆe% AAüýAA
Å‹ustrivæd bhånta¨ pa¤cada‹o vyomå saptada‹o
dharuƒaíekavi|m‹a¨ pratμurtira¶¢åda‹astapo
navada‹oíbh∂vartta¨ savi|m‹o varco dvåvi|m‹a¨
sambharaƒastrayovi| m ‹o yoni‹caturvi| m ‹o
garbhå¨ pa¤cavi|m‹aí ojastriƒava¨ kratur-
ekatri|m‹a¨ prati¶¢hå trayastri|m‹o bradhnasya
vi¶¢apa≈ catustri|m‹o nåka¨ ¶a¢tri|m‹o vivarttoí
¶tåcatvåri|m‹o dhartra≈ catu¶¢oma¨.
In the year round of yajna there is the spontaneous
hymn (song) of the threefold stoma sacred for the purity
of body, mind and speech. There is the fifteen part song
of light and the moon, the seventeen part song for the
sky and the year. There is the twenty-one part stoma for
stability, eighteen part song of fast motion, nineteen
part song of austerity and discipline, twenty part song
of open conduct, twentytwo part song of brilliance,
twentythree part song of sustenance, twentyfour part
song of union and discussion, twentyfive part song of
procreation, twentyseven part song of prowess and
lustre, thirtyone part song of karma and intelligence,
thirtythree part song of stability, thirtyfour part song of
the height of heaven and divinity, thirtysix part song of
paradisal bliss, fortyeight part song of the modes of
existence, and four stage song of celebration in
chatushtoma yajna in the year.
24. (Medhavinah Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
Æ ks~¿fl nhÆ{kk;k¿vkf/i ¼ R;aÆ czã¼ Li`Éra f=ÆkÆor
` &
~ Lrkse%Æ A
bUæL¼ ; HkkÆxks~¿fLÆkÆ fo".kksÆjkf/i¼ R;a {kÆ=k¦Li`rÉ a i×¼ pnÆ'k Lrkse%¼ A
u`Ép{k¼lka Hkkxks~¿fl /kÆrqjkf/¼iR;a tÆfu=k¼¦Li`Ér§l¼Irn'k
Lrkse¼%A fEÆkÆ=kL;¼ HkkÆxks~¿fLÆkÆ o#¼.kÆL;kf/¼iR;a fnÆoks o`f"ÆVÆokZr¼
Li`Ér¿,¼dfOÆkƧ'k Lrkse¼% AAüþAA
Agnerbhågoísi d∂k¶åyåí ådhipatya≈ brahma
spæta≈ trivætstoma¨ Indrasya bhågoísi
vi¶ƒorådhipatya≈ k¶atra|m spæta≈ pa¤cada‹a
stom¨. Næcak¶aså≈ bhågoísi dhåturådhipatya≈
janitra|m spæta|m saptada‹a stom¨. Mitrasya
bhågo ísi varuƒasyådhipatya≈ divo v涢irvåta
spætaí ekavi|m‹a stoma¨.
You are a part of Agni, lord giver of life and
protection, wholly under the direction and control of
your dedication to the lord. With the observance of
Trivrit (three part) stoma, you inculcate, protect and
promote the Brahmana character of society.
You are a part of Indra, lord of energy and power,
wholly under the direction and control of Vishnu, the
omnipresent lord of the world. With the observance of
Panchadasha (fifteen part) stoma, you inculcate, protect
and promote the power and prowess (Kshatriya
character) of the community.
You are a part of the intelligent and wide-awake
observers of the people, totally under the direction and
control of the lord and ruler of humanity. With the
observance of Saptadasha (seventeen part) stoma, you
inculcate, protect and promote the economic power of
the people.
You are a part of Mitra, sun and universal energy,
totally under the direction and control of Varuna, the
universal water power. With the observance of
Ekavinsha (twenty-one part) stoma, you attract and
promote the wind and rain from the region of the sun.
25. (Vasus & Others Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
olwu ¼ ka HkkÆxks~¿fl #Ææk.kkÆekf/¼iR;aÆ prq¼"ikr~ Li`rÉ a p¼r£q OÆk§Æ 'k
Lrkse¼%A vkfnÆR;kuak¼ HkkÆxks~¿fl eÆ#rkÆekf/¼iR;aÆ xHkZk¼ Li`Érk%
i×¼ pfOÆkƧ'k Lrkse%A vfnR¼ ;S HkkÆxks~¿fl iw"É .k¿vkf/i ¼ R;Æekst¼
Li`Éra f=k¼.kÆo Lrkse%¼ A nsÆoL;¼ lfOÆkÆrqHkkZÆxks~¿fLÆkÆ c`gLÆ irs&Æ
jkf/¼iR;§ lÆehphÆ£n'k¼ Li`Érk'p¼rq"VksÆe Lrkse¼% AAüÿAA
Vasμ u nå≈ bhågoísi rudråƒåmådhipatya≈
catu¶påt spæta≈ caturvi|m‹a stoma¨. Adityånå≈
bhågoísi marutåmådhipatya≈ garbhå spætå¨
pa¤cavi|m‹a stoma¨. Adityai bhågoísi pμu¶ƒa
ådhipatyamoja spæta≈ triƒava stoma¨. Devasya
saviturbhågoísi bæhaspaterådhipatya| m
sam∂c∂rdi‹a spætå‹catu¶¢oma stoma¨.
You are a part of the Vasus, eight sustaining
abodes of life, under care and control of the Rudras,
protectors of life. With the observance of Chaturvinsha
(twenty four part) stoma you love and protect the animal
wealth of the world.
You are a part of the Adityas, the suns and stars
of the universe, under care and favour of the Maruts,
powers of wind and sky. With the observance of
Panchavinsha (twenty five part) stoma, you protect and
promote the maternal power of women.
You are a part of Aditi, earth and sky, under
control and favour of the powers of health and nutrition
in nature. With the observance of Trinava (twenty seven
part) stoma you protect and advance the lustre and glory
of the people.
You are a part of Savita, Lord creator and sustainer
of life, under care and control of Brihaspati, lord and
master of the wide world. With the observance of
Chatushtoma yajna you protect, develop and safeguard
all the directions of space.
26. (Ribhavah Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
;ok¼uka HkkÆxks¨¿L;;¼okukÆekf/¼iR;a izÆtk Li`Érk'p¼rq&
'pRokfjƧ'k Lrkse¼%A ÍHkwÉ.kka HkkÆxks~¿fLÆkÆ fo'os"¼ kka nso
Æ kukÆek&
f/¼iR;a HkwÉr¦Li`Éra =k¼;fLÆ=ÆkƧ'k Lrkse¼% AAüöAA
Yavånå≈ bhågoísyayavånamådhipatya≈ prajå
spætå‹catu‹catvåri| m ‹a stoma¨. ° R bhμ u ƒå≈
bhågoísi vi‹ve¶a≈ devånåmådhipatya≈ bhμuta≈
spæta≈ trayastri|m‹a stoma¨.
You are a part and master of mixed materials with
full power over the separate materials for consumption
in the cold season. With observance of the
chatushchatwarinsha (fortyfour part) stoma you protect
and promote all the species of life.
You are a part of the intelligent and wise experts
of art and technology with full power and love over all
the brilliant and generous nobles of the world. With
observance of the Trayastrinsha (thirtythree part) stoma,
protect and promote all the living beings.
27. (Ritavah Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
lg'¼ p lgÆL;~'pÆ gSef¼ Urdko`r É ¿w vÆXusjU¼ r%'ysÆ"kks¿~ fLÆkÆ dYisr
¼ kaÆ
|kok¼if` FÆkÆoh dYi¼UrkÆekiÆ¿vks"k¼/;Æ% dYiU¼ rkeÆXu;Æ% i`FkÆÄ~
eeÆ T;S"BÔk; ¼ Æ loz¼rk% A ;s¿vÆXu;Æ% le¼ulks¿UrÆjk |kok¼&
i`fFÆkÆoh¿bÆes A gSef¼ Urdko`r
É ¿w vf¼ HÆkÆdYie
¼ kukÆ¿bUæf¼ eo nsÆok¿&
v¼fHÆkÆlfa o¼'kUrqÉ r;k¼ nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zÉo q s lhn¼ re~ AAü÷AA
Saha‹ca sahasya‹ca haimantikåvætμuí agne-
ranta¨‹le¶oísi kalpetåm dyåvåpæthiv∂ kalpantå-
måpa o¶adhaya¨ kalpantåmagnaya¨ pæthaΔ-
mama jyai¶¢hyåya savratå¨. Yeí agnaya¨
samanasoí ntarå dyåvåpæthiv∂ íime. Haimantikå-
vætμuí abhikalpamånåí indramiva devåí abhisa≈-
vi‹antu tayå devatayåíΔgirasvad dhruve
The stimulating Margashirsha and invigorating
Pausha are the months of Hemanta (winter).
You are the innermost love and power of Agni,
universal fire of life. May the heaven and earth be
favourable, may the waters invigorate, may the herbs
rejuvenate, and may all the modes of vital fire, each
true to its nature and function, strengthen us for honour
and excellence. Just as the powers of nature join to serve
Indra, universal divine energy, so may all the orders of
agni in heaven and earth, integrated and cooperative,
strengthening the winter months, join to bless us in the
search and endeavour for excellence.
May the winter months of nature and humanity
stay firm with that universal power of Agni like the
breath of life with Spirit.
28. (Ishvara Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
,o¼Q;kLrqor izÆtk¿v¼/h;Ur izÆtki¼fRÆkÆjf/¼ifrjklhfÙÆk&Æ
l`fHk¼jLrqorÆ czãk¼l`T;rÆ czã¼.kÆLifRÆk Æjf/ ¼ifrjklhr~
iÆ×pfHk¼jLrqor HkwÉrkU;l
¼ T` ;Ur HkwrÉ kukaÆ ifRÆkÆjf/¼ifrjklhr~
lÆIrfHk¼jLrqor lIr ÍÆ"k;ks¼¿l`T;Ur /kÆrkf/¼ifr&
jklhr~ AAüøAA
Ekayåístuvata prajåí adh∂yanta prajåpatir-
adhipatirås∂t tisæbhirastuvata brahmåsæjyata
brahmaƒaspatiradhipatirås∂t pa¤cabhirastuvata
bhμutånyasæjyanta bhμutånå≈ patiradhipatirås∂t
saptabhirastuvata sapta æ¶ayoí sæjyanta dhåtåí-
The Lord of the universe, creator and protector
of His children is Ishwara. Worship Him with one,
sincere voice of the heart and soul. He created and
revealed the universal knowledge of the Vedas for His
children, and He is the Lord and protector of that
knowledge too. Worship Him with three, reason, will
and emotion. He created the five elements of nature.
He is the Lord and protector of these elements. Worship
Him with five, body, mind, intellect, memory and
consciousness. Saptarshis (five currents of primary
pranic energy, mahat tattva, i.e., creative nature, and
ahankara, self-consciousness) were created by Him. He
is the ruler and sustainer of the seven. Worship Him
with seven, five currents of secondary pranas (energy)
and your will and endeavour.
29. (Ishvara Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
uÆofHkj¼ Lrqor fIÆkÆrjks¿¼ l`T;ÆUrkfnf¼ RÆkÆjf/i
¼ RU;klhr~ A ,dknÆ'k&
fHk¼jLrqor¿ÍÆroks¼¿l`T;UrkÙkZ Æok¿vf/¼ir;¿vklu~ A
=k;ksnÆ'kfHkj¼ LrqorÆ eklk¿¼ vl`T;Ur laoRlÆjks¿f/¼ifrjklhr~A
i×pnÆ'kfHkj¼ Lrqor {kÆ=kel ¼ T` ;ÆrUs æks¿f/i¼ frjklhr~ lIrnÆ'k&
fHk¼jLrqor xzkÆE;k% iÆ'koks¼¿ l`T;UrÆ c`gÆLifRÆkÆjf/¼ifr&
jklhr~ AAüùAA
Navabhirastuvata pitaroísæjyantåíditiradhi-
patnyås∂t. Ekåda‹abhirastuvataíætavoísæjyant-
årtavåíadhipatayaí åsa|n. Trayoda‹abhirastuvata
måsåíasæjyanta sa≈vatsaroídhipatirås∂t.
Pa¤cada‹abhirastuvata k¶atramasæjyatendroí-
dhipatirås∂t. Saptada¶abhirastuvata gråmyå¨
pa‹avoísæjyanta bæhaspatiradhipatirås∂t.
Worship Him with nine faculties of prana and
mind who created the paternal and protective forces of
nature and the earth which is the supreme mother of
His children.
Worship with eleven faculties (ten pranic energies
and the soul) Him who created the seasons with their
characteristic ruling properties.
Worship with thirteen faculties (ten pranas, two
commitments-one for values and one against disvalues
— and the soul) Him who created the twelve months
with their presiding year.
Worship with fifteen faculties (five pranas, five
senses, two commitments one soul, mind and reason/
intellect) Him who created the socio-political order of
governance with Indra, the supreme ruler of the order.
Worship with seventeen faculties (five pranas,
five senses, two commitments, one soul, mind, reason/
intellect, hands and feet) Him who created the domestic
animals and the economic order with Brihaspati as the
head of the economic (Vaishya) class.
30. (Jagadishvara Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshi)
uÆoÆnÆ'kfHk¼jLrqor 'kwækÆ;kZo¼l`T;srkegksjkÆ=ks¿vf/¼iRuh¿&
vkLrkÆe~A ,o¼Qfo§'kR;kLrqoÆrSo¼Q'kiQk% iÆ'koks¼¿l`T;UrÆ
o#Æ.kks¿f/i ¼ frjklhÆr~ A =k;ks¼fo§'kR;kLrqor {kqæ
É k% iÆ'koks¼¿&
l`T;Ur iw"É kkf/¼ifrjklhÆr~A i×p¼fo§'kR;kLrqorkjÊ.;k%
iÆ'koks¼¿l`T;Ur okÆ;qjf/¼ifrjklhr~ lÆIrfo¼§'kR;kLrqorÆ
|kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh O;S¼rkaÆ ol¼oks #Ææk¿vk¼fnÆR;k¿v¼uqÉO;k~;¡ÆLr¿&
,Éokf/¼ir;¿vklu~ AAýúAA
Navada‹abhirastuvata ‹udråryåvasæjyetå-
mahoråtreíadhipatn∂íåståm. Ekavi|msatyåstu-
vataika‹aphå¨ pa‹avoísæjyanta varuƒoí-
dhipatirås∂t. Trayovi|m‹atyåstuvata k¶udrå¨
pa‹avoísæjyanta pμu¶åídhipatiras∂t. Pa¤cavi|m-
‹atyåístuvatåîraƒyå¨ pa‹avoí sæjyanta
våyuradhipatirås∂t. Saptavi| m ‹atyåístuvata
dyåvåpæthiv∂ vyaitå≈ vasavo rudråíådityåí-
anuvyåya|nstaí evådhipatayaí åsan.
With nineteen (ten pranas, five elements, mind,
reason/intellect, memory and self-consciousness),
worship Him who created the educated and the
uneducated all, with the day-and-night cycle of time
for work and rest as the power of control over work and
With twenty one (functions and faculties of the
human body, mind and soul), worship Him who created
the undivided hoofed animals with Varuna, water and
the night, being the presiding power for the animals.
With twenty three (parts of animals’ bodies),
worship Him who created the little animals and insects
with the natural sources of nutriment as the presiding
With twenty five (parts of small animals’ bodies)
worship Him who created the wild animals of the forest
with wind and speed as the presiding power.
With twenty-seven (qualities of the wild animals),
worship Him who created the heaven and the earth
which are universal, and who also created the eight
Vasus, eleven Rudras and the twelve Adityas existent
within the heaven and earth and presiding over the life
and nature in heaven and earth.
31. (Prajapati Devata, Vishvadeva °Rshis)
uof¼ o§'kR;k¿LrqorÆ ouÆLir;
¼ ks¿l`T;UrÆ lkseks¿f/i
¼ frjklhÆrA~
,o¼Qf=k§'krkLrqor izÆtk¿v¼l`T;UrÆ ;okÆ'pk;¼okÆ'pk&
f/¼ir;¿vklÆu~ A =k;¼fL=k§'krk¿Lrqor HkwÉrkU;¼'kkE;u~
izÆtki¼fr% ijesÆ"BÔf/ifrjklhr~ AAýûAA
Navavi|m‹atyåístuvata vanaspatayoísæjyanta
somoídhipatirås∂t. Ekatri|m‹atå ístuvata prajåí
asæjyanta yavå‹cåyavå‹cådhipatayaí åsa| n .
Trayastri| m ‹atåístuvata bhμ u tånya‹åmyan
prajåpati¨ parame¶¢hyadhipatirås∂t.
With twenty nine properties of the herbs and trees,
worship Him who created the herbs and trees with Soma
as their chief and presiding power.
With thirtyone parts and properties of the created
world of nature, worship Him who created the elemental
and the compound materials of nature and life with these
very elements and forms being the presiding presences
of existence.
With thirty three properties of the elements of
nature, worship Him in whose creation Prajapati, the
father of His creatures, is the Supreme Lord, and into
whom all the forms and elements of existence recede in
peace and silence for the night of annihilation.

bfr prqnZ'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vXus¼ tkÆrku~ iz.kq¼nk u% lÆiRukÆu~ izR;tk¼rkÂqn tkrosn%A
vf/¼ uks czwfg lqÉeukÆ¿vgs¼M¡ÆLro¼ L;keÆ 'kE¡kZ ×fLÆ=ÆkÆo:¼ Fk¿&
Agne jåtån praƒudå na¨ sapatnån pratyajåtån
nuda jåtaveda¨. Adhi no brμ u hi sumanåí
aheŒa|nstava syåma ‹arma|nstrivarμutha udbhau.
Agni, Lord omniscient and protector of life and
society, throw out the adversaries arisen against our life.
Keep off the negative forces not yet arisen but
impending against us all. Kind at heart and favourable,
speak to us from above and grant our prayer so that,
secure from triple suffering, happy and advancing under
your care and love, all may live in a home of triple bliss.
2. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
lg¼lk tkÆrku~ iz.kq¼nk u% lÆiRukÆu~ izR;tk¼rku~ tkrosnks
uqnLoA vf/¼ uks czwfg lqeuÆL;ek¼uks oÆ;¦L;k¼eÆ iz.kq¼nk
u% lÆiRuk¼u~ AAüAA
Sahaså jåtån praƒudå na¨ sapatnån pratyajå-
tå¤ jåtavedo nudasva. Adhi no brμuhi sumana-
syamåno vaya|m syåma praƒudå na¨ sapatnån.
Agni, Lord omniscient of the life of existence,
throw off the enemies of humanity come up with force.
Counter the negative forces lying and waiting in
ambush, not coming up openly. Kind at heart and
generous of thought for us, speak to us from above so
that we may be able every way to repulse the open as
well as the covert enemies of life and humanity.
3. (Dampati Devate, Parameshthi °Rshi)
"kksÆMÆ'kh LrkseÆ¿vkstksÆ æfo¼.ka prq'pRokfjƧ'k LrkseksÆ opksZÆ
æfo¼.ke~ A vÆXus% iqjh¼"keÆL;IlksÆ ukeÆ rka RokÆ fo'os¼¿&
vÆfHkx`¼.kUrq nsÆok%A Lrkse¼i`"Bk ?k`Éro¼rhÆg lh¼n izÆtko¼nÆLes
æfOÆkÆ.kk ;¼tLo AAýAA
®oŒa‹∂ stomaíojo draviƒa≈ catu‹catvåri|m‹a
stomo varco draviƒam. Agne¨ pur∂¶amasyapso
nåma tå≈ två vi‹veí abhigæƒantu devå¨.
Stomap涢hå ghætavat∂ha s∂da prajåvadasme
draviČ yajasva.
Gentle lord of the home, and charming lady of
the house far from greed and grabbing, generously
cooperative with the rejuvenating forces of nature, you
are dedicated and loyal servants of Agni. May all the
generous saints and scholars appreciate and praise you
for your noble work. Dedicated to hymns of divinity
and yajna, generous in prosperity and charity, settle in
this sweet home. Give us the wealth of life and the gift
of a blessed family.
4. (Vidvans Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)

,oÆ'NUnksÆ ofj¼oÆ'NUn¼% 'kÆEHkw'NUn¼% ifjÆHkw'NUn¼¿&

vkÆP NPNUnkÆs euÆ' NUnks Æ O;pÆ' NUnÆ% flU/q É ' NUn¼ %
É 'NUn¼% lfjÆja NUn¼% dÆoQq INUn¼fL=kdÆoQq i~ NUn¼% dkÆO;a
NUnks¼¿vÄ~ oqQÉ ia NUnksÆ¿{kj¼ifƒÉ'NUn¼% iÆni¼fƒÉ'NUnks¼
fo"VkÆji¼fƒ'É NUn¼% {kqÉj'NUnksÆ HkztÆ'NUn¼%AAþAA
Eva‹chando variva‹chanda¨ ‹ambhμu‹chanda¨
paribhμu‹chandaí åcchacchando mana‹chando
vyaca‹chanda¨ sindhu‹chanda¨ samudra-
‹chanda¨ sarira≈ chanda¨ kakup chandas-
trikakupchanda¨ kåvya≈ chandoí aΔkupa≈
chandoík¶arapaΔkti‹chanda¨ padapaΔkti-
‹chando vi¶¢årapaΔkti‹chanda¨ k¶ura‹chanda¨
Movement is life. Knowledge is thrill. Excellence
is great, truth is excellence. Peace is great. Self mastery
is sovereignty. Industry is prosperity. Protection against
evil is security. Mind and thought is light. Generosity
is exhilarating. Fluidity is majesty. Magnanimity,
liquidity and transparency is gentleness. Universal
reputation is honour. Divine knowledge, noble
performance and honest prayer is glory. Poetry is
ecstasy. Straight behaviour like liquid movement is
satisfaction. The path to eternity is bliss. The way of
the world is joy. The directions of space are exciting.
The razor’s edge is the challenge of life. The splendour
of existence is rapture.
5. (Vidvansa Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vkÆPNPNUn%¼ izÆPNPNUn%¼ laÆ;PNUnks¼ fOÆk; Æ PNUnks¼ c`g É PNUnks¼
jFkUrÆj×NUnks¼ fudkÆ;'NUnks¼ fooÆ/'NUnksÆ fxjÊ'NUnksÆ
HkztÆ'NUn¼% lƦLrqi~ NUnks ¼¿uqÉ"Vqi~ NUnÆ¿,oÆ'NUnks Æ
ofj¼oÆ'NUnksÆ o;Æ'NUnks¼ o;ÆLÑPNUnksÆ fo"i¼¼kZÆ'NUnks¼
fo'kkÆya NUn¼'NÆfn'NUnks¼ nwjksgÆ.ka NUnL¼ rÆUæa NUnks¿¼ vVkVÉ a
Åcchacchanda¨ pracchacchanda¨ sa≈ya-
cchando viyacchando bæhacchando rathanta-
ra¤chando nikåya‹chando vivadha‹chando
gira‹chando bhraja‹chanda¨ sa|mstup chandoí-
nu¶¢upchandaíeva‹chando variva‹chando
vaya‹chando vayaskæcchando vi¶pardhå-
‹chando vi‹åla≈ chanda‹chadi‹chando dμuro-
haƒa≈ chandastandra≈ chandoí aΔkåΔka≈
Prevention of evil is light. Fight against evil is
courage. Self-control is bravery. Variety of choice is
versatility. Ascendancy to the heavens is freedom. The
path to success is the right choice. The windfalls of
attainment are lovely. Meditation on the sky reveals the
bonds of piety. Voice is revelation. Light is illumination.
Speech is expression of word, meaning and reality.
Thought is reflection on meaning and reality. Effort and
achievement on earth is meaningful. Excellence is
valuable. Life is a boon. The life-force is irresistible.
Emulation and competition is legitimate. Great action
is glory. Cover and protection is nobility. Rising against
difficulty is perseverance. Freedom is the breath of life.
Faith and ascertainment is inviolable joy.
6. (Vidvan Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
jÊf'euk¼ lÆR;k; lÆR;a ftU¼ oÆ izfs ru
¼ kÆ /eZ×.kkÆ /e±× ftÆUokfUoR¼ ;k
fnÆok fno¯ ftUo lÆfU/ukÆUrfj¼{ks.kkÆUrfj¼{ka ftUo izfRÆk&Æ
f/uk¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k i`¼fFÆkÆoha ft¼Uo fo"VÆEHksuÆ o`"VÔkÆ o`¯"V¼
ftUo izo Æ ;k¿Ékg£¼ tUokuq; É k jk=;kÆ jk=kha × ftUoksfÆ 'ktkÆ olqH¼ ;ksÆ
olw¼f×tUo izosQÆrsuk¼fnÆR;sH;¼¿vkfnÆR;kf×t¼Uo AAöAA
Ra‹minå satyåya satya≈ jinva pretinå dharmaƒå
dharma≈ jinvånvityå divå diva≈ jinva sandhinåí
natarik¶eƒåntarik¶a≈ jinva prati-dhinå pæthivyå
pæthiv∂≈ jinva vi¶¢ambhena væ¶tyå væ¶ti≈ jinva
pravayåíhnåíharjinvånuyå råtryå råtr∂≈ jinvo-
‹ijå vasubhyo vasμu¤jinva praketenådityebhya
Love truth for the sake of truth with the light of
truth in action.
Protect Dharma for the promotion of Dharma with
the observance of Dharma in practice.
With research and advancement into knowledge
of the nature of light, advance the knowledge of the
regions of the sun.
With research into the sky as the conjunction of
earth and heaven, advance the knowledge of the sky
for the sustenance of life.
With knowledge of the earth and its relation with
life, advance the knowledge of earth science for life.
With the knowledge of rain and the sustenance
of life by rain, advance the knowledge of water,
evaporation and rain and promote rain for the sake of
With the knowledge of the light of the day, know
the light and day and advance the knowledge of
With the knowledge of night following the day,
advance the knowledge of the day and night cycle.
With the desire for the beauty of living, advance
the knowledge of the Vasus (abodes of the sustenance
of life) for the sake of the Vasus and better sustenance.
With the knowledge of the planets and the sun in
their respective orbits in the galaxy, advance the
knowledge of the sun and stars in relation to planets
and life.
7. (Vidvansa Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
rUrq¼uk jkÆ;Liks"ks¼.k jkÆ;Liks"ak¼ ftUo l§lÆisZ.k¼ JqÉrk;¼ JqÉra
s ¼ rÆufw Hk¼LrÆuw£t¼Uo o;ks&Æ
/lk/h¼rsÆuk/h¼ra ftUokfHÆkÆftrkÆ rst¼lkÆ rstks¼ ftUo AA÷AA
Tantunå råyaspo¶eƒa rayaspo¶a≈ jinva sa|m-
sarpeƒa ‹rutåya ‹ruta≈ jinvaidenau¶adh∂-
bhiro¶adh∂rjinvottamena tanμubhistanμurjinva
vayodhasådh∂tenådh∂ta≈ jinvåbhijitå tejaså tejo
By health, wealth and prosperity, increase health,
wealth and prosperity in an ascending order.
By a continuous process promote communication
and knowledge for the development of communication,
information and vaidic knowledge.
By the development of food, herbs and trees,
develop the science of medicine.
By the observance of good conduct and Dharma,
develop smart bodies and by smart bodies develop
strong bodies and better health.
By health and vigour and by life-sustaining
reading, promote life-sustaining knowledge and
By victorious prowess and lustre, advance and
promote life-protecting courage, prowess and lustrous
8. (Prajapati Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
izfRÆkÆin¼fl izfRÆkÆins¼ RokuqÉin¼L;uqÉins¼ Rok A
lÆEin¼fl lÆEins¼ RokÆ rstks¼¿fLÆkÆ rst¼ls Rok AAøAA
Pratipadasi pratipade tvåínupadasyanupade två
sampadasi sampade två tejoísi tejase två.
You are the first find on the homeward journey. I
love and accept you for constant companionship at every
step. You are the support and confirmation of every step
I take. I honour you for support and self-assurance. You
are the real wealth of life, I love you as the prize of
earthly existence. You are the light and lustre of life. I
honour and prize you for light and glory.
9. (Prajapati Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
f=ÆkÆo`n¼fl f=ÆkÆo`r¼s Rok izÆo`n¼fl izÆo`r¼s Rok fOÆkÆo`n¼fl fOÆkÆo`rs¼
Rok lÆon ` ¼fl lÆor ` ¼s Rok¿¿ØÆe~kÆ¿s L;kØÆek;¼ Rok laØe Æ ks~¿fl
laØÆek;¼ RoksRØÆe~kÆ¿s L;qRØÆek;Æ RoksRØkf¼ UrjÊL;qRØk¼UR;SÆ Rok&
f/¼ifruksÆtksZt± × ftUo AAùAA
Trivædasi trivæte två pravædasi pravæte två
vivædasi vivæte två savædasi savæte tvåîkramoí
syåkramåya två sa≈kramoísi sa≈kramåya tvo-
tkramoísyutkramåya tvotkråntirasyutkråntyai
tvåídhipatinorjorja≈ jinva.
You know the threefold world of matter (tamas),
motion (rajas) and mind (sattva). I love and respect you
for the threefold world of nature. You are the power of
initiative. I follow you for the sake of initiative. You are
the versatile man of all-round action. I accept you for
the variety of action. You are the man of constant
Dharma. I dedicate myself to you for the observance of
Dharma. You are the great leap forward in life. I follow
you for the great leap forward. You are the man of
balanced and comprehensive progress. I dedicate myself
to you for balanced and comprehensive progress. You
are the man of onward advance. I follow you for the
advance upward. You are for change and ascendance in
life. I admire and follow you for growth in the higher
Lady of the house, dedicate yourself to the head
of the family and with vigour and enthusiasm, advance
the power and excellence of the family.
10. (Vasavah Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
jk®;¼fLÆkÆ izkphÆ fnXol¼oLrs nsÆok¿vf/¼ir;ksÆ¿fXugsZ ×rhÆuka
iz¼fr/ÆÙkkZ f=ÆkÆo`ÙokÆ Lrkse¼% i`fFÆkÆO;k¦J¼;ÆRokT;¼eÉD
q Fke&
O;¼Fkk;S LrHukrq jFkUrÆj§ lkeÆ izfr¼f"BR;k¿vÆUrfj¼{kÆ¿&
Í"k¼;LRok izFkeÆtk nsÆos"kq¼ fnÆoks ek=k¼;k ofjÆE.kk iz¼FkUrq
fo/ÆÙkkZ pkÆ;ef/¼ifr'pÆ rs RokÆ losZ × lafonkÆuk uko¼QL;
i`É"Bs LoÆxsZ yksÆosQ ;t¼ekua p lkn;Urq AAûúAA
Råj¤yasi pråc∂ digvasavaste devåíadhipatayoí-
gnirhet∂nå≈ pratidhartå trivættvå stoma¨
pæthivyå| m ‹rayatvåjyamukthamavyathåyai
stabhnåtu rathantara| m såma prati¶¢hityåí
antarik¶aí æ¶ayastvå prathamajå deve¶u divo
måtrayå varimƒå prathantu vidhartå cåyam-
adhipati‹ca te två sarve sa≈vidånå nåkasya
p涢he svarge loke yajamåna≈ ca sådayantu.
You are the queen refulgent like the East direction.
All the Vasu havens of life are your divine protectors.
Agni, Lord of flames and wielder of the thunderbolt,
wards off your adversities. May the Trivrit stoma hymns
settle you on the earth. May the yajna libations of ghee
and Uktha hymns firmly stabilise you against
disturbance. May the Rathantara Sama hymns expand
your honour to the skies. May the foremost Rishis, saints
and scholars spread your honour and reputation with
the measure of your heavenly excellence among the
noblest people.
May this lord of yours and the Lord sustainer of
the world and all those powers who know, together in
unison, establish you and the yajamana on the heights
of the heavenly regions of bliss.
11. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
fOÆkjÆ kM¼fLÆkÆ nf{k¼.kkÆ fnxzqÉækLrs¼ nsÆok¿vf/¼ir;Æ¿bUæks¼ gsrhÆuka
iz¼fr/ÆÙkkZ i¼×pnÆ'kLRokÆ Lrkse¼% i`fFÆkÆO;k¦J¼;rqÉ iz¿&
mx¼ eqD É FkeO;¼Fkk;S LrHukrq c`ÉgRlkeÆ izfrf¼ "BR;k¿vÆUrfj{¼ kÆ¿&
Í"k¼;LRok izFkeÆtk nsÆos"kq¼ fnÆoks ek=k¼;k ofjÆE.kk iz¼FkUrq
fo/ÆÙkkZ pkÆ;ef/¼ifr'pÆ rs RokÆ losZ × lafonkÆuk uko¼QL;
i`É"Bs LoÆxsZ yksÆosQ ;t¼ekua p lkn;Urq AAûûAA
ViråŒasi dak¶iƒå dig rudråste devåíadhipatayaí
indro het∂nå≈ pratidhartå pa¤cada‹astvå
stoma¨ pæthivyå|m ‹rayatu praíugamuktham-
avyathåyai stabhnåtu bæhatsåma prati¶¢hityåí
antarik¶aíæ¶ayastvå prathamajå deve¶u divo
måtrayå varimƒå prathantu vidhartå cåyam-
adhipati‹ca te två sarve sa≈vidånå nåkasya
p涢he svarge loke yajamåna≈ ca sådayantu.
You are the reigning lady of light like the South
direction. All the Rudra powers of love and justice are
your divine protectors. Indra, lord of power and the
thunderbolt, keeps off your adversaries. May the
Panchadasha (fifteen part) stoma of Rks settle you on
the earth. May the Pre-uga Uktha hymns firmly secure
you against fear and disturbance. May the Brihat-Sama
hymns and karma extend your honour to the skies. May
the foremost Rshis, saints and scholars spread your
honour and fame with the measure of your heavenly
excellence among the noblest people.
May this lord of yours and the Lord sustainer of
the world and all those powers who know, together in
unison, establish you and the yajamana on the heights
of the heavenly regions of bliss.
12. (Adityas Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
lÆezkM¼fl izÆrhphÆ fnxk¼fnÆR;kLrs¼ nsÆok¿vf/¼ir;ksÆ o#¼ .kks
gsrhÆuka iz¼fr/ÆÙkkZ l¼IrnÆ'kLRokÆ Lrkse¼% i`fFÆkÆO;k¦J¼;rq
e#RoÆrh;e ¼ ÉD
q FkeO;F¼ kk;S LrHukrq oS:i Æ §lkeÆ izfrf¼ "BR;k¿&
vÆUrfj¼{kÆ¿Í"k; ¼ LRok izFkeÆtk nsÆo"s kq¼ fnÆoks ek=k¼;k ofjÆE.kk
iz¼FkUrq fo/ÆÙkkZ pkÆ;ef/¼ifr'pÆ rs RokÆ losZ× lafonkÆuk
uko¼QL; i`É"Bs LoÆxsZ yksÆosQ ;t¼ekua p lkn;Urq AAûüAA
Samrådasi prat∂c∂ dig adityåste devåíadhipatayo
varuƒo het∂na≈ pratidhartå saptada‹astvå
stoma¨ pæthivyå≈ ‹rayatu marutvat∂yam-
ukthamavyathåyai stabhnåtu vairμupa|m såma
prati¶¢hityåí antarik¶aí æ¶ayastvå prathamajå
deve¶u divo måtrayå varimƒå prathantu vidhartå
cåyamadhipati‹ca te två sarve sa≈vidånå
nåkasya p涢he savarge loke yajamåna≈ ca
You are the lady of brilliance and bliss like the
soothing light of the Western direction. All the twelve
Adityas, stars of light and powers of energy, are your
divine protectors. Varuna, Lord of waters and controller
of evil, wards off your suffering. May the Saptadasha
(seventeen part) stoma settle you on the earth. May the
Marutvatiya Uktha and the libations firmly stabilize you
against doubt and disturbance. May the Vairupa Sama
hymns extend your honour to the skies. May the
foremost Rshis, saints and scholars spread your honour
and fame with the measure of your heavenly excellence
among the noblest people.
May this lord of yours and the Lord sustainer of
the world and all those powers that know, together in
unison, establish you and the yajamana on the heights
of the heavenly regions of bliss.
13. (Maruts Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
LoÆjkMÆL;qnh¼phÆ fnÄ~ eÆ#rL¼ rs nso Æ k¿vf/i ¼ r;Æ% lkseks¼ gsrhÆuka
Z ¼QfOÆkƧ'kLRokÆ Lrkse¼% i`fFÆkÆO;k¦J¼;rqÉ fu"osQ¼ oY;&
É FkeO;F¼ kk;S LrHukrq oSjkÆt§lkeÆ izfrf¼ "BR;k¿vÆUrfj{¼ kÆ¿&
Í"k¼;LRok izFkeÆtk nsÆos"kq¼ fnÆoks ek=k¼;k ofjÆE.kk iz¼FkUrq
fo/ÆÙkkZ pkÆ;ef/¼ifr'pÆ rs RokÆ los×Z lafonkÆuk uko¼QL;
i`É"Bs LoÆxsZ yksÆosQ ;t¼ekua p lkn;Urq AAûýAA
SvaråŒasyud∂c∂ diΔmarutaste devåíadhipataya¨
somo het∂nå≈ pratidhartaikavi|m‹astvå stoma¨
pæthivyå| m ‹rayatu ni¶kevalyamuktham-
avyathåyai stabhnåtu vairåja|m såma prati¶¢hityåí
antarik¶aíæ¶ayastvå prathamajå deve¶u divo
måtrayå varimƒå prathantu vidharttå cåyam-
adhipati‹ca te två sarve sa≈vidånå nåkasya
pr¶¢he svarge loke yajamåna≈ ca sådayantu.
You are self-refulgent like the light of the North.
The Maruts, powers of wind and storm, are your divine
protectors. Soma, moon, lord of peace and beauty, is
your saviour against violence and evil. May the
Ekavinsha (twentyone part) stoma settle you on the
earth. May the Nishkevalya Uktha firmly stabilize you
in love and faith against disturbance. May the Vairaja
Sama hymns and related Karma carry your honour and
fame to the skies. May the foremost Rishis, saints and
sages spread your honour and reputation with the
measure of your heavenly excellence among the noblest
May this lord of yours and the Lord sustainer of
the world and all those powers that know, together in
unison, establish you and the yajamana on the heights
of the heavenly regions of bliss.
14. (Vishvedevah Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vf/¼iRU;fl c`gÆrh fnfXo'os¼ rs nsÆok¿vf/¼ir;ksÆ
c`gÆLifr¼gsZrhÆuka iz¼fr/ÆÙkkZ f=k¼.ko=k;fLÆ=ÆkƧ'kkS RokÆ LrksekS¼
i`fFÆkÆO;k¦J¼;rka oS'onsokfXuek#Ærs¿mÆDFks¿vO;¼Fkk;S
LrHuhrk¦'kkDojjSoÆrs lke¼uhÆ izfr¼f"BR;k¿ vÆUrfj¼{kÆ¿&
Í"k¼;LRok izFkeÆtk nsÆos"kq¼ fnÆoks ek=k¼;k ofjÆE.kk iz¼FkUrq
fo/ÆÙkkZ pkÆ;ef/¼ifr'pÆ rs RokÆ losZ× lafonkÆuk uko¼QL;
i`É"Bs LoÆxsZ yksÆosQ ;t¼ekua p lkn;Urq AAûþAA
Adhipatnyasi bæhat∂ dig vi‹ve te devåíadhipatayo
bæhaspatirhet∂nå≈ pratidharttå triƒavatraya-
stri| m ‹au två stomau pæthivyå| m ‹rayatå≈
stabhn∂ta|m ‹åkvararaivate såman∂ prati¶¢hityåí
antarik¶aíæ¶ayastvå prathamajå deve¶u divo
måtrayå varimƒå prathantu vidharttå
cåyamadhipati‹ca te två sarve sa≈vidånå
nåkasya p涢he svarge loke yajamåna≈ ca
You are the supreme mistress of the home like
great directions in the upper spaces. All the divine
powers and nobilities are your protectors. Brihaspati,
lord of the wide world, is your guardian against all pain
and suffering. May the Trinava (twentyseven part) and
Trayastrinsha (thirtythree part) stoma hymns settle you
on the earth. May the Vaishvadevagni and Maruta Uktha
hymns firmly stabilize you against doubt and
disturbance. May the Shakvara and Raivata Sama hymns
extend your honour and fame to the skies. May the
foremost Rishis, saints and sages spread your honour
and reputation with the measure of your heavenly
excellence among the noblest people.
May this lord of yours and the Lord sustainer of
the world and all those powers that know well, together
in unison, establish you and the yajamana on the heights
of the heavenly regions of bliss.
15. (Vasanta Ritu Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vÆ;a iqÉjks gfj¼oQs 'kÆ% lw;Z×jf'ÆEÆkÆLrL;¼ jFkx`ÉRl'pÆ jFkkS¼tk'p
lsukuhxzkÆe.;~kSÆ A iqÉf×ÆtÆdÆLFkÆyk p¼ ØrqLFkÆyk pk¼IlÆjlkS¼A
nÆÄ~{.ko¼% iÆ'koks¼ gsÆfr% ikS#¼ "ks;ks oÆ/% izgs¼fRÆkÆLrsH;ksÆ
ueks¼¿vLrqÉ rs uks¼¿oUrqÉ rs uks¼ e`M;UrqÉ rs ;a f}É"eks ;'p¼
uksÆ }sf"ÆVÆ res¼"kkaÆ tEHks¼ nèe% AAûÿAA
Aya≈ puro harike‹a¨ sμuryara‹mistasya ratha-
gætsa‹ca rathaujå‹ca senån∂gråmaƒyau.
Pu¤jikasthalå ca kratusthalå cåpsarasau.
DaΔk¶ƒava¨ pa‹avo heti¨ pauru¶eyo vadha¨
prahetistebhyo namo astu te noí vantu te no
mæŒayantu te ya≈ dvi¶mo ya‹ca no dve¶¢i
tame¶å≈ jambhe dadhma¨.
Yonder front in the east rises the sun like a king
investing everything with green by its rays. Like the
king’s commander of his forces and the chief of his city,
are the two months of spring, Chaitra and Baisakha,
months of enlightened joy and joyful glory. The rays of
the sun collectively for all and separately for specific
ritual are currents of energy for life on the earth.
The mordacious creatures and animals are
weapons of wild nature against which human weapons
of defence ought to be made and used.
May the rays of the sun in spring and the powers
of defence save us. May they be good and efficacious
to us. Thanks and salutations to them. All those cruel
forces which violate our life and all such forces which
we oppose, all these we deliver unto the judgement of
the powers and the spirit of nature.
16. (Grishma Ritu Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vÆ;a n¼f{ÆkÆ.kk fOÆkÆ'oo¼QekZÆ rL;¼ jFkLoÆu'pÆ jFks¼fp=k'p
lsukuhxzkeÆ.;~kSÆ A esÆuÆdk p¼ lgtÆU;k pk¼IlÆjlkS ;krqÉ/kuk¼
gsÆrh j{kk¼¦fLÆkÆ izgs¼fRÆkÆLrsH;ksÆ ueks¼¿vLrqÉ rs uks¼¿oUrqÉ rs uks¼
e`M;UrqÉ rs ;a f}É"eks ;'p¼ uksÆ }sf"ÆVÆ res"kkaÆ tEHks nèe%AAûöAA
Aya≈ dak¶iƒå vi‹vakarmå tasya rathasvana‹ca
rathecitra‹ca senån∂gråmaƒyau. Menakå ca
sahajanyå cåpsarasau yåtudhånå het∂ rak¶å|msi
prahetistebhyo namoíastu te noívantu te no
mæŒayantu te ya≈ dvi¶mo ya‹ca no dve¶¢i
tame¶å≈ jambhe dadhma¨.
On the right from the south rides in his chariot
this Summer Wind, Vishwakarma, versatile power for
all activities. Like the king’s commander of the forces
and the chief of his city, with the roar of the chariot
wheels and the variegated colour of his banner, are the
summer months of Jyeshtha and Ashadha. The special
guests of the wind and the general currents of it are
double waves of energy for life on the earth.
Mordacious forces are the danger to life.
Watchful defence is the counteraction. Thanks and
salutations to the powers of defence. May they be kind
and efficacious to us. All those that violate our life and
all those we oppose, we deliver unto the judgement of
the powers of defence and the Spirit of nature.
17. (Varsha Ritu Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vÆ;a iÆ'pkn~ fOÆkÆ'oO;¼pkÆLrL;Æ jFk¼izksrÆ'pkl¼ejFk'p
lsukuh&xzkeÆ.;~kSÆ A izÆEyksp¼Urh pkuqÉEyksp¼Urh pkIlÆjlkS¼ A
O;kÆ?kzk gsÆfr% lÆikZ% izg¼fs RÆkÆLrsH;ksÆ ueks¼¿vLrqÉ rs uks¼¿oUrqÉ rs
uks¼ e`M;UrqÉ rs ;a f}É"eks ;'p¼ uksÆ }sf"ÆVÆ res¼"kkaÆ tEHks¼
nèe% AAû÷AA
Aya≈ pa‹cåd vi‹vavyacåstasya rathaprota‹cå-
samaratha‹ca senån∂gråmaƒyau. Pramlocant∂
cånumlocant∂ cåpsarasau vyåghrå heti¨ sarpå¨
prahetistebhyo namoíastu te noívantu te no
mæŒayantu te ya≈ dvi¶mo ya‹ca no dve¶¢i
tame¶å≈ jambhe dadhma¨.
At the back in the West is this rain power of Agni,
universal electric energy. Like a king’s commander of
the forces and the chief of his city, are the two months
of rain, Shravana and Bhadrapada, with the charming
beauty of the clouds and the awful majesty of lightning.
The power to nourish the vegetation and the ripening
touch to the crops are the two currents of its energy.
Mordacious animals such as the tiger are
dangerous. Creatures such as the snake are still more
dangerous. Against them the thunderbolt for defence
and man-made plans.
May the powers of safety and defence save us.
May they be good and kind to us. All those that violate
our life and all those we oppose, we deliver unto the
judgement of the powers of defence and the spirit of
18. (Sharad Ritu Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vÆ;eq¼ÙkÆjkr~ laÆ;}¼lqÉLrL;Æ rk{;ZÆ'pkfj¼"Vusfe'p lsukuh&
xzkeÆ.;~kÆS A fOÆkÆ'okph¼ p ?k`Érkph¼ pkIlÆjlkÆokiks¼ gsÆfrokZrÆ%
izgs¼fRÆkÆLrsH;ksÆ ueks¼¿vLrqÉ rs uks¼¿oUrqÉ rs uks¼ e`M;UrqÉ rs ;a
f}É"eks ;'p¼ uksÆ }sf"ÆVÆ res¼"kkaÆ tEHks¼ nèe% AAûøAA
Ayamuttaråt sa≈yadvasustasya tårk¶ya‹cå-
ri¶¢anemi‹ca senån∂gråmaƒyau. Vi‹våc∂ ca
ghætåc∂ cåpsarasåvåpo hetirvåta¨ praheti-
stebhyo namoíastu te noívantu te no mæŒayantu
te ya≈ dvi¶mo ya‹ca no deve¶¢i tame¶å≈ jambhe
On the North side is this season of autumn,
generous associate of yajna. Like a king’s commander
of his forces and the chief of his city, are the months of
Ashwin and Kartik, one the sharpest stimulant of
intelligence, the other an antidote to pain and disease.
The peace that pervades everywhere in nature and the
power that blesses all with cool and soothing waters,
milk and butter are two modes of its power.
Waters are the boon. Breezes are the greater boon.
Thanks and salutations to the powers. May they save
us. May they be kind and blissful to us.
All those that violate our life and all those that
we oppose, we deliver unto the judgement of the powers
of defence and the spirit of nature.
19. (Hemanta Ritu Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vÆ;eqÉi;ZÆokZXo¼lLÉq rL;¼ lsuÆftPp¼ lq"É ks.k¼'p lsukuhxzkeÆ.;~kASÆ
mÆo'Z kh¼ p iwÉofZ p¼fÙk'pkIlÆjlk¼ooÆLiwQtZ×u~ gsÆfr£OÆkÆ|Rq izg¼fs RÆk&Æ
LrsH;ksÆ ueks¼¿vLrqÉ rs uks¼¿oUrqÉ rs uks¼ e`M;UrqÉ rs ;a f}É"eks
;'p¼ uksÆ }sf"ÆVÆ res¼"kkaÆ tEHks¼ nèe% AAûùAA
Ayamuparyarvågvasustasya senajicca su¶eƒa-
‹ca senån∂gråmaƒyau. Urva‹∂ ca pμ u rva-
citti‹cåpsarasåvavasphμ u rjan hetirvidyut
prahetistebhyo namoíastu te noívantu te no
mæŒayantu te ya≈ dvi¶mo ya‹ca no dve¶¢i
tame¶å≈ jambhe dadhma¨.
This on top, after rains and autumn, is the winter
season, treasure-giver of wealth. Like a king’s
commander of the forces and the chief of his city, are
the two months of Marga-Shirsha and Pausha, one like
a lord of the hosts, the other victorious. The spirit of
great love and freedom and the spirit of winsome beauty
of the heart are two powers of the season. The roar of
thunder is the weapon and lightning is another and
greater one.
Salutations to the winter months and their gifts
and powers. May they save us. May they be good and
auspicious. Whoever violates our life and whoever we
oppose in defence, we deliver unto the judgement of
the powers of defence and the spirit of nature.
20. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vÆfXuewZɼkZ fnÆo% oÆQoqQRifr¼% i`fFÆkÆO;k¿vÆ;e~ A
vÆik¦jsrk¼¦fl ftUofr AAüúAA
Agnirmμurdhå diva¨ kakut pati¨ pæthivyåí ayam.
Apå|m retå|msi jinvati.
In winter, this Agni, shining supreme as the lord
of space between the earth and heaven like the sun, rules
and illuminates the directions and inspires the vitalities
of life with new energy.
21. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vÆ;eÆfXu% l¼gÆfÏ.kksÆ okt¼L; 'kÆfruÆLifr¼% A
ewÉ/kZ dÆoh j¼;hÆ.kke~ AAüûAA
Ayamagni¨ sahasriƒo våjasya ‹atinaspati¨.
Mμurdhå kav∂ rayiƒåm.
This Agni, Lord of eternal vision, rules the world
on top of everything. Possessed of infinite virtues, giver
of countless joys, He is the lord of food, energy and the
wealth of the world.
22. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
Roke¼XusÆ iq"o¼QjkÆnè;Fk¼okZÆ fuj¼eUFkr A
ewÉèuksZ fo'o¼L; okÆ?kr¼% AAüüAA
Tvåmagne pu¶karådadhyatharvå niramanthata.
Murdhno vi‹vasya våghata¨.
Agni (heat and electricity), Atharva, scholar high-
priest of scientific yajna of energy, churns you out of
the sky on top of the world to bring down the energy to
the earth.
23. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
Hkqoks¼ ;ÆKL;Æ jtl
¼ 'p usÆrk ;=kk¼ fUÆkÆ;fq ‰Æ% lp¼ls f'ÆkÆokfHk¼%A
fnÆfo ewÉ/kZu¯ nf/"ks LoÆ"kk± ftÆàke¼Xus pÑ"ks gO;Æ&
okg¼e~ AAüýAA
Bhuvo yaj¤asya rajasa‹ca netå yatrå niyudbhi¨
sacase ‹ivåbhih. Divi mμ u rdhåna≈ dadhi¶e
svar¶å≈ jihvåmagne cakæ¶e havyavåham.
Agni, leading power of yajna, the earth and the
sky, you raise your tongue of flames bearing the
fragrance of yajna libations over there and, one with
the blissful catalytic process of consumption and
creation, you hold in heaven the top light of the world,
the sun, which rains the showers of joy on the earth.
24. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vcks¼è;ÆfXu% lÆfe/kÆ tuk¼ukÆa izfr¼ /sÆuqfe¼ok;ÆrheqÉ"kkl¼e~ A
;Æàk¿ b¼oÆ iz oÆ;keqÉfTtgk¼ukÆ% iz HkkÆuo¼% flÏrsÆ ukdÆ&
Abodhyagni¨ samidhå janånå≈ prati
dhenumivåyat∂mu¶åsam. Yahvåíiva pra
vayåmujjihånå¨ pra bhånava¨ sisrate
The fire wakes up and rises by the samits (fuel)
offered by the devotees, and, just as a restless calf runs
to the mother cow coming in the twilight of the dawn
(or evening), so do the flames eagerly rise to the heaven
(emanating peace, prosperity and happiness).
25. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
voks¼pke dÆo;sÆ esè;k¼;Æ opks¼ oÆUnk#¼ o`"kÆHkk;Æ o`".ks¼ A
xfo¼f"BjksÆ ue¼lkÆ Lrkse¼eÆXukS fnÆo~hÆo #ÆDeeq¼#ÆO;×p¼e&
Jsr~ AAüÿAA
Avocåma kavaye medhyåya vaco vandåru
væ¶abhåya v涃e. Gavi¶¢hiro namaså stoma-
magnau div∂va rukmamuruvya¤cama‹ret.
Just as the man established in the Word offers
hymns of praise with libations to the holyfire, just as
the light in the sun-rays does homage to the splendour
of the all-illuminant sun in heaven, so do we offer words
of praise in celebration to Agni, lord of light and vision,
worthy of reverence and worship, lord of strength and
power, who showers rains of bliss over the earth and
her children.
26. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vÆ;fEÆkgÆ iz¼FkÆeks /k¼f; /kÆrf` HÆkÆgksr
Z kÆ ;ft¼"Bks¿vèoÆj"s ohMÔ%¼ A
;eIu¼okuksÆ Hk`x¼oks fo##ÆpqoZus¼"kq fPÆkÆ=ka fOÆkÆHOka~ fOÆkÆ'ks&
fo¼'ks AAüöAA
Ayamiha prathamo dhåyi dhåtæbhirhotå yaji¶¢hoí
adhvare¶v∂Œya¨. Yamapnavåno bhægavo
virurucurvane¶u citra≈ vibhva≈ vi‹e vi‹e.
This agni here, first and foremost power of nature,
lighted and established in the vedi by dedicated saints
and sages, is worthiest of reverence and esteem. It is
most valuable for development through creative and
constructive acts of yajna. Present as it is, wonderful
and universal, in the rays of the sun and currents of
energy, the most intelligent and versatile men of genius
develop it for the general good of the people.
27. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
tu¼L; xksÆik¿v¼tfu"VÆ tkx`¼fojÊfXu% lqÉn{k¼% lqfOÆkÆrk;Æ
uO;l¼ s A ?k`rÉ izr¼ hdks c`gÆrk fnf¼ OÆkÆLi`'kk¼ |qÉef}Hkkfr HkjÊrHs ;Æ%
'kqfp¼% AAü÷AA
Janasya gopåíajani¶¢a jågæviragni¨ sudak¶a¨
suvitåya navyase. Ghætaprat∂ko bæhatå divispæ‹å
dyumad vibhåti bharatebhya¨ ‹uci¨.
Agni (fire and electricity), pure and sacred,
protector of the people, ever wakeful, versatile and
generous, source and symbol of plenty and prosperity,
came into existence for new and newer good and
excellence of the people, and shines brilliant with
heaven-touching grandeur.
28. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
Roke¼XusÆ¿vfX¼jlksÆ xqgk¼ fgÆreUo¼foUnf×NfJ;kÆ.ka ous¼&
ousA l tk¼;ls eÆF;ek¼uÆ% lgks¼ eÆgr~ Rokekg
¼ qÉ% lg¼lLiqÉ=k&
e¼fXj% AAüøAA
TvåmagneíaΔgiraso guhå hitamanvavinda¤chi-
‹riyåƒa≈ vane vane. Sa jåyase mathyamåna¨
saho mahat tvåmåhu¨ sahasas-putramaΔgira¨.
Agni, fire, universal light of life, saints and
scholars search for you and discover your presence
hidden in the heart, abiding in every current of energy.
Such as you are, churned out of nature you rise, and
they find you mighty, great and awful child of the Wind,
dear as the very breath of life.
29. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
l[kk¼;Æ% la o¼% lÆE;×pÆfe"kƦLrksEka ¼ pkÆXu;s¼ A
o£"k ¼"Bk; f{krhÆukewÉtksZ uI=ksÆ lg¼Lors AAüùAA
Sakhåya¨ sa≈ va¨ samya¤cami¶a|m stoma≈
cågnaye. Var¶i¶¢håya k¶it∂namμ u rjo naptre
Friends, offer properly and accurately the exact
homage and libations to the darling of your people and
settlements, Agni, generous giver, powerful protector
and the dearest child of omnipotence.
30. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
l§lÆfe|q¼ols o`"kÆÂXusÆ fo'ok¼U;Æ;Z¿vk A
bÆMLiÆns lfe¼è;lsÆ l uksÆ olwUÉ ;kHk¼j AAýúAA
Sa|m samidyuvase væ¶anngne vi‹vånyarya å.
IŒaspade samidhyase sa no vasμunyå bhara.
Agni, powerful lord of light and wealth, you join
with all in love wholly and completely. You rise and
shine in your rightful holy place on the earth. Generous
lord, shower on us the wealth of the world from all sides.
31. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
Roka fp¼=kJoLreÆ go¼Urs fOÆkÆ{kq tÆUro¼% A
'kksÆfp"os¼Q'ka iq#fIÆkzÆ;kXus¼ gÆO;k;Æ oks<¼os AAýûAA
Två≈ citra‹ravastama havante vik¶u jantava¨.
›oci¶ke‹a≈ purupriyågne havyåya voŒhave.
Agni, most wondrous lord of food and energy,
dearest to all, blazing with light like the sun, people in
all nations from all walks of life invoke you and offer
libations for the attainment of food, energy and comfort
in life.
32. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
,Éuk oks¼¿vƯXu ue¼lksÆtksZ uik¼rÆekgq¼os A
fIÆkzÆ;a psfr¼"BejÊfr¦Lo¼èoÆja fo'o¼L; nwr ` ¼e~ AAýüAA
É eÆer
Enå voíagni≈ namasorjo napåtamåhuve.
Priya≈ ceti¶¢hamarati|m svadhvara≈ vi‹vasya
For your sake, I invoke, explore and worship
(develop) with the offering of this holy food
(investment) Agni, creative and illuminative power of
the world, universal energy, inviolable, dear and
generous, most perceptively responsive, relentlessly
active, guardian power of non-violent constructive acts
of love, and immortal lord of the dynamics of existence.
33. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
fo'o¼L; nwÉreÆe`rÆa fo'o¼L; nwÉreÆer ` ¼e~ A
l ;ks¼trs¿v#Æ"kk fOÆkÆ'oHkks¼tlkÆ l nq¼æoÆr~ Lok~gr
q % AAýýAA
Vi‹vasya dμutamamæta≈ vi‹vasya dμutamamæta≈.
Sa yojateíaru¶å vi‹vabhojaså sa dudravat
I invoke the immortal Agni, universal power of
light (in the form of the sun); I invoke the immortal
Agni, universal power of fire (in the form of vitality); it
joins with universal creative generosity for total
nourishment, it unites with love overcoming all hate
and anger, and, piously called upon, it responds and
hastens to help and bless us.
34. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
l nq¼æoÆr~ Lok~gqrÆ% l nq¼æoÆr~ Lok~gqr% A
lqÉczãk¼ ;ÆK% lqÉ'kehÆ olw¼uka nsÆo§jk/ksÆ tuk¼uke~ AAýþAA
Sa dudravat svåhuta¨ sa dudravat svåhuta¨.
Subrahmå yaj¤a¨ su‹am∂ vasμunå≈ deva|m rådho
That Agni, faithfully invoked in yajna,
immediately stirs and rises. That same Agni, called up
with love and sacrifice, responds spontaneously, it
comes and blesses through the yajna.
Attended by noble devotees, yajna is a great
karmic act which is a divine embodiment of the wealth
of humanity and the mother earth.
35. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vXusÆ okt¼L;Æ xkse¼rÆ¿bZ'kku
¼ % lglks ;gks A
vÆLes /s¼fg tkrosnksÆ efgÆ Jo¼% AAýÿAA
Agne våjasya gomataí∂‹åna¨ sahaso yaho. Asme
dhehi jåtavedo mahi ‹rava¨.
Agni, light of omniscience, child of omnipotence,
witness of all that is born, lord of food and energy,
controller of the masters of cows, earth and all that
moves, bless us with all that is great and glorious.
36. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
l¿b¼/kÆuks olq¼"dÆfojÊfXujhÆMsU;ks¼ fXÆkÆjk A
jsÊonÆLeH;¯ iqoZ.khd nhfnfg AAýöAA
Saíidhåno vasu¶kaviragnir∂Œenyo girå.
Revadasmabhya≈ purvaƒ∂ka d∂dihi.
That same Agni, bright and blazing, home of
existence, visionary of the universe, celebrated with the
divine Word, manifesting in infinite forms, shines and
reveals the light for us as the wealth of the world.
37. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
{kÆiks jk¼tÂqÉr ReukXusÆ oLrks¼#Ærks"kl¼%A
l fr¼XetEHk jÊ{klks¼ ngÆ izfr¼ AAý÷AA
K¶apo råjannuta tmanåígne vastoruto¶asa¨. Sa
tigmajambha rak¶aso daha prati.
That same Agni, bright and blazing, thunderous
force of relentless justice, power operative with your
essential light and spirit in the day, in the night and at
the dawn, burn with the same fiery essence the evil, the
night walkers, daylight robbers and the darkness at
38. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
HkÆæks uks¼¿vÆfXujkgq¼rks HkÆæk jkÆfr% lq¼Hkx HkÆæks¿v¼èoÆj%A
HkÆæk¿mr iz'k¼Lr;% AAýøAA
Bhadro noíagniråhuto bhadrå råti¨ subhaga
bhadroí adhvara¨. Bhadråí uta pra‹astaya¨.
Man of grace and yajna, may the Agni, invoked
and raised, be gracious. May the oblations, charities and
investments be positive and productive. May our yajna
and creative ventures be constructive and fruitful. May
our appreciations and appraisals be valuable and
39. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
HkÆæk¿mÆr iz'k¼Lr;ks HkÆæa eu¼% Ñ.kq"o o`=kÆrw;sZ× A
;suk¼ lÆeRlq¼ lkÆlg¼% AAýùAA
Bhadråíuta pra‹astayo bhadra≈ mana¨ kæƒu¶va
vætratμurye. Yenå samatsu såsaha¨.
Man of knowledge, expertise and grace, may all
our projects and appraisals be favourable. Do your best
so that in our battles against covers of darkness and
evil our mind be firm and undisturbed, and then in our
battles of life we may endure and be victorious at the
40. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
;suk¼ lÆeRlq¼ lkÆlgks¿o¼ fLÆFÆkÆjk r¼uqfgÆ HkwfjÆ 'k/Z×rke~ A
oÆusek¼ rs¿vÆfHkf"V¼fHk% AAþúAA
Yenå samatsu såsahoí va sthirå tanuhi bhμuri
‹ardhatåm. Vanemå teí abhi¶¢ibhi¨.
The spirit by which the forces endure in battles
and win, with that spirit strengthen and expand to the
full our forces and powers so that we grow firm and
inviolable. May we benefit from your gracious gifts,
win our battles and enjoy in life.
41. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vƯXu ra eU¼ ;sÆ ;ks olqÉjLraÆ ;a ;fUr¼ /sÆuo¼% A vLrÆeoZ×Ur¿&
vkÆ'koks¿LraÆ fuR;k¼lks okÆftuÆ¿b"k¦ ¼ LrksrÆ H` ;Æ¿vk Hk¼j AAþûAA
Agni≈ ta≈ manye yo vasurasta≈ ya≈ yanti
dhenava¨. Astamarvantaíå‹avoí sta≈ nityåso
våjinaí i¶a|m stotæbhyaí å bhara.
I know the Agni that is the hearth and home of
existence. Homeward go the cows. The fastest coursers
betake to home. The hero, the chariot, the feathered
eagle, the stallion, all go home to rest without fail, all
by nature. That is the home for me.
That same Agni, mother of the home for all, is
the ultimate haven. Mother mine, keep for the yajnic
children food for life, energy for action, and light for
the life divine.
42. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
lks¿vÆfXu;ksZ olq¼x`ZÉ.ks la ;ekÆ;fUr¼ /sÆuo¼% A leoZ×Urks
q Æ% l§lq¼tkÆrkl%¼ lwÉj;Æ¿b"k¦
j?kqÉæo ¼ LrksÆrH` ;Æ¿vk Hkj¼ AAþüAA
Soíagniryo vasurgæƒe sa≈ yamåyanti dhenava¨.
Samarvanto raghudruva¨ sa|m sujåtåsa¨ sμuraya
íi¶a|m stotæbhya íå bhara.
Agni is that who is the treasure, home and haven
for all in existence. Him I celebrate in song. In Him the
words of song find their meaning. Saints of wisdom,
geniuses of science most responsive, men of vision most
fortunately born, all have their recourse there. Lord of
light and life, bear and bring the food, release the energy,
and reveal the light of divinity for the celebrants.
43. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
mÆHks lq¼'pUæ lÆ£i"kksÆ nohZ ×"k¿vkÆlfu¼ A mÆrks
¼ ;
uÆ¿mRiqi w kZ¿mÆDFks"kq¼ 'kolLirÆ¿b"k¦
¼ LrksÆrH` ;Æ¿vk Hkj¼ AAþýAA
Ubhe su‹candra sarpi¶o darv∂ ‹r∂ƒ∂¶aíåsani. Uto
naí utpupμ u ryåíukthe¶u ‹avasaspataíi¶a| m
stotæbhyaíå bhara.
Graceful power of heat, light and knowledge, you
burn two ladles of ghee in the mouth (vedi of yajna)
and diffuse the light and fragrance in the air through
the cross currents of the wind. Lord of strength and
power of creation, fill the stores of food with grain for
us and the minds with knowledge for those who offer
oblations and chant the hymns of praise in yajna.
Brilliant holy Sire of knowledge and power, just
as the holy fire burns two ladlefuls of ghee in the vedi
to diffuse the light and fragrance in the air, similarly
you hold for us the two-fold knowledge of nature and
spirit to disseminate it among the disciples who come
to the school of yajna for education and sing the songs
of the Vedas in praise of Agni, omniscient Lord of light
and knowledge. Fill our minds with knowledge and the
power of knowledge.
44. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vXusÆ reÆ|k'oaÆ u LrkseSÆ% ØrqaÉ u HkÆæ§â¼fnÆLi`'k¼e~ A
ÍÆè;kek¼ rÆ¿vksgS ¼% AAþþAA
Agne tamadyå‹va≈ na stomai¨ kratu≈ na
bhadra|m hædispæ‹am. °Rdhyåmå taí ohai¨.
Agni, lord of light and knowledge, like the horse
broke in to perfection by training, like the holy yajna
completed and perfected with the hymns of divine
worship, may we now receive that knowledge and virtue
which touches the heart and, with you close by us and
revelations of that sacred knowledge, come to prosperity
and perfection.
45. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
v/kÆ áX~ usÆ Ørks¼HkZÆæL;Æ n{k¼L; lkÆ/ks% A
jFkhÍZÆ rL;¼ c`gÆrks cÆHkwFk¼ AAþÿAA
Adhå hyagne kratorbhadrasya dak¶asya sådho¨.
Rath∂rætasya bæhato babhμutha.
Agni, lord of light and knowledge, be the sure
and unfailing pioneer of noble and creative yajnic work.
Be the guide, guardian, defender and leader of the good,
efficient and pious people, and prophet of the great truth
and universal law of existence.
46. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
,ÉfHkuksZ׿vÆoSZQHkZok¼ uks vÆokZÄ~ LoÆ.kZ T;ksfr¼% A
vXusÆ fo'os¼fHk% lqÉeukÆ¿vuh¼oSQ% AAþöAA
Ebhirnoí arkairbhavå no arvåΔ svarƒa jyoti¨.
Agne vi‹vebhi¨ sumanå an∂kai¨.
Agni, lord of the golden light of omniscience, in
response to these songs of ours in praise of divinity, be
pleased at heart and, with all your glory and majesty,
come and reveal yourself before us.
47. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vÆfXu§gksrk¼ja eU;sÆ nkLo¼UraÆ olq¼§lwÉuq§lg¼lks tkÆros¼nlaÆ
foizaÆ u tkÆros¼nle~ A ;¿mQÆèoZ;k¼ LoèoÆjks nsÆoks nsÆokP;k¼
o`ÉQik A ?k`ÉrL; foHkzk¼f"ÊVÆeuq¼ of"V 'kksÆfp"kkÆ¿¿tqàk¼uL;
lÆ£i"k¼% AAþ÷AA
Agni|m hotåra≈ manye dåsvanta≈ vasu|m sμunu|m
sahaso jåtavedasa≈ vipra≈ na jåtavedasam. Yaí
μ u rdhvayå svadhvaro devo devåcyå kæpå.
Ghætasya vibhr嶢imanu va¶¢i ‹oci¶å îjuhvå-
nasya sarpi¶a¨.
I know Agni, lord of yajna, receiver and dispenser
of libations, generous, treasure home of wealth and the
world, child of omnipotence, existent with all that is. I
know It as intimately as I know an inspired sage of all
knowledge standing face to face.
I know the kind and brilliant lord of love and
yajna who, with high blazing activity worthy of
celebration in divine speech, illuminates and
disseminates the splendour of ghrta and the fragrance
of vapours through the flames arising from oblations
into the fire.
48. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)

vXusÆ Roa uksÆ¿Ur¼e¿mÆr =kkÆrk f'ÆkÆoks Hk¼ok o:ÆF;~% A

olq¼jÊfXuoZlq¼JokÆ¿vPNk¼ uf{k |qÉeÙk¼e§jÊf;Unk¼% A ra Rok¼
'kksfp"B nhfno% lqÉEuk;¼ uwÉueh¼egsÆ lf[k¼H;% AAþøAA
Agne tva≈ noí antamaí uta tråtå ‹ivo bhavå
varμuthya¨. Vasuragnirvasu‹ravåí acchå nak¶i
dyumattama|m rayi≈ då¨. Ta≈ två ‹oci¶¢ha
d∂diva¨ sumnåya nμunam∂mahe sakhibhya¨.
Agni, closest you are at hand, most intimate. Be
good and kind, redeemer and protector, a very home of
supersecurity for all of us.
Agni is the omnipresent home of all, treasure of
peace and wealth, brilliant leader and pioneer, most
refulgent of all, generous giver of prosperity. Here I
attain to the lord.
Lord most blazing, power of splendour and
majesty as you are, we pray to you, in faith, for peace
and prosperity for ourselves and all our friends.
49. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
;suÆ¿Í"k;¼ ÆLri¼lk lÆ=kek;ÆfÂU/k¼uk¿vÆfXu¦Lo¼jkÆHkj¼Ur% A
rfLe¼ÂÆga fun¼/sÆ ukos¼Q¿vƯXu ;ekÆgqeZu¼o LrhÆ.kZ&
c¼£g"ke~ AAþùAA
Yenaí æ¶ayastapaså satramåyannindhånåí
agni|m svaråbharanta¨. Tasminnaha≈ ni dadhe
nåke íagni≈ yamåhurmanava st∂rƒabarhi¶am.
By the austerity of discipline and action the seers
come to the sessions of yajna and, lighting and exploring
the agni, attain to ages of joy and happiness. By the
same discipline, in similar session, at the same level of
blissful existence, I commit myself to the pursuit of the
same agni which people say pervades the skies.
50. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
ra iRuh¼fHÆkÆjuq¼xPNse nsok% iqÉ=kSHkzkZr`¼fHk#Ær okÆ fgj¼.;S% A
ukoQ¯ x`H.kkÆuk% lq¼o`ÉQrL;¼ yksÆosQ r`Érh;s¼ i`"Bs¿vf/¼ jkspÆus
fnÆo% AAÿúAA
Ta≈ patn∂bhiranu gacchema devå¨ putrair-
bhråtæbhiruta vå hiraƒyai¨. Nåka≈ gæbhƒåƒå¨
sukætasya loke tæt∂ye p涢heíadhi rocane diva¨.
Powers of light and joy, dedicating ourselves in
prayer and action to the same Agni, may we attain to
the highest and most beloved region of the beautiful
world of bliss and noble pursuits with our wives,
children, brothers and all our wealth and prosperity.
51. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vk okÆpks eè;e ¼ #gn~ Hkqj.Ê ;qjÊ;eÆfXu% lRi¼fRÆkÆ'psfoQ¼ rku%A
i`É"Bs i`¼fFÆkÆO;k fufg¼rksÆ nfo¼|qrn/LiÆna o`¼Q.kqrkaÆ ;s
i`¼rÆU;o¼% AAÿûAA
Å våco madhyamaruhad bhuraƒyurayamagni¨
satpati‹cekitåna¨. P涢he pæthivyå nihito
davidyutadadhaspada≈ kæƒutå≈ ye pætanyava¨.
This Agni, power of knowledge, active and wide-
awake, supporter and protector of the true and the good
life, well-established on the face of the earth, lighted
and raised, blazes and, in the middle of the chant,
ascends to the heights of the skies.
If there be any forces that wish to fight the true
and the good in life, may the same Agni keep them down
and out.
52. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vÆ;eÆfXuohZÆjr¼eks o;ksÆ/k% l¼gÆfÏ;ks¼ |ksrrkÆeiz¼;qPNu~ A
fOÆkÆHkzkt¼eku% lfjÆjL;Æ eè;Æ¿miÆ iz ;k¼fg fnÆO;kfUÆkÆ
/ke¼ AAÿüAA
Ayamagnirv∂ratamo vayodhå¨ sahasriyo dyota-
tåmaprayucchan. Vibhråjamåna¨ sarirasya
madhyaí upa pra yåhi divyåni dhåma.
This Agni, power of fire and manliness, bravest
of all, young and fresh lord of health and age, mighty a
thousand fold, shines relentlessly without let up.
Glorious on the earth and in the midst of the sky, he
inspires and graces wonderful places and positions.
53. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
lÆEizP;¼oèoÆeqi¼ lÆEiz;kÆrkXus¼ iÆFkks ns¼oÆ;kuk¼u~ Ñ.kqèoe~ A
iqu¼% Ñ.okÆuk fIÆkÆrjkÆ ;qok¼ukÆUokrk¼¦lhÆr~ RofÕÆkÆ rUrq¼&
esÆre~ AAÿýAA
Sampracyavadhvamupa samprayåtågne patho
devayånån kæƒudhvam. Puna¨ kæƒvånå pitarå
yuvånånvåtå|ms∂t tvayi tantumetam.
Ye men and women all, move together, go close
to Agni by the paths of divinity for light and knowledge.
Create new paths for the future.
Agni, light the paths for humanity. Only in your
presence under your guidance can young people as
parents follow Dharma under the discipline of piety and
continue the yajna and the life-line.
54. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
mn~cq¼è;LokXusÆ izfr¼ tkx`fgÆ Rofe¼"VkiwÉÙksZ l§l`¼tsFkkeÆ;a
p¼A vÆfLeURlÆ/LFksÆ¿vè;qÙk¼jfLÆEÆkÆu~ fo'os¼ nsokÆ ;te
¼ ku'p
lhnr AAÿþAA
Udbudhyasvågne prati jagæhi tvami¶¢åpμurte sa|m
sæjethåmaya≈ ca. Asmintsadhastheíadhyuttara-
smin vi‹ve devå yajamåna‹ca s∂data.
Agni, lord of light and yajna, wake up and arise
in response to the invocation and, in return, awaken
and guard the yajamana. Create, together, the desire and
will to do the acts necessary as duty and the acts
desirable by choice for the sake of complete self-
fulfilment. May all the powers of divinity, all the noble
people and the yajamana dwell in this auspicious house
in this life and after, ever rising higher and higher.
55. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
;suÆ og¼fl lÆgÏaÆ ;suk¼Xus loZosnÆle~ A
rsusÆea ;ÆKa uks¼ u;Æ Lo~nsZÆos"kqÉ xUr¼os AAÿÿAA
Yena vahasi sahasra≈ yenågne sarvavedasam.
Tenema≈ yaj¤a≈ no naya svardeve¶u gantave.
Agni, leading power of light and action, by
knowledge and karma you bear a hundred burdens of
the business of existence through the whole range of
duties set out in the Vedas. Carry us too in this yajna of
life and lead us into the state of bliss among the noblest
souls of the world.
56. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vÆ;a rsÆ ;ksfu¼ÍZÆ fRo;ksÆ ;rks tkÆrks¿vjks¼pFkk%A
ra tkÆu¼XuÆ¿vk jksÆgkFkk¼ uks o/Z;k jÊf;e~ AAÿöAA
Aya≈ te yonirætviyo yato jåtoíarocathå¨. Ta≈
jånannagnaíå rohåthå no vardhayå rayim.
Agni, fire and power of life, this home of yajna
is your seat of action in accordance with the time and
season. From here emerging, you shine and illuminate
the world around. Knowing this, proceed and rise, and
develop the wealth of life for us.
57. (Shishirartu Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
ri¼'p riÆL;~'p 'kSf'ÆkÆjko`Ér¿w vÆXusjU¼ r%'ysÆ"kks~¿fLÆkÆ dYis¼rkaÆ
|koki ¼ f` FÆko
Æ h dYiU¼ rkÆekiÆ¿vks"k¼/;Æ% dYi¼UrkeÆXu;Æ% i`FkÆÄ~
eeÆ T;S"BÔk; ¼ Æ loz¼rk% A ;s¿vÆXu;Æ% le¼ulks¿UrÆjk |kok¼&
i`fFÆkÆoh¿bÆes A 'kSÆf'ÆkjÆ ko`Ér¿w v¼fHÆkd
Æ Yi¼ekukÆ¿bUæ¼feo nsÆok¿&
v¼fHÆkÆlfa o¼'kUrqÉ r;k¼ nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zÉo ¼ re~ AAÿ÷AA
q s lhn
Tapa‹ca tapasya‹ca ‹ai‹iråvætμuí agneranta¨-
‹le¶oísi kalpetå≈ dyåvåpæthiv∂ kalpantåmåpaí
o¶adhaya¨ kalpantåmagnaya¨ pæthaΔmama
jyai¶¢hyåya savratå¨. Yeí agnaya¨ samanasoí-
ntarå dyåvåpæthiv∂íime. ›ai‹iråvætμu abhikalpa-
månåíindramiva devåíabhi‹a≈vi‹antu tayå
devatayå íΔgirasvad dhruve s∂datam.
Margashirsha and Phalguna (January-February
and February-March) are the months of winter season,
cold, cool and pleasant. You are the lovely warmth of
the inner-most heart of Agni’s fire.
May the heaven and earth be auspicious, may the
waters be fresh and invigorating, may the herbs and trees
be revitalized and rejuvenating, may all the modes of
fire, heat, light, lightning, etc., each committed and
constant in its quality and character, be favourable and
blissful to me for growth in excellence.
May all the vital fires abiding in earth and heaven,
integrated and harmonious, supporting and energizing
the months of the winter season like the powers of nature
serving the omnipotent lord, Indra, bless and vitalize
us in all ways.
Man of yajna and lady of the house of yajna, both
of you joining the months of the season be firm and
stay fast with the lord of nature as breath and life
58. (Learned Woman Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
iÆjÊesÆ"Bh Rok¼ lkn;rq fnÆoLi`É"Bs T;ksfr¼"erhe~ A fo'o¼LeS
izkÆ.kk;k¼ikÆuk;¼ O;kÆuk;Æ fo'oaÆ T;ksfr¼;ZPN A lw;ZÆLrs¿&
f/¼ifRÆkÆLr;k¼ nsÆor¼;k¿fXjÊLon~ /zÉo
q k lh¼n AAÿøAA
Parame¶¢h∂ två sadayatu divasp涢he jyoti-
¶mat∂m. Vi‹vasmai pråƒåyåpånåya vyånåya
vi‹va≈ jyotiryaccha. Sμuryasteídhipatistayå
devatayåíΔgirasvad dhruvå s∂da.
Lady of knowledge and vision, may the Lord
Supreme establish you on top of celestial light for the
attainment of full and complete energy of prana, apana
and vyana, cross-currents of energy and universal
vitality. Spread the universal light of knowledge around
for others. Your husband like the sun, brilliant and
refulgent, is your lord and protector. Stay firm and secure,
steadfast with that noble man like the breath of life.
59. (Indragni Devate, Parameshthi °Rshi)
yksÆoaQ i`¼.k fNÆæa i`É.kkFkks¼ lhn /zÉo
q k Roe~ A
bÆUækÆXuh RokÆ c`gÆLifr¼jÊfLeu~ ;ksuk¼olh"knu~ AAÿùAA
Loka≈ pæƒa chidra≈ pæƒåtho s∂da dhruvå tvam.
Indrågn∂ två bæhaspatirasminyonåvas∂¶adan.
Noble lady of the house, fulfil this life. Fill up
the holes, complete and perfect the life and stay firm
and stead-fast in this home. May Indra, lord of
excellence, Agni, lord of light, and Brihaspati, lord of
knowledge, establish you happily in this family home.
60. (Apah, Devata, Priyamedha °Rshi)
rk¿v¼L;Æ lwn¼nksglÆ% lkse¼¦Jh.kfUÆRÆkÆ i`'u¼;% A
tUe¼UnsÆokukaÆ fo'k¼fLÆ=ÆkÆ"okjks¼pÆus fnÆo% AAöúAA
Tåíasya sμudadohasa¨ soma|m ‹r∂ƒanti pæ‹naya¨.
Janmandevånå≈ vi‹astri¶vårocane diva¨.
The people of this land, intelligent, varied,
pursuing the origin of life and the powers of nature,
and dedicated to the light of heaven in threefold activity
of knowledge, action and meditation proclaim the glory
and magnanimity of this creator of peace and prosperity
who presides over the community.
61. (Indra Devata, Madhucchhanda °Rshi)
bUæaÆ fo'ok¼¿voho`/URleqÉæO;¼plaÆ fxj¼% A
jÊFkhr¼e§jÊFkhukaÆ oktk¼ukƦlRi¼¯RÆkÆ ifr¼e~ AAöûAA
Indra≈ vi‹vå av∂vædhantsamudravyacasa≈
gira¨. Rath∂tama|m rath∂nå≈ våjånå|m satpati≈
May all the voices exhort and strengthen Indra,
leader and president of the land, great and deep as the
ocean, bravest of the brave warriors in the battles of
progress, promoter of truth and goodness, and protector
of life and the human nation.
62. (Agni Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
izksFkÆn'oksÆ u ;o¼ls¿fOÆkÆ";U;Ænk eÆg% laÆoj¼.kkÆ}ÔLFkk¼r~ A
vkn¼L;Æ okrksÆ¿vuq¼ okfr 'kksÆfpj/¼ Le rsÆ ozt¼ua o`ÉQ".k&
e¼fLr AAöüAA
Prothada‹vo na yavase ívi¶yanyadå maha¨ sa≈-
varaƒådvyasthåt. Ådasya våtoí anuvåti
‹ociradha sma te vrajana≈ k涃amasti.
Agni, ruler of the land, just as a horse arises eager
for the grass, so whenever you are challenged, you arise
from a state of deep peace and, determined for the
protection of your people, stand firm and unshakable.
Your clarion call and your brilliance rallies the people
round and, electrified, they follow you in every
63. (Vidushi Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
vkÆ;ks"V~okÆ ln¼us lkn;kÆE;o¼r'NkÆ;k;k¼¦leqÉæL;Æ ân¼;As
jÊ'ehorhaÆ HkkLo¼rhÆek ;k |ka HkkL;k i`¼fFÆkÆoheksoZÆUr&
fj¼{ke~ AAöýAA
Åyo¶¢vå sadane sådayåmyavata‹chåyåyå| m
samudrasya hædaye. Ra‹m∂vat∂≈ bhåsvat∂må yå
dyå≈ bhåsyå pæthiv∂mor-vantarik¶am.
Learned woman, lady light of the home, mistress
of sunbeams shining in heaven, illuminate the earth and
fill the wide skies with brilliance. I place you in the
house of your husband — long live he ! I set you in the
soothing shade of your protective man, in the very core
of his heart deep in love as the bottomless sea.
64. (Paramatma Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
iÆjÊeÆ"s Bh Rok¼ lkn;rq fnÆoLi`É"Bs O;p¼LorhaÆ izFk¼LorhaÆ
fno¯ ;PNÆ fno¯ n`§gÆ fnoaÆ ek fg¼§lh% A fo'o¼LeS
izkÆ.kk;k¼ikÆuk;¼ O;kÆuk;ks¼nkÆuk;¼ izfRÆkÆ"Bk;S¼ pÆfj=kk¼; A
lw;Z ×LRokÆfHkik¼rq eÆák LoÆLR;k NÆ£n"kkÆ 'kUr¼esuÆ r;k¼
nsÆor¼;kfXjÊLon~ /zqÉos lh¼nre~ AAöþAA
Parame¶¢h∂ två sådayatu divasp涢he
vyacasvat∂≈ prathasvat∂≈ diva≈ yaccha diva≈
dæ|mha diva≈ må hi|ms∂¨. Vi‹vasmai praƒåyå-
pånåya vyånåyodånåya prati¶¢håyai caritråya.
Sμ u ryastvåbhipåtu mahyå svastyå chardi¶å
‹antamena tayå devatayåíΔgirasvad dhruve
Lady light of the home, growing in generosity as
the earth, rising in virtue as the sky, may the Lord
Supreme establish you firmly in your heavenly home
for full realisation of the joy of living, freedom from
suffering, attainment of knowledge, noble strength of
character, honour and dignity and high performance of
duty. Emanate the light of love and justice. Promote
Dharma and piety. And do not pollute the heavens, do
not damage the light of learning.
May the Sun, supreme light of the world, wholly
protect you and bless you with great good fortune, peace
of mind and the light of truth.
Noble man and virtuous wife, may both of you
stay firm and steadfast with that supreme God of life
and the universe as with the breath of life.
65. (Vidwan Devata, Madhucchhanda °Rshi)
lÆgϼL; izÆekfl¼ lÆgϼL; izfRÆkÆekfl¼ lÆgϼL;ksÆUekfl¼
lkgÆÏks~¿fl lÆgÏk¼; Rok AAöÿAA
Sahasrasya pramåsi sahasrasya pratimåísi
sahasrasyonmåísi såhasroísi sahasråya två.
Learned man, you are the master of a thousand
facts of life and nature. You are the measure of a
thousand confirmations of knowledge. You are the
reference and judge for a thousand doubts and questions.
You are the lord and authority over a thousand problems
of science and existence. May the Lord Omniscient of
existence grant you your rightful place in the world for
a thousand achievements.

bfr i×pn'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Rudra Devata, Parameshthi Kutsa °Rshi)
ue¼Lrs #æ eÆU;o¼¿mÆrks rÆ¿b"k¼osÆ ue¼% A
ckÆgqH;k¼eqÉr rsÆ ue¼% AAûAA
Namaste rudra manyavaíuto taíi¶ave nama¨.
Båhubhyåmuta te nama¨.
Rudra, lord of justice and retribution /Ruler of
the land, salutations to you for your righteous passion
against the evil and the wicked. And salutations to you
for your arrows and armaments. Salutations to you for
your mighty arms (that wield the armaments).
Thunderbolt to your enemies for their anger
against you! Food and support for you! Salutations to
your mighty arms to wield the thunderbolt!
2. (Rudra Devata, Parameshthi Kutsa °Rshi)
;k rs¼ #æ f'ÆkÆok rÆuwj?kksÆjkik¼idkf'kuh A
r;k¼ uLrÆUok¨ 'kUr¼e;kÆ fxfj¼'kUrkÆfHkpk¼d'khfg AAüAA
Yå te rudra ‹ivå tanμuraghorå ípåpakå‹in∂. Tayå
nastanvå ‹antamayå giri‹antåbhi cåka‹∂hi.
Rudra, lord of justice, love and peace, lord
sublime of the clouds and the mountains, commanding
veneration and admiration, the manifestation of your
presence is auspicious and blissful, free from fear and
magnificent without a shade of sin and darkness. With
that same gracious manifestation of your divinity,
emanate the blessings of peace and mercy for us.
3. (Rudra Devata, Parameshthi Kutsa °Rshi)
;kfe"akq¼ fxfj'kUrÆ gLrs¼ fCÆkÆHk";ZLr¼os A
f'ÆkÆoka fx¼fj=kÆ rka o¼qQ#Æ ek fg¼§lhÆ% iq#¼ "kaÆ tx¼r~ AAýAA
Yåmi¶u≈ giri‹anta haste bibhar¶yastave. ›ivå≈
giritra ta≈ kuru ma hi|ms∂¨ puru¶a≈ jagat.
Lord of the showers of clouds, master of
mountains of the challenges of existence, the arrow
(arm) you hold in hand to shoot upon the enemy, make
that an instrument of peace, benevolence and liberation.
Saviour of showers and protector of knowledge,
do not damage the living world of nature nor hit the
world of humanity.
4. (Rudra Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
f'ÆkÆosuÆ op¼lk RokÆ fxfjÆ'kkPNk¼ onkefl A
;Fkk¼ uÆ% loZÆfeTtx¼n;Æ{e§lqÉeukÆ¿vl¼r~ AAþAA
›ivena vacaså två giri‹åcchå vadåmasi. Yathå
na¨ sarvamijjagadayak¶ma|m sumanåíasat.
Rudra, life of the clouds and spirit of the mountain
breeze, we praise you and pray to you in words of faith
and fidelity so that by your gifts and grace we may be at
peace in the heart and this whole world be free from
depression and consumptive diseases.
5. (Ekarudra Devata, Brihaspati °Rshi)
vè;¼okspnf/oÆDrk iz¼FkÆeks nSO;ks¼ fHÆkÆ"ko~Q A
vgh¡ ×'pÆ loZk¼×tÆEHk;ÆURloZk¼'p ;krq/kÆU;ks~¿/ÆjkphÆ%ijk¼
lqo AAÿAA
Adhyavocadadhivaktå prathamo daivyo bhi¶ak.
Ah∂| n ‹ca sarvå¤ jambhayantsarvåsca yåtu-
dhånyoí dharåc∂¨ paråsuva.
Rudra, lord of life, chief advisor and divine
physician, speak to us on matters of health and,
destroying all the snake-like deadly germs and viruses,
root out all the debilitating and fatal diseases.
6. (Rudra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
¼ .Æ k¿mÆr cÆHkz%q lq¼eX
vÆlkS ;LrkÆekz ¿s v# Æ y%¼ A ;s pS¼u§#Ææk¿&
vÆfHkrks¼ fnÆ{kq fJÆrk% l¼gÏÆ'kks¿oS¼"kkƦgsM¼¿bZegs AAöAA
Asau yaståmroíaruƒaíuta babhru¨ sumaΔgala¨
Ye caina|m rudråíabhito dik¶u ‹ritå¨ sahasra‹oí-
vai¶å|m heŒaí∂mahe.
And the sun which is copper red, bright red and
reddish brown (in the morning, in the day and toward
the evening) is auspicious and efficacious. And the
thousands of heavenly bodies, planets and satellites, etc.,
sustained around in all the directions, we pray, be good
and protective for all of us.
7. (Rudra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆlkS ;ks¼¿oÆliZ×fRÆkÆ uhy¼xzhoksÆ foyks¼fgr% A mÆrSu¯ xksÆik¿&
v¼n`JÆÂn`¼JÂqngkÆ;Z¨% l n`É"Vks e`¼M;kfr u% AA÷AA
Asau yoívsarpati n∂lagr∂vo vilohita¨. Utaina≈
gopåí adæ‹rannadæ‹rannudahårya¨ sa d涢o
mæŒayåti na¨.
And the sun which is descending dark-necked
behind the clouds like a peacock and reddish toward
the evening is auspicious and efficacious. The cowherds
see it, the water-carriers see it, and seen thus it acts as a
healing power for us.
8. (Rudra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
ueks¼¿LrqÉ uhy¼xzhok; lgÏkÆ{kk;¼ ehÆ<q"ks¼ A
vFkksÆ ;s¿v¼L;Æ lRok¼uks¿Æ ga rsH;ks¼¿djaÊ ue¼%AAøAA
Namoístu n∂lagr∂våya sahasråk¶åya m∂Œhu¶e.
Atho yeíasya satvånoíha≈ tebhyoíkara≈
Salutations to the blue-necked power of the
healing sun. Salutations to the lord of the light of a
thousand eyes. Salutation to the lord of the rain showers
of health. And to those powers, too, which are floating
around as planets and satellites bearing the essence of
its healing power, we offer our salutations in homage.
9. (Rudra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
izeq¼×pÆ /Uo¼uÆLRoeqÉHk;ksÆjkRU;ksÆTZ ;kZe~ A
;k'p¼ rsÆ gLrÆ¿b"k¼oÆ% ijkÆ rk Hk¼xoks oi AAùAA
Pramu¤ca dhanvanastvamubhayorårtnyorjyåm.
Yå‹ca te hastaíi¶ava¨ parå tå bhagavo vapa.
Glorious lord of power and defence, stretch and
release the string at the two ends of the bow and shoot
the arrows which are in your hand at the target yonder.
10. (Rudra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
foT;aÆ /uq¼% diÆ£nuksÆ fo'k¼Y;ksÆ ck.k¼ok¡üAA¿mÆr A
vus¼'kÂL;Æ ;k¿b"k¼o¿vkÆHkqj¼L; fu"kXfÉ /% AAûúAA
Vijya≈ dhanu¨ kapardino vi‹alyo båƒavå|ní uta.
Ane‹nnasya yåíi¶avaíåbhurasya ni¶aΔgadhi¨.
May the awful bow of the lord of braided hair
never be without the string. May his arrows never be
without the point. May his arms be never destroyed.
May his armoury never be void of arms.
11. (Rudra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;k rs¼ gsÆfrehZ×<q"VeÆ gLrs¼ cÆHkwo¼ rsÆ /uq¼%A
r;kÆLeku~ fOÆkÆ'orÆLRoe¼;Æ{e;kÆ ifj¼Hkqt AAûûAA
Yå te hetirm∂Œhu¶¢ma haste babhμuva te dhanu¨.
Tayåísamån vi‹vatastvamayak¶mayå paribhuja.
Lord of the richest showers of health and joy, the
thunderbolt that is in your hand and the mighty bow,
with these weapons of defence against suffering, protect
us all round and promote our health and prosperity.
12. (Rudra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
ifj¼ rsÆ /Uo¼uks gsÆfrjÊLekUo`¼.kDrq fOÆkÆ'or¼%A
vFkksÆ ;¿b¼"kqÉf/LrokÆjs¿vÆLefÂ/s¼fgÆ re~ AAûüAA
Pari te dhanvano hetirasmån væƒaktu vi‹vata¨.
Atho yaíi¶udhistavåreíasmannidhehi tam.
Lord of the bow, may the strike of your missile
spare us and protect us from all sides. And your armoury
in which you keep the missiles, keep it far from us to
direct it on the enemy.
13. (Rudra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆoÆrR;Æ /uqÉ"V~o§lg¼Ïk{kÆ 'krs¼"kq/s A
fUÆkÆ'kh;Z × 'kÆY;kukaÆ eq[kk¼ f'ÆkÆoks u¼% lqÉeuk¼ Hko AAûýAA
Avatatya dhanu¶¢va|m sahasråk¶a ‹ate¶udhe.
Ni‹∂rya ‹alyånå≈ mukhå ‹ivo na¨ sumanå
Lord of a thousand eyes, wielder of a hundred
arms, having sharpened the points of the arrows, having
bent the bow and stretched the string, pleased and kind
at heart, be good and gracious to us.
14. (Rudra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
ue¼LrÆ¿vk;q¼/kÆ;kuk¼rrk; /`É".kos¼ A
q rsÆ ueks¼ ckÆgqH;kaÆ roÆ /Uo¼us AAûþAA
Namastaíåyudhåyånåtatåya dh涃ave. Ubhå-
bhyåmuta te namo båhubhyå≈ tava dhanvane.
Salutations to the warrior. Salutations to the force
at rest in readiness. Salutations to the determined
commander. Salutations to you, man of the bow, for
both your arms of valour.
15. (Rudra Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ek uks¼ eÆgkUr¼eÉr q ek uks¼¿vHkZÆoaQ ek uÆ¿m{k¼UreqÉr ek
u¼¿mf{ÆkÆre~ A ek uks¼ o/h% fIÆkÆrjaÊ eksr ekÆrjaÊ ek u¼%
fIÆkzÆ;kLrÆUo~ksÆ #æ jhfj"k% AAûÿAA
Må no mahåntamuta må noíarbhaka≈ må naí
uk¶antamuta må naíuk¶itam. Må no vadh∂¨
pitara≈ mota måtara≈ må na¨ priyåstanvo
rudra r∂ri¶a¨.
Rudra, commander of the army, strike not our
seniors, nor our children, nor our young married men,
nor the nation in the womb. Kill not our father, nor
mother, nor our dear ones. Strike not our women, the
sick, the delicate and the weak. They must not suffer
any harm or injury.
16. (Rudra Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ek u¼LrksÆoQs ru;
¼ sÆ ek uÆ¿vk;qf¼ "ÆkÆ ek uksÆ xks"kqÉ ek uks¿Æ v'os"¼ kq
jhfj"k% A ek uks¼ ohÆjku~ #¼æ HkkÆfeuks¼ o/hgZÆfo"e¼UrÆ%
lnÆfer~ Rok¼ gokegs AAûöAA
Må nastoke tanaye måína åyu¶i må no go¶u må
noía‹ve¶u r∂ri¶a¨. Må no v∂rån rudra bhåmino
vadh∂rhavi¶manta¨ sadamit två havåmahe.
Rudra, strike not the babies, nor the children,
damage not life, kill not our cows, nor our horses. Kill
not our darling young people, handsome and so brave
are they. Carrying libations of love and faith we always
invoke you and pray.
17. (Rudra Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueksÆ fgj¼.;ckgos lsukÆU;s~ fnÆ'kka pÆ ir¼;sÆ ueksÆ ueks¼
o`É{ksH;ksÆ gfj¼oQs 'ksH;% i'kwÉuka ir¼;sÆ ueksÆ ue¼% 'kÆf"i×t¼jk;Æ
fRo"kh¼ers iFkhÆuka ir¼;sÆ ueksÆ ueksÆ gfj¼osQ'kk;ksiohÆfrus¼
iqÉ"VkukaÆ ir¼;sÆ ue¼% AAû÷AA
Namo hiraƒyabåhave senånye di‹å≈ ca pataye
namo namo væk¶ebhyo harike‹ebhya¨ pa‹μunå≈
pataye namo nama¨ ‹a¶pi¤jaråya tvi¶∂mate
path∂nå≈ pataye namo namo harike‹åyopav∂tine
pu¶¢ånåm pataye nama¨.
Salutations to Rudra, warrior of the golden arms
of steel. Salutations to the lord protector of the nation
in all directions. Love and care for the trees of green
foliage. All hail to the lord protector and promoter of
animals. All reverence and faith for the light of justice
and controller of wild passion. Salutations to the
protector of travellers, and promoter of the highways.
Love and reverence for the golden-haired wearer of the
sacred thread initiated in learning. Salutations to the
protector and promoter of the young and strong rising
18. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueks¼ cHyqÉ'kk;¼ O;kÆf/us¿Âk¼ukaÆ ir¼;sÆ ueksÆ ueks¼ HkÆoL;¼
gsRÆ ;S tx¼rkaÆ ir¼;Æs ueksÆ ueks¼ #Ææk;k¼rrkÆf;usÆ {ks=kk¼.kkaÆ ir¼;Æs
ueksÆ ue¼% lwr É k;kg¼UR;SÆ ouk¼ukaÆ ir¼;s ue¼% AAûøAA
Namo babhlu‹åya vyådhineínnånå≈ pataye
namo namo bhavasya hetyai jagatå≈ pataye
namo namo rudråyåtatåyine k¶etråƒå≈ pataye
namo nam¨ sμutåyåhantyai vanånå≈ pataye
Salutations to Rudra, brown breaker of the
enemies. Salutations to the protector and promoter of
food. Salutations to the saviour warrior of existence.
Salutations to the lord of the moving worlds.
Exhortations to the warrior up in arms. Salutations to
the regions of the world. Salutations to the pioneer of
love and leader of humanity. Salutations to the lord
protector of the forests.
19. (Rudra Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueksÆ jksfg¼rk; LFkÆir¼;s o`É{kk.kkaÆ ir¼;sÆ ueksÆ ueks¼ HkqoÆUr;s¼
okfjoLo`ÉQrk;kS"k¼/hukaÆ ir¼;sÆ ueksÆ ueks¼ eÆfU=k.ks¼ okf.ÆkÆtk;Æ
d{kk.¼ kkaÆ ir;
¼ Æs ueksÆ ue¿¼ mÆPpS?kksZ×"kk;kØÆUn;¼rs iÙkhÆuka ir¼;Æs
ue¼% AAûùAA
Namo rohitåya sthapataye væk¶åƒå≈ pataye
namo namo bhuvantaye vårivaskætåyau-
¶adh∂nå≈ pataye namo namo mantriƒe våƒijåya
kak¶åƒå≈ pataye namo namaíuccairgho¶åyå-
krandayate patt∂na≈ pataye nama¨.
Salutations to Rudra, red-haired lover and
promoter of art and architecture. All hail to the lord
protector of trees. Salutations to the lord of the
expanding world and creator of wealth. Salutations to
the lord of herbs and medicine. Salutations to the
thoughtful planner, and the powers of commerce and
industry. Salutations to the lord of woods and
plantations. Salutations to the mighty roar against the
enemies of life. Salutations to the lord protector of the
pedestrians, wayfarers and the foot-soldiers.
20. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ue%¼ ÑRLuk;Ær;kÆ /kor ¼ Æs lRou¼ kaÆ ir¼;Æs ueksÆ ueÆ% lge
¼ kuk;
fuO;kÆf/u¼¿vkO;kÆf/uh¼ukaÆ ir¼;sÆ ueksÆ ueks¼ fu"kÆfX.ks¼
doqQHkk;¼ LrsÆukukaÆ ir;
¼ Æs ueksÆ ueks¼ fupsjÆ os¼ ifjpÆjk;kj.¼ ;kukaÆ
ir¼;Æs ue¼% AAüúAA
Nama¨ kætsnayatayå dhåvate satvanå≈ pataye
namo nama¨ sahamånåya nivyådhinaíåvyå-
dhin∂na≈ pataye namo namo ni¶aΔgiƒe
kakubhåya stenånå≈ pataye namo namo
nicerave paricaråyåraƒyånå≈ pataye nama¨.
Salutations to the lord industrious of total growth.
Salutations to the lord protector of assets. Salutations
to the lord of challenge, endurance and victory.
Salutations to the supersessor of challenging
emergencies. Salutations to the lord of full armour in
readiness. Salutations to the lord of hope and optimism.
Salutations to the controller of thieves and corruption.
Salutations to the lord of relentless work and
development. Salutations to the lord of love and service
of life and humanity. Salutations to the lord of forests
and forest life.
21. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueksÆ o×p¼rs ifjÆo×p¼rs Lrk;wÉuka ir¼;sÆ ueksÆ ueks¼
Æ rsÆ rLoQ¼ jk.kkaÆ ir;
¼ Æs ueksÆ ue¼% l`dkÆf;H;ksÆ
ft?kk¼¦l‰Ôks eq".kÆrka ir¼;Æs ueksÆ ueks¼¿fLÆkÆe‰ÔksÆ uDraÆ
pj¼‰ Ôks foo`ÉQUrkukaÆ ir¼;Æs ue¼% AAüûAA
Namo va¤cate pariva¤cate ståyμunå≈ pataye
namo namo ni¶aΔgiƒaíi¶udhimate taskaråƒå≈
pataye namo nama¨ sækåyibhyo jighå|msadbhyo
mu¶ƒatå≈ pataye namo namoísimadbhyo
nakta¤caradbhyo vikæntånå≈ pataye nama¨.
Salutations to the controller of thugs, superthugs
and clandestine robbers. Salutations to the lord of
constant watch and deployment of missiles. Salutations
to the lord eliminater of smugglers. Constant watch over
the killer men of the lance and thunderbolt to them.
Salutations to the controller of swindlers. Watch and
punishment to the swordsmen night walkers. All hail to
the challenger and controller of national disunity,
division and defilement.
22. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ue¼¿m".khÆf"k.ks¼ fxfjpÆjk;¼ oqQyqÉ×pkuka Æ ir¼;sÆ ueksÆ
ue¼¿b"kqÉe‰Ôks¼ /UokÆf;H;¼'p oksÆ ueksÆ ue¼¿vkrUokÆusH;¼%
izfRÆkÆn/k¼usH;'p oksÆ ueksÆ ue¼¿vkÆ;PNƉÔks¿L;¼‰Ô'p
oksÆ ue¼% AAüüAA
Nama u¶ƒ∂¶iƒe giricaråya kulu¤cånå≈ pataye
namo namaíi¶umadbhyo dhanvåyibhya‹ca vo
namo namaíåtanvånebhya¨ pratidadhå-
nebhya‹ca vo namo namaíåyacchadbhyoí-
syadbhya‹ca vo nama¨.
Salutations to the village chief of the turban of
distinction. Salutations to the chief of the mountainers.
Salutations to the controller of the antisocial mischief.
Salutations to the men of the arrow and the missile.
Salutations to the men of the bow and the carrier rocket.
Salutations to you again and again. Salutations to those
who advance the line of defence and security.
Salutations to the forces of offence in defence.
Salutations to the keepers of law and order. Salutations
to the marksmen who take on the target.
23. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueks¼ fol`Ét‰ÔksÆ fo¼Ô¼‰Ô'p oksÆ ueksÆ ue¼% LoÆi‰ÔksÆ
tkxz¼‰Ô'p oksÆ ueksÆ ueÆ% 'k;k¼usH;Æ¿vklh¼usH;'p oksÆ
ueksÆ ueÆfLr"B¼‰ÔksÆ /ko¼‰Ô'p oksÆ ue¼% AAüýAA
Namo visæjadbhyo vidhyadbhya‹ca vo namo
nama¨ svapadbhyo jågradbhya‹ca vo namo
nama¨ ‹ayånebhyaíås∂nebhya‹ca vo namo
namasti¶¢hadbhyo dhåvadbhya‹ca vo nama¨.
Salutations to those who shoot at evil. Salutations
to those who strike down the evil. Salutations to you
all. Care and caution for those who sleep. Exhortation
to those who wake. Salutations to all of you. Care for
those who rest. Appreciation for those who sit in
position. Salutations to those who stand fast. Cheers
for those who run for humanity.
24. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ue¼% lÆHkkH;%¼ lÆHkki¼frH;'p oksÆ ueksÆ ueks¿'osÆH;ks¿'o&¼
ifrH;'p oksÆ ueksÆ ue¿¼ vkO;kÆf/uh¼H;ks fOÆkfÆ oè;U¼ rhH;'p
oksÆ ueksÆ ueÆ¿mx¼.kkH;Lr`§gÆrhH;¼'p oksÆ ue¼% AAüþAA
Nama¨ sabhåbhya¨ sabhåpatibhya‹ca vo namo
namoí‹vebhyoí‹vapatibhya‹ca vo namo nama
åvyådhin∂bhyo vividhyant∂bhya‹ca vo namo
nama ugaƒåbhyastæ|mhat∂bhya‹ca vo nama¨.
Salutations to the councils of governance and
administration. Salutations to the heads of councils.
Salutations to you all. Salutations to the cavalry.
Salutations to the cavalry commanders. Salutations to
you all. Salutations to the forces of defence. Salutations
to the forces in action. Salutations to you all. Salutations
to the forces in reserve for reinforcement. Salutations to
the advancing and routing forces. Salutations to you all.
25. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueks¼ xÆ.ksH;ks¼ xÆ.ki¼frH;'p oksÆ ueksÆ ueksÆ ozkrs¼H;ksÆ
ozkr¼ifrH;'p oksÆ ueksÆ ueksÆ x`Rls¼H;ksÆ x`Rl¼ifrH;'p oksÆ
ueksÆ ueksÆ fo:¼ isH;ks fOÆkÆ'o:¼ isH;'p oksÆ ue¼% AAüÿAA
Namo gaƒebhyo gaƒapatibhya‹ca vo namo
namo vråtebhyo vråtapatibhya‹ca vo namo
namo gætsebhyo gætsapatibhya‹ca vo namo
namo virμupebhyo vi‹varμupebhya‹ca vo nama¨.
Salutations to autonomous communities.
Salutations to the heads of autonomous communities.
Salutations to you all. Salutations to the dominions.
Salutations to the heads of dominions. Salutations to
you all. Salutations to the guilds of expert professionals.
Salutations to the heads of expert associations.
Salutations to the mixed and multiform communities.
Salutations to the heads of multicultural communities.
Salutations to you all. Salutations to the international
associations. Salutations to the heads of world
associations. Salutations to you all.
26. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueÆ% lsuk¼H;% lsukÆfuH;¼'p oksÆ ueksÆ ueks¼ jÊfFkH;ks¼¿&
vjÊFksH;¼'p oksÆ ueksÆ ue¼% {kÆÙk`H;¼% lÄ~ xzghÆr`H;¼'p oksÆ
ueksÆ ueks¼ eÆg‰Ôks¼¿vHkZÆosQH;¼'p oksÆ ue¼% AAüöAA
Nama¨ senåbhya¨ senånibhya‹ca vo namo
namo rathibhyoíarathebhya‹ca vo namo nama¨
k¶attæbhya¨ saΔgæh∂tæbhya‹ca vo namo namo
mahadbhyo arbhakebhya‹ca vo nama¨.
Salutations to the armies. Salutations to the
commanders of the armies. Salutations to the fighters
on rathas, tanks and warplanes. Salutations to the
warriors without the rathas (warriors on foot).
Salutations to you all. Salutations to the warriors and
the administrators. Salutations to the supply corps.
Salutations to you all. Salutations to the seniors, veterans
and the great. Salutations to the small, the young and
the recruits. Salutations to you all.
27. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueÆLr{k¼H;ks jFkdkÆjsH;¼'p oksÆ ueksÆ ueÆ% oqQyk¼ysH;%
dÆEekZjs¼H;'p oksÆ ueksÆ ueks¼ fu"kkÆnsH;¼% iqÉf×t"Bs¼H;'p
oksÆ ueksÆ ue¼% 'oÆfuH;ks¼ e`xÆ;qH;¼'p oksÆ ue¼% AAü÷AA
Namastak¶abhyo rathakårebhya‹ca vo namo
nama¨ kulålebhya¨ karmårebhya‹ca vo namo
namo ni¶ådebhya¨ pu¤ji¶¢hebhya‹ca vo namo
nama¨ ‹vanibhyo mægayubhya‹ca vo nama¨.
Salutations to the wood carvers and craftsmen.
Salutations to the manufacturers of vehicles. Salutations
to you all. Salutations to the manufacturers of ceramics.
Salutations to the metallurgists. Salutations to you all.
Salutations to the hill and forest rangers. Salutations to
the fishermen and pisciculturists. Salutations to you all.
Salutations to the dog-squads and the canine experts.
Salutations to the hunters and the experts of wild
animals. Salutations to you all.
28. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueÆ% 'oH;Æ% 'oi¼frH;'p oksÆ ueksÆ ueks¼ HkÆok;¼ p
#Ææk;¼ pÆ ue¼% 'kÆokZ;¼ p i'kqÉir¼;s pÆ ueksÆ uhy¼xzhok;
p f'kfRÆkÆd.Bk¼; p AAüøAA
Nama¨ ‹vabhya¨ ‹vapatibhya‹ca vo namo namo
bhavåya ca rudråya ca nama¨ ‹arvåya ca
pa‹upataye ca namo n∂lagr∂våya ca ‹itikaƒ¢håya
Food for the dogs, recognition and incentive for
the breeders and trainers of dogs. Salutations to you
all. Salutations to the lord creator of the world. Homage
to the lord of maintenance with justice and retribution.
Salutations to the ultimate destroyer. Salutations to the
lord protector of the animals. Salutations to the lord of
the blue clouds. Salutations to the lord of the mighty
voice of thunder.
29. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ue¼% diÆ£nus¼ pÆ O;q~IrosQ'kk; pÆ ue¼% lgÏkÆ{kk;¼ p
'kÆr/¼Uous pÆ ueks¼ fxfj'kÆ;k;¼ p f'kfifOÆkÆ"Vk;¼ pÆ ueks¼
ehÆ<q"V¼ek;Æ ps"kq¼ers p AAüùAA
Nama¨ kapardine ca vyuptake‹åya ca nama¨
sahasråk¶åya ca ‹atadhanvane ca namo
giri‹ayåya ca ‹ipivi¶¢åya ca namo m∂Œ¨u¶¢amåya
ce¶umate ca.
Homage to the lord of braided hair. Salutations
to the sage of shaven hair. Salutations to the lord of
vision of a thousand eyes. Salutations to the wielder of
a hundred bows. Homage to the sagely mountain
dweller. Salutations to the protector and promoter of
the animal wealth. Salutations to the lord supreme of
showers for life. Salutations to the lord of arrows.
30. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueks¼ ßÉLok;¼ p okeÆuk;¼ pÆ ueks¼ c`gÆrs pÆ o"khZ×;ls pÆ
ueks¼ o`ɼk;¼ p lÆo/
` s¼ pÆ ueks¿ Xz;k¼; p izFkÆek;¼ pAAýúAA
Namo hrasvåya ca våmanåya ca namo bæhate
ca var¶∂yase ca namo væddhåya ca savædhe ca
namoígryåya ca prathamåya ca.
Food and support for the child and the little
darling. Salutations for the great and for the generous
man of years. Reverence for the old and love for the
youth growing together. Exhortation for the pathmaker
and for the first among pioneers of initiative.
31. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ue¼¿vkÆ'kos¼ pkftÆjk;¼ pÆ ueÆ% 'kh? z;k¼; pÆ 'khH;k¼; pÆ
ueÆ¿mQE;Zk¼; pkoLoÆU;k~; pÆ ueks¼ uknsÆ;k;¼ pÆ }hI;k¼;
p AAýûAA
Namaí å‹ave cåjiråya ca nama¨ ‹∂ghryåya ca
‹∂bhyåya ca namaí μurmyåya cåvasvanyåya ca
namo nadeyåya ca dv∂pyåya ca.
All hail to men of instant response and to the men
of spontaneous action. Cheers for the fast worker and
incentive for the modes of speedy motion. Exhortation
to the powers of rapid progress and to men of roaring
business. All hail to the river projects and to the island
32. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueks¼ T;sÆ"Bk;¼ p dfUÆkÆ"Bk;¼ pÆ ue¼% iwoZÆtk;¼ pkijÊtk;¼
pÆ ueks¼ eè;Æek;¼ pkixÆYHkk;¼ pÆ ueks¼ t?kÆU;k~; p cqèÉ U;k~;
p AAýüAA
Namo jye¶¢håya ca kani¶¢håya ca nama¨ pμurva-
jåya cåparajåya ca namo madhyamåya cå-
pagalbhåya ca namo jaghanyåya ca budhnyåya
All hail to the oldest and the youngest. Honour
and respect to the traditional and the modern. Full
recognition and support for the average medium and
the simple novice. All support for the lowest worker
and reverence for the wise and generous.
33. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueÆ% lksH;k¼; p izfrlÆ;kZ~; pÆ ueks ;kE;k¼; pÆ {ksE;k¼;
pÆ ueÆ% 'yksD;k¼; pkolkÆU;k~; pÆ ue¼¿moZÆ;kZ~; pÆ
[kY;k¼; p AAýýAA
Nama¨ sobhyåya ca pratisaryåya ca namo
yåmyåya ca k¶emyåya ca nama¨ ‹lokyåya cå-
vasånyåya ca nama urvaryåya ca khalyåya ca.
Salutations to the prosperous and the virtuous.
Salutations to the dispensers of justice and the preservers
of happiness and welfare. Salutations to the scholar of
vaidic voice and to the competent man of
accomplishment. Salutations to the man commanding
respect among the nobles, and to the master of creating
means and materials for good living.
34. (Rudras Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
ueksÆ oU;k¼; pÆ d{;k¼; pÆ ue¼% JÆok;¼ p izfrJÆok;¼
pÆ ue¼¿vkÆ'kq"ks¼.kk; pkÆ'kqj¼Fkk; pÆ ueÆ% 'kwjk;
¼ pkoHksfÆ nus¼
p AAýþAA
Namo vanyåya ca kak¶yåya ca nama¨ ‹ravåya
ca prati‹ravåya ca nama å‹u¶eƒåya ca-
‹urathåya ca nama¨ ‹μuråya cåvabhedine ca.
Food and protection for the forest habitations and
those living close thereby. Salutations to the reputed
man of the Veda and to his listener disciple. Salutations
to the warrior of the army on the fastest move and the
commander on the fastest vehicle. Salutations to the
brave soldier who breaks through the defences of the
35. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueks¼ fCÆkÆfYeus¼ p doÆfpus¼ pÆ ueks¼ oÆ£e.ks¼ p o:ÆfFkus¼
pÆ ue%¼ JqÉrk;¼ p JqrlsuÆ k;¼ pÆ ueks¼ nqUnqÉH;k~; pkguÆU;k~;
p AAýÿAA
Namo bilmine ca kavacine ca namo varmiƒe ca
varμuthine ca nama¨ ‹rutåya ca ‹rutasenåya ca
namo dundubhyåya cåhananyåya ca.
Salutations to the warrior with the helmet.
Salutations to the knight in armour. Salutations to the
soldier in the bunker. Salutations to the force manning
the fort of defence. Salutations to the reputed hero.
Salutations to commander of the famous army.
Exhortation to the drummer. Bravo to the martial man
of music.
36. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueks¼ /`É".kos¼ p ize`É'kk;¼ pÆ ueks¼ fu"kÆfX.ks¼ ps"kqfèÆkÆers¼ pÆ
ue¼LrhÆ{.ks"k¼os pk;qÉf/us¼ pÆ ue¼% Lok;qÉ/k;¼ p lqÉ/Uo¼us
p AAýöAA
Namo dh涃ave ca pramæ‹åya ca namo ni¶aΔ-
giƒe ce¶udhimate ca namast∂k¶ƒe¶ave cå-
yudhine ca nama¨ svåyudhåya ca sudhanvane
Salutations to the bold and fearless. Salutations to
the shrewd and reflective man of thought and deliber-
ation, and to the kind and the courteous. Salutations to
the man of the sword and to the hero of the pointed arrow
and quiver. Salutations to the man of mighty warriors of
invincible arms. Salutations to the wielder of super-
weapons and to the man of the mighty bow.
37. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueÆ% ÏqR;k¼; pÆ iF;k¼; pÆ ueÆ% dkVÔk¼; pÆ uhI;k¼; pÆ
ueÆ% oqQY;k¼; p ljÊL;k~; pÆ ueks¼ uknsÆ;k;¼ p oS'kÆUrk;¼
p AAý÷AA
Nama¨ srutyåya ca pathyåya ca nama¨ kåtyåya
ca n∂pyåya ca nama¨ kulyåya ca sarasyåya ca
namo nådeyåya ca vai‹antåya ca.
All hail and support for those who live by the
side-walks, springs and trails. Welcome and hospitality
for the travellers on the high roads and all support for
the keepers of the roads. Care and caution for the
mountain pass and the foot-hills and all support for those
who live thereby. All love and care and reverence for
streams and lakes, rivers and rivulets, pools and tanks,
and all hail and hospitality for the users and keepers of
these. Salutations, exhortations and cheers to those who
love and live by these !
38. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueÆ% owQI;k¼; pkoÆVÔk~; pÆ ueksÆ ohè ;
z k¼; pkrÆI;k~; pÆ
ueksÆ es?;k¼; p fo|qÉR;k~; pÆ ueksÆ o";Zk¼; pkoÆ";kZ;¼
p AAýøAA
Nama¨ kμupyåya cåva¢yåya ca namo v∂dhryåya
cåtapyåya ca namo meghyåya ca vidyutyåya ca
namo var¶yåya cåvar¶yåya ca.
Salutations to the specialist of well construction.
Salutations to the drilling geologist. Salutations to the
scientist explorer of the clear blue sky in the sunlight.
Salutations to the expert of solar heat and energy.
Salutations to the technologist of cloud formation.
Salutations to the scientist and technologist of lightning
and electricity. Salutations to the scholar and scientist
of rain and water management. Salutations to the
scientist of drought and drought management.
39. (Rudras Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
ueksÆ okR;k¼; pÆ js"E;k¼; pÆ ueks¼ okLrÆO;k~; p okLrqÉik;¼
pÆ ueÆ% lksek¼; p #Ææk;¼ pÆ ue¼LrkÆezk;¼ pk#Æ.kk;¼
p AAýùAA
Namo våtyåya ca re¶myåya ca namo våstavyåya
ca våstupåya ca nama¨ somåya ca rudråya ca
namaståmråya cåruƒåya ca.
Salutations to the expert of wind and storm.
Salutations to the scientist of cloud burst and thunder.
Salutations to the specialist of surplus and waste
management. Salutations to the man of housing and
architecture. Salutations to the expert of health and
power. Salutations to the minister of justice and equity.
Salutations to the powers of security against violence
and crime. Salutations to the promoters of Dharma and
the good life.
40. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ue¼% 'kÆXos¼ p i'kqÉir¼;s pÆ ue¼¿mÆxzk;¼ p HkhÆek;¼ pÆ
ueks¼¿xzsoÆ/k;¼ p nwjsoÆ/k;¼ pÆ ueks¼ gÆU=ks pÆ guh¼;ls pÆ ueks¼
o`É{ksH;ksÆ gfj¼osQ'ksH;ksÆ ue¼LrkÆjk;¼ AAþúAA
Nama¨ ‹aΔgave ca pa‹upataye ca nama ugråya
ca bh∂måya ca namoígrevadhåya ca dure-
vadhåya ca namo hantre ca han∂yase ca namo
væk¶ebhyo harike‹ebhyo namaståråya.
Salutations to the lord of peace and protector of
living beings. Salutations to the lord of power and awe.
Salutations to the powers of preventive strike and
consequent elimination. Punishment to the killer and
the destructive terrorist. Water and care for the trees of
green foliage. Salutations to the saviour from suffering.
41. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ue¼% 'kEHkÆok;¼ p e;ksHkÆok;¼ pÆ ue¼% 'kVÉjk;¼ p
e;LOÆkÆQjk;¼ pÆ ue¼% f'ÆkÆok;¼ p f'ÆkÆor¼jk; p AAþûAA
Nama¨ ‹ambhavåya ca mayobhavåya ca nama¨
‹aΔkaråya ca mayaskaråya ca nama¨ ‹ivåya ca
‹ivataråya ca.
Salutations to the lord of peace, and to the lord
giver of peace and joy in life. Salutations to the lord of
prosperity, and to the lord giver of prosperity.
Salutations to the lord of peace, prosperity and grace,
and to the lord giver of peace, prosperity and grace more
and ever more.
42. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ueÆ% ik;Zk¼; pkokÆ;kZ~; pÆ ue¼% izÆrj¼.kk; pksÆÙkj¼.kk; pÆ
ueÆLrhF;¼kZ ; pÆ owQY;k¼; pÆ ueÆ% 'k"I;k¼; pÆ isQU;k¼;
p AAþüAA
Nama¨ påryåya cåvåryåya ca nama¨
pratarƒåya cottaraƒåya ca namast∂rthyåya ca
kμulyåya ca nama¨ ‹a¶pyåya ca phenyåya ca.
Salutations to the lord across the river, and to
him this side of the flow. And salutations to the captain
who steers all across the seas, and to him who steers
across and above. And salutations to him who is both
the guide and the goal and to him who awaits us on the
shore. And salutations to him who shines green in
vegetation, and to him who floats with the foam.
43. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ue¼% fldÆR;k~; p izokÆák; ~ pÆ ue¼% fd§f'ÆkÆyk;¼ p
{k;Æ.kk;¼ pÆ ue¼% diÆ£nus¼ p iqyÆLr;s¼ pÆ ue¼¿bfjÆ.;k~;
p iziÆF;k~; p AAþýAA
Nama¨ sikatyåya ca pravåhyåya ca nama¨
ki|m‹ilåya ca k¶ayaƒåya ca nama¨ kapardine ca
pulastaye ca namaíiriƒyåya ca prapathyåya ca.
Homage to the gold in the sand, and to him who
flows with the flow. And homage to him who plays with
the pebbles, and to him who dwells in the tranquil
harbour. Homage to the lord of the braided hair and to
him who shines with glossy hair. Homage to the lord of
the desert and to the protector of the wandering sages.
44. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ueksÆ ozT;k¼; pÆ xks"BÔk¼; pÆ ueÆLrYI;k¼; pÆ xsák¼; pÆ
ueks¼ ânÆÕ;k~; p fuos"Æ ;k~; pÆ ueÆ% dkVÔk¼; p xàjs"Ê Bk;¼
p AAþþAA
Namo vrajyåya ca go¶¢hyåya ca namastalpyåya
ca gehyåya ca namo hædayyåya ca nive¶yåya
ca nama¨ kåtyåya ca gahvare¶¢håya ca.
Homage to the lord of the meadow and to the
warmth of the cow-shed. Homage to the angels of the
bed and to the inmates of the home. Homage to the spirit
in the heart and to the lord of human settlements.
Homage to the mountain mysteries and to the spirit of
the darkest caves.
45. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ueÆ% 'kq"D;k¼; p gfjÆR;k~; pÆ ue¼% ik¦lÆO;k~; p
jtÆL;k~; pÆ ueksÆ yksI;k¼; pksyÆI;k~; pÆ ueÆ¿mQO;Zk¼; pÆ
lwO;Zk¼; p AAþÿAA
Nama¨ ‹u¶kyåya ca harityåya ca nama¨
på|msavyåya ca rajasyåya ca namo lopyåya co-
lapyåya ca nama μurvyåya ca sμurvyåya ca.
Homage to the spirit of the desert breeze and
vibrations of the greens. Homage to the life of the dust
and atoms of fragrance in the flowers. Homage to the
spirit of the invisible and the softness of the grass.
Homage to the lord of ocean fire and the fire of
46. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ue¼% iÆ.kkZ;¼ p i.kZ'kÆnk;¼ pÆ ue¿¼ mn~xjÉq ek¼.kk; pkfHk?uÆrs
pÆ ue ¼¿vkf[knÆrs p ¼ izf[knÆrs pÆ ue ¼¿b"kqÉщÔks ¼
/uqÉ"щÔ'¼ p oksÆ ueksÆ ueks¼ o% fdfjÆoQs H;ks¼ nso ¼ Hs ;ksÆ
Æ kukƧân;
ueks¼ fofpUoÆRosQH;ksÆ ueks¼ fof{k.kÆRosQH;ksÆ ue¼¿vkfu&
gZÆrsH;¼% AAþöAA
Nama¨ parƒåya ca parƒa‹adåya ca namaí
udguramåƒåya cåbhighnate ca namaí åkhidate
ca prakhidate ca namaí i¶ukædbhyo dhanu¶-
kædbhya‹ca vo namo namo va¨ kirikebhyo
devånå|m hædayebhyo namo vicinvatkebhyo
namo vik¶iƒatkebhyo namaí ånirhatebhya¨.
Homage to the spirit of the green leaves and to
the fall of the leaves. Homage to the clarion call of action
and to the destroyer of evil. All help and sustenance to
the wearied and the oppressed. Homage to the makers
of arrows and missiles and to the makers of bows and
firing rockets. Homage to the noble hearts and the
sparkling showers of their grace. Homage to the powers
of discrimination between good and evil. Homage to
the destroyers of oppression and to the upliftment and
redemption of the fallen and the destitute.
47. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ækisÆ¿vU/¼lLirsÆ nfj¼æÆ uhy¼yksfgr A vkÆlka izÆtkuk¼eÆ"s kka
i¼'kwÉuka ek HksÆekZ jksÆÄ~ eks p¼ uÆ% ¯d pÆuke¼er~ AAþ÷AA
Dråpeí andhasaspate daridra n∂lalohita. Åså≈
prajånåme¶å≈ pa‹μunå≈ må bhermå roΔ mo ca
na¨ ki¤canåmamat.
Redeemer of the fallen, lord of food and
sustenance, saviour of the poor and down-trodden, lord
of growth and greenery, cause no fear to these people
and these animals. Cause no ailment or injury. Let none
of us suffer any disease or damage.
48. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
bÆek #Ææk;¼ rÆols¼ diÆ£nus¼ {kÆ;}h¼jk;Æ iz Hk¼jkegs eÆrh% A
¼ ~ f}i
;FkkÆ 'keln Æ nsÆ prq"¼ insÆ fo'o¯ iqÉ"Va xzkes¼¿vÆfLe¼ukrq&É
je~ AAþøAA
Imå rudråya tavase kapardine k¶ayadv∂råya pra
bhåramahe mat∂¨. Yathå ‹amasad dvipade
catu¶pade vi‹va≈ pu¶¢a≈ gråmeíasminna-
All our thoughts and intentions, all our songs and
devotion, and all our man-power we hold and dedicate
to Rudra, awful lord of the knotted hair, commander of
our young and brave heroes, so that there may be peace
and well-being among our people and our animals
(bipeds and quadrupeds), and life in this whole habitable
world may be healthy, strong and free from want and
49. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
;k rs¼ #æ f'ÆkÆok rÆuw% f'ÆkÆok fOÆkÆ'okgk¼ Hks"kÆth A
f'ÆkÆok #ÆrL;¼ Hks"kÆth r;k¼ uks e`M thÆols¼ AAþùAA
Yå te rudra ‹ivå tanμu¨ ‹ivå vi‹våhå bhe¶aj∂. ›ivå
rutasya bhe¶aj∂ taya no mæŒa j∂vase.
Rudra, lord of health and well-being, your
auspicious presence in body and mind, your knowledge
and approach is gracious, a panacea for all ailments,
universal antidote to suffering and disease. With that
healing touch bless us with good health and happiness
for life.
50. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ifj¼ uks #ÆæL; gsÆfro`Z ×.kDrqÉ ifj¼ RosÆ"kL;¼ nqeZÆfrj¼?kkÆ;ks% A
vo¼ fLÆFÆkÆjk eÆ?ko¼‰ÔLruq"oÆ eh<~o¼LrksÆdk;Æ ru¼;k;
e`M AAÿúAA
Pari no rudrasya hetirvæƒaktu pari tve¶asya
durmatiraghåyo¨. Ava sthirå maghavadbhya-
stanu¶va m∂Œhvastokåya tanayåya mæŒa.
May the thunderbolt of Rudra spare us. May the
evil disposition of the sinful and the angry keep off from
us. May the generous lord giver of life and prosperity
elevate the intelligence and constancy of the munificent
yajnics and be kind and gracious to our children and
our youth.
51. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
eh<q¼"VeÆ f'ko¼re f'ÆkÆoks u¼% lqÉeuk¼ Hko A iÆjÊes o`É{k¿&
vk;q¼/a fUÆkÆ/k;Æ ÑfÙaÆkÆ olk¼uÆ¿vkp¼jÆ fiuk¼dÆfEcHkzÆnk
x¼fg AAÿûAA
M∂Œhu¶¢ama ‹ivatama ‹ivo na¨ sumanå bhava.
Parame væk¶aí åyudha≈ nidhåya kætti≈ vasånaí
åcara pinåka≈ bibhradå gahi.
Most generous lord, most gracious, be good at
heart and kind toward us all. Taking up the arms,
wearing the corslet, holding the great bow, come and
take on the mighty force of the enemies of life.
52. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
fofo¼QfjæÆ foyks¼fgrÆ ue¼Lrs¿vLrq Hkxo%A
;kLrs¼ lÆgϼ§gsÆr;ksÆ¿U;¼eÆLefÂo¼iUrqÉ rk%AAÿüAA
Vikiridra vilohita namasteí astu bhagava¨. Yåste
sahasra|m hetayoí nyamasman nivapantu tå¨.
Salutations to you, Rudras, lords lustrous and
glorious, shooting arrows to destroy evil. And the
thousand thunderbolts you wield, they may spare us and
fall elsewhere on mischief far away from us.
53. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
lÆgÏk¼f.k lgÏÆ'kks ckÆàksLro¼ gsÆr;¼% A
rklkÆeh'kk¼uks Hkxo% ijkÆphukÆ eq[kk¼ Ñf/ AAÿýAA
Sahasråƒi sahasra‹o båhvostava hetaya¨.
Tåsåm∂‹åno bhagava¨ paråc∂nå mukhå kædhi.
Lord of majesty and ruler of the world, hundreds
and thousands are the arms and powers in your hands.
Turn their shaft and direction away and elsewhere far
from us.
54. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati °Rshi)
vLak¼[;krk lÆgÏk¼f.ÆkÆ ;s #Ææk¿vfèÆkÆ HkwE;k¼e~ A
rs"kk¼¦ lgÏ;kstÆus¿oÆ /Uok¼fu rUefl AAÿþAA
Asa≈khyåtå sahasråƒi ye rudråíadhi bhμumyåm.
Te¶å|m sahasrayojaneíva dhanvåni tanmasi.
Thousands are the Rudras (life-sustaining
powers) and countless are the Rudras (pranis, living
forms) which are on the earth. We use their powers and
properties in a thousand ways and, (in cyclic order)
extend their powers and properties a thousand fold over
vast areas of space.
55. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
vÆfLeu~ e¼gÆR;~.kZÆos¨¿Urfj¼{ks HkÆok¿vf/¼ A
rs"kk¼¦ lgÏ;kstÆu¿s oÆ /Uok¼fu rUefl AAÿÿAA
Asmin mahatyarƒaveíntarik¶he bhavåí adhi.
Te¶å|m sahasrayojaneíva dhanvåni tanmasi.
Countless are the Rudra powers in this great
ocean of the sky between the earth and heaven. We use
their powers and properties in a thousand applications
and in cyclic order, extend their powers and properties
a thousand-fold over vast areas in space.
56. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
uhy¼xhz ok% f'kfRÆkd
Æ .BkÆ fno¼§#Ææk¿mif¼ Jrk%A
rs"kk¼¦ lgÏ;kstÆus¿oÆ /Uok¼fu rUefl AAÿöAA
N∂lagr∂vå¨ ‹itikaƒ¢hå diva|m rudråíupa‹ritå¨.
Te¶å|m sahasrayojaneíva dhanvåni tanmasi.
Blue-necked and white-throated, countless are the
Rudra powers of life and sustenance which abide in
heaven and the light of the sun. We use their energies
and powers in a thousand ways for a thousand purposes
and, in a positive circle, extend their powers and
properties a thousand-fold over vast areas of space.
57. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
uhy¼xzhok% f'kfRÆkÆd.Bk¼% 'kÆokZ¿vÆ/% {k¼ekpÆjk%A
rs"kk¼¦ lgÏ;kstÆus¿oÆ /Uok¼fu rUefl AAÿ÷AA
N∂lagr∂vå¨ ‹itikaƒ¢hå¨ ‹arvåíadha¨ k¶amåcarå¨.
Te¶å|m sahasrayojaneíva dhanvåni tanmasi.
Blue-necked, white-throated are the violent powers
and ferocious creatures which roam around on the earth.
We counter and throw off their powers and forces
countless leagues away from us with the bows we stretch
to shoot the arrows.
58. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
;s o`É{ks"kq¼ 'kÆf"i×t¼jkÆ uhy¼xzhokÆ foyks¼fgrk%A
rs"kk¼¦ lgÏ;kstÆus¿oÆ /Uok¼fu rUefl AAÿøAA
Ye væk¶e¶u ‹a¶pi¤jarå n∂lagr∂vå vilohitå¨. Te¶å|m
sahasrayojaneíva dhanvåni tanmasi.
We counter the Rudra powers, blue-necked, white
throated, yellowish red, bright and green like blades of
grass, which grow on trees as parasites, and, stretching
our bows for the arrows (with insecticides etc.,) render
their deadly action ineffective over vast areas of the
59. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
;s HkwÉrkukÆef/¼ir;ks fof'ÆkÆ[kkl¼% diÆ£nu¼%A
rs"kk¼¦ lgÏ;kstÆus¿oÆ /Uok¼fu rUefl AAÿùAA
Ye bhμutånåmadhipatayo vi‹ikhåsa¨ kapardina¨.
Te¶å|m sahasrayojaneíva dhanvåni tanmasi.
The powers who are protectors, promoters and
guardians of living beings, sanyasis and brahmacharis
with shaven heads or wearing unshorn hair, we help
and serve, and, with all our power and means, we extend
their activities over vast areas of the earth.
60. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
;s iÆFkka i¼fFÆkÆj{k¼;¿,syc`Énk¿vk¼;qÉ;qZ/¼% A
rs"kk¼¦ lgÏ;kstÆus¿oÆ /Uok¼fu rUefl AAöúAA
Ye pathå≈ pathirak¶hayaíailabædåíåyuryudha¨.
Te¶å|m sahasrayojaneíva dhanvåni tanmasi.
The Rudras, noble people, who guard and
promote the moral and spiritual highways of life, who
maintain and develop the national highways and protect
the travellers, who develop the resources of the earth,
and who struggle for the betterment of life and age, we
support and serve with all our might and extend their
powers a thousand fold over vast areas of the earth.
61. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
;s rhÆFkkZfu¼ izÆpj¼fUr l`Édkg¼Lrk fu"kÆfX.k¼%A
rs"kk¼¦ lgÏ;kstÆus¿oÆ /Uok¼fu rUefl AAöûAA
Ye t∂rthåni pracaranti sækåhastå ni¶aΔgiƒa¨.
Te¶å|m sahasrayojaneí va dhanvåni tanmasi.
We do homage to the Rudras, sacred presences
who cleanse the mind and sanctify the soul, heroes who
go round wielding the thunderbolt and the bow and
quiver in defence of humanity. We support and serve
them with all our might and extend their power a
thousand fold over vast areas of the earth.
62. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
;s¿Âs¼"kq fOÆkÆfoè;¼fUÆRÆkÆ ik=ks¼"kqÉ fic¼rksÆ tuk¼u~ A
rs"kk¼¦ lgÏ;kstÆus¿oÆ /Uok¼fu rUefl AAöüAA
Yeínne¶u vividhyanti påtre¶u pibato janån.
Te¶å|m sahasrayojaneíva dhanvåni tanmasi.
The infectious germs and viruses in food and
drink and in the cooking and dining ware which, in
various ways, afflict the people through eating and
drinking, we fight with all our might, and we eliminate
their deadly power and presence over a vast area of the
earth and the environment.
63. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
;¿,rko¼Ur'pÆ Hkw;k¼¦l'pÆ fn'kks¼ #Ææk fo¼rfLÆFÆkÆjs A
rs"kk¼¦ lgÏ;kstÆus¿oÆ /Uokf¼ u rUefl AAöýAA
Yaíetåvanta‹ca bhμ u yå| m sa‹ca di‹o rudrå
vitasthire. Te¶å|m sahasrayojaneíva dhanvåni
And Rudra powers (of beneficence, affliction and
retribution in nature) conceived and realized so far and
even more exist variously in all the directions (on the
earth, in the sky and in heaven). We deal with their arms
and armaments appropriately with all our might and
mind in faith (worshipping, extending, negating or
fighting and eliminating) in a thousand ways over vast
areas of time and space.
64. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ueks¼¿Lrq #ÆæsH;ksÆ ;s fnÆfo ;s"kak¼ o"kZfe"k¼o% A
rsH;ksÆ n'kÆ izkphÆn'Z k¼ nf{Æk.Æ kk n'k¼ izr
Æ hphÆn'Z kksnh¼phÆn'Z kksèÆ okZ%A
rsH;ksÆ ueks¼¿vLrqÉ rs uks¼¿oUrqÉ rs uks¼ e`M;UrqÉ rs ;a f}É"eks
;'p¼ uksÆ }sf"ÆVÆ res¼"kkaÆ tEHks¼ nèe% AAöþAA
Namoístu rudrebhyo ye divi ye¶å≈ var¶a-
mi¶ava¨. Tebhyo da‹a pråc∂rda‹a dak¶iƒå da‹a
prat∂c∂rda‹od∂c∂rda‹ordhvå¨. Tebhyo namoíastu
te noí vantu te no mæŒayantu te ya≈ dvi¶mo
Ya‹ca no dve¶¢i tame¶å≈ jambhe dadhma¨.
Homage to the Rudras that abide in heaven. Rain
is their power and gift to life. To them our salutations
with folded hands with ten fingers joined, with ten
senses and ten pranas. For them the ten directions east,
ten directions south, ten directions west, ten directions
north, and ten directions above; all these for them to
pervade and operate. Salutations to them! May they
protect us! May they bless us! Whosoever we hate,
whosoever hate us, him we deliver unto their power for
judgement and redress.
65. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ueks¼¿Lrq #ÆæsH;ksÆ ;s̈¿Urfj¼{ksÆ ;s"kkaÆ okrÆ¿b"k¼o% A rsH;ksÆ n'kÆ
izkphÆnZ'k¼ nf{ÆkÆ.kk n'k¼ izÆrhphÆnZ'kksnh¼phÆnZ'kksÆèokZ%A rsH;ksÆ
ueks¼¿vLrqÉ rs uks¼¿oUrqÉ rs uks¼ e`M;UrqÉ rs ;a f}É"eks ;'p¼
uksÆ }sf"ÆVÆ res¼"kkaÆ tEHks¼ nèe% AAöÿAA
Namoístu rudrebhyo yeíntarik¶e ye¶å≈ våta
i¶ava¨ Tebhyo da‹a pråc∂rda‹a dak¶iƒå da‹a
prat∂c∂rda‹od∂c∂rda‹ordhvå¨. Tebhyo namoíastu
te noívantu te no mæŒayantu te ya≈ dvi¶mo
ya‹ca no dve¶¢i tame¶å≈ jambhe dadhma¨.
Homage to the Rudras that abide in the skies.
Wind and air is their power and gift to life. To them our
salutations with folded hands with the fingers joined,
with ten senses and the pranas. For them the ten
directions east, ten directions south, ten directions west,
ten directions north, and ten directions above; all these
for them to pervade and operate. Salutations to them!
May they protect us! May they bless us! Whosoever we
hate, whosoever hate us, him we deliver unto their power
for judgement and redress.
66. (Rudras Devata, Parameshthi Prajapati Va Deva °Rshi)
ueks¼¿Lrq #ÆæsH;ksÆ ;s i`¼fFÆkÆO;ka ;s"kkÆeÂÆfe"k¼o% A rsH;ksÆ n'kÆ
izkphÆnZ'k¼ nf{ÆkÆ.kk n'k¼ izÆrhphÆnZ'kksnh¼phÆnZ'kksÆèokZ%A rsH;ksÆ
ueks¼¿vLrqÉ rs uks¼¿oUrqÉ rs uks¼ e`M;UrqÉ rs ;a f}É"eks ;'p¼
uksÆ }sf"ÆVÆ res¼"kkaÆ tEHks¼ nèe% AAööAA
Namoí stu rudrebhyo ye pæthivyå≈ ye¶åmanna-
mi¶ava¨. Tebhyo da‹a pråc∂rda‹a dak¶iƒå da‹a
prat∂c∂rda¶od∂c∂rda‹ordhvå¨. Tebhyo namoí
astu te noívantu te no mæŒayantu te ya≈ dvi¶mo
ya‹ca no dve¶¢i tame¶å≈ jambhe dadhma¨.
Homage to the Rudras that abide on the earth.
Food and energy is their power and gift to life. To them
our salutations with folded hands with ten fingers joined,
with ten senses and ten pranas. For them the ten
directions east, ten directions south, ten directions west,
ten directions north, and ten directions above; all these
for them to pervade and operate. Salutations to them!
May they protect us! May they bless us! Whosoever we
hate, whosoever hate us, him we deliver unto their power
for judgement and redress.

