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National Economics University

Graduation Thesis




Class: Enterprise Administration 59
Name : Quach Van Thien
Student’s code : 11174449
Hanoi – 3/2021

STATUTORY DECLARATION.........................................................................................................................3
LIST OF FIGURES..........................................................................................................................................4
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................................5
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................5
1. Rationale.............................................................................................................................................6
2. Research objectives............................................................................................................................7
3. Research question...............................................................................................................................7
4. Methodology.......................................................................................................................................8
a. Data collection....................................................................................................................................8
b. Data analysis.......................................................................................................................................8
5. Research scope...................................................................................................................................8
6. Research structure..............................................................................................................................8
1.1 Definition and role of motivation.....................................................................................................9
1.1.1 Definition of motivation.................................................................................................................9
1.1.2 Type of motivation.......................................................................................................................11
1.1.3 Importance of motivation............................................................................................................12
1.2 Maslow theory of motivation.........................................................................................................14
1.3 The financial tools...........................................................................................................................16
1.3.1 Salary...........................................................................................................................................16
1.3.2 Reward.........................................................................................................................................16
1.3.3 Welfares.......................................................................................................................................17
1.4 Non-financial tools..........................................................................................................................17
1.4.1 Evaluation of work performance.................................................................................................17
1.4.2 Training and developing human resources.................................................................................18
1.4.3 Provide reasonable human resources..........................................................................................18
1.4.4 Improved working environment..................................................................................................19
2.1 Overview of Phuc Hung Thinh limited Company............................................................................20
2.1.1 General infomation of Phuc Hung Thinh.....................................................................................20

|Page General introduction about Phuc Hung Thinh limited company................................................20 History of development of Phuc Hung Thinh company..............................................................20 The business items of Phuc Hung Thinh Co., Ltd.......................................................................21 Mission and main customers of Phuc Hung Thinh Telecommunication Construction and Service
Trading Co., Ltd......................................................................................................................................22
2.1.2. Company structure......................................................................................................................22
2.1.3 Human resources.........................................................................................................................26
2.1.4 Social activities.............................................................................................................................27
2.1.5 Business results of Phuc Hung Thinh in 2018- 2020.....................................................................28
2.2 Overview of employees motivation in Phuc Hung Thinh limited company...................................32
2.2.1 forms of tangible remuneration..................................................................................................32 Salary........................................................................................................................................32 Rewards....................................................................................................................................35 Welfare.....................................................................................................................................36 Subsidies, allowances...............................................................................................................38
2.2.2 forms of intangible remuneration...............................................................................................39 Human resource training and development.............................................................................40 Working environment conditions.............................................................................................43 Labor safety - Labor hygiene....................................................................................................44 Relations in labor......................................................................................................................45 Corporate policies and regimes................................................................................................47
2.3 Factors affecting employees motivation in Phuc Hung Thinh limited company............................48
2.3.1 Financial factors...........................................................................................................................48
2.3.2 Competitive factors......................................................................................................................50
2.2.3 Customer factors..........................................................................................................................51
2.3.4 Material factors...........................................................................................................................52
2.3.5 Legal factors.................................................................................................................................54
2.4 Evaluate employees motivation at Phuc Hung Thinh limited company........................................55
2.4.1 Strenghs.......................................................................................................................................55
2.4.2 Weaknesses..................................................................................................................................56
LIABILITY COMPANY.................................................................................................................................58
3.1 Operational orientation of the company in next 5 years...............................................................58
3.2 Orientation to create labor motivation for employees of Phuc Hung Thinh Company.................59

3.3 Applying maslow theory to improve the quality of labor..............................................................60
3.3.1 Improving salary policy................................................................................................................62
3.3.2 Improving reward policy..............................................................................................................64
3.3.3 Improving working conditon.......................................................................................................65
3.3.4 Encouraging wokers to self-motivate work.................................................................................66
3.3.5 Strengthening labor techniques and promote the creativity of employees...............................68
3.3.6 Training to improve the professional qualifications of workers.................................................68
3.3.7 Some other solutions...................................................................................................................69

Most importantly, I would like to express my thanks to the Board of Directors and
lectures in the Faculty of Business Administration – National Economics Universiry, who
instructed and outfitted me with information all through the course.

