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The information contained herein is for the sole purpose of ensuring the fair and purposeful delivery and direction
of the Saskatchewan Provincial Soccer League. Amendments to these Rules and Regulations may be made from
time to time at the discretion of the Saskatchewan Soccer Association.

Notice: In the event of a disagreement between the SSA Competitive Stream Plan (2017-2020) and the Rulebook,
the Rulebook will be taken as authority. Where any omission under the PSL Rules and Regulations should arise, the
Policies, Procedures, Rules, and Regulations of the Saskatchewan Soccer Association shall prevail. If omissions
should still exist, then the Canadian Soccer Association’s Policies, Procedures, Rules, and Regulations shall apply.

Should amendments to the PSL Rules and Regulations be required during the season, amendments will be
circulated in memo format to all affected teams. This memo shall serve as an appendix to the PSL Rules and
Regulations for the duration of that season with the official PSL Rules and Regulations being updated following the
season’s conclusion.
Table of Contents

1 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2 League Operations and Management .................................................................................................. 3
2.1 League Rules ................................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Travel policy .................................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Sponsorship................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 League Management .................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Team Entry .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.6 Forfeits and Defaults ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.7 Discipline and Formal Complaints, Protests and Appeals ............................................................. 7
2.8 Protests ......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.9 Hosting and Venues ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.10 League Scheduling ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.11 League Standings ........................................................................................................................ 10
3 Players and Team Personnel ............................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Players ......................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Team Personnel .......................................................................................................................... 13
4 Game Day Rules and Processes .......................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Team Uniforms............................................................................................................................ 15
4.2 Pre-Game Processes ................................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Post-Game Processes .............................................................................................................. 1716
4.4 PSL Games ................................................................................................................................... 17
4.5 Officials........................................................................................................................................ 18
5 Dates and Deadlines ....................................................................................................................... 1918
6 Schedule of Fines ................................................................................................................................ 19
7 CSA National Championships .............................................................................................................. 19

1 Definitions
a) PSL: “Provincial Soccer League under the jurisdiction of the Saskatchewan Soccer Association”
and is herein referred to as “PSL”.
b) Rules: The “Laws of the Game”, Rules, Regulations and Bylaws are referred to as the “Rules“.
c) Saskatchewan Soccer Association: “Saskatchewan Soccer Association” is herein referred to as
d) Technical Advisory Board: “Technical Advisory Board of the PSL” is herein referred to as “TAB”.
The TAB is composed out of SSA Technical Staff and/or other experts as appointed at the sole
discretion of the SSA.
e) Field of play: Shall include the soccer park, dressing rooms, parking lot and any area deemed
related to the event.
f) Game: Shall constitute any involvement that takes place before, during or after the game while
at the “field of play.”
g) Canadian Soccer Association: “Canada Soccer” is herein referred to as “CSA”.
h) Good Standing: Members in “Good Standing” are entitled to rights of SSA membership. Good
standing can be revoked as outlined in SSA Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, which can limit the
rights of membership, including but not limited to participating in local and provincial
k) Registration: For the sake of the PSL, a “registration” shall be defined as a player’s team
association in which through they paid their SSA Membership fees through within a given
l) Transfer: For the sake of the PSL, a “transfer” shall be defined as the permanent movement of
a registered player from one team to another during the course of a given season.
m) Member Organization: “Member Organizations” include Regular and Associate Members as
defined in SSA By-Laws, Policies and Procedures.
n) Team: A “Team” must be recognized and authorized by a Member Organization to play in the

2 League Operations and Management

2.1 League Rules
The PSL website is hosted on the SSA website.

Contact information for SSA as it pertains to the PSL will be confirmed on a yearly basis.

PSL deadlines will be posted on the SSA website and/or contained within the Rulebook. It is
the responsibility of the Member Organization, Team and/or Participant to adhere to all

Failure to meet PSL deadlines may result in discipline, including but not limited to non-
acceptance of entry, fine, or expulsion from the PSL.

All PSL Forms will be posted on the PSL website.

PSL fees are set yearly by SSA at its sole discretion.

The PSL may hold pre-season and post-season meetings on a yearly basis as well as other
meetings as deemed necessary. The date, time and location of these meetings will be
communicated to Member Organizations and/or Teams no later than seven (7) days in
advance of the meeting.

All participating teams must have a representative at the PSL Pre-Season Meeting.
Failure to have a representative present at the PSL Pre-Season Meeting will result in a
fine of $500.00.
This fine must be paid prior to the first scheduled match or this match will be

All participating Member Organizations and Teams shall have a representative at the PSL
Post-Season Meeting as this will represent an opportunity for consultation on the direction
of the PSL.

Notes from the PSL Post-Season Meeting will be posted on the PSL website.

PSL Communications:
All correspondence and communications regarding the PSL will be made through SSA.
Correspondence and communications regarding the PSL will be made via email,
telephone and/or posting on the PSL website, all of which shall be considered official.