bfr "kksM'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Maruts Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
v'eÆÂwtƱ ioZ×rs f'kfJ;kÆ.kkeƉԿvks"k¼/hH;ksÆ ouÆLifr¼&
H;ksÆ¿vfèÆkÆ lEHk`¼raÆ i;¼% A rka uÆ¿b"kÆewt± × /Ùk e#r% l§&
jjkÆ.kk¿v'E¡kL¼ rsÆ {kqu~ ef;¼ rÆ¿mQx~Z ;a f}É"eLra rsÆ 'kqxP¼` NrqAAûAA
A‹mannμ u rja≈ parvate ‹i‹riyåƒåmadbhyaí
o¶adh∂bhyo vanaspatibhyoíadhi sambhæta≈
paya¨. Tå≈ naíi¶amμ u rja≈ dhatta maruta¨
sa≈raråƒåía‹ma| n ste k¶μ u n-mayi taíμ u rgya≈
dvi¶masta≈ te ‹ugæcchatu.
O Maruts (men and women), kind and generous
powers, hold for us the energy and power contained in
the mountain ranges of the clouds and the sky, and hold
for us that energy and juices distilled from waters, herbs
and trees, and bless us with that food and energy.
Voracious eater, fire of yajna, may your hunger and
energy be in me too, and may your displeasure reach
someone we hate (i.e., none).
2. (Agni Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
bÆek es¼¿vXuÆ¿b"V¼dk /sÆuo¼% lÆURosdk¼ pÆ n'k¼ pÆ n'k¼ p
'kÆra p¼ 'kÆra p¼ lÆgϯ p lÆgϯ pkÆ;qr¯ pkÆ;qr¯ p fUÆkÆ;qr¯
p fUÆkÆ;qr¯ p izÆ;qraÆ pkcqZ ×na pÆ U;~cqZna p leqÉæ'pÆ eè;aÆ
pkUr¼'p ijkƼZ'pSÆrk es¼¿vXuÆ¿b"V¼dk /sÆuo¼% lURoÆ&
eq=kkÆeqf"Ek¡ ×YyksÆosQ AAüAA
Imå meíagnaíi¶¢akå dhenava¨ santvekå ca da‹a
ca da‹a ca ‹ata≈ ca ‹ata≈ ca sahasra≈ ca
sahasra≈ cåyuta≈ cåyuta≈ ca niyuta≈ ca
niyuta≈ ca prayuta≈ cårbuda≈ ca nyarbuda≈
ca samudra‹ca madhya≈ cånta‹ca parårdha-
‹caitå meíagna i¶¢akå dhenava¨ santvamutrå-
Agni, fire-lord of yajna, may these bricks of my
altar (vedi), wanted values of life, one and all, be
generous and productive and grow ten times in
geometrical progression : May one grow to ten, and ten
to one hundred (shatam), and one hundred to one
thousand (sahasram), and one thousand to ten thousand
(ayutam), and ten thousand to hundred thousand (one
lac, niyutam), and hundred thousand to a million
(prayutam), and one million to hundred million
(arbudam), and hundred million to a billion (arba,
nyarbudam), and one billion to ten billion (one kharba),
and ten billion to a hundred billion (one nikharba), and
hundred billion to a trillion (mahapadma), and one
trillion to ten trillion (one shanku), and ten trillion to
hundred trillion (one samudra), and hundred trillion to
quadrillion (one madhyam), and one madhyam to ten
madhyam (anta, ten quadrillion), and one anta to ten
anta (hundred quadrillion), parardha. And these bricks,
wanted values, be, like cows, the givers of fulfilment to
me in this life and beyond, in this world and beyond.
3. (Agni Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
ÍÆro¼ LFk¿ÍrkÆo`/¼¿ÍrqÉ"Bk LFk¼¿ÍrkÆo`/¼% A ?k`Ér'P;qrks¼
e/qÉ'P;qrks¼ fOÆkÆjktksÆ uke¼ dkeÆnq?kkÆ¿v{kh¼;ek.kk% AAýAA
°Rtava sthaíætåvædhaíætu¶¢hå sthaíætåvædha¨.
Ghæta‹cyuto madhu‹cyuto viråjo nåma kåma-
Ladies of the home brilliant as yajna fire, holy as
truth and universal law, reflecting the plenty and purity
of distilled ghee and overflowing with the sweetness of
honey, you are surely treasures of fulfilment beyond
decay. Be vibrant as spring, stay inviolable as the cycle
of the seasons and add to the sanctity of the laws of life.
4. (Agni Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
q L;Æ Roko¼dÆ;kXusÆ ifj¼O;;kefl A
ikÆoÆdks¿vÆLeH;¼§f'ÆkÆoks Hk¼o AAþAA
Samudrasya tvåívakayågne pari vyayåmasi.
Påvakoí asmabhya|m ‹ivo bhava.
Agni, brilliant power, we stand round and cover
you as the shaivala grass of the sea. Cleanser and purifier
of life, be good and gracious to us.
5. (Agni Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
fgÆeL;¼ Rok tÆjk;qÉ.kkXusÆ ifj¼ O;;kefl A
ikÆoÆdks¿vÆLeH;¼§f'ÆkÆoks Hk¼o AAÿAA
Himasya två jaråyuƒåígne pari vyayåmasi.
Påvakoíasmabhya|m ‹ivo bhava.
Agni, brilliant power, we cover you round as fire
and clothing round the frosty cold of the season. Come,
cleanser and purifier of life, and be kind and gracious
to us.
6. (Agni Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
miÆ TeÂqi¼ osrÆls¿o¼rj uÆnh"ok A vXus¼ fIÆkÆÙkeÆike¼fLÆkÆ
e.Mw¼fOÆkÆQÆ rkfHÆkÆjkx¼fgÆ lsea uks¼ ;ÆKa ik¼oÆdo¼.kZ§f'ÆkÆoa
o`¼Qf/ AAöAA
Upa jmannupa vetaseí va tara nad∂¶vå. Agne
pittamapåmasi maƒŒμuki tåbhirå gahi sema≈ no
yaj¤a≈ påvakavarƒa|m ‹iva≈ kædhi.
Agni, clad in the brilliant flames of light, come
upon the earth, descend in the midst of the earth’s
abundance. Descend into the streams of life. Since you
are the life and lustre of the waters, come with that life
and lustre. Come and bless this yajna of our home with
peace and prosperity.
7. (Agni Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
¼ §leqæÉ L;¼ fUÆkÆo's k¼ue~ A vÆU;k¡Lrs¼¿vÆLeÙki
vÆikfEÆkÆna U;;u ¼ Urq
gsÆr;¼% ikÆoÆdks¿vÆLeH;¼§f'ÆkÆoks Hk¼o AA÷AA
Apåmida≈ nyayana|m samudrasya nive‹anam.
Anyå| n steíasmattapantu hetaya¨ påvakoí
asmabhya|m ‹ivo bhava.
This home is the abode of peace as the sky is the
abode of waters. It is an abode of the depth of life as the
deep ocean is. May Agni, lord of yajna and life and
lustre of the waters be kind and gracious to us in this
home of yajna, and may the heat of his passion and
displeasure be directed elsewhere away from us.
8. (Agni Devata, Vasuyu °Rshi)
vXus¼ ikod jksÆfp"kk¼ eÆUæ;k¼ nso ftÆà;k¼ A
vk nsÆokUo¼f{ÆkÆ ;f{k¼ p AAøAA
Agne påvaka roci¶å mandrayå deva jihvayå. Å
devån vak¶i yak¶i ca.
Agni, generous lord of light, purifier and
sanctifier of life, with your brilliant and exhilarating
tongue of flames you call the noble yajnic devotees
together and proclaim to them the truths of eternity.
9. (Agni Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
l u¼% ikod nhfnÆoks¿Xus¼ nsÆok¡üAA¿bÆgko¼g A
mi¼ ;ÆK§gfo'p¼ u% AAùAA
Sa nå¨ påvaka d∂divoígne devå|ní ihåvaha. Upa
yaj¤a|m havi‹ca na¨.
Agni, power of light and lustre, purifier and
sanctifier of life, you graciously call the noble powers
of nature and humanity together here close to our yajna
and let us all share the gifts of the fragrance of libations.
10. (Agni Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
ikÆoÆd;kÆ ;f'ÆPÆkÆr;¼UR;k o`ÉQik {kke¼u~ ##Æp¿mÆ"klksÆ u
HkkÆuquk¼ A rwoÆÂ
Z ;keÆÂsr¼'kL;Æ uq j.kÆ¿vk ;ks ?k`É.ks u
r¼r`"kkÆ.kks¿vÆtj¼% AAûúAA
Påvakayå ya‹citayantyå kæpå k¶åman rurucaí
u¶aso na bhånunå. Tμurvan na yåmanneta‹asya
nμu raƒaí å yo ghæƒe na tatæ¶åƒoí ajara¨.
Agni, lord of light and power, commander of the
army, with his cleansing, enlightening and splendid
force, shines on the earth like the dawn blazing with
the light of the sun. And young, unaging, unexhausted,
hastening apace on the course of his chariot, thirsting
for victory in the heat of the battle, blazes with his own
11. (Agni Devata, Lopamudra °Rshi)
ue¼LrsÆ gj¼ls 'kksÆfp"ksÆ ue¼Lrs¿vLRoÆ£p"ks¼ A vÆU;k¡Lrs¼
vÆLeÙk¼iUrq gsÆr;¼% ikoÆdks¿vÆLeH;¼§f'ÆkÆoks Hk¼o AAûûAA
Namaste harase ‹oci¶e namasteíastvarci¶e.
Anyå| n ste asmattapantu hetaya¨ påvakoí
asmabhya~m ‹ivo bhava.
Salutations to Agni, lord of light and justice,
radiant and pure, divine and adorable, and saviour from
pain and suffering. Lord sanctifier of life and nature,
be good and gracious to us. And may the heat of your
passion and punishment for sin and injustice fall upon
others far from us, i.e. different from real human nature
and character.
12. (Agni Devata, Lopamudra °Rshi)
u`É"knsÆ osM¼IlqÉ"knsÆ osM~ c¼£gÆ"knsÆ osM~ o¼uÆlnsÆ osV~ LoÆ£onsÆ
osV~ AAûüAA
Næ¶ade veŒ apsu¶ade veŒ barhi¶ade veŒ
vanasade ve¢ svarvide ve¢.
Homage to Agni, lord present in and presiding
over humanity. Homage to the lord present in and ruling
over the waters. Homage to the lord governing within
and over the business of society. Homage to the lord
present in and ruling over the forests. Homage to the
lord creator and giver of the joy of life.
13. (Prana Devata, Lopamudra °Rshi)
Æ kuak¼ ;ÆfK;k¼ ;ÆfK;kuk¦laoRlÆjh.kÆei
;s nsÆok nso q ¼ HkÆkxek&
l¼rs A vÆgqÉrknks¼ gÆfo"kks¼ ;ÆKs¿vÆfLeURLoÆ;a fi¼cUrqÉ e/q¼uks
?k`ÉrL;¼ AAûýAA
Ye devå devånå≈ yaj|niyå yaj|niyånåm
` sa≈vat-
sar∂ƒamupa bhågamåsate. Ahutådo havi¶o yaj¤e
íasmintsvaya≈ pibantu madhuno ghætasya.
Pranas (Sanyasis, those who are the life-breath
of the spirit of society), those who are noblest among
the nobles, adorable among those who adore Agni in
yajna, serve and receive their part of the annual sessions
of yajna, and, free from the performance of yajna before
meals, themselves receive and enjoy the honey-sweets
and drinks of the libations in this yajna.
14. (Prana Devata, Lopamudra °Rshi)
;s nsÆok nsoÆ "s of/¼ nsoÆRoek;ÆU;s czã.¼ k% iqj¿,Ærkjks¼¿vÆL;A
;sH;ksÆ u¿ÍÆrs io¼rsÆ /keÆ fd×pÆu u rs fnÆoks u
i`¼fFÆkÆO;k¿vfèÆkÆ Luq"kq¼ AAûþAA
Ye devå deve¶vadhi devatvamåyan ye brahmaƒa¨
puraíetåroí asya. Yebhyo naíæte pavate dhåma
ki¤cana na te divo na pæthivyå íadhi snu¶u.
Pranas, life-breath of the spirit of humanity, souls
who have attained the state of divine grace among the
nobles, who walk in the very presence of this Lord of
the universe, without whom nowhere in the world
anything moves nor is anything sanctified, they are not
confined to any particular region of heaven, nor to any
particular region of the earth, they are universal,
15. (Agni Devata, Lopamudra °Rshi)
izk.Æ kÆnk¿v¼ikuÆnk O;k¼un ¼ ksn
Æ k op ZÆ k o¼fjoksn
Æ k% A vÆU;k¡Lrs¿¼ &
vÆLeÙk¼iUrq gsÆr;¼% ikoÆdks¿vÆLeH;¼§f'ÆkÆoks Hk¼o AAûÿAA
Pråƒadåíapånadå vyånadå varcodå varivodå¨.
Anyå| n steíasmattapantu hetaya¨ påvakoí
asmabhya|m ‹ivo bhava.
Agni, Lord of light and power, you are the giver
of vital energy, means of the removal of impurity and
waste, universal knowledge, lustre of life and the light
of truth and Dharma. Be good and gracious to us, lord
purifier and sanctifier of life and soul, and let your
displeasure and punishment befall somewhere else far
away from us.
16. (Agni Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
vÆfXufLÆRÆkÆXesu¼ 'kksÆfp"kkÆ ;klÆf}'oaÆ U;¨f=k.k¼e~ A
vÆfXuuksZ× ours jÊf;e~ AAûöAA
Agnistigmena ‹oci¶å yåsadvi‹va≈ nyatriƒam.
Agnirno vanate rayim.
Agni, lord giver of light, knowledge and power,
with its incessant waves of light and warmth ripens and
begets all good nourishing foods for us. The same agni
with the power of electric energy begets all the wealth
for us. (So may the man of knowledge and scientific
power produce food and wealth for humanity.)
17. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma°Rshi)
;¿bÆek fo'okÆ Hkqo¼ukfUÆkÆ tqàÉn`f"ÆkÆgksZrkÆ U;lh¼nfRÆIÆkÆrk u¼% A
l¿vkÆf'k"kkÆ æfo¼.kfEÆkÆPNeku¼% izFkeÆPNno¼jk¡üAA¿&
vkfo¼os'k AAû÷AA
Yaíimå vi‹vå bhuvanåni juhvadæ¶irhotå nyas∂dat
pitå na¨. Saíå‹i¶å draviƒamicchamåna¨
prathamacchadavarå|n åvive‹a.
Our father, Vishvakarma, omniscient lord and
cosmic sacrificer (yajamana), consumes all these worlds
into His own fire of cosmic yajna and remains. And
then He, self-moved by His own will to create the
profuse variety of existence, projects and pervades the
first evolutes and later continues the expansion and self
pervasion on and on.
18. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
fd¦fLo¼nklhnfèÆkÆ"Bku¼ekÆjEHk¼.ka drÆer~ fLo¼RdÆFkk&
lh¼r~ A ;rksÆ Hkw¯e ¼ tÆu;¼fUÆOÆkÆ'oo¼QekZÆ fo |kekS.kksZ×UefgÆuk
fOÆkÆ'op¼{kk% AAûøAA
Ki|m svid ås∂dadhi¶¢hånamårambhaƒa≈ katamat
svit kathå s∂t. Yato bhμumi≈ janayan vi‹vakarmå
vi dyåmaurƒonmahinå vi‹vacak¶å¨.
What is the ultimate stay of the universe? What
is the original cause of the creation? What sort? From
which Vishvakarma, omnipresent seer who pervades
the universe, created the earth and then heaven with
His mighty potential?
19. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
fOÆkÆ'or¼'p{kq#Ær fOÆkÆ'orks¼eq[kks fOÆkÆ'orks¼ckgq#Ær fOÆkÆ'or¼&
Likr~ A la ckÆgqH;kaÆ /e¼fRÆkÆ la ir¼=kSÆ|kZokÆHkweh¼ tÆu;¼u~
Vi‹vata‹cak¶urta vi‹vatomukho vi‹vatobåhuruta
vi‹vataspåt. Sa≈ båhubhyå≈ dhamati sa≈
patatrairdyåvåbhμum∂ janayan devaíeka¨.
Vishvakarma, the one absolute self-effulgent lord
of the universe, with universal eye to watch, and
universal mouth to reveal the Word, and universal arms
for action, and universal feet for omnipresence, having
created the heaven and earth from dynamic particles of
Prakriti, keeps the universe in constant motion with his
mighty arms of omnipotence.
20. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
fd§fLÆOÆkÆ}uaÆ d¿mÆ l o`É{k¿vkl ¼ Æ ;rksÆ |kok¼if` FÆkÆoh fu¼"V&
rÆ{kq%A euh¼f"k.kksÆ eu¼lk i`ÉPNrsnqÉ r|nÆè;fr¼"BƉqo¼ukfu
/kÆj;¼u~ AAüúAA
Ki|msvidvana≈ kaíu sa væk¶aíåsa yato dyåvå-
pæthiv∂ni¶¢atak¶u¨. Man∂¶iƒo manaså pæcchatedu
tadyad adhyati¶¢had bhuvanåni dhårayan.
What is that original cause, that lovely tree, from
which the lord maker shaped the heaven and earth and
the whole dynamic world? Men of intelligence and
conscientious mind ask the men of wisdom and vision:
Who is that lord who holds and sustains the regions of
the world and presides over all these and yet remains
the sole lord above the universe?
21. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
;k rsÆ /kek¼fu ijÊekf.ÆkÆ ;k¿oÆek ;k eè¼ ;Æek fo'¼ odeZÂr
Éq e
s kA
f'k{kkÆ lf[k¼H;ks gÆfof"k¼ Lo/ko% LoÆ;a ;¼tLo rÆUoa~
o`/kÆu% AAüûAA
Yå te dhåmåni paramåƒi yåívamå yå madhyamå
vi‹vakarmannutemå. ›ik¶å sakhibhyo havi¶i sva-
dhåva¨ svaya≈ yajasva tanva≈ vædhåna¨.
Vishvakarma, lord of your own omnipotence, lord
of nature, heaven and earth, maker of the universe,
enlighten us, your friends and devotees, about the worlds
of your own creation, the highest, the lowest and
youngest, and the middle ones. Lord of food and energy,
expanding the material world of existence, you yourself
provide for sustenance with constant inputs into the
systemic growth of the universe.
22. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
fo'o¼deZu~ gÆfo"kk¼ oko`/kÆu% LoÆ;a ;¼tLo i`fFÆkÆoheqÉr
|ke~ A eqá¼URoÆU;s¿vÆfHkr¼% lÆiRuk¼¿bÆgkLekd¯ eÆ?kok¼ lwfÉ j&
j¼Lrq AAüüAA
Vi‹vakarman havi¶å våvædhåna¨ svaya≈
yajasva pæthiv∂muta dyåm. Muhyantvanyeí
abhita¨ sapatnåíihåsmåka≈ maghavå sμurirastu.
Vishvakarma, lord maker of the universe, exalted
by the celebration and offerings of yajna, bless the earth
and heaven with your presence. May the others, enemies
of life and progress all round, fail. And may Indra, lord
of power and glory, of wealth and learning, be the
harbinger of knowledge and wisdom.
23. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
okÆpLi¯r× fOÆkÆ'oo¼QekZ.kewÉr;s¼ euksÆtqoÆa okts¼¿vÆ|k gq¼oseA
l uksÆ fo'ok¼fUÆkÆ go¼ukfu tks"kf}É'o'k¼EHkwÉjo¼ls lkÆ/q&
o¼QekZ AAüýAA
Våcaspati≈ vi‹vakarmåƒamμutaye manojuva≈
våjeíadyå huvema. Sa no vi‹våni havanåni jå¶ad
vi‹va‹ambhμuravase sådhukarmå.
For our protection and progress in the battle of
life to day we invoke Vishvakarma, lord of knowledge
and speech, universal master of all karma working at
speed faster than that of mind. May he, beneficent lord
of unfailing action, kind and generous to all, be pleased
to listen to our invocation and grant our prayers for
protection and progress.
24. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
fo'o¼deZu~ gÆfo"kkÆ o¼Z ×usu =kkÆrkjÊfeUæ¼eÑ.kksjoÆè;e~ A
rLeSÆ fo'kÆ% le¼ueUr iwÉohZjÊ;eqx
É kz s fOÆkg ¼ ~ AAüþAA
Æ O;ksÆ ;Fkklr
Vi‹vakarman havi¶å vardhanena tråtåra-
mindramakæƒoravadhyam. Tasmai vi‹a¨
samanamanta pμurv∂rayamugro vihavyo yathåí
Vishvakarma, lord President of the total activity
of humanity/the nation, with the growth and
advancement arising from the developmental activities
of the people working with yajnic dedication in unison,
we pray, appoint Indra, a man of power and glory as
minister for defence who should be an inviolable
defender of the world/the land, so that all the people
bow to him in acceptance and reverence and (with that
universal support) he becomes mighty and formidable
in action.
25. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
p{kq¼"k% fIÆkÆrk eu¼lkÆ fg /hjks¼ ?k`Éres¼us¿vtuÆÂEu¼ekus A
;ÆnsnUrkÆ¿vn¼n`gUrÆ iwoZÆ¿vkfnn~ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh¿v¼izFks&
rke~ AAüÿAA
Cak¶u¶a¨ pitå manaså hi dh∂ro ghætameneí
ajanannamnamåne. Yadedantå adadæhanta
pμurvaíådid dyåvåpæthiv∂ aprathetåm.
When the ruler, Vishvakarma, is of calm and
resolute mind, loves and protects men of vision and
justice, and promotes the creation of food and wealth,
and when the people bow to him in obedience and act
in unison like parts of one organism, then only the people
and the government strengthen each other and grow like
the earth and heaven of yore together.
26. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
fOÆkÆ'oo¼QEekZÆ foe¼ukÆ¿vkf}gk¼;k /kÆrk fo¼/kÆrk i¼jÊeksr
lÆUn`o~Q A rs"kk¼fEÆkÆ"VkfUÆkÆ lfEÆkÆ"kk e¼nfUÆRÆkÆ ;=kk lIr¿ÍÆ"khu~
iÆj¿,o¼QekÆgq% AAüöAA
Vi‹vakarmå vimanåíådvihåyå dhåtå vidhåtå
paramota sandæk. Te¶åmi¶¢åni sami¶å madanti
yatrå saptaí æ¶∂n paraí ekamåhu¨.
Vishvakarma is the one lord maker of the world,
sole treasure-home of universal knowledge, present in
the universal variety of existence, creator and sustainer
of the universe, all-seeing universal presence and
supreme reality, whom the wise sages call one and
absolute, wherein the humans with their five senses,
mind and intelligence rejoice and wherein they realise
their supreme ambitions.
27. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
;ks u¼% fIÆkÆrk t¼fUÆkÆrk ;ks fo¼/kÆrk /kek¼fUÆkÆ osnÆ Hkqo¼ukfUÆkÆ
fo'ok¼ A ;ks nsÆokuak¼ ukeÆ/k¿,o¼Q¿,Éo r§l¼EizÆ'ua Hkqo¼uk
Yo na¨ pitå janitå yo vidhåtå dhåmåni veda
bhuvanåni vi‹vå. Yo devånå≈ nåmadhåíekaíeva
ta|m sampra‹na≈ bhuvanå yantyanyå.
Vishvakarma is the lord who is our father and
creator, law-giver and sustainer, who knows all the
regions of the universe, who is one and absolute yet
holds the names of all the powers of nature and His
own potential. In Him enter all the worlds, and He is
the eternal question and mystery for all the conscientious
28. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
r¿vk;¼tUrÆ æfo¼.kƧle¼LekÆ¿Í"k¼;Æ% iwosZ × tfjÆrkjksÆ u
HkwÉuk A vÆlÙw ksZÆ lwÙksÆZ jt¼fl fu"kÆÙks ;s HkwÉrkfu¼ lÆeo`¼Q.ofUÆuÆ&
ekfu¼ AAüøAA
Taíåyajanta drav∂ƒa|m samasmåíæ¶aya¨ pμurve
jaritåro na bhμunå. Asμurte sμurte rajasi ni¶atte ye
bhμutåni samakæƒvannimåni.
They are the Rishis, visionaries of Divinity, who,
like celebrants in worship, have offered songs and
libations of rich materials to Lord Vishvakarma and
who, residing in known as well as in unknown worlds,
have directed and attracted the mind and soul of living
beings to the lord.
29. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
iÆjks fnÆok iÆj¿,Éuk i`¼fFÆkÆO;k iÆjks nsÆosfHÆkÆjlq¼ jSÊ;ZnfLr¼ A
d§fLÆOÆkÆn~ xHk± × izFkÆea n¼/Æ¿z vkiksÆ ;=k¼ nsÆok% lÆei¼';UrÆ
iwosZ × AAüùAA
Paro divå paraíenå pæthivyå paro devebhi-
rasurairyadasti. Ka|msvid garbha≈ prathama≈
dadhraíåpo yatra devå¨ samapa‹yanta pμurve.
The Lord Supreme, Brahma, is beyond the
heavens, beyond this earth, beyond the gods of nature
and beyond the evil and the lifeless. He is the One
wherein the life-force bears the first grand and
mysterious seed of the universe and whom the
primordeal visionaries of divinity see directly as if face
to face.
30. (Vishvakarma Devata, Vishvakarma °Rshi)
rfen~ xHk±× izFkÆea n¼/Æ¿z vkiksÆ ;=k¼ nsÆok% lÆex¼PNUrÆ fo'os¼A
vÆtL;Æ ukHkkÆoè;sdÆe£i ¼raÆ ;fLÆEÆkÆfUo'ok¼fUÆkÆ Hkqouk¼fu
rÆLFkq% AAýúAA
Tamid garbha≈ prathama≈ dadhraíåpo yatra
devå¨ samagacchanta vi‹ve. Ajasya nåbhå-
vadhyekamarpita≈ yasmin vi‹våni bhuvanåni
Therein surely the life-force bore that first seed
of the universe wherein all the powers of nature and the
visionary souls find their repose. He is the one sole lord
seated at the centre of the mother force, Prakriti, and he
is the lord presiding over existence, wherein reside all
the worlds of the universe.
31. (Vishvakarma Devata, Vishvakarma °Rshi)
u ra fon ¼ kFkÆ ;¿bÆek tÆtkukÆU;|qÉ"ekdÆeUrj¼ a cHkwo A
¼ kÆ tYI;k¼ pklqÉri
s kÆ izko`r
uhÆgkÆj. ` ¼¿mDFkÆ'kkl'¼ pjfUr AAýûAA
Na ta≈ vidåtha yaíimå jajånånyadyu¶måkam-
antara≈ babhμuva. N∂håreƒa pråvætå jalpyå
You don’t know Him who has created all these
worlds. He is different and distant from you all, and yet
within you all. People sunk in darkness roam around
quoting scripture but serving their own selfish ends with
empty words void of vision.
32. (Vishvakarma Devata, Bhuvanputro Vishvakarma R
° shi)
fOÆk'Æ ooQ¼ ekZÆ átf¼ u"V nsÆo¿vkfnn~ x¼U/Æoks¿Z v¼Hkon~ f}Érh;%¼ A
r`Érh;¼% fIÆkr Æ k t¼fUÆkÆrkS"k¼/hukeÆika xHk±Æ O;~n/kRiq#Æ=kk AAýüAA
Vi‹vakarmå hyajani¶¢a devaíådidgandharvoí
abhavad dvit∂ya¨. Tæt∂ya¨ pitå janit-
au¶adh∂nåmapå≈ garbha≈ vyadadhåt purutrå.
Lord Vishvakarma, creator of the world, self-
effulgent lord of light and life, first manifested in
existence. Then after that was born the sun which holds
the earth. The third was the cloud which, in its womb,
holds the waters, offspring of the sky and the winds,
vital air, and generates and sustains the herbs and trees
in many ways.
33. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
¼ ks o`"kÆHkks u HkhÆeks ?ku¼ k?kÆu% {kksHk.¼ k'p"kZ.khÆ&
vkÆ'kq% f'k'kku
uke~ A laÆØUn¼uks¿fufEÆkÆ"k¿,¼dohÆj% 'kÆr§lsuk¼¿vt;RlkÆd&
feUæ¼% AAýýAA
Å‹u¨ ‹i‹åno væ¶abho na bh∂mo ghanåghana¨
k¶obhaƒa‹car¶aƒ∂nåm. Sa≈krandanoínimi¶aí
ekav∂ra¨ ‹ata|m senåíajayat såkamindra¨.
He alone is Indra, worthy to be commander of
the army, who is swift and instant in action and wields
blazing deadly weapons in readiness, who roars with
strength like a bull and strikes fear, terror and panic in
the enemy force, who is constantly watchful and a
fearless challenger, who is a matchless hero, rallies the
force at the call and with us comes out victorious over a
hundred armies of the enemy.
34. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
laÆØUn¼usukfufEÆkÆ"ks.k¼ ftÆ".kquk¼ ;qRdkÆjs.k¼ nq'P;oÆusu¼
/`É".kquk¼ A rfnUæs¼.k t;rÆ rRl¼gèoaÆ ;q/ks¼ ujÊ b"kq¼gLrsuÆ
o`".kk¼ AAýþAA
Sa≈krandanenånimi¶eƒa ji¶ƒunå yutkåreƒa
du‹cyavanena dh涃unå. Tadindreƒa jayata
tatsahadhva≈ yudho nara i¶uhastena v涃å.
Ye men of war, challenge, engage and defeat that
enemy force and be victorious with that commander,
Indra, bold and daring, alert and watchful, thirsting for
victory, master of tactical deployment and engagement
of forces, informidable, fully armed and overwhelming
the enemy with a rain of arrows/bullets/missiles.
35. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
l¿b"kq¼gLrSÆ% l fu¼"kÆfXfHk¼oZÆ'kh l§Ï¼"VkÆ l ;q/Æ¿bUæks¼
xÆ.ksu¼ A lƧl`É"VÆftr~ lks¼eÆik ck¼g'q kÆè;qx z̈ ¼UokÆ izfrf¼ grk&
Z /
fHÆkÆjLrk¼ AAýÿAA
Saíi¶uhastai¨ sa ni¶aΔgibhirva‹∂ sa|msra¶¢å sa
yudhaíindro gaƒena. Sa| m s涢ajit somapå
båhu‹ardhyugradhanvå pratihitåbhirastå.
That warrior, router of the enemy, Indra, self-
controlled, lover of exhilarating soma and defender of
peace, creator and commander of the army, strong of
arm, wielder of mighty weapons and awful marksman,
supported by his well-selected and well-deployed army
highly equipped with arms and armaments, defeats the
collective forces of the enemies.
36. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
c`g¼LirsÆ ifj¼nh;kÆ jFks¼u j{kksÆgkfe=k¡k¼üAA¿viÆck/¼eku% A
izÆHkÆ×tURlsuk¼% ize`É.kks ;qÉ/k t;¼ÂÆLeko¼Qes¼ÔfOÆkÆrk jFkk¼&
uke~ AAýöAA
Bæhaspate pari d∂yå rathena rak¶ohå ímitrå|ní
apabådhamåna¨. Prabha¤jantsenå¨ pramæƒo
yudhå jayannasmåkamedhyavitå rathånåm.
Brihaspati, commander of the mighty army,
destroyer of the wicked, repulsing the enemy, routing
his force and causing havoc all round by your chariot,
you come out victorious over the violent and the evil in
the battle. Be the protector and defender of our chariots
and the wheels of the nation’s economy.
37. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
cÆyÆfOÆkÆKkÆ;% LFkfo¼jÊ% izoh¼jÊ% lg¼Loku~ okÆth lg¼eku¿&
mÆxz%A vÆfHkoh¼jks¿vÆfHkl¼Rok lgksÆtk tS=k¼feUæÆ jFkÆekfr¼"B
xksÆfor~ AAý÷AA
Balavij¤åya¨ sthavira¨ prav∂ra¨ sahasvån våj∂
sahamanaí ugra¨. Abhiv∂roíabhisatvå sahojå
jaitramindra rathamåti¶¢ha govit.
Indra, expert of army management, veteran
tactician, admirable soldier, steadfast and resolute
fighter, man of patience and endurance, mighty and
victorious, fast and terrible, hero of heroes, admiration
of the great and intelligent, lustrous and powerful,
honoured by the victorious, master of effective
communication and reconnaissance of territory, take to
your chariot and ride across the earth, over the seas and
into the skies.
38. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
xksÆ=kÆfHkn¯ xksÆfonaÆ oTkz¼ckgqÉa t;¼UrÆeTe¼ ize`É.kUrÆekst¼lk A
bÆe§l¼tkrkÆ¿vuq¼ ohj;èoÆfeU漧l[kk;ksÆ¿vuqÉ l§j¼Hk&
èoe~ AAýøAA
Gotrabhida≈ govida≈ vajrabåhu≈ jayanta-
majma pramæƒantamojaså. Ima|m sajåtåíanu
v∂rayadhvamindra| m sakhåyoíanu sa| m
Friends, countrymen, children of mother earth,
with all your might and main, follow this Indra,
commander of the army, hand in hand. Join him in battle
and display your valour and heroism with him who is a
master of tactical code of signals and reconnaissance
of enemy territory, wields the thunderbolt in hand,
breaks through the enemy lines, routs the forces,
destroys the enemy and wins the battle.
39. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
vÆfHk xksÆ=kkf.ÆkÆ lg¼lkÆ xkg¼ekuks¿nÆ;ks ohÆj% 'kÆre¼U;q&É
fjUæ¼% A nqÉ'P;ÆoÆu% i`¼rukÆ"kkM¼;qÉè;ks¨¿LekdƧlsuk¼ vorqÉ iz
;qÉRlq AAýùAA
Abhi gotråƒi sahaså gåhamånoídayo v∂ra¨
‹atamanyurindra¨. Du‹cyavana¨ pætanå¶åŒ-
ayudhyoísmåka|m senå avatu pra yutsu.
Indra, valiant commander, relentless warrior of
a hundred fold righteous ardour, penetrating deep into
enemy defences with his strength of armour, irresistible,
invincible, victor of enemy forces, may direct and defend
our army and lead it to victory.
40. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
bU漿vklka usÆrk c`gÆLifRÆkÆnZf{k¼.kk ;ÆK% iqÉj¿,¼rÉq lkse¼%A
Æ l
Æ u ¼ fHkHk×trhÆuka t;¼Urhuka eÆ#rks¼ ;ÆURoxze
sÆ kuke ¼ ~ AAþúAA
Indraíåså≈ netå bæhaspatirdak¶iƒå yaj¤a¨ puraí
etu soma¨. Devasenånåmabhibha¤jat∂nå≈
jayant∂nå≈ maruto yantvagram.
The commander of those noble and enlightened
armies which break down and conquer the forces of
evil in life is Indra, a man of power and grandeur; he is
Brihaspati, a man of grandeur, knowledge and
magnanimity; he is Soma, the man of magnanimity,
peace and joy; he is the candid expert on the right side
of the nation; he is the clarion call for unity and progress,
and he is the first among all to take the lead in advance
in a crisis. At his call the Maruts, commandos of the
first order, must storm the citadel of the enemy.
41. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
bUæ¼L;Æ o`".kksÆ o#¼ .kL;Æ jkK¼¿vkfnÆR;kuak¼ eÆ#rkƦ'k¼Z ׿&
z ~ A eÆgke¼ulka HkqouP;ÆokukaÆ ?kks"kks¼ nsÆokukaÆ t;¼rkÆen
mÆxe q ¼&
LFkkr~ AAþûAA
Indrasya V涃o varuƒasya råj¤aí ådityånå≈
marutå| m ‹arddha ugram. Mahåmanaså≈
bhuvanacyavånå≈ gho¶o devånå≈ jayatå-
The battle cry of the bold and fierce army
consisting of brilliant, stormy, magnanimous, noble and
victorious soldiers of the powerful, virile and celebrated
ruler should rise high to the sky shaking the enemy with
42. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
m¼¼"kZ; e?koÆÂk;q¼/kÆU;qRlRo¼uka ekeÆdkukaÆ euk¦ ¼ fl A mn~
o`¼=kgUokÆftukaÆ okft¼ukÆU;qæFkku
¼ kaÆ t;r¼ ka ;UrqÉ ?kks"kk¼% AAþüAA
Uddhar¶aya maghavannåyudhånyutsatvanå≈
måmakånå≈ manå|nsi. Udvætrahan våjinå≈
våjinånyudrathånå≈ jayatå≈ yantu gho¶å¨.
Lord of power and glory, destroyer of the darkest
enemy clouds, refine and sharpen the arms and
armaments of our forces, boost the morale of our
soldiers, accelerate the speed and raise the fire power
of our horses and rockets, and let the roar of our
victorious tanks and chariots rise to the skies and rend
the clouds.
43. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
vÆLekdÆfeUæÆ% le`¼r"s kq èoÆts"oÆLekoaQÆ ;k¿b"k¼oÆLrk t¼;UrqA
vÆLekoaQ¼ ohÆjk¿mÙk ¼js HkoURoÆLek¡üAA¿m¼ nsok¿vorkÆ
gos¼"kq AAþýAA
Asmåkamindra¨ samæte¶u dhvaje¶vasmåka≈ yåí
isavastå jayantu. Asmåka≈ v∂råí uttareí
bhavantvasmå|n u devå íavatå have¶u.
When the flags fly high and the battle rages, may
our leader and commander, Indra, and our arms and
arrows be victorious. May our valiant warriors win and
live happy ever after. May the noble scholars and sages
and the warriors and tacticians protect us through the
challenges and battles of life and life’s values.
44. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
vÆeh"kak¼ fPÆkÆÙka iz¼fryksÆHk;U¼ rh x`gkÆ.kkXk¼U;IosÆ ijs¼fg A vÆfHk
izfs gÆ funZ×g âÆRlq 'kksoQS ¼jÊU/sukÆfe=kkÆLrel
¼ k lpUrke~ AAþþAA
Am∂¶å≈ citta≈ pratilobhayant∂ gæhåƒåΔgå-
nyapve parehi. Abhi prehi nirdaha hætsu
‹okairandhenåmitråstamaså sacantåm.
Valiant women’s corps, dazzling and bewildering
the mind of those enemies, engage their troops in action
and overthrow them far. Advancing deep into their
ranks, burn them at heart and afflict them so that they
may regret and lie low covered with darkness and
45. (Ishu Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
vo¼l`"VkÆ ijk¼irÆ 'kj¼O;sÆ czã¼l§f'krs A
xPNkÆfe=kkÆu~ izi¼|LoÆ ekeh"kkaÆ d×pÆuksfPN¼"k%AAþÿAA
Avas涢å parå pata ‹aravye brahmasa|m‹ite.
Gacchåmitrån pra padyasva måím∂¶å≈
Valiant women’s corps, trained by the military
experts of the Vedas, commanded and exhorted by the
leader, shooting like an arrow, go far and fall upon the
enemies. Go deep and take them all, do not spare any
one of them.
46. (Yoddha Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
izsrkÆ t;¼rk ujÊ¿bUæks¼ oÆ% 'keZ× ;PNrq A
mÆxzk o¼% lUrq ckÆgoks¼¿uk/`É";k ;Fkkl¼Fk AAþöAA
Pretå jayatå naraíindro va¨ ‹arma yacchatu.
Ugrå va¨ santu båhavoí nådhæ¶yå yathåísatha.
Valiant warriors, go, advance and win. May Indra
grant you victory and joy. May your arms be strong and
bold so that no one may be able to challenge you and
you remain free and invincible.
47. (Marutah Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
vÆlkS ;k lsuk¼ e#rÆ% ijs¼"kkeÆH;Sfr¼ uÆ¿vkst¼lkÆ Li¼Z ×ekukA
rka xw¼grÆ reÆlki¼or
z u
s Æ ;FkkÆeh¿vÆU;ks¿vÆU;Â tkÆuu~ AAþ÷AA
Asau yå senå maruta¨ pare¶åmabhyaiti naíojaså
spardhamånå. Tå≈ gμuhata tamasåípavratena
yathåím∂íanyoíanyanna jånan.
Warriors, intelligent, bold and fierce, yonder is
that army of the others, rivals, which marches upon us
out of jealousy to surround and overcome us with all
their might. Cover that with repellent smoke in utter
darkness so that they may fail even to perceive each
48. (Indra Brihaspati, etc., Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
;=k¼ ckÆ.kk% lÆEir¼fUr oqQekÆjk fo¼f'ÆkÆ[kk¿b¼o A rÂÆ¿bUæksÆ
c`gÆLifRÆkÆjfn¼fRÆkÆ% 'keZ× ;PNrq fOÆkÆ'okgkÆ 'keZ× ;PNrq AAþøAA
Yatra båƒå¨ sampatanti kumårå vi‹ikhåíiva.
Tannaíindro bæhaspatiraditi¨ ‹arma yacchatu
vi‹våhå ‹arma yacchatu.
Where the arrows strike all round and young
soldiers fall like children shorn of hair at play, there
Indra, lord of power and glory, and Brihaspati, lord of
this great world, and the Great Council of Mother Earth
itself may grant us peace. May they grant us peace and
well-being for all time.
49. (Soma Varuna Devah Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
eeZk¼f.k rsÆ oeZ×.kk Nkn;kfEÆkÆ lkse¼LRokÆ jktkÆe`rsÆukuq¼&
oLrke~ A mÆjksoZjh¼;ksÆ o#¼ .kLrs Ñ.kksrqÉ t;¼UraÆ Rokuq¼ nsÆok
e¼nUrq AAþùAA
Marmåƒi te varmanå chådayåmi somastvå råjåí-
mætenånuvaståm. Urorvar∂yo varuƒaste kæƒotu
jayanta≈ tvåínu devå madantu.
Noble warrior, victorious hero, I cover your vital
limbs with a protective armour. May Soma, lord of
health and well-being, ruler of all, wrap you round in
happiness and immortality. May Varuna, lord supreme,
grant you honour greater than greatness itself. May all
the noble powers of the earth bless you with joy,
victorious one.
50. (Agni Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
mns¼ueqÙkÆjka uÆ;kXus¼ ?k`rsukgqr A
jkÆ;Liks"ks¼.kÆ l§l`¼t izÆt;k¼ p cÆgqa o`¼Qf/ AAÿúAA
Udenamuttarå≈ nayågne ghætenåhuta. Råya-
spo¶eƒa sa|m sæja prajayå ca bahu≈ kædhi.
Agni, lord of life and progress, invoked and
worshipped with libations of ghee and fragrant
materials, take this yajamana, ruler, victor, to higher
and higher states of honour and glory. Bless him with
the wealth of life and good health. Let him rise and
grow with a good family and noble children.
51. (Indra Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
bUæsÆea iz¼rÆjka u¼; ltkÆrkuk¼el}É'kh A
les¼uaÆ opZ×lk l`t nsÆokuak¼ HkkxÆnk¿v¼lr~ AAÿûAA
Indrema≈ pratarå≈ naya sajåtånåmasadva‹∂.
Samena≈ varcaså sæja devånå≈ bhågadåíasat.
Indra, lord of power and glory, take this warrior
victor to that high state of ethics and policy whereby he
may rise to organise, control and rule over his fellow
citizens, children of the mother land. Bless him with
the light and lustre of life and learning so that he is able
to do his duty to the noble people, powers of nature and
52. (Agni Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
;L;¼ oqÉQeksZ x`Égs gÆfoLre¼Xus o¼Z;kÆ Roe~ A
rLeS ¼ nsÆok¿vf/¼ czqoÂÆ;a pÆ czã¼.kÆLifr¼%AAÿüAA
Yasya kurmo gæhe havistamagne vardhayå tvam.
Tasmai devåíadhi bruvannaya≈ ca brahm-
Agni, lord of light and learning, lead the man in
whose home we perform the yajna to the high road of
progress and prosperity. Let the noblest people speak
high of him and to him. And so may this scholar of the
Vedas speak to him and about him.
53. (Agni Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
mnq¼ RokÆ fo'os¼ nsÆok¿vXusÆ Hkj¼UrqÉ fpfÙk¼fHk%A
l uks¼ Hko f'ÆkÆoLRo§lqÉizrh¼dks fOÆkÆHkko¼lq%AAÿýAA
Udu två vi‹ve devåíagne bharantu cittibhi¨. Sa
no bhava ‹ivastva|m suprat∂ko vibhåvasu¨.
Agni, lord of power and glory, may all the noble
people of the land with their heart and soul accept,
approve, support and raise you to the heights. And you
too, so high and noble, a very image of nobility and
magnanimity, be good and kind to us.
54. (Disha directions Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
i×pÆ fn'kksÆ nSoh¼;ÆK
Z e¼oUrq nsÆohjike¼¯r nqeƯZ r ck/e
¼ kuk%A
jkÆ;Liks"ks¼ ;ÆKi¼frekÆHkt¼Urh jkÆ;Liks"ksÆ¿vf/¼ ;ÆKks¿&
v¼LFkkr~ AAÿþAA
Pa¤ca di‹o daiv∂ryaj¤amavantu dev∂rapåmati≈
durmati≈ bådhamånå¨. Rayaspo¶e yaj¤apati-
måbhajant∂ råyaspo¶eíadhi yaj¤oíasthåt.
May all the five directions of space replete with
the celestial generosity of nature protect and promote
yajna. May the intelligent and pious women,
brahmacharinis and wives of saints and scholars,
preventing and dispelling ignorance and evil genius,
supporting and serving the yajnapati in the growth of
health and wealth, protect and promote yajna in the
May the yajna and the household be established
in good health, wealth and progress in well-being.
55. (Agni Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
lfe¼¼¿s vÆXukof/¼ ekegkÆu¿mÆDFki=¼ kÆ¿bZMÔks¼ x`HkhÆr%A
rÆIra ?kÆe± ifjÆx`ák¼;tUrksÆtkZ ;|ÆKe;¼tUr nso Æ k% AAÿÿAA
Samiddheíagnåvadhi måmahånaíukthapatraí
∂Œyo gæbh∂ta¨. Tapta≈ gharma≈ parigæhyåy-
ajantorjå yadyaj¤amayajanta devå¨.
That yajna, adorable, praiseworthy, flying high
on the wings of Vaidic verses, accepted and honoured
of yore, which the ancient sages performed with
libations of boiled ghee into the flaming fire, that same
yajna, noble people, you also accept and perform with
the same devotion and enthusiasm.
56. (Agni Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
nSO;k¼; /Æ=ksZ tks"Vsª¼ nsoÆJh% Jhe¼uk% 'kÆri¼;k% A iÆfjÆxá
` ¼
nsÆok ;ÆKek¼;u~ nsÆok nsÆosH;ks¼¿vèoÆ;ZUrks¼¿vLFkq% AAÿöAA
Daivyåya dhartre jo¶¢re deva‹r∂¨ ‹r∂manå¨
‹atapayå¨. Parigæhya devå yaj¤amåyan devå
Noble people sit with the noble people round the
fire, performing yajna for the noble people in honour
of the divine powers.
Let the noble people take to the noble yajamana,
a man endowed with wealth of virtue, generosity of heart
and plenty of sumptuous food and drink, and let them
perform the yajna in honour of the heavenly lord,
sustainer of the world and loving father of his children.
57. (Yajna Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
ohÆr§gÆfo% 'kf¼ EÆkÆr§'kf¼ EÆkÆrk ;Ætè;S¼ rqjÉ h;ks¼ ;ÆKks ;=k¼ gÆO;esfrA¼
rrks¼ okÆdk¿vkÆf'k"kks¼ uks tq"kUrke~ AAÿ÷AA
V∂ta|m havi¨ ‹amita|m ‹amitå yajadhyai tμur∂yo
yaj¤o yatra havyameti. Tato våkåíå‹i¶o no
The dynamic and blissful libations of fragrant
materials, offered by the peace-loving yajamana into
the yajna fire for the highest yajna of the fourth (turiya)
order where the libations ultimately reach, from there
the Vaidic voices and the blessings of yajna come and
reach us.
58. (Agni Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
lw;Z×jf'ÆEkÆ ÆgfZ j¼oQs 'k% iqÉjLrk¼RlfOÆkr
Æ k T;ksfRÆkÆ#n¼;kÆü ¼ e~A
¡ AA¿vtÏ
rL;¼ iwÉ"kk iz¼lÆos ;k¼fr fOÆkÆ}kURlÆEi';ÆfUo'okÆ Hkqo¼ukfu
Sμuryara‹mirharike‹a¨ puraståtsavitå jyoti-
rudayå|ní ajasram. Tasya pμu¶å prasave yåti
vidvåntsampa‹yan vi‹vå bhuvanåni gopå¨.
Savita, lord creator, clothed in sun-rays, radiating
the golden-green emanations (waves) of light is the light
that arose at the dawn of creation. Lord omniscient,
protector and sustainer, He goes on and on watching
the worlds of existence.
In His creation, the man of science too goes on
watching and watching, collecting the endless light of
knowledge about the worlds of the universe.
59. (Aditya Devata, Vishvavasu °Rshi)
fOÆkÆeku¼¿,É"k fnÆoks eè;¼¿vkLr¿vkifIÆkzÆokuzksn¼lh¿&
vÆUrfj¼{ke~ A l fOÆkÆ'okph¼jÊfHkp¼"Vs ?k`Érkph¼jUrÆjk iwoZÊei¼ja
p osQÆrqe~ AAÿùAA
Vimånaíe¶a divo madhyaíåstaíåpaprivån rodas∂í
antarik¶am. Sa vi‹våc∂rabhica¶¢e ghætåc∂rantarå
pμurvamapara≈ ca ketum.
This sun, traversing like a divine car, remains in
the midst of the regions of light and illuminates the
heaven, the earth and the sky. It is the sustainer of the
world, source treasure of waters, and watches and
illuminates before, after and in-between (past, present
and future).
60. (Aditya Devata, Apratiratha °Rshi)
mÆ{kk l¼eÉæ
q ks¿v¼#Æ.k% lq¼iÆ.kZ% iwoZ ×L;Æ ;ks¯u× fIÆkÆrjq kfo¼o's k A
eè;s¼ fnÆoks fufg¼rÆ% i`f'ÆUÆkÆj'ekÆ fopØ ¼ esÆ jt¼lLikÆ&
R;UrkS¼ AAöúAA
Uk¶å samudroíaruƒa¨ suparƒa¨ pμ u rvasya
yoni≈ piturå vive‹a. Madhye divo nihita¨
pæ‹nira‹må vi cakrame rajasaspåtyantau.
The sun, seminal fertilizer of life, ocean of spatial
waters, scarlet red at dawn, lord of manifold splendour,
illuminator of the firmament, sustained in the midst of
heaven, travels in space sustaining and binding the ends
of the spheres and moving towards the womb of its
original mother, eternal energy, from whence it came
into being.
61. (Indra Devata, Madhuchhanda Sutajeta °Rshi)
bUæaÆ fo'ok¼¿voho`/URleqÉæO;¼plaÆ fxj¼%A
jÊFkhr¼e§jÊFkhukaÆ oktku
¼ kƦlRi¯¼ RÆkÆ ifre
¼ ~ AAöûAA
Indra≈ vi‹våíav∂vædhantsamudravyacasa≈
gira¨. Rath∂tama|m rath∂nå≈ våjånå|m satpati≈
Wider than oceans of space, supreme over the
commanding and blissful powers of existence, lord
sustainer of the universal energies and nourishments,
lord ordainer of the truth and reality of the world and
Himself the supreme reality, all the voices of nature,
humanity and divinity celebrate the only one omnipotent
sovereign power, Indra.
62. (Yajna Devata, Vidhriti °Rshi)
nsÆoÆgw;ZÆK¿vk p¼ o{kRlqEuÆgw;ÆKZ ¿vk p¼ o{kr~ A
;{k¼nÆfXunsZÆoks nsÆok¡üAA¿vk p¼ o{kr~ AAöüAA
Devahμuryaj¤aíå ca vak¶at sumnahμuryaj¤aíå ca
vak¶at. Yak¶adagnirdevo devå|níå ca vak¶at.
Yajna is the divine power which calls forth the
noblest powers and people to the congregation. May it
raise the voice of truth and give us the divine message
and save us from untruth. Yajna stimulates life with
pleasure and well-being. May it inspire us with pleasure
and well-being. The fire of yajna and the lord of light
feeds the powers of nature. May it augment and enrich
the treasures of the environment and bless us with the
same divine gifts.
63. (Indra Devata, Vidhriti °Rshi)
okt¼L; ek izlÆo¿m¼n~xzkÆHks.kksn¼xzHkhr~ A
v/k¼ lÆiRukÆfuUæks¼ es fuxzkÆHks.kk/¼jk¡üAA¿vd%AAöýAA
Våjasya må prasavaíudgråbheƒodagrabh∂t.
Adhå sapatnånindro me nigråbheƒådharå|ní
May Indra, lord creator of nourishment and
energy and giver of knowledge, elevate me to the heights
of virtue with inspiration and ambition. And may he,
for me, devalue the negative forces of jealousy and
enmity with depression to the lowest depths towards
64. (Indragni Devate, Vidhriti °Rshi)
mÆn~xzkÆHka p¼ fuxzkÆHka pÆ czã¼ nso
Æ k¿v¼oho`/u~ A
v/k¼ lÆiRuk¼fuUækÆXuh es¼ fo"kwÉphukÆUO;~L;rke~ AAöþAA
Udgråbha≈ ca nigråbha≈ ca brahma devåí
av∂vædhan. Adhå sapatnånindrågn∂ me vi¶μuc∂nån
May the powers of life strengthen and expand
our capacity to rise high, and our capability to resist
depression toward the fall. And may Indra, divine power,
and Agni, divine light, throw out far off our dispersive
tendencies and our jealousies and enmities.
65. (Agni Devata, Vidhriti °Rshi)
Øeè¼ oeÆfXuukÆ ukdÆe[ q ;ƧgLrs"¼ kqÉ fcHkzr
¼ %A
¼ ÆRZ ok fEÆkÆJk nso
fnÆoLi`É"B§Lox Æ fs Hk¼jkèoe~ AAöÿAA
Kramadhvamagninå nåkamukhya|m haste¶u
bibhrata¨. Divasp涢ha| m svargatvå mi‹rå
By virtue of Agni, lord of knowledge, light and
energy, act and rise to the heights of joy, holding the
gifts of yajna in your hands. In the company of the
noblest people, favoured by the generous powers of
nature, reach the heavens of bliss and establish
yourselves in the regions of light.
66. (Agni Devata, Vidhriti °Rshi)
izkphÆeuq¼ izÆfn'kaÆ izsfg¼ fOÆkÆ}kuÆXusj¼Xus iqÉjks¿v¼fXuHkZosÆg A
fo'okÆ¿vk'kkÆ nh|k¼uksÆ fo HkkÆáwt±× uks /sfg f}ÉinsÆ
prq¼"ins AAööAA
Pråc∂manu pradi‹a≈ prehi vidvånagneragne
puroí agnirbhaveha. Vi‹vaíå‹å d∂dyåno vi
bhåhyμurja≈ no dhehi dvipade catu¶pade.
Agni, man of knowledge and power, go ahead
and move eastward to the rising sun. In front of Agni,
lord of light and power, be agni yourself, a brilliant man
of the front rank here and now. Shine, and around
yourself illuminate the environment and create food and
energy for our fellow humans and our animals.
67. (Agni Devata, Vidhriti °Rshi)
i`ÉfFÆkOÆ ;k¿vÆgeqnÆUrfj¼{kÆek#¼ geÆUrfj{¼ kkÆfíoÆek#¼ ge~ A
fnÆoks uko¼QL; i`É"Bkr~ LoÆT;ksZfr¼jxkeÆge~ AAö÷AA
Pæthivyåíahamudantarik¶amåruham anta-
rik¶åddivamåruham. Divo nåkasya p涢håt
(With the knowledge of science and the discipline
of yoga) I rise from the earth to the skies. From the
skies, I rise to the regions of light, the sun. From the
regions of the sun, lord of life and joy, I rise to the
heavens, the regions of eternal bliss and light divine.
68. (Agni Devata, Vidhriti °Rshi)
LoÆ;ZUrksÆ ukis¼{kUrÆ¿vk |k¦jks¼gfUÆRÆkÆ jksn¼lh A
;ÆKa ;s fOÆkÆ'orks¼/kjʧlqfo¼}k¦lks forsfUÆkÆjs AAöøAA
Svaryanto nåpek¶antaíå dyå|m rohanti rodas∂.
Yaj|na≈ ye vi‹vatodhåra|m suvidvå|mso vitenire.
Those virtuous men of knowledge who perform
yajna and expand it, yajna which sustains the whole
world, they expect nothing of the material world and,
through yoga, rise above the earth and heaven and
ascend to the regions of bliss and light divine.
69. (Agni Devata, Vidhriti °Rshi)
vXusÆ izsfg¼ izFkÆeks ns¼o;Ærka p{kq¼nsZÆokuk¼eÉr q eR;Zk¼uke~ A
b;{¼ kek.kkÆ Hk`x¼fq Hk% lÆtks"kkÆ% Lo~;UZ rqÉ ;te
¼ kuk% LoÆfLrAAöùAA
Agne prehi prathamo devayatå≈ cak¶urdevå-
nåmuta martyånåm. Iyak¶amåƒå bhægubhi¨
sajo¶å¨ svaryantu yajamånå¨ svasti.
Agni, man of knowledge and yajna, you are the
first among men on way to godliness. You are the eye
for the average humans as you have the vision of the
men of divinity.
May the people of faith and love full of devotion
dedicated to yajna and performing yajna with men of
knowledge and vision of divinity enjoy peace and
happiness and ascend to the heaven of bliss and life
70. (Agni Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
uDrksÆ"kklkÆ le¼ulkÆ fo:¼ is /kÆi;s¼rsÆ f'k'kqÉeo
s ¼Q§lehÆph A
|kokÆ{kkek¼ #ÆDeks¿vÆUr£oHkk¼fr nsÆok¿vƯXu /k¼j;u~
æfo.kksÆnk% AA÷úAA
Nakto¶åså samanaså virμ u pe dhåpayete
‹i‹umeka| m sam∂c∂. Dyåvåk¶åmå rukmoí
antarvibhåti devåíagni≈ dhårayan draviƒodå¨.
Just as the mother and the nurse, different of
character and status but of equal mind and common
purpose, nurse one baby, so do the night and dawn,
different in form as darkness and light but harmonious
and equal of purpose, nurse one new born, the sun, Agni.
The brilliant sun blazes between the earth and heaven
as the source of light and symbol of cosmic yajna.
Dedicated people who offer libations of holy materials
sustain the yajna fire in honour of cosmic Agni for light
and nourishment.
71. (Agni Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
vXus¼ lgÏk{k 'krew¼Z×NÆra rs¼ izkÆ.kk% lÆgϯ O;kÆuk% A
Ro§lk¼gÆÏL;¼ jkÆ;¿bZ ×f'k"ksÆ rLeS¼ rs fo/seÆ oktk¼;Æ
Lokgk¼ AA÷ûAA
Agne sahasråk¶a ‹atamμurdha¤chata≈ te pråƒå¨
sahasra≈ vyånå¨. Tva|m såhasrasya råya ∂‹i¶e
tasmai te vidhema våjåya svåhå.
Agni, lord of a thousand eyes and hundred heads,
hundred fold are your pranic energies of life, thousand-
fold are your energies of action and volition in living
beings and in nature. Thousand-fold is the wealth of
the world you create and govern. To this generous lord
of life and energy we offer our homage with libations
into the fire with total dedication, without reservation.
72. (Agni Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
¼ ~ i`É"Bs i`¼fFÆkOÆ ;k% lhn
lqÉi.Ê kks~¿Z fl xÆ#Reku ¼ A HkkÆlkUrfj¼{kÆeki`¼.kÆ
T;ksfr¼"kkÆ fnoÆeqÙk¼HkkuÆ rst¼lkÆ fn'kÆ¿mn~n`¼§g AA÷üAA
Suparƒoísi garutmån p涢he pæthivyå¨ s∂da.
Bhåsåíntarik¶amå pæƒa jyoti¶å divamuttabhåna
tejaså di‹aíuddæ|nha.
Agni, lord of light and life, magnanimous of
nature, settle on the face of the earth and bless it with
life. Fill the sky with light. Illuminate the heaven with
light and glory. Enrich the directions of space with life
and splendour.
73. (Agni Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
vkÆtqàk¼u% lqÉir
z h¼d% iqÉjLrkÆnXusÆ Loa ;ksfUÆkÆeklh¼n lk/qÉ;kA
vÆfLeURlÆ/LFksÆ¿vè;qÙk¼jfLÆEkÆ Æu~ fo'os¼ nsokÆ ;t¼eku'p
lhnr AA÷ýAA
Åjuhvåna¨ suprat∂ka¨ purastådagne sva≈
yonimås∂da sådhuyå. Asmintsadhastheí
adhyuttarasmin vi‹ve devå yajamåna‹ca s∂data.
Agni, lord of light and life, invoked and invited
in yajna, splendid and gracious in form, come and settle
in your own seat in front, in the east. The yajamana and
all the noble souls may sit and grace this home now as
well as later. May Agni shower divine grace upon us,
the yajamana, and all the noble souls in this life and
74. (Savita Devata, Kanva °Rshi)
rk¦l¼fOÆkÆrqoZjs¼.;L; fPÆkÆ=kkekga o`¼.ks lqeƯr fOÆkÆ'ot¼U;ke~A
;ke¼L;Æ d.oksÆ vnq¼gÊRizih¼uk¦lÆgϼ/kjkaÆ i;¼lk eÆgha
xke~ AA÷þAA
Tå| m saviturvareƒyasya citråmåíha≈ væƒe
sumati≈ vi‹vajanyåm. Yåmasya kaƒvo aduhat-
prap∂nå|m sahasradhårå≈ payaså mah∂≈ gåm.
I dedicate myself to this chosen Lord Savita’s
rich, generous and wonderful divine intelligence which
gives a thousand showers of universal knowledge and
which the man of vision distils from the mother
knowledge of the Vedas just like milk from the great
mother cow.
75. (Agni Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
fOÆkÆ/se¼ rs ijÊes tUe¼ÂXus fOÆkÆ/seÆ LrkseSÆjo¼js lÆ/LFks¼ A
;LekÆ|ksus¼#Ænkfj¼FkkÆ ;tsÆ ra iz Ros gÆoh¦f"k¼ tqgqjsÊ
lfe¼¼s AA÷ÿAA
Vidhema te parame janmannagne vidhema stom-
airavare sadhasthe. Yasmådyonerudårithå yaje
ta≈ pra tve hav∂|n¶i juhure samiddhe.
Agni, supreme of manifestation in the highest
region of existence, we honour and worship you. In this
world, in this home, this side of that supreme region we
celebrate and worship you. The place you emerge from,
and the state whence you arise, we sanctify and love to
join. And when you are ablaze in flames of glory, we
offer fragrant libations in honour and homage to you.
76. (Agni Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
izs¼ks¼¿vXus nhfnfg iqÉjks uks¿t¼Ï;k lwÉE;kZ~ ;fo"B A
Rok¦'k'o¼UrÆ¿mi¼;fUÆRÆkÆ oktk¼% AA÷öAA
Preddho agne d∂dihi puro noí jasrayå sμurmyå
yavi¶¢ha. Två|m ‹a‹vantaíupayanti våjå¨.
Agni, brilliant and most youthful power, arise in
flames and blaze with incessant waves of light right in
front of us. And may a perpetual line of worshipful
devotees and a continuous flow of fragrant food come
to you in homage.
77. (Agni Devata, Parameshthi °Rshi)
vXusÆ reÆ|k'oÆUu LrkseSÆ% ØrqÉUu HkÆæ§â¼fnÆLi`'k¼e~ A
½Æè;kek¼ rÆ¿vksgS¼% AA÷÷AA
Agne tamadyå‹vanna stomai¨ kratunna
bhadra|m hædispæ‹am. °Rdhyåmå taíohai¨.
Agni, like a beautiful horse, like a darling
ambition nursed in the heart, like a blissful yajna
sustained with holy chants, we celebrate you in the fire
and perpetuate you with homage, and we pray we too
may advance in life and virtue.
78. (Vishvakarma Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
fp¯Ùk¼ tqgksfEÆkÆ eu¼lk ?k`ÉrsuÆ ;Fkk¼ nsÆok¿bÆgkxe¼UohÆfr&
gks¼=kk¿½rkÆo/` ¼%A iR;sÆ fo'o¼L;Æ Hkweu
¼ ks tqÉgksfe¼ fOÆk'Æ ooQ¼ eZ.ks
fOÆkÆ'okgknk¼H;§gÆfo% AA÷øAA
Citti≈ juhomi manaså ghætena yathå devåí
ihågaman v∂tihotråíætåvædha¨. Patye vi‹vasya
bhμ u mano juhomi vi‹vakarmaƒe vi‹våhåí
dåbhya|m havi¨.
With concentrated mind and thought I offer
homage to Agni with libations in the fire, so that the
noblest people, lovers of yajna and promoters of truth,
come here (and join in homage for advancement. And
in company) every day I offer sacred and intrepidable
libations of havi to Vishvakarma, lord maker and
sustainer of the great good universe.
79. (Agni Devata, Saptarshi Rshis)
lÆIr rs¼¿vXus lÆfe/¼% lÆIr fTÆkÆàk% lÆIr¿½"k¼;% lÆIr
/ke¼ fIÆkzÆ;kf.k¼ A lÆIr gks=kk¼% lIRÆkÆ/k Rok¼ ;tfUr lÆIr
;ksuhÆjki`¼.kLo ?k`ÉrsuÆ Lokgk¼ AA÷ùAA
Sapta teíagne samidha¨ sapta jihvå¨ saptaí
æ¶aya¨ sapta dhåma priyåƒi. Sapta hotrå¨
saptadhå två yajanti sapta yon∂rå pæƒasva
ghætena svåhå.
Agni, seven are the samidhas (sticks of sacred
fuel) whereby you rise and shine. Seven are your tongues
of flame whereby you devour the food. Seven are the
Rishis, visionaries of knowledge and piety who invoke
you for homage. Seven are your darling places, contexts,
wherein you love to shine and play. Seven are the priests
who seven-ways do homage and seven-fold extend your
blessings. Seven are the places, vedis, where from you
manifest and grow. Fill all these places with ghee and
your blessings, grow and prosper and let us too grow
and prosper. This is the divine voice.
80. (Maruts Devata, Saptarshis Rshis)
'kqÉØT;ks¼fr'p fPÆkÆ=kT;ks¼fr'p lÆR;T;ks¼fr'pÆ T;ksfr¼&
"ek¡'p A 'kqÉØ'p¼¿ÍrÆik'pkR;¼§gk% AAøúAA
›ukrajyoti‹ca citrajyoti‹ca satyajyoti‹ca jyoti-
¶må|n‹ca. ›ukra‹caíætapå‹cåtya|mhå¨.
Lord of pure light, and lord of wondrous light,
and lord of the light of truth, and lord of light and the
lord light itself, lord pure and immaculate, and the lord
protector of truth, the Law and the cosmic yajna of
existence and the lord sinless of infinite virtue is He.
(May the Maruts, heroes of the speed of lightning,
grace our yajna).
81. (Maruts Devata, Saptarshi Rshis)
bZÆn`Ä~ pk¼U;kÆn`Ä~ p¼ lÆn`Ä~ pÆ izfr¼ln`Ä~ p A
fEÆkÆr'pÆ lfEe¼r'pÆ lHk¼jk% AAøûAA
∫dæΔ cånyådæΔ ca sadæΔ ca pratisadæΔ ca.
Mita‹ca sammita‹ca sabharå¨.
Men of single vision, men of others’ (objective)
vision, men of comprehensive vision, men of discreet
vision, men of measure, men measured around by all,
and men who support and sustain all — they are the
men, they are the Maruts who succeed at top speed.
82. (Maruts Devata, Saptarshis Rshis)
½Ær'p¼ lÆR;'p¼ /zqÉo'p¼ /Æ#.k¼'p A
/ÆÙkkZ p¼ fo/ÆÙkkZ p¼ fo/kjÊ;%AAøüAA
°Rta‹ca satya‹ca dhruva‹ca dharuƒa‹ca. Dhartå
ca vidhartå ca vidhåraya¨.
The man of the knowledge of truth and law, the
man of reality dedicated to truth, the man stable and
steadfast, the man support-column of the stable and
steadfast, the man who bears and forbears, the man who
bears and forbears the variety of reality, and the man of
versatility who faces all and bears all in a variety of
ways — this man is one of the Maruts who move at top
83. (Maruts Devata, Saptarshi Rshis)
½ÆrÆftPp¼ lR;ÆftPp¼ lsuÆftPp¼ lqÉ"ks.k¼'p A
vfUr¼fe=k'p nwÉjs¿v¼fe=k'p xÆ.k%AAøýAA
°Rtajicca satyajicca senajicca su¶eƒa‹ca. Anti-
mitra‹ca dμureíamitra‹ca gaƒa¨.
The man master of the Law and reality, master of
the truth of reality, master of his forces, the man with
close friends around and the man whose enemies are
few and far — this is the man, one of the Maruts, who
wins at top speed, with his comrades.
84. (Maruts Devata, Saptarshis Rshis)
¼ ¿mQÆ "kq .k¼% lÆn`{kk¼lÆ% izfr¼ln`{kklÆ¿&
,r¼u A fEÆkÆrkl¼'pÆ lfEe¼rklks uks¿vÆ| lHkj¼ lks e#rks
;ÆKs¿vÆfLeu~ AAøþAA
Idæk¶åsaíetådæk¶åsaíμu ¶u ƒa¨ sadæk¶åsa¨ prati-
sadæk¶åsaíetana. Mitåsa‹ca sammitåso noíadya
sabharaso maruto yaj¤eíasmin.
Men of this character and vision, men of similar
character and vision, men of comprehensive character
and vision, men of equal character and vision for
everyone, men of balanced mind and men of definiteness
and ascertainment in all matters — these are the Maruts
among humanity who may, to-day, come and join this
yajna of ours.
85. (Maruts Devata, Saptarshi Rshis)
Lor¼ok¡'p iz?kkÆlh p¼ lkUriÆu'p¼ x`gesÆ/h p¼ A
ØhÆMh p¼ 'kkÆdh pks¼TtsÆ"kh AAøÿAA
Svatavå|n‹ca praghås∂ ca såntapana‹ca gæha-
medh∂ ca. Kr∂Œ∂ ca ‹åk∂ cojje¶∂.
The man inherently valiant and firmly rooted,
who maintains good health with nourishments, who
endures and gives a hot pursuit to the enemy, who is
dedicated to the home, who loves sports, is powerful,
and who is ambitious to win, such a man is Marut, a
live wire. May the Maruts join our yajna.
86. (Maruts Devata, Saptarshis Rshis)
bUæaÆ nSohÆ£o'kks¼ eÆ#rks¿uq¼oRekZuks¿HkoÆU;FksUæaÆ nSohÆ£o'kks¼
¼ u~ A ,ÉofEÆkÆea ;t¼ekuaÆ nSoh¼'pÆ fo'kks¼
ekuqÉ"kh'pkuq¼oRekZuks HkoUrq AAøöAA
Indra≈ daiv∂rvi‹o marutoínuvartmånoíbhavan
yathendra≈ daiv∂rvi‹o marutoínuvartmånoí-
bhavan. Evamima≈ yajamåna≈ daiv∂‹ca vi‹o
månu¶∂‹cånuvartmåno bhavantu.
The noble scholars of virtue and wisdom, the
distinguished citizens and the smartest warriors should
follow Indra, in the manner in which all noble scholars,
noble citizens and smart warriors ought to follow Indra,
the ruler of the land.
All the noble scholars, noble citizens and the
smartest warriors should follow Indra, the ruler of the
Similarly all the noble scholars, distinguished
citizens and the average people should follow this
(The ruler too should act and behave in a noble
manner so that all the noble scholars, distinguished
citizens and the average people follow him
spontaneously and faithfully.)
87. (Agni Devata, Saptarshis Rshis)
bÆe§LruÆewtZ ×LoUra /;kÆika izih¼ueXus lfjÆjL;Æ eè;s¼ A
mRl¯ tq"kLoÆ e/q¼eUreoZURleqÉfæ;Ƨln¼uÆekfo¼'kLo AAø÷AA
Ima|m stanamμurjasvanta≈ dhayåpå≈ prap∂na-
magne sarirasya madhye. Utsa≈ ju¶asva
madhumantamarvantsamudriya|m sadanamå-
Agni, lord of light and power, in the midst of this
world, drink of this nature’s motherly breast of energy
replete with the nectar of life. Foremost among the
fastest heroes, drink deep at this fountain head of honey-
sweets. Enter this oceanic house of yajna, (expand and
go round the world).
88. (Agni Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
?k`Éra fe¼fe{ks ?k`Ére¼L;Æ ;ksfu¼?k`ZÉrs fJÆrks ?k`ÉrEo¼L;Æ /ke¼ A
vÆu q É " oÆ/ eko ¼g ekÆn ; ¼L oÆ Lokgk ¼Ñ ra o` " kHk of{k
gÆO;e~ AAøøAA
Ghæta≈ mimik¶e ghætamasya yonirghæte ‹rito
ghætamvasya dhåma. Anu¶vadhamåvaha
mådayasva svåhåkæta≈ væ¶abha vak¶i havyam.
I wish to mix and go deep into water/ghee for
offering it into the fire. Fire arises from water/ghee,
which is its birth-place. It is latent in water/ghee. Water/
ghee is its place of rest. Prepare the materials for the
libation and call up Agni. Generous power of rain
shower, prepare the materials for the offering and make
us all rejoice. (The indication is to prepare the waters
and produce fire/energy from this rich source.)
89. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
lÆeÉæq knwÉ£eeZ/¼e
q k¡ÆüAA¿ mnk¼jÊni
q kƦ'kqukÆ le¼er ¼ V~A
` ÆRoeku
?k`ÉrL;Æ ukeÆ xqáaÆ ;nfLr¼ ftÆàk nsÆokuk¼eÆer ` ¼L;Æ ukfHk¼%AAøù
samamætatvamånat. Ghætasya nåma guhya≈
yadasti jihvå devånåmamætasya nåbhi¨.
Honey waves of energy arise from the sea/vedi
and, mixing with the rays of the sun, ascend to a state
of divine vitality. These rising waves are tongues of the
gods (divine powers of nature), and the central birth-
place of nectar. These are the mystical names of the
mysterious but still scientific powers of ghrta/the sea
through the process of yajna.
90. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
oÆ;a ukeÆ izcz¼okek ?k`ÉrL;kÆfLeu~ ;ÆKs /k¼j;kekÆ ueks¼fHk% A
mi¼ czÆãk 'k`¼.koPNÆL;ek¼uaÆ prq¼%Ük`Xks¿oehn~ xkSÆj¿&
,Érr~ AAùúAA
Vaya≈ nåma pra bravåmå ghætasyåsmin yaj¤e
dhårayåmå namobhi¨. Upa brahmå ‹æƒa-
vacchasyamåna≈ catu¨sæΔgoívam∂d gauraíetat.
In this yajna we chant and meditate upon the
mystical name of ‘yajna’, of ghee, waters and the spirit
of fertility, and with all reverence, salutations, faith and
holy offerings, observe, perform and internalize yajna
as name and as the creative act that it is. May Brahma,
the presiding priest, man of the Vedas and generous
teacher, hear the celebrated name and expound its
meaning and value to others.
91. (Yajna Purusha Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
pÆRokfjÆ Ük`XkÉ É =k;ks¼¿vL;Æ iknkÆ }s 'khÆ"ksZ lÆIr gLrkl
¼ ks¿vL;A
f=k/k¼ cƼks o¼`"kÆHkks jks¼johfr eÆgks nsÆoks eR;¡kZÆüAA¿
vkfoo ¼ 's kAAùûAA
Catvåri ‹æΔgå trayoíasya pådå dve ‹ir¶e sapta
haståsoíasya. Tridhå baddho væ¶abho rorav∂ti
maho devo martyå|níå vive‹a.
(i). Yajna is a purusha, a living person, a metaphor.
Just as a person is a living human being, and he/she has
a name which is identical with the person, so is yajna, a
living act and a name, and the name-word is identical
with the act. (1) This person, the living act of yajna, has
four heads, the four Vedas. It has three legs/sessions:
morning, mid-day and evening. It has two heads, the
prayaniya ceremony (inauguration), and the udayaniya
ceremony (valediction or conclusion). It has seven arms
in the form of seven chhandas, gayatri and other metres.
It is tied three-ways, structured in three parts: Mantra,
the original vedic texts, Brahmana, expositions
containing rules and explanations, and kalpa, rules of
ritual performance. It is Vrishabha, that which showers
joy and prosperity. It roars with the voice of the Vedas.
It is great, it is brilliant and divine, and it is seated in
the deepest layers of the human mind.
(ii). Now the name ‘Yajna’, the word in language:
It has four heads: Nama, nouns or substantives, Akhyata,
the roots and verbs, Upasarga, the affixes, and Nipata,
particles, indeclinables and irregulars. It has three legs:
past, present and future tenses. It has two heads: the
eternal Word and the structured words of language in
use, and the word and its meaning (signification). It has
seven arms: the seven cases and case endings or case
forms. It is tied three ways: in the mind/intellect, in the
chest, and in the throat/mouth. It is a Vrishabha, it
showers the thoughts and emotions in communication,
and it roars through the medium of sound. It is great, it
is rich and brilliant and it is seated in the deepest layers
of the human mind.
(This mantra gives a comprehensive abstract of
the linguistic structure of any language, and on the basis
of this abstract a universal grammar of human language,
any form of it, can be written.)
92. (YajnaPurusha Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
f=k/k¼ fgÆra iÆf.kfHk¼xÉá
qZ ek¼uÆa xfo¼ nsÆoklks¼ ?k`ÉreUo¼&
foUnu~ A bUæÆ¿,dƧlw;ZÆ ,d¼×ttku osÆuknso¼Q§LoÆ/;kÆ
Tridhå hita≈ paƒibhirguhyamåna≈ gavi devåso
ghætamanvavindan. Indraí eka|m sμuryaí eka≈
jajåna venådeka|m svadhayå ni¶¢atak¶u¨.
The mystique of yajna/ghee/waters, three-way
hidden and three-way studied in quietude by
knowledgeable people, the visionaries sought and found
it in the cow, the Veda and nature. One was found and
revealed by Indra, specialist of electric energy, one by
the specialist of solar energy, and one was received from
the scholars of the Vedas and enacted with oblations by
the devotees of yajna.
93. (YajnaPurusha Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
,Érk¿v¼"kZfUÆRÆkÆ â|k¼Rleqæ
É kPNÆroz¼tk fjÆiq.kkÆ ukoÆp{ks¼ A
?k`ÉrL;Æ /kjk¼¿vÆfHkpk¼d'khfe fgjÊ.;;ks¼ osrÆlks eè;¼¿&
vklke~ AAùýAA
Etåíar¶anti hædyåt samudråcchatavrajå ripuƒå
nåvacak¶e. Ghætasya dhåråíabhicåka‹∂mi
hiraƒyayo vetaso madhyaíåsåm.
These waves of cosmic energy, these vibrations
of the cosmic boom of the Word, issue from the oceanic
depths of the Eternal Mind. In countless streams they
flow all round, not even an enemy can deny them. And
I, a soul wrapped in golden hue, stand in the midst of
these waves like a reed and feel the power and the
beatitude blowing through me.
94. (YajnaPurusha Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
lÆE;o~Q ϼofUr lÆfjrksÆ u /suk¿¼ vÆUrâZn Æ k eu¼lk iwÉ;ek¼uk%A
,Ér¿s v¼"kZUR;we Z ks¼ ?k`r
É ; É L;¼ e`x ¼ f{kiÆ.kksjh"k¼ek.kk% AAùþAA
É k¿bo
Samyak sravanti sarito na dhenåíantarhædå
manaså pμ u yamånå¨. Eteíar¶antyμ u rmayo
ghætasya mægåíiva k¶ipaƒor∂¶amåƒå¨.
These waves of divine energy, vibrations of the
divine voice issue forth from yajna and, purified by the
mind in faith, flow serene and quiet like streams through
the heart within, away from the fluctuations of the outer
world, as deer fly away from the fear of a tiger/hunter.
95. (YajnaPurusha Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
flU/ks¼fjo izkèoÆus 'kw¼?kÊuk'kksÆ okr¼izfe;% ir;fUr ;Æàk%A
?k`ÉrL;Æ /kjk¼¿v#Æ"kks u okÆth dk"Bk¼ fHÆkÆUnUuw£É efHÆkÆ%
Sindhoriva prådhvane ‹μughanå‹o våtapramiya¨
patayanti yahvå¨. Ghætasya dhåråíaru¶o na våj∂
k嶢hå bhindannμurmibhi¨ pinvamåna¨.
The mighty streams of ghrita, waves of cosmic
energy and vibrations of yajnic voice, issue forth (from
the divine) and flow incessantly (into the universe) as
the turbulent streams of a river blown upon by the wind
hasten through their course and fall into the sea, or, as a
fearless troop of horse breaking through the enemy
defences goes forth to victory winning over the field
with the speed of its motion in the heat of action.
96. (YajnaPurusha Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vÆfHkiz¼oUrÆ le¼usoÆ ;ks"kk¼% dY;kÆ.;¨% Le;¼ekuklks¿&
vÆfXue~ A ?k`ÉrL;Æ /kjk¼% lÆfe/ks¼ ulUrÆ rk tq¼"kkÆ.kks g¼;Zfr
tkÆros¼nk% AAùöAA
Abhi pravanta samaneva yo¶å¨ kalyåƒya¨
smayamånåsoíagnim. Ghætasya dhårå¨ samidho
nasanta tå ju¶åƒo haryati jåtavedå¨.
Just like young women of equal mind and
pleasing, noble and generous, smiling in festive mood,
the streams of ghrita (ghee) flow from all round and
join Agni to feed the holy fuel. And Agni, pleased with
the offering, blazes with heat and light.
So do the waves of energy and the vibrations of
the divine voice of yajna meet the dedicated man who
happily receives them and shines with the light of
97. (YajnaPurusha Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
dÆU;k~¿bo ogÆrqesrÆok¿m¼¿vÆ×T;~×tkÆuk¿vÆfHkpk¼d&
'khfe A ;=kÆ lkse¼% lwÉ;rsÆ ;=k¼ ;ÆKks ?k`ÉrL;Æ /kjk¼¿vÆfHk
rRi¼oUrs AAù÷AA
Kanyåíiva vahatumetavåíu a¤jya¤jånåíabhi
cåka‹∂mi. Yatra soma¨ sμ u yate yatra yaj¤o
ghætasya dhåråíabhi tat pavante.
Just as a lovely maiden dressed in luxurious finery
at her wedding goes to meet her groom, so do the streams
of ghrita flow from all sides to meet Agni where yajna
is performed and soma is generated for the light and
energy of life.
I perceive the flow of light and energy and I feel blest.
98. (YajnaPurusha Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vÆH;~"kZr lq"Vqɯr xO;¼ekÆfteÆLeklq¼ HkÆæk æfo¼.kkfu /Ùk A
bÆea ;ÆKa u¼;r nsÆork¼ uks ?k`ÉrL;Æ /kjkÆ e/q¼eRioUrs AAùøAA
Abhyar¶ata su¶¢uti≈ gavyamåjimasmåsu bhadrå
draviƒåni dhatta. Ima≈ yaj¤a≈ nayata devatå
no ghætasya dhårå madhumat pavante.
Powers of Divinity, bless us with creditable
praise, plenty of food and drink and knowledge, and
victory in the battles of life. Bless us with auspicious
and excellent wealths of the world. Carry this yajna of
ours to a noble finale. Let the honey streams of ghrita
flow to Agni in our homes.
99. (YajnaPurusha Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
/ke¼UrsÆ fo'oaÆ Hkqo¼uÆef/¼ fJÆreÆUr% l¼eÉæ
q s âÆ|¨Urjk;q¼f"k A
vÆikeuh¼osQ lfEÆkÆFks ;¿vkHk`¼rÆLre¼';keÆ e/qe ¼ Ura r¿&
mQÆ£ee~ AAùùAA
Dhåma≈ te vi‹va≈ bhuvanamadhi ‹ritamanta¨
samudre hædyantaråyu¶i. Apåman∂ke samithe
yaí åbhætastama‹yåma madhumanta≈
Yajna Purusha, Agni, Lord of the universe, in your
domain, under your law and power rests the entire world
of existence. In this domain, whatever is contained in
the oceans of space, in the splendour of the skies, in the
heart, in life, in yajna, to that we may attain. May we
have the taste of the honey-sweets of that cosmic yajna,
may we have the feel of that universal energy.

bfr lIrn'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Agni Devata, Devas °Rshis)
okt¼'p es izlÆo'p¼ esÆ iz;¼fr'p esÆ izfl¼fr'p es
/hÆfr'p¼ esÆ Ørq¼'p esÆ Loj¼'p esÆ 'ykso¼Q'p es JÆo'p¼ esÆ
Jqfr¼'p esÆ T;ksfr¼'p esÆ Lo~'p es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAûAA
Våja‹ca me prasava‹ca me prayati‹ca me
prasiti‹ca me dh∂ti‹ca me kratu‹ca me svara‹ca
me ‹loka‹ca me ‹rava‹ca me ‹ruti‹ca me jyoti‹ca
me sva‹ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
By yajna, by the Grace of God, by virtue of our
joint action, by virtue of my own performance: food is
mine and energy is mine; prosperity is mine and the
way to prosperity is mine; effort is mine and the will to
effort is mine; management is mine and preservation is
mine; faith is mine and firmness is mine; vision is mine
and resolution is mine; freedom is mine and discipline
is mine; praise is mine and the tongue is mine; the heard
is mine and the spoken is mine; shruti (Veda) is mine
and Smriti (law and tradition) is mine; light is mine and
illumination is mine; joy is mine and supreme bliss is
mine; all these may grow, all these be favourable; all
these be auspicious for all, by yajna.
2. (Prajapati Devata, Devas °Rshis)
izkÆ.k'p¼ es¿ikÆu'p¼ es O;kÆu'pÆ es¿lq¼'p es fPÆkÆÙka p¼
eÆ¿vk/h¼ra p esÆ oko~Q p¼ esÆ eu¼'p esÆ p{kq¼'p esÆ Jks=ak¼
p esÆ n{k¼'p esÆ cy¯ p es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAüAA
Pråƒa‹ca meí påna‹ca me vyåna‹ca meí su‹ca
me citta≈ ca maíådh∂ta≈ ca me våk ca me
mana‹ca me cak¶u‹ca me ‹rotra≈ ca me
dak¶a‹ca me bala≈ ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
By yajna, by the Grace of God, by the blessings
and goodwill of the community, and by virtue of my
own discipline: my life and the breath of life, the
outgoing air and systemic cleansing, the joints and
suppleness of the body, my will to live and the spirit of
joy, my mind and my memory, my resolution and
meditation, my speech and listening, my thought and
self-image, my eye and love of direct truth, my ear and
search for confirmation, my expertise and my smartness,
my strength and prowess, all these may grow, be
favourable and auspicious for all, by yajna.
3. (Prajapati Devata, Devas °Rshis)
vkst¼'p esÆ lg¼'p e¿vkÆRek p¼ es rÆuw'p¼ esÆ 'keZ× p
esÆ oeZ × pÆ es¿Xk¼fu pÆ es¿LFkh¼fu p esÆ i:¼ ¦f"k p
esÆ 'kjh¼jkf.k p eÆ¿vk;q¼'p es tÆjk p¼ es ;ÆKsu¼
dYiUrke~ AAýAA
Oja‹ca me saha‹ca maí åtmå ca me tanμu‹ca me
‹arma ca me varma ca meí Δgåni ca meí sth∂ni
ca me parμu|n¶i ca me ‹ar∂råƒi ca maí åyu‹ca me
jarå ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
My vigour and my power, my victory and my
moral courage, my soul and my potential, my body and
health, my home and my family, my defence and my
weapons, my limbs and their functions, my bones and
my blood, my generation and my vitality, the bodies
and health of my people, my life and longevity, my old
age and self-dependence, all these may grow, be good
and auspicious, for me and for all by yajna, observance
of Dharma, law and joint and individual discipline.
4. (Prajapati Devata, Devas °Rshis)
T;S"BÔ¯ p eÆ¿vkf/¼iR;a p es eÆU;q'p¼ esÆ Hkke¼'pÆ
es¿e¼'pÆ es¿EHk¼'p es tsÆek p¼ es efgÆek p¼ es ofjÆek p¼
es izfFÆkÆek p¼ es o£"ÆkÆek p¼ es ækf?ÆkÆek p¼ es o`ɼa p¼ esÆ
o`f¼¼'p es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAþAA
Jyai¶¢hya≈ ca maí ådhipatya≈ ca me manyu‹ca
me bhåma‹ca meíma‹ca meímbha‹ca me jemå
ca me mahimå ca me varimå ca me prathimå ca
me var¶imå ca me dråghimå ca me væddha≈ ca
me væddhi‹ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
By yajna, joint action and observance of Dharma
and law, community and participative discipline of my
freedom : my fame and my wealth, my self-rule and my
ruler, my passion and my love of peace, my righteous
anger and moral discipline, my honour and my sense of
justice, my waters and my fruitfulness, my valour and
my victories, my grandeur and my reputation, my
greatness and my conduct, my expansion and my
domain, my seniority and my humility, my loftiness and
my depth, my riches and sense of values, my growth
and sense of limitations, all these may be strong and
firm, grow and be good for me and for all, by yajna.
5. (Prajapati Devata, Devas °Rshis)
lÆR;a p¼ es JƼk p¼ esÆ tx¼Pp esÆ /u¯ p esÆ fo'o¯ p
esÆ eg¼'p es ØhÆMk p¼ esÆ eksn¼'p es tkÆra p¼ es
tfUÆkÆ";ek¼.ka p es lwÉDra p¼ es lqo`ÉQra p¼ es ;ÆKsu¼
dYiUrke~ AAÿAA
Satya≈ ca me ‹raddhå ca me jagacca me
dhana≈ ca me vi‹va≈ ca me maha‹ca me kr∂Œå
ca me moda‹ca me jåta≈ ca me jani¶yamåƒa≈
ca me sμukta≈ ca me sukæta≈ ca me yaj¤ena
By yajna, Grace of God and observance of
Dharma: Truth is mine and the good of all is mine to
work for, faith is mine and the reason and basis of faith
is mine, the dynamic world is mine and the sense of
change is mine, the wealth is mine and the sense of
value is mine, all life is mine and all its opportunities
are mine, glory is mine and the respect for glory is mine,
fun is mine and games are mine, joy of the world is
mine and the freedom of liberation is mine, all that is
born is mine and I am for it, all that is being created is
for me and I am for it, all that will be created will be for
me and I shall be for it, all that has been said well is for
me and I am for it, all that has been well done is for me
and I am for it, all these and all my good words, thoughts
and deeds may grow and be firm and favourable for me
and for all by virtue of yajna.
6. (Prajapati Devata, Devas °Rshis)
ÍÆra p¼ esÆ¿e`r¯ p es¿;Æ{ea pÆ es¿uke ¼ ;Pp es thÆokrq¼'p
es nh?kkZ;qÉRoa p¼ es¿ufEÆkÆ=ka pÆ es¿Hk¼;a p es lqÉ[ka p¼ esÆ
'k;¼ua p es lw"É kk'p¼ es lqfÉ nu¯ p es ;ÆKus ¼ dYiUrke~AAöAA
°Rta≈ ca meímæta≈ ca meíyak¶ma≈ ca meí-
nåmayacca me j∂våtu‹ca me d∂rghåyutva≈ ca
meí namitra≈ ca meí bhaya≈ ca me sukha≈ ca
me ‹ayana≈ ca me sμu¶å‹ca me sudina≈ ca me
yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
My knowledge and practice of truth and Dharma,
my immortal spirit and meditation, my freedom from
illness and exercise, my freedom from suffering and
my medication, my vitality and tonics, my longevity
and yoga, my freedom from enmity and love for all, my
freedom from fear and self-confidence, my joy and
means of comfort, my sleep and freedom from tension,
my beautiful dawn and early prayers, my happy day and
good fortune, may all these grow, be firm and favourable
for all and for me by yajna, corporate action and the
Grace of God.
7. (Prajapati Devata, Devas °Rshis)
;ÆUrk p¼ es /ÆrkZ p¼ esÆ {kse¼'p esÆ /`fr¼'p esÆ fo'o¯ p
esÆ eg¼'p es laÆfoPp¼ esÆ Kk=ak¼ p esÆ lw'p¼ es izÆlw'p¼ esÆ
lhj¯ p esÆ y;¼'p es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AA÷AA
Yantå ca me dhartå ca me k¶ema‹ca me dhæti‹ca
me vi‹va≈ ca me maha‹ca me sa≈vicca me
j¤åtra≈ ca me sμu‹ca me pra‹μuca me s∂ra≈ ca
me laya‹ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
My ruler and my observance of the rules, my
sustainer and supports, my security and the protector,
my constancy and self-protection, my world around and
my behaviour, my nobility and noble actions, my
awareness and self-knowledge, my field of
specialisation and my achievement, my inspiration and
initiative, my potency of generation and my children,
my agriculture and the farmers, my house and my
property, all these may grow, be strong and firm and
good and auspicious for me and for all by yajna, personal
endeavour, corporate action and the Grace of God.
8. (Atma Devata, Devas R
° shis)
'ka p¼ esÆ e;¼'p es fIÆkzÆ;a p¼ es¿uqdkÆe'p¼ esÆ dke¼'p es
lkSeuÆl'p¼ esÆ Hkx¼'p esÆ æfo¼.ka p es HkÆæa p¼ esÆ Js;¼'p
esÆ olh¼;'p esÆ ;'k¼'p es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAøAA
›a≈ ca me maya‹ca me priya≈ ca meí-
nukåma‹ca me kåma‹ca me saumanasa‹ca me
bhaga‹ca me draviƒa≈ ca me bhadra≈ ca me
‹reya‹ca me vas∂ya‹ca me ya‹a‹ca me yaj¤ena
My peace and well-being, and my comfort and
happiness, and my love, and my desire, and my ambition,
and the good cheer of my mind, and my dignity, and
my wealth, and my worldly good, and my ultimate good,
and my advancement, and my honour and glory, may
all these grow and be good and auspicious by yajna for
9. (Atma Devata, Devas R
° shis)
mQoZ~Q p¼ es lwÉu`rk¼ p esÆ i;¼'p esÆ jl¼'p es ?k`Éra p¼ esÆ
e/q¼ p esÆ lfX/¼'p esÆ lih¼fr'p es o`QÉf"k'p¼ esÆ o`f"V'¼ p
esÆ tS=ak¼ p eÆ¿vkSf‰¼|a p es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAùAA
ªUrk ca me sμunætå ca me paya‹ca me rasa‹ca me
ghæta≈ ca me madhu ca me sagdhi‹ca me
sap∂ti‹ca me kæ¶i‹ca me v涢i‹ca me jaitra≈ ca
maíaudbhidya≈ ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
And my food pure and delicious, and my speech
true and pleasing, and my milk and drink, and my tonics
and herbal essences, and my ghrita and butter, and my
honey and sweets, and my food and dessert, and my
drinks and dressings, and my farming and special
breeding, and the rains for us and the libations, and our
man-power and our accomplishments, and our minerals
and the tonic roots, may all these grow and be good and
firm and auspicious by yajna for all.
10. (Atma Devata, Devas R
° shis)
jÊf;'p¼ esÆ jk;¼'p es iqÉ"Va p¼ esÆ iqf"V¼'p es fOÆkÆHkq p¼ es
izÆHkq p¼ es iwÉ.k± p¼ es iwÉ.kZr¼ja p esÆ oqQ;¼oa pÆ es¿f{k¼ra pÆ
es¿Â¯ pÆ es¿{kq¼Pp es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAûúAA
Rayi‹ca me råya‹ca me pu¶¢a≈ ca me pu¶¢i‹ca
me vibhu ca me prabhu ca me pμurƒa≈ ca me
pμurƒatara≈ ca me kuyava≈ ca meík¶ita≈ ca
meínna≈ ca meí k¶ucca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
My wealth of knowledge and power of action,
my wealth of possessions and all round prosperity, my
health and growth, our public health and nourishment,
my mental expansion and intellectual growth, my self-
mastery and meditation, my fulfilment and its relevance
to life, my worldly advancement and philanthropy, my
management of damage and pollution of crops, my foods
and my delicacies, and our management of hunger and
thirst and shortages, may all these grow and be strong
and auspicious for all by yajna.
11. (Shrimadatma Devata, Devas R
° shis)
fOÆkÆÙka p¼ esÆ os|¯ p es HkwÉra p¼ es HkfOÆkÆ";Pp¼ es lqÉxa
p¼ es lqiÆF;a~ p e¿ÍƼa¿ p¼ eÆ¿½f¼¼'p es Dy`ÉIra
p¼ esÆ Dy`fIr¼'p es eÆfr'p¼ es lqeÆfr'p¼ es ;ÆKsu¼
dYiUrke~ AAûûAA
Vitta≈ ca me vedya≈ ca me bhμuta≈ ca me
bhavi¶yacca me suga≈ ca me supathya≈ ca maí
æddha≈ ca maíæddi‹ca me klæpta≈ ca me
klæpti‹ca me mati‹ca me sumati‹ca me yaj¤ena
All my thought and whatever I have thought out,
all that I know and ought to know, my past and my
present, all my future and all my timeless, all my short-
cuts and my proper actions, my treatments and my
diagnoses, my riches and my achievement, my spiritual
wealth and my fulfilments, my intentions and my
imaginations, my reflections and my reasons, my
understanding and my analyses, my intelligence and my
faith and commitments, all these may grow, and be
strong and auspicious by yajna for all.
12. (Dhanyada Atma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
ozhÆg;¼'p esÆ ;ok'¼ p esÆ ek"kk¼'p esÆ fryk¼'p es eqn ~ k'p¼
É x
esÆ [kYok¼'p es fIÆkzÆ;X¼o'pÆ es¿.k¼o'p es ';kÆekdk¼'p
es uhÆokjk¼'p es xksÆ/wek¼'p es eÆlwjk¼'p es ;ÆKsu¼
dYiUrke~ AAûüAA
Vr∂haya‹ca me yavå‹ca me må¶å‹ca me tilå‹ca
me mudgå‹ca me khalvå‹ca me priyaΔgava‹ca
meí ƒava‹ca me ‹yåmåkå‹ca me n∂vårå‹ca me
godhμ u må‹ca me masμ u rå‹ca me yaj¤ena
My paddy and rice, and my barley, and my beans,
and my sesamums, and my mungo beans, and my
legumins, and my long pepper, and my small grains,
and my millet, and my wild grains, and my wheat, and
my lentils and all other grains, and their preparations,
may all these grow in plenty, rich and delicious, by yajna
and scientific treatment for all.
13. (Ratnavandhanavanatma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
v'ek¼ p esÆ e`fÙk¼dk p es fXÆkÆj;¼'p esÆ ioZ ×rk'p esÆ
flo¼Qrk'p esÆ ouÆLir¼;'p esÆ fgj¼.;a pÆ es¿;¼'p es
';kÆea p¼ es yksÆg×p¼ esÆ lhLak¼ p esÆ =kiq¼ p es ;ÆKsu¼
dYiUrke~ AAûýAA
A‹må ca me mættikå ca me giraya‹ca me
parvatå‹ca me sikatå‹ca me vanaspataya‹ca me
hiraƒya≈ ca meí ya‹ca me ‹yåma≈ ca me loha≈
ca me s∂sa≈ ca me trapu ca me yaj¤ena
Our stones and gems, and our clay and its
varieties, and our clouds and crops, and our mountains
and hills and valleys, and our sands and pebbles, and
our herbs and trees, and our gold and minerals, and our
iron and steels, and our sapphires and other gems, and
our copper and bronze, and our lead and its varieties,
and our zinc and brass, all these may develop by the
yajna of scientific treatment and grow good and
auspicious for all of us.
14. (Agnyadiyukta atma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
vÆfXu'p¼ eÆ¿vki¼'p es ohÆ#/¼'p eÆ¿vks"k¼/;'p es
Ñ"ViÆP;k'p¼ es¿Ñ"ViÆP;k'p¼ es xzkÆE;k'p¼ es iÆ'ko¼¿&
vkjÊ.;k'p¼ es fOÆkÙÆ k×p¼ esÆ fofÙk¼'p es Hkwr
É ×p¼ esÆ Hkwfr¼'p
es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAûþAA
Agni‹ca maíåpa‹ca me v∂rudha‹ca maío¶adh-
aya‹ca me k涢apacyå‹ca meí k涢apacyå‹ca me
gråmyå‹ca me pa‹avaíåraƒyå‹ca me vitta≈ ca
me vitti‹ca me bhμuta≈ ca me bhμuti‹ca me
yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
My fire (heat) and electricity, and my waters and
aquatic wealth, and my shrubs and creepers, and my
herbs and trees, and my cultivated grains and
specialities, and my wild fruits and berries, and my
domestic animals and pets, and my wild beasts and
animals, and my wealth and dearest possessions, and
the sweets and dear forms of my past and present, and
my honour and glory and all the efforts required, all
these may develop and grow auspicious for all of us, by
15. (Dhanadiyukta atma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
olq¼ p es olÆfr'p¼ esÆ deZ × p esÆ 'kfÙk¼Q'pÆ es¿FkZ×'p
eÆ¿,e¼'p e¿bÆR;k p¼ esÆ xfr'¼ p es ;ÆKu
s ¼ dYiUrke~AAûÿAA
Vasu ca me vasati‹ca me karma ca me ‹akti‹ca
meírtha‹ca maíema‹ca maíityå ca me gati‹ca
me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
My assets and articles, and my house and
community, and my work and workers, and my power
and love, and my capital and the subscribers, and my
management and knowledge and competence, and my
working and technique, and my progress and new
ventures, all may develop and grow auspicious by
managerial yajna.
16. (Agni adividyavid atma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
vÆfXu'p¼ eÆ¿bUæ¼'p esÆ lkse¼'p eÆ¿bUæ¼'p es lfOÆkÆrk p¼
eÆ¿bUæ¼'p esÆ ljL¼ orh p eÆ¿bUæ¼'p es iwÉ"kk p¼ eÆ¿bUæ¼'p
esÆ c`gÆLifr¼'p eÆ¿bUæ¼'p es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAûöAA
Agni‹ca maíindra‹ca me soma‹ca maíindra‹ca
me savitå ca maíindra‹ca me sarasvat∂ ca maí
indra‹ca me pμu¶å ca maíindra‹ca me bæh-
aspati‹ca maíindra‹ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
Agni, solar energy and magnetic force of the earth
is mine, and Indra, lord controller of power and energy
is mine. Soma, nature’s power of rain and generosity is
mine, and Indra, lord justice controller of rain and
generosity is mine. Savita, power of generation and
prosperity is mine, and Indra, lord and controller of
generation and prosperity is mine. Saraswati, divine
spirit of knowledge, art, and the system of education is
mine, and Indra, lord and power controller of the value
and application of knowledge is mine. Pusha, power of
food and production is mine, and Indra, enlightened
controller of good nourishment and production is mine.
Brihaspati, great lord of social activity, manners and
culture is mine, and Indra, lord controller of social and
moral values is mine. May all these powers of nature
and society for development, direction and control grow
strong and auspicious for me and for all by yajna, social
action in unison, enlightened guidance and by the Grace
of God.
17. (Mitra-aishvaryavan atma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
fEÆkÆ=k'p¼ eÆ¿bUæ¼'p esÆ o#¼ .k'p eÆ¿bUæ¼'p es /kÆrk p¼
eÆ¿bUæ¼'p esÆ Ro"Vk¼ p eÆ¿bUæ¼'p es eÆ#r¼'p eÆ¿bUæ¼'p
esÆ fo'os¼ p es nsÆok¿bUæ¼'p es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAû÷AA
Mitra‹ca maíindra‹ca me varuƒa‹ca maíindra-
‹ca me dhåtå ca maíindra‹ca me tva¶¢å ca maí
indra‹ca me maruta‹ca ma indra‹ca me vi‹ve
ca me devåíindra‹ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
Mitra, my pranic energy of breath and energy of
the system, and Indra, my lustre and electric energy; and
Varuna, pranic energy of the throat and blood circulation,
and Indra, solar energy of sustenance; and Dhata, my
controller and ordainer, and Indra, giver of prosperity;
and Tvashta, catalytic energy of my system, and my
endeavour, and Indra, the breaker of my negative forces
and giver of scientific energy; and the Maruts, cosmic
wind and body vitality, and Indra, universal energy and
its scientific use; and all the powers of nature such as
earth and great powers of humanity, and Indra, lord giver
of all glory and success; may all these powers grow
strong and auspicious for me and for all by yajna, joint
action in the service of nature and by the Grace of God.
18. (Rajya-aishvaryadiyukta atma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
i`ÉfFÆkÆoh p¼ eÆ¿bUæ¼'p esÆ¿Urfj¼{ka p eÆ¿bUæ¼'p esÆ |kS'p¼
eÆ¿bUæ¼'p esÆ lek¼'p eÆ¿bUæ'¼ p esÆ u{k=¼ kkf.k p eÆ¿bUæ'¼ p
esÆ fn'k¼'p eÆ¿bUæ¼'p es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAûøAA
Pæthiv∂ ca maíindra‹ca meíntarik¶a≈ ca maí
indra‹ca me dyau‹ca maíindra‹ca me samå‹ca
maíindra‹ca me nak¶atråƒi ca maíindra‹ca me
di‹a‹ca ma indra‹ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
The earth and her fertility, and the power that
controls and regulates that fertility; the sky and the riches
that exist therein, and the powers that control those
riches to shower on the earth; and the regions of light
and the energy therein, and the sun that presides over
the light; and the yearly rounds of time and its divisions
and their effects, and the supreme lord of time; and the
stars and planets and their movements with their effects
on our environment, and the operative powers of natural
law that control the movements; and the directions of
space and the currents of wind and energy therein, and
the powers that control the weather and the atmosphere;
may all these regions of space and heavenly bodies and
the operations of mother Prakriti grow strong and firm
and be good and auspicious for me and all by yajna, the
process of replenishment, renewal and enrichment.
19. (Padarthavid atma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
vƧ'kq'p¼ es jÊf'e'pÆ es¿nk¼H;'pÆ es¿f/¼ifr'p e¿
mikƦ'kq'p¼ es¿Ur;kZÆe'p¼ e¿,sUæok;Æo'p¼ es eS=kk&
o#Æ.k'p¼ e¿vkf'ÆOÆkÆu'p¼ es izfrizÆLFkku¼'p es 'kqÉØ'p¼
es eÆUFkh p¼ es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAûùAA
A| m ‹u‹ca me ra‹mi‹ca meídåbhya‹ca meí-
dhipati‹ca maí upå|m‹u‹ca meíntaryåma‹ca maí
aindravåyava‹ca me maitråvaruƒa‹ca maí
å‹vina‹ca me pratiprasthåna‹ca me ‹ukra‹ca me
manth∂ ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
The pervasive sun and its light, and the foods
ripened by the sun rays, the fearless man and the
protector of the law-abiding, and the presiding power
and the office thereof, and my holy-chant in meditation
and concentration on the secrets of mysteries, my mid-
breath and inner strength, my vital heat that controls
the winds and electric currents of the body system and
the water, the pranic vitality related to prana and udana
(breath and the upper motions of energy wind), and the
inner light between the solar and the lunar plexi and its
effects on health, and the energy for movement and my
movements, and my purity of mind and vital energy,
and my churner and dairy foods and apparatuses, may
all these grow strong and be good and auspicious for
me and for all by yajna.
20. (Yajna-anushthanatma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
vkÆxzÆ;Æ.k'p¼ es oS'onsÆo'p¼ es /zqÉo'p¼ es oS'okuÆj'p¼
e¿,sUækÆXu'p¼ es eÆgkoS¼'onso'p es e#RoÆrh;k¼'p esÆ
fu"osQ¼oY;'p es lkfOÆkÆ=k'p¼ es lkjLoÆr'p¼ es ikRuhoÆr'p¼
es gkfj;kstÆu'p¼ es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAüúAA
Ågrayaƒa‹ca me vai‹vadeva‹ca me dhruva‹ca
me vai‹vånara‹ca ma aindrågna‹ca me
mahåvai‹vadeva‹ca me marutvat∂yå‹ca me
ni¶kevalya‹ca me såvitra‹ca me sårasvata‹ca me
påtn∂vata‹ca me håriyojana‹ca me yaj¤ena
My special yajna of the month of Margashirsha,
and my guests of this noble assembly at the yajna, and
my settled behaviour and universal hospitality and
reverence, and my yajna for the development of wind
and fire energy, and my reverence for the noblest people
of the world, and my dedication to the yajna of the
liberation stage of yoga, and my yajna for solar energy,
and my dedication to the eminent scholars of science
and literature, and my love and regard for the married
couples, and my travels, transport and transporters, may
all these grow and be good and auspicious for me and
for all by yajna.
21. (Yajnangavanatma Devata, Devas Rshis)
Ïqp¼'p es peÆlk'p¼ es ok;ÆO;~kÆfu p es æks.kdyÆ'k'p¼
esÆ xzkok.¼ k'p es¿fèÆk"Æ ko.¼ ks p es iwr
É HÊ k`Pp¼ e¿vk/oÆuh;¼'p
esÆ osfn¼'p es cÆ£g'p¼ es¿oHk`ÉFk'p¼ es LoxkdkÆj'p¼ es
;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAüûAA
Sruca‹ca me camåså‹ca me våyavyåni ca me
droƒakala‹a‹ca me gråvåƒa‹ca meídhi¶avaƒe
ca me pμutabhæcca maíådhavan∂ya‹ca me vedi‹ca
me barhi‹ca meívabhætha‹ca me svagåkåra‹ca
me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
My ladles and their cleaning, my bowls and their
contents, my aerial apparatuses and their maintenance
and function, and my soma vessels, and my urns and
jugs, and my stone presses and mortars and pestles, and
my handpress and the soma plants, and my urns of pure
soma, and the vessels for clearing and filtering soma,
and the yajna altar, and my holy grass and the feather
broom, and my holy bath and ablutions, and my
valedictory chant of joy at the completion of yajna :
may all these grow and be good and auspicious for me
and for all by yajna.
22. (Yajnavanatma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
vÆfXu'p¼ es ?kÆeZ'p¼ esÆ¿oZQ'p¼ esÆ lw;Z ×'p es izkÆ.k'p¼
es¿'oesÆ/'p¼ es i`fFÆkÆoh pÆ es¿fn¼fr'p esÆ fnfr¼'p
esÆ |kS'p¼ esÆ¿Ä~xqy¼;Æ% 'kDo¼j;ksÆ fn'k¼'p es ;ÆKsu¼
dYiUrke~ AAüüAA
Agni‹ca me gharma‹ca meírka‹ca me sμurya‹ca
me pråƒa‹ca meí‹vamedha‹ca me pæthiv∂ ca
meíditi‹ca me diti‹ca me dyau‹ca meíΔgulaya¨
‹akvarayo di‹a‹ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
My fire and my use of fire, my hymns of worship
and the singers, my passion and cool of mind, my
sunlight and my warmth of living, my vital breath and
air-energy, my nation and its policy and governance,
my earth mother and her riches, my ethics and self-
control, my imperishable wealth and my earthly life,
my spiritual light and my days and nights, my fingers
and their hold and my powers and potentials, and my
directions and my reach there, all these may grow, be
good and auspicious for me and for all by yajna.
23. (Kalavidyavidatma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
ozÆra p¼ e¿ÍÆro¼'p esÆ ri¼'p es laoRlÆj'p¼ es¿gksjkÆ=ks¿&
m¼QoZ"BhÆos c`¼gæFkUrjs p¼ es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAüýAA
Vrata≈ ca maíætava‹ca me tapa‹ca me sa≈vat-
sara‹ca meíhoråtreíμurva¶¢h∂ve bæhadrathantare
ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
My holy vows and my commitments, and my
seasons and my solstices with change of the seasons,
and my observance of Dharma and my practice of yoga,
and my yearly rounds of the sun and the planets and the
ages of time, and my days and nights and my daily work
and prayers, and my thighs and knees, and my grandeur
and nobility, and my heavenly lights and spaces and
the cosmic periods, may all these grow by days and
nights by yajna, and may all these be good and
auspicious for me and for all.
24. (Vishamanka-ganitavidyavid atma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
,dk¼ p es fRÆkÆÏ'p¼ es fRÆkÆÏ'p¼ esÆ i×p¼ p esÆ i×p¼ p
es lÆIr p¼ es lÆIr p¼ esÆ uo¼ p esÆ uo¼ p eÆ¿,dk¼n'k
p eÆ¿,dk¼n'k p esÆ =k;ks¼n'k p esÆ =k;ks¼n'k p esÆ
i×p¼n'k p esÆ i×p¼n'k p es lÆIrn¼'k p es lÆIrn¼'k
p esÆ uo¼n'k p esÆ uo¼n'k p eÆ¿ ,o¼Qfo§'kfr'p
eÆ¿,o¼Qfo§'kfr'p esÆ =k;ks¼fo§'kfr'p esÆ =k;ks¼fo§'kfr'p
eÆs i×pf¼ o§'kfr'p esÆ i×pf¼ o§'kfr'p es lÆIrfo§¼ 'kfr'p
es lÆIrfo¼§'kfr'p esÆ uo¼fo§'kfr'p esÆ uo¼fo§'kfr'p
eÆ¿,o¼Qf=k§'kPp eÆ¿,o¼Qf=k§'kPp esÆ =k;¼fL=k§'kPp es
;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAüþAA
Ekå ca me tisra‹ca me tisra‹ca me pa¤ca ca me
pa¤ca ca me sapta ca me sapta ca me nava ca
me nava ca maíekåda‹a ca maíekåda‹a ca me
trayoda‹a ca me trayoda‹a ca me pa¤cada‹a ca
me pa¤cada‹a ca me saptada‹a ca me saptada‹a
ca me navada‹a ca me navada‹a ca maí
ekavi|m‹ati‹ca maíekavi|m‹ati‹ca me trayo-
vi| m ‹ati‹ca me trayovi| m ‹ati‹ca me pa¤ca-
vi| m ‹ati‹ca me pa¤cavi| m ‹ati‹ca me sapta-
vi| m ‹ati‹ca me saptavi| m ‹ati‹ca me nava-
vi|m‹ati‹ca me navavi|m‹ati‹ca maíekatri|m‹acca
maí ekatri| m ‹acca me trayastri| m ‹acca me
yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
By yajna, the process of addition and collection,
may the numbers increase and be good and auspicious
for me and for all: One is mine and unity is mine. (And
one and one becomes two, and one plus two becomes
three. In this way, in this progression) three is mine,
and three is mine, and five is mine, and five is mine,
and seven is mine, and seven is mine, and nine is mine,
and nine is mine, and eleven is mine, and eleven is mine,
and thirteen is mine, and thirteen is mine,‘ and fifteen
is mine, and fifteen is mine, and seventeen is mine, and
seventeen is mine, and nineteen is mine and nineteen is
mine, and twenty one is mine, and twenty one is mine,
and twenty three is mine, and twenty three is mine, and
twenty five is mine, and twenty five is mine, and twenty
seven is mine, and twenty seven is mine, and twenty
nine is mine, and twenty nine is mine, and thirty one is
mine, and thirty one is mine, and thirty three is mine,
and so on the numbers may increase and be good and
auspicious for me and for all by the process of yajna in
progression till infinity.
Also: By implication, by the same process of
yajna which also means ‘dana’, giving away, we have
the progression in the reverse direction by subtraction.
The meaning of the mantra then would be:
Thirty-three is mine, give away two and thirty
one is mine, thirtyone is mine, minus two, twenty nine
is mine and so on.
In the same way, by implication, we can work
out the process of multiplication, and division and the
process of squaring and cubing and square-root, etc.
Further, we can move from arithmetic to algebra and
other branches of mathematics.
25. (Samanka-ganitavidyavid atma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
pr¼Ï'p esÆ¿"VkS p¼ esÆ¿"VkS p¼ esÆ }kn¼'k p esÆ }kn¼'k p
esÆ "kksM¼'k p esÆ "kksM¼'k p es fo§'kÆfr'p¼ es fo§'kÆfr'p¼
esÆ prq£¼ o§'kfr'p esÆ prq¼£o§'kfr'p esÆ¿"Vkfo¼§'kfr'p
esÆ¿"Vkfo¼§'kfr'p esÆ }kf=k¼§'kPp esÆ }kf=k¼§'kPp esÆ
"kV~f=k¼§'kPp esÆ "kV~f=k¼§'kPp es pRokfjƧ'kPp¼ es
pRokfjƧ'kPp¼ esÆ prq'¼ pRokfj§'kPp esÆ prq'¼ pRokfj§'kPp
esÆ¿"Vkp¼Rokfj§'kPp es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAüÿAA
Catasra‹ca meí¶¢au ca meí¶¢au ca me dvåda‹a
ca me dvåda‹a ca me ¶oŒa‹a ca me ¶oŒa‹a ca
me vi|m‹ati‹ca me vi|m‹ati‹ca me caturvi|m‹ati‹ca
me caturvi| m ‹ati‹ca meí¶¢åvi| m ‹ati‹ca meí-
¶¢åvi|m‹ati‹ca me dvåtri|m‹cca me dvåtri|m‹acca
me ¶a¢tri|m‹acca me ¶a¢tri|m‹acca me catvå-
ri|m‹acca me catvåri|m‹acca me catu‹catvåri|m-
‹acca me catu‹catvåri|m‹cca meí ¶¢åcatvåri|m-
‹acca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
By yajna, the process of addition and collection,
may the numbers increase and be good and auspicious
for me and for all:
Four is mine, and four is mine, eight is mine. Eight
is mine, and four, twelve is mine. Twelve is mine, plus
four, sixteen is mine. Sixteen is mine, add four, and
twenty is mine. Twenty is mine, and twenty four is mine.
Twenty four is mine, and twenty eight is mine. Twenty
eight is mine and thirty two is mine. Thirty two is mine,
and thirty six is mine. Thirty six is mine, and forty is
mine. Forty is mine, and forty four is mine. Forty four
is mine, and forth eight is mine. And so on the numbers
may increase till infinity by yajna, for me and for all for
the good of life and joy.
Also: By implication, the mantra can be applied
to the process of yajna by ‘dana’, gifting away,
subtraction, by four, from forty-eight down to four and
so on.
The mantra can also be applied to the process of
multiplication. In fact, the mantra itself gives the
multiplication table upto twelve times four and so on.
So too the mantra may be interpreted as showing
the process of division since it gives a table of the
division of forty eight by four upto twelve times.
26. (Pashuvidyavid atma Devata, Devas Rshis)
=;fo¼'p es =;Æoh p¼ es fnR;ÆokV~ p¼ es fnR;kSÆgh p¼ esÆ
i×pk¼fo'p es i×pkÆoh p¼ es f=koÆRl'p¼ es f=koÆRlk p¼
Z kV~ p¼ es rq;kSZÆgh p¼ es ;ÆKsu¼ dYiUrke~ AAüöAA
es rq;Æo
Tryavi‹ca me tryav∂ ca me dityavå¢ ca me
dityauh∂ ca me pa¤cåvi‹ca me pa¤cåv∂ ca me
trivatsa‹ca me trivatså ca me turyavå¢ ca me
turyauh∂ ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
By yajna, veterinary science and the science of
animal husbandry:
My man of three breeds of sheep and their
maintenance, the woman of three breeds of sheep and
their milk, etc., the man in-charge of damage control
and his knowledge, and the woman in-charge of
maintenance against damage and her stores, and the man
of five grades of sheep and his staff, and the woman of
five grades of sheep and her assistants, the man of three
breeds of calf and his knowledge, and the woman of
three breeds of calf and her knowledge, the bull of the
fourth year of age and its training and maintenance, and
the cow of the fourth year of age and its maintenance,
may all these grow in number and quality and be good
and auspicious for me and for all.
27. (Pashuvidyavid atma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
iÆ"BÆokV~ p¼ es i"BkSÆgh p¼ e¿mÆ{kk p¼ es oÆ'kk p¼
e¿Í"kÆHk'p¼ es osÆgPp¼ es¿uÆM~ok¡'p¼ es /sÆuq'p¼ es ;ÆKsu¼
dYiUrke~ AAü÷AA
Pa¶¢havå¢ ca me pa¶¢hauh∂ ca maíuk¶å ca me
va‹å ca maíæ¶abha‹ca me vehacca meí-
naŒvå|n‹ca me dhenu‹ca me yaj¤ena kalpantåm.
And my beasts of burden both male and female
and the articles and materials for trade and transport,
and my virile bull and my infertile cow, and my strong
bull and my miscarrying cow, and my bullock and my
milch cow, may all these grow by the yajna of animal
husbandry and veterinary science and may all these be
good and auspicious for me and for all.
28. (Sangramadivid atma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
oktk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ izlÆok;Æ Lokgk¿¼ fIÆkÆtk;Æ LokgkÆ Øro ¼ Æs LokgkÆ
ol¼osÆ Lokgk¼¿gÆiZr¼;Æs Lokgk¿És¼ eqÉX/k;Æ Lokgk¼ eqÉX/k;¼
Æ k;Æ Lokgk¼ fouƧf'ku¼¿vkUR;k;Æuk;Æ Lokgk¿¿UR;k;
oSu§f'Æku ¼
HkkSoÆuk;Æ LokgkÆ Hkqo¼uL;Æ ir¼;Æs Lokgkf/¼ir;sÆ Lokgk¼
izÆtki¼r;sÆ Lokgk¼ A bÆ;a rsÆ jkf.ÆEÆk=Æ kk;¼ ;ÆUrk¿fLÆkÆ ;e¼u¿mQÆtZs
RokÆ o`"VÔS¼ Rok izÆtkukaÆ Rok¿¿f/¼iR;k; AAüøAA
Våjåya svåhå prasavåya svåhåípijåya svåhå
kratave svåhå vasave svåhåíharpataye svåhåí-
hne mugdhåya svåhå mugdhåya vaina|m‹inåya
svåhå vina|m‹inaí åntyåyanåya svåhåî ntyåya
bhauvanåya svåhå bhuvanasya pataye svåhåí-
dhipataye svåhå prajåpataye svåhå. Iya≈ te
råƒmitråya yantåísi yamanaíμurje två v涢yai två
prajånå≈ tvåîdhipatyåya.
For the warrior and the battle, all hail and honest
action! For progress and prosperity, virtuous living and
hard work! For acceptance and acclaim, commendable
action! For knowledge and practical application,
dedication and meditation! For housing and settlement,
work, money and materials. For the lord of the day,
knowledge of time and chronology. For the day-
bewildered and lost, sympathetic action. For the
misguided and destructive, proper counselling. For the
man settled but on way to destruction, forceful voice of
truth. For the lowest and meanest man of the world,
strongest counselling. For Lord of the universe, hymns
of praise and worship. For the protector of the world,
correct knowledge. For the protector of the nation,
correct policy. For the protector of the people, correct
knowledge of Raj Dharma. This is your brilliance of
governance. You are generous, selfless guide and
controller of your friends. We accept, respect and admire
you for your prowess and action, showers of favours,
the support and sustenance of the people, and for the
government of the people.
29. (Yajnanushthatatma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
Z su¼ dYirka izÆkÆ.kks ;ÆKsu¼ dYirkÆa p{kq¼;ÆK Z su¼
dYirkƦ Jks= ka ¼ ;ÆKu s ¼ dYirkaÆ okX;ÆKu s ¼ dYirkaÆ euks¼ ;ÆKu s ¼
dYirkekÆRek ;ÆKu s ¼ dYirka czã
Æ k ;ÆKu s ¼ dYirkaÆ T;ksfr¼;ÆK Z us ¼
dYirkƦ Lo~;ÆK Z su¼ dYirka i`É"Ba ;ÆKsu¼ dYirka ;ÆKks ;ÆKsu¼
dYirke~A Lrkse¼'pÆ ;tq¼'pÆ¿½Æo~Q pÆ lke¼ p c`ÉgPp¼
jFkUrÆj×pA¼ Lon¼ o
Zs k¿vxUekÆer ` k¼¿vHkwe izt ¼ %s izÆtk¿vH¼ kweÊ
Æ kir
osV~ Lokgk¼ AAüùAA
Åyuryaj¤ena kalpatå≈ pråƒo yaj¤ena kalpatå≈
cak¶ur yaj¤ena kalpatå| m ‹rotra≈ yaj¤ena
kalpatå≈ våg yaj¤ena kalpatå≈ mano yaj¤ena
kalpatåmåtmå yaj¤ena kalpatå≈ brahmå
yaj¤ena kalpatå≈ jyotiryaj¤ena kalpatå ` m
svaryaj¤ena kalpatå≈ p涢ha≈ yaja¤ena
kalpatå≈ yaj¤o yaj¤ena kalpatåm. Stoma‹ca
yaju‹caíæk ca såma ca bæhacca rathantara≈ ca.
Svardevåí aganmåmætåíabhμuma prajåpate¨
prajåíabhμuma ve¢ svåhå.
Man of the yajna of governance, to accomplish
your task, may health and age grow by yajna, may pranic
energy grow by yajna, may the eye and vision grow by
yajna, may the ear and information grow by yajna, may
the tongue and communication grow by yajna, may the
mind and morale and national confidence grow by yajna,
may the soul grow strong by yajna, may the man of
universal knowledge and the sense of higher values
grow by yajna, may the light of justice and wisdom grow
by yajna, may comfort and joy grow by yajna, may the
questions, heights and foundations of life grow by yajna,
may the yajna of Dharma grow by the yajna, pursuit of
Dharma, may the hymns of praise and celebration of
the Divine, the Yajus, the Riks, and the Samans, the
Brihat Sama and Rathantara Sama also grow by yajna.
May the noble people attain to the eternal joy of
immortality. May we all attain to you and immortality.
May we all be the children of the Lord and father of the
universe by the truth of word and deed.
30. (Rajyavanatma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
okt¼L;Æ uq iz¼lÆos ekÆrj¯ eÆghefn¼¯RÆkÆ ukeÆ op¼lk djkegsA
;L;k¼fEÆkÆna fo'oaÆ Hkqo¼uekfOÆkÆos'kÆ rL;ak¼ uks nsÆo% l¼fOÆkÆrk
/eZ × lkfo"kr~ AAýúAA
Våjasya nu prasave måtara≈ mah∂maditi≈
nåma vacaså karåmahe. Yasyåmida≈ vi‹va≈
bhuvanamåvive‹a tasyå≈ no deva¨ savitå
dharma såvi¶at.
In this Lord Omnipotent’s yajna of life and
sustenance, we celebrate with holy songs of Divinity,
the Veda, the great inviolable Mother Nature in whom
reside the entire worlds of existence. May Savita, lord
creator and generator of life strengthen and promote
our Dharma in the lap of the mother within the Law.
31. (Vishvedevas Devata, Devas °Rshis)
fo'os¼¿vÆ| eÆ#rksÆ fo'o¼¿mQÆrh fo'os¼ HkoURoÆXu;Æ%
lfe¼¼k%A fo'os¼ uks nsÆok¿voÆlkx¼eUrqÉ fo'o¼eLrqÉ æfo¼.kaÆ
oktks¼¿vÆLes AAýûAA
Vi‹veíadya maruto vi‹vaíμut∂ vi‹ve bhavant-
vagnaya¨ samiddhå¨. Vi‹ve no devåíavaså
gamantu vi‹vamastu draviƒa≈ våjoíasme.
May all the airs and winds come to us. May all
the powers of protection and promotion, all the noblest
people of the world, come to us with all the means of
protection and advancement. May all the fires of life’s
yajna light and shine for us. May the entire wealth of
the world, food and energy be available to us by the
Grace of Savita.
32. (Annavan Vidvan Devata, Devas °Rshis)
oktks¼ u% lÆIr izÆfn'kÆ'pr¼Ïks ok ijkÆor¼% A
oktks¼ uksÆ fo'oS¼nsZÆoS/Zu¼lkrkfOÆkÆgko¼rq AAýüAA
Våjo na¨ sapta pradi‹a‹catasro vå paråvata¨.
Våjo no vi‹vairdevairdhanasåtåvihåvatu.
May our food and energy, power and prosperity,
spread over the seven regions of the world, and may it
extend even beyond in all the four directions. And may
our power and knowledge, with the noblest people of
the world, guide and protect us here in the acquisition
and distribution of the wealth of life.
33. (Annapati Devata, Devas °Rshis)
oktks¼ uks¿vÆ| izlq¼okfRÆkÆ nkuaÆ oktks¼ nsÆok¡üAA¿ÍÆrqfHk¼%
dYi;kfr A oktksÆ fg ekÆ loZ ×ohja tÆtkuÆ fo'okÆ¿vk'kkÆ
okt¼ifrtZ;s;e~ AAýýAA
Våjo noíadya pra suvåti dåna≈ våjo devå|ní
ætubhi¨ kalpayåti. Våjo hi må sarvav∂ra≈ jajåna
vi‹våíå‹å våjapatirjayeyam.
It is food, energy, power, wealth, which inspires
us to give in charity. With the seasons, according to
need, it feeds the powers of nature and humanity. It is
food and energy which produces and promotes our
children and young people. By virtue of the same food
and power, may I, producer and promoter of food,
energy and wealth, attain all my hopes to fruition in all
34. (Annapati Devata, Devas °Rshis)
okt¼% iqÉjLrk¼nÉr
q eè¼ ;Ærks uksÆ oktks¼ nsÆoku~ gÆfo"kk¼ o¼Z;kfrA
oktksÆ fg ekÆ loZ×ohja pÆdkjÊ lokZÆ¿vk'kkÆ okt¼ifr&
HkZos;e~ AAýþAA
Våja¨ puraståduta madhyato no våjo devån
havi¶å vardhayåti. Våjo hi må sarvav∂ra≈
cakåra sarvåíå‹å våjapatirbhaveyam.
Food with oblations in yajna takes us forward in
the beginning and in the middle of home life. With
oblations it feeds and enriches the powers of nature and
the noblest people too. It is food which blesses me with
the best and the bravest powers and people everywhere.
I pray I may be the producer, promoter and protector of
food in all directions and realize all my hopes and
35. (Rasavidyavid vidvan Devata, Devas °Rshis)
la ek¼ l`tkfEÆkÆ i;¼lk i`fFÆkÆO;k% la ek¼ l`tkE;Æf‰jks"k&¼
/hfHk% A lksÆ¿ga okt¼§lus;eXus AAýÿAA
Sa≈ må sæjåmi payaså pæthivyå¨ sa≈ må
sæjåmyadbhiro¶adh∂bhi¨. Soíha≈ våja| m
Agni, I invigorate and enrich myself with the milk
and juices of the earth. I invigorate and enrich myself
with the waters and herbs of the earth. So I invigorate
and enrich myself with food and energy.
36. (Rasavidvidvan Devata, Devas °Rshis)
i;¼% i`fFÆkÆO;ka i;Æ¿vks"k¼/h"kqÉ i;ks¼ fnÆO;¨Urfj¼{ksÆ i;ks¼ /k% A
i;¼Lorh% izÆfn'k¼% lUrqÉ eá¼e~ AAýöAA
Paya¨ pæthivyå≈ payaío¶adh∂¶u payo divy-
antarik¶e payo dhå¨. Payasvat∂¨ pradi‹a¨ santu
Agni, man of medicinal herbs and juices, take
on, hold on to, the juices and tonics in the earth, in the
herbs, in the regions of light and in the sky and study
them. And may all the worlds and directions of space
be full of juices and tonics for me too.
37. (Samrat Raja Devata, Devas °Rshis)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆrq% iz¼lÆos¨¿f'ouks¼ckZÆgqH;ak¼ iwÉ".kks gLrk¼&
H;ke~ A lj¼LoR;S okÆpks ;ÆUrq;ÆUZ =ks.kkÆXus% lkezk¼T;sukÆfHk&
f"k¼×pkfe AAý÷AA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí ‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Sarasvatyai våco yantur-
yantreƒågne¨ såmråjyenåbhi¶i¤cåmi.
In this socio-political yajna of the land in Lord
Savita’s creation, I in-vest you with the power and
presidency of Agni, the Ruler, and consecrate you with
the arms of Ashvinis (the heat and passion of the sun
and the peace and cool of the moon) and the hands of
Pusha (power of the nation’s sustenance with the
positive and negative current’s of the systemic circuit).
I vest in you the constitution of the sovereign nation
and sanctify you with the voice of the people in the
service of Sarasvati, the wisdom and culture of
38. (Rituvidyavid vidvan Devata, Devas °Rshis)
ÍÆrkÆ"kkM`Ér/k¼ekÆfXuxZ ×U/ÆoZLrL;kS"k¼/;ks¿IlÆjlksÆ eqnksÆ
uke¼ A l u¼¿bÆna czã¼ {kÆ=ka ik¼rqÉ rLeSÆ LokgkÆ okV~ rkH;Æ%
Lokgk¼ AAýøAA
¶adhayoípsaraso mudo nåma. Sa naíida≈
brahma k¶atra≈ påtu tasmai svåhå vå¢ tåbhya¨
Agni, Lord of the earth and defender of the land,
observes truth, defends the truth, and abides in the truth.
His pleasure and joy is the herbs which grow and play
in the waters like water nymphs. May he protect and
promote our Brahma system of education and
knowledge, and our Kshatra system of defence and
administration. Homage to him in love and reverence.
All hail and care for the herbs and waters!
39. (Surya Devata, Devas °Rshis)
lƧfgÆrks fOÆkÆ'olk¼ekÆ lw;ksZ × xU/ÆoZLrL;Æ ejh¼p;ks¿&
IlÆjl¼¿vkÆ;qoksÆ uke¼ A l u¼¿bÆna czã¼ {kÆ=ka ik¼rqÉ rLeS¼
LokgkÆ okV~ rkH;Æ% Lokgk¼ AAýùAA
Sa|mhito vi‹vasåmå sμuryo gandharva-stasya
mar∂cayoípsarasaíåyuvo nåma. Sa naíida≈
brahma k¶atra≈ påtu tasmai svåhå va¢ tåbhya¨
Surrounded by lights and joining day and night,
that lord of universal peace and celebrated in all the
Sama hymns, the sun, is the lord sustainer of the earth.
His pleasure and joy is the rays of light which play and
exult in the sky joining and disjoining things in space.
May he protect and promote our Brahma system of light
and education. May he protect and promote our Kshatra
system of defence and administration. Homage to him
in truth and faith! All hail and love to the rays of the
40. (Chandrama Devata, Devas °Rshis)
lqÉ"kqÉE.k% lw;Z ×jf'e'pÆUæek¼ xU/ÆoZLrL;Æ u{k¼=kk.;IlÆjlks¼
HksÆoQq j¼;ksÆ uke¼ A l u¼¿bÆna czã¼ {kÆ=ka ik¼rÉq rLeSÆ LokgkÆ okV~
rkH;Æ% Lokgk¼ AAþúAA
Su¶umƒa¨ sμuryara‹mi‹candramå gandharva-
stasya nak¶atråƒyapsaraso bhekurayo nåma. Sa
naíida≈ brahma k¶atra≈ påtu tasmai svåhå va¢
tåbhya¨ svåhå.
The moon, blissful at heart and blest by the sun-
rays with light, is the lord sustainer of the earth. May
he sustain and promote our Brahma system of peace
and education. May he sustain and promote our Kshatra
system of law and administration. His pleasure and joy
surely is the rays of light which play and exult with the
planets and satellites. Homage to him! Homage to his
rays, to light!
41. (Vatah Devata, Devas R
° shis)
bÆf"ÆkÆjks fOÆkÆ'oO;¼pkÆ okrks¼ xU/ÆoZLrL;kiks¼¿vIlÆjlÆ¿mQtksZÆ
uke¼ A l u¼¿bÆna czã¼ {kÆ=ka ik¼rqÉ rLeSÆ LokgkÆ okV~ rkH;Æ%
Lokgk¼ AAþûAA
I¶iro vi‹vavyacå våto gandharvastasyåpo
apsarasa μ u rjo nåma. Sa na ida≈ brahma
k¶atra≈ påtu tasmai såhå va¢ tåbhya¨ svåhå.
The wind, fast in motion and pervading the whole
world, is the lord and sustainer of the earth. His pleasure
and joy is the waters which, for sure, create energy. May
he sustain and inspire our Brahma system of education
and advancement. May he sustain and excite our Kshatra
system of defence and expansion. Homage to him!
Homage to his waves of waters and energy!
42. (Yajna Devata, Devas R
° shis)
HkqÉT;q% lq¼iÊ.kksZ ;ÆKks x¼U/ÆoZLrL;Æ nf{k¼.kk¿vIlÆjl¼ LrkÆok
uke¼A l u¼¿bÆna czã¼ {kÆ=ka ik¼rqÉ rLeSÆ LokgkÆ okV~ rkH;Æ%
Lokgk¼ AAþüAA
Bhujyu¨ suparƒo yaj¤o gandharvastasya
dak¶iƒaíapsarasa ståvå nåma. Sa naíida≈
brahma k¶atra≈ påtu tasmai svåhå va¢ tåbhya¨
Yajna, creator and giver of joy and prosperity,
health and nourishment, is the sustainer of the earth,
cows and the Word of the Vedas. His pleasure and joy
is the gifts for the priests and the devotees and the bliss
of the holy chants which play around in ecstasy. May
the yajna sustain and promote our Brahma system of
knowledge and generosity of light and creativity. May
yajna sustain and advance our Kshatra system of defence
and development. Homage and libations for yajna!
Homage and libations for charity and holy chants!
43. Vishvakarma Devata, Devas °Rshis)
izÆtki¼fr£OÆkÆ'oo¼QekZÆ euks¼ xU/ÆoZLrL;¼¿ÍDlkÆekU;¼&
IlÆjlÆ¿,"V¼;ksÆ uke¼ A l u¼¿bÆna czã¼ {kÆ=ka ik¼rqÉ rLeSÆ
LokgkÆ okV~ rkH;Æ% Lokgk¼ AAþýAA
Prajåpatirvi‹vakarmå mano gandharvastasyaí
æksåmånyapsarasaíe¶¢ayo nåma. Sa na ida≈
brahma k¶atra≈ påtu tasmai svåhå vå¢ tåbhya¨
Father and guardian of His children, lord maker
of the universe, universal Mind, Vishvakarma is the
sustainer of the earth and master of universal knowledge,
the Veda. Riks and Samans, Vedas, are the vibrations
of His omniscience ever on the move across space which
are the love and desire of the devotees. May He protect
and promote our Brahma system of education and
scientific yajna, and our Kshatra system of enlightened
and modern administration and defence. Homage and
libations to Him! Homage and libations for the divine
voice of the Veda!
44. (Prajapati Devata, Devas Rshis)
l uks¼ HkqouL; irs iztkirsÆ ;L;¼ r¿mÆifj¼ x` Égk
;L;¼ osÆg A vÆLeS czã¼.ksÆ¿LeS {kÆ=kk;Æ efgÆ 'keZ × ;PNÆ
Lokgk¼ AAþþAA
Sa no bhuvanasya pate prajåpate yasya taíupari
gæhå yasya veha. Asmai brahmaƒeísmai
k¶atråya mahi ‹arma yaccha svåhå.
Father guardian of your children, lord protector
of the world, all your homes and habitations up above,
and all your homes and householders down here, bless
them all. Bless our Brahma system of education and
enlightenment and our Kshatra system of administration
and employment with good homes and great peace and
joy. Homage and libations to the Lord!
45. (Prajapati Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
lÆeqÉæks~¿fLÆkÆ uHk¼LokukÆæn
Z k¼u%q 'kÆEHkweZ ×;ksÆHkwjÊfHk ek¼ okfgÆ
Lokgk¼ A ekÆ#Ær~ksÆ¿fl eÆ#rak¼ xÆ.k% 'kÆEHkweZ×;ksÆHkwjÊfHk ek¼
okfgÆ Lokgk¼ A voÆL;wj¼fLÆkÆ nqo¼Lok×NÆEHkweZ×;ksÆHkwjÊfHk ek¼
okfgÆ Lokgk¼ AAþÿAA
Samudroísi nabhasvånårdradånu¨ ‹ambhμur-
mayobhμ u rabhi må våhi svåhå. Mårutoísi
marutå≈ gaƒa¨ ‹ambhμurmayobhμurabhi må våhi
svaha. Avasyμurasi duvasvå¤chambhμurmayo-
bhμurabhi må våhi svåhå.
Prajapati, father and guardian of creation, vast
and deep as the ocean, oceans roll around in you. Lord
of spaces and spatial waters, showering the earth with
rain and the mind with virtue, you are peace yourself
and the giver of peace, bliss yourself and the giver of
bliss. Come and fold me into bliss all round.
Tempestuous lord of the winds, lord of the stormy
scholars of the world, you are goodness yourself and
the giver of universal good. You are prosperity and joy
yourself and the giver of universal joy and prosperity.
Come and fold me into the tempestuous storm of
knowledge and discovery all round.
You are the supreme lord of protection and
universal help. You are both lord and object of honour
and worship, peace and joy yourself and the giver of
joy and total freedom. Come and fold me into the bliss
of worship and acceptance all round.
46. (Agni Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
;kLrs¼¿vXusÆ lw;ÆsZ #pksÆ fno¼ekrÆUofUr¼ jÊf'efHk¼%A
rkfHk¼uksZ¿vÆ| loZk¼Hkh #Æps tuk¼; uLÑf/ AAþöAA
Yåsteíagne sμurye ruco divamåtanvanti ra‹mi-
bhi¨. Tåbhirnoí adya sarvåbh∂ ruce janåya
Agni, lord of the universe, that beauty, light and
love of yours which shines in the sun and fills the
heavens and all other spaces of the world with its rays,
with all those rays of light and beauty and all those
vibrations of love, bless us today for the people and
their love.
47. (Brihaspati Devata, Shunah-shepa °Rshi)
;k oks¼ nsokÆ% lw;sZÆ #pksÆ xks"o'os¼"kqÉ ;k #p¼% A
bUæk¼XuhÆ rkfHÆkÆ% loZk¼HkhÆ #p¯ uks /Ùk c`gLirs AAþ÷AA
Yå vo devå¨ sμurye ruco go¶va‹ve¶u yå ruca¨.
Indrågn∂ tåbhi¨ sarvåbh∂ ruca≈ no dhatta
Brihaspati, lord of the great wonderful world,
brilliant powers of divinity, saints and sages, that light
and love of yours which shines in the sun, and that which
reflects in the sun-beams, the earths, fires, sense organs,
cows and horses, with all that light and love, may Indra,
lord of universal energy, and Agni, power of universal
heat and light, and the saints and scholars of the world
bless us.
48. (Brihaspati Devata, Shunah-shepa °Rshi)
#p¯ uks /sfg czkãÆ.ks"kqÉ #pƧjkt¼lq uLÑf/ A
#paÆ fo';s¼"kq 'kwæ
É s"kqÉ ef;¼ /sfg #Æpk #p¼e~ AAþøAA
Ruca≈ no dhehi bråhmaƒe¶u ruca|m råjasu
naskædhi. Ruca≈ vi‹ye¶u ‹μudre¶u mayi dhehi
rucå rucam.
Brihaspati, lord of the universe, eminent teacher
and master of vast knowledge, inspire our Brahma
section of the community—scholars, scientists, teachers
and researchers with brilliance and love. Infuse
brilliance, love and justice into our Kshatrias, defence,
administration and justice section of the community.
Bless with light, love and generosity our Vaishyas,
producers and distributors among the community. And
bless our Shudras, the ancillary services, with light, love
and loyalty. Bless me with light and love toward us all.
49. (Brihaspati Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
rÙok¼ ;kfEÆkÆ czã¼.kkÆ oUn¼ekuÆLrnk'kk¼LrsÆ ;te ¼ kuks gÆfofHZk¼%A
vgs¼Mekuks o#.ksg Æ cksÆè;q#'¼ k§lÆ ek uÆ¿vk;qÉ% izeks¼"kh%AAþùAA
Tattvå yåmi brahmaƒå vandamånastadå‹åste
yajamåno havirbhi¨. AheŒamåno varuƒeha
bodhyuru‹a|msa må na åyu¨ pramo¶∂¨.
The yajamana, singing Vedic hymns of praise in
honour of the lord, offers libations of fragrant materials
with absolute dedication in the hope of self-fulfilment.
The same I come to you, Varuna, Lord of our love and
choice, universally worshipped and celebrated. Here I
am at your door. Kind and favourable lord, know, accept
and enlighten us, let not life slip through our fingers
into the sands of time.
50. (Surya Devata, Shunah-shepa °Rshi)
LoÆ.kZ ?kÆeZ% Lokgk¼ A Lo¨.kkZoZQ% Lokgk¼ A Lo¨.kZ 'kqÉØ%
Lokgk¼ A Lo¨.kZ T;ksfRÆkÆ% Lokgk¼ A Lo¨.kZ lw;ZÆ% Lokgk¼ AAÿúAA
Svarƒa gharma¨ svåhå. Svarƒårka¨ svåhå.
Svarƒa ‹ukra¨ svåhå. Svarƒa jyoti¨ svåhå.
Svarƒa sμurya¨ svåhå.
Warmth is heavenly, soothing, use it well, for
yajna. Fire is heavenly, generous, use it well, for yajna.
Air is heavenly, energy, use it well, for yajna. Light is
heavenly, power, use it well, for yajna. Sun is heavenly,
life, miss it not, use it well, for yajna.
51. (Agni Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
vƯXu ;q¼ufTÆEÆkÆ 'ko¼lk ?k`Érsu¼ fnÆO;§lq¼iÆ.k± o;¼lk c`ÉgUr¼eA~
rsu¼ oÆ;a x¼ese czÆèuL;¼ fOÆk"Æ ViƧLoks¨ #gk. ¼ kkÆ¿vfèÆkÆ
uko¼QeqÙkÆee~ AAÿûAA
Agni≈ yunajmi ‹avaså ghætena d∂vya|m supar-
ƒa≈ vayaså bæhantam. Tena vaya≈ gamema
bradhnasya vi¶¢apa| m svo ruhåƒåíadhi
I feed the fire with powerful oblations of ghee,
fire which is divine power and sustainer of life, feeding
on food and growing higher, mightier and more and
more pervasive. And thereby, desiring and increasing
the joys of life, may we rise to the regions of the
illustrious lord of light, the sun, and ultimately attain to
the highest level of bliss, the freedom and ecstasy of
Moksha, beyond all suffering.
52. (Agni Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
bÆekS rs¼ iÆ{kkoÆtjkS¼ irÆfR=k.kkSÆ ;kH;kƦj{kk¼¦L;iÆg§
L;¼Xus A rkH;ak¼ irse lqÉÑrk¼eq yksÆoaQ ;=kÆ¿Í"k¼;ks tÆXeq%
iz¼FkeÆtk% iq¼jkÆ.kk% AAÿüAA
Imau te pak¶åvajarau patatriƒau yåbhyå|m
rak¶å| n sya-paha| n syagne. Tåbhyå≈ patema
sukætåmu loka≈ yatra æ¶ayo jagmu¨ pratham-
ajå¨ puråƒå¨.
Agni, lord of light and life, cause and effect,
consumption of food and creation/production of energy
and new forms, these are the two wings, ever young,
constant, and never decaying, of your systemic catalysis
in the process of evolution and development, by which
you negate the forces of counter-evolution and
destruction. By virtue of these two, may we rise to the
regions of the noble heroes of action to which arose the
visionary seers first-born and ancient.
53. (Indu Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
bUnqÉnZ{k¼% ';sÆu¿ÍÆrkokÆ fgj¼.;i{k% 'koqÉQuks Hkq¼jÊ.
Æ ;q% A
eÆgkURlÆ/LFks¼ /zqÉo¿vk fu"k¼ÙkksÆ ue¼Lrs¿vLrqÉ ek ek¼
fg§lh% AAÿýAA
Indurdak¶a¨ ‹yenaíætåvå hiraƒyapak¶a¨ ‹akuno
bhuraƒyu¨. Mahåntsadhasthe dhruva å ni¶atto
namaste astu må må hi|ms∂¨.
Cool as the moon, versatile and brave, fast as an
eagle, committed to truth and law, powerful and brilliant,
generous as the sun, great, steadfast, firmly seated in
this house of the nation, salutations to you. Forbear, do
not violate me, do not injure me.
54. (Indu Devata, Galava °Rshi)
fnÆoks ewɼkZfl¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k ukfHÆkÆ:xZÆikeks"k¼/huke~ A
fOÆkÆ'ok;qÉ% 'keZ × lÆizFkkÆ ue¼LiÆFks AAÿþAA
Divo mμ u rdhåísi pæthivyå nåbhirμ u rgapåm-
o¶adh∂nåm. Vi‹våyu¨ ‹arma saprathå
Brilliant man of peace and power, you are on top
of the light of knowledge, at the centre of the life on
earth, the essence of waters and herbs, life of life, shelter
home for all, celebrated through the land, guide, path
and destination for all. Salutations and homage to you!
55. (Indu Devata, Galava °Rshi)
fo'oL¼ ; ewɼ Z f/¼ fr"Bfl fJÆr% le ¼ Éæq s rsÆ ân;
¼ eÆILok;qj¼ Êiks
n¼ÙkksnƯ/ fHk¼Ur A fnÆoLiÆtZU;k¼nÆUrfj¼{kkRi`fFÆkÆO;kLrrks¼ uksÆ
o`"VÔk¼o AAÿÿAA
Vi‹vasya mμurdhannadhi ti¶¢hasi ‹rita¨ samudre
te hædayamapsvåyurapo dattodadhi≈ bhinta.
Divasparjanyådantarik¶åt prithivyåstato no
Brilliant power of light and life, you are on top
of the world, steadfast and presiding over all! Your heart
is deep in infinity. Your energy is one with universality.
Break through the oceans of space and hold the waters
of life for gift. And then, protect and promote us with
the rain of light from heaven, showers from the clouds
and the sky, and honey sweets from the earth.
56. (Yajna Devata, Galava °Rshi)
bÆ"Vks ;ÆKks Hk`xq¼fHkjk'khÆnkZ olq¼fHk%A
rL;¼ u¿bÆ"VL;¼ izhÆrL;Æ æfo¼.ksÆgkx¼es%AAÿöAA
I¶¢o yaj¤o bhægubhirå‹∂rdå vasubhi¨. Tasya naí
i¶¢asya pr∂tasya draviƒehågame¨.
Yajna, wealth and power of the world, source of
benediction and fulfilment, loved and performed by top
scientists and scholars of the highest order, come and
bring us here and now all that we love and all that we
57. (Agni Devata, Galava °Rshi)
bÆ"Vks¿vÆfXujkgq¼r% fiiÙkqZ u¿bÆ"V§gÆfo% A
LoÆxsna nsÆosH;ksÆ ue¼% AAÿ÷AA
I¶¢oí agniråhuta¨ pipartu na i¶¢a|m havi¨. Svage-
da≈ devebhyo nama¨.
May Agni, invoked and fed with love and fragrant
materials, protect and promote us with the desired
comfort and joy. And may this food and homage which
comes to its own reach the noblest powers of nature
and humanity.
58. (Agni Devata, Vishvakarma °Rshi)
;nkow¼Qrkr~ lÆelq¼Ïksn~/Én ` ks okÆ eu¼lks okÆ lEHk`¼raÆ p{kq¼"kks
ok A rnu ¼ qÉ izr
s ¼ lqÉÑrk¼eq yksÆoQa ;=kÆ¿Í"k¼;ks tÆXeq% iz¼FkeÆtk%
iq¼jkÆ.kk% AAÿøAA
Yadåkμutåt samasusroddhædo vå manaso vå
sambhæta≈ cak¶u¶o vå. Tadanu preta sukætåmu
loka≈ yatraí æ¶ayo jagmu¨ prathamajå¨
Lovers of truth and action, whatever you have
thought and imagined and whatever has issued forth
from your intention or heart or mind or from your actual
experience of the eye, and whatever stays held up within,
follow that and achieve, and rise to the heavenly regions
of the meritorious to which arose the divine visionaries
first born and ancient.
59. (Prajapati Devata, Vishvakarma °Rshi)
,Ér§l¼/LFkÆ ifj¼ rs nnkfEÆkÆ ;ekÆogk¼PNsoƯ/ tkÆros¼nk% A
vÆUokÆxUÆ rk ;ÆKif¼ roksÆ¿Z v=kÆ r§Le¼ tkuhr ijÊes O;ks¼eu~AAÿù
Eta|m sadhastha pari te dadåmi yamåvahåcche-
vadhi≈ jåtavedå¨. Anvågantå yaj¤apatirvoí atra
ta|m sma jån∂ta parame vyoman.
Lovers of Divinity sitting in this heavenly home
of yajna, I pass on to you this supreme treasure of
knowledge and joy which Jataveda, Agni, and the
devoted scholar of the Veda brought down hitherward
from the highest heavens, and to which the yajamana
also attains following upon the yajna. Know him, and
know and experience that supreme presence and that
supreme joy which abides in the highest heavens.
60. (Prajapati Devata, Vishvakarma °Rshi)
,Éra tk¼ukFk ijÊes O;ks¼eÆu~ nsok¼% l/LFkk fOÆkÆn :Æie¼L; A
;nkÆxPNk¼RiÆfFkfHk¼no Æ kuS¼fj"VkiwÙÉ ksZ o`¼Q.kokFkkÆfojL¼ eSAAöúAA
Zs ;
Eta≈ jånåtha parame vyoman devå¨ sadhasthå
vida rμ u pamasya. Yadågacchåt pathibhir-
devayånairi¶¢åpμurte kæƒavåthåvirasmai.
Lovers of Divinity, noblest scholars and sages,
sitting together in this heavenly home of yajna, know
and realise this supreme creative presence which
pervades the highest and the ultimate spaces of the
universe. Realise its form and power, and feel the bliss
that emanates from this presence. Perform the acts and
observe the devotions prescribed by the Vedas and the
Vedic Traditions for the attainment of this presence
which comes to those who travel by the paths followed
by the godly men and women of divinity.
61. (Prajapati Devata, Galava °Rshi)
mn~cq¼è;LokXusÆ izfr¼tkx`fgÆ Rofe¼"VkiwÉÙksZ l§l`¼tsFkkeÆ;a p¼
A vÆfLeURlÆ/LFksÆ¿vè;qÙk¼jfLÆEÆkÆu~ fo'os¼ nsokÆ ;t¼eku'p
lhnr AAöûAA
Udbudhyasvågne prati jågæhi tvami¶¢åpμurte sa|m
sæjethåmaya≈ ca. Asmintsadhastheíadhyutta-
rasmin vi‹ve devå yajamåna‹ca s∂data.
Agni, fire and power of light and life, man of fire
and knowledge, awake, arise, and let the yajamana arise
and act. And both of you together enact the holy rites
and offer the devotions to the Lord. Men and women of
divinity and the yajamana, all be seated in this blessed
house of yajna on the holy seats around the vedi.
62. (Vishvakarma/Agni Devata, Devashrava, Devavata
;suÆ og¼fl lÆgÏaÆ ;suk¼Xus loZosnÆle~ A
rsusÆea ;ÆKa uks¼ u;Æ Lo~nsZÆos"kqÉ xUr¼os AAöüAA
Yena vahasi sahasra≈ yenågne sarvavedasam.
Tenema≈ yaj¤a≈ no naya svardeve¶u gantave.
Lord of fire and knowledge, by the power you
conduct the yajna of a hundred gifts, and the yajna of
total Vedic knowledge, and all the worldly wealth, by
the same power lead on this yajna of ours to reach the
regions of bliss among the noblest souls of divinity.
63. (Yajna Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
izÆLrÆjs.k¼ ifjÆf/uk¼ ÏqÉpk os|k¼ p cÆ£g"kk¼ A
ÍÆpsea ;ÆKa uks ¼ u;Æ Lo~nsZÆos"kqÉ xUro¼ s AAöýAA
Prastareƒa paridhinå srucå vedyå ca barhi¶å.
°Rcema≈ yaj¤a≈ no naya svardeve¶u gantave.
Lord of yajna, by the sacrificial seat (asana),
vedi’s girdle of fire-sticks, the ladle, the vedi, the kusha
grass and the light of fire, and by the chant of Vedic
hymns, take our yajna on and forward to lead us to reach
the joy of life and the bliss of divinity among the blessed
64. (Yajna Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
;íÉÙka ;Ri¼jkÆnkuaÆ ;RiwÉÙk± ;k'pÆ nf{k¼.kk%A
rnÆfXuoSZ ×'odeZÆ.k% Lo¼nsZÆos"kq¼ uks n/r~ AAöþAA
Yaddatta≈ yatparådåna≈ yatpμurta≈ yå‹ca
dak¶iƒå¨. Tadagnirvai‹vakarmaƒa¨ svardeve¶u
no dadhat.
Whatever is given, whatever is received from
others for others, whatever works are raised for charity,
whatever gifts are given to priests, may versatile Agni
of universal action carry all that to the heavenly powers
in the regions of bliss for our sake.
65. (Yajna Devata, Vishvakarma °Rshi)
;=kÆ /kjkÆ¿vu¼isrkÆ e/ks¼?k`ZÉrL;¼ pÆ ;k% A
rnÆfXuoSZ ×'odeZÆ.k% Lo¼nsZÆos"kq¼ uks n/r~ AAöÿAA
Yatra dhårå anapetå madhorghætasya ca yå¨.
Tadagnirvai‹vakarmaƒa¨ svardeve¶u no dadhat.
Where streams of nectar honey flow
uninterrupted and where flow streams of purest milk
and ghee, there among the noblest souls, may Agni, lord
of universal yajnic action, lead us into the heaven of
66. (Agni Devata, Devashrava & Devavata Rshis)
vÆfXuj¼fLÆEÆkÆ tUe¼uk tkÆros¼nk ?k`Éra esÆ p{kq¼jÊer ` ¯ e¿&
vkÆlu~ A vÆoZQfLÆ=ÆkÆ/krwÉ jt¼lks fOÆkÆekuks¿t¼Ïks ?kÆeksZ gÆfo&
j¼fLÆEÆkÆ uke¼ AAööAA
Agnirasmi janmanå jåtavedå ghæta≈ me cak¶ur-
amæta≈ ma åsan. Arkastridhåtμu rajaso vimånoí
jasro gharmo havirasmi nåma.
I am fire, so by birth, present in all that is born.
Ghee is my light of the eye. Nectar is my mouth. What
I consume turns into nectar. Loved and adored with
Riks, Yajus and Samans, I am threefold in constitution,
my elements being akasha (ether), vayu (wind and
energy), and agni, fire that I am. I pervade and cover
the sky, I am perpetually active and moving. I am the
heat and light of the sun and summer. I am havi, the
food of yajna, and I am a name, I have an identity of my
67. (Agni Devata, Devashrava & Devavata Rshis)
ÍpksÆ ukek¼fLÆEÆkÆ ;tw¼¦f"ÆkÆ ukekfLÆEÆkÆ lkek¼fUÆkÆ ukek¼fLe A
;s¿vÆXu;Æ% ik×p¼tU;k¿vÆL;ka i`¼fFÆkÆO;kef/¼ A rs"kke ¼ fLÆkÆ
Roeq¼ÙkÆe% iz uks¼ thÆokr¼os lqo AAö÷AA
° co nåmåsmi yajμun
| si nåmåsmi såmåni nåmåsmi.
Yeí agnaya¨ på¤cajanyåí asyå≈ pæthivyåmadhi.
Te¶åmasi tvamuttama¨ pra no j∂våtave suva.
I am Riks by name (Rigveda), I am Yajus, that’s
my name (Yajurveda), I am Samans, that’s my name
(Samveda) for sure.
Yajnagni, five are the sacred fires that are on this
earth (namely, Anvaharya-pachana or Dakshina,
Garhapatya, Ahavaniya, Sabhya, and Avasthya), which
are good and auspicious for all the people without
discrimination. Of them, you are the supreme. Awake,
arise, come and inspire us for a full life on earth,
dedicated to yajna.
68. (Agni Devata, Indra °Rshi)
ok=kZ ×gR;k;Æ 'ko¼ls i`rukÆ"kkák¼; p A
bUæÆ Roko¼rZ;kefl AAöøAA
Vårtrahatyåya ‹avase pætanå¶åhyåya ca. Indra
Indra, lord of blazing power and prowess, for your
power to break down the anti-life clouds of darkness,
for the sake of strength and superiority in advancement,
and for your potential to rout the forces of the enemies
of humanity, we turn to you, abide by you and act under
your command.
69. (Indra Devata, Indra & Vishvamitra °Rshis)
lÆgnk¼uqEiq#gwr f{ÆkÆ;Ur¼egÆLrfe¼UæÆ lfEi¼.kÆo~Q oqQ.kk¼#e~ A
¼ eÆiknf¼ eUæ rÆolk¼ t?kUFk AAöùAA
vÆfHk o`=É ka o¼Z×ekuaÆ fi;k#
Sahadånumpuruhμuta k¶iyantamahastamindra
sampiƒak kuƒårum. Abhi vætra≈ vardhamåna≈
piyårumapådamindra tavaså jaghantha.
Indra, lord of lightning power, disarm, wither and
crush the rival negative forces, lurking within,
mischievous, growing, vociferous, and like the cloud,
withholding the waters of progress. Indra, blazing with
the thunderbolt like the sun, break up the cloud and
destroy the mischief with your might.
70. (Indra Devata, Shasa °Rshi)
fo u¼¿bUæÆ e`/ks¼ tfg uhÆpk ;¼PN i`rU;Ær%A
;ks¿vÆLek¡üAA¿v¼fHÆkÆnklÆR;/¼ja xe;kÆ re¼%AA÷úAA
Vi naíindra mædho jahi n∂cå yaccha pætanyata¨.
Yoí asmå|n abhidåsatyadhara≈ gamayå tama¨.
Indra, lord of might in command, eliminate the
battles of blood. Take them down to those who rise with
violent force and come upon us to fight. Whoever wish
to enslave us, take them down to utter darkness of
71. (Indra Devata, Jaya °Rshi)
e`Éxks u HkhÆe% oq¼QpÆjks fxf¼ jÆ"Bk% ij¼ kÆorÆ¿vkt¼xUFkkÆ ijL¼ ;k%A
l`Éd§lƧ'kk;¼ iÆfofe¼Uæ fRÆkÆXea fo 'k=kw¼Urkf<Æ fo e`/ks¼
uqnLo AA÷ûAA
Mægo na bh∂ma¨ kucaro giri¶¢hå¨ paråvataíå
jaganthå parasyå¨. Sæka|m sa|m‹åya pavimindra
tigma≈ vi ‹atrμun tåŒhi vi mædho nudasva.
Like a terrible lion of the mountain forest,
roaming around freely, go far and fall upon the hostile
forces. Having tempered and sharpened the point of your
steel, drive off the enemies and eliminate the battles of
72. (Agni Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
oSÆ'okÆuÆjks u¼¿ mQÆr;Æ¿vk iz;k¼rq ijkÆor¼% A
vÆfXuuZ ×% lq"VqÉrh#i¼ AA÷üAA
Vai‹vånaro naíμutayaíå pra yåtu paråvata¨.
Agnirna¨ su¶¢ut∂rupa.
All commanding power, reaching everything and
everyone like the light of the sun and the heat of fire,
come to us from afar for our protection. Fire of life,
listen to our songs of praise and prayer and come.
73. (Agni Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
i`É"Vks fnÆfo i`É"Vks¿vÆfXu% i`¼fFÆkÆO;ka i`É"Vks fo'okÆ¿&
vks"k¼/hÆjkfo¼os'kA oSÆ'okÆuÆj% lg¼lk i`É"Vks¿vÆfXu% l uksÆ
fnokÆ l fjÆ"kLik¼rq uDr¼e~ AA÷ýAA
P涢o divi p涢oí agni¨ pæthivyå≈ p涢o vi‹vå
ío¶adh∂råvive‹a. Vai‹vånara¨ sahaså p涢oí
agni¨ sa no divå sa ri¶aspåtu naktam.
Agni, universal fire, Vaishvanara, omnipresent,
omnificent vitality, which blazes in heaven as the sun
is worth knowing. The fire in the earth is worth knowing.
The fire that has entered the entire herbs and trees of
the world is worth knowing by research. May this Agni
protect and sustain us against violence day and night.
74. (Agni Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
vÆ';keÆ ra dkee ¼ XusÆ roksrÆ h¿vÆ';ke¼ jÊf;§jf¼ ;o% lqÉohje ¼ A~
vÆ';keÆ okte¼ fÆ Hk okÆt;U¼ rks¿Æ ';ke¼ |qEÉ ue¼tjkÆtj¯ rs AA÷þAA
A‹yåma ta≈ kåmamagne tavot∂ía‹yåma rayi|m
rayiva¨ suv∂ram. A‹yåma våjamabhi våjayantoí-
ë‹yåma dyumnamajaråjara≈ te.
Agni, lord defender, protector and sustainer,
under your umbrella, may we get the benefits we desire.
Lord of wealth and plenty, may we get the wealth and
the valorous heroes we need. Fighting the battles of life,
may we achieve the victories we prize. Lord ever young,
unageing, may we also share and achieve your
imperishable glory and majesty.
75. (Agni Devata, Utkeela °Rshi)
oÆ;a rs¼¿vÆ| j¼fjÆek fg dke¼eqÙkkÆug¼LrkÆ ue¼lksiÆl|¼ A
;ft¼"BsuÆ eu¼lk ;f{k nsÆokuÏs¼/rkÆ e¼UeukÆ foizks¼¿&
vXus AA÷ÿAA
Vaya≈ teíadya rarimå hi kåmamuttånahastå
namasopasadya. Yaji¶¢hena manaså yak¶i
devånasredhatå manmanå viproí agne.
Agni, lord of light, knowledge and power, with
hands raised up in homage, we come to you today with
a dedicated, concentrated, thoughtful and faithful mind
and make the loved-most offerings. With the same
dedicated, concentrated and committed mind,you too
do honour to the powers of divinity.
76. (Vishvedevas Devata, Utkeela °Rshi)
/kÆeÆPNnÆfXufjUæks¼ czÆãk nsÆoks c`gÆLifr¼% A
lps¼rlksÆ fo'os¼ nsÆok ;ÆKa izko¼Urq u% 'kqÉHks AA÷öAA
Dhåmacchadagnirindro brahmå devo bæh-
aspati¨. Sacetaso vi‹ve devå yaj¤a≈ pråvantu
na¨ ‹ubhe.
Agni, lord protector of regions and places, lord
of knowledge, Indra, lord of power and honour, Brahma,
lord of creative Vedic vision, Deva, lord of generosity
and brilliance, Brihaspati, lord of learning and teaching,
may all these and other noble powers of the world,
enlightened and magnanimous, protect and promote our
yajnas of life for the good of all for ever and onward.
77. (Vishvedevas Devata, Ushana °Rshi)
Roa ;¼fo"B nkÆ'kq"kksÆ u¤¡% ik¼fg 'k`.kqÉ/h fxj¼% A
j{kk¼ rksÆdeqÉr Reuk¼ AA÷÷AA
Tva≈ yavi¶¢ha då‹u¶o n¿|n¨ påhi ‹æƒudh∂ gira¨.
Rak¶å tokamuta tmanå.
Lord of life and humanity, ever young, generous
giver, listen to the voice and prayers of the people.
Protect and promote humanity, and preserve the race
with the breath of life.