I would like to express gratitude toward Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy, who has guided and
contributed significant guidance for me during the graduation thesis.

I'm am likewise thankful to Phuc Hung Thinh for allowing me a chance to rehearse, gain
as a matter of fact just as make positive conditions for me to finish this thesis.

Finally, I want to show appreciation to my families who have consistently motivate me

during my study


I herewith officially declare that I myself have written the submitted Bacherlor Thesis
inndependently. I did not utilize any external help with the exception of the quoted
literature and other sources referenced toward the finish of the paper.

I clearly marked and separaly listed all the literature and all other sources which utilized
creating this scholastic work, either literally or in content

Hanoi, 1/3/2021


Quach Van Thien



Figure 1.1 Maslow’theory.......................................................................................................................13

Figure 2.1 The organization structure of Phuc Hung Thinh limited company...................................21
Figure 3.1 Revenue..................................................................................................................................28
Figure 4.1 Revenue and expenditure difference of Phuc Hung Thinh company................................29
Figure 5.1 Pay sate budget......................................................................................................................30
Figure 6.1 Satisfaction level on salary policy.........................................................................................33
Figure 7.1 Satisfaction level on rewward policy....................................................................................35
Figure 8.1 Satisfaction level about welfare policy.................................................................................36
Figure 9.1 Satisfaction level about the subsidy policy..........................................................................38
Figure 10.1 Training process at the company........................................................................................39
Figure 11.1 Satisfaction level in human resource development and training policies........................41
Figure 12.1 Satisfaction level on work conditions.................................................................................42
Figure 13.1 Satisfaction level for occupational safety and sanitation..................................................44
Figure 14.1 Satisfaction level about colleagues relationship.................................................................45
Figure 15.1 Satisfaction level on company policies and regimes..........................................................47
Figure 16.1 Product portfolio purchased in 2020..................................................................................50
Figure 17.1 Applying Maslow’theory to define factors.........................................................................60


Table 1.1 The business items of Phuc Hung Thinh Co., Ltd................................................................19
Table 2.1 Company HR structure table (as of December 31, 2020).....................................................24
Table 3.1 Company HR structure table (as of December 31, 2020).....................................................25
Table 4.1 Company HR structure table (as of December 31, 2020).....................................................25
Table 5.1 The situation of production and business activities of the company in the period of 2018 -
Table 6.1 Income......................................................................................................................................30
Table 7.1 The salary cofficient................................................................................................................33
Table 8.1 Training situation at the company over the years................................................................41
Table 9.1 Financial situation at Phuc Hung Thinh from 2018 to 2020...............................................47
Table 10.1 Total revenue from distribution channels...........................................................................51
Table 11.1 The use of company land......................................................................................................52
Table 12.1 The company's machinery and equipment situation..........................................................53
Table 13.1 Employee satisfaction with motivational factors................................................................55
Table 14.1 Security guard's job description..........................................................................................62
Table 15.1 Customer care staff’s job description..................................................................................63


In the modern world, human resources play an vital role in contributing to the
sustainable growth of the company. Thus, it is essential to pay attention to the
regulations to help employees motivated. In addition, the bosses must enhance the
motivation for their workers to be able to attract and retain talented people, who can
drive the company successfully. To solve this matter, I decided to choose the topic
LIABILITY COMPANY” as graduation thesis. The thesis was conducted at Phuc
Hung Thinh company –from September 21,2020 to May 30,202

The purposes of the thesis are to refer Maslow’theory on employee motivation, and
analyzing the current situation of employees at Phuc Hung Thinh limited company.
After that, finding out the strengths, weakenesses and possibe causes in employee
motivation. Finally, I proposed pratical remedies in order to enhance the situation of
motivation at Phuc Hung Thinh limited company.

The thesis uses date which was gathered from many different sources such as: The
enterprise’s report, books, my observation and questionnaires. The company has
made exceptional efforts in motivating employees and has additionally performed
sure achievements. However, I have found that the company nevertheless has
numerous obstacles in enforcing motivational rules for employees.