2.2 Travel policy

PSL teams may be entitled to SSA hotel room rates, where applicable. A listing of SSA-
partner hotels is posted on SSA website.

SSA adopted the CSA curfew for travelling teams of 11:00 pm for youth players (up to and
including U19).

Team coaching staff will be responsible for the behavior and the enforcement of curfew of
their players. Any team that does not meet the highest of standards for behavior may be
subject to sanctions and/or fine.

2.3 Sponsorship
SSA and/or a Member Organization cannot unreasonably restrict sponsorship of any team,
however, SSA must approve any and all sponsorship of PSL teams.

Team sponsorship displays are limited to the technical area and the player’s and team
personnel apparel only.

The rules regarding sponsorship at the CSA National Championships differ from those of the
PSL (See Details in Article 7).

2.4 League Management
SSA shall be responsible for marketing and communications associated with the PSL.

Member Organizations shall be responsible to ensure all PSL players and Team Personnel
are registered with SSA.

SSA shall appoint the representatives serving on the PSL Technical Advisory Board (TAB). The
TAB shall have authority over the operation of the PSL.

2.5 Team Entry

Team Allocations
Member Organizations whose local practices align with the Mission, Values and
Strategic direction of SSA may be granted team allocations in the PSL at the sole
discretion of the SSA.
Team allocations will be established at the discretion of SSA based on consultation
with Membership and once established Member Organizations are expected to fulfill
their allocations.
Member Organizations that do not fulfill their commitments may face fines and/or
supplementary discipline as follows
i. For 2020 PSL season, Member Organizations allocated teams who do not participate
in the PSL may face discipline.
ii. For 2021 PSL season, Member Organizations allocated teams who do not participate
in the PSL will be fined $500/team.
All participating Teams must be registered through and approved by a Member

Team Declaration
The Team Declaration Deadline is on February 15of the current calendar year.
i. Team Declaration is to be provided in writing by authorized contact of the Member
ii. Team Declaration communications will not be accepted directly from Clubs, Zones,
or Teams.
Each team must provide the name, phone number, and email address of their Head
Coach and Manager on the Team Declaration Communication. The Head Coach and
Manager must have voicemail on at least one of the phone numbers provided. All PSL
communications will be distributed using this contact information. In the event that a
team contact or a contact’s information changes after the Team Declaration Deadline,
new contact information must be provided in writing.

Any Member Organization withdrawing a team from the PSL after submitting a Team
Declaration Communication will be fined based on the following schedule:
i. After submitting a declaration but prior to Feb 15 = $500.00

ii. After distribution of the initial schedule for facility confirmation = $1000.00
a Teams will be notified when the initial schedule has been distributed for facility
confirmation and the fine schedule has transitioned from i. to ii.
iii. After distribution of the final schedule = $2000.00
iv. Any team withdrawing from the PSL after the start of the season will be considered
to have forfeited each scheduled game and will be fined according to Article 2.6
governing Defaults and Forfeits.

PSL Fees
PSL Fees will be set by SSA on a yearly basis.
Fees must be paid to SSA by the Member Organization and submitted by the deadline.
PSL Fees will not be accepted directly from Zones or Teams.
The PSL Fee Deadline is May 1 annually. Failure to submit fees by this deadline will
result in fines and/or additional discipline.

2.6 Forfeits and Defaults

A defaulted game is one in which one or both teams do not have the minimum number of
players necessary to play the game.

A forfeited game is one that is played and subsequently forfeited for a rule violation.

Where a team defaults or forfeits one PSL game, the Member Organization will be fined
$500.00. The Member Organization must pay this fine within one week of notice. Forfeit of
multiple games as a result of one complaint (e.g. ineligible player on multiple game sheets)
shall count as one forfeit for the purpose of this rule.

Where a team defaults or forfeits a second PSL game, the Member Organization will be
fined another $500.00 and the team will be expelled from the league for that year. If a team
is expelled from the league, the MO will also be fined $2000 as would be the case if it
withdrew after distribution of the final schedule as outlined in Rule 3i)iii. In addition, the
TAB may suspend the offending team for the next year of play and/or suspend all players,
coaches and team officials.

If performance expectations are not met or there are outstanding team fees or fines, the
MO and/or team will be notified that good standing may be revoked.

If a team defaults or forfeits a game, 3 points will be awarded to the opposing team and the
game will be recorded as a 3-0 win or the actual score of the game, whichever is most
advantageous for their opponent.

If both teams default or forfeit a game, no points will be awarded and the game is recorded
as a 0-0 score and both teams will be fined an amount of $500 each.
Teams who play while suspended and/or not in good standing will be deemed to have
forfeited the game and the above rules would apply.

