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MAY 2021
he following designer’s commentary is intended to complement the Blood Bowl rulebook and any issues of
Spike! Journal associated with the Second Season Edition of the game. It is presented as a series of questions
and answers; the questions are based on ones that have been asked by players, and the answers are provided
by the rules writing team and explain how the rules are intended to be used. The commentaries help provide a
default setting for your games, but players should always feel free to discuss the rules before a game, and change
things as they see fit if they both want to do so (changes like this are usually referred to as ‘house rules’).

Our commentaries are updated regularly; when changes are made, any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in
magenta. Where the stated update has a note, e.g., ‘Regional update’, this means it has had a local update, only in that language,
to clarify a translation issue or other minor correction. These questions have been gathered from many sources. We are always
happy to consider more questions, so please send any queries to: [email protected]

Q: Can a team use more than one team re-roll in the same Q: After purchasing Inducements, do you add the value of
team turn? (p.24) the Inducements to your Current Team Value (CTV) when
A: Yes. Though be careful, as if you use them all early on recalculating your CTV to determine which team is the
in a half you will be facing quite a few turns without any! ‘Underdog’? (p.38)
Remember that you can never re-roll a re-roll. A: Yes.

Q: Are team re-rolls that are not spent during the first half lost Q: Is there a set order in which coaches buy Inducements, or is
for the second half as it states that only spent team re-rolls are it done simultaneously? (p.38)
replenished and unused ones are not carried over? (p.24) A: Inducements are bought by both teams simultaneously.
A: No. What this means is that a team will always start each
half with their full complement of team re-rolls, and those Q: During the Determine Kicking Team step, does the team
that are not spent in the first half cannot then be saved to that wins the coin toss or roll-off automatically become the
add on to your store of team re-rolls. A team that starts the kicking team, or may they choose to be either the kicking or
first half with 3 team re-rolls, will also start the second half receiving team? (p.38)
with 3 re-rolls. A: They may choose.

Q: If a player re-rolls a single dice from a dice pool with a Skill Q: Do Inducements purchased at step 4 of the pre-game
(e.g., Brawler), can they then use a team re-roll to allow them sequence add to a team’s Current Team Value (CTV) when CTV is
to re-roll the other dice from the same dice pool? (p.24) recalculated when working out which team is the Underdog? (p.38)
A: No. A: Yes.

Q: If a player with a PA of 1+ scores a 1 for a Passing Ability Q: What happens if a team cannot nominate a kicking player
test, after modifiers have been applied, is this still an Accurate as all their players are either on the Line of Scrimmage or in a
Pass? (p.29) Wide Zone? (p.40)
A: Yes. A: In this instance, simply nominate a player on the Line of
Scrimmage instead.
Q: When the Sweltering Heat result is rolled on the Weather
table, is a single D3 rolled to determine the number of players Q: During a Blitz result on the Kick-off Event table, if a player
from each team affected, or do both coaches roll a separate from the receiving team is Knocked Down does this end the
D3? (p.37) Blitz? (p.41)
A: A single D3 is rolled and the same result is applied to A: No.
each team.

