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Artificial Intelligence MCQ Quiz

Take Artificial Intelligence Quiz To test your Knowledge

Below are few Artificial Intelligence MCQ test that checks your basic knowledge of Artificial Intelligence.
This Artificial Intelligence MCQ Test contains around 20 questions of multiple choice with 4 options. You
have to select the right answer to a question. You can see the correct answer by clicking view answer link.

Also, Read Best Artificial Intelligence interview questions.

Q1. An Artificial Intelligence system developed by Terry A. Winograd to permit an

interactive dialogue about a domain he called blocks-world.


Q2. What is Artificial intelligence?

A. Programming with your own intelligence

B. Putting your intelligence into Computer
C. Making a Machine intelligent
D. Playing a Game

Q3. DARPA, the agency that has funded a great deal of American Artificial Intelligence
research, is part of the Department of:

A. Education
B. Defense
C. Energy
D. Justice

Q4. Who is the “father” of artificial intelligence?

A. John McCarthy
B. Fisher Ada
C. Allen Newell
D. Alan Turning

Q5. KEE is a product of:

A. IntelliCorpn
B. Teknowledge
C. Texas Instruments
D. Tech knowledge

Q6. Default reasoning is another type of -

A. Analogical reasoning
B. Bitonic reasoning
C. Non-monotonic reasoning
D. Monotonic reasoning

Q7. Weak AI is

A. a set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if it
were generated by humans.
B. the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer.
C. the embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer.
D. All of the above

Q8. If a robot can alter its own trajectory in response to external conditions, it is
considered to be:

A. mobile
B. open loop
C. intelligent
D. non-servo

Q9. One of the leading American robotics centers is the Robotics Institute located at


Q10. What is the name of the computer program that contains the distilled knowledge of
an expert?

A. Management information System

B. Expert system
C. Data base management system
D. Artificial intelligence

Q11. In LISP, the function evaluates both <variable> and <object> is -

A. setq
B. add
C. set
D. eva

Q12. What is Artificial intelligence?

A. Making a Machine intelligent

B. Putting your intelligence into Computer
C. Programming with your own intelligence
D. putting more memory into Computer

Q13. Which is not the commonly used programming language for AI?

C. Perl
D. Java script

Q14. Which is not a property of representation of knowledge?

A. Inferential Adequacy
B. Representational Adequacy
C. Representational Verification
D. Inferential Efficiency

Q15. A Hybrid Bayesian network contains

A. Both discrete and continuous variables

B. Only Discontinuous variable
C. Both Discrete and Discontinuous variable
D. Continous variable only.

Q16. Computational learning theory analyzes the sample complexity and computational
complexity of -

A. Forced based learning

B. Weak learning
C. Inductive learning
D. Knowledge based learning.

Q17. Which is true?

A. All formal languages are like natural language

B. Not all formal languages are context-free

Q18. What stage of the manufacturing process has been described as "the mapping of
function onto form"?

A. Distribution
B. project management
C. Design
D. field service

Q19. Programming a robot by physically moving it through the trajectory you want it to
follow is called:

A. continuous-path control
B. robot vision control
C. contact sensing control
D. pick-and-place control

Q20. In LISP, the addition 3 + 2 is entered as -

A. 3 add 2
B. 3 + 2
C. 3 + 2 =
D. (+ 3 2)

Q21. Knowledge engineering is a field of Artificial intelligence.

A. True
B. False

Q22. The first ai programming language was called

A. Python
D. Machine Language

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