bfr v"Vkn'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Soma Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
LokÆ}ha Rok¼ LokÆnquk¼ rhÆozka rhÆozs.kkÆe`rk¼eÆe`rs¼u A e/q¼erhaÆ
e/q¼erk l`ÉtkfEÆkÆ l§lkses¼u A lkseks¼¿L;Æf'oH;ak¼ iP;LoÆ
lj¼LoR;S iP;ÆLosUæk¼; lqÉ=kkE.ks¼ iP;Lo AAûAA
Svådv∂≈ två svådunå t∂vrå≈ t∂vreƒåmætåm-
amætena. Madhumat∂≈ madhumatå sæjåmi sa|m
somena. Somoísya‹vibhyå≈ pacyasva
sarasvatyai pacyasvendråya sutråmƒe pacyasva.
Tonic of life, panacea for health, delicious in
taste, sharp in action, honey sweet and healing like
nectar, I mix and develop you with soma, delicious
sharp, honey sweet and nectar-like in healing. Integrated
with soma, you are now soma itself. Mature and ripen
for the Ashvins, powers of health and men and women
of learning. Ripen and mature for Sarasvati, woman of
the divine voice. Mature and ripen for Indra, man of
power and honour who protects and promotes humanity
against suffering.
2. (Soma Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
ijhÆrks f"k¼×prk lqÉr§lkseksÆ ;¿m¼ÙkÆe§gÆfo%A
nÆ/ÆUoku~ ;ks u;ksZ× vÆILo¨Urjk lq"É kkoÆ lkseÆefæf¼ Hk%AAüAA
Par∂to ¶i¤catå suta|m somo yaíuttama|m havi¨.
Dadhanvån yo naryo apsvantarå su¶åva
Soma, extracted, richly reinforced and distilled
thus is the best for life and yajna. Let the best person
among humans develop and produce it mixed with the
waters and matured on the mountains with the clouds.
3. (Soma Devata, Abhuti °Rshi)
okÆ;ks% iwÉr% iÆfo=ks¼.k izÆR;Ä~ DlkseksÆ¿vfr¼æqr% A bUæ¼L;Æ
;qT;Æ% l[kk¼ A okÆ;ks% iwÉr% iÆfo=ks¼.kÆ izkÄ~ DlkseksÆ¿vfræ
¼ r
q %A
bUæ¼L;Æ ;qT;Æ% l[kk¼ AAýAA
Våyo¨ pμ u ta¨ pavitreƒa pratyaΔk somoí
atidruta¨. Indrasya yujya¨ sakhå. Våyo¨ pμuta¨
pavitreƒa pråΔk somo atidruta¨. Indrasya yujya¨
Soma, freshly extracted, fully filtered, highly
refined, and seasoned in westerly wind, instant and
usable is a friend of Indra, man of power and honour,
for concentration of mind.
Soma, old extracted, fully filtered, highly refined,
and seasoned in easterly wind, instant and effective is a
friend of Indra, man of power and honour, for
concentration of mind.
4. (Soma Devata, Abhuti °Rshi)
iqÉukfr¼ rs ifjÆÏqrƧlkseƧlw;Z×L; nqfgÆrk A
okjs¼.kÆ 'k'o¼rkÆ ruk¼ AAþAA
Punåti te parisruta|m soma|m sμuryasya duhitå.
Våreƒa ‹a‹vatå tanå.
Lover and maker of soma, the dawn, daughter of
the sun, constantly purifies and vitalizes the streams of
your soma with an uninterrupted flow of the currents of
its celestial light and eternal energy.
5. (Soma Devata, Abhuti °Rshi)
czã¼ {kÆ=ka i¼orsÆ rst¼¿bfUÆæÆ;§lqj¼;kÆ lkse¼% lqÉr¿vklq¼rksÆ
enk¼; A 'kqÉØs.k¼ nso nsÆork¼% fii`fXÆèÆkÆ jlsÆukÂaÆ ;t¼ekuk;
/sfg AAÿAA
Brahma k¶atra≈ pavate tejaíindriya|m surayå
soma¨ sutaíåsuto madåya. ›ukreƒa deva
devatå¨ pipægdhi rasenånna≈ yajamånåya
Soma, extracted and taken, purifies and energizes
the Brahmana community of intellectuals, and the
Kshatra community of warriors, defenders and
administrators, and inspires them with passion and
enthusiasm for action and achievement. It sharpens the
senses with sensitivity and the mind with brilliance.
Deva, man of science and yajna, with the purity
and energy of yajna and soma, please and serve the
powers of nature and humanity and enhance the
production of food for the yajamana with vital juice
6. (Indra Devata, Abhuti °Rshi)
oqÉQfonÆX ;o¼eUrksÆ ;o¯ fPÆkÆ|FkÆkÆ nkUR;u ¼ i
q o w ¼ bÆgg
wÉ ± fOÆkÆ;; s "S¼ kka
Ñ.kqfgÆ Hkkst¼ukfUÆkÆ ;s cÆ£g"kksÆ ue¼¿m¯DÆRÆkÆ ;t¼fUr A
mÆi; ¼ hrks¿L;Æf'oH;ak¼ RokÆ lj¼LoR;SÆ RosUæk;
Æ kÆex`g ¼ Rok lq=É kkE.k¿¼
,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆLrst¼ls Rok ohÆ;~kZÆ; RokÆ cyk¼; Rok AAöAA
KuvidaΔga yavamanto yava≈ cidyathå dåntya-
nupμurva≈ viyμuya. Ihehai¶å≈ kæƒuhi bhojanåni
ye barhi¶o nama ukti≈ yajanti. Upayåmagæh∂toí
sya‹vibhyå≈ två sarasvatyai tvendråya två
sutråmƒaí e¶a te yonistejase två v∂ryåya två
balåya två.
O friend, ruler and administrator, those farmers
who produce grain and harvest the crop for strength
and sustenance, and those brilliant ones who,
accordingly, study, analyse and pronounce their
judgement on food production, for all these provide food
and maintenance.
Accepted and sanctified you are for the Ashvins,
earth and sunlight (for production), scientific
knowledge, strength and power and defence and
protection. This is your value and justification for life.
I consecrate you for splendour, power and prowess, and
solid strength.
7. (Soma Devata, Abhuti °Rshi)
ukukÆ fg oak¼ nsÆofg¼r§Æ ln¼Lo`QÉ ra ek l§l`{¼ kkFkka ijÊes O;ks¼eu~A
lqjkÆ Roefl¼ 'kqÉf"e.khÆ lkse¼¿,É"k ek ek¼ fg§lhÆ% Loka
;ksfu¼ekfOÆkÆ'kUrh¼ AA÷AA
Nånå hi vå≈ devahita|m sadaskæta≈ må sa|m
sæk¶åthå≈ parame vyoman. Surå tvamasi
‹u¶miƒ∂ somaíe¶a må må hi| m s∂¨ svå≈
Many are the things for you in this wide world.
They are different, each in its own place good for the
noble people. Don’t confuse one with the other in your
own understanding: “You are sura, intoxication. And
you are sura, stimulation for life’s energy. This is soma,
life’s energy, passion for action, peace and pleasure for
the mind. Coming to your own in your own place, don’t
violate soma, don’t injure me.”
8. (Soma Devata, Abhuti °Rshi)
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿L;kf'ÆOÆkÆua rst¼% lkjLoÆra ohÆ;Z~eSÆUæa cy¼e~ A
,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆeksZnk¼; RokuÆUnk;¼ RokÆ eg¼ls Rok AAøAA
Upayåmagæh∂toísyå‹vina≈ tejå¨ sårasvata≈
v∂ryamaindra≈ balam. E¶å te yonirmodåya tvåî
nandåya två mahase två.
Indra, accepted and initiated you are in the laws
of life, vested with splendour of the sun and beauty of
the moon, power and prowess of the world on the move,
and the thunderbolt of lightning. This world is your
home and justification for existence for the experience
and creation of joy, spiritual bliss, universal honour and
glory. I consecrate you in your place and position by
virtue of Soma.
9. (Soma Devata, Abhuti °Rshi)

rstks¼¿fLÆkÆ rstksÆ ef;¼ /sfg ohÆ;Z~efl ohÆ;±̈ ef;¼ /sfgÆ cy¼efLÆkÆ

cyaÆ ef;¼ /sáÆksÆtksÆ¿L;kstksÆ ef;¼ /sfg eÆU;qj¼fl eÆU;qa ef;¼
/sfgÆ lgks¼¿fLÆkÆ lgksÆ ef;¼ /sfg AAùAA
Tejoísi tejo mayi dhehi v∂ryamasi v∂rya≈ mayi
dhehi balamasi balam mayi dhehyojoísyojo mayi
dhehi manyurasi manyu≈ mayi dhehi sahoísi
saho mayi dhehi.
You are the light of life, put light into me. You are
the vigour and vitality of life, put vigour and vitality
into me. You are the strength and force of life, put
strength and force into me. You are the lustre of health
and energy of life, bless me with the glow and lustre of
health and energy. You are the passion for life, put
passion into me. You are the challenge and victory of
life, bless me with the spirit of challenge and the
ambition for victory.
10. (Soma Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
;k O;kÆ?kza fo"kw¼fpdksÆHkkS o`oaQ¼ pÆ j{k¼fr A
';sÆua i¼rÆfR=k.k¼§fLÆkƧg§lsea ikÆRo§g¼l% AAûúAA
Yå vyåghra≈ vi¶μucikobhau væka≈ ca rak¶ati.
›yena≈ patatriƒa| m si| m ha| m sema≈
That secret agency which watches and keeps off
both the tiger and wolf, the eagle and other birds of
prey, and the lion, the same may warn and protect this
ruler from sin and wrong-doing.
11. (Agni Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
;nkf¼ IÆkÆi"s k¼ ekÆrj¯ iqÉ=k% ize¼fq nrksÆ /;¼u~ A ,ÉrÙkn¼Xus¿vu`É.kks
Hk¼okÆE;g¼rkS fIÆkÆrjkSÆ e;k¼ A lÆEi`p¼ LFkÆ la ek¼ HkÆæs.k¼ i`ƒ
fOÆkÆi`p¼ LFkÆ fo ek¼ ikÆIeuk¼ i`ƒ AAûûAA
Yadåpipe¶a måtara≈ putra¨ pramudito dhayan.
Etattadagneí anæƒo bhavåmyahatau pitarau
mayå. Sampæca stha sa≈ må bhadreƒa pæΔkta
vipæca stha vi må påpmanå pæΔkta.
Agni, lord of light and yajna, when my child sucks
its mother with joy and hugs her almost crushing her
with love, then I feel free from my filial debt to nature
and my parents, since then are my parents saved through
Stay one with the parents, with nature and with
God. Join me with piety and goodness. Stay away and
keep me away from sin and evil.
12. (Vidvan Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
nsÆok ;ÆKe¼rUor Hks"kÆta fHÆkÆ"ktkÆf'ouk¼ A
okÆpk ljL¼ orh fHÆkÆ"kfxUæk¼;sfUÆæÆ;kf.ÆkÆ n/¼r%AAûüAA
Devå yaj¤amatanvata bhe¶aja≈ bhi¶ajåí‹vinå.
Våcå sarasvat∂ bhi¶agindråyendriyåƒi dadhata¨.
The healing powers of nature and the two
Ashvins, positive and negative currents of universal
energy, enact the medicinal yajna of evolution in the
service of Indra, lord of the universe. So do the
physicians, men and women both, holding their mind
and senses in order, carry on the yajna of health and
healing with their knowledge and advice. (So too should
we all work for health and healing in the service of God
and humanity.)
13. (Yajna Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
nhÆ{kk;S¼ :Æi§'k"ik¼f.k izk;Æ.kh;¼L;Æ rksDek¼fu A
ØÆ;L;¼ :Æi§lkse¼L; ykÆtk% lks¼ekƦ'koksÆ e/q¼ AAûýAA
D∂k¶åyai rμupa|m ‹a¶påƒi pråyaƒ∂yasya tokmåni.
Krayasya rμupa|m somasya låjå¨ somå|m‹avo
Blades of grass are symbols of initiation. Shoots
of barley are symbols of yajnic inauguration. Roasted
rice treated with soma is the symbol of exchange. Honey
is the essence of soma plant. Develop these for yajna.
14. (Atithya/Hospitality Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
vkÆfRÆkÆF;Æ:Æia ekl¼ja egkohÆjL;¼ uÆXugq¼%A
:Æieq¼iÆlnk¼eÆr s fÙÆkÆÏks jk=khÆ% lqjklq¼rk AAûþAA
Åtithyarμupa≈ måsara≈ mahåv∂rasya nagnahu¨.
Rμupamupasadåmetattisro råtr∂¨ suråîsutå.
Roasted barley and masara drink is the mark of
hospitality. Gift of food, drink and clothes is the mark
of heroes. Three nights stay is courtesy to the guests.
The secret of soma drink is three nights distillation and
maturity. Observe these in the hospitality yajna.
15. (Soma Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
lkse¼L; :Æia ØhÆrL;¼ ifjÆÏqRifj¼f"kP;rs A
vÆf'oH;ak¼ nqXÉ /a Hks¼"kÆtfeUæk¼;USÆ æ§ljLoR;k AAûÿAA
Somasya rμupa≈ kr∂tasya parisrut pari¶icyate.
A‹vibhyå≈ dugdha≈ bhe¶ajamindråyaindra|m
The juice of soma fully distilled and prepared by
the expert physician, mixed with milk and approved
and accepted by a learned woman of Vedic knowledge
of medicine, matures into a panacea fit to be the
favourite tonic for the sophisticated Indra, lord of
strength, power and governance.
16. (Yajna Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
vkÆlÆUnh :Æi§jk¼tklÆU|S os|S¼ oqÉQEHkh lq¼jkÆ/kuh¼ A
vUr¼j¿mÙkjosÆ|k :Æia dkj¼ ksrÆjks fHÆkÆ"ko~Q AAûöAA
Åsand∂ rμ u pa| m råjåsandyai vedyai kumbh∂
surådhån∂. Antaraíuttaravedyå rμupa≈ kårotaro
The seat of soma is the mark of governance. The
flask of soma drink is the mark of an auspicious altar.
Invigorating food is the mark of an auspicious northern
altar. The filter that separates the essence of soma from
waste is the symbol of a good physician.
17. (Yajna Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
os|ÆkÆ osfnÆ% lek¼I;rs cÆ£g"kk¼ cÆ£gfj¼fUÆæÆ;e~ A
;wis¼uÆ ;wi¼¿vkI;rsÆ iz.kh¼rks¿vÆfXujÊfXuuk¼ AAû÷AA
Vedyå vedi¨ samåpyate barhi¶å barhirindriyam.
Yμupena yμupaí åpyate praƒ∂toí agniragninå.
By vedi and performance of yajna, yajnic land is
acquired and sanctified. By yajna seats of grass and
noble work, wealth and prosperity is obtained. By the
pillar of yajnic celebration and social cooperation,
honour and celebrity is achieved. And by the yajna fire
and creative work, advancement and honourable
leadership is attained.
18. (Grihapati Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
gÆfOÆkÆ/kZuÆa ;nÆf'oukXuh¼/zaÆ ;Rlj¼Lorh A
bUæk¼;ÆUS æ§ln¼Lo`ÉQra i¼RuhÆ'kkyaÆ xkgZ ×iR;%AAûøAA
Havirdhåna≈ yada‹vinåîgn∂dhra≈ yat
sarasvat∂. Indråyaindra| m sadaskæta≈
patn∂‹åla≈ gårhapatya¨.
The Ashvinis, husband and wife, prepare the
yajna chamber and collect the holy materials. Sarasvati
the learned house-wife, is the lady of yajna and the host
for the priests and the guests. The house is the seat of
yajnic prosperity for the master of the house. And the
home is the lady’s forte. This is the house-hold, a socio-
economic yajna in operation.
19. (Yajna Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
izSÆ"ksfHk¼% izSÆ"kkuk¼IuksR;kÆizhfHk¼jkÆizh;ZÆKL;¼ A
izÆ;kÆtfs Hk¼juq;kÆtku~ o¼"kV~dkÆjsfHÆkÆjkgq¼rh%AAûùAA
Prai¶ebhi¨ prai¶ånåpnotyåpr∂bh∂råpr∂r-
yaj¤asya. Prayåjebhiranuyåjån va¶a¢kåre-
In all yajnic activities of life : By courteous
invitations and orders, you get responsive audience and
assistants. By obliging favours, you get pleasing help
and cooperation. By careful planning and preparation
of the preliminaries, you reach the finale with credit
and success. And with the pronouncement of a holy
offer, you get the divine acceptance.
20. (Yajamana Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
iÆ'kqfHk¼% iÆ'kwuk¼Iuksfr iqjksÆMk'kS¼gZÆoh¦";k A
NUnks¼fHk% lkfe/su Æ h;kZÆT;k~fHkoZ"kV~dkÆjku~ AAüúAA
Pa‹ubhi¨ pa‹μunåpnoti puroŒå‹airhav∂|n¶yå.
Chandobhi¨ såmidhen∂ryåjyåbhirva¶a¢kårån.
By love and care of animals, you beget the wealth
of animals. By oblations of rice cakes and generous gifts,
you get the wealth of holy materials. By the knowledge
and practice of sacred verses, you get the secrets of fire
kindling. And by sacrificial chants and actions, you
collect holy people around you.
21. (Soma Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
/kÆuk% o¼QjÊEHk% lDr¼o% ijhokÆi% i;ksÆ nf/¼ A
lkse¼L; :Æi§ gÆfo"k¼¿vkÆfe{kkÆ okft¼uaÆ e/q¼ AAüûAA
Dhånå¨ karambha¨ saktava¨ par∂våpa¨ payo
dadhi. Somasya rμupa|m havi¶aíåmik¶å våjina≈
Roasted rice, pudding, barley meal, fried grain,
milk, curds, mixed milk and curds, best of grains and
honey, these are forms of soma, vital energy, and they
are holy foods for the sacred fire.
22. (Yajna Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
/kÆukuk¼¦ :Æia oqQo¼ya ijhokÆiL;¼ xksÆ/wek¼%A
lDrw¼uk¦ :Æia cnj¼ eqiÆokdk¼% djÊEHkL;¼ AAüüAA
Dhånånå≈ rμ u pa≈ kuvala≈ par∂våpasya
godhμumå¨. Saktμunå|m rμupa≈ badaramupavåkå¨
Seed of water-lily is symbol of rice and grains.
Wheat is symbol of puddings. Cotton seed/jujube fruit
is symbol of roasted grain powder. And barley is symbol
of gruel.
23. (Soma Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
i;¼lks :Æia ;|ok¼ nÆèuks :Æia dÆoZQU/w¼fu A
lkse¼L; :Æia okftu
¼ § lkSEÆ ;L;¼ :ÆiekÆfe{kk¼ AAüýAA
Payaso rμ u pa≈ yadyavå dadhno rμ u pa| m
karkandhμ u ni. Somasya rμ u pa| m våjina| m
saumyasya rμupamåmik¶å.
Barley is the form of milk. Jujube berry is the
form of curd. Grain is the form of soma. And mix of
milk or curd is the the form of the essence of soma.
24. (Vidvan scholar Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
vk Jk¼oÆ;fs r¼ LrksÆf=k;k¼% izR;kJkÆoks¿vuq¼:i%A
;tsfr¼ /kÕ;k:Æia iz¼xkÆFkk ;s¼ ;tkeÆgk% AAüþAA
Å ‹ravayeti stotriyå¨ pratyå‹råvoíanurμupa¨.
Yajeti dhåyyårμupa≈ pragåthå ye yajåmahå¨.
“Speak to us of knowledge”, say the disciples to
the teacher. And let what is spoken, heard and
understood be in conformity and unison. “Conduct the
yajna”, say the yajniks. And conduct of the yajna is the
function of the priest, the singers and the performers,
all in unison.
25. (Soma Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
vÆ/ZÆ¿ÍÆp# S ÆDFkkuk¼¦:Æia iÆnjS kI¼ uksfr fUÆkfÆ on%¼ A
izÆ.kÆoS% 'kÆL=kk.kk¼¦:Æia i;¼lkÆ lkse¼¿vkI;rs AAüÿAA
Ardhaíæcairukthånå| m rμ u pa≈ padairåpnoti
nivida¨. Praƒavai¨ ‹astråƒå|m rμupa≈ payaså
soma åpyate.
By half-Riks you get to the form and meaning of
Uktha verses. By phrases you get to the Nivids,
invocatory verses and formulae. By the chant and
worship of Om you get to the form and meaning of
mystic powers. By water and milk rejuvenation is
achieved as by soma.
26. (Yajna Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
vÆf'oH;ak¼ izkr% loÆufeUæs¼.kSÆUæa ekè;¼fUnue~ A
oSÆ'oÆnsÆo§ ljL¼ oR;k r`Érh;¼ekÆIr§ lo¼ue~ AAüöAA
A‹vibhyå≈ pråta¨savanamindreƒaindra≈
mådhya≈dinam. Vai‹vadeva| m sarasvatyå
tæt∂yamåpta|m savanam.
The morning Soma-yajna is performed with
hymns to the Ashvinis, the dawn, the sun and the moon.
The mid-day Soma-yajna is performed with hymns to
Indra for energy, power and honour. And the third,
evening Soma-yajna, is accomplished and completed
with hymns to Sarasvati, spirit and word of universal
knowledge and inspiration for the sake of universal
peace and happiness.
27. (Yajna Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
okÆ;ÆO;S~okZ;ÆO;k~U;kIuksfRÆkÆ lrs ¼u æks.kdyÆ'ke~ A
oqÉQEHkhH;k¼eEHk`É.kkS lqÉrs LFkkÆyhfHk¼% LFkkÆyhjk¼Iuksfr AAü÷AA
Våyavyairvåyavyånyåpnoti satena droƒa-
kala‹am. Kumbh∂bhyåmambhæƒau sute
sthål∂bhi¨ sthål∂råpnoti.
With the properties of wind and air you get the
energy of wind and air in the soma in the vayavya air-
vessels. With filtration you get to the drona-measure
vessel of soma. With two jars of corn and water, you
get two water-jar measures of soma, one for stirring
and cleansing and the other for the pure and distilled
soma. And then by cooking cauldrons you get the
finished cauldronfuls of soma offerings for the yajna.
28. (Yajna Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
;tq¼£HkjkI;UrsÆ xzgkÆ xzgSÆ% Lrksek¼'pÆ fo"Vq¼rh%A
NUnks¼fHk#DFkk'kÆL=kkf.ÆkÆ lkEuk¼oHk`ÉFk¿vk¼I;rs AAüøAA
Yajurbhiråpyante grahå grahai¨ stomå‹ca
vi¶¢ut∂¨. Chandobhirukthå‹astråƒi såmnåva-
With verses of Yajurveda, you take ladlefuls of
soma, learn the ways of the world and knowledge of
the stars and planets. With the knowledge and libations,
you come to stomas, hymns of praise and qualities of
things and facts of life. With metres of verses and from
singers, you come to formula hymns of the Veda and
the secrets of weapons. And then with the recitation of
Samans, you come to the valediction of yajna and the
holy bath.
29. (Ida Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
bMk¼fHkHkZÆ{kkuk¼Iuksfr lwDrokÆosQukÆf'k"k¼% A
'kaÆ;quk¼ iRuhla;kÆtkURl¼fe"V;Ætq"kk¼ lƧLFkke~ AAüùAA
IŒabhirbhak¶ånåpnoti sμuktavåkenå‹i¶a¨. ›a≈-
yunå patn∂sa≈yåjåntsami¶¢ayaju¶å sa|msthåm.
With the sacred Word and worship you get food
from the fields of earth. With sweet words and songs of
reverence one gets all the good wishes and success to
the heart’s desire. With a peaceful and generous mind
the husband gets the best conjugal relations with his
wife. And with the performance of yajna with the desired
Yajurvedic hymns, you come to the consummation of
settled life in a happy home.
30. (Yajna Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
ozÆrsu¼ nhÆ{kkek¼Iuksfr nhÆ{k;k¼¿IuksfRÆkÆ nf{k¼.kke~ A
nf{k¼.kk JƼkek¼Iuksfr JƼ;k¼ lÆR;ek¼I;rs AAýúAA
Vratena d∂k¶åmåpnoti d∂k¶ayaípnoti dak¶iƒåm.
Dak¶iƒå ‹raddhåmåpnoti ‹raddhayå satya-
By the observance of discipline and celibacy, the
child comes to initiation and consecration into learning
and education. By learning and education, the young
man/woman comes to settlement, wealth and honour.
Settlement, wealth and honour begets faith. And through
faith one comes to attain the ultimate truth and values
of life and existence.
31. (Yajna Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
,Érko¼n~ :ia ;ÆKL;Æ ;ísÆoSczZã¼.kk o`ÉQre~ A
rnsÆrRloZ ×ekIuksfr ;ÆKs lkS¼=kkeÆ.kh lqÉrs AAýûAA
Etåvad rμupa≈ yaj¤asya yaddevairbrahmaƒå
kætam. Tadetat sarvamåpnoti yaj¤e sautråmaƒ∂
This is the form of yajna with its meaning and
values which has been described and prescribed by God,
the Vedas and the Rishis. If a person is consecrated in a
Sautramani yajna, performed in honour of Indra, i.e., in
the service of God and for the good of the world, with
the yajnopavita and the knots of dedication and
commitment of oneself in faith, he/she is blest with all
that and this, that is, in this life and hereafter.
32. (Indra Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
lqjko¼Ura c£gÆ"kn¼§ lqÉohj¯ ;ÆK§ fg¼UofUr efgÆ"kk ueks¼fHk%A
n/ku¼ kÆ% lkse¯ fnÆfo nso ¼ q ense
Æ rkl ¼ kuk% LoÆdkZ%AAýüAA
Æ Us æaÆ ;te
Suråvanta≈ barhi¶ada| m suv∂ra≈ yaj¤a| m
hinvanti mahi¶å namobhi¨. Dadhånå¨ soma≈
divi devatåsu mademendra≈ yajamånå¨
Great enlightened people, with rich libations of
havi, promote yajna, source of joy, operative in space
and maker of the brave.
Let us too, blest with enlightenment, holding
libations of soma for the divinities of heaven and earth,
performing yajna in honour of Indra, lord of the
universe, and ruler of the earth, rejoice with heavenly
bliss on earth.
33. (Indra Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
;LrsÆ jlÆ% lEHk`¼r¿Æ vks"k¼/h"kqÉ lkse¼L;Æ 'kq"eÆ% lqj¼;k lqÉrL;¼A
rsu ¼ ftUoÆ ;t ¼ekua Æ ens¼uÆ lj ¼LorheÆf'oukÆfoUæ¼eÆ&
fXue~ AAýýAA
Yaste rasa¨ sambhætaío¶adh∂¶u somasya ‹u¶ma¨
surayå sutasya. Tena jinva yajamåna≈ madena
Spirit of life, Indra, of your essence which is
contained in the herbs and plants, that which is extracted
from the soma plants and reinforced with energy (by
cleansing and distillation) is most powerful and
exhilararing. With that elixir of life, delight and inspire
the yajamana, Sarasvati, lady of learning, Ashvinis,
scholars and students of health and medicine, Indra, the
ruler and administrators, and Agni, the leader and
defenders of the land.
34. (Soma Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
;eÆf'oukÆ ueq¼psjklqÉjknfèÆkÆ lj¼LoÆR;lq¼uksfnfUÆæÆ;k;¼ A
bÆea r§'kqØ ¼ UrÆfeUnq§É lkse§Æ jktk¼ufEÆkgÆ Hk¼{k;kfe AAýþAA
É a e/qe
Yama‹vinå namuceråsurådadhi sarasvatya-
sunodindriyåya. Ima≈ ta|m ‹ukra≈ madhu-
mantamindu|m soma|m råjånamiha bhak¶ayåmi.
Here for the sake of inspiration, I take this pure,
honey sweet, bright and soothing soma drink of the
supreme order which the experts of bio-science and the
lady scholar of nutrition have extracted from the plants
growing among the clouds on the mountains and
distilled for the sake of exhilaration and rejuvenation
of the mind and senses.
35. (Soma Devata, Haimavarchi °Rshi)
;n=k¼ fjÆIr§jÊflu%¼ lqr
É L;Æ ;fnUæÆkÆ¿s vfi¼cÆPNph¼fHk%A
vÆga rnL¼ ;Æ eu¼lk f'ÆkÆou
s Æ lkseƧjktk¼ufEÆkg
Æ Hk{¼ k;kfeAAýÿAA
Yadatra ripta| m rasina¨ sutasya yadindroí
ap∂bacchac∂bhi¨. Aha≈ tadasya manaså ‹ivena
soma|m råjånamiha bhak¶ayåmi.
Of the delicious and powerful soma juice of
purest extraction available here, which the sun too draws
up (and releases) with its rays, the soothing supreme
and most inspiring part I drink with a happy and blessed
mind here and now.
36. (Pitara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
fIÆkÆrH` ;¼% Lo/kÆf;H;%¼ LoÆ/k ue%¼ firkeÆgHs ;¼% Lo/kÆf;H;¼%
LoÆ/k ueÆ% izfi¼rkegsH;% Lo/kÆf;H;¼% LoÆ/k ue¼% A
v{k¼u~ fIÆkÆrjks¿eh¼enUr fIÆkÆrjks¿rh¼r`iUr fIÆkÆrjÊ% fir¼jÊ%
'kqU/¼èoe~ AAýöAA
Pitæbhya¨ svadhåyibhya¨ svadhå nama¨ pitå-
mahebhya¨ svadhåyibhya¨ svadhå nama¨
prapitåmahebhya¨ svadhåyibhya¨ svadhå
nama¨. Ak¶an pitaroím∂madanta pitaroí-
t∂tæpanta pitara¨ pitara¨ ‹undhadhvam.
To our parents and seniors, we offer their own
share of food and reverence. To our grand-parents and
seniors, we offer their own share of food and reverence.
To our great-grand-parents and seniors, we offer their
own share of food and reverence. Parents, partake of
your own share we offer and rejoice. Rejoice and give
us the pleasure of joy. Parents, teachers, seniors, enjoy
yourselves to your full satisfaction and give us the
satisfaction of service and reverence. Parents, teachers,
seniors, be pure yourselves, and purify and sanctify us
with the service we offer and your blessings.
37. (Sarasvati learning Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
iqÉuUrq¼ ek fIÆkÆrj¼% lksÆE;kl¼% iqÉuUrq¼ ek firkeÆgk% iqÉuUrqÉ
izfi¼rkegk%A iÆfo=ks¼.k 'kÆrk;q¼"kk A iqÉuUrq¼ ek firkeÆgk%
iqÉuUrqÉ izfi¼rkegk% A iÆfo=ks¼.k 'kÆrk;q¼"kkÆ fo'oÆek;q&É
O;Z~'uoS AAý÷AA
Punantu må pitra¨ somyåsa¨ punantu må pitå-
mahå¨ punantu prapitåmahå¨ pavitreƒa
‹atåyu¶å. Punantu må pitåmahå¨ punantu
prapitåmahå¨ pavitreƒa ‹atåyu¶å vi‹vam-
May my parents, grand parents, and great grand
parents, kind, beneficent and honourable, purify me and
sanctify me with the purity of discipline and education
for a life of hundred years.
May my grand parents and my great grand parents
purify me and sanctify me with the purity of moral life
and learning for a full life, so that with their blessings I
may live for a full age of hundred years.
38. (Indra Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
vXuÆ¿vk;w¼¦f"k iolÆ¿vk lqÉokstÆfZ e"ak¼ p u% A
vkÆjs ck¼/Lo nÉqPNquk¼e~ AAýøAA
Agnaíåyμu|m¶i pavasaíå suvorjami¶a≈ ca na¨.
Åre bådhasva ducchunåm.
Agni, father, mother, ancestors, saints and sages,
purify and sanctify our years of life, purify and vitalize
our food and energy, sanctify and bless our desires and
ambitions. Keep off all mischief, evil and calamity far
from us.
39. (Vidvan Scholar Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
iqÉuUrq¼ ek nsotÆuk% iqÉuUrqÉ eu¼lkÆ f/;¼% A
iqÉuUrqÉ fo'ok¼ HkwÉrkfUÆkÆ tkr¼osn% iquhÆfg ek¼ AAýùAA
Punantu må devajanå¨ punantu manaså dhiya¨.
Punantu vi‹vå bhμutåni jåtaveda¨ pun∂hi må.
Jataveda, lord of light and knowledge, purify and
enlighten me. May all the saints and sages purify me.
Purify my intelligence and understanding with divine
knowledge and science. May all the living beings, in
fact everything of the wide world, lead me to knowledge
and purity.
40. (Agni Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
iÆfo=ks¼.k iquhfg ek 'kqÉØs.k¼ nsoÆ nh|¼r~ A
vXusÆ ØRokÆ Ørw¡ÉûAA¿juq¼ AAþúAA
Pavitreƒa pun∂hi må ‹ukreƒa deva d∂dyat. Agne
kratvå kratμu|níranu.
Agni, blazing lord of light and fire, generous giver
of knowledge and purging power, purify me with the
purity and power of life’s vitality. With your light and
sacred action, lord of action and holiness, purify and
sanctify our knowledge, understanding and action.
41. (Agni Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
;Ùks¼ iÆfo=k¼eÆ£p";XusÆ for¼reUrÆjk A
czãÆ rsu¼ iqukrq ek AAþûAA
Yatte pavitramarci¶yagne vitatamantarå.
Brahma tena punåtu må.
Agni, self-luminous lord of omniscience, within
the holy light of your eternal consciousness shines the
universal knowledge, the Veda. With that holy light of
knowledge, enlighten, purify and consecrate me.
42. (Soma Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
io¼ekuÆ% lks¿vÆ| u¼% iÆfo=ks¼.kÆ fop¼"kZf.k% A
;% iksrkÆ l iq¼ukrq ek AAþüAA
Pavamåna¨ soíadya na¨ pavitreƒa vicar¶aƒi¨.
Ya¨ potå sa punåtu må.
Lord omniscient, that is pure, immaculate, saviour
and purifier of all of us, may He with His purity and
holiness purify and consecrate us here and now.
43. (Savita Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
mÆHkkH;ak¼ nso lfor% iÆfo=ks¼.k lÆosu¼ p A
eka iq¼uhfg fOÆkÆ'or¼% AAþýAA
Ubhåbhyå≈ deva savita¨ pavitreƒa savena ca.
Må≈ pun∂hi vi‹vata¨.
Savita, lord of light and life, generation and
inspiration, lord luminous of purity and holiness, with
both your purity and holiness purify me wholly, and
sanctify me with knowledge and good action.
44. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
oS'Æ oÆnÆo ¼ Ærh nsOÆ ;kxkÆ|L;kf¼ EÆkÆek cÆà Ô~LrÆUoks~ ohÆri`"¼ Bk%A
s h iqu
r;kÆ en¼Ur% l/Æekns¼"kq oÆ;§ L;k¼eÆ ir; ¼ ks j;hÆ.kke~ AAþþAA
Vai‹vadev∂ punat∂ devyågådyasyåmimå bahvya-
stanvo v∂tap涢hå¨. Tayå madanta¨ sadhamå-
de¶u vaya|m syåma patayo ray∂ƒåm.
Of the widest range of intelligence and education
among women, a most virtuous and brilliant personality
may come and oblige us as teacher so that these many
girls may be trained in wide knowledge and rational
living for home life and we, as householders, happy
and rejoicing in the corporate life of the community,
may become masters of wealth and honour.
45. (Pitara Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
;s l¼ekÆuk% le¼ul% fIÆkÆrjks¼ ;eÆjkT;s¼ A
rs"kak¼ yksd
Æ % LoÆ/k ueks¼ ;ÆKks nsÆos"kq¼ dYirke~ AAþÿAA
Ye samånå¨ samanasa¨ pitaro yamaråjye.
Te¶å ` mlloka¨ svadhå namo yaj¤o deve¶u
May the parents, seniors, guardians of the people
and officers who are under the governance of the ruler
of the world be harmonious and agreeable in thought,
word and deed, and may their home life, social status,
standard of living and yajnic (creative) performance of
duty be of the highest order of nobility and
responsibility. And may they prosper and rise to the
heights of divinity.
46. (Shri Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
;s l¼ekÆuk% le¼ulks thÆok thÆos"kq¼ ekeÆdk% A
rs"kkƦJheZf;¼ dYirkeÆfLe¡Yykso
Æ Qs 'kÆr§ lek%¼ AAþöAA
Ye samånå¨ samanaso j∂vå j∂ve¶u måmakå¨.
Te¶å|m ‹r∂rmayi kalpatåmasmi|nlloke ‹ata|m
My people who are living among the people
around are of equal mind and noble action in thought,
word and deed. May their honour, wealth and grace be
vested in me and live on in me to grow for a hundred
years in this world.
47. (Pitara Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
}s l`Érh¿v¼Ük`.koa fir¤É.kkeÆga nsÆokuk¼eÉr q eR;Zk¼uke~ A
rkH;k¼fEÆkÆna fo'oÆet
s ÆRles¼fRÆkÆ ;n¼UrÆjk fIÆkÆrj¯ ekÆrj¯ pAAþ÷AA
Dve sæt∂ía‹æƒavam pit¿ƒåmaha≈ devånåmuta
martyånåm. Tåbhyåmida≈ vi‹vamejatsameti
yadantarå pitara≈ måtara≈ ca.
I have heard of two paths of the existential travel
of mortals, all that is born of father and mother between
earth and heaven: One, the path of the ancestors, and
the other, the path of the divines. By these two paths
does this world on the move moves on and on to its
48. (Agni Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
bÆn§ gÆfo% izÆtu¼ua es¿vLrqÉ n'k¼ohjʧloZ ×x.k§LoÆLr;s¼ A
vkÆReÆlfu¼ iztkÆlfu¼ i'kqÉlfu¼ yksdÆlU;¼Hk;Ælfu¼ A vÆfXu%
izÆtka c¼gqÉyka es¼ djksÆRoÂaÆ i;ksÆ jsrks¼¿vÆLeklq¼ /Ùk AAþøAA
Ida|m havi¨ prajananam meíastu da‹av∂ra|m
sarvagaƒa| m svastaye. Åtmasani prajåsani
pa‹usani lokasanyabhayasani. Agni¨ prajå≈
bahulå≈ me karotvanna≈ payo retoíasmåsu
May this fertility of mine, the married life, be a
generative yajna, productive of ten brave children with
all the virtues for the well-being of society.
May this yajna and its production be the source
of spiritual enlightenment, progress of the people,
protection of animals, advancement of society and
creation of fearlessness.
Agni, lord of life and fertility, create for me lots
of noble children. Bless us with plenty of food, milk
and water, energy and generative vitality.
49. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
mnh¼jrkÆeo¼jÊ¿mRijk¼lÆ¿mUe¼è;Æek% fIÆkÆrj¼% lksÆE;kl¼%A
¼ `Édk¿Í¼rÆKkLrs uks¼¿oUrq fIÆkÆrjksÆ gos¼"kq AAþùAA
vlqaÉ ;¿bZÆ;jq o
pitara¨ somyåsa¨. Asu≈ yaí∂yuravækåíætåj¤åste
noí vantu pitaro have¶u.
May all our seniors, guardians of the nation, far
and near, old and new, high and low, and all those of
the middle rank, settled in peace, prosperity and power,
inspire us with passion and energy. May our parents
and seniors dedicated to truth and rectitude, far from
violence and exploitation, who raise the pranic energy
of life, guide and protect us in our battles of the world.
50. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vfX¼jlks u% fIÆkÆrjksÆ uo¼XokÆ¿vFk¼okZ.kksÆ Hk`x¼o% lksÆE;kl¼%A
rs"kak¼ oÆ;§lq¼eÆrkS ;ÆfK;k¼ukÆefi¼ HkÆæs lkS¼euÆls L;k¼e AAÿúAA
AΔgiraso na¨ pitaro navagvåíatharvåƒo
bhægava¨ somyåsa¨. Te¶åm vaya|m sumatau
yaj¤iyånåmapi bhadre saumanase syåma.
Our parents and seniors, guardians of the nation,
are seers and sages of the facts of holistic knowledge
and law, scholars of the latest sciences, and experts of
technology and engineering, all dedicated to universal
love, non-violence and spiritual values and settled in
mind for the peace and prosperity of mankind.
Let us concentrate and dedicate ourselves to their
wisdom, grace and excellence, and magnanimity and
benevolence, for the reason of their devotion to yajna
and their contribution to the progress of society.
51. (Pitarah Devata, Shankha °Rshi)
;s uÆ% iwosZ× fIÆkÆrj¼% lksÆE;klks¼¿uwfgÆjs lks¼eihÆFka ofl¼"Bk% A
¼ e
rsfHk; ÆZ % l¼§jjkÆ.kks gÆoh¦";q'É kÂqÉ'kf‰%¼ izfrdkÆeeÙ¼ kq AAÿûAA
Ye na¨ pμurve pitara¨ somyåsoínμuhire soma-
p∂tha≈ vasi¶¢hå¨. Tebhiryama¨ sa|mraråƒo
hav∂|n¶yu‹annu‹adbhi¨ pratikåmamattu.
May our parents, seniors and ancestors, great
lovers of life and divinity, settled in peace and
prosperity, rich and generous at heart, come and join
our soma-yajna in person or in memory. With their
blessings and with their guidance may we, their children,
fair and just in conduct, loving the gifts of life and keen
to create happiness and share it with the community,
realize all our aims and ambitions in the world.
52. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
Ro§lks¼eÆ izfp¼fdrks euhÆ"kk Ro§jft¼"BÆeuq¼ usf"ÆkÆ iUFkk¼e~ A
¼ h fIÆkÆrjks¼ u¿bUnks nsÆo"s kqÉ jRue
roÆ iz.khr ¼ HktUrÆ /hjk¼%AAÿüAA
Tva|m soma pracikito man∂¶å tva|m raji¶¢hamanu
ne¶i panthåm. Tava praƒ∂t∂ pitaro na indo deve¶u
ratnamabhajanta dh∂rå¨.
Soma, lord of light, peace and prosperity, spirit
of yajna, brilliant you are, wide-awake and responsive.
With your vision and wisdom, you lead us on by the
noblest and simplest paths of nature to divinity. Lord
of beauty and blessedness, inspired by your grace and
guidance only do our parents, seniors and guardians of
the community reach the coveted seats of joy and
celebrity among the noblest souls of the world.
53. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
Ro;kÆ fg u¼% fIÆkÆrj¼% lkseÆ iwoÆsZ deZk¼f.k pÆØq% i¼oekuÆ
/hjk%¼ A oÆUoÂok¼r% ifjÆ/h ¡ûAA¿jiks¼.kqZ ohÆjsfHÆkÆj'oS¼eÆ?Z kok¼
Hkok u% AAÿýAA
Tvayå hi na¨ pitara¨ soma pμurve karmåƒi
cakru¨ pavamåna dh∂rå¨. Vanvannavåta¨
paridh∂|níraporƒu v∂rebhira‹vairmaghavå bhavå
Soma, lord of peace and power, by you alone our
early forefathers, brave and constant all, performed their
acts of glory.
Inspiring spirit of commonalty, purging,
purifying, unshaken and unviolated, be like Indra of
the thunderbolt for us. Arise with passion for action
and with your warriors of the horse throw off the forces
of violence ranged around us.
54. (Soma Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
Ro§lks¼e fIÆkÆr`fHk¼% lafonkÆuks¿uqÉ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh¿vk r¼rUFk A
rLeS¼ r¿bUnks gÆfo"kk¼ fo/se oÆ;§L;k¼eÆ ir¼;ks j;hÆ&
.kke~ AAÿþAA
Tva| m soma pitæbhi¨ sa≈vidånoínu dyåvå-
p∂æthiv∂íå tatantha. Tasmai taíindo havi¶å
vidhema vaya|m syåma patayo ray∂ƒåm.
Soma, power of peace and prosperity, in covenant
with the senior guardian spirits of humanity, grow and
expand from earth to heaven.
Spirit of beauty and joy, it is for the sake of growth
and expansion that we offer fragrant oblations to your
worship in yajna, so that we may create, protect, master
and enjoy the riches of the world.
55. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
c£g ¼"kn% firj¿mQÆR;¨okZfXÆkÆek oks¼ gÆO;k p¼Ñek tqÉ"kèo¼e~ A
r¿vkxÆrko¼lkÆ 'kUr¼eÆus kFkk¼ uÆ% 'ka;ksj¼jÊiks n¼/kr AAÿÿAA
Barhi¶ada¨ pitaraíμ u tyarvågimå vo havyå
cakæmå ju¶adhvam. Taíågatåvaså ‹antamenåthå
na¨ ‹a≈yorarapo dadhåta.
Parents, seniors and guardians of humanity in
yajnic seats of power, here are these refreshing
presentations we have prepared for you which you
please accept graciously and enjoy. Come to us and
bring us peace and protection. Bless us with comfort
and prosperity free from mischief and remove all the
sins and evil from our life.
56. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vkga fIÆkÆr¤URlq¼fOÆkÆn=k¡k¼üAA¿vfofRÆLÆkÆ uik¼ra p fOÆkÆØe¼.ka pÆ
fo".kks¼%A cÆ£gÆ"knksÆ ;s LoÆ/;k¼ lqÉrL;Æ Hkt¼Ur fIÆkÆRoLr¿&
Åíha≈ pit¿ntsuvidatrå| n íavitsi napåta≈ ca
vikramaƒa≈ ca vi¶ƒo¨. Barhi¶ado ye svadhayå
sutasya bhajanta pitvastaí ihågami¶¢hå¨.
I know the parents, seniors and guardians of life
so kind and generous. I also know the dynamics of Lord
Vishnu’s immanence in His creation.
May the venerable seniors in yajnic seats of
knowledge and vision, who in their own right enjoy the
fragrant drinks distilled from the essence of life, come
here and bless this place and me.
57. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
mi¼gwrk% fIÆkÆrj¼% lksÆE;klks¼ c£gÆ";s~"kq fUÆkÆf/"kq¼ fIÆkÆz;s"kq¼ A
r¿vkx¼eUrqÉ r¿bÆg Jq¼oUÆ Rof/¼ czo q UrqÉ rs~¿oURoÆLeku~ AAÿ÷AA
Upahμutå¨ pitara¨ somyåso barhi¶ye¶u nidhi¶u
priye¶u. Taí ågamantu taí iha ‹ruvantvadhi
bruvantu teívantvasmån.
Senior guardians of life and the human spirit
established in inner peace and spiritual freedom are
chosen by Grace to partake of the dearest treasures of
universal knowledge and life divine. We call upon them:
may they come here, may they listen to us, may they
speak to us from the heights of divinity, may they redeem
and save us!
58. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vk ;¼Urq u% fIÆkÆrj%¼ lksEÆ ;klks¼¿fXu"okÆÙkk% iÆfFkfHkn ¼ o Æ kuS%¼ A
Zs ;
vÆfLeu~ ;ÆKs LoÆ/;kÆ enÆUrks¿f/¼ czo q UrqÉ rs~¿oURoÆLeku~AAÿøAA
Å yantu na¨ pitara¨ somyåsoígni¶våttå¨
pathibhirdevayånai¨. Asmin yaj¤e svadhayå
madantoídhi bruvantu teívantvasmån.
May our seniors and scholars established in the
peace and prosperity of fire knowledge and yajna come
to us by the noblest paths of divinity. And may they, in
this our yajnic project of science and technology,
enjoying themselves in their own right to their own
knowledge, speak to us, enlighten us and protect us from
ignorance and poverty.
59. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vfXu"¼ okÙkk% firjÊ¿,g xP¼ NrÆ ln%¼ ln% lnr lqi.z khr;%A
vÆÙkk gÆoh¦f"ÆkÆ iz;¼rkfu cÆ£g";Fkk¼ jÊf;§loZ ×ohja n/k&
ru AAÿùAA
Agni¶våttå¨ pitaraí eha gacchata sada¨ sada¨
sadata supraƒ∂taya¨. Attå hav∂|n¶i prayatåni
barhi¶yathå rayi|m sarvav∂ra≈ dadhåtana.
Senior scholars and experts of the science of heat
and energy, men of justice and positive policy, come
here to us, seat yourselves in every home and every hall
of assembly, take the food and materials prepared with
care and offered with love and hope, and, sitting in your
laboratory and workshop, create the knowledge, impart
it to people, and produce the wealth which creates
versatile heroes for the nation and humanity.
60. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
;s¿v¼fXu"okÆÙkk ;s¿vu¼fXu"okÙkkÆ eè;s¼ fnÆo% LoÆ/;k¼
ekÆn;¼Urs A rsH;¼% LoÆjkMlq¼uhfresÆrka ;¼FkkoÆ'ka rÆUoa~ dYi&
;kfr AAöúAA
Yeí agni¶våttå yeíanagni¶våttå madhye diva¨
svadhayå mådayante. Tebhya¨ svaråŒa-
sun∂timetå≈ yathåva‹a≈ tanva≈ kalpayåti.
Those seniors who are experts of the science and
technology of fire, and those who are not such but who
are experts of other fields of knowledge, and all those
who rejoice in the midst of the light of their own
knowledge itself: for all these, the self-luminous lord
of omniscience in-vests this body with health and energy
according to their need and desire.
61. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
q rks¼ gokegs ukjk'kƧls lks¼eihÆFka ;¿vkÆ'kq%A
rs uksÆ foizk¼l% lqÉgok¼ HkoUrq oÆ;§L;k¼eÆ ir¼;ks j;hÆ&
.kke~ AAöûAA
Agni¶våttånætumato havåmahe nårå‹a| m se
somap∂tha≈ yaíå‹u¨. Te no vipråsa¨ suhavå
bhavantu vaya|m syåma patayo ray∂ƒåm.
Those experts of the science and technology of
fire who work according to the seasons needs and who
enjoy a drink of soma, we invite to social receptions
and honour of felicitations. May they, noble scholars
and creators, be great benefactors of society, and may
we all become producers, protectors and masters of
wealth and prosperity in the world.
62. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vkP;kÆ tkuq¼ nf{k.kÆrks fUÆkÆ"k|sÆea ;ÆKeÆfHkx`¼.khrÆ fo'os¼ A
ek fg¼§fl"V firjÊ% osQu¼fpÂksÆ ;}É¿vkx¼% iq#Æ"krkÆ
djk¼e AAöüAA
Åcyå jånu dak¶iƒato ni¶adyema≈ yaj¤amabhi
gæƒ∂ta vi‹ve. Må hi|msi¶¢a pitara¨ kenacinno
yadvaí åga¨ puru¶atå karåma.
Noble seniors of the world, do not, for any reason
whatever, destroy or injure our manliness and
manpower. Take on this yajna for us, do it well and
speak well of it.
We sit kneeling on your right respectfully, and
whatever your omission or commission in well-meaning
work, we overlook and make up. And then we move on
with the work in earnestness.
63. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vklh¼uklks¿v#Æ.khuk¼eqÉiLFks¼ jʯ; /¼Ùk nkÆ'kq"ksÆ eR;Zk¼;A
iqÉ=ksH;¼% firjÊLrL;Æ oLoÆ% iz;¼PNrÆ r¿bÆgkst± × n/kr AAöýAA
Ås∂nåsoíaruƒ∂nåmupasthe rayi≈ dhatta då‹u¶e
martyåya. Putrebhya¨ pitarastasya vasva¨ pra
yacchata taíihorja≈ dadhåta.
Parents and seniors of the community, create and
hold wealth for the man of charity and for the children
sitting in the lap of their noble mothers. Give them ample
means of living so that they may have ample energy.
64. (Agni Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
;e¼Xus dO;okguÆ Roa fPÆkÆUeU;¼ls jÊf;e~ A
rÂks¼ xhÆ£Hk% JÆokÕ;¯ nsoÆ=kk i¼u;kÆ ;qt¼e~ AAöþAA
Yamagne kavyavåhana tva≈ cinmanyase rayim.
Tanno g∂rbhi¨ ‹ravåyya≈ devatrå panayå
Agni, carrier of sumptuous foods and fragrance
for the noble people, bless us with that wealth of life
which you believe is fit for the use of divinities in nature
and humanity, and which is worthy of celebration in
the best of words worthy of the best listeners.
65. (Agni Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
;ks¿vÆfXu% o¼QO;Æokg¼u% fIÆkÆr¤U;{k¼n`rkÆo`/¼% A
izsn¼q gÆO;kfu¼ okspfr nsÆosH;¼'p fIÆkÆr`H;Æ¿vk AAöÿAA
Yoí agni¨ kavyavåhana¨ pit¿n yak¶ad¿tåvædha¨.
Predu havyåni vocati devebhya‹ca pitæbhyaíå.
Surely that person is the leader, torch bearer, path
maker, first among all who is brilliant as Agni (fire)
and spreads purity and fragrance all round. He/She
respects the parents, seniors, ancestors and the
promoters of truth and justice. He/She communicates
the noblest thoughts and ideas in persuasive and
powerful words to the seniors and the brilliant and
generous people all round.
66. (Agni Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
Roe¼Xu¿bZfMÆr% o¼QO;okgÆukok¼M< ~ ÊO;kfu¼ lqjÊHkhf.k¼ o`ÉQRohA
izknk¼% fIÆkÆr`H;¼% LoÆ/;kÆ rs¿v¼{kÂÆf¼ Roa ns¼o iz;¼rk
gÆoh¦f"k¼ AAööAA
Tvamagnaí ∂Œita¨ kavyavåhanåv匌havyåni
surabh∂ƒi kætv∂. Prådå¨ pitæbhya¨ svadhayå teí
ak¶annaddhi tva≈ deva prayatå hav∂|n¶i.
Agni, brilliant master of noble thoughts, words
and deeds, loved, invoked and adored, receive the gifts
of life, convert them to fragrance and acknowledge.
Share them with the parents, seniors and respectable
people so that they too enjoy them as their own. These
gifts are valuable, prepared and collected with effort.
Generous as you are, enjoy them well.
67. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
;s psÆg fIÆkÆrjksÆ ;s pÆ usg ;k¡'p¼ fOÆkÆÁ ;k¡üAA¿m¼ pÆ u
iz¼fOÆkÆÁ A Roa os¼RFkÆ ;fRÆkÆ rs tkr
¼ osn% LoÆ/kfHk¼;ZÆK§lqo`¼Qra
tq"kLo AAö÷AA
Ye ceha pitaro ye ca neha yå|n‹ca vidma yå|níu
ca na pravidma. Tva≈ vettha yati te jåtaveda¨
svadhåbhiryaj¤a|m sukæta≈ ju¶asva.
Agni, brilliant and generous power, the seniors
who are here, and those who are not here, and those
whom we know, and those whom we don’t know, you
know them all, how many they are and where they are,
since you know everything that is anywhere. Let this
yajna of service and adoration be done well. Carry it on
with grace and with gifts made in faith and love.
68. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
bÆna fIÆkÆr`H;ksÆ ueks¼¿vLRoÆ| ;s iwo kZ ¼lksÆ ;¿mi¼jkl¿bZÆ;q%A
;s ik£Fk¼oÆs jtÆL;k fu"kÙ¼ kkÆ ;s ok¼ uwu ¼ t
É §lqo `É uk¼lq fOÆkÆ{kqAAöøAA
Ida≈ pitæbhyo namoíastvadya ye pμurvåso yaí
uparåsaí∂yu¨. Ye pårthive rajasyå ni¶attå ye vå
nμuna|m suvæjanåsu vik¶u.
Let this food and adoration today be for the
parents and seniors, those who came earlier, those who
came later, those who are seated in this earthly world
and those who are on the move for sure among the
moving people.
69. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
v/kÆ ;Fkk¼ u% fIÆkÆrjÊ% ijkl
¼ % izRÆ uklks¼¿vXu¿ÍÆrek¼'kq"kkÆ.kk%A
'kqphn¼;ÆUnhf/¼freqDFkÆ'kklÆ% {kkek¼ fHÆkÆUnUrks¼¿v#Æ.khji¼&
ozu~ AAöùAA
Adhå yathå na¨ pitara¨ paråsa¨ pratnåsoíagnaí
ætamå‹u¶åƒå¨. ›uc∂dayan d∂dhitimuktha‹åsa¨
k¶åmå bhindantoí aruƒ∂rapa vran.
And Agni, brilliant scholar, just as our teachers,
saints and sages, eminent and ancient, dedicated to the
holy Word and serving the cause of universal truth and
justice, realized the purity and blaze of that truth, and,
breaking through the dark veil of the night opened the
flood-gates of the light of dawn, so do you blaze, burn,
purge, purify and enlighten the world.
70. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
mÆ'kUr¼LRokÆ fu/h¼eáqÉ'kUrÆ% lfe¼/hefg A
mÆ'kÂq¼'kÆr¿vko¼g fIÆkÆr¤u~ gfo"ksÆ¿vÙk¼os AA÷úAA
U‹antastvå ni dh∂mahyu‹anta¨ samidh∂mahi.
Usannu‹ataíå vaha pit¿n havi¶eíattave.
Noble youth, with all the love and care, we accept,
maintain and educate you. Out of love and affection
with all the care, we develop your personality and
potential. You too, loving and caring, bear the
responsibility for the food and maintenance of the loving
parents and other seniors.
71. (Indra Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vÆika isQus¼uÆ ueq¼psÆ% f'kj¼¿bÆUæksn¼orZ;% A
fo'okÆ ;nt¼;Æ% Li`/¼% AA÷ûAA
Apå≈ phenena namuce¨ ‹iraíindrodavartaya¨.
Vi‹vå yadajaya¨ spædha¨.
Indra, ruler, commander, like the foam of the sea,
like the vapours of water in the sky, rise and expand
and break the head of the powers which hoard the wealth
of the land like the cloud hoarding the waters. Conquer
the forces which stand in opposition out of sheer
72. (Soma Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
lkseksÆ jktkÆer ` ¼§lqÉr¿Í¼ thÆ"ks.kk¼tgkUe`ÉR;qe~ A ½Ærsu¼
Æ a fOÆkÆiku¼§'kqØ
É e¼U/lÆ¿bUæL¼ ;sfUÆæ;Æ fEÆkÆna i;ks¿Æ e`raÆ
e/q¼ AA÷üAA
Somo råjåmæta|m sutaíæj∂¶eƒåjahånmætyum.
° tena satyamindriya≈ vipåna|m ‹ukramandhasaí
indrasyendriyamida≈ payoímæta≈ madhu.
Soma, the man cleansed and distilled like soma
through discipline, brilliant and inspiring, meditating
on God and godly in character, by the simplicity and
sincerity of his natural living conquers the pain of death.
By his dedication to Rita, the universal Law of
Dharma, he attains truth, spiritual power, soothing
drinks, purity and vitality, best foods, honour and
prosperity, water and milk, honey and the very nectar
of life.
73. (Angirasa Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vƉ;% {khÆja O;¼ficÆr~ ØqÄ~Äk¼fXjÊlks fèÆkÆ;k A ½Ærsu¼
lÆR;fe¼fUÆæ; Æ ku¼§'kqØ
Æ a fOÆki É e¼U/lÆ¿bUæL¼ ;sfUÆæ;
Æ fEÆkÆna i;ks¿Æ e`raÆ
e/q¼ AA÷ýAA
Adbhya¨ k¶∂ra≈ vyapibat kruΔΔåΔgiraso dhiyå.
° tena satyamindriya≈ vipåna|m ‹ukramandhasaí
indrasyendriyamida≈ payoímæta≈ madhu.
The man of genius and discrimination trained by
a divine sage, like the swan, separates the milk from
the water, accepts the milk and rejects the water.
With his dedication to the essential reality of
existence through yoga, he attains the eternal verity,
divine speech, the vision of word and meaning, purity
of the inner light, spiritual food, honour and prosperity
of the world, purest drinks, abiding health, and the
honey-sweet joys of living.
74. (Soma Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
lkse¼eƉ Ôks O;¼ficÆPNUn¼lk gƧl% 'kq¼fPÆkÆ"kr~ A ½Ærsu¼
lÆR;fe¼fUÆæ; Æ ku¼§'kqØ
Æ a fOÆki É e¼U/lÆ¿bUæL¼ ;sfUÆæ;
Æ fEÆkÆna i;ks¿Æ e`raÆ
e/q¼ AA÷þAA
Somamadbhyo vyapibacchandaså ha| n sa¨
‹uci¶at. ° R tena satyamindriya≈ vipåna| m
‹ukramandhasaíindrasyendriyamida≈ payoí
mæta≈ madhu.
The man of discrimination, friend of pure
visionaries, with the freedom of his vision, distils the
essence, soma, from the waters as the swan separates
the milk from water. He accepts the essence and rejects
the scum.
With his vision of the Vedas, he attains the truth
of divinity, the purity and energy of food, direct
experience of the divine presence, and the supreme taste
of the sweetness and bliss of Immortality and Moksha.
75. (Prajapati Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vÂk¼RifjÆÏqrksÆ jlaÆ czã¼.kkÆ O;~ficr~ {kÆ=ka i;Æ% lkse¯
Æ ki¼fr%A ½Æru
izt s ¼ lÆR;fe¼fUÆæÆ;a fOÆkÆiku§¼ 'kqÉØeU¼ /lÆ¿bUæ¼L;s&
fUÆæÆ;fEÆkÆna i;ksÆ¿e`raÆ e/q¼ AA÷ÿAA
Annåtparisruto rasa≈ brahmaƒa vyapibat
k¶atra≈ paya¨ soma≈ prajåpati¨.° R tena
satyamindriya≈ vipåna| m ‹ukramandhasaí
indrasyendriyamida≈ payoímæta≈ madhu.
Prajapati, ruler and protector of the people,
President of the council, alongwith the study of the
Vedas, receives the juices, essences and inspiring vital
sweets extracted from the ripe grains and blessed waters
of the land, and wields the onerous responsibility of the
With fair and enlightened justice he attains the
people’s dedication to truth, the divine gift of national
glory, comprehensive protection and defence, pure and
vital foods, light of justice and knowledge, divine grace,
energising drinks, honey, and noble state-order of
immortal value.
76. (Indra, Soul, Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
jsrksÆ ew=kaÊ fot¼gkfRÆkÆ ;ks¯u× izfOÆkÆ'kfn¼fUÆæÆ;e~ A xHkksZ×
tÆjk;qÉ.kko`¼rÆ¿mYc¯ tgkfRÆkÆ tUe¼uk A ½Ærsu¼ lÆR;fe¼fUÆæÆ;a
fOÆkÆiku§¼ 'kqÉØeU¼ /lÆ¿bUæ¼L;sfUÆæÆ;fEÆkÆna i;ksÆ¿e`rÆa e/q¼ AA÷öAA
Reto mμutra≈ vi jahåti yoni≈ pravi‹adindriyam.
Garbho jaråyuƒåîvætaí ulba≈ jahåti janmanå.
° R tena satyamindriya≈ vipåna| m ‹ukram-
andhasaíindrasyendriyamida≈ payoímæta≈
In the process of growth and regeneration, the
male organ of generation discharges the semen. Entering
the womb it discharges/releases the seed of life to plant
it into the mother’s body.
The foetus is covered with the placenta during
its growth till maturity. When the seed is born as an
independent soul in a new body-system, it abandons
the cover in which it had grown and matured. (Thus
elimination and regenerative growth through the natural
movement of discharge, elimination, union and
separation is part of life’s evolution under the universal
law of nature, which is Rtam, creative dynamics of Lord
By Rtam, the soul (jiva) gets Satyam, natural
existence of the body, Indriyam, organs of perception,
drinks and assimilation, purity and vitality for
regeneration, foods and growth, potentials for living and
continuation, and the immortal honey sweets of the joys
of existence for itself (jiva).
77. (Prajapati Devata, Shankha °Rshi)
n`É"V~ok :Æis O;ko¼QjksRlR;ku`r
É s izÆtki¼fr% A vJ¼¼kÆeu`Ér¿s &
n¼/kPNªÉ¼k¦lÆR;s izÆtki¼fr%A ½Ærsu ¼ lÆR;fe ¼fUÆæÆ;a
fOÆkÆiku¼§'kqÉØe¼U/lÆ¿bUæ¼L;sfUÆæÆ;fEÆkÆna i;ksÆ¿e`raÆ e/q¼ AA÷÷AA
D涢vå rμupe vyåkarot satyånæte prajåpati¨.
A‹raddhåmanæteí dadhåcchraddhå| m satye
prajåpatih. °Rtena satyamindriya≈ vipåna|m
‹ukramandhasa indrasyendriyamida≈ payoí
mæta≈ madhu.
Having over-seen two aspects of created
Existence, Lord Prajapati analyses it into two forms:
One, reality, truth, dharma; the other, unreality, illusion,
adharma. Then Lord Prajapati places faith and
commitment (shraddha) in truth, and no-faith and no-
commitment (ashraddha) in untruth.
With truth and faith He joins right mind and
intelligence (rtambhara-buddhi) which is the Lord’s gift
of saving grace, protective, purifying, and enlightening
against the darkness of illusion. And this is the soul’s
real power and faculty which can lead to the honey
sweets and milky streams of immortality.
78. (Prajapati Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
osnu ¼s :Æis O;f¼ icr~ lqrklqrÉ kS izt
Æ kif¼ r% A ½Æru s ¼ lÆR;fef¼ UÆæ;
Æ a
fOÆkÆiku§¼ 'kqÉØeU¼ /lÆ¿bUæ¼L;sfUÆæÆ;fEÆkÆna i;ksÆ¿e`rÆa e/q¼ AA÷øAA
Vedena rμupe vyapibat sutåsutau prajåpati¨.
° R tena satyamindriya≈ vipåna| m ‹ukram-
andhasaíindrasyendriyamida≈ payoímæta≈
By Veda, Prajapati, the soul, comes to know both
forms of existence: Truth which is reality, dharma, Rtam,
and untruth which is illusion, adharma, anartam.
By Rtam it can realise the full potential of its
faculties and the immortality of its essential nature,
while with pure foods and drinks (in the interest of health
and meditation) it can experience here and now the
honey sweets and milky streams of nectar.
79. (Prajapati Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
n`É"V~ok i¼fjÆÏqrksÆ jl¼§'kqÉØs.k 'kqÉØa O;ficÆr~ i;Æ% lkse¯
izÆtki¼fr%A ½Ærsu¼ lÆR;fe¼fUÆæÆ;a fOÆkÆiku¼§'kqÉØe¼U/lÆ¿&
bUæ¼L;sfUÆæÆ;fEÆkÆna i;ksÆ¿e`rÆa e/q¼ AA÷ùAA
D涢va parisruto rasa|m ‹ukreƒa ‹ukra≈ vyapibat
paya¨ soma≈ prajåpati¨.°Rtena satyamindriya≈
vipåna|m ‹ukramandhasaíindrasyendriyamida≈
payoímæta≈ madhu.
Having viewed the essence of knowledge distilled
with an objective mind from the panorama of existence,
the consecrated Prajapati, guardian of his people, should
drink this life-giving nectar of truth (Rtam).
By Rtam, knowledge of reality, he attains the
force of truth, joy of governance, purity of intention
and action, plenty and prosperity, royal honour and
dignity, and the pleasure and sweetness of immortality.
80. (Savita Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)

lhls¼uÆ rU=kaÆ eu¼lk euhÆf"k.k¼¿mQ.kkZlwÉ=ks.k¼ dÆo;ks¼ o;fUr A

vÆf'ouk¼ ;ÆK§l¼fOÆkÆrk lj¼LoÆrhUæ¼L; :Æia o#¼.kks fHk"kÆ&
T;u~ AAøúAA
S∂sena tantra≈ manaså man∂¶iƒaíμurƒåsμutreƒa
kavayo vayanti. A‹vinå yaj¤a| m savitå
sarasvat∂ndrasya rμupa≈ varuƒo bhi¶ajyan.
Just as intelligent weavers weave designed cloth
from woollen yarn with leaden loom, and intelligent
designers create models of machines with their
imagination and expertise, so do the Ashvinis, scholars
and researchers of health and nature, Savita, man of
inspiration and imagination, Sarasvati, woman of
learning and education, Varuna, expert of health and
medication, create models of creative and productive
yajna and of the form and character of Indra, the ideal
individual or ruler, the ideal family and the ideal society.
81. (Varuna Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
rn¼L; :ÆieÆer ` Ƨ'kph¼fHkfLÆRÆkÆÏks n¼/qnsZÆork¼% l§jjkÆ.kk% A
yksek¼fUÆkÆ 'k"iS¼cZgq/k u rksDe¼fHÆkÆLRox¼L; ekƦle¼HkoÆÂ
ykÆtk% AAøûAA
Tadasya rμupamamæta|m ‹ac∂bhistisro dadhur-
devatå¨ sa|mraråƒå¨. Lomåni ‹a¶pairbahudhå
na tokmabhistvagasya må| m samabhavanna
Three divine powers, loving and generous,
variously enact the immortal form and structure of this
yajna with their acts and imagination: They structure
the body hair, as if, with blades of grass, and the body
cover (skin) with shoots and ears of corn; and roasted
grains become, as if, the substance (flesh) of the body.
82. (Ashvinau Devate, Shamkha °Rshi)
rnÆf'ouk¼ fHÆkÆ"ktk¼ #Ææo¼rZuhÆ lj¼Lorh o;fRÆkÆ is'kksÆ¿&
vUr¼je~ A vfLFk¼ eÆTtkuaÆ ekl¼jS% dkjksrÆjs.kÆ n/¼rksÆ xoak¼
RoÆfp AAøüAA
Tada‹vinå bhi¶ajå rudravartan∂ sarasvat∂ vayati
pe‹oíantaram. Asthi majjåna≈ måsarai¨
kårotareƒa dadhato gavå≈ tvaci.
Sarasvati, the enlightened woman, with dedicated
mind and knowledge, weaves its beautiful inside, the
bones and marrow created with the holy barley meal
and vitalizing juices, while the Ashvinis, powers of
health and healing, at the speed of energy, prepare for
soma and place the filter and the cask on the floor of
the earth.
83. (Sarasvati Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
lj¼LorhÆ eu¼lk is'kÆya olqÉ ukl¼R;kH;ka o;fr n'kZÆra
oiq¼%A jl¯ ifjÆÏqrkÆ u jksfg¼ra uÆXugqÉ/hZj ÊLrl¼ja u
ose¼ AAøýAA
Sarasvat∂ manaså pe‹ala≈ vasu nåsatyåbhyå≈
vayati dar‹ata≈ vapu¨. Rasa≈ parisrutå na
rohita≈ nagnahurdh∂rastasara≈ na vema.
As a wise and intelligent expert designs and
weaves a beautiful cloth on the loom with the shuttle,
so does Sarasvati, enlightened woman of wisdom and
science, with her mind and knowledge, create the
charming, special and excellent form and structure of
yajna with the help of friendly Ashvinis, specialists of
health and healing: yajna (visible symbol of Indra, lord
of honour, power and prosperity) in which the pure and
vitalizing essence of soma joy distilled from all elements
of nature ripples like the vital spirit (blood) of the body.
84. (Soma Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
i;¼lk 'kqØ
É eÆer ¼ kÆ ew=kkT¼ tu;UrÆ jsr%¼ A vike¯¼ r
` ¯ tÆfu=kƧlqj;
¼ kukÆ¿mQo¼è;aÆ okr¼§lÆCoa¨ rnkÆjkr~ AAøþAA
nqeZƯr ck/e
Payaså ‹ukramamæta≈ janitra| m surayå
mμutråjjanayanta reta¨. Apåmati≈ durmati≈
bådhamånåíμuvadhya≈ våta|m sabva≈ tadåråt.
(Three divinities, i.e., Sarasvati and the two
Ashvinis) with milk, juices and inspiring drink of soma
create the pure, life-giving, generative seed of life
discharged from the generative organ (into the womb),
and (for the same purpose of purity and vitality, with
the same food and drink) ward off intellectual debility
and ignorance as well as hyper-activity and arrogance
from far and near.
85. (Savita Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
bUæ¼% lqÉ=kkekÆ ân¼;su lÆR;a iq¼jksÆMk'ksu¼ lfOÆkÆrk t¼tku A
;o`¼Qr~ DyksÆekuaÆ o#¼ .kks fHk"kÆT;u~ er¼Lus ok;ÆO;Su
¨ Z fe¼ukfr
fIÆkÆÙke~ AAøÿAA
Indra¨ sutråmå hædayena satyam puroŒå‹ena
savitå jajåna. Yakæt klomåna≈ varuƒo bhi¶ajyan
matasne våyavyairna minåti pittam.
Indra, saviour, protector and preserver, with his
heart and love, Savita, inspirer and giver of
nourishments, with food and drink, create satyam, the
reality of life and yajna, bringing it into formal
manifestation. Varuna, with health and healing and with
air and pranic energies preserves and maintains the
working of the liver, lungs and neck, the chest and the
digestive secretions.
86. (Savita Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vkÆU=kkf.k¼ LFkkÆyheZ/qÉ fiUo¼ekukÆ xqnkÆ% ik=kk¼f.k lqÉnq?kkÆ u
/sÆuq% A ';sÆuL;Æ i=kaÆ u IyhÆgk 'kph¼fHkjklÆUnh ukfHk¼#ÆnjaÊ
u ekÆrk AAøöAA
Åntråƒi sthål∂rmadhu pinvamånå gudå¨ påtråƒi
sudughå na dhenu¨. ›yenasya patra≈ na pl∂hå
‹ac∂bhiråsand∂ nåbhirudara≈ na måtå.
The intestines in the human body system (yajna)
are like the cooking pans preparing delicious food for
the vital fire. The bowels are like milk-pots or the udders
of an abundant milch cow. The spleen, pancreas and
liver are powerful defensive organs like the wings of
an eagle pouncing on disease-attacks. The navel with
its energizing actions is like the royal seat of power.
And the stomach, to all the body parts, as the mother-
host, distributes holy food among all members of the
yajnic family.
87. (Pitarah Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
oqÉQEHkks o¼fUÆkÆ"BqtZ ×fUÆkÆrk 'kph¼fHÆkÆ;ZfLÆEÆkÆÂxzsÆ ;ksU;kaÆ xHkksZ׿&
vÆUr%A IykÆf'kO;Z×Dr% 'kÆr/k¼jÊ¿mRlks¼ nqÉgs u oqÉQEHkh
LoÆ/ka fIÆkÆr`H;¼% AAø÷AA
Kumbho vani¶¢hurjanitå ‹ac∂bhiryasminnagre
yonyå≈ garbho anta¨. Plå‹irvyakta¨ ‹atadhåraí
utso duhe na kumbh∂ svadhå≈ pitæbhya¨.
The husband, progenitor, is like a jar overflowing
with love and vigour. Healthy and handsome, he is like
an exuberant fountain flowing in a hundred streams of
action with grace and piety. So is the wife, her womb a
recipient jar into which the husband should project the
seed, the foetus inside being like an oblation in honour
of his parents and ancestors.
88. (Sarasvati Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
eq[kƧln¼L;Æ f'kjÊ¿br~ lrs¼u ftÆàk iÆfo=k¼eÆf'oukÆlUr~&
lj¼Lorh A pI;aÆ u ikÆ;q£HÆkÆ"kx¼L;Æ okyks¼ oÆfLruZ 'ksiksÆ
gj¼lk rjÊLoh AAøøAA
Mukha|m sadasya ‹iraíit satena jihvå pavitra-
ma‹vinåsantsarasvat∂. Capya≈ na påyur-
bhi¶agasya vålo vastirna ‹epo haraså tarasv∂.
Sarasvati and the Ashvinis, enlightened woman
and the health and spirits of the man, create a happy
home with the head and mouth of both together in truth
with a sweet tongue fluent in purity. The purity, comfort
and security of the home, the love and desire of the
woman’s fertility, the passion and power of the man’s
virility, and the child as bloom of the health and love of
the union, all these keep the family together.
89. (Ashvinau Devate, Shamkha °Rshi)
vÆf'oH;kaÆ p{kq¼jÊer
` aÆ xzgk¼H;kaÆ Nkxs¼uÆ rstks¼ gÆfo"kk¼ Ük`Érsu¼ A
i{ek¼f.k xksÆ/weSÆ% oqQo¼yS#ÆrkfUÆkÆ is'kksÆ u 'kqÉØefl¼ra
olkrs AAøùAA
A‹vibhyåm cak¶uramæta≈ grahåbhyå≈ chågena
tejo havi¶a ‹ætena. Pak¶måƒi godhμ u mai¨
kuvalairutåni pe‹o na ‹ukramasita≈ vasåte.
By the Ashvinis, sun and moon, with portions of
clear soma distilled, is created the immortal light of the
eye. With tonics prepared with goat’s milk is created
the lustre of health. The lower and upper eyelashes are
created with wheat and water lilies, and the beauteous
form white as well as dark shines with the same nature’s
90. (Sarasvati Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
Æ Z es"Æ kks uÆfl ohÆ;kZ~; izkÆ.kL;Æ iUFkk¼¿vÆer
vfOÆku ` ksÆ xzgkH¼ ;ke~A
ljLoR;qiÆokoSQ¼O;kZÆua uL;k¼fu cÆ£gcZn¼ jStZtku AAùúAA
Avirna me¶o nasi v∂ryåya pråƒasya panthåí
amæto grahåbhyåm. Sarasvatyupavåkairvyåna≈
nasyåni barhirbadarairjajåna.
Like the sheep and the ram, the protector and
contender, the Ashvinis, with portions of clear soma,
create the immortal passage of pranic energy in the nose.
Sarasvati, nature’s flowing vitality, with animation and
energy, creates the systemic vyana air in the body, and
with grains and fruits, she creates the hair-filter in the
91. (Indra Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
bUæ¼L; :Æie`¼"kÆHkks cyk¼;Æ d.kZk¼H;kƦJks=k¼eÆer
` Æa xzgk¼H;ke~A
;okÆ u cÆ£gHkzqZÉfo osQl¼jkf.k dÆoZQU/q¼ tKsÆ e/q¼ lkjÊ?ka
eq[kk¼r~ AAùûAA
Indrasya rμupamæ¶abho balåya karƒåbhyå|m
‹rotramamæta≈ grahåbhyåm. Yavå na
barhirbhruvi kesaråƒi karkandhu jaj¤e madhu
såragha≈ mukhåt.
The soul’s will to live in body form manifests as
the bull for the expression of strength. From portions
of nature’s auditory element in soma is created the
immortal faculty of the ear. Barley, as the grass,
manifests in the eyebrows. And the jujuba fruit creates
the honey sweets that flow from the mouth.
92. (Atma Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vkÆReÂqÉiLFksÆ u o`o¼QL;Æ ykseÆ eq[ksÆ 'eJw¼f.ÆkÆ u O;k¼?kzyksÆeA
osQ'kkÆ u 'khÆ"kZU;'k¼ls fJÆ;S f'k[kk¼ fLÆkƧgL;Æ ykseÆ
fRof"k¼fjfUÆæÆ;kf.k¼ AAùüAA
Åtmannupasthe na vækasya loma mukhe
‹ma‹rμuƒi na vyåghraloma. Ke‹å na ‹∂r¶anya‹ase
‹riyai ‹ikha si|mhasya loma tvi¶irindriyåƒi.
In the presence of Divinity, the soul rises in
eminence and potential: the lower hair of the body is
like the hair of the wolf, the beard and moustache on
the face are like the whiskers of the tiger, the hair on
the head and the top hair glows with beauty and glory
like the lion’s mane, and the senses shine as lightening.
93. (Ashvinis Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
vXk¼U;kÆReu~ fHÆkÆ"ktkÆ rnÆf'oukÆRekuÆeXS%É le¼/kÆr~ lj¼LorhA
bUæL¼ ; :Æi§'kÆrek¼ue Æ k;q'¼ pÆUæs.kÆ T;ksfrj¼ e
Ê r ¼ k% AAùýAA
` Æa n/ku
AΔgånyåtman bhi¶ajå tada‹vinåtmånamaΔgai¨
samadhåt sarasvat∂. Indrasya rμupa|m ‹atamåna-
måyu‹candreƒa jyotiramæta≈ dadhånå¨.
Thus do the Ashvinis, bio-engineers of nature,
structure limbs for the soul, and thus does Sarasvati,
divine mother, join the soul with the limbs, creating a
living Indra of a hundred years of age blest with the
immortal light and beauty of the moon.
94. (Sarasvati Devata, Shamkha °Rshi)
lj¼LorhÆ ;ksU;kaÆ xHkZ ×eÆUrjÊf'oH;kaÆ iRuhÆ lqo`¼Qra fcHk£r A
vÆik¦jls ¼uÆ o#¼ .kksÆ u lkEusU漧fJÆ;S tÆu;¼ÂÆIlq
jktk¼ AAùþAA
Sarasvat∂ yonyå≈ garbhamantara‹vibhyå≈
patn∂ sukæta≈ bibharti. Apå|m rasena varuƒo na
såmnendra|m ‹riyai janayannapsu råjå.
Sarasvati, the wife, bears inside the womb the
foetus so well created by the Ashvinis, nature’s powers
of creation, Varuna, supreme ruler, immanent in the
world, integrating the soul with the vital essences of
nature and completing the creation of a living Indra,
the human being, for a glorious existence.
95. (Ashvinau Devate, Shamkha °Rshi)
rst¼% i'kwÉuk¦gÆfofj¼fUÆæÆ;ko¼r~ ifjÆÏqrkÆ i;¼lk lkjÊ?ka
e/q¼ A vÆf'oH;ak¼ nqÉX/a fHÆk"Æ ktkÆ lj¼LoR;k lqrklqÉrkH;k¼ee
Æ r
` Æ%
lkseÆ¿bUnq¼% AAùÿAA
Teja¨ pa‹μunå|m havirindriyåvat parisrutå payaså
såragha≈ madhu. A‹vibhyå≈ dugdha≈ bhi¶ajå
sarasvatyå sutåsutåbhyåmamæta¨ somaí indu¨.
The healthy glow of living forms, the mighty rich
nourishments of life, the delicious honey collected by
the bee from juices all round are the nectar, the vital
power, the beauty distilled from the original as well as
the refined sources of nature by Sarasvati, mother spirit
of life and humanity through the Ashvinis, creative and
healing powers of nature’s cosmic flow.

bfr ,dksu¯o'kks¿è;k;% AA


1. (Sabhesha President Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)

{kÆ=kL;Æ ;ksfu¼jfl {kÆ=kL;Æ ukfHk¼jfl A
ek Rok¼ fg§lhÆUek ek¼ fg§lh% AAûAA
K¶atrasya yonirasi k¶atrasya nåbhirasi. Må två
hi|ms∂nmå må hi|ms∂¨.
President of the Council, you are the seat of world
power. You are the centre-hold of the order of humanity.
May no one challenge you! You too do not hurt me, any
2. (Sabhesha Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
fu"k¼lkn /`Éroz¼rksÆ o#¼.k% iÆLR;k¨Lok A
lkezk¼T;k; lqÉØrq¼% A e`ÉR;ks% ik¼fg fOÆkÆ|ksRik¼fg AAüAA
Ni¶asåda dhætavrato varuƒa¨ pastyåsvå.
Såmråjyåya sukratu¨. Mætyo¨ påhi vidyotpåhi.
President of the Supreme Council, committed to
noble resolutions of conscious choice, master of noble
thoughts and good actions, best and first choice of
humanity, be seated on the seat of governance among
the peoples of the world for a sovereign world order.
Save us from death and destruction. Save us from
lightning and the thunderbolt.
3. (Sabhesha Devata, Ashwinau °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl ¼ Æo¿¨s f'ouksc
¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
vÆf'ouksHÆ kS"Z kT¼ ;suÆ rstl
¼ s czãopZl Æ k;kÆfHkf"k×¼ pkfEÆkÆ ljL¼ oR;SÆ
HkS"k¼T;su ohÆ;kZ~;kÆUuk|k¼;kÆfHkf"k¼×pkÆehUæ¼L;sfUÆæÆ;. ¼
s kÆ cyk;
fJÆ;S ;'k¼lÆ¿s fHkf"k¼×pkfeAAýAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí ‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. A‹vinorbhai¶ajyena tejase
brahma-varcasåyåbhi¶i¤cåmi Sara‹vatyai
bhai¶ajyena v∂ryåyånnådyåyåbhi¶i¤cå-
m∂ndrasyendriyeƒa balåya ‹riyai ya‹aseí
In this yajnic world order of Lord Savita’s
creation, with the arms of Ashvinis, harbingers of light
and knowledge, the hands of Pusha, powers of strength
and nourishment, and the efficacy of Ashvinis, powers
of health and healing, I consecrate you for the sake of
world-wide brilliance and universal glory of
I consecrate you for Sarasvati, for the sake of
learning and education of the people.
With the powers of health and nutrition, I
consecrate you for the sake of food and vigour for all.
With the power and enlightenment of divine
Indra, Lord of glory, I consecrate you for the
achievement of the moral strength, honour and beauty
of the world order.
4. (Sabhapati Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
dks¼¿fl drÆeks~¿fLÆkÆ dLeS¼ RokÆ dk;¼ Rok A
lq'yks¼dÆ lqe¼XyÆ lR;¼jktu~ AAþAA
Koísi katamoísi kasmai två kåya två. Su‹loka
sumaΔgala satyaråjan.
Man of high reputation and honour, leader of
many noble causes, illustrious dispenser of truth and
justice, you are a man of peace, giver of peace and
prosperity. Therefore I accept and consecrate you in the
service of Prajapati, divine lord of peace, and His people,
for the achievement of universal peace and prosperity.
5. (Sabhapati Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
f'kjks¼ esÆ Jh;Z'kksÆ eq[kaÆ fRof"ÆkÆ% osQ'kk¼'pÆ 'eJw¼f.k A
jktk¼ es izkÆ.kks¿vÆer ` ¼§lÆezkV~ p{kq¼£OÆkÆjkV~ Jks=k¼e~ AAÿAA
›iro me ‹r∂rya‹o mukha≈ tvi¶i¨ ke‹å‹ca
‹ma‹rμ u ƒi. Råjå me pråƒoíamæta| m samrå¢
cak¶urvirå¢ ‹rotram.
People of the world: honour of the human nation
is my head, nobility of the people is my mouth, light of
justice and grandeur of world culture is my hair,
moustache and beard, good governance is my life and
breath, unity of the order is my vision, and diversity of
the constituents is my ear.
6. (Sabhapati Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
ftÆàk es¼ HkÆæa okÄ~ egksÆ euks¼ eÆU;q% LoÆjkM~ Hkke¼%A
eksnk¼% izeksÆnk¿vÆÄ~xqyhÆjXk¼fu fEÆkÆ=ka esÆ lg¼%AAöAA
Jihvå me bhadra≈ våΔmaho mano manyu¨
svaråŒ bhåma¨. Modå¨ pramodå aΔgul∂raΔgåni
mitra≈ me saha¨.
Members of the world state: My tongue shall
speak for the good of all. My speech shall explain great
projects. My passion shall target wickedness. My anger
shall be for the defence of freedom. My fingers shall
point to the paths of joy. My limbs shall dance with the
people’s festivities. My prowess and challenges shall
be for the promotion of love and friendship.
7. (Raja Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
ckÆgw esÆ cy¼fefUÆæÆ;§gLrkS esÆ deZ× ohÆ;Z~e~ A
vkÆRek {kÆ=keqjksÆ ee¼ AA÷AA
Båhμu me balamindriya|m hastau me karma
v∂ryam. Åtmå k¶atramuro mama.
May my arms, strength and prowess, my hands,
actions and heroism, my heart and my very soul be for
the supremacy and sovereignty of the world order.
8. (Sabhapati Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
i`É"BhesZ × jkÆ"VªeqÉnjÊe§lkS¼ xzhÆok'pÆ Jks.kh¼ A
mQÆ:¿v¼jÊRuh tkuq¼uhÆ fo'kksÆ es¿Xk¼fu lÆoZr¼%AAøAA
P涢h∂rme rå¶tramudarama|msau gr∂vå‹ca ‹roƒ∂.
ªUrμu íaratn∂ jånun∂ vi‹o meí Δgåni sarvata¨.
The government order is my back. My belly,
shoulders, neck, hips and loins, thighs, elbows, knees,
and all my limbs are wholly for the people — my people
and my government are me.
9. (Sabhesha Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
ukfHk¼esZ fPÆkÆÙka fOÆkÆKku¯ ikÆ;qesZ¿i¼fpfrHkZÆlr~ A vkÆuÆUnÆ&
uÆUnkokÆ.MkS esÆ HkxÆ% lkSHkk¼X;aÆ il¼% A t†k¼H;ka iƉÔka
/eksZ׿fLe fOÆkÆf'k jktkÆ izfr¼f"Br% AAùAA
Nåbhirme citta≈ vij¤åna≈ påyurmeí
pacitirbhasat. Ånandanandåv僌au me bhaga¨
saubhågya≈ pasa¨. JaΔghåbhyå≈ padbhyå≈
dharmoísmi vi‹i råjå prati¶¢hita¨.
I am the ruler, honoured and consecrated among
my people. I am Dharma, the law, committed to bear
the burden of the order on my legs and feet.
My navel, mind, knowledge, security, honour and
reverence, hips and loins, organs of excretion,
generation and pleasure, honour and dignity, and good
fortune all is for the order and the people.
10. (Sabhesha Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
izfr¼ {kÆ=ks izfr¼fr"Bkfe jkÆ"Vªs izR;'os¼"kqÉ izfr¼fr"BkfEÆkÆ xks"kq¼A
izR;Xs¼"kqÉ izfr¼fr"BkE;kÆReu~ izfr¼ izkÆ.ks"kqÉ izfr¼fr"Bkfe iqÉ"Vs
izfRÆkÆ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆO;ks% izfr¼fr"Bkfe ;ÆKs AAûúAA
Prati k¶atre prati ti¶¢håmi r嶢re pratya‹ve¶u
prati ti¶¢håmi go¶u. PratyaΔge¶u prati ti¶¢håmy-
åtman prati pråƒe¶u prati ti¶¢håmi pu¶¢e prati
dyåvåpæthivyo¨ prati ti¶¢håmi yaj¤e.
Accepted, appointed and consecrated in this
divinely protected Order of the brilliant State of the
World: I dedicate and commit myself to the Order, in
the Order, for the Order. I dedicate and commit myself
to the State, in the State, for the State, to the people,
among the People, for the People. I dedicate myself to
the horses and cows. I dedicate myself to all parts of
the Order and the State. Firmly established in my mind
and soul, with all my soul and pranic energy, I dedicate
myself to the living spirit and exuberant dynamics of
the human nation. I dedicate myself to the growth and
development of the strength and prosperity of the
people. In the light of heaven and greenery of the earth
and her environment, I dedicate myself to heaven and
earth. I dedicate and commit myself to the grand socio-
economic yajna of service, governance and brilliance
of a generous humanity for total and holistic
11. (Devas Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
=kÆ;k nsÆok¿,dk¼n'k =k;fLÆ=ÆkƧ'kk% lqÉjk/¼l% A c`gÆLifr¼&
iqjksfgrk nsÆoL;¼ lfOÆkÆrq% lÆos A nsÆok nsÆoSj¼oUrq ek AAûûAA
Trayå devå ekåda‹a trayastri|m‹å¨ surådhasa¨.
Bæhaspatipurohitå devasya savitu¨ save. Devå
devairavantu må.
Three are the orders of divinities, brilliant powers
of nature’s generosity. Three times eleven are they,
thirtythree powers of grandeur and majesty all,
Brihaspati, the Sun, great lord of light and knowledge
being their chief.
In this great world of Lord Savita’s yajnic
creation, may the devas, brilliant scholars of knowledge
and generosity, with all these divine powers, protect
me and promote me for the higher life.
Note: The thirty three devas, according to Swami
Ji are:
i. Eight Vasus, abodes and supports of life, are:
earth, water, fire, air, space, sun, moon and the stars.
ii. Eleven Rudras, viz., five primary pranic
energies (prana, apana, vyana, udana and samana), five
secondary pranic energies (naga, kurma, krikala
devadatta and dhananjaya), and the soul. They are
Rudras because they destroy pain, and when they leave
the body they make people cry in sorrow.
iii. Twelve Adityas, viz., twelve months of the
year, they being zodiacs of the sun in the year. They are
Adityas because they count up the time and exhaust the
life of whatever is born. In addition to these (8+11+12),
there is Indra, universal electric energy, and Yajna,
universal creative power.
12. (Vishvedeva Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
izFÆ kÆek f}Érh;S£¼ }Érh;k¼Lr`r É h;S¼Lr`r
É h;k%¼ lÆR;su¼ lÆR;a ;ÆKu
s ¼ ;ÆKks
;tq¼£HÆkÆ;tZ ¦¼w f"ÆkÆ lkef¼ HÆk%Æ lkek¼U;`ÉfXHkÍZp%¼ iqjks¿uqokÆD;k~fHk%
iqjks¿uqokÆD;k~ ;kÆT;k~fHk;kZÆT;k~ o"kV~dkÆjo S Z×"kV~dkÆjk¿vkgqf¼ r&
fHÆkÆjkgq¼r;ks esÆ dkekÆURle¼/Z;UrqÉ Hkw% Lokgk¼AAûüAA
Prathamå dvit∂yairdvit∂yastæt∂yaistæt∂yå¨ satyena
satya≈ yaj¤ena yaj¤o yajurbhiryajμ u | m ¶i
såmabhi¨ såmånyægbhiræca¨ puroínuvåkyåbhi¨
puroínuvåkyå yåjyåbhiryåjyå va¶a¢kårairva¶a¢-
kåråíåhutibhiråhutayo me kåmåntsamardh-
ayantu bhμu¨ svåhå.
The first order of divinities (Vasus) with the
second order (Rudras), the second with the third
(Adityas), the third with Satya (nature), nature with
yajna (science and technology), science and technology
with Yajurveda hymns (application), application with
Samaveda hymns (dedication, devotion and joy),
dedication with Rgveda hymns (knowledge and vision),
knowledge with Puronuvakas of Atharva
(specialization), specialisation with Yajnas (yajnic
work), yajnic work with Vashatkaras (noble work),
noble work with ahutis (oblations), oblations (inputs)
with sincere conduct, and all these (in cycle with the
Vasus, Rudras and Adityas and so on) on the earth —
may all these grant all my desires and promote me among
the people.
13. (Teacher Preacher Devatas, Prajapati °Rshi)
yksek¼fUÆkÆ iz;¼fRÆkÆeZeÆ RoÄ~ eÆ¿vku¼fRÆkÆjkx¼fr%A
ekƦla eÆ¿mi¼ufRÆkÆoZLofLFk¼ eÆTtk eÆ¿vku¼fr%AAûýAA
Lomåni prayatirmama tvaΔ ma ånatirågati¨.
Må|msa≈ maíupanatirvasvasthi majjå maí ånati¨.
The hair on my body, my effort and action, my
skin, my humility, my coming and income, my flesh,
my courtesy, my wealth, bones, marrow and my humility
and reverence be all for the teachers and preceptors.
14. (Agni Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;ís¼ok nsoÆgsM¼uaÆ nsok¼l'pÑÉek oÆ;e~ A
s ¼lksÆ fo'ok¼Ueq×pÆRo§g¼l%AAûþAA
vÆfXuekZÆ rLekÆnu
Yaddevå devaheŒana≈ devåsa‹cakæmå vayam.
Agnirmå tasmådenaso vi‹vånmu¤catva|mhasa¨.
Teachers, preaches, saints and sages, whatever
our offence we have done to the devas, noble powers,
may Agni, Lord God and the noble saint, forgive, and
save us from all that offence, irreverence and sin.
15. (Vayu Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;fnÆ fnokÆ ;fnÆ uDrÆesuk¼¦fl pÑÉek oÆ;e~ A
okÆ;qekZÆ rLekÆnsu¼lksÆ fo'ok¼Ueq×pÆRo§g¼l% AAûÿAA
Yadi divå yadi naktamenå|msi cakæmå vayam.
Våyurmå tasmådenaso vi‹vånmu¤catva|mhasa¨.
If we commit any sin or offence either in the day
or in the night, then may Vayu, lord of dynamic
knowledge and imagination, deliver me from all that
sin and offence.
16. (Surya Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;fnÆ tkxzÆ|fnÆ LoIuÆ¿,uk¼¦fl pÑÉek oÆ;e~ A
lw;ksZ × ekÆ rLekÆnsu¼lksÆ fo'ok¼Ueq×pÆRo§g¼l%AAûöAA
Yadi jågradyadi svapnaíenå|msi cakæmå vayam.
Sμuryo må tasmådenaso vi‹vånmu¤catva|mhasa¨.
If we happen to commit any offence or sin either
while awake or while asleep, then may Sun, lord of
brilliant knowledge and warmth, deliver me from all
that offence and sin.
17. (Sages Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;n~ xzkesÆ ;nj¼.;sÆ ;RlÆHkk;kaÆ ;fn¼fUÆæÆ;s A ;PNwÉæs ;n;sZÆ
;nsu¼'pÑÉek oÆ;a ;nsdLÆ ;k¿fèÆkÆ/eZ×f.ÆkÆ rL;k¼oÆ;t¼u&
efl AAû÷AA
Yadgråme yadaraƒye yatsabhåyå≈ yadindriye.
Yacchμ u dre yadarye yadena‹cakæmå vaya≈
yadekasyådhi dharmaƒi tasyåvayajanamasi.
Saints and sages, whatever offence or sin we
happen to commit in the village, or in the forest, or in
the assembly, or in the mind, or among the assistants,
or among the employers, or against anyone’s dharma,
conscience or profession, then you alone are the powers
to save and deliver us from that.
18. (Varuna Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;nkiks¼¿vÆ?U;k¿bfRÆkÆ o#Æ.ksfRÆkÆ 'kik¼egsÆ rrks¼ o#.k uks
eq×p A vo¼Hk`Fk fupqEiq.k fupsÆ#j¼fl fupqEiqÉ.k% A vo¼
S ZsÆoo`Q¼ rÆeu
nsÆon s ks¼¿;Æ{;oÆ eR;SÆe
Z RZ ;Z ×Ñra iq#ÆjkO.kks¼ nso fjÆ"k&
Lik¼fg AAûøAA
Yadåpoíaghnyåíiti varuƒeti ‹apåmahe tato
varuƒa no mu¤ca. Avabhætha nicumpuƒa
nicerurasi nicumpuƒa¨. Ava devairdeva-
kætamenoí yak¶yava martyairmartyakæta≈
pururåvƒo deva ri¶aspåhi.
Prana, life, is precious and sacred. The cow is
precious and sacred, inviolable. Varuna, Lord Supreme,
the eminent sage, is great. If ever we injure, violate or
revile these, then, O Varuna, O generous sage, deliver
us from that sin.
Noble sage of knowledge, you are initiated and
consecrated, blessed, calm and generous as a fountain.
Ward off the sins committed by the nobles, through/by
the nobles. Let the ordinary people fight out and
eliminate the crimes committed by the average people.
Save us from fear, terror and violence.
19. (Apah Devta, Prajapati °Rshi)
lÆeÉæq s rsÆ ân¼;eÆILo¨Ur% la Rok¼ fo'kÆURoks"k¼/h#Ærki¼% A
lqÉfEÆkÆf=ÆkÆ;k uÆ¿vkiÆ¿ vks"k¼/;% lUrq nq£ef=ÆkÆ;kLrLeS ¼ lUrqÉ
;ks¨¿Leku~ }sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a f}É"e% AAûùAA
Samudre te hædayamapsvanta¨ sa≈ två vi‹antv-
o¶adh∂rutåpa¨. Sumitriyåí naí åpaío¶adhaya¨
santu durmitriyåstasmai santu yoísmån dve¶¢i
ya≈ ca vaya≈ dvi¶ma¨.
Soma, disciple, your heart and soul is in sea, in
the midst of the energy there and in the depths of
celestial waters. May the pranic energies and the vitality
of the herbs enter your mind with their secrets. May the
herbs and the pranic energies be friendly to us. They
will be unfriendly to those negativities which harm us
and which we, in consequence, hate and avoid.
20. (Apah Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
æqÉiÆnkfn¼o eqeqpkÆu% fLÆOÆkÆÂ% LukÆrks eyk¼fno A
iwÉra iÆfo=ks¼.ksÆokT;Æeki¼% 'kqU/UrqÉ eSu¼l% AAüúAA
Drupadådiva mumucåna¨ svinna¨ snåto
malådiva. Pμ u ta≈ pavitreƒevåjyamåpa¨
‹undhantu mainasa¨.
Like a prisoner freed from a post of captivity,
like a man in sweat cleansed of dirt after bath, like ghee
purified of scum through a strainer, may the waters and
energies purge me of sin and evil into the purity of
21. (Surya Devata, Praskanva °Rshi)
m}É;a re¼lÆLifjÊ Lo¨% i';¼UrÆ¿mÙk¼je~ A
nsÆoa ns¼oÆ=kk lw;ZÊex¼UeÆ T;ksfr¼#ÙkÆee~ AAüûAA
Udvaya≈ tamasaspari sva¨ pa‹yantaíuttaram.
Deva≈ devatrå sμuryamaganma jyotiruttamam.
Up we move beyond the dark with a vision of the
higher regions of bliss, and may we reach the sun, the
Lord of Light Supreme, among the lights of the world.
22. (Agni Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆiks¿vÆ|kUop¼ kfj"kƧjlsu¼ Æ lel
¼ {` efg A i;L¼ okuXuÆ¿vkxe
¼ Æa
ra ekÆ l§l`¼tÆ opZ×lk izÆt;k¼ pÆ /us¼u p AAüüAA
Apoíadyånvacåri¶a|m rasena samasæk¶mahi.
Payasvånagnaíågama≈ ta≈ må sa| m sæja
varcaså prajayå ca dhanena ca.
I have tasted the waters of bliss to-day. Let us all
create joy and open out to the flood gates of freedom
and bliss.
Agni, having drunk of joy and bliss, I have come
to you. Lord of light and knowledge, bless me with
children, wealth of knowledge and prosperity and the
splendour of honour and dignity.
23. (Samid Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
,/ks¼¿L;sf/"khÆefg¼ lÆfen¼fLÆkÆ rstks¼¿fLÆkÆ rstksÆ ef;¼ /sfg A
lÆeko¼o£r i`fFÆkÆoh leqÉ"kk% leqÉ lw;Z×%A leqÉ fo'o¼fEÆkÆna
tx¼r~ A oSÆ'okÆuÆjT;ks¼frHkwZ;kla fOÆkÆHkwu~ dkekÆu~ O;~'uoSÆ Hkw%
Lokgk¼ AAüýAA
Edhoísyedhi¶∂mahi samidasi tejoísi tejo mayi
dhehi. Samåvavarti pæthiv∂ samu¶å¨ samu
sμ u rya¨. Samu vi‹vamida≈ jagat. Vai‹vå-
narajyotirbhμuyåsa≈ vibhμun kåmån vya‹navai
bhμu¨ svåhå.
Samit, food of the holy fire, you are the harbinger
of prosperity. May we be prosperous. You are the food
of the light divine, light itself. Infuse light and lustre
into me. May the earth be generous. May the dawns
bring us light and peace. May the sun give light and
warmth. May this whole world be full of joy. May I
shine with the light of the world and be the light itself.
May I attain my desire and great ambitions. May I, with
truth of word and deed, attain the glory of the world.
24. (Agni Devata, Ashvatarashvi °Rshi)
vÆH;kn¼/kfe lÆfe/ÆeXus¼ ozrirsÆ Rof;¼ A
ozÆra p¼ JƼka pksiS¼ehÆU/s Rok¼ nhf{ÆkÆrks¿vÆge~ AAüþAA
Abhyådadhåmi samidhamagne vratapate tvayi.
Vrata≈ ca ‹raddhå≈ copaim∂ndhe två d∂k¶itoí
Agni, lord keeper and sustainer of the vows of
speech and karma, initiated and consecrated I place the
fuel into the holy fire with concentration and dedication
of mind. I light the fire and commit myself to the vows
of yajna and faith in the divine order.
25. (Agni Devata, Ashvatarashvi °Rshi)
;=kÆ czã¼ p {kÆ=ka p¼ lÆE;×pkSÆ pj¼r% lÆg A
ra yksÆoaQ iq.;Æa izK¼"s kaÆ ;=k¼ nsÆok% lÆgkfXuuk¼ AAüÿAA
Yatra brahma ca k¶atra≈ ca samya¤cau carata¨
saha. Ta≈lloka≈ puƒya≈ praj¤e¶a≈ yatra
devå¨ sahågnina.
Where the Brahma order of learning and the
Kshatra order of governance coexist and work together
in harmony, and where the noble citizens abide by the
fire of yajna, that holy land and spirit divine, O Lord, I
pray, reveal to me.
26. (Agni Devata, Ashvatarashvi °Rshi)
;=ksUæ¼'p okÆ;q'p¼ lÆE;×pkSÆ pj¼r% lÆg A
ra yksÆoaQ iq.;aÆ izKs¼"kaÆ ;=k¼ lsÆfnuZ fOÆkÆ|rs¼ AAüöAA
Yatrendra‹ca våyu‹ca samya¤cau carata¨ saha.
Ta≈lloka≈ puƒya≈ praj¤e¶a≈ yatra sedima
Where Indra is light and power, and Vayu breath
of life, and both in unison work for all, where want is
non-existent and weariness no more, that holy land of
plenty and sacred joy, O Lord of Light, reveal to me.
27. (Soma Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vƧ'kquk¼ rs vƧ'kq% i`¼P;rkaÆ i#¼ "kkÆ i#¼ % A
xÆU/LrsÆ lkse¼eorqÉ enk¼;Æ jlksÆ¿vP;q¼r% AAü÷AA
A|m‹unå te a|m‹u¨ pæcyatå≈ paru¶å paru¨.
Gandhaste somamavatu madåya rasoíacyuta¨.
Soma is the Spirit of life, fragrance imperishable,
inexhaustible, eternal.
Let the filament of the soma plant stay joined to
the branch, let the branch with the plant mature and be
whole with the plant.
May the knot of the cane grow out of the knot,
stay joined to the knot, mature and be one and whole
with the tree.
Soma, Spirit of life, may your fragrance and
eternal vitality protect the unity and wholeness of life
among all its constituent parts.
28. (Indra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
fLÆkÆ×pfUÆRÆkÆ ifj¼f"k×pÆUR;qfRl¼×pfUr iqu
É fUr¼ p A
lqjk¼;S cÆH zoS ens¼ fOÆkÆQÆURoks o¼nfr fOÆkÆQÆURo% AAüøAA
Si¤canti pari ¶i¤cantyutsi¤canti punanti ca.
Suråyai babhrvai made kintvo vadati kintva¨.
Those who take the shower of bliss in soma, life
divine, merge wholly, purge and raise themselves, and
purify their soul with the nectar for the sake of vitality,
dignity and ecstasy of living, they are the immortals.
‘So what?’ says the sceptic and ends up in the doubt.
29. (Indra Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
/kÆuko¼Ura djÊfEHk.k¼eiwÉio¼UreqÉfDFku¼e~ A
bUæ¼ izkÆrtqZ×"kLo u% AAüùAA
Dhånåvanta≈ karambhiƒamapμ u pavanta-
mukthinam. lndra pråtarju¶asva na¨.
Indra, master of knowledge and power of speech,
in the morning accept and enjoy our food, delicious and
rich with nutriments, mixed with curds and honey cakes,
excellently prepared with holy recipes and offered with
30. (Indra Devata, Nrimedha Purushameda Rshis)
c`ÉgfnUæk¼; xk;rÆ e#¼ rks o`=kÆgUr¼ee~ A
;suÆ T;ksfRÆkÆjt¼u;Â`rkÆo`/ks¼ nsÆoa nsÆok; tkx`¼fo AAýúAA
Bæhadindråya gåyata maruto vætrahantamam.
Yena jyotirajanayannætåvædho deva≈ devåya
Heroes of knowledge, ever watchful, promoters
of truth and right, sing the great joyous songs of Brihat-
Sama in honour of mighty Indra, lord of the universe,
by which you would awaken the heavenly light which
will break through the clouds of darkness and open the
flood-gates of light and prosperity.
31. (Indra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vèo¼;ksZÆ¿vfæ¼fHk% lqÉr§lkse¯ iÆfo=k¿vku¼; A
iqÉukÆghUæk¼;Æ ikr¼os AAýûAA
Adhvaryoíadribhi¨ suta≈ soma≈ pavitraíånaya.
Punåh∂ndråya påtave.
High-priest of yajna, bring down the soma, waters
of life, distilled from the clouds and sanctify them for
the drink of Indra and his citizens of the world order.
32. (Paramatma Devata, Kaundinya °Rshi)
;ks Hkwr ¼ fRÆkÆ;fZ Le¡×YyksÆdk¿vf/f¼ JÆrk%A ;¿bZ'ks¼ egÆrks
É kukÆef/i
eÆgk¡Lrsu¼ x`ÊkfEÆkÆ RokeÆga ef;¼ x`ÊkfEÆkÆ RokeÆge~ AAýüAA
Yo bhμutånåmadhipatiryasmi|nllokåíadhi ‹ritå¨.
Yaí∂‹e mahato mahå|nstena gæhƒåmi tvåmaha≈
mayi gæhƒåmi tvåmaham.
The Lord that is the presiding power of all the
forms of existence, under whose law the worlds of the
universe reside, who is greater than the greatest and
reigns supreme over all, to this Lord of existence, for
His grace, I bow in faith.
Lord of mine and all, I come, I hold on to you,
and I consecrate my heart and soul with your presence.
33. (Soma Devata, Kakshivat sukirti °Rshi)
mÆi;Æ kÆex`¼ghrks¿L;Æf'oH;ak¼ RokÆ ljL¼ oR;SÆ RosUæk¼; Rok lqÉ=kkE.k¿¼
,É"k rsÆ ;ksfu¼jÊf'oH;ak¼ RokÆ lj¼LoR;SÆ RosUæk¼; Rok lqÉ=kkE.ksA¼ AýýAA
Upayåmagæh∂toísya‹vibhyå≈ två sarasvatyai
tvendråya två sutråmƒaíe¶a te yonira‹vibhyå≈
två sarasvatyai tvendråya två sutråmƒe.
Teacher/scholar, approved and authorized you are
by the Ashvinis, teachers and scholars of eminence, for
the service of Sarasvati, language and learning, Indra,
administration, and Sutraman, security and discipline.
Now here is your new office with the Ashvinis,
teachers and scholars, with adequate powers in the
service of Sarasvati, teaching and research, Indra,
administration, planning and development, and
Sutraman, discipline and security of the organisation.
34. (Lingokta Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
izkÆ.kÆik es¼¿vikuÆik'p¼{kqÉ"ik% Jks¼=kÆik'p¼ es A
okÆpks es¼ fOÆkÆ'oHks¼"ktksÆ eu¼lks¿fl fOÆkÆyk;¼d%AAýþAA
Pråƒapå meí apånapå‹cak¶u¶på¨ ‹rotrapå‹ca
me. Våco me vi‹vabhe¶ajo manasoísi vilåyaka¨.
Soma, teacher scholar, you are protector of my
prana, apana, eye and ear, speech and language, and
you are the master and controller of my mind.
35. (Lingokta Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆf'ou¼ÑrL; rsÆ lj¼LofrÑrÆL;sUæs¼.k lqÉ=kkE.kk¼ o`ÉQrL;¼ A
mi¼gwrÊ¿mi¼gwrL; Hk{k;kfe AAýÿAA
A‹vinakætasya te sarasvatikætasyendreƒa
sutråmƒå kætasya. Upahμ u taíupahμ u tasya
On invitation, I take the food served here as it
has been prepared by experts, supervised by learned
women, ordered by Indra, the dignified host, and
certified by the chief of security.
36. (Indra Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
lfe¼¼Æ¿bU漿mÆ"klkÆeuh¼osQ iqjks#pk¼ iwoÊÑ Z }k¼o/ ` kÆu%A
ÆZ fS LÆ=kÆ §Æ 'krkÆ oTkz¼ckgqt?ÆZ kku¼ o`=É ka fo nqjks¼ ookj AAýöAA
Samiddhaíindraíu¶asåman∂ke purorucå pμurva-
kædvåvædhåna¨. Tribhirdevaistri|m‹atå vajra-
båhurjaghåna vætra≈ vi duro vavåra.
Just as Indra, the sun, ancient light of the world,
refulgent in the splendour of the dawn, blazing and
advancing in the east with thirty three devatas, destroys
the clouds of darkness and opens the flood gates of light,
so do you, brilliant man of knowledge and modern
challenges, advance with all the force of your scholars
of the Vasu, Rudra and Aditya order, destroy the
darkness of ignorance and open the flood gates of the
light of knowledge.
37. (Tanunapat Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
ujkÆ'k§lÆ% izfRÆkÆ 'kwjksÆ feek¼uÆLruwÉuikÆRizfr¼ ;ÆKL;Æ /ke¼ A
xksfHk¼oi ¼ k leÆ×tfUgj¼.;S'pÆUæh ;t
ÆZ kokÆUe/qu ¼ fRÆkÆ izpr
s¼ k%AAý÷
Naråsa|msa¨ prati ‹μuro mimånastanμunapåt prati
yaj¤asya dhåma. Gobhirvapåvån madhunå
sama¤jan hiraƒyai‹candr∂ yajati pracetå¨.
Universally admirable is the man who is brave
and totally fearless, maker of many things, self-
dependent and self-protective, wholly dedicated to
yajna, farming the land with bulls and cows, well-
provided with milk, butter and honey, bright with golden
wealth, and highly enlightened, and begins his day with
38. (Indra Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
S fZ j¼ok¡üAA¿vfHÆkfÆ "VjkÆtà
bZÆfMÆrks nsÆog q k¼uks gÆfo"kkÆ 'k¼Z×eku%A
iqÉjÊUnÆjks xks¼=kÆfHk}Tkz¼ckgqÉjk;k¼rq ;ÆKeqi¼ uks tq"kkÆ.k% AAýøAA
∫Œito devairharivå|níabhi¶¢iråjuhvåno havi¶å
‹ardhamåna¨. Purandaro gotrabhidvajra-
båhuråyåtu yaj¤amupa no ju¶åƒa¨.
Indra, the man respected and admired by the
godly, brilliant spirit of many yajnas, invited and
engaged in discussions with presentations, bold yet
patient, breaking the clouds and enemy forts like Indra,
lord of the thunderbolt, is invited to our yajna. May he
come and grace the yajna with his presence.
39. (Indra Devata. Angirasa °Rshi)
tqÉ"kkÆ.kks cÆ£ggZfj¼okÂÆ¿bUæ¼% izkp Æ hu¼§lhnRizÆfn'kk¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k%A
mÆ#i ¼ ku§L;ksuÆ ekf¼ nÆR;SjD
Æ Fz kkÆ% izFke Ê ra olqf¼ Hk% lÆtks"kk%¼ AAýùAA
Ju¶åƒo barhirharivån naíindra¨ pråc∂na|m s∂dat
pradi‹å pæthivyå¨. Uruprathå¨ prathamåna|m
syonamådityairakta≈ vasubhi¨ sajo¶å¨.
Just as Indra, the sun, wielder of the waters and
expansive lord of the rays of light, pervading the sky
and regions of the universe, united with the Vasus and
the Adityas, graces the ancient, vast, beautiful and
celebrated floor of the earth, so please you, celebrated
man of yajna, grace our home of yajna.
40. (Indra Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
bÆUæa nqj¼% doÆ";ks¨ /ko¼ekukÆ o`"kk¼.ka ;UrqÉ tu¼;% lqÉiRuh¼%A
}kjks¼ nsÆohjÊfHkrksÆ foJ¼;Urk¦lqÉohjk¼ ohÆja izFk¼ekukÆ
egks¼fHk% AAþúAA
Indra≈ dura¨ kava¶yo dhåvamånå væ¶åƒa≈
yantu janaya¨ supatn∂¨. Dvåro dev∂rabhito vi
‹rayantå|m suv∂rå v∂ra≈ prathamånå mahobhi¨.
Just as noble women sweet of speech and good
wives and mothers to be, eagerly join Indra, virile young
men of power and dignity, and find the door to their
new home of settlement, so should noble and virile
young men, celebrated for their power and dignity, take
to good and virtuous women wholly and freely and settle
in a happy new home.
41. (Ushasa-nakta Devate, Angirasa °Rshi)
mÆ"kklkÆuDrk¼ c`gr Æ h c`ÉgUraÆ i;¼Lorh lqÉnq?ksÆ 'kwjÊfeUæ¼eA~
rUrq¯ rÆra is'k¼lk laÆo;U¼ rh nsoÆ kuak¼ nso ¼ r% lq#D
Æ a ;t Æ esAAþûAA
U¶åsånaktå bæhat∂ bæhanta≈ payasvat∂ sudughe
‹μuramindram. Tantu≈ tata≈ pe‹aså sa≈vayant∂
devånå≈ deva≈ yajata¨ surukme.
Night and dawn, beautiful, great, abundant,
generous, wearing the design of the warp and woof of
light, already spread out in the east, with form and
colour, adorn Indra, the rising sun, light of lights so
brave and majestic, with the splendour of the morning.
(Just as night and dawn look forward to the sun,
so should the people look forward to and associate with
the brilliant and the brave and fearless.)
42. (Daivyadhyapaka-upadeshaka Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
nSO;kÆ feek¼ukÆ euq¼"k% iq#Æ=kk gksrk¼jkÆfoUæ¯ izFkÆek lqÉokpk¼ A
É UZ ;ÆKL;Æ e/q¼ukÆ n/k¼uk izkÆphuaÆ T;ksfr¼gZÆfo"kk¼ o`/kr%AAþü
Daivyå mimånå manu¶a¨ purutrå hotårå-
vindra≈ prathamå suvåcå. Mμurdhan yaj¤asya
madhunå dadhånå pråc∂na≈ jyotirhav∂¶å
Teachers and preachers, learned and brilliant
makers of yajnic projects, generous in oblations, noble
of speech, first and foremost in yajnic organisations,
leaders and supporters of people in many ways, with
honey and fragrant materials light up, promote and
advance the ancient fire of yajna and glorify Indra, the
Spirit, power and ecstasy of the holy performance.
43. (Tisro-daivyah, Three goddesses Devata, Angirasa R
° shi)
Æ hgZfÆ o"kkÆ o¼Z×ekukÆ¿bUæ¯ tq"kkÆ.kk tu¼;ksÆ u iRuh¼%A
fRÆkÆÏks nso
vfPN¼UuaÆ rUrqaÉ i;¼lkÆ lj¼LoÆrhMk¼ nsÆoh Hkkjr ¼ h fOÆkÆ'o&
rw£¼ Ùk%AAþýAA
Tisro dev∂rhavi¶å vardhamånåíindra≈ ju¶åƒå
janayo na patn∂¨. Acchinna≈ tantu≈ payaså
sara‹vat∂Œå dev∂ bhårat∂ vi‹vatμurti¨.
The trinity of Ida, Sarasvati and Bharati,
universally active like nursing mothers, constantly feed,
sustain and augment the continuous flow of life-yajna
with holy food and drinks, serving thereby and pleasing
Indra, lord of existence. (Ida holds the inexhaustible
potential, Sarasvati controls the flow, and Bharati
defines the forms in the continuum.)
44. (Tvashta Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
Ro"VkÆ n/ÆPNq"eÆfeUæk; ¼ Æ o`".ks¼¿ikÆdks¿fp¼"Vq;'ZÆ kls¼ iqÉ:f.k¼A
o`"kkÆ ;tÆu~ o`"k¼.kaÆ Hkwfj¼jrs k ew¼ Z ~ ;ÆKL;Æ le¼uDrqÉ nsÆoku~AAþþ
É u
Tva¶¢å dadhacchu¶mamindråya v涃eípåkoí-
ci¶¢urya‹ase purμ u ƒi. Væ¶å yajan væ¶aƒa≈
bhμurireta mμurdhan yaj¤asya samanaktu devån.
May Tvashta, creator of fine and sophisticated
forms, provide the weapons of defence and power for
virile Indra, lord defender of life. Let the dynamic man
going far and wide collect various and versatile materials
for his glory. Let the generous man of tempestuous speed
studying the rain and clouds at the head of yajna (of
science and technology) bring together the noblest
scholars and sages in the service of the generous Indra.
45. (Vanaspati Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
ouÆLifRÆkÆjo¼l"` VksÆ u ik'kSÆLReU;k¼ leÆ×t×N¼fEÆkÆrk u nsÆo% A
bUæ¼L; gÆO;StÆB Z j¯ i`.kkÆu% Lonk¼fr ;ÆKa e/q¼uk ?k`r s ¼ AAþÿAA
É u
Vanaspatiravas涢o na på‹aistmanyå sama-
¤ja¤chamitå na deva¨. Indrasya havyair-
ja¢hara≈ pæƒåna¨ svadåti yaj¤am madhunå
The chief of the forests, like an arrow shot from
the bow, with all the bonds of dedication of his heart
and soul, fills the treasures of Indra with created wealth
like the brilliant and blissful yajna of the nation, and
himself too enjoys the honey sweet gifts of the yajna.
46. (Svahakritayah Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
LrksÆdkukÆfeUnqaÉ izfRÆkÆ 'kwjÊ¿bUæks¼ o`"kkÆ;ek¼.kks o`"kÆHkLrq¼jkÆ"kkV~A
Æ "qz kkÆ eu¼lkÆ eksn¼ekukÆ% Lokgk¼ nsÆok¿vÆer
?k`Éri ` k¼ ekn;Urke~AAþö
Stokånåmindu≈ prati ‹μuraíindro væ¶åyamåƒo
væ¶abhasturå¶å¢. Ghætapru¶å manaså moda-
månå¨ svåhå devåíamætå mådayantåm.
May the brave, generous and exalted hero, Indra,
conqueror of the violent, and the brilliant realized souls
among humanity, rejoicing at heart by the sacred acts
of their holy sacrifice into the fire and gifts of love and
kindness, drink of the nectar sweets of soma in yajnic
life and live the ecstasy of their immortal being on earth.
47. (Indra Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vk;kÆfRoUæks¿o¼lÆ¿mi¼ u¿bÆg LrqÉr% l¼/Æekn¼LrqÉ 'kwj¼%A
`É kÆuLrfo¼"khÆ;ZL;¼ iwo
okÆo/ Z Z {kÆ=keÆfHkHkw¼fRÆkÆ iq";k¼r~ AAþ÷
É hZ|kSu
Å yåtvindroívasaíupa naíiha stuta¨ sadha-
mådastu ‹μ u ra¨. Våvædhånastavi¶∂ryasya
pμurv∂rdyaurna k¶atramabhibhμuti pu¶yåt.
May Indra, mighty hero, come for our defence
and protection here and, sung and celebrated, be with
us as a friend and companion, augmenting his forces
trained by veterans, which superior power of his forces,
able to suppress the enemies, may strengthen and
promote our social order like the umbrella of vast
48. (Indra Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vk uÆ¿ bUæks¼ nwÉjknk u¼¿vkÆlknf¼ Hkf"ÆVÆÑno¼ls ;klnqÉxz%A
vksft"¼ BsfHku`Éi ¼ kgq% lÆXs lÆeRlq¼ rqÉofZ .k¼% i`rÆU;wuA~ Aþø
Z fRÆkÆoTZ kzc
Å naíindro dμurådå naíåsådabhi¶¢ikædavase
yåsadugra¨. Oji¶¢hebhirnæpatirvajrabåhu¨
saΔge samatsu turvaƒi¨ pætanyμun.
Indra, come to us from far and near for our
protection. Mighty hero, achiever of cherished goals,
ruler of the people, man of arms of steel, victorious over
the enemies, come with the most powerful forces for
our defence in the battles of life.
49. (Indra Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vk uÆ¿bUæksÆ gfj¼fHk;kZÆRoPNk¼okZphÆuks¿o¼lsÆ jk/¼ls p A
fr"Bk¼fr oÆTkzh eÆ?kok¼ fojÊI'khea ;ÆKeuq¼ uksÆ okt¼lkrkSAAþù
Å naíindro haribhiryåtvacchårvåc∂noí vase
rådhase ca. Ti¶¢håti vajr∂ maghavå virap‹∂ma≈
yaj¤amanu no våjasåtau.
May Indra, eminent man of dynamic knowledge
and movement, come well with his power of horse for
our protection and advancement in prosperity. Wielder
of the thunderbolt, lord of power and majesty, mighty
strong, may he grace this our yajna with favour. May
he stand by us firm and inviolable in the battles of life.
50. (Indra Devata, Garga °Rshi)
=kkÆrkjÊfeUæ¼efOÆkÆrkjÊfeUæƧgos¼gos lqÉgoƧ'kwjÊfeUæ¼e~ A
à;kf¼ e 'kÆØa iq¼#gwrÉ feU漧LoÆfLr uks¼ eÆ?kok¼ /kÆfRoUæ¼%AAÿúAA
Tråtåramindramavitåramindra|m have have
suhava| m ‹uramindram. Hvayåmi ‹akra≈
puruhμ u tamindra| m svasti no maghavå
I invoke Indra, lord of might and majesty,
adorable and universally adored, saviour, protector and
promoter of His creation. I invoke Him for protection
in every problem of life.
I call upon Indra, royal and brave ruler of the
nation, saviour and protector of the people, and
destroyer of the nation’s enemies. I call upon him for
protection and solution of every problem in the life of
the nation.
I call upon Indra, commander of the army,
defender and protector of the land, instant in action, for
defence in every battle of the nation.
May Indra, saviour, protector, defender and
promoter of life, destroyer of evil and router of the
enemy, lord of power and prosperity, bless us with all
that is good and hold it safe for us.
51. (Indra Devata, Garga °Rshi)
bUæ%¼ lqÉ=kkekÆ Look¡üÆ AA¿voksf¼ Hk% lqeM ¼ rq fOÆkÆ'oosn
` hÆdks Hko ¼ k%A
ck/¼rkaÆ }s"kks¿Æ vHk¼;a Ñ.kksrq lqÉoh;Z×L;Æ ir; ¼ % L;ke AAÿûAA
Indra¨ sutråmå svavå| n íavobhi¨ sumæŒ∂ko
bhavatu vi‹vavedå¨. Bådhatå≈ dve¶oí abhaya≈
kæƒotu suv∂ryasya pataya¨ syåma.
May Indra, lord of life and the world, gracious
saviour and protector, sole lord of his power and people,
master of universal wealth and knowledge, lord of
progress and advancement, we pray, be kind and give
us all the protection we need.
May the lord keep off all hate and enemies and
bless us with freedom from fear. We pray we may be
defenders and promoters of manly power and honour.
52. (Indra Devata, Garga °Rshi)
rL;¼ oÆ;§ lq¼eÆrkS ;ÆfK;ÆL;kfi¼ HkÆæs lkS¼euÆls L;k¼e A
l lqÉ=kkekÆ Look¡ÆüAA¿bUæks¼¿vÆLes¿vkÆjkfPÆPÆkÆn~ }s"k¼% luqÉr&
;qZ×;ksrq AAÿüAA
Tasyaívaya|m sumatau yaj¤iyasyåpi bhadre
saumanase syåma. Sa sutråmå svavå|níindroí
asmeíåråccid dve¶a¨ sanutaryuyotu.
May Indra, lord of life and the world/Ruler of
the land, master of his own power and people, saviour
and protector, always and everyway keep off from us
whatever hate or emity is there far and near.
May we be with him in his yajna of life, in his
creative and constructive works, and abide by him
enjoying the favour of his love as well as judgement.
53. (Indra Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
vk eÆUæSfj¼UæÆ gfj¼fHk;kZÆfg eÆ;wj¼jksefHk% A ek RokÆ osQ
fPÆkÆf ;¼eÆu~ ¯o u ikÆf'kuks¿fRÆkÆ /Uos¼oÆ rk¡üAA¿b¼fg AAÿýAA
Å mandrairindra haribhiryåhi mayμuraromabhi¨.
Må två ke cinni yaman vi≈ na på‹inoíti dhanveva
Come Indra, lord of might and majesty, by your
charming peacock-haired horses. Let none whatsoever
hold you back, let no hunter catch you with snares like
a bird. March on like an exceptional hero of the bow,
advance and take them (the enemies) on.
54. (Indra Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
,ÉosfnUæaÆ o`"k¼.kaÆ oTkz¼ckgqaÉ ofl¼"Bklks¿vÆH;~pZUR;ÆoSZQ% A l
u¼% LrqÉrks ohÆjo¼¼krqÉ xkse|
¼ ; ¼ LoÆfLrfHÆkÆ% lnk¼ u%AAÿþAA
Éw a ikr
Evedindra≈ væ¶aƒå≈ vajrabåhu≈ vasi¶¢håso
abhyarcantyarkai¨. Sa na stuto v∂ravaddhåtu
gomad yμuya≈ påta svastibhi¨ sadå na¨.
The best, richest and most excellent people, well
settled in peace and prosperity, honour and worship with
prayers and good works Indra, lord of might and
majesty, ruler of the land and the world, hero of the
arms of steel. Honoured and worshipped thus, may he
hold and protect our land and nation blest with heroic
warriors and the wealth of cows, fields and pastures.
55. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
lfe¼¼ks¿vÆfXuj¼f'ouk rÆIrks ?kÆeksZ fOÆkÆjkV~ lqÉr%A
nqÉgs /sÆuq% lj¼LorhÆ lkse¼§ 'kqÉØfEÆkÆgsfUÆæÆ;e~ AAÿÿAA
Samiddhoí agnira‹vinå tapto gharmo virå¢
suta¨. Duhe dhenu¨ sarasvat∂ soma|m ‹ukrami-
Agni, lighted, heated, burning and blazing as
universal and sovereign light of the world, inspired with
vitality, creates food and energy for the Lord’s creation.
Sarasvati, voice of universal knowledge, holds
the pure nectar of the wealth and grandeur of the spirit
of life and, like a cow, yields it for the nourishment and
benefit of men and women of the world.
So must I create light and vitality. So should all
men and women do like the Ashvinis, powers of health
and nourishment.
56. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
rÆuwÉik fHÆkÆ"ktk¼ lqÉrs¨¿f'ouksÆHkk lj¼Lorh A
eèokÆ jtk¼¦lhfUÆæÆ;feUæk¼; iÆfFkfHk¼oZgku~ AAÿöAA
Tanμ u pa bhi¶aja suteí‹vinobhå sarasvat∂.
Madhvå rajå|ms∂ndriyamindråya pathibhir-
In this world of beauty created with the sweetness
of soma distilled from the spirit of nature, both the
Ashvinis, powers of health, the physicians, and
Sarasvati, scholar of knowledge and the divine voice,
should bear the honour and glory of Indra, lord of the
world, and render it back to Indra,the ruler, in faith and
57. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
bUækÆ;sUnqɧ lj¼LorhÆ ujkÆ'k§ls¼u uÆXugq¼e~ A
v/k¼rkeÆf'oukÆ e/q¼ Hks"kÆta fHÆkÆ"ktk¼ lqr
É s AAÿ÷AA
Indråyendu|m sarasvat∂ narå‹a|msena nagnahum.
Adhåtama‹vinå madhu bhe¶aja≈ bhi¶ajå sute.
Let Sarasvati, mother scholar of knowledge and
the Vedic voice, create the inspiring honour and joy of
life by the admirable yajna of the people in honour of
Indra, lord of yajna and the world.
Let the Ashvinis, experts of health and medicine,
create and bear the sweet medicinal panacea in honour
of the Lord.
58. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
vkÆtqàk¼ukÆ lj¼LoÆrhUæk¼;sfUÆæÆ;kf.k¼ ohÆ;~Ze~ A
bMk¼fHkjÊf'oukÆfo"kƧ lewtƧZ l§ jʯ; n/q%AAÿøAA
Åjuhvånå sarasvat∂ndråyendriyåƒi v∂ryam.
IŒåbhira‹vinåvi¶a| m samμ u rja| m sa| m rayi≈
The wife, woman of knowledge respected and
praised all round, should hold in the home the best of
health-giving, rejuvenating and powerful foods for her
husband’s body, mind and senses. The physicians and
nutricians should, with their knowledge and researches,
create special energising foods, elevating tonics and
blissful wealth of health.
59. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
vÆf'oukÆ ueq¼ps% lqÉr§ lkse¼§ 'kqÉØa i¼fjÆÏqrk¼ A
lj¼LorhÆ rekHk¼jn~ cÆ£g"ksUæk¼;Æ ikr¼os AAÿùAA
A‹vinå namuce¨ suta|m soma|m ‹ukra≈ parisrutå.
Sarasvat∂ tamåbharad bårhi¶endråya påtave.
The scholars of science and medicine and women
of knowledge and motherly love, with all their research
and yajnic dedication, should create and bear for Indra
pure nectars of vitality distilled from the juices extracted
from all herbs for the cure of chronic and deadly
60. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
dÆoÆ";ks¨ u O;p¼LorhjÊf'oH;kaÆ u nqjksÆ fn'k¼%A
bUæksÆ u jksn¼lh¿mÆHks nqÉgs dkekÆURlj¼Lorh AAöúAA
Kava¶yo na vyacasvat∂ra‹vibhyå≈ na duro
di‹a¨. Indro na rodas∂íubhe duhe kåmånt-
As the humming bees go round wide spaces, as
wide spaces are lit up by the sun and moon, as Indra,
universal energy, invigorates the heaven and earth, so
does Sarasvati, mother of vision and knowledge, with
the Ashvinis, fiery energy of the sun and soothing beauty
of the moon, create all the means of joy and comfort for
61. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
mÆ"kklkÆuDr¼ef'oukÆ fnosU漧lkÆ;fe¼fUÆæÆ;S%A
laÆtkÆukÆus lqÉis'k¼lkÆ le¼×tkrsÆ lj¼LoR;k AAöûAA
U¶åsånaktama‹vinå divendra|m såyamindriyai¨.
Sa¤jånåne supe‹aså sama¤jåte sarasvatyå.
Day and night from early dawn to evening,
Ashvinis, scholars of knowledge and wisdom, with
Sarasvati, mother of joy and generosity, in words of
sweetness and persuasion, knowing well together life
and its values, invest Indra, the human spirit, with a
handsome form and noble faculties, powers and
62. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
ikÆra uks¼¿vf'oukÆ fnok¼ ikÆfg uDr¼§ ljLofr A
nSO;k¼ gksrkjk fHk"ktk ikÆrfeUæƧlpk¼ lqÉrs AAöüAA
Påta≈ noía‹vinå divå påhi nakta|m sarasvati.
Daivyå hotårå bhi¶ajå påtamindra|m sacå sute.
Men of knowledge and wisdom, teachers and
preachers, and mother Sarasvati protect and promote
us day and night.
Noble men of yajna and sacrifice, men of health
and medicine, working together in the world, save and
protect the human spirit, create and protect the spirit of
63. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
fRÆkÆÏL=ksÆ/k lj¼LoR;Æf'oukÆ HkkjÊrhMk¼ A
rhÆoza i¼fjÆÏqrkÆ lkseÆfeUæk¼; lq"kqoqÉen
Z ¼e~ AAöýAA
Tisrastredhå sarasvatya‹vinå bhårat∂Œå. T∂vra≈
parisrutå somamindråya su¶uvurmadam.
Three motherly spirits, Vedic vision, knowledge
and wisdom, and the mother-land, and two powers of
health and medicine, may distil and create the intense
and joyous nectar of soma extracted from all nature for
Indra, the human soul, in three ways, that is, for physical,
mental and spiritual nourishment.
64. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
vÆf'ouk¼ Hks"kÆta e/q¼ Hks"kÆta uÆ% lj¼Lorh A
bUæsÆ Ro"VkÆ ;'kÆ% fJ;¼§:Æi§:¼ ie/q% lqÉrs AAöþAA
A‹vinå bhe¶ja≈ madhu bhe¶aja≈ na¨ sarasvat∂.
Indre tva¶¢å ya‹a¨ ‹riya|m rμupa|m rμupamadhu¨
The soma juice of health having been prepared
for us and Indra, the ruling powers, may the Ashvinis,
sanative powers of nature and the scholars, Sarasvati,
generous motherly women of knowledge, and Tvashta,
refiners and creators of beautiful forms bless us with
honey-sweets of life, honour, wealth and prosperity and
graceful forms of individual and social life appropriate
for everyone.
65. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
ÍÆrqÉFksUæksÆ ouÆLifr¼% 'k'kekÆu% i¼fjÆÏqrk¼ A
dhÆyky¼eÆf'oH;kaÆ e/q¼ nqÉgs /sÆuq% lj¼Lorh AAöÿAA
°Rtuthendro vanaspati¨ ‹a‹amåna¨ parisrutå.
K∂lålama‹vibhyå≈ madhu duhe dhenu¨
Let Indra, the ruling power, the chief of the
forests, the great growing trees, the generous cow and
the enlightened mother, Sarasvati, with the advice and
expertise of the Ashvinis, scholars of health care and
medication, create and produce powerful honey-tonics
from the flowing and fermenting juices according to
the seasons.
66. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
xksfHÆkÆuZ lkse¼ef'oukÆ ekl¼js.k ifjÆÏqrk¼ A
le¼/krƧ lj¼LoR;kÆ LokgsUæs¼ lqÉra e/q¼ AAööAA
Gobhirna somama‹vinå måsareƒa parisrutå.
Samadhåta| m sarasvatyå svahendre suta≈
Ashvinis, expert powers of health and nutrition,
like milk produced and held by cows, create and hold
for the man of power and glory soma, honey-sweet
tonics, distilled from widely extracted juices mixed with
curds and barley prepared by the generous mother
Sarasvati with love and dedication.
67. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
vÆf'ouk¼ gÆfofj¼fUÆæÆ;a ueq¼ps£èÆkÆ;k lj¼Lorh A
vk 'kqÉØek¼lqÉjk}lq¼ eÆ?kfeUæk¼; tfHkzjs AAö÷AA
A‹vinå havirindriya≈ namucerdhiyå sarasvat∂.
Å ‹ukramåsurådvasu maghamindråya jabhrire.
Let the Ashvinis, scholars of health and nature,
and Sarasvati, expert of science and the divine word,
with their intelligence and vision, distil and create from
the heavenly waters of space, modes of Prakriti, pure
vitality, exceptional drinks, wealth and prosperity,
sacred materials for yajna, and noble mind and senses
worthy of the man of honour and glory.
68. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
;eÆf'oukÆ lj¼Lorh gÆfo"ksUæÆeo¼¼Z;u~ A
l fc¼Hksn cÆya eÆ?ka ueq¼pkoklqÉjs lpk¼ AAöøAA
Yama‹vina sarasvat∂ havi¶endramavardhayan.
Sa bibheda vala≈ magha≈ namucåvåsure sacå.
Indra, man of power and glory, whom the
Ashvinis, masters of health and vitality, and Sarasvati,
lady of knowledge and divine speech, together, created
and reared with holy foods and drinks, could surely
break through the wondrous vitalities of nature hidden
in the heavenly waters of space.
69. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
rfeUæ¯ iÆ'koÆ% lpkÆf'ouksÆHkk lj¼Lorh A
n/k¼uk¿vÆH;~uw"kr gÆfo"kk¼ ;ÆK¿b¼fUÆæÆ;S% AAöùAA
Tamindra≈ pa‹ava¨ sacå‹vinobhå sarasvat∂.
Dadhånåíabhyanμu¶ata havi¶å yaj¤aíindriyai¨.
That wondrous vitality of soma which the
animals, both the Ashvinis, scholars of life sciences,
and Sarasvati, generous mother scholar of knowledge
and divine vision share and bear in common, you all
celebrate and intensify in yajna with powerful holy
offerings and yourselves shine bright in consequence.
70. (Indra-Savita-Varuna Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
;¿bU濼 bfUÆæÆ;a nÆ/%q lf¼ OÆkÆrk o#¼ .kksÆ Hkx¼%A
l lqÉ=kkek¼ gÆfo"i¼fRÆkÆ;Zt¼ekuk; l'pr AA÷úAA
Yaíindraíindriya≈ dadhu¨ savitå varuƒo
bhaga¨. Sa sutråmå havi¶patiryajamånåya
Lord creator Savita, supreme lord Varuna, and
Bhaga, lord of glory, bless Indra, lord of power and
prosperity, with wealth and riches of mind and sense.
The same lord Indra of yajna and holy materials, saviour
and protector of the soul, we pray, may provide for the
71. (Indra-Savita-Varuna Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
lÆfOÆkÆrk o#¼ .kksÆ n/Æ|t¼ekuk; nkÆ'kq"ks¼ A
vkn¼ÙkÆ ueq¼po Æs Zlq¼ lqÉ=kkekÆ cy¼fefUÆæÆ;e~ AA÷ûAA
Savitå varuƒo dadhad yajamånåya då‹u¶e.
Ådatta namucervasu sutråmå balamindriyam.
The supreme lord Varuna, creator Savita, and
saviour and protector of life Sutrama, collect energy,
prosperity and efficiency of intelligence from the spatial
currents of nature and bear it to bestow it on the generous
72. (Indra-Savita-Varuna Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
o#¼ .k% {kÆ=kfe¼fUÆæ;
Æ a Hkxs¼u lfOÆkÆrk fJ;¼e~ A
lqÉ=kkekÆ ;'kl¼ kÆ cyaÆ n/k¼uk ;ÆKek¼'kr AA÷üAA
Varuƒa¨ k¶atramindriya≈ bhagena savitå
‹riyam. Sutråmå ya‹aså bala≈ dadhåna
Just as Varuna, man of excellence, Savita,
creative man of inspiration, and Sutrama, protective man
of industry, create the social order, power, strength and
beauty, and hold and sustain it with honour and grace
and thereby attain the fruits of yajna. So should all men
and women try to achieve the earthly goal of their life
with yajna.
73. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
vÆf'oukÆ xksfHk¼fjfUÆæÆ;e'os¼fHkohZÆ;±̈ cy¼e~ A
gÆfo"ksUæƧlj¼LorhÆ ;t¼ekueo¼Z;u~ AA÷ýAA
A‹vinå gobhirindriyam a‹vebhirv∂rya≈ balam.
Havi¶endra|m sarasvat∂ yajamånamavardhayan.
The Ashvins, creative and curative powers of
nature, and the teacher and the preacher, and Sarasvati,
universal intelligence, and the woman of knowledge and
enlightenment advance Indra, prosperous man of yajna,
with wealth and power by cows and produce of the earth,
valour and prowess by horses, and moral and spiritual
strength by the holy foods of yajna fire.
74. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
rk ukl¼R;k lqÉis'k¼lkÆ fgj¼.;orZuhÆ ujk¼ A
lj¼Lorh gÆfo"eÆrhUæÆ deZ ×lq uks¿or AA÷þAA
Ta nasatya supe‹asa hiraƒyavaætani nara.
Sarasvati havi¶mat∂ndra karmasu noívata.
Indra, leader and path-maker possessed of the
wealth of knowledge and power, those two Ashvinis,
teacher and preacher, graceful of form, immaculate in
thought and conduct, foremost in virtue moving on the
paths of gold, and Sarasvati, generous mother
overflowing with yajnic materials, guide and protect us
on the paths of action.
75. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
rk fHÆkÆ"ktk¼ lqÉdeZ ×.kkÆ lk lqÉnq?kkÆ lj¼Lorh A
l o`=¼ kÆgk 'kÆroz¼QrqÉfjUæk¼; n/qfjfUÆæÆ;e~ AA÷ÿAA
Tå bhi¶ajå sukarmaƒå så sudughå sarasvat∂. Sa
vætrahå ‹atakraturindråya dadhurindriyam.
The two physicians of body and soul, teacher-
preacher and the doctor, the learned woman, giver of
total fulfilment, and the brilliant man of hundred-fold
genius, mighty opener of the treasures of good fortune,
may these create and promote all the power and
prosperity for Indra, the happy man.
76. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
;qÉo§lqÉjke¼ef'oukÆ ueq¼pkoklqÉjs lpk¼ A
fOÆkÆfIÆkÆikÆuk% lj¼LoÆrhUæaÆ deZ×Lokor AA÷öAA
Yuva|m suråmama‹vinå namucåvåsure sacå.
Vipipånå¨ sarasvat∂ndra≈ karmasvåvata.
Come Ashvinis, both protector promoters of life,
come-Sarasvati, enlightened mothers of the land, come
all of you together, and, drinking deep at the nation’s
fount of glory, defend her honour at every move in the
onward march to progress within the ceaseless flow of
divine evolution.
77. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
¼ fIÆkrÆ jko
iqÉ=kfeo ¼ Æf'ouksHÆ ksUækÆoFkq%É dkO;Sn
¼ §ÆZ luk¼fHk% A ;RlqjÉ keaÆ
O;fi¼cÆ% 'kph¼fHÆkÆ% lj¼Lorh Rok e?koÂfHk".ko~Q AA÷÷AA
Putramiva pitaråva‹vinobhendråvathu¨
kåvyairda|msanåbhi¨. Yatsuråma≈ vyapiba¨
‹ac∂bhi¨ sarasvat∂ två maghavannabhi¶ƒak.
Indra, lord of knowledge, power and grandeur,
now that you have drunk keep at the joyous fount of
life with your mighty deeds of grace worthy of poetic
songs of celebration, may Sarasvati, enlightened mother
of the land, recompense and consecrate you. May both
the Ashvinis, divine powers of health and intelligence,
like father and mother, protect and promote you as a
78. (Agni Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
;fLÆEkÆ ÆÂ'ok¼l¿Í"kÆHkkl¼¿mÆ{k.kks¼ oÆ'kk esÆ"kk¿v¼ol`É"VklÆ¿&
vkgq¼rk%A dhÆykÆyÆis lkse¼i`"Bk; osÆ/ls¼ âÆnk eƯr t¼u;Æ
pk#¼ eÆXu;s ¼ AA÷øAA
Yasminna‹våsaíæ¶abhåsaí uk¶aƒo va‹å me¶åí
avas涢åsaí åhutå¨. K∂lålape somap涢håya
vedhase hædå mati≈ janaya cårumagnaye.
Man of knowledge, enlightened citizen, blessed
is the land where horses, strong and virile bulls and
bullocks, cows, sheep and other animals are planned,
produced, raised, trained, and deployed in service; where
Agni, brilliant leader and ruler and a revered man of
knowledge is protector and promoter of food and bearer
of the burdens of soma for the prosperity of the people;
there, in the land, noble citizen, create a good
disposition, high opinion and charming love for Agni.
79. (Agni Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
vgk¼O;Xus gÆfojkÆL;s~ rs ÏqÉph~oÆ ?k`Éra pÆEoh~oÆ lkse¼%A
okÆtÆlfu§¼ jÊf;eÆLes lqÉohj¯ iz'kÆLra /sf¼ g ;Æ'kl¯ c`g
É Ur¼eA~ A÷ùAA
Ahåvyagne haviråsye te sruc∂va ghæta≈ camv∂va
soma¨. Våjasani| m rayimasme suv∂ra≈
pra‹asta≈ dhehi ya‹asa≈ bæhantam.
Agni, rich libations of havi, fragrant materials as
ghee in the ladle and soma in the cup are offered into
your fiery mouth. We pray create for us and bless us
with plenty of food and victorious generosity, noble war-
like children, wealth and prosperity and resounding
honour of universal order.
80. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Vidarbhi °Rshi)
vÆf'oukÆ rst¼lkÆ p{kq¼% izkÆ.ksuÆ lj¼Lorh ohÆ;Z~e~ A
okÆpsUæksÆ cysÆusUæk¼; n/qfjfUÆæÆ;e~ AAøúAA
A‹vinå tejaså cak¶u¨ pråƒena sarasvat∂ v∂ryam.
Våcendro balenendråya dadhurindriyam.
Ashivinis, creative powers of nature and the
experts of health and nutrition, Sarasvati, divine
intelligence and the enlightened mother, and Indra, the
sun and the man of knowledge and power, these create
and strengthen for the living soul the eye with light,
virility with pranic energy, a sharp mind with senses,
and honourable disposition with vital energy and noble
81. (Ashvinau Devate, Gritsamada °Rshi)
xkse¼nwÉ "kq .kk¼ÆlR;k'ok¼o|kref'ouk A
oÆÙkhZ #¼ æk u`ÉikÕ;¼e~ AAøûAA
Gomadμu ¶u ƒåsatyå‹våvadyåtama‹vina. Vartt∂
rudrå næpåyyam.
Ashvinis, eminent teacher and sagely preacher
going by the path of truth, and Rudras, men of justice
and rectitude, go slow by the path of the cow, go fast by
the path of the horse, as is fair, but see you go by the
path which is beneficial to humanity and worthy of
acceptance and support.
82. (Ashvinau Devate, Gritsamada °Rshi)
u ;RijksÆ ukUr¼j¿vknÆ/"kZ ×n~ o`"k.olw A
nqÉ%'k§lksÆ eR;ksZ× fjÆiq% AAøüAA
Na yatparo nåntaraí ådadhar¶ad væ¶aƒvasμu.
Du¨‹a|mso martyo ripu¨.
Ashvinis, ruler and defender, showers of wealth
and shelter of the strong, let there be no man too strong
uncontrollable, far or near or in the middle, to terrorize
us or jeopardize the state.
83. (Ashvinau Devate, Gritsamada °Rshi)
rk uÆ¿vk oks¼<ef'ouk jʯ; fIÆkÆ'kX¼lUn`'ke~ A
f/".;k¼ ofjoksÆfon¼e~ AAøýAA
Ta naíå voŒhama‹vinå rayi≈ pi‹aΔgasandæ‹am.
Dhi¶ƒyå varivovidam.
Ashvinis, both ruler and commander of the state,
with your intelligence, create, bear and manage the
wealth bright and beautiful as gold which may bring
honour and comfort to the nation.
84. (Sarasvati Devata, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
ikÆoÆdk uÆ% lj¼LorhÆ okts ¼fHkokZÆftuh¼orh A
;ÆKa o¼"Vq fèÆkÆ;ko¼lq% AAøþAA
Påvakå na¨ sarasvat∂ vjebhirvåjin∂vat∂. Yaj¤a≈
va¶¢u dhiyåvasu¨.
Sarasvati, mother spirit of divinity, mistress of
sacred knowledge and super-intelligence, purifier of the
mind and soul and creator of prosperity with divine
vision and knowledge of nature, may, we pray, grace
and intensify our yajna and bless us with purity and
85. (Sarasvati Devata, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
pksÆnÆfÕÆkÆ=kh lwÉu`rk¼ukÆa psr¼Urh lqerhÆuke~ A
;ÆKa n¼/Æs lj¼Lorh AAøÿAA
Codayitr∂ sμunætånå≈ cetant∂ sumat∂nåm. Yaj¤a≈
dadhe sarasvat∂.
Sarasvati inspires the voices of holy truth, she
awakens and brightens the noble intelligence of
intellectuals. May she, we pray, bear our yajna forward
and carry it on to high success.
86. (Sarasvati Devata, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
eÆgks¿v.kZÆ% lj¼LorhÆ iz ps¼r;fr osÆQrquk¼ A
f/;ksÆ fo'okÆ fojk¼tfr AAøöAA
Mahoíarƒa¨ sarasvat∂ pra cetayati ketunå.
Dhiyo vi‹vå viråjati.
Sarasvati, Divine Intelligence, inspires the cosmic
mind with consciousness and vests the universal Word
with meaning and self-revelation. It illuminates the
mental faculties of the soul with divine light and matures
their potential for self-expression.
87. (Indra Devata, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
bUæk;k¼fg fp=kHkkuks lqÉrk¿bÆes RokÆ;o¼% A
v.oh¼fHÆkÆLruk¼ iwÉrkl¼% AAø÷AA
Indråyåhi citrabhåno sutåíime tvåyava¨.
Aƒv∂bhistanå pμutåsa¨.
Indra, lord of versatile forms and lights of
knowledge, ruler, president of the assembly, come and
take your share of the things rich in quality, prepared
by hand and cleansed by fingers.
88. (Indra Devata, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
bUæk;k¼fg fèÆkÆ;sf"ÆkÆrks foiz¼twr% lqÉrko¼r% A
miÆ czãk¼f.k okÆ?kr¼% AAøøAA
Indråyåhi dhiye¶ito viprajμuta¨ sutåvata¨. Upa
brahmåƒi våghata¨.
Indra, lord of power and majesty, refined by
intelligence, inspired by the wise, enlightened by the
divine voice, come and accept the reverence and
hospitality of the makers of soma.
89. (Indra Devata, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
bUæk;k¼fgÆ rwrq¼tkuÆ¿miÆ czãk¼f.k gfjo% A
lqÉrs n¼f/"o uÆ'pu¼% AAøùAA
Indråyåhi tμutujånaíupa brahmåƒi hariva¨. Sute
dadhi¶va na‹cana¨.
Indra, lord of knowledge and power, come on
horse and chariot at your fastest and, in our yajnic
celebration, accept our homage of food and prayer.
90. (Ashvi-Sarasvati-Indra Devata, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
vÆf'ouk¼ ficrkaÆ e/qÉ lj¼LoR;k lÆtks"k¼lk A
bUæ¼% lqÉ=kkek¼ o`=kÆgk tqÉ"kUrk¼¦lksÆE;a e/q¼ AAùúAA
A‹vinå pibatå≈ madhu sarasvatyå sajo¶aså.
Indra¨ sutråmå vætrahå ju¶antå| m somya≈
Ashvinis, scholars of nature and teachers of
humanity, with Sarasvati, vision and voice of divinity,
may drink deep of the honey-sweets of life.
Indra, lord of power and prosperity, saviour of
society, dispeller of darkness and breaker of the clouds,
may enjoy the nectar-sweets of peace and somaic ecstasy.

