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Violence and the Supernatural

This book may be inappropriate for young readers.

The fantastic World of Heroes Unlimited is violent, deadly and filled with diabolical villains. aliens. mad·
men. magic and monsters. Other dimensional beings, godlings. mutants, demons. psychic powers. super abili-
lies. magic. insanity. combal. death. and heroic adventure are all elements of this book.
Some parents may find the violence and supernatural elements inappropriate for young readers/players. We
suggest parental discretion.
Please DOle thai Aliens Unlimited is a work of fiction! NONE of the aliens. monsters, super powers or depic-
lions are real. None of us at Palladium Books condone nor encourage the occult, the practice of magic. the lise of
drugs. or violence.

A supplement for the Heroes UnlimitelRPG.

Compatible with the entire Palladium Books® Megaverse®
and includes notes for use in Rifts® and
Rifts"Dimension Book Two: Phase World™!
Dedicated 10 my parents and my wife. Mom and Dad for never making me grow up, gel haircut. or gel a real
job. To Cathy for all the hours of role-playing.

- Wayne Breaux Jr.

Other titles in the Heroes Unlimited series include:

Villains Unlimited'""

Coming in 19951
The Nursery
Mystic China
The UFO Conspiracy

Other Palladium RPG titles include:

The Compendium of Weapons, Annor, and Castles
The Compendium of Contemporary Weapons'""
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles*' and Other Strangeness
After the Bomb*'
Ninjas and Superspies
The Palladium* RPG
Robolech* RPG
Macross Il RPG
Beyond the Supernatural
Rifts~ RPG

First Prinling - December 1994

Copyright © 1994 Palladium Books Inc.

Copyright © 1994 by Kevin Siembieda

All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or b) any
means. wilhout permission from the publisher. except for brief quotes for usc in reviews. All incidems. situations. institutions. governments .md peo·
pie are fictional and any similarity. without satiric iment. of characters or persons living or dead. is strictly coincidental.
Palladium Books. Rifts. The Mechanoids. After the Bomb. and Megaverse are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and
Palladium Books Inc.

Heroes Unlimited. Villains Unlimited, Beyond the Supernmural. Phase World. S.C.R.E.T.S, and other names and title~ are trademarks owned by
Kevm Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.

Aliens Unlimited™ is published by Palladium Books Inc.. 12455 Universal Drive. Taylor. MI 48180. Printed in the USA.

Palladium Books® Presents
A Sourcebook for Heroes Unllmlted™

Aliens Unlimited™
Wrillen By: Wa.vne Breaux Jr.

Additional Text Rules

& Development: Kevin Siembieda

Senior Editor: Ke\'in Siembieda

Editors: Alex Marciniszyn

James A. Osten
Thomas Barlold
Kevin Kirsten
Julius Rosenstein

Cover Painting: Wayne Breaux Jr.

with Siembieda & Long

Interior Anist: Wayne Breaux Jr.

An Direction & Keylining: Kevin Siembieda

Typography: Mary~,"n Siembieda

Michael O'Connor

Special Thanks to Eric Breaux for his suggestions. Kathy Breaux for putting up with Wayne all these
months. Kevin Long for reworking the background on the cover. and especially to Wayne for nine months of
imaginative creation. writing and drawing of this exciting and detail packed sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited.
rd also like 10 Ihank C.J. his underslanding and company during produclion and to the usual gang of Palladium
madmen for their work and dedication.
Ke\'ill Siembiedo

Running a Galactic Campaign 7

Creating a Character , 8
Step I: The Eight Attributes 8
Step 2: Hit Points & S.D.C................................•.......•......•................... 9
Step 3: Detennining Super Abilities 10
Step 4: Detennining Education & Skills II
New Skills ......................................................•............•.......... II
Step 5: Rounding Out One's Character . ......................•................................ 11

Expanded Alien Character Generation 12

Alien Appearance and Bonuses 12
Alien Physiological Modifications Due to Unearthly Environments 13
Reason for Coming to Earth 15
Familiarity with Earth 16
Money ...................................................•.............•............... 16
Randonl Equipment 16
Additional Ammunition 17
Special Melee Weapons 17
Special Vehicles ...........................•.............................................. 17
Optional Alien Generation Tables 18

Optional Alien Generation Tables 18

New Rules & Abilities by Super Power Category 20

Bionics 20
Experiments 20
Magic .............................••...............•.......••.....•.................... 21
Mutants 22
Physical Training 22
Psionics 22
Robotics 22
New Super Abilities 23

Alien Watch Groups 26

Government Agencies 26
Project Tyche ..............•.......•.......................................•............. 26
Project Secure 28
Lock Down Team Alpha .............•..................................................... 30

Civilian Agencies 36
Triton Industries 36
TI Armor and Weapons of Note .................................•........................... 41
Reach Up ...........................•.............................•......•.............. 42
S.H.O.CK....................................................•............•............. 43
Special S.H.O.C.K. Equipment ........................•.......•.......•..................... 45


A Catalog of Aliens ................•...................................................... 47

Galactic Organizations 47
The Atorian Empire 47
Federation of Allied Races 48
The Niamese Coalition 48
Tagoniglomerate (TGE) ................................•................................... 48
Thissera-Micean Cooperative (TMC) 48
Space Pirates 49
Dark Breeze 49
Diatome 49
Raiding Clans , ..•............................................ 50

Alnphibian Aliens 50
Aquatic Aliens 58
Ape Aliens ..........................•......................................••........... 66
Avian Aliens 73
Canine Aliens 80
Feline Aliens 89
Humans & Humanoid Aliens 98
Insect Humanoid Aliens 114
Superhuman Insect Abilities 115
Mineral Races 124
Standard Mineral Natural Abilities & Features 124
Reptile Aliens ..................................................•......•.....•........... 132
Vegetation Aliens 139
Standard Plant Abilities & Features 140
Thilik-3 145
Power Ball .............................•...............•............................... 146

Galactic Monsters & Evil Beings 148

Dopplegangers ............................•..............................•.....•........ 152
Vampyres 162
Traditional Vampires 163

Weapons & Equipment 164

Ancient and Melee Weapons 164

Conventional Firearms 165
Gimmick Weapons 166
Advanced Bows & Arrows 169
Advanced Weapon Features 170
Incendiary Weapons 171
Cold Weapons ...................•...............•.......•.......•.....•......•......... 172
Energy Weapons 173
Ion Weapons 174
Laser Weapons 174


Microweapons 174
Particle Beam Weapons ...............................................•.....•.....•....... 175
Stun Weapons 175
Sonic Weapons . ........................•.......•........................... _ 175

Body Annor .........................................................•...........•...... 176

Power AnnaT ..................•.......•.......•......••.................. _......•...... 178
Enviremental Suits _ 179
Shields 179
Other Features for AnnaT 179
Other Equipment 180

Artificial Augmentation , , 181

Cloned Parts and Augmentation ....•.......•.......•.......•......•......•...........•..... 181
Alien Bionics ...........................•..............••......•............•........... 181
Humanoid Robots and Androids ....•.......•.......•.......•......•..................•..... 182

Vehicles 185
Military Vehicles .........•.............................................................. 188
Space Craft ...............•......•.......•.......•......•.......•............•.......... 189

Index ........•.........................................•..............•..... , 191

Running a Galactic Campaign
It IS likely that every Heroes Unlimited campaign has had al device, magic, freak dimensional anomaly, a dimensional Rife
least one adventure that involved or revolved around an alien cosmic disturbance, or accidently or deliberately stowaway on
visitor or villain. However. aliens arc comparatively uncommon an alien spacecmft they were investigating. Those who work for
in an Eanh setting and in advcmures in the outer reaches of the govemment or a large corporation can volumeer or be or-
sp<lce. even less common. Aliens Unlimited opens up new hori- dered to participate in space missions. Established heracs may
zons for super hero and science lietion lldvcntures. This book even have allies from outer spacc who ask them for help every
should spark countless ideas. now and then. And so on.
Space adventures are an exciting and refreshing change of Meanwhile back on Earth, alien characters can be fun and
pace from nonnal Earth-based routines. Getting super hero char- exciting heroes and villains who have come to Earth as explor-
acters involved with alien beings and space adventures is easy ers, refugees. interstellar police. bounty hunters (good or evil:
100. Established characters can be kidnapped as prizes or slaves pursuing alien criminals or refugees who are hiding on Earth or
for some po\\ocrful otherworldly force. emperor. or madman. As whom they believe are hiding on Earth). space pirales. childish
unwilling champions ("Fight for our cause or we do nOI return pranksters, alien experimenters (good or evil: making mUiants.
you!" Or "Wc'lI kill you." elc,). our heroes may find themselves monsters and/or super-powered heroes or villains), spies, crimi-
caughl in an imerstellar war or scheme for conquest. They may nals. predators. monsters. or world conquerors. They can be pit-
be forced 10 play along (or innocents may suffer) umilthey can Ied against heroes as villains. misunderstood heroes againsl
find a way out or a plan 10 defeal their caplOr/enslaver. This can heroes, join the player characters as fellow heroes, appeal to
lead to all kinds of sub-plOis and polilical intrigue Ihat could l:til them for help. fighl lhe authorities (and our heroes because Ihey
years. are misunderstood or overreact or are pursued by a dark force),
Perhaps they are approached by desperatc aliens who have have been rocketed to Earth as infants. and .... well. I think you
turned to thcm. Earth's greatest heroes. to help save them from. get the piclUre.
fill in the blank. How can any self-respecting hero lum down The Future Earlh Alternalh'c: One easy way 10 handle a
such an impassioned (and Oallering) plea for help? And there are campaign set in space is to make advanced space .ravel acces~i­
a zillion other ways 10 get off-world and friendly with aliens: ble to humans. This can be done by advancing the campaign sel-
gelling Zllpped by an enemy's tran~ill1ensional energy beam or ting 10 a fUlure dale. like 2070. By such a date, lhe technology of
caught in an experimcntal dimension sp:mning machine or alien a Heroes Unlimited lype Earth is likely 10 have reached the
level of the other races presented here. Such an achievement will program would restrict human space exploration and negate par-
probably allow humans to have access to the benefits of shared ticipation in the galactic community. Thus, the adventures would
infonnation and interaction with the galactic community. In this take place in space and on other worlds away from our solar sys-
case, the equipment and weapons presented here will be readily tem. Players would play any of 80+ alien player characters and
available 10 most characters. Other than any social and technical have their hands full with the Atorian Empire, space pirates,
adjustments for the time advancement that affects the setting, monsters. exploration and more.
there will be little changes from the average Heroes Unlimited The possibilities are unlimited! Hence the name for this book,
campaign. The only real changes in game mechanics will be the which explores just some of those possibilities and hopefully in-
addition of new skills for the space environment. spires thousands more. Aliens Unlimited is designed to give the
The Alternate Earth Alternative: It is also possible for the Game Master and the players enough infonnation to go in any
characters to be from a parallel dimension of our own present or direction they might want. Heck. with the data in this book. a
future Earth. In this reality, the people and heroes of Earth may Game Master could tum his entire Heroes Unlimited campaign
be very similar or extremely different. into a cosmic adventure that takes place entirely in outer space
Exclusively Alien Worlds Alternative: The G.M. and play· and that could last decades! But the main idea is to have fun. So
ers can forget about Earth entirely and play aliens in a far nung enjoy.
galaxy. In this option. Earth might exist, but our nedgling space
Kevin Siembied(J (lnd Waync Brt'(JI/X Jr.

Creating a Character By Kevin Siembieda & Wayne Breaux

Following the step-by-step procedure of the basic book, the standards, the more comfortable Earth humans will be around
generation of alien characters has been expanded. New ideas and aliens. Remember. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Among
options are available, as well as Optional Charaeler Genera- aliens, humans may be seen as hideous monsters and the features
tion Tables that provide players with a fully developed alien humans see as ugly may be perceived as beautiful.
race with only a few dice rolls. Players can make their own alien Third, remember beauty is only skin deep. Inhuman and even
through random creation, or pick or randomly roll for one of the monstrous aliens may have a quality or aspect about them that
84 specific alien races presented in this book. makes them somehow appealing or sympathetic. That quality
can be cuteness, lovability. kindness, courage, boldness/confi-
Step 1: The Eight Attributes dence, intelligence. nobility, regal stature. sincerity and OIher in-
tangibles that make up the character/personality of all people.
Some Notes About Attributes The character Vincent. from the television series Beauty and
the Beast. is a good example of an inhuman/non-human looking
None of the attributes are changed. They are I.Q.. M.E.. character who had that romantic quality that women just 'Idored.
M.A., P.S., P.P.. P.E.. P.B.. and SIX!. Anribute generation is also He may be a monster who looks half-man and half-lion. but he
unchanged. unless the Optional Character Generation System is still makes women swoon.
used. See that section for details. Ugly, frightening and lruly alien looking beings might
have a heart of gold and be living saints. but humans are likely
Physical Beauty & Alien Appearances to judge them by their appearance. The less .lItractive, bestial or
The majority of the aliens presented in the Cawlog of Aliens monstrous an alien may be by human standards. the more likely
section are of non-human origin and appearance. Over the years, the player characters and people in general will view them with
seveml of my players have asked how animal-appearing aliens suspicion. fear and hatred. For this reason most aliens are given
(and D-Bees in Rifts) can have high Physical Beauty (P.B.) rat- a Horror Factor. All supernatural monsters have a horror factor.
ings? Well. first of all. the P.B. attribute rating is based on the as well as many non-human aliens and super villains. It repre-
IIl1mon perception of what is beautiful. and what is ugly or alien. sents the hideous appearance of the creature or its overwhelming
It is safe to assume that an alien with a high Physical Beauty is aura of evil or power, or a combination of all three. The higher
anractive 10 humans. Even if they look like a bird. feline, canine the horror factor, the more horrific the character.
or other animal. the alien may have a high physical beauty and To save vs Horror Factor (HF) the player must roll a 20-
be allmctive to humans. People often look at animals and com- sided die. Just like a parry. the character's roll must be equal or
ment on their beauty. cute appearance or power. higher than the horror factor. A failed roll means that the charac-
Second. finding an alien. animal or object "attractive," that is ter is so overwhelmed by the horror that he or she is tempomrily
to say. pleasing to the eye, is not the same as sexual allraction. stunned. The horrified person loses initiative (don't even roll for
Somebody or something can be attractive, beautiful, channing or it), loses one melee atlack/action for that round. and is the last
impressive without being sexy. The human psychology is such person to attack/take action. Furthennore. the character cannot
that a character's comfort level will be dramatically higher with even defend himself against the first melee allack from the
beings that are perceived as familiar. nonnal or beautiful. Thus. source of the horror. Fortunately. the character quickly recovers
it is safe to assume that the more human or beautiful, by human his wits and can join the combat that same melee round. By the
Rifts Mega-Damage Con"crsions: Ordinary humans or suo
perheroes and aliens who are roughly equivalent to humans re-
main S.D.C. and hit point based Iife·fonns. This means in a
mega-damage environment they will need to acquire M.D.
weapons and M.D.C. body annar and/or vehicles for mega-dam-
age proteclion and firepower. They can acquire these items
through trade. purchases, theft. defeated opponents. as rewards
and so on. Of course. until they can get them. they are terribly
vulnerable to mega-damage attacks. even if they possess super
abilities or psionic powers that set them apan from normal hu-

Aliens with high lechnology and space travel capabilities are

likely to be able to create mega-damage armor and weapons. In
the Heroes Unlimited/Aliens Unlimited universe. these things
would remain S.D.C. items. However, if the characters are
brought into the Rifts Mega'"erse (especially as a major force).
one can assume that the weapons and arnlor arc mega-damage
items. Simply view the S.D.C. points listed here as M.D.C.
points in the Rifts seuing. This makes for quick. easy conversion
and instant integration. Thus, if body armor has an A.R. 18 and
180 S.D.C., it would have an M.D.C. of 180 (A.R. is not applica-
ble) in Rifts. Similarly, an energy weapon that innicts 306
S.D.C. would now inflict 306 M.D. Of course. the Game Master
can keep the alien's S.D.C. technology as such and make him
acquire mega-damage items just as any human does. Ultimately,
the decision is left up to the Garne Master. Players should accept
the GM's views as to whichever direction he or she takes and
work together to make a fun playing experience.
The super abilities of the character can also remain S.D.C.,
or be convened to mega-damage as the Game Master deems ap-
..econd and subsequent melee rounds. the character has com- propriate. Along these lines, alien characters with great mass,
pletely regained his senses and functions as normal. HOlTOr Fac- natural armor. or the power of invulnerability are likely candi-
tor IS only applicable to the initial appearance of the fiend. dates for becoming mega-damage creatures. Their l1QlT.lal
Highly intelligent aliens may be perceived as a threat, or as S.D.C. number can be changed to the same number of M.D.C. or
being superior 10 humans. This perception of superioriry may modified as the GM (Game Master) deems necessary.
lead some humans 10 sec the character as a potential enemy, en·
Game Master's Note: The most imponanl things 10 do are,
slaver or conqueror. whether the alien shares such sentiments or
1) be consiSlent and fair in your conversions. and 2) be careful
not. The same response is true of extra-terrestrials who possess
not to imbalance your Rifts campaign with superhuman chamc·
psionic abilities or super powers.
ters that are too powerful. Most of the alien descriptions will
suggesl some possible integration consideration into Rirts. Also
Step 2: Hit Points & S.D.C. - - - - see Rirl5 Conversion Book One for specific super power con-
The determination of hit points is unchanged unless stated versions, the supernatural P.S. into mega-damage. culture shock
otherwise under the alien's description: P.E. plus 106 per level. and other elements.
The determination of S.D.C. is also the standard 20 plus physi- Also remember that most aliens, dimensional travelers and
ology. alien environment/features, super abilily bonuses and even human looking characters who exhibit unusual powers will
skill bonuses unless stated otherwise. S.D.C. bonuses and modi- be seen as dangerous mutants or D-bees. TIley will be feared.
fication are much more common than hit point bonuses or ad- hunted and destroyed by human supremacists like the Coalition
Justments. Each description of an alien race will indicate specific States and the NGR.
S.D.C. considerations and bonuses where applicable. Arriving on Rifts Eanh can be Ihe result of a dimensional
The Optional Character Generalion System for random char- anomaly/rift. plunging into a black hole, dimensional experi·
acler creation predetermines the alien's base S.D.C. with the mentation. magic, or as a slave or refugee. The Splugonh and
above factors all figured in. See the appropriate section for de- other slavers are always on the lookout for superbeings and
tails. psionic characters as slaves. The alien's level of technology may
Natural Armor Rating: Many aliens who have adapted to also make them attractive to the Splugonh and other transdimen·
harsh environments or who are composed of inorganic material sional or intergalactic traders, including the Cibolans and Naruni
may have a natural armor from tough or scaly skin to natural Enterprises. If sel in the Rifts: Phase World environment, the
plate annor like a rhinoceros or annadi1lo. This works the same scenario of slave, explorer, mercenary, or space adventurer
as always: see Heroes Unlimired, page 10. works fine. Some are good guys and others may be villains.
13-15 Heightened Sense of Taslc
Step 3: Determining Super Abilities 16-18 Energy Expulsion: Fire
19-21 Super Vision: Nightvision
The ~pecific alien races presented in this book will indicate
22-24 Power Channeling
Yohal PO""Cr5. range of powers. or available selections of powers
25-27 Radar
are available. The player can select or randomly roll a power
28-31 Aight: Wingless
category. depending on whallhe game master allows.
32-34 Heightened Sense of Hearing
35-37 Menial Stun
38-40 Nightstalking
Random Super Power Category Table 41-43 Energy Expulsion: Electricity
01·10 Alien \1ulanl: Design as usual. bul keep in mind lhalllle 44-47 Adhesion
character is an alien. See Heroes Unlimited. page 109 and 48-50 Aight: Winged
I II. 51-54 Healing FaClor
I J~O Suptr Abilities: Selccl one major and one minor super 55-57 Super Vision: X-my
abilll). or four minor powers. or roll on the Random Ability 58-60 Alter Physical Body
Table. '1,cse are likely to be abilillcs common to all members 61-64 Energy Expulsion: Energy
of thai allen race. 65-67 Heightened Sense of Smell
41·50 '-Jardware or I'hysical Training: Create as usual. bUI 68-70 Extraordinary Attributes (roll on sub-table)
~kccp In mind the alien's background, orientation and motives. 71-73 Impervious to Fire and Heat
74-76 Energy Expulsion: Electric:11 Field
51-60 I)sionics: See psionics section on page 127 of Heroes Un- 77-80 Underwater
limited for details and abdities. 81-84 Energy Resistance
61-70 Experiment: Selecl two minor super abilities and one 85-87 Heightened Sense of Touch
major or four minor powers or roll on Table C in Heroes Un- 88-90 Super Vision: Uhraviolet and Infrared
limited. page 69 (rolling 00 tables A. B. D. E. and F are op- 91-94 Energy Expulsion: Light
tional). 95-96 Horror Faclor
71-80 Bionic: Design as usual. only made through alien technol- 97-98 Body Weapons
ogy and wlIh unEanhly materials. 99-00 Mulliple Limbs
81-90 Alien M.rstic: Wizard and spell magic only. Extraordinary Allribute Sub-table - - - - - -
91-00 Robot: Design as usual. only made with alien technology.
01-16 Extraordinary Mental Affinity
17-27 Extraordinary Physical Strength
28-43 Extraordinary Speed
Random Number (and type) 44-59 Extraordinary Physical Endurance
of Super Abilities Table 60-74 Extraordinary Menial Endurance
75-89 Extraordinary Physical Beauty
01·15 One major super ability and three minor. 90-00 Extraordinary Physical Prowess
16·32 Four minor super abilities (no major powers).
33·50 One nlfljor super ability and one minor ability. Random Major Super Abilities Table - - - - -
51-69 Onc major super ability and two minor abilities. 01-02 Animal Metamorphosis
70-86 Five minor super abilities (no major powers). 03-04 Chameleon
87-00 Two major super abilities (no minor powers). 05-07 Clock Manipulation
08-09 Spin at Extraordinary Speed
la-II InvisibililY
12-13 Energy Absorbtion
ew Random Super Ability Tables 14-16 Item Reduction
17 -19 Shapechange
The following lists include super abilities found in Heroes 20-22 Darkness Control
Unlimited. Villains Unlimited and Aliens Unlimited. New 23-24 Gmvity Manipu1:nion
po.... ers. magic. psionics. and bionics are described elsewhere in 25-27 Alter and Control Super Abilities (roll on sub-table)
thIS book. As usual. players and Game Maslers can either roll 28-30lntangibililY
pen:entile dice for mndom detennination of abilities or pick spe- 31-32 Growth
cific powers. depending on whal the GM allows. This table can 33-35 Create Force Field
also be used for the crealion of new. randomly generated aliens 36-38 Multiple Lives
or \pecifically designed characters. Roll percentile dice to make 39-41 Animal Abililies
42-43 Sonic Speed
Random Minor Super Abilities Table 44-46 Negate Super Powers
01-03 Super Vision: Advanced Sight 47-48 Magnetism
04-06 Manipulate Kinetic Energy 49-50 Stretching
07-09 Bend Light 51-52 Invulnerability
10·12 Flight: Glide 53-54 Force Aura
55-56 Divine Aura plus computer operation. basic math. and read sensory instru-
57-59 Bio Ghost ments. Also select five secondary skills. Skill Bonus: +20%_
60--62 Sonic Flighl except on secondary skills.
63..(H Telepon 56·7J Combat Specialists: Select four physical skills plus one
65--67 Gem Powers hand to hand of choice. six weapon proficiencies (any). one
68-70 Dl"rupme Touch pilot. plus first aid and six secondary skills. Skill Bonus is
71-7~ Holographic Memory Projection + 10'% excepl on secondary skills.
7-t-75 \lechano-Linl.. 72-85 RoguelSmuggler: Select five skills from espionage and
76-78 Muillple BemgslSeives two from communicalions. weapon proficiencies. mechani-
79-81 MImIC cal, physical. plus compUler oper.llion. and foor secondary
82-Sl Kannic Po.... er skills. Skill bonus: 15% to all skills excepl secondary skills.
84-86 Some Po~cr 86-00 Engineer: Select six skills from the combined categories
87-89 Vibralloo of electronics. mechanical. one from science and communica-
90-92 Shnnl.. lions. plus computer operation. and basic and advanced
93-95 Plant Control malhematics. Also select five secondary skills. Skill Bonus is
96-98 Tr.tmferallPossesslon +25% except on secondary skills.
99 Weight Mal1lpulotion Special Note: All aliens can learn three additional secondary
00 Immonatity
, Eanh skills. but only if taught by a friendly human. Most aliens
who have studied Earth can spe:lk two languages or have a hlO-
Alter I)h.ysical Struclure & Control Sub·Table-- gU:lge translator.
OI..()9 Control Others
IO-It~ Control Elememal Force: Water
19-27 Aller Physical StruclUre: Slone New Skills
28-~6 Conlrol Radiation Several new skills for use in a galactic campaign can be
l7-42 Aller Physical Structure: Ice added to the existing skill list. Game MaSlers can also add any
43-l8 Control Elememal Force: Air appropriate skills from Rifts or Robolech that may not be found
49-55 Alter Physical Structure: Fire in Heroes Unlimiled. There is a long list of specific space skills
56..(H Contmlln~lS and Arachnids and descriptions for them in Mutants in Orbil and Rifts Phase
65-69 Control Static Electricity World.
70-76 COnlrol Elemental Force: Fire
77-83 Alter Facial Features and Physical Stature
Spacecraft Mechanics Base Skill: 45%+6% per level.
84-87 Alter Physical Structure: Electricity
88-90 Aller Metabolism
Pilol, ad\'anced
91-93 COnlrol Elemental Force: Eanh
Space Fighter
94-96 Alter Physical Structure: Liquid
(includes Combat Craft) Base skill: 70%+5% per level.
97-00 Alter Physical Structure: Metal
Space Transpon and Cargo Craft Base skill: 75%+5% per level.
Medium Class Military Vessels Base skill: 65%+6% per level.
Step 4: Determining Large Military Vessels Base skill: 60%+8% per level.

Education & Skills - - - - - - -

The specific alien races presented in this book will indicate Step 5: Rounding
whal skill!> or range of skills are available to them. The follow-
mg table is provided for players and G.M.s crealing new alien Out One's Character
races. Randomly roll for skill range or pick one. depending on
.....hat the GM allows.
Alignments: Most specific alien races presented in this book
01-14 General Studies: Selccl two skills from science. pilot and will indicate moral leanings and nonns. Most random creations
communications. plus select 11 secondary skills. SkjU Bonus: or new races created by the Game Master or players can be of
+5% to all skills. including secondary. any alignment. Of course heroes and anti-heroes are usually of a
15-28 Pilot: Selccl four piloting skills (any). three pilot related good or selfish alignment.
skills and two skills from communicalions and mechanical. as Hand-to-Hand Combat: Combat skills are nOl automatic_
~ell :t5 basic and advanced mathematics. computer operation_
and must be selected as a learned skill.
and four secondary skills. Skill Bonus is + 15% on all piloting
and pilOl related skills. +10% on all others. Attacks Per Melee (Hand·to-Hand): As with all heroes. the
2942 Military Specialisl: Select five from espionage/military_ alien character aUlomatically gets two allacks per melee. Addi·
three from physical. plus one hand-to-hand combat skill. four tional auacks must be gained from hand-to-hand combat. and
weapon proficiencies and select four secondary skills. Skill olher physical skills.
Bonus: +15%. except on secondary skills. Weapons and Armor: Except for the ones already deter-
43-55 Science Specialists: Select three skills from science. two mined by the Special Weapons Table that follows. only conven-
from medical. two from physical. two from communications. tional weaponry. body annor. and equipment of Eanh
manufacture will be available. If a special proteclive suit is ID4times on lhe following Unusual Characteristics Table:
needed. the alien character automatically gets one suit and a sin- 01-16 Large or Pointy Ears
gle spare (see the Equipment Section under Environmental Suits 17-39 Odd Skin Color
for prices). Any additional suits will have to be specially built or 01-10 Yellow
acquired. Repairs will be possible only from high-tech scientists, I 1-20 Green
high-tech annor manufacturers, hardware characters and fellow 21-30 Red
aliens. 31-40 Grey
Spacecrarl: It is best to assume thaI most alien playercharac- 41-50 Light Blue
lers do nOl have a spacecraft at lheir disposal for Eanh-based 51-60 Stark White
campaigns. Space campaigns are a different Story, See the Ga- 61-70 Dark Blue
lactic Campaigns section for infonnalion on running Heroes 71-80 Coal Black
Unlimited campaigns in space. 81-90 Purple
The Expanded Alien Generation Table that follows pro- 91-00 Orange
vides lables and ideas regarding lhe alien's appearance, environ- 40-43 Ambidextrous: These characters can use the right and
ment, familiarity with Eanh, motives and olhers. These are left hand with equal skill and dexlerity. Bonuses: Adds one
oplional tables designed to allow G.M. 's and players 10 create allack per melee, +1 to parry, +10% to climb, +5% to escape
their own alien races. They are guidelines that can be adjusted or anisl. pick locks, mechanical and electrical repair skills.
modified as necessary. Just be careful to maintain playing bal- 44-48 Odd Hair Color:
an!e and some reasonable level of plausibilily, OI-IOGreen
11-20 Light Blue
21-30 White Slreaked
31-40 Flame Red
41-50 Stark White
51-60 Bright Yellow
61-70 Metallic Silver
71-80 Dark Blue
81-90 Purple
91-00 Orange
49-53 Double Jointed: See page 109 of Heroes Unlimited for
full delails. Can atlempt 10 escape from bonds once per melee
with lhe following chance for success: Hands and/or feet tied
with rope, handcuffed or chained: 79% likelihood of escap-
ing. Hands, amlS, legs and body bound with rope. chains.
straps, or straighl jacket: 46% likelihood of escape. The dou-
ble-jointed alien can canton his body 10 be half its nonnal
width or thickness. Note: The average shoulder widlh of a
muscular. 6 foot (1.8 m) male human is aboul42 inches (1.1
m). Bonuses: +2 to roll wilh fall or impact.
54-58 Unusual Eyes:
01·17 Very small (half the size of a nonnal human)
18~34 Round
35-55 Very Large (twice lhe size of a nomlal human)
56-75 Odd Color (Roll on Odd Skin Table above to deter-
Expanded Alien mine color)
76-89 Very Elliptical
90-00 Glowing Eyes
Character Generation 59-64 Extreme Amount of Body Hair:
01-20 Very bushy. full head of hair.
By Kevin Siembieda with addilionallext by Wayne Breaux
21-40 3x the nonnal amount of hair covers the body.
41-60 6x nonnal body hair. So lhick, it resembles fur.
61-80 Shan. half-inch (1.3 cm) fur covers the body except
Alien Appearance & Bonuses for lhe face, feet, and hands.
Descriplions of new alien appearances are presenled in lhe 81-00 104 inches (\010 Col) of fur covers the body ex-
same fonnat as in the Heroes Unlimited rule book. Other de, cept for lhe face. feel, and hands.
scriptions from the basic game are reprinted for the reader's con- 65-68 Prehensile FeetfToes: See page 110 of Heroes Unlim-
venience. ited for full details. -6 to strike when throwing objects with
01-20 Human-like: Can easily pass for being human. feel. +30% to climb rope when barefOOl (Base of 30% if the
21-44 Humanoid: Resembles Eanhlings closely, arc bipedal, charaCler has no climbing skill). + I to dodge.
have two legs and amlS, one head. eyes. nose and ears, but 69-72 Scaly Skin: A lough, smooth. replilian skin with small
have some dislinguishing alien physical characleristic(s). Roll scales covers the character's entire body. Adds 30 S.D.C.
73-76 No body hair at all! flight. Bonuses: + ID6 damage from claws. most (80%) are
77-79 Small Horns: 104 inches (1010 cm) long, protrude ambidextrous and have keen hearing and sight twice as good
from forehead. as humans.
80-84 Tough, Lumpy Skin: Adds 30 S.D.C. 80·82 Humanoid Mineral: Rocky or crystalline appearance.
85-89 Prehensile Tail: See page 110 of Heroes Unlimited for Bonuses: Natural body annor: A.R. 14. +180 S.D.C.
a full description. Bonus: +1 to strike and parry with the tail. 83-85 Humanoid Feline: Cat-like features; bright oval eyes. fur
+20% to climbing when tail is used. Can support character's covered body. pointy ears. and small fangs (+104 damage
weight when hanging and carry one-third of his weight. from bite). Bonuses: +2 to both P.P. and Spd. +10% to climb.
Length: 304 feet (O.9m to 3.7m). +10 S.D.C. and 50% will have retractable claws (+106 dam-
90-94 Retractable Claws: Small. catlike claws. Damage 204 age from claws).
plus P.S. bonus per swipe. Adds a bonus of +10% to climb- 86·88 Humanoid Ape: Resembles an ape (no tail): long anns.
ing. fur covered or extreme body hair. Bonuses: +1 to I.Q and
95-00 Stocky: Twice as broad as nonnal. Bonuses: Add 50 M.A., + 1D6to P.S., and +20 to S.D.C.
pounds (23 kg) to weight. + I04 to P.S. and +404 to S.D.C. 89-90 Humanoid Elephant: Large body, short limbs. thick.
45-51 Amorphous Appearance: Litlle or no facial features, a wrinkled skin (A.R. 7), wide head with long nose, large ears.
slit or two for a nose. long, smooth featureless limbs. 104+ I small eyes, and may have tusks (45% chance: inflict 108
fingers and toes. generally a non-human appearance. These damage). Bonuses: +I04to P.S.. P.E. and Spd attributes, +30
aliens may also have a large head, eyes. and pale complexion. to S.D.C. Add 406 inches (808 cm) to height. Weighs twice
• This appearance can range from the alien illustrated on page as much as a human of comparable size.
58 of Heroes Unlimited to the traditional almond eyed, spin- 91-92 Humanoid Bison: Wide. low forehead, wide nose, huge
dly aliens reported by victims of alien abduction. Bonuses: +2 shoulders. may have horns (I D6 damage). and long hair or
to P.P. and +1 to M.E. fur. Bonuses: +2 to P.S. and P.E. and +20 to S.D.C.
52-56 Humanoid Skeletal: Sunken eyes and cheeks. very thin. 93-94 Humanoid Rhinoceros: L..1rge. powerful body. thick skin
long limbs. thin waist. and bony hands and body. No body (A.R. 10). lillIe or no hair, wide hands and feet, long. wide
hair. but some may have hair on their heads. Bonuses: +2 to face with high ears. and a small mOUlh Iowan the face. May
P.P. and a +5to Speed. or may no! have one or two horns (45% chance) above the
57-61 Humanoid Amphibian: Soft, smooth skin, webbed hands nose. If so. it does either 204 (1-75%) or 206 (76-00%) dam-
and feet. semi-aquatic. Bonuses: Can hold breath for 20 min- age. Bonuses: + I04 10 P.S .. P.E. and Spd. and +40 S.D.C.
utes. the swimming skill is automatic at 90% proficiency and Add IO4xlO lbs 10 weight (4.5 10 18 kgs).
swimming speed is six times greater than the alien's nonnal 95-97 Demonic Appearance: Either devilishly handsome with
running speed. small horns and red or bronze skin. or monstrous. with large
62-64 Vegef,ation: Composed of the same essence as Earth plant horns or spines (especially on the head. foreann. elbow or
life. Bonuses: +40 S.D.C. The plant being does not register shoulders). pointed teeth or large fangs, claws (I 06 damage).
on heat or infrared sensors. Plant beings also heal twice as unusual skin color and texture (lumpy, scaly. slimy. etc.). A
fast as humans. tail (only prehensile 33% of the time) or an extra pair of
65-66 Humanoid Pig: Husky build with a large, wide pig nose limbs (add one melee anack). Bonuses: +2 to P.S .. +1 on in-
and mouth, small eyes. and large ears. Can be smooth and itiative, +2 to save vs horror factor, and a +20 to S.O.c.
pink with thin hair. or coarse and boar~like. Bonuses: +1 to 98-99 Humanoid Robot: These aliens are some sort of robot.
both P.E. and P.S .. and a +15to S.D.C. They can be advanced androids that look human, and can
67-70 Humanoid Atroxian: Tall. serpent-like alien with flat. hardly be considered machines, or mechanical creatures with
wide head. round eyes. large mouth. prominent fangs (106 or an organic intelligence/brain. or sophisticated artificial intelli-
204 bite damage). long. thin neck and limbs. and a slim. pli- gences. Typical robot anributes and armor.
able body. 80% are double jointed. Able to slip out of hand- 00 Humanoid Aquatic: Fish or mammal (dolphin. whale. seal.
cuffs or bound ankles 65%, and 45% likelihood of escaping etc.), webbed feet and hands, smooth or scaly skin. blow-hole
from bound limbs. straight jacket or prison sell with bars (can or gills, no body hair, dull grey to brightly colored. Bonuses:
try to escape once per melee round/every IS seconds). Bo· Swimming ability is equal to the swimming skill at 98%.
nuse~: + ID6 to speed. + 10 to S.D.C., +2 to save vs poison swimming speed is 204x10. running speed is rarely higher
and drugs. natural thennal imaging sense (range 50 feet/IS than 10, can hold breath underwater for 3D6 minutes (indefi-
mi. nitely for gills), +20 to S.D.C.
71-73 Humanoid Reptilian: Lizard-like features, leathery or
scaly skin. lillie or no body hair. long clawed fingers. Bo+
nuses: +30 to S.D.C.. +2 to P.P. and +104 10 damage from Alien Physiological Modifications
claws. Due To Unearthly Environments
74-76 Humanoid Canine: Dog-like features, muzzle, ears, body
fur or extreme body hair, round dark eyes. Bonuses: +104 to
P.S. and a +204 to Spd and +10 to S.D.C. All bonuses are applicable when on Earth or an Earth-like en-
77·79 Humanoid Avian: Bird-like features with large. round vironment.
eyes. clawed feet and hands, and feathers for hair. Only 10%
have large wings. capable of flying. Most bird humanoids 01-10 High Gravity: The gravitational force of the alien's
have no wings or they are small/stunted and incapable of homeworld was considerably greater than Earth·s. This givt':>
the alien grealer mass and physical endurance. and he is 65-00 Arctic pole areas. Temper.llures hover around 40 de-
much faster and lighter on our planetlhan on his homeworld. grees below zero (-40 C) most of the year but can drop much
Height: 5 feet plus 1D6lOches (J.5to 1.7 m). 10lA-er. Heat damage begins to affeel the alien at 20 degrees
S.D.C. Bonus: 304xlO Fahrenheit (.7 C). These aliens are impervious 10 even deadly
P.S. Bonus: Add 204 to me P.S. attribute. cold, no damage, but they must lA-ear heavy refrigeralion suits
Speed Bonus: Increase nonnal speed by three times. to survive in Earth-like environments. Bonuses: +40 10
J 1·20 L.ow Gra\'it)': The alien's homeworld had a much lighter S.D.C.
gra, Ity than Earth·s. This has made the alien much taller than ote: Any alien exposed to tempemtures beyond his tolera-
1I typIcal human. Although the increased gravitational pull of tion level will begin to ~uffer from exposure which will
Earth ..lows the alien down. it also provides him with some· slowly kill the character. In game ternlS, it has the following
what gre:ilcr ma~'. effects: A penalty of minus two (-2) on P.$. and P.P.. minus
l'leight: 5 fect. 5 inches plus 106 additional feet (2.0 to 3.5 eight (-K) on S.D.C., and a reduction of speed by one-third
on) (1/3) i" applied for every ten hours of exposure. These penal-
Weight: Add I O4xlOO pounds (I D4x45 kg). ties are cumulative for each 10 hour period. After the S.O.c.
S.O.c. Bonus: 100xlO is gone. damage continues to be done and hit points drop at
1).1). Bonus: Add I D4 to the P.P. attribute. the same r"te. The alien is slowly dying and needs to be pUI
Speed: Reduce nonnal speed by half. into a refrigerated suit. and/or mlo freezing environment to
21·30 High Radiation: Impervious to radiation that is nonnally change that.
JleacH) to humam. The character can also see ultraviolet light. .a1·50 Toxic Atmosphere: lbe alien's homeworld has an atmos-
The alien radiate, low levels of radiation that will begin to phere that is poisonous by Earth standards. It is eilher a
hann human!> cxpo~ to him for more than a few weeks. If chenucal soup of pollution. or made up of gases different than
the alien doe~ nO( lA-ear a rddiatlon shielded survival suit (see Ihose found in Earth's atmosphere. As a result. the alien can-
equipmen! section). those around him will contract radiation not breathe the air on Earth. He will have to wear a brealhing
potsoning on a result of 1-30%: roll once per each week of apparatus to survive here. TI,e alien can also be from a planet
exposure. with little or no atmosphere and doesn't need to breathe at all.
Nole: The symptom, and effects of nldiation poisoning arc However. the character will not have a sense of smell or tasle.
given III Villains Unlimited under the Control Radiation ma- In either case. the alien is immune to the effccts of gases,
Jor ,uper abLlity. page 27. odors and many toxic airborne substances. bUl strong liquid
Height: 6 feet plus I D6 inches (1.8 to 2.0 m). poisons and acids will still h::tnn him.
Weight: 190 plus ID6 pounds (87 to 89 kg). Height: 6 feet plus 1D6 inches (1.8 10 2.0 m).
S.D.C. Bonus: lD4xlO Weight: ISO plus 2D6 pounds (82 10 87 kg).
JI-W Frozen World: Extremely low temperatures are the nor- S.D.C, Honus: Add 2D4xlO
mal condition on thiS planet. Temperatures will range from 51-60 Vegetation World: lbe alien's home planet is a fertile
freellng to hundreds of degrees below zero. The alien can garden of greenery. The land masses are covered with im-
come from areas thaI experience some wannth. up to +30 de- mense gro.....ths of brush and huge plants. The lrunks of gian!
grees Fahrenheit (0 C). or constant sub-z.ero temperatures as vines are used as thoroughfares and massive lrees are hol-
low as -200 degrees Fahrenheit (-130 C). lowed Oul for homes. The aliens spend much of their time
!-Ieight: 5 feet plus 3 D6 inches (1.6 to 2.0 m). climbing through Ihe dense foliage and may develop body
Weight: 120 plus 2D6x10 pounds (63 to 109 kg). pans 10 help them get around; roll on the following table:
The following t:lble detemlines the exact temperature range a 01-15 Prehensile feet and tail.
chamcter comes from. All aliens from frozen worlds must 16-30 Prehensile tail only.
wear refrigerated environmental suits to survive outside of 31-50 Prehensile feet only.
lhelr comfortable temperature ranges. 51-60 +10% on climb skill and +2to roll with fall or impact.
01-39 Tropical to temperate latitudes. Average temperatures 61-00 No special developments.
are in lhe teens with highs near 25 degrees Fahrenheit (aver- Height: 5 feel plus I D4 feel (1.8 10 2.7 m).
age 7 to 10 C, high near 4 C). Alien will become very uncom- Weighl: 150 lbs plus 2010 Ibs per exIra foot (68 L.g plus 0.9
fortable at temperatures above 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit (7 to to 9.1 kg per extra 0.3 m).
10 C). Heat will begin to take its toll at 60 degrees Fahrenheit Special Uonus: Acrobatics: These aliens automatically have
(16 C) or higher. Bonuses: +4 to save vs cold-based attacks or the acrobatics skill al + 10%.
condilions, and does half damage if the roll to save fails. Add S.D.C. Uonus: Add 10 S.O.c.
IS S.D.C. 61·70 Thermo World: This planel is the exact opposite of the
40-64 Cold. u x:r latitudes. Temperatures stay at or near 20 frozen world. Temperatures will range from 95 degrees Fahr-
degrees below zero (-29 C) most of the year. The alien begins enheit (35 C) to highs of nearly 300 degrees Fahrenheil (150
to suffer heat effects lit 30-40 degrees Fahrenheit (0 to 4 C). C). The alien Clln come from a variety of areas on Ihe planet
Aliens from these condilions must wear some fonn of light with varying temperatures. All aliens must wear environ-
refrigeration suit 10 keep them comfortable in an Earth-like mental suils with a heating unit to survive in places other than
environment (see equipmen! section for survival suil infonna- the lropics or a desert.
tion). Bonuses: Automatically lakes half damage from any 01-39 Cold. upper latitudes. Temperatures stay at or near 110
cold-based allack or conditions and is +6 to save from cold- Fahrenheit (43 C) moSI of the year. 1lle alien begins 10 suffer
based attacks. S.O.C. bonus is +25. cold exposure at 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 C). Bonuses: +4
to ~ave v~. heat attacks or environments. Subtract four points A.R,: 12. This is a natural annor rating; results below 12 may
of damage from any heat-based altack. +15 S.D.C. hit, but they do no damage,
40·64 Tern r.ue, middle latitudes. Average tempemtures are S.D.C. Bonus: Add 3D6x10 S,D.C.
130 to 145 degrees Fahrenheit (54 to 63 C). The alien will be-
come very uncomfonable at temperatures below 100 degrees Reason for Coming to Earth - - - -
F (38 C) and will suffer cold exposure at 85 degrees Fahren-
heit (29 C). Aliens from these conditions must wear some 01-19 Last of a race of people. Has corne to Eanh because:
fonn of ~urvival SUit to ~eep them alive and comfonable in an 01-25 Eanh reminds him of home,
Eanh~hke em ironment. Bonuses; Half damage from any
26-50 It's a nice place: he/she jusllikes this planet.
51-75 To save mankind from itself.
hcat-ba~ attac~ or conditions. +25 S.D.C.
76-00 Crash·landed. stuck here with no hope to salvage
65-00 TroJ!!cal. near the equator. Temperatures regularly
reach 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93 C). The alien has a high tol- spaceship.
20·38 Crash·landed! Trapped on Eanh. but wiJItry to make Ihe
er-mce to heat and will free7.e \n the cold environment of
best of things: spaceship is destroyed. Feelings about Eanh
Eanh - 99 degrees Fahrenheit (37 C) or colder. These aliens
are Impel'IOUS to e ..en scathlOg heal. They take no damage, are:
01·20 It's an unpleasant world filled with barbarians,
but must ~ear an em ironmental SUit to survive in an Eanh-
like emuonment. "llh ItS ~ide range of temperatures, 80- 21-40 It's a nice place: he/she likes it here.
41-60 Reminds him of home,
nu~~: +40 to S.D.C.
61-80 It's okay, bul a bi! primitive for his taste,
• An alien exposed to temperatures beyond his toleration level
81-00 Undecided: has no place else to go.
Will be a<heNCly affected by tOO:.e temperatures. Use the
39-55 Outcast! A fugitive from his own world for political, s0-
same debilitating exposure penalties hsted under the frozen
cial. racial. religious or criminal reasons. There is a 01-50%
chance thai the alien is being hunted/pursued by his persecu-
Height: 5 feet plus 406 Inches (1.6 to 2.1 m).
tors. bounty hunters or the law. He/she has selected Eanh as a
\\leight: 100 plu~ 206xlO pounds (45 plus 206x4.5 kg),
71-lro T"ilighl World: An extremely dark. night-like world, new home because:
01·20 II's more primitive and life should be easier.
"hich ma~e" the alien highly sensitive to light and dark.
21-40 To be free of his world's prejudice and/or persecution.
While the alien can well in near total darkness, light more
41·60 II's a nice place and he/she likes it here.
than 60 watl!; is considered bright. and a 100 wallS or more is
61·80 To hide from his people. who might seek him out for
blinding. The allen must weal a protective photo-sensitive vi-
sor. goggles. or similar eye shields to see in daylight. other· punishment or retribution.
81·00 Lost. this seemed as good a planel as any to seule on.
wise he is ·8 to strike, parry. and dodge from being blind.
56-70 Intergalactic Champion of Justice. The alien has corne
Height: 4 feet plus I D4 feet (1.5 to 1.4 m).
Weight: 100 plus 2D4x10 pounds (45 plus 2D4x4.5 kg). to protect Eanh because:
01-20 Eanh needs guidance and direction if it is to blossom
s,n.c. Honus: Add 10 S.D.C. into a productive member of the intergalactic community.
Special Nightvision 600 feet (183 m). Sensitive
21-40 It caught his eye and seemed like a wonhy cause; likes
he:lring: about 20 decibels beyond the human range. +1 on in-
niatlve. Emlh and its people.
41-60 Chose E1IT1h because he/she likes the planet and its
81-90 Aquatic world: The alien comes from a civilization that
people. but lends to be very patemal and overprotective ,Ibout
never len the ocean to walk on dry land. or has returned to
the water where they have nourished. These aliens do not this adopted world.
61-80 Assigned to Eanh. Finds humans to be very interesling,
have 10 be fish-like in appeanmce. They swim with 80% pro-
but has nOI yet decided if he likes them or nOI. Tour of duty
ficiency with ,I speed equal to 2D4x10 (running speed is typi-
cally 70% slower). Aliens with aqualic for their appearance on Eanh is at least4D4 years,
81-00 Assigned to Eanh. Finds ils people primitive, aggres-
arc already assumed to come from an aquatic planet and may
sive. unfriendly. crude, and generally beneath him. The alien
be allowL'<i to re-rolltheir homeworld if this is the result.
tends to be rude, arrogant, and condescending IOward most
Height: 6 feet plus 406 inches (1.8 to 2.4 m),
"inferior" humans, but he does job the best he can
Weight: 190 plus 406 pounds (86 plus 206 kg).
(whether the people want his help or nOI). Assigned for 404
I).S. Bonus: + I above water; + I D4 below water. This is a
one Ilme bonus that remains constant each time they enter the years.
71.s5 Glory hound who chose Eanh (0 get fame and fonune,
Since Eanh is a bit more primitive Ihan the alien's home-
S.D.C. Bonus: + 10 above water and an additional +20 below.
world. it seemed like an ideal and easy opponunity. While the
Other Bonuses: +2 10 dodge underwater, can hold brealh for
alien views Eanh as "inferior," it does not mean he dislikes
100xl0 minutcs (or may have gills, and can only breathe air
Eanh. On the contrary. he likes it very much. II's just that he
for I D6xlO minutes).
and his world an: superior. This charaCler is friendly. sincere.
91..(H) Abrash'c Almosphere: High, scathing winds or a COIT()+
and gung-ho. but also a condescending. arrogant braggan and
Sl ..e almosphere is this alien's natural environment. The being
has developed a tough. thick skin or leathery plating like the
Eanh's rhinoceros.
86-00 Came to study Earth and couldn-t help gelling emOlion-
ally involved. lbe alien likes (he people of Eanh very much.
Height: 4 feet plus I D6 feet (1.5 to 3.0 01).
and strives to become a champion. protector or mentor 10 its
Weight: 200 plus 4D6x10 pounds (90 plus 4D6x4.5 kg).
Familiarity with Earth 17-24 Siun Pislol: Range: 135 feet (41 m). Damage 10 nervous
01·20 No familiarity with Earth's culture, science, or laws. system dazes viclim: -8 10 strike. parry. dodge. no iniliative.
However. he can understand. speak. and write one Eanh lan- and reduce attacks per melee by half. Dur'3lion: ID4 melees.
guage quite well: 80% skill proficiency (a quick study). The 10 ShOl energy clip.
GM can also allow a universal language translator al 88% 25-32 Ion Blasler (Pistol or Rod): Range: 100 feet (30.5 m).
proficiency. damage 506. 20 ShOl energy clip.
21-60 Some Familiarity with Eanh, its major nalions. cultures. 3340 Alien Submachine Gun: Range: 600 feel (183 m). Dam-
and laws. Can speak. read. and wrile three or four Earth lan- age 406. 30 round magazine.
guages at 90% skill proficiency. 4148 Mini-Laser: Small rod (he size of a flashlighl. Range: 80
61-00 Has studied Earth extensively and is as knowledgeable feel (24.4 m). Damage 206. 8 shot energy clip.
about the planet as a well-infonned nalive human. The alien 49-56 Sonic Blaster: The sonic blaster generales shock: blasts.
can speak. read. and wrile five or six different Earth lan- The vibrations thai cause the damage lend 10 joh someone.
guages nuently (98% skill proficiency). even when Ihey impact againsl body annOf. On a roll below
the annor raling. a sonic blaster does half damage 10 lhe ar·
Money mor. Half of any sonic damage carries Ihrough the annar and
The alien viSItors with NO familiarity with Earth are likely 10 hilS lhe person inside. Range: 65 feet (20 m). damage 306.
have equivalent money m precious metals or stones. Those who 20 shol energy clip.
have ~ familianty ","jlh Eanh may have half in real Earth 57-64 Sonic Disrupter: Similar to lhe slun gun. Ihese weapons
cutreney (acqUired from a previous visil). While lhose who have cause disorienlation and loss of consciousness by using high
sludied Earth extensi\-ely ma) actually have a variely of com- frequency sound. Range: 150 feel (46 m). Physical damage IS
mon Eanh currency. Roll percenlile dice 10 delennine the only one (I) poin!. but there is a chance Ihat a person shot by
amount of "money" available 10 Ihe alien: the blasl is rendered unconscious for I D4 melee rounds (vic-
tims mUSI roll a 14 or higher to save. P.E. bonus applicable:
+4 10 save if wearing protective annar). otherwise lhey lose
15-29 306><51.000
one melee aClion and is 4 10 slrike. parry and dodge. 10 shol
30-44 406><5 1.000
energy clip.
65·71 Microwave Gun: This can be eilher a piSlOI (1-60%) or
60-74 606xS I.()(M)
rifle (61'()()%). The energy from these weapons concenlrale
wilhin a largel as they pass (hrough it and generate heat. The
89-00 206><5 10.000
nalure of the energy is such Ihat it penetrales!bypasses all
Aliens may also sell or trdde a weapon. alien anifaci. infor-
fonns ot nalural body annor, Kevlar. ceramic. plastic. and
malion. technology or service to acquire Eanh currency. How-
other types of annor which are nOI made of metal. Micro-
ever. whelher Ihey gel a fair price or exchange will depend on
waves are reflected by all types of metal. including malerial
who lhey are dealing wilh and how desperale a siluation Ihey
as frail as lin foil. Range: pistol: 120 feet (36 m). rifle: 1000
may be in. Such lrades or sales can be with Earth corporations.
feel (305 01). Damage: pislol: 206. rifle: 306. 15 shot energy
individuah. scientiSlS. a government criminal organization. su-
clip for pislols and 20 ShOl for rines.
per hcro(es) or super vitlain(s).
72-80 Energy Weapon of player's choice. This is an advanced
projeclile weapon that fires beams of energy instead of slugs
Random Equipment - - - - or shafts. II can be anYlhing from an energy bow to laser
shurikens as described elsewhere in this book.
81·85 Mini-Smoke Grenades: The si7.c of a golf ball. Throwing
Earth Clothes/Disguises range: 90 feel (27 m). Damage: smoke covers a 20><20 fOOl
01-40 None area (6.1 m x 6.1 m). People inside the smoke cloud are -8 to
41-60 Several suits of acceplable fashion (from name bmnd len· slrike. parry and dodge. The characler has 206+2 smoke gre-
nis shoes 10 designer jeans). nades.
61-74 Severdl suits of everyday apparel (generic labels). 86-90 Mini-Energy Wrist Blasters or Gauntlels: This weapon
75·00 Several suils of old or OUldaled clolhes (work clolhes or is lypically a high inlensity laser or ion blaster. Range: 200
fad clothes from a pasl decade). feel (61 m). Damage: 306 per single blast. 606 per double
blasl (bach anns are poimed al lhe same targel and fired si-
Special Alien Weapons mullaneously: counts as one anack). Payload: 20 blaSIS e3Ch
There are now two lables for special weapons. One is for per hour, self-regeneraling.
high-Icch ranged weapons. and lhe other is for special melee 91-95 Mini-Explosh'e Grenades: The size of a golf ball.
weapons. The player should choose which table he/she wishes 10 Range: 90 feel (27 m). Damage: ID4x IO. Effcclive casualty
roll on for hIS characler's special weapon. Roll on only one of radius is 12 feet (3.7 01). The characler has 204+2 grenades.
Ihe lables.
96-00 Plasma Ejector or Particle Beam Rifle: An
rine or bazooka·type weapon thai fires devaslaling blaSIS of
Special Ranged Weapons energy. Range: 1200 feel (366 m). Damage: 606+20. 10 SOOI
01-08 Lase,. Rifle: Range: 1400 feel (427 m). damage 606. 20 energy clip.
shol energy clip.
09-16 Laser PiSlol: Range: 200 feel (61 m). damage 406. 12
shot energy clip.
Additional Ammunition 89-94 Neuro or Stun Clubs: Special energy clubs that overload
the ne.....ous syslem to da7.-C the victim. Average length: 2.5
Enerilv clips and magazines: lD6. Recharging on Earth
feet (0.8 m). Average weight: 2.7 pounds (1.2 kg). Damage:
rom $5.000 a dip if a proper facility can be found (something
106 S.D.C. plus it stuns the victim who is now at 4 to strike.
can usually be jUI)~rigged). In :1 space campaign. recharging
pany. and dodge. reduce speed by half and has no initiative
only COStS 100 to 200 credib and facilities are readily available.
for 204 melees.
Grenades: 206. Special grenades like these cost 10 to 20 95-00 Energ.v Sword: A long (12 inchesl30 cm) hilt. with or
lIme, their nannal cOSt on Eanh, and someone 10 make them without cross guard. holds the powerful energy generator for
must Sill] be found (demolitions roll 31 35% 10 make them). In this "capon. The balance and length of the sword give it +1
space. they can be found as easily as nonnal grenades on Earth to strike and paTT),. A...erage length: 3.5 feet (1.1 m). Average
and cO\llhe same. 101030 credns each. weight: 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg). Damage: 506.
Weapon Notes: Anyone ....ho successfully parnes one of
Special Melee Weapons these special weapons with a conventional one will have thaI
The leon "melee" \\-capon refers 10 ancient Slyles of weapons nonnal weapon suffer minor damage. If a long sword is used to
such 3!> kmves, swords. a,;cs. "pean;. clubs. staves, and similar. pany an energy sword. the laser beam will scorch and pit Ihe
All spnial melee 'Wcapons arc single-handed weapons. The use melal of lhe sword. Only a kisentite or magic weapon can pany
O(lwO hand~ adds +210 the damage plus any P.S. bonus. a vibro or energy weal)On and not suffer some son of damage.
Vibro wcapons have their damaging edge surrounded by a Physical Strength bonuses are added 10 lhe damage done by me-
h(gh-frequency field Ihat gremly increase) lheir damage capacity lee weapons.
(in Rift.') lhey 1I1flict equivalenl mega-damage). See page 39 of Heroes Unlimited for conventional S.D.C.
Energy ....eapons are hilts. !>hafls or rods with energy field Earth weapons. Also see the Compendium of Contemporary
gencrnlOf\ thai foml their blades from concentrated light or Olher Weapons for over 400 different weapons. including pistols. ri-
damagmg energie... {in Rifts Ihey inflict equivalent mega-dam- nes. machineguns. balookas. laws. and monars. plus hand gre-
3g.el. nades. scopes. riOl control Items. body annor. and a selection of
Kl<,entlte .... eapons arc forged from a dense meteorite metal lanks. am\Orcd caJ'!>. optional hit location tables and rules for
that h;b J.n ama7ing hardness. and keeps a sharp edge when shocl. and blood loss.
made 1010 a blade. The--e blades are a deep blue/black color (in
Rifts lhey mf1icl M.D. lhat l~ equ31to one~thlrd the S.D.C. dam~ Special Vehicles
3g.e liMed here: i.e. 306 = 106 M.D.• 206 = 104 M.D.. and so
01-08 One-Man Fan Jel: A l>mall aircraft wilh a single seat. A
passenger may sit in the pllol's lap. but all pilot rolls are
01-10 Vibro-S\\ord: A standard-lookmg long sword. The gen~ made al 10ct- and he suffers a penalty of -2 on imtiative. Can
erator 1\ mthe handle. Average length: 3 feet (0.9 m). Aver~ ny as low as 20 fCCl (6.1 m) abo\<e the ground. Maximum
age weight: 4.2 pounds (1.9 kg). Typical Damage: 406. l>peed: 300 mph (480 kmph). S.D.C.: 275. Range: 500 miles
11-20 Energ,l A;\.e: Thi!'> large. axe-shaped weapon has no blade (800 km) before needing to refuel. The alien must hllve the
untIl lhe power i1> turned on and the laser blade spring.. fonh. piloting :o.l.iII: :lill'lane 10 ny this craft.
Avemgc length: 2.5 to 2.75 feet (.8 rn). Average weight: 2.3 09-15 One-Man Hover Car: Maximum speed: 200 mph (321.8
10 2.8 pound~ (1.0 10 1.3 kg). Damage: 506.
kmph). S.D.C. 180. Hovers 3 to 12 feet (.910 3.65 rn) above
21·30 Vibro-Axe: A standard axe with :1 handle generator like lhe ground. The piloting skill of automobile .10%. or pilot
lhe !,word. Average lenglh: 2.25 feel (0.7 Ill). Average hover vehicle must be known to the driver.
weighl: 4.5 pounds (2.0 kg). Damage: 306. 16·24 Two-Man I-IOl'cr Car: Maximum speed: 200 mph (321
31-39 Ki~ntile Sword: Typically a long. slim. blade anchored kmph). S.D.C.: 2..l0. Hovers 310 12 fect (0.9 to 3.65 m) above
in an elaborJ.tely etched hilt and cross guard. Average length: thc ground. The piloting skill of lIulomobile -10%. or pilot
3 feet (0.9 mI. Average .... eighl: 3.5 pounds (1.6 kg). Damage: hover vehide must be known to the driver.
206+3. 25-33 1-I00'er Cvcle: Can be a t....o· or four-person model. Maxi-
..lO-«i Kisenlile Axe: A finely crafted and decorated double- mum speed: '160 mph (256 kmph). S.D.c.: 150. Hm'ers 3 to
headed ....eapon. Average length: 2.75 feet (0.8 m). Average 20 fcct (0.9 to 6.1 m) abo..e the grOlJnd. The: piloting skill of
....eight: 4.6 pounds (2.1 kg). Damage: 306. motorcycle -15q.. or pilot hOler cycle must be kno.... n to the
..l7·55 Energy Knife: A glowmg blade springs from the small driver.
handle genemlor of the knife. Average length: 0.75 feet (0.2 3-1-&2 Micro-Jel HOH'r Roots: A pair of rigid bootS Similar to
m). A..erage ....eight: 0.5 pounds (0.23 kg). Damage: 3D6.
ski boots wilh several ~mall thrusters. Maximum speed: 65
56-66 Vibro-Knife: Same as the s.... ord and axe. Aver.tge mph (105 kmph) and is + 1 to dodge y, hile airborne. S.D.C.:
length: 12 inches (30 em). A...eragc weighl: I pound (0,..15 50. Maximum allitude IS 600 feet (183 m). The character
kg). Damage: 206+ I. must have the jel pack piloung "kill.
67-7S Kisenlite Knife: A broad. double-edged blade nestled in a 43-50 Hover Platform: A round or square plalfonn 4x4 feel
wide. ornate cross guard and hih. Avemge length: 1.5 feel (1.2x1.2 m) in diameter. lhat comfonably suppons lWO peo-
(0.45 Ill). Average weight: I pound (0.45 kg). Damage: 204. pic (can hold up to four). Maximum speed: 90 mph (145
76-88 Energy or Vibro-C1ubs: A clubbing weapon sUTToundcd kmph). S.D.C.: 130. Hovers 3 10 300 feet (0.9 to 91 Ill) above
by Cllher an energy or high-frequency field for increased the ground. Thc c1mrllClcr mUSl have lhe pilot hover vehicle
damagc. Average length: 2.25 feet (0.8 Ill). Average weight: skill.
3 pound" (1.4 kg). Damage: 3D6.
96-00 One· Man Gyro-copter (VTOL): A small. single ~eat ro~
torcraf1. There is usually no canopy. just a seal. motor. land-
ing gear. and tail. Maximum speed: 180 mph (290 kmph):
cmising speed: 145 mph (133 kmph) and is +1 to dodge.

Optional Alien
Generation Tables
There are over 80 specific alien races presented in this book
for the Game Master's and player charncters easy use. The fol-
lowing Alien Generation Tables provide randomly generated
quick-roll villains. non~player characters or player charncters.
For random purposes, simply follow the steps given in this sec-
tion. This generJ.tion system cuts out many of the steps and dice
rolls of the original and expanded gener'J.tion systems.
These tables are opriollal and are presented to help speed up
the creation of characters and non-player characters. At the
Game Master's discretion. players can simply pick the race they
wish to play. Each specific race has a gencr'J.I description else-
where in this sourcebook.

STEP ONE: Determination of Alien Race

This first step replaces nearly all of the eight steps of the
original chllracter generation system. The number of dice rolled
for the eight attributes. S.D.C.. appeawnce. physiological modi-
fications. familiarity with Eanh. special weapon~, special vehi-
51·60 Detachable Jet Pack: Straps onto the person's back. cles. and alignmelll suggestions are all found under the specilic
Maximum speed: 90 mph (145 kmph) and is +2 to dodge alien descriptions in the Catalog of Aliens section. Roll on the
while airborne. S.D.C.: 80. Maximum altitude is 600 feet tables below. then find the appropriatc racc by name.
(183 m) above the ground. The character must have the jet Many of the specific alien races roll more than three dice to
pack piloting skill. detemline some of their attributes. This is a result of their physi~
61-68 Antigravity Disk: Can attach to feet. back. or chest. Ma- ology. special powers. appeanmce and homeworld environment.
neuvered by simple hand controls. or a voice-activated com- Any attribute roll with a result of 16.17. or 18 gets the standard
puter. They are about the si1.e of a dinner platc. Maximum bonus dic added to it. but results of 19 or higher do not get a bo~
speed: 160 mph (256 kmph). S.D.c.: 40 per disk. Maximum nus die roll added to them.
altitude is unlimited and can carry the character into outer 01 ~ 70 Roll on Table A
space. Maximum weight allowance: 1000 pounds (450 kg). 71-00 Roll on Table H
69-77 Antigravity Ring or Medallion: Creates an antigravity
field around the wearer. Maximum speed: 100 mph (160 TABLEA
kmph). S.D.C.: 8. Maximum altitude is unlimited and can 01-02 Trogolo (Ape. frozen world)
carry the character into outer space. Maximum weight allow~ 03-04 Timneh (Avian. thennal world)
ance: 500 pounds (225 kgs). 05-06 Vulpcs (Canine, high radiation)
78-87 A.T.V. Hover Vehicle: Large sedan-styled hover vehicle 07-08 Hatha (Human-like. themlul world)
that can hold five passengers and the pilot comfonably. 09-10 Altaica (Feline, thennal world)
Maximum speed: 180 mph (288 kmph). S.D.C.: 440. Hovers 11-12 Kisent (Vegetlllion. thennal world)
310 12 feet (0.9 to 3.65 m) above the ground. Space and un- 13-14 Xippus (Insect. twilight world)
derwater night is also possible. but the vehicle cannot ny into 15-16 Daraka (Humanoid. high radiation)
space under its own power. 17-19 Aurovax (Reptile, high radiation)
88-95 Antigravity Suit: A close-fitting body suit that creates an 20-22 Chiana (Vegctation. twilight world)
antigravity field around the wearer. Maximum speed: 300 23-24 Baccams (Reptile, themlal world)
mph (482 kmph). S.D.C.: 45. (provides no A.R. and minimal 25-27 Felias (Feline. twilight world)
annor protection). Maximum altitude is unlimited :md can 28-30 Pyralis (Insect, fr01.en world)
carry the character into outer space. Maximum weight allow- 31-32 Silison (Human~like. high radiation)
ance: 500 pounds (225 kgs). 33-34 Thropo (Ape. high radiation)
35~36 Thresk (Avian. twilight world)

37-38 Wulf (Canine. twilight world) 77-78 Rotharr (Human-like. abrasive acmosphere)
39-40 Lupls (Canine. frozen world) 79-81 Qua-Trau (Reptile. low gravity)
41-42 Caecil (Amphibian. high radialion) 82-84 Micean (Mineral. Iwilight world)
43-44 Cheiron (Aquatic. thermal world) 85-86 Swip (Humanoid. high gravity)
45-46 Arismal (Human-m.::e. twilight world) 87-89 Cameroon (Amphibian. high gravily)
47-48 Lachlllelia (Vegelation. high radial ion) 90-92 Anubio (Ape. abrasive atmosphere)
49-51 Giri~ (Feline. frozen ,""orld) 93-94 Mantis (Insect. abrasive atmosphere)
52-54 Kas~ (Humanoid. twilight world) 95-96 Fredulians (Mineral. abrasive almosphere)
55-56 Panthera (Feline. high radiation) 97-98 Gymoy (Avian. abrasive atmosphere)
57-58 To)"oc (Canine. thennal \Aorld) 99.QO Latran (Canine. high grnvity)
59--61 Lixlla <In'ieCt.thermal world)
62--64 Emsa (Aquallc.twilight \\'orld) STEP TWO: Determining Super Abilities
65-66 Inncn~i (Aquatic. high radialion)
The alien descriptions mention the more prominent types of
67-68 Dcul)'ca (Amphibian. thennal world)
super abililies exhibited by that race. In general. most of the Su-
69-70 Klikila (Human-like. frozen world)
per Power Categories as found in I-Ierc>es Unlimited are avail-
71-72 Sonnam (AmphibIan. frozcn world)
able to an alien mce. unless specifically stated otherwise.
73-74 Alutu (Humanoid. frozen world)
Whether a character can possess powers not normally uvailable
75·76 Tagonica (Avian. frozen world)
to that mce is up to the Game Master. The power category of a
77EJ9 Photin (Insect. high raditltion)
chtlracter may be picked from those stated in the alien descrip·
80-82 Dytce (Ape. thermal world)
tion or the player can roll on the Delermilli,,~ Super Abililies ta-
83-85 Erritlma (Reptile. frozen world)
ble under Step T1Irf'f! of the Revised Chardcter Generntion
86-88 Mantella (Amphibian. twilight \\,orld)
89-90 Erythro (Vegetation. frozen world)
91-92 Thl~sera (Reptile. twilight world) STEP THREE: Determining Educal;on and Skills
93-94 Tinali\ (Aquatic. world)
Playe~ and Game Masters can make a choice here based on
95-96 Gallopa (Avian. high radiation)
the suggestions given in each alien entry. or they can roll on the
97-98 Maeus (Ape. twilight ,""orld)
Determining Education &: Skills table under Step Four in the Re-
99.QO Shllo!>a (Humanoid. thennal \Aorld)
vised Character Generalion section.

01..Q2 Arreri (Humanoid. abrasive atmosphere)
STEP FOUR: Reasons for Coming to Earth
03~ Basanite (Mineral. high radiation) These remain unchanged; roll as usual on the table above.
05-06 ConcollFeline. low gravity)
07-08 Naterreri (Aquatic. abrasive atmosphere)
09-10 LlIlx (Feline. high grnvity) Olher Sluff
11-12 Capuci tApe. high gravity)
13-14 ))ergln (Canine. abrasive atmo:.phere)
15-16 Raldeme (Milleral.low gravity) Weapons and Armor: Specific alien races will indicate the
17-18 Salvelins (Aquatic. high gravity) general types of weapon. amlOr and equipment common to that
19-20 Relogo (Insect. low gravity) race or type character. The equipment. weapons. and annor men-
21-22 Struthio (Avian. high gravity) tioned in each entry are the usual issue or preferred types com-
23-25 Sprekalia (Vegetation. abrasive lItmosphere) mon to that race or frequently used for field duty. The G.M. can
26-28 Xenopus (Amphibian. abrasive atmosphere) give the characler the full range of items. seleclions from typical
29-32 Naiden (Human-like. high gravity) equipment or add convenlional or common items 10 it. If a spe-
33-35 Liconill (Mineral. thennal world) cial prolcctive suit is needed. the lIlien will have one suil and a
36-38 Tedeschia (Vegetation. low gravity) single spare.
39-40 Jenjora (Reptile. high gravilY) Structural Damage Capacil)' (S.D.C.): The base S.D.C. for
41-43 Stoan (Mineral. high gravity) each of the 80+ aliens described will include the Iypical S.D.C..
44-47 Manarr (Human-like. 10,"" gravity) appearance and physiological bonuses.
48-)0 Cebus (Ape. low gravilY)
51-52 Elecian (Avian. low gravity) The typical alignmenl or alignment range are provided to
53-54 Salar (Aquatic. low gravity) help players and Game MaSle~ beller unde~land the motiva-
55-56 Lassinike (Mineral. frozen world) tions and outlooks of the featured aliens. Game Masters can use
57-59 Axolotl (Amphibian. low gravity) them as guidelines. bUI should always keep in mind that every
60-62 Cams (Canine. low gravity) society is composed of individuals and they will exhibit any and
63-65 Titon (Humanoid. low gravity) all of the alignments unless they are robots. There lire rogues.
66·68 Camlea (Vegetation. high gravity) traitors and villains among all people - hence the never ending
69-71 Nithia (Reptile. abrasive atmosphere) bailIe of good versus evil.
72-74 Pume (Feline. abrasive atmosphere)
75-76 D:lI1aus (Insect. high gravity)
New Rules and Abilities by Super Power Category
Note: AvaIlable 10 humans unless stated otherwise. breathing underwater. The gills need an unrestricted passage
Rio-Comp self-monitoring system: Nano-implants lied into a of water to breathe. Cost: $500.000 and includes a gill-lo-
IIny computer system monitor. measure and transmit funda- lung switching mechanism.
mental physiologic infonnation about the person it is im- Internal Comp-Calculator: A tiny computerized calculator
planted in. The dtllll is typically displayed on a wristwlllch or connected 10 a head Of ear implanl or artificial eye. The com-
bracelet style monitor. bUI can also be displayed and recorded puter responds to spoken. radio or computer tmnsmined
on II computer. 1>I,mable bio-scan or ponable laboratory vill a malhemalical equations. The answer is transmiued 10 the
IingerJ3ck or headJlId•. charaCler in I D4 seconds. depending on the complexity of the
Dam includes pulse rate, blood pressure. body tempera- equation. COSI: Basic math (addition. subtraction. multiplica·
ture. blood sugar level. respiratory rale. breathing difficulties. lion. division and fractions al 98%): S 10.000; advanced math
and the presence of foreign elements in the bloodstream (indi- (algebra. geomeuy. and calculus at 96%): SI5.000.
catmg the presence of drugs or pOIson). COSI: 515.000 for ali- Language Translator: This buill-in compuler system can tee·
I en~. Thi') technology is Il()( currently available 10 humans.
ogmze and monilor up 10 three differem voices and twO dif-
An) experimental prolOlypeS will cost a human 3D4xI00.000 ferent languages or dialects. Level of accuracy is 98.7% for
dollars. known languages (i.e. aliens who ha\'e studied Earth). bul
Energ) Melee Weapons: Vibro-blades and energy versions of only 30% for a complelely unknown language. The trJ.nslator
melee weapons are available as relractable or concealed can be programmed with a lotal of 16 differenl languages.
.... eapons. A single sword-like I'ibro-blade will do 206 dam- There is a lhree second delay/pause belween lhe lime of lhe
agc. a pair of double claw blades do 406 damage and 606 for spokcn word and the tr.ll1slation. CosI: $15.000 for alicns.
triple blades! This technology is nOl currently available to humans. Any ex-
A ~ingle .,.....ord like energy blade will do 306 damage. a perimcntal prololypeS will cost a human 3D4xIOO.OOO dol-
pair of double claw blades 606 damage and 100xlO for tri- lars.
ple blades. but an energy hip or backpack is required 10 Palm Lastr Torch: An "immediate" range laser loreh built inlO
po\\,er Ihe .....eapon. The generator pad. has 55 S.D.C. and at- the base of the palm and wrist of cyborgs (or robots). The de-
tackers must make a called shoc at -3 to strike to hit it. If the vice has the ... cry shan range of one fOOl (0.3 m). because it is
pack is destroyed. the claws do ordinary damage. Cost: intended a... a high intensity laser toreh tool 10 cut lhrough ar-
100.000 for alien<;. This lechnology is nQ( currently avail· mor. locks. and other tough materials. It can also be used for
able to humans. Any experimental protOCypes will cost a hu· soldering metal and sealing bulkheads. It innicts 306 damage
man 2~x I 00.000 dollars. per single blast or 606 per double blast (both handl> com-
Extendible Hydraulic Hands/Arm: Typically only one limb bined). Range; One foot (0.3 m). Payload: Effectively unlim-
will have an extendible. hydraulic hand. The control meeha- ited; most tap into the cyborg's energy system. Cost:
ni,m can be designed to respond to menIal or verbal com- $300.000
mands with lhe speed and nexibility of Ii nonnal aml. The Psionic Electro-Magnetic Dampers: Brain implant.. thaI dil>IOn
ann's reach i~ typically increased by lhree to six feet (0.9 10 and fog tclcpathic and other psionic probes. Pl>ychic oppo-
1.8 m). The eXlendible hand/ann enables lhe charactcr to nenlS find il difficull to read lhe Ihoughts and cmotions of
reach inlO narrow places like Sloml drJins. ventilator shafts. chamcters with the psionic dampers. Bonuses: -+ 1 to ..ave vs
and so on. as .....ell a~ places nonnally out of reach. like a high all psionic attacks. -+2 to save vs possession. and + I 10 save
)helf or window ledge. A Iypical ann has a P.S. of 10 10 20. vs magic illusions and mind conlrol. Cost: 5350.000 for ali-
Cost: $150.000. ens. This tcchnology is noc currently available to humans.
Finger Camera: A lin) <;till camera filS inside the lip of one fin- Any experimental prototypes will cost a human 306 million
ger. The camera shoots 48 photos on microfilm. and is de- dollars.
<;igned to automatically adjust for low or high light exposures. Third efe: This is a cybernetic e)'e that is implanted either
Cost: S 1200. above a real eye or in the center of the forehead. The me-
Gill-to-Lung S\\,itching Mechanism: Aquatic aliens do nOl chanical eyc can have any of the available bionic c)e optics
have to gel rid of lhcir gills to breathe air. they can gct bionic or weapons. Cost: $150.000. Penalty: Reduce lhe char.tcter·s
lung implants. TIlis implanl allows a walcr-breathing alicn 10 beauty by 20%.
<;wilCh back and fonh between the two lypeS of respiralion for Olher Options: Sce lhe equipmcnt scclion in this book for othcr
unrestricled activity both above and below the water. Cost: handhcld weapons. body annOf :md equipmenl that can also
$125.000. be used by bionic characters.
Gills: An alien with lungs can have gills implanted in order to
breathe underwater \\'ithoul an air tank. This allows for ex- Experiments----------
lended aClivllies underwater. Bionic gills will be implanted in Aliens who fall under the experiment power category roll for
the neck or bet\\,ccn the ribs. Note that lhe lalter position for pennanent side effects like humans. unless stated otherwise.
gills will prohibit the use of chest annor or clothing when Only a few races have tal-en their experimemal programs be-

yond the hit and miss Slage and can consistcntly induce lhe de- existing gravily well functions nonnally. but a magic-made well
sired <;uper abllilies without side effects (or with only one or two is only large enough 10 allow pas!>age of a ship weighing 50 tons
consistent side effects rather than a random plethora of side ef- (45 metric tons) per level of the caSler, or less. Secondly. the
fecb). II up to the G.M. or the specific alien description as to chance of emerging lhrough lhe desired gravily well is based on
\\hcther or OOlthere are side effeclS. lhe same chance of succe<;s as the Telepon spell (See page 100
of Heroes Unlimited for lhe lable).
Magic - - - - - - - - - - - - Energy Fist
1llc ma~ic <;y.;lem remains unchanged for aliens. The follow. Range: Self
mg new ..pell<; are available 10 aliens and humans alike. Duralion: 4 melees/onc mmule per level of experience.
Sa\ing Throw: Dodge or parry with \l.capon.
Alphabelical Lisl of New Spells
Nole: Counts as ,\\-o spell selections.
Breathable Air
Cold Wall The :.pell creates a glowing energy Iield around the hand/fist
CreMe Gravlly Well (3) of the spell casler. tummg hi.; fi.;t into a po\\-erful energy
Energy Fi..t (2) weapon. Punches innicl 306 damage (306 M.D. if used ;n
Ice Bla.;t Rifts. com 20 P.P.E. and is considered a 7th level spell). The
Magic Annor encrgy fist can be u!>cd to grab or parry vibro-blades. energy
we:lpons. objects thaI are on fire. live electrical cables. magic
Reti ..t Cold
Re<;il>l Fire naming swords and c ...en ellcrgy bla:.t.!> without suffering damage
(-4 to parry energy blasls because they arc extremely fast)! Char-
Note: Some of the more powerful ..pell<; require more lime
aClers who try to parry or hold the energy fist with lheir unpro-
and "udy. If one of lhese i~ <,elecled. it will count as 2 or 3 spells
tected hands will suffer ID6 damage. even if their parry is
(indicated III parentheses abo, e) and will limit the tOlal number
of !opel'" known.
1bc spell affects only one hand. To tum both hands (or more
Brealhable Air for some aliens) mto an energy fiq require!> a second spell 10 be
Range: Self or Olhers by louch. ca!>l. Also note Ihat while thc energ} !>healhcd hands may be in-
Dunnion: One hour per le'el of expenencc. 'ulnerable to energ}. thc re.;1 of lhc characlers body is nOl_ so
Sa' ing Thl'"O\\: l\one caulion is wise. A 1a.."Cr biasl or lightning bolt Ihat hilS the upper
....ote: Can be casl on i>Clf or OIhers. arm. leg. chest or head innict.; full damage.
Thl....pcll \l. ill allow an alien from a loxic atmosphere or un-
derv.ater 10 breathe in an atmosphere that IS nonnally hannful or
Ice Blast
Range: 90 feel (27 m)
unbrealhable. The magic of the ..pel1 does nOI cancel nonnal
breathmg 'y..tem... but magically tum!> the air into somelhing Duration: Inslant
Sa,·ing ThrO\\: Dodgc
breathable. The aqualic alien can relum 10 his normal alnlO!>-
phere at any lime without difficully. Likewisc. the spell will A cone-shaped blast of inten!>e cold beginning with the caSler
magically tum any atmosphere into breathable air. even tho'ie and cover.. a r:lIlgc OUI to 90 fcct (27 m). It is 5 feCI (1.5 01) at
\uddcnly l>Dllutcd by toxins or gascs. the base of the cone when it 51rike!> the larget. and il innicls 106
points of damage per level of thc cllster (double damage against
Cold Wall :Ilien<; from thcrmal worlds). A dodge roll musl be made to a...oid
Rlinge: 90 fcct (29 m) damage from the cone, but the victim lllU!>1 know it is coming
DUTlllion: 10 melees per level. and mu!>t roll an 18 or higher. jU~1 as with a fireball.
Sa'ing 'l"hro\\: None
The ,pclJ will create a "Iationary wa...e of freczing cold lhat i51 Magic Armor
10 feel high by 15 feet long by 5 fcci deep (3.0x4.5xI.5 m) per Range: Self
each Ic"e1 of lhe casler. Anyone \l.ho 10ucheS or moves through Duralion: 5 melees per le'el ofille casler
the \l.all taKC" 406 poims of damage for each five feel (1.5 m) of Sa'ing Throw: None
deplh fAllen .. from lhermal world.; lake lD4xlO damage). Ob· This spell is pre~llled becau"C pia} ers ha\ e asked for a
JCCb wllhln thc area of arreci will begm 10 frec1..e. ··cheaper- magical amlOr :.pcll. The spell is similar 10 Ihe Annor
of hhan !>peU except It offeT\ Je~5I PTOlcclion: A.R. 13. S.D.C.
Create Gravity Well 110.
Range: f1alf a mile (0.8 km) per le\el
Duralion: La50IS onc melee per Ie"cl of lhe casler, or until used. Resisl Cold
Sa\ ing Throw: 'one Range: Self or OIhc.... b} louch
Note: Count-. as three spell <;elections. I)uration: 10 melee:. per le\cl
Thi .. po,>,crful .;pell is used for advanced space travel. II can Sal·ing Thron: Nonc
ellher create a lemporary. anificial gravity well (Ihat funclion!> Nolc: Can be Casl on ~elf or others.
JU.;1 like 3 real one for point-Io-point travel). open an existing This :.pell provides protection from cold. lllU~. it can be used
wei!. or 3clivatc a gateway structure. TIlc Sp:lce Travel section by aliens from a thcnnal world to move :looUl wilhoUI an envi-
ha.. more detail!> on point-to-poim and gateway SYSIClllS. Using ronmental ~uit in tcmperature~ below their tolerancc level. Fur-
tim spell ha.s ~ome limilal;ons. though. An activated gateway or thennore. cold and cold-b;l.;ed magic does half damage.
Resist Fire and Heat Electric nolt: The most powcrful of the p:'>ionic'1> eJcclrical
Range: Self or others discharge powers is the eleClTic bolt. Range: 90 fect l27 rn). Du-
Duration: 20 melees per level ration: Instant. I.S.P.: 6. Damagc: 406. lJonllses: +:2 to strike.
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: Dodge. A1I3Cks Per Melee: Two (:2).
Note: Can be cast on self or others. Manipuilite Electrical Devices: By generating .md manipu-
This spell is the same resist fire except that it also includes lating the electricity needed to run them. the p~ionic can exen
protection from heal. lllUs. it can be used by aliens from a fro- limited control over small or minor electric:!1 devj('es like light
zen world to move about without an environmental suit in tern- switches. computer.,. television'>. radio1>. blender!>. microw.lVc
pemlUres above their tolcmnce level. Furthennore. fire docs half oven~. flashlighls. toys (both bauery and plug types). windshield
damage. wi pen-. and others that are electrically powered. It i1> also within
thb power 10 control the functions of a device. such as volume.
Mutants - - - - - - - - - - - channel selection. tuner:.. speakers. ,peed. light dimmers. and so
on. The items do not have to be seen by the character. If they are
Alien planets can have mutanl life fomls <;imi1ar to tho'e on
within r:lnge. he Can sense their presence and affect thelll. Up to
Earth. Use the tables found in the Mutant section of Heroes Un-
a maximum of eight (8) functions can be manipulated per melee
limited to create alien mutants.
round. Tuming a device on is one function and off b .mOlher
Due 10 the animal appearance of many of the alien1> in the (which leaves six other functions th:lt round). Robots. turbines
Catalog of Aliens. imelligent mutant animab will fit in perfectly. and other ~il11ilar device!> cannot be affected. Note that m01>t new
The Teenage Mulant Ninja Turtles game and it" supplement,> vehicles have extensive electrical Sy,tClllS and can be 'taned.
are amazingly compatible with the :Jllen selling. especi:Jlly for locked/unlocked. cruise control engaged. the mdio tumed on.
1>pacc campaigns. Mutant animals and other mutants can be the and simil:\r with this ability. R3nge: 20 feet l6.l m) plu1> 5 feet
product of experiments in genetic engineering. environmelllai (1.5 m) per level of experience. Duration: :2 minutes per level.
condilions. space anomalies or magic. They can be free citil.em. 1.5.1).: 6.
second-class citizens or slaves. Just use the old imagination.
Sense Electricit.\·: The psionic c<ln sen,e the location of <Ill
electrical sources (outlet,>. bllllerie1>. wire,. etc.). Range: 40 feet
Physical Training - - - - - - - - (12 m) pius 5 feel (1.5 Ill) per level of experience. Duration: 2
minutes. I.S.P.: 2 for every two minutes. Hase Skill: 55% plus
Aliens. like Earthlings. can elect to build their bodie1> through
5% per Icvel of experience 10 pinpoint exact source. A failcd roll
phy,icaltraining. The only difference is the creature's physic'll
means the sense i<; unclc:lr. try again.
auributes. and other physiological and environment:ll differenceo;
which may provide bonuses or penalties. Resist Heat (Secondary Ability)
Range: Self
Psionics - - - - - - - - - - - - Duration: 4 hour1>
1.5.1).: 2 or more
The following psi-powers can be added 10 those found in I-Ie-
5:t\'ing Throw: Nonc
roes Unlimiled. page 128.
This is a rnind~over-rnaller discipline thm allow1> the p1>ionic
to endure prolonged exposure to hOi condition1> with no ill cf-
Electrokinesis (major power) fects. Two I.S.P. are required for every 12 degrecs F'lhrenheit (7
Range: Special
C) above 100 degrees Fahrcnheit (38 C). e....cept for frozen world
Duration: Special
aliens who must spend two l.S.P. for every 10 degrees (6 C)
I.S.P.: Special
above their minimum expo.~urc tcmperaWre.
Saving Throw: As Dodge Only
Eleclrokinesis is the ability (Q mentally control and generate Resist Cold
electricity. Range: Self
Electrical Resistance: The psionic character can mentally Duralion: 4 hours
make his body extremely resistant to electricity. The character I.S.P.: 2 or more
takes no damage from electrical currents up to 60.000 volts. Cur- Sal'ing Throw: None
rents of greater voltage. lightning. magical electricity. and elec- This power remains the same as described in I-Icroes Unlim-
tricity generated by super abilities inflict half damage. Range: ited. Aliens fromthennal planets will have 10 expend 2 J.S.P. for
Self. Duration: 3 minutes per level ofexperience.I.S.P.: 4. every 12 degrees F (7 C) below their maximum tolerable expo-
Electrical Discharge: The psionic also has impressive elec- sure temperatures.
trical generating abilities. The character can create a strong static
jolt (mostly to surprise someone) or generate a field of static. Robotics------------
BOIh of these can either be a small annoyance (hair standing on
Create alien robots basic:!lIy the same as those described in
end) or they can be more powerful and damaging (I D6 dumage
Heroes Unlimited. page 136. The only real differences will be
per melee round). The field covers a 6 foot (1.801) area per level
alien designs and alien melal alloys. but most should be roughly
of experience. There ;s no save except to dodge the jolt or leave
equivalent to human robots.
the field once it is created. Range: Touch or within field. Dura-
tion: Instant. I.S.P.: 2 per discharge or 2 per melee for the field. Energy Melee Weapons: Vibro-blades and energy versions
of melee weapons nre av'lilable as retractable or concealed
weapons. Giant-sized weapons are typIcally twice as big and in- An ann can be molded into a club. mace, morning star or
flict an addilional ID6 or 206 damage. Otherwise, these ilems hammer that does 2D6 damage. or a ".....ord, axe. glaive or ~imi­
are fundamentally the ,ame as Ihe bionic ones, lar blade .....eapon thai does 3D6 damage. All P.P.. P.S.. and W.P.
Pressurized cabins are complete environmental systems that skill bonuses to strike and parry are applicable. The .... eapon ann
contain the alien's home atmosphere. sealed, cleaned and recir- is as hard as stccl and has a base S.D.C. of2D4xlO.
cul:lIed IntO the vehicle or suit. Thb i" II "ely to be somelhing
other than oonnal Eanh all1lO'\phere and may include Power Channeling (minor)
waterlfluid, radiallon. or air Ihal I!> loxic to humans. Lo~s of 75% Characters with this power ha\'e an a.....esome abillly to gener-
of an exoskeleton's body, or a vehicle's or robot /)/10" J' ('ompar{- ate and ch3nnel kinetic energy for vel)' specilic purposes. The
ml'/If means cabin illlegrily i~ breached and loss of atmosphere character creates a kinetic surge within himself when he attacks
will begin. Withm 204+4 melee~ (1 to J mintlles), the almo~­ someone with his bare hands, feet. or tail. and releases this en-
phere will be gone and the pilot will :.tan 10 suffocate unless ergy on contact. These super punches deliver as much damaging
other brealhlng :Ippar.llu~" are available. A spare tank with a energy as :IIlY of the ell('TSY e.\{mls;o/l P0II'('TJ. but they Clm not
mouthpiece-filled ho..e i, a good bac"up lcost of S500). be used at range. only in hand to hand melee comb3!. These
Robolic armor ralings "ori.. the ,ame way as v'ehicle amlor characten can even damage metal. concrete. or armored targets
and naluml annor. Any roll.. 10 .'>Irike that are below the annor with punches, "ic"s. head bulls or flying tac"lcs. Damage in-
rating simply bounce off the robot. .... hile those that are above It creases" ith le\el and all bonuses are applicable. except for the
do,damage to tM robot·... S.D.C. lnot the pilot). The pilot is not character',\, oonnal P.S. damage bonus.
In danger umil the robot' .. entire S_D.C I.'> depleled. Rod~ tackle damage - ID6 plus I ~ per le.. e1 of experi-
Head bott damage - I D6 plu:. ID6 every two levels (3. 5.
New Super Abilities
Punching damage - ID6 plu~ I D6 per each level of experi-
The specific alien de~criptLOns will Illdicate whether Ihere arc encc.
any Ilmllatlon.. to the avaIlability of super abilities. Some can sc- Power Punch - 6D6x2 but use~ up four melee :t1tads/llc-
leet any, '>Ome are limited to cenaln ones. others have only onc tiam.
or t.....o po.....ers comtant among their rdce and some don'l have Kicking damage - 206 plus ID6 per level of expcnence.
"uper abilities at aiL but can creale chamcte..... under other super Jump Kick - The above klc" damage x2! But it uses up
categories such as Hardware. Biomcs and :>0 on. ALL melee attacks/aclions and must be the first allad of the
See the new updated t3bles that include the new minor and melee round.
majOr ~upcr abihllc" from Aliens Unlimited and Villains Un-
limited under Sft'p Thru in the Crealion Section. Multiple Limbs (minor)
A character wilh this ability h:b an extra pair of limbs. either
anns or legs. The limbs can be eIther idenlic31 10 Ihose of the
New Minor Super Ability Descriptions: ch3r.lcter or somehow different: i.e.. both thc n3lUrai and extm
legs can be horse-like. making the character a centaur. Or the
L"t of New Minor Super Abilities
character might have IWO human-like amlS and hands plus two
Body Weapon~
tentacles or twO crab-like claws, or an extra pair of nomlal anns
Multiple Limbs
and so on. The abilities of the extra anns will depend on what
Power Channeling
they are. Tentacles for example. may be prehensile but won't of-
fer the same degree of control and versalility provided by fingers
Body Weapons (minor) and hands.
This po"er alia"" the character to alter the shape and struc- Bonuses from extra arms (and hands): One additional at-
ture of his extremities to fonn "eapons. 11le "eapons fonned tack/action per melee round. +2 to parry. paired "capons. + 15%
can range from serralcd blades to dense. club-like stumps. The to climb, +5% to pick pockets. pick locks, palming and other
shapes are limited 10 tradilional melcc weapon styles: nothing sleight of hand skills.
long range or Ihat can be thrown. Keys and other items cannot Bonuses from extra legs (and f~l): Characteni who possess
be made. but the character can atlempt 10 pick a lock by fomling an extr.l pair of leg:. can have them in any arrdngement or ap-
a long. thin pick-like blade (-10% skill penalty). After 3rd level. pearance (horse. crab, insect. etc,). Bonuses from an extr.t pair of
the forehead may be lincd with blades. hom~. or lumps. Sharp legs increases the speed anribute by ID6xI0 points. can leap 10
horns. blades or protrusions can also be grown along the fore- feet (3 m) lengthwise from a st3ndstill or 20 feet (6 rn) from a
ann. at the elbow. shoulder and knuckles. running start. +4 to dodge. kick with (wo legs does 306 damage,
Creation of blade anns cannot exceed ann Icngth by more +20% to mainlain b3lance. and +20 to S,D.C.
than 5()tk. about 17 inches (43 cm). for 3 total foreann blade Note: This is the only super ability thai can be taken twice. If
length of 34 to 36 Inches (86·91 cm). Damage is ID4 for a sin- this is done. the ch3racter will have one extra set of anns and
gle kmfe·like blade. Each finger can be a knife. creating claws one extra set of legs for a total of eight limbs. A character cannot
that do 4)).4 damage. The same applies to knuckle blades, horns have more than this.
or spikes.
Major Super Ability Descriptions glowing aura Ihat radiates one or two feet (0.3 to 0.6 m) around
Ihe body. At founh. eighth and 12th level of experience. the
List of Major Super Abilities character can extend the force aura around one additional per-
Copy Physical Structure son. but none of them can move from where they stand. They
Force Aura can still defend themselves or attack. but are rooted to that spot.
lmmonalily Bonuses:
hem Reduction +4 roll with punch, fall. or impact.
Negative Malter +10 to P.S.
+4 10 P.E.
Copy Physical Structure (major) A.R.14
Unlike lhe Alter Physical Structure abilities thai allow the +200 S.D.C. (The field works a:. it natural annor rJting)
character 10 change himself imo a specific substance. this ability Limitations: While the aura is active. the character cannot
leis the character mimic the propenics of :IllY substance he is in physically lOuch anyone with his hands/skin. bccau!>e of the
phy.;ical contact with. The annor raling and struclur..ll damage force aura. ~Iowever. he can still punch or kick. but it is the force
capacity (S.D.C.) received i~ noticeably le~s th,1ll those of the field that hill. hi:. opponent. He can also ~trike with a weapon
\nIC Alter Phyl>ical Structure abilities. To copy the propenies of that he held in his hand prior 10 activating the aura. It must be
a -.ubslance. the character mUM louch the material with 1111> b:lrc dropped to move when multiple people are protected. to touch
skin for at leal>\ 15 second"/one melee round. anything. to perfonn most skills. or to pick up and use weapon;,
, Duration: The char-deter can maintain his inhuman physical or tools.
ramI for 5 mmutes per level of experience.
Limitalions: lie can change hi~ physical fonn as often as Immortality (major)
once every five minute~ bUI no more than six times per hour. The ch"racter who possesses this ability docs not age and is
Natural Body Armor & S.D.C.: Like any 1I(llllral body ar~ imTllune 10 diseit:-e and sickness. Although he can still be killed
mor. any auad. rolls below the A.R. innict no damage. Rolls by weapons and violence. he will not die a natural death. Once
above the A.R. innict full damage to the S.D.C. and then hit he reaches physical malurity (for humans tha!'!> roughly 20 years
poil1l~. old). the body !>tops :tging and will retain it;, youthful appearance
Trails of the ph)'sical form: The character also has the tmils and phy:.ical atlribute~ forever. No wrinkle:. will appear. no los:.
of the material he has become. TIlis means wood. cloth. icc, rub- of muscle tone. no hardening of the :lneries. no hean attacks.
ber and plastic will nom on water. but suffers double damage ctc. NOlhing associated with aging, illness. or natural death will
from fire and heat. Me!:tl:.. stone/concrete, and dirt/clay sink like ever affect the character.
the proverbial stone in water, triples the character's nonmtl hu- Bonuses & Abilities:
man weight/mass and reduces their speed by half. but fire and • Immune to all disease... and sicknes!>.
heat anacks and bullets do half damage (energy attacks and all • N"tural toxic gase:. and poisons do only one-third the nonnal
olheN do full damage); plus punches and kicks do an additional damage. and effectl> last only one-third as long. Man-made
lD6 damage. poisons. drug:-. chemicals and toxins are half as effective and
• Heals twice as fast without sc:trring. Limbs and appendages
Substance Copied A.R. S.D.C. 80nus
Ceramic or Kevlar 15 200 that are "mputated do not regenerate.
+310 save vs horror factor.
CIOIh/Fabric or Padding 8 60
Glass* 11/6 80
+2D4xIO to S.D.C.
Metals: Soft (Aluminum. copper) 14 270 +1 D6to P.B.
Metals: Hard (Titanium, steel) 16 400 +1D4toM.E.
Rubber, Pla:.tic or Icc 13 150 +104 to P.E.
Stone, Concrete. or Brick 15 300
Wood. Din or Clay 13 180
Item Reduction (major)
This super ability allows the character to reduce inanimate.
* Glas~ has an A.R. of II against unanned hand to hand al-
non-living objects to a fraction of lheir nonnal size and
tacl..s, but only a 6 when up ag:tinst melal. stone or energy weap-
weight/mass. The character simply touches an object. and if it is
on:.. Funhemlore. impacts from blunt metal weapons. guns.
within hil> weight limit. it will instantly shrink to a fraction of its
explo!>ives and falb have a 01-36% chance of shattering a body
true size. Items reduced this wlly rcmain small until the charac-
pan. provided the A.R. is penetrJ.tcd and at least one point of
ter. or someone else with this power. retuOl... them 10 their nor-
damage i!> inflicted. A shattered character can refonn and tum
mal size. Reduced objects also rcduce in mas~ proponional to
bllCk to nonn:tl but it will take 304 minutes to tum complctely
their size. This will make them very light and can be Cllrried in
back to nonnal (304 hours if the shattered pllnS arc shauered).
pockets or purses.
Force Aura (major) Two characlen. with this power can work together to reduce a
The body of a character that possesses this ability is sur- large or heavy object that would nomlally be beyond their range
rounded by a powerful energy field that augments physical of power. but two characters may also be necessary to cnlarge it.
strength. and protect:. like amlOr to shield him from haml. When Range: Touch. or one foot (0.3 m) per level of experience.
the force aura is activated, the charJ.cter is surrounded by a pale, Limilalions: The lIlaximum weighl a character can have re-
duced at anyone time is 150 pounds (68 kg) per level of experi- they were fired (51-00). This also me:lIls thai punches :lIld kicks
ence. Thi>; means a character would have 10 be founh level to thrown in his direction are pushed back like a sling-slot - the
reduce a motorcycle (approximately 580 poundsn63 kg) or any :In:lcker swings at the chamcter. but as his tlst rushes ncar his
other uem that weighed 600 pounds or less. face or body the 1ll0melllUtll is turned ag:linst him :lnd slings his
The shrinking power can only be used twice per melee round ann backward (may hit people standing behind. or next 10 him).
when shrinking large. and heavy items. or four time~ per melee
if each object weighs less than 30 pounds (13.6 ~g). Each u...e of Negative mailer only repels weight equ:ll to, or les~ than it-
the ~hrinking power counts as one melee atlack/action. self. A negative matter chamcter can affect an amounl of weight
Importanl Nole: A vehicle. exo-skcleton. body armor. equal to less than his own body weight. This mean~ people try-
~pace-suit. clothing. and ~imilar cannot be shrunk if there are ing to approach him are pushed away unless they weigh signifi-
cantly more that the negative character. Those who weigh less
people in~ide. or if a person is physically or mentally linked/at-
tached to it. This al<;o :lpplies to bionic limbs, weapons :lnd im- th:m the chamcter will lind il absolutely impossible to approach
pl:lI1ts. However. iterm. held in someone's hands can be ~hrunk. or re:lch the person as long as hc is tr:msfonned into negative
Random Reduction: There is a random clement to this
power which mean~ an object is not reduced at the ,.,a111C level
The person (or object) that weigh~ as much as the negative
every time. Roll on this random table for each reduction. Both
maHer being or within 20 pounds (9 kg: more or less) are slowly
size and weight arc reduced b} the percentage indicated.
pu~hed away and cannot approach any closer than .104 fcc\.
61-25 Reduced by 85Ck
People and objects that weight half as much as the chamcter
26·50 Reduced by 90%
are pushed away to about twenty feet (6.1 m) and cannot get any
51-75 Reduced by 95%
76-00 Reduced by 98%
Lisled here are some general weights for reference: Most
All slll<ll!, light objects Ily away from lhe negative maller be-
we:.lpon" and equiprnem descriptions wiJIlbt weight (if not. fake ing - repelled by the negative force. Thi~ means when such a
character enters a room, aU light ilems within a 50 foot (15,2 Ill)
Motorcycles: radius of the character will Ily away from him/her with danger-
Street bikes; 500-600 pounds (225-270 kg). ous results. Likewise. doors will fling open. :md t:lbles and
Hover cycles: 650-900 pounds (290....05 ~g). chairs will skiller acro~~ the room.
I-Iogs: 700-1,000 pounds (315-450 kg).
Cars: Items weighing less than live pound:- (2.3 kg) flyaway at
Small spons and compact cars: 1.600-2.750 pounds (720· bullet-like speed up to 600 feet (183 Ill) and inllict random,
1240 ~g). unaimed damage like a scalier shotgun bl:lSI. Items weighing six
Two-man hover cars: 1.500-1.750 pounds (675-790 kg). 10 15 pounds (2.7 10 7.3 kg) are Ilung about 300 feet (91 m).

Mld-slLe car<, and small trucks: 2.800-3,500 pounds (1260- Items weighing 20 to 50 pounds (9 to 22,6 kg) are l1ung about
1575 kg). 100 feet (30.5 m).
Six person A.T.V. hover car: 3,500-4.000 lX)und~ (1575-1800
kg). NOll': Only characters (or objecb) who are 50 pounds (22.6
Full·~i/ trucks: 3.000-4,000 pounds (1350-1800 kg). kg) or heavier can resist the force. but even they see their .;;peed
Cargo lrllcks or 10-wheeled cabs: 10JXX)-Hl,OOO pounds reduced by half. Only Ch:lf:lcten, who are 200 pound:- (90 kg)
(4500-HIOO kg). he:lvier or greater than the negative mailer being :lre 110t affected
and c:m :Iliad without restriction. The character abo has no de·
One-man g.Ho-coplcrs: 1,700-2,200 pounds (765-990 kg),
fense <lgainsl energy attacb. magic or psioniC'>,
[xo-skelelon: 250-400 pounds (11.1-180 kg).
As an offensive weapon. the character can tightly hold an
Negative Matter (major) item like a knife or bullet <lnd tum himself into ncg:ltivc maller.
Negative matter is different from both positive and ncgatively Thi:. will make the knife want to tly away, out of the character's
charged mailer (mauer/:lnli-maHer). Negative matter eXeth a grasp. When the knife or bullet (marble. t1CW~p:lper. dinner
son of Ilegaril't! gral'iry that repels all fomls of matler. both posi- plate, cIC,) is released, it will shoot out of his hand :md away
tive and negative energy. Bodies of positive matter and negative from him'll extreme velocity, Items will do damage relative to
Inatter of the same weight will move :lway fl'om each other be- mass. A newspaper. p:ll>cr clip, pl<lslic cup. rubber bnl!.
cau,>e of gravitational repulsion. Connecting the two will result I::omputer disk. pencil, pen, remote control :tnd simi 1:1f itc.lTl~ will
in continuous movement in the direclion of the positive maUer. inlliet no more than one or lWO points of damage. A rock the
because the negativemallerwillpu~hawaythepositive.Thisre- size of :L golf ball. metal ball benring. ~pike. dan. fork, buller
:Iction, in lum. allracts the negative. This push-pull reaction b knife. xacto-knife. scalpel. bullet canridge and similar items will
con~tant and results in acceleration and movement. inflict 206 damage. A large item like an ax. ~word. spear and so
A character with this power is able to charge hi~ body with on will inlli(~ttheir nomlal damage +206 additional point".
negative maner. This results in repulsion of po...itive maller that
is equal to. or less than the character's body weight/mass. Bul- Duration: The character can nt:lintain his negative matter
[ets and other projectiles cannot touch him and suddenly swerve fonn for 5 minutes per level of experience.
around him (01-50) or ricochet back in the direction from which
Alien Watch
8y W:lyne Breaux & Kevin Siernbieda

Earth Organizations
and Individuals of Note
Since the nineteen-fonies. there has been a sigl1llicam in-
crease of repons regarding UFO sightings and abductions
ar9uIld the world, Fearful and e,o;pcctanl. people have been
watching the \kics and for an<,wen.. From average civil-
ian~ ;md professional a~lronomers to religious cultisb and world
govemmcnh. human!> have been wailing for proof lhal intelli-
gent allen being:. have been visiting our planet. However. Ihe an-
swer 10 Ihal question only creates new ones. Who are they?
What do they wanl? Are they friends or foes? And so on. As a
result. numerous org3nizations have been established to get the
answers to Ihe~e questions, and/or to protect Eanll ffOlTllhe alien
threal. Each of thesc group:. has its own goals and agendas.
Whethcr they are friend or foe to the alien visitor is often hard to
detennine. Many of Ihem arc operated by lealots and fanatics.
Note: In the comic book world of superheroes. strange hu-
manoid mutants. super beings. robots. cyborgs. dimensional
travelers. and lime travelers. alien visitors are common. Many
are maniacal vilillins. destroyers and world conqueror:.. Conse-
To the general public. Project Tyche is a high profile en-
quently. in the context of the Heroes Unlimited. Aliens Unlim·
deavor by thc US military to keep the people safc from hostile
iled and comic books in general. the question is not. "Is there
:lliens. This is panly true. It i:. thc responsibility of Projcct mem-
intelligent life out there?" but "How many of them are out there?
bers to actively work at keeping aliens away from USA citizens.
What do they want? And who will protect us from them?" The
but they do so not only to protect them. but to acquire covetcd
answers: Thousands! They want all kinds of things. And. of
UFO tcchnology and 10 protect national security.
course. super heroes will protect us.
Remember. the organizlltions presented in this book are those Whether the aliens arc friendly or hostile. they are hunted
of a fictional Eanh where super beings are an everyd;ly occur- down. captured. imprisoned. examined and intelTogmed. Agents
ance lmd aliens :lre re:ll. They are not Ille:llll to renect any true- from Project Tychc are frequently so e:lger 10 secure alien sub-
to·life government agencies. organizations or sentiments. jects that they have little regllrd for civilian laws, propeny or the
people they are supposed 10 be protecting. M:ll1Y of these opera-
tives are superspics or superhumans who frequel1!ly slep outsidc

Government the boundaries of the law to get their job done. These extreme
measures are usually allowed under the blanket of "national se-

Agencies curity." However. thc public image of the project is one of pro-
tecting innocent humans from marauding lIlien monsters.

A great deal of thc organization's timc is spent on research

Project Tyche and collating data. A low profile :.egment of Project Tyche qui-
etly collects repons about UFO sightings. abductions. and
Project Tyche is the cUlTent incarnation of the Air Force's strange phenomena (cspecially concerning strange animals and
UFO investigation operations. The name comes from an old so-callcd mutants and super beings) from newspapers. maga-
goddess of good fonune who was supposedly be:lutiful. yet an zines. computer nets. wire services. and military :ll1d FBI repons.
outsider in her own p:lntheon. It was chosen because the govern- They ;\Iso monitor rumors. allegations. and underground activi-
ment considers aliens to be potential godsends of good fonune. ties across the country. as well as COmlllel1!S :ll1d criticisms about
but most are definitely mysterious outsiders with unknown or Projecl Tyche and who said them (perhaps Ihey are alicns or
questionable motives. 1Ilien sympathizers trying to discredit or di~tr..iCI them).
The public relations office of Project T.\che i~ very \';:.ible man!> "'- ho PfO(cet or hide them. Although he rarely interferes di-
an~1 al",-a)" prepared with a comfoning or helpful commentary, rectly "'- ith any ltl\estigallon or handling of ahen evidence. he
e\aIU<.lllOn, ,I:IIemenl or cmer "(01), It i.. largely a public rela- doc'i feel It i.. his duty 10 keep Ihe Project moving ahead and pro-
Ill)lh Imnllh:i1 i.. ex pen in co\er-up.., nll"<hreclion and mi~lIlfor­ ducing re..uh:.. If. for an) reason. he feels a case i:. proceeding
mJI1(1n. 11le) h::andle all pre...~ and publi,' 'lalement:. for Projecl 100 slo\lo Iy. he will appl) pre:.sure to speed thing~ up, This often
T~.:h.:, IIldudmg pre~\ ::announcement,>, conference'>, and delall'i lead.. to llmtake.., breaking the la"'-. (Ihing or dead) ml'iUeal-
regardmg currenl In\e\ugalion'i, mill\ary m\ol",effiCm/acllon.., ment of anifact~ and specimens.
alle~cd "lghllllg.., the rehabilit) of \\l1ne'>"e.., and general '\Ccu- Alignmenl: Diabolic
I'll). The 31:1Ual agent' arc highl)" ..killed IIlve"ligalon. and rc- Attributes: LQ. 14, M.E. 11. M.A. 13, P.S, 19, p.r. 10. P.E, 14.
..earche....., many ot ..... hom have a background in lhe military, r.B. M. Spd 12
FBI. CIA or 1;J ..... enforcement. They have gOllen :lddilionallmin-
IIlg In p.. ychology. parap..ycholog}, ..urvcIlI,mce and ..ociology
10 help Ihem de,.l \\ 1111 bolh people and alien... G.1\'1. Nute: For
p,\n/Ilf 1II1'l'.Wl!lIf1!n, 1I(/I'ul'~\'("olol!i\1I and different lype.. of
p,)\'hu.: character... take a look at Ihe ch<.lrJcter.., p,i-power...
maj:!.lc. ..1..111.. and \Clung.. III 8e~ond Ihe Supernalural. Some of
lhe ..piC", gltnlOlec......lIld other character. III '\injas & Super-
, mOl) <.11'>0 he u-.elul.
\10"1 lIl\e..ll!!,llor.. and per'>onnel. e"!X'Xlall) tho..e \\Oo.lIlg
\\lIh lhe public. ",-.11 \lo~ilr cn..p unifonm and coune:.), re-
"!X'l:1 and cooperallnn hen <kahng \lollh e)e"'-ltne:.!>C!>. \Icum!>
01 allen allad.. '>, lhe pre and other gO\emment agende\, How-
eler, (JUI of lhe public e)"e Ihe)" arc c\tremel) aggre:..'>ive. force-
lui. -.enellV\: and .....ork out .. ide of Ihe law,
Mo'l "reul" field ag.cnh arc rarely ,een in public :lnd \c1dom
rn;l~e public \lalelllenl... Some aren'l even recognized by lhe
agent:) a, official Ill\'estlgatof">. Thl.. I' e"pecially true of Ihose
"'-lIh ....pcclal.. ablliue.., whether the) are ..uper.-.pie:., .'>upcrhu-
man.. or alien.. them..ehe... They tend to u\c force and .. tron~­
aml tacllc.. to mtllnldate. persuade, and get result.... Their
unifonm reneet their a<,.. i~nmenl .. and need... Thus, they can
"'-car nonde""ript ci\ ilian all ire. Air Force unifonn.. or high-tech
hod) annor The) are the detecli\e'> and ..pecl:llm\cstigator.> as-
..igned to tmd.. do"'-n and "llCUlmlize" alien m\ader.>, predaton. Age: 54
anJ threat!'.. Unfortun;ltel)". lhe) excrci!>C eXlreme prejudice. use Hit Poinls: H2. S.D.C.: 36
deadl) force and lend 10 jump to conclu!>ion!>. Mosl, but not all. Equi\alent Le\'cl of Experience: 10th level Milll:'1) Specialisl
•1..Cflhc 10 the philo\uphy of cOOlilio or eliminate the pOlemi.. 1 (e:,plonage/Special Forces). 91h level admini:.tralor.
d..nger (e.g. Shool fir'l :Ull! a:.k que!>lion.. lalU). Thesc ~ecrel 01'- EduC.II;onal Uackgroulld: Military/combal. espionage, and ad-
emllve,> abo mOllltor and 'iCcurc Mcas of alleged UFO landing~. mini.,lrative. Skills of nOlI.' include hand 10 hand: :ls:.:ls!>in,
cra..he\. and alien actl\ Ill', a.. well il\ ltoCCUrlllg (conceal from Ihe sniper. inlelligence, interrogation, tlurveillance \ystems. palm-
public) ph):.ical e\idencc of alien life fonns, their spacecraft, ing, pick lod.., W.P. automatic pistoL W.P. aUlomatic rifle.
let:hnology and their actIVities. They may \\00. as independent W.P. bolt-action nfle and W.P. knife.
ProJCct Tyche in\e.'>tigalo~ or in cooper::lllon \lo IIh lhe FBI. Na-
tional Sccurily Agene) (NSA) or the mililal).
In addlllon, PrOject T)ches ~cret OJX,'rames are charged "'-ith Project Tyche
ferret10g OUI an) "Ign.. of aliens hldmg 10 'iOCicIY. A task they 1ne follo"'- 1I1g ratings and agency details are de\eloped from
c\C\:ute "'- Ith extreme diligence and ne::ar fanallci ..m. Thi., search. the organizallons seclion fouod III Villains Unlimited. II is a and "neulralizalion" procedure IS the eXlcnt of PrOjecl Ty- represcntation of lhe resources Ihat have been allocaled to Pro-
che· .. re..ponsibiritie... Once an alien or evidence of an alien I.'>
ject Tyche and is in no way meilllt to encompas.'> the .'>lallSlics of
acquired. it is lurned over to ProJf!{" Sf!cure. Ihe NSA, the mili- the US Air Force a~ a whole. Resources and funding are divided
t:lry or other 101' secret governmenl agenclC!>. inlO two calegorie:.. The slatistic:. for the puhlic reillfiOlls section
of Projecl Tyche i\ the firsl number .llld de:.criplion, 111e second
Special Agent Fores - Head of Project Tyche number and data given after the slash are for lhe coven, alien
Project Tyche i.. eurrenlly headed by Direclor Arnold Fore... hunting operallons. BOlh can be considered separate organiza-
Fores follo\los Ihe old "us·and-them" approach 10 alien-human uons under lhe same umbrella title and which work IOgether.
lllieraciion. While he i\ Illielligeni and professional enough to Projcci Tyche is a mililary opel"'Jlion sponsored and operated
acknowledge the benefil of aliens and their technologies_ he still by lhe Uniled Slates government. Total Points: 259 for the pub-
believes thaI they are not 10 be lrusted. His reservations and lic relationS "front'- agency and 480 for the coven arm oflhis or-
prejudice him callous in his dealings with aliens. and hu- ganizalion.