2.7 Discipline and Formal Complaints, Protests and Appeals
In regard to matters of Discipline in the PSL, the TAB is considered a Tournament
Committee and has the power to deal with violations of the PSL Rules or misconduct
by any PSL team and/or by its players or coaching staff and disciplinary issues
involving players, team personnel, teams, Member Organization, officials and/or
Discipline processes shall generally follow the principles of the SSA Formal Complaints
and Discipline Process in alignment with the policies and timelines of the PSL.
The TAB shall set the processes and timelines associated with the management of
discipline related matters in order that the PSL can operate effectively.
The Tab, at its sole discretion, may direct matters of Discipline to be managed by the

Cautions (Yellow Cards)

A player receiving more than four (4) cautions during the playing season shall be
automatically suspended as follows:
4th Caution during current playing season = 1 game suspension
Starting with the 6th Caution during current playing season = 1 game suspension
Yellow cards will not carry over into PSL Finals; however, yellow card suspensions will
carry over to PSL Finals and must be served.
Dismissals (red card or two cautions in a match)
For the purposes of suspension, ejections shall be considered a red card and recorded
on the PSL website as such, regardless if the dismissal was for a second cautionable
Any player or team official dismissed from a game will be automatically suspended for
the next game. The incident will also be reviewed by the TAB and a further suspension
may be levied if it is deemed necessary.
Within 2 business days of the conclusion of the game in which the ejection occurred,
SSA will forward the Referee Report to the team contacts of the individual who was
The individual or a representative (parent or team contact) will have 24 hours from
the receipt of the report to respond to request a hearing.
Hearings will be done by document review. The individual or a representative is
entitled to submit a written account of the incident and evidence for consideration by
the TAB. Only in exceptional circumstances, as determined by the TAB, shall a matter
be reviewed In-person or via conference call.
In the event a hearing is not requested, the TAB will review the Referee Report and
determine the sanction.
Players that are serving a suspension will not be eligible to appear on the Game Sheet
until the suspension is served.
All suspensions are carried over to the next available PSL game. In the event that the
suspension is greater than games left in the season, the matter will be referred to the
Member Organization who will determine how the remainder of the suspension will
be served.

Formal Complaints:
SSA shall have jurisdiction over Formal Complaints as per SSA policy.
Any offences against a referee will be handled as outlined in the SSA Formal
Complaints and Discipline Policy.

Decisions of the TAB may be appealed to SSA by the process outlined in the SSA
Appeals Policy.

2.8 Protests
Protests, subject to the following provisions, are objections of any kind connected within
matches of the PSL.

All protests must follow the appropriate SSA and CSA Policies, Procedures, Rules and

Game protests concerning player or coaching staff eligibility must be noted on the referee’s
copy of the game sheet immediately following the conclusion of the game. The referee shall
then submit a copy of this game sheet to the SSA Office for review of the protest. The
protesting team shall contact the SSA Office to arrange payment of the protest fee of $200
within 48 hours in order for the protest to be reviewed. All other game protests or appeals
must follow the appropriate SSA/CSA rules.

All other protests must be made in writing to the SSA office within 48 hours of the
conclusion of the match. The protest must be accompanied by a $200.00 protest fee.
Should a team be successful in their protest they will be reimbursed their protest fee.

No protests may be made against the Referee’s decisions on points of fact connected with
play, such decisions being final.

Details outlining a member’s recourse to the courts are specified in the SSA Bylaws.

If an unfounded or irresponsible protest is lodged, a fine may be imposed.

All costs that arise from a protest shall be the responsibility of the complainant should the
decision not be in their favor.

Once PSL Championship team have been proclaimed, a protest or complaint about the
procedures followed during the season shall be considered invalid.

2.9 Hosting and Venues

The fields of play and the ancillary equipment shall comply with the provisions stipulated in

the Laws of the Game

The matches of the PSL may be played on natural or artificial surfaces.

The match Official shall confirm that the field of play complies with the Laws of the Game.

All PSL teams must have access to goal nets and corner flags for use in PSL games

Host Member Organizations and/or home teams will be responsible for ensuring the
following are completed at least fifteen (15) minutes before game time.
Three (3) suitable size #5 game balls provided to match official
Goal nets are setup
Corner flags are setup
Secured and separate Official’s area (if available)
Gates, washrooms and dressing rooms are unlocked/accessible (if available)

The Host Organization and/or home team for the final game at a field is responsible for
cleaning up the above equipment (if necessary).

Each team is responsible for its own physiotherapy and first aid.

No spectators are permitted in the technical area (located opposite field side from
spectators) or behind the goal.

SSA is responsible for reimbursement of field rentals for PSL games.

2.10 League Scheduling

SSA will develop a schedule at its sole discretion. The schedule will have a blended format
(weekend/weekdays) for U15-U17. The schedule will have a weekend format for the U13

Matches will be played on fields as determined by SSA in partnership with the Host

SSA will develop a schedule on a yearly basis.

In the event that there are not enough teams to play a traditional league format, an
alternate format will be developed by SSA at its sole discretion and communicated to the
participating team(s).

When games are postponed or cancelled (due to facility closure, weather, etc.), it is the
responsibility of SSA to reschedule the games. Failing to play at the rescheduled date will
result in a forfeit and the corresponding fine.