bfr ¯o'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Varuna Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
bÆea es¼ o#.k JqÉ/h go¼eÆ|k p¼ e`G; A
Roke¼oÆL;qjkp¼osQ AAûAA
Ima≈ me varuƒa ‹rudh∂ havamadyå ca mæŒaya.
Varuna, lord supreme and first of my choice and
love, I yearn for light and protection and I have come to
you: Listen to this prayer of mine to-day and be pleased
to bless me.
2. (Varuna Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
rÙok¼ ;kfEÆkÆ czã.¼ kkÆ oUn¼ekuÆLrnk'kk¼LrsÆ ;t¼ekuks gÆfofHZk¼%A
¼ ekuks o#.ksÆg cksèÆ ;q#¼'k§lÆ ek uÆ¿vk;qÉ% izeks¼"kh%AAüAA
Tattvå yåmi brahmaƒå vandamånastadå‹åste
yajamåno havirbhi¨. AheŒamano varuƒeha
bodhyuru‹a|msa må naíåyu¨ pra mo¶∂¨.
Varuna, lord supreme, as the yajamana honours
you with holy offerings in worship, so do I come to you
singing songs of praise. Universally sung and celebrated,
pleased and gracious, enlighten us here. Let not our life
slip away through the fingers.
3. (Agni-Varuna Devate, Vamadeva °Rshi)
Roa uks¼¿vXusÆ o#¼ .kL; fOÆkÆ}ku~ nsÆoL;Æ gsGksÆ¿vo¼ ;kfl&
lh"Bk% A ;ft¼"BksÆ ofɼreÆ% 'kks'kq¼pkuksÆ fo'okÆ }s"kk¼¦fLÆkÆ
izeqeq¼Xè;ÆLer~ AAýAA
Tva≈ noíagne varuƒasya vidvån devasya heŒoí
ava yåsis∂¶¢hå¨. Yaji¶¢ho vahnitama¨ ‹o‹ucåno
vi‹vå dve¶å|nsi pra mumugdhyasmat.
Agni, sagely man of light, brilliant scholar and
teacher, most dedicated to yajna, surest guide to light
and life, purest purifier, save us from frivolity and
offence to Varuna, lord supreme of the world, and help
us keep away from all hate and anger.
4. (Agni-Varuna Devate, Vamadeva °Rshi)
l Roa uks¼¿vXus¿oÆeks Hk¼oksÆrh usfn¼"Bks¿vÆL;k mÆ"klksÆ
~ A vo¼ ;{o uksÆ o#¼.kƧ jjk¼.kks ohÆfg e`¼GhÆd§
lqÉgoks¼ u¿,f/ AAþAA
Sa tva≈ noíagneívamo bhavot∂ nedi¶¢hoíasyå
u¶aso uyu¶¢au. Ava yak¶va no varuƒa|m raråƒo
v∂hi mæŒ∂ka|m suhavo naíedhi.
Agni, light of life, be our saviour and protector
at the closest with all the favour and felicity as in the
light of the dawn. Joyous and generous, lead us on to
Varuna, lord supreme of the world. Kind and
compassionate, come in response to our invocation and
bring us the gifts of your grace.
5. (Adityah Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
eÆghewÉ "kq ekÆrj¼§lqozÆrkuk¼eÉr ` L;Æ iRuhÆeo¼ls gqose A
rqfÉ OÆkÆ{kÆ=kkeÆtjU¼ rheq:Æph¦ lq'É keZk.¼ kÆefnf¼ r§lqi
É .z khf¼ re~ AAÿAA
Mah∂mμu ¶u måtara|m suvratånåmætasya patn∂-
mavase huvema. Tuvik¶atråmajarant∂murμuc∂|m
su‹armåƒamaditi|m supraƒ∂tim.
For our protection and sustenance, we invoke and
serve the great Aditi, creative power of the universe,
mother of the observer of pious vows of discipline,
keeper of the universal laws of truth, mighty queen of
the earth, unageing, expansive, sweet shelter of all,
inviolable and the generator of noble values.
6. (Aditi Devata, Gayaplata °Rshi)
lqÉ=kkek¼.ka i`fFÆkÆoha |ke¼usÆgl¼§lqÉ'keZk¼.kÆefnf¼ r§lqÉiz.kh¼fre~A
nSohaÆ uko¼§LofjÆ=kkeuk¼xlÆeϼoUrhÆek#¼ gsek LoÆLr;s¼ AAöAA
Sutråmåƒam pæthiv∂m dyåmanehasa|m su‹armå-
ƒamaditi|m supraƒ∂tim. Daiv∂≈ nåva|m svaritrå-
manågasamasravant∂måruhemå svastaye.
Let us, for the sake of success and salvation,
mount the boat with efficient ores, sailing across to
safety, firm as earth, bright as heaven, inviolable, sweet
shelter, unbreakable, well-guided, divine, faultless and
free from leakage.
7. (Svargya Nau Devata, Gayaplata °Rshi)
lqÉukoÆek#¼ gs;ÆeϼoUrhÆeuk¼xle~ A
'kÆrkfj¼=kk¦LoÆLr;s¼ AA÷AA
Sunåvamåruheyamasravant∂manågasam. ›atå-
ritrå|m svastaye.
Let me ride the boat to safety and prosperity —
the boat is auspicious, faultless, sinless, and fitted with
a hundred oars.
8. (Mitra-Varunau Devate, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
vk uks¼ fe=kko#.kk ?k`ÉrSxZO;w¼freq{kre~ A
eèokÆ jtk¼¦fl lqØrw AAøAA
Å no mitråvaruƒå ghætairgavyμutimuk¶atam.
Madhvå rajå|nsi sukratμu.
Mitra and Varuna, noble experts of our yajna of
science and technology, sprinkle and consecrate our
underground path ways with water, and shower our
paths in the sky with honey.
9. (Agni Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
iz cÆkÆgok¼ fll`ra thÆols¼ uÆ¿vk uksÆ xO;w¼freq{kra ?k`Érsu¼ A
vk ekÆ tus¼ Jo;ra ;qokuk Jqr É a es¼ fe=kko#.kkÆ gosÆekAAùAA
Pra båhavå sisæta≈ j∂vase naíå no gavyμuti-
muk¶atam ghætena. Å må jane ‹ravayata≈
yuvånå ‹ruta≈ me mitråvaruƒå havemå.
Mitra and Varuna, young people of science and
technology, listen to this prayer of mine. Extend your
arms for the progress of our life. Sprinkle our yajnic
paths with water and ghrta. Speak among the people of
this programme of ours.
10. (Ritvijah Devata, Atreya °Rshi)
'kUuks¼ HkoUrq okÆftuksÆ gos¼"kq nsÆork¼rk fEÆkÆræ¼o% LoÆdkZ%A
tÆEHk;ÆUrks¿¯gÆ o`d§Æ j{kk¼¦fLÆkÆ lusE¼ ;ÆLe|q¼;oÆUueho
¼ k%AAûúAA
›a≈ no bhavantu våjino have¶u devatåtå mita-
drava¨ svarkå¨. Jambhayantoíhi≈ væka| m
rak¶å|nsi sanemyasmadyuyavannam∂vå¨.
May the brilliant men of science and power of
arms, noble and generous, moving at a balanced speed,
be always good and auspicious to us in our projects. As
the sun breaks down the clouds, so, destroying the
serpents, wolves and demons of the society, may they
remove our wants and ailments and give us peace and
11. (Vidvanso Devata, Atreya °Rshi)
okts¼okts¿or okftuks uksÆ /us¼"kq foizk¿ve`rk¿ÍrKk% A
vÆL; eèo¼% ficr ekÆn;¼èoa r`ÉIrk ;k¼r iÆfFkfHk¼nsZo&Æ
;kuS¼% AAûûAA
Våjevåjeívata våjino no dhane¶u vipråíamætåí
ætaj¤å¨. Asya madhva¨ pibata mådayadhva≈
tæptå yåta pathibhirdevayånai¨.
Brilliant geniuses of the yajna of science and
technology, self-realized souls, visionaries of the truths
and laws of nature, defend and advance us in battle after
battle of our life and in all our economic projects.
Drinking deep of the honey-sweets of this programme,
rejoice, content yourselves and, having completed your
purpose of life, retire by the paths of the divines.
12. (Agni Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
lfe¼¼ks¿vÆfXu% lÆfe/kÆ lql¼fe¼ksÆ ojs¼.;%A
xkÆ;Æ=kh NUn¼¿bfUÆæÆ;a =;fOÆkÆxkSZoZ;ks¼ n/q% AAûüAA
Samiddhoíagni¨ samidhå susamiddho vareƒya¨.
Gåyatr∂ chandaíindriya≈ tryavirgaurvayo
The yajna fire lighted and fed with holy fuel, the
blazing sun, the brilliant man of knowledge, gayatri
verses, the divine speech that sustains the body, mind
and soul, these bear the life and honour for us and the
13. (Vidvanso Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
ruwÉuikÆPNqfp¼ozrLruwÉik'pÆ lj¼Lorh A
mÆf".kgkÆ NUn¼¿bfUÆæÆ;a fn¼R;ÆokM~ xkSoZ;ks¼ n/q% AAûýAA
Tanμunapåcchucivratastanμupå‹ca sarasvat∂.
U¶ƒihå chandaíindriya≈ dityavåŒ gaurvayo
The protective powers of the body, the sustaining
powers, those who observe the holy vows of purity, the
creative intelligence of the universe, the ushnik verses,
the redeemer of the fallen, the chant of divinity, these
hold the secret of life and splendour for humanity.
14. (Vidvanso Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
bMk¼fHkjÊfXujhMÔÆ% lkseks¼ nsÆoks¿ve¼R;Z%A
vÆuqÉ"Vqi~ NUn¼¿bfUÆæÆ;a i×pk¼fOÆkÆxkSZoZ;ks¼ n/q%AAûþAA
IŒåbhiragnir∂Œya¨ somo devoíamartya¨. Anu-
¶¢up chandaíindriya≈ pa¤cåvirgaurvayo
Agni, brilliant power of light and knowledge
worthy of homage and research with holy mantras, the
generous and divine Soma, the self-realized soul,
anushtup verses, the sustainers and protectors of the
five orders of humanity from the highest to the lowest,
and the scholar singer of the divine Word, these hold
the secrets of life and age with perfect mind and senses
for us.
15. (Vidvanso Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
lqÉcÆ£gjÊfXu% iw¼"kÊ.okURLrhÆ.kZc¼£gÆje¼R;Z%A
c`ÉgÆrh NUn¼¿bfUÆæ;
Æ a f=k¼oÆRlks xkSoZ;ks¼ n/q%AAûÿAA
Subarhiragni¨ pμ u ¶aƒvåntst∂rƒabarhir-
amartya¨. Bæhat∂ chandaíindriya≈ trivatso
gaurvayo dadhu¨.
Agni, divine light and knowledge omnipresent
in space, blazing and beautiful, immortal existence and
source of sustenance, and the sagely scholar, master of
his body, mind and soul, and the divine speech, these
hold the knowledge and the mind and senses for the
16. (Vidvanso Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
nqjks¼ nsÆoh£n'kks¼ eÆghczZÆãk nsÆoks c`gÆLifr¼%A
iÆfƒ'NUn¼¿bÆgsfUÆæÆ;a rq¼Õ;ZÆokM~ xkSoZ;ks¼ n/q%AAûöAA
Duro dev∂rdi‹o mah∂rbrahmå devo bæhaspati¨.
PaΔkti‹chandaíihendriya≈ turyavåŒ gaurvayo
In the world here, the grand directions of space,
divine revelations through the doors of nature, Brahma,
lord of knowledge, the sun, great source of light and
warmth, pankti verses, the sage in the fourth quarter of
his life’s experience, and the generous cow, these bear
the life and the wealth of life for us.
17. (Vishvedeva Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
mÆ"ks ;Æàh lqÉis'k¼lkÆ fo'os¼ nsÆok¿ve¼R;kZ%A
f=ÆkÆ"Vqi~ NUn¼¿bÆgsfUÆæÆ;a i¼"BÆokM~ xkSoZ;ks¼ n/q%AAû÷AA
U¶e yahv∂ supe‹aså vi‹ve devåíamartyå¨.
Tri¶¢up chandaíihendriya≈ pa¶¢havåŒ gaurvayo
In this world here, the early dawn and the evening
twilight with the grandeur and peace of their beauty,
the immortal powers of divinity in life and nature,
trishtup verses, the ox that patiently carries the burdens
on his back, these bear and sustain the life and senses
for us all.
18. (Vishvedeva Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
nSO;kÆ gksrk¼jk fHÆkÆ"ktsUæs¼.k lÆ;qtk¼ ;qÉtk A
tx¼rhÆ NUn¼¿bfUÆæÆ;e¼uÆM~oku~ xkSoZ;ks¼ n/q%AAûøAA
Daivyå hotårå bhi¶ajendreƒa sayujå yujå. Jagat∂
chandaíindriyamanaŒvån gaurvayo dadhu¨.
Two divine personalities dedicated to yajna, the
physicians, men of focussed mind working together (like
fire and wind in the sky), jagati verses, the bull and the
cow, these hold and bear the life and the desired wealth
of life for us.
19. (Vishvedeva Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
fRÆkÆÏ¿bMkÆ lj¼LorhÆ Hkkj¼rh eÆ#rksÆ fo'k¼% A
fOÆkÆjkV~ NUn¼¿bÆgsfUÆæÆ;a /sÆuqxkSZuZ o;ks¼ n/q% AAûùAA
TisraíiŒå sarasvat∂ bhårat∂ maruto vi‹a¨. Virå¢
chandaíihendriya≈ dhenurgaurna vayo dadhu¨.
In the world here, three, earth, Speech and
Intelligence, the winds, the humans and other living
forms, and virat verses, like the milch cow and the
bullock, sustain the life and the health and wealth of
life for us.
20. (Vishvedeva Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
Ro"Vk¼ rqÉjhiksÆ¿vn~Hkq¼r¿bUækÆXuh iq¼f"ÆVÆoèkZ ×uk A
f}i¼nkÆ NUn¼¿bfUÆæÆ;eqÉ{kk xkSuZ o;ks¼ n/q% AAüúAA
Tva¶¢å tur∂poí adbhutaíindrågn∂ pu¶¢ivardhanå.
Dvipadå chandaíindriyamuk¶å gaurna vayo
Nature’s speedy and wonderful power of catalysis
and formation, pranic energy, vital heat and light, givers
of vigour and growth, the two-pada verses, like the virile
bull and the generous cow, bear the secrets of life as
well as the mind and senses.
21. (Vishvedeva Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
'kÆfEÆkÆrk uksÆ ouÆLifr¼% lfOÆkÆrk iz¼lqÉou~ Hkx¼e~ A
dÆoqQi~ NUn¼¿bÆgsfUÆæÆ;a oÆ'kk osÆg};ks¼ n/q% AAüûAA
›amitå no vanaspati¨ savitå prasuvan bhagam.
Kakup chandaíihendriya≈ va‹å vehadvayo
The best of peace-giving trees and herbs and the
chief of the forests, the sun that creates and promotes
the grandeur of life, the Kakup verses, the barren cow
as well as the cow in season create for us the desired
objects of life.
22. (Vidvanso Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
Lokgk¼ ;ÆKa o#¼ .k% lq{kÆ=kks Hks¼"kÆta o¼Qjr~ A
vfr¼PNUnk¿bfUÆæÆ;a c`Égn`¼"kÆHkks xkSoZ;ks¼ n/q%AAüüAA
Svåhå yaj¤a≈ varuƒa¨ suk¶atro bhe¶aja≈ karat.
Aticchandåíindriya≈ bæhadæ¶abho gaurvayo
Varuna, lord supreme of the grand order of
humanity, with creative yajnic acts, creates the yajna of
unification and produces sanative drugs and waters for
health. The atichhanda verses, rishabha, the mighty
generous bull, and the supreme herbs provide the means
of life and prosperity beyond ordinary desires.
23. (Rudras Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
oÆlÆUrsu¼¿ÍÆru q k¼ nsÆok ol¼ofLÆ=ÆkÆo`rk¼ LrqÉrk%A
jÊFkÆUrÆjs.kÆ rst¼lk gÆfofjUæsÆ o;ks ¼ n/q%AAüýAA
Vasantenaíætunå devå vasavastrivætå stutå¨.
Rathantareƒa tejaså havirindre vayo dadhu¨.
The brilliant and generous Vasus, celebrated and
worshipped with the Rathantara Sama, along with the
spring season and with their own splendour, create the
energies for the growth of life in the soul.
24. (Vishvedeva Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
xzhÆ"es.k¼¿ÍÆrquk¼ nsÆok #Ææk% i¼×pnÆ'ks LrqÉrk%A
c`ÉgÆrk ;'k¼lkÆ cy§¼ gÆfofjUæsÆ o;ks¼ n/q%AAüþAA
Gr∂¶meƒaíætunå devå rudrå¨ pa¤cada‹e stutå¨.
Bæhatå ya‹aså bala|m havirindre vayo dadhu¨.
The generous Rudras worshipped with the
fifteenfold stoma of Brihat Sama, with the summer
season create strength and power with honour for the
life of the soul.
25. (Indra Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
oÆ"kkZfHk¼ÍZÆ rquk¼fnÆR;k Lrkse¼s lIrnÆ'ks LrqÉrk%A
oSÆ:Æis.k¼ fOÆkÆ'kkSt¼lk gÆfofjUæsÆ o;ks¼ n/q%AAüÿAA
Var¶åbhirætunådityå stome saptada‹e stutå¨.
Vairμupeƒa vi‹aujaså havirindre vayo dadhu¨.
The Adityas, worshipped with seventeenfold
stoma in virupa verses, alongwith the rainy season,
create life and life-energies alongwith lustre and noble
people for enrichment of the soul for Indra.
26. (Vishvedeva Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
'kkÆjÊnsu¿¼ ÍÆrquk¼ nsÆok¿ ,¼dfOÆkƧ'k¿ÍÆHko¼ LrqÉrk%A
oSÆjkÆtsu¼ fJÆ;k fJ;¼§gÆfofjUæsÆ o;ks ¼ n/q%AAüöAA
Såradenaíætunå devåíekavi|m‹aíæbhava stutå¨.
Vairåjena ‹riyå ‹riya≈ havirindre vayo dadhu¨.
The Ribhus, brilliant and generous artists
celebrated in the twenty-one fold stoma with the Viraja
verses, in unison with the autumn season, create for man
the means of health and age, comfort and beauty, and
vest it in the soul with all the grace and majesty.
27. (Vidvanso Devata, Atreya °Rshi)
gsÆeÆUrsu¼¿ÍÆrquk¼ nsÆokfL=k¼.kÆos eÆ#r¼ LrqÉrk%A
cys¼uÆ 'kDo¼jhÆ% lgks¼ gÆfofjUæsÆ o;ks¼ n/q%AAü÷AA
Hemantenaíætunå devåstriƒave maruta stutå¨.
Balena ‹akvar∂¨ saho havirindre vayo dadhu¨.
The brilliant and generous Maruts, fiery and
stormy geniuses, celebrated in the twenty seven fold
stoma with shakvari verses, with the clouds, in unison
with the winter season, create the means of good life
and living and the courage and patience of mind and
vest it in the soul.
28. (Vishvedeva Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
s k¼¿ÍÆru
'kSÆf'ÆkÆj. q k¼ nsÆokL=k¼;fLÆ=kÆ Æ§'ks¿¨ e`rk¼ LrqÉrk%A
lÆR;su¼ jsÊorh¼% {kÆ=k§gÆfofjUæsÆ o;ks¼ n/q%AAüøAA
›ai‹ireƒaíætunå devåstrayastri|m‹eímætå stutå¨.
Satyena revat∂¨ k¶atra| m havirindre vayo
Immortal powers of exceptional brilliance and
generosity celebrated in thirty three fold stoma with
revati verses, in unison with the cool and dewy season,
create, with truth and full faith, health and age, means
of good living, and a powerful social order for the master
mind and vest all these in Indra, the mighty soul.
29. (Agni, Ashvi, Indra, Sarasvati etc. Devata, Svastyatreya
gksrk¼ ;{kRlÆfe/kÆ¿fXufEÆkÆMLiÆns¨¿f'ousUæƧlj¼LorheÆtks
/wekz s u xksÆ/weÊ%S oqQo¼ySHksZ"kÆta e/qÉ 'k"iSu
Æ Z rst¿¼ bfUÆæÆ;a i;Æ%
lkse¼% ifjÊÏqrk¼ ?k`Éra e/qÉ O;URokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAüùAA
Hotå yak¶at samidhåígni≈iŒaspadeí‹vine-
ndra|m sarasvat∂majo dhμumro na godhμumai¨
kuvalairbhe¶aja≈ madhu ‹a¶pairna tejaí
indriya≈ paya¨ soma¨ parisrutå ghæta≈ madhu
vyantvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the generous man perform yajna on the earth
and light the fire in the vedi with holy fuel in honour of
Agni, light of life, Ashvinis, sun and moon, Indra,
cosmic power, and Sarasvati, creative intelligence of
the universe.
Like the purple fire and grey smoke of the yajna,
sweet sanative fragrances would rise with the libations
of wheat and berries as shoots of grass. Like the
brilliance of fire would follow the lustre of life, wealth
and prosperity, milk and delicacies, soma distilled from
nature, nectar of waters and honey-sweets of the world.
O devotee of yajna, perform the sacrifice with
the richest offerings in faith.
30. (Ashvinis and Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆÙkuwÉuikRlj ¼LorhÆefo¼esZÆ"kks u Hks¼"kÆta iÆFkk
e/q¼erkÆ Hkj¼ÂÆf'ousUæk¼; ohÆ;±¨ cn¼jS#iÆokdk¼fHkHksZ"kÆta
rksDe¼fHÆkÆ% i;Æ% lkse¼% ifjÊÏqrk¼ ?k`Éra e/qÉ O;URokT;¼L;Æ
gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAýúAA
Hotå yak¶attanμunapåt sarasvat∂mavirme¶o na
bhe¶aja≈ pathå madhumatå bharann-
a‹vinendråya v∂rya≈ badarairupavåkå-
bhirbhe¶aja≈ tokmabhi¨ paya¨ soma¨ parisrutå
ghæta≈ madhu vyantvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the man of yajna, preserver of good health,
perform yajna in honour of Sarasvati, creative intelligence
of the world, and Ashvinis, sanative and curative powers
of nature who, like a ram, protector of the flock, bear for
Indra, the soul, efficacious tonics, manly vigour and
splendour by the honeyed paths of health. Let him perform
the yajna with berries, superior barley and shoots of corn;
and then medicinal waters, juices, milk, soma from herbal
essences, butter and honey would follow.
O man of yajna, perform the yajna with the best
of ghrta and fragrant materials.
31. (Ashvinis and Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆÂjkÆ'k§laÆ u uÆXugqÉa ifRÆkƧ lqj¼;k Hks"kÆta esÆ"k%
lj¼Lorh fHÆkÆ"kxzFkksÆ u pÆUæÔ¨f'ouks¼oÆZik¿bUæ¼L; ohÆ;±¨
cn¼jS#ÆiÆokdk¼fHkHksZ"kÆta rksDe¼fHÆkÆ% i;Æ% lkse¼% ifjÊÏqrk¼
?k`Éra e/qÉ O;URokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAýûAA
Hotå yak¶annarå‹a|msa≈ na nagnahu≈ pati|m
surayå bhe¶aja≈ me¶a¨ sarasvat∂ bhi¶agratho
na candryasvinorvapåíindrasya v∂rya≈ badarai-
rupavåkåbhirbhe¶aja≈ tokmabhi¨ paya¨ soma¨
parisrutå ghæta≈ madhu vyantvåjyasya
Let the man of yajna perform yajna in honour of
the master challenger of want and wickedness like a hero
of people’s celebration, and pray for medicinal cures with
stimulating tonics, and for heroic lustre of life with the
offers of berries, barley and shoots of corn in all sincerity
of word and deed. And the generous scholar, Sarasvati,
mother of life and intelligence, the physician, like a
brilliant warrior of the chariot, would bless him. And
then the sanative blessings of earth and heaven, delicious
drinks and milk, soma distilled from herbal essences,
nectar-like waters and butter and honey would follow.
Man of yajna, perform the yajna with the best of
ghrta and fragrant offerings.
32. (Sarasvati and Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kfnÆMsfMÆr¿vkÆtqàk¼uÆ% lj¼LorhÆfeUæaÆ cys¼u oÆ/Z&
;¼Â`"kÆHks.kÆ xos¼fUÆæÆ;eÆf'ousUæk¼; Hks"kÆta ;oS¼% dÆoZQU/q¼fHÆk&Æ
eZ/¼q ykÆtuS Z ekl¼jÊa i;Æ% lkse%¼ ifjÊÏr
q k¼ ?k`r
É a e/qÉ O;URokT;L¼ ;Æ
gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAýüAA
Hotå yak¶adiŒeŒitaí åjuhvåna¨ sarasvat∂-
mindra≈ balena vardhayannæ¶abheƒa gave-
ndriyama‹vinendråya bhe¶aja≈ yavai¨
karkandhubhirmadhu låjairna måsara≈ paya¨
soma¨ parisrutå ghæta≈ madhu vyantvåjyasya
Inspired by grace, called by the sacred voice, let
the man of yajna perform the yajna in honour of Sarasvati,
divine intelligence, Indra, universal glory, and Ashvinis,
nature’s powers of health and growth, with libations of
barley, excellent berries as well as puffed rice. He would
thus be strengthening, refining and promoting food,
medicines and life’s beauty for the soul with the aid of
medicinal plants and cow’s milk. And then milk and
delicious drinks, soma distilled from herbal juices, ghee
and honey would follow.
Arise, faithful man of yajna, perform the yajna,
and move on to growth.
33. (Ashvins etc. Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kn~ cÆ£g:.kZ×en z k fHÆkÆ"kÄ~ uklR¼ ;k fHÆkÆ"ktkÆ¿f'ouk¿&
'okÆ f'k'kq¼erh fHÆk"Æ kX/sÆu%q lj¼Lorh fHÆkÆ"kXnqÉg¿bUæk¼; Hks"kÆta
i;Æ% lkse%¼ ifjÊÏr q k¼ ?k`r
É a e/qÉ O;URokT;L¼ ;Æ gksr; Æ tZ ¼ AAýýAA
Hotå yak¶ad barhirμurƒamradå bhi¶aΔ nasatyå
bhi¶ajåí‹vinåí‹vå ‹i‹umat∂ bhi¶agdhenu¨
sarasvat∂ bhi¶agduhaíindråya bhe¶aja≈ paya¨
soma¨ parisrutå ghæta≈ madhu vyantvåjyasya
Let the man of yajna, the physician, perform the
yajna to explore the soft and deep skies. Let the two
faithful physicians of nature, the Ashvinis, the expert
physician specialist of the mare with the foal, the expert
physician specialist of the milch cow, and Sarasvati,
scholar of the divine voice, distil from nature divine
cures for Indra, the soul. And then milk and rejuvenating
drinks, soma from vital juices, ghee and honey would
Man of yajna, perform the yajna with the best
libations of ghrta.
34. (Ashvinis etc. Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆíqjksÆ fn'k¼% doÆ";ks¨ u O;p¼LorhjÊf'oH;kaÆ u
nqjksÆ fn'kÆ¿bUæksÆ u jksn¼lhÆ nq?ks¼ nqÉgs /su
Æ %q lj¼LoR;Æf'ousUæk;
Hks"kÆt§'kqÉØa u T;ksfr¼fjfUÆæÆ;a i;Æ% lkse¼% ifjÊÏqrk¼ ?k`Éra
e/qÉ O;URokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAýþAA
Hotå yak¶adduro di‹a¨ kava¶yo na vyacasvat∂-
ra‹vibhyå≈ na duro di‹aíindro na rodas∂ dughe
duhe dhenu¨ sarasvatya‹vinendråya bhe¶aja≈
‹ukra≈ na jyotirindriya≈ paya¨ soma¨
parisrutå ghæta≈ madhu vyantvåjyasya
Let the man of yajna perform the yajna of
exploration, explore the highways of spaces, resounding
and expansive as if the doors of the spaces are opened
by Indra and Agni for him. Let him, like Indra, explore
earth and heaven both replete with energy like the
mother cow. Let Sarasvati, scholar and visionary of the
divine word, explore the sun and the moon, distil the
panacea and splendour of life as pure and powerful as
light itself for Indra, the soul. And then milk and
delicious drinks, soma distilled from nature, ghee and
honey would follow and flow upon the earth.
Man of yajna, perform the yajna with the best of
ghee in love and faith.
35. (Ashvinis etc. Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kRlqi ¼ ks"Æ ks uDraÆ fnokÆ¿f'oukÆ le×¼ tkrsÆ lj¼LoR;kÆ
É 's kl
fRof"ÆkÆfeUæsÆ u Hks¼"kÆt§';sÆuks u jt¼lk âÆnk fJÆ;k u ekl¼jaÊ
i;Æ% lkse%¼ ifjÊÏr q k¼ ?k`rÉ a e/qÉ O;URokT;L¼ ;Æ gksr; Z ¼ AAýÿAA
Æ t
Hotå yak¶at supe‹aso¶e nakta≈ divåí‹vinå
sama¤jåte sarasvatyå tvi¶imindre na bhe¶aja≈
‹yeno na rajaså hædå ‹riyå na måsara≈ paya¨
soma¨ parisrutå ghæta≈ madhu vyantvåjyasya
Just as the beautiful dawn and twilight decorate
the day and night, just as the Ashvinis, sun and moon,
with Sarasvati, currents of universal energy, vest and
brighten up lustre and vitality in Indra, the powerful
soul, so should the man of yajna, like an eagle (scholar),
one with the soma of the sky, bring and offer rice and
barley pudding in yajna with whole-hearted faith and
grace of mind. And then milk and delicious drinks, soma
distilled from nature, ghee and honey would follow and
flow on the earth.
Man of yajna, perform the yajna with the purest
36. (Ashvinis and others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆíSO;kÆ gksrk¼jk fHÆkÆ"ktkÆf'ousUæaÆ u tkx`¼fOÆkÆ fnokÆ
uDraÆ u Hks¼"kÆtS% 'kw"kʧ lj¼Lorh fHÆkÆ"kDlhls¼u nqg¿bfUÆæÆ;a
i;Æ% lkse%¼ ifjÊÏr q k¼ ?k`r
É a e/qÉ O;URokT;L¼ ;Æ gksr; Z ¼ AAýöAA
Æ t
Hotå yak¶addaivyå hotårå bhi¶ajåí ‹vinendra≈
na jågævi divåí nakta≈ na bhe¶ajai¨ ‹μu¶a|m
sarasvat∂ bhi¶ak s∂sena duhaíindriya≈ paya¨
soma¨ parisrutå ghæta≈ madhu vyantvåjyasya
Just as the celestial priests and physicians, the
Ashvinis, fire and wind, perform the cosmic yajna of
evolution in honour of Indra, universal life energy, and
just as Sarasvati, divine creativity, or the enlightened
physician, active day and night, creates vital energy with
sanative waters and lead and distils the glory for Indra,
the soul, from nature, so should the man of yajna perform
the sacrifice to the lord supreme for the sake of the soul.
And then milk and delicious drinks, soma distilled from
nature, ghee and honey would follow and flow upon
the earth.
Man of yajna, perform the yajna with the best of
ghee and fragrance.
37. (Ashvinis & Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kfÙÆkÏ Æ huZ Hks"¼ kÆta =k;¼fLÆ=kÆ Æ/kro
Æ ks nso ¼ ks¿Æ ilks¼ :ÆifeUæs¼
fgjÊ.;;¼eÆf'ousMkÆ u Hkkj¼rh okÆpk lj¼LorhÆ egÆ¿bUæk¼;
nqg¿ bfUÆæÆ;a i;Æ% lkse¼% ifjÊÏqrk¼ ?k`Éra e/qÉ O;URokT;¼L;Æ
gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAý÷AA
Hotå yak¶attisro dev∂rna bhe¶aja≈ trayastri-
dhåtavoípaso rμupamindre hiraƒyayama‹vineŒå
na bhårat∂ våcå sarasvat∂ mahaí indråya duha
indriya≈ paya¨ soma¨ parisrutå ghæta≈ madhu
vyantvåjyasya hotaryaj.
Let the man of yajna perform the yajna, invoking
three divine powers, Ida, eternal speech and intelligence,
Sarasvati, fluent speech, and Bharati, specific intelligence,
and let him pray to the Ashvinis, sanative powers of
nature, for curative waters of health and longevity
(bheshajam). The three as well as the Ashvinis would
create threefold balance of health (with sattva, rajas and
tamas — intellect, energy and matter — and three humors
of vata, pitta, and cough), turn it into a golden form and
vest it into Indra, the soul. Thus do the Ashvinis as well
as Ida, Sarasvati and Bharati, with speech and energy,
create glory and prosperity from nature for the soul.
Man of yajna, perform the yajna with ghee, and
then milk and delicious drinks, soma distilled from juices,
nectars of water and ghee and honey would follow and
flow upon the earth.
38. (Ashvinis and Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kRlqÉjr
s ¼le`"kÆHka u;Zki
¼ laÆ Ro"Vk¼jfÊ eUæe
¼ fÆ 'ouk¼ fHÆk"Æ ktaÆ
u lj¼LorhÆekstksÆ u twfÉ rfj¼fUÆæÆ;a o`dksÆ u j¼HkÆlks fHÆk"Æ kX;'kÆ%
lqj¼;k Hks"kÆt§fJÆ;k u ekl¼jaÊ i;Æ% lkse¼% ifjÊÏqrk¼ ?k`Éra
e/qÉ O;URokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAýøAA
Hotå yak¶at suretasamæ¶abha≈ naryåpasa≈
tva¶¢åramindrama‹vinå bhi¶aja≈ na sarasvat∂-
mojo na jμutirindriya≈ væko na rabhaso bhi¶ag
ya‹a¨ surayå bhe¶aja≥ ‹riyå na måsara≈ paya¨
soma¨ parisrutå ghæta≈ madhu vyantvåjyasya
Let the man of yajna perform the yajna and invoke
the virile, powerful, noble maker and creator Tvashta,
destroyer of suffering, Indra, lord of power and majesty,
Ashvinis, nature’s energy of wind and electricity,
Sarasvati, universal intelligence as well as the physician,
all creators and harbingers of health and growth. And
like an expert of health he would attain brilliance of health
as well as the drive and splendour for living, ardour of
movement as well as the lightning of the thunderbolt,
honour and reputation as tonics, medicaments with
curative waters, and holy food with beauty and grace.
And further, delicious drinks and milk, soma distilled as
the essence of herbal juices, butter and nectars of waters,
and honey would follow and flow upon the earth.
Man of yajna, perform the yajna with the best of
39. (Ashvinis etc. Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆ}uÆLifr¼§'kfEÆkÆrkj¼§'kÆroz¼Qrqa HkhÆea u eÆU;q§ jktk¼ua
¼ kÆf'oukÆ HkkeƧlj¼Lorh fHÆkÆf"kfxUæk;
O;kÆ?kza uel ¼ nqg¿bfUÆæ;Æ a
i;Æ% lkse%¼ ifjÊÏr q k¼ ?k`r
É a e/qÉ O;URokT;L¼ ;Æ gksr; Z ¼ AAýùAA
Æ t
Hotå yak¶ad vanaspati|m ‹amitåra|m ‹atakratu≈
bh∂ma≈ na manyu| m råjåna≈ vyåghra≈
namasåí ‹vinå bhåma|m sarasvat∂ bhi¶agindråya
duhaíindriya≈ paya¨ soma¨ parisrutå ghæta≈
madhu vyantvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the man of yajna offer the sacrifice in honour
of the lord of sun-rays, Vanaspati, giver of peace, hero
of a hundred noble acts of yajna and yet fearsome and
passionate, the ruler, majestic as a lion with the
thunderbolt. And Ashvinis, nature’s currents of energy
(and the president of the assembly and the commander
of the army) and Sarasvati, noble intelligence and speech
as well as the physician would create righteous anger
and dignity for Indra, the ruler. And then all round
prosperity, milk and drinks, soma, beauty and grace,
nectar-like waters and ghee and honey would follow
and flow upon the earth.
Man of yajna, perform the yajna with the best of
ghee for the ruler.
40. (Ashvinis etc. Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{knÆfXu§LokgkT;L¼ ; LrksÆdkukƦLokgkÆ esnl ¼ kaÆ i`FkÆoQ~
LokgkÆ Nkx¼eÆf'oH;kƦLokgk¼ esÆ"k§lj¼LoR;SÆ Lokg¼¿&
Í"kÆHkfeUæk¼; fLÆk§Æ gk;Æ lg¼l¿bfUÆæ; Æ §LokgkƯXu u Hks¼"kÆt§&
LokgkÆ lkse¼fefUÆæÆ;§ LokgsU漧lqÉ=kkek¼.k§lfOÆkÆrkjaÊ o#¼ .ka
fHÆkÆ"ktkaÆ ifRÆkƧLokgkÆ ouÆLi¯r× fIÆkzÆ;a ikFkksÆ u Hks¼"kÆt§Lokgk¼
nsÆok¿vk¼T;Æik tq¼"kkÆ.kks¿vÆfXuHksZ×"kÆta i;Æ% lkse%¼ ifjÊÏqrk¼
?k`Éra e/qÉ O;URokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAþúAA
Hotå yak¶adagni|m svåhåîjyasya stokånå|m
svåhå medaså≈ pæthak svåhå chågama‹vibhyå|m
svåhå me¶a| m sarasvatyai svåhaíæ¶abha-
mindråya si|mhåya sahasaíindriya|m svåhåígni≈
na bhe¶aja|m svåhå somamindriya|m svåhendra|m
sutråmåƒa|m sav∂tåra≈ varuƒa≈ bhi¶ajåm pati|m
svåhå vanaspati≈ priya≈ påtho na bhe¶aja|m
svåhå devåí åjyapå ju¶åƒoí agnirbhe¶aja≈
paya¨ soma¨ parisrutå ghæta≈ madhu
vyantvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the man of yajna perform the yajna in honour
of Agni in all sincerity. Let him in truth of word and
action offer ghee in a stream of libations. Let him offer
libations of fat and meda plant and roots in all sincerity
with reverence. Let him faithfully offer sanative and
palliative materials for the Ashvinis, protectors of
society. Let him work on the clouds and rain with the
light of the divine word of knowledge. Let him offer
sincere drive and action in the service of the mighty
Indra, the ruler. Let him offer money and materials for
the strength and perseverance of the human nation in
sincerity of word and action. Let him work on agni,
heat and fire with love and faith, taking energy as
saviour. Let him serve the lord of peace and joy in
service of his grace and majesty with full faith. Let him
serve Indra, lord of power, saviour and protector, Savita,
giver of life and light, Varuna, the supreme lord, and
the lord president of all physicians, with all might and
honesty. Let him make the oblations for the chief of
forests, vegetation and water, a darling friend and fellow
traveller, with love, as for a soothing medicine. And all
the powers of divinity, lovers, protectors and promoters
of food and nourishments, and Agni, lord of light and
energy, would bring around restorative and curative
medicaments, milk and delicious drinks, soma, the
nectar juice distilled from nature, butter and ghee and
honey. These would follow and flow upon the earth.
Man of yajna, make the yajna offers with the best
of ghee.
41. (Vidvanso Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{knÆf'oukSÆ Nkx¼L; oÆik;kÆ esn¼lks tqÉ"ksrk¼¦&
gÆfogksZrÆ;Zt¼A gksrk¼ ;{kÆRlj¼Lorha esÆ"kL;¼ oÆik;kÆ esn¼lks
Z Æ;tZ ¼A gksrk¼ ;{kÆfnUæ¼e"` kÆHkL;¼ oÆik;kÆ esnl
¼ ks
tqÉ"krk¼¦gÆfogksrZ Æ;tZ ¼AAþûAA
Hotå yak¶ada‹vinau chågasya vapåyå medaso
ju¶etå|m havirhotaryaja. Hotå yak¶atsarasvat∂≈
me¶asya vapåyå medaso ju¶atå|m havirhotar-
yaja. Hotå yak¶adindramæ¶abhasya vapåyå
medaso ju¶atå|m havirhotaryaja.
Let the man of yajna, specialized scholar,
organize yajna and conferences in the service of the
Ashvinis, farmers and cattle breeders. Let them grow
by the wool and breeding of goats and the development
of rich products such as fats, cream and cheese. May
the Ashvinis enjoy the yajna and benefit from it. Man
of yajna, carry on the programme with libations of
knowledge and investments.
Scholar of yajna, organize yajna in the service of
Sarasvati, spirit of learning. Let the knowledge of
farming and animal husbandry develop with wool and
breeding of sheep and the development of fine foods
such as cream, butter and ghee. May Sarasvati enjoy
and bless the yajna.
Man of yajna, carry on the endeavour with rich
libations of knowledge and investments.
Man of yajna, organize the yajna in the service
of Indra, leading power of farming and animal
husbandry. Let the breed of the bull and knowledge
about dairy farming grow with research on the bull, cows
and the development of dairy products such as fat, butter
and cheese. May Indra enjoy and bless the yajna.
Man of yajna, keep on the yajna with rich libations
of knowledge, work and investments.
42. (Hotradaya Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{knÆf'oukSÆ lj¼LorhÆfeU漧lq=Ékkek¼.kfEÆkÆes lksek¼%
lqÉjkek¼.kÆ'NkxSÆuZ esÆ"kSͼ Z "kÆHkS% lqÉrk% 'k"iSÆuZ rksDe¼fHk&
ykZtÆ e Z L¼ oUrksÆ enkÆ eklj¼ .s kÆ ifj"¼ Ñrk% 'kqÉØk%A i;L¼ oUrks¿Æ &
S g
e`rkÆ% izfLFk¼rk oks e/qÉ'pqrÆLrkuÆf'oukÆ lj¼LoÆrhUæ¼%
lqÉ=kkek¼ o`=kÆgk tqÉ"kUrk¼¦lksÆE;a e/qÉ fic¼UrqÉ en¼UrqÉ O;UrqÉ
gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAþüAA
Hotå yak¶ada‹vinau sarasvat∂mindra|m sutrå-
måƒamime somå¨ suråmåƒa‹chågairna
me¶airæ¶abhai¨ sutå¨ ‹a¶pairna tokmabhir-
låjairmahasvanto madå måsareƒa pari¶kætå¨
‹ukrå¨ payasvantoímætå¨ prasthitå vo
madhu‹cutaståna‹vinå sarasvat∂ndra¨ sutråmå
vætrahå ju¶antå| m somya≈ madhu pibantu
madantu vyantu hotaryaja.
Let the hota, man of yajna, enlightened citizen,
perform the yajna of development in honour of the
Ashvinis, teachers, preachers and intellectuals, for
Sarasvati, voice and motherhood of the nation, in the
service of Indra, protective and ruling powers of the
land. And here are these soma juices, leaders of rare
quality, distilled, that is, selected, elected, prepared and
perfected from amongst the people. Joyous they are as
if with the wealth of goats, sheep, bulls and cows.
Honoured and consecrated they are with shoots of
grasses, ears of corn and roasted rice as with children.
Inspired they are, seasoned and purified with holy food
and nectar-drinks of life. And up-front they are, on their
mark, ready for self-sacrifice in the service of humanity.
Exhort them, all of you, support them with love
and loyalty, and may you and the Ashvinis, Sarasvati
and the protector Indra make the best of their service
and sacrifice. Replete they are with honey-mead,
overflowing, streaming for anyone to taste. May all
drink of the soothing and enlightening sweets, may all
rejoice and prosper with the wealth of life.
Relent not, man of yajna, carry on with the offers
of libations.
43. (Hotradaya Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{knÆf'oukSÆ Nkx¼L; gÆfo"kÆ¿vkÙkk¼eÆ| e¼è;Ærks
esnÆ¿m‰`¼ra iqÉjk }s"kks¼H;% iqÉjk ikS#¼ "ksÕ;k x`ÉHkks ?kLrak¼ uwÉua
?kkÆls¿v¼Tkzk.kkaÆ ;o¼lizFkekuk¦ lqÉeR{k¼jk.kk¦ 'kr&
#Æfæ;k.¼ kkefXu"okÆÙkkukaÆ ihoksi¼ olukuka ik'oZÆr% Jks¼f.ÆkrÆ %
f'k¼rkeÆr¿m¼RlknÆrks¿Xk¼nXkÉno¼ÙkkukaÆ dj¼r¿,Éokf'ouk¼
tqÉ"ksrk¼¦ gÆfogksZrÆ;Zt¼ AAþýAA
Hotå yak¶ada‹vinau chågasya havi¶aíåttåmadya
madhyato medaíudbhæta≈ purå dve¶obhya¨
purå pauru¶eyyå gæbho ghastå≈ nμuna≈ ghåseí
ajråƒå≈ yavasaprathamånå|m sumatk¶aråƒå|m
‹atarudriyåƒåmagni¶våttånå≈ p∂vopa-
vasanånå≈ pår‹vata¨ ‹roƒita¨ ‹itåmata-
utsådatoíΔgådaΔgådavattånå≈ karataíevå‹vinå
ju¶etå|m havirhotaryaja.
Let the man of yajna perform the yajna in honour
of Ashvinis, prana and apana powers of nature and the
physicians with the milk and ghee of the goat. Let the
Ashvinis partake of the holy food. Let them eat and
raise the pranic vitality from the middle part of the body,
for sure, before the anti-system forces of ailments take
hold of the body and make their home there. And may
the Ashvinis delight in protecting and promoting the
subtle vitality of the pranas which are ever active in the
digestion of food, first in assimilating the assimilable
and eliminating the waste, exhilarating, creating a
hundred currents of energy, living heat of the system,
and essential strength of the body free from obesity.
May the Ashvinis protect and promote the vitality
expressive from the sides, the back, hyperactive vital
parts, weaker and delicate parts, in short, from every
vital part of the body system.
Man of yajna, offer the holy food in the yajna.
44. (Vidvanso Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆr~ lj¼Lorha esÆ"kL;¼ gÆfo"kÆ¿vko¼;nÆ| e¼è;Ærks
esnÆ¿m‰`¼ra iqÉjk }s"kks¼H;% iqÉjk ikS#¼ "ksÕ;k x`ÉHkks ?kl¼ÂwÉua
?kkÆls¿v¼Tkzk.kkaÆ ;o¼lizFkekuk¦ lqÉeR{k¼jk.kk¦ 'kr&
#Æfæ;k¼.kkefXu"okÆÙkkukaÆ ihoksi
¼ olukuka ik'oZÆr% Jksf¼ .ÆkrÆ %
f'k¼rkeÆr¿m¼RlknÆrks¿Xk¼nXkÉno¼ÙkkukaÆ dj¼nsÆo§lj¼Lorh
tqÉ"krk¼¦ gÆfogksZrÆ;Zt¼ AAþþAA
Hotå yak¶at sarasvat∂m me¶asya havi¶aíåvaya-
dadya madhyato medaíudbhæta≈ purå
dve¶obhya¨ purå pauru¶eyyå ghæbho ghasan-
nμuna≈ ghåseíajråƒå≈ yavasaprathamånå|m
sumatk¶aråΔå|m ‹atarudriyåƒåmagni¶vattånå≈
p∂vopavasanånå≈ pår‹vata¨ ‹roƒita¨ ‹itåmataí
utsådatoíΔgådaΔgådavåttånå≈ karadeva| m
sarasvat∂ ju¶atå|m havirhotaryaja.
Let the man of yajna perform the yajna in honour
of Sarasvati, divine voice and mother power of
enlightenment, with the holy food of sheep’s milk and
ghee. May Sarasvati partake of the holy food offered in
yajna and raise the pranic vitality from the middle of
body before the anti-system forces of ailments take hold
of the body and make their home there. And may mother
Sarasvati delight in protecting and promoting the subtle
vitality of the pranas which are ever active in the
digestion of food, first in assimilating the assimilable
and throwing out the waste, exhilarating, creating a
hundred forms of energy, vital fire of the system,
essential strength of the body free from obesity. May
Sarasvati protect and promote the vitality expressive
and perceptible from the sides, the back, hyperactive
vital parts, weaker and delicate parts, in short, from
every vital part of the body system.
Man of yajna, offer the holy food of yajna to the
45. (Yajamana-Yajnics Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆfnUæ¼e"` kÆHkL;¼ gÆfo"kÆ¿ vko; ¼ nÆ| eè¼ ;Ærks esn¿Æ m‰`¼ra
iqÉjk }s"kks¼H;% iqÉjk ikS#¼"ksÕ;k x`ÉHkks ?kl¼ÂwÉua ?kkÆls¿v¼Tkzk.kkaÆ
;o¼lizFkekuk¦ lqe É R{k¼jk.kk¦ 'kr#Æfæ;k¼.kkefXu"okÆÙkkukaÆ
ihoks¼iolukuka ik'oZÆr% Jks¼f.ÆkÆr% f'k¼rkeÆr¿m¼RlknÆrks¿&
Xk¼nXkn É o¼ÙkkukaÆ djn ¼ Æo
s feUæks¼ tqÉ"krk¦¼ gÆfogksrZ ; Z ¼ AAþÿAA
Æ t
Hotå yak¶adindramæ¶abhasya havi¶aíåvaya-
dadya madhyato medaíudbhæta≈ purå
dve¶obhya¨ pura pauru¶eyyå ghæbho
ghasannμ u na≈ ghåseí ajråƒå≈ yavasapra-
thamånå| m sumatk¶aråƒå| m ‹atarudriyåƒå-
magni¶våttånå≈ p∂vopavasanånå≈ pår‹vata¨
‹roƒita¨ ‹itåmata utsådatoíΔgådangåda-
vattånå≈ karadevamindro ju¶atå| m havir-
Let the man of yajna perform the yajna in honour
of Indra, wonder and glory of the power of nature and
the nation, with the most powerful holy foods of the
strength of the bull and the rishabha plant. May Indra
partake of the food and raise the pranic vitality of the
body-system from the middle of the body, for sure,
before the anti-system forces of ailments take hold of
the body and make their home there. And may Indra
delight in protecting and promoting the subtle vitality
of the pranas which are ever active in the digestion of
food, first in assimilating the assimilable and eliminating
the waste, exhilarating, creating a hundred forms of
energy, vital fire of the system, and essential strength
of the body free from obesity. May Indra protect and
promote the vitality expressed and perceptible from the
sides, the back, hyperactive parts, weaker and delicate
parts, in short, from every vital part of the body system.
Man of yajna, offer the holy food of yajna for
46. (Ashvinis etc. Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆ}uÆLifre ¼ ÆfHk fg fIÆkÆ"Vr¼e;kÆ jfHk"¼ B;k j'kÆu;k&
f/¼r A ;=kkf'ouksÆ'Nkx¼L; gÆfo"k¼% fIÆkzÆ;k /kek¼fUÆkÆ ;=kÆ
lj¼LoR;k esÆ"kL;¼ gÆfo"k¼% fIÆkÆ; z k /kekf¼ UÆkÆ ;=ksUæ¼L;¿Í"kÆHkL;¼
gÆfo"k¼% fIÆkzÆ;k /kek¼fUÆkÆ ;=kkÆXus% fIÆkzÆ;k /kek¼fUÆkÆ ;=kÆ lkse¼L;
z k /kekf¼ UÆkÆ ;=ksUæL¼ ; lq=É kkE.k¼% fIÆk;
fIÆkÆ; zÆ k /kek¼fUÆkÆ ;=k¼ lfOÆkr
Æ %q
fIÆkzÆ;k /kek¼fUÆkÆ ;=kÆ o#¼ .kL; fIÆkzÆ;k /kek¼fUÆkÆ ;=kÆ ouÆLirs¼%
fIÆkzÆ;k ikFkk¼¦fLÆkÆ ;=k¼ nsÆokuk¼ekT;Æikuak¼ fIÆkzÆ;k /kek¼fUÆkÆ
;=kkÆXusgksZr¼%q fIÆkzÆ;k /kek¼fUÆkÆ r=kSÆrku~ izÆLrqR;s¼oksiÆLrqR;s¼&
oksÆiko¼Ï{kÆæHkh¼;l¿bo o`ÉQRoh dj¼nsÆoa nsoks ouÆLifr¼&
tqÉ"Z krk¼¦gÆfogksZrÆ;Zt¼ AAþöAA
Hotå yak¶ad vanaspatimabhi hi pi¶¢atamayå
rabhi¶¢hayå ra‹anayådhita. Yatrå‹vino-
‹chågasya havi¶a¨ priyå dhåmåni yatra-
sarasvatyå me¶asya havi¶a¨ priyå dhåmåni
yatrendrasyaíæ¶abhasya havi¶a¨ priyå dhåmåni
yatrågne¨ priyå dhåmåni yatra somasya priyå
dhåmåni yatrendrasya sutråmƒa¨ priyå
dhåmåni yatra savitu¨ priyå dhåmåni yatra
varuƒasya priyå dhåmåni yatra vanaspate¨
priyå påthå|nsi yatra devånåmåjyapånå≈ priyå
dhåmåni yatrågnerhotu¨ priyå dhåmåni
tatraitån prastutye vopastutye vopå-
vasrak¶adrabh∂yasaí iva kætv∂ karadeva≈ devo
vanspatirju¶atå|m havirhotaryaja.
Let the man of yajna perform the yajna in honour
of the lord of forests for love of the forests, herbs and
trees. Let him, with the finest, strongest and most
inviolable protective zone fence the forest: which is the
favourite haunt of the Ashvinis and goats and home of
yajnic food;
which is lovely resort of Sarasvati and the sheep
and the source of holy food;
which is the awful seat of Indra and the bull and
the giver of sacred food;
where abound the favourite resorts of Agni, Soma,
the protector Indra, Savita and Varuna;
where the grand old banyan grows and finds his
where the noble lovers of divinity seek their
nectar in their holy places;
where the lord of yajna, Agni, loves to shine and
And the brilliant man of yajna out there, strongest
and most enthusiastic of his mission, may offer songs
of inauguration and songs of valediction in his yajna of
protection and extension of the forests and these resorts
and thereby serve the holy lord of nature and partake of
the yajnic gifts.
Man of yajna, perform the yajna, don’t relent.
47. (Ashvinis etc. Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{knÆfXu§fLo"¼ VÆÑrÆe;k¼MÆfXujÊf'ouks'Æ NkxL¼ ; gÆfo"k¼%
fIÆkzÆ;k /kekÆU;;kÆV~ lj¼LoR;k esÆ"kL;¼ gÆfo"k¼% fIÆkzÆ;k
/kekÆU;;kÆfMUæL¼ ;¿Í"kÆHkL;¼ gÆfo"k%¼ fIÆk; Æz k /kekÆU;;k¼MXÆ us%
Æz k /kekÆU;;kÆV~ lkse¼L; fIÆkÆ;
fIÆk; z k /kekÆU;;kÆfMUæ¼L; lq=É kkE.k¼%
fIÆkzÆ;k /kekÆU;;k¼V~ lfOÆkÆrq% fIÆkzÆ;k /kekÆU;;kÆM~ o#¼ .kL;
fIÆkzÆ;k /kekÆU;;kÆM~ ouÆLirs¼% fIÆkz Æ;k ikFkkƦL;;k¼M~
nsÆokuk¼ekT;Æikuak¼ fIÆkzÆ;k /kek¼fUÆkÆ ;{k¼nÆXusgksZrq¼% fIÆkzÆ;k
/kek¼fUÆkÆ ;{kÆr~ Loa e¼fgÆekuÆek;¼trkÆesT;kÆ¿ b"k¼% o`ÉQ.kksrq
lks¿v¼èoÆjk tkÆros¼nk tqÉ"krk¼¦gÆfogksZrÆ;Zt¼ AAþ÷AA
Hotå yak¶adagni| m svi¶¢akætamayåŒagni-
ra‹vino‹chågasya havi¶a¨ priyå dhåmånyayå¢
sarasvatyå me¶asya havi¶a¨ priyå dhåmånya-
yåŒindrasyaíæ¶abhasya havi¶a¨ priyå dhåmå-
nyayåŒagne¨ priyå dhåmånyayå¢ somasya priyå
dhåmånyayåŒindrasya sutråmƒa¨ priyå
dhåmånyayå¢ savitu¨ priyå dhåmånyayåŒ
varuƒasya priyå dhåmånyayåŒ vanaspate¨ priyå
påthå| n syayåŒ devånåmåjyapånå≈ priyå
dhåmåni yak¶adagnerhotu¨ priyå dhåmåni
yak¶at sva≈ mahimånamåyajatåmejyåíi¶a¨
kæƒotu soíadhvarå jåtavedå ju¶atå| m
Let the man of yajna perform yajna in honour of
Agni, lord of knowledge and energy, which leads energy
projects to completion and success.
It is Agni which leads to the favourite haunts of
the Ashvinis, pranic energies, and the goats and holy
It leads to the favourite haunts of Sarasvati,
wisdom, and the sheep and holy foods.
It leads to the favourite resorts of Indra (majesty),
and the bull (power) and holy foods.
It leads to the favourite haunts of Agni (energy),
to the favourite haunts of Soma (peace and prosperity),
to the favourite haunts of Indra, the protector, to the
favourite haunts of Savita (inspiration), to the favourite
haunts of Varuna (water), to the favourite haunts of the
trees and their fruits, to the favourite places of the noble
people of piety and protection of the sacred resources,
it leads to the favourite homes of Agni, lord of cosmic
yajna, it leads to its own grandeur, it creates the means
of its own yajnic sacrifice and all the food and energy
for life.
May the glorious Agni, omniscient light of life,
lead all projects of yajna to success.
Man of yajna, keep on with the yajna, don’t relent.
48. (Sarasvati & Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
nsÆoa cÆ£g% lj¼Lorh lqnsÆofeUæs¼¿vÆf'ouk¼ A rstksÆ u
p{kq¼jÊ{;ks~cÆ£Z g"kk¼ n/qfjfUÆæÆ;a o¼lqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ
;t¼ AAþøAA
Deva≈ barhi¨ sarasvat∂ sudevamindreía‹vinå.
Tejo na cak¶urak¶yorbarhi¶å dadhurindriya≈
vasuvane vasudheyasya vyantu yaja.
Sarasvati, lady of light and knowledge, offers the
seat of honour on the yajna vedi to Indra, noble and
brilliant master of the home. The Ashvinis, powers of
health and wealth, create the light of the eyes as well as
the lustre and splendour of life and vest these in Indra.
For the blessed man the powers of divinity create wealth
with all the resources of nature and bestow it on the
yajnic man of prosperity.
Man of yajna, keep on with the yajna.
49. (Ashvinis and Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
nÆsoh}kZjks¼¿vÆf'ouk¼ fHÆkÆ"ktsUæsÆ lj¼Lorh A izkÆ.ka u ohÆ;~±
uÆfl }kjks¼ n/qfjfUÆæÆ;a o¼lÉo
q us¼ olqÉ/;
s ¼L; O;UrqÉ ;t¼ AAþùAA
Dev∂rdvåroía‹vinå bhi¶ajendre sarasvat∂.
Pråƒa≈ na v∂rya≈ nasi dvåro dadhurindriya≈
vasuvane vasudheyasya vyantu yaja.
The doors of divinity, the Ashvinis, nature’s
powers of health, the physicians, and Sarasvati,
enlightened woman, open the door, create breath in the
nose, vigour and virility, and vest it in Indra, man of
sacrifice and power. For the blessed man, the powers
of divinity create wealth and bestow it on him to enjoy
life through yajna.
Man of yajna, keep on with the life of sacrifice
and enlightenment.
50. (Ashvinis and Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
nsÆoh¿mÆ"kklk ¼o Æf'ouk¼ lqÉ=kkesUæs Æ ljLorh A cyaÆ u
okp¼ekÆL;~¿mÆ"kkH;ak¼ n/qfjfUÆæÆ;a o¼lÉo
q us¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ
;t¼ AAÿúAA
Dev∂íu¶åsåva‹vinå sutråmendre sarasvat∂.
Bala≈ na våcamåsyaíu¶åbhyå≈ dadhu-
rindriya≈ vasuvane vasudheyasya vyantu yaja.
The divine energy of the early dawn and the
evening twilight, the protective Ashvinis, health powers
of sunlight and the moon-rays, and Sarasvati,
enlightened mother spirit of life, with the morning-
evening cycle of time, bless Indra, man of yajna with
strength, noble speech in the mouth as also the lustre of
life for glory. Thus, to the blessed man come all the
wealths of existence for the enjoyment of life.
Man of yajna, live on with the spirit of sacrifice
and enlightenment. Relent not ever.
51. (Ashvinis & Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
Æ h tks"VªhÉ ljL¼ oR;Æf'ousUæe
nso ¼ o/Z;u~ A Jks=kaÆ u d.kZ×;ks;
Æ 'Z kksÆ
tks"Vªh¼H;ka n/qfjfUÆæÆ;a ol
¼ Éo
q us¼ olqÉ/;
s ¼L; O;UrqÉ ;t¼ AAÿûAA
Dev∂ jo¶¢r∂ sarasvatya‹vinendramavardhayan.
›rotra≈ na karƒayorya‹o jo¶¢r∂bhyå≈
dadhurindriya≈ vasuvane vasudheyasya vyantu
The adorable vitality of divine nature, Sarasvati,
motherly spirit of enlightenment, and the Ashvinis, wind
and electric energy, advance Indra, man of power and
lustre, in life by the day-night fortnightly cycle of time
through earth and heaven. They bless him with the sense
of hearing in the ears and honour and splendour of life.
Thus to the blessed man of yajna come the wealths of
existence for the enjoyment of life.
Blessed man, keep on with yajna, never relent,
in life.
52. (Ashvinis etc. Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
q hÆ nq?ks¼ lqÉn?q ksUæsÆ lj¼LoR;Æf'ouk¼ fHÆkÆ"ktk¼or%A
'kqÉozaQ u T;ksfRÆkÆ Lru¼;ksÆjkgq¼rh /Ùk¿bfUÆæÆ;a o¼lqÉous¼
olqÉ/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ ;t¼ AAÿüAA
Dev∂íμurjåhut∂ dughe sudughendre sarasvaty-
a‹vinå bhi¶ajåvata¨. ›ukra≈ na jyoti
stanayoråhut∂ dhattaíindriya≈ vasuvane
vasudheyasya vyantu yaja.
The beautiful morning and the peaceful evening,
generous and blissful, both celebrated with powerful
oblations, the Ashvinis, powers of health and
enlightenment, the physicians, and Sarasvati, motherly
spirit of life, save and protect the man of yajna and bless
him with purity of vigour and golden light of the soul
in the heart. Thus do they bless Indra fortunate man of
yajna with the wealth and splendour of the world and
bring him to perfection in life.
Man of devotion, live on with the spirit of yajna.
53. (Ashvinis & Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
nsÆok nsÆokuak¼ fHÆkÆ"ktkÆ gksrk¼jkÆfoUæ¼eÆf'ouk¼ A oÆ"kÆV~dkÆj%S
lj¼LorhÆ fRof"ÆkaÆ u ân¼;s eÆfr§ gksr¼H` ;ka n/qfjfUÆæÆ;a ol
¼ o
qÉ us¼
olqÉ/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ ;t¼ AAÿýAA
Devå devånå≈ bhi¶ajå hotåråvindrama‹vinå.
Va¶a¢kårai¨ sarasvat∂ tvi¶i≈ na hædaye mati|m
hotæbhyå≈ dadhurindriya≈ vasuvane vasu-
dheyasya vyantu yaja.
Noble and brilliant powers of divinity, priests of
the noble and generous people, the Ashvinis, learned
scholars, the physicians, and Sarasvati, the voice of
divinity, with Vashatkara hymns by the priests of yajna,
vest Indra, lustrous man of yajna, with divine light and
lightning energy in the heart as well as intelligence in
the mind. Thus do they bring wealth of the world and
splendour of life to the man of yajna and perfect him in
his desire and ambition.
Man of yajna, keep up the sacrifice for perfection
in life.
54. (Ashvinis & Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
nsÆohfLÆRÆkÆÏfLÆRÆkÆÏks nsÆohjÊf'ousMkÆ lj¼Lorh A 'kw"kaÊ u eè;sÆ
ukH;kÆfeUæk¼; n/qfjfUÆæÆ;a o¼lqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ
;t¼ AAÿþAA
Dev∂stisrastisro dev∂ra‹vineŒå sarasvat∂. ›μu¶a≈
na madhye nåbhyåmindråya dadhurindriya≈
vasuvane vasudheyasya vyantu yaja.
Three brilliant and divine powers, Ida, divine
speech, Sarasvati, divine universal intelligence, and
Bharati, specific energies of nature in various forms,
and these three, further, alongwith the Ashvinis,
complementary currents of universal energy, hold
strength and splendour for the soul and infuse it into
the middle of the body-system by the navel for the soul’s
May all the divine powers come and make the
energy and wealth of the world flow into the blessed
man of yajna.
Blessed man, perform the yajna, never relent.
55. (Ashvinis & Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
nsÆo¿bUæksÆ ujkÆ'k§lf¼ L=ko:ÆFk% lj¼LoR;kÆf'oH;ke¼ h;rsÆ jFk¼%A
jsrksÆ u :ÆieÆer ` ¯ tÆfu=kÆfeUæk¼;Æ Ro"VkÆ n/¼fnfUÆæÆ;kf.k¼
olqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ ;t¼ AAÿÿAA
Devaíindro narå‹a|msastrivarμutha¨ sarasvaty-
å‹vibhyåm∂yate ratha¨. Reto na rμupamamæta≈
janitramindråya tva¶¢å dadhadindriyåƒi
vasuvane vasudheyasya vyantu yaja.
The brilliant Indra universally sung and
celebrated, residing in the three worlds of heaven, earth
and the sky, wondrous warrior of the chariot, is reached
through Sarasvati, divine speech and the Ashvinis,
circuitous powers of nature. Tvashta, divine maker of
forms, creates the vital creative energy as well as the
immortal form, senses and the sense organs for Indra
and vests these in him. May Tvashta, Sarasvati and the
Ashvinis create the wealth of the world for Indra, blessed
man of honour and power, and vest the same in him.
Man of yajna, perform the yajna in honour of the
56. (Ashvinis & Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
Æ ks nso
Æ o Z LÆ ifRÆk£Æ gj.¼ ;o.kks¿Z vÆf'oH;kƦljL¼ oR;k lqfiIiÆy¿
S u
bUæk¼; iP;rsÆ e/q¼ A vkstksÆ u twÉfr½Z× "kÆHkks u HkkeaÆ
ouÆLifr¼uksZÆ n/¼fnfUÆæÆ;kf.k¼ olqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ
;t¼ AAÿöAA
Devo devairvanaspatirhiraƒyavarƒoía‹vibhyå|m
sarasvatyå supippalaíindråya pacyate madhu.
Ojo na jμutiræ¶abho na bhåma≈ vanaspatirno
dadhadindriyåƒi vasuvane vasudheyasya vyantu
The lord of light, guardian of nature, self-
refulgent, of golden hue, generous and fruitful, matures
the honey sweets of fruits and vegetables for Indra, the
soul, with Sarasvati, constant flow of energy, the rays
of light, and the Ashvinis, heat and water. And thus,
the sun, the tree, and the forest chief create and hold for
us lustre of life as well as speed of action, and passion
as much as vitality of life. May all the wealth and power
of body and mind come to the man who loves them
through yajna.
Man of yajna, move on with the creative life of
57. (Ashvinis & Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
Æ a cÆ£gokZfj¼rhukeèoÆjs LrhÆ.kZeÆf'oH;kÆe.
nso z kÆ% ljL¼ oR;k
w kZ×en
L;ksÆufe¼Uæ rsÆ ln¼% A bZÆ'kk;S¼ eÆU;q§ jktk¼ua cÆ£g"kk¼
n/qfjfUÆæÆ;a o¼lqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ ;t¼ AAÿ÷AA
Deva≈ barhirvårit∂nåmadhvare st∂rƒam-
asvibhyåmμ u rƒamradå¨ sarasvatyå syona-
mindra te sada¨. ∫‹åyai manyu| m råjåna≈
barhi¶å dadhurindriya≈ vasuvane vasudhe-
yasya vyantu yaja.
Indra, noble soul, soft as wool and blessed is your
seat in the yajna covered with watery grasses and the
light of heaven spread by Sarasvati, spirit divine, and
the Ashvinis, currents of energy. May your yajnic seat
and home and the lights of heaven create holy and
splendid passion of the mind for you for the sake of
honour and glory. May all the wealth of the world come
to the man of sacred desire and work through yajna.
Man of yajna, carry on the endeavour, neglect
not the sacrifice.
58. (Ashvinis & Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
Æ ks¿vÆfXu% fLo"¼ VÆoQ` ísÆokU;{¼ k|Fkk;ÆFk§gksrkj¼ kÆfoUæe
nso ¼ Æf'ouk¼
okÆpk okpƧlj¼LorheÆfXu§lkse¼¦fLo"VÆoQ` r~ fLo¼"VÆ¿bUnz¼%
lq=É kkek¼ lfOÆkÆrk o#¼ .kks fHÆkÆ"kfXÆkÆ"Vks nsÆoks ouÆLifRÆkÆ% fL~OÆkÆ"Vk
nsÆok¿vk¼T;Æik% fLo¼"Vks¿vÆfXujÊfXuukÆ gksrk¼ gks=Æ ks fLo¼"VÆ&
Ñ|'kksÆ u n/f¼ nfUÆæ; Æ ewteZ if¼ pfr§Lo/ka ol ¼ o
Éq us¼ olq/
É ;s L¼ ;
O;UrqÉ ;t¼ AAÿøAA
Devoíagni¨ svi¶¢akæd devån yak¶adyathåyatha|m
hotåråvindrama‹vinå våcå våca|m sarasvat∂-
magni|m soma|m svi¶¢akæt svi¶¢aíindra¨ sμutråmå
savitå varuƒo bhi¶agi¶to devo vanaspati¨ svi¶¢å
devåí åjyapå¨ svi¶¢oíagniragninå hotå hotre
svi¶¢akædya‹o na dadhadindriyamμurjamapaciti|m
svadhå≈ vasuvane vasudheyasya vyantu yaja.
For the man of yajnic endeavour in search of
honour and success in the world, the Divine Agni, lord
of light and life, generous giver of all round success,
does universal yajna with the divinities of nature such
as the earth in appropriate manner. The Ashvinis, wind
and electric energy, both high-priests of nature, act in
yajna with Indra, the sun. With the energy of universal
sound, they work with Sarasvati, the dynamics of nature.
They work on agni, fire, and soma, the moon, both
powers of universal success. Indra, lord protector of
the world, Savita, the sun, Varuna, universal waters, the
physician, the generous and all-loved tree, the dear
powers of nature which feed on the food of yajna, and
all-loved vital heat—all these work with the universal
fire for the creation of wealth and energy.
Thus any versatile performer of yajna (individual,
social and natural) has the secret of success and creates
honour, glory, energy and fame for the dedicated souls.
May all the powers of yajna create and carry the
wealth of the world for the man of yajna.
Man of yajna, carry on with the sacrifice.
59. (Agnyadayo Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
vÆfXueÆ| gksrk¼jeo`.khrkÆ;a ;t¼ekuÆ% ipÆu~ iDRkhÆ%
ipU¼ iqjksÆMk'kk¼u~ cÆèuÂÆf'oH;kaÆ NkxƧljL¼ oR;S esÆ"kfeUæk¼;¿&
Í"kÆHk§lqÉUoÂÆf'oH;kƦ lj¼LoR;kÆ¿bUæk¼; lqÉ=kkE.ks¼ lqjk&
lksÆeku~ AAÿùAA
Agnimadya hotåramavæƒ∂tåya≈ yajamåna¨
pacan pakt∂¨ pacan puroŒå‹ån badhnann-
a‹vibhyå≈ chåga|m sarasvatyai me¶amindråyaí
æ¶abha|m sunvanna‹vibhyåm
` sarasvatyåíindråya
sutråmƒe suråsomån.
Let the yajamana to-day, cooking the yajna
offerings and preparing the oblations, select Agni as
the high-priest and as the deity. The devotees rear and
bind the goat for milk and butter for the Ashvinis, prana
and apana energy, sheep for Sarasvati, universal
intelligence, and the bull for Indra, honour and lustre,
and they extract and distil the exhilarating soma drink
for the Ashvins, Sarasvati and the protector Indra, the
60. (Ashvinis & Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
lwÉiLÆ Fkk¿vÆ| nsoÆ ks ouÆLifr¼jHkonÆf'oH;kaÆ Nkxsu ¼ Æ lj¼LoR;S
esÆ"ks.ksUæk¼;¿½"kÆHks.kk{k¡ÆLrku~ es¼nÆLr% izfr¼ ipÆrk&
x`¼Hkh"kÆrkoh¼o`/Ur iqjksÆMk'kSÆjiq¼jÊf'oukÆ lj¼LoÆrhUæ¼% lqÉ=kkek¼
lqjklksÆeku~ AAöúAA
Sμ u pasthåíadya devo vanaspatirabhavad-
a‹vibhyå≈ chågena saravatyai me¶eƒendråyaí
æ¶abheƒåk¶a| n stån medasta¨ prati pacatå-
gæbh∂¶atåv∂vædhanta puroŒå‹airapura‹vinå
sarasvat∂ndra¨ sutråmå suråsomån.
Soothing and joyous is the yajna post to day as a
mark of valediction. For the Ashvinis, prana and apana
energy, milk of the goat! For Sarasvati, speech and
intelligence, milk of the sheep! For Indra, honour and
grandeur in life, let us rejoice with the strength and
vigour of the bull! Let all enjoy the fine foods cooked
with cream and butter and let all grow strong on
specially seasoned foods and delicacies. May the
Ashvinis, teachers, intellectuals and physicians,
Sarasvati, enlightened woman, and Indra, protector and
ruler and leader, all celebrate with the exciting drink of
61. (Rishis & Others Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
RokeÆ|¿Í¼"k¿vk"ksZ;¿Í"kh.kka uikno`.khrkÆ;a ;t¼ekuks
cÆgqH;Æ¿vk lX¼rsH;¿,É"k es¼ nsÆos"kqÉ olqÉ ok;kZ;¼{;rÆ¿bfRÆkÆ
rk ;k nsÆok ns¼oÆ nkukÆU;nqÉLrkU;¼LekÆ¿vk pÆ 'kkLLok p¼
xqjLosf"ÆkÆr'p¼ gksrÆjfl¼ HkæÆokP;k¼;Æ izsf"k¼rksÆ ekuq¼"k%
lwDrokÆdk;¼ lwÉDrk czw¼fg AAöûAA
Tvåmadyaíæ¶aíår¶eyaíæ¶∂ƒå≈ napadavæn∂tåya≈
yajamåno bahubhyaíå saΔgatebhyaíe¶a me
deve¶u vasu våryåyak¶yataíiti tå yå devå deva
dånånyadustånyasmåíå ca ‹åsvå ca
gurasve¶ita‹ca hotarasi bhadravåcyåya pre¶ito
månu¶a¨ sμuktavåkåya sμuktå brμuhi.
O Rishi, seer blest, child of the Rishis and the
tradition of the Rishis: of the many noble sages
assembled here to-day, this yajamana opts for you,
saying: “This sage among the generous and brilliant ones
would gain for us the consecrated shower of wealth and
Noble sage, give unto us of those gifts which the
divinities have granted, pray for us, raise us and keep
up the tradition.
Hota, man of yajna, you are the man inspired and
sent to pronounce the sacred Word and sing the hymns
of divinity. Pray, speak the Word, sing the hymns of
bR;sd¯o'kks¿è;k;% AA


1. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)

rstks¼¿fl 'kqÉØeÆer ` ¼ek;qÉ"ik¿vk;q¼esZ ikfg A nsÆoL;¼ Rok
lfOÆkÆrq% iz¼lÆos̈¿f'ouks¼ckZgqH;ak¼ iwÉ".kks gLrk¼H;kÆeknn
¼ s AAûAA
Tejoísi ‹ukramamætamåyu¶påíåyurme påhi.
Devasya två savitu¨ prassaveí‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåmådade.
Light of life, you are the power and glory of the
world, the passion and purity of life, and the spirit and
immortality of existence. Guardian and protector of life,
protect and promote the life for me. In the world of
Lord Savita’s creation, I dedicate myself to you with
nature’s currents of energy and the solar gifts of health
and vitality.
2. (Vidvanso Devata, Yajnapurusha °Rshi)
bÆeke¼x`H.ku~ j'kÆuke`ÉrL;Æ iwoZÊ¿vk;q¼f"k fOÆkÆnFks¼"kq dÆO;k A
lk uks¿¼ vÆfLeURlqr
É ¿vkcH¼ kwo¿ÍÆrL;Æ lkeU¼ RlÆjekÆjiU¼ rh AAüAA
Imåmagæbhƒan ra‹anåmætasya pμurva íåyu¶i
vidathe¶u kavyå. Så noíasmintsutaíå babhμuvaí
ætasya såmantsaramårapant∂.
The seers of the earliest time of creation in their
communion receive and realise the chain of cause and
effect from the first vibration of the original cause
(Ritam) to the last and closing silence. And the same,
in this world of ours, has become the whispering voice
of the whole truth of existence to us (in the Veda).
3. (Agni Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆfHÆkÆ/k¿v¼fLÆkÆ Hkqo¼uefl ;ÆUrk¿fl¼ /ÆÙkkZ A
l RoeƯXu oS¼'okuÆj§liz¼Fkla xPNÆ Lokgk¼Ñr%AAýAA
Abhidhåíasi bhuvanamasi yantåísi dhartå. Sa
tvamagni≈ vai‹vånara|m saprathasam gaccha
You are the preceptor and teacher. You are the
realized soul. You are the guide. You are the support
and preserver of the knowledge and the law. Yajamana,
initiated and consecrated by the sacred acts of yajna,
take up, research and realize Agni, omnipresent vitality
of the world, expansive and infinite.
4. (Vishvedeva Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
LoÆxk Rok¼ nsÆoHs ;¼% izÆtki¼r;sÆ czãÆÂ'o¯ HkÆURL;kfe¼ nsÆoHs ;¼%
izÆtki¼r;sÆ rsu¼ jkè;kle~ A ra c¼/ku nsÆosH;¼% izÆtki¼r;sÆ
rsu¼ jkèuqfg AAþAA
Svagå två devebhya¨ prajåpataye brahmann-
a‹va≈ bhantsyåmi devebhya¨ prajåpataye tena
rådhyåsam. Ta≈ badhåna devebhya¨
prajåpataye tena rådhnuhi.
Man of knowledge, scholar of divinity and the
Veda, I consecrate you as free independent researcher
in the service of the noblest powers of the world and the
ruler-guardian of the people.
I shall control powerful energy like a horse for the
noblest powers and the ruler-guardian of the people. I
shall thereby realise the mission of my life.
Bind and control energy for the divinities and the
ruler-guardian and thereby realise the mission of your
5. (Indra & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
izÆtki¼r;s RokÆ tq"VaÆ izks{kk¼ehUækÆfXuH;ak¼ RokÆ tq"VaÆ izks{kk¼fe
okÆ;os¼ RokÆ tq"VaÆ izks{kk¼fe fo'os¼H;LRok nsÆosH;ksÆ tq"VaÆ
izk{s kk¼fEÆkÆ losZ×H;LRok nsÆoHs ;ksÆ tq"VaÆ izk{s kk¼fe A ;ks¿voZ×UraÆ
ft?kk¼¦lfRÆkÆ reÆH;~ehfRÆkÆ o#¼ .k% A iÆjks eÙkZ ×% iÆj%
'ok AAÿAA
Prajåpataye två ju¶¢a≈ prok¶åm∂ndrågnibhyå≈
två ji¶¢a≈ prok¶åmi våyave två ju¶¢a≈ prok¶åmi
vi‹vebhyastvå devebhyo ju¶¢a≈ prok¶åmi
sarvebhyastvå devebhyo ju¶¢a≈ prok¶åmi. Yoí
arvanta≈ jighå|nsati tamabhyam∂ti varuƒa¨.
Paro marta¨ para¨ ‹vå.
Dedicated as you are, scholar, to Prajapati, I
consecrate you. Dedicated to Indra and Agni, the soul
and energy, I consecrate you. Dedicated to Vayu, wind
energy, I consecrate you. Dedicated to divinities of the
world, I consecrate you. Dedicated to all nobilities, I
consecrate you. Who ever does violence to the horse-
power, energy and the nation, the supreme lord Varuna
punishes him, the best man too takes him on. The killer
is worse than the worst man. He is worse than a dog.
6. (Agni etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆXu;sÆ LokgkÆ lksek¼;Æ LokgkÆika eksnk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ lfOÆkÆ=ks
Lokgk¼ okÆ;osÆ LokgkÆ fo".k¼osÆ LokgsUæk¼;Æ LokgkÆ c`gÆLir¼;Æs
Lokgk¼ fEÆkÆ=kk;Æ LokgkÆ o#¼.kk;Æ Lokgk¼ AAöAA
Agnaye svåhå somåya svåhåpå≈ modåya svåhå
savitre svåhå våyave svåhå vi¶ƒave svåhe-
ndråya svåhå bæhaspataye svåhå mitråyå svåhå
varuƒåya svåhå.
All the best action and dedication for Agni,
knowledge, light and fire energy; all the best action and
commitment for Soma, health and medication; all the best
investment and action for the Apah, development of water
resources; all the best action and dedication for Savita,
solar energy; all the best action and dedication for Vayu,
wind energy; all the best action and dedication to Vishnu,
universal electric energy; all the best action and dedication
for Indra, development of the self; all the best action and
care for Brihaspati, guardian of the elderly; all the best
for Mitra, spirit of friendship and cooperation; all the
best action and care for Varuna, best personalities.
7. (Prana etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
fgÆVkjÉ k;Æ LokgkÆ fgÄ~oQ¼` rk;Æ LokgkÆ ØUn¼rÆs Lokgko ¼ ØÆUnk;Æ
LokgkÆ izkFs k¼rÆs Lokgk¼ izikz ÆFs kk;Æ Lokgk¼ xÆU/k;Æ Lokgk¼ ?kzkÆrk;Æ
LokgkÆ fufo¼"Vk;Æ Lokgksif¼ o"Vk;Æ LokgkÆ lfUn¼rk;Æ LokgkÆ
oYx¼rÆs Lokgklh¼uk;Æ LokgkÆ 'k;ku ¼ k;Æ LokgkÆ Loi¼rÆs LokgkÆ
tkxz¼rÆs LokgkÆ owQtr ¼ sÆ LokgkÆ izc¼¼ q k;Æ Lokgk¼ fOÆkÆtE` Hk¼ek.kk;Æ
LokgkÆ fop`¼rk;Æ LokgkÆ l§gk¼uk;Æ Lokgksi¼fLFkrk;Æ
Lokgk;¼uk;Æ LokgkÆ izk;¼.kk;Æ Lokgk¼ AA÷AA
HiΔkåråya svåhå hiΔkætåya svåhå krandate
svåhåívakrandåya svåhå prothate svåhå
praprothåya svåhå gandhåyå svåhå ghråtåya
svåhå nivi¶¢åya svåhopavi¶¢åya svåhå sanditåya
svåhå valgate svåhåîs∂nåya svåhå ‹ayånåya
svåhå svapate svåhå jågrate svåhå kμujate svåhå
prabuddhåya svåhå vijæmbhamåƒåya svåhå
vicættåya svåhå sa|mhånåya svåhopasthitåya
svåhåîyanåya svåhå pråyaƒåya svåhå.
Reverence to the singer of Samans, reverence to
him who has done the singing, reverence to the loud
challenger, reverence to the soft singer, reverence to
the man of accomplishment, reverence to the specialist,
value for fragrance, welcome to the fragrant, reverence
to the securely seated, reverence to the close-by friends
and yogis in posture, thanks for what is well-given,
reverence for the one on the move, reverence for the
sitting, reverence for the sleeping, care for the one in
deep sleep, welcome to the waking one, love for the
humming one, rest for the yawning one, reverence for
the shining, reverence for the strong and well-built,
reverence for the close neighbours, reverence for the
knowledgeable, reverence for the scholars of special
knowledge. (Those who welcome, respect and reverence
the others are fortunate and blessed.)
8. (Prayatnavanto Jeevadayo Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;Ærs LokgkÆ /ko¼rsÆ Lokgks¼n~ækÆok;Æ Lokgksn~æq¼rk;Æ Lokgk¼
'kwdkÆjk;Æ LokgkÆ 'kwoQ¼` rk;Æ LokgkÆ fu"k.¼ .kk;Æ LokgksfRFk¼rk;Æ
Lokgk¼ tÆok;Æ LokgkÆ cyk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ fOÆkÆoÙkZ×ekuk;Æ LokgkÆ
foo`¼Ùkk;Æ Lokgk¼ fo/wUokÆuk;Æ LokgkÆ fo/w¼rk;Æ LokgkÆ
'kqJ¼"w kek.kk;Æ Lokgk¼ Ük`.oÆrs Lokgs{k¼ek.kk;Æ Lokgs¼f{ÆkÆrk;Æ
LokgkÆ o~hÆf{krk;Æ Lokgk¼ fuesÆ"kk;Æ LokgkÆ ;nfÙÆkÆ rLeSÆ
LokgkÆ ;fRic¼fRÆkÆ rLeSÆ LokgkÆ ;Uew= ka ¼ dÆjksfRÆkÆ rLeSÆ Lokgk¼
oqQoZÆrs Lokgk¼ o`ÉQrk;Æ Lokgk¼ AAøAA
Yate svåhå dhåvate svåhoddråvåya svåhod-
drutåya svåhå ‹μukåråya svåhå ‹ukætåya svåhå
ni¶aƒƒåya svåhotthitåya svåhå javåya svåhå
balåya svåhå vivartamånåya svåhå vivættåya
svåhå vidhμunvånåya svåhå vidhμutåya svåhå
‹u‹rμu¶amåƒåya svåhå ‹æƒvate svåhek¶amåƒåya
svåhek¶itåya svåhå v∂k¶itåya svåhå nime¶aya
svåhå yadatti tasmai svåhå yat pibati tasmai
svåhå yanmμutra≈ karoti tasmai svåhå kurvate
svåhå kætåya svåhå.
All hail and reverence for the man of endeavour,
running, advancing, flying high, acting promptly, and for
the man who has achieved instant success and
accomplishment. Reverence to the man who is of stable
mind, of high values, speed and strength. Reverence to
the man who is expansive, and has achieved
advancement and peace. Reverence for the agitative and
sympathy for the shaken. Welcome and reverence for
the man who wants to listen and is listening, for the
man who is watching, who is watched, and who is
watched and guarded for security reasons. Reverence
for the yogi with closed eyes. Reverence for any one
who eats and drinks and who removes the waste of the
system. Reverence to the man who is doing the job and
to the one who has done and calls it a day.
(Those who honour the men of action and
accomplishment find recognition peace and happiness.)
9. (Savita Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
rRl¼fOÆkÆrqoZjs¼.;aÆ HkxksZ × nsÆoL;¼ /hefg A
f/;ksÆ ;ks u¼% izpksÆn;k¼r~ AAùAA
Tat saviturvareƒya≈ bhargo devasya dh∂mahi.
Dhiyo yo na¨ pracodayåt.
Let us concentrate and meditate on the glory and
blazing splendour of Lord Savita, worthy of our choice
and worship, who may, we pray, inspire and enlighten
our mind and soul.
10. (Savita Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
fgj¼.;ikf.kewÉr;s¼ lfOÆkÆrkjÊeqi¼à;s A
l psÙkk¼ nsÆork¼ iÆne~ AAûúAA
Hiraƒyapåƒimμutaye savitåramupa hvaye. Sa
cettå devatå padam.
For the sake of inspiration and self-protection, I
invoke and worship Lord Savita, creator and sustainer
who wields the glorious lights of the world. Lord of light
and omniscience, He is the giver of light and knowledge,
and He is the ultimate goal and haven of all.
11. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
nsÆoL;Æ psr¼rks eÆgha iz l¼fOÆkÆrqgZ ×okegs A
lqÉeÆfr§ lÆR;jk¼/le~ AAûûAA
Devasya cetato mah∂≈ pra saviturhavåmahe.
Sumati|m satyarådhasam.
We worship and pray for the great truth-bearing
divine wisdom of the brilliant and blazing omniscient
Lord Savita, creator and sustainer of the world. We pray,
meditate and internalize.
12. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
lqÉ"VqÉfr§lq¼erhÆo`/ks¼ jkÆfr§l¼fOÆkÆrqjh¼egs A
iz nsÆok;¼ erhÆfons¼ AAûüAA
Su¶¢uti|m sumat∂vædho råti|m savitur∂mahe. Pra
devåya mat∂vide.
For the seeker of light and lover of wisdom, we
pray for the generous gift of the grace of Lord Savita
who is the creator of the world and promoter of noble
intelligence and wisdom for mankind.
13. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
jkÆfr§ lRi¼¯r eÆgs l¼fOÆkÆrkjÊeqi¼ à;s A
vkÆlÆoa nsÆooh¼r;s AAûýAA
Råti|m satpati≈ mahe savitåramupa hvaye.
Åsava≈ devav∂taye.
I invoke, praise, worship and meditate upon the
generous and glorious Savita, Lord creator and fatherly
guardian of the living creatures for the attainment of
sagely company, noble virtues and divine grace.
14. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ lfOÆkÆrqeZÆfrek¼lÆoa fOÆkÆ'ons¼O;e~ A
fèÆkÆ;k HkXak¼ eukegs AAûþAA
Devasya saviturmatimåsava≈ vi‹vadevyam.
Dhiyå bhaga≈ manåmahe.
With all our intelligence we pray for the great and
generous lord Savita’s omniscience and with our mind
and soul meditate upon His glorious and universal
grandeur of divinity.
15. (Agni Devata, Sutambhara °Rshi)
vÆfXu§Lrkse¼u s cks/; lfe/kÆuks¿ve¼R;Ze~ A
gÆO;k nsÆos"kq¼ uks n/r~ AAûÿAA
Agni|m stomena bodhaya samidhånoí amartyam.
Havyå deve¶u no dadhat.
Man of yajna lighting the immortal Agni, divine
fire in the vedi with holy fuel, feed it with holy foods
and fragrances, and expand it with holy chants of hymns,
so that it may create and carry among the divinities of
nature such as the air and the sky rich materials of the
wealth of life for the devotees.
16. (Agni Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
l g¼O;ÆokMe¼R;Z¿mÆf'kXnwÉr'puks¼fgr% A
vÆfXu£èÆkÆ;k le`¼.ofr AAûöAA
Sa havyavåŒamartyaíu‹igdμ u ta‹canohita¨.
Agnirdhiyå samæƒvati.
That Agni, brilliant, immortal, radiant power,
carrier and begetter of holy foods and wealths of life
for nature and humanity is attained through intelligent
and dedicated action.
17. (Agni Devata, Vishvarupa °Rshi)
vƯXu nwÉra iqÉjks n¼/s gO;ÆokgÆeqi¼czqos A
nsÆok¡üAA¿vk lk¼n;kfnÆg AAû÷AA
Agni≈ dμ u ta≈ puro dadhe havyavåhamupa
bruve. Devå|níå sådayådiha.
Fire is the fastest catalytic agent of nature. It is
the creator and carrier of the holy foods for life. I light
and place the fire up front in the Vedi and pray that it
may bring us the blessings of divinity in this life.
18. (Pavamana Devata, Arunatra sadasyu °Rshi)
vth¼tuksÆ fg i¼oekuÆ lw;±× fOÆkÆ/kjsÊ 'kDe¼ukÆ i;¼% A
xksth¼j;kÆ j§g¼ek.kÆ% iqj¼Uè;k AAûøAA
Aj∂jano hi pavamåna sμurya≈ vidhåre ‹akmanå
paya¨. Goj∂rayå ra|mhamåƒa¨ purandhyå.
Agni, universal energy, pure and purifying, faster
than light, flowing as well as omnipresent, you create
and hold the sun and, as is mission of the cow and the
earth, with your own actions, bear the waters of
sustenance for existence.
19. (Agni Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
fOÆkÆHkwekZÆ=kk izÆHkw% fIÆk=Æ kk'oks¿¼ fLÆkÆ g;ksÆ¿L;R;ks¼¿fLÆkÆ e;ksÆ¿L;oZk¼fLÆkÆ
lfIr¼jfl okÆT;~fLÆkÆ o`"kk¼¿fl u`Ée.kk¼¿vfl A ;;qÉukZek¼¿fLÆkÆ
f'k'kqÉukZek¼L;kfnÆR;kukaÆ iRokfUÆOÆkÆfgÆ A nsok¼¿vk'kkikyk¿,Éra
nsÆosH;ks¿'oaÆ es/k¼;Æ izksf{k¼r§j{krsÆg jfUr¼fjÆg j¼erkfEÆkÆg
/`fr¼fjÆg Lo/`¼fRÆkÆ% Lokgk¼ AAûùAA
Vibhμ u rmåtrå prabhμ u ¨ pitråí‹voísi hayoí-
syatyoísi mayoísyarvåísi saptirasi våjyasi væ¶åí-
si næmaƒåíasi. Yayurnåmåísi ‹i‹urnåmåí-
syådityånå≈ patvånvihi. Devåí å‹åpålåíeta≈
devebhyoí‹va≈ medhåya prok¶ita|m rak¶ateha
rantiriha ramatåmiha dhætiriha svadhæti¨ svåhå.
Agni, universal energy of life and the world, you
are immence and abundant as mother like the earth, pre-
eminent and super-guardian as father like the sky. You
attain to everything; self-impelled you impel everything;
you are constant ever, and ever on the move; you are
ever at peace and ever fresh; you reach everywhere;
you are the way to love and honour; you are fast and
impetuous; you are generous like a shower; kind,
reaching everyone’s heart. Surely, you are the way to
final beatitude and worthy of meditation. Ever new as
reborn, you make the time fly with the motion of the
stars. Come and be with us here.
Guardians of the earth in all directions, serve and
save this consecrated power for the noble people and the
environment in the interest of national growth. Here is
peace and pleasure, let it stay while you enjoy. Here is
stability and constancy. Here is self-dependence and self-
20. (Prajapati and Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
dk;Æ LokgkÆ dLeSÆ Lokgk¼ drÆeLeSÆ LokgkÆ LokgkÆf/ek&
/h¼rk;Æ LokgkÆ eu¼% izt Æ ki¼r;sÆ Lokgk¼ fPÆkÙÆ ka foKk¼rkÆ;kfn¼R;SÆ
Lokgkfn¼R;S eÆáS Lokgkfn¼R;S lqe`MhÆdk;SÆ LokgkÆ lj¼LoR;SÆ
LokgkÆ lj¼LoR;S ikoÆdk;SÆ LokgkÆ lj¼LoR;S c`gÆR;S Lokgk¼
iwÉ".ks Lokgk¼ iwÉ".ks iz¼iÆF;~k;
Æ Æ Lokgk¼ iwÉ".ks uÆjfU/¼"kk;Æ LokgkÆ
Ro"VªÉs LokgkÆ Ro"Vªs¼ rqjÉ hik¼;Æ LokgkÆ Ro"Vªs¼ iq#Æ:ik¼;Æ LokgkÆ
fo".k¼osÆ LokgkÆ fo".k¼os fuHkw;Êik;Æ Lokgk fo".k¼os
f'kfifOÆkÆ"Vk; Lokgk¼ AAüúAA
Kåya svåhå kasmai svåhå katamasmai svåhå
svåhåîdhimådh∂tåya svåhå mana¨ prajåpataye
svåhå citta≈ vij¤åtåyådityai svåhåídityai mahyai
svåhåídityai sumæŒikåyai svåhå sarasvatyai
svåhå sarasvatyai påvakåyai svåhå sarasvatyai
bæhatyai svåhå pμu¶ƒe svåhå pμu¶ƒe prapathyåya
svåhå pμu¶ƒe narandhi¶åya svåhå tva¶¢re svåhå
tva¶¢re tur∂påya svåhå tva¶tre pururμupåya svåhå
vi¶ƒave svåhå vi¶ƒave nibhμ u yapåya svåhå
vi¶ƒave ‹ipivi¶¢åya svåhå.
Homage in honest thought, word and deed: to
Prajapati, lord giver of peace and comfort, who Himself
is peace and joy in the essence, who is the exceptional
Being among the infinite beings in existence; homage to
the scholar of wider learning; to the lord present in the
mind; to the lord who knows the depths of the
unconscious; to the mother earth; to the divine speech;
to the kind and loving mother; to the streams and rivers;
to the fluent speech that purifies the mind; to the universal
speech in the universal mind; to the wind that sustains
life; to the energy that freshens and restores life; to the
universal teacher of humanity; to the lord creator and
giver of light; to the lord giver of life and speed across
life; to the lord maker of many forms; to the lord
omnipresent, protector of existence, and present in the
depths of intelligence and in the unconscious.
21. (Vidvan Devata, Svastyatreya °Rshi)
fo'oks¼ nsoÆL;¼ usÆrqeZÙkksZ× oqjhr lÆ[;e~ A
fo'oks¼ jkÆ;¿b¼"kqè;fr |qÉEua o`¼.khr iqÉ";lsÆ Lokgk¼ AAüûAA
Vi‹vo devasya neturmarto vur∂ta sakhyam. Vi‹vo
råya íi¶udhyati dyumna≈ væƒ∂ta pu¶yase svåhå.
Let all mankind, with truth of thought, word and
action, dedicate themselves to the love and friendship
of the lord and light of existence. Let them all try for
the wealth of the world and choose wealth and honour
for the sake of growth and advancement in life.
22. (Brahmanas & Others/Rashtra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vk czã¼u~ czkãÆ.kks cz¼ãopZÆlh tk¼;rkÆek jkÆ"Vªs jk¼tÆU;¨%
'kwj¼¿b"kÆO;ks~¿frO;kÆ/h e¼gkjÊFkks tk¼;rkaÆ nksX/zh¼ /sÆuqoksZ<k¼&
uÆM~okukÆ'kq% lfIÆRÆkÆ% iqj¼fUÆè ÆkÆ;ksZ"kk¼ ftÆ".kw j¼FksÆ"Bk% lÆHks;ksÆ
;qokL; ;t¼ekuL; ohÆjks tk¼;rka fudkÆes fu¼dkes u%
iÆtZU;ks¼ o"kZrqÉ iQy¼oR;ks uÆ¿vks"k¼/;% iP;Urka ;ksx{ksÆeks
u¼% dYirke~ AAüüAA
Å brahman bråhmaƒo brahmavarcas∂ jåyatåm
å r嶢re råjanya¨ ‹μuraíi¶avyoítivyådh∂ mahå-
ratho jåyatå≈ dogdhr∂ dhenurvoŒhånaŒvån
å‹u¨ sapti¨ purandhiryo¶å ji¶ƒμu rathe¶¢hå¨
sabheyo yuvåsya yajamånasya v∂ro jåyatå≈
nikåme nikåme na¨ parjanyo var¶atu phalavatyo
naío¶adhaya¨ pacyantå≈ yogak¶emo na¨
Lord Supreme of the world, in this Rashtra
(Republic) of ours, let the Brahmanas rise as a
community of brilliant men of divinity and illustrious
scholars of universal knowledge. Let the Kshatriyas rise
as a force of heroic warriors of the chariot and routers
of the enemy with unfailing arrows. May the cows be
fertile and abundant in milk, the oxen, carriers of heavy
load, the coursers, swift, the women, kind and generous;
and may the children (people) of this yajamana, the ruler,
be brave and fearless, victorious riders of the chariot,
and youthful and civilized members of the council.
May the clouds rain in showers for us according
to the need of the seasons. May the herbs and trees
mature and ripen with abundant fruit. And may this land
be securely blest with a ceaseless cycle of growth and
protection of happiness and prosperity.
23. (Prana energy Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
izk.Æ kk;Æ Lokgk¿¼ ikÆuk;Æ Lokgk¼ O;kÆuk;Æ LokgkÆ p{kq¼"ksÆ LokgkÆ
Jks=kk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ okÆps LokgkÆ eu¼lsÆ Lokgk¼ AAüýAA
Pråƒåya svåhåípånåya svåhå vyånåya svåhå
cak¶u¶e svåhå ‹rotåya svåhå våce svåhå manase
For prana and apana (breath in and out), yoga
exercise; for vyana, systemic energy of the whole body,
expert counselling; for the eye, training in direct
observation and proof; for the ear, word of the wise;
for the speech (tongue), love of truth; for the mind,
thought and meditation.
(This is the way to growth and culture.)
24. (Dishah, Directions Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
izkP;S¼ fnÆ'ks LokgkÆ¿okZP;S¼ fnÆ'ks LokgkÆ nf{k¼.kk;S fnÆ'ks
LokgkÆ¿okZP;S¼ fnÆ'ks Lokgk¼ izÆrhP;S¼ fnÆ'ks LokgkÆokZP;S¼ fnÆ'ks
Lokgksnh ¼P;S fnÆ'ks LokgkÆokZP;S¼ fnÆ'ks LokgksÆèokZ;S¼ fnÆ'ks
LogkÆ¿okZP;S¼ fnÆ'ks Lokgkok¼P;S fnÆ'ks LokgkÆokZP;S¼ fnÆ'ks
Lokgk¼ AAüþAA
Pråcyai di‹e svåhåírvåcyai di‹e svåhå
dak¶iƒåyai di‹e svåhåírvåcyai di‹e svåhå
prat∂cyai di‹e svåhåírvåcyai di‹e svåhod∂cyai
di‹e svåhåírvacyai di‹e svåhordhvåyai di‹e
svåhåírvåcyai di‹e svåhåívåcyai di‹e svåhåí-
írvåcyai di‹e svåhå.
Pursue the science of Astronomy and the literature
on the subject in right earnest for the knowledge of: the
eastern direction from the horizon to the near-most point;
the south-eastern direction from the farthest to the nearest
point; the south direction from the farthest to the nearest
point; the south-western direction from the farthest to
the nearest point; the western direction from the farthest
to the nearest point; the north western direction from the
farthest to the nearest point; the north direction from the
farthest to the nearest point; the north eastern direction
from the farthest to the nearest point; the direction above
from the highest to the lowest point; and the direction
below from the farthest to the nearest point (where you
25. (Jala etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vƉÔ% Lokgk¼ okÆH;Z% Lokgks¼nÆdk;Æ LokgkÆ fr"B¼UrhH;Æ%
LokgkÆ Ïo¼UrhH;Æ% LokgkÆ L;Un¼ekukH;Æ% LokgkÆ owQI;k¼H;Æ%
LokgkÆ lw|k¼H;Æ% LokgkÆ /k;kZ ×H;Æ% Lokgk¼.kZÆok;Æ Lokgk¼
leqæk;Æ Lokgk¼ lfjÆjk;Æ Lokgk¼ AAüÿAA
Adbhya¨ svåhå vårbhya¨ svåhodakåya svåhå
ti¶¢hant∂bhya¨ svåhå sravant∂bhya¨ svåhå
syandamånåbhya¨ svåhå kμupyabhya¨ svåhå
sμ u dyåbhya¨ svåhå dhåryåbhya¨ svåhåí-
rƒavåya svåhå samudråya svåhå sariråya svåhå.
For sacrificial waters, filtering and cleansing; for
selected and controlled waters, watchful management;
for fresh and spring waters, proper protection; for
standing waters, safety from pollution and proper
treatment with chemicals; for streaming waters, safety
from waste discharge; for the rushing waters, control
and management; for the well-waters, flow out and
cleaning; for cooking and yajna waters, cleaning and
sanctification; for conducted as well as rain waters,
security and proper control; for space waters, research
and environment control; for the oceans, knowledge of
tides and preservation of nature; for the surging and
fluctuating waters, proper management and grid-control.
This is the honest action in truth and dedication.
26. (Vata, winds etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
okrk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ /wÉek;Æ LokgkÆ¿Hkzk;Æ Lokgk¼ esÆ?kk;Æ Lokgk¼
fOÆkÆ|ksr¼ekuk;Æ Lokgk¼ LrÆu;¼rsÆ Lokgk¼¿oÆLiwQtZ ×rsÆ LokgkÆ
o"kZ×rsÆ Lokgk¼¿oÆo"kZ×rsÆ LokgksÆxza o"kZ×rsÆ Lokgk¼ 'khÆ?kza o"kZ×rsÆ
Lokgks¼nx ~ Ê ~ ¼g
` Érs Lokgksnx ` hrk;Æ Lokgk¼ iz"q .kÆrs Lokgk¼ 'khdk;Ærs
LokgkÆ izq"ok¼H;Æ% Lokgk¼ ßkÉnquh¼H;Æ% Lokgk¼ uhgkÆjk;Æ
Lokgk¼ AAüöAA
Våtåya svåhå dhμumåya svåhåíbhråya svåhå
meghåya svåhå vidyotamånåya svåhå stanayate
svåhåívasphμ u rjate svåhå var¶ate svåhåí-
vavar¶ate svåhogra≈ var¶ate svåhå ‹∂ghra≈
var¶ate svåhodgæhƒate svåhodgæh∂tåya svåhå.
pru¶ƒate svåhå ‹∂kåyate svåhå pru¶våbhya¨
svåhå hrådun∂bhya¨ svåhå n∂håråya svåhå.
Perform yajna for the purification, treatment and
management of the air and wind, smoke and smog, the
mist, the rainy cloud, the lightning cloud, the thundering
cloud, the hailing cloud, the raining cloud, the pouring
cloud, the bursting cloud, the vapour-holding cloud, the
held up vapours, the refreshing rain, the rain that irrigates,
the rain that is full and flourishing, the roaring cloud, and
the frost and freezing rain.
27. (Agni etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆXu;s Æ LokgkÆ lksek ¼;Æ LokgsUæk ¼;Æ Lokgk ¼ i`fFÆk ÆO;S
LokgkÆ¿Urfj¼{kk;Æ Lokgk¼ fnÆos Lokgk¼ fnÆXH;% Lokgk'kk¼H;Æ%
LokgksÆO;SZ~ fnÆ'ks LokgkÆokZP;S¼ fnÆ'ks Lokgk¼ AAü÷AA
Agnaye svåhå somåya svåhendråya svåhå
pæthivyai svåhåíntarik¶åya svåhå dive svåhå
digbhya¨ svåhåî‹åbhya¨ svåhorvyai di‹e
svåhåírvåcyai di‹e svåhå.
Let us perform yajna for the heat and vitality of
life, for the peace and waters of life, for the energy and
power of the soul, for the earth, the middle regions of
the sky, and heaven and the regions of light, for the
directions of space, for the interdirections, and for the
upper and lower directions of space.
28. (Nakshatra, etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
u{k¼=ksH;Æ% Lokgk¼ u{kÆf=k;s¼H;Æ% Lokgk¼gksjkÆ=ksH;Æ% Lokgk¼/Z&
ekÆlsH;Æ% LokgkÆ ekls¼H;Æ% Lokg¼¿ÍÆrqH;Æ% Lokgk¼ÙkZÆosH;Æ%
Lokgk¼ laoRlÆjk;Æ LokgkÆ |kok¼if` FÆkÆohH;kƦLokgk¼ pÆUæk;Æ
LokgkÆ lw;kZ×;Æ Lokgk¼ jÊf'eH;Æ% LokgkÆ olq¼H;Æ% Lokgk¼
#ÆæHs ;Æ% Lokgk¼fnÆR;sH;Æ% Lokgk¼ eÆ#‰ÔÆ% LokgkÆ fo'osH¼ ;ks
ns ÆosH;Æ% LokgkÆ ewys¼H;Æ% LokgkÆ 'kk[kk¼H;Æ% LokgkÆ
ouÆLifr¼H;Æ% LokgkÆ iq"is¼H;Æ% LokgkÆ iQys¼H;Æ% LokgkS"k&¼
/hH;Æ% Lokgk¼ AAüøAA
Nak¶atrebhya¨ svåhå nak¶atriyebhya¨ svåhåí-
horåtrebhya¨ svåhåírdhamåsebhya¨ svåhå
måsebhya¨ svåhå ætubhya¨ svåhåîrtavebhya¨
svåhå sa≈vatsaråya svåhå dyåvåpæth∂vibhyå|m
svåhå candråya svåhå sμuryåya svåhå ra‹mi-
bhya¨ svåhå vasubhya¨ svåhårudrebhya¨
svåhåîdityebhya¨ svåhå marudbhya¨ svåhå
vi‹vebhyo devebhya¨ svåhå mμulebhya¨ svåhå
‹åkhåbhya¨ svåhå vanaspatibhya¨ svåhå
pu¶pebhya¨ svåhå phalebhya¨ svåhau¶adh∂-
bhya¨ svåhå.
Let us perform yajna and do our best for the stars
and planets and their part in nature, the day-night cycle,
the fortnights, the months, the seasons and their part in
nature, the year, the heaven and earth, the moon, the
sun, the rays of light, the Vasu sustainers of life, the
Rudra sustainers of pranic energy, the solar zodiacs of
time, the winds, all the divine powers of nature, the roots,
the branches, the herbs and trees, the flowers, fruits and
medicinal plants.
29. (Earth etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
i`fÉ FÆkÆO;S LokgkÆ¿Urfj{¼ kk;Æ Lokgk¼ fnÆos LokgkÆ lw;kZ×;Æ Lokgk¼
pÆUæk;Æ LokgkÆ u{k¼=ksH;Æ% LokgkÆ¿‰Ô% LokgkS"k¼/hH;Æ% LokgkÆ
ouÆLifrH¼ ;Æ% Lokgk¼ ifjIyÆoHs ;Æ% Lokgk¼ pjkpÆjHs ;Æ% Lokgk¼
ljhl`ÉisH;Æ% Lokgk¼ AAüùAA
Pæthivyai svåhåíntarik¶åya svåhå dive svåhå
sμuryåya svåhå candråya svåhå nak¶atrebhya¨
svåhåídbhya¨ svåhau¶adh∂bhya¨ svåhå
vanaspatibhya¨ svåhå pariplavebhya¨ svåhå
caråcarebhya¨ svåhå sar∂sæpebhya¨ svåhå.
Let us perform yajna for the earth, the middle
regions of the sky, the heaven of light, the sun, the moon,
the stars, the waters, the medicinal plants, the trees, all
those that swim and float, those that move and don’t move
and all those that creep.
30. (Vasus etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vlo ¼ sÆ LokgkÆ olo¼ sÆ Lokgk¼ fOÆkHÆ kqosÆ LokgkÆ foo¼LorsÆ Lokgk¼
x.kÆfJ;sÆ Lokgk¼ xÆ.ki¼r;sÆ Lokgk¼fHÆkÆHkqosÆ Lokgkf/¼ir;sÆ
Lokgk¼ 'kwÉ"kk;Æ Lokgk¼ l§lÆikZ;Æ Lokgk¼ pÆUæk;Æ LokgkÆ
T;ksfr ¼"ks Æ Lokgk¼ efyEyq Épk;Æ LokgkÆ fnok ¼ iÆr ;s
Lokgk¼ AAýúAA
Asave svåhå vasave svåhå vibhuve svåhå
vivasvate svåhå gaƒa‹riye svåhå gaƒapataye
svåhåíbhibhuve svåhåídhipataye svåhå ‹μu¶åya
svåhå sa|msarpåya svåhå candråya svåhå jyoti¶e
svåhå malimlucåya svåhå divå pataye svåhå.
Let us perform yajna in homage to the energy of
prana, the soul residing in the body, the universal energy,
the lord giver of light, the electric energy that provides
for the beauty of existence, the air that sustains the forms
of life in nature, the heat energy that is always close at
hand, the ruler president of the human community, the
powers of defence, whatever glides or creeps silently,
the moon and beauty of life, the light, the darkness, and
the lord of the day, the sun.
31. (Masah months Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
e/o¼ Æs LokgkÆ ek/¼ok;Æ Lokgk¼ 'kqØ É k;Æ LokgkÆ 'kqp¼;sÆ LokgkÆ
uHk¼lÆs Lokgk¼ uHkÆL;k~;Æ Lokgs"Æ kk;Æ LokgksÆtkZ;Æ LokgkÆ lg¼lsÆ
Lokgk¼ lgÆL;k~;Æ LokgkÆ ri¼lsÆ Lokgk¼ riL;k~;Æ Lokgk¼¦&
glLiÆr;sÆ Lokgk¼ AAýûAA
Madhave svåhå mådhavåya svåhå ‹ukråya
svåhå ‹ucaye svåhå nabhase svåhå nabhasyåya
svåhe¶åya svåhorjåya svåhå sahase svåhå
sahasyåya svåhå tapase svåhå tapasyåya svåhåí-
|mhasaspataye svåhå.
Let us perform yajna for the service and enrichment
of the romantic spring month of Chaitra, the charming
month of Vaishakha, the cleansing month of Jyeshtha,
the brilliant and purifying month of Ashadha, the generous
and showering month of Shravana, the misty and foggy
month of Bhadrapada, the food-producing month of
Ashvina, the feeding and energising month of Kartika,
the strengthening and vigorous month of Marga-Shirsha,
the most powerful endurable Pausha, the austere month
of Magha, the month of observance of vows and
austerities, Phalguna, and the intercalary month which is
the lord over sin and perplexity.
32. (Vaja=food etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
oktk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ izlÆok;Æ Lokgk¿¼ fIÆkÆtk;Æ LokgkÆ Øro ¼ Æs LokgkÆ
Lo¨% Lokgk¼ ewÉèusZ Lokgk¼ O;'uqfÉ ousÆ Lokgk¿UR;k;
¼ Æ LokgkUR;k;¼
HkkSoÆuk;Æ LokgkÆ Hkqo¼uL;Æ ir¼;Æs Lokgkf/¼ir;sÆ Lokgk¼
izÆtki¼r;sÆ Lokgk¼ AýüAA
Våjåya svåhå prasavåya svåhåípijåya svåhå
kratave svåhå sva¨ svåhå mμ u rdhne svåhå
vya‹nuvine svåhåíntyåya svåhåíntyåya
bhauvanåya svåhå bhuvanasya pataye svåhåí-
dhipataye svåhå prajåpataye svåhå.
Let us perform yajna for the sake of food and
energy, procreation, children and family, intelligence
and action, happiness, intellect and purity of thought,
universal vitality, the ultimate lord of existence, the
ultimate reduction of existence which is prakriti, the
transcendent lord of creation, Brahma, and and the father
and guardian of the living beings, Prajapati.
33. (Life and vitality Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vk;q¼;ÆK s ¼ dYirkƦLokgk¼ izkÆ.kks ;ÆKu
Z u s ¼ dYirkƦLokgk¼¿&
ikÆuks ;ÆKsu¼ dYirkƦLokgk¼ O;kÆuks ;ÆKsu¼ dYirkƦ&
Lokgks ¼n kÆu ks ;ÆK s u ¼ dYirkƦ Lokgk ¼ lekÆ u ks ;ÆK s u ¼
dYirkƦLokgkÆ p{kq¼;ÆK Z su¼ dYirkƦ LokgkÆ Jks=ak¼ ;ÆKsu¼
dYirkƦLokgkÆ okX;ÆKsu¼ dYirkƦLokgkÆ euks¼ ;ÆKsu¼
dYirkƦLokgkÆRek ;ÆKsu¼ dYirkƦLokgk¼ czÆãk ;ÆKsu¼
dYirkƦLokgkÆ T;ksfr¼;ÆK Z su¼ dYirkƦLokgkÆ Lo~;ÆK Z su¼
dYirkƦ Lokgk¼ i`É"Ba ;ÆKu s ¼ dYirkƦLokgk¼ ;ÆKks ;ÆKus ¼
dYirkƦLokgk¼ AAýýAA
Åyuryaj¤ena kalpatå|m svåhå pråƒo yaj¤ena
kalpatå|m svåhåípåno yaj¤ena kalpatå|m svåhå
vyåno yaj¤ena kalpatå|m svåhodåno yaj¤ena
kalpatå|m svåhå samåno yaj¤ena kalpatå|m
svåhå cak¶uryaj¤ena kalpatå|m svåhå ‹rotra≈
yaj¤ena kalpatå|m svåhå vågyaj¤ena kalpatå|m
svåhå mano yaj¤ena kalpatå| m svåhåítmå
yaj¤ena kalpatå| m svåhå brahmå yaj¤ena
kalpatå|m svåhå jyotiryaj¤ena kalpatå|m svåhå
svaryaj¤ena kalpatå|m svåhå p涢ha≈ yaj¤ena
kalpatå|m svåhå yaj¤o yaj¤ena kalpatå|m svåhå.
May life grow by yajna and be dedicated, may
prana energy grow by yajna and be dedicated, may apana
energy grow by yajna and be dedicated, may vyana
energy grow by yajna and be dedicated, may udana
energy grow by yajna and be dedicated, may the ear
and hearing grow by yajna and be dedicated, may the
speech and all other senses of volition grow by yajna
and be dedicated, may the mind grow by yajna and yoga
and be dedicated, may the soul grow by yajna and yoga
and be dedicated to the lord of life and existence, may
the knowledge of Veda and the man of knowledge grow
by yajna and meditation and be dedicated, may the light
of knowledge and the spirit grow by yajna and be
dedicated to divine service, may the heavenly joy of
the soul grow by yajna and be dedicated to the Divine,
may the ultimate question and desire of the soul be
answered and fulfilled by yajna and divine grace and
be surrendered to the Divine. May the yajna of life and
age grow to completion by constant yajna and
meditation and terminate in the interminable and infinite
divine super-existence, which is the last oblation of
existential yajna.
34. (Yajna Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
,o¼QLeSÆ LokgkÆ }kH;kƦLokgk¼ 'kÆrk;Æ LokgSoQ¼ 'krk;Æ LokgkÆ
O;qÉ"VÔSÆ Lokgk¼ LoÆxkZ;Æ Lokgk¼ AAýþAA
Ekasmai svåhå dvåbhyå|m svåhå ‹atåya svåhai-
ka‹atåya svåhå vyu¶¢yai svåhå svargåya svåhå.
By yajna in truth of thought, word and deed,
homage and surrender to the One, Supreme Soul of the
universe. Homage to the two, Purusha, the supreme spirit,
and Prakriti, one the efficient cause and the other the
material cause of the world. Homage to the hundred (years
of life and countless things). Homage to the hundred
(years of life) and the one beyond. Homage to the fire,
the reckoning and the dawn. Homage to Svarga, the joy
of the next world.

bfr }k¯o'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Parameshvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
fgÆjÊ.;ÆxÆHkZ% le¼oÙkZÆrkxzs¼ HkwÉrL;¼ tkÆr% ifRÆkÆjso¼Q¿vklhr~ A
l nk¼/kj i`fFÆkÆoha |keqr É seka dLeS ¼ nsÆok;¼ gÆfo"kk¼
fo/se AAûAA
Hiraƒyagarbha¨ samavartatågre bhμutasya jåta¨
patirekaíås∂t. Sa dådhåra pæthiv∂≈ dyåmutemå≈
kasmai devåya havi¶å vidhema.
The Great Golden Egg, the mighty original womb
of the lights of the world such as the sun and moon,
exists by Himself before the world comes into existence.
He is the sole lord manifest, preserver, creator and
guardian of the world of forms. He holds this earth and
Heaven, and to that lord of bliss and majesty we offer
our homage and worship with the surrender of our mind
and soul.
2. (Parameshvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl izÆtki¼r;s RokÆ tq"V¯ x`ÊkE;sÆ"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆ%
lw;Z×Lrs efgÆek A ;Lrs¿g¼URlaoRlÆjs e¼fgÆek l¼EcÆHkwoÆ ;Lrs¼
okÆ;koÆUrfj¼{ks efgÆek l¼EcÆHkwoÆ ;Lrs¼ fnÆfo lw;sZ× efgÆek
l¼EcÆHkwoÆ rLeS¼ rs efgÆEus izÆtki¼r;sÆ Lokgk¼ nsÆosH;¼% AAüAA
Upayåmagæh∂toísi prajåpataye två ju¶¢a≈
gæhƒåmye¶a te yoni¨ sμuryaste mahimå. Yasteí
hantsa≈vatsare mahimå sambabhμuva yaste
våyåvantarik¶e mahimå sambabhμuva yaste divi
sμurye mahimå sambabhμuva tasmai te mahimne
prajåpataye svåhå devebhya¨.
Lord of this great universe, through the discipline
of yoga you are realized and consecrated in the heart
and soul, and loved in faith for the sake of Prajapati,
protector and guardian of the people. I accept and
surrender to you.
This Prakriti and the world of forms is your seat
of immanence. The sun is the manifestation of your
grandeur. The glory of yours which manifests in the
day and in the year, the glory which manifests in the air
and in the sky, the glory which manifests in the sun and
in heaven, to that glory and to you we offer our homage
and worship for the sake of Prajapati, guardian of the
people, and the devas, noble and generous powers of
nature and humanity.
3. (Parameshvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;% izk¼.kÆrks fu¼fe"kÆrks e¼fgÆRoSdÆ¿ bæktkÆ tx¼rks cÆHkwo¼ A
;¿bZ'ks¼¿vÆL; f}ÉinÆ'prq¼"inÆ% dLeS¼ nsÆok;¼ gÆfo"kk¼
fo/se AAýAA
Ya¨ pråƒato nimi¶ato mahitvaikaíidråjå jagato
babhμ u va. Ya ∂¶eíasya dvipada‹catu¶pada¨
kasmai devåya havi¶å vidhema.
The sole one lord who, with His own might, creates
and rules over the world of those who breathe and see,
the lord who rules over men and animals, to that sovereign
lord of bliss and majesty we offer our homage and
worship with our heart and soul.
4. (Parameshvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl izÆtki¼r;s RokÆ tq"V¯ x`ÊkE;sÆ"k rsÆ
;ksfu¼'pÆUæek¼Lrs efgÆek A ;LrsÆ jk=kkS¼ laoRlÆjs e¼fgÆek
l¼EcÆHkwoÆ ;Lrs¼ i`fFÆkÆO;keÆXukS e¼fgÆek l¼EcÆHkwoÆ ;LrsÆ u{k¼=ks"kq
pÆUæe¼fl efgÆek l¼EcÆHkwoÆ rLeS¼ rs efgÆEus izÆtki¼r;sÆ
nsÆosH;Æ% Lokgk¼ AAþAA
Upayåmagæh∂toísi prajåpataye två ju¶¢a≈
gæhƒåmye¶a te yoni‹candramåste mahimå. Yaste
råtrau sa≈vatsare mahimå sambabhμuva yaste
pæthivyåmagnau mahimå sambabhμuva yaste
nak¶atre¶u candramasi mahimå sambabhμuva
tasmai te mahimne prajåpataye devebhya¨
Lord of the universe, seated and consecrated you
are in the heart. Loved and worshipped you are in faith.
I surrender to you for the sake of Prajapati, protector
and guardian of the people.
This world is your space of immanence and
omnipotence. The moon is the symbol of your glory.
The grandeur of yours which manifests in the night and
in the year, the generosity of yours which manifests in
the earth and in the universal fire vitality, the glory of
yours which manifests in the stars and in the moon, to
that glory of yours and to you we offer our homage and
worship for the sake of Prajapati and the noble and
brilliant powers of nature and humanity.
5. (Parameshvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;qÉ×tfUr¼ czèÆ ue¼#Æ"ka pj¼UraÆ ifj¼ rÆLFkq"k¼% A
jksp¼Urs jkspÆuk fnÆfo AAÿAA
Yu¤janti bradhnamaru¶a≈ caranta≈ pari
tasthu¶a¨. Rocante rocanå divi.
Those who join their mind and soul to the great
and glorious presence of God vibrating like electric
energy in the moving and non-moving forms of
existence, shine like the sunlight in heaven.
6. (Surya Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;qÉ×tUR;¼L;Æ dkE;kÆ gjhÆ foi¼{klkÆ jFks¼ A
'kks.kk¼ /`É".kw u`Éokg¼lk AAöAA
Yu¤jantyasya kåmyå har∂ vipak¶aså rathe. ›oƒå
dh涃μu nævåhaså.
Just as they yoke to the chariot two strong,
handsome, reddish horses worthy of ride by men and
loved by all, so do the yogis join their senses, mind and
soul to Ishvara, lord and light of the world.
(So do the scientists use the carrier currents of
solar and electric energy, i.e., the energy of Surya/sun
and Indra/electricity, in the service of humanity for the
divine purpose.)
7. (Indra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;}krks¼¿vÆiks¿vx¼uhxu~ fIÆkzÆ;kfeUæ¼L; rÆUo~e~ A
,Ér§Lrks¼rjÊusu¼ iÆFkk iquÆj'oÆeko¼ÙkZ;kfl u% AA÷AA
Yadvåtoíapoíagan∂gan priyåmindrasya tanvam.
Eta|m stotaranena pathå punara‹vamåvartayåsi
O man of the science-mantra, the celestial horse,
mighty carrier, flies across the waters of the sky and the
wondrous oceans of space on the wings of the winds.
The same horse, by the same paths of energy, you bring
us back and take us round.
8. (Vayu & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
o¼loLRok×tUrq xk;Æ=ks.kÆ NUn¼lk #ÆækLRok¼×tUrqÉ =kS"Vq¼HksuÆ
NUn¼lkfnÆR;kLRok¼×tUrqÉ tkx¼rsuÆ NUn¼lk A HkwHkZqoÆ%
LoykZthýAA×NkphýAAu~ ;O;sÆ xO;¼¿,Érn¼eÙk nsok¿&
,Érn¼ef¼ iztkirs AAøAA
Vasavastvå¤jantu gåyatreƒa chandaså
rudråstvå¤jantu trai¶¢ubhena chandasåîdityå
stvå¤jantu jågatena chandaså. Bhμurbhuva¨ sva-
rlåj∂¤chåc∂n yavye gavyaí etadannamatta devåí
etadannamaddhi prajåpate.
Prajapati, guardian and protector of the people,
may the scholars of the Vasu order of twenty-four years
celebrate you with the joy of the gayatri verses. May
the scholars of the Rudra order of thirty-six years
enlighten you with the knowledge of the trishtubh
verses. May the scholars of the Aditya order of forty-
eight years beatify you with the vision of the jagati
verses. Receive the homage and be pleased by this
Brilliant men of knowledge and vision, take the
food from the fields of barley and milk of the cow and
reach across the regions of the earth to the sky and the
heavens orbiting in their own courses in space.
9. (Jijnasu=researcher Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
d% fLo¼nsdkÆdh p¼jfRÆkÆ d¿m¼ fLoTtk;rsÆ iqu¼%A
fd§fLo¼f¼Æ eL;¼ Hks"kÆta fdEokÆoi¼ua eÆgr~ AAùAA
Ka¨ svidekåk∂ carati kaíu svijjåyate puna¨. Ki|m
sviddhimasya bhe¶aja≈ kimvåvapanam mahat.
Who moves alone (by itself, self-lighted)? Who
is born again (in another’s light)? What is the antidote
of cold? What is the great field for the sowing of seeds
and the great store for things?
10. (Surya Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
lw;Z ׿,dkÆdh p¼jfr pÆUæek¼ tk;rsÆ iqu¼%A
vÆfXu£gÆeL;¼ Hks"kÆta Hkwfe¼jkÆoi¼ua eÆgr~ AAûúAA
Sμuryaíekåk∂ carati candramå jåyate puna¨.
Agnirhimasya bhe¶aja≈ bhμ u miravapana≈
The sun moves alone (self-lighted, on its own axis).
The moon is born again (in the light of the sun). Fire is
the antidote of cold. The earth is the great field for the
sowing of seeds (and the great store-house of things, with
its gravity).
11. (Jijnasu=researcher Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
dk fLo¼nklhRiwÉoZfp¼fÙÆkÆ% fd§fLo¼nklhn~ c`Ég};¼% A
dk fLo¼nklhfRifyfIÆIÆkÆyk dk fLon¼ klhfRi'kfXÉyk AAûûAA
Kå svidås∂t pμurvacitti¨ ki|m svidås∂d bæhadvaya¨.
Kå svidås∂t pilippilå kå svidås∂t pi‹aΔgilå.
What is the first object of perception and thought?
What is the great bird of motion? What is soft, smooth
and beautiful? What is it that devours light and form?
12. (Vidyut, energy Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
|kSjk¼lhr~ iwÉoZfp¼fÙÆkÆj'o¼¿vklhn~ c`Ég};¼% A
vfo¼jklhfRifyfIÆIÆkÆyk jkf=k¼jklhfRi'kfXÉyk AAûüAA
Dyaurås∂t pμurvacittira‹vaíås∂d bæhadvaya¨.
Avirås∂t pilippilå råtrirås∂t pi‹aΔgilå.
Heaven is the first object of perception and
thought. Energy, electricity and light, is the greatest bird
of motion. Protective mother earth is soft, smooth and
beautiful. The night of darkness devours light and forms.
13. (Brahmadaya Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
okÆ;"q V~ok¼ ipÆrjS o
¼ ÆRoflr¼ xzhoÆ'NkxSU¼ ;ZÆxkz /
s '¼ peÆl%S 'kY¼ eÆfy&
oZ̀¼Ôk¼A ,É"k L; jkÆF;ks o`"kk¼ iÆM~fHk'pÆrq£HÆkÆjsn¼xUczÆãk
o`¼Q".k'p uks¿orq ueksÆ¿Xu;s¼ AAûýAA
Våyu¶¢vå pacatairavatvasitagr∂va‹chågairnya-
grodha‹camasai¨ ‹almalirvæddhyå. E¶a sya
råthyo væ¶å paŒbhi‹caturbhiredaganbrahmå
k涃a‹ca noívatu namoígnaye.
Seeker of knowledge, may the air protect you with
maturation and perfection. May the fire nourish and
protect you with the milk of goats. May the banyan tree
strengthen and protect you with ladlefuls of juice. May
the shalmali plant protect and advance you with growth.
May this strong and virile chariot horse on its four legs
carry you forward on your journey.
Brahma, brilliant star of knowledge, guide and
protect us. All homage, respect and support for Agni,
light of knowledge and yajna.
14. (Brahma Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
l§f'k¼rks jÊf'eukÆ jFkÆ% l§f'k¼rks jÊf'eukÆ g;¼%A
l§f'k¼rks vÆILo~IlqÉtk czÆãk lkse¼iqjksxo% AAûþAA
Sa|m‹ito ra‹minå ratha¨ sa|m‹ito ra‹minå haya¨.
Sa|m‹ito apsvapsujå brahmå somapurogava¨.
The chariot is refined by the light of sunbeams.
The horse is refined by sensitive reins of steering. The
expert man of knowledge born of the energy of prana,
working on energy, is refined by advancement in the
knowledge of health, peace and value of honour.
15. (Vidvan Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)