A. Outfits: ##1 Utility Outfit.'> (Umfomlq: '2 pOlllh' #5 Girnllllcl rogalor. and other operallves are go\emment agenh. or people
CIOIhing: 30 poinh .....orllllg for Ihe go\ernment and \Creened and aUlhoril.ed by
B. Equipment: #4 Electromc Supplie..: 10 points' #6 Unlmuted PrOjecl Secure. Specimens are ~ubJCcled to countlc~ Ie:.!!> to de-
Equipment: 50 pomls. tennille as much m. pos!>ible a~ quickly a!> JXh,ible. Lmgui,ts_
C Weapons: #3 Amled Agent": 5 pomh' #6 Lnllmiled Weap- cryplogl'3pher.. and !>Cienllst!> :lIIempt 10 Il'3n,lale instructions
on~: 50 points. and the functIon of alien mechamsms under controlled condi-
D, Bionic~_ & Robotic..: #2 Ba:.ic Sy~tem~. 10 poinls' #3 C)ber lions and the c\cr walchful eye of PS agents. Functioning Ilems
Agents: 25 poinl.'>: but con:'ldering bUilding a robot ap.>cnal are :'UbjL"Clcd to mten.;;e :.crutiny .... lth an eye toward copying the
100. tl:chnology for llltcgration into milital) we:lpon, and defen..ive
E. Vehicle..: 115 Speclall) Vchicle~. lIldudlllg a nCet of ground \ystenh. Thc'IC ilem!> ilrc somellmes given to Project!. l'yche :lnd
vchicles and llircrafl: 40 POlnt<;' Same. Secure for lield le"ling.
F. Communic:ltion<;: #4 15 poinh' #5 Satellite LIve :Jllcn, arc u!>ually handled with car... and kindncs.. by
NClworl (military): .10 point... Projcci Secure. Scientists u!>ualty try 10 dClemlinc ....hclher or not
G. Ollice,. Hldc.2ul'•. & Di,trlbultoll; #.1 N•.lIiOIl:lI· [5 pOlllt'.' Ihe alien .... ltI be ..Iable :md ..trong enough to ..urvi\'e ph)~lcal
Sanle. and J)'»chological IC\b and c.\ammaIIOIl'>. HII,') are treated hu-
H \1iJ~!} Po.... er: #3 ~lIhlla; 15 polOh #5 Strike Force: 40 manely and gl\·en modest bUI nice 11\ mg quaner<>, I-Io.... ever.
POlOt\: includc.. J)'»ChIC~. C)borg\ and ,upcr.ple\. pres,ure from the lOp bra\,> ..oO)etm)('" lead, to ru"hcd and
I Su~r Po.... ered 9J!erall\e,>: #2 Free[ance: 10 polOh #.1 Super bolched re;,careh a., .... ell a~ occa..lonal mi"lreatmcnt. dealh or e!>-
• Strike Force: 40 POlOh; eighl ~uper fx}Y.ered bemg\ lOla) he C3pc.
di"'lded into ~maller leam~ of four).
Geumg hve \ubJCCts i~ a raOl). Dlrcetor Fore\ and Ihe folk,
J S.2Q.n-.orshlp: #2 \11Iilal) 4 polOl\' #4 Gmcmment: 10 POI/lh.
at Proje'·1 Tyche ha\e a na!>t) hatlll of "neutralillng" (e.g, lenni-
K S~'ial Budg~l: #4 Largc Loans: 25 pomh' #5 Btg Bud ..:
natmg) :Ihen...... hich are u..uall) dctem1ined to be ho..ltle. reqUIr-
.15 poml\.
ing deadly force. Howc\·er. Project Secure ha.. acquired mer a
L. Administratlvc Control: #3 Free Iland: 15 point" #5 Li- "Iivc" alien :.ubJect, over the l:."t two decadc!>,
cCl1\cd 10 KLiI: 35 pOlll".
M.lnlema[ Sccunty: #3 Tight: 10 POlnt\' #5 Paranoid: 25 If Ihe allen doc" nOI \peal- or undcrstand;1 known E<lnh lan-
pomt,. guage. tr.lIl\lalor. will u\c computer.. lind p,)'t"hic, to e,lablish
N E~temallnfihr.1ttoll: #2 Rare MlnorTmllor: 5 poinl'" #.1 In- commulllcation. The nexI \Iep 1\ to e"lablish the :lhen·.. inten-
fonnallon Source: 10 POint, tion, on Eanh and .... hcth~r Ihcy Ihrealcn national lor glob:ll) se-
0, Research and Infomlallon Gathenng: #4 E,edlent Conncc- curilY. Ideally. they .... ant to butld a rclation..hip .... ith friendl)
tions: 20 poLOb' Same. alien:; JIl hope.. of exchanging lechnolugy. mfom1:lllon lind -.crY-
P A.,Rencj Credential,: #5 RecogniJ"ed: 30 poinh' #J Facek,,: ice:..
5 points Depending on the alienne.... oflhe ,·hltraCler'.. appearance. his
Q A.,g,e!!9 SahlI) 114 Good: 20 polllh' Same. natural and "uperhuIllan ablhtie<,. perwnalit) and Ic\'CI of coop-
eralion. the being Illay be alto.... ed to .... ork for lhe go\emmenl
for the re'l of hi\ life. A fe .... tna) eH~n be allo\\ed JIlIO human
,ociety. but will always be undcr go\emmCIll ..,·rutiny. The

Project Secure Alien Acclimaliun Progr:ulI ('01l1C would ..ay IIldoctrin:uion)

lind the \Urveillance of :llicll opcrative.~ Ihe rC'I>othibility of
ProjecI Se,'ure. Projcct Tyche may aho engage in 1/I/(IlIIImri:e(/
llli\ i~ <l 'pccial gO\'l:nltlll:nl agency loo..ely affiliatl:d with
"uIVcillance of the AAP :Ind ma) inlervene if an :Ilien goes awol
thc NSA and FBI. and c1o,ely afliliatL"d .... nh Projcct Tyche, The
or ··tum.. bad:' Thl\ often tum~ Into a mce bem·een the mo
JgenC) pick:. up 'khcre Project Tychc or other agcncie\ leil\e
agencie.. to 'ICe who can lind the alien first. PrOjeCI SL'Cure .... i11
caplure. que\tion and tl) to "acclimale" Ihe ahen 10 thc benefil
of the nation and national ",-'"Cun,). Project T)che t)plcall) pcr-
cei\'es the ahen a.. a dangerou" nlOn\ler or trallor Ihat mUSl be
When the Atr Force or ProjiX't Tyche ha, ulenlified, located "neutralizcd" before "it" kills. or threatens nalional '>CCUn1}. Ac-
and contained or "neutrah7cd" perwnnel or "Iluatiom deahng cording 10 DIrector Fores. once an ahen tum:;, II is no longer re-
.... Jlh allcns or alien technolog). ProjL"Ct 5ccure I ' brought III to liable and should be lennin:lIed.
lake o\cr. The ..tte, of alien imohcment are ..e:lled PS
The Iypical Alien Acclimation Program (AAPl la'l\ one to
agents and anned gO\enllllCm agen!:> or \oldier.. The on I) peo·
four yellr<; before it iio detennined whelher Ihe alien can be'll·
pie llilowed to examine and remove ph) ,i,'al evidence or illien
lowed 10 function III human ioocicty. cven under Mrici military
capttves are Project Securc's own.
rules and ob:-crvation. The period i~ governed by the friendliness
Under Project Secure's ~upervi<;ion. atl phy..ical e\idenCe i\ and coopemtion of Ihe alicn :lIld how quick the betng becomes
meticulously cataloged. photographed. rcmo...ed and tran"poned :lcclimat~d 10 Eanh "OCict). ci\ilil.ation and the 1:\..... Tho'>C Ihat
10 a '"secured·· (and secret) governmenl re-.earc:h and quaranlille success full) completc thc AAP process are encouraged 10 join
facilu)'; among them. Are:l 51. Alien, and anlfacts are quaran- S.C.R.E.T. (Superbcing Control. Retric\al & Elimmalion
tined for decontanllnation and lOp nledical and :.cientific pel"\On- Team..: Villains Unlimiled for delail..). I\gee. Pro}L"Ct Se-
nel are brought in to imestigale. analyl.e and interrogate. Ag'lln. cure. ProJCct Tyche. the FBI. NSA. CIA. mlhtal) or other gov-
Ihese doctors. cheml\h. ph)sicl"". pathologl\h. engineer.. lIller- ernment agenc). Many .... ill accept the offer<; ..imply to h\e a

reasonably free life. Those who refu...e 10 cooper,lIe. exhibit ho~­ people's fears. eliminating potential allen threats. or eng:lging in
lihty or treachery. or simply cannot acclimate to human society agency politics. He and his agent,> are quielly dedicated to their
are Impn!oOncd at secret bases and periodically studied. work and far less vocal or visible Ihan Project Tyche. They
So far. no Eanh govemments have been approached by repre- a\'oid public scnlliny and even a\-oid the allention of Ihe NSA
-..entati\c\ from anOlher world with a requeSI to join an inte~tel­ and other government agencie~. TIley have a job to do. and they
lar feder-mon or to engage in any son of trade. The aliens" ho do it. Consequently. il i!> the high profile. vocal and aggressive
ha..e been captured are independent Oper.ttl\'CS. explorers. refu- Direclor Fores at Project Tyche .....ho has the ear of the military
gee.), "ould·be heroes. cnminal!.. madmen. monsters and "oold- and highly placed officials who share his paranoia aboul national
be "orld conquerors. Sadly. dangerous aliens ha..e far securil) and sancllon hill extreme conduct and use of deadly
oul"elghed the number of friendly. peaceful alien visitors. force. This aClUall) gi\es Projecl Tyche and Agent Fores grealer
\Which fuel,. lhe flames of paranoia and &I.. e.'> Project Tyche more freedom. and somelimes grealer aUlhofll) mer alien im'eslIga-
political clout and credibility than ProjeCl Secure. under the ad- tions. recovery and "neutmlilalion" than Projeci Secure. "hich
nlllll\tr.1I10n of Dlret:tor Smder. is supposed to be Its superior parent agency.
Game Master's I\ole: The vast vanety of ~killed perwnnel TIlese differing viewll including Agent Fore~' unofficial pol-
Illvolved In the allen In\elltigatlon and proccssmg proccdure:. un- ICy of teITllinating aliens at the slightest provocalion. often re-
dcr both Project Tyche and Project Secure provides a great envi· ~ults in frequem clashes bel ween the two agencies over methods.
ronment 10 get a group of player t'haracter, togcther. human and procedures and results. Director Sinder despises Fore~ and hales
alll,:n. ,upcrspy and ~upcr powcred. 111C conflicts between agen· il when "alien threats" have been "neutralized" by PT agenl~. A
cie, Tyche and Secure are abo excellent vehicle.'> for sub-ploh. corp~e cannot provide infomlution about alien technology or

esplOnage. Intrigue. treachery and hallie. Likewise. player worlds and work wilh hum;ll1kind to make Eanh a beller place.
group.. who have an allen. or suspected alien may be placed un- The two agencies and their directors rcprcl>ent Ihe two eXlremes
der sUf\eillance by one or both group.... At ,orne poim. Project of power (good and evil).
Tyche or Project Secure may queslion the characters. arrest/cap·
ture the ,u,>pected alien{s). ask him or her to undergo AAP.
mal.e them "orl. for them. or be "neutralized:' Any heroes who
try to protect or hide the allen threat. e,peciall) mutanb. other
allen.... and \igilantes. \Will be regarded as criminals. tr.1II0~.
,pIe, or a threat to nalional security. The) may be hunted. 'II-
talked. placed under arrest. Impriqmcd. Interrogaled. indoctn-
nated an<Vor "neutralized!"
Heel.. lhe<;e t.... o agencies can give a Game Masler the basis
for an enure campaign. Our heroes could be hounded by them.
de'l!!nated a~ dangerous criminals or subversives.....orl. for them
a, projeci operators or freelance ...uperheroell or secretly drJwn
Into confllcl\ involving aliens. If nothing cl...e. the agencie:. can
be a reoccurring ~tory elemelll and \ub-plot: friend. enemy. or
If the Game Master wbhe... the player characler.. to wor"- for
Project Secure or Tyche (the laller would agree in onier to keep
,I close eye on supposedly "acclimated" alien agents). Ihe corre·
sponding agenc) and ib director would be in comrol of their all-
signmenh. jurisdlclion and :lclJviucs. D,rector Sinder would be
open. understanding and offer as much freedom as he reasonably
could. Director Fores. \Would be suspicious. reslricliw and tend
to play favorites. He will appreciate AAP aliens and other char· Alignment: Scrupulou~
acters "ho enjoy huming and killing aliens on Ihe loose. \Which
may be appealing 10 evil charaClers. and other aliens. Allribules: LQ. 17. M.E. 14. M.A. 12. P.S. 15. P.P. II. P.E. 12.
P.B. I". Spd. 9
Age: 41
Special Agent Sinder - Head of Project Secure Hit Points: 78. S.D.C.: 20
Dlreclor Michael Sinder is Ihe devoted head of Projecl Se- Equh'alent Le\'el of Experience: 6lh le\el soldier, 10th Ic\cl
cure. He feel.'> it is his duty 10 oversee lhe safe and humane han- adminismuor.
dlmg of alien specimens and capllves so the government. and Educational Background: MiJitary/combal. rel>C:lrch and ad-
coumry can benefit from lhem (or be protected from them). He miniSlrati\·c. SI.itls of nOle include hand to hand: e:\pen. imel-
is Ie,s aggressive. hostile and fanmic:11 than Director Fores of ligence. inlcrrog3lion. surveillance syslems, land navigation.
Project Tyche. He believes thai people from other worlds can computer operation,. computcr progr-Jrnmmg. W.P. :automat-
become fflends and allies and help bring Ennh to a new age of ic pistol and W.P. automatic rifle.
cultural ;lIld technological advancemel1\. To Director Sinder. this
dream a of a new prosperity is more imponam than playing on
Project Secure airfield where they wait for a call 10 action. They spend much of
Projecl Secure is a govemment agency. Total Points: 540. in- lheir :lctive duty time investigating repons of UFO landings and
cluding 40 points for modifications. abductions. traCking down and capturing suspected aliens. mu-
A. Outlits: #4 Specialty Clothing: 10 points tants and monsters. and as~isting Project Se(ure in any way lIec-
B. Equipment: #6 Unlimiled Equipmenl: 50 points essary. They arc generally rC:ldy to goon a moment's notice.
C. Weapons: #5 The Arsenal: 30 points
D. Bionics & Robotics: #5 Bionic Arsenal: 50 poirm. Lock Down Alpha - - - - - - - -
E. Vehicles: #6 Unlimited Vehicles: 60 points Lock Down Alpha is the oldest of the tcam~. They h,we the
F. Communications: #5 Satellite Network: 30 points mO~l experience, highest clearance, and greate~' skill and rank.
G. Offices. Hideout.). & Distribution: #4 Regional: 25 points The four NPC~ pre~entcd below arc the core members of Lock
H. Military Power: #4 Private Anny: 30 points Down Alpha. One to four new agelll~ nmy be temporarily ro-
I. Super Powered O~r:ltives: #5 Super AmlY: 50 points tated inlO Alpha for field experience and training. The four core
1. Sponsorship: #4 Government: 10 points agents howe an excellent rappon wilh Director Sindcr and share
K. Special Budget: #5 Big Bucks: 35 points his views about alien life and how Project St,lcure should oper-
L. Administrative Corurol: #4 Agency Protection: 25 points :lte. Team Alpha has had l1l:lny clashes with Director Fores :lnd
M.lmemal Securily: #5 Paranoid: 30 points his operalives from Project Tyche. There is no love between
N. External Infiltration: #4 General Infiltration: 25 points (this them .ll1d Projecl Tyche.
, includes moles inside of Project Tyche. the FBI. NSA and
O. Research and Infonnation Gathering: #6 Unlimited Connec- Ego
lions: 50 points Uased on drawings b.... Eric IJreaux.
P. ~g,enc)' Credentials: #3 Faceless (to the public. but authori-
Samantha Bolin is a~ confidcnt. fla111boy'1I11 and proud as her
ties wilt lreatthem as #5 Recogniled): 15 points
code-name. Ego. sugge~ts. Born to a we<lllhy corporate family.
Q. Agency Salal)': #5 Excellent: 30 poims
the young Samantha had evel)'thing handed to her on a silver
pl:luer. In addition. she was:l natural beauty with brains. agility
and grace. She went to college. but had no real :lspirations. Life
Lock Down Teams was dull and her future seemed no brightcr. One nighl. on her
way back 10 her c:lmpus domlitory. she was attacked by a man
with a knife. Her mani:ll an classes and gymnastics flashed into
Projeci Secure Super Agents her mind. She responded with reflex-like motion~ that seemed
natural and easy. First she slipped oul of his grasp and used his
Lock Down is the code name for Project Secure's Super Re- own mOmentum to swing him in front of her. A l-eries of swift
sponse Team.s (SRT). These agents are specially recruitcd and kicks to the groin and head sent her assailant reeling. A simple
lrained for the capture. restmim. and if neceSSal)'.lemlination of ann hold kepi him pinned until the police could be called.
alien fugitives, mutants and monsters. Lock Down is dispatched The adren:ltine rush gave her an unexpected lhrill. Suddenly
after any alien who exhibits eXlreme destructive. anti-soci:ll or she knew what she wallled - excitement. Samanlha began
psychopathic behavior. Likewise. they pursue escapees from working out more eXlensively and look classes in criminology
Project Secure and subjects who represent a serious danger to in~ :lIld law. After she acquired her degree. she applied with the FBI
nocent lives or n:llional security. They may also face humans. in hopes of becoming a field agent. During training. her superior
foreign operalives. superhumans and super villains suspected of reflexes. agility and uncanny luck were noticed by ., recruiter for
protecting. h:lrboring. kidnapping or working with alien terror- Project Secure. He convinced Samantha to try a few tests for an
ists. criminals and other dangerous rogues. The primal)' goal of elite project called Lock Down. She breezed through one of the
Lock Down is to capture the alien and secure the situation. lis 10ughest training exercises ever devised and the project coordi-
secondary goal is to protecl civilians, propeny. national security nator offered her a posilion with Lock Down Alpha. She's been
and the lives of Lock Down agents. Their third directive is to with the team ever since.
protect :lnd preserve alien visitors and their technology. In most Still accustomed to being rich, Samantha enjoys the high pay-
cases. Lock Down can use lethal force:ll their discretion. unless ing job and distinction of being olle of the youngest and best in
direct orders demand otherwise. Lock Down teams are seldom an "elite" secret govemment force. Funhennore. she thrives on
sent on seek and destroy missions. but they are authorized to kill lhe excitement. challenges and inlrigue her profession brings.
an alien if it proves to be highly destruclive or murderous. Samantha (or Ego. she hates being called ··Sam" ) gets along
There are currently four active Lock Down teams, As the well with the rest of lhe group and is a steadfasl and loyal team
number of qualified recruits grows. new teams may be added. player who doesn't hesitate to dive into the thick of things. but is
Current teams are designated Alpha. Ueta, Della. and Epsilon. r:lrety reckless or foolhardy. She likes Washington's seriousness
Abbreviated references are LOA. LDB LDD and LDE on. Al- and intelligence. although he is father dislant and sometimes
pha team is slationed in New Jersey. JUSt west of New York. weird. Tinker is a friendly genius who Samantha likes very
Bela is located in California near Death V:llley. Delta members much. even when he grumbles and curses. Komodo still intimi-
are stationed in southern Arkansas close to Texarkana, and Epsi- dates her; he is a nine fOOl (2.7 m) lall powerhouse but his quiet.
lon is found in Bismark. Nonh Dakol:1. All of lhem are quar- gentle nature has allowed her 10 accept him as a person not a
lered in secret safe houses on or ncar :In Air Force base or monster. She considers her teammates 10 be her surrogate family
Jnd treah mo"t 01 thCm bellcr Ihan ,hc doc, her lrue relati\C·,. nq. language: Japane-.e SSt",{. language: Germ:lIl 8Y'k. fir..1
l1er real famil) cannOi undeNand "h) ,he .... anl' 10 ri,k her lIfe aId Mll ..... lldemess survival 45Cf. and art 4-''1:.
domg ,u(.'h dangerou, "ork "lIh "freal..,.·· Appearance: Samanlha is a beaullful .... oman .....ith long red hair
Code :ulle: Ego th:1I falls in lighl curls. She normally dresses in expcn<;i\'e and
Real ame: Samanlha BolIO fashionable c1olhes. Often the auire is light fimng. bUI her re-
Ranl..: Caplam ..peetable bac"ground usually keeps her clothe.. from being
\Ii~nmenl: Scrupulou, too re\ealmg. .-Ier coslume is a blacl.. and \ iolel body suit
Hit Points: ~9 wilh dark boolS and loose sleeves.
S.I).C.: 74 Occupation: Government agent.
\\ei~ht: 117 pound.. (57Io.g) Weapons and Etluipment: Typically lohe carrie, no weapons
l1eight:.:" feel. (, mche.. (1.7 OIl other lhan a pair of nunchaku concealed in her bools. How·
Age: :!9 ever. ,he ilo Imined in lhe usc of the automalic pi'loi. ,taff and
\llribute.!l: LQ 19. M.E. I~. ~l.A. 22. J>.S. 16. P.P. 23. P.E. 15. Ch.. 10 .... eapons. Ego prefen; to rely on her phy'iical abilities
P,B n. Spd. 19 and ancient oriemal weapons. Equipment is nonnally mini-
Disposition: Samanlha ilo lhe proud daughler of parenl, "ho di,,- mal and mcludes a small headset receiver/iranlo/nlller. her
appro\e of her profe'lolon as an FBI agent (lhe) don't kno..... nunchaku (1\\0 pair) and 1.....0 pairs of litanium handcufflo.
c\cl)'hmg about her .... orl.. alrhough the) do !<the .... orks Vehicle: Her personal \'ehicle i.. a Shelby Cobra. On mission:..
rllh ...uper po.... ered bemgs/lrea"sl. She lendlo to thmk 01 her- the group i.. is~ued or assigned vehicles or transportal Ion.
-.elf J" ,uperiar 10 Olhef'>. bUI O\er the yean. this anilude ha.. Body Armor: Her costumelbod) SUII is a form of experimenlal
!:leen tempered .....nh e\perience. Ego s Ihe Iimll.'> of her Fle,ri-Slul armor (A_R. 14. S.D.C. 100). Ego refuses 10 use
.Iollllle, and I:harm and uses Ihem to lheir maximum effec- heavy :.Ulllo of amlor.
tl\cne" Although ..he !>Cems 10 naunt her "ealth. beaulY.
,lIld unpamlleled luck. !<the doesn'( often do so deliberalely
,lnd -.eldom undcre'llmales her teamm:lle, or opponent... She Komodo
I" a glxx! pcr,on who sincerely care, aboul her le<lmrnales. !lased on drawings by Eric Hreaux.
Project Secure and people in gelleml (aliell' included).
Komodo is :l succt:..sful recruil from Director Sinder's Alien
hperience Le\cl: EIghth
Acctimalion Progmm. He was found by Project Secure. quaran-
Po.... er Calego.-~ \1utanl
tined. questioned. befriended and eventually became a member
lnu\ual Characteristics: None
of Project Secure as a special operali\'e. He feels a sense of debt
Super Po.... er Categor:,: Super Abililie!<t
to the progmm for allowing him 10 stay on Eanh despite the al-
\1ajor Super Abilil:': KarmIC loee JlerO('s Unlimited.
mosphere of dislruSI and fear regarding non-humans He is de·
page IR5,
\Oled 10 "rescuing" (not capluringl and helping ()(her aliens.
\1inur Super Abilities: EXlraordinary ph)',ical beaul). extmor·
mUlants and "O<al1ed monslers 10 find a place in lhe world
dmary phy"ical pro.... ess. and menial "tun.
through ProJCC( Secure. He is a \'ocal opponent of Direclor Fores
Combat Skills: Hand-Io-Hand: Martl3l Art~.
and lhose in Projeci Tyche who promOie fear. prejudice and
\lIacks Per Melee: Five
murder in (he name ofnalional security.
Bonu<;el>: +2 on initialive. +7 slrike. +12 parry. +14 dodge. +2
Komodo's real name is Tiloch Tark. He was a member of a
d.llllil£e. +10 roll with punch or impact. Crilical 011 a nalur:ll
18.19 or 2n. kar,lIe 'lyle kick doc, 108 damage. jump kick failed coup 10 OUlol a rnililary diclalOrship on his homeworld and
(~I'llical ,>Irike). leap allack (crilical slrikc). entangle. and
had to nee with a group of his comrades. Their spacecraft began
10 have lrouble ncar Jupilcr and was forced 10 land on Earth. The
paIred .... eapon~.
whole vessel broke up as il enlered the atmosphere. Tiloch is lhe
Other Bonuses: +6 ..a\'e V'i poison'i/loxins/ga.». +6 vs psionic~.
only kno.....n survhor. The four bodies of his compaOlons were
+4 vs magic. +20% '" coma/de3lh and +I()f} to all <;kills. AI-
ta(l..~ from her enemIes: Death blo.....s do nOI kill her - only
ne\'er recovered.
"lun!>. ('rilical damage aHacks against her only do normal He feels very prolcclhe of the Alpha team members. Direclor
damage. she is "nocked OUI only b) a Rluural 20. Note: Op- Sinder and the ProjeCI. Tiloch trained as an inlelligence offi-
ponen!.. gel no bonust!> to "trike. parry. or dodge the t"rmic: cer and <;pen! a decade as a dutiful soldier. watching as the mili-
chamcler. Simight. unmodified dice roll, only. lal) 100\" over his people. He sees disturbingly similar trends
Education Level: Bachelor" Degree in Criminal Science. wilhin Ihe structure of ProjCCt Tyche and other faClions within
Skills or Note (includes all applicable bonuses): Cryptogmphy Ihe Earth's world governmenls. This lime he plans 10 make a dif-
85Q. l:.ISer communications 95t;?. optic system.. 98%, radio: ference.
ha"ic 98Ck. radio: scmmblers 95lf(. mdio: "atellitc rclay 80'*. Cude Name: Komodo
T Y./video 95 ck. read !>Cnsory equipmcnt 95%. compuler op- Real Name: Tilach Tark
eration 98 ck. imelligcnce 91'l. photography 98%. writing Rank: Investig:lling Agenl (roughly equal to a lieUienant)
(Journalilotic) 83r,}. language: Russian 98('k. language: Span- Alignment: Principled
I"h 9R ck and W.P. automalic W.P. chain and W.P. Hil Points: 57
"Iaf! S.D.C.: 432. A.R.: 12
Srtonda.-~ Skills: Dance 86'k. basic elcclronics 70%. arhlellc". Weight: 375 pounds (169 "g)
prowl 981{-. swimmmg 98~. pIlot: aUiomobile 98tK. pilot: Height: 9 feel. 2 inches (2.8 01)
moIorc)'c1e R..ICk. pilot boats: sail &.4q. pilOI boals: molor Age: 195
Attributes: I.Q. 15. M.E. 19. M.A. 10. P.S. 30, P.P. 20. P.E. 20.
P.B. 10. Spd. 23
Disposition: Tiloch is a quiet. reserved powerhouse. He calmly
Based on drawings by Eric Breaux
o~rves all that he sees and remembers il. He has strong
feelings for the other members of Alpha team and will do his
be,t to protect them. Although he rarely allows himself to Michael Dax is the quintessential gizmoteer. Smce he was old
,nllie. Tilach's favorite teammate is the good-natured Tinker. enough 10 sit up. he has had a l..nack for taking things apan and
E'\periencc Le\cl: Sevemh pUlling them back together agam perfectly. As he reached his
"\'atural Abilities: alural annar raling. teens. he \\as able to make significant Improvements on the
Super I)o\\er Category: Alien expenmem (Super Soldier). original designs and fix juSI about anything. Michael had trou-
Super Soldier Modifications: Invulnerability, increased agility. bles in high school because his mind was al\loays working on
dell:tem). and S.D.C. ideas and modifications for his "tinkerings:' He dropped OUI of
Major Super Ability: Invulnerabillly: Impervious to cold. fire, school halfway through his junior )ear and eamed money as a
heat, electricity, most energy blasts, bullets and most S.D.C. mechanic on Ihe racing circuil. A lOur in Vietnam in 1968 turned
:Iliad,. See Heroes Unlinuud. page 185. for complete de- his interest to weapons and combat vehicles. Hi:. "'ork on heli-
tail.\.. copIers during the war caught the auention of hi.. superiors.
Minor Super Abilities: Energy expulSion: electricity 906 dam- When he returned Stateside, the government was wailing. He
ag~ (or ID6xlO for a quicker damage roll). was recruited to build vehicles for various govenuncilt agencies,
Ctimbut Skills: I-Iand-to-Hand: Expen and Wrestling. including some work on the initial S.C.R.E.T. equipment. When
t\tlacks Per Melee: Five Project Secure needed a highly skilled mechanic to examine and
Bonuses: +5 !>trike. +7 with anClcm W.P.. +5 with aimed shot!>, rebuild alien anifacts, Michael was the logical choice. I-Ie
+6 to parry, +8 to parT) with anciem W.P., +6 dodge (+8 un- jumped at the chance and later joined Lock Down Alpha a" code
derwater). +15 damage, +6 roll With punch and fall. cmical name Tinker.
"tri"e on an unmodified 18. 19. or 20, paired weapons. and Michael is a good-n~ttured. old veteran whose humor is often
entangle. of the adult variety. He 10 tell slories and jokes. often to no
Originating Alien En\"ironment: Abrasi ...e Atmosphere one in panicular (hc'lItalk to human!> and to hi~ machines). He
Education Le\(~I: Military Specialist is meticulous. but only to the point of funclion. Hi!> creal ions do
Sl..ills of 'ote (includes bonuses): Detect ambush 85%. detecl not have to look good. they JUSI have 10 ",ork. Hmo, ever. he
concealment 75~. intelligence 81%, IOterrogation 85%, doesn-t mind \lohen he is required 10 "prell) 'em up" and he has
tradlOg 75%. swimming: advanced 95'*. archery. W.P. a good eye for aesthetic design. His )kill as an anl"l .....ith \ehi-
knife. W.P. sword. W.P. energy pislol. W.P. energy rifle. lan- cles and weapons is unequalled.
fuage: English 90%. and language: Spanish 90%. Tinker likes the big alien. KonlOdo. and feels he needs to
Secondar) Skills: avigalion 9Ofl,. read sensory instruments keep an eye out for Ego, bUI Washington is 100 secretive for his
7<Y-L fin.t aid 80%. W.P. aUlomatic pistol. W.P. scmi and taste. He is loyal to hi!> teammates and the cause.
fully automatic rifle. W.P. submachine gun. climbing 74%.
~Wlm 98/}, pilot motorcycle 64%. and pilot truck 64%. Code Name: Tinkcr
Appc<lrance: Tiloch could have modeled for an ancient samu- Real Name: Michacl Dax
rai'" bailie mask. His face has a demonic. scowling ex pres- Rank: Investigating Agetll (roughly equal to II Captain)
:>Ion. and hi~ !>kin is a dark reddish grey. He often we,lrs only Alignment: SCrupulOll~
pant~. Komodo's costumc is a slylized version of thc ancient I-lit IJoints: 46
~alllurai annor, complete with helmet. S.D.C.,44
Occupation: Government agent Weight: 110 pounds (50 kg)
\\e,lpons and Equipment: Komodo'!> personal treasure is his Height: 4 feet. 10 inches (1.410)
vibro-katana (506 plus P.S. damage). It is a family heirloom Age: 45
that i~ more Ihan 400 years old, and is the only sentimental Attributes: I.Q. 20. M.E. 12. M.A. 12. P.S. 17, P.P. 14. P.E. II. he has from his homewortd. He also carries a pair P.B.12.Spd.15
of E:J.nh I..nh·es and a high qualilY katana_ His modem weap- Disposition: Michael often pia)") Ihe gruff. old ,ctcmn to the
on) u~ually include t\loO 10 mm aUlo pistols (406 damage per hilt (diny jokes and all). He i.. mosll} dil!o~atl,fied with the
bullet) and. when necessary. heavy assault rifles. Besides his stale of the \loorld. espeCially burcaucmq, but I) !>urpO"ingl)
hcad-.el recei\'er/lransmitter, Komodo carries compact climb- idealistic and hopeful. He keep" hlm..elf from bccomlOg cYOl-
109 gear. cal or depres~ through hi~ humor and work" ith ProjCCI Se-
Vehicle: A powerful hover cycle designed to carry Tiloch's cure.
malo". It is identical to a standard hover cycle. but it has 300 Experience Le\'el: Tenth
S.D.C. On missions. the group is issued or assigned vehicle~ Super Power Category: Ilanlwarc
or transponation. Hardware Category: Mechanical and Weapons.
Bod) Armor: Normally Komodo wean. none, but he does have Combat Skills: Hand-to-Hand: Expen and Boxing.
a full hard armor suit of his !>lyli1.ed 1I0110r (A.R. 16. S.D.C. Attacks Pcr Melee: Five
250) for the most dangerous heavy combat situations. lJonuscs: +2 10 sirike....5 to strike with ancient W.P.. +7 to
strike aimed shots. +5 to parry. +8 to parry with ancient W.P..
+5 to dodge. +3 damllge, +4 roll witli punch or fall. critical

:strike on lK 19. or 20. knockout (106 melee round:s) on a While making his way through hi:s master's degree. Brian mel an
n:llur:J1 20. paired weapons. entangle. and judo-styled body interesting professor of hi:slOry who would change hi~ life. The
nip (106). wily old Illan was an arcanist who introduced Brian to the won-
Education Le\'el: Trade School ders of spell casting. By the time he gmduated. Brian wa:s well
Skills or Note (includes all bonuses): Mechanical engineering on his way 10 mastering the mystical ans.
l)gt'f. automotive mechanics 98 ck. aircraft mechanics 98%. He took a government grant :.ponsored by the military to re-
lock~lmth 98%. read sensory instruments 98%. weapon sys- search geomancy and ley line~. During this ~riod. his fone in
tem:s 98%. mathematic:s: adv'll1ced 98%, basic electronics magic beC:Il11e known and he was contacted by Ihe rccnliter for
9gt',f. demolitiOll 98%. demolition disposal 98%. pilot tank the FBI's Super Agent Progr:lI11 (SAP). Brian declined his offer.
and APe 9R'k. build super vehicles 98%. recognize vehicle A week later. the man returned with infoml:ltion dossiers on
quality 76195('k. W.P. blunt. W.P. chain. W.P. automatic pis- Project Secure and plans for the Lock Down te:IIllS. This caught
tol. W.P. rifle. W.P. :semi lmd fully automatic rifle. W.P. his attention and inllmned his natural curio~ity. Advelllure.
he:Jv}. snIper (+2 strike With rifle). make and modify we:\p- studying alien life fomls and their technology. to unlock lhe
on\ 98t'Jl. and recognize weapon quality 76/98%. mysteries of the universe. It was an incredible opponunity. He
Secondar~ Skills: Computer opcmtion 98%. running. pilot: wasted no time joining.
aUlOmobilc 98fk. pilot: truck 98%, pilot: helicopter 98%:. pi- Br;:m!Washington. has been with Lock Down Alpha longer
lot: alrpl:tne 98%. pilot: race car 98%, pilot: truck 83%. pilot: than :Jnybody. 10 years. and currently functions as te:lIn leader.
motorcycle 95fh. and pilot Ixlats: motor 7Y7c. He doesn't have a Illilit:lry background. but tr:lining in ba!>ic
Nppeanmce: Michael is. phy:sically :small but he has gone military procedure. ~lrategy and tactics. plu~ year~ of experience
through gre:Jt pains to keep him:self in :shape. He is hardly have turned him inlo :In excellent leader. He feels responsible
ever ~een out of hiS overalb. and even frequently wean. them for each of Ihe team members and considers himself lucky that
on mi:ssions. A red baseb:J1I cap stained with oil and grease only one agcnt under his direct command has ever died. The last
rarely leaves hi:s head. Stubble alway:s covers his rugged face. two years he has been plagued by troubling nightmares that he
Occupation: Government Agent fears may be visions of the fUlure. They reveal a great magical
Weapons and Equipment: Mich:Jel's personal weapon of cal:Jslrophe that will rock the planet. The vi.~ions offer no delails.
choice is :J Berrel:J 9 mm (he is +9 to :strike with an aimed only impressions. so he can't tell when it will h3ppen or how
,hot). He often carries a large .50 calibre handgun (identical dramatically it will affeci the world. He wonders if it is:l natural
to the Korimyr in the equipment section of this book) and al- disaster or whether aliens arc involved. He keeps hi.~ fears and
way~ has his own version of the explosive strap gun (also in
nightmares to himself and takes special interest in other practi-
thl~ book's equipment section). Michael (and all Hardware:
tioners of magic. alien magic and psychics. hoping they may
Weapons characters) can make any of the special ammunition shed some light on his vision. TIlese dreams have made him a bit
and build any of the advanced fireanns presented in this book moody and he has become increasingly quiet and secretive.
and Heroes UI/limited.
Washington is a competent and caring leader who is re-
Vehicle: Miniature Jet Pack Ihat is highly concealed and fits un-
spected by his teammales. However. other members of Project
dcr his equipmem backpack (stats identic:J1 to thc jct p:lck on
Secure find the scholarly magic user to be aloof and a bit
page 219 of Heroes Unlimiled).
spooky. so they tend to avoid him after hours.
His personaltransponation is a BMW 850i with conrealed
medium llnnor (A.R. 16.700 S.D.C.). and twenty 2.75 inch Code Name: Washington
PO mm) rocket tubes in the trunk on a pop-up launcher. ad- Real Name: Brian Manin
vanced radar targeting computer. smoke screen. vehicle cal- Rank: Field Commander Agent (roughly equal 10 a Colonel)
trops.. engine readout package. searchlight. winch and cable. Alignmenl: Scrupulous
theft alann. and theft proof locks. Maximum srlCed is 270 Hit I)oints: 60
mph (432 km)! He is always "tinkering" with his souped-up S.D.C., 74
car :md is considering giving it flight capabilities. This vehi- Weight: 210 pounds (95 kg)
cle is often used on Team Alpha missions. Height: 6 feet. 2 inches (1.9 m)
Personal 80dy Armor: A special ceramic and metal body suit Age: 36
of hi:s own design: A.R. 16, S.D.C. 140. with detachable jet Attributes: I.Q. 17. M.E. 19. M.A. 12. P.S. 18. P.P. 15. P.E. 23.
pad•. P.B. 14, Spd. [3
Disposition: Brian is a calm. clear thinking Illan of obvious in-
telligence and education. He is very analytical and calculat-
Washington ing. but nOI to the poinl of excluding elllotions or
Based on drawings by Eric Breaux. compassion. He genuinely likes and cares for the people un-
der his command. but he feels it is imponant to distance him-
Brian Manin is the leader of Lock Down Alpha. He is a wiz- self from them as lheir leader. His visions of doom have
ard whose code name is Washington. As a child. he was always troubled and distracted him. but he will not allow those di:s-
athletic. but a sharp intelligence and curiosity lurked within the tractions to jeopardile any missions.
young man. so he excelled in bolh high school athletics and aC:J- Experience Level: 9th
demic:s. When he graduated. Blian was a sman. strong and well Super Power Category: Magic!Wizard
rounded teen with a bright future. Wanting to learn all he could. Magic Combat and Abilities: Recognize enchantment 95% and
he accepted an athletic scholarship to put him through college. sense magic 59%. Can cast 14 spells per day at :1 r:lte of 5
spells per melee round. Spell s:lrcngth is 15. Magic Bonuses:
+2 save vs spell magic and +2 save vs circle magic.
Spells: Blind. breathe without air. decipher magic. dispel magic
barriers (2). negale magic. eyes of the wolL fly as Ihe eagle.
globe of silence. ice blast (NEW). levitate. magic anner
(NEW). magic nel. myslic shield. paralysis boh. see the invis-
ible. and tongues.
Combat Skills: Hand-to-hand: manial ans. boxing. and wres-
Attacks Per Melee: Seven

IJOIlUSes: + I on initiative. +2 to strike. +5 to strike with aimed Appearance: Brian is a tall. well-built and reasonably hand-
shols. +5 to parry. +5 10 dodge. +5 to damage. +10 roll with some man who looks more like he is entering his thirties Ihan
punch or fall. jump kick (critical). enlangle. critical on un- his forties. His hair is kepi short. He prefers to wear comfort-
modified 18, 19. or 20. paired weapons, leap atlack (critical). able clothes (often jeans and bUllon-up shirts). His costume as
KO on natuml 20 when punching. pin/incapacitate on un- Washinglon is a grey or navy blue jumpsuit with black
modified 18. 19. or 20 (if declared). and body block/lackle. gloves, boots and lrim.
Educalion Level: DocloraIe/ph.D. Occupation: Government agent under the jurisdiction of Project
Skills of Note (includes all bonuses): Criminal science and fo· Secure, with a background in science. medicine. research and
renSlCS. paramedic. pathology. medical doctor. biology. lore.
chemi,>try: analytical. computer oper,ition, botany, astrophys- Weapons and Equipmenl: Carries both a revolver and an auto
ic~. boxing, wrestling. fencing, gymnastics (all percentages at pistol and Ihe issued headset receiver/transmiuer when work·
989(). lore: demons and monsters. lore: ghosts and flleries, ing. He always has a pair of optics in the foml of nightvision
lore: geomancy and lines of power. all a198% proficiency. (ambient light amplification) goggles.
Secondary Skills: Advanced mathematics 98%. hand to hand: Vehicle: Personal vehicle is a Lolus Elan.
manial llrtS. read sensory instruments 83%, basic mechanics Body Armor: Washington's costume has concealed annor
759f. basic electronics 83%, art 75%, writing 69%. photogra- (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 50) in it. but he relies heavily on his magic
phy 93lN. W.P. revolver, W.P. automalic pistol. wilderness for protcclion.
"urvival 539t. climbing 69%. pilot automobile 83%. and pilot
~alrplane 70%.

Civilian Organizations
Triton Industries The Secret Behind Triton Industries
Many people have been puzzled about Triton Industries'
lJy Kevin Siembieda & Wayne Breaux amazing development of advanced laser lechnology which saved
the slruggling weapons manufacturer from the brink of bank-
Triton Industries is a developer and manufacturer of military. ruptcy. The trulh behind Triton Industries' achievements does
law enforcement and civilian weapons. ammunilion, body annor not rest with the genius of Anhur Harding or his research learns,
and survival equipment. It is a growing corporation with its but with the appearance of Brittany Shale, a visitor from anothcr
headquarters in Eko, Nevada. The corporation has a presence world.
throughout the United States. Canada and Mexico. This is also Eight years ago. an alien spacecraft crashed in the backyard
the location of their main proving area and testing grounds. of Triton Industries. Harding and his people were the first on the
Triton Industries has been a major innovator in the area of en- site and hclped Ihe government. including Project Tyche agents.
ergy weapons and advanced body annor for the last seven years. with securing the area and collecting the remnallls. Thc crashed
Before that. it was Ihe struggling child of its founder, Arthw vessel was apparently a life boat jenisoned from a larger alien
/farlJi"s. The company was saved by an unexpected break~ vessel in distress. The large vessel exploded high above the
through in laser weapon technology. Eanh and 98% of the debris is believed to have burned up in
Eanh's almosphere. No remnants are known to have reached
Research and developmcnt has expanded into improvements Eanh. Unfortunately. the alien life boat didn'l survive eilher and
and adv;lllcements of existing weapons. ammunition, and body crashed in Nevada with a tilanic explosion. The occupants were
annor. They have most recently developed an All-Weather. All- killed and burnt beyond recognition from the resulting crash. ex-
Environment Exo-Skeleton Suit that has won them their second plosion llnd fire. The government seized what was left of the
military contract. Their first conlract is connecled with Project vessel and the corpses of an eSlimated 47 occupants.
Tyche (and 10 a lesser degree. Project Secure) and involves the Unknown to the government, there was one survivor. A
identification and initial analysis of alien artifacts. Anhur l'lard- woman was rescued and hidden by Arthur Harding. The owner
ing and hi~ special research team have shown an amazing pro- of Trilon Industries kept his "guest" a secret even from his clos-
pensity for identifying and underslanding alien technology. They est associates. He was able to gain the alien's trust and. with
have also ~hown the same kind of fanaticism about protecting time. her love and devotion. By studying her laser pistol side-
US citil.ens from hostile aliens and dangerous weapons as Pro- ann. he was able to copy it and develop a working prototype to
ject Tyche has (or so it would seem). This has created a strong gain investors and allmCI the military. Once the necessary
bond between Tychc's Director and '·Iarding. Director Fores has money was acquired. Triton Industries' skilled scientists. under
become increasingly reliant on Harding and has arrangcd to Harding's supervision. were able 10 develop numerous advanced
make him and Triton Industrics special advisors and agents con- laser weapons and devices and win a government contract.
nected with thc Project: this includes Arthur Harding. Brillany
After his inilial breakthroughs duplicating the alien lechnol-
Shale. :md a team of Triton specialists (TST operatives) hand
ogy. Harding realized what a beautiful syslem this was. If he
picked by Harding.
could acquire addilional alien technology. he could study and

duplicate them (well. many of them) and make a fortune. To this TST teams without super powered operatives will include
end. he has encouraged lies with Project Tyche. Through this agents from the Super Power Categories of bionics. physical
connection he has learned that for the last 60 years (perhaps for training and hardware, or be non-superhuman ex-soldiers or es-
centuries), Emth had been visited by aliens from other worlds. pionage agents clad in experimental exo-skeletons. Typical
By cementing his ties with Project Tyche, he could be among the bionic operatives will have amplified hearing. some fonn of vi-
first to rescue (steal and/or sludy) these items before they are sion enhancement, radar. surveillance "bug" detectors, wide
taken by Project Secure or other agencies. By playing on the band radio receivers and transmiuers, in addition to their bionic
paranoia and animosity between Project Tyche and Project Se- augmentation and ID4 bionic weapon systems. Other operatives
cure, he has been able to convince Director Fores to let his peo- will be equipped with exo-skeleton/bO<!y annor ilnd laser weap-
ple help in the "neutralization" of alien invaders, and prevent ons.
their dangerous weapons and technology from falling imo the A fortress-like complex a few miles south of Triton lndus+
wrong hands: like super villains, foreign govemmems, Project tries' headquarters is the Development Celller and Testing Facil+
Secure and other foolish liberals. ity for secret military projects and experimental prototypes. It is
Harding and his trusted companion, Briuany Shale (the sur- protected by of Tl's weapon systems and elite guards (TST
viving alien), are careful 10 play the role of psychotic zealots. agents). Only Arthur Harding and a hand picked personnel have
which has convinced Fares that they are kindred spirits. They access to the facility. Ninety percent of the people at the main
never take foolish chances. and quickly tum alien altifacts over office never gel past the from gate, let alone the front door.
to Project Tyche or Secure operalives. but usually nOI before This facility is the secret base and home for TST operations
Harding has had a chance to examine them with his mutam pow- and agents, as well as for the studying. copying and stonlge of
ers and/or a detailed video documentation has been made. With alien technology and artifacts, Within its inner sanctum are dar·
the secret support and blessing of Director Fores, Harding has cion advisors, cells for alien captives and places for dark experi-
organized a half dozen squads of agents to investigate suspected ments. Other than Brittany Shale and Harding. there are only a
aliens. UFO sightings and to "collect" equipment from alien tiny handful of people who are allowed into the inner sanctum or
visitors on Earth. who know about the darclon.
These squads are very similar in make-up and tactics 10 Pro-
ject Secures Lock Dow1I leams. These Triton Strike Teams
(TST) are always on call and ready to respond at a moment's no-
!lee, They are frequenlly deployed to investigate situations that
Project Tyche is unable to explore. either because the lead is 100
nimsy. or because the investigation has been turned over to an~
other agency. like Projeci Secure. In this way, Director Fores has
his fingers in the investigation (or so he thinks) through the TS'f
(their true nature and ties to Triton Industries are concealed).
These teams are also sent out to investigate leads of their own.
Triton Industries employs several civilian wire services and
UFO watch groups to keep them apprised of alleged sightings
and Sirange occurrences. Once there is a solid lead. the Triton
Strike Team.!> go into action and tries to beat the government at
finding aliens, and seizing their technology, Captured aliens are
a rarity. TST operatives tend to kill these presumably hostile in-
vaders and collect their weapons and equipment to be brought
back to Triton Industries' secret fortress. The occasional alien
captive may illso be broughl back to base where they are offered
deals for infonnation. cooperation and their equipment/technol-
ogy, Deals are typically something like, "Give us what we want
or we'll kill you," or, "we'll tum you over to the government
(namely Project Tyche):' Those who refuse to cooperate are ter-
minated and their bodies cremated or they are killed and their
bodies turned over to Project Tyche, Occasionally they are
turned over to Project Tyche alive. But in most cases, the iden·
tity of the alien's interrogators and the location of its confine- Arthur Harding
ment are kept a secret to avoid incriminating Harding or Triton Head of Triton Industries
Arthur Harding is a brilliant designer due largely to his mu-
A standard 1'S1' field team will be a six to eight man squad tant super powers of holographic memory projection and
divided equally into two teams who engage in coordinated in- mechano-link. These powers are especially useful in under-
vestigations and attacks. At least 75% of the team members will standing. duplicating and improving new (alien) technology, as
possess super abilities. and fall into the categories of alien, ex- well as "knocking off' competitors' products. Unfoltunately,
periment, mutant, or psionic. many alien items are beyond E.1rth·s manufacturing capabilities
and require advancements Ihal are beyond any Earth manufac-
IUrer. Although he has many high-tech weapons and designs in
hi:. head from studying Shaner's and Darclon equipment. he will
Shaner (aka Brittany Shale) is Ihe sole survivor from the
have to wail umil other areas of manufacturing catch-up to make
their reproduction feasible. space lifeboat thai crashed in Nevada. I-Ier vessel had been in-
vaded by some son of alien predators Ihat appeared after their
Harding is the true brains and motivator behind the TritOn
ship had gOllen caught in a space and lime anomaly. The dimen-
,ucce'>s Story. Thc majority of his technical staff and researchers
sional anomaly warped them from their solar systcm into
are merely devclopers and aides who carry through on his dc-
Eanh·s. 1lley came to Eanh because it was the nearest planct
.. ign~.
with intelligent. and as fate would ha\'e it. human life (Shattcr
Publicly. he plays the role of thc busy CE.O. and tries to pre- and her people are human). However. the deadly invaders
se(\e hiS anonym It). Hl~ role as \locapon's developer and UFO proved too dangeroulo and the ensuing hallies caused the ship to
investigator are clo!loely guarded secrets. Hc has tasted the good explode in Eanh orbit. She and 47 others were ordered into a life
life. and he \lo3nts more. HI~ ambltlOn has dri\cn him 10 create boal, but only she survived the crash.
the TST team~. 10 continue hiS secrel campaign 10 pirate alien
The alien woman appears completely human ahhough ,>he
technolog). and hilo dcahng~ willi. the darclon alicns for his own
possess some superhuman abilities. She has always viewed Ar-
personal gain. He has become mcreasingly calculating. ruthless.
thur Harding as her rescuer and the tv. 0 quickly fell in love. The
and maniacal. Although he IS self-serving and evil. he has his
two have been inseparable for the last se\'en years. As Briltany
o\\.'n IWI'>led code. This mdudes nol purposely harming innocent
Shale. she is Dir«tor of Security for Triton Industries. Under
b) slander-. protccllng children. and nol undermining the govern-
her Sha"" persona. she is lnown as Tl's top super poYocred op-
menl. authorilles or the law (it's one Ihlng for "him" and
erati ...e. Only a few people kno\\.' Shatter and Brittany are one
agent'> to urumm'nr lhe law for their gain. but nm for mher ali-
and the same. Of course. this means she has access to all Tl
en~. cnmlnals. or super VI IIams to do). In his own way. Harding
weapon systems....ehicles and facilities. She is also privy to Tri-
" a patnm ""ho ",ill do what he can 10 defend and protect the
ton Induslries' and Anhur Harding's secrets. including TST op-
Lmted Slah:, of America and the human race. He would be hor-
erations. their ties willi. Project Tyche and the presence of the
rified 10 learn of the darclom.· schemes and would tum against
them III a heanbeat. Shaller shares similar vicws.
Brittany does nm trust the darclons. They have no honor and
Alignment: AbelT3nt
she suspects them of having ulterior motives. She has cxpressed
Hit Points: 33
her concerns to Arthur. but he has assured her that they are his
S.D.C.: 65
pawns and there is nothing to fear. Brittany isn't convinced of
Weight: 184 pounds (83 kg)
this. but keeps her suspicions to herself and an eye on the dar-
Height: 5 fect. 11 inches (1.8 m)
Age: 33
As Shatter. she is considered an unknown vigilante associated
Attribules: I.Q. 20. M.E. 15. M.A. 17. P.S. 12. P.P. 14. P.E. 10.
PB. 15. Spd. 13 with an unknown group (TST) who hunts down and fights ali·
ens. mUiants and super villains. Authorities consider Shattcr and
Experience Le\'c!: 6th level
Super Power Calegory: Mutant her teammates to be low priority because the group keeps a low
profile. does not engage in robbery or endanger civilians. and. in
Unusual Characteristic: Double-jointcd
fact. have assisted or defended authorities ;Igainst alien and/or
Super Powers: Mechano-link and holographic memory projec-
tion. super villains on sevenll occasions. TIle "official" investigation
Combat Skills: Hand-to-hand: basic of Shatter and cohorts has becn acquired by Project Tyche (who
Allacks Per Melee: Five know she is an agent of Arthur 1·larding. so they have killed thc
investigation. At least for the moment. Shaller and the TST can
lJonuses: +1 to strike. +2 to parry and dodge. critical 011 un-
operate with minimal fe;lr of govcrnment intervention).
modified 190r20.
Educulion Level: Four years of college. Earth Identity: Brittany Shale: a.k.a. Shatter
Scholaslic Skills (includes all bonuses): Electrical engineer Real Name: Britonshael
98%. lourveillance systems 98%. computer repair 98%. robot Alignment: Aberrant
electronics 55%. mechanical engineer 98%. locksmith 95%. Species: Humanoid. looks completely human.
aircraft repair 80%. robot mechanics 55%. navigation: space Hit Points: 57
98'1:. navigation (air. land. water) 98%. read sensory equip- S.D.C.: 212
ment 98%. weapon systems 98%. pilot: jet fighter 98%. and Weight: 154 pounds (69 kg)
pilot; space shunle 98%. Heighl: 5 feet. 6 inches (1.65 m)
Secondary Skills: Compuler operation 98%. hand to hand: ba- Age: Unknown. looks to be in her late twenties.
sic. athlelics (general). pilOl: automobile 98%. pilOl: airplane Attributes: I.Q. 15. M.E. 11. M.A. 13. P.S. 27. P.P. 23. P.E. 20.
98%. advanced mathematics 84%. languages: Spanish, P.B. 14. Spd. 66
French. Russian. and German. all al 80%: pilot: sailboals Experience Le\'l~.I: 9th level
98%. W.P. revolver. ",riling (journalistic) 38%. and pilot: Super Power Calegory: Alien
motOrboalS 84%. Home Planel: High Gravity
Occupation: Founder and C.E.O. of Triton Industries: a multi- Major Super AbiJilies: Vibration (Shock wave quick roll dam-
millionaire and weapons developer. age lD6xIO+I2).
Appearance: Harding is a suave, debonair and handsomc man Minor Super Abilities: Healing factor and night: wingless.
in his early 30·s. He always wears expensive business suits Combat Skills: Hand-ta-hand: martial arts. wrestling. and box-
and has an airof always being in control. ing.
Attacks I)er Melee: Seven
Bonuses: +1 on initiative. +6 strike. +8 slrike with ancient W.P..
+6 strike with aimed shot. +9 parry. +11 parry with ancienl
W.P.s. +9 dodge. + 10 roll wilh punch or falL jump kick (criti-
cal). entangle. critical on unmodified 18. 19. or 20, paired
weapons. leap allack (critical).
Educalion Le\'el: Alien Combat Specialisl
Scholastic Skills (bonuses included): Manial ans, firsl aid
98%, boxing. S.C.U.S.A. 98%. wrestling. gymnastics 98%.
languages: English. Gennan. French. Russian. Spanish, and
Italian. all at 98%; W.P. sword_ W.P. knife. W.P. paired. W.P.
energy pistol. W.P. sub-machinegun. W.P. auto piSIOI, and
Secondar)' Skills: Pro"" I 98%. pilOl: mOlOrcyc1e 98%. pilot:
aUlOmobile 92%. pilac: helicopter 00Ck, basic mechanics
52%, basic electronics 70'1:. read sensory equipment 95%.
computer operation 9811:, cook 98%. wilderness survival
95%. and W.P. blunt.
Equipment: As Head of Security al Triton Industries her usual
complemenl of ""eapons includes a pair of throwing knives
(I D6 damage), t'-"o automatic pislOls (one loaded with annor
piercing rounds). two stakeout style shOiguns (one loaded
with nechetle rounds), one sub-machinegun firing needle
rounds, or Triton Industries TKO rounds.
As Shalter: In addition to her powers and superhuman
S.D.C.. Shatter is always well anned with vinually any weap-
ons and equipmems she or her leammates (TST) need. Typi-
cal weapons include 1'1 laser weapons. plasma ejeclOrs or
rocket launchers.
Briuany has a personal bank account with ID4 million
Note: Only Harding and twO of his most trusled scienlislS (both
highly paid and 100% loyal), know that Briuany/Shaner is an

Thc darclons are a race of evil aliens from anOlher dimcnsion.
They have stnlck ;. deal with Harding to provide lechnological
infomlalion and ilems in lhe ;ueas of laser and energy weapons.
body anllOr and exo-skcletons/power annor in exchange for in-
fomllllion aboul Eanh. the solar sySlem and alien visitors.
History: The darclons were once powerful intergalactic anns
dealers and slavers. until the Splugonh and Naruni appeared in
their dimension. Their new, ruthless transdimensional competi-
tors literally destroyed the darclons 10 eliminate the competition.
Within 50 years. the darclons had been extinguished as a force in
their universe. Those who weren't slain. or put out of business
were captured and enslaved. Although tens of thousands sur-
vived as free people (there had been billions). they were forced
into hiding and live a quiet existence. In an altempt to escape the
Splugonh and Naruni Entcrprises, the aliens turned Ihcir dwin-
dling resources toward developing dimensional travel.
II look nearly a thousand years. but they have begun to master
traversing the Megaverse. Their link to the Eanh of Heroes Un-
limited is one of their more promising doorways 10 anOlher real-
ity. One faction of darclons is considering abandoning their
native dimension to nee 10 anolher one nac yet dominated by the
Splugonh or other lransdimensional menaces and conquerors.
They are sizing up Eanh and its universe as a possible candidatc

There are live darelon "advisors" at the 1'1 Development Cen-
ter and Testing FacililylFortress. These five creatures help Hard-
ing develop new energy weapons. body annor and
exo-skelelons. help identify alien artifacts. One. a diabolic witch
named Dreeja. is the leader of one of Ihe Triton Strike Teams.
Another pair of darclons not affiliated with Triton Industries are
conducting their own exploration of Earth and plan on recruiting
a group of super villains (and perhaps conduct experiments on
mutants and super humans to unlock the secrets of their powers
and replicate them).
Alignment: Any. but usually selfish or evil.
Allributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 406. MA 206+1. P.S. 4D6. P.P.
3D6. P.E. 406. P.B. 106, Spd 306
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus ID6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 4D6xlQ
Natural Body Armor: A.R. 14
Height: 5 feet plus 3D6 inches (1.6 to 2.0 m).
Weight: lOO+2D4xI0 pounds (54 to 82 kgs).
Average Life Span: 240 years
Race: Humanoid
Super Abilities: All darclons possess immense psionic powers.
Select four major psi-powers and six minor ones, I.S.P. is
M.E.xIO plus 10 poinls per level of experience.
Natural Abilities: +5 to save vs horror factor, +2 10 save vs dis-
ease. resistant to normal fire (half damage: but suffers full
damage from magic. plasma or mega-damage flame) and +2
on initiative. They are also ambidextrous. which adds one at-
tack/action per melee round, +1 to parry, +10% to climbing
skill. +5% to escape ani st. pick locks. mechanical repair. and
electrical repair.
Special Weapons: Short- and long-range energy weapons arc
for such an exodus. The people of Earth. and even lllany of the Special Vehicles: Jet packs and hover vehicles.
more advanced "alien" races who inhabit the solar system. are Special Armor: They have a half a dozen diffcrent types of
compar:uively primitive and could provide a rich environment power armor and giant combat robots back in lheir home di·
for bu~ine~s. growth, and conquest. mension. but none have been brought to Earth.
The I)llrclons & Triton Industries: The darelons are using Familiarity with Earth: Equal to "Has studied Earth" result on
Triton Industries as a pawn for their own schemes. II was Hard- the Familiarity with Earth table.
l11g's darelon "friends" and advisors who suggested the fomla- Darclons in Rifts: As a Rifts character, a darclon is a mega-
tion of Ihe TST to study other aliens :md 10 capture their damage mind metter with the following psychic powers: All
lechnology (all the easier for lhem 10 learn about Iheir potemial physical powers, speed reading. total recall. telepathy. tele·
opposition). The darelon are also fascinated by the phenomenon mechanics, bio-regeneration (super). electrokinesis. pyrokine-
of lhe "super hero/super being" in this dimension. They see such sis, telekinesis. group mind block. mind bolt. mind bond,
powers as :l new markeling and military opponunity. This has psi·shield, and psi-sword. !.S.P.: M.E.xlO plus 10 per level
led thcm to develop experiments with the intention of instilling of experience.
super abilities in norm:11 humans - so far none have been suc- They are mega-damage creatures with 4D6xlO M.D.C.
cessful. Unknown to Harding. they are also experimenting with and technology level roughly equivalent to the Coalition
genetic engineering on animals. humans and aliens. for Ihe pur· States. In the Rifts World. their energy weapons innict mega-
pose of crcliling an army (or slave force) of super beings to con· damage and the amlor of their bots. body amlOr and vehicles
guer this new universe and reclaim their own. Earth is just a are also M.D.C. structures.
potenti:11 stepping stone in this campaign. The darclons are foul. merciless creatures who view hu-
Unknown 10 Harding and Shancr. il was the dare Ions who at· mans and most other humanoid life forms as lheir inferiors:
tacked BriU:lny's spacecraft (she never actually saw the invad· after all. they were used to being king-of-the-hi1J in their own
ers). It was through this encounter that they discovered Earth dimension for eons before the Splugonh and Naruni Enter-
and were able to track Brillany to Triton Industries. The darclons prises appeared and changed everything. During their reign as
were able to open a dimensional Rift near 1'1 and send special intergalactic arms dealers and slavers, they were only slightly
agent" to make a bargain with Anhur Harding. Thankfully. it is bener than the Splugonh in regard to their trcatment of other
extremely difficult for the darclons to create the dimensional life forms. [n many ways, it is befining that they suffer at the
opening to begin with (only ID4 times an Earth year) and can hands of the Splugonh as they did to countless others. To this
seldom hold it open for more than a few minutes. day. there are Ihousands of darclon slaves who serve will-
ingly and by force as Minions of Splugonh. but not among Fanning Recoil I>iminisher Exo-skelelon MK-lII (FROE
the minions of Lord Splynncryth of Atlantis (remember. there a.k.a. Freddie): This power amlor is a combination of a hydrau-
are many Splugonh who dominate different pans of the lic leveling and recoil absorbing system built into a suit of pro-
Megaverse). The Naruni and a few others also have some dar- tective body 3nnor. TIle overall effect of the system is the near
cion slaves. although only one-tenth of the number owned by neg3tion of 1'C(:0il from automalic weapons. It also provides the
the Splugonh. The occasional darclon slave. refugee or free wearer with +2 to P.S. and Spd. as well as basic body armor pro-
man can find his/her way to Rifls Eanh. All darclons despise tection with A.R.: 14 and 160 S.D.C. points. Other Bonuses: +2
lhe Splugonh and dream of the day lhey can eXlfact revenge 10 strike when burst firing and +1 to strike when spraying/firing
(not likely). They also dislike Naruni Enterprises. wild (See Modem Weapon Proficiency section). Weight: 100
They have tackled the problem of dimensional travel from pounds (45 kg) plus weapon and equipmenl weigh!. Cosl:
a scientific point of view and, allhough lhey draw on P,P.E. to $50,000 and up for a hunum-sized Freddie: double for giam
create dimensional Rifts, they do nOl undersland or practice characters.
magic. The FROE is currently a very hot commodily in the securily
Darclon player characters may be a rare alien of compas- and mercenary fields. Costs are high due 10 high demand and
~ion and good alignment, bUI may be considered an outcasl moderate production.
by others of his race; most are anarchist or evil. FRDE MK-IV-Super (a.k.a. Super Freddie): This is an 3d-
vanced suit of power annar with the same systems as lhe MK-
III. but has enhanced robotic augmentation. laser targeting (4000
triton Industries ft/12oo m range). laser wrist blasters (306 damage. 2000 ft/610
Tnton Industries (TI) is a new mega-corporation in the area 01 range). A.R,: 15. S.D.C.: 200. Bonuses: +4 to P.S. and + 10 to

of advanced weapons, annor development and manufacturing. II Spd.. can leap 10 feet (3 01) lengthwise or up. + I to dodge. + I on
has a lotal of 325 points. II is loosely associaled with the US initiative. +3 to strike with lasers. +2 to strike when firing bursts
government and Project Tyche. as well us secretly associ:lled and +1 to strike when spraying/firing wild. Penalties: -15% 10
with lhe darclon aliens. prowl. Weight: 200 pounds (90 kg) plus weapon and equipmenl
A. Qutfits: #4 Specialty Clothing: 10 poin!." weight. Note: This suit is nOI an EVA syslem. Cosl: $500.000
B. Equipment: #4 Electronic Supplies: 10 points and up for a human-sized Freddie; double for giant characlers.
C. Weapons: #5 The Arsenal: 30 points This is an experimental prototype.
D, Bionics and Robotics: ;;3 Cyber agents: 25 points RSEVA-l: An all-environmelll suit based on desigllS of the
E. Vehicles: #4 Specially Vehicles: 40 points suit Shauer/Brinany wore when she was first discovered. This
F. Communications: H4 Computerized: 15 points suil has NOT been made available on the open mariet or 10 the
G. Offices, Hideouts. Distribulion: #4 National: 15 points military. An alien suit of riol annor. A.R.: 15. S,D.C.: 230. Fea-
H Military H4 Private Army: 30 points tures: Built-in oxygenlS.C.U.B.A. apparatus. gas filters. air
I. Super Powered Operatives: #3 A Few Regulars: 20 points purge and circulation system (can breathe the sanlC air for 21)4
J. Sponsorship: #3 Private Industry: 6 points days before it goes stale), long-range radio. laser targeting, ra-
K. Special Budget: #5 Big Bucks: 35 poinlS diation detector, and jet pack (90 mph/l44 km). Briuany will
L. Administrative Control: #2 Loose Laws: 5 points wear onc of these when involved in clandesline or defense op-
M.lntemal Security: 1#4 Iron Clad: 25 poinls erations. Weight: 30 Ibs (13.6 kg). Cost: 5350,000.
N. External Infiltration: #3 Information Source: 10 points
O. Research and Infonnation Gathering: #5 Superior Connec- Weapons & Ammunition - - - - - - - - - - -
tions: 30 points
Needle Ammunition: The Triton InduSlries needle and annor
P. Agency Credentials: #4 Known: 10 points piercing ammunition are identical to Ihose presented in the
Q. Agency Salary: #5 Excellent: 30 poims
Weapons section. COSI: 5350 per 100 for needle ammunition.
Armor Piercing Ammunition: $275 per 100.
TI Armor & Weapons of ote F1echelle Ammunilifm: These rounds are composed of hun·
dreds of small. rozar·sharp blades. TIleir penetration value is low
Triton Industries has developed a number of advanced energy
(add +2 to target's A.R.). but damage is high (606). They can
weapons and high-tech ammunition. body annor and equipment.
only be used in shotguns. $150 per 100.
The Items are "knock-offs" from alien sources. As a result, dam-
Shotgun Sabot Ammunition: These are advanced "lugs for
age and data are often referred to as alien equivalents found in
shotguns. Their design doubles the nonnal r.lOge for sholgun
the equipment section of this book or items found in Heroes Un-
slugs. Cost: $80 per 100.
TKO ,50 Cnlibre: Identical to the Korimyr.
Body Armor TI Riproar: Identical 10 the Ridelly .560.
TI Riot Body Armors: Trilon produces amlOrs identical 10 TI .50ACE: This handgun is basically a ,45 calibre with
those in Heroes Unlimited. but because of alien technology, all ACE modificalion (506 damage per round).
have an armor rating one higher (+1) and an additional 10%
TI Multi·Cal Rifle: Trilon Induslries' triumph in assault rifle
S.D.C. than those listed. Cost is 25% higher too.
technology is the Multi-Cal rifle. It i" a dual purpose .... eapon de-
All Weather Armored Em'ironmental Suit (A,W.A.E.S,): signed for S.W.A.T. and other tactical uses. The rifle has an
ldenllcalto the H.E.A.S. except it has an A.R. of 13 and S.D.C. over~under dual barrel assembly. The top barrel can fire a \ari·
of 300. Cost: 525.000.
ety of rifle canridges. including the 7 111m. 7.5 mm. 7.62 and Reach Up
7.65 mm. The bouom is a 12 gauge shOlgun. Both barrels are fed This is a civilian organization dedicated to unraveling the
by clips. The 7.62 mm is fully automatic. while the shotgun is mystery of UFOs and repons of alien visitors. Totlll points: 86
semi-aUlom;uic (it can fire single aimed shO!s or rapid-lire short
A. Outfits: None
bursts). Weight: 12.8 pounds (5.8 kg). Damage: 4D6 or 5D6
B. Equipment: #2 Cheap Gear: 2 points
per round depending on the cartridge; shotgun: 4D6 per round
C. Weapons: None: operatives must purchase Iheir own weap-
(506 slugs), Rate of fire: Aimed. buna. and wild; sec Modem
Weapon Proficiencies. Effective Range: Rifle: 1300 fect (396
D. Bionics & Robotics: None
rn) or shotgun [00 feet (30.5 m). Payload: Rine: 25 round clip:
E. Vehicles: None: only what each member has of his own.
<;hOlgun: 6 round clip, Cost: $5.500.
F. COlllmunications: #2 Basic Service (including public com-
Tl Energy Weapons: Triton Industries makes a mini-laser puter nctworks): 2 po;ms
1001, laser pi~tol. laser rifle. and heavy laser with back puck that G. Offices, Hideouts. & Distribution: #4 Regional: 25 points
are fundamentally the same as those found in Heroes Unlim- (people's homes)
ited, page 208 and 209, and comparably priced. H. Military Power: None
TI Laser Wrist Band or Gauntlets: A pair of lightweight I. Super Powered Oper.ltives: None
laser weapons worn on the amlS or hands. Weight: I pound J. Swnsorship: #6 Agent Sponsorcd: 50 points
(0.45 kg) plus a 10 lb (4.5 kg) hip or backpack generator, Dam- K. Special Budget: Nickel and Dimc: 5 poillls
age: 306. Rate of fire: Single or two-handed shot only, Effec- L. Administrative Control: Rigid Laws: No points
tiv"e Range: 300 feet (91.5 m), Payload: Two shots per each M.lntcrnal Security.: None
wrisl band or gauntlet per melee round (15 seconds). self-regen- N. External Infiltration: #2 Rare Minor Traitor: 5 points (mem-
erating energy pack. Cost: $500.000. bers thm work for the govemmelll and news agencies).
TI Plasma Ejector: One of the only Earth companies capa- O. Research and Infomlation Gathering: Cheap Resources: 2
ble of producing a plasma weapon is Triton Industries. Weight: points
IS pounds (6.8 kg) plus a 20 Ib (9 kg) backpack generator. Dam- P.Agency Credentials: #3 Faceless: 5 points
age: 506+10, Rate of fire: Single shO! only. Effective Range: Q.Agency Salary: Nonc: all are volunteers.
1000 feet (305 m), Payload: 10 shO! energy clip, Cost:
$500.000. Plasma clips cost $25.000.

Reach Up
Super Human Observation & Control Knights
Reach Up is a civilian group of alien watchers. They corne
By Wa.vne Breaux & Ke\'in Siembieda
from all walks of life and have a common drive to sec that aliens
are given a fair chance on Earth. Most of them believe the gov- The Super 1·lurnan Observation and Control Knights
ernment is a menacing organization that grabs up aliens and spir- (S.H.O.C.K.) are a fanatic amly of hUlllan purists who operate as
its them away to be dissected and studied. The members of a political organization. They believe anyone who is not fully
Reach Up intend to do their best to keep alien visitors out of the human, including mutants. cyborgs. people with psion;cs, and
hands of the FBI (not that they have ever had the opportunity to those with super abilities. are a potcntialthrcat to "natural man."
help any real alien visitors). They use the telephone. computer Through the use of high technology they have established an or-
networks. delivery services, clipping services and firsthand re- ganization to monitor, categorize, and :lct upon any threat posed
ports collected by field agents to gather and distribute infom1a- by "unn;llural men" to natural men. To them. science (robotics),
tion to ils members. Communication is mainly done via the nature (physical and special training). and knowledge (spell and
telephone, computers and the occasional ham radio operator. 1m- illusion magic) are llleant to exisl. for they in no way "remove
partam/secret infonnation may be delivered by hand from one the human from the man." Aliens are not hurnlm to slart with. no
member to another. matter what they look like. Other super powered people have to
be altered or mutated in SOllle way to possess "unnatural pow-
Most participants of Reach Up have never mel each other and
ers" and lire thus not "natural:' Androids who think and act as
only a dozen serve as field agents who go out to conduct physi-
androids are accepted as non-human machines. but those who
cal investigations. Few can afford to jump on a plane to cross the
either think they arc human. or pretend to be are added to the
country, so they call each other until someone in the area of the
enemies ofS.H.O.C.K.
alien or UFO sighting can respond. If an alien is ever rescued.
they have plans for a son of alien underground composed of vol- What S.H.O.C.K. calls its "Campaigns of Purity" are actually
unteers who will help hide, house. feed, care for and Iranspon trails of terrorism and genocide. Their standard tactic is to locate
the extraterrestrial. These people have little access to equipment and identify an "abnomlal" person and make an appearance in
or resources. but they make up for it with detennin:ltion and their imposing amlor. A warning shot is fired very close (within
courage. inches/centimeters) of the targe!. A camera in the annor records
the shot to prove that was not an attack. To the target, it will ap·
pear very much like an allllck. If the targct subject retaliates us·
ing III/natural powers. S.H.O.C.K. attacks with deadly force,
claiming lhal the person was a violcntly dangeroul>. non-human to do the work of 4000. They can cover a surprising amount of
villain. If the targct of the assault does not attack. he is told he ground. TIle founders and lellders have built a strong and stable
won't be killed if he comes with them peacefully. If the person organiz.1tion that seems to be gathering suppon as more and
agree~ to go. he'll be b....dinwashed into forgetting he has unnalu- more mutants. aliens and unnatural super beings seem 10 spring
....dl po"-ers (S.H.O.C.K. has mages with spells specifically de- up every day. They are calculating. purposeful. driven and pre-
signed for thi, task). An implanted suggestion will make the pared. They do not usually make snap judgements. or take ac-
peJ'\OJl call S.H.O.C.K. for help If he ever accidentally finds his tions that will hun the cause.
polAer, agam (great story idea. huh?). The surveillance of one target can. and u~ually does. take
The organization has had amazing success in eliciting public weeks. Before any move is made. as much infonnalion as possi-
suppan. This is in pan due to an excellent public relations cam- ble is gathered 00 a subject(s) and its (their) abilities. Included in
paign and impeccable liming. The organizalion immediately the observations are notes about the character's strengths. weak-
O\el1e\ every opponunity to preach hate and confuse the facts nesses. habits. public statements. friends. allies and associations.
"-hencver superhumans or mulants are responsible for trouble Many tiTTlCl> a docile target will not be attacked but patiently
and mayhem. Dunng qUieter moments. they preach subtle ver- monitored and held in reserve. This "unnalural man" will be put
sions of their beliefs. publish propaganda. conduct charities and under regular surveillance 10 detennine hisJher/lheir threat level
mal.e pohtical contaclS (pohllcians lookmg to score points with and capabilities until a point in time when more dangerous tar-
COllSllIuents frightened by po~erful vi IIams and non-humans are gets are scarce. or when the threat level of the surveillance sub-
especiall) allrxted to S.H.O.CK.). The S.H.O.CK. organiza- ject(s) increases or can be sel-up to funher the cause.
tion has developed an almost "above the law" status as a pe0- S.H.O.CK. has become quite masterful at framing "unnatural
ple's militia read} to prolecl humanity against monslers and men" for crimes they do not commit. arranging threatening situ-
mulanh ~hlle the go...emment stands by idly. The illusion that ations for super beings to look more dangerous than they really
liS members are careful to make cenalO a suspect is nOl human are. as well as provoking super beings into action and into the
before they take action. and that they only kill in self defense public spotlight to make S.H.O.C.K. look good or super being~
only add.. to their reputation as heroes and protectors. in general to look bad.
Most S.H.O.CK. agents appear to try to cooperate with the One of S.H.O.C.K.'s driving goals is to have legislation
law. The} never resist arrest. never endanger law enforcement passed to monitor. control and imprison people with super abili-
officers or Innocent (human) bystanders and, unlike many so- ties. If they can get this done. their status as licensed govemmcm
called super heroes and vigilantes. gladly remove any disguises. operatives is nearly assured (or so they believe). If it should ever
helmels. or masks to prolUJly reveal who lhey are. A definite im- happen. they will become advocates of legal genocide. Game
provement over those mysterioul> super vigilantes and lawless
mutants. Of course. S.H.O.CK. agents nagrantly disregard the Mastel' Notes: The opemtives and organizers at S.H.O.C.K. arc
law and civil rights to "get" super·freaks and unnaturals when- veterans at capluring people with super abilities. Player charac·
ever the media's eyes are not focused upon them. Like most fa- ters. especially Ihose in the public eye. or who are disfigured or
natIcs. the typical S.H.O.C.K. activist knows the law well and obviously inhuman. will be high on their "hit" list. Alternately.
twist.; ltlO protect himself and funher their cause. secret operatives may manipulate the characters into situations
Many people fall right into the "non-human" phobia that will discredit them or even get them to fight other super be-
S.H.O.C.K. propagalcs. and the organization benefits from that ings (good or evil). S.H.O.CK. agents are becoming increas-
by way of financia1. cmotional and political suppon. It has sup- ingly notorious for (JITallging super heroes to light super vi Ilains
poners and agents who have many different educational back· and vice versa.
grounds among its ranks: doctors. lawyers. govemment S.~1.0.CK. does not have robotics capabililies. but they do
personnel. mcmbers of the military and police. media people. ce- have several technical people and manufacturers associated with
lebrities. the wealthy. teachers. clergy. fanners. factory workers. the organization. Non-combat members of S.H.O.CK. field
laborers. families and others. Nearly anyone can be an active or teams are typically researchers. observers (with still or video
supponing member of S.H.O.C.K. The fonner are the mililant cameras in hand). surveillance or communicalions personnel and
and vi.;ible members involved in fighting "unnatural men:' re- general assistants. They frequently operate out of large vans or
fonnlOg laws. demonstrating and "making a sland for their chil- trucks filled wilh electronic scanners. surveillance devices.
dren." Supponing members tend 10 be the silent majority. tracking systems. communications and recording equipment.
quietly sending in donations. infonnation and words of suppon. Combat field operatives have military or other combat training.
They are also the least infonned about the extreme activities and including the super categories of physical training. hardware and
measures the organization is willing to take to preserve the magic. Those sem to neutralize a super being may use disguises.
rights. libeny and life of natural men. to look like an ordinary person or law enforcement officer or use
S.H.O.C.K. is by no means a widespread underground soci· a customized suit of Class Four Hard Annar with jet packs. The
ety. bot II IS gaining "grass mOl" suppan at an alarming rate. The following section details some of that equipment.
organilatlon claims 10 have the suppon of millions of Ameri· The supponing and active members of S.H.O.CK. arc not
cans. To hear them talk. it seem that 80% of the nation is behind necessarily evil people (although a good percentage are. or have
them. In reality. they have approximately 60.000 supponing be<:ome evil as a result of lheir fears and fanaticism). Most hon-
members across the country and about 400 OC1;\,(' core members. estly belie"'e in their cause and feel their effons are making a
These actl\ie members are the most fanatical and violent. Their bener world - all the greater lhe tragedy.
devOlion to the cause fuels the fires of hate and l1lOIivates them
The Super Human Observation and Control Knights
(S.H.D.C.K.) is an organization of militant human suprema-
cists v.ho have created a sort of terrorist anti-super being net-
work: TOial points: 270
A. OUifits: #1 None: 0 points
B. Equip~nt: #5 Gimmicked Equipment: 30 poinls (includes
'heir annor).
C. Weapons: 1#5 The Arsenal (except for energy weapons): 30
D. Blomcs & Robol:iC!: #2 Basic Systems: 10 poinls
E. Vehicle": #4 Sp) Cars: 25 points
F. CommunicatIons: #4 Computerized: 15 points
G. Offices. Hideouts, & Distribution: 1# 3 National: 15 points
H. Military Power: #3 Militia (Anned members): 15 points
I. Super Powered Operati\'cs: #1 None: 0 points
J. Sponso....hip: #6 Agent Sponsored: 50 points
K. ~cial Budget: #2 Nickels lind Dimes: 5 points
L/ Admll1i~lralive Control: #3 Free Hand: 15 points
M.lnlcmal Seeunty: #5 Paranoid: 30 poims
N. Extemallnfiltr.uion: #2 Rare Minor Traitor: 5 points
O. Research and Information Gathenn : #4 Excellent Connec-
tIons: 20 points
P Agency Credentials: #3 Faceless: 5 points
Q. AgenC) Salary: # I None (These fanadcs do II for the good of
mankind.): 0 pomlS

Ander \1ichaels
Founder & Leader ofS.H.O.C.K.
mans. He feels safe and powerful now 'hat he has become the
Ander Michaels was lhe kind of lad that was scared of every- masler of his own fate and has surrounded himself \l,ith like·
thing. He worned about monSlers undcr his bed and big kids at minded people. With each passing day, he becomes more of
school. Ander grew up to be a scared man. He was not bothered megalomanic. who believes his own hype and is honestly con·
by people of other races. they were still human after all. but An- vinced of the dangers poised by non-humans and super beings.
der carne to believe that there were real monsters out there. Ali- The sad thing is that he is convincing others of his beliefs and
ens. mutants. psychics. cyborgs. evil super beings. and evcn creating a dangerous world.
~ome who pretcnded to be super heroes.
Real Name: Ander Michaels
One day as he left a shopping mall. he noticed a large crowd Alignment: Effectively aberrUI1l. His fears and righteousne~s
gathered in the purking 101. A sudden explosive crash sent the blinds him from the truth. fuels his hatred and destroys his ca-
onlooken; running. The disturbance was in the area of his car. so pacity for compassion in regards to non-humans and mutllnts.
Ander went to see what had happened. He found the remains of However. he believes what he says and has his own twisted
his Buick wrapped around a lamp post. The culprit was a very view of the law and reality. Unfonunately, he believes the
bIg. angry, alicn or mutant. As the creature bore down on him, ends justifies the means.
Ander wei his pants and fainted. When he awoke, a handsome Hit Points: 20
}oung man 111 armor with a large rine knelt over him. A super S.D.C., 30
hero. ll\e hero complimented Ander for his bravery and paraded Weight: 185 pounds (83 kg)
him 111 front of television news cameras like a monkey on string. Heighl: 5 feel. 10 inches (1.8 m)
Anders. 111 soiled clothes. was monified. confused and angry. Age: 29
These super beings had seized comrol of his life and he wanted Altributes: LQ. II. M.E. 9. M.A. 20, P.S. 8. P.P. 13. P.E. 10.
11 bad... He VO\l,ed 10 himself that he would take control of his P.B. 10. Spd. 18
life and free himself from these ... these ... Ihings who weren't Disposition: Ander thinks he is doing the right thing. He i" dedi-
even human. That day the seeds of war \l,ere planted. caled to the organi7.alion and ultimately the emdicalion of
Over the nexi few years he began 10 speak OUI and gather non-humans. He is no longer the frightened lillie man he once
supponers. A mid-west industrialist and equally fervem human was, he is empowered by the truth and is willing to be a mar-
supremacist created S.H.O.C.K. amlOr and supplied two d07.en tyr to the cause.
units of these power annor suits and weapons to the organiza- Experience Le"el: Third
tion. SlI1ce then. funds have been mised to create over 100 ar- Super Power Category: None. completely human
mored ~uits. Combat Skills: Hand-to-hand: basic
Ander is a pamnoid xenophobe. He thinks aliens and super Attacks Per Melee: Four
powered monsters lurk everywhere. mostly disguised. :IS hu- Bonuses: +2 to parry and dodge. +2 to roll with punch and fall.
Education Level: High School 7. Other Sensors: All of the truck's sensory. oplical dala. com·
Occupation: Office assistllnt/c1erk. municalions and Olher audio-visual lransmissions can be sent
Skills of Note: All skills are domestic or work related (unskilled to any suit of S.H.C.C.K. Annor within four miles (6.4 km).
labor); Ander has had a rather boring and simple life.Secon· These are all real-time signals with no lag lime.
dary skills of note include W.P. pislOl and W.P. sub-ma- 8. Medical: Most Mobile Headquaners also have medical equip-
chinegun. ment equal to a paT'dmedic.
Appurance: Ander is an average joe with thick brown hair. 9. Optional: 150 S.D.C. wonh of annor can be added to vans
glasses and an intense. almOSI pained expression. and small trucks or 400 S.D.C. to a semi and trailer. oot
Weapons and Equipment: Typically carries .44 caliber auto maximum speed is reduced by 10 mph (16 kmph) and han-
mag pistol (506 damage) and a 9 mm mini-uzi (206 damage) dling is reduced (-10% on piloting skills).
on hiS person. A multi-optics helmel. Shotgun. sap gloves.
nighl.Stid::. 200 rounds of ammunilion for both guns. two pairs The S.H.O.C.K. Prime - Mobile Headquarters
of handcuffs and t""o sfTlOl;.e grenades are in the trunk of his A rolling bunker with all necessary items for 2 monlhs of
car. field duty.
Vehicle: A new Jaguar spons car with cellular phone and anti-
A.R.: 15
theft alarm and kill switch.
S.D.C.: 1.500 (Iruek and armor combined)
Body Armor: Concealed bullet-proof vest worn under his suit
Speed: Maximum speed: 95 mph (152 km). cruising speed: 55
coat: A.R. 10.50 S.D.C.
, mph (88 km).

Mobile HQ Special Systems:

Special S.H.O.C.K. Equipment 1-1: All are identical to numbers I 10 7 above. but extend ranges
by lOCk.
8. S.H.O.C.K. Prime MHQ has full medical facilities and a
S.H.O.C.K. Mobile Headquarters medical doctor on board. He can perfonn surgery and any
T""o-Ion (1800 kg) moving vans are the usual choices for other necessary medicine in the field.
these mobile HQs. TIle S.H.O.C.K. Prime is their elile unit that 9. Holding Cell: S.H.C.C.K. Prime MHQ has a cell whose baT'.
uses an eighleen-wheel semi with box trailer for its Mobile are specially designed ion/panicle beams lhat separale the
Headquaners. The trucks are all armored. Each headquaners is panicles of anything that passes through them. Yes. the sy!>-
manned by 24 technicians and equipped with surveillance. film- lem is highly experimental and was slolen. Each time a beam
mg. recording and communications equipment. is disrupled. the object that breaks the beam lakes 2o.-xi0
A.R.: 10 damage. and the beam has a 40% chance of shutting down
S.D.C.: 400 for vans. 950 for semi-truck and trailer combined. and taking the whole bar system with it. The beam will even
Speed: Maximum speed: 120 mph (192 km). cruising speed: 40 separate the cells of an invulnerable character.
mph (64 km). 10. Two 10 four soldiers in S.H.O.C.K. Armor are always in
Weapon Systems: Typically none. but the occupants of the ve- the lruck 10 protect il. Additionally. it has twO concealed gun
hicle may be anned. and one is usually clad in S.H.C.C.K. turrets. each has a 7.62 mOl machinegun with enough amlllO
Annor 10 prolectlhe vehicle and its agenls. for two full minutes of conlinuous fire (10 full melee bur~ts).
Damage: 5D6 per round
Other Systems; Range: 2000 feet (610 m)
I. Advanced Audio Surveillance System: Range 600 to 800
Rale of Fire: Aimed. burSI. or wild. See Modem Weapon
feel (183 to 244 nt). Includes shotgun and contact micro-
Proliciencies under machinegun.
phones (turns one wall of the van imo an eight by len foot
Payload: Approximately 1500 rounds each.
(2.4 by 3.0 m) sounding board for recording and eavesdrop-
ping. and high and low frequency receivers.
2. Wide Band Radio Ret:eivers and Transmitters: Range 60 S.H.O.C.K. Armor - - - - - - - - - - -
nllies (96 km). Can pick up and send out on nearly any wave- Designed 10 be imposing yet functional. the S.H.C.C.K. ar-
length. including citizen and police bands. Has a buill-in mor is a suil of full environmental. Class 4 Hard AmlOr with a
scmmbler system. delachable jet pack. advanced targeling system and sensor array
J. Multi-Media Recording Capabilities: Includes audio. video. integrated into it. It has seveml built-in weapon system" and can
laser disc. tape. and CD. fully link up with the Mobile Headquaners (MHO) to share its
~. Sound Analyzing. Sorting. and Filing Programs: Pan of the more powerful sySlems. The annor must be "" ithin range of the
mainframe computer. this system is used to categorize voices. 1-10's signals for the infonnation feed to be sucressful (See the
\ehicle sounds. a specific individual's energy powers being MHQ for details).
used. and for hundreds of other purposes. T~'pe:Heavily Modified Body Annar & Exo·Skeleton
5. Ad\anced Oplic Syslem: Includes color and black and white Model: S.H.O.C.K. A4
filmmg. as ""ell as low-light and starlighl oplics. infrared. ul- A.R.: J7
tr.l\iolel. and thermo-imaging capabilities. Sensor extends S.D.C.,300
above the van and has 360 degree TOIation. Speed: Running: Same as the wearer·s natural speed. Flymg: 85
6. Motion Deteclors:: A lasl line of defense against those super mph (136 kOl) for up to 45 minutes. Maximum altitude: 1000
po""ered entities ""ho can slide past the other sensors. Range: feet (305 m).
75 feet (23 m).
Jet Pack S.D.C.: 100 fe~1/488 01), targeting sight. Icle .
Weight·. Enli re SUII:
. '100 pounds (45 k ) mlles/3.2 km). SCOpiC optics (up to 2
Bonuses-. +1 on .Imllative,
.. I to Sfg'k
~eapons). +1 to parry and+dod n e. (+2 with long-range Cost: $140.000
Se Impact or fall. Punch damage' 2~(+\2 In Oighl). +2 roll with \Veapons Systems:
nsors: Infrared (1600"eel/488 01) pus P.S. bonus
.. ). Tear gas for crowd d·lspersemenl
1. Gas dispensers (left arm'
. thenno-Imager (1600

and disorientation. Targets are -6 to strike. parry. and dodge. 4. Dart Launcher (right arm): Range: 110 feet (34 m). Dam-
No saving throw. See page 210 of Heroes Unlimited or riot age: Save vs non·lethal toxins or be rendered unconscious for
control gases and grenades in the Compendium of Contem· 304 minutes. Payload: 4 dans (can fire up to two per round).
porarJ Weapons.
S. StUll Blast (left arm): Range 100 feet (30 Ill). Rate of fire:
2. 40 mm grenade launcher (left arm): Used for ami-vehicle
Up to five per melee. Damage: Save vs non·lethaltoxins or-6
and anti-structure purposes. it is also used to knock invulner-
to strike. parry. dodge for 204 melees. Payload: 10 charges.
able people off their feet (88% chance). Range: 1.100 feet
(335 m). Damage: ID4xlOO. Blast Radius: 20 feet (6.1 m). 6. Optional Hand Held Weapons: The character can also
Feed: Single ShOI, Payload: 4 grenades (takes 2 actions to re- have/use a conventional sideann. pistol. rine. hand grenades
load a smgle shell). or energy weapon (the latter is a rarity for arnlOred
3, Automatic 9 mm SMG type mount (right arm): Damage S.H.O.C.K. tropers).
206 or by special bullet. Range: 550 feet (168 m). ammo: 30
round box magazine. Two extra clips arc usually carried.

A Catalog of Aliens BJ Wayne Breaux &

Kc\'in Siembieda

This section can be used as a rogues' gallery of villains, non- The Atorian Empire
plnyer chamcters (NPCs). or player characters. They have been
The AlOrian Empire is the single most powerful and influen-
written 10 provide an idea of the types of alien characters that
tial force in the Milky Way galaxy! Ne;uly 1.000 years ago, the
can be created and as an easily accessible trove of non-player or
humanoid Fehrans began to explore outer space and colonize
player characters for both the Game Master and player charac·
other worlds. The most innuenlial of the Fehran clans were the
ters. It is by no means a definitive cataloging of all aliens avail-
atorians. They quickly forged alliances and developed new lech~
able to the Heroes Unlimited universe.
nologies that made them a galactic powerhouse. This head stan
The alien descriptions are brief. but should present enough and aggressive adaptation to space exploration enabled them to
detail and possibilities to give the reader a fair idea of the char- monopolize the resources and space technology of their solar
acter's homeworld. environmental conditions. life styles, social
system. Thus. the AlOrian Empire was born.
and political sentiments. tech-level. mmives, ideals and alien
AlOrian women quickly moved into positions of power. and
character slatistics. Of course, motivations and goals will vary
as alOrian control solidified. the culture became a gynarchy. To
from individual to individual and the player character or G.M.
this day. women hold the reins of power in the Atorian Empire.
can digres~ from the general sentiments of lhat race. The infor·
As a planet is absorbed into the Empire, either by invasion or al-
mation presented only represents a ,~eller(ll ponion of those peo-
liance. an AlOrian Duchess or Lady is given it as a holding. She
ple's beliefs.
runs the planet and leads the native government. A large conlin-
gent of soldiers is also placed at her disposal. even on allied
The AlOrian Empire is currently ruled by the six Alorian Em-
Galactic Organizations presses. E..1ch has control over one sector of the Empire. but they
comntunicate frequently to delermine imperial policies. Within
For Game Masters who wish to run a galactic campaign. their seclOrs. each Empress has a planet she has chosen as her
thcre are endless Non-Player CharJ.cters (NPCs). player charac- throne world. These planets are all well within the Empire and
ters and villains that can be created. Large organizations and ri- protected by a vast amount of spacecraft and soldiers. This has
val govemmenls form a good basis for a coherent. believable been their way for the past 400 years.
campaign selling that offers a 101 of versatility and plOI options. The Atorian Empire has access to Ihe best technology in their
The galaxy has thousands of races and each has unto itself hun- galaxy. With the enornlOUS amount of resources. planets. and
dreds of governments. organizations. movements. cults. clubs personnel at its disposal. they make equipment. weapons. vehi·
and factions. II would be impossible to document them all. so we cles. and spacecraft of higher quality in less time, and al lower
have presented only a few major forces and brief mentions in cost than any other race. Most atorian spacecraft will have 20%
Aliens Unlimited. The Game Mastcr should feel free to build on more S.D.C., 10% greater speed. and its weapons inflict 10%
these, or 10 develop his or her own intcrgalaClic community. more damage than their competilOrs·. Their robots have maxi-
Note: A supplement is in the works that will expand on some of mum S.D.C. and A.R. ratings.
these alien forces. They look exactly like Eanh humans. except their hair is al·
ways white. grey or silvery. and grows in a strange pallcm. A
line of hair grows down the middle of the head (like a mohawk)
and on the base of the head in the back between the cars. Clan
tattoos are also common and often fill in the bald spots above the
47 ears.
Over the last 20 years. Ihe Niamese Coalition has managed to
Federation of Allied Races (FAR) assemble a space fleet of nearly 500 spacecraft. including cargo
The members of the Federalion are frightened people who and combat vessels, a pair of destroyers, a trio of assault craft.
ha...e banded together 10 create an atmosphere of security. It is two deployers. a baltleship. and over 275 fighting frigates. The
largely a political entity designed and constrUcted 10 oppose ex- NC has also established loose ties with the Raiding Clan pirates,
pansion by the Atarian Empire. II makes a big show of nexing Sorinams. Darakans, Xenopus and a few others.
its diplomatic muscles by sending envoys. criticism and threats
to the Alorian Empire. However. its only line of defense is a bar- Tagoniglomerate (TGE)
rier of warships stationed in space between Ihe Federation and
The galaxy's single. largest company is the Tagoniglomerale.
the Empire.
or TGE, It produces nearly 9% of the galaxy's mass market tech-
Critics of the FederatIon are skeptical as to whether or not nical goods and is a polilical entity unto itself. It is owned and
those defenses would do anything othcr than slow Ihc alorians ron by Tagonican aliens and employs almost 65% of that race, as
down. CrlllCS also contend thai the Federation represents nothing well as millions of aliens from other worlds. TGE produces liter·
more Ihan empty threats and the atorians know il. They cile the ally everything from laser pistols and exoskeletons to hover cars
Federatlon"s practice of refusing membership 10 "high risk"
and compuler chips.
planets close to Ihe Alorinn Imperial Borders. slow response 10
TGE spaee stations are found in nearly every section of lhe
any threats from the Empire. and lhe fact that they have never
galaxy, where intelligent life or natural resources are found. Re-
taken a hard hne against them other than vocal chastisement.
pair, medical and trade facilities are located at each. Their min-
~ Federallon is prepared to go to war. but they will do every-
ing and production plants are equally abundant, employmg
thing po~ible to avoid It. e\'en seiling other planets out if the
aliens of the local races to tum out goods of all kinds. They
compromise prolects the majority.
dominate in the manufaclUring of spacecraft. we3pon systcms
Members of the Federation of Allied Races include lhe
for spaceships and the metals and shielding used in lheir con-
Maeus. Sllivelinus, Silisons. Darakans. Kassans, Shissans. struction by Olhers, The TGE has factories. production facilities
Caecils. Sorinams, Elicians, and a few Olhers. and mining operations on several worlds and even has its own
moon purchased from the Tagonican government. The densely
The Niamese Coalition populated moon is the location of the TGE Intergalactic Head-
The Niamese Coalition is a more active opponent of the Ato- quarters,
nan Empire, Founded and led by the nateneri race (described in The company maintains a security force larger than the amled
lhe Catalog of Aliens), this organization operdles as a sort of ex- forces of lhe mO~1 individual planet:., including il~ own ~P;ICC
pansive underground for guerrilla fighters and political powers with thousands of cargo vessels. transports. passenger liners.
who directly oppose the Empire. They are currently waging a various scout and assault crafts. destroyers and a hllif dozen gi-
political campaign against lhe Empire, not an all-out war. Not ant baltleships. If war were 10 develop, the TGE space fleet
yel. They talk to representatives of planets not yet allied with the would represent a powerful anned force with scores of allies, As
Empire to convince them not 10 join them. This is done by show- of this time. however. the TGE maintains an unshabbly neutral
Ing evidence of Atonan Empire treachery, atrocities, and ma- and completely non-agg~sive military presence. The TGE <;C-
nipulation elsewhere, making alliances and trade agreements and curity forces operate strictly as a defense force that helps to po-
offering limited military and moral support. The NC is also in- lice the spaceways, escort TGE spaceships, and defend TGE
volved in smuggling Empire slaves to safety, sabotaging enemy property from pirates. and other hostile forces. They occasion-
operations. ferreling out spies, encouraging pirates to raid alO- ally get involved in lhe apprehension of pirates and criminals
rian vessels and generally causing as much trouble for the Ato- who have plundered their ships or properties. So far. they have
rian Empire as possible. EVER provided military assistance to any nation, world or cor·
The Niamese Coalition has done no serious damage to the poration. However, their economic power and the threat of a
atorians, so they have not yet been targeted for eradication. 1be boycott is often sufficient 10 influence political enwies.
Empire is currently trealing the rebellious allacks as minor oc- Years ago. the Atorian Empire gave several key contracts to
currences, but they are becoming an annoyance. Standard impe- the Struthios race (including the mailer/anti-mailer rcsearch that
rial piracy countemleasures are being employed against the ultimately destroyed them). The Tagonicans who wanted those
"mall. surgical strike, launched by NC guerrillas and pirates. contracts badly. fell cheated and were very biller when they
The nalure of the multiracial Niamese Coalition means that wenl elsewhere. As a result, the TGE has boycOllcd the Atorian
all equipment has to be personally provided or salvaged. The Empire for generations. This has served to escalate their rivalry
sweet iron) is that most of their salvage comes from the Empire. and contempt for each other over the years. Consequently, there
Tangible, but secret aid also comes from certain governments is no love between these two superp()\\.ers and some lx'lieve a
within the Federation of Allied Races and elsewhere (the TGE is deadly conflict is inevitable,
not among them), Fully loaded supply craft will be totally 10s1 or
mysleriously reported as "crashed" within the operating areas of Thissera-Micean Cooperative (TMC)
the NC. 1l1i~ silenl support is quiclly applauded by members of
The Thissera-Micean Cooperative, or TMC. is a galactic po-
FAR although it is publicly chastised for political reasons, The
lice force created by the reptile-like Thisseras and the rock-lil.oe
Federation plays "tippy-toe-around-the-Empire:' but they do nOI
Miceans (both are descrilx'd in the Catalog of Aliens). They
mind if someone else opposes them. As long as the NC doesn't
have pennission from each planel in their jurisdiction to palrol
provol.oe the Atorian Empire to allack the Federalion. FAR won't
and enforce that planet's laws and to protect the surrounding
do anything to stop the C.
spaceways from pirJleS, criminals. and invaders. The laws lhey plunder. These murderous aliens kill their victims without hesi-
enforce govern II multitude of crimes, including murder. as- tation or provocation. They find it much easier to rob lhe dead
~aults, theft, smuggling, confidence games/scams, kidnapping. than 10 deal with lhe living. They enjoy murder. torture. sell cap-
extonion. sabotage, deslructive or life Ihreatening vandalism. pi· lives into slavery and eal humanoids. which makes Ihe dead vic-
racy, terrorism. conspiracy, mining claim infringemems and lims part of the plunder.
other cnmes. Hauling off. manning and driving away. or slripping a full·
TheIr IrJlIling. organization, and operations are similar 10 the si1..e lransport craft is difficult. and lime consuming. opening
vanous ~pecialized Eanh government agencies such as the CIA, oneself to capture and trouble, They'd rather strike. plunder and
FBI. DEA, ATF. and 'iO on. Their training, tactics and equipmem run, leaving the vessel behind. They prefer to hil small cargo
include a varielY of combat/military skills. weapons, explosives, ships. passenger liners. and private yachls. Such vessels are usu-
espionage. .!Ilealth. and teamwork. Each branch or division is ally easy to capture and plunder, even if it has a couple of fight-
trained In a specialized field and agents from different divisions ers escorting it. In these cases. they may Slealthe vessel as well.
v.or!. cases logelher In an attempt 10 combine that expenise. provided it is in good condllion and doesn'l require more than a
Agents must also ha\e a solid understanding of the laws and dozen men to pilotlt.
custom!> of the planets and people within their assigned set:tor of The cruelty of the Dan.. Breeze pirates is such thaI they will
space. often raid luxury transpons for the spon of terrorizing or killing
Although the TMC was origlllally founded by the thisseras its hundreds of passengers. In such a case, about 50'l will be
and miceans, v.ho SlIII head ib operations. scores of other races killed and left on the drifting \es.!IC1. The olher half will be taken
art repre'>Cnted 1Il m mol.... especially those not directly allied prisoner to be sold as slaves. or to be eaten. The heanless riathe-
with the Alorian EmpIre (!iliIL 17~ of its agents are thisseras nors rarely wasle lheir time wilh torture or questions. If you do
and 2Q1l are mlceans). Manpower. weapons. equipmem and nOl they kill you, allhough they somelimes tonure peo-
some financing are provided by each of the planets thai contraCI ple JUSt for fun.
v. on.. wlIh the TMC. This means the organizalion has an incred· Their favorite boarding slralegy is (0 ha\'c all raiding mem-
Ible range of weapons, equipment and resources at ils disposal. bers enchanted with the spells bUG/he IdtllOlIt air. fly as the
Some of their more common equipment includes body annor, eagle. and Armor of IIlulII in order 10 ny through the vacuum of
pulse laser rines. ion pulse pislols. and other energy weapons, space wilhout need for a clumsy vacuum suit. annor or
fasl ~pacc~hips. jet pac!.s. two-man hover cars with light vehicle grappling cables (and man-sLled targets are difficult to strike. ·5
v.eapons. six-man A,T.V.s with heavy vehicle weapons, and from ship cannons). Inmlnerahihty. n·.~ist ('old and olher spell
one-man hover cycles for use in boarding spacecraft. magic can be added to lhe mix, The squad commander. who is
lypically 9th to II th level and who commands six vessels. lypi-
cally uses a m)'stic portal on the hull of a ship, away from the
Space P i r a t e s - - - - - - - - - - airlocks. to penetrate Ihe vessel wilhout blasling. While lhe ves-
Pirates are brigands who raid olher spaceships and Steallheir sel's defenders hurry to "Ccure and defend lhe airlocks from hos-
cargo and ~ometimes lhe crew and ship. A group can lum to pi- lile bo:lrden.. lhe Dark Breeze pirales call gain access 10 virtually
racy for many different reasons. Some are simply criminals and any area of thc ship and allack. The bridge or communications is
villain:. who :.Ical for a living. These evil brutes are also likely to lypically lhe fin.l target. Killing lhe command crew and seizing
kill lIldiscriminlilely. murder for pleasure. IOnure. rape. pillage control of the spacecmft usually results in a short fighl. Few sur-
and ..ell caplives into slavery. Others may be discriminating pi- vive a ri:uhcnor alt:lck of this nalure. Magic can be a powerful
rales who only plunder lhe ships of rival or enemy races, corpo- weapon in space,
rallons. compelitors. and other pirates. This type of pirate can be
a cuUhroal, a crook with some scruples or code of honor. a love-
able, swa:.hbuckling Robin Hood. or a fighter for freedom. jus-
tice or revenge. Other pirates can also be mercenaries hired by Ditllome is the name adopled by a Tl<llerreri led pirate group
corporations or governments to auack/plunder their enemies. that is an unofficial part of the Niarnese Coalition. The 95 mem-
Stili others lllay be refugees. nomadic tribes or castaways who ber crew uses six combal crafts 10 sweep the edges of Empire
have resorted to piracy to survive. Like many olher pirates, these territories in search of appropriate victims. Plunder from lhese
scavengers may be discriminating and take only what they need raids help to fund the Coalilion and help suppan needy commu-
while uJing to do as liille hann as possible. or they can be cruel nities of the pirate's choice.
and murderous fiends. Wealthy Empire transports and cargo craft are not the only
Presented here are three major types (plunderers. murderers. targets of the Dialome. They have successfully raided 3torian
and nice gUylJi) of pirates that represent some of the largest and fighters. spy ships. and other mililary vessels. Their success
most IIlfamous of the organized pirdle conclaves in the Milky seems to lie with the elemenl of surprise - most mililary vehi-
Way galaxy. cles do not expect to be targeted by pirates. Much needed weap-
ons and equipment. and in SOllie instances. the \'essel itself. are
confiscated for use by both Diatome and to the Niamese Coali-
Dark Breeze tion to continue their operalions. All crev. members of caplured
Dark Breet-c is the chosen name for a pirate raiding neel of crafts are placed on lifeboats and scm adrifl loward lhe nearest
RiU/henor aliens (see the lassinike aliens entry and Monsler sec- space station. In some cases. the Di:!Iome will send an anony-
lion for more delalls about lhe riathenors). Dark Breeze is a 200 mous message to authonlies telling lhem to find caSt-
ship neet Ihat spreads across the galaxy, looking for viclims and aways and crippled spacecraft.
These Robin Hoods of oUler-space have earned Ihe respect of
the Raiding Clans through feats of daring. courage. kindness and Alien Amphibian Races
aclS of chivalry. The Clans have declared Ihe Diatome to be their
allies and unofficial members of the Raiding Clans (a full mem- Frogs. toads. newts and salamanders all belong to the am-
beNhip would be official if the crews were of one roICe). The phibian family on Eanh. Alien amphibians ha\e an evolutionary
Diatome have graciously accepted this grellt honor. but try not to cycle similar to their Eanh animal cousins. Many of their physi-
mvolve the clans in their private war. cal traits and requirements are also similar.
Amphibians begin their life cycle as aquatic organisms. They
reach maturity quickly. usually \Ooithin a )'car's lime. At physical
Raiding Clans maturity. the amphibian experiences great changes. li~e a tad-
The mfamous Raldmg Clans are composed of c1ose-kmt fam- pole changing mto a frog. Consequently. in some cases the adult
il} clan, of ~ ..el'3l different races. Like spacdaring gypsies. body is dramatically different (and more powerful and \e......ltile)
they tmvel the spaceways plundering and enjoying total free- than their juvenile fonn. In other instances. li~e the newt. the
dom. They are in conMant trouble with the Atorian Empire and change i~ minimal and the adult is mainly a larger version of the
the TMC. Both forces are the frequent targets of the pirates. juvenile. In most cases. the young amphibian has gills and lives
which has dnven them 10 offer boumies with a large. oulStand- primarily. e\en exclusively. in the water. Upon reaching adull-
ing reward for key members. Most bounties are for dead or alive hood. their gills tum into lungs and the creature develops lhe
but po~iti\'e Identification is a must! ability to live in both water and on dl) land_ The limned s~ills
•Although Ihe clan members are bold and conniving thie\'es.
..muggier<. and bandit!> who are a constant thorn in the side of the
and abiliucs they learned when young remain for life.
Alien amphibians are an aquatic race who can live both on
Atorian Empire and TMC. they do not kill indiscrimately. ,Illack land and in water. Their !toft. moi!tl I>~ins need moi!tlure 10 keep
"esse I.. WIth women and children. or engage in torture or the them from becoming too dry and cracking or blistering. Their in-
,lave trade. Their number<; are ex.panding through the birth of digenous habitation is genemlly very humid with an abundance
theu own children and by recruiting new clans 10 join them. If a of fresh water. Even the load-like aliens with compal'3tively
group of people prove themselves to be honOl'3ble. loyal miders. tough. lumpy or textured skin ha\e to keep themselves mOIst.
and the maJomy of the band (9O'I) are all related. or at least the When away from their homeland. most will need to ta~e a long
\ame race. they may be allo\Ooed to join the Raiding Clans as a bath (30 minutes to an hour) once or tWIce a day. They are natu·
new Clan. Most Clan members will be selfish in alignment. ral and instincll\'e sWImmers who lo\e the water and can ..pend
Wanton acts of cruelty and murder are not tolerated and the per- all of their lime in it withoul ill effects. The Iypical amphibian
pelr.lIor.. lire Iried and execuled or driven from the clan. like- alien can automatically swim al 80",} ,kill proficiency + I'if per
wise. Raiders are never to steal from. betray. abandon or hann level of experience and can hold its brellth for 10 to 20 minutes.
other members of the clan. There is some measure of honor and Many have a thin. transparent eyelid Ihat can cover and shield
loyalty among this band of thieves and that is what keeps the their eyes underwater and enables them to 'iCe through mur~y
Raiding Clans strong. water. Note: Despite their aquatic nature. amphibians ha\'e no
11 is rumored that there are other Raiding Clans scallered gills and will drown if lhey remain submersed in water beyond
across the galaxy. The rumors also suggeSt that there is a home- their lung's capacity to hold air.
world Ihatthe original Raiders came from. possibly a huge moon Amphibian skin can be as soft as a baby's or a!t lumpy as a
outfitted like their planetoids. but no one can agree on what race toad's hide. The softer the nesh, the more often the creature will
the Original Raiding Clans were. [f the Clans know. they aren't need 10 immerse itself in water. These more delic:ue beings will
saying. die within 104+ I days without water. while those wilh tougher
All Clan spacecraft use microwave sails combined with ami- skin like the toad can live on dry land and without water for
gravity engines and stealth coatmgs to make them nearly invis- I D6+4 days. Most also heal twice as fast in the waler.
ible <75% equivalent prowl based on the pilot's skill. See Amphibian coloration can be as \ibranl and brilliant as that
prowling in spacecraft under the Space Combat seC'tion and of an exolic bird. or as drab as that of an elephant. Skin colors
steallh coating in the Equipment section for details). I'3nge from dull grays. black. browns and greens to bright green!>.
Their main base of operation and residence is a 50 mile (80 yellows. orJnges. reds and blues. The skin is usually covered
km) long planetoid with two other nearby planetoids half that wilh spots or stripes that help the crelltures 10 camounage them-
size also used by some of the other clansmen. Each of Ihese selves in nature and underwater.
planetoids is outfiued with massive nuclear drives that can move The races detailed here represent a I'3nge of amphibians and
them through space at 20% Ihe speed of light. Nonnally. they include frog-like. toad-like. and salamander-like humanoids.
are accelel'3ted 10 a certain speed. then the drives are shut down
and the great rocks allowed to drift in a panicular direction. This
gives them the appearance of being unmanned (the drive cones Axolotl-----------
are concealed). Hidden amid the rocky surfaces of the planetoids The planet Lolia is a calm. green world with plenty of water
are a varicty of long range. heavy weapons. some of them ballle- (80% of the planet is wllter). In the gentle pull of it" low gr'lvity.
ship class. a race of amphibians known as Ihe axololls have evolved. They
are a lall people with a slight build and smooth. supple skin that

varies in color from a creamy tan 10 pale pink. Axolotls have S.D.C.: I04xlO plus 20; thick. comparatively lough skin.
rounded heads and son. smooth fe:llures. Their noscs arc barcly Height: 7 fcci plus 306 inches (2.2 to 2.6 01).
detectable slits and the mouth is wide and flat. Their heads are Weight: 100 plus 40 10 pounds (47 to 63 kgs).
framcd by sevcnll stalk-likc appendages that arc nonnally :t Average Life Span: 65 years.
brighl pink or red. Thcse appendages oncc fornlcd thc gill struc- Super Abilities: Any power category is available, but bionics
tures of their ancestors and juvenile bodics. are the most common. followed by robotics. thcn super abili-
They arc an advanced civilization who havc taken it upon ties via genetic enginecring and mutation; less than 10% of
themselves to help and prOtect othcr races in the galaxy. Thcir all axolotl have natural psionic or super powers. See the ap-
intervention as self-appointed galactic police and/or protectors propriate category in Heroes Unlimited for specific bionic
can be welcomed by olher beings or sternly rejected. Many peo- femures or powers.
ple wall! to take carc of their own affairs and don't appreciate Special Weapons: Other than weapons indigenous to their as-
the interfcrence of the well meaning. but sometimes pushy and signed planet. axolotls are givcn mini-lasers (range; 100
arrogant amphibians. fect/30.5 m. dam<lge: 206 S.D.c.. 10 shol energy clip).
The axolotl peacckeeper is expected to do everything in his Special Vehicles: Anti-gravity mcdallions are issued. but opera-
power 10 help the n:l\ive populace 10 which hc or she has been tives are supposed to use them only when native transpona-
assigned. This can range from providing knowledge of building, tiol1 is inappropriate. Allli-gr;lvilY medallion: Maximum
agriculture, medicine and science, or words of peace and advice speed 40 mph (64 km). S.D.C. 8. Hovers 3 to 600 fcct (.9 to
or aCllvely fightlllg and destroying monsters. invadcr,> and ene- 183 m) above the ground. M<lximum weight allowance 500
ml~s. GenerJ.lIy. the axolotl peacekeeper restricts combat to pounds (225 kgs).
"outside" threats and .mpernawrallsllperlwmall forces such as Preferred Armor: Bionic or robot power amlOL Alternative
other aliens. super powered madmen and villains. and tyroints types will have to be purchased from the natives. On primi-
bent on destruction, genocide or widespread inhumanity. Like tive planets. annored vests (A.R. 13. S.O.c. 70) will be is-
interstellar knights, the axolotl peacekeepers are sent throughout sued.
the universe righting wrongs and protecting the wcak and inno- Familiarity With Earth: The axolotls have no knowledge of
cent. Some axolotl peacekeepers take back seats and quietly Eanh. Should they discover it and come to investigate or be
monitor a people's progress and :.ubtly hclp and encourage the assigned here. their language will be the equivalent of Eng-
indigenous people. However. most are elamboyant and righteous lish.
heroes who ely into action with the subtlety of a nuclear bomb.
Typical pe<lcekeeping operatives are issued a mini-laser. anti-
gravity medallion. survival gear for their assigned planet. and
are educated to some extent on the society they will be dealing
with. Standard field assignments last five years but can be re-
newed repeatedly and laSI decades. Both technical (science. ad-
visory, medical. and similar) and military (defensive: the axolotl
are rarely lhe aggressors. they typically respond to acts of vio-
lence perpetrated by others) assignments are issued to qualified
personnel for any given planet.
Not all axolotl peacekeepers are kind-henned knights. Some
are evil or of anarchiM alignment and willing to sell their serv-
ices as mercenaries or join forces Wilh evil tyrants, emlavers.
criminal kingpins. monsters and olher dark forces for their own
personnel profit. power or nmusemem. The Axolotl DUly Coun-
cil forbids such activities and will have rogue operatives re-
moved from service. by force if neccssary.
The <lxolotl"s sense of duty in helping and protecting the
weaker and less fonun:lte entices many young axolotls to join
the Thisser<l-Miccan Cooperative as galactic police officers in
large numbers (see the TMC entry for more details). The TMC is
morc organized and respected than othcr intcr-galactic
peacckeeping forces.

Axolotl (pronounced ax·o-Iotel)

Alignment: Any. but the majority of axolotl are principled or
scrupulous. with a high regard for life and high personal moral-
Attributes: l.Q. 306+2. M.E. 306. M.A. 306, P.S. 306. P.P.
406, P.E. 306, P.B. 306. Spd. land: 306x2: water/swimming
speed is 306x6.
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per level of experience.
Rifts Noles: If used in the Rifts RPG selling.lhe amphibians super abilities were believed to be of noble heritage and natuml
will be seen as D-bces and shunned or destroyed by human su- leaders. Thus. they were taken to palaces. educated and mised as
premaci<;ts like those in Ihe Coalition States. Most are likely to the aristocrats and leaders of the nation. Unfonunately. Ihe super
be lone adventurer or 11 small group brought to Earth via a di- powered leaders fell superior to their subjects and treated the
mensional anomaly and not because they were assigned to keep masses poorly. Many considered themselves to be gods and
the peace. looked upon their people with cold indifference. or as worship-
If set in the Rifts: Phase World environment, they are just pers. ralher than offering them guidance and helping them 10
one of many alien life fomls, although they are likely 10 be survive. The average person barely had enough to eat, while the
viewed as meddling do-gooders or uuublemlikers. super beings lived in luxury. Eleven years ago, a successful reo
In both cases. lhe axolotls are S.D.C. life-fonns who need volt toppled the caecil nobles from their seats of power. The war
mega·damagc weapons and amlor or bionics or super abilities was long and bloody. but in the end. all the super beings were
for mega--damage protection and firepower. Quickie Conversion: slain or exiled to outer sp"ice.
Technology{weaponMannor can be simply switched from S.D.C. The caecil civilization has limited space capabilities that in·
to M.D.C. for quick. easy conversion and integration. lllUs. if clude fasler-than-light drives. but most other levels of technol-
the body amlor had an A.R. 13 and 70 S.D.C.. it would now ogy arc considerably less advanced. roughly equal 10 20th and
have an M.D.C. of 70 (A.R. not applicable). Similarly. the mini- early 21st Century Earth. They are particularly backwi:lrd in the
lal>c,"" would innict 206 M.D. rather than S.D.C. Or the Game areas of gcnetic engineering, medicine. cybernetics. and space
Master can keep the alien's S.O.c. technology and make the colonization/exploitation and developmem (the faster than light
ch"aracter acquire mega-damage items just al> any human docs. drive systems were trei:lted by a group of super caecils who had
a desire to visit the stars). These limited capabilities and the apa-
thy of their past leaders has kept the caecils as only minor par-
ticipants in the gal3ctic community.
The pendulum of public selllimelll has swung 10 the other ex-
treme regarding people with superhuman powers. Instead of be-
ing revered as gods. they are loathed. 1l1Ose who exhibit
insignificant powers are shunned or ridiculed and some are even
beaten and killed. The authorities try 10 apprehend super pow-
ered citizens for observation and "reconditioning.'·lllis involves
the use of hypnotism/bminwashing. drugs :.lIld occasionally. sur-
gery (lobotomy) to suppress the use of super abilities to allow
the person to live a "'nonnallife." Those who resist or reject re-
conditioning or who lorn 10 a life of crime or vigilantism, are
hunted. captured and exiled Off-planet. Those who relum are
considered enemies of the people. and arc hunted down and
Many of the fonner nobles of caecil society now survive as
mercenaries. bounty hunters. bodyguards and olher professions
off-world. Others have travelled to worlds where they lire again
worshipped as gods by primitive peoples. Others Imve become
pirdtes. criminals and super villains. A larger majority seek reo
venge against their people and plot agi:lillst them. Many are ac-
tively working to block caecil efforts 10 acquire beHer
technologies and join the galactic community. Meanwhile. one
faction of super villains is gathering strenglh and i:lllies for an in·
vasion thai will restore their pilice as godling rulers.

Caccil (pronounced kay-sill)

Alignment: Any. but most i:lre selfish.
Allributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306+2. P.S. 306. P.P.
306. P.E. 306. P.B. 306. Spd. 306
Hit Points: Standard, P.E. plus 106 per level of experience.
S,D.C,: ID4xlO
Caecil Height: 6 feet plus 106 inches (1.8 to 2.0 m).
Caecils have long, rounded fllces and thin limbs. Their eyes Weight: 190 plus ID6 pounds (87 to 89 kg).
lire "mall. black. and round, They have no body hair. and their Average Life Span: 60 years.
l>kin is very loOn and smooth, Skin colors range from dark blue to Super Abililies: Any Super Power category is available to the
a pi:lle bluish-grey. Their home planet Iws an llbundance of mdio- caccil race. including primitive bionics, hardware and physi-
active minerals i:lnd all Caccils absorb and store the radiation. cal tl"dining.
This has rel>uhed in the appcar:lIlce of people with super powen; All exiled noblcs and people considered to be "super" be-
and psychic abilities. For thousands of years. people bom with ings represent 10% of the overall populi:ltion and mi:lke selec-
tions or random rolls on the Super Abilities Tables found tiny ones ne:\rby or underground). Note: Shrunken weapons
under Step Three of the Character Creali(J/I section or from have one-tenth the mnge and damage they possess when human-
the Psionic power category. sized.
Natural Abilities: TIle radioactive background of planet Silia Most cameroon space operatives arc military personnel. bUI
mellns all caecils are immune to radiation that would be all have different educational backgrounds and skills in addition
deadly to humans. However, their bodies give off low levels
of radi<ltion. If the characler does not wear a protective suit.
anyone exposed to him for more than two weeks will begin 10
suffer from mdiation sickness (see the High Radiation home-
world description for delails). Caecils can see into the infm-
red spectrum of light.
Special Weapons: Sub-machinegun: Range: 600 feet (183 m).
Damage: 406. 50 shot clip. They are Irying to develop energy
Special Vehicles: A.T.V. hover car: Maximum speed 140 mph
(225 km). S.D.C. 440. Hover 3 to 12 feet (0.9 to 3.7 m) above
thl' ground. Can CUrTy a pilot and five passengers comfon-
P~ferrcd Armor: Nearly any foml of amlOr will be worn. The
type and prolcctive value will vary with the character and oc-
Familiarily With Earlh: None.
Rifls Notes: S::lIl1C as the 3xololls. These creatures are likely
to be S.D.C. being:. with S.D.C. technology.

Cameroon ------------~
TIle C::lll1eroon~ are unique, even among the multitudes of ali-
cn~ III the galaxy. All members of this amphibian mce are able to
reduce Iheir height to one inch. They take full advantage of their
:'ll.e-rcducing powers in the construction of their cities, road-
way~. and spacecraft. The first encounter with n 20 fOOL (6.1 m)
long Cameroon battlcship with a 350 man crew is impossible t~
believe, let alone forget. The cities arc even more nmazing: al·
mO~1 200,000 people can live in an area smaller than a half a
mile. The amphibians can also reduce the size of objects. More
memorable than their spacecraft is Ihe sight of its crew as they
Ica,,~ 11. The inch·tall (2.5 cm) people step out and, us soon as
they arc c1car of the ship. return to their full five foot (1.5 m) to their basic combat training. The powers of the cameroon
height. equipment and all. make them ideal for espionage, re<:onnais~ance and spying. Sol-
The reduced cameroons all retain their mass as inch-tall (2.5 diers arc usually deployed in standard units that are broken down
cm) people. Consequently, their cities and spaceships arc con· to groups as small as pairs. However. a typical t£'(11/1 is four or
stftlcted of vcry strong and dense materials. An Eanh elcphant five characters and a standard sq/lad is eight or ten. Standard
could walk on top of one and only break windows and radio an- weapons arc stun pistols. and each pair of soldiers is issued 11
tennas. Funhem1ore, the fact that a one inch lal1 cameroon may shrunken two-man hover car. Two founh level or one eighth
weigh a 100 or more pounds means that they are not blown away level Cameroon can unshrink it (weighs about 1.200 pounds/544
by qrong winds or ground vibrations, nor can they be snatched kg),
lip by a hllman~sized invadcr or animal. With the dense metals
found on the planet Cameroa, the aliens have made an an out of The Darkith
the science of miniaturization. An amazing situation! Although most Cameroons will not usc their abilities for per-
While thc majority of spacecraft and cities are constructed on sonal gain. others are not so restrained. The Oarkilh <Ire one of
a ~mal1 scale, much of the equipmelll inside them is manufac- the most notorious criminal organil.ations in the galaxy, It is led
tured <It human-size and reduced. This is especially true of hand by a renegade space pilot, by the name of Captain j(1f(J()II
weapons, anllor, clothing and other things. Items that arc made RirIJrop and a group of cameroon criminals, assassins and cx-
human-~ized and reduced can be enlarged and used by the soldiers turned mercenaries. At first they engaged only in piracy.
Cameroon in both their tiny and large sizes. hems crealed as but the pro:.perous organization quickly expanded to include as·
ll1iniature~ 10 begin with cannot be enlarged later. Likewise, it is sassination. murder. exton ion, espionage. sabotage. bounty hunt-
difficult to entertain other large life fonns when one is Ihe size ing, military i.lssistance, and smuggling in addition to piracy,
of an il1\ccl. Consequemly. the cameroons have built a small robbery :ll1d other criminal activities. One might consider them a
neet of rull-si/.ed spaceships and a few human-sized cities (with nedgling cosmic Mafia that offers their services for hire as rner-
ccnaries :md ..pies. Criminals and super villains of all races ;lIld like the P·beams listed :lbove. Full-sil.ed cameroon :lgelll"
tempcmment have become pan of the Darkith. but il is the lhou· may carry an afSCn:11 of rt'lJllud lI"t'apons in lheir pocleb.
..and or "0 cameroons .... ho hold most of Ihe power and dominate pouches or concealed anywhere on the body (the item reduc-
lhe organizallon. Those who wish to join must prove themselves tion power reduces the object's weigh!).
c1e\cr enough. po.... erful and trustwonhy. a process that can tale Special Vehicles: T.... o·man hmer car. Maximum speed 160
}can mph (260 km). S.D.C. 350. Hover 2 10 12 feel (0.6 10 3.7 m)
t'obody lnow!> exactl) ho.... large the Darkilh has become. above the ground. A spare hover cycle or two (same baSIC
but all agree lhat the organization IS becoming a .... ealthy and stats. only it .....eighs 800 to 1200 pounds/360 to 540 19 al full
dangerous po.... er. with spies llnd connecllons on most major size) may be concealed III the glo"e companment. tnllll or
.... orld.. and imponant OUlposts. E\len the Alorian Empire has camed in a pockel or pouch .
been lno n to hire darlith spies and 3s!">3ssins. There are hun· Preferred Armor: Low le\el soldiers will .... ear Iighl amlor
dreds of amlnts and bounlles offered by dozens of planets. na· (A.R. 10. S.o.e.: 60) while more experienced soldiers will
lions and corporations for members of the darkith. The wear heavier annor (typically A.R. 16. S.D.C.: 120102(0).
cameroon, ha...e tried to capture Rithrop themselves and break Familiarity Wilh Earth: The Cameroons ha...e no knowledge of
up Ihe organization but to no avail. They continue 10 offer re· Eanh.
.... ard.. for mfomlalion regarding the whereabout!> of Caplliin Rifls Noles: If used in the Rifts RPG setting. lhe cameroons
Rilhrop and darkilh activilies m their M:Clar of space. will be regarded as suspiciou~ D-bees. The Splugonh. and mili·
j The notoriety of Ihe darkith has given the cameroon people a
lary forces around Ihe world. would love 10 get lheir hand.. on
bad rcputallon lhal has led 10 dimu!>t. fear and apprehension lhese crealures for use as spies and assassins. The Splugonh will
when dealmg with some races. busine!>ses and organizations. find the darkith especially allr.tclive and may purchase lheir
services and invite them into the fold u!> one of their minions or
Cameroon (pronounced cam·er·oon) allies. like lhe sunaj. If the darkith refuses. they may be viewed
Alignment: Any. but the majority lire principled. scrupulous or as polential competitor.. and eliminated or enslaved. Olher races.
unprincipled. slavers. mercenaries and adventurers should be glad 10 add a
Auributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 406. P.P. 306. couple of cameroons 10 their forces. The Coalilion St:lIe.. will
P.E.106. P.B. 306. Spd. 306X3 sec lhem as a threat to nallonal securit) and prooobly launch a
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per level of experience. campaign of death and terrorism agamst all amphibian and lizard
S.D.C.: .'\l):Ix 10 man races in the States.
Height: 5 feet plus 106 inches (1.5 to 1.6 m). If "Ct in the Rifts: Phast World el1\ironment. the) arc JU'I
Weight: 120 plus I06xlO pounds (59 to 82 kg). one of the man) alien life fonn, .... ho \i,it that .... arld. The
A\erage Life Span: 75 years. d:lrlllh ma) ha\'e some connection and II1nuence .... ith lhe force~
Appearance: The cameroons are shon by human standards. on Ph3~ World CG.M.\ deci~lon). when full size. Skin colors are rich reddish browns on In Rifts. Ihc cameroon, .... ould dcfinitel) haH~ mega-d;llllage
the face and back with Iighler tan or cream colored chests. ....e:tpon... annor and technolotD ;11 Ic\el, equal 10 Tri:l>. or lhe
bellies lind undersides. The eyes are large with equally large. Killani. Standard S.D.C. or M.D.C. cOl1\cr-.ion' a~ 'ugge'led
protective brows that fonn bony ridges. el-.e .... here in lhi~ bool.
Super Abilities: All cameroons have Ihe major abilities of
shrink and item reduction (sec new louper abililies for the lui·
ler). None have psionics or any other super powers.
Deurycans - - - - - - - - - - -
Spedal Weapons: Cameroon Stun Pistol: Range: 135 feel (41
The deurycans are a humanoid race from the Ihennal world
m). Damuge: Dazes viclim for 204 melee rounds. during
Ry. They resemble Eanh's newts in appeamoce. with long. nal
which time the victim has no initiative. is -8 (Q strike. parry.
heads and small mOUlhs. The eyes are large and round. Their
and dodge. and loses half of his speed and altacks per melee
lighlly lextured skin ranges from orange 10 a golden yellow. All
round. Effects may vary wilh different races and a saving
members of this race have fire-projecting po.....ers. Illghtvision.
throw of 16 or beller means one's opponent has shaken the
and amazing healing propenies. Their ancestors crawled from
blast and only loses initialive and one melee action for that
the hOI pools of boiling mud lakes thousands of years ago. They
melee round. Payload: 8 shot energy clip.
are born explorers who are intensely curious about everything
Cameroon Panicle Beam Pistol: Range: 200 feet (61 m).
and hungry for k.nowledge. Juveniles live in Ihe hQ( pools. but as
Damage: lD4xIO. rate of fire: equal 10 hand 10 hand attacks
soon as lhey are mature. I1lO!>I leave Ry 10 explore the galaxy.
per melee. payload: 8 shoe energy clip.
Cameroon Panicle Beam Rifle: Range: 1600 feet (488 m). They are also natural engineers. which when combtned wilh
Damage: I O6x IO. rate of fire: equal to hand to hand attacks their curious nature. has resulted in amazing technological ad-
per melee. payload: 12 shot energy clip. vancemenlS. As soon as one development is perfecled. another
Cameroon Laser Pulse Rifle: Range: 2200 feet (670 m). project or mission is begun. The amphibians are always search-
Damage: 206 per single blast or 606 per triple pulse. rale of ing for new challenges and adventure. It doesn't matter whether
fire: equal to hand to hand attacks per melee. payload: 20 shot Ihat endeavor is of par.llllount imponance or trivial. philosophi-
energy clip. calor scientific. once it catches a deurycan's allention il be-
Wea n Note: Most cameroon weapons will fire 20% far· comes imponam. They have highly advanced space capabilities.
ther than the common versions on the market. These people hover vehicle technology. energy weapon syslellls and a hosl of
have a fondness for charged panicle accelermion weapons other achievements.
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus ID6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 2D4x 10
Height: 5 feel plus 406 inches (1.6to 2.1 m).
Weighl: 100 plus 2D6x 10 pounds (54 to 100 "g).
Average Life Span: 85 years.
Super Abilities: All Deurycans have the following super abill·
ties: Energy expulsion: fire, healing factor. and nightvision.
Roughly 6<.l: have one addilional random minor ..uper ability.
All bonuses from these pov.ers are factored into the chamcler
Addilional Bonuses: +2W to save vs coma/dealh. +3 to save
vs magic, psionics, and toxins (this is in addition to P.E. bo-
nuses);heat and fire do half damage (includes magic fire balls
and plasma energy).
')enallies: Being accustomed to Ihe heat of Iheir homeworld
means Ihat Ihe aliens begin 10 suffer from cold expo~urc at 75
degrees Fahrenheit (24 C). If they are in cold or chilly em'i·
ronments for an extcnded pcriod. lhey will need a ligh! sur-
vival suit with a Icmpcrature controlled heating system (!ICe
illustration). See thc fro7en world description for expo~ure
Spet:ial Weapons: Deur)'can laser pistols: Range: 500 feet (152
m). Damage: 4D6, 15 shot encrgy clip. Their la~r rifle does
the same damage bUI has a range of 3000 feet (914 m) and a
30 shot energy clip. The amphibians frequently use a medium
slun pistol or rifle. Ole, Ihal while the deuT)cans have a
number of advanced energy weapons. they are not aggressi\e
or hOl>!ile. and use them only 111 self defense.
Special Vehicles: A delachable Jet pack is their favorite: Maxi-
mum speed: 1-10 mph (224 "m). S.D.C: 60. maximum alti-
tude: 4000 feet (1200 m). +1 10 dodge. an(l can be used for
Nearly all deurycans feel an irresistible drive 10 experience as six hours of continuous usc v. ithout overheating.
much a!> they can. To them. the universe is a vast and wonderful Sp«ial Armor: Favorite is a light. thennal environmemal:.uil:
place filled wllh infinite mysteries waiting to be uncovered. A.R. 15, 75 S.D.C. wilh excellem mobility (no prowl pen-
Their government has study lOurs for ils young. ad- alty).
venturous people. A lypic:ll dcurycan spend!> 304 years explor- Familiarity With Earth: Through lheir study progr.tms, Ihc
Ing or developing one [0 scvcral plancts for colonizalion. Many deurycans have infonnation on Eanh equal to the "Some Fa-
go on 10 explore unchaned world.. or cngage in other areas of miliarity" result on lhe FamiliarilY Wilh Eanh table.
spacc exploralion or diplomacy (thcy love 10 study and illleract Rifts Notes: If used in Ihe Rills RI'G selling.lhe amphibians
wilh othcr raccs). This second lour can laSI IO4xlO years before will be seen as D·bees. Most slavers and mililaries will see lillie
mOSI dcurycans return 10 Ry 10 seule down. mate and bear off- value in these peace-loving beings. excepl as mechanics, inven-
spring. Some never feel the need 10 TClurn and spend their lives tors. doclors and diplomats. Their description for use in Aliens
wandering the cosmos. Unlimited would be applicable to the "hase World environ-
Deurycans arc well liked and respected by many races. Their ment.
good nature. sharp minds and gcntle dispositions have resuhed In Rills. the dcurycans v.ould definitely have mega-damage
in their being inviled as ambassadors. diplomats and repre- weapons. annor and technology at le\'els equal to Triax or the
sentalhes for scores of people. businesses and governments. Kiuani. Standard S.D.C. to M.D.C conversion... as suggested
elsewhere in this book.
Deurycan (pronounced due·rye-can)
Alignmenl: Deul'}cans are insllnctively friendly, peaceful be-
ings who seldom show (or feel) aggression or hostilily loward
Olhers. Most don'l generally suffer from feelings of anger. The mantella are a warrior race v. ho have become close allies
hate, envy. or revenge even under the mosl extreme situ- with the Atorian Empire (some v.auld say their lackeys or lap
alions. They may become confused or frustraled but are dogs). They thrive on war and enjoy the freedom and power
rnrely violent. This trail makes them ideal explorers, diplo- their alliance wilh the Empire has given them. II was the deci-
mats and goodwill ambassadors. Most are principled. scrupu- sion of Ihe manlella to invade and eradicate Ihe xenopus (de-
lous or unprincipled in alignment. Anarchist and evil scriplion follows): of course Ihe atorian.. supponed and profiled
characters arc a rarilY. from the campaign. These predatory amphibians are not a par-
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+3, M.E. 3D6+3, M.A. 5D6, P.S. 3D6+3, ticularly evil race. lhey arc JUSt incrcdibly aggressive, blood-
P.P. 306. P.E. 4D6. P.B. 206. Spd. 3D6 thirsty and ruthless. Thc)' also Icnd to be lIrrogant and cruel.
ignoring the rights of others and galactic laws to do as they Hit Points: P.E. plus 206 per level of experience.
please. One might think of these people as high-tech barbarian S.D.C.: 1D4xl0
warrior'> (supplied :ll1d encoumged by the AlOrian Empire). The Height: 6 fcet plus 306 inches (1.9 to 2.3 m).
mantella believe that they deserve whatever they can take. This Weight: 100 plus 2D4xlO pounds (54 to 82 kg).
means conquered people are their propeny to be slain. tonured. Average Life Span: 80 years
enslaved or sold; whatever the warriors desire. If it few lives are Super Abilities: The Mantella population is divided between the
10M in a c,lIl1p:lign for the advancemem of their people. then so following Super Power Categories: I-Iardware. physical train-
be it. Such is the way of war. ing. bionics (typically panial conversions) and psionics. Less
M:tnteJla are ruled by a Council of the Learned. The Council than 4% are mutants with mndom superpowers.
i~ actually a pohtical upper-clas~ that comprises 10% of the Natural Abilities: Nightvision 600 feet (183 m). see infmred
population. Each clan elects representatives lO the Council of the and heat radiation (roughly equal to shon-mnge themlO-im-
Learned. as does each br,.II1ch of the military. many of whom are agers). sensitive hearing. 20 decibels beyond nonnal human
rnilital) engineers. slmtegists and tacticians. ranges. and can hold their breath for 3D4 minutes.
As natIves of a twilight world. they have large. prominem Special Weapons & Vehicles of Note: Virtually any type of
eyes and mU:>l wear dark goggles to protect them from bright weapon or vehicles including Atorian and Kisentite items.
light. As amphibi:tn:>. they have wide. flat heads. huge mouths Preferred Armor: Typically heavy armor and plale half suits:
and smooth. soft ~kin. Their eyes are a bright red and reflect A.R. 16. S.D.C. 260. with a detachable jet pack.
li$hl eerily. Skin colors are nonnally some shade of green. from Familiarity With Earth: The mantella have information equal
pale and dull to bright and vibrant. Although most people don't 10 the "Some familiarity with E.'lnh" result on the Familiarity
think of amphibian:'> as predalO~. even the common Eanh frog With Earth table. It is very similar 10 their homeworld. but
stalks and feeds on insects. small rodents. fish and snakes. Like much too bright. Although they have researched the planet.
their animal kin. the mantella are meat-eating predators with a no plans have been made to invade or tamper with it.
hunter's n,l1ure and a taste for blood. Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RI'G selling. the mantella
will be regarded as dangerous and aggressive D-bees. Military
Mantella (pronounced man-tell-a h) forces around the world who accept D-bces will find the violent
Alignment: Any. bUlmost arc selfish and evil. and merciless mantella to be excellent fighters. The Coalition
Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 206. P.S. 406. P.P. 306. States will see them as just another ramp:lging monster to be liq-
P.E. 506. r.B. 306. Spd. 606 (x2 swimming) uidated.
If set in the Rifts: Phase World cnvironment. they are just
one of many alien life fomls who visit that world.
In Rifts the mantella (and atorians) definitely have mega-
damage weapons. arnlor and tcchnology at levels equal to the
Coalition States or the Kitlani. Standard S.D.C. 10 M.D.C. con-
versions as suggested elsewhere in this book.