Games may be rescheduled during the same weekend (Friday games for Saturday/Sunday,

etc.). If it is not possible to reschedule during the same weekend, an alternate
weekend/weekday date will be chosen by SSA.

When the number of postponed or abandoned games is greater than the number of days
available for rescheduling, schedules and draws may have to be changed. Teams will be
notified of alternate arrangements as soon as possible.

Host organization contacts or Home team contacts shall notify SSA in a timely manner of
game cancellation(s) due to weather. Host organization contacts will make best efforts to
monitor field and weather conditions and notify SSA immediately in the event of game
cancellations due to inclement weather. Notification to teams will be provided via email or
cell phone.

2.11 League Standings

Standings will be kept at Under 15 and Under 17 age classifications.

Standings will not be kept at Under 13 Developmental age classification.

A team’s standing within their division shall be determined by a point system; three (3)
points for a win; one (1) point for a draw; zero (0) points for a loss.

For any tie in standings, the following will be used as a tie-breaker:

Previous Match Results: The team with the greater number of points in matches
between the two (2) teams tied in points shall be awarded the higher position. (Not
used if 3 or more teams are tied in points, in this instance 2.12.4 b) shall be the first
tie breaker).
Overall Goal Difference: The team with the greatest goal difference in all league
matches shall be awarded the higher position. Goal difference shall be calculated by
subtracting goals conceded from goals scored.
Overall Goal Average: The team with the highest goal average in all league
matches shall be awarded the higher position. Goal average shall be calculated as
goals scored divided by goals conceded. In the event that a team did not concede any
goals, this shall be considered as a higher goal average as compared to a team that
has conceded a goal.
Most Goals Scored: The team scoring the highest number of goals shall be
awarded the higher position.
Fewest Goals allowed: The team allowing the least number of goals shall be
awarded the higher position.

Should teams remain tied after exhausting above tie-breakers, a winner will be determined
by a draw.

The PSL Finals will be played according to the following format:

If a PSL division has 2-4 eligible teams (Guest teams are not eligible) then the top 2
eligible teams qualify and the format will be a 1 game championship between those

two teams.
If the PSL division has 5-6 eligible teams (Guest teams are not considered eligible)
then the top 3 eligible teams qualify and the format will be 2nd versus 3rd and the
winner will play the 1st place team.
If the PSL division has 7+ eligible teams (Guest teams are not considered eligible) then
the top 4 eligible teams qualify and the format will be 2nd vs 3rd , 1st vs 4th with winners
playing each other.
No PSL Finals will be played in the Under 13 age classification

Should a semi-final match be required in any age group, the match will be played on Friday
evening, with the final taking place on Sunday. SSA reserves the right to make alternative

The PSL Finals will be hosted by SSA on a rotating basis as developed by SSA.

3 Players and Team Personnel

3.1 Players
Team allocations create a pathway for all players in Saskatchewan to have access to the PSL.

All players must be registered and in good standing with SSA.

Roster – PSL players

U15 – U17 divisions - Each team may register up to 25 players to the roster, who shall
be eligible to participate in PSL games (U15-U17).
U13 Division – Teams may have a player pool with players registered in their Member
Organization. A player may not appear on more than one team roster per weekend.
Each team must register a minimum of 15 players, including 2 goalkeepers. One of the
goalkeepers can be an outfield player. Goalkeepers who are outfield players must
dress the same as their team’s players, but still wear the same number as on the
Goalkeeper jersey (Please be aware that teams qualifying to the CSA National
Championships may be required to have 2 declared goalkeepers and must meet the
roster deadline as imposed by the CSA).
A player may only register with one PSL team (U15-U17).
The PSL Roster Deadline is May 10th annually. Failure to submit a roster by this
deadline will be subject to discipline.
PSL Rosters must be submitted online using the appropriate website form in advance
of the roster deadline. A link to the form will be provided to the team contacts in
advance of the roster deadline.
Following submission of the PSL Roster, a copy will be forwarded to the Member
Organization(s) under whose jurisdiction the team falls for confirmation of
All teams must complete their PSL trials and select their team no later than May 1st
annually in order to allow released players the opportunity to join another PSL team
in advance of the PSL Roster Deadline.

Players may be added to a PSL Roster after May 10th if they are registered or
transferred to the team. The registration or transfer must be completed in accordance
with PSL Rules and SSA and CSA policies.
PSL Rosters will be locked following the roster deadline. From this point forward,
players must be manually entered on the website by SSA in order to be eligible to
appear on game sheets. The deadline for registration or transfer of players to be
eligible for a PSL weekend is 12:00 pm on the Wednesday prior (for Fri - Monday
scheduled games) or 12:00pm on the Monday prior (for Tuesday - Thursday scheduled
PSL Roster changes can only be submitted by the Member Organization and not the
Players added after the Roster Deadline will be considered ineligible until the Member
Organization has received confirmation from SSA.
Member Organizations are responsible to ensure that all players being added to the
rosters are registered properly.

