21016-2017 Ttest Upper Sixth Form

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School year: 2016-2017 Class level: Lower-Sixth Form

Student’s name: ___________________________________________ Class: _______

Global road safety programme launched in Senegal

1A five-year global road safety programme dubbed “Global Helmet Vaccine Initiative “was
2launched on Thursday in Dakar by LASER International, the road safety organization. The
3launch was in cooperation with the Senegalese ministry of telecommunications, information
4and communication technologies, land and rail transportation. The programme is mainly
5aimed at promoting the wearing of a safety helmet to reduce the incidence of skull and brain
6trauma and other types of injuries related to road accident.

7Financed to the tune of 150 million Euros per year by the International Automobile
8Federation, (FIA Foundation) and the World Bank Fund for road safety, the programme’s
9slogan “The Safety Helmet, An Asset for Life” will be interested in several components,
10namely education, sensitization, distribution of helmets to school-children and the
11organization of concerts.

12 It comes within the framework of the United Nations “Decade of Actions for Road Safety”
13that begins in 2011 and is aimed at promoting the wearing of helmets made in Vietnam in
14developing countries by establishing partnerships with the ministries of the different
15governments concerned, the private sector and international agencies. Between 2010 and
162011, the campaign will be in some African countries, namely Senegal which has been chosen
17as pilot for its launch, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.

18 The president of Laser International Afrique, Mrs Ndèye Awa Sarr, said road accidents had
19become a global scourge, not least in developing countries, pointing out that 1.3 million
20people died every year in the world in accidents with more than 60 million wounded. The
21mortality rate is likely to increase to 65% in the next 25 years “if we do not guard against it”,
22she said.

23 In this respect, she called for a good safety policy, not least for children who are the prime
24target of this programme. The president of Laser International Afrique announced in that
25perspective the distribution of 1,250 helmets to school children in Senegal and a concert with
26Senegalese rapper Didier Awadi tomorrow in the southern city of Ziguinchor, one of the
27regions most affected by road accidents in Senegal.



A- Read the indicated paragraphs and give words having similar meaning as the words
or groups of words between brackets to complete the passage below. 2marks
The road safety programme is (initiated =) ____________________ (par. 1) to help reduce
road accidents which have become a (real a source of great suffering and affliction =)
_________________ (par. 4) in many countries. Senegal is chosen as (the starting point =)
_____________________ (par. 3) for the programme. Helmets will be distributed in many
regions and concerts will be organized to contribute in the (act of raising people's awareness
=) _____________________ (par. 2) about the road accidents phenomenon.

B- What do the following words refer to in the text? 1mark

5- The programme: _________________________________________ (par.1)
6- its: ____________________________________________________ (par.3)

C- Say whether the following statements are True or False and justify with a
specific quotation from the text. 2marks
7- Senegal is the first country that will benefit from the road safety programme.
8- The programme is especially intended for elderly drivers and motorists.
D- Find in the text:
9- A phrase expressing the reasons why the road safety programme was started. 1m
10- List Four (4) procedures used by the programme to inform people about road
accidents. 2marks
a. _____________________________ b. _________________________________
c. _____________________________ d. _________________________________


E-A motor driver is stopped by a policeman; here is their conversation. Complete it
meaningfully. 2.5 marks
Policeman: _______________________________________________________________?
Motor driver: I am driving without a crash helmet because it prevents me to drive
Policeman: Nobody can stop me from taking you to prison, _____________________?
Motor driver: Don’t send me to prison, _______________________?
Policeman: ________________________________________________________________?
Motor driver: I have been driving without a crash helmet for more than five years
Policeman: Let’s _______________________ (make) things very clear, from now on
you will buy and wear a crash helmet.
Motor driver: Okay! With pleasure.

F-Match the following notions with the most appropriate statements: 2marks
Regret Suggestion Contrast Recommendation Purpose

Statements Notions
“Young drivers have to respect the use of crash helmet”.
“We have lost a great number of our youth.”

“The safety road programme is launched so as to reduce the

number of road accidents.”
“Why not raise people awareness?”
G-Before going to work, Ndiamé has a talk with his wife Sokhna. Complete their
conversation by giving the correct forms of the words in brackets. 2.5marks
Ndiamé: Honey, be quick please! I’m late today.
Sokhna: Here is your breakfast! Well, remember ______________________ (take)
your crash helmet.
Ndiamé: You’re right, give it to me please. It's too _______________________ (risk) to
drive without this ______________________ (use) protection.
Sokhna: Definitely! Unfortunately there are still some motorists who think that it's
quite ______________________ (use).
Ndiamé: They're just reckless of the consequences. Thanks a lot; you're a very
_______________________ (attention) wife!

III/ WRITING: Choose ONE topic and write about 150-200 words. 5 marks

TOPIC 1: Your friend never puts on a crash helmet when riding a motorbike. In your
conversation you should try to convince him or her that it’s dangerous not to wear
crash helmets. Write down the dialogue.

TOPIC 2: Car accidents are on the increase in Senegal. What do you think are the
causes and the consequences? Suggest a few solutions to fight against the
TOPIC N°: ____


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