Sorinam - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sorinams are short. frog-like amphibians with vibrant ycllow
skin accented by thick black stripes. They make their homes in
the giant freshwater oceans of an arctic planct known as Namia.
Surface temper:llures on Namia are regul:lrly below freezing.
However. in the deep underwater c:lVes and cities where the sor-
inams live, there are rivers and seas of wann water from lava
that seeps from geothermic fissures on the ocean noor. It is in
these warm waters that the amphibians build their vasl underwa-
ter cities and tend their vast algae and fish farms. Although their
cities are underwater and the sorinam are aquatic beings. the in-
teriors of their cities are wllrm and dry with an Eanh-Iike oxygen
atmosphere. Sorinam technology is slightly more advanced than
that of Eanh. Their bionic and robotics progrnms are still experi-
mental. but as successful as Earth cybernetics and far more com-
mon. These aliens also study spell casting magic. and have a
rudimentary understanding of ley lines.
The amphibilillS do nOl have an advanced space program or
spaceships. but have sent numerous space probes and satellites
deep into their galaxy. Through these devices. they have estab-
lished communications with other races and have earned a place
in the galactic community. They have joined the Federation of
Allied Races (FAR) and constalllly push for a Stronger posture
against the aggressive Atorian Empire. As active members of

running speed. and can hold Iheir breath for I O6xlQ mlllutes.
Special Weapons and Vehicles: Virluall)' any .....eal)Ons and
equipment available to members of the FAR collective. as
\loell as bionics. water vehicles (surface and underv..aler) and
sonic weaponry of their o..... n design.
Preferred Armor: Issued annor will be similar to Ihat ""om by
the assigned planet's native..... In the case of Eanh, a point-
blank vest will be the likely choice (A.R. 10. S_D.C. 70).
Familiarity With Earth: Equal to Ihe "Some familiarity \lo I1h
Ennh'· result on the Familiarity With Earlh lable.
RiflS Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG seuing. the sorinam
will be regarded as D-bees. 11lc Coalition Slates will see Ihem as
dangerous beings because they are educaled, promote leaming
and intl,lrracial cooIX=ration and wme even praclice magic.
If sel in the Rifts: Phnse World environment, thcy are just
onc of the less advanced and curious aliens who visit that world.
In Rifts the sorinams can be considcred 10 have S.D.C. or
primitive M,D.C. technology depending on lhe view of the a.M.
Thcse alien, will be f:lscinatcd by dimensional travcl and other
fomls of magic.

Oria is a mid-sized planet on the edge of the Ilia quadram (the
..arne quadrant as our Ennh). It was a dry but humid \loorld with
an abundance of minerals and ores. It inhabited by a race of
beings call xenopu-'>, who re~mbled giant humanoid hom 1001ds.
11le future for these IX=ople seemed bright until the mallleJla di,-
covered Ihe qua Iii} of Oria's ore. Withool IX=nnt'ision, a
mantella slrike force landed in a remote area and began 10 build
a mining complex_ The xenopus conte~ted the m31l1ella''i aClIl'i-
ties and demanded they leave their world immediatcly. TIlc ali·
FAR. they are required to send operatives to designated member ens rel>ponded by !>ending an invasion neel of mal1lella and
planeh or to man a porlion of the space neet and assisl in the ad- alorian \cssels 10 obliter.lle them. The invasion quicl..l) turned
vancement and ddcnse of the FAR collective. into gcnocide. Million!> of xenopus 'Were slaughtered and mil-
Sonnam space operatives are frequently military personnel. liom more were taken prisoner and sold into slavery in the Alo-
but lI1c1ude people from many other occupations. Half are vol un· rian Empire and other p<ln .. of thc galax)'. A comparativcly
teer~ who want to see the galaxy (they are picked up in spllce- minuscule percentage of thc xcnopus race, forced from their
craft ,cnt by FAR members). The typical volunteer is energetic. homeworld. have acccpted II life as slaves, pirate;;, lIlcrcenaries,
eager to learn, wants to see other worlds and help people, They space explorers. vagabonds and refugces.
are given ~ome nimsy knowledge about the cultures. laws, and Many of the survivors were peaceful civilians with no combat
customs of the people in their sector of space, bUI mosl sorinams skills, but their nalUral toughness makes them valuable 'ila\c'i
.....ill take It upon themselves to learn much more. They are well- and laborers, Tragically. many of these once peaceful people
liked and respecled in the FAR and among many llOI1-allied have become embinered. vengeful and hale filled, Man} hal'e
races. Common tours of duty last 304 years. leamcd 10 fight and ha...e become rulhless pirates. privateers and
mercenaries who victimize the mal1lella and Atorian Empire
Sorinam (pronounced sore-ih-nam) \lohenever they can. The tough-.. ~inned all1phibian~ ha\e lumpy.
Alignment: Any. but most lend 10 be good or unprincipled. tan hides \lo ilh stripes of darker brown or grey as natural canlQU·
Allributes: LQ, 306+2. M.E, 306. M.A. 306+2. P,S. 306. P.P. fiage. They love vibro-blades, energ} blades. and heavy wcap-
306. P.E. 406. P.B. 306. Spd. 506 (x 10 swimming) onry.
Uit Points: Standard, P.E. plus 106 points per level of experi.
ence. Xenopus (pronounced lee-no-puss)
S.D.C.,4ll+2D6 Alignment: Any
Height: 5 fecI plus 206inches(I.610 1.8 m), Allributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306+1. M.A. 306. P.S. 406, P.P.
Weight: 100 plus 2D4x10 pounds (54 to 82 kg), 306, P.E. 506. P.B. 206+2. Spd. 406 (x2 swimming),
Al'erage Life Span: 95 years Hit Points: P.E. plus 204 per lel'el of experience
Super Abilities: Limited to physical training, hardware, bionics S,D.C.: 2D4x10 plus 206
and magic. Height: 7 feet plu.. 4D6 inches (2.2 to 2.7 m).
Naturul Abilities: Keen, polarized vision. sensitive hearing. 10 Weight: 300 plus 2D6x10 pounds (145 to 190 kg).
decibels above the nonnal human ranges, swim at lOx nonnal Al'erage Lire Span: 120 years.
Aquatic Aliens
These humanoid ;lliens have evolved from llquatic life forms
and live in :.l water environment. They can rescmble fish. sharks.
mammals (dolphin. whale. sca lion. ctc.) or olher aquatic ani-
mals. They all have webbed feet and hands for ease of move-
ment undcrwmer ;lIld mllY havc fins. tenlacles or lails. De-
pending on lheir origin. fish or mammal. thcir skin is either thick
and smOOlh or sCllly. Assuming llll game allributes arc bused on
human nomlS and perceptions. aliens of fish origin who have u
high Physic:ll BeaulY score have scales so fine thaI Ihey are un-
noticc:lble. Aquatic :.lliens have no body h:.lir. Bright body colors
arc common among the fish-like aliens. while the shllrk :.lnd
mammallypcs are more subdued shades of grey. Ian. brown lind
Most fish-likc aliens who h:lve gills cannot brc:llhe in an al-
mosphere for more lhan 20 minules and even then their breath-
ing will be labored (reduce speed by 1/3. -2 on initiative. -I
:.ltt:.lck per melee. -2 10 dodge or roll with impact :.lnd -6 10 save
vs gas attacks. evetl smoke will make them gag and choke).
These :.lliens must have an atmospheric breathing apparatUS 10
function in an almosphere or remain consl:mtly within the w:.ller.
Such breathing apparatuses call be a helmet. environmenlal suit
(filled wilh water). bionic lung implant. genetically engineered
lung {as well as gills) or via magic: see the equipment section for
data regarding cllvironmcl1\:.l1 sui IS. Aquatic aliens will feel most
at home in the W:.lter.
ChllraCters who :.lre aqu:.llic mammals will have lungs. a nose
or blow holc. and breathe air. ll1ese aliens will have no prob-
Super Abilities: None. but llil xenopus hllve tough hides. high lcms breathing in an :llmOsphere. but they will not be :.lble to
physical strength, endurance and special nlllumi abilities. Of breathe water like a fish; they hold their brellth and must corne
cour~e. lhey can pursue lhe Super Power Categories of bion- up for air at regular intervals. Most aquatic maml11:.lls C:.ln hold
ic~ (a rarity among xenopus), hardware. physical tmining. and their brealh underwaler for 20 minutes. If forced under for a
magic, plus 7% have psionic powers. longer period lhey will drown. Surgical removal of the webbing
Natural Abilities: Keen vision and sense of smell, instinctive is unappealing to Ihe aliem. and will reduce swimming speed and
swimmers (+20%). climbers (+ 10%). can hold brealh for 204 underw:.lter bonuses by half.
minutes. c:m leap 10 feel (3 Ill) from a sland still and are +2 Note: Swimming llbililies are oflen remarkable. Swimming
10 save vs poisons. drugs and disease. All xenopus are nlllUral
speed for mOSI aquatic races is their running speed multiplied by
and instinctive diggers/burrowers and have the following mu- ten. and Ihey have a natural swimming skill of 95%. unless
tant animal powers: digging. tunneling and excavation (see staled otherwise.
Heroes Unlimited, page 115).
Special Weapons and Vehicles: Virtually any weapons and
equipmenl available to members of Ihe FAR collective, pi- Cherion - - - - - - - - - - - -
rates lind olher intergalactic travellers. Chee is a planet wilh 90% waler. Wilhin its va~t oceans. lhe
Preferred Armor: Any. but tend 10 prefer hellvy body annor cheiron people have evolved. They have lin advanced techno-
and exoskeletons/power annor. logical society. and are masters of robolics. bionics. lmd space
Familiarit)' With Earth: Equ:ll to the "Some familiarity with travel. with wellpons, lools. and devices beyond Earth's current
Earth" result on the Famili:lrity With Earth table. cllpabilities. Although they are an advanced society. lheir al-
Rifts Notes: If used in Ihe Rifts RPG setting. lhe xenopus tempts 10 augment Ihemselves through chemical experiments
will be regarded as dangerous D-bees. The Coalition SImes will and genelic cngineering have created generations of cherions
see lhem as dangerous beings because they are big. monslrous- with unprediclllble side-effects and super powered mutanlS.
looking and aggressive. and some have psionic powers (lypically All Cherions arc required to enler inlO the Cherion Explora-
major or maSler psionics). They can be considered to be S.D.C. tory Mililia (CEM). the space division of their amlcd forces.
or mega-dam:lge creatures with nalural armor/laugh hides. Their While this keeps the people active and working. it also creales
technology can also be one or the other depending on the view some proles!. Many cherions feel they have no place among Ihe
oflhe G.M. stars. and should concentr:.lle on the needs and defenses of their
If set in Ihe Rifts: Phase World environment. mOSl xenopus own homeworld. This is largely the result of Ihreats and lrouble
will be slaves or mercenaries. with other races in the galactic communily. Funhennore. the
percentage r.tte for de..ertion i<; a whopping 16%! Many crilics of ing on Ihe view of Ihe G.M .. but is probably mega-damage Icch·
the ..pace progmrn insiM they are losing the re!>ources of Iheir Ilology.
youth and ..cienll .. t~ to olher worlds. If "Ct in the Kifts: I)hase World environmell1. mOst cherion
Any Chenon explorers a.\osigned 10 a tour in a specific seclOr will be adventurers. mercen'lries or slaves.
of Ihe galaxy will be laught the names. languages. and gener.ll
cultures. of the major inhabiled planels in that sector. A deserting
explorer i.\o liL.ely to be able 10 read. speak. and wrile one or more
language.. of Ih" planet he i~ desening 10. Only deserters respon-
..ible lor <.enoU'. cnme, are pursued wilh vigor. Desertion is high
becau<,e Ihe va,t maJomy of CEM career soldiers and officers
are \lricl. mean. cold hearted and some are downrighl evil.
Cherion e"(plorel"\ withool ..uper abilities are nearly always
oUlfiued 'Mth cnvironmemal body annor and/or ballic robol:s or
ATV explo1"3tioo robal '>chiclc... A.. a result. they rarely need
an) I)pe of handheld "eapon... bolthcy are issued laser rines or
"OOIC "capon.. as a precaullon.

Cherion (pronounced chare-eye-on)

ACignmenl: An). Ihe cherion go\emmem and the CEM com-
mander. and are l'requeml) anarchisl. miscream or aberram.
Auribules: I,Q, 306. \1.E. 306+2. M.A. 306. P.S. 406. P.P.
406. PE. 306. P,B, 206. Spd. 206 (Swimming Speed is
Hil Poinls: P E. plu.. 106 per levcl of experience.
S.D.C.: 2D4x 10
Height: 5 fcct. 6 lnche.. plus 306 inche.. (1.7102.1 m).
\\eighl: 130 plu.. 1D6xlO pounds (6810 I J3 L.g).
A\erage Life Span: 70 yeaI"';.
Appearance: They have large eyes. Ihick scales. and a promi-
nent mouth. Spin) fins prolrude from lheir foreanns and
along Iheir ..pinc. The hands. are large. with promincnI web-
bing. Their fccl and legs resemble those of a frog.
Super Abilities: Thc\e aqu:ltic alien!> can select any of the Super
Powt:r Categories. but 4Y'k have superhuman powers as a re-
"lilt of chemical mutation or genetic experimentation (roll un-
der lhe Imlllmi or clIpcriment calegories in Heroes
Unlimited). and IY'k are bionic (with artificial lungs). 33%
of Iho:;e who ~erve 111 the CEM pilot power annor suits or
large one- to four-man robol All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV).
Nalural Abilities: Swim 12x fil!>ter than runninglland speed.
~wim ill 9Y'k skill. have gills. can sense electromagnelic en-
ergy and Icy line~. and are +2 to strike. parry. and dodge un- Long ago. the plancl Er was very much like Earth. Its wlltel'!>
derwater. were a dcep. ultramarine blue. and full of life. The people known
Spef:ial Weapons: Sonic. missile!>/projectiles and laser weap- as the crmsa ned 10 lhe slars when the ecology of their home-
ons. world collapsed and Er went Ihrough dramatic and deadly
Special Vehicles: A variety of underwater vessels and advanced changes. Millions perished before Ihe tilanic space clIodus could
spaceships. be launched. 80% of Ihe planel's surviving population look to
Special Armor: Full environmenlal suil for surface movemem the stars. Of Ihose who slayed behind. half have perished while
and space explornllon: A.R. 16. S.D.C.: 250. the OIhers struggle to adap!. An estimated 122 million space
Familiarit~· with Earth: Soldiers and ellplorers in lhe ilIa quad- refugees have scattered 10 the four comers of Ihe galaxy and
ram where Earth is localed have kno.... ledge about Eanh equal have yet to find a place 10 call home. Nole: They are nOl invad-
10 "Some familiarity:' ers .and won -I even consider conquering an inhabiled world.
Rifts Noles: If used III the Rifts RPG selling. lhe cherion will They have developed technology to a step just above that of
be regarded as monstrous D-bees. The Coalilion Stales will see Eanh. They are able to creale robOls. have maslered space tr.l\-el.
lhem as dangerous beings because of their inhuman appearance. and dabble with robOlics and bionics. bolh of which are still very
super powers and lceh-Ievel. The CS is likely to clItenninate new and e'(perimemal for lhem. Hover lcehnology is a ne" skill
Ihem whenever lhey are eocounlered. These aquatic aliens will they have learned. and many of lhem prefer it for abo\e and be-
find the Greal Lakes and Earth's oceans and seas inviting places low water lravel. Errasa weapon lechnology is innuenced by
10 ll\e. They can be considered 10 be S.D.C. or mega-damage their underwater heritage. and many of their ranged "eapons are
crealUres. Their technology can also be one or the OIher depend- based on condensed sonic discharges.

The erra~a vary widely in :.taturc from le~s than five feet (1.5
m) to ncarly nine feet (2.7 01) tall. Thcy :Ire lhin. lightly-built ali-
en~ because of their high prOlein. low fat diet. Their scales are
Ihid., and c1o<;c-fiuing. with coloI"') mngmg from light grey with
blac~ acccOlS to blue .... ith ycllo.... acccnl~. Their cyes are small.
round and dar~.

Errasa (pronounced er-rass+ah)

Alignments: Any. but many tend to be good or selfish.
Allributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 406. P.P. 306.
P.E. 306. P.B. 206+2. Spd. 406 (Sy"lmming Speed is Spdx6).
Hil Points: Standard. P.E. plu!> I D6 per Ic\cl of experience.
S.D.C.: 3D4xlO
Heighl: 5 feet plus I D4 feel (1.5 to 2.4 m).
Weight: 100 plu~ 2o.-xi0 pound!> (54 to 82 ~g).
f\\erage Life Span: 85 ycal"')
Super Abilities: Super Powcr Categorics arc limited to bionics
(r:lre and ex!Xnmcntal). hardware. phy~icaltraining. p...ionics
,and magic (none currcntly U\C magic but Ihey may discover
the my.,tic ans from other alien~).
Natural Abilities: Li~e thc lung Ihh on Eanh. thc erra~a have
naturally de"elopcd both gill., and lung~. They can stay un·
dcrwatcr indefinitcl). or on dl) land for 24 hours before
needing to imme...-e themselves in water (needs 10 be in water
for at Ica~1 three houro; per e"ery 48 hour period). The) also
ha\c keen \'ision and hearing. and sWim at 90% skill profi·
Special \\capons: Sonic Blallter Rifle: Range: 70 feet (21 m:
140 feel/43 m undernatcr). Damage: 506 per blast. 20 Shol
E..dip. Damage is 606 .... hen used against targets .... ith some
fonn of heighte~d or advanced heanng. including other er-

Vehicles: They use a variety of dIfferent vehicles hut the hover

plalfonn i~ one of their favorite~ abo"e water. II can hold up plams and factories the size of cities covered the fat'e of the
to four large people. Maximum \peed: 120 mph (192 km). planet 10 chum out nuclear energy and 10 manufacture ",capons
S.D.C.: 120. Maximum altitude: up 10 300 feet (91 m) above and equipmenl. The atlTlosphere is choked with fumes and
the ground. chemicals and lhe w:ller has been transfomled inlo a IOXIC 'iDUp.
I)referred Armur: In combat ,iloaliol1'•. ~pecial forces-style. The inennsi :lI1d Olhcr inhabitants of Nen tried to fight thc in-
full 'Uil body annor of lheir own dc"ign: A.R. 15. S.D.C. 180. vaders when they firSl :trrived but lens of thousands were :.Iain.
Familiarity with E:lrth: None. If onc of lhem should arrive They have since tried 10 reclaim thcir world several timc~. but
here. his language will ~ound very much like Chinese. the Empire is too powerful. Of the four different !Xople who
Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts Rll(i selling. the errasa will once called Nen horne. only the innensi remain. Sadly. their rJ.ce
be regarded as D-bt.--cs. but of no special intcrestto the Coalition. has been devastated. with millions killed. million~ of others en-
These aquatic aliens will lind the Grem La~es. rivers and Eanh's slaved and taken off-world. and frightened survivors hiding in
oceans to be comfonable places to live. I-Iowe\er. they ould the ocean depths. Inocnsi slaves Ihing in thc Atorian EmpIre
ne\er consider lIl\ading the Eanh or an) lIlhabited world here outnumber those living on en and as refugees spread across lhe
they .... ere not \\'elcomed. galaxy combined.
They can be considered to be S.D.C. or mcga-damage crea.. The innensi are of avernge size and .... eight by human Mand-
lUres. Their technology can abo be one or the Olher depending ards. The toxic environment in .... hich they are forced to h"e has
on the \ie.... of the G.M .. but IS probably S.D.C.tcchnology. destroyed the pigmem in their skin (they are albinos). and causes
If ~t in Ihe Rifts: Ilhast' World environment. they will be their scales 10 fall out. sickness and mutation. Expo~urc 10 rJ.-
exploreI"'). ad"emurers. mercenaries or refugees looking for a dioactive malerials and chemicals has made the innensi who ,ur-
ne.... homey"orld. vived and adapled resistant to the effects of different r.idi:uion
and toxic chemicals. Those who live on Nen arc so <;murnled
wilh radiation thai they lhemselves give off constant lo\\, levels
Inennsi of radiation. MUlants with psionic or super abililie... arc increas-
Many cenlurie~ ago. Nen was a beauliful planet. not unlike ingly common. as is brain damage. cancer and stillbinh...
Eanh. Then lhe Alori;\I1 Empire arrived (!>Ce lhe AlOrian Empire The innensi have lillie or no technology of lheir own. only
cmry in the Galactic Organil.ation ~clion). Nen was convened simple weapons and tools. They rely on lheir sl>ecial (Ibilitie... to
10 lin cner!!y world for the Empirc. Enonnous. sprawling. power defend themselves. All the higher technology IXl!<o)e"sed by in·
nensi refugees have been stolen, salvaged. or purchased. Plemy Nattereris - - - - - - - - - - -
of it will be AlOrian Empire standard issue gear stolen from
The nnltcreris live llnd thrive within lhe violcnt ocean.. of
guards and soldiers.
NOlh. They have developed thick. heavy scales nnd bony ridge~
to protect them from their hostile environment and monstrous
Inennsi (pronounced in-nco-sea) predators. Their eyes are prominent. but sunken behind bony
Alignmenl: Any. many are good. ridges. Their wide mouths are filled with rows of r.lzor sharp
Altribules: I.Q. 206+3, M.E. 306. M.A. 206. P.S. 306 (+ 10 teeth like Eanh sharks. The color of their scales is silvery-grey
underwater). P.P. 306. P.E. 306. P.B. 206. Spd. 306 (Swim- on their backs and salmon color to red on their fronts and sides.
ming Speed is Spdx 10). InSlead of wide Iins for maneuvering. the Nallereri!> have han!.
Hit Poinls: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per le\'el of experience. keel-like bones on the head, back. foream\s and lo~er legs.
s.n.c.: 100xlO They are a proud warrior race. but the wars that r.lvaged their
Heighl: 6 feet plw. ID6 mches (1.6to 2.0 m). planet are long over. The nanereris cominue to hold on to their
Weight: 190+106 pound~ (87 to 89 kg). ancestors' traditions and beliefs as a sacred creed of the warrior.
A\erage life Span: Off-Voorid slaves: 75 years. those born and 1lle:y adhere 10 a tradition of manial combal, physical lraining
raised 00 Nen (e"en for the fi~t 18 years of their lives): 50 and self-discipline of boIh the mind and body. Lil..e the samurai
)ears. of Eanh. they view honor and skill as goals of personal perfec-
Appearance: White ~km with smOQlh fealures and large. pale tion.
pml.. e)c." 1lle:lr mouth~ are large and filled with two row:. of The naltereri!!. are the leaders of the aimese Coalition. Thil.
tiny ..harp teeth. Their heads are crowned with 204+2 soon secret galactic mo\ ement opposes many of the more oppressh e
<jpil..eo;. "entures slaned by the Atorian Empire. The Nauereris are the
Super Abilities: Super Power Categories are limited 10 mutants only factor that holds many of the Coalition members together.
and psionics. Approximately 56'lo of those living on Nen The confidence, strength. and honor of Ihese beings are the mao
have mutan! super pmo,ers and 16"k have psionics. The rest jor force behind the Naimese nlO\Cment. Noth has been un+
hao,e no !>pecial abililles. touched by war for a century. bUl that \\ould change if the
Off-world. only 35'1: of the slaves have super abilities and Atorian Empire discovers just how imponanl the) are to the
12ef- ha\ie po;ionic powers. Slaves and freemen off-world Naimesc Coalition.
wllOOut super abilities may learn magic. physical training. Naltereri operalives are stationed on and around nurnerou:'!>
hardware or gel biOniCS. planets across the galaxy 10 protect them from nil kind.. of dan-
'1alural Abilities: Swim lOx faster than running/land speed. gers. as wcll as 10 collect infonnalion about the Atorian Empire.
svo im at 95'l: skill, have gills (can bremhe air for 206+20 They also have diplomats (and spies) among the Federation of
minutes), can see lhe ultrJviolel spectrum of light. and are +3 Allied R:lces. In fact. b was contact b) mcmbers of FAR thaI
to "a\ie v,\, poison and drug!>. Underwater they are +2 on in- brought the nauereri into lhe space age and helped them 10 dc-
itiative, +2 to !>trike, and +4 to parry and dodge (not applica- velop !>pace lcchnology.
ble above wmcr). The naltercri warrion. feel it is their duty 10 help other.. They
Special Weapons, Armor :lIld Vehicles: Whalcver they c:m ac-
see the Atorian E.mpire :IS an evil force and a worthy opponcnt.
quire from the Atorian Empire 10 FAR items. The ludie!>l M;IIlY of lhe warriors long for an opponunity 10 engage lhe AlO-
will have an atorian antigravilY ring. dans and have WOIl many !>kim\ishes against lhe manlella. How-
Familiarity with Earth: Nonc for most innensi. Some rcfugees
ever, these clever and disciplined warriors realize lhey mu"t g:lin
nnd morian slaves m;IY huve "Some Familiarity:' more knowledge. wcapons and power before lhey facc lhc cvil
Note: The inennsi are;1 despcr.lte people in slavery. who would Empire onc on one. Unlil th:u day. thcy engage in ~lIbtle guer-
le:lp 31 the chance to be free. Tho!>e who do escape the rilla warfarc. !>abotage. e!>piolHlge and politic!> (~ee the Naimc!>c
clulches of the Atorian Empire often become explorers, free- Coalition dc!>cribed in the galaxy organization:'!> "cction). TIley
booler.. or mercenaries. M:my innensi remember. lhrough are n growing force in lhe galaxy. both technologic:llly :Ind !>piri-
<,()ng~ and stories. how green and bluc Nen was long ago.
Some hope they may find a world like lhal again and !>eltle
down there. Ironically, once they are free. mOSl never sen Ie NaUereri (pronounced nat-1are·er·ee)
do~n and wander the univer-.e. A small group of inennsi are
Alignments: Any, but the great majority are prinCipled. ,crupu-
memben. of the Raider Clans and anolher is pan of a pir.lte lou:'!> or unprincipled. Many naltereri rogues. P"';l.tC:'!> and vil-
band who plunder only mamella and atorian vessels. lains VoIII be abemlOt or anarchisl. but other evil alignmenl'
Rifls NOles: If used in the Rifls RPG selling, the incnnsi will are possible. especially if lhe characler has been un:lble 10
be regarded as momtrous D-bees. The Co..11ilion States will see master his or her se\f-<ontrol and aggre5.'>i\e. predatory na-
lhem a" dangerous beings because of their inhuman appear.lnce lure. These misanlhrope:. are given to rJges. self-indulgence
and super po~ers. They are Iil..ely to cxtenninatc lhem whenever and eXlreme act~ of cruelty.
they are found. These aquatic aliens will lind the Eanh's lakes. Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 406. M.A. -406. P.S. 506 (+6 un-
rivers, <;cas and oceans wonderful places to live. They are S.D.C. derwater). P.P. 306+2. P.E. 306+2. P_B. 206. Spd. 306 (S~ Im-
creatures who must acquire mcga-damage ~eapons and equip- ming Speed i!> Spdx I0).
ment. 1ltc items they may have slolen can be S.D.C. or M.D. Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per Inel of ev:perience.
If sel in lhe Rirls: Phase World environmem. mosl inennsi S.D.C.: 206xlO plus 6 per le\el of experience/age.
will be ad\enturers, mercenaries or slaves. Nalural A.R.: 15
Horror f<"llctor/Awe: 14 Special Weapons: Ion rilles: Range: 400 feet (122 Ill). Ommge:
Height: 6 feet plus 104 feet (2.1 to 3.0 m). 506 per blast. 20 shot E-clip. They are designed for use in
Weight: 200 plus 406xlO pounds (109 to 200 kg). turbulent underwater combat (double range when in an at-
Average Life Span: 110 years mosphere). They also use sonic weapons and like he<lvy en-
Super abilities: All nattcrcri warriors C:ln make selections from ergy weapons and explosives. However. their favorite fonn of
the Super Power C<ltegories of bionics (usually panial rccon- combat is h:lnd to hand fiSlicuffs or with melee weapons.
:.truction or bionic lungs and minor implants). h<lrdwarc. or Special Vehicles: Hover cycle (two-man): Maximum speed 200
phy:.ical training. Magic is unknown to these people but il mph (320 kill). S.D.C. 120. Hover up to 45 feet (13.7 m)
could be learned from others. above the ground. +2 to dodge. They use a variety of items
In addition. <III warriors get the following from their years <lnd arc skilled in many wellpons.
of special manial ans tmining: +2 on initiative. +2 W.P. I'referred Armor: The resilience of the nallcreri's n:llur:lI body
skills. lhe equivalent of healing factor and any one "extraordi~ amlor means many warriors don't use anificilll armor except
nary" power listed under minor super abilities. environmental suits for space tr<lvel and planetary expedi-
Optional: The wllrrior can select the following abilities tions. Vast numbers of the nallereri have gOllen gills to lung
from Ninjas & Superspies: Three powers from hody!tarden- bionic conversions and 106 minor implants.
illK. two powers from :elljoriki. two powers from Ihe arts of Familiarity with Earth: They have detailed knowledge on
ml'isibilily and one fl!l'mi (sec N&S, page 114). Plus he/she many planets including Eanh. An Eanh opemtive will know
gets the "quickie'· fonn ofTae Kwon 00 kanlle (page 84). information equal to the "'·Ias studied Eanh" result on the Fa-
Natural Abilities (evoh'ed from a predator): Swim lOx faster miliarity with Eanh table. Most others only have a passing
than runninglland speed. swim al 95% skill. h<lve gills (can knowledge.
nonnally breathe air for 20 minute). excellent vision and Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG setting. the natereri
hearing. a superior sense of smell (equal to adv<lnced smell), will be regarded as monstrous O-bees. The Coalition Slales will
can smell blood underwater up to three miles (4.8 km) away. sec them as dangerous beings because of their inhuman appear-
On dry land and in the air they can track blood scent 65% :lnce. size. abilities and because they promote peace and unity
skill proficiency. recognize the scent of a specific race 55%. among other O-bees. TIley lire likely 10 exlenninale them when-
of a specific person 40% +2% per level of experience (all arc ever they are found. These warriors will find the tunnoil and vil-
+10% underwater). The chamcter's bite does 306 damage lainy on Rifts Eanh to be a challenge. They will travel the land
(+ I06 if 8 ft/2.4 or taller) and the bony fins on the arnlS and like eyber-knights righting wrongs <lnd protecting the innocent.
helld can be used to parry melee weapons such as swords and They are definitely mega-damage crealures in the Rifts envi-
clubs. Underwater the characters are +2 on initiative. and +2 ronment. Their weapons and equipment are also likely to be
to strike. parry and dodge (not applicable above water). mega-damage items.
If 'Cl In thc Rirts: Phase World cnvironment. the basic set· swer questions with que.'>lions. and wrap themselve\ in robe, of
ting de~r1bed for BenJeS Unlimited is applicable. Most will be ~crecy. However. lheir advice and leadership is u\ually sound
good hearted adventurers. explorers. freedom fighters or meree· and they are revered by nonnal salan.. The mystic.. opcmte a net·
nane~. won.. of dimensional ponali. on their homeworld thaI are u~ to
lravel to and trade with Dlher planeh. Having lillIe 10 offer more
a<hanced peoples in the way of goods. they have done well by
Salar offering their service.. as soldier../defenders. mercenaries. advi-
L)n, I' a planet Ihal is approximately 6()Ik lNaler. Because of '\Ors and myslicl>.
the great 'lie of the planet. its oceans are vast and deep. but the) The myslic ponals and presence of magic ha\e made It M) the
~'(cn le~~ than nonnal Eanh pressure at the great depths becau~ lkllars did nO( need to de\ elop space lechnology or high·lech
of a lighter gra\ Italional pull. Wilhin these oceans. tall. elegant m:lIlufacturing. Ho.... they are pan of the galaclic commu·
building' dmg to the face.. of underwater cliffs. They are the nity and have lraded for numerous materials and items. includmg
hOflle~ of th~ ,alar,. energy weapons. hover vehicles. limited bionics and so on.
The ,alal"!l arc tall and thm. and covered wilh gray scales on Some salars have also taken to the spaceways to make fonunes
theIr back, thai change to a brighl pink on lheir sides. and white as mercenaries. merchant... or adventurers.
on Iheir head, and palms. Fins are commonly localed althe base
of lhe head and uPI>er back. as well a... on the calves and forc· Salar (pronounced sah-Iar)
anm. They have large eyes ~el into <'{juared heads above a wide Alignment: Any. but the typic:11 outlook of lhe salar~ would bc~t
moLth I land, and feet 3re webbed. Lacking advanced technol· be described as unprincipled.
ogy. the \illaJ'\ generally rely upon lheir naluml abililie~ and Allribules: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 306. P.P. 406.
magic. P.E. 306. P.B. 206. Spd. 6D6 (Swimming Speed i.. SpdxIO).
Hit I'oints: Standard. P.E. plus I D6 per level of experience.
The salar leader<, are m)'iteriou<i; my...lIcs (Ihese NPC charac·
S.D.C.: lD4x10+20
ICJ'\ gCllhe major power common to all salars in addition to spell
Height: 8 feet. 2 inches plu.. 206 lIlches (2.5 to 2.8 111).
casting abilily). Mo:.l seldom leave their homewortd. but some
Weight: IrnxlOO pounds (54 to 181/108 to 362 kg). (Double in
do tr3\el. and rna) occasional]) be encountered on political or
water ronn).
c'<plor3tol) as\lgnments in the field. They are \ery resened and
Horror Faclor: 10. a resull of their extremel) inhuman appear·
\Ometime.. downright weird. They often speak in riddles or an·
A,·erage Lire Span: 75 years
Super Abilities: All salars have the major super abilily of "It"
physical Siructurt>: liqUId. Tmnsformed salars in their waler
ronn are invisible to heat and infrared sensors. Other abilities
are as lisled in Heroes Unlimited: water bolt. water behe·
moth. waler merge. manipulale shape. and limited invulner·
ability. 70% also have one minor abilily selected from Ihe
category of energy eXlmlsiofl (pick one). Only their NPC
mystic leaders study spell casting (and ponal making) magic.
N:ltural Abilities: Swim lOx faster than running/land specd.
swim at 95% skill. have gills (can breathe air for 20 minutes).
have sharp vision and keen sense of smell. Underwaler lhcy
:nc +2 on initialive. +1 10 strike. and +2 10 parry and dodgc
(nOl applicable above water).
Slandard Weapons and Vehicles: A variety of hems from
around the galaxy and beyond (could include Pilau World
and other Palladium worlds). They like jet packs. speedboals.
hover vehicles and vehicles that go fast.
Armor: Specially designed environmental annor keeps the char·
acters moist and breathing on dry land for indefinite periods
of time. A.R. 15. S.D.C. 180.
Familiarity with Earth: The salars have had extensi\e deahngs
wilh many roces in the mega\erse. As they won.. wilh or for
people who have studied or been to Eanh. knowledge of the
planet begins 10 spread to the rest of the salars. Mo...t of the
field operatives. mystics and explorers have "Some familiar·
ity" with Eanh as detailed in lhe Familiarity with Eanh table.
Rifts Noles: If used in Ihe Rins RPG selling. lhe salars will
be rcgarded as Illonstrous O·bees. The Coal ilion States will see
them as dangerous beings because of thcir inhulllan appeamnce
and super powers. They lire likcly to exlenninate them whenever
lhey are encountered. lliese aquatic aliens will find lhe Eanh's
lakes. rivers. seas and oceans an acceptable place 10 live.
If ~et in the Rirts: Phase World environment, most will be test subjects with minimal dangerous side-effects. but magic and
adventurers or mercenaries. psionics are virtually unheard of on Salva.
Salars are S.D.C. crelltures who must acquire mega-damage The salvelinus space program offers many types of study pro-
weapons and equipmenl. however. their super powers may in- grams, from sociology to the sciences llnd survival. To proleCt
nict mega-damage. The salar mystic can be played in Rirts as a the study groups. combat specialists with powerful spear guns
dimension travelling pr.lctitioner of magic lhat is an equal to the are assigned as escorts and advisors. Most study group members
ley line walker O.C.C. or temporal wi Lard O.c.c. These charac- receive light am10r or environmental suils. The combat special-
ter:; may have link:; 10 Phew! World. Naruni Enterprises. Cibola, ists have heavy annor.
lhe Splugorth (not likely). lechno-wil.ards (they love magic of all
kind:.) and others.
Salvelinus (pronounced sal-veil-lih-nus)
Alignment: Any. but the majorily seem to be selfish.
Allributes: I.Q. 3D6. M.E. 3D6. M.A. 3D6. P.S. 4D6. P.P. 3D6.
P.E. 306, P.B. 2D6. Spd. 6D6 (Swimming Speed is Spdx 10).
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus ID6 per lcvel of experiencc.
S.D.C.: ID6x10+1O
Height: 5 feet plus 206 inches (1.5 to 1.8 m).
Weight: 150 plus I D4xlO pounds (72 to 86 kg).
Average Lire Span: 70 years
Super Abilities: Super Power Categories are limited to mutant:;
and experiments for super powered beings. Approximately
35% have undergone p:mi;l1 bionic reconstructions. Others
can be n0O11al, or select from lhe power categories of hard-
ware or physical training. Psionics and magic arc not avail~
Natural Abilities: Swim lOx faster than running/land ~peed.
swim at 95% skill. have gills (can breathe air for 20 minutcs).
have sharp vision and keen sense of smell. Underwater they
are +1 on initialive, +110 strike. :md +2 to parry and dodge
(not applicable above waler).
Special Weapons: Salvelinus spear-gun (rine): Damage: barb-
tipped 4D6 damage. Explosive 1D4xlO. Range (underwater
or in the air): 200 fect (61 m). Typic:.1 combination of spears
is 10+4D6 barb-tipped and 2D6 explosive tipped.
Spear-gun (piscol): Damage: 206 barbed. 4D6 explosive.
Range: 60 feet (18 m). Of course they can also use other
types of weapons. although they seem co be particularly fond
of explosives.
Special Vehicles: Vary with the need and the environment.
Preferred Armor: Combat specialistS wcar riot ge;.r. full envi-
ronmcnllll amlOr: A.R. 14. S.D.C. 150. lighl body a0110r:
A.R. II. S.D.C. 70.
Familiarity with Earth: The salvelinus have visited many plan-
ets. They sympathize strongly with the plight of planets that
are polluting their oce:lns. A typical aid and study program
Salvelinus will last for six years. with only dire emergency contact with
Salva is a planet of oceans with a hi,gh water dcnsity and a Salva pem1illed. The salvelinus have only recently begUll
strong gmvilation:ll pull. The salvelinus live in large cities built their sludy trips to Earth. and they have lillie familiarity with
on lhc bouolTl of ~hallow ocean.... two 10 three hundred feet be- its cultures or laws. although they have leamed one or two
low lhe waves. They are shorl. powerfully buill humanoids cov- languages (at 50% proficiency).
ered with blue ~cales Ihat are often dl'comted by brighl red. pink. Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPC selling. they will be re~
yellow. or omnge :;pots on their back... Fins are located at the garded ;IS monstrous D-bees. The Coalition St:nes will see thcrn
base ofthc head. foream1S and calves of Ihe legs. as dangerous beings because of their inhuman appearancc and
Ahhough nUl light yc:!rs ahead of Earth. the salvelinus have super abilities. Slavers may find them aHractive for underwater
..lightly more advanced tel.:hnology. They have developed thcir exploration and slave labor. Salvelinus are definitt.lly S.D.C.
robotics and space travel beyond Earth levels and havc begun creatures even in the Rifts envirOnmc111. although their super
eXlcn~ive eXI>crimcntation in the area of genelic augmenlalion powers. weapons and annor may be mega-damagc items.
and bionic.... This includes gills 10 lungs cybemetics and power If sel in the Rills: Phase World environmcnl, lhe basic sct-
amlOr suitable for :.pace exploration llnd surface dwelling. Their ting described for Heroes Unlimited is applicable. Most will be
experiment:. have instilled a variety of super abilities in many advcnturers, explorers. scientists or mercenaries.
Tinalis Preferred Armor: Research personnel arc issued concealed ar-
mor: A.R. 10. S.D.C.: 50. Mililary personnel are issued ar-
Tina! is an icy. dimly lit planet far from its sun. Below the ice mored environmental suits: A.R. 12. S.D.C.: 120.
are cold. still oceans where the tinalis make their homes. The Familiarity with Earth: The tinalis believc Eanh has the polen-
frigid liquid of Tinal is thicker than Earth water and can reach tial to become a productive member of the space-faring com-
temperatures of one-hundred degrees below zero (-73C) without munity. and are considering giving Eanhlings a guiding hand
turning solid. The tinalis have smooth, rounded fealures, tiny to thaI end. Thus. they have "Some Familiarity" with Eanh
scales and are pale blue in color. An insulating layer of fat helps and plan 10 visit soon.
to keep them wann. On average, they are slightly shorter than

humans and a bit heavier. Their head and eyes are smaller than
other aquatic species.
The tinalis have an advanced society and technology that ex-
ceed!> thaI of Earth. Besides their starships and nuclear power,
they have developed bionics and robot vehicles. New develop-
menlS in robotics have the tinaJis developing life-like androids.
Robots pcrfonn much of the difficult and dangerous labor.
The tinalis have good relations with other alien societies in
ths: galactic community and perfonn many services for lheir al-
lies. including space exploration. hauling freight. transponation,
making anificial intelligences, and manufacturing components
for robots and cyborgs. Tinalis Exploratory Teams (TETs) are
typically a combination of scientists, mililary specialists and ro-
bois/androids hired out to other governments for scientific ex-
ploralion. rescue missions and reconnaissance. They may also
agree to mercenary work to defend, or guard propeny. space-
ships or outposts. It is rumored that cenainfreela"cers will per-
fonn seek-and-destroy missions, sabolage and assassinations.

Tinalis (pronounced tin-al-iss)

Alignment: Any. but the majority of Tinalis are scrupulous or
Allributes: I.Q. 306, M.E. 306, M.A. 306, P.S. 306+2 (+6 un-
derwater), P.P. 306, P.E. 406, P.B. 206. Spd. 306 (Swim-
ming Speed is Spdx I0).
Hit Points: Standard.
S.D.L 80
Height: 5 feet plus 306 inches (1.5 to 2.0 m).
Weight: 120 plus 206xlO pounds (54 to 100 kg).
Average Life Span: 75 years.
Super Abilities: Super Power Categories are limited to bionics,
robotics, and hardware! Psionics. magic and super powers are
not available.
Natural Abilities: Swim lOx faSler than running/land speed. RiflS Noles: The tinabs will be regardcd as monstrous 0-
swim at 95% skill. have gills (can breathe air for 15 minutes), bees. The Coalition States will see thcm as dangerous beings be-
have sharp vision. can see in murky water and through cause of their inhuman appearance and knowledge of science
and weaponry. They are Iikcly to extcnllin:lte them whenever
smoke. keen sense of smell (equal to the mutant animal
they are encountercd.
power of advanced smell) and are impervious to cold and
cold-based magic (heat and fire does double damage). Under- Thcy are likely to posscss mega-damagc tcchnology. but that
water they are +1 on iniliative. +110 strike and parry, and +2 decision is left to the Game Master.
to dodge (not applicable above water). If sel in the Rifts: Phase World cnvironmcnt. Ihe basic set-
Spei:ial Weapons: Sonic and laser weapons with 20 shot energy ting dcscribed for Heroes Unlimited is applicilble. Mo~t will be
clips. Sonic blaster range is 70ft (21.3 m). does 506 per blast, good hcancd advcmurers. explorers. scientisl~ or mcrcenaries.
or 606 when used against targets with some fonn of height-
ened or advanced hearing. Laser rifle range is 2200 ft (488
Ill). and does 206 per shot.
Special Vehicles: Varies with needs. A favorite is an A.T.V.
hover vehicle with a maximum speed of 140 mph (225 km).
S.D.C.: 440. Hover up 10 12 feet (3.7 m) above the ground.
Space and underwater operations are possible.
lenges almost as much as the sense of accomplishment they gel
Ape Aliens when they meet a challenge. Anubios express this need for chal-
lenge and ad\'enture by physical contests Ihat test their rugged
bodies and combat skills.
The humanoid ape races have many things in common with For thousands of years lhe anubios were divided into warring
their Earth counterparts. Many resemble gorillas. baboons. chim- tribes that seemed 10 fight an endless series of skinnishes. When
panzees. orangutans. or any other species of apes. All are fully they weren't fighling each other. they were fighting other nath'cs
bipedal wIth human-like. upright posture. A layer of short hair or or exploring their world (and conquering lands). If a ""ar was too
fur typically covers the head and back. and sometimes the entire easy. Ihe anubios warriors would become bored and call II off.
body. Eyes are usually ..mall and round. the nose is nat. and the claiming viclOry and seizing booty or land. The losers were con-
mouth is large and can have large nat teeth or sharp canine.'i. sidered pathetic and ""eak. bUI allowed 10 live. If lhe "losers"
These aliens do not have tails (monkeys have tails. nOf apes) and persisted in fighting. rather than accept the declaralion of their
may not climb trees. Of all Ihe alien races with a non-human ap- defeat. the anubios would fight with renewed vigor slaughtering
pearance. the ape races are mOSI likely to have a human appear- man. woman and child until every lasl one was slain. or they
ance. The ape races seem to be among some of the most violent begged for mercy and conceded defeat. People who can't or
and war-like. Some scientists have suggested thai aggression and won'l fight are considered cowards or weaklings. Those who put
war is something in the evolution of the ape. perhaps even ge- up a valiant fight, or Ciln fight them 10 a stalemate will be
nelic. deemed equals and heroic w:uriors. In many cases. 11 stalemate
will result in peacetime. because the anubios respect thcir oppo-
nent and are willing to discuss matters and make concession
with an equal. Any race who can get the bener of an anubio
anny (Ihey seldom admit defeat) will be considered an honored
opponent. a supernatural force. or their greatest enemy (of whom
vengeance must be sought).
Individual anubios are boisterous glol) hounds quick 10 ar-
gue. wreslle. fight. or leap mto action - the more challenging
the situations the belter. Brawhng is a favorite pastime; there is
great pride for the anubios who is the lasl one standing. In IIlK
combat situalions. they are sman. relentless opponents capable
of almost anything. from the daring 10 the sublime. They use
whatever weapons are at hand or necessary for the job whether it
be energy weapons. vibro-blades. explosi\'es or tooth and claw.
Bionic augmentation may also be considered. although mosl
anubios prefer to rely on their god-given abilities. skill and cun-
ning rather than rely on machines.
The anubios have joined lhe fraternity of space folk over 500
years ago when they were discovered by alien visitors who were
impressed by their fighting skill!> and agility. They impressed the
savage tribes with their powerful weapons and war machines. so
when they offered the warriors the opportunity to fight their
wars for them. the anubios accepted (after all it was a great new
challenge). Even now. the anubios are primarily warriors hired
by other races as mercenaries. Thcy know how 10 operate com-

, pUlers. pilot spaceships and room vehicles. and use energy weap-
ons. but most know little about science or manufacluring. They
are famous for being superior fighter pilots. robot pilols and spe-
f • cial forces operatives (especially sed and destroy).

Anubios (An new boys)

Alignmenl: Any. but most are anarchiSI.
Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 206. P.S. 306+6. P.P.
406+J. P.E. 306+3. P.B. 206. Spd. 606
Anubios Hit Points: P.E. plus 206 per level of experience.
The abrasive. ballering conditions of the planet Norima have S.D.C.: 306x I0+20
pounded the Anubio mountain people into tough. hardy warriors. Natural A.R.: 12
These beings resemble giant. lanky Eanh baboons. with long Height: 7 feet 6 inches plus 306 inches (2.4 to 2.7 01).
snouts. sharp teeth. and close-set eyes. Their bodies are covered Weight: 300 plus 3D6xlO pounds (I SO 10 217 kg).
in a tough hairless hide with hard plates covering pans of Iheir Average Life Span: 75 years
head. neck, shoulders. and hips. They nonnally sland about eight Super Abilities: Available Super Power Categories are hnrd-
feet (2.3 01) tall. These people love physical and mental chal- ware. physical training. and robotics (giant robot combat vc-
hides and power armor/exoskeletons). Less than 6% have
undergone bionic reconSlruction and fewer than 2% have
psionic powers or practice magic. Only the rare mutant or ex-
periment has super abilities (aboul 1%).
Natural Abilities: +2 On iniliative. +3 to save vs horror factor.
+2 to roll with impact or fall. +5% 10 climb. gymnastics and
swim skills. can leap 15 feet (4.6 m) high or lengthwise, ex-
cellent sense of smell and keen vision.
Fa\"orite Weapons: Anubio warriors love plasma. energy and
vibro-blades/melee weapons.
Favorite Vehicles: Giant combat robols,jet packs and hover ve-
Preferred Armor: None. if they can avoid it. Even robot vehi-
cles which they are so good at pilOling take away some of the
excitemenl and challenge that is presenl in one on one hand
to hand combat. However. the anubios are far from foolish
and will wear armor and use whatever is necessary to win a
Familiarity with Earth: Their dala sySlems hold infonnation on
Earth equal 10 the "Some FamiliarilY" result on the Familiar-
ity with Earth table.
Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG selting, the anubios
will be regarded as monstrous D-bees. The Coalition States will
see lhem as dangerous beings. but if the aliens show loyahy and
respect for the CS. the po""ers Ihat be may be able to convince
themselves that the aliens are mUlom animols and hire them as
mercenaries for missions outside of the Coalition States terrilo-
ries (like Tolkeen and Ihe Pe<:os Empire). The anubios will be
impressed by the CS troops. as well as cyber-knights. crazies.
juicers. dragons and other superior warriors. They don"t think
much of magic. The Splugorth will also be inlerested in these
warriors for gladiatorial games. hirelings and slave stock. The
anubios mercenaries will find plenty of jobs and opportunities in neers. Those with other abilitics are also honored members of
the IUmultuous and war-r"Jcked world of Rifts Earth. Available society and find work that best suits their abilities. The capuci"s
Rifts O.C.C..s for anubios characters include robot combat pilot can be of any educational background.. but they are strongly
(equal to an NGR power armor commando or robot combat pi- urged to cnter fields where their special abilities would most"
lot. or CS RPA. or Veritech pilot). headhunter. borg. mercenary benefit the capuci people. This matching of superhuman abilities
(any), military (any: CS. NGR and most others). Most will avoid 10 the best area for their application and the apes natural high in·
juicer or crazy augmentation. telligence and inquisitive nature have enabled them 10 develop
They are definitely mega-damage creatures in the Rifts envi- some of the mosl advanced technology. lethal we3pons and fin-
ronment. Their weapons and equipment are also likely to be est products in the galaxy. especially in regards 10 robotics and
mega-damage items. bionics.
If set in the Rifts: Phase World environment. the basic set- The capucis have a small military presence in space. They
ting described for Heroes Unlimited is applicable.. Most will be spend mOSI of their time in the areas of manufaclUring and de-
tough mercenaries. pirales and adventurers. velopment. The search for other areas of knowledge. technology.
and inspiration are prime motives for their space programs.
However. when one looks at their superior tech-level and re-
Capucis - - - - - - - - - - - - sources. it is obvious that the capucis are nOI wor1ting 10 their
The capucis are a lall. thin race of apeish humanoids with a full potcnlial in the area of space exploration and colonization.
keen intelle<:t and psionic powers.. Their fur lends to be long like They are limid and reserved. making few overtures to other life
the Earth orangutan and grows in a long mane on the top and forms. They seldom Slep out in the fore from of imergalaclic
sides of their heads. Their arms and legs are long and delicate, politics and tend to have an isoiaiionisl attitude. especially re-
ending in hands wilh six long slender fingers.. Their golden eyes garding visitors to their homeworld. \\hich is highly restricted.
are large with rippling streaks of black instead of the normal hu- Consequemly. they are often overlooked among lhe galactic
man pupil. The capucis have evolved from a race of peaceful community and never considered a military power (which is
vegetarians and one of the least war-like of the ape races. how they want it). Some people have taken this conduct to mean
Most have well developed psionic abilities. while a small per- that the capocis think they are bener than anybody else. This is
centage exhibit select super abilities. Those with psionic abilities not true. the capucis. despite their great achievements. are timid
such as teleme<:hanics. lotal recall. speed reading and me<:hano- and reclusive by nature.. The level of their current involvement
link are pan of the upper class. and worit as scientists and engi- was a difficult and frightening step for them.

Capucis (pronounced Cah pew see)
Alignment: Any. but the vast majority are timid anarchist or un-
principled. about 25% are good and 15% are evil.
Attributes: J.Q. 306+6. M.E. 206. M.A. 206+2. P.S. 306. P.P.
4D6. P.E. 306. P.B. 2D6+2. Spd. 506
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus I D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 506 plus skill bonuses
Height: 8 feet plus 606 inches (2.6 to 3.4 m).
Weight: I O6xlOO plus 500 pounds (272 to 498 kg).
Average Life Span: 100 years
Super Abilities: Capucis are limited to the Super Power Catego-
ries of psionics, robOlics and bionics (cyborg and robot char-
acters lose their psi-powers immediately after bionic/robot
conversion). Only 4% of all capucis exhibil "super abililies"
land those are always limited to either the minor powers of
heightened senses (player's choice of two) and radar sense.
or Ihe major powers of mechano-link or control others (pick
The Game Master may allow the character to choose his
education based on the power category and abilities gener-
ated. or he may assign an appropriate educational background
and career.
Natural Abilities: None other than those already described.
Special Weapons. Vehicle & Equipment: Capuci weapons, ro-
bots and space technology are as advanced as the alorians and
bener than most of the mher races in their galaxy (and equal
or slightly superior to the Kittani or Naruni from Rifts Earth).
Typical energy weapons will inflict ID6 more damage Ihllfl
average and have a 33% greater range and payload per clip.
Most will be I D4x10% lighter and of sleek design. Vehicles,
including spaceships. will be 25% faster and more responsive The cebus are an example of the ultimate sadness of war and
to the pilot (+2 to dodge. +5% on piloting skill and the per- the final folly of a war-like race. The cebus entered into a war_
fonnance of special moves) and can have up to 10% more ar- with the Atorian Empire over planeloid mining and salvage
mor. rights in an asteroid field near their home planet. The atorians al·
lowed the war to go on just long enough to draw Ihe attention of
Preferred Armor: Capucis use body annors only when neces-
other worlds and nations. and used the cebus as a show of their
sary. These can be anything from light vests to environmental
incredible power by shattering a world.
annor and robot vehicles.
Anti-maller technology is rare, dangerous to manufacture and
Familiarity with Earth: The capucis have no familiarity or in-
hideously expensive even for the atorians but they uscd one of
terest with Earth. However. they are experimenting with warp
their AM bombs on the cebus while the galaxy watched. The
dril'es and dimensionallTavel.
planet ruptured and broke into massive pieces. Billions were
Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG selling, the aliens will killed in a mailer of seconds. The alOrians and their manteHa
be regarded as O-bees. The Coalition Siaies will see them as lackeys scallered or destroyed the cebus spac.e craft and the war
dangerous only if they exhibit their scientific knowledge (which ended.
is greater than the CS) or psionic powers. On Rifts Earth. most The Atorian Empire sold the mining rights to both the con-
capucis will be a mind meher. or a master psionic with one of tesled asteroid belt and the shattered debris of the cebus home-
these O.c.c.s: operator. rogue scientisl. cyber-doc. body fixer. or world. The display of unprecedented powcr and cruelty gained
robot pilot (equal to an NGR power annor commando or robot the Empire many new allies and quietcd scores of other disputes
combat pilot or CS RPA). Given the opportunity. some may that had been brewing - despite rumors that the atorians have
study magic. been unable to duplicale more than one additional anti-mailer
If set in the Rifts: Phase World environment. the basic sce- bomb since that terrifying day nearly 100 years ago.
nario in this book is appropriate. Most will tend to be scientists Meanwhile. the cebus survivors slTuggled with the nightmare
and the same types of characters as they are on Rifts Eanh. They that had befallen Iheir people. Many survivors gave into sorrow
are likely to associate or trade with Naruni Enterprises. Phase and despair and killed themselves on suicide runs against Ihe
World and other advanced civilizations, but not the Splugonh. forces of the Aterian Empire. or took their own lives. Those who
They definitely would posses mega-damage technology. tmmaged to cope and endure went 011 to join other force:- again:-t
Ihe a1orians. or wandered off to build new lives elsewhere. If set in Ihe Rifts: Phase World environment. the basic sce-
Fewer than ten thousand cebus are believed to exist scallered nario as for this book is appropriate. Most will dislike oulfits and
throughout the galaxy. More than a hundred are seldom found monsters such as aruni Enterprises, Cibolans, Sunaj. vampires
together at anyone place. and the Splugonh.
These ape-men are powerfully built and courageous warriors.
lnelr fur is nonnally shon and covers most of their body, much
like chimpanzees on Eanh. The only excepting is the fine black
hair on their heads which they grow long and wear in a pony-
tail. The educational backgrounds of the cebus are varied, but
the large majorily are military specialists and all too many are
bem on seeking retribution againsl the Atorian Empire - many
have become mercenaries. pirates and terrorists. Some h:lVe
learned a powerful lesson from their experience and now roam
the galaxy as proteclors of the weak and preach of peace and co-
operation. 1beir hatred of the atorians has awakened a disdain
for war and anyone who abuses power. They are roving paladins
who hope to bnng some light into the lives of others.

Ccbus (pronounced seh bus)

Alignment: Any. Those who have become paladins tend to be
of a good alignments. Pirates are Iypically selfish and evil. Ter·
rorists will be anarchist or evil. depending on their targets, goals.
and tactics.
Attributes: I.Q. 306, M.E. 306, M.A. 306, P.S. 506, P.P. 306.
P.E. 3D6. P.B. 206+3. Spd. 606
Hit Points: P.E. xl plus lOOper level of experience.
S.D.C.: 2D4x10
Height: 5 feet plus I D6 inches (1.5 to 1.6 m).
Weight: ISO plus ID4xIO pounds (72 to 86 kg).
A,·erage Life Span: 80 years
Super Abilities: Cebus are typically limited to the Super Power
Categories of bionics. hardware. physical training, and robot-
ICS. Less than I % have superpowers as a result of mUlation or
genetic experimenls. and even fewer have pursued the mystic
Special Weapons and Vehicles: Anylhing that will do the job
including atorian. capuci and other items. They also have a Dyteens
grellt fondness for Kisentite swords and axes; the weapons The nonh Imlar region of the planet Shia is thc homc of thc
thm survived the Creat Holocaust have been passed down as Dyteens. Compared to the 210 dcgree Fahrenheit (99 C) tcm-
family heirlooms for generalions. peratures found on the majority of the planet. the 110 degrees
Preferred Armor: Cebus Paladin Class Environmental Baule (43 C) polar region is a cool respite. Funhennore. the dyteens
Annor (CPCEBA): A.R. 17. S.D.C.: 200 with detachable jet live in lhe only, tiny region blessed with a rain and a regular sup-
pack. relTaetable twin Kisentite foreann blades (or vibm- ply of water. There is no ice at the poles. but il mins regularly
blades: 306 damage) and laser foreann blaster (206+2 dam- and a lush rain forest thrives there.
age. 500 fOOl/IS3 m range, and unlimited payload -tied to The dyteens have built a prosperous civilization. They are
the armor's nuclear power supply). technologically advanced. have a young space program and util-
Familiarity with Earth: The cebus have no familiarity with ize rohols and limited cybernetics. II was only after they
Eanh. Our planet is very much like their destroyed home- launched their space program 79 years ago Ihat they discovered
world. except for a lighter gravity. Survivors would be happy the humanoid race known as the shissans living on Shia~ This
on Eanh. was a surprise since the shis~ans claim to be illdigenou~ to the
Rifts Notes: These aliens will be regarded as D-bees and the planet and yet. the dyteens had never discovered them in Iheir
Coal ilion States will see them as dangerous only if they exhibit entire 4500 years history of civilization! Scholars and scientist's
their scientific knowledge, combat expenise or it they challenge hypothesis that it "is" possible they never discovered the shis-
the CS tyranny against other D-bees. On Rifts Eanh, most cebus sans. bUI highly unlikely. 97% of the planet is a blazing desen
cyber-knights. headhunters. wilderness scouts. mercenaries with temperatures Ihat are deadly to dyteen~. which has pre-
(any). military (any) operators. rogue scientists or robot pilots vented explomtion. Howc\-er, the ape-mcn have mllpped the
(equal to an NCR power annor commando or robot combat pilot planet reasonably well via satellile and have sent several dozen
or CS RPA). Given the opponunily. some may study magic. Any manned and unmanned robots to probe cenain areas of the boil-
"'eapons. armor. vehicles. bots and equipment they bring 10 Rifts ing wastelands of their giant homeworld. The odds thm lhe shis-
Eanh or Phase World will be mega-damage equivalents. sans could have been missed are one in 50 million. especially
since they claim to have developed space technology inde- Preferred Armor: Lightly annored environmental body armor:
pendently. Most dyteens believe the shissians are alien refugees A.R. 14. S.D.C. 70.
who only arrived on Shia 80 to 100 years ago. Since the shissans Familiarit)' with Earth: No familiarity
arc masters of the mystic arts. some have suggested that they Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG sctting. the characters
used magic to travel from their world. or perhaps a different di- will be seen as a mutants or D-bees. These t:haracters are S.D.C.
mension entirely. to Shia. Considering their reputation through- life-forms but their weapons and equipment arc likcly to be
out the galaxy as intergalactic con-artists. smugglers and mega-damage items in Ihe Rift sclling. Arriv:\1 on Rifts Eanh is
criminals. the dyteens are probably right. likely via a dimensional anomaly. magic or as a slave or refugee.
Since the appearance of the manipulative and treacherous If sel in the Rifts: Phase World environmenl, the scenario of
:-his:.ans. the dyteens must be constantly on their toes to avoid slave, explorer, mercenary. or space adventurer works fine.
getting drawn into one of their schemes or conflicts with people Some are good guys and others may be vill:lins.
and govemments they have cheated. )n fact, the shissans have
made them wary and distrustful of other humanoids. especially
practitioners of magic. Many dyteens go into the galaxy as
champions of justice. often defending people from or warning
them about the shissans and their profit generating vemures
(profitable only for them).
"The two races are not monal enemies. but some dyteens have
taken it upon themselves to personally disrupt Ihe underhanded
games of the shissans and villains like them. Most shissans don't
take this Il1terference personally and find the whole situation
amusing. Heck. some even genuinely like the dyteens and would
come to their aid if they needed it. or feel badly if onc of their
scams got them into trouble.
The hairy humanoids maintain a reasonable military force for
their nation. but their entire population only numbers upproxi-
matcly 54 million. and their domain is only the size of the
United States of America, representing less than 2% of the entire
planel's surface. Combat training is pretty basic and primarily
defensive. but dyteens are capable fighters and don't take threats
or misconduct lightly. They stand up for themselves and their~­
hefs. which are freedom. democl""dcy and the pursuit of knowl-
edge and happiness. Their space program is designed 10 learn
more about their galaxy and the OIher life fornls in it. They have
heard of the Atorian Empire and have recently cOl11acted the
Federation of Allied Races. Their venture into space is a leaming
and growing experience thai makes mosl dyteens better people.

Dyteen (pronounced dye-teen)

Alignment: Any. but most are good, unprincipled or anarchist.
Allributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 406. M.A. 406. P.$. 406. P.P.
306+2. P,E. 306. P.B. 206+2. Spd. 306
Hit Points: Siandard. P.E. plus 106 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 40
Height: 5 feel plus 406 inches (1.6 to 2.1 m).
Weight: 100 plus 2D6xl0 pounds (54 to 100 kg).
Average Life Span: 85 years Thc maeus once shared their dark homeworld of Ropora with
Appearance: The dyteens are aboul the same size as humans the Mantella (sec their entry in the amphibian section). The mili-
and resemble Ennh chimpanzees, Their bodies are covered in tary-oriented maeus clashed and ballied wilh the mantella for
a light fur thai ranges in color from white to silver 10 black, hundreds of years, until Ihe amphibians fornled an alliance with
Super Abilities: Most dyteens are nOl super heroes nor possess the Atorian Empire. Realizing they would be crushed by the evil
super powers or psionics. Many are scient iSIs. soldiers and or- Empire. the maeus poured all of their resources into building a
dinary people trying to explore the universe. Player charac- fleet of spacecraft 10 lake their people off the planet and away
ters and NPCs can be anyone of the following Super Power from their enemies.
Categories: bionics (very limited). robotics. hardware or Their mission has been successful at least in pan. Approxi-
physical training. Umil recently. dyteens have never pursued mately. 30% of their people have been welcomed on other
magic. but Ihanks 10 Iheir shissan co-inhabitants a few (about peaceful worlds. An additional 15% have found a small planet to
2%) are beginning 10 practice the mystic arts. share with Ihe successful with the primitive but friendly indige-
Special Weapons and Vehicles: Basically the full range of nous population. However. most continue to search for a new
weapons and vehicles available. homeland. As strange as it may seem. many maeus are content
with their life of wandering (its been nearly 150 years since they Natural Abilities: +2 on initiative. +2 to roll with fall or impact.
fled their homeworld). As they swept through the Atorian empire +2 to save vs horror factor.
as a great fleet of a million ships. they acted as a liberating army Special Weapons and Vehicles: A vast array of every kind of
dealing out justice, and opposing the Atorian Empire whenever energy weapon, body annor. vehicle, and space craft.
they could. They quickly earned a reputation as an army of pala- Roughly equal 10 the current standard of the universe but not
dins and redeemers. It is reputation that the maeus enjoyed and as advanced as the AlDrian Empire or capucis.
have continued to maintain, even though the great fleet has been Preferred Armor: Maeus environmental body annor: A.R. 16,
reduced by people who have settled on other worlds and divided S.O.C.: 180.
into several smaller units. Still the legendary Maeus Paladins Familiarity with Earth: The wanderings of the maeus have
numbers have remained surprisingly high by attracting and ac- brought them into close proximity with Earth several times.
cepting other people with similar values and a desire to help oth- As a result of recordings tapped from satellites and radio
ers. Among their numbers are nearly a thousand cebus (the large transmissions, their computers hold knowledge equal to the
gathering in the universe), thousands of innensi. naltereri, axo- "Some familiarity" result on the Familiarity with Earth table.
lotl, deurycans, sorinams, humans and many other champions of Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG setting, the maeus will
justice. goodness and freedom. In many regards, the maeus fleet be regarded as O-bees. The Coalition States will see them as
represents a mobile nation of free people from many worlds, and dangerous beings because of their alien technology, abilities and
may eventually become an artificial world where those who be- because they promote peace and unity among other D-bees. The
lieve in justice and freedom can escape the many injustices and maeus with their paladin way will almost certainly clash with the
• that plague the galaxy.
horrors CS and other despot rulers sooner or later. These waniors will
The smaller splinter groups share the main fleet's sentiments, find the injustice and villainy on Rifts E:mh to be a sign that
goals and disciplines but are able to focus on smaller troubles they are needed there. They will travel the land like cyber-
and the plights of people who might be otherwise missed. These knights righting wrongs and protecting the innocent.
groups can be as small as a dozen vessels or number into the Maeus weapons and technology is likely 10 be mega-damage
hundreds. complete with battleships and destroyers. items equal to the Coalition.
Both the large and small fleets engage in humanitarian relief. If sel in the Rifts: Phase World environment. the basic set-
Critics and allies of the Atorian Empire call them pirates, free- ting described for Heroes Unlimited is applicable. Most will be
booters and mercenaries. In some ways they are mercenaries. be- good hearted heroes fighting villainy and injustice.
cause they are willing to work for those in need of a small (or
large) military force for a good cause. Funhermore. some of the
smaller groups have been known to pilot gunships or serve as es- Thropo - - - - - - - - - - - -
cons for pirates, smugglers and enemies of the atorians who raid
mantella or alDrian vessels and outpoSts, or operate illegally 'in Based on ideas by Cathy Breaux
their territory. Having a battleship on your side can be a big
benefit, especially in small skirmishes. If the cause is a good The thropos are a race of aberrant, combat~orientcd apes that
one, these champions wil1 charge only enough to bolster their resemble gorillas. Their society is a tightly structured, almost
supplies and make repairs before they move on. In many in- feudal system with a twisted code of honor and system of birth--
stances, they don't charge anything at all. rights. The homeworld of the thropos is an irradiated nightmarc
of their own making. Their civilization was buill without regard
A large collection of maeus military spacecraft are found in
for Ihe environmental. That combined with war h:IS made the
the service of the Federation of Allied Races (FAR). These war-
planet a polluted industrial nightmare covered in toxic wastes.
ships have joined the protective line that defines the demarcation
dead forests and bathed in acid min. The thropos have adapted as
zone between the Atorian Empire. FAR and other free peoples
they gradually polluted their home and are immune to many of
(see the Federation of Allied Races for additional information).
its dangers.
The Maeus have a wizened appearance very much like that of
They are another strong and steadra~t member of thc Atorian
an orangutan. They have small twinkling eyes. flat noses, and
Empire. As such. they maintain a large standing amly. skilled in
prominent muzzles. Their fur is brightly colored in ranges from
many fonns of combat. stratcgies Hnd tactics. Soldiers are
bright red to a vibrant mahogany brown. They always seem to
trained in the use of energy weapons. battle suits lind combat ve-
look at the positive side of things and have a pleasant, comfon-
hicles. Elite thropo troops and military specialist.~ are used for
ing disposition.
important missions of destruction. assassination. smuggling and
Maeus (pronounced mowz) espionage. There are those Thropos who do not agree with the
Alignment: Any, but the vast majority are good. policies of their people and their alliance with the Atorians.
Attributes: I.Q. 306+2, M.E. 306, M.A. 406+6, P.S. 406, P.P. These are usually characters of a good alignment with a strong
306, P.E. 306. P.B. 3D6, Spd. 406 sense of honor and a high regard for lifc. Of course. those who
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus I D6 per level of experience. display such sentiments or speak against the Empire are outcasts.
S.D.C., 50 Some have joined the military just to gel into space (and a posi-
Height: 5 feet plus 306 inches (1.5 to 2.0 m). tion to desert 10 the maeus or FAR). The tenn for warriors who
Weight: 100 plus 2D4x10 pounds (54 to 82 kg). abandon the Atorian Empire and their people is "Ronin," It is
Average Life Span: 135 years said that the first and most skilled of the apes to abandon his evil
Super Abilities: They can be from any Super Power Category; people look this title from some back water planet at the edge of
10% are psionic and 10% have super abilities via experimen- the galaxy (Eanh).
tation or mutation. 71
and 10% bionic. All have great physical strength. a lust for
blood and are trained high-tech soldiers.
Natural Abilities: Thropos are immune to the effects and dam-
age of radiation. but they give off low levels of it themselves.
This mdiation will begin to hann those exposed 10 it for two
weeks or more unless a protective suit is worn. They are also
+2 to save vs poisons and drugs and a +6 to save vs horror
Special Weapons and Vehicles: Anything at the disposal of the
Atorian Empire.
Preferred Armor: Heavy environmental body annal': A,R. 17.
S.O.c.: 280. Many Ronins prefer environmental annor styled
like the old samurai annal' of Earth: A.R, 16, S,O.c. 240.
Familiarity with Earth: Equal 10 Ihe "Some familiarity" with
Earth result on the Familiarity with Earth table.
Rif't Notes: Basically the same as the anubios.

Trogolo - - - - - - - - - - - -
These blonde chimpanzee-like aliens have the usual ape fea-
tures along with a coat of four to six inch fur that helps protect
them from the cold temperatures on Bornima. their homeworld.
The trogolo civilization. society and technology is advanced to a
point about equal to E.1rth of the 1960's, but they haven't even
considered space exploration and haven't discovered nuclear en-
ergy. The avemge temperature around the equator is 40 degrees
Fahrenheit. This is where the cities and population centers are
found. The colder areas to the north and south can plummet to
40 degrees below zero. Social outcasts and criminals are ban-
ished there. ralher Ihan be executed. If they can survive. they are
allowed to eke out an existence in the wilderness. Hundreds of
revolutionaries. political exiles, and criminals have been sent by
the trogolo to the northern wastes: less than 40% survive.
Thropo~, e..peciilily Ronins. have an affinity for quality
bladed weapons. especially Kisenlite. vibro and energy blades. Totally unknown to the authorities and citizens. some of the -
Long, thin swords are favorites and many Ronins have adopted exiles have found technological artifacts under the depths of the
the katana (the first Ronin and his adoption of ancient Japanese ice from an earlier civilization. or alien visitors. The initially dis-
Earth culture started the Thropo-Ronin movemenl and has been covers it believed it to be a lost city beneath the ice. bUltheir de·
a great influence on the people). All Thropos use kisentite weap- scendants and other outcasts who have continued the
onry. Despite their love for melee weapons. they do use a large excavations realize that it is a large spacecraft entombed in the
variety of modem energy weapons and other high-tech weapons ice.
of destruction. including power annor and robot vehicles.
The vessel is designed for human/trogolo-sized humanoids.
Their civilization is only slightly more advanced than that of but lillie else is known about it. The mystery of the craft is be-
Earth, but as Empire members. they have access to some of the coming deeper and deeper as the exiles explore ils interior. One
most advanced equipment in the galaxy. especially weaponry. mystery is thai the food supply is fresh and appears to magically
Alignment: Any, but most are anarchist or miscreant. replenish its reserves providing a potentially endless amount of
Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306, M.A. 206, P.S. 506+6. P.P, food. Another is the unshakable feeling that craft is eerily alive
306. P.E. 406. P.B. 206. Spd. 506 and may be studying them! Occasionally. crew members will
Hit Points: Standard. disappear. never to be seen again!! No bodies of the crew or
S,D.C.: lD4xlO plus 40 wrinen records have ever been found. The language used on la-
Height: 6 feet plus 106 inches (1.8 to 2.0 m). bels is undecipherable and 90% of its computers and other sys-
Weighl: 190 plus I D6 pounds (87 to 89 kg) . tems remain inoperable (whether they are destroyed or simple
Average Life Span: 60 years. shut off is not yet known. Note: The authorities don't know any-
Super Abilities: 40% of all thropos possess the minor super thing about this vessel. The outcasts keep it a closely guarded se-
abilities of rada,. and heightened sense of hearing (providing cret, The question is what exactly is this spaceship and what
Ihe following bonuses: + 1 additional anack. +10 initiative. +3 kind of power may fall into the hands of the criminals and radi-
strike. +3 parry. and +5 dodge). cals who have uncovered it.
24% are mutanlS with OIher random powers. 10% hardware

Avian Races
These aliens are from planets where birds have evolved into
intelligent humanoids. In order to develop an advanced civiliza-
tion. they would need hands. This is generally true of all avian
humanoids. olher than the rare exception where the evolutionary
process included the growth of an additional pair of limbs. None
of those listed here have wings. All of the avian races have
feathers and most will have light bone Slructures. Their fingers
tend to be long and delicate. or strong and thick. with sharp tal-
ons. Their feet are often large and clawed. but only 40% are pre-
hensile. Feather coloration can range from blacks and grays to
brighl and iridescent colors of all kinds.

The elecians are a technologically advanced race. proud of its
achievements. They do not consider themselves galactic mer-
chants, but provide advanced technology to the residents of a
half dozen worlds. and they have become a rich people by seIl-
ing their goods. Many of their production facilities are located
on some of these planets to take advantage of cheaper labor or to
avoid space lransponation costs. All things considered. the
elecians have mastered the an of big business. Some of these
worlds have become so dependent on them that they would suf-
fer greatly if the elecians should ever abandon them.
Private and government industry and scientific communities
CD-exist and often work together. but also work independent of
each other. The military is strong but not oppressive or domi-
The elecians' achievements include advanced communica-
Ttogolo (pronounced trow go low) tions. medicine. manufacturing. space travel, weapons. bionics,
Alignment: Any robolics. and experimental programs in many differem areas. in-
Atlributes: I.Q. 306, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 306. P.P. 306, cluding genetics. time travel and magic. The only things Ihe-
P.E. 406, P.B. 206. Spd. 306 elecians do nOI sell to others are weapons and weapon manufac-
Hit Points: P.E. plus 204 per level of experience. turing technology. However. while they may promote peace and
S.D,C.: lD6xlO refuse to sell weapons 10 Olhers, they have developed a wide
Height: 5 feet plus 3D6 inches (1.6to 2.0 m). range of items for their own defense (they are one of the very
Weight: 120 plus 2D6xl0 pounds (6310109 kg). few races to have microwave guns). This is a general praclice
A"erage Life Span: 70 years. observed by scrupulous business-men and enforced by law.
Super Abilities: 80% of the population doesn't have any super Some weapons do make it onto the black market and are sold to
powers. but 12% are mutams and 8% have psionic powers. other planets. pirates and mercenaries. Small merchant opera-
Approximately 65% of the criminals and exiles have powers tions can leak a few at a time into the market and get away wilh
from one of these categories. it. However. large shipments are very difficult to pull off and il-
Natural Abilities: Resistant to cold (half damage). +4 to save vs legal anns dealers face stiff criminal charges (treason for one).
any cold-based allack or condition. and can be imprisoned for life. or even executed!
Spttial Weapons or Vehicles: Nothing note wonhy. Their society is similar to Eanh·s. with a democratic republic
Preferred Armor: Standard bullet proof vests. The alien space- and relative freedom of speech and expression. Tbere is the
craft contains two dozen environmental annors: A.R. 17. wealthy. the middle class. laborers and the poor. However. while
S.D.C. 220.: and some energy weapons. there are those of lower income. there is little poveny and mini-
Familiaril~' with Earth: None. In fact. they don't know about mal crime. TIle society is prelly open-minded. As a result. even
any other intelligent life fonns. areas of study avoided or forbidden on other worlds. such as
Rifts Notes: Roughly the same as the anubios. magic. nourish. The very stable civilization is dull and boring to
many of the avians. Many join the military or space merchant
marines in search of adventure and glory. They tend 10 be proud.
arrogant. and condescending characters. but Ihe majority of them
will be of good alignment. spirit. lind intentions.

Familiarity with Earth: The elecians have studied Earth to de-
cide if it would be worth selling technology to. but they de-
cided that lhe humans are not ready to join the galactic
community. and are dangerous to work with at their current
level of civilization. Their knowledge of Earth is equal to the
"Some familiarity" result on the Familiarity with Earth table.
Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG selling. the elecians
will be regarded as inhuman O-bees. They can be dimensional
travelers accidently brought to the Rifts Megaverse or they can
be an active race within lhe Megaverse. If the laller. they trade
with Naruni Enterprises and possibly others and are likely to
reach Earth via a breakthrough in their own dimension travelling
research or via Phase World. The Coalition States will see them
as dangerous beings because they are educated. promote learn-
ing and interracial cooperation and possess advanced alien tech-
nology and mystic or superhuman powers. The CS may even
launch a campaign of extennination or post a bounty on their
In the Rifts selting. the weapons. annor and technology of
these avians will be mega-damage.

Gallopas - - - - - - - - - - -
For eons the gallopas had thrived under the slightly radioac-
tive skies of their homeworld Gagine. Every hundred years. the
people were witnesses to an incredible cosmic anomaly that lit
up the midnight sky with a display of swirling lights. culminat-
ing six hours later with a fiery glow that made il seem as if the
atmosphere were on fire, The centennial phenomenon was a sa-
cred Gallopa holy day, a once in a lifetime event thai signaled a
week of celebration. GaUopas everywhere gathered for the
As avian humanoids, their bodies are covered in feathers thaI event, In addition. millions of other people arrived in spaceships
can be pure whitc or lightcr shades of brown. Because of low from all comers of the galaxy 10 watch and record the legendary
gravlly homeworld, they are tall and thin. with long, delicate fin- event and join in the celebration as they had for the lasl 300
gers and limbs. Their heads are shon and rounded. but the beak years. One exception would be the crew of the baltleship B~.
l~ long and tapering. bella. who went on a mission to aid a space station besieged by
Elecians (pronounced Eh-Iee-see-uns)
Alignment: Any. but most are good or selfish. On Gagine. the people prepared themselves for the coming
Allributes: I.Q. 306+ I. M.E. 206+4, M.A. 206+2. p.s. 306. spectacle. Celebrations and parties were in full swing as the hour
P.P. 406, P.E. 306. P.B. 3D6, Spd. 506. approached. At midnighl the sky exploded with dazzling lights
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 1D6 per level of experience. and began to glow with a fiery brilliance. but then something
S.D.C.: 1D4x IO. went lerribly wrong. When the Babella battleship arrived lhe
Height: 6 feet plus 406 inches (1.9 to 2.3 01). next day. all the people of Gagine were gone! All magnetic re-
Weight: 120 plus 2D6xlO pounds (5410100 kg). cords and compulers were wiped clean as if the planet had been
Average Life Span: 80 years. bombarded wilh powerful electromagnetic waves or solar nares.
Super Abilities: Any power category is available to elecians, Other than some isolated fires. lhere was no sign of foul play or
Roughly 25% have undergone partial or full bionic recon- invasion. The 3.6 million visitors who had come to watch the
struclion, 15% pilot combat-style robots or exoskeletons spectacle from orbit around the planet were also gone. ships and
(large and small), 15% are hardware. 15% arc the product of all!
super power experiments or mutation, and 5% are practitio- SiXlY years laler. nobody has any idea what happened. The
ners of magic and lhe rest are other. crew of lhe Babella and approximately 80,000 other gallopas
Special Weapons: Microwave guns and laser pulse rifles (10% off-world were the only survivors. About half have returned to
greater range than others). See weapons section for examples. Gagine to rebuild. but the place is a gigantic ghost town used by
Special Vehicles: Antigravity disks that attach 10 the back or pirates. mercenaries and refugees. However. most people avoid
chest. Double the typical speed and weighl allowance of olh- the planet. lerrified thaI they will suffer the same bizarre fale as
ers. the gallopas.
I'referred Armor: Elecian environmental suit: A.R. 17, S.D.C. The crew of the Babella and lheir descendants have spent
250.25% lighter lhan mosl. with only a -5% prowl penalty. decades searching for some answers. They are convinced that
They also use a variety of olhers as well as robol and bionic their people are alive somewhere. The most popular theory is
thai Ihey were -.omehow '1ud,ed through a dimensional vonex Gallopas (pronounced gal-oh-paws)
and exisl in anOlher dimcm.ion. or were nung backward or for-
Alignment: Any. although cull isis tend 10 be anarchist or evil.
ward in time. but nobody really has allY idea.
Altribules: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 306. P.P. 306.
Gallopas have a rough. lumpy appearance to their skin. but it
P.E. 306. P.B. 206. Spd. 606
is actually sofl and nexible. with colors ranging from white to
Hil Points: P.E. xl plus I D6 per level of experience.
bright reds and blues. Despite Iheir avian origins. they have lillie
S.D.C.: ID4xIO
or no fealhers. and mosl are complelely bald. Their heads are
Heighl: 6 feel plus 106 inches (1.8102.0 m).
shon and rounded. tapenng to a pollllcd beak. Mosl tend to be
Weighl: 190 plus I D6 pounds (87 10 89 kg).
thlll. bUllhelr bone Mruclure is not as dclicale as in most avians.
Al'erage Lire Span: 75 years
Many of lhe ~UrvIVO~ are biller. cynical and disillusioned Super Abililies: Of the survivors. 50% praclice magic. 30%
people. They have 'iCCn the \IoOl'\t ~ide of lhe univer.oe and it has possess psionics and lhe rest can be any of the Super Power
crushed then .!oplnh and dnven ~me to the brink of madness. Categories found in Heroes Unlimiled. or be nonnal folks.
Many are loner<.. hennlls. prospeCIOrs. wilderness SCOUIS or Among the original gallopas. students of magic repre-
\'agabonds. OIhe.... are a(henturers or reconstructionisI5 who sellled only 25% of the population and tO% had super abili-
cling 10 life and are dedlcaled to rebuildmg. Many have :.Ianed ties.
religious cult... turnmg to m)slici~m. the supem'l.Iural and !he DC- Nalural Abilities: ResistanllO radiation: +6 to save. keen hawk-
cuil as meam 10 cope or III ~arch of anS\Ioers. like vision equal to the minor super power advanced sight.
• The largesl cull i.. lhe Children of Anarch~·. who believe thai and +1 on inilialive.
lhe ul1l\-er.e i~ a place of conSlant \-Iolent change and that noth- Special Weapons & Vehicles: The full range of advanced
IIlg is abMllUle. The) IIl!>lSt Ihat all intelligent life fonns are juS! weaponry. vehicles. spaceships and equipment.
liny. insignificant speck.!. who~ actions and accomplishments Prererred Armor: Gallopas environmental body annor. A.R.
ha."e no meanlllg in the grealer scheme of the cosmos. 50% are 15. S.D.C. 110: good mobililY.
m)slic\. 30Cl p!o)chic!o and the rest. a conglomeration of many Familiarily with Earth: None.
beliefs and occupallons. Most are of an anarchisl or evil align- Rifts Noles: Pretty much the same as lhe elccians. The big
ment who Ignore the law.. of all people. do as Ihey please and question is. where did lhey vanish 10? Was it 10 Phase World or
engage in violelll. decadent. murderous and self-serving activi- another dimension? Did Ihe Splugonh use the stmnge dimension
lies. 20'l are lIl~ne or leelenng. on Ihe brinl... The cult is grow- warping phenomenon. brimming with mystic energy. to zap the
IIlg and facllons ha."e cropped up throughout the galaxy. usually the enlire planet"s population onlO one of lheir slave worlds or 10
among evil and selfish groups. a location where Ihey could be: caplured and ensla\-'ed (or per-
haps it was some olher alien intelligence. god or power)? Was
the phenomenon completely natural? Were the people scattered
randomly throughoul Ihe Megaverse where some perished. olh-
ers thrived. and still olhers were enslaved? Did Ihe people get
pushed oockward or forward in time? Are they safe but trapped
in a dimensional or lemporallimbo? Were olher aliens involved?
We leave the answer to these and other possibilities 10 the imagi-
nation of the Game Master.
In Ihe )hase World setting. they may be alien visitors. ex·
plorers. adventurers. mercenaries. slaves or victims of a dimen·
sional anomaly. They may be enlisted by high-Iech forces or
become a new competitor for Naruni Enterprises and the Splu-

Gymoy - - - - - - - - - - -
In the abrasive atmosphere of Mawon. only the strongest and
loughest survive. All of the planet's nalive life fonns have devel·
oped some fonn of proteclion against the toxic. scalhing almos·
phere. The gymoys are the most prominent of Ihe planel's
intelligent nmives. They have long. oval-shaped heads covered
in a tough skin and bony casing. Their protective hides are cov-
ered wilh hard. bone-like plates as well as softer. lealhery plaling
and Ihick patches of lough. waler resistanl feathers. Their promi-
nent. white to pale grey. bony fealures. prolcclive plates and
scraggly black feathers give Ihem a skelelal or demonic appear-
From Ihe beginning of their history. the Eymoys have been
ruled and led by lheir "Gifted:' people who developed super
abilities. psionic powers or who wielded powerful magic. For
prey and are natural predators who enjoy combat and conquesl.
As they become more familiar with dimensional travel and othcr
worlds, they may become conquerors or at least dimension31

Gymoy (pronounced jim-may)

Alignment: Any. but most gravitate toward selfish and evil.
Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 206, P.S. 406. P.P.
306+1, P.E. 306+2, P.B. 106+1, Spd. 2D4x10
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 1D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 4D4x10+20
Natural A.R.: 15
Horror Factor: 12 for average gymoys, 15 for those wilh magic
or super abilities.
Height: 7 feel plus 306 inches (2.2 10 2.6 m).
Weight: 200 plus 206xl0 pounds (100 to 145 kg).
Average Lire Span: 95 years
Super Abilities: Gifted gymoys are limited to three Super
Power Categories: Magic (65%). psionic (15%) and rnutalll
super beings (20%).
The typical gymoy is fast, strong and deadly. More and
more gymoys are learning magic to the eXlent that 29% of the
overall population are spell casters of some kind and 8% are
psionic or super empowered.
Natural Abilities: Vision and sense of smell equal to the minor
super powers: advanced sight and heightened sense of smell.
Furthermore. Ihey are +2 on inilimive, ambidextrous, + I at-
lack per melee round. +4 10 save vs horror factor and have
nightvision (can see 600 feel/I 83 m in the dark).
Special Weapons: Magic and laser weapons.
Special Vehicles: Magic and hover vehicles. the fastcr the bel-
thousands of years. these avians were primitive. predatory sa~­ Prererred Armor: NOne; most rely on their own natural armor
ages that survived by hunting and gathering food. The strong and magic for protection.
ruled over the weak and the hostile environment ruled over Familiarity with Earth: None.
them. Then. one day, a gymoy wizard developed (discovered) Rins Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG setting, Ihey will be cc-
elemcntal magic to control and block the pulverizing stonns and garded as nightmarish O-bee monsters. The Coalition States will
toxic atlllosphere. He taught the magic to pupils and fonned alli- see them as a serious danger because of their inhuman appear-
ances wilh other mages. Eventually. this small gathering of wiz- ance, natural mega-damage armor, magic and super powers.
ards was 'lble to carve themselves a beller life in a less hostile They may even put a bounty on their heads, or launch a cam-
environment. They built lodgings outside of the caves that had paign of extennination.
sheltered their people for centuries. They were able to fann and In the Rifts setling, the gymoys are mega-damage creatures
rJ.i~ animab. Eventually. the other gymoys left their caves and (4D4xI0+20 M.D.C.) with mega-damage powers. Available
went 10 live in wizard country. After a long period of connict D.C.C.s will include the mind melter, mystic, shifler, and any
and antagonism between the different tribes. especially among practitioner of magic. They can also become wildemess scouts
the Gifted. the majority of people learncd to live in a more or- and mercenaries.
ganil.ed and complex society. The wizards became social leaders The Splugonh. Naruni and Dlher dimensional merchants and
and the developers of civilization. while the Gifted would con- raiders will look at the gymoys with great interest as far as add-
trol the military and defenses of their people. The gymoy mili- ing them 10 their legions of slavers and fighling forces. In the
tary is run by officers with super abilities. and many of their Rifts: Phase World environment. most will be adventurers,
troops have psionic powers, cast magic or possess super abilities. mercenaries, mages or slaves.
This combination of super abilities, psionics and magic. com-
bined with their natural annor and abilities make them a very ef-
fective and powerful fighting force. It has been this way for Struthios-----------
more than a thousand years. The struthios are shan beings with a completely bird-like
In the laSI century. they h:lve begun to explore the Megaverse head and bodies covered in soft white or pink femhers. The eyes
through mystic pon3ls and dimensional Rifts. They have begun are large and inquisitive, the beaks are hooked and their voices
to hire themselves out as mercenaries and hllve discovered other are gravelly and high pitched like that of a parrot.
races and high-Iech weapons. They are especially fond of lasers These avians are natural engineers. Their dexterity and me-
and hover vehicles/platfomls. They arc descendants of birds of chanical aptitude 3re apparent even while they are in Iheir in-
fancy. Few races can equal their mechanical aptitude and love the elite scientists and engineers of the Empire. The rest are scat·
for research and developmenl. Even their personal equipmem is tered throughout the galaxy. Their genius is so coveted that some
customi7.ed and built to their personal specifications. They enjoy groups of struthios can be found among the ranks of the most ad-
having unique equipmem and will linker with everything. in· vanced worlds and space traveling corporations and organiza-
c1uding brand new items. A favorite weapon customization for tions. including the Niamese Coalition.
slnllhios is 10 lake some fonn of archaic weapon. like a bow or
crossbow. and modify it to use modem eoergy or explosives.
Struthios (pronounced strooth.eye-ohs)
Their reputation as technical geniuses has spread across the gal- Alignment: Any
axy. making struthio sciemists. engineers and technicians valu- AUributes: I.Q. 406. M.E. 306. M.A. 406. P.S. 306. P.P. 406.
able and coveted resources (and garners them outrageous P.E. 306. P.B. 3D6. Spd. 3D6x3
salanes). Hil Points: Standard.
The struthlOs are even respected by the Alorian Empire. S.D.C.: 3D4x10 plus 20
which is where disaster befell them. The atorians gave the me- Height: 5 feet plus I D6 inches (1.5 to 1.6 m).
chanical wl.l.ards an imponam contract to research and develop Weight: 160 plus I D4xlO pounds (77 to 91 kg).
mauer/aml-maner systems that would be smaller and more ver- Average Lire Span: 120 years
satile than the clunky giant engines that were a half mile (0.8 Super Abilities: All Siruthios have the major super ability:
km) wide and could stretch for a mile or more in length. The Mechano-link, with the following bonuses: +20% to all pilot-
avian technicians welcomed the challenge and went to work. No ing skills. +20% 10 all pilot relaled skills. +20% to computer.
o~e knows exaclly what went wrong. but one day the struthios electrical and mechanical skills. +2 to strike with modem and
homeworld faltered in it.s orbit and the planel began to slow in energy weapons (but nOt ancient melee types). and a 60%
its rotation. The almosphere was tom away and the surface was base skill to understand and operate unknown or alien ma-
shanered by eanhquakes and lemble stonns. That day the planet chines. See the super ability descriplion in Heroes Unlim-
died. ited. page 187. for full details.
Natural Abilities: Excellent vision and hearing; ambidextrous
Presumably the disasler was the re!oult of an anti-matter or
and double jointed; add one allack per melee round. but these
antl-gravlt) eltpenment gone terribly wrong. The galactic com-
avians tend 10 avoid combat and war.
munity was horrified. Even the Atorian Empire mourned lhe
Special Weapons: Customized energy weapons. including bows
death of the StruthlO people and did e\'erything it could for lhe
and crossbows that fire energy beams. energy shurikens. and
mIl hom of survivors off-world. To thiS day. about half the
JUSt about anything else. The typical struthio weapon will in-
struthlO population. an estimated 18 million. are counted among
niet I D6 additional damage and have an increased range of
25%. Typical energy clips may also hold five additional
Special Vehicles: Lightweight jel packs (50% faster and lighter
with double lhe altitude and night time) and microjet hover
boots are favorites. Jet boots: Speed: 160 mph (256 km).
maximum altitude: 1000 feet (305 m). +2 to dodge and ma-
neuver. S.D.C.:7 80.
Prererred Armor: Struthios environmental amlOr: A.R. 11.
S.D.C. 70. but with a dctachable force field generator: A.R.
19. S.D.C. 100. When the S.D.C. of the field is dcplcted. it
takes two hours to recharge. Jel boots and packs cannot be
used while the force field is engaged.
Familiarity with Earth: The Struthios have captured al least
one Eanh satellite or space probe for study purposes and have
infonnation on Eanh equal to "Some Familiarity."
Rifts Note: If used in the Rifts RPG seuing. they will be re·
garded as inhuman D-bees and the CS will fear and hunt them
because of their inhuman appearnnce and superior lechnology
(equal to Triax). TIley can appear on RiflS Eanh as the result of a
dimensional eltperiment. strange anomaly or magic. They can be
the equivalent of the operator. cyber-doc or rogue scientist
a.c.c. with the special power of mechano-link. Their abilities
will be especially appreciated among high-Iech manufaclUrers
such as Northern Gun. Naruni Enterprises. etc.. as well as by
struggling kingdoms and mercenaries operaling outside of CS
territory. In the Rifts selling. struthio weapons. annor and tech-
nology wilt be mega-damage.
In the Phase World seuing. they may be alien visitors. ex-
plorers. adventurers or mercenaries. Or they may be 11 new com-
petitor for Naruni Enterprises and the Splugonh.
experiments for their own personal gain. or in the name of sci-
ence. without regard to others. One particular villain. Oclanlio.
had made incredible advancements and was able to mutate hu-
manoids and seleci animals inlo more powerful creatures. In hu-
mans and apes. he was able to instill major super abilities and at
one point. created a small anny of super villains 10 engage in
criminal activity under his COntrol. His secret base was discov-
ered and destroyed. He is presumed dead. bUI Ihe body of Oclan-
lio and some of his super-powered henchmen were never found.

Tagonicans (pronounced lag-on-ih-cans)

Alignmenl: Any. but frequently selfish or evil.
Attributes: I.Q. 306+6. M.E. 306. M.A. 206. P.S. 306. P.P.
306. P.E. 306. P.B. 206. Spd. 306
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus I D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C., 30
Heighl: 5 feet plus 306 inches (1.6 to 2.0 m).
Weight: 120 plus 2D6xlO pounds (63 to 109 kg).
Average Life Span: 75 years
Super Abilities: The average Tagonican does not have super
abililies. However. player characters and NPC villains can be
created from any of the Super Power Categories found in He-
roes Unlimited. As nOled in the descriplion. some unscrupu-
lous or evil tagonican scienlislS experimenl on other
intelligem life fonns and lum lhem into super-powered slaves
and henchmen.
Natural Abilities: None of note.
Spe<:ial Weapons, Armor and Vehicles: Vinually any of lhe
items in !he equipment and weapon section. except anli-
gravity devices.
Familiarit}' with Earth: The Tagonicans have senl al leasl one
sludy expedition to Eanh and have "Some Familiarily" of the
Tagonicans plane!.
The: Tagonicans are a squal people from the tropical latitudes Rifls Noles: Basically the same as the elecians.
of an otherwIse cold planet called Agika. Their bodies are coy·
ered In 1m) fcathers that cling closely to the body. From a dis-
tance they cannot even be recognized as feathers. The colors of Threskians
the plumage ranges from light blue 10 blue-grey. with while on The threskians are a race of avian humanoids from the planet
the alien's fronl/underside. Their heads are rounded with thin, ta- Ther. It is a dark planet under perpetual cloud cover and frequent
penng beaks. Their bodies arc muscular. and their hands and fin- fog. They average six feet in height and have small. round heads
gers are thick and stubby. with large. curved. golden beaks. Feathers are nonnally white or
The Tagonicans are an advam;:ed civilization with a limited light yellow. or a mix of the IWO, and localed on Ihe shoulders
"pace program. The only galactic travels these avians undertake and back. The head and the rest of the body are featherless.
are for trade. diplomacy. and research. Of lhe Ihree. research is Technologically. they are on a par with mosl of the civilizations
the primary faclor for the lagonican space programs. The major- in the Federation of Allied Races and have a reasonably large
ity of the avian.. are scientists and engineers. Their interest in space program.
these fields has brought Ihe Tagonicans to a high level of techni- The threskians strive for peace but have been caughl in one
cal achic..ement Ihal includes advanced )p3Ce trnvel and robol- connici or another for decades. Up 10 a decade ago. lhe
ics. 1bey provide many plaocts in lheir quadrant with processed threskians were at war wilh the Iinx (see felioc aliens). 11le con-
melals. microchips. mechanical and scientific goods. To this end. nici had lasted for 50 years before an uneasy peace was altained.
they have one of the galaxy's largesl orbital space stations. lis During the decade of Ihe war the threskians decided to find and
Si1.e is mostly auribuled 10 ils vast factory and manufacluring fa- train Ihose with psionics and super abilities and add them to the
cilitlcs. military. They even had some success creating super beings
Tagonicans are a inquisitive people who find OIher beings. es- Ihrough experimenlation. These elite soldiers were then used as
pecially more primitive people. very interesling. They some- special forces operalives. for sabotage and spearheading surgical
tImes consider these othcr. primitive life fonns to be lesser Slrikes. In the end. the linx finally accepted defeal and retreated
beings and conduct gruesome or inhumane experimenls on them. to lick their wounds and concenlrate on less sleadfasl opponents.
mainly in the area of bionic augment1ltion and genelic engineer- Unfonunately.the lunnoil of the Linx War did not end there.
ing. These cruel or villainous t1lgonican experimenters/lonnen- The nonnal threskian population was now deathly afraid of
tors will be of an anarchisl or evil alignment. They conduci such the super powerful soldiers who walked among them. To make

matters worse. lhere "ere sc\'erJI incidents involving superhu- Threskians (pronounced Ihres-keye-ans)
man that put all of them in a bad light. Lobbies began 10 Alignment: Any
foml againsl them and incidents of violence increased to the Attributes:7 I.Q. 306, M.E. 306, M.A. 306. P.S. 306. P.P.
poinl that mosl super soldiers were evemually stationed off- 306. P.E. 306. P.B. 206. Spd. 406
world. Unhappy with lhis situation. the soldiers launched their Hil I)oints: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per le\el of expenence.
own protesls. Frustrated and angry. "Orne of the less slable warri- S.ll.C., 30
ors began 10 light amongSI themselves or wem on rampages. Height: 6 feel plus 306 inche!> (2.0 10 2.3 m).
Others wem AWQL to become mercenaries. pirates or super vii- Weight: 100 plus )D-IxlO pound~ (59 to IOOkgJ.
lams. Thl.) prompted the government to declare all super soldiers A\erge Life Span: 75 }cars.
a threal. dl~harge them from military service and exile them Super Abilities: All exiled Ihreskian veterans have either super
permaneml)' off-world. 1lle public wa.) tom and the debate on abilities or psionics. and all have had eXlensive combal. es-
thi~ i'i'iue wa~ fierce, but m the end. the anti-super soldier move- pionage and mililary training. Half are Ihe products of gov-
mem woo and the palnot.) who had fought to keep Ther free ernment experiments. Magic is nOl known by lhese people.
were forever eXiled. Special arnngemems were made to unite II % of all lhreskians Ilre bom with super abilities and 9%
those loved ones who wanted to Jom the exiles. which displaced with psionic powers.
thousands of nonnalthre~kiansas well. Natural Abililies: Nighlvision is an impressive 1000 feet (305
All of lhe exiled warriors are combat veterans. Many were rn). they can also see infrared light. and have natural lhenno-
lramed as ~PIC'i. saboleur>;. lcrrorish and assa~sins. This training im3ging abililies (range: 500 fecl/46 m) and their hearing is
cO'lTlbined with lhe rejeclion of thcir own people. has made many twice as acule as nomull humans (equal to the minor super
very bitler, vengeful and cruel. Very few of them are of good ability heightened hearing).
alignment. Among lhe exile... lhe lIlctdence of evil alignmenls Special Weapons & Vehicles: Both lhe nonnal and super-pow-
and insamtles is much higher lhan nom13J. ered threskians have access 10 most standard high-lcch weap-
Ther now has a rigidly conditIoned civil defense anny that is ons and vehicles. The super soldiers will lend to have Ihe best
made up of threskians. Those with ~upcr abilitIes or psionics are and more lelhal items.
cool>tantly momtored and literally brainwashed into obedient Preferred Armor: Threskian environmental bailie armor: Light
fighting machin~ that never disobey an order (or think for them- A.R. 13. S.D.C.: 55 or heavy: A.R. 18, S.D.C. 200. BOlh
selves). Meanwhile. the exile.<> mal.e their liVing as mercenaries, types have a helmet with detachable spikes that can be used
boumy hunters. pmHes and as.)3S!>In". as Ihrowing spikes or panying "capons.
Familiarily with Earth: "Some Familiarity:-
Rifts Noles: Basically the same as the gymoy.

Timneh - - - - - - - - - - - -
limnehs are nomadic glory hounds who lravel lhe galaxy
looking for excilement and altention. The more onlookers and
praise Ihey can receive from their aClions the bener. Their con-
tinual search for situalions in which lhey can show off makes
them annoying. Most people lire of timnch quickly 11l1d the
swaggering braggans move 011 when they are no longer the he-
roes of the day.
Despite this. they can be friendly, social people. They are
very smart. resourceful, and daring and can make steadfasl and
loyal companions. Timneh will not speak about their home-
world. They insist that they were Ix:Jm among the stan and are
destined to roam among them. This cocky stalement probably
coven the facl Ihat these nomads don'l know the planel of their
origin - lhey've been intergalaclic nomads for at least HXXJ
Timnehs can be from any educational background and will
show off their skills and expenise whenever an opponunity pre-
sents ilself. Likewise. they are quick to point oot the failings of
others. commenting on how they would have done such and
such differenlly (and correctly or beller). Those with a back-
ground in combat will seem especially arroganl and cocky. TIle
general alignment of the Iimneh will delermine the seriousness.
recklessness and brutality of the warrior's actions.
All timnehs have lighl grey fealhers with darker grey edges
and accents. Their heads are large and resemble giant parrots.
Their amlS, legs and fingers are lhin and delicate. and their eyes

alway~ have an imelligem, evaluating look to them. They are Gets an additional 2D4xlO P,P.E., 206 P.P.E. for each addi-
creatures of m:lgic and many (60%) are spell casters. Perhaps the tional level of experience, selects 106+6 additional spells,
magical nature of these avians is why they shroud their origins and must choose one of the Rifts magic O.C.c.s: most are ley
in secrecy and draw attention to their actions instead of their line walkers or mystics).
mystic powers. Magic is the one thing they don't brag about or Special Weapons & Vehicles: They have access to most high-
flamboyalllly display. tech weapons and items.
Armor: Most timnehs rely on magical armor like the Armor of
Timnehs (pronounced tim-neigh) hhan spell (A.R. 18, S,D.C. 2(0) and the mystic armor spell
Alignment: Any (A.R. 14, S.D.C. 120), Many also wear light annor and vests:
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+1. M.E. 306. M.A. 306, P.S. 306, P.P. A.R. 10, S.D.C. 40.
306+3. P.E. 306+3. P.B. 306. Spd. 4D6 Familiarity with Earth: The Timnehs have access to informa-
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per level of experience. tion on Eanh equal to the "Has studied Eanh" resull on the
S.D.C.: 45 Familiarity with Earth table,
Height; 5 feet plus 406 inches (1.6 (Q 2.1 Ill). Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG selting. the timneh will
Weight: 100 plus 206xlO pounds (54 to 100 kg). be regarded as O-bee mystics and can be any of the magic
Average Life Span: 125 years O.c.c.s found in the Rifts RPG line. However. most will be ley
Super Abilities: All timnehs can cast the following magic line walkers and mystics. The Coalition Stales will seek to de-
spells: Magic armor. chameleon, Oy as the eagle. tongues, stroy them, while the Federation of Magic and Tolkeen may try
globe of day-light and mystic ponal. to recruit them.
They can cast these spells in any combination and can cast If set in the Rifts: Phase World environment, they can be
a total of four spells plus one per level of experience per 24 practitioners of magic, mercenaries. pirates or bounty hunters.
hour period, Spell ~trength is equal to a first level wizard They are S.D.C. creatures who use mega-damage weapons,
(Rifts: P.P.E. is P.E. x3 plus I D6 per level of experience). annor, vehicles and magic. These aliens will be fascinated by di-
Timneh who do not pur<;ue the myslic arts can select any edu- mension- spanning magic - an area of magic they are not fa-
cational b<lckgroulld (Rifts: Any O.c.c. except borg or bot). miliar with.
Those who go on 10 study and practice magic can select an
additional 106+6 spells and have the same magic abilities as
the In::llrd described in Heroes Unlimited, page 92 (Rifts:
Canine Aliens
The canine races vary in build from thin with tight muscula-
ture like a greyhound to bulky, wide bodies similar to pit bulls.
Their height also varies, as does the shape of [he head, tail. and
the length. thickness and color of fur. On the Earth of Heroes
Unlimited they may be mistaken for mutant animals, On Rifts
Earth they may be mistaken for Dog Boys or wolfen.

Canis - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The canis are tall. thin humanoid canines thai resemble
Eanh's greyhounds. Their homeworld is Rath, a planet very
similar to Earth, but with a lighter gravitational pull. The native
animals and plants grow tall and elegant in its comfonable, clean
atmosphere. For some reason, the color of their fur will indicate
their innate abilities. White canis are bom with magical abili-
ties. They are the mystic leaders of the canine society. Black
canis will develop super abilities and are typically urged into
military or police duties. Brown canis are psionic. Grey are nor-
mal, non-powered citizens. Each of the four types were divided
almost evenly, approximately 25% each.
For thousands of years. the brown canis. known as Psiallilles
(pronounced sigh-aye-nines). were disliked because of their fur
color and mental powers. The grey canis, because they didn't
possess any powers were considered inferior. Both the brown
and grey canis were treated as second-class citizens, bullied and
mistreated by the white and black canis. They could not hold po-
sitions of power, political office. or business. The grays, in par-
ticular. served as the beleaguered working class to a level
of Ralh). If lhey had travelled much fanher. lhe Atorian Empire
would surely have delecled lhe craft and lhey would have been
slaves again. A large psianine colony now exists on the planel.
Approximalely 200 years have passed since the psianine refu-
gee were launched imo space and established a colony on Noth.
The canis on lheir homeworld have since perfected their space
program and are beinning to use gravity wells to travel deeper
imo the galaxy. This means. one day lhe brown canis of Noth
may be visited by bionic grey canis soldiers and super powered
canis explorers. The psianines are willing 10 forget lhe past but
there will be great animosity between the brown canis and lheir
Rath brothers. If lhc canis of Rath try 10 subjugate them in any
way. there will ~ a bloody baule. only this time the psionic
canis have technological equality and larger numbers. Note: The
brown canis have nol ventured deep into the Slars. They have
been 100 busy building a world for themselves. There are about
64 million psianine canis (there are eight times as many Ralh

Canis (pronounced cane-iss)

Alignment: Any. The brown canis lend to lean toward good.
while lhe others lend 10 lean toward selfish and evil.
Allributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 306+3. P.P.
406. P.E. 306+3. P.B. 306. Spd. 606+10
Hit Points: Sllmdard. P.E. plus I D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: ID4xlQ+20
Height: 9 fcct. 5 inches plus 406 inches (3.0 to 3.5 m).
Weight: 300 plus 3D6x10 pounds (149 10 217 kg).
Average Life Span: 65 years: 75 years for the brown psianines.
Super Abililies:
White canis are limiled 10 the Super Power Category of
bordering on slavery. Feeling overpowered and inferior. they ac- magic (typically a spell casting wizard: in Rirts, (he character
cepled their f<lte. would be a mystic).
In early Cani~ hi~tory. brown bilbies were killed al binh. Black canis have two minor super abilities and one major.
L:uer. they were allowed to live and served as manual laborers or lWO major abilities.
and ~laves. The brown p~ianines frequently rebelled and used Brown canis :Ire master psionics.
lheir abllilies to fighl back. These constanl batlles were often Grey canh have no super powers. bUl can include charac-
bloody and "eemed only 10 make lhings worse. Up 10 200 years lers from lhe categories of bionics. hardware or physical
ago. lhey were "lowly gaining rights and freedoms. bUl a brown lmining. Grey canis are typically lower class cilizens. military
canis named RI/horn instigated a revolution lhilt rocked canis grunts. indentured servantS and sl:lves.
civilization. In lhe end. lhe revolulion was crushed. 61% of the Natural Abilities (all canis): In addition 10 their attribules.they
brown cilnis population was eradicated. Rithom was execUied. are alert. h:lVe keen color vision (can see about 30% farther
and Ihe Olher con"pm.l.IOrs b:lllished along wilh ALL psianines! than humans) and have excellent hearing: + I on iniliative. + I
Al first. Ihey were rcleg:lled to their own slum-like cities away to dodge. + I [0 roll with impact or fall. They can also leap 10
from the olher Canis. butlhe fires of hale still burned and trouble fect (3 m) high or lengthwise from a slanding slill position
conllllued. The Canis Tribunal of Mystics decided to banish all (double if running near full speed).
psianines from Ralh once and for all. A massive space ark was Special Weapons and Vehicles: The equivalent 10 mosl energy
conslructed III orbit. and the entire brown canis populalion was type weapons. hover vehicles and spacecraft. They like fasl
placed on it and rockcted mto outer space. Those who refused vehicles! Consequently. most Ralh vehicles can travel at
were executed as dangerous rebels. Some of the psionic canis speeds lD4xlO% faster than nonnal (.10% on piloting skills
I.l.ent on the ao. willingly. They were able 10 boost the morale of at high speeds).
their fello",,, with talk of freedom and a new life. Howevcr. the Preferred Armor: Lighl riOt amlOr A.R. 13. S.D.C. 60 (no
people of Rath had one lasl. foul scheme to play upon Iheir prowl penallies) or heavy. full environmental annor A.R. 16.
pSIonic cou~ins. The an.. was secrelly programmed 10 plunge into S.D.C. 220 (-10% on prowl. swim. gymnastics and acrobatics
a black hole. Before the ark could reach ils destination. il acci- skill).
dentall) slipped into a dimensional syphon (see space travel sec- Familiaril}' ""ith Earlh: None for both the psianines of Noth
tion for details). The craft lourvived and the exiles found a and canis of Rath.
I.l.onderful world to colonil..e. Luckily. the psianines landed on Rifts Noles: If used in the Rifts RPG selling. the canis will
the fiN habilable planet they found (which also reminded lhem be regarded as D-bees or mistaken for CS Dog Boys. The Coali-

tion States may mistake them as renegade Dog Boys or see them
as potential D-bee recruits for Dog Pack squads in wilderness
and hostile territories. This is especially true of the grey and
brown canis. The CS will destroy white and black canis as dan-
gerous mystics or super-powered mutants.
If set in the Rifts: Phase World environmenl. they are jusl
one of the less advanced and curious aliens who visit that world.
It is also possible that some canis. panicularly grey and brown
are slaves. Others may be bounty hunters, mercs or adventurers.
In Rifts, the canis are S.D.C. creatures who may posses
S.D.C. or primitive M.D.C. technology depending on the view
of the G.M. These aliens will be fascinated by dimensional
travel and magic.

The dergins are natives of a planet they call Reginia. Early
defgin socielY evolved from canine packs or tribes of nomadic
hunters. These were family clan communities Ihat were led by
the strongest warriors. Consequently, those with superhuman
powers were usually the leaders and warlords. With time they
developed an advanced civilization.
Those who served in the military were warriors known as
Wanliolls. They were highly respecled even in times of peace.
and their super.powered leaders held great influence over the
people. All ward ions were considered JUSt and noble defenders
and became a subculture in dergin society that symbolized
sm:ngth. spirit. freedom. justice and nobility. The generals and
warlords were considered almost saintly champions of the peo-
ple. In facl. the benevolent military was so popular and accepted
Ihal vinually one third of the population was counted among its
ranks. . and unnecessary expenditures. They demanded reduclions of
troops. arnlS and military authority.
As the nomadic and warrior ways of the people changed, the
warriors became pan of an organized and powerful military. Po- The Wardions considered taking military action against the
litical factions began to fear that the influence of the Wardions government which they now viewed as II dangerous and self-de-
would undennine their power, even though the canine warriors struclive enemy, but a coup would only seem 10 prove Iheir ac-
had never spoken or acted against the government. Dergin soci- cusations and cause bloodshed. The mighty Wardions recognized
ety was very communal - like a giant dog pack. Although there that Ihey had losl a polilical war because they had failed to re-
were minor squabbles and jockeying for positions of power and spond 10 it until il was too late. Againsl their better judgement.
leadership within the society. the warriors/military had always the Wardions agreed 10 compromises, anns and troop reductions
worked toward the good of the whole rather than the individual. and alliances they felt were unsound. In Ihe face of the govern-
Slili. Ihe power moguls looked upon the power and respect held ment's now oven propaganda campaigns they felt they had little
by the military and coveted it for themselves. To usurp that recourse but 10 comply.
power. it was they who began to subtly undennine the people's A few years later. while the dergins were making advances in
faith and respect for the military. their space program, Ihey were contacted by the Atorian Empire.
Over the years, the warrior dergins grew to dislike and dis- The Empire had eXlended its borders by 20 light years and
trust the policies and decisions of the government. Verbal con- Reginia was well within that radius. The Empire sent diplomats
frontations belween the two factions increased dramatically and and made exciting offers to the people of Reginia. The govern-
often became very public. Meanwhile. the polilical machine dis- menl saw much opponunity and began to cater 10 the atorians.
credited the military al every opponunily. The politicians and The military was suspicious of the AlOrian Empire and insisted
power brokers posed queslions asking, why Ihe military clung so on extreme caution. bUI their warnings were ignored. Frustrated
fiercely to their power if they had only Ihe welfare of the people by the bureaucrals. the Wardions launched an eXlensive. secret.
in mind? If they served the people, and the people wanted them intelligence campaign against the Empire. Their spies gathered
10 down-size. even disband, why did the military resist? What convincing data that suggested the Atorian Empire was manipu-
were their motives? These and similar questions cast a pall over lating the government 10 become willing pawns in the exploita-
the heroes and evoked feelings of confusion and dislrust. The tion of their planers people and resources. Dergins would see
people questioned the need for such a large military considering lillIe benefit and with time, the people would become little more
peace had reigned for over 300 years. They had been manipu~ than slaves to the dark Empire - at besi. second·c1ass citizens
laled to believe the military represenled archaic ideals. dogma in an intergalactic web of tyranny.
The Wardions' intclligence and conclusions were prescnted in There are appro'timalely 90.000 Wardions/warriors and roughly
private 10 government officials who were outraged by their 280.000 dergin civilains. moslly family members. living on the
audacily at spying on their new allies. The infonnation was bur- space station. An additional 10.000 or so heroes/warriors from
ied. In a lasl ditch atlempt to prevent disaster. the military went other worlds are also counted among their ranks. A small ncet of
public with lheir findings and fonnally protested any alliance aboul 30 medium-sized space cruisers and 120 one- to four-man
with the Atorian Empire. They called upon the people to risc up fighters are pan of the group.
and reJect the alliance. Sadly. the situation was turned against the Back on lheir homeworld. the dergins are quickly falling ill
Wardions to make them look like rebellious extremists and the line under their atorian masters. The military has been taken over
alliance .... as overwhelmingly approved. and sent offworld by lhe atorian!> to defend its possessions and
Thll1g~ .... ent from bad to .....orse. The Wardions had lost much borders. This situation has left Reginia virtually defenseless.
of their credibiht)". Many old leaders resIgned (several had mys- Many of the older Wardions are unhappy and see themselves as
tenou!> accidents) and .....ere replaced by young warriors who a conquered people. They long for the old days and would sup-
shared l.he go,ernment's vie.... of the fUlure and who regarded the port rebel1ionlliberation if it ever came. However. many of the
Atorian Empire 3..!> a valuable ally. Those Wardions who refused young warriors are finding fulfillment and opportunity as sol-
to retire and COfllll1ued to e'tpress suspicions about the atorians diers for the Atorian Empire. In fact. Ihe Wardions have distin-
.... ere Isolated and sent to distant command posts. 1be alliance re- guished themselves so many times in combat lhat they are
qUired milllary support and defense of the Atorian Empire. Con- quickly becoming the alorians' favorite troops. An elite corp of
~uently. millions of Wardions .....ere sent offworld to defend young. loyal Ward ions is being established to serve Ihe Empire
disf.lnt outposts and allen borders. l1le Wardions realized their as military specialists. espionage agents and shock troops.
position was a no win slluation and decided to obey. To do other- The lavish favoritism is causing bad blood between the der-
wise meant certall1 retaliation by the evil Empire. not against gins and the mamella. The latter have been the atorians' favorite
them. but al their people. The derglOS fell to the Atorian Empire. minions for generations and they don't like losing even a lillie of
nOi through military IOvasion and conquest. bul were instead their "favored status."
sold OUi by their own people. Ironically. it will be the dergin military who reaps any real
One particularly defiant branch of the military was assigned benefits from the alliance. Under the aggressive military of the
to an operation in a dangerous pan of the Atorian Empire. l1le Atorian Empire. the warriors have regained their place as re-
troops had no delusion that thiS assignment was meant to dimi- spected warlords. Sadly. the atorians are evil tyrants who con-
no" them. Two nights before their scheduled departure. the quer worlds they cannot win through political maneuvering.
Wardion annles boarded and captured the Atorian Defense Sta- subterfuge or threats. Thus. within a few generations. lhe once
lion orbiting Reginia with only 1.200 losses. The warriors threat- noble. Wardion heroes will become lhe elite strike force of a
ened to use the space .station·s fonnidable weapons against their conquering anny devoid of compassion. honor or nobility. The
homeworld unless they were allowcd to have their families and other people of Reginia will never become more than second-
loved ones join them on the giant space stalion. Wanting to avoid class citizens of a backwater world in the Atorian Empire's outcr
bloodshed. and figuring they'd get ailihe rebels at one time. the edges. For the moment. the ruling body still enjoys a cenain
government allowed the families to join the rebels. Meanwhile amount of autonomy. bUI thcy are clearly a tiny cog in a much
four Atorians battleShips were rushing 10 Ihe scene to blow them larger machine.
out oflhe heavens.
However. the Ward ions had their own plans. When the battle- Dergins (pronounced der-gins)j Wardions is the
ships emerged from the space gateway. the Wardion!>. warrior class (pronounced war·die-ons)
intelligence data :lIld secret codes they had acquired through Alignmenl: Any. Most rebel Wardions are of a good or selfish
covert means. quickly slipped past the emerging ships and alignment and continue to be warrior champions. Many of those
plunged into the gateway themselves. and disappeared. The under the Atorian regime arc becoming selfish or evil and ambi-
Wardions had stolen the Atonan Defense Station (the first and tious.
only lime such a feat has ever been accomplished: the atorians Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306+2_ M.A. 306. P.S. 506. P.P.
still can't explain exactly how it was accomplished). The Atorian 306+4. P.E. 406. P.B. 306. Spd. 406
Empire was furious. bUI could do lillie about it. Their only re- Hit PoinlS: P.E. x2 plus 106 per level of e'tperience.
course was to put a massive bounty out for infonnation on the S.D.C.: 4D4xI0+30
station's whereabouts (one million cr) or for its safe return (50 Natural A.R.: 13
million cr). They have avoided capture for nearly ten years now. Heighl: 8 feet plus 406 inches (2.5 to 3.0 m).
The Wardions have done extensive modification work on the Weight: 340 plus 406x10 pounds (172 10 263 kg).
space station to lhe point that il is nearly unrecognizable as an A,"erage Ure Span: 80 years
atorian construct. Only the design of the main weapon systems Super Abililies: The typical dergin does not have super abili-
and some of the interior deck plans gives it away. The space sta- ties. although 10% have psionics. and 20% can select abilities
tion is currently di"guised as a planetoid with a blow-away rock and/or training from the categories of bionics. robotics. hard-
cover. The canine warriors have fonned an alliance with a small ware or physical training. They do not know the mystic ans
pirate enclave and count a large number of Thropo Ronins but that is a new possibility with exposure to other races.
among their soldiers. l1ley live the old ways as hunters and war- All Wardions have the following Super Abilities:? En·
riors. preying on evil beings. such as cuuhroat pirates. smug- ergy expulsion: light or energy (choose one) and heightened
glers. mercenaries. slavers and members of the Atorian Empire. sense of hearing (+1 to parT)'. +2 to dodge. +6 on initiative).

