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7  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A Intermediate

GRAMMAR 12 If you painted the living room white, it ________

(look) bigger.
1 Underline the correct word(s).
Example: You won’t pass the exam unless / if you study
harder. Grammar total 20

1 After / Until we move into the house, we’re going to

completely redecorate it. VOCABULARY
2 Shall I take my shoes off unless / before I come in? 3 Complete the words in the sentences.
3 Hello, this is an important message for John. Please Example: Pupils in Britain can leave school when
call me as soon as / if you get home. they’re 16.
4 Don’t eat anything now! Wait until / when dinner’s
1 We have to behave at my school because the teachers
are very st_______.
5 We won’t get to the station on time unless / if we don’t
2 Schoolchildren don’t have to wear a school
leave work early.
u_______ in my country.
6 She won’t be able to go if / unless Bob takes her in his
3 Zak’s behaviour was so bad that he got e_______
car, because she can’t drive.
from his first school.
7 Antonio will call us as soon as / until his plane lands.
4 I’m never going to t________ an exam again. I hate
8 You’ll keep getting bad marks unless / if you check them!
your work more carefully.
5 Vicky f________ one of her exams, but she can take
8 it again next month.
6 I need to r________ tonight for my history exam
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of tomorrow.
the verb in brackets.
7 It’s easy to ch________ in an exam, but I think it’s
Example: If we have (have) enough time, we’ll visit wrong.
Tricia on the way home. 8 Michael doesn’t live at home now because he goes to
1 You’d be a fantastic guitar player if you ________ b_______ school.
(practise) more. 9 Congratulations! I hear you p_______ your final
2 If she does enough revision, she ________ (pass) the exams!
exam easily. 10 Gina starts work again next week, so her
3 Young people will live at home as long as possible if three-year-old son will go to n_______ school.
you ________ (let) them.
4 If I ________ (have) the opportunity to enter a talent
contest, I’d take it.
4 Underline the odd one out.
5 Anyone would be annoyed if they ________ (receive)
a parking fine. Example: armchair  sink  wall  chest of drawers
6 She won’t tell you unless you ________ (promise) to 1 ceiling fireplace chimney fire
keep it a secret. 2 modern suburb spacious light
7 I ________ (buy) that laptop if it wasn’t so expensive. 3 basement ground floor top floor balcony
8 They won’t sell their house if they ________ (not 4 cottage house flat garage
repaint) it first.
5 path floor gate patio
9 The waiter will take your order as soon as you
________ (be) ready.
10 I wouldn’t go to that restaurant if you ________ (pay)
me to!
11 He’ll let you know his decision after he ________
(speak) to Sam.

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7  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A Intermediate

5 Complete the sentences with the correct PRONUNCIATION

6 Match the words with the same sound.
Example: It’s nice in winter when we can sit by the
open fire. nursery subject rude
1 They live in the US, ______ the west coast. put pupil education

2 I wouldn’t like to live ______ the country in winter. I Example: bird  nursery
prefer the city.
1 bull ________
3 We live ______ the outskirts of Paris.
2 up ________
4 He gets plenty of exercise because he lives ______
the top floor! 3 shower ________
5 My brother lives in a suburb ______ London. 4 boot ________
5 /ju:/ ________

Vocabulary total 20
7 Underline the stressed syllable.
Example: boar|ding
1 pri|ma|ry
2 re|li|gious
3 nur|se|ry
4 e|le|men|tary
5 co|llege

Pronunciation total 10

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

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7  Reading and Writing   A Intermediate

READING 2 He thinks that studying anthropology would enable

him to ___________.
1 Read the article and tick (✓) A, B, or C. A  go to Africa  ■  B  work with people  ■ 
C  travel to other countries  ■
Dreaming of Africa 3 He would love to ___________.
A  help people in Uganda  ■ 
B  work with gorillas  ■  C  become a scientist  ■
I’m studying philosophy, art and history for my A levels at a
state secondary school, and I have to make a decision soon
4 Naomi is studying ___________.
about which university I want to apply to. If I were better at A  mostly science subjects  ■ 
science, I would study zoology as I have always had an B  science and art subjects  ■  C  art subjects  ■
interest in animals. I might study anthropology (the study 5 She needs high grades in ___________ to get into
of different people around the world) as at least that will university.
give me the chance to travel abroad. As soon as I finish my A  three subjects  ■  B  two science subjects  ■ 
exams I’m really keen to go to Uganda. If I could find an C  any two subjects  ■
animal conservation charity that would let me work for 6 She ___________ for working with old people.
them, I would like to stay there for a few months. My dream A  gets some money  ■ 
is to work with gorillas one day. B  receives quite a good salary  ■  C  isn’t paid  ■
Naomi 7 Jake ___________ about his A level results.
Although I spent three months revising for these exams, I’m A  is worried  ■  B  isn’t worried  ■ 
still worried about the results, which are coming out soon. C  doesn’t talk  ■
Unless I get A grades for all my subjects (maths, chemistry 8 He is going to learn to ___________ after his exams.
and biology), I won’t get into university to study medicine. A  play the guitar  ■  B  speak French  ■ 
I’ve had to be really disciplined about everything and I’m not C  play the drums  ■
going to celebrate until I know I’ve been successful. I’m also 9 He would love to___________ in the future.
working at an old people’s home as a volunteer because if I A  travel to America  ■ 
can get lots of practical experience, that will also improve B  travel to part of Africa  ■ 
my chances. When I graduate, I’m determined to work for C  go all over Africa  ■
the medical charity, Doctors Without Borders, and work in

2 Write L for Luke, N for Naomi or J for Jake.
It’s my last term at school and I’m taking my A level exams in
Example: I don’t mind if I fail my exams.  J
a month. If I don’t pass them, I don’t really mind because I’m
not very motivated to go on to get a degree. Seven years of 1 I’m not very interested in the idea of
secondary education is enough in my opinion! university.  _____
If my mum wasn’t so strict about revision, I would be 2 I want to work with animals.  _____
practising the guitar, which I love. When I finish my exams, 3 I’d like to work as a doctor in Africa.  _____
I’m going to take up the drums. I’m doing geography, French
4 I haven’t been out having fun since my exams.  _____
and music and they’re all subjects that will be useful in the
5 I’m thinking about studying anthropology.  _____
real world. My dream is to travel around French West Africa
and to play and sing with Youssou N’Dour! 6 I want to work for a medical charity.  _____
Example: Luke studies at ___________.
Reading total 15
A  a private school  ■ 
B  a state secondary school  ■
C  a primary school  ■
1 Luke ___________ university.
A  isn’t going to go to  ■ 
B  would ideally study zoology at  ■ 
C  can’t think what to study at  ■

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7  Reading and Writing   A Intermediate

Write a description of the school you go / went to
(140–180 words). Include the following information:
• a brief introduction: the kind of school, size, location,
your age when you went there, number of pupils in each
• homework, uniform, discipline, teachers
• subjects – favourite / least favourite
• your general opinion of the school – good / bad? Why?

Writing total 10

Reading and Writing total 25

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