Through the evaluation of feasible causes which lead to these barriers, I proposes
some remedies to overcome weaknesses and enhance the current situation of worker
motivation such as: have particular task analysis and description for each position,
diversify forms of rewards, determining training desires of personnel, create close
cralationship between colleagues, and many more.


1. Rationale

Human resources is an essential internal component that decides the success or

failure of the commercial enterprise. Especially in the trend of globalization and
worldwide economic integration that is taking place very strongly. The competitive
environment are becoming increasingly fierce amongst establishments each domestic
and global, requiring businesses to build an exquisite staff, work efficaciously to promote
the strengths of the business to gain competitive advantages within the market

Individuals consistently have needs that should be fulfilled both actually and
intellectually. At the point when employees feel that their necessities are met, they would
have a good attitude to work more diligently. They possibly work decidedly when they
are generally happy with their own requirements. This is reflected in the advantages that
workers should be proportionate with what they offer to make motivationfor them to
work. When there is an motivation in labor, workers have more noteworthy endeavors to
learn, attract encounters work, improve knowledge and capabilities to develop
themselves. Furthermore, when employees are happy with the work, they will have
higher capabilities, and be more faithful to the association. This is also what
organizations consistently need to accomplish from their workers.

The economists have brought up that the performance of laborers relies upon
numerous elements such as specialist's abilities, means, and resources to perform work
and motivation... In which work motivation is a significant factor affecting and rousing
proficiency of employees , it is required for the Business to take note of the work of
motivating their employees.

During the intern time at Phuc Hung Thinh company, I observed bussiness
operatin, as well as the behavior of employees, and I understand that the operating
motivation of employees is not high. Most of the people do now not work with their
complete abilities, their operating spirits are nevertheless sluggish. Furthermore, The
quantity of finished work, the experience of duty, and the impetus of some officers are
also the same situation. The thinking and working style of some officials have now not
met the requirements of the market mechanism and commercial production.The
workplace has put forth extraordinary attempts in motivating employees to upgrade their
excitement and innovativeness, subsequently expanding work efficiency and business
performance. Nonetheless, the usage of solution about motivating employees now is not
totally suitable for company, so they are able to work efficently. The employees is the
core of the company, which is a significant factor for an organization to develop and
particularly for Phuc Hung Thinh to grow further. Thusly, the investigation of enhancing
the work motivation of workers is essential. The most effective method to make staffs
eager to work and dedicate themselves to associations for the advancement of the
enterprise.Because of these reasons mentioned above, I decided to choose the topic

“Using theory of Maslow to motivate employees in Phuc Hung Thinh liability limited
company” for the gratuation thesis.

2. Research objectives

 To review Maslow’s theory on employee motivation

 To analyze the current situation of staff motivation at Phuc Hung Thinh limited

 To propose pratical remedies in order to improve the situation of motivation at

Phuc Hung Thinh limited company

3. Research question

The thesis is aimed to answer three questions

- What ara the main contents of Maslow theory?

- How is the current situation of worker motivation in Phuc Hung Thinh company

- How to improve the current situation of worker motivation in Phuc Hung Thinh

4. Methodology

a. Data collection

To comple the thesis, I use the secondary data, which is collected by:

- Reviewing the Maslow theory about motivation

- Collecting data about Phuc Hung Thinh company, which include the corporation
profile, Bussiness results of the company, balance sheets(2018-2020), theoretical
backgrounds in terms of human resource management form labor organization
department and accounting and sales department of Phuc Hung Thinh company

b. Data analysis

Secondary date is synthesized and analyzed in accorance with the outline of proposed

5. Research scope

The research place: the research is carried out in Phuc Hung Thinh company, located in
Bac Lieu

The time of research: the time for the whole process of study is from September 21,2020
to May 30,2021

6. Research structure

The thesis consists of three chapters, which are :

Chapter 1 : The theoretical framework of employee motivation in enterprises

Chapter 2 : Current employee motivation in Phuc Hung Thinh liability limited


Chapter 3 : Solutions for enhacing employee motivation in Phuc Hung Thinh

liability limited company


1.1 Definition and role of motivation

1.1.1 Definition of motivation

In the modern world, Human Resources play an inexorably significant role of

companies. Directors are progressively inspired by how tasks can be best advanced, so a
worker can work in the most energetic and viable manners. With similar job and working
conditions, be that as it may, every individual will have an alternate result. The reason for
this distinction, besides different variables, a significant factor that should be referenced
is labor motivation

As of now, there are a wide range of concepts of motivation which was are
expressed by people or orginizations. These are the most widely recognized fudamental
concepts of motivation. Most importantly, it is conceivable to specify the view point
about motivation of some notable unfamiliar researchers. Maier and lawer (1973)
characterize motivation as the longing and readiness of every person. In the opinion of
Kreiter (1995), motivation is a psychological process that provides behavior purpose and
guidance. The definition shows that the pyschological process arranged to human conduct
for certain pureposes is called motivation.

According to Andrew J. Durbin (1986), the term motivation alludes to two

distinctive yet related thoughts. From the point of view of the individual, the motivation
is an inner expression that prompts the quest for objectives. Individual motivation
influences the inception, direction, force, and constancy of exertion. A motivated worker
is likely to move, concentrate exertion the correct way, and work with intensity. From the
outstanding point of motivation is the way toward having the chance to seek after
destinations. The two ideas have significant importance meaning in common. Motivation
is the use of exertion to achieve results. The outcomes from a power that comes from
inside the individual.

Higgins (1994) expressed motivation as an inside drive to fulfill an unsatisfied

need. Motivation is not come from inner inclinations. This idea has considered an
motivation to be an unfilled need that powers individuals to make a decision to fulfill that
need. Comparing with Kreiner's concept, the limit on this concept can be seen. In the
reality, not all unfulfilled requirements can make motivation. Requirements that have not
been fulfilled and equipped for being fulfilled make Motivationfor individuals, so
motivation can be seen such the necessities inside every person that leads them towards
objective situated activities. For instance, somebody felines to fulfill the craving or when
staffs work hard to be paid high salaris. Both circumstances brings up a comparative
connection between what we do and the explanations for.

A association can only gain high productiveness when the personnel works
actively and creatively. It relies upon the equipment and techniques that managers use to
motivate personnel. According to Nguyen and Nguyen (2014) in their ebook increase
their efforts towards attaining organizational intention. Personal motivation is the result
of many resources simultaneously operating in internal humans, and their working and
dwelling environment. Therefore, motivational behaviors in the business enterprise are
the result of a mixture of various factors which include organizational tradition,
leadership style, the structure of the company, and rules on human sources as well as the
implementation of those policies. Factors belonging to character employees also play a
crucial function in creating, preserving, and developing their working motivation such as
needs, goals, and values ideas

Combining the above factor of view, exertions motivation is the attempt of the
workers themselves to accomplish their tasks perfectly. Different individuals can have
specific motivations whilst employees are encouraged to work, they may self-consciously
positioned all their potential to do this job effectively, driving their business successfully.

It is important to distinguish the 2 principles of motivation and purpose: both

motivation and purpose are very essential but the motivation is greater sustainable, the
“root” thing. For instance, each day motive we go to the workplace is that each month we
want to spend money on something. This is the motive, and the use of cash earned on
something is motivation. Motivation is often sustainable and lengthy-term, brief, and
superficial. Thus, the motivation comes from internal all people. This is an intrinsic
country, which offers vitally and directs people into purposeful acts. In distinctive
positions with one-of-a-kind mental traits, each individual’s motivation is different.

1.1.2 Type of motivation

There are two types of motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. It is important to
understand that employees are not all the same; thus effectively motivating employees
requires that employers gain an understanding of the different types of motivation. Such
an understanding will enable bosses to better categorize their team members and apply
the appropriate type of motivation. Employers will find each member different and each
member's motivational needs will be varied as well. Some people respond best to intrinsic
which means "from within" and will meet any obligation of an area of their passion.
Quite the reverse, others will respond better to extrinsic motivation which, in their world,
provides that difficult tasks can be dealt with provided there is a reward upon completion
of that task. Become an expert in determining which type will work best with which team

According to Ryan and Deci (2000) “Instrinsic motivation is seen as the self-desire to
doing something. The motivational forces come from within when individuals want to
complete a task a specific task because of its fun or challenge instead of external rewards
or pressures. Intrinsic motivation invollves engaging in a behaviour because it is
personally rewarding; essentially, performing an activity for its own sake rather than
desire for some external reward”

 Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation method that the individual's motivational stimuli are coming from
inside. The character has the desire to perform a particular mission because its outcomes
are in accordance along with his belief system or satisfy a desire and consequently
significance is attached to it. The deep-rooted dreams have the best motivational
electricity. Below are a few examples:

Acceptance: Employees all want to experience as well as their choices, are general by
means of their co-employees.

 Curiosity: Emplyees all have the desire to be within the know.

 Honor: Emplyees all want to admire the guidelines and be ethical.

 Independence: Emplyees all want to sense we are specific.

 Order: Emplyees all need to be prepared.

 Power: Emplyees all have the choice so one can have influence.

 Social contact: Emplyees all need to have a few social interactions.

 Social Status: Emplyees all have the preference to feel critical.

 Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation means that the individual's motivational stimuli are coming from
outside. In other words, our desires to perform a task are controlled by an outside source.
Note that even though the stimuli are coming from outside, the result of performing the
task will still be rewarding for the individual performing the task.

Extrinsic motivation is external in nature. The most well-known and the most debated
motivation is money. Below are some other examples:

 Employee of the month award

 Benefit package

 Bonuses

 Organized activities

1.1.3 Importance of motivation

Motivation can be described as stimulating, inspiring, and inducing the personnel to

carry out to their great ability. Motivation is a psychological term that means it can not be
forced on employees. It comes routinely from in the personnel as it is the willingness to
do their work.

 Motivation allows change negative attitude to positive attitude:

- Without motivation, the personnel tries to carry out minimal activities in the
corporation. But the motivation fills within the choice to carry out to their most
level. All the assets of the agency are of no use until and until the employees use
those resources. The prompted employees to make nice use of the sources.

 Motivation improves performance level of employees:

- The motivation improves the performance degree of employees because of this the
employees begin performing the task to the exceptional in their potential with
minimum wastage of time and assets because stimulated personnel constantly
move for the best usage of sources. Motivation bridges the distance between the
capacity to work and willingness to paintings and willingness usually improves

 Helps in Achieving the Organisational Goal:

- The motivated personnel continually try to obtain the organizational purpose and
contribute their pleasant efforts for the conclusion of organizational intention as
they recognize with the fulfillment of organizational aim best they are able to
acquire their non-public intention. All the employees contribute their efforts in a
single route of the accomplishment of the purpose.

 Helps in Achieving the Organisational Goal:

- The encouraged employees constantly try to gain the organizational aim and
contribute their excellent efforts for the belief of organizational goal as they
recognize with the achievement of organizational aim most effective they could
reap their personal aim. All the personnel make contributions their efforts in one
course of the accomplishment of the purpose.

 Motivation creates Supportive Work Environment:

- In motivation, the members of the company among superiors and subordinates are
always progressed. When the personnel achieve their needs satisfied and recognize
in the enterprise then they usually provide a supportive hand to superiors. There
are more cooperation and co-ordination inside the employer and all the personnel
work with a team spirit.

 Motivation enables the managers to introduce changes:

- The influenced employees show much less resistance in accepting the adjustments
in keeping with changes in the enterprise environment because they realize if the
changes are not applied inside the agency, no longer simplest the agency will lose
through this however the personnel also will discover it hard to get their wishes
fulfilled. Motivated personnel is always supportive and co-operative in accepting
modifications within the employer.

 Reduction in Employees’ Turnover:

 The motivation creates self-belief in the personnel to sastify their demands in the
association itself. They constantly select the opportunity to remain in the company
and rise their earnings as opposed to leaving the organization and growing their
earnings. With motivation, the turnovers are much less because the glad personnel
by no means go away the task.

1.2 Maslow theory of motivation

Abraham Maslow is well renowned for proposing the Hierarchy of Needs Theory
in 1943. This theory is a classical depiction of human motivation. This theory is based on
the assumption that there is a hierarchy of five needs within each individual. The urgency
of these needs varies. These five needs are as follows:

Figure .1 Maslow’theory

Source: Maslow’theory

 Physiological needs- These are the basic needs of air, water, food, clothing and
shelter. In other words, physiological needs are the needs for basic amenities of life.

 Safety needs- Safety needs include physical, environmental and emotional safety and
protection. For instance- Job security, financial security, protection from animals,
family security, health security, etc.

 Social needs- Social needs include the need for love, affection, care, belongingness,
and friendship.

 Esteem needs- Esteem needs are of two types: internal esteem needs (self- respect,
confidence, competence, achievement and freedom) and external esteem needs
(recognition, power, status, attention and admiration).

 Self-actualization need- This include the urge to become what you are capable of
becoming / what you have the potential to become. It includes the need for growth
and self-contentment. It also includes desire for gaining more knowledge, social-
service, creativity and being aesthetic. The self- actualization needs are never fully
satiable. As an individual grows psychologically, opportunities keep cropping up to
continue growing.

According to Maslow, individuals are motivated by unsatisfied needs. As each of
these needs is significantly satisfied, it drives and forces the next need to emerge. Maslow
grouped the five needs into two categories - Higher-order needs and Lower-order needs.
The physiological and the safety needs constituted the lower-order needs. These lower-
order needs are mainly satisfied externally. The social, esteem, and self-actualization
needs constituted the higher-order needs. These higher-order needs are generally satisfied
internally, i.e., within an individual. Thus, we can conclude that during long period, the
employee’s lower-order needs are significantly met.

Implications of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory for Managers:

 As far as the physiological needs are concerned, the managers should give employees
appropriate salaries to purchase the basic necessities of life. Breaks and eating
opportunities should be given to employees.

 As far as the safety needs are concerned, the managers should provide the employees
job security, safe and hygienic work environment, and retirement benefits so as to
retain them.

 As far as social needs are concerned, the management should encourage teamwork
and organize social events.

 As far as esteem needs are concerned, the managers can appreciate and reward
employees on accomplishing and exceeding their targets. The management can give
the deserved employee higher job rank / position in the organization.

 As far as self-actualization needs are concerned, the managers can give the employees
challenging jobs in which the employees’ skills and competencies are fully utilized.
Moreover, growth opportunities can be given to them so that they can reach the peak.

The managers must identify the need level at which the employee is existing and then
those needs can be utilized as push for motivation.

Weaknesses of Maslow’s Theory

It is essential to note that not all employees are governed by the same set of needs.
Different individuals may be driven by different needs at same point in time. It is always
the most powerful unsatisfied need that motivates an individual. The theory is not
empirically supported due to it is not applicable in the case of starving employees as even
if the employee’s basic needs are not satisfied, he will still strive for recognition and

1.3 The financial tools

1.3.1 Salary

Salary is the amount that the employer pays to the employee to complete the work
according to the specified functions and duties.

Salary is one of the important parts to motivate employees, it plays a role in

stimulating employees to complete their jobs with high efficiency. For employees, the
higher the salary received, the greater job satisfaction is enhanced, reducing the waste of
working hours and working days. They will increasingly stick with the organization,
increase individual labor productivity, quality and efficiency of production and business
activities of the organization.

One requirement is that the salary regime must be done fairly both internally and
externally. The more thoroughly fairness is, the higher the job satisfaction, the more
effective the organization's operations. Once an organization's goal is achieved, it is
possible to raise the physical and spiritual living standards of the employees, creating a
stimulus. Therefore, in order to ensure the effectiveness of wages in motivational work,
managers must recognize the importance and take measures to strengthen this

1.3.2 Reward

Rewards are a form of financial incentive paid to pay for an employee's performance
of the job. Rewards help employees try and do their best while performing work, promote
productivity improvement, and stimulate employees to perform jobs better than

To be able to promote and enhance the effectiveness of rewards on motivational

problems, managers must pay attention to the following issues:

 Properly and rationally identify payment issues

 Bonus conditions and levels

 Types of rewards

1.3.3 Welfares

Welfares are indirect remuneration paid in the form of workers' living supports such
as: health insurance; social security; pensions; payments for public holidays and vacation;

entertainment programs, vacation; house; vehicles and other benefits associated with
working relationships or being a member of the organization.

There are two types of employee welfares:

 Mandatory welfares: are the minimum benefits that organizations must offer as
required by law. It can be insurance types, social insurance, unemployment
benefits, health insurance.

 Voluntary welfares: are the benefits that the organization offers depending on
their economic capacity and the interests of the leader there. It includes the
following types:

 Insurance welfares: health insurance, life insurance, incapacity


 Welfares guaranteed: income guarantee, retirement guarantee.

Payment for the time not working: due to agreements beyond the provisions of the
law such as vacation, mid-shift, travel potential ... Benefits due to flexible working

Providing the following types of welfares has the following meanings:

 Welfares play an important role in ensuring the lives of workers such as

supporting money to buy a house, buy a car, money for medical examination and
treatment ...

 Welfares increase the reputation of businesses in the market, makes employees

feel excited, thereby helping to recruit and preserve a highly qualified workforce.

 Welfares contribute to improving the material and spiritual life of employees will
promote and improve labor productivity.

 Welfares help to reduce the burden of society in caring for employees such as
social insurance and health insurance.

1.4 Non-financial tools

1.4.1 Evaluation of work performance

"Performance evaluation is often understood as a systematic and formal assessment of

the employee's performance in relation to the established standards and discussion of the
performance. That with the employees ". Performance evaluation is an important human
resource management activity that should be undertaken by any organization. In an
organization, performance assessment is important because it serves many management
goals that directly impact both the employee and the organization in general.

The goals of the work performance assessment are:

 Improving work performance of employees

 Helping HR managers make the right human resource decisions such as training
and development, remuneration, promotion, discipline ...

 Evalatung results helps the HR management department and the leadership levels
to evaluate the success of human resource function activities such as recruiting,
recruiting, training ... At the same time, it is possible to review the correctness and
effectiveness of those activities, from which there are appropriate navigation

To evaluate the performance of employees of an organization, it is necessary to set up

an evaluation system with the following basic elements:

 Work performance standards

 Measure the performance of the work according to the criteria in the standards

 Feedback for employees and human resource management.

1.4.2 Training and developing human resources

"Training and developing activities to maintain and improve the quality of the
organization's human resources, is a decisive condition for organizations to stand firm
and win in a competitive environment". The goal of human resource training and
development is: to maximize the use of existing human resources and improve the
efficiency of the organization by helping employees to better understand their work and
to master them. about their profession and perform their functions and tasks more
intuitively, with a better attitude, as well as improving their adaptability to future jobs.

Human resource training and development is a highly profitable investment. After the
employees are trained, they have improved their expertise, skills, skills, and a new way of
thinking, thus meeting the real requirements. present work in a better way, bringing
productivity, quality and efficiency to the organization, making the organization thrive,
and at the same time, the employee asserted his position in the organization and the
commune. festival . This is an effective measure to retain good employees.

1.4.3 Provide reasonable human resources

"Manpower allocation includes new employee orientation activities and the internal
staffing process of the organization with activities such as transfer, promotion, and
demotion". The right layout is aimed at getting the right people into the right things.
Work is always associated with the employee's purpose. Employees are only really
passionate about working when they love their jobs, jobs that are suitable for their
qualifications, knowledge and skills.

The process of transferring, promoting and descending organizations has clear and
reasonable policies.

 Promotion is the placement of workers in a job position with higher wages,

credibility and responsibility, better working conditions and greater growth
opportunities. An employee can be promoted only when their working capacity
meets those job requirements.