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Q: When a Blitz result is rolled on the Kick-off Event table, Q: If an inaccurate or wildly inaccurate pass goes out of
it states one player may perform a Blitz action and one may bounds, do you roll for passing interference before or after
perform a Throw Team-mate action. Are these included in the the throw-in? If before, where do you count the ball as for the
D3+3 players that can be activated, or in addition? (p.41) purpose of placing the range ruler to determine which players
A: These are included as part of the D3+3. can attempt to interfere? (p. 50)
A: Before. When placing the range ruler to determine which
Q. During a Blitz result on the Kick-Off Event table, can I use a players can attempt to interfere, treat the ball as occupying
team re-roll? (p.41) the last square it was over before going out of bounds.
A: No. A Kick-Off Blitz isn’t a team turn. It represents
the kicking team springing into action ahead of the Q: When resolving a Throw-in, is the square which has the
receiving team. Blood Bowl logo from the Throw-in template on it treated as
the first square along the path, or is it treated as ‘square 0’ and
Q. Can a coach attempt to Argue the Call if a player is Sent-off the distance is measured from that square? (p.51)
as a result of the Officious Ref result on the Kick-off Event A: It is treated as square 0.
table? (p.41)
A: No. Q: When a player makes a Blitz action, do they have to
nominate the target of the Block action before the player is
Q: If a tie is rolled for a Pitch Invasion on the Kick-off Event moved? (p.59)
table, is a single D3 rolled to determine the number of players A: Yes.
from each team affected, or do both coaches roll a separate
D3? (p.41) Q: What happens if a player suffers a characteristic reduction
A: A single D3 is rolled and the same result is applied to as the result of an injury, but the characteristic that would be
each team. reduced is already at its minimum value? For example, a ST 1
player that suffers a Dislocated Shoulder (-1 ST). (p.61)
Q: The rules for team turns state that a team turn ends when A: If a player that suffers a characteristic reduction is already
all eligible players have been activated. However, the rules for at their minimum value, it cannot be reduced further. Instead,
player activations state that coaches are not obliged to activate roll again on the Lasting Injury table until a different result
every player. Does this mean that coaches can choose to end that can be applied is rolled.
their team turn without activating all of their eligible players if
they wish? (p.42) Q: If a player converts a Deflection into an Interception, will
A: Yes. they gain 2 Star Player Points for the Interception, or 3 Star
Player Points – 2 for the Interception, and 1 for the initial
Q: What exactly is a Blitz action? (p.46) Deflection? (p.70)
A: A Blitz action is a single declared action that comprises A: They will gain 2 Star Player Points for the Interception.
both a Move action and a Block action. If a player that
declared a Blitz action is forced to lose its action, then it will Q: What happens when a player with a PA of ‘-’ rolls an
lose the entire Blitz action. improvement to its PA? (p.71)
A: Either choose another listed option, or improve its PA to 6+.
Q: Does a player that has declared a Blitz action have to
perform a Block action as part of their Blitz action, or can they Q: What happens if a player rolls a random Skill and gains
choose not to? (p.46) one that they could take, but cannot actually use? Such as if a
A: They may choose not to. However, this will still use the player with the No Hands trait gained the Catch skill. (p.74)
team’s Blitz action for that turn. A: In these instances, roll again until they gain a Skill they
could actually use.
Q: Can a player declare a Blitz action even if they have no
target in range? (p.46) Q: Can players that are Prone, Stunned, or have lost their
A:Yes. They must still declare a target of the Block action Tackle Zone still use skills such as Dodge, Block, Sidestep or
(even if the target is not in range), and this will still use the Wrestle (amongst others)? (p.74)
team’s Blitz action for the turn. A: No. A player that is Prone, Stunned, or has lost their
Tackle Zone cannot use any Skills or Traits unless it is
Q: Can a player make a Pass action to an adjacent friendly specifically stated in the description of that Skill or Trait.
player? (p.48)
A: Yes. Q: If a player attempts to Dodge away from a player with the
Diving Tackle skill and fails the original Dodge roll, but then
Q: When making a Passing Ability test, if the roll is not a uses a re-roll and succeeds, can the player with Diving Tackle
natural 1, but is reduced to less than 1 after modifiers have use this Skill on the re-rolled attempt? (p.75)
been applied, is this an inaccurate pass or a wildly inaccurate A: Yes
pass? (p.49)
A: This will be a wildly inaccurate pass. Q: Can a player with the Sneaky Git skill that performs a Foul
action still be Sent-off if it rolls a natural double on the Injury
roll? (p.75)
A: Yes.

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Q: What happens if the ball lands in the Tackle Zones of Q: Can any of the Passing skills that are used when performing
multiple players from the same team with the Diving Catch a Pass action also be used when performing a Throw Team-
skill? (p.75) mate action? (p.79)
A: Each player may attempt to catch the ball, in an order A: No.
chosen by the controlling coach.
Q: Is a Hail Mary Pass treated as a Long bomb when
Q: What happens if the ball lands in the Tackle Zones of determining any modifiers for testing for accuracy? (p.79)
multiple players from opposing teams with the Diving Catch A: Yes.
skill? (p.75)
A: Each player may attempt to catch the ball, in an order Q: If a player with the Leader re-roll is removed from the pitch
chosen by the active team’s coach. before their Leader re-roll has been used, then the re-roll would
be lost. If the player would subsequently return to the pitch
Q. Can the Dodge skill be used on moves outside of a player’s (such as recovering from being KO’d), is the re-roll available
activation, such as those provided from On the Ball, or the again? (p.79)
Blitz result on the Kick-off Event table? (p.75) A: Yes.
A: No. The Dodge skill can only be used to re-roll a Dodge roll
during that player’s activation during their own team turn. Q: If multiple players on a team have the On the Ball skill, can they
all move if an opposition player declares a Pass action? (p.79)
Q: If a player with the Safe Pair of Hands skill is targeted by A: Yes if their controlling coach wishes.
a Block action performed by a player with the Strip Ball skill,
and they suffer a Push Back result, can they still use Safe Pair Q: Brawler states that a player can use this skill when making
of Hands? (p.75) a Block action on its own (but not as part of a Blitz action).
A: No. Can a player with this skill use it when it has an assist from a
friendly player? (p.80)
Q: If a player with the Safe Pair of Hands skill is Knocked A: Yes. The ‘on its own’ part simply means it can only be
Down, and there are no empty squares for them to put the ball used as a regular Block action, and not part of another action
into, what happens? (p.75) that includes a Block (such as a Blitz action).
A: The Safe Pair of Hands skill cannot be used in this
instance, and so the ball will bounce as normal. Q: Can a player with the Grab skill choose not to use it if they
wish? (p.80)
Q: Can the Sure Feet skill be used on moves outside of a A: Yes. Remember that only Skills and Traits marked with an
player’s activation, such as those provided from the Blitz result * are compulsory.
on the Kick-off Event table? (p.75)
A: No. The Sure Feet skill can only be used during that Q: Can a player with the Guard skill still provide offensive and
player’s activation. defensive assists when they have lost their Tackle Zone? (p.80)
A: No.
Q: Can a player with the Pro skill use the re-roll outside of their
activation – for example, to Catch or Intercept the ball? (p.77) Q: Can the Guard skill be used to provide offensive and defensive
A: No. The Pro skill can only be used during that assists when a player is performing a Foul action? (p.80)
player’s activation. A: Yes.