One in a hundred will also have twO additional minor abilities
or one major super ability (make a random roll or selection).
Natural Abilities: Renected in their allribules and natural ar-
Special Weapons and Vehicles: The equivalent to most types
of weapons. hover vehicles and spacecraft. Favorites include
energy swords. heavy energy weapons/rines and explosives.
Preferred Armor: Most dergins, including the Wardions, rely
on their natural armored hides for protection. Of course in
outer space, additional protection is required, Light cnviron-
mental suit A.R. 10. S.D.C.7 40. Full environmental armor
A.R. 17, S.D.C. 180 (-10% on prOWl. swim. gymnastics and
acrobatics skill).
Familiarity with Earth: Neither the dergins or the exiled
Ward ions have any familiarity wilh Eanh.
Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG sCHing, the dcrgins will
be regarded as D-bees or mutant CS Dog Boys. The Coalition
States may mist:lke them :IS renegade Dog Boys or see them as
pdtential D-bee recruits for Dog Pack squads in wilderness and
hostile territories (never in the cities or at military installations).
If sel in the Rifts: Phase World environmenl, they are jusl
one of the less advanced and curious aliens who visit that world.
11 is also possiblc Ihat some are slaves, boumy hunters, merce-
naries, pirates or adventurers.
In Rifts, the natural body armor of the dergins make them
mega-damage creatures (4D4xI0+30). They are also likely 10
have super abilities thaI innict mega-damage. In Ihis sening they
possess M.D.C. ter.:hnology equal to the Coalition Slates. These
aliens will be fascinated by dimensionallravel and magic.

The latrans arc a race that seems to have literally walked OUI other raccs, dimensional lravel and magic. They elect their lead-
of the pages of human myth. They are shapeshifting humanoids ers from among the most capable of their eldest females. MO!\1
who can tum into giant. four-legged wolves! In their natural warriors prefer melee wcapons and close combat. By following
fonns, they are shon. powerfully built humanoids with the head the "old ways" of combat they believe lhey honor Iheir ances-
of a wolf. Long fur covers their head. shoulders, and back. tors. All duels are fought using melee weapons or looth and claw
While in wolf fom1 their senses are acute and possess a sav- (in humanoid or wolf form). Mosl soldiers arc accomplished at
age instinct to 'iurvive. As a wolf. their intelligence is reduced by prowling and intelligence skills, but nOl all latrans are combat
half. but their instincls take over and they become cunning and trained. However. even the mo!\t feeble characler becomes dan-
deadly warriors on a more bestial and predalory level. A latran gerous when transfomled into a wolf. Mililary personnel and
will not shin for the fun of it. to frighten others or to show off. fighlcrs frequently have their claws capped with Kisentite fin-
They believe the power comes from Ihe spirits of thcir ancestors gernails or even small blades which adds 1D6 dmnage 10 claw
Ihat dwell within them and make the transfonnation possible in allacks.
limes of need. They arc insulted by suggeslions Ihat the power Their home planet is a lush, green world named Goreal. It has
may be an innate racial ability without any supernatural connec~ a higher gravitational pull that produces heavy metals similar 10
tion to the dead. Kisentite. The latran's honor the spirils of the land and live in
Mo~t believe their ancestors will leave them if they abuse relative peace with the other races and animals that inhabit their
lheir "gift:' so the power is used with discretion. It is ;llso world. Latrans feel sorry for other races who arc nOI in touch
warned Ihat latrans who shapeshift frequenlly or who enjoy the with their own spirits, let alone their ancestors'. They have de-
savage power of thcir animal spirit will tum "feral:' Ferallatmns veloped space and com puler technology roughly equal to mosl
are usually selfish or evil villains who prefer their animal form members of the Federation of Allied Races (FAR) and are new
and change into humanoids only when necessary (usually 10 dis- members in the galactic community. Many travcl the galaxy
guise themselves). These feral monsters typically disregard the working as gurus. myslics, bodyguards and bounly hunters. but
law and prcy on others, including other latrans. Many of them despite their chosen profession, mOSI Iry to help people. espe-
enjoy murder and tonure for the sheer sport and pleasure of il. cially Ihose that need direction in their lives. Many have joined
Most of these canine humanoids are honorable, gentle and forces like FAR. Ihe Ward ions and others Ihat oppose the Atorian
spiritual people with an air of nobility around them. They are Empire (lhe Empire does not know anYlhing about these ca-
friendly tow:trd outsiders and have a genuine curiosity about nines).
Latran (pronounced lah-tran) shapechanging monster. The CS will destroy every lalran they
can idenlify. However. lhe Splugonh. werebeasls. wolfen. de·
Alignment: Any. Mosl are good or unprincipled. with lhe occa- mons and olher monslers races will find them inlriguing and in-
!olonal !>elfi~h or evil character. Aberram Latrans are extremely vile them into lhe fold (demons and evil folk may enslave lhem).
honorable and protective. bUl lhose they find unworthy can face Rifts latran can be any O.C.C.. but avoid bionics. M.O.M. im·
a cruel ::md merciless opponent. Only "feral" lalrans are com- plams. Juicer enhancements and similar physical augmenlalion
pletely anarchist. diabolic or miscreanl. They are extremely dan- because they prevent shapechanging.
gerou!o. have no honor. and are often employed by shady forces
If set in the Rifts: Phase World environment. the basic Ali-
~ a~sa .....IIl\.
ens Unlimited sclling is applicable. Technology is likely to be
Allributes: I.Q. lD6. i.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 406. P.P. 306. primitive M.D.C.. but the lalran are S.D.C. creatures when in hu-
P.E. 406. P,B 306. Spd. 4D6x3 manoid from. However. in wolf fonn they become mega-dam-
Hie Points: Standard. P.E. plu~ I D6 per level of experience. age creatures (206x10+100 M.D.C.) and lheir bites and claws
S.D.C.: :!D4xIO; also ~ the tran~fonnalion. do 206 and I D6 M.D. respectively. They can be considered
Height: 5 feet plu\ 106 JIlches (l.5to 1.7 m). creatures of magic (406x10 P.P.E.) although the lalran rarely
\\eight: 160 plu.. 4010 pounds (74 to 9\ kg). pursue the mystic arts. These aliens will be fascinaled by di-
,herage Life Span: 90 }ears mensional lTavel and magic_ and love to use magic weapons.
Super Abilities: Special! Their bonuses ..... hen humanoid are rune weapons. bio-wizardry and techno-wizard items.
liSle<! ~parately from their ~tals ~ a \o\olf.
I Bonu.'oC~ (Humanoid): All are III addllion to altribute b0-
nuses. Minor !ouper abllttl~ of healing factor and heightened
..en<;e of heanng: +1 to parr)'. +2 10 dodge. +6 on initiative.
+2()q- to '>a..e vs coma/death. +3 to save 'Os magic. psionics.
and 10o;IIlS; other details are found under the description of
the t\o\o po\o\ers on page 166 of Heroes Unlimited.
Bonu'JC'> from the Wolf TransfonnatlOn: Shapechange into
a giant. monstrou.. \o\olf. six feet (1.8) long and four feet (1.2
m) tall al lhe shoulders. This abilit) is similar to allimal mna-
nwrplw515 wmnf' (wolf). bUl e ...en more incredible. All bo-
nu~,> and abilities are in addition to allribute bonuses and the
humanoid po.....eT'l and b(muse~ above.
Double speed. can leap 20 feel (6 m) high or lenglhwise
from a standing posilion (add 10 feetl3.0 m for a running
,>Iart). add one additional allad: per melee round. add 200 10
S.D.C.. increase P.S. by 6 poinls. +2 10 save 'IS poison and
dl!>Cu,e. +2 to save vs m:lgic. +8 10 save 'IS horror factor. bile
allack does 306 damage. claws do 204 damage plus P.S. bo-
nus. eXlraordinary sense of smell (track by smell: 50%+4%
per le...el and recognize a specific scent: 56%). NOle: Olher
changes while in wolf form lire nOl so positive: reduce I.Q.
and M.A. by half (returns when humanoid) and the wolf is
very aggressive. likes the taste of blood lind T:lW meal. and is
ea..i1y provoked to fighl. They often lose lhemselves in bailIe.
fighling unliltheir foc is slain or uncon<;cious.
Occupational Nule: Latran can pursue any occupation.
Spet'itdl Weapons and Vehicles: The equivalelll of mOSI types
of .....eapons. hover vehicles and spacecrafl. Favorites include
energy swords. Kisenlile weapons and vibro-blades.
Prererred Armor: Light ceremonial or decorative annor is nor-
mally all that is worn. Heavier types of annor or restrictive
suits prevent the lransfonn:ltion (must be removed first).
Ceremonial arntor will be A.R. 10 with 30 S.D.C. and is spe- Lupis
cially designed not to hinder or damage a shapechanging la- The lupis are another species of humanoid canines. They
Iran (Cost: 375 dol1ars). Otherwise. any lype of humanoid have a heavy build with a thick layer of fur thaI msulales lhem
body armor or environmental suit can be worn when in hu- rrom the frigid lemperatures of lheir native world. yStum. The
manOid fonn. color of their fur is while or a light grey.
Familiarit~ \o\ith Earth: None. Although the lupis are capable of advanced space travel. they
Ril'ts NOles: If used mthe Rirls RPG seuing. the latran will rarely travel far from Nystum. They prefer to mailllain a policy
be reg:lrded as dangerous D-bees or mistaken for CS Dog Boys. of isolationism and mind their own business. They have refused
The Coallllon Stales may mistake lhem as renegade Dog Boys membership with FAR and lhe Atorian Empire and. so far. have
'When in humanoid fonn but will ne\er knowingly recruit these successfully kept themselves out of galactic polilics. 11ley are
especially concerned about interplanetary war and want to avoid scale thenno-nuclear war was underway! Time seemed to tick by
involvement in the squabbles of others at all costs. Thus, they re- slowly until massive fireballs filled the sky, incinerating cities
serve deep space travel as a tool for commerce and research. A and sending fiery winds lashing through the countryside, Bil-
large portion of the space program focuses on space stations. lions died, but the worst was yet to come for the survivors. Their
There are over three dozen space stations that function as re- planet was much hOlier and drier than Earth. When the missiles
search and development cemers. trade centers, manufacturing fa- detonated. thousands upon thousands of tons of dust. debris and
cilities and defense stations around Nystum. pulverized cities were thrown into the air. The result was a nu-
The lupis have perfected many robot systems and regularly clear winter effect. The planet's inhabitants began to free7..e in
use exoskeletons. robot vehicles and drones for heavy labor, the unprecedented cold.
manufacturing, exploration. and combat. The bulk of their mili- Millions died from the dramatic shift in the climate and radia-
tary might is in the form of robot technology. Security officers tion poisoning. Plagues swept the land and the toyocs were
outfilled in exoskeletons/power annor are nonnally sent on plunged into dark age. Only II % of the population survived.
space missions and are found on space stations as a security A hundred years has passed since the terrible war. The skele-
force. They are typically supported by a squad of lupis with su- tons of ancient cities still mar the landscape and claw at the sky.
per abilities. The canines have successful super ability experi- The toyoc survivors have not yet recaptured the technology of
mentation programs used specifically to create super-soldiers. their ancestors. Their society is modest by comparison and after
Lupis (pronounced lew-piss) their experiences. most toyocs try to avoid war and do not toler-
ate people who use great destructive power. The typical tech
AJignment: Any. but many lean toward selfish.
level is roughly equal to that of 18th to 19th century Earth with a
Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306, P.S. 406. P.P. 306,
P.E. 306. P.B 3D6. Spd. 406
few pockets of development that are equal to the 1930·s. No
toyoc possesses space technology, or knows anything about life
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 70 on other planets.
Height: 5 feet plus 306 inches (1.6to 2.4 m). The most primitive people live in small villages or tribes and
Weight: 120 plus 206xlO pounds (63 to 109 kg). reject all modem technology. Some wilderness communities are
Average Life Span: 85 years reportedly practicing magic. Many of those who consciously re-
Super Abilities: Lupis characters can make selections from the ject technology are people who possess superhuman. psionic or
following Super Power Categories: bionic (5%). robots mystic powers. Some of these groups are so fanatical that they
(30%). hardware (10%). physical training (5%), and experi- destroy machines whenever they are found and punish. even
ment (5%). The remaining 45% have no special abilities,
gimmicks or expertise, but can pursue any occupation.
Natural Abilities: Resistant to cold (half damage). keen vision
and are instinctive swimmers (80%). .
Special Weapons and Vehicles: The equivalent of most types
of weapons. hover vehicles and spacecraft. Favorites include
lasers and robot exoskeletons.
Preferred Armor: Standard Security Team power armor (SST·
g}: A.R.: 18. S.0.C.:7 300, with full environmental capabili-
ties, long-range radio, radar, sonar. multi-optics system. jet
pack (maximum speed in an atmosphere is 100 mph/l60 km
with a maximum altitude of 600 feet/I 83 m). Annor weapon
systems: Right arm: concealed laser (406 damage and a
range of 1600 feet/488 meters. effectively unlimited pay-
load). Laser finger blaster (206 damage. 100 foot/30.5 m
range). Left ann: retractable vibro-blade (306 damage). Elec-
tromagnetic boots for clamping onto the hull and Ooors of
metal ships. All other types of armor and spacesuits can also
be used,
Familiarity with Earth: Equal to the "Has studied Earth" result
from the Familiarity with Earth table. but has no plans to
make contact.
Rifts Notes: Basically the same as the canis.

Toyoc - - - - - - - - - - - -
Toyocs are the survivors of a nuclear war that has turned their
once wann planet into an icy wasteland.
One fateful evening, as the canines sat enjoying their eve-
ning. the emergency broadcast systems interrupted their routines
with grave news. Nuclear missiles had been launched and a full-
slay. any who usc them. These people will regard alien visitors
who are robots. androids. cyborgs (even partial). usc power ar-
mor/exoskelctons. or energy weapons as demolls to be feared
and destroyed. A society known as Technocrats are the most ad-
vanced. roughly equal 10 1930's Earth. and live in a cluster of
towns and small cities. The anti-machine tribes view them as
heretiCs who will bring disaster to their world. II is only a mailer
of tIme before these two factions clash.
One of Ihe 'ilde-cffects of the war and subsequent radiation
has been the manifestation of mutant super abilities and psionic
po",ers among the toyoc. The traditional toyocs were roughly
human-sized. wlIh long !>notUs. thld. manes of hair and light ruSt
colored fur. butlhere are many new and unusual traits among the
A few hundred toyocs managed 10 leave the planet on space-
craft that !>urvi ...ed lhe holocaust. but nobody knows what may
have become of them.
Toyoc (pronounced toy-ahk)
Alignmenl: Any
Atlributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 206+2. P.S. 406, P.P.
306. P.E. 306. P.D. 306. Spd. 506
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus I D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 45
Height: 5 feet plus 406 inches (1.6to 2.7 m).
Weight: 100 plus 206x10 pounds (54 to 100 kg).
A\erage Life Span: 75 year<i.
Super Abilities: Lnnited to magic (10%). physical trammg
(lO%). p"lonics (20%) and mutants (35%: definitely roll once
or twice on the unusual characteristics table). The remaining
25% are nonnal and do not possess any special abilities other
than the natural abilities listed below.
Natural Abilities: Heightened sense of smell equal to the minor constam governmem sweeps searching for troublemakers. con-
super power and nightvision (600 f(jIS3 range). traband and illicit aClivity. Psychics and mages working with
Spedal Weapons: The level of technology varies from clubs technological support teams are on conSlanl alert for any signs of
and swords to automatic weapons salvaged from Ihe ruins of anarchiSI behavior.
ancient ciles. The Te-7 Sub-machinegun is the mosl ad- Virtual realilY duels are allowed as a way to sellle arguments.
vanced weapon among surviving technocrats: Range: 600 Duels between public officials and celebrities have become
feet (183 m). Damage: 406. with a 15. 300r 60 round clip. spectator sports sanctioned by the government 10 salisfy the
Special Vehicles: Land rovers and motorcycles to riding ani- more base desires of its people. Duels are a way of venling vio-
mals. Aircraft and military vehicles are a rarity. lenl feelings among the populace wilhoul aClually innicling
Preferred Armor: Mainly primitive types of body annor. in- physical injury or destruction. However. despite Ihe popularity
cluding padded. leather. chain mail and plate amlor. The of dueling. the participants are by no means skilled combatanlS.
technocrats manufacture and use several different Iypes of Fighting skills of any kind are outlawed on Ter. as well as Ihe
pre-holocaust combal annor. The most advanced is a metal use of weapons.
plate and ceramic "uil of hard annor: A.R. 14. S.D.C. 75. Any citizen caughl studying or pmcticing fighting skills or in
Familiarity with Earth: None possession of weapons (ancient. automatic or energy) must un·
Rifts Notes: Fundamemal1y the same as the latran. A more der go extensive psychological thempy and are placed under
advanced, evil civilization such as the Splugorth (or AlOrian Em- strict police surveillance. 11le canines believc that anyone who
pire) might enslave Ihese people or conquer this world. would be inclined to praclice the arts of war is nalurally inclined
to violence and rehabililation is a must. Repeal offenders may
find themselves subjected to psionic mind wipes or Iwhal'ioral
Vulpese - - - - - - - - - - - - modificotion through chemicals. Despite the laws against il.
The vulpese civilization on Ter is technologically advanced there is a sizeable underground society thai practices martial arts
and very peaceful. Through the use of psionic and mystical
for physical and mental discipline. TIle medilation techniques
means. they have virtually eliminated violence in their socielY. and mental disciplines they develop have allowed them to go un-
TIlere have been no wars 111 hundreds of years. and what crime
detecled by the government's anan:hy sweeps. The movemem is
exislS is rarely violem. By meehanical. memal. and mystical non·violem and seeks only to remain undetected. but if the gov-
means. the vulpese governing council keeps a walchful eye on
ernment were to discover them. it would begin a campaign of
lhe people. TIlere is literally no privacy for lhese canines due 10
eXlreme measures to eradicate these dissidents.
The most violent or those considered to be incapable of reha- them as potential D-bee recruits for Dog Pack squads in wilder-
bilitation are pillced in uyoslasis. put on a sm:lll spacecraft and ness and hostile territories. This is especially true of those with
flown through a nearby space gateway. The passenger is awak- fighting abilities and minor psionic abilities. The CS will destroy
ened when it approaches a space station or inhabited planet. The those with major psionic or super powers and those who wield
craft's computers are programmed with basic infonnation about magic.
the planets in the area closest 10 the exit gateway. If the vulpese If sel in the Rifts: Phase World environment. they are an-
inside the spacecraft survive (80% likelihood). they must makc a other race of alien beings who trade on Ihat world. It is also pos-
new life away from their homeworld. Many become mercenaries sible that some are slaves, bounty hunlers. mercenaries or
and adventurers. and others join the space programs or amlies of adventurers.
other worlds. Sadly. about 40% of these exiles are intercepted by In Rirts Ihe vulpese are S.D.C. crealurcs who may posses
brigands who engage in the slave trade. S.D.C. or basic M.D.C. technology depending on Ihe view of the
The vulpe~ have no standing military in a conventional G.M. Rifts O.c.c.s can include any of the psionic. magic and
sense. The defense of Ter is handled by a network of weapon non-violent ones.
platfonns orbiting the planet. Each is controlled by an artificial
imelligence. The sheer number and firepower of these platfonns
is believed to be more than a match for any invader. If an alien
invader should penetrate the orbital defense network. the vulpese
are confident that their large civil police corp of psionics and
rri'ages would be able to fend off landing panies. Since Ter has
never been invaded. the viability of this system has not been

Vulpese (pronounced vul-peas)

Alignment: Any
Atlribules: I.Q. 306. M.E. 4D6, M.A. 306. P.S. 306, P.P. 306.
P.E. 306. P.B. 306. Spd. 4D6
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus I D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: lD4xlO
Ht'ighl: 6 feet plus ID6 inches (1.910 2.0 m).
Weight: 190 plus 106 pounds (87 to 89 kg).
A\'erage life Span: 65 years
Appearance: HunHllloids with a canine head Ihal resembles an
Eanh Gennan shepard. fox or wolf. Their fur is thin and
grows close to the body. but is thick and shaggy ol11he head%;;r~~
and neck. Fur colors can be any range from strawberry blonde'
and light orange 10 copper and red. .%~
Super Abilities: 35% are minor psionics (M.E. x2 plus lD4xlO , ~
I.S.P. and select 104+ I secondary psi-powers), 30% arc W~
/Iatural psiollics (see Heroes Unlimited, page 127).25% are
wizards or illusionists and 10% are mUiants with super pow-
ers. Hand to hand c(lmbat is limited to two anacks/actions per
melee round or four via psionics or three via magic. Hand to
hand combat. physical and espionage skills are not known to
most of these people.
Rebels can be any of the above. but also study and practice
hand to hand combat (select one of choice) and other physical
skills like boxing. wrestling. general athletics, gymnastics. Wulf
etc. (select four). and espionage (select two). The wulfs are a race of psionic canines thaI come from the
Natural Abililies: Keen senses of vision. smell and hearing. +2 twilight homeworld of Omilla. Their society is structured in a
on initiative. +2 to dodge. +1 to roll with impact. +2 to save modem feudal syslem of Lords. Dukes. and Kings. They are of
vs horror factor. and +310 save vs radiation poisoning. average humanoid heighl and build, with dull grey or black fur
Special Weapons and Vehicles: The equivalent of most types that grows thickly on the head and shoulders. Their heads are
of hover vehicles and spacecraft. Weapons and amlOr are ille- wide, with powerful jaws and eerie green eyes. All Wulfs have
gal. Only the law enforcement agencies use weapons and the major psionic power of pyrokinesis and rely on it in combat.
those are restricted 10 stun we'lpons and billy clubs. Their natural fiery abilities and temper have earned them the
Preferred Armor: Police only: A.R. II. S.D.C. 30. nickname of "Hellhounds."
Familiarity with Earth: None. Despite a high level of technology that includes self aware
Rifts Notes: If used in the Rirts RPG selling. the vulpese computers and advanced space programs, the wulfs have not de-
will be regarded as D-bees or mistaken for CS Dog Boys. The veloped. and most will not usc, long-range weaponry - at least
Coalition States may mistake them as renegade Dog Boys or sec not on their homeworld. These psychic warriors live by an un-

usual code of combat thaI insists Ihat opponents must face each
other in close combat. They feel if one is to kill. it should be
done close and personal. and that such a code actually reduces
Feline Alien Races
callous and casual murder. As a result fireanns and energy weap-
ons are uncommon on Omilla and used mainly off-world against All feline aliens have cat-like features that include oval eyes
aliens who have no "code:' A wulf in combat will carry one to and wide noses. Some look extremely human. while others look
four dIfferent melee weapons. as well as rely on his natural more feline. Fur usually covers their entire body and varies con-
psionic powers. The sword becomes an object of pride and can siderably in hoIh length and color. Many have retraclable claws.
only be taken from the fighter when he is dead. Wulf melee fangs and superior physical dexterity and balance.
""eapons are of superior quality.
Planetary defenses and spacecrafl ""eaponry may also rely on
psionic abilities as well as missiles or lasers. The canines have
de\'eloped a Wide range of psiOniC amplifiers that extend the
range and damage of their abllilles ~ that they are on the same
scale as amficial ""eapons. All of these amplifiers are very large
and can only be mounted In buildings oron sp3.cecrafl. A psionic
amplifier ""capon IS roughly the same S17.e as the heavy weapon
It replaces and has erfecll\"ely the same rarlge and damage. Most
are plasma/fire. laser and force (Ielekinesis). These amplifier
""eapons make the Wulf spacecraft panicularly feared because
Ihe ""capons do not fire In the traditional sense and ulilize psy-
chic energy Instead of conventional po""er syslems. The Wulfs
ha\e a sirong mililary presence in space. but have remained neu-
lral in the po.... er slruggles bet.... een various faclions. All Wulfs
serve mandatory tours In the mlhtary for a minimum of three
years. Many fonner and retired military personnel work as mili-
lary advisors. mercenaries and bounty hunters.

Wulf (pronounced woolO

Alignmenl: Any. but tend to be principled. anarchist and aber-
Allribules: I.Q. 306. M.E. 406. M.A. 306. P.S. 406. P.P. 306.
P.E. 306. P.B. 206+3. Spd. 5D6.
Hil Points: P.E. plus 206 per level of experience
S.D.C., 50
Heighl: 7 feet plus 2D6 inches (2.2 to 2.4 m).
Weighl: 200 plus 2D4x1Q pounds (100 to 127 kg).
Average life Span: 80 years
Super Abilities: All wulfs are nll/lIl"l1/ psionic:s with the power
of pyrokinesis in addition to the usual abilities available to
such characters.
Natural Abililies: Nightvision 600 feet (183 m) and sensitive
hearing 20 decibels beyond human range; +2 on initiative. +1 Altaicans
to pull punch. +1 to roll wilh impact and +3 to save vs horror The altaicans are natives of the thennal world. TIlissia. Their
factor. numbers are mostly located in Ihe tropical latitudes where tem-
Preferred Armor: Most Wulfs will wear full suits of environ- peratures hover just below 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93 C). They
mental phlle annor. A.R. 17. S.D.C. 200. are a latl. powerfully built race wilh features similar to the lions
Familiarily .....ilh Earth: The Wulfs have access 10 infonnation of Eanh, although their manes are not quite as prominent and are
on Eanh equal to the "Has studied Eanh" result on the Fa- shaped differenlly. The fur is long and thick on their head and
miliarity with Eanh table. upper back but barely an inch long over the remainder of their
Special Weapons and Vehicles: The equivalent to most types bodies. Colors range from Ian to grey_
of .... eapons. hover vehicles and spacecraft. Favoriles include Each altaican city is governed by a shaman-like mystic called
energy melee weapons. vibro-blades and other types of pow- a lVisam. Each cily has one Wisam who keeps a council of mys-
erful melee weapons. tic advisors. Of this council. one member is elected 10 represent
Rifls otes: Basically the same as the vulpese. Iheir city althe nation's capital. The capital and many major cit-
ies are located on ancient sites with magical significance. They
are called Tllr Gathuing Placrs. At The Gathering Places, the
mystics are able 10 commune with their anceslors and the spirits
of the planet for help and guidance. The spirits do not condemn
or forbid the development of science because it is seen as part of

the natural evolution of the race. However. the misuse of tech- Preferred Armor: Will depend on the occupation of the Altai-
nology or magic will be judged against the offender. can. Most will use the amlOrs of their adopted plilnet because
With the blessings of the spirits. the allaicans have made ad- they are repaimble and replaceable. Depending on the alien's
vances in space travel and other high-tech areas. They have de- personal tastes. this can be anything from a vest (A.R. 10,
veloped bionic programs that are highly successful. and Iheir S.D.C. 50) to Class Four Hard Annor (A.R. 17. S.D.C. 280).
space related achievemems include moon colonies and deep Familiarity wilh Earth: Equal to the ··Some familiarity" result
space exploration. One area forbidden by the spirits is experi- on the Familiarity with Earth table.
mentation to develop super abilities or psionic powers. Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG setting, the felines will
Most ahaicans have a strong sense of justice. and feel a re- be regarded as O-bees. The Coalition States and othcr human su-
~ponsibility 10 help the weak and less fortunate. Many of those premacists will see them as dangerous beings because thcy are
who leave Thissia 10 travel to the stars. bring their personal inhuman. educated. and they promote learning and interrilcial
sense of justice and honor with them. They are effectively cooperation. as well as practice magic.
knights-erram who correct injustice and defend the innocem If set in the Rifts: Phase World environment. the basic set-
wherever they go. As the felines roam the galaxy. they may ting presented above for this book is satisfactory. The character
choose one planet or people to protect or avenge. Many will re- will be an S.O.c. creature. like humans, who possesses mega-
main on that world or with those people for decades. sometimes damage weapons and technology.
till the day they die. Some. especially the young. will swear an
o~th to right or avenge a particular wrong or engage in a specific
noble quest. The altaicans' temt for a noble quest is a "Soul
Find," Altaic:ms on a Soul Find are often of selfish alignments
because they do not yet know what they want from life or from
themselves. Eventually, most become scrupulous as they engage
in a lifetime of helping others. However, there are evil and self-
ish altaicans. Some become engrossed in war and cruelty. Others
seek glory and power at the cost of other people.
The allaicans would be prime candidates for opposition 10 the
Atorian Empire. but their homeworld is light years away from
the Empire's nearest border on the outer edge of the Milky Way.
Thus. they know lillie about the AlOrian Empire and have never
faced them in any connic\. However. as the felines make inroads
into the outer reaches of the galaxy. they are beginning to meet
other intelligcnT life fonns and have begun 10 hear stories abOul
the Empire, FAR (Federation of Allied Races) and other worlds.

Altaicans (pronounced aI-fay-cans)

Alignment: Any. but young adventurers are often unprincipled
or anarchist. while older characters will generally be good or
Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306, M.A. 406, P.S. 406. P.P.
306+2, P.E. 306+2. P.B. 306, Spd. 406
Hit '·oints: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 1D6xlO+1O
Height: 5 feet plus 406 inches (1.610 2.1 m).
Weight: 100 plus 206xl0 pounds (54 to 100 kg).
Average Life Span: 70 years
Super Abilities: The following Super Power Categories are
available to altaican characters: bionics, hardware, magic,
mUlams with super powers, and physical training. No altai-
cans have psionic powers.
Nalural Abilities: As a native of a Ihennal world the character
is immune to the effects of heat and resistant 10 fire (half
damage). However. any temperatures below 98 degrees Fahr-
enheit (37 C) is freezing to them and the alien will suffer ex- Concol
posure as detailed under the frozen world description unless Col is a planet of low gravity surrounded by perpetual cloud
they are in a heated survival suit. Also + I on initiative. +2 to cover. As a result. the planet is a dark and gloomy twilight
roll with impact. world. The native lifc fonns. including the concols. have devel-
Special Weapons and Vehicles: The full range of weapons and oped nightvision 10 allow them to function within this dark envi-
vehicles is available. except for antigravity devices. Sonic ronment. The concols are a race of tall feline aliens with rather
disruptors are a favorite weapon and two-man hover cycles drab grey or dark brown fur. Their eyes are a vibrJ.nt yellow and
and jet packs are favorite vehicles. the ears are tall and poimed.
As they evolved over the ages. other natural abilities began to Familiarity with Earth: The Concols study other planets thaI
manifest that would change the outlook of the people and give are less advanced than themselves to decide if they should
them new direction. About 400 years ago, the people suddenly help them along. Their data on Earth is equal to the "Some fa-
ex.hibited the ability 10 Oy without wings or devices. and 10 pro- miliarity." For the moment. they. like many others. have de-
ject light from their bodies. Presumably, these abililies had al- cided to leave Earth alone.
ways existed, but had remained latent. What triggered them 10 Rifts Notes: The concoltry to stay out of the affairs of others,
suddenly appear when they did remains a mystery. The concols but they find it difficuh to tolerate beings who imprison and en-
look il as a sign that they should venture beyond their darkness slave others. Slillthey will try to stay uninvolved unless they are
and into a new golden age of technological. philosophical and imprisoned or atlacked themselves. If they feel threatened they
sociological advancement. Wilhin 200 years, their scientiSIS and can be deadly foes who will carry on the bailIe until the enslav-
engineers had created vehicles to carry them above the clouds ing darkness is destroyed. This means they are natural enemies
and to the slars. They want to see it all. to the likes of the Splugonh. vampires. demons and Iyrants.
New vislas have been opened to the concols. They explore Even the Coalition Siaies will be seen as an enslaver of the mind
and adventure Just to ~ what will present itself next. Although and spiril that will entice lhe felines 10 free those enslaved
many of them leave their homeworld never 10 return, most do through lacle of knowledge and self-esteem. The CS will try to
OQ( stay away for more than a few decades. and frequenlly visit destroy them.
their world 10 regenerate their spirits. The felines who do OQ( In the Phase World setting. they will be regarded as heroes
, the driving need 10 explore the universe slay on lheir home-
have or meddlers depending on the person and their outlook on life.
world to explore olher horizons in regard to literature, music. For Rifts settings. the concol can be S.D.C. creatures as de-
painting. all the ans and lhe mind. Most accept all people and scribed above or mega-damage creatures with 2D4xlO M.D.C.
cultures on their face value. Although they love to share and ex- plus 106 per level of experience. ll1cy possess mega-damage
change ideas. the concol never try to force their views on Olhers_ weapons. armor and technology equal to the Coalition States.
They revel in the experience of life and seek to unravel its mys- Optional RiO.s Sub-plot: Unknown to the concol. lhey are an
teries. The felines are sometimes called the "philosopher's cat" aboned experiment of the infamous gene-splicers. It was
and are regarded as gentle. curious beings. However. while most through genetic reconstruction al the hands of these insane gen-
concol would like to thtnk Ihis is lrue. they do nOI allow them- iuses that the felines developed nOi only super abilities. but hu-
selves to be mistreated or caged. Now that lhey have been set man fonn and intelligence!
free from !he darkness that once caged them. lhey will never be
imprisoned by the dark again. whether it is the darkness of their
world. the darkness of the mind or the darkness of the souL Felias - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Concol (pronounced con-coal) The felias are indigenous to the planet Lcine. They are a race
Alignment: Any. but most tend to be good or unprincipled. of tall. black furred. feline humanoids that specialize in collect-
Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 406. P.S. 406. P.P. 406. ing. collating and distributing infonnation. For hundreds of years
P.E. 306. P.B. 406. Spd. 606+ 10 (x3 when nying) these aliens have used their nalural psionic and super abilities to
Hit Points: P.E. x3 plus 106 per level of experience. sweep the galaxy in search of usable infonnation. They collect
S.D.C.: 2D4x10 volumes of knowledge that includes names. places. dates, peo-
Height: 9 feet. 6 inches plus 3D6 inches (3.0 to 3.8 m). ple. politics. governments. planets, military bases. weapons.
Weight: 300 plu!> 3D4x10 pounds (149to 190 kg). spacecraft. stars. weather. production facilities, technologies.
AV'erage Life Span: 95 years wars. assassinations. bounties, and scores of other subjecls both
Super Abilities: All Concols have the following super abilities: mundane and impressive. This infonnation is stored and sold to
Flight: wingless. super-vision: night vision. energy expulsion: clients across the galaxy. For the felias. knowledge is their most
light and one other minor super ability of choice! valuable commodity.
Bonuses (In Aight): One additional atlack per melee, +2 to All the felias are knowledge brokers. Many operate as
strike, +2 to parry, +4 to dodge when hovering. +6 to dodge spies/espionage agents. eXlonionists, negotiators. researchers.
at 90 mph (144 km) and faster. and +4 damage for every 20 historians. smugglers and mercenaries. They make mastert"ul use
mph (32 km) of flight speed. of their speed reading and total recall abilities to remember and
Natural abilities: Keen senses of hearing, smell and vision (+2 disseminate infonnation. They can also make predictions on
on initiative and +1 to roll with impact or fall). Their power- probable outcomes based on hundreds of factors. Prized as advi-
ful bodies also give them great speed and they can leap 12 sors and historians. felias agents are a presence in many places
feet (3.6 m) high or lengthwise from a standing still position: of power throughout the galaxy. including the Atorian Empire
double from a running stan! They are also +10% to climb, and the Federalion of Allied Races (FAR). The felias are also
prowl and maintain balance. one of the wealthiest races in the galaxy.
Special Weapons & Vehicles: The concols have an affinity for Felias who respect the laws. mores and secrels of Other
laser weapons and lechnology. but can use all types of weap- worlds are respected and welcomed everywhere. However. this
ons. vehicles and equipment. 1lleir tech-level is high. but is seldom the case and many worlds have come to fear the pres-
!hey don't have antigravity systems. ence of a felia. terrified that embarrassing secrelS or damaging
Preferred Armor: Most Concols will not wear annar except for infonnation may fall into their hands and be used against them.
combat or when an environmemal suit is necessary for explo- Some worlds and space slations have banned lhe felines from
ralion and space lravel (A.R. 17. S.D.C. ISO). Other types of their territories.
armor can be used as well.
The entire Felias Information Network (FIN) is regulated
and directed by their governing body. known simply as the
Board of Direction. which runs the entire society like a mon-
strous mega-corporation. Both collection and dispensing agents
operdte under their government's jurisdiction. Only freelancers
and rogues don't have to answer to the Board. but they cannot
gain legal access 10 FIN. Payments for information collected by
active agents are given to the Board. The money is used for nor-
mal government maintenance and activities. plus each operative
is paid a handsome salary. Freelance collectors and brokers are
not sanctioned or tolerated by the Board or other operatives. and
bounties for these rogue agents are frequemly issued to have
them returned to the homeworld for a prison sentence or execu-
tion - the felias are eXlremely competitive.
All infonnation brokers are psionics. They collect infomla-
tion from the FIN (which comrols a galaxy-wide infomtation
network) and several sanctioned collectors thai work for them in
refional space. Collectors will almost always have super abili-
ties. especially those involving heightened senses and stealth.
such as invisibility and nightstalking. The felias' military. police.
and enforcers are heavily anned and intolerant of alien law-
breakers. Many are robots. <lndroids or bionic soldiers. others
possess super abilities and psionics. Most collectors will have
military educations with plemy of espionage and surveillance
training. while brokers commonly have espionage and communi-
cations skills or a background in engineering or science.

Felias (pronounced fee·lee-ahs)

Alignmenl: Any. but mOSI are anarchist or aberrant.
Atlributes: I.Q. 3D6 (306+2 for brokers), M.E. 306. M.A.
3D6. P.S. 4D6, P.P. 3D6+3. P.E. 306. P.B. 306. Spd. 406
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per level of experience. types of weapons, annor, vehicles and technology. including
S.D.C.: 2D4xlO AlOrian Empire equipmenL
Height: 6 feet plus 306 inches (1.9 to 2.7 m).
Preferred Armor: Most operatives will have plain cloth annor
Weight: 120 plus 2D4xl 0 pounds (63 to 91 kg).
(A.R.: 14. S.D.C.: 50) and a suil of environmental body ar-
Average Life Span: 80 years
mor (A.R.: 18. S.D.C.: 200).
Super Abilities: All felias have a minimum LS.P. equal to their
M.E. X2 plus 106 poims per level of experience and have the Familiarily with Earth: Recently. the Felias' Board of Direc-
psi-abilities of speed reading. total recall and mind block. The tion has found the lime to send secret FIN operath'es 10 Eanh.
average. non-super-powered character can select one addi- They have no knowledge of Eanh. as of yet. bUI that will
tional secondary (minor) psi-ability and can pursue any occu- change quickly.
pation. Rins Notes: In the Rifts seuing. the felias will be considered
All infonnation brokers. gatherers and spies are natural D-bees. spies and criminals. The character can selecl any of the
psionics and can select a number of psionic powers (see the mercenary. scholar and adventurer O.c.c.s. as well as borg.
psionic description in Heroes Unlimited, page 127). headhunter. military specialist. RPA Elite/power annor pilot and
Felias colleclOrs can be from the Super Power Categories techno-wi lard. Many will deal with the mOSt unsavory charac-
of bionic. robot. hardware or super-powered mutant (the vast ters and may eSlablish ties with the Coalition States. Naruni En-
majority are the laller). Super feli<!s seleci two minor powers terprises. the Splugonh. Cibolans, New Oragcona. the Black
and one major ability or twO major powers from the follow- Market. crime lords. gangs and olhers. They may also engage in
ing selection: Minor Abilities: Super vision: x-ray or ad- the capture and sale of slaves. The CS will try to use those they
vanced sight, heightened sense of hearing. nightslalking. can manipulate and control and destroy those they cannot.
adhesion, or night: glide or wingless. Major Super Abilities:
The selling presented in the description for Aliens Unlimited
Chameleon. invisibility. shape change. darkness control. in-
as spies and infonnation brokers is applicable for .'hase World.
tangibility. holographic memory projection. multiple be-
The felias are not trusled and are likely to have loose tics as op-
ings/selves. mechano-link. or shrink.
eratives for Naruni Enterprises.
Soldiers will either be bionic. robot. hardware. a mutant or
experiment with super abilities. Although Ihey have collecled For Rifts settings. the felias are S.O.c. creatures who use
data on magic. no felias practice the mystic ans. mega-damage weapons. annor and technology. Those with
Natural Abilities: Keen senses. renexes and powerful muscles. psionic powers are either master psionics or mind mcltcrs!
Special Weapons & Vehicles: The felias have access to all
Giris - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prderred Armor: Specific armor designs Will vary depending
The glriS are a race of feline humanoids native [0 the frozen on the individual's occupatjon. wealth and personal taste. bUI
planet Alora. Large sections of the upper layers of its crust are stylish armor and environmental suits with family cresls. gold
composed of crystal and olher precious stones. Immense veins of trim. and gems are common. A typical environmental suit of-
gemstones and crystals fill the glaciers and frozen rock. The fering maximum comfon. movement and style will have an
sheer volume of precious stones is unimaginable. These fonna- A.R. 14. S.D.C. 60. A heavy combat suit will have an A.R.
lions are very important to the giris as a means of making 18. S.D.C. 120+2D4xIO.
money. The crystal and gems are sold off-world for industrial Familiarity with Earth: Several giris study teams have been to
use in lasers and as gems for jewelry and an. However. the Eanh and have collected infonnation equal to the ··Has stud-
Slones have even greater value as a focus for power and a means ied" result on the Familiarity with Eanh tabl~.
of defense. because all gins have the ability to draw amazing Rifts Notes: The giris will be considered dangerous. super-
po\\.crs from the gems. These powers and weahh have made the powered D-bees by the Coalition Stales. and dangerous. self~
giris arrogant and cold-heaned. serving rogues by most Olhers. It is the rare giris who assumes
After the glris discovered the first few spacefaring people. the role of a hero. protector or mentor. Mosl are self-serving op-
they became incredibly curious about other worlds with intelli- ponunists who will work as thieves. smugglers. assassins. spies.
gent life and kept a watchful eye on many planets. both ad- or criminals. Others will become advisors 10 lhose in power or
vanced and primitive. Many guis happily volunteer to be try to rule over those less capable as a king or even a god. A giris
mevabers of study expeditions for extended periods of time. character can be ANY of the mercenary a.c.c.s (see Rifts Mer-
They do so nO[ With thoughts of conquest. but with thoughts of cenaries). Many will have ties with the Black Market. criminals_
findmg new markets and new resources for gems. evil forces and other unsavory characters.
The study teams are usually government sanctioned. but are In Phase World, they will act as cosmic opponunisls like the
typically sponsored by private industry. This means there is a Naruni. except they are more laid back and hate 10 really work
cenaJO amount of autonomy and self-interest among each group. hard at anylhing. They will associate with the aruni. Splugonh
The structure and motivation of Ihese study groups vary greatly. and anybody who can help them get what they want. They are
Some are serious scienlific expeditions. others are in search of nOI highly respected in the space community.
new geological resources or people to exploit. Many are more Although super-powered. the giris are S.D.C. crealures and
like a bunch of nch people gOJOg on vocallon 10 see how other musl use mega--damage lechnology for mega-damage protection
people hve. Many of these expeditions exploil the people and and fire power. However. some of their super abililies may be
planetary resources of mher worlds. because lhe giris lend 10 mega-damage equivalents (see Rifts Com·ersion Book One for
have lillie regard for other people. M.D. super power conversions and adjustments).

Giris (pronounced gir-iss)

~Iignment: Any. bUI lend to be selfish. arrogant and self-serv-
Atlributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 206. P.S. 306. P.P.
306+3. P.E. 306. P.B. 206+1. Spd. 306+2
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per level of experience.
Height: 5 feel plus 306 inches (1.6to 2.4 01).
Weight: 100 plus 206xIO pounds (54 to 100 kg).
A\'erage Life Span: 75 years
Super Abilities: All giris have the nalural super ability known
as gem (see Villains Unlimited, page 29). which en-
ables Ihe character to release energy. bend light. bio-regener-
ate and unleash many other po.... ers. Funhennore. all giris
have one additional major power of the player's choice.
Natural Abilities: As natives of a frozen planet. the giris are ex-
tremely resislanl to the effects and damage of cold. They get
a bonus of +4 to sa\'e Vlo cold based magic and suffer half
damage from cold. They will suffer from exposure as detailed
under the frozen world description when temperatures rise
above 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 C). unless they are wearing
a prorective suit to keep them cool.
Spei:ial Weapons & Vehicles: The giris people are reasonably
advanced. but their real knowledge and manufacturing abili-
ties are limited to low-end items of fair quality. However.
they buy whatever they need from others. which means they
can acquire vinually any type of superior weapon. annor. v~_
hide or equipment they wanl. Many giris rely on their natural
super abililies more Ihan their technology.
win their freedom while the linx were weak. Others became the
targels of pirates and other enemies.
Ultimately the linx were forced to withdraw troops to address
crises on their homeworld. and dangers threatening their galactic
possessions. An uneasy peace agreement was signed by both
parties and has been in force for :lbout a decade. The linx never
did uncover the full scope of the threskians' treachery or in-
volvement in the civil crisis. The avians have covered their
tracks well and it is likely the linx will never know how close to
destruction they had come. If the thrcskians were more aggres-
sive or evil the linx would now be a Ihreskian possession.
The linx are still in the process of rebuilding. Some civil un-
rest continues both on their homeworld and on off-world posses-
sions. The military is omnipresent and martial law is in place at
many locations. There have also been disturbing incidents with
linx soldiers who have undergone experimental treatments to
tum them into superbeings (an allempt to counter the threskian
agents). Many have gone AWOL to become mercenaries. crimi-
nals and super villains. In the long run. the linx should survive
the turnlOil and remain a power to be reckoned with.
There is great resentment toward the threski:ms and a pro-
longed peace is not likely. Currently. the twO galnctic powers
won't have anything to do with each other. The linx encourages
pirates, freebooters and other troublemakers to plunder threskian
ships and outposts by offering them limited (usually unofficial)
protection in space under their jurisdiction. to fence stolen goods
(including spacecraft), sell them supplies. and even provide them
with helpful strategic information.
Ironically, the threskians have had their own civil war con-
cerning super-powered soldiers and are not the power they were
during the 50 Year War. A second war would almost certainly be
short and end with the lim, as the victors (the felines don'l real-
Linx ize thi~ yet).
The linx arc an advanced. militaristic people from the planet Hista is a planet with a high gravity which has rll;lde the linx
Hisla. who have engaged in galactic conquest, slave trade and a short. powerful race. Their fur is long and shaggy, their eyes
strong-ann tactics to build their power base. The avians known are a dark emerald green. Many have undergone bionic recon-
as threskians did not lake kindly to the feline's encroachment on struClion, or are empowered by exoskeletons/power armor and
their space and a war erupted. The linx gladly accepted the chal- most, male and female. have extensive combat lraining.
lenge and leapt into a waf thaI would rage for half a century. The
Linx (pronounced links)
bailie was hard fought. with devastating casualties on both sides.
Alignment: Any. NPCs will tend to be rough, gruff and aggres-
The threskians held a slim advantage in the area of super-pow-
sive characters of selfish or evil alignment.
ered operatives which successfully countered the linx's more tra-
Allributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306, M.A. 306, P.S. 406, P.P.
ditional annored military. especially in regards to espionage.
306+6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 3D6x3
During Ihe laler course of the war, operatives of each race be- Hit Points: P.E. x2. plus I D6 per level of experience.
gan 10 appear on their enemy's homeworld 10 destroy key targets S.D.C.: 4D4xlO
and assassinate leaders. These seek-and-destroy teams became Height: 5 feet plus 106 inches (1.510 1.8 m).
increasingly important 10 winning the war. Again, it was the Weight: 100 plus 2D6xlO pounds (54 to 100 kg).
threskians who were able to seize the greatest opportunities Average Life Span: 90 years
through their super-agents. Super soldiers worked their way into Super Abilities: Linx characters can selecl the following Super
positions to strike crippling blows to the hnx's military and po- Power Categories: Bionics (30%). robots (15%). hardware
litical infrastructure. They successfully removed several key (20%), physical training (20%). psionics (5%), or super sol-
leaders and replaced them with shape-changed impostors! These dier as a result of experimentation (10%). None practice
impostors infiltrated military operations. causing sabotage and magic.
sending lheir people information about the linx's strategies and Natural Abilities: Keen hearing and sight equal to lhe minor su-
baule plans. This enabled the avians to launch several preemp- per abilities of heigllfened sense of hearing and ad\'wrced
tive aHacks that devastated their feline enemy. The greatest blow sight: + I on initiative, + I to roll with impact, +2 to save vs
to the linx WaS the impostor's ability to instigate civil war that horror factor.
tore their people apart. This civil war on the linx homeworJd led Special Weapons & Vehicles: Their tech-level is high. They
off-world colonies to also erupt into violence as many tried to prefer bionics. heavy weapons and explosives. but can use all
types of weapons, vehicles and equipment. except antigravity but it will serve as a military base for the small mantella and
systems. troppo fleet that "protects" the planet. When it is completely op-
Armor: Riot amlOr: A.R. 14. S.D.C. 110. Hard amlOr environ- erational it will be manned by 10.000 troops and accommodates
mental suit: A.R. 18. S.D.C. 260. Standard Linx Combat a fleet of a hundred fighters and six battleships.
Power Annor: A.R. 18. S.D.C. 400, +6 to P.S .• double run- As one might suspect. the Atorian Empire has been slow on
ning speed. can leap 20 feet (6 m) up or lengthwise. fly up 10 its promise to provide thc pamherans with useful infonnation
200 mph (320 km). maximum altitude 10,000 feet (3048 m). and the means for technological advancement. The govemment
Weapon systems include ion wrist blasters (one on each arm. protests and petilions lhe Empire about Ihe silUation and breach
does 406 damage per single blast or I D6xl0 per double of their agreement. but they are ignored. The only response they
blast. range 600 feet/IS3 m). plus 204 hand grenades. energy get is to cooperale and relax. Atorian diplomats insist the prob-
rifle (typically plasma or panicle beam) and sideann. lem is only a matter of "adjustment" through a period of transi-
Familiarity with Earth: None. tion. With time. everything will work out fine.
Rifts Notes: Linx are aggressive warriors so they spell Without the promised technology. the pantherans are in no
trouble for the Coalition and most others. Most will be merce- position to make demands or to force the Atorian Empire off
naries (any). borgs, headhunters. soldiers (any) or power ar- their world. However. they are fast learners and are quictly
mor/robot pilots (any). The Coalition States will destroy them watching. learning and upgrading their knowledge. weapons and
because they are monstrous humanoid animals who possess bi- cquipmem. Talk of revolution is in the air. but cven the most
onics, robots. and high-technology - besides, they are most mililant pantherans must admit that they are no match for the
lik~ly 10 be recruited as mercenaries by enemies of the CS. combat troops and resources of the Atorian Empire. They would
The seuing described for Aliens Unlimited is also applicable be hard pressed 10 repel even the current occupation force which
for Phase World. is small compared to many Atorian Empire operations.
The Iinx possess mega-damage weapons and technology. It is The pamherans have always been a people geared toward
up to the a.M. whether they are mega-damage creatures because learning and developing knowledge. Before the Empire ex-
they come from a planet with a strong gravity. If so. they will panded to include Scriv among its interstellar territories. the fe-
have 404x 10 M.D.C. lines were advancing quickly in the technological arena and
were at a level roughly equivalent to Eanh of the 1950's. There
was also a large number of mystics among them. Their pursuit of
Pantherans - - - - - - - - - - - knowledge was not prejudiced or divided between science and
The pantherans are menacing looking creatures because of
their sleek, jet black fur and blank. white eyes (aclUally the pupil
and iris are such a pale blue and green that the eyes appear to be
completely white).
Always in search of knowledge and adventure, they were
thrilled when they were contacted by beings from other worlds.
Consequently. after a displ:ly of impressive generosity and kind-
ness by the Atorian Empire. the pantherans made an alliance
with them. The deal was to tum Seriv into an Energy Core planet
for the Empire in exchange for knowledge regarding advanced
technology. panicularly in the areas of manufacturing. microni-
ution. computers and space travel. This meant turning the planet
into an enonnous industrial facility with sprawling power plants
and factories the size of cities. Luckily for the pantherans. their
world was radioactive to begin with and they had adapted to the
harsh environment eons ago. thus the levels of rJdiation and ad-
ditional air pollution had no effect on them. In addition. a banal-
ion of Thropo warriors (see the ape entry) would be stationed at
key facilities to defend them and to help teach the people in their
operation. A space station would be built to give the felines their
first step into the cosmos. The people of Seriv were delighted.
Fony-five years have passed and the pantherans are becom-
ing dissatisfied with their dealings with the Atorian Empire. The
energy facilities have become larger and more extensive Ihan
originally described: to the point that they claim one-third of the
planet's surface (with no signs of stopping there). Entire cities
have been leveled and the people are forced to live at the gargan-
tuan power plant or industrial city that replaced it. The number
of thropo forces has grown at an alamling rate. In many cases.
the apish soldiers have placed cities under manial law and have
become the ruling force. The space station is nearing completion

the supernatural. Many of these mystics have been lured into the These characters are S.D.C. beings. like humans. who must
service of the Atorian Empire as explorers. specialists and body- acquire mega-damage weapons and equipment.
guards off-world. As a result. there are very few mystics on
Seriv. allhough a large number of young adepts (currently. most
are finit level or nedgling students) are turning to magic as a
means to expel the Empire from their world.
Despite the Empire's insistence that everything will work out
fine. revolution and war are on the horizon. If the opponunity
should arise. the pantherans will join fon:es with enemies of the
Empire. In fact. several thousand are in the service of the Atorian
Emplre's military and labor force. as well as a handful ofadven-
turcrs and free agents who are in space gathering infonnation
about the atorians, the galaxy. technology. weapons. space travel
and the enemies (potcnl131 allies) of the evil Empire.

Panlherans (pronounced pan-Ih-air-ans)

Alignment: Any. but ffiO'itlean toward good.
Attributes: I.Q. 306+3. M.E. 406. M.A. 306. P.S. 406. P.P.
306+2. P.E. 406. P.B. 306. Spd. 306><2
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus I D6 per le.. e1 of experience.
S.D.C.: l()4x10+20
Height: 6 feet plus 106 inChes (1.8 to 2.0 01).
Weight: 190 plus I D6 pounds (87 to 89 kg).
A\erage Life Span: 70 years
Super Abilities: A character can be built from any of the Super
Power Calegofle~ described in HerOt's Unlimited. but the
majority will be magic. physical training nnd hardware.
Natural Abilities: +6 to save vs radiation poisoning and suffers
half damage. +2 to save vs toxins. pollution and disease. +1
00 initiative. can leap 15 feet (4.6 m) high or lengthwise. are
natural climbers (80'l:nO%) and sWlmnlCrs (65%). and can
see into the ultraviolet specuum of light. ll1e pantherans
themseh'es are slightly radioactive. Anyone exposed to them
for a period of two ~eeks or more will run the risk: of suffer·
109 radiation poisoning (see high radiation world description Pume
for details). The planet Gorthia is surrounded by a toxic atmosphere. but
Special Weapons and Vehicles: Limited availability. especially there are life fonns Ihat have managed to thrive in its inhospita-
on their homeworld. but those in space can acquire just about ble environmcnt. The most prominent of these life fonns is a
anything if they can afford it. Vibro·blllde weapons and de- race of intelligent. humanoid felines c31lcd thc pume (pro-
tachable jet packs have become a favorite among rebels. nounced "poo-may"). These tall. fcline humanoids resemble
Preferred Armor: Again. availability is limited, especially to Earth tigers. They are physically powerful and possess psionic
those trapped on their homeworld - their atorian masters powers. Most live in an almost mystical culture of meditation
don't want a disgruntled people 10 have tOO many military re- and soul searching for inner peace. They are :ielf-disciplined.
sources. In space and under Atorian Empire military service. alert and sensitive.
the pantherans are equipped with a10rian weapons and annor. ll1e pume believe that as creatures of free ~ill and thought.
PAE-2 environmental suits provide an A.R. of 10. and 45 they are chaotic by nature. ll1e multitude of chOices a person hal>
S.D.C.; they also contain the radiation. PAE-6 environmental to make is a constant stonn inside each individual. It IS each per-
power anner has and A.R.: 17. S.D.C.: 200. and a detachable son's responsibility to keep that stonn as calm and restrained as
jet pack:. possible. To help themselves undersland and control the chaos
Familiarity with Earth: None. within themselves. the Pume regularly study other people. Most
Rifts Notes: The pantherans will be considcred feline D-bees of the felines use observations as a way to inl>ight :lboUi others
on Rifts Earth. They can be escaped slaves. explorers, adventur- and themselves.
ers or freedom fighters who have come to Earth via magic. Free- About one (hird of the population practice an iJncienl philoso-
dom fighters will be looking for weapons. tcchnology and allies phy known as SlIbjllgolioll. The idea is Ihat one CimnOl truly un-
to use against the Alorian Empire. If they stay OUI of the way of dersland himself or the world around him. unles~ he has first
the Coalition Siaies they will not be singled out for deslruction. hand experience. Thus. those who practice Subjugation perfonn
On Phase World. the setting presented in their descripllon actions. good and evil. in order to gain first hand experience of
here will be applicable. Some may be men:enaries. adventurers. (hem. In this ""ay.the person will be bener prepared to suppress
or slaves. that action or emOtion in Ihe future. Pume who follow this path

may even commit murder. tonure. arson and other crime, but the psionic ability (powers manifest themselves as the special
idea is 10 do so only once or twice as a learning experience and martial ans abilities listed here).
never again. Funhennore. most do not innict their heinous Special Weapons and Vehicles: Any. induding antigravity
crimes on innocent people. Thus, it is not uncommon to hear a items. Many pume. especially those who pr.\ctice Subjuga-
pume to say something like. "I tried murder once. I didn't like it tion. prefer ancienl types of melee weapons. although they
(or it was tOO chaolic) and I try to avoid it now. So please do not may be high-tech versions like vibro-blades and energy
tempt me to do otherwise." Surprisingly, this approach does give shurikens. A pume energy shuriken: Range: Thrown. about
the pume an inner peace and understanding of life and enables 200 feel (61 m). Damage: 406 each.
(he to control their emolions! Preferred Armor: Lightweight. fiber suit lhat looks like silk but
There are. however. a number of people who choose Subjuga- is as lough as steel: A.R. 15, S.D.C. 42: no prowl or move-
tion and arc not able 10 control the SlOml inside themselves once ment penalties. Full environmental Hard Annor: A.R. 17,
they let it loose. Sometimes they like the horrible things they do S.D.C. 280. -15% 10 prowl. climb or perfonn acrobalics and
and the emotions they feel. and continue to do them out of self- gymnastics. Other common suits and amlOr may be available.
gratification. ll1ese villainous rogues are call "Chaos Rillers" or Familiarity with Earlh: Some knowledge.
the "Children of Chaos." Pume given over to chaos are almost Rifls Noles: In a Rifts selling. the pume can be a myslic.
always anarchist, miscreant or diabolic in alignment and are mind bleeder. mind meller. wildemess scout (with master psion-
hkely to develop insanities (panicularly obsessions) as a result ics) or rogue scholar (with manial ans training or master psion-
of their life-style and beliefs. ics). They will be considered feline D-bees on Rifts Eanh. They
Mo'i( young pume (Ieen to 50) are on the quest to discover can be escaped Splugonh or Naruni slaves. or explorers. adven-
themselves and find inner peace. These characlers can be amaz- turers or mercenaries and freedom fighters who have come to
ingly chaotic and may even seem schizophrenic as they change Eanh via magic or a dimensional anomaly in space. If they stay
emOlions from quiet. soft-spoken reserve 10 boislerous outbursts out of the way of the Coalition States they will nOI be singled
and sudden acts of aggrel>sion. They tend 10 take wild chances out for destruclion.
and try to experience everylhing they can. Elder pume. by com- The selling described for Aliens Unlimited is :llso applicable
parison. are usually demure. soft-spoken and friendly. However. for Phase World.
even they can perfonn sudden acts of strength and aggression. The pume possess advanced mega~damage wcapons and
The pume are technologically advanced and have integrated technology. but is an S.D.C. being. ahhuugh some of their pow-
Ihe science!>. technology. an and philosophy of many alien cul- ers may innict mega-damage.
lures into their own. They love 10 explore the universe and 10 ob-
serve and interact with others as much as possible. They make a
temporary alliance or associate with a panicular group or race
for decade!>. but are just as likely to disappear one day. To expe-
rience life they will join other people's causes and fight Iheir
wars. but it is likely that there will be just as many pume on the
opposing side!

Pume (pronounced puo-may)

Alignment: Any. but most young are anarchist. while older
more experienced characters will be good or evil.
Allributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306+2. P.S. 506. P.P.
4D6. P.E. 3D6. P.B. 4D6. Spd. 6D6
Hit Points: P.E. x3. plus 1D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 2D4xlO
Height: 9 feet plus 206 inches (2.8 to 3.0 m).
Weight: 400 plus I D6x I0 pounds (186 to 208 kg).
Average Life Span: 100 years
Super Abilities: All pume are master psionics and can select
two major psionic powers and 104+1 secondary (minor)
abilities. I.S.P. is M.E.x2 +10 and an additional 206 poims
per level of experience: plus the character has the manial ans
and gymnastics skill as found in Heroes Unlimited. and can
pursue any occupation.
Special Option (see Ninjas & Superspies): Those who
~tudy the ways of Subjugation are similar 10 the Chinese mys-
tics of Eanh. They know manial ans combat equal 10 Com-
mando (agent: quickie Jujitsu. page 83 of N&S). plus the
following manial ans powers: Select two aren,; abilities or
ho(ly Il(lrdenillM exercises. select two chi mastery or :enjoriki
abilities. and select IWO morria/ arts lec/mil/lles or special
kmas. HOWEVER. the character loses all but one minor

Humans & Humanoid Alien Races
Humans are ... well. human. Strangely enough. human beings Generally speaking. the vast majority of aluta are sympathetic
Just like those on Eanh arc found scattered throughout the uni· towards other races. and are famous for helping and advising
verse. Some have minor physical differences (and attributes) but civilizations that are less developed or successful than they. Ex-
if Ihey arc true humans. they can mate and bear offspring wilh cept for the occasional radical. they are never condescending
Eanhlings. and are genuinely concerned and helpful. This is a general point
The human-like alien races resemble Eal1h humans so closely of argument between the haughty klikita. The alutas will sell the
that Ihey can walk among them unnoticed. A variance in their services of their military to people or planets in need of aid, but
physical stature. build or density may identify them as different, it must be a worthy, humanitarian cause. Those who use their
but not necessarily alien. Many of them are idenlicalto humans. gifts for mercenary purposes or to cause dissension and unrest
right down to their cellular Slructurc. Since the Eanh people of are considered psionic leeches. The most extreme are cast out
Heroes Unlimited have not developed planet spanning space from aluta society.
technology, they are not typically a major panicipanl in galactic Aluta space programs are designed to explore space, make
lrevel. explorJ.tion or colonization without extraordinary means contact with other life fonns and establish an amicable relation-
(super powers. magic. dimensional rifts. etc.) or alien interven- ship for their mutual growth. development, trade and defense.
tion. Whether or not the humans from other worlds are related to They never push themselves on others, and leave if the indige-
those on Eanh in any way (which is likely) will probably remain nous people don't want them there, or are frightened by their
a mystel)·. Except for some modifications resulting from adapta- presence.
tion to othcr environments. treat these aliens as advanced human Alignments: Any. but most alutas are generally good. Radicals
beings. of the small mililant supremacist movement are typically selfish
I-:Iumanoid aliens in the context of Heroes Unlimited. are or evil.
Ones that closely resemble humans. but have one or more physi- Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306+6, M.A. 406, P.S. 306, P.P.
caltr.tits that loet them dramatically apart. These beings are a dif- 306, P.E. 306. P.B. 306+2, Spd. 306
ferent species and cannot bear offspring with humans, no mailer Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per level of experience.
how similar they may appear. The sub-table given under step S.D.C.: 45
two of the Expanded Character Generation section gives Height: 5 feet, 8 inches plus 1010 inches (1.7 to 2.0 m).
quite a few options. but it does not begin to explore all the possi- Weight: 150 plus ID6xlO pounds (72 to 95 kgs).
bilities. Minor characteristics can range from six fingers on a Average Life Span: 170 years.
hand to fangs or an unusual growth panem for hair. Major char- Race: Aluta humanoids
acteristics could be oddly-shaped heads, longer proportions, two Super Abilities: All alUlas belong 10 the power category of
heans and so on. The following are just a few examples. Psionics only. As natural psionics, they can select three major
powers and six secondary psi-powers. I.S.P. is M.E.x2 plus
the roll of a 20-sided die.
Alula - - - - - - - - - - - - An aluta can be a full or partial cyborg, usually the result
The planet Rizza is the home of two distinct human-like of grievous physical damage to his body, but loses most of
races. In the upper latitudes of the southern pole. half a world his or her psionic powers. All that remains is ID4 minor
away from the klikita. the alUla make their homes on the glacial abilities.
ice of the frozen plane!. They are a race of humanoids very simi- Natural Abilities: Resistant to cold, suffers half damage from
lar to Eanh humans. Their most striking physical difference is a any cold-based attack or environment. In heat above 60 de-
pair of large. pointed ears which give them an "elf-like" appear- grees Fahrenheit (15 C). they suffer from heat exhaustion and
ance. Most have long, black or brown nowing hair. fair skin and exposure (see the exposure rules under the Frozen World de-
grey eyes. All alutas are gifted with psionic abilities that mani- scription). Their environmental space suits protect them from
fest around the time of pubeny. the heat and radiation of other worlds.
The aluta carve and shape cave cities OUI of the glacial ice us- Special Weapons: Most alutas rely upon psionics for allack and
ing psionic abilities such as hydrokinesis. pyrokinesis. and tele- defense purposes. Those that have no offensive powers de-
kinesis to cut. melt. and move large sections of ice. They also pend on energy weapons and TK force field generators.
have an advanced civilization with sciences, engineering and Special Vehicles: Antigravity Disk: A.R. 18. S.D.C. 45, maxi-
space capabilities. They've even perfected antigravity vehicles. mum speed is 100 mph (160 km), or can hover stationary,
As one might expect. they rely heavily on their natural abilities maximum altitude is unlimited. Maximum weight allowance
and often prefer to use them instead of machines or equipment. is 1,000 pounds (450 kgs). They also have antigravity nying
In fact, there is a small, radical movement among the alUla to disks (look like flying saucers) that come in sizes that can ac-
abandon their dependence on machines and rely entirely (or commodate five people, 20, 50 or 150!
mostly) on their psionic powers. These radicals also suggest that Special Armor: Mostly light, padded environmental suits
alutas are superior 10 most other races and should conquer them. Ispacesuits: A.R. 10. S.D.C. 55 (weighs 14 pounds/6,4 kg)
staning with the klikita. and/or telekinetic force field generator. The latter is generated
via :1 special psionic boosting hclmet. hcadband or brain im- These characlers are S.D.C. life-fomls who need mega-dam-
plant. age weapons and annor for mega-damage protection and fire-
The TK force field h anificially induced. and is in addi- power. Quickie Conversion: Technology/weapons/annor can be
tion 10 nalUml psionic powers. To activate. it COSIS 10 I.S.P. simply switched from S.D.C. 10 M.D.C. for quick conversion
and has an A.R. of 20 and 50 S.D.C.: duration is 20 minmes. and integralion. Thus, if the body annor had an A.R. 13 and 70
When the duration time el:lpses or the S.D.C. is destroyed. S.D.C.. it would now have an M.D.C. of 70 (A.R. not applica-
the p~ionic can rai~e a new force field 104 seconds afler the ble). Similarly, an energy weapon thai innicts 306 S.D.C. would
previou~ onc vani~he~. Characters who have natural telekine- now inOicl M.D. instead. Or the Game Master can keep the
sis get a bonu~ 25 S.D.C. and double duration of their force alicn's S.D.C. technology and make the character acquire mega-
field for the \ame I.S.P. Ct)~L damage ilems just as any human does. The super abili[ies of the
Familiaril~ "ilh E:lrth: They have collected a weillth of infor- character would inniCI the equivalent in mega-damage (see Rifts
million un a multllude of plane'" from their numeroUi> deal- Conversion Hook One for specific super powcr conversions).
ing~ .... 1111 uther r:tee... [ncluded in [hi) data is infonnation
ahaut Eanh elillal to the "Some Familiarity" resuh on the Fa-
nllliarny With Eanh table. Arerri
Rifts 'Joles: It u~ed III the Rifts RI'(; selling. the characler Thc areni are a race of tall humanoids from a turbulent planet
will be ..cen a\ ,I mulant human. elf or treacherou~ D-bee who ii> named Arom. The atmosphere of Arora is filled with debris and
feared or hunlt'd (and de'troyed) by human i>upremacists like panicles lhat lash about in perpelual wind Slonns. To survive in
this environment. the Arerri have evolved a lOugh. lumpy. ar-
mored hide. Skin colors range from a peachy Oesh 10 a multitude
of browns and grays. Despite their large. coarse :tppear:tnce, the
Arerri are an intelligent race who have achieved many technical
Their scientists have perfected superpower inducing experi-
mentation. bionic augmentation. and robotics technology. Their
tcchnological achievcments include full sensory holograms. tclc-
ponalion devices, light speed travel. panicle beam weaponry.
fully aUlomated robots suitablc for vinually every t;lsk. and they
arc currently experimenting with warping space. :lIld dimen-
sional travel. Thc arcrri pursue all facets of knowledge. includ-
ing magic. and have developed a nearly mopian society. but they
have 10 guard it c:trefully. If other races were to leam of their
achievements. half of the galaxy would be banging on their door
and the arerri do not want that. Despite their successe~ :md ad-
vancemenlS. the arerri have none of the ;lrrogance of the kassans.
klitika and other races. There hllS not becn a war on Arora for
300 years and the people want to keep it thai W:1Y.
The plane[ is dOlled with huge domed structure that stretch
for miles in diameter and are hundreds of feet high. Inside the~e
annored shells arc the citics. It is necessary to shield their hOll1e~
from the constant stomlS which wreak havoc outside of the
domes. The Arerri also usc thc domes to help hide their titic~
from prying eyes. They rarely pemlit othcr raccs [0 land on their
pl<ll1ct. and mosl people avoid it because the atlllosphere il. so
Arerri spacecraft arc intentionally outfilted with technology
roughly cqualto any other advanced race. so that if a ship ~hould
h;lppcn 10 be c;lplured. teleponers and othcr highly advanced
items will not be found on it. Such item~ are few and rigged to
self-destruct in the event of capture by hostile force~. These tac-
tho,e of the Coalition State~. Anival on Rifh Eanh is likely via tics have worked for over 250 years.
a dimen"'lllllal anumaly. blad, hole. dimCIl\ional experiment. Alignmenls: Any. but the majority arc good.
magic or ,1\ a .. lave or refugee. The Splugonh and other ~lavers Allribules: I.Q. 406. M.E. 306. M.A. 206+2. P.S. 306. P.P.
are alway\ on the [ookuut for \upcrbcl1lg~ :md p~ionic char:tctcrs 306. P.E. 306+2. P.B. 206. Spd. 306
as ~Ia\c\. Their k\e1 of technology will aho make thcm appeal+ Hit Points: P.E. plus 206 per level of experience.
mg. Natural A.R.: 14
If ~et In the Rifts: I·ha.~t' World environmc1ll. Ihe scenario of S.D,C.: 4D6xlO plus 25
slave. explorer. mercenary. or "pace adventurer work~ finc. Most Height: 6 fcct plus 406 inches (2.0 to 2.4 Ill).
are good guy'. but other... m..y be \ 111:111"". Weight: 200 plus 4D6xI0 pounds (109 to 200 kgs).
They iLlliO have accc,~ 10 ;til common energy \\-e.lpom,
computers, annor and vchlde"
Spet:i:tl Vehicles: Mll:ro-J..~l hover boo!': (v1:1xunum speed 60
mph (96 1,,111). c:ln hover 3 \(l 100 fCCI (0.9 10 30.5 01) above
lhe ground, maximum allnude is 1000 feCi (305 m), S.D.C.
40 per boo\. A jel pad. lhat goc~ Iwice a, fa,t and high (100
S,D.C.. A.R. 14) i, 'lho ;tv:lilablc.
Spedal Armor: The arerri lend 10 rely un lheir own protective
11Iue,. but aho u,e robol exo-,~eIClOn~ and prolective ,pilce-
Familiaril.\' with Earlh: EqUilllo Ihe "Some hnwlianly" re~ult
on lhe Fanlliianl)' Wilh Eanh labk.
Rifts Noles: Characte,", \I ho :I1Tl\e on Rift, Eanh will be
,een a, dangerou~ D-bce, 10 be fe;Jred. hunted and de!>lro)'ed by
human 'upremacl'h. Armal on Rlf!' Eanh" hl"cly via a dirnen-
'Ional .momaly. dllllen"onal expcnmcnl. magic or a, a '11"ve.
The 'plugnnh. clOOlan,. narunl and other 'Ila\er, \1111 find lhe
arelTllt> be \ery ,lUraCllve for gJadlalOriil1 game' and ,lave l"oor.
Th(")' 1-1111 al,o covel lheir .,eiel1llfir ~n(}\\ ledge and wc"pon., for
If ,el III the Rifts: Phase Wurld envlronmcnt. the ,cenano of
,Ia\l'. explorer, mercenary. or 'pace advenlurer \\01'''' nne,
Some are good guy, and olher, are villain,.
The arern arc megll-damage creallJre\ In Rlth em lronmelll'l.
If the characler ha, 1\)0 S,D,C.. II become, 19(} M.D.C.: lhe
\ame i, true of Iheir rolxll'. ,pace,hip' and equipment. The ,u-
per abililicJ, of lhe chara..'ler arc also likely to mfliel Ihe cquiva-
lent III mega-damage (,ee Rilh Cunversinn !juok One lor
~pecifi... \upcr power conver~ioll\).

\\Cr"l.:l' I,ife ~P"Il: 9) yc"'"

"upl'r .Ihilitic\:\rcrn l'Jll Ix' any of Ihe ,upcr pOWl.'T c"tegoric,
r'lulld III Ilcrllc\ lnlimilcd. \110'1 lire Ibrdw'lre, Phy\ic.ll The ari'mal are a race 01 hUlTlall·lll"c alien, origlllally from a
11,1l1lIllg. ('T Kohol\, Only a hamJtul aTe Expcrimenl'>. Magic. planct of lhc 'ame namc. The planet An,mal orbitcd a dar~ \un
\lulanh. or P,IOlUI.:\: Ihe) lend 10 J\OI<.l blOnlC\ and really which emillcd more hC'" r:JdJartQn lhan i1 did ligh!. rnal"lIlg il "
,I"n'l nl.:cd ilnllor ~l'.llhe ot lhelr IMlUml S.D.C. annur. dark bUI wann planc!. The .\ociClY and ..·ivlliJ:alion of Ih nativc~
Rllholl-har.l(;[ef\ can he i.l rralhferred arerri inlelligcllcc. an advant'cd 10 nval 111O.'>e of olhcr galactic race~. Their miliTary
.lrem \\\"Irill,!! an C\o-\l"clclOn!p\I\\l.'T anHOT \uil Of piloling a 'paceerafl pal rolled loc:l1 \pace and merchanl cf<lfl from other
mhOl \ \'l1ll. I,' 1l0\h'\l'r, Ihl' ruhOl dWr.Lcler i, Ju\l ii' li"c1y 10 race, came 10 lrade wilh lhem. Then. one fateful day. a convoy
Iw a ,ophi,IK.lled ,Lnlficial 1I11elllgenl'l' - a true mbol crc- of mililary craft. u.'>lTlg "I>oinl-to-poim'·!r.lVcI, 1l11'lill"enly loc"ed
.lr.. . d hy the ar.. . rn lor . . \pIOT;Jlltm. rc,carl'h or dclen-..t:!prOle(·, onlO Ari,mar.'> gr'lvity field (.'Icc lhl" Space TT:lvcl ,eel ion for de-
Iltlll ftypK'11 hudgcllall, Into rhe III to 1111111110ll categoric'\. lail't). ,ending 10 ma\sive 'pace,hlp, collidin,g imo lhe planet:ll
'alural \hilitic\: Can hreathe IO\K hUllc, and POllllllOIl vdth· lhe 'peed of ligh!. The colli~ion literally cr"cl"cd lhe pl:mcl in
ntH til died, +) III "I\e \, Ul'e:.... c. drug, and pOI,on,. r.... \l'· half. "illing billion~. Only a few lhou':U1d Ari,mal, on mitlwry
lallllo rire. h\'<I!. and nlld Idnc, halt' J:UH:.tgC). dury off-planet 'uI'Vlved lhe lj("qruction.
"lIc6al \\ c:tplln... : I Sonir BI.l,tcr (pl'101nr ,mall rodl: K;Jngc: The ari.'>mal ~llrvi\or~ ""ere all pilrl of the military 'pace pro-
(,S k,'ll2C1 Illl. damage ,1D6 S.D.C. ,111d half of thaI damage gram. JU.'>I like any military orgallltalion. the)' rcprc.'>Cnl man)'
1-1 til p' nghl lhrough hody ann,)r 10 .lftecl lhe rc",on in...ide education'll background.'>, including ,demi,t,. doctor,. engl'
ld(l," nl't p..' n..'lrale annored vehi(·le,l. Payload: 11 ~hor en- neer,. pi lor.... and comb.lI permnncl. Under 'Irong milil:lT) lead-
crt.!\ -lip er,hip. lhe arismal have 'l"ycd logclh..'r a, a Il1lliwri"li...
""11K Ill/ooLI: R.mge: SOil Ic~l (IS::! mI. damage organiJ:ation. hVlllg 011 lheir b"IlJc~hip' \\ hill' ,earchll1g for a
1Df,,' III S,nc. and halt gOt:, lhrough 1111.' "nnor. blUllIC new horne. The office,", do not I-I'anl lheir people 10 be divided or
,hl..'llllllg or \duck alld alt("rh th..· p.,:r,on or pcupk irhillc! lured "way. \0 il j, very difficult lor per,ollncllO gellX'"mm~ion
1'.1\ 10,1J 12,1101 energy dIp. 10 Ie:lve a ve'.,e!.. or have direct contact \\llh mher life fonn,.
l I'artlde Beam Pi'lol Range: 100 kel t305 Ill). damag... E.'Ipecially when moiling a planel or uoc"lIlg al a ~pace .,laliOll 10
61)6 '},DC.. p'lyload: lU ,1101 energy clip. acquire :>upplie.,. or Ill:!"e rcpalr" II i, nOI Imfxh"bk. howe\cr.
4, Partidc Beam RIlle: Ral1g~: 1600 Icel (..HH\ m). uanl:lge ;lIld M:\eral hundred ,oldie,", ha\C" dc~C"ned/e,calX'"d 10 begin new
h])6+ 12 s,or . pJy loau: 20 ,hOI cnergy dip. live,.

1\11 ,nldlO,:r, lu\c rnini-Iawf'> ;l11d <lmigravit) ,uit" SI)Ccial ;1\ot ~CL 11K') halc mIL, Thl') h;,lC 11K' eqUll,lknl ot IIll' "ILl,
foo.'l" Ulllh 1Ilo.:lmle WOOl ~T,nnnci. olo11ic ,oldier" and Ihmc ,ludlCd E:I(1h" I'l:,ull on Ihe hlllllll<lril) \\llh Eanh I.,hk.
\\>Ilh 'UI'II.'r .th,lllle, ur P'IOlllC IX1v.ef\. The,e 'I>enal operallVc,
I(if!, '\ole..: If u,eJ 111 Ihe Rilh H:I'(; ,ellillg. Ihe dl:Il";lllcr,
aH' U'II;III.\ cllmhal 'J"lCl'iali'h,and Me l'"ucd kl"cntlle I..r1IVC', 111-
1.'.111 he ,ccn ,I' human mutanl, or Ir..:al"ileft)ll' D-hcl" ,lI1d k,lred
,ll';hl III I11HlI l;l,el"'>, ,md hon,:r cycle, tor Inlll\ponaltOn.
or hunted (alld dC'lfO)edl h} human .. uprl·I11~ltl'h like the ('0,1-
\lij!nnWIlI: \1\1'1 In,m:i1 ,Ife 'CrupUll)lh and pnnciplcd aocr- Hllon SHill''', i\lo,t arc like!) 10 tx' lunl' ,Id\entur..:r- or P'.!n 01 ,I
LUll I 111\' 1110,1 COllll110n Cli Ihe evil ;lhgnlTlCnh Olhef allgn- ,mall group. Arrival on ~III' Earth I' Ilkel) lla :1 ,htlh.'INIJl1al
Ill\.nl ,lr\' r""lhk, e'pt.'ll>llI~ among HlgUI', ;lnd d{'"..:ncr".
anomaly, hlack hoiI.', dll11('II\lonal l"\I:lCflmenl, magI\.' or ;I' a
\n'II1.l1 "t hl!!h r:mk .IH' l~rK'all~ rulhk'" and delennlned to ,1;lll' or rcfugl'l' lhl' Splugllnh <Jnd other ,Ia\l'(, :IT,' ,lIv.,Iy' on
III ill! ,'Illp IIll. II r0v.l·l .II ,111~ \.11'1
lhe 100\..I)uI for ,up'-'rhclllg'
\nrihllll": I () 11>/, \11· If)h. \1 -\ 11)/1. PS 1D6, P.P 1D6.
P I ~[ll', P Ii \\)/1 'ii'll! ~l>1l
Hit 1'111111': '11,lIhLlnl I'! pIli, ll)h JX'f Ie\..:lllt e\peneIKe.
"I.D.c 'I
lIeh,:hl '1,'11'11 -11)1'11 ,he Ilhl"I:-'Il11
\\ell.:h1 IMI pill '[)-1 1l11'lt.und, r'i.j III K':: k~'1
\H'ra~t' I if" .... pan: HI 1',11
Ran': 1111111,1
.... upl'r \hihtii." 01 I Irlll 1111.' 11I,qof!l\ 01 hUilhlll' ,Irl' averagl'
IX",pi, "II II 1I1,dI11l111l1111~ h,l\l' ,ul1\:r ;lhilllH.''',\ll1ong
III .111'1 .. iI llU.llhlll r~'\"I',\.'J 'l',lrl~ ... \..:f;'-OIlC ha' 'nnll'
ulx" .II-lhl\ .lIld ,>!ll\ ,I 1>.'\\ dp nOI 101 10', I The alerage
I '1 I ,lIl,rn,,1 11.1' Ulll' IIf 1\\!) nllllllT "uper ahlllll":'. trl'·
IlIl'lll J.1l \tr,lPldlllar: i1l1nhule -\ 'mailer pefcenlag\.' 15'i-
'q \\1 I h;,\\.' IIl~hl~ delelo[X'd and l;lrl..:~l 'Up<.-f ahllill~"

I"" IIIU'r l1Id "Ill' H1:IICll or t\\(l major pII\\el"'. v.Hh no 1111
''I l\,,1 ,md ".urk' 1Il.llHtc't IIllfedlhk 1'" nm-()()/;
11,1' 1 • 111;11<11 ,ll1<! ID·l' I mlnOf ['l\lv.l'r,. Of lhr..:(' maJI1r ,u-
,11'llllle" (lr,\'l ... n IhlOnll' l'll.I\\cf')
IlUl'\' v.lllulUl '1I11o\'r :.tbilltlCl l:1IJ r":lClll' blonll' Implant,
\If 1r;lllllllg III pilullllg rnh(l\ J'lIlv...:r .lf11l0r :lnd/or vehicle,.
'\alural \hililic,: Thl' \n'I11;11 an: ;11 home v.llhlJlll light. SI~IY
\\,111- <II llghl I" lon,illcred e\lfemel} bnght. To mOle al'll.)Ul
III Ihl- "llllldkill III I'.anh ,unhghl. lhe~ IllU,1 eIther ll\'af

1H\.. pIll 11< ,,,'11'111\ l' goggle,. or olhcr prOlel:!ll e cO\efing (Ir
,lit: hhlld..:d I .j '111 Iflillillll\'. H 10 'Irik.... p;lrr)_ and dodgd.
On II1\' up 'Ilk the;.- h,I\C nlghl .. i,ion 10 a range (If 6()0 teet
I x In I .md l\'lh"llC hl',trlllg (20 del'llx'l, beyond nonn;11 hu-
ll10m r:lI1!!c I
"p,'cial \\I.'ap'l/I\: \11 ,oldler, <lrt' l"ued rnini-Ia'cr, (fange: XO
ll'l'l/241 tll. d;lrnagl': ::!Dfl S.D.C. 10,111)1 energy c1lpl, ..:x-
\.·... pllm 'Ill'U;lllorcc, rnemhcf' feceivc b.l\entile \..nile,
(k'n~lh IS InL'1lc,/1K Ull. \Iclght I 2 ptllUld, 10.5 kgl, (I;Ull:1gC
'::])(1+ 'I \1),( I.
"flt-d:11 \ chidt-\: Antlgra\ll~ 'UIl' ,IfI.' 'tan~t:trd i",ue (Iml)d-
II 'l'l In Ihl' H:ifl .. : I'h.....c \\ urld ell\ IfOllllh.'nt, till' 'll'll,lfl(l III
mum 'lx-cd 90 mph/l4'i \..111, S.IJ.C 10. can hover lrom t)lle
,1<1"''':, explorcr. I11<:R'ena~. or ,pace .Idl ...nlltrl'l \\Illk" I1lle.
III 1.2(M) 1c\.'I/O\ \0 166 mI. \lalimulTI wClghl ;L110l\,IlWC 1\
S01l1..: ,Ifl' good gu~, ;11111 (lIller, are l ill<llih.
'i110 pound, ('::25 kg'l, bUI the 'IX'CIJI tor..:c~ lend to prekr
hlllcr nlk, (Im1\11l1UIll ,pt.'cd 12:0 mph/llJO kill, S.D.C. IlO. The..e \.h<lr:lt(ef, ;IT... ~,[)C. hk-loon, \\l1u IlCl'J meg;! d;un·
;lIlll l';1Il hma lrom' III 2:0 t'cel/O,<) 10 6.1 m :Jh()\'l' IIII.' agl' weap'lIl' and ,11"l1111r tor meg;1-lbmag\' pro!<.'l·II1l1l <llId Ilrc
J:!r~,und l. I'll.)l"'er. Quicb.ic Conv\.'l"'.ion: Ilxhl1\llog~/\\'llm,/anllor l':U1 Ill?
I'rcfl'rrcd \rmor: ArillTl:tl-. ,Ire ",ued nomlal half ,uih of ar· ,imply 'llH,'hed lrom SD,C. (0 1\1.D.(' lor ljul\'k l"lHl,er'llln
mIll ( \ ~ II, "'D.C. "0 l() 751. For combal rni"\I0Ih, appro- ,Illd IIlle~rallon, Thu" il1h... h\ld~ ,I1l))LJr had all ,\ R I.' ;md 70
pn.II..: he,ll~ \)r lull hod~ amlOf l\ill he I"ued. Till' v. !II S,D,C.. 11 l\()ul(1 n0v. ha\!" .111 i\1 D.C of 70 lA R nol :Ippll\,a-
proh,lhl~ 110\' hard :mmlr A.R. 15 lu 17 l\ Jlh an S.D.C 150 10 hie). Similarly,;ll1 energ~ l\l':Ipt)1l lhal Inl1ich ~D6 \.0 C \\ould
~m now ml1ll'l \'1.0. 11l,ll'a~'- Or 11K' G;lfllC M,lll..:r \.,,,n kecp Ihe
Familiaril) \\ illl E:lrth: '\Ilhough Ihe pbnel An,mal ll.l, allen', S.O,C, lecl1l1olog~ :u1d mab.l' Ihc l"iuractef ,ll'qlHfl' mega·
:I\.fl)" Ihe ~ala\) lrom I:anh, It, people hale nearly idenllc;11 damage Ilem, Ju,I .., all} human dl1\:.... The ,ulll'r al1ll1lle' of 11K'
cUIlur.::.... Ix'lld,. I.lI1gu:lge,_ :lI1d value l)'lem,. The Ari,nUlI charaClL'T .... (lulu 1111111.·1 Ihl' C~IUll ;Iknt 111 l1leg;l-d,lIluge (''':L' Rift~
\\lll1ld '11n:1\ 1'1\.' 1II1..:r..:'h:J 111 E;lnh II Ihe)' leam aboul II, hUI ('ml\ l'r~i\ln UOHk One lor 'Ik.'l'lfil· ,uper Ixm l'r l'I'll\l'f,illl1").

travel. The) hOl\e "mce conquered \,core ... of .... orld\. often wilh
fmce and the emplo)mcnl of .... amor ral'e... a" Ihelr "tonn Iroop·
er.. and million,>. For the Ia\t II.X)(I )CM" the) hale been regJrded
,1\ an e\11 EmplTC thai gobble\ up \Oourld.. 10 mcrc'l-.e 11\ holdmg...
po er and for olher dlabollcill purpo\e,>, The c\ll empire rarel)
h: the \Ooelfare of an) people m nllnd and does hale\er 111al.e,>
to m a bailie. mal.c a profil and 10 cll.pand In po er. Profit.!> and
po cr arc all that '>eem" to maller an) more.
Thl' Alunam' '>Ol:tel) I.. g)'nan:hal-.... oman ruled. The male\
h,I\'" heen rl"lcgated 10 ..e.... am.. .Jnd \Ia\e\ u"iCd for manual la-
hor. cmcrtalnmem. and r~pmducllon. Full delal!'> on Ihe AlOnan
Empire. II'> allll:\. e4ulpmem . .Ind olher d-\PCCb .... ,11 be ~p ...en In a
luture "upplemenl

/-\torians (a.k.a. Fehrans)

AllrihulC:ll: 1.0. :mo. M.E.Wo. M.A. 3D6. P.S. ~D6. P.P.
lD('l. P E. .106. PB lO6. Sp(J. 3D6.d
lIiI Poinb: Siandard. P.E. plu\ 106 per level of expeTlence.
s.n.C. 2D-h 10 plu" phy"l(;al tr:unmg.
I-It'i~hl: 5 fe"'l +1 D6 melle.. lor 111ille". 5 fect. 6 mche~ +2D4
IIllhc\ for lemale\
\\t-ight: 150+ 2DIO Ib"
\\t'r~~e Life Span: I~O )cal'>
'luper Abilities: Alonan\ Jf(" almml ne\er born ..... nh louper
atllhtll''' An) lemalc .... ho doe.. ha\e e:\ceptional po..... er.. .....111
he !!IVen SlalU" and Ir.unlllg from benh 10 be~t utilize her ablli-
Ill''' for Ihe Emplrl" A male .... ho e1(hibll~ "uper ablhtte.. \\,111
t.:ommand a \CT) high pnt.:c <II auellon becau-.e of hiS genelic
..trul·lure and breeding potemlal Thl.. lacl. of natur<lll) occur·
nn!! ..uper 3bllllle\ doe\ not mean th:u the) do nOI e.\J~t In the
Empire. Their advanl'ed Icchnolo!!lcal capabihtle.. IOclude ge·
Atorians nellC and other e\penmental prQi!:r<lm.. that lO\tll1 p"lonics
, .tn' .. ppc.lf III Oc hUlIl.. n.. rile unl} ob"iou.. ph}\ical ;md ..upcr abllllle".
Jllkr III the t:1\l\\lh pJllenh nlthClf h.lIr "hlth onl} grov.~ The followlOg Supt.'r Po.... er Categone\ art' avallOlble 10
III ,'Il.lI11 [lJlll'm... nul ('"\.'r \hl.'l1 enlln.: head h~c Eanhhng' The atomm..: BlOme {201l I. robot (2(Yf). hardware (20'"l-j, physi-
pred'"111l1.1Il1 ~nl\' Ih pallCnl ha' .I .. mgle path doy. n Ihe middle c:lltralnlng (9'1-). pMonK'" (IO~). expertmem" (IOq,). mu-
"I til,' head I,.dled ,I m(lhav.~ 1111 L;,nh) .md malchmg ..trip p:1l- lanl'> (9 cf, and magic (2 c.( j.
k'm, on l',ldt .. tde lit lh,,' hL, ..d. rtw hald i1fea, bCI\\CCn them arc Special Weapons. Vehidt's lllld ECluipmenl: They po..l>ess
0111:11 tllkd \\1111 d,lI! \;1111)0'_ 1 tll'~ .1ft: tlngmall} trom a IlIgh "orne of Ihe rno'>! Old\ anced we;lpolI.. and let.:hnology in the
gl,l\lI~ llorld hUI tlll'lf ph~'l\'ltl1!~ .hller, onl} .. lightly from g:llaxy. lIlcludlllg all the .... etllXll1 .. y~tem .. and annor 11"led 10
ollwI hUII1.Itl\ \1.11.:.. an: ,hon .U1d the [CIll,IIe, afC lall. Molle, the weapon "CCllon. Mo,t "e:,pon.. and \ehidc\ .... 111 have
d,'\r1l1p 1,lf!!": hmld, \\1111 ptl"l'rlul lllU'llc .. _ ""hill.' the female .. 20'"7, greater range and payload. They also ma~ler (and guard
IT 1.111 ,mil ,h.lrx:I~. "1111 \\1.'11 dll'dkd mU\lk, bUI nOl "hrll lhe -.eCf("t" 00 amigraVll) S}~tenh.
lItdll ... lllmu'Lk'-h\llllld Familiaril~ \\ ilh Earth: None. The) are nOI cUTreml) aware of
Ihl' Jl,'n.m ll\,h/'llion prtJ\p.:rcd. Ill\'} de\clopcd \pace lhe Earth. If II \hould c\er come 10 their :menllon. It l\ un·
Ira" I allli 1.'\ emu;.)1h \\t'nlon In e\pltlTC Ihclr ..oldr ...) ~Iem. That Iikel) the) ....ould hale an) Immediate IOtere"l. gi\en 11.. di.."
..... , J Jon' llfllC .ll:'l' lancc from Ihe Empire and the Eanhhngs' comparaluely low
\ Ih v pn"Jd UUI mill Ill\- l:'.II,I\~ on e\plor.Jl\}~ ml'>'>lon\. Ie-t.·hnolo!!) .
Ih..- ilhll :.10'> tlcg.Jn to enl'()lJmer mher rale... , At [i"t. they de\ oled Rifts NOI~; The atonan people .... ould be accepled 3.\ Earth
thcllI'othc... hl hdpm}! the Ie..." ad\;lnl'ed f>l."Ople the) encountcred humans unles,> lhe) re...e:ded Ihallhe) came from anOlher planel.
.... llh 1IlIUnU.t\lIJl1 and gUIlJan..:e \ Ie.... 10 them for leader· Thcy can be any of the Rirts O.c.c... a\allable 10 humans, al-
"hlp Jlk.llhc~ \uddenl) luumJ l!lcm....:he" .... Ith people and entire though most aVOId magiC III favor of lechnolog). Man).·
\\prl,h.1 theIr po"''oC'' wn" 1111'" lham 01 e\enh ....ould Ultl' clally atonan fcm:llc!oo ..... 111 relale 10 Ihe Coalition Slaies and
Ill.lleh ",h.m.!!e loclr \11.' 01 Ill.: JlUllhe) bt=gan to coloOiLe :md Tnax and arc IIkel) 10 try to become :I power wllhin these ad-
",1.1I1ll JJl,lIl~ \\ <lrkl'< .1 ... p.ln 01 thclr ""'/1/1.·1 v:lOccd societies.
\" Ih", \lort:m I.mpm: gre..... Ihe atunam become more ,lITO' In the Rifts :.eltlllg. Ihc) are S.D.C. beings like Ealth humans,
gam ;jnll ruth Ie..." They began to them ...elvc.. a.. ,m un\toppa· who have advanced lechnology and posses.. and manufactuTC
ole "uf"l-'r p<.\\er Ihal .....h \ul>crtnr to 1111'" other life fom1l>. :11 mega·damagc weapon... vclllcle... annOT and lechnology \uperior
1I.-a\1 In th'" ,Irea 01 lcdmolog). rollllllC ........ eapon.. :lI1d space to Tnax!
In Ilk' Ph:h!' "urld ...l·lIl11g.lh..· ha"ll' .....·l1m.!! pn: nl<'lt mlhi, Thl' daral-".l11 ... hal'(~ many lomh ot gtlVl'TllInenh. rdigion ....
bou\.. .1' t1ocll11! ag!!n:"'l\l' l'OIll[ll'lllor, hOlh III hu,in lradl· and l'uhurc" and leI eh 01 "'O\:ll'l). but Illl'lr ll'chnolog~ I-. more :ld+
l:OIll./Ul·...I' III Ilorld, 1\ apphr,lhl ....1Ild l:ouldl<'al! l\l (·onnlel... ht'- \:anced lhan Eanh and Illelutlc, ,pace tra\d ,HId e\plnr:llion. The
I~"'l'n 111... 111 (a' lk'\\. flLl! ... ) aUlt nlhl'T 1'lI1\\<,1"' liJ,.l' Ih... Splugorth l"aL"l' i... one 01 Ihl' 1ll""'1 aCll\e \~ilhHllhl' 'pacc comnlu+
Jnd \,111.1111 I:llierpn .......... 11()\\l'\l·r. th... \1(lTI,m Fmplrl' dIK· ... 1101 IIH). lllal-"mg lhelr 'paCl'... IHp~ and [)Copk a common ~Ighl 111 lh<,ir
1-,,111," .lhoU! uIIIl... n"'lollal Ira\l'1 .lI1d (",mno! lOIllI:lCI.... nn Ihal pan Ollhc UllI\Cf',C. All a~pcch 01 'IKlce lra ...... 1 art.' wl..l'n a(1\an·
kId lage 01. lndudlng milll:lr). Illlllillg. rnanUb(·luring. "'\:Il'IlU'. re-
, ,carch.l·xploratlflll and coloni/allon.
Alignmellt: An~

I Allrihule": lQ.'D6+.'. i\1.E.m6+.'. M.A .'06+:1. P.S 3D6,

P 1"06. P.E. 106. P B 106+.', Spd. 4D6
r lIit I'oinl\: Siandard. P E. rlu, 106 J"ll'r Ie\d 01 l'X/X'TI":lK"l'
~ S.lH ',: I D-Jx I0 pili' :::':0
" Height: 6 teel rlll~ ID6 mche, I I.X to 2.0 111).

WdJ.:ht: ILJO + 1[)6\x)und, I X7 to X9 \..g ... ).
Alcr;lJ.:c Lil'cSp:lIl: l'Oyl';lr,.
H:lc(': l-Ium,l11ll1d
SUPCI'" abilitic~: I'ort) peru'nl 01 llll' daral-,,;lIh ;In: I/l1flll'lIl VI/II//'
In ,md ,molher JO'.; 1)(J~,e" ,uper 1>O\~l'f', hclecl lour minor
fKmcr, (lr one !TImor and one major IXllll'r). The rcm:lIlltllg
JW'; ('an h<.: from lhl' ...uper c:llegorll:' ot Blollle,. Robol ....
Ilardwarc. Mulant .... or Ph) '1cal Tnlllllng.
'Jalural A bililie~: Rl'C,lll~e o( Ihelr 'UII', radial Ion. Ihe (bral-"an ...
arc InlnlUnl' 10 r'ldialion. hUI gill' oft lo~ kl cl, of II Ihelll-
... clvl'~. Unk...... lhe) \~car a prolCCtlH' 'Ult. 11Illll:m ... and mher
<1T1l1n.ll ......urfcr lrorn r:adi;11101l poi,oll1ng alter'l k~ ",cel-,,~ 01
c.\IXNlre (\ec Ihe Illgh Radiation ~orlu dc~enplion). The)
can al'll 'l'e Ill\(l lhl' uhra\lokl and I11lrarl'tl range... 01 llghl.
"'l'C a large "'Ix=clnun 01 colllT ;md hal e polan Il'd \ I'lon.
Special \Vell!>on ... : Oaral-"all ,oldll'r... arc I"ul'd \(Wil' ...lunneT\,
,lIld man) cI\'ihalh carry Ihem lor pr<H..:('IIOIl. II doc... one
[>I11ll1 01 dalll.,lgc and irnlxl...e\ Ihe following pen:lltl":"': Viclim...
lo... e iniliall\e. reduce ...p..:cd by 25",{. ,Uld arl' --I 10 \Irike.
p,m)', alld dodgl' for ~D-I melee, Range: 150 k":l (-16 Ill!.
pa) hid: 15 ,hOi ellerg) clip.
Special Vehicles: Delachable Jel pad,,: A.R. I:::':. S.D.C. 50.
maximum ,peed i... <)() mph i 1-J5 I-.m). or II C;1I1 hml'r ...t'llion-
ary or rcal:h an alllludc 01 6()O kel ( I X.~ Ill) abo\';.' Ill..: ground.
Special Armur: Llghl. radiation proot. cn\lr<lllllll'nl,11 "'Ull: A.R.
10. S.D.C. 50. Mdnary annorcd ,ull: A.R:. 15. S.O.c. I-JO.
BOlh hale 'In ;llr pUrification and tl'1llpcralur<, conlml ...)\lcm.
Familiarity \~ilh Earth: Nonc.
Rifls Notes: Same ii' lhe iln:m, 'Ihm e

Till' parched \urface of h:nha ha... no Ot'loan, and receivc... vcl)
111l1c ramlal!. Even al lhe JXlle~. Ice I' rnlilimai. All ,urfacc waler
Darakan I'" lrapped wilhin Ihe cool deplh, of Ih rocl-,,~ ...urf'll'c. For tillS
·Ih... g;lI,l\y eU11lauh m,ln~ plan"'l' 11\..... birth. 111,11 grcen and rl'iI\on. thl' only \uurce 01 I~alcr 1\ (ound In ('aI'C\ where Ihl'
blu or"'.. lull nl lite. Thl' pl,IIIl'1 Oaraka l ' "'11(,:h a lhm rng Earth- n:Hur,11 aquifcr' ~l'CP from Ihe roc\.. A... a re...ult. the rn'IJOrily of
111-" planel ben 11\ ... un i... "'lml!ar although the hnghlne...... ,HId allllllill and planl Itfl' on halha live underground. Tl'lllpcralures
le\'ch ol r,ldlJliol1 arc ...lrtJ1lgcr 111.111 un bmh Thi ... i\ (111) Ihe wilhin Ihe c;IYC\ rClllaln al 100 dl'gree\ Fahn:nlll'il 07 C) nearly
daral-"an, ha\l: ('hareoil! hl,lll-" ... klll. 'Whllt.' h,ur and ...mall darl-" lhc enllrl' year. Cornpan:d to Ihe 200 degree Fahrenhell (93 C)
C)<":.... 'nl('lr hodie ... C'lll al"" IOlerale ieI'd, ot radi,llltl111hal would ... urfacc lemperature\. lh..: cave, arl' cool. Still Illl' prc~cnce of
kill noml<11 IllllTlan... ,1l1U Ihe) hale n,llurJ! 1'lI,lari/ed YI."'lon which waler l"'llllllimal and. by il ...ell. could nol ...upport much life.
meam Ihe) l:im "'ee in lighl lhill llould nonnally blind:l human. Dunng the cyolUlion of Ihe halha.\. Ihl' people developed lhe
Note: Earth hum,lIl\ \,"ould nl'ed III ~ear il radiOllIon "'Ull and pill"('/" 10 bring waler to Ihe \urfacc. Through cyolulion. all
...ungl'I"l'''' In 'un lIt.' on Ihl' pl'lIIt.'1 lllr any kllgth of llllle bcyOlld halhil~ h,l\'c lhe abilit) to conlrol water. On Iheir nall\e planel.
ada) l)rt~n. 1111... power IS generally 1lll1lled 10 dr.,lwlng waler 10 lhe surface in
11K' IOll1l 01.1 ,m,11I tnd,k On olhcr \l,urllk \l,hcn:\'r I' 1ll.1I1 Supt.'r Abilitil.... : Surfal:e halha .If,' Immune to Ilk' dktt, 01 Iiedl
.lhuml.uKc thl'lr 1'II.I.... cl I' mUlh more I1npr\·"I\C. and IIrc. no d;lIna~e C.l\l.' h.IIIl.!' liJ~l' h;llf dJIlMgC In Il'm·
l'h..:l'I: aft· 'OIllC IMlh.l.. \\rn\ 11\\' IIllthc '>l'on:hcJ ..urt.If,;c. Je· pcr..u ure, I.:oldcr IhiJn 40 dc~n;~, I-ahrcnhl.'ll l.\:! Ct thc ,ur-
1 c I~ nn[ ,ll('llcr \II tlk: el\.:, 111e ..hJmJn' h,ne lummi facl.' d\\c![t"f' mU.,1 \l,car.l h<:;J\~. Ihcmlal ",uf\I\.lI ,ull; I.:a'l.'
m,'flh ottht.' ,Ilnl\hphcn:. ,ulllnl' C\CIl ~Id Ihatlhc~ l:;,!n hiJlha liJn u\(" Iighl 'Ulh \\uhoul lhem. Ihl.'~ ~uller frum pro·
111 ':llII IhC~ 11\\' UfXm ttl..' ..uff,I,'c hI ··I.ccp lhelr IUUl:h longed e'plhurc 10 the l:olJ ~c Ihe In)/l.'tl \l,udd de'lnpllon

", I.. \ .md thc 11111011' ,. I Ill" \" l"f. Illlht \\ ho ..Iruggk upon
10 not .1,1 'II h~ lhUllC Ihe~ .m: Ihc lnmIllJ[" ,1I1d
lor Ihl.' dkl" 01 e\plhurc Ull ,Ill ahen.
CiJ'C h,llha<. po........." Ihe m.I,IUf "ul>cr .lhlhl~ 01 Conlrol
I" ' , ,', n.UlI'hl,,1 Ilwr,' lor Hllll....' ,\Ill! d.lIlgcrou, hdlch Ekllll.'lIl;,1J hiRe: Walcr '1111' l\ ho.... Ihl.') hring the dcepl~
I h", H!. ~ !.~ [[Ill' h.uh.I' ,1I'l';J 1111' III 11........ c\lk, ,lIld Ih,' dc hllkkn \l;ller... !Ulhe ~urLIl'c Thc mcm[] [;l(;~ 01 \I,ttcr l~ Ihe
M. IId,1I I jnlle lItli 'IIr!.l,c Hlh.lhll.IllI" [hc~ !lllurhh III till' rea,on Ih,u on[) ,I Inl'~lc 01 It I' l'n:,llcd :11 OIIC wne. hUI Oil
, 11..111 II I,ll m..,I[\ h tllll.lll \\ Ith 'Pol~C tr,l\ekr. .... hll II;!\\' uln"r p[:tIlCI~. li~l' btnh ..... hcre .....lta I' .lhlltl(l;lIl1,lh~') .... idd
P \1.m\ ..I Ih<, l'\I[n[ 'Url;,l'l' h,I1IM '1l!11 pn gn';LI p_,1\\el
'" I[ .md .IH: thl'lf hllllll' .... "r[d 1m .llhl·ulUl . . Surl,lu.' h.ltll.!' (X,",',, Ihe IlhlJOf ..upcr ;lh,lll' til COnlrol
ncmcllliJII'on;{'~ '\Irur Fire IPll~ Olll'l.

1'1<: I.tll\ In lill' ,,"1' ul 1111' hiJlh;,l ,h.ll11all\ hiJ\c Ihc iJhl[lI~ 10 ('(ltllm[ I [emelllal
t I I .lnll III th... ]1111"
hm.t· \\;llcr ,md culler ("(ll1lml Uerncnt;,lII"t1f1.'e, ·\If. bnh
"I 'I .. rt.
L h.l\ 11:1.:"'1\1'11 Ollie lcdlllill \lr hn' •pll I. nnc I.
'f'''' Ird Ier I h..'~ I.I'~'~ \ Ihro l,jpecial \\t>3ptm..: Thc ~ur1.lle h,llhiJ'" hiJ'c Ir..u kd ......f\llC'. iJrnI
'>I.lmCllllk'~ ,ltclr \el) II\C' lU ;lhen 'l ...nor..lO c\l:afl\.·lhe rig-
ipror," m,lld~ Ilw I-.lr1h til Ilk" !;.lTl
(II"'> nl Ilk un Ihe ,ur1:lle B~ lUlllp.lri-.on. Ic" L.I\C d\\clll.'r.
III h , rnf tralhl'll.,n 1111111 I d '1Il;.l11. 'lIl!!k tlr
r 'PilI II h,l ,I 'IX"ld[ r"lnl ,k'ign IIl;11 l'llI,l[, hinc kll 1III.'Ir home"orld, Iml thl.'....... ma,ler, 01 ",ller ha'e
II llll" ,I r,trl' hl\ur. tor llJ.l11\ nl·.... c\lk,. 01['>(1 JlIIllClI lhl' ItllN!!;llaI.:1I1· l"!II11Il1UIllI) Thc~ arc e'Ik'l.:ial[~
UIII.'lCt! lor tmdmg undcr!!ruund \\:tler rC~I.'r.e, nn p[:lI1eh
I' ,,' ".tlh.I' ,\1m k.I\,'lh,· p[;lIll'l .... llh ;llIen \l'llOI"'> Ihu;lll~
\, hcrl' \\;11 . . r I' "'l";IrlC Tho'c \\ hll hate la~1.' to 'pal'c 1.';111 IX.l\·
If, "'1""1 "I 1Il,knlUll'd (lpcr,lll\l" l1,cn I,llue dr;ll1MII
'c" a number III htgh~tel"h \lcapon'. annur ;md dc\ Ice' -
"1Il'l1 Ihl'~ .Ir.... \'\flt"cd h' .1 .... ala·ndl \'nl tmll
1II1lllcd h~ IIWlr "ca[lh. or "IMI I' prm idl.'d h~ lhcll" llla'ICr it
l( 'Ik 11,11 '''lill IiI th"lr .... ,I!l·r "t[hnl! IllH\I·r. Ix'lllllll"
a ,Ia'c {Ir IndCl1\urcd 'l'f\ilnl \I,m\ 'UrfilCC d .... l·llcr' 11,I'C ,i-
III II I ,Ill ,ltll,lllllC ·;,I",lh'nll1~. ,iIld Ih,' h.uhiJ U'UiJll~
",""'"'' ,I Ire,l,url·"lllpl.'rallll· or.t pn:lI:rrnl ~[ ..\C Tho..... "hll
.. ~ un.lhle 11' hu~ or ,".lOlloclr Irc"d\ltll c...... .lI'I(' .tnJ are 'C~ ollCll
h;J"".1 h' houl1l~ hUlltt."f' ht'c halh,h lIla~ 'Ia~ "nh IhCtr lur
r I I Ih'rvt'llUP.I1If1I1. llr 11I0\C lin In tx-t'UIIIC IOIl'rg;l[;Jl.'llt 1.'\
r h.lll! 'oldll.'r., I1K'n;l.'n,ln,·,. nr h.tndlh,
" n,ltnd .In· Ill\' dc.... l·nd.lllh nl c\lk,. Thl\ Illl',m...
h.llrnl, ,llld hc[lch \\111 ellhl.'r he lorgoUl.'1l Illr;ll

I IUllt.lIllh Ie" c\lr\'I1II.'I, .1Ilt! Ih,'~ hold hllk' h,lrd ll.'d

II tnr thl' t,lh' d\\dkr'. 'Irllll" \\d[ b.... ,mgr~ ;lg.gre"i\c. ho....
n[l fI':"P['" \\h" IIl·...[1I'.... 1111.'11 l,I'C d,\c[[lIlg. hrother, and "'I.. . r...
,ih"'l .111 II1IwI' \11 ,ur!.ll"" tl .... dler' ,lft';J hardl'ned pt.'Opll· ,u:·
11'"11'11 III 'ldh'r'll~ 'Iru~1![1.' and p,IIU

\111!IlIllI·nt ... : \!1~ (,1\ . . J\\dlcr. IcmJ III tx- 1I111rl.' pl.';Jl:dul i.ll1d
'II'lll ., [Ihh ,1[I1!nlllt'llI \ 'UJ1iJlC d"dkr. .Irl.' hllll:r.
',i' J ·111 h III 1.', II .11I!!nm....m \Iorl.' Ilun .t Ie" 01 Ihe
n I 1[' !JlJ t.II\.tII\"' l·\lIl.'d III lhe 'UrI.llC are p'~lhop;,lthll.' tlf
JII 11'l1, "lfllt' Illhl'r I1h.tlln~ llIl.t' lx' a lr.lI~ hCro/\111;11ll nr
h,l\ 'm.... l.tlhc,c·ll.'r dcmcnhl
( .1\1: Ihll·llcr \llrihulc": IQ, .\Dfl, " I 'D6+2, \I \\D6.
I'''' I{)/, PI' \1)6. P r 40ll. P B\D6. Sptl 1I:>fl
,""uriaH' U\\CIlI'r \lldbutc... : IQ JD6, \11:, .'Dfl+1. I\I,A,
'[)/\ 1' \l)h+-J, P,P "'106.1'.1:. 506. 1'.[3\06. Spt!. "'ID6
lIil Puint : Sl.mdard: P]· pIll' lOll pcr lell'[ 01 1.'\Ix:riclwc.
(,Ill' Ihlelh'r S.U.( '.: ..It;,. re'l'>l,lIll In llrl.' iJnd hcal OMit dam
,""urfan' Ih\ eller S.U.C".: ('00. Impcf\ IOU' 1\1 lire ,ll1d heat'
IIciJ..:hl: ... k\.'t plu, "i1)f'lllld,C'" I l.tI 10 ~ .\ 1111. <
\\t-icht: [UI p[lh 21)t)~ III pound,l:'04 10 1011 I.~l.
L_.J.:.'-'-:~~.&=~=-t""-o::'l0--i "
\H.'raJ..:~ life looop:m: 711 \ 1'J(ltu 10(111 lhe~ [call' Iblh,l!.
Kiln~: IlutlliJlI
bro-kl1lVC' and ~\",ord ... pa",,,,'d on from gcneratlon 10 gCllera-
lion, oul a . . mallenng 01 khcnlite \',eaponry carl aho be
I(lum!. Vihro ,w(lnk Length .1 fecI (0,9 Ill). Weight 3.5
roumh I 1.0 kg"'). Dafl1<lge 2DX+2 lor 3D6 S.D.C.).
~ped:11 \ ehicle~: Off-\',orld halha... can acqUIre nearly anYlhing
lh,ll ,un... Ihelr tanc) MO'1 like g~ro·copler:-. Jel pack, and
Preferred \rll1or: 1I'llh'l' u,,: JmlOr n,hed 011 occupation :md
Iht' ,uu.1l10n 'll hand .... 1) g~'neri\l pn,'h:f\'llCe h,l' been nOled
Fallliliaril\ \\ ilh E:lrlh: 1I,lth." whtl \\ander lhe galax) ha\l' a
lonllnc" IOf tropll.lI planeh \', Ilh lu,h \.egel.lllOn and!ur an
,lhundaille (11 V.,lll'l Thl'\ lind ,udt pl;ll\l'l' fanta ... llC q"'IOIl'
,I'll !rOlll.1 IIre,lm '\' 'lllh, Illl') lI::ml III Icarn .llllhc) can
,100'Ul."llh In lht' ca,\' 01 1·"lnh. lhl' C',1lI lx' ii' llHlcplh ,h lhc
lI,h "'ludll'd F;lnh' n.::,ull on 111l"ral1llltan,~ \\-lIh hlnh" IJ
olt: Ilf nll knmdedc.l' .11 ,III. llq,.".ndlll~ \)11 lite chameler·,
h,lckgl'llund and JlIl;llK~" \10-.[ hale d\"l'n,
Rir" ''Hlle... : It u'l'd In lh... Rir" RP(. \CHlllg. Ihe dldraell'f'
\\111 lx' 'l'l'lI ,I' hUIll,lllIllUl;lllt' llf trl'a..:herou, l) hc~·, and teared
or hUllll'd I,IIHI dC'lfll)t'dl 0) hum,l1l ,upremachl' like ot th...
CUal1l1l111 'll,ltc" \11I'1 ,Ifl' Ilk..-l) tn I'll,' lone ,Idv... nlun...... or ,I
,null group hrllughl 10 Lmh \ la a dUlIelhlOllal anomal). hla('k
hIlle, lh1l1":lbll>l1al C'\PC'r1rllClll, mag1\: or ,l' .1 ,Ia\ .... The ~plu
gonh. l'IOol,I11' amllhl' n,lrUlli ,!rc' lill.'!) 10 filld halh", a l"'onder·
lui '},I\l' '!lll.k In lat"!. Iht.' 'plugonh ,md clhnl,l1l' may even
Ullhldl'r tindmg lheer hOllll'\',orld and cOllqucring it til make II'
~(lplc one 01 II' It.'gular ,Ial'" cOr1lll1lxlltle... ,

II 'l'l In the Rift,: l'hil~e \\orld t'rl\lronlllenl. tIll' ,t'enann 01

,laH', C\rlorer. macemlr) (If 'p,I(C ;I(henlurt:r .1' prc,cmed
aNJ\c \\llfk, fine Som... are good gU)' alllt ()lh('r~ arc \illallh.
In ,Ill) Gl'C. lh..: hatha, arc' S.D.C hle-loml' \\11(1 nced llIcg.a-
dall1,l~C l\ ....,lpI1l\... ,llId ,mHor for nwg.a-dalllage rrulcellllll and
(·nlll·i/ing Hille.... and IXlllltllll! Hut their '''ulh r'l(kll too IOllg.
Ilrl'!kl"I'f VUlc'kle COn\l'r'lOn: Tl'(hIHllllg}'!\lC.lI'l\llh!;mnm C;ll1
,Iupp), I'HKlr er,L1t\llulhhlp, ' ...en hellcr, I11I'l;lh·. c'IL"1. rhl'
hl' l',I,II~ ," Itdled from "i DC 10 1\I.D.C for qUid cUll\'cr,i"n
haughl) allltude dho leJl(h III llIakt.' lhern umkrc',lll1l;tlc 111l'lr op·
,lIl1t 1I1tc~ralll'n Thu,. II lh... hud~ .LnHllf had ,Ill A.R. nand 70
f'H-lIlc'nh and to takc f{'HII"h lharKc' Wor'l. thl'\ 'lr..: dlllll"llh 10
'J D ( 11 \\lluld IlOV. hall' ;111 \1.D'(' of 70 /A R. IlOI applic;l
tokrall' III "lelal 'llllallon' allIt IIKllc' argulI1l'llh. hra\\ h ;lIlll
hlcl 'lllllll'lriy. ,I nom·olad... tll,lI 111111(1' 11)6 S.D.C \~ould 11(}\\
h<trd kellll!,:'. A' a r~·,ult. 1I1;1l1) r.l(e, :I\I\id \"lml;1l.:1 \\l1h 'Irm·
11111111 \1.0 lll'IC;ld. Or Ilw Gaml' \la"'ll'r can kecp lhc ,tlien',
l!:ll1t and t:ulllpclitr~e k""'Ill'. TI1l' ,hi",lIh ;Ire lllll' III ll1l' k\\
'\ D,C ledll1nlog} ;llld make th... c·haraClcr ;1<.:l.lulre IlIcg.a-damag...
\', hl) deal \\ lIh them rep-ularl) and 1'1lJll) l'\plollll\l= tlll'lr ;Irro-
Itc'nh JU'1 ,I' all~ hUlllJn \ll'll,". Thl' ,111.:n· ~ ,upcrpower, IHllIld 111·
galle~' !II their lavor.
111\;t Ihe equi\alcm III lllcga-dal1l,lgc' 1''''1.' Rifl'i ('1IIl\cr..iulI
Sl'lclice alld cJ1!!lllecrlllg ;Irl' pmllaT) held, 01 edllL·,,111l1l for
IhHlk One Illr 'IX'-.:ilk ...up...r fill" er t:llll\,,:r'IOlh).
lll;lllyka ....... m.... S... nmdaf) field, Illdudl' lh.: 1111111"r). hl,IOr). ,In
and olher lc'('hnit·"l .lrea'. Thi, .:mpha'l' 011 thl' 'l"lClln', ,md
Kassans ll'chnnlogy I' anolher Cklll.:lI1 III lheir Icclmg 01 'llpcrlunl) ])('.
rhe k,."all' ,Ire a Illnunate people. rhelr hl)llle\',orld 01 K,,- C<lll,e the~ al\' '0 ,killed III lhe higher loml' 01 'C·ll'l1l"l' nll'lr
'1,1. though lX'rp...tuall} til 1\\llJghl. I' knlle and alxlUnd, \',Ilh level 01 It.'chnoillgy I' '(1 a(halll·ed that Ihl';' l"OIl,I(ic'r It Ihe lugh-
Irk lh Jlr I'" dean and relall\cly trec 01 pollulanh. Th~lr ~(II.·lcl) 1,"1 \IUillil) ill llll' gala ~y TheIr a-.:hle\ elllem, Illrlu(k ad\ ,tlll'c'd
h,l' not had a lTlaJor \', ar III over 125 ) ...:Ir.... and rclal10m hel\', eell 'pace tra\e!. 'pacc cnloni/atlOIl. l'lll'rg) \\Cajltlll'. ;lIld micro-
lh",11 IU1l1l1\' are aml(·lIblc. All k;I":Uh dC\l'lop ,uper ahrllll"" or hover tcdlllolog} Their 'pal"l'(Tall. hom..:,. dolhc". ,llllllX'f'llllal
p'lonlc·.... and thClr t.'~ploratlOn ot"(' I' al Ih peak. 11em' ,Ir... ,ho\\). hUllllltlle-.:e";lril~ g;tlld~
Thh " .111 Ic~ ... lhall cnJoy"hlc lor OIher racc' lhat eume III AIi~lllllellt: An). hUll11;LlI~ af<;'
clmlact "Ilh Ihem. The pro'pcnt) 011 KI"ia 0\ er lh... la,1 CCnluT) Allribule~: !.Q. 306+-1. \U~. 3[)6. \1.\ 2D6+2. P.S .~D6. P.P
ha, gllne llllhe inhahll:ll1h' head.... m,lkrng Ille oncc friendly ka~­ ~D6. P.E. 306. r.B ..'D6+~. Srd. 'D6
~dn~ nhnO\jOl1'. arrogant or.tgg:tn~ wilh a blatantly (·onde· !-Iii Pllinh: Standard. P.E. plu, ID6 !'ll,'r k\ dl,1 nllt.'ril'nl~'
~l"eTlding allllude lo\',.lrd 1110'( olhe". 111c average k;1",111 S.D.C".: ,0
bclic\e, ht' I... olc,~ed <Iud ,ol1lehO\~ heller lhan lc~~ advanl"ed or Heil!ht: 5 feel plu, 3D6 illc'he, t 1.6 (() 2.0m}.
"ungifted" race, The) \\ ill nOI hc'lIale 10 tell ,Olllcone thaI a Weighl: IOO+2I).1x I () [lI)und, (5-110 Ie kp 1.
plel"c 01 ...qUlprnellt.;1 \\eal'0n. or lhe W,I~ they arc dOIng ,0I11C- A\cra~e !,ife Span: I-Ill )('a",
thmg I'" 1II1enor 111 quall\~ or C~CCUllon They are con...lantl) Ran': IlumallOld
~uper ·\bililie.. : All t...a....:m.. P(l.... c~ .. ~·Ilhl'r p'lOnic, or limlled
,up.,'r P\l~I.'f'.
P.. iunil'.. Selcct 111,(1 maJor p'I-!>(mcr.. and four Illll10r one\.
I SP I' M 1~.x2 pill" the roll 01,111 eight-\idcd die ,md ;U1 ad-
Ullltlll;t! 10 j)(1II11' per klcl oj experience.
'uper I'u"cr, The p(l~cr, of the LI....;tTl' ,Ire hrnlled to lv.o 1ll1-
nor .Ihilllll:' ,c1cclcu tWill ellerg~ e1l,pul,ioll ur helghlened
,en,l" ,1llU OIlC maJor ahllll~ 'eJecled from lhe lollo~ IIlg: UlIIlrol. gr;l\ In ImulIjluJ.lllOn. magnell\Tll. rncdMlll)
llllt... 1'1' Idepon
'alur:,1 \hilitie.. : 1.1\ Ill,!! mlhl' ddrh'ncu em lronnll'111 01 ;1 lwi-
Iighl "orld h,I' Ill,uk Ihl' t...a .... ,lll' c~l' .. l·\ln.:lllcl) 'l'n\ili\l'lo
Ii"hl II .11'0 I!lll" IhclIllllghl\t'"l11 ~nh <l rangc 01 foOl) fcel
J S'Ill hUI .1;11 lll!hr "til hJlIld 111l'1ll ( ·x 'Int...e. Il,lrr~ . dodgc I
IInle.... "pl.-Lt,11 phOIIlWlhIlIH' "0",,1,·, Ill' gl;l"c, ;lrc "um.
I h~'\ .Ift: .11'0 .1IIlhldL·\l!llU' Ilhll.:h .uld' IllIe auart.../at·lIun l)l'r
1l11'1,'t'r,lund. ~Il"p.lrr~ Ill', 1\ILllmhlllg,t...III.+;;;f, Inc\-
.1110<' .lnl'l PI\t... IlId", nl\·dl.lI1I~.11 Il·palr. ,mu l'll't'lnt"<ll rc
"'Ilel:ial \\capoll': hl~'I'c\ 'II !11th .Ire lol\Onl,', among rn,m~
t....1 .....1I1 I L'I1l!lh' I ll'el I ' III I!hl. I ' pOlllllh (.7 t...gJ.
darmll!c 1Dfh
~pt,:ial \ ehu:lc.. : kl pdd.., .rml hlllcr 1,;~t1e,
'pt'cial \rrnur: \ hgll\l~Clghl ~'l1\ Ironll1l'ntal 'Ull wilh an \K
I~ Jnd "l D,C "in, 1v.<:I~hr 1,1 flIlumh/6,1 t...g'l. pill' iI !l~hl
Intle llelll ~el1 ...r;ltor The t.lrl,;C held ha...rn A R (II I H ,1I1d 60
"()l {lnll' II I" dcpl~le.1 II redl'lrgc, ,Il ,I rale nf JO S.O.C
1"'IIU' l·.I·1'\ htlur
hllnili;lrit~ uith Elirth: hludllo"lla, Studied bin h" rl·,ull on
lhe 'bmllt'lnt~ \\l1h Eal1h" lahlc, Thc Lt"alh ha..........1Uul....d
bll1h. hUllhe~ roehl'le II' people ,Ire hlg. dumb apt:" ~ho arc
rrogr..."mg al an .lrdutlll,ly ,Io~ pacc. bl;ldl" iJR' Ideal for 1,;,11'\ rng llll' d\'lhl' nll;lll it'C and for opClIIng
Illl' healll) lIhul:ilcd huk' 0111' ll,llll\' ,11I1111,,1 .. ,
Thc) 1];1\\' hl~hJ~ tk'\L'lupl'd lcdlllOlog.y Ihat IIldutk, 1'\0-
Klikita ,t...eklOlh. rohollc"' ;lIld .. pat"1.' lrale!. rhl' 1~'l,;hrllllog~ I" u..ed
rno,lly III IIldu'ln,r1llr \'('I1'lrllllIOI1 role' llkc llw e\l',l\,ltioll of
rhl' t...1lt...lla ,Irc ,I rille 01 hurnan·lit... allen, ~ho lllhahll rhc
llll' lunllcl Cllll" III Kill"" gldt"lci 'Urld\C. ,llld tllc.xt pWL:t·..... lI1g.
11PIlCr lalilude, 01 a 1m/en v.orld n;ull d RlI/'-l (Iucared 011 Ihc
Mo'l ,pace \l[ll.·r'J1IIC' al'l\ h.l\l' nll'll.ll'" ,1m! ;I1JI.ull,;etl equip-
cd,!!c III lhl' IItJ ljlladr,ll1ll. The "ll1d-,~epl 11,;l' field, of Rilla
mcnt. mudl III \~hldl I' ltlilil;U") gt;uk ,mt! u'l·t!lor dclcl1'e and
m,l~ ,cem ralher hleat... ,lIld I1>Ir,h to olh.... r race". bUI lhe t...llt...lla
,CI,;UrllY.\ ,mall UlIlI 01 dllnbal '1X'\lalt'h I' dl .. tllnUlld Oil mo'>1
<1ft,' al home lhal'. Frecllng Icmpcr;Hure, hy Eanh ...Iandaru,. l ' a
1l11::n.:haI11 'pal'l'nilll Thl' 11;1\\' ,t n::.I'llIIahly klrge fleel {If
he.. l wa\c lor rhe,.... alll'II'. The lcmperature':11 Rilla', ....qu;llor
\1 "r,lllp,. cargo ,llld llICrdMl1l ,pall' 1""l'l, antl,ln' .lCII\c1~ en-
rHlght f",ad 4(J degree, hlhrenhcl1 1-1 C,. bUIlJllhc non hem lall
gilgcd rn "p;l1.:e e)"ploraliOll. 11l1ll1l\!!. ,1,;11'l1tdi,' e\peflllll'nl:lllon.
lude\ "here lhc t...1lt...lla hl'e, IClllperalure, alerage a fngid len de·
;Ind Ilrnill't! Iriltit' \1 Ilh Illhel \It\flu',
gr<.'e' hclo" /em 1-23 C).
The) .lfl' ag.j}.rl'.....I\\· alld Illlldl~!lold \11 mha r.ll'e.... A, a
rhe t...hkl1a look vcr) much lit...c Eanh human,. They hal('
rC'lIh. Illl'y ha\l' ..Iroll" delcll'c, and Ilr~·I'll.I~l.'r Oil RIII;L Thl~
lhll,;t... blonde hair lhm I~ u\ually- \houlder lenglh or longer. Their
;111111ldc Ita, kd llwlll 1I1!tl thl' ;JrL';! 01 hum,lIl ,1l1J!l1h.'lllallon and
,mn,. leg' ,Uld txxhe, are qUite hail'), Fat'lal hair .ll1d lhc haIr Oil
lhey 1t,lIe \'fcall'd lh\' llIC.llh In in'lill ,upcr .lhllille' inlo lheir
tht'lr head grow, lhree IlIne, 1,1'ler Ihan Eanh human~. Gencr;lll)
people. Thl' I' ;1 I'et:elll ;Jr~';1 III Illterhl' rc,c,lrch ,mt! del'clop-
'pcat...lllg. they arc a Jovial. nohk.•LIld peaceful people, hm ex-
hlhlt it t:enilin degrce 01 arrogancc and lIl!olcrance lO"ard (llhcr.
,o-<:;llled ",oller" race,>. which rncludt,.. Jll\! abOUI elerybod). '\;ul{': The t...lit...Il,i ,h.lre RlI/d I\llh ,lI101hl'r ril\'e 01 hurn;Jnoid~
The ,Ire leT) oUlgoing and ad\~lliurou.... They tale oppor- t...nOlln a, IhL: :11111;1 AhhllUgh lhe) ~'ng;lg\' rn hllll!t'd trade and
tunilie, 10 hr~g and ,ho~ off" hencvcr po..... lble and ~pend hour, re,ource,. thc~ lil'l\ th~ ;llut;l .1 ... fI\al ... and II Ilh:1 t:~'I1a11l amount
eXt"hanglllg ,un II al or adventure ~tonc\ v.nh anyone \l ho ha~ of cOlllcmpl :lnd 'lJ'pll"IOIl Iltmt:\ l·r. rhere hill .... nelcr \x'l'n :IllY
had 'Irllliar cxpencnce~ or I' "ililng 10 11'11'n. hloody "ar, OCl\It:Clllhc IllIl.