Roster - Call-Up Players

Call-Up players are players coming from a lower age group or from a lower division
(local leagues, Div 2 roster) from the same Member Organization.
Call-up Players cannot play in the PSL Finals, unless they are transferred onto the PSL
A player may be a Call-up with one PSL team. Similarly to the PSL players, the Call-up
players are considered cup-tied once they appear on the game sheet.
Call-up players are eligible for 2 Call up opportunities per season. Exceeding this quota
results in the player being deemed ineligible (see 3.1.7). Teams fielding ineligible
players forfeit the result of the game and incur the appropriate fines. Team coaching
staff are encouraged to offer call-up opportunities to different players.
A Call-up can only play for one PSL team during the same weekend (Player cannot play
for the U15 PSL regular team and the U17 PSL team as a Call up).
Call-up players coming from a lower local division can only play one game per 16
hours. This includes participation of those players in local tournaments.
All Call-up players must appear on the roster at the PSL Roster Deadline or be added
to the roster following the deadline, in accordance with the PSL Rules.
All Call-up players must appear on the website in order to be eligible roster additions
for PSL matches. Call-up players shall be designated as such on the website.

Player Transfers
Player transfers are required when a player is transferring from one team to another
within the PSL season.
All transfers must be completed on the PSL Player Transfer Form, which is available on
the PSL website.
All transfers must be approved by the Member Organization(s) from which the player
if transferring prior to submitting to SSA.
No Parallel transfers are permitted. Youth PSL players cannot transfer to another
Youth PSL team in the same age division during the season. Once a player has
appeared on a game sheet for one team within the PSL, they are considered “cup-
tied” and are ineligible to play for another team within the same age classification in

the PSL (U15-U17) or at the National Club Championships.

Registration and Transfer Deadline

The PSL Registration and Transfer Deadline is Tuesday, July 14, 2020.
At the PSL Final Registration/Transfer Deadline, each PSL team must declare a final
roster consisting of a minimum of 15 players and a maximum of 20 players, including
2 goalkeepers.
Only the players selected to the final roster shall be eligible to participate in the PSL
Finals and CSA National Championships, should the team advance.

Ineligible Players
Where a team has been found to have played an ineligible player, that team will
forfeit all games in which the ineligible player(s) was listed on the game sheet. The
ineligible player may be subject to disciplinary action by the TAB.
The coach who allowed the ineligible player(s) to play shall be subject to disciplinary
The PSL season is considered complete following the age-specific PSL Final except for
those teams advancing to represent Saskatchewan at CSA National Championships.
Those teams’ PSL season finishes at the end of the National Championships.

3.2 Team Personnel

Coaching staff shall be defined as those individuals in the positions of head coach, assistant
coach or apprentice/developmental coach and will typically include all individuals providing
technical and tactical guidance to players during game situations.

Team personnel shall include any individual eligible to appear on a game sheet and be on
the bench during a PSL game, including the coaching staff, manager, assistant manager,
trainer, therapist, gender representative, etc.

All PSL participants, including all team personnel must be registered and in good standing
with their respective Member Organization and SSA.

Member Organizations may declare an unlimited number of team personnel; however, each
individual must be registered to the roster by 12:00pm on Wednesday prior to the weekend
on which the matches will be played in order to allow time to confirm appropriate training
and certification.

Each team may have up to a maximum of five (5) team personnel on the bench for any
game. A maximum of two (2) non-coaches may be declared for every game.

Each individual on the bench must appear on the game sheet and serve a role with the
team. Any individual deemed by the match official to not be serving a role with the team
may be asked to leave the bench.

Coach Training:
Each team must have at least one coach with the required training on the bench for
all games.
All members of the coaching staff for a PSL team must have completed a minimum of
the CSA Soccer for Life Coaching Course and NCCP Making Ethical Decisions (MED)
Module and/or the Making Ethical Decisions Online Evaluation – Competition Intro.

Making Headway – Soccer: All members of the coaching staff for a PSL team must
have completed the NCCP Module Making Head Way – Soccer.

C-License: Please see below chart

COMPETITIVE STREAM - SSA Provincial Soccer League (PSL)

Staff Position U13 U15 U17

2019 – CSA C License Certified 2019 – CSA C License 2019 – CSA C License
2021 – CSA B License Part 1 Certified Certified
Head Coach Certification Trained or CSA Youth License 20212020 – B License Part 1 20212020 – B License Part
Trained Trained or CSA Youth 1 Trained or CSA Youth
License Trained License Trained
Asst. Coach Certification 2019 – C License Trained 2019 – C License Trained 2019 – C License Trained
2021 – C License Certified 2020 – C License Certified 2020 – C License Certified
Development Coach 2019 - Soccer 4 Life / L2T 2019 - Soccer 4 Life / L2T 2019 - Soccer 4 Life / L2T
2020 – C-License Trained 2020 – C-License Trained 2020 – C-License Trained
Head Coach & Asst. Coach MED | RiS | MHW-S MED | RiS | MHW-S MED | RiS | MHW-S
Additional Training/Certification

Team Personnel Training:

All team personnel must have completed Respect in Sport training in accordance with
the policies of SSA.
One member of the coaching staff or
team personnel for each PSL team who qualified to the CSA Club Nationals must have
completed the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) e-learning courses, True
Sport Clean 101 and Role of Athlete Support Personnel. Instructions on the process
for completing this training will be forwarded to team contacts upon receipt from
Canada Soccer.