LoÆ;a ok¼ft§LrÆUOka~ dYi;Lo LoÆ;a ;¼tLo LoÆ;a tq¼"kLo A

eÆfgÆek rsÆ¿U;suÆ u lÆUu'ks¼ AAûÿAA
Svaya≈ våji| n stanva≈ kalpayasva svaya≈
yajasva svaya≈ ju¶ava. Mahimå teínyena na
Man of knowledge, seeker of advancement,
develop your self by yourself. Do the yajna of joint work
by your own choice. Serve the scholars and society by
yourself. Your eminence and value must not be destroyed
by others.
16. (Savita Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
u ok¿m¼¿,ÉrfUez¼;lsÆ u fj¼";fl nsÆok¡üAA¿bns¼f"k iÆfFkfHk¼%
lqÉxfs Hk¼%A ;=kklr
¼ s lqÑ
É rksÆ ;=kÆ rs ;Æ;Lq r=k¼ Rok nsÆo% l¼fOÆkÆrk
n¼/krq AAûöAA
Na våíuíetanmriyase na ri¶yasi devå|níide¶i
pathibhi¨ sugebhi¨. Yatråsate sukæto yatra te
yayustatra två deva¨ savitå dadhåtu.
Man of knowledge and yajna, you go to meet with
the seers and sages by the straight and right paths of
truth. Die you shall not, nor your value diminish.
Where dwell the men of right action and where
they realize lasting peace and joy, there may Savita,
lord of light and life, establish you.
17. (Agni and Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆfXu% iÆ'kqjk¼lhÆÙksuk¼;tUrÆ l¿,Éra yksÆde¼t;Æ|fLe¼ÂÆfXu%
l rs¼ yksÆdks Hk¼fo";fRÆkÆ ra ts¼";fLÆkÆ ficSÆrk¿vÆi% A okÆ;q%
iÆ'kqjk¼lhÆÙksuk¼;tUrÆ l¿,Éra yksÆde¼t;Æ|fLe¼UokÆ;q% l rs¼
yksÆdks Hk¼fo";fRÆkÆ ra ts¼";fLÆkÆ ficSÆrk¿vÆi% A lw;Z ×%
iÆ'kqjk¼lhÆÙksuk¼;tUrÆ l¿,Éra yksÆde¼t;Æ|fLÆEÆkÆURlw;Æ%Z l rs¼
yksÆdks Hk¼fo";fRÆkÆ ra ts¼";fLÆkÆ ficSÆrk¿vÆi% AAû÷AA
Agni¨ pa‹urås∂t tenåyajanta saíeta`mllokam-
ajayad yasminnagni¨ sa te loko bhavi¶yati ta≈
je¶yasi pibaitåíapa¨. Våyu¨ pa‹urås∂t
tenåyajanta saíeta`mllokamajayad yasminvåyu¨
sa te loko bhavi¶yati ta≈ je¶yasi pibaitåíapa¨.
Sμurya¨ pa‹urås∂t tenåyajanta sa etamllokam-
ajayad yasmintsμurya¨ sa te loko bhavi¶yati ta≈
je¶yasi pibaitåíapa¨.
Agni, fire, is the soul of yajna, a direct participant.
The divines perform yajna with agni. Who ever does
the yajna with agni wins the sphere where agni is
supreme. The same will become your sphere too, you
would conquer it if you do yajna. Drink deep at the
fount of knowledge and joy purified by agni.
Vayu, wind, is the soul of yajna, a seer and
participant. The divines perform yajna by vayu.
Whoever does the yajna by vayu wins the sphere where
vayu is supreme. The same will become your sphere
too, you would conquer it if you do yajna. Drink deep
at the fount of breath and energy purified by vayu.
Surya, the sun, is the soul of yajna, a seer and
participant. The divines perform yajna with the sun.
Whoever does the yajna with the sun wins the sphere
where the sun is supreme. The same will become your
sphere too, you would win it if you do yajna. Drink
deep at the fount of light and energy purified by the
18. (Prana etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
izkÆ.kk;Æ Lokgk¼ikÆuk;Æ Lokgk¼ O;kÆuk;Æ Lokgk¼ A vEcsÆ¿&
vfEÆCÆkÆosQ¿Eck¼fyosQÆ u ek¼ u;fRÆkÆ d'pÆu A ll¼LR;'oÆd%
lqHk¼fædka dkEihyokÆfluh¼e~ AAûøAA
Pråƒåya svåhå- ípånåya svåhå vyånåya svåhå.
Ambe ambikeí mbålike na må nayati ka‹cana.
Sasastya‹vaka¨ subhadrikå≈ kåmp∂lavåsin∂m.
Best of thought, word and action in truth for prana,
for apana and for vyana, the energy of breath, the energy
for systemic cleansing, and the overall health and vitality
of the body system.
Mother, grand-mother, and great-grand-mother,
none can retain and sustain me or anyone in the splendid
good fortune and peaceful settled seat of the man of
prosperity, who, though he might have been as fast and
impetuous as a war-horse, goes to sleep in sloth after
getting the wealth and comfort.
19. (Ganapati Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
xÆ.kkuak¼ Rok xÆ.ki¼fr§gokegs fIÆkzÆ;k.kak¼ Rok fIÆkÆz;i¼fr§
gokegs fu/hÆuka Rok¼ fufèÆkÆifr¼§gokegs olksÆ eeÆ A
vkge¼tkfu xHkZÆ/ek Roe¼tkfl xHkZÆ/e~ AAûùAA
Gaƒånå≈ två gaƒapati|m havåmahe priyåƒå≈
två priyapati| m havåmahe nidh∂nå≈ två
nidhipati|m havåmahe vaso mama. Åhamajåni
garbhadhamå tvamajåsi garbhadham.
Lord of the universe, you are the presiding and
protective fatherly presence over all the groups,
communities and republics of the world. Such as you
are, we accept, realise and surrender unto you.
You are the darling life-giver and protector of all
things of existence which are so dear to you. We
recognise, realise and worship you in love and faith.
You are the giver, protector and promoter of all the
wealths of the world. We surrender to you in worship
and gratitude and pray to you for all the wealth, prosperity
and happiness of life.
Lord omnipresent in every particle of existence,
every particle of existence exists in you. You are my
haven and home too. You are the father of all forms of
existence. I pray that I may know you, the father, that I
may know Prakriti, the mother; and that I may know all
the forms of existence, as you do.
20. (Raja & Praja Devate, Prajapati °Rshi)
rk¿mÆHkkS pÆrqj¼% iÆn% lÆEizlk¼j;ko LoÆxZs yksÆosQ izks.kqZ×okFkkaÆ
o`"kk¼ okÆth js¼rksÆ/k jsrks¼ n/krq AAüúAA
Tåíubhau catura¨ pada¨ samprasårayåva
svarge loke prorƒuvåthå≈ væ¶å våj∂ retodhå reto
Let both of them, the ruler and the people, protect
and support each other. May both realise and extend
the four values of life: Dharma, righteous living, Artha,
worldly well-being, kama, self-fulfilment, and Moksha,
ultimate freedom. May the ruler, wielder of power, swift
in action and advancement, strengthen the people with
power, and the people, in return, strengthen the ruler
with power.
21. (Raja, judge Devate, Prajapati °Rshi)
mRl¼DF;kÆ¿vo¼ xqÉna /s¼fgÆ leƯ×t pk¼j;k o`"ku~ A
; L=khÆ.kka th¼oÆHkkst¼u% AAüûAA
Utsakthyåí ava guda≈ dhehi sama¤ji≈ cårayå
væ¶an. Ya str∂ƒå≈ j∂vabhojana¨.
O Ruler, man of strength and power, if there is
anyone evil who plays with the life and honour of
women, punish him. Establish peace among the people.
Establish the rule of law. Eliminate immorality and
wantonness from the state.
22. (Raja Praja Devate, Prajapati °Rshi)
;ÆdklÆdkS 'k¼oqQfUÆRÆkÆdk¿¿gyÆfxfRÆkÆ o×pf¼ r A
vkg¼fUr xÆHks ilksÆ fux¼YxyhfRÆkÆ /kj¼dk AAüüAA
Yakåsakau ‹akuntikåîhalagiti va¤cati. Åhanti
gabhe paso nigalgal∂ti dhårakå.
Where the ruler strikes at the people, he strikes at
the nation and the state because there the people, though
otherwise they enjoyed comfort and happiness before,
grow weaker and weaker now and fade like a helpless
bird. When such a ruler exacts taxes from the farmers,
he only cheats the nation.
23. (Raja Praja Devate, Prajapati °Rshi)
;ÆOkQks~¿lÆdkS 'k¼oqQUrÆd¿vkgyÆfxfRÆkÆ o×p¼fr A
foo¼{kr¿bo rsÆ eq[kÆeèo; ¼ ksZÆ ek uÆLRoeÆfHk Hkk¼"kFkk% AAüýAA
Yakoísakau ‹akuntakaíåhalagiti va¤cati.
Vivak¶ataíiva te mukhamadhvaryo må
nastvamabhi bhå¶athå¨.
Ruler, high-priest of the yajna of the state, make
no false promises to us. Let your mouth be not like a
boaster’s. If you tell lies, you will grow weaker and
weaker like a helpless bird and end up, cheating yourself.
24. (Bhumi and Surya Devate, Prajapati °Rshi)
ekÆrk p¼ rs fIÆkÆrk pÆ rs¿xz¯ o`É{kL;¼ jksgr% A
izfr¼ykÆehfr¼ rs fIÆkÆrk xÆHks eqÉf"Ve¼r§l;r~ AAüþAA
Måtå ca te pitå ca teí gra≈ væk¶asya rohata¨.
Pratilåm∂ti te pitå gabhe mu¶¢imata|msayat.
Ruler, the earth your mother and the sun your father
rise to the top of the world. The sun strikes at the treasure
of space-waters with his light and power, the earth
receives the showers and shines. Celebrate them with
the people in yajna: It is beautiful, it is joyous. I am happy.
25. (Bhumi and Surya Devate, Prajapati °Rshi)
ekÆrk p¼ rs fIÆkÆrk pÆ rs¿xzs ¼ o`É{kL;¼ ØhMr% A
foo¼{kr¿bo rsÆ eq[kaÆ czãÆUek Roa o¼nks cÆgq AAüÿAA
Måtå ca te pitå ca teígre væk¶asya kr∂Œata¨.
Vivak¶ataíiva te mukha≈ brahman må tva≈
vado bahu.
People of the land, your mother-land like the earth
and the ruler, father of the nation, like the sun, both
joyous, play on top of the world in the midst of beauty
and prosperity. Ruler, Brahma, presiding priest of the
national yajna, your mouth seems eager to shout with
pride and joy. At that time, speak not much, control
26. (Shri Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
s kÆeqPNªk¼i; fXÆkÆjkS HkkÆj§gj¼fÂo A
vFkk¼L;SÆ eè;¼es/rk¦'khÆrs okrs¼ iqÉuf¼o AAüöAA
ª U rdhvåmenåmucchråpaya girau bhåra| m
haranniva. Athåsyai madhyamedhatå|m ‹∂te våte
Ruler of the land, lead this rising nation to the
heights of beauty and prosperity like a mountaineer
bearing his banner to the top of the mount, and, in the
midst of this people, being sanctified as if in the cool
mountain breezes, move on higher and ever higher.
27. (Shri Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
Æ Pq Nª¼;rkn~ fXÆkÆjkS HkkÆj§gj¼fÂo A
vFkk¼L;Æ eè;¼et s rq 'khÆrs okrs¼ iqÉuf¼o AAü÷AA
ª U rdhvamenamucchrayatåd girau bhara| m
haranniva. Athåsya madhyamejatu ‹∂te våte
Man of knowledge, enlightened citizen, support
this rising ruler to the height of glory and power as a
mountaineer carrying his burden to the top of the mount,
and, in the midst of this nation, and sifting the truth
from falsehood, as if, in the cool breeze, shine on in the
beauty and prosperity of the land.
28. (Prajapati Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;n¼L;k¿v§gqÉHks|k¼% o`ÉQ/q LFkwÉyeqÉikr¼lr~ A
eqÉ"dkfon¼L;k¿,trks xks'kÆisQ 'k¼oqÉQykfo¼o AAüøAA
Yadasyåía|mhubhedyå¨ kædhu sthμulamupåtasat.
Mu¶kåvidasyåíejato go‹aphe ‹akulåviva.
When the small and great acts of the people who
clear out sin and crime from the society are appreciated
by the ruler and the enlightened officers, they, the ruler
and the elite, captivate the heart of the people and they
shine in their eyes as shakula fish shine in a little pool
of water.
29. (Scholars Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;ísÆoklks¼ yÆyke¼xqaÉ iz fo¼"VhÆfeuÆekfo¼"kq% A
lÆDFuk ns¼fn';rsÆ ukjh¼ lÆR;L;k¼f{ÆkÆHkqoks¼ ;Fkk AAüùAA
Yaddevåso lalåmagu≈ pravi¶¢∂minamåvi¶u¨.
Sakthnå dedi‹yate når∂ satyasyåk¶ibhuvo yathå.
Just as noble people approach an eminent and
reasonable judge for justice, just as a woman is
distinguished by her body, so the men of reason find out
the truth by direct observation of evidence.
30. (Raja Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;¼¼fjÆ.kks ;oÆefÙÆkÆ u iqÉ"Va iÆ'kq eU;¼rs A
'kwÉæk ;n;Z ×tkjkÆ u iks"kk¼; /uk;fr AAýúAA
Yaddhariƒo yavamatti na pu¶¢a≈ pa‹u manyate.
›μudrå yadaryajårå na po¶åya dhanåyati.
When the deer eats up the barley it does not care
for the field but destroys it. A servant woman who is
the mistress of her master loves money but not for the
well-being of her master or of her family. So when a
ruler exploits his people, he does not care for their well-
being, he destroys the nation.
31. (Raja Praja Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;¼¼fjÆ.kks ;oÆefÙÆkÆ u iqÉ"Va cÆgq eU;¼rs A
'kwÉæks ;n;Zk¼;S tkÆjks u iks"kÆeuq¼eU;rs AAýûAA
Yaddhariƒo yavamatti na pu¶¢a≈ bahu manyate.
›μudro yadaryåyai jåro na po¶amanumanyate.
The deer that eats up the barley cares not for the
crop and the field. The servant who is a paramour of his
mistress cares not for the well-being of the family. The
ruler who exploits the people destroys the nation.
32. (Raja Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
nÆfèÆkÆØkO.kks¼¿vdkfj"ka ftÆ".kksj'oL¼ ; okÆftu¼% A
lqÉjÊfHk uksÆ eq[kk¼ djÊRiz .kÆ¿vk;w¼¦f"k rkfj"kr~ AAýüAA
Dadhikråvƒoíakåri¶a≈ ji¶ƒora‹vasya våjina¨.
Surabhi no mukhå karat pra ƒaíåyμu|n¶i tåri¶at.
The hero is on guard, holding and protecting the
land and people. Like a knight of horse panting for victory,
fast advancing in the battle, I place him at the head of the
nation. May he do us proud, holding our head high
gracefully, and may he carry us across the field of life.
33. (Scholars Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
xkÆ;Æ=kh f=ÆkÆ"VqCtx¼R;uqÉ"VqIiÆÄ~DR;k lÆg A
c`ÉgÆR;q¨f".kgk¼ dÆoqQIlwÉphfHk¼% 'kE;Urq Rok AAýýAA
Gåyatr∂ tri¶¢ubjagatyanu¶¢uppaΔktyå saha.
Bæhatyu¶ƒihå kakupsμuc∂bhi¨ ‹amyantu två.
May the scholars with research and action perfect
and stabilize you in peace and tranquillity with the
joyous gayatri, the stable trishtup, the protective
anushtup, the comprehensive pankti, the expansive
brihati, the lovely ushnih, and the charming kakup verses
of the Veda.
(May the scholars perfect the ruler.)
34. (Praja Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
f}i¼nkÆ ;k'prq¼"inkÆfL=ki¼nkÆ ;k'pÆ "kV~i¼nk% A
foPN¼UnkÆ ;k'pÆ lPN¼Unk% lwÉphfHk¼% 'kE;Urq Rok AAýþAA
Dvipadå yå‹catu¶padåstripadå yå‹ca ¶a¢padå¨.
Vicchandå yå‹ca sacchandå¨ sμuc∂bhi¨ ‹amyantu
O citizens of the nation, may the learned and the
wise, with their knowledge and acts, perfect and stabilise
you in peace and tranquillity with two-part, four-part,
three-part, or six-part, or various or regular verses of
the Veda.
35. (Praja Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
eÆgkuk¼EU;ks jsÊoR;ksÆ fo'okÆ vk'kk¼% izÆHkwo¼jh%A
eS?kh¼£OÆkÆ|qrksÆ okp¼% lwÉphfHk¼% 'kE;Urq Rok AAýÿAA
Mahånåmnyo revatyo vi‹vå å‹å¨ prabhμuvar∂¨.
Maigh∂rvidyuto våca¨ sμuc∂bhi¨ ‹amyantu två.
Seekers of knowledge, citizens of the nation, may
the universal words of wisdom, golden rich, great and
sublime, ringing in all directions, raining like the clouds,
roaring like thunder, and blazing as lightning — may
all these great voices perfect you with their integrative
and elevating message of peace and stability.
36. (Women Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
uk;Z×LrsÆ iRU;ksÆ ykseÆ fofp¼UoUrq euhÆ"k;k¼ A
nsÆokukaÆ iRU;ksÆ fn'k¼% lwÉphfHk¼% 'kE;Urq Rok AAýöAA
Nåryaste patnyo loma vicinvantu man∂¶ayå.
Devånå≈ patnyo di‹a¨ sμuc∂bhi¨ ‹amyantu två.
Ruler, citizens, teachers, may the women, virgins
and wives of the noble people, protectors of the nation,
listen and gather your words with care and understanding,
and may they, like the pure transparent quarters of space,
stabilise and perfect you with their integrative words
and acts of love and wisdom.
37. (Women Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
jÊtÆrk gfj¼.khÆ% lhlkÆ ;qtks¼ ;qT;UrsÆ deZ×fHk% A
v'o¼L; okÆftu¼LRoÆfp flek¼% 'kE;UrqÉ 'kE;¼Urh%AAý÷AA
Rajatå hariƒ∂¨ s∂så yujo yujyante karmabhi¨.
A‹vasya våjinastvaci simå¨ ‹amyantu
Women in love, lovely, captivating, arresting with
love and loyalty, exciting and dedicated, are joined in
marriage to the protection and embrace of handsome,
virile and generous young men by their own will and
action. Bound in the discipline of matrimony, may they
be at peace in security, and may they provide for the
love, peace and security of the young men of their choice.
38. (Sabhasad Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
¼ UrksÆ ;of¼ ×ÆPÆk|
oqQÉ fonÆX ;oe Æ FkkÆ nkUR;¼ui
q o
Éw ± fOÆk; w ¼ A bÆgg
Æ ; s ¼"S kka
Ñ.kqfgÆ Hkkst¼ukfUÆkÆ ;s cÆ£g"kksÆ ue¼¿m¯DÆR ÆkÆ ;t¼fUr AAýøAA
KuvidaΔga yavamanto yava¤cidyathå dåntyanu-
pμurva≈ viyμuya. Ihehai¶å≈ kæƒuhi bhojanåni ye
barhi¶o namaí ukti≈ yajanti.
Dear Sabhasad, eminent member of the council,
just as farmers blest with rich barley harvest the grain
with discrimination, some plants separately and some
together, so do the teachers sit on seats of grass, receive
food and water, and carry on the yajna of education
accomplishing their work with the disciples with
judgement. Here in this school, provide for their food
and maintenance.
39. (Adhyapaka Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
dLRokNÔ¼fRÆkÆ dLRokÆ fo'kk¼fLÆRÆkÆ dLrsÆ xk=kk¼f.k 'kE;fr A
d¿m¼ rs 'kfEÆkÆrk dÆfo% AAýùAA
Kastvå chyati kastvå vi‹åsti kaste gåtråƒi
‹amyati. Ka u te ‹amitå kavi¨.
Young learner, who cuts, grinds and shapes you
into form? Who teaches, directs and controls you? Who
exercises your body-parts to suppleness and equipoise?
Who is the sage and seer, high-priest of your education,
giving the last oblation of completion?
40. (Praja Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
ÍÆro¼Lr¿ÍrqÉFkk ioZ × 'kfEÆkÆrkjksÆ fo'kk¼lrq A
laÆoÆRlÆjL;Æ rst¼lk 'kÆehfHk¼% 'kE;Urq Rok AAþúAA
° R tavastaíætuthå parva ‹amitåro vi ‹åsatu.
Sa≈vatsarasya tejaså ‹am∂bhi¨ ‹amyantu två.
Learner, seeker of knowledge and expertise, may
the seasons and the teachers training you in peace and
action instruct and temper you according to the needs
of the time and the stage of your life, and may they
complete and perfect you with the splendour of the sun
round the year and peaceable action and refinement.
41. (Praja Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vƼZÆekÆlk% i:¼ ¦f"k rsÆ eklkÆ¿vkPNÔ¼UrqÉ 'kE;¼Ur%A
vÆgksÆjkÆ=kkf.k¼ eÆ#rksÆ fofy¼"V§lwn;Urq rs AAþûAA
Ardhamåså¨ parμ u | m ¶i te måsåíåcchyantu
‹amyanta¨. Ahoråtråƒi maruto vili¶¢a| m
sμudayantu te.
Learner, seeker of knowledge, may the days and
nights, fortnights and months developing you refine and
strengthen your body parts and life’s periods, and may
the learned soften your roughness and eliminate your
42. (Adhyapaka Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
nSO;k¼¿vèoÆ;ZoÆLRokPNÔ¼UrqÉ fo p¼ 'kklrq A
xk=kk¼f.k ioZÆ'kLrsÆ flek¼% Ñ.oUrqÉ 'kE;¼Urh%AAþüAA
Daivyåíadhvaryavastvåcchyantu vi ca ‹åsatu.
Gåtråƒi parva‹aste simå¨ kæƒvantu ‹amyant∂¨.
Learner, seeker, ruler, citizen, may the divine high-
priests of the yajna and development of the nation instruct
and refine you and develop the parts of your body, life
and community from every joint and transition onward.
May the loving motherly women wholly dedicated soften
your heart and refine your mind.
43. (Raja Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
|kSLrs¼ i`fFÆkÆO;¨Urfj¼{ka okÆ;qf'ÆNÆæa i`.kkrq rs A
lw;Z×LrsÆ u{k¼=kS% lÆg yksÆoaQ o`¼Q.kksrq lk/qÉ;k AAþýAA
Dyauste pæthivyantarik¶a≈ våyu‹chidra≈
pæƒåtu te. Sμuryaste nak¶atrai¨ saha loka≈ kæƒotu
May the heaven (with its light), the earth (with his
generosity and stability), the sky (with its expanse), the
wind and air (with speed and energy) make up your wants
and repair your weaknesses. And may the sun, lord of
light and life, with the stars and planets, create for you a
straight and simple world of beauty, freedom and
44. (Raja Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
'ka rsÆ ijs¼H;ksÆ xk=ks¼H;Æ% 'keÆLRoo¼jsH;% A
'keÆLFkH;ks¼ eÆTtH;Æ% 'kEo¼Lrq rÆUoS¨ ro¼ AAþþAA
›a≈ te parebhyo gåtrebhya¨ ‹amastva-
varebhya¨. ›amasthabhyo majjabhya¨ ‹amvastu
tanvai tava.
Peace and health to the higher parts of your
personality. Peace and health to the lower parts of your
body. Peace and strength to your bones and marrow.
Peace and well-being to your body and mind all over.
45. (Jijnasu=Seeker Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
d% fLo¼nsdkÆdh p¼jfRÆkÆ d¿m¼ fLoTtk;rsÆ iqu¼%A
fd¦fLo¼f¼ÆeL;¼ Hks"kÆta fdEokÆoi¼ua eÆgr~ AAþÿAA
Ka¨ svidekåk∂ carati ka u svijjåyate puna¨. Ki|m
sviddhimasya bhe¶aja≈ kimvåvapana≈ mahat.
Who moves alone? Who is born again and again?
What is the antidote of cold? And what is the great field
and hold of life, seed and sustenance?
46. (Surya etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
lw;Z׿,dkÆdh p¼jfr pÆUæek¼ tk;rsÆ iqu¼%A
vÆfXu£gÆeL;¼ Hks"kÆta Hkwfe¼jkÆoi¼ua eÆgr~ AAþöAA
Sμuryaíekåk∂ carati candramå jåyate puna¨.
Agnirhimasya bhe¶aja≈ bhμ u miråvapana≈
The sun moves alone. The moon is born again and
again. Fire, heat, is the antidote of cold. And earth is the
great field and hold of life, seed and sustenance.
47. (Jijnasu Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
fd§fLÆOÆkÆRlw;Z×leaÆ T;ksfRÆkÆ% fd§l¼eÉæ
q l¼eƧlj¼% A
fd§fLo¼Ri`fFÆkÆO;S o"khZ×;Æ% dL;Æ ek=kkÆ u fo¼|rs AAþ÷AA
Ki|m svit sμuryasama≈ jyoti¨ ki|m samudrasama|m
sara¨. Ki|m svit pæthivyai var¶∂ya¨ kasya måtrå
na vidyate.
What is the other light like the sun? What is the
vessel-hold of water like the sea? What is larger than
the earth? What is without limits in the world?
48. (Brahma etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
czãÆ lw;Z ×leaÆ T;ksfRÆkÆ|kSZ% l¼eÉæ q l¼eƧlj¼% A
bUæ¼% i`fFÆkÆO;S o"khZ ×;kÆu~ xksLrq ek=kkÆ u fo¼|rs AAþøAA
Brahma sμuryasama≈ jyotirdyau¨ samudra-
sama|m sara¨. Indra¨ pæthivyai var¶∂yån gostu
måtrå na vidyate.
Brahma is the light like the sun. The sky is the
great vessel-hold of waters like the sea. The sun is
greater than the earth. Word, divine speech, has no limits.
49. (Question-Answer Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
i`ÉPNkfe¼ Rok fPÆkÆr;s¼ nsol[kÆ ;fnÆ Roe=kÆ eu¼lk tÆxUFk¼ A
;s"kqÉ fo".kqf¼ LÆ=ÆkÆ"kq iÆn"s os"VÆLrs"kqÉ fo'oaÆ Hkqo¼uÆekfoo
¼ 's kkýAAþùAA
Pæcchåmi två citaye devasakha yadi tvamatra
manaså jagantha. Ye¶u vi¶ƒustri¶u pade-
¶ve¶¢aste¶u vi‹va≈ bhuvanamåviveså.
Friend of the divine, I ask you for my
understanding, if with your mind you can reach the
answer: Does the living world exist in those three
regions of the universe — the earth, the sky, and the
heavens, wherein Vishnu, universal lord of the world,
50. (Ishvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vfIÆkÆ rs"kq¼ f=ÆkÆ"kq iÆns"o¼fLÆEÆkÆ ;s"kqÉ fo'oaÆ Hkqo¼uekfOÆkÆos'k¼ A
lÆ|% i;s Z ×fe i`fFÆkÆoheqÉr |kesosQÆukXs¼u fnÆoks¿vÆL;
i`É"Be~ AAÿúAA
Api te¶u tri¶u pade¶vasmi ye¶u vi‹va≈
bhuvanamåvive‹a. Sadya¨ paryemi pæthiv∂muta
dyåmekenåΔgena divoíasya p涢ham.
I am there, sure, in those three regions of the
universe wherein the whole living world exists. I
instantly and universally pervade the earth, the sky and
the vault of heaven, each with one existential part of
my omnipresence.
51. (Purusheshvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
osQ"oÆUr% iq#¼ "kÆ¿vk fo¼os'kÆ dkU;ÆUr% iq#¼ "ksÆ¿v£i×rkfu A
,Érn~ c¼zãÆÂqi¼oYgkefl RokÆ fd§fLo¼ÂÆ% izfr¼okspk&
L;=k¼ AAÿûAA
Ke¶vanta¨ puru¶aíå vive‹a kånyanta¨ puru¶eí
arpitåni. Etad brahmannupa valhåmasi två ki|m
svinna¨ prati vocåsyatra.
Who and how many does the Purusha, supreme
spirit, pervade? Who and how many reside in the
Purusha? This, O man of knowledge, we ask you so
that we too may excel. What do you say to us on this
52. (Parameshvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
iÆ×pLoÆUr% iq#¼ "kÆ¿vkfo¼os'kÆ rkU;ÆUr% iq#¼ "ksÆ¿v£i×rkfu A
,ÉrÙok=k¼ izfreUokÆuks¿v¼fLÆEÆkÆ u ekÆ;;k¼ HkoÆL;qÙk¼jksÆ
er~ AAÿüAA
Pa¤casvanta¨ puru¶aíå vive‹a tånyanta¨
puru¶eíarpitåni. Etattvåtra pratimanvånoíasmi
na måyayå bhavasyuttaro mat.
In five (elements of Prakriti) does the Purusha
pervade. These five elements reside within the Purusha.
This I say on the question believing and asking you to
accept and believe. Not by maya, nor by mere science,
nor by knowledge alone of existence would you go farther
than me (the Purusha).
53. (Prashta=Questioner Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
dk fLo¼nklhRiwÉoZfp¼fÙÆkÆ% fd§fLo¼nklhn~ c`Ég};¼% A
dk fLo¼nklhfRifyfIÆIÆkÆyk dk fLon¼ klhfRi'kfXÉyk AAÿýAA
Kå svidås∂t pμurvacitti¨ ki|m svidås∂d bæhadvaya¨.
Kå svidås∂t pilippilå kå svidås∂t pi‹aΔgilå.
What is the first original structure in time? What
is the great womb of the forms of life? What is the finest
pliant material? What is the universal devourer?
54. (Samadhata=Wise Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
|kSjk¼lhRiwÉoZfp¼fÙÆkÆj'o¼¿vklhn~ c`Ég};¼% A
vfo¼jklhfRifyfIÆIÆkÆyk jkf=k¼jklhfRi'kfXy
É k AAÿþAA
Dyaurås∂t purvacittira‹vaíås∂d bæhadvaya¨.
Avirås∂t pilippilå råtrirås∂t pi‹aΔgilå.
Heaven, light, i.e., divine vibration of thought
energy is the first original step in creation. Mahat, the
first mutation of original Prakriti, was the great womb of
the forms of creation. Manifested Prakriti is the finest
pliant material for creation. Pralaya, the night of
annihilation devours the universe.
55. (Prashta Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
dk¿bZ ×ejs fi'kfXÉyk dk¿b± × oqQ#fi'kfXÉyk A
d¿bZ ×ekÆLdUn¼e"kZfRÆkÆ d¿b±Æ iUFkkaÆ fol¼iZfr AAÿÿAA
Kåí∂mare pi‹aΔgilå kåí∂≈ kurupi‹aΔgilå. Kaí
∂måskandamar¶ati kaí∂m panthå≈ visarpati.
What is the cover of the forms of existence? Who
destroys the beauty of the crops? Who moves jumping
in leaps? Who creeps on the path?
56. (Samadhata Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆtkjs¼ fi'kfXy
É k 'okÆfoRo¼qQ#fi'kfXy É kA
'kÆ'k¿vkÆLdUn¼e"kZÆR;fgÆ% iUFkkaÆ fo l¼iZfr AAÿöAA
Ajåre pi‹aΔgilå ‹våvitkurupi‹aΔgilå. ›a‹aí
åskandamar¶atyahi¨ panthå≈ vi sarpati.
Prakriti is the cover of forms. Porcupine is the
destroyer of the beauty of crops in the field. Energy moves
in currents. And the clouds sail upon their path.
57. (Prashta Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
dR;L¼ ; fOÆk"Æ Bk% dR;Æ{kjkf¼ .ÆkÆ dfRÆkÆ gksekl
¼ % dfRÆk/ ¼ %A
Æ k lfe¼
;ÆKL;¼ Rok fOÆkÆnFkk¼ i`PNÆe=kÆ dfRÆkÆ gksrk¼j¿ÍrqÉ'kks
;¼tfUr AAÿ÷AA
Katyasya vi¶¢hå¨ katyak¶aråƒi kati homåsa¨
katidhå samiddha¨. Yaj¤asya två vidathå
pæcchamatra kati hotåraí ætu‹o yajanti.
How many permanent materials? How many
operations? How many fuels and modes of lighting? I
ask you these questions on the subject of yajna for
knowledge. How many priests perform it according to
the seasons?
58. (Samidha Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
"kM¼L; fOÆkÆ"Bk% 'kÆreÆ{kjk¼.;'khÆfrgksZek¼% lÆfe/ks¼ g
fRÆkÆÏ%A ;ÆKL;¼ rs fOÆkn
Æ FkkÆ izc¼o
z hfe lÆIr gksrk¼j¿ÍrqÉ'kks
;¼tfUr AAÿøAA
®aŒasya vi¶¢hå¨ ‹atamak¶aråƒya‹∂tirhomå¨
samidho ha tisra¨. Yaj¤asya te vidathå pra
brav∂mi sapta hotåraíætu‹o yajanti.
Six seasons are the pillars of yajna. Hundreds are
the materials of permanent nature. Eighty are the
operations. Three are the fuels. I speak to you of the
knowledge of yajna. Seven priests carry on the yajna
according to the seasons.
59. (Prashta Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
dks¿vÆL; os¼nÆ Hkqo¼uL;Æ uk¯HÆkÆ dks |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh¿&
vÆUrfj¼{ke~ A d% lw;Z×L; osn c`gÆrks tÆfu=kaÆ dks os¼n
pÆUæe¼la ;rksÆtk% AAÿùAA
Koíasya veda bhuvanasya nåbhi≈ ko dyåvå-
pæthiv∂íantarik¶am. Ka¨ sμuryasya veda bæhato
janitra≈ ko veda candramasa≈ yatojå¨.
Who knows the centre-hold of this world? Who
knows the earth, the sky, and the heaven, region of light?
Who knows the great creator of the sun? Who knows
the moon and wherefrom it was born?
60. (Samadhata Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
osnkÆgeÆL; Hkqo¼uL;Æ uk¯HÆkÆ osnÆ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh¿&
vÆUrfj¼{ke~ A osnÆ lw;Z ×L; c`gÆrks tÆfu=kÆeFkks¼ osn pÆUæe¼la
;rksÆtk% AAöúAA
Vedåhamasya bhuvanasya nåbhi≈ veda
dyåvåpæthiv∂íantarik¶am. Veda sμuryasya bæhato
janitramatho veda candramasa≈ yatojå¨.
I know the centre-hold of this world. I know the
heaven and earth and the middle regions of the sky. I
know the great creator of the sun. I know the moon and
wherefrom it was born. (The man of real knowledge is
one who knows Brahma, creator and sustainer of the
world, and the world itself, who knows the efficient cause,
Brahma, and the material cause, Prakriti, and the
beneficiary, the jiva. The speaker is such a man of
knowledge. Alternatively, the speaker is Brahma Itself.)
61. (Prashta Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
i`ÉPNkfe¼ RokÆ ijÊeUr¯ i`fFÆkÆO;k% i`ÉPNkfEÆkÆ ;=kÆ Hkqo¼uL;Æ
ukfHk¼%A i`ÉPNkfe¼ RokÆ o`".kks¿v'o¼L;Æ jsr¼% i`ÉPNkfe¼ okÆp%
i¼jÊea O;ks¼e AAöûAA
Pæcchåmi två paramanta≈ pæthivyå¨ pæcchåmi
yatra bhuvanasya nåbhi¨. Pæcchåmi två v涃oí
a‹vasya reta¨ pæcchåmi våca¨ parama≈ vyoma.
I ask you: What is the highest end of the earth and
where? I ask you: What and where is the centre of the
world? I ask you: Where and what is the seed of the
virility and fertility of the male? I ask you: What and
where is the haven and home and ultimate preserve of
the Word, universal speech?
62. (Samadhata Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
bÆ;a osfnÆ% ijksÆ¿vUr¼% i`fFÆkÆO;k¿vÆ;a ;ÆKks Hkqo¼uL;Æ ukfHk%¼ A
vÆ;§lkseksÆ o`".kksÆ¿v'o¼L;Æ jsrks¼ czã Æ k;a okÆp% i¼jÊea
O;ks¼e AAöüAA
Iya≈ vedi¨ paroíanta¨ pæthivyåíaya≈ yaj¤o
bhuvansya nåbhi¨. Aya|m somo v涃oíasvasya
reto brahmåya≈ våca¨ parama≈ vyoma.
This yajna-vedi is the supreme and ultimate end
of the earth. This yajna is the centre and centre-hold of
the world. This soma is the seed and source of the virility
and fertility of the male. And Brahma is the haven and
home and birth and preserve of the Word, divine speech.
63. (Samadhata Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
lqÉHkw% Lo¼;ÆEHkw% iz¼FkÆeks¨¿UreZ ×gÆR;~.kZÆos A
nÆ/s gÆ xHkZ ×e`ÉfRo;aÆ ;rks¼ tkÆr% izÆtki¼fr%AAöýAA
Subhμ u ¨ svayambhμ u ¨ prathamoíntarmaha-
tyarƒave. Dadhe ha garbhamætviya≈ yato jåta¨
Gracious and glorious, self-existent and at the very
centre in this grand ocean of the universe is Brahma. He
plants the seed of creation into Prakriti according to the
season of the creative cycle, and thence is born Prajapati,
the sun, lord of life.
64. (Ishvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kRizÆtkif¼ RÆkƧlkse¼L; efgÆEu%A
tqÉ"krkaÆ fic¼rqÉ lkseƧ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAöþAA
Hotå yak¶atprajåpati|m somasya mahimna¨.
Ju¶atå≈ pibatu soma|m hotaryaja.
The man of yajna performs the yajna in honour of
Prajapati, father and sustainer of the world of creation
by the grace and glory of Soma, lord of life and
omnipotence. May he ever dedicate himself to the lord
and drink the nectar of life and immortality by divine
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna, relent not ever.
65. (Ishvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
iztk¼irsÆ u RonsÆrkU;ÆU;ks fo'ok¼ :Æikf.ÆkÆ ifjÆ rk c¼Hkwo A
;Rdk¼ekLrs tqgqÉeLrÂks¼¿vLrq oÆ;§L;k¼eÆ ir¼;ks
j;hÆ.kke~ AAöÿAA
Prajåpate na tvadetånyanyo vi‹vå rμupåƒi pari
tå babhμuva. Yatkåmåste juhumastannoíastu
vaya|m syåma patayo ray∂ƒåm.
Prajapati, lord of creation, no one other than you
is supreme over and beyond all these and other forms
of existence.
Whatever our ends and aims for which we offer
our homage to you, may all that come true for us.
May we, by Grace, be masters, promoters and
preservers of the wealths of the world.

bfr =k;ks¯o'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Prajapati Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
v'o¼LrwiÊjks xkse¼ Éx
` Lrs izk¼tkiÆR;k% o`ÉQ".kxzho ¼ ¿vkXusÆ;ks jÊjkVs¼
iqjÉ Lrk¼r~ lkjLoÆrh es"Æ ;¨/LrkƼUoksj¼ kf'ÆOkÆ u
Æ koÆ/ksjk¼ekS ckÆàks%
lkS¼ekikSÆ".k% ';kÆeks ukH;k¼¦lkS;Z;kÆekS 'osÆr'p¼ o`ÉQ".k'p¼
ikÆ'oZ;ks¼LRokÆ"VªkS yks¼eÆ'kl¼DFkkS lÆDF;kso kZ ¼;ÆO;~% 'osÆr%
iqPNÆ¿bUæk¼; LoiÆL;~kÆ; osg Æ }S¼".kÆoks ok¼eÆu% AAûAA
A‹vastμuparo gomægaste pråjåpatyå¨ k涃agr∂vaí
ågneyo rarå¢e puraståtsårasvat∂ me¶yadha-
ståddhanvorå‹vinåvadhoråmau båhvo¨
saumåpau¶ƒa¨ ‹yåmo nåbhyå|m sauryayåmau
‹veta‹ca k涃a‹ca pår‹vayostv嶢rau loma‹a-
sakthau sakthyorvåyavya¨ ‹veta¨ pucchaí
indråya svapasyåya vehadvai¶ƒavo våmana¨.
The horse, the wild ram, the wild cow, these are
sunny in character and quality, they belong to Prajapati;
the black-necked animal foremost among the
beasts is fiery in character and quality, it belongs to
the sheep with twisted hair in the forehead has
the quality for speech and intelligence, it belongs to
the goats having black spots below the jaws and
on the lower parts of front legs have the qualities of the
sun and moon, they belong to the Ashvinis;
the animal which is black round the navel has
the qualities of Soma and Pushan;
those which are white and dark on the sides have
the qualities of the sun and air, they belong to Surya
and Yama;
those with long hair on the thighs have the
qualities of Tvashta;
those which have a white tail belong to the wind,
the small animal and the barren cow belong to
Let all these be deployed in the service of Indra,
the ruler, man of high values and action.
2. (Soma & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
jksfg¼rks /wÉezjksf¼ gr% dÆoZQU/q¼jksfgrÆLrs lkSÆE;k cÆHkzjq ¼#Æ.kc¼HkzqÉ%
'kqo¼QcHkzLqÉ rs ok¼#Æ.kk% f'k¼fRÆkÆjU/zkÆ¿s U;r¼% f'kfrjU/z% leÆUr&
f'k¼frjU/zÆLrs lk¼fOÆkÆ=kk% f'k¼frckÆgjq ÊU;r¼%f'kfrckgq% leÆUr&
f'k¼frckgqÉLrs ck¼gZLiÆR;k% i`"k¼rh {kqÉæi`¼"krh LFkwÉyi`¼"krhÆ rk
eS¼=kko#Æ.;~% AAüAA
Rohito dhμ u mrarohita¨ karkandhurohitaste
saumyå babhruraruƒababhru¨ ‹ukababhruste
våruƒå¨ ‹itirandhroínyata¨ ‹itirandhra¨
samanta‹itirandhraste såvitrå¨ ‹itibåhu-
ranyata¨ ‹itibåhu¨ samanta‹itibåhuste bårhas-
patyå¨ pæ¶at∂ k¶udrapæ¶at∂ sthμ u lapæ¶at∂ tå
The red, smoky red and red-berry animals belong
to Soma;
the brown, red brown and parrot brown belong
to Varuna;
those with white holes in the wool on the one
side or all over belong to Savita;
those with white fore-legs, white on one side or
white on all sides belong to Brihaspati;
those with spots on the limbs, small ones, or large
ones, belong to Mitra and Varuna.
(All these should be pressesd into service.)
3. (Ashvins and Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
'kqɼok¼y% lÆoZ'kq¼¼okyks ef.ÆkÆokyÆLr¿vk¼f'ÆOÆkÆuk% ';sr¼%
';srkÆ{~kÆksÆ¿#Æ.kLrs #Ææk;¼ i'kqÉir¼;s dÆ.kkZ ;kÆek¿v¼ofYÆkÆIrk
jkSÆæk uHkks¼:ik% iktZÆU;k% AAýAA
›uddhavåla¨ sarva‹uddhavålo maƒivålastaí
å‹vinå¨ ‹yeta¨ syetåk¶oíruƒaste rudråya
pa‹upataye karƒå yåmåíavaliptå raudrå
nabhorμupå¨ pårjanyå¨.
The animals with bright hair, wholly bright hair,
and jewel-bright hair belong to the Ashvins. The white,
the white eyed, and the red ones are for Rudra, lord of
the animals. Those which are specially serviceable
belong to Yama. Those of strong limbs belong to the
pranas. And those which are sky-grey belong to the
4. (Maruts etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
i`f'u¼fLrjÊ'phui ¼ f` 'u:ÆèoZif¼` 'ÆUÆkÆLrs ek#
¼ rÆ k% iQÆYxwyksZ×fgrks.Æ khZ
i¼yÆ{kh rk% lkj¼ LoÆR;~% IyhgkÆd.kZ×% 'kq.BkÆd.kksZ ׿è;kyksg&Æ
d.kZÆLrs RokÆ"Vªk% o`ÉQ".kxzh¼o% f'kfRÆkÆd{kks¼¿f×tlÆDFkLr¿&
,s¼UækÆXuk% o`QÉ ".kkf×ÆtÆjYik¼f×teZÆgkf×ÆtÆLr¿m¼"kÆL;k~% AAþAA
Pæ‹nistira‹c∂napæ‹nirμurdhvapæ‹niste mårutå¨
phalgμ u rlohitorƒ∂ palak¶∂ tå¨ sårasvatya¨
pl∂håkarƒa¨ ‹uƒ¢håkarƒoídhyålohakarƒaste
tv嶢rå¨ k涃agr∂va¨ ‹itikak¶oí¤jisakthastaí
aindrågnå¨ k涃å¤jiralpå¤jirmahå¤jistaí
Soft and dappled ones, those with transverse
speckles, or upward speckles are of the quality and
character of the Maruts; fruit-lovers, those with red hair,
and those of quick quivering eyes belong to Sarasvati.
The spleen-eared, white-eared, and the golden eared
belong to Tvashta. Those of black neck, white flanks
and heavy thighs are of the quality and character of Indra
and Agni, wind and electric energy. And those of
average or dark brilliance, little brilliance or great
brilliance belong to the dawns.
5. (Vishvedevas Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
f'ÆkÆYik oS'¼ onsÆO;ks¨ jksfg¼.;ÆL=;o¼;ks okÆp¿s fo¼KkrkÆ¿vfn¼R;SÆ
l:¼ ik /kÆ=ks o¼RlrÆ;ksZ~ nsÆokukaÆ iRuh¼H;% AAÿAA
›ilpå vai‹vadevyo rohiƒyastryavayo våceí
vij¤åtåíadityai sarμ u pa dhåtre vatsataryo
devånå≈ patn∂bhya¨.
The animals useful in arts belong to all the noble
people, all the divinities. Three kinds of mountain sheep
used in climbing high are for knowledge and speech.
The unknown breeds are for Aditi, the earth. Those of
similar form are for the Protector, and the young calves
are for the wives of the learned to look after.
6. (Agni etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
¼ k¿vkXusÆ;k% f'kf¼ RÆkHÆ kzoksÆ olw¼ukƦjksfgr¼ k #Ææk.kk¦
o`QÉ ".kxzho ¼ &
'osÆrk¿v¼ojksÆfd.k¿¼ vkfnÆR;kukaÆ uHkks¼:ik% iktZÆU;k% AAöAA
K涃agr∂våíågneyå¨ ‹itibhravo vasμunå|m rohitå
rudråƒå| m ‹vetåíavarokiƒaíådityånå≈
nabhorμupå¨ pårjanyå¨.
Black-necked animals have the quality and
character of fire. Those with white brows are of the
Vasus such as earth. The red ones are of the quality and
energy of pranas. The white ones and brilliant ones are
of the nature of Adityas. And those of the colour of
water and the sea are of the element of the clouds.
7. (Indra and Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
mÆÂÆr¿Í¼"kÆHkks ok¼eÆuLr¿,s¼UækoS".kÆok¿m¼ÂÆr% f'k¼frckÆgq%
f'k ¼f ri` É" BLr¿,s ¼U ækckgZ L iÆR ;k% 'kq o ¼Q :ik okftÆ u k%
dÆYek"kk¼¿¿fXuek#Ærk% ';kÆek% ikSÆ".kk% AA÷AA
Unnataíæ¶abho våmanastaíaindråvai¶ƒavåí
unnata¨ ‹itibåhu¨ ‹itip涢hastaíaindrå-
bårhaspatyå¨ ‹ukarμ u på våjinå¨ kalmå¶åî
ågnimårutå¨ ‹yåmå¨ pau¶ƒå¨.
The tall, strong animals with supple and tortuous
limbs are of the quality Indra and Vishnu, electricity
and wind. The tall ones of razor-sharp stroke and
adamantine back have the quality of Indra and
Brihaspati, wind and the sun. Those of the form and
colour of the parrot, fast as horse, white and black have
the quality of Agni and Maruts, fire and the winds. The
black ones have the quality of Pushan, energising as
the cloud.
8. (Indragni etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
,rk¼¿,sUækÆXuk f}¼:Æik¿v¼Xuh"kksÆeh;k¼ okeÆuk¿v¼uÆM~okg¼¿
vkXukoS".kÆok oÆ'kk eS¼=kko#Æ.;ks¨¿U;r¼¿,U;ks eSÆ=;~% AAøAA
Etåíaindrågnå dvirμupåíagn∂¶om∂yå våmanåí
anaŒvå¨aîågnåvai¶ƒavå va‹å maitrå-
varuƒyoínyataíenyo maitrya¨.
These animals of two colours or qualities are of
the nature of Indra and Agni, wind and electric energy.
Those of supple and tortuous limbs and the sturdy
bullocks are of the nature of Agni and Soma, and of
Agni and Vishnu. The barren cow is of the nature of
Mitra and Varuna, pranic energy. The rest anywhere are
of friendly nature, wherever they are and wherever they
9. (Agni & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
¼ k¿vkXusÆ;k cÆHkzo%¼ lkSEÆ ;k% 'osrÆ k ok¼;ÆO;k¨¿vfo&¼
o`QÉ ".kxzho
KkrkÆ¿vfnR¼ ;SÆ l:¼ ik /kÆ=ks o¼RlrÆ;ks~Z nsÆokukaÆ iRuhH¼ ;%AAùAA
K涃agr∂våíågneyå babhrava¨ saumyå¨ ‹vetå
våyavyåíavij¤åtåíadityai sarμ u på dhåtre
vatsataryo devånå≈ patn∂bhya¨.
The black-necked animals are fiery, the brown
ones are cool and gentle as soma, the white ones are
airy. The unknown are for the earth, those of like form
for the Protector, the young calves for the wives of the
divines and for the sun-rays to foster.
10. (Antariksha etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
o`ÉQ".kk HkkSÆek /wÉezk¿¿vk¼UrfjÆ{kk c`ÉgUrks¼ fnÆO;k% 'kÆcyk¼
oS|qÉrk% fLÆkÆèekLrk¼jÊdk% AAûúAA
K涃å bhaumå dhμ u mråíåntarik¶å bæhanto
divyå¨ ‹abalå vaidyutå¨ sidhmåstårakå¨.
The black ones, the farming animals, are for the
earth. The brown ones are for the sky. The big,
wonderful, whitish are live wires like electricity. The
gentle ones are for the alleviation of suffering.
11. (Vasanta etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
/wÉekz u~ o¼lUÆ rk;ky¼Hkrs 'osr
Æ ku~ xzhÆ"ek;¼ o`ÉQ".kku~ oÆ"kkZH;ks¼¿&
#Æ.kk×NÆjnsÆ i`"k¼rks gseÆUrk;¼ fIÆkÆ'kXÉkÉf×Nf'k¼jk; AAûûAA
Dhμumrån vasantåyålabhate ‹vetån gr∂¶måya
k涃ån var¶åbhyoíruƒåƒcharade pæ¶ato
hemantåya pi‹aΔgå¤chi‹iråya.
For the spring season, you get the brown ones; for
summer, whites; for the rains, black ones; for autumn,
red ones; for freezing winter, thick ones; and for the cool
season, you get yellow and orange.
12. (Agni & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
=;o¼;ks xk;Æ=;S i×pk¼o;fLÆ=ÆkÆ"VqHks¼ fnR;ÆokgksÆ tx¼R;S
f=koÆRlk¿v¼uqÉ"VqHks¼ rq;ZÆokg¼¿mÆf".kgs¼ AAûüAA
Tryavayo gåyatryai pa¤cåvayastri¶¢ubhe ditya-
våho jagatyai trivatsåíanu¶¢ubhe turyavåhaí
Animals of three six month periods of life are for
the gayatri metre to sing; those of five periods are for
trishtup; the burden bearing ones are for jagati; those
with three calves are for anushtup; and those of the
fourth stage of life are for the ushnih metre to sing.
13. (Virajadaya metres Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
iÆ"BÆokgks¼ fOÆkjÆ kt¿¼ mÆ{kk.kks¼ c`gÆR;k¿Í"¼ kÆHkk% dÆoQq Hks¼¿uÆMo
~ kg¼%
iƃÔS /sÆuoks¿fr¼NUnls AAûýAA
Pa¶¢havåho viråjaíuk¶åƒo bæhatyåíæ¶abhå¨
kakubheínaŒvåha¨ paΔktyai dhenavoí
Those which bear the burdens on their back are
for the virat metre to sing; the virile bulls are for brihati;
the sturdy and most excellent bulls are for kakup; the
cart-bullocks are for the pankti; and the cows are for
the ati-chhanda metre to sing of.
14. (Agni etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
o`ÉQ".kxzh¼ok¿vkXusÆ;k cÆHkzo¼% lkSÆE;k¿m¼ièoÆLrk% lk¼fOÆkÆ=kk
o¼RlrÆ;~%Z lkjLoÆR;~% ';kÆek% ikS"Æ .kk% i`'u;
¼ ks ek#Ærk cg¼ :
q i
Æ k
oS¼'onsÆok oÆ'kk |k¼oki`fFÆkÆoh;k¼% AAûþAA
K涃agr∂våíågneyå babhrava¨ saumyåíupadhva-
stå¨ såvitrå vatsatarya¨ sårasvatya¨ ‹yåmå¨
pau¶ƒå¨ pæ‹nayo mårutå bahurμupå vai‹vadevå
va‹å dyåvåpæthiv∂yå¨.
Black-necked animals are fiery. The brown and
generous ones are gentle. The weak ones close at hand
are of Savita, children of the sun. The cows with young
calves are of Sarasvati. The dark ones are darlings of
the cloud. The dappled cows are favourites of the
Maruts. The multi-coloured ones are for Vishvedevas,
the noblest people. And the brilliant domestic animals
are gifts of earth and heaven.
15. (Indra & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
mÆDrk% l¼×pÆjk¿,rk¼¿,sUækÆXuk% o`ÉQ".kk ok¼#Æ.kk% i`'u¼;ks
ek#Ærk% dkÆ;kLrw¼iÊjk% AAûÿAA
Uktå¨ sa¤caråíetåí aindrågnå¨ík涃å våruƒå¨
pæ‹nayo mårutå¨ kåyåstμuparå¨.
These animals described here and moving around
are of Indra and Agni, airy and fiery. The black ones
are of Varuna, most excellent lord of choice. The richly
speckled ones are of the Maruts and for the stormy
people. And the violent ones are for and of Prajapati.
16. (Agni etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆXu;s¿uh¼dors izFkeÆtkuky¼Hkrs eÆ#‰Ô¼% lkUriÆusH;¼%
lokÆR;ku~ eÆ#‰Ôks¼ x`gesÆf/H;ksÆ cf"o¼Qgku~ eÆ#‰Ô¼%
ØhÆfMH;%¼ l§l`É"Vku~ eÆ#‰ÔÆ% Lor¼o‰;ks¿uql"É` Vku~ AAûöAA
Agnayeín∂kavate prathamajånålabhate marud-
bhya¨ såntapanebhya¨ savåtyån marudbhyo
gæhamedhibhyo ba¶kihån marudbhya¨ kr∂Œi-
bhya¨ sa|ms涢ån marudbhya¨ svatavadbhyoí
The man of wisdom and discrimination favours
and selects first-born heroes for admirable Agni, fiery
commander of the army, acclimatised animals for the
disciplined heroes of the speed of the winds, well reared
animals for the homely yajnic people, well-trained
animals for the sportive fun-loving people, and
domesticated animals for the quiet settled people.
17. (Indragni & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
mÆDrk% l¼×pÆjk¿,rk¼¿,sUækÆXuk% izk¼Ük`ÉXk ek¼gsÆUæk c¼gq:Æik
oS¼'odeZÆ.kk% AAû÷AA
Uktå¨ sa¤caråíetåíaindrågnå¨ prå‹æΔgå
måhendrå bahurμupå vai‹vakarmanå¨.
Described are these animals and the ways of raising
and training them. Of divine care and purpose, they are
of varied hue and beautiful horns, favourites of divinities
and for divine purpose. Of Indra and Agni they are, of
Mahendra and Vishvakarma.
18. (Pitarah Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
q h¼dk'kk% fir¤.É kk¦lkse¼orka cÆHkzoks¼ /we
/wÉekz cÆHkzu É u ¼ k'kk%
z hd
fir¤.É kka c£¼ gÆ"knak¼ o`ÉQ".kk cÆHkzu ¼ k'kk% fir¤.É kke¼fXu"okÆÙkkuak¼
q hd
o`ÉQ".kk% i`"k¼UrL=kS;EcÆdk% AAûøAA
Dhμumrå babhrun∂kå‹å¨ pit¿ƒå|m somavatå≈
babhravo dhμumran∂kå‹å¨ pit¿ƒå≈ barhi¶adå≈
k涃å babhrun∂kå‹å¨ pit¿ƒåmagni¶våttånå≈
kæ¶ƒå¨ pæ¶antastraiyambakå¨.
Smoky grey and dark brown animals are for kind
and loving soma-natured parents and seniors. Brown and
smoky dark are for the senior councillors. Black and
brown are for those seniors who are experts of the science
of fire. And black and spotted are for those who have
three-fold responsibilities. (Honour the seniors with pet-
gifts and protect the animals for them.)
19. (Vayu Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
mÆDrk% l×¼ pÆjk¿,rk¼% 'kquklhÆjh;k¼% 'osÆrk ok¼;ÆO;k~% 'osr
Æ k%
lkSÆ;kZ% AAûùAA
Uktå¨ sa¤caråí etå¨ ‹unås∂r∂yå¨ ‹vetå våyavyå¨
‹vetå¨ sauryå¨.
Described are these animals, white, beautiful,
moving around, dedicated to the plough and the share,
sustaining as the air, bright as the sunlight. They have
the elements and virtues of the air and the sun.
20. (Vasanta Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
oÆlUÆ rk;¼ dÆfi×t¼ykÆukyH¼ krs xzh"Æ ek;¼ dyÆfoVk¼u~ oÆ"kkZH;&¼
fLÆRÆkÆfÙkjh¼×NÆjnsÆ o£Ùk¼dk gseÆUrk;Æ do¼QjkÆf×Nf'k¼jk;Æ
foo¼Qdjku~ AAüúAA
Vasantåya kapi¤jalånålabhate gr∂¶måya
kalaviΔkån var¶åbhyastittir∂¤charade varttikå
hemantåya kakarå¤chi‹iråya vikakarån.
The bird specialist takes up the sparrow for the
season of spring, the cuckoo for summer, the partridge
for the rains, the quail for autumn, the kakara for freezing
cold, and vikakara for the frosty season.
21. (Varuna Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
lÆeæ Éq k;¼ f'k'kqe
É kjkÆuky¼Hkrs iÆtUZ ;k;
¼ eÆ.Mwdku¼ ‰ ¼ ~
Æ ;ks eRL;ku
fEÆkÆ=kk;¼ oqQyhÆi;kÆu~ o#¼.kk; ukÆØku~ AAüûAA
Samudråya ‹i‹umårånålabhate parjanyåya
maƒŒμukån adbhyo matsyån mitråya kul∂payån
varuƒåya nåkrån.
The water-life specialist takes up the alligator in
relation to the sea, frogs for the clouds, fish for the waters
of lakes and rivers, kulipaya in relation to the sun and
waters, and crocodile in relation to the oceans.
22. (Soma & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
lksek; ¼ gƧlkuky¼Hkrs okÆ;os¼ cÆykdk¼¿bUækÆfXuH;kaÆ Øq×pku¼ ~
fEÆkÆ=kk;¼ eÆn~xwu~ o#¼ .kk; pØokÆdku~ AAüüAA
Somåya ha| m sånålabhate våyave balåkåí
indrågnibhyå≈ kru¤cån mitråya madgμ u n
varuƒåya cakravåkån.
The bird-expert takes up the hansa, geese, in
relation to Soma, beauty and joy, the she-crane in
relation to Vayu, breeze and pleasure, the krauncha in
relation to Indragni, the warmth of fire and vibrations
of energy, the madgu in relation to Mitra, sun and water,
and the chakravaka in relation to Varuna, the love and
vastness of space.
23. (Agni etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆXu;s¼ oqÉQV:Æuky¼HkrsÆ ouÆLifr¼H;Æ¿myw¼dkuÆXuh"kksek¼H;kaÆ
pk"kk¼uÆf'oH;ak¼ eÆ;wjk¼u~ fEÆkÆ=kko#¼.kkH;ka dÆiksrk¼u~ AAüýAA
Agnaye ku¢arμunålabhate vanaspatibhyaíulμukån-
agn∂¶omåbhyå≈ cå¶ån a‹vibhyå≈ mayμurån
mitråvaruƒåbhyå≈ kapotån.
The specialist in birds and bird behaviour takes
up the cocks for Agni, the owls for the Vanaspati, trees,
the blue jays for Agni and Soma, the peacocks for the
Ashvinis, and the pigeons for Mitra and Varuna.
24. (Soma etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
lksek¼; yÆckuky¼HkrsÆ Ro"Vªs¼ dkSyhÆdku~ xks¼"kkÆnhnsZÆokukaÆ
iRuh¼H;% oqÉQyhdk¼ nsotkÆfeH;ksÆ¿Xu;s¼ x`Égi¼r;s ik#Æ&
".kku~ AAüþAA
Somåya labånålabhate tva¶¢re kaul∂kån go¶å-
d∂rdevånå≈ patn∂bhya¨ kul∂kå devajåmibhyoí
gnaye gæhapataye påru¶ƒån.
He takes up the laba birds for Soma, kaulikas for
Tvashta, goshadis which hurt the cows for the wives of
the nobles, kulikas for the sisters of the nobles, and
parushnas for Agni of the homestead.
25. (Kalavayavah, periods of time Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÉs¼ ikÆjko¼rkÆuky¼HkrsÆ jk=;S¼ lhpkÆiwj¼gksjkÆ=k;ks¼% lÆfU/H;ks¼
tÆrwekZls¼H;ks nkR;kSÆgkURl¯oRlÆjk;¼ egÆr% lq¼iÆ.kkZu~ AAüÿAA
Ahne påråvatånålabhate råtryai s∂cåpμuraho-
råtrayo¨ sandhibhyo jatμurmåsebhyo dåtyau-
håntsa≈vatsaråya mahata¨ suparƒån.
He takes up pigeons for the day, sichapus for the
night, jatus for the morning and evening twilight, the
crow for the months, and the big suparnas for the year.
26. (Bhumi etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
HkwE;k¼¿vkÆ[kwuky¼HkrsÆ¿Urfj¼{kk; ikÆÄ~Drku~ fnÆos d'kk¼u~
fnÆXH;ks u¼oqÉQyku~ cHkzq¼dkuokUrjfnÆ'kkH;¼% AAüöAA
Bhμumyåíåkhμunålabhateíntarik¶åya påΔktån dive
ka‹ån digbhyo nakulån babhrukån
The expert studies the rodent holes for the earth,
the rows of flying birds for the sky, the kasha birds for
the light, the mungoose for the directions and the
ichneumon for the interdirections.
27. (Vasus etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
olq¼H;Æ¿Í';kÆuky¼Hkrs #ÆæsH;ksÆ #:¼ukfnÆR;sH;ksÆ U;Ä~ owQÉu~
fo'os¼H;ks nsÆosH;¼% i`"kÆrkURlkÆè;sH;¼% oqQyqÉXku~ AAü÷AA
Vasubhyaí æ‹yånålabhate rudrebhyo rurμun
ådityebhyo nyaΔkμ u n vi‹vebhyo devebhya¨
pæ¶atåntsådhyebhya¨ kuluΔgån.
For the Vasu order of scholars, take up the study
of the white footed rishya antelopes; for the Rudra
scholars, take up the ruru antelopes; for the Aditya
scholars, take up the nyanku antelopes; for the eminent
and generous scholars, take up the prishata antelopes;
and for the advanced researchers on yoga, the sadhyas,
take up the kulunga antelopes.
28. (Ishana etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
bZ'kk¼uk;Æ Rok ij¼LorÆ vk y¼Hkrs fEÆkÆ=kk;¼ xkSÆjku~ o#¼ .kk;
efgÆ"kku~ c`gÆLir¼;s xoÆ;k¡LRo"VªÉ¿m"Vªk¼u~ AAüøAA
∫‹ånåya två parasvata å labhate mitråya gaurån
varuƒåya mahi¶ån bæhaspataye gavayå|nstva¶¢raí
For the man of ruling power take up the parasvan
antelopes of the forest, gauras for Mitra, the buffaloes
for Varuna, wild cows for Brihaspati, and camels for
29. (Prajapati and Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
izÆtki¼r;sÆ iq#¼ "kku~ gfLruÆ vk y¼Hkrs okÆps Iyq"kh¡Æ'p{kq¼"ks
eÆ'kdkÆ×Nªks=kk¼;Æ Hk`Xk¼% AAüùAA
Prajåpataye puru¶ån hastina å labhate våce
plu¶∂|n‹cak¶u¶e ma‹akå¤chrotråya bhæΔgå¨.
Take up male elephants for Prajapati, flying white
ants for speech, mosquitoes for the eye and moths for
the ear.
30. (Prajapati etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
izÆtki¼r;s p okÆ;os¼ p xkseÉx ` ks o#¼ .kk;kjÊ.;ks esÆ"kks ;Æek;Æ
Ñ".kks¼ euq";jkÆtk;¼ eÆoQZ V¼% 'kknwZÉyk;¼ jksÆfgn`¼"kÆHkk;¼ xoÆ;h
f{k¼iz';sÆuk;Æ o£Ùk¼dkÆ uhy¼XÉksÉ% Ñfe¼% leqÉæk;¼ f'k'kqÉekjks¼
fgÆeo¼rs gÆLrh AAýúAA
Prajåpataye ca våyave ca gomægo varuƒåy-
åraƒyo me¶o yamåya k涃o manu¶yaråjåya
marka¢a¨ ‹årdμ u låya rohidæ¶abhåya gavay∂
k¶ipra‹yenåya vartikå n∂laΔgo¨ kæmi¨
samudråya ‹i‹umåro himavate hast∂.
For Prajapati and Vayu, the wild cow; for Varuna,
the wild ram; for Yama, black deer; for the ruler of
people, the monkey; for the lion, red deer; for the bull,
the wild cow; for the swift eagle, the partridge; for the
blue-bodied, the insects; for the sea, crocodile; and for
the snowy mountainous region, the elephant.
31. (Prajapatya etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
eÆ;q% izk¼tkiÆR;¿mÆyks gÆfy{.kks¼ o`"knƧ'kLrs /kÆ=ks fnÆ'kka
dÆVks /qÄ~{kk¼XusÆ;h o¼QyÆfoVks ¼ yksfgrkÆfg% iq¼"djlkÆnLrs
RokÆ"Vªk okÆps Øq×p¼% AAýûAA
Mayu¨ pråjåpatyaí ulo halik¶ƒo væ¶ada|m‹aste
dhåtre di‹å≈ kaΔko dhuΔk¶ågney∂ kalaviΔko
lohitåhi¨ pu¶karasådaste tv嶢rå våce kru¤ca¨.
The wild human (gorilla, yati, etc.) is the care of
Prajapati; the little creatures, lion and wild cat for Dhata,
master controller; the heron is for the directions;
dhunksha bird is fiery; the sparrow, red snake and tank-
creatures are for Tvashta; and the crane is for speech.
32. (Soma & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
lksek¼; oqQyqÉX vk¼jÊ.;ks¨¿tks u¼oqÉQy% 'kdkÆ rs ikSÆ".kk%
É % fIÆkÆ}ks U;Ä~oq¼Q% dDdÆVLrs¿&
ØksÆ"Vk ekÆ;ksfjUæL; xkSje`x
uq¼eR;S izfRÆkÆJqRdk¼;S pØokÆd% AAýüAA
Somåya kuluΔga åraƒyoíjo nakula¨ ‹akå te
pau¶ƒå¨ kro¶¢å måyorindrasya gauramæga¨
pidvo nyaΔku¨ kakka¢asteínumatyai prati-
‹rutkåyai cakravåka¨.
The antelope is for Soma; the forest-goat,
mungoose and the bee are for Pusha; the jackal is for
the wild human; the white deer is for Indra; the pidva,
nyanku and kakkata are for Anumati; and the
chakravaka is for Echo.
33. (Mitra & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
lkSÆjh cÆykdk¼ 'kkÆx%Z l`¼tÆ;% 'kÆ;k.M¼dÆLrs eSÆ=kk% ljL¼ oR;SÆ
'kkfj¼% iq#"kÆoko~Q 'okÆfo‰kSÆeh 'kk¼nwZÉyks o`dÆ% i`nk¼oqÉQLrs
eÆU;osÆ lj¼LorsÆ 'kqo¼Q% iq#"kÆoko~Q AAýýAA
Saur∂ balåkå ‹arga¨ sæjaya¨ ‹ay僌akaste
maitrå¨ sarasvatyai ‹åri¨ puru¶avåk
‹våvidbhaum∂ ‹årdμulo væka¨ pædåkuste manyave
sarasvate ‹uka¨ puru¶avåk.
The female crane is for the sun; the sharga, the
srijaya and the shayandaka, these birds are for Mitra;
the human voiced parrot is for Sarasvati; the porcupine
is for the earth; the lion, the wolf, and the snake, these
are for Manyu (anger); and the human voiced male
parrot is for the sea.
34. (Agni & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
lqÉiÆ.kZ% ik¼tZÆU;¿vkÆfroZk¼gÆlks n£o×nkÆ rs okÆ;osÆ c`gÆLir¼;s
okÆpLir¼;s iSXjkÆt~ksÆ¿yÆt vk¼UrfjÆ{k% IyÆoks eÆnx ~ e
q RZ L;ÆLrs
u¼nhiÆr;s¼ |koki`fFÆkÆoh;¼% owÉQeZ% AAýþAA
Suparƒa¨ pårjanyaí åtirvåhaso darvidå te
våyave bæhaspataye våcaspataye paiΔgaråjoí
laja åntarik¶a¨ plavo madgurmatsyaste
nad∂pataye dyåvåpæthiv∂ya¨ kμurma¨.
The eagle is for the cloud; the aati (an aquatic
bird), the serpent and the wood-pecker, these are for
Vayu, the air; the paingaraja is for Vachasapati
Brihaspati; alaja is for the sky; the pelican, the cormorant
and the fish, these are for the lord of streams; and the
tortoise is for the earth and light.
35. (Chandra & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
É "Ê kÊex ¼ ks xksÆ/k dky¼dk nkokZ?kkÆVLrs ouÆLirh¼uka
`É 'pÆUæel
ÑdÆokoq¼Q% lkfOÆkÆ=kks gƧlks okr¼L; ukÆØks eo¼Qj% oqQyhÆ&
i;ÆLrs¿ow¼QikjL; fßÉ;S 'kY;¼d% AAýÿAA
Puru¶amæga‹candramaso godhå kålakå dårvå-
ghå¢aste vanaspat∂nå≈ kækavåku¨ såvitro ha|mso
våtasya nåkro makara¨ kul∂payasteíkμupårasya
hriyai ‹alyaka¨.
The buck belongs to the moon; the alligator, the
kalaka, the wood pecker, these belong to the trees; the
peacock belongs to Savita, the sun; the hansa is of the
air; the iguana, crocodile, and the dolphin, they are of
the sea, and the porcupine is for timidity.
36. (Ashvinis & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
,É.;Éks¼ eÆ.MwdksÆ ewf"k¼dk fRÆkÆfÙkfjÆLrs lÆikZ.kak¼ yksikÆ'k¿&
vkf¼ 'ÆOkÆ u
Æ % Ñ".kksÆ jk=;kÆ¿Í{kks¼ tÆr%w lqf¼ "Æky ¼ jtÆukukaÆ
Æ hdkÆ r¿br
tg¼dk oS".kÆoh AAýöAA
Eƒyahƒo maƒŒμuko mμu¶ikå tittiriste sarpåƒå≈
lopå‹aíåsvina¨ k涃o råtryåíæk¶o jatμu¨ su¶il∂kå
ta itarajanånå≈ jahakå vai¶ƒav∂.
The doe is of the day; the frog, mouse and
partridge, these are of the serpents; the lopasha is
Ashvins’; black animal is for the night; the bear, the bat
and the sushilika are for other people; and the hedgehog
is for Vishnu.
37. (Ardhamasa etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆU;ÆokÆiks~¿¼ZekÆlkukÆe'` ;ks¼ eÆ;jw %¼ lqi.Æ kZLrs xU¼ /ÆokZ.kke
¼ ÆikeqÉæks
ekÆlku~ dÆ';iks¼ jksÆfgRoq¼Q.M`É.kkph¼ xksÆyfÙk¼dkÆ rs~¿IlÆjlak¼
e`ÉR;os¼¿fLÆkÆr% AAý÷AA
Anyavåpoírdhamåsånåmæ‹yo mayμura¨ supar-
ƒaste gandharvåƒåmapåmudro måsån ka‹yapo
rohitkuƒŒæƒåc∂ golattikå teí psaraså≈ mætyaveí
The cockoo belongs to the fortnights; the rishya
deer, the peacock and the swan belong to the gandharvas
(musicians); the crab belongs to the waters; the tortoise
belongs to the months; the red deer, the house lizzard
and the golattika belong to the water nymphs and the
sunbeams; and the black deer is for death.
38. (Varsha & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
Æ wÍZ× rwÉukekÆ[kq% d'kks¼ ekUFkkÆyLrs fi¼r.
oÆ"kkZg ¤É kka cyk; ¼ ktxÆjks
olwu¼ ka dÆfi×ty ¼ % dÆiksrÆ¿mywd ¼ % 'kÆ'kLrs fuÍZ× R;SÆ o#¼.kk&
;kjÊ.;ks esÆ"k% AAýøAA
Var¶åhμ u rætμ u nåmåkhu¨ ka‹o månthålaste
pit¿ƒå≈ balåyåjagaro vasμ u nå≈ kapi¤jala¨
kapotaíulμuka¨ ‹a‹aste nirætyai varuƒåyåraƒyo
The frog is for the seasons; the mouse, the rodents
and the flying fox, these are of the pitaras; the serpent
is for strength; the partridge is for the Vasus; the pigeon,
the owl and the hare are for adversity; the wild ram is
for Varuna.
39. (Aditya and Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
f'ÆOkÆ =Æ k¿vkf¼ nÆR;kukÆe"q VªkÉs ?k`.kho
¼ ku~ ok/zhuZ ÆlLrs eÆR;k¿vj¼.;k;
l`eÆjks #:¼ jkSæ Æ % Dof;¼% oqQÉ V#¼ nkZR;kSÆgLrs okÆftukaÆ dkek; ¼
fIÆkÆd% AAýùAA
›vitraíådityånåmu¶¢ro ghæƒ∂vån vårdhr∂nasaste
matyåíaraƒyåya sæmaro rurμu raudra¨ kvayi¨
ku¢arurdåtyauhaste våjinå≈ kåmåya pika¨.
The white domestic animal is of the Adityas; the
camel, the bright and tender animal and a big goat with
streaks on nose are for intelligence; the wild cow is for
the forest; the red deer is of Rudra; the kvayi, the cock
and the crow, these are for the Vajins (speed); and the
cuckoo is for love and desire.
40. (Vishvedevas etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
[kÆM~xks oS¼'onsÆo% 'ok o`ÉQ".k% dÆ.kksZ x¼nZÆHkLrÆj{kqÉLrs
j{k¼lkÆfeUæk¼; lwdÆj% fLÆkƧgks ek¼#Ær% o`¼QdykÆl% fiIi¼dk
'kÆoqQfUÆkÆLrs 'k¼jÊO;k~;SÆ fo'os¼"kka nsÆokuak¼ i`"kÆr% AAþúAA
KhaŒgo vai‹vadeva¨ ‹vå k涃a¨ karƒo
gardabhastarak¶uste rak¶asåmindråya sμukara¨
si|mho måruta¨ kækalåsa¨ pippakå ‹akuniste
‹aravyåyai vi‹ve¶å≈ devanå≈ pæ¶ata¨.
The rhino is for Vishvedevas; black dog, long-
eared ass, the tiger, these are for the demons; the boar
is for the king; the lion is for the winds; the chameleon,
pippaka and the vulture are for the marksman; the
spotted deer is favourite of the noblest persons.

bfr prq²o'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Sarasvati & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
'kkn¯ nÆf‰jo¼dka nUrewÉye Z̀ Æa cLoSZ×LrsÆ xka n¦"Vªk¼H;kƦ&
S n
ljL¼ oR;k¿ vxzftÆàa ftÆàk;k¿¼ mRlkÆneo ¼ ØÆUnsuÆ rkyqÉ oktƧ&
guqH¼ ;keÆi¿vkÆL;s~uÆ o`"k.¼ kekÆ.MkH;k¼e~ vkfnÆR;ku~ 'eJqf¼ HÆkÆ%
iUFkku¼ a HkzHÉw ;ka |koki
¼ f` FÆko
Æ h oÙkksZ×H;ka fOÆkÆ|r ¼ kH;k¦&
q ¯ dÆuhud
É yk;Æ Lokgk¼ o`ÉQ".kk;Æ LokgkÆ ik;Zk¼f.ÆkÆ i{ek¼.;okÆ;kZ~¿&
bÆ{koks¼¿okÆ;kZ~f.ÆkÆ i{ek¼f.ÆkÆ ik;Zk¼¿bÆ{ko¼% AAûAA
›åda≈ dadbhiravakå≈ dantamμ u lairmæda≈
barsvaiste gå≈ da|m¶¢råbhyå|m sarasvatyåí
agrajihva≈ jihvåyåíutsådamavakrandenå tålu
våja|m hanubhyåmapaíåsyena væ¶aƒam僌-
åbhyåmådityå| n ‹ma‹rubhi¨ panthåna≈
bhrμubhyå≈ dyåvåpæthiv∂ vartobhyå≈ vidyuta≈
kan∂nakåbhyå|m ‹uklåya svåhå k涃åya svåhå
påryåƒi pak¶måƒyavåryåí ik¶avoívåryåƒi
pak¶måƒi påryåí ik¶ava¨.
By the teeth, test the efficiency of chewing and
the texture of food, the strength of the teeth by the roots
and gums, the protective enamel by the cavities, biting
force by the fangs, the ease and elegance of speech by
the fluent sweetness and suppleness of the tongue at
the tip, the palate by the roll of the voice, the sweetness
and energy by the action of the jaws, the deliciousness
of drinks by the mouth, the maturity of manhood by the
scrotum, the roll of years of maturity by the beard and
moustache, the paths and manners of living by the
eyebrows, the sense of heaven and earth by the orbits
of movement, the inner light and energy by the pupils
of the eyes.
For the perfection of brahmacharya observe sexual
and mental discipline. For the completion of the
acquisition of knowledge observe the discipline of study.
The actions for going across the river of life are
indispensable like the lovely sugar-cane at hand this
side of the river. And the actions this side of the river of
life too must be like the lovely sugar-cane across the
2. (Pranas etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
okr¯ izkÆ.ksuk¼ikÆusuÆ ukfl¼osQ¿mi;kÆee/¼jsÊ.kkS"Bs¼uÆ lnqÙk¼j. s k
izdk'ksukUr¼jeuwdkÆ'ksuÆ ckᯠfuosÆ";a ewÉèukZ Lr¼ufÕÆkÆRuqa
fuc¼ kZ/ s kÆ'k¯u× eÆfLr"osQ¼.k fOÆkÆ|r
Æ u ¼ kH;kaÆ d.kZkH¼ ;kƦ&
q ¯ dÆuhud
Jks=kƦJks=kk¼H;kaÆ d.kkSZ× rsnÆuhe¼/jdÆ.BsukÆi% 'kq¼"ddÆ.Bsu¼
fPÆkÆÙka eU;kf¼ HÆkÆjfn¼fr§'khÆ".kkZ fuÍZׯRÆkÆ futZ×tZYisu 'khÆ".kkZ
l¯ØksÆ'kS% izkÆ.kku~ jsÊ"ek.k¼¦LrqÉisu¼ AAüAA
Våta≈ pråƒenåpånena nåsikeíupayåmama-
dhareƒau¶¢hena saduttareƒa prakå‹enåntara-
manμ u kå‹ena båhya≈ nive¶ya≈ mμ u rdhna
stanayitnu≈ nirbådhenå‹ani≈ masti¶keƒa
vidyuta≈ kan∂nakåbhyå≈ karƒåbhyå|m ‹rotra|m
‹rotråbhyå≈ karƒau tedan∂madhara-
kaƒ¢henåpa¨ ‹u¶kakaƒ¢hena citta≈ manyåbhi-
raditi|m ‹∂r¶ƒå niræti≈ nirjarjalpena ‹∂r¶ƒå
sa≈kro‹ai¨ pråƒån re¶måƒa|m stupena.
Receive the energy of the winds by the incoming
breath of prana and the outgoing breath of apana by the
nostrils. With the lower and upper lips observe the self-
control of truth and the discipline of yama and niyama.
With the light of higher knowledge illumine the inner
personality. With cleanliness, purify the outer
personality. Take in the light of divinity by the brahma-
randhra, top aperture of the head. Hear the voice of
thunder (of omnipotence) without interruption. Create
the flash of lightning with the brain. Let the light shine
by the pupils of the eyes. Develop hearing by the ears
and the ears by hearing. Take in the food smoothly by
the lower throat. Value the drinks by the parched throat.
Develop the mind and memory by reflection and
meditation. Realize the boundless in freedom with the
imagination. Move on to the existential void with the
head and speech unimpaired.
Develop the pranas with invocations to universal
energy, facing the storm with shouts of joy.
3. (Indra & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
eÆ'kdkÆu~ osQ'kSÆfjUæƦLoi¼lkÆ ogs¼uÆ c`gÆLifr¼§'koqQfulkÆnu
s ¼
owÉQekZ×NÆiQS jkÆØe¼.k¦LFkwÉjkH;k¼e`É{kyk¼fHk% dÆfi×t¼yk×tÆoa
t†k¼H;kÆeèok¼ua ckÆgqH;kaÆ tkEch¼ysÆukj¼.;eÆfXue¼fRÆkÆ#XH;ak¼
iwÉ"k.ak¼ nksÆH;kZeÆf'oukÆo§lk¼H;k¦#Ææ§jksjk¼H;ke~ AAýAA
Ma‹akån ke‹airindra|m svapaså vahena bæhas-
pati| m ‹akunisådena kμ u rma¤chaphairå-
kramaƒa|m sthμuråbhyåmæk¶alåbhi¨ kapi¤ja-
lå¤java≈ jaΔghåbhyåmadhvåna≈ båhubhyå≈
jåmb∂lenaraƒyamagni≈atirugbhyå≈ pμu¶aƒa≈
dorbhyåma‹vinåva| m såbhyå| m rudra| m
Ward off mosquitoes and insects with hair.
Achieve the power and greatness of Indra with hard
work and great action. Reach Brihaspati, great lord of
knowledge and wisdom, by the ordeal of fire and
patience. Get to the tortoise and the earth with the speed
of the eagle. Shoot to the target on the hoofs of a horse
and power of arms. Get to the kapinjala birds by stout
action and double speed. Get to speed and cover the
road with strong legs. Get to the forest with the grape
fruit. Get to Agni, fire, by will and desire, to Pusha,
good health, by strong arms, to Ashvins, ruler and
people, by strong shoulders, and to Rudra, power of
justice, by listening and discussion.
4. (Agni & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆXus% i¼{kÆfrokZÆ;ks£ui¼{kfRÆkÆfjUæ¼L; r`r É h;kÆ lkseL¼ ; prqÉF;Z&
fn¼R;S i×pÆehUækÆ.;S "kÆ"Bh eÆ#rk¼¦lIrÆeh c`gÆLirs¼&
¼ Æeh /kÆrn
j"VÆE;~;EÆZ .kks uo q Z×'kÆehUæL¼ ;SdknÆ'kh o#¼ .kL; }knÆ'kh
;ÆeL;¼ =k;ksnÆ'kh AAþAA
Agne¨ pak¶atirvåyornipak¶atirindrasya tæt∂yå
somasya caturthyadityai pa¤cam∂ndråƒyai
¶a¶¢h∂ marutå| m saptam∂ bæhaspatera¶¢a-
myaryamƒo navam∂ dhåturda‹am∂ndrasyai-
kåda‹∂ varuƒasya dvåda‹∂ yamasya trayoda‹∂.
The body-politic of the nation of humanity has
thirteen ribs on the right side of the chest. The first is
Agni’s for light and fire. The second is Vayu’s for air
energy. The third is Indra’s for sunlight and energy.
The fourth is Soma’s for coolness and life of vegetation.
The fifth is Aditi’s for the vastness and generosity of
the sky. The sixth is Indrani’s for electric energy. The
seventh is Marut’s for the winds. The eighth is
Brihaspati’s for cosmic energy. The nineth is Aryaman’s
for the working people. The tenth is Dhatri’s for the
cosmic law. The eleventh is Indra’s for national honour,
power and prosperity. The twenfth is Varuna’s for the
enlightened citizens. The thirteenth is Yama’s for justice
and administration.
(The world system thus is organismic. Every part
is a living member, and every man, woman and
community should play their part in the life of the system.)
5. (Indra & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
bÆUækÆXU;ks% i¼{kÆfr% lj¼LoR;SÆ fui¼{kfr£EÆkÆ=kL;¼ r`Érh;kÆika
p¼rFÉq khZ fuÍZ× R;S i×pÆE;¨Xuh"kkse; ¼ ks% "kÆ"Bh lÆikZ.kk¼¦lIrÆeh
fo".kksj¼ "VÆeh iwÉ".kks u¼oÆeh Ro"Vqn ¼ 'Z kÆehUæL¼ ;SdknÆ'kh o#¼ .kL;
}knÆ'kh ;ÆE;S =k¼;ksnÆ'kh |koki ¼ f` FÆkOÆ ;ksnfZ {k.¼ ka ikÆ'o± fo'os"¼ kka
nsÆokukÆeqÙk¼je~ AAÿAA
Indrågnyo¨ pak¶ati¨ sarasvatyai nipak¶atir-
mitrasya tæt∂yåpå≈ caturth∂ nirætyai pa¤ca-
myagn∂¶omayo¨ ¶a¶¢h∂ sarpåƒå| m saptam∂
vi¶ƒora¶¢am∂ pμu¶ƒo navam∂ tva¶¢urda‹am∂-
ndrasyaikåda‹∂ varuƒasya dvåda‹∂ yamya∂
trayoda‹∂ dyåvåpæthivyordak¶iƒa≈ pår‹va≈
vi‹ve¶å≈ devånåmuttaram.
The body-politic of the nation has thirteen ribs on
the left side of the chest. The first belongs to Indragni for
air and fire. The second belongs to Sarasvati for speech
and education. The third belongs to Mitra for friendship.
The fourth belongs to Aps, waters. The fifth belongs to
Nir-riti, the earth. The sixth belongs to Agni-soma for
fire and water. The seventh belongs to Sarpas,
subterranean creatures. The eighth belongs to Vishnu,
cosmic spirit. The nineth belongs to Pusha, health and
nourishment. The tenth is Tvashta’s for brilliance and
refinement. The eleventh belongs to Indra, the soul, for
self-culture. The twelfth belongs to Varuna, enlightened
people. The thirteenth belongs to Yami, nation’s women.
The right side is for Dyava-prithivi, heaven and earth
for light and life. The left side belongs to all the nobilities
of nature and humanity for the joy of enlightenment.
6. (Maruts etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
eÆ#rk¼¦LdÆU/k fo'os"¼kka nsÆokuak¼ izFkÆek dho¼Qlk #Ææk.kak¼
f}Érh;k¿¼ ¿fnÆR;kuak¼ r`Érh;k¼ okÆ;ks% iqPN¼eÆXuh"kkse¼;ksÆHkkZl¼nkSÆ
ozqQ×pkSÆ Jksf.k¼H;kÆfeUækÆc`gÆLirh¼¿mQÆ#H;ak¼ fEÆkÆ=kko#¼ .kk&
oÆYxkH;k¼ekÆØe¼.k¦LFkwÉjkH;kaÆ cyaÆ oqQ"Bk¼H;ke~ AAöAA
Marutå|m skandhå vi‹ve¶å≈ devånå≈ prathamå
k∂kaså rudråƒå≈ dvit∂yåîdityånå≈ tæt∂yå våyo¨
pucchamagn∂¶omayorbhåsadau kru¤cau
‹roƒibhyåmindråbæhaspat∂í μurubhyå≈ mitrå-
varuƒåvalgåbhyåmåkramaƒa|m sthμuråbhyå≈
bala≈ ku¶¢håbhyåm.
The shoulders of the nation belong to the Maruts,
that is, the stormy troops of defence are the shoulders
of the nation. The first and top part of the spine belongs
to Vishvedevas, that is, the generous and enlightened
people are the top of the nation’s spine. The second
part of the spine belongs to the Rudras, men of law and
justice. The third part belongs to the Adityas, brilliant
people and children of the earth. The tail end belongs
to Vayu, breath and fragrance of the nation. The hips of
the nation belong to Agni and Soma, the heat of fire
and coolness of water in the national mind. The poets
and artists, two beautiful hansa birds, are comparable
to the loins of the nation. Indra and Brihaspati, ruler
and teachers, are comparable to the thighs. Mitra and
Varuna, friendship and discrimination, are comparable
to the groins. Develop force and advancement by the
strength and suppleness of the thighs. Judge the strength
and vitality of the nation by the slopes of the groin.
(Note here that the rashtra/nation/Samraat
purusha is compared to the individual purusha (Eka-
raat purusha), and also to the universal purusha, i.e.,
the Viraat Purusha. Life thus is an organism at every
stage from the individual to the universe.)
7. (Pusha etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
iwÉ"k.ak¼ ofUÆkÆ"Bquk¼U/kÆghURLFkwy ¼ xqn
É ;k¼ lÆikZu~ xqnkf¼ Hk£OÆkÆßqr¼¿&
vkÆU=kSji Ê ks oÆfLrukÆ o`"k¼.kekÆ.MkH;kaÆ okft¼uƧ'ksi¼u s izt Æ k¦&
jsr¼lkÆ pk"kku ¼ ~ fIÆkÙÆ ksu¼ iznjÆ ku~ ikÆ;uq k¼ owQÉ 'ek×N¼dfIÆk.Æ MS%AA÷AA
Pμu¶aƒa≈ vani¶¢hunåíndhåh∂ntsthμulagudayå
sarpån gudåbhirvihrutaíåntrairapo vastinå
væ¶aƒam僌åbhyå≈ våjina|m ‹epena prajå|m
retaså cå¶ån pittena pradarån påyunå
Compare national health to food digestion and
assimilation, blind serpents to large intestines, snakes
to the bowels, crooked people to the intestines, water
storages to the bladder and lower abdomen, vital rains
and clouds to the scrotum, passion to the virile seed,
food consumption to the bile, clearances to wind
discharges, and judge the force of governance by the
concentrations of power.
8. (Indra and Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
bUæ¼L; ØksÆMks¿fn¼R;S iktÆL;a~ fnÆ'kka tÆ=koks¿fn¼R;S HkÆlTthÆ&
ewrku¼ ~ ân;kSiÆ'ksukÆUrfj{¼ ka iqjhÆrrkÆ uHk¼¿mnÆ;Zs~.k pØokÆdkS
erL¼ ukH;kaÆ fno¯ o`ÉDdkH;ak¼ fXÆkjÆ hu~ IykÆf'kfHÆk#
Æ iy¼ ku~ IyhÆÉk
oÆYehdk¼u~ DyksÆefHk¼XykSZÆfHkxqYZ ek¼u~ fgÆjkfHÆkÆ% Ïo¼UrhßZÉnku~
oqÉQf{kH;k¼¦leqÉæeqÉnjs¼.k oS'okuÆja HkLe¼uk AAøAA
Indrasya kroŒoídityai påjasya≈ di‹å≈ jatravoí-
dityai bhasajj∂mμutån hædayaupa‹enåntarik¶a≈
pur∂tatå nabhaí udaryeƒa cakravåkau
matasnåbhyå≈ diva≈ vækkåbhyå≈ gir∂n
plå‹ibhirupalån pl∂hnå valm∂kån kloma-
bhirglaubhirgulmån hiråbhi¨ sravant∂rhradån
kuk¶ibhyå|m samudramudareƒa vai‹vånara≈
You are in the bosom of Indra, father of light, let
not the light sink into darkness.
Stand firm, the food and fertility of the earth is
where you stand. The meeting of the directions of space
is in the joints of the ribs. The light within is the light of
heaven. Know the shower of the clouds by the joy of
the soul in the blood, the broadness of the skies by the
coronary artery, the soothing liquidity of atmospheric
water by the serum juices of the belly, the energy of
life, like the love of chakravaka birds, by the pulmonary
arteries, the purity of light by the cleansing action of
the excretory organs, the hardness of mountains by
digestion and assimilation, the cloud-generosity by the
spleen, the paths of movement by the blood vessels,
concentrations and enlargements by the veins, streams
and rivers by the blood-streams, gulfs and bays by the
womb and ovaries, the sea by the stomach, and universal
fire by the heat of the body system.
(Note the correspondence of the microcosm (eka-
raat-purusha) and the macrocosm (Viraat-purusha) and
the correspondence of the working of the two systems.
The individual system works within the universal system
as a unit. And this correspondence is worth knowing.
The human individual is in the bosom of the universal
9. (Pusha & Others Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
fo/`¼¯RÆkÆ ukH;k¼ ?k`Ér§jls¼ukÆiks ;wÉ".kk ejh¼ph£OÆkÆizqM~fHk¼uhZ&
gkÆjewÉ"e.kk¼ 'khÆua ol¼;kÆ iz"q okÆ¿vJqf¼ HkßÉkn ZÉ u ¼ "ÉZw khdk¼fHkjÉLuk
q hn
¼ fl fPÆk=Æ kk.;XSuÉ {Z k=¼ kkf.k :Æi.s k¼ i`fFÆkÆoha RoÆpk tqE¼ cÆdk;Æ
Lokgk¼ AAùAA
Vidhæti≈ nåbhyå ghæta| m rasenåpo yμ u ¶ƒå
mar∂c∂rvipruŒ-bhirn∂håramμ u ¶maƒå ‹∂na≈
vasayå pru¶våía‹rubhirhrådun∂rdμu¶∂kåbhirasna
rak¶å| m si citråƒyaΔgairnak¶atråƒi rμ u peƒa
pæthiv∂≈ tvacå jumbakåya svåhå.
Know the centre-hold of the universe by the
navel, liquid life of existence by the sap of nature, the
waters of life by soup and decoctions, particles of light
in rays by drops in a streams of oblations, the morning
mist by vapours of steam, solid energy by frozen fat,
precipitation of clouds by the tear glands, hail storms
by shocks of disturbance, natural protections by
immunity in the blood, wonders and mysteries by the
limbs of the body, stars and planets by light and form,
the crust of the earth by the skin of the body.
Honour and homage to the Lord Supreme with
surrender in truth of word and deed.
10. (Hiranyagarbha Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
fgÆjÊ.;ÆxÆHkZ% le¼oÙkZÆrkxzs¼ HkwÉrL;¼ tkÆr% ifRÆkÆjso¼Q¿vklhr~ A l
nk¼/kj i`fFÆkÆoha |keqÉrseka dLeS¼ nsÆok;¼ gÆfo"kk¼ fo/seAAûúAA
Hiraƒyagarbha¨ samavarttatågre bhμutasya
jåta¨ patirekaíås∂t. Sa dådhåra pæthiv∂≈ dyåmu-
temå≈ kasmai devåya havi¶å vidhema.
The Great Golden Womb of the brilliant forms of
existence, sole lord of the universe, existed by Himself
long before the world was born. He it is who holds this
earth and Heaven. To Him we offer our homage and
worship in libations of praise in words and deeds in
11. (Ishvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;% izk¼.kÆrks fu¼fe"kÆrks e¼fgÆRoSdÆ¿bæktkÆ tx¼rks cÆHkwo¼ A
; bZ'ks¼¿vÆL; f}ÆinÆ'prq¼"inÆ% dLeS¼ nsÆok;¼ gÆfo"kk¼
fo/se AAûûAA
Ya¨ pråƒato nimi¶ato mahitvaikaíidråjå jagato
babhμ u va. Ya ∂‹eíasya dvipada‹catu¶pada¨
kasmai devåya havi¶å vidhema.
It is He who was and is the sole lord of the living,
breathing and moving world of the eye (and ear). It is
He who, by His own might, rules over the world of the
humans and the animals. To that same lord of power
and bliss we offer our homage and worship in libations
of praise and fragrant havi in truth of word and deed.
12. (Ishvara Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;L;seÆ s fgÆeo¼Urks efgÆRok ;L;¼ leqæ
É §jÊl;k¼ lÆgkgq%A ;L;se
Æ k%
izÆfn'kksÆ ;L;¼ ckÆgw dLeS¼ nsÆok;¼ gÆfo"kk¼ fo/se AAûüAA
Yasyeme himavanto mahitvå yasya samudra|m
rasayå sahåhu¨. Yasyemå¨ pradi‹o yasya båhμu
kasmai devåya havi¶å vidhema.
By whose might, they say, these snow-covered
mountains have come into existence and the oceans roll
with floods of water, and who by His arms of
omnipotence wields these quarters of space, to Him we
offer our homage and worship with oblations of praise
and havi.
13. (Paramatma Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;¿vk¼ReÆnk c¼yÆnk ;L;Æ fo'o¼¿mÆikl¼rs izÆf'k"kaÆ ;L;¼
nsÆok%A ;L;¼ NkÆ;k¿e`raÆ ;L;¼ e`ÉR;q% dLeS¼ nsÆok;¼ gÆfo"kk¼
Yaíåtmadå baladå yasya vi‹vaíupåsate pra‹i¶a≈
yasya devå¨. Yasya cchåyåmæata≈ yasya mætyu¨
kasmai devåya havi¶å vidhema.
The Lord who is the giver of birth to the soul with
its power and potential, whose glory all the divinities of
the world celebrate in song, whose shade of protection
is immortality and falling off is death, to Him we offer
our homage and worship in hymns with havi.
14. (Yajna Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vk uks ¼ HkÆæk% Ør¼oks ;Urq fOÆkÆ'orks¿n¼C/klksÆ¿vi¼jhrkl¿&
mÆf‰n%¼ A nsoÆ k uksÆ ;FkkÆ lnÆfen~ o`/ ¼ o
É ¿s vlÆUuizk; q ks jf{ÆkÆrkjks¼
fnÆosfn¼os AAûþAA
Å no bhadrå¨ kratavo yantu vi‹vatoí dabdhåso
apar∂tåsa udbhida¨. Devå no yathå sadamid
vædhe asannapråyuvo rak¶itåro dive dive.
May thoughts of wisdom and acts of yajna come
to us from all directions—thoughts and actions noble
and auspicious, pure and free from violence, irresistible
and unobstructed, bursting forth and fruitful, so that
young, energetic and brilliant people of divinity may
arise in this assembly of ours and be the protectors and
promoters of our advancement.
15. (Vidvans Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
s kuak¼ HkÆæk lq¼efÆ r½Z× tw;r
nÆo Æ ka nso ¼ jkÆfrjÊfHk ukÆs fuoÙ¼ kZrke~A
Æ kuk¦
nsÆokuk¼¦lÆ[;eqi¼lsfnek oÆ;a nsÆok uÆ¿vk;qÉ% izfr¼jUrq
thÆols¼ AAûÿAA
Devånå≈ bhadrå sumatiræjμuyatå≈ devånå|m
råtirabhi no nivarttatåm. Devånå|m sakhya-
mupasedimå vaya≈ devå naíåyu¨ pratirantu
May the auspicious wisdom of brilliant visionaries
come to us. May the wealth and knowledge of simple,
sincere and generous people come to us from all sides.
May we enjoy the favour and friendship of noble and
dedicated people of faith and excellence. And may all
these nobilities thrive and promote our life for good and
joyous living.
16. (Vishvedeva Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
rku~ iwoZ×;k fUÆkÆfonk¼ gwegs oÆ;a HkXak¼ fEÆkÆ=kefn¼¯RÆkÆ n{k¼e&Æ
fÏ/¼e~ A vÆ;Æe
Z .kaÆ o#¼ .kƧlkse¼efÆ 'oukÆ ljL¼ orh u% lqÉHkxkÆ
e;¼Ldjr~ AAûöAA
Tån pμurvayå nividå hμumahe vaya≈ bhaga≈
mitramaditi≈ dak¶amasridham. Aryamaƒa≈
varuƒa|m somama‹vinå sarasvat∂ na¨ subhagå
Those we invoke and honour in yajna with the
ancient, eternal and self-proclaimed voice of the Veda:
Bhaga, giver of glory, Mitra, universal friend, Aditi,
mother of indestructible wisdom, Daksha, lord versatile
and inviolable, Aryama, sustainer of creation, Varuna,
best and highest, Soma, giver of peace, prosperity,
knowledge and happiness, Ashvinis, givers of health
and well-being, and all the teachers and scholars of the
May mother Sarasvati, benevolent and beatific,
give us all the good and gracious gifts of life.
17. (Vayu Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
rÂksÆ okrks¼ e;ksÆHkq ok¼rq Hks"kÆta rUekÆrk i`¼fFÆkÆoh rfRÆIÆkÆrk
|kS% A rn~ xzkok¼.k% lkseÆlqrks¼ e;ksÆHkqoÆLrn¼f'ouk Ük`.kqra
f/".;k ;qÉoe~ AAû÷AA
Tanno våto mayobhu våtu bhe¶aja≈ tanmåtå
pæthiv∂ tatpitå dyau¨. Tad gråvåƒa¨ somasuto
mayobhuvastada‹vinå ‹æƒuta≈ dhi¶ƒyå yuvam.
May the joyous wind blow for us with the breath
of life. May mother earth be green and fruitful for her
children. May the fatherly sun bless us with light and
brilliance. May the blissful clouds replete with the
waters of life be generous with showers. And may you,
Ashvinis, both sustaining powers of all round growth
of body, mind and spirit, listen to our prayers and be
kind and gracious.
18. (Ishvara Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
reh'kk¼uaÆ tx¼rLrÆLFkq"kÆLi¯r× f/;f×ÆtÆUoeo¼ls gwegs oÆ;e~A
iwÉ"kk uksÆ ;FkkÆ osn¼lkÆel¼n~ o`É/s j¼f{ÆkÆrk ikÆ;qjn¼C/%
LoÆLr;sA¼ AûøAA
Tam∂‹åna≈ jagatastasthu¶aspati≈ dhiya¤jinva-
mavase hμ u mahe vayam. Pμ u ¶å no yathåí-
vedasåmasad vædhe rak¶itå påyuradabdha¨
For our protection, we invoke and worship the lord
and ruler of the moving and the unmoving world who
inspires our intelligence, dedication and devotion, so that
He, lord supreme inviolable, may be the protector,
sustainer and promoter of all our wealth of life for the
sake of advancement and well-being.
19. (Ishvara Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
LoÆfLr uÆ¿bUæks¼ o`ɼJ¼ok% LoÆfLr u¼% iwÉ"kk fOÆkÆ'oos¼nk% A
LoÆfLr uÆLrk{;ksÆZ¿vfj¼"Vusfe% LoÆfLr uksÆ c`gÆLifr¼&
nZ/krq AAûùAA
Svasti naíindro væddha‹ravå¨ svasti na¨ pμu¶å
vi‹vavedå¨. Svasti nastårk¶yoíari¶¢anemi¨ svasti
no bæhaspatirdadhåtu.
May Indra, great is His glory, be kind and grant
us honour and greatness. May Pusha, lord sustainer and
wielder of universal wealth, be generous and bring us
health and wealth. May the inviolable lord of speed and
security be watchful and grant us progress and freedom.
And may Brihaspati, lord of the great world of existence,
be gracious and bless us with all the good and well-
being in life.
20. (Vidvans Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
i`"k¼n'ok eÆ#rÆ% i`f'u¼ekrj% 'kqHkaÆ ;kok¼uks fOÆkÆnFks"¼ kqÉ tXe¼;%A
vÆfXÆUÆkÆfTÆkÆàk eu¼oÆ% lwj¼p{klksÆ fo'os¼ uks nsÆok¿voÆlk&
Pæ¶ada‹vå maruta¨ pæ‹nimåtara¨ ‹ubha≈ yå-
våno vidathe¶u jagmaya¨. Agnijihvå manava¨
sμuracak¶aso vi‹ve no devåíavasågamanniha.
Great are the scholars, vibrant as the winds and
brilliant as children of sunbeams. Riding on flying
horses, they are ever on the move to goodness and glory
in the battles of life.
Fiery is their tongue and blazing are their eyes,
and yet they are human, dedicated to thought and
May all the scholars of the world come to bless
us with protection and progress to our goal here in this
life itself.
21. (Vidvans Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
HkÆæa d.ksZ×fHk% Ük`.kq;ke nsok HkÆæa i¼';sekÆ{kfHk¼;Zt=kk% A
fLÆFkÆ jÆ jS XS¼Lrq"Vqo
É k¦lL¼ rÆufw HÆkOÆ ;Z'~ ksefg nso ¼ Æa ;nk;q¼% AAüûAA
Æ fgr
Bhadra≈ karƒebhi¨ ‹æƒuyåma devå bhadra≈
pa‹yemåk¶abhiryajatrå¨. SthirairaΔgai-
stu¶¢uvå|msastanμubhirvya‹emahi devahita≈
Devas, men of knowledge and divinity, dedicated
to yajna, may we hear only good with our ears, may we
see only good with our eyes. Singing songs of praise
with strong and stable limbs, may we live our full span
of life, enjoying with strong and healthy bodies in the
service of God and the divines.
22. (Vidvans Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
'kÆrfeUuq 'kÆjnksÆ¿vfUr¼ nsokÆ ;=kk¼ u'pÆØk tÆjLak¼ rÆuu w k¼e~ A
iq=É kklksÆ ;=k¼ fIÆkr
Æ jksÆ Hkof¼ UÆRÆkÆ ek uks¼ eÆè;k jhf¼ j"kÆrk;qx
É UZ rks%¼ AAüüAA
›ataminnu ‹aradoíanti devå yatrå na‹cakrå
jarasa≈ tanμunåm. Putråso yatra pitaro bhavanti
må no madhyå r∂ri¶atåyurganto¨.
Scholars of knowledge and wisdom, while we are
close to you, help us to live a full life of hundred years in
good health of body wherein our children too may grow
to be fathers of their children. Let not our life be hurt or
injured. Let it not perish on the way in the middle of the
23. (Dyau etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vfn¼fRÆkÆ|kSZjfn¼frjÊUrfj¼{ÆkÆefn¼freÆkZÆrk l fIÆkÆrk l iqÉ=k% A
fo'os ¼ nsÆok¿vfn¼fRkÆ% i×pÆ tukÆ¿vfn¼frtkZÆrefn¼fRkÆ&
Aditirdyauraditirantarik¶amaditirmåtå sa pitå
sa putra¨. Vi‹ve devåíaditi¨ pa¤ca janåí
In the essence: Light is indestructible; sky is
indestructible; mother Prakriti (matter-energy-thought)
is indestructible; Father, the Cosmic Spirit is
indestructible; Son, the soul (jiva), is indestructible; all
the divinities of nature and humanity are indestructible;
five people, Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra,
others, are indestructible; whatever is born is
indestructible; whatever will be born is indestructible.
(All that was, is and shall be is indestructible in the
24. (Mitra & Others Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
ek uks¼ fEÆk=Æ kks o#.¼ kks¿v;Ze
Æ k;qfjU漿ÍHkq{É kk eÆ#rÆ% ifj[ ¼ ;u~A
;}kÆftuks¼ nso Æ tkr¼ L;Æ lIrs%¼ izo{Æ ;keks¼ fOÆkÆnFks¼ ohÆ;kZ~f.kAAüþAA
Må no mitro varuƒoíaryamåyurindraíæbhuk¶å
maruta¨ parikhyan.Yadvåjino devajåtasya
sapte¨ pravak¶yåmo vidathe v∂ryåƒi.
May Mitra, friend, Varuna, great, Aryama, guide
and leader, Indra, ruler, Ribhuksha, mighty, and Maruts,
powers of the world, never overlook and ignore our life.
And we shall praise and celebrate the warlike exploits
of the divine-born and tempestuous hero of the world
of yajnic character.
25. (Vidvans Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;fÂÆ£.ktkÆ jsD.k¼lkÆ izko`¼rL; jkƯr x`¼HkhÆrka eq[ ¼ kÆrks u;¼fUrA
¼ t
lqikz Ä Æ ks esE;f¼ }É'o:¼ i¿bUækiwÉ".kks% fIÆk;
Æz eI;sf¼ RÆkÆ ikFk%¼ AAüÿAA
Yannirƒijå rekƒaså pråvætasya råti≈ gæbh∂tå≈
mukhato nayanti. SupråΔajo memyadvi‹varμupaí
indråpμu¶ƒo¨ priyamapyeti påtha¨.
The persons who gratefully receive the gifts of the
lord giver and with that pure and sacred wealth move the
cycle of charity on ward; and also the self-developing
man of immortal spirit with initiative and versatile
potential in many fields; they all go forward on the
favourite path of Indra and Pusha, blest with power and
26. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
,É"k Nkx¼% iqÉjks¿v'os¼u okÆftuk¼ iwÉ".kks HkkÆxks uh¼;rs
fOÆkÆ'ons¼O;%A vÆfHÆkÆfiz;aÆ ;Riq¼jksÆMk'kÆeoZ ×rkÆ Ro"Vsns¼u§&
lkSJoÆlk;¼ ftUofr AAüöAA
E¶a chåga¨ puroí a‹vena våjinå pμu¶ƒo bhågo
n∂yate vi‹vadevya¨. Abhipriya≈ yatpuro-
Œå‹amarvatå tva¶¢edena|m sau‹ravasåya jinvati.
When this aggressive leader, distinguished among
equals of divine quality and loved of Pusha (the
President), is advanced to the front by the dynamic
nation, then Tvashta, maker of men and nations, receives
him as a lovely gift of national yajna and, alongwith
the nation, refines him with sanctification for honour
and glory.
27. (Yajna Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
;¼¼fOÆk"Æ ;~er ¼ Æ;kuaÆ f=kekZuq¼"kkÆ% i;Z'oaÆ u;¼fUr A v=kk¼
` É'q kks nso
iwÉ".k% iz¼FkÆeks HkkÆx¿,f¼ r ;ÆKa nsÆoHs ;¼% izfrosn Æ ;¼ Æt% AAü÷AA
Yaddhavi¶yamætu‹o devayåna≈ trirmånu¶å¨
parya‹va≈ nayanti. Atrå pμu¶ƒa¨ prathamo
bhågaíeti yaj¤a≈ devebhya¨ prativedayannaja¨.
When three orders of people take the man at the
head of national yajna round the national vedi (the land)
according to the seasons and circumstances of the
country, then the man of immortal spirit, prime agent
of the divinities of progress and development, Pushan,
speaking in loud accents, takes the yajna forward for
all the noble citizens.
28. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
gksrk¼¿èoÆ;qZjko¼;k¿vfXufEÆkÆU/ks xzk¼oxzkÆHk¿mÆr 'k¦LrkÆ
lqfo¼iz%A rsu¼ ;ÆKsuÆ Lo~jÄ~ ÑrsuÆ fLÆOÆkÆ"Vsu oÆ{k.kkÆ¿vk
i`¼.kèoe~ AAüøAA
Hotåídhvaryuråvayåí agnimindho gråvagråbhaí
uta ‹a|mstå suvipra¨. Tena yaj¤ena svaraΔ-
kætena svi¶¢ena vak¶aƒåíå pæƒadhvam.
By the national yajna, cherished and well
performed with dedication and grace, may all the
functionaries, the hota with oblations, adhvaryu with
meticulous organisation, agnimindha with lighting of
the fire, gravagrabha with handling of soma stones,
shansta with invocations, expert suvipra with vedic
hymns, and all the other participants refresh, replenish
and overfill all the streams of national life.
29. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;wÉiÆoÆLz dk¿mÆr ;s ;w¼iokÆgk'pÆ"kkyaÆ ;s¿v¼'o;wÉik;Æ r{kf¼ rA
;s pkoZ×rsÆ ip¼u§lÆEHkj¼UR;qÉrks rs"kk¼eÆfHkxw¼£ÙkuZ¿bUorq AAüùAA
Yμ u pavraskåíuta ye yμ u pavåhå‹ca¶åla≈ yeí
a‹vayμ u påya tak¶ati. Ye cårvate pacana| m
sambharantyuto te¶åmabhigμurttirnaíinvatu.
(We thank) the cutters of wood for the yajna post,
the carriers of the post, the shapers of the ring for the
post and all those who collect the materials and complete
the preparations for yajna, and, (we pray), may all their
efforts be for our good and success.
30. (Vidvans Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
miÆizkxk¼RlqÉeUes¼¿/kfÕÆkÆ eUe¼ nsÆokukÆek'kkÆ¿mi¼ ohÆri`¼"B% A
vUos¼uÆa foizkÆ¿Í"k¼;ks enfUr nsÆokuak¼ iqÉ"Vs p¼Ñek lq&É
cU/q¼e~ AAýúAA
Upa prågåtsumanmeídhåyi manma devå-
nåmå‹åíupa v∂tap涢ha¨. Anvena≈ vipråíæ¶ayo
madanti devånå≈ pu¶¢e cakæmå subandhum.
May the man of broad yajnic potential, the man
able to realise the hopes of the learned, come to us
spontneously and bear the wisdom of knowledge for
us, so that the visionaries and intellectuals may rejoice
with him and we may create a community of
brotherhood among the brilliant scholars.
31. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;}kÉftuksÆ nke¼ lÆUnkuÆeoZ×rksÆ ;k 'kh¼"kZÆ.;~kÆ j'kÆuk jTtq¼jL;A
;}k¼ ?kkL;Æ izHk`r
¼ ekÆL;s¨ r`.kƧlokZÆ rk rs¿Æ vfi¼ nso
Æ "s oL¼ rqAAýûAA
Yadvåjino dåma sandånamarvato yå ‹ir¶aƒyå
ra‹ana rajjurasya. Yadvå ghåsya prabhætamåsye
tæƒa|m sarvå tå teíapi deve¶vastu.
Whatever the waistband or the leg fetter or the
bridle, or the reins over the head or strings of control,
and whatever kind of grass is held in the mouth of the
fast and powerful horse (of national yajna), all these
too should be under the control of the learned and the
wise people, for you.
32. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;n'o¼L; ØÆfo"kksÆ ef{ÆkÆdk'kÆ ;}kÉ LojkSÆ Lof/r ¼ kS fjÆIrefLrA¼
;¼Lr;¼ ks% 'kfEÆkÆr; Z Æ[ks"kqÉ lokZÆ rk rs¿Æ vfi¼ nsÆo"s oL¼ rqAAýüAA
q Â
Yada‹vasya kravi¶o mak¶ikå‹a yadvå svarau
svadhitau riptamasti. Yaddhastayo¨ ‹amitur-
yannakhe¶u sarvå tå teíapi deve¶vastu.
Whatever fly stings and eats of the flesh of the
fast running horse of the yajna of the nation, whatever
smears the tempered steel, or whatever soils the hands
and nails of the performers of ritual, all these too should
be under the control of the learned and the wise for you.
33. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;nwo¼è;eqÉnj¼L;kiÆokfRÆkÆ ;¿vkÆeL;¼ ØÆfo"kks¼ xÆU/ks¿vfLr¼A
lqÉoQÉ` rk rPN¼fEÆkÆrkj%¼ Ñ.oUrwÉr es/¼§Ük`rÆikoaQ¼ ipUrq AAýýAA
Yadμ u vadhyamudarasyåpavåti yaíåmasya
kravi¶o gandhoíasti. Sukætå tacchamitåra¨
kæƒvantμuta medha|m ‹ætapåka≈ pacantu.
Whatever undigested waste is discharged from
the stomach, and whatever are the gases of the half
digested food, all that the expert yajamana (physicians)
should relieve and rectify and they should also have
delicious foods and fragrant materials prepared.
34. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;ÙksÆ xk=kk¼nÆfXuuk¼ iÆP;ek¼uknÆfHk 'kwyaÆ fug¼rL;koÆ/ko¼frA
ek rn~ HkwE;kÆekfJ¼"kÆUek r`.ks¼"kq nsÆosH;ÆLrnqÉ'kn~H;ks¼ jkÆr&
e¼Lrq AAýþAA
Yatte gåtrådagninå pacyamånådabhi ‹μula≈
nihatasyåvadhåvati. Må tadbhμumyåmå‹ri¶anmå
tæƒe¶u devebhyastadu‹adbhyo råtamastu.
If your person is on the stake being developed
and matured by fire, and you feel strained, exhausted,
almost dead, then whatever cry of pain escapes your
lips, let it not fall into the dust, nor let it be lost in the
straw, but let it be a valuable subject of study for the
noble scholars who are keen to rectify it.
35. (Vishvedevas Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;s okÆftu¯ ifjÆi';¼fUr iÆDoa ;¿bZ×ekÆgq% lq¼jÊfHk£ugZÆjsfr¼ A
;s pkoZ×rks ek¦lfHÆkÆ{kkeqÉikl¼r¿mÆrks rs"kk¼eÆfHkxw¼£ÙkuZ¿&
bUorq AAýÿAA
Ye våjina≈ paripa‹yanti pakva≈ yaí∂måhu¨
surabhirnirhareti. Ye cårvato må|nsabhik¶å-
mupåsataíuta te¶åmabhigμurtirnaí invatu.
Those who watch the nation’s food grow to
ripeness, and those who say: It is fragrant, harvest it,
and those who serve their share in the growth of the
nation on the move, may all their effort be for the benefit
of us all.
36. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;Âh{k.¼ ka ek¡ÆLipU¼ ;k¿mÆ[kk;kÆ ;k ik=kkf¼ .k ;w"É .k¿vkÆlps u¼ kfuA
Æ kuk¼ p:Æ.kkeÆV k% lwu
mQÆ"eÆ.;k~¿fIÆk/ É k% ifjH¼ kw"kÆUR;'oe¼ ~ AAýöAA
Yann∂k¶aƒa≈ må|mspacanyåíukhåyå yå påtråƒi
yμu¶ƒaíåsecanåni. ªU¶maƒyåípidhånå carμuƒå-
maΔkå¨ sμunå¨ pari bhμu¶antya‹vam.
Watchful stirring (replenishment) of the earth’s
fertility for the growth of grain and fruit, whatever
containers and reservoirs of water there be for growth
and irrigation, the clouds for showers and alleviation
of heat, and beauty spots from place to place: these
beautify and add to the grace of a nation on the march.
37. (Vidvans Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
ek RokÆ¿fXuèoZ×u;hn~ /weÉ xf¼ UÆèkÆ e Z kk Hkzkt¼UR;ÆfHkfo¼DrÆ tf?kz%¼ A
Æ ks[
bÆ"Va ohÆreÆfHkxw¼Ùk±Æ o"k¼V~ÑraÆ ra nsÆoklÆ% izfr¼x`H.kÆUR;&
'o¼e~ AAý÷AA
Må tvåígnirdhvanay∂d dhμumagandhirmokhå
bhråjantyabhi vikta jaghri¨. I¶¢a≈ v∂tama-
bhigμ u rta≈ va¶a¢kæta≈ ta≈ devåsa¨ prati
May the fire enveloped in smoke never extinguish
or diminish your light. May the shining and fragrant
dawn never disturb you into isolation. The noblest
generous divinities accept and honour you as a hero,
dear, brilliant, industrious, sanctified and marching
38. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
fUÆkÆØe¼.ka fUÆkÆ"kn¼ua fOÆkÆoÙkZ×uaÆ ;PpÆ iM~oh¼'kÆeoZ×r% A ;Pp¼
iÆikS ;Pp¼ ?kkƯl tÆ?kklÆ lokZÆ rk rsÆ¿vfi¼ nsÆo"s o¼LrqAAýøAA
Nikramaƒa≈ ni¶adana≈ vivarttana≈ yacca
paŒv∂‹amarvata¨. Yacca papau yacca ghåsi≈
jaghåsa sarvå tå teíapi deve¶vastu.
The start and gallop of your horse, the stop and
sitting, turning round and rolling, halting and the fetters,
what it drinks and the grass that it eats, may all these be
good and graceful, and may they be appreciated by the
noblest people.
39. (Vidvansah Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;n'ok¼;Æ okl¼¿miLr`É.kUR;¼/hokÆla ;k fgj¼.;kU;LeS A
lÆUnkuÆeoZ ×UraÆ iM~oh¼'ka fIÆkÆz;k nsÆos"ok;k¼e;fUr AAýùAA
Yada‹våya våsaíuapastæƒantyadh∂våsa≈ yå
hiraƒyånyasmai. Sandånamarvanta≈ paŒv∂‹a≈
priyå deve¶våyåmayanti.
The cloth for the horse, the overcloth and the
golden ornaments which adorn it, the head-band, and
the fetters which control this fast-moving steed, may
all these be beautiful, good and appreciable among the
noblest people.
40. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;Ùks¼ lkÆns eg¼lkÆ 'kwo`¼QrL;Æ ik".;Zk¼ okÆ d'k¼;k ok rqÉrksn¼A
Ïq Épso Æ rk gÆf o"kks¼¿vèoÆj s " kq É lokZ Æ rk rs Æ cz ã ¼. kk
lwn;kfe AAþúAA
Yatte såde mahaså ‹μukætasya pår¶ƒyå vå ka‹ayå
vå tutoda. Sruceva tå havi¶oíadhvare¶u sarvå
tå te brahmaƒå sμudayåmi.
Swift and brilliant as you are with mighty strength
and power, still if ever you feel weak and weary and
someone hits you from the back with a whip (to hurt
you or spur you on), then I replenish all your weaknesses
and animate you to full form with the Vedic wealth just
as we rekindle the fire in yajnas with ladlefuls of holy
41. (Yajna Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
prqf¼ L=k§'k}kÆftuks¼ nsÆocU¼ /ksÆoÄ ~ hÆj'o¼L;Æ Lof/f¼ RÆkÆ% lesf¼ rA
vfPNæ ¼ kÆ xk=kk¼ oÆ;uq k¼ Ñ.kksrÆ i#¼ "i#juqÉ?kq";kÆ fo 'kL¼ rAAþûAA
Catustri| m ‹advåjino devabandhorvaΔkr∂-
ra‹vasya svadhiti¨ sameti. Acchidrå gåtrå
vayunå kæƒota paru¶paruranughu¶yå vi ‹asta.
Just as a man of innate expertise and intelligence
controls the thirty-four movements of a tempestuous
horse, which is a favourite friend of the nobles, so should
the leader, a man of innate and rightful intelligence and
power, a friend of the noble and brilliant people, control
the dynamic governance of a vibrant nation and maintain
all the parts of the national machine in a faultless order
of efficiency, having examined the system step by step
and declared, every part as perfect and approved.
42. (Yajamana Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
,dÆLRo"VqÉj'o¼L;k fo'kÆLrk }k ;ÆUrkjk¼ HkorÆLrFk¼¿ÍÆrq%A
;k rsÆ xk=kk¼.kke`rqÉFkk o`ÉQ.kksfEÆkÆ rkrkÆ fi.Mk¼ukaÆ iz tq¼gks&
Ekastva¶¢ura‹vasyå vi‹astå dvå yantårå bhavat-
astathaíætu¨. Yå te gåtråƒåmætuthå kæƒomi tå tå
piƒŒånå≈ pra juhomyagnau.
One is the marker of the sun’s horse/chariot of
time, that is the year, the annual cycle of seasons. Two
are the guiding controllers, the summer solstice and the
winter solstice. I take the divisions of your course, O
sun, O ruler, O nation, according to the seasons, and I
dedicate them to the fire of national yajna according to
the seasons and the circumstances of the nation.
43. (Atma Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
ek Rok¼ rifRÆIÆkzÆ;¿vkÆRekfIÆkÆ;UraÆ ek Lof/¼frLrÆUo¨¿&
vkfrf¼ "BiÙks A ek rs¼ x`Éèuqj¼fo'kÆLrkfRÆkÆgk;¼ fNÆæk xk=kk¼.;Æ&
fluk feFkw¼ d% AAþýAA
Må två tapatpriyaí åtmåpiyanta≈ må-
svadhitistanvaíå ti¶¢hipatte. Må te gædhnura-
vi‹aståtihåya chidrå gåtråƒyasinå mithμu ka¨.
While you are on your way up in life, may your
dear soul not forsake you, nor torment you. May no
tempered steel fix itself in your person, nor your own
power arrest you. Nor must the covetous pervert mutilate
your limbs, nor tear your body asunder with the sword,
for no cause or weakness whatsoever.
44. (Atma Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
u ok¿m¼¿,ÉrfUez¼;lsÆ u fj¼";fl nsÆok¡üAA¿bns¼f"k iÆfFkfHk¼%
lqÉxsfHk¼%A gjh¼ rsÆ ;q×tkÆ i`"k¼rh¿vHkwrkÆeqik¼LFkk}kÉth /qÉfj
jkl¼HkL; AAþþAA
Na våíuíetanmriyase na ri¶yasi devå|níide¶i
pathibhi¨ sugebhi¨. Har∂ te yu¤jå pæ¶at∂
abhμutåmupåsthådvåji dhuri råsabhasya.
This way, with this knowledge, you will not die,
nor suffer wrong. Instead, you would rise to the state of
the immortals by the straight paths of the divinities. Yoke
your strong horses to the chariot, and let the fast horse
be close to the bearer of the burden.
45. (Praja Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
lqÉxO;¯ uks okÆth Lo'O;¯ iq§É l% iq=É kk¡üAA¿mÆr fo'¼ okÆi"q k¼§jÊf;e~A
vÆukÆxkÆLRoa uksÆ¿vfn¼fr% Ñ.kksrq {kÆ=ka uksÆ¿v'oks¼ ourk¦&
gÆfo"ek¼u~ AAþÿAA
Sugavya≈ no våj∂ sva‹vya≈ pu|msa¨ putrå|níuta
vi‹våpu¶a|m rayim. Anågåstva≈ noí aditi¨ kæƒotu
k¶atra≈ noí a‹vo vanatå|m havi¶mån.
May our dynamic ruler work and provide for the
development of cows, horses, men and women, children
and all round health and wealth of the nation.
May the freedom of the land and abundance of
the earth lead us to a state of freedom from sin and crime.
May the leader, high-priest of national yajna, ever ready
and well-provided with holy materials, build a great
social order for humanity.
46. (Vishvedeva Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
bÆek uq oaQÆ Hkqo¼uk lh"k/kÆesUæ¼'pÆ fo'os¼ p nsÆok% A
vkÆfnÆR;SfjUæÆ% lx¼.kks eÆ#f‰¼jÊLeH;¯ Hks"kÆtk o¼Qjr~ A ;ÆKa
p¼ uLrÆUoa~ p izÆtka pk¼fnÆR;SfjUæ% lÆg lh¼"k/kfr AAþöAA
Imå nu ka≈ bhuvanå s∂¶adhåmendra‹ca vi‹ve
ca devå¨. Ådityairindra¨ sagaƒo marudbhi-
rasmabhya≈ bhe¶ajå karat. Yaj¤a≈ ca
nastanva≈ ca prajå≈ cådityairindra¨ saha
Just as the sun and all the divinities of nature hold,
sustain and bless these worlds, so may the ruler and the
noblest powers of humanity govern and sustain the
regions of the world. May they and we all realise the
joy of life.
Just as the sun with its light and planets and the
winds through the months and seasons of the year
blesses us with herbs and juices for health and vitality,
so may the physician with all his aids, light and air
provide us with tonics and medication for health.
Just as the sun and cosmic energy through the
movement of the months and seasons carry on the
creative and restorative yajna of nature for the earth
and her children, so may the ruler with the brilliant leaders
of the nation carry on and accomplish the social yajna
for the health of the body-politic and the children of the
47. (Agni Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
vXusÆ Roa uksÆ¿vUr¼e¿mÆr =kkÆrk f'ÆkÆoks Hk¼ok o:ÆF;~%A
olq¼jÊfXuoZlq¼JokÆ¿vPNk¼ uf{k |qÉeÙk¼e§jʯ; nk¼% AAþ÷AA
Agne tva≈ noí antamaíuta tråtå ‹ivo bhavå
varμuthya¨. Vasuragnirvasu‹ravåíacchå nak¶i
dyumattama|m rayi≈ då¨.
Agni, light of life, closest friend and saviour, be
good to us, be the very spirit of our home. Pure and
immaculate, warmth and vitality of life, rest and haven
of all, universal creator and giver of wealth, come and
bless us with the most brilliant knowledge and wealth
of life.
48. (Agni Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
ra Rok¼ 'kksfp"B nhfno% lqÉEuk;¼ uwÉueh¼egsÆ lf[k¼H;%A l
uks cksf/ Jq/h goe~ m#";k .kks¿v?kk;r% le&
Lekr~ AAþ÷AA
Ta≈ två ‹oci¶¢ha d∂diva¨ sumnåya nμunam∂mahe
sakhibhya¨. Sa no bodhi ‹rudh∂ havam uru¶yå
ƒoí aghåyata¨ samasmåt.
Lord of the universe, most briliant power, blazing
with the light of knowledge and Dharma, we pray to
you for the good and well-being of life sincerely for
our friends and for ourselves. Such as you are, enlighten
us, listen to our prayers, save and protect us from all sin
and crime against Dharma and Society.
bfr i×p¯o'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Agni & Others Devata, Yajnavalkya °Rshi)
vÆfXu'p¼ i`fFÆko
Æ h pÆ lÂr¼ Æs rs esÆ la ue
¼ rkeÆnks okÆ;'q pkÆUrfj{¼ ka
pÆ l¼rsÆ rs esÆ la u¼erkeÆn¿vk¼fnÆR;'pÆ |kS'pÆ l¼rsÆ rs
¼ rkeÆn¿vki'¼ pÆ o#.¼ k'pÆ lÂr¼ Æs rs esÆ la u¼erkeÆn%A
esÆ la ue
lÆIr lƧlnks¿¼ v"VÆeh Hkwr ¼ lÊ k/¼uhA ldke ¼ k¡ü
Æ AA¿vèo¼uLoqQ#
laÆKku¼eLrq esÆ¿equk¼ AAûAA
Agni‹ca pæthiv∂ ca sannate te me sa≈ namatå-
mado våyu‹cåntarik¶a≈ ca sannate te me sa≈
namatåmadaíåditya‹ca dyau‹ca sannate te me
sa≈ namatåmadaíåpa‹ca varuƒa‹ca sannate te
me sa≈ namatåmada¨. Sapta sa|msado a¶¢am∂
bhμutasådhan∂. Sakåmå|níadhvanaskuru sa≈j¤å-
namastu meímunå.
Agni, vital heat, and Prithivi, earth, go together in
harmony (for this side of life, for Dharma, righteous living,
Artha, earthly prosperity, Kama, worldly fulfilment). May
they be harmonious and favourable for me for the other
side too (Moksha, ultimate freedom).
Vayu, the air, and Antariksha, the sky, go together
in harmony for this side of life. May they be favourable
for me for the other side too.
Aditya, the sun, and Dyau, heaven, go together
in harmony for this side. May they be favourable for
me for the other side too.
Apah, spatial waters, and Varuna, the oceans, go
together in harmony for me this side of life, may they
be favourable for the other side too.
Seven are the conjunctions between oceans,
waters, sun, heaven, air, sky, heat and earth, which hold
the world. The eighth, mother earth, sustains the forms
of life. May all the conjunctions and the sustaining
mother’s lap help us realise our aims of life.
O ruler, act well so that our aims of life be fulfilled
and the paths of life be straight and clear.
By dedication to the other side, may I have full
knowledge of existence and beyond.
2. (Ishvara Devata, Laugakshi °Rshi)
;FkseÆ ka okPak¼ dY;kÆ.khekÆonkf¼ UÆkÆ tusH¼ ;%A czÆãjÉ kÆtUÆ ;k~H;k¦&
'kwÉæk;Æ pk;Zk¼; pÆ Lok;Æ pkj¼.kk; p A fIÆkzÆ;ks nsÆokukaÆ
nf{k¼.kk;S nkÆrqfjÆg Hkw¼;kleÆ;a esÆ dkeÆ% le`¼è;rkÆeqi¼ekÆnks
u¼erq AAüAA
Yathemå≈ våca≈ kalyåƒ∂måvadåni janebhya¨.
Brahmaråjånyåbhyå| m ‹μ u dråya cåryåya ca
svåya cåraƒåya ca. Priyo devånå≈ dak¶iƒåyai
dåturiha bhμuyåsamaya≈ me kåma¨ samædhya-
tåmupa mådo namatu.
Just as this blessed Word of the Veda I speak for
the people, all without exception, Brahmana, Kshatriya,
Shudra, Vaishya, master and servant, one’s own and
others, so do you too.
May I be dear and favourite with the noble
divinities and the generous people for the gift of the
sacred speech.
May this noble aim of mine be fulfilled here in
this life. May the others too follow and come my way
beyond this life.
3. (Ishvara Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
c`g¼LirsÆ¿vfRÆkÆ ;nÆ;ksZ¿vgZk¼n~ |qÉef}ÉHkkfRÆkÆ Ørq¼eÆTtus¼"kq A
;íhÆn;ÆPNo¼l¿ ÍriztkrÆ rnÆLeklqÉ æfo¼.ka /sfg fPÆkÆ=ke~A
Æ kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLÆkÆ c`gLÆ ir¼;s RoSÆ"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkÆcg
mÆi; ¼ s RokAAýAA
Z` LÆ ir;
Bæhaspateíati yadaryoíarhåd dyumadvibhåti
kratumajjane¶u. Yadd∂dayacchavasaíætaprajåta
tadasmåsu draviƒa≈ dhehi citram. Upayåma-
gæh∂toísi bæhaspataye tvai¶a te yonirbæhas-
pataye två.
Brihaspati, lord of the great universe, master of
universal wealth, lord of light and yajnic actions among
humanity, you shine by virtue of your own glory.
Manifest in the law and order of existence and in the
Veda, you blaze with your own omnipotence. Such as
you are, Lord, bless us with the wonderful knowledge
and wealth of the world.
Man of knowledge, consecrated you are in the
yajna of knowledge as if you are an oblation in the
sacrificial ladle, upayama. I accept you in the service
of Brihaspati, lord of the world and its knowledge, for
the sake of Brihaspati, enlightenment of the scholars
with divine knowledge. This now is your haven and
home, your end and aim of life.
4. (Indra Devata, Ramyakshi °Rshi)
bUæÆ xkse¼fÂÆgk;kf¼ gÆ fickÆ lkse¼§'krØrks A fOÆkÆ|f‰Éxkz o Z f¼ Hk%
lqr Æ kÆex`¼ghrks¿Æ lhUæk;
É e~ A mÆi; ¼ RokÆ xkser¼ ¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkfÆ jUæk; ¼
RokÆ xkse¼rs AAþAA
Indra gomannihåyåhi pibå soma|m ‹atakrato.
Vidyadbhirgråvabhi¨ sutam. Upayåmagæh∂toís∂-
ndråya två gomataíe¶a te yonirindråya två
Indra, lord of the earth and the divine Word,
highpriest of a hundred yajnas of life, come here and
drink of the soma extracted by the existent scholars with
the sacred stones and distilled by the clouds.
Man of divine knowledge, master of your mind
and senses, consecrated you are to Indra, lord of earth
and Veda. I accept you for the service of Indra and
education of the people. This service and dedication is
now your haven and home, the end and aim of your life.
5. (Surya Devata, Ramyakshi °Rshi)
bUæk;k¼fg o`=kgÆu~ fickÆ lkse¼§'krØrks A xkse¼f‰ÉxzkZo¼fHk%
¼ hrks¿Æ lhUæk;
lqre~A mÆiÆ;kÆex`g ¼ RokÆ xkser¼ ¿,É"k rsÆ ;ksfUÆkfÆ jUæk;
RokÆ xkse¼rs AAÿAA
Indråyåhi vætrahan pibå soma|m ‹atakrato.
Gomadbhirgråvabhi¨ sutam. Upayåmagæh∂toí
s∂ndråya två gomataí e¶a te yonirindråya två
Indra, lord of sunbeams, breaker of the clouds and
high-priest of a hundred yajnas of creation, come and
drink of the soma extracted by brilliant men of knowledge
and wealth of self-control with the voice of thunder and
showers of clouds.
Man of brilliance and knowledge, accepted and
consecrated you are like an oblation held in the
sacrificial ladle for the service of Indra, lord of the sun
and clouds. This service and dedication now is your
haven and home, the very reason and justification of your
existence. I accept you for Indra and the man of wealth
and self-control.
6. (Vaishvanara Devata, Pradurakshi °Rshi)
ÍÆrkoku ¼ a oS'okuÆje`rÉ L;Æ T;ksfr"¼ kÆLifre
¼ ~ A vt¼Ïa ?kÆee ¼ gsA
Z he
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLk oS'okuÆjk;¼ RoSÆ"k rsÆ ;ksfuo ¼ SZ'okuÆjk;¼
°Rtåvåna≈ vai‹vånaramætasya jyoti¶aspatim.
Ajasra≈ gharmam∂ma¨e. Upayåmagæh∂toísi
vai‹vånaråya tvai¶a te yonirvai‹vånaråya två.
We love Vaishvanara, eternal fire, lord of the laws
of truth and light of the world, and we pray for the vital
fire of life acting on waters within the laws of nature.
Man of knowledge and science, you are
consecrated like an oblation held in the sacrificial ladle
for service to Vaishvanara, fiery vitalizer of life. I accept
you for service to the fire and waters of nature. This
service and dedication now is your very haven and
home, the very meaning of your life.
7. (Vaishvanara-Agni Devate, Kutsa °Rshi)
oSÆ'okÆuÆjL;¼ lqeÆrkS L;k¼eÆ jktkÆ fg oaQÆ Hkqo¼ukukefHÆkÆJh% A
bÆrks tkÆrks fo'o¼fEÆkÆna fop¼"Vs oS'okuÆjks ;¼rrsÆ lw;sZ×.k A
mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLk oS'okuÆjk;¼ RoSÆ"k rsÆ ;ksfu¼oSZ'okuÆjk;¼
Vai‹vånarasya sumatau syåma råjå hi ka≈
bhuvanånåmabhi‹r∂¨. Ito jåto vi‹vamida≈ vi
ca¶¢e vai‹vånaro yatate sμuryeƒa. Upayåma-
gæh∂toísi vai‹vånaråya tvai¶a te yonirvai‹vå-
naråya två.
Let us abide by the laws and wisdom of
Vaishvanara, leader of the universe. Glorious light of the
world, He creates the joy, beauty and glory of the worlds
in existence. Manifesting from the world itself, He
watches and energises this whole universe and, as the
vital heat energy of life, works with the sun for the
sustenance of life and growth.
Man of science and knowledge, accepted and
consecrated you are by the laws of life and nature for
the service of Vaishvanara. This service now is your
haven and home. I accept you for the sake of
Vaishvanara, science of heat and energy.
8. (Vaishvanara Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
oSÆ'okÆuÆjks u¼¿mQÆr;Æ¿vk iz ;k¼rq ijkÆor¼% A vÆfXu#ÆDFksuÆ
okg¼lkA mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fLk oS'okuÆjk;¼ RoSÆ"k rsÆ ;ksfu¼&
oSZ'okuÆjk;¼ Rok AAøAA
Vai‹vånaro naíμutayaíå pra yåtu paråvata¨.
Agnirukthena våhaså. Upayåmagæh∂toísi
vai‹vånaråya tvai¶a te yonirvai‹vånaråya två.
Vaishvanara Agni, brilliant power of light and
knowledge, come from afar for our protection and
advancement, with the Uktha Vedic verses, by a
beautiful chariot.
Brilliant man of knowledge and science,
consecrated and dedicated you are like an oblation in
the ladle for Vaishvanara, the fire of social yajna. This
dedication is now your life and aim. I accept you for
the sake of advancement in the field of science and
9. (Vaishvanara Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
vÆfXuÍZf"ÆkÆ% io¼ekuÆ% ik×p¼tU;% iqÉjksfg¼r% A reh¼egs
egkxÆ;e~ A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿L;ÆXu;s¼ RokÆ opZ ×l¿,É"k rsÆ
;ksfu¼jÊXu;s¼ RokÆ opZ×ls AAùAA
Agniræ¶i¨ pavamåna¨ pa¤cajanya¨ purohita¨.
Tam∂mahe mahågayam. Upayåmagæh∂toísya-
gnaye två varcasa e¶a te yonir- agnaye två
We worship Agni that is the light and vision of the
world and knowledge, purifier of life, friend and protector
of universal humanity, front leader of the yajnas of
existence, and lord of wealth and home of all.
Man of knowledge, vision and leadership,
consecrated and dedicated you are to Agni, lord of light
and life and advancement. This dedication is your haven
and home. I accept you for the sake of enlightenment
and progress of knowledge, purity and prosperity of life
and all sections of society.
10. (Indra Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
¼ Lr% "kksMÆ'kh 'keZ× ;PNrq A gUrq¼ ikÆIekuaÆ
eÆgk¡üAA¿bUæksÆ oTkzg
;ks¨¿Leku~ }sf"V¼ A mÆiÆ;kÆex`¼ghrks¿fl egsÆUæk;¼ RoSÆ"k rsÆ
;ksfueZgÆsUæk;¼ Rok AAûúAA
Mahå| n íindro vajrahasta¨ ¶oda‹∂ ‹arma
yacchatu. Hantu påpmåna≈ yoísamån dve¶¢i.
Upayåmagæh∂toísi mahendråya tvai¶a te yonir-
mahendråya två.
Indra, great and glorious ruler of the world, perfect
with full sixteen virtues of nature and spirit, may, we
pray, grant us peace and joy. Thunderbolt in hand, may
He strike off and remove him who commits the sin of
hate and hostility against us.
Leader of power and perfection, consecrated and
dedicated you are to Indra, Supreme ruler, like an
oblation for the yajna of peace and friendship. This
dedication now is your end and aim of life. I accept and
honour you for the sake of the unity of humanity and
conquest of hate and fear.
11. (Agni Devata, Nodha Gotama °Rshi)
ra oks¼ nÆLee`¼rhÆ"kgaÆ olks¼eZUnkÆueU/¼l% A
vÆfHk oÆRla u Lol¼js"kq /sÆuoÆ¿bUæ¯ xhÆ£HkuZ×okegs AAûûAA
Ta≈ vo dasmamæt∂¶aha≈ vasormandåna-
mandhasa¨. Abhi vatsa≈ na svasare¶u dhenavaí
indra≈ g∂rbhirnavåmahe.
Just as cows in their stalls every day call forth the
calf for the feed and rejoice, so do we, for you all, in
songs of love and joy, invoke and celebrate Indra, the
ruler, dynamic lord of wondrous deeds and felicity who
takes delight in the food and nourishment of his people
and loves to see them settled in good homes in a state
of comfort and prosperity.
12. (Agni Devata, Nodha Gotama °Rshi)
;}kfg¼"BaÆ rnÆXu;s¼ c`Égn¼pZ foHkkolks A
efg¼"khoÆ RoæÆf;LRo}ktkÆ¿mnh¼jrs AAûüAA
Yadvåhi¶¢ha≈ tadagnaye bæhadarca vibhåvaso.
Mahi¶∂va tvadrayistvadvåjåíud∂rate.
Vibhavasu, lord of brilliance and power, ruler of
the world, honour and celebrate him who carries the
highest and heaviest burdens of the state in the service
of Agni, self-refulgent glory of the human nation. Like
the queen of magnificence, all the wealth of food, power
and prosperity of the nation issues forth from your palace
and personality. Honour Him (Agni), let us honour Him.
13. (Agni Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
,áwÉ "kq czok¼f.ÆkÆ rs¿Xu¼¿bÆRFksr¼jkÆ fxj¼% A
,ÉfHkoZ ×¼kZlÆ¿bUnq¼fHk% AAûýAA
Ehyμ u ¶u bravåƒi teígnaí itthetarå gira¨.
Agni, seeker of light, come gently without
reservation. I would speak to you other words (than I
have yet spoken) and you would then advance with these
sparks of light and drops of soma (in health and wisdom).
14. (Samvatsara Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
ÍÆro¼Lrs ;ÆKa for¼UoUrqÉ eklk¼ jÊ{kUrq¼ rsÆ gfo¼%A
laÆoÆRlÆjLrs¼ ;ÆKa n¼/krq u% izÆtka pÆ ifj¼ikrq u%AAûþAA
°Rtavaste yaj¤a≈ vi tanvantu måså rak¶antu te
havi¨. Sa≈vatsaraste yaj¤a≈ dadhåtu na¨
prajå≈ ca pari påtu na¨.
Man of knowledge, seeker of light, may the
seasons expand your yajna. May the months protect and
increase your holy materials of yajna. And may the year
uphold your yajna, and may it sustain and advance our
people in all directions.
15. (Vidvan Devata, Vatsa °Rshi)
mÆiÆàÉjs fx¼jhÆ.kk¦ l¼XÉes p¼ uÆnhuk¼e~ A
fèÆkÆ;k foizks¼¿vtk;r AAûÿAA
Upahvare gir∂ƒåm
` saΔgame ca nad∂nåm. Dhiyå
In the lap of mountains where flow the streams to
meet and join, there with the dawn of holy intelligence
the man of light is born.
16. (Agni Devata, Mahiyava °Rshi)
mÆPpk rs¼ tkÆreU/¼lks fnÆfo ln~HkwE;kn¼ns A
mÆxz§'keZÆ efgÆ Jo¼% AAûöAA
Uccå te jåtamandhaso divi sadbhμumyådade.
Ugra|m ‹arm mahi ‹rava¨.
Man of knowledge, up on high is your home in
the light of heaven risen from holy food and soma juice,
blazing, great and admirable. I watch it with reverence
and pray it be as firm with the earth as it is in the light
of heaven.
17. (Indra Devata, Mahiyava °Rshi)
l uÆ¿bUæk¼;Æ ;T;¼osÆ o#¼ .kk; eÆ#n~H;% A
oÆfjÆoksÆfoRifj¼Ïo AAû÷AA
Sa naíindråya yajyave varuƒåya marudbhya¨.
Varivovit pari srava.
Man of knowledge, light and power, knowing what
is good and disposed to oblige, come overflowing like
soma for elevating company for the sake of Indra, man
of power and dominion, Varuna, man of excellence, and
the Maruts, men of tempestuous speed.
18. (Vidvan Devata, Mahiyava °Rshi)
,Éuk fo'ok¼U;Æ;Z¿vk |qÉEukfUÆkÆ ekuq¼"kk.kke~ A
fl"kk¼lUrks oukegs AAûøAA
Enå vi‹vånyaryaíå dyumnåni månu¶åƒåm.
Si¶åsanto vanåmahe.
The lord and master of the world rules and
watches all these powers, wealths and honours of men
and women. Wishing to serve the master and humanity,
we pray for His grace and favour for all these.
19. (Vidvanso Devata, Mudgala °Rshi)
vuq¼ ohÆjSjuq¼ iq";kLeÆ xksfHÆkÆjUo'oSÆjuqÉ losZ ×.k iqÉ"VS% A vuqÉ
f}iÆnk¿uqÉ prq¼"ink oÆ;a nsÆok uks¼ ;ÆKe`¼rqÉFkk u¼;Urq AAûùAA
Anu v∂rairanu pu¶yåsma gobhiranva‹vairanu
sarveƒa pu¶¢ai¨. Anu dvipadåínu catu¶padå
vaya≈ devå no yaj¤amætuthå nayantu.
May the powers of divinity and the noblest people
guide and conduct our yajna according to the seasons
so that we may grow strong and powerful with healthy
children and brave heroes, with fertile cows, with strong
horses, with all other things, with all men and animals
as our own.
20. (Vidvan Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
vXusÆ iRuh¼fjÆgko¼g nsÆokuk¼eq'kÆrh#i¼ A
Ro"Vk¼jʧlkse¼ihr;s AAüúAA
Agne patn∂rihåvaha devånåmu‹at∂rupa.
Tva¶tåra|m somap∂taye.
Agni, master of knowledge and power, bring up
the nobles’ wives, women of love and desire, bring
Tvashta, lord maker of human forms, here to the yajna
for a life-giving drink of soma.
21. (Vidvan Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
vÆfHk ;ÆKa x`¼.khfg uksÆ XukoksÆ us"VÆ% fic¼¿ÍÆrquk¼ A
Ro§fg j¼RuÆ/k¿vfl¼ AAüûAA
Abhi yaj¤a≈ gæƒ∂hi no gnåvo ne¶¢a¨ pibaíætunå.
Tva≈ hi ratnadhåíasi.
Man of holy speech, leader and high-priest of
yajna, drink the soma and praise and celebrate our yajna
alongwith the season. You alone are the creator and giver
of the wealth of the world.
22. (Soma Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
æÆfOÆkÆ.kksÆnk% fi¼ih"kfr tqÉgksrÆ iz p¼ fr"Br A
É qfHk¼fj";r AAüüAA
Draviƒodå¨ pip∂¶ati juhota pra ca ti¶¢hata.
The generous man of wealth and honour wants to
drink the soma of health from the flask with humility
according to the seasons. Feel the desire, you too search
and you shall find the juice. Perform the homa, abide
and win honour and settlement.
23. (Vidvan Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
rokÆ;§lkseÆLRoesáÆokZÄ~ 'k¼'oÙkÆe§lqÉeuk¼¿vÆL; ik¼fg A
vÆfLeU;ÆKs cÆ£g";k fUÆkÆ"k|k¼ nfèÆk"Æ osea tÆBjÊ¿bUnqf¼ eUæ AAüýAA
Tavåya|m somastvamehyarvåΔ ‹a‹vattama|m
sumanåíasya påhi. Asmin yaj¤e barhi¶yå
ni¶adyå dadhi¶vema≈íja¢haraí indumindra.
Indra, man of knowledge in search of honour and
power, this soma is yours. Come straight on here and,
happy at heart, protect, preserve and advance this eternal
Dharma of joy in action.
In this yajna, sit on the holy seats of blessed grass,
take this nectar of life and light and hold it in your vital
24. (Vidvan Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
vÆeos ¼ u% lqgokÆ¿vk fg xUr¼uÆ fu cÆ£gf"k¼ lnrukÆ
jf.k¼"Vu A vFkk¼ eUnLo tqtq"kkÆ.kks¿vU/¼lÆLRo"V¼nsZÆosfHÆk&Æ
tZfu¼fHk% lqÉen~x¼.k% AAüþAA
Ameva na¨ suhavåíå hi gantana ni barhi¶i
sadatanå raƒi¶¢ana. Athå madasva juju¶åƒoí
andhasastva¶¢ardevebhirjanibhi¨ sumadgaƒa¨.
Tvashta, man of knowledge, maker and shaper of
men, centre of a happy company of scholars, loved,
honoured and cordially invited, accept our hospitality and
enjoy with the generous and brilliant people of divine
Come ye all, feel at home, sit on the holy seats of
grass in our yajna and rejoice. Rejoice and enlighten us
with knowledge and wisdom.
25. (Soma Devata, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
Lokfn¼"B;kÆ efn¼"B;kÆ io¼Lo lkseÆ /kj¼;k A
bUæk¼;Æ ikr¼os lqÉr% AAüÿAA
Svådi¶¢hayå madi¶¢hayå pavasva soma dhårayå.
Indråya påtave suta¨.
Soma, come, spirit of life, distilled for the drink
as well as the protection of Indra, leading powers of
knowledge, honour, peace and prosperity, flow in in
the most delicious and inspiring streams of nectar. Flow
on and on freely.
26. (Agni Devata, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
jÊ{kksÆgk fOÆkÆ'op¼"kZf.kjÊfHk ;ksfUÆ kÆe;ks¼grs A
æks.ks lÆ/LFkÆekl¼nr~ AAüöAA
Rak¶ohå vi‹vacar¶aƒirabhi yonimayohate.
Droƒe sadhasthamåsadat.
Agni, man of fire and yajna, destroyer of evil and
watchful saviour of the world with light, finds his haven
and home safe and secure with others on the golden altar
of yajna consecrated by the showers of soma from the