"t...llkll:J\ pri/cd po"c.... lon I' Ih~ energy klllfe eLlch I' given Alignmcllt: Al1~
:11 nliJlUfll) \hde... and lcrn:l1e, arc con,iden:d elJu;11 and they AllribllIC1>: I.Q.11)6. \11:. 3])(1. \1 \\1)6. P,S. 31)6, P.P..m6.
,h:lrc a Illalunly rile and cclebr.ulon :II ;lgC 16. E:leh t...llItc 1\ P.E. JD6. P.B. J[)6. Sptl 11)(1
ullIlJue and ,.. :1' rnUl,;h 'yillbolic ,I' II I' practical. The Ia"cr Hil I'!lint\: SI;Jlldaru. P.E. plu.. I D(, per k\ d 01 e-.;pcnelll"i;'.

S,D,Co: 45 :-pace,hip" \\ all Ihl' hupt: Ih,ll Ihc) l'ould e,,:apl' lltl' plagul' The)
Height: 5 fC~I, 6 Illchc, plu" 2D6 inchc, (1.7 to 2.0 Ill). \,t.'re \\rong and l1(m onl~ an l"tml<111·t! ,(lOIn '}(I(I 01 Ihem r~­
Weight: [20 plu, 2D6xlO pound" (63 to 109 kg~). rnalll, nUllhc,c "Ul> I\(Jr, <II"\.' frel' 01 lhl' plaguc'
A\erage Life Span: 65 years. Unknown 10 Ih" nmnarr", <l llll) P.... n:l·l1lage 01 lh~1l r;ll'.... I'
Race: Human 1I1lrnun.... III !l1l' pbgUl' 111 ;lddilion. lhn,c \\ho 1)oI)\\l·" ,up<-'r
'Ir,Iatural Ahilities: Klikila are re,iqant In cold and tak~ half ablllli,,~ have ell her radlcall~ dln ....l"\.'lll gent.' ~11"UClurl" .... hlch
damage from any cold-ba'ed lI11al.:k, bUl III heal above 60 de- aren'l afleclc(!. \)r h"n' '1IIx'rhull1al1 melaholl\l11" lh,ll ;lr.... Impcr-
gree' l-i1hrenhelll15 C). the) wfler from h~al exh:lu'IIOl1 and \iou, to. or rt.'p:ur/{'urc:· [h.... pl,tgul: t·hrtlmlh01l1C'. \l,ularr, \lho
e"flO"urc (,ec Ihe cx.pmure rule, under lhe Fro/.en World de- have rnaJIlr hlnnll' rl't'nlhlnll"tl\lll an: .11'0 r.. . "I\!,tIJ[ to [hl' illlll·"
"Crlptl(l111 lronicall~. 11111,lll1allilrr, dnn't klHl\\ lhl'. and 1I1l') helll·ll·lhl·lr
Super Ahilitie": -\ kM.II.1 e:harat:ter ('an I\C crealed from almo'l derllh" arc imnlmclll hlrth....mlOrc. 11l0"1 hil\l' Iklldl',llhcrl' I' no
any 1'1 the 'ufX'r a01111~ t:ategorle, 1\lund III .Ieriles Unlim- cur~ ,md h;J\l: ,loPlx·d ItM11..1Ilg, '0 lhl·\ 111,1) 11.... \l·1" kill1l lhal th.. .
iled, lIldudlllg lI.trd .... are. MUl,tnt. Ph\'''l("ill Trolllmg. Rom)" "mall 111l1l1ncr, 01 'UJ"\I\(lr" .Irl· Illrl'\l'l lr.... l· III llll" plagul' ,md
and BlOme:, I.e"" lh,m Y r have p~Jonic rm"cr, .lIld magic I~ C;1l1 I'l'hUlld lhelr r.ll'l·
nOI pr.u.:lll:ed 0) ,hl'lll Ilo..... e... cr. <l full 251 fare lhe prodUl'1 III [n'lcad. d....;nh ha~ ht.TOlIll.' .1 Illtl'lanl C01l1p;mllJl1 1l1.1kll1l!
au~ment<l'lon e,,~rnnenh lhal ifhtill I/I/WI alllflt/t'l (hul Ihcm m,alll'ly hoi,!. dilrll1g ,J11d lllolhard) rhl·) lin' lor ,,([H'Il-
don't roll lor 'Ide died' u~uall~ a\\OClaled wllh CX.~r1 lure, Ihrill, and C\ul....111ent hclorl' Ihc) <lil' 1hc) k,lr hale ,md
lIlentq I he"t.' "upt'r J'X1\HT' lrt.'4ul·f1lly l'ocu-.c nn ..:-old. phY'l' fI"'PCC( and \alul' Iik ;thOll' all <.'I"t.'. Thl" h,I' nl;llk 111,111) I\an
..:-al endur.lI1lc. aller ph""I(";l1 ,lnll·lure. Ilghl and energy ba'l'd denng 1ll:lIWrr ,parl' kl1lghl~. h.... nk.·" ,mel \ Iglbllle' tkll'rmincd 10
ahilltlc" Iln....·("ver. thl're I" .11 .....1\, a random elt.'melll ,md 'he hl'lp olher" .md pr....wnl: hI.... r-.lo'[ w .... al" ,I..clcl>ll <Il1llOr In re-
be'l kllkll<l 'llcnll"l~ lan hope lor III duplicallng a 'I'lt'CIt'tl' 111md Ihcm,ehc" nl lheir mort,llll) and It I \\l·luHlIl' dealh Tht.'
IlI.l.... cr I' 4..\'"'i helme" arc 'l'ulplcd IllIO a 'kull 1110111 and Ih.. . ;lrIlHll"l'd plalc~ rc'
Spft'ial "'eapllns: La"er klllk: lenglh 22 mche' (56 [In) trom \t:mbk' hon....'. SOI1lI' 111,1) C.lIT) . . nclg~ "it'kk, 'Illd 'l'~lhl'~ :1'
lhe hun 01 lhe handle lO lhe hlade lip. Welghl one pound \\Captln, .md u,e hIdden amigr>l\l1\ di,b 10 lurthcr .... nhance
(0.45 kgl.lI1d 1I1t1ll'b 2DS+l S.D,Co damage, their Grim Reaper appcar.llll.:e. '111CI1" dCalh-ll11;lg~ ,lrIllor ,lIul tall.
Special \ ehides: 4x4 1001 (t .2x12 m) hover pl:ulnnn thold, thm phy,ical ,l:llurl' help gl\l·lh.... l11,m'lrr. ,1Il 'Illr,l 01 mCl1.ll',' ;Iud
'wo III lOur pcoplcl. MaXImum ,~cd 90 mph (145 knn, fordxxhng., The "gill (II .1 n1ilnarr 111 lull ba11k ,\OHm. tlo.uing
S.D,( 120. hover. l to JOO leet to.9 to 91 m) abovc Ihe forward \\'Ith 'Il'kk 111 h,md. I' 1I1l111'I> 111P. II) Ill'ad) 'lI\~nnc.
Preferred Armnr: Khklla generally prefer ~oft. hall ,ulh tA.R.
12. wllh an S.D,C. 50 10 (0) of annur.
Familiarity Wilh Earlh: Rla;l i, ralher I'lo~e lO Eanh. 30 lighl
ye,m a.... ay. and many khklla have heard of lhe blue and
green orh. Their compuler networks conlain infomlalion
ahout Eanh ,Illd olher nelghbonng planels Ihat " equal 10 the
"Some hllnihanty" re~ull onlhe Famillanty With Earth table.
Rifl'i ~otes: Same as lhe ammal ahen".

The rnanarr arc a dymg race Lc,s than a thou,and ar~ he·
!leved 10 eXl't.
It all began over one hundred year" ago .... hen a myslenou'
plague ravaged lhe pOpUI:lllon. Their dOClOn. and '>Clellll:-b
loiled for lwenty years before findlllg a cure. hu' by then, lhe
plague had killed more than 70% of lhe ~ople, The exhau~live
effon" of lhe researcher~ and lheir expo,ure 10 lhe afflicled
evenlually COq many of lhem their livcs. The :.urvivor' rcjoiced
and began 10 rebuild lheir lives. but. unknown 10 them, Ihc
deadly killer was not gone. A decade l;J1er. a strain of Ihe plague
resurfaced and devastated lhe planet. The comple)( malady had
mUlated and become a pan of lhe manaTT'i' genellc <;Iructure. so
lhat all manaIT were bom wilh the doonanl killer gene wailing 10
awaken and bring dea,h.
For fifty years. scienllm searched for the invi'iible disease, II.'>
,ymploms confused their conclusions and evcntually Ihey per-
ished 111 liS gnp. All manarr will die wllhin five years of the
awakenlllS of the killer chromosomes, The average manaIT i~
stricken dunng the early tecn years and most arc dead by lhe age
of eighleen, The last few thousand manaITs ned their planel in

'\1111'; I"Idl l11;Hl,lrr h,l~ ,I ~1I~hll\ thUert'lll ~l\ !ll<llltll1 III hl~ IIr Spl'l'i:11 \ chicle..: I hl\cr dl~l.... IlI\ Ihl' h,lll.., hlddc11 ulllkr llll.I\.... :
he! .1001\'f l1lJI..Hll:' eaeh ~r"ll!l.l1 Jilt! 11l1ltjUC o\1.I'l:l1nUm ~pe .... d 'Xl mph 114~ 1..1111 S_D_C 40_ 1I0\l'f I 1Il
\h~llll1l'nl' \Il~ hUI mO..1 are pnnl'll'll'd. wrurulnu.. nr unpnn 1,10(J feel 1.110 1btl Ill) ;Ihme lh.... g.mund \1.1\III1UIll \I~·ig.hl
pi 1 I'll .mJ/ur lIIunkrou.. 1I1.m.1n ,Ifl' ..,'ell J" IrJIlor- Itl holh ;1110\\ .llKe. I.unn p(}und~ j4'if) I..!!~ 1
I "arT ra.. l· .lfld hrl' Ihdl Sp«i:ll \rmor: 11l<.' g.rnn R';I~r .tnnnr h a h~hl l'\U- ..l..l·kltlll
\Unhult'..: I (J "\Dfl. \1 L~ 1[)h. \1 \ l1)6. P 'I lDO. P P 41>6. "uh Ihe loIlO\\1ng fcalUr... ~: \ R It}.... D_C 100. I~S 24.
,r I'" B '1>1'1. 'lpJ 'iJ)h douhle.. Ihe "' ....arer· .. n.llural "f'l'...d. kap~ up I(l 12 ",-,...'11 ~_6 till
1111 "mil"': lJllIlafJ. P I plu" 1[)f, fll.·r I \l'1 'Il'\f'l'nen..'lo high (Ir Hi 1«'1155 IllI kn~lh"I~. and 11I11I1...d I1rglll Ht ~k
.... 1),( H "pll ~'I 1.H:h.lhle JCI h,H:kp'KI.. ISO mph/sn I..Ill Ilf h'l\t:r ~1.lllnlM~
""H~hl I1\. ~ plu H>l> It!t!llltlll,11 l1~h ..•.. ::! 11 III ~ 'i nla\IIIlUIll J.hllude I' Inoo kl'I/lO<; mI. Itlng-r,mc~' I,ullo I I 'ill
mlle~/:!40 I..n1l. enhanl'etl "pllt'.......,. 111111 Ih.: mll.lrl.'ll ,lIld ul

\hl~hl H II( .... If.l\ lO1l.'1 ~Jll.·l'lrum .. j(.,(1I'1 IIWII I X, III r.IIl!!~·I, hUll1- In lan~lla!!l'
\\lr.II.:<· lIlt "'pan 1 Ilur II II" ,.Ill I 'HI \1.'.U~, hUi
1r.1Il~1,II(IL lull ... n\ Ift'mlll·Ill.11 h(}J~ annor "llh IIllkpl'ndl'nl
t"~g..::n ~urrl~ .•ur l'unfit·,tIIOli and l'1rlul.JIIOll .. ~ ..Il·rn. ,til rn
1 k I al 111U\ h
K'HI· II II lenMI l'()olrng ~) ~lel1l ,md nlo~lol Ihe 1l',IIun'" U11ll11l011 lIll'lI
"'Ulwr \I"hllf~: \1 ul 1.1 1111.. 111111"1 .Ill......f .It'dlllt·... ''If(1I1111l'nl:11 "'-MJ~ ,mllOf
I I" 1I.11'lr up_, 11001\\1.'1 '" Il.llt'1111l'1l1111l'r,l11d I ,t"l'r hc;rnh l'.m I..... l1fl'd In1l111hl' l'~c,,_ 11)(1 ") D_C Irlllll
1,11' pUll. I \I hl"(1(t ,md Ih.. rl'llhlllltkr ,Ul' lIll OIl\' l')'" h':::l1I1. ]D(l trom h(llh~ r.lIlj!l· ::!OO tc~'llhl flO.
II I I' .I~ U U I 1.111 1Il1" Illl .lln~"nl'" pI 1'11\"ll,11 1':lllliJi:lril.\ \\ilh I·.arlh: Ihl' III.mart 11,1\1' l'\ll"II<,I\~' II1hlr1l1<1
'II .11' HI "( 1I,IJlh.. ,u lum nn lT1:1n~ k,,-ad\;\IIl'...d pl,llll'h Thl') Il;tH~ ,Kel'" tIl In
'alllr.11 \hlhllt·~: \Ilh II h h., ,III hU1H.l1I Ihl'U l'\Jll·rh.. nll.'~ !onl1alltlll .lhoul Ltrlh Ihal I" Ih........4111\ akTlI 01 Ihl' "')lIml'
11" m,1 d. ,1111 I 1ll.ltk Ihl' m, .. ll'.11 1,.1I1l111,ml\" rl'~uh on Ih... 1·.lIl\lll,tril~ Wllh L.lrth uhll' I hl.'
nlll 11 ~!<, hI .1" 'u'rnlr I.I..-l'lr ami +1111 Man,"T...... af0 nUl'rolnmpulcr.. III remlurl'cd h.Kl..p.KI.... III
I I III (111~ dnl,\! 0111,1 '1H1ld .. unlrol Iht:\ .In· "'\"11 ~Il)fl' Ihelr <:ollclled 1Illtmn.Jllnll

Ih h "UI"OI.'( Ihllll\ )1 11I'lIlt .lUra 111<.' · hl' Kin .. '\"Ie..: The manarT Il. III hl' 'ol't'n .I" humall IIlUI.lIlh or
III nih (,I.. 1 11 "IlIlh l.Jn ,11 , !-'\'I I!'l.'OI<:herou.. D~bt't·~. k.lrl·d Jnd hunll'd h~ humJn ~UPfl'I1l,Il'1"h
h od I ,I..~ t~1l1 rl I..It \1I1ttl' lIlallJrr ur \1t\<,1 Jre hl..d~ I~l he lone :ld\entuR'r- Of part 01 .1 ~mup .
• 1~ p.J Ut,; \rT!\.tl 10 Rill.. birth I" J1'I......lhll.' \1.1 .I drnll·n'I'lll.ll ,1Iltllllal~.
"")L°u.11 \\l'<lplln,,; \l.,n.11T Jlh .. 'lIur f ~ 'lI1lllllflh ha\", ~Iun pi" htl'l.. tmk. Jmlen"IUIl.l1 c\,.,...nll1~·nl I1M!!l\. ,I<, a ..1.1\\' (If n"lu
Iun "r~·ll.IJ~·"" Iloar "a.. ",Ip,ul .m.l a lanl't~ III ,·n· ft·c. ur h~, In Ih..• lalll'r <:.1....• Ihe ~hlr I" hl..d~ In hale
r',,, .Ipon.. ,II Illl'lr Ih.."' ....!1 n..' n JarnJ~l'd or de~lru~l'd h~ lhe mhtul i.kkn....' Il.l'h ..ttll m
Ih I.IIIIOU" .... nl'rg~ "lll..ll.''' lalllul t1u<,u!!h 1I1l:1.tllll..l' up r.Jllilll .around Ih~' pl'llll.'l. 11m.. Ir:tpplll!= Ihl' IllJn.lrT on I·.lnh
I..nlk IhrllUl'h hUlla, mll1dlll!! hD6 SUC f'l'r ~!nl.. ..... Illl' nl<lnarT and "ut'h hl'lllg~ J~ thl' Srlugonh. \ .l1l1plr... ~ .1Ild
, th", 1l1.lIlarr u"ll.lll~ II",' Ihl .. ll.e'lp'1I1 hll'UI Ihrou~h OIhl'r "ullCmalurJI mOI1~Il''' ,Ifl' nalur.11 l'neml...... I"'l;lU..r ul tll\'11
111,1 11.l1lh\\.I~", .lnJ III 1I1...lhl.... ,-~h('r!! .. Jnd d.... ~Inl~ nl dhlrnCIr1.... III~ opp()~lng \ leVI ~ 10\\ .lrJ 11k and ..1<1\ l'n
'" ,1 1h.. "Ill..k <Ir ..qlhl: 1:;111 .11..1I Ilr.... ;1 ..hon f.Ulgl' hla~1 Ihal If ~l'l mlhe Rifl~: I'hll'~c \\nrlcll·nlironllleill. Ihl' ~~l'lwrill 01
I cl hl)(l'll)( JI;I r,ll1!!I' 01 )(1(1 kl'l 110.5 Ill), ll~ p,ll '·llplnref. m('rcena~. hero. Of '11;In: ,I(h ...nlllrl'r \lork .. lllll· \1l1~1
"1.1.1 I 111llIll·.. J III X hl,I~I" h.:rm,' ll'ljllllll1!! ,IUIOIIl;llll r....ll1,lrg arc glltll.l ~u) ,.
III).' IIl'l h;1I c~·~ on.... hl;I~1 Ill'r hour!. \lo~1 of Ihl""' th;lra<:ler...11'1' ") DC lill' tl'ml~ 1.. 110 11t:,'tl
nUllllll11llhl' ~'ml ,II 111l' .. t'~lhl' I~ ,I ..lUll hl.l~ler IlIalll'ltlpll l11l'g;Hbm;I~l' ',\l';1p<.ll1" ;md ;lrllUlr It'r !1ll'j!.1 d.II1I;lJ!l· P'llll"UIO!1
I.lflll ..llIlr1 11rlUl'" Ihl' n... nlltr~ ~~"1"'1I1111 ,Ulllpp'lI1l'lll \'u.: ,lilt! Iirl'p<.l\\ cr. QUlthle ('011\ l'r~lOn Il'l:hnolll!!~ 11\ ....llwlIb l ;mllllf
Irfn.. ·..·1 Il' m,tl...... ,I "II Ill,\! Ihn1\\ {I-t Ill' hl)!hl'r I1K"an" lh... ~ ....m hl' e;l.. l1~ "\\Ilchl'd Irnrll SJ)C 10 \l()_C 101 qut~l UlIl\l'f
.11l:. [\<' 11I:11.111Il'"1 .mt! lhar,llI"''' \\hll a~ Il1lulnt:r.Jhk·. "Itm and 1IlIeg:.r::1I10n_ TheIr en... rg~ \\ ... apcll1~ afl' roughl~ '·\IUI\.I
hUll1l, ..I mholl' an' IIUI .lIll·lll'd "Iunn...' d l'h.lral'Il'" .Jr..· 1e111 In Ihl' KiuJIll "'I;ltk~ II ,m~ rat't' ha.. Illt·g'l-d,t1l101g..'
,1.1/nl rccllln~ .. f'l.'.... d and Ilk" numhl'r 01 .1Il,lll..~ pl'r md...l' h~ \\l'Jfllll1~ II" Ih"" m;lll;l1T S......• Rifh ('oll\cr-.iun HUll'" Om,' lor
I til 1'111" Ih..· lldlm I" -X III ..Irlh'. pan:. and dod!"'" !Ilr ..pcnfir ~upcr pcl\\ cr t'un\ e"lOn.. and i1lhl'f IklJi I~
11>-1 ... 1 lJ1l'kc mllnd.. ~ mllhlpk ~llIn hla..l.. m.l~ lO'Il'mllhe du
alilm t·llhe ..lUll dkd hUI nollhl' !,,,.. n,tllll''', R.Ifl~ ..• 1" IUlllll'tl
1 I , .. Il',:1 141 1111 ;lIld Ih p<t~ load I" 12 ..hoI-. III ft·g.... n...r,IIl'.. aiden
IJIl..: bl., 1 e'l'~ ,0 nunul 1,
, hil'rf~ "huril..en... lhnl\\lIlg lIl ......: -nm1\\Ulg rall.!:'l.'- 1211
k ..l \fl'i III I Tnl'~ dlln'l .lduJII~ llli hUI l';IU'l' an 1Ilipali The pl;lrll'1 nadme I~ ;t grl'...n Jnd hlu~' glohl' Ih,u "uPlw.n ...1
\\h~n Iht:\ ~!nl..c Ihal rnlllll<, 2Dfl "'1)(" .lIld h.1<, a I-Xil', \;1,,1 \.uil'l~ of hII.'. Till' ITlU..1 JdLmn:d 01 Ih lIuhp.l·l1lm.. "J1'I.·l'Il·~
hl..c.lh,,, ...1 Illl..[ltlo.:l..lIl~ II<, \ldUIl till 111" k ....I' '\01 ,lrpht,lhk I...1 r.ltC uf human.. <:alh:d 11il' n'lIlkn .. 1-.\(llu1l0n til Il<ldllll""
10 t":IlI'~ I\ho \\ ....lgh .'i(llllh~ \IT 11l1lfl' l::!l.'i 111... I..lIt'lll.. IXI"l'rlul grJ\II~ h;l~ .. IMIX'd Ill\' Il,m!l'n.. 11110 " ..hon. ~lml1g 1>1.:\1-
,1<1\\ 11 I1I1P.lll l-.lU~e~ il~ \ Ill1111 III h"'l' InrI I,Utl l' ;llld 11m' flil'lt'... pk The) \1 ... lgh more IIMIl.m .t\ ...rJgl· hUnlan IIUl.' to Ilk'lr dt:I1'o.l·
.Il\lllll ,11l.ld. l·.llh rl1n.... he I~ I..nlll:l.. d 'lit 11l .. 1l'.... 1. Illu..d .... ll~<'uC dnd 111;1 ..... Olh...f\1 I~l' lh.... ~ 1,101.. I1l..l· I ;\flh hlllll,UI<"
Ilk' .11 l'rill'" m,1I1;I1T h,l~ HJ4 nl'rg.~ ..hunl..":l\'- ,lIld on.. . \\ lIh IiCI) r...d Iwtr l(llTa"llln,t1I} or,lllgl' or r....dlh..h bnl\\ Ill.
~h.\..k \11 ~1,.~111l'. g.rim r":.lp...r hl)d~ ;1I'I11Ilr ;1IIt! ;1 p'ort;thk J r Th...n lI:liden~' marn ar.... :l~ \11 ~Ink ;ifl' mel pOpl1lallllll .1Ilt!
p,ll\... ,I" \1\'11 ".. ulhcT \1l'<Ipon~ ,lIld CqUlpll1l'n1 lUI1II... J h\lllg 'p<ll·e. N:ldll1l"~ gr;l\ It~ I~ ~o Ill'al~ rh.1l II I" Iintl

unr~"I_ \\ar ()\~r r~al C,lal~ 1r"'4u~nll~ ;1]..,0 ,~r'\l" In h'~p lh~
w,clilog JXlpuhllion und~r cOnlrol
J ht' \hl,rea .If..' ,Ill clll~ d.J" ul n,l1d~1I nrcr.JII\~' lralll~d ,I'
"'amnf' .Jnd lilt'llllan, III comm.Jrnllh,' f~gular trl1ol1p' Th~\ t';lIl
com~ fmm all~ "'lCl;11 or ~umnrnK h;trlo..~ruunll IIIl' lhm)! Ihal
'd' Ih~m ,Ipan from olher n;lIlklh I' Ihl,'Ir 'urx'rhulIl,1ll at>lhll~'
aod ,I 1;Il\HO pl,lccd t1\l'r rhc kll ~\~ ,I' a 'Ign III r,mlo.. \11 ,lhmc,l
arc Idl harJ<kd (though nOI :111 Idl h'llldl'd nald\'11 arc ahort.'a)
,1I1U I'll'"..' '' ,uperhurnan po",er, u'l'll !,'r \\,If ;rllli Lr\, ('nlnrl('"

Ik m('rt.' pn,"~IKc .11 ,m atlt.'fl'J tll,lk.." "Iha Ilal.krh nl,'f\I'u,

Jlld ,llr,lId Th~ ,1t'tlre,1 ,Ire pr,I<.Illall~ p;tnah, arn"n~ 1h\:lr n", II
~tlpk !x'\:,IU...... ill Ihelr rcpulallun, ,h rUlhk" ,tIl.1 d\',I.lI~ \\JITI-
t'f' \\hu ,t.lught... r Ihuu"md, dunng rllll 1I111,"1 alld "';Ir Thl'
k:u ,lilli dl'lnl'l alllUll~ Ihelr tl\\ II IX't1pk ,',lU'~' 'llIn~ ,lhllf~,1 LO
hCUIIlll' InJ,lfillCd ,uul angr:-. "1lI1l'11111l" glllll!! hcr,cflo.. ,md la,h
IIlg WII IllIh lIlurdl'flllh rage (If Ull!l'\,I'I,lImg 1('I1\!X'f 1,lIIlrum,_
\1\"1 arc' lI1tokl,1ll1 III lhe Ullll~l1lrIUIIU'. "'I.',IJ..l.'l :1Il.1 mknor
Il;Ild\'n, llli, llnl~ ,Idd' III lh,' ,lr,Ull IX'I\\CCn lhl"'l' 1\\\1 rdall'd
rJ.....' IlJl"~ , ..'nllnU'Ill, otll.'n l'IlIKl' lIll'ml">..'r' III 11ll' at'tlrl'a III
1e,1\'" lhelr hon1<'\\oIlrl.l It) c\pl.,rl.' Ihl' nhm.... or III llIld .1 pl.l'·~
/ "h~l~ lhe~ em IllJlo..e a Jllt,'fCOI,.l' and ht.. rl."!....·<.I,·.1 Other, Ix'-
,:Ollk' \II1,Iln, tlr m,ulm...n. nUl 1Il1"1 r~nl.llil 1"~,ll tkknd,'f' t,1
1h\:lr penple_
De'plI~ IhcH ad\,LIl,ed I~,hmll{lg~ lhl' rt,mkn" ,11lI1 e'!x'-
llall) Ihe >lhtlr~.1. 1l;1\l' a lo\~ 01 .1I'd1,llr-'I~ letl \h'aplll" rill.'
"l:lId~ll' .. r~ l,:ol1'Id...rl'd "Ull\' of 11ll' hC'1 I1Ick.' n'lI1h:I1,II1I' 111 Ihc
g:tln\ Th~lr ""',I!'lllll' >trl.' nlJd~ 01 :1 \l'r~ ruggl'd 1l11'1"llo..mmn
,I' tI/1/l<I 1/11". "llId1 I' nl':Irl~ IIld~'lruulh!e ,tlill em ~\l'n r,Ir~
l'rl~r~\ hl.ulc, "Ilhoul ht.'IIl,!! dJm'Il'el!_

\l1rihule<;: 1,1.) ,1)(,. \11- 'DO. \1 \ ~Df,. P"-l_ ..H )61+If)h h.r
\noreal. I'll lDo l+~ hlr \lxlr~,II. P 1- H)f,+~ P B '1)(,. Sl'd_
lIil "uilll.. : SI'H1(!;ml. P 1- plu, I Dr, f"':r !e\l'lul "\~Il"lh.:C
S.Il,C:lD6x III plu, 60 lor lhl' "horc,l
l\atural A.k.: Ill; lough. hard ,Io..m
llci~hl: :"i kel plu, I D(, l1\lhc, 11_:; III 1.6 III l.
\\ eighl: 2()(l plu, ..; Of, !1oI)uml, (IXl \(l 100 kg"
A\t'nl~e Lire Span: !'it;, ~~'If'
Kacc: HumanOid
Super \bililit....: ·'he J\l'rag~ n.ud"I1' .Ir~ ranl.ll tlr lull ~·"II\l·r
'IOn c~htlr~,_ \1,lgll·u,mg n;llden, arc unh..·.lf\1 oil and Ihll'..·
"nh p'IOllll' J'I!.'\Il·f' tlr "htl pt"".." ,u~r ahlllll~' ,lrl· .IIlt'rl'.1

P'ltlllll.: A bur,"1. ChllO'l.' p} rulo..lIll"" ami Il'klo..lI1l"" "r h~

drnlo..inC\I' ;1\ Illl' ..:h;trana·, 1ll'lInT I"ltlllil' pt1llcr .ll1d 'l'll.'l'l
four 1lI11l0f ptillcr,. ISP I' \11' ,,~plu' 20
Ahor.:a "1111 ,ujx'r .IOrlllll,"- II,Ill' nnl' 111>11'" 'tll....T .Ihllll~
oll·hmlT or r.tndnm dCl.:nlllll.llltlI1IIU1hl 'l·Il'lI.m olleli'lll'
(X""cn and nn,' lI11nor ablhl~ ITt'lI1lh.:- l·.llc}!nTl til ..'nl'rg~ l'\
PUhlU1l or ,uper \1'1~1I1 In addillon.lhl.' ,It't,rl',1 hall' Illll' .uldl
llUnal atlallo.. pt.·r ml'k~ rHund ,lIld ,I +.'
hi '.I\l' " h.'IT(Ir
lull Il) hUlld upv..ard,. '0 lllO'1 ollh(' planel h {;u\~rcd hy 10". Spedal \\(':II>I.U"': \10'1 n,mkrh "r\.'ll·1 .lrdl,1I1 1lI,'ln' "<::J11oIIlh
'pra\lllng lUIC' and \<1'1 ullI.krground rille'. The Inahlll\} 10 ,tll"h;l' ,"or~h. Ihl' IIldud~, r,'lr;lll,thk lore,lIm hbd~, tllr
huild lip lIllll Ih~ ,1o..1~' r('dllc~, thc numhcr 01 penple pcr 'lJUolTC blOll1C d1M'Il'll'l'o \horcal' l",lll "1111 Illlldl Ihe\ 1"ICI\\'.1 h.,-
mill' t~ ';4 'lIU,lr... an.1 ha' l,:;lu'Cd ml'rcro\lding. war and l1U' 01 +1 III 'lnkc :tnd parr:- ~',Ill~ n'lId.'Il', .lIltl .ill "bllrC,l
U~l' "l'apOlh of anira ~ICl'l (\\hich I" lhl' elluivalcnt of KI ..ell- Thl' mlllarr.. ,lrl'.In ,uh,l11n:d, 'Il;[Cl""'dp.lhk· l'i\t1I/;llllll1 and
11": "ealll'n~ I, rhe l'h,lmClcr geh a "I~cnille l'qul\Ilenl h.l\e hcen Ibhbllrl~ \\llh robolll''' and OIOnl\", hill Ihl'''c 011',' .. tIll
"capon 01 hl'o choicc'. rdl'gatt'd 10 l'\pt:nml'l1I,IIIOII Ilh..'lr ll'llUr.11 hod\ ,Innor '11"0
"ipl't:ial \ chide.. : \110"1 ..nldlc!"> ar... I....ul'd l\qHlhLll hmer Jl'l'p" tna"l" hlonll' ,Hlgl11l'I1WthHl k .., I1l'll'",al'~ \'r 'lpp... "llIlg).
InI.L\ltllUIll "Ix:ed 160 rnph/260 "m.S.D,C 2~W, ho\er.. ., 10 Weaplln lc.:hnolng} I" ;t[1PHJ\ll11dll'1} l'411al ILl 2 hI Cl'nlury
I ~ Il':c·I/O.9 1(1 365 In ;loO\e Ihe grollml!. Out Ihe <lmlre,l prefer LlIIh. Int:1uding \lbl'n·\\l"lp'ln.., r,lIl ~lIn .., 1,I"l'r.. .Ind llJlI hl,h-
pm: 1t1.ln ho\er qde.. lma\lrTIurn ..peed 2(XI mph/.121 "m, Il'r...
\ D,c ~()O, hmcr. 110 .1(1 lI.'c'I/.9l(1 y, I III aho\ll' Ih... ground). 1\ll1lh 01 1111' I{othal'r ([lilure l~ bmlt ar,lund ,I ..lfIct 11Illllan
I'rl'lcrrcd \rll1Or: '<lllkn.. "ear hall ..ui", nl ,1r111or: A R 12. "ol.'lcl~ \11 nl1h,lf[·... I1Mk.. ,lIld tl'll1.dc" . .If'" rClfulred 10 "11l:mJ:II
\1) ( 011 \bor"',1 '>'.,Irrtnr, \le<ir lull I'r h,111 .. un .. 01 pl"..lIC lea,lllIl.:' "1\ ~l',lr tour ill tl1l' ,mned Inn·..• I hO"l' th,11 dn IWI cn-
,11Id ,'I,1I111l pl,ll,' \\llit dll \ R 1--1 ,tnd S D.C lJO or hard ,11'- 11 ..1 n~ thl'l! l\n'l1l~ lir"l blnhll.l\ Oire lorc d 1I\to ..... nlr~. ,lilt! dc-
nUll \ R " lJ ( 2:"11 "l'ner.. ,IfI' ,lrre'lcd I'll\' ,tnl·t ,:odl'" ot Ihc I{nlh,lrr I1llhtat'} h;[~
I-amili;lrih \\jlh I'arlh: 'tlllC It Ihc'~ ,Imuld IHid thelll"l'h,l''' a[.. ll ..ellt lIl;[n~ ..,,1;11"'1' III I'r.,OI1, ,llthough [1U111,hl11l'll1 I' l:'enl'r-
Ihl'f<' tlWII 1.1Il~U.tC,· ""lll\t tx· \l'r\ lll11l'h II,," Ihc' In~li~h IJI ,lll~ 11I ..1 ,!lId f,m
I· ,tnh
\ti~nl1ll'lll: i\ltl..ll\lllwn.. \\ill I...... prrnrlpktl. "l'l1lpulou" tmpnn-
I{jf" \"Il''': Ch.H<lC!<'f" ,,110 .lm\t nn Rill, hlllh \\111 Ill,.' l·lpkd. or ,lhl'rrJnl \n,lrrlll'f. nll~l'rl',lIlt ,md tllahoill' Ch;[ral'll'~ .1'0 d,1I1l.'crou, () I...... l·' III I'l<' kar,'d hUl11l'd ,Ultt tk"lril~ ... d h) \\11f prohaol\ "11<.'1111 lime HI .md 0111 \II pn"oll lor \dfiou, of-
hum,HI 'Urr,'l1lol,'''I'' \rrt\,ll In Rllt, I ,ll1h I" Itl..l·h \1,1.1 dnllc'n 1t:lhl'" ,lilt! 1ll;!~ IX'<';1l111\' ..1,'II,tr pll;!lc, or 1!11''f~,11,1l'11l" lTllllrn;rI...
,,!pflJI ,ltlllll1.1l) obc" huh.: d 11I1,'I1"IlIl1<1ll' \J"'I.'mn"'llf. I11dpK or ,I.. \lIriIJlJII',: l.<) 'DCl. \11· '])1'. \1 \ l[)t>, P S, IO(H-I. P.I>,
,1,1.1\l [Ill' "pIUl!llnh .md "lhl'l .. 1.I\Cr.. .Irl· al\-\J)" 1'l1 till" 11)l1~ '[)Cl. l' 1- '[)fJ. I' 1l'[)6. \pd, /J])6
nUl lor '"Ilt'rhl:II1~" Hil I'uinl'>: SWll\klrtl: P I pill" I n{1 pOll1h 11<.'1 Inl'lol C\reri-
It .. ct In tlw I{ifh: Ph;l"l' \\urld ,'IHlronmclll. Ill<' ..c... n'lrlO 01 c'ncc.
,,1,1'1' e\plorc'r. m... rcl'IMr~. or "pJc'c' ,Ilh ... nlun:r \\or,,~ fin\', \alural \.R.: II ,lIld ma\ \\l"l1 ,ulditIPIl,,1 ;lntUlr \lr pilot po"er
Stlln... ,If\' ~o(\d !!u~, ;lnd Illh...r.. arc \ t11'lIlh. anthll'

[hl: nalden.. ,md anofl'a .. .lfl' mcga'l!;ullagl' !,Tcature.. (In Rilt.. :-'.1),('.111:11111":11 t)tld~ armurl: .'i])h·IO plll,~(1
1:.11111 ,lIltl Ph",l' \\-orld. IJ lhi.' dliJr.ItI,'r h".. 160 "i.D.C II 11<.' I-Il'il:hl: I} tel'l plu .. --1lJ6 Inche' 12.10: 10 ,.-1 IIll.
come.. I flO \1 DC the ",II11e i.. lnlc of n.mkn C}oorg... rll\'''u \\ eighl; 1<;0 pitt.. ~l)6x I (J pUllllth (lhi'< III 21 , "g.. l.
TI<.'I JOllllle .. nt Ihe l:h,lrOicta \\(lllIJ JI,o mt11l1 111l' l'ljUl\ Olk'l11 111 A\erul\C I.ifl' ~pan: hli ~l·;lr..
1l1... p,1 d.ul1ag" (~e,' Rifh CHll\er~ioll Book Olll' for "lxTrtil ..ll I{;lel'; 1rum,mold
lk'r 1ll1" er rotHer'lon.. ), SUpN \hililil''': nuhdrr.. l.1Il he 01 ,lll~ SUpl.·! PI)\\,'!" C'I!<·gOl).
hut !1l0"1 lallmlo lh,' 1Lud\\;lr... llr Ph~ .. ic.d I'rall1lllg l'alcgll-
nt:.. Ic,," Ih.lll 2()', !I,I\ l' 'ul...... ! ,lhllil]I'" ,mtl tll1l~ anlllfll'r 20";':
Rotharr h;l\l' P"lllllIC", BIlHlI.... l' ,I rant\ thU,III~ hlUnd 111 mIlItary
rhl' ntlhalT'o ,m: ,I PO\\l'rlul1~ hUIlt r,K'" ot gl;am .. namc to a l'\llI.'rtl11l'nl'
plal1l't l,llkd C'.lrr 11 "pm.. ljuldl} upon II .. J:l.I". d1l1n1l1lg lhl' .11-
mll.. ph":fl' Inill" \-llnd·hallc'red, lnho"pllaole el1\lronmCl11. Dll~l

ami ",llld..lonn.. Jr'" l·onllllu(Ju". and the .. url'Il'C of Carr I" ground
"!l1nll1h Ir(\ll1 l':I.po..urc. 111... nalln' lill' loml" han' dc\c1opcd
hard exo.. t...dcton pl,llc" to pmlel"l them from thl .. ahn... ivc ;11-
mo,>ph...rl' The rOltwrr.. v.ould appear human it nOI for their
n.ltur;J1 hl'a\} pl"lrng and largc 'Ill'.

Nalural Radal Abililie!o: GHlllI 'lTC. \lIpcr ~Irenglh. and nalural
body ,lnnor: +1 Oil 1IlItlatl\C. +1 to ~ave V" magic. +210 ~a\'e
v.. pOl"'l)ll/!o~ and drug.... and +2 10 ..a\'e V" horror faelor.
Special Weapon~: Vlbro-axe..: Length 2.5 feet (.f! mi..... clgh
five pound.. (2.1 "'g~I. and ll1flll:1 406 S.D.C d31llage plu,
P S ,lltnbute bonu...,
Special \ ehicle..: A T V hover \chlcle lean ~olllfonabl) hold
Ihc pIlot ,lIld fI\e pa.....enger'l. SOC" 4-10. malill11U1ll 'peed
1411 mph (22~ kml. (an ho\er lrom .' 1012 leet (n.9 10 .lM
1111 ot!lol'\t' the gr...unJ It ott , hd' "llJ;;e and unde~alt''r ('apa
I'>lhllt' 1k~ otl">ll uw ,ei p.ll '
Preferred \rmor: rOlhotm Ju not ntlmldll) \,\e,lr .mnor 01 dn}
"'and Inc\ rel~ 'n tht'lr notlural otmlllr plotung lor prmet."llon.
although tht'~ rna ddd metal dnd leramll ..houlder. dod
kg plJ.le.. lor addlllonJI prule(llIm It\ pKall~ add, aboul ~II
\ DC and .!~ f'lollnt IH thl \ R I
Famtliaril\ \\ 11 h i- arlh: fhe RI.lharr nllillan lomputer, havc
1l111.mlal1!'n In them Ihal cqual;o d 'Sume lamlhanl~ rc
"ul' nn ttlt· lot!lI\ \\ It~ f-.arth tahle
Rifh 'ote"': Ch.tril.. ler \'\'ho amve un Rllh birth ""111 he
-.«n.\ danl!t'rou,"t" little leared. hunted and de.. tm~ed h\
human ,upl1"ma"I'I' \mval I'n Rill' Earth 1.. 11"'e1~ via a dlmen
'Illnalanllmal~ blaL'" hl'lc:. dlmen"lonal e\.penment. magI(" or a~
a,lavc The I)rlu~(lnh and other "Ia\er-. \'\'111 find rotham III he
vef'\ allra;;1l\e IlIr ~ladlalOndl j!ame.. and ..lave labor
II -<I In the Rifh: Pha~ \\orld en\lmnmcm. lhc '>{;enann 01
..Ia\t' ('\.ph.rcr men:endl). or "pa;;e advcmurer \\,-or..... fine
Slime .Ire guod gu~ .. and other-. an: vIlIam,
·,ne rntham .He mega-damage \:realUre" on RIlh E;tnh and
Pha..e World If the (hdracter ha.. 190 S.D.C It become.. 190
M.De.; the ..ame I" lrue of rOlharr ,p:u:e,hlp" and e4ulpment.
The ..upcr ,Iollille.. of the chamclcr \'\'ould al'>Q Il1nlCI the e4ul\a- 'Cf'\l1Ig ,lI1d ,m: ;11v..I~' III ,eaf..-h tit ea,,~ OppunUl1llle'. I,r gL't
lent 1Il mega-damage ( Rifts C'ln\ersion Rook One for "pc. nch qUit'" "lhe1l1l'~, \'> 'Ud1. ttlL'~ ML' mliul1llu' IlIr lr1("'lIIg
L1rl~ ..upcr pll\'\' er \:onvcr"'l(lIl~).
pnml11\ e !X'l'ple Intll o.:lle\ l1Ig tht'\ .Ire ~(ld ... dt.'Il1I~I1'th. llellltl!h
or ,upcrn,ltur,11 lx'IlI)!'" hI FL'I thel11 II' \\or--hlp ;ll1d ohl'~ ttWIll.
~hLl,,"cr lhem \\llh r1L·l1t".llf help ttR'1lI ,lchIC\t.' '>(Ime othc-r !!Udl.

Shissans There .Ire more 'l"rupultlu' 1l11'1lIlx'r-. .It tlw r;ll"e \\ ho \'MI1 thl'lf
l1lone) h) Il'I:rfonlllllg It:gllllll;lte ,en IL·L·... hUI Ihe) .1ft.' ;\ 'lIlall
Shill I' a planet ot dU,l and heal. The 210 degrt'e Fahrcnhelt p<:r(entagt' 01 th(" v. hille, MO'1 ,hl"",111' opef:llL' ;I' lorlt' lrt.'d
(99 CI .. urf:Ke lempcr:llllre ,It the c4uator llllllh lhc amoul11 of :1Il('cr~ or III "IIl,llI gfoUp',
water. precipitation. and life on the hot pl:mel. Dc:,plte the mho..-
Alil-:nmclll: An~. hUll11c "I'I rn,lloru~ arc ,1l1illdll,t or IIlI'Uc-
pltable condition,. there l'> life on Shm and al lea..t one fonn l'>
Intelligent. The ..hl!o!oan.. have managed 10 adapt to the IOnurou..
AllribUIC"'; I.Q '1)6+ I. ,\1 r .tDIl. \t/\ .j[)6. P.S '1.>6. P P
condltion~ and they lhme Ihere, Their populatIon I~ 10..... butth:1t
JD6. P.E. 106. P B. .11)(" 'ilxf ,'1)(,
h hecau.. e the :l\allablc amount .. of food and v.ater to .. u~talll
Ilil l·oinlS: SI.mdard. P I· plu.. I D6 pt.'r Ie\L'1 til t.'\I'It.'(I\'1Ice
them~elve" arc mllllmal and they 1llU~1 rely on food~ grown from
S.I).c.: 61.1
h}'droponie garden.. on "pace ~tallon.. orblllng the plane!. They
lIei~hl: 5 feel plu, 41)6 11K he.. I 1.6 III :!.I III I
are aCllve 111 the galactic cOlllmunlt) and are av id explore".
Weil-:hl: IOOplu,2IXlxllJ')(lund,(~4!1l101lkg'l.
Shl,,~n !>Culemenh arc found on many thennal (and other) plan-
AH:ra,ge Life Span: 160 ~~;Il'"'o
eb. Thl" ha.. led many 10 'peculate thai Ihe \hl'Sans are nOI tn-
Su~r Abilili~: All ,,11I"",lIh .il\." ,Illt:n Tll~ '11..-, \\ hll lall unde!
digenou .. 10 Shta and arc actually the desceodanl~ of anciem
lhe I-leroe.. lnlimiled fIO""l'r..-alC'gul) 01 \I,lgll' U'UJI1~ \\1/
~p3ce refugee~.
ardl) or illu.. IUIll ..t ThL'~ arl' tr.lln,,·d lrolll a \el) ~nunt! a~e
Shh~an.. 100'" 4ulte human. excepl for lheir Iighl red or ru,1 and ..tan \,\, Ilh t.... o addltl(l!ut ,pt.'11'< 111llt1lall.
compleXion. namll1g red haIr and a pair of ...mall hom.. 1104+2 :\alural Abilili~: Sh""dn, ,1ft' l{lt.lll~ HnmUIlt.' tn the dIed.. 1.1
mehe.. longl on lhelr forehead ... heat and lire (nil darnJ.!!.'."I. hUI II e\f'lol'>l'd tl) tempt.'r:ltllre, Ie....
The planet. Shla. IS a magic-rich em Ironment vel)' much Ii... c than I)K degree.. Llhrenht:1l I n ('I. the dl;lr.ldL·r-- .... '11 ~!!m
thai 01 Rlfh Earth. In Ihl, m}..uc em lronment.lhe shi~~an, have 10 ..utter fmm c\pmuR' '''l'(, c\,f'lo"ure dkl,;h ulll.k:r thl.' ho-
developed an atlunement to magic and pracllce a vanel} of my'- len World entl} lor dctdll'< on e\po..ure). \ltl',1 .... ear !lolJd~
lic art.. , Man} Uloe theIr magic 10 operale as con men. smuggle..... "UI1'> .... hllc advt"munng thai re!!ulall" It.·mperature J.t ;j nlL"e_
forgers. mercenane~ and "ple'i/e"plooage agenlS. Man} are self- comfonahle 141110 ISO degree, Fahrl'nht'lt

"'pedal \\(·:lpun..: Shi".m \\(',1;>011" .trI.· Identlt:al 10 ~1"-t:nlll(' (lUll;tgc lhal rc.. uh .. IrolTl lr\lII!! on Illl'lf hlllll,'\loor]d \\111 c1krt
\l"',I!'kllh ;tnd Ill1p:llr lhe "I"on.. lor Ih":lr enllre lI\e....
"'pl,t:ial \l'hide..: \nl1j!r..l\lI~ fll11-!" or m... d'llli"n...: \1.t\unull1 \lij.!nmenl: An~. hUI J\ Jnd h,ll..:m'·.... "'.. ler, m.m)
I /'.IIII1(1h 196 ~m f; SD( loi \1.l\llllUm ,1!lUU'1.: 1'" unhm· 1I1t1er, blOni,' ...ili",)n\ ho..'lOllk.' nuel. '-t.:lfhh ,tIlll el II In",lllIIIC"
\1.1\1I11Uln \\<"I~hl JI10\\,m.:e '''' 'iOO pl,luml... t125 ~!!"'I. ar" ,Il'\{l t:ommon .... Ilh aj!": ho.."·,III'-t.: the hralll I1M\ ho..'}!1II III l"<lI-
Prdl'rn'c1 \rmor: \hl m ... rrder nhll.!I1.:JI prnle.:llon t1\..:r l'Illl' ':11) or detenorall' dUl' In Ihe rJtllaUull.
"III \\111 u · \loh.Il'·\l·' I'" n<",l' ....11) III !!..:I Ihe loll \lIrihul.....: I.Q. 'H)tl+2 \U.lD6. \1\ .'on. P'-I 'I>t>. P P
II ... tn~,· lhelr lalll \ I radllJonal ,,'plorer gar· ll>b, PF'H){'. P B ''!)t,_ Spd. '[Xl<>T ll~ hlOfIl\ ..
h '.11".1 ",",,1\ llll l'lII, ·.llc,1 und,'r a kill..... IUlln~ lIil Points: Sland,ml. P I numho..·r pili" IDf> Jl':r k\d ,.Inf":n·
I .. "I<; I 10;J~ \ R I' '-I 1) ( MI. "'ll":
".lIlIlll.lnll \\1111 Llrlh: 1'4 ;JII 11,1' "'lud,,',l Lmh" nlt' '-1.1.,( ,: 104..: III plu.. ~u \lr ll~ "1I'llIr n.·'·IlINrudlllllll'>n\ er"'>.llln
r m h II 1..1 III Illl llm'oC \\hll.ITC lull t:~I)tx!!\ .... 11I1~pllJI1~ !I,ue.1ll S 1>,(' \l1 .. nll
J 11 'II Illh \\"r~. ,I 01,.1 In 'iIlO\\1I11;1ll ·\R 01 1:",lr til
'h llci~hl: illeel plu, 11)0 IIIdll" {I "Ill.:! lin.

." Rift ... 'oil,... · [I J

ml I 1111
'h Ril'" RI'(, ...·HUlC lh,' ,h,ll,KIl'l
I mu ,ml hUl1l.Ul '1 IJ 114
\ hmn,llI 'Ul' 111.1,
'lI' 'leT \lh,ll'" k.lI ... d
!I~ 111", "I lhl" ( ,1,llllllll1
,m h, ,111\ 01 Ih" l1l.t~i, {J ( tlluml HI lh... Rilh
\\cij.:hl: I(HI plu .. IDh Illlund... tKfllO "9 "~,r: ,llldllllm,,1 \\l'lghl
\\111 ho..' ,tdded lrom hIIl11l1'"
\\cr:t~{' Life Sp1ll1: Rnuphh 'i'i \":<lr, tur Ih"'l' \(hll 'l;l~ unlhe
pl,UlL'l 1110''': \\ho k<l\,' hU1 arlO pntlwnl~ Imlllil' l',II1II\I' lor ~(MJ
ldlll hill 1II/,Hd klll[11",11 '1,/.lllh. 1l,'UlIlll,lI1 ~c'lr..
, II ,'11 II l r I I Han: /luman
, f' 1 11 "iuptr \bililic~: ....nI11·. olher th,m hIIHlIl:... \11 '>l11\1I11~ 111111\.'-
\ Iol III Inl ,~h ., Illlll·lhhlll..d ,m"m'll\ rcn..: ..nrne Illnllot hlOl11l"' ullk .... th..:~ ka\..: h'r;rdlllL' nclor,'
I t.lll Ir III 111<:\ ~1l01.\ ,I"oul lh...' ...pluconh. lilt.:) are len ~":;lr... nld t~'\..:nlhcn Ih..:~ IIl,1~ require l\lrrcl·ll\..:
I' lld(k ;Jlllt 'Inft- Ilh III 'If ru.,1 11K' \11,,,lall" 'lIld ..urg"r) ,md/ur 1Il11llir l"~ho..'rnell," r..:t:()fJ..lruUI,lIll. Ihl'l~pl..:.11
"llhOI1 .... 111 ha\..: \In..: or 1\\11 1l1(Hl1l' :Inn.. JIllI h,llllll_ 1\.'1ll-
'11\ 'wnlll'·lIl. Ihl' .... l:llanO 01 hm:":ll "pHil' Jnd \htlulder~.•mllinJI lung, .11I11 \,lllllU\ lllh..:r
,'I P a,iI ,'murer \\ort- lUll' Inlerna] organ\ ;Jnd l)t"",'bl~ hlOllll kg... H\ ,l.!.!e ~ll, mtlll
rJ diller llI.t\ ht: \ Illam
JllllL-r .Ire '-I" ( hk lonn.. \\11" n":l'd 1,1 ,Inlulre
me ,d.lIlu e \lo".lptllh anti .Inuor 101 n'k'!!J-d.lIllaj!" prllteLlII)fJ
.llld lin f"'I~ r \IJ,CI' 'p".'II....nd ,1",lllIC" ~ III "'" ":4UJI lu "lha..
\ ~Ith I"tnh ,lIld \lolll ha\,' 1lI,'!.:,1 danl.l,C': <,It,'t-I ..

,I 'ld,nll \\llrld pll[ltll.t1l·d ,,~ hUIIl.1Il It~,· ;111"11"

~ \lol , lhl ,1I1\lIth Ihe 'UI1 Ih.ll 1~,lrll1~ lhl~ I\urld ,,1"0 ,,'IllI ..
l.ut 1"'\-\"11111 1,ldl,Hum Ih.11 .Il'l'lel;ll,·" 11ll' pnl<lllllHlIl [II ngld
\,Ik tum d"'III"II~, di....:.l\\' ,llld 1ll111,l111l1l, /nr lh..: \111"011\ III I,ur
\1\,' lho\(' llllll.lle,llll!,ldlh, h"ne' ,md limh... rnll~l h..: rcpl'lll·d
\\Ilh lnlllll.llllllt" 1111hl\ ,'lid. lh,'\ h.l\e perku..:d 111..: \UCIKe
III l'uollll r,'UlIhlrtKllIlll .1I1d ,·~h.:nll'lll 1I11pLUIl" lh..: radl,lllUn
I'f'·\l.'nl ... thl'1f lludl"" fmlll !!HI\\,rng h.1II III t.llt. an~ 1.lllOl!
r ht:ul h,I,r .lr,' .mdiu.11 1I11pl.II1h StlL I,ll ..1.IIU" and ran" .If\.'
II h"\\11 h\ the .1,ltlltIUIl nl hair Jnd heJrd... -nll'~ .thu
J 'It'\\ 101 mOl~e Il.lll\e pl.lIlt Ilk r"dlallun rC"hIJnt.
I rtt: Hl:l\\lrtl~ nl \111""11" prela III h,lh' rl'.th,,", amh':lal ""Ill
1'1 '1\ 'r Ih,'lr .,".linOlI lunh, .tnd ,IPJl':"t1.lge.., e"Jl':uall~ Oil
Iht: i'k:ad \lJn~ luut- 't)mpleld~ human .thhllu,!:h Ihc~ arl' 'JU',
Illa..hllle 111\.' 1Iider a ..r1*,\)n j!cl'. Ih..: lTlllrl' hlll!~ pJrh Ihal hall'
h.: p""."\1 Th<' dder ..,h..on\ nc,tlllIe ,""Id .1Ild nK'lhalll,'al
IhI: r I II md ho.lII,'\ ,Ire ..:"h.lfI,C,',llnr m,llhllll'l') \1,1Il~ lx"
~ r. " h '" \11 Jhgnm..:nh_ .1Ilt! ..011I": Inr"'>.J"'· uJ\enng lh"lr
llll'di L: \.11 htll!\ \louh '~1Il m dolh,'.. I'.!tk"" m,lI1~ rant-Ill!!
mrlll.ll"\ ,,111,,'1' ,mtllh..: 11I\,111":. m<l~ repl,l,e thl'lf I,K'e!tll',IlJ .... 1\h
;. dl"mullI, "I ,'Iher\lo I...• Irighl..:nlll~ \ h,I!-!":.
111'''1' .. llhlllh \~hn qu,tlll~ 101 ..pale dUI~ u..uall) do ..o -1,'11
\C;lr, ,'\I.r~ IllIm Ihelr ..un olt..:n "'lOp.. 1h..: j;1'll\\th 01 pall1lull"al
IIUlll.kl""'ll~ .lIut ph~'>I,;t1 dl"It'r10f,Ulllll Ihm..:\..:r.llle mdr;tlltlll

ha\ c umkrgollc nmlplclC blOnll' rccon~Irucllon, .... lib only the
hram ,md a bandful of 11\ ing b<xly part'-,
"alural \hililic<i: Rcw..talll 10 radlal101! JXlI~OI1 (half damagc
and pcn'lltle". +\to "a\c\ and they can ~cc mto Ibc ullra\iolcl
"JX'l!nllll III light, Vlan) "III..on' "I,,{l r.ldl<llC 10.... lelieh of ra-
;Ill 'n
~,dutallUlI: \1t"'l "111'\111" arc "~ll1cd III Ihc area.. 01 medlt:ine,
mClhanlt:al cnglncl·nng!hmnl<:.. lrob<)IIC\. rc-.l:alTh/
n, ,II_Jlltln, .. p,h.. t' l'\pluralliln JnJ ltllllbal, \Iany .... ll1lall
..." l' \p•.'ll.lh ..II:JUl.LtllJll Calcflln
\pecial \\l'dplln.. , In .l<ldl1lofl 10 hUlIllt: "t';,iptlll', many "lli,>(1ll
-'I 1'1 ,I r111III;.lr\ p'·,..,,,nnl·1 ;,irc ,,,,unl pl'l\tnJ CJCl'lllr n
"'uo l,' 'hh III 1lL>n-2fl J;.Ima~c. 10 1020 ..htll"
Ill" Ip
... pt·ual \chldl'''' (hlt;.man l.m tet I rl;J",~, anJ ,pat:ct:r;.llt
Prt'ft'rrl'd \rmur: HI 1m ~It..h nnlll \ R I In I~. "i D,C
,- "'10
I-amlliilrll\ \\Ilh I-drlh. I hlotm ha... flO\kd~c III
r IITI lOC I ..... luloJ hc h\ a..:....dcnt
"lilt' j '11I1 IIll;lnl \ ;.1"01) Irolll theIr home
t' II 'n "'I II Ihl' rh)"lt,l" ·I... al pmhlctn" a""OCla\t,."tJ
h 1 \lo 1,ld iIIld In.,1.. qUite hUlI1an \ Ie" "010111 t:ult'lflle..
_. ·,I.It'lh hed nil ",he, .... llrll..... hut IlIkhn~ hahll.lhle
• dlllilull t.l"~ Ihan on... nllghlthlll~
Rift .. 'nil''': "'alll...1 Ih...· ruthart'>.

S\\ ip
t 'lp' MC IOhahllanl'> 01 ;1 lu,h F-.• trth·II~'" piallci t:allcd
111h Ihl ~r.l\11~ 01 11th I' Ill.Ul~ tlln~....trunge, than Ihat 01
Llnh. "11 II'> nall\C lill' Innn, arl.' ..lOut JXl\',crfull) hUlIt t:TCa
lurc" rh~ '" '11' ar~ hum.1n III .Ippt:arant:l.'. ewept for th~lf ,hort Ilil Pninh: P E x2 rllh IDh p,:r le\ ... 1(It ~·\Ix·n<·nl.:t:.
"1.I\Un' .md ... lIlplllal ~'~I:", \11IM\c.m m..atlahle ~·uno"II). a dc- S,U,<'.: '\()4><IO
"Ill' t"r 11l1l<'nn~ .md .1 n>llural lIH,:hnalinn for buildmg, lind lhe
IIcighl: 'i In·t phl' I [)6 II1dl"''' ll.'i tu 1.61111,
l1lnh,lnl\.11 ,lIId l'IC{lIIt:al '1:Ielll·C", They ha\~ 10 figure out ho"
\\righl: 2JMl plu' 2IJh· III ptlllf,d' rlJO to I·W 1..~1.
!\I,"l\lhln~ \'<Ilrl..' ,lnd \'nJo\ lIla~lng Irnrro\Cmelll.. on Ih~ t:rc:l
I\\eragc Lifl' SIJall: Xli }1·.Il"-
tum ," l'IIK'r'. \111~pC" 01 rn"rhlnc" .lttr:tt:1 their inll,:re"l Due Stiller Ahililie,,: r\\.L1I.Lhk ...·.tl\·~Llrll·" ar...• Illllll...d III Il;trd\\ar~.
Itl Ih<'lr "'1!~r)!~'II!: n;ltur\·. lh\'I' .... l>r'" l~llCh Hl he morl: lunctmn
1'11)'11:;11 rrallllllg. 1{0!'I{'111'" ,lr BIl'IIIt:': 111l' 1.11I1'r I' r>lrd)
th.1Il1mlll, 1·..." kd tlk' nccd ILl "a 11m... nor do nlthl have thc
u,cd onthcllh\'!\C'.
pallelllc 1L11ll"~C ,,,l1K'lhm!! lonl.. glwxl. Ifn .... 011".11 wor~,. Spcl'ial \\caplln,,: '\kur,,1 hl,lil' thaI dl"\har,t:l' .l1ld o\\'lh •. lllth('
'nl all "v, Ip.. ,l'l' ,'" alhnrhl.'d III tet:hnnlo!:!) Nor art· till') ,,11 ncr\,ou" ,,) ..t\·!ll I hI .. dMC' tl1l' \It.llrll. \\110 \\111 11,,\· lIUII"
'lIlgk Illllldcd 1'11\'''\' "rl' !llO'' '
mllmcd In f1gurc out ho\\ peork 11\'e .LIld Ix- ill 4 10 'tl1"'l', p,Jrn ;Illd Ilud!!\' lor 1])6 ml'l ...
""r~ .1Ilt! hl'l'(111lC pollllt:"Uh, ..pc.,"'er" ,Illd le;ldcl">. Ilo.... ~vl:r, all roulllh. 011 .1 -'Ill hll" mil 01 l:-i, Ill. I" 20. Ih... hol.I' \\111 n-
Me adrell.llllw lul1l..'..... \\ hll Ion'" lor at!\ Cnlurc and tun. Man} tangle the \ IUIIll .
.... ill panlt:lpal~ 1Il t:Ol1lh;tl Jnd ph)"It:al aUI\1l1C" ,eg..,dlc"" 01 OthcrY.I'oC. thl'Y U'l' .111 ~1I1(h lit \\capun, ,tIld eqUlprn.. 1ll
per"']!;ll g'llll. Thc\ ... nJO} g:lI11C .. of d\;lllC~, raring. runnHlj!. ;lnd ...."'rJ) .Id,]pt 10 .. lIIYlw, "I Il·t..hnoillp l+ Ill', It'llknlll}
\\rc ..llrng. Ilghllllg. e\pl"'in,!!, n .. ~ t:I~lIlg and chilllcnge.. , 11leir and u'..... lll·n rcdlllology I
nun\ 1.111''' of .uhl·nlurc nM} ,,(lund h"'e Ihh .. lone". hUI mo.. 1 arc Spt.'Cial \ l'hidc,,: ' IIl' 11"'1.' 'tl mk ".t'l1l '1II111l.1l, \\ Ilh .11I·ll"·
true ,lIld not o\l'rl} ..11lh...·Il"'hed, ..\\1P' are 100"" and ' '111 l-,lp:lhlllIIC" I~. nm, hn\l·r. Ih, ...· Ie. U"U.IIl~ Ille-
pmud hI <'\a~!!craic. t:h'lI1Kal hU\l'r hor'l.", \·anm...' " .IIIt:! kim ·.. II th\'·' I'
PCl'oll.ll "~II1.lIld danng play" a largc pan lllille ""]P~' feel "~IIIt.'d 111 Ih.. roN111...'" p..' .... er l'll...·~ury. h · m.l' "1 .. 1t In "rend
IIlg III C\l'lIcmCnl and 'lu·olllph..hrncnI. \Ian) prcfl:r 10 U\C man- >'(1I1\e 01 111\ huJ,!!cI tin nltllhl~ 111~ hi' ·'mount' It. mdulk t:nn,
ual ull1lrul .. hI pI11ll \l'hlt:!e" allJ mbo" and enjOy Ic\l.. of thell l'e:lIcd \\ ...· :lron". l' \I r.1 annul. allil ..0 Ofl.
nlllllh or phY"I\al hod\ .." mm:h a, an~lhmg el\l.'. Theil \'<e:lp- 111.. ha"K ,tanll.llli "'btll .1I11111al \R. I-t, "inc 220,
"n... 1!1ll11m\~" .llld ;.Innor arl' u,uall) t:onccaled hencalh lon!!_ ma\HlIUII1 runTllllj! "pt.·"'·I! MllI1ph, 12:-.. ~Ill> 1ll.1\lIllUlll OYIll¥
dU'Ic:r· ,ty kJ lll.II ... \\ lJ... ·nrmllnt.."tJ hah. hOOh, and kalher t:hap" \P,:cJ 240 mph, NO ~rn l .1IId I.m ho\ ",., "1.11Il'IMry. 1II.I\llIlUlIl
art.· .,1,,1 t:I'mmlll1 dHllt:e" 10' Ir;JH.'llm¥. ahllUlk I' I}plt:.llh (,(I111l'l'I' 1:-.. \1111.lh"\l· IIll' ~fllund \1.1\1
\Iil!nmenl: \IlY mum ..d,lltlllllal \\CI!.'-hl I" Irmltl'llto 'i1l0 rouml" l22.'i I..!.'-,I. It
\lIribull''': U). \1)6+-1. \11, 1.DO. \1 \ \Df" P.S, 500, PP 1\ -+:! Tn IIIlJgl' SI'll.·... I.11 plll'l '~III Ill'cJl'd lllr hO\l'r aruma!...,

.'\00. P I· '()6, P B '\I)h, Srx!,1.[)6l(.l Thl""" "nhnUI II l,ll d... t.1\11l 10 hU\lT '-~lk I'r TlJ...· hor-.l' ;11

lor, \lr1l1(lt(lrl~l'h:: ,It-~n', Ttlon, Im\t~J the '>pacella),> m gll.",'>cr-re,>"'t:lllt ,pitee-
I'n'ferred \rrnnr: All llilth. l',>p"'(I"II~ J1!.111 ...r ,lOllllr ;tnd ("H)~ cr,t!1 thai an:: trul) Ilnr~, of .m. hut thl' '>plre'>. pll1naclc~. lind
'>ll'klllll'. \ an,,:, that gtv... till' uath thcir bcalll~ aho '>cn'c to conccaltheir
hllnilillrih \.ilh Earlh: i\nlll' Jefcn,c,>. Many of the '>mall 10 nud-'>l/cd aafl h:t\c lr:Jmal-
I~ifh '\ole:.: S;llllc a" th... roth'lrr~. lTlo'>pherie eapahtlHle.... '>0 they can enler almo~phere... and I:lnd
on plane[,. Many aho ha\e anllgra\t1) ,>~,>IC[ll,>. A, these
"'ulpteJ eralt '>lowl) I:md upon it pl:mel. Ille) appear ler) much
It~e ,I ea'>tlc or ell) dc'>eending from th,' cloud". Thi'> ,>tght al~o
!ctub crc(ll'nec In the Hll'lg... (If gOtb de'>('cndlllg frOlTl the heav-
\lignllll'lll: '\n). nUl m{)~tlilolh ,Ir(' ofgnod ahgnlllent~, v.nh a
htgh ...tandard of moralll) ,lilt! ,ell'>e llfJu,>tll'e.
\lIributc.. . : lQ ~Dfi+l, r.'1.E. ~0(;+2. I\I.A. 306+3. 1'.5.
1D(1+~U. PP 40(;. 1'.1:. ~l)fi+4. P.B. 306. SIx!' _m(;x4
Hil Pliinb: P F.x :! pJu~ 206 per leI el 01 t:'\pcncnce.
!-I.D.C: ID6xllJplu... 40
Heighl: N kCI plu'> I D4 additIOnal tc-ctl2.4 [0.16m\.
Weight: I 04x[(XI plu,> NO pound'> ((;X lO :! [6 ~g~).
• \\l'rllgt' Life Span: 250 year-
SUI)('r Pu\\ert;/Abililil''i: All Ilion, ,Ire 01 the Sup... r AbililY
I')(m("r l',ncgol) Sd...(·t mil' mllll1r '>upcr abtll1) lrom the Ex-
tl"I/Ol"OIlWI"\ ('a1egol) and on... from Ihe hl'i\i!lI('III'c/ S('I/.(I'.I· or
I/lflel "1.\/11/1 categol). In :lddillon. the tllOn ,':In 'CiCCI or ran-
domly roll [0 detennine Oil(' major '>upcr ubtlity
Special \\'t'apuns: Itlon,> ""ll u,>e alll)l>C'> 01 \ICapon'> but have
a londnc\" lorencrg} blade l~caJXm,> and magll' "'capon....
Sped:11 Vehide~: Atlllgr(Il-lI) "),,t"'l11 for anllOr and ~malJ vehi-
de'>: M.txllTlum ~1)Ccd 90 mph (145 ~m); S.D.C 50. maxi-
mum alt,IUll(' '" unlimited, l\laXlOlU!Il v.eight allo"'unce b
1.000 IXJUlld,> (450 ~g"'l. The '>peed .md \\(-,lghl allowance for
larger I('hide" I'> dramullcall) higher.
Preferred ,\rmor: MO~I "'caf ~1'lCe':tlly nl:lll.' ,>ulh 01 giant
chain or plate anllor. Each ,,, '>tyl...d to tl'> 1lI~ ller'~ la,>le :md
C(lll'>tnJcted of remlorced ccranlll.: COrllJXhlt...'> \ ... \en the cham
Itn~~). ilIon Cham Mail Annor: A.R 13. S.D.C. 1.20. Won
P1:Lte AmlOr: A.R. 17. S.D.C. :250. Both .If... Je'>lgncd 10 en-
,·Io'>e or tncorporme .1Il ern imnmctllal '>!lit.
FamiliOlrily \\ith Earth: VeT) familiar Iqth Eanh cuhurt'. lan-
guage'>, religion'>. and ('U,>IOII1' equal to th... "Ila'> Studied
Tiron E.lnll" re'>ult 011 the Farniharn) Wilh Eanh tahk.
I he tlt,lIh .Irl· a rilL'" 01 gl,ml " ,lfrUlr, II h'l ro,un 111l' ~ab.,)
Rifls Note:.: Same a~ the rOlharrs.
hl.'lplllj! 01 her'> and Ilm~lIlg v.lth th'hl' III n"l'd. TI1"'1r horn...v.urld
l~ a gloflou,> plan"l 01 ,>(I,mng g.II\lL'll hutldllll!'> ,md gltu...rillg
(r~'>t<ll_ 1)lh,'r r,u.:c'> l"Illild ",,''>Il~ flll'>t"h' lh ,>hltllnl... nng ttlWCr-
.md gn..'...n garJl'n'> IOf Ill<.' htlm... 01 Ih" gOlh. tlr '>(Iln... cquall)
11l',tI ... nl~ phlcc. Th" ilIOn,> ,m.' ,I nllhk' pcuplc h;lle \-"ltcd
man) pl'lIll'h IIllhl:ir quc'>l 10 lI11pro\l' till' gala\). bmh I\a, 11'>-
l1cd h~ Ihem "'::\-cral hundred )ear'> ag,i, \11"1 hl.'lpmg the na-
Insect Humanoid Races
1I\l', ,mJ pOlllllng 1l1l'11l III th... ngJll dm:clloll. Ihe lItol!' left.
The~ hale IIl-dl'Plh ~rl(lv.lcdg ... III mdn~ planet, Inlln '>uch \ i,lt"
Th... Il',!!l'rl(h III '"TII;ll1~" on ll1an~ plall...t'> ,Ire Illd) ,I rl'('olll1lll1g
"I Ih... tltl}lh \ I"; 'llld IllleLll'IIOIl '" !th tlwlr v. (Irld. Irhecloid ahen' hale a hum:lt1Old ~hape hUI rt.''>...mbk gt:llll
11K' Won'> are p.lI\erlllll) hUiIt !!lanh \\1111 hro.IlJ '>h(Julder~ lIl'lTI\. complet........ 1Ih a chl1tt1 t)l>l' of e.\o,>~eleton/bol:l) ,mllor.
ami ll1u'>rul,u b(ldie,. 111l'~ uw anllgra\lt~ d"\ILl" huill InlO compound eyc~. antennae, and ,upcrhuman '>lrcngth, The exo-
their hodl arllllif and I ...hld...,>. \\hu.:h gl\oC' Illl'lll Ih... IlO"' ...r 01 ,kelclOtJ coloratlOtJ,> can \ ar) from ;t Ilat or glo'>'» blarL brown.
nlghl and enh,mc(''> Ihl' t1Ju~l(m th:lllh...) arl' godlml!'> lIlthe eyc, gTl'ctJ or red 10 a ,>hullrnering. mde'>cel11 rainhtlll' \If colop.-. Some
of prlltlltl\l' f'I-·oplc,. The !!t:U1h 1"... 11"'\0(' till'> ll1''>l'o!1L"Cplion ('> v. III aho hal e muiliple IlInb'>. leg'>. hilm~. ,pt~C', enhanced heal-
ca,ler lor pnl11111lC p...opk to ul1(l.'r'>l,md ,1l1d itccepl. r;uhl'r Ihan mg and regcncral1\'e ptII\lN,>.
II) to C\pl:lln hlgh"r tcd1l1\lI\lg~ to them. 11 al,o cnhilllCe'> theIr
aCl"I::ptilbtht~ ,Ull(lllg the people
Superhuman Insect Abilities Cnll1IH)Und E~('

Ih "l'\ in ... icmhicda

In'cl"l \ I'lon I' nudc, IIlll'mlg ,h.IJlI.·'. ,hallol\'. ,md hll1llctl
1 tw tnllo.... ll1g. ;m: ,lhtlllll'" ,lilt! k,llun:, lO1ll1l1(1Il III mOl/ 111- lulor r,lllgc In'l'lh lannn! R',nlllr 'Cl.' Ul'I,lIl, Ilmlled (ulor \1
l',l1 t I'
,mn, 11"":;1 hUrl1;lI1 111I1"lllg Ihnlu~h;1 (I~hll) \\\1\1'11 'l'R'I'n v.ln
dOI\ Thl.' Inlln\\. Ill!! k,llurc, ilrl' ;I\,l1l.lhk:
~.n.( . d:JIlwge from t~ pical in ...eci aliens &. mulan'>; T~pic:llln,>('(1 E:t.e l~ "'pel'i:11 Fe:llure':
I. IRO d('-~re(' .. '-C:l uf ..ij!hl ,lilt! + I l\l dllll~..
1'" " .... '<>!1
2.lllr:l\iull" \i,iun: {",In '1.·1.·\h.1I 'lX'llrUllIlll lI.!!hl
Pm" .. ! I' JU' 'd)(
.1. Illliari/ed ,i~hl: (an IclllIlrl'i;llol1 49,'i', , h) Ihl' Jlt"llltlllilt
H, ....h .... 1 1)(· 'IIH
Ih(' ,un and 11\ llw t111..dllln III ,ullh.!!hl '01 .!d\l·"l'l) ,ltlcllCd
"1\ ~ r~ P u
h} hnj.!hl Il.chl .1Ilt! glMl'
Rile r I I II hi'
~. lI:1rd ('-:t.t': 'iO", [)( I<lr 'II \11>.<" I
, l)'
5. Oplic, !>unu,: -t::! ,'n mlll,lll\l' JnJ"'1 Hl ,ml..l.· ,lIltl J ..d~l.·
Hlh: 1\ ITM:lhun m nl h 1>tl\!H
B, hi II Ih 1 1l'C:
Rift, \I.IJ,\
\rIll.'I1IM..' lund Ion Ilh' Jnn' and h.lrlth Ih;11 \,111 h".lr Jntl
D.tmagl: In in"'cl'l ... upern<Jtural P."'i.
'lIlcll I h........·Ihlll\ ... ,tnl,'nn,Il', r.m kcl mO!llln. "lIld, ","hJng(" In
1('IlIpt:raIUrl'. Jnd Illul.h nhWl'h In Ihl' lapJ.r..:ll) .•mll'nn;I l'an h..'
... ~ 11)«, ... [) ( t . I h.l1~lh pUllI.h ,~r ~Il" \0 1t:c1 ;Inlund In ,1.lrl..n.." ;md Itl IJCnlll~ lnllll. Int'ml, Jnd
[)f,\11) hI' I ptl\\l'rpUll"h \"n\"lIlIC'. nit' l~pll"Jlanll.'lInJ I' 1.·(l\<'rCllln (hllu';lllth (111111) IU'
P.... h UtI \I () tnr a lull ,,In'll 'Ih pUllLh nl I..u.. k tll'rdc, ;mtl 'lCm· .....n'III\C h,u"" nl;ll..lll~ II 'upl·r-.....n'llI\l· ltJ
I}/, " I> lor apt'.... ", pUlllh tlllo",. lIlt' In-..ct:ll.lII ,mell amlltklllll) J r,m!!l.· HI 'ml.·ll, 1\\'1(1.'
,,\ [)(>\II) rtIlJlllll"III'll!=lhrun1h,'rl..lll.. J' gr.:J! a' Ihc he,1 hUIllIl1~ tlng. al 1\\ Il'C Ih.. r.lllgl."
·H>I>\!D lorap"v.npundl. 'ule: SUI1l( .Illd \lhr,llllln \\.l·;lptllJ' .mll ,upl.·r !It'\lcr, llllliu
1'''' 't'll to tl)h \1 D Im.l lull 'ITl'nglh pund1 nr l..h':l.. an ,UJdlllOll;l1 I [)6 d.IIIMgl· and IClIlJltlrJnl~ "nol" !lUI ,Ill 01 11K'
/lOll \ID. lor J 1'lIl\h" pUlllh ahcn', ,pt:Cl,11 ;lIllCnna ,lhlllllC' lor 'D4 11I\'11.'1' munt!' per hl.!'1
P S \11\1 l'i ~l)(l \1 I) Ior.1 lull "trcnglh pum.:h {If kit\..

I I).;" 10 \1 Il lor ,I PO"'" punth, Antenna: Smellin~ PU\\er... :

P S lilt" 1Il 'il)o \1 D. Illr ,I lull 'In:n!!'h pund or "ld.. I. Trad., lind manctl\('r h,\ 'llIcll allllle: 7'i', roll IlIlll' 1m
1DI1.. 10 \1 D. Inr;t pm.. cr pum:h I.'\cr~ 1(N:M) lcc( I ~O<i 1I1l. f)Pllhk r;Jflgl.' \(l !011l1\l (Ill' dll.·Ullcil
P'" II 1(> 'in hl)l1 1\1 D. lor ,I lull 'l~nL'.lh pund! or "lCI.., ,crrC'(Iorh 01 Ih,l( 'Ik.'l'l"". allil lour lIulc' (6.4 "1I1l lor 'lIll'lllllg
"1>4· In i\1 D Illr.1 pllv.l·r punch lhl' rhclllll.:;11 ,l!.lnll III (1"11 'lk.'llC' 1;IUlOm"(ILIII~ rl'co~nl/l"
p", 'i I 10 flO, I D(l, 10 \\ D Ill! ,I lull 'lrcnglh pUllchfl.,lCI... alarlll dll'lIlll·.. I'1 A l;i1kd rnl1l1lC,lll' Ihe ,(:C11I lr"III' (Cl1Il'(lr;lr·
~D(l!I(J\1 D lor ,I pO\\..:r plll1ch II) !(h(, (\\.t) ,ut:Cl·\\tlll rolh out 01 (hrcl' 1ll1',lIl' (hc (rail 11;1, hi:cn
"olc; BI(e, "im,dl m'IIHllhk, 1I11l1l! 11)6 \1,0 V.hl1c largc rcdi,ol\l·rcd.
mlllu .'of1 lll..:g'1 d,un'lgl' Botl~ hhH..''',/r'lIl1' mille! 206 1\1.0. 2, ItJcnlif:t. Cllllllllon. kllu\\ n 'l1Icll,. and inwl'l dWlIIical
Jntl ha\-c ,I 'i<i f , Ch'Il1H' III ""0dlllg Ilnv.n (h..: \-iClilll of (he hl( '1nelh: tJWJ Rangl." 12110 tc.. . 1 l'65 Ill!.
\ KIIITl lo,c, (lll": IllCIeC a!I,ll" amlmllia!l\ c.
.3. Kemcmhcr .. nd idclllif:t. a 'pl't'ilir unu,u:l1 'l'(,IlI: 'ill',
Rangc: I ~(Ml kCI (.l65 1111.
In~ecl E\.O'lkelelnn Uod.\ \rmor ~. Sml'!llhr (1Imin~ Ilf r:lin :lIld lilr~l' lire,: 6W" III (J I11lk,
111 "Ill) r.m~c.
I iJ:hl \rmur; Cod.. m;llhl", C,Ir\\lg'. ,md hUlIer-
Illt~,. \\;lIn hod~ 100 SD.{· ,mtl \ R I' Illr I'll \1 or,l. Antenna: Touch Po\\er..,:
\1ediulII \rlllur: I'hc,. hcc,. \\ ,I'p,. '*111'. gr:l\\hoppc'" I. Ac('ur:llel:t. idt'nlif~ l'llnlllmn." n t)hlet.!"'uh,\;U1l....'

\IJm hoth 2no SDC Jot! \ R In Inr 2JO 1\1 DCI. ,or; +5(; pt:r k\c1 01 C\Jl<'fll.·IlI.'C l 'W, II unlummonl.
l-Ie:I\.\ \rronr; Ikclle,. prJ) lIlg TIl,tnll'. ;Jnt! "'llllC ;Jnh. \Iam 2, Idenlif.\ lClIlper:llun' l~ilhin 11)6 dc~r('e-.l: <i0'. +'i(.
htlll) '(JU... m6lfIIlSO.C ,·\R llollnrJOO\l.D.C.I, per 11.'\1'1 of c\pcnenl.'c: Inlludl.·' ,ur Icmpcraturl.·
Rifh "lIle; \11 m">CUI111,h v.ll1 he T11l·g.l-damagc crC:IlUrc' ]. \rcur:lll'!.\ idenlif:t. \Iind dir(<('lion: 'o', +.<i', per k\cl
\louh n.llur.11 \1 D. hod) amlOr 01 c\{X'rteo<:c

Antenna: Bearing \ ibralion motion "ien'iin~

Tr:lcl.. h:t. 'Iollllnd :lllIne: '0' +Y r pcr Il'\cl 01 I."\pt:nl."nn'.
The (har;Kle", can lut:atc human prc~ b~ 10110" IIIg lhc \ Ihrallon
01 a runnll1~ Glr or ,I rollllll'ngHll:, 'dJICC'~, I1UI"c 1rom mo"cmC'tll, m:lIcd, NOlC that (lnl~ kmak" ern ~,'crl'll' thl" dlell11l'al ;md IhC'
or till' 'lIldlO IrafhlTIl""IOlh ot'l r.ldill. R,mgl:' 1000 kl't (305 m), 100'l' ~ccnt affC'c!\ on I) m...mhl'r, 01 lhal ~P"::l'l!ll' ~pccic" of 1Il-
\I!1lillll dl'l('t'ti{ln and Irack b~ rnulinn delel'liOll alon(': ~ecl, Aulomalic for all bcellc~. 11101h", ,Ind hUlll'rllle".

'ill', (.m loUtll.\ and lncal... pr('~ h~ 1'0110\\ ing. the :m \ ihr:lllOlh
"Iu"cd h~ f1111\l:fllI:111 (nOl "ound per ~e, but air 1Il0"Cnlenl),
R;tnl!\' 'ino fel'tll.'i~ nn,
"('l'lllI(' \ihration... ell ,Ill ;Ipprn;l\'hing ground \ehll'k(~), g.i-
,nit !>"'t heftl "I m'Hl1tll,II~. ,lIId giillll ilflll1lah. up It) "1\ mlll'~ (9,6
I.UI ,1\.\.1\ Runnllll: or \.\,dl.lIl~ human" .!OOO lcl'113ll,; III I awa)
1,1\ Uk \ "Il I, It' til ,tIlllll,l] ..HI( M) 11.:1:1 ( I :::!2 III ~ ;t\\ a)
Hellr ullra~llllic \llIIn'h: ~upl'r k('en hl'arinl-:: A\erage
ran,L!c ~OIKt k,'l In'i 11\
111l1l1l1uniciltl' \\llh 1I1lra"IUllr ...llund: '\, ... r'lg" r,lllge ~{I(JlI
In: ,/,,, (,II ,II"" pr(l<!ul" ,md 1mlnlUllll'i111' u~l1Ig ~ouf1(b
,lIhllhk I. hUllI;m·

1Ill' III'" ,III 'l'uell .1 \.lnl'l\ III dWllllc,ll" l11,lt "end a

\l,!nllfle '\ l'm I" nlhl'l Il'emher' III II'> "Ill'l'l"~ l)r 'I~ .1 mean~ 01
IMlllr,ll ,1,'ll'Il'" \lal1~.l"out npt,LtI. H1~\'cl> \',Hl lIa",' onl' orlwo 01
Ih, 1,,!IO\\ll1c dll'1l11,al 'pr,l\ ,lhllllK"" lho~e \"llh;1 ChC'rlllt:<11
,,'tell1 ,\111 h,I\\' Ilw dH''''icaf illarm and on....Iddnlomll {pla)cr
(11' (1\1 ~ h"I'l J '''lUlle llll' ~pcl:IIIL al!l'n dlar'll.:tl:l" 11lat 101
11m .I, nul I),I'C ,I dlCl1lll'a) ahllll' unk" It I~ 'l1l.'nfrcall) "laled

('hl'lllilill \1:11'111: I hc \.\;lnlmj,! "l'L'nl> rndude dalll!l'L 'lllacl.,

,mu lk.lth Inl till' '<\'ndcrI, rhl: 'n·!lt L',111 hi: "lIlcJkd ,I dl~1anre 01
ahoUt l{lur 111Ik~ Ifl,.J I.nll. Thl.' "cenl L',lll onl) Ix' ~11ll'IIl'd h}
nlhL'J In~\'LllllLl~ 01 thill ~dllll' 'pl'L'Il.'''' ;111d rharaL'ter~ \.\1111 ad-
.I1Ke.j, ,uj'll:nor ~l'lhl' {II ~l1ld] (lI1dudll1~ dog hl(1) ~I,
( htmical I rail: I he "Ill'n "CL'rL'tl'" a Lhcllllcal lhal i~ kll 011
11lL' ~r"ul1d .wd on IpJlagl'lhallhe IIh"'l:l tr<llek aJ!o\\lIlg olhl'r~
01 II 'rl:L le~ III 111111111 hl'> Irilil ~1l1;1\ .11lahk 10 Il) ing 1ll~l'CI>,
( hemical \lIm:k '\ corru"I\C aCHI "pra) can he "qulncd
[film lh... rn.....lWllh moulh, lund~ or "pl'rral glalHh (lhually 10" Danaus (Alorian Empire)
l,ll"d lin 11ll' he;ld, l1'·ll. 111' "hould...r"j ,lIId nCC'I'IOl1all), IhC' ilbdn..
The pi and Danudl' I" llw Ieamrng amI ~IHI\\lcdg.t: l'Cll1er ot
m.. . n, rhe r,mg.: I~ 1111111e(! ,md Ilk' dl"'ll1lL'al i" 1) pica II}' U~l'dl0
11ll.' Atorian Emplr..: It I~ ,I high gr.ll It~ pLIIlCl l'u'l'red III gre...n
mllll'l mort' dam,lj,:c 10 '\nundl'd prl:~ Cnrnmon .Imong anI>,
gra\\. 'egl'I'lllon.!! (ll''':'IIl~..U1d hi lie '~I"" l(ll'.ll,·d deep
R.,mg'" ~() Il'l'l 16 Il1L D,ll11agt:: -lD6 SD,C. (or 2D6 M,D,C.!.
within lhe Empire. anoul ~,' lighl ~"ar~ lrnm lh..: IIIIIII'I'I/I! {orl'
B<llIu",'" CelUnl'< ,I' on... addlllon.t1 allacl. pt:r modec. +:! 10 ~lnl.e
.\\11('11I The Alorr;m EmprL·\\. Phdl;!. llil" Iwr palacl' am] "cat 01
""Ilh ~rra, ;lllilLI.
po\.\er fur the hlUnh hnp,'nal SeClor (Ill Dalludl', Scholar' 01
('hl'lIlicall>eath: Wht:n Ilk' ililell i~ ~llkd 'Ir 111~t:"XOq ofhl~ pronllnel1('(' lmlll anI!'» 111l' Ernplr... rC"ldl' or Irl'ljllC'nt Ih hhrar..
nLlIfl hod) S l) (' or \1.0 C , It rt'lea,l''' d ~1rllng chcmic.. 1 lhal Il''' and pial·..." 01 leamlflg. II hilc 111;111) IWIlI nUhldl' p;r~ lund-
rl"'I." III d,';rlh, I'hl~ \\,lOh (llher~ 01 It~ lhal une 01 lht:lr "0111": prrce~ lor the pri\ Ikt,:,· 01 U~l11!= IIIl1i1eLl tilllllllL'~, SI,nK' Ill'
nlL'mht.'r" hil" JU~l ht:t:11 'mknl I~ ,,1'lIn. '>lgfl<tllmg d'lIlgcr 11K' grt:ale"11111111h nl the gal.!\) g;llhl'r h...r..:. bUI till' wll(llaf'\ lhal
l"ht'lllil'al 1.,,\ l':\ dll'miell amm:l I~ reka~l'd lh,ll ('<tn ht.. llrigillall~ foullIkd lhl\ I11N'C;1 01 kamrng do not "har,' III II>
~flll'lll'd h\ .Iduh mille" 01 lh,' ~,mll' "pe{'ie~ lor up 10 four mill'" glllry. The D;lI1all~ no long,'r l'.111 1);H111de hnf11..:
(h.J I.m). \1.lle~ atc Irrl',i~tlbl~ dr,I\"l to the :m.:a ;ll1d art: bI:.. The pl<1I1Ct D,mu(k \\ ,\" raught 1II111,' "'nlfld \\ .1\ " III the ..-\10-
V,ndll'l! h~ Ill,' k111<1k< aroll1a 01 11),,1,': muq rull aTl 110< or higher ri,lI1 CXp,lIhlOn l'arnp:llgn" ,ollie 60() yl';tr" .tgo \1 lhal lII11C. lhl:
It) "I'~ ,~ Ihe IIhecl 1m e dK'IllH,.'al - no honll"e~ to "ave are ap- Alnrian Empire \la~ Ilul lhe ll\endll'lmrng lorn' II I" Illda~. "0
plle,lhk lhl'ir prc"L'nc,' 111 Ih,lt ",x"tor 01 ,p,K'l' did 1101 ,',III lnr Immediate
Ilw 1Il111\IL"ll...d millt' I~ ul'IL'lcd ;ll1d dO{,'lk.lhinl.lflg on I) 01 ,llann, \Vh..:n th..: alorr:m 11":":1 ~U1TOLlntkd tlK' pblK't :lnd elt'-
1l1<111ng ,ll1d ignoring ,III ... I~(' e\cepl ~c11 uclcn"c, PCllahll'~: Rl'- manded II> pc:nplc~ ,urr,·nd,'r. Illl' d<lnall~ rtll" nWJllrn~
dUl': lhl' ,h;lI'.. rl\.'I·~ Ilumnl'r ot md,',,: allacl.~ h} hall. ..6 on Ill· 01 Ihl' populallOIl II"'fI' ~dl{lI'If'~. "u"'llll"l" ilild IWoPI<.' 01 IlL·a........
nliltlll',' 11. ~lrrl.e. parr) anu dudge, Plu' lhC' l(wl'''~ll:1. hug will ThC'} werl' nOI prt:p,lrl'd lor Ih..: ~:I\a~"r~ ill llll' ,lllln,IIl~' on·
nm It'all' tlw 'Ide olthl: It'mak. e\t'll II untkr ;lIlaC\.., untIl hl' ha~ ~];Illghl. Thl:) \,111;11111~ llt'knded llwlr Ilhr;lrI"", ru!legl·~. and

clal,l na~ .... ~ wlh Oc\l 01 ttll'ir ahilltie\. bUi In lhe end the) fell 10 Natural Ahililic~:\llth,,; 1l',IIUlt'.. III llll' l',nnpllund el,' ,md ,m-
a ~up"-'nor po\\ r Th.... n:mle la~t .... d longer than II "ould h<lve be· Icnna; no dlelllical ,,',r,'[ltlll
l'<lU~l' Ihe lf1\ader~ ~oughl to pre\.... rve the " ....alth of Io..nowledgc S!u'cial \\ eapm" ;lIId \ chidl'~; !Ill' ,·qUlI'lkm o! t1Io~1 I~ pc~
,mu 1ll1N~alallic ht~lor) Thl~ ,11~o made (he people ~uner mur.... uf \\ ~·apon~. hOI 1.'1' \ dlll k .. ;tllli "Ihlteu"ll ,Ill' <1\ "II'lhl" \lO~1
at lhc hand~ 01 the nuel ,Honan lIl\ader~ Though hundred\ of \.I t1ltr) III u~.... nOll klll.11 \1 ,'almll~ \1 hl'lIl'\ ,'r pO"-lhk
tl1ll1Jlln~ \.I .... rl' conquered ,md . . ll\lill . . d. the noble and honorahle I'referred Arrnur, Du,' I" lht' hlghh rml,'CllI,' 1l.1l1irc ollh.... lr
,l.Ill,Uh rclu~ .... d to cooperat,· and pr<>damlNI th:1l Ihey'u ralhcr eM)\lo..l.'lelnn... 1110.. 1 l),m,lll" UtlllLll \1,',11 ,mllot [II hr,'atht' III
die lhall Iwlp th,' I Ill' \tonan Empire conquer other people. II1hO\pllahk ,t1l1lo~ph,'rl'~. 1Ill'~ II III 11 ....11 .1 hdllll'l or lill'e
I 11l'11 .tII~n ,'ll1qUl'rm~ g,ll .... lh.... m th.... lr \\ol'h and ~bllgh( ....r....d m,l ~Io.. \.I II h ,Ill ,Il r pu I Illl' .11 II III .. ~ ,1,'1Il .md ior.tIl .. II ppl)
llulhnll' \\ hen the 11llpr,'~~ IlIlilll~ pUl .m ....nd 10 the m;l'\anc. Flilnilillrit.\ \\ilh E;lrlh, -lllrl,u,eh Iht'lr 1'\Il'n~II" 11,11<'\,11011 oj
n,lllllorl !h.1I1 ~t\ million d<llliIU" remalll,'d Ollly J le\1 thou..and \..n(JI,kd~e .Illtl IntOl'lll'ltlllll. IIII.' d,milu~ h,l\e 1111,'mlilIHlI1 011
rl'tu~,·<·~ h,l(l m.!nil~cd 10 l'~,'aill' llilo "piKe llll' r,'l1J,UJllllg ~un i- birth e'lllallnlhl'·... I\llK· t,lIl11It;1rtt\" 1,'''UIt Ilil the' Lllntlt;lrtl)
'or.. Ilcr, "II~IJI"d ,lIld "1.UI,·relllhroughoU1lhe Arnn;m I-tnplrt'. \.11th lanh tdllle lhell hhr.III'·" IOIlI.lIll llI.m~ l'llullle.. on"
[Iw llI.qollll ,II th,' n'lll~ee~ louml ,I tllm....ll'IOll,11 \ypholl and nullll..... 1' ('I dtll,·r~·tll p1.ltlel' land 1111'''' "11 '(lr.. 111l"lltdc~ dal'l
......'.lped t" ,Itllllhct ~oldr ~~~lelll I hac Ihn lound Illl' planel ,.h(IUlolh,,;r thlll~'lhll\nq
'lIf~ Idlldl \\;1' I.... HlIIll~u:'nl 01 OWH hOllll·.... orkl Jnd hal" "ct Kifl\ '\ult': 11k' '!;lIldll .. ol \1'1' h,lle dhUl\~rcd Ih.!1 rhere .Ire
lkd It1l'r,' III hUlld lll'll 11\1'" Ihell ,k\lr,' II' ree~l:lhll'h lhern 1I1,1Il~ 1.hllll·II~lIl1l" 1.lll·It'U '1I1l' Oil IIlJl t11 lIlt' ,ult,'r tIl rr,,;,Ht' a
...... 1\,.... I~ .1 "IUh.l "I Il',mull!! ~,'Hl the H1..,'l'h n'lllo.. min ~p,ll:e IIl~nad ,II rcallll,'~ Ih,'\ 1\;11,' l!la"lt'r,'d "lllill' III Ill\' .. ,·(rl't~ III
.mu dr"I, Ihelll h' 1111'·11 ...... rl·~('Mlh In.1II aLl'Ulnlllatllltl III kmml magi,' ,md tlllllethlOI1,ll tra\ dIu Rllh .md tIl.lg11' [h,'1 ,Irt'
"ll~t' \, I I ~ul1 III lh~'l1 dllt~~·I11,·l1nrt~. Ille d,Hl,lIJ~ rernalll (l\:r ,,\.I:lre tlllhe Splugonh. 1'·ll1p,\r'III:II,lt'r....lllt.! ..llpenl;lIUritlllwn·
pew,ll ~1tldt'nh .tI1,1 h'\'p"r~ nl hl~[(Hl "\lel1(t'. Ihe 'lrt\. l11aglt: ~Ier ... hill hit\\· m'ltIlI'LlII,·d .1 qUI," pl""'I1\:e III Ilw \lq!,ll\T"I' In
.mtl Io..IH'llkdCt· 1'1 .Illlo..llld~ \11 .1I11h:tll d"l1au~ "illlllg I~ ...Th.... aHllu anolher 1IIl"I(kill 1110..<' lh;u \\lIh rh,'\ll1l1,lll l·tI1jlll"";. Thll~.
h'~ 10 lhe \1e~,I\ef"<>~' I~ lhrllug.h Io..nnl.. lellg...... With Io..nmdcdge, Ih,'~ h:nd III nl' qlll...l. 11Ill,hlru.. I\,· pl"lpk 1\('11 "". ILl1l;IU~ ,m:'
.111 (11 Il~ ,,'U,'h ~'''11 hi,< unloclo..ed." lllcir number. hale grollll t"ourll,'tl ,Hllllllg 11ll" ~1,lll'" 01 rhl' Splllgnllh ,tIld tllh~'1 pIl\\erlul
,llel th.. . L~·Ill(tlle .. 11\ 'lppn1\llll'Ht'h ~.7 millmn. M;ln~ of lhcrn Illr"e~ III lht' \lq!,nl·r,,· Inllw Rill" ~el\lll,!!. lIlo..1 dall;lll" 1\ III he
lr.lld Ihe '.11,1\1 III Ihl'lr nt'\er cndlll,l! ~e ..rt:h tor higher \"110\,1· l.... mp('I·;r! I\l/.lfd~. ~hltlt'r ... k~ Ilrw Ililllo..,,;r... 111~"lll~. "lh('lar~.
,',I!!e ,md ,,,lIeCI ,lIlCI.... 111 or ,I11.... n I1cm~. artlfal'1\. ,lllU mag't lur hod) Ii \{'h ,md (11X-r'llIll~.
th~ .II rl';llh " \(.·n"l\ t' hhJ.lne~ LIn \fur~. F\ rlor.... r~/rc~e:tn;h .... r~ art' The ('Oitllll011 Slit1('... 11111 "tlwr hlllll.UI .. upr'·ln,I~'''I~ 1I1II n>n-
.,Il,·n Inl1"r~ ,mu hIt' ,\lid \\urlo.. \\tlh people from olher worlth ~ldt'r llll' g,'lHle dallill!" t" lw hornhk llj(\n"ll'r~ and dl·.. 1rt.l~ lh... m
\11 ,'~llrn<llt'd -J1< Illlilion d,tn'IU~. rlllht 01 .... horn (9lJf,) hil\c \\h...nel .... r lhe~ ;Ire t'llll'ul11er~'II \llhl hU11I,111' ,lllll [)·I,,'~·~ ma~
Ocl'l1 hom in 1.::11'11\ Il). ~l'rve lh,' Alonan Empire :t\ \1:l\e~ Yet ~hun lht'l1l .I~ lllIHl\[I'r" I h~' d,ltl.lll~ mhul1l,lIl .IPlw,ILllKe Il!'l}
,'\ell lhough [he ..(· l'l'Ople h;l\e hcen ~Iave\ lor n...arl) 6(X) ycar~. (;<111 ...... hUl1l,lIl~ ,md I)·h,',·~ I" 11I1~t,I\..~· Ilwl11 I'll lkllllU!' ;Int.I olher

the\ h,11 t' C!r'·'ll ~plnl ,md do lillie l\l help their cn~I:l\'er~ 10 hurt Irighlt'lllll,!! 1ll01l~It'r~.
tiT en,I.I\t' nlher~ 'r he) art' IJu!-'ht u.mau\ hl~tor) and CXhlolllhc In lilt' I'ha.. t' \\urld "'lIl1lg. Ih,'''' tIl~"LtolLl~ \\ III III 1111' ~.mll·
~,Llllt: dm Ill,!! lurn"l1~ and U,lvlIlg lor\.l ledge Ihat Ihe) <11- ha~ll ~~'lllng .l~ d"~lnh"d 1(1I \Iil'n~ l nlimilt'tl I h,'\ 11II1 ;11011.1
\.I'I\~ h,l\,' In lhe 1,1"1 SO .\t'M~. a ~ctrc[ IIliomHIll0n under- tht' Splugmth amI .Ift' ,'ar,'lul 111 lht'H d~·'lllIlg~ IllIh IIIl.' 'ilrlll1i
ground hJ~ I.......... n tklt'lnped. Imlo..lt1g ,Im)ul 64'1 01 lh(' dan<lu" and Ulher Ulh:l\ n~ p...."pk ,lIld lorn'"
"la\l'~ hi ~IMre Ilh,,:n,llIOn\ ill1d InlurinallOn. 11' the opporlunll)
,Irt~.... ~. lh,'~ 1-\ til hdp Ih.... ,'I1Ct1lle~ 01 the Empire 10 Iree nth....r
.. I,ll e~. hUI lht.:') II III ~Ia) 10 h,'lp Ihelr reoplt' and to oh\ervc. Lixilas
J)anau~ (pronoum'cd dan-oulicl The,' a r,I~,' nl'11 10 h\ll~·ral\ge ~P,ll'l' tr,nd
~Ilt"ie,)'" ledHH)logll..<l1 1t'1,'1 I" hlghl~ .ldl.UK,·(1. hut thn ha\e
\Ii~nml'nl: \n). hUI IlJO.. l ,Ire ~crupull)u~. unpnncipled or ,l11ar-
.1l1~1 \ lrul) t'lll d'lIlau .. I" <I r'lrI1~ de\clop.... d "p,tCeCf;l11 1\llh it rrl1l'ul ..111ll "~~I"lll th:11 \\\luld ,'X-
\I1ribulC\: I.Q, 1D6+4. \1.1-.. -JOn. i\'1.A. 406. P.S. -J06. P.P. t·c....d IIIl;' "p"'l'll III light Olll~ 111111111 I1le 1.1 ..1 del:td,' 'll\1 lh;ll
.\1)6. P I· 11)6. P.B. 11)6. Spd. J1)6x.1 lhe) h:.tle achtcI,'d [11". wiler 1,ll'...... are' 1\l'ln,mlllg. Ilwlll 1I11n the
1·lil )loinl\: Standard. P.I· plu\ 1D6 per lCH~t 01 c\pcrr.... ncc. galatlil' <:Olllmllllll~ ., ht~ h;l~ gll,'l1 Ih,'1lJ 11t~' IIpp"rll1l11l) tn t'\-
\lccliulll \rmur E\mkdellm: ,\.R. I t1. 2lKI S.D.C. perience olhcr people ,11111 ruhllrl.''' ;tilt.! 10 If,lllt' I(lr 1,·t'hnllh\,!!)
lIorror Fat'wr: II el .... n morl' al!l,mrl'l! Ih,lIl Ihl'lr Ll\ln, lIlt' 1t\t1,I~ ,Ir~' Ihl"llit'd h~
IIl'i~hl: S It'd plu\ IDr, lIldle.. (I S to 1.7 111) 1ht'J,,,; de I ell.Ipll1,'rl1 ~ .lIul .ir,· l1l1TeH11 ~ \ " r~ IlI:\ \'ll'd 1'1 d Ipll 1111.11 1l"
\\ cighl: 1(1(1 rl u~ 2D-Ix I (l pOUluh (5-1 10 IQ Io..g.l. rcLl1ioll~ wirh lhl.' llumertHI~ tllh,'1 r,Il"'~ r11l'~ ,II,' Jho I"r~ illla·
c~letl III t'\plnrlllg rlk' l;rr rcadll'~ 01 ~P,lll' ,lIld ~t't'll1g .111 llll'
\\t'ra~l' Life Span: XO )ear~
~upcr ,\hililit.·\: In ,lddillon 10 lhclr n;llural in~<.:ctoid power... 'I()nl!er~ 01 Ill\' UIlII,'r,,'

11', 01 them :Ire INonlc. wllh the follo .... lng ahilitle:--: Dc;rlh Their hUIIl,' plam'l I~ .111l,·rlll .. 1 \1111'111 Io..llLII\ il" \il \1'hlll\'
lralH.:t'. !Ilt.ll recall. ~p,'ed rcaJmg and either two ;Iddirional rI.h mhabtl lh.... ~nlfdllllg lfnpll,ll blilude.. Ilh~·t,· leIllIWf:IIUl'e..
~l'cl'ndar\ (IlHntlr) p'l·I}('wer~ or on.... major po\.l .... r. 1.5.P. t,lIl reach ::'00 ,Il'gre,·.. Iilhrenh.... tl I'" l'l. hili tlw~,' i1rca...11','
~I I· ,l plu~ lD6 pOlnl .. p,'r lelel 01 ('xpcn....nce. The ~cllol­ cm <'red h~ rain l(\r,'''I~ ami II',','" Ih"l tOI\\'l .,~ 11Igh .1" SOU le....l
arl~ 1I1'l·t.:ltlld~ t:,1I1 he ,Ill) OCCUP;l!IOll bUl mO~1 arc I"C- (2+1 III l. Thl.' h,,;;l1 01 llw plant't LltI"·.. prl'''lII'~'~ HI hurld 111 11"
~""i1rlheh. ,,'holar~. ,Irtl't~ ,md hl~lOri,lIl~. 12'";' arc ..ttrl'act'. ;lIld lhc llr,'~ th,'r,' :II~' !.:f'·.111~ rllll1pre,,-,·d. IlILTt'.l'-lIIg
pr;Il'tlllont'r~ III magic. Ih",lr dl.'t1.. tl~ Th,' Il\IIi1~ 111;1111 hdrl"nrlt= lhlp Illl" .It.II.llIll·d Il'ch

I" lhl" d... lh.... I\.I.. ellllle II"'" I're. \LIIl~ III th... IIhl'lhlllh' Ir:nh· Horror FJlclor: 12
111'nJI \\I';IPi'n .. drl' .. \Ionl ... "1'1<.:;11 .. ;ll1d pl,Ie;lrrll" madl' lrmlllill" Heij.:hl: :'i leel ph!' .tD6 Itlt"hc.. I 1,6 \(l 2.1 m 1,
1110:1;11 1hl'''l' "dllll' touJ!h 1ll00t;ll .. ,11'0: u,,'d 1I1 Iho.:lr rtlhoh :lIld Weighl: 100 plu.. .:!D6xll) pounJ .. I:'i.t w 100 "gl.
hodl .trmor. ,Ihlll'ugh Ihl'lr 1e\l'1 01 ;ldl,lIlrl'll1elltlo.:llu,d or ..up,e- A\craj.:t' Life Span: 7.~ )';:ar...
"" h' Ill,"tl I.. ;!1'lll"I'I~ g.u;lrdo.:d ".'lll't Ilwlr !"I,bnl .. ,Ir... nl'\ ... r Super Abilitie,: lj),lla.. l'h:tr:K'h:r, ...Jl1 ho.: Ir..';I1,'1I from llll} of
\por1I'd "I ..old lh... ~ <1r\' Iwld Irl r\'''l'n ... ,I .. " Il1l'Jlh 01 ddl'n".. Ihe Super Calcgone.. Inund III Heroe~ L'nlimitcd, e,,,,,
,W ,I,,' III Ill\' hole."' .." In "lll';I" I t'epl magl{' and ph)~I{'allralnlng
II li\d.l' h,I\\';l Illdll.'1 thall Ihlml.ll Illl'ldem,' lor IIw nlJl1l '\'llillflil Abilitie...: ;\lllhe !caturl.''' 01 Ihe t'(l111pound C'}C ;md an-
1...,1.1111 n " JI','r ,Jhtlltll'" "'1111 ,Ib,'nl :'S', 1l11hl' 1l<lpll1.llIl'n ,'\ ICl1n;l: no {·ho.:mll·al ..Ct'rctlOn. Thc) arc al'(l m..tinctlve climb·
hlbltlll III 'In hI <om,,j, "r,'\: J hn \\ Ilh 'Ill"l;!! 11\1\\,'r.. \\111 n.: er.. 9W;/l\Oli, W,lIIHll...r.. Kor, ami arc re.. i..t:mt 10 heal and
ft ftlll, I IIltl,ll " IIp,ltlon 1\lll'I,'lhl'\ t';l!1 lx' pUll" tire Owl! (\;ulldgel,
!"l<'''1 I'" \1, 1Il>!1\ IUJI III 11,1" 'dill 11"'1 .Ihllrlk" r,ll1l11H I"'· Spedal Wt>llpUn'i and \'ehide... : Tl1l' "ljui\aklll 01 1110..1 lype,
,1,llh ,II I ,I II 1111 11.1I\ '11,1' l'rlll.'l,ll11 ,md '\rl'dlllllih III 01 IIcapon... hiller I C'hlck, and ..pacl't·r:lft arc a\ allahlC'.
"111<'r I 1111 Preferred Armor: Olio.: to Ihe high I) prolo.:Ctl\C nalure of Ihell
\11 Illl Il 'l.lUlll III n II It l' I,'I~ ,1[\' Ill'lll h\ Ilw I'Ml..l..elelOn.., 1110..1 do 110t \H'ar .mllor 'I'll hreJl!Je 111 lllho'PI<
It'm,ll. \1111\111)11.., tllm'n ,ttl .r! ,11I.1 milll;lf\ ,,111 t;lhk , lhc) \\111 \\l.';lr a hdnk't (Ir tal'C ma."" Wllh
,'I \l 1l1.Ik \llh,", 'h thl ,(,,," 1l1i1lH' ,m m,,',l ",u;11 an all' pUnllCJIIOII .. ~ ..tem and/or ,Ill ,uppl~ A full Cl1\lrOn-
'IIU,III ,.) "1 'Ill h ,\111 II' h\ Ihll1W.lI1',t hll\' "'\1 menial ... ",o.."delOn Ih:lt 100'" JI1,t 11"... till' !I),lla.. i, u~d by
c·t, 1h 11 111,01 nl1"rl.ll ill '111'" l1lalll I"nn' 01 Ih... IIltiltal'\ ;ll1d c\ploro.:r..: ,\.R IX, S.D.C.: 250, adlh 6
,If! m t 'j

r,ml...1 hl'l
." 1'1
Il I n .11 hUI
\ III 1I1 ,I< hl,'1 ~ 1'1'" I,ll ..Lilli.. or
111'1 \\I'r" 1\\ I...• ;I' h,lf(!
Pillm~ 10 Ill\' arer' .. PS. Jnd I.:! tIl til .. "I'I<.:ed. It con"', wl1h
J (ll't.lChahle J t Jlad, retract<lhlc lor\'aml hl:ltle" (2D6 dam-
Iml lokt Ih pr'ludl age carh) and:l ~et'olld p:ur 01 mhot amb !add (lne ;lllae" per
Li,.hl" Iprnlloulll't'd lid.·il·la... l Farniliarit.\ \\;Ih Earlh: Thl' 1\\11.... ar..' cager 10 help other
\ti~llllh:1l1 \11 rate" Ihat arc on the hnn" 01 rellchrng the "Iar.., and Ihe) col-
\lIrihut~,: I) '[)h. \11 q)!l. \1 \ llJh. I'" 4[)(',1' II lDfl, b:t mlormallon on ..ltdl". mctlldrng EJnh. Their nlr-
1'1 Ill/> I D" '>pd I\)h r..'1ll "rlllv.lctlg.e 01 Eanh i.. cqllallllthe "I-Ia, ..1I1dled" rc..ult
1111 I'mll"': I' I plu' 11)'. p\'l k 'lot ,'\p,'llellle Oil Ihe hllnili:tnl) \\llh I:llrlh t;lok
\h'dlHllI \rlllllr I'\f"kclelon: \ I~ Ill, :'HI S.D ( Rifts ~l)tc"; [n the Rift., RI'(; "clIrng. the !L"iI:... Will IlC re·
g'lrdo:d :I .. mOlNrou, O-l:>I::e... The Coalrllon Sialo.:.. ;rnd mher hu·
man ..uprcIll;lCi ..t.. Ilill "ee th...lll;h Jang:emu, IlCrng" hccau...e of
theIr lnhurn,1ll appeararwe. lechnolngy and p(j\\o.:r,. The) m:IY
aho hl' IIl1Qa"l'n tor rnon<,ter" ;mu demOlh,
It ..I..'I ill lhe Rifb: Ilha.,e \\'urld enl Im1lllW1l1. Iht'~ arc JU~1
one 01 lhe Ie.... advant'ed and ruriolh alien .. \\ho II,illhal world.
The".. in..eclni(h .... 111 Ii! lhe "allle ha.. lt· ..e1lmg .1 .. de..crihcd for
Alien.. Unlimited. They can h... e"plor...r.., ath-entur...r" or mereI.."

