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SUBJECT – Social science MM-30

Q1. Tick the correct option.

1. The Milky way is our in the ___________.

(a) Galaxies (b) universe (c) world
2. The earth is also known as the _______ planet
(a) White (b) pink (c) blue
3. There are ________ planets moving around the sun.
(a) 6 (b) 10 (8)
4. Do not use _______ to sharpen your pencil
(a) Sharpener (b) blades
5. If there is no footpath, walk on the ________ side of the road
(a) Right ( b) left
6. Do not run around on a ________ floor
(a) Wet (b) dry
7. We should never stand on _______
(a) Floor (b) table or chair
8. We should not take anything from _______
(a) Parents (b) strangers
9. The ________ is a part of the Milky way Galaxy
(a) Moon (b) sun (c) earth

10.We see many________ objects in the sky

(a) moon (b) celestial (c) sun

Q2. Give answer in one word

1. Astronauts wear special dress called ____________

2. The instrument used to observe celestial bodies ____________
3. People who study the universe and celestial bodies___________
4. The ball like object moving around the sun _________
5. A group of stars that form recognisable in the sky is known as__________

Q3. True and false

1. Never touch Electrical switches and Gadgets with wet hands. ( )

2. Stay away from bushes and do not go near the beehives . ( )
3. Use floating tubes to learn how to swim . ( )
4. Call 101 in case of fire emergency or call an adult. ( )
5. India got independence on August, 15, 1947. ( )
6. Teacher’s Day is celebrated on October 2nd every year. ( )
7. We should go near secluded corners of a park. ( )
8. We should follow bad habits. ( )
9. Stay away from gas stoves. ( )
10. Children's day is celebrated on the birthday of the first ( )
prime minister of India.

Q4. Name them

1. Who was the first Indian - American Astronaut travelled to space ?

2. Name the Astronaut who stay in space for 195 days.
3. Name the first animal to be sent to space in 1957.
4. Who was the first Indian and 138th Astronaut to travel to space ?

Q5. Answer the following questions (Any 8)

1. Write the names of any five planets in our solar system .

2. What is the importance of a spacesuit ?
3. What is first aid?
4. What is antiseptic?
5. Write two safety rules that we must follow at playground .
6. Name the three national festivals celebrated in India. When?
7. Name of festival that is celebrated to strengthen the bond between brothers and sisters
8. What is community?
9. What is safety?
10. Name the religious festival celebrated in India.


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