ConsumerForum Complaint

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FORUM AT……………..
(Full Name)
(Complete Address)
(Full Name)
(Complete Address)
…………….Opposite party/parties
Complaint under Section 12/Section 17/Section 21 of the consumer protection Act, 1986:
Respectfully showeth:

1. Introduction: In this opening paragraph, you should give your introduction as well as
that of the opposite parties.
2. Transaction: In this paragraph, you should describe the transaction i.e. particulars and
details goods/services availed: items of goods/kind and nature of service: date of
purchase of goods/availing of service: amount paid as price/ consideration, full of in part
towards the goods/services: photocopies of the /cash memo/vouchers or receipt should be
attached and properly marke4de as Annexure A, B, C AND/ or 1, 2, 3 and so forth.

1. Defect/Deficiency: In this paragraph, you shouldexplain the grievancei.e. whether the

loss or damage has been caused by some unfair trade practice or restrictive trade practice
adopted by any trader or there is some defect in the goods or there has been deficiency in
service or excessive pricing for the goods . One should bring out the nature of unfair
trade practice adopted by the trader, i.e. relating to the quality of goods/services:
sponsorship: warranty or guarantee for such period promised. The nature and extent of
defects in goods should be explained and so should specify the details of actual price
fixed by or under nay law in force at that point of time or as set out on goods and their
packing vis-à-vis the price charged by the trader. The complaint can also be filed against
offer for sale of goods hazardous to life and safety when used. You should narrate your
grievance and rest assured, it is being read/header by compassionate and pragmatic
judges. The photocopies of the relevant documents must be attached.
2. Rectification: In this paragraph, you should highlight what attempts you have made to
set the things right i.e. personal visits or negotiations: communication in writing if any:
whether any legal notice was served and/or whether you have approached any other
agency for redressed like MRTP Commission. Civil or Criminal Court of competent
jurisdiction: the stages of its proceedings, its outcome, of any, along with copies
(preferably certified) of such proceeding. The nature of response you got from the trader
when irregularities were brought to his notice should also be disclosed here.
3. Evidence: In the paragraph, you should give details of documents and/ or witnesses you
will rely upon to substantiate your case. The documents attached as annexure as stated
above may be incorporated in a proper list and a list of witnesses (if any) may be filed.
Each of the annexure should be attested as ‘true copy’.
4. Other provision: In the paragraph, you us make reference to any other law or rule
regulation of a particular procedure which are applicable to the case and /or which the
trader has violated and consumer’s rights under the same . there are incidental statutory
obligations which the traders have to fulfill and in case of nay failure to do so, the case in
prime facie is made out and the forum takes cognizance.
5. Jurisdiction: In this paragraph , you should liquidate the claim in the complaint i.e. from
Rs. 20,00,000/- to Rs, 1,00,00,000/- or above and set out the pecuniary jurisdiction of the
Forum/state Commission/National Commission, as the case may be. The territorial
jurisdiction should be highlighted to obviate any formal objection.
6. Limitation: You must mention the present complaint is being filed within the period
prescribed under Section 24A of the Act.

1. Relief claimed: In this paragraph, you should describe the nature of relief you want to
claim I. for removal of defects in goods or deficiency in services; replacement with new
goods; return of the price or charges, etc. paid and /or compensation on account of
financial loss or injury detrimental to your interest occasioned by negligence of the
opposite party and explain how you have calculated the amount f the compensation
2. Prayer clause: It is therefore, most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble
Forum/Commission may kindly be pleased to……………

(Details of relief’s which you want court to grant)

Place ………………….
Date…………………… Complainant
Through (Advocate or Consumer
Association, etc.)
I, …………………….., the complainant above named , do hereby solemnly verify that the
contents of my above complaint are true and correct to my knowledge . No part of it is false and
nothing material has been concealed therein.
Verified this on………… day of ………..20……………at…………..

Note: Although it is not compulsory, you may file an affidavit in support of the complaint, which
adds to the truth and veracity of allegations and gives credibility to the cause. You need not do it
on a stamp paper but should get it attested from an Oath Commissioner appointed by a High
Court . The format is simple.



