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G.R. No. 119255
April 9, 2003

FACTS: Encarnacion Valdes-Choy advertised for sale her paraphernal house and lot in Makati.
They agreed on a purchase price of P10,800,000.00. Chua gave P100,000 to Valdes-Choy as
earnest money They agreed that the balance is payable on or before 15 July 1989. Failure to pay
balance on or before the said date forfeits the earnest money.

On July 13, 1989, Valdes-Choy as vendor and Chua as vendee signed two Deeds of Absolute
Sale. The first Deed of Sale covered the house and lot for the purchase price of P8,000,000.00.
The second Deed of Sale covered the furnishings, fixtures
andmovable properties contained in the house for the purchase price of P2,800,000.00. The
parties also computed the capital gains tax to amount to P485,000.00. 

The next day, Valdes-Choy deposited the P485,000.00 manager's check to her account and check

to the counsel who undertook to pay the capitalgains tax. Chua showed to Valdes-
Choy a PBCom manager's check for P10,215,000.00 representing the balance of the purchase
price. Chua, however, did not give this PBCom manager's check to Valdes-Choy because the
TCT was still registered in the name of Valdes-Choy. Chua required that the Property be
registered first in his name before he would turn over the check to Valdes-Choy. This
angered Valdes-Choy who tore up the Deeds of Sale, claiming that what Chua required was not
part of their agreement. Valdes-Choy demanded the payment of the remaining purchase balance
be first deposited in her account before she transfers the title of the property to him.

Chua filed a complaint for specific performance against Valdes-Choy.

ISSUE: Can Chua (vendee) compel Valdes-Choy (vendor) to transfer the title of the property?


NO. Chua’s condition that a new TCT should first be issued in his name, a found neither in the
law nor in the contract to sell as evidenced by the Receipt.  Thus, at this point Chua was not
ready, able and willing to pay the full purchase price which is his obligation under the contract to
sell.  Chua was also not in a position to assume the principal obligation of a vendee in a contract
of sale, which is also to pay the full purchase price at the agreed time.  Article 1582 of the Civil
Code provides that –

Art. 1582.  The vendee is bound to accept delivery and to pay the price of the thing sold at the
time and place stipulated in the contract.

In this case, the contract to sell stipulated that Chua should pay the balance of the purchase price
“on or before 15 July 1989.” The signed Deeds of Sale also stipulated that the buyer shall pay the
balance of the purchase price upon signing of the deeds. However, on the agreed date, Chua
refused to pay the balance of the purchase price as required by the contract to sell, the signed
Deeds of Sale, and Article 1582 of the Civil Code. Chua was therefore in default and has only
himself to blame for the rescission by Valdes-Choy of the contract to sell.

Accordingly, since Chua refused to pay the consideration in full on the agreed date, which is a
suspensive condition, Chua cannot compel Valdes-Choy to consummate the sale of the
Property.  Chua acquired no right to compel Valdes-Choy to transfer ownership of the Property
to him.

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