Participation in the PSL requires a minimum of one member of the coaching staff (head
coach or assistant coach) and one non-coach member of the team personnel (manager or
trainer) be of the same gender as the players. Non-coach team personnel (managers,
trainers, etc.) will not be considered coaches. Apprentice/Developmental Coach cannot be
considered “the gender coach” unless they meet the qualifications outlined as a
Head/Assistant Coach.
A coaching staff gender-representative must be on the bench at all times with the

A non-coach gender-representative must be a member of the team personnel and
must be identified in advance of each game.

PSL Roster changes can only be submitted by the Member Organization and not the team.

Team Personnel added after the Roster Deadline will be considered ineligible until the
Member Organization has received confirmation from SSA.

Member Organizations are responsible to ensure that all Team Personnel being added to
rosters are registered and properly certified.

Ineligible Team Personnel

Where a team has been found to have listed ineligible team personnel, that team will
forfeit all games in which the ineligible team personnel were listed on the game sheet.
The ineligible team personnel may be subject to disciplinary action by the TAB.
Listing Incorrect but eligible Team Personnel is a violation resulting in $250 fine (first
offense) and $500 (subsequent offenses).

4 Game Day Rules and Processes

4.1 Team Uniforms
Each team participating in the PSL shall have two sets of jerseys and two sets of socks in two
distinct colours.

The Member Organization of teams failing to have two sets of jerseys and two sets of socks
will be fined $250.00.

Teams shall provide SSA office with the colours of each set of uniforms before the start of
the PSL Season. A photograph may be requested should clarification be required.

Teams must declare one of their sets of jersey and socks as “primary” and the other set of
jersey and socks as “alternate”. Primary colours will be worn for all games, unless there is
a conflict, in which case the home team shall change to their alternate colours.

Teams who fail to wear the assigned colours as per 4.1.4 or as assigned by the referee will
be fined $100 for each game not wearing their proper colours.

All teams MUST travel with both sets of jerseys and socks to all matches.

Before the start of every game, if the teams are wearing similar colours as determined by
the match official, the “home” team must change to their alternate jersey. Alternate jerseys
must have numbers on the back and correspond with the game sheet numbers (if the
change in jersey takes place before the start of the game but after the teams have arrived at
the playing facility, the game sheet numbers may be updated by hand to match the
alternate jersey numbers). Pinnies are not acceptable in games.

All players of a team, except the goalkeeper, shall wear the same combination of jersey,
shorts, and sock colours. The goalkeeper shall wear a colour of jersey and sock that is
distinct from the field players of both teams, opposition goalkeeper and referees.

Each player’s jersey, including goalkeepers, shall have a unique number on the back.

In PSL play, if undershorts/tights or undershirts are worn, all members of the team must
wear the same colour based on the following requirements:
Lighter jersey – any undergarments must be white or the same colour as the uniform.
Darker jersey – any undergarments must be black or the same colour as the uniform.

Teams must be aware that should they advance to the CSA National Club Championship, the
rules governing undergarments differ from the PSL and will be applied as follows:
If undershorts or tights are worn, they must be the same main color as the shorts. If
undergarments are worn, the color of the sleeve must be the same color as the main
color of the sleeve of the jersey. Players not complying will not be allowed to enter
the field until the match officials are satisfied that the equipment conforms to the
Laws of the Game.

If tape or similar material is applied externally over the sock, it must be the same colour as
the part of the sock to which it is applied.

4.2 Pre-Game Processes – certain processes may be adjusted as required pending website

Each team must update the game sheet (including participating players, coaches and team
personnel as well as accurate jersey numbers).Three copies of the game sheet must be
signed by the coaching staff and be provided to the referee a minimum of 15 minutes prior
to the game.

All participating players and coaching staff and team personnel must be listed on game

Only PSL generated game sheets will be accepted and no additions to rosters will be
accepted once the game sheet is printed.

At the conclusion of the game, one copy of the game sheet will remain with the referee, one
copy will be provided to the home team, and one copy will be provided to the away team.
The referee must submit a copy of the game sheet to the SSA Office following the
conclusion of the match.

Once submitted, the game sheet becomes the official record of the game. Appearance of a
player's name on a signed game sheet constitutes their participation in the game regardless
of whether they actually enter the game.