The manic Ie are an IIllpt"lIlg nlet' 01 IIhcclOld warnor mys·
tIC... The} arc a veT} hard~ people wllh e\O,"detlllh qrcnglh·
e11ed and poli...hcd h~ Ihe abr'I~llo.:'re of Iheir
hOl11e\\orld Fi"tia, Tht'lr re"lllcnt c"lbl..dC'lllrh :m: a ::.l11ooth.
glo'"y blat" and tho.:lr ..' ye.. a ,par"lll1g grC{'l1 The plale., llf lhelr
natural anllor lIre:l" "trong a" "(lme tan",~ Comhlllcd with their
magIC;11 abliitic" and cornh:u tr:Hl1l11g. lhl' m.I""''' lhem ex·
tremel) fonnidab1c opponent .., Young mantc/t' ;Iro.: rJl'o.:d on Fik·
tl:l and IrJl11ed h) lhe elda, 111 Ihe an .. 01 t'l11l1b:ll ...df-awareness
and magic Warnor... both male and lema It', .IT\' taught to rely
mo,lly on their wit .., natural ahllille.. and magical po\\crl>, They
rna} u,<,c olher. ..o-called "Iechnologlcall} ad\an... ~d" weapon...
bUI are taughl nevcr 10 become (,ol1ljlktel~ rell;lllt on Ihem like
human" and ,0 m:lIl) other... Aho:l" pan of their combal train·
mg, each i... "ehooled in lactIC'" :md Ihe combat application::. of
their ~pdf'"
UI>OIl reaching phy ..ical tn.llunt} :lI the npt.' old age of len ,Ihe
newly recoglllLed adull .. arc 'cm imo .,paec a.. plln of their rite of
pa"...age into adullhood, They mu ..t wander the galaxy for at teas!

chemical allat·k. Th..:~ al ...n hJ\e 111l' ahllll\ tlll'llmh \lall ... and
cl'lIing ... ~qualill Ihl' 11lllwr "'UPl'" abllll~ (//{III'\I"II. ,lIld ;Ire ill-
...Iilll:tlve ...Wllnl11cr... l7)', f, Spellal comn,ll lrallllllg l'lllllu"'c",
gl\e lhem +~ on 111l11:111\l'. +2 tu pull pUIll"h. +2 In mil 1\-llh
IllllKlct (11' tall. +,' 10 ...all· \ ... horror factor ,md +110 "'al", I ...
Preferred Arrnur; DUl' to th\' dl1l<l/lIlg ...Ir... nglh III llk'ir e\o-
...kelcton". lhe} nell'r \\e:ll' ;Idlhlll'nli dnllOr, Til hre;llhl' III Ill·
hn",plt:lhlc ;lll1lo... phere"'lh..:) llill Ile:lr ,I hdmel or tare rn'l ...k
\lllh ,HI :111' pUnllt',lllon ... ~ ... k·lll ;lI1d/nr ;lIr ... uppl~ or u ...e m,I!!lc.
The) C;lI1 ;,1"'01"'1.' m"gll to nlll1!llUIlIl·;IIl'.
Familiaril.\ \dlh Earlh: TllI'llll~h Ir,llel ... amllll~"'lIl.11 mean....
lh... \1al1lc/t.: IMle collcl'lcd 1IllUnn.llIllll 011 1·.,lnh tlMll'" equal
tllll1e "Ila tUlhl.'d·· re ... ull on Ih hllnll1;lnr~ Illth Llllh lahle.
Kin:» "ute : Ra ... icltl~ llll' ... al1l ., ... lhc 11,11"... , In w'ift\ thl')
1.::ln Ix' ,Ill) lIt llll' magll' O.C(' IlldUtllllJ; Il' wi/ard.
!empllr,11 \Iaroor. hWIll;ll1Cer dlld lIerronLllll'n'

The phOIIl1" I\ere 0111:l' the Chi,' ... hOlk 1l(l(lp'" ot 111l' I\lOriJl1
Emplfi:: The~ \lac Il11pn·...... I"·. mellaeing ...ollhl.'r... \\1lh nalural.
hbck chum e,\o...kl'lelO1h. lour ;lllll .... and hugl.', IIheCI like
I1lI1g .... They \\ere lough. l'UIUHll!!. re"'llUl\:elul ;md rnernk...... "'01-
dier... \I ho \~ere hard-co-kIll and ulUld n~ under thl'IT lll\ n p(meT.
ThClr hOlllC\\\lTkl !la... Illllg n":l'l1 lorgollen. Inn It 1\"'" ;j high ra-
dlall(1Il pl;l1lcl. The photll1\' na1Ura! rl· ... I ...I;l1K..: In f"dl;lllll11 <11-
10l\c<l II1l'rn 10 be ~,'111 III lor dc'lIlUp oper.lll()Il'" right alkr ,I
lIut"lear ...Iril...e. "ml the~ \\erc nOI \hl'd l'\du"'I\c1) .1'" ... IIOCI...
lroop.... Able '0 u...e lhe ddrkne... ~ to Imk Ihclll ...ehc .... till' photlll\
aJ...o madc lear...orlle ,1 ...... ;....... Il1 .... "';IhllICU1'" ;lIld "'pIC'" I Ikc htlrnhle
~o .\l.',lr... to hUlld t'har:.ll"h:r. to Il.'am annul Ilk <lno HI find a tlm:c-
;lnlrll:lled \hado\\ .... lh(') aplx:ared "'L'el1lln!!l~ Iltl1l1 IIll\lhere (a
l10n h,r Ihl·l1hl.'!\C"', \10...1 17~', I c,cn1Uall~ rt'ILIm !l) Fiktla to
Iree.lhe ccl1mg.lhe ... I...~) 10 ... Iaughter thl'l1" CIlClTlll·....
11l,IIe hJ\e chlldrl·n. OeCIlIl1\" elder.... alld leach lhe ~{lUllg.
I'or 400 ~car'" llw phOlllh \\efl' the 1:1\01'("11 1\"lTIOr... 01 Ihc
1Ill" t.'Ider\ on hkll>1 M(' l10t ne(;e...... ,trIl~ the Illde"'l nllhl' race.
alOrt:ll1 ....It \\<\... through thclr l'1lon ... lhal Ilw young Emplrl' l11"dl.:
., h("~ ,Irl.' adult ... \l ho hall' found lhem ...el\ 1.'''' and rclumcd to tht.:
Incredihk InroaLh during 11ll'lr l..:g~l\(br) \ec(Hld II ;11 C 01 {'\pall-
hnll1e\\orld tn 1)(:lp Illl' ~\lun~ contlllue lhe cyek. The plancl I'"
... iotl. The (lg!!re... ~i\ l' ntllll;11) cllllljlle... 1 pI elllll\' 1\ mId.... onl' ;lller
homc In ml1110lb 01 cider... >lud 1111lllon ... more young. rhl.' Queen
anothcr h~ lhe AlOrI:1Il Empirc. meal1l CetiIUrll·... lit eomh'll. A ...
\III/her I'" Illl' ",upll.'me I'ukl 01 Ih,' I<lle 'ihl.' b \er~ old ,md
lhe atori;lIh gatherl.'d :l1lil'''' III lhclr C'p.IlNOIl. tlll'~ llull·l...l'lIed
po\\crlul III till' \la~ ... \II 1I1,1t:ll 1111 .. :'1)4 lelcl 01 e\lll·neIKel.
their e\lon ... to c\p;1I1d. Some pho!1lh 01 grl.';l1 ...kill or rl'pul:tllon
~hl' u...e ... her unp,lrdlkkd 1l1~ ... lIl,t1 ,Ihtlltll·... hi gUide ,1l1d rule her
IIcrc !!l\CIl pO"'llIon... a'" prelillCr opcr:lllle.... hUI lhl' maJorit) (If
pt.'opit' \llhough 1Ill' Qll<:1.'1l \IllIIll'1 I... II1\" ullll11<1I,' ll."l\kr. llI"k...
the lIl"'l'c\'" rcmalll..:d on lhe tro11l IlI1c rI1l' IIhlllll"ll\d) rreda-
,(1)(11em"ll.'... ,<Ill il1!,lIn ,'qll,d 1'0"'1I1PI'" ,lIld "'l.llu... \lllhmlhl' lI1an-
lOr} phOlIl1\ luved \\ ..r. hUI their numher... dl\ mulcd l\ Ilh l'adl
tl'/l' ...oell,'ly.
nl'\\ ,·omlue... l. The banit' tor lakin. ~O(l yl';U·... ;lgO, Ilouid end
Mantel.e (pronounced nl<lll-teC7.c) lhe ph(ltlll~' reign a... lhl' eille·k lfllop", 01 lhe AlOlian Empire
AliAllmcnl: An). wlIh ll.':l1llng... lol\ard good and ... c!li... h IntdligcnCl' had hcl'n faull~ dud ...ellt ~.'i() nllliion phlJlll1 \\arrinr...
AuribuIC,,: I.Q..'Dfl. \IL JD6. \tA 'D6. P.S 51)6. P.P JD6. to Ihdr doom. Allhough (lull1Ul1lhered 1\1"'lIt;. to onc. Ihe In,' red-
PL .1D6+ '- p.n. 1D4, Spd. 41)6 Ibll' l1l"'l'[\llld~ held all hUII\IO "'!r;lll'gll: pO... itlOll... until rciufnrtc-
1·lil Point... ; St'llll.hmL P E. plu... 11)6 p..:r lc\eJ 01 C\llCrlenec. U1(·n(.., alTl\'..:d. Yaklll Iell 10 Ihe I:mplrc hUI lhe pril'l' I\,h 100
He:l\~ Armur E\uskclclllll; A,R I~. 'OO+3D6xIOS.D.C. IHgh. 01 Ihl' ~5() millIOn lfOOp'" Will III ''1.11...11I on I) ,n I11llllon
Horror Faclnr: 10 ...un I\'ed and 40'1 01 lherll \\ould pcn... h III O1hl'T b:l11le ... ;lCfll ......
HeiJ.:ht: -' tcel pIli... 11)4 lecl (I.X 1l12..7 111). lht' g:ll<l'\~
\\ {'i~ht: 2.\10 plu... 4D6xlO pound... ( 10910 l<jl) kg). 'rod,,} an c ...lunakd 1(l4lll1l1ioll photlll'" :lrc ...c.llIered lhrnugh-
A \ eraJ!:t' Life Span; 90 ~ car" out the Aroi'lan Empire. Surpri"'lIlgl}, tlw ll;UTlor... JIlJ lIot blame
Supt'r \hililic... : All tl1a11l~/\' ha\\' natural magic ablll1ic...: ~cc Ihe Altlnall Emplrl' for Ihe n...:tr dl' ...trurll0n 01 th~lr rill'l' \'ioicill
lhe v"ll<lrd or llitNOlli\1 111 I-Icrut':l l nlimited. d~;Ilh i~ Ihe end 01 :lily 'Wamm. Th,') "erl' "'Hllpl~ proud Ihal
'Jalural Abililie,; AlIlh Ic.llure" III lhe compound c}e and all- lhcy held their I'M , "h n lh planrt 1l'11. and that Ihe AlOri;m
l..:nlla. and dlemi<.:;ll ecn,'IWlh \\.Iming. chemical Inll!. and EmpIre \\roll' ,lIld wrie alld made !lIm... ilbout Ihelr cou-

Nalur;ll Abililie,: Alllhe le.lluf<." 01 11ll' .ml<.'IHl:l and dl<.'llllcal
Ir,liL They ;lrc a[,o 'Imhlde'lrou... (one "ddltlOoal ~111:H:~ per
melec rouodl. PhOllih ;Ire na!l\C' 01 ,I high radi:uion planel
wludl al,o Illa~e... [hem 11ll1l1Uth.' tI. th..: dlel'I' ,lI1d d:lIllage
from radi:t1ll)n. Thc) aho gl\l: 011 1m\- Ie\l:h 01 radr;llioo thll[
Cllll be hanllful 10 Iho,t' expt."ed III lhem for 1\\0 \\<.'ch or
1I10rl' S.::e Ihe Ibgh Radt,lliOO hOl11e\\llrld dc,crrpllon for de-
Spenal t'wnhal lralllrng hl,mu",... : +-J on It1IlI.lll\e. +::! l(l
pull pundl. +~ III roll "Ith Impatl or lall. p.url·d "l'alxllh. +6
10 ...a\-l' \, !wrrOf 1:1l'lilr and + I 10 "'\1.' \ ... pI'" ... on and dl,ell'c.
Flighl BOl1u,c,: When In I1lgh1.1hl',e \I:lrrinr, gel an addl-
lmnal all:11;~ per 1I11'1o:e round. ,m: +:! 10 'Irr~e. +:! 10 parry.
and +~ 10 dodge ,II "'[X'ed, bdo\\ HO mph t l:!l'l ~m). +6 \1 hell
11) Ing. fa'ler lh:ml)() mph tl+-f ~11l). Sl'e Ihe ,lpproprr'll..: ,up..:r
ahrilly dl',nlpllon, lor lull detalk
Spcna[' A,hanred EYI': 'Ihl' rn'I'U e~\' I' ,m,llIer. ao.:lul
1\II{"e the '1fe :1' a human t.·~l·. h,I' Ill.uumal II~e 11'lOn t"ilpa-
hk' or ...eeing lo[nr and ,mall lkl,1I1, ;lnd " nllNdl'red equal
Wlhe 1ll1110r ,ufX:r ahrlll} C/fhom n/ \/gllt.
Sf'l'\"1al lIorrh::\ p,lIr 01 hor1\ hnrn, prolrudl' InllU Ihe
'Ide 01 lhe head Thl'~ uIlllCI :!D.t d,ull,lge lrum h":,1l1 hUll'
<lnd cm 0.::: lh.:d [0 parry- all,lt"~'
Special WeapOlh: All). U'll:ll1~ iI I ilriety lit ,llnn;lI1 de'lgn.
Special \ ehidl'~: Anllgra\ l\~ McdaJJwn: m,I\Hlllll1l 'rx·l'd. 100
mph (160 ~11l). S.D.C X. :lltllud..: I' unhllHI,'d \1:rXllllUIll
\-I':lght ,,1I11\lallce: 1000 pOUluh {.tSll ~gl.
I'referred /-\rIl1l)f: Dill' III lhl' pr\)[et:lion 01 lhelr e\lh~..:kllln....
th.:} '1'ldo1l1 \\ear Mm,lr. Tn hre:!ll1\' in rnhlhpllahlc ,1\1110'-
pherc, 111l'~ \\111 \-lear ,I helmellir lace m:l"'~ \\ 1111 ~1l1 alf run·
fieill ion ,~,lt'lll .md/or ,lIf ,upply.
Familiaril.\ \Iilh Earlh: "one
r,I!!('<lU' 1.1'.1 ,1'IIlLl .•mL! pral'':: 1110.'111 10 Ihl' thl} ,I' heroe, 01 the
1I1lj\l'II'11 R\,.il1l1 Onl~ ;l k\\ rogue, l'prxl,e 111l.' Empm' ,Ind ha[e Km, :\'ulc,: Ba,icall~ Ihe 'am..: .1' lht' 11\11,1" Ihe~ lIW~~'
th, .11<'11.111' 1111 ~11I1Il!! Ihell people I;lhulou, 111Ie\c,. 'riC' and ,1"""111' (elll he an~ ll1efl'l:lla~
O,C C.l, rho.') \\111 0.::: ....o\etl·d:l, "gl'l1l' Jnd 1l111l101h ,It th\' Splu-
I "r lh,' 1:1'1 1\\\1 lel1lltrle, the \!Onan bnplre photlll' have
gunh, Suul Wurnl'. Sunal. \.11l1l1!. the (jargn~1c bnplfe, Blac~
n"ellll"d J.' ,pl'll;ll cillo.' nperall\e" l1ldlnl} lor e'plonage, ,cd
Markcl,'cr,. \\ arion" ,md olher t'nll11nal Ilr \.\ II !\lrc..:,. f\h"l (It
.Ind d.... 'lf(\~ 11l1"lnll' .mrJ "".I"lIl,llIlIl1 From IIllle to lUlle. ,111
lh..:...e hla..:~-he.lnel! prcd;ltor, \\111 ,1",II:l;tle \Illh 'll1~llIll.l~. in-
\l1ll1" licit! ,lrm~ \\1111'1<: 1Irol'ped mil) trouble lone' 10 er"du::rtl'
<:Iudlllg Ikmon,. g\'ne-'pIIL'cr, and \i1mplr..:,. II 11ll' \\ork I' good
. . ,rx·ll.lll~ drtlKull or ...Iubhorn prohkrn, An 1',1l1l1'11l'd 6 to 10
,md the) ar..: lfl'.llel! \Iell
I1lIJllIlll l1lHl-,lllled phlHllh (1l1.m~ ,m: llleK":llarie' and plr:lle,)
,Ifl' helll'\ed [ll hH' .lIlti "m~ 111 o[her [Mil' ollhe g.t1ax).

Phlltin", (Ilr()noun<"~d foc-tins)

Pyr:![I' Jr~' \anOll'" ...h;llk, (II p,lk grl'l'l1 'lr h[ue \lllh ~l'll(l"
\Iignlllcnl: \n~. hUI 111O,t lend 10 11,' .tIl<ln:hl,1 or l'\ 11 The phnl-
Ilh ,m: Illllrdcmll'" prcdatnr, "hI) [n"'e lU hum :lIId ~il1 more [han C} c,." Th':lr I)(xllc, ar~' t\H l'rel! In rnllet'li \ I' plale' thill gilC them
.U1\ Ihlll!! 11\ Ilw uni\ ('fI,e. Th..:~ <11'0 ":l1gJge in lorture and a..:[, (jf onc \llth;;- "'Ironge'l ":\O,~c1(,lorh mlhe U1111\'r'\'
hrul'lhl~. Approxirn:lld~ onL' hUlldred ~car, ago. lhclr plane\. Lllh'l. 0.:::-

\llrihutt'\: I.Q. 11)6. \11: ..~Dfl, \1.A lDo, P.S. 41)6, P.P. 11)6, camc a Iargct 01 the Allman Fmptre. The p~ r"lh ~ne\-\ Ihc}
P I· ~l)6. P fl. 1I)-I. <ipd 6D6+1O runlllng. couldn'l figln Ihc alorian Ill\a"nll tll'cl '0 11ll'~ mu,l<:red all (If
Hit I'oinl': St,llldard P E. plu' 106 pef kwl ot' expcnent·e. Ihelf 'palcn,lll 1Il[() a rag-I:!!! llec\. t\lllel'led ;111 llll' p..:opJe Ihe~
\lediulll \rmllf E\o,kell'hm; A.R 16. ::!OO S.D.C eould anI! hla'ted into Olller 'p'll'e. Th<.' Emplrl' illIO\led lhclllto
Hurmr hu:lUr: 1<; IC(I\c ,1I1d Im'~ Ihe plalle[ \\llhoUlrlJlltc...1 Th.: rl'lll<lllllog pyrall'
Ht>;ghl: h 10.'\'1 plu, I D6 Indll." (1 ,l'l III :!.O m I. population ,um~mkf..:d :lI1rJ 1I>11~ Illl'lr dl;rl\ce, under Ihe dicl:l-
\\eight: l'ISrlu, 11J6 POllllrJ, ll'llJ 1091 ~gJ. lor,hljl oflhc Atorian Empire,
herage Life SIHlI1: 75 yeM' 1\' Ih(' t110\ Illg l1e":l 01 rdug.:c... ,earched I{.r anolher pl;m..:t to
....upl'r \bililie,: All phOlllh h:l\c Ih(' lollowll1g ~uper abilllic,: call hOllle. the~ found m,lI1~ people III Illl' gal:l'y llMl ,ulkred
('onlrol I.IUI<lII\lI1. multiple 11mb, fne". lour :IOlh and hand.... from inju'llt'C' 'lin dar to the If"'. Thl' Included t'lll':, ruled h)
,ldd, ontO addiliollill ~lllad. per mcle\' round). I1lghl: wrnged pell) t)fant', nalion, cOl1lrolled l1y cruel diclalO,..... :lI1d olher
(itN~l1: .lctuall) a natural ahl[ll~ J. adhe'lon (natura[), nlghtvi- racl" Ihal had h..''':11 ohlilcr;III'd or l'n,1;I\ cd hy lhe .'\lorian Em-
'Ion ItMlUral), and l1ighhlill~rng, pIre. The P) rah' deciderJ to dll \\ hal Ihe) could lor thl''''c [~'"

!lIriumLlc th,m thcl1I\..:l\c\. .::\pcl'I~lIy Ihc mOfC pnmitlVC \Ol-IC- e);J)()\urc al 50 dC!:'fel:\ J- \ 10 C). St:'" th... 1m/en I\orh.l de-
11<:\ "hcrl' thClf IJltcnCIllIWIl:llUJd h~lc:1 profuund Unpilel. Op- wriplion for clfech and dal1\;lJ!~' Irnm 1:11'llNlr.... Rdrigefalcd
Cf~lI\ C\ ,If.... \CllI 10 help ;1\ \1l011 ,1\ 'l lrouble \1>01 1\ lound. Thl:) \univ;tI \utll fount! in 11K' equlplllent \C\'IIOII ilr~' nl'Cl'\\JI) 10
l:OIllIIHIllI\ h,l\ C llllk or no ~ll(l\4lt-dgc o! the planct Of people :Ivold e:l:ptl\un'.
Ihe\ Iwlp. hut th.... y fC;III~ don't l:ilfe The tllll~ prohlcm 1\ lhal Nalllr:J1 r\bililil'~: All Ihe le~lUfe\ of Ihe I.'ompound l'~C ,HId an-
Ih.:\e lll\e\lul\!\ afe \\) tletenllmcd til help olhcf\ Ihat they Cilll lenna (110 c!lelliital \ccrCllOnl. Impel' 100h 10 cold Il'\en l·old·
llll.:ll Ix· lfu.:~ ....d or 1I1,lIlipukued HlIO helplllg /,TIme lurd\. t) ranh, ba~cd magic doe\ half dalllagel. alld afl' +.:! 1111 IIlltlalill'. +.:!
,mu!!!!kl\. plf,lt\'\ Jm..! lflhef\. Jlll\IC\a. III\'~ g~'rl\'fitll~ till mOfC III pull pLllll'h, +110 roll "llh IIllpJcl or I;tll. +.:! tl) \:,\e \_ hor-
!!11<ld th,lt, h.ld ror f;Klor and + I tIl \;111: I \ magIc.
Spedal \Vl':IPOIl::': Th....) can u\e an~. bUI _t:\'lll IL' pfl'Il'f h;llIu-
P~rl.lli'l Iprullnullccd pic·ral-i'll held melec \\C:I[lOnl. c\pt:ciall~ <.'nerg~ _I\tlflh ami duh_.
\li~llmclIl: \11\ hut k'l1d t<l ht: .colld Spedal V{'hide~: An) ('1l'Cpt ,mtlgr:'1 tl~
\lIrihuIC\: I () '1)/,., \11 2lJ(h \1 '\ J])6. P S hDh. P P Preferred Armor: rlletr c\o_}..ektn!l_ :lr~' \0 p(ll\~'rlul th;ll Ihc~
~Dfl.1' I· Hl/' P Ii .~[)I> '>pd JUI, IcllIom I\('ar addltlon;]l ;mnor T(, Im:alIK' III Illho\PII;lhk ,II·
Ilil I'"inll: I' J \ ~ pIli- '1)(, pel klel III elf!l.·nl'rke tIlo\phl'ft:1 lhe~ \\111 I\C;I,. a h<.'llIlCI or I,ll"e 11l;11~ Ililh:lll ;lIf
HC:l\\ \rnwr 1·lll\l.l'h'lun: \ H ~. \IIO+-JI)(,~ IOSI)( plIntil':lIIOll 1)\tCI11 ,tIld/(,r ,llf luppl~ or lhe magic. TI1<.') l':lI1
Ilurrllr I'adur: I ;tllll u_e nwgil' 10 l'IJlT)II1Unic:II<.'
Ilcl!-:ht. ... I.',·lphl !)f>lIllhl' l1111_lIml "'allliliafil~ "ilh Earlh: Till' P~rah\ ha\\' no t;nmItMil) \\lth
\\ .. i~hl Oplu '1l/,·I(lfl"Ulld,'/l\t"ltl'l~fl E;,rlh Rifl~ NOll'.,: Ba\icall~ Ihl' \:1111.: ;11 lhe li'lb\. In Rift...
hera).:I' life ....p,m. S\ I ,II lhey can ~ any 1)1 the 1l1;lglC OCC\. Illdudmg 11l)_11C. k')
,",uIII'r \llIhliel: 1'\1.111 1',ln 11\ lh,lml'lIl1l' ,Irl' t\pu.:,lll~ 11Il1' <II IIll\' \\ :11~er. \hitter. [(Thno-" 1/,lrd. n,'Crnmanl'l'f .tIld pnl'\l.
till' Inll""Il1! .... Upl·1 I'm\\'1 ( ,ltl',l'"rll'\' \1,1~1l' t ~" (l. \lI~r·
1'1(111 nl'd mUlanl 1:'i' ~'lllc:nllletl\ 1" ( I. ph) \Il:itl Ir;ulllng
Ill' l"th,mlll,lft'II:'i' l. Relogians
Ihl ,,,1.1 ,IlllLhtIOI\\ ul 1.1thJ h,I\t: IIIJlk 11ll' I'~f;[h_ ~'l­
If\'1I1dl l\lkf,lIlt III If.:e/Irl!! 1Ill1dltlllll'- lhq Jre +-J HI \;I\e Rdoglan \OCiel) II \(lIllt:I\hal hl\<:-hh.e It II gmemed h~ lhe
IIld h.I,>\·d ;,l[,,\h.1 "' \tlnJlllllth ,mt! \Uhlf,Kllouf Pl)[ll!\ 01 cldell. 11m_I C(JIlIIh'tl'1l1 tl,"l1lalt:1 Y\llIrl21'r klllall."\ Llll on'up)
d,lIll,U!1 lrl11l1 Ihe \,Ulle \IIU.tlllllb I'Ill'~ n.:glll tn \ulter hl''lt Ullll'r pn~lt[(Jn\ of pt)l\er and ,lUlhllrtl~ Il\:km 111l' he;l(h lit 11,111'.
but lhc hlghcr nffi~c\ arc re\ened lUf Ihe cld.... \!. \10\\ k:nwlc\
,Ire _tholar\. ICI,'llIlll\. hl';llef\. englllecr\/hUlllkf\. ;lnd 11':ldefl
In eVt:f) brarKh 01 IIKII:I~. mrludmg. Ihe nulc d(lI11lllilll'd mIll·
laf)- Mak\ ,Ill' nllJ\lderl'u hl'lIe;,lh 1":111,111'_ and llllllpO\e lhl' b-
nor IOfC~' ,lIld 111l11l.!!). It 1\ dltl1l'ull lor lI1ak\ t(, ,ldlle\~' all~
fC\I>lxtahlc \laIUI I'f k'1,'1 III POI\I'f ;111\.1 11 I_ m:;Irl~ 11ll1111\_lbk
lor.! mall," 10 \1Il:1'el'\! 1Il lh.: 1'lI\lllll'al ,lrl'I1;L
The hlllllC'WOrlU ul l11e I~cl,'gl,lll_ (\ l:;lllI."d Relo. II I_ 'l he;luII
luI, Eanh·ll~c pl;lllet t·o\'\.'fed \I!lh lore\l\ ami )llllgk\, 1,\ 101\
gralll~ dOl'I IIlIIt: 10 im]l<.'llt: Ihe 1~~I\;lId gfLl\\lh 01 Ifl'el ;md

planh. 10 111011 n;t1I\C Ilk·lnml\ .Ife tall. d~'!!:11I1. ,1I1d gr:It·\.'Iul.

rh.: maJ'lfll~ III' relogl.ln l'llle\ ,Ill' hUlll III tI,l' trl'~'\ Ilr gl;tn(. \~~­
..napcf-II~C pdlar.. rCllllllt_C<.'llI lllll'nllll~' llllllllld_
TIll' rCllIl:\lillh bclle\l' th~' pl;Hll'1 1\ llur1ur,'d h~ 11ll' !!Illlue\\
Ar\I:I. The II1\Cl:l_ haH' gn::lllalth Illthelfdell~ ,1I1d h.:ll<:\l' Illl'~
are Af\la'\ dlO\en peopk'. :md ,Lt'l' (k_tI!1l'd for )!fealrl.::\\ Tht\
belie! \tcnh lrnm lhe I.ll'l Ihat rdogl;lIl\ ll1a~ \1'l'lIl 1L,"dle" llI,tIl)
lil1le\. hUl arc lllll'lCulllIl\l) rt:\lor,'d or re_ufr,'lll'd bl'lnr,' rll1;[ll~
l'l,"a,-mg to CXI\I. Th.... mall) II\e\ III Ih,' rdogl,lIh IlLl~I' lhl'lll tk-
10IC(! 1(1 Ar\la. :"Joont: ~nUI\\ It thc\e IlHtlupk ltll'\ .lf~·lhl' r....-
\uh 01 dlvme llu<.'nClll(lln, or _ollll'lhml:\ el1llfd~ thllerl'lll. hUl
l'hangll1g lhc rlHnd 01:1 r... I('gi'lll 11111 he' IIllPlh\lhlt:
TIll' uhel·toidl nll1lldcr It lhelf dUl~ tl) ,lid ,lIld Ikk'nd Il'~' :ld-
v:mc~'d cullufc\. Tlk'~ lr~ to hl'lp IWorll' t\l .1I0ll! the d,ll1ger\
and pttlalh lhe~ m;l~ bt: ncallllg lor thelll\l'I\t:\, Relogi,lIl\ \lIm
:, .
dlOO\t' to champIon llll'\e 1·;lU_.... \ can act 011 thelf I}\I II ,W ,lCl·<.'pl
. .:,,,,< a go\crnll1~'1I1 a\\lgnl1lent 011 ,t pl:1nt:l III Ilt:<.'d ,)1 ,h_htallce.
, .~.
-, ' Man} \\ander Ihe Urll\ef\e II~e h.l1lghh-l·ITarll ur 1;lgel~ ,1111 i\or...
;."" ?-'
When 011 a_\igmJ1ent. Ilk' II\_CC101d_ nOl11htll~ l'mpJo~ t:,llll~ Iud
dell amigfJ\ II) \Ulh ,1llU c;lrr~ IlurH~ pc ~'nl'fg~ duh\ ;lIld [lll-
tol\. Ahhough Illan) lr} 10 al\ltd I inlence ;lI1d hUr!ltlg Illhefl.
they Cllll U\I' an~ lype 01 \\~';tlll\[l ,lilt! :lfe capahle Ilghler\.

:tn,l dll'll1il':11 ~CU'eII11l1' l\arlll11g and dl':llh. Ihc~ ,Ire :.11'0 111-
1 ..llIltllVl' dillll-J.L:r, (~)n5"; J, ;ItTohal .. 00',) ami ,wimmcr,
(65'.. l. Spel'ial honu..e ..: +1 \111 1Il11l;lli\l', + I H,l pull pUlwh, +2
til rllil l\llil lllll);]tl ur 1',111
Sped:ll \\'('apon: em U'~' :tI1~, ['UI 11ll' l'll.:rg~ 'lIl1l"l'lub I" J 1":1-
vorile: L..::nglh. 2.5 kd 10.1'\ ml. \\il'lghl 2.7 poun{!... (1.2 kg).
Damage: 106 plu' Illl' I Itlll11 mu,1 "IVl' I~ !lon-leI hal pOI,un
(lr he 'lllllll..:d III Ih..: ellt'li III I(hlllg 11lltlallll' and I' -~ 10
..trll-.... parry, ;ll1d d{\dg~' lor I D(J Ilwle... nllllllk
Spedal \ehidl": C;lll u'c an~. hUI a 1;IILlrl1e I' Ihe ,111lIgr.lllt}'
'Ull i\1.I\U11lJl11 Speed 120 mph (1921-111). S.lJC 60. 11l;l>;i·
mum ;lltlludl' unllllllll'\1. 111;l\llllUIll l\l'lghl ,1110\lanl:c: 800
pllumh C-'(l(l I-l!t
Prcl'errt'd \rnllJr; Dul' 10 Ihe proll'lImn III lh~'lr <,\thl"c1elon..,
Ihq ..ddlllll W~',lr all1lOr 10 hrealll~' III mhthJ11l,lbk allno,-
plK'n:' lh<.'~ Iqll II~';II a hdm<.'1 or I;IC<.' 111.1'1" 1\1111 an ;llr pun-
llC;llUll1 ,,,"'I... m ,lIld/or ;lIr 'llppl~
Familiaril,\ \lilh Earth: 11K' Rl'logl,ll1' h;l\l' 'l'lll dlampi(ln~ lO
I Mth hl'll1r~' '\";1 re,ull. 111l'~ PO"l'~~ Inlurm;1I11l1l 011 E,lnh
l'qu;lllo lhl' "Sum... LlIl1lll;lfIl~ ,. r..... ult on Ihl' hllllillanl~ wIlh
F"rth I,lhk
Ril'h .... Ult"; Ib'h.;i1I~ 11K' "lilt... ;[' Ihl' II\!Ia,. They em he
:my- {II Ihl' ,dulbr IJr ,lllll'lllurl' ().(' ( ..... druid .. (Ir prie~I', NOll"::

Il{h'''''' IhlOllIl,. ,Ihllllil" or pracll("l' ll1;1j!ll III Ihl' Ialll'r ta,e. il

\luuld 'Cl'm \Hong II' r~'I~ on 1111,lgld pU\\l'r, nOI prOlidl'd by
tlWlr gtlt.klc,~.

Thl' \lppU';lre 11'(1111 ;l darL l\llllj!hl pl.lIWl ~';L1kd Ml11tll'l-a.
Thl'~ ;Lr~'.1 t;11I ral:c (II IIhCCI IWlllanUllh \lllh d:lrl- hrowll. gli ..-
Rdll)!lil11' V. ho rqcl'l .md lUm [0\\ ,lrd c\ d. \:;lll \CCIl1 III Il'nm!!- l·\o..l-dClt.!lh ,lIld largl' l'ompnuml ~'~<.", Their 'I)elel) I"
lx' \'\ II [IKarlMlc. The'l' ;1(e Irl'ljllCml} Ill<lk" \\ hn ha\(' lti....d 'C\- I'er) hlll'-llh' III "c\l'r,ll rl"Ih'l'h. A !.Jul'l'n pr<.'"de.. Ol'er ..::;[ch
'r,,1 llllll'" Hllh In r..:turJ] tu Ilk \.l,llhout an} grc<l1 TeI\'lalllll1llT l'lly. All olher Plhlll{lih \If pO\ll'r .lrl' hdd h~ kl11;lIc~, ;1I1d lhe
Ifhll!tll .\, to Ihl'll t',I!C Thc} l'ng;lg.e I' brut'll .H:h 01 lIlurdcr. mall', lunctltlll ,I" Ihe I\Orl-l'r, ,1I1d \1;lrrl(Jr,. rhc I<.'mal<.', in ;[
r.lf\\:: ("nUTL' ,111,1 Jl,.,lnllllon. rile} C;1Il he pll"'11C". Im::rn:n.lrlC\. Cil) ;Ire Illllit..:d IOl'enaHl Ilul11h..::r,. i\1.11..::~ nnl1ll;llI~ ,Iwre com-
.1",1"111'. Crulll' lord..., 'up.:r \ ill;llth lIT Ik'l}lll rukr.. Or '.'.'('llker munal IiI Illg qll;lrll'r~, \\ hlk Il'Ill,lk, 0\\ n hl)u"",::, or brj!c c ..lale...
f1\'llpk \\ho \1 III n.::.."n!l' ,1Il\lhlllg l(> )!cl \\hilllh ....} w'II11. Man} Pl'rh:lp" Ihe rno,t dramallc hill' ch;Ir:J('\cn'tie IOlilld III lhc Xlp-
,m: qune mad I'll" ..(KielY I' lhe e\pul'lOn ot m<.'ml'l\:r, \\ ho arc delnmelllal 10
,ocicly. TIm nOnllall~ lIH.'IUlk~ Ihl' olJ, IH"II-. crippled, ,icl", and
Rcinghlll\ (prunuun(cd rch-Io\\ ·gu~ -ansI
dymg. hUI lhe >;lpplh lend to l":my II 10 C\, The} c\ilc
\lignrncl1l: rtw gr.:at 1ll'II0rll} Ilt r<:lll!:,I.llh \\dl hI.' 01 g\l(ld liT
anyone \I ho I'> thli..::r..::nl. or lllli "purl''' 1111' 1I1L'IUlk~ tho,e wllh
..dfi..h ,rllgrlllWl1h, b II .dlgn1llCnl' .m:: rare III the j\.lUllg ,till! 'Ire
dcforl11I11l", IllU(;lnl kature,_ P"OIllC 1)(1\\':1" or ,upcr ahilllie..,
more l:Ollll1l,lIl ,mltlrlg thth\.' LIllo hall: dlcu .md Tl'!Un1ed ,ever,11
Ewn Iho..c \~ Ilh dlllt'renl t.'Olortll!!' ar~' ,em ,1\1 ;l~, Only Ihe
wne, The\c mdl\ Iduah hcgll1 III liN: thCIT gnp on reallly and
(lucen~ <!r..:: ;tlloll"ed 10 ha\e p'llJllll: ur .. uper ahlllll"::', ;JnL! only
1'l\:~\ll1Il' ,mg!) Jlld hiller. \1 .. n~ h\.'come herellc~ \Iho hcbe""l'
kmale, are lal-..::n c;lrc 01 I\hellth..::~ gl'l old {Ir "leI-I}. An)' ilN:C-
lh;l\ the !!ndde" i, a dl<tOllt· eJ1ll\~ Ilhn I"cep, hnngll1g 111<.'111
n;ll I" wlite III do She-\lnl~-I"m)\\,-II hal. loid who re'l't' ,,:~pu!...LOn or who ;111:11:1", or hann';I "pure" >;ip-
pu~ I' ~Iain 011 Ihc 'pOi
\ttrihule..: I.Q..106. \11·.. ~J)6, il1.A 11)6. PS. 506. P.P 4Db,
P f' ~[)h. P B I DJ. Spd. hU6 Thl~ r..::vul,i(l11 llle:m, they arl' .11,o t,t1r1~ 1IlInl"::f;1I1l u! olher

Ilil Puinl .. : P,F )'1 plu.. I D6 per kH'1 III c\penetl\;c. rate,. The) cnn,,(kr l1loq m;t1lllllal, and :unphlhlall' a' lllknor
\'lediulll \rnmr E'II.,kclelon; A R. 16.200 S.D.C ,llld dangcrou\, Other lll'ellOll]., arc nlll'ltkrcd pOl..::nll:11 nvah
Horrur Fal'IUr; 14 :lI1d enCllllC ... 1\10..1 olher Ilk IOnlh ,Ir~' Ill'\led Illlh "u'pK'ion,
tlt'ighl; K I'eet, R mehc, rlu~ 1D6 mdll" f2,7 10 .1,1 Ill). Con..equellll), the ..H erage ~IPPU~ a\l}id, nmlaci \lith olher life
\\ dAhl; 2'iO plLh 1D-lx I tl pl1lJrld.. ( 127 to 1M I-g), fomh :JIId live.. happil} 011 lhelr home\lnrld. Inlcr'lcllar lrade I'>
hUlI)!C Life Span: 12) year, elllrcmcl} Iimitcd and prderahl~ condlKI<.'d wl1h inorg:.lnk or
Supt'r \hililie'i: All rcgo!lan, h;llc lhe following ,uper anilllle,; planl life. Alien I l'>ilOr~ are u.. u,lll~ I"cPI al 'lknal oUlpo~I.'. Any
\lulllpk live, hce ViIiJIll\ Unlulllled). adhc,ion. he;lling fac- \\ho lhreaten. haml or 1-111 a ~IPPU" arc caplured and ,lain. Any
lOr. alld r;ldar. \\ ho threalen :I quecll ;lr..: cWl:uted and IllL'lf l·ompallion.. wid 10
'.... alural A!Jilitie..: All lhe tC:lIun,', ot lhe Clllnpound eye and ;In- 1l11l11edwlely leal''':: Ih"::lr planct. nCler 10 return. or IIIC) 'II ~uffer
tCl1l1,le, (the 1\\0 l<lrge. horn-Iil-e protru,ion <lrc Ih antenna). lhe ,amc fall'.

Thl" \lppU" hah:- a Il"dmolt.p.lcllI} ,llh.ltKCd CI\III/:t\loll v.llh .... :llunlJ \hililit·.. ; \lIllw k.lllm'.. 1.1 Illl' ((Impound l,.''''''' .1Ilt! ,Ill
lair "p.Ke l.:ap<Jbilllu::", \tll1~ e\lk.. ,Ire pl.ln:-d on ..mall "p.lle Icnn,l. ha\ ...' 11ll'dlum ll1;mdlhlt.:.. I lUll d.lrn;I~ ·l, ,md dlCIl1ll",ll
... rall m !!rtlUp" 01 ]11 \{l "')011. \l.llh llllllllll;ll ..uppllc" and no ~e.lp' ......lrCllol1 \\,lnlllli' 11.111 ,II"! ltc.llll. Ih.... ~ ;lr ' .11..0 IIhtllldllC
on.. ,Hid rUl.lo.elcd to <J ncarb~ pl,lIlel Ih,l1 ...Ill ..uppon hie 111.1 l:hmhcr.. ''15 '~'i' I, ,I... n,h,ll" I "C;;', I .mll ....\ 11111111.'1 ... ~tl' , ........
Ir.lll~e ~.I\ Ihl" "'lhelr ItI...'.1 III "p.l..e l.'olonual1on. .\ ~urpn"lllg \\ell a .. po.......·.... Ih...· IIllnor "ur :r ,11"1111111'" 1.1 ,/,(1/0 \,'',/ ,md
numhl,.'1 h.l\e ..unl\ed Ihe hleJI. lrlp .uul hJH' ..l.lned '<C\eral 1/I~I/1lI\""1 "p..·\I,11 :t'Olllk~r.: • J.r.....1 1.1 ",~111 .m.l",,1IIt101 h.:
Jo/en 110\ \1l1t'11I\' .. Olher.. h,l\e ..lUm"'lcd upon lar olt "p;Ke ..urpn.....· d h\ .I11,lllo. .. In>llI h.:hll1d ~ ....,.. ,Ill .mll'malll IM~
..1.lll,lIl "",,"'rt ltll'~ arc mtnxlu"'\'d ttl Ihe "Ir.ln~l' 11k of 11"11-111· I)r t!nd~ ..., ;1Il,1 .1 ""'111'1" "I .. t '" p.lIn .111,1 .I,.... I~ .... +.::! Oil Imlla
........ h",1 ()the", dnll .Ilmle.... l~ willi t1k:-~ ..lIe or .Ire 1TI11"n.:epted \1\,' .md .. t II nlll "llh U11p,I" or 1.111.
b~ plhllc laH'! or ('\plorel \l.m~ nllh<."'oC re..... ued m.....l.lul..l.. "pedal \\ t'ap4m, .Ind \ ('hidt,.. : fh...· ""ljUl\ ,11,'111 ,'I 1110..1 I~ IX'"
h.l\" l1I.1I1.1j!' I I" 111l1'l:r.lh,: Ih...' m..ehc.. mIn i!.II.111I... Ilk Other ot "l'al'"n tlll\ '1 \ ·htl,.k... uhl .. "a\" ... · .1\.ul,lhk Ihe~
e\lle m.I' hlldl <J nde ~llh .11I\'n lr.IJer.. (lr IIH' In .. m,ltl hl\ ..., In nUl po ·.... ,ul1Igr,l\ 11\ I'>U>lU .. , or n,hul IClll·l,.'..
l.ummul1lllc 01" ...\ ll"m lhe rt"'1 "I \lrpU" ......... ICl) lllheir nlln "n·rl'rred \rllwr: (Ju, I" Ilk:- hll.. hl~ "tI'ledl\ n.tlur...· \11 11Iclr
lTIunll~ ·...'1 I".. 1,1r.!!.... wJ I"" per"'''''I\.:d .1" ,I lhr.:.II. l~ domm.1Il1 ,'\".."ckhm ... IIU"'1 II" t"'1 ..... '·.Ir annor I tl hn'.Hhl,.' m IIllhl"P'
\ll1pu,> "III ~'Ilh..., t "'r""JI. 111.." lnmmUlllH up 11111> .. m,llkl Ir;\~ 1,lhlt.: ,tIl11l",pl1erl'" IJtl·.\ \1 til \' .... ,11 .1 hdlll...'1 til 1.1<.:l,.' 111.1"1.. \llIh
mellh III .1l1.ld. "ilhl1!, 4[)h pt.·rl,. .. 1ll .In.1 \,Iplurtnp. ,111 "ddllltllhli ,Ill ,III pUtlltl,.·.Il11.n "' ..lctH.lIld,"r.m ,up]ll~ Ihl\\ .... \,'t.II~ll1 III
'I}(\ [ll'1\\111 ,1Il1.1I.tlllkhHl~ Ih 'lIl mIn ..p.l.e 11I1'dtum h.'d\ .1I11h>t l,1Il h...· 'lI'm
I hn .Ill.tpl Ill'''' "hl.'/l ·p.H.rl...'.! .1" IIldl\ Illu"l.. (II "Ill,11I hlluiliaril.\ ,lilh I',:frlll: ~lllll"
p.nlul'" III 1"" Il' ,'Ichl Indl\hlu.ll .. ,uld "l1l.tll IlfllUp" h:mltt. Ix' Hif....... ule.. : B,I"I... ,tll\ Ihc "i1llll'.I' IIll" phllll1h
..UOIl1l.... 1\,' Ildl'ltl( In,llll~JI Ihe\ ,.m he lIld..., . . hhJ~ ..,,\;l!!C ,md
,Ill!!!"" ""1\ .tII,! m.I"... c\l,.dknt ""I,lIn mCrlCl1.1rh..... tJ.ixl~guanl ..
Jnd,' '/" r lImp. 10.\:1.'1' IIIl: hlH' 11lt"lll,lhl) Jill! l·l)lhlder
OIl"" nnn 1Il'oC,'l1llll,h III h.: mh:lIlll 1Il0011 .. ler Jlld Illlen plol
a~,t1n"l tht'l1I ,llld lIr I~ III e ..IJhh..h ..I n.... IA 111\ e I· "Ie.. 1Il.l~ hi.'
hll1~f II "'aHI Ih...' u ra.....' hlr ""\llmg Ihclll l'>uI ,h ' hl\C m"lllll1
lell :h m 1 t\lr~l1 JhlOul II JIlII h' .. I,ln 'hclr ll n hlH' \lJIll
mal .tht, In«ll, Ill-. ,1lId ;llten Ille fl.,""" In: m.. tmctl\cl} reI
\el\ rnknllT'o .I11,I/llr cn.:nH\.''' i'l lhc \lppU", \\ hit...-
1001\ dUJI....... 111 h.: .. uhml...." .... IJ~c !!TOUr" ..are m .. lm111\c1~
rn:dJl"~. ICIT111111.11 and al:'gr~""I\c \lppU" "pac\.' plrJIl'...11111
umunal.. ,Irc JITIOI1l:' lhe 11m..' mlhle..... rnen;IIe~ ...lllt! bhxld
IhIN\ tI1l~ Unl\er'<C
.... olE': R... mcmOCr. Ihe e'lle.. "cre JII\cn av.a~ bl=t'au..c Ihc~
"cr,' ,hlkr.:nl lrum 111.: .I\erag ' "ppU" rhl" I1It'al1" lh..: mJJonl~
p.:.....t"......uper it"'lllltC.. or P"I.. lIll ..

XippU'oI lpronounced J.C)('-pu~)

r\li~nIllI.'1l1: An}. hut mll"ll~ ..dtl .. h .lull ahcrranll,.'\t1 horn a
hurnan!rnal1llllitl IXlll1l 01 \ IC..... \ippu.. ,lte prCdalOr} tn"cCI~ ;lIld
1.'\ II encllltc".
\llribule~: I.Q. lD6, \1 L lDh. \1 \ 206. P.S, 506. P.P ]1)6.
PF. '1)(1, P B I D6, Spd fl06+ 1~
Hil PoinlS: Slandard, P.l rlu .. 1DtJ p.... r Ie\ cI of e'penenl'c
I i~hl \rmor E'\Oskl'lelOn: A R. Ii. S.DC l.lO
Horrnr Factur: 11 lore\llc .. and I)pllal tlppu..; 16 lor qUl"en..
Hei~hl: tlll.~1 plu\ 206 tI1,~\ <I.H 1\12.1 mi.
\\l'ij:l.hl: lUOplu\ .::!~xW pound.. (54 In IC! Io.g),
\\era~e Lirt' Span: 60 ~e'I"; qu('cm 170.
~upt'r \hililit's: The ;l\cmgt' \lppU" hoi.. no '>JX-"'Ial abllille..
()Ihcr Ih.1lI lho'<C de...cnbcd under IIU!lIIaluh,lill('{. ('1O:d,t"('(IIII
.100 urtnhl/lt'\.
E\ili'\ .Ire uper-pll.... ered mutant.. t60',) or natuml p'lonic,
140', I. Roll under one of lho...... 1.... 0 'alegoric~ III Heroes Un-
limiled 10 delermllle Ihclr ablltllc.. ,
Queen...: 1I.1\c ;llllhc 'landard ,lh,hlIC" plll\ Ihe ..upcr po.... e'" 01
("//fl"o/ /111('( I' Inot urm hilI/II I, a/(t',. mt'whohl/ll, and m'~(J/I'
~/lPt'l (1(JI1t"" Thi.. l\ 111 ;.dditton 10 (HImI/{' 1'011('1"':
M,E.xIO+IOO I.S.P.: powcr, meltlde; bio-manipulalloll, ClTl-
palhll· tr;tn~1cr. cClOpla~l11ll.: arm. tclc"lIlc .. i... 1lI11ld block. 00·
Ject read, ;lurll lind 'I:O;Ih ,>elhc'~ rhe lyplclIl allgnmenl 01
3 quecn 1\ ahol'rr;lnt,
regen;:rall' 10..1 hmh... bUI an e\!r,1 11:1\ lit hl';llll1g I.. Ill'cdl'J fllr

Mineral Races each limb C:!-l hour da~ .. ), llu"'c\C'r, lor the lrarKl' In \lorl.. lhe
t:hamcler mU..I he e:qlO\Cd EO Ihl' ..uurn' of energ~ [h,1I he Il'ed>;
upon. AI-.o. dunng. the healing pt.'ruld Ihl' \"haraut'r lannol lake hUlll;,illtlld· lOIllI"'...... d III 'llnl':: loon 01 I1IIn, an~ au Ion \lhal'>Oe\cr and I.. ohlt\lnu\ 1(1 the (hln~" trall..plring
r Ilt"l'... nr~ Ilhlll·fUt. ""h..... h.... r II " ... ~,IJI. nx.~. or e\('11 around him, II 1\ al ..o Imro"lhle l(l rou'>\.' Ihe l'h;lrauer Irmn the
,,( ,1111:11' t.1ll Ix· ,m.'I..ln J.1ll.! ,,1••, .. Ill.... til '>lJuJrcd ,.toll Imnec, Ilc \l ;Ikl''' \\ hl'1l hl' I.. hc,lled (HI p:ln or t:mllrIcICI~. lh;lr·
II.. .1 luI ""Ill' I h\'\ ,.m ,.1'0 rc~mhh: till' mugho :1('ler\ thllll'l'!
Iu 11 ,1 r I r,Ll 4U.LlII lh~ t" ,lfl,·th ....Ill ~\lnll' HI Jl\~ ()on'l Hreathl': r>.lo'l mlller,ll helng .. al..n don'l nCl'd [(l
,,,I,. 1 lI'1I1111"11 .Il' pl1lL.. rul'l" cmcrdld ).'R"cn. blue hrealh~ or c;11 !;th..orh ,lIld h:l'd nn ambLt:nl cnt:rg~ land t:an
.!l1l lh\ Ih' hl""1 '1,,\ hl.llL. ,mil ,n"ldl tunellOn .LI ma>;lInum dfkll'nq II Illl nnl~ hHlr hour.. rt:"I/.. l..::ep,
\11 '11 II .I, lIt III I.. 1II .Ih" hI: '"11'"rh. 111..,' ,j ,Ircam pd)hk. Rifl.. "ul~: All mlller;tl ht:ll1g.. arl' 1l11'g;It!;Ullage Ul':lIUrc\ III
,, n. ·h:.1 'MI'l,.h pml1lu.' Of lill Ihc Rill<, ..clllng, Thl'ir P,S and PI, :Ire nm.. u,lerl'd In hl' ..upcr-
'" III
, l.. n I IllPl rludulc.. nalul'al ..U Ihelr pum:he.. anti I..ld .. mllKI mt:g;l·dam,tge I Al'-
h I/IllIIr,,1 "rfllllr rtl/lIlt: I I H I .md Ihell \truc- \\ I\C. "PCll,11 PO\~Cf\ ;lrl' 11I..c1~ In dn IIwga·d.lm'lgt:

fIIml OllmllJ:f ( II~' III 'H ( ,n. I ,Ill' r '!rllll' l,kn~

j '0\ '" or f""plra

\1,' I hpH.:J.lh kt'd 1111
J.T h.; ,ml'lhll1~ ,I'
I 'lhlll~ \·1 ....· hl..l' fJ
,\1,1111 nUl l ' Il nll\ 111\,\'\\'-1\'" ;,inJ l'll'l1m.'!!ll
nn "1 th 1,/, l"f, \ Illg ,1111111..1 .. 11h,1I1l..1ull) Ihl'W l,t~1
t\~j ,11<.: ",nlr,U,lll\~'I\ IIIUll'j'l I)W',' ,tlll'll" I.. tkl'T111'd oj
'11,'1 ~,lt lll'rl IIl,ttl ,I \~I'd•. lhel bl'l!IIlIH ..1;rr\.: l ...: 1111' ..alllc
lk~1 tlll',l ,11111 111:11,1111':" ,1 .. llir 1'\llt,..url' I"l'l' Ihl' 1m/en
h'ln l'lj 1''''-111111''111 blll.llIpl\ lh"llll'~I'r~ -l:>. hnur,. 11l ..II'Jd
\ n. n lIlt\: ,111,,\\1'.1 I, • .,.1,11.. up 1'lwrl;I, Ihl' J[u:n \\111 re'
~ 1<.:,' .. ' qUI, I..l~ ,I' nh"l O~.11111 Irk Illnn..
Iht:'" hem,!:, .m; "dllkrl'l1l th.m ur·,1nh. hI.' Innn.. Ih.11 II
mOl) hl' Inlf"'l,....lhl" I\'r ..oml' tll,IIlJ Ilr rdall' t~l Or~JnK
111 tom !lUll,!.''' hI.., r"I... 'IK ... t>lllllll". a.crh,uhurl' ,md nll'dl
11 • III or purptl"l' I\'r thl'lll

11\ ""1'1 ill .... il'lIlhil'da

I{l'\i",lfll:~ 10 lJ:llllal-!I': "1t1l'1l1 1'!11T~~ ,tI1d Il11p<ll"[ I\!",lf'llll"
,(ldl.1" hulkh. r;HI .cUll pUIllh.: .., 1..11.1.. .. , 1,IIk Ihro"'ll \\l."IIXlIh,
,uhll'\rllhl\t:.. d,. h,I[1 d,Un,I1-'I' I kl.lrllll~. I,m hl':un.. ,Ind I'
;.II "Ih. h;111 d,III1'I":': I \lll'ml' Ilr.:. 1It:,11. l.'olJ ,md flO\\crlul r11l
"'''',I\e.. "1I1~ .1'1 Ill', 11)0,'11 rutnllJI J,nl1,I~" 'llm1Jl Ilrl', hcat
allJ <.:ultl .1""'1 u"u.llI~ hun Ihl'l',tlll'r .11,111. I{,UJI.lIIUII u .. uall~
Jt>C: 111 d,1I11Ji.:1'

1' l.'IlI'r.c~. p,Lnll.l,' he,mh nllll. hl,I"". I Ihrall(ln pU"'l'r..,

o ..

,1,!:Jll'lI"1l1 m,l!!ll r"lnI1l1" ,mJ I1IlI. kar I' \ do full dam-

Impl'niuu., III ,lIlhOnk' or II1gl,,'ed 1'<11 ..011 .., 10>;111... Jru!!" Basanite
,-"I"'.. , flt.lIulItln ,m"
m,tg,\" fl!1110l"'. II II 1I1't:lh In hi: m~':"h':d or The planel h"lllI " a ..111,111, roll..~ glllhc \\ ilh nn ~l'get,ll1011
mltl'I\\'''': pUll1l ,I dl:ll':llkr', hll}Ol.hITl."Ull, II .... 111 h:llC IlO cfkcl and no :lIl1m..phl.'rt". It I.. :111 Illho.. pll;lhl<' b'lll lur l1Uhl mg,IIlI('
'U1lhl' mlller,LI ht:1l1~, 11k fom, ... bUI bcnl'ath tt .... url;l('(' IL \ I' the t:1) ..[allL1K'. ha..;mlle...
lIt'alin}:: Ph~ "K"ll d:lm,,~l' I.. r.:..\llrl'll ;11 ;I raIl' of 2D6 In tht: 1..'1 fev. t:enturic.. , ..eler;tl ..:rtdlilc pn1hl'.. and ..p;Ll('-
S D ( 111111ltllll,.. p..'r 21 h(lUr p..'TII'l1 \11<.'n.. \\ho "U ..I;lill ma~,,'c craft h:l\-e era..hl'd on Ihelr "111;111 pl.ll1el; 11111..1 :Ire Ihl' t:, l,\!lie..
JamJ).:I' lI1a~ !=tI mtn ,L luhem,lllll' .. k.:p ur Ir,lllce Ih,l! can lil'1 of \lar. lnlrigued hJ the lahr;lJled metal obJI't'h ;lIId Ihe nIl"
un..' (II ,I 11'"l'n dJ~" I)lInn~ [hl-. (rJllll' Ihe l'haral"[er'.. healing thmg.. m'>IJe lhem. lhe alicn.. hc~an m "uJ~ them \IJeJ
d~luhll" ':\I'1! d,I~. I,l' 1111' ILf<,[ Jal -ll)(\ plllnl<, arc rc"EOred, da} through p<,tOIllC.. and \upcr :lblllllC... till' h.l.,:ll1lll',", h,l~l' ht:l'n ahle
tllltl ... I)t.. d;l' thrl'l' IhDfI, da~ Inur l2\)fI and .. \1 on unlll t:om' 10 figure nut \lhal mall~ III Ihe'< OhJI'l."I.. ,Irl' .ll1l1 ho\\ Ihl'~
pktch rl'..l\,rl'll, I hi: ht:,llin~ Iranl'l'l'\l'n l'n,Lhlc.. lhl' t:haraner 10 \\orl..ed. III "n attl'mp( 10 duphl:atc Ihe etll't:h or IUllt:l!tlfl" of

'lIl1W of the,e de\ Ile,. Ihc~ h.t\c lIlalk ad\ alll:elllelll, In lhelr -.omc \\, III he d.....lfil) cd. cl1,la\ ed .md con-upte,!. hut mU,1 .... III
n.... n lUItUr\: alll! h.t\c lrealcd 'on III n~'l,ll -.ticIll:c
it gel along rea"llIMhl) v.<'I1 v.llh '1111"'1' 1111-~ ;In' l';lj,:,l'r Iu v.ori.
I he n.l,.mllc, arc .Ihlc III lOmmUllll:.lle Ihrou!!h ll'}"lah b) and Ii\-e "lIh OIhcf"',. and \lolll \lalll m.. mh..:", 01 their peuple 10
Impl) low.. hmg Ihcm .Iml Ihmlm,!! \em, .Inti Ime.. of lI'}'tal, ... lUd~ under .I, Illall) dln e R'1l1 pcllplc J" pu""lhlc '"1\ll.'lcr.
Ihal .In: Ollie, Illn!! IlIm1 .Ill C\tCINlC t:nmmunll.:allon' nel.... orl Ihera: I.. onl~ a IOlal JX'pUIJlIllll ill un... nlllhllll h.I,.1ll1Ie, \\h..ll
'Il m... Ihc plant'"t In their ~.Irl'h III ,luphc.lIc Ihl' l:omputcf', nn lI11pa<:lItlt::~ ma~ hale lln mlll'f"', r..nlolllh unl'l"n.lln

IIll' du\\nl:'d 'pJlca.lll. Ihe n..h.llllh:' dl~ll\ered lenam ...tone,

Ih.11 1.1 "'I\lr.l~e ..xII, \\hen Ihc-.c "'fX'lllll nxb ;Ire lonned Basanile.!> (pronounced ba"'''l-ah-nite!'l)
.mu lm~cd h.ll.mmulll....lIlllll In IJI,, Itllnnn.llllllll:lll he ,lllred
.lIlt! rt trwl ,I hl·lllU.II1~ 111l'\ ere .lhk In cre,lte Ihelr 0 ..... \1 Ali~nmCIIl\: -\ll~. hUI mu,t ,lrl' elll'lIl\c1~ g,IIUJ. IlllUXCIll gcn
Utll4lfl l 'mpulcl Iil'" helllg.., h pl\';lII~
\\llh .. l11gh rcg.lrd tor Ilk.
AllrihuIC~: 1.0. 1DO. ~'II·.. 1n6. fll '\ 1D6. P S 1[)(I, I' P ~D6.
B.l'd1l1W rc,c..lrdl ,.\ '·lIlu.llI~ led III 11ll' dl'\elilpmenl HI 111ll1d
'r.lll",hlp, .' n'lrullnlllllllpklcl~ 1rOlll purl' c...... ,I,ll III PE. .JD6. P B .JD6. SIX!. 'iD6
\I.lnm I 'f', \hm' "llll Ihet! hl,.',tulliul .lpp,:aran(c.lhl· IIhUC Ilill'oin ...: PI ",1 piu, lD() Pl.'f k'll'lo1 C\IX'I"ll'Ill'e
n..ll II r WI 1..: Ille 11 r, .1" hall ,!.Ull.I!"C' ,1l1U ,turuIl'r Ih.1ll 'alural \.R.: l:'i
l lin II .\1 ll( .. II nnpu II ..• ,"d lor ,til' hull, III 1Il1l,1 'pacl' "t.D.«..: ::![)(lldO-t::!(X)
lIof"fUf" .. aelur: '1
call " ·apo h \I: I ar ..11-.0 l! '1.11 ;Jmlnllllera[
lIeighl: b Il'l'l plu, 1Do Hl\.hc, , I x 1" ~ll til I
ba l l nI 1m I I rrt Ju C I..I-..:r "call' Ill, "11h
~l 1I ran Ihan 1ll1l,1 .ll,lI!.lhlc \\t'ighl: 'XCI plu' ::!D() roum.!, IIT~ III 17~ I..g1
\.. rx' t;J"l Ifll:ll' h.ll)!ed. I;mlllhcJ .lnJ heraJ!e I.irr "tp:lIl: 27:'\ ~e'lr...
'\uper \bililie... :,y, (If ;lIIIl.l"lIllle' arl' II.Ilur.11 11'llIl1Il', .... nl1
e pi J II Imp Uti\: I mltl£ lIl11 l h [ll..e t111alm~ Illllk::, tlr
tilt'" lolltl"lllg p,'-po"CI' \lllld houd.lIhJl·lI fl·.ld.
I"" II I\IIl n, Ill' 111\ 110 ~Uld.lnl 'l,I"lI1 ,md <Ire I to
nund hllll'~ "oCe .Ium and 1m.. m;lJOI" III dlUll'C ,HId Ihrca:
,e",ulI<lary, 1)1 dlol\.e
\l'pr"lllll.lll·ll ~~', III 11ll' Ib"IIlIIL' [lllpul,IIII)Il ha.. P'IOflll
07', ha\'... the 11111ov.lll!" 'UpCI .. hllllll": Gelll ptlv. ... r~. holu-
,lhllllle \Ihlk tIll' 11·1l1.11II11l)J (,7', halC ,ur,,:r Jhllllll" 01 'InllC
graphil.: lllcmor) pfilJel'ulIlI. UllllfOl r;ldl;lllllll. hend light. and \11 .Ire tr.lIl1l'd III Ihl' lull U"l' III Ihelr J'lCl.... Cr.... mduull1)J ,It
IWU minur J'lC,"l'r" of dlllll'l' Ihc~ .. 1'0 hall' Ih... l1i1lUral ahll-
,I I.. kl lh~ .1Il.1 ,l.'11 .11'\ Iplllll' I hrllu~h Ihclr llllllll'tl n'''l';lr... h
il~ 10 lekpalhll;lll~ nlllllllUnll'OII.. lhrou!!h purl' cr:o,t,ll ,"nrl~
ml.l .'uplc "I CIl\IIUnlcr, "Ilh .. r~.lnll hk Ivnn, IUl'JU .1llU
h} ",uchlll~ II Jnd l.:{)nCt'ntr.IIIll~,
lhl'l hall' .ll<{Ulre,l a b..... l undl·r'I.lntllllg ahoul their
'alural \bilitie.. : .-\11 Ih>! ,I.mdard .Il1dlll..... ,1Il11 teature, Plu,
~h\~"llll,£~ \lamh 'he~ h.l\l" cllm.. III re;Jhll' Ih.ll Ihl''-C "~IIIt"
ba-.anlte "',Ill ~c InlO the ultral l(llel 'pl'llrulll ,II Ilglll .•Irl· +oJ
Item.!!, ..Ir.. H'f) Ir.I.!!lk Jnd hre.ll.. l'.l'll~. hUI 'h("~ .. ltlmu·(: thclr
10 ",1\1:' hurror .Irt." Clltnpll'l'd ut dl,'lIlenl' alll!
\\,,11 and ,our.l!"c hi l'\plnrc 1Ill' Ul1Ill'f.....· dt'""'plle lhelr O\lon In·
mlller.l" Ih,ll In-.orll raUlallon Thu, Ihl'~ Ihelll...... hl·.. ..Ire
r -j ~k "('.Il..lll· "C, Ih ... ha' m,pm:d Ihl' ll.l...lOll'" 10 UO hl..e-
,lIghll} fildinJ,cll\e. -\ll~onl' l·\po....d In Iht'"1ll 1{IT more Ihan
\I 'll-,\lo.IllI In k.lm mllre .lhalul Jll 11ll' l.hff"rcnr "..oIl"
I"(} "{·cl..\ "III ,uller lrom l·\fltI\Url· 10 r.Uh'lIlllll S.... the:
III ,InJ "I ..... lller Ih.. ""ndcr, til the Ulllll'''''' Tht'lr pen:ep-
hi~h r.ldl<ltlOn homc"orl,1 dl"lnplll)fl lor dCI,.. I, un r,uJlillllJO
II I II , ..It helll!!,.h flohle. CUflOU, Cfealure.. h,h 1ll,"lled J
,,'" ,II IC\l'rL'lll'C .mt! .1"C 1\I"arJ all hum,lIlllld lllamm,ll, .U1d
Spedal \\{'apnn...: Can u,e .1l1~ nlll\clltl1Jnal IIC;l11(II)' Ihe~ find.
1]\ 11Il!: dung' 111 gCllcral ()lg,lnll 111l' ,Cl'm' 111Iral.:ulou, 1Il thcm,
gem ptl.... er.. or Ihe o:I..:llI1ll· ny .. tal .. n... rg) '\l\lrd. It :IPIX'ar"
l"I'lCll;11I ~ Illlclhg.. m 11 Ie 'Jill", ..... hill· Ihe h;l,allllc, explore olhcr
:I" a pl:lIfl, unadonwu. loul-Iong tlU 1lI1 PI"l"\' 01 ny'l;tl. hUI
v. ••rlll... thl'~ 11I.. I~C .1Il ell,m IInl III hun Ilr d",lro~ Ill.. 11\ Ing. Thi..
v. hen the"lcr chann<'!, ""111.' 01 hI' p.-:r",m'll cIll"rg~ IllW
re\ Cfl"IKC lor hie nW,lII' Ihe~ ll) In prolect ",,111" hemg,. e'pe·
II. a bhlde olCUlllentratctl cncrg~ .Ippear, Onl~ Ihe ha"milc~
l'1.II1~ IIIlelligclll ,>Ill'.... "heneH'r thc\ pcrcci\c Ihem )() he III
;1ft." ;!hle In U'C Ihe l'l'},IJI, In Ilu, "a~. hUIlll'll\t, thl' l'hOlr<ll'
,l.IIl!"l"r ler I DO S DC Jllllllh COIlh 11m..' II I' .Il1l\ JI.. J I h,- 1.1'1 Il'Jlllh
On I,nc hand. 1111' l·.1II 111.11...." Iht'" ".I,.lIlltC" Inelll!l~ .1llU help· arc rc,tured Ihwugh Ihl" IIl1nn.ll he"llllg pn>l.',·"" .llltl rc''-
luI (h1 Ihe olhcr. Ihl"~ coin oc ca,lI~ 1l11 ..lcu .lnd u"oCd .I, .I IUR:I:' Orll:C .lllll..lleu.lhe ,v.nrtl fl·lll.llll' "un·· unlllih 1I\\Ilt'"r deJl
Int ,dfl,hne"". 1."\ II de...lrul"llOn. "or on.. Ihmg_ Ihe~ h..l\ e nu Ill.lle, It. II,nll/II/I' t.m·'..:'1 .\ ... ",,/' \\ .. r.lgl' kllglh I'.J:'> Icet
undl''''IJndmg til 1.1" '. mura" nr fl.l!hl .lnd "mng. 11k::) llC" (1.J Ill) ,KlIlatl'd DJIll.lgC . .J1)(ll.ldd IDO Jll.. \J'lt.·n..nn·!cl .
•k.llh ,I' ,.Id ,lIld IIll" .....lllion 'J~Illl! til hie Inghl..n... 311gCf"', and <,!, .. 1\. len and I·-L dl)C' meg.1 d.lmag.. III Rilhl. \\ elglu Onc
lllnlu~'" thl'm RCTlll'lllher. Ihc~ "oCe ,Ill hie. guod (If e\ 11. ;ulllllal pound (1l5 I.g1 alld I' + I III 'lrl~e anJ P,l~
or Illll'lhgClll, .1.. "nndruu, .Illd .lrC hornllcd b~ Ih de'lr\u.:ltun, Spedal \ chide... : L .... , ,I \.lm·l~ 01 dllkrclll Il'hlck, III O;t,anlle
1hu.... Ihc~ Illa~ pmlel't a crumll.ll tlr llIurdcr.-r \\llhOUI reah/lIlj!. "nd other dC'lgn,.
II .IllU llgln. perhap, l'\Cll 1..i11 guud gU)" thc~ 11l1'lal..l· :1 .. eVIl I'referred !\f"IllUf": DOll'1 need .Ill~ Siline l1la~ .... e;1I .1l1ll1lr lrom
"'lIe,lnl\ l'''' 01 hI.... "I hthe v. ho Illlpn,nn/en ..I'I\ e lifc arc Jlmlht 1II11C Hltlllll' 10 1001. morc lrightl·llll1g. ,II' ,h;t di,glll''''
,I' h.\,1 rha:~ h,I\'" mUlh 10 Ic..m ,md IIMl lx' IIlcapablc of lInda- "'3miliaril~ v.ilh Earlh: 'unl'
,lanJlIlg lTl,m~ hUnlan l'mollun.. , I.. v., ,till! l·u,lonh. Sllllltlrl). Rifl ... 'ule: 111(- ~ ..IUlllulll"\,I.llllIll· l'rl'illure \\111 I'll,' l'on'ld-
\\ hlk the.... allen, .Irc 1101 'IUpld. L·l·n.un Ihlllg' ar.. "'Illpl) lOti ered a 'lr.lllge D·het'" \\.trlnl~' and rrulllllH' Ix:npk' nl.l~ l'OIl-
.11l..n IlIr IhI.'m. J,nd arl' lx'~lInd th':lr l"llmpft."lll"n'ltln -"Ider lhem III be lor e\ cn v.u",lup Ilwrn ..I, I c.tnll, The
Ill" ha'.lml.. , ..Ir.. 0l·V.1111llC'" lH Ihe g.II.lllll· l'omlllunll~ ,tIld Coallllnn Slale' "III "CC Ihem ii' uilng~'f('u", lIl\llhler, 'Uli.! dl'-
Jrt." IJIlI~ JU,I OC!lUUlIll)ltlll1lOl..IlI nlhl'r hi... lonn'. L'ndnubledl). 'Iro~ Ihcm \lohl'()Clt'"T lilt:: 0PlxmUllll\ a\.II1-. It-.cll

11 'l'l Hllht' Rift:'!: 1'1101"(' Wurld environmenl. Ihc had.,g.rouml TIll' cider, rnl'Cl lhl.' nl.'l\ l'IIIn!' 10 ll';ld tlll'1ll In Ille ll'" v. Itldy
pre'l'rlled lor Alien" l nlimitcd I' ilppropri'lle. Mo..., w,1I be e'\'- lowland, In tll:gm Ih<,'lr [eadlillg, -I he lIel\ nonh arl' laughl phl-
plorl'h. hilI 'I1111C em tX' ,lal C,. Plf;I\C'. Illerccn:lric, or pav. 11' 01 10,oph). thl' b,I"(:' ul malhem,ltIC' ,Inl! phy'Il". a, wcll a!o told
",:Itl'h ,lIId l'l d men "bOlil Ihe lite Ihal abllUlllh I[l Ihl' Ulll"l'r'l' The~ are aho l:lLlghl
III Rilh. Illl' h;t',lfllh," JfC nll'!!a-dam"g.e cremure, ,>elf-eol1\rnl, IIllll'r pe:Kl'. !l;II;lIlcl.' and l'onlrol. hOlh mlcmal
~1)/1 IO+~(lO \1 D.C f nlll their ledll1olog~ can bc S,D.C. or (lhetll'>l'lve'l and I.'xll'mal \lhe ~ala\y ,tnd lhthl' ar(Jund them).
\11)( l...... hnolll~~ lkl~fllllilg. 1m Ille Ill'V. III the (1.\1 The".. Tim [r:lIlHng IINllh lhl' ;llteth 1\ Ilh a ,Hong ,elhe 01 jU'lice.
,dll'll \\111 he l,t'l-II1<lleu n~ dlllll'n'l(lllal Irall'! antI Olh... r lonn, They an: taughl to I\orll II Ilh other, ,md Iry III Ul1dl'r'land Ihc
lI! 111.1\:1... \Iay' uf orgallll' Ide, bUl 10 neler l'n1JlprOml",~ on onl", mner
'pint. lighl "nd Vlnul' The,e le:ll'hing, u'lIall~ 1"'1 [IHI 10 five
/ /
~= Olll'l' 11ll'lf lr;llfllllg I' l"lJll1pll'le, lhl' ctlll'r Il'lh lhe young ahen
lhal h~' I~ I'l'ady 10 go 111' llwn \\;IY 1he young olle I' plm:cd on
11IK' o! till' !ev. ;lI1Ul'nt Ircdull:111 'patcH;tll inl alll'l1 d ... ,ign',lJ <lnd
la"'l.'n to ,I Ile;tfh~ 'Iul'l' ,1:1110n ,II lhl' l'dgl' of lhl: Fl'dcrallon of
,\llied R,ll'C' ll"f\Rl [l'rnl{lr~ Ikre Ill' I' Il'tt 1o Ix'gln hI' life
among olhl:r hk tllnn,. Ihe- young l'rl',l1ure, afl' kll 10 !cnd lor
Ihl'tlhd\l" and 10 kanl lrom mher,_ Lllli"'l' till' h:halllle" lhe:.c
elcmen!a[ helll!!' ad:lpi 1\l'tI hl hum;Ul 'IKIL'ly ;md unde"l:md
and u,e Illl'lI I;lv.'. I\L';lpmh ;md lelhnlllog~, Thl' maJOril) of
lhcllI hil"'l' ,I hlJ;h rcg.ard lor Illl' alld !xC0I1lI: \Iamkflllg challlpi~
on, 01 Ju,IIt:t'. ", ,uch, thl'~ ottl'll ;K'l :t, Iudge. Jury. and enlorcer
01 .Ilhl retnhUllOtl ur rl'Ullll!ll'lhC. hUl 1101 l'\L·ntlI0Ill'r. The)' IIIt1
only v. hell Ihl'y .Ift' ktl 1\ Ith 110 1lIlwr lJplllln In ,0nR' in'lanc('!>
lhl') tllld a plalll.'t ,If pt.'oplc they rl';lll~ hill' .md 'pend 11R' fe'l of
tlll'lr 11\ 1." :JlI1ll1lg Ilwrn \I1IIUI 7W ( o! lhl' ffellullan, Ill'\ll'f rc-
tUnllO Ihl'ir hom~'llorlll_

Fredulians (pronuunccd frcc-dulJ-l'~c·ans)

Alignmclll: 1\111. hut 1l11hl ;lrl' glllld and P\l"l'''' a 'trong '1.'11'1.'
o! JU'lIl'l' ,llld I,m pla~
Allrihutel>: It:)- ~D6. fill' 4D6. 1\l,A 4[)6. P.S. 6[)6, 1'.1'. 106.
P.E . .1D6, PH. 3D6. Spd. 406
I-lit Puinls: 1'.1. x2, plu' lOll pCI' kn'l 11Il'\IJl'l'lelR'l'
A.R.: 16 (natural,
S.U.C,: 6D6xlOt200
Horror Fal'lur: 1.1
Hei~ht: 6 Icel plu, I D-I tel.'t 12 I III _'.n Ill).
Weight: ()(Kl plu, ~D6xlO IX1Ulld"l29U III IOXO "'g).
A\cragc Life Span: 6IKIU ~eilr,
Super Abililicl>: AIIIl'l'duli:uh hall.'lhl' 10110\\ Ill!! ,uper pO\\l'r,:
Ml'll1at 'tUIl, cllerg) e\pnl,ioll: l'llergy, ellerg} ,lb-.orpIlOll,
c(lntml ekm<.'nt,d 1m'll" l',nlh, ;1I1d one :lddillona[ Illtllor
power 01 dlOlCl'.
Fredulians Natural Abililie'i: Sl:mdard pIllIl'r, ;1m! t'calure" plu, +1 on 111-
I'h... frt'duli:m, .Ire ;1 m~ ,>lcrioU', ract' 01 people from Ihl' iliall"'C. +2 \(l pull pU!lch. +.:: In mil II IIh Impact or fait.
rhUlel he-t\d. Thefe ;It'\.' 110 l'Illl:'" ,Uld only a lel\ lhou'<md Special Wt'apun... and \ chide,>: llll'~ C;lI1 u'>e wh;tlewr ilems
trt:uull:1I1I'lder, The cider, 'l'"e a.. teadll'r-lor lhe young. They the-y GlII :!cquirl' lhrough Iheir tnl'lld,lllp ,md employl1ll'tll
v. all p;llll'ml~ a' the 1\ ind and ,and nl Fre-Ad', aIJra,>i\'e :UIllO'- wllh olher face" \In'l hal'l' ;lll ;lllraClion 10 cncrg~ v..eapon,.
pherl' Ill'ar' the ,oft rod, <l1\ay from lhc ~lOlhl'r MOUlll:lIIh Be- I.''>pecially pla,rn,t and la'l'r,
nealh the ,urf:K'1' of thIN: mOUl1l:Hth ;In' unborn gencr:llion'> of Preferred Armor: DOIl'1 nel'd '1l1} Snllll' may Wl'ar ,lnllor ffOIll
tn:dullill1,1 1\'> lhl' ,of! flX:l.. i, ,lowly crillit'd av. ;ly. thc futl-"lIcd lime 10 1I1111'IO IlX)II rnore Inghlclllng. or :" a dl'!!lml'"
~IJllf1g. curl...d mlo" hall. ;IfC rele;hcd from the ,>tOIlC. lIow Ihcy Fami1i:lrit~ \\ilh E:trth: None, although ;l fl'1\ rnay hale hcard

gill lhl'l\.· I' ulJl..nown. Ilov. mUllY .lrC cllc:he{1 til the t11oulllalll~, of Eanh.
\\alllllg 10 he horn i, ah0 a ll1y,tl'l). bUI IJlle ,u,pech Ihen' arc Rifls Nole: Thl' l'redullall' I\dl hI.' '1'1.'11 ,I' 'ltlll'rhum,HI mon·
hUlldrclh ot n1l1l10n" perh;llh hllllOl1'. hUI It will take mllll{lll' 01 SIC,..,. \Varloc"', :Ind pnmtll\'l' people may Cllll'ldl'r llwlll lorc\'cn
~eM' lor thelll all to he rclea"l'd! Onl) 206xIO.OOO are bum wor,hip lheml a' e:lnh l'k'I1lCnt;lk Th...· Coalilion Stall" will ,ce
frnmlhe mlluntam, ell'l) year -I he aCIll,tl being, h,tve no '\Cx. or lhem a~ dangerou, mon,ter, and Ik'lrO} Ihl'lll 1\ hl'llcver thl:Y are
'l'\ual org'llh. and do 1101 male or gl\'e blnh (lhe gender tcnn CllCOull1crcd, rhl' frcdlllial1' \\111 ,ec tilt' CS ;h ,1ll1'1ll dictalor-
"hc" I' U'Cd;h a 1ll:111erot human reference), ,hip and will IHlrl.. \\ Ilh lht'ir ellell1ll" to loppk llwlll. They will
al..o 'l'e the Splugnnh. Cllxllarh/Soul W{lnm. 'bruni Filler ,1;1~ ...\1 ;11111 '1\111 [,I \IJl1l'1 l1lllthll0tl' 1.... It1.1!, alfl"" thl' \kg;l~ ... r,,·
prN:\. and Ihe h~derall(Jn 01 I\tlgll: 01\ e\ 11 forre,. rhou\;m,h (It tl,lwI' \\,'''''' ';lll'lI h~ n,· mg IIno WI tallmg mlll)
In Kin\ Ihe Iredulhlll' arlO
mcga-d,lm<lge l:re.llufe, thl.' hundr... d, 01 l<mdolll I{Jlb Ih.ll hlmi.. ·d III .1Il\! \Iut .1f(JllIld Ihe
16D6)dn+~nO /.,l.DC., hut thclr tl"dmolog~
l:;ln he S DC or \\nrld durrll~ Ilw _Hi hUll" ul ,k'lrtlllIOll. hut Ih...· \ h.I"· !lcen
'11)(' Ikpcndmg un the \lc .... of rh(' GAl The-.e alien, ..... 111 he 'l-i1Il ... r... d.1' IIII~ du,wr, ,III .lln"', th...· 'le,C;L\ ...· r"· ther.1 hillmn

fa'lUlaled h) dUlleINOllaltr,J\c1 ,md 1Il.lgll: The~ .... 111 lil..l.' u,mg 01 tlll'nl p.:n,I1l'd
maj!ll .... t'JI'NlIl' -I he ,un IH.r, [fa\d 111l' IlIll\ ,''',' til , ... ardl ,11 \'Ih," ,un I\llr\
II -.elill thl' Kif,,: l>ha\4;' \\orld t'nllronmenl Ihe hall..gmund or 11\\' .unon!! "llll'r r,I,," '1"lIl...· .. l [hn,,· relu~l'''''' h.l\c'll It
pre......· nkJ I", \hen\ l nlimited 1\ appn'pnalc. 'Ill\t .... 111 he l'\ UI'll'" thCIll,d\l·" III Ill.ii..l· 'UfC ••Ihn ... 1\lli/.dum, \1,. 11m Illai.....
plnrt'''' I\h 'nlllref II~hte'" kmght, .tIlt! heTl~\, \Il~ {II lhe Ihe 1l1hlai..l· rhl" ,i1d. rh,·,..: ,nh.ukr, ullllnllll Iho\\.· \\ hn .lhu,,",
..... h..IJf.\r .nh,·nlun () ( ( .' ,.111 he ..... Io:ded The~ /le\l'T lIlal!ll \,r U'l' II t,. f.II\1 ,,[hn dlll1l'II'IHlh \IJn) ,'1 thl'lIl nl'l'lIl.....·
\Iud I.H .uhf don', po,..... , lI"onll' Ihl' 01\0\. ",,'lIIl' I"'\'l'f ,.1 llll' \t"".111 hllPIfl: ho..·....lll..... till') ""'c
them.j .1 d.l/I~l·nlU,I\ r"'·ll..k" I"'.... '·r .mJ kaf l\ 111.1) UII...· J;l)
Ihrl·J.ll·n It. ,ll·'tro~ rh... ',1101 \
Lassinikes Il..... r,· tit rulllor, lil.ll '" ·r.11 \11 th.... \"1Il tfl1l11'rhlOnal pon.,I,
TnI.' 01' mI.. If I ro,... .1 human",d, lOIll['N......J 1'1 a rl·l!l.trll "I'': n Iud It'll all 'Il!! Ihl d,'hn, "I [hl' ,h.JItl'n:J plallet.
'fllIJoI,llh en. Ul'I1'" II \ll·f1.,d Ihal n' 111'111.' \I\lu..l, de'IT gl.I" 'pan' nit .. tt 1111 Huh tlll"Ir) III 1111"1 p.ln, \'1 th...· g.lla\) Jnd
Ths:'>- tlfll lied lro/t'll lH'rloJ n ml'J \',m Iht'lr h"mt'. hut II non•.If, I..m.\\ n t" "'\1 1 Ilk' fl' 'ubr Jppo..·.lr Jill,' I.t f1J[h""fl\lr, III
Ih.1l \\.'... It'r .1 r .... '11 'l't h 'uF !","I Il1.Il tIll' rUlllor, IIla\
n(l hlll!!t'r '1\1 \ In " ..~ ph I Irlln~ In mJ!-=llal,·nergll".
ht· IPll'
mUlh hI.. ... 11 ana RII" I anh Ill\.' la'lmi.....' hleJ m d\\.·
ma!!ll n\,;h m IflJllmtTll I{lf mlllo:II1l101 and tht'lr 1ll'ItJle, bl.'<:dme 1.•I ...... ini~e ... lprnnClUnl:t'd I.I\ '
.l1tuned It I th~ IlI.H,:1C ('l1l'fgl Ihc all... n, t'\cnlUall) leamcd In \Ii~nllll'nl: \11\
channel and lnn!rut th...· rn~ III l·rn..·~II." mlht- lunn ul 'pel!\ ,JIld \llrihull'\: t V H)h.. ~ 'II '1)(,. \1 \ \1)0. P S ~I)t •. PP
ntual (l·ntune, ·nl hl .mJ Ihl.' IJ'\lIllke\ gR'" 1Il [heir magll' J!Jf,. I' I ~I)h. P Ii -1>1, SI',,1 ,1)(1
i..n".... led)!c <lnJ J''' cr I h...) hcg.,m 10 e,lahll,h trade \\ Ilh OIher Ilil "uinl\: PI· 1 plu' II)h rt'r k\l'l nll·,po..·n('I1......·
plane" h\ lJ In!!. 11I)'lll ptlrtal\. rhl' m....[hod 01 l,.'omrnen:e \!ioJ 'alural \.K.: 11
n..1 1\''lUl( l·\['l:n''' .... Llrgu 'p.h.....nJ.ll ami Ih.... la'>\IOIi......' pro" '1.1>,( .: 21>"" In->-I '-'
per...,\! .:r,·.III) tn.m It II ....... Ihc \IIJ.nlean .. til Eanh. Ih ) hel.:.II11l'
.I. ~rcJ.t ['Nl\\ ....r 10 Ihc ~aIJ\) .lIld a huh nl ledgc Jnd
ptl\\ ....r. Th.... lr cHon, e\-en hailed \teman c'pan,mn lO[n [hetr '\Cl'
tor lour hundred )ear, ..go. bUI Ihc) .... "uld ultllnald} rna"'"" :J
IrJj:lK ml\lai..e
In .m dlon to e\rand .Int! nnrrll\e [hclr Irade fOUle, h) re·
dUlln~ rhe numerou' \1110111 ponal, th...) m;lIll1allled. Ihe la,,-
1111 ' 'Ilugh, to aeatl' nlil",\e my\lIl' ponal" Ihat .... nuld allo....
Ih pa";lg'" III lnlllll'l1\e cargo crall l'hClf e'lpcnmelll" led lO the
dl'\'dopment 01 the C""llTf (illlrlll Ill'll ,pell, hut II .... a' nOI
4ullc ..... hat lhe~ ......lIlled, 'IlKI.' IIlll) .1 \cr} ptlwerful 1ll,,!;C coul\!
ma"'e J ..... 1.'11 large cllHugh lor c.trgtl crall. While ,earcJung lor
,hon l"Ilh III tll)~ltl' tr;t\el. ,Ill c'lpcnmcnl opened a dtrncmlOnal
pon01l1O Ihc horne .... orlJ 01 Ihl' nathr'I""-\ hee the mon,t...r 'l'l··
[10m for del;I1I'I.
The nJlh...l1nr, .... l.'rc npt'ncnt:...d dllllen\ltlllal r:lldef\ Ihat
"ere al\\";I) , lool.lOg lor ne opportumlle, When Ihe 1;1\~lmi..e\·
nIl opened on thelf hOlllc orld. [he} IlNanll~ aware of 11
and i..lle.... \o\.h'lI 10 do Il\ "'eep II open. The foul demon.. had an
e"penmen! 01 their 0\\11 III IlIl1ld and d....Cldcd 10 u-..e Ihe la\'·
IIlli..e,· homc"orld a, a le,'. Illl'lrC'lpenment cau\Cd the hne" or
m),IK energ) un ""In [Il erupt. I.llhng Ihou'and... The \urge 01
magit on an alread) llIagll:JI planel \\a, de\a..lallng. A,> more
people ren,h...d. Ihelr bk lon:e,> bnmmlllg "11h m}'IK energ)
Ihem!lehe\. let! lhe '>urgHl£ enl'rg}. lrealing ne" dllllen\lonal
nfb and l1Iag.....a] \IOml, bell Ill<: nalhellOT"\ dldn'llfllend 10 de·
..IrQ} Ihe planel. hUI .... lIhm ~x houf\. A'>\lfl npped II-.elf apan
and Ihe la"mll..c, .... erc nlllllOfe. ,-
Vel) Ie.... la"lllIl..e, ,un I\ ...d Le" Ihan 6U.OCXI managed 10 ')
e~ape Ihrough dlmCfl\IOnal !!ale\o\.d)'> lO '>OlTle 01 the \\orld, lhe) f
traded \o\.lIh. An ....'umah.·d :!O.UOO c'>t:aped b) ncelfl!! mlO lhe dl- I
men.. lonal ponallo lhe n3IhenOf\' .... orld. \o\.herc lhe} \\ere en \
Heil:hl: :i k,;t I'lu... JI)() lIl~Jll:' ( 1,6 ((I 2.1) III I.
"hil:hl: 2·W pi u, -11)6;>< I (J l"lIlUnd, ( I 27 III 217 I-g l.
\\rragc Lifl' "'pall: Yin )~·;tr,
"'uper \hililil'''': \11 1.I"lllll-l" .Ir,' \1 1/,lr{h IH IIIU"'lOnl ...l... III ;h
d\."lllh.:d 11\ Henle' I nJillliled \11 1-ll(l\1 lh\.' foll()\\ IIlg
1I1.1~t 'pdh: 1·1\ .1' lh... ..:<t!!Il'. ~l\1hl' ol d.l)hghl. lOngue.... ar-
m, I ,t 1111.m .md 'I" Ilt dllllll' \~ldlllol\;11 ",/)1;'11... .Ir..: gained
n 1I1ll,IIIl
R.'11 B I S "ll. 1!1l' bodl":' 01 lhn,' dl,lI,llk'I'" arc ... 0 al
lUlle II" 111,Il.H. ll\'r~) lh,ll 11l\'~ 11,,1 llnl~ .Ih...ufh ;JIld l,;cd un
tllIh" 1'1' I Ill, \ ,til ,d,n .th,orh ,LIlli '11m: l"i Pi> I-
p'UIlI l' k\ .t \1' '1'~'I1~l' I' 1'1 ~.U1 Ix: .Ih\orl"'l'd lrom
1·\ 'Ill \ll 1l.1 1\ .i11'111.1Il .llld l'n~'lf\ rl·k",..:J lrom
I , IlJ Il Illl\ .111,1 llll' rHOl11l'rl! ul an·
'llt ,1111
'alllra! \hililit·... : ....t.lJId I I 1'''\\\ r, .1Ilt! k,tlutl" pilI' lh~') ,tt"e
II~ II II 11 1 d,lln.I~~· 11\ml l,h~'r,) and are
I hit ITI\kn~ Ilc ,qll.III".1 Ifl', pro". II ,,"2 III
." " 1.1 I It '01 IH' 1Il\,11~ l'llI:r~~ \1111(h J'
Itl'lh r "tl III I.[ \~()Jhh .tIIl! III OUler
"'1)"n,11 \\C;llllIl1' ,lilt! \c1mlc': 111l') ~.I1l u,..: .... h.III.·\o.:r 111.'1Ih
.'11 ,I~ II,r Ih!"ll~h 111.·lr lrtl'J1,hhlp ,md l'l11plu)t1Il.'nI
" uh "lh"1 ,I\l', \11"1 h,t~l' .ttl <tllf.I~ll\lll 10 1ll;tgl<: .... ,;Jpnll..

end 'kltl
Prdl'rrl'd \rl1lnr~ lJ"n 1 Il,·\.'d .Im ...."nl<:: 1ll.1\ .... 0.:.11 .mnor lrom
1m, III I" 1"..1.. lI1"r,' III,Chll'I1II1C. or;t' .1 d"~UI'l' rhc}"
d 1I1.1~'1' I',' llh.UI'· ,,1 ,tddllUllhd prol,'I:!IIIn
of Licon. "-1:Ul) cannOl l'Op" .... Ilh th... 1.'00hla111 t:hao' lhal cx""
Lllllliiarit.\ I,illl larlll: '''I1l' .•lllhlllll!ll '<11110.: 111,1\ ha\<'
ou"tdc lhClr ()rderl~ and qUlel ,ouet~. 0lha, .Ir,' '0 ;11ll;lI,'d b)
"I L.\Ilh .md 11 h pO"'lhk til,,! IlIll' III mort· I\..:r..: dlrnl.'lhiOll-
lht' l'l;I.·'m oUhldc (II (hclr .... orld lhal 111l'~ 11":\\.'1 r\.'lul11 10
.tll~ Rltled III l;arth ill! JII~1 ,tbnul ,lt1~ IIlh,'r pl'l1l\.'1 or llml·).
chelf duJJ life. Once [hI.') c>-pcn"'l1cl.' lhnlk lh...) b,;nllll\.' I")I)I-cd
Hifl .. 'OIl'''': 1""11I11-\.', 11\.1 Hilh '~'lllng .... i1II){' lh,; l'n('m~
nn a Illc ofadl·enlur... Onl~ ,15\\1[1 l'ou(d elljO) Itk morc.
111 ,11l'K'I1'!,m,t1 r:lld\.'f" Ihc "UI1'I). "'I'JugOr1h. Soul \Vurm.. , Ihe
All IlConian... ar(' In,tlned [0 be 'I.·hobr..., 'UI'Il1I'h. englllcer...
,'\1) ·1I1.-~'n' 01 \\.llrm .... 'Hld .Iud ;111) JragOll. dl.'motl or Po:mg
or IcdllllClan" Tho,(' .... ho (md Ih<:'~ III..L-lho.: \IhralK~ 01111l' g;tl·
\tIl< "" 111.1.c1~ It' .thu,~·. I'lhl.I\" 'fr r:llllllll1<.'1 dlllll.'n,iIJlh.
ax.) apply lhthe ,I-tlh b~ kanlHlg all lh... ~ call ahoul Ihe um-
III Kilh lh... /;("11111-0.:' ~"111 hl' ,111) 01 lh... lll"gK OCC.", tn-
ver,c. Thc~e licOlll:llh arc con",wJl1l} 'lUli~ IIlg and \'\[1..:m'ncing
,lllllltL' 1"IllI"' 111"lnl. IcmpOf;tl 1~'IJTlOr. l"'lhll\l-\~i/ard, line
alilhey l'an ahoulo.:\er)llllllg. licolll;m, <lr\.' 1101 gllM~ l:hildro.:n,
,\.dl-~·r .LIlII ,llIlt~'1 hUI .... tll IICIl'r 1'I,IUIll' hlO- .... i/:lrdry. necro-
jU,t cago.:r 10 lc;trtl and c\pcncnco.:. Their t;I"1I.' III .... e"po11' alld
mat1~\ or 11lher d,',lrlIUI\t' "I' 1.'1h).l\lI1g I~IX" Ollll:tgit'. A,
vchidc, lcmh 10 Ix: fl;hhy and d~na1ll1t:.
II'U;II. 111l') .!I\.' IIk·C.I d,tm,IC" '1'.... llllIC' 12l)6><IO+I~5 \l.DC.)
.... ho Pth... ~'" m...g:t d.Ull;!!!l' ll'lhn{llog~ and magiC- Liconians (pronounced lic-cone-cyc·ans)
Allributc.!l: I.Q 1D6, \1.E, 2D6. \1.1\. lOll. 1'.5. ~1)6. I' P 'U6,
P.E. -IIXl, P.B 106. Spd. 3D!>
!-lit Puinls: P.E. x.~. p(u, 106 per Ino:l 01 c"l'o.:rll'nt"l'
Liconians Nalural A.R.: 14
III th\.' ,~orlhlng 2lMl tkgr"'l' I-ahro.:nho.:lt/'J' ('I hC;lt ollhe de-
S.n.c,: -ID6xltl+160
,,'n 1'1,1Il"'1 I.icoll 11\1' tll... IIL'onl;uI'. rhl') ;110.: .1 r;lU,' 01 hunl;llloid
l'lci~hl: 5 fCCl pIli, -ID6 ml'hl." {1.6 III 2.1 m l.
111111<.'r;1I ,tlll'n, Ih,!! r\.',cmhk lit... rough. pllll"! pUllli..:... mcl,...,
Wei!:hl: :!OO pIli' -ID6xlO pound, (1m to 11)9 I-g).
10ul1lJ 011 I·.lnll lh:lr '(k:II:I~ h :l \er~ ,)1"(krl'd and rigId Ollt'.
Average Life Span: 300 yelr,
Jll-e tIll' I'c,'pl~' 111l·l1h... II\.',. ·I'h...) '..:ldlll11 c"pr..." eillotion and
Super A bililies: All Iicoll1an, hale tile 10110\\ lIlg 'lirer ahl hIIC':
,Ill .1, u,llI a, Ihl'lr 'hHlC·III-C appC;lf;Il1":C Th,') h:t\t· rl'achcd
llolographll' 1I1CnHlr) projcctulll and l'ontrnJ el ...nll·Jl!;11 IOfl'\':
Ih,'lr l:1I1T,'nt Ind ot I"'lhnol'l,!!). lIldudll\,l! 1"000111.", hU,mic... and
fir.... 0111:: 111 :1 thou..and .... 111 l'kl\'o.:" I D~ ;uldillOna! Jl11110f
l'\l'efltll"l1wJ prograllh. h~ hl.'lllg .1 L·;tlm. l',dcllialing people, abilllie, orone addltilln:tl maJOf pO.... I.·r (l'on,ult \1 IIh G.M I,
11ll'1l 'tlU\.'I) 1\.. nl.'l:" 1111' \It) 111h,'r r'lt:l.' "I\ltlll!! Lit:on \\(lIIld Natural Abililie... : Slandafd I)()\\('r, ;Ult!lc,IlUfo.:', pllh +1 on in-
Ix' lul,llh hwo.:tl h) 11K' I.ld 01 ;[11~lhlllg OUI 01 11ll' ordllwry, Illati\t~, +2 In pull pundl. +2 to roll \~Ilh il1lr~Il'1 or lall.
ho.:f)lhll1~ h pl.'fkrll~ .1Ir.ln~o.:d ,lI1l! 'l'hl:tlukt! w a\()id conlu-
S!)ccial Weapon~ and VI' hide...: Thc~ "all uw \lhall'\l.'r ilo.:lll'>
'1011 ,1111.1 dlil(!',
Ihey can al.'4ulrl' through lhelr tri\.'tld'hlp all~l <:lI1plo~ 1111.'111
Ih,'rl.· ,Ir... ,I 'lj:tlIIJI.";lll1 11I11l11x'r (II LIU!llI.l11" tll:tl lca\c Li..:on wllh othCf r;tCC" l\'IOM Itl-c explmlvc, :md pla,ma .... eapon,.
to 'Iud~ alllJ lr;l\l.'! IJIl' g.ll.t\\ I hI.') 110rm.lll} umknal-I.' Ihc..c I'referred Armor: Don'( n...cll an~ SOJl1l' lila) \Io.:ar armor lrutll
tral\.''' to ho.: oh'en ... I". hUI 111an) lluil:l-l~ ne..: hal:l- III tl1<.' calm lUllC to llllle 10 1001- mort: tnghlclllng. or a, a tll'gUl\~·.
Familiaril~ \\ilh Earlh: None. althoug.h'l few may have heard pmltC raIder, to te't tlte oordl"1"- 01 b\R. 'I);ll'l' It Ihl'rl' 1':1 proh-
01 Fanh. Icm with lhe,e 11lgh-'plfl1ed. \\ l'll, JrllelltlllllCd \11.',11.:1' llllicer" It I...
Rifh 'l/ole: Thc~c humanoid roc~ crC:llure\ will be con~id~ lhat they enJoy the thrill 01 comoal 100 Jl1uch. l;t~e 1'0011,11
ercd m(ln~trtlu~ D-Ix'e~. W'trh\Cl,.~ and pnmiuve I>cople may chane<':>. tl'nd lO undere,tinl;lIc lhelr oppone11l' ami gr'lmhlanu.
\.llll~llkr them land even wor~hip them) a~ eanh elelllenlal~. The They Illay fC11l1l1d E;lnhhng' 01 Ihl' 'Iaeoly pKill Jl1<H II: cO\\ OO}
Co,lilllon \t,lle~ \\ ill ~ee them J' dangerou, rnon~l('r, and de~ or ~w:l~hhuc~kr.
,tn1\ tl11'1ll ..... hcneva lhe~ get Ihe opponUllIty. They arc lllega-
Mi,:eans (p..-onounccd m~-sec-an~)
dalll.t!.'\> Ir\'itlun'~ (-1D6xlO+160 M DC, who al~o po"e,~
Alil.:nmcnt: ,-\n}. bill the \a'11I1aJ(lnl~ Mc }.:ood 01" ,,'III,h,
mq:.t d;1Il1,1~1' tel'hll(llop~
AHrihule~: I.Q, ."\D6. r-.I.I:. lD6. \1 \ 4f)6. PS, 6f)6, P P ~[)6.
II '1'1 1Il the Nith: "h,,\(' \\urld ell\lronmCnl.lhe ha\:~gr(lulld P.E. 1D6. P Bm6. SpJ.~Dfl
pre,el11l.: III \Iit,,, .. lnlill1i1cd t, ,lppropnatl' \It''l will he e,,~
rlm1'r, .uh.\'tlluref ,. rll!hll.'r~. ,md te\:hmLl,rn, An} (,f Ihe ,cholar
1·lifl'tlinh: P l:, x.' plu ... ~1)6 per k\c1 ot":\Il<.:rtl'nn'
Nalural ,-\.R..: Ifl
and ad\\'ntur 'r f) ( ( ',·an Ix' ",'Ic\t\'d rhe~ ne\er Iludy maplc S.D.C., lD6xlO+~~()
,md dOll·t p("~e,, r'IOnK' Horror/AIle F1ltlor: I~
l-teil-:hl: H ll'l"! pill, 11)6 ml'lk" (~-llll ~,(j tlll.
Wcighl: -1(XI plu, ~1J-1)o I (I 1l(l(1ll,h 119(J tll ~ 17 ~gl.
AH'ra~c l.ifc SI)an: -1(1' }l'<lr"
I Ill. 1'I,l1Id \Im,t' 1 .11,U.!!l' .I,uf.. !!Illbl' 1;1l\I.'rt.'llll1lhKf... per· Super Abililic\: \Ill'l'an ,lolllt1\" MC l'ilher lrom the INllnll'
pdU,l1 It Jd 0\1'1 ,md I' till' t"dl!!ht IWllw III the Mu;ean', (~y.;) or ,upcr pov,efe,l (75',): "'Il'u t"'l1 Jll1Jlllr ,lbllllle, ,lIltl
1h(:\ h'll ,I multI l,l"l'tell dH'\\'lcd ,tone appearalll"l' ..... Ith a one rn,lJOf ablllt}
.l!R'\ ,lr hru,hed 'Iher lolor Ihelr C~l' I' one ohlong plale 01 pol ":!fur'll Abililic.. : St,lltd:tnl pU\\l'r' .llld 1e,ltllfe" pill' the
t'hnl hl'llf.. ,tOIle 1IWlr ,harp edge' heLI~ theIr" ,Inn. gregan l'qUt\ aklll 11llllOf ,upl'r <lhI1l1l1" 01 'up... r \ hlun: uhr:!\ lOkt
<111' ,mil llutplllng Ilt.'r'onalllle~, Ihl.') arc gel1a,ltI} Ineudly. and mlrared ,md fllght\ 1,1011 TI1l'~ .Ire ,11,(1 ,unhldl'\lrllU' {+I
oltell hf.l,h ,U1d ,11",.1" l"llm~lltl\l.' Thl'lr CdUl<ltlO11 ,tnd tr.ul11ng ;lllal~ I>l.'r melee (('und ,lIld p,lIn,'ll \\-l',lpUIl'l ;l1lI1 :IR' --+1 on IJ1·
JlIIflIl,lll\ tUlu'e, ,m hl't(1r}. P(llltll~ and comhal/llllll1ar). MO'1 11I;II1\C, + ~ to pull punch, +:' til roll "'ilh irnp'K'1111 1,111 ;Iud +4
,Irl' ,illll".! ',\llh el1l:r~~ "'C'lrOn, ;tnll alll'lt:nl nlekl' 'l}k weal' III ~,II e h horror 1.ldllr.
rh..-,' loll!. lJlllleral ,lllelh h;L\\' j n,uural <.:nnlp<:lltlV(' ,tre'l~
,mil need lor alll'llllOll that h J mik long, The~ do nO! nCl'e"ar·
11\ h,l\e III '''In. lhe~ Ju'I ..... ,uJt \(J he ahle 10 nJlnpete ,llld ht.. re<.:-
ogni/l'd tor II (Inn \\ mumg I' he~lI, The morc rCl'ognr/ed their
;tdlle\\·l1leJ\l,. the bclter The~ ~PCn1 ccmurrc... trymg l(loUldo
cadt nlhcf lJl both 'pun, and Icchnolog), EH·ntu,tll~. thc} hroke
thrlluch ttll' I loud 1'{lVl'r ,LIld 1Il1O Ihl' reache' of ~p;ux'. There
lhl'~ \.\"ul\1 dl~1I1\\'r lll"n~ different [lfe tornh and a(hCJ1lure~.
I hell !!reate,t lnrnpctl1Or.... the thl\~er;I' hcl' reptl!l;lJl ('ntry),
,lhl1 \l'111ured 11110 ,p,ln' rn 'careh of glor} anll Ihe tWO pcnple\
"'lluld 'pl'llU man~ decIde' III good narured com~ti(lon before
,l.l=rel'rng on ,In u,kathal v,nulll lhange the gal.l':y.
["h<, JllKe;\Il' l'.lllle 10 reall/e Ihat their el<'mal que't for ehal-
knge ;mll glor} l·llulll he fulfilled un ,I dally ba'I' by I:k:coming
hel'Ol'''. To 1111pkment rhi,. Ihc~ del'ided 10 form a galaclic polIce
IOf\:l' to de tend Ihe "ca~ and protect Ihe helple~~, They "'ould
tend 011 plrate~. rel:k:1 lIlvader:>, dethrone tyr;ll1l\ and enforce the
lil'" 10 1lt.'lIer I';Kititale the "Ilvation of the ga!aAy. they invited
th<'lr 10ng·t1Jll(' ri\al" the Illl'..era.... 10 jorn them in 1111\ hold ven-
lUrl' Ihe t"O race... multed 0\<'1' the idea anll decl<lcd it had
ment lhe~ w\luld bel'ome ln1ergalactll: heroc\ and win galaxy-
\\I.le rewglllllOIl. The 1\\0 race~ propo~ed the idea 10 their peo-
pk \\ho \oted rn favor (11 Ihe pl<ln. After a period of imen,c
Ir,lrnrn~ <lnd dIplomatiC \\or~, they e'tabli~hed funding and per-
mh,I{'n In I"unch a galaclic protection ag.elll'y called Ihe This-
~t'ra·\liet'an ('uopcrali\t, or TMe (aho ",:e the TMC enlry in

the (ialac\Je Organl/a\Jon~ 'Cellon).

[llgclher. the 1I1ieC'lIh and thi,;h have made the Tr-.'lC a
1'orl·C to be J'Clkoncd "l1h, They havc lived up 10 evcry ex~cta­
tlOn and have "on Illlcrgalact1C recugnitlOn. 011 ~evcral occa-
'Iun, Ihey have everl 'lOod up 10 thc Alorian Empire and
rclentl~ heal Ihe ,tuning OUI of [I throppo ~trike force pO!>l1lg ii'

I\atural Limitations: SelNll\e 10 bnght llghl. Daylighl Vl'lon Raldeme:'lns (prUllOUllC(.'d fa\\ I-dl.'('·me·an~)
1\ 100 h::el (Y I 111). Alignlll{'nt: \n~. hlllrnn't arc 'L'I!I,h I'rl"ll
Spedal \\e:.pons and Vehides: They .:an u,e \\hatevcr ilerm Attribuh:.. : I.Q..\Db. \11 \1)(,. \I . \ 2Dt>,I'.S -11)6, P.P -11)6,
lhc~ ran tII:yulre through lhclr fncnd,lllp alld Cll1plO}l1lCIll I>.E, .'0(,.P B 2D6, SPl!. --I [)h>.2
\\ 1111 olher r;lre\, Mmt like eXpIO\I\e\ and pla\lIla ,",eapon\, Ilil !'"inls: !' I;. x:?, plu, 11)(1 pcr !c\c!111n]ll'ril'lllC
!'r{'ferred \rmor: Don't need an)'. Somc ma} \\car :rnnor from ~atural ,\,I{.: 1-1
time tIl look more friglllenmg I)r a,.1 dhgur\c. S.D.L: 2D-t>;IO+2(J0
Farniliarit~ \Iilh Earth: E.. nh', ,ol<.lr '}'lelll I' located in Inc Hurrnr Faclur: 11
ralrol ,mil lun\dK,tlOn range, of the T~·IC. A,:t re,ulL mfor· "Ieij.:hl: IJ kl't. tlllldlL" plu," 'DflmdlC' t 10 to .l--lllll.
matlon nn Funh I' eyual In thc "I-Ia\ 'ttldled Earth" re\UII on \\ eight: 2D--I:<. I11t1lwund, t ' ) I 1O\6~ kg I.
the 1'"lllllhan1\ \\,lh I;anh t,lhk !Eanh I' 1101 a lllt'mhcr A\£>raJ.:e life SI)an: ilKl ~l'af\
rl,1ll1'11l1 thc T\I( rrolcl'lmn agreemenl). SUIH'r \bililie,; The l~pKal r,lldl'llll',1Il OW,) h,h thl' Illllo\\ Ill£,
Rift, '\ote: The'l' hUlllal101d Hll'k ..:rC,ilure' \\ til he rOI1\1d- ,upt."r ,lhliltle,: R.ll.tlr ,UU1Il1agllcll,m
ered,tr.mge gIant D nec' \v,lrlod\ and rTlllllll\c people ma~ Super pll\lcrcd IlHll.lllh I ~(l(, I h,l\c th..: (')(l\\I.'r, of radar
UlI1'llk-r Ihcm til lx' lOT e\CIl \Im,hlp Ihel11 a\l eanh elelllel11al\. and l1la~rll'II'l1l plu' ,I r~lnd"ll1 1l1J1l1l\cr .. I addltltln;.1 power,
1 he Cll.lllllOll Slate' \\ III ,cc thcll1 ,I' dangemu\ 111OI1\ter, alld (roll on Ihe- Hand,'1II ,\111'11 IhlliTl \"{",lItllI laht., ,lilt! then
uc,trm thcm v.hcncH'r thc~ gel thl' I'ppmtunit~ -I he rniccan tor 'Pl"U hI 1'0\\\'1" J.
1,I',l,fllCn "til gel ,dong v.cll \\nh r~her knlghh ,md othcr hcrlk.." 'alural \hililie\: Slallll.lnJ pmll'r, ~Imllcalur'l"",
,tnd \\111 ,llm"'l Lcnainl~ Ll,l,h \\l1h thc rs filey \vlll aha 'cc "ipcdal \\t'apmh: "n~ hut IllK'TtI\\ <l\ v', p,lnKI..: hv'.11ll \ll'''pOn~
the Splugonh. CIOOI;II1'iSIIUI \\oml\. 'arulll Eme'1m,e\, and and \'lhro-hLldc, arl' 1<l\onl\"'
tht' h:dcrillltJII 111 \ ,I' C\ tI Inr..:c,. The~ arc mega·damagc Spt'{:i:.1 \ t'hide\: em U'l' .111 l~ Pl" 01 '\'1m k, hUI their 1,1\ mite
l'featurc, ('1)0)( 1O+2·m \1 DCl "hll al ..o po\\e\\ mega-dam I' Ill\' alllTHlll ,mllgr;l\ 11~ 'Ult \LI\IllHlrll \Ilecd: I "i0 Illph (2-10
age tC'lhnlllog) kn1l. S D.C :'i0 \Lr\lI11Ulll al1ltUtk lllhmitcd. c;lpahle of
11 \ct mthe Rift.. : Phase World CI1\ IrOl1mcnt, Ihe background rc:\t'hll1g OUh'r 'pal'C. \1.1\rmUrn \\CIghl .11I00\:1l1t'c· 1000
prc,clllcd lor ,\lien~ l nlimited 1\ appropTialc. Mo\t ..... 111 be la\1 pOUluh (--ISO I<.gl.
lTll'n. htlunt\ hunler,. Jd\cntureT\ and thc OC(:I~IOU;lI mercenar). l'referred \rmor: Raldcmcan\ \eldom \Icar amh'f. e,!>ccially
·\n~ III thl" mcrn:n;\T~. ,cholar ,llld ad\cnturer O,c.c., l'an be...e-
dunng COH"n 01K'LIlltlrh. hut III hc;r\ ~ n1mbal \IIUaIIOlh lhe~
leLt~t1 Illl'\ nc\cr 'Iud) rnagK
lTla} \\eM Chh' hmr II ..rd \nmll" \ R 17. S D,C 2XO.
FalTlilj3rit~ \\ilh Earlh: '\n 1;rllldl,lTIt~ \\llh Eanh,

The r:Jldemean, appear 10 be compo,ed of a limc\10nc-likc
~uh~tance lhal give.. them u powdery white (omplexion and
gr:lIn~ lexture. However, Ihey arc a, durable <1\ any of the other
mlllcr:Jl allen\. The 10\\ gravity of their home world. Duman. h;I\
lonned thcm mlO a lall. thin race. They are an :lggre~"lve people
Jlld ollen work a.. mercenarie". ~pie .. and a\..a..sins. TIley havc
al,o hccn I<.nown [(j hire OUI en[lre field an1l1es under govem-
men! contrach to help light pnvalc wars. They are a non-allied
raee of mcrcenarie.. \\110 WIll hire lheir ...ervice, to whomever
lTlake, Ihem lhe be,1 oller. Their c1i('nt\ mclude lhe Atorian Em-
pire, the Fcderation of Alhed Race.., and m:my other rare)" cor-
poration.., organiz;ltion.. and individuals.
The elite of raldemean ,ociely, both civilian and milrtary, are
thme thai posse~ .. "uper abllltic" different from lhe majorily of
their race. Tho..e who dl ~uch ..pecial gift.'> ilre given Ihe
be'l '-Choolmg and traming \0 they can one day as..ume position..
of power wllhin the military and government.
Non-g.fted raldemeam al,o po""e.., :,omc special powers, but
revere Iho..c who an:: cho:.en by n<llure 10 ha\e extraordinaT)
Raldcmean\ technology leveh are high because of extensive
IIltcraLlllln wilh olher races, Mercenary contr:lcts arc often sel-
tled III gOU(!'> or an exchange of technology or ,ervicc, ralher
Ihan money, Microwave and panicle beam weapons arc favorite...
of the raldemean,. They also love anllgravity :.uit:. (acquired
from the Alorian Empire) a, the ultunate mean, of lran~pona­
tion. Although Ihey have Ihe technology, roooucs and bionics arc
"Imost never IIsed except in mdu~try. The mldcmeans rely on
their natural "ollllle... ,upcr power\ and ~klll\.
Rifts Note: These humanoid rock creatures will be consid-
ered monstrous D·bees or demons. The Coalition States will see
them as dangerous monsters and destroy them whenever they get
the opponunity. Raldemeans will get along famously with the
Splugorth and their minions. Cibolans. Naruni, demons. merce-
naries, crime lords. tyrants and other war-like or power hungry
misanthropes. They are mega-damage creatures (2D4xI0+200
M.D.C.) who also possess mega-damage technology.
If set in the Rifts: Phase World environment. the background
presented for Aliens Unlimited is appropriate. Most will be vil-
lains. bounty hunters. adventurers and the occasional mercenary.
Any of the mercenary. scholar and adventurer O.c.c.s can be se-
lected. They never study magic.

The stoans spend their long lives collecting and applying vast
amounts of knowledge. They pursue the arts. sciences and tech-
no1ogy with a slow. methodical perfection that few other races
could employ. Their achievements in biology. chemistry. and
technology are perhaps some of the finest in the galaxy. Their
computer libraries on Oana are second only to those on Danude
and NoTS (see the previous Danaus Insectoid entry). but the
Sloans do not share their knowledge.
This hoarding of knowledge is not a IOtally selfish practice.
The slOans are aware of the fate of the danaus and do not wish 10
follow in their footsleps. Anolher barrier against sharing wilh
others is the slow. personal nature of SlOan research. The long-
lived Sloans have incredible patience and proceed with excruci-
atingly slow thoroughness as they work. Swanns of anxious,
eager pilgrims would surely distract the nonnally intense sludy
of these aliens. A select few are sometimes allowed 10 share in-
fonnation with Ihe scholars on Oana. These visitors are usually
imponant or renowned hislOrians. scholars and scientists. How-
ever. sometimes those allowed into the fabled libraries are com-
mon adventurers who have unearthed an ancient relic or
uncovered a piece of a punle to any number of mysteries.
A large number of SlOan scholars. researchers and explorers
scour the galaxy in search of data and knowledge. These expedi- Natural A.R.: 15
S.D.C.: 3D4x 10+220
tions can include trips to the Nors library for additional research
Horror Faclor: 14
or extended visits to other planets for the collection or exchange
Height: 5 feet plus 106 inches (1.510 1.7 10).
of infonnation. Primitive and less advanced planets are a favor-
Weight: 240 plus 2D8xlO pounds (11810 181 kg).
ite environment for stoan researchers to observe and study socio-
logical elements and technical evolutions in progress. The Average Life Span: 800 years
average stoan investigator/researcher tries 10 stay out of the af- Super Abilities: All slOans have the following super powers:
fairs of others and avoids violence. To that end. many carry a Bend light. energy expulsion: light. and intangibility.
stun weapon or two for defense, bUI most are surprisingly excel- Natural Abilities: Standard powers and features. plus +2 to roll
lent fighters. They fear the Atorian Empire and avoid all contact with impact or fall.
with them or their minions. Special Weapons and Vehicles: They use a variety of different
weapons and hover vehicles. and antigravity devices. Many
Stoans have jagged. quartz-like clusters thai cover Iheir entire
use stun weapons to defend themselves. or rely on their own
Ixxlies. Their colors range from white to brighl reds and purples
super abilities.
with translucent or opaque qualities. The texlure of their bodies
Preferred Armor: Don', need any. Some lTlay wear antlor from
is either polished smooth or lightly textured. Their voices have a
time to time as a disguise.
faint tinkling sound reminiscent of chimes.
Familiarity wilh Earth: Eanh is among the many planets that
Stoans (pronounced stones) have been studied by Ihe SlOans. Their libraries contain
Alignment: Any. but most are selfish and self serving. knowledge equal 10 the "I-Ias studied Earth" result on the Fa-
AUributes: I.Q. 306+1. M.E. 306+2. M.A. 306. P.S. 400. P.P. miliarity With Eanh table.
406. P.E. 306. P.B. 306. Spd. 306x3. Rifts Note: Basically Ihe same as the liconians.
Hit Points: P.E. ><3. plus 204 per level of experience.
ments, the aurovax are a closed-minded people filled with preju-
Reptile Races dice and fear. The reptilians distrust all mammals and are quick
10 jump to conclusions and harsh judgements based on the flim-
siesl of accusations or evidence. The aurovax don't trust strang-
These races share many of the physical characteristics of ers to begin with and those wilh unusual powers and abilities are
either Earth's Ii lards or wann-blooded dinosaurslbirds. They viewed as evil, polential enemies. Deadly force is often used in
typically have lough. leathery or scaly skin Ihal covers their en- the name of self-defense. Consequently, Ihe aurovax lend to deal
tire body and provides increased S.D.C. protection. Skin color primarily with other reptilians, amphibians, aquatics. mineral
includes the entire spectrum of colors. from yellows and greens and vegetation types of life fonns.
to browns and grays. They have no body hair but may have dis- The aurovax also deal harshly with the unusual among their
tinguishing and colorful markings. ribbing. horns and spines. own people. They have their share of citizens gifted with super
Their physical builds can range from thick and squat to thin and powers or psionic abilities, but in the aurovax society. such peo-
tall. ple are feared and ostracized. This is an ancient practice. No one
remembers why it was started, but it has remained in place for
thousands of years. In ancient times. anyone discovered to have
unna/llra/ abilities was sent away or killed before they could
hann anybody. Today, they are exiled without lrial. No one is
given me benefit of the doubl and in a society with advanced
space capabilities, exile means a one-way trip into the void.
The aurovax have a large, highly skilled military, with robol
and bionic troops. However, much of Iheir society is composed
of scientiSls and engineers. many of whom are engaged in the
sludy of olher planels. people, and socielies (including Earth).
Many of these studies involve the crime, chaos and influence of
super beings in both advanced and primitive civilizalions. By
knowing whal mistakes and calalysts 10 avoid. the aurovax hope
to keep their crime and civil problems at a minimum. Memben;
of investigative expeditions usually carry easily concealed mini-
lasen; and other high-tech weapons for defense purposes.
Aurovax are rdther tall and thinly buill. Their bodies are
smooth and sleek. and are covered in smaiL iridescent scales.
Fingers and loes are long, thin and delicate. with long, sharp
nails. The head is large, flat and thick, with a huge mouth and
small. dark eyes. The only fonns of augmentation that do not
carry any stigmas are those based in technology. Even genetic
manipulalion is taboo, although experiments in cloning for
medical purposes is allowed.

Aurovax (pronounced Are-oh-vacs)

Alignment: Any, but mOSI lean toward selfish and aberrant evil
(work toward the preservation of aurovax society and prosperity
regardless of the cost to others).
Attributes: I.Q. 306+2, M.E. 306. M.A. 2D6. P.S. 306+2. P.P.
306+2. P.E. 306. P.B. 206. Spd. 306
Aurovax Hit Points: P.E. X2 plus 106 per level of experience.
Munida is a deceptively beautifully world of clear blue wa- S,D,C.: I D4x I0+60
ters. green (orests, and nowering plums. Gleaming skyscrapers Horror Factor: 10
fill sprawling cities inhabited by the reptilian aurovax. On the Height: 6 feet plus 106 inches (1.8to 2.0 m).
surface, the planel appears to be a balance of technology and na- Weight: 190 plus 106 pounds (8710 89 kg).
lure. The advanced civilization of the aurovax has nearly elimi- Average Life Span: 180 years
nated pollution. disease. and crime. Most of their mining and Super Abilities: The average aurovax has no super powers or
processing is done in space. They have mastered the sciences of psionic abilities bUI can be bionic, robol. hardware, or physi-
medicine (for reptiles anyway). robotics, bionics. cloning and callraining. They avoid magic like the plague (it's unnatural).
space engineering. If not for Iheir unreasoning fears and preju- Exiles are typically super-powered mulants (45%) or mu-
dices, the aurovax might well have the closest thing in the gal- tant psionics (50%). and a handful are practitioners of magic
axy to a perfect society. (5%).
Manida and its beautiful cities can be deadly for humans and Natural Abilities: Keen senses equal to the minor super abilities
other life fonns. The planet has a thin almosphere Ihat allows of heightened sense of smell and tasle. Inslinctively know
much of its sun's radialion 10 strike Ihe planet. while Ihe aurovax how 10 swim (80%) and climb (55%/45%). Aurovax can also
society has its own hidden darkness. Despite all of their achieve- see into the ultraviolet spectrum of Iighl and are impervious
to radiation poisoning. Living in Ihe radiated atmosphere of kers and underground complelles. survivalists and those with
Manida has made the aurovall radioactive themselves. Any- special abilities. such as psionics. magic. and super abilities. Af-
one ell posed to them for more than two weeks will suffer ter a full year of rescue efforts. approximatcly 2.5 mil1ion people
from exposure to radiation. See the high radiation homeworld were saved. Unable to live on Accara. the baccarus sold their
description for details on radiation sickness/poisoning. homeworld for salvage and mining to the Tagonicans. This
Special Weapons and Vehicles: The equivalent of most types meant each survivor was wealthy (roughly 125 million credils
of weapons. hover vehicles and spacecraft are manufactured per person) and are able 10 go whercver they wanted. Many of
or purchased by these reptilians. Favorites include laser those rescued were subsequently employed by Tagoniglomerale,
weapons. the massive Tagonican owned mega-corporation. Others setlled
Preferred Armor: Seldom wear armor. except for off-world ex- on one thermal world or the other and some wcnt on 10 wander
peditions. Light environmental body armor: A.R. II. S.D.C. the galaxy. exploring the wonders that are forever denied 10 the
40. heavy environmental armor: A.R. 16. S.D.C. 140. For rest of their people.
heavy combat situations they may wear Class Four Hard Ar-
mor: A.R. 17. S.D.C 280 and have their fair share of bionic
and robot warriors and armor. Exiles are not given armor and
must acquire equipment on their own.
Familiarity with Earth: The aurovax study groups have come
TO Eanh llnd have collected information equal to the "Has
ttudied Eanh" result on the Familiarity with Eanh table.
Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG setting. the reptilians
will be regarded as monSlrous D-bees. Their fears and prejudices
make the aurovax as bad as the Coalition States! They will avoid
associating with humans and mammals, but will be attracted to
other reptilians. including gargoyles. They may also try 10 estab-
lish their own kingdom of non-mammalian life and will crush
any who gel in their way. The CS will see them as dangerous be-
ings and will attack any community that is established. Individ-
ual characters may be good guys or villains. Unless an exile.
they can be any O.CC except magic (alt). crazy. or juicer. In
Rifts, The aurovall are S.D.C. creatures who possess mega-dam-
age bionics, weapons and technology.
If set in the Rifts: Phase World environment. the background
presented for Aliens Unlimited is appropriate. Exiles can be
most anything. from mercenaries 10 adventurers.

Baccarus - - - - - - - - - - - -
Accara was once a planet of intense tempemtures. Near the
equator, they could soar to 250 degrees Fahrenheit (121 C). In
this swelTering environment. evolved the baccarus. Their civili-
zation and Technology grew over the years as the mce evolved
and advanced. The reptilians were well on their way 10 achiev-
ing manned space flight when fate intervened on a cosmic scale.
They had managed 10 get several satellites into orbit and they
were able to delect the gigantic asteroid as it raced toward Ac-
cara. Their limited space capabilities meant lillie could be done
to stop it. Several allempts were made to fragment it with nu-
clear warheads. but again. their technology was lacking.
The huge space rock hilthe planet squarely. The impact threw
billions of pounds of dust into the air and killed millions of bac-
caruso With the sun obscured by a veil of debris. the wealher paT-
terns changed dramatically. Accara began to cool. Temperatures
dropped to deadly levels (well below 70 degrees Fahrenheit121
C; freezing cold to creatures use to the boiling temperatures of
the pasl). Those baccarus who did not die from exposure would
eventually die from starvation or disease. Several years later, a
tagonican survey craft looking for mineral deposits rescued the
last survivors.
The survivors were Ihe lucky ::md those with special facilities
or powers. including military personnel hidden away inside bun~
Baccarus (pronounce back-care-us) was no enemy. As for their creawrs. the Vymras were never scen
Alignmenl: Any. but most are good or selfish. or heard from again! The erinimas have since claimed this world
Altributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 406. P.P. as their own and have named it Vymra.
306+2. P.E. 306. P.B. 206. Spd. 406 There are now nearly one billion erittimas. Tens of thousands
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per level of experience. have gone to explore other parts of the galaxy in search for their
S.D.C.,I00 creators. but 10 no avail. All erinirnas are laught that their destiny
Horror faclor: 8 is nOI their own. That one day Iheir creators will return and beck-
Height: 5 feet plus 406 inches (1.6 to 2.1 m). on them w join them in a great baitIe. On that day. every man.
Weight: 100 plus 2D6x10 pounds (54 to 100 kg). woman and child will follow their gods into battle and glory_ for
Average Life Span: 135 years that is their purpose - their destiny. Until that day, they hone
Super Abilities: Most of the surviving baccarus had special their combat skills so that lhey will be ready. They have waited
powers and/or training. Thus. characters can be any of the for nearly 400 years!
following Super Power Categories: Bionic (10%). hardware The erinimas are intelligem. nimble creatures with lightning
(15%). physical training (10%), magic (10%), psionic (20%) quick renexes and natural (genetically instilled) super abilities.
or super-powered mutants or products of super experiments Because they wait for the return of the gods and the call to bat-
(35%) tle. they have not engaged in space colonization or conquest. al-
Natural Abilities: See ultraviolet and infrared light rndiation though they have made contact with numerous alien life forms.
equal to the minor super ability. Keen hearing. As natives of a Whatever their creators may have in store for them. the erinimas
• thermal world, the baccarus are immune to extreme heat and are good natured and loving people with sharp minds and a
resistant to fire and radiation (does half damage; +6 to save). strong respect for life. Over the centuries. they have decided Ihal
However. they cannot tolerate cold. Even temperatures as
warm as 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 C) are considered freez-
ing and will cause them to suffer from exposure as detailed
under the frozen world description.
Special Weapons and Vehicles: Most can afford to buy what-
ever they need. allhough in many cases. money is tied up or
controlled by family clans, so the character may have limited
resources. Favorite weapons include vibro-blades. lasers. and
particle beam guns. Their favorite means of transportation is
antigravity devices.
Preferred Armor: Any type of armor can be worn depending
on the situation and personal tastes (see the Equipment se.c-
familiarity with Earth: None.
Rifts Notes: If used in the Rifts RPG setting. the baccarus
will be regarded as a O-bee. The Coalition States will become
alarmed when they realize that these beings possess magic. psy-
chic or super powers and will destroy any they subsequently en-
counter. Individual characters may be heroes or villains of any
O.C.C. In Rifts. the characters are S.O.c. creatures who possess
mega-damage bionics. weapons. magic and technology.
If sct in the Rms: Phase World environment. the background
presented for Aliens Unlimited is appropriate. Most will be
wealthy businessmen. explorers. adventurers, practitioners of
magic or mercenaries.

