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Boolean and

Speaker: Irina Shamaeva

Sourcing Training Library
What Will This Google Search Find?

"see who you know in common" java engineer

How About This?

"public profile badge" pharma scientist


"current city and hometown" "others named"

certified accountant
This? 😉

site:gov "confidential" intitle:"contact list"

Why Did We Get Those Results?

Because we searched for what we expected to find on pages

To search well, “visualize success” first: imagine that you are

looking at a page that is a great result. What are the words and
phrases on the page?

(Use your imagination! Look at sample pages, too)

Then, put the terms you expect to find into the search box
What Google Says
Visualize Success


• …what a person may have said about him- or herself

• …what others may have said about them

• Use the words you have imagined in your search

Please Say No to OR on

● Using ORs for synonyms and similar terms on

Google is counter-productive.
● If you want to include either term in your search,
it's best to run two or more consecutive searches,
where you will know what you are looking to find
in each.
Using OR does not help to find
many terms on one page

● If you search for Accenture OR Deloitte, Google

will run queries with one, then another, and mix
up the results pages. It won't prioritize pages with
both terms if that is what you wanted.
The Full List of Google Operators
Operator Meaning

allinurl: / inurl: Keywords must appear in the URL

allintitle: / intitle: – the Title
allintext: / intext: – the text
allinanchor: / inanchor: – the anchor text
filetype: Only files of this type
site: Narrow results to a site
related: Shows similar sites (being phased out)
info: Shows page info
define Gives a definition
The quotes ("") Search for a phrase
The minus (-) Exclusion
OR Alternatives
Numrange (..) Search for a range of numbers
Asterisk (*) Stands for a word or a few words
AROUND (n) Proximity search
before:, after: Date search
One Thing to Remember

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