By 15 minutes before kick-off time, the home team shall provide the referee with 3 suitable
size 5 game balls.

By 5 minutes before kick-off time, teams must have completed their warm ups and be
available to the officials for equipment check.

4.3 Post-Game Processes - certain processes may be adjusted as required pending website

The home team is responsible for entering the game report on the website within 48 hours
of the conclusion of the game. Once entered, the away team is responsible for accepting the
game report within 72 hours of the conclusion of the game. This is to ensure all game stats
are kept up to date and disputes are dealt with in a timely fashion. In the event of a dispute,
coaches may be required to submit a copy of the game sheet.

If applicable, the referee will be responsible for providing an electronic misconduct report
within 48 hours of the game.

Teams who fail to enter their game reports on the website will be subject to a fine $100 per
game not entered within the specified time period.

If a team does not receive a copy of the game sheet from the referee, SSA must be notified
within 24 hours of the end of the game or a fine may be imposed.

4.4 PSL Games

All matches will be played under the Laws of the Game as approved by the International
Football Association Board and published by FIFA, except as outlined in this section.
U13 Developmental Division format will be 9v9.

Substitutions in the PSL games may be made pursuant to the following conditions:
Under 13 Developmental Division will have unlimited substitutions.
i. Barring any unforeseen circumstances or injuries, the substitutions must
take place during the intermissions only.
Under 15 and Under 17 Divisions will be permitted
ii. Five substitutions during the game, including extra time.
iii. Unlimited substitutions are allowed at regulation half time and the
beginning of extra time, but not at half time of extra time.
At the discretion of the referee, substitutions may be made at any stoppage in play.
Under 15 and Under 17 only - substitutes shall report to one of the game officials,
present a substitution card and give their number and the number of the player for
whom they are substituting, before they shall participate in the game.

Game Length:
U13 Developmental Division shall consist of 4 quarters of 17 minutes.
i. Intermission Break shall not exceed 2 minutes.

ii. Halftime (between quarters 2 and 3) shall not exceed 5 minutes.
U15 and U17 shall consist of 2 halves of 40 minutes.
i. Half time shall not exceed 10 minutes.

U13 only – Home team will kick off Quarter 1 and Quarter 2. Away Team will kick off Quarter
3 and Quarter 4.

Regular season games can end in a draw.

Teams tied at the end of a match in which a winner must be declared (i.e. PSL Finals) will go
into extra time. Extra time will be 2 halves of 10 minutes played in their entirety (i.e. no
golden or silver goal). If the game remains tied at the end of extra time, the outcome will be
determined by Kicks from the Penalty Mark, as outlined in the Laws of the Game.

Each team may dress a maximum of 20 players per game. Only a maximum of 9 non-starting
uniformed players and a maximum of 5 registered team personnel may sit on the team
bench during the game. All individuals on the team bench during a game must appear on
the game sheet.

All individuals on the bench must wear a different colour top from the players of both teams
on the field. Pinnies are acceptable over jerseys or shirts for this purpose.

A team will be considered in default if they have less than seven eligible players by 10
minutes after the scheduled kick off time.

The referee is the sole judge as to the fitness of the “field of play.” Protests regarding this
issue will not be heard.

If the referee determines poor weather may lead to unsafe game conditions, the game will
be suspended for 30 minutes. If play cannot resume within that time, the game may be

If the game is abandoned at 15 minutes into the 2nd half or later, the game will be
considered complete with the score as it stood at the time of abandonment. If the game is
abandoned before 15 minutes into the 2nd half, a new game will be rescheduled beginning
with the score of 0-0.

Referees will have the discretion to give drinks breaks during high temperatures. The drinks
breaks must not exceed 1(one) minute.

4.5 Officials
SSA is responsible for the appointment of all Match Officials.

Member Organizations, teams, etc. do not have input on assignments.

SSA is responsible for the payment of Officials. Payment will be based on submission of
completed game sheets and any associated misconduct reports.

5 Dates and Deadlines

February 15 of the current competition year – Deadline for Expression of Interest via email for
all Member Organizations

May 1st – Deadlines for completion of PSL Trials and Team Selection

May 1st – PSL Fee Deadline

May 10th – PSL Roster Deadline

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 – PSL Registration and Transfer Deadline

6 Schedule of Fines
Failure to have a representative present at a mandatory meeting $500.00
Failure to meet the highest of standards for behaviour Review by SSA
Withdrawing from the PSL after submitting a Team Declaration Form but prior to $500.00
schedule development
Withdrawing from the PSL after distribution of the initial schedule for facility $1000.00
Withdrawing from the PSL after distribution of final schedule $2000.00
Withdrawing from the PSL after the start of the season As outlined
under Defaults
and Forfeits/
Team Personnel
Default or forfeit of one PSL game $500.00
Default or forfeit of second PSL game $2500.00
Failure to have two sets of jerseys and two sets of socks $250.00
Failure to wear required colours $100.00
Failure to enter game reports on website within specified time period $100.00
Failure to have gender rep present as per PSL Rulebook $250.00
Fines as listed in PSL Rules and Regulations Various

7 CSA National Championships

The winner of each PSL division will be the Saskatchewan representative at the CSA National
Championships, unless otherwise communicated.