bfr "kM~¯o'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Agni Devata, Agni °Rshi)
lek¼LRok¿Xu¿½Æroks¼ o¼Z;Urq laoRlÆjk¿½"k¼;ksÆ ;kfu¼
lÆR;k A la fnÆO;su¼ nhfnfg jkspÆusuÆ fo'okÆ ¿ vk Hkk¼fg
Samåstvåígnaíætavo vardhayantu sa≈vatsaråí
æ¶ayo yåni satyå. Sa≈ divyena d∂dihi rocanena
vi‹våí å bhåhi pradi‹a‹catasra¨.
Agni, man of knowledge and light of the world,
may the years, seasons, year cycles, visionaries of truth
and acts of absolute truth whatever and wherever they
be: may all these take you forward in life. Shine with
celestial light and illuminate all the directions and
interdirections of the world with your knowledge and
2. (Samidhenis Devata, Agni °Rshi)
la psÆè;Lok¼XusÆ iz p¼ cks/;SuÆeqPp¼ fr"B egÆrs lkSHk¼xk;A
ek p¼ fj"knqilÆÙkk rs¿¼ vXus czÆãk.k¼Lrs ;Æ'kl¼% lUrqÉ
Sa≈ cedhyasvågne pra ca bodhayainamucca
ti¶¢ha mahate saubhagåya. Må ca ri¶adupasattå
teíagne brahmåƒaste ya‹asa¨ santu måínye.
Agni, brilliant power of knowledge, light up and
rise and enlighten this yajamana, seeker of light and
knowledge, and rise and stay up high for honour and
Agni, never shall your devotees suffer violence,
while scholars of the Veda and your admirers, not others,
shall win honour and brilliance.
3. (Agni Devata, Agni °Rshi)
Roke¼Xus o`.krs czkãÆ.kk ¿ bÆes f'ÆkÆoks¿v¼Xus laÆoj¼.ks Hkok
u%A lÆiÆRuÆgk uks¿¼ vfHkekfRÆkÆftPpÆ Los x;s¼ tkx`Éá&
iz¼;qPNu~ AAýAA
Tvåmagne væƒate bråhmaƒåíime ‹ivoíagne
sa≈varaƒe bhavå na¨. Sapatnahå noí
abhimåtijicca sve gaye jågæhyaprayucchan.
Agni, brilliant lord of light and knowledge, these
Brahmanas, dedicated scholars of divinity, choose and
elect you as guide and leader.
Agni, in this position of eminence, be good to
us. Destroyer of negativities, subduer of the proud and
insidious, you are watchful, awake and alert in your
own home. Keep us too awake, alert and ever watchful.
4. (Agni Devata, Agni °Rshi)
bÆgoS kXus¿Æ vf//¼ kj;k jʯ; ek RokÆ fuؼ UiwofÆZ prks¼ fudkÆfj.k%¼ A
{kÆ=ke¼Xus lq;É ee¼ LrqÉ rqH;¼ei
q lÆÙkk o¼¼r
Z ka rsÆ¿vfu¼"V`r%AAþAA
Ihaivågneíadhi dhårayå rayi≈ må två ni
kranpμ u rvacito nikåriƒa¨. K¶atramagne
suyamamastu tubhyamupasattå vardhatå≈ teí
Agni, brilliant lord of light and power, here itself
hold and rule over the power and prosperity you have.
Let not the veterans, experienced, alert and watchful of
yajna, either ignore or denigrate you. May the social
order be well-governed for your sake so that you and
your devotees, supreme and unviolated, may move
forward and rise high.
5. (Agni Devata, Agni °Rshi)
{kÆ=ks.kk¼XusÆ Lok;qÉ% l§j¼HkLo fEÆkÆ=ks.kk¼Xus fEÆkÆ=k/s;s¼ ;rLo A
lÆtkÆrkuak¼ eè;eÆLFkk¿,f¼ èÆkÆ jkKk¼eXus fogÆO;ks~ nhfnghÆgAAÿAA
K¶atreƒågne svåyu¨ sa|m rabhasva mitreƒågne
mitradheye yatasva. Sajåtånå≈ madhyamasthåí
edhi råj¤amagne vihavyo d∂dih∂ha.
Agni, bright and blazing like light and fire, youthful
and golden is your age. Take over and start well here
with this world-order of humanity.
Agni, mighty intelligent ruler, rule and work with
the spirit of friendship in the world state which is a
covenant of friends. Go forward, seated in the centre of
an assembly of equals who are like brothers and sisters.
Agni, elected, invited and installed in office by
the sovereign nations of the world, rule, shine and
illuminate the world here.
6. (Agni Devata, Agni °Rshi)
vfRÆkÆ fugksÆ¿vfRÆkÆ fÏ/ks¿R;fp¼fÙÆkÆeR;jk¼freXus A fo'okÆ
á~Xus nqfjÆrk lgÆLokFkkÆLeH;¼§lÆgoh¼jk¦jʯ; nk¼% AAöAA
Ati nihoíati ‹ridhoítyacittimatyaråtimagne.
Vi‹vå hyagne duritå sahasvåthåsmabhya| m
sahav∂rå|m rayi≈ då¨.
Agni, lord of light and wealth, repelling the false,
eliminating the wicked, dispelling darkness and
ignorance and fighting out all the evils of the world,
give us a republic of brave good heroes overflowing
with plenty, prosperity and generosity.
7. (Agni Devata, Agni °Rshi)
vÆukÆ/`É";ks tkÆros¼nkÆ¿vfu¼"V`rks fOÆkÆjkM¼Xus {k=kÆHk`íh¼fnghÆg A
fo'okÆ¿vk'kk¼% izeqÉ×pUekuq¼"kh£HÆkÆ;% f'ÆkÆosfHk¼jÊ| ifj¼ikfg
uks o`É/s AA÷AA
Anådhæ¶yo jåtavedåíani¶¢æto viråŒagne k¶atra-
bhædd∂dih∂ha. Vi‹våíå‹å¨ pramu¤can månu¶∂r-
bhiya¨ ‹ivebhiradya pari påhi no vædhe.
Agni, lord and ruler of the world, undaunted,
omniscient, inviolable, self-refulgent, holder and
sustainer of the world-order, remove all human fear,
hate, disease etc., shine and illuminate all the regions
of the world, and now protect us for advancement with
peace and benevolence.
8. (Vishvedeva Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
c`g¼Lirs lforcksZÆ/;S¼uƧl§f'k¼ra fpRlUrÆjk¦l§f'k¼'kkf/A
S a egÆrs lkSHk¼xk;Æ fo'o¼¿,uÆeuq¼enUrq nsÆok% AAøAA
Bæhaspate savitarbodhayaina| m sa| m ‹ita≈
citsantarå|m sa|m ‹i‹ådhi. Vardhayaina≈ mahate
saubhagåya vi‹vaíenamanu madantu devå¨.
Brihaspati, guardian of all, Savita, giver of light
and knowledge, educate and enlighten this intelligent
and honourable ruler as well as the people in every way.
Let him grow and advance for the greatness and
prosperity of the nation. Let all the noble powers of
divinity and humanity rejoice with him.
9. (Ashvinis etc. Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vÆeqÉ=kÆ Hkw;kÆn/Æ ;|ÆeL;Æ c`g¼Lirs ¿ vÆfHk'k¼LrsÆjeq¼×p%A
¼ rkeÆf'ouk¼ e`ÉR;qeL¼ ekísÉokuke
izR;kSg ¼ Xus fHÆkÆ"ktkÆ 'kph¼fHk%AAùAA
Amutra bhμuyådadha yadyamasya bæhaspateí
abhi‹asteramu¤ca¨. Pratyauhatåma‹vinå
mætyumasmåddevånåmagne bhi¶ajå ‹ac∂bhi¨.
Brihaspati, lord and saviour of all, guard the ruler
against any curse or calumny or evil that may tarnish
him in the life to come, and save him from any accusation
or damnation of the law or constitution or Yama, the
supreme and universal judge of human performance.
Agni, lord of life and light, may the Ashvinis,
nature’s powers of health, teachers, preachers and
physicians, with their best actions and research, keep
off the onslaughts of ill-health and fatality from him.
10. (Surya Devata, Agni °Rshi)

m}É;a re¼lÆLifjÆ Lo¨% i';U¼ rÆ¿mÙk¼je~ A

nsÆoa ns¼oÆ=kk lw;ZÊex¼UeÆ T;ksfr¼#ÙkÆee~ AAûúAA
Udvaya≈ tamasaspari sva¨ pa‹yantaíuttaram.
Deva≈ devatrå sμuryamaganma jyotiruttamam.
Let us rise beyond the dark, watching the heavenly
light above, high and higher, and reach to the sun, highest
light and most generous divinity of the saviour divinities
of the world.
11. (Agni Devata, Agni °Rshi)
mQÆèokZ¿v¼L; lÆfe/ks¼ HkoUR;wÉèokZ 'kqÉØk 'kksÆph¦";ÆXus% A
|qÉeÙk¼ek lqÉizrh¼dL; lwÉuks% AAûûAA
ªUrdhvåíasya samidho bhavantyμurdhvå ‹ukrå
‹oc∂|m¶yagne¨. Dyumattamå suprat∂kasya sμuno¨.
May the holy fuels of fire be great and best, may
the flames of fire be blazing high and pure—fire, most
brilliant in splendour, most beautiful of form, dynamic
impeller of life and life’s growth.
12. (Vishvedeva Devata, Agni °Rshi)
ruwÉuikÆnlq¼jks fOÆkÆ'oos¼nk nsÆoks nsÆos"kq¼ nsÆo% A
iÆFkks¿v¼uDrqÉ eèok ?k`Érsu¼ AAûüAA
Tanμunapådasuro vi‹vavedå devo deve¶u deva¨.
Pathoíanaktu madhvå ghætena.
Vayu/Agni, which allows not the body to fall,
which is breath of life, replete with universal vitalities,
divine among divinities, and most generous, may that
Vayu/Agni sprikle our path of life with the sweetest
nectar of ghrta.
13. (Yajna Devata, Agni °Rshi)
eèok¼ ;ÆKa u¼{kls izh.kkÆuks ujkÆ'k§lks¼ vXus A
lqÉÑísÆo% l¼fOÆkÆrk fOÆkÆ'ook¼j% AAûýAA
Madhvå yaj¤a≈ nak¶ase pr∂ƒåno narå‹a|mso
agne. Sukæddeva¨ savitå vi‹vavåra¨.
Agni, with honey sweets you come to yajna, Agni,
loved and inspiring, celebrated by yajniks, benevolent,
brilliant, creator and sustainer, and universal treasure
of life’s wealth.
14. (Vahni Devata, Agni °Rshi)
vPNkÆ;es¼fRÆkÆ 'ko¼lk ?k`Érsus¼MkÆuks ofÉÉue
Z ¼lk A
vÆfXu§Ïqpks¼¿vèoÆjs"kq¼ izÆ;Rlq¼ AAûþAA
Acchåyameti ‹avaså ghæteneŒåno vahnirna-
maså. Agni|m srucoíadhvare¶u prayatsu.
In the yajnas conscientiously conducted with love
and non-violence, the high-priest comes gracefully to
the fire holding the ladle, celebrating Agni, the deity,
with brilliant power of knowledge, water and ghee, and
food for the fire.
15. (Vayu Devata, Agni °Rshi)
l ;¼{knL; efgÆeku¼eÆXus% l¿b± × eÆUæk lq¼izÆ;l¼% A
olqÉ'psfr¼"Bks olqÉ/kr¼e'p AAûÿAA
Sa yak¶adasya mahimånamagne¨ saí∂≈ mandrå
suprayasa¨. Vasu‹ceti¶¢ho vasudhåtama‹ca.
Let the high-priest, seated and seating others in
yajna, conscientious and richest in yajna materials,
worship the grandeur of generous Agni and offer
fragrant exhilarating oblations into the fire. And he
would know and feel and enjoy the gift of bliss.
16. (Devyah Devata, Agni °Rshi)
}kjks¼ nsÆohjUo¼L;Æ fo'os¼ ozÆrk n¼nUrs¿vÆXus% A
mÆ#ÆO;p¼lksÆ /kEukÆ iR;¼ekuk% AAûöAA
Dvåro dev∂ranvasya vi‹ve vratå dadanteí agne¨.
Uruvyacaso dhåmnå patyamånå¨.
By the light and splendour of this expansive fire
emanating from its abode (vedi), the scholars of yajna,
dedicated to the protection and promotion of life and
nature, open the celestial doors, and reveal the laws and
functions of this universal power.
17. (Yajna Devata, Agni °Rshi)
rs¿v¼L;Æ ;ks"k¼.ks fnÆO;s u ;ksuk¼¿mÆ"kklkÆuDrk¼ A
bÆea ;ÆKe¼orkeèoÆja u¼% AAû÷AA
Teíasya yo¶aƒe divye na yonåí u¶åsånaktå.
Ima≈ yaj¤amavatåmadhvara≈ na¨.
May the two divine mothers, the morning and the
evening (the twilight, and the dawn), guard and expand
this holy non-violent yajna of ours in the home of this
fire in the vedi.
18. (Agni Devata, Agni °Rshi)
nSO;k¼ gksrkjk¿mQÆèoZe¼èoÆja uksÆ¿Xus£tÆàkeÆfHkx`¼.khre~ A
o`ÉQ.kqÉra uÆ% fLÆOÆkÆf"Ve~ AAûøAA
Daivyå hotåråí μ u rdhvamadhvara≈ noí-
gnerjihvåmabhi gæƒb∂tam. Kæƒuta≈ na¨ svi¶¢im.
May the two divine priests (seeker and teacher,
fire and air) expand our holy non-violent yajna to the
heights, raise and praise the flames of fire and
propitiously do us the desired good.
19. (Ida & Others Devata, Agni °Rshi)
fRÆkÆÏks nsÆohcZÆ£gjsn§l¼nÆfURoMkÆ lj¼LorhÆ Hkkj¼rh A
eÆgh x`¼.kkÆuk AAûùAA
Tisro dev∂rbarhireda|m sadantviŒå sarasvat∂
bhårat∂. Mah∂ gæƒånå.
Three divine excellencies, Ida, potential speech
of omniscience in the eternal mind in heaven, Sarasvati,
speech of eternal knowledge of the Veda flowing across
the space, and Bharati, actualized speech of knowledge
articulated in the shastras, may these, great and holy,
adoring the Supreme Lord and highly adored by us,
consecrate our seats of yajna and the home.
20. (Tvashta Devata, Agni °Rshi)
r¼LrqÉjhiÆe‰q¼ra iq#Æ{kq Ro"Vk¼ lqÉoh;Z×e~ A
jkÆ;Liks"kaÆ fo";¼rqÉ ukfHk¼eÆLes AAüúAA
Tannastur∂pamadbhuta≈ puruk¶u tva¶¢å
suv∂ryam. Råyaspo¶a≈ vi ¶yatu nåbhimasme.
May Tvashta, divine artist of the world, generous
to all, gain for us fast-maturing, wonderful and virile
health, wealth and noursihment, place it at the hub of
the nation’s movement and relieve us of want and
21. (Scholars Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
ou¼LiÆrs¿o¼l`tkÆ jjk¼.kÆLReuk¼ nsÆos"kq¼ A
vÆfXugZÆO;§'k¼fEÆkÆrk lw¼n;kfr AAüûAA
Vanaspateíva sæjå raråƒastmanå deve¶u.
Agnirhavya|m ‹amitå sμudayåti.
Vanaspati, scholar and researcher of the science
of yajna, just as the holy fire of peaceful yajna refines
and universalizes the holy materials, so you, rejoicing
at heart among noble and generous scholars, create
refined and powerful holy materials for the fire of
natioinal yajnas of production and purification.
22. (Indra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
vXusÆ Lokgk¼ Ñ.kqfg tkrosnÆ¿bUæk¼; gÆO;e~ A
fo'os¼ nsÆok gÆfofjÆna tq¼"kUrke~ AAüüAA
Agne svåhå kæƒuhi jåtavedaíindråya havyam.
Vi‹ve devå havirida≈ ju¶antåm.
Agni, lord of world knowledge, take this holy
offering and, in truth of word and deed, refine and raise
it to the grace and glory of Indra, spirit of power and
prosperity of the world. And may all the noble people of
the world and divinities of nature share this holy gift and
23. (Vayu Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
ihoks¿¼ vÂk jfÕÆko ` %¼ lqe/
Æ / Æ % fl"¼ kfDr fUÆk;
Æs k% 'osr q k¼efHÆkJ
Æ r Æ h%A
rs okÆ;osÆ le¼ulksÆ for¼LFkq£É o'osÂj%¼ LoiÆR;kfu¼ pØq%AAüýAA
P∂voíannå rayivædha¨ sumedhå¨ ‹veta¨ si¶akti
niyutåmabhi‹r∂¨. Te våyave samanaso vi
tasthurvi‹vennara¨ svapatyåni cakru¨.
All the leading scholars of the world, well-provided
for living, of equal mind and noble intelligence,
concentrating on the knowledge of Vayu, wind and
energy, promote the wealth of the world and produce a
new generation of noble descendants. And Vayu, pure
and immaculate spirit and essence of life, blesses these
dynamic enterprising people with grace and dignity.
24. (Vayu Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
jkÆ;s uq ;a tÆKrwÉ jksn¼lhÆes jkÆ;s nsÆoh fèÆkÆ"k.kk¼ /kfr nsÆoe~A
v/¼ okÆ;qa fUÆkÆ;qr¼% l'prÆ Lok¿mÆr 'osÆra olq¼f/¯r
fujsÊosQ AAüþAA
Råye nu ya≈ jaj¤atμu rodas∂me råye dev∂ dhi¶aƒå
dhåti devam. Adha våyu≈ niyuta¨ sa‹cata svåí
uta ‹veta≈ vasudhiti≈ nireke.
The Heavan and the earth generate Vayu for the
wealth of energy. The divine intelligence activates Vayu
to reveal the wealth of the divine Word. And then, that
same Vayu, pure treasure of energy, all the living beings
in existence together seek, enjoy and pursue (for the
sake of wealth and energy).
25. (Prajapati Devata, Hiranyagarbha °Rshi)
vkiks¼ gÆ ;n~ c`¼gÆrh£o'oÆek;Æu~ xHk±Æ n/ku
¼ k tÆu;U¼ rhjÊfXue~A
rrks¼ nsÆokukƦle¼oÙkZÆrklqÉjsdÆ% dLeS¼ nsÆok;¼ gÆfo"kk¼
fo/se AAüÿAA
Åpo ha yad bæhat∂rvi‹vamåyan garbha≈
dadhånå janayant∂ragni≈. Tato devånå| m
samavartatåsureka¨ kasmai devåya havi¶å
When the cosmic waters of existence (that is,
tanmatras, subtle elements of Prakriti, material cause
of the universe, or, we can say, Mahan, the existential
form of Prakriti) appear on the cosmic scene, holding
the vishva-garbha, seed form of the universe in their
womb, and give birth to Agni (vital heat of nature and
mother of stars such as the sun), then arises Vayu, the
one life-breath of the divine forms of existence. To that
divine breath of life, let us pay homage with love and
action in faith.
26. (Prajapati Devata, Hiranyagarbha °Rshi)
;f'ÆPÆkÆnkiks¼ efgÆuk iÆ;Zi¼';Æí{kaÆ n/k¼uk tÆu;¼Urh;ZÆKe~ A
;ks nsÆos"of/¼ nsÆo¿,dÆ¿vklhÆr~ dLeS¼ nso Æ k;¼ gÆfo"kk¼
fo/se AAüöAA
Ya‹cidåpo mahinå paryapa‹yaddak¶a≈
dadhånå janayant∂ryaj¤am. Yo deve¶vadhi devaí
ekaíås∂t kasmai devåya havi¶å vidhema.
The One Supreme Lord over all the divine forms
of Prakriti, who overwatches the cosmic waters with
His own might of immanence and omniscience —
waters (tanmatras) conducting the great yajna of
evolution and producing various forms of life, to that
One Lord of Bliss let us pay homage and offer worship
with acts of love and faith in yajna.
27. (Vayu Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
iz ;kfHÆkÆ;kZfl¼ nkÆ'ok¦lÆePNk¼ fUÆkÆ;fq ‰¼okZ;fOÆkÆ"V;s¼ nqjksÆ.ksA
fu uks¼ jÊf;§lqÉHkkst¼la ;qoLoÆ fu ohÆja xO;Æe'OÕak¼ pÆ
jk/¼% AAü÷AA
Pra yåbhiryåsi då‹vå|msamacchå niyudbhirvå-
yavi¶¢aye duroƒe. Ni no rayi|m subhojasa≈
yuvasva ni v∂ra≈ gavyama‹vya≈ ca rådha¨.
Vayu, by the waves of your own energy you fly
so gracefully to the house of the generous yajamana for
the desired objects. Bless us with enjoyable gifts of wealth
and food. Bless us with brave heroes, wealth of cows
and horses, and the power and dignity of life.
28. (Vayu Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
vk uks¼ fUÆkÆ;qf‰¼% 'kÆfruh¼fHkjèoÆj§l¼gÆfÏ.kh¼fHÆkÆ#i¼ ;kfg
;ÆKe~ A ok;ks¼¿vÆfLeURlo¼us ekn;Lo ;wÉ;a ik¼r LoÆfLrfHÆkÆ%
lnk¼ u% AAüøAA
Å no niyudbhi¨ ‹atin∂bhiradhvara|m sahasriƒ∂-
bhirupa yåhi yaj¤am. Våyo asmintsavane
mådayasva yμuya≈ påta svastibhi¨ sadå na¨.
Vayu, tempestuous power of divine nature, by a
hundred modes of action and a thousand currents of
energy in this mighty yajna of creative evolution, you
come to our holy yajna of love and action in the world.
Come, rejoice in this yajna and bless us too with joy.
Sages of knowledge and yajna, you too protect
us with your knowledge and your blessings for peace,
prosperity and well-being.
29. (Vayu Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
fUÆkÆ;qRok¼u~ ok;Æok x¼áÆ;§'kqÉØks¿v¼;kfe rs A
xUrk¼fl lqUoÆrks x`Ége~ AAüùAA
Niyutvån våyavå gahyaya|m ‹ukroíayåmi te.
Gantåsi sunvato gæham.
Divine Vayu, One universal inmanent life-breath
of the universe, primary leading light of nature and
humanity, just as this wind, pure and immaculate, moves
and blesses the house of a devotee of soma and yajna,
so you, pure and immaculate, come in response to my
invocation. Here I come to you.
30. (Vayu Devata, Purumeedha °Rshi)
ok;ks¼ 'kqÉØks¿v¼;kfe rsÆ eèoksÆ¿vxzaÆ fnfo¼f"V"kq A
vk;k¼fgÆ lkse¼ihr;s LikÆgksZ ns¼o fUÆkÆ;qRo¼rk AAýúAA
Våyo ‹ukroíayåmi te madhvoíagra≈ divi¶¢i¶u.
Å yåhi somap∂taye spårho deva niyutvatå.
Vayu, brilliant power divine, honey-sweet and
pure, worthy of emulation and admiration, I come,
invoke and invite you, leading light of holy gatherings
of yajna. Come at the speed of the wind, and join here
for a drink of soma.
31. (Vayu Devata, Ajameedha °Rshi)
okÆ;qj¼xzsÆxk ;¼KÆizh% lkÆoaQ xÆUeu¼lk ;ÆKe~ A
f'ÆkÆoks fUÆkÆ;qf‰¼% f'ÆkÆokfHk¼% AAýûAA
Våyuragregå yaj¤apr∂¨ såka≈ ganmanaså
yaj¤am. ›ivo niyudbhi¨ sivåbhih.
Vayu, leader ever in the forefront of the noble
activities of life, lover of yajna, come with your heart
and soul to the yajna. Blissful you are, come with all
your sagely acts and blessed powers.
32. (Vayu Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
ok;ksÆ ;s rs¼ lgÆfÏ.kksÆ jFkk¼lÆLrsfHÆkÆjkx¼fg A
fUÆkÆ;qRokÆURlkse¼ihr;s AAýüAA
Våyo ye te sahasriƒo rathåsastebhirå gahi.
Vayu, leader and scholar of the speed of the winds,
thousands are the paths and modes of your movement
forward. Take them all and come for a wonder-work of
joy with a holy drink of soma.
33. (Vayu Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
,o¼Q;k p nÆ'kfHk¼'p LoHkwrsÊ }kH;k¼fEÆkÆ"V;s¼ fo§'kÆrh p¼ A
fRÆkÆl`fHk¼'pÆ og¼ls f=ÆkƧ'krk¼ p fUÆkÆ;qf‰¼okZ;fOÆkÆg rk
foeq¼×p AAýýAA
Ekayå ca da‹abhi‹ca svabhμute dvåbhyåmi¶¢aye
vi| m ‹at∂ ca. Tisæbhi‹ca vahase tri| m ‹atå ca
niyudbhirvåyaviha tå vi mu¤ca.
Vayu, master of your own innate powers and
knowledge, you conduct the yajna of life by one and
ten, two and twenty, three and thirty paths and modes
and speeds for the desired end and aim of life. Come
here and conduct the yajna, and then release everything
and be free.
34. (Vayu Devata, Angirasa °Rshi)
ro¼ ok;o`rLirsÆ Ro"Vq¼tkZekrj‰qr A
vokƦL;ko`¼.khegs AAýþAA
Tava våyavætaspate tva¶¢urjåmåtaradbhuta.
Avå|msyå væn∂mah.
Vayu, sustainer of truth and the laws of nature,
wonderful power, maker of new forms and shaper of the
new generations for Tvashta, lord creator, we pray for
your gifts of protection, sustenance and advancement.
35. (Vayu Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
vÆfHk Rok¼ 'kwj uksuÉe
q ks¿nq¼X/k ¿ bo /sÆuo¼%A
¼ eÆL; txr
bZ'kku ¼ % LoÆn'Z` kÆeh'kk¼ufeUæ rÆLFkq"k¼%AAýÿAA
Abhi två ‹ura nonumoídugdhåíiva dheƒava¨.
∫‹ånamasya jagata¨ svardæ‹am∂‹ånamindra
Indra, fearless and brave, lord and ruler of the
moving and the unmoving world, it is bliss to see you!
Like unmilked cows yearning for their calves, we invoke
you to pay homage to you.
36. (Parameshvara Devata, Shamyubarhaspatya °Rshi)
u Roko¡k¼üAA¿vÆU;ks fnÆO;ks u ik£Fk¼oksÆ u tkÆrks u t¼fu";rsA
vÆ'okÆ;Urks¼ e?kofÂUæ okÆftuks¼ xÆO;Ur¼LRok gokegs AAýöAA
Na tvåvå|níanyo divyo na pårthivo na jåto na
jani¶yate. A‹våyanto maghavannindra våjino
gavyantastvå havåmahe.
Indra, supreme lord of power and glory, destroyer
of pain and suffering, there is none other like you on
earth or in heaven ever born or yet to be born in future.
Blest with horse and speed, food and power, cows and
wealth of holy Word, still yearning to move faster and
higher, we come and offer homage and worship to you.
37. (Indra Devata, Shamyubarhaspatya °Rshi)
Rokfef¼ gok¼egs lkÆrkS okt¼L; dkÆjo¼% A
Roka o`É=ksf"o¼Uæ lRi¼¯RÆkÆ ujÊLRoka dk"BkÆLooZ×r% AAý÷AA
Tvåmiddhi havåmahe såtau våjasya kårava¨.
Tva≈ vætre¶vindra satpati≈ narastvå≈
Indra, lord of power and commander of the forces,
sun among the clouds and defender of truth, we, leaders
of men and achievers of success, invoke you in the
battles of science and knowledge and do homage to you
advancing into all directions like a horse on the wing.
38. (Indra Devata, Shamyubarhaspatya °Rshi)
l Roa u¼f'p=k oTkzgLr /`".kqÉ;k eÆg Lr¼okÆuks¿v¼fæo%A
xke'o¼§jÊF;~feUæÆ la fo¼Qj lÆ=kk oktaÆ u ftÆX;q"ks¼ AAýøAA
Sa tva≈ na‹citra vajrahasta dh涃uyå maha
stavånoí adriva¨. Gåma‹va|m rathyamindra sa≈
kira satrå våja≈ na jigyu¶e.
Indra, wonderful lord of the thunderbolt in hand,
lord of the clouds and strong as adamant, highly praised
and celebrated by virtue of your own glory, give us
abundant wealth of cows, horses, chariot bullocks as
well as true knowledge of science for the sake of victory.
39. (Agni Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
d;k¼ uf'ÆPÆkÆ=k¿vk Hkq¼onwÉrh lÆnko`¼/Æ% l[kk¼ A
d;kÆ 'kfp"¼ B;k o`Érk AAýùAA
Kayå na‹citraíå bhuvadμuti sadåvædha¨ sakhå.
Kayå ‹aci¶¢hayå vætå.
Lord of light and knowledge, wonderful and awe-
inspiring, be a friend of the progressive, bless us with
protection and help us join with blissful and powerful
mode of action and advancement.
40. (Indra Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
dLRok¼ lÆR;ks enk¼ukaÆ e§fg¼"Bks eRlÆnU/¼l% A
n`É<k fp¼nkÆ#tsÆ olq¼ AAþúAA
Kastvå satyo madånå≈ ma|mhi¶¢ho matsad-
andhasa¨. DæŒhå cidåruje vasu.
Indra, the real soothing, genuine and most powerful
essence of efficacious soma and herbal food which
relieves and exhilarates you, that surely is the valuable
and unfailing panacea for the cure of ill-health.
41. (Indra Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vÆHkh "kq .kÆ% l[kh¼ukefOÆkÆrk t¼fjr¤É.kke~ A
'kÆra Hk¼okL;wÉr;s¼ AAþûAA
Abh∂ ¶u na¨ sakh∂nåmavitå jarit¿ƒåm. ›atam
Indra, lord of power and knowledge, you are the
over-all saviour and protector of our friends and
admirers. Be gracious to us in a hundred ways for our
protection and well-being.
42. (Yajna Devata, Shamyu °Rshi)
;ÆKk;¼Kk oks¿vÆXu;s¼ fXÆkÆjkfx¼jk pÆ n{k¼ls A
izi¼z oÆ;eÆeR` ka ¼ tkÆros¼nla fIÆk;
Æz a fEÆkÆ=ka u 'k§¼ fl"ke~ AAþüAA
Yaj¤å-yaj¤å voíagnaye girå-girå ca dak¶ase.
Pra-pra vayamamæta≈ jåtavedasa≈ priya≈
mitra≈ na ‹a|msi¶am.
In every yajna, by every word, for the sake of Agni,
power of light, energy, intelligence and expertise, we
invite, honour and celebrate you. Let us all together
celebrate and sing in praise of Agni, immortal and
omniscient lord, as a darling friend of ours.
43. (Agni Devata, Bhargava °Rshi)
ikÆfg uks ¼ ¿ vXuÆ ¿ ,o¼Q;k ikÆá¨qr f}Érh;¼;k A
ikÆfg xhÆfHZkfLÆRÆkÆl`fHk¼:tk± irs ikÆfg p¼rÆl`fHk¼oZlks AAþýAA
Påhi noíagnaíekayå påhyuta dvit∂yayå. Påhi
g∂rbhistisæbhirμurjå≈ pate påhi catasæbhirvaso.
Agni, lord of knowledge, action, love and
freedom, master of life, energy and food, home and
shelter of all forms of existence, protect and promote
us by one voice, voice of the Riks, for knowledge.
Protect and promote us by the second voice, voice of
the Yajus, for action. Protect and promote us by the three
voices of Riks, Yajus and Samans for knowledge, action
and worship. Protect and promote us by the four voices
of Riks, Yajus, Samans and Atharvans, for Dharma,
Artha, Kama and Moksha.
44. (Vayu Devata, Shamyu °Rshi)
mQÆtksZ uik¼rƧl fgÆuk;e¼LeÆ;qnkZ'ks¼e gÆO;nk¼r;s A
HkqoÆ}kts¼"ofOÆkÆrk Hkqo¼n~ o`É/¿mÆr =kkÆrk rÆuwuk¼e~ AAþþAA
ª U rjo napåta| m sa hinåyamasmayurdå‹ema
havyadåtaye. Bhuvadvåje¶vavitå bhuvad vædhaí
uta tråtå tanμunåm.
Scholar, sage, teacher, learner, promote the child
of life and energy, vayu, agni and knowledge, which
allow not the grandeur of life to diminish, so that nature
and knowledge may be our friends, protect us in the
battles of life and continue to be the saviours of our
persons and people. Friends as they are, we invoke them
for the oblations of holy offerings in yajna.
45. (Agni Devata, Shamyu °Rshi)
Æ RÆ lÆjks¿~ fl ifjoRlÆjks¿~ lhnkoRlÆjks¿~ lh}RlÆjks¿~ fl oRlÆjks¿~ &
flA mÆ"kl¼Lrs dYiUrkegksjkÆ=kkLrs¼ dYiUrke¼ZekÆlkLrs¼
dYiUrkaÆ eklk¼Lrs dYiUrke`Éro¼Lrs dYiUrk¦laoRlÆjLrs¼
dYirke~ A izsR;kÆ¿,R;SÆ la pk×pÆ iz p¼ lkj; A lqÉiÆ.kZ&Æ
fpn¼fLÆkÆ r;k¼ nsÆor¼;k¿fXjÊLon~ /zqÉo% lh¼n AAþÿAA
Sa≈vatsaroísi parivatsaroís∂dåvatsaroís∂dvat-
saroísi vatsaroísi. U¶asaste kalpantåmaho-
råtråste kalpantåmardhamåsåste kalpantå≈
måsåste kalpantåmætavaste kalpantå| m
sa≈vatsaraste kalpatåm. Pretyåíetyai sa≈ cå¤ca
pra ca såraya. Suparƒacidasi tayå devatayåí
Δgirasvad dhruva¨ s∂da.
Agni, brilliant scholar, teacher, learner, you move
by the law of nature like the current year, give up the
weaknesses like the year gone by. You are wide-awake
and comprehensive like the universally present year,
and definite like the year cycle. May the dawns flourish
and be favourable to you. May the day-night cycle be
flourishing and favourable to you. May the fortnights
flourish and be favourable to you. May the months
flourish, may the seasons flourish, may the years flourish
and be favourable to you.
For coming and going, advancement and return,
collect, expand, control and contain.
You are the winner of life’s golden beauties. Move
forward in unison with that divinity of Time like the
breath of life and stay fast and firm with Dharma like
the fixed stars.
bfr lIr¯o'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Indra Devata, Brihaduktha Vamadeva °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kRlfe/sUæ¼fEÆkÆMLiÆns ukHkk¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k¿vf/¼ A
fnÆoks o"eZÆURlfe¼è;rÆ¿vksft¼"B'p"kZ.khÆlgkaÆ osRokT;¼L;Æ
gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAûAA
Hotå yak¶atsamidhendramiŒaspade nåbhå
pæthivyåíadhi. Divo var¶mantsamidhyataí
oji¶¢ha‹car¶aƒ∂sahå≈ vetvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the hota, man of yajna, offer faithful libations
of holy materials, research and study in honour of Indra
(agni, i.e., energy, heat and light) enshrined in the divine
Word, latent at the centre of the earth, blazing on top of
heaven and thundering in the clouds.
And such a yajna, shining with lustre and most
brilliant among men of might and valour, would enjoy
the most delicious gifts of life.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna, never relent.
2. (Indra Devata, Brihaduktha Vamadeva °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆÙkuwÉuik¼rewÉfrfHÆkÆtsZrk¼jÊei¼jkftre~ A bUæ¼ a nsÆo§&
LoÆ£on¼ a iÆfFkfHÆkÆeZ/q¼eÙkeSÆuZjkÆ'k§ls¼uÆ rst¼lkÆ osRokT;¼L;Æ
gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAüAA
Hotå yak¶attanμunapåtamμutibhirjetåramaparå-
jitam. Indra≈ deva|m svarvida≈ pathibhir-
madhumattamairnarå‹a| m sena tejaså vetv-
åjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the man of yajna offer service and oblations
to Indra, ruling power of the world, preserver and
protector of the forms of life, victorious, unviolated,
brilliant and generous, and heavenly, with oblations of
defensive actions along the sweetest paths of virtue ; and
with his own lustre and valour, celebrated in songs of
praise in society, and he would attain the best gifts of
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna in honour of
3. (Indra Devata, Brihaduktha Vamadeva °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆfnMk¼fHÆkÆfjUæ¼ehfMÆrekÆtqàk¼uÆeeR¼ ;Ze~ A nsÆoks nsÆo%S
loh¼;ksZÆ oTkz¼gLr% iqjUnÆjks osRokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAýAA
Hotå yak¶adiŒåbhirindram∂Œitamåjuhvånama-
martyam. Devo davai¨ sav∂ryo vajrahasta¨
purandaro vetvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the man of yajna, with the holiest words and
oblations offer yajna and service to Indra, immortal ruler
of the world, honoured and worshipped by the noblest
powers. And he, brilliant and generous, mighty of
strength, wielder of the thunderbolt in hand, destroyer of
the enemy forts, would lead you to the best and sweetest
gifts of a prosperous society.
Man of yajna, maintain the yajna, don’t relent.
4. (Rudra Devata, Brihaduktha Vamadeva °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kn~ cÆ£g"khUæ¼ a fu"k}Éja o`¼"kÆHka u;Zk¼ile~ A olq¼Hkh
#ÆæSjk¼fnÆR;S% lÆ;qfXHk¼cZÆ£gjkl¼nÆ}sRokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAþAA
Hotå yak¶ad barhi¶∂ndra≈ ni¶advara≈ væ¶-
abha≈ naryåpasam. Vasubh∂ rudrairådityai¨
sayugbhirbarhiråsadadvetvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the devotee of national yajna offer service
with yajna to Indra, virile hero of manly deeds and chief
of the council, sitting on the vedi along-with his
colleagues of the Vasu, Rudra and Aditya order of
education and national discipline. And Indra would
grace the yajna of the people and lead them to the highest
state of power and prosperity.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna, never relent.
5. (Indra Devata, Brihaduktha Vamadeva °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆnkstksÆ u ohÆ;§¨Z lgksÆ }kjÊ¿bUæe
¼ o¼Z;u~ A lqi
É kz ;
Æ .Æ kk¿&
vÆfLeu~ ;ÆKs foJ¼;Urke`rkÆo`/ksÆ }kjÊ¿bUæk¼; ehÆ<q"ksÆ
O;URokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAÿAA
Hotå yak¶adojo na v∂rya|m saho dvåraíindram-
avardhayan. Supråyaƒåí asmin yaj¤e vi ‹ray-
antåmætåvædho dvåraí indråya m∂Œhu¶e
vyantvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Man of yajna, perform the yajna in honour of
Indra, powerful and glorious personality of the nation.
Just as wide open gates augment the flood of waters so
may the doors of yajna augment the vigour, valour and
brilliance of the nation. And in this national yajna, may
the saints and sages going by the paths of rectitude and
extending the bounds of truth open wide the gates of
glory and advancement for the bountiful Indra.
Man of yajna, go on with the yajna, relent not.
6. (Indra Devata, Brihaduktha Vamadeva °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{knqÉ"ks¿bUæ¼L; /su
Æ w lqÉnq?ks¼ ekÆrjk¼ eÆgh A lÆokÆrjkSÆ u
rst¼lk oÆRlfeUæ¼eo¼Zrka ohÆrkekT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAöAA
Hotå yak¶adu¶eíindrasya dhenμu sudughe måtarå
mah∂. Savåtarau na tejaså vatsamindrama-
vardhatå≈ v∂tåmåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the hota, man of yajna, perform yajna in
honour and service of the morning dawn and the evening
twilight, which, like two great generous mother cows
in the open air of universal energy, nourish Indra, the
sun, like a calf and feed it with light and augment its
Hota, do the yajna, increase and extend the beauty
and glory of the world and enjoy. Never relent.
7. (Ashvinau Devate, Brihaduktha Vamadeva °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆíOS ;kÆ gksrkj¼ k fHÆkÆ"ktkÆ l[kk;
¼ k gÆfo"ksUæ¼ a fHk"kT;r%A
dÆoh nsÆokS izps¼rlkÆfoUæk¼; /Ùk¿bfUÆæÆ;a ohÆrkekT;¼L;Æ
gksrÆ;Zt¼ AA÷AA
Hotå yak¶addaivyå hotårå bhi¶ajå sakhåyå
havi¶endra≈ bhi¶ajyata¨. Kav∂ devau
pracetasåvindråya dhattaí indriya≈
v∂tåmåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the hota offer the oblations in honour and
service for the Ashvinis, two high-priests of nature in
the fields of health and well-being. They are the
physicians, friends, who carry on the yajna for the health
of Indra, the soul in body. Both of them, wise visionaries,
brilliant and generous, masters of divine science, work
for and extend the health and well-being of Indra.
Hota, carry on the yajna, augment and extend the
health and well-being of humanity and enjoy yourself
8. (Indra Devata, Brihaduktha Vamadeva °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kfÙÆkÆÏks nsÆohuZ Hks¼"kÆta =k;¼fLÆ=ÆkÆ/kr¼oksÆ¿ilÆ¿bMkÆ
lj¼LorhÆ Hkkj¼rh eÆgh% A bUæ¼iRuhgZÆfo"e¼rhÆO;ZURokT;¼L;Æ
gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAøAA
Hotå yak¶attisro dev∂rna bhe¶aja≈ trayastri-
dhåtavoí pasaíiŒå sarasvat∂ bhårat∂ mah∂¨
Indrapatn∂rhavi¶mat∂rvyantvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the hota, man of yajna, offer yajna for the
sake of the health and happiness of the soul to the three
great divinities, Ida, potential speech of divine
omniscience, Saraswati, divine Word of knowledge, and
Bharati, language of the world-knowledge of science.
Let the three, teacher, preacher and physician
(agents of great actions and creators of three supreme
humors of body-health), as three servants of the regions
of earth, sky and heaven, serve with yajna the three
divinities of Ida, Saraswati and Bharati.
And the three, teacher, preacher and the
physician, and the three mother-sustainers of the soul,
generous with the wealth of life, would bless the soul
and the world with plenty of health and well-being.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna, never relent.
9. (Indra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆÙo"Vk¼jÊfeUæ¼ a nsÆoa fHÆkÆ"kt¼§lqÉ;ta ¼ ?k`rÆfJ;¼e~ A
iqÉ#Æ:i¼§ lqÉjsr¼la eÆ?kksuÆfeUæk¼;Æ Ro"VkÆ n/¼fnfUÆæÆ;kf.ÆkÆ
osRokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAùAA
Hotå yak¶attva¶¢åramindra≈ deva≈ bhi¶aja|m
suyaja≈ ghæta‹riyam. Pururμupa|m suretasa≈
maghonamindråya tva¶¢å dadhadindriyåƒi
vetvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the hota, yajaka, offer yajna to Tvashta, maker
of refined forms beyond weaknes. He blesses, Indra,
valorous, glorious and generous, physician, honourable
in yajna, abundant and graceful, versatile in various fields
and nobly virile, lord of power and grandeur. And Tvashta
would bless you with the excellence of mind and sense
and create all the knowledge of sense and mind and
culture for you.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna, never relent.
10. (Brihaspati Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆ}uÆLifr¼§'kfEÆkÆrkj¼§'kÆroz¼Qrqa fèÆkÆ;ks tksÆ"Vkj¼fe&
fUÆæÆ;e~ A eèok¼ leÆ×tu~ iÆfFkfHk¼% lqÉxsfHÆkÆ% Lonk¼fr ;ÆKa
e/q¼uk ?k`ÉrsuÆ osRokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAûúAA
Hotå yak¶advanaspati|m ‹amitåra|m ‹atakratu≈
dhiyo jo¶¢åramindriyam. Madhvå sama¤jan
pathibhi¨ sugebhi¨ svadåti yaj¤a≈ madhunå
ghætena vetvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the man of yajna offer homage and honour to
Vanaspati, lover of nature and brilliant as the lord of
sunbeams, dedicated to peace, man of a hundred noble
acts and admirer of intelligence and culture, and he
would, thereby, moving ahead by the simple paths of
honesty and virtue, adding sweetness and grace to the
beauty and glory of life, he would taste the rapturous
honey himself.
Let the man of yajna extend and expand the yajna
of life with honey and sacred water and ghee and add to
the prosperity of society for all and for himself too.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna, relent not.
11. (Indra Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆfnUæƧLokgk¿¿T;¼L;Æ LokgkÆ esn¼lÆ% Lokgk¼
¼ rhukƦLokgk¼ gÆO;lw¼Drhuke~ A
LrksÆdkukƦLokgkÆ LokgkÑ
Lokgk¼ nsÆok¿vk¼T;Æik tq¼"kkÆ.kk¿bUæÆ¿vkT;¼L;Æ O;UrqÉ
gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAûûAA
Hotå yak¶adindra| m svåhåîjyasya svåhå
medasa¨ svåhå stokånå|m svåhå svåhåkæt∂nå|m
svåhå havyasμ u kt∂nåm. Svåhå devåíåjyapå
ju¶åƒåíindraíåjyasya vyantu hotaryaja.
Let the noble man of yajna offer libations of
richest materials of truth of word and deed for the sake
of Indra, universal power and honour of the world,
libations of oils and fats with the best of words and
actions, of the truthful actions of the children, of the
young generations, of the truth of social conduct and
behaviour, with the sacred words of yajna according to
the Vedas and Shastras.
And the noblest people, Indra and divinities
enjoying the offerings in truth of word and deed with
love and admiration would extend and expand the
glories of life and humanity.
Hota, dedicated man, carry on the yajna.
12. (Indra Devata, Ashvinau °Rshi)
nsÆoa cÆ£gfjU漧lqnÆos a nsÆoSohZjÆ o¼r~ LrhÆ.k± os|k¼eo¼Z;r~ A
oLrks¼oZ̀Éra izkDrksHk`ZÉr§jkÆ;k cÆ£g"eÆrks¿R;¼xk}lqÉous¼ olq&É
/s;¼L; osrqÉ ;t¼ AAûüAA
Deva≈ barhirindra|m sudeva≈ devairv∂ravat
st∂rƒa≈ vedyåmavardhayat. Vastorvæta≈
pråktorbhæta| m råyå barhi¶matoítyagåd-
vasuvane vasudheyaysya vetu yaja.
Let the fire and splendour of yajna blazing in the
vedi, invoked in the morning and preserved at night,
advance Indra, power of world knowledge, divine
among divines, surrounded by the noblest presences like
a hero. Let the fire rise to the heavens across the air and
waters in the sky and advance Indra with wealth and
Hota, man of yajna, carry on the yajna, advance
the wealth and knowledge of the world for the world of
humanity and enjoy yourself too.
13. (Indra Devata, Ashvins °Rshi)
nsÆoh}kZjÊ¿bU漧l†kÉ r
É s ohÆM~oh;kZe¼Âo¼Z;u~ A vk oÆRlsuÆ
r#¼ .ksu oqQekÆjs.k¼ p ehoÆrkikoZk¼.k§ jsÊ.kqo¼QdkVa uqnUrka
olqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ ;t¼ AAûýAA
Dev∂rdvåraíindra|m saΔghåte v∂Œv∂ryåmanna-
vardhayan. Å vatsena taruƒena kumåreƒa ca
m∂vatåpårvåƒa| m reƒukakå¢a≈ nudantå≈
vasuvane vasudheyasya vyantu yaja.
Let the strong and celestial doors of the nation’s
march open wide and advance Indra onward in the social
dynamics of progress, removing the whirlwinds of the
dust of time and urging him on like a horse spurred on
by a darling youthful prince brilliant as the rising sun.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna, let the wealth
and honour of the nation rise for all, and enjoy.
14. (Ahoratre Devate, Ashvinau °Rshi)
nsÆoh¿mÆ"kklkÆuDrsUæ¼ a ;ÆKs iz¼;ÆR;~àsrke~ A nSohÆ£o'kÆ%
izk;k¼fl"VkƦlqizh¼rsÆ lqf/r
¼ s olqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; ohrkaÆ
;t¼ AAûþAA
Dev∂ u¶åsånaktendra≈ yaj¤e prayatyahvetåm.
Daiv∂rvi‹a¨ pråyåsi¶¢å| m supr∂te sudhite
vasuvane vasudheyasya v∂tå≈ yaja.
May the brilliant dawn and the starry night inspire
and call forth the youthful yajamana, Indra, to the yajnic
endeavour of the world, and may the two, loving and
beneficent, bless the noble people and help them create
and expand the wealth of the earth for all the people.
Hota, man of yajna, carry on the creative
endeavour. Never relent.
15. (Indra Devata, Ashvinau °Rshi)
nsÆoh tks"VªhÉ olq¼f/rh nsÆofeUæ¼eo¼Zrke~ A v;k¼O;ÆU;k?kk
}s"kkƦL;kU;k o{¼ kÆ}lqÉ ok;Zk¼f.ÆkÆ ;t¼ekuk; f'kf{ÆkÆrs o¼lo
Éq us¼
olqÉ/s;¼L; ohrkaÆ ;t¼ AAûÿAA
Dev∂ jo¶¢r∂ vasudhit∂ devamindramavardhatåm.
Ayåvyanyåghå dve¶å| m syånyå vak¶advasu
våryåƒi yajamånåya ‹ik¶ite vasuvane vasu-
dheyasya v∂tå≈ yaja.
Two divine powers of nature, the dawn and the
day, and the evening and the night augment the light
and beauty of the sun. One, the evening, wards off the
hate and sins of the mind and the other, the morning,
proclaims and points to the choicest wealths of the
world. May both create, promote, and bring down the
wealth of heaven for the world and the yajamana.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna.
16. (Indra Devata, Ashvinau °Rshi)
nsÆoh¿mQÆtkZg¼r q hÆ nq?ks¼ lqÉn?q ksÆ i;ÆlUs æe
¼ o¼Zrke~ A b"kÆet
w ×Z eÆU;k
o{kÆRlfXÆèÆk§Æ lihf¼ reÆU;k uos¼uÆ iwoƱ n;¼ekus iqjkÆ.ksuÆ uoÆe&
/k¼rkÆewtZ×eÉtw kZgq¼rh¿mQÆtZ;¼ekusÆ olqÉ ok;Zk¼f.ÆkÆ ;t¼ekuk;
f'kf{ÆkÆrs o¼lqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; ohrkaÆ ;t¼ AAûöAA
Dev∂í μurjåhut∂ dughe sudughe payasendrama-
vardhatåm. I¶amμurjamanyå vak¶atsagdhi|m
sap∂timanyå navena pμ u rva≈ dayamåne
puråƒena navamadhåtåmμ u rjamμ u rjåhut∂í
μurjayamåne vasu våryåƒi yajamånåya ‹ik¶ite
vasuvane vasudheyasya v∂tå≈ yaja.
Two sacred divinities of nature, day and night,
holding strength and energy, both generous and
abundant in joy and fulfilment, nourish and advance
Indra, spirit of humanity and prosperity of the world.
One of them, the night, begets food and replenishment
of energy and the other, the day, begets a common meal
and common drink for us. Full of peace and joy, they
hold and join the old with the new, and the new with
the old.
Replete with the spirit and wisdom of divinity,
blest with wealth of energy, blessing all with energy,
they hold the choicest gifts of life in store for the
yajamana, the human soul, and bring us showers of
peace and grace of God upon the earth.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna in unison with
the night and day.
17. (Ashvinau Devate, Ashvinau °Rshi)
nsÆok nSO;kÆ gksrkj¼ k nsÆofeUæ¼eo¼Zrke~ A gÆrk?k'¼ k§lkÆokHkk¼"Vk±Æ
olqÉ ok;Zk¼f.ÆkÆ ;t¼ekuk; f'kf{ÆkÆrkS ol ¼ qÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L;
ohrkaÆ ;t¼ AAû÷AA
Devå daivyå hotårå devamindramavardhatåm.
Hatågha‹a| m såvåbhår¶¢å≈ vasu våryåƒi
yajamånåya ‹ik¶itau vasuvane vasudheyasya
v∂tå≈ yaja.
Two high-priests of nature and yajna, wind and
fire, generous and brilliant, full of divine properties,
feed the sun-beams with the fragrance of yajna and the
smell of earth and add to the prosperity of the world.
They eliminate the agents of sin and crime (by the
elimination of poverty) and burn out the causes of
disease. Full of the spirit of nature’s wisdom, they beget
choice gifts of wealth and water and promote the
blessings of God upon the earth for the yajamana.
Man of yajna, carry on with the yajna in unison
with nature, never relent.
18. (Indra Devata, Ashvinau °Rshi)
Æ hfLÆRkÆ ÆÏfLÆRkÆ ÆÏks nso ¼ o¼Z;u~ A vLi`{¼ kƉkj¼rhÆ
Æ h% ifRÆkÆfeUæe
fno¼§ #ÆæS;ZÆK§ lj¼LoÆrhMkÆ olq¼erh x`Égku~ o¼lqÉous¼ olq&É
/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ ;t¼ AAûøAA
Dev∂stisrastisro dev∂¨ patimindramavardhayan.
Aspæk¶adbhårat∂ diva| m rudrairyaj¤a| m
sarasvat∂Œå vasumat∂ gæhån vasuvane
vasudheyasya vyantu yaja.
Three divine powers serve, strengthen and elevate
Indra, the human soul, their master and servant both,
with three sacred processes of action: Bharati, the speech
and light of sattva, with the energy of the Rudra pranas,
reaches the light of heaven. Sarasvati, the speech and
currents of nature’s dynamics, with sacred chants
through fire and wind, expands the yajna and refines
the business of living. And Idå, the earth and holy
libations, bear worldly wealth and bless the homes with
prosperity. Thus the three divinities bring down the riches
of the Divine Giver into the life of humanity, the receiver,
on earth through yajna.
Hota, devotee of yajna, carry on the yajna in tune
with Ida, Sarasvati and Bharati.
19. (Indra Devata, Ashvinau °Rshi)
nsÆo¿bUæksÆ ujkÆ'k§l¼fL=ko:ÆFkfL=k¼cU/qÉjks nsÆofeUæe ¼ o¼Z;z r~A
'kÆrus ¼ f'kfri`"É BkukÆekfg¼r% lÆgÏs.¼ kÆ iz o¼ÙkZrs fEÆk=Æ kko#Æ.ksn¼L;
gksÆ=kegZ×rksÆ c`gÆLifr¼ LrksÆ=keÆf'oukèo¼;Zoa olqÉous¼ olq&É
/s;¼L; osrqÉ ;t¼ AAûùAA
Devaíindro narå‹a|msastrivarμuthastribandhuro
devamindramavardhayat. ›atena ‹itip涢hånå-
måhita¨ sahasreƒa pra vartate mitråvaru-
ƒedasya hotramarhato bæhaspati stotram-
a‹vinådhvaryava≈ vasuvane vasudheyasya vetu
The divine human soul, Indra, in pursuit of
greatness, in love and admiration of humanity, in control
of three councils, bound by three disciplines of
knowledge, action and worship through Riks, Yajus and
Samans, should dedicate himself in yajna to Indra, lord,
life and energy of the universe. Such a person, favoured
by a hundred forms of refined energy, moves forward
in a hundred ways. His fastest food is the energy of
prana and udana. Brihaspati, universal voice of
sustenance is his song of divine praise. The Ashvinis,
sun and moon, are the divine priests of his yajna. And
these divine powers bring into the life of this devotee
in search of wealth the blessings of the lord of the
Man of yajna, keep up the yajna, relent not.
20. (Indra Devata, Ashvinau °Rshi)
nsÆoks nsÆoSoZuÆLifRÆkÆ£gj ¼.;i.kksZÆ e/q¼'kk[k% lqfiIiÆyks
nsÆofeUæ¼eo¼Zz;r~A fnoÆexz¼. s kkLi`{kÆnkUrfj¼{ka i`fFÆkÆohe¼&
n`§gh}lqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; osrqÉ ;t¼ AAüúAA
Devo devairvanaspatirhiraƒyaparƒo madhu-
‹åkha¨ supippalo devamindramavardhayat.
Divamagreƒåspæk¶adåntarik¶a≈ pæthiv∂-
madæ|mh∂dvasuvane vasudheyasya vetu yaja.
The lord of sun-beams, the Tree of life, brilliant
with its lustrous virtues, of golden leaves, honeyed
branches and delicious fruit strengthens and elevates
the divine Indra, power of generosity and eliminater of
poverty. With its top it reaches the light of heaven,
energises and expands the skies, and strengthens and
enriches the earth. And thus it brings for the dedicated
world of humanity the riches as blessings of the lord of
the treasures of the universe.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna in unison with
the sun and the Tree, never relent.
21. (Indra Devata, Ashvinau °Rshi)
ns Æoa cÆ£gokZfj¼rhuka nsÆofeUæ ¼eo¼Zz;r~ A LokÆlÆLFk&
feUæsÆ.kkl¼ÂeÆU;k cÆghZ¦";ÆH;~Hkw}lqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; osrqÉ
;t¼ AAüûAA
Deva≈ barhirvårit∂nå≈ devamindrama-
vardhayat. Svåsasthamindreƒåsannamanyå
barh∂|m¶yabhyabhμudvasuvane vasudheyasya
vetu yaja.
The divine ether worthiest among the choicest
aspects of nature sustains and elevates Indra, brilliant
human soul, as well as natural energy, well-nestled and
happily placed with Indra, the Divine Presence. It holds,
sustains and pervades the other parts of space and brings
the wealth of the universe for the yearning human soul
on earth.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna in tune with space
and nature and enjoy. Never relent.
22. (Agni Devata, Ashvinau °Rshi)
ns Æoks¿vÆfXu% fLo ¼"VÆo`QísÆofeUæ¼eo¼Zz;r~ A fLo ¼"Va
oqQoZfURLo¼"VÆo`Qr~ fLo¼"VeÆ| o¼Qjksrq uks olqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L;
osrÉq ;t¼ AAüüAA
Devoíagni¨ svi¶¢akæddevamindramavardhayat.
Svi¶¢a≈ kurvantsvi¶¢akæt svi¶¢amadya karotu no
vasuvane vasudheyasya vetu yaja.
Blessed Agni, brilliant and generous divine fire
energy, which purifies and sanctifies everything, may
bless and elevate Indra, the human soul, turning
everything to good and auspicious for us today. Power
of good and blessedness, may it bestow the wealth of
the world on the dedicated man of yajna yearning for
Man of yajna, keep the fire burning.
23. (Agni Devata, Ashvinau °Rshi)
vÆfXueÆ| gksrk¼jeo`.khrkÆ;a ;t¼ekuÆ% ipÆu~ iDrh% ip¼u~
iqjksÆMk'ak¼ cÆèufÂÆUæk¼; Nkx¼e~ A lwÉiÆLFkk¿vÆ| nsÆoks
ouÆLifrj¼ HkoÆfnUæk; ¼ Æ Nkxs¼u A v|ÆÙka esn
¼ LÆ r% izfri
¼ pÆrkxzH¼ khÆ&
noh¼o`/RiqjksÆMk'ks¼u RokeÆ| ½¼ "ks AAüýAA
Agnimadya hotaramavæƒ∂tåya≈ yajamana¨
pacan pakt∂¨ pacan puroŒå‹a≈ badhnann-
indråya chågam. Sμ u pasthåíadya devo
vanaspatirabhavadindråya chågena. Adyatta≈
medasta¨ prati pacatågrabh∂dav∂vædhat
puroŒå‹ena. Tvåmadya æ¶e.
This yajamana, cooking the foods, preparing the
delicacies, collecting the herbs and goat’s milk,
cleansing and strengthening, invokes the fire and selects
the priest to-day.
The lord of sun-beams and herbs, the sun, joins
in presence with the herbs and the goat milk for the honour
of Indra (through the fire).
The fire receives the holy delicacies in response
to the yajamana and advances his wealth and honour.
O Rshi, man of vision and knowledge, may Agni
advance your wealth and honour too.
24. (Agni Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kRlfe/kÆua eÆg|'kÆ% lql¼fe¼aÆ ojs¼.;eÆfXufeUæ¼ a
o;ks Æ/l ¼e~ A xkÆ;=kha NUn ¼¿bfUÆæÆ;a =;¯OÆkÆ xka o;ks Æ
n/Æ}sRokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAüþAA
Hotå yak¶atsamidhåna≈ mahadya‹a¨ susamid-
dha≈ vareƒyamagnimindra≈ vayodhasam.
Gåyatr∂≈ chandaí indriya≈ tryavi≈ gå≈ vayo
dadhadvetvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the man of piety offer yajna in dedication to
Agni, lighted, blazing, great and glorious, worthy of
choice, and to Indra, lord of power and grandeur, giver
of good health and long life. Let him chant the Gayatri,
treasure of joy and giver of the freedom of thought, and
he would be blest with wealth of mind and senses, riches
of the thrice protective earth mother, good health and
long age.
Man of yajna, extend and expand the yajna and
enjoy the best of knowledge and honour in the world.
25. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆÙkuwÉuik¼reqÉf‰naÆ ;a xHkZÆefn¼frnZÆ/s 'kqfPÆkÆfeUæ¼ a
o;ksÆ/l¼e~ A mÆf".kgaÆ NUn¼¿bfUÆæÆ;a fn¼R;ÆokgaÆ xka o;ksÆ
n/Æ}sRokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAüÿAA
Hotå yak¶attanμ u napåtamudbhida≈ ya≈
garbhamaditirdadhe ‹ucimindra≈ vayodhasam.
U¶ƒiha≈ chandaíindriya≈ dityavåha≈ gå≈
vayo dadhadvetvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the devotee of yajna, seeker of knowledge,
perform yajna for Indra, light of the rising sun, bright
and pure, life-giving, self-preserving and self-risen as
if through the folds of the earth, whom Aditi, mother
nature, had borne in the womb of the Night. Offer
libations to Indra like the first feed of an innocent new-
born baby and you would create, promote and enjoy
wealth of knowledge, wisdom of the ushnik verses of
the Veda, strength and joy, brilliance of mind and sense,
self-regeneration, sweetness and power of speech, health
and long age, and the very nectar of life.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna. Relent not.
26. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{knhÆMsU;¼ehfMÆra o`¼=kÆgUr ¼eÆfeMk¼fHÆkÆjhMÔƧlgÆ%
lksefÆ eUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/l¼e~ A vÆuÉ"q VqHkaÆ NUn¼¿bfUÆæÆ;a i×pk¼¯OÆkÆ xka
o;ksÆ n/Æ}sRokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAüöAA
Hotå yak¶ad∂Œenyam∂dita≈ vætrahantama-
miŒabhir∂Œya| m saha¨ somamindra≈ vayo-
dhasam. Anu¶¢ubha≈ chandaíindriya≈
pa¤cåvi≈ ga≈ vayo dadhadvetvåjyasya
Let the man of yajna offer oblations to Indra, the
Great Soul, worthy of love and praise, celebrated in
sacred hymns, admirable breaker of the clouds of
darkness, lord of courage and endurance, peace and bliss
and the beauty and grace of life. And holding on to
freedom and joy of the Anushtubh verses of the Veda,
sensitivity of mind and senses, five streams of pranic
energy and the beauty and poetry of life, the yajaka would
create, promote and enjoy the wealth and prosperity of
the world.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna, relent not!
27. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kRlqcÆ£g"ak¼ iw"kÊ.oUrÆee¼R;Z§Æ lhnU¼ ra cÆ£gf"k¼ fIÆk;
Æz ¿¨s e`rUs æ¼ a
o;ksÆ/le~ A c`ÉgÆrha NUn ¼¿bfUÆæÆ;a f=k¼oÆRla xka o;ksÆ
n/Æ}sRokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAü÷AA
Hotå yak¶atsubarhi¶a≈ pμu¶aƒvantamamartya|m
s∂danta≈ barhi¶i priyeímætendra≈ vayodhasam.
Bæhat∂≈ chandaí indriya≈ trivatsa≈ gå≈ vayo
dadhadvetvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the devotee of yajna offer yajna to Indra, the
Great Soul, lord of vast spaces, everflowing with
nourishments, indestructible, graceful on the seat of
cosmic yajna, dear, immortal and ever young. And
holding on to the grand Brihati verses of the Veda, joy
of freedom, sensitivity of sense and intelligence,
devotion to knowledge, action and worship of the divine,
nobility of speech and awareness and the beauty of life,
he would create, promote and enjoy the wealth and
prosperity of life.
yajaka, carry on the yajna. Relent not.
28. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆ}Ôp¼Lorh% lqizk;Æ.kk¿Í¼ rkÆo`/ksÆ }kjks¼ nsÆoh&
£g ¼jÊ.;;h¼cÆã zZ k.kÆfeUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/l¼e~ A iƯƒ NUn¼¿bÆgsfUÆæÆ;a
rq¼;ZÆokgaÆ xka o;ksÆ n/Æ}ÔURokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAüøAA
Hotå yak¶advyacasvat∂¨ supråyaƒåíætåvædho
dvåro dev∂rhiraƒyay∂rbrahmåƒamindra≈
vayodhasam. PaΔkti≈ chandaí ihendriya≈
turyavåha≈ gå≈ vayo dadhadvyantvåjyasya
Let the man of yajna consecrate the wide, open
and spacious golden gates of heavenly truth for the
expansion of divine virtue, offer reverence to the scholar
of the Vedas and do yajna in honour of Indra, lord of
grandeur and knowledge. And, holding on to the
scientific truth of Pankti verses of the Veda, freedom,
worldly wealth, and strong fourfold burden bearing bulls
for transport, create, promote and enjoy the beauty and
graces of life in this world.
Man of yajna, keep up the yajna, never relent.
29. (Ahoratre Devate, Sarasvati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kRlqÉis'k¼lk lqf'ÆkÆYis c`¼gÆrh¿mÆHks uDrksÆ"kklkÆ u
n'¼ kZr
Æ s fo'oÆfeUæ¼ a o;ks/ ¼ ~ A f=Æk"Æ VqHkaÆ NUn¿¼ bÆgfs UÆæ;
Æ le Æ a i¼"BÆokgaÆ
xka o;ksÆ n/¼}hÆrkekT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAüùAA
Hotå yak¶at supe‹aså su‹ilpe bæhat∂íubhe
nakto¶åså na dar‹ate vi‹vamindra≈ vayo-
dhasam. Tri¶¢ubha≈ chandaí ihendriya≈
pa¶¢havåha≈ gå≈ vayo dadhadv∂tåmåjyasya
Let the hota, devotee of yajna, join and consecrate
the night and day, both well shaped, beautiful, great
and pleasing to the eye and, like them, offer yajna to
Indra, lord of the world’s life and age, and holding on
to the wisdom of the Trishtubh verses, strength, speed
of progress, wealth and sensitivity, and strong burden-
bearing bulls in this world, create, promote and enjoy
the beauty and grace of life as do the night and day.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna in unison with
the night and day.
30. (Ashvinau Devate, Sarasvati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆRizp¼r
s lk nsÆokuk¼eÙq kÆea ;'kksÆ gksrk¼jkÆ nSO;k¼ dÆoh
lÆ;qtsUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/l¼e~ A tx¼rhaÆ NUn¼¿bfUÆæÆ;e¼uÆM~okgaÆ xka
o;ksÆ n/¼}hÆrkekT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAýúAA
Hotå yak¶atpracetaså devånåmuttama≈ ya‹o
hotårå daivyå kav∂ sayujendra≈ vayodhasam.
Jagat∂≈ chandaíindriyamanaŒvåha≈ gå≈ vayo
dadhadv∂tåmåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the hota join Prachetas, two wise and brilliant
high-priests (such as the fire and the sun or the teacher
and the disciple), both of divine nature, creative, and
friendly as brothers, and offer yajna to Indra, most
glorious among the generous powers of brilliance and
giver of health, wealth and long age, and, holding on
to the wisdom of jagati verses, freedom and joy of life,
sensitivity and intelligence, bulls of the chariot and the
wealth and beauty of life, create, promote and enjoy
the sweetest graces of the world as the Prachetas do as
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna in unison with
the friendly divinities of nature and society.
31. (Vanyah Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆRis'k¼LorhfLÆRÆkÆÏks nsÆoh£g×jÊ.;;hÆHkkZj¼rhc`g
Z r
Æ heZÆgh%
ifRÆkÆfeUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/l¼e~ A fOÆkÆjktaÆ NUn¼¿bÆgsfUÆæÆ;a /sÆuqa xka u
o;ksÆ n/Æ}; ~ URokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAýûAA
Hotå yak¶atpe‹asvat∂stisro dev∂rhiranya-
y∂rbhårat∂rbæhat∂rmah∂¨ patimindra≈ vayo-
dhasam. Viråja≈ chandaíihendriya≈ dhenu≈
gå≈ na vayo dadhadvyantvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the hota invoke and join three divinities of
the universal language of knowledge, beauteous, golden
gracious, rich and elevating, vast and abundant as space,
generous and compact as earth, and offer yajna to Indra,
lord protector and giver of health and wealth in life,
and, bearing the varied wisdom of virat verses, powerful
joys of life, beauties and graces, good sense and
intelligence, and wisdom of the universal Word like a
generous cow, increase and enjoy the beauty and graces
of knowledge, action and piety of life in this world as
do the divinities of the Word.
Hota, carry on with the yajna and promote life in
unison with the universal knowledge of the sacred Word.
32. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kRlqÉjr ¼ Æa Ro"Vk¼ja iqf"ÆVo
s l Æ ¼Z×u§:Æikf.ÆkÆ fcHkzr
¼ Æa i`FkÆoQ~
iqf"ÆVÆfeUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/l¼e~ A f}ÉinaÆ NUn¼¿bfUÆæÆ;eqÉ{kk.kaÆ xka u
o;ksÆ n/Æ}sRokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAýüAA
Hotå yak¶atsuretasa≈ tva¶¢åra≈ pu¶¢i-
vardhana|m rμupåƒi bibhrata≈ pæthak pu¶¢i-
mindra≈ vayodhasam. Dvipada≈ chandaí
indriyamuk¶åƒa≈ gå≈ na vayo dadhadvet-
våjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the hota offer yajna to Tvashta, generous
creator, lord giver of growth, maker and bearer of fine
forms and their sustenance in the various world, and let
him do honour to Indra, lord of the beauty and wealth
of the world, and, holding on to the wisdom of the two-
part verses of the Veda, freedom, honour and fame and
the joy and generosity of life like a virile bull, increase
and enjoy the beauty of the world.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna.
33. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆ}uÆLifr¼§'kfEÆkÆrkj§¼ 'kÆroz¼Qrqɧfgj¼.;i.kZeÉfq DFku¼§&
j'kÆuka fcHkz¼ra oƯ'k HkxÆfeUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/l¼e~ A dÆoqQHkaÆ
NUn¼¿bÆgsfUÆæÆ;a oÆ'kka osÆgraÆ xka o;ksÆ n/Æ}sRokT;¼L;Æ gksr&Æ
;Zt¼ AAýýAA
Hotå yak¶advanaspati|m ‹amitåra|m ‹atakratu|m
hiraƒyaparƒamukthina|m ra‹anå≈ bibhrata≈
va‹i≈ bhagamindra≈ vayodhasam. Kakubha≈
chandaíihendriya≈ va‹a≈ vehata≈ ga≈ vayo
dadhadvetvåjyasya hotaryaja.
Let the hota do yajna in honour of Vanaspati, lord
of sunbeams and greenery, inspiring hero of a hundred
actions, golden winged, celebrated in Uktha verses,
holding the reins of time, keeping the world to order,
lord of glory, wielder of power and giver of life. And
holding on to the kakubh verses, freedom of thought,
power of sense and mind, dry cows and cows in season,
and beauty of life, he may increase, promote and enjoy
the wealth and sweetness of life.
Man of yajna, carry on the yajna.
34. (Agni Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
gksrk¼ ;{kÆr~ Lokgk¼ÑrhjʯXu x`Égi¼¯RÆkÆ i`FkÆXo#¼.ka Hks"kÆta
dƯo {kÆ=kfeUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/l¼e~ A vfr¼PNUnlaÆ NUn¼¿bfUÆæÆ;a
c`Égn`¼"kÆHka xka o;ksÆ n/Æ}ÔURokT;¼L;Æ gksrÆ;Zt¼ AAýþAA
Hotå yak¶atsvåhåkæt∂ragni≈ gæhapati≈ pæthag-
varuƒa≈ bhe¶aja≈ kavi≈ k¶atramindra≈
vayodhasam. Aticchandasa≈ chandaí indriya≈
bæhadæ¶abha≈ gå≈ vayo dadhadvyantvåjyasya
Let the hota, man of yajna, join and offer yajnic
acts of piety for one and all of Agni, the light and fire of
life, grihapati, master of the home, Varuna, the highest
power of his choice, health and medicine, the man of
wisdom and vision, the social order, Indra, ruler and
master giver of life and joy. And, enjoying and holding
on to the wisdom and knowledge of Atichhanda verses
of the Veda, joy of freedom, great wealth of mind and
sense, strong bulls and cows, and the health and vigour
of living, may he and all increase, promote and sanctify
the beauty and graces of life.
Hota, keep up the yajna.
35. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
Æ feUæ¼eo¼Z;r~ A xkÆ;Æ=;k NUn¼lfs UÆæÆ;a
nsÆoa cÆ£goZ×;ksÆ/la nso
p{kqÉfjUæsÆ o;ksÆ n/¼}lqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; osrqÉ ;t¼ AAýÿAA
Deva≈ barhirvayodhasa≈ devamindrama-
vardhayat. Gåyatryå chandasendriya≈
cak¶urindre vayo dadhadvasuvane vasudhe-
yasya vetu yaja.
The splendid fire, the sacred grass around the
vedi, and the wide space of the sky exalt the divine Indra,
sun, ruler of the world and giver of life and beauty,
and, inspiring and investing Indra, the soul, with the
joyous vision of the Gayatri verses of the Veda, freedom
of spirit, wealth and sensitivity of mind and intelligence,
vision of reality and the beauty and dignity of life, bring
down the blessings of heaven to the earth for dedicated
Man of yajna, keep the fire burning. Let it never
go out.
36. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
nsÆoh}kZjks¼ o;ks/ ¼ o¼Z;u~ A mÆf".kgkÆ NUnl
Æ lƧ'kqfPÆkfÆ eUæe ¼ fs UÆæÆ;a
izkÆ.kfeUæs¼ o;ksÆ n/¼}lqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ ;t¼ AAýöAA
Dev∂rdvåro vayodhasa| m ‹ucimindrama-
vardhayan. U¶ƒihå chandasendriya≈ pråƒa-
mindre vayo dadhadvasuvane vasudheyasya
vyantu yaja.
The wide auspicious doors of yajna and the yajnic
home bring in, vitalize and exalt Indra, divine air, pure
and sacred, bearing the breath of life, and, inspiring and
investing Indra, the soul, with pranic energy, health and
good age, sensitivity and brilliance of mind and
intelligence with the wisdom of the Ushnik verses and
the beauty and joy of life, create and promote the beauty
and graces of heaven on earth for the yearning soul.
Pious soul, carry on the yajna, never relent.
37. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
nsÆoh¿mÆ"kklkÆuDrk¼ nsÆofeUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/Lak¼ nsÆoh nso
Æ e¼o¼Zrke~A
vÆuqÉ"VqHkkÆ NUn¼lsfUÆæÆ;a cyÆfeUæsÆ o;ksÆ n/¼}lqÉous¼ olq&É
/s;¼L; ohrkaÆ ;t¼ AAý÷AA
Dev∂ u¶åsånaktå devamindra≈ vayodhasa≈ dev∂
devamavardhatåm. Anu¶¢ubhå chandasen-
driya≈ balamindre vayo dadhadvasuvane-
v∂tå≈ yaja.
The glorious dawn and the starry night, both
divine of spirit, exalt the noble and generous Indra, the
soul, blest with the light and love of living, and, vesting
it (the soul) with strength of will and vision, beauty and
dignity, by the freedom and joy of the Anushtubh verses
of the Veda, create and promote the bliss of heaven on
earth for the dedicated soul.
Man dedicated to yajna, carry on the yajna.
38. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
nsÆoh tks"VªhÉ olq¼f/rh nso
Æ feUæ¼ a o;ks/
Æ Lak¼ nso
Æ h nso ¼ ¼Zrke~A
Æ eo
c`ÉgÆR;k NUn¼lsfUÆæÆ;¦Jks=kÆfeUæsÆ o;ksÆ n/¼}lqÉous¼ olq&É
/s;¼L; ohrkaÆ ;t¼ AAýøAA
Dev∂ jo¶¢r∂ vasudhit∂ devamindra≈ vayodhasa≈
dev∂ devamavardhatåm. Bæhatyå chandase-
ndriya~m ‹rotramindre vayo dadhadvasuvane
vasudheyasya v∂tå≈ yaja.
Two brilliant motherly powers of nature, earth
and heaven, both loving, generous and rich with the
treasures of life, cherish, advance and exalt Indra, great
and liberal lord sustainer of life, good health and well-
being of society. And vesting him with the gift of hearing
of the Word and the beauty and dignity of life by the
grandeur and beauty of the Brihati verses of the Veda
create and promote the beauty, prosperity and sublimity
of heaven on earth for the yearning humanity.
Dedicated man of yajna, carry on the yajna in
unison with the earth and the environment, relent not.
39. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
nsÆoh¿mQÆtkZgq¼rhÆ nq?ks¼ lqÉnq?ksÆ i;ÆlsUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/Lak¼ nsÆoh nsÆoe¼&
o¼Zrke~ A iƃ Ôk NUn¼lsfUÆæÆ;§'kqÉØfeUæsÆ o;ksÆ n/¼}lq&É
ous ¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; ohrkaÉ ;t¼ AAýùAA
Dev∂ μurjåhut∂ dughe sudughe payasendra≈
vayodhasa≈ dev∂ devamavardhatåm. PaΔktyå
chandasendriya| m ‹ukramindre vayo
dadhadvasuvane vasudheyasya v∂tå≈ yaja.
Rich and generous oblations of refined and
excellent holy materials into the fire like fertile motherly
cows nourish and promote, with the rain of nectar-like
water, Indra, brilliant and generous humanity blest with
health and wealth. And vesting the soul with vitality
and virility, beauty and dignity of life by the power and
joy of Pankti verses, they create and promote the beauty
and prosperity of heaven on earth for the dedicated soul.
Man of yajna, offer the richest oblations without
40. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
nsÆok nSO;kÆ gksrk¼jk nsÆofeUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/Lak¼ nsÆokS nso ¼ ¼Zrke~A
Æ eo
f=ÆkÆ"VqHkkÆ NUn¼lsfUÆæÆ;a fRof"ÆkÆfeUæsÆ o;ksÆ n/¼}lqÉous¼ olq&É
/s;¼L; ohrkaÉ ;t¼ AAþúAA
Devå daivyå hotårå devamindra≈ vayodhasa≈
devau devamavardhatåm. Tri¶¢ubhå chanda-
sendriya≈ tvi¶imindre vayo dadhadvasuvane
vasudheyasya v∂tå≈ yaja.
Two divine priests, hota and adhvaryu (like fire
and wind, sun and moon, the Ashvinis, the teacher and
preacher) both generous and brilliant, promote and exalt
Indra, the living soul blest with the divine spirit, life
and joy, and, vesting sensitivity of mind and intelligence,
beauty and dignity, and the fire and brilliance of
lightning into the soul by the freedom and power of
Trishtubh verses of the Veda adorn the earth with the
beauty and majesty of heaven for cherishing humanity.
Hota, keep up the blazing fire of yajna without
let up.
41. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
Æ fLÆRÆkÏ ¼ o¼Z;u~ A tx¼R;kÆ
Æ ks nsohoZ×;ksÆ/laÆ ifRÆkfÆ eUæe
NUn¼lsfUÆæÆ;§'kw"kÆfeUæsÆ o;ksÆ n/¼}lqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L; O;UrqÉ
;t¼ AAþûAA
Dev∂stisrastisro dev∂rvayodhasa≈ patimindra-
mavardhayan. Jagatyå chandasendriya| m
‹μu¶amindre vayo dadhadvasuvane vasudheyasya
vyantu yaja.
Three divinities (Ida, Sarasvati, Mahi/Bharati),
yes three divinities (Executive or Raja Sabha,
Legislature or Dharma Sabha and Council of Education
or Vidya Sabha) help, guide and exalt Indra, the ruler
(Samrat), lord of dignity and regality, protector of the
commonwealth of humanity, and, vesting him with
power and prosperity, sensitivity of mind and
intelligence, dignity of excellence and resounding songs
of celebration by the felicity of the jagati verses of the
Veda, create, promote and universalize the beauty and
majesty of heaven on earth for the people.
Man of yajna, maintain the excellence of yajna
and never neglect the sacred fire of the commonwealth.
42. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
nsÆoks ujkÆ'k§lks¼ nsÆofeUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/Lak¼ nsÆoks nsÆoe¼o¼Z;r~ A
fOÆkÆjktk NUn¼lsfUÆæÆ;§:ÆifeUæsÆ o;ksÆ n/¼}lqÉous¼ olqÉ/; s ¼L;
osrÉq ;t¼ AAþüAA
Devo nara‹a|mso devamindra≈ vayodhasa≈
devo devamavardhayat. Viråjå chandase-
ndriya|m rμupamindre vayo dadhadvasuvane
vasudheyasya vetu yaja.
The resounding songs of praise and the brilliant
tributes of the noble scholars exalt Indra, the great ruler,
lord of power and prosperity and protector of the world,
and, vesting him with the vitality of body and mind,
beauty and grace of person, and the dignity and majesty
of living by the sublimity of the Virat verses of the Veda,
create, promote and universalize the kingdom of heaven
on earth for the people.
Noble citizen, sustain the yajna without rest or
43. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
nsÆoks ouÆLifr¼nsZÆofeUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/Lak¼ nsÆoks nsÆoe¼o¼Z;r~ A
f}i¼nkÆ NUn¼lsfUÆæÆ;a HkxÆfeUæsÆ o;ksÆ n/} ¼ lqÉous¼ olqÉ/s;¼L;
osrÉq ;t¼ AAþýAA
Devo vanspatirdevamindra≈ vayodhasa≈ devo
devamavardhayat. Dvipadå chandasendriya≈
bhagamindre vayo dadhadvasuvane vasudhe-
yasya vetu yaja.
The brilliant lord of sunbeams and the forests
proclaim and exalt the great Indra, the ruler and the
enlightened people blest with the wealth of health and
education, and, vesting the ruler and the people with
sensitivity of mind and soul, beauty and prosperity of
society and the art and excellence of happy living by
the grace of the Dvipada verses of the Veda, they
stimulate and advance the desire and dignity of the land
from the earth to the heights of heaven for the dedicated
Noble citizen of the yajnic commonwealth,
sustain and promote the fire of yajna without rest or
44. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
nsoa c£gokZfj¼rhuka nsÆofeUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/Lak¼ nsÆoa nsÆoe¼o¼Z;r~ A
doqQHkkÆ NUnl¼ fs UÆæÆ;a ;'kÆ¿bUæsÆ o;ksÆ n/}¼ lqÉous¼ olqÉ/;
s ¼L;
osrÉq ;t¼ AAþþAA
Deva≈ barhirvårit∂na≈ devamindra≈ vayo-
dhasa≈ deva≈ devamavardhayat. Kakubhå
chandasendriya≈ ya‹aíindre vayo dadhad-
vasuvane vasudheyasya vetu vaja.
The divine splendour of fire in the vedi, the sacred
grass around the vedi, and the celestial oceans of water
in the spaces of the skies sustain and exalt Indra,
generous, brilliant and enlightened lord of life, and
protector of the earth, and, vesting him and the people
with the greatness of mind and soul, health and wealth
for a long age, and honour and renown of life in life by
the dignity of the kakubh verses of the Veda, create,
promote and exalt the glories of heaven upon the earth
itself for the dedicated souls.
Dedicated soul, keep the fire burning.
45. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
Æ ks¿vÆfXu% fLo"¼ VÆÑísÆofeUæ¼ a o;ksÆ/Lak¼ nsÆoks nsÆoeo
nso ¼ ¼Z;r~A
vfr¼PNUnlkÆ NUn¼lsfUÆæÆ;a {kÆ=kfeUæsÆ o;ksÆ n/¼}lqo É us¼ olq&É
/s;¼L; osrqÉ ;t¼ AAþÿAA
Devoíagni¨ svi¶¢akæddevamindra≈ vayodhasa≈
devo devamavardhayat. Aticchandaså chand-
asendriya≈ k¶atramindre vayo dadhadvasuvane
vasudheyasya vetu yaja.
Agni, lord omniscient of light and life, who turns
all our endeavours to good, may advance and exalt Indra,
brilliant and pious living soul and ruler of divine
potential and possibility, and, vesting that human power
with the strength of body, mind and soul, wealth of
existence and a grand social order of humanity by virtue
of Atichhanda verses of value beyond the words, may
invoke, create and promote the bliss of heaven on earth
for the dedicated souls.
Dedicated soul, enlightened citizen, servant of
Agni, keep the fire burning and blazing. Never relent,
no rest, no remiss.
46. (Indra Devata, Sarasvati °Rshi)
vÆfXueÆ| gksrk¼jeo`.khrkÆ;a ;t¼ekuÆ% ipÆu~ iDrhÆ% ip¼u~
iqjksÆMk'ak¼ cÆèufÂUæk¼; o;ksÆ/lsÆ Nkx¼e~ A lwÉiÆLFkk¿vÆ|
nsÆoks ouÆLifrj¼ HkoÆfnUæk;
¼ o;ksÆ/lsÆ Nkxsu¼ A v?kÆÙka esn
¼ ÆLr%
izfr¼ipÆrkxz¼HkhÆnoh¼o`/RiqjksÆMk'ks¼u A Roke| ½"ks AAþöAA
Agnimadya hotåramavæƒ∂tåya≈ yajamåna¨
pacanpakt∂¨ pacan puroŒå‹a≈ badhnann-
indråya vayodhase chågam. Sμupasthåíadya devo
vanspatirabhavadindråya vayodhase chågena.
Aghatta≈ medasta¨ pratipacatågrabh∂dav∂-
vædhat purŒå‹ena. Tvåmadya æ¶e.
To-day this yajamana, cooking the holy food,
cooking the pudding, and tending and binding the goat
for the holy milk of health for Indra, lord of life and
wealth, may choose to honour the divine Agni, brilliant
scholar, as the high-priest of yajna.
To-day may the divine Vanaspati, lord of sun-
beams and the fascinating forest and meadow come
close to grace the yajamana with the goat for milk and
with catalytic holy materials of yajna in honour of Indra,
lord of the commonwealth and the social order.
O Rshi, man of vedic vision, may the yajamana
invite and entertain you to-day with the holy food being
cooked and seasoned with delicacies.
And may the yajamana and the priest and the Rshi
and you all partake of the holy food today and grow
higher and ever higher.

bfr v"Vk¯o'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Agni Devata, Brihaduktho Vamadevya °Rshi)
lfe¼¼ks¿vÆ×tu~ Ñnj¼ a erhÆuka ?k`r
É e¼XusÆ e/q¼eÆr~ fiUo¼eku%A
okÆth og¼u~ okÆftUak¼ tkrosnks nsÆokuak¼ of{k fIÆkzÆ;ek
lÆ/LFk¼e~ AAûAA
Samiddhoí a¤jan kædara≈ mat∂nå≈ ghætamagne
madhumat pinvamåna¨. Våj∂ vahan våjina≈
jåtavedo devånå≈ vak¶i priyamå sadhastham.
Agni, universal energy, well-lighted, proclaiming
and materialising the ideas and imagination of the
learned, consuming lots of precious fats and waters for
fuel and, as carrier, bearing the rider at the speed of the
wind, take us to the favourite assembly of the divines.
2. (Agni Devata, Brihaduktho Vamadevya °Rshi)
?k`ÉrsukÆ×tURla iÆFkks ns¼oÆ;kuk¼u~ iztkuu~ okÆT;I;s¼rq nsÆoku~ A
vuq¼ Rok lIrs izÆfn'k¼% lpUrk¦LoÆ/keÆLeS ;t¼ekuk;
/sfg AAüAA
Ghætenå¤jantsa≈ patho devayånån prajånan
våjyapyetu devån. Anu två sapte pradi¶a¨
sacantå|m svadhåmasmai yajamånåya dhehi.
Agni, fire energy, generated and fed on fuels and
holy waters, lighting up and opening the paths traversed
by generous and brilliant scholars, rises up at top speed
to the divinities on high.
Scholar of the science of fire and energy, fast
advancing like a winged horse in pursuit of knowledge,
rise up to the heights of space in all directions and bring
wealth and power to this yajamana.
3. (Agni Devata, Brihaduktho Vamadevya °Rshi)
bZMÔÆ'pkfLÆkÆ oU|¼'p okftÂkÆ'kq'pkfLÆkÆ esè;¼'p lIrs A
vÆfXu"V~ok¼ nsÆoSoZlq¼fHk% lÆtks"kk¼% izhÆra o¯É ¼ ogrq tkÆr&
os¼nk% AAýAA
∫Œya‹cåsi vandya‹ca våjinnå‹μu‹cåsi medhya‹ca
sapte. Agni¶¢vå devairvasubhi¨ sajo¶å¨ pr∂ta≈
vahni≈ vahatu jåtavedå¨.
Vajin, scholar technologist of the speed of the
winds, working restlessly like a restive courser, worthy
of praise you are, a celebrity, quick in action and revered
on the vedi of science-yajna. May Agni, lord omniscient
of light and life, lover and admirer of His devotees,
reveal to you the secrets of fire and energy cherished
by you, alongwith the treasures of the powers of devas
and Vasus such as earth, air and sky.
4. (Agni Devata, Brihaduktho Vamadevya °Rshi)
LrhÆ.k± cÆ£g% lqÉ"Vjh¼ek tq"kkÆ.kks# i`ÉFkq izFk¼ekua i`fFÆkÆO;ke~A
nsÆosfHk¼;qZÉDrefn¼fr% lÆtks"kk¼% L;ksÆua o`¼Q.okÆuk lq¼fOÆkÆrs
n¼/krq AAþAA
St∂rƒa≈ barhi¨ su¶¢ar∂må ju¶åƒoru pæthu
prathamåna≈ pæthivyåm. Devebhiryuktamaditi¨
sajo¶å¨ syona≈ kæƒvånå suvite dadhåtu.
We collect and develop in proper order the
splendid fire-energy spread around, vast, great,
expansive over the earth, and immanent in all the natural
powers of the universe. May Aditi, infinite and eternal
mother spirit of creativity, loving, loved and admired
by her devotees, always doing good to her children,
strew our paths of progress with the energy sought for
by us.
5. (Agni Devata, Brihaduktho Vamadevya °Rshi)
,Érk¿m o% lqHÉ kxk¼ fOÆk'Æ o:¼ ikÆ fo i{kksf¼ HÆkÆ% J;e
¼ k.kkÆ¿mnkrS%¼ A
ÍÆ"ok% lÆrh% dÆo"kkÆ% 'kqEHk¼ekukÆ }kjks¼ nsÆoh% lq¼izk;Æ.kk
Hk¼oUrq AAÿAA
Etåíu va¨ subhagå vi‹varμupå vi pak¶obhi¨
‹rayamåƒåíudåtai¨. ° R ¶vå¨ sat∂¨ kava¶å¨
‹umbhamånå dvåro dev∂¨ supråyaƒå bhavantu.
(By the grace of the Mother Spirit of the world)
may these doors of movement along the paths of
progress be divinely blest, various and manifold, wide
open with flexible leaves, lofty, high and sublime, strong
and stable, resounding, bright and beautiful, auspicious,
and pleasant for easy movement, for all of you.
6. (Manushya Devata, Brihaduktho Vamadevya °Rshi)
vÆUrÆjk fEÆkÆ=kko#¼.kkÆ pj¼UrhÆ eq[ak¼ ;ÆKkuk¼eÆfHkLak¼fonkÆus A
mÆ"kklk¼ ok¦lqfgjÊ.;s lq¼f'ÆkÆYis¿ÍÆrL;Æ ;ksuk¼fOÆkÆg lk¼n&
;kfe AAöAA
Antarå mitråvaruƒå carant∂ mukha≈ yaj¤å-
nåmabhi sa≈vidåne. U¶åså vå|m suhiraƒye
su‹ilpeíætasya yonåviha sådayåmi.
The splendid dawn and the beauteous twilight,
both rejoicing with the light of the day and resting in
the oceanic womb of the starry night, and both heading
towards the wide open doors of the yajna of humanity
to join in the celebration, I consecrate you in the golden
glorious divinely sculpted seat of nature’s law in the
vedi of eternity.
7. (Ashvinau Devate, Brihaduktho Vamadevya °Rshi)
¼ ljÊfFkuk¼ lqo
izFÆ kÆek ok¦ É .kZk¼ nso
Æ kS i';¼UrkSÆ Hkqo¼ukfUÆkÆ fo'okA¼
vfi¼iz;Æa pksn¼uk okaÆ feek¼ukÆ gksrk¼jkÆ T;ksfr¼% izÆfn'kk¼
fnÆ'kUrk¼ AA÷AA
Prathamå vå| m sarathinå suvarƒå devau
pa‹yantau bhuvanåni vi‹vå. Apipraya≈ codanå
vå≈ mimånå hotårå jyoti¨ pradi‹å di‹antå.
I love and admire you both, lights of the world
(teachers like the Ashvins or like the dawn and the
twilight), first and foremost to move, riding the same
chariot, handsome of form, brilliant in bearing, watching
the entire regions of the world, inspiring, measuring
and ascertaining the facts of life, two high-priests of
life and learning, and filling the quarters of space with
light for both of you (learners).
8. (Sarasvati Devata, Brihaduktho Vamadevya °Rshi)
vkÆfnÆR;SuksÆZ Hkkj¼rh o"Vq ;ÆK§ lj¼Lorh lÆg #Ææu S ×Z ¿vkohr~A
bMksi¼gwrkÆ olq¼fHk% lÆtks"kk¼ ;ÆKa uks¼ nsohjÊe`r¼"s kq /Ùk AAøAA
Ådityairno bhårat∂ va¶¢u yaj¤a|m sarasvat∂ saha
rudairna åv∂t. IŒopahμuta vasubhi¨ sajo¶å yaj¤a≈
no dev∂ramæte¶u dhatta.
May Bharati, voice of the knowledge of the
world, alongwith the scholars and sages of the pre-
eminent Aditya order, grace our yajna. May Sarasvati,
voice of science and prayer, alongwith the scholars of
the eminent Rudra order protect and promote our yajna.
May Ida, voice of the spirit and meditation alongwith
the sages of the noble Vasu order grace and extend our
yajna. May the three divinities of the divine voice
invoked and worshipped elevate our yajna to the regions
of the immortals.
9. (Tvashta Devata, Brihaduktho Vamadevya °Rshi)
Ro"Vk¼ ohjaÊ nsÆodk¼ea ttkuÆ Ro"VqÉjoZk¼ tk;r¿vkÆ'kqj'o¼%A
Ro"VsÆna fo'oaÆ Hkqo¼ua ttku cÆgks% dÆÙkkZj¼fEÆkÆg ;¼f{k
gksr% AAùAA
Tva¶¢å v∂ra≈ devakåma≈ jajåna tva¶¢urarvå
jåyataíå‹ura‹va¨. Tva¶¢eda≈ vi‹va≈ bhuvana≈
jajåna baho¨ kartåramiha yak¶i hota¨.
Tvashta, lord creator, creates and shapes the brave
hero, lover and loved of the divines. The bright sun as
the windy horse is born of Tvashta. Tvashta it is who
creates the entire worlds of the universe.
Man of yajna, honour and serve the great creator
by yajna — through worship, charity and good
10. (Surya Devata, Brihaduktho Vamadevya °Rshi)
v'oks¼ ?k`ÉrsuÆ ReU;kÆ le¼DrÆ¿mi¼ nsÆok¡üAA¿Í¼rqÉ'k% ikFk¼¿&
,rq A ouÆLifr¼nsZoyksÆoaQ iz¼tkÆuÂÆfXuuk¼ gÆO;k Lo¼fnÆrkfu¼
o{kr~ AAûúAA
A‹vo ghætena tmanyå samaktaíupa devå|níætu‹a¨
påthaíetu. Vanaspatirdevaloka≈ prajånann-
agninå havyå svaditåni vak¶at.
May Agni, in unison with ghrta and waters,
moving at the speed of sunbeams and by virtue of being
what it is in itself, carry food to the divinities according
to the seasons. May Vanaspati, the sun and the sacred
Tree, conscious of the regions of the divinities and
nobilities of humanity, by subservience to the eternal
law, carry to them by agni delicious foods worthy of
the sacred fire.
11. (Agni Devata, Brihaduktho Vamadevya °Rshi)
izÆtki¼rsÆLri¼lk oko`/kÆu% lÆ|ks tkÆrks n¼f/"ks ;ÆKe¼Xus A
Lokgk¼Ñrsu gÆfo"kk¼ iqjksxk ;kÆfg lkÆè;k gÆfoj¼nUrq
nsÆok% AAûûAA
Prajåpatestapaså våvædhåna¨ sadyo jåto
dadhi¶e yaj¤amagne. Svåhåkætena havi¶å
purogå yåhi sådhyå haviradantu devå¨.
Agni/brilliant and sagely scholar, rising and fast
advancing by the austere discipline of Prajapati, lord of
creation and the people, carry on the yajna by offers of
refined and sanctified foods to the fire.
Go on, and may the noblest of humanity, leaders
and pioneers, and the divinities of the higher regions of
the world partake of the libations offered by you into
the fire.
12. (Yajamana Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
;noz¼QUn% izFkÆea tk;¼eku¿mÆ|URl¼eqÉæknqÉr okÆ iqjh¼"kkr~ A
';sÆuL;¼ iÆ{kk g¼fjÆ.kL;¼ ckÆgw¿m¼iÆLrqR;aÆ efg¼ tkÆra rs¼¿&
voZu~ AAûüAA
Yadakranda¨ prathama≈ jåyamånaíudyant-
samudråduta vå pur∂¶åt. ›yenasya pak¶å
hariƒasya båhμuíupastutya≈ mahi jåta≈ teí
Man of knowledge of the speed of sun-beams,
whether you emerge from the depths of meditation or
from the consciousness of the Divine like energy of the
wind, first-born of nature, then whatever you speak or
do becomes great and worthy of celebration like flights
of the hawk or bounds of the deer.
13. (Agni Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
;Æeus ¼ nÆÙka f=ÆkÆr¿,¼uek;quÆfxU漿,.ka izFkÆeks¿vè;¼fr"Br~ A
xÆU/Æoks¿Z v¼L; j'kÆukex ¼ H` .kkÆRlwjkÆn'Oak¼ oloksÆ fujr¼ "V AAûýAA
Yamena datta≈ tritaíenamåyunagindraíeƒa≈
prathamo adhyati¶¢hat. Gandharvoíasya
ra‹anåmagæbhƒåt sμuråda‹va≈ vasavo nirata¶¢a.
The Vasus, abodes of life and life energy, receive
the heat of sunbeams from the sun. Indra, universal
electric energy, first controls this heat energy given by
yama (vayu, wind) from three sources, i.e., earth, water
and sky. Gandharva, the sun, which holds and supports
the earth holds the reins of the flow. And the vasus,
scholars of the first order of natural knowledge,
receiving it from the sun, refine and develop it further
for use in life.
14. (Agni Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
vfl¼ ;Æeks¿vL;k¼fnÆR;ks¿v¼oZÆÂfl¼ f=ÆkÆrks xqás¼u ozÆrsu¼ A
vfLÆkÆ lkses¼u lÆe;kÆ foi`¼Dr¿vkÆgqLrsÆ =khf.k¼ fnÆfo
cU/¼ukfu AAûþAA
Asi yamoíasyådityoíarvannasi trito guhyena
vratena. Asi somena samayå vipæktaíåhuste tr∂ƒi
divi bandhanåni.
By the intrinsic law of your own existence, you
are Yama, controller and judge; you are Aditya, sun and
source of light; you are Arvan, moving fast as light.
You arise from three because of three, earth, water and
sky. You are one with, undivided from, Soma, peace,
prosperity and joy. And they say your bonds are three
in heaven.
(You are Agni, the sun, therefore you have to be
brilliant because you cannot be the sun without the light.
You are at peace in security as one member of the galaxy
family of suns and stars. And you are happy with the
prosperity of your own solar family. You have to observe
this triple bond.)
15. (Agni Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
=khf.k¼ r¿vkgq£nÆfo cU/¼ukfUÆkÆ =kh.;ÆIlq =kh.;ÆUr% l¼eqÉæs A
mÆros ¼ esÆ o#¼ .k'NURL;oZÆU;=kk¼ r¿vÆkÆg%q i¼jÊea tÆfu=ke
¼ ~ AAûÿAA
Tr∂ƒi taíåhurdivi bandhanåni tr∂ƒyapsu
tr∂ƒyanta¨ samudre. Uteva me varuƒa‹ch-
antsyarvanyatrå taíåhu¨ parama≈ janitram.
Arvan, lord of the dynamics of existence, three
are your bonds in heaven, they say, three in the waters
of space and three in the womb of the sea. Wherever,
they say, your ultimate origin be, you declare your
presence as Varuna, lord of our choice and lord of
judgement and approval.
16. (Agni Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
bÆek rs ¼ okftÂoÆektZ×ukuhÆek 'kÆiQkuk¼¦lfUÆkÆrq£UÆkÆ/kuk¼ A
v=kk¼ rs HkÆæk j¼'kÆuk¿v¼i';e`ÉrL;Æ ;k¿v¼fHÆkÆj{k¼fUr
xksÆik% AAûöAA
Imå te våjinnavamårjanån∂må ‹aphånå|m sani-
turnidhånå. Atrå te bhadrå ra‹anåíapa‹ya-
mætasya yåíabhirak¶anti gopå¨.
Warlike hero, lord of spirit and speed, I see these
tools of the cleansing and freshening of your war-horses.
I see the treasures of the beneficiaries of their hoofs. I
see the auspicious reins of your power and force which
are all-round defenders of truth and law and which
protect the law-abiding.
17. (Agni Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
vkÆRekUak¼ rsÆ eu¼lkÆjkn¼tkukeÆoks fnÆok iÆr;¼Ura irÆXe~ A
f'kjks¼¿vi';a iÆfFkfHk%¼ lqÉxfs Hk¼jjs.Ê kqfHÆkÆtg
Zs ¼ekua irÆfR=k AAû÷AA
Åtmanå≈ te manasårådajånåmavo divå
patayanta≈ pataΔgam. ›iroíapa‹ya≈ pathibhi¨
sugebhirareƒubhirjehamåna≈ patatri.
Agni, fire energy, with my own mind and
knowledge, I know your soul in body form so close
being flown from down below through space to the sun.
I see your head soaring up, voraciously sucking the air
and struggling to ascend by clear and dustless paths of
the sky.
18. (Agni Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
v=kk¼ rs :Æieq¼ÙkÆee¼i';aÆ ftxh¼"kek.kfEÆkÆ"k¿vk iÆns xks% A
;Ænk rsÆ eÙkksZÆ¿vuqÉ HkksxÆekuÆMkfnn~ xzfl¼"BÆ¿vks"k¼/h&
jthx% AAûøAA
Atrå te rμupamuttamamapa‹ya≈ jig∂¶amåƒami¶aí
å pade go¨. Yadå te martoíanu bhogamånaŒådid
Agni, victorious power, here I see your most
splendid form eager to win the wealth of food and energy
of the earth. Only when your people have received their
portion of the food, only then you, most voracious
though, take your share of the nourishing foods and
19. (Manushya Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
vuq¼ RokÆ jFkksÆ¿vuqÉ e;ksZ׿voZÆÂuqÉ xkoks¿uqÉ Hkx¼% dÆuhuke¼ A~
vuqÉ ozkrkl¼ ÆLro¼ lÆ[;eh¼;qÉjuq¼ nsÆok e¼fejs ohÆ;~± rs AAûùAA
Anu två rathoíanu maryoíarvannanu gåvoí nu
bhaga¨ kan∂nåm. Anu vråtåsastava sakhya-
m∂yuranu devå mamire v∂rya≈ te.
Arvan, tempestuous victorious hero, the chariot
follows you. The humans and cows follow you. The
power and passion of youth follows you. Multitudes of
people love to be friends and followers with you. Even
the divinities have watched, measured and admired your
courage and valour.
20. (Agni Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
fgj¼.;'k`ÉXks¿;ks¼¿vL;Æ iknkÆ euks¼tokÆ¿vo¼j¿Ê bU濼 vklhr~A
nsÆok¿bn¼L; gfOÆkÆj|¼ek;ÆU;ks¿voZ×Ura izFkÆeks¿vÆè;&
fr¼"Br~ AAüúAA
Hiraƒya‹æΔgoíyoíasya pådå manojavåíavaraí
indraí ås∂t. Devåíidasya haviradyamåyan yoí
arvanta≈ prathamoíadhyati¶¢hat.
(Who can ride and control the tempestuous horse
that is agni, fire power of nature and humanity?)
Indra, master ruler, youthful and new. Golden is
his crown. Of golden steel are his legs moving at the
speed of mind. New and youthful, he is supreme. The
noblest of humanity share power with him and partake
of his holy food. First among all, he alone can ride and
control the speed and power of agni.
21. (Manushyah Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
Æ kZUrklÆ% flfy¼deè;eklÆ% l§'kwj.¼ kklks fnÆO;klks¿Æ vR;k%¼ A
gƧlk¿b¼o Jsf.ÆkÆ'kks ;¼rUrsÆ ;nkf{k¼"kq£nÆO;eTeÆe'ok¼% AAüûAA
∫rmåntåsa¨ ‹ilikamadhyamåsa¨ sa|m ‹μuraƒåso
divyåsoíatyå¨. Ha| m såíiva ‹reƒi‹o yatante
Warriors of horse, with steeds which are broad-
chested, full-haunched and sensitively trained, slim in
the middle, fiery, superb, of electric speed, when they
are ranked like swans in battle array and fight, then they
penetrate the enemy defences and clear the paths to
wonder victories.
22. (Vayavah Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
roÆ 'kjh¼ja irfÕÆkÆ".o~oZÆUro¼ fPÆkÆÙka okr¼¿boÆ /zth¼eku~ A
roÆ Ük`Xk¼f.ÆkÆ fof"B¼rk iq#Æ=kkj.¼ ;s"kqÉ tHkqZ×jk.kk pjfUrAAüüAA
Tava ‹ar∂ra≈ patayi¶ƒvarvantava citta≈
våtaíiva dhraj∂mån. Tava ‹æƒgåƒi vi¶¢hitå
purutråraƒye¶u jarbhuråƒå caranti.
Arvan, tempestuous hero, your body loves to soar
like a bird’s, your mind moves at the speed of the wind,
the flames of your glory are various and blazing, and
they range around steadily across distant lands.
23. (Manushyah Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
miÆikz xkÆPNl¼ua okÆT;oZk¼ nsoÆæhpkÆ eul ¼ kÆ nhè;k¼u% A vÆt%
iqÉjks uh¼;rsÆ ukfHk¼jÊL;kuq¼ iÆ'pkRdÆo;ks¼ ;fUr jsÊHkk% AAüýAA
Upa prågåcchasana≈ våjyarvå devadr∂cå
manaså d∂dhyåna¨. Aja¨ puro n∂yate
nåbhirasyånu pa‹cåt kavayo yanti rebhå¨.
The tempestuous horse, fast as the wind, worthy
of the gods, fiery within and rushing to the heat of battle
at the speed of mind, instant like a beam of the sun, is
shot forth by the rider on the back, and then poets and
singers follow with songs of praise.
24. (Manushya Devata, Bhargavo Jamadagni °Rshi)
miÆ izkxk¼RijÊea ;RlÆ/LFkÆeo¡kZÆüAA¿vPNk¼ fIÆkÆrj¯ ekÆrj¯ p A
vÆ|k nsÆok×tq"V¼reksÆ fg xÆE;k¿vFkk'kk¼Lrs nkÆ'kq"ksÊ
ok;Zk¼f.k AAüþAA
Upa prågåtparama≈ yatsadhasthamarvå|ní
acchå pitara≈ måtara≈ ca. Adyå devå¤ju¶¢a-
tamo hi gamyåíathå‹åste då‹u¶e våryåƒi.
The man of knowledge, will and action who goes
to the highest assembly, who does homage to father,
mother and brilliant holy people, and offers liberal gifts
of service and reverence to generous teachers and
philanthropists, is worthy of highest love and
O seeker of knowledge and virtue, such a person
is worthy of company. Go straight and meet him.
25. (Vidvan Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
lfe¼¼ks¿vÆ| euq¼"kks nqjksÆ.ks nsÆoks nsÆokU;¼tfl tkrosn% A
vk pÆ og fe=kegf'pfOÆkÆQÆRokURoa nwÉr% dÆfojf¼ LÆkÆ
s k% AAüÿAA
Samiddhoíadya manu¶o duroƒe devo devån
yajasi jåtaveda¨. Å ca vaha mitramaha‹cikitvån
tva≈ dμuta¨ kavirasi pracetå¨.
You are the man, jataveda, light of the day as Agni,
brilliant inspired and generous, in company with the
noblest at yajna in the home. Call upon the divinities,
best of friends, bring them to the yajna. Wide awake
you are, harbinger of light and good fortune, poet
creator, wise and luminous.
26. (Vidvan Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
ruw¼uikRiÆFk¿ÍÆrL;Æ ;kukÆUeèok¼ leÆ×tURLo¼n;k lqftàA
eUek¼fu /hÆfHk#Ær ;ÆKe`ÉU/Uns¼oÆ=kk p¼ Ñ.kqáèoÆja u%¼ AAüöAA
Tanμunapåtpathaíætasya yånån madhvå sama¤j-
antsvadayå sujihva. Manmåni dh∂bhiruta
yaj¤amændhan devatrå ca kæƒuhyadhvara≈ na¨.
Sagely scholar, self-preserver, protector of the
good things of life, sweet of tongue and speech,
sprinkling the paths of truth and modes of progress with
honey, enjoy the march to freedom and prosperity. And,
surrounded by the noblest saints and scholars, leading
our plans and prayers to resounding success, render our
yajna of life free from hate and violence with your
27. (Vidvan Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
ujkÆ'k§l¼L; efgÆeku¼es"kkÆeqi¼Lrks"kke ;tÆrL;¼ ;ÆKS% A ;s
lqÉØr¼oÆ% 'kqp¼;ks f/;ÆU/k% Lon¼fUr nsÆok¿mÆHk;k¼fu
Narå‹a|msasya mahimåname¶åmupa sto¶åma
yajatasya yaj¤ai¨. Ye sukratava¨ ‹ucayo
dhiyandhå¨ svadanti devåíubhayåni havyå.
We celebrate with songs of praise and yajnas the
greatness of the man of universal honour and admiration
and the greatness of these brilliant scholars of
exceptional intelligence and noble action, pure at heart,
who taste the sweets of success in matters both material
and spiritual (on way to freedom and prosperity by the
paths of Truth and eternal Law).
28. (Agni Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
vkÆtqàk¼uÆ¿bZMÔksÆ oU|Æ'pk;k¼áXusÆ olq¼fHk% lÆtks"kk¼% A Roa
nsÆokuk¼efl ;àÉ gksrkÆ l¿,¼ukU;{khf"ÆkÆrks ;th¼;ku~ AAüøAA
ÅjuhvånaíiŒyo vandya‹cå yåhyagne vasubhi¨
sajo¶å¨. Tva≈ devånåmasi yahva hotå saí
enånyak¶∂¶ito yaj∂yån.
Agni, brilliant power of light and life, challenging
and inviting, adorable, admirable, delighted to be with
the generous lovers of life, you are the most fluent and
dynamic of divinities, giving and sacrificing. Excellent
power of yajna, cherished and implored, come and join
these sacrificers at the yajna.
29. (Antariksha Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
izkÆphUak¼ cÆ£g% izÆfn'kk¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k oLrks¼jÊL;k o`¼T;rsÆ¿vxzsÆ¿&
vÉk¼e~ A O;q¼ izFkrs forÆja ojh¼;ks nsÆosH;ksÆ¿vfn¼r;s
L;ksÆue~ AAüùAA
Pråc∂na≈ barhi¨ pradi‹å pæthivyå vastorasyå
væjyateíagreíahnåm. Vyu prathate vitara≈
var∂yo devebhyoíaditaye syonam.
Just as sacred grass, old and ancient, is gathered
at dawn, in the early morning, before the rise of the
day, from the sacred quarters of the earth, grows further,
softer and more excellent for the yajnics and the earth,
so realized awareness of Brahma, Eternal Spirit, vast as
space, is distilled from the inspiring regions of silent
nature in the sacred hours of dawn before the rising of
the day and, by the mystique of the Veda grows further,
higher and more blissful for the pious souls for their
rise towards Divinity and Infinity.
30. (Striyah Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
O;pL¼ orh#£OÆkÆ;k foJ¼;UrkaÆ ifrH¼ ;ksÆ u tu¼;Æ% 'kqEHke ¼ kuk%A
¼ kZjks c`grh£o'ofeUok nso
nsoh} Æ Hs ;ks¼ Hkor lqikz ;Æ.kk% AAýúAA
Vyacasvat∂rurviyå vi ‹rayantå≈ patibhyo na
janaya¨ ‹umbhamånå¨. Dev∂rdvåro bæhat∂r-
vi‹vaminvå devebhyo bhavata supråyaƒå¨.
Just as noble, beautiful, generous women provide
ample unlimited joy and solace to the husbands, so may
the divine doors of yajna, wide open, grand, all-
embracing, provide free access and universal movement
to the dedicated divines of yajna.
31. (Striyah Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
vk lqÉ"o;¼Urh ;tÆrs¿mik¼osQ¿mÆ"kklkÆuDrk¼ lnrkaÆ fu
;ksukS¼ A fnÆO;s ;ks"k¼.ks c`gÆrh lq¼#D
Æ es¿vfèÆkÆ fJ;¼§'kqØÆfi'kaÆ
n/k¼us AAýûAA
Å su¶vayant∂ yajateíupåkeíu¶åsånaktå sadatå≈
ni yonau. Divye yo¶aƒe bæhat∂ surukmeíadhi
‹riya|m ‹ukrapi‹a≈ dadhåne.
The day and the night, like two heavenly women,
wearing light and dark, inspiring and comforting,
adorable, great and sublime, wielding and commanding
the wealth of the world, may, we pray, come in unison
and grace the vedi, seat of yajna.
32. (Vidvan Shilpis Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
nSO;kÆ gksrk¼jk izFkÆek lqÉokpkÆ feek¼uk ;ÆKa euq¼"kksÆ ;t¼è;SA
izÆpksÆn;¼Urk fOÆkÆnFks¼"kq dkÆ: izkÆphuaÆ T;ksfr¼% izÆfn'kk¼
fnÆ'kUrk¼ AAýüAA
Daivyå hotårå prathamå suvåcå mimånå yaj¤a≈
manu¶o yajadhyai. Pracodayantå vidathe¶u kårμu
pråc∂na≈ jyoti¨ pradi‹a di‹antå.
Two divine high-priests of the first order, scholars
of the language (of science and architecture), masters
of measurement and design, and expert builders,
pointing to the directions of the ancient and eternal light
(of the Veda) inspire people to join in scientific yajnas
of development and construction.
33. (Vag Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
vk uks¼ ;Ka Hkkj¼rhÆ rw;¼eÆfs RoMk¼ euqÉ"ofnÆg psr
Æ ;¼Urh A
fRÆkÆÏks nsÆohcZÆ£gjsn§L;ksÆu§lj¼LorhÆ Loi¼l% lnUrq AAýýAA
Å no yaj¤a≈ bhårat∂ tμuyametviŒa manu¶vadiha
cetayant∂. Tisro dev∂rbarhireda| m syona| m
sarasvat∂ svapasa¨ sadantu.
May Bharati (bearing the knowledge of science)
come soon to advance our yajna of development. May
Ida, the Vedic vision, shine, enlightening us like a
human teacher. May Sarasvati, bearing the knowledge
of the Shastras, come and inspire us.
May three supernal divinities of the Word of the
Veda, light and inspiration of the Shastras, and
knowledge of science and technology, Ida, Sarasvati,
and Bharati, mothers of noble yajnic acts, come and
grace this auspicious seat of yajna.
34. (Vidvan Shilpi Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
;¿bÆes |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh tfu¼=kh :ÆiSjfi¼§'kƉqo¼ukfUÆkÆ
fo'ok¼ A reÆ| gks¼rfjf"ÆkÆrks ;th¼;ku~ nsÆoa Ro"Vk¼jfEÆkÆg
;¼f{k fOÆkÆ}ku~ AAýþAA
Yaíime dyåvåpæthiv∂ janitr∂ rμupairapi|m‹ad-
bhuvanåni vi‹vå. Tamadya hotari¶ito yaj∂yån
deva≈ tva¶¢åramiha yak¶i vidvån.
High-priest of shilpa (science and technology),
scholar, inspired and dedicated, offer yajna here and now
in honour of that divine artist, Tvashta, creator of the
universe, who made all these worlds of existence, carved
out the generative heaven and earth, and adorned them
with all the beautiful forms of life and nature.
35. (Agni Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
mÆiko¼lt ` Æ ReU;k¼ leÆ×tu~ nso
Æ kukaÆ ikFk¼¿ÍrqFÉ kk gÆoh¦f"k¼A
ouÆLifr¼% 'kfEÆkÆrk nsÆoks¿vÆfXu% Lon¼Urq gÆO;a e/q¼uk
?k`Érsu¼ AAýÿAA
Upåvasæja tmanyå sama¤jan devånå≈ påthaí
ætuthå hav∂|m¶i. Vanaspati¨ ‹amitå devoíagni¨
svadantu havya≈ madhunå ghætena.
Scholar, sprinkling and seasoning the holy
materials of yajna, food for the divinities, with honey
and ghrta, offer the libations yourself with your heart
and soul so that Vanaspati, lord of light and vegetation,
the sun, the generous cloud, giver of the showers of
peace and prosperity, and Agni, the holy fire, may relish
their food seasoned with delicacies.
36. (Agni Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
lÆ|ks tkÆrks O;¼feehr ;ÆKeÆfXunso ¼ Hkor~ iqjksx
ÆZ kuke Æ k%A vÆL;
gksr%¼q izfÆ n';`ÉrL;¼ okÆfp LokgkÑ
¼ r§gÆfojn ¼ Urq nso
Æ k% AAýöAA
Sadyo jåto vyamim∂ta yaj¤amagnirdevå-
nåmabhavat purogå¨. Asya hotu¨ pradi‹yætasya
våci svåhåkæta|m haviradantu devå¨.
Agni, lord of light and life, brilliant scholar,
instantly responsive, ever young, going ahead of the
divines, enacts and accomplishes the yajna of the
business of life within the word and spirit of the laws of
truth. May all the divinities of nature and humanity taste
the sweets of the holy offerings of this sacrificer.
37. (Vidvan Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
osÆQÆrqa o`ÉQ.oUu¼oÆsQÆrosÆ is'kks¼ e;kZ¿visÆ'kls ¼ A
leqÉ"kf‰¼jtk;Fkk% AAý÷AA
Ketu≈ kæƒvannaketave pe‹o maryaíape‹ase.
Agni, lord of light and life, man of knowledge,
creating light for the man in the dark, providing plenty
for the man in adversity, as mortals do, you arise with
the light of the dawns and the fires of the generous
38. (Vidvan Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
thÆewrL;so HkofRÆkÆ izrh¼oaQÆ ;}ÉehZ ;kfr¼ lÆenk¼eqÉiLFks¼ A
vuk¼fo¼;k rÆUok~ t;Æ Ro§ l Rok oeZ ×.kks efgÆek
fi¼iÙkqZ AAýøAA
J∂mμutasyeva bhavati prat∂ka≈ yadvarm∂ yåti
samadåmupasthe. Anåviddhayå tanvå jaya tva|m
sa två varmaƒo mahimå pipartu.
A very image of the cloud he seems to be when
the hero in armour goes forward to join the ardent
warriors in the raging battle. Come victorious, warrior,
with your body unscathed. May the mighty grandeur of
the armour protect and promote you.
39. (Viras Warriors Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
/Uo¼ukÆ xk /Uo¼ukÆ¿¿¯t t¼;seÆ /Uo¼uk rhÆozk% lÆenks¼
t;se A /uqÉ% 'k=kks¼jidkÆea o`¼Q.kksfRÆkÆ /Uo¼ukÆ loZk¼% izÆfn'kks¼
t;se AAýùAA
Dhanvanå gå dhanvanåîji≈ jayema dhanvanå
t∂vrå¨ samado jayema. Dhanu¨ ‹atrora-
pakåma≈ kæƒoti dhanvanå sarvå¨ pradi‹o
Let us win the earths by the bow, win the battle
by the bow, win the violent wars by the bow. The bow
it is that shatters the enemy’s ambition for evil. Let us
win in all directions by the bow.
40. (Viras, Devata, Bharadwaja °Rshi)
oÆ{;UrhÆosnkx¼uhxfUÆRÆkÆ d.k± × fIÆkzÆ;§ l[kk¼;a ifj"kLo&
tkÆuk A ;ks"ks¼o f'kƒsÉ forÆrkfèÆkÆ /UoÆ×T;k bÆ;§ le¼us
ikÆj;¼Urh AAþúAA
Vak¶yant∂vedågan∂ganti karƒa≈ priya| m
sakhåya≈ pari¶asvajånå. Yo¶eva ‹iΔkte vitatådhi
dhanava¤jyå iya|m samane pårayant∂.
This string stretched on the bow is drawn close
to the ear and, like a young woman embracing her dear
husband and whispering love into his ear, twangs,
carrying the warrior across the battle to victory.
41. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
rs¿vkÆpj¼UrhÆ le¼usoÆ ;ks"kk¼ ekÆrso¼ iqÉ=ka fc¼Hk`rkeqÉiLFks¼ A
viÆ 'k=kw¼u~ foè;rk¦lafonkÆus¿vkRuhZ ׿bÆes fo¼"iqÉQjUrh¼¿&
vÆfe=kk¼u~ AAþûAA
Teí åcarant∂ samaneva yo¶å måteva putra≈
bibhætåmupasthe. Apa ‹atrμ u n vidhyatå| m
sa≈vidåneíårtn∂íime vi¶phurant∂íamitrån.
Behaving as a beloved wife one at heart with her
husband, the two ends of the bow joined together by
the string may hold the arrow like a mother holding her
baby in her arms, and, shaking the enemies with fear,
may pierce them with the arrow and scatter and drive
them away with the twang.
42. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
cÆàÉhu Æ k cÆgjq ¼L; iq=kf'ÆPÆ kÆ'pk o`¼Q.kksfRÆkÆ le¼ukoÆxR;¼ A
É ka fIÆkr
bÆ"kqÉf/% lVkÉ% i`r¼uk'pÆ loZk¼% i`"É Bs fuu¼¼ks t;fRÆkÆ
izlw¼r% AAþüAA
Bahv∂nå≈ pitå bahurasya putra‹ci‹cå kæƒoti
samanåvagatya. I¶udhi¨ saΔkå¨ pætanå‹ca
sarvå¨ p涢he ninaddho jayati prasμuta¨.
Father protector of many forces, mighty are his
sons. His arrow clangs when he engages the enemy.
Hero of the bow and arrow and the quiver inspired and
shooting forth, he takes on the once organized but now
scattered forces of the enemy and comes out victorious.
43. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
jFksÆ fr"B¼Â;fr okÆftu¼% iqjÉ ks ;=k¼ ;=k dkÆe;¼rs lq"kkjÊfFk%A
vÆHkh'kw¼uka efgÆekUak¼ iuk;rÆ eu¼% iÆ'pknuq¼;PNfUr
Rathe ti¶¢han nayati våjina¨ puro yatra-yatra
kåmayate su¶årathi¨. Abh∂‹μunå≈ mahimåna≈
panåyata mana¨ pa‹cådanu yacchanti
An able and expert driver sitting on the controls
in the chariot drives the horses wherever he wants to.
Know and admire the great value of the reins: the reins
(controlled by the driver on the wheel), those which
control the movement and direction of the mind from
44. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
rhÆozku~ ?kks"kk¼u~ Ñ.orsÆ o`"k¼ik.kÆ;ks¿'okÆ jFks¼fHk% lÆg
okÆt;¼Ur%A vÆoÆØke¼UrÆ% izi¼njS Êfe=kk¼u~ f{ÆkÆ.kfUÆRkÆ Æ 'k=kw¡ÉûAA¿&
ju¼iO;;Ur% AAþþAA
T∂vrån gho¶ån kæƒvate væ¶apåƒayoí‹vå rathe-
bhi¨ saha våjayanta¨. Avakråmanta¨
prapadairamitrån k¶iƒanti ‹atrμu|níranapavya-
Warriors Heroes of war manned with strong-
hoofed horses flying by the chariots raise frightful cries
of war while the horses, unremitting in their force,
trampling upon the enemy with their hoofs, destroy his
45. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
jÊFkÆokg¼u§ gÆfoj¼L;Æ ukeÆ ;=kk;q/ ¼ aÆ fufg¼reL;Æ oeZ× A
q ¼ 'kÆXe§ ln
r=kkÆ jFkÆei ¼ e
s fOÆk'Æ okgk¼ oÆ;§ lqe¼ uÆL;eku¼ k%AAþÿAA
Rathavåhaƒa|m havirasya nåma yatråyudha≈
nihitamasya varma. Tatrå rathamupa ‹agma|m
sadema vi‹våhå vaya|m sumanasyamånå¨.
The warrior is ‘Rathavahana’, hero of the chariot,
and the chariot is whereon the armour, arms and
ammunition of this hero are safely kept. And that mighty
protective chariot, we, people of positive and faithful
mind, love, and wish to ride every day, all time.
46. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
LokÆn"Éq kƧ ln%¼ fIÆkr
Æ jks¼ o;ks/Æ k% o`¼QPNsfɪ JrÆ% 'kDrho¼ Urks xHkhÆjk%A
¼ kÆ¿b"kqc
fPÆkÆ=kls u ¼ ykÆ¿ve`/ ¼ kz % lÆrksohj¼ k¿mÆjoks ¼ ozkrlkÆgk%AAþöAA
Svådu¶a|msada¨ pitaro vayodhå¨ kæcchre‹rita¨
‹akt∂vanto gabh∂rå¨. Citrasenåíi¶ubalåí
amædhrå¨ satov∂råíuravo vråtasåhå¨.
Let us honour senior veterans of war, of pleasant
company, mature and widely experienced, facing and
challenging dangers, strong and brave, serious and wise,
commanding wonderful armies, trained in powerful
weapons, invincible of body, equally valiant, broad-
chested and muscular, and conquering hosts of armies.
47. (Dhanurveda teachers Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
czkã.¼ kklÆ% firj¼ Æ% lksE;kl
¼ % f'Æko
Æ s uksÆ |kok¼if` FÆkÆoh¿vu
¼ Ægs lkA¼
iwÉ"kk u¼% ikrq nqfjÆrkn`¼rko`/ksÆ j{kkÆ ekfd¼uksZ¿vÆ?k'k¼§l
¿bZ'kr AAþ÷AA
Bråhmaƒåsa¨ pitara¨ somyåsa¨ ‹ive no
dyåvåpæthiv∂íanehaså. Pμ u ¶å na¨ påtu
duritådætåvædho rak¶å måkirnoíagha‹a|msaí
May the Brahmanas, scholars of Veda and divine
vision, parental seniors, lovers of peace, joy and yajna-
soma, defenders and promoters of truth and Law, guide
and protect us. May Heaven and earth, auspicious, pure
and sinless, be kind to bless us. May Pusha, lord giver
of health and growth, protect us from sin and promote
us. May no sinner and supporter of evil rule over us.
48. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
lqÉiÆ.k± o¼Lrs e`Éxks¿v¼L;kÆ nUrksÆ xksfHÆkÆ% l¼¼k irfRÆkÆ
izlw¼rk A ;=kkÆ ujÊ% la pÆ fo pÆ æofUÆRÆkÆ r=kkÆLeH;Æfe"k¼oÆ%
'keZ × ;§lu~ AAþøAA
Suparƒa≈ vaste mægoíasyå danto gobhi¨
sannaddhå patati prasμutå. Yatrå nara¨ sa≈ ca
vi ca dravanti tatråsmabhyami¶ava¨ ‹arma
The army of the brave wears the battle array of a
falcon. Its tooth, i.e., attack, strikes as a mriga, tiger,
falls upon the game. Equipped with shields and mailed
in armour, passionate for the kill, it falls upon the enemy.
The warriors there fall upon the enemy in united strength
as well as attack in different directions. May the arrows
of this army bring us peace and well-being.
49. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
½th¼rsÆ ifj¼o`Ä~fèÆkÆ uks¿'ek¼ Hkorq uLrÆuw%A
lkseksÆ¿vf/¼czohrqÉ uks¿fn¼fRÆkÆ% 'kEk¼ Z ;PNrq AAþùAA
°Rj∂te parivæΔdhi noí‹må bhavatu nastanμu¨.
Somoíadhi brav∂tu noíditi¨ ‹arma yacchatu.
May the spirit of health, peace and progress ward
off ills from us all round. May our body be strong as
granite. May soma, spirit of life, inspire us from above.
May the earth as well as the sky bring us peace and
50. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
vk t¼†fUÆRÆkÆ lkUos¼"kka tÆ?kuk¡ÆüAA¿mi¼ft?urs A
v'ok¼tfUÆkÆ izps¼rÆlks¿'ok¼URlÆeRlq¼ pksn; AAÿúAA
Å jaΔghanti sånve¶å≈ jaghanå|níupajighnate.
A‹våjani pracetasoí‹våntsamatsu codaya.
The warriors spur the horses on the sides and
strike them with the goad on the shanks. Expert teacher,
the horses are intelligent and responsive, train them in
quick curves and movements of battle.
51. (Mahavira Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)

vfg¼fjo HkksÆxS% i;sZ ×fr ckÆgqa T;k;k¼ gsƯr i¼fjÆck/¼eku% A

gÆLrÆ?uks fo'ok¼ oÆ;quk¼fu fOÆkÆ}ku~ iqekÆu~ iqek¼¦laÆ ifji
¼ krq
Ahiriva bhogai¨ paryeti båhu≈ jyåyå heti≈
paribådhamåna¨. Hastaghno vi‹vå vayunåni
vidvån pumån puma|msa≈ pari påtu vi‹vata¨.
Like the hand-guard warding off the strikes of
the bow-string with its coils and protecting the hand of
the archer, the expert commander of the army and the
man of laws and ways of the world, by the blows of his
arms and himself facing the challenges, protects the
people from all round and, like the cloud, showers all
the peace and comfort on them.
52. (Suvira Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
ou¼Lirs ohÆM~o~XksÉ fg HkwÉ;k¿vÆLeRl¼[kk izÆrj¼.k% lqÉohj¼% A
xksfHÆkÆ% l¼¼ks¿vfl ohÆM;¼LokLFkkÆrk rs¼ t;rqÉ
tsRok¼fu AAÿüAA
Vanaspate v∂ŒvaΔgo hi bhμ u yåíasmatsakhå
prataraƒa¨ suv∂ra¨. Gobhi¨ sannaddhoíasi
v∂Œayasvåsthåtå te jayatu jetvåni.
Hero and protector of the land and forests,
brilliant as the sun, our friend and heroic leader crossing
over crises and challenges, be strong of body and power.
Committed you are to the earth and traditions of
humanity. Grow stronger and expand in power. And
may your commander win all the battles for you.
53. (Vira Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
fnÆo% i`¼fFÆkÆO;k% i;ksZtÆ¿mn~Hk`¼raÆ ouÆLifr¼H;Æ% iÕ;kZHk`¼rƧ
lg%A vÆikeksÆTekuaÆ ifjÆ xksfHÆkÆjko`¼rÆfeUæ¼L;Æ oTkz¼§gÆfo"kkÆ
jFak¼ ;t AAÿýAA
Diva¨ pæthivyå¨ paryojaíudbhæta≈ vanaspati-
bhya¨ paryåbhæta|m saha¨. Apåmojmåna≈ pari
gobhiråvætamindrasya vajra|m havi¶å ratha≈
Man of knowledge and power, receive, cultivate
and socially promote the light and energy emanating
from the sun and earth. Receive, cultivate and promote
the strength, courage and endurance emanated from the
trees. Cultivate and promote the energy of the waters.
Refine and strengthen the chariot invincible as thunder
and blazing with the rays of the sun, and develop it
further by sacrifice and investment.
54. (Vira Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
bUæ¼L;Æ oTkzks¼ eÆ#rkÆeuh¼oaQ fEÆkÆ=kL;Æ xHkksZÆ o#¼ .kL;Æ ukfHk¼%A
lseka uks ¼ gÆO;nk¼¯r tq"kkÆ.kks nso¼ jFkÆ izfr¼ gÆO;k
x`¼Hkk; AAÿþAA
Indrasya vajro marutåman∂ka≈ mitrasya garbho
varuƒasya nåbhi¨. Semå≈ no havyadåti≈ ju¶åƒo
deva ratha prati havyå gæbhåya.
Brilliant leader and warrior, devoted to the
thunderbolt of Indra, army of the winds, light of the
sun and depth of the sky and the ocean as ideals, in love
with the power of lightning, inner thoughts of friends,
and conscience of the best man, and enjoying our love
and trust, may now receive our gifts and homage for
further growth and development.
55. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
mi¼'okl; i`fFÆkÆoheqÉr |ka iq¼#Æ=kk rs¼ euqrkaÆ fof"B¼rÆa tx¼r~A
l nq¼UnqHks lÆtfw jUæs¼.k nsÆon ¼ ksÆ¿vi¼l/
S ÉjZw kíoh ; s Æ 'k=kw¼u~ AAÿÿAA
Upa ‹våsaya pæthiv∂muta dyå≈ purutrå te
manutå≈ vi¶¢hita≈ jagat. Sa dundubhe
sajμurindreƒa devairdμuråddav∂yoíapa sedha
Heroic leader, loud and bold, let the war-drum
of action, your clarion-call to the nation, resound over
earth and sky. Let the wide world, moving and non-
moving, know you and hear the call. And, in unison
with the power and grandeur of the nation and the best
of nobility, let the call drive off the enemies farthest
56. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
vkoz¼QUn;Æ cyÆekstks¼ uÆ¿vk/kÆ fu"V¼fufg nqfjÆrk ck/¼&
eku%A vi¼izksFk nqUnqHks nqÉPNquk¼¿bÆr¿bUæ¼L; eqÉf"Vj¼fl
ohÆM;¼Lo AAÿöAA
Å krandåya balamojo naíådhå ni¶¢anihi duritå
bådhamåna¨. Apa protha dundubhe ducchunåí
itaíindrasya mu¶¢irasi v∂Œayasva.
Thunderous hero, rally the forces with the beat
of the war drum. Loud and bold, instil and inspire us
with passion for action. Resisting and suppressing evil,
let the call resound as thunder. Fight and throw off the
dogged enemies far from here. You are the measure and
concentration of the power and glory of Indra, lord of
humanity. Grow, expand and glorify the human nation.
57. (Viras Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
vkewj¼t izÆR;ko¼ÙkZ;sÆek% osQ¼ rqÉeíq¼UnqÉfHkoZk¼onhfr A le'o¼&
i.kkZÆ'pj¼fUr uksÆ ujksÆ¿Leko¼QfeUæ jÊfFkuks¼ t;Urq AAÿ÷AA
Åmμuraja pratyåvarttayemå¨ ketumaddundu-
bhirvåvad∂ti. Sama‹vaparƒå‹caranti no
naroísmåkamindra rathino jayantu.
Indra, mighty hero, rout those enemy forces to
annihilation. Bring our armies back home with flying
colours. The drum, with the flag flying, resounds.
United, our men on the wings of horses fight on. May
our heroes of the chariot be ever victorious.
58. (Vidvans Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
vkÆXusÆ;% o`ÉQ".kxzh¼o% lkjLoÆrh esÆ"kh cÆHkzq% lkSÆE;% ikSÆ".k%
';kÆe% f'kf¼ ri`É"Bks ckg
¼ LZ iÆR;% f'ÆkYÆ iks oS¼'onsÆo¿,sÉUæks¿~ #Æ.kks
ek¼#Ær% dÆYek"k¼¿,sUækÆXu% l§¼ fgÆrks¿¨ /ksjke ¼ % lkfOÆk=Æ kks ok¼#.Æ k%
o`ÉQ".k¿,o¼Qf'kfrikÆRisRo¼% AAÿøAA
Ågneya¨ k涃agr∂va¨ sårasvat∂ me¶∂ babhru¨
saumya¨ pau¶ƒa¨ ‹yåma¨ ‹itip涢ho bårhas-
patya¨ ‹ilpo vai‹vadevaíaindroíruƒo måruta¨
kalmå¶aíaindrågna¨ sa|mhitoídhoråma¨ såvitro
våruƒa¨ k涃aíeka‹itipåt petva¨.
The animal with black neck is holy, it has the
qualities of fire immanent in nature, so it is the favourite
love of Agni. So the sheep is the favourite love of
Sarasvati. The brown one is favourite of Soma. The dark
one is favourite of Pusha. The one with white back is
favourite of Brihaspati. The one of varied colour is
favourite of Vishvedevas. The red one is favourite of
Indra. The black and white is favourite of Maruts. The
strong-bodied is favourite of Indra and Agni. The one
which is white below is favourite of Savita. And the
black one with one leg white and swift of speed is
favourite of Varuna. (Know this, and take advantage of
59. (Agni & Others Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
vÆXu;s¿uhd ¼ orsÆ jksfgr¼ kf×tjuÆMo ~ kuÆ/ksjkekS lkfOÆkÆ=kkS ikS"Æ .kkS
¼ ÆrukH¼ kh oS'onso
jt Æ kS fIÆk'Æ kXkS¼ rwijÊ kS ek#
¼ rÆ % dÆYek"k¿¼ vkXusÆ;%
o`ÉQ".kks¨¿t% lkj¼LoÆrh esÆ"kh ok¼#Æ.k% isRo¼% AAÿùAA
Agnayeín∂kavate rohitå¤jiranaŒvånadhoråmau
såvitrau pau¶ƒau rajatanåbh∂ vai‹vadevau
pi‹aΔgau tμuparau måruta¨ kalmå¶aíågneya¨
k涃oíja¨ sårasvat∂ me¶∂ våruƒa¨ petva¨.
The bull with a red mark on the forehead is for
Agni, front rank of the army. Two animals with white
below are for Savita. Two animals with silver navel are
for the Pushas. Two animals of yellow colour and
without horns are for Vishvedevas. The multicoloured
is for Maruts. The black goat is for Agni. The sheep is
for Sarasvati. And the fast one is for Varuna.
60. (Agni & Others Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
vÆXu;s¼ xk;Æ=kk;¼ f=Æko ` Æs jkFkU¼ rjk;kÆ"Vko¼ QikyÆ¿bUæk;
Æ r ¼ Æ =kS"VqH¼ kk;
i×pnÆ'kk;Æ ckgZ×rkÆ;Sdk¼n'kdikyksÆ fo'os¼H;ks nsÆosH;ksÆ
tkx¼rsH;% lIrnÆ'ksH;ks¼ oS:ÆisH;ksÆ }kn¼'kdikyks fEÆkÆ=kk&
o#¼.kkH;kÆekuq¼"VqHkkH;kesdfOÆkƧ'kkH;ak¼ oSjkÆtkH;ak¼ i;ÆL;k¨
c`gÆLir¼;Æs ikƒk¼; f=k.kÆok;¼ 'kkDoÆjk;¼ pÆ#% l¼fOÆkÆ=k¿&
vkSf".k¼gk; =k;fLÆ=ÆkƧ'kk;¼ jSoÆrk;Æ }kn¼'kdiky% izktk&
iÆR;'pÆ#jfn¼R;SÆ fo".kq¼iRU;S pÆ#jÊXu;s¼ oS'okuÆjk;Æ }kn¼'k&
dikÆyks¿uq¼eR;k¿vÆ"Vko¼Qiky% AAöúAA
Agnaye gåyatråya trivæte råthantaråy嶢åkapålaí
indråya trai¶¢ubhåya pa¤cada‹åya bårhatåy-
aikåda‹akapålo vi‹vebhyo devebhyo jågate-
bhya¨ saptada‹ebhyo vairμupebhyo dvåda‹aka-
pålo mitråvaruƒåbhyåmanu¶¢ubhåbhyåme-
kavi|m‹åbhyå≈ vairåjåbhyå≈ payasyå bæhas-
pataye påΔktåya triƒavåya ‹åkvaråya caru¨
savitra íau¶ƒihåya trayastri|m‹åya raivatåya
dvåda‹akapåla¨ pråjåpatya‹caruradityai
vi¶ƒupatnyai caruragnaye vai‹vånaråya
dvåda‹akapåloínumatyåí a¶¢åkapåla¨.
For Agni, sung in Gayatri metre and worshipped
in three-part Stoma Rathantara Sama, eight-bowl
For Indra, sung in Trishtubh metre and
worshipped in fifteen part Stoma Brihat Sama, eleven-
jar oblations.
For Vishvedevas, sung in jagati metre and
worshipped in seventeen-part Stoma Vairupa Sama,
twelve-bowl oblations.
For Mitra and Varuna, sung in Anushtubh metre
and worshipped in twenty-one part Stoma Vairaja Sama,
milky oblations.
For Brihaspati, sung in Pankti verses and
worshipped in twenty-seven part Stoma Shakvara Sama,
charu oblations of rice, barley and pulses boiled in milk
and butter.
For Savita, sung in Ushnik metre and worshipped
in thirty-three part Stoma Raivata Sama, twelve-bowl
For Prajapati, caru oblations.
For Aditi, sustained by Vishnu, caru oblations.
For Vaishvanara Agni, twelve-bowl oblations.
For Anumati, eight-bowl oblations.
Note: For practical application, Swami Dayananda
interprets the Devatas as:-
Agni: brilliant scholar of science with knowledge
of matter, energy and mind, specialist in modes of travel
over land, sea and sky.
Indra: man of power and glory who is dedicated
to the power and glory of humanity.
Vishvedevas: generous brilliant people.
Mitra-Varuna: pranic energies.
Brihaspati: guardian of the great and seniors.
Shakvara: man of potential and action.
Raivata: relating to wealth.
Savita: creator, producer, sustainer.
Prajapatya: relating to the guardian of creation.
Aditi: earth and sky.
Vishnu: of extensive power and potential.
Vaishvanara Agni: universal vitality.
Anumati: social discussion, agreement, approval.

