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Name: ____________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Score: _____

Subject: Math 7 Quarter 4 Week 4 LAS 1 Teacher: ___________________________
A. What’s New?

Statistical data may be presented either in graphical form or in a tabular form.

Data can be easily interpreted without reading the raw data from well-prepared graphs.
These data may be expressed using a single line. One example is the ogive or the
cumulative frequency curve.

B. What is It?
In the world of statics, graphs in particular, are very important as they help us
make sense of the data and understand it better. So let us study the graphical
representation of Ogive or the cumulative frequency curve or cumulative line graph.

An ogive, sometimes called cumulative frequency curve is a plot used in statistics

to show cumulative frequencies. It allows us to quickly estimate the number of
observations that are less than or equal to a particular value. The cumulative frequency
is defined as the sum of all the previous frequencies up to the current point.

The graphs of the frequency distribution are frequency graphs that are used to
exhibit the characteristics of discrete and continuous data. An ogive chart is a curve of
the cumulative frequency distribution. For drawing such curve, the frequencies must be
expressed as a percentage of the total frequency. Then such percentages are
accumulated and plotted , as in the case of ogive.

Two methods of ogives:

1. Less than ogive
2. Greater than or More than ogive

The graph given above represents less

than and more than/greater than
ogive. The rising curve(pink curve)
represents the less than ogive while the
falling curve (violet curve) represents
the greater than ogive.

Example 1. Construct the more than cumulative frequency table and draw the Ogive for
the below-given data.
Marks 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80
Frequency 3 8 12 14 10 6 5 2
Marks Frequency More than
More than 1 3 60
More than 11 8 57
More than 21 12 49
More than 31 14 37
More than 41 10 23
More than 51 6 13
More than 61 5 7
More than 71 2 2
Plotting an ogive:

Plot the points with coordinates such as (70.5, 2), (60.5, 7), (50.5, 13), (40.5, 23), (30.5,37),
(20.5, 49), (10.5, 57), (0.5, 60), (0,80)

C. Activities
Construct the more than cumulative frequency table and draw the Ogive for the below-
given data.
Marks 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80
Frequency 6 9 12 15 3 6 9 12

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