- Vs.-
……………………………………………………………….OPPOSITE PARTY



Respectfully showeth:
Preliminary Objections:

1. That the present complaint is wholly misconceived, groundless and unsustainable in law
and is liable to be dismissed as such. The transaction in question was without any
consideration and free of charge.
2. That this Hon’ble Court has no jurisdiction to entertain and adjudicate upon the dispute
involved in the complaint in as much as it is not a consumer dispute and does not fall
within the ambit of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, hereinafter called the said Act
and is exclusively tribal by a Civil Court and as such the complaint is liable to be
dismissed summarily on this score alone.
3. That the dispute raised by the complainant in the present complaint is manifestly outside
the purview ‘Of the said Act and in any event, the Act is in addition to and not in
derogation of the provisions of the Act. The proceedings initiated by the complainant
under the Act are non est, null and void and without jurisdiction.
4. That the definitions of ‘Complainant’, ‘Complaint’ ‘Consumer Dispute’ And ‘Service’, as
defined in section 2(1) of the said Act do not cover the aforesaid definitions, the
complainant is not ‘consumer’ and the controversy involved in the complaint is not a
‘consumer dispute’.
5. That the present6 complaint is baseless and flagrant abuse of process of law to harass and
blackmail the answering respondent. 6. That the complainant has no locus standi to
initiate the present proceedings. 7. That the complaint is bad for non-joiner of necessary
and proper party and is liable to be dismissed on this score alone.
6. That the complainant has already filed a civil suit for in a court of competent jurisdiction
which is pending disposal in the Court of and the present complaint has become
7. That the present complaint is hopelessly barred by limitation.
8. That this Hon’ble Forum/Commission has no territorial or pecuniary jurisdiction in as
much as the amount involved in the subject matter exceeds or is less than the limit
prescribed by section 11(1)/ Section 17(1)(a)(i)/ section 21 (a)(i)of the Act.
9. That the present complaint is frivolous and vexatious and liable to be dismissed under
section 26 of the Act.
10. That the present complaint has not been verified in accordance with law.

On Merits
In these paragraphs, the respondent must reply to each and every allegation made and contention
raised by the complainant, factual and legal as well. One may have, inter alia, following good
defenses as well:
a. That the Traction entered between the parties to the above dispute is a commercial one and the
complainant cannot claim any relief from this authority in as much as………………………….
(give details)
b. That the Complainant had purchased the goods as a seller/ retailer/ distributor, etc., for
consideration of resale and as such is barred from moving this Hon’ble for the alleged defect/
deficiency, etc., in as much as………………….
c. That the complainant has already availed the warranty period during which the answering
respondent has repaired / replaced the goods in question. The Complainant is thus legally
stopped from enforcing this complaint or to take benefit of his own wrong.
d. That the present complaint is an exaggeration beyond proportion despite the fact that the
complainant himself is responsible for the delay and has on several occasions changed his option
for class of goods/type of allotment scheme of flats/model of vehicle, etc.
(give details)

e. That the answering respondent is well within his rights to charge extra price for the subject-
matter of the above dispute in as much as time was not the essence of delivery thereof. The
complainant is liable to pay the increased price on account of escalation due to excise duty /
budgetary provisions, etc., in as much as………….
(give details)
f. That the complainant has accepted the goods and / or service towards repair/ replacement, ect,
without protest and the present complaint is merely an after thought.
g. That without prejudice the answering respondent as a gesture of goodwill is prepared to (give
details of rectification, if any, which can be done in case of minor or tolerable problems to avoid
harassment to consumer and litigation problems).

The allegations of defect / default / negligence and / deficiency in service are wholly
misconceived, groundless, false, untenable in law besides being extraneous and irrelevant having
regard to the facts and circumstances of the matter under reference.

Prayer clause with all the submission made therein is absolutely wrong and is emphatically
denied. Complainant is not entitled to any relief whatsoever and is not maintainable and is
beyond the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court and is liable to be dismissed summarily on this
score alone and more fully set out in the preliminary objections. It is prayed that the complaint
may kindly be dismissed with costs.

Opposite Party
Through (Advocate)

I......….the above named respondent do herby verify that the contents of paragraphs…………
to………..of the written statement on merits are true and correct to my knowledge. While
paras……….. to………of preliminary objections and to of reply on merits are true to my
information, belief and legal advice received by me and believed to be true while the last Para is
prayer to this Hon’ble Court.
Verified at this………… of 20……….
Submit Complaint..

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