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Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod, City of Angeles, that:

Section 1. Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the CLIMATE


Section 2. Declaration of Policy.

A. The City of Angeles recognizes the vulnerability of the

country and its local communities to potential dangerous
consequences of climate change such as rising sea levels,
changing landscapes, increasing frequency and severity of
droughts, floods and storms, climate-related illnesses and
diseases, damage to ecosystems, biodiversity loss that affect
the country’s environment, culture and economy. Hence, the
city shall cooperate with the national agencies and local
communities in the resolution of climate change issues,
including risk reduction.

B. The City Government shall strive to:

1. Systematically integrate the concept of climate

change in various phases of policy formulation,
development plans, poverty reduction strategies and
other development tools techniques by all agencies and
instrumentalities of the city government;

2. Enjoin the participation of different stakeholders

from the local governments and agencies, businesses,
non-government organizations (NGOs), local communities
and the public to prevent and reduce the adverse impacts
of climate change and, at the same time, maximize the
benefits of climate change and to enter into LGU
collaboration in addressing the issue on climate change in
terms of watershed management and river basin

3. Strengthen, integrate, consolidate and

institutionalize local government initiatives to achieve
coordination in the implementation of plans and programs
to address climate change in the context of sustainable

4. Promote the integration of the topics on

Environmental Management and Climate Change in the
basic education curriculum of schools operating within the
City in cooperation with the appropriate authorities such
as the Department of Education and private education
institutions; and

5. Empower and capacitate the community by making

available the access to and use of knowledge,
information, training and education, and technology in
addressing the issue of climate change.

Section 3. The Powers and Functions of City Environment

and Natural Resources Office (CENRO). The herein functions
and powers of CENRO under Republic Act 7160 are hereby adopted,
CENRO is hereby designated as the lead agency in the
implementation of this ordinance.

Section 4. Additional Powers and Functions of City

Environment and Natural Resources Office. The CENRO shall
now have additional powers and functions:

A. Facilitate the formulation of the Angeles City Climate

Change Action Plan and shall include, the following inter alia:

1. Vulnerability Audit which includes a city-wide

assessment of the city impact of climate change,
identification of the most vulnerable communities/areas
including ecosystems; and the assessment and
management of risk;

2. City Climate Change Adaptation Action Agenda

which includes the identification of priority initiatives for
climate change adaptation along the following concerns:
food security, infrastructure development, water
sufficiency, environmental sustainability, etc;

3. Climate-Proofing which includes activities to

strengthen the capacity and capability of implementing
offices/agencies, barangays and communities of the City
for local adaptation planning, implementation and
monitoring of climate change initiatives in vulnerable
communities and areas. This will include community-
based training and public information on the incorporation
of climate change adaptation plans in the existing disaster
risk reduction and management plans and development
plans of the barangays;

B. Establish a data bank with updates on the hazard profile

of the 33 barangays in the city and to analyze data on man-
made disasters for public safety studies which can be done by
universities and colleges with funding support from the city;

C. Undertake pilot initiatives with the assistance of the City’s

financial sector to develop risk transfer instruments to enable
the generation of financial resources for climate change
adaptation and mitigation efforts, including compensation for
long-term loss and damage from climate change;

Section 5. Creation of the City Climate Change Council. A

Council is hereby created, which shall be called the City Climate
Change Council (CCCC).

A. The CCCC shall be multi-sectoral and composed of the


a. City Mayor as Chairperson;

b. Representative from the academe as Vice-
c. Chairperson of the Committee on Climate Change
Adaptation of the Sangguniang Panlungsod and
d. City Environment and Natural Resources Office;
e. City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
f. City Planning and Development Office (CPDO)
g. City Agriculture Office (CAO);
h. City Information Office
i. City Engineer’s Office (CEO);
j. City Health Office (CHO);
k. President of the League of Barangays in the City;
l. Representative from the Civil Society Organizations;
m. Representative from the Indigenous Peoples;
n. Representative from the business sector;
o. Representative from the Angeles City Police Office;
p. Representative from the Sangguniang Kabataan

Section 6. Powers and Functions of the City Climate Change

A. Recommend legislation, policies, strategies, programs on
and appropriations for, climate change adaptation and
mitigation and other related activities in the City;

B. Coordinate with the different national agencies, including

the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, and
other public and private entities to address the City’s
vulnerability to climate change impacts and propose measures
for the long-term adaptation of the City to these impacts,
including the consideration of the piloting of risk transfer
instruments and other mechanisms to address long-term loss
and damage from climate change;

C. Formulate the mechanism of integrating in the basic

education curriculum the topics on Environmental Management
and Climate Change;

D. Formulate strategies and actions on reducing greenhouse

gas (GHG) emissions and other anthropogenic causes of climate
change in the City piloting in the process a low-emission
development strategy applicable to mid-size urban areas and a
viable renewable energy program.

Section 7. Source of Fund. The Funding requirement of this

program shall be chargeable against the 20% Development Fund and
the 5% Calamity Fund and other sources of funds available in the city
appropriated for the purpose.

Section 8. Incentives and Awards System.

A. The City shall establish and institutionalize an incentive

and awards system to encourage the implementation of plans
and programs by Barangays, non-government organizations
(NGOs) and people’s organizations (POs) to address climate
change in the context of sustainable development;

B. The incentives shall come in the form of financial and

technical assistance for projects that adapt to, and mitigate the
impacts of, climate change and contribute to the reduction of
carbon emissions.

C. There shall be an annual awards for best practices by

category: Barangays, NGOs and POs.
Section 9. Mandatory Publication and Information
Dissemination. This Ordinance shall be published for three (3)
consecutive weeks in three local newspapers which have been in
general circulation in the city for at least one year chosen by raffle
and copies of which shall also be furnished to all Barangay Captains
who shall cause their Purok federation presidents to disseminate the
same to all Purok presidents who shall in turn disseminate the
information to the residents. All sectors are enjoined to help in
disseminating information about this ordinance.

Section 10. Implementing Rules and Regulations. Within one

hundred twenty (120) days after the approval of this Ordinance, the
Council shall, upon consultation with the different local government
units, government agencies, private sector, NGOs and civil society,
promulgate the implementing rules and regulations of this Ordinance:
Provided, that failure to issue rules and regulations shall not in any
manner affect the executory nature of the provisions of this

Section 11. Separability. If for any reason any section or

provision of this Ordinance is declared as unconstitutional or invalid,
the other sections or provisions hereof shall not be affected thereby.

Section 12. Repealing Clause. All ordinances, rules and

regulations, and other issuances or parts thereof which are
inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed or modified

Section 13. Effectivity. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen

days (15) days after the completion of its publication.

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