Erittima - - - - - - - - - - - -
Erittimas are the proouct of genetic engineering by a mysteri-
ous race known only as the Vymras. According to legend. the
goo-like Vymras took the erittima from the forest. shaped them
in their image. gave them intelligence and taught them how to
fight. Their creators spoke of a great war and explained that they
gave the reptilians strong bodies and self-awareness to fight a
terrible enemy. One day. thousands of spacecraft landed on their
world to take them to the field of baltle. The obedient eriltimas
boarded the ships and blasted into space. The giant fleet came to
orbit around a large planet. bUI the battle they expected never
came. The planet was uninhabited, althugh it was habitable.
with a variety of environments from forests to desens. but there
the Vymras are Gods of Light and that it is their destiny to fight and other heroes and will almost certainly clash with the CS.
and vanquish a great evil. A large faction has decided that evil They will also st"e lhe Splugorth. Cibolans/Soul Womls. Naruni
force is the Atorian Empire. This has led some to venture into Enterprises. and the Federation of Magic as evil force:.. They are
atorian territory as advanced scouts and spies to gather infonna- S.D.C. creatures with mega-damage weapons. powers and lcch-
tion about the enemy. Some have joined the TMC or travel the nology.
galaxy as champions of justice. righting wrongs and seeking out If set in the Rifts: "hase World en\'ironment. the b;.ckground
potential allies to fight at their side when the great battle comes. presented for Aliens Unlimited is appropriate. Mo:.t will be law
l11ese warm-blooded lizard-looking warriors are roughly hu- men. bounty hunters. adventurers and the occasional mercenary.
man in size. They have flat, yellow-green scales covering their Any of the Rirts can be selected. 11le) rJ.rely :.tudy
bodies. with cream colored highlights and accents. Their heads magic.
are large and reptilian in appearance. yet the creatures are gentle
and graceful. giving them an attractive appearance even to fickle
They have a reasonably advanced society and middle level
technology. They also have access to incredibly advanced tech-
nology. including antigravity spaceships and devices given to
them by the Vymras. but they don't completely understand how
~y work and don't know how to duplicate them. Thus. the
original giant space fleet and antigravity devices have been
maintained for hundreds of years. What they don't understand or
can't build themselves. they acquire from others.
Erittimas (pronounced Ee-rit-tih-mas)
Alignment: Any. but most are good or selfish.
Attribules: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 306+7. P.P.
306+7. P.E. 306+2. P.B. 306. Spd. 506+16
Hit Points: P.E.)(l plus 106 per level of experience.
Horror/Awe Factor: 10
S.D.C.: ID4xIO+M (does not include super power bonuses or
Height: 5 feet plus 306 inches (1.6to 2.0 m).
Weight: 100 plus 206xlO pounds (54 to 100 kg).
Average Life Span: 90 years.
Super Abilities: All have the following super abilities: Alter
metabolism (see Villains Unlimited). healing factor. energy
resistance. and flight: wingless. Combat training includes ac·
robatics or gymnastics, boxing (add one additional auack per
melee round). wrestling, climbing, swimming and hand to
hand martial arts.
Natural Abilities: Ambidextrous (add one additional attack per
melee round), double jointed. keen color vision. hearing and The jcnjorans are native:. of the planct Lori];l, a high gravity
sense of taste; +2 on initiative. +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll world of dense jungles and :.hallow oceans. TIlcse •• liens arc
with punch, +3 to save vs horror factor. short. with thick limbs and wide heads. with oval-shaped fins.
Special Weapons: Can use a variety of weapons. Energy knives Their eyes arc prominent. and skin color ranges through the
and swords are their favorites: Energy Knife: Length: 20 spectrum of greens and browns. but change constantly because
inches (0.5 m). damage: 206+3. weight: I pound (0.5 kg). of a natural chameleon-like ability.
Energy Sword: Double the length and weight. inflicts 506 Mo!>t are educated as engineer<i. scientists and
damage. scholars. but the mo!>! respected are the anti-magic warriors who
Special Vehicles: Use a variety of items. but fast hover vehicles live by centuries or tradition. This tradition is linked with the
and antigravity vehicles are their favorites. outlawing of magical practices and ancient stories or a lime
Preferred Armor: Uses all kinds. but their favorite is the Vym- when magic and tcchnology clashed and almo<;t destroyed their
ras environmental body suit (skintight): A.R. 17, S.D.C. 200 world. According to legend. wizards unleashed dangerou'i de-
- no prowl or movement penalties. mons and magic energy in a bid to conquer the world. However.
Familial'"ity with Earth: The eriuimas have access to info""a- specific facts and details have been lost and nobody seems to
lion equal to the "Some familiarity" resuil on the Familiarity know exactly what transpired. The only thing that is known for
With Eanh table. cenain is that the wizards were defeated and magic is fore\'er
Rifts Note: These repeilians will be considered D+bee cham- banned. The anti·magic warriors hunt down practitioners of
pions of good. l11e Coalition States will see them as dangerous magic on Lorila and destroy them. Some have carried lheir cru-
monsters and destroy them whenever they get the opportunity. sade to the stars. fighting evil sorcerers and supcmatuml mon-
The erittimas champions will get along well with cyber-knights sters. Off-world they tolerate the existence of magic users and
cre:lIures of magic provided they use their powers for good and Preferred Armor: jenjorans environmental battle armor; A.R.
do not enslave or torment Olhers. However, they never trust any 13, S.O.c. 210: complete with mini-computer and bio-scan
men of magic or supernatural beings. (left arm). wrist lasers (one on each hand. two damage set-
Near the cemer of every major old city on Lorila is a 30 foot tings: 206 or 406 damage per single blasi, 800 fool/244 m
(9.1 m) wide. three foot (0.9 m) tall, octagon shaped device. range. effectively unlimited payload), shon-range radar.
They are all nearly identical and strongly resemble sliding blast shon-range radio, basic life suppon systems.
doors, hence their name, "The Doors:' These Doors are obvi- Familiarity with Earth: They have collected extensive infor-
ously mechanical and represent a technology beyond that pos- mation on various planets across the galaxy. Their informa-
sessed by the jenjorans when they were built 1,200 years ago. tion on Eanh is equal to the "Has studied Eanh" resull on the
None of the doors appear to have any kind of opening mecha- Familiarity With Eanh table.
nism. The jenjorans no longer remember what is on the other Rifts Notes: The jenjorans are considered monstrous D-bees
side of The Doors, bUlthey fanatically maintain them out of fear and are likely to be shunned by most humans and human-like
and tradition. It is rumored that some of their elders know what creatures. The anti-magic warrior and most other jenjorans will
The Doors keep in check. but they do not talk about it, and faerie be horrified at what magic has unleashed on the planet Eanh.
tale~ about The Doors abound. Among Ihem are prophecies of Both distrust, fear or hate supernatural monsters and all beings
doom and tales of doorways to other worlds and dimensions cre- who use magic and will destroy any they perceive as evil. Some
ated by magic. The last reference to The Doors warns, "The por- extremist may go on a killing spree to destroy ALL mystic crea-
, must ever be sealed, lest we lose all that we know."
tals tures. They will get along best with psi-stalkers. dog boys and
The jenjorans study other planets. people. and civilizations simvan monster riders. The Coalition States will exterminate
for clues to the origins and purpose of The Doors. Some argue them whenever they are encountered in CS territory. even
that the levels of technology currently available would make the though they hunt practitioners of magic and demons. In Rifts.
risk of opening a Door very small and there is growing suppon the characters are mega-damage creatures who possess mega-
for this movement, which comes from overconfidence, pride, damage weapons. armor. and technology.
and ignorance. However, they are nOl yet ready to risk opening If set in the Rifts: Phase World environment. the background
even one to see what il contains (or holds back). Scholars and re- presened for Aliens Unlimited is appropriate. They can be any
searcher have been sent to other worlds in hope of finding simi- of the a.c.c.s except psychics and practitioners of magic.
lar struclures and clues to their purpose, but thus far they have
Jenjorans (pronounced jen-jor-ans) Nithians
Attributes: l.Q. 306. M.E. 306, MA 306. P.S. 406, P.P.
306+2. P.E. 406. P.B. 106, Spd. 606 Nithia is a beautiful. Eanh-Iike planet that is the homeworld
Hit Poinl.$: P.E. plus 204 per level of ex:perience. of the dinosaur-like nithians. Although the planet resembles
Natural A.R.: 9 Eanh. its air is toxic to Eanhlings and mOSI humanoids. The acid
S.D.C.: 3D4x10 (does not include super power or attribute bo- rains and mists are also dangerous to most life forms and will
nuses). damage rubber and many compounds of plastic. The nithians
Horror Factor: Typically 14 - 15 for anti-magic warriors. have evolved within the harsh atmosphere. so they can breathe
Height: 5 feet plus ID6 inches (1.5 to 1.7 m). the foul air and their skin is thick. scaly and toughened to protect
Weight: 100 plus 2D4x10 pounds (54 to 82 kg). them. The scales are tight and close fining. with additional large
Average Life Span: 75 years scales on the neck, shoulders and back. Skin colors are various
Super Abilities: All jenjorans have the following super abilities: shades of yellow. tan and orange. Their heads are wide, wilh a
chameleon and animal abilities: reptile. large mouth filled with large. pointed teeth.
Natural Abilities: Superior senses equal 10 the minor super The nithians have developed Fasler Than Light (FfL) drives
abilities heightened sense of hearing (+6 on initiative, +1 to and have just begun deep-space exploration. They have already
parry. +2 10 dodge). advanced sight and nighlvision. Plus can made limited contact with several other galactic communities.
leap 10 feet (3.0 m: add five feet/1.5 m from a running stan). including the naidens and sorinams and the Federation of Allied
natural climbers (75%/65%) and swimmers (65%). Races (FAR). In their search for new knowledge and cultures.
The ami-magic warrior gets the following bonuses from the nithians have recently begun organizing study expeditions to
training and special abilities: impervious 10 possession (and a variety of moons. planetoids and planets. These expeditions
the bite of the vampire), +4 to save 'IS magic (all types). +2 to can last as long as ten years or as shon as a few months. They
save vs mind control of all kind. +5 to save vs horror factor. are typically composed of scientists accompanied by a military
and 40%+5% per level of experience 10 recognize enchant- escon. The escons are soldiers with either bionic or robot aug-
ment or magic items. Bonuses are in addition 10 allribule or mentation or super abilities. All expedition members will have
super power bonuses. Rifts Notes: The character has the vibro-weapons for utility and defense purposes. and the team
natural abilities of P.P.E. shield and mind block aUlo-defense. uses hover platforms for transponation. The armed forces have a
These powers automatically engage and don't require l.S.P. variety of special forces units. The robot and cyborg teams func-
The anti-magic warrior has a natural P.P.E. base equal to his tion as flex:ible heavy suppon and light battlefield units. The su-
P.E.xIO! The P.P.E. of the average jenjoran is P.E.x3). per teams often pull similar details. but their most prominent
Special Weapons and Vehicles: They use most types of weap- area of ex:penise is in seek and destroy. infiltration. and other
ons. hover vehicles and spacecraft. Energy clubs and jet more sensitive operations.
packs are favorites.
Weight: 380 plus I D6xlO pounds (177 10 199 kg).
Average Life Span: 95 years
Super Abilities: Available Super Power Categories: Bionics
(25%). robots (18%). hardware (15%). magic (2%). mUlanlS
(5%) and super-powered experiments (35%). Nilhians do nOi
possess psionics.
Special Weapons and Vehicles: They use most lypeS of weap-
ons. hover vehicles and spacecrafl. The vibro-axe is a favor-
Preferred Armor: Besides various robot and cyborg annors.
the nilhians do not rely on any type of annor unless they are
engaged in battlefield combat or exploration off-world. In
such a case. they may wear an environmemal Class Four
Hard Annor: A.R. 17. S.D.C. 280. or a lightly annored envi-
ronmental suit: A.R. 14.70 S.D.C.
Familiarity with Earth: None.
Rirts Notes: Basically the same as the baccarus.

Qua-Trau - - - - - - - - - -
The qua-trau are natives of the low gravity planet Kwera.
These reptiles are tall and strong with aggressive tendencies. A
century ago the Atorian Empire landed on Kwera. The barbaric
qua-trau fell to superior numbers and vastly superior technology.
The dinosaur-like humanoids initially believed the invaders to be
gcxls (antigravity devices and energy weapons can have thai ef-
fect) and many still do.
Hostile al firsl. the qua-trau were quickly shown by example
that they had much to gain from cooperating wilh their new mas-
ters. Through the use of language translators and psionics. the
Atorian Empire easily recruited Ihem as allies. Now. 90 years
later. Ihey are some of the Empire's mosl effeclive shock troops.
Outfitted with mcxlem weaponry and annor 10 complemem their
natural savagery. the qua-trau enjoy their new found power and
the opponunity to wage war. The most loyal have even been
trained in the operation of lanks. hover vehicles. robot vehicles
and power annor/exoskeletons. However. mosl of these dim-wil-
ted troopers have only a minimal knowledge of communications.
computer operation and the basics of life and combat. None of
them are taught the sciences or the ans.
The still primitive inclinations of these beings makes them
savage fighters. easily impressed and controlled by the atorians.
Many qua-trau still consider themselves servants of the Gcxls
and believe themselves to be in their service as Angels of Death.
lbey revel in the wonders of their new gods and exah lheir
power (weapons) and superhuman abilities (via hover vehicles.
antigravity devices. space lravel. etc.). While most of the qua-
trau enjoy being shock troopers and harbingers of doom. others
have realized that they are being exploited by monals and have
mixed feelings about the Alorian Empire. Some long for the
Nithians (pronounced nith-eye-ans) freedom 10 wander the open galaxy and to escape the war and
Alignment: Any barbarism encouraged by the Empire and the ancient ways of
AUributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 506. P.P. their people.
306+2. P.E. 306+2. P.B. 206. Spd. 506
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus 106 per level of experience. Qua-Trau (pronounced Kuwah-trah)
Natural A.R.: 12 Alignment: Any. but most are selfish or evil.
S.D.C.: 3D6x10+20 (does nOI include super power or attribute Atlributes: l.Q. 206+1. M.E. 206+2. M.A. 206. P.S. 606. P.P.
bonuses). 406. P.E. 506. P.B. 106. Spd. 606
Horror Faclor: 12 Hil Points: P.E. xJ plus 106 per level of experience.
Heighl: 9 feet plus 306 inches (2.8 10 3.2 m). S.D.C.: JD6x10+20 (does nO( include super power or anribute
means they will be given to conquering and ruling over small
towns and villages. engaging in terrorism. torture. wholesale
slaughter. and olher acts of savagery and brulality. They will be
feared and shunned by humans and mosl peace-loving beings.
The CS will terminate any they encounter. However. the Pecos
Empire. mercenaries. and demonic monsters may add them to
their forces. The Splugorth. gargoyles and mOSI evil supernalUral
creatures will welcome them as kindred spirits and delightful
minions. In Rifls. the characlers are mega-damage crealures
with supernalural P.S and P.E.. and who possess mega-damage
weapons. annor. and lechnology.
If sel inlhe Rifts: Phase World environment. the background
presented for Aliens Unlimited is appropriate if the Alorian Em-
pire is also part of Ihe scenario. Olherwise. Ihey will be new
minions of Splugonh. vile bounly hunters or savage mercenar-

Thisseras - - - - - - - - - - - -
The thisseras are a tall reptilian race with wide. flat heads,
large. dark eyes and a prominent mouth. They lend to be thin,
and are covered by fine scales. A fin-like appendage runs along
the back of the neck and is crowned with small. sharp spines.
The colors of their skin is typically pale bluc. wilh brown pat-
terns. They are nocturnal creatures who live in the tropical forest
of the world known as Ansim. As a resull, they have little toler-
ance for bright light. but have excellent nightvision.
Long ago. these aliens were a fiercely warlike people who
knew little about peace. As Iheir technology and civilization de-
veloped. it became obvious that one day their achievements
Horror Faclor: 14 would reach a point where a weapon would be developed Ihal
Height: 10 feet. 6 inchc!<. plus 1010 inche:. (3.2 to 3.5 rn). could kill all thisseras in one fiery blast. The repliles tried peace
Weight: 400 plu~ ID4xI0 pounds (186 to 199 kg). negotiations for decades. but climbing above one's racial past is
A\'erage Life Span: 85 ycar:. difficult. Eventually. mUlually agreeable paclS were signed and
Super Abilities: Qua-trau will be one of the following: bionic all thisseras learned 10 live in peace. They turned their warrior
(25"«). robot/power annor (20%). hardware (20%) or super- spirils to sports and friendly competition on every level of soci-
powered mut;mt (35%). Mutants can select one major power ety. business and pleasure. The reptilians organized extensive
;Illd one minor ability. competilions of all kinds 10 challenge Ihemselves. These events
Combat trainmg include~ gymnastics. boxing (add onc ad- were satisfactory for a long time.
ditional all ad per melee round). climbing. and hand to hand: Space exploralion became Iheir next greal conquest. This-
expert. W.P. axe. W.P. sword. W.P. energy pistol. and W.P. seras were at last able to travel the galaxy freely. The prospect of
energy rine. competing with a multitude of other races united them like never
Natural Abilities: Heightened sense of smell equal to the minor before. Shortly afler entering the spaceways. they encountered
super power. double jointed. color vision. bite attack 306 the equally compelitive miceans (see mineral aliens). Like the
damage. +2 on initiative. + 1 to roll with punch. +5 10 save vs miceans. Ihe thisseras are glory-hounds who feed on fame. pres-
horror factor. They orten cat the nesh of their victims. tige and nOlorielY. These IWO races engaged in fierce bUI friendly
Special Weapons: TI1CY use whatever is appropriate for the job. competilion for decades. Both came to respect and like each
but they love energy melee we<lpons. vibro-blades and Kisen- other very much.
tite axes. Giant-sized Kisentite axe: Length: 5.75 feel (1.7 m). Then one fateful day. the Micean Council proposed a partner-
Wcight: 12 pounds (5.4 kg). Damage: 406+2. ship in which Ihe two races would form an intergalaclic police
Special Vehicles: Atorian antigravity medallion. organization and become heroes of the universe. It would pro·
Preferred Armor: Besides cyborg and robot power armors. the vide them with thrills. adventure, and an audience for their in-
qua-trau prefer lighter full and half suils of heavy plate annor credible exploits. daring-do and achievements on a grand scale.
and environmental suits: A.R. 12. S.D.C. 120 for half suits. At first the competilive thisseras debated and hesitated. A part-
A.R. 17. S.D.C. 280 for full suils. nership suggested that Ihey mighl not get their fair share of Ihe
Familiarity with Earth: None; they go wherever their Atorian limelight. The debate came 10 an end and the reptilians cheer·
masters tellihem to go and don't really care about who they fully agreed when the miceans suggested the name of their or·
fight. ganization as the Thissera-Micean Cooperative (a.k.a. TMC).
Rifts Noles: The qu:Hrau are camivorous predalOrs who in- Getting tOp billing salisfied lheir ego and the long·time friendly
stinctively fighl and prey on creatures weaker than they are. This rivals joined forces. Both the thisseras and miceans now com-
pete against each other to see who can defeat and bring to justice Natural Abilities: Can leap 12 feet (3.7 m) high or lengthwise
more criminals and super villains. This has actually made them (double with a running start). instinctive climbers
an aggressive and effective police force. with each act of cour- (85%/80%). swimmers (80%). and acrobats (80%). +2 on in-
age or daring in..piring the OIher to equal or surpass it. The only itiative. +2 to pUll punch. +3 to roll with impact or fall. They
down side is that these champions of justice don't know when to also has keen vision and hearing; 20 decibels beyond lhe hu-
retreat. take foolish risks. and sometimes underestimate their op- man range. Poor day vision (200 feet/61 m) and must wear
ponents. They can also be insufferable braggans and swaggering some son of protective eye-shade or risk being blinded by
egomamacs. bright lights and sunshine.
Special Weapons & Vehicles: Any. but most thisseras are fond
Thisseras (pronounces thiss-se.--rass) of personal. melee-type weapons. and kisentite swords are es-
pecially popular. Fast vehicles with high maneuverability and
Alignmenl: Any. but most lean toward good or unprincipled.
high speeds. like one-man hover vehicles. are preferred for
Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 306. P.P.
306+4. P.E. 406. PR. 206. Spd. 506 One-Man Hover Car. Maximum Speed: 260 mph (416
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus ID6 per level of experience.
km). S.D.C. 200. hovers 3 to 12 feet (0.910 3.7 m) above the
S.D.C.: 2D4xlO+4O ground and has excellent maneuverability.
Horror Factor: 10
Prderred Armor: Thisseras combat environmental body ar-
Height: 6 feet plu~ 306 IncheS (1.6to 2.3 m).
mor: Light suit: A.R. 14. S.D.C. 80 (no prowl or movement
Weight: 100 plus 2o.axi0 pounds (54 to 82 kg).
penalties). Heavy suit: A.R. 17. S.D.C. 225. but -15% to
A\erage Life Span: 175 years
prowl. climb. acrobatics and gymnastics skills.
Super Abilities: 1lle tYPlcalthisseras have the following super Familiarity with Earth: 1lle extensive operations of the TMC
abilities: Chameleon. healing faclor and super vision: nightvi-
includes some of the space around or near Earth. 1lleir files
sian. 10% can select twO additional minor power.> or one ma-
contain information on Earth equal to the "Some familiarity"
jor. Another 10% have psionic powers instead: select I D4
result on the Familiarity With Eanh table.
mlllOr and one majOr psi-ability: J.S.P.: M.E. +406 points and
Rirts Note: These reptilian humanoids will be considered 0-
an additional 204 I.S.P. per level of experience. And 10% are
bees. 1lle Coalition States will see them as dangerous monsters
hardware characters. All have extensive combat. espio-
because they possess super powers and the spirits of heroes.
nage/military and crime·busting training.
1lley will try to destroy them whenever they gel the oppo"unity.
Thisseras lawmen will get along well with cyber-knights and
Olher heroes. They will almost certainly clash with the CS and
other villains. including the Minions of Splugonh. CibolanslSoul
Worms. Naroni Enterprises. and the Federation of Magic. They
are S.D.C. creatures who also possess mega-damage body armor.
weapons and technology.
If set in the Rifts: Phase World environment. the background
presented for Aliens Unlimited is appropriate. Most will be law-
men. bounty hunters. adventurers and t;,e occasional mercenary.
Any of the mercenary. men at arms. scholar and adventurer
O.C.C.s can be selected. although they rarely get bionic. juicer
or M.O.M. conversions. They rarely study magic.

Vegetation Races
Alien life forms come in all shapes. sizes and structures.
Those referred to as w~g~latjon are intelligent plant-life. Leaves.
vines. bark. algae. and any OIher matter resembling planlS or
leaves form the alien's body. Those described in the following
pages have the shape of bipedal humanoids. with two arms. two
legs. and a head. but others may have multiple vine-like or tenia-
cle-like limbs. or be sedentary like trees. Some may have only
large lumps for heads. or fully developed heads with eyes. nose.
mouth. and ears (or appendages resembling them). Such features
may be the result of evolution in which the planlS needed to re-
semble humans or animals to survive.

Standard Plant Features & Abilities 6. Accurately sense the time of day and direction (north,
south, easl, west, elc.): 80% +1 % per level of experience but
By Kc\'in Siembieda needs sunlight. Withoul sunlight, reduce the success ratio by
Common Features
7. Accurately identify temperature (within ID4 degrees):
Resistance to Pain: Weapons inflict normal damage but the
70% +2% per level of experience: includes air temperature.
plant being is only about half as sensitive to pain as mammals.
8. Sense the location of under ground water reserves: 40%
Healing Factur: The plant-like resilience of these aliens +2% per level of experience.
means they heal twice as fast as flesh and blood aliens, and can 9. Feel the vibrations of an approaching ground vehicle(s). gi-
regenerate losl limbs and body pans within 3D4xlO days. ant bot, herd of mammals, giant animals, explosion or earth-
Im'isible 10 Sensors: Even advanced sensor systems cannot quake up to six miles (9.6 km) away. Running or walking
differentiate between semien! plant life fomlS and ordinary humans 1000 feet (350 m) away. Flying vehicles or animals
plants, making sentient (onns invisible to sensors. Furthermore. 500 feet (152 m) away. +2 on initiative and a +1 to dodge.
They are cold life (omlS and will not register as warm-blooded 10. Hear ultrasonic sounds; super keen hearing: Average
animals on heat sensors or infrared deteclOrs. They are also in- range 2000 feet (365 m).
visible \0 mechanical detection when hiding among other plants 11. Communicate via natural telepathy: Average range is 400
and may be difficult to see with the naked eye. as they are likely feet (122 m) when communicating with animal life. but ex-
to blend in with surrounding vegetation. tends to1200 feet (366 m) when communicating with sentient
• Breathe: Vegetation aliens can breathe through every inch of plant life. Typically this is an automatic ability that does not
their bodics. They can wear clothes and annor thai restricts most require the expenditure of I.S.P.
of the body and still breathc nonnally. While all of this makes
them nearly impossible to smother. they are extremely suscepti-
ble to defoliating chemicals: -5 to save vs gases. sprays and Camleans
Olher chemical attacks designed to kill vegetation. However.
they are impervious (Q most drugs and toxins designed to hUrl or
Cam leans are short, corded bundles of thick. green plant fi-
affect animal life.
bers on a humanoid frame. They are compact. with burly fea-
Aliens composed of green vegetation do not need to eat in the tures that were formed by the powerful gravity of their
animal sense. Most feed primarily on sunlight/solar energy and homeworld, Imle. Their coloration normally ranges from drab
water (some need minimal water 10 survive. while others need browns to bright tans. reds and oranges. They have humanoid
more). Some may feed on radiation rather than light. Most plants heads with sims that resemble eyes. They even have a tiny bird-
tum radiant energy (from the sun or anificial sources) into food. like mouth at the end of their chins, and like a bird. their voices
Use the same feeding and hunger rules given under the Human- are musical and wonderful to listen to. The lyrical range of their
oid Mineral section for these aliens. voices has given the cam leans a reputation as singers (and musi-
cians). They are recognized by many in the galaxy as masters of
Plan I Body Armor composition and the performers of music and song. All cam leans
Most plant beings have a lOugh outer skin that provides some are taught to sing by their parents at a young age. Many pursue
level of natural protection. the ans to their fullest and become musical entertainers. Cam-
Light/Soft Armor: Resembles the stems and leaves of plants lean singers have a powerful reputation to help starl their ca-
or skins of fruit. Main body: 2D4xl0+20 S.D.C. and A.R. 10 (or reers. but they also have the greater responsibility in upholding
65 M.D.C.). that reputation. Many singers and musical groups are openly
Medium Armor: Tough vines. fibers and resilient branches. welcomed on any planet or space station as special guests. espe-
Main body: 2D4xI0+60 S.D.C. and A.R. 13 (or 110 M.D.C.). cially worlds that respect the arls, or are governed by nobility-
Heavy Armor: Bark, nutshells or strong fibers. Main body: to have music perfonned by these bards in one's courl is a pres-
2D4xlO+200 S.D.C.. A.R. 16 (or 200 M.D.C.). tigious event. Music has become a big business for some cam-
Rifls Note: Most plant creatures will be mega-damage crea- leans.
tures with natural M.D. body amlOr/hit points. In addition, these beings are attracted to music and they send
teams of researchers. explorers and musicians to observe. study
Heightened Senses of Planls and record the musical sounds, songs, lyrics. instruments. events
I. Track and maneuver by smell alone: 72% +2% per level of and other cultures on many other worlds. The information gath-
experience. Roll once for every 2000 feet (1200 m). A failed ered from these trips is used for inspiration and variety in lyrical
roll means the scent lrail is tcmporarily lost: two successful compositions. Many of the finest musical instruments in the gal-
rolls out of three means the trail has been rediscovered. axy are created and collected by the camleans.
2. Identify common, known smells, and airborne aromas: Despite their reputation for exquisite music. some cam leans
90%, Range: 2000 feet (1200 m). have darker personalities. The evil aligned members of the race
3. Remember and identify a specific unusual scent: 80% +1 % have sinister uses for their music which match their dark souls.
per level of experience. Range: 1200 feet (365 m). They use music (and their psionic powers) to evoke dark emo-
4. Smell/Sense the coming of rain, smoke and large fires: tions or confusion among their listeners, and spread violence and
50% +2% per level of experience; two mile (3.2 km) range. discord by working crowds into riotous mobs. These villains are
5, Accurately sense the wind direction: 68% +2% per level of usually members of a revolutionary movement within the cam-
33% of them have two additional major psionic powers and
104+1 secondary abilities (they are considered natural psion-
ics and gellhe I.S.P. normally allributed to those characters in
addition to the 1.5.P. previously noted. In Rirts, they are mind
melters). 33% are hardware, 10% use robotics/exoskeletons,
10% bionics, 12% have super abilities as a result of mutation
or experimentation and 2% study magic.
All have some talent in music or singing and have the fol-
lowing skills automatically: sing (+10%). play musical instru-
ments (+5%, cOOose one), or writing (music compositions):
all are of professional caliber.
Natural Abilities: All common features and heightened senses.
Special Weapons: Can use all kinds of items. but are auraeted
to laser, sonic and Kisentite weapons and other types of me·
lee weapons.
Special Vehkles: Any. but prefer antigravity devices.
Prerernd Armor: Robotic or bionic characters will have annor
from their respective category. Other camleans tend to avoid
wearing armor except for environmental suits necessary for
space exploration: A.R. 12. S.D.C. 60. However, any annor
can be used.
Familiarity with Earth: 1lle diversity of music and cultures on
Earth has attracted many camlean investigators to it. 1llose
researchers have collected information equal to the "Has
studied Earth" result on the Familiarity with Earth lable.
Rirts Notes: In the Rills setting. the camleans are considered
monstrous D-bees. Most humans and many other mammalian
life forms will find the creatures unnerving. despite their beauti-
ful music. The Coalition States will destroy them whenever they
are encountered. Slavers will find them attractive as bolh slave
labor and entertainers.
If set in the Rirts: Phase World environment. the background
lean race. It is clear that they believe themselves superior 10 ani- presemed for Aliens Unlimited is appropriate. Most .....ill be
mal life. but what their goals are. and the exlent of their vagabonds. entertainers. thieves, bounty hunters. adventurers
influence is nOI yet clear. Some are jusl mercenaries or adventur- and the occasional mercenary.
ers with no or lillie interest in music.
Camlean society is much like that of Eanh. with cities. slates. Chianas - - - - - - - - - - - -
and nations ruled by a variety of government types. They have
soldiers. scientists. engineers. and all of the other members of a These vegetation beings are powerful psionics from a dark
diverse modem society. Their technology includes advanced world known as Khina. The chianas are the planet's dominant
space travel. robots. bionics. and sonic weapons. but much of it life fonn. More than two hundred years ago. the aliens' popula-
has been acquired from other races. Fine quality melee weapons tion was at a critical level. There were so many Chianas that
are a favorite of many camleans. Even those who are not in com- their society and the planet's resources were strnined. Raw mate-
bat related professions will carry ornamental. but functional. rials .....ere becoming harder to find. which made prices rise.
Kisentile weapons. Their love of ornamentation is orten present along with stress and despair. The people were at each other's
in other aspects of their lives. such as the decorative antigravity throats. As their planel reached its limits of population support,
suits commonly employed for transponation. the chianas applied their skills to the development of advanced
space drives to colonize other worlds and find new mineral re-
Camleans (pronounced cam-Iee-ans) sources.
Alignment: Any. but most tend toward selfish. Many spacecraft would leave Khina in the next few decades
Al1ributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 406. P.S. 406. P.P. as expeditions desperately searched for other suitable planets for
306+2. P.E. 306. P.B. 206. Spd. 306x3 mining and colonization.
Hit Points: P.E. ><2, plus 206 per level of experience. Mean hile. riOtS and mayhem increased on their homeworld.
Natural Heavy Body Armor: 204x10+200 S.D.C.. A.R. 16 Manial la was declared and the military took over. This mili-
Height: 5 fcct plus 106 inches (1.5 to 1.7 m). tary government was still headed by the polilical leaders. bul
Weight: 100 plus 2D4x10 pounds (54 to 82 kg). they were mostly figureheads who received orders from military
A\'erage Lire Span: 400 years commanden. For hundreds of years. the people were ruled and
Super Abilities: All camleans have !he psionic abilities of te- guided by the military. Violence was met with violence. Rebels
lepathy. emphatic transrer and mind block. J.5.P. is M.E. X). and criminals were slaughtered to make space for la..... abiding
Chianas (pronounced cheye-anas)
Alignment: Any. but most will be principled. scrupulous or ab-
Allributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 3D6+3. P.S. 406. P.P.
406. P.E. 306. P.B. 306. Spd. 406
Hit Points: P.E. x2 plus 106 per level of experience.
Natural Light Body Armor: 2D4x10+20 S.D.C.. A.R. 10
Height: 7 feet plus 206 inches (2.2 to 2.4 m).
Weight: 195 plus lD4xlO pounds (93 to 235 kg).
Appearance: Luminous green humanoids. with large. attractive
leaves and yellow-green eyes.
Average Life Span: 300 years
Super Abilities: All chianas are natural psionics and are combat
trained (espionage and physical training).
Natural Abilities: All common features and heightened senses.
Khina is a twilight world and all chianas have nightvision out
to 1000 feel (305 m). and feed on various types of radiation
but not !ighl per se (lhey do not give off radiation).
Special Weapons and Vehicles: They can use the equivalent of
most types of weapons. hover vehicles and spacecraft. Favor-
ite weapons include lasers and vibro-blades. with antigravity
devices as their favorite mode of transportation.
Preferred Armor: Being fully combat trained. the chianas will
often wear additional body armor and environmental suits.
Everyday light riot armor will likely be a combat vest (A.R.
10. S.D.C. 50). while more dangerous situations will warrant
full environmental body annor (A.R. 15. S.D.C. 180).
Familiarity with Earth: None
cih7en,. After a general ion of military control. it became the so- Rifts Notes: In the Rifts setting. the chianas are considered
cial "lructure. and all chianas learned to Jive by military law and D-bees. but most humans and other life fonns will find the crea-
discipline. tures auractive and friendly. The Coalition States will destroy
The chian:.s· military is the government and prOleclOr of its them whenever they are encountered. Slavers will find them at-
people and posse~sions. Every citizen is expected 10 serve 10 tractive as slave labor, fighters and mercenaries. They are mega-
years in the armed forces. and are a pemlanent pan of lhe mili- damage creatures with mega-damage technology.
tia. The military government tcaches its people order. self-disci- If set in the Rifts: Phase World environment. the background
pline. -.elf-confidence. obedience. respect for authority and the presented for Aliens Unlimited is appropriate. Most will be law-
law. fighting skill~ and mastery of their psionic abilities. Surpris- men. bounty hunters. adventurers and mercenaries.
ingly. lhis milit;Jry rule i~ bencvolem and also instills self-reli-
ance. compa.~<;ion. an acceptance of other life fonns. and anced
for the individual to make sacrifices for the greatcr good of the Erythros - - - - - - - - - - -
majority. It has become a combination l>piritual. political. and The erythros are a mysterious race of humanoids composed
military force lhat has brought comparative peace and structure of brown and dull green vegetation. They are of average human-
to the people. oid height, and their bodies are covered with tiny leaves and li-
Those who left Khina to go 10 thc stars eventually found plan- chen-like fuzz. Their heads are very human-like. with obvious
ets where their people could live. and places to mine and build eyes. a nose and a mouth, but this all changes when they are an-
factories. This has done a greal deal to relieve the crisis on their gered or forced to defend themselves. The fine lichen grows to
horneworld. and to loosen the extreme control of the military. amazing bulk and thickness and each fine leaf blossoms into a
However. the chian3S still ret3in their unique military-based gov- weave of protective annor. The erylhros increases in size and
ernmcnt. structure and beliefs. Criminals and rebels are still S.D.C.. and towers 60 feet (l8.3m) tall! As giants they are unaf-
treated harshly and are either expelled from the community or fected by heat or cold (including plasma and magic) and their
executed. The chianas get along well with other races. They re- normal S.D.C. is increased dramatically!
spect lhe laws and customs of other people and arc among the There are very few of these plant aliens in the galaxy. which
most polite and law abiding people in the universe. Many have sparks many speculations on their origin. Many people believe
joined interstellar police forces (including the TMC). while oth- the erythros are eilher a new race in the galaxy. or are members
ers have become bounty hunters. lawmen. explorers and merce- of a dying one. because there are so few known to exist and they
naries. They are especially hard on chianas who have turned 10 are scattered throughout outer space. In truth. they are the survi-
crime or evil ways. vors of a war in another galaxy. The erythros were engaged in a
war with the insane cyborgs known as the Mechanoids (See
Rifts Sourcebook Two: The Mechanoids). Like all races who

oppose the Mechanoids. the erythros were losing. They had hid- Erythros (pronounced ear-ee-throws)
den their lasl large military base near a black hole to help con- Alignment: Any. but most seem to be selfish.
ceal il from lheir enemies. bUI lhe unrelenting cyborgs found Attributes: I.Q. 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 206. P.S. 506. P.P.
them. One of their large mililary space slations was thrown out JD6, P,E, JD6, P,B, 2D6, Spd. 3D6
of Orbll by a Mechanoid allack and drifted off as the bailIe con- Hit Points: P.E. x3, plus 106 per level of experience.
tinued. The drifting station was pulled inlo black. hole and was in Natural Light Body Armor: 2D4xlQ+20 S.D.C.. A.R. 10: in-
subjected to a space (and time?) warping anomaly that flung crease when giant (see the super ability growth).
them in 10 the Milky Way galaxy. Other erythros may have es- Height: 5 feet plus 306 inches (1.6to 2.0 m).
caped lhe Mechanoids' onslaught. but are scallered across the Weight: 150 plus 2D6xlO pounds (77 to 122 kg).
umverse. Average Life Span: 700 years
The few thousand in the Milky Way have decided to rebuild Super Abilities: Erythros are all from the power category of Su-
their race. While some search for a new world to inhabit. most per Abilities. They all have the major super ability growth
have found a place living wllh other beings. However. such alli- and the minor super ability impen'jous to fir" and h"at. There
ances are tentallve. 0 one is sure about the erythros' goals or is a 01-30% chance that the character can have one other mi-
motives. bul lhe fact lhat most oppose the Atorian Empire helps nor ability.
to qUiet many doubts. These erythros oppose the Empire because Natural Abilities: All common features and heightened senses
II reminds them of the Mechanolds. and they are angered by any numbers 1·8.
race lhat seems bent on Intergalactic conquests. slavery and war. Special Weapons and Vehicles: They can use the equivalent of
~y will nOi let another maniacal race deStroy their last chance most types of weapons, hover vehicles and spacecraft. Favor-
for survival. ites weapons include lasers and vibf"o.blades. with antigravity
They how to use advanced ~eapons. vehicles and com- devices as their favorite mode of transportation.
pUlers. which seems to confinn thai they were a technologically Preferred Armor: Rarely use any. except environmental suits
advanced race. The quality of their space stalion (what survived) for hostile environments. or as a disguise.
is also an indication that lhelr tech-level was high. By selling the Familiarity with Earth: Only what they have heard from OIh-
remainS of lhelr space stallon as scrap and through work as mer- ers. which is not much: equal to the "some familiarityM result
cenaries and bodyguards. many have purchased space ships and on the Familiarity With Earth table.
eqUIpment to explore theIr new galaxy. There are several small Rifts Notes: Basically the same as the camleans. They are
fleets of spacecraft and mercenary tTOOps under the command of mega-damage creatures with mega-damage technology.
erythros forces.
Phorila is a scorching. lhennal planet currently on the edge of
the Atorian Empire. What isn't desert or volcanic wastelands is
covered in lush tropical forests. Deep within its crust, flows mol-
ten rock at lemperatures beyond those of other planets. This heat
causes pockets of inlense pressure to build which eventually ex-
plode as violent volcanoes. Within those high pressure areas. are
incredible thermal forces thai compress the nonnal metal densi·
ties and creale incredibly strong substances. Nearly a century
ago, the Kisent aliens discovered and perfected the process for
forging these metals using high technology (laser forge). As are·
suit, the metal known as Kismtite was named after them.
The kisents are vegetation aliens of average humanoid height
and build with a leaf like crown on their heads. Their body col-
orations are a variety of browns wilh green, and green high-
lights. Their humanoid frames are covered in a hard skin
reminiscent of bark. Kisents are otherwise very humanoid in ap-
pearance with five fingered hands. full featured faces (eyes,
nose, mouth. ears). and loose. leafy hair.
Their technological level is highly advanced and includes ro-
botics, microwave weaponry, and advanced space travel. Their
laser forges are considered the best in the galaxy. they have also
developed specialized particle beam forges that help to create
Kisentite weapons of unsurpassed quality. Kisent-forged weap-
ons are perfectly balanced (+1 to strik.e and +2 to parry) and ex-
pensive (triple the cost of nonnal steel weapons). Allhough the
aliens are best k.nown for their melee weapons. they produce
nearly every type and class of weapon from yibm-knives to
plasma cannons. The Kistnt logo on any weapon insures its
quality, durability. and high price.
All educmional backgrounds are found in Kiselll society. De- tailed under the frozen world description, A survival suit
spite their massive manufacture of weaponry. their arnled forces must be worn to offset those effects (See the Equipment sec-
are no larger than average for a humanoid race. They make up tion).
for size. however, by using top quality equipment. They are Special Weapons and Vehicles: They use and manufaclure the
ruled by a powerful Council of Direclion lhat runs lhe planel like equivalent of most types of weapons, vehicles and spacecraft.
a giant corporation. After the forging of Kisentite was perfecled Favorites weapons include Kisentite melee weapons and mi-
and space lmvel assured. the Council began what could only be crowave blasters.
called a marketing campaign. Their efforts have firmly eSlab- Preferred Armor: Types of annor worn will vary with the char-
lished the kisents as top quality galactic weapons manufaclurers. acter's occupation and needs.
and thaI repUiation has endured for cemuries. Familiarity with Earth: The Kisents have infornlation on Earth
equal to the "Some familiarity" result on the FamiliarilY With
Earth table.
Rifts Noles: in the Rifts selling. the kisents are considered
monstrous D-bees. Most humans and many other mammalian
life forms will find the creatures unnerving, and many of these
plam beings will engage in mercenary or criminal activities. The
Coalition States will destroy them whenever they are encoun-
tered. The Splugorth will find them allractive allies as assassins,
warriors. gladialors and weapon designers. They can be any
O,C.c. except psionic.
If sel in lhe Rifts: Phase World environment, lhe background
presented for Aliens Unlimited is appropriate. MOSI will be
weapons merchants, bounty hunlers, mercenaries and advcntur-
ers. They represent competition to Naruni Enterprises. thc Splu-
gorth and others. except that lhey have nOl yCl maSlered
dimensional travel. They are mega-damage creatures with mega-
damage technology.

Lachinelians - - - - - - - - - -
The lachinelians are a race of vegetation aliens from the
planet Arachin. which is composed entirely of radioactive ele-
ments. The environment is deadly to most animal life. but the
lachinelians have evolved. and thrive in lheir irradiated habitat.
Despite lhe radiation. there are only two common mutations.
One is lhe growth of bulbous mailer on their bodies. The bulbs
are perfectly harmless and do not interfere with normal move-
ment or health in any way. They have become an accepted lmil
among the aliens. The second mUlation is a mental change that
results in a high amount of psionic abilities.
Magic is common on Arachin and a large portion of the peo-
ple study and use ii, especially in everyday applications like
Kisents (pronounced kiss-sents) fanning and construction. The majority of the lachinclian mili-
Alignment: Any. but most are selfish and aberrant eviL tary is composed of mystics and psionics. Although their lechno-
AUribules: I.Q. 406. ME 306, M.A. 206. P.S. 306+2, P.P. logical level is only equal to thaI of 19th Century Earth, their
306+4. P.E. 306. P.B. 106. Spd. 306 special abilities make them extremely formidable.
Hit Points: P.E.x3 Despite their psionic and magic powers, the lachinelians have
Natural Heavy Body Armor: 2D4xIO+200 S.D.C.. A.R. 16 fallen victim to raids by alien invaders who capture their people
Borror Faclor: 10 and enslave them. Such raids came to an end when the replilian
Height: 5 feet plus 4D6 inches (1.6to 2.1 m). toogarth invaded (see Villains Unlimited for delails on the
Weight: 130 plus 2D6x10 pounds (68 10 113 kg). Toogarth Empire and people). The invaders' advanced technol-
Average Life Span: 400 years ogy, natural abililies, and relentless drive overwhelmed lhem.
Super Abililies: The kisent aliens can be from a number of Su- They have since been forced to became part of Ihe Toogarth Em-
per Power Categories: Bionics. robots. hardware. experi- pire. The reptilians wanted the abundant radioactive elements in
ments. and magic. Arachin's crust 10 fuel their annada's nuclear drives. The con-
Natural Abililies: All common features and heightened senses. quered lachinelians work for the tooganh. mining and refining
Being aliens from a thermal world. they resistant to fire and ores and olher mineral resources. and some cominue to be sold
heat (half are damage). but lhey will suffer from exposure at imo slavery by their new masters.
temperatures of 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 C) or less as de-
posed to them ror more than two weeks is likely to surfer
rrom radiation exposure (see the high radiation world descrip-
tion ror details on radiation poisoning). These aliens can also
see into the ultraviolet speclrum or light.
Special Weapons and Vehicles: They can learn to use most
types or weapons and vehicles. but only the most intelligent
can pilot aircraft. spaceships or operate complicated devices.
Preferred Armor: Types or annor worn will vary with the char-
acter's occupation. Mystics onen have protective spells. and
some psionics can summon S.D.C.. so they often do not need
to wear annor.
Familiarity with Earth: None.
Rifts Noles: Basically the same as the camleans. They are
mega-damage creatures.

Sprekalians - - - - - - - - - -
The sprekalians are natives or the planet Rikal. The abrasive
atmosphere or the planet has made them into physically hardy
specimens with a tough. barl::-like skin and resilient bodies. They
are a tall. imposing people. trailS which tend to belie their highly
technical advancements_ l11e sprekalians have mastered space
travel. robotics. and many other sciences.
Thilik-3 is a drug developed by sprekalian scientists rrom the
beneficial Thilik and Thilik-I series. l11e medicinal use or these
drugs is as a kind or steroid to boost the palient's resilience and
increase healing. Thilik-3 builds on that. and adds heighlened re-
nexes and powers 10 the results. The negative aspect or it is Ihal
re<:ipiems or the customized drug develop insanity. psychotic
tendencies and ami-social behavior. It became very popular with
gangs and illegal enrorcers. and became so widespread that the
Escaped and liberated lachinelians can be round roaming the police could not handle the greal numbers or criminals juiced on
galaxy. Most are vagabonds. mercenaries or adventurers. Some Thilik-3.
have a price on their heads and are pursued by looganhian
A government committee decided it was necessary to ronn an
bounty hunters. Others can be round across the galaxy perfonn-
Anti-Thilik branch or their Illegal Substance Enrorcement
ing services and conducting business as slaves.
Agency. The Ikta were created as a special anti-Thilik assault di-
Lachinelians (pronounced la.chin.nel-eye-ans) vision. Sprekalian volunteers were subjecled to special govern-
Allributes: I.Q. 206+1. M.E. 306. M.A. 206. P.S. 506. P.P. ment experimentation procedures that gave them super abilities
J06. P.E. J06. P.B. 106. Spd. 406 to combat the users orThilik-).
Hit Points: P.E. ><2. plus 204 per level or experience. The hundreds or Ikla wenl to war with the illegal Thilik·3
Natural Heavy Body Armor: 2D4x I0+60 S.D.C.. A.R. 13 makers. dealers and users. Twenty years later they were so suc-
Horror Factor: 12 cessrul that most Thilik dealers left the planet or SlOpped deal-
Height: 6 reet plus 106 inches (1.8102.0 m). ing. The government has declared the Thilik threat over and has
Weight: 150 plus 106 pounds (68 to 71 kg). reassigned many (kta 10 positions orr-world. Their super abilities
A\'erage Life Span: 375 years made them better candidates ror the demands or space travel and
Super Abilities: Alliachinelians have the psionic powers or em- ror dealing with hostile aliens. Some pursue Thilik dealers and
pathy. mind block and resist ratigue. with an I.S.P. base or criminal users orf-world. Some are liaisons with other police
M.E. x). These characters can also study magic and learn rorces (including the TMC) or military rorces. Others have be-
various occupations (nonnally quite primitive. but as slaves come mercenaries. criminals or rreebooters themselves. Only a
many have learned a variety or modem skills). small Ikta rora: remains on Rikal.
35% have natural psionics (mind melters in Rirts) and
have all the additional I.S.P. and abilities available to that Thilik-3
power category. 15% have two super abilities as well as the Duration: 204 hours
psionics common to all: Chameleon and plant control or con- COSI: Varies greatly depending on availability. but never less
trol radiation (pick one). 30% practice magic. The remaining than 500 credils.
plant people have no special powers. EfTecl5: The drug has the rollowing errects on sprekalians and
Natural Abilities: All common reatures and heightened senses. vegetation aliens with similar physiology:
numbers 1-7. Tl1eir high radiation homeworld has made them I. Insanily: Unsettles the psyche. resulting in temporary in-
immune to the errects or radiation. bot their bodies give orr sanilY. Use Ihe crazy hero Random era:)" E/~menlS Tab/~ and
low levels or it 10 the environmem around them. Anyone ex- rules ror villains using Thilik-3 (see page 19 or Heroes Unlim-
lied). At first. the craziness wears off when lhe drug does. but Average Life Span: 500 years
frequent and long-time users of more than six months, will be Super Abilities: Sprekalians can be any of the following power
driven pennanently insane. In addition to the crazy hero lables, categories: Bionic. robot (typically exoskeleton or vehicle).
long·time users and addicts should roll once on the affective dis· hardware. physical training or magic. Only the Ikta. created
order table and once on the phobia or obsession table. All of through super po\\,er inducing experiments and users of
them tend to be suspicious of others and prone to acts of vio- Thilik-3 possess super abilities.
lence and cruelty (anti-social). Ikla characters can select twO major abilities or one major
2. Heightened Awareness & Renexes: +2 attack5/actions per and two minor super powers. They also have the following
melee round, +3 on initiative, +2 to strike. +3 to pall)' and bonuses: +2 on initiative. +2 to sa\'e vs holTOr factor, +2 10
dodge. +3 to roll with impact. +4 to P.S.. and +6 to speed. All pull puoch. +2 10 roll with impact. +5 to save vs any chemi-
bonuses and Increases are temporary and disappear when the caVdrug/loxin (includes helpful drugs). recognize and iden-
drug's duration lapses. tify plants at 88%. and add I D4xlO to S.D.C.
3. Super Abilities: There is a 01-42% chance of a random Natural Abilities: All common features and heightened senses
major power manifesting itself (pick one when applicable. abili- numbers 5-11.
ties may change with each use of the drug), Abilities are limited
Special Weapons and Vehicles: They use and manufacture lhe
to: Aller physical structure (any). disruptive touch. gravity ma-
equivalent of most types of weapons, vehicles and spacecraft.
nipulation, conlrol radiation, magnetism, and divine aura.
, Preferred Armor: Types of amlOr worn will vary with lhe char-
Powerball acter's occupation and needs.
Thilik-3 has recenlly appeared as a drug for animal humanoid .'amiliarity with Earth: The sprekalians have infonnation on
life fonns. It is called PO'K'erbalf. When they use it. the follow- Eanh equal to the "some familiarity" resu\( on the Familiarity
ing effects occur. With Eanh labIe.
Duration: 204 hours Rifts Noles: Similar to the chianas.
Cost: Varies greatly depending on availability. but never less
than 500 credits.
l. Insanhy: Same as above. but is pennanent after two
months of use.
2. Heightened Awareness & Reflexes: + I attack/action per
melee round. +4 on initiative. +3 to strike, +4 to parry and
dodge. +6 to save vs horror factor (fearless unless insanity dic-
tates otherwise). +6 to P.S .. +10 to Spd. and can leap 10+104
feet (3.0 to 4.3 01). fatigues at 20% the nonnal rate and has addi-
tional +1 D4xlO S.D.C.! All bonuses and increases are temporary
and disappear when the drug's duration lapses.
3, Hyper: The character becomes a ball of energy with super-
human endurance (see S.D.C. bonus above), no need 10 sleep or
eat (this effect lasls 3x the nonnal duration). Unfonunately. lhe
need to release lhat energy usually results in physical violence.
Daredevil stunts are also a way these crazies vent energy: leap-
ing from rooftops and speeding in vehicles are common.
4. Addiction, Side-Effect & Penalties: Powerball is instantly
addictive to humans and most other animals. requiring daily
fixes. Pennanent insanity occurs after two monlhs of use. The
character also has trouble sleeping and must eat more frequently
to compensate for the energy that is burned up. Penalties: Re-
duce P.B.. P.E. and M.A. by 20%. Most addicts will die within
204 years. Many aren'\ aware of this yet. but if they do. it will
only add to their reckless and violent life style. Super powers are
not inSlilled in non-plant beings.

Sprekalians (pronounced sprek-ah-Ianes)

Attributes: J.Q. 306+2. M.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 306. P.P.
306. P.E. 306. P.B. 306. Spd. 306.
Hit Points: P.E. x3 plus 206 per level of experience.
Natural Heavy Body Armor: 2D4xI0+200 S.D.C.• A.R. 16
Horror Factor: 13
Height: 8 feet. 6 inches plus 306 inches (2.7 to 3.0 01).
Weight: 360 plus 204xlO pounds (172 to 199 kg). Sprekalia with Stun Club

was a microscopic parnsite. This began a futile war of medicine
against the deadly microbes. Even magical spells and rituals had
no effect. Other rnces were unaffeeted. except for those com-
posed of plant-like malter. In an uncharacteristic gesture of com-
passion, the Atorian Empire sent representalives to assess the
situation and offer help. They were worried the epidemic might
spread, until they realized that the parasite only attacked vegeta-
tion aliens. Many suspect the atorian scienlists only offered help
to get some samples for their bio-weapons division.
The number of fatalities escalated and the scientists grew
fruslrated. They had identified the culprit. but they slitl could not
figure out a way 10 counteract it. Then. as the nalive population
of Odach dwindled to a few thousand, the dying suddenly
Stopped, The survivors were not infected and none of them had
physically suffered from the epidemic. FollOW-Up research dis-
covered Ihat the microscopic killer was the pnxiUCI of genetic
experimentalion that had gotten OUI of control. The survivors,
swore to forsake genelic research and have reduced lheir pursuit
of all sciences in favor of magic.
The survivors have reboil!. bUI even 148 years later, much of
the planet is a ghosl-lown, slillliuered with abandoned cities and
towns. They can relale to the plighl of the homeless and have in-
vited different groups of refugees 10 share lheir world wilh Ihem.
Many have accepled lheir kind otTer. Note: Ony aboul 1.7 mil-
lion ledeschians exist in Ihe galaxy.

Tedeschians (pronounced the-desh-eye-ans)

Alignment: Any, but Illosllean toward good.
AUribules: I.Q. 306, M.E. 306, MA 406, P.S. 506, P.P.
Tedeschians 406. P.E. 206. P.8. 306. Spd. 506
Hit Points: Standard, P.E. plus 1D6 per level of experience.
The ledeschians are a race of tall plant beings from the low
Natural Light Body Armor: 2D4x 10+20 S.D.C.. A.R. 10
gravity planet Odach. Their limbs are long and tapering, and
their bodies are covered by a light green. smooth, bark-like skin Height: 5 feel, 5 inches plus ID6 feet (1.7 to 1.8 01).
mal resembles insect chitin. Their heads are large and oblong. Weight: lD4xlOO pounds (4510181 kg).
and their hands and feel have only four digits. TIley were once a Age: Tedeschians live to be 600 10 1000 years old.
very scientific people. Their oomewarld's close proximity to a Super Abilities: Mosl surviving tedeschians (90%) are practilio-
black hole made them one of the prt:mier researchers on this ners of magic. Others are possible. bullhey are a mrilY.
phenomenon. Scientific minds from many worlds came to Natural Abilities: All common features and heighlened senses.
Odach 10 study the anomaly. Yel black holes were not the only Special Weapons and Vehicles: They use and manufacture lhe
area of ~udy that interested the ledeschians. All sciences. includ- equivalenl of most types of weapons, vehicles and spacecraft.
ing magic. were explored by these inquisitive beings. With time. PreFerred Armor: Types of annor worn will vary wilh the char-
magic became quite prominent. especially in exploration and the acler's occupation and needs.
military. Familiarity with Earth: As a result of Ihe extensive search for a
They were at a high point in their evolution and development, cure, Odach now contains the mOSI extensive library of infor-
then they began 10 die. Slowly and inexplicably, something crept malion on the galaxy's various planets and their inhabitants.
through the populace, unlil a wide-scale epidemic began to dev- Their database on Earth has infonnation equal to the "Has
astate tens of thousands. The tedeschians and hundreds of scien- studied" result on the Familiarity With Earth table.
tists from around the galaxy worked furiously to discover the Rifts Notes: Similar to the chinnas. Many are humanilarians
cause and a cure. They quickly came to realize that the cause and explorers.

Galactic Monsters & Evil
The variety of evil and predatory crealUres in space is greater seem to prefer humans and other mammals. The brakkana have
than the number of the intelligent humanoid races. Some of the settled on several planets and do not appear to have a home-
more nmable. powerful. or legendary of them are presented in world in this galaxy. but many also wander the spaceways as
this section. Many of them will combine the aspects or abilities mercenaries. pirates. assassins and murderers.
of several super power categories. As a result. they are not avail- They show little interest in the ans and sciences. relying al-
able as player characters unless specifically sialed and defy the most entirely on their magic and supernatural powers. Likewise.
nonn. Note: Additional supernatural beings. entities and mon- while sometimes they congregate in annies and large groups.
sters can be found in Beyond the Supernatural and Mystic they are not social creatures and bicker and fight amongst each
China. as well as Rifts titles (particularly Rifts COIll'el'siofl Book other constantly. The most powerful rule, making intimidation
Oil" and Rifts Dimension Books), but the latter will require con- and brute force (occasionally cunning) the way to success. Many
versions to the S.D.C. damage niles.
, scientists have noted that the brakkana are feral predators who
Rins Note: In a Rifts seuing these beings will be mega-dam- use their instincts and natural abilities 10 survive. As such. they
age creatures with mega-damage powers. magic. weapons and are natural hunters who often eat what they kill, even human-
technology unless noted otherwise. oids.
Brakkana are prized by some for their size. strength. and
magic. They can be trained for guard work. gladiatorial combat.
and other roles that require magic. brute strength or ruthlessness.
However. they are difficult to control. because they really only
respect power and cruelty. They are best as the savage minions
of other supernatural powers (especially alien intelligences. god-
lings and demon lords). There are rumors that the Atorian Em-
pire has an elite force of brakkana warriors working for them
and one of the Empresses is said to have one as her personal

Brakkana (pronounced BrahMconMna)

Alignment: Evil or selfish. but usually miscreant or diabolic.
Attributes: I.Q. 206*. M.E. 306. M.A. 206. P.$. 506+6. P.P.
406+3, P.E. 4D6. P.B. 106. Spd. 606; supernatural P.$. and
* Roll another I D6 when an II or 12 are rolled. These more in-
telligent brakkana are often the leaders, advisors and spies of
the race.
Size: 8 to 10 feet tall (2.4 to 3.0 m)
Weight: 400 to 600 pounds (181 to 272 kg).
Hil Points: I D6xlO
S.D.C.: 4D6xlO.
Natural A.R.: 15 (natural)
Horror Factor: 15
Average Life Span: 1000 years.
Disposition: Most are mean. vindictive. and barbaric. They will
eat nearly anything. and weaker humanoids are always in
danger of becoming dinner. The more intelligent members of
Brakkana the species are still gruff. but more cunning and civili7..ed.
The brakkana are supernatural beings of an unknown origin. Leaders often have some twisted. demonic honor code. but
They are giant. muscular. demonic humanoids with anns that not all.
end in slashing scythe-like blades. Their eyebrows and foreheads Experience Level: Not appropriate. Spells are cast at 4+ I 06
are protected by bony ridges. and the head is crowned by two levels of experience.
large. downward turned horns. The maw is disproportionately Natural Abilities: See the invisible (a sort of thennal optic. in-
large and filled with sharp teeth. The eyes are white slits. The Frared sight), impervious to heat and fire. track by smell 66%.
horrible creatures are truly befilling the identification of "mon- can smell blood a mile (1.6 km) a way (and follow the blood
sters:' They are notoriously aggressive. savage warriors who kill scent at 78% efficiency). bio·regenerate 306 hit
for pleasure and IOnure captives. They eat humanoid nesh and pointslS.D.C. per minute, poisons and drugs only do half
damage. can leap 25 feel (7.6 m) and can seem to magically suit their characters. Characters who live by a code of honor will
understand all languages. be aberrant. principled or scrupulous in alignment. Most regard
Power Category: Alien mystic equal to 4+ I06 level experience other warriors of comparable skill as equals and respect them for
(leaders get an extra 104). acts of courage. honor and skill. If someone defeats them in
Spells: Limited to breathe without air. call lightning. fire ball. combat. Ihe cyklops will forever after respect that individual un-
dispel magic barrier. mystic shield. paralysis bolt, speed of less he does something terrible to discredit himself. Those who
the snail. eyes of the wolf. fly as the eagle. teleport (seIO. win the respect of a cyklops may also earn his or her undying al-
chameleon. tongues. and wall of flame, plus two spells of legiance or friendship.
choice. Leaders will have an additional 204 spells. Rills: Some cyklops-serpentmen that oppose discord and chaos
P.P.E.: 404x10. have joined the Atorian Empire because it represents Strict order.
Combat Skills of Note: Paired weapons and W.P. sword. unity (forced and otherwise) and strength. but others who cannot
Attacks Per Melee Round: Six (6) tolerate oppression have sided with. or secretly help the Niamese
Bonuses: These are in addition to possible auribute bonuses. +3 Coalition. FAR. and others who oppose the Empire.
on initiative. +2 to strike. +4 to parry. +1 to roll wilh punch.
fall. or impact and +6to save vs horror factor. Cyklops-Serpentmen
Originating Alien Environment: Abrasive Atmosphere (pronounced
Education Level: Not really applicable, but the more intelligent Optional Player Character: G.M.·s discretion.
ones can have the equivalent of a General Studies or Combat Alignment: Any. but tend toward aberrant evil or principled
'Specialist education. while the average brakkana will know good.
204 skills from the categories of communication. domestic. Attributes: I.Q. 306+3. M.E. 406. M.A. 306, P.S. 406+20.
espionage, and physical (in Rifts. rogue and wilderness are P.E. 406. P.B. 306. Spd. 606 running or 160 mph nying! P.S.
also available). and P.E. are considered to be supernatural.
O.C.C. Bonus: None Size: \8 to 20 feet tall (5.5 to 6.1 01)
Weapons: The Brakkana's arms naturally end in long sickle- Weight: \.800 to 2.000 pounds (815 to 907 kg).
like blades; they have no hands. The natural weapons do Hit Points: 204xlO
306+P.S. oonus each for damage. Some have enhanced them S.D.C.: 204xl00 (mega-damage in Rifts)
wilh bionic melal blade versions such as Kisentite. Vibro-blades Natural A.R.: 13
adds + ID6 damage and energy blades replacements add 206 Horror Faclor: 16
damage. Average Life Span: 300 years
Vehicles: Do not use them (no hands) but can be chauffeured Disposition: Cyklops-serpentmen tend to be quiet mountains of
places. power with deep. regal voices. They are aggressive and react
Armor: None. They rely on their natural armor rating. quickly to violence. returning it in kind. but most are not vi-
cious or murderous. Challenges. duels. and physical contests
are enjoyed by the giants. especially in favor of settling dis-
Cyklops-Serpentmen putes. Wrestling and fencing are favorite spons. followed
closely by target skills. Experience Level: Average: 4th level
Oplional player character race. (roll 204). In Herots Unlimited use the bionic experience ta-
ble. in Rifts use the dragon's experience table.
Based on drawings and ideas by Eric Breaux.
Natural Abilities: Swimming 80% and does nOI need to
breathe. Immune [0 gases and inhaled substances. regenerates
The cyklops-serpentmen are a race of giant. multi-limbed hu-
a lost eye within 10+206 days and limbs in 20+406 days!
manoids with huge bat-like wings. twin snaking tails. four arms
The giants are ambidextrous with both pairs of arms. and
and one great eye in the center of their ugly heads. Their mouth
their tails are prehensile and can be used to strike. entangle or
is filled with fangs and sharp teeth. and a thick mane of hair
frames the head. Skin color is light blue with violet striping. The
Power Category: Super Abilities
tails give them exceptional balance and slabililY in combat. both
Major Super Abilities: None
on the ground and in the air. Despile the name "serpentmen". a
Minor Super Abilities: Multiple limbs: arms. multiple limbs:
cyklops warrior can be a male or female
tail. flight: winged (leather). extraordinary physical strength.
The Cyklops are a race of skilled warriors that enjoy testing advanced sight and healing factor (in addition to the regen-
their abilities against all who dare to challenge them. They are erative powers mentioned previously).
very intelligent. and many work as mercenaries. soldiers. pirates. Combat Skills: Hand [0 hand: expen. boxing. wrestling. and
hit men. bodyguards. bounty hunters. heroes and adventurers. paired weapons.
They usually choose a profession that gives them numerous op- Attacks Per Melee Round: Eight! And 9 in night!!
portunities to show their prowess in battle. Despite their mon- Bonuses: These are in addition to possible altribute and hand to
strous appearance. the cyklops-serpentmen have a natural enmity hand bonuses. but they do include super ability bonuses. +5
with most so-called demons. alien intelligences. brakkana. and on initiative. +3 to strike (+6 in Oight). +4 to parry (+7 in
other supernatural monsters. flight). +4 dodge (+9 in flight or hover. + I I when faster than
Many cyklops will live by some sort of strict personal code of 90 mph/l44 km). +6 to roll with punch. fall. or impact.
honor. These codes vary from individual to individual and the pin!incapacitate on natural 18. 19. or 20 (if declared). +4 to
Game Master and players are left with free rein to detail them 10 save vs horror factor. +3 to save vs magic. psionics and tox-
149 ins.
Originating Alien Environment: Toxic Atmosphere. W.P. knife, W.P. target. W.P. sword. blum, or chain. W.P. en-
Education Level: Combat Specialist ergy rine and/or pistol. W.P. heavy (Ihis is a common selec-
Stholastic Bonus: +15% tion). First aid. and six secondary skills. Secondary skills are
Common Skills: Physical: Those listed above, plus fencing and normally those that are necessary. plus vehicle and language
acrobatics (used in aerial combat); Weapon Proficiencies: skills.
Weapons: The cyklops love weapons. especially archaic and become tangible only through a great deal of effon and only
melee types. Because of their immense physical size, the gi- for a maximum of 10 minutes. During this time the creature
ant weapons they employ do an extra 206 damage. Again, can use physical weapons and inflict physical damage with
because of their size, they are able 10 wield large weapons, in- them. It can become intangible at any time.
cluding large machineguns, vehicle mounted weapons and Minor Super Abilities: None
occasionally even anillery cannons (must have a supernatural Psionic Abilities: 4D4 I.S.P.; abilities are limited to empathy.
P.S. ono or greater). mind block. detect psionics. and astral projection (it is a crea-
Vehicles: Rarely used, but some cyklops do have an affinity for ture from the astral plane).
technology and like to hitch rides on large vessels, and like Attacks Per Melee: Three (3)
antigravity items when they can get them. Bonuses: +2 10 strike, +4 dodge and +8 to save vs horror factor.
Armor: None; they rely on their natural annor rating and mas- Originating Alien Environment: Astral plane
sive S.D.C. Weapons, Vehicles, and Armor: None

Dark Breeze
These are the horrible creatures the riathenor pirates have
named themselves after. They are ancient creatures of evil that
hawe haunted and tonnented the humanoids of many worlds
since the beginning of lime. They are predatory spirits thai drain
the very energy and life essence from their victims. The monster
is intangible and moves through solid doors and walls to hunt
down its prey. Their intangible nature also means they cannot lift
and carry physical objects, but they are tangible on the astral
plane. and their specter-like touch drains the life essence of liv-
ing beings - they need the equivalent of 50 hit points/S.D.C.
per 24 hour period to survive, but many like to gorge themselves
on ten times that amounl. Without a tangible essence, they are
very difficult 10 kill; psionics, magic and sonic weapons (the lat-
ter does double damage) are one's best defense against these
They appear as a monstrous, living, black shadow with glow-
ing white slots for eyes and a gaping white opening for a moulh.
A grey aura of energy radiates around them. When this aura
fades, opponents know the dark breeze is hun or starving.
These nightmarish monsters seem most at home in the dark
void of space, and worlds brimming with magic energy. The
dark breeze requires no edible food, water, or air to survive, but
are energy vampires who feed on the vital life essences of living
things. Thankfully. there seem to be few in the universe and
most live solitary lives with little interaction with others of their
kind. One rarely encounters more than one or two al any given
Alignment: Miscreant or diabolic evil.
Note: The super abilities and psionics are natural abilities and
Attributes: I.Q. 206, M.E. 306, M.A. 106, P.S. 206. P.P.
are not affecled by the Negate Super Abilities ability. Dark
306, P.E. not applicable, Spd. 406 - most physical abilities
breezes are always intangible.
are applicable only when in a tangible state or on the astral
Size: 6to 8 feet tall (1.8 to 2.4 m)
Weight: None
Hit Points: I O4x I0
Devourer Mound
S.D.C.: ID6xlO (represented by the grey aura; double on the as- These huge creatures are monstrous, carnivorous, plant-like
tral plane). beings nearly five feet (1.5 m) in height. Sixteen long tenlacles,
Natural Armor: Intangible natural state. each ending in a fanged mouth, surround an oversized maw at its
Average Life Span: Unknown; may be immonal. top, and it has moveable plates that cover the base of its body.
Disposition: Predatory hunter of supernatural origin. The mound can move al a slow pace. but on its homeworld, it
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80% typically stands stationary. waiting for an animal to get within
Power Category: Super abilities striking range and then strikes with 204 tentacles and rips its
Major Super Abilities: Intangibility (natural state) and bio- prey apan! The devourer mound can extend ils tentacles 20 feet
ghost (see Villains Unlimited, page 20). The dark breeze can (6.1 m). The monster detects its prey through scent and radar.
their hold after receiving 15 S.D.C. of damage (they have no
A.R.) and are destroyed with 30 S.D.C. of damage.
Bonuses: +\ on initiative, +4 to strike. +8 to parry. impervious
to horror faclor, +6 to save vs poison, toxin or disease.
Originating Alien Environment: High gravity; jungle and for-
Weapons, Vehicles, Armor: NO( applicable

Dopplegangers are legendary monsters and demons Ihat can
duplicale the form of a person. The reasons for which Ihis is
done are varied. but they range from pure survival (easier to
hunt) (0 the accumulation of power (by replacing leaders or
those close to them). There are several races across the galaxy
that can be classified as dopplegangers. Each has its own mo-
tives and abilities to copy. duplicate. or imitate humanoid tife
forms. Some are able to simply assume the guise of the person or
animal. while olhers must kill or even eat the viclim before they
can take its shape. Some are alien beings while others are super-
natural horrors. The three races presented here are the most com-
mon of the doppleganger races in lhe Aliens Unlimited galaxy.

These intelligent. evil dopplegangers were once widespread
and powerful within the Tooganh Empire. They slowly infil-
The mound is lillie more Ihan an animal predator. but they trated and subvened the reptile conquerors. but the Zylik, intent
can be trained to recognize sounds and scents, and actually learn on ovenhrowing the Tooganh themselves. discovered and ex-
to obey simple commands. passwords and whiSIJes similar to a posed the Dop-elpoeps' many guises. Wilh the help of the Zylik.
trained dog. Consequenlly, they are often (aken from their home- the Toogarth were able to exterminate a large ponion of these
world and used as guards and living defense systems. (after con- aliens. including their entire homeworld population. Unknown to
ditioning). either the Zylik or Toogarth. hundreds of thousands of the Dop-
elpoeps were already spread across the galaxy. building their
Alignment: Considered a miscreant predalor.
personal power.
Attributes: Cunning animal predawr I.Q. 204. M.E. 406, M.A.
106. P.S. 406+ 10. P.E. 406, P.B. 106. Spd. 204 (it waddles) These dopplegangers are a race of vegetation humanoids. On
Size: 4 foot (1.2 m) tall body. but tentacles normally extend six- their homeworld. their abilities to copy other life forms is used
teen more feet. to help them hunt and hide. When visitors from the stars landed.
Weight: 800 to 1,200 pounds (362 to 544 kg). they were quickly infiltrated by the dop-elpoeps. The fiends are
Hit Points: 106xlO amazingly adaptable and intelligent and quickly learned how to
A.R.: II (natural) use modem weapons and equipment. Some even learned how to
S.D.C.: 2D6xlO main body: 30 per each tentacle. pilot space-ships! The advantage of imilaling other life forms
Average Life Span: 100 years and specific people meant it took years before anybody realized
Disposition: Predawry hunter that the damned monsters were even among them. and by then it
Power Category: Super Abilities was too late. With the cosmos opened to them. the shapechang-
Major Super Abilities: Stretching (tentacles only) ers had a hundred worlds as their hunting grounds. The curious
Minor Super Abilities: Radar. heightened sense of smell and beings have found space travel. exploration. and hunting to be
healing factor (severed tentacles grow back within 204 fun and challenging.
weeks). The dop-elpoep will create a special duplicating chamber.
Natural Abilities: Resistant w cold and heat. about the size of a closet. in a place he feels is a safe havenflair.
Attacks Per Melee: Nine tentacle allacks or one large maw. The If possible. the lair will be a secret or hidden place.
tentacles typically skewer and tear apan ils prey. shoving To create a doppleganger. the creature secretes a resin that is
pieces into its large maw. but they can also be used to entan- formed into a roughly humanoid shape. The chamber is then
gle and pull prey into the giant. tooth filled mouth. sealed. Once the dop-elpoep chooses the person or life form it
Fanged tentacles do 206 damage per strike/bite or 1D6 for a wishes to copy. it will observe that person or race and learn all it
whipping strike. The large maw does 506. Tentacles release can about them. Everything it sees. hears. smells. or touches
about the person or fonn it hopes to imilate is lransmilled to the Experience Le\'el: The doppleganger itself will have ils level
resin in the hidden chamber. TIle resin fonn begins to pulse si- detennined by a roll of 106. All skills of the copied person
lently and slowly takes on the size. shape. and features of Ihe are also copied. but they are used at two (2) levels lower than
person observed. The dop-elpoep is psionic and can even send the original's. The dop-elpoep only has access to the skills of
thoughts and emotions from the target to the resin. Each hour the the copy it is currently in. This is aI10lher reason abandoned
creature spends studying the target gives the resin a 3% copy copies may be kepr. to have necessary skills on hand if their
percentage. A 99% copy ratio takes two to three weeks. TIle du- use is required.
plicate does not begin 10 resemble a specific individual until at Natural Abililies: All are naturnl aclOrs and are able to conceal
least 50% of the copying is done. their emolions. impersonation/acting 90%. disguise 70%. es·
When the dop-elpoep is ready to activale the copy and re- cape artist 70%. create doppleganger and tmnsfer life es-
place a person. It goes to the chamber and. afler an hour of medi- sence.
tation. moves its life essence into the new body. Its old body will Power Category: Special doppleganger ability as described.
live for 204 days. and then dies and deteriorates (or can be de- Supe.r Abilities: Healing factor and energy resistant.
stroyed sooner). Some enterprising dop-elpoeps have large Psionic Abilities: Empathy. telepathy. mind block. aller aura.
chambers with a half-dozen or so bodies in storage just in case. and see aura.
The person it is imitating must be captured. imprisoned or killed Altaeks Per Melee: Two plus hand 10 hand combat training
in order to take his or her place. Or the creatures can create a of choice.
body with the general traits of that race but not anyone specific Uonuses: +2 on initiative. +2 to strike. +3 to parry. +3 to
peh.on (it can mix and match): this general process also takes dodge. +1 10 pull punch. +2to roll with punch. fall. or impact.
half the time it does to make an exact duplicate. Originaling Alien Environmenl: Vegetation World
These dopplegangers are hard to detect. unless a copy was Education Level: Gencml Studies
rushed and has a low copy percentage. In such a case. the inepti-
Scholastic 80nus: +5%
tude and possible looks of the person will raise suspicion. Other-
Common Skills: Areas of study can be any. although many
wise. the two major ways to detect them are through the use of
choose espionage/mililary skills. but limited to six main skills
psionics. physicaJ examination and thennal optics. Although the
and five secondary.
resin body looks and feels nonnal. it is still a vegelable-based or-
ganism and a cold life fonn. This will show up on themO-Oplics Weapons. Vehicles. Armor: Varies with skills and needs.
and other heat sensors. but nearly all dop-elpoeps know this. and Note: When a dop-elpoep is killed. ils bod)' revens 10 a son
have developed heat suits or Oliler means of disguise and avoid of planI fiber and resin 304 minutes afler the moment of death.
physical examinations. Psychic characters are also able to detect
these creatures with alien thought panerns. and an aura that will
seem more plant·like than animal. As creatures of mutable fonn.
they are immune to psionic bio-manipulation. but their delicately Reipoc
balanced copy is devastated by mind wipe. Even the nonnal ap-
plication of temporary memory erasure will throw the copy into Optional player characler race
violent convulsions as its copied fonn is forcibly erased. Within
I D4 melee rounds. the dop-elpoep will be returned to its true
resin form. In their natural fonn. the reipoc are tall. featureless human·
oids with a pale grey skin color. Their copying abiliTies are less
Dop-elpoeps (pronounced dop-el-popes) precise than those of the dop-elpoeps·. but they can transform
Alignment: Any. but most will be evil or anarchist. instantly. on the spot. They can only duplicate other bipedal hu·
Altribules: I.Q. 306+1. M.E. 306+3. M.A. 306. P.S. 406. m:moids. Wings. extra arms and rails can be duplicated but the
P.P. 306. P.E. 306. P.B. one less than the copied creature. Spd reipoc cannot fly nor can he gel additional allacks or bonuses
506. from additional limbs. They can maintain a particular fonn in-
Size: Can assume sizes from three to 12 feel (0.9 to 3.6 m). definitely. and can assume any gender. and can change from one
Weighl: 160 to 500 pounds (72 to 225 kg). shape to anolher in 1D4 melee rounds (15 to 60 ~onds). They
Hit Points: P.E. plus 204 per level of experience. find imitating a specific person difficult and hard to maintain
S.D.C.: 3D4xlO (specific trailS slip) and only hale a 50Ck +2% per level of expe-
Anrage Life Span: 2()(x)+ years; potentially immonal. because rience chance of creating a passable imitation.
it can keep transferring its life essence into a new body when- These creatures are very intelligent. quick thinking and re-
ever the old one becomes too worn out or damaged. sourceful. They are also curious about other life fonns. magk
Gender: one. these beings can assume any gender. Both male and the supernatural. Their abilities are nonnally used to gel
and females can create seed pods thai grow into new dop- closer to prey. spy or hide among humanoids and not to copy any
elpoeps. but only one can be created every 50 years and they one specific person. In the vast arena of space, .....ith the unlim-
must return to their homeworld to do so. ited opponunilies of a myriad of races. many reipoc are using
Disposition: Most dop-elpoeps are callous and cold from a Iife- their skills to forge a living as spies. bounty hunters. confidence
lime of using people. Many are cruel and ruthless cunhroats. anists. crooks and mercenaries. As a predator. the ancient reipoc
but not all. For example. the person copied does nm have to hunted and fed on other humanoids. Over the centuries they
be killed. He or she can be captured or even left alone en- have leamed 10 eat animal meats and synthetic foods. however.
tirely if the doppleganger is going to travel away from the aboul 25%. especially among villains. prefer to hunt and eat the
area (even orr-world).
flesh of olher humanoids. The majorily of Ihem do retain Iheir carefully. Such targets are often imponant individuals in posi-
mcial preferences and will feed on humanoids. but most avoid it tions of influence and power. or beings who wield great power
be<:ause of the complications in their more elaborate deceptions. or have high attributes.
The reipoc can be allowed as player characters if the Game There are those erishiks that do not choose their victims so
Master approves. carefully. nor do they slay with one copy for any length of time.
Each time a victim is eaten and copied. the erishik grows in
Reipoc (pronounced rye· pock) physical power. and these exctp{ions thrive on that kind of
Alignment: Any. but tend to be selfish and miscreant. power. Any deceptions or schemes they instigate will generally
Atlributes: I.Q. 406. M.E. 306. M.A. 306. P.S. 306, P.P. be shon-term operations with quick results. These barbarians are
406. P E. 306. P.B. I D6 (nalumlly. and nearly any when often hunted by their fellow erishiks to prevent them from draw-
changed). SJXl. 306. ing allention to their kind. Thankfully. these brutes are often less
Size: 5 10 12 feet (1.5 to 3.7 m) tall. cunning or more reckless than their brethren.
Weight: 350 to 400 pounds (159 to 181 kg).
Hit Points: Standard. P.E. plus I D6 per level of experience. Erishiks (pronounced eh-rish-iks)
S.D.t:.: 50 (I D4xIO plus 20 for player characters) Alignment: All are evil. Most will be miscreant. and aberrant
Uorror factor: 9 when people realize what they are. or when erishiks are rare.
they witness a transfomlation. Attributes: Same as their victim. but add +2 to I.Q.. and +1 D4
A)'erage Life Span: 190 years to M.E. and P.E.; can be any humanoid except mineral and en·
ergy beings. creatures of magic or supernatural beings.
Disposition: Generally. reipoc are self-serving creatures with lit-
Size: Equal to the victim. Can copy any creature exactly. The
tle or no concern for those around them. Their species
only restriction is the lenglh of time needed to ingest the vic-
evolved through hunting and survival. and many still rely on
the ~kills of their ancestors. tim. This is approximately I D6 hours per 150 pounds (68 kg)
Experience Le\el: The average reipoc doppleganger will have of the victim.
206 levels of experience. Player characters should use the Weight: Same as victim.
alien eltperience table. Hit Points: Same as victim. plus P.E.
Natural bilities: In addition to the shapechanging powers. the S.D.C.: Same as victim. plus 2D4xlO
crealUres ha..e perfect vision and a keen sense of hearing. Horror Factor: 14 when people realize what they are dealing
Power Categor)': Super Abilities with or when they witness a transformation.
Suptr Abilities: Natural shapechanging ability_ plus alter facial Average Life Span: I 000+ ye~; potentially immonal because
features & physical stature and chameleon. the monster can keep changing bodies.
Attacks Per Melee: Two plus hand to hand skills. Disposition: Cold, calculating. cruel. power hungry and evil.
Originating Alien Em'ironment: Low Gravity Experience Le\'el: Equal 10 the victim.
Education Le\'el and Skills: Can be any that a human and other Natural Abilities: Shapechanging and psionics.
humanoids can pursue. Power Category: Psionics. The erishik doppleganger will also
Scholastic 80nus: + 10% possess any super abilities. natural abilities and attributes pos-
Weapons, Vehicles, Armor: Varies with skills and needs. sessed by the creature it has duplicated.
Major Psionic Abilities: Mind control and mind wipe.
Minor Psionic Abilities: Detect psionics. hypnotic suggestion.
mind block. see aura. sixth sense. and total recall (With this
Erishiks ability. the Erishik has a 25% chance of recalling memories
from previous victims).
Attacks Per Melee: Same as the copied creature plus one.
These are the deadliest of the dopplegangers be<:ause they Appearance: Natural form is unknown.
must eat the person or animal they wish to duplicate! As the er- Originating Alien Environment: Unknown.
isM.. ingests the victim's flesh and blood. every aspect of the Education Level: Same as creature copied. plus 304 secondary
victim is copied. This allows duplication down to matching skills at 9th level proficiency.
DNA!! All aspects of the dead victim are reproduced flawlessly Scholastic Bonus: Same as creature copied.
by the Erishik. including strong memories. the memories of the Skills: Same as creature copied. With Total Recall. the erishik
last 48 hours. attributes. and natural and super abilities. They are has a 25% chance to recall how to use a skill that a previous
totally indistinguishable from the original. excep{ their teeth tend victim possessed. If successful. the percentage to use it will
to be sharper and more pointed than humans/many humanoids be low at about 45% and is forgotten after a week.
and they retain their natural psionic powers. Weapons, Vehicles, Armor: Varies with skills. needs and avail·
The erishiks are the most cunning and dangerous of the dop- ability.
plegangers described here. All of them are totally evil and pos- Note: Erishiks have bounties on their heads in all sections of the
sess powerful psionics. These powers are used to control and galaxy. Some areas may also have bounties on other dopple-
innuence others (they often use these abilities to make the obser- gangers. depending on local history and prejudices. Common
vant not notice or forget about their teelh). These foul beings are bounties are 20.000 10 50.000 credits.
cruel. aggressive and power hungry. Once they adopl a body.
they rarely change it unless an unequaled opponunity arises.
Consequently. they choose their candidates for duplication very
they are Irealed. Adult dragonoids are 250 years or older. Player
characters should stan at 20+206 years of age and use the juve-
nile dragon stats.

Dragonoid (pronounced drag-on-oid)

Alignment: Any. but nearly all are anarchist.
Attributes: J.Q. 306. M.E. 406. M.A. 306. P.S. 20+206, P.P.
406. P.E. 406. P.B. 106. Spd. 506 running. flying speed is 160
mph plus 10 mph per level (256 km plus 16 km per level).
Size: Young; 810 12 feel (2.4 to 3.7 m). adult: 141025 feet (4.3
107.6 m).
Weight: 400 to 900 pounds (181 to 408 kg) or adults 800 to
1.200 pounds (362 to 54\ kg).
Hit Points: P.E. x4. plus 1D6 per level of experience.
Natural A.R.: 10 (adull special)
S.D.C.: 204xlO plus 80 (for adult add another 100x10; mega-
damage creature in Rihs)
Horror Factor: Young: II. adult; 14
A"erage Life Span: 500 years
Disposition: Varies from one individual to the next. but all tend
to be quiet loners. even when they are among friends. Like
true dragons. many of them are vain and proud creatures vul-
nerable to both greed and flauery. Most feel superior to other
beings and can act with arrogance and callousness. Many be-
come police officers. bounty hunters. and slave traders.
Experience Le"el: Average fifth (5) (Roll 106+3. but player
characters should stan at first level of experience). Adults are
typically 6+ I 06 levels.
Natural Abilities: Resistant to heat and fire (half damage), see
the invisible, and impervious to disease. Also see super abili-
ties. Add the following for each 100 years of age: +1 to save
vs horror factor, +1 to all attributes. +1 to A.R., +30 to
Dragonoids S.D.C.. + I on initiative and + I attack per melee round.
Power Category: Super Abilities (nalural abilities)
Optional player character race Major Abilities: None
Minor Abilities: Energy expulsion: fire (breath), flight: winged
(leathery), heightened sense of smell. extraordinary physical
The aliens known as dragonoids are also called dragons and strength. and healing factor.
dragonmcn. They arc II race of bipedal humanoids with larger Attacks Per Melee: Five to start (+1 in night).
leathery wings. long necks and serpentine mils. Their features Bonuses: All bonuses are in addilion to attribute bonuses. but in-
are very much like those of mythical dragons. including thick clude super ability bonuses. +1 on initiative, +2 strike (+4 in
scales. horns, lind the ability to breathe fire. Like true dragons. nighl). +5 pany (+7 in flight), +5 dodge (+9 in night or
lhe Dragonoids arc Mllitary cre:nurcs. If they have a homeworld hover. +11 when going faster than 90 mph/l44 km), +3 roll
with a society as we know iI. it is still a secTel. with punch or fall. +20% save vs coma/death; +2 save vs
Dragonoid non-player char.lclcrs (especially villains) may be magic, psionics. and toxins, resistant to fire and cold (1/2
alien mystics in addition 10 thciT natural abilities. but as player damage); 1/3 damage and effect from drugs. toxins, and poi-
characrers. Ihey are limited to the abilities given here. The fol- son.
lowing statistics are for young or young adult dragonoids. Older Appearance: Humanoid Reptile. They look like fully bipedal
ones leave the company of Olher races and go into seclusion in dragons.
well-hidden localions. Their activities and abilities are much Originating Alien Environment: Low Gravity
grander and far reaching than lheir younger relatives. but much Education Level: Any; player character's education level is de-
more secretive. tennined nonnally. Many adults and villains pursue magic (in
Rifts they can be any magic O.c.c.).
They are Intelligent creatures with an interest in new and ex-
Skills: Vary
OIic things. They prefer omale or rare equipment. weapons. and Weapons and equipment: Natural claws do 206+P.S. damage
magic items. II is rumored that older dragonoids have hidden bonus. Fiery breath does 206+106 per level (average dam·
caches of alien artifacts from throughout the universe. The age of 6(6). The dragonoids have no aversion to technology.
younger members of the race have a much stronger curiosity except for bionic implants. They refuse to have them im-
than their elders and spend their first 200 years or so exploring planted. Other equipment like translators. detectors. optics,
and experiencing life in the galaxy. The alignments of these scanners, computers, and tools are. also used by these aliens if
young dragons will reflecl the company they keep and the ways they have the proper sk.iIIs.
Vehicles: Oragonoids have no aversion to modem travel. espe- neck wound where it entered, but that will heal in ID4 weeks,
cially spacecraft. leaving a small scar. Once it controls the body, a Lotha can
Armor: Nonnally none. They rely upon their annored scales for speak through natural use of the vocal cords. The body will con-
most situations, but some are not averse to using heavy ar- tinue to function through its nonnal life expectancy, barring un-
mors if they think it will be necessary. Annor needs to be nalUral death from disease, accidents, or murder. The whole
custom made for dragonoid anatomy and size, and costs four process is actually a kind of brain transplant or replacement.
times as much as listed prices. There is no aspect of the original person left - only the lotha.
G.M. Note: Use this terrible NPC creature judiciously and pri-
marily against other NPCs. It is no fun for players 10 have the
brain of their favorite character eaten and their body penna-
nently taken over. Thankfully, these terrible monsters are rare
and usually destroyed whenever encountered. In the Rift
Megaverse the creature can only affect S.D.C. beings. They can-
not penetrate mega-damage nesh.

Lotha (pronounced low~tha)

Alignment: Miscreant or diabolic evil only.

Attributes of the lotha: I.Q. 206+6. M.E. 306. M.A. 106. P.S.
104, P.P. 206. P.E. 306, Spd. 106. Of course, when it inhabits
a host body it has all the physical attributes of that body.
Size: 4 to 8 (0.1 to .2 m) inches naturally, but a host body can be
of any size.
Weight: I pound (.45 kg) for the lotha itself. The host bodies
can be of any size.
Hit Points: 4D6
S.D.C.: The lotha has I D6 itself. the host body may be pretty
tough depending on race and powers (an S.D.C. creature in
Horror Factor: 8
Average Life Span: 100 years
Disposition: All are intelligent and evil. Most use their host bod-
ies for evil purposes and often seek positions of power where
they can dominate, enslave and manipulate others. Most en-
joy inflicting torture (mental and physical), humiliation and
OIher acts of cruelty on Olhers.
Experience Level: Average Sixth (6) (Roll 106+3).
Natural Abilities: In addition to its terrible powers to seize con-
trol of a host body. it has many other powers. When in its
natural fleshy fonn. the 100ha has radar senses and an ad-
vanced sense of touch and smell. All three are identical to the
minor super abililies. A strong flesh ealing secretion is used
to instantly bum a hole in the back of the neck and give the
Lotha lotha access to the spine and brain. This method of attack in-
The lotha is a controlling entity that attaches itself to an ani- volves surprise (prowl 75%) and attack from behind.
mal or humanoid on their neck. One of its gelatinous tendrils at- They are natural climbers (90%/80%). prowl (70%). and
taches to the spinal cord to seize control of the motor operations swim (50%). The creature takes half damage from impact
of the body. The hosl creature is still alive and fully alert, only damage, punches and projectiles (they pass through or tempo-
unable to control his own body. Once the Lotha has control of rarily displace the soft body). The creature can also regener-
the body, it sends another tendril into the head 10 stan eating se- ate ID6 hit points per hour, so it is important to make certain
lect parts of the brain. A natural anesthetic numbs the pain, and it is dead or it will heal and attack some helpless victim and
the host feels itself slowly slipping away until the memory and start its cycle of horror again.
personality parts of the brain are gone; only the portion that con- Power Category: Super Abilities
trols the motor pans are kept - the process is like a monstrous Major Abilities: Special. see the above descriptions.
lobotomy. The Lotha then squeezes its boneless, jellylike body Minor Abilities: See natural abilities.
into the small opening at the base of the skull and replaces the Attacks Per Melee: Three (3) in its natural fonn. Five when it
brain as the control center for the body. occupies a host body.
For 506 hours after it attaches to the victim, the fist-sized, Bonuses: All bonuses are in addition to attribute bonuses. +1
fleshy Lotha must conceal itself somewhere on the victim to strike, +2 parry. +2 dodge, +3 roll with punch or fall.
avoid discovery until it can slip inside the skull. Once it Appearance: Amorphous bulb of nesh with pseudopods.
squeezes into the head. it is undetectable except for the small Originating Alien Environment: High Gravity
Education Level: General $lUdies Natural Abilities: Nightvision 600 feet. keen hearing 20 deci-
Scholastic Bonus: +5% bels beyond normal human ranges. climb (85%n5%), pre-
Skills: Vary from one Lotha to another. hensile tentacles, and severed tentacles will grow back to full
Weapons: None in natural form other than acid secretion (106 length after 2D6x I0 days.
damage). In host bodies. they will use any weapons they have Power Category: Psionics
proficiencies in or are at their disposal. However. they usually Major Psionic Abilities: Pyrokinesis and telekinesis.
try to avoid violence and have other foul characters do their Minor Psionic Abilities: Detect psionics. sixth sense, summon
dirty work for them. inner strength and mind block.
Vehicles & Armor: Applicable only for their host body.

The Mendoline are a race of frightening looking beings. The
head is rounded and crowned by several short tentacles. The
mouth is large and full of sharp teeth. The eyes glow a fiery or-
ange and their long bodies are basically humanoid. with power 4

full builds. Long. sharp claws tip each digit and a pair of long
tentacles are anchored at the shoulders and rib cage.
Despite their appearance. mendoline are not true demons.
They are an alien race that evolved on the twilight planet of
Thear. Their society is a nightmarish place of evil. The buildings
are old, looming, and frightful. The streets are filled with con·
stant antagonism and chaos. Brawls onen flare into open warfare
or riots. The only other races on Thear are those acquired as
slaves. The only comfort to other races in the galaxy is that the
mendoline do not yet possess space technology. don't have a
tech level high enough to even try. and show no interest in ac-
quiring it. However, they have been contacted by a few other
worlds (usually evil or selfish beings and organizations) who oc-
casionally trade with them and sometimes take them off-world
as employees for unwholesome purposes. Mendoline are another
of the many creatures favored as guards and powerful muscle by
shady organizations, the underworld. pirates and demons. Their
psionic abilities make them ideal guardS, assassins, enforcers.
and terrorists. They can detect other psionics and potential dan-
ger in addition to being able to start fires and move objects with
mental strength alone. Not mention their natural attributes and
Mendoline (pronounced men-doe-line)
Alignment: Selfish or evil only.
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+3, M.E. 506, M.A. 106. P.$. 406+3.
P.E. 306, P.B. 106, Spd. 406.
Size: 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.3 m).
Weight: 190 to 380 pounds (8610 172 kg).
Hit Points: 204xlO
S.D.C.: 50 plus 204x 10 for the main body, 25 points per each
tentacle (4).
Horror Factor: IS
Average Life Span: 80 years
Disposition: Arrogant, belligerent. aggressive, bullying power-
mongers. Most enjoy work as mercenaries and assassins re-
gardless of the employer. job. or money; they just like to fight
and cause mayhem. The more intelligent and self-controlled
mendoline can acquire positions of authority and leadership
(usually second in command) among pirates, criminals. mon-
Siers and cutthroats.
Experience Level: Effectively sixth or higher (Roll 106+5).
Use the alien experience table.
I.S.P.: M.E. x2+204 and an additional 10 I.S.P. per level of ex- eaten by an acid-like enzyme and is instantly absorbed into the
perience. monster's body. A 10 foot (3 m) morphos can kill its prey in four
Attacks Per Melee: Seven physical or four psionic at sixth level melee rounds (60 seconds), inflicting 204xlO S.D.C. of acid
and higher (four and two at Ist or 2nd level). Tentacles can damage per melee to any organic substance that touches/is ad-
reach 12 feet (3.6 m). hered to it. The corpse is digested within another minute and will
Bonuses: All bonuses are in addition to attribUie bonuses. +4 on instantly instill the monster with 606 S.D.C. points. Thus, the
initi:ttive, +2 strike, +5 parry. +3 dodge. +2 to pull punch, +4 more it eats the more powerful it becomes! This is also how it
roll with punch or fall. kick attack, leap kick. jump kick, increase its size. Each human-sized body increases its size by
paired weapons, critical damage on a natural 19 or 20. +4 to 10%.
save vs disease, and +5 to save vs horror factor. Parrying or striking at the creature with a bare limb means
Originating Alien Environment: Twilight World automatic adhesion/anachmem and digestion of lhe limb. The
Education Level: Nearly any, but most are General Studies more that is dissolved the more of the limb is pulled in. Space
Scholastic Bonus: +5% usually. travelers have been known to amputate their own limbs in order
Skills: Can study any area (select 10 primary skills and six sec- to escape this monster. Touching it even with a hand, adheres the
ondary), but most focus on combat/physical (excluding hand person to it, requiring a combined P.S. of 40 to pull free and
to hand), espionage. military. piloting and domestic. even then the character suffers 1O4x 10 damage (the hand will be
Weapons: Any. but most rely primarily on their psionics and half eaten away and may require a bionic or clone replacement).
physical abilities. Bite does 206 damage. their claws do Crealures with a natural annor rating above seven have some
306+P.S. damage bonus. kick 406 damage +P.S. bonus and measure of protection. suffering one-quarter of the acid's dam-
tentacles do 206+P.S. bonus or entangles on a natural 19 or age. can be pulled off with a P.S. of 30 and takes 10 limes longer
20 and squeezes each round for 3D6 damage. to digest. Characters clad in metal or ceramic body annor and
Vehicles: Any, varies with piloting skills and personal taste. mineral beings have the most protection. They can be pulled off
Armor: Mendoline rarely ever wear annor because it restricts of the fiend with a P.S. of 20 and the annor suffers only 10% the
their tentacles and movement. but those who can afford it nonnal acid damage. However, if the annor is breached and the
may have a suit of custom light body annor or hard suit made monster can find and reach bare flesh, the fighler is in serious
at three times list cost. danger. Mineral beings cannot be devoured. but can be slowly
damaged by the acid.
The creature moves in a slow, undulating kind of way. Al-
Morphos though it is a huge glob, it can ooze under doors, through vents
and small openings as narrow as an inch tall (must be several
inches long/wide). It can also fonn part of its body into a wide,
These horrific creatures are boneless globs of gelatinous flat appendage that resembles a tongue or shon tentacle; only
flesh. Most are about the equivalent of 55 gallons (208 liters) in one such tentacle can be made. This appendage is used to feel
siz.e. but size dOes nothing 10 change their deadliness. Morphos around for prey. Otherwise. the morphos must trap its prey in a
can grow to enonnous proportions, although most do not get comer to capture, touch and devour it.
bigger than a 20 foot blob (roughly cube shaped, 20x20x20 Morphos (pronounced more-foes)
feetf6.lx6.lx6.lm). unless they live on a planet. These jelly-like Alignment: Miscream evil predator.
creatures nonnally float through space in a semi-donnant state. Attributes: I.Q. 104+3, equal to a predatory animal. M.E. and
To help them resist decompression and easily snag passing M.A. not applicable. P.S. 406+4 per every 10 feet (3 m) in size.
spacecraft. they flatten themselves and drift as large sheets or P.E. 306+10, P.B. 104, Spd. 306
ribbons. They are most commonly found near gateway struc- Size: Averages 10 to 20 feet across (3 to 6 m).
tures, dimensional syphons. or gravity wells. Craft emerging Weight: Varies
from these types of travel rarely detect the drifting morphos and Hit Points: 204xl0
often strike them with their speeding craft. The impact nonnally S.D.C.: 1D4xl0 plus an additional6D6 per human-sized victim
rips the creature into several smaller pieces that stick to the ves- it devours. It can eat humanoids, animals and any organic
sel. Each of those pieces becomes a new creature! They never subslance, including plant aliens. These additional points are
refonn with each other. they just tum into new ones. Many will pennanent as long as a steady food supply is available. other-
slide along the vessel in search of a way in. They are able to eat wise it loses 606 S.D.C. and 10% of its size and mass for
through rubber and soft plastics (like gaskets and seals) at a rate every week of starvation. However, at 10 feet it will go into
of 104 S.D.C. per melee round. But most just wait until a vessel suspended animation until it senses food within 1000 feet
docks with a space station or lands in a suitable environment (305 m). This creature is Strictly an S.D.C. monster even in
(most bum up when a ship enters an atmosphere unless they can the Rifts setting. Its acid has no effect on M.D.C. annor or
find a safe place to hide). Those morphos that somehow make it living beings.
to the surface of a planet are not broken into pieces as regularly Horror Factor: 15
as those in space, and they can grow to enonnous sizes; as big as
Disposition: Continuously hungry predator.
a house, with 2.000 S.D.C.
Natural Abilities: A cold life fonn. it does not register on
Once a morphos gets inside a ship, it begins hunting and heat sensors or as alive in the human or animal sense. Its soft
feeding. Its emire outer body adheres to the things it touches, body diffuses impact attacks, including punches. clubbing, stab-
particularly flesh and cloth. The flesh of its victims stuck to it is bing, shootings and so on - they do only 25% their nonnal
damage. Sonic. vibration nnd electrical allacks also only inniet Natural Psionics: Presences sense (1000 feet/305 m). empathy
25% damage. Cold lltlacks do no damage! Most fonns of magic (only to sense the presence of prey via fear. horror and other
and psionics also innict no or lillie damage unless fire based. emotions 1000 feel/305 m). see aura (see its prey as glowing
Explosions will severely hun it but nOl kill it. Instead the ex- energy) and death trance. All are automatic powers that can
plosion will bla~t it imo I D6 additional small pieces, with I D6 be used without reSlriction or a counling of I.S.P. The crea-
S.D.C. and I D4 hit points. that will instantly begin to hum. feed ture is so alien that it cannot communicate or be controlled in
and grow! any way. A telepathic or empalhic probe will only show hun-
Fire, plasma. microwa\'e and panicle beam anacks do full ger.
damage! Power Category: Special. see previous description and details.
Other abilities: Prowl 5~. swim 5W-. climb 50%. it does Altacks Per Melee: Three
not breathe. Impervious 10 mind control. empathy and horror Bonuses: +2 strike and +6 roll with impaci or fall.
factor. is immune to gases. acids. disease. poisons and drugs. and Appearance: Amorphous. A large. clear. gelatinous mound.
bio-regenerates by eatmg. The onl) way 10 be certain it is de- Originating Alien Environment: Unknown
stroyed is to bum It until nothmg is left but vapor. Note: Does not use weapons or technology.

Very little is known about these other--<limensional beings.
Thousands of them poured in from the Rifts thai destroyed Assin
(see the lassinike entry in the Mineral Afi~n Section). and now The S1yling of various annors seems to indicate both male
they wander the galaxy as ruthless and murderous assassins. ter· and female members of the species. Either sex is as deadly as the
roriSts. pirates. crime lords. enforcers. bounty hunters and mer- other in both ranged and melee combal. 1beir strength and reo
cenaries. Killing and deslroying is what they do beSc. In nexes are superhuman. and spell casting abilities are as formida·
appearance. they seem to be humanoids clad in advanced annor ble as any mystic. All riathenors have the same spells and may
or possibly full bionic conversions. but their use of magic would indicate innate natural abilities or a supernatural origin. As they
seem to discount both possibilities. Full cybernetic conversion progress in levels. additional spells are just known to themJmani-
and the use of power annor nonnally negates magic. fest themselves.
The riathenors are a race of nalUral mystics from anOlher di- Experience Level: 4+104 for Ihe average warrior. The high
mension. They are humanoids, but their exact features are un- level is because the troops senlthrough the Rifts were skilled
known, concealed as they are under their alien armor. The armor warriors. nOI run of the mill foot soldiers. Those with the
itself is actually a living symbiotic organism with a super strong highest rank are called Dagolle (pronounced D-got) and are
exoskeleton. All riathenors have these symbiOlic suits of organic usually 10th level or higher.
armor bonded to them. To surgically remove the armor is to kill Natural Abilities: Ultraviolet and infrared vision and height·
the riathenor. Speculation has suggested that it is highly likely ened sense of hearing equal to the minor super abilities. 1l1e
Ihat only warriors came Ihrough the Rifts on Assin and other armor can bio-regenerate I O4x I0 points of damage every 30
riathenors back on their homeworld are not armored. but nobody minutes and makes its wearer impervious to disease, poison.
knows. In fact, very little is known aboul Ihese vicious maraud- drugs. gases and other lOX ins. as well as impervious 10 fire
ers. They lend 10 keep to themselves and those who associate and heat (even mega-damage). Can leap 20 feel (6 m) and
wilh Olher rJ.ces refuse to speak about themselves, their people breathe any atmosphere. as well as breathe wilhout air.
or their homeworld. Even the information presemed in this para- Power Category: Special: Empowered by symbiotic organism.
grdph is not known to most people. Spells: All spells function normally as regards to range. dura-
All of the weaponry built into theIr armor is either a vibro- tion. damage. and area of effect. Riathenors begin with seven
blade or heal./plasma based, except for the shon-range panicle spells to Sian, but at higher levels they gain OIher, more pow-
erful spells. Initial spells include: Tongues. see the invisible,
beam gun on the lefl forearm (606 damage, 500 f1/153 m range).
teleport (self). mystic shield. breathe without air, eyes of the
A mululude of razor sharp blades and spikes cover the armor.
lflaklOg it difficuh to hold on to the creature without gelling wolf, and fireball.
Rialhenors gain spells automatically as they grow in experience.
stabbed or cut. lney are also used for cutllng and slashing oppo-
nents and parrymg \\-eapons. 1ne material is comparable to Kis- bUI Ihey are limited as follows: 2nd level: chameleon. 3rd
level: ny as the eagle, 4th: wall of flame, 5th: dispel magic
enllle melal and is nearly indestruclible.
barrier (2), 7th: invisibility (self). 91h: magic nel. Illh: mystic
The riathenors' plasma and weapons cannot be re- portal (3). 131h: negate magic, and at 15th: dimensionaltele-
moved from Ihe dead alien. They are a part of Ihe armor, nOt port (a 15th level Dagone will be able to (T3velto his own di-
simply 3n3ched or integraled into it. The plasma weapons draw
mension and take or return with 13 fellow riathenors at a
on mystic (P.P.E) and organic energy wilhin the host body and time).
cannot be auached to an alternate source of power. When the liv- Combat Skills: Equal to Hand to hand: expert
mg armor and its hosl are slain, the weapons "die" with it, Note: Attacks Per Melee: 7 plus one additional auack for 8th level
A sparl of Ihe symbiole's life essence lingers from 48 hours after Riathenors.
the apparent death of the body. Any charaCier with magic abili- Bonuses: +4 on initiative. +2 to strike. +3 to strike wilh swords.
lies (or large amounts of P.PE: 40 points or greater) who wants +3 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 10 roll with punch. fall. or im-
the annor will be sensed by the symbiole and il will magically pact, +310 pull punch. +6 to save vs horror factor.
ooze onto thai person. However, once the armor is allached it
Originating Alien Em'ironment: Unknown
can never be removed without killing the host body. Its revealed. Education Le"el: These are all mililary specialists.
origmal host body IS a mass of roning flesh, goo and protoplasm Typical Skills: Concealment. detect ambush. deleCI conceal-
that smells terrible (nolhing can be learned by examining il). The ment. lracking. wilderness survival, acrobatics, climbing.
new wearer of the suit has all of the same powers and abilities as prowl. W.P. sword. W.P. heavy. W.P. energy pistol. and W.P,
the riathenors. including the same spell casling abilities. energy Tine. Secondary Skills: Computer operation. naviga-
rion, read sensory instruments, basic and advanced math.
Riathenors (pronounced rye-ath·en·nors) Weapons: All of the following are pan of the symbiotic ar-
Alignment: All rialhenors are evil or anarchist. mor. If one is tom off or destroyed it will grow back in 30 days.
Attributes: LQ, 306. M.E. 306. M.A. 206, P.S. 35. P.P. 24, I. The right arm: A pair of retractable blades (symbiole
PE 30. P.B. 7. Spd. 58: ALL riathenors have identical physical bone equal to magic blades): 306 damage from one blade.
3uributcs due to augmenlation by the armor. Physical allributes 1O4x10 for two blades plus P.S. bonus.
are considered to be supernatural. 11le wrist, forearm and elbow also have hooks and blades
Size: 7 feel plus 106 inches (2.1 to 2.3 m). for parrying and hooking an opponent's melee weapon and
Weight: 300 pounds (136 kg): includes the annor. can be used to rake, slash or stab a foe. adding 106 10 lhe
Hit Points: P.E. x3. plus 206 per level of experience. normal punch damage.
Nalural Armor Raling: 15 2. Right Shoulder: Fires small plasma bolls: 506 damage
S.D,C,: 2oo+206x 10 (includes armor: M.D.C. in Rifts). per single btasl or IO6x 10 per simultaneous blast. 3000 n
Horror Factor: t 2 (910 m) range. payload: 24 (12 per each shoulder gun). re-
Disposition: Rialhenors are usually arrogant, cocky, cold, cruel, generates afler 12 hours.
and as heanless a$ humanoids gel. They have no respect for 3. Len Shoulder: A heat blast: 406 damage, 1200 n (366
anyone or anything that is not rialhenorean. These beings m) range, and effectively unlimited payload. Can be fired 3t 3
(some believe they are demons) feed on the flesh and blood rale equal to Ihe warrior's hand to hand attacks/actions per
of lhose Ihey kill. including OIher riathenors! Thus. they fre- melee.
quenlly view and lreal all other races as food. 11ley do not Shoulder System Note: Each shoulder has a separate
bluff. will IlOI waste lheir time with torture or questioning, weapon system. but both are linked to the helmet/vision of
and show no mercy. the wearer and moves 10 aim where the character is looking.
The shoulder mounted systems are +2 to strike and can be
made to fire simultaneously at the same target (combine dam-
age fonn both shoulder weapons. but counts as one melee at-
4. The left foreann weapon package; Pop.-out crescent
blades on the sides for slashing foes: 204+2 damage plus P.S.
Shon-range panicle beam gun on the foreann (the narrow
barrel): 606 damage. 500 ft (153 m) range. payload: 4 blasts
per melee round. each counts as a melee action.
Plasma ejeclor (the wide. square opening): I O4Jt I 0 dam-
age, 1200 ft (366 m) range. payload: 2 blasts per melee
round, but effectively unlimited. Eacb blast counts as a melee
5. Toe and knee blades: Add 106 damage to kick anacks.
6. Body blades: All the other smaller blades and spikes
cause 106 damage to foes who try 10 grab, hold. flip or lackle
the warrior. Backhand slaps, lackles and body flips/Judo
throws by the riathenors add ID6 damage.
7. Opcional: Addiuonal weapons: 1l1e warriors can also
use other swords, clubs, rines and weapons. These additional
weapons are usually long-range rines and/or eJtOlic weapons
like lasers, cold or sonic blasters.
Sp«ial Vehicles: Whatever lhey can acquire through employ-
ment. purchase or lheft.
Armor: one, other than their natural symbiolic annor.

Vacuum Ghouls

Vacuum ghouls are so named because most are apparently Vacuum Ghoul
from space related deaths. Behind the ghoul's existence is an
evil entity/energy being that thrives on strong emotions. These Alignment: Diabolic and chaotic: nothing mauers to the :>uffer-
creatures inhabit the bodies of the dead and forge a connection ing soul.
with the body's fonner essence. Their usual choices are people Size: Varies with the race of the deceased. The energy being is
who were murdered, because the dead essence and strong emo- about the size of a basketball.
tions related to violent death (fear. hate, sorrow. etc.) will draw Weight: By race of dcceased. The energy being has no weight.
them like a magnet. After inhabiting the corpse. the entity will Hit Points: The energy being I];\s 406.
feed on remnant emotions of rage and despair. Using a variation S.D.C.: The animated corp~ of the vacuum ghoul has 200
of empathic transfer, the energy being fuels and amplifies these S.D.C. The energy being has none.
emotions until it has a murderous creature that is a deadly Attributes: Mental attributes do not apply in the ghoul's crazcd
shadow of its fonner self. state, and the energy being is lillie morc than a predlltor. The
The tonured ghoul now goes out and perfonns acts of vio- corpse is a zombie bent on causing destruction and chaos. P.S.
lence in anger, hatred and revenge. Acts that also cause plenty of 506, P.P. 106. P.E. does not apply, P.B. 106. Spd. 206
tunnoil and emotions for it to feed on. Every creature the vac- Average Life Span: An animated body can be kept alive indefi-
uum ghoul injures, maims, or kills spills emotion to nourish the nilely. but the energy being i1self lives approximately 300
monster. The ghoul is not an insane resurrection of lhe dead per- years.
son. Instead. it is a tonured. maddened wraith that only resem- Disposition: Totally chaotic.TIle energy being only wants emo-
bles its fonner self, even though it may hold a few of the tions and the ghoul lashes out at anything in range in a vam
memories and desires of the deceased. With these fragments of allempt to end its pain and to feed on Ihe emotions of Olhers.
memory it may recognize old friends and enemies and even seek Natural Abilities: Immune to mind control and psionics. poi-
them out, but the monster is not the deceased and its ultimate sons and toxins, and heal and cold because it is undead. Does
goal is to feed. The only way to put it to rest is by leading it to its flO! show up on thennal sensors.
killer. Once avenged, the vacuum ghoul's ties to the memories of Power Category: The energy being IS psionic.
the deceased is gone and it nies away to find a new body. De- Major Psionic Abililies: Empathy and empathic transfer
stroying the animated corpse will also release the entity and send Minor Psionic Abilities: None
il away. Mages and psychics with the power of exorcism may Attacks Per Melee: Four by Ihe corpse. or three via psionics.
have some success al dispelling the thing as well. Bonuses: None
Weapons. Vehicles, and Equipment: None. but it can open
doors and operate simple things like light switches and can
try to imitate others like by picking up a gun and shooting.
but it doesn't know how it works and cannot reload. operate
computers. drive. etc.

Vampyres hean. The stake must penetrate the body all the way through and
into Ihe ground. When this happens the Iilliamok lapses imo un-
There are a number of races in the galaxy that fall into the
consciousness and its life essence slowly drifts away (into the
broad definition of "vampire," creatures who feed on the blood
ground?). After being staked to the ground for more than 48
of other living creatures. Their appearances vary and most are
hours. the creature is dead. The stake can be removed and the
not supernatural demons. Thus. while they often hunt in the
body buried or cremated. However. if the stake is removed be-
dark. they are not necessarily harmed or repulsed by the light of
fore the 48 hour period. the hellish creature will instantly
awaken and attack.
The lilliamok are nocturnal hunters and may originate from a
Lilliamok Vampires twilight world. Consequently. Iheir eyes are sensitive to all light.
but especially sunlight (blinding. -8 to strike. parry and dodge).
These are horrible creatures that resemble the traditional su-
Ordinary water (H20) is like acid 10 these beings. An eight
pernatural vampires and are oflen referred to as nosferata. They
ounce glass will innict 3D6 damage. Turning a hose on one will
have most of the weaknesses traditionally attributed to vampires.
do 2D6;>;10 damage per melee round (15 second) and literally
including sunlighl and water as well as many of their powers,
melts them away. Disgusting but true.
like supernatural strength. speed and mind control. They appear
as giants. eight to len feet (3.0 01) tall. with a monstrous head. These vampires also possess the slrength of the eanh and are
terrible fangs. blank eyes and powerful. clawed hands. A pair of powerful. formidable opponents. They heal as quickly as the
spines protrude from their backs like the armatures for wings. parted soil, and are as strong as the rocks. but their speed rivals
but no feathers or membrane hang from them. Perhaps the most the wind. For every 100 years the Lilliamok has existed. add +1
frightening aspect of the lilliamok are a pair of serpenl-like ten- to all attributes and +1010 bolh hit points and S.D.C. They also
tacles with fanged mouths. thaI emerge from each palm. With gain one point of A.R. for each 200 years.
these. the vampire can attach itself to his viClims and drink their There are bounties on them across Ihe galaxy. Mosl stan at
blood. In facl. using its mouth and hands it can drain three vic- 5.000 credits and go up from there. An old or powerful Lil-
tims dry at Ihe same lime. The lilliamok have voracious appetites liamok can be worth as much as 50.000 credits.
and tend to be gluttons. gorging themselves whenever possible.
Lilliamok may be supernatural beings formed of or connected Lilliamok (pronounced lil-Iie-mok)
with the element of eanh. They are highly susceptible to the ef- Alignmenl: Any evil. but most will be diabolic.
feels of water and can be hun by grounding them back to the Attributes: I.Q. 3D6. M.E. 406, M.A. 2D6. P.S. 406+12. P.P.
eanh. The lalter is done by holding the monster on the 306. P.E. 206x 12. P.B. 104, Spd. 606+20 (supernatural being
ground/din and pounding a large wooden or metal Slake inlO ilS in Rirts).
Size: 8 to 10 feet (2.4 to 3.0 m).
Weight: 200 to 400 pounds (91 (Q 181 kg).
Hit Points: I D6x 10
S.D.C.: 120+2D6x10. Each hand tentacle has a 15 foot (4.6 m)
reach and 30 S.O.c. each (this is an M.D.C. crealUre in
Natural A.R.: 14
Horror Factor: 16
Average Life Span: 5.000 years or more.
Disposition: All are cold, calculating hunters with no regard for
the lives of others. They only respect other powerful, long-
lived races like demons and dragons, Many of them have lhe
greedy, solitary, egomaniac personalities of mythical dragons
and others like 10 be worshiped as gods or dominale others.
Experience Level: NOI applicable.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 1000 feet (305 m). fly (90 mph
144 km), bio-regeneration lD4xlO per melee round. impervi-
ous to fire and heat (while alive), impervious to cold. cold
, weapons, drugs. poisons. disease. mind control, and radial ion,
and energy weapons do half damage! Bullets. explosions and
magic do full damage. The thing doesn't breathe air, can leap
30 feet (9 m), can use wing annatures to strike like clubbing
anns, and has tentacles that emerge out of its hands!
Psionic Powers: Presence sense, hypnolic suggestion. hypno-
sis/mesmerism. death trance. and mind block. LS,P.: M.E,x 5,
Power Category: Supernatural
Attacks Per Melee: Seven (8 in flight),
Bonuses: All bonuses are in addition to attribute bonuses, +3 in-
itialive. +6 10 strike (+8 in nighl). +7 10 parry (+9 in nighl),
+4 to dodge (+2 in flight), +1 roll with punch or fall, +3 to
pull punch, +8 to save vs horror factor. Claws do 306 dam·
age plus P.S. bonuses, a wing annature inflicts 206 damage,
mouth bite 406, and tentacles do 306 damage. The lilliamok
feeds exclusively on lhe blood of humanoids.
Appearance: Demonic, skelelal humanoid that is white or pale
grey in color.
Originating Alien Environment: Unknown
Education Level: Knows six secondary skills suitable for the
modem world, like driving a vehicle, plus aUlomatically
knows tracking 65%, land navigation 70%. prowl 50%. and
climb 80nO%).
Weapons and Vehicles: Can use them but rarely does, usually
relying on its natural powers and abilities, Traditional Vampires
Armor: None
These are lhe vampires produced by a vampire intelligence.
Full details for lhese lraditional vampires can be adapled from
lhe infonn:uion presented in Palladium's horror role-playing
game. Beyond the Supernatural or Rifts Vampire Kingdoms.
Conversion is a simple means of dropping the P.PE score for
magic and using the magic combal rules given on page 93 of
Heroes Unlimited. For any discrepancies between lhe systems,
simply default 10 the Heroes Unlimited rules or to common
The vampire inlelligence is very closely related to the alien
intelligences and it is no coincidence lhat they are called "alien."
Space is a vast. dark, mysterious void thaI hides all lllanner of
horrors. These so-called alien imelligences fit perfectly with the
darker. more overwhelming aspects of space lravel. They seem
to reinforce the faCl thaI everything oul there is bigger lhan us
Weapons and Equipment
Weapons are listed by "general type" rather than presenting a
specific version of the same weapon or item for each of the 100+ .
Kisentite Weapons - - - - - - -
alien races presented in this book. Game Masters may slightly General
adjust damage, range. design and other features for the various Weapon Type Avg Len Avg Whl. Dam. Avg Cost
races or aliens of hiS/her own design. Likewise. some of the spe- Kisentite Battle Axe 2.75 ft 5.5 Ibs 3D6 2,500CR
cific races will make note of such things as enhanced range or Kisentite Poleanns 7.5 ft 10 Ibs 406 4.000 CR
damage and may even list a specific item in an alien's descrip- Kisentite Spear 6.0 ft 6.01bs 206 2,500 CR
tion. Kisentite Knives 1.5 ft 1.61bs 206 1.500 CR
Kisentite Sword 3.0 ft 5.01bs 206+3 4.000 CR
Kisentite 2-H Sword 5.0 fl 9.01bs 306+3 5,500 CR
Ancient and Kisentite Clubs 2.5 ft 5.01bs 206+2 2,OOOCR
Kisentite Arrows 3.0 ft 0.1 Ibs 206 2.000 CR/dz
Melee Weapons---- Kisentite Katana 3.0 ft
Kisentite Kusari-Gama 1.5 ft
6.0 Ibs
8,000 CR
2,500 CR
The ancient and oriental weapon descriptions found in He-
roes Unlimited are unchanged. For a selection of over 700 dif-
ferent melee weapons and ancient slyles of armor, see
Palladium's Compendium of Weapons, Armor. and Castles.
Vibro-Blade Weapons
Below are some additional ancient/melee weapons thaI have These melee weapons have their damaging surface covered
been upgraded with advanced technology, as well as those made by a high frequency vibrating field. This field acts to both
of advanced alloys. strengthen Ihe weapon and increase its damage. They generally
weigh slightly more than nonnal weapons of their type because
of the vibration field generating motors.
A vibro-weapon can stop bullets and energy beams. but par-
Kisentite Weaponry rying them is just as difficult as with a Kisentite weapon; use an
unmodified dice roll at minus six (·6). Only single bullets or
blasts can be parried, not bursts. rapid-fire pulses or multiple at-
lacks. A vibro-weapon generally adds a damage bonus of 106+3
Kisentite metal was first discovered and successfully forged
to the conventional weapon of the same general type. If a nonnal
by the kisent aliens. It is a very hard. dense metal usually found
weapon is used to parry a vibro-blade. the conventional weapon
on asteroids. planetoids. and high gravity and thennal planets.
will suffer some damage (30% of the nonnal damage inOicted
The metal is close to indestructible and can withstand incredible
by such a weapon).
amounts of damage and heat without any ill effect. When forged
into a blade. it maintains amazing sharpness. However. Ihey are Weapon Type Avg Len Avg Wht Dam Avg Cost
nearly impossible to create without special laser or panicle beam Vibro-Baule Axe 2.25 fl 4.61bs 306+3 4.000 CR
forges. Vibro -Poleanns 7.0 ft 5.81b 506+3 9.000 CR
Vibro-Spear 6.0 ft 4.75 Ibs 208+1 4,000 CR
A kisentite weapon can stop bullets and energy beams. but
trying to parry such projectiles is nearly impossible; use a Vibro-Kni ves 1.0 ft 1.0 Ibs 206+3 2.800 CR
Vibro-Swo rd 3.0 ft 4.21bs 306+3 6.500 CR
slrdighl. unmodified dice roll at minus six (-6). Only single bul-
Vibro-2-H Sword 4.8 fl 7.751bs 406+3 9.000 CR
lets or blasts can be parried. not bursts. rapid-fire pulses or mul-
Vibro-Clu bs 2.3 ft 3.01bs 208+2 4,000 CR
tiple attacks.
Vibro-Kat ana 3.0 ft 2.81bs 506 12.000 CR
A kisentite weapon generally adds a damage bonus of 106 to
Vibro-Kusari-Gama 1.5 ft 2.61bs 3D6 5.000 CR
conventional weapons of that same type. If a nonnal weapon is
used to parry one made of Kisentite. the conventional weapon
will suffer some damage (25% of the nonnal damage inOicted Energy Melee Weapons - - - - - -
by such a weapon). If there is a disadvantage to Kisentite weap-
These weapons have no blades or heads in the standard sense.
ons it is their weight (due 10 their dense molecular structure). Gi-
When they are aClivated. a magnetically shaped energy blade
ant-sized weapons weigh five times more than those listed but
will appear in place of the blade or around the blade (depending
also innict 106+3 additional points of damage.
on the style of the weapon). The pure energy Ihese weapons use
to innict damage makes them the most powerful melee weapons
in the known galaxy in the Heroes Unlimited setting.