Q: If a player has both the Pro and Brawler skills, can they Q: If a player with Multiple Block also has the Grab skill, can
re-roll a single Both Down result for the Brawler skill, and then they place the second opposition player that they Blocked into
use the Pro skill to attempt to re-roll another dice from the the square that was initially occupied by the first opposition
same dice pool? (p.77 & 80) player that they Blocked? (p.80)
A: Yes, so long as the same dice isn’t re-rolled more A: No, as both Block actions happen simultaneously.
than once.
Q: When a player with the Multiple Block skill declares two
Q: If a player with the Foul Appearance skill is chosen as the adjacent opposing players the target of their Block, do both
target of a Blitz action, when do they roll to see if the action is opponents grant defensive assists to each other if there are no
wasted? (p.78) other players from the active team marking them? (p.81)
A: As soon as the Blitz action is declared. This will mean A: No.
that, if they fail, they will lose their entire action and will be
unable to make either the Move action or Block action as part Q: Does the free Foul action from Pile Driver happen before or
of the Blitz action. after making the Armour roll (and potentially an Injury roll) for
the player being Knocked Down? (p.80)
Q: When a player with the Dump-off skill is nominated as the A: After – so long as the player is still on the pitch of course!
target of a Blitz action, when do they make their Quick Pass
action? (p.79)
A: As soon as they are nominated as the target of the
Blitz action.

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Q: The Pile Driver skill states that the player performing the Block Q: The Secret Weapon trait states that at the end
action may then perform a ‘free’ Foul action against the Knocked of a drive in which they participated they will be
Down player. Does this ‘free’ Foul action mean that it does not Sent-off for committing a Foul. Does this mean
count towards the team’s one Foul action per turn, or does it that you can Argue the Call in this instance? (p.86)
mean that the player can perform this action for free? (p.80) A: Yes.
A: This means that the player may perform this action for
free. This Skill cannot be used if the team has already used Q: For scoring additional League points, will a
their Foul action for that team turn, and if used will mean team score the additional +1 for conceding 0
that another player cannot also make a Foul action during the touchdowns only if their opponent concedes the
same team turn. game having not scored a touchdown, or does this
mean that a team simply needs to not concede a
Q: If a player with Animal Savagery knocks down a friendly touchdown during the game (i.e., 1-0, 2-0, 3-0,
model, are they forced to use Claws, Piledriver, Mighty Blow etc.)? (p.98)
(X+) (or any other Skills that would affect Armour or Injury A: A team will score this bonus League point if
rolls), or can they choose not to? (p.81) their opponent fails to score any touchdowns.
A: The only Skills the opposing coach may choose for the
player with Animal Savagery to use are Claws and Mighty Q: When re-hiring players, does the agent’s fee of
Blow (+X). In this case, treat the Knock Down as being the 20,000 gold pieces apply for each previous season
result of a Block action. including the one that has just finished? (p.100)
A: Yes. 
Q: If a player with Animal Savagery knocks down a team-
mate that hasn’t yet activated during that team turn, can the Q: Can a team with the Masters of Undeath
Knocked Down player still activate provided they haven’t been special rule still attempt to Raise the Dead if the
Stunned or removed from the pitch? (p.81) Necromancer has been Sent Off? (p.106)
A: Yes. A: Yes.

Q: If a model with the Animal Savagery trait wishes to use Q: Can Griff Oberwald’s Consummate Professional
the Hypnotic Gaze trait, will the bonus +2 to their Animal special rule force an opposition player to re-roll a
Savagery roll as if they were performing a Block or a Blitz dice? (p.130)
action? (p.81 & 85) A: No, it can only be used to re-roll a dice rolled
A: No. by Griff Oberwald himself.