bR;sdksu¯=k'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Savita Devata, Narayana °Rshi)

nso¼ lforÆ% iz lq¼o ;ÆKa iz l¼qo ;ÆKi¼¯RÆkÆ Hkxk¼; A fnÆO;ks

x¼U/ÆoZ% os ¼QrÆiw% osQRa k¼ u% iqukrq okÆpLifRÆkÆokZpa u%
Lonrq AAûAA
Deva savita¨ pra suva yaj¤a≈ pra suva yaj¤a-
pati≈ bhagåya. Divyo gandharva¨ ketapμu¨
keta≈ na¨ punåtu våcaspatirvåca≈ na¨ svadatu.
May Savita, generous lord creator of life, expand
our yajna of light and action. May He inspire and bless
the master of yajna for the achievement of wealth and
honour. Glorious is Savita, sustainer of the earth and
purifier and sanctifier of knowledge. May the lord
sanctify our knowledge. Lord of Speech Divine, may
He sweeten, sanctify and bless our tongue and speech.
2. (Savita Devata, Narayana °Rshi)

rRl¼fOÆkÆrqoZjs¼.;aÆ HkxksZ × nso

Æ L;¼ /hefg A
f/;ksÆ ;ks u¼% izpksÆn;k¼r~ AAüAA
Tat saviturvareƒyam bhargo devasya dh∂mahi.
Dhiyo yo na¨ pracodayåt.
That blazing splendour of lord Savita, self-
refulgent giver of light, which is the sole light worthy
of choice, we perceive, meditate upon and absorb in
the soul. May He inspire, enlighten and bless our vision
and intelligence to follow the path of light and rectitude.
3. (Savita Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
fo'ok¼fu nso lfornqZfjÆrkfUÆ kÆ ijk¼ lqo A
;¼‰Éæa rUuÆ¿vklq¼o AAýAA
Vi‹våni deva savitarduritåni parå suva.
Yadbhadra≈ tanna å suva.
Savita, glorious lord of inspiration, light and life,
remove all the evil of the world from us, and bless us
with all that is good.
4. (Savita Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
fOÆkÆHkDrkj¼§ gokegsÆ olks¼f'ÆPÆ kÆ=kL;Æ jk/¼l% A
lÆfOÆkÆrkj¼ a u`Ép{k¼le~ AAþAA
Vibhaktåra|m havåmahe vaso‹citrasya rådhasa¨.
Savitåra≈ næcak¶asam.
We invoke Savita and sing in praise of the
ultimate judge and dispenser of the fruits of Karma and
giver of the wondrous joys of life, who makes everything
possible, who creates all and watches over all (what
they are and what they do).
5. (Parameshvara Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
czã¼.ks czkãÆ.ka {kÆ=kk;¼ jktÆU;a~ eÆ#‰ÔksÆ oS';aÆ ri¼ls 'kwÉæa
re¼lsÆ rLo¼Qja ukjÊdk;¼ ohjÊg.ak¼ ikÆIeus¼ DyhÆcekؼ Æ;k;k¼¿&
v;ksxÆ wa dkek¼; iq¡'pÆywefr¼Øq"Vk; ekxÆ/e~ AAÿAA
Brahmaƒe bråhmaƒa≈ k¶atråya råjanya≈
marudbhyo vai‹ya≈ tapase ‹μudra≈ tamase
taskara≈ nårakåya v∂rahaƒa≈ påpmane
kl∂bamåkrayåyåí ayogμu≈ kåmåya pu|n‹calμum
atikru¶¢åya mågadham.
Give us, we pray, the Brahmanas for education
and research, culture and human values; the Kshatriyas
for governance, defence and administration; the
Vaishyas for economic development, and the Shudras
for assistance and labour in the ancillary services.
Remove, we pray, the thief roaming in the dark,
the murderer bent on lawlessness, the coward disposed
to sin, the armed terrorist bent on destruction, the harlot
out for pleasure of flesh, and the bastard fond of scandal.
Note: In mantras 5-22 in which various aspects
of organised life are listed, there is repetition of ‘åsuva’
and ‘paråsuva’ from mantra 3, which means: ‘Give us,
we pray, what is good’, and, ‘Remove, we pray, what is
evil’. This is the prayer.
Also, there are echoes of ‘havamahe’ from mantra
4, which means: ‘We invoke and develop’, and, ‘we
challenge and fight out’. This is the call for action under
the divine eye.
6. (Parameshvara Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
u`ÙÉ kk;¼ lwÉra xhÆrk;¼ 'kSy"Éw ka /eZk¼; lHkkpÆja uÆfj"Bk; ¼ S HkheÆya
uÆekZ;¼ jsÊHk§glk; ¼ Æ dkfje ¼ kuÆUnk;¼ L=kh"kÆ[ka izÆens¼ oqQekjhiq=É ka
esÆ/k;S ¼ jFkdkÆja /S;kZ ¼;Æ r{kk¼.ke~ AAöAA
Nættåya sμ u ta≈ g∂tåya ‹ailμ u ¶a≈ dharmåya
sabhåcara≈ nari¶¢håyai bh∂mala≈ narmåya
rebha|m hasåya kårim ånandåya str∂¶akha≈
pramade kumår∂putra≈ medhåyai rathakåra≈
dhairyåya tak¶åƒam.
For dance, the dancer; for song, the singer; for
dharma, the active councillor; for social morale, the
mighty man; for refinement, the poet; for fun, the
comedian; for pleasure, fair company; for indulgence,
the child of wantonness; for finesse, the chariot-maker;
for patience, the carpenter.
7. (Vidvans Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
ri¼ls dkSykÆya ekÆ;k;S ¼ dÆekZj¼§ :Æik;¼ ef.kdkÆj§ 'kqÉHks
oÆi§ 'k¼jÊO;k~;k¿b"kqdkÆj§ gsÆR;S /¼uq"dkÆja deZ×.ks T;kdkÆja
fnÆ"Vk;¼ jTtqlÆt± e`ÉR;os¼ e`xÆ;qeUr¼dk; 'oÆfuu¼e~ AA÷AA
Tapase kaulåla≈ måyåyai karmåra|m rμupåya
maƒikåra|m ‹ubhe vapa|m ‹aravyåyåíi¶ukåra|m
hetyai dhanu¶kåra≈ karmaƒe jyåkåra≈ di¶tåya
rajjusarja≈ mætyave mægayum antakåya
For heat-treatment, the potter or metallurgist; for
furnishing, the decorator; for ornament, the jeweller;
for beauty, the beautician; for archery, the arrow-maker;
for shooting, the bow-maker; for the target, the bow-
string maker; for marking and delimitation, the string-
maker; for killing, the hunter; for the border, the watch-
8. (Vidvans Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
uÆnhH;¼% ikSf×ÆTÆkÆ"Be`É{khdk¼H;ksÆ uS"kk¼na iq#"kO;kÆ?kzk;¼ nqÉen
Z ¯
xU/okZIlÆjksH;ksÆ ozkR;¯ izÆ;qXH;Æ¿mUe¼Ùk§ liZnsotÆusH;ks¿
iz¼frinÆe;s ¼H;% fdrÆoehÆ;Zrk¼;kÆ¿vfo¼Qroa fi'kkÆpsH;ks¼
fonydkÆjha ;k¼rqÉ/kus¼H;% d.VdhdkÆjhe~ AAøAA
Nad∂bhya¨ pau¤ji¶¢hamæk¶∂kåbhyo nai¶åda≈
puru¶avyåghråya durmada≈ gandharvå-
psarobhyo vråtya≈ prayugbhyaíunmatta| m
sarpadevajanebhyoí pratipadam ayebhya¨
kitavam∂ryatåyåíakitava≈ pi‹åcebhyo
bidalakår∂≈ yåtudhånebhya¨ kaƒ¢ak∂kår∂m.
For the rivers, the fisherman; for the fast she-
bears, the forester; for the tiger-man, the drunken fool;
for the musicians and dancers, the brute; for the farmers,
the demented; for the snakes and nobles, the neurotic;
for the desirables, the gambler; for the retiring, the non-
gambler; for the frustrated, the cynic; for travellers, the
thorns; for the sake of these former ones, keep off the
latter ones.
9. (Vidvan Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
lÆU/;s¼ tkÆja xsÆgk;ks¼iiÆfrekR;SZÆ ifj¼foÙkaÆ fuÍZ× R;S ifjfo&
fonkÆuejk¼¼Ôk¿,fnf/"kq% iƯr fu"o`¼QR;S is'kLdkÆjh¦&
¼ LejdkÆjha izd
Æ kuk;
laK ¼ kÆeks|k;
¼ ksiÆlnaÆ o.kZk;
¼ kuq# ¼ ks&
É /aÆ cyk;
iÆnke~ AAùAA
Sandhaye jåra≈ gehåyopapatimårtyai pari-
vitta≈ nirætyai parivividånam aråddhyåí
edidhi¶u¨ pati≈ ni¶kætyai pe‹askår∂| m
sa≈j¤ånåya smarakår∂≈ prakåmodyåyopa-
sada≈ varƒåyå-nurudha≈ balåyopadåm.
Keep off the paramour out to meet his mistress;
the adulterer heading to the house of his married love;
the unmarried elder brother with his eye on the wife of
his younger brother; the younger brother grabbing and
encroaching upon the elder brother’s share of land; the
husband of younger sister entertaining love for the
unmarried elder sister-in-law; the self-decorated sex-
doll impatient to make up for lost opportunities; the
amorous woman excited for sex; the inmate intending
to abuse the house-mate; the solicitor trying for
acceptance; the corrupt official in search of gratification
for work.
10. (Vidvan Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
mÆRlkÆnsH;¼% oqÉQCta izÆeqns¼ okeÆua }kÉH;Z% ÏkÆe¦ LoIuk&¼
;kÆU/e/¼ekZ; cfèÆkÆja iÆfo=kk¼; fHÆkÆ"kTak¼ izÆKkuk¼; u{k=k&
nÆ'kZek¼f'ÆkÆ{kk;S¼ izÆf'uu¼eqif'ÆkÆ{kk;k¼¿vfHkizf'uu¯ eÆ;kZnk¼;S
iz'ufookÆde~ AAûúAA
Utsådebhya¨ kubja≈ pramude våmana≈
dvårbhya¨ sråma|m svapnåyåndhamadharmåya
badhira≈ pavitråya bhi¶aja≈ praj¤ånåya
nak¶atradar‹am å‹ik¶åyai pra‹ninam-
upa‹ik¶åyåíabhipra‹nina≈ maryådåyai
Remove the crooked on way to destruction, the
small man addicted to gaiety, disease spreading to house
doors, the man blind to dreams, and the deaf in love
with adharma.
Develop medicine for health and purity, help and
encourage the astronomer for science, inquisitive learner
for education, the seminary for confirmation and
application of learning, and analysis and discrimination
for the judgement of truth and value.
11. (Vidvan Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
vesZ×H;ks gfLÆRÆkÆia tÆok;k¼'oÆia iq"VÔS¼ xksikÆya ohÆ;kZ~;kfoikÆya
rst¼ls¿tikÆyfejk¼;S dhÆuk'ak¼ dhÆykyk¼; lqjkdkÆja HkÆæk;¼
x`gÆi§Js;¼ls foÙkÆ/ekè;¼{;k;kuq{kÆÙkkj¼e~ AAûûAA
Armebhyo hastipa≈ javåyå‹vapa≈ pu¶¢yai
gopåla≈ v∂ryåyåvipåla≈ tejaseíjapålamiråyai
k∂nå‹a≈ k∂lålåya suråkåra≈ bhadråya gæhapa|m
‹reyase vittadham ådhyak¶yåyånuk¶attåram.
Create, develop and promote the elephant keeper
for tourists, the horse keeper for fast movement, the
cowherd for nourishment, the sheep-keeper for virility,
the goat keeper for lustre, the farmer for food, the soma-
maker for vitality, the house keeper for good living, the
treasurer for honour and credit, the burser for financial
distribution and control.
12. (Vidvan Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
Hkk;S¼ nkokZgkÆja izHÆ kk;k¼¿vXU;sÆ/a czÆèuL;¼ fOÆk"Æ Vik;¼ kfHk"ksDrkjaÊ
o£"k×"Bk;Æ ukdk¼; ifjosÆ"Vkj¯ nsoyksÆdk;¼ isf'Ækr Æ kj¯ euq";&
yksÆdk;¼ izdfjÆrkjʧ losZ×H;ks yksÆosQH;¼¿milsÆDrkjÆeo¼¿&
ÍR;S oÆ/k;ks¼iefUÆFÆkÆrkjaÊ es/k¼; okl% iYiwÉyha iz¼dkÆek;¼
jtfÕÆkÆ=khe~ AAûüAA
Bhåyai dårvåhåra≈ prabhåyåíagnyedha≈
bradhnasya vi¶¢apåyåbhi¶ektåra≈ var¶i¶¢håya
nåkåya parive¶¢åra≈ devalokåya pe‹itåra≈
manu¶yalokåya prakaritåra| m sarvebhyo
lokebhyaíupasektåram avaí ætyai vadhå-
yopamanthitåra≈ medhåya våsa¨ palpμul∂≈
prakåmåya rajayitr∂m.
For light, the wood-man, for illumination, fire
and fuel, for the horse-course, the water sprinkler, for
high satisfaction and comfort, the cook and steward,
for a vision of heaven, the scholar visionary, for a vision
of humanity, the well-wisher, for the public, the public
servant, for get-togethers, the launderer, for happy turn-
out, the printer and dyer, and fearsome guard to ward
off danger.
13. (Ishvara Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
ÍÆr;s¼ LrsÆuâ¼n;aÆ oSj¼gR;k;Æ fi'kq¼uaÆ fofo¼DR;S {kÆÙkkjÊ&
ekSi¼æ"VªÔk;kuq{kÆÙkkjaÊ cyk¼;kuqpÆja HkwÉEus i¼fj"dÆUna fIÆkÆ;
z k;¼
fiz;okÆfnuÆefj¼"VÔk¿v'olkÆn§ LoÆxkZ;¼ yksÆdk;¼ Hkkxnq?É ka
o£"k¼"Bk;Æ ukdk¼; ifjosÆ"Vkj¼e~ AAûýAA
°Rtaye stenahædaya≈ vairahatyåya pi‹una≈
viviktyai k¶attåram aupadra¶¢ryåyånuk¶attåra≈
balåyånucaram bhμumne pari¶kanda≈ priyåya
priyavådinam ari¶¢yåía‹vasåda|m svargåya
lokåya bhågadugha≈ var¶i¶¢håya nåkåya
Remove the thievish hypocrite bent on envy and
attack, and the slanderer bent on enmity and attack.
Give us the saviour for judgement and
discrimination, the loving guide for vigilance, the
supporter for strength, virile generosity for expansion,
sweet talker for love, the horse rider for good news and
safe arrival, just commonalty for a joyous community,
and enlightened superintendence for all round
14. (Rajeshvara Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
eÆU ;os ¼ ¿ ;LrkÆi a Øks / k ¼; fulÆj a ;ks x k ¼; ;ks ÆD rkjʧ
'kksdk¼;kfHklÆÙkkZjaÊ {ksek¼; foeksÆDrkj¼eqRowQyfuowÉQysH;¼&
fLÆ=ÆkÆf"BuaÆ oiq¼"ks ekuLo`ÉQr§ 'khyk¼;k×tuhdkÆjha fuÍZ× R;S
dks'kdkÆjha ;Æek;kÆlwe~ AAûþAA
Manyaveíyaståpa≈ krodhåya nisara≈ yogåya
yoktåra| m ‹okåyåbhisartåra≈ k¶emåya
vimoktåram utkμulanikμulebhyastri¶¢hina≈ vapu¶e
månaskæta| m ‹∂låyå¤jan∂kår∂≈ nirætyai
ko‹akår∂≈ yamåyåsμum.
For moral passion, give us the heat of the furnace
of steel, for cooling anger, the generous giver, for yoga,
the persuasive teacher, for moral lustre, the man of
foresight, for peace and well-being, the paternal
protector, for the ebb and flow of water, the man who
knows both and surveys from above, for good of the
body form, the man of thought, for the good of character,
the giver of right vision, for the avoidance of adversity,
the economic budget maker, for proper control, impartial
15. (Rajeshvarau Devate, Narayana °Rshi)
;Æek;¼ ;eÆlweFk¼oZÆH;ks¿o¼rksdk¦ laoRlÆjk;¼ i;kZÆf;.kha×
fRÆk"Æ d}j¼ ha oRlÆjk;Æ fott
¼ jZ k¦ laoRlÆjk;Æ ifyD
¼ uhe`HÉ kqH;ks¿¼ &
ftulÆU/§ lkÆè;sH;¼'peZÆEue~ AAûÿAA
Yamåya yamasμ u m atharvabhyoívatokå| m
sa≈vatsaråya paryåyiƒ∂≈ parivatsaråyåvijåtåm
idåvatsaråyåt∂tvar∂m idvatsaråyåti¶kadvar∂≈
vatsaråya vijarjarå|m sa≈vatsaråya palikn∂m
æbhubhyoíjinasandha| m sådhyebhya‹carm-
For the man of law and order, give the law-maker
; for the men of peace and meditation, the protective
force; for the first year of a five-year plan for women, a
woman who knows how time passes; for the second
year, an unmarried woman; for the third year, a dynamic
woman; for the fourth year, a white-haired woman; for
the fifth year, an extremely wise woman; for any year,
a woman of long age and experience; for the experts,
an indefatigable man; for the men of achievement, a
man of super-knowledge.
16. (Rajeshvarau Devate, Narayana °Rshi)
ljks¼H;ks /SoÆjeq¼iÆLFkko¼jkH;ksÆ nk'ak¼ oS'kÆUrkH;ks¼ cSÆUna
u¼M~oÆykH;Æ% 'kkS"o¼Qya ikÆjk;¼ ekxkZÆje¼okÆjk;¼ oSQÆoÙk± ×
rhÆFksHZ ;¼¿vkÆUna fo"ke
¼ Hs ;ks eSukÆy¦ LousH¼ ;Æ% i.kZ× oaQÆ xqgkH¼ ;Æ%
fdjk¼rƧ lkuq¼H;ksÆ tEHk¼oaQÆ ioZ ×rsH;% fdEiw#Æ"ke~ AAûöAA
Sarobhyo dhaivaram upasthåvaråbhyo då‹a≈
vai‹antåbhyo bainda≈ naŒvalåbhya¨ ‹au¶kala≈
påråya mårgåram avåråya kaivarta≈ t∂rthebhyaí
ånda≈ vi¶amebhyo mainåla| m svanebhya¨
parƒaka≈ guhåbhya¨ kiråta| m sånubhyo
jambhaka≈ parvatebhya¨ kimpμuru¶am.
For the lakes, the ferryman; for the tanks close
by, a knowledgeable caretaker; for the pools, a forest
man; for the reed beds, a dryer; for crossing over, the
knowing forester; for damps and marshes, the man of
marshes; for tourist and sacred places, the bridge and
dam maker; for unknown lands, the man of self-
discipline; for forest sounds, the man specialising in
leaves; for the caves, the caveman; for the mountain
peaks, the ferocious guard; for the mountains, the hill
17. (Rajeshvarau Devate, Narayana °Rshi)
chÆHkÆRlk;S¼ ikSYdÆla o.kZk¼; fgj.;dkÆja rqÉyk;S ¼ okf.ÆkÆta
i¼'pknksÆ"kk;¼ XykÆfouaÆ fo'os¼H;ks HkwÉrsH;¼% flèeÆya HkwR;S¼
tkxjÊ.keHkw¼R;S LoiÆuekR;S×Z tuokÆfnuaÆ O;`¼Ôk¿vixÆ
~ YHk§
l¼§'kÆjk;¼ izÆfPNn¼e~ AAû÷AA
B∂bhatsåyai paulkasa≈ varƒåya hiraƒyakåra≈
tulåyai våƒija≈ pa‹cådo¶åya glåvina≈
vi‹vebhyo bhμ u tebhya¨ sidhmala≈ bhμ u tyai
jågaraƒam abhμutyai svapanam årtyai jana-
vådina≈ vyæddhyåíapagalbha|m sa|m‹aråya
Remove the brute bent on cruelty, the non-
performer suffering from faultfinding, the slothful
heading to adversity, the slanderer causing mischief and
injury, the pessimist inviting poverty, the saboteur
causing damage and destruction.
Give us the sun and the goldsmith for beauty of
form, the measurer for correct measurement, all round
capability for all living beings, wakefulness for
prosperity, the public voice against adversity.
18. (Rajeshvarau Devate, Narayana °Rshi)
vÆ{kÆjkÆtk;¼ fdrÆoa o`QÉ rk;k¼fnuonÆ'k± =ksrk¼;S dÆfYiu¯
}kÆijk¼;kf/dÆfYiue ¼ kLdÆUnk;¼ lHkkLFkkÆ.kqa e`RÉ ;os¼ xksO;ÆPN&
eUr¼dk; xks?kkÆra {kqÉ/s ;ks xka foo
¼ Q` UÉ rUraÆ fHk{ke
¼ k.k¿miÆfr"Bf¼ r
nq"o`ÉQrk;Æ pj¼dkpk;± ikÆIeus ¼ lSyÆxe~ AAûøAA
Ak¶aråjåya kitava≈ kætåyådinavadarsa≈
tretåyai kalpina≈ dvåparåyådhikalpinam
åskandåya sabhåsthåƒu≈ mætyave govyaccham
antakåya goghåta≈ k¶udhe yo gå≈ vikæntanta≈
bhik¶amåƒaíupati¶¢hati du¶kætåya carak-
åcårya≈ påpmane sailagam.
Remove the gambler playing for his den-master,
the tormenter of the cow to death, the butcher who
slaughters the cow, the man who impairs the cow to
satisfy hunger, the man who approaches the beef carver
asking for food, the beggar serving his master of the
den, and the robber out for sin and crime.
Give us the man of original vision for the age of
truth (Krita-yuga), the man of imagination for the age
of thought and resolution (Treta-yuga), the man of
imagination and resolution for the age of thought and
passion (Dvapara-yuga), and the man-pillar of the
council for speedy progress and development.
19. (Rajeshvarau Devate, Narayana °Rshi)
izÆfRÆkÆJqRdk¼;k¿vrZÆua ?kks"kk¼; HkÆ"keUrk¼; cgqokÆfnu¼euÆUrk;Æ
ewdƧ 'kCnk¼;kMEcjk?kkÆra eg¼ls oh.kkokÆna Øks'kk¼;
rw.koÆèee¼ojLiÆjk;¼ 'k…èÉ ea ouk¼; ouÆieÆU;rks¼j.;k;
nkoÆie~ AAûùAA
Prati‹rutkåyåíartana≈ gho¶åya bha¶am antåya
bahuvådinam anantåya mμ u ka| m ‹abdåyå-
Œambaråghåta≈ mahase v∂ƒåvåda≈ kro‹åya
tμuƒavadhmam avarasparåya ‹aΔkhadhma≈
vanåya vanapam anyatoraƒyåya dåvapam.
For promise and agreement, simplicity of
language and content, for proclamation, the announcer,
for conclusion, the comprehensive speaker, for the
endless talker, silence, for loud proclamation, the beat
of the drum, for celebration, the notes of the lute, for
sentiment, the flute player, for far and near, the conch
blower, for the forests, the protector of the forest and
gardens, for large heaths and forests, the fire-guard.
20. (Rajeshvarau Devate, Narayana °Rshi)
uÆekZ;¼ iq¡'pÆyw¦ glk¼;Æ dk¯jÆ ;kn¼ls 'kkcÆY;ka xzk¼eÆ.;a¨
x.k¼defHÆkÆØks'k¼oaQÆ rkUeg¼ls oh.kkokÆna ik¼f.Æk?Æ ua rw¼.koÆèea
rkUu`ÉÙkk;k¼uUnk;¼ ryÆoe~ AAüúAA
Narmåya pu| n ‹calμ u | m hasåya kåri≈ yådase
‹åbalyå≈ gråmaƒya≈ gaƒakam abhikro‹aka≈
tånmahase v∂ƒåvåda≈ påƒighna≈ tμuƒavadh-
ma≈ tannættåyånandåya talavam.
Remove the flirt disposed to sport, the buffoon
disposed to farce, and the courtesan disposed to
voluptuous play.
Give us for reverence and honour the village
headman, the statistician, and the leader who gives the
Give us the music of the lute, the drum player, the
flute player, and song and celebration for dance and joy.
21. (Rajeshvarau Devate, Narayana °Rshi)
vÆXu;sÆ ihok¼ua i`fFÆkÆO;S ih¼BlÆ£i.ak¼ okÆ;os¼ pk.MkÆyeÆUr&
fj¼{kk; o§'kuÆ£ru¯ fnÆos [k¼yÆfr§ lw;Zk¼; g;ZÆ{ka u{k=¼ ksH;%
fd£EÆkÆja pÆUæe¼ls fOÆkÆQy
Æ klÆeÉs¼ 'kqÉDya fiX
¼ kÉ{k§ jk=;S¼ o`ÉQ".ka
fi¼XkÉ{ke~ AAüûAA
Agnaye p∂våna≈ pæthivyai p∂¢hasarpiƒa≈
våyave c僌ålam antarik¶åya va|m‹anartina≈
dive khalati|m sμuryåya haryak¶a≈ nak¶atrebhya¨
kirmira≈ candramase kilåsam ahne ‹ukla≈
piΔgåk¶a|m råtryai k涃a≈ piΔgåk¶am.
For fire and heat work, the strong man and solid
materials; for ground work or earthwork, the carrier on
the back; for work in the wind, a man of special strength;
for work in the sky, a bamboo dancer; for work on and
in space, a man who knows the dynamics of space; for
work on the sun, a man with green eye-glass; for work
on stars and planets, a man with orange eye-glass; for
work on the moon, a clear glass; for work on day-light,
a man in white with brown eyes; for work on the night,
a man in black with brown eyes.
22. (Rajeshvarau Devate, Narayana °Rshi)
vFkSÆrkuÆ"VkS fo:¼ ikÆukyH¼ kÆr¿s frn
¼ h?k±Æ pkfrß ¼ LoaÆ pkfr¼LFkwyÆa
pkfrÑ ¼ 'kaÆ pkfr¼'kqDyaÆ pkfrÑ ¼ ".kaÆ pkfr¼oQq YoaÆ pkfr¼ykse'ka
p A v'kw¼ækÆ¿vczk¼ã.kkÆLrs izk¼tkiÆR;k% A ekÆxÆ/% iq¡ ×'pÆyh
foQ¼rÆo% DyhÆcks¿'kw¼ækÆ¿vczk¼ã.kkÆLrs izk¼tkiÆR;k% AAüüAA
Athaitåna¶¢au virμ u pånålabhateítid∂rgha≈
cåtihrasva≈ cåtisthμula≈ cåtikæ‹a≈ cåti‹ukla≈
cåtik涃a≈ cåtikulva≈ cåtiloma‹a≈ ca. A‹μudråí
abråhmaƒåste pråjåpatyå¨. Mågadha¨ pu|n‹cal∂
kitava¨ kl∂boí‹μudråí abråhmaƒåste pråjåpatyå¨.
The good human being accepts and works with
these eight classes of people of different forms and
colours: too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, too white,
too dark, too hairless, too hairy. Also they are neither
Brahmanas nor Shudras (nor the others). They too, all
of them, are children of God, Prajapati. Even the bastard
and the ‘despicable’, the wanton, the gambler, and the
coward and the eunuch, neither Shudras nor Brahmanas
(nor the others), they too are children of God, Prajapati,
father of all.

bfr ¯=k'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
lÆgϼ'kh"kkZÆ iq#¼ "k% lgÏkÆ{k% lÆgϼikr~ A
l Hkwfe¼§ lÆoZr¼ Li`ÉRok¿R;¼fr"Bí'kkÄ~ xqÉye~ AAûAA
Sahasra‹∂r¶å puru¶a¨ sahasråk¶a¨ sahasrapåt.
Sa bhμ u mi| m sarvata spætvåítyati¶¢hadda‹-
Purusha, the Cosmic Soul of Existence, is the soul
of the universe of a thousand heads, a thousand eyes
and a thousand feet. It pervades the universe wholly
and entirely and, pervading and sustaining the universe
of ten constituents of living Prakriti, It transcends the
world of existence.
2. (Ishvara Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
iq#¼"k¿,Éons § lo±Æ ;n~ HkwÉra ;Pp¼ HkkÆO;~e~ A
mÆrke`¼rÆRoL;s'kk¼uksÆ ;nÂs¼ukfRÆkÆjksg¼fr AAüAA
Puru¶aíeveda| m sarva≈ yadbhμ u ta≈ yacca
bhåvyam. Utåmætatvasye‹åno yadannenåti-
All this that is and was and shall be is Purusha
ultimately, sovereign over immortality and ruler of what
grows by living food.
3. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
,Érkok¼uL; efgÆekrksÆ T;k;¡k¼'pÆ iw#¼ "k% A
iknks¼¿L;Æ fo'ok¼ HkwÉrkfu¼ f=ÆkÆiknL¼ ;kÆer
` ¯ fnÆfo AAýAA
Etåvånasya mahimåto jyåyå|n‹ca pμuru¶a¨. Pådoí
sya vi‹vå bhμutåni tripådasyåmæta≈ divi.
So great as the universe is the grandeur and glory
of It, and yet the Purusha is greater. The entire worlds
of existence are but one fourth aspect of Its reality (just
like the foot-stool of a mighty monarch). Three parts of
Its mystery are in the transcendental heaven of
immortality, Infinity, beyond the created universe of
4. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
f=ÆkÆiknwÉèoZ mnSÆRiq#¼"kÆ% iknks¼¿L;sÆgkHk¼oÆRiqu¼% A
rrksÆ fo"oÆÄ~ O;~ØkeRlk'kuku'kÆus¿vÆfHk AAþAA
Tripådμurdhva udaitpuru¶a¨ pådoísyehåbhavat
puna¨. Tato vi¶vaΔ vyakråmat så‹anåna‹aneí
Thrice more glorious arises the Purusha above
the created universe wherein one measure of His
greatness and grandeur manifests again and again,
pervading all the eating and non-eating world, and
thence remains transcendent across and over the
5. (Srashta Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
rrks¼ fOÆkÆjkM¼tk;r fOÆkÆjktksÆ¿vfèÆkÆ iw#¼ "k% A
l tkÆrks¿vR;¼fjP;r iÆ'pkn~ HkwfEÆkÆeFkks¼ iqÉj%AAÿAA
Tato viråŒajåyata viråjoíadhi pμuru¶a¨. Sa jåtoí
atyaricyata pa‹cåd bhμumimatho pura¨.
From Purusha arises Virat, the cosmic form,
Prakriti. The Purusha manifests therein and remains
sovereign over the Virat. Yet, even while manifest in
the Virat, He remains apart and uninvolved before and
after the creation and then creates the earth and human
habitations. (That is cosmic yajna.)
6. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
rLek¼|ÆKkRl¼oZÆgqrÆ% lEHk`¼ra i`"knkÆT;e~ A
iÆ'kwL¡ rk¡'p¼Øs ok;ÆO;k~ukjÊ.;k xzkÆE;k'pÆ ;s AAöAA
Tasmådyaj¤åtsarvahuta¨ sambhæta≈ pæ¶ad-
åjyam. Pa‹μ u | n stån‹cakre våyavyånåraƒyå
gråmyå‹ca ye.
From that cosmic yajna was born the sacred ghrta,
universal material of creation. He created the animals,
all those birds of the air, rangers of the forest and inmates
of the village.
7. (Srashteshvara Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
rLek¼|ÆKkRl¼oZÆgqrÊ¿½pÆ% lkek¼fu tfKjs A
NUnk¼¦fl tfKjsÊ rLekÆ|tqÉLrLek¼ntk;r AA÷AA
Tasmådyaj¤åt sarvahutaíæca¨ såmåni jaj¤ire.
Chandå|msi jaj¤ire tasmåd yajustasmådajåyata.
From that Lord of universal yajna were born the
Riks and the Samans. From Him were born the
Chhandas, and from Him were born the Yajus.
8. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
rLekÆn'ok¼¿vtk;UrÆ ;s osQ pks¼HkÆ;kn¼r% A
xkoks¼ g tfKjsÊ rLekÆÙkLek¼TtkÆrk¿v¼tkÆo;%¼ AAøAA
Tasmåda‹våíajåyanta ye ke cobhayådata¨.
Gåvo ha jaj¤ire tasmåttasmåjjåtåí ajåvaya¨.
From That yajna were born the horses, and those
which have two rows of teeth up and down. From That
were born the cows, and from That were born the goats
and sheep.
9. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
ra ;ÆKa cÆ£gf"ÆkÆ izkS{kÆu~ iq#¼ "ka tkÆre¼xzÆr% A
rsu¼ nsÆok¿v¼;tUr lkÆè;k¿Í"k¼;'pÆ ;s AAùAA
Ta≈ yaj¤a≈ barhi¶i prauk¶an puru¶a≈ jåtam-
agrata¨. Tena devåíayajanta sådhyåíæ¶aya‹ca
The Rishis of universal vision, and sages of
universal achievement, and scholars of the Veda invoke
and worship the eternal Purusha, self-manifested in
advance of everything else. They sprinkle and
consecrate the sacred grass of yajna in their mind and
offer the oblations in the fire with Vedic mantras.
10. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
;Riq#¼"kaÆ O;n¼/q% dfRÆkÆ/k O;¼dYi;u~ A
eq[kaÆ fde¼L;klh¯Rd ckÆgw fdewÉ: iknk¼¿mP;srs AAûúAA
Yatpuru¶a≈ vyadadhu¨ katidhå vyakalpayan.
Mukha≈ kimasyås∂t ki≈ båhμu kimμurμu pådåí
How do the Rishis visualise the various
manifestive modes of the Purusha? What was His
mouth? What the arms? What the thighs? What are the
feet as they are said to be?
11. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
czkÆãÆ.kks~¿L;Æ eq[k¼eklhn~ ckÆgw jk¼tÆU;~% o`ÉQr% A
mQÆ: rn¼L;Æ ;}S';¼% iƉ Ôk¦ 'kwÉæks¿vt ¼ k;r AAûûAA
Bråhmaƒoísya mukhamås∂d båhμu råjanya¨
kæta¨. U
ª rμu tadasya yadvai‹ya¨ padbhyå|m ‹μudroí
The Brahmana, man of divine vision and Vedic
Word, is the mouth of the Samrat Purusha, the human
community. The Kshatriya, man of justice and polilty,
is created as the arms of defence. The Vaishya, who
produces food and wealth for the society, is the thighs.
And the man of sustenance and support with labour is
the Shudra who bears the burden of the human family.
12. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
pÆUæekÆ eul ¼ ks tkÆr'p{kks%Æ lw;ksZ ׿vtk;r A
Jks=kk¼}kÉ;q'p¼ izkÆ.k'pÆ eq[kk¼nÆfXuj¼tk;r AAûüAA
Candramå manaso jåta‹cak¶o¨ sμuryoíajåyata.
›rotrådvåyu‹ca pråƒa‹ca mukhådagnirajåyata.
The moon is born of the cosmic mind, the sun is
born of the eye, the air and prana energy is born from
the ear, and the fire is born from the mouth.
13. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
ukH;k¼ ¿ vklhnÆUrfj¼{k§ 'khÆ".kksZ |kS% le¼oÙkZr A
iÆnH~ ;ka HkwfEÆkÆ£n'kÆ% Jks=kkÆÙkFkk¼ yksÆdk¡üAA¿v¼dYi;u~ AAûýAA
Nåbhyåíås∂dantarik¶a|m ‹∂r¶ƒo dyau¨ sama-
varttata. Padbhyå≈ bhμumirdi‹a¨ ‹rotråttathå
The Rishis visualise that the sky was born of the
navel of the Cosmic Purusha, that is, the sky is the navel
part of the universe, the heaven of light arose from the
head, the earth solidified from the dust of the feet, the
space directions emanated from the ear, and similarly
the other regions of the universe arose from the Purusha.
14. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
;Riq#¼ "ks.k gÆfo"kk¼ nsÆok ;ÆKer¼Uor A
oÆlÆUrks~¿L;klhÆnkT;¯ xzhÆ"e¿bÆèe% 'kÆj¼Æfo%AAûþAA
Yatpuru¶eƒa havi¶å devå yaj¤amatanvata.
Vasantoísyås∂dåjya≈ gr∂¶maí idhma¨
When the saints and sages visualise the universal
yajna in terms of nature and enact it in the mind with
universal materials in communion with the Cosmic Soul
in meditation, then the spring season is the ghrita
(clarified butter), summer is the fuel of fire and winter
is the havi (fragrant materials) for oblations.
15. (Purusha Devata, Narayana Rishi)
lÆIrkL;k¼lu~ ifjÆ/;ÆfL=k% lÆIr lÆfe/¼% o`ÉQrk%A
nsÆok ;|ÆKa r¼UokÆuk ¿ vc¼èuÆu~ iq#¼ "ka iÆ'kqe~ AAûÿAA
Saptåsyåsan paridhayastri¨ sapta samidha¨
kætå¨. Devå yadyaj¤a≈ tanvånåíabadhnan
puru¶a≈ pa‹um.
Seven are the bonds and bounds of the vedi (altar)
of the mental yajna in meditation, thrice seven, i.e.,
twentyone are the samidhas (fuel sticks) ordained. When
the saints and sages enact the yajna within, they
concentrate on the Purusha, the universal observer,
whose presence they crystallise and fix upon in the soul.
Note: Seven bounds and thrice seven samidhas
is the mystique of yajna which has been explained in
different ways. Swami Dayanand explains it thus:
Seven bounds are the seven chhandas (metrical
compositions) of the Veda-mantras such as Gayatri.
Twenty-one samidhas are: Prakriti (the potential
material cause of the universe), Mahat (actualised
material cause), Ahankara (individualized identity of
the universe), five subtle elements or Tanmatras, five
gross elements, five faculties of perception, and three
qualities of the material universe which are Sattva, Rajas
and Tamas (Thought/intelligence, energy and matter).
In Rgvedadi-Bhashya-Bhumika, his Introduction
to the Commentary on the Vedas, he explains the same
thing in a different and detailed manner in the chapter
on Creation.
For an average reader, the simpler way to
understand is to refer to the seven stages of creative
evolution: Prakriti, Mahan, Ahankara, Tanmatra,
Perception faculty, Volition faculty, and gross elements.
These stages of evolution are the seven bounds of
creative yajna performed by Purusha. These are also
the Samidhas because each succeeding evolute arises
from yajnic consumption of the previous one. And each
one has three orders of quality, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.
That makes it thrice seven.
This is the Sankhya order of evolution, and
‘Sankhya’ is the word from which comes the English
word ‘Science’ through Latin in which it is written as
Another way to realise the seven boundaries is
to refer to the seven Vyahritis: Bhuh, Bhuvah, Svah,
Maha, Janah, Tapah and Satyam which are the boundaries
of each loka or region in ascending order.
16. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
;ÆKsu¼ ;ÆKe¼;tUr nsÆokLrkfUÆkÆ /eZk¼f.k izFkÆekU;k¼lu~ A rs
gÆ ukoa Q¼ efgÆeku%¼ lpUrÆ ;=kÆ iwoZ×s lkÆè;k% lfUr¼ nsÆok%AAûöAA
Yaj¤ena yaj¤amayajanta devåståni dharmåƒi
prathamånyåsan. Te ha nåka≈ mahimåna¨
sacanta yatra pμurve sådhyå¨ santi devå¨.
By that yajna of the mind the sages worship the
master of cosmic yajna and realise the eternal and
original Dharmas of existence. Blest with the light of
the Divine they experience that heaven of freedom
which the primeval sages of the world enjoyed at the
dawn of creation.
17. (Aditya Devata, Uttara Narayana °Rshi)
vÆn~H;% lEHk`¼r% i`fFÆkÆO;S jlk¼Pp fOÆkÆ'oo¼QeZ.kÆ% le¼oÙkZ&Æ
rkxz¼s A rL;Æ Ro"Vk¼ fOÆkÆn/¼æÉi
w es¼fRÆkÆ rUeR;Z×L; nsoRÆ oekÆtkuÆ&
exzs¼ AAû÷AA
Adbhya¨ sambhæta¨ pæthivyai rasåcca vi‹va-
karmaƒa¨ samavartatågre. Tasya tva¶¢å
vidadhadrμ u pameti tanmartyasya devatva-
Before the essence of the waters was distilled by
Vishvakarma for the creation of the earth, the model of
the universe existed in the eternal mind of the Purusha,
Prajapati Vishvakarma. Tvashta, the maker-
manifestation of Purusha, sculpted that form of the
universe. The origin of the divinity of the human being
too existed in the eternal mind. (That too Tvashta
brought into existence.)
18. (Purusha Devata, Narayana °Rshi)
Æ a iq#¼ "ka eÆgkUr¼ekfnÆR;o¼.k±Æ re¼l% iÆjLrk¼r~ A resÆo
fo¼fnÆRokfr¼ e`ÉR;qe¼fs RÆkÆ ukU;% iUFkk¼ fo|Ærs¿;¼uk; AAûøAA
Vedåhameta≈ puru¶a≈ mahåntam åditya-
varƒa≈ tamasa¨ paraståt. Tameva viditvåti
mætyumeti nånya¨ panthå vidyateíyanåya.
I know this great and glorious Purusha of the
brilliance of the sun beyond the dark. Having realized
Him only does man transcend the world of existence,
birth and death. There is no other way than this to the
final freedom of Moksha.
19. (Aditya Devata, Uttara Narayana °Rshi)
izÆtki¼fr'pjfRÆkÆ xHksZ ׿vÆUrjtk¼;ekuks cgqÉ/k fo tk¼;rs A
rL;Æ ;ks¯UÆkÆ ifj¼ i';fUÆRÆkÆ /hjkÆLrfLe¼Ug rLFkqÉHkqZo¼ukfUÆkÆ
fo'ok¼ AAûùAA
Prajåpati‹carati garbheíantarajåyamåno
bahudhå vi jåyate. Tasya yoni≈ pari pa‹yanti
dh∂råstasmin ha tasthurbhuvanåni vi‹vå.
Prajapati, father spirit of the created universe,
immanent deep in the soul, moves everywhere, and
although ever unborn He variously manifests Himself with
all the forms of life. Men of thought and wisdom feel His
presence manifest all round. In Him alone do all the
worlds of existence find their haven and repose.
20. (Surya Devata, Uttara Narayana °Rshi)
;ks nsÆosH;¼¿vkÆri¼fRÆkÆ ;ks nsÆokuak¼ iqÉjksfg¼r%A
iwoksZÆ ;ks nsÆosH;ks¼ tkÆrks ueks¼ #Æpk;Æ czkã¼;s AAüúAA
Yo devabhyaíåtapati yo devånå≈ purohita¨.
Pμurvo yo devebhyo jåto namo rucåya bråhmaye.
That which blazes with the sun for the divinities
such as the earth, who is the high-priest and prime mover
of the generous excellencies of the world, who rises
first and foremost for the nobilities of the world, to that
divine light our homage and offer of reverence.
21. (Vishvedeva Devata, Uttara Narayana °Rshi)
#Æpa czkÆãa tÆu;¼Urks nsÆok¿vxzsÆ rn¼czqou~ A
;LRoSÆoa czk¼ãÆ.kks fOÆkÆ|kÙkL;¼ nsokÆ¿v¼lÆUo'ks ¼ AAüûAA
Ruca≈ bråhma≈ janayanto devåíagre
tadabruvan. Yastvaiva≈ bråhmaƒo vidyåt tasya
devåíasan va‹e.
The sages of yore rising in vision of the divine
glory saw the light of the dawn and proclaimed of that:
Oh! the Brahmana who would know you thus ! The
lights of the world would be at his command.
22. (Aditya Devata, Uttara Narayana °Rshi)
Jh'p¼ rs yÆ{eh'pÆ iRU;k¼ogksjkÆ=ks ikÆ'osZ u{k¼=kkf.k
:ÆieÆf'oukSÆ O;kÙk¼e~ A bÆ".kfUu¼"kk.kkÆeaq e¼¿b"kk.k loZyksÆoQa
e¼¿b"kk.k AAüüAA
›r∂‹ca te lak¶m∂‹ca patnyåvahoråtre pår‹ve
nak¶atråƒi rμupama‹vinau vyåttam. I¶ƒanni¶å-
ƒåmu≈ maíi¶åƒa sarvaloka≈ maíi¶åƒa.
Beauty is yours. Glory is yours. The day and night
like consorts are at your sides. The stars and planets are
your form incarnate. The sun and moon are your open
Kind, loving and generous, give me that bliss of
freedom, that supreme wealth of joy. Wish me all well
and the world is mine.

bR;sd¯=k'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Paramatma Devata, Svayambhu Brahma °Rshi)
rnsÆokfXuLrnk¼fnÆR;Lr}kÉ;qLrnq¼ pÆUæek¼% A
Æ ki¼fr% AAûAA
rnsÆo 'kqÉozaQ rn~ czãÆ rk¿vkiÆ% l izt
Tadevågnistadådityastadvåyustadμu candramå¨.
Tadeva ‹ukra≈ tadbrahma tåíåpa¨ sa
The One Eternal Lord Supreme is Agni, self-
effulgent and omniscient. That is Aditya, all-consuming
on annihilation. That is Vayu, omnipotent, all-
sustaining. The same is Chandrama, blissful giver of
joy. The same is Shukra, instant and immaculate. That
is Brahma, greatest and infinite. That is Apah, immanent
and omnipresent. And He is Prajapati, lord of creation
and father of all His children.
2. (Paramatma Devata, Svayambhu Brahma °Rshi)
losZ × fuesÆ"kk t¼fKjs fOÆkÆ|rq Æ% iq#¼ "kkÆnf/¼ A
uSu¼eÉèw o± u fRÆkÆ;Z×paÆ u eè;sÆ ifj¼txzHkr~ AAüAA
Sarve nime¶å jaj¤ire vidyuta¨ puru¶ådadhi.
Nainamμurdhva≈ na tirya¤ca≈ na madhye pari
From the brilliant supreme Purusha are born all
the divisions of time from the moment onward, and all
the movements from the twinkling of the eye onward.
No one can ever catch or hold this Lord from above or
middle or crosswise.
3. (Hiranyagarbha Paramatma Devata, Svayambhu
Brahma °Rshi)
u rL;¼ izfRÆkÆek¿v¼fLÆRÆkÆ ;L;Æ uke¼ eÆg|'k¼% A fgÆj.Æ ;ÆxHÆ kZ¿&
bR;sÆ"k ek ek¼ fg§lhÆfnR;sÆ"kk ;LekÆUu tkÆr¿bR;sÆ"k%AAýAA
Na tasya pratimåíasti yasya nåma mahadya‹a¨.
Hiraƒyagarbhaíitye¶a må må hi| m s∂ditye¶å
yasmånna jåtaíitye¶a¨.
There is none and nothing like Him, no picture,
no icon, no simile, no metaphor. Great is His Name,
mighty His glory. “He is the Golden Seed of the
universe”, it is apparent. “No, no, do not kill me, do not
punish, I pray”, such is the prayer of humanity to Him.
“No one ever born is greater than He or beyond Him”,
such is clearly the voice of the Veda.
4. (Atma Devata, Svayambhu Brahma °Rshi)

,É"kks g¼ nsÆo% izÆfn'kks¿uqÉ lokZÆ% iwoksZ × g tkÆr% l¿mÆ

xHks Z׿vÆUr%A l¿,Éo tkÆr% l t¼fUÆkÆ";ek¼.k% izÆR;Ä~ tuk¼&
fLr"Bfr lÆoZrks¼eq[k%AAþAA
E¶o ha deva¨ pradi‹oínu sarvå¨ pμurvo ha jåta¨
saí u garbheí anta¨. Saíeva jåta¨ sa jani¶ya-
måƒa¨ pratyaΔ janåsti¶¢hati sarvatomukha¨.
Children of divinity, verily this glorious lord of
the universe pervades all regions and quarters of space.
First born, i.e., manifested, of existence, in truth, He is
at the very centre of the universe and in the depths of
the soul. Existent and manifest, He continues to manifest
every moment and abides everywhere in everything
facing forward in all directions.
5. (Paramatma Devata, Svayambhu Brahma °Rshi)
;Lek¼TtkÆra u iqÉjk foaQ pÆuSo ; vk¼cÆHkwoÊ Hkqo¼ukfUÆkÆ
fo'ok¼ A izÆtki¼fr% izÆt;k¼ l§jjkÆ.kL=khf.ÆkÆ T;ksrh¼¦f"k
lprsÆ l "kks¼MÆ'khAAÿAA
Yasmåjjåta≈ na purå ki≈ canaiva ya åbabhμuva
bhuvanåni vi‹vå. Prajåpati¨ prajayå sa|mra-
råƒastr∂ƒi jyo¨|m¶i sacate sa ¶oŒa‹∂.
The glorious lord is He, nothing whatever was
born before Him, none of all those worlds of the universe
which came into existence later. Father and sustainer,
abiding and rejoicing with His creation, lord of sixteen
powers of perfection, He pervades and feeds the three
lights of the earth, sky and heaven, i.e., fire, electric
energy and sunlight.
Note:- Sixteen seems to be the number of kalas
(qualities, attributes, virtues and faculties) which
comprise the model of perfection from different points
of view. From Prashnopanishad, 6, 4, for example, we
learn that ‘sixteen kalas’ means the sixteen creative
powers of the Purusha, sixteen evolutionary stages of
the created universe, and sixteen virtues, qualities and
faculties of both cosmic and individual existence. These
kalas are : Prana or energy and the Hiranyagarbha or
the universally fertilized golden seed of the universe,
shraddha or faith, akasha or space, vayu or wind energy,
agni or fire and light, apah or waters, prithivi or earth,
indriya or faculties of perception and volition, mana or
mind, anna or food, virya or vitality of generation, tapa
or discipline of inviolable austerity, mantra or
knowledge or the art of living, karma or action, loka or
world regions of the universe, and nama or individuality
and identity.
In Atharva-veda, 13, 4, 47-54, the divine virtues
are described as: Shachipati or omnipotent, vibhu or
infinite, prabhu or lord of all, ambha or cool as water,
ama or energiser, mahasaha or constant, aruna rajata
raja or brilliant, lovely and glorious, uru prithu or vast,
subhu or grand, bhuva or omniscient, pratho vara or
highest and best, vyacho loka or omnipresent, bhavad-
vasu or lord of universal honour, idadvasu or lord of
universal wealth, samyatvasu or perefectly self-
controlled, and ayat-vasu or ever lustrous and
Reference may be made to Satyarth Prakash,
chapter I, in which Swami Dayanand has listed 108
attributive names of Ishvara. ‘Sixteen’ refers to an ideal
conceptual model.
6. (Paramatma Devata, Svayambhu Brahma °Rshi)

;suÆ |kS#Æxzk i`¼fFÆkÆoh p¼ n`É<k ;suÆ Lo~% LrfHÆkÆra ;suÆ uko¼Q%A

;ks¿vÆUrfj¼{ksÆ jt¼lks fOÆkÆekuÆ% dLeS¼ nsÆok;¼ gÆfo"kk¼
fo/se AAöAA
Yena dyaurugrå pæthiv∂ ca dæŒhå yena sva¨
stabhita≈ yena nåka¨. Yoíantarik¶e rajaso
vimåna¨ kasmai devåya havi¶å vidhema.
By Him the heavens blaze, by Him the earth is
firm, by Him the heaven of bliss is sustained, by Him
the ecstasy of Moksha is constant, and He is the creator
of the worlds in space. Let us worship that lord of glory
and eternal bliss, and let us sing in honour of Him with
the fragrance of yajna.
7. (Paramatma Devata, Svayambhu Brahma °Rshi)
;a ØUn¼lhÆ¿vo¼lk rLrHkkÆus¿vÆH;S{ks¼rkÆa eu¼lkÆ jst¼ekus A
;=kkfèÆkÆ lwjÊ¿mfn¼rks fOÆkÆHkkfRÆkÆ dLeS¼ nsÆok;¼ gÆfo"kk¼ fo/se A
vkiks¼ gÆ ;n~ c`¼gÆrh;Zf'ÆPÆkÆnki¼% AA÷AA
Ya≈ krandas∂í avaså tastabhåneíabhyaik¶etå≈
manaså rejamåne. Yatrådhi sμuraí udito vibhåti
kasmai devåya havi¶a vidhema.
To Him the heaven and earth, both constant and
moving in ecstasy at heart, do homage with awe and
reverence. Under His eye does the sun rise and blaze
with light. To that Lord of awe and glorious bliss let us
offer our homage of praise and worship with love and
faith. Whatever the vast oceans of water, and whatever
the expansive spaces, all exist in Him.
8. (Paramatma Devata, Svayambhu Brahma °Rshi)
osÆuLrRi¼';ÆfUufg¼raÆ xqgÊkÆ l|=kÆ fo'oaÆ HkoÆR;so¼QuhMe~ A
rfLe¼fUÆU ÆkÆn§ la pÆ fo pS ¼fRÆkÆ loZƧ l¿vksrÆ% izksr¼'p
fOÆkÆHkw% izÆtklq¼ AAøAA
Venastatpa‹yannihita≈ guhå sadyatra vi‹va≈
bhavatyekan∂Œam. Tasminnida|m sa≈ ca vi caiti
sarva|m saíota¨ prota‹ca vibhμu¨ prajåsu.
The man of vision and wisdom sees that eternal
spirit hidden in mystery where the universe lies nestled
in His presence. Therein all this comes into being
together, and therein it falls asunder. Infinite is He,
immanent and omnipresent in the created beings.
9. (Vidvan Devata, Svayambhu Brahma °Rshi)
iz r}ks¼psnÆe`raÆ uq fOÆkÆ}ku~ x¼U/ÆoksZ /keÆ foHk`¼raÆ xqgkÆ lr~ A
=khf.k¼ iÆnkfUÆkÆ fufg¼rkÆ xqgk¼L;Æ ;LrkfUÆkÆ osnÆ l fIÆkÆr%q
fIÆkÆrk¿l¼r~ AAùAA
Pra tadvocedamæta≈ nu vidvån gandharvo
dhåma vibhæta≈ guhå sat. Tr∂ƒi padåni nihitå
guhåsya yaståni veda sa pitu¨ pitåísat.
The man of knowledge gifted with the divine
voice may speak of this immortal haven and eternal spirit
covered in mystery yet shining in the soul. Three parts
of it are hidden in the cave. He who knows them is the
man of super-wisdom, father of the paternal wise.
10. (Paramatma Devata, Svayambhu Brahma °Rshi)
l uksÆ cU/q¼tZfUÆkÆrk l fo¼/kÆrk /kek¼fu osnÆ Hkqo¼ukfUÆkÆ
fo'ok¼ A ;=k¼ nsÆok¿vÆe`r¼eku'kkÆukLr`Érh;s Æ /ke¼UuÆ&
Sa no bandhurjanitå sa vidhåtå dhåmåni veda
bhuvanåni vi‹vå. Yatra devåíamætamåna-
‹ånåstæt∂ye dhåmannadhyairayanta.
He is our father and our brother. He is our
sustainer and controller. He knows all the worlds of
existence which are home to the created beings. There
in His supreme presence, third haven of being (the other
two are Prakriti and jiva), the divine souls tasting of the
immortal joy of heaven roam around at will.
11. (Paramatma Devata, Svayambhu Brahma °Rshi)
iÆjhR;¼ Hkwr
É kfu¼ iÆjhR;¼ yksÆdku~ iÆjhR;Æ lok¼ Z% izfÆ n'kksÆ fn'k'¼ pAA
mÆiÆLFkk;¼ izFkeÆtke`ÉrL;kÆReukÆReku¼eÆfHk lafo¼os'k AAûûAA
Par∂tya bhμutåni par∂tya lokån par∂tya sarvå¨
pradi‹o di‹a‹ca. Upasthåya prathamajå-
mætasyåtmanåítmånamabhi sa≈ vive‹a.
Having known and crossed over the material
forms of existence, having gone over the regions of the
world, having crossed through directions and sub-
directions all, and reaching the original voice of eternal
truth in the Veda by the soul, the man of knowledge
and vision attains to the supreme soul of the universe
and, one with it in union, abides.
12. (Paramatma Devata, Svayambhu Brahma °Rshi)
ifjÆ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh lÆ|¿bÆRok ifj¼ yksd
Æ ku~ ifjÆ fn'kÆ% ifjÆ
Lo~%A ½ÆrL;Æ rUrqÉa for¼ra fOÆkÆp`R;Æ rn¼i';ÆÙkn¼HkoÆÙk&
nk¼lhr~ AAûüAA
Pari dyåvåpæthiv∂ sadyaíitvå pari lokån pari
di‹a¨ pari sva¨. °Rtasya tantu≈ vitata≈ vicætya
Having known and crossed over earth and heaven
simultaneously, having gone over the regions of the
universe, having crossed through the directions and
subdirections, and having transcended even the visions
of paradise, and having over-seen the network of reality
constituting the structure of the universe, the
transcendent soul sees that Supreme Soul and finally
grows one with That.
13. (Indra Devata, Medhakama °Rshi)
ln¼lÆLifRÆkÆe‰q¼ra fIÆkzÆ;feUæ¼L;Æ dkE;¼e~ A
lƯu es/ke¼;kfl"kƧ Lokgk¼ AAûýAA
Sadasaspatimadbhuta≈ priyamindrasya
kåmyam. Sani≈ medhåmayåsi¶a|m svåhå.
In truth of word and deed with all sincerity of
mind and spirit I invoke the Lord of the universe,
wondrous great, loved and worshipped by the human
soul, and, pray for a gift of that intelligence which
distinguishes between the temporary and the permanent.
14. (Paramatma Devata, Medhakama °Rshi)
;ka esÆ/ka ns¼oxÆ.kk% fIÆkÆrj¼'pksÆikl¼rs A
r;kÆ ekeÆ| esÆ/;kXus¼ esÆ/kfo¼ua oqQ#Æ Lokgk¼ AAûþAA
Yå≈ medhå≈ devagaƒå¨ pitara‹copåsate. Tayå
måmadya medhayåígne medhåvina≈ kuru
Agni, lord of light and knowledge, I pray,
enlighten me here and now with that discriminative
intelligence which the noblest people of piety and senior
guardians of humanity value and pray for.
This is the voice of the heart in truth of word and
15. (Paramatma & Vidvan Devate, Medhakama °Rshi)
esÆ/ka esÆ o#¼ .kks nnkrq esÆ/keÆfXu% izÆtki¼fr% A
esÆ/kfeUn¼z'p okÆ;q'p¼ esÆ/ka /kÆrk n¼nkrq esÆ Lokgk¼ AAûÿAA
Medhå≈ me varuƒo dadåtu medhåmagni¨
prajåpati¨. Medhåmindra‹ca våyu‹ca medhå≈
dhåtå dadåtu me svåhå.
May Varuna, supreme lord of the universe, and
the scholar of highest knowledge, bless me with supreme
May Agni, lord of universal light, and the eminent
scholar and teacher, bless me with discriminative
May Prajapati, guardian sustainer of creation, and
the generous scholar, bless me with generous and life-
sustaining intelligence.
May Indra, lord of universal grandeur, and the
leader of honour and power, bless me with honourable
May Vayu, lord of universal energy and power,
and the scholar of science and technology, bless me with
intellectual and vitalizing intelligence.
May Dhata, lord preserver of the universe, and
scholar of life-sciences, bless me with life-preserving
This is the divine voice from the heart.
16. (Vidvan & Raja Devate, Shrikama °Rshi)
bÆna esÆ czã¼ p {kÆ=ka pksÆHks fJ;¼e'uqrke~ A
ef;¼ nsÆok n¼/rqÉ fJ;ÆeqÙk¼ekaÆ rL;S¼ rsÆ Lokgk¼ AAûöAA
Ida≈ me brahma ca k¶atra≈ cobhe ‹riyam-
a‹nutåm. Mayi devå dadhatu ‹riyamuttamå≈
tasyai te svahå.
May this knowledge of mine and the Brahmana
fellowship, and this power and honour of mine and the
Kshatra organisation, both grow to excellence and grace.
May the noblest people bless me with the best of
excellence and grace.
All the best for you in truth of word and deed.
This is the divine voice of the soul.

bfr }k¯=k'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Agnayah Devata, Vatsapri °Rshi)
vÆL;ktjk¼lks nÆekeÆfj=kk¼¿vÆpZ¼¼e w klks¿vÆXu;¼% ikoÆdk% A
f'ÆOkÆ ÆrhÆp;¼% 'okÆ=kklks ¼ Hkqj.Ê ;oks¼ ouÆ"kZnks¼ okÆ;oksÆ u lksek¼%AAûAA
Asyåjaråso damåmaritråíarcaddhμ u måsoí
agnaya¨ påvakå¨. ›vit∂caya¨ ‹våtråso
bhuraƒyavo vanar¶ado våyavo na somå¨.
The fires (such as heat, light, electricity, lightning
and yajna fire) of this lord of the universe are unaged
and unaging, homely, protective and promotive, bearing
sacred and fragrant flames of brilliance, purifying, holy
white, invigorating bringers of wealth, dynamic energy,
riding the sun-beams, cooling and exhilarating like the
breeze and a drink of soma.
2. (Agnayah Devata, Vishvarupa °Rshi)
gj¼;ks /wÉeos¼QroksÆ okr¼twrkÆ¿miÆ |fo¼ A
;r¼UrsÆ o`Fk¼xÆXu;¼% AAüAA
Harayo dhμ u maketavo våtajμ u tåíupa dyavi.
Yatante væthagagnaya¨.
Fast as sunbeams, with banners of flame flown
by the winds, the fires arise, each in its own way, upto
the heights of heaven.
3. (Agni Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
;tk¼ uks fEÆkÆ=kko#¼ .kkÆ ;tk¼ nsÆok¡üAA¿ÍÆra c`Égr~ A
vXusÆ ;f{ÆkÆ Loa ne¼e~ AAýAA
Yajå no mitråvaruƒå yajå devå|níæta≈ bæhat.
Agne yak¶i sva≈ damam.
Sagely scholar brilliant as Agni, perform yajna
for us, for the sake of our friends and the best people,
for the divine powers of nature, in honour of the
universal law, and for your own home. (Kindle the fire,
develop the light, let the flames arise for all.)
4. (Agni Devata, Vishvarupa °Rshi)
;qÉ{ok fg ns¼oÆgwr¼ek¡ÆüAA¿v'o¡k¼üAA¿vXus jÊFkhfj¼o A
fu gksrk¼ iwÉO;Z% l¼n% AAþAA
Yuk¶vå hi devahμutamå|nía‹vå|níagne rath∂riva.
Ni hotå pμurvya¨ sada¨.
Sagely scholar, brilliant as Agni, veteran high-
priest of the science of fire, taught by eminent masters,
rise like a heroic warrior of the chariot, yoke the fastest
horses consecrated by the divinities and carry on the
pursuit of yajna relentlessly.
5. (Agni Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
}s fo:¼ is pjrÆ% LoFksZ׿vÆU;k¿U;k¼ oÆRleqi¼ /ki;srs A
gfj¼jÊU;L;ak¼ Hko¼fr LoÆ/kok¼×NqÉØks¿vÆU;L;ak¼ nn`'ks
Dve virμupe carata¨ svartheíanyåínyå vatsamupa
dhåpayete. Hariranyasyå≈ bhavati svadhå-
vå¤chukroí anyasyå≈ dadæ‹e suvarcå¨.
Two powers of nature (the night and day), both
different in form and colour, are busy doing good work.
Both (like two women) separately nurse each other’s
child. In one develops and arises the moon, soothing
and brilliant, bearing its own bliss and beauty. In the
other develops and arises the sun, a blazing radiant
power which illuminates and purifies everything.
6. (Agni Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
vÆ;fEÆkÆg iz¼FkÆeks /kf¼ ; /kÆrf` HÆkÆgksr Z kÆ ;ft"¼ Bks¿vèoÆj"s ohMÔ¼%A
;eIuo¼ kuksÆ Hk`x¼oks fo##Æpo q uZ ¼"s kq fPÆk=Æ ka fOÆkHÆ Oka~ fOÆk'Æ ksfo'¼ ksAAöAA
Ayamiha prathamo dhåyi dhåtæbhirhotå
yaji¶¢hoíadhvare¶v∂Œya¨. Yamapnavåno
bhægavo virurucurvane¶u citra≈ vibhva≈ vi‹e
This agni (in the form of heat, light and
electricity), wonderful and omnipresent energy of prime
importance in this world and first kindled in the vedi
by the pioneers of yajna, is the high-priest of the
dynamics of existence, worthiest of develoment by joint
effort and adorable in the creative projects of life.
Generous and intelligent fore-fathers of humanity and
dedicated sages of yajna kept it safe in the woods and
burning in the light of sun-beams for all classes of their
7. (Vidvans Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
=khf.k¼ 'kÆrk =kh lÆgÏk¼.;ƯXu f=ÆkƧ'kPp¼ nsÆok uo¼ pkl&
i;Zu~ A vkS{k¼u~ ?k`ÉrjS Lr`¼.ku~ cÆ£gj¼LekÆ¿vkfn¼ksrk¼jÊa U;~lk&
n;Ur AA÷AA
Tr∂ƒi ‹atå tr∂ sahasråƒyagni≈ tri|m‹acca devå
nava cåsaparyan. Auk¶an ghætairastæƒan
barhirasmåíådiddhotåra≈ nyasådayanta.
Three hundred, three thousand and thirty three
divinities of nature and nine serve this universal energy
of agni, feed it with holy fuels of ghrita and waters,
spread the holy grass for its seat on earth and in the sky
and kindle this high-priest of universal yajna to move
all round across the spaces.
8. (Vidvans Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
ewɼkZu¯ fnÆoks¿v¼jʯr i`¼fFÆkÆO;k oS¼'okuÆje`Ér¿vk tkÆr&
eÆfXue~ A oÆQfo§ lÆekz tÆefr¯¼ FÆkÆ tuk¼ukekÆlÂk ik=ak¼ tu;Ur
nsÆok% AAøAA
Mμurddhåna≈ divoí aratim pæthivyå vai‹vånara-
mætaíå jåtamagnim. Kavi|m samråjamatithi≈
janånåmåsannå påtra≈ janayanta devå¨.
Noble scholars of the science of fire energy
generate this power present everywhere from the top of
heaven to the surface and body of the earth, friend of
humanity, created for the sake of the universal yajna of
existential dynamics, creative, illuminated, loved as an
honourable guest, and close at hand for the nourishment
and protection of the people.
9. (Agni Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
vÆfXuo`ZÉ=kkf.k¼ t†un~ æfo.kÆL;q£o¼iÆU;;k¼ A
lfe¼¼% 'kqÉØ¿vkgq¼r% AAùAA
Agnirvætråƒi jaΔghanad draviƒasyurvipanyayå.
Samiddha¨ ‹ukraí åhuta¨.
Just as the pure and brilliant fire, the sun, breaks
the clouds, so should the yajaka desirous of wealth burn
off sins with joyful oblations in the fire kindled and raised
in the vedi of yajna.
10. (Agni Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
fo'os¼fHk% lksÆE;a eèoXuÆ¿bUæs¼.k okÆ;quk¼ A
fick¼ fEÆkÆ=kL;Æ /ke¼fHk% AAûúAA
Vi‹vebhi¨ somya≈ madhvagnaíindreƒa våyunå.
Pibå mitrasya dhåmabhi¨.
Agni, brilliant scholar and yajaka, just as the sun,
by the currents of energy and the wind, drinks up the
honey-sweets of soma from the world of nature, so should
you, along with the sun and the green sunny haunts of
nature and your friends and seats of sacred fire drink the
honey-sweets of yajna-soma.
11. (Agni Devata, Parashara °Rshi)
vk ;fnÆ"ks u`Éi¯RÆkÆ rstÆ¿vkuÆV~ 'kqfPÆkÆ jsrksÆ fuf"k¼DraÆ |kS&
jÊHkhos¼Q A vÆfXu% 'k¼Z×euoÆ|a ;qok¼u§ LokÆè;a~ tu;RlwÉn&
;¼Pp AAûûAA
Å yadi¶e næpati≈ tejaíåna¢ ‹uci reto ni¶ikta≈
dyaurabh∂ke. Agni¨ ‹ardhamanavadya≈
yuvånå|m svådhya≈ janayat sμudayacca.
When the brilliant fragrance, pure and sanctified
in yajna for the sake of nourishment and energy, reaches
the sun, luminous ruler of the world, then the living
energy of the sun creates pure, energising, praiseworthy,
youthful, lovable, fertilizing waters close to the light of
heaven and showers them as the seed of life on earth.
12. (Agni Devata, Vishvavara °Rshi)
vXusÆ 'k¼Z × egÆrs lkSHk¼xk;Æ ro¼ |qÉEukU;q¼ÙkÆekfu¼ lUrq A la
tk¼LiÆR;§ lqÉ;eÆek o`¼Q.kq"o 'k=kw;ÊrkeÆfHk fr¼"BkÆ egk¼¦&
fl AAûüAA
Agne ‹ardha mahate saubhagåya tava
dyumnånyuttamåni santu. Sa≈ jåspatya| m
suyamamå kæƒu¶va ‹atrμ u yatåmabhi ti¶¢hå
Agni, scholar, ruler, rise and assert yourself for
honour and prosperity. May your power and fame rise
to the heights. Make the home and family happy and
disciplined full of conjugal felicity. Face the enermys’
powers and fix them all round.
13. (Vishvedeva Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
Rok¦fg eÆUær¼eeoZQ'kksÆoQS oZ ×o`ÉegsÆ efg¼ uÆ% Jks";¼Xus A bUæaÆ
u RokÆ 'ko¼lk nsÆork¼ okÆ;qa i`¼.kfUÆRÆkÆ jk/¼lkÆ u`re
¼ k% AAûýAA
Två|m hi mandratamamarka‹okairvavæmahe
mahi na¨ ‹ro¶yagne. Indra≈ na två ‹avaså
devatå våyu≈ pæƒanti rådhaså nætamå¨.
Agni, joyous and great, we approach you with
songs of praise and flames of fire. You alone listen to
our pious words of solemnity. Brilliant as the sun,
powerful as the wind, the noblest of humanity serve
you whole-heartedly with their power and potential, love
and reverence.
14. (Vidvans Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
Ros¿v¼Xus Lokgqr fIÆkzÆ;kl¼% lUrq lwÉj;¼% A
;ÆUrkjksÆ ;s eÆ?kok¼uksÆ tuk¼ukewÉokZUn;¼UrÆ xksuk¼e~ AAûþAA
Tveíagne svåhuta priyåsa¨ santu sμ u raya¨.
Yantåro ye maghavåno janånåmμurvån dayanta
Agni, honoured with praise and served with
flames of fragrant fire, may all the heroes and scholars
be dear to you, all those self-controlled leaders of people
blessed with power and prosperity who suppress the
destroyers of cows and support the development of
animal wealth.
15. (Agni Devata, Praskanva °Rshi)
JqÉf/ Jq¼Rd.kZÆ ofɼfHknsZÆoSj¼Xus lÆ;ko¼fHk% A
vklhn¼ Urq cÆ£gf"k¼ fEÆk=Æ kks¿v;
¼ e ¼ ;
ÆZ k izkr Æ kZok.¼ kks¿vèoÆje~ AAûÿAA
›rudhi ‹rutkarƒa vahnibhirdevairagne sayå-
vabhi¨. Å s∂dantu barhi¶i mitroíaryamå
Agni, brilliant ruler, man of good ear, keen to
listen, listen to our prayer alongwith your noble
companions of the administrative yajna who carry the
holy fire and oblations with you.
May Mitra, friend of all the people, and Aryama,
chief of justice for the citizens, come and grace their
seats of honour in the morning and join the yajnic
business of governance.
16. (Agni Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
fo'os¼"kkÆefn¼fr;ZÆfK;k¼ukaÆ fo'os¼"kkÆefr¼fFÆkÆekZuq¼"kk.kke~ A
Z kukÆeo¼¿vko`.kkÆu% lq¼e`MhÆdks Hk¼orq tkÆr&
os¼nk% AAûöAA
Vi‹ve¶åmaditiryaj|niyånå≈ vi‹ve¶åmatithir-
månu¶åƒåm. Agnirdevånåmavaí åvæƒåna¨
sumæŒ∂ko bhavatu jåtavedå¨.
Inviolable among all the devotees of yajna, guest-
like honoured by all the humans, protective cover for
the noblest divines, may Agni, brilliant ruler and master-
mind of world knowledge, be kind and gracious to all.
17. (Savita Devata, Lushodhanaka °Rshi)
eÆgks¿vÆXus% l¼fe/kÆuL;Æ 'keZÆ.;uk¼xk fEÆkÆ=ks o#¼ .ks LoÆ&
Lr;s ¼ A Js"Bs¼ L;ke lfOÆkÆrq% loh ¼efUÆkÆ rísÆokukÆeoks ¼¿vÆ|k
o`¼.khegs AAû÷AA
Mahoíagne¨ samidhånasya ‹armaƒyanågå
mitre varuƒe svastaye. ›re¶¢he syåma savitu¨
sav∂mani taddevånåmavoíadyå væƒ∂mahe.
Under the shelter and protection of great and
glorious Agni, lord of light, may we live pure and sinless
toward our friends and chosen people of virtue.
May we, under the care of Mitra, divine friend of
life, and Varuna, lord of chosen virtue, enjoy the highest
state of goodness and well-being.
And may we, in obedience to the will of Savita,
lord giver of life, have the divine gifts of food, energy
and protection in this life.
18. (Indra Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
vki¼f'pfRiI;q LrÆ;ksZ¨ u xkoksÆ u{k¼Â`Éra t¼fjÆrkj¼Lr¿bUæ A
;kÆfg okÆ;quZ fUÆkÆ;qrks¼ uksÆ¿vPNkÆ Ro§ fg /hÆfHknZ;¼lsÆ fo
oktk¼u~ AAûøAA
Åpa‹citpipyu staryo na gåvo nak¶annæta≈
jaritårastaíindra. Yåhi våyurna niyuto noíacchå
tva|m hi dh∂bhirdayase vi våjån.
Indra, ruling lord of light and glory, the saving
waters of grace abound like waves of light exuberant.
Your worshippers and admirers attain the light of truth
and law.
Kind and gracious, come like the wind on the
wings of light and bless us. You alone, with the gifts of
intelligence, bless us with food, energy and victory.
19. (Indra & Vayu Devata, Purumidha Ajamidha Rshis)
xkoÆ¿mik¼orkoÆra eÆgh ;ÆKL;¼ jÊIlqnk¼ A
mÆHkk d.kZk¼ fgjÊ.;;k¼ AAûùAA
Gåvaíupåvatåvata≈ mah∂ yaj¤asya rapsudå.
Ubhå karƒå hiraƒyayå.
The rays of the sun and the cows both sustain
and preserve the earth, and heaven and earth give form
to the yajna and guard it closely. So may Indra and Vayu,
both of good and golden ear, listen to our prayer and
protect and promote yajna.
20. (Savita Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
;nÆ| lwjÊ¿mfnÆrs¿uk¼xk fEÆkÆ=kks¿v¼;Æe
Z kA
lqÉokfr¼ lfOÆkÆrk Hkx¼% AAüúAA
Yadadya sμuraí uditeínågå mitroíaryamå. Suvåti
savitå bhaga¨.
To-day when the sun has arisen, then the
immaculate Mitra, friend of all, Aryama, lord of justice,
Savita, lord of life, and Bhaga, lord of glory and
prosperity, inspire, energise and bless the world.
21. (Vena Devata, Suniti °Rshi)
vk lqÉrs fl¼×prÆ fJ;Ƨ jksn¼L;ksjfHÆkÆfJ;¼e~ A
jÊlk n¼/hr o`"kÆHke~ A ra izÆRuFkk¼ A vÆ;a osÆu% AAüûAA
Å sute si¤cata ‹riya|m rodasyorabhi‹riyam. Raså
dadh∂ta væ¶abham. Ta≈ pratnathåí ya≈ vena¨.
In this holy yajnic world of the Lord, consecrate
the light and glory of the sun which shines over the
beauty of heaven and earth. May all the essences of
nature and the best of humanity hold on to this flood of
light and life. The wisest of the ancients consecrated
and worshipped it, this light and wisdom of the world.
22. (Indra Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
vkÆfr"B¼UraÆ ifjÆ fo'os¿¼ vHkw"kÆf×Nª;ksÆ olku
¼ 'pjfRÆkÆ Lojksf¼ p%A
eÆgÙkn~ o`".kks Æ¿vlq ¼jL;Æ ukek fOÆkÆ'o:¼ iks¿vÆe`rk ¼fu
Åti¶¢hanta≈ pari vi‹veíabhμu¶a¤chriyo vaså-
na‹carati svaroci¨. Mahattadv涃oíasurasya
nåmå vi‹varμupoíamætåni tasthau.
Let one and all adore and consecrate that energy
which abides firm and unshaken. Self-refulgent, wearing
the wealth and beauty of the world, it rolls around. Great
is the name and fame of this generous and bountiful
lord giver of showers and prosperity. It is of universal
character and abides in all permanent forms of life and
23. (Indra Devata, Suchika °Rshi)
iz oks¼ eÆgs eUn¼ekukÆ;kU/Ælks¿pZk¼ fOÆkÆ'oku¼jk; fo'okÆHkqos¼ A
bUæ¼L;Æ ;L;Æ lqe¼[kƧ lgksÆ efgÆ Joks¼ u`ÉE.ka pÆ jksn¼lh
liÆ;Zr¼% AAüýAA
Pra vo mahe mandam¤ayåndhasoírcå vi‹vå-
naråya vi‹våbhuve. Indrasya yasya sumakha|m
saho mahi ‹ravo næmƒa≈ ca rodas∂ saparyata¨.
All of you offer worship and homage in honour
of Indra, supreme, beatific, support, energy and spirit
of the universe whose creative yajna, omnipotence,
eternal glory and universal wealth, the earth and heaven
serve and celebrate.
24. (Indra Devata, Trishoka °Rshi)
c`ÉgfÂfnÆèe¿,¼"kkaÆ Hkwfj¼ 'kÆLra i`ÉFkq% Lo#¼ %A
;s"kkÆfeUæksÆ ;qokÆ l[kk¼ AAüþAA
Bæhannididhmaíe¶åm bhμ u ri ‹asta≈ pæthu¨
svaru¨. Ye¶åmindro yuvå sakhå.
Great is the fame and excellence of those whose
friend is Indra, boundless, blazing, expansive, glorious
and unaging lord.
25. (Indra Devata, Madhuchhanda °Rshi)
bUæsfgÆ eRL;U/¼lksÆ fo'os¼fHk% lkseÆioZ×fHk% A
eÆgk¡üAA¿v¼fHÆkÆf"Vjkst¼lk AAüÿAA
Indrehi matsyandhaso vi‹vebhi¨ somaparva-
bhi¨. Mahå|níabhi¶¢irojaså.
Indra, lord of might and knowledge, great,
honoured and worshipped by virtue of your own
splendour and glory, come and join all our soma
offerings and enjoy the delicacies of our yajna to your
heart’s content.
26. (Indra Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
bUæks¼ o`É=ke¼o`.kksÆPN¼Z ×uhfRÆkÆ% iz ekÆf;uk¼efeukÆ}iZ×.khfr%A
vgÆu~ O;~§leqÉ'k/ÆXous"¼ okÆfo/su Z k¿¼ vÑ.kksækÆE;k.kk¼e~ AAüöAA
Indro vætramavæƒocchardhan∂ti¨ pra måyinåma-
minåd varpaƒ∂ti¨ Ahan vya| m samu‹adha-
Indra, ruling lord of light and power, challenges
the dark clouds of evil and crime. Strong of policy and
versatile of working ways and forms, he frustrates the
designs of the cunning. Scourge of thieves and grabbers
hiding in the forests, he breaks their arms and burns
them to dust. And he gives full expression to the voice
and actions of those who contribute to delightful peace
and prosperity.
27. (Indra Devata, Agastya °Rshi)
oqQrÆLRofe¼UæÆ ekfg¼uÆ% lÂsdks¼ ;kfl lRirsÆ ¯d r¼¿bÆRFkk A
la i`¼PNls lejkÆ.k% 'kq¼HkkÆuSoksZÆpsLrÂks¼ gfjoksÆ ;Ùks¼¿&
vÆLes A eÆgk¡ü¿bUæksÆ ;¿vkst¼lk A dÆnkpÆu LrÆjhj¼fl A
dÆnk pÆu iz;q¼PNfl AAü÷AA
Kutastvamindra måhina¨ sanneko yåsi satpate
ki≈ taíitthå. Sa≈ pæcchase samaråƒa¨
‹ubhånairvocestanno harivo yatteíasme.
Maha~níindro yaíojaså. Kadå cana star∂rasi.
Kadå cana prayucchasi.
Whence, where, do you, Indra, praised and
powerful, go alone all by yourself? Lord of truth, shelter
and support of the wise and good, why thus? What is
the cause? Gliding past by horses on the wing, tell us
that in confidence, we ask you in so many words of
sincerity, since we are your own. Indra, by your own
power and splendour you are great, rarely relenting,
rarely remiss.
28. (Indra Devata, Gauriviti °Rshi)
vk rÙk¼¿bUækÆ;o¼% iuUrkÆfHk ;¿mQÆo± xkse¼UraÆ frr`¼Rlku~ A
lÆo`ÉQRLoa¨ ;s iq¼#iqÉ=kka eÆgh¦ lÆgϼ/kjka c`gÆrha nqnq¼{ku~ AAüø
Å tattaíindråyava¨ panantåbhi yaíμ u rva≈
gomanta≈ titætsån. Sakætsva≈ ye puruputrå≈
mah∂|m sahasradhårå≈ bæhat∂≈ duduk¶an.
Indra, enlightened and powerful ruler, the people
who are good and true, who wish to punish those who
are cruel to the cow and the self-disciplined man of the
wealth of cows, and who cultivate the vast, generous
mother earth, sustainer of her many children and flowing
with her gifts in a thousand streams — all these admire
and advance your governance and administration.
29. (Indra Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
bÆeka rsÆ f/;aÆ izHk¼js eÆgks eÆgheÆL; LrksÆ=ks fèÆkÆ"k.kkÆ ;Ùk¼¿&
vkuÆts A req¼RlÆos p¼ izlÆos p¼ lklÆfgfeUæ¯ nsÆoklÆ%
'ko¼lkenÆÂuq¼ AAüùAA
Imå≈ te dhiya≈ pra bhare maho mah∂masya
stotre dhi¶aƒå yattaíånaje. Tamutsave ca
prasave ca såsahimindra≈ devåsa¨ ‹avaså-
Indra, lord of power and enlightenment, I
acknowledge, admire and stand by this great word,
wisdom and policy of yours which, powerful as it is,
emerges clearly in this eulogy of yours.
That same great Indra of courage and conquest
by virtue of his valour, the noblest poets and leaders
glorify with great enthusiasm in festivals and
celebrations of growth and development.
30. (Surya Devata, Vibhrat °Rshi)
fOÆkÆHkzkM~ c`ÉgfRi¼crq lksÆE;a eèok;qÉn/Z ¼|ÆKi¼rkÆofo¼ßqre~ A
okr¼twrksÆ ;ks¿v¼fHÆkÆj{k¼fRÆkÆ Reuk¼ izt
Æ k% iq¼iks"k iq#Æ/k fo
jk¼tfr AAýúAA
VibhråŒ bæhat pibatu somya≈ madhvåyur-
dadhad yaj¤apatåvavihrutam. Våtajμuto yoí
abhirak¶ati tmanå prajå¨ pupo¶a purudhå vi
Brilliant and boundless, may the sun drink the
honey-sweet nectars of soma, and bless the yajnapati
with life full and inviolate.
Going at the speed of energy, he sustains and
nourishes the living beings with his own might and
shines on in wondrous ways.
31. (Surya Devata, Praskanva °Rshi)
mnqÉ R;a tkÆros ¼nla nsÆoa o¼gfUr osQÆro¼% A
n`É'ks fo'ok¼;Æ lw;Z×e~ AAýûAA
Udu tya≈ jåtavedasa≈ deva≈ vahanti ketava¨.
Dæ‹e vi‹våya sμuryam.
Surely the rays of light convey and reveal the
glory of the Sun, lord of light, omniscient, omnipresent
and all-illuminant, so that the world may see the eternal
light and glory of the lord of the universe.
32. (Surya Devata, Praskanva °Rshi)
;suk¼ ikodÆ p{k¼lk HkqjÊ.;UraÆ tuk¡ÆüAA¿vuq¼ A
Roa o¼#.kÆ i';¼fl AAýüAA
Yenå påvaka cak¶aså bhuraƒyanta≈ janå|níanu.
Tva≈ varuƒa pa‹yasi.
Varuna, lord of universal justice, purifier and
sanctifier, with the eye with which you watch the blazing
lord of nourishment and protection, with the same
benigh eye watch the whole humanity.
33. (Vidvan Devata, Praskanva °Rshi)
nSO;k¼oèo;wÉ¿Z vkx¼rƧ jFks¼uÆ lw;Z ×Ropk A
eèok¼ ;ÆK§ le¼×tkFks A ra izÆRuFkk¼ A
vÆ;a osÆu%A fPÆkÆ=ka nsÆokuk¼e~ AAýýAA
Daivyåvadhvaryμuíå gata|m rathena sμuryatvacå.
Madhvå yaj¤a|m sama¤jåthe. Ta≈ pratnathå.
Aya≈ vena¨. Citra≈ devånåm.
Divine high-priests of love and compassion, come
by the wondrous chariot of sunbeams, take up and
conduct the yajna with honeyed materials of piety and
Like the yajna of ancient time, this yajna too is
brilliant and beautiful, wonderful and darling of the
34. (Savita Devata, Agastya °Rshi)
vk uÆ¿bMk¼fHk£OÆkÆnFks¼ lq'kÆfLr fOÆkÆ'oku¼j% lfOÆkÆrk nsÆo¿&
,¼rq A vfIÆkÆ ;Fkk¼ ;qokuksÆ eRl¼Fkk uksÆ fo'oaÆ tx¼nfHkfIÆkÆRos
e¼uhÆ"kk AAýþAA
Å naíiŒabhirvidathe su‹asti vi‹vånara¨ savitå
devaíetu. Api yathå yuvåno matsathå no vi‹va≈
jagadabhipitve man∂¶å.
Generous and brilliant Savita, celebrated life of
the world, and Vaishvanara, vital heat of life, may be
gracious to come to our yajna with holy materials and
voices of Divinity. Divinities ever young and young
scholars too may come to us rejoicing on way to yajna
so that they may sanctify our mind and all our life of
the world.
35. (Surya Devata, Shrutakaksha & Sukaksha °Rshis)
;nÆ| dPp¼ o`=kgÂqÉnxk¼¿vÆfHk lw¼;Z A
lo±Æ rfn¼Uæ rsÆ o'ks¼ AAýÿAA
Yadadya kacca vætrahannudagåí abhi sμurya.
Sarva≈ tadindra te va‹e.
Indra, lord of might and glory, Sun, blazing power
of light, destroyer of the clouds of darkness, wherever
you rise and shine today, all that is under your power
and control.
36. (Surya Devata, Praskanva °Rshi)
rÆjf.k¼£OÆkÆ'on¼'kZrks T;ksfRÆkÆ"Ñn¼fl lw;Z A
fo'oÆek Hkk¼fl jkspÆue~ AAýöAA
Taraƒirvi‹vadar‹ato jyoti¶kædasi sμ u rya.
Vi‹vamåbhåsi rocanam.
Sun, benevolent energy of the world, universal
eye, you are the light, creator of light and knowledge.
And you illuminate the beautiful world of existence.
37. (Surya Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
rRlw;Z×L; nsoÆRoa rUe¼fgÆRoa eÆè;k dÙkksZÆ£or¼rƧ l×t¼HkkjAA
s ;q¼Dr gÆfjr%¼ lÆ/LFkkÆnkæk=khÆ oklL¼ ruqrs fLÆkÆeLeS¼ AAý÷AA
Tatsμuryasya devatva≈ tanmahitva≈ madhyå
kartorvitata|m sa≈ jabhåra. Yadedayukta harita¨
sadhasthådådråtr∂ våsastanute simasmai.
That divine light of the Sun, eternal creator, and
that grandeur of His, is positively extended in the midst
of the universe as His power and will to create. The
same He withdraws (and the structure goes off). When
the power is thus disconnected and withdrawn from
space back into the centre, then from the centre itself,
the Night, the Lord’s power of negation, weaves the
cover of darkness for all.
38. (Surya Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
rfUÆEÆkÆ=kL;Æ o#¼ .kL;kfHÆkÆp{ksÆ lw;ksZ× :Æia o`¼Q.kqrsÊ |ks#ÆiLFks¼ A
vÆuÆUreÆU;æq'k¼nL;Æ ikt¼% o`QÉ ".keÆU;¼ÉfjrÆ% lEHkj¼ fUrAAýøAA
Tanmitrasya varuƒasyåbhicak¶e sμuryo rμupa≈
kæƒute dyorupasthe. Anantamanyadru‹adasya
påja¨ k涃amanyaddharita¨ sa≈bharanti.
In the midst of the heaven of existence, the Sun,
eternal creator, creates the form of Mitra, divinity of
the day, and of Varuna, spirit of the night, to watch (the
work of His own creation) for all. One power of His is
light, brilliant and boundless. The other is dark which
the eternal spaces hold.
39. (Vishvedeva Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
c.eÆgk¡üAA¿v¼fl lw;ZÊ cMk¼fnR; eÆgk¡üAA¿v¼fl A
eÆgLrs¼ lÆrks e¼fgÆek i¼uL;rsÆ¿¼k ns¼o eÆgk¡üAA¿v¼fl AAýùAA
Baƒ mahå|níasi sμurya baŒåditya mahå|níasi.
Mahaste sato mahimå panasyateíddhå deva
Truly, great is the Sun, eternal creator. Surely,
infinite is the light of omniscience of the Lord
indestructible. The glory, Lord Divine, great and true,
is universally sung and celebrated. Lord of Light
sublime, you are all time great.
40. (Surya Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
cV~ lw¼;ZÊ Jo¼lk eÆgk¡üAA¿v¼fl lÆ=kk ns¼o eÆgk¡üAA¿v¼fl A
eÆÉk nsÆokuk¼elqÉ;~Z% iqÉjksfg¼rks fOÆkÆHkq T;ksfRÆkÆjnk¼H;e~ AAþúAA
Ba¢ sμurya ‹ravaså mahå|níasi satrå deva mahå|ní
asi. Mahnå devånåmasurya¨ purohito vibhu
O Sun, lord of light and generosity, in all truth,
you are great. By virtue of your own glory, you are the
ever living highpriest of the divinities and humanity,
infinite and omnipresent, eternal light of existence, sole
and unchallengeable.
41. (Surya Devata, Nrimedha °Rshi)
Jk;¼Ur¿boÆ lw;±Ê fo'osfnUæ¼L; Hk{kr A
olw¼fu tkÆrs tu¼ekuÆ¿vkstl
¼ kÆ izfr¼ HkkÆxa u nh¼f/e AAþûAA
›råyantaíiva sμurya≈ vi‹vedindrasya bhak¶ata.
Vasμuni jåte janamånaíojaså prati bhåga≈ na
Only in the shelter and protection of the Sun, light
and lord of existence, do you partake of the gifts of
Indra, lord of the world’s wealth, exactly as we, in the
world created and yet to be created by the lord’s might,
receive and gratefully enjoy just our share.
42. (Surya Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
vÆ|k ns¼okÆ¿mfn¼rkÆ lw;Z×L;Æ fuj§g¼l% fii`Érk fuj¼oÆ|kr~ A
rÂks¼ fEÆkÆ=kks o#¼ .kks ekegUrkÆefn¼fRÆkÆ% flU/q%¼ i`fFÆkÆoh¿mÆr
|kS% AAþüAA
Adyå devåíuditå sμuryasya nira|mhasa¨ pipætå
niravadyåt. Tanno mitro varuƒo måmahantå-
maditi¨ sindhu¨ pæthiv∂íuta dyau¨.
Today on the rise of the sun, the noblest sages
and divinities, we pray, may save us from sin and
despicable action. Similarly may Mitra, light of the day,
Varuna, spirit of the night, the sky, the sea, the earth
and heaven exalt us with honour.
43. (Surya Devata, Hiranyastupa °Rshi)
vk o` ÉQ".ksuÆ jt¼lkÆ oÙkZ ×ekuks fuosÆ'k;¼ÂÆe`ra Æ eR;± ×
p A fgÆjÊ.;;s¼u lfOÆkÆrk jFksÆuk nsÆoks ;k¼fRÆkÆ Hkqo¼ukfUÆkÆ
i';¼u~ AAþýAA
Å k涃ena rajaså varttamåno nive‹ayannamæta≈
martya≈ ca. Hiraƒyayena savitå rathenå devo
yåti bhuvanåni pa‹yan.
Savita, the sun, with his force of gravity and
sphere of light revolves (in space), sustaining all its
mortal and immortal family in place. By the golden
chariot of splendour, the lord of light travels on,
watching the various worlds of space.
44. (Vayu Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
izok¼o`ts lqizÊ;k cÆ£gjs ¼"kkÆek fOÆkÆ'irh¼oÆ chfj¼V¿b;krs A
fOÆkÆ'kkeÆDrks#Æ"kl¼% iwÉoZgw¼rkS okÆ;q% iwÉ"kk LoÆLr;s¼ fUÆkÆ;&
Rok¼u~ AAþþAA
Pra våvæje suprayå barhire¶åmå vi‹pat∂va b∂ri¢aí
iyåte. Vi‹åmaktoru¶asa¨ pμurvahμutau våyu¨ pμu¶å
svastaye niyutvån.
Vayu, the wind, and Pusha, the sun, both as a
team of divinity, invoked early at the meeting of the
night and day, move through the sky like two parental
rulers of the world and energise the waters of life for
the good of all these people of the earth.
45. (Indra & Vayu Devate, Medhatithi °Rshi)
bÆUæÆokÆ;w c`gÆLi¯r× fEÆkÆ=kk¯Xu iwÉ"k.kaÆ Hkx¼e~ A
vkÆfnÆR;kUek#¼ ra xÆ.ke~ AAþÿAA
Indravåyμu bæhaspati≈ mitrågni≈ pμu¶aƒa≈
bhagam. Ådityån måruta≈ gaƒam.
For the good of all the people of the earth, invoke
Indra, universal electric energy, Vayu, the wind,
Brihaspati, light of the universe, Mitra, pranic energy,
Agni, fire energy, Pusha, the spirit of health and
nourishment, Bhaga, the wealth vested in nature,
Adityas, the various phases of the solar movements of
the earth, and Maruts, various forms of air and modes
of the wind. Invoke these divinities of nature working
in unison as a united group of powers.
46. (Varuna Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
o#¼ .k% izkfOÆkÆrk Hkq¼ofUÆEÆkÆ=kks fo'ok¼fHk:ÆfrfHk¼% A
dj¼rka u% lqÉjk/¼l% AAþöAA
Varuƒa¨ pråvitå bhuvanmitro vi‹våbhirμutibhi¨.
Karatå≈ na¨ surådhasa¨.
May Varuna, lord of kindness and justice, and
Mitra, lord of love and friendship, be good and gracious
with all kinds of favour and protection and make us
prosperous with blissful wealth.
47. (Vishvedeva Devata, Kutsidi °Rshi)
vf/¼ u¿bUæS"kkaÆ fo".kks¼ ltkÆR;kÆuke~ A bÆrk e#¼ rksÆ¿vf'o¼ukA
ra izRuFkk¿;a osuks ;s nsokl¿ vk u¿ bMkfHk£o'osfHk%
lksE;a eèoksekl'p"`r%AAþ÷AA
Adhi naíindrai¶å≈ vi¶ƒo sajåtyånåm. Itå
marutoí a‹vinå. Ta≈ pratnathå. Aya≈ vena¨.
Ye devåsa¨. Å naíiŒåbhir vi‹vebhi¨ somya≈
madhu. Omåsa‹car¶aƒ∂dhæta¨.
Come Indra, lord giver of prosperity, Vishnu,
omnipresent lord of the universe, Maruts, lords of energy
and power, Ashvins, givers of health for body and mind,
come and with your presence grace us all and all these
fellow humans.
Like the ancients we invoke Him, the one self-
refulgent Divinity and all the divine powers of heaven
and earth and the sky.
Protectors and sustainers of life and humanity,
come you all with voices divine and all the blessed
honey wealth of the world and rejoice.
48. (Vishvedeva Devata, Pratikshatra °Rshi)
vXuÆ¿bUæÆ o#¼ .kÆ fe=kÆ nsokÆ% 'k¼ZÆ% iz;¼UrÆ ek#¼ rksÆr
fo¼".kks A mÆHkk ukl¼R;k #Ææks¿v/Æ Xuk% iw"É kk HkxÆ% lj¼Lorh
tq"kUr AAþøAA
Agnaíindra varuƒa mitra devå¨ ‹ardha¨ pra
yanta mårutota vi¶ƒo. Ubhå nåsatyå rudroíadha
gnå¨ pμu¶å bhaga¨ sarasvat∂ ju¶anta.
May Agni, lord of light, Indra, lord of power,
Mitra, universal friend, and all divines bless us with
strength of body, mind and soul. May Vishnu, lord
omnipresent, the Maruts, powers of energy, kind and
favourable Ashvinis, teacher and preacher, Rudra, lord
of justice and punishment, the divine voices, Pusha,
giver of health and nourishment, Bhaga, lord of honour
and prosperity, and Sarasvati, mother of knowledge,
come and bless us and enjoy our hospitality.
49. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vatsara °Rshi)
bÆUækÆXuh fEÆkÆ=kko#Æ.kkfn¼fRÆkƧ Lo~% i`fFÆkÆoha |ka eÆ#rÆ%
ioZ ×rk¡üAA¿vÆi%A gqÉos fo".akq¼ iwÉ"k.kaÆ czã¼.kÆLi¯RÆkÆ HkxaÆ uq
'k§l¼§lfOÆkÆrkj¼ewÉr;s ¼ AAþùAA
Indrågn∂ mitråvaruƒåditi|m sva¨ pæthiv∂≈ dyå≈
maruta¨ parvatå|níapa¨. Huve vi¶ƒu≈ pμu¶aƒa≈
brahmaƒaspati≈ bhaga≈ nu ‹a| m sa| m
I invoke Indragni, fire and energy, Mitra and
Varuna, pranic energies, Aditi, riches of the sky, Sva,
peace and joy, Prithivi, riches of the earth, Dyau, the
sun in heaven, Maruts, fastest human powers, wealth
of the mountains and clouds, the energy of waters and
rain, and I pray to Vishnu, omnipresent spirit of the
universe, Pusha, nature’s spirit of health and
refreshment, Brahmanaspati, guardian Spirit of the
universe and knowledge, Bhaga, lord giver of wealth
and honour, and the celebrated Savita, creator, sustainer
and light-giver of the world, for protection and well-
50. (Mahendra Devata, Pragatha °Rshi)
vÆLes #Ææk esÆgukÆ ioZ ×rklks o`=kÆgR;sÆ Hkj¼gwrkS lÆtks"kk¼% A
;% 'k§l¼rs LrqoÆrs /kf;¼ iÆTkz¿bUæT¼ ;s"Bk¿vÆLek¡üAA¿v¼oUrq
nsÆok% AAÿúAA
Asme rudrå mehanå parvatåso vætrahatye
bharahμutau sajo¶å¨. Ya¨ ‹a|msate stuvate dhåyi
pajraíindrajye¶¢håí asmå|níavantu devå¨.
For him who prays, sings hymns of praise, and is
strong and rich with oblations for the divinities : for
him and for us all, the Rudras, powers of justice and
punishment, rich and generous people, clouds and
mountains, heroes who rise with us on the call to battle
for elimination of the enemy, followers of the powerful
leader Indra, and the noblest powers of nature and
humanity, we pray, protect us.
51. (Vishvedeva Devata, Kurma °Rshi)
vÆokZ×pks¼¿vÆ|k Hk¼ork ;t=kkÆ¿vk oksÆ gk£nÆ Hk;¼ekuks
O;;s;e~A =kkèo¯ uks nsok fUÆkÆtjq ksÆ o`oQ¼ L;Æ =kkèo¯ dÆÙkkZn¼oi
Æ nks¼
;t=kk% AAÿûAA
Arvå¤coíadyå bhavatå yajatråíå vo hårdi
bhayamåno vyayeyam. Trådhva≈ no devå nijuro
vækasya trådhva≈ kartådavapado yajatrå¨.
Protective divinities of the yajakas, come to bless
us to-day so that I may benefit from the strength innate
in your heart. Come lest I feel afraid. Save us from the
damage the thief or the tiger might cause.
Devotees of yajna, worshippers of Divinity and
admirers of the sages, save us from falling into the pit
of sin.
52. (Vishvedeva Devata, Lusha °Rshi)
fo'os¼¿vÆ| eÆ#rksÆ fo'o¼¿mQÆrh fo'os¼ HkoURoÆXu;Æ%
lfe¼¼k%A fo'os¼ uks nsÆok¿voÆlkx¼eUrqÉ fo'o¼eLrqÉ æfo¼.kaÆ
oktks¼¿vÆLes AAÿüAA
Vi‹veíadya maruto vi‹vaíμ u t∂ vi‹ve bhav-
antvgnaya¨ samiddhå¨. Vi‹ve no devåíavaså
gamantu vi‹vamastu draviƒa≈ våjoíasme.
May the Maruts, fastest powers of the world,
come to-day and bring us all the wealth and favours.
May all the fires of yajna light for us. May all the
divinities come to us with protection. May the food,
energy and wealth of the world be for us all.
53. (Vishvedeva Devata, Suhotra °Rshi)
fo'os¼ nsok% Ük`.kqÉrse§ go¯ esÆ ;s¿vÆUrfj¼{ksÆ ;¿miÆ |fOÆkÆ
"B A ;s¿v¼fXuftÆàk¿mÆr okÆ ;t¼=kk¿vkÆl|kÆfLeu~ cÆ£gf"k¼
ekn;èoe~ AAÿýAA
Vi‹ve devå¨ ‹æƒutema|m hava≈ me yeíantarik¶e
yaíupa dyavi ¶¢ha. Ye agnijihvå uta vå yajatråí
åsadyåsmin barhi¶i mådayadhvam.
All the divinities of the world listen to this prayer
of mine, all those existent in the sky and in heaven, and
all those who have knowledge of the sky and heaven
watch this yajna of science and education. May the
divinities of fire and participants of yajna hear, come
and join us on this vedi and rejoice.
54. (Vishvedeva Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
nsÆosH;ksÆ fg iz¼FkÆea ;ÆfK;s¼H;ksÆ¿e`rÆRo§ lqÉofl¼ HkkÆxeq¼ÙkÆee~A
vkfníkÆeku¼§ lforÆO;w.kq ~Z "Z ks¿uwphÆuk thf¼ OÆkr
Æ k ekuq¼"ksH;%AAÿþ
Devebhyo hi prathama≈ yaj¤iyebhyoímætatva|m
suvasi bhågamuttamam. Ådiddåmåna| m
savitarvyμurƒu¶eínμuc∂nå j∂vitå månu¶ebhya¨.
Savita, lord of light and universal yajna of
creation, you alone create the first and highest part of
the joy of existence, Moksha, for the sagely nobilities
of yajna. And then you alone weave the warp and woof
of the means of light and knowledge and appropriate
means of life and living for humanity.
55. (Vayu Devata, Rijishva °Rshi)
iz okÆ;qePNk¼ c`gÆrh e¼uhÆ"kk c`Ég漯; fOÆkÆ'ook¼j§ jFkÆizke~ A
|q Ér|k¼ek fUÆk Æ;qr Æ% iR; ¼eku% dÆfo% dÆfofe ¼; {kfl
iz;T;ks AAÿÿAA
Pra våyumacchå bæhat∂ man∂¶å bæhadrayi≈
vi‹vavåra|m rathapråm. Dyutadyåmå niyuta¨
patyamåna¨ kavi¨ kavimiyak¶asi prayajyo.
Yajamana dedicated to yajna, poet and sagely
scholar of broad vision and deep universal reflection,
having obtained the right men and materials try to join
the imaginative man of vision and knowledge and
relentlessly pursue the scientific yajna for the
development of wind energy, source of universal wealth,
universal presence and protection, motive power for
vehicles, and energy leading to heat and light.
56. (Indravayu Devate, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
bUæ¼ok;w¿bÆes lqrk¿miÆ iz;ks¼fHÆkÆjkx¼re~ A
bUn¼oks okeqÉ'kfUÆRÆkÆ fg AAÿöAA
Indravåyμ u íime sutåíupa prayobhirågatam.
Indavo våmu‹anti hi.
Indra and Vayu, scholars of energy and wind,
distilled are the essences and ready these materials.
Come with all preparations and pleasure. The drops of
nectar juices wait for you.
57. (Mitra & Varuna Devata, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
fEÆkÆ=k§ gq¼os iwÉrn¼{kaÆ o#¼ .ka p fjÆ'kkn¼le~ A
f/;¯ ?k`ÉrkphƦ lk/¼Urk AAÿ÷AA
Mitra|m huve pμutadak¶a≈ varuƒa≈ ca ri‹å-
dasam. Dhiya≈ ghætåc∂|m sådhantå.
I invoke Mitra, spirit of universal friendship, pure
and versatile like the day, and I invoke Varuna, silencer
of violence and enmity into peace like the night, both
of which develop intelligence abounding in the creation
of waters and energy.
58. (Ashvinau Devate, Madhucchanda °Rshi)
nÏk¼ ;qÉoko¼Qo% lqÉrk ukl¼R;k o`ÉDrc¼£g"k% A
vk;k¼r§ #æoÙkZuh A ra izRÆ uFkk¼ A vÆ;a osÆu%AAÿøAA
Dasrå yuvåkava¨ sutå nåsatyå væktabarhi¶a¨.
Å yåta|m rudravarttan∂. Ta≈ pratnathå. Aya≈
Come scholars, both of you like the Ashvins, of
extraordinary knowledge, sincere and truthful, behaving
justly like Rudra. Ready are the disciples waiting for
you both, having gathered and spread the holy grass for
seats on the vedi.
59. (Indra Devata, Kushika °Rshi)
fOÆkÆn|nh¼ lÆjek¼ #ÆX.keæsÆeZfgÆ ikFk¼% iwÉO;Z§ lÆè z;~Dd%A
vxz¯ u;RlqÉi|{k¼jk.kkÆePNkÆ jo¯ izFkÆek tk¼uÆrh xk¼r~ AAÿùAA
Vidadyad∂ saramå rugƒamadrermahi påtha¨
pμurvya|m sadhryakka¨. Agra≈ nayatsupadya-
k¶aråƒåmacchå rava≈ prathamå jånat∂ gåt.
If the blessed and blissful first Voice, well-
structured in human speech, were to reveal the breach
of the cloud, then, one with the ancient path of Divinity,
proclaiming the original thunder of the Immortal and
advancing, it would take humanity forward.
60. (Vaishvanara Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
uÆfg Li'kÆefo¼nÂÆU;eÆLek}S'¼ okuÆjkRiq¼j¿,Érkj¼eÆXus% A
` kÆ¿ve¼R;± oS'okuÆja {kS=kf¼ tR;k; nsÆok% AAöúAA
Nahi spa‹amavidannanyamasmåd vai‹vånaråt
puraíetåramagne¨. Emenamavædhannamætåí
amartya≈ vai‹vånara≈ k¶aitrajityåya devå¨.
The immortal ancient sages saw no other
messenger coming, felt no other presence arising in their
mind than this omnipresent Agni, none before this
Divine Light. And they developed and ever develop the
knowledge and awareness of this immortal light and
power for their victory over the universal battlefield of
61. (Indragni Devate, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
mÆxzk fo¼?kÆfuukÆ e`/¼¿bUækÆXuh g¼okegs A
rk uks¼ e`Mkr¿bZÆn`'ks¼ AAöûAA
Ugrå vighaninå mædhaíindrågn∂ havåmahe. Tå
no mæŒåtaí∂dæ‹e.
We invoke Indra, lord of rule and power, and
Agni, lord of light and leadership, both compelling in
advancement and destroyers of enemies in the battles
of life. May they be kind and gracious and make us
happy and successful in such battles of living.
62. (Soma Devata, Devala °Rshi)
mik¼LeS xk;rk ujÊ% io¼ekukÆ;sUn¼os A
vÆfHk nsÆok¡üAA¿b;¼{krs AAöüAA
Upåsmai gåyatå nara¨ pavamånåyendave. Abhi
devå|ní iyak¶ate.
Leaders and teachers, teach and train this brilliant
and blessed young man of innocent and purifying nature,
keen to meet and reverence the nobilities of honour and
63. (Indra Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
;s Rok¼fgÆgR;s¼ e?koÆÂo¼¼ZÉU;s 'kk¼EcÆjs g¼fjoksÆ ;s xfo¼"BkS A
;s Rok¼ uwÉue¼uqÉen¼fUÆRÆkÆ foizkÆ% fics¼UæÆ lkseƧ lx¼.kks
eÆ#f‰¼% AAöýAA
Ye tvåí hihatye maghavannavardhan ye ‹åmbare
harivo ye gavi¶¢hau. Ye två nμunamanumadanti
viprå¨ pibendra soma|m sagaƒo marudbhi¨.
Indra, lord of honour and power, commanding
homage and obedience, riding horses of lightning speed,
those noble scholars and pious people who invoke you
and exalt you with the call to battle against the clouds
of drought and darkness, those who call you to battle
against the enemies of goodness, and those who exhort
you to battle for light along with the sun-beams, and
those who join you rejoicing with you in celebrations,
with all these, with your troops and commandos, and
with your tempestuous friends and forces drink the soma
of honour and glory of success.
64. (Indra Devata, Gauriviti °Rshi)
tfu¼"Bk¿mÆx%z lg¼ls rqÉjk;¼ eÆUæ¿vksft¼"Bks cgqy É kfHk¼eku%A
vo¼¼ÆfZ ÂUæ¯ e#r¼f'ÆPÆkn
Æ =k¼ ekÆrk ;}hÉja nÆ/uƼfu¼"Bk AAöþAA
Jani¶¢håíugra¨ sahase turåya mandraíoji¶¢ho
bahulåbhimåna¨. Avardhannindra≈ maruta‹ci-
datra måtå yadv∂ra≈ dadhanad dhani¶¢hå.
Indra, mighty ruling power, awfully strong, whom
the noblest mother bore and shaped as a great hero,
highly adorable for instant action and splendid victories,
most lustrous and pride of many whom the most
dynamic leaders and scholars admire and exalt here in
the land, rise and create joy and prosperity all round.
65. (Indra Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
vk rw u¼¿bUæ o`=kgÂÆLeko¼QeƼZek x¼fg A
eÆgkUeÆghfHk¼:ÆfrfHk¼% AAöÿAA
Å tμu naíindra vætrahannasmåkamardhamå gahi.
Mahån mah∂bhirμutibhi¨.
Indra, glorious leader and ruler, destroyer of the
demon of darkness, come soon and bring all round
prosperity for us. Great as you are, advance us with the
best ways of protection and progress.
66. (Indra Devata, Nrimedha °Rshi)
Rofe¼UæÆ izrw¼£Ùk"oÆfHk fo'ok¼¿vfLÆkÆ Li`/¼%A
vÆ'kÆfLÆRÆkÆgk tf¼ UÆkÆrk fo¼'oÆrwj¼fLÆkÆ Roa rw¼Õ;Z r#";Ær%AAööAA
Tvamindra pratμurti¶vabhi vi‹våíasi spædha¨.
A‹astihå janitå vi‹vatμ u rasi tva≈ tμ u ryya
Indra, mighty ruler, over all your rivals in the
fierce battles of life you are supreme. Creator of joy
and prosperity, destroyer of detractors, subduer of
opponents, eliminate those who damage and destroy life
and nature.
67. (Indra Devata, Nrimedha °Rshi)
vuq¼ rsÆ 'kq"Eak¼ rqÉj;¼Ureh;rq% {kksÆ.kh f'k'kqaÉ u ekÆrjk¼ A
fo'okL¼ rsÆ Li`/¼% 'uFk;Ur eÆU;os¼ o`É=ka ;fnU¼ æÆ rwoZ×flAAö÷AA
Anu te ‹u¶ma≈ turayantam∂yatu¨ k¶oƒ∂ ‹i‹u≈
na måtarå. Vi‹våste spædha¨ ‹nathayanta
manyave vætra≈ yadindra tμurvasi.
Indra, lord of might and rectitude, just as mother
and father love and admire their child, so may the earth
and heaven admire and exhort you for your power to
sap the strength of the enemy. When you break and
destroy the cloud of darkness, all the fighting forces of
the rivals lay down arms before your power and passion.
68. (Aditya Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
;ÆKks nsÆokukaÆ izR;s¼fr lqÉEuekfnR¼ ;klksÆ Hko¼rk e`MÆ;Ur¼%A vk
oksÆ¿okZph¼ lqefÆ roZ×oR` ;knƧgksf'ÆPÆ k|
Æ k o¼fjoksfÆ oÙkÆjklr
¼ A~ AöøAA
Yaj¤o devånå≈ pratyeti sumnamådityåso
bhavatå mæŒayanta¨. Å voírvåc∂ sumatirva-
vætyåda|mho‹cidyå varivovittaråsat.
Powers of knowledge and brilliance, may the
yajna and gatherings of noble sages bring us peace and
prosperity. May the Adityas, eminent scholars, sages
and blazing warriors be kind and gracious to us. The
vision and wisdom of yours which abides with us right
here may, we pray, be the harbinger of wealth and virtue
more and ever more, and do good even to the sinner
and save him.
69. (Savita Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
vn¼C/sfHk% lfor% ikÆ;fq HÆkÆ"V~o§ f'ÆkÆofs Hk¼jÊ| ifj¼ikfg uksÆ
x;¼e~ A fgj¼.;ftà% lqfOÊkÆrk;Æ uO;¼lsÆ j{kkÆ ekfo¼QuksZ¿&
vÆ?k'k¼§l¿bZ'kr AAöùAA
Adabdhebhi¨ savita¨ påyubhi¶¢va| m ‹ive-
bhiradya pari påhi no gayam. Hiraƒyajihva¨
suvitåya navyase rak¶å måkirnoíagha‹a|msaí
Savita, blazing lord of light and life, protect our
hearth and home to-day with free and fearless,
promotive and auspicious means of protection. Lord of
the Golden Voice, protect and direct us for the latest
joy and prosperity of life. We pray, let no thief rule
over us, let no sinner boss over us.
70. (Vayu Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
iz oh¼j;
Ê k 'kqp¼;ks nfæjs okeèoÆ;fZq HÆke Z ¼e
Æ / q Ur% lqÉrkl¼%A
og¼ ok;ks fUÆkÆ;r
q ks¼ ;kÆáPNkÆ fick¼ lqr
É L;kU/¼lksÆ enk; ¼ AA÷úAA
Pra v∂rayå ‹ucayo dadrire våmadhvaryu-
bhirmadhumanta¨ sutåsa¨. Vaha våyo niyuto
yåhyacchå pibå sutasyåndhaso madåya.
Vayu, powerful ruler, and people, your brilliant
forces, trained through discipline like distilled soma,
decent men of honeyed culture, have beaten the enemy
with courage and yajnic actions.
Come Vayu, with them rejoicing, bear the soma
and the gifts of yajna and drink with joy the distilled
nectar of active life.
71. (Mitra & Varuna Devate, Vasishtha °Rshi)
xkoÆ¿mik¼orkoÆra eÆgh ;ÆKL;¼ jÊIlqnk¼ A
mÆHkk d.kZk¼ fgjÊ.;;k¼ AA÷ûAA
Gåvaíupåvatåvatam mah∂ yaj¤asya rapsudå.
Ubhå karƒå hiraƒyayå.
May the cows and rays of the sun rays protect
and promote yajna. May the great earth and heaven,
both active and golden generous, makers of beautiful
forms, protect and promote the form and function of
72. (Vidvan Devata, Daksha °Rshi)
dkO;¼;ksjkÆtkus¼"kqÉ ØRokÆ n{k¼L; nqjksÆ.ks A
fjÆ'kkn¼lk lÆ/LFkÆ¿vk AA÷üAA
Kåvyayoråjåne¶u kratvå dak¶asya duroƒe.
Ri‹ådaså sadhasthaíå.
Scholars, teachers and preachers, dispellers of the
darkness of ignorance, come to the assembly home of
this versatile genius and grace the seats of the creation
of great literature with your knowledge and wisdom of
truth and noble action.
73. (Adhvaryu Devate, Daksha °Rshi)
nSO;k¼oèo;wÉ¿Z vk x¼rƧ jFks¼uÆ lw;Z×Ropk A
eèok¼ ;ÆK§ le¼×tkFks A ra izÆRuFkk¼ A vÆ;a osÆu%AA÷ýAA
Daivyåvadhvaryμuíå gata|m rathena sμuryatvacå.
Madhvå yaj¤a|m sama¤jåthe. Ta≈ pratnathå.
Aya≈ vena¨.
Brilliant highpriests of the yajna of love and
development, come by the car shining as sunlight and
create the honey-sweets of the yajna of science and
technology, the new one brilliant as of old.
74. (Surya Devata, Prajapati °Rshi)
fRÆkÆjÊ'phuksÆ for¼rks jÊf'ejs¼"kkeÆ/% fLo¼nkÆlhýnqÉifj¼ fLonk&
Ê ksÆ/k¿vk¼lUefgÆeku¼¿vklURLoÆ/k¿vÆoLrkÆRiz;¼fr%
lhýr~ A jsr
iÆjLrk¼r~ AA÷þAA
Tira‹c∂no vitato ra‹mire¶åmadha¨ svidås∂dupari
svidås∂t. Retodhåíåsan mahimånaíåsantsvadhåí
avaståt prayati¨ paraståt.
The light of the stars moves in waves, downward
as well as upward, centripetal as well as centrifugal.
Theycarry seeds of life, replete with grandeur, divine
energy itself in motion far and near, nature below, a
gift from above.
Know and be masters of vitality, fertility,
grandeur and greatness, all your own, all round.
75 (Vidvan Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
vk jksn¼lh¿vi`.kÆnk Lo¼eg ZÆ TtkÆra ;ns¼ueÆilksÆ¿v/k¼j;u~A
lks¿v¼èoÆjk;Æ ifj¼ .kh;rs dÆfojR;ksÆ u okt¼lkr;sÆ puks¼&
fgr% AA÷ÿAA
Å rodas∂íapæƒadå svarmahajjåta≈ yadenama-
pasoíadhårayan. Soíadhvaråya pari ƒ∂yate
kaviratyo na våjasåtaye canohita¨.
This light energy fills the earth and sky and
heaven, born of the Great Mahat mode of Prakriti. When
the veteran performers place, light and develop it in
yajna, it is radiated all round. It is kavi too, carrier of
the Word and sound constantly on the move, immensely
valuable for food, energy and victory.
76. (Indragni Devate, Vasishtha °Rshi)
mÆDFksfHk¼o`Z=kÆgUr¼ekÆ ;k e¼UnkÆuk fPÆkÆnk fXÆkÆjk A
vkÆÄ~xwÉ"kSjkÆfook¼lr% AA÷öAA
Ukthebhirvætrahantamå yå mandånå cidå girå.
Indra and Agni, energy and light of the world,
shining and exhilarating, dispellers of darkness and
destroyers of sin, when they are constantly invoked,
served and developed with holy formulaic words,
hymns, and songs of celebration, they illuminate life
and make it pleasant and fragrant.
77. (Vishvedeva Devata, Suhotra °Rshi)
mi¼ u% lwÉuoksÆ fxj¼% 'k`É.oURoÆer
` ¼L;Æ ;s A
` hÆdk Hk¼oUrq u% AA÷÷AA
Upa na¨ sμunavo gira¨ ‹æƒvantvamætasya ye.
SumæŒ∂kå bhavantu na¨.
Our children who closely hear the voice of
Immortality, may they be good and create peace and
comfort for us all.
78. (Indra and Marut Devate, Agastya °Rshi)
czãk¼f.k es eÆr;Æ% 'k§lqr É klÆ% 'kq"e¼¿b;£RÆkÆ izHk`¼rks es¿Æ vfæ¼%A
vk 'kk¼lrsÆ izfr¼ g;ZUR;qÉDFksek gjh¼ ogrÆLrk uksÆ¿vPN¼ AA÷øAA
Brahmåƒi me mataya¨ ‹a|m sutåsa¨ ‹u¶maí iyarti
prabhæto meíadri¨. Å ‹åsate prati haryant-
yukthemå har∂ vahatastå no accha.
The sacred songs of adoration which the seasoned
scholars love and teach us, the peace and comfort which
the children create for us, the riches which the fire and
wind and cloud fed by yajna shower on us: may the
teacher and learner carry on all these as tradition and
bring up well for us.
79. (Indra Devata, Agastya °Rshi)
vuqÙ¼ kÆek rs¼ e?koÆÂfOÆkÆQÆuZq u Roko¡kü
¼ AA¿vfLr nso ¼ %A
Æ rkÆ fonku
u tk;¼ekuksÆ u'k¼rsÆ u tkÆrks ;kfu¼ dfjÆ";k o`¼Q.kqfÉ g
izo`¼¼ AA÷ùAA
Anuttamå te maghavannakirnu na tvåvå|níasti
devatå vidåna¨. Na jåyamåno na‹ate na jåto
yåni kari¶yå kæƒuhi pravæddha.
Indra, Unmoved existence, inexhaustible, there
is nothing un-initiated by you. There is no god existent
or omniscient as you. Exalted and most high, unborn,
constant and non-evolving, whatever you do or shall
ever do, no one can comprehend.
80. (Mahendra Devata, Brihaddiva °Rshi)
rfnnk¼lÆ Hkqo¼us"kqÉ T;s"BaÆ ;rks¼ tÆK¿mÆxzLRosÆ"ku`¼E.k% A
lÆ|ks t¼KkÆuks fufj.¼ kkfRÆkÆ 'k=kwÉuuqÉ ;a fo'osÆ enÆUR;wek¼%AAøúAA
Tadidåsa bhuvane¶u jye¶¢ha≈ yato jaj¤aí
ugrastve¶anæmƒa¨. Sadyo jaj¤åno ni riƒåti
‹atrμunanu ya≈ vi‹ve madantyμumå¨.
That alone is the highest and most exalted in the
world of existence whence the awful sunlike hero of
blazing power is born. Upon the rise, he instantly
destroys the enemies such as darkness. All protective
powers of the world rejoice with him.
81. (Vishvedeva Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
bÆek¿m¼ Rok iq:olksÆ fxjks¼ o¼ZUrqÉ ;k ee¼ A
ikÆoÆdo¼.kkZÆ% 'kqp;
¼ ks foiÆf'prksÆ¿fHk Lrkse¼jS uw"kr AAøûAA
Imåíu två purμuvaso giro vardhantu yå mama.
Påvakavarƒå¨ ‹ucayo vipa‹citoíbhi stomai-
Lord omnipresent, all inspiring, these addresses
of mine which celebrate and exalt you may inspire the
wise divines who, brilliant and pure like sacred fire, do
homage to you with hymns of praise.
82. (Vishvedeva Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
;L;kÆ;a fo'oÆ¿vk;ksZÆ nkl¼% 'ksofèÆkÆik¿vÆfj%A
fRÆkÆjf'p¼nÆ;Zs #Æ'kesÆ ioh¼jfOÆkÆ rqH;sRlks¿v¼T;rs jÊf;%AAøüAA
Yasyåya≈ vi‹vaíåryo dåsa¨ ‹evadhipåíari¨.
Tira‹cidarye ru‹ame pav∂ravi tubhyetsoíajyate
The noble people of the world are obedient
supporters of yours. The treasurer is pious and faithful.
And whatever is treasured or hoarded or hidden with
the trader, the violent man or the armed guard, all that
is wealth preserved for you ultimately.
83. (Vishvedeva Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
vÆ;§ lÆgÏÆe`f"k¼fHÆkÆ% lg¼LÑr% leqÉæ¿b¼o iizFks A
lÆR;% lks¿v¼L; efgÆek x`¼.ksÆ 'koks¼ ;ÆK"s kq¼ foizÆjkT;s¼ AAøýAA
Aya|m sahasramæ¶ibhi¨ sahaskæta¨ samudraíiva
paprathe. Satya¨ soíasya mahimå gæƒe ‹avo
yaj¤e¶u vipraråjye.
This ruler, taught, trained, strengthened and
fortified by seers and sages shines and rises a thousand
ways like the sea. Great and true is his power and glory
which I celebrate in the priest-like projects of his reign
of piety.
84. (Savita Devata, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
vn¼C/sfHk% lfor% ikÆ;qfHÆkÆ"V~o§ f'ÆkÆosfHk¼jÊ| ifj¼ ikfg
uksÆ x;¼e~ A fgj¼.;ftà% lqfOÊkÆrk;Æ uO;l
¼ sÆ j{kkÆ ekfoQ¼ uks¿Z &
vÆ?k'k¼§l¿bZ'kr AAøþAA
Adabdhebhi¨ savita¨ påyubhi¶¢va| m ‹ive-
bhiradya pari påhi no gayam. Hiraƒyajihva¨
suvitåya navyase rak¶å måkirnoí agha‹a|msaí
Savita, ruler of the golden flame, today protect
our hearth and home and our people with bold and
benevolent methods of all round defence and progress.
Protect and promote us for the latest comfort and
prosperity. Let no sinner ever boss over us as ruler.
85. (Vayu Devata, Jamadagni °Rshi)
vk uks¼ ;ÆKa fn¼fOÆkÆLi`'kaÆ ok;ks¼ ;kÆfg lqÉeUe¼fHk% A
vÆUr%iÆfo=k¼¿mÆifj¼ Jh.kkÆuks̈¿;§ 'kqÉØks¿v¼;kfe rs AAøÿAA
Å no yaj¤a≈ divispæ‹a≈ våyo yåhi sumanm-
abhi¨. Anta¨ pavitraíupari ‹r∂ƒånoíya|m ‹ukroí
ayåmi te.
Vayu, ruler of the winds and power, come and
grace our yajna with precious gifts of knowledge and
science so that the flames of fire may rise and reach the
heights of heaven, and I, this devotee of the holy fire,
inward purified, upward expansive with the flames,
mentally shining and spiritually crystallized may come
to you.
86. (Indra-Vayu Devate, Tapasa °Rshi)
bÆUæÆokÆ;w lq¼lÆUn`'kk¼ lqÉgosÆg g¼okegs A
;Fkk¼ uÆ% loZ¿Æ bTtuks¼¿uehÆo% lÆXes¼ lqÉeukÆ¿vl¼r~ AAøöAA
Indravåyμ u susandæ‹å suhaveha havåmahe.
Yathå na¨ sarvaíijjanoínam∂va¨ saΔgame
Unto this yajna of life and progress, we invoke
and invite Indra, sovereign ruler of the world, and Vayu,
universal power and energy, both of benign and blissful
eye and eager to come and bless, so that, we pray, this
entire human family of ours live free from want and
suffering and, happy at heart, unite to act in joint
ventures of universal well-being.
87. (Mitra & Varuna Devate, Jamadagni °Rshi)
Í/¼fXÆkÆRFkk l eR;Z×% 'k'kÆes nsÆork¼r;s A
;ks uwÉua fEÆkÆ=kko#¼ .kkoÆfHk"V¼;¿vkpÆØs gÆO;nk¼r;s AAø÷AA
°Rdhagitthå sa martya¨ ‹a‹ame devatåtaye. Yo
nμuna≈ mitråvaruƒåvabhi¶¢ayaíåcakre havya-
Blessed is the man, for sure, who thus for the
sake of peace and service of the wise and for positive
values invokes and invites Mitra, lord of universal love
and friendship, and Varuna, lord of justice and favourite
of universal choice, to his yajna for the creation and
gift of life’s fragrance for happiness and fulfilment of
88. (Ashvins Devate, Vasishtha °Rshi)
vk ;k¼rÆeqi Hkw"kraÆ eèo¼% ficref'ouk A
nqÉX/a i;ks¼ o`"k.kk tsU;kolwÉ ek uks¼ e£/"VÆek x¼re~ AAøøAA
Å yåtamupa bhμu¶ata≈ madhva¨ pibatama‹vinå.
Dugdha≈ payo væ¶aƒå jenyåvasμ u må no
mardhi¶¢amå gatam.
Ashvins, powers of health and joy, come and join
us (ruler and people both), beatify our yajna and drink
of the honey-sweets of fragrance. Virile and generous
lords and pillars of wealth and victory, come with a
shower of milk and waters, neglect us never.
89. (Vishvedeva Devata, Kanva °Rshi)
izSrqÉ czã¼.kÆLifRÆkÆ% iz nsÆOÕks~rq lwÉu`rk¼ A
vPNk¼ ohÆja uÕ;± × iÆfƒjk¼/la nsÆok ;ÆKa u¼;Urq u%AAøùAA
Praitu brahmaƒaspati¨ pra devyetu sμunætå.
Acchå v∂ra≈ narya≈ paΔktirådhasa≈ devå
yaj¤a≈ nayantu na¨.
May Brahmanaspati, lord of wealth and
knowledge, come and bless us. May the divine voice of
truth and rectitude enlighten us and bless our speech.
May the sagely scholars conduct our yajna for the
attainment of common good and rise of the good, and
brave and noble people of the community.
90. (Indra Devata, Trita °Rshi)
pÆUæek¼¿vÆILo¨Urjk lq¼iÆ.kksZ /k¼ors fnÆfo A
jʯ; fIÆkÆ'kX¯ cgqÉya iq¼#ÆLi`gƧ gfj¼jsfRÆkÆ dfu¼Ønr~ AAùúAA
Candramåíapsvantarå suparƒo dhåvate divi.
Rayi≈ pi‹aΔga≈ bahula≈ puruspæha|m harireti
The moon of celestial hue rushes on through
space in the light of heaven as a roaring horse on the
wing, attaining the tremendous glory of ruddy gold,
darling love of many people.
91. (Vishvedeva Devata, Manu °Rshi)
nsÆoa ns¼oaÆ oks¿o¼ls nsÆoa ns¼oeÆfHk"V¼;s A
nsÆoa ns¼o§ gqoseÆ okt¼lkr;s x`É.kUrks¼ nsÆO;k fèÆkÆ;k AAùûAA
Deva≈ deva≈ voívase deva≈ devamabhi¶¢aye.
Deva≈ deva≈ huvema våjasåtaye gæƒanto devyå
Childern of mother earth, with pious intentions,
brilliant intelligence and noble actions, singing and
celebrating, we call upon every princely hero for
protection and security. We invoke every divine power
for happiness and well-being. We invite every scholar
and leader of eminence for victory in the battles of life.
92. (Vaishvanara Devata, Medha °Rshi)
fnÆfo i`É"Vks¿v¼jksprkÆfXuoSZ ×'okuÆjks c`Égu~ A
{e;k¼ o`/kÆu¿vkst¼lkÆ puks¼fgrksÆ T;ksfr"¼ kk ck/rsÆ re%¼ AAùüAA
Divi p涢oíarocatågnirvai‹vånaro bæhan.
K¶mayå vædhånaíojaså canohito jyoti¶å bådhate
The great universal Agni sanctified in heavenly
light grows with the earth and, raised and exalted with
holy food, kind and favourable to humanity, dispels the
darkness with its light and glory.
93. (Indragni Devate, Suhotra °Rshi)
bUæk¼Xuh¿vÆikfnÆ;a iwokZxk¼RiÆ}rh¼H;% A
fgÆRoh f'kjks¼ ftÆà;kÆ okon
¼ ÆPpjf¼ RÆ=kÆ Æ§'kRiÆnk U;Ø
¼ ehr~ AAùýAA
Indrågn∂í apådiya≈ pμurvågåt padvat∂bhya¨.
Hitv∂ ‹iro jihvayå våvadaccharat tri|m‹atpadå
Indra and Agni, powers of light and fire, this
dawn, radiating, not walking, from the heights of
heaven, descends (to the earth), first in the morning,
for the moving humanity. It speaks with the tongue of
birds and humans, walks on for thirty steps of the thirty-
muhurta (twenty four hour) day, and then re-turns in
the diurnal course.
94. (Vishvedeva Devata, Manu °Rshi)
nsÆoklksÆ fg "ekÆ eu¼osÆ leU;oksÆ fo'os¼ lkÆd§ ljk¼r;%A
rs uks¼¿vÆ| rs¿vi ¼ Æja rqÉps rq uksÆ Hko¼Urq ofjoksÆfon¼%AAùþAA
Devåso hi ¶må manave samanyavo vi‹ve såka|m
saråtaya¨. Te noíadya teíapara≈ tuce tu no
bhavantu varivovida¨.
May all the noble saints and scholars and men of
wealth and power, zealous and generous, together be
liberal and kind to the entire humanity. May they be
givers of freedom and prosperity to us to-day, and
comfort and advancement to our children to morrow.
95. (Indra Devata, Nrimedha °Rshi)
vik¼/enÆfHk'k¼Lrhj'kfLÆRÆkÆgkFksUæks¼ |qÉEU;kHk¼or~ A
nsÆokLr¼¿bUæ lÆ[;k;¼ ;sfejsÊ c`g¼‰kuksÆ e#¼n~x.k AAùÿAA
dyumnyåbhavat. Devåstaíindra sakhyåya yemire
bæhadbhåno marudgaƒa.
May Indra, lord of power and ruler of the world,
destroyer of cursers and evil-wishers, be the liberal giver
of prosperity and splendour, and may he eliminate all
fear, violence and terror.
Indra, lord of light and glory like the sun, may all
the nobilities of humanity, divinities of nature and
powers of the winds be friends with you with all their
96. (Indra Devata, Nrimedha °Rshi)
iz oÆ¿bUæk¼; c`gÆrs e#¼rksÆ czãk¼pZr A
o`É=k§ g¼ufr o`=kÆgk 'kÆroz¼QrqÉoZTkzs¼.k 'kÆri¼oZ.kk AAùöAA
Pra vaíindråya bæhate maruto brahmårcata.
Vætra| m hanati vætrahå ‹atakraturvajreƒa
Maruts, leaders and commanders of humanity,
sing hymns of praise in honour of Indra, great ruler of
the world. Lord of a hundred yajnic acts, destroyer of
darkness and want with his thunderbolt of a hundred-
fold power, and saviour of humanity with a hundred
safeguards, he eliminates evil and terror.
97. (Mahendra Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
vÆL;sfnUæks¼ oko`/Æs o`".;Ƨ 'koksÆ ens¼ lqÉrL;Æ fo".k¼fo A
vÆ|k re¼L; efgÆeku¼ekÆ;oks¿uq¼"VqofUr iwÉoZFkk¼ A bÆek ¿m¼
Rok A ;L;kÆ;e~ A v;§ lgϼe~ A mQèoZ¿mQÆ "kq .k¼%AAù÷AA
Asyedindro våvædhe v涃ya|m ‹avo made sutasya
vi¶ƒavi. Adyå tamasya mahimånamåyavoí
nu¶¢uvanti pμurvathå. Imå u två. Yasyåyam. Aya|m
sahasram. μurdhvaíμu ¶u ƒa¨.
In the rapture of soma distilled in this world of
Lord Vishnu’s yajna of creation, Indra, lord of power
and grandeur, strengthens the vitality and virility of this
And that generosity of this Indra all the devotees
celebrate to-day as the ancients did of old.
These celebrations exalt you only. Yours is the
glory. The lord promotes a hundred yajnas. He is up on
high over us all.