An energy weapon can stop bullets and energy beams. but higher quality materials. Length: Overall length depends on the
parrying them is just as difficult as with a kisentite weapon: glove, but blades are rarely longer than three inches (8 cm) each.
same conditions and restrictions. An energy weapon generally Damage: 106 standard or home-made versions. 206 for vibro.
adds a damage bonus of 206+3 to conventional weapon, of that crystal, or kisentite models, which may be built into annored
general type. gauntlets. 306 damage for energy models. Cost: 60 to 100 cred-
If a nonnal weapon is used to parry a energy-blade. the con- its for conventional. 1000 for Kisentite or vibro-blade and 4000
ventional weapon will suffer serious damage (50% of the nonnal for energy blades.
damage inflicted by such a weapon). They have been known to Razars: Another variety of glove weapon with long claw-like
slice conventional swords in half. blades that are fined on each finger and reinforced along Ihe
length of the hand. Length: Blades are nonnally 4 to 6 inches
Weapon Type *Avg Lih Avg Wht Dam Avg Cost (10 to 15 cm) long. Damage: 106 normal. 2D6 vibro. crysta!. or
Energy Axe 2.5 ft 2.31bs 406+1 8,500CR kisentite. and 206+3 for energy. Cost: Same as the cestus.
Energy Poleanns 6.5 ft 3.01bs 606 18.000 CR
Energy Spear 5.2 ft 2.21bs 306+3 10,000 CR
Energy Knives 0.75 ft 0.5 lbs 404+3 6.000 CR
Energy Sword 1.1 ft
Energy 2-H Sword 1.5 ft
506+1 18,OOOCR Conventional Firearms
Ensrgy Stun Clubs 2.5 ft 3.01bs ** 8.500 CR
Energy Arrows 2.75 ft 0.2 Ibs 306+3 6.000 CR/dz
Energy Katana 1.0 ft 1.1 Ibs 5D6+3 20.000 CR In many of the most advanced areas of the galaxy. firearms
Energy Kusari-Gama 1.3 ft 0.81bs 306+2 10.000 CR are considered primitive, and even barbaric. These aliens would
Energy Shuriken O.3ft 0.1 Ibs 206+3 3.000 CR use energy weapons exclusively. but a bullel. especially amlOr
• This is the inactivaled haft or hilt only. When activated. en- piercing, explosive and other special I"IJlwds. may inllict the
ergy weapons are the same length as their nonnal counterparts. same damage and even puncture amlOr designed to renect en-
** Energy clubs either do 306+3 damage or stun damage, nOI ergy beams. So despite the higher tech weapons presented here,
both. Stun damage is 104 plus the victim must save vs non-le- do not underestimate the effectiveness of old-fashioned pistols.
thal poison. A failed roll means me character is stunned. loses in- rifles and machineguns. especially at close range or in close
itiative and is -5 to strike. parry. and dodge and skill quarters on board spacecraft. They may also be used for hunting.
perfomlance is -10% for 106 melee rounds. duels. target practice and spon.
Despite the high-tech weapons given on the special weapons
table and the variety of equipment available in a galactic cam-
Other Notable Melee Weapons paign. it should be understood that many aliens still use projec·
tile type weapons. Although considered "antiqullIed" or viewed
as low-tech. projectile weapons can often match energy we<lpons
Particle Whip: This weapon appears to be Ihe hilt of an en-
in damage. especially with advancements in ammunition. The
ergy sword, but when activated, a long, thin, flowing stream of
improved damage of some alien weapons over their Earth
energy trails out. The whip is an energy weapon that uses a
equivalents is not necessarily due to bigger bullets. More likely
modified particle beam in a magnetic shaping field. It is quite
they are due 10 advancements in propellants. velocity, explo-
difficult to use, but does impressive damage due to its tendency
sives. high-tech materials and better bullet design. Most projec-
to coil about a target. To strike with a particle whip, the character
tile weapons are also incredibly less expensive 10 make and
must make a called shot and does NOT get any bonuses to strike,
not even auribute bonuses. A 12 or higher is needed to make a
successful hit. If the roll is a natural 18 or 19, the whip does dou- The down side to projectile weapons compared to most en-
ble damage. and on a natural 20 it does triple damage. Length: ergy weapons is their weight. noise. comparatively shoner range
Varies with setting. from 6 to 14 feet (1.8 to 4.3 01). Damage: and the mess they make. Fireamls produce large amounts of
406 (no strength bonuses are applied), Cost: 15,000 credits. noisc and smoke (compared to lasers), and the bullets do not
cauterize wounds the way many energy blasts do. Consequently.
Clippers: Clippers are laser bolas. Many bounty hunters of
blood and gore is everywhere and a wounded individual may
evil alignment use them to "hamstring" fleeing targets. The ac-
bleed to death. which many races consider inhumane (as if war
tual result is frequently dismembennent. Good aligned charac-
can be humane). Projectile weapons will work fine with or with-
ters can use clippers as weapons, but rarely do and do not
out and atmosphere. There is a danger. however. in puncturing a
intentionally remove limbs. which is evil and prohibited.
protective enviromental suit of structure by accident. The recoil
Length: 4.5 foot (1.4 m) diameter. Damage: 506, Cost: 6,000
from a projectile weapon discharge can send the shooter spin-
credits. Note: Bonuses from P.P. and throwing skills are applica-
ning wildly if he is not anchored in place.
Note: See Palladium·s Compendium of Contcmporar)'
Cestus: The cestus is a weapon nearly identical to those from
Weapons for over 400 Twentieth Century we:lpons from around
the gladiatorial arenas of Earth, but in space they are often ele-
the world. plus special types of ammunition. riot control items.
ments of street life and survival. They are made by lining a
hand grenades, mortars. EOO equipment. body annor. tanks. and
heavy glove or gauntlet with various blades and spikes. It can be
more! Prices reflect the galactic market. not Eanh.
made at home easily and inflicts the same damage as a profes-
sionally crafted cestus. The only difference is professionals use
A\'erage Galactic Revolver Earth-Type Assault Rifle
Feed: 6 round cylinder. Weight: 2.1 pounds (I kg). Length: Feed: 20 10 40 round box magazine. Weight: 10 pounds (4.5
8.5 inches (22 cm). Range: 200 feet (61 m). Damage: 506. kg). L.ength: 34 inches (0.9 m). Range: 1,600 feet (490 m).
Rate of Fire: single shot. Cost: 800 credits (CR). Damage: 406. Rate of Fire: Aimed. burst. or spray. Cost: 800

Average Galactic Shotgun

Feed: 32 round box magazine (Can lire 8 short bursts. each
uses four rounds). Weight: 6 pounds (2.7 kg). Length: 38 inches
(1.0 m). Range: 130 feel (36 m) for shot and 300 feel (91.5 m)
for slugs. Damage: 506 for shOl and 606+6 for slugs. Rate of
Fire: Aimed or shan burs!. Cost: 750 CR.

Earth-Type Shotgun
Feed: 6 round tubular magazine. Weight: 5 pounds (2.2 kg),
Length: 42 inches (1.1 m). Range: 100 fecI (30 m) for shot or
F¥trth-Type Revolver
200 feet (61 m) for slugs. Damage: 406 for shot and 506+4 for
slugs. Rate of Fire: Single ShOI or two barrels (double damage).
Feed: 6 round cylinder. Weight: 2.5 pounds (1.1 kg). Cost: 200 CR.
Length: 8.5 inches (22 cm). Range: 165 feel (50 m). Damage:
306. Rate of Fire: single shot, Cost: 200 CR. Average Galactic Light Machinegun
Feed: 120 round box magazine or 300 round belt. Weight: 30
Average Galactic Automatic Pistol pounds (13.6 kg), L.ength: 50 inches (1.25 m). Range: 4000 feel
Feed: IS round magazine. Weight: 2.8 pounds (1.3 kg). (1200 m). Damage: 1D6x10. Rate of Firt: Aimed. burst. or
Length: 8 inches (20 cm). Range: 20 feel (61 m). Damage: spm)'. Cost: 5.000 CR.
506. Rate of Fire: Aimed or short burSl. Cost: 1.000 to 1.500

Gimmick Weapons
These are unique or special application weapons thaI did not
quite fall into any of the previous categories.

9mm Tanlogllo MBaby~ Pistol

8racelet Gun: This is a wide, ornamental annband made of
decoralive metal or fine ceramics. bUl bounty hunters and merce·
naries prefer more functional malle gray versions. With lhe
Earth-Type Automatic Pistol (J4tS( touch of a recessed bunon. a hidden barrel assembly pops up.
and anolher touch of the bullon fires it. Due 10 the unconven·
Feed: 810 12 round magazine. Weight: 3.5 pounds (1.6 kg).
tional design. this weapon is -2 (0 strike. even with an aimed
L.ength: 8 inches (20 cm). Range: 170 feet (52 m). Damage:
shot. It comes in lhree models: bullet firing, laser. and ion. It is
406. Rate of Fire: Aimed or short bursl. Cost: 300 CR.
typically used as a backup or concealed weapon and is a favorile
Average Galactic Sub-machinegun of spies and thieves. Range: 60 feel (18 m). L.ength: 6 to 8
Fffd: 50 round box magazine or 100 round drum. Weight: 5 inches (15 1020 cm). Weight: I pounds (.45 kg). Damage: 406
pounds (2.3 kg). Length: 20 inches (0.5 m), Range: 700 feel with ilnllor piercing bullels. 406 for laser versions. and 506 for
(210 m). Damage: 506 per round. Rate of Fire: Aimed. bursl, ion models. Payload: Two bullets or four laser or ion blasts.
or spray. Cost: 1,800 CR. Rate of Fire: Single shot: each blasl counts as one melee action.
Cost: 1000 credits for bullet model, 200 for eilher energy mod-
Earth-Type Submachine Gun els.
Feed: 40 round box magazine. Weight: 5.5 pounds (2.5 kg).
Thrbulence Generator: This is an eight inch diameter.
Lenglh: 22 inches (0.6 m). Range: 600 feet (183 m). Damage:
vented cylinder wilh handles. When activaled. it spins at great
306 pre round, Rate of Fire: Aimed. burst. or spray. Cost: 600
speeds. creating concentrated blasts of wind al nearly 60 mph
(96 km). It is used as a non-Ielhal anti-personnel/riO! conlrol
Average Galactic Assault Rifle weapon. designed 10 incapacitate rather lhan kill. Range: 40 feel
Feed: 60 round box magazine or 120 round drum. Weight: (12.2 m), Length: 25 inches (0.6 m). Weight: 10 pounds (4.5
7.5 pounds (3.4 kg). L.ength: 30 inches (0.8 m). Range: 2000 kg). Damage: I D4 from impact. and knocks lhe character off his
feel (610 m). Damage: 606. Rate of Fire: Aimed. burst. or feet and sends him I D4xlO feet backwards. The characler loses
spray. Cost: 2.000 CR. initiative and Iwo melee auacks. Characters weighing more Ihan

300 pounds (136 kg) many not be knocked down (only 01-45% Ridelly .560: The Ridelly is actually a short shotgun. A spe-
chance); no effect if someone weighs over 600 pounds (172 kg). cial mercury bead recoil system had to be developed to offset the
Aiming the blast at a pel1ion's hand will inflict lD4 damage recoil of its 12 inch (0.3 m) barrels. The weapon is arranged in
and knock whatever he is holding out of his grasp and send it an over/under barrel assembly. with each barrel fed by a separJ.te
flying 206xlO feet away. If the character has a P.S. 24 to 30 the tubular magazine mounted beside it. A selector switch allows
chance of losing the object is only 01-50%, 31 or higher DI-25% both barrels to be fired simultaneously. or one at a time. The
chance, 46 or higher: no way. magazines musl be pumped manually and both cycle in tandem.
Rate of Fire: Single shot: each blast counts as one melee at- Because of this. when a single barrel is fired. the selector auto-
tack/action. Payload: Effectively unlimited. Cost: 7500 credits. matically switches to the other barrel. Feed: 6 round tubular
magazine, Range: 40 feet (12 m) with stunballs. 100 feet (30.5
m) nonnal canridges or explosive, 130 feel (36 m) with micro-
, jets. Weight: 4 pounds (1.8 kg). Length: 15 inches (0.4 m).
Damage: 606 conventional. ID6x 10 microjets or explosives
Rate of Fire: Single shot or both barrels (double damage). Cost:
t ,r Tl 1000 credits.
'=6LG6, ,
I ,
Multi-Comp Annihilator: This weapon offers the vel1i3tility
of 3 firearm and energy weapon in a single package. Built in an
overfunder configuration, the Annihilator resembles a large sub- Korimyr: This is a single shot handgun that makes extensive
machinegun with an under-barrel grenade launcher. However, use of gas venting to offset recoil. Instead of a bolt action, it
the lower barrel is an ion blaster. The two cannot be separated, ejects spent sheils at the touch of a bUllon and closes the same
but they can fire simultaneously for incredible damage. The only way. Feed: One round and requires an action to eject and load
drawback is that the ion beam tends to overheat and detonate the another round. Range: 61D feet (186m), Weight: 5 pounds (2.2
microjet or other explosive rounds if it is used constantly for kg), Length: 11 inches (D.3 m), Damage: I D4xlO noml<ll,
more than four melee rounds. There is only a 15% chance per I D6xlD microjets or explosive. Rate of Fire: Single shot. Cosl:
twin firing of this happening (45% after 8 melee rounds). 900 credits.
Range: 1,200 feet (366 m) for both. Length: 26 inches (D.8 m),
Weight: 12 pounds (5.4 kg), Damage: 6D6 per microjet round Stamper: This is a large handgun that resembles the auto pis-
or 1D4xlO per ion blast, or 2D4x10 for simultaneous shots from tols or sub-machinegul1s of Earth. It h;ls a pair of ammo-clips
both, Payload: 30 microjets and 20 shot energy clip. Rate of that feed altemately from each side of the gun. Feed: Two clip
Fire: Single or double barrel shots (counts as one melee action), system for a lOla I of 12 rounds, Range: 610 feet (186 m).
but the microjels can be fired in bursts. Cost: 16,500 credits Weight: 6 pounds (2.7 kg), Length: 10 inches (0.25 m). Dam-
age: 5D6 nonnal, 1D6xl0 microjets or explosive rounds. Rate
of Fire: Single shot/semi-automatic, Cost: 2500 credits.
Special Large Caliber Firearms
Simpyr Takedown: Possibly the most powerful fireaml <l
There are three ways to increase the damage and/or effective-
nonnal human can carry and use. the Takedown is II single shot.
ness of firearms: make bigger guns, make better guns, and/or
large bore rine that is often used for big game hunting and snip-
make better ammunition. The following sections provide exam-
ing. Although it can be fired like a nonnal rine with no addi-
ples of each. from large caliber weapons to high,tech weapons
tional suppon. the recoil will cause characters with Physical
and special ammunition. All of the firearms presented in this sec-
Strength scores of 2D or lower to lose their next melee anack.
tion can be used as special weapons for the Hardware weapons
Proper bracing of Ihe weapon with its "gravity boot" anchors it
character in a standard Heroes Unlimited campaign.
in place and will allow any charJ.cter to fire it nomlally without a
The bigger something is, and the faster you can make it loss of allacks. The anchors will hold the Takedown steady when
move, the more damage it will do to whatever it runs into. Like resting on any solid surface. Feed: Six rounds per clip. Range:
many sporting enthusiasts on Earth, the galactic community has 4,000 feel (1200 m), Weight: 16 pounds (7.6 kg). Length: 54
had its share of inventors that have come up with the biggest inches (1.4 m), Damage: ID6xID standard rounds, 204xlO
guns that are reasonably manageable, especially for those with from large bore microjets or explosive rounds. Rate of Fire:
greater strength and/or size than humans. They use alternate Single shot, Cost: 16,500 credits.
sources of propellants, explosives, electro-magnetism and other
high-tech modifications. Bounty hunters and mercenaries are es-
pecially fond of the knockdown power of the large bore weap-

Rapid Fire/Small Caliber (RFSC) sliding clip. The clip uses a unique "U" spring feed system thai
Rapid Fire/Small Caliber weapons are small or compact doubles the pistol's ammunition capacity. Feed: 120 rounds.
weapons thaI resemble automatic pistols or sub-machineguns bUI Range: 160 feet (49 m). Weight: 4 pounds (1.8 kg). Length: 9
often have multiple barrels (typically 2 to 5) that fire a simulta- inches (0.2 m), Damage: 104 points per roundlbullet. or shon
neous burst (2 to 5 rounds at the same time; one from each bar- bursl of ten rounds which inflicts one round x6 damage or a long
rel), enabling the shooter to fire a more accurate and larger burst burst (20 rounds) which does one round xI2 damage. Rale of
than conventional weapons. The individual rounds are oflen so Fire: Aimed, bursl, or spray. Cost: 5.000 credits.
small that they have to be coated with tenon or made of Kisen-
lite 10 assure penetration and damage. A single round does little
damage. bUI the idea is to fire a short or medium burst, typically
of five to len rounds/bullclS at a single target (10 is often the en-
'-''''' '.-
tire magazine of a conventional pistol but may be less than that
for 10% for these weapons). The combined number of rounds
and impact of a bUr.jt from these weapons makes the damage
from small ammunilion comparable to larger caliber weapons.
The small size of Ihese rounds prohibits the use of convenlional
and special types of ammunition. Typically the enlire clip cannot
~ emptied in one long spray. so only single shots. shon and
long bursts are possible and must be aimed al a single large!.

Cerator SMG: This is a small but deadly member of the sub-
machinegun family. Its damage and easy concealmem makes it a
f A favorite among terrorists. Feed: 120 rounds. Range: 250 feet
(76 m). Weight: 5 pounds (2.3 kg). Length: 12 inches (0.3 m).
Damage: ID6 points per round. or shon burst of ten rounds
which innicts one round x6 damage or a long burst (20 rounds)
which does one round xl2 damage. Rate of Fire: Aimed. burst,
or spray. which gives it the standard number and Iypes of bursts
per clip of ammunition. Cost: 7,500 credits.

TGe Riproar: As the only production line rapid-fire assault

rifle. the Riproar is popular with many combal personnel across
the galaxy. It is especial1y coveted in dense jungle or foliage en-
vironments because of the amount of saturation it can spray.
Spitfire: A smal1. automatic weapon about the size of most
Feed: 210 rounds. Range: 600 feet (183 m). Weigh!: 5.5
large Eanh automatic pistols. Its small size limits ammunition
pounds (2.5 kg), Length: 18 inches (0.5 m). Damage: ID6
capacity. and the rapid rate·of-fire depletes it quickly. Feed: 40
poims per round. or shon burst of 12 rounds which innicls one
rounds. which is enough for one long or 2 shon bursts (the long
round x8 damage or a long burst (30 rounds) which does one
bursl empties the magazine). Range: 135 feet (41 m). Weight:
round/bullet xl4 damage. or spray (long burst) one round x6.
3.8 pounds (1.7 kg). Length: 8.75 inches (0.2 m). Damage: ID4
Rate of Fire: Aimed. burst. or spray. Cost: 11.000 credits.
poims per round/bullet. or shon burst of seven rounds which
does one round x4 damage or a long burst (14 rounds) which
TGC Riproar Mini-gun (TGC-RMG): This is an eight bar-
does one round x8 damage. Rale of Fire: Aimed. burst. or spray.
rel version of the three barreled Riproar. The RMG has an unbe-
COSI: 1.200 credits.
lievable rate of fire that is only successful because of the small
size and design of its ammunition. It is nearly identical to the
Riproar. except for design and stylistic changes. Because of its
amazing rate of fire. the TGC-RMG uses the machinegun rules
for all aspeCls of combat. induding damage. Feed: 1.000 round
belt. Range: 1000 feet (305 m). Weight: 15 pounds (6.8 kg).
must be tripod or vehicle mounted. Length: 18 inches (0.5 m).
Damage: 206 points per round. or shon burst of 16 rounds will
inflict one round xlO damage or a long burst (32 rounds) which
does one round ><20 damage. Rate of Fire: Aimed. burst. or
spray, Cost: 25.000 credits.

Slinger Drae: This weapon is named afler the assassin who

designed it. It is a fully automalic pistol with a top moumed. rear

Special Ammunition E·'I Microjet Ammunition: Unlike the exploding bullets, these
are true rockets with microjet engines that dramatically increase
rn~Ic{>~ range and damage. These rounds cannot be silenced and they
cannot be safely fired in bursts. There is a 75% chance that burst
r:::=:;:J shooting will cook the entire clip, explode the gun and inflict
Another way to increase the effectiveness (damage) of a 2D4x1D damage to the shooter.
firearm is by using specialized ammunition. Below is a list of Pistols & Sub-Machineguns: 606 per round. blast radius of
damages. comments, and prices for some special ammunition by 18 inches (0.5 m), doubles the normal range of the weapon.
weapon type. All prices are for 100 rounds. Arrows for bows and Cost: 3,000 credits.
crossbows can be outfitted with heads to duplicate any of these
Shotguns (slugs): 2D4xlO per round. blast radius of 18 inches
special ammunitions. Use the pistol damage listed but double the
(0.5 m), doubles the normal range of the weapon, Cost: 5.500
cost for arrows.
ExplodinglMen:ury Tipped Ammunition: Exploding/mer¥ Semi- and Fully Automatic Rifles: 106xl0 per round. blast
cury tipped rounds have a channel drilled in them that is filled radius of 18 inches (0.5 m). doubles the normal range of the
with mercury, then capped. When the bullet hits a target, the weapon. Cost: 8,000 credits.
, literally explodes as the mercury is compressed and rup-
tures the lead.
Pistols & Sub-Machineguns: add lD6 damage per round,
Cost: 500 credits.
Advanced Bows & Arrows
Shotguns (slugs): add 306 damage per round. Cos!: 800 cred- Advanced technology has not only improved fireanns, but
its. many of its predecessors. Bow weapons have had their share of
Semi- and Fully Automatic Rifles: add 206 per round. 30% improvements from the advance of technology. Snap Cord is a
chance of jamming when burst firing, Cost: 700 credits. type of stretchable cord that returns to its original unstretched
ExplodinglPlaslique Tipped Ammunition: Explod- state many times faster than conventional elastic materials. In-
ing/plastique rounds are like miniature rockets that explode on slead of the bow flexing 10 provide motion. the "string" is now
contact. solely responsible for propulsion, and velocity increases, which
Pistols & Sub-Machineguns: add 206 per round, I foot (0.3 in tum extends range and raises damage. Other innovations in-
m) blast radius, Cost: 750 credits. clude spring loaded or pneumatic launchers that either increase
Shotguns (slugs): add 406 per round, Cost: 1000 credits. range and damage or rate of fire.
Semi- and Fully Automatic Rines: add 306 per round; 35% SC Penetrator: This is a standard shon bow outfitted with
chance of detonating when burst firing, Cost: 900 credits. the snap cord string. The bow itself is made of light metal alloys
Hollow Point Ammunition:Hollow points have a hollow and can be used as a clubbing weapon (I D6 damage). Range:
cavity in their nose that allows the round to expand on impact 550 feet (168 m), Weight: I pound (045 kg), Length: 3 feel (0.9
for greater damage. m), Damage: 206, Rate of Fire: Standard, see the archery skill.
Pistols, Sub-Machineguns and Rifles: add I D6 per round, Cost: 500 credits.
Cost: 350 credits. SC Penetrator II: This is a long bow version of the Penetra-
Shotsuns (slu~): add 206 per round. Cost: 600 credits. tor. It does 108 damage as a clubbing weapon. Range: 900 feet
Glaser Ammunition: Glaser rounds have a thin outer shell (274 m), Weight: 2 pounds (0.9 kg). Length: 4.5 feet (1.4 rn).
filled with small beads of shot. It ruptures on impact. and the Damage: 306, Rate of Fire: Standard. see the archery skill.
shot is driven into the wound, but the small beads have liHle Cost: 750 credits.
penetration value and tend to bounce off solid, non-fleshy ob- SC Penetrator III: A large compound bow. It also does 108
jects. They cannot be used in weapons other than pistols and re- damage as a clubbing weapon. Range: 1.000 feet (305 m).
volvers. Weight: 3.75 pounds (1.7 kg), Length: 3.5 feet (1.1 m). Dam-
Pistol: add 206 damage per bullet, 106 damage to body ar- age: 406. Rate of Fire: Standard, see the archery skill. Cost:
mor and other hard targets, Cost: 450 credits. 975 credits.
Armor Piercing Ammunition: Armor piercing rounds are SC Mark II Penetrator: This is a crossbow version of the
constructed of teflon. Kisentite or some other materials that are Penetrator. It does 206 damage as a clubbing weapon. Range:
strong enough to penetrate hard substances easily. 900 feet (274 m). Weight: 5 pounds (2.3 kg). Length: 30 inches
Adds 106 to the damage capacity of the average round and is (0.8 m). Damage: 208+2, Rate of Fire: Standard. see the arch-
+2 to penelrate amtor (this means an A.R. of 15 is an A.R. of 13 ery skill. Cost: 975 credits.
in regard to this bullet); usually reserved for larger calibers. Bul- Compound Snap-Bow: The "snap-anns" on this weapon are
lets made of kisentite are considered AP rounds and are +3 to arranged in a double pivot structure to give easier pull but more
penetrate armor. Half the bullet's damage is expended on the ar- snapping power. It can also be loaded and locked inlO firing po-
mor and half strikes the person inside the armor. sition and carried until needed. Range: 800 feet (244 m).

Weight: 6 pounds (2.7 kg), tength: 34 inches (0.9 m), Dam- of the 20 cords has two S.O.C. points when cut. The straps are
age: 208, Rate of Fire: Standard, see lhe archery skill. Cost: very hard to break. requiring a P.S. of 31 or higher, but bum very
875 credits. easily because of the molecular resin. The straps bum up in one
Livian Crossbow: This we3pon is mounted on 3 rine stock round, but the character inside takes fire damage. Note: One ex-
3nd i~ capable of loading and locking twO bolts. The bolts can be plosive strap arrow is twice the size of a nonnal arrow. Cost:
fired individually or at the same time. It can also be loaded and 600 credits for the gun, 300 credits per bundle of 12 arrows. It
locked imo firing position and carried until needed. Range: 700 takes two melee attacks/actions to reload the strap gun. Each
feet (213 rn). Weight: 6.6 pounds (3 kg), L.ength: 30 inches (0.8 bundle does come with an aerosol agent to counteract the resin.
rn). Damage: 306 or 606 with two arrows. Rate of Fire: Sland-
ard, <>ee the archery ~"ill. Cost: 1.000 credits.
SAR Crossbow: Nearly idemical to the Livian above, this Advanced Weapon Features
ver~ion has a large, box-type, forward section lhat is actually an
oversil.ed clip of bolts. The SAR can rapid fire two bolts. one af-
ler Ihe other. Range: 850 feet (260 m). Weight: 8 pounds (3.6 Advanced design fireanns are created using computers. laser
kg), Length: 30 inches (0.8 rn), Damage: 306 per bolt or 606 tools, and some alien sciences to improve the general capabili-
for a rapid twin shot, Rate of Fire: Standard. see the archery ties of a weapon. These modifications, unless specifically noted,
skill. PaJload: 14 bolt!>. Cost: 1,000 credits. cannot be applied to shotguns. machineguns, mini-guns. rail
, guns or plasma ejectors.

Weapon Balancing: Adds +1 to strike with aimed shots. Can

be combined with other modifications and added to the above
high-tech weapons, but can only be applied once per weapon.
Cost: 350 credits.
CAt Ho\\': This weapon resembles a crossbow without the Mercury Bead Recoil Diminishers: Work to counter both
bow anm. Arrows are placed into a round launch tube and fired recoil and effects of recoil. Can be combined wilh other modifi-
by highly compressed air. Range: 500 feet (152 rn). Weight: cations but can only be applied once per weapon. Adds +1 to
4.75 pounds (2.15 kg). Length: 26 inches (0.6 Ill). Damage: strike with any burst. Cost: 600 credits.
306, Rate of Fire: Standard. see lhe archery skill. Cosl: 850 Ammunition Caliber Expansion (ACE): The weapon is
credits. bored out so that it fires larger bullets. The weapon will, how-
CAL Repeating How: This is another air compression launch ever. be off balance, and -2 to strike. If the Weapon Balancing
!>ystt:m. but it has an oversized clip of bolts and an automatic rc- modification from above is taken. the penalties are negated. but
loading mechanism for rapid fires. Range: 600 feet (183 m). no extra bonuses are gained. The other problem with ACE modi-
Weight: 6 pounds (2.7 kg). Length: 30 inches (0.8 m), Dam- fication is that there is a 20% chance of jamming if firing a
age: 306 per boll. or 606 for a rapid twin shot. 106xl0 for a burst. Not applicable to energy weapons. Cost: 1.000 credits.
burst of six. Rate of Fire: Same as an automatic weapon. Pay- Additional Ammunition Capacity: By customizing the de-
load: 20 bolls. Cost: 1.200 credits. sign of a weapon's ammo clip, lenglhening the clip. or adding
additional clip ports, a weapon's ammunition capacity can be ex-
panded. An additional short burst (or 20% of capacity) can be
squeezed into an existing clip size by replacing the feed mecha-
nism with a more compact variety at a cost of 500 credits. Add-

r ing a long burst (or 50% capacity) requires the lengthening of

the clip (which will make it harder to hide) and costs 475 credits.
An entire extra magazine can be added by creating a side port to
feed it into the weapon. Once one clip is empty. the flick of a
Explosive Strap Gun: This is a unique projectile weapon swilCh allows ammunition from the second clip to feed into the
that fires a large projectile with compressed straps/cords. When fireann without costing an atlack. This extensive procedure adds
the bundle impacls on a target, a charge inside of il goes off and 25% to the weight of the weapon and costs 1.500 credits. An-
the stmps extend. Weights on the ends of the cords force them other alternative for sub-machine guns or larger weapons is a
around the larget. where they impact and adhere to each other conversion to belt-fed ammo (typically 300 to 500 rounds). Any
with a molecular resin. The final result is the effective cocooning length of ammo belt can be employed. The cost of belt feed con-
of the target. II will even restrain someone with a P.S. of 30! version is 2.000 credits. This modification call be applied to en-
Range: 60 feet (18.3 m). Weighl: 6 pounds (2.7 kg), Length: 20 ergy weapons for 5000 credits.
inches (0.5 m), Damage: 106 from impact plus immobilization Heat and Motion Targeting Microcomputers (H&M Mi·
of the target. A successful dodge means the target is not struck. If crocomps): These sensors and basic tracking programs lock
the dodge fails, lhe victim is coiled and must be cut loose. Each onto warm or moving targets and notifies the shooter when he is

on target with a soft chime. beep or other sound. +2 to strike for and I D4 others. The flamethrower can fire a continuous stream
aimed shots or +1 for shan bursts. Maximum effective range: with effects similar to the bursts and sprays of automatic weap-
500 feet (153 m). Cost: 7.500 credits. This system takes up so ons. Use the machine-gun rules for dctcnnination of how many
much of the weapon's surface that no other modifications except targets are hit by a spray. but the damage multiples arc not used.
for ACE can be used with il. This modification can be applied to FUrlhernlOre. any flammable material will catch fire and bum
energy weapons. until the flames are smothered (against people the continuing
HUD Feed: Gyroscopic. laser and sonar targeting sensor sys- damage is equal to a single blast damage every melee round un-
tems measure the fireann's exact angle of elevation and distance til the flames are smothered). The fire is likely to spread to other
to target and send the infonnation to a Heads-Up Display on a combustibles. II is not wise to use such wellpons inside buildings
helmet or pair of goggles in the fonn of a targeting box or cross unless the shooter is trying to bum it down.
hairs that indicate the exact spot where the weapon is pointing, Range: Thin stream: 85 feel (26 m), thick stream: 200 feet
target distance. target speed (if moving), and the success pcr~ (61 Ill), Weight: 40 pounds (18 kg), L.englh: 36 inches (0.9 m).
centage to get off a clean shot. Wherever the target icon is. that Damage: Thin stream ID6xl0 (lD6x10+15 to most frozen
is where the bullets will hit; give or take a few inches or sudden world aliens) or 2D4x10 thick stream. A full melee burst (equal
movement. With this system, the shooter can look around cor- to six thick blasts or 12 thin) docs double damage (><2) and will
ners, over a wall or other obstacles/cover and get a reading as to set the emire area ablaze! Payload: 40 shots (each thick blasts
his target's position and whether or not he has a clean shot. By counts :IS two). Cost: 1900 credits.
mcving his gun hand or wriSt he can adjust his aim to strike with
deadly accuracy without actually seeing his target! Of course.
the chance of shooting the wrong person is increased dramati-
cally as this system cannot identify :.pecific targets. No other
modifications other than ACE can be placed on the weapon with
this system and the shooter must wear a HUD helmet, goggles or
glasses. It confers a +3 bonus to strike for aimed shots, +2 for
shan burst and + I for long bursts and sprays. Maximum effec-
tive range: 161"":0 feet (488 m) Cost: 16.000credits.

Incendiary Weapons Dragon Pistol: This is a large handgun with four nozzle-like
barrels. It fires a jet of name, much like a mini-flamethrower.
Fire has always been used in combat with varying effective~ Reloading the weapon with a new gel canister takes three melee
ness. With high technology it is more devastating than ever. Fire actions/anacks. Changing the fuel can of thc larger backpack
and heat do more damage to aliens from frozen worlds. so they canisters takes six melee actions. Range: 60 feet (18 Ill),
are prized. powerful weapons to aliens in those environments. Weight: 5 pounds (2.3 kg). L.ength: 10 inches (0.3 Ill). Dam-
Advanced incendiary weapons have considerably beller range age: 506 (7D6 to most frozen world aliens), Rale of Fire: Sin-
and precision than their ancient predecessors. gle shot, Payload: 6 shots. Cost: 750 credits (120 credits 10
refill the payload). An optional backpack unit offers a payload of
The following examples of incendiary weaponry are general
representations from each class and type, The classes include 20 shots and COSts an additional 800 credits (400 to refill).
pislOls. rifles, and field weapons. The three types are name emit- Dragon Rine: The dragon rine is a larger version of the pis-
ting, exploding gel-pellets, and plasma ejectors. Flame emitting 101, but it is not a full-size flamethrower. The compact rifle de-
weapons fire a concentrated jet of flame similar to that of com- sign limits the amount of propellant and fuel. and the optional
mon Eanh flamethrowers. RuplUring gel-pellets are fired by a backpack only adds to payload, not range. Funhennore, the
low powder charge or compressed air. They are made of a dura- dragon rifle only fires a single blast of flame. unlike the continu-
ble but impact-breakable pellet containing a flammable gel like ous stream possible with a true flamethrower. Changing fuel
napalm. When the pellet impacts. it ruptures and ignites upon canisters requires the same amount of time as the dragon pistol.
exposure to atmosphere. Plasma ejectors and rifles fire a bolt of Range: 120 feet (36 m). Weight: 10 pounds (4.5 kg), Length:
imense liquid heat that bums ten times holter than nonnal na- 28 inches (0.7 m). Damage: 6D6 (80610 most fro7.en world ali-
ens), Rate of Fire: Single shot. Payload: 10 shots. Cost: 1.200
High-Tech Flamelhrower: This is an advanced version of credits. An optional backpack unit adds 14 shots to the payload
the flamethrower. It is a rifle-like weapon. with a long barrel. and an additional 500 credits to the cost.
Feed tubes connect it to a large backpack with twin fuel canis-
ters. The application of advanced technology has increased the Incendiary Pistol: This pistol has an oversized barrel that
range and upgraded the burning temperature of the fuel for beller makes it look like a large bore weapon. It fires gel-pellets that
damage. The stream of flame can be adjusted and thickened. The explode and ignite on impact. The pellets are loaded into a mini-
thinner flame has reduced range and greater accuracy. striking clip that holds nine pellets. It takes one action to replace a clip.
the intended target only. The thick fire stream will hit the targel Range: 100 feet (30.5 01). Weighl: 4 pounds (1.8 kg), Length:

350 feet (107 m). Weight: 4 pounds (1.8 kg). Length: 9 inches
(0.2 m), Damage: 606 (806 to frozen world aliens), Rate of
Fire: Single shot, Payload: 5 shots. Cost: 4,000 credits.


Plasma Ejector: The full-sized. rifle version of the devastat-

ing plasma pistol. Range: 1.200 feet (366 m). Weight: 12.5
12 indlC" (0.3 m), Damage: 4D6 (606 to frozen world aliens),
Rale of Fire: Single shot. Payload: 9 shms. Cost: 1100 credits. pounds (5.7 kg), Length: 24 inches (0.6 m), Damage: 606+20
(806+30 to frozen world aliens), Rate of Fire: Single shot. Pay-
Incendiary Rine: The incendiary rifle looks very much like a
load: 10 shots. Cost: 15,DOD credits.
shotgun with an integrated under-barrel mount. TIle under-barrel
as.s;cmbly is aelU'll!y a large pellct clip. It only takes onc melee Gel Pellet Ammunition and Fuel Packs for Flame Emit-
aClion (about 3 seconds) 10 change the clip. Range: 400 feel ters: This is the ammunition used by flame producing weapons.
(122 m). Weight: 8.8 pounds (4 kg). Length: 32 inches (0.8 m), It is the same COSI for fuel or gel pellets. The cost is for a full
Damage: 606 (806 to mosl frozen world aliens), Rate of Fire: payload for the weapon it is purchased for. Backpack reloads
Single shol. each blast counts as one melee action. Pa}'load: 18 cost double the listed price.
shots. Cost: 3.400 credits. Pistol: 175 credits.
Alorian Incendiary Gun: Looks very much like a grenade Rifles: 250 credits.
launcher. this weapon fires flaming. grenade-sized gel pellets! Plasma Ejector Fuel Canisters: The specialized heat gener-
On impact. they rupture \0 spread a flaming gel that covers over ated by plasma ejectors is different and more expensive than for
a 10 foot (3.0 m) area. It sticks 10 most surfaces and bums at in- nonnal heat-based weapons.
credibly hot temperatures for 204 melees. Range: 200 feet (61 Pistol: 425 credits.
m). Weight: 8 pounds (3.6 kg). Length: 24 inches (0.6 m).
Rifles: 750 credits.
Damage: 6D6 for impact and initial rupture (806 to most frozen
world aliens) plus I06xI0 damage per each round thereafter un- Incendiary Shells for Use in Shotguns: These special shells
til it bums out! Rate of Fire: Single shot. Payload: 12 pellets. reproduce the effeclS of incendiary weapons using the large bore
Cost: 9.500 credits. of the shotgun barrel. All costs are for 25 rounds. Flame rounds
produce a burst of fire like the dragon weapons above, and gel-
Incendiary Field Gun: This is a Ihree-man, tripod mounled
pellets work identical to their namesakes.
unit used as a battlefield weapon or mounted on a vehicle. 11 is a
large gun thai resembles a repeating grenade launcher with a Flame rounds: Damage: 406 for standard mix. 6D6 for thick-
longer barrel. On impact. the round ruptures to spread a flaming ened gel, Range: 100 feet (30.5 m). Cost: 200 credits.
gel covering over a 10 foot (3.0 m) area. [I sticks to most sur-
faces and bums at incredibly hOI temperatures for 204 melees.
same as the previous Alorian weapon. Note: Any weapon
classed as a "field" weapon requires a IwO or three man crew to Cold Weapons
be fully utililed, but a character wilh a 24 P.S. and a 20 P.E. (or
bionics) could carry and use them as over-sized rifles. Range:
600 feet (183 m). Weight: 80 pounds (36 kg), Length: 6 feel In the high-tech world of aliens and interstellar travel, there
(1.8 m). Damage: I06xl0 (I 06x10+12 to frozen world aliens). are a variety of unusual and innovative weapons. The Atorian
Payload: 50 ShOl drum. Cost: 9.DOD credits. Empire and others have their own collection of specialty weap-
Alorin" Field Artillery Plasma Ejection Cannon: This ons, including cold inducing weapons.
large plasma ejector is nomlally vehicle mounted. On impact. There are two types of cold weaponry, those that fire Dense
the round ruplures to spread a flaming gel covering over a 20 Ice Projectiles (a.k.a. DIPs) and freeze damage weapons. DIPs
fOOl (6.0 m) area. II Slicks 10 most surfaces and bums at incred- use air or powder charges to propel a super-dense fragment of
ibly hot temperatures for 204 melees, same as the previous Aw- ice or frozen metal. When the projectile enters its target. its fro-
rian weapon. Range: 3000 feet (914 m). Weight: 100 pounds zen temperature does additional damage. In game tenns. each
(45 kg). Length: 4 feel (1.2 m). Damage: 206x1O (306x10 to bullet lodged in a character's body will do one point of cold
most frOl.en world aliens). Payload: 25 shot fuel drum. Cost: damage per melee round (2 points for each bullet for Ihemlal ali-
55.DOD credits. ens). After 204 rounds. the DIP will wann to a point where it
Plasma I'istol: The smallest of the plasma ejectors. this does no further damage. They will melt totally in 6+406 hours
weapon has heavy hilling power. but a limited payload. The so surgical removal may not be necessary unless internal organs
range. however. is impressive for such a small weapon. Range: are damaged or bleeding cannot be stopped (it also hurts like the

dickens to have anything stuck in one's body for hours, and heal·
ing can'l really begin until it is gone). Recently DlP weapon de-
signers have been experimenting with freezing toxiclpoisonous
liquIds into frozen projectiles. As they meh. the poison seeps
into the body or blood of the injured person. inflicting additional
damage. Scme DiPs are designed to fragment. making a larger
Impact wound. Do not underestimate the strength of ice. DiPs
are almost as slrong as conventional bullets.
Note: A heat patch has been marketed to melt DIPs quickly in
the wound. They cost 250 credits each and do ID4 points of Freezing Rifle: The rifle is a large weapon similar to the pis-
damage when applied, but Ihey melt the average DIP round in
tol. with greater range and increased damage. Most of them use
five minules. the hip or backpack. for increased payload. Range: 600 feet (183
Freezing damage weapons work much like the dragon in· m). Weight: 15.5 pounds (7 kg), Length: 34 inches (0.9 m),
cendiary weapons, but use super cold liquids instead of fire, heat Damage: 606 plus numbing (806 plus numbing 10 thennal
and gels. Liquid gases are commonly used as freezing ammuni· world aliens), Rate of Fire: Single shot. Clip Payload: 7 shots.
tion. 'These. weapons are larger than most because of the refrig- Cosl: 13.500 credits.
enlllon Units needed to k«p their ammUnition frozen. Even DIP DIP Fragmenting Grenade: This is a cryo-case about the
roends need special cryo-chps to keep the bullets from melting, size of a baseball filled with explosives and fragments of dense
as well as special gloves when handling the round. Even touch- ice. The concussive force of the blast does damage and sends
ing a DlPor freeZing chemical gel will cause 204 damage! deadly fragments flying like bullets in a circle of destruction.
Freezing damage weapons require the use of pack units to Range: Thrown 10 about 90 feet (27 m). Weight: One pound
give them adequate payloads. Hip-pack units weigh 8 pounds (.45 kg), Blast Radius: 20 feet (6.1 m). Damage: ID4xlO (dou-
and triple the listed payload of most freeze clips. A backpack ble to Ihennal aliens), Rate of Fire: Equal to hand to hand at-
unit weighs 20 pounds and increases the payload by ten times. tacks per melee: each toss counts as one melee action. Cost: 175
credits each.
Freezing Damage Note: Each time a character takes damage
from a freeze blast, he must save vs non-lethal poison. A failed
sa...e means one of his limbs temporarily goes numb from the
cold (compassionate G.M.s can make it the character's leg or the
arm that isn't the character's normal shooting arm). Of course,
Energy Weapons
combat bonuses and/or speed may be reduced 10% to 60% de-
pending on the amount of impairment. A character that loses all
In the standard Heroes Unlimited campaign. energy weapons
S.D.e. from freezing weapon damage or has all limbs, including
are rare and expensive experimental items. but to the alien races
head and chest. frozen. lapses into a froztn state, even if he has
who have mastered space travel and high technology. such
plenty of hit points left. He can often be revived in a cryo-stasis
weapons are as common as handguns and rifles on Earth. There
facililY or with even heat within 304 minutes and with little or
are five categories of energy weapons: laser, microwave, particle
no side effects. Those who lose S.D.C. and hit points are +25%
beam, ion. and stun. Laser weapons fire a coherent, damaging
to save ...s coma and get 304 hit points back when revived.
beam of light. Particle beams and ion blasters use accelerated.
Ofnse Ice Pistol: The large DIP cryo-clip is mounted under charged panicles in a tight. destruclive beam. These are the two
the front of the pistol. This makes the weapon nose-heavy and -I most powerful kinds of energy weapons. Stun weapons include
to strike unless two hands are used to fire it. Range: 175 feet (53 tasers and other electrical-based devices. as well as specialty
m). Weigh(: 6 pounds (2.7 kg). Length: 10 inches (0.3 m), weapons that disrupt or override the nervous or muscular syslem
Damage: 306 (506 to thennal world aliens). Rate of Fire: sin- to stun, incapacitate or disoriem a victim.
gle shO!, Payload: 10 shots. Cost: 3.000 credits.
Microw8n weapons fire streams of radiated particles that
Dense Ice RiOe: The rifle version of the DIP pistol has none
travel at amazing speeds, passing through anything 001 metallic!
of the balance problems of the pistol. despite its own large cryo-
These panicles generate great amounts of heal as they pass
chp. Range: 550 feet (168 m). Weight: 11.5 pounds (5.2 kg),
through and cause damage. These streams of panicles will pass
Length: 32 inches (0.8 m), Damage: 506 (706 to thennal
through walls, wood, glass, plastic, ceramics, Kevlar and others.
world aliens), Rate of Fire: Aimed or Shon Burst. Payload: 20
Metal of any kind. including aluminum and tin foil, will stop
shot cryo-clip. Cost: 8,500 credits.
Freezing Pistol: This weapon fires a projectile thaI erupts on
impact to release either a quick freezing gas or gel. See the gen- Backpack power units are available for each type of energy
eral description for complete damage and side effects. Range: weapon. They typically provide 10 times the payload of a stand-
100 feet (30.5 m). Weight: 6 pounds (2.7 kg), Length: 12 inches ard energy clip and weigh 15 pounds (6.8 kg). Typical cost for a
(0.3 m), Damage: 406 plus numbing (606 plus numbing to backpack is 28.000 credits.
thermal world aliens). Rate of Fire: Single shot, Clip Payload:
FiH' shots. Cost: 6.200 credits.

Ion Weapons pulse uses 3 shots). Rate of Fire: Single shot or a three beam
pulse (counts as one melee action). Cost: 5.500 credits.
Because of their great damage. ~ood payloads. and moderate
cos..... ion "'capons are commonly the hea\y v.eapons of choice Hea,')' Laser Pistol: A large, slightly oversized pistol.
for ..,deanns and personal "'capons. All alDri3n ion blasters are Range: 1000 feet (305 m). Length: 10 inches (25 em), Weight:
+ I 10 \lnl..e and +2 on damage per biasi. 3 pounds (1.4 kg). Damage: 506. Payload: 10 shot energy clip.
Rate of Fire: Single shot. Cost: 7,500 credits.
\1ini-lon Blaster: A small pislOl about the size of an Earth
aUlo-pi~101.R:mge: 200 feCI (61 m). Length: 8 inches (0.2 m). Laser Rifle: The standard energy rifle version of the laser
Weight: 2 pound!> (0.9 kg). Damage: 306. Payload: 6 shol en- pistol. Range: 4.000 feel (1219 01), Length: 26 inches (0.6 m),
ergy clip. Rate of Fire: Single shOl: each blast counts as one Weight: 6 pounds (2.7 kg), Damage: 506. Payload: 24 shot en~
melee allack. Cost: :WOO credits. ergy clip, Rate of Fire: Single ShOl, Cost: 15.000 credits.
Ion Blaster: TIllS is a full-size pislOl. slightly larger than the
mmi·blaster. Range: 400 feCI (122 m). Length: 8.75 inches (22 Laser Pulse Rine: The rine version of Ihe pulse pistol.
ml). Weight: 2.2 pounds (I kg). Damage: 506. Payload: 10 Range: 4.000 feet (1200 m), Length: 19 inches (0.5 m),
~hol energy clip. Rate of Fire: Single shOi. Cost: 5000 credilS. Weight: 5 pounds (2.3 k.g). Damage: 306 single shot or
ID4xIO+IO per triple pulse. Pa)'load: 24 shot energy clip (a tri-

.Hea\) Ion Blasler: A large. slightly O\·crsiled pistol. Range:

300 feel (91 mI. Length: 10 Inches (.3 m). Weight: 3.5 pounds
(1.6 ~g,. Damage: 606. Pa~load: 8 shot energy clip. Rate of
Fire: Single !thol. Cost: 6.750 credits.
ple pulse uses 3 shots). Rate of Fire: Single shOi or a three beam
pulse. Cosl: 21.500 credits.

Heavy Laser Rifle: A heavy assault rifle·styled laser

Ion Blaster Rifle: The Slandard energy nfle version of the weapon. Range: 6,000 feet (1829 m), Length: 28 inches (0.7
Ion weapon. Range: 3,000 feet (914 m). Lenglh: 24 inches (.6 m), Weight: 8 pounds (3.6 kg), Damage: lD4xlO. Payload: 15
01), Weighl: 7 pound~ (3.2 kg). Damage: 506. Payload: 18 shol shot energy clip. Rate of Fire: Single ShOi. Cost: 24.000 credits.
energy clip. Rail' of Fire: Single shol. Cosl: 16.000 credits.
Laser Field Cannon: A heavy, infantry weapon normally
Hea\'~ Ion Rifle: A heavy, oversized rifle. Range: 2,000 feel
used for anli-vehicle purposes. Range: 8.000 feet (2438 m).
(610 til). Length: 30 lIlchcs (.8 til), Weight: 10 pounds (4.5 kg),
Length: 60 inches (1.5 m). Weight: 65 pounds (29 kg). Dam·
Dumage: ID4xIO. I'ayload: 12 shot energy clip. Rate of Fire:
age: 2D4x10, Payload: 40 shot energy ballery (weighs 16
Smgle ~hot. Cost: 18.000 credits.
pounds/7.2 kg), Rate of Fire: Single shot. Cost: 75.000 credits.
Ion Field Cannon: A heavy mfanlry v.eapon normally used
for anll·vehlcle purposes. Range: 4.000 feet (1200 m). Length:
~5 IncheS (1.2 m). Weight: 78 pounds (35 kg). Damage:
2D8xlO. Pa~'load: 30 ShOl energy bauery (weighs 18 pounds/8.2 Microwave Weapons
"g.). Rate of Fire: Smgle shot. Cost: 62.000 credits.
Their high COSI and low damage make microwave weapons
less popular than the other kinds of energy weapons, but their
Laser Weapons ability to bypass body annor makes them very attractive to cer-
La!.e~ arc the most common energy weapons. They have tain types of warriors. The 'overall lack of huge markets limits
good damage. large payloads. and a superior range. They can be the produclion of these weapons and only standard pistol and ri-
considered Ihe preffered sidearms of space travelers. Lasers are fle versions are available. bUI Ihe Atorian Empire does have ex-
the only weapons that are cUITemly produced with pulse capa- perimental field models of microwave weapons. Remember,
bilities. microwave weapons fire streams of radialed particles that travel
at speeds, passing Ihrough most anylhing not metallic!
Mini-Laser: Either a small pistol or a flashlight-like rod.
These particles generate great amounts of heat as they pass
These are common emergency weapons or tools. Most of the rod
lhrough living things and cause damage. These streams of parti-
type~ have a low $Clling Ihat allows them to be used as a cutting
cles will pass through walls. wood. glass. plastic, ceramics,
or soldering tool. Range: 50 feet (15.2 m), Length: 4to 6 inches
Kevlar and others. Metal of any kind. including aluminum and
(0.1 to 0.15 m). Weight: 0.5 to one pound (0.2 to 0.45 kg).
tin foil will stop them.
Damage (3 settings): I D·t 106 and 206. Pa)'load: 8 shot en-
ergy clip. Rate of Fire: Single shot. Cost: 1800 credits.
Microwa"e Pistol: The standard pistol-size sidearm. Range:
Laser Pistol: The sllIndard. pistOl-size sidcaml. Range: 800 800 feet (244 m), Length: 10 inches (0.3 m). Weight: 3 pounds
feel (244 m). Length: 9 inches (.23 cm). Weight: 2 pounds (.9 (1.4 kg). Damage: 206. Payload: 15 shol energy clip, Rate of
kg). Damage: 4D6. Payload: 20 shol energy clip. Rate of Fire: Fire: Single shot, Cost: 6.000 credits.
Single <,hOt. Cost: 3.800 credits.
Microwave Rine: The standard energy rine version of the
Laser Pulse Pistol: A large pistol about the size of an Earth microwave pistol. Range: 1.100 feet (335 m), Length: 20
machme pistol. Range: 1000 feet (305 m), Length: 9 inches (23 inches (0.5 m). Weight: 6 pounds (2.7 kg). Damage: 306, Pay-
em). Weight: 2.5 pounds (1.1 kg). Damage: 206 single shot or load: 20 shot energy clip. Rate of Fire: Single shot. Cose:
606 for a triple pulse. Payload: 24 shot energy clip (a lriple 26.0000 credits.

nent. Range: 40 feet (12 m). L.ength: 7 inches (18 cm ).
Weight: 2 pounds (0.9 kg). Damage: Victims must save \IS non-
lethal poison or suffer -4 on initiative. and -3 to strike. parry. and
dodge. Duration: 106 melee rounds. Payload: 12 shoe energy
o clip. Rate of fire: Single shot. Each blast counts as one melee
auack/action. Cost: 3000 credits. Note: Light SlUnner rifles are
identical. except they are 15 inches long (0.4 m), weigh 4
pounds (1.8 k.g). have double the pistol range. 20 shot clips. and
cost 2.500 credits.
Normal or Medium Stunners: Range: 85 feet (26 m).
Particle Beam Weapons Length: 8 inches (20 cm). Weight: 3 pounds (1,4 kg). Damage:
Victims must save vs non-lethal poison or suffer -6 to strike,
parry. and dodge. lose initiative and one melee action. Duration:
I D6 melee rounds. Pa.l'load: 8 shot energy clip. Rate of Fire:
These are the most devastating of the energy weapons. These Single shot. Cost: 5500 credits. Note: Stunner rifles are identi-
are a low payload due to the incredible energy needed to power C:I!' except they are 16 inches (0.4 m) long, weigh 4 pounds (1.8
them. and high costs, limits their popularity, but their damage kg), have double the pistol range. 16 shot clips. and cost 1850
cannot be equaled in handheld weaponry. credits.

Particle Beam Pistol: This is a large. oversized sidearm. Heav.l' Stunners: Range: 135 feet (41 01). Length: 9 inches
Range: 900 feel (274 01), Length: 10 inches (0.3 01), Weight: 5 (20 em). Weight: 4 pounds (1.8 k.g). Damage: Victims must
pounds (2.3 kg), Damage: 606. Pa)'load: 6 shot energy clip. save vs non-lethal poison or suffer -8 to strike, parry. and dodge,
Rate of ."ire: Single sho!. COSI: 7.000 credilS. reduce speed by half. and anacks per melee round by two. Dura-
tion: 204 melee rounds. Pa~'load: 8 shot energy clip. Rate of
Light Particle Beam Rifle: The standard energy riOe version
Fire: Single shot. Cost: 7000 credits. Noll.': Heavy SlUnner flfles
of the P·beam "'capon. Range: 2,000 feet (610 01), Length: 25
are identical. except they are 24 inches long (0.6 m). weigh 5
Inches (0.6 01), Weight: 9 pounds (4 kg). Damage: ID4xIO.
pounds (2.3 kg), have double the pistol range. 16 shot energy
Payload: 10 shot energy clip. Rate of Fire: Single shot. Cost:
clips. and cost 10.000 credits.
20.000 credits.
Heavy Particle Beam Rifle: This is the same weapon pre-
sented on page 209 of Heroes nlimited. Range: 3.000 feet
(914 m). Length: 36 inches (0.9 m). Weight: 12 pounds (5.4
kg). Damage: I06xlO. Payload: 10 shot energy clip. Rate of
Sonic Weapons
Fire: Single shot. Cost: 24.000 credits.
Particle Beam Cannon: A heavy. infantry field weapon nor- Sonic weapons use high-pitched sound waves to produce
mally used for anti-vehicle purposes. Range: 4.000 feet (1219 damaging or disorienting effects. There are three types of sonic
m). Length: 75 inches (1.9 m). Weight: 105 pounds (48 kg), weapons: sonic blasters, sonic stunners, and sonic disruptors.
Damage: 106x20. Payload: 20 shot energy battery (weighs 20 Sonic blasters use powerful, compressed sound waves that im-
pounds19.1 kg), Rate of Fire: Single shot. Cosl: 120.000 credits. pact on a target and cause damage. These allacks will partially
pass through annor. causing half damage to the target. Rifts
Note: In the Rifts selling, sonic wcapons will have no effect
against mega.-damage annor or structures. They are S.D.C.
Stun Weapons .....eapons. However, half the S.D.C. damage will penetrate
In the context of Heroes Unlimited. stun weapons do lillIe or M.D.C. body annor and M.D.C. vehicles. and hit and hun the
no physical damage. but they do inflict penalties that daze and person inside. One-third of the S.D.C. damage .....ill penetrate and
incapacitate. Panicularly tiny or frail creatures and children may hit operators of power annor and one-quaner oftlle S.D.C. dam·
suffer 206 damage and the duration for penalties may be dou- age will penetrate and hit pilots of small robots and M.D.C. ..e-
bled. Psionic characters will have a headache that lasts 406 min- hicles. They have no effect against the pilots of giant robots
utes per each stun blast. larger than 18 feet (5,4 m).
A typical saving throw is 16 or beller: P.E. bonuses to save vs Sonic stunners use sound frequencies to upset the inner ear
poison are applicable. A successful save means the character has and cause dizziness and loss of balance. Sonic disrupters work
shaken the effects of the blast and only loses initiative for that much the same way as sonic stunners. but their effects reach to
one melee round (initiative and one melee action from heavy the brain and cause sensory overload that can resuh in uncon-
stun blasts). sciousness.
Light Stunner: A weapon commonly used in riot. crowd and Sonic stunners and disrupters require a save \IS non-lei hal poi-
animal control situations. It has a shan range and delivers a light son. A successful save means no affect. A failed save means pcn-
jolt that stuns the nervous system and incapacitates one's oPPO- alties and side-effects. Roll for each auack th3\ successfully

strikes. l-ielmelS add +4 to saving Ihrows. Helmels wilh sonic in- Atorian Variable Sonic Rifle: This is a large sonic riOe with
sulation (COSI 200 credits) and full environmental body annor various generalors in il. and a selector switch. II can be sel to
(wllh Ihe helmel on). make Ihe wearer immune to Ihe effects of function as any of the Ihree kinds of sonic weapons. With lhe flip
somc !>lunners and disruPlcrs unlilthe helmel is destroyed or re- of a switch a soldier can disorient opponents with a sonic Slun-
mo\oed. ner effect. then swilCh to a disrupler attack on his next action and
'1otes: I. All sonic weapons do +10 damage when used un- render lhem unconscious. 11le damage and range statistics vary
derwaler. 2. Mulliple blasts increase lhe duration thai penalties with lhe weapon's selling. bul are all equivalent to riOe range
lasl. bUllhe penalties themseh'es are nOI cumulative. and damage. Cost: 25.000 credils.
Atorian Sonic Cannon: This field weapon takes all three as-
Sonic 81aster Pistol: Range: 65 feel (20 m). Length: 9
peclS of sonic weapons and combines them jnlO one devastating
mclle.. (20 cm). Weight: 3.2 pounds (1.4 kg). Damage: 206:
attack. When the sonic cannon hits a larget withoul sonic insula-
half .... ill carry through lhe annor and mflict S.D.C./hil point
tion. lhe victim must save vs non-lethal poison twice: once to re-
damage. Pa~load: 10 shOl energy clip. Rate of Fire: Single
sisl disorientation penallies (as per stunners) and again to fight
sho!. Cost: 3500 credils.
off unconsciousness (as per disrupter). In addition. lhe hapless
Sank 81aster Rifle: Range: 100 feel (30 m). Length: 24 targel suffers damage from lhe impact of the blast. Half of the
inches (.6 m). Weight: 7.6 pounds (3.4 kg). Damage: 306+2; damage done is 10 the structure of the body annor. vehicle or
half WIll carry lhrough annor. Payload: 20 ShOI energy clip. protective cover. and the Olher half hilS ALL the occupants of a
Rate of Fire: Single ShOI. Cost: 6.500 credits. vehicle's cockpit/pilot's compaTlmenl inside. or everybody in a
ten foot (3.0 m radius). This makes il an incredibly effective
Sonic Stunner Piscol: Range: 150 feet (46 m), Length: 9
field weapon againsl power annor and vehicles. because nOI
inches (23 em). Weight: 3.5 pound... (1.6 kg). Damage: I poinl
only does it damage the vehicle bUI Ihere is an excellent chance
plu\ ~a\e or suffer -5 on inilialive. -4 10 strike. parry. and dodge
that one to three blasls will incapacilale or knockout the pilol
for 104 melee rounds. Payload: IS shot energy clip. Rate of
and his crew!
Fire: Smgle ~Ml. Cosl: 4.000 credilS.
Range: 800 feet (244 m; double underwater). Blast Area: 10
Sonic Stunner Rifle: Range: 175 feet (53 m). Length: 20 fOOl radius (3.0 m; TOughly a 20 fOOl/6.1 m diameter of effecl-
IOChe\ (.5 m). Weight: 7 pounds (3.2 kg). Damage: I poinl plus double underwaler). L.englh: 48 inches (1.2 m). Weight: 98
5a\C' or suffer -7 on mitiative and -6 to strike. parry. and dodge pounds (44 kg). Damage: 2D4xI0. half of which carries through
for 106 melee rounds. Also reduce spd. by 20%. Pa,)'load: 18 annor and may inflict unconsciousness and disorientation. Pen-
!lMI energ) clip. Rate of Fire: Single shol. Cost: 14.900 credil.~. alties From Stun Effect: No initiative. reduce number of ai-
tacks per melee by half. speed by half. skill proficiency by half.
Sonic Disrupter Pistol: Range: 85 fect (26 m). Length: 8
-710 strike. parry. and dodge for 204 melee rounds. Half penal-
mches (20 COl). Weight: 4.5 pounds (2 kg). Damage: 2 poinrs
lies on a successful save. Payload: 30 shot energy baltery
plu\ ...ave or be rendered unconscious for 104 melee rounds. If
(weighs 25 pounds/7.6 kg).) or 100 shot field generator. Rate of
Ihe character makes a successful saving Ihrow. he remains con-
Fire: Two times per melee round (15 seconds). Note: Not effec-
sciou... bUI i~ -2 on iniliative. to slrike. parry. and dodge for 106
tive againsl robols larger than 35 feel (10.7 m) and aircraft.
melee round.... Multiple blasts increase the duration lhat penalties
spacecraft or vehicles larger than 60 feet (18.3 m). Cost: None
1:lst. bUI Ihe penallie... Ihemselves arc not cumul(llive. Payload:
hove ever been available. even on the black markel. The Empire
10 shol energy clip. Rate of Fire: Single ShOI, Cost: 1800 cred·
prolecls these weapons well and no Olher major weapon manu·
faclurer has yet perfecled a production line model. Estimated
Sonic Disrupter Rine: Range: 200 feel (61 m). L.ength: 21 cosl: 304 million credits.
mche~ (.5 m). Weight: 6.8 pounds (3.1 kg). Damage: 3 poinls
plus .'oll\oe or be rendered unconscious for 104 melee rounds. If
tOe choracler makes a successful ..aving Ihrow. he remains con-
sciou!o but i" -2 on initiative and 10 strike. parry. and dodge for
I06 melee rounds. PaJload: 12 shol energy clip. Rate of Fire:
Body Armor
Single sho!. Cost: 5.500 credilS.
Sonic lUaster: Range: 100 feet (30 m). Damage: 306. half Note: All annors on page 212 of Heroes Unlimited ~ avail-
Will carry Ihrough annor. Sonic Stunner: Range: 175 feel (53
able at lhe prices listed. Also see Palladium's Compendium of
m). Damage: I point plus save or suffer -6 to sirike. parry. and Contemporary Weapons for additional conventional body ar-
dodge for 106 melees. Sonic Disrupter: Range: 150 feet (46 mor. riOl gear and OIher weapons and equipment.
m). Damage: I point plus save or be rendered unconscious for Kisentite Armor: Any of the ancient styles of annor from
104 melee atlacks and -2 10 strike. parry. and dodge for 104 ad- chain mail to full plale annor can be fashioned out of Kisemile.
ditional allacks while shaking the effecls off (lhe -2 penalty here bUI the metal is nOI plemiful. is 100 heavy for mosl beings and
is cumulatl\'e .....ith the -6 above if il was nOI saved againsl. for a Ihe cost is high. Thus. this annor is really only suitable for cy-
lotal penally of -8). Rate of Fire: for all sellings: single ShOI. borgs and beings with incredible P.S. and P.E. This is Ihe main
L.ength: 30 inches (.8 m). Weight: 13 pounds (5.8 kg). Pay- reason only weapons are forged from the substance. Here are
load: 30 ShOI energy dip. Cosl: 12.000 crcdilS. Rarely availoble. some common types of Kisenlite Annor:

mation on this process. but no one has managed to get a copy of
it yel. Rewards can total as much as a million credits.
Armor A.R. S.D.C. Weight Cost-
Diamond Vest (1/2 suit) 9 110 13 1bs/6 kg NIA
Diamond Annor(Full) 12 220 171bs/1.7kg NIA
- If any suit were to find its way to the market. prices would
begin at 70.000 credits. If the process was ever copied and the
suits were to be mass produced. they would be limited to mili-
tary personnel for quite a while. and the price would remain
high. about 50.000 credits.

Crystal Armor: Coming in either a transparent or translucent

fonn of any color. this armor is grown in molds and reaches a reo
sistance level equal to that of Hard Annor. However. it is much
lighter. As can be expected. cost is high. but availability is good.
Many Imperial Lords. Dukes. and Duchesses outfit their guards
and bodyguards with this attractive but functional annor. Move-
ment penalties are also slight: -5% to prowl, -10% on acrobatics.
gymnastics and similar skills.
Armor A.R. S.D.C. Wei hi C"",
Crystal Vest (1/2 suit) 12 120 10 Ibs/4.5 kg 2.800 CR
Crystal Annor (314) 16 260 12 Ibs/5.4 kg 4.000 CR
Crystal Annor (Full) 17 280 13 Ibs/6 kg 4.500 CR

Flexible Armored Suits (FAS): Very similar to the Flexi-

Steel annor developed by Fabricators Inc. on Eanh (see Villains
Unlimited), FAS armor fits like an athlete's body suit. It is made
of an advanced alloy that shifts to accommodate movement. yet
provides unrivaled protection for the amount of neJlibililY it al-
lows. FAS armor is practically undeteclable under clothes and is
perfect for bodyguards. undercover police. spies and anyone in a
K-Mail & Ceramics: A.R. 15. 100 S.D.C.. weight: 60 Ibs (27 low profile but dangerous profession. TIley can also be worn un-
kg). Cost: 4.000 CR. penalties: -10% prowl. acrobatics and gym- der other annor. for additional S.D.C. protection. FAS annor is
nastics. the only non-rigid armor that can have special armor options
K-Chain Mail (light): A.R. 14. 85 S.D.C.. weight: 70 Ibs (31 added to it or be worn with other types of annor. No movement
kg). Cost: 2.600 CR. penalties: -15% prowl. acrobatics and gym-
nastics. Armor A.R. S.D.C. Wei ht Cost
K·DoubleMail: A.R. 16. 120 S.D.C.. weight: 90 Ibs (40.8
FAS Torso Annor (half suit) 10 80 10 lbs 2.000 CR
FAS Body Annor (3/4 suit) 14 175 14lbs 4,500CR
kg). Cost: 4.000 CR. penalties: -20% prowl. acrobatics and gym-
FAS Full Body Annor 16 200 16lbs 5.000 CR
K-ScaleMail: A.R. 17. 160 S.D.C.. weight: 100 Ibs (45 kg). Kinetic Suits: These suits are not protect;\'(' S.D.C. armor in
Cost: 6.500 CR. penallies: -25% prowl. acrobatics and gymnas- themselves. but serve to augment the capabilities of annor.
tics. TIley appear to be lightly padded. wire·mesh suits that are worn
K-PlateMail: A.R. 18.300 S.D.C.. weight: 140 Ibs (63 kg). beneath standard annors. even FAS armor. Kinetic suits use a
Cost: 10.000 CR. penalties: -40% prowl. acrobalics and gymnas- unique compound that distributes the force applied to it across
tics. reduce speed by 20% and increase the fatigue factor by its entire surface. In game tenns. this means that the impact of
50%. projectiles. arrows. explosives. punches. falls and sonic blasts
that hit and pass through the top annor will do only half dam-
Alorian Diamond Armor: The Ator;an Empire has devel- age! This does not includes energy beams (they have no impact).
oped a process that chemically strengthens crystal annor. Com- Kinetic suits have no A.R. rating or prOlective S.D.C. This
bining this technology with advanced designs. they have technology is still new and prices are high. Cost: 20.000 credits.
developed a hardened body annor which functions like robotics Repairs cost 100 credits per square foot.
armor in terms of annor rating rules. If a roll to strike is less than
the annor's A.R.. the auack simply bounces off! Attack rolls Thermolate: Another armor augmenting and survival item.
equal to or greater than the A.R. do full damage to the armor. thermolate is also new technology and expensive. It resembles
TIle Empresses keep heavy security over the secret process. and FAS armor in thaI it is a close fining body suit of dull grey color.
only the most loyal atorian commanders and personal guards Enhanced material propenies allows lhe suit to counteract the
have the armor. Many governments have rewards out for infor- environmentallemperature when it greatly differs from the body

inside il. A characler can funclion in lemperalures as much as 40
degrees Fahrenheil above or below (+/-22 C) his normal level of
lOlerance before suffering from exposure. Human exposure lem-
peralUres are roughly 35 degrees Fahrenheit (2 C) from the cold
and 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 C) from heat. Cost: 10.000 cred-

Power Armor
£fOs/';~/"ons are basically wire frame conslructs or simple.
lightl)' armored shells or braces designed to augmenl a charac-
ter's physical allributes by Increasing speed. strength. agility or
endurance. Many provide little or no armored prmcction. Po.....~r
armors are full SUllS of robotiC armor that use the robot A.R.
rules and are designed to both prmcct and enhance the wearer.
All robotics sold to the general public are po"ered by a micro-
generator and recharger that have a five year life. Any color or
slyle i!io available.
•Unlike Eanh 'A IIh ItS new and experimental robotics pro-
grarn<,. the galaxy IS filled With races that have achieved much
higher le\oels of success in that area. Some are even marketing
lhelr successes. In the Interest of preserving their technical supe-
nont}'. these races will only sell inexpensive. low capability uo-
sloe/nons and robots. Few otTer upgrades. and most mass market
power armors come with no built-in weapon systems.
Characters who feel they need to have upgrades or weapons
installed have Iiltle recourse other than to tum to the black mar· organized cnme or hardwarelrobot specialists. In such are·
n~ they will be able to find what they wan!. but it will be
expensive (25% 10 75% higher than book prices). Funhermore.
availability of panicular weapons. gimmicks. features and im·
provements may not be available (G.M.·s discrelion).
Even a character with the robot electronics and mechanics
!>kil1s will find it expensive to do the work himself. Before he
can even make a roll (-40%). he will have to buy pans and may
need to rent expensive equipment. Rare. uncommon pans will
cost hml 50% 10 150% above book price. G.M. Note: If the
Game Master feels uncomfonable wilh exoskeletons or upgrades
oUl~ide of the Robotics class. he or she can rule that such equip-
menl is nOI available. For a vast variely of different types of
power annor. take a look al Rifts, Rins Sourcebook One, and
Rifts Triax; of course. the mega-damage stats will have to be
convened and modified (reduced) for use in Heroes or Aliens
Unlimited. Light Power Armor
The following are some quickie stats for various basic types
of mass market exoskeletons and powered suits.
The exoskeleton offers an A.R. of 8 and 25 S.D.C. protection for
Light Exoskeleton: Provides the following bonuses and sys· the wearer. Cost: 200.000 credits.
terns: +4 to P.S.. reduce faligue by 50%. increase speed by 10%.
leap six feet (1.8 m). advanced optic system (Iypically mUlti-op- Combat Exoskeleton: A wire frame. strength augmenting
lies). and basic communications system. The lighl exoskeleton system that is designed for combat. +6 to P.S.. +2 to P.P.. in-
has no annor rating and only 15 S.D.C. prmection for the wearer. crease speed by 20%. add one allack per melee round. and + I on
If built into a suit of Hard Armor it will have A.R. 16. S.D.C. initiative. plus reduce fatigue by 50%. and it has an advanced
200. Normal A.R. rules are used for this suit. not the vehicle/ro- opcic syStem (typically multi-optics). and basic communications
bollcs/natural A.R. rules. Cost: 170.<XX> credits. system. l11e exoskeleton has an A.R. 10 and 50 S.D.C. Cost:
270.000 credits.
Utility Exoskeleton: A wire frame. strenglh augmenting sys-
tem that is designed for heavy WOB (not combat). +6 to P.S.. can Light Power Armor: Provides the following stats and sys·
lift and carry weight 10 times normal. reduce fatigue by 60%. in- terns: A.R. 12. S.D.C. 200. P.S.: 22. Spd.: 45 (30 mph/48 km).
crease speed by 10%. and has a basic communications system. advanced robotics optic system, advanced audio and communi-
cations system, targeting sight (+1 to strike). and can leap 12 feet
(3.6 m). Cost: 450,000 credits. Ajet pack can be added for flight
capabilities. Jet Pack: Speed: 250 mph (400 km). Range: Fuel
for 350 miles (560 km). Bonuses: +2 to dodge while in flight.
Cost: adds 100,000 to the cost of annor.
Heavy Power Armor: Provides the following stats and sys-
tems: A.R. 15. S.D.C. 400. P.S.: 27. Spd.: 88 (60 mph/96 km).
advanced robotics optic system. advanced audio and communi-
cations system. targeting sight (+ I to strike). shan-range radar (8
miles or 13km. 24 target tracking). and can leap 20 feet (6 m).
Cost: 650.000 credits. A jet pack can be added for flight capa-
Jet Pack: Speed: 200 mph (320 km). Range: Fuel for 275
miles (440 km). Bonuses: + I 10 dodge while in flight. Cost:
adds 100.000 to the cost of annor.

Environmental Suits
To make it easier on players buying equipment, a few specific Full En\'ironmental Battle Armor: This is a heavily insu-
environmental survival suits are presented here. Some of the Ialed hard suil with full environmenlal systems like the H.E,S.A.
specific alien descriptions may also offer additional types of Typically, they have an A.R. of 15 to 17. S.D.C. 18010 250.
space suits and Environmental Battle Annor (EBA). The tem- Cost: 38,000 credits.
perature control systems and insulation protects from heat and
cold (reduce damage by 1/2 from heat and cold allacks and cnvi-
All shields are small and light. Shields have no A.R. raling
Hostile Environment Survival Suits (H.E.5.S.): An unar- because they are used to directly counter an anack. They either
mored survival suit that protects the character from hostile envi- block it or they don't. Shields give their user +2 10 parry in melee
ronments. These can be used as standard space sui IS. Light suits combat. Projectiles and energy blasts can also be parried, bUI at -
have A.R. 6, 15 to 20 S.D.C. and light insulation. They have no 6 due to their high speeds of travel. Laser resistant coatings can
movement penalties. Heavy models protect against extreme tem- be applied to shields to reflect them without damage to the
perature ranges and have an A.R. 8. S.D.C. 25 to 30, but are - shield. Kisemite shields are very expensive. A Kisentite shield
10% to prowl. perfoml gymnastics, acrobatics, climb or swim. only suffers damage when parrying energy weapons or other kis-
Cost: 11.000 credits for light models and 16.000 credits for entite weapons. A shield suffers damage only on a "called" shot
heavy models. that is directed at the shield itself.
Hostile Environment Survival Armor (H.E.S.A,): This full Costs: Typical metal and ceramic shields cost about 5 credits
environmental suit is combined with plastic. ceramic and metal per S.D.C. to a maximum of 80 S.D.C. (400 credits). Kisentite
armor for additional protection. Includes full insulation. environ- shields cost 20 credits per S.D.C. point to a maximum of 100
mental air purification system. radiation shielding. and built-in 5 (2000 credits).
mile (8 km) radio. Light: A.R. 10 or II, S.D.C. 55 to 85. prowl
and similar skills are -5% and reduce speed by 10%. Special Features for Armor - - - - -
Heavy: A.R. 12 or 13 and 90 to 150 S.D.C.. but are -15% to The following special options can be applied to any rigid ar-
prowl, perfonn gymnastics. acrobatics, climb or swim. Also re- mor, be it metaL ceramic, plastic, crystal. diamond. or a survival
duce speed by 20%. Cost: 18,000 credits for light insulation. SUil (the latter could be rigid or not). Robot and bionic characters
25,000 credits for heavy. are also welcome to add these options to their annors. Up to five
features can be added to a suit of annoT,

Cold or Heat Insulation: Special insulalion is added 10 reo
duce the effecls of cold or heat on the annor wearer. Characters
wearing insulated annor only suffer half damage from cold or
heat altacks and environments which il is insulated against.
Thennal and frozen world aliens would only suffer nonnal dam-
ages instead of increased ratings. Cost: 5.500 credits for each
kind of insula!ion. or 8.500 for bOlh.

Environmenlal System: The annor musl include a helmer.

The helmel is sealed 10 the 10rso annor by a neck addition. and
an independem air supply wilh an air purification and circulation
syslem which is incorporaled in a p<mable backpack (A.R. 10.
50 S.D.C.). All this provides is an ainight environmem with a
brealhable atmosphere thai can be cleaned and brealhed without
gelUng Stale for I D4 days. Cost: 5.000 credits.

Force Field Gener-alors: Still a new tet:hno)ogy. ponable

force field generators are very expensive. They cover the body
v.~th a close fitting force field for prolection. Pislols and other
small weapons cannOl be: used while the field is engaged. but ri-
fles and large melee weapons are no! comained within the field
and can be used. The small rechargeable batteries that power a
compaci field generator have a life of about 24 hours before
needmg to be recharged. Recharging costs 500 credits. The
S.D.C. of the force field is 100 bl.1I it regenerates 10 points per
hour. Cost: The force field generator and system costs: 60.(0)

Laser Resistant Coating: This refleclive ceramic coaling

partially deflects the damage of lasers. As a result. lasers and En-
ergy Expulsion: Light powers only do half damage to the charac-
ter and the annor. Can be applied to ancient and modem styles
of annor. This cannot be combined with any other type of eXle-
riorcoating. Cost: 50 credits per A.R. point of the annor.

Magnetic Particle Coaling: A layer of ceramics fomled of

magnetic panicles coats the !lnnor and breaks up the coherent
beams of charged panicles from ion and panicle beam weapons.
The annor and wearer of this coating only suffer half damage
from such weapons. This cannot be combined with any other
type of exterior coating. Cost: 500 credits per A.R. point of the

Sleallh Coating: A chemically treated. non-reflective coating

is applied to the annor. The character is invisible 10 radar and Other Equipment
sends confusing signals to thennal sensors and infrared systems.
The dark coating also helps the character to prowl (+10%) al Any of the following ilems can be ponable. handheld equip-
night and in dark scllings. This cannot be combined wilh any ment or built into body and power annor. Game Maslers can also
olher type of exterior coating. Cost: 30,(0) credits. use other features and equipment found in any of Palladium's
olher RPGs (check our Rifts titles and the Robotech game
Radiation Shielding: The annor is treated and designed 10 books).
prevent the penetration of hannful radiation. A radiation detect- Micro-Translalor: A small computer pack. aboutlhe sile of
ing gauge is also inslalled with this option. Cost: 2.(00 credits. most Eanh lap-tops. with a headsel or transmiuer/receiver lhat
slips imo the ear and a minialure microphone to speak into.
Magnetic Boots: These bc:x>cs have powerful magnets to an- Alien languages (if known by the computer) will be translated
chor them to solid metal surfaces. They add + 15% 10 a climbing and sem to the ear speaker. The computer must first hear a lan-
skill if the structure being climbed is metal. 1lley are especially guage to detennine if it knows it. This technology is still rela·
useful in space to hold a space walker to the hull of a spacecraft. lively new and is often used by diplomats. political dignitaries.
Cost: 2.000 credits. space merchants. wealthy mercenaries and explorers. It knows
approximately 322 languages. including all known members of
FAR. The Atorian Empire. Eanh and others. Weight: J pounds.
Length: About 12 inchcs (0.3 m) long, eight inches wide (20 The scanner works by having a sensor pad touched to or laid
cm), and two inches (5 cm) thick. Cost: 45,000 credits. on the head or chest of the test subject. Full-sized models are the
size of a briefcase and have a computer keyboard. monitor and
Atmosphere Analyzer: A handheld mini-computer about the
120 mega-bytes of memory. Compact models are the size of a
size of a large pocket calculator. It has two sensory antennas,
small ponable computer and have 80 MB of storage memory.
each about 3 inches long (8 cm ), which analyze air/gas compo-
Cosl: Full sized: 700,000 credits. Compact: 780.000 credits.
sition, temperature, corrosive or toxic elements. and light and ra-
diation levels. It is used to detennine the general compatibility Aberrant Biological Energy Dampeners (ABE Dampen-
of an atmosphere for a specified race. A different program will ers): Nonnally used by law enforcement personnel. tllese items
be needed for each race. Cost: 8000 credits. are also popular in slave markets and arenas. They are over-sized
boots and gauntlets that generate a field to suppress aberrant en-
Chemical Analyze...: This device looks like a 4.5 inch metal ergies, i.e. super abilities and psionics! In game tenns. they fun<:-
cylinder with a small readout screen on its top face. along with tion exactly like the major super ability Negate Super Powers.
several bunons. A small portion (about 1(1. teaspoon) of any but it will also impair bionics (all sensors and bio-systems are
solid or liquid is placed into the analyzer. About two minutes af- slow to respond: no-combat bonuses. speed is reduced by 75%.
ter being activated, a readout of the substance's chemical com- and weapons are deactivated). In addition. it interferes with
position is scrolled slowly over the screen. Cost: 50.000 credits. magic (half the nonnal duration and damage). Cost: One million
Portable Medical Computer: This compuler unit is about credits per ABE system.
the size of a large three-ring binder. It has a full keypad and a
ntp-up screen. Characters unskilled in medical emergencies can
ask the computer for help. They type in the injuries or symp-
toms_ and the medical programs ask further questions to clarify Artificial Augmentation
the problem, using graphics and text to effect greater precision in
diagnosis. II then suggests treatment with step by step instruc-
tions, diagrams and photographic references. More expensive
models are given vocal capabilities. Skill level: 55% diag- Cloned Parts & Augmentation
nosel65% treatment. This reflects the computer-s base level of
The high level of medical advancement in the galaxy makes
expertise in the hands of a completely inexperienced character.
cloned replacements for lost limbs or organs (except the brain
Add 20% when in the hands of a paramedic or nurse and 30% in
and spinal cord) possible. The character has tissue samples
the hands of a doctor. Cost: 20.000 for text models; add 2,000
taken, and the parts will be grown for him (takes 6 months). If he
for voice system.
should ever need that replacement. it is taken Out of stasis and
Radiation Detector: A wristwatch size and styled sensor that attached. The new limb or internal organ will match the charac·
comes in many different models. It gauges the type and danger ter's unique bio-signature exactly. Advancements in the creation
level of radiation that is dangerous to a particular race. A simple of synthetic skin and internal organs allow easy operations and
audio alann beeps or buzzes and a warning flashes on the face of replacement of internal organs. skin and limbs without benefit of
the watch. It activates automatically. Cost: 600 credits. cloning. Also see bionics.
Navigation Mini-Computer: This is a handheld unit about Cost of artificial bio-syslems:
the size of a paperback novel. with a small screen and keypad. It Vital Organs: 15.000 credits each.
will give compass directions, always indicating north, as well as Other Organs (Eyes. Ears. Throat. etc.): 5.000 credits each.
show wind direction and speed. If there is a satellite or orbiting Anns: 8,000 credits each.
spacecraft to feed it infonnation, the NMC will show a general Legs: 12.000 credits each.
aerial map of the area within a three mile (4.8 km) radius. Adds Skin: credits per square foot (10.760 credits per square
+20% to navigation rolls with full satellite support. or +5% for meter).
just the unit. Cost: 750 credits.

Aberrant Bio-Signature Detector (a.k.a. ABS detector): Alien Bionics - - - - - - - - - -

This device is still experimental and. as a result. does not have a
great percentage for success: 71 % for the fuJI-size models and Most advanced races have developed the science of cyber-
55% for the ponable compact models. In basic game tenns, it is netic augmentation. This means they can create partial or full cy-
a super ability detector! The machine does not identify what the borgs. as well as replace damaged organs and limbs with
specific super or psionic abilities are. only that the bio-signature mechanical ones. They can also implant small devices to boost
indicates the potential for (active or latenl) super abilities. Note the senses or provide mechanical assistance like monitoring ra-
that the ABS detector has a tendency (80%) to register attributes dio transmissions. etc. A partial or full alien cyborg can be cre-
above 20 as non-standard energies (be it mental or physical). ated with the rules in Heroes Unlimited. pages 60-67. Also see
1ne machine will give the following results after a 15 second Ninjas & Superspies for additional gimmicks and bionic im-
(one melee round) scan: plants. and the Rifts RPG and Rifts Triax for additional ideas
I. Genetic class (mutant. genetic manipulation/reconstruction. for cybernetic implants and bio-systems. Of course. weapons
chemically alerted. radiation or alien). and armor must be changed from mega-damage to S.D.C. for the
2. lbe presence of non-standard energies (super abilities). Heroes Unlimited seuing.
3. The presence of non-standard mental energies (psionics).
Androids are designed to appear as human (humanoid) as
possible. This means most will have natural sounding voices and
response pallerns, and anificial skin covering at least their faces,
neck and hands. The rest of its body may be mechanical or ar-
mor covered but can be concealed with clothing. Robots are
onen humanoid or bipedal in construction, but are obviously ma-
chines. These robots have no personalities, voices are digitized
(except for some translators) and they may be larger or smaller
than the beings who make them. They methodically go about
their jobs until told to do otherwise, or until a pause is required.
in which case they simply stop moving and rest. They are ma-
chines and equipment. not interactive NPCs, unless the Game
Master wishes to animate them (their logic. programming and
structured perceptions can make for great comic relief).
All robots and androids have both the basic listening system
and the basic optic systems. All combat robots wiJ] have target-
ing sights and combat computers; additionally, balliefield and as-
sault robots will also have micro-radar and maxi-radar
respectively. The special coatings listed under the annor section
can be applied to robots. Remember. availability and prices are
not equal to Eanh prices but reflect advanced alien technology
and markets.
Communication & Translator Android: They are a com-
mon sight al the sides of political ambassadors, dignitaries and
imponant people of state. They are a full+sized version of the
portable language lranslator with anns, legs and a humanoid ap-
pearance. cr androids are programmed with over 600 languages
from across the galaxy. Their vocal capabilities are top of the
line and their hearing is commonly amplified to pick up each
The cost of bionic construction by alienS will be one-quarter and every inflection and variation in dialects.
the prices listed for Earthlings in Heroes Unlimited. The prices Typical CT Android statistics: A.R. 6. S.D.C. 150. All anrib+
in Rifts are doubled. utes are 10, excepl for I.Q. 13 and M.E. 13. Height: 6 feet (1.8
Bionic implants and cybernetics used as prosthetics to replace 01). They have no weapons and are not programmed to use any
missing limbs and organs can be perfonned on super-powered type, not even a knife or club. Furthennore, their programming
beings a~ well. but even partial reconstruction will eliminate all prevents them from taking any hostile action even in self-de-
or most of a character's super powers, magic or psionic abilities. fense. other than dodge and parry (both +4) and to run away 10
A good rule is that three small implants or replacement organs get help. This has been done to assure the safety of the political
and one limb will not adversely affect a character's ability. Each and business leaders they assist. Their programming includes the
and every implant or limb/large cybernetic addition beyond the following skills, each at 92%: Computer operation, radio: basic,
first four will have drastic affects. Mystics will have their spell radio: scrambler, radio: satellite. cryptography. laser communi-
effects. damage, dUrJ.tion and range cut in half for each new cations, read sensory instruments. T.Y./video, navigation. pilot
bionic item. Psionics will lose half of their I.S.P. and the range, hover car, languages: 600 of them. Cost: 1.2 million credits.
duration and damage of psionic abilities will be reduced by half
per each additional implant. Superbiengs lose one melee aHack Navigation & Pilot Android: Commonly employed as
and the duration. damage, and range of their abilities are reduced chauffeurs and co-pilots, these robots are highly skilled pilots,
by half for each additional bionic item. The penalty is cumula- butlhey lack imagination and initialive, and follow orders to the
tive for each implant beyond the 3 small and one large limit. In letter. Maneuvers and procedures will be textbook perfect, but
ALL cases, the character loses all special abilities if half of his special maneuvers or illegal activity will tend to confuse them.
body is bionic (panial reconstruction). but effectively switches They are not trained in weapon combat. except for vehicle
his original character class from superbieng, magic user or mounted defense systems.
psionic to cyborg/bionic.
Common NP Android statiSlics: A.R. 10, S.D.C. 160. All at-
tributes are the equivalent of 11. Height: Varies, generally com-
Humanoid Robots & Androids patible with the purchaser's racial characteristics or preferences.
Programming includes the following skills at 90%: Basic and
Another entire book could be written on robots and androids, advanced mathematics, navigation. navigation: space, land navi-
so this section will only present a few specific, specialized ro- gation, read sensory instruments, weapon systems, radio: basic,
bots and androids. Some are surprisingly affordable. This is be- 48 different languages. and select 9 piloting skills (any). Cost:
cause there is a great demand for that type of robot, so they can 1.5 million credits.
be produced in large quantities and their prices are reduced.
Medical Robots: These can be androids or mechanical look- able blades and/or protruding weapon barrels. They may move
ing robots. Their common uses are as paramedics. nurses. chem- via a hover system. antigravity (add 5 million) or legs. and may
ists and assislants 10 Oesh and blood doctors. Mobile units can or may nOI have arms. Common weapons include large retracl-
ha\ie eilher legs or wheels. and many resemble robOlic spiders able blades (used for raking Oy-bys. damage is 6(6). a pair of
with four 10 six spider-like legs for grealer speed and balance. small riOe-class weapons (projectile or energy: 406 damage per
Many of the robots will have a second pair of smaller arms and single blasl or shol) or a small missile rack (I D4xlO damage
hands designed for delicale surgical uses and complex tasks. each: payload of 4).
Common Medical Robol stalistics: A.R. 10. S.D.C. 160 to Common Mini-Reconnaissance Robol Statistics: A.R. 13.
200. All auribules are 10. except I.Q. 16. P.P. 16. and speed 33. S.D.C. 200. All auribules are 10. Heighl: Varies. but rarely larger
Heighl: varies. Programming includes the following skills at Ihan 3 or 4 feel (0.9 to 1.2 m). Programming includes the follow-
94!k: Biology. pathology. paramedics. read sensory inslruments. ing skills at 90%: WP. knife. W.P. energy rifle. \Y.P. semi and
compuler operation. radio: basic. chemistry. chemislry: analyti- fully aUlomatic rifles. land navigalion. intelligence (recognizes
cal. 48 different languages. basic and advanced malhematics and 1200 different enemies. including insignias. uniforms. weapons.
W.P. knife. Cost: 2.7 million credils for robots. 3 million credits and vehicles) and knows 72 different languages. II can also
for androids.
Mini-Reconnaissance Robot: AI less than four feel (1.2 m)
lall. these machines arc used for steallh and light suppon pur-
poJtes. They hardly ever have humanoid appearances. More than
likely. they will be bulbous or cylindrical in shape. with relraCI-

Mini·Combat Robot

Humanoid Combal Robot

wilh Alorian Incendiary Gun

Standard Humanoid Combat Robot: These are powerful. 6 roll with punch, fall. or impact. If a human pilot is operaling an
to 8 (001 (1.8 to 2.4 m) lall humanoid robots used for securily. assaull robot, the programming and combat bonuses are replaced
general combat duties, suppon, and front-line combat. They can by his own skills and bonuses. Cost: 12 million credits.
carry ::md fire any of the oversized field weapons described pre- Robot Vehicles: See Heroes Unlimited and/or Rifts Source-
viously. excepl for cannons and other anillery. Some pirates and book One (with modifications) for Olher types of robots and ro-
mercenary forces use Ihem as initial assault units to soften up en- bot vehicles. Robotech and other robal games can also be
emy defense:.. The robot's lack of ingenuily and adaptability plundered for ideas.
limits its abilities compared to flesh and blood troops. A small
missile pod is nonnally built imo the celller of the chest
(I O6xlO damage each: payload of 4), and a lighl energy weapon
is imegrated ;IllO the right or left (oreaml (typically ion or hlser).
Common Combat Robot Slalistics: A.R. 15. S.D.C. 400, All
aUribule, are 10 excepl P.P. 20. P.S. of 25, Spd. 44, Height: Var-
ies from 610 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 m). Progr<lmming includes Ihe fol-
lowing skills al 9O%-: WP. knife. WP. energy rifle, WP. semi and A Jist of conventional vehicles can be found on pages 221
fully aUlom:lIic rifle:., W.P. heavy, weapon systems. radio: basic, through 227 of Heroes Unlimited. The advanced technologies
and robolics combat progmm. Combal Stalistics: 6 all <leks per of other worlds make hover cars more common and often more
m~lee round. +2 on initi31ive. +7 to strike with built-in weapons. practical lhan wheeled vehicles. but the lower lech vehicles do
+7 to ~lrike with handheld modem weapons (aimed). +6 to strike have their uses and advanlages and are generally less expensive
wilh blades: +5 10 polrry and dodge, +3 to pull punch. +3 to roll 10 produce and maintain. Hover vehicles eilher use small jets or
wilh punch, fall, or impaci. Cost: 8 million crcdils. cushions of air to support them. It is up to lhe Game Master
whether they can traverse water or not (if so, maximum speed
Standard Halliefieid Robot: A larger version of lhe comblll will be one-quarter normal). Anligravity ll"dvel uses a shaped
rooot. these war machines arc 12 to 15 feet (3.6 to 4.6 m) tall. field of energy to warp gravity around lhe item and hold it aloft,
They arc m:11l1 suppon units for fOOl soldiers. or heavy securilY as well as move it along. Such devices can be used to travel
for highly restricted areas. Weapons commonly include heavy lhrough lhe air. over water. underwater and in space, butlhey are
energy rifles and large machineguns. Typical buill-in weapons incredibly expensive (cost millions) and are comparalively rare
include a .50 caliber machinegun. rail gun or microjet rifle in -lhe majority of people do not possess antigravity lechnology.
one ann and a heavy or long-range energy weapon in the other. All hover vehicles and aircraft that have enclosed cabins can
Common Baulefield Robot Statistics: A.R, 17. S.D.C. 700. be made space-wonhy. This involves sealing the cabin, installing
All attributes are 15 excepl P.P. 22, P.S. 28+204. and speed an oxygen/atmosphere supply. purificalion and circulalion sys-
40+406. Heighl: Varies from 12 to 15 feet (3.7 to 4.6 m). Pro- tem. radiation shielding, adding small maneuvering rockels and
gramming includes lhe following skills :It 90%: W.P. sword, W.P. other features necessary for use in space. The main jets are also
energy rifle. W.P. heavy. weapon systems, demolitions. demoli- adjusted 10 provide lhrust inslead of lift al the flip of a switch.
lions disposal. radio: b<lsic, land navigation. and robotics combal This makes the vehicle capable of short trips lhrough space.
program. Combal Statislics: Six <l!lacks per melee round, +2 to mOSl likely to travel from one spacecraft 10 lhe other.
initi:1tive. +9 10 strike wilh all built-in weapons. +7 10 strike with Nole: Remember. availability and prices are nOl equal to
handheld modem weapons (aimed). +6 10 strike with blades. +5 Earth prices but reflect advanced alien technology and markets.
to dodge. +5 10 parry. +7 to parry with swords (I.\rge bl<ldes). +3
to pull punch. +3 to roll wilh punch, fall. or impact. Cos!: to Terrain Rover 4x4: This is <l fuJI-sized truck with a closed-in
million credils. bed and large. oversized. all-terrain tires. Popular in swampy.
rough, rocky or dry conditions. Covered bed can hold two to
Standard Assault Robot: These are lhe equivalents of walk- four bunks or 6x8x6 feel (1.8x2.4x1.8 m) of cargo, up to 2.5
ing tanks. They are heavily annored as well as anned, The mreSl tons (2300 kg). A.R.: 8. S.D,C.: 450. Speed: 120 mph (192 km).
among lhe combat model robots. they are more often piloted by Range: 400 miles (640 km) before needing 10 refuel, Cost:
a humanoid operalOr, but a significam number are truly auto- 24.000 credits and up.
mated. Common integrated weapons include :1 full missile sys-
tem (2D6x10 damage fragmenlalion missiles. payload 8). lwin Survi\'or 4x4: This is a full-sized van version of the terrain
microjel .50 calibers (2D6x10 damage from lwin shot), and a rover. II can comfortably sleep six people in three sets of
heavy panicle beam rifle (1 D6xl0 or 2D8xtO damage). Atori.1Il over/under bunks, plus stow all of lheir survival gear for ex-
assault robots carry sOllic cannons. most of the time as gun pods. tended outings. The survivor is popular for use in all terrains.
A,R,: 10, S.D.C.: 475, Speed: 100 mph (160 km), Range: 300
Typical Assault Robot Slatistics: A.R. 17, S.D.C. 1.300. All
miles (480 km), Cost; 28.000 credits and up.
attribules are 15. except P.P. 22, P.S. 28+204. and speed
40+406. l'leight: Varies from 22 to 28 feet (6.7 to 8.5 m). Pro· One-Man Hover Cycle: The hover version of an Earth mo-
gramming includes lhe following skills at 90%: WP. blunt. W.P. lorcycle. A.R.: 7. S,D,C,: 130, Speed: 200 mph (320 km), Hov-
energy pistol. WP. energy rifle. WP. heavy. W.P. automatic rifle. ers 3 to 20 feet (0.9 to 6.1 Ill) above the ground. Bonuses: +2 10
weapon syslems, radio: basic. and robotics combat program. dodge, +5% to handle stunt moves, Range: 600 miles (960 km).
Combat Statistics: 7 attacks per melee round. +3 10 initiative. Cost: 10,000 credits and up.
+10 10 strike with all built-in weapons: +7 to strike with hand-
held modem weapons (aimed): +5 to dodge: +5 10 parry: +3 to
Two-Man HO\'er CJc1e: The hover version of Eanh's street
bikes. A.R.: 8, S.D.C.: ISO, Speed: 180 mph (288 km). Hovers
3 to 20 feet (0.9 10 6. I m) above the ground. Bonuses: +2 to
dodge. Range: 600 miles (960 km). Cost: 15.000 credits and up.

Four-Man Ho\'er Cycle: These are larger bikes. similar to

the "Hogs" of Eanh. They are two seaters with :l sidecar that can
hold another two people. A.R.: 9. S.D.C.: 190. Speed: 130 mph
(208 km). Hovers 3 10 20 feet (0.9 to 6.1 m) above the ground.
Cost: 26,000 credits and up. 8onuses: +1 to dodge. Range: 550
miles (880 km).

Full-Sized Hover Car: This is the average. full-sized hover

car. 11 seats a driver and four passengers. with lots of elbow
room. or up to six passengers with no loss of comfon. Comes in
either sedan or wagon styles. A.R.: 10. S.D.C.: 450. Speed: 140
mph (224 km), Hovers 3 10 12 feet (0.9 to 3.7 m) above the
ground. Range: 600 miles (960 km). Cosl: 30/XX) credits and

One-Man Hover Car: A small. economical vehicle popular

for travel at space stations, large spacecraft. and other enclosed
structures. Their decent range and high speeds also make them
Two-Man Hover-Jet CJcle: This is a very fast. jet assisted popular for commuters. A.R.: 9. S.D.C.: 180. Speed: 160 mph
hover cycle. They are often used for racing. but find a lot of (256 km). Hovers 3 to 12 feet (0.9 to 3.7 m) above the ground.
popularity with characters who like 10 CUI loose, These are a fa- Bonus: +2 10 dodge. Range: 500 miles (800 km). Cost: 15.000
vorite of the Swip who often style them to look like mechaniql credits and up.
animals. A.H.: 10. S.D.C.: 150, Speed: 500 mph (8oo km).
cruising speed b lIround 150 mph (240 km). I-Iovers 3 to 600 feet Two-Man Hover Car: A slightly larger version of the single
(0.9 to 183 m) above the ground. 80nus: +3 10 dodge. Range: occupant model above, these vehicles enjoy some of the same
1000 miles (1600 km). Cost: 90.000 credits and up. popularity as their smaller cousins. A.R.: 8. S.D.C.: 240. Speed:
160 mph (256 km). Hovers 3 to 12 feet (0.9 to 3.7 m) above the
ground. Bonus: +2 to dodge. Range: 450 miles (720 km). Cosl:
A.T. V. Hm'er Vehicle: This is a rugged vehicle with a small 25.000 credits and up.
truck bed taking up its rear section. It can only hold three pas-
sengers comfonably in the cabin. but up 10 six more could easily Sporty Hover Car (One.Man Model): Features sports car
fit in the back. It has a higher hover range to aid in negotiating styling in a hover vehicle. A.R.: 7. S.D.C.: 150. Speed: 220
rough terrain. An optional hard cover for the bed is also avail- mph (352 km). Hovers 3 to 12 feet (0.9 10 3.7 m) above the
able. Bed holds 6x8x4 feet (1.8X2.4xI.2 m) of cargo. A.R.: 12. ground. Bonus: +3 to dodge, Range: 500 miles (800 km). Cost:
S,D.C.: 550. Speed: 120 mph (192 km), Hovers 3 to 20 feet (0.9 40.000 credits and up.
to 3.7 m) above the ground. Range: 850 miles (1360 km). Cost:
50.000 credits and up.

Sporty Hover Car (Two-Man Model): The standard spons Micro-Jet 8oots: Several small propulsion jcts arc incorpo·
car for those who can afford the truly ex()(ic automobile. A.R.: rated al exact angles into a set of hard armor boots. The result is
10. S.D.C.: 300. Speed: 200 mph (320 km). Hovers 3 to 12 feet a very compact. inexpensive fonn of hover trnnsponation. The
(0.9 to 3.7 m) above the ground. 8onus: +1 to dodge. Range: only drawback is full exposure 10 the elements. Most come with
400 miles (640 km). Cosl: 55.000 credits and up. an EBA suit. 800ts alone: A.R.: 6. S.D.C.: 40. Spt'ed: 65 mph
(104 km). Hovers 3to 500 feet (0.9 to 153 ro) above the ground.
Exolic Two-Man Hover Car: l1\ese are the high-class. high. +3 to dodge. Range: 200 miles (320 Cos,: 45.000 credits
perfonnance. luxury speed machines of the hover type. l1\ey are and up.
the Fenari. Larnborghini. or Porche of hover vehicles. A.R.: 7.
S.D.C.: 300. Speed: 360 mph (576 km). Hovers 3to 12 feet (0.9 Antigra\'ity Disks: The units Ihemselves can be of any geo-
to 3.7 m) abo"e the ground. 80nus: +4 to dodge and +5% to melric shape. but are typically lhe same size. 10 inches (0.27 m)
handle special maneuvers. sharp turns and jumps. Range: 350 across. They can be worn on the chest. back. or on the feet. Most
miles (560 km). Cost: 120.000 credits and up. use simple hand controls. but voice·activared models an: avail·
able (cost an extra 1000 credits). Maximum weight allowancc is
Two-Man HO\'er-Jet Car: This is a jet assisted hover car about 1.000 pounds. A.R.: 5, S.D.C.: 40. Typical Speed: 90 to
used in racing or for law enforcement. A.R.: 8. S.D.C.: 400. 160 mph (144 10 256 kill). Altitude/hover: Unlimiled. can even
Speed: 575 mph (920 km). Hovers 3 to 1.000 feet (0.9 to 305 m) break the bonds of gravilY around planets and fly in outer space.
above the ground. +3 to dodge. Range: 1.200 miles (1920 km). 80nus: +3to dodge, Range: Unlimited. Cost: 50 million credits
CftSt: 200.000 credits and up. and up.
The armomJ poJice version is A.R.: 14. S.D.C.: 750. Speed:
475 mph (760 km). and Costs: 350.000 credits. but also includes Antigravity Jewelry: This is an antigravily dbk worked into
shon-range radar. laser targeting/tracking. long and shon·range some from of jewelry. usually a bracelet. belt buckle or necklace.
radio communication system. crash bar. spotlight. siren. and Same stats as the disk. Cosl is also the same. plus the CO~I of the
towline and winch. jewelry which can range from a few thousand to million~ of
credits depending on the precious materials and gems used to
HO\'er Platforms: Hover platfonns are open-air hover vehi· make it.
c1es that come In nearly any shape. mcluding round. square. pen·
tagonal and rectangular. TIley can reach reasonably high·speeds Antigravity Suit: Similar in appearance to the FAS annor.
but passengers must be careful not to be thrown from them dur· this body suit is interwoven with antigravity circuits that gcner·
109 high speed pursuits. Most have a railing and/or lifeline for ate the field that propels and holds the character aloft. II can be
passengers to steady themselves with. 1lIe most common are 2 worn under annor comfonably and affords some ba5ic prolec·
to 4 person models. bur larger versions are available. tion itself. A.R.: 8. S.D.C.: 30. Speed/Altitude: Same as the
Hover platfonns have many uses. Some cultures use them for disk. Cost: 55 million credils and up.
mass transit (similar to monorail systems) or freight hauling over
shon distances. They are also used by traffic police to monitor One·Man Fan Jel (VTOL..): This small aircraft u.)(:~ a large.
and direct traffic panems. rescue teams to reach rooftops and to rear mounted. fan type propeller and small jet thrusters to fly.
fly over traffic. and by construction people and explorers to sur· The cockpit is designed for the pilot only. but a passenger can
vey an area or monitor work in progress. Hover platforms come ride in his lap. This will, however. interfere with his piloting
in ten sizes. each one holding ten more thall its smaller cousin, rolls (·10%). A.R.: 9. S.D.C.: 275. Speed: 300 mph (480 kill).
up to 100 people (roughly the size of a train car). Repair facili· can fly as low as 20 feet (6.1 m) above the ground. Bonuses: +2
ties can be built Onto the larger ones so they can be used to re· to dodge at speeds less than 200 mph (320 kill) and +3 when go-
pair robots. power armor. and vehicles. ing faster. Range: 900 miles (1440 km). Cost: 150.000 credits
General Stal5: A.R.: 7. S.D.C.: 120 for 2 to 4 man types. and up. A two-man model is available with idcntical stats for
while larger models have an additional 100 S.D.C. per every ten 200.000 credits.
passengers it can hold. Speed: 90 mph (144 km). Hovers 3 to
300 feet (0.9 to 91 m) above the ground. 80nus: +1 to dodge for One-Man Gyrocopter (VTOL..): Resembling lillie more
smaller. 2-8 passenger models. Range: 500 miles (800 km). than a seat with motor and stabilizing tail. this small helicoptcr is
Cost: I2,(XX) credits for lhe IWO to four passenger models. used for patrol. observalion. and transponation. Its full flight COl-
20.000 for six to 10 passengers. 40.000 for II to 40 passengers pabililies combined with the ability 10 hover makes it a favorile
and 80.000 and up for larger models. in dense foliage or swampy sellings where solid or open ground
is limited. A.R.: 6. S.D.C.: 140. Speed: 180 mph (288 kill). Bo-
Detachable Jet Pack: This is a small, slTap--on jet pack that nus: +1 to dodge. Range: 750 miles (1200 km). Cost: 90.000
gives the user limited Oight capabilities. For 1000 credits il can credits and up.
be built into a suit of armor. Typically A.R.: 10. S.D.C.: 50.
Speed: Standard: 90 mph (144 km). medium fast: 100 to 140
mph (160 to 224 kro). or fast: 150 to 220 mph (240 to 352 km).
Hovers 3 to 600 feet (0.9 to 183 m) above the ground. +2 to
dodge. Range: 800 miles (1280 km). Cost: 28.000. 40.000 and
60.000 respectively.

Military Vehicles
Military Hove.- APe: These armored personnel carriers are
common in many armed forces and militaries across the galaxy.
They are nonnally armed with a field version of the pulse laser
(damage lD4xlO per blast or 2D8xlO for a pulse). Short-range
fragmentation missiles arc also commonly mounted on the wings
(2D6xIO damage). A.R.: 16, S.D.C.: 900. Speed: 120 mph (192
km). Hovers 3 to 12 feel (0.9 to 3.7 m) above the ground, Can
hold 12-18 troops, Range: 850 miles (1360 km). Cost: 450.000

Assault Rotor-Jet: This full-sized combat aircraft combines in jet configuration. Ihe rotors fold backwards and retraci againsl
the aspects of both fighter jet and assaull helicopter. With the ro- the body of Ihe vehicle. Weapons: Common weapons include
tors extended, it has full hover and vertical take-off and landing mini-missiles (up 10 10) and/or convenlional missiles (4). The
(VTOL) capabilities. and can fly at low speeds. A.R.: 14. nose is also filled with an energy blaster. usually laser. ion or
S.D.C.: 700. Speed: When the chopper accelerates to 200 mph plasma. Bonuses: +2 10 dodge in chopper mode and +3 in jet.
(320 km). Ihe jels can be engaged and the vehicle can accelerate Range: 2.500 miles (4000 km). Cost: 750.000 credils and up.
up to a maximum speed of Mach 2 (1.340 mph/2 144 km). While

Typical Energy Weapon Tanks: These are battlefield tanks each, A.R.: 17, S.D.C.: 1,700. Speed: 60 mph (96 km; increase
that fire energy cannons and 6 to 12 mini-missiles. Weapons by 50% if a hover tank). Bonuses: +1 to dodge and +1 to strike.
(one cannon and mini-missiles): Laser cannon damage is Cannon Range: One mile (1.6 km). Tank Travel Range: 300
2D6x10, ion cannon damage is ID4xlOO. particle beam cannon miles (480 km), Average Cost: 20 million, but not usually avail-
damage is ID6x100. and mini-missiles typically do ID4xlO able on the open market.



Alorian Sonic Ho\'er Tank: Perhaps one of the most feared waves. A.R.: 18. S.D.C.: 2,000. Speed: 100 mph (160 k01).
"chicles on tile battlefield. this heavily armored hover tank car- Hovers 3 to 12 feet (0.9 10 3.7 01) above the ground. Bonuses:
nes a vchicle-sized versIOn of the alorian sonic cannon. +1 10 dodge and +2 to strike. Cannon Range: One mile (1.6
Weapon: The sonic cannon has its nonnal effeclS (see v.eapon k01). Tank Tta\'el Range: 400 miles (640 k01). Cost: 50 mil-
description). bul it does 2D6xlO damage. Anyone within 45 feel lion, bUI has NEVER been available on the open mmel.
(13.7 m) of the SQnic impact takes 406 damage from shock-


Due 10 space limilatioll',. the rules for ~pacccl'3fl construction Nuclear Missiles: ID4x300. Range: 1.000 miles (1600 km).
will be ominOO. bUI look for them in a fUlure supplement. Here Great Cannons: I D6xlOOO. Range: 75 miles (120 km). can only
are some general rules and sample spacecrdrt. fire once per melee round.
The packages for military cmf!. those with weapon:. and ar-
mor. are for reference for Game Masler use. In a campaign they Shuttle - Production Line Package
would only be sold 10 gO\lemmem authoriled diems and lhe Length: 120 feel (37 01)
mllilary allies. They can. however. be purchased on the black Mass: 110 IonS (99 metric Ions)
market for 25'1- 10 5()1k more Ihan lhe prices lisled. Crew: Two: plus up 10 8 reserve crew members. suppon person-
Combal: Crart larger than 500 Ions (450 melric tons) cannOI nel or passengers.
dodge In the nonnal sense. They maneuver 10 minimi7-c damage Ori"e Type: Pholon/Fission
and will take half damage on a succe:>sful dodge. Maximum Speed: FaclOr 0,5 (half Ihe speed of light)
Speed FTl: Faclor ralings are muhipliers of the speed of Transalmospheric Capabilities: Yes: speed in atmosphere is
light. Faclor 2 is equal to twice Ihe speed of Iigtll. Mach I.
Weapons: These are some really geneml damage ratings for Advanced Tra\'el Systems: Two sleep modules
spacecrart weapons. S.D.C.: 1.650
Lighl Weapons: lD4xIO. Range: 5.000 feet (1.5 km). A.R.: 10
Medium Weapons: 2D6xlO. Range: 12.000 feel (3.7 km). Weapons: None
Heavy Weapons: 6D6xlO. Range: 25.000 feel (7.6 k01). Cargo Space: 6.000 cubic feel (170 cubic melers) or 10><10><60
Anli-Ship Weapons: I D6xlOO. Range: 10 miles (16 km). fOOl (3X3x 18 01) area.
Cost: One million CR
Battleship Weapons: 2D6xlOO. Range: 20 miles (32 km).

Cargo Shutlle - Production Line Package Transalmospheric Capabilities: None
Length: 700 feel (213 m) Advanced Travel Systems: Bio-Chem stasis for 200, gatcway
Mass: 650 tons (585 metric IOns) codes and beacon, poim-to-point gencrators.
Crew: Four: plus a suppon crew of eighl is common. S.D.C.: 18,500
Drive Type: Metallic Hydrogen A.R: 15
Maximum Speed: FaclOr I (speed of Jiglll) Weapons: All are in medium annored turrets (A.R. 13. S.D.C.
Transatmospheric Capabilities: None 2(0).4 battleship weapons. 2 nuclear missile rJcks (16 mis-
Advanced Travel Systems: Four sleep modules. point-to-point siles). 2 long-range missile racks (20 missiles). 3 anti-ship
generJtor<;. and gateway codes and beacons. weapons, 12 heavy weapons. 4 medium-range missile racks,
A.R.: 10 12 medium weapons, 4 short-range missile racks (40 mis-
S.D.C.: 5000 siles). 12 light weapons. 4 mini-missile racks (56 missiles).
Armor: None Plus [0 fighters (use production line package) and 4 satelliles
Weapons: None (unmanned fighters with 4 lighl we:lpons and an ami-ship
Cargo Space: 100.000 tons (90.000 metric Ions): 25,000 weapon).
(22.500) per bay. Cost: 90 million CR
Cost: 27 million CR
Battleship - Produclion Line Package
~pace Fighter Craft - Production Line Package Length: 1,000 feel (305 m)
Length: 20 feet (6m) Mass: 1,200 tons (1.080 metric tons)
Mass: 16 tons (14.400 kg) Crew: 30 command personnel. 275 combat personnel. and 100
Crew: One olhers.
Dri\e Type: lon/Fission Drive Type: Nuclear Fusion
Maximum FTL Speed: FaClOr 2 Maximum Speed: Factor 12
Transatmospheric Capabilities: None Transatmospheric Capabililies: None.
Ad\'anced Travel Systems: None Advanced Tra\'el Systems: Slasis for 300. gateway codes and
S.D.C.: 480 beacon. point-to-l>oint generators.
A.R.: 15 S.D.C., 42.000
Weapons: 2 Iighl laser weapons. Each in a light amlOrcd IUrTet A.R.: 17
(A.R. 12. S.D.C. 100). Weapons: All arc in heavy annored lurrets (A.R. 15, S.D.C.
Cargo Space: 24 cubic fecI (0.68 cubic meters): 4x2x3 foot 300). One fixed forward great cannon (can Shool once per
(1.2xO.6xO.9 meter) area. melee round), 5 nuclear missile racks (50 missiles). 9 battle-
Cost: One million CR ship weapons, 6 long-range missile racks (60 missiles). 12
ami-ship weapons. 12 heavy weapons. 4 medium-range mis-
Medium Assault Craft - Military sile racks (48 missiles). plus 50 fighters (use production line
Length: 360 feel (110 m) package) and 6 satellites (unmanned fighlers but add one
Mass: 380 Ions (171 metric IOns) ami-ship weapon and a rack of shon-range missiles (12).
Crew: Five command personnel and 10 gunners. plus 72 addi- Cargo Space: Personal belongings of the crew. ammo. supplies.
tional lroops or personnel can be accommodllled. and pans. plus 20,000 cubic feel (566 cubic melers) of space
Drive Type: Nuclear Fusion in hangars lhat can accommodate two small shuules. 3D4
Maximum FTL Speed: 4 fighters. and up 10 72 human-sized power armor units. or 24
Transatmospheric Capabilities: None giant robots.
Advanced Travel Systems: Stasis for 24, gateway codes and Cost: 200 million CR
beacons. poinl-to-point generalors.
S.D.C.: 10,440
A.R.: 17
Weapons: All arc in lighl armored turrelS (A.R. 12. S.D.C. 1(0).
4 nuclear missile racks (24 missiles). 4 anti-Ship weapons, 2
long-mnge missile launchers (20 missiles). 3 battleship weap-
ons. 12 heavy weapons. 4 shon-range missile racks (40 mis-
siles), 6 mini-missile racks (72 missiles).
Cost: 65 million CR

Heavy Assault Craft - Military

Length: 625 feel (l9\m)
Mass: 700 Ions (630 metric tons)
Crew: 17 command personnel. 80 combat personnel. and 128
Drh'e Type: Nuclear Fusion
Maximum FTL Speed: Factor 6

Alphabetical List of Alien Races
Amphibian Rates .......•..••..................... SO Humans & Humanoids ..........•.....•........... 98
Axolotl .......................•.................. 50 Alula .......................•.....•.............. 98
Caecil .....................•..........•.......... 52 Arerri .....................••...•..•.••.•........ 99
Cameroon .......••.•••.•••.••.••.•••••••.•••..... S3 Arismal . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. 100
Deurycans ...............•..........•.......•..... 54 Atorians ......•..•.............................. 102
Mantella ................•..................•..... 55 Darkan .......•.......•..•............. , .••..... 103
Sorinam..............•.............•......••..... 56 Hatha .......•.....•.••...•.•....•.••.••.... 103
Xenopus .........•...•...•..•.•.•.•••.•••.••..... 57 Kassans . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • . . . . . . 105
Klikita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . ....•... 106
Ape Aliens .............•..................•..... 66 Manarr ............•.............•..•......... 107
Anubios ..........•.............•.......•........ 66 ~~~ ...........••.•.•.•...••.••.•••..•.... 108
Capucis ........•..•............••..•...••........ 67 Rotharr . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . I 10
Cebus ............•.............•.......•........ 68 Shissans .........................•..•..•........ 111
Dyteens ........•................•.......•........ 69 Silison ..........•..........•.................... 112
Maeus .........••.....•.•...••...•.•...•••....... 70 Swip ..........••.......•.••.........•...•...... 113
Th'ropo ........•..•..........•..•.......•........ 71 Titon ......................•.................... 114
Trogolo .................................•........ 72
Insect Aliens ...........••............••.••...... 114
Aquatic Races .............•.•........•........... 58 Danaus ..............•.••.............•.••.•.... 116
Cheiron ......................•................... 58 Lixilas ..................•................•...... 117
Errasa .......................•................... 59 Manleze .....•..........•................•...... 118
Inennsi ..................••.•........•........... 60 Photins .............••.••.......•.••.••.•....... 119
Nanereri ..................•..........•........... 61 Pyralis , . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . • • . . . . .. 120
Salar ..........•.............•.......•........... 63 Relogians ..................•.............•...... 121
Salvelinus ..............•..•..........•........... 64 Xippus ............................•..•..•...... 122
Tinalis ..............•.••.••...•...•.••....•...... 65
MineraVlnorganic Aliens .......•.•..•..•.......... 124
Avian Races ..............•..........•....•...... 73 Basanites .......................•..•............ 124
Elecians ...............•.............•....•...... 73 Fredulians .......................•..•............ 126
Gallopans .......•..•..••.....••..••......••...... 74 Lassinikes . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Gymoys . •..........•.......•...... 75 Liconians .........•.........••.•..........•..... 128
Struthios . . . . . . . . . . ....•..•.......•........... 76 Miceans ..........•..•..........•............... 129
Tagonicans ..........•..•..........•.......•...... 78 Raldeme ..........•.............•..•..•......... 130
Threskians ..........•.••.....••..••...•..••..... 78 Sloans ......................••.•..••............ 131
Timneh ................•..•..............•...... 79
Reptilian Aliens ......•..........•............... 132
Canine Aliens ......••.••.........••......•....... 80 Aurovax .....................•............. 132
Canis. . . . .•.......•......•....... 80 Baccarus ..................•.•....•.••.•...•..... 133
Dergin .. . •...............•...... 82 Erinima . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .. 134
Lalran . . . .•.......•.......•...... 84 Jenjorans ..........•..•..........•..•............ 135
Lupis . ..•.....••.•....•.•...••...•..••...... 85 Nilhians .........••.......•.....•............... 136
Toyoc ..............•.......... . .•...... 86 Qua·Trau ................•..•....•.•..••..•..... 137
Vulpese.. .. . 87 Thisseras................. . •.................. 138
Wulf ..................•.... . .•......•...... 88
Vegetation/Plant Aliens.... . •.................. 139
Feline Aliens . . •. . . •...... 89 Carnleans . . •. •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Altaicans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..•.... . .....•...... 89 Chianas . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . •. . •. . 141
Concol ................•.. . .....•...... 90 Erythro .....•.............. 142
Felias ................••.••...•.•........••...... 91 Kissenl . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Giris .....................•...............•...... 93 Lachinelians ......••...•.....•................ 144
Linx ... _......•.............•.......•........... 94 Sprekalians ........•.........••......•..••....... 145
Pantherans ...................•.......•........... 95 Tedeschians ..................•.....•............ 147
Pume ...................•..•.......•.....•...... 96

Villains Tagoniglomerate (TGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•....... 48
Baccarus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 133
Atorian Empire . . 47 Tagonicans ...............................•....... 78
Alorians . . 102 Thissera-Micean Cooperative (TMC) ........•........ 48
Atorian Allies & Minions Axololl ...............................•.•.•...... SO
Felias ...........................•....•..••...... 91 Chiana ...............................•......... 141
Kisent .........................•..........•..... 143 Erittima ..............•.....•..........•......... 134
Manlellans .....................•................. 55 Micean ...........•.............•.••.•.......... 129
Pantherans ..................•.........•.......... 95 Sprekalians ............•.....••.••.••.•....•..... 145
Pholins ...........•..•..•..••..........•........ 119 Thissera .....................•..•......... 138
Qua-Trau ......................•.......•........ 137
Raldemeans ............................•........ 130 Alien Watch Groups
Slrulhios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 76
Thro~ .............••...•..•..•.••....•........ 71 Project Tyche . ..................•..... 26
Atorian Slaves Special Agent Fores . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27
Danaus '" ......•...................... 116 Project Secure ..........•.••...•.•.•.••.••........ 28
Dergins ............................••............ 82 Special Agent Sinder .....•...•.........•..•........ 29
Inennsi ..........................•..•............ 60 Lock Down Alpha ..........•.............•........ 30
Pyralis ..............................•....•...... 120 ~ ..........................••.••.••........... 30
Xenopus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......••....... 57 Komodo .......................•..•..•........... 3\
Villains, Monsters & Evil Beings ............•...... 148 Tinker ...............................•..•........ 33
Brakkana . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .. 148 Washington .........•..•....•..•. ,........... . .. 34
Cyklops . 149 Reach Up ..........•.•.•...••.••..........•.. .. 42
Dark Breeze . . • • . . . • . • . . . • . . . . . .. 151 S.H.O.C.K. ............... .. 42
Devourer Mound.......... . ..•................. 151 Ander Micheals .. .•. .. ..•. . .. .. . 44
Doppleganger: Dop-Elpoep .. . 152 Triton Industries ............•...•.........•.. 36
Doppleganger: Erishiks 154 Arthur Harding ........•..••.•.............••...... 37
Doppleganger: Reipoc ...............•..••......... 153 Shaner ..................•.............•..•...... 38
Dragonoids .................•.................... ISS Darclons .................•.............•......... 39
Liliamok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .. 162
Lotha .........•.••.•....•.•..•...••......•..... 156 New Abilities
Mendoline ..............•....................... 157
Morphos ................•..........•............ 158 Magic Spells ..............•..••.••.••............ 21
Riathenors . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . • . . • • . . . . . . . • . . . . . .. 159 Breathable Air .................•..•.•.......•..... 21
Vacuum Ghouls.............. ..•...•.. 161 Cold Wa:! ........................•..•............ 21
Vampyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 163 Creale Gravity Well. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .• . 21
Energy Fist , .••.•......•.•....... 21
Galactic Heroes & Police Forces Ice Blasi ...................•.•....•..•..••....... 21
Magic Annor . .•.............•....... 21
Federation or Allied Races (FAR) ...........•........ 45 Resisl Cold .......................•.......•....... 21
Caecils . .............•........ 52 Resisl Fire & Heat ...........•.............•....... 22
Dakarans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . . .. 103 Psionics ................•.••.........••.•........ 22
Dyteens ......................•..........•........ 69 Eleclrokinesis ............•..•..........•.•........ 22
Elicans ... ..•..•. . .. . . ..•.......•........ 73 ResiSI Heat ..........•..........•....... 22
Fredulians ................•..••.........•........ 126 Resisl Cold ................••..........•.......... 22
Kassans . . . . • . . • . • • . . . • . • • . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . . .. 105 Minor Super Abilities ..•.••...•....•••.......... 23
Latrans . 84 Body Weaponry. . . .•..•..........•.•........ 23
Maeus ..........................•................ 70 Power Channeling ..... . ...•..........•....... 23
Nadiens. 108 Multiple Limbs. . . •..........•.......... 23
Nithians ... ..•....•....•.••...•...•.•.•.... 136 Major Super Abilities
Salvin us ........................ . . 64 Copy Physical Structure .•.........••...•...... 24
Silisons .... ..... .............•..... . 112 Force Aura .. .. .. . .. .. .•.. .. . . .. 24
Sorinam 56 Immortality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .. 24
Niamese Coalition. . . . . .•.•....... 48 Ite:?:l Reduction ...........•.•........•.•........... 24
Nanereri .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Negalive Matter ..........•.........••...•...•..... 25


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