Q: What assists, if any, does a Ball & Chain player receive Q: What happens if Grombrindal gives the Mighty
when they are forced to Block a friendly player as per the Ball Blow (+1) skill to a player that already has that
& Chain Move Special action? (p.82) skill? (p.133)
A: None. A: It will have no effect.

Q: If a player Deflects a Bomb, but fails to convert it into an Q: Can Grombrindal use his Wisdom of the White
Interception, will it scatter from the square they are in or will Dwarf to give another Star Player one of the listed
they drop it? (p.83) skills? (p.133)
A: It will scatter from the square they are in, in the same A: Yes! Even the most decorated of players
manner as a Deflected ball. can benefit from the glorious wisdom of the
White Dwarf!
Q. If I roll a 1 when rolling to see if I can use a Chainsaw or
Projectile Vomit, is a Turnover caused? (p.84 & 86)
A: No. The player is Placed Prone and an Injury roll made
against them. They are not Knocked Down. It will only cause
a Turnover if they are in possession of the ball.

Q: Can a player with the Chainsaw trait choose to perform a

standard Block action instead of a Chainsaw Attack Special
action? (p.84)
A: Yes.

Q: Can a player with the Hypnotic Gaze trait perform the

Hypnotic Gaze Special action in the same activation in which
they declared a Block action, Blitz action, Foul action or Pass
action? (p.85)
A: No. Hypnotic Gaze is a Special action, and therefore must
be declared at the start of a player’s activation like all other
actions (p.42). The Hypnotic Gaze Special action allows a
player to move before they perform the Hypnotic Gaze Special
action if they wish.

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MAY 2021

he following errata correct errors in the Blood Bowl rulebook and any issues of Spike! Journal associated with
the Second Season Edition of the game.

The errata are updated regularly; when changes are made any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in
magenta. Where the update has a note, e.g., ‘Regional update’, this means it has had a local update, only in that language, to
clarify a translation issue or other minor correction.

•• Page 61 – Characteristic Reduction •• Page 83 – Bombardier

-- Change the second paragraph to read: -- Change the third bullet point in the final set of bullet
In the case of Movement Allowance or Strength, the points to read:
characteristic is simply reduced by 1. In the case of Agility or Any Standing players hit by the explosion are Placed Prone.
Passing Ability, the target number is raised by 1. For example,
if a player with AG4+ suffers a Neck Injury, the characteristic •• Page 85 – Loner (X+)
would become AG5+. In the case of Armour Value, the target -- Add the following sentence:
number is lowered by 1. For example, if a player with AV9+ This Trait must still be used if the player is Prone or has lost
suffers a Head Injury, the characteristic would become AV8+ their Tackle Zone.

•• Page 64 – Stalling •• Page 86 – Regeneration

-- Change bullet point 4 to read: -- Add the following sentence:
4. If the player is able to move into the opposition’s End Zone This Trait may still be used if the player is Prone, Stunned, or
without needing to roll any dice. This includes, but is not has lost their Tackle Zone.
limited to, the player having to Dodge, Leap, Rush, Jump over
a Prone player or Blitz. •• Page 86 – Right Stuff
-- Add the following sentence:
•• Page 75 – Jump Up This Trait may still be used if the player is Prone, Stunned, or
-- Add the following sentence: has lost their Tackle Zone.
This Skill may still be used if the player is Prone or has lost
their Tackle Zone. •• Page 86 – Stunty
-- Add the following sentence:
•• Page 75 – Safe Pair of Hands This Trait must still be used if the player is Prone, Stunned, or
-- Add the following sentence: has lost their Tackle Zone.
This Skill may still be used if the player is Prone.
•• Page 87 – Timmm-ber!
•• Page 78 – Foul Appearance -- Add the following sentence:
-- Add the following sentence: This Trait may still be used if the player is Prone or has lost
This Skill may still be used if the player is Prone, Stunned, or their Tackle Zone.
has lost their Tackle Zone.
•• Page 94 – Wizard – Fireball
•• Page 78 – Iron Hard Skin -- Replace the first sentence with the following:
-- Add the following sentence: You may cast this spell at the end of either player’s team turn,
This Skill may still be used if the player is Prone, Stunned, or before the next team turn begins.
has lost their Tackle Zone.
•• Page 100 – Re-draft
•• Page 82 – Ball & Chain -- Add the following to the end of the section:
-- CAdd the following sentence: A team’s Dedicated Fans value will carry over onto the new
This Trait must still be used if the player is Prone or has lost Team Draft list. Teams do not have to pay for these, they are
their Tackle Zone. free – though they will still affect a team’s Team Value.

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