bfr =k;¯L=k'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Mana Devata, Shivasankalpa °Rshi)
;Ttkxz¼rks nwÉjÊeÉn q SfRÆkÆ nSoÆa rnq¼ lqÉIrL;Æ rFkSÆoSfr¼ A nwÉjÊXÉea
T;ksfr¼"kkaÆ T;ksfRÆkÆjsoÆaQ rUesÆ eu¼% f'ÆkÆol¼VYieLrq AAûAA
Yajjågrato dμuramudaiti daiva≈ tadu suptasya
tathaivaiti. DμuraΔgama≈ jyoti¶å≈ jyotireka≈
tanme mana¨ ‹ivasaΔkalpamastu.
The ‘Daiva mind’, perceptive faculty of the
intelligent soul, which in the waking state goes far and
shines, which in the dream state also roams around the
same way and takes us far, that one unique light of lights,
that mind of mine, I pray, be full of noble thoughts,
intentions and resolutions.
2. (Mana Devata, Shivasankalpa °Rshi)
;suÆ dek¼ .Z ;Æilks¼ euhÆf"k.kks¼ ;ÆKs ÑÉ.ofUr¼ fOÆkÆnFks¼"kqÉ /hjk¼%A
w a± ;Æ{keÆUr% izÆtkukaÆ rUesÆ eu¼% f'ÆkÆolV
¼ YieLrq AAüAA
Yena karmåƒyapaso man∂¶iƒo yaj¤e kæƒvanti
vidathe¶u dh∂rå¨. Yadapμurva≈ yak¶amanta¨
prajånå≈ tanme mana¨ ‹ivasaΔkalpamastu.
The ‘Yaksha mind’, volitional faculty, by which
men of action, thought and constancy organise and
perform all acts in yajnic programmes of life, the
matchless faculty, present in all people, may that mind
of mine, I pray, be full of noble thoughts, intentions
and resolutions.
3. (Mana Devata, Shivasankalpa °Rshi)
q psrksÆ /`fr¼'pÆ ;TT;ksfr¼jÊUrjÊe`R ka ¼ izÆtklq¼ A
;LekÆUu¿½Ærs foaQ pÆu dE¼kZ fOÆkzÆQÆ;rsÆ rUesÆ eu¼% f'ÆkÆo&
Yatpraj¤ånamuta ceto dhæti‹ca yajjyotirantar-
amæta≈ prajåsu. Yasmånnaíæte ki≈ cana karma
kriyate tanme mana¨ ‹ivasaΔkalpamastu.
The ‘Prajnana, Chitta and Dhriti mind’,
instrument of awareness, memory and deeper retention,
which is the internal light immortal of living beings,
without which no action whatsoever is possible, may
that mind of mine, I pray, be full of noble thoughts,
intentions and resolutions.
4. (Mana Devata, Shivasankalpa °Rshi)
;susÆna HkÉwra Hkqo¼ua HkfOÆkÆ";Rifj¼x`ghreÆe`rs¼uÆ loZ ×e~ A
;su¼ ;ÆKLrkÆ;rs¼ lÆIrgks¼rkÆ rUesÆ eu¼% f'ÆkÆol¼VYieLrq AAþAA
Yeneda≈ bhμuta≈ bhμuvana≈ bhavi¶yat pari-
gæh∂tamamætena sarvam. Yena yaj¤aståyate
saptahotå tanme mana¨ ‹ivasaΔkalpamastu.
The mind, immortal faculty by which all this that
was, and is, and shall be is perceived and retained, and
by which the seven-priest (five senses, feeling-will and
understanding) yajna is planned and performed, may
that mind of mine, I pray, be full of noble thoughts,
intentions and resolutions.
5. (Mana Devata, Shivasankalpa °Rshi)
;fLÆEÆkÆUu`pÆ% lkeÆ ;tw¼¦f"ÆkÆ ;fLÆEÆkÆu~ izfr¼f"Brk jFkukÆHkk&
fo¼okÆjk%A ;fLE¡k¼f'ÆP ÆkÆÙka loZÆeksR ka ¼ izÆtkukaÆ rUesÆ eu¼% f'ÆkÆo&
l¼VYieLrq AAÿAA
Yasminnæca¨ såma yajμu|m¶i yasmin prati¶¢hitå
rathanåbhåvivårå¨. Yasmi¤‹citta|m sarvamota≈
prajånå≈ tanme mana¨ ‹ivasaΔkalpamastu.
The mind in which are woven Riks, hymns of
knowledge, Yajus, hymns of application, and Samans,
hymns of celebration and devotion (and the hymns of
divinity), in which they are inter-fixed like spokes in
the nave of a wheel, in which the Chitta, memory and
unconscious of all the people, is inter-woven, may that
mind of mine, I pray, be full of noble thoughts, intentions
and resolutions.
6. (Mana Devata, Shivasankalpa °Rshi)

lqÉ"kkÆjfÊ Fkj'ok¼fuoÆ ;Ue¼u"qÉ ;~kÆUusuhÆ;rsÆ¿Hkh'kqf¼ HkokZfÆ tu¼¿bo A

âÆRizfr¼"BÆa ;n¼ftÆja tfo¼"BaÆ rUesÆ eu¼% f'ÆkÆol¼V Yi&
eLrq AAöAA
Su¶årathira‹våniva yanmanu¶yånnen∂yateí
bh∂‹ubhirvåjina iva. Hætprati¶¢ha≈ yadajira≈
javi¶¢ha≈ tanme mana¨ ‹ivasaΔkalpamastu.
The mind which leads people by stimulation of
the senses like a good driver controlling fast moving
horses with bridle strings, which abides in the heart,
which is unageing and fastest in motion, may that mind
of mine, I pray, be full of noble thoughts, intentions
and resolutions.
7. (Anna Devata, Agastya °Rshi)
fIÆkÆrqa uq Lrks¼"ka eÆgks /ÆekZ.kaÆ rfo¼"khe~ A
;L;¼ f=ÆkÆrks O;kst¼lk o`É=ka foi¼oe Z ÆnZ;¼r~ AA÷AA
Pitu≈ nu sto¶a≈ maho dharmåƒa≈ tavi¶∂m.
Yasya trito vyojaså vætra≈ viparvamardayat.
In truth I celebrate food and energy, might and
majesty, justice and piety, and power and splendour,
by the force of which Indra, saviour in all three phases
of time, destroys the otherwise invulnerable Vritra,
demon of darkness, want and sin.
8. (Anumati Devata, Agastya °Rshi)
vfUon¼uqersÆ Roa eU;k¼lSÆ 'ka p¼ uLÑf/ A
ØRosÆ n{kk¼; uks fguqÉ iz .kÆ¿vk;w¼¦f"k rkfj"k%AAøAA
Anvidanumate tva≈ manyåsai ‹a≈ ca naskædhi.
Kratve dak¶åya no hinu pra ƒa íåyμu|n¶i tåri¶a¨.
Anumati, spirit and power of agreeability,
common consent and assent, whatever you approve, and
whatever you agree is good, give us that, do that for us.
Help us grow in intelligence and expertise for good
action. Help us all cross the seas of life with success.
9. (Anumati Devata, Agastya °Rshi)
vuq¼ uksÆ¿|kuq¼efr;ZÆKa nsÆos"kq¼ eU;rke~ A
vÆfXu'p¼ gO;Æokg¼uksÆ Hko¼ra nkÆ'kq"ksÊ e;¼%AAùAA
Anu noídyånumatiryaj¤å≈ deve¶u manyatåm.
Agni‹ca havyavåhano bhavata≈ då‹u¶e maya¨.
May Anumati, spirit of consent and common will,
have our yajna of positive action accepted among the
noblest people, and may both the common will and Agni,
brilliant leader and carrier of oblations and investments
to the heights of success, be good and generous to the
contributive participant in the corporate yajna of life.
10. (Sinivali Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
fluh¼okfYÆkÆ i`Fkq¼"VqosQÆ ;k nsÆokukÆefl Lolk¼ A
tqÉ"kLo¼ gÆO;ekgq¼ra izÆtka ns¼fo fnfnfb u% AAûúAA
Sin∂vali pæthu¶¢uke yå devånåmasi svaså.
Ju¶asva havyamåhuta≈ prajå≈ devi didiŒŒhi
Lady of love and loyalty, virgin beauty of fertility,
brilliant and pious, sister of the learned, accept the holy
offer of marriage, take the hand of the noble groom
invited, enjoy life, and give us the gift of lovely children.
11. (Sarasvati Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
i×p¼ uÆ|¨% lj¼LorhÆefi¼ ;fUÆRÆkÆ lÏks¼rl% A
lj¼LorhÆ rq i¼×pÆ/k lks nsÆ'ks¿Hk¼oRlÆfjr~ AAûûAA
Pa¤ca nadya¨ sarasvat∂mapi yanti sasrotasa¨.
Sarasvat∂ tu pa¤cadhå so de‹eíbhavatsarit.
Five streams of sense experience with their perceptions
flow into the one Sarasvati of the mind, and then the
mind, converting the experience into language, flows
out in five streams of expression.
(This is the Vedic triangle of Shabda, Artha and
Pratyaya, that is, the semantic triangle of language,
reality and meaning, which is the mental association of
word and object in an integrated mental picture. The
mantra also draws the full circle of experience,
interpretation and expression for communication of the
experience. The central interpretive role is played by
the soul through its consciousness, chetana, which is
its essential property, senses and mind being its
12. (Agni Devata, Hiranyastupa Angirasa °Rshi)
Roe¼Xus izFkÆeks¿vfX¼jkÆ¿½f"k¼nsZÆoks nsÆokuk¼eHko% f'ÆkÆo%
l[kk¼ A ro¼ ozÆrs dÆo;ks¼ foÁÆukiÆlks¿tk¼;Ur eÆ#rksÆ
¼ "` V;%AAûüAA
Tvamagne prathamoíaΔgiråí æ¶∂rdevo devå-
nåmabhava¨ ‹iva¨ sakhå. Tava vrate kavayo
vidmanåpasoíjåyanta maruto bhråjadri¶¢aya¨.
Agni, first vibration and spirit of life, visionary
light of lights, you arise ahead, blessed and blissful,
leader and friend of the learned and the wise. Within
your code of life and living, knowledge, action and piety,
arise great souls, masters of knowledge and action,
visionary heroes of arms, poets and men of tempestuous
speed headed towards great achievements.
13. (Agni Devata, Hiranyastupa Angirasa °Rshi)
Roa uks¼¿vXusÆ ro¼ nso ikÆ;qfHk¼eÆ?Z kksuks¼ j{k rÆUo~'p oU| A
=kkÆrk rksÆdL;Æ ru¼;sÆ xok¼eÆL;fu ¼es"kƧ j{k¼ek.kÆLro¼
ozÆrs AAûýAA
Tva≈ noíagne tava deva påyubhirmaghono
rak¶a tanva‹ca vandya. Tråtå tokasya tanaye
gavåmasyanime¶a|m rak¶amåƒastava vrate.
Agni, brilliant power and divine celebrity, living
within your laws of life and system, we pray, with your
methods of protection, preserve and promote our body-
system and the generous leader of our social yajna. You
are the saviour and vigilant protector of our children
and grand children, our health of body and mind, and
our cows and forms of culture.
14. (Agni Devata, Devashrava Devavata Bharata Rshis)
mÆÙkkÆuk;kÆeo¼Hkjk fpfOÆkÆQÆRokURlÆ|% izoh¼rkÆ o`"k¼.ka ttku A
¼ ksÆ #'k¼nL;Æ iktÆ¿bMk¼;kLiqÉ=kks oÆ;uq ¿¼s tfu"V AAûþAA
vÆ#"Æ kLrwi
Uttånåyåmava bharå cikitvåntsadya¨ prav∂tå
væ¶aƒa≈ jajåna. Aru¶astμupo ru‹adasya påjaí
iŒåyåsputro vayuneíjani¶¢a.
The scholar of the science of yajna, fire and water,
inspired to do good, generates rain and fills the extended
sky and earth.
The child of theVoice divine, seer of the secrets
of nature, brilliant and keen to raise men of peace, breaks
new grounds in science and creates new modes of energy
and power.
Agni, lord of light and power, inspire and fill this
child of the Voice with light and knowledge to the full.
15. (Agni Devata, Devashrava Devavata Bharata Rshis)
bMk¼;kLRok iÆns oÆ;a ukHkk¼ i`fFÆkÆO;k¿vf/¼ A
tkr¼osnksÆ fu /h¼eÆáXus ¼ gÆO;k;Æ oks<¼os AAûÿAA
IŒåyåstvå pade vaya≈ nåbhå pæthivyåíadhi.
Jåtavedo nidh∂mahyagne havyåya voŒhave.
Holy fire and omniscient power of light, in the
sanctity of the Divine Word, on the centre-vedi of the
earth, we instal you and light you in faith for the creation
and diffusion of the fragrant materials and means of
life in the state of yajna.
16. (Indra Devata, Nodha °Rshi)
iz e¼Uegs 'kolkÆuk;¼ 'kwÉ"kek¼Ä~xwÉ"ka fxoZ×.kls¿vfXjÊLor~ A
É Éf` DrfHk%¼ Lrqor
lqo Æ ¿Í¼ fXÆEÆk;
Æ k;kpZk¼ekd± ujsÊ foJqr
¼ k; AAûöAA
Pra manmahe ‹avasånåya ‹μ u ¶amåΔgμ u ¶a≈
girvaƒaseíaΔgirasvat. Suvæktibhi¨ stuvataí
ægmiyåyårcåmårka≈ nare vi‹rutåya.
We study and meditate on nature’s energy and
the hymns in praise of divine energy, we study the sun,
lightning and the roaring winds, and we honour the
venerable learned and the wise, dear as the breath of
life for the sake of scientific knowledge and power, and,
with cleansing words and deeds, we pray for the noble
leader, a man of holy speech, who studies the Riks for
knowledge, hears the learned for wisdom, and worships
the hymns of divine praise.
17. (Indra Devata, Nodha °Rshi)
iz oks¼ eÆgs efgÆ ueks¼ HkjèoekÄ~ xwÉ";~§ 'kolkÆuk;Æ lke¼ A
;suk¼ uÆ% iwosZ× fIÆkÆrj¼% inÆKk¿vpZ×Urks¿Æ vfX¼jlksÆ xk¿&
v¼foUnu~ AAû÷AA
Pra vo mahe mahi namo bharadhvamåΔgμu¶ya|m
‹avasånåya såma. Yenå na¨ pμurve pitara¨
padaj¤åíarcantoíaΔgiraso gåíavindan.
Offer great hospitality and high reverence to
Indra, lord of power and majesty, and in his honour,
sing hymns of Sama by which our ancient forefathers,
scholars of the Veda in possession of the knowledge of
creation, singing songs of worship, realized the holy
speech for you and for us all.
18. (Indra Devata, Devashrava & Devavata Bharata Rshis)
bÆPNfUr¼ Rok lksÆE;klÆ% l[kk¼;% lqÉUofUÆRÆkÆ lkseaÆ n/¼fRÆkÆ
¼ flA frfr{¼ kUrs¿vÆfHk'k¯¼ LÆRÆkÆ tuku¼ kÆfeUæÆ Ronk d'pÆu
fg iz¼osQÆr% AAûøAA
Icchanti två somyåsa¨ sakhåya¨ sunvanti soma≈
dadhati prayå| m si. Titik¶anteíabhi‹asti≈
janånåmindra tvadå ka‹cana hi praketa¨.
Indra, lord of knowledge and majesty, friends
love you, lovers of soma wait on you, they distil the
soma and offer delightful oblations to you, they even
forbear the imprecations of people, because there is
hardly anyone more knowledgeable than you, since all
knowledge flows from you.
19. (Indra Devata, Devashrava & Devavata Bharata Rshis)
u rs¼ nwÉjs i¼je Æ tkƦL;k rq iz ;k¼fg gfjoksÆ gfjH¼ ;ke~A
Ê k fPÆkæ
fLÆFÆkÆjk;Æ o`".ksÆ lo¼uk o`ÉQrsek ;qD
É rk xzkok¼.k% lfe/kÆu¿s &
Na te dμure paramå cidrajå|msyå tu pra yåhi
harivo haribhyåm. Sthiråya v涃e savanå kætemå
yuktå gråvåƒa¨ samidhåneíagnau.
Indra, lord of power and majesty, ruler of the
world, even the farthest regions are not too far for you.
Lord of the fastest carriers, come post-haste by the steeds
at your command. These offerings of yajna have been
made for the constant lord of showers. The clouds are
full and ready. The fire is lit and blazing.
20. (Soma Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
v"kk¼<a ;qÉRlq i`r¼uklqÉ ifiz¼¦ LoÆ"kkZeÆIlka o`Étu¼L; xksÆike~A
É k¦lq¼f{ÆkfÆ r§lqÉJol
HkÆj"Ês kqt ¼ Æa t;¼UraÆ Rokeuq¼ense lkse AAüúAA
A¶åŒha≈ yutsu pætanåsu papri|m svar¶åmapså≈
væjanasya gopåm. Bhare¶ujå| m suk¶iti| m
su‹ravasa≈ jayanta≈ tvåmanu madema soma.
Soma, lord of power and joyous prosperity,
formidable hero in battles, defender of the force of
armies, winner of light, giver of cool waters, preserver
of strength, guardian of fortifications, victor of wars,
ruler of the beautiful earth, spirit of fame and honour,
and all round victorious, let us rejoice with you and
celebrate with soma.
21. (Soma Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
lkseks ¼ /sÆu§q lkseksÆ¿voZ×UrekÆ'kq§lkseks ¼ ohÆja oQ¼ eZÆ.;a~ nnk¼frA
lkÆnÆU;a~ fonÆF;~§lÆHks;¯ fir`ÉJo¼.kaÆ ;ks nnk¼'knLeS AAüûAA
Somo dhenu|m somoíarvantamå‹u|m somo v∂ra≈
karmaƒya≈ dadåti. Sådanya≈ vidathya| m
sabheya≈ pitæ‹ravaƒa≈ yo dadå‹adasmai.
Whoever offers honour and oblations to Soma,
ruler of life and yajna, Soma blesses him with the gift
of cows and cultured speech, Soma gives him the fastest
carrier ‘horse’, Soma blesses him with a brave son or
daughter heroic in action, gracious in gatherings, pious
in yajna, worthy of high office in assemblies, and
obedient follower of parental tradition.
22. (Soma Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
RofEÆkÆek¿vks"k¼/h% lkseÆ fo'okÆLRoeÆiks¿v¼tu;ÆLRoa xk% A
Roekr¼rUFkksÆoZ¨Urfj¼{kaÆ Roa T;ksfr¼"kkÆ fo reks¼ ooFkZ AAüüAA
Tyamimåío¶adh∂¨ soma vi‹våstvamapoí
ajanayastva≈ gå¨. Tvamåtatanthorvantarik¶a≈
tva≈ jyoti¶å vi tamo vavartha.
Soma, creative power of nature and the world,
you create all these herbs of the world, you create the
waters and yajnic actions, you create the earth, cows
and holy speech. You create and expand the wide skies,
and you dispel and replace the darkness with light and
remove ignorance and sin with knowledge and Dharma.
23. (Soma Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
nsÆosu¼ uksÆ eu¼lk nso lkse jkÆ;ks HkkÆx§lg
¼ lkoÂÆfHk ;q¼è;AA
ek Rok¿¿r¼uÆnhf'k¼"ks ohÆ;~ZL;ksÆHk;s¼H;Æ% iz fp¼fdRlkÆ
xfo¼"VkS AAüýAA
Devena no manaså deva soma råyo bhåga|m
sahasåvannabhi yudhya. Må tvåîtanad∂‹i¶e
v∂ryasyobhayebhya¨ pra cikitså gavi¶¢au.
Soma, lord ruler of honour and prosperity, mighty
and brilliant power, defend and grant our share of wealth
with a noble and generous mind. No one can stop or
restrict you since you rule the power and valour as
master. And when there is desire for the supreme bliss,
help us as physician to achieve both earth and heaven.
24. (Savita Devata, Angirasa Hiranyastupa °Rshi)
vÆ"VkS O;¼[;RdÆoqQHk¼% i`fFÆkÆO;kL=kh /UoÆ ;kst¼uk lÆIr
flU/w¼u~ A fgÆjÊ.;k{k% l¼fOÆkÆrk nsÆo¿vkxkÆí/ÆæRuk¼ nkÆ'kq"ksÊ
ok;Zk¼f.k AAüþAA
A¶¢au vyakhyat kakubha¨ pæthivyåstr∂ dhanva
yojanå sapta sindhμun. Hiraƒyåk¶a¨ savitå devaí
ågåd dadhadratnå då‹u¶e våryåƒi.
Savita, self-effulgent lord of golden eye, comes
bearing choice gifts of jewels for the giver of charity
through yajna, he comes filling and illuminating the
eight directions and sub-directions of the earth, crossing
the three regions, namely, the heavenly sphere, the
middle sphere and the earth, through the seven seas of
space, viz., Bhu, Bhuva, Sva, Maha, Jana, Tapa and
25. (Savita Devata, Angirasa Hiranyastupa °Rshi)
fgj¼.;ikf.k% lfOÆkÆrk fop¼"kZf.k#ÆHks |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh¿vÆUr&
jh¼;rs A vikeh¼okaÆ ck/¼rsÆ osfRÆkÆ lw;Z ×eÆfHk o`ÉQ".ksuÆ jt¼lkÆ
|ke`¼.kksfr AAüÿAA
Hiraƒyapåƒi¨ savitå vicar¶aƒirubhe dyåvå-
pæthiv∂íantar∂yate. Apåm∂vå≈ bådhate veti
sμuryamabhi k涃ena rajaså dyåmæƒoti.
Savita, lord of golden arms, all illuminator,
moves the sun over both heaven and earth, dispels the
dark and wards off disease. And when it retires it
withdraws the sun and, with the centripetal force of its
energy, sucks in the world of light to zero in the dark.
26. (Savita Devata, Angirasa Hiranyastupa °Rshi)
fgj¼.;gLrksÆ¿vlq¼j% lquhÆFk% lq¼e`MhÆd% Loo¡k¼ ;kRoÆokZÄ~ A
s ¼u{zÆ klks¼ ;krqÉ/kukÆuLFkk¼ío
vÆiÆl/ Æs % izf¼ rnksÆ"ka x`.¼ kkÆu% AAüöAA
Hiraƒyahastoíasura¨ sun∂tha¨ sumæŒ∂ka¨
svavå| n yåtvarvåΔ. Apasedhan rak¶aso
yåtudhånånasthåddeva¨ pratido¶a≈ gæƒåna¨.
Come Savita, self-refulgent lord of golden beams,
rise and shine forth, energizing, lighting the path of
guidance, gracious and blissful, throwing off the wicked,
the unjust and the evil doers, and exposing every sin
and crime.
27. (Savita Devata, Angirasa Hiranyastupa °Rshi)
;s rsÆ iUFkk¼% lfor% iwÉO;kZlks¼¿jsÊ.koÆ% lqo`¼Qrk¿vÆUrfj¼{ks A
rsfHk¼uksZ¿vÆ| iÆfFkfHk¼% lqÉxsHkhÆ j{kk¼ p uksÆ¿vf/¼ p czwfg
nso AAü÷AA
Ye te panthå¨ savita¨ pμurvyåsoíreƒava¨ sukætåí-
antarik¶e. Tebhirnoíadya pathibhi¨ sugebh∂
rak¶å ca noíadhi ca brμuhi deva.
Savita, lord of light and knowledge, ancient and
eternal are your paths, free from dust, well laid out
between heaven and earth. By those paths, straight and
simple, come to us to-day, brilliant lord, protect us, and
speak to us from above.
28. (Ashvinau Devate, Praskanva °Rshi)
mÆHkk fi¼cref'ouksÆHkk uÆ% 'keZ × ;PNre~ A
vÆfOÆkÆfæÉ;kfHk¼:ÆfrfHk¼% AAüøAA
Ubhå pibatama‹vinobhå na¨ ‹arma yacchatam.
Ashvins, harbingers of light and peace like the
sun and moon, givers of knowledge and wisdom like
teacher and preacher, come both of you, drink to your
pleasure the juice of soma and give us safety and comfort
with inviolable means of defence and protection.
29. (Ashvins Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
vIu¼Lorhef'oukÆ okp¼eÆLes o`ÉQra uks¼ nÏk o`"k.kk
euhÆ"kke~ A vÆ|wÉR;s¿o¼lÆs fuà¼;s oka o`É/s p¼ uks HkoraÆ
okt¼lkrkS AAüùAA
Apnasvat∂ma‹vinå våcamasme kæta≈ no dasrå
væ¶aƒå man∂¶åm. Adyμutyeívase ni hvaye vå≈
vædhe ca no bhavata≈ våjasåtau.
Ashvins, auspicious powers of wonderful acts,
generous lords, render our mind and speech worthy of
noble action and achievement I invoke you for sure
defence and protection without a gamble. Be with us
for victory and advancement in the battle of life.
30. (Ashvinau Devate, Kutsa °Rshi)
|qfHk¼jÊDrqfHÆkÆ% ifj¼ikreÆLekufj¼"VsfHkjf'oukÆ lkSHk¼xsfHk% A
rÂks¼ fEÆkÆ=kks o#¼ .kks ekegUrkÆefn¼fRÆkÆ% flU/q¼% i`fFÆkÆoh¿mÆr
|kS% AAýúAA
Dyubhiraktubhi¨ pari påtamasmånari¶¢ebhi-
ra‹vinå saubhagebhi¨. Tanno mitro varuƒo
måmahantåmaditi¨ sindhu¨ pæthiv∂íuta dyau¨.
Ashvins, powers of piety and prosperity, protect
us by days and by nights and by the noblest forms of
sinless prosperity. May Mitra, universal friend, and
Varuna, lord of justice, safeguard that, and may the
earth, heaven, sea and sky promote that prosperity.
31. (Surya Devata, Hiranyastupa °Rshi)

vk o`ÉQ".ksuÆ jt¼lkÆ oÙkZ×ekuks fuosÆ'k;¼ÂÆe`raÆ eR;± × p A

fgÆjÊ.;;s¼u lfOÆkÆrk jFksÆuk nsÆoks ;k¼fRÆkÆ Hkqo¼ukfUÆkÆ i';u
¼ A~ Aýû
Å k涃ena rajaså vartamåno nive‹ayannamæta≈
martya≈ ca. Hiraƒyayena savitå rathenå devo
yåti bhuvanåni pa‹yan.
Revolving with its own force of gravity, moved
round and round by the force of cosmic dynamics,
lighting the constant and the changing forms of nature,
Savita, the brilliant sun, goes on and on by his golden
chariot, watching the worlds of the universe.
32. (Ratri Devata, Kutsa °Rshi)
vk jk¼f=ÆkÆ ik£Fk¼oƧ jt¼% fIÆkÆrqj¼izkfÕÆkÆ /ke¼fHk% A fnÆo%
lnk¼¦fl c`gÆrh fofr¼"BlÆ¿vk RosÆ"ka o¼ÙkZrsÆ re¼% AAýüAA
Å ratri pårthiva|m raja¨ piturapråyi dhåmabhi¨.
Diva¨ sadå|msi bæhat∂ vi ti¶¢hasaíå tve¶a≈
vartate tama¨.
The great night comes and covers the regions of
the earth alongwith the regions of the skies. Away from
the regions of the sun it stays and eclipses the areas of
light, and the darkness remains until the light comes
33. (Usha Devata, Gotama °Rshi)
m"kÆLrfPÆPÆkÆ=kekHk¼jkÆLeHÕak¼ okftuhofr A
;su¼ rksÆoaQ pÆ ru¼;a pÆ /ke¼gs AAýýAA
U¶astaccitramåbharåsmabhya≈ våjin∂vati.
Yena toka≈ ca tanaya≈ ca dhåmahe.
Usha, lady of the light at dawn, mistress of beauty
and excitement, come bearing that food and wondrous
energy for us by which we may beget, support and
rejoice with our children and the children of our
34. (Agni, etc., Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
izkÆrjʯXu izkÆrfjU漧 gokegs izkÆr£EÆkÆ=kko#¼ .kk izkÆrjÊf'ouk¼A
Æ HkZXka ¼ iwÉ"k.kÆa czã.¼ kÆLi¯r× IkÆkz Ær% lksee
izkr ¼ Érq #Ææ§ gqo
¼ e
s AAýþAA
Pråtaragni≈ pråtarindra|m havåmahe pråtar-
mitråvaruƒå pråtara‹vinå. Pråtarbhaga≈
pμu¶aƒa≈ brahmaƒaspati≈ pråta¨ somamuta
rudra|m huvema.
Early morning we invoke Agni, lord of light, light
the fire and pray for the light of life. Early morning we
invoke Indra and pray for power and honour. Early
morning we invoke Mitra and Varuna, and pray for the
energy of prana and udana. Early morning we invoke
the Ashvins and pray for learning and wisdom. Early
morning we invoke Bhaga, and pray for strength and
prosperity. We invoke Pusha and pray for health and
nourishment. We invoke Brahmanaspati, lord
omniscient, and pray for knowledge and vision. Early
morning we invoke Soma, and pray for peace and joy.
Early morning we invoke Rudra and pray for spiritual
35. (Bhaga Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
izkÆrÆ£traÆ Hkx¼eÉx
q z§ gq¼ose oÆ;a iqÉ=kefn¼rsÆ;ksZ fo¼/ÆÙkkZ A
vkÆ/zf'ÆPÆkÆ|a eU;¼ekuLrqÉjf'ÆPÆkÆæktk¼ fPÆkÆ|a HkXak¼ HkÆ{kh&
R;kg¼ AAýÿAA
Pråtarjita≈ bhagamugra| m huvema vaya≈
putramaditeryo vidhartå. Ådhra‹cidya≈
manyamånastura‹cidråjå cidya≈ bhaga≈
Early morning we invoke Bhaga, and pray for
honour and prosperity, Bhaga, all victorious, lustrous
child of immortality and sustainer of the social system,
which everybody — whether poor and helpless, or fast
and impetuous, or a ruling king — loves and honours,
and of which the Lord of Life says: Acquire honour
and glory won by effort and endeavour and enjoy.
36. (Bhagavan Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
HkxÆ iz.ks¼rÆHkZxÆ lR;¼jk/ksÆ HkxsÆeka f/;Æen q ¼okÆ nn¼Uu%A
HkxÆ izÆ uks¼ tu;Æ xksfHÆkÆj'oSÆHkZxÆ iz u`fHku
¼ `Éo
Z Ur%¼ L;keAAýöAA
Bhaga praƒetarbhaga satyarådho bhagemå≈
dhiyamudavå dadanna¨. Bhaga pra no janaya
gobhira‹vairbhaga pra næbhirnævanta¨ syåma.
Lord of glory, lord of inspiration for
advancement, lord of truth and beneficence, lord of light
and knowledge, blessed us as you have with intelligence,
we pray, save this intelligence of ours from sin and lead
us to the vision of divinity. Lord of power and prosperity,
help us grow with cows and horses, let us advance with
manpower, bless us with men of vision and leaders of
37. (Bhaga Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
s kuhaÆ Hkx¼oUr% L;keksr
mÆrn Æ iz¼fIÆkÆRo¿mÆr eè;s¿Æ vÉk¼eA~
mÆrksfn¼rk e?koÆURlw;Z×L; o;a nsÆokuk¼¦ lqer Æ kS L;k¼e AAý÷AA
Utedån∂≈ bhagavanta¨ syåmota prapitvaíuta
madhyeíahnåm. Utoditå maghavantsμuryasya
vaya≈ devånå|m sumatau syåma.
Maghavan, magnanimous lord of honour and
prosperity, we pray, we may be prosperous at the present
time. And may we be prosperous at the rise of the sun.
Let us prosper at the middle of the day. And let us be
prosperous in the evening. Let us always abide in the
wisdom and guiding vision of the noble and brilliant
saints and sages for the achievement of wealth and other
wherewithal of life
38. (Bhagavan Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
Hkx¼¿,Éo Hkx¼ok¡üAA¿vLrq nsokÆLrsu¼ oÆ;a Hkx¼oUr% L;ke A
ra Rok¼ HkxÆ loZÆ¿bTtks¼gohfRÆkÆ l uks¼ Hkx iqj¿,Érk
Hk¼osÆg AAýøAA
Bhagaíeva bhagavå|níastu devåstena vaya≈
bhagavanta¨ syåma. Ta≈ två bhaga sarvaí
ijjohav∂ti sa no bhaga pura etå bhaveha.
Masters of wisdom and brilliance, the Lord
creator of the glorious universe alone is the Lord
Supreme of honour and prosperity. May we be
prosperous by virtue of His generosity.
Lord of honour and glory, the entire humanity
invokes, adores and worships you only.
Lord giver of honour and prosperity, may you be
our guide, inspire us and lead us to prosperity.
39. (Bhaga Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
le¼èoÆjk;ksÆ"klks¼ ueUr nfèÆkØ ¼ Æ 'kqp¼;s iÆnk;¼ A vÆokZÆphÆua
Æ koso
o¼lqÉfonaÆ Hkx¯ uksÆ jFk¼fEÆkÆok'ok¼ okÆftuÆ¿vko¼gUrq AAýùAA
Samadhvaråyo¶aso namanta dadhikråveva
‹ucaye padåya. Arvåc∂na≈ vasuvida≈ bhaga≈
no rathamivå‹vå våjinaíå vahantu.
The lights of the dawn, inspired and inspiring to
silence and prayer, advancing like the golden chariot
of the sun for the achievement of yajnic acts of love
and creation may, we pray, bring us the newest treasures
of honour and prosperity, just like the fastest horses
flying chariot-loads of a hero’s trophies of victory.
40. (Usha Devata, Vasishtha °Rshi)
v'ok¼orhÆxksZe¼rhuZ¿mÆ"kklks¼ ohÆjo¼rhÆ% ln¼eqPNUrq HkÆæk% A
?k`Éra nqgk¼uk fOÆkÆ'orÆ% izih¼rk ;wÉ;a ik¼r LoÆfLrfHÆkÆ% lnk¼
u% AAþúAA
A‹våvat∂rgomat∂rnaí u¶åso v∂ravat∂¨ sada-
mucchantu bhadrå¨. Ghæta≈ duhånå vi‹vata¨
prap∂tå yμuya≈ påta svastibhi¨ sadå na¨.
The holy dawns, replete with vapours, blest with
sunbeams, pregnant with energy and generous with bliss
may, we pray, sanctify our home and, bringing showers
of ghrta and water, may fill our life with all round
prosperity. And may you, brilliant ladies, protect and
promote us always with good fortune like the dawn.
41. (Pusha Devata, Suhotra °Rshi)
iw"kÊUro¼ ozÆrs oÆ;a u fj¼";seÆ dnk¼ pÆu A
LrksÆrkj¼Lr bÆg Le¼fl AAþûAA
Pμu¶an tava vrate vaya≈ na ri¶yema kadå cana.
Stotårasta iha smasi.
Pushan, lord of health and joy, living within the
rules of your discipline, we pray, we may never suffer
harm or loss and, singing songs of thanks for you here,
live long and happily.
42. (Pusha Devata, Rijishva °Rshi)
iÆFkLi¼FkÆ% ifj¼i¯r opÆL;k dkes¼u o`ÉQrks¿vÆH;k~uMÆoZQe~ A
l uks¼ jklPNqÉ#/¼'pÆUækxzkÆ f/;¯ f/;§ lh"k/kfRÆkÆ iz
iwÉ"kk AAþüAA
Pathaspatha¨ paripati≈ vacasyå kåmena kætoí
abhyånaŒarkam. Sa no råsacchurudha‹-
candrågrå dhiya≈ dhiya|m s∂¶adhåti pra pμu¶å.
Let the devotee seasoned by honest words and
desire come and surrender to adorable Pusha, lord of
health and growth, protector of every way of life. And
Pusha grants the most protective and brilliant means of
advancement and helps realise every thought and
intention of the devotee for us.
43. (Vishnu Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
=khf.k¼ iÆnk fop¼ØesÆ fo".kq¼xksÆi
Z k¿vnk¼H;% A
vrksÆ /eZk¼f.k /kÆj;¼u~ AAþýAA
Tr∂ƒi pada vi cakrame vi¶ƒurgopåí adåbhya¨.
Ato dharmåƒi dhårayan.
Vishnu, omnipresent lord of the universe,
inviolable and intrepidable protector, sustaining the laws
of existence and maintaining the sustainers of life such
as earth and sun, takes the three steps of creation through
the causal Prakriti, subtle materials, and the concrete
forms of life and matter. Hence He alone is the lord
44. (Vishnu Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
rf}izk¼lks foiÆU;oks¼ tkx`Éok¦lÆ% lfe¼U/rs A
fo".kksÆ;ZRi¼jÊea iÆne~ AAþþAA
Tadvipråso vipanyavo jågæva|msa¨ samindhate.
Vi¶ƒoryatparama≈ padam.
That which is the highest stage of human
attainability is Vishnu’s divinity. That is what the sages,
celebrants, ever wakeful among humanity, meditate,
light up, realise and live.
45. (Dyava-prithivi Devate, Bharadvaja °Rshi)
?k`Éro¼rhÆ Hkqo¼ukukefHÆkÆfJ;ksÆohZ i`ÉFoh e¼/Én
q q?ks¼ lqÉis'k¼lk A
|kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh o#¼ .kL;Æ /eZ×.kkÆ fo"o¼QfHkrs¿vÆtjsÊ Hkwfj¼&
jsrlk AAþÿAA
Ghætavat∂ bhuvanånåm abhisriyorv∂ pæthv∂
madhudughe supe‹aså. Dyåvåpæthiv∂ varuƒasya
dharmaƒå vi¶kabhiteíajare bhμuriretaså.
By the eternal power and existential law of
Varuna, Lord Supreme, are sustained firmly the sun and
the earth together, both unageing, mighty prolific,
abundant in living waters, glory of the worlds, wide,
expansive, full of honey sweets and wondrous beautiful.
46. (Prithivi & others Devata, Vihavya °Rshi)
;s u¼% lÆiRukÆ¿viÆ rs Hk¼ofURoUækÆfXuH;kÆeo¼ck/kegsÆ
rku~ A ol¼oks #Ææk¿vk¼fnÆR;k¿m¼ifjÆLi`'ak¼ eksÆxza psÙkk¼jef/
jkÆte¼Øu~ AAþöAA
Ye na¨ sapatnåíapa te bhavantvindrågni-
bhyåmava bådhåmahe tån. Vasavo rudråíådityåí
uparispæ‹a≈ mogra≈ cettåramadhi råjamakran.
Whoever are our enemies, we keep off. We throw
them off with arms of fire and electric energy. May the
Vasus, Rudras and Adityas raise me sky-high, mighty
strong and wide-awake to preside over the rulers of the
47. (Ashvinau Devate, Hiranyastupa °Rshi)
vk uk¼lR;k f=ÆkÆfHkjs¼dknÆ'kSfjÆg nsÆofs Hk¼;kZra e/qi s ¼ef'oukA
É ;
izk;qÉLrkfj¼"VaÆ uh jik¼¦fl e`{krƧ ls/¼raÆ }s"kksÆ Hko¼r§
lpkÆHkqok¼ AAþ÷AA
Å nåsatyå tribhirekåda‹airiha devebhiryåta≈
madhupeyama‹vinå. Pråyuståri¶¢a≈ n∂ rapå~msi
mæk¶ata|m sedhata≈ dve¶o bhavata|m sacåbhuvå.
Ashvins, powers true and incorruptible, come
here with thirty three divinities to drink the honey-
sweets of nectar, promote our health and age, wash off
our sins and evil, ward off jealousy and enmity, and be
close friends with us in truth.
48. (Maruts Devata, Agastya °Rshi)
,É"k oÆ Lrkseks¼ e#r¿bÆ;a xheZk¼UnkÆ;ZL;¼ ekÆU;L;¼ dkÆjks% A
,"kk ;k¼lh"V rÆUos~ oÆ;ka fOÆkÆ|kes"Æ ka o`Étu¯ thÆjnku
¼ e
q ~ AAþøAA
E¶a va stomo marutaí iya≈ g∂rmåndåryasya
månyasya kåro¨. E¶å yås∂¶¢a tanve vayå≈
vidyåme¶a≈ væjana≈ j∂radånum.
Maruts, dynamic citizens of the land, this valuable
work of the venerable artist of eminence and this treatise
is for you. Come with food and energy for the growth
and protection of the health of the people of all ages.
And we shall find the food, energy and knowledge for
a general tonic and panacea for all disease.
49. (Rishis Devata, Prajapatya Yajna °Rshi)
lÆgLrks¼ek% lÆg PN¼Unl¿vkÆo`r¼% lÆgiz¼ekÆ¿Í"k¼;% lÆIr
nSO;k¼% A iwoZs×"kkaÆ iUFkk¼euqÉn`';Æ /hjk¼¿vÆUokys¼fHkjs jÊF;ks¨ u
jÊ'ehu~ AAþùAA
Sahastomå¨ saha cchandasaíåvæta¨ sahapramåí
æ¶aya¨ sapta daivyå¨. Pμ u rve¶å≈ panthå-
manudæ‹ya dh∂råíanvålebhire rathyo na ra‹m∂n.
Sages and scholars collaborating on projects of
common interest, working together on learned subjects,
graduates equally competent in reason and science,
visionaries of divinity with penetrating senses, mind and
intellect, courageous and resolute of will, having studied
and realised the paths traversed by the predecessors,
extend the bounds of knowledge and hold the reins of
the human community on the march to progress.
50. (Hiranyanteja Devata, Daksha °Rshi)
vkÆ;É"q ;a~ opZÆL;~§ jkÆ;Liks"kekSf‰¼ne~ A
bÆn§fgj¼.;aÆ opZ×LoÆTtS=kkÆ;kfo¼'krknqÉ eke~ AAÿúAA
Åyu¶ya≈ varcasya|m råyaspo¶amaudbhidam.
Ida|m hiraƒya≈ varcasvajjaitråyåvi‹atådu måm.
This golden glow of life and health which bursts
forth from within is the gift of mother earth. It is the
giver of health and long age and physical and intellectual
brilliance. It is the guardian giver of wealth and
insurance against suffering and disease. May this golden
treasure of lustrous victory, I pray, come in to bless me
with success in life.
51. (Hiranyanteja Devata, Daksha °Rshi)
u ræ{kk¼¦fLÆkÆ u fi¼'kkÆpkLr¼jfUr nsÆokukÆekst¼% izFkeÆt¦
ásÆrr~ A ;ks fCÆkÆHk£r ¼ nk{kk;Æ.k§ fgj¼.;Ƨ l nsÆos¼"kq Ñ.kqrs
nhÆ?kZek;qÉ% l e¼uqÉ";s~"kq Ñ.kqrs nhÆ?kZek;q¼% AAÿûAA
Na tadrak¶å|msi na pi‹åcåstaranti devånåmoja¨
prathamaja|m hyetat. Yo bibharti dåk¶åyaƒa|m
hiraƒya|m sa deve¶u kæƒute d∂rghamåyu¨ sa
manu¶ye¶u kæƒute d∂rghamåyu¨.
That golden glow of celibate life the demons and
ogres cannot violate, nor can they cross over and attain
it. It is the splendour of the divines, first born of Mother
Nature. One who commands this golden essence of the
art of life and living lives a long age of activity among
the divines, lives a long age of activity among humanity.
52. (Hiranyanteja Devata, Daksha °Rshi)
;nkcè¼ uu~ nk{kk;Æ.kk fgj.¼ ;§ 'kÆrkuh¼dk; lqeuÆL;ek¼uk%A
rUeÆ¿vk cè¼ ukfe 'kÆr'kkj¼ nkÆ;k;q¼"ek×tÆjnf¼ "ÆV;
Æ FZ kkl¼e~ AAÿüAA
Yadåbadhnan dåk¶åyaƒå hiraƒya|m ‹atån∂kåya
sumanasyamånå¨. Tanmaíå badhnåmi
That golden glowing science and discipline of
life which the sages of noble mind and expertise of living
hold and prescribe for a man desirous of a hundred fold
lustre, I hold and observe so that I may live a full
abundant age of hundred years.
53. (Prithivi etc. Devata, Rijishva °Rshi)
mÆr uks¿fg¼cqZÉèU;~% 'k`.kksRoÆt ¿ ,o¼Qikr~ i`fFÆkÆoh l¼eqÉæ% A
fo'os¼ nsÆok¿Í¼ rkÆo/ ` ks ¼ gqokÆuk% LrqÉrk eU=kk¼% dfo'kÆLrk¿&
v¼oUrq AAÿýAA
Uta noí hirbudhnya¨ ‹æƒotvajaíekapåt pæthiv∂
samudra¨. Vi‹ve devåíætåvædho huvånå¨ stutå
mantrå¨ kavi‹aståíavantu.
Just as our voice reaches the clouds floating in
the sky, the earth and the sea, so may it reach the eternal
Lord of omniscience, and may the Lord listen to our
Also, may the pursuers and promoters of truth and
eternal law, the noblest minds of the world, and the
mantras and formulas of divine celebration created and
sung by the poets of imagination, protect and promote
54. (Adityas Devata, Kurma gartsamada °Rshi)
bÆek fxj¼¿vkfnÆR;sH;ks¼ ?k`ÉrLuw¼% lÆukækt¼H;ks tqÉàk~ tqgksfeA
'k`É.kksrq¼ fEÆkÆ=kks¿v¼;ZÆek Hkxks¼ uLrqfotkÆrks o#¼.kksÆ n{kks¿Æ &
v§'k¼% AAÿþAA
Imå giraíådityebhyo ghætasnμu¨ sanådråjabhyo
juhvå juhomi. ›æƒotu mitroíaryamå bhago
nastuvijåto varuƒo dak¶oía|m‹a¨.
These words of prayer sanctified by holy waters
and ghrta I always take and offer in yajna with the ladle
of faith and love to the Adityas for the brilliant rulers.
May Mitra, universal friend, Aryama, lord of
justice, Bhaga, lord of honour and prosperity, Tuvijata,
manifesting for all, Varuna, best power and highest,
Daksha, master of the art of creation, and Ansha, the
brilliant Sun, hear my prayers for all.
55. (Adhyatma & Pranas Devata, Kanva °Rshi)
lÆIr¿½"k¼;Æ% izfrf¼ grkÆ% 'kjh¼js lÆIr j¼{kfUÆ RÆ kÆ lnÆeize
¼ kne~ A
lÆIrkiÆ% Loi¼rks yksd
Æ eh¼;ÉLq r=k¼ tkx`rksÆ¿vLoI¼ utkS l=kÆlnkS¼
p nsÆokS AAÿÿAA
Saptaíæ¶aya¨ pratihitå¨ ‹ar∂re sapta rak¶anti
sadamapramådam. Saptåpa¨ svapato
lokam∂yustatra jågætoíasvapnajau satrasadau ca
Seven sages, i.e., five faculties of perception, one
mana (mind), and one buddhi (intellect), vested in the
body, the seven together serve and protect the body
without let up and negligence. Of the sleeping person,
the seven, still there, retire with the soul into the heart.
But two other sages, i.e., prana and apana, keep awake
in the body and do not go to sleep.
56. (Brahmanaspati Devata, Kanva °Rshi)
mfÙk¼"B czã.kLirs nsoÆ;Ur¼LRosegs A
miÆ iz ;¼Urq eÆ#r¼% lqÉnku¼oÆ¿bUæ¼ izkÆ'kwHkZ×okÆ lpk¼ AAÿöAA
Utti¶¢ha brahmaƒaspate devayantastvemahe.
Upa pra yantu maruta¨ sudånavaíindra
prå‹μurbhavå sacå.
Arise, lord of universal Vedic knowledge, we
have come to you in search of divinity in pursuit of
knowledge. The most charitable, generous and dynamic
people of the speed of the winds come to you. Indra,
lord of knowledge and power, be friends, be smart with
instant action.
57. (Brahmanaspati Devata, Kanva °Rshi)
iz uwÉua czã¼.kÆLifRÆkÆeZU=ak¼ onR;qÉDF;~e~ A ;fLÆEÆkÆfÂUæksÆ o#¼ .kks
Z k nsÆok¿vksdk¼¦fl pfOÆkzÆQÆjs AAÿ÷AA
Pra nμuna≈ brahmaƒaspatirmantra≈ vadat-
yukthyam. Yasminnindro varuƒo mitroíaryamå
devåíokå|msi cakrire.
Brahmanaspati, lord of universal knowledge,
speaks to us, for sure, of the wonder mantra of celebrated
knowledge in which divinities such as Mitra, Varuna,
Aryama and Indra abide in mystery with their power
and secret of prana, water, spirit and light.
58. (Brahmanaspati Devata, Gritsamada °Rshi)
czã¼.kLirsÆ RoeÆL; ;ÆUrk lwÉDrL;¼ cksfèÆkÆ ru¼;a p
ftUo A fo'oaÆ r‰Éæa ;no¼fUr nsÆok c`Ég}¼nse fOÆkÆnFks¼
lqÉohjk¼%A ;¿ bÉek fo'ok¼ A fOÆkÆ'oo¼QekZ A ;ks u¼% fIÆkÆrk A
vUuirs¿UuL; uks nsfg AAÿøAA
Brahmaƒaspate tvamasya yantå sμuktasya bodhi
tanaya≈ ca jinva. Vi‹va≈ tadbhadra≈ yadavanti
devå bæhadvadema vidathe suv∂rå¨. Yaí imå
vi‹vå. Vi‹vakarmå. Yo na¨ pitå. Anna-
pateínnasya no dehi.
Brahmanaspati, lord of the universe and universal
knowledge, you are the leading light and controller of
this world.
Listen, and acknowledge our praise and prayer.
Love, protect and promote our children. The universal
good which the divinities protect and extend may come
and bless us. Brave with heroic children, we sing great
songs of praise in honour of the Lord.
Vishvakarma who is our father has created all
these worlds of existence.
Lord of food and energy, bless us with food,
energy and the power to grow and rise.

bfr prq¯L=k'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Pitara Devata, Adityas or Devas Rshis)
visÆrks ;¼Urq iÆ.k;ks¿lq¼Euk nsoihÆ;o¼% A vÆL; yksÆd%
lqÉrko¼r% A |qfHÆkÆjgks¼fHkjÊDrqfHÆkÆO;Z~Dra ;Æeks n¼nkRooÆlku¼e&
Apeto yantu paƒayoí sumnå devap∂yavah. Asya
loka¨ sutåvata¨. Dyubhirahobhiraktu-
bhirvyakta≈ yamo dadåtvavasånamasmai.
Go off from here the niggards, the malevolent
and the revilers of Divinity. This is the beauteous place
of the generous and inspired yajamana. May Yama, the
leading light and controller of the world, grant him a
place of rest and freedom blest by the lights of heaven
and by days and nights.
2. (Savita Devata, Adityas or Devas Rshis)
lÆfOÆkÆrk rsÆ 'kjh¼jsH;% i`fFÆkÆO;ka yksÆdfe¼PNrq A
rLeS¼ ;qT;UrkeqÉfÏ;k¼% AAüAA
Savitå te ‹ar∂rebhya¨ pæthivyå≈llokamicchatu.
Tasmai yujyantåmusriyå¨.
Human soul, may Savita, Lord of life and Law,
will and determine a suitable place of residence for your
bodies on the earth or in the skies, and may the rays of
the sun be instrumental to that placement for you.
3. (Savita Devata, Adityas or Devas Rshis)
okÆ;q% iq¼ukrq lfOÆkÆrk iq¼ukRoÆXusHkzkZt¼lkÆ lw;Z×L;Æ opZ×lk A
foeq¼P;UrkeqÉfÏ;k¼% AAýAA
Våyu¨ punåtu savitå punåtvagnerbhråjaså
sμuryasya varcaså vimucyantåmusriyå¨.
May the wind purify you. May Savita, lord of
light, purify you with the blazing heat of agni and the
light of the sun. And may the rays of light deliver you
from bondage.
4. (Vayu & Savita Devate, Adityas or Devas Rshis)
vÆ'oÆRFks oks¼ fUÆkÆ"kn¼ua iÆ.ksZ oks¼ olÆfr"ÑÉrk A
xksÆHkktÆ¿bfRdyk¼lFkÆ ;RlÆuo¼FkÆ iw#¼ "ke~ AAþAA
A‹vatthe vo ni¶adana≈ parƒe vo vasati¶kætå.
Gobhåja itkilåsatha yatsanavatha pμuru¶am.
Short is your stay in a temporary world. Your nest
is built but on a leaf. Live here as co-sharers of existence
with the earth, the senses, the sun-beams and the divine
Word, and abide in worship close to the eternal Spirit
of the universe.
5. (Vayu & Savita Devate, Adityas or Devas Rshis)
lÆfOÆkÆrk rsÆ 'kjh¼jkf.k ekÆrq#ÆiLFkÆ¿vko¼irq A
rLeS¼ i`fFkfOÆkÆ 'kEHk¼o AAÿAA
Savitå te ‹ar∂råƒi måturupasthaíå vapatu.
Tasmai pæthivi ‹ambhava.
May Savita, lord of creation and generation, plant
your bodies in the womb of the mother and seat you on
her lap of love.
Mother, mother earth, Mother Nature, be kind
and gracious to this soul.
6. (Prajapati Devata, Adityas Devas Rshis)
izÆtkirkS Rok nsÆork¼;kÆeqiks¼nosQ yksÆosQ fu n¼/kE;lkS A
vi¼ uÆ% 'kks'kq¼pnÆ?ke~ AAöAA
Prajåpatau två devatåyåmupodake loke ni
dadhåmyasau. Apa na¨ ‹o‹ucadagham.
O soul, I place you securely in the beautiful world
close to the sacred waters within the divine Prajapati,
father of his children.
May He wash off our sins and shine us to
7. (Yama Devata, Sankasuka °Rshi)
ija × e`R;ksÆ¿vuqÉijs ¼fgÆ iUFkkaÆ ;Lrs¼¿vÆU;¿br¼jks nsoÆ;kuk¼r~ A
p{kq¼"ers Ük`.oÆrs rs ¼ czohfEÆkÆ ek u¼% izÆtk¦jh¼fj"kksÆ eksr
ohÆjku~ AA÷AA
Para≈ mætyoíanu parehi panthå≈ yasteíanyaí
itaro devayånåt. Cak¶u¶mate ‹æƒvate te brav∂mi
må na¨ prajå|m r∂ri¶o mota v∂rån.
Yama, lord of death and reckoning, keep off the
path that is other than the divine. Come following the
path that is supreme.
Lord of vision, lord of the ear, I speak to you in
prayer: Do not hurt our children, do not strike the brave.
8. (Vishvedeva Devata, Adityas or Devas Rshis)
'ka okrÆ% 'k§fg rsÆ ?k`f.ÆkÆ% 'ka rs¼ HkoÆfURo"V¼dk% A
'ka rs¼ HkoURoÆXu;Æ% ik£Fk¼oklksÆ ek RokÆ¿fHk'kw¼'kqpu~ AAøAA
›a≈ våta¨ ‹a|m hi te ghæƒi¨ ‹a≈ te bhavant-
vi¶¢akå¨. ›a≈ te bhavantvagnaya¨ pårthivåso
må tvaíbhi ‹μu‹ucan.
May the winds be good and kind to you, cool
and refreshing. May the sun be good and kind, warm
and soothing. May the vedi and the home be happy and
blissful. May the fires of the hearth and yajna be good
and fragrant. May nothing on earth cause you sorrow
and suffering.
9. (Vishvedeva Devata, Aditya Deva Rshis)
dYi¼Urka rsÆ fn'kÆLrqH;Æeki¼% f'ÆkÆor¼ekÆLrqH;¯ HkoUrqÉ
flU/¼o% A vÆUrfj¼{k§f'ÆkÆoa rqH;aÆ dYi¼Urka rsÆ fn'kÆ%
loZk¼% AAùAA
Kalpantå≈ te di‹astubhyamåpa¨ ‹iva-
tamåstubhya≈ bhavantu sindhava¨. Antarik¶a|m
‹iva≈ tubhya≈ kalpantå≈ te di‹a¨ sarvå¨.
May the spaces be harmonious and good to you.
May the waters be soothing and blissful to you. May
the rivers and the seas be kind and favourable to you.
May the skies be kind and generous. And may all the
directions feed, nourish, strengthen and season you with
love and kindness (for life and death).
10. (Vishvedeva Devata, Suchika °Rshi)
v'e¼Uorh jh;rsÆ l§j¼HkèoÆeqfÙk¼"BrÆ iz r¼jrk l[kk;% A
v=kk¼ tghÆeks¿f'k¼okÆ ;s¿vl¼f×ÆNÆokUoÆ;eqÙk¼ jsekÆfHk
oktk¼uA~ AûúAA
A‹manvat∂ r∂yate sa|m rabhadhvamutti¶¢hata pra
taratå sakhåya¨. Atrå jah∂moí‹ivå yeíasa¤chi-
vånvayamuttaremåbhi våjån.
Friends, brothers and comrades, the river of rocks
and boulders rushes on. Gird up your loins all, arise
and cross over. Whatever be the hurdles against us, we
crush, and let us win the battles of life to victory.
11. (Apah Devata, Shunahshepa °Rshi)
vikÆ?keiÆ fdfYo¼"kÆei¼ ÑÉR;keiksÆ ji¼%A
vik¼ekxZÆ RoeÆLeni¼ nqÉ%"oIU;¼§ lqo AAûûAA
Apåghamapa kilbi¶amapa kætyåmapo rapa¨.
Apåmåraga tvamasmadapa du¨¶vapnya|m suva.
Sage physician of mind and soul, great as
apamarga, universal cure, wash out sin, cleanse
impurity, eliminate evil action, rectify sensual frailties,
and root out dirty dreams.
12. (Apah Devata, Adityas Devas °Rshis)
lqÉfEÆkÆf=ÆkÆ;k uÆ¿vkiÆ¿vks"k¼/;% lUrq nq£ef=ÆkÆ;kLrLeS ¼ lUrqÉ
;¨ks¿Leku~ }sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a f}É"e% AAûüAA
Sumitriyå naí åpaí o¶adhaya¨ santu durmitriyå-
stasmai santu yoísmandve¶¢i ya≈ ca vaya≈
May the waters and pranic energies, and herbs
such as somalata be good friends to us, and may they
be antidotes to those negativities which harm us and
which we hate to suffer.
13. (Krishivalah Devata, Aditya Devah °Rshis)
vÆuÆM~okg¼eÆUokj¼HkkegsÆ lkSj¼Hks;§ LoÆLr;s¼ A
l uÆ¿bU漿bo nsÆosH;ksÆ ofɼ% lÆUrj¼.kks Hko AAûýAA
AnaŒvåhamanvårabhåmahe saurabheya| m
svastaye. Sa naíindraíiva devebhyo vahni¨
santåraƒo bhava.
Just as we employ the bullock, off-spring of the
cow, as carrier power for the service of noble people in
farming, so may the fire energy like electricity be our
carrier over long distances.
14. (Surya Devata, Aditya Devah Rshis)
m}É;a re¼lÆLifjÆ Lo¨% i';U¼ rÆ¿mÙk¼je~ A
nsÆoa ns¼oÆ=kk lw;ZÊex¼UeÆ T;ksfr¼#ÙkÆee~ AAûþAA
Udvaya≈ tamasaspari sva¨ pa‹yantaíuttaram.
Deva≈ devatrå sμuryamaganma jyotiruttamam.
Let us rise beyond the dark to the regions of light
and bliss, watching higher and higher, and reach to the
self-refulgent Sun, the highest light among the
brilliancies of the universe.
15. (Ishvara Devata, Sankasuka °Rshi)
bÆea thÆosH;¼% ifjƯ/ n¼/kfEÆkÆ eS"kkaÆ uq xkÆni¼jksÆ¿vFkZ ×esÆre~ A
'kÆra th ¼oUrq 'kÆjn¼% iq:ÆphjÊUreZ`ÉR;qa n¼/rkaÆ iOk¼ Zrsu AAûÿAA
Ima≈ j∂vebhya¨ paridhi≈ dadhåmi mai¶å≈ nu
gådaparoí arthametam. ›ata≈ j∂vantu ‹arada¨
purμuc∂rantarmætyu≈ dadhatå≈ parvatena.
I fix and raise this limit and boundary wall for
the safety and discipline of the living souls so that
nothing alien may encroach upon their freedom and
property. May these abundant souls live for a hundred
years and by their law and discipline resist death from
16. (Agni Devata, Aditya Devah Rshis)
vXuÆ¿vk;w¼¦f"k iolÆ¿vk lqÉokstÆfZ e"ak¼ p u% A
vkÆjs ck¼/Lo nÉqPNquk¼e~ AAûöAA
Agnaíåyμu|m¶i pavasaíå suvorjami¶a≈ ca na¨.
Åre bådhasva ducchunåm.
Agni, lord giver of life, you purify and sanctify
the long years of our life. We pray, create and promote
food, energy and the light of knowledge for us, and
throw off all evil and violence far from us.
17. (Agni Devata, Vaikhanasa °Rshi)
vk;q¼"ekuXus gÆfo"kk¼ o`/kÆuks ?k`Ériz¼rhdks ?k`Ér;ks¼fujsf/ A
?k`Éra ihÆRok e/qÉ pk#Æ xO;¯ fIÆkÆrso¼ iqÉ=keÆfHkj¼{krkfnÆekUr~&
Lokgk¼ AAû÷AA
Åyu¶månagne havi¶a vædhåno ghætaprat∂ko
ghætayoniredhi. Ghæta≈ p∂två madhu cåru
gavya≈ piteva putramabhi rak¶atådimåntsvåhå.
Agni, long-lived ruler of power and light,
growing by fragrant offerings, manifesting in the rising
flames of ghrta, abiding in ghrta, come and, having
drunk of ghee and the honey-sweet delicious products
of the cow, protect and promote these dedicated souls
as father protects the children.
This is the voice of the heart in truth of word and
18. (Indra Devata, Bharadvaja Shirambitha °Rshi)
ijhÆes xke¼us"krÆ i;ZÆfXue¼â"kr A
nsÆos"o¼ØrÆ JoÆ% d¿bÆek¡üAA¿vk n¼/"kZfr AAûøAA
Par∂me gåmane¶ata paryagnimahæ¶ata.
Deve¶vakrata ‹rava¨ kaíimå|níå dadhar¶ati.
All these, you all, protect and promote the cow,
raise the holy voice of knowledge, preserve and
replenish the earth, expand the fire of yajna, and feed
the divinities of nature and the environment, and who
can dare to challenge you ? None!
19. (Agni Devata, Damana °Rshi)
ØÆO;kn¼eƯXu izfg¼.kksfe nwÉja ;¼eÆjkT;¯ xPNrq fjizÆokg% A
S k;ferj¼ ks tkÆros¼nk nsÆoHs ;ks¼ gÆO;a o¼grq iztkÆuu~ AAûùAA
Kravyådamagni≈ pra hiƒomi dμura≈ yama-
råjya≈ gacchatu ripravåha¨. Ihaivåyamitaro
jåtavedå devebhyo havya≈ vahatu prajånan.
Knowing well (what is right and what is wrong),
I reject and cast away the flesh-eating fire. The carrier
of sin must go to Yama, lord of justice and reckoning.
And I pray: may this other fire of yajna, symbol
of knowledge and power of light and heat of life, come
bringing auspicious food and fragrance for the divinities
of nature and the best of humanity.
20. (Jataveda Devata, Aditya Devah °Rshis)
og¼ oÆika tk¼rosn% fIÆkÆr`H;ksÆ ;=kS¼ukÆUosRFkÆ fufg¼rku~
ijkÆoQs A esn¼l% oqÉQY;k¿miÆ rkURϼoUrq lÆR;k¿,¼"kkekÆf'k"kÆ%
la u¼eUrkƦ Lokgk¼ AAüúAA
Vaha vapå≈ jåtaveda¨ pitæbhyo yatrainån vettha
nihitån paråke. Medasa¨ kulyåíupa tåntsravantu
satyåíe¶åmå‹i¶a¨ sa≈ namantå|m svåhå.
Man of knowledge brilliant as Agni, for the
parents and forefathers, manage the land where, far off,
you know the hidden treasures therein, so that streams
of delicacies flow for them and their dreams and wishes
come true in holy word and deed.
21. (Prithivi Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
L;ksÆuk i`¼fFkoh uks Hkoku`{kÆjk fUÆkÆos'k¼uh A ;PNk¼ uÆ% 'keZ×
lÆizFkk¼% A vi¼ uÆ% 'kks'kq¼pnÆ?ke~ AAüûAA
Syonå pæthivi no bhavånæk¶arå nive‹an∂. Yacchå
na¨ ‹arma saprathå¨. Apa na¨ ‹o‹ucadagham.
Earth, sweet mother, be good and kind to us,
thornless and smooth, generous and hospitable. Wide
and expansive, give us a happy home. Wash off our
sins and make us shine.
22. (Agni Devata, Aditya Devah Rshis)
vÆLekÙoef/¼tkÆrks~¿fLÆkÆ RonÆ;a tk¼;rkaÆ iqu¼% A
vÆlkS LoÆxkZ;¼ yksÆdk;Æ Lokgk¼ AAüüAA
Asmåttvamadhi jåtoísi tvadaya≈ jåyatå≈ puna¨.
Asau svargåya lokåya svåhå.
Agni, lord of brilliance and master of a happy
home, far higher above have you risen from this world.
May this homely world be reborn of you as a new
paradise. Our homage to that paradisal world of bliss.

bfr i×p¯=k'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Agni Devata, Dadhyang-atharvana °Rshi)
½paÆ okpaÆ iz i¼|sÆ euksÆ ;tqÉ% iz i¼|Æs lke¼ izkÆ.ka iz i¼|sÆ p{kqÉ%
Jks=kÆa izi¼|s A okxkst¼% lÆgkStksÆ ef;¼ izk.kkikÆukS AAûAA
°Rca≈ våca≈ pra padye mano yaju¨ pra padye
såma pråƒa≈ pra padye cak¶u¨ ‹rotra≈ pra
padye. Vågoja¨ sahaujo mayi pråƒåpånau.
I arise and come to Rigveda, voice of Divinity. I
come to Yajurveda, mind and resolution divine. I come
to Samaveda, energy and ecstasy divine. I come to
Atharva-veda, vision and vibration of Divinity. That
speech is my light and glory. That light and mind is my
strength and spirit of courage and fortitude. By virtue
of the divine, the prana and apana energy is my real
2. (Brihaspati Devata, Dadhyang-atharvana °Rshi)
;Ues¼ fNÆæa p{kq¼"kksÆ ân¼;L;Æ eu¼lksÆ okfr¼r`..kaÆ c`gÆLifr¼esZÆ
rí¼/krq A 'ka uks ¼ HkorqÉ Hkqo¼uL;Æ ;Lifr¼% AAüAA
Yanme chidra≈ cak¶u¶o hædayasya manaso
våtit惃a≈ bæhaspatirme taddadhåtu. ›a≈ no
bhavatu bhuvansya yaspati¨.
Whatever the weakness of my eye, of my heart,
and of my mind, whatever the loop-holes anywhere, may
the Lord of Infinity make up and re-fill. May the lord
who is father and guardian of the universe, we pray, be
good and gracious to us.
3. (Savita Devata, Vishvamitra °Rshi)
HkwHkqZoÆ% Lo~% A rRl¼fOÆkÆrqoZj¼.
s ;aÆ HkxksZ× nsÆoL;¼ /hefg A
f/;ksÆ ;ks u¼% izpksÆn;k¼r~ AAýAA
Bhμurbhuva¨ sva¨. Tat saviturvareƒya≈ bhargo
devasya dh∂mahi. Dhiyo yo na¨ pracodayåt.
With the knowledge of Being, Becoming, and
Spirit, with knowledge, karma and prayer, we meditate
upon the blazing glory of self-effulgent lord Savita, Lord
of existence, intelligence and bliss, the only worthy
choice of ours, and we pray that He may inspire and
guide our vision and intelligence to the right path.
4. (Indra Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
d;k¼ uf'ÆPÆkÆ=k¿vkHkq¼onwÉrh lÆnko`¼/Æ% l[kk¼ A
d;kÆ 'kfp"¼ B;k o`Érk AAþAA
Kayå na‹citraíå bhuvadμuti sadåvædha¨ sakhå.
Kayå ‹aci¶¢hayå vætå.
By what modes and acts of protection, by which
might and brilliant, current and recurrent power and
intelligence, does the wondrous lord of the universe,
great and ever greater, abide by us as our universal friend
and inspire our noble thoughts and actions?
(By divine acts, blissful intelligence, and
5. (Indra Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)
dLRok¼ lÆR;ks enk¼ukaÆ e§fg¼"Bks eRlÆnU/¼l% A
n`É<k fp¼nkÆ#tsÆ olq¼ AAÿAA
Kastvå satyo madånå≈ ma| m hi¶¢ho matsa-
dandhasa¨. DæŒhå cidåruje vasu.
Who is it, true and constant, strong and inviolable,
most abundant treasure and most liberal giver of the
joyous gifts of food and soma, who gives you and sends
you to the ecstasy of living, O dear soul, in search of
brilliance and bliss? (The Lord Beatific.)
6. (Indra Devata, Vamadeva °Rshi)

vÆHkh "kq .kÆ% l[kh¼ukefOÆkÆrk t¼fjr¤É.kke~ A

'kÆra Hk¼okL;wÉfrfHk¼% AAöAA
Abh∂ ¶u ƒa¨ sakh∂nåm avitå jarit¿ƒåm. Sata≈
Lord Supreme, be all-round saviour of ours, of
friends and admirers, in a hundred ways of your divine
7. (Indra Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
d;kÆ Roa u¼¿mQÆR;kfHk iz e¼Unls o`"ku~ A
d;k¼ Lrksr
Æ `H;Æ¿vkHk¼j AA÷AA
Kayå tva≈ naíμutyåbhi pra mandase væ¶an. Kayå
stotæbhyaíå bhara.
Lord of abundant showers, let us know by which
ways of protection you save and bless your worshippers
with joy, and by which forms of generosity you raise
your devotees.
8. (Indra Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)

bUæksÆ fo'o¼L; jktfr A

'kUuks¼¿vLrq f}ÆinsÆ 'ka prq"¼ ins AAøAA
Indro vi‹vasya råjati. ›a≈ noíastu dvipade ‹a≈
Indra, lord of light, power and glory, rules the
world. By His grace, may all be peace and joy with the
humans and with the animals.
9. (Mitra & Others Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
'kUuks¼ fEÆkÆ=k% 'ka o#¼ .kÆ% 'kUuks¼ HkoRoÕ;ZÆek A
'kUuÆ¿bUæksÆ c`gÆLifRÆk%Æ 'kUuksÆ fo".kq¼##ØÆe% AAùAA
›a≈ no mitra¨ ‹a≈ varuƒa¨ ‹a≈ no
bhavatvaryamå. ›a≈ína indro bæhaspati¨ ‹a≈
no vi¶ƒururukrama¨.
May Mitra, lord and friend of the world, be good
and kind to us. May Varuna, giver of cool and bliss be
good and kind to us. May Aryama, lord of universal
justice, be good and kind. May Indra, lord of power
and glory be good and gracious. May Brihaspati, lord
infinite and omniscient, be good and generous. May
Vishnu, lord infinite and omnipresent of grand action
be good and generous with gifts of peace and joy for us
10. (Vatah & Others Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)

'kUuksÆ okr¼% iorkƦ 'kUu¼LrirqÉ lw;Z×% A

'kUuÆ% dfuØ ¼ nísÆo% iÆtZU;ks¼¿vÆfHko¼"kZrq AAûúAA
›a≈ no våta¨ pavatå|m ‹a≈ nastapatu sμurya¨.
›a≈ na¨ kanikradaddeva¨ parjanyoíabhi
May the winds blow cool and calm for us. May
the sun shine warm and clear for us all. May lightning,
thunderous brilliant, bring peace for us all. And may
the generous cloud shower rains of soothing joy and
prosperity for us all over the world.
11. (Aharadaya Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
vgk¼fUÆkÆ 'ka Hko¼Urq uÆ% 'k§jk=khÆ% izfr¼/h;rke~ A 'kUu¿¼ bUækÆXuh
¼ rkÆeoksf¼ HÆk%Æ 'kUuÆ¿bUækÆo#¼ .kk jkÆrg¼O;k A 'kUu¿¼ bUækiw"É k.kkÆ
okt¼lkrkSÆ 'kfeUækÆlksek¼ lqfOÆkÆrk;Æ 'ka;ks% AAûûAA
Ahåni ‹a≈ bhavantu na¨ ‹a≈ råtr∂¨ prati
dh∂yatåm. ›a≈ naíindrågn∂ bhavatåmavobbi¨
‹a≈ naíindråvaruƒå råtahavyå. ›a≈ naí
indråpμu¶aƒå våjasåtau ‹amindråsomå suvitåya
‹a≈ yo¨.
May the days be good and useful for us. May the
nights hold peace and comfort for us. May Indra and
Agni, energy and heat, be good and productive with
safety and protection. May Indra and Varuna, power
and water, be good and generous with food and wealth.
May Indra and Pusha, power and good health, bring
peace and freedom. May Indra and Soma, power and
peace, bring inspiration for the joy of living.
12. (Apah Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
'kUuks ¼ nsÆohjÊfHk"V¼;Æ¿vkiks¼ HkoUrq ihÆr;s¼ A
'k¼ a;ksjÊfHkϼoUrqÉ u% AAûüAA
›a≈ no dev∂rabhi¶¢ayaíåpo bhavantu p∂taye.
›a≈ yorabhi sravantu na¨.
May the heavenly waters be full of soothing
sweetness and give us the pleasure of desired bliss. May
they bring us generous showers of profound peace and
13. (Prithivi Devata, Medhatithi °Rshi)
L;ksÆuk i`¼fFkfo uks Hkoku`{kÆjk fUÆkÆos'k¼uh A
;PNk¼ uÆ% 'kE k¼ Z lÆizFkk¼% AAûýAA
›yonå pæthivi no bhavånæk¶arå nive‹an∂. Yacchå
na¨ ‹arma saprathå¨.
May this dear green earth be free from vexations
and full of wealth in abundance. Generous and
expansive, may it provide a happy and comfortable
home for all of us to live in peace and joy.
14. (Apah Devata, Sindhudvipa °Rshi)
vkiksÆ fg "Bk e¼;ksÆHkqoÆLrk u¼¿mÆQÆtsZ n¼/kru A
eÆgs j.kk¼;Æ p{k¼ls AAûþAA
Åpo hi ¶¢hå mayobhuvastå naíμurje dadhåtana.
Mahe raƒaya cak¶ase.
Surely the waters, full of peace and well-being,
abide by us holding energy, greatness, victory and vision
for all of us.
15. (Apah Devata, Sindhudvipa °Rshi)
;ks o¼% f'ÆkÆor¼eksÆ jlÆLrL;¼ Hkkt;rsÆg u¼% A
mÆ'kÆrhfj¼o ekÆrj¼% AAûÿAA
Yo va¨ ‹ivatamo rasastasya bhåjayateha na¨.
U‹at∂riva måtara¨.
Like generous mothers overflowing with love for
their children, blessed women, give us here in life our
full share of the most blissful nectar that you hold for
us as the essence of nature’s gift of vitality.
16. (Apah Devata, Sindhudvipa °Rshi)
rLekÆ¿vj¯ xeke oksÆ ;L;Æ {k;k¼;Æ ftUo¼Fk A
vkiks¼ tÆu;¼Fkk p u% AAûöAA
Tasmå ara≈ gamåma vo yasya k¶ayåya jinvatha.
Åpo janayathå ca na¨.
Women, cool and blessed like heavenly waters,
as you arise for the peace and bliss of the home of the
man you love, we would provide for the joy and comfort
of him and for you too. And you too create and generate
joy and bliss for us.
17. (Ishvara Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
|kS% 'kkfUr¼jÊUrfj¼{ÆkƧ 'kkfUr¼% i`fFÆkÆoh 'kkfUÊR ÆkÆjkiÆ% 'kkfUÊR Æk&Æ
jks"k¼/;Æ% 'kkfUr¼% A ouÆLir; ¼ Æ% 'kkfUÊRkÆ Æ£o'os¼ nso
Æ k% 'kkfUÆRkÆ Æcã
Zz Æ
'kkfUÊRÆkÆ% loZƧ 'kkfUÊRÆkÆ% 'kkfUr¼ jsÊo 'kkfUÊR ÆkÆ% lk ekÆ 'kkfUr¼&
jsf/ AAû÷AA
Dyau¨ ‹åntirantarik¶a|m ‹anti¨ pæthiv∂ ‹ånti-
råpa¨ ‹åntiro¶adhaya¨ ‹ånti¨. Vanaspataya¨
‹åntirvi‹ve devå¨ ‹åntirbrahma ‹ånti¨ sarva|m
‹ånti¨ ‹åntireva ‹ånti¨ så må ‹åntiredhi.
May the heavens bring us peace. May peace be
with the skies, and may the skies shower us with peace.
May there be peace on earth, and may the earth mother
bring us peace. May there be peace with the waters,
and may the waters bring us peace. May there be peace
in the herbs, and may the herbs bring us peace. May
peace be with the trees and may the trees bring us peace.
Peace be with the divinities of the world, and may they
bless us with peace. May the Great Lord of the universe
bless us with peace, and may the Veda inspire us with
peace. May all existence be at peace and may peace
come from all existence to all. May there be peace only,
universal peace for all. May that heavenly peace come
and bless me. May It bless all.
18. (Ishvara Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
n`rsÆ n`§g¼ ek fEÆkÆ=kL;¼ ekÆ p{kq¼"kkÆ lo¼kZf.k HkwÉrkfUÆkÆ leh &¼
{kUrke~ A fEÆkÆ=kL;kÆga p{kq¼"kkÆ lo¼kZ f.k HkwÉrkfUÆkÆ leh ¼{ks A
fEÆkÆ=kL;Æ p{kq¼"kkÆ leh ¼{kkegs AAûøAA
Dæte dæ|mha må mitrasya må cak¶u¶å sarvåƒi
bhμutåni sam∂k¶antåm. Mitrasyåha≈ cak¶μu¶å
sarvåƒi bhμutåni sam∂k¶e. Mitrasya cak¶u¶å
Lord of light and power, strengthen us for a place
of honour and respect. May all the living beings view
me with the eye of a friend. May I look at all the living
beings with the eye of a friend. May we all view all
with friendly eyes of love and understanding.
19. (Ishvara Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
n`Érs n`§g¼ ek A T;ksDrs ¼ lÆUn`f'k¼ thO;klaÆ T;ksDrs ¼ lÆUn`f'k¼
thO;kle~ AAûùAA
Dæte dæ|mha må. Jyokte sandæ‹i j∂vyåsa≈ jyokte
sandæ‹i j∂vyåsam.
Lord of light, remove the veil of darkness and
illusion, strengthen me, so that I may live for ever in
the light of reality under your benign eye, live for ever
in the holy light of your benign presence.
20. (Agni Devata, Lopamudra °Rshi)
ue¼LrsÆ gj¼ls 'kksÆfp"ksÆ ue¼Lrs¿vLRoÆ£p"ks ¼ A vÆU;k¡Lrs ¼¿&
vÆLeÙk¼iUrq gsÆr;¼% ikoÆdks¿vÆLeH;¼§f'ÆkÆoks Hk¼o AAüúAA
Namaste harase ‹oci¶e namasteíastvarci¶e.
Anyå| n steíasmattapantu hetaya¨ påvakoí
asmabhya|m ‹ivo bhava.
Salutations to the Lord extinguisher of the passion
and smoke of evil, to the blazing holy fire of
sanctification! Homage be to the Lord of light adorable.
May your flames burn up the evils other than our
real selves. May the light and holy fire be good and
kind to us.
21. (Ishvara Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
ue¼Lrs¿vLrq fOÆkÆ|qrsÊ ue¼Lrs LrufÕÆkÆRuos ¼ A
ue¼Lrs HkxoUuLrqÉ ;rÆ% Lo~% lÆehg¼ls AAüûAA
Namasteíastu vidyute namaste stanayitnave.
Namaste bhagavannastu yata¨ sva¨ sam∂hase.
Homage to the lord of lightning! Homage to the
lord of thunder! Salutation to you, lord of omnipotence,
since you alone love, inspire and gather us into light
and bliss!
22. (Ishvara Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
;rks¼;r% lÆehg¼lsÆ rrks¼ uksÆ¿vHk¼;a oqQ# A
'ka u¼% oqQ# izÆtkH;ks¿Hk¼;a u% iÆ'kqH;¼% AAüüAA
Yato yata¨ sam∂hase tato noíabhaya≈ kuru. ›a≈
na¨ kuru prajåbhyoíbhaya≈ na¨ pa‹ubhya¨.
Here, there, anywhere, wherever you initiate and
inspire us, from there itself render us free and fearless.
Create peace, freedom and prosperity for our people.
Create peace, freedom and fearlessness for our animals.
Create freedom and fearlessness for us from people and
from animals.
23. (Soma Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
lqÉfEÆkÆf=ÊkÆ;k uÆ¿vkiÆ¿vks"k¼/;% lUrq nq£ef=ÆkÆ;kLrLeS ¼ lUrqÉ A
;¨ks¿Leku~ }sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a f}É"e% AAüýAA
Sumitriyå naíåpaío¶adhaya¨ santu durmi-
triyåstasmai santu. Yoísmån dve¶¢i ya≈ ca
vaya≈ dvi¶ma¨.
May the waters, pranic energies and herbs be
friendly tonics for us, and may they be antidotes to
whatsoever hates and injures us and what we hate and
disapprove. (Prayer for health against negativities.)
24. (Surya Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
Æ fg¼ra iqÉjLrk¼PNqÉØeqPp¼jr~ A i';s ¼e 'kÆjn¼% 'kÆra
thos ¼e 'kÆjn%¼ 'kÆr§ 'k`.kq¼;ke 'kÆjn¼% 'kÆra iz cz¼oke 'kÆjn¼%
'kÆrenhu¼ k% L;ke 'kÆjn¼% 'kÆra Hkw;¼'p 'kÆjn¼% 'kÆrkr~AAüþAA
Taccak¶urdevahita≈ puraståcchukram-uccarat.
Pa‹yema ‹arada¨ ‹ata≈ j∂vema ‹arada¨ ‹ata|m
‹æƒuyåma ‹arada¨ ‹ata≈ pra bravåma ‹arada¨
‹atamad∂nå¨ syåma ‹arada¨ ‹ata≈ bhμuya‹ca
‹arada¨ ‹atåt.
That light divine, blissful to the divinities, pure
and wide awake since eternity, may we continue to see
for a full hundred years, live under its benign eye for a
hundred years, hear for a hundred years, speak and
celebrate for a hundred years, and be fit and fine in a
state of freedom and independence for a hundred years,
and even more than a hundred years!

bfr "kV~¯=k'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Savita Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl
¼ o ¼ kZgÆ Hq ;ak¼ iw"É .kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
Æ ¿¨s f'ouksc
vkn¼nsÆ ukfj¼jfl AAûAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Å dade nårirasi.
In the yajnic creation of Savita, I invoke and
welcome you with the arms of Ashvins, currents of
energy, and the hands of Pushan, Mother Nature’s power
of nourishment. You are the leader of the world and
indestructible light of life.
2. (Savita Devata, Shyavashva °Rshi)
;qÉ×trsÆ eu¼¿mÆr ;q¼×trsÆ f/;ksÆ foizkÆ foiz¼L; c`gÆrks
fo¼iÆf'pr¼%A fo gks=kk¼ n/s o;qukÆfonsdÆ¿bUeÆgh nsÆoL;¼
lfOÆkÆrq% ifj¼"Vqfr% AAüAA
Yu¤jate manaíuta yu¤jate dhiyo viprå viprasya
bæhato vipa‹cita¨. Vi hotrå dadhe vayunåvidekaí
inmah∂ devasya savitu¨ pari¶¢uti¨.
Saints and scholars join their mind and intellect
with the great, omniscient and omnipresent lord of the
universe, in meditation. The One Lord alone knows the
ways and laws of the universe, He alone holds the worlds
together. This universe is the great song and celebration
of the self-manifestive lord Savita, the Creator.
3. (Dyava-prithivi Devate, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
nsoh ¼ |koki`fFkoh eÆ[kL;¼ okeÆ| f'kjks¼ jkè;kla nsoÆ;tu
¼ s
i`fFÆkÆO;k%A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ AAýAA
Dev∂ dyåvåpæthiv∂ makhasya våmadya ‹iro
rådhyåsa≈ devayajane pæthivyå¨. Makhåya två
makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe.
Brilliant heaven and generous earth, brilliant
teacher and preacher, in this divine yajna of the holy
earth to-day I worship and honour you both at the head
of the ritual. I welcome you to the yajna, and pray take
it to the top of success.
4. (Yajna Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
nsO;ks¼ oE z;ks Hkwr
É L;¼ izFkeÆtk eÆ[kL;¼ oks¿Æ | f'kjks ¼ jkè;kla
nsoÆ;t¼us i`fFÆkÆO;k%A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ AAþAA
Devyo vamryo bhμutasya prathamajå makhasya
voídya ‹iro rådhyåsa≈ devayajane pæthivyå¨
Makhåya två makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe.
Young and brilliant first graduate learned ladies,
I welcome you to-day to the top position of this divine
assembly of yajna in honour of the earth for the living
Highpriest of yajna, I welcome you for the
organisation of the yajna. I honour you for the top
success of the yajna.
5. (Yajna Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
b;ÆR;xz¼¿vklhUeÆ[kL;¼ rsÆ¿| f'kjks¼ jkè;kla nsoÆ;t¼us
i`fFÆkÆO;k%A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ AAÿAA
Iyatyagraíås∂nmakhasya teídya ‹iro rådhyåsa≈
devayajane pæthivyå¨. Makhåya två makhasya
två ‹∂r¶ƒe.
Young scholar, so much in advance of the yajna
is this offer and invitation to you today to the top position
of the ritual in the divine yajna of the earth. I honour
you for the conduct of the yajna and wish you bring it
to the top of success.
6. (Yajna Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
bUæÆL;kSt¼% LFk eÆ[kL;¼ oksÆ¿| f'kjks¼ jkè;kla nsoÆ;t¼us
i`fFÆkÆO;k%A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok
eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ AAöAA
Indrasyauja¨ stha makhasya voídya ‹iro
rådhyåsa≈ devayajane pæthivyå¨. Makhåya två
makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe. Makhåya två makhasya två
‹∂r¶ƒe. Makhåya två makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe.
Sages and scholars, I exhort you to shine in the
glory of Indra. I pray for Indra’s blessings of honour
and power in yajna. I invite and welcome you to be the
head of yajna in honour of the divines and children of
mother earth.
I invite you to the yajna of knowledge and pray
you bring it to the top of success.
I invite you to the yajna of karma and pray you
bring it to the top of success.
I welcome you to the yajna of worship and
meditation and pray you bring it to the top of success.
7. (Ishvara Devata, Kanva °Rshi)
izSrqÉ czã¼.kÆLifRÆkÆ% iz nsÆO;s~rq lwÉu`rk¼ A
vPNk¼ ohÆja u;± × iÆfƒjk¼/la nsÆok ;ÆKa u¼;Urq u%A
eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A
eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A
eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ AA÷AA
Praitu brahmaƒaspati¨ pra devyetu sμunætå.
Acchå v∂ra≈ narya≈ paΔktirådhasa≈ devå
yaj¤a≈ nayantu na¨. Makhåya två makhasya två
‹∂r¶ƒe. Makhåya två makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe.
Makhåya två makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe.
May the sagely scholar of the Veda come and
advance the yajna. May the noble ladies, scholars of
the Law of Truth and the Divine Voice, come and take
on the yajna for conduct. May the noble sages guide
our yajna and take it forward, yajna which is good and
gracious, maker of the brave, creator of great men and
women, and inspirer of the leaders of the communities.
Sage and scholar of the Veda, we welcome you
to the yajna and request you to take it to the top of
success in knowledge.
Ladies of the Law, we welcome you to the yajna
and we request you take it to the top of success in
Dharmic values.
Noble saints and scholars, we welcome you to
the yajna for meticulous conduct of it and pray you take
it to the top of success in the advancement of culture,
good conduct and civilized manners.
8. (Yajna Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)

eÆ[kL;Æ f'kjks¼¿fl A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A

eÆ[kL;Æ f'kjks¼¿fl A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A
eÆ[kL;Æ f'kjks¼¿fl A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A
eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A
eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A
eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ AAøAA
Makhasya ‹iroísi. Makhåya två makhasya två
‹∂r¶ƒe. Makhasya ‹iroísi. Makhåya två makhasya
två ‹∂r¶ƒe. Makhasya ‹iroísi. Makhåya två
makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe.
Makhåya två makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe. Makhåya två
makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe. Makhåya två makhasya två
You are at the head of yajna, dedicated to the yajna
of Brahmacharya. We exort you to take it to the top of
You are at the helm of the household, we commit
you to the yajna of intelligent, creative and cooperative
social action, and and wish and pray for you that you
take it to the top of success.
You are at the head of the yajna of thinking and
meditation, we elect you to the yajnic task of research,
discovery and invention, and we hope and pray that you
take it to the heights of achievement.
You are of the yajna, for the yajna, destined to be
on top.
You are of the yajna, for the yajna, destined to
take it to the top of success.
You are born of yajna, trained for yajna,
committed to yajna, and destined to reach the top and
take it to the top of success.
9. (Vidvan Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
v'o¼L; RokÆ o`".k¼% 'kÆDuk /w¼i;kfe nsoÆ;t¼us i`fFÆkÆO;k%A
eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A
v'o¼L; RokÆ o`".k¼% 'kÆDuk /w¼i;kfe nso;Æ t¼us i`fFÆkÆO;k%A
eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A
v'o¼L; RokÆ o`".k¼% 'kÆDuk /w¼i;kfe nsoÆ;t¼us i`fFÆkÆO;k%A
eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok
'khÆ".ksZ A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok
eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ AAùAA
A‹vasya två v涃a¨ ‹aknå dhμ u payåmi
devayajane pæthivyå¨. Makhåya två makhasya
två ‹∂r¶ƒe. A‹vasya två v涃a¨ ‹aknå dhμupayåmi
devayajane pæthivyå¨. Makhåya två makhasya
två ‹∂r¶ƒe. A‹vasya två v涃a¨ ‹aknå dhμupayåmi
devayajane pæthivyå¨. Makhåya två makhasya
två ‹∂r¶ƒe. Makhåya två makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe.
Makhåya två makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe. Makhåya två
makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe.
With the speed of the Ashvins and the generosity
of Pusha, I season you for the yajna of the divinities of
the earth. We want you for the yajna, we select you for
the conduct of the yajna to the top of success for us.
With the energy and generosity of Indra, I temper
you for the yajna of the divine powers of the skies. We
select you for the yajna, we elect you for the yajna to
take it to the top of success for us.
With the light and generosity of Savita, lord of
sun-beams, I enlighten you for the yajna of the divinities
of heaven. We elect you for the yajna, we consecrate
you for the yajna to lead the yajna to the top of success
for us
Of the yajna, for the yajna, we want you, we select
you for the top of success.
You are of the yajna, you are for the yajna. We
select you, we elect you for the top of success.
Of the yajna you are, for the yajna you are. We
elect and consecrate you for the top of success for
yourself, for us and for the yajna itself.
10. (Vidvan Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
½Ætos¼ Rok lkÆ/os¼ Rok lqf{ÆkÆR;S Rok¼ A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼
Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ A eÆ[kk;¼ Rok
eÆ[kL;¼ Rok 'khÆ".ksZ AAûúAA
°Rjave två sådhave två suk¶ityai två. Makhåya
tvnå makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe. Makhåya två
makhasya två ‹∂r¶ƒe. Makhåya två makhasya två
Sagely scholar, for the simple and natural people,
we want you. For the virtuous and the excellent, and
for social good we elect you. For the sake of happy
homes, we consecrate you. We want you for the yajna,
and select you for the top success of yajna.
We select you for yajna. We elect you for yajna,
for the top success of it.
We elect you for the yajna. We consecrate you
for the top success of the yajna.
11. (Savita Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
;Æek;¼ Rok eÆ[kk;¼ Rok lw;×Z L; RokÆ ri¼ls A nsÆoLRok¼
lfOÆkÆrk eèok¼uDrq i`fFÆkÆO;k% lƧ Li`'k¼Likfg A vÆ£pj¼fl
'kksÆfpj¼fLÆkÆ riks¼¿fl AAûûAA
Yamåya två makhåya två sμuryasya två tapase.
Devastvå savitå madhvånaktu pæthivyå¨
sa|mspæ‹aspåhi. Arcirasi ‹ocirasi tapoísi.
For law and social justice, for yajna and social
cooperation, and for the discipline of piety in the service
of the Sun, light of the universe, may the self-effulgent
Savita, creator and generator of life, bless you with the
honey-sweets of the earth. Protect yourself and us from
the pollution of sin. You are the light of brilliance. You
are the light of purity. You are the tempering fire of the
austerity of Dharma.
12. (Prithivi Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
vuk¼/`"Vk iqÉjLrk¼nÆXusjkf/¼iR;Æ¿vk;q¼esZ nk%A iqÉ=ko¼rh
nf{k.kÆr¿bUæÆL;kf/¼iR;s izÆtka es¼ nk% A lqÉ"knk¼ iÆ'pkíso Æ L;¼
lfOÆkÆrjq kf/¼iR;sÆ p{kq¼eZs nkÆ%A vkJq¼fr#ÙkjÊrks /kÆrjq kf/¼iR;s
jkÆ;Liks"ka ¼ es nk% A fo/f`¼ r#Æifj¼"VkÆn~ c`gÆLirsÆjkf/i
¼ R;Æ¿vkstks¼
es nkÆ%A fo'ok¼H;ks ek ukÆ"VªkH;¼LikfgÆ euksÆj'ok¼fl AAûüAA
AnåŒh涢å purastådagnerådhipatyaíåyurme då¨.
Putravat∂ dak¶iƒataíindrasyådhipatye prajå≈ me
då¨. Su¶adå pa‹cåddevasya saviturådhipatye
cak¶urme då¨. Å‹rutiruttarato dhåturådhipatye
råyaspo¶a≈ me då¨. Vidhætirupari¶¢ad
bæhaspaterådhipatyaíojo me då¨. Vi‹våbhyo må
n嶢råbhyaspåhi manora‹våsi.
Mother Earth, unassailable and unviolated, from
the east, under the rule and laws of Agni, bless me with
life and age.
Mother of brave children, from the south, under
the rule and supremacy of Indra, bless me with children.
Blessed home for humanity, from the west, under
the rule and supremacy of Savita, bless me with light of
the eyes.
Universal listener, praised and admired all round,
from the north, under the rule and supremacy of the
lord sustainer of the world, bless me with health and
Mother of constancy, from above, under the rule
and supremacy of Brihaspati, bless me with the light
and lustre of life.
You are the Queen omnipresent in the heart and
mind, protect me from the defilement and pollutions of
the world.
13. (Vidvans Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
Lokgk¼ eÆ#f‰É% ifj¼Jh;Lo fnÆo% lƧ Li`'k¼Likfg A
e/qÉ e/qÉ e/q¼ AAûýAA
Svåhå marudbhi¨ pari ‹r∂yasva diva¨
sa|mspæsaspåhi. Madhu madhu madhu.
Man of knowledge, with truth of word and deed,
shine as a flame with the children of the earth, mix with
them and provide all round sustenance. Save the earth
from the scorching blaze of the sun. May knowledge
be holy sweet. May karma be honey-sweet. May worship
be heavenly sweet. May life be honey-sweet.
14. (Ishvara Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
xHkksZ× nsÆokuak¼ fIÆkÆrk e¼rhÆuka ifr¼% izÆtkuk¼e~ A
la nsÆoks nsÆosu¼ lfOÆkÆ=kk x¼rÆ l§ lw;×sZ .k jksprs AAûþAA
Garbho devånåm pitå mat∂nå≈ pati¨ prajånåm.
Sa≈ devo devena savitrå gata sa|m sμuryeƒa
The Origin of divinities, father of the wise,
sustainer of His children, light of the universe, pervading
the brilliant sun, giver of light and sustainer of life, the
Lord shines all over, self-manifested. Know Him, be
with Him, go with Him.
15. (Agni Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
leÆfXujÊfXuuk¼ xrÆ la nSos¼u lfOÆkÆ=kk l§lw;sZ ×.kkjksfp"V A
LokgkÆ leÆfXuLri¼lk xrÆ la nSO;s¼u lfOÆkÆ=kk l§lw;sZ ×.kk&
:#pr AAûÿAA
Samagniragninå gata sa≈ daivena savitrå sa|m
sμuryeƒåroci¶¢a. Svåhå samgnistapaså gata sa≈
daivyena savitrå sa|m sμuryeƒårμurucata.
Agni, heat and vitality of fire, burns and shines
in the world in unison with Agni, universal heat and
light of Divinity, in unison with the Supreme Savita,
creator of life (from whom the heat and vitality emanates
to the fire), and in unison with the brilliant sun (who
receives the emanation of light from Savita and radiates
it to the fire).
Agni, Supreme Creator of light and life, pervades
the heat of fire, being one with it; inspires the divine
creative and generative power of nature, being one with
it, and blazes as one with the sun, and thus illuminates
the universe with His self-effulgent glory.
This is the voice of Divinity, in truth of word and
16. (Ishvara Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
/ÆÙkkZ fnÆoks fo Hkk¼fRÆkÆ ri¼lLi`fFÆkÆO;ka /ÆÙkkZ nso
Æ ks nso
Æ kukÆe&
e¼R;ZLriksÆtk%A okp¼eÆLes fu;¼PN nsokÆ;qo¼e~ AAûöAA
Dhartå divo vi bhåti tapasaspæthivyå≈ dhartå
devo devånamamartyastapojå¨. Våcamasme ni
yaccha devåyuvam.
The self-effulgent wielder of the heavens,
controller of the heat and light of the universe, sustainer
of the divinities of nature, and lord immortal manifesting
through His passion for existence, shines on the earth,
thunders in the skies and blazes in the stars.
Saint and sagely scholar, give us that voice and
vision which may lead us to the life divine.
17. (Ishvara Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vi¼';a xksÆikefu¼i|ekuÆek pÆ ijk¼ p iÆfFkfHÆkÆ'pj¼Ure~ A
l lÆ/zhphÆ% l fo"kw¼phÆoZlk ¼u Æ¿vko ¼jho£ÙÆk Æ Hkqo¼us&
"oÆUr% AAû÷AA
Apa‹ya≈ gopåmanipadyamånamå ca parå ca
pathibhi‹carantam. Sa sadhr∂c∂¨ sa vi¶μ u -
c∂rvasånaíå var∂varti bhuvane¶vanta¨.
O that I could see that protective power divine,
unassailable and incomprehensible, which is constant
and unmoved and yet by mysterious ways vibrates
within and beyond the universe, which pervades all the
centripetal and centrifugal forces of nature in all
directions of space and whirls around in the worlds of
the universe.
18. (Ishvara Devata, Dadhyangatharvana °Rshi)
fo'ok¼lka Hkqoka irsÆ fo'o¼L; eulLirsÆ fo'oL¼ ; oplLirsÆ
loZ ×L; oplLirs A nsÆoÆJqÙoa ns¼o ?keZ nsÆoks nsÆoku~
ikÆá=kÆ izkohÆjuq¼ oka nsÆooh¼r;s A e/qÉ ekèoh¼H;kaÆ e/qÉ
ek/w¼phH;ke~ AAûøAA
Vi‹våså≈ bhuvå≈ pate vi‹vasya manasaspate
vi‹vasya vacasaspate sarvasya vacasaspate.
Deva‹ruttva≈ deva gharma devo devån
påhyatra pråv∂ranu vå≈ devav∂taye. Madhu
mådhv∂bhyå≈ madhu mådhμuc∂bhyåm.
Lord creator and sustainer of the worlds of the
universe, lord of the dynamics of universal mind, lord
of the universal voice of knowledge, lord protector of
the speech of humanity, listener of the voice of
nobilities, lord of light, self-effulgent, save the divinities
of nature and blessed souls of humanity.
Teacher and preacher, may the lord protect you
both for the sake of divine gifts of knowledge and virtue.
Give us the sweets of life with the months of
spring. Give us the sweets of knowledge and science
by the hands of Ashvinis.
19. (Ishvara Devata, Atharvana °Rshi)
âÆns RokÆ eu¼ls Rok fnÆos RokÆ lw;Zk¼; Rok A
mQÆèoksZ¿v¼èoÆja fnÆfo nsÆos"kq¼ /sfg AAûùAA
Hæde två manase två dive två sμuryåya två.
ªUrdhvoíadhvara≈ divi deve¶u dhehi.
Lord and Light of the universe, for the purity of
heart, for the enlightenment of mind, for the bliss of
heaven and gift of energy, and for the light of the sun
and knowledge of the stars, we meditate on you and the
divine knowledge. Lord highest of existence, advance
our yajna of love and non-violence among the divinities
of nature and humanity and bless it that it may rise to
the heavens.
20. (Ishvara Devata, Atharvana °Rshi)
fIÆkÆrk uks¼¿fl fIÆkÆrk uks ¼ cksfèÆkÆ ueL¼ rs¿vLrqÉ ek ek¼ fg§lh%A
Ro"V`¼eUrLRok lise iqÉ=kku~ iÆ'kwu~ ef;¼ /sfg izÆtkeÆLeklq¼
/sÆáfj¼"VkÆg§ lÆg i¼R;k Hkw;kle~ AAüúAA
Pitå noísi pitå no bodhi namasteíastu må må
hi|ms∂¨. Tva¶¢æmantastvå sapema putrån pa‹μun
mayi dhehi prajåmasmåsu dhehyari¶¢åí ha|m
saha patyå bhμuyåsam.
You are our father. As father, enlighten us.
Homage and worship to you. Pray injure me not. Lord
maker of the world, we are your children blest with
brilliant gifts, and we wish to be with you. Bless us
with children and animal wealth. Bless us with a noble
community, I pray, unhurt and untarnished, I may
always abide by you, my lord and protector.
21. (Ishvara Devata, Atharvana °Rshi)
vg¼% osQÆrquk¼ tq"krk¦ lqÉT;ksfRÆkÆT;ksZfr¼"kkÆ Lokgk¼ A
jkf=k¼% osQÆru
q k¼ tq"krk¦ lqT;ksfRÆkÆT;ksfZ r"¼ kkÆ Lokgk¼ AAüûAA
Aha¨ ketunå ju¶atå|m sujyotirjyoti¶å svåhå.
Råtri¨ ketunå ju¶atå|m sujyotirjyoti¶å svåhå.
May the day, our wakeful state of the soul, join
with knowledge, and may the light of our knowledge
join with the light divine in truth of word and deed.
May the night, our dream-and-sleep state of the
mind, join with knowledge, and may the light of
knowledge join with the light divine in truth of word
and deed.

bfr lIr¯=k'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Savita Devata, Atharvana °Rshi)
nsÆoL;¼ Rok lfOÆkÆr%q izl
¼ o
Æ ¿s f'ouks¼ckZÆgHq ;ak¼ iwÉ".kks gLrkH¼ ;ke~A
vknnsÆ¿fn¼R;S jkLuk¼¿fl AAûAA
Devasya två savitu¨ prasaveí‹vinorbåhubhyå≈
pμu¶ƒo haståbhyåm. Å dadeídityai råsnåísi.
In the yajnic creation of Savita, universal creator
and progenitor, I take you unto me with the procreative
powers of the Ashvins, sun and moon, and the sustaining
powers of Pusha, the wind. You are the generous and
gracious power of Mother Nature’s fertility for
expansive growth and freedom.
2. (Sarasvati Devata, Atharvana °Rshi)
bMÆ¿,áfn¼rÆ¿,fgÆ lj¼LoÆR;sfg¼ A
vlkÆosálkÆosálkÆosfg¼ AAüAA
IŒaíehyaditaíehi sarasvatyehi. Asåvehyasåve
Come Ida, voice divine. Come Aditi, mother of
fertility. Come Sarasvati, mother of knowledge and spirit
of life’s onward flow.
And come he who seeks the voice divine, who
seeks generation and sacred growth, and who seeks
knowledge and progress.
3. (Pusha Devata, Atharvana °Rshi)
vfn¼R;SÆ jkLuk¼lhUækÆ.;k¿mÆ".kh"k¼% A
iwÉ"kk¿fl¼ ?kÆekZ;¼ nh"o AAýAA
Adityai råsnås∂ndråƒyåíu¶ƒ∂¶a¨. Pμ u ¶åsi
gharmåya d∂¶va.
Pushan, like the protective head-gear and the
graceful crown of life, you are the giver of noble policy
for the progress of society.
You are the mother spirit of nourishment and
growth. Give us, we pray, give for the sake of yajna,
sanctity, piety and humanity.
4. (Sarasvati Devata, Atharvana °Rshi)
vÆf'oH;ak¼ fiUoLoÆ lj¼LoR;S fiUoÆLosUæk¼; fiUoLo A
LokgsUæ¼oÆr~ LokgsUæ¼oÆr~ LokgsUæ¼or~ AAþAA
A‹vibhyå≈ pinvasva sarasvatyai pinvasve-
ndråya pinvasva. Svåhendravat svåhendravat
Grow for Sarasvati in dynamic knowledge and
wisdom, for Indra in dignity and power, and for the
Ashvins in beauty and glory of the nation.
In truth of word and deed, be like Indra in
In truth of word and deed, be like Indra in power.
In truth of word and deed, be like Indra in beauty
and vitality.
5. (Vak Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
;LrsÆ Lru¼% 'k'kÆ;ks ;ks e¼;ksÆHkw;ksZ jR¼ uÆ/k ol
¼ qÉfo|% lqÉn=k¼%A
;suÆ fo'okÆ iq";¼fLÆkÆ ok;Zk¼f.ÆkÆ lj¼LofRÆkÆ rfEÆkÆg /kr¼os¿d%A
mÆoZ¨Urfj¼{kÆeUos¼fe AAÿAA
Yaste stana¨ ‹a‹ayo yo mayobhμuryo ratnadhå
vasuvidya¨ sudatra¨. Yena vi‹vå pu¶yasi våryåƒi
sarasvati tamiha dhåtaveí ka¨. Urvanta-
Sarasvati, like the mother’s breast which
overflows for the baby, which is blissful, and which is
a generous jewel box of the choicest gifts of life, is your
gift of the Word and Vision, which is supremely
generous, and by which you feed the entire humanity.
That stream of voice and vision, mother, let flow
here on earth for the nourishment of your children so
that I too may follow the voice and rise to the vast skies.
6. (Ashvins Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
xkÆ;Æ=ka NUnks¼¿fLÆkÆ =kS"Vq¼HkaÆ NUnks¼¿fLÆkÆ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆohH;ak¼ RokÆ
ifjx ¼ Ê
` kE;ÆUrfj{¼ ksÆ.kksi;
¼ PNkfe A bUæk¼f'oukÆ e/qu¼ % lkjÊ?kL;¼
?kÆe± ik¼rÆ ol¼oksÆ ;t¼rÆ okV~ A LokgkÆ lw;Z×L; jÊ'e;s¼
o`f"ÆVÆou¼;s AAöAA
Gåyatra≈ chandoísi trai¶¢ubha≈ chandoísi
dyåvåpæthiv∂bhya≈ två pari gæhƒamya-
ntarik¶eƒopayacchåmi. Indrå‹vinå madhuna¨
såraghasya gharma≈ påta vasavo yajata va¢.
Svåhå sμuryasya ra‹maye v涢ivanaye.
Happy bride, you are bright and joyous like the
twenty-four syllable verse of the Gayatri metre. Happy
groom, you are strong and free like the fortyfour syllable
Trishtubh metre. For the sake of heaven and earth I
accept you both as wedded couple, and I lead you home
by the paths of the sky. Like Indra and the Ashvins,
promote and advance the yajna fire of the sweets of
honey in life. Inmates of the home, perform yajna in the
home in honour of the Vasus and rays of the sun which
bring showers of rain for the earth. This is the voice of
Divinity, follow it in truth of word and deed.
7. (Vata Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
lÆeqÉæk;¼ RokÆ okrk¼;Æ Lokgk¼A lfjÆjk;¼ RokÆ okrk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ A
vÆukÆ/"`É ;k;¼ RokÆ okrk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ A vizfr/`É";k;¼ RokÆ okrk;
¼ Æ
Lokgk¼ A vÆoÆL;os¼ RokÆ okrk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ A vf'ÆkÆfEÆkÆnk;¼ RokÆ
okrk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ AA÷AA
Samudråya två våtåya svåhå. Sariråya två
våtåya svåhå. Anådhæ¶yåya två våtåya svåhå. A
pratidhæ¶yåya två våtåya svåhå. Avasyave två
våtåya svåhå. A‹imidåya två våtåya svåhå.
Wedded couple, in truth of word and deed we
accept you for the sea and the sky and the winds. In
truth of word and deed, we accept you for the flowing
waters and floods and storms. In truth of word and deed,
we accept you for courage and freedom and the social
environment. In truth of word and deed, we accept you
for irresistible power and creation of freedom from the
winds of tension. We accept you for all round protection
of body, mind and soul and the study of prana energy,
in honesty of word and deed. Surely, we accept you for
the science of food and nourishment and udana vayu,
all sustaining energy. This is the divine voice.
8. (Indra Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
bUæk¼; RokÆ olq¼ers #Ææo¼rsÆ LokgsUæk¼; Rok¿fnÆR;o¼rsÆ
LokgsUæk¼; Rok¿fHkekfRÆkÆ?us Lokgk¼ A lÆfOÆkÆ=ks Ro¼¿½HkqÉers¼
foHkqÉersÆ okt¼orsÆ LokgkÆ c`gÆLir¼;s Rok fOÆkÆ'ons¼O;korsÆ
Lokgk¼ AAøAA
Indråya två vasumate rudravate svåhendråya
tvåídityavate svåhendråya tvåíbhimåtighne
svåhå. Savitre tvåíæbhumate våjavate svåhå
bæhaspataye två vi‹vadevyåvate svåhå.
Homage to you, Indra, ruler of power, prosperity
and justice. Salutations to Indra, lord of blazing
splendour. Exhortations to you, Indra, destroyer of
enemies. All hail to you, blest with light and generosity,
supported by the wise, universally admired, and
wielding plenty of food, energy and power of defence.
Homage to you, lord of wide knowledge and wisdom
blest with divine qualities.
9. (Vayu Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
;Æek;Æ Rok¿fX¼jLors fir`ÉersÆ Lokgk¼ A
Lokgk¼ ?kÆekZ;Æ Lokgk¼ ?kÆeZ% fIÆkÆ=ks AAùAA
Yamåya tvåíΔgirasvate pitæmate svåhå. Svåhå
gharmåya svåhå gharma¨ pitre.
Hail to the lord of justice, master of law and
divinity with faith and love for traditions and the seniors.
Homage to the ruler, father and guardian of the people,
dedicated to social yajna, and himself an image of yajna.
10. (Ashvins Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
fo'okÆ¿vk'kk¼ nf{k.kÆlf}'ok¼u~ nsÆoku;k¼fMÆg A
Lokgk¼ÑrL; ?kÆeZL;Æ e/ks¼% ficref'ouk AAûúAA
Vi‹våíå‹å dak¶iƒasad vi‹vån devånayåŒiha.
Svåhåkætasya gharmasya madho¨ pibatam-
Ashvins, teachers and preachers, men and
women, in this world, enjoy the honey sweets of the
fragrant gifts of yajna from the holy materials offered
into the sacred fire.
So also the highpriest sitting south of the vedi
should offer homage of yajna for all the directions of
space and all the divinities of nature and humanity.
11. (Yajna Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
fnÆfo /k¼¿bÆea ;ÆKfEÆkÆea ;ÆKa fnÆfo /k¼%A
LokgkÆXu;s ¼ ;ÆfK;k¼;Æ 'ka ;tqH¼ ;Z% AAûûAA
Divi dhåíima≈ yaj¤amima≈ yaj¤a≈ divi dhå¨.
Svåhåígnaye yaj¤iyåya ‹a≈ yajurbhya¨.
Men and women, wedded couples, pursue this
yajna of home life, society and sacrificial ritual
wakefully in the light of the day and raise it to the regions
of the sun. Offer oblations to Agni in truth of word and
deed. Perform yajna with verses of Yajurveda for the
lovers of Yajurveda and let it emanate peace and
fragrance all round.
12. (Ashvinau Devate, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vf'o¼uk ?kÆe± ik¼rƧgk}Zk¼uÆeg¼£nÆokfHk¼:ÆfrfHk¼% A
rÆU=kkÆf;.ksÆ ueksÆ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆohH;k¼e~ AAûüAA
A‹vinå gharma≈ påta|m hårdvånamahardivå-
bhirμutibhi¨. Tantråyiƒe namo dyåvåpæthiv∂-
Ashvins, men and women, wedded couples,
promote yajna with all kinds of protection and support
day and nigh, and offer homage to the earth and heaven
and to the sun, mover of the wheel of time. Yajna is so
dear to the heart, so blissful to the soul.
13. (Ashvinau Devate, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vik¼rkeÆf'ouk¼ ?kÆeZeuqÉ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh¿v¼e§lkrke~ A
bÆgSo jkÆr;¼% lUrq AAûýAA
Apåtåma‹vinå gharmamanu dyåvåpæthiv∂í
ama|msåtåm. Ihaiva råtaya¨ santu.
May the Ashvins, winds and sun rays, men and
women, wedded couples, protect and promote the fire
of yajna and yajnic living. And may the earth and heaven
approve and advance the yajna so that here itself we
may experience all the joys and comforts of life.
14. (Dyava-prithivi Devate, Dirghatama °Rshi)
bÆ"ks fi¼UoLoksÆtsZ fi¼UoLoÆ czã¼.ks fiUoLo {kÆ=kk;¼ fiUoLoÆ
|kok¼if` FÆko
Æ hH;ak¼ fiUoLo A /ek¼ fZ l lqÉ/ekZes¼U;ÆLes u`ÉE.kkfu¼
/kj;Æ czã¼ /kj; {kÆ=ka /k¼j;Æ fo'ak¼ /kj; AAûþAA
I¶e pinvasvorje pinvasva brahmaƒe pinvasva
k¶atråya pinvasva dyåvåpæthiv∂bhyå≈ pinvasva.
Dharmåsi sudharmåímenyasme næmƒåni
dhåraya brahma dhåraya k¶atra≈ dhåraya
vi‹a≈ dhåraya.
Man of yajnic power, grow for the growth of food.
Grow for the growth of energy. Grow for the growth
and expansion of divine knowledge. Grow for the
strength and protection of the social system. Grow for
the growth and protection of the earth and the
environment. You are Dharma, the sustainer. You are
Sudharma, noble ruler and sustainer. You are the man
of love and non-violence. Hold and bring the wealths
of life for us. Sustain and support research, education
and the Brahmana. Support and strengthen organisation,
governance and the Kshatriya. Govern, support and
promote the economic system and the Vaishya producer
of wealth.
15. (Pusha & Others Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
Lokgk¼ iwÉ".ks 'kj¼lsÆ LokgkÆ xzko¼H;Æ% Lokgk¼ izfrjÊosH;¼% A
Lokgk¼ fIÆkÆr`H;¼¿mQÆèoZc¼£gH;ksZ ?keZÆiko¼H;Æ% LokgkÆ |kok¼&
i`fFÆkÆohH;kƦ LokgkÆ fo'os¼H;ks nsÆosH;¼% AAûÿAA
Svåhå pμu¶ƒe ‹arase svåhå gråvabhya¨ svåhå
pratiravebhya¨. Svåhå pitæbhyaí μ u rdhva-
barhirbhyo gharmapåvabhya¨ svåhå dyåvå-
pæthiv∂bhyå|m svåhå vi‹vebhyo devebhya¨.
Homage to gentle Pusha, sweet mother Earth,
giver of nourishment and growth. Homage to the clouds
and mountains. Homage to the reverberating caves and
skies. Homage to the forefathers and the seniors.
Homage to the higher powers of intelligence and the
sustainers of pure yajna fire. Homage to heaven and
earth. Homage to all divinities.
16. (Rudra & Others Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
Lokgk¼ #Ææk;¼ #Æægw¼r;sÆ LokgkÆ la T;ksfr¼"kkÆ T;ksfr¼% A vg¼%
osQÆrquk¼ tq"krk¦ lqÉT;ksfRÆkÆT;ksZfr¼"kkÆ Lokgk¼ A jkf=k¼% osQÆrquk¼
tq"krk¦ lqÉT;ksfRÆkÆT;ksZfr¼"kkÆ Lokgk¼ A e/q¼ gqÉrfeUæ¼res¿&
vÆXukoÆ';ke¼ rs nso ?keZÆ ue¼Lrs¿vLrqÉ ek ek¼ fg§&
lh% AAûöAA
Svåhå rudråya rudrahμutaye svåhå sa≈ jyoti¶å
jyoti¨. Aha¨ ketunå ju¶atå|m sujyotirjyoti¶å
svåhå. Råtri¨ ketunå ju¶atå|m sujyotirjyoti¶å
svåhå. Madhu hutamindratameí agnåva‹yåma
te deva gharma namasteí astu må må hi|ms∂¨.
Homage to Rudra who rallies and calls up the
Rudra prana energy (for the destruction of evil). The
light of the world joins with the light of the universe.
May the day with its lustre, beautiful light, join
with the light divine. Homage to this communion.
May the night with its beauty, soothing grace, join
with the grace divine. Salutations to this communion.
Lord of the universe, cosmic yajna, grant us a taste
of the celestial honey sweets offered into the mightiest
fire of cosmic yajna. Salutations to you!
Mighty Rudra, lord of pranic energy, lord of
justice and reckoning, pray injure us not.
17. (Agni Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vÆHkh¨ea e¼fgÆek fnoaÆ foizks¼ cHkwo lÆizFkk¼% A mÆr Jo¼lk
i`fFÆkÆoh¦l§lh¼nLo eÆgk¡üAA¿v¼fLÆkÆ jksp¼Lo nsoÆohr¼e%A
fo /wÉeeXus¿v#Æ"ka fe¼;s¼Ô l`Ét iz¼'kLr n'kZÆre~ AAû÷AA
Abh∂ma≈ mahimå diva≈ vipro babhμ u va
saprathå¨. Uta ‹ravaså pæthiv∂|m sa|m s∂dasva
mahå|níasi rocasva devav∂tama¨. Vi dhμuma-
magneíaru¶a≈ miyedhya sæja pra‹asta
Agni, inspired and expansive, this grandeur of
yours predominates the heaven and fills this earth with
Great you are indeed, most pleasing and blissful
to the divinities. Pray be settled in the vedi and shine.
Agni, lord admirable, pray create the red flames
of divine beauty (and fragrance from the vedi).
18. (Yajna Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
;k rs¼ ?keZ fnÆO;k 'kqX;k xk¼;Æ=;k¦ g¼fOÆkÆ/kZus¼ A lk
rÆ¿vkI;k; ¼ rkÆfUu"VÔk¼;rkaÆ rL;S¼ rsÆ Lokgk¼ A ;k rs ¼ ?kekZÆUrfj{¼ ksÆ
'kqX;k f=ÆkÆ"VqH;kXuh¼/sz A lk rÆ¿vkI;k¼;rkÆfUu"VÔk¼;rkaÆ rL;S¼
rsÆ Lokgk¼ A ;k rs ¼ ?keZ i`fFÆkÆO;k¦ 'kqX;k tx¼R;k¦&
lnÆL;k~ A lk rÆ¿vkI;k¼;rkÆfUu"VÔk¼;rkaÆ rL;S ¼ rsÆ
Lokgk¼ AAûøAA
Yå te gharma divyå ‹ugyå gåyatryå|m havir-
dhåne. Så taíå pyåyatå≈ ni¶¢yåyatå≈ tasyai te
svåhå. Yå te gharmåntarik¶e ‹ugyå tri¶¢u-
bhyågn∂dhre. Så taíå pyåyatå≈ ni¶¢yåyatå≈
tasyai te svåhå. Yå te gharma pæthivyå|m ‹ugyå
jagatyå|m sadasyå. Så taíåpyåyatå≈ ni¶¢yå-
yatå≈ tasyai te svåhå.
Light and spirit of yajna, the light of your bright
flames that is in heaven, in the Gayatri verses and in the
house of yajna, may that increase and may that grow
higher and stronger. For that all hail to you and homage
in worship in truth of word and deed.
The energy of your bright flames that is in the
sky, in the Trishtubh verses and in the fire, may that
increase and grow faster and stronger. For that all hail
to you and exhortation.
The heat of your bright flames that is on the earth,
in the jagati verses, and in the house of Assembly, may
that increase and grow wider and stronger. For that all
hail and exhortation to you.
19. (Yajna Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
{kÆ=kL;¼ Rok iÆjLik¼;Æ czã¼.kLrÆUoa~ ikfg A
fo'k¼LRokÆ /eZ ×.kk oÆ;euq¼Økeke lqfOÆkÆrk;Æ uO;¼ls AAûùAA
K¶trasya två paraspåya brahmaƒastanva≈ påhi.
Vi‹astvå dharmaƒå vayamanu kråmåma
suvitåya navyase.
Ruler of the land, for the protection of the people
and advancement of the nation, protect and promote
the Brahmana body of education and research. Protect
and strengthen the Kshatra body of defence and
administration. And all the people and we too support
and follow you as a matter of discipline and Raja-
Dharma for the achievement of new and newer forms
of wealth and well-being.
20. (Yajna Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
prq¼%ÏfDÆRÆkÆukZfHk¼½ZÆ rL;¼ lÆizFkkÆ% l uks ¼ fOÆkÆ'ok;q¼% lÆizFkkÆ%
l u¼% lÆokZ;q¼% lÆizFkk¼% A viÆ }s"kksÆ¿viÆ àjksÆ¿U;oz¼rL;
lf'pe AAüúAA
Catu¨sraktirnåbhirætasya saprathå¨ sa no
vi‹våyu¨ saprathå¨ sa na¨ sarvåyu¨ saprathå¨.
Apa dve¶oíapa hvaroínyavratasya sa‹cima.
Ruler, head of the national yajna of governance
and administration, well-armed you are all round in the
four directions. Centre-hold of the law and the body-
politic, you are expansive (omnipresent, as if, through
the system). Universally popular, may you attain to full
age to protect and promote us. Celebrated head of
universal development and friend of all, may you live a
full age of dignity for us. We reject hate and hostility,
crooked opposition and those committed to contrary
21. (Yajna Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
?keSZÆrÙksÆ iqjh¼"kaÆ rsuÆ o¼Z ×LoÆ pk p¼ I;k;Lo A
oÆ£¼Æ"khÆefg¼ p oÆ;ek p¼ I;kfl"khefg AAüûAA
Gharmaitatte pur∂¶a≈ tena vardhasva cå ca
pyåyasva. Vardhi¶∂mahi ca vayamå ca
Dharma, brilliant ruler and high-priest of this
blazing yajna, this nation and this yajna is the measure
of your power and potential. Grow by it and attain to
your full stature. And may we too grow by it and rise to
our full national honour and glory.
22. (Yajna Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vfp¼ØnÆn~ o`"kkÆ gfj¼eZÆgku~ fEÆkÆ=kks u n¼'kZÆr% A
l§lw;sZ×.k fn|qrnqnÆf/£UÆkÆf/% AAüüAA
Acikradad væ¶å harirmahån mitro na dar‹ata¨.
Sa|m sμuryeƒa didyutadudadhirnidhi¨.
Agni, brilliant light of cosmic yajna, roaring with
thunder, showering with the clouds, shooting as
lightning, great and glorious, universal friend, bright
and beautiful, and blazing with the sun is a jewel treasure
of wealth deep as the oceans of space.
23. (Apah Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
lqÉfEÆkÆf=ÆkÆ;k uÆ ¿vkiÆ¿vks"k¼/;% lUrq nq£ef=ÆkÆ;kLrLeS ¼
lUrqÉ ;¨ks¿Leku~ }sf"ÆVÆ ;a p¼ oÆ;a f}É"e% AAüýAA
Sumitriyå naíåpaío¶adhaya¨ santu durmi-
triyåstasmai santu yoísmån dve¶¢i ya≈ ca vaya≈
May the herbs and waters and the pranic energies
they bear be efficacious as good friends to us, and may
they carry strong antidotes for those negativities that
injure us and which we hate to suffer.
24. (Savita Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
m}É;Ure¼lÆLifjÊ Lo¨% i';¼UrÆ¿mÙk¼je~ A
nsÆoa ns¼oÆ=kk lw;ZÊex¼UeÆ T;ksfr¼#ÙkÆee~ AAüþAA
Udvaya≈ tamasaspari sva¨ pa‹yantaíuttaram.
Deva≈ devatrå sμuryamaganma jyotiruttamam.
High and higher beyond the dark, looking up to
the heavens, let us rise and reach to the sun, bright and
blazing, light supreme among the stars of the universe.
25. (Ishvara Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
,/ks¿¼ L;sf/"khÆefg¼ lÆfenf¼ LÆkÆ rstks¿¼ fLÆkÆ rstksÆ ef;¼ /sfgAAüÿAA
Edhoísyedhi¶∂mahi samidasi tejoísi tejo mayi
Lord of the universe, you are the fire. You are the
fuel. You are the furnace. You are the light and you are
the radiation.
Radiate that fire and splendour unto me. May we
grow intense radiant by the blaze of that light and fire
26. (Indra Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
;ko¼rhÆ |kok¼i`fFÆkÆoh ;ko¼Pp lÆIr flU/¼oks forfLÆFÆkÆjs A
rko¼UrfeUæ rsÆ xzg¼eÉt w kZ x`¼ÊÉkÉE;f{k¼raÆ ef;¼ x`ÊÉkÉE;f{k¼&
re~ AAüöAA
Yåvat∂ dyåvåpæthiv∂ yåvacca sapta sindhavo
vitasthire. Tåvantamindra te grahamμ u rjå
gæhƒåmyak¶ita≈ mayi gæhƒåmyak¶itam.
Indra, lord of fire and splendour, as far as the
heaven and earth abound, as far as the seven seas of
space roll on, that far do I hold on to that immortal zone
of power and splendour and receive it unto me intact
and indestructible with all my strength and energy.
27. (Yajna Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
efÕÆkÆ R;fn¼fUÆæÆ;a c`ÉgUefÕÆkÆ n{kksÆ efÕÆ kÆ Ørq¼% A ?kÆeZfLÆ=Æk&Æ
'kqfXojk¼tfr fOÆkÆjktkÆ T;ksfr¼"kk lÆg czã. ¼ kkÆ rst¼lk
lÆg AAü÷AA
Mayi tyadindriya≈ bæhanmayi dak¶o mayi
kratu¨. Gharmastri‹ugviråjati viråjå jyoti¶å
saha brahmaƒå tejaså saha.
That expansive power in me, that yajnic
efficiency of action like threefold passion of fire,
lightning and the sun shines in me with the immanence
of light, omniscience and cosmic power of Infinity.
28. (Yajna Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
i;¼lksÆ jsrÆ¿vkHk`¼raÆ rL;Æ nksg¼e'kheÆáqÙk¼jkeqÙkjkƦ lek¼eA~
fRo"k¼% laÆoD` ØRosÆ n{k¼L; rs lq"kqÉE.kL;¼ rs lq"kqE.kkfXugqÉr%A
bUæ¼ihrL; izÆtki¼frHkf{krL;Æ e/q¼erÆ¿mi¼gwrÊ¿mi¼gwrL;
Hk{k;kfe AAüøAA
Payaso retaíåbhæta≈ tasya dohama‹∂mahy-
uttaråmuttarå|m samåm. Tvi¶a¨ sa≈væk kratve
dak¶asya te su¶umƒasya te su¶umƒågnihuta¨.
Indrap∂tasya prajåpatibhak¶itasya madhumataí
upahμutaíupahμutasya bhak¶ayåmi.
From the milk of cosmic plenty, vitality is received.
We receive the shower of that vitality rising in abudance
year by year.
Lord of infinite peace and joy, for the human
observance and extension of your cosmic yajna I am
one with your light and splendour, lord of omnipotence
and bliss of life. And having invoked and fed the fire of
yajna, inspired and sanctified by the holy fire, I taste
the honey-sweets of yajna raised by the waves of Indra’s
energy, and consumed, revitalized and showered by the
sun, father and guardian of the children of divinity.

bfr v"Vk¯=k'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Prana & Others Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
Lokgk¼ izkÆ.ksH;Æ% lkf/¼ifrosQH;% A i`ÉfFÆkÆO;S LokgkÆXu;sÆ
LokgkÆUrfj¼{kk;Æ Lokgk¼ okÆ;osÆ Lokgk¼ A fnÆos LokgkÆ lw;kZ ¼;Æ
Lokgk¼ AAûAA
Svåhå pråƒebhya¨ sådhipatikebhya¨. Pæthivyai
svåhågnaye svåhåntarik¶åya svåhå våyave
svåhå. Dive svåhå sμuryåya svåhå.
This oblation is for the pranas, companions of
the soul, (at the end of life when the pranas merge with
the universal prana). This oblation is for the earth. This
is for the fire. This is for the sky. This is for the air. This
is for the heaven. This is for the sun.
This is the end of life in truth of word and deed.
(The divinities of nature take their portion of the
temporal existence of the human being when death
overtakes life.)
2. (Digadayah Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
fnÆXH;% Lokgk¼ pÆUæk;Æ LokgkÆ u{k¼=ksH;Æ% LokgkÆ¿‰Ô%
LokgkÆ o#¼.kk;Æ Lokgk¼ A ukH;SÆ Lokgk¼ iwÉrk;Æ Lokgk¼ AAüAA
Digbhya¨ svåhå candråya svåhå nak¶atrebhya¨
svåhåídbhya¨ svåhå varuƒåya svåhå. Nåbhyai
svåhå pμutåya svåhå.
This oblation is for the quarters of space, this is
for the moon, this is for the nakshatra stars, this is for
the waters, this is for the seas, this is for the navel, this
is for purification through the fire.
3. (Vak etc. Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
okÆps Lokgk¼ izkÆ.kk;Æ Lokgk¼ izkÆ.kk;Æ Lokgk¼ A p{kq¼"ksÊ
LokgkÆ p{kq¼"ksÊ LokgkÆ Jks=kk¼;Æ LokgkÆ Jks=kk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ AAýAA
Våce svåhå pråƒåya svåhå pråƒåya svåhå.
Cak¶u¶e svåhå cak¶u¶e svåhå ‹rotråya svåhå
‹rotråya svåhå.
This oblation is for speech and its purity, this is
for the breath of one nostril, this is for the breath of the
other, this is for the sight of one eye, this is for the sight
of the other, this is for the hearing by one ear, this is for
the other.
4. (Shri Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
¼ Æ% dkeÆekow¼Q¯r okÆp% lÆR;e'¼ kh; A iÆ'kwÉuk¦:ÆieUu¼L;Æ
jlksÆ ;'kÆ% Jh% J¼;rkaÆ efÕÆkÆ Lokgk¼ AAþAA
Manasa¨ kåmamåkμuti≈ våca¨ satyama‹∂ya.
Pa‹μ u nå| m rμ u pamannasya raso ya‹a¨ ‹r∂¨
‹rayatå≈ mayi svåhå.
May I get the sanctified will and resolution of
the mind. May I get the divine truth of speech. May I
beget the beautiful forms of living beings. May I get
the sweet vitality and taste of food. May all these and
honour, beauty and grace be vested in me in life again
and again.
This is the voice of the soul in truth of word and
5. (Prajapati Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
Æ ki¼fr% lfEÆHÆk;
izt Æz ek¼.k% lÆekz V~ lEHk`r
¼ ks oS'onso
Æ % l¼§lÆUuks
?kÆe%Z izo`¼DrÆLrstÆ¿m|¼r¿vkf'ÆOÆku Æ % i;¼L;kuhÆ;ek¼us ikSÆ".kks
fo¼";ÆUnek¼us ek#Ær% DyFk¼u~ A eSÆ=k% 'kj¼fl lUrkÆÕ;ek¼us
ok;ÆO;ks~ fßÉ;ek¼.k¿vkXusÆ;ks gwÉ;ek¼uksÆ okX?kqÉr% AAÿAA
Prajåpati¨ sambhriyamåƒa¨ samrå¢ sambhæto
vai‹vadeva¨ sa|msanno gharma¨ pravæktastejaí
udyataíå‹vina¨ payasyån∂yamåne pau¶ƒo
vi¶yandamåne måruta¨ klathan. Maitra¨ ‹arasi
santåyyamåne våyavyo hriyamåƒaíågneyo
hμuyamåno vågghuta¨.
Jiva, the soul, nourishing and supporting life, is
prajapati, guardian of life. Fully provided and
prosperous, it is Samrat, brilliant and sovereign. Well-
positioned in society, it is vaishhvadeva, a human
divinity. High and distinguished it is gharma, yajnic fire.
Risen to the heights, it is teja, splendour. Sanctified and
initiated in water, it is ashvina, blessed with pranic
energy. Abundant and generous, it is paushna, child of
the sun. Destroyer of enemies, it is maruta, of the winds.
Developing waters, it is maitra, generous and friendly.
Moving tempestuously, it is of the air, flying and
floating. Kindled and challenged, it is fiery. Invoked
and invited, it is vak, voice of divinity.
6. (Savita & Others Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
lÆfOÆkÆrk iz¼FkÆe¿s gU¼ uÆ¿fXu£}Érh;s¼ okÆ;Lq r`Érh;¼¿vkfnÆR;'pr
¼ FqÉ ksZ
pÆUæek¼% i×pÆe¿½Ærq% "kÆ"Bs eÆ#r¼% lIrÆes c`gÆLifr¼j"VÆeAs
fEÆkÆ=kks u¼oÆes o#¼ .kks n'kÆe¿bU漿,dknÆ'ks fo'os ¼ nsÆok
}k¼nÆ'ks AAöAA
Savitå prathameíhanníagnirdvit∂ye våyustæt∂yaí
åditya‹caturthe candramå¨ pa¤camaíætu¨
¶a¶the maruta¨ saptame bæhaspatira¶¢ame.
Mitro navame varuƒo da‹amaíindraíekåda‹e
vi‹ve devå dvåda‹e.
When the soul leaves the body, on the first stage
it goes to Savita, the sun, to Agni on the second, to
Vayu on the third, to Aditya on the fourth, to Chandrama
on the fifth, to Ritu on the sixth, to Maruts on the
seventh, to Brihaspati on the eighth, to Mitra on the
nineth, to Varuna on the tenth, to Indra on the eleventh,
and to Vishvedevas on the twelfth.
7. (Marutah Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
mÆxz'p¼ HkhÆe'pÆ èok~Ur'pÆ /qfu¼'p A
lkÆlÆàk¡'pk¼fHk;qÉXok p¼ fOÆkÆf{kiÆ% Lokgk¼ AA÷AA
Ugra‹ca bh∂ma‹ca dhvånta‹ca dhuni‹ca.
Såsahvå|n‹cåíbhiyugvå ca vik¶ipa¨ svåhå.
According to its nature and action, the soul after
death is violent or peaceful, fearful or fearless, dark or
bright, roaring or quiet, patient or impatient, cooperative
or non-cooperative, disruptive or concentrative, (and is
reborn in an appropriate form).
8. (Agni etc. Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vÆfXu§ân¼;sukÆ'kfu¼§ân;kÆxzs.k¼ i'kqÉi¯r× ÑRLuÆân¼;su HkÆoa
;ÆDuk A 'kÆo± er¼LukH;kÆeh'kk¼ua eÆU;quk¼ egknsÆoe¼Ur%
i'kZÆO;suksÆxza nsÆoa o¼fUÆkÆ"Bquk¼ ofl"BÆguqÉ% f'kXh¼fu dksÆ';k¼&
H;ke~ AAøAA
Agni|m hædayenå‹ani|m hædayågreƒa pa‹upati≈
kætsnahædayena bhava≈ yaknå. ›arva≈
matasnåbhyåm∂‹åna≈ manyunå mahådeva-
manta¨ par‹avyenogra≈ deva≈ vani¶¢hunå
vasi¶¢hahanu¨ ‹iΔg∂ni ko‹åbhyåm.
The soul comes to attain and hold Agni by the
heart, electric energy by the front part of the heart,
Pashupati Shiva by the whole heart, the kind Shiva by
the liver, the fearsome Shiva by sides of the heart, ruling
power by righteous anger, the great lord by ribs on both
sides of the chest, heat and light of spirits by the
intestines, manly excellence by the ventricles of the
9. (Ugra etc. Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
mÆxza yksfg¼rsu fEÆkÆ=k§lkSo¼Rz ;su #Ææa nkSozZ×R;sÆusUæ¯ izØhÆMsu¼
eÆ#rksÆ cys¼u lkÆè;ku~ izÆeqnk¼ A HkÆoL;Æ d.BÔ¼§#Ææ&
L;k¼Ur%ikÆ'O;± e¼gknso Æ L;Æ ;o`¼QPNÆoZL;¼ ofUÆkÆ"Bq% i¼'kqÉirs¼%
iqjhÆrr~ AAùAA
Ugra≈llohitena mitra|m sauvratyena rudra≈
daurvratyenendra≈ prakr∂Œena maruto balena
sådhyån pramudå. Bhavasya kaƒ¢hya| m
rudrasyånta¨pår‹vya≈ mahådevasya yakæ-
ccharvasya vani¶¢hu¨ pa‹upate¨ pur∂tat.
The soul comes to have hypertension by the
blood, friendliness by noble thoughts and values,
violence by negative thoughts and values, honour and
power by good conduct, strong people by power, good
people and success by love and cheerfulness. Sweetness
of the throat is the seat of praise and social appreciation.
Inside of the ribs is the seat of Rudra. The liver is the
seat of Mahadeva. The intestines are the seat of strength.
The arteries of the heart are the seat of Pashupati.
10. (Agni Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
ykse¼H;Æ% LokgkÆ ykse¼H;Æ% Lokgk¼ RoÆps Lokgk¼ RoÆps LokgkÆ
yksfg¼rk;Æ LokgkÆ yksfg¼rk;Æ LokgkÆ esnksH¼ ;Æ% LokgkÆ esnks¼H;Æ%
Lokgk¼ A ekƦlsH;Æ% Lokgk¼ ekƦlsH;Æ% LokgkÆ Luko¼H;Æ%
LokgkÆ Luko¼H;Æ% LokgkÆ¿LFkH;Æ% LokgkÆLFkH;Æ% Lokgk¼
eÆTtH;Æ% Lokgk¼ eÆTtH;Æ% Lokgk¼ A jsr¼lÆs Lokgk¼ ikÆ;osÆ
Lomabhya¨ svåhå lomabhya¨ svåhå tvace svåhå
tvace svåhå lohitåya svåhå lohitåya svåhå
medobhya¨ svåhå medobhya¨ svåhå. Må|mse-
bhya¨ svåhå må|msebhya¨ svåhå snåvabhya¨
svåhå snåvabhya¨ svåhåísthabhya¨ svåhå-
ísthabhya¨ svåhå majjabhya¨ svåhå majjabhya¨
svåhå. Retase svåhå påyave svåhå.
This oblation is for the hair in parts of the body,
this is for the hair of the whole body. This is for the
skin in parts, this for the whole. This is for blood in the
parts, this for the whole. This is for the fat in the parts,
this for the whole. This is for the flesh in parts, this for
the whole. This is for the tendons, this for the nerves.
This is for single bones, this for all. This is for the
marrow in the parts, this is for the whole marrow in the
body. This is for the semen. This is for the anus.
11. (Agni Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vkÆ;kÆlk;Æ Lokgk¼ izk;kÆlk;Æ Lokgk¼ la;kÆlk;Æ Lokgk¼
fo;kÆlk;Æ Lokgks¼|kÆlk;Æ Lokgk¼ A 'kqÉps LokgkÆ 'kksp¼rsÆ
LokgkÆ 'kksp¼ekuk;Æ LokgkÆ 'kksdk¼;Æ Lokgk¼ AAûûAA
Åyåsåya svåhå pråyåsåya svåhå sa≈yåsåya
svåhå viyåsåya svåhodyåsåya svåhå. ›uce svåhå
‹ocate svåhå ‹ocamånåya svåhå ‹okåya svåhå.
In all truth of word and deed and in all
commitment to faith: homage to the spirit of new
attainment, to effort for the new attainment, to balance
and peace in the effort and attainment, to success in
various new attainments, to effort for rising higher and
higher, to purify and purification of the body, mind
and soul.
Homage to the purifier, to the light of purification,
and all hail to the body, mind and soul for the intake of
purity from the process of purification.
12. (Agni Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
ri¼lÆs LokgkÆ rI;¼rsÆ LokgkÆ rI;¼ekuk;Æ Lokgk¼ rÆIrk;Æ
Lokgk¼ ?kÆekZ;Æ Lokgk¼ A fu"o`¼QR;SÆ LokgkÆ izk;¼f'pÙ;SÆ Lokgk¼
Hks"kÆtk;Æ Lokgk¼ AAûüAA
Tapase svåhå tapyate svåhå tapyamånåya svåhå
taptåya svåhå gharmåya svåhå. Ni¶kætyai svåhå
pråya‹cityai svåhå bhe¶ajåya svåhå.
In all truth of word and deed and in all
commitment to faith : homage to the fire of purification,
to the soul in the crucibles of purification, to the soul
receiving the light of purification, to the soul purified
and redeemed, to the heat and light of the new day, to
purity from pollution and evil, to disintegration of body
and release of the soul, to penitence and self-
introspection, and homage to new health and new
13. (Agni Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
;Æek;Æ Lokgk¿Ur¼dk;Æ Lokgk¼ e`ÉR;osÆ Lokgk¼ A czã¼.ksÆ
Lokgk¼ czãgÆR;k;SÆ LokgkÆ fo'osH¼ ;ks nso
Æ Hs ;Æ% LokgkÆ |kok&¼
i`fFÆkÆohH;kƦLokgk¼ AAûýAA
Yamåya svåhåíntakåya svåhå mætyave svåhå.
Brahmaƒe svåhå brahmahatyåyai svåhå
vi‹vebhyo devebhya¨ svåhå dyåvåpæthiv∂bhyå|m
In truth of word and deed and faith, homage to
Yama, lord of justice and reckoning. Homage to Antaka,
transcendent time that ends up everything in existence.
Homage to Death that consumes all that is born. Homage
to Brahma, the Supreme. Homage to the migration of
the soul. Homage to the divinities of existence. Homage
to Heaven and to Mother Earth.

bR;sdksupRok¯j'kks¿è;k;% AA

1. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
bZÆ'kk okÆL;~fEÆkÆn§ lo±Æ ;fRd×pÆ tx¼R;kaÆ txr~ A
rsu¼ R;ÆDrsu¼ Hkq×thFkkÆ ek x`¼/Æ% dL;¼ fLÆO ÆkƼu¼e~ AAûAA
∫‹å våsyamida|m sarva≈ yatki≈ ca jagatyå≈
jagat. Tena tyaktena bhu¤j∂thå må gædha¨ kasya
All this that is, moving in the moving universe,
is pervaded by the Ruling Lord of Existence. Therefore,
live it as given by Him, enjoy it objectively in a spirit of
detachment. Covet not anyone’s wealth. It belongs to
none (except to the Lord).
2. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
oqQÉoZUusÆosg de¼kZf.k ftthfOÆkÆ"ksPNÆr§ lek¼% A
Æ ks~¿fLÆR ÆkÆ u dEk¼ Z fyI;rsÆ ujs¼ AAüAA
,Éoa RofÕÆkÆ ukU;Fksr
Kurvanneveha karmåƒi jij∂vi¶ecchata|m samå¨.
Eva≈ tvayi nånyathetoísti na karma lipyate nare.
Only doing one’s duty here should everyone wish
to live for a full hundred years. Only this way—there is
no other way—Karma does not smear the soul of man
3. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vÆlqÉÕ;¨kZ ukeÆ rs yksÆdk¿vÆU/suÆ reÆlko`¼rk% A
rk¡Lrs izsR;kfi¼ xPNfUÆR ÆkÆ ;s osQ pk¼ReÆguksÆ tuk¼%AAýAA
Asuryå nåma te lokåíandhena tamasåvætå¨.
Tå|nste pretyåpi gacchanti ye ke cåtmahano
Surely after death and even while living,
demonical souls sunk in darkness who kill their
conscience and live only a physical existence (void of
virtue) go to those sunless regions of the world which
are covered in the impenetrable darkness of sufferance.
4. (Brahma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vus¼tÆnsoaÆQÆ eu¼lksÆ toh¼;ksÆ uSu¼ísÆok¿vk¼IuqoÆu~ iwoÊe Z "kZ×r~ A
r¼kor ¼ ks¿Æ U;kuR;sf¼ rÆ fr"BÆÙkfLeU¼ uÆiks ek¼rfÆ j'ok¼ n/kfrAAþAA
Anejadeka≈ manaso jav∂yo nainaddevåí
åpnuvan pμurvamar¶at. Taddhåvatoínyånatyeti
ti¶¢hattasminnapo måtari‹vå dadhåti.
Brahma is constant, unmoving, One and only
One, without a second, and faster than the mind. The
mind and senses cannot attain to It, although It is present
everywhere, already and always. Though still, It
surpasses and transcends others who are at the fastest
move in nature. Within It the wind holds the waters of
the universe. Within the Divine Presence the soul
performs its actions. (If somthing moves faster than the
velocity of light, it becomes omnipresent. And what is
omnipresent, is still too, because there is no space to
move through.)
5. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
rns¼tfRÆkÆ rUuSt¼fRÆkÆ rn~ nwÉjs r}¼fUÆR ÆkÆosQ A
rnÆUrj¼L;Æ loZ ×L;Æ rnqÉ lO¼kZL;kL; ckáÆr%AAÿAA
Tadejati tannaijati taddμ u re tadvantike.
Tadantarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyåsya
It moves, yet It does not move, (being
omnipresent). It is at the farthest of space, even farther,
and It is at the nearest. It is within this all, and surely It
is outside of all this.
6. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)

;Lrq lo¼kZ f.k HkwÉrkU;kÆReUusÆokuqÉi';¼fr A

lÆoÆHZ kwÉr"s kq¼ pkÆRekuaÆ rrksÆ u fofp¼fdRlfrAAöAA
Yastu sarvåƒi bhμutånyåtmannevånupa‹yati.
Sarvabhμute¶u cåtmåna≈ tato na vi cikitsati.
One who sees all the forms of existence existing
within the Supreme Soul, and the Supreme Soul
immanent in all the forms of being, suffers from no doubt
or illusion (and holds on to faith).
7. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
;fLÆEÆkÆURlo¼kZf.k HkwÉrkU;kÆReSokHkw¼f}tkuÆr%A
r=kÆ dks eksgÆ% d% 'kkso¼Q¿,dÆRoe¼uqÉi';r¼%AA÷AA
Yasmintsarvåƒi bhμutånyåtmaivåbhμudvijånata¨.
Tatra ko moha¨ ka¨ ‹okaíekatvamanupa‹yata¨.
In the state of knowledge wherein the knower
knows all the forms of being as pervaded by the same
One Soul, how can there be any illusion or suffering
for the person who sees the same Unity in existence
8. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
l iÕÕZk¼xkPNqÉØe¼dkÆ;e¼ozÆ.ke¼LukfOÆkÆj§'kqɼeik¼ifo¼e~ A
dÆfoE ¼kZuhÆ"kh i¼fjÆHkw% Lo¼;ÆEHkw;¼kFZ kkrF;Ærks¿vFkkZÆu~ O;~n/k&
PNk'oÆrhH;Æ% lek¼H;% AAøAA
Sa paryagåcchukramakåyamavraƒam asnåvi-
ra| m ‹uddhamapåpaviddham. Kavirman∂¶∂
paribhμ u ¨ svayambhμ u ryåthåtathyatoíarthån
vyadadhåcchå‹vat∂bhya¨ samåbhya¨
The Supreme Soul is omnipresent, omnipotent,
without body, without any flaw, without sinews, pure,
sinless, visionary poetic creator and omniscient, existent
in the heart and mind of all, transcendent, self-existent,
who for the infinite ages of eternity creates, organises,
reveals and sustains all the forms of existence as they
are and ought to be.
9. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vÆU/UreÆ% iz fo¼'kfUÆR ÆkÆ ;s¿l¼EHkwfreqÉikl¼rs A
rrksÆ Hkw;¼¿boÆ rs reksÆ ;¿mÆ lEHkw¼R;k¦ jÆrk%AAùAA
Andha≈ tama¨ pra vi‹anti yeísambhμ u tim-
upåsate. Tato bhμ u ya iva te tamo yaíu
sambhμutyå|m ratå¨
Down into the darkest dark do they fall who
worship only the primordial prakriti. Still deeper and
darker do they fall who worship only the existential
forms and are lost therein.
10. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vÆU;nsÆokgq% lE¼ HkÆoknÆU;nk¼gÉjq l¼EHkokr~ A
bfr¼ 'kqJqeÆ /hjk¼.kkaÆ ;s uÆLrf}¼ppf{ÆkÆjs AAûúAA
Anyadevåhu¨ sambhavådanyadåhurasam-
bhavåt. Iti ‹u‹ruma dh∂råƒå≈ ye nastad-
Different is the result, they say, from primordial
prakriti, and different is the result, they say, from the
existential forms. This have we heard from the Wise
who revealed it to us.
11. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
lEHkw¼¯r p foukÆ'ka pÆ ;Lr}snksÆHk;¼§ lÆg A
fOÆkÆukÆ'ksu¼ e`ÉR;qa rhÆRokZ lEHkw¼R;kÆer
` ¼e'uqrs AAûûAA
Sambhμuti≈ ca vinå‹a≈ ca yastadvedobhaya|m
saha. Vinå‹ena mætyu≈ t∂rtvå sambhμ u tyå-
One who knows the immortal/constant primordial
and the mortal/mutable existential and knows that
Supreme Spirit along with both, masters the facts of
death by the mortal and realizes the immortal by the
12. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vÆU/UreÆ% iz fo¼'kfUÊR ÆkÆ ;s¿fo¼|keqÉik¼lrs A
rrksÆ Hkw;¼¿boÆ rs reksÆ ;¿m¼ fOÆkÆ|k;k¼¦jÊrk%AAûüAA
Andha≈ tama¨ pra vi‹anti yeívidyåmupåsate.
Tato bhμuya iva te tamo yaíu vidyåyå|m ratå¨.
Down into the darkest dark do they fall who
worship Avidya, i.e., illusion, or mere karma (action).
Still deeper, and darker do they fall who are lost in
Vidya, i.e., knowledge without reference to karma or
the reality content of it.
13. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vÆU;nsÆokgq£OÆkÆ|k;k¼¿vÆU;nk¼gÉjq fo¼|k;k% A
bfr¼ 'kqJqeÆ /hjk¼.kkaÆ ;s uÆLrf}¼ppf{ÆkÆjs AAûýAA
Anyadevåhurvidyåyåíanyadåhuravidyåyå¨. Iti
‹u‹ruma dhiråƒå≈ ye nastadvicacak¶ire.
Different is the result of Vidya, they say, and
different is the result of Avidya, they say. This we have
heard from the wise who revealed the difference of both
to us.
14. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
fOÆkÆ|ka pkfo¼|ka pÆ ;Lr}snksÆHk;¼§lÆg A
vfo¼|;k e`ÉR;aq rhÆRokZ fOÆkÆ|;kÆer
` ¼e'uqrs AAûþAA
Vidyå≈ cåvidyå≈ ca yastadvedobhaya|m saha.
Avidyayå mætyu≈ t∂rtvå vidyayåí mætama‹nute.
One who knows Vidya, i.e., the constant reality
and the knowledge of it, and Avidya, i.e., illusion, for
what it really is, and Karma including the order of
change, and knows that Supreme Spirit along with both
Vidya and Avidya, masters the reality and meaning of
death by Avidya, and realises Immortality by Vidya.
15. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
okÆ;qjfu¼yeÆer` ÆeFksÆna HkLek¼UrƧ'kjhj¼ e~ A
vksýe~ Ørks ¼ Lej A fDÆYÆkÆcs Le¼j A ÑÉr§Le¼j AAûÿAA
Våyuranilamamætamatheda≈ bhasmånta| m
‹ar∂ram. Om krato smara. Klibe smara. Kæta|m
The end of the body is ash. The prana-vayu
merges with the cosmic energy. And this soul is
O soul, remember Om, Supreme Soul of
Existence. Agent of Karma, remember your karma.
Remember both these to realise your real form and
16. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
vXusÆ u;¼ lqÉiFkk¼ jkÆ;s¿vÆLeku~ fo'ok¼fu nso oÆ;quk¼fu
fOÆkÆ}ku~ A ;qÉ;kÆsè;¨LeTtq¼gqjkÆ.kesuksÆ Hkwf;¼"Bka rsÆ ue¼¿m¯Dr
fo/se AAûöAA
Agne naya supathå råyeíasmån vi‹våni deva
vayunåni vidvån. Yuyodhyasmajjuhuråƒameno
bhμuyi¶¢hå≈ te nama ukti≈ vidhema.
Agni, brilliant lord omniscient of all the laws and
ways of existence, lead us to the wealth of life by the
right path of honesty and simplicity. Remove from us
all sin and crookedness. We sing the most joyous songs
of celebration in praise of you. Homage to you again
and again.
17. (Atma Devata, Dirghatama °Rshi)
fgÆjÊ.e;s¼uÆ ik=ks ¼.k lÆR;L;kfi¼fgraÆ eq[k¼e~ A ;ks¿Æ lkok¼fnÆR;s
iq#¼ "kÆ% lks¨¿lkoÆge~ A vksýe~ [ka czã¼ AAû÷AA
Hiraƒmayena påtreƒa satyasyåpihita≈ mukham.
Yoí såvåditye puru¶a¨ soí såvaham. Om kha≈
The face of truth is covered by a golden veil. The
veil is removed by the Lord of golden glory.
The life and light that shines in the sun is that
Supreme Purusha. That is there, and that is here in me.
Om is the saviour. Om is Brahma, Brahma is
infinite, sublime.

bfr pRok¯j'kks¿è;k;% AA

Swami Dayananda has accepted this version of
Yajurveda chapter 40. There is another version, which
is also accepted as Ishopanishad, and that has eighteen
mantras. That version from mantra 15 to mantra 18 is
given below:
15. The face of truth is covered with a golden
veil (the veil of Prakrti). That veil, O Lord preserver
and promoter of life, unveil so that we may see the Truth
and eternal Dharma.
16. Lord giver of life and protection, universal
guide, eternal light, lord of creation, Sole Lord, one and
absolute, universal Eye, seer omniscient, gather up your
light for me. The splendour that is yours is the most
auspicious and sublime form I see. The light that shines
in the sun is the Purusha. That is there, That is in me.
17. The end of the body is ash. The breath of life
goes to eternal energy. The soul is immortal. O soul,
remember Om. Remember your karma. Lord of yajna,
agent of karma, remember the actions performed.
18. Agni, light of life, lead us on by the right path
to the wealth of life. Brilliant lord omniscient of all laws
and ways of existence, and all our thoughts and deeds,
remove from us all sin and crookedness. We sing songs
of celebration in praise of you. Homage to you again
and again
Note: In the Vaidic tradition of religious
studies, thought and practice specially after Swami
Shankaracharya, three works have been prominent. They
are: Vedanta Sutras, Upanishads, and the Gita. The three
together are known as Prasthana-trayi, and summed up
as ‘Vedanta’ in popular parlance. And Vedanta is
sometimes understood to be an ‘End of the Vedas’, a
‘take off’ and even a substitute for the Vedas. For the
information of the dedicated readers it is important to
mention that:
1. The Vedanta Sutras are an extensive
commentary on the closing words of Yajurveda. The
closing words of Yajurveda are: Om Kham Brahma. And
the opening words of Vedanta Sutras are: Athåto
Brahma Jij¤åsa
Which means: And now, an enquiry into the
nature of Brahma. Clearly the Vedanta Sutras are an
extensive act of meditation on the open-ended close of
Yajurveda. Similarly Mandukyopanishad also is an
expansive act of meditation on OM, the first of the
closing words quoted above and Yajurveda (40, 15): Om
Krato Smara.
2. Chief among Upanishads for the common
reader are Ishopanishad and Mandukyopanishad.
Ishopanishad is a literal version of the closing chapter
of Yajurveda, and Mandukya, an act of meditation on
3. The Gita is a call to action, an extensive
commentary on the second mantra of the closing chapter
of Yajurveda:
Kurvanneveha karmåƒi jijivi¶ecchatam samå¨,
Evam tvayi nånyatheto’sti na karma lipyate nare.
Prasthana-trayi thus is neither the ‘End of the
Vedas’, nor a substitute, nor a take off. Each work is a
continuation of Vedic studies in its own context of
meditation, meditative teaching, and a rousing call to
action in a situation of karmic crisis.
The three are, thus, not a departure from the
Vedas, they are a homage to the Vedas.


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