 A person's performance is not only reflected in their achievements but also in that
person's potential. Demotion is the sending of workers to a position of
employment with lower salaries and positions, with fewer responsibilities and

The process of transferring, promoting and relegating to the organization should have
reasonable and clear policies, otherwise it will reduce the work motivation of employees.

1.4.4 Improved working environment

Working environment is a very important factor affecting the working efficiency of

employees. The working environment of the employees is related to the workspace,
leadership style, organizational culture, music psychology or collective atmosphere.
Employees all want to work for businesses that have good working conditions and
pleasant working environment. That encourages employees to work, they are more
excited to go to the workplace and perform the job effectively.


2.1 Overview of Phuc Hung Thinh limited Company

2.1.1 General infomation of Phuc Hung Thinh General introduction about Phuc Hung Thinh limited company

General infomation:

 Company name: Phuc Hung Thinh Telecommunication Construction

Service Trading limited liability company


 Address: Ton Duc Thang Street, Group 10, Ward 1, Bac Lieu City, Bac Lieu

 Establishment: October 4, 2018

 Charter capital: 1,200,000,000 VND

 Contact: 02913565656.

 Company / business code 1900643492 at the Department of Planning and

Investment of Bac Lieu

 Main business lines: Selling construction materials and installing relative


 Form: Trading&Service limited liability company

|Page History of development of Phuc Hung Thinh company

Phuc Hung company started with a household business then registered as a

business in 2018. In the early years of operation, the company encountered many
difficulties in expanding and developing. However, with the efforts of all members
and the proper planning of the Board of Directors in the company, so far Phuc Hung
Thinh brand name has been highly appreciated by consumers, construction units
about high product quality, installation technique, warranty system and maintenance

Phuc Hung Thinh Telecommunication Construction Service Trading Co., Ltd has
enough standards for business registration in accordance with the current law
provisions, which have been granted business registration license by the
Department of Planning and Investment. Business with tax code 1900643492 from
October 5, 2018 and start operating from October 4, 2018, up to now, Phuc Hung
Thinh Telecommunication Construction Service Trading Co., Ltd. has established
over 2 years

The legal representative of Phuc Hung Thinh Telecommunication Construction

Services Trading Company Limited is Dam Vu Linh - who will be the individual
representing the business to exercise rights and obligations arising from the
assignment. services of enterprises, representing enterprises as plaintiffs,
defendants, persons with related interests and obligations before arbitration, courts
and other rights and obligations as prescribed by law. Currently the number of
employees in the company is 16 people. The business items of Phuc Hung Thinh Co., Ltd

Table .1 The business items of Phuc Hung Thinh Co., Ltd

Source: Sales department

Industry Descriptions Key

code sectors
4101 Building houses for living. N
2022 Manufacturing paints, varnishes and similar paints and coatings; N
producing printing ink and maze

4322 Installing water supply and drainage, heating and air- N

conditioning systems

4663 Selling construction materials and other installation Y
4223 Constructing telecommunications, communication N

4312 Preparing surface N

4212 Constructing road works. N
4649 Selling other household appliances N
6190 Other telecommunications activities N
4102 Building warehouse N

 The selling items of the company are diversified, but the main field is the wholesale
of construction materials and other installation equipment, which are the best selling
each year. Mission and main customers of Phuc Hung Thinh Telecommunication

Construction and Service Trading Co., Ltd

The company focuses on serving the market, which are organizations that have
demand for furniture, consulting services for works of departments, agencies that
want to install new and replace furniture in the southwestern region. Especially the
cities of Bac Lieu, Soc Trang, Vinh Long, ...

Target customers of the company:

 Personal:

The target company is young families who are married without children; middle
age, single; Family and teenage children because this type of customer has a great
demand for furniture products. As people with good income or more, high solvency
of goods and high interest in home decoration ...

 Agency:

Organizations that buy the company's goods for resale, have all conditions of
equipment as well as human resources to ensure long-term business. The number of
products placed in orders is large, regular, long-term relationship.

2.1.2. Company structure

Organizational structure

Figure .1 The organization structure of Phuc Hung Thinh limited company


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