It is the responsibility of the participating teams to review and comply with all CSA Rules for
National Competitions.

This may include restrictions on team sponsors on uniforms and equipment and/or a
requirement that sponsors be covered on equipment or apparel. Teams must be aware that
should they advance to the CSA National Club Championship, the rules governing
undergarments differ from the PSL and will be applied as follows:

If undershorts or tights are worn, they must be the same main color as the shorts. If
undergarments are worn, the color of the sleeve must be the same color as the main color
of the sleeve of the jersey. Players not complying will not be allowed to enter the field until
the match officials are satisfied that the equipment conforms to the Laws of the Game.

Of particular significance are the following CSA Rules:

4.1.5 – To be eligible to participate in the National/Regional Club Competitions a team
must have a minimum of fifteen (15) registered players who are eligible to participate
in the Provincial Tournament leading to a National/Regional Competition.

4.1.7 – A team may retain any player registered with the team during the regular
season, but may not sign additional players for the purpose of competing in the
Canada Soccer championships. Call Ups in unusual circumstances may be granted
[please refer to Call Ups in the CSA Rules for National/Regional Club Competitions].

4.2.2 – Each player shall be either: a) A Canadian Citizen; or b) A Permanent

Resident (as defined by the Government of Canada); or c) A Protected Person (as
defined by the Government of Canada).

4.2.3 – Player Exemption: Any youth age player not meeting the requirements above
[see 4.2.2] may apply via their respective Provincial/Territorial Association to the
Canada Soccer Competitions Committee Eligibility Panel for an exemption to Rule
4.2.2. The decision of the Competitions Committee Eligibility Panel is final and
binding. The deadline for submitting the exemption request is July 31st of the current

4.2.5 – The deadline for registration shall be July 31 of the current season or earlier,
as stipulated by the respective Provincial/Territorial Association. 4.2.6 – the deadline
for transfers shall be July 31 of the current season or earlier, as stipulated by the
respective Provincial/Territorial Association.

4.2.8 – No team shall register players after qualifying for the Regional or National Club

5.1.7 – Team participating in a Regional or National Club Championship must provide

a copy of the Player/Team Credential Form to the Canada Soccer office seven (7) days
prior to the scheduled start of the championship. No changes will be permitted to the
Player/Team Credential Form within seven (7) days prior to the scheduled start of the

Club Championship.

6.1.3 – A Club Team at any National/Regional Championship may have a maximum of

five (5) staff.
a) Each team entering the PSL shall be prepared for and responsible for all costs associated
with accommodations, meals, travel, and any associated fees set by the CSA while
representing the Province of Saskatchewan at CSA National Championships.
i. Teams representing Saskatchewan should be prepared to pay upwards of $20,000 to
support their participation in CSA National Championships.
The CSA arranges and books all air travel arrangements for teams attending CSA National
Championships as outlined in the CSA Travel Policy for Club Competitions.

The winner of each PSL division will be required to make a pre-payment of $10,000 to SSA.
The pre-payment will be put towards the cost of air travel. In the event that a team is not
traveling by air, the pre-payment is not required. Pre-payment will be required no later than
30 days prior to the competition date of the CSA National Championships. Teams will not be
permitted to attend CSA National Championships unless they have made pre-payment.
Teams prevented from attending CSA National Championships for failure to make pre-
payment may be subject to additional sanctioning from SSA and/or CSA.

The participating teams are responsible for arranging, booking and paying for all
accommodations and meals for players, coaches and managers according to the process
identified by the Local Organizing Committee and CSA and following the CSA Rules for
National Competition.
SSA will provide all information pertaining to arrangements involving CSA National
Championships to the participating team. The teams, in cooperation with SSA, shall
ensure all deadlines are met and processes followed.

Following the completion of the CSA National Championships and confirmation of all
outstanding financial obligations by the CSA, reconciliation will be provided to each
participating team. In the event that the balance owing for air travel is less than the $10,000
deposit, the difference will be returned to the participating team. In the event that the
balance owing is greater than the $10,000 deposit, the team will be invoiced for the balance

Any balancing owing will be subject to the Financial Policies of SSA. Failure to pay any
outstanding balance by December 31st of the year in which the CSA National Championship
took place will result in all players, managers, and team officials associated with the
participating team being not in good standing, suspension from further competitions and a
fine of $1,000.00.

A winning team (players and staff) that fails to fulfil its obligations to represent
Saskatchewan at CSA National Championships will face disciplinary action which may include
both financial penalty and suspension from future competitions.

The winning team shall also be responsible for the payment of the CSA fine for non-
representation by a Provincial Association. Payment of the fines will be required prior to any
further competition by the team and players in SSA